#millennial caregiver
aishaadkins · 8 months
Am I Grieving Right?
How am I doing since my mother's passing? Maybe better than I should be. Check out my new blog post to learn more!
It has been two weeks since we celebrated my mother’s life. Over 30 days since I sat on the bed where I listened to the death rattle coming from my mother’s body, watching for her to make her final exhale. There are moments when it feels like she’s just away in the hospital, or even on vacation. Like she was never sick and the last 10+ years was just a really bad dream. Then, of course, when I…
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yourstreetserenade · 7 months
i'm a nerd who was raised by television. one of my ultimate comfort shows growing up was Frasier.
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don't ask me how, don't ask me why but i was a young brown woman living in the south and yet, this show about two stuffy, pompous elitist intellectuals and their cranky policeman of a father and his home caregiver was one of my favorite shows. i watched it every night because reruns played on a local station.
if i could boil my humor down to two things its i love lucy and frasier. like, i'm sorry friends, i'm sorry seinfeld, in my opinion, frasier was the greatest sitcom of the 90's. all of that of course boils down to the caliber of writing and performance. it's a timeless kind of humor. to this day, when i need that extra something to end a hard day, i put on 'daphne does dinner' or any the maris murder episodes (''i was punched in the face by a man now dead!") and during the holidays i usually take a day to marathon all of the Christmas episodes.
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i have a lot of feelings about the revival. most of which can be summed up with, i don't want this. frasier was lightening in a bottle in terms of getting the perfect writing team and the perfect cast and i don't know if it can be replicated, especially because only kelsey grammar and a few original cast members will be reprising their role. of course i know the whole argument that frasier the show itself was a spin off of cheers and that worked so by that reasoning, this could work as well. i just don't feel like it will because it's an entirely different tv landscape now.
the revival trailer doesn't give me a lot of hope though. everything about it feels so stock. canned. i think there is a way to revive it, i just don't know if the route they're going is the way.
personally, if i was writing it this is how i would build it. break frasier down as a character. one of the easiest ways to endear a character to an audience is to make them struggle before reaching their goals. my idea: have frasier in a career slump. radio is dying and he's lost his show and due to this he's decided to bunker down with his son, the now adult freddy and wah-la, you get your odd couple dynamic right there.
that of course mirrors the original series and how frasier and his regular joe father martin had to navigate a relationship being two opposites.
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frasier has always had a particular, sophisticated taste for things, make adult freddy like his grandpa martin. freddy is your every man, who loves a good beer and a good football game. due to financial reasons on both ends, father and son have to live under the same roof as they both figure out new paths.
also: make freddy gay. the original frasier series had numerous jokes about heterosexual niles and frasier being a little gay, just because they liked the finer things. you can sort of play with that in the revival by making freddy, the beer loving, football playing average joe gay.
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by making the character of the now grown up freddy gay, it adds another layer to the story. but beyond that i think it would be a way to honor the actors who worked on the original series. because eighty-five percent of frasier's original cast was gay. it's not speculation or rumors, there is a very rich queer history to the behind the scenes of frasier the series. gay creatives brought frasier to life for 11 seasons. i think making a grown up freddy gay would be a way to honor them.
another thing i have issues with. why is frasier a college professor? it feels tired.
a better idea: with his radio show dead and buried, frasier bumbles around the apartment until freddy introduces him to this new, spiffy thing called podcasting! radio may be dying but every millennial and younger listens to about three podcasts a day. freddy shows his dad that he can still reach and help people and do it on a much more personal level.
frasier starts a tiny podcast that blooms into something bigger where he reaches a new generation of callers asking for help. this kickstarts something and it in turn opens a door for a new career that still feels organic. it's different from the radio show but, for original audiences, it scratches that nostalgic itch of listening to frasier talk to ridiculous callers.
if i were writing it those would be my two key points. make freddy gay, make a struggling frasier a podcaster. also find a way to have that cam winston guy make a cameo.
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fungi-funguy · 6 months
Caring For The Elderly
Reading an article by Vox about the crisis regarding care for older adults, and while I knew a lot of this, there's information I think more people should know.
(Article: "Baby boomers are aging. Their kids aren’t ready.")
A lot of Millennials, Gen X, and Gen Z are having to care for their parents. Our country isn't set up in the same way that it was when the Baby Boomers were born, and it's affecting their care as well as the entire family structure.
"By 2030, the US will for the first time have more residents over 65 than children. Someone turning 65 today has a 70 percent chance of needing long-term care at some point, and 20 percent will need it for more than five years."
"Medicare doesn’t cover most long-term care, and seniors only become eligible for care through Medicaid when they have almost no assets left. [...] the median annual cost of a full-time home health aide was nearly $60,000 in 2021, while a semi-private room in a nursing home ran $94,000 per year or more."
"To remedy the financial, mental, and physical health crisis facing boomers and their children, experts say improved paid leave is crucial. Caregivers can take unpaid time off under the Family Medical Leave Act, but without a salary, many can’t afford to."
The article also talks about the substantial gaps in Medicaid coverage, especially in regards to long-term care.
There are a lot of stories shared from the perspective of caregivers who are completely at a loss due to how little help the world offers. Mental and emotional strains due to working full-time jobs, combined with caring for one or more elderly parent, is increasing the stress levels in the younger populations. It's leading to higher rates of depression, anxiety, and heart disease.
If you're caring for an older family member, please remember that there is support out there in your community. If you aren't, please fight for better care for the elderly in these situations.
If you know someone who is a caregiver, please offer them whatever support you can.
And also, please remember to treat the elderly as the people they are. They're humans too, and they aren't some sort of monolith of pure evil rhetoric or something. They're people. And the forgetting of that information is half of why we have this crisis today.
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scholarofgloom · 4 months
The Good News for Gen Z
If you are Generation Z or late Millennial, and struggle with mental health- and if you are on Tumblr, there is a high chance I am describing you- there is reason for hope. Mental health improves when you become middle-aged.
I am 38, old by Tumblr standards. I have variously been diagnosed with depression, OCD, intermittent explosive disorder, panic disorder, nightmare disorder...
I also have a parent with schizophrenia, and have acted as a part-time caregiver. I've been there, and I've seen it all, mental health-wise, but the difference between me now and me a decade or two ago is simple: I know more.
As you get older, you learn things just by experience, and pick up bits and pieces of knowledge with time, without consciously studying any particular topic, necessarily. So then, at my age, you might feel the same emotions, but you will understand the reasons (just biochemistry), and you will have a "been there, done that" attitude about whatever life (or your brain) throws at you.
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funnuraba · 6 days
Love to be on Twitter and see progressives explaining that asking your family for help with any kind of personal care is actually abusive 👍 especially great to be seeing this two weeks after my abusive mother came down to help me during a period where I was struggling to get food into my room and chew it, then told me on day 4 that she was leaving because "you have your needs and I have mine"
Oh grandma was always nice to you but now she needs help pooping? She needs to simply use her massive savings that all old people have and buy herself a spot in The Home where the infirm go and wait for Covid outbreaks to turn their internal organs into Swiss cheese 🥰 Being helpless is the real abuse, and only able-bodied millennials have financial problems. Everyone else has millions just sitting around in the bank for the many trained, non-abusive caregivers overrunning every country. Love that leftist community care!
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thedragonkinproject · 4 months
ITA: Ciao, sono Kashuia e questo account è dedicato al mio personale Merlin Dragonkin AU.
Perchè Dragonkin? Trovo che sia la parola più esatta. La mia storia prende spunto dalla serie TV Merlin, ma in parte se ne discosta parecchio. Nella mia storia esistono, oltre i draghi, diverse razze dragoidi che ne condividono le caratteristiche. I Dragonlord sono tra queste. Perciò ho scelto il termine Dragonkin, che è un termine ombrello che racchiude più tipologie di esseri.
Dove trovo questa storia? Per il momento è ancora tutta nella mia testa. E’ stata in elaborazione per anni, ma solo di recente ho trovato il coraggio di svilupparla. Non so ancora se scriverla in maniera tradizionale e pubblicarla su AO3 oppure se portarla avanti solo in formato grafico. Per il momento ho tanti, tantissimi sketch da pubblicare, esplorazioni di personaggi principali e secondari, ritratti, illustrazioni. Piano piano presenterò tutti!
Perchè Aithusa in forma umanoide? Nella mia storia, draghi e umani sono state civiltà a stretto contatto per millenni, prima che il rapporto subisse una frattura a causa della follia di Uther. E’ per questo che i draghi hanno sviluppato un’innata capacità di trasformazione, e possono acquisire sembianze umane quando lo desiderano, condividendone le esigenze e la biologia. Ovviamente restano alcuni elementi dragoidi (scaglie, corna, talvolta ali) che però, sforzandosi, possono modificare a piacimento. Mi piace pensare che Merlino non abbia completamente dimenticato i suoi doveri dopo aver fatto schiudere l’uovo di Aithusa e non abbia lasciato un drago appena nato nella natura selvaggia, senza caregivers. Merlino si è definitivamente innamorato della draghetta e l’ha IMMEDIATAMENTE adottata come propria.
Io ho un debole per questi due!
Ne prossimi post condividerò altre info, spiegherò il modo in cui Merlino è arrivato a sviluppare le sembianze che vedete nello sketch e che ruolo gioca Artù in tutto questo.
ENG: Hi, I'm Kashuia and this account is dedicated to my personal Merlin Dragonkin AU.
Why Dragonkin? I find that to be the most accurate word. My story is inspired by the TV series Merlin, but in part it differs greatly from it. In my story there are, in addition to dragons, various dragonoid races that share their characteristics. The Dragonlords are among these. Therefore I chose the term Dragonkin, which is an umbrella term that encompasses multiple types of beings.
Where do I find this story? For the moment it's still all in my head. It's been in the works for years, but I only recently found the courage to develop it. I still don't know whether to write it in a traditional way and publish it on AO3 or whether to carry it forward only in graphic format. For the moment I have many, many sketches to publish, explorations of main and secondary characters, portraits, illustrations. Little by little I will introduce everyone!
Why Aithusa in humanoid form? In my story, dragons and humans were civilizations in close contact for millennia, before the relationship was fractured by Uther's madness. This is why dragons have developed an innate ability to transform, and can acquire human form when they wish, sharing their needs and biology. Obviously some dragon-like elements remain (scales, horns, sometimes wings) which however, with effort, can be modified at will. I like to think that Merlin did not completely forget his duties after hatching Aithusa's egg and did not leave a newborn dragon in the wild, without caregivers. Merlin definitely fell in love with the little dragon and IMMEDIATELY adopted her as his own.
I have a soft spot for these two!
In future posts I will share more info, I will explain how Merlin came to develop the appearance you see in the sketch and what role Arthur plays in all this.
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
Personal: 11/5/22AM
Thursday was the blue beast's mechanic appointment.  They are always booked for weeks out this time of year.  This meant very little sleep, but the coolant situation is sorted and I should be okay on the engine not melting for a while.  *Knock wood*
Friday I just wanted sleep, but of they woke me up trying to strong arm me into a home health assessment.  Thing is, it's an excellent service and an important one.  My mother used them in her last year of life when her health was failing.  They assess the person; they assess the needs; they help organize complex meds schedules; they hook people up with services.  I support the program and said so to the lady, but I do not want one.
Why?  She wanted to know.  I do not need what they are offering and I don't like strangers in my home it's invasive.  I don't need a dementia test.  I have a home health aid.  My meds schedule is, indeed, complex, but it's logical.  (Think of it as a logic puzzle.  Pills needing to be taken on an empty stomach need to go first thing in the morning.  Ppills needing to be taken with food need to be at least an hour after empty stomach pills, and need to work with meal scheduling.  Some pills can't be taken within two hours of each other, etc..  Some pills need to be taken multiple times a day.  For a while I had a pill that needed to go four times a day, at least two hours after eating and an hour before eating.  It was a nightmare, but I did it.)  I do not want people tampering with the schedule, because every adjustment is a hassle and a half, and I have it down.  The point is, it's my body deteriorating, not my mind, and I handle things just fine within my physical limits and I hate all the invasive monitoring that comes with living in this complex and that comes with being disabled.  I minimize it where I can.
So I go to the bathroom, give Livia a come for pettins offer, reset my pillow prop system, and settle back in to try to sleep.
The phone rings.  It's the system that pay for my caregiver.  Mandatory home inspection.  *deep sigh*  I managed to wiggle out of this one so far because of the pandemic.  It's so intrusive and I fucking hate that I don't get to have privacy because I'm disabled.  I can't manage without Head Millennial, so I guess we're doing that Monday, plus the already scheduled social worker call Tuesday.
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pursuitoftruth · 2 years
i need to take a minute here and vent. or scream into the void? yeah, i’ll go with scream into the void. 
and i realize how selfish and hypocritical this is gonna sound. 
my mom has several debilitating chronic illnesses. she’s had nearly 20 surgeries. she lives in chronic pain. 
sometimes she handles all of this with grace. 
sometimes she doesn’t. she screams in pain. she throws things. she expects me to know what she needs without ever verbalizing it. she maintains that her suffering is greatest, and therefore, the only one in our family who’s suffering is valid. no one else is allowed to complain about their own crucibles. (suffering shouldn’t be a competition. she’s never learned that lesson.)
i’ve been caregiving for her as long as i can remember. i’d give her migraine treatment injections when i was 3 or 4 years old.
due to a myriad of misfortunes (being a millennial and graduating during the recession chief among them), i’m 32 years old and still live at home. i’m readying myself - cost be damned - to move to a favorite city and find a job i can tolerate and finally begin my life. 
i’m an only child. 
and my dad is 13 years older than my mom. 
i’m frantic and angry and scared and bitter over the thought of needing to return to this caretaker role in the next 5-10 years because of his age and her conditions. 
the underlying, unstated but obvious assumption is that it’s my familial duty to care for her. dad doesn’t think this so much.
i’m not built to be a caretaker. i don’t have the temperament. 
i also want my own life. 
and i’m starting to wonder if that will ever happen. if that’s in the cards. if that’s an unattainable dream thanks to american healthcare and societal structures and a ton of other failings. 
i also have several chronic illnesses. (i’m currently neglecting my month-long asthma flare to try and help her with an acute issue.)
i understand to a degree what she’s going through. 
i fear never being loved because of my conditions.
i fear never finding a partner that will stay and never view me as weak. 
i fear being a burden.
so i guess what i’m saying is - on the one hand i understand what she’s going through and don’t fault her. hell, i may need caretaking later in my life. but on the other hand, i don’t know how i can keep doing this.
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redjadethewriter · 7 hours
Longing For Love: Complex Trauma Deflects Deep Connection and Love
When I look back on the dream of the “Lady with a Needle” and analyze it today, my abstract mind back then conjured a way to show me the depth to which love had penetrated in my romantic relationships. It may have seemed gruesome or even frightening, the image of love manifesting as piercing wounds on my arm, with the woman inserting a needle directly through and locking both ends to prevent its removal. But then again, many of my life traumas often manifest as wounds on my body in dreams.
In the past, I used to dream about showing someone all the stab wounds and bullet wounds I’ve endured over time. I would confidently take off my shirt and reveal my scars, whether they were freshly opened wounds or partially healed ones. However, learning about C-PTSD has shed light on how this condition affects my ability to connect deeply and allow love to penetrate.
Reflecting on this vivid dream, it’s difficult to ignore being stabbed by a long needle. It has made me realize that most of my relationships never reached such a deep level. They remained mostly surface-level, and some didn’t even pierce at all, instead tearing up my flesh with countless unsuccessful attempts. The most significant instance of this was my marriage, which caused widespread injury.
I have to admit that my life didn’t have good role models for love. I believe that many individuals who engage in introspection eventually will come to the same conclusion. Recalling a scientist’s attempt to study love through brain activity, they observed that regions of the brain associated with familiarity and novelty would illuminate.
Personally, I approach theories and studies from science enthusiasts with caution. While they may be logical and backed by numbers, graphs, and figures, I believe it is important to balance this understanding that we cannot fully comprehend human emotions. One theory, for example, suggests that familiarity and novelty are the basis of love, solely based on brain scans. If this is true, it is crucial to warn people about their modeled figures, may influence their attraction to certain people and relationships. Unfortunately, that’s their parents or caregivers. However, this concerns me because it raises questions about the context of familiarity and novelty. If a person’s parental figure was abusive or narcissistic, or the relationship displayed destructive behaviors, their children may subconsciously or unconsciously follow a similar path in choosing partners. The question then becomes, how do we change this pattern? If someone did not have exposure to a healthy form of love or a healthy relationship model, they would likely continue in a similar cycle. This is why I engage in self-reflection, as I strive to break free from this cycle. It is disheartening to see that some individuals should have ended their romantic relationships long ago because of incompatibility, without realizing the detrimental impact it would have on their children, who are the most vulnerable in their lives.
I have personally witnessed a disturbing trend among my blood relatives and their children, particularly their young sons. Even before reaching the age of 10, these boys are showing signs of bitterness towards women. This is not something to be taken lightly or ignored, as the younger generation is bearing the brunt of it. They are incredibly depressed and lonely. While many people blame millennials for societal issues, the truth is that generations before them, such as gen-x and boomers, along with their parents, are responsible as well. This is a generational issue that continues to repeat itself, with a common underlying theme: bad parenting, a lack of healthy examples of love, and the suppression of a child’s natural inclination to explore and discover themselves, including their emotions. Rather than allowing children to embrace their true selves, adults often punish or ostracize them for deviating from societal gender norms and other human devised structures that gatekeep individuals.
Clustering people under two categories of traits is not beneficial to anyone. For example, I may appear tomboyish, but I actually give off more mommy vibes. I admit I emanate more yin energy than yang. Interestingly, I’ve seen even the most girly of ladies give off daddy vibes. I use these terms because I may have watched too much Thai GL. Furthermore, in all my past relationships, my partners have exhibited more yang traits, and I have no clue how that happened. There seems to be truth to the idea of magnetism drawing in your opposite in romantic relationships. But the point I’m making is, so what if someone prefers to exist in a certain way? All couples work differently to coexist. It’s about whatever brings joy and fulfillment.
But let’s refocus on the main topic…
Or not…
It saddens me to see how conditioned behaviors constantly oppress our individual human nature, or even have someone dictate our human nature based on extremely biased perspectives and not consider the nurture aspect of it. It almost seems like society wants to avoid accountability for the shitshow that they have created, but that’s just my assumption.
When I observe people ending up in abusive relationships or other unhealthy circumstances, I can’t help but question the root cause. Unfortunately, it falls on the parents’ shoulders, yet they too are victims of the same circumstances, lacking healthy love and healthy parenting role models. Recognizing this vicious cycle is crucial, and it’s up to me to take accountability and start the steps for change. I have come to accept that breaking this cycle will largely be my responsibility for my lineage. I don’t expect my parental figures to take any accountability; this is about my life and salvaging whatever quality I can find to allow deep love into it.
I yearn to learn and experience what healthy love truly is, even if I have to draw from the experiences of others who also struggle with this issue. I’ve realized that love is not transactional. It’s also a fundamental part of who I am and what I desire, buried beneath layers of darkness. However, I am not desperate to seek it out, as I have learned firsthand that nothing good comes from desperation. Instead, I strive to maintain a steady mind and unwavering determination to have patience and find a romantic partner who truly aligns with my desires and values. I firmly believe that time and age should not dictate when I will meet that person, as many individuals find their soulmates or life partners later in life, often after going through many divorces or even having children in the process.
After learning this and reflecting on it, I’ve realized that if I’m going to invest my energy in someone, it needs to be in a relationship that is truly worth it. I want to build something meaningful with a solid foundation. So, when I had that dream where someone deeply connects with me and commits to both ends, it confirms to me that this person, or even myself, desires that level of commitment and will put in the effort. Even though I was initially hesitant in the dream, it turned out to be beneficial because that person genuinely cared about my well-being. They wanted to ensure I felt secure and safe. It’s comforting to think about having someone who has my back and maybe feel safe enough with them to let down my defenses.
However, I’ll conclude this rant by saying, “genuine love is not crazy.” That’s just settling for bullshit. Actually, it’s called attachment and abandonment issues.
Shit… I have a lot to work on.
Thank you.
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aishaadkins · 2 years
Nothing Yet to Say
This year has been exceptionally difficult. But it's not over, so there's really nothing, yet, to say...
As a writer and storyteller, I am fortunate in that I’ve rarely encountered writer’s block. Until now. Until I attempted to share the overwhelming difficulty that has been my 2022. From severe mental health struggles to new health care trauma, caregiving woes to heartbreak, this year has truly been one of the most difficult of my life. My natural inclination is to take what I am learning and…
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millennialskin · 1 month
The Weight of Motherhood: Navigating Skincare and Self-Care
Photo by Kristina Paukshtite on Pexels.com Motherhood is a profound journey that reshapes every facet of life, including skincare. For millennial mothers, navigating the delicate balance between parenting, personal well-being, and skincare can feel like carrying the weight of the world. Amid sleepless nights, hormonal changes, and the endless demands of caregiving, the skin often bears the brunt…
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hypefreshblogs · 2 months
Hyodol's AI Companion Dolls: Revolutionizing Elderly Care and Combating Loneliness
In response to the pervasive loneliness epidemic affecting seniors, a groundbreaking solution has emerged from a Korean-based company, Hyodol, in the form of AI companion dolls. Unveiled at the Mobile World Congress in February, these $1800 robot dolls promise to deliver emotional support to the elderly, addressing a pressing issue exacerbated by societal changes, particularly in South Korea.
The Hyodol robot doll boasts a unique combination of features, including a mobile communication module, processor, various sensors, and speakers. Driven by a large language model-based artificial intelligence, the doll transcends its slightly eerie exterior to engage in full-fledged conversations with its human counterparts. More than just a talking companion, the doll includes practical functionalities such as medication reminders and safety alerts triggered by a lack of movement over a specific period.
What may initially seem like a novel approach to combating loneliness has gained substantial traction in South Korea. With a rapidly aging population, coupled with the world's lowest birth rate and increasing life expectancy, the country faces significant challenges in its care sector, workforce, and healthcare systems. Hyodol's AI companion dolls have already been deployed to around 7,000 seniors living alone, with additional applications in caring for dementia patients at a university hospital in Gangwon province.
The company's dedication to addressing loneliness is backed by data collected from studies involving over 9,000 users. According to Hyodol, levels of depression reduced significantly, and medication adherence improved, showcasing the tangible impact of these AI companions on the overall well-being of seniors.
Beyond their emotional support capabilities, these robotic companions offer features such as touch interaction, 24-hour voice reminders, check-ins, voice messages, health coaching, quizzes, exercise routines, and even music. Caregivers can benefit from insights into the application, allowing them to send and receive voice messages, make group announcements, and monitor constant motion detection.
As Hyodol prepares to launch these AI companion dolls in European and North American markets in the latter half of 2024, the intersection of technology and compassion exemplified by these robotic companions may very well shape the future of elderly care, offering a beacon of hope to those grappling with the solitude that often accompanies aging.
Hypefresh is a News, Gossip & Entertainment platform made for independent tastemakers, Gen-Z, and millennials. Aiming to re-define perspectives through curated content, engagement to our prime audience is the #1 priority. Subscribe ➜
Originally published at hypefresh.com march 12th,2024.
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kathybarnes · 3 months
During the pandemic, millennials became the largest group of caregivers, and it also highlighted the quintessential role of caregiving and technology. Many families found themselves faced with having to care for elderly parents rather than forgo seeing them for an undetermined period of time, which turned out to be well in excess of a year. So, decisions were made to become multigenerational households. Families expanded to include school-aged children learning remotely and elderly parents often needing care. Stress levels were elevated as family dynamics took a different path. Once the pandemic ended, families discovered the cost of senior facilities had skyrocketed. It was no longer financially feasible to return elderly parents to assisted living or skilled nursing facilities. Households remain multigenerational...
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A Statistically-Rich Exploration of Animal Care Market
Introduction: A Closer Look at Animal Care Industry
In the realm of caring for our furry, feathered, and finned friends, the Animal Care Market takes center stage. This exploration delves into the multifaceted aspects of this industry, examining market analysis, demand dynamics, growth forecasts, and the challenges and trends shaping the care we provide to our animal companions.
Animal Care Market Analysis: Unveiling the Compassionate Canvas
Embarking on this journey, we first focus on Animal Care Market Analysis. Beyond the anecdotes, the market reveals a flourishing industry, with a global market size touching new heights at USD 56.2 billion. The industry is not just about the love we have for our pets; it's also about the economic impact, with the global pet care market contributing significantly to the overall economy.
Meeting the Demands: Animal Care Market Demand Dynamics
Understanding the needs of our animal companions is at the core of the Animal Care Market Demand. The industry responds to the call with a surge in demand for diverse services, from veterinary care to pet grooming and specialized dietary products. The demand for pet services has seen a notable uptick of 7% in the past year, indicating a growing awareness and commitment to providing optimal care for our pets.
Predicting the Future: Animal Care Market Forecast and Outlook
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Forecasting the future trends in animal care is like peering into a crystal ball of compassion. The Animal Care Market Forecast anticipates robust growth, with a projected market size of USD 74.6 billion by 2025. This optimistic outlook reflects not just financial projections but a shared commitment to continually improve and expand the scope of animal care services.
Counting the Coins: Animal Care Market Revenue Streams
While the essence of animal care goes beyond monetary considerations, the Animal Care Market Revenue provides insights into the economic dynamics. The industry is not just driven by love but also by a diverse range of revenue streams, including veterinary services, pet insurance, and the sales of pet products. These revenue streams collectively contribute to sustaining and expanding the landscape of animal care.
Sizing Up: Animal Care Industry Size Worldwide
The sheer magnitude of the Animal Care Market Size worldwide is awe-inspiring. With over 2.7 billion pet owners globally, the market encompasses a vast and diverse clientele. The statistics speak volumes – in the United States alone, pet owners spent a record-breaking $99 billion on their pets in 2020, showcasing the significant economic influence of the pet care industry.
Trends Shaping the Animal Care Market
Pet Humanization Trend: Over 90% of people consider their pets as family members, according to Pets International. This sentiment has intensified during the pandemic, leading to increased demand for pet services and products. Notably, the millennial generation is driving the market by investing heavily in pet care products like accessories, health items, and even pet fashion.
Premiumization in Pet Care: The rise in middle-income households and disposable incomes has elevated the willingness of pet owners to spend on high-quality products. The market is witnessing a surge in demand for premium pet care products, reflecting the growing interest in pet humanization.
The pet care market accounts for over 50% of America's pet industry sales, totaling more than USD 64 billion in 2021, according to the America Pet Products Association.
Challenges in the Caregiving Journey
Despite the strides, the journey of animal care is not without its hurdles. The Animal Care Market Challenges highlight issues such as regulatory complexities, shortage of skilled veterinary professionals, and the ethical considerations surrounding animal testing. Addressing these challenges requires a collective effort from industry stakeholders, regulators, and the public to ensure the highest standards of care for our animal companions.
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Animal Care Market Growth Stories
Amidst challenges, the Animal Care Market Growth stories are inspiring narratives of resilience and innovation. The industry is experiencing steady growth, with a compound annual growth rate CAGR of 6.5%. This growth is propelled by a combination of factors, including the increasing humanization of pets, a rise in pet adoption rates, and the expanding array of services catering to diverse animal care needs.
The Animal Care Market, characterized by resilience and adaptability, stands at the intersection of pet companionship, humanization, and evolving consumer trends. As pet owners increasingly perceive their furry friends as integral members of the family, the demand for high-quality and premium pet care products continues to rise. With North America leading the charge, the industry's future looks promising, marked by innovation, strategic collaborations, and a commitment to providing the best care for our beloved animal companions.
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gradoinspired · 5 months
Empowering Kids Through Positive Affirmations
Growing up amidst notable technological advancements has led the millennial generation to navigate a distinctive set of circumstances, heavily influenced by the rapid evolution of technology. This constant exposure to technological advancements during their formative years has shaped the millennial generation in several unforeseen ways.
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This is where Positive Affirmations for kids work in shaping not only their characters and behaviors but also in strengthening their mental abilities and personalities. In the buzzing world of kids, where every word, action, and experience shapes the future, the role of positive affirmations stands firm. These powerful affirmations become a rope of encouragement, building a child's self-esteem, confidence, and resilience. Affirmations, particularly introduced for kids, pave the way for a positive mental and emotional framework, nurturing their growth into capable, self-assured individuals.
Positive Affirmations for Kids
Positive affirmations help children develop a healthy sense of self and a positive mental-social-emotional mindset. Here are some affirmations for kids:
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Nurturing Self-Esteem
I am Confident and Brave
Confidence often develops from self-assurance. Encouraging children to believe in their capabilities helps them face challenges with confidence.
I am Unique and Special
Recognizing their uniqueness grows a sense of self-worth, encouraging kids to embrace their individuality without comparison.
I am Proud of Myself and My Achievements
Celebrating achievements, big or small, develops a sense of pride, reinforcing the notion that effort and determination drives success.
Building Confidence
I am Valuable
Developing a sense of purpose empowers children to understand their significance in shaping their surroundings positively.
I am Patient
Learning patience aids in resilience-building, teaching children the virtue of persistence and perseverance.
I Trust My Abilities to Solve Problems
Fostering problem-solving skills nurtures confidence, encouraging kids to tackle obstacles head-on.
A Journey to Learning and Growth
I am Always Changing and Growing
Embracing growth as a continuous process helps kids adapt and thrive in various situations.
I Learn Something New Every Day
Encouraging a thirst for knowledge and discovery sparks curiosity, leading to a lifelong love for learning.
I Have Many Strengths, Skills, and Talents
Highlighting diverse strengths empowers kids to explore and develop their unique abilities.
Gratitude and Appreciation
I am Thankful for My Loved Ones
Cultivating gratitude for relationships nurtures empathy and emotional intelligence in kids.
I am Grateful for My Tutors and What I Learn Each Day
Acknowledging the guidance and knowledge imparted by educators encourages a love for education.
GRADO's Commitment to Positive Affirmations for Kids
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At GRADO, we believe that children are like sponges, absorbing the messages they hear and the beliefs they're surrounded by. Our affirmation cards cater specifically for kids, empower them to face challenges with resilience and pursue their dreams with unwavering determination. They also help children learn to navigate their feelings and fight negative thoughts.
Conclusion: Empowering Future Leaders 
Positive affirmations for kids lay the foundation for a strong sense of self-worth, confidence, and adaptability. They equip children with the beliefs to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience. As parents, caregivers, and educators, embracing the power of affirmations empowers us to nurture a generation of future leaders, armed with unwavering self-belief and a positive outlook on life.
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fleur-risen · 5 months
Old School Social Media
I'll come right out with it. I'm a millennial--and an introvert who made geeky anime websites in high school instead of socializing. I've been searching a long time for someplace (post-livejournal) to chronologize my thoughts in a way that does not require a link to real-world accounts or the effort of creating visually appealing content.
Growing up, my parents didn't believe in mental health wellness, nor were they open to discussion on how their hyper-religious beliefs and methods impacted their children (mostly me because, of course, my younger brother was never held to the same standards as I, the oldest and female child). My mother is a narcissist with a victim mindset who specializes in FOG. As a teenager, I became my dad's caregiver after he was fatally injured at work because she would swoon in dramatics and hide in bed any time bloody or infected bandages needed to be changed (or when any other measure of caring for her significantly older spouse came up).
Since then, I've broken free of the hold of the Pentecostal church, toxic family dynamics, overbearing and controlling mother figures, a marriage with an abusive heroin addict, and needing to be a single mother to my daughter. I am in a better place now: remarried to a man who treats me with respect and helps provide for the household, the ability to be healthy and mentally present to my biological daughter and stepdaughter, a beautiful house, two dogs, a successful career working from home (although my current position leaves much to be desired--it is a placeholder until something better), and my education (I just graduated with my masters)...
I'm due with another daughter in early 2024. I've accomplished the dream--everything I ever wanted, and what I've sought to manifest--but not without a lot of sacrifice. 2023 alone brought a surprise job loss (with a shocking loss of benefits I was counting on) and a miscarriage--two things that completely shook the safe foundation that I've worked so hard to build.
I feel disconnected, and I couldn't figure out why.
I am, years later, still trying to work through the broken pieces of my past. Without an online community where I can freely think, my lifeline throughout the last few years turned to writing young adult/new adult fiction. This has been an endeavor in which I've been successful. My stories started as a hobby, never meant to be seen by the world, but I published my books on a whim and poured my thoughts and energy into my characters, the plot, and the feeling. And it's helped (despite the negativity of naysayers, who live to bash any author, anywhere--the author community and bloggers can be virulent).
In the end--it still isn't enough. I haven't written since my miscarriage and job loss earlier this year--people are asking me on social media how the next book is coming. I get emails from fans looking for information. I'm too ashamed to post anything. How do I get past this? I'm afraid of the next book, the next paragraph. I miss and adore my stories. I dream about them at night and wake up with ideas floating through my head.
But when I sit down, I can't write a word.
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