fourmisfitz · 4 years
Hi! Hello friend. Hope you are doing well! Great to see back. Can’t wait to read the next part of Breakthru. ❤️❤️
Thank you so much! I really appreciate this:) hope you’re having a wonderful night, lovely!💘
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headspacedad · 6 years
misfics replied to your post: Why do you think Haggar needed a clone to spy on...
to conquer planets while the Galra commander just, well, commanded. A bunch of clones died? No problem, she could produce more and improve them more every time. Even with their advanced technology, a droid programming will always be less superior to an actually strategic brain that learns and adapts. And they can’t be hacked.
It’s true, we have seen the drones constantly hacked and blocked, even after upgrades.  Its an obvious and continuing weakness with them that the Galra can’t seem to get around.  And we don’t see a lot of living Galra ‘boots on the ground’ troops.  I’ve seen a lot of speculation that the Galra population just isn’t large enough to supply a lot of foot soldiers.  Its weird though that the Galra don’t just conscript from other planets under them.  We’ve got a whole mall of species that seem pretty chill living under the Galra rule so not every planet must be being strip mined and crushed under heel.  The Galra are apparently pretty prejudiced against anyone that isn’t Galra - at least the military parts of them if Lotor having generals that weren’t pure Galra is considered a dark mark against him.  Maybe they just don’t have a large enough population for their own armed forces and yet refuse to let any other species into their military as well.  Hence the drones.
Or, you know, it could be the writers oversimplifying things and just sticking with killing robots for a kid’s rated show because we’re not supposed to do with the gratuitous killing thing.  Some kind of logic behind it would have been nice to hear though.
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sokkagatekeeper · 3 years
i am kissing you back on the forehead but also can i hear sum about the tale of kya ??
oh no 😭😭😭 um anyway the tale of kya is a very very intense piece that focuses on whatever the hell happened during tsr that i’m working on. as you may know “the southern raiders” is one of my favorite atla episodes, i think there’s just so much character in that episode alone and i believe it could use a deeper exploration, not because i think it’s badly written but simply because i have many many thoughts i cannot entirely express thru analysis.
as it’s basically an episode rewrite (write??? expansion???) it requires a lot of planning and analysis of the timeline of the episode, so i have not yet started writing the actual story but i have a few annotations that i believe are more or less worth sharing. once again i just copy-pasted what i had written on the document so i’m sorry if it makes no sense lol;
azula’s ‘i'm about to celebrate becoming an only child’ (& zuko’s 'shes not gonna make it’) as her relationship with zuko vs katara’s relationship with sokka
sokka’s cold thinking ('we need to split' (?)) vs katara’s intense sense of family ('the fn can't separate our family again')
connection between azula destroying the air temple thru aang's perspective + aang's grief, invalidated by katara&zuko later on. very uhh . messy
aangkatarazukosokka are way too engrosed in their drama + toph is like ?????? suki plays cool older sister once again tho she is indeed traumatized
sokka’s flippant “katara doesn’t hate anyone” idk man there’s something there. make a repetition of this maybe in zuko’s mind??? zuko is having such a hard time rn akdjaksja
katara & zuko’s projecting* + rage as grief + sokka & aang being victimized by all of this basically what happens in the actual episode djwndkamdj
katara projecting her hate of [yon rha] onto zuko + zuko projecting his hate of ozai on [yon rha] = two-headed viper metaphor?????? does it even apply to zuko????? what IS going on in zuko's brain
sokka + silence (????) he just shut the hell up when katara said What She Said
katara victimizing sokka personally + zuko victimizing aang personally = aang being zuko’s BROTHER????????? much 2 think about
zuko is. deep down. an eldest sibling. he apologises 3 times!!!!!! fun. (to katara & aang & sokka, for being & saying & doing, respectively)
aang & sokka have 2 talk at some point right. there’s an entire day empty what the hell happened between the morning zuko told katara & the night zuko & katara left
zuko’s protectiveness of katara going from thinking she’s some toddler to caring about her because she’s awesome and he wants 2 be her friend :) zuko’s mind going from katara = azula (derogatory) to katara = azula (affectionate)
the OBVIOUS parallel between ursa & kya and zuko & katara
yon rha being empty vs katara being full (katara takes up space, sokka doesn’t, katara thinks about it and she’s like “damn.......” which is why she apologises eventually + why she forgives zuko, etc; for herself)
the rage section as that quote about the angry dog who cannot sleep or and cannot eat + sleep deprived katara idk i think it’s really cool
the faces of grief → koh mention ???? i have no elaboration on this one
ask from this list
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artyhasmoved · 5 years
freckleymisfits -> sinflwer
all misfits content will now be on @misfics !!
thank you :)
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silvinlewis · 7 years
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#MisFics Eternidad. Este fic, es tragedia total. Su argumento principal: la muerte definitiva de Krilin y como sus seres cercanos toman la noticia. Como la androide Número Dieciocho, toma la soledad. Como los otros humanos del grupo de los guerreros Z, se dan cuenta que ya la vejez, y por lo tanto la muerte de manera natural, toca a su puerta. Ya no hay esferas que sirvan en esta situación. Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12293529/1/Eternidad Arte: @chestnutisland
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voltronreference · 6 years
misfics replied to your post “This is such a petty little thing and probably more work than it’s...”
Honestly, I think categories will drive you crazy. So if Haggar remembers more and sacrifices herself last minute, where does she go even if she spent 95% of the series as bad gal? For your own sanitiy, you should just go for alphabetical order. People can just ctrl+f to find something in the list.
Hm, good point. I’d like to organize them somehow, though, because I think it makes it easier for mobile users. I’ll keep thinking about how I want to do it
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l-mbn · 9 years
¿Fic Solangelo? (semi AU)
No tengo ni idea de dónde he sacado esto pero espero que os guste, y siento si hay alguna falta de ortografía o error gramatical!! 
“Atentos” comenzó el jefe del clan, dirigiéndose al resto de los hombres “podría dar una profecía en cualquier momento”
Miré a mi alrededor preguntándome como había llegado a esta situación, a mis espaldas podía oír las risas ahogadas de Nico y sentí una chispa de molestia al respecto, mis manos comenzaron a crisparse hacia el arco que colgaba sobre mi hombro pero me contuve, tenía la sensación de que como hiciera cualquier movimiento brusco todas estas personas saltarían de sus lugares y comenzarían a adorarme. 
Otra vez.
Pensándolo bien la situación tenía cierta ironía, esta tribu creía que era Inti, su Dios, como si ser un mestizo no fuera suficiente.
“¿Señor?” la única mujer del grupo había dado un paso adelante y miraba con los ojos muy abiertos entre Nico y yo, como si acabara de darse cuenta de su presencia.
“Mm, ¿sí?” contesté dubitativo.
“¿Es él su consorte?” preguntó ella haciendo un gesto hacía el italiano detrás de mí.
Calor estalló en mis mejillas, y por los ruidos inconexos que salían de la boca de Nico podía imaginar que él se encontraba en una situación similar, al final logró farfullar “¿Qué? No,no,no,no… Lo habéis malentendido, entre Will y yo no hay nada” 
Noté una pequeña punzada en pecho al oír esas palabras, pero lo desestimé por el momento.
“Oh, entiendo” comenzó la mujer “Entonces debe ser su amante, mis disculpas”
Nico estaba a punto de volver a protestar pero le interrumpí “Me siento algo agotado, ¿cree usted que nos podría llevar a mi-” hice una pausa un momento saboreando lo que estaba a punto de decir “-amante y a mí a un lugar donde podamos descansar?” 
“¡Si, claro!” el jefe miró significativamente a la mujer que ahora estaba a su lado “Aona, lleva a Inti y a su pareja a la cueva de Opheo”
“Sí, señor” Aona se giró hacia nosotros “Seguidme por favor”
Intercambié una mirada con Nico y con un asentimiento comenzamos a seguir a Aona por los túneles. Esperemos que las Parcas sean benevolentes con nosotros.
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juptercreek · 10 years
Como grande.
Porque Manuel sale del colegio, perfecto, correcto, tan puro y angelical que a Martín, quien tiene veinticinco, le da cosa hacerle lo que le hace. Quince años, Martín, solo quince . Pero al final su moral se va a la mierda cuando el niño se sonroja y se encoge mas en su lugar contra el paredón trasero del colegio, donde el rubio lo acorrala como acorralaría a su presa, cuando se aprovecha de su amor, porque se da cuenta de lo que el chico quiere. Manuel está harto de ser el niño pequeño.
"Me hice un tatuaje nuevo... ¿Querés ver?"
Y a Manuel se le aflojan las piernas, y termina siguiéndolo a su casa, tomados de la mano, sin decir nada el menor sobre el departamento sucio de su novio, el que su cama esté desecha, el que tenga las manos frías cuando le quita la ropa...Porque Manuel quiere eso, le encanta.
Algo le pasa a este chico, o eso piensan sus padres, quienes lo mandan al psicólogo ya de meses, porque no quieren ver mal a su bebé, porque no debe sufrir. (Lo que no saben es que frente al psicologo, nunca dice ni una palabra.)
Manuel no está mal, Manuel está cansado. Cansado de ser el niño mimado, el sobreprotegido, el idiota comelibros, del que se burlan, el inseguro...
Pero eso cambia si su rubio toma su mano, porque Martín lo mira con otros ojos, y ya no se siente pequeño.
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floresylaureles · 10 years
Eso sin nombre | Latin hetalia | chi/fem!arg
–Bésame– exclamo muy de repente Martina con la seguridad quién dice por la mañana buen día- Manu, bésame ahora.
Estaba sentado en la escalera de incendio esperando quien sabe qué, como era usual y si, con un libro en la manos, nada novedoso. Manuel lentamente alzo su cabeza y la miro como esperando que la broma acabara.  
– No huevi’ Martina–
Martina frunció el entrecejo cuando escucho su nombre –No es una broma, en realidad quiero que lo hagas–
–… ¿para qué? Martina, dime para qué – Manuel dejo el libro a un lado lado, y giro su cuerpo para quedar frente a lo que fue su mejor amiga.-
–Para ver si te lavas los dientes por las mañana, boludo- exclamo Martina tratando de aligerar el ambiente mientras observaba la cara de pocos amigos que le mandaba Manuel, y viendo que no funcionaba agrego– no, en serio, quiero un beso tuyo, por mi cumpleaños… de regalo, che… no seas cagón.
–A ver, si esto tiene que ver con…–
– ¡que no! Es mi regalo, che. Me dijiste que me darías los que yo quisiera, así que lo pensé y eso quiero. Un beso –
Martina podía sentir la irritabilidad de Manuel. Y era comprensible. Habían sido mejores amigos hasta unas semanas atrás, hasta que Manuel se le había confesado, y había tratado de besarle, y ella había huido como alma que quiere el diablo.
–y bien ¿me lo darás? …-  Martina sabía que estaba siendo injusta, sabía que esto podría ser fatal, que podría echarlo a perder todo. Toda su amistad por la borda, solo porque no podía tener la boca cerrada, porque no podía hacer como si nada hubiera pasado.
La verdad nunca había pensado en Manuel de esa forma, pero tampoco nunca había estado tan separa de él como esas semanas. Y francamente no lo aguantaba más. Lo echaba de menos, extrañaba apoyar su cabeza en su hombro y encontrar el olor a cigarro en su bufanda, extrañaba su cara huraña y que se riera con sus libros, extrañaba sus palabras extrañas, extrañaba hasta el estúpido sobrenombre con que la llamaba y que ella había detestado siempre.
El tiempo le había dado una perspectiva completamente nueva...ahora si ella pudiera hacer que él cooperara, tal vez todo...
El pensamiento quedo sin terminar por un sorpresivo pero esperado contacto. Manuel se movió muy rápido hacia su cuerpo y en un instante estaban cara con cara. Martina podía sentir la cálida respiración de Manuel y su inconfundible olor a cigarrillos; y algo se agito dentro de ella, sobre todo cuando sintió sus secos labios contra su mejilla en un movimiento tranquilo dando el tiempo de retroceder si ella quería, y ese algo se intensifico mil veces más cuando en un torpe movimiento sintió el áspero contacto de su boca.
Manuel estaba nervioso, la trataba tan delicadamente que el beso solo era una leve presión sobre su boca y Martina… Martina no lo quería así la verdad, quería al mismo Manuel que la había abordado la primera vez, quería la velocidad que sentía por todo el cuerpo, entonces, sus labios irrumpieron con fuerza a los ajenos obligándolos a rendirse a su voluntad, encontrándose así con un lugar sorprendentemente desconocido, un lugar cálido y suave, que sabía a como a tabaco y chicle de menta. Que era el sabor de Manuel. Su Manu, que era su mejor amigo desde tercero básico, él que la había apoyado en cada cosa loca que hacía y él que la había asustado a muerte con ese “te quiero”. Ese Manu que era un poco brusco, y la sacaba de quicio, que pasaba leyendo, y que no iba a ninguna parte sin un cigarrillo encima. El mismo que ahora la besaba con una pasión que nunca había descubierto a pesar de su mejor amiga.
Apoyo su mano en su hombro para estabilizarse y  mientras sus frentes se tocaban lo miro a los ojos, al fin con una resolución.
Martina por fin sabía eso sin nombre que experimento ahora y siempre cuando algo se relacionaba con Manuel. Había estado ciega, sorda, y muda, pero ya no más.
- Polilla-  susurro Manuel contra su rostro mientras se inclinaba por un segundo y Martina impaciente se acercaba para corresponderle.
Era amor.                                                 
Para jemmablackthorn a quien le encanta el Chi/FemArg! <3
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fourmisfitz · 5 years
75 for the kiss thingy !!
75: Kisses to distract the other person from what they were intently doing… hmm… I’m inspired and altering it a little. You’ll thank me for the fluff later
“No, no, no. I can’t do it. It hurts, it’s way too big, Ben.” You screwed your eyes shut as you winced from the intolerable pain.
“It’ll be over before you know it, babe. Squeeze my hand.” He prompted you with a gentle tug at your intertwined fingers.
“I need you to stay still for me, sweetpea,” The sound of something clanging in the garbage disposal echoed the other voice.
When you didn’t budge to open your eyes or take a breath at the plead, Ben had to find another way to get you to calm down.
“No, Ben, I can’t take it.” You insisted, tears beginning to prick through your eyelids as your body shook.
He looked between your pained eyes, a rush of worrisome empathy filing his own veins, and he did what he knew best to distract you while a pressure built beneath your skin again.
“C’mere, love.”
He gently cupped your jaw with both hands and brought his warm lips to yours.
You instantly felt a wave of relief and serenity wash over your body. When he kissed you, it was like nothing else in the world mattered, and all other senses were blocked out.
Thank god for that, because you hated needles.
There was nothing you dreaded more than being told you were behind on vaccination shots, and having Ben as a boyfriend meant you were dragged there and bribed with chocolate bars and a night in with your favourite food afterwards.
“And you’re alllll-” the light voice of the nurse trailed on as a strip of medical tape was swept across your upper arm, “-done!”
Ben pulled away slowly, tucking a lock of your hair behind your ear as you peeked one eye open to inspect it. No blood, just a little cotton ball held hostage beneath some tape.
“See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” He gently rubbed your other upper arm as you poked the bandage.
“It feels like my arms gonna fall off.” You mumbled monotonously as you swayed your limp, dangling arm, puppy dog eyes staring back at him.
He choked out a laugh and kissed your forehead.
“Just wait for the day you have to get blood work done.” He offered his arm to help you off the high examination table of the clinic.
Your eyes widened at the thought, eye contact cut as you instinctively took hold of his arm beside you.
“Pucker up, Hardy.” You warned, a light shake in your head as you hopped down, earning a snort from him.
Request another from the kissing prompt list
Or my drabble blurb lists (1)  (2)
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headspacedad · 6 years
misfics replied to your post: nomadicism: pidgieowl: i think pidge really...
They’ve been killing Galra soldiers since s1. What do you think there is inside those ships they destroy?
There’s a difference between killing enemy combatants in a battle and handing a person who surrendered themselves to you without a fight and has been trying to prove themselves on your side over to his certain death (cuffed and unable to defend himself as far as most of the team seemed to believe). 
don’t get me wrong, I still don’t trust Lotor.  But there was a huge moral difference between his situation and enemy combatants in the heat of battle.
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rtypeace · 11 years
- Seguro que no te gustaría conocer mis sueños.- Concluyó sin dejar de mirarla.- Te asustaría saber todo lo que se puede llegar a sentir en ese mundo sensible y traicionero. 
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silvinlewis · 7 years
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#MisFics Beso real. Fue de improvisto y bastante torpe, era el primer beso que ella daba, o al menos que recordara. Podría decirse que había sido un beso de consolación debido a que a ella le irritaba demasiado esa inseguridad que él portaba. Él pensaba que por ser pequeño, sin nariz y calvo –Bueno, ya no, se había dejado crecer el cabello- no iba a ser un buen partido para las mujeres. Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11705087/1/Beso-real Arte: @chestnutisland
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fourmisfitz · 5 years
Oooo 59 with Ben or Roger because there’s no way I’m going to bed anytime soon?
AHHHhhh so sorry love I fell asleep (for once) and just saw this! Alright I wrote this in ten minutes lemme know whatchu think, xx
(Warning: light smut ahead)
59: kissing so desperately that your body literally curves into the other person’s…
Despite having your arms linked, you walked at different paces as you made a game of stepping on only the brown cobblestones outside the theatre.
“So, how’d you like that one, Rog? Oscar-worthy? Five stars?” You skipped off the stone sidewalk to the flat ground of the parking lot, unlinking. “Let’s hear it.” You waved an invitation for critiquing.
“Ohh, I dunno. I mea- did he really need to taste the fake blood?” He reached a hand into your leftover popcorn bag.
“Oh, c’mon, It’s a classic!” You giggled, tossing a single kernel onto your tongue as you leaned your backside against the car. You propped one foot low against a tire as the other held you up.
“A slasher film: a classic?” His breath dissipated visibly in the cold, fall night air.
You hummed a laugh as you popped another few popcorn kernels between your teeth.
“Did you miss me while you were gone?” You swayed against the cold metal beneath you.
For a split second, he looked at you like you had two heads, but that quickly washed over with a sort of prideful smirk.
“Perhaps.” He offered.
You choked out a laugh, playfully shoving his shoulder. That only made him instinctively come closer.
Your amused, toothy smile formed into a curious grin, noticing the way Rogers expressions also morphed in time with the change. You could practically see the cogs winding inside his skull as his eyebrows furrowed, now standing directly in front of you. He pulled his bottom lip into his mouth as his fingers delicately slid open your jacket zipper, leaving you watching closely, not giving a care about the brisk wind invited in.
“You know,” he finally spoke, “I barely got the chance to touch you in there,” He murmured low.
“Well, I was a little distracted by the movie, Rog,” You rolled your eyes and tried to seem coy and nonchalant, not letting him hear your breath hitch in your throat as his fingers moved inside your open jacket and slid up your side.
His tone was accusatory and low, “Yes, but sitting there, when we’ve been apart, and you’re hugging into my side but limited to your own seat and not being able t- you just looked so…” He took in a small breath as if to slow his anticipation, brows still pinched in thought as he barely shook his head, barely, but it was there.
“So what, baby?” You dared.
He thought for a moment as he watched his hand just trail up and down the side of your ribs, inviting you to shudder under his touch. A brisk wind swept over your body, but Rogers touch brought the warmth back.
“I think the better question is,” his eyes met with yours, “Is it my turn to make you scream when we get home?”
You were thrown onto his mattress only to be met with his body immediately after. Hearts pounding, your breaths mixed as he hovered over you.
“Don’t you know if I’m in a dark room with you, all I want to do is touch you?” His voice was low and grisly just below your ear as he began kissing down your neck, like it was some form of punishment.
“Rog, we’ve been to the movies before.” It sounded more like a breathy question as your eyes screwed shut, focusing on his touch.
“Yes,” he amended, unkempt hair and all coming back into view, “but when I haven’t seen my girlfriend in months…” his lips returned to finding sanctuary on your collarbone as he pried your buttoned shirt open.
“What do you want?” You leaned back deeper into the pillow, rippling a stretch from head to toe. When your hips bucked slightly into his, you got the answer to your question.
“You.” He breathed.
His eyes looked more desperate than hungry now. Or, hungry, if you were his first meal in months… which you were.
“Just you.” He shook his head in a form of disbelief as his brows pinched like your heart.
You wrapped your forearms around his neck and pulled his lips to slam into yours.
“Roger-” You moaned against his lips as his fingers got comfortable swiping at the apex of your thighs.
“Seems you want me too.”
You pulled him even closer, which seemed nearly impossible by now. Your fingertips lowered to dig into the expanse of his exposed back and then wrapped around his torso as his hand kept busy, teasing your entrance and making shivers travel up your spine.
Though his hand was off in one world, your attached lips remained in another. He retracted his hand and you didn’t even feel the need to whine; you knew you had all the time in the world when he kissed you, especially after being gone for so long with the boys.
His lips melted against yours and fit like a missing puzzle piece, irreplaceable by any other set; you’d never test that theory, anyway. Your body’s curved with each other like blankets layering together. You kissed each other so passionately that you were just grabbing at skin and every part of him to try and get closer, but you were already as close as could be, in more ways than one.
You didn’t want to spend another moment apart, and with him home now, you knew you wouldn’t have to worry about that for awhile.
He’ll front like he could live without you, sometimes. He’ll front like he needs to hear you scream, like that’s his primary goal. And yes, sometimes that’s all you want him to do within these four walls, but in reality, these were the moments he longed for… lived for.
In truth, he missed you all the same.
And you didn’t need him to tell you that to know it so.
Request another kiss blurb from this list
Or my drabble blurb lists (1)  (2)
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fourmisfitz · 4 years
How long until the next part of Breakthru comes out? No rush, I just feel that it’s gonna make me cry and I want and estimate of how much preparation time I have 😂
Aww you’re adorable, thank you for being so interested in it, wow!❤️🥰 I’m working on it as we speak, in increments, so it should be up tonight (EST). Probably within 13 hours from now! xx
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fourmisfitz · 5 years
READ THIS... I have an actual masterlist page I update more attentively. It  has my unfulfilled req’s listed (so u know what’s ahead); this one does not. I also have a separate blurbs & headcanons page with more imagines that lists my to-be-written works as well, so below is just what’s been written already, but since some ppl like to have a masterlist post they can reblog to come back to (in case they forget the accounts url), here’s that for y’all (one-shots & series  separated from  blurbs/hc/not-super-long imagines)...
*If you’re too lazy to check my masterlist page or blurb page with the unpublished sneak peek of what’s coming, yes, I do write for other borhap/queen lads & throuple pairings, they’re just a work in progress rn*
*If my linked pages above or in my bio dont work, simply type: fourmisfitz.tumblr.com/masterlist  or  /blurbs into any browser!
...If all else fails I tag my writing with: misfics
Darcy’s Drabble Prompt List (#1)  |  (#2)
   ♡  =  smut   …  everything else is funny or fluff, some  feat. angst!
Roger Taylor x Reader
Drowse | (part 2) | part 3 coming March 14th/15th
Breakthru | (part 2) | part 3 coming March 13th/14th
Feathery (night terror fluff)
“Go away, I know what I’m doing” | part 2 coming soon
Ben Hardy x Roger Taylor x Reader (BxRxR)
- All take place in the same A.U.
I’ve Got You (protective fluff)
13 “It’s all over the walls”
Ben Hardy x Reader
♡  45 “Use your words”
Roger Taylor x Reader
2 & 22 “Wait… stay” + “Let me go”
20 “You couldn’t go three days without me”
37 “I need somewhere to stay”
3 & 8 “You really want to know what I’m thinking?” + “Were you born this way or is it something you just work on everyday?”
4, 17, 43 “Could you stay out of this, for once?“ + “She sure is smiling tonight” + "That is a terrible idea perfect for a night like tonight”
46 “What happened to your face?”
Kiss Prompt 59: kissing so desperately, your body curves into each other
Ben Hardy x Roger Taylor x Reader (BxRxR)
- All take place in the same A.U.
42 “You can’t stay in there forever, unlock the door”
4 & 36 “Could you stay out of this, for once?” + “I’m way too sober for this”
Through the seasons - Fall (headcanon)
Ben Hardy x Reader
Kiss Prompt 75: kisses to distract the other person
Brian May x Reader
Under The Stars (17 “She sure is smiling tonight” + Kiss Prompt 67: pauses kiss to ask ‘Are you sure you-’ only to be answered with a kiss)
updated March 19th 2019 *
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