xtaleunderverse · 4 months
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"My brother had many fans, but only one special secret admirer. They sent each other super corny letters all the time, even during our guard shift.
He suddenly stopped talking about this person. There was no more letters.
I wonder if they ever met at some point..."
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flowerakatsuka · 21 days
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anybody know any therapists that got a buy 1 session, get 5 free deal going on?
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carlyraejepsans · 8 months
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behind you
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twintraps · 7 months
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outfit designs stuff. theyre all rblx because i thought it would be a lot easier to get down my ideas 4 em. allat allat..
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biboomerangboi · 8 months
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Hua Cheng trying not to look smitten in front of his Gege challenge. Difficulty Rating - Impossible.
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antoinemaillard · 10 months
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energysynergymatrix · 18 days
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No way look who's shown up in Hinamizawa
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seoul-bros · 5 months
Where we headed Namjoon?
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The rpwprpwprpwp account's first post was on the 23/11/2023. Kim Namjoon centre stage for filming, looking dorky and hesitant. Then a second picture of dead or dying sunflowers. Is this a music video or a final art school project? I can see Namjoon really embracing a project mixing art, film and music. Acting but in a heightened stylized way.
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The 02/12/23 post showed him in a recording studio. Music yes, but is this his new album or something else?
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On 04/12/23 there was a clip of him holding a bunch of colourful balloons. They provide an element of circus with which he doesn't seem completely at ease .
More filming (while singing?) beside the Han River on the 08/12/23.
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Then just before he enlists (10/12/2023) a shot taken at the beach
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taken the same time as these photos from his IG (02/11/2023)?
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But it doesn't stop there, on 19/12/2023, when RM is busy with basic training, there is another post from the studio.
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On 27/12/2023 there is a kodak portra photo with decor that evokes the gaudy styles of the 1970s.
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It looks like it came from the same photographer who took these, posted on his original IG on 02/11/2023 and taken on his London trip.
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It reminds me of the 032c magazine photoshoot. Is it all related? I think it is. Look at the photo below - Creative Direction by San Yawn.
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Since Saturday we have had three more posts. The first one on 13/01/24 looks like it was taken at Namjoon's flat. Someone seems to be directing him from behind the camera (see the left of the photo).
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The second on 14/01/24 again filming on the beach. Who is that guy with him? None other than Balming Tiger Director San Yawn who also appears in the photo posted today (16/01/24)
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Definitely a collaboration with the Balming Tiger Collective and they have been working on it for sometime, maybe since last summer.
Isn't this some of them seeing him off to the military last December?
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Have they made some kind of arty music documentary that we'll see at Cannes, Berlin or the Sundance Festivals? Is San Yawn the creative director for the MVs for Namjoon's new album.
Remember Sexy Nukim, I wouldn't mind seeing visuals like these set against music Namjoon makes. He said he was going for something lighter perhaps with a bit of humour. Perhaps he found a perfect partner in crime for this project.
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I get the feeling all will become clear very very soon!
Post Date: 16/01/2024
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jimekas · 10 months
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Wrong reflection
An idea I had yesterday but didn't have the energy to do until today XD Papyrus and Mystery Man(/Gaster?) both have a smaller-sized eye but not on the same side, like a reflection of each other (which gave me the idea)
Maybe I'll do a cleaner version of it someday, for now have this ^^
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etereostare · 2 years
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missowo · 7 months
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kris is everything :(((
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aurorangen · 4 months
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Not many people talk about Strangerville in Chestnut Ridge as it brought back unpleasant happenings from the past. When Renee mentioned the place, Mel was disturbed. How did an outsider know? There's nothing about it online and even the locals have no clue. She felt like sharing what she knew with them. The more that gets out there, the more people will be informed of the strange town. "Have a safe journey back! I'm gonna remember ya folks!" Mel exclaimed, as they waved their goodbyes.
[Cool air from the fan hits Vincent's face as he enters the bar. He feels much better] Mel: Welcome! Call me Mel! What can I getcha folks? Vincent: Just some water please. Actually, anything cold will do.
Mel: [hears his accent] Where y'all from? It's not every day ya see visitors 'ere in Chestnut Ridge. Renee: We live in Britechester but work in the big city, San Myshuno! I'm Renee by the way and this is Vince. Mel: It's a pleasure to meet ya both. I've always wanted to visit the big city!
Mel: Ooh speakin' of! A fine, young man came in earlier too, said he got some business in San Myshuno! Vincent: What a coincidence. Who knows if we will cross paths one day [jokes around]. Did you get his name? Mel: He didn't share it! But he had a slight accent. European one? Greek? Italian? I know nothin'.
Renee: [suddenly Renee asks] Mel, can I ask…do you know about Strangerville? Mel: Darlin' ya shouldn't be talkin' bout Strangerville 'ere. Renee: Hmm? What do you mean by that?
Mel: Well ya see, a few of us know the place, not much though and not good stuff. Most of us ain't got a clue. Y'know what? I'll let yer in on somethin' [she eyes them both, careful with her words]. Hell knows what's goin' on down there, there's no news. But we've a bit of history with em.
Mel: Back in the good ol' day, they did friendly business. They came to trade or buy stuff. Horses, crops, supplies. Bits and bobs y'know? They don't come so often now, years at a time. When they do, strange folks come, dressed all in black or military attire. Sayin' they're here to get stuff. Supreme order's words.
Renee: [thinks back to the photos she took, the military, it's all real] Did you not ask who they were? Mel: If we asked too much…there were serious consequences [does a slit her throat motion then coughs, she's shared too much]. So in the end yer just get on with it, can't defy those supreme orders, can we?
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zu-is-here · 1 year
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Twins from the other world (*σᴗσ)(ㅎᴗㅎ )
Dentist!Dream idea >:)
Barber!Nightmare by @help-im-a-gay-fish
[12/21] Dream & Nightmare by jokublog
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cheeriointhevent · 8 months
Something something Hat having a soft spot for Bendy
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Also this for some reason
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thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 5 months
Cross seems very serious, does he ever let up sometimes? Are there any moments of him being more bubbly?
Ps, can I get a hug from horror? I feel like he’d give the best bear hug EVER!!!
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Cross: I'm not serious. I'm numb. My universe's friends and family are dead. I don't know how to contact my old friend(s). Everything I ever knew is gone and it's been an absolute wreck trying to adjust to the new norm. Cross: …and now I can't even make a short walk, or shower, or stand for long- leaping and running is out of the question, something I used to be able to do like second nature. My whole right side hurts, and it randomly gets worse for no reasons. Cross: I can't even look at art supplies without flinching and feeling- bad? Like I'm- I don't know. It's stupid and frustrating. Cross: It was bad before, but it only used to be paint brushes and paints. Now it's paper and crayons and pencils and anything that can be used to draw. Cross: …i can't even get off this stupid floor. my leg hurts too much Cross: (..i don't want to go back to bandages everywhere, but it hurts.)
(Cross laughing a bit [amused] here)
(Cross being in a neutral mood [getting a gift] here)
(Cross in a happy/joking mood here)
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yon-shi · 4 months
Undertale characters' height (in pixel)
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* Flowey - 20 pixels (21 with all petals)
* Monsterkid - 25 pixels (27 with spikes)
* Asriel - 28 pixels
* Frisk and Chara - 29 pixels
* Sans - 30 pixels
* Alphys - 28 pixels (31 with spikes or if she’d stop slouching)
* Muffet - 32 pixels (35 with hair and her heels are not too high)
* Napstablook - 33 pixels
* Mad Mew Mew - 39 pixels (41 with ears)
* Mettaton - 42 pixels (45 with surface)
* Papyrus - 42 pixels
* Undyne - 47 pixels (54 with hair)
* Mystery man- 48 pixels
* Mettaton EX - 52 pixels
* Toriel - 50 pixels (52 with horns)
* Asgore - 54 pixels (61 with horns)
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And version without background if you need it for whatever reason
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