#neutral: Admire the elaborate
snaillock · 10 months
could I pls ask for a boyfriend's Nagi x male reader? like him having a weakness for the reader and being like a puppy with him? idk if I'm explaining myself idk how to put it in words 😭 I love blue lock and there's almost no x male reader with them so I'm excited to find this sorry 😓
nagi x male!reader
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AHHH my first request!! tysm for asking i would love to make this! i also got curious and only found like three nagi x male readers (two of which were smuts that i was too uncomfortable to read☠️) but don't worry im here to save the day. this also ended up being a lot longer than expected but still really hope you enjoy!! ^^
tags: male reader, sad nagi backstory moment, me getting too carried away with build up again
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you were one of the few people who didn’t look at nagi like he was some anomaly. while others in your school would steer clear and gossip about him behind his back, you were one of the only people who spoke to him and treated him like an actual person and not some freak of nature
you would try to talk to him in class but he wouldn’t talk back (since “talking is such a pain”) so you assumed you were bothering him and eventually stopped.
nagi eventually noticed you wouldn’t talk to him in class anymore and it didn’t bother him at first. but eventually he finds himself missing it and would make the rare effort of trying to initiate conversations with you.
that led to you guys talking every day during class. the more you two spoke, the more you realized how much you had in common with him. you soon asked him if he wanted to come over to hang out.
he usually rejects any hang-out offers from literally anyone. though when you asked him if he wanted to come over to your place to play video games together, he accepted because he found you to be less of a hassle to be around compared to others.
when he came over, he realized he actually really enjoys being around you and had fun spending his time playing games with you. he even took a look around your room to admire all the things you’ve collected that represent your personality and interests. this only made him more captivated by you and wanted to be much closer friends
now for the exciting part
once some time has passed and you two got closer, you soon find out he’s a shamelessly clingy person both emotionally and physically.
whenever he would see you, he randomly wraps his arms around you and latch onto you. he hates being forced to let go whenever you two have to go to class.
he gives absolutely zero fucks about being publicly affectionate with another guy in school, paying no mind to the weird stares and whispers
he constantly wants to stay over at your place and when you come over to his for the first time, he introduces you to choki (a hugeeee moment for him trust me)
nagi truly loves being with you. at first, he didn’t care about being an outcast until you showed up in his life and showed him what true friendship and love was like
soon his feelings for you as a friend develops into something much more unfamiliar before he can realize it. falling in love was definitely a new experience for nagi and falling in love with you specifically was a slow delicate process
he definitely didn’t realize for a while that he likes you in that way until he finds himself admiring you as you somehow have soft lighting all over your face and pink flowers and hearts circling your head (all in his imagination my boy is completely whipped). he then thinks, “hmm this feels like one of the shojo mangas i’ve read befo- ohhhhh!”
once the initial shock is over, he’s already bold enough to confess to you quickly after. i can imagine him suddenly telling you how he feels in the most random scenario ever.
it would be so out of nowhere. you guys could be out walking in the park. you casually sip out of your bottle when he nonchalantly says, “wanna be my boyfriend?” with his signature neutral face, making you choke and cough on your water.
he would then elaborate on how much he likes you with the plainest face ever like it was a regular tuesday conversation. the one difference is the light flush on his cheeks and you can definitely tell that he truly means all of it. so once you stopped coughing, you obviously accept his confession
if you thought he was already pretty damn clingy prior to you two becoming a couple, then be prepared for that to increase tenfold
holding hands isn’t enough for him, ideally he needs to be super glued onto you permanently for the rest of his life
you guys are definitely the couple people gag at when they see you both curled up cuddling each other in the hallway.
once again, he gives absolutely no shits. he needs to show off what an amazing boyfriend he has so he’ll never tone it down on the pda
on the very very rare occurrence that you're not with him and you happened to be talking to someone else in the hallway, he sees this and immediately gets a little possessive. so he walks up right behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, resting his head on you. you assume he's just being needy again and find it cute, completely unaware of how he's now glaring deep into that person’s soul from over your shoulder. i mean you’re his man and his man only so everyone needs to know.
he requires you to pet and run your fingers through his hair for a low minimum for uhhh 2000 times a day. you swear that he purrs every time you do it but when you try to listen out for another one, he already fell asleep on your shoulder
whenever you guys are cuddling either at his dorm or your place, he just lays his entire body weight onto you like a heated blanket while resting his head on your shoulder with your fingers carded through his hair. if you try to gently nudge him off so you can get up and use the bathroom, he audibly whines and eventually relents. he totally tries to follow you into the bathroom after that.
whenever you compliment or praise him, he looks totally unaffected but internally, he’s jumping around screaming. meanwhile, he will randomly drop the most endearing and beautiful arrangement of words at you in a completely neutral voice and just move on with his day like you didn’t just witness the most flattering thing you’ve ever heard.
loves whenever you randomly grab his chin and give him a short but very sweet kiss.
nah actually scratch that. nagi loves kisses from you anytime anywhere. fleeting cheek kisses before you both head to class. kisses on his forehead as you hold him close under the covers. drawn out victory kisses you both finally finish a difficult match together. no matter what it is, he always helplessly melts into each one.
before you appeared in nagi's life, his world was just one big dull pain he simply had to push through every day. now that he had you by his side, he finally had the motivation to get out of bed every day.
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softerglow · 10 months
confidence building tips
i'm probably going to make in depth posts on a couple of these, so let me know if there's anything specific you want me to elaborate on. wishing love and prosperity to all <3
stand up for yourself. if you find that someone's talking down to you or making backhanded comments, shut it down politely. the first couple of times it will be hard but this will build amazing trust with yourself, which is an amazing boost to your confidence.
practice body neutrality. stop letting yourself speak and think badly of your body, it only inspires further insecurity. correct any mean statements you make about your features by replacing them with a positive. make a point of writing down things you like about your body and what your body does for you. stop consuming media that causes you to compare your body with anyone else's.
acknowledge your achievements. celebrate yourself when you've done well, even if it's a tiny achievement. you deserve to feel joy for the things you have achieved.
complete tasks. if you've set out to do something, do it. this will give you a little dopamine rush and relay a message in your brain: you can do it. being reliable is an amazing trait to have as a person and it helps you boost your confidence.
have a growth mindset. acknowledge your weaknesses and failures without labelling them as bad. anything you aren't good at is something to work on, not something to give up on and mope about over. resolve yourself to take small steps towards improvement everyday.
surround yourself with confident people. look at your friends and the people who you choose to keep in your life. do they encourage you to achieve your goals? do they strive to keep growing as people themselves? focus on building and maintaining relationships with people who make you feel secure in yourself and help you grow.
stick to your values and know what they are. don't give in to people pleasing anymore and work hard to live by the things you know are right.
have a balanced lifestyle. eat well, exercise, sleep properly and manage your stress levels. devote time to being productive, relaxing, engaging in spirituality and mindfulness, and spend time with people you care about. burnout is just about the worst thing for confidence, so take steps to avoid it.
practice positive self affirmation. tell yourself that you are beautiful, kind, confident, intelligent and strong. tell yourself that you make good choices. you're disciplined. you're amazing. people in your life love and admire you. remind yourself of these things until you believe it.
i'm dealing with some medical issues atm, so i'm sorry for not posting yesterday. i'm trying to stay consistent even if i'm not 100%. thank you for the support so far <3
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cerastes · 5 months
What's your read on Andreanna's 'love at first sight' line? It could be fun to just take it as face value and just assume it's just her having a crush on Skadi and Spectre (making her utter lack of connection to them on the network very funny), but I feel like there's something else going on there. Is it seaborn stuff? Something to do with her being an abyssal hunter knockoff having some kind of innate admiration for the original?
It’s because she’s a Walmart Abyssal Hunter, yeah.
The line in question:
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Andreana feels something completely and utterly puzzling and maybe even thrilling when see sees Specter and Skadi, so she says this. It’s further elaborated on in her Module lore:
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In her Module, Andreana explains that she was making a joke with that comment, however, it is true that she felt weird and bothered, Felt A Ways, as some would say, when looking at them or in their immediate presence. Then she posits that this physiological reaction might have to do with That Weird Backstory Of Hers, but also, 1) she doesn’t really care too much about it, and 2) it sounds like a pain in the ass so she doesn’t want to find out.
As we all know (and if not, as you’ll learn now), Abyssal Hunters can sense each other on a level that other people can’t. They perceive each other as they would a wave, a sea current, the smell of the sea, even its temperature, if close enough to each other. In Under Tides, for example, Skadi immediately perks up when Gladiia breaks into Specter’s room to steal her away, because she immediately ‘smelled’ a cold, strong wave of seawater coming from her room. That’s how Gladiia ‘smells’ or ‘feels’. It is stated at various points that Hunters don’t even need words to communicate if they so choose, with Specter in particular feeling like land-dweller language is bothersome to a fault at first, and Skadi addressing that with “no yeah I hated it at first too, still can’t get used to it, but it’s got its virtues”. It also explains a little why Skadi is so stoic and laconic: She literally isn’t used to talking or needing to, but I digress.
It’s easy to extrapolate that this is precisely what Andreana is feeling when she sees the Hunters: She’s “feeling” them but has no earthly clue as to what the hell that is in the first place. Proper Aegir Hunters have an education — Gladiia taught Laurentina not just about the Hunter trade, but also about art in general, with a focus on dancing — that prepares them to be Hunters and have the information needed given to them. Andreana has memory issues and not a damn clue of what the dicken is going on when she “feels” a Hunter, no context, so her first assumption is “Huh. Love at first sight?” because why the hell is she feeling something as intimate as what kind of waves and breeze they are from just looking at them? Then, a while later, since Andreana is a pretty pragmatic, logical, no-nonsense person, she starts putting the legos together and thinking, oh, yeah, might have to do with my Mysterious Circumstances, on second thought. Then she shrugs it off and keeps fiddling with her crossbow.
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In Kal’tsit’s own words Andreana 200 Trust Files), if Laurentina or Didi can be considered a proper inkwell, Andreana is a droplet of ink in a glass of water: A facsimile, an attempt at something, an aberration. Of course, this callous indictment isn’t directed at Andreana, it’s aimed at what was done to Andreana.
And since I know I’ll get an ask about it, I’ll take the liberty of plugging Andreana into Drimo’s patented Just A Guy spectrum. Is Andreana Just A Guy (gender neutral)? Not quite. Let’s compare and contrast with our favorite specimen, Shalem. Shalem is terrified of his backstory and runs from it at every turn, until it was impossible for him to refuse it any longer (IS2), Andreana, on the other hand, is aware that she has a backstory. She KNOWS there’s lore, but she doesn’t really want to meet it. The backstory ambushes her, but Andreana says “no thank you :)” and walks past it. It’s a pain in the ass. She’d rather play paintball. She’s not normal, is keenly aware of it, and doesn’t give a zalak’s ass about it. Can’t be bothered! Simply uninterested!
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stinkysam · 8 months
Roronoa Zoro - I don't need saving.
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Warning : none (opla spoilers ?)
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : "I’m partial to head cannons these days! Maybe some smutty fluffy ones, if you could?! Or even a zoro x reader fic where he THINKS he’ll save them but they ends up saving him, then the sexual tension and relationship builds from there??" - @ericaand
Reader : gender neutral (You/yours)
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Zoro ? Who told Buggy and his crew to drop their weapons or he'd kill them while he himself had no weapons ?
Zoro, the 19 years old man who confidently asked Mihawk, the best swordsman of the world, for a duel to the death ?
100% believe he doesn't need saving and will be the one to save people.
He realized he wasn't as strong as he thought twice. The first time was when Mihawk defeated him with a small knife. The second was when you saved him in extremis from an enemy.
Oh, he didn't take it very well. His training was already quite intense since his defeat against Mihawk but now it was on another level.
He wasn't mad at you. Well, okay, that's not true, he was a bit mad at you for saving him. But more at himself for being so weak.
It took some time for him to overcome it and also for you two to have the talk*.
*Talk about if you're allowed to save him again and why.
The answer is yes you're allowed, he has no choice, that's what loyal crew members do, they protect each other. Zoro had to begrudgingly accept it.
Despite this, he didn't hate you completely. He admired your strength and envied you. You who he thought would need saving.
You're full of surprises, apparently.
But now he knows you can and will stand your ground in a fight, he won't need to worry about helping you.
Now that he trusts you and your strength, that's where his feelings for you can blossom.
He's definitely a personality over physical appearance kind of guy. He doesn't care what you look like, that's your heart that matters.
He made the "first step" by accepting you didn't need saving, now it's your turn. You have to make it clear you have some interest in him, simply chatting won't get you closer.
You'll have to flirt with him. He will be more confused than flustered at first, not understanding what you're doing. But once he finally registers it, he'll definitely get sheepish and a bit flustered.
That's the best way to shut him up.
Quickly he'll try to come up with smart comebacks to shut you up but they never really work or they sound… suspiciously weird.
That's where the sexual tension kinda arrives. Both trying to shut up the other with the flirtiest remark.
It's not the same competitiveness as with Sanji. It's more about ego. With you it's simply his way of flirting back.
Though he's definitely the one that gets the most flustered, not used to this kind of attention. He knows he's a good looking man, but still, it feels a bit weird to get flirted with.
Zoro accidentally confesses parts of his feelings for you while trying to find a snarky comeback for you. You know, those weird comebacks that sound awfully suspicious.
You stare at him while you smile and he just looks at you, unsure on how to recover from the situation. He blushes even more as you tease him about it but he refuses to elaborate on what he said.
It takes days of pestering and teasing him for Zoro to explode and finally let out his feelings for you. Repeating what he said days before and admitting his feelings.
He's more pissed than anything.
Surprisingly you didn't react as bad as he thought you would. He thought you'd tease him again and boasts about it. But instead you just smiled and told him you felt the same.
He said "Okay." with his usual scowl on his face, unsure of what to do now. He never thought you two would get this far.
Even though you reciprocated his feelings he doesn't know what you want to do. Do you want to move back to before and keep flirting or do you want to become… lovers ?
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love-toxin · 1 year
Ellie what the fUCK ARE YOU DOING
Camboy Leon? Huh?? You’re gonna drop that and not elaborate? Didn’t realize you were such a PRUDE /j
I would pay so much money to see this guy’s onlyfans, it’s not even funny anymore
(It’s worth noting that I’ve been having an absolute existential crisis every time I think about dick. Leon’s dick would probably cure all of my chronic illness; both mental and physical)
stands over you menacingly :) camboy leon you shall have teehee <3 dare me to expand this into a full fic ehe
(cws: camboy!leon, masturbation, voyeurism, piercings, pining, work crushes)
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Leon who works with you at the DSO and, for a special agent, seems pretty neutral. he's stoic but has that dry sense of humour you love, puffing out teasing comments here and there whenever he has the chance. he's admired by everyone but never has any girls on his arm, never dates, never does more than purse his lips in secrecy when the guys boast about their sexual exploits. but even so, his tight-lipped response to anything like that gives him more charm–up until people finally start letting it go in favour of bigger, juicier gossip. but you never do, because even though you're just an intern, you can only dream of what it would be like to have a man like Leon. scratch that, you really just want Leon, because he's the whole package in your eyes even though you can't imagine him ever even sparing you a glance.
but one day, months after the Graham rescue mission, your night gets a little….lonely. Leon's been the talk of the office for weeks since he got back, with everyone swapping stories about his exploits and feeding you so much delicious fodder for your wildest fantasies about your work crush–and one day, hoping to try and pry him off of your mind, you click around the web for a bit until you stumble across an explorer page for a new, adult website.
obviously the curiosity gets to you when you spot the directory of public users, each and every one offering "services" for interested viewers–and you scroll through it for quite a while, searching through the names and checking out a few clips until you come across one that really catches your eye.
blondie.scott → new video available!
his profile photo is cute–it's just a cropped photo of his fingers throwing up a peace sign, although it's positioned over his lap where you can clearly see a dark, thick outline in his light-coloured sweatpants. clicking over to his video list, you've got an impressive library to peek through of free videos he offers, with only a few at the top being locked behind a subscriber paywall. the first one you click on looks pretty tame, but even so it has you sweating as the video buffers and you nearly end up shutting it off completely.
but because you're just too curious, you wait for it to start. and when it does, you get an eyeful of this smooth-chested, rough-voiced, absolute adonis of a man touching himself while the camera records it all from the neck down. he grips his cock with tight, long strokes that feel so needy–and it's pretty too, thick and ruddy at the tip and always glistening as he rubs his precum up and down the shaft, occasionally swirling his thumb round the slit to draw a buck from his hips and a groan out of his throat. being shirtless as he does it with his boxers tucked up underneath his hips, your mouth goes dry at the sight of two shiny barbells of silver nestled by each of his plush nipples. piercings. whoever this guy is, he's bold. and he's just….to die for, c'mon. and you can't even get the image of him cumming out of your mind, the raspy whines as he cusses up a storm and the frantic twitches of his cock while it spurts rope after rope all over his hand…your sleep is restless that night, because every time you close your eyes you can only see that handsome stranger fucking his hand like you wish you could get fucked. it's been so long you feel like a virgin at this point.
after that first video, you're hooked. before you know it, you've made a habit of watching this blondie guy's videos and you look forward to cracking open your browser at the end of a long day, especially when things get extra hectic at the DSO. often you're stuck at your desk for long stretches of time then, and after awhile it becomes so routine you slip up a bit and watch some of his clips when you're left alone in the office, drowning in a sea of paperwork when it's late enough at night that nobody else would even consider coming by. it's pretty easy to cover up, but even still some of his videos just rile you up so much you end up leaving a wet, sticky spot in your chair that you're forced to scrub off before your coworkers come in the next morning.
that doesn't mean the site is erased from your computer, though. it doesn't mean it's not accessible just because you've got a passcode to unlock your desktop. and if a certain somebody–who knows your birthday and has a bit of a thing for you–were to take a peek and see what you've been busy watching…well, he'll be quite pleased that you've got such good taste. and maybe he'll make a video just for you, just to hint that he knows your little secret just like you know his.
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mintsuwu · 2 months
This isn't art technically speaking but here's a Smiling Critters Relationship Chart that I wanted to try out after seeying a cool template by @valentinbelleyh505! The colors are a mess so I will try to explain it properly-
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- DogDay: as the leader of the Smiling Critters, it's a must that he gets along with everyone! He has a closer relationship with Bobby and Catnap, the latter being his best friend. Though he also gets along pretty well with Bubba and Kickin' so they might gather up to be a somewhat chaotic yet charismatic trio at times.
- Bobby Bearhug: she loves everyone with no exceptions! The critter whom she gets along the most with is Hoppy and she is somewhat interested on Catnap. Not romantically, but she does care about him specially.
- CraftyCorn: despite her shy demeanor, Craftycorn manages to get along with everyone in the group, even though she and Kickin' might clash at times due to his attitude. She really admires Dogday as their leader and gets along with Catnap fairly well, given how the two of them struggle more when it comes to socializing but also enjoy their moments of peace and quiet which they spend together at times. As for her relationship with Bubba it is mostly admiration, but she also has a little crush to him which, of course, she wouldn't dare to confess herself.
- Hoppy Hopscotch: she is probably the most extroverted member out of the bunch along with Dogday, even through she has some dissgreements with her friends at times... Specially Kickin', but they have some sort of love-hate relationship. Though she is kind of oblivious when it comes to romantic feelings. However, that doesn't stop her from showing affection! As she will be there for Bobby as long as she needs, sharing a sister-like bond. And surprisingly, she gets along very well with Catnap, even if their energies and personalities are completely different. But sometimes she could use some calm and he could use some more energy and enthusiasm.
- Catnap: even though he is mostly an introverted soul who spends most of his time sleeping away, the feline doesn't fail when it comes to being in good terms with everyone. The girl whom he gets along with the most is CraftyCorn, given their similar personalities and their struggles. Even if she suggests a fashion or modeling session, Catnap will never mind to join around! He also respects Bubba greatly, seeying him as a wise and big-brother figure, his knowledge of the world will never fail to amuse him. And of course, Dogday is his very best friend, the one he can be the most open to as they understand and support each other no matter what.
- PickyPiggy: with her easygoing attitude, she has mostly good relationships with everyone! Even though her hunger can get the best out of her at times... She really admires CraftyCorn and her artistic abilities. (The neutral relationships are also based on the dynamics their Bigger Bodies versions will have, but I still have to design them so I will elaborate on her relationships later on).
- Kickin'Chickin: even if he might be too much at times, Kickin' is someone who easily gets everyone's aproval! The critters he gets along with the most are Dogday and Bubba, specially the latter as they sorta have a sibling dynamic. And even though he sometimes has a hard time understanding Catnap, they get along just fine. He has a huge crush on Hoppy, but he's too stubborn to admit it so he teases her instead and that leads to frequent arguments. Kind of like an Alvin & Brittany dynamic.
- Bubba Bubbaphant: he's pretty much like the big brother of the group, always willing to help everyone and provide the needed knowledge... Even though he can ramble at times- His closests relationships are with Kickin' and Craftycorn, and he has a secret crush on her that he doesn't speak about since he assumes that she likes Dogday instead. However, he doesn't hold any grudges against the dog for it and instead respects him dearly.
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And another take with my OC LoolaLamb! (I will make a good picture and description for her I promise;;) even though canonically/in-game the only critters she would have interacted with properly would be Dogday and Catnap
BUT long story short-
- Dogday: even though she is not a part of the main Smiling Critters, Loola admires Dogday's personality and empathy, seeying him as a role model. She does have a little crush on him but she is afraid to mistake it with a simple affection at times. He does reciprocate her feelings but doesn't know how to grasp or classify such emotions to begin with.
- Bobby Bearhug: due to her loving and affectionate personality, LoolaLamb would feel great comfort around Bobby. She would definitely see her as someone she could trust.
- CraftyCorn: her and Loola would get along given their love for artistic representations. Sometimes they would sit down and write songs together.
- Hoppy Hopscotch: perhaps the energetic rabbit would be a little too much for the lamb, but she would admire her outgoing personality quite a lot.
- Catnap: their relationship is mostly neutral, though Catnap didn't like her much at first as he was afraid that she would replace him (let's just say there was an alternative universe in she didn't). But despite that Loola would be interested on meeting him further if given the chance.
- PickyPiggy: they wouldn't interact too much, but Picky is definitely fond of Loola! And perhaps would ask her to sing quite ofter, much to the lamb's dismay given their lack of confidence at times.
- Kickin'Chicken: the very first time they met and he knew that she could sing, he inmediately challenged her to a musical competition- She found it a little foward and intriguing at first, but in the end Loola ended up finding his attitude quite amusing, he makes her laugh.
- Bubba Bubbaphant: LoolaLamb would see Booba as some sort of authoritarian figure given his extensive amount of knowledge, but she would respect him a lot for that. As to him he does find interest in her musical abilities, but they wouldn't interact as much as the others.
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trashpanda66 · 7 months
(Pickle x gender neutral Reader) (SFW)
[So this is my first Baki fic and my first fic on Tumblr. I'm still really new to both of these so if anything is weird or messed up, please just explain how I can fix it. THERE WILL BE A PART TWO! Love y'all. @rottmntrulesall
Life is a very interesting thing, isn't it? You can think that you have everything all figured out, that there's nothing left in life or in this world that can surprise you or knock you off your game. But life always has a curveball hidden just behind the corner, waiting patiently for the day that you don't have your bat ready to swing. Unfortunately for you, you didn't have your eye on the ball today.
You had a lot of experience with animals of all kinds. You grew up in a forest in the countryside your whole life with your family, so encounters with animals happened quite often. From gators in your back yard that you'd give a good bath/scrub to before guiding them back into the swamps, to paying attention to the number of coyotes howling in the woods so you could know when the panthers came back through and cut the canines' numbers down. The herds of deer would just walk around with you when they were in the area, snakes would cuddle up to you for your warmth, and you had a few wild hawks that would come to you for food and comfort all the time. All of these things together made others think that you were some sort of animal tamer, that you could control all of nature's beasts with a wave of your hand and a command from your mouth. It was a cute idea, but it was entirely wrong. In your years growing up in the forest, you had learned how to communicate with the animals. "Look at the ground when you're around deer so they'll think you're a grazer like them, direct eye contact and/or bared teeth are a challenge to fight, a turned back is a prime opportunity to attack, and show any opponent your side to express that you can fight but would prefer not to." These were just some of the lessons you learned as you grew up, but it was the language of the animal world, and you were determined to learn it. Over time, you mastered this unspoken language and earned the respect of the wildlife around you. You didn't control the animals, you simply spoke to them in their language.
You were in Japan for a vacation, rather than work for once. You were enjoying your time there, going to different sites and experiencing the wonders of the land when you suddenly got a phone call. It was an unknown number, but your instincts told you to answer the phone rather than ignore it. With a sigh, you answered the phone call. You were called to Mitsunari Tokugawa's fighting ring to, in his words, "help take care of a wild animal". The man on the other end of the line refused to explain any further than that, instead just repeating "I promise to pay you plenty for your help if you come as soon as possible".
And that's how you ended up here, in an illegal fighting ring, staring directly at a fight between an 8 foot tall caveman and some new upcoming fighter who wanted to test his mettle against the dinosaur killer. You felt a tug on the side of your jacket, causing you to look to the elderly man who called you here in the first place. Tokugawa had a solemn look on his face as he finally elaborated on why you were here.
"His name is Pickle. The main problem is that he keeps eating the fighters who lose to him." His eyes shine with hesitation and fear, as if he's concerned that you'll run off without helping once he finishes explaining everything. His tired old eyes drift back to the arena, catching sight of Pickle as he gives an open palm slap to his opponent and sends the young fighter flying out of the arena. He swallowed down a lump in his throat before continuing.
"I need you to go down there and stop Pickle from eating that fighter in there. I've watched him tear apart some of the world's best fighters, all of them being men that I admired greatly! It's because of him that some of my favorite fighters can no longer return to this ring and others had to give up fighting completely. For now, all I need is that you make sure that fighter in there goes back home mostly intact." The small old man shakes as he talks, seemingly convinced that you're going to escape the moment you get a chance. I mean, who wouldn't? He was sending you into a situation where you could lose parts of your body at best, and your life at worst. But you didn't respond. You stared into the arena, your eyes following every move made by the gigantic ancient human. You could see it in the way his muscles flexed and relaxed, the way his eyes opened and closed lazily, and in the way his facial muscles were mostly lax. You could see it clearly where no one else could.
Pickle wasn't taking this fight seriously. While the young fighter was pouring every ounce of his strength into this match, the caveman had yet to even go halfway. Like a wolf playing with a pup, Pickle was handicapping himself just to give his opponent confidence. The caveman didn't want the game to end anytime soon, but the young fighter was growing more and more weary with each passing second. You were in no rush to get to the bottom of the pit because as far as you could see, Pickle was more than happy to play with and not hurt the smaller fighter. As you neared the entrance of the arena, you caught sight of something that sent you straight into action.
In a foolish attempt to gain victory, the young fighter took aim for Pickle's family jewels. The hit landed, causing Pickle to scream and hiss in pain before backing away from the fighter. Said fighter was staggering around on his own feet, exhaustion and fatigue taking over his entire body as he struggled to simply stay awake. And then you both heard it.
A growl. Then you saw it.
Pickle was on all fours, his entire body lifted up and tense, ready to pounce. Pickle wasn't playing anymore.
You sprinted into the arena, throwing caution to the wind as you jumped in front of the caveman. You turned your back to the massive fighter, baring your teeth and shrieking at the smaller fighter. You lifted your arms and opened your stance, making yourself appear bigger to both men. While the young fighter was confused and dazed by your display, Pickle understood.
You, despite being even smaller and weaker than either of the fighters in the pit, were siding with Pickle against his opponent. Even better, you trusted the prehistoric man to not attack you while you were distracted, a trust which is not lightly given in nature. You were protecting the warrior, you were fighting for the fighter, and your actions did not go unnoticed. Suddenly you leapt forward towards the weary fighter, wrapping your small hands around his head before knocking him to the ground. You didn't give him a chance to speak before you ordered him to go limp and close his eyes. It wasn't difficult for the exhausted brawler to obey your words, passing out at just the right time. Hurriedly you rolled the both of you over on the ground, making it appear as if the younger fighter had gained the upper hand in his "altercation" with you. It was entirely accidental on your part, you had just meant to get the unconscious fighter into a better position where you could sling him closer to the exit of the arena, but you didn't get a chance. Suddenly Pickle was standing over the both of you, his hand outstretched behind himself as his whole body twisted into delivering a bone shattering slap to the exposed fighter. You started struggling underneath the younger fighter who was much heavier than he looked to get the caveman's attention and stop him from delivering his final blow, but Pickle saw your struggle as the last efforts of a warrior who will lose the fight against their opponent, furthering him into putting as much force as he could behind his strike.
If there is communication, then there must be miscommunication as well.
The caveman's hand connected with the ribs of the knocked out fighter, sending his unconscious body rag dolling across the arena and into the stands. Welp. At least the young fighter is no longer in the ring. You start to calm down, your eyes fluttering shut slowly as the adrenaline starts to wear off. It was somewhat peaceful, the bright lights were almost good enough to mimic the warmth of the sun as your own fatigue started to catch up to you. It was almost perfect napping conditions. And then you felt a slightly leathery hand cup your cheek softly, which was then followed by a mildly damp nose pressing gently against your forehead, blowing out soft puffs of hot air against your hairline. Your eyes fly back open, expecting to witness horrid fangs the moment before they're buried in your flesh, but instead you're met with a curious sight.
Bright meukow cognac colored eyes peer down at you from behind long, greasy black hair. The giant man is peering down at you, his head blocking the intense lights and giving him a shimmering halo. The caveman's massive hand was gently cradling your face, angling your head towards his and allowing him to check you over for injuries. As far as he knew, you had just taken on a challenger who was strong enough to actually hurt him, and had he not interfered when he did, you would have become the young fighter's next meal. Pickle's eyes filled with tears, his admiration of you flowing from his brandy eyes and dripping onto your face. You knew you couldn't win against the caveman's opponent, yet you still protected him. But there was another reason for Pickle's tears, one that you recognized almost too well.
Pickle doesn't respect anything that can't fight. Pickle doesn't befriend anything that can't fight. But if his opponent can actually put up a good fight, Pickle will bond with them. He'll see them as a companion, an equal, someone worth being in a pack with. But there's one problem; the nature of his time demanded that he eat anything he defeated. Even if he befriended his opponent, even if he loved them with his whole heart, he had to defeat them, and he had to eat them. Because if he didn't, then he'd be the one being consumed. It was eat or be eaten, kill or be killed, and Pickle was determined to survive. No matter how much he loved his enemy, he'd only have that one battle with them, that one bonding moment with them before he had to kill them.
Until you strolled into the arena. You proved your strength by taking on the fighter who managed to injure Pickle, earning the caveman's respect without having to fight him yourself. Pickle didn't have to eat you, because you didn't lose to him! You could be his first companion! The first member of his pack! Finally. Finally Pickle wouldn't have to be alone anymore!
But Pickle could be happy about his new potential pack member later. For now, he needed to finish checking you over for injuries.
You couldn't help the nervous giggle that escaped your lips as the giant caveman skirted his massive hands over your entire body, pressing his nose to anything extra sensitive and sniffing. You let him pick you up and move your joints carefully, testing the ranges of your body just in case anything got hurt in the scuffle. So far, it seemed everything was alright! No injuries accounted for, no discomfort from you, so everything was going great! Pretty soon, the caveman would let you go and you'd probably be free to return to your vacation. Once Pickle was certain that you hadn't been injured in your supposed "fight", he set you down gently on the ground in front of him, gauging your reaction to his presence. You sat in front of him cross legged, your eyes half open as you leaned back and exposed your torso to him. You were telling him you trust him. Pickle immediately began to reciprocate your trust, exposing his neck to you as he used his hands to scuttle closer. Once he's deemed himself close enough to you, he begins to lean forward. You could sense that you were safe with him, that if he wanted you gone, he would have handled that himself long ago. As such, you began to lean forward as well.
Pickle placed his forehead against yours, closing his eyes and taking in a shuddering breath. You had to physically stop yourself from gagging at the stench emanating from the giant man, but you closed your eyes and bit your tongue, letting the prehistoric man continue his little bonding ritual. You felt that same massive leathery hand rest against the side of your face once more, though this time he wasn't attempting to move your head. He was just holding you gently, seemingly waiting for you to do something. With an internal sigh, you begin to lift your hand to hold the side of his massive face. The only thought that went through your mind before your small hand touched his dirty skin was 'I hope this isn't some kind of mating ritual'. The moment your hand made contact with his face, Pickle's eyes flew open. Upon seeing that your eyes were still closed, he gently tapped your face. Your eyes opened and met with his once more, the two of you sitting in a position that makes you almost look like lovers. Slowly, his massive hand drifted down from your face, causing you to mirror him and sink your hand lower than his face. Once his hand stopped on your shoulder, you placed yours on his big shoulder, never once breaking eye contact. Pickle smiled to you, showing his fangs before hiding them slowly, so you reciprocated. Finally Pickle pulled his head away from yours, sitting up a bit straighter in front of you. He closed his eyes happily before making a little chuffing noise at you, to which you giggled and finally spoke to the caveman. Though your sentence was in the language of the modern humans, Pickle understood your words.
"Hello there, Pickle. I'm glad we're friends now."
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namazunomegami · 7 months
emperor!geto x imperial concubine!reader
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a/n: I’ve spent way too much time to research about chinese imperial concubines, playing with Royal Chaos during my highschool years and I had a boring shift at work. This is the result. Probably out of character as hell but hey, I wrote this for my enjoyment.
This is part 1 of a lil historical AU drabble series. I’m already finished with Sukuna, Gojo is in the works, and I got some ideas for Choso and Toji but don't think too much about it, ideas are just ideas.
I was so close to write reader as gender neutral but reader owns a type of traditional chinese headgear used exclusively by noblewomen so... yeah, reader is afab if you squint (very hard).
Likes and reblogs are appreciated, mwah <3
wc: 1011, I initally wanted a few headcannons but I got a full ass drabble
cw: suggestive, false accusations, implied murder, mentions of whipping, choking (not the kinky kind), yandere behavior
credits: renmakia for the gorgeous fanart and my dear @notveryrussian for proofreading and just putting up with my massive jjk brainrot every day, luv ya darling <33
MDNI, if you do, I'm gonna catch you like I'm gonna catch Gege.
He’s a monarch who considers his mind a weapon and information as a whetstone despite being born in relative peace. Spending his leisure time reading Sun Ce, the scripts of Confucian and Taoist scholars, sharing afternoon teas and long walks around the gardens with Buddhist priests and conversing about reaching enlightenment. As if he desperately wanted to understand how the world he was meant to rule works. His mandate of heaven brought prosperity, a flourishing economy, a strong connection between allied realms, a good education system that produced more scholars than in any other time before.
Competing for his attention is not an easy task. You almost gave up, bracing yourself for a long and uneventful life where you can only admire him from afar. You sit in the shade of a willow tree with a board of xiangqi, your playmate having left you not so long ago and you were trying to figure out which tactics and strategies they should’ve used to defeat you. You’re so lost in your thoughts you can’t notice him standing there, in the presence of his guards. You kowtow to him, excusing yourself for daring to bother him, pleading for his patience while you pack your things and leave. He likes that your manners are spot on, and he rewards you with a command to stay, to play with him, since xiangqi is a game between two people. And based on the positions of the pieces on the board you’re an experienced player.
Of course, he defeats you with ease, but he’s grateful you showed him everything you’ve got and didn’t let him win. He tells you that his victory lies in applying the teachings of Sun Ce to his playstyle. Your eyes light up and you beg him to elaborate further, maybe he can help you improve your tactics in the next game. He’s such a well-read man, so hungry for knowledge, so desperate to understand people. You’re sure he wants to figure out your thoughts too, what you think about the world, what values dominate your heart. And the secret to win him over is to shower him with all the details and even politely disagree with some of his beliefs and explain your point of view. That’s what gets him going, knowing your place in the hierarchy but not being afraid to stand your ground. Mindless obedience, at this point, bores him. That’s probably the reason why he slowly starts to favor you, your conversations refresh him, inside and outside of his bedchambers.
You may think that earning your place in his heart is a lengthy and hard process, but when he becomes sure that your infatuation comes from an honest place, he generously rewards your efforts. He showers you with gifts, each more thoughtful than the other. He sends you scripts from his personal library about topics that interest you, fulus he received from his priests to protect you and your chambers, phoenix crowns so elaborately adorned with pearls, sapphires, small dragons, and phoenixes made from solid gold. Gowns embroidered with clouds, cranes dancing around them, gifting you a small piece of the sky itself he descended from. He elevates your rank quickly so you can accompany him during events. Letting the whole court look at you, wrapped in everything he gave you, standing so close you can see him stealing glances at you from under the twelve tasseled crown. He rewards your family with money, grain, rice, political power. If he lifts you up, he does the same with everyone important to you.
But Geto’s court is highly competitive. It’s certainly not easy to be his favorite. You can literally smell the stench of jealousy eminating from the other consorts. Their gaze pierces your skin deeply when the eunuchs drag you around the Palace of Heavenly Grace with a brocade blanket hugging your naked figure. They must endure the sight every other night and they have no idea that the son of heaven is ready to serve you and do as you please behind closed doors and not the other way around, as tradition dictates.
Though he can comfort you, outside of his chambers you fear for your life. You needed a food taster now and never dared to walk the gardens without at least four guards in your proximity. You begin to doubt the trust between you and those you’ve befriended, because they can only blame you for his negligence towards them.
And then, the first accusation about you begins circulating around the palace. Some concubines claimed that you were guilty of witchcraft. So many of them are against you, with so much made-up proof you cannot do more than spend the night crying, believing that at dawn, guards will come for you and throw you into a well. You have no idea where Geto is or how you could beg him for protection.
The next day, strangely, a new set of officials deem you innocent. What boggles you even more is that he comes to your residence instead of having you delivered to him. Even his scent is not like it usually is, there’s something metallic, salty, and musky mixed in with the incense smoke.
That night he cradles you, shushing you, promising to keep you safe at all costs. Keeping it a secret how brutally he disposed of the rumor mongers, how he had some of his officials whipped bloody for not believing your testimony or about the thinly veiled threats that he’ll make anyone’s life a living nightmare if anything happened to you. Your heart skips a beat and simultaneously sinks deep in your chest when those of higher rank than you lower their head, trying their best to not look at you as they pass you by. With dark marks staining the skin below the neckline of their gowns, not even the empress consort being an exception.
It's not easy to be his favorite. It’ll never be easy.
But he’s a god, the son of heaven, and heaven will forgive him and so will you.
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kairiscorner · 9 months
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
nah but imagine miguel helping you tie your hair up before a big mission and then he just gets sappy about it because...
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miguel heard you grumble as you let your hair fall down messily and sighed as you looked at your disheveled appearance in the mirror you were holding. you wanted to feel a bit better about yourself today, spruce yourself up, give yourself a nice hairdo to treat yourself–but you couldn't figure out how exactly to braid your hair the way you wanted to. it frustrated you to no end how you knew how to beat criminals and villains in your home dimension, contain anomalies and lead squads of spider people, but had no clue how to tie your hair up in a more classy way.
"you good?" miguel asked you as he looked over at you from underneath his glasses as he looked up from the reports he was reading. you smiled at him and nodded, with your hair looking tousled. "i just... can't seem to get this hairstyle right." you said as you began to run your brush through your hair as you tried to fix it up. miguel gave a hum as a response. "what's the occasion?" he asked you as you chuckled while you brushed your hair. "nothing, just wanted to do something nice for myself, is all. just wanted to feel pretty." "but you're already really beautiful." he blurted out as a soft whisper.
you got a bit embarrassed at miguel's little quip, smiling to yourself a bit. miguel got down from where he was working and sat down next to you by the sofa. "you really want to tie it up?" he asked you as he brushed away stray hairs from your forehead. you nodded as miguel gestured for you to turn around. he gently took a few locks of your hair and some bobby pins. he worked his way through your hair softly, tucking and wrapping your hair into intricate little braids.
miguel sighed softly as he placed the bobby pins in your hair, admiring his handiwork. the bobby pins had little violet and pink flowers in them, just like the ones gabriella had... he hadn't done anyone's hair, nobody but gabi's. "you're... really good at this, mig." you complimented him with a warm smile as you admired your reflection in the mirror. miguel nodded and thanked you. "...i used to do it for a girl i once loved." "really?" "yeah, a... a girl who really looked up to me." he said as he felt over one of the bobby pins he didn't place in your hair.
it had a light blue flower design, and was gabi's favorite. he gazed at it with tender eyes and a small, sad smile as he felt over the bumps of the petals. you looked over at him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "i bet... she really loved it when you did her hair. seeing as how great you are at doing this." you said as miguel chuckled lightly at your assumption. "oh, no, she hated it. hated it whenever i did her hair because she knew i sucked at it. so i did her hair every day, even though she kept telling me i couldn't do it... until i got better, and she finally found a good word to say about my handiwork." he reminisced with a wider grin as his voice cracked a little while he was narrating to you.
"and it looks like all your hard work wasn't for naught." you uttered, and with that, miguel ceased feeling over the bobby pin and looked at you, his smile now gone, replaced by his usual, neutral expression. it wasn't one of indifference or apathy, but rather... one that was conflicted, but well concealed. "...i'm not so sure about that." he said as he got up from the sofa and went back to his platform to work.
you couldn't decipher the meaning behind miguel's words, you couldn't fully comprehend why he was so ambiguous about it, but you didn't dare to question him. you respected his privacy, what he didn't wanna elaborate on, you didn't pry; but you felt in his tone when he was speaking about that girl whose hair he used to do, you felt a warmth in it, a fondness. but that warmth came with an undertone of... sadness, a profound longing, but it was probably just you thinking that. probably.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @fiannee @jrrantss @fictarian @yuridopted0 @arachnoia @ophanimgold
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minoment · 9 months
ofc ofc ofc, sub!jack sparrow supremacy✨ So I didn't really plan this out, but something about jack getting the cockiness fucked outta him…it just does something to me. I don't mind presentation, so you can keep it gender neutral if you like!! Now i'll proceed to obsessively refresh the 'dom reader' tag until you publish it <3
Pairing: CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow x Dom GN!Reader
Type: Draft
A/N: Posting this because I promised to get it out <3
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Minors DNI <3
You and Jack had gotten off on the wrong foot, to say the least. Well, in your opinion. He didn't seem quite so bothered by it, more.. excited? That definitely ticked you off. He was so.. so infuriating.. so carefree. He treated you like some alluringly gorgeous god of war and that he was some un-killable fool who dared question your presence. Like he was the special one who would never ever be shown your wrath. You hated it.
Jack Sparrow was known across the seas as the luckiest, unlucky but admirable alcoholic to ever stumble upon the slippery decks of a ship. You however, were known as a vicious, territorial, almost Nordic pirate who guarded their claimed land with iron and steel. No one dared to venture near your territory, the pure amount of fear had made you almost forgotten to this day. Not that you minded of course. Stories of your cruelty and maliciousness spread an elaboration of what you were truly like, the tales isolating you in an almost comforting sense of loneliness.
You almost wished you had back that loneliness. But no. Of course not. That fool had made sure to never give you a sense of tranquility ever again.
A shouting voice was heard over the waves, it was slightly slurred and incredibly obnoxious for this early hour. The golden sun peeked over the horizon, sending golden slivers dancing across the waters surface.
You grunted softly, opening an eye and slowly picking yourself off the deck of your ship where you had peacefully been napping. You were an intimidating figure, at least 6'4" and toned from years of taming rough oceans. Your skin was tanned and mottled with scars and tattoos. Your braided and decorated hair glowed a fiery auburn in the growing daylight, 'like molten copper' as your late mother used to say.
Silently, you moved over to the ships edge, raking your cold green gaze over the sandy expanse of the small island you were moored next to. And there he was..
That daft moron got himself stranded a few days ago, somehow separating himself from his crew AND the Black Pearl. You had moored here a few weeks prior, reading the stars and waiting for the perfect time to sail back to your hidden cove you called home. He had dragged himself drunkenly out of the sea not 16 hours ago and your tranquil peace had disappeared from that point forward.
You had no intention of helping him, his constant chatting and one-sided conversations making him insufferable. He was doing it on purpose and you knew that, but it got on your nerves either way.
"What tha fuck d'ya want?" You snapped crossly over the well-kept railing of your ship. Your gaze narrowed as a triumphant smirk played across his lips. He was admittedly handsome, you'd give him that.
"Mornin' lovely..." He singsonged flirtatiously, gazing up at you and shielding his eyes from the now fully-risen sun.
You scowled in disapproval, not appreciating this levelling sort of flirtatious friendliness.
"You know.." He continued thoughtfully, mockingly speaking as if you were some sort of Lord, "I'd really like some food and water.. if you'd be so gallant as to spare some?"
You scowled once more and moved away from the railing. As much as it was 'survival of the fittest' and a constant battle with your stubbornly cruel personality, you couldn't watch a man starve to death with your help right in front of him. Besides, apart from being an infuriating pest, he hadn't actually hurt you.
A neatly coiled rope lay near your mast and you picked it up, carrying it back over to the railing. You secured the end firmly to the rail and dropped it down so the other ratty end dipped into the salty water.
"Climb up before I change my fuckin' mind.." You snapped, tilting your head in a sort of aggressive invitation aboard.
Jack wasted no time in scrambling up the rope like a monkey, your powerful grasp steadying his shoulder and body as he helped himself aboard. He stood to the side as you untied the rope and started to reel it up. His hand absentmindedly rubbed where your fingers had gripped his collarbone, his gaze flicking to your veined, clearly weathered hand as it worked the now sodden rope.
You turned and looked down at him, your gaze becoming ever so less furious as he looked back up at you and thanked you for your generosity. For some reason, you felt a little guilty for not letting him on sooner. He looked like a curious little mutt, his beautiful brown eyes seeming to warm you up from the inside out. You bit the inside of your cheek and looked away, scolding yourself for getting in your head. You motioned Jack to follow and brought him below deck.
Your boat was large yet you were the only one on it. It was decorated beautifully, showing off what obvious peace you had by yourself. There were maps and tapestries in some rooms, others having shark skulls and ornately engraved longswords hung up with bent nails. Apparently you were incredibly creative as well as a ruthless killer.
Jack marvelled your boat before his gaze curiously roamed your broad form. His keen eye took note of your clean clothes, the neat Nordic pattern embroidery and the occasional stain of spattered blood. Your belt held pouches and sheathed knives, all made by you. He admired your physique too, the way your muscles flexed under your skin as your opened the heavy door to your main living area. You didn't smell like the usual pirate either. An alluring scent of spices, fabric, seawater and blood seemed to follow you wherever you walked.
Eventually you sat him down, taking note of his ripped clothes and dirty features. You motioned for him to hold out his hands, working in complete silence as you wiped off his hands with a wet rag. The salt water stung a few scratches but Jack patiently held still, letting you wipe off his neck and face area. You almost did this as a sign of respect before standing up and getting him some clean clothes. You held out the rag and the pail of sea water, wordlessly telling him to get dressed and clean the rest of his body. He did as he was hold and you turned, moving to the other side of the cabin to find some stale bread and dried fish for him to eat.
When you finally turned around, he had washed himself and was getting dressed. Only Jacks upper body remained unclothed and your green gaze wandered over his tan skin. He had many bullet and knife wounds, adding up to the lucky part of his reputation. Personally, you found them quite beautiful although you would rather die than admit it.
"Here.." You said gruffly, handing him the plate of foot and a pouch of rainwater off your person. "Rest for a while.."
"Ah.. thank you.." Jack replied, finishing dressing himself and taking the plate and pouch from you. "I knew ya soul would be as beautiful as your pretty face.."
You sighed silently, moving to pick up his discarded clothes. You walked back up to the sunny desk, laying out Jacks clothes so they would dry and be parched of their salty sea smell.
You moved back below deck, your gaze raking over Jacks now-clothed chest and opening your mouth to ask about his scars.
"You really are nothing like the stories say, are ya?" Jack said as he interrupted your train of thought before you could speak and looked from his food to your eyes.
You paused, momentarily re-arranging your thoughts before speaking.
"No I'm not..." You said eventually, motioning to your own chest in reference to his bullet wound scars. "But you're definitely as lucky as the tales tell.."
Jack looked down and smiled slightly to himself, unable to form a response to that. It felt odd to be complimented by such a stoic and feared persona like yourself.
"What are ya really like then?" Jack asked, drinking the last of his water and letting you take the plate from him.
"I- don't really know.." You replied, stowing the things away before turning back to him. "Well no.. I just can't remember.."
"Why not?" Jack asked with a tilt of his head. "You look like you'd have quite the personality.."
"Near death experience can blanch the personality from your soul I s'pose.." You shrug, leaning back against the ships wall and crossing your arms. You watched him closely. "You definitely have had your fair share of near death experiences, how come you're still an arrogant shit?" You say flatly, making Jack laugh.
"You've got quite the mouth huh?" He smirked, his gaze flicking to your scarred lips in a much more suggestive way than before.
You were a little taken aback by his suddenness but you regained control of yourself and narrowed your eyes. "Answer my question.."
"I guess I'm just better than you.." Jack shrugged with a cocky smirk, obviously trying to rile you up. The annoying thing was, it was working. You gritted your teeth, your jaw tensing.
Jack easily picked up on that and grinned, a soft chuckle escaping him. He knew this was a dangerous game; that only made him want to play it more. It certainly solidified his reputation of the stupidly brave captain.
"You aren't better than me.." You scowled, your hands moving behind you to grip the wooden counter as he began to approach you.
"Oh but I am.." Jack smirked. "You would have killed me by now if I were anyone else in front of you.. am I special?"
The audacity he had. It made your blood boil, but nonetheless you stayed against the wall, watching him like a hawk.
"It makes me wonder.." Jack continued, moving ever closer so his body was mere inches from yours and his calloused hand reached up to cup your face. He leant up and in a little closer, his lips only centimetres from yours. "A great pirate like you.. maybe you've gone soft.. maybe you could even be a whore and-"
That word set something ablaze inside of you, a boiling pit of rage and frustration overflowing within your guts. The only thing you could think about was teaching this cocky brat a lesson. Just before he could finish the rest of his insulting sentence, before he could kiss you; you snapped.
You pushed him back, slamming him against the opposite wall and knocking the breath out of him. Before Jack could get a single word or gasp out of his mouth, you crashed your lips against his and silenced him. His eyes widened in shock before he relaxed. He attempted to bring his hands up to cup your face but you gripped his wrists and slammed them against the wall with your iron grasp. This was a lesson.
You bit down on his lower lip and squeezed his wrists tighter, earning a low whine of protest from Jack as your larger body pushed him up against the wall. Soon your hands left his wrists and he got the message, holding onto the edge of the counter lining the ships wall. Jack gripped the polished wood so hard he thought his rings would splinter the expensive timber. His breath hitched as you wrapped your hand around his neck, only needing one to pleasurably restrict his blood flow.
Heat pooled between his legs when your hand tightened around his neck, a choked whine escaping his lips as lightheaded pleasure filled his senses. You took this opportunity to slide your tongue into his mouth, making his legs almost buckle. Your kisses became even more aggressive and vicious as you tasted him, pinning him roughly up against the wall. The fiery taste of rum and salt on his lips spurred you on as Jack mewled in your grasp. You were so good, it made him lose himself almost instantly. The way you squeezed his neck, how your rough fingers pressed against his arteries so he could breathe easily through his nose while you ravaged his now kiss-bitten lips.. he wanted more, oh so much more...
Jacks greed eventually got the better of him and he clawed at your free hand, trying to move it towards his hips. You growled low in your throat, warning him. He didn't listen, desperate for more pleasure as he dug his nails into your hand. You pulled away with a rough curse, gripping his dreaded locks and dragging him away from the wall and down into the next room; your quarters.
The man yelped in a pleasurable sort of pain, opening his mouth to protest. You didn't let him, throwing him down into the messy nest of furs, fabrics, and blankets that was your bed. You held Jack down on his stomach, one hand pressing down between his shoulder blades and your knee in the small of his back. Nothing could be heard except for Jacks laboured breathing, the gentle lapping of the waves against the hull, and the metallic noise of you unclasping your belt.
You dragged the thick, worn, leather strap from around your waist before wrapping his tightly around Jacks wrists. He watched as you wrapped the belt further around an iron ring connected to the wall, unable to move his hands. Now that he was restrained and laying on his stomach in your bed, you could begin his real lesson.
Jack buried his face in the fabrics, your scent making arousal rock through his body in steady waves; yet it was also weirdly comforting to him. He felt you over him, your knees on either side of his hips as you leant down to bite and kiss at his neck.
You moved his hair ever so gently to the side, your lips and teeth leaving dark hickeys all over his sweet, salty skin. Jacks breathing became heavy once more as he tried to hide this fact by muffling his face in the furs. Eventually it became too hot and Jack couldn't breathe, so he just lay his head to the side and took it; not even bothering to preserve his dignity or hide his rough pants and gasps anymore when you suckled marks onto his skin.
You were marking Jack as yours and the very thought made his hips stutter forward ever so slightly. A small whine escaped his lips and you scowled, one hand moving to pull his hips up away from the bed. Jack was now face down ass up, a humiliated blush spreading over his features as he panted. One of your hands was in his hair, tightly gripping his locks and keeping his neck exposed while you marked him. The other held his hips, keeping him pressed against your body but unable to grind down against the sheets where he needed it most.
A choked breath was pushed from Jacks lips as he realized exactly what situation he was in. You weren't going to give him any sort of pleasure. You were going to hold him up like this and mark him up until he was a pleading mess. Jack didn't want that, he was greedy for more, anything more; and you knew it.
Jacks heavy panting and gasps filled the room, occasionally breaking it up with low keening whines as you tugged his hair and marked his neck. Eventually he couldn't take this torture any longer.
"P-please.. Indulge me, I beg you.." Jack panted, swallowing and licking his lips. His own breaking, reedy voice surprised him. "Need more..."
Jack lay his head to the side as you pulled away from his neck, letting out a low groan as you squeezed his hips and silently warned him not to try and thrust back down against the bed.
You decided to treat him knowing that his stubborn greed and wants would get both of you nowhere. So instead of taking away what he wanted, you would give it to him. Oh yes you would, you would give him what he wanted until he was a squirming, moaning mess just pleading for you to stop.
Jack practically melted in your grasp once more as your hot mouth came in contact with the sensitive skin of his neck. Your sharp teeth grazed over the fresh bruises, your tongue gliding over their wake.
The sensation distracted his attention long enough for you to slip your large, rough hands into the soft cotton fabric of his pants. the low whine echoing in his throat turned into a strangled moan as your hand wrapped around his stiff, leaking shaft.
He buried his face in the furs once more, his hips trembling as your mouth continued to work at his neck and your hand tightened around his cock. Jack could feel himself dripping into your tight fist as he bit down on the thick wool of a blanket, his eyes rolling back in pure ecstasy. Nonetheless, he remained obedient and kept his hips as still as possible while your hand worked him into oblivion.
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cantstoptheimagines · 10 months
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“They’re Bringing Up My History, But You Aren’t Even Listening” (Ahkmenrah | Night at the Museum)
Summary — You finally meet the mysterious Pharaoh who resides within the museum.
Warnings & Other Tags ➳ Fluff; Reader is a museum intern; this a much more literal interpretation of the lyrics than what I was originally going to write, but I’d be willing to write my initial idea if there is enough interest (it was for a different fandom though).
Notes ➳ Word Count is 260. ➳ Reader is gender neutral (they/them). ➳ Send me your favorite Taylor lyrics to receive a blurb.
FAQ | Masterlist | Fandoms | Requests | Coming Soon | Schedule
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to ahkmenrah, you were nothing less than fascinating. truly an untapped treasury of knowledge and modern intelligence. yet each time larry had tried to introduce the two of you, ahkmenrah always found himself overwhelmed by a sudden wave of shyness.
but there was no way for him to avoid you now. not with you sitting inside his exhibit, admiring his golden sarcophagus. you’d glance between his various possessions before scribbling away in a small notebook with a thoughtful expression. the loud shift of movement from his anubis guards brought your gaze to him.
“oh, there you are,” you said, though your features were slowly changing from thoughtful to embarrassed. “i’m sorry to just barge in, but i couldn’t find you and larry told me—”
“no apology necessary,” he interrupted, wanting nothing more than to put your nerves at ease. “you are allowed to go wherever you please. i do not mind. and beyond that, i rather enjoy visitors.”
you nodded with a smile. as he moved closer, ahkmenrah could see your shoulders visibly relax. the fear of potentially being disrespectful left your body instantly upon hearing his reassurances.
“i hope you don’t mind me saying this,” you said, “but you’re not quite what i envisioned a pharaoh to be like.”
now directly in front of you, ahkmenrah couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows, “care to elaborate?”
your eyes seemed to light up at his question. words about all you had learned in regards to his past began tumbling out and ahkmenrah couldn’t stop himself from smiling at your sudden excitement.
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punkeccentricenigma · 7 months
headcanons with the rise boys and a reader who is in med school! Graduated high school early and is training to be a doctor! Romantic or platonic, your pick
Rise!Boys with Reader who is in Med School
Relationship status: platonic
Reader prounouns: They/Them
TW: Mention of slicing the frog, Some grammatical errors because english is not my first language.
Author's note: Just so you know, I am not familiar with medicine at the college level, only what I had in high school biology, so I tried to write these headcanons as neutrally as possible. And all in all, even if I learn anything now, it is only in the field of physiotherapy because my friend is going to such studies this year, so sorry if it's not what you wanted, but still, enjoy!
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◇I won't lie, I'm sure this guy admires you.
◇Not everyone gets a chance to get into such a school!
◇But knowing his personality, he'll probably tease you a lot, calling you a 'nerd.'
◇It usually doesn't cross the line, BUT if Leonardo goes too far with his teasing, especially when you're tired after classes, you often threaten to perform a dissection on him like a frog.
◇And when he arrogantly waved it off at first, you and Donnie pulled a prank on him with that theme.
◇Everything was recorded as he lay pinned to the table, and you stood over him with a scalpel.
◇Leo thinks you're very diligent, hardworking, and disciplined, which also means mentally exhausted.
◇Such a school demands a lot, so expect that during study sessions in your cozy home, that idiotic turtle will come and drag you to the hidden city to relax.
◇I'm sure he'll try to make you laugh often using elaborate medical jokes he found on the internet.
◇Sometimes he also feels a bit jealous. He has some basic knowledge when he has to patch himself or his brothers up, but deep down, he would also like to go to such a medical school to enhance his skills. But you see the whole situation.
◇But don't worry! In your free time, you'll give him a bit of education with the knowledge you've acquired so far.
◇Even if he tries to hide it, he's a bit overwhelmed by the vast amount of knowledge and skills you possess.
◇But despite that, he's proud of you for taking on the challenge and fulfilling your dreams! Or at least you're on the right path to doing so.
◇The proudest big bro! You got into that school?? Amazing!
◇Your number one supporter!
◇Raphael truly appreciates your intelligence, hard work, and determination. He never imagined himself getting into a medical school, not only because of the whole situation but also because his knowledge absolutely doesn't go in the same direction as yours. But that his friend managed it? Nice!
◇He admires your selfless need to help other people. He's keeping his green fingers crossed for you to achieve that dream medical title!
◇I'm sure he suggested some ‘experiments’ on himself for you to practice a topic from lectures. In the end, you hit him on the head for such an absurd idea. You didn't intend to do that! That's Donatello's role! Besides, mixed human DNA with turtle DNA would probably mess with your mind more than help.
◇Although their biology sometimes interested you.
◇When he notices you're tired and stressed from all the medical material, he'll gladly take you to their living room, and under a warm blanket, you'll have a Lou Jitsu movie marathon (where you'll eventually fall asleep, lmao) or play a bandana takeover with his brothers, all tricks allowed for your amusement!
◇Hey, don't complain about his support. Many times, you've helped him when he was stressed about being the leader before Leo or after the Kraang invasion. That's all he can do!
◇Sometimes he was confused and a bit unhappy when you started explaining various medical terms or tools to him. Raph is simple; give him a lighter version of all that.
◇Sometimes he wasn't happy that you declined meetings because of studying or lectures. Hey! He also needs attention sometimes D:
◇Donnie is really proud of you, even if he doesn't express it in words every day.
◇But as a reward for your hard work, he'll fine-tune the devices you use for practice or build something helpful.
◇He appreciates your genuine interest in understanding difficult concepts and your ability for critical thinking. You don't even know how much he needed someone like you in his life, looking at his family.
◇Despite your enthusiasm and intelligence, he thinks you might overly stress about grades and perfectionism, which in the long run can lead to stress and burnout. So, he often forces you to take a break in his lab, sipping mint-flavored coffee.
◇It's also his small revenge for taking him away from his work on new inventions when he hasn't slept for two days in a row, lmao.
◇But if it's not spending time with him, the guy will go through all your material at the moment to make cheat sheets with the most important information.
◇You pose an intellectual challenge for him and keep him on his toes, but he always enjoys discussing and exploring different perspectives on a topic with you, even though he leans more towards technological knowledge than biological.
◇However, despite his intelligence, Donnie in those moments can be a bit 'know-it-all' and doesn't always consider the opinions or feelings of other people, or even the actual facts.
◇You won't convince me he wouldn't be initially confused; I mean, he's the least interested in medical topics.
◇But as soon as you start explaining, he'll immediately admit that he's impressed and that he's really proud of you!
◇He'll always mention how much he appreciates your determination to achieve your dreams!
◇Personally, I have a headcanon that Mikey wants to become one of the most recognizable artists, so he roughly knows how frustrating it is when something doesn't work out.
◇In a way, I think Mikey sees you as his role model, so feel proud to be compared to Lou Jitsu :D
◇Mikey sometimes worries a lot about your mental health after lectures. So, expect many long conversations about self-care.
◇Being the youngest of the brothers, he got a lot of attention, so he'll often be jealous of how much time you spend at school and with human friends rather than with him. He knows it's immature behavior, but he can't help it!
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h34rtbeat · 2 months
Which ever one you see fit,could even be both! When I wrote it, it was aimed to be more neutral but now I'm leaning more towards a male pov (this is the yuta ask btw)
ok i will try my best to write male pov!! pls lmk if it comes out bad!! i also tweaked the story a bit, hope u don’t mind
i love your mind pls send in an anon emoji so i can put u on my list of anons i love u
og ask: “host! Yuta who gets pressured by you while catering to go out back and get you off while his guests grow impatient and leave bad reviews to his name, thus leaving him in need of more of your visits for a proper pay. tears well in his eyes whenever you have him on his knees doing the unthinkable, dirtying his lips and the area surrounding as he quickly gets up and heads back inside the club in hopes of attracting new customers those slobbery lips made him look cuter anyways”
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warnings// dom!amab!reader, sub!yuta, coercion, dub-con, non-con, anal, oral, spit, degradation, this is based on red hair yuta bc i think red is his color; yuta is referred to as ‘bunny’
Yuta is pictured to be wearing a suit with bunny ears a tail, bear with me yall.. reader is also described to be wealthy!!
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nsfw under the cut!
a week ago, his boss had told him to get those reviews up. a host like himself couldn’t afford having bad reviews!
customers, patrons, randoms, all alike growing impatient as their best looking host wasn’t present to serve them.
they left bad reviews, no tips, other hosts also growing irritated with the decreased money flow. his boss, adding onto his already stressful schedule, scolding him.
it was so odd, since he was just getting paid so nicely. now, he had a boss, his coworkers, and pissy customers on him.
oh, but you came along.. and changed everything.
a cigarette and cash perked in your hand, as you slid it into his back pocket, softly smacking his ass.
“come out back with me, and i’ll double your pay.” your words, laced with seduction and nicotine, had him in a trance. his lips parted for a moment.
the air was heavy, as his eyes widened. he could only watch as you walked out. this wasn’t— what were you asking?
he counted the cash in his hands. he was getting paid badly, and he didn’t really have any customers right now.. and that much for a tip, how much you pay if he went out back with you!?
the cash astonished him, and he nodded to his boss before his bunny ears followed your frame out the door.
“what.. can i do for you, sir?” his cottontail perked perfectly where you liked it. you exhaled your cigarette, before flicking it to the ground.
“make me feel good, bunny.” your stern voice was unlike any he’d ever heard, and he was confused. he made a lot of guys feel good, and they all had different opinions of what ‘feeling good’ meant.
“can you elaborate?” he asks, big brown eyes staring at you diligently, money hungry.
you groaned. were all hosts this stupid? you gestured him over, and slipped him more cash.
he may be stupid, but he wasn’t ugly. pretty red hair too, as your calloused hands rubbed his head. you softly tugged on the headband, just admiring the handsome man.
“squat” you commanded, pointing towards the floor.
yuta gulped. he wasn’t— no, you wouldn’t- you couldn’t be asking for that, could you? but as his eyes raked across your figure, and down to the fat bulge poking through your fancy businessman suit, he knew what you meant.
“we don’t offer those services here, sir..” yuta denies, shaking his bunny headband with his red hair.
chuckling gruffly, you forced him to a squat position, face near your bulge.
“i know you need the money, bunny. so suck it.”
yuta tentatively contemplated, looking around. this is a public area, anyone could see!
“it’s empty. don’t worry, just suck my cock.” you tried easing his nerves, but it seems the bunny was too occupied with hesitation.
“ah.. this could help with my pay. there’s no customers either..” yuta thought to himself, his plastic bunny ears rubbing against your thigh.
he swallowed any shame he had left, before his slender fingers reached for your belt, unbuckling it. he gulped once more, lips slightly parted, as he unzipped your fly.
he reached for your boxers, flicking them down with his index finger. your skin was so cold, and he was so warm.
you liked this bunny boy already.
your cock slapped against his cheek, he grimaced momentarily. he breathed on it, a shaky breath. you smirked down at him, lighting another cigarette, enjoying the view.
“cmon bunny, i don’t have all night f’you to suck my cock.” you slurred out, a rough hand caressing his soft cheek.
“sorry..” he mumbled, before letting a glob of spit fall onto your cock. you were so big, it was almost unnatural.
he sucked on the base of your cock first, finding some entertainment in feeling your dick twitch in his warm mouth. his tongue dipped, tracing the veins.
you exhaled some smoke, groaning at the feeling of his tongue. he was warm, and your dick was only getting harder at the thought of fucking him.
he took you fully, and if you weren’t already big, he was gagging by now. his throat tight, as he took you, bobbing his head up and down.
he had his eyes closed, like he was enjoying it. though, tears pricked under his eyelids, threatening to spill if you were to thrust.
squatted, as his throat was fucked by you, a man he was paid well by. he felt sticky, the way his sweat clung to his body. his eyes were wide now, the pace of your hips, and the way your dick dug deep into his throat was harsh.
“fuck, bunny. you know how to suck a dick, don’t ya?” you moaned out, your abdomen hitting his nose.
yuta hated it, as his pretty tears stained his cheeks. his jaw hurt, drool spilling as his only source of breath was being smacked against your lower stomach.
soft gagging noises escaping his throat, as you fucked his throat like it was a pussy. his lips and any area was all coated in your pre cum and his spit, your cock all messy.
you tugged him back, letting him catch a breather.
“ugh— agh..!” he turns his head to the side, coughing.
“awe, does the bunnys jaw hurt?” you cooed, grabbing his chin and holding it as you stroked your cock over his lips.
“open your mouth, bunny.” and damned, if he wasn’t aroused and humiliated, he was now.
this was embarrassing— and you were using him like he was some cheap prostitute, but he’d be a liar if he said some sick part of him didn’t like it.
especially now, as he stuck out his tongue, like some hentai, waiting for your hot load of semen.
you roughly tugged him back on, his hands grasping at your thighs, you shot your load deep inside his throat, hearing him choke on it.
burying and hilting yourself perfectly so his throat was forced to take your semen, he pulled himself back.
he opened his mouth, showing how he swallowed it.
“fuck..” you panted softly, seeing the boy on his knees, you wiped his lips with your cock, coating rhem in a gloss.
“fuckin’ good bunny, here.” you gave him another load of cash, and zipped yourself up.
he looked better like that anyway. even better, after you tapped his ass, and he scurried back inside, to treat other customers.
he was cute, and he was yours now.
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this was pure filth yall gn..
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shanksbaby · 9 months
Kuzan x reader - Bike date
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it's your first date with Kuzan, the former admiral of the navy; he has been a friend of yours for a long time, although your friendship was not deep, after all Kuzan has always been aloof …. That's why you were surprised when he asked you out.
yes, many times you have observed his attempts to date a "very sexy lady with super big bazongas", but he has never asked you out, not even the first day he saw you behind the counter of the bar where you work . So you just thought he wasn't interested in that sense.
you had to admit that you had a few thoughts about him, about his full lips …. but you had never thought of him in a romantic sense, probably because you were already resigned to the idea that the ex admiral could never see you in that sense.
and instead…
now you find yourself with him on a bicycle ….. in the middle of the sea. You're sitting behind him, and your weapons are wrapped around his abs, so you can admire their hardness, so much so that it causes a slight blush on your face that you hope Kuzan doesn't see.
"Oh? Arara, are you blushing?" he says in his neutral tone mixed with a teasing smile. He glances briefly at you, then returns to looking at the ocean.
"Hmph" you simply answer looking away, admiring the ocean…You always liked it, you always dreamed of crossing it, but you never had the chance; you don't have a ship or a boat. And then you wouldn't know how to support yourself. " Kuzan-san, why you took me here? I'm not complaining, it's just that as a first date…it's quite unusual"
"You mentioned a while ago that your dream has always been to cross the ocean." he says casually as he continues pedaling across the orange-colored ocean due to the sunset.
" Y-your remembered?" you reoly blushing, surprised by his words " But how? You hardly rememeber words sometimes!" true, it often happened that Kuzan did not remember the words. At first you thought he had a serious problem then as you got to know him better you realized it was just his goofy personality.
he doesn't reply except with a chuckle, glancing at you briefly, and then returning to set his eyes on the horizon. After a handful of seconds he replies "It may not seem like it but I'm an attentive man, it hurts me a bit that you think me of that way" he says jokingly.
you look at him with an expression of amazement, none of the bar customers usually remembered what you said, they were all busy downing the cocktails you made them. You instinctively tighten your grip on his chest a little tighter, which elicits a grin from him.
"The sunset is really pretty...isn't it?"you ask him while posing your forehead on his back, watching the orange sun illuminating the ocean. "I'm envious of your chance to travel on the ocean. A bit weird but it's beatiful"
"I am glad that you are enjoying it, i was a bit worried that you didn't like it, that you would find terrifying" Kuzan is a very laid back guy, he doesn't seem to care about anything, or so you thought at the beginning, so much so that his attitude slightly irritated you, but in truth he's a warm hearted man.
"I'm surprised you have the energy to pedal, in short, you're not very energetic" you tell him jokingly, slightly loosening your grip on his chest and slightly spreading your legs while the ex admiral's pedaling gets slightly faster.
"Ouch" he replies with a mocking expression of hurt " I only use it as a means of transport only for short distances. I use Camael instead for the long one"
"Camael?" you ask not knowing what or who is this Camael which Kuzan talks about.
" Oh, the penguin" he answer casually, you wait a few seconds hoping he can explain further but as usual he doesn't expand on what he said, he simply throws you an amused look at your expression. Typical of him and his mysterious nature, tsk.
"Elaborate, mystery man"
" There is nothing to elaborate, Camael is just a big penguin who I use as means of transport " he shrugs " He is also my travel companion " your expression is dumbfounded, a penguin as traveler companion? That's strange…Well, this man has always been eccentric, so it shouldn't surprise you too much.
"How come I've never seen it? Everytime you come to the bar you are always alone"
"It's a bar, not a nice place for a penguin. Besides he likes more cold place" he replies in that neutral tone, but you can catch an amused tone behind his apparent indifference, by now you've gotten to know him well. You actually know a fraction of the person about him. he after all he is not one to open up very easily
"Right" you reply, and looks back to the sea "Well, i suppose that you are taking me somewhere, we aren't just standing in the ocean for no reason " 'or at least i hope so' you want to add but you stop talking.
"It's a surprise " and you groans, which causes a chuckle by Kuzan, the bastard knows your hate for the surprises. Your expression changes to a slight pout, but quickly a smile spreads across your face.
after about ten minutes you finally reach your destination, a small island, uninhabited except by some species of animals and insects. He places his bike next to a tree, and then gently takes your hand to accompany you to the exact spot.
on the lawn there is a bottle of good wine and a basket containing food, both placed on a tablecloth. Nothing special, but at the same time it was very romantic. Kuzan must have noticed your blush because another chuckle escapes him.
"Wow, I didn't make you so romantic….I thought you were more….I don't know-"
"Really, what is your opinion of me?" he asks jokingly, as he sits on the tablecloth resting on the grass and pats another part of the tablecloth with one hand, a clear invitation to sit down with him. "I am not good at these stuff, as you probably know already... Actually, I haven't had a proper date in ages" continue following your movements with his gaze as you sit next to him.
"Actually, I must say you are pretty good. I am impressed" while you slide your hand next to his, touching it, instinctively Kuzan covers yours with his big hand, "The night is really beautiful…It's always been fascinating for me"
in fact the sunset has now given way to a starry sky, from that position you can observe some constellations such as the crown of Berenice or the Dragon; all of which made the night even more romantic.
"Yeah it is beautiful" he replies and gazes at you, you realize it after a few seconds and in fact your cheeks turn red, highlighted by the light of the stars.Kuzan can look at that blush all night long and his gaze doesn't move but stays fixed on your face. For your part, even if you want to move it, there is a force that does not allow you to do it
little by little the former admiral approaches your face, opens his lips, closes his eyes, and then rests his lips on yours. Before making another move, he waits and gives you time to pull away if the kiss wasn't wanted. But you don't do it, rather you start deepening the kiss.
"My my, I didn't make you such a passionate man, Kuzan-san"
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year
you just mentioned in the tags ''toriel stopping sans from [cutting the humans' journey short] by killing them'' ive always wondered, do you think sans would actually have killed the human if he hadnt made the promise to toriel? i think you mentioned once that the ''youd be dead where you stand'' moment is another one of sans fumbling attempts to seem threatening but despite that, do you think he wouldve actually done it ? if hed seen them kill monsters or during a pacifist run? or do you think it wouldve played out similarly to canon in the genocide route or that he wouldve been just less involved with the human during their journey in a pacifist run?
(ok i found this in my drafts and I don't remember where i was going with this, but i kinda went off so have this as it is lol)
i keep 5 versions of sans that are Ever So Slightly Different According to How I Interpret Different Details simultaneously rotating in my brain at all times. so uhhhhh yes and no.
jokes aside, I'm starting to gravitate more towards the interpretation that like... the threat he made at the restaurant? full on jackassery. shithead extraordinaire. he WAS messing with us.
but would he have tried to kill a human if toriel hadn't made him promise otherwise?
...yeah i think so. let me elaborate
here's the thing though: i think people put way too much weight on that! i mean it's a fighting RPG, every single other character—bar toriel—fights you to either capture and have you sent to the capital or to kill you themselves. either way they want your SOUL. papyrus... is his own neutral case here with his refusal to kill you.
my point being: every monster you meet wants to fight you. it's through that fight (or what happens afterwards) that you actively challenge their point of view and befriend them.
you don't go through this with sans. he never fights you, so you never need to change his mind because that belief was challenged before we even got to the underground, through toriel's words alone. that's... kind of admirable?
but it does frame his actions in a very creepy way from our point of view in-game. not to forget his dumbass scary pranks. because we go from someone a bit mysterious though ultimately friendly and goofy whom we thought we could trust, to someone who openly tells us he could've been a threat for us... and then never delivers. at least, not in any playthrough where we hear that line of dialogue.
so much of sans' character and appearance stems from tonal dissonance. he's shamelessly comfortable in the game's tone and vibes, but still stands out as an outsider. he plainly doesn't play by the same rules as everyone else, so we don't judge him by the same standards, either.
even more, if he actually kept his promise the way toriel meant it, that would've meant playing the entire game like a tutorial. sure, you can enjoy the story, but did you enjoy playing the section in the RUINs when she's with us? it's basically handholding the entire time. it's BORING for us, and ultimately, Undertale is a game! so it should be enjoyable to its player. which brings me to our next point:
ultimately... yeah maybe he would've tried to kill us. and yes it is kinda shitty that he only kept his promise by not doing that. in a sans characteristic troll way, i mean. but acting like the "sans was happy to watch a baby get beat up and killed" jokes are, well, anything other than jokes is just a plain bad reading. forget about post pacifist. during a gameplay, frisk IS the Human IS us IS the PLAYER. which means capable of RESET and SAVE. which means essentially immortal, at the end of the day. it's the "special power" sans tells us about in his judgement. you can't treat us with the same moral lenses as an NPC. the power we hold over their world in the game is lovecraftian. we can literally destroy it entirely, an outcome that was scientifically predicted by some characters in the game...
...sans being one of them. every interaction with you, every joke and every hand extended in friendship and eye closed to your shenanigans. all of it, the good and the not-so-good. it's all colored with the knowledge that the "human" in front of him could end the world. whether you actually do that or not.
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this is one of my favorite moments in the canon. one time. one second where the mask slips and we see through the cracks in the façade of laid back confidence. and what we see is a mirror, held up to our face.
and it's fucking terrifying.
"waaaa sans is bad because he lets us die" boo-FUCKING-hoo brother! cry me a river then throw ice cubes in it. mans goes through all of this on the daily and still gives us a chance, you should be thanking him.
i have a few other opinions on this topic that i feel are relevant, but I don't feel like putting them into a coherent argument so I'll just list them instead:
there are some collateral factors that i think would've prevented him from killing us outside of toriel's promise. mainly the fact that papyrus was feeling down and meeting a real human would've cheered him up. then he would've befriended us because of course he would, and of course sans wasn't going to kill his brother's new bestie.
so would he have fought us in a pacifist or papyrus-friendly netral run? maybe not! but he WOULD'VE whooped ass sooner if things got out of hand.
it's kind of a given that sans figures out you can manipulate time very early into the game. he works for/with asgore, who knows from first-hand child-murder experiences that it's an ability humans have, he's a scientist who studied the space-time continuum of their world and he's a friend of alphys', the royal scientist who studied human souls and determination (and let's not even get into his connections to gaster). he's a bright lad. he put two and two together.
while he COULD have seen taking a humans' soul as a necessary evil for monsterkind's freedom (promise to toriel aside) he openly sympathized with the anomaly. he's not there to be a time cop. he just wants to avoid the literal annihilation of the universe.
[...? yeah i never continued this. still stands tho.]
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mayflowers515 · 2 months
(My Wholesome Cartoon AU) Smiling Critters Relationship Chart
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(credits to @valentinbelleyh505 for the template)
If the lines are too much, here is more elaboration on the relationships here! :)
🧡☀️DogDay's Views on Everyone☀️🧡
Bubba = Friends
Kickin = Friends
Picky = Friends
CatNap = BFFs + Family-Like Relation
Hoppy = Friends
Crafty = Like + Friends + Crush
Bobby = Friends + Like
DogDay gets along with everyone! He finds the good in all of his friends and will always help them with whatever is troubling them. He is particularly close with CatNap, as they have been best friends for a long time. They understand each other a lot and when CatNap is seen, DogDay is usually with him! He also gets along really well with Bobby since both are very friendly and often see the good in people. I can imagine them giving each other pep talks encouraging the other a lot despite literally facing similar problems lol- DogDay also really likes Crafty. He admires her talents and isn't afraid to let her know that he does. He seemed to kinda gain a bit of a crush on her overtime. He doesn't really plan on telling her for a while, though. Feelings can be confusing sometimes =v='
💙💡Bubba Bubbaphant's Views on Everyone💡💙
DogDay = Friends
Kickin = Family-Like Relation + Friends
Picky = Friends
CatNap = Friends + Neutral
Hoppy = Neutral + Friends
Crafty = Friends + Family-Like Relation
Bobby = Neutral + Friends
Bubba is often viewed as a familial figure in the group. He just has the dad/older brother energy, what can I say? Bubba places high value on helping his friends and cares about them a lot. He doesn't always get click with everyone, though. Particularly in the case of Critters like Hoppy due to her impulsiveness and Bobby because of her tendency to sometimes think overly emotionally at times. The older brother energy I mentioned earlier did have an effect on some of his friends. For Kickin, he and Bubba just overtime started to have a bromance. Bubba normally would've seen him as neutral had it not been for this, but for some reason he can't explain, he gained a soft spot for the chicken. In the case of Crafty, they are both interested in learning in different capacities. Their contrasting interests behind the academia makes them bounce off each other well, and Bubba sees Crafty like a sister as a result.
💛⭐KickinChicken's Views on Everyone⭐💛
DogDay = Friends
Bubba = Family-Like Relation + Friends
Picky = Family-Like Relation + Friends + Neutral
CatNap = Friends + Neutral
Hoppy = BFFs + Crush
Crafty = Neutral + Friends
Bobby = Friends
No matter how big Kickin's ego may be, he will never deny his friends. He cares about all of them and gives each of them their own kind of attention (with his energy being added in that mix of course). His energy does kind of clash with Critters like CatNap and Crafty, however, as they are much more reserved and not too showy. Kickin gained an unexplained bromance with Bubba. He tends to nag Bubba a lot like a younger brother, and Bubba usually has to scold him whenever he gets too over his head. Despite their differences, they both have soft spots with each other. Kickin also sees Picky like a sibling, but they have this kinda chaotic sibling energy if yk what I mean- They randomly beef with each other sometimes. He gets along the best with Hoppy due to both being active and sharing similar interests. Kickin is used to being teased by Hoppy, but he doesn't mind it from her and even does it back at her out of friendly rivalry. Maybe also feels that way because he gained a bit of a crush on her... He'd rather spare his image and not tell anyone, but it's more obvious than he means it to be, so...
🩷🍎PickyPiggy's Views on Everyone🍎🩷
DogDay = Friends
Bubba = Friends + Like
Kickin = Family-Like Relation + Friends + Neutral
CatNap = Neutral + Friends
Hoppy = Friends
Crafty = Friends
Bobby = BFFs + Family-Like Relation
She is generally pretty friendly towards everyone. The only one she isn't as close with is CatNap, but that's mainly because she doesn't interact with him as often. Though she still treats him well like her other friends :> She is particularly close with Bobby, as they have both been in similar situations before officially being a part of the Critters friend group. They see each other as sisters in a sense. Picky's friendship with Kickin is a little complicated, however. They both still get along, but in the sense of a slightly chaotic brother and sister duo. They have random beef over each others' antics at times and are prone to teasing each other over silly things.
💜🌙CatNap's Views on Everyone🌙💜
DogDay = BFFs + Like + Family-Like Relation
Bubba = Neutral + Friends
Kickin = Neutral + Friends
Picky = Neutral + Friends
Hoppy = Neutral + Friends
Crafty = Friends
Bobby = Friends + Neutral
CatNap is by far the Critter with the most neutral friendships out of everyone. Since he's barely awake to the usual antics of the day and his more antisocial behavior, he just isn't very close with a lot of people. There are some exceptions, however, such as with DogDay. The two have been best friends for a long time, and CatNap feels DogDay understands him the most out of everyone. He's also closer with Crafty compared to the other Critters, too. They are both more reserved and are pretty chill a lot of the time (except the times when Crafty's in a panic, in which CatNap usually helps her just like anyone else in those scenarios). He's also slightly less neutral towards Bobby because of her desire to understand everyone regardless of their quirks, which CatNap finds some comfort in.
💚⚡Hoppy Hopscotch's Views on Everyone⚡💚
DogDay = Friends
Bubba = Neutral + Friends
Kickin = BFFs + Crush
Picky = Friends + Like
CatNap = Neutral + Friends
Crafty = Neutral + Friends
Bobby = Friends
Hoppy is very outgoing and friendly with her buddies, but she may feel neutral towards those more reserved compared to her. To her, it's harder to find common ground with friends like CatNap and Crafty due to their contrasting hobbies. She also doesn't always get along with Bubba because of her impulsiveness contrasting his more usual level-headed approaches. She gets along best with Kickin because they are both active and have similar personalities. However, like Picky, she is prone to teasing Kickin a lot, but in her case, it's more of in the sense of the friendly rivalry they have with each other and wanting to challenge each other. Hoppy also doesn't seem to realize Kickin got a crush on her, or the fact that she took a liking towards him, too. Ah well... =v='
🩵🌈CraftyCorn's Views on Everyone🌈🩵
DogDay = Friends + Like
Bubba = Friends + Family-Like Relation
Kickin = Neutral + Friends
Picky = Friends + Neutral
CatNap = Friends
Hoppy = Neutral + Friends
Bobby = BFFs + Like
Crafty is pretty shy and a little bit distant, but that doesn't stop her from getting along. She may feel a little less close to friends like Kickin and Hoppy because of their personalities being so opposite from each other. Despite this, she does like DogDay. He is always so kind and encouraging to her, and she admires his leadership. She isn't aware he developed a bit of a crush on her, though. She also views Bubba like a brother because of their similar interests and the way they bounce off each other. She is best friends with Bobby because they both appreciate life's smallest details in similar ways. They would definitely get along and make gifts together!
❤️❤️Bobby BearHug's Views on Everyone❤️❤️
DogDay = Friends + Like
Bubba = Friends + Like
Kickin = Friends + Like
Picky = BFFs + Family-Like Relation
CatNap = Friends + Like
Hoppy = Friends + Like
Crafty = BFFs + Like
Not much to elaborate on for Bobby since she has a lot of the same feelings towards everyone. She gets along with all of her friends and admires each and every one of them for who they are. She especially gets along with Picky and Crafty. Picky because the the two have met before the friend group got together and see each other like sisters in a sense. Crafty because they both share an appreciation to putting value on everything, and I can see them working on gifts together :)
Extra notes:
I personally don't see anybody as hating each other. The worst I'd see is possibly potentially dislike towards some Critters, but it isn't anything major that would threaten their friendships. In fact, all of them, despite their views on each other, still see each other as friends. They couldn't imagine their little group being completed without one another <3
Also, in terms of those with crushes, their interactions would still be more platonic as I don't see them being OVERLY romantic with each other in the AU. They can still express their love in other ways, though! (And if there's different opinions regarding ships, that's fine too. Just please nothing inappropriate. They're children... T^T) As for those in the "like" category, that doesn't really have anything to do with crushes. It more of represents admiration if anything. At least that's what I think of it anyway-
Possibly some more elaboration on some Critters' relationships with each other in the future, but for rn, this should hopefully get a good understanding as for their dynamics with each other in my AU! Also hope to exercise these dynamics more in scenarios :)
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