#no guarantees on what- if anything- will come of this
ervotica · 3 days
milf!reader fucking coach!patrick because she wants her son to get accepted into his tennis program and they’re old friend who used to fuck in college but she despises him but she’ll do anything for her son👀
warnings; smut, 18+, p in v sex, unprotected sex (wrap it b4 u tap it), cum eating, a smidge of foot stuff if you squint, hate sex, exes (ish) to lovers (ish)
a/n; your honor i need him actually
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imagining him wolf-whistling at you when you seek him out on the courts, racket strapped over your shoulder, hand limply holding a basket of tennis balls as you watch him practice his serving, trying and failing not to ogle his entire body through his clothes.
a sweat soaked tank top, slick and transparent. the smell of musk and man and tennis. thick corded thighs dusted with dark hair as he moves fluidly, as though the racket is an extension of himself. a thick bulge in his shorts that, no matter how much you hate him, you want to have your mouth on.
he’s all fire and passion and heat, and you know from experience that trait rings true in all areas of his life.
“so, you’re a milf now,” he drawls, beckoning you closer with a tip of his chin. your mouth is dry, chest so hollow it feels like you’re about to crumble from the inside out.
you roll your eyes, hoping to look more confident than you feel, taking place on the other side of the net.
“and you’re still a prick. your point?”
“why are you here?” he presses, tossing the ball up and catching it with a skilled ease that has your stomach flipping.
“how do i guarantee my son a place in your tennis program?” the words feel heavy on your tongue, struggling not to curl your lips into a sneer at the sight of his smug expression.
“you think i’m a prick but you want me to teach your son?”
“i think you’re a prick but i know you’re good at tennis. and you’re a good teacher. and i want him to be good.” his brow quirks. at least you’re honest.
he discards the tennis ball behind him and crosses the distance between you, long legs coming up to step over the net.
“i can think of a few things.”
that’s how you find yourself at his place, legs slung over his shoulders. it’s wet and dirty, each rock of his hips squelching as he feeds you his cock into your needy cunt inch by inch.
“yeah, know this pussy missed me, baby,” he rasps, pinching at your twitching clit. his throat works around a thick swallow, lips parted in a groan when you clench your cunt round him, shifting your hips upward to allow him to sink further into the wet clutch of you.
“stop talking to my pussy, you freak,” you hiss, quickly silenced as he flattens his thumb over your swollen bud, rolling it in tight circles until you’re creaming round him, wailing with the sheer force of your orgasm
he lifts your ankle, turning his flushed face to mouth at the smooth skin there, huffing hot air against the sole of your foot that has you squirming.
there are some perks to fucking patrick zweig.
he knows every inch of your body, knows what makes you tick and which buttons to press to keep you babbling nonsensical filth beneath him. knows your pussy, knows how to fuck you until you cry.
you’re clinging to his shoulders, almost drawing blood as you dig your knuckles further into that skin, because you know him just as well. know that this gets him going, keeps him rutting into you with that fervour that - despite yourself, despite hating him - you’ve missed so desperately.
because despite hating patrick zweig, no one fucks you like he does.
when he cums it’s in excess, spurt after spurt of it until you’re plugged full and it’s flooding you, dripping out of your spasming hole and gathering over your furled asshole. he gathers some of it with two fingers, feeds it into your eager mouth.
“i’m sure we can work something out about those tennis lessons, sweets.” and he grins, all teeth. the look should have you balking, send you running, but you find yourself drawn to it, clinging to the familiarity of him.
you’re caught in his honey trap once again, and he has no plans of letting you get away this time.
because you both know, no matter how much you claim to hate him, he’s the best sex you’ve ever had.
and he’s sure he can make you love him. just with a little time.
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any advice for someone who's very bad at keeping friendships? people just up and vanish despite my best efforts, and I don't really know how to meet anyone else (dating apps are the worst/the pandemic ate my education/I work remote). late 20s are basically for feeling unlovable and ruined, I suppose.
Maintaining friendships---maintaining all relationships, particularly with people inconveniently not in the same apartment or office building---is hard. It just is. I've also found there's a steady attrition of freely-available friendship in your late twenties, as people move out of their crowded apartments, shack up, start having children and/or climbing the ladder into jobs that demand more of their attention and energy.
It is tough to be in your late 20s. You realize that you've taken for granted how full the world felt, with people and potential. You're not quite prepared for when you find yourself alone, and someone starts locking doors that you thought would be open forever.
Unfortunately, there is no easy fix to this. The only fix is: you are going to have to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and do it all again. And again. And again.
"It" can take a lot of different forms. I know "join a group" is the most trite, annoying advice I can give but---do it. Find a group that you think you might be interested in joining, and join. Book club, running club, esoteric interest of your choice club; go on MeetUp and see what's in your area, volunteer for stuff. Ignore (for weeks, if not months) the fact that you feel awkward and out of place, and make it a commitment.
And then, when you've been part of a group---well, it's not so weird to ask if Lisa wants to go to a street festival with you. Not if you've packed lunches for the homeless with Lisa or laughed about a particular book with Lisa or been running alongside Lisa as you train for the upcoming 5k.
(Maybe Lisa will politely decline. Maybe Lisa will come to the street festival, but then has excuses for the next thing, and the next; she's too busy to make a good friend right now. And so---you will pick yourself up. You will do it all again.)
Or you can reach out to those people you've fallen out of touch with. "Hey, James, if you're in town let's grab lunch!" sounds very fake but it's not if you genuinely want to grab lunch with James. Ask Aiden if they're doing anything on Thursday, and would they like to come to bar trivia with you? If they're not in the same city, find some time for calls, or zoom---or hell, go old-fashioned and write letters.
If those ideas sound labor- and time-intensive, hard in the way that making yourself vulnerable always is......yes.
As I said, there's no easy route to this. Relationships take effort and someone has to go first; someone has to toss the ball and hope another human catches it. You cannot guarantee the catch, that's out of your power, so the only way to find people is to keep lobbing balls at everybody's heads and hope they have good reflexes.
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n0tamused · 2 days
hi!! i saw that your requests are open so i just wanted to ask if you could write fluffy relationship headcanons of mortefi and aalto with a gn!reader in mind? these two are just so lajdxhanflvksjahsbxjs i really like them a lot <3 (which is why mortefi pls come home pspspspsspsps)
also, i really love your writing!! it induces serotonin and dopamine in me bc 1) characters feel really accurate, 2) the flow and how you write each scene is so smooth and beautifully descriptive, and 3) dialogue feels realistic and natural!! anyways, have a good day!!
A/N: First Aalto request-! Your wish is my command, anon! And thank you so much for your sweet words, they really made my day and reassured me with my writing :) I do hope this can make you happy too, enjoy! <3 And you have a good day too!<3
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-Let me say this first- this man has energy for both of you and Encore, he is extroverted so you can rest assured that if you’re not in the mood for much talking that he has you covered. Don’t want to talk to someone? He is talking for you. Don’t feel like running to the store to buy something? He is already getting his boots on. 
-Despite having the energy of being too open, discretion flows through his blood and he would never say anything you wouldn’t like him saying to anyone else. You could say you pushed someone down the stairs and he’d be sitting opposite of you like “oh! okay!” and then pretends he never heard of it
-On the topic of that, if you ever need any information, he is your man to turn to, and all information may be yours for the discounted price of 3 kisses, maybe more if he’s feeling cheeky.
-Loves teasing you and getting into playful banter, it’s the sweetest thing to him. Playful insults too, but if you pretend to be hurt, he comes up to you to “kiss the hurt away” and he just babies you until you break character. If he, by accident, really does hit a nerve he drops the play and apologizes quickly, and would probably feel bad about it for longer than he’d let on, but you’d know by the abundance of gifts and the fact he wants to do about everything for you 
-He also loves to get a little rough,  nothing serious but along with the verbal banter he likes a little bit of a tussle. Interlacing your fingers and pushing and pulling, laughing along with you until one of you loses your balance or yields. Loves to playfight with you in bed too, before you two go to sleep until he traps you in an embrace that you’ll have to fall asleep in
-He can be a pretty hard sleeper, so good luck trying to get out of his hold. He can be easy to wake, he has a sixth sense for danger too
-Despite his big and extroverted demeanor, sometimes he wishes for nothing more but an evening of silence with his head in your lap, sighing softly as you card your fingers through his hair, smiling if you decide to kiss his forehead
-Encore is your big bonding point. She comes with Aalto like a bonus package, and as chaotic as she can be she is really sweet and loves whoever uncle Aalto trusts enough to be his partner
-Sometimes she stays over, and a lot of times you can see her indulge in making little trinkets, some of them which are for you, some for others
-Even at her young age she has lots of stories to share, and her and Aalto make one hell of a story-teller duo
-Aalto does need to go out to business a lot, and sometimes it takes him days to get what he was sent out to do, and in all that time he misses his home (you) greatly
-He can’t guarantee to send you letters in this time period, as even a small mistake can mean doom of his mission, but he does promise to try, if only to lessen your own worries
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-A relationship Mortefi isn’t difficult, and it can be classified as quite the low maintenance. This does not mean he doesn’t love you or give you your due attention and love, it’s just that both of you are busy with your work and separate lives. You two just seem to never lose that spark no matter how much time you spend apart
-He never liked the idea of combining his love life and work life together into one big mess, he knows it carries its own risks and distractions, and in his field of science that is dangerous. And with this his time management between work and you is impeccable 
-He is there for you when you need him, and his love language is mainly acts of service.
-Words aren’t his forte and he can find it difficult to express his love, he still tries. Perhaps not with his own lips, but he looks for symphonies of his feelings in other songs and melodies before he shows you the one that encapsulates all he feels towards you
-He is the sort of person to send you random article links, be it about something aimed to improve your health, or links to poems or songs. Just drops them or hoards them in your chats..
-Mortefi is a bit sensitive to smells, he really doesn’t like strong odors unless it's those antiseptic chemicals that keep his lab sparkly clean. So he doesn't wear any strong colognes either. It’s the softer smells he wears, musky with woody accents mmmm
-He is a clean freak and can get a bit snappy if he finds his lab messy due to some subordinate’s negligence or if he doesn’t have time to tidy up his home
-He starts huffing and puffing like a mother hen as he stomps around throwing everything into place, tucking every corner back into its place meticulously
-He cleans his own things, and a lot of times goes to tidy your own things since he’s already at it, and really doesn’t like seeing any sort of mess, small or big
-Does gently remind you to pick up after yourself, whether you’re with him and even more so if you’re not with him
-He is an organized hoarder. He has a whole shelf for his little things, some he made and some he got or found while on field expeditions. He is more than happy to tell you about them if you’re curious about their origins or purpose
-He can sometimes spend a lot of time in the office in his home, working on little projects for the kids that would visit the lab soon, and other time he also spends working on gifts for you
-One of the ways he shows his love to you, besides little practical devices, utility belts and multi purpose watches and compasses, is to make you deserts.
-Sweet treats are his specialty but if you he hears you are craving something savory he does know a few recipes that might be to your liking
-Knows how to whip up a bomb medicinal soup btw, that thing can regrow your limbs I’m sure
-Loves to kiss your nape a lot. Especially in those quiet moments when you’re doing something at home and he just comes up behind you, kissing your nape gently and inhaling your scent
-Loves to kiss your head too. It’s just so practical but also shows how tender he can be, how careful and tender his love is. If you’re hugging him he just turns his head and plants his lips to your temple or the top of your head, sometimes he’d lean in and whisper something sweet to you too
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Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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abacus-jpg · 2 days
Anyone else not understand why people are moving to cara. Like I understand it’s because ai and shit,, but like. What confuses me is as long as your art is on the internet, aslong as you chose to post your art online anywhere, doesn’t matter where, it is prone to being stolen by ai. To me ai is nothing more then when people trace your art and call it their own. Ofc I don’t want people to do it, but ultimately that will not stop them. I do have a cara account, I was the first to claim abacus. When I tried posting there a few times I’ve been met with an error message, alongside that the app is really buggy and slow. I don’t see why people feel the need to come up with new apps to post art on when you could just use tumblr, but then the argument with tumblr is that there’s no engagement. But if we all flock to tumblr like people are flocking to cara then I don’t see why engagement would be such a big issue. Even then, if engagement is your main concern with your art I feel like you should reevaluate why you are pursuing art in the first place. I had this struggle ages ago where I didn’t feel my art was worth anything because I couldn’t cap 10 likes. But I realized, my art is for me. I’m the one that should be enjoying it, and my reason for posting now is for other people to enjoy it, so if they don’t,, I really don’t care all the much. I understand it is really detouring to post ocs and to have zero engagement, but that’s just the way art is. Unless you are producing fanart consistently of shit that is made into content farms, I really don’t see how you can garner a following just doing ocs. That’s why, doing art for your own sake is more important than trying to please everyone. I can guarantee there’s atleast one stranger on the internet that will fw your stuff the way you want. And the more you post, the more the number will grow. Most of the time it’s gradual, but one goes to two, two goes to three. And maybe you’ll only get one or two. But the important thing is, there’s someone. If you feel like you have no one, remember your art is for yourself. You’ll always have one, even if that is yourself. This might all seem contradictive. But trust, only you matter when it comes to your own artwork.
This “speech”, if you can call it that, isn’t to deter people from drawing and posting their ocs. This is just to say, engagement shouldn’t matter. As long as you’re happy, that’s all the matters. Post and draw what you want aslong as it’s not straight ripping from someone else. Idc.
This whole thing was supposed to be abt Cara but it turned into a uhh,, Ted talk of sorts. I’m not saying people shouldn’t use cara, if it works for them then by all means go for it. But personally I will not be making it my main form of social media. In my opinion, it’ll be like that other art app people were using for a week before they forgot abt it, I forget the name of it but I remember the interface was a light pink, similar to Instagram,, but somehow worse.
IM GONNA SPECIFY THAT I DONT CONDONE AI STEALING PEOPLES ART EITHER,, just putting that out there because some people have a way of misunderstanding or misinterpretating things. Which is okay!! Because some people genuinely get confused and that’s alright. But like please don’t use so first handedly. With that being said, I’m just a nobody on the internet so why would you listen to me,, you won’t. But i uhh,, am gonna put that there anyways
Thanks if you read allat,, idk why you would but that’s anyways I guess😭😭😭
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Static sings from the monitor... before growing into a hiss the digs into the minds of all of the children bound to this connection- a certain bird most of all.
̸̣͖̈"̴̯̭͒̓Y̷͇̓ͅö̵́ͅǘ̴̟̊ ̴͕͋̄s̶͓̀h̸̝̅̿ȍ̸̪̦u̷̻̹͑͊l̴̦͈̍d̵̛̮̪̀n̷̟̏̅'̵̨̬̆͐ẗ̵͎̣́̏ ̷̗͈̐h̷̲̺̆a̴̤̾̅v̶̪̟̄ë̷̙̫́͠ ̸͓͓̈̍d̴̓̿ͅo̶̤̙̓͑n̵͓̄͜͠e̵̦̓̆ ̶̬̈t̷̹̠́̃h̵͕͛a̵͉̤͂̇t̶̬̂̎.̸̙͂"̸͙̲̐
The monitor grows hot in a rapid flash, burning and melting and charring all it touches as anger radiates like burning summer rays- clashing into the bodies of those around it.
A false calm tone comes from the being from beyond as they shift their attention to Crafty, yet their voice still reaching all of the children.
"Crafty- Winter-rose that you are... I intend to fulfill my promise to return your arms to you should you find a suitable victim that may be not be your current company... But I am saddened that you would risk your safety by going alone. I understand Bobby wished to not allow it- but risking yourself in such a way... please do not do it again. Your safety matters most."
"But I want your promise- that you won't hurt Bobby or Hoppy once your arms return child... Bubba as well due to his current condition. We will see if Picky and Kickin are allowed that same luxury soon enough."
"Ah and Bobby- please do be quick with Crafty... she doesn't seem to be in danger but her arms are still bleeding- that has to be taken care of before anything else... apologies if you hear this next part child."
A pause, a breath, a second passes by...
Before this entity's anger falls solely upon the feathered child- like a pointed danger to the heart. Digging, maiming, marking- At what this boy dares to bring this connection too. Slowly the screen shifts from soft blue to red as the voice speaks aloud their distaste at this delusional dream of this ignorant child.
"You... intend to bring us to the prototype- trade us and your kin- your fellow star for a soul who has been tormented and scared- with no guarantee of success or Hoppy's survival?"
"You assume you will be allowed to act upon this desire? To risk her life for a dream that all logic points to failing?"
"You belief that we will allow that? That I will allow that?"
"My oath still stands child, to see you all free and mended- free of this tragedy and obtain reclamation of your lives- but I will not stand for this. I will not allow you to sentence Hoppy to death when other paths exists! That Dogday can be saved without her demise!"
"̶͖̭̇͘T̴͈̭̹̽̈̄h̶̡̻̀̓͆e̶͉͕̯̊ ̵̳͖͎͛̽͠r̶͕̰̉̌ư̸͔̌͜l̷͈͗̃̋e̸̳̾͛̍s̶̠͓̙̍ ̵͍̫̈́͝t̶̡̛̪̿́h̵̛̞̙̟͝a̵̩̔t̸̺͚̩̐ ̸̟̒̔͒b̶̨̤̟̐̈́̚ȋ̵̧̏̽n̸̺̩͂̅d̵̩͝ ̴̥̫̟͘͘ṵ̸̳̄͊̀s̷̺̹͖̑-̸̘̞̠͗͋̿ ̸̥̆̚w̶̟̙̍̚h̶̥̦̔̏͜í̷̱̪͎̎ḷ̷͓͝ë̵̑̋͜ ̷̯̻͗t̷̥͙͚̏h̶̃̊̑ͅe̷̡͒͛̚y̷͈̭̽ ̶̤̹̗̿̓͛p̶̖̲͐r̷̘̳͚̓̃̒e̶̲̿̔v̵͓̍́́e̷̮͎͝ͅn̶͓̦̺͐̋ṫ̵͖̱̝̏̍ ̷͓̼̈́̉͘m̷͓̒̃͘e̶̠͆ ̴̯̯̍̃f̶̬͘r̷̊̓̉͜ơ̷̮̠m̸͕̰̕ ̵͕̆s̴͍̳̈́͑͛ț̶̯͋͠o̷̯̾p̶̥̈́͌͠p̵̞͒̈́i̷̗̖̳̐n̴̘̰̲̆̒́g̸̻̲͙̓̓ ̵͔̲͚̀ţ̸̛̘̓h̸͎̞͉̅͝i̸̩͈̍͒̑s̸̳̱̞̐ ̸̻͆̓d̶̤̻͔̂i̴͇̓ȓ̴͓é̶̡c̶̢̬͂̾̑t̸̙̋͘ļ̵̼̿̂́y̶̱͒͋͊-̸̩͑̋͊ ̴̩͈͇͂̃̀ẃ̸͕̊͝e̸͔̋l̵͇̺̏l̶̬̀ ̴̡̢̗͑̊͘m̸̯͌̆y̶̡̡͚͐̄̅ ̶̩̈́́̽f̷̩̫̽͒̌e̴̠̣͕̐̃͂l̵̦̈́͑͑l̵̢̗̩̏̈͗ò̶̬̐̓w̸̼͌̿̕s̵̜̝̐̄ ̸̭͓͓̊̒h̵̯̥̿a̴̱͑̓v̶͙̭̀̈̅ẽ̵͉̼̮ ̷̼̖̆g̸͙̱͂͋r̴̺̠͓̀͘͝o̸̺̎̄͜ͅẉ̴̝́ņ̴̽ ̴̢̛͙m̷̙͌̒̂o̸͂͒͜͝r̴̬̙̎͊̕ẹ̸̬͚͛ ̵̖̟͍̆b̵̙̲̯͋̾̅o̴̦͚͉͑l̵͙̿͒̅d̸̖̖̰͗̓ ̶̲͌ḁ̶͝ǹ̷͎̆̊d̶͔̿ ̵͈̀̃͠c̸̛̦̘͍ŕ̵̦͗̽e̷͕̞̤̎̏͘ȃ̴̤̂̆ẗ̶̬́i̴͖͇̺̓̊͒v̵̼̎́͌ë̴̗̄̚.̷̗̰̉.̵̥̲͙̿.̵̫̠̃̏ ̵͇̱̿s̶͎͋̊ô̵̡̫̖͑ ̷̡̲͈̓w̸̹͔̦͐̽͘ḫ̵̰͊͜ȳ̶̺͖̔̒ͅ ̴̮̎̌͘͜ẃ̵̦̳̊͌ͅö̷̪́u̸͈͉̔l̶̻̅̊d̴̘͌̃ ̴̰̬̿͘I̵̻͌̚ ̵͔͇̒̇͝n̵̩͖̬̒̓́ö̷͇̲t̶̹͈̾͜ ̴̟͂t̸̠̘̲́̅̕a̵̜̝͆̅͌k̷̠̚e̴̮͖̭̾ ̵̥͆̒͝t̴̟̀̔̕h̶̼̐͐͋e̶͎̥̿ ̷͖̬̄̕o̴̢͘p̸̄̆͝ͅp̸͙̥̞̿̊̉ó̴̢̥r̵͑͛ͅt̵̟͛̐ǘ̶̲̒̑n̵̩̱̽̔͠i̵̧̹̳̋́̒t̷͖̙̑̒͗y̵̠͉̿͘ ̴̜̌͂͋ͅṭ̴͠ò̷̤ ̵̥̀̓̀ḍ̶̩͙̽o̵̥̽̏ ̵̪͉̿ţ̵̭̦̈́̽h̶̫͙̭̆e̸̳̍ ̵̟̝̂̎s̴̢̬̟̋͑̔a̸̰̔m̵̯̝̆ȩ̶̹͕̀?̸̢͚̆͛́ ̵̞̭̽͐ͅT̷͎̊́͋o̶̖̦̽̋ ̴̥̪̅p̷̡̰̝̌ȓ̷͇͒̀ĕ̷̳͎̈́͝v̴̲͔̄̍ẹ̴͎̞̒ṋ̵͖̥͛͗t̷̥̄͑̚ ̷̢̥͔̒t̴̥̘́͊h̷̤̔͐i̵̧̎͛ṧ̴̮̣ ̷̜͍̈̑̎ͅh̸̯͇̟͑̾͂o̷̢̦͛̄r̷͖̟̄̕͝r̵̛̜̗̥̅̈́i̶͎̬̊̽͆b̵̟̍̅l̴̻̝̓̈̈ẹ̷́͝ ̷̘̜̄́m̷̬̙̗͆ĩ̸̢̹̻̓͆s̷͎͉̄ẗ̸͓́͒́ä̶̫́̋k̵̟̉̽è̵̻̲̰ ̵͚̌y̶̱̯̣̒̇̄õ̸̍͝ͅu̶͔͓͛ ̸̻̟͆͗̃ǎ̵̫̹͜r̷͎̦̿̈́e̴̛̘͎͂̀ ̸̱̇á̸͕͎̥͛t̶̻̂̆͛t̶͇̒͊̆e̷̛̳m̵̖̾̑͌p̸͎̞͕͠t̷̩̀i̶͓͍̼̎̆n̶͖̱̿g̴̰̟̳̅͠ ̴̠̤̓͑̎t̴͚̮̝̒o̸̯͊ ̴̛̳̃͛͜m̶̮̀͊͝a̵̛̯̐ͅk̷̢͔̿̉͠ȩ̸̱̄-̶͍̪͕͠͝"̸͔͇̈́̓
"Hoppy... Shall we make a Deal?"
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I’m sorry. Bobby just wouldn’t let me so I had to! But I swear I won’t hurt them! I’d never hurt them! They’re my friends!
Are the voices being nice to you?
Good! Now hold still, Mommy doesn’t want to cut you by accident!
NO! You make any kind of deal with them, and you’re dead.
You wouldn’t. You’re too much of a coward.
Is that really something you want to risk?
…I hate you.
I-…I can live with that.
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inked-night · 3 days
Tartaglia, with every fiber of his being screaming in agony, tries to rise. The blood, sliding down his chin, is a palpable reminder of his precarious state.
A violent cough shakes him, forcing him to double over, his body refusing to obey his iron will. The idea of invoking the power of the Foul Legacy seems like a distant fantasy, a frustratingly unreachable possibility in his current condition.
Darkness threatens to swallow him, small black dots dancing before his eyes. Yet, he discerns a figure crouching before him, firm hands capturing his chin, forcing him to face the looming reality.
"How pitiful" Murmurs Luo Binghe, his voice laden with theatrical disappointment, accompanied by a click of his tongue.
"Big brother!"
Teucer’s desperate cry pierces the fog of pain, a beacon of childish concern. Tartaglia can visualize him in his mind, alongside Tonia and the traveler, Lumine, who stands firm in her promise to protect them, rising as a living shield against any threat.
"Oh, perhaps I should offer you a more… convincing motivation, Shizun?" Luo Binghe releases, a playful smile emerging on his lips as his thumb caresses Tartaglia’s cheek with deceptive softness. "Something to ignite that beautiful determination in your eyes"
A chilling shiver runs down Tartaglia’s spine, the realization of the hidden intentions behind those words hits him with the force of a storm. This despicable being dares to threaten his brothers.
'Tonia and Teucer' Those names resonate in his mind like a mantra, desperation and fear, emotions he believed buried in the depths of the Abyss, cling to him with icy claws.
A growl, almost animalistic, bursts from his lips, and with a bloodied and trembling hand, Tartaglia clings to Luo Binghe’s arm, preventing him from advancing towards where his brothers stand with Lumine. "Don’t you dare touch them!" He demands, his normally dull blue eyes now burning with visceral hatred, a silent promise to inflict unimaginable pain if he dares harm his family.
"You seem so concerned about them, Shizun… how about we make a deal?" Luo Binghe proposes, his smile boding nothing good, resuming his position to be at Tartaglia’s level. "You will come with me, without complaints or resistance, and I guarantee that I will not touch a single hair on these people. Does that seem like a fair deal to you?"
"Tartaglia, no…" Lumine’s soft murmur reaches his ears, and as he turns his head, his heart contracts at seeing her wield her sword with determination, although the helplessness of not being able to act is reflected in her eyes, knowing that any movement could leave the younger ones at the mercy of the demon.
"Do you promise you won’t do anything to them?" Tartaglia forces himself to look again at Luo Binghe, whose eyes light up with a malicious gleam as they meet his.
"This disciple would never lie to Shizun" Purrs the demon. "I only need you, anyone else is irrelevant to me"
Tartaglia still does not understand who this person is, what he wants, or why he calls him in such a strange way, but he cannot risk the safety of his family and Lumine…
No, Tartaglia will resolve this. What does it matter if he has to swallow his pride and agree to be taken by this person wherever he wishes? As long as his loved ones are safe, any sacrifice is worth it.
"Fine, you win…" He whispers with a broken voice, accepting the deal with a weight on his soul that no physical blow could match.
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wannabanauthor · 11 hours
To the 9-1-1 fans who are worried about Gerrard becoming captain again of the 118, here’s some info from a government employee (not first responder but I’ve seen people retire and people transfer and have that all messed up due to a grievance or complaint):
All of them can petition to have Gerrard removed due to his past bigotry to 2 current members. He will be transferred elsewhere. If Tommy gets in on it and writes an affidavit detailing Gerrard being homophobic at the medal ceremony and Buck being his boyfriend, that could get him moved out of being Buck’s boss. Hen and Chimney could also have cases of not feeling comfortable with a racist supervisor due to past filed complaints. If they have evidence of his picture with the lady who sabotaged Mara’s adoption, they can claim retaliation for getting him ousted in the past. They can pretty much prevent him from coming back. I’ve seen it happen at the city and county levels.
Retirement is a lengthy-ish process before it goes into effect, so Bobby can reverse it. He can also be hired temporarily as a retiree who is still on the job because the vacancy can’t be filled. I’ve seen it happen in LA City, but I don’t know the technical term.
Fun fact: even supervisors have a probation period, unless they’re temporarily assigned to a post due to vacancy that can’t be filled right away. Gerrard burned too many bridges at the 118, so they could sabotage him easily and get him out of there. However, since he’s a supervisor and government employee, it could be lengthy, but if Bobby wants to return, the higher ups would just transfer Gerrard out rather than deal with endless complaints and potential lawsuit if Gerrard gets back to his old tricks.
Also, have you met government employees? We are some of the pettiest folk around, and we document everything when it comes to fellow employees we don’t like. It’d still take awhile, but Gerrard would be forced into being nice. Otherwise, he’d get hit with a lawsuit and grievance. Even if he’s not immediately removed from his post, he’d be suspended for some time and not able to work with the people who filed against him.
And finally, word spreads in government work. Bad supervisors/employees will end up with a reputation government agency-wide because people transfer/promote between departments and divisions, and locations often, and they talk. I guarantee that Gerrard has done bad things at other stations that have been documented, so there’s a history to go along with any future complaints the 118 will have.
Oh, one more last point, the 118 could pull a stunt similar to what happened in The Closer tv show. When the detectives heard their supervisor might face consequences for some of her actions, they all signed letters saying they would quit if anything happened to her. It rendered the complaints against their supervisor useless since an empty department looks worse than a few higher ups with grudges.
So worry not, the writers have many real life avenues to choose from to put into next season’s storyline to get rid of Gerrard.
Feel free to add more info about government employees in LA or correct me where I said something wrong.
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otomehonyaku · 14 hours
a reader's guide to otomehonyaku ☽ translation masterpost & request guidelines (2024)
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This is a masterpost of all of the translations I have done so far, plus my writing, as well as my request guidelines for your reference!
If you have anything Diabolik Lovers-related you would like me to translate, feel free to reach out through my ask box! Please read the guidelines below before submitting a translation request.
Please do not reuse or post my translations elsewhere, in any form whatsoever, or translate my work into other languages without my permission.
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Visual novels
Mukami Ruki  
ONE ・ TWO ・ THREE ・ FOUR  ・ FIVE ・ SIX  All other chapters were translated by @kyouxa, please refer to her Chaos Lineage masterpost here!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Drama CDs
Mukami Ruki
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Books & short stories
CHAPTER 1 ・ CHAPTER 2 ・ CHAPTER 3 ・ Coming soon...
☽  DIABOLIK LOVERS: VANDEAD CARNIVAL ☽ Genteiban Special Booklet
☽  DIABOLIK LOVERS: LOST EDEN ☽ Stellaworth Tokuten Special Booklet
AYATO (by @kyouxa) ・ LAITO by @kyouxa ・SHUU・ REIJI・ KANATO・ SUBARU・ RUKI ・ YUMA・ KOU・ AZUSA ・CARLA ・ SHIN (coming soon...) ・ KINO (coming soon...)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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Translation request guidelines
I am open to translating any Diabolik Lovers-related materials, including (but not limited to) drama CDs, games, short stories, magazine articles, interviews, comics, (fan) artwork, and such. Any character is welcome!
When requesting a translation, please be aware of the following: ☽ Please provide the source materials which you would like to have translated. I do not have the financial means nor the time to personally buy all of the drama CDs or tokuten for all 13 characters, for example, so if you want something translated: please include a link to the source materials. These could be links to audio files on SoundCloud and BiliBili, or links to Tumblr posts with scans of short stories or interviews and the like. ☽ In all cases, it is your own responsibility to ensure that the source materials—particularly fan-made artwork and scans—have been acquired with full permission from the original poster. If the original poster has NOT given you permission to repost or reuse/translate the materials in question, I will NOT translate them. ☽ This probably goes without saying, but I do these translations for fun—I enjoy doing them, but I am also busy in my daily life. I will try my best to finish and post the translation as soon as possible after your request, but I give no guarantees on how long they will take. I do work relatively quickly given my current language skills in Japanese, but the time I can spend on translating fluctuates a lot per week. ☽ If you would like me to translate Japanese-language materials from other otome franchises or pop culture related things, please consult with me and I’ll see what I can do! ☽ DO NOT REPOST ANY OF MY TRANSLATIONS ELSEWHERE, IN ANY FORM WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING VIDEO), OR TRANSLATE MY WORK TO OTHER LANGUAGES WITHOUT MY PERMISSION.
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What You've Done, You Cannot Undo (Medieval AU)
Chapter 7
Rain's fate hangs in the balance.
I'm away on a conference next week, so I had to fit in an update before I left! Hope you won't be too mad at where I left things... jk I've been planning the chapter split here for weeks!
Rating: M Content: violence, imprisonment, injury, imminent threat of death Words: 5041
Links to full fic: Tumblr | AO3
Hello tag alert-ees! @revengeghoulette @everybodyshusband @rainsbasspick
Read below, or on AO3!
Aether, Mountain and Swiss were settling down for their fourth night camping outside of town. As the days passed and no opportunities for rescuing Rain had presented themselves, the plans they discussed had become more and more desperate, and less and less likely to succeed. As well as Swiss bringing Rain food and herbs, they had all kept an ear to the ground while skirting through the streets for news regarding his fate, of any weaknesses in the humans’ plan that they could exploit.
One of the first things they had heard was talk of a stolen horse. From the stables out east of the village, one of the finest mares had gone missing, it's tethering chain melted clean through. They had heard no more on that front; it seemed like Dew had made a clean escape. All three ghouls had struggled not to feel bitter about this, Mountain especially.
There was also talk of hunting parties being sent after the remaining ghouls. Aether had shivered when recounting this rumour, none of them wanting to think about what their fate would have been if they had ignored Dew's advice. They didn't know the fate of their farm, nor did they really want to, but not one of them assumed it could still be standing. It was abundantly clear that they were not going to explain their way out of this situation by saying it was just a mistake, not with the village this riled up and baying for blood.
Quickly, the ghouls had come to realise that they would have to wait until Rain was brought out of his cell to make their escape. The walls of the jail were an impenetrable fortress, and the only entrance was crawling all over with guards. From Swiss’s nightly visits to Rain and the gossip picked up by Aether and Mountain, they had ascertained that the humans were absolutely terrified of him and what he was capable of. As such, it was almost guaranteed that the only time he would be let out of the jail would be when he was being brought to the gallows.
They would have a limited time in which to carry out a rescue, so their mission had to be meticulously planned. They had discussed all manner of approaches, both violent and non-violent, but each option ended up either too dangerous to themselves or too unlikely to succeed. The main issue was their mix of elemental magic: as ghouls traditionally lived in single element clans, there was no reason for them to be protected against each other’s abilities, and if anything it benefitted them to have defensive abilities.
Mountain had suggested causing a large earthquake. He argued that in the chaos, they could simply grab Rain and make a run for it. Aether had quickly shot that idea down, pointing out that it was just as likely to harm them as it was the townsfolk. Only a strong earth ghoul such as Mountain would walk out of that scenario unscathed. Any mistake or misjudgement would not only ruin their chances of escaping safely with Rain, but could also result in any or all of them being returned to the pit. They all secretly wondered though if that would be better than the alternative; their very existence being snuffed out at the hands of malicious humans.
Aether’s plan for Rain was less destructive, but equally unlikely to be successful. He had considered ripping the senses from the assembled crowd, blinding them and leaving him free to take Rain and run. The only issue, Mountain pointed out, was that it would have to be a solo mission. If Aether truly planned to plunge the entire population of the village into darkness then the power of it would be inescapable, even for Swiss with his small amount of quintessence magic and certainly for Mountain. The concentration required for such a large effect would leave little room for Aether to maintain an awareness of his surroundings, rendering him vulnerable and alone.
Swiss had tried his best to envision the outcome of each strategy they devised, but saw no future in any of them. Whether that was because they were all doomed to fail, or were just too unpredictable even for him, he wasn’t sure. The only time he saw even a flicker of life seemed to be when they planned to assemble in town, and no further. Aether had looked at him like he’d grown a second head when he suggested this. Swiss took it as a sign that things were so unpredictable right now, that by attempting to plan anything, their interference was sufficient to muddy the future beyond comprehension.
In quiet moments alone, Swiss wished he could have a strong ability like his packmates, instead of simply being the sounding board for Aether and Mountain’s hare-brained schemes. For now though, he would settle for simply being the go-between to Rain in the jail, the face the young ghoul got to see each day as he smiled down at his with words of encouragement and false optimism.
Visiting Rain every night, Swiss had watched him slowly recover his strength. Maybe his visions were really trying to tell him that they were all worrying for nothing, and Rain would be capable of freeing himself? He mentioned this to Mountain and Aether in an attempt to cheer them up. Both ghouls had been sceptical at first, but the cautious hope they clung to was all they had right now.
Mountain reflected on this turn their lives had taken. It was sad that things had come to this; he thought they had built a good life here. After so long alone, the relative comfort and ease of living with a pack had grown on him. With news of Rain’s continuing recovery, Mountain hoped they could have a chance at rebuilding everything, albeit far, far away from here. They certainly couldn’t stay here, but maybe they could stay together. If only we knew where Dewdrop was… Mountain though that if things turned out well, he might even consider forgiving him.
He was on first watch again tonight, keeping an eye out for any signs that they had been followed back to their camp. So far, his wards were working well: the closest anything had got was a lone rabbit, which they had eaten. He watched Swiss flop down onto his bedroll, the continued exhaustion in him so clear Mountain could feel it leeching into the soil around him.
Mountain shuffled closer, as if pulled by an invisible string. He’d felt an unavoidable need to be near the multi ghoul lately, even before all the events of the last few days. Mountain wasn’t stupid; he knew what it meant, but he’d spent so many years denying himself from even entertaining the thought of finding a mate that this new development felt especially strange and alien.
He observed Swiss’ face as he settled in to sleep, trying to be subtle but probably failing. It really was a nice face, Mountain thought. From the small crease between his eyebrows to the generous dusting of stubble on his chin, Mountain felt like he had only recently started to see Swiss the way he deserved to be seen. Others before him had clearly noticed what he only observed now, that was certain. Every giggling girl who hung off his every word, and indeed off his arm, in the tavern saw it. Hell, he thought even his packmates saw it; the way he’d seen Dew staring at him for a fraction of a second too long, how Rain would blush when Swiss complimented him. Mountain wondered if Swiss felt the recent tug between them too. He hoped so.
As he stared at the wrinkles of concern etched into Swiss’s face finally begin to smooth out with sleep, he saw his expression suddenly contort with pain.
“Swiss?” Mountain hissed in alarm. He got only a low whine in response.
“What’s wrong Snapdragon?” He looked frantically at the now wide awake quintessence ghoul next to Swiss, “Aether! Something’s wrong.”
“Talk to us Spark, what’s going on, what can you see?”
Swiss stared dead ahead, rocking side to side and occasionally flinching as the vision continued.
“It’s got to be Rain,” fretted Aether, “something’s going to happen to him.”
Mountain grasped both of Swiss’s hands, rubbing calming circles on the backs of them with his warm, calloused thumbs. He cooed quietly at the stricken ghoul, trying to calm him as he was rocked by the second-hand pain.
“Tonight,” Swiss finally rasped out, “soldiers, half a dozen of them, they’re going to break into Rain’s cell.”
Mountain and Aether exchanged horrified looks.
“They want revenge. For the girl killed in the flood.” With a final shudder, Swiss looked up at his packmates. “They want to be the ones to kill him, as painfully as possible.”
He took a deep, shaky breath and shuffled closer to his packmates as the vision played out.
“He’ll be hurt, but they won’t succeed.” Around him, Aether and Mountain’s shoulders lowered in relief, but the tension remained. Swiss tried to smile, “Our Rainy’s gonna shock them good, the second they lay a hand on him.”
Meanwhile, Rain was sat on the cold and damp floor of his cell nibbling on the rind of some cheese from his nightly rations Swiss had brought earlier. The rest was safely stowed away on his person. Rain didn’t think he could be too careful with keeping his supplies hidden: he didn’t want to risk anyone discovering that his pack were sneaking into the town each night, putting them in danger. He was especially carefully with rationing out the herbs and elixirs from Aether, wanting to remain as strong as possible at all times in case things went south before Swiss could warn him.
Rain could feel his strength returning. The shock of his power bursting forth after a series of tumultuous emotions, followed by his capture and beating at the hands of the villagers, was gradually subsiding with rest and food. Now, he was able to feel the gentle thrum of his magic under his skin, connecting to it in a way he never had before.
Rain wasn’t quite sure what had happened in the field that morning. Never would he have imagined himself being capable of such deadly feats. He couldn’t explain why his powers had exploded out of him so suddenly, like a geyser, or why he had awoken to a strange buzzing feeling all over his body. It tickled like the anticipation of a thunderstorm, making the fine hairs on his arms stand up straight. Intrigued by the new sensation, he had prodded at it with his mind, feeling the pent-up energy twitching to be released. He had let it, and seen the blue sparks ripple across his skin.
In the days since, Rain had been practicing; he had never seen or heard of any sort of ability like this before, not from anyone in his clan or family. Was it an innate skill he had always been destined to have? Or something unlocked by being in grave danger? Either way, Rain wasn’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth. Hopefully it could go some way to help him protect himself, if he needed to.
In his initially fuzzy mental state, he had waved off all recollections of the destruction he caused as another symptom of his attack. Rain convinced himself that while the flood of memories of his earlier life were very real, and his subsequent unglamouring was likely terrifying to the farmers who had witnessed it, the carnage and death that followed must have just been another hallucination designed to torment him. That must be why he was in the jail – they had seen a monster cowering before them, confused and scared. As he came back to his senses however, it became painfully clear that all of his memories of the day were true, and were the real reason for his incarceration.
Rain had thought Dew was a hallucination too, for a while. If it hadn’t been for the very real food he’d brought him, and Swiss confirming his visit, he would probably still think so. Of all the ghouls in his pack, Dew was the one he would have least expected to risk coming looking for him, especially after how he had antagonised him that morning. A small voice in the back of his mind desperately wanted to blame Dew for what had happened out in the field, for setting him on edge before his day even began. However, Rain knew there was really no one to blame but himself; he was appalled at what he had done even if it was an accident. He could see why the village was out for blood, he would likely be doing the same if it were one of his packmates killed, but couldn’t they see it was an accident?
Probably not, he thought. They didn’t give him a chance to explain himself before knocking him out cold, and no one had stuck around for longer than it took to throw some crusts of dry bread and water his way since. Rain knew it really was just that, an accident, but that nagging voice in the back of his head insisted that he truly was as useless as Dew had insinuated, and if he hadn’t gotten so lost in his own head then none of this would have happened.
Rain sighed to himself, and looked around his cold, dark prison. It was hopeless, the others planning how to break him out. There was no escaping here, unless they could find a way to break through stone. Rain felt the twinge of guilt bubbling in his stomach again, knowing his packmates were risking their lives every night instead of running away while they had the chance.
Rain was shaken from his self-pitying slump by a commotion outside his cell. He could hear raised voices getting closer, angry shouting echoing down the corridor outside. He quickly finished his cheese, washing it down with the last of the water he had pulled from the earth into his metal bowl, and pulled his feet underneath him in a crouch.
There was the jangling of a key in the lock, and the door burst open, slamming against the stone wall. Half a dozen or so men barrelled through it, screaming foul threats of revenge.
“This is for Marina, you monster!” one howled, launching himself at Rain on the floor. Rain tried to talk, but after several days of silence his voice caught in his throat.
“Cat got your tongue?” another one sneered, as the first tried to pin Rain to the wall by his throat. As his back hit the stone with an agonising crack, Rain desperately tugged on the thread of his new magic. The man dropped him with a shout as he flew backwards, whole body spasming.
“The fuck?”
“Get him!”
More of the men descended on Rain, but soon leapt away in pain and shock when they touched him.
“He’s cursed!”  
The men still standing switched to kicking, the thick leather of their boots protecting them from further shocks. Rain curled into a ball to protect his head, and silently begged them to leave him alone. He hurt all over, from the brutal kicks as well as their loud shouts ringing in his ears.
All the noise soon attracted another guard, one who was seemingly tasked with keeping Rain alive for the next few days until his very public execution. He began yelling for the men to disperse and herding them out of the cell. Rain uncurled, his vision blurring but wanting to take a look at his saviour. As he did so, one of the men leaving aimed a final sharp kick into his stomach, and the world went black.
Back at the Abbey, Dewdrop, Copia and the ghoulettes spent the afternoon going over their plan. Cirrus was right: it definitely wasn’t Dew’s style. Even if it was all fake, the thought of confessing his supposed love for the ghoul who had, until the events of the last few days, irritated him immensely made him squirm.
“This plan is perfect.” Mist had gushed to him; he suspected she was a little biased. “It avoids anything crazy or dangerous, and it saves the whole village from being exterminated!”
Dew huffed at her,
“I still don’t see why they’re worth saving – they want to kill my friend over an accident!”
Mist smiled serenely at him. It was the first time Dew had ever referred to anyone as a friend. Dew realised it at the same time, and blushed. He wasn’t sure Rain would say the same thing about him, given how he’d treated him in the past.
“It’s not for their sake, trust me,” she added a conspiratorial smirk, “I’d love to watch them burn at your hands, I’m sure you’d do a fantastically thorough job!”
Dew nodded, chin up as if to confirm that yes: if he were allowed to burn the village down, there wouldn’t be a single chair left for him to sit on to survey his work.
“But that would attract rather too much attention, don’t you think? This way we can avoid suspicion for all of ghoul-kind, as well as your pack.”
Dew had to begrudgingly agree with her: if they wanted a chance at a quiet life after this, no matter where, then they had to keep a low profile.
Later that evening as Dew was packing his bag ready to head back to the village, transcribed copies of the law in hand, he found Mountain and Aether’s anthology of plants nestled in the bottom. He weighed the heavy manuscript in his hands; it really was a precious compendium, the culmination of his packmates’ work since before he’d even met them. Dew still felt a pang of guilt at how he had arrived back on the Abbey’s doorstep, demanding help with no mention of any sort of repayment for it. He was surprised Copia had offered his assistance so willingly without discussion of payment – such a debt was why he had brought the book, after all.
That was how things were usually done here, the Abbey may not trade in gold or precious goods, but they exchanges their services for something far more valuable: knowledge. The ghouls and clergy within the imposing walls would offer aid freely to those who agreed to stay and serve as Dew had done previously, albeit only for a brief period. For those who could or would not spare the time, they had an alternative. Taking inspiration from the fabled library of ancient Alexandria, they would request any literature of value be handed over. If the weary traveller would agree to stick around just a little bit longer, while a copy was made, the original would be returned to them, otherwise the tome would find a new home amidst the expansive Abbey library. Dew knew how it worked, he had even helped with a few transcriptions himself, and so he dithered, book in hand, until he was startled by a knock at the door.
“Come in?” Dew called to the door.
Copia opened the door, his robes billowing as he entered. Dew started at him in surprise; he’d never seen him or anyone else of the Clergy’s status in the ghoul wing before.
“Good evening, Dewdrop.” He smiled graciously, “I see you are preparing for your journey tomorrow, I have offered up prayers for a smooth conclusion for you and your pack. Saving your packmate like this is very noble.”
“Thank you Papa,” Dew bowed his head, “that is more than I could’ve asked for.” The book, still in his hands, felt heavy with purpose. Before he could change his mind, he thrust in in Copia’s direction.
“Payment.” He said simply, as Copia looked at him in confusion, instinctually taking the book shoved under his nose. “For your help.”
“Nonsense, my dear ghoul,” Copia’s face softened, “you were one of us, even if only for a brief time, so you will always have a place here.”
Dew shuffled his feet awkwardly, unsure of how to respond to such a sincere sentiment. Luckily he didn’t have to: curiosity getting the better of him, Copia had begun absently flicking through the book. Dew watched with some amusement at how easily the man could be distracted by the mere promise of new knowledge.
“This book is... This is incredible, Dewdrop. Where did you get it?”
Dew beamed with pride on his packmates’ behalf.
“Two of my pack have been working on it for years, an earth and a quintessence ghoul.”
“Fantastic…” Copia mused, before finally looking back up at Dew. “If you are serious, I would be delighted to hold onto this for safekeeping until you can next return to us? I know the earth ghouls here would be honoured to transcribe its contents.”
Dew shrugged slightly,
“It’ll be safer here than with me.”
“Thank you, thank you,” Copia murmured, once again leafing through the detailed illustrations, “should you and your pack come and stay, you have my word that we would return it immediately. It would be wonderful to meet the ghouls who wrote it too, sharing in their knowledge and power would be the real gift here.”
Dew made a non-committal noise. He had no idea if his pack would even want to talk to him again after running away, let alone be convinced to traipse all the way back here. Copia reached out with his spare, leather-clad hand to grasp one of Dew’s.
“Think about it, but for now I’ll let you finish packing, and get some sleep. Good luck, Dewdrop. Safe travels.”
The day was finally here. The day when they would either get Rain back, or lose him forever. None of the ghouls had slept well. Rain had been looking worse and worse over the last few days: the mirth Swiss had seen was gone from his eyes, now replaced with a dull horror. They’d all soon learned of the attack on Rain, how the band of thugs had broken in with the intention of carrying out their own justice. Less talked about was how Rain had responded. The rumours of his shocking defensive skill were quieter, only talked about by scared guards tasked with keeping him weak but alive.
Clearly they were not trying very hard with the second part. Every time Swiss had visited he looked skinnier; they had obviously given up on trying to feed him. Whether this was due to fear or malice was anyone’s guess. He was now barely responding when Swiss tried to speak to him, instead staring straight ahead at the wall, frozen in fear. The black eye from his original capture had faded to an ugly yellow, but in its place were more bruises, shining angry and purple. Swiss had to assume he was eating the food he brought each night as it had always disappeared by the next day, although he never saw Rain make any move to do so with his own eyes.
Mountain, Aether and Swiss's camp was packed and stowed closer to town, ready for a speedy getaway. Swiss's visions of the day hadn't changed, despite all that had happened with Rain, leaving everyone on-edge and uneasy. He still saw no success in any of their plans, only different variations on their own demise. Leaving Rain to his own devices and simply hovering in the crowd was still the only option that produced even a spark of optimism for the future. So, the ghouls were planning for every eventuality, desperately hoping that when the time was right they would see their opportunity for a rescue. Each of them was prepared to sacrifice everything, should the need arise. It was an unspoken agreement that going full scorched-earth on the village, revealing their cover and undoubtedly cursing themselves back to the pit separated but alive, was a better option than the cold abyss of death. If it came to it, that could be their only choice: a human with murderous intent could easily kill them, but getting caught in an accident? Maybe the pit wouldn’t be as bad as they had heard.
The three ghouls headed into town, their faces disguised by large hoods. Closer to the village gates they found crowds to blend into, locals and visitors alike all pouring in to witness the execution of a supposed demon. As they had hoped, all of the village gates were unguarded: it seemed the entire populous was distracted by the planned spectacle. They filed down the main street towards the central square, mercifully still undetected. The plaza bordered the front entrance to the town hall and the walled inner courtyard with the cells where Rain had been kept. A wooden gallows had been erected specially for the occasion, and a large crowd was gathering in front of it. Swiss paused, before gesturing to a spot close to the gallows and in line with the main gate.
The space around them began to fill with spectators for the macabre show, as the sun crept higher in the sky. When it was almost at its noontide peak a commotion broke out by the entrance to the jail, and a ripple soon spread through the assembled crowd. Something was happening. Mountain, Swiss and Aether shared a nervous glance, and then they spotted him: Rain. It was the first time Mountain and Aether had seen him since he left the farm that sunny morning a week ago. They both shot horrified looks at Swiss, as though to confirm that what they were seeing was real. Swiss nodded grimly.
Rain looked awful. Swiss had watched his steep decline over the last few days from meters away and behind iron bars, but nothing could have prepared him for how completely drained and haggard their young packmate looked while being forced to stagger past the leering crowds. In the midday sunshine it was suddenly all the more apparent how much he was hurting: the bruises that had partially blended into his skin in the dim light of the jail cell now stood out like angry ink splashes up and down his body. Each step he took was laboured, like the very act of contracting his muscles to move his legs was putting him through agony. Some of his wounds looked like they were trying their best to heal, but were layered below more recent injuries.
The guards dragging him toward the gallows were wearing thick, leather gloves and heavy tunics that covered their entire bodies. Swiss was grimly pleased that Rain had been exercising his new talent, although it was clearly not fool proof, and the fact he had needed to defend himself in the first place made him shudder. He almost lost his balance as he was forced up the few wooden steps to the platform of the gallows, stumbling hard. Rain was shaking like a leaf as the town officials filed onto their own podium and prepared to address the crowd.
This was the ghouls’ chance. Until this moment there had been too many eyes roaming around, too many people who could stop them. Now, all eyes were fixed on either the shivering water ghoul, or the town Judge reading his crimes aloud. Mountain and Aether looked to Swiss, silently asking if they should continue waiting or move forward with plan B. Swiss gave a small nod, and they readied themselves to attack.
After much discussion, they had decided that smaller, more targeted versions of their original plans would be most likely to succeed, or at least not backfire completely. Mountain would sow the seeds of distraction by causing a small earthquake. It would not be the ground-splitting calamity that he alone would have created, rending the earth in two in a roar of total destruction, but it would divert the attention of the crowds enough for Aether and Swiss to pounce.
With three packmates also needing to escape alongside him, Aether too had scaled back his earlier plans. Instead of blinding everyone present, leaving them to flounder in an endless sea of black nothingness, he would instead go straight for the guards; lunging forward to incapacitate only those with the ability to hurt or hinder Swiss, who would be following close behind him in order to grab Rain.
Water ghoul in hand, the four of them would then flee the chaotic scene, out the unguarded main gate and back to the relative safety of the trees. There, they would collect their meagre belongings and continue their escape into the wilderness. They would travel for as long as it would take for the landscape and language around them to become foreign; far enough that no word of the events of the last week could follow them. That was, of course, if everything went to plan. They all knew it was a long shot, and the slightest mistake could result in their doom.
“…for your crimes, I hereby sentence you to death!” the Judge’s voice commanded, echoing across the stone square. The silence of the crowd hung thick in the air, the onlookers listening with rapt attention. Aether looked towards Mountain as the ground beneath their feet began to vibrate rhythmically. Mountain looked back in confusion, his eyebrows pulling together as if to say that’s not me.
Just as they were about to start their plan properly, the thudding through the ground became louder and more distinct, morphing into the sound of horseshoes striking the ground. A wave of mutterings spread through the assembled masses as they parted for the reckless horseman. The ghouls decided as one to ignore it, and utilise the distraction for their own gain. Mountain was just beginning to pull at the bounds of the earth, causing it to grate against itself and shake the very foundations of the buildings around them when a familiar voice rang out across the square.
Three sets of ghoulish eyes whipped around to stare at the new arrival. Aether’s breath was forced out of his chest in a huff of relief,
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lycocarpum · 6 months
Can I ask the malev fandom for a little favour? :3c
What are the major plot points/mysteries before the Butcher saga that haven't yet been addressed? I mean stuff reaching back to the Dreamlands arc and before. I have a shit memory and could be working on something as a writing exercise.
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averlym · 11 months
4 on the angst list with Araleyn please I need them to suffer
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4 : "but it's my fault, right?" (prompt list here)
#<blinks> very gently implied angst i suppose. usually everyone makes anne suffer so for a change#here's catherine struggling with the idea that if she hadn't been so stubborn about divorce-#maybe it would have been more okay for henry to divorce anne instead of. yknow. chopping her head off.#gently implied angst with the. well. i hurt this person i care about. unintentionally. but still. hence also the historical counterparts bg#... i feel like this isn't suffering (italicised for emphasis) but unfortunately? i am in a more melancholy mood#and also coming to conclusion that whump isnt really my taste.. so quite literally you'd have to pay me to draw it .. dfdsghjkl comms open#anyways yeah i think the most you'll get from my own stuff is <reference to beheading> <mentioned death> <abstract reds that might be blood#six the musical#six the musical fanart#anne boleyn#catherine of aragon#pssst drew anne extra pretty bc coa pov. if you get what i mean.#oh that got off tangent. but also tldr; requests mean free art!! (also idm if you ask for specific things. like your own aus. just to put#that out there)#but also requests: 1. up to my creative freedom and discretion so you probs won't get exactly what you want + 2. no time limit so#can take literal years to reply to.#so ig ? if you have specific things in mind. that you want me to draw. commissions would be better for you if you'll pay!#but if you don't have the money i'm also. lowkey willing to draw for free.. stick it in the inbox .. there's just no guarantee you'll get it#within the next year.. or at all! but you may as well try your luck o.O#(this plan is terrible for business but because for a very long time i was unable to buy anything online. i sympathise greatly ig)
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babygoestozspace · 9 months
I kinda hate how Cirie's demise has exposed how comp dependent BB has become. Like yeah we been knew, but it’s like… you don't need to do all this song and dance on Survivor. But because a single person has the power to control the fate of everyone in the house week to week, it requires players to cover themselves on all sides, resulting in the post-16 meta of a huge onion alliance to maximize one's chances of not hitting the block any given week. There's no need for that in Survivor; the only person an immunity winner can impact is themselves, so the rest of the tribe isn't forced to play around the whims of a single person. And with the comps themselves becoming increasingly physical over the years, somehow this glorified summer camp is more dependent on physical fitness than the game that starves people on an island for a month and a half.
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musical-chick-13 · 1 year
Okay, no, sorry, I’m still mad about this. “Be critical of the media you consume and examine why you react to it in the way that you do, support marginalized and stigmatized identities.” Yeah, until it’s about mental illness.
A woman (or even man, if he’s deemed over-emotional) makes music about suffering from mental illness and people just go, “What are they complaining about, that’s so immature, hashtag wangst.” (And then, sometimes, inexplicably, if the mentally ill woman gets better and writes happier music, they then talk about how artistically bankrupt she is now and that she should go back to hating herself.) People LOVE cis white pRoBLeMaTiC (straight) fictional men until they are realistically mentally ill, in which case they’re “whiny” and “insufferable” and deserve to die violently, apparently (or, if fandom is merciful, they’re ignored). (And then they celebrate when they DO inevitably get killed off.) “Do your duty and watch [thing I, mc13, personally find insufferable] For The (white) Gays because it has Gays.” Sure, will you watch c4 Pure, the ONLY show specifically about OCD, then? (No, the answer is no, it’s always no.)
I can’t get anyone to watch Doom Patrol. I couldn’t get people (in general-I did convince a few irl friends thank GOD) to watch Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. One of the most popular and acclaimed shows right now has a character with schizophrenia who was turned into the Big Bad Villain for no fucking reason. One of the most commonly-cited examples of Iconic™ queer media involves a mentally ill man being broken over and over and over again before The Ship™ can reasonably happen. DW introduced a major character who was at one point suffering from mental illness in her past, AND THEN ALL MENTION OF THIS WAS COMPLETELY DROPPED IN THE FUTURE, WITH NO BEARING ON ANYTHING TO THE POINT WHERE I FORGOT IT EVEN EXISTED??!?!? R*tched was a thing that existed despite the Sad Sympathetic Backstory treatment being IN DIRECT CONTRADICTION OF WHAT PURPOSE THIS CHARACTER SERVED IN One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. THEY GAVE. A SAD WOOBIE VILLAIN TREATMENT. TO THE /LITERAL PERSONIFICATION/ OF ABLEISM. THAT IS HER FUNCTION. TO EXIST AS A SYMBOL OF ALL THE WAYS SOCIETY OPPRESSES THE DISABLED AND MENTALLY ILL.
I am!!! Literally!!!!! The only one!!!!!!!!! Complaining about these things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE ONLY ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No one else has said ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No one is talking about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#*OBLIGATORY COMMENT ABOUT HOW REPRESENTATION/FICTIONAL DISABILITY IS NOT THE END ALL BE ALL OF ACTIVISM*#*OTHER OBLIGATORY COMMENT ABOUT HOW LIKING '''pRoBLeMaTiC''' CONTENT DOES NOT MAKE YOU A BAD PERSON OR A HORRIFYING ABLEIST*#THIS WAS JUST ME GETTING MAD IT'S NOT THAT DEEP#In the Vents#the real horror was the ableism we found along the way#like. in some of these cases yes I /KNOW/ it was not meant to come across like that!!! but y'all accept that as a valid type of media#criticism when it's about anything else!!!!!!!! just not this apparently????!?!!!!#I do not understand how there is such an ABYSMAL treatment of the subject of mental illness in fiction when this is the#memetic Mental Illness Website like genuinely I do not get it I am scaling my walls and banging pots and pans and growling like a rabid dog#IF YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT THE MESSAGE A STORY IS TELLING YOU GOTTA APPLY IT HERE TOO#I AM ALSO THE LAST PERSON TO SAY THAT YOU'VE GOTTA ADD A DISCLAIMER OF SOMETHING'S LAUNDRY LIST OF FLAWS BEFORE YOU TALK ABOUT IT#BUT JESUS FUCKING CHRIST YOU HAVE TO ACKNOWLEDGE ON SOME LEVEL EVEN IF IT'S JUST TO YOURSELF THAT THINGS HAVE FLAWS#YOU'VE GOTTA BE AWARE OF SHIT#WHEN WILL WE HAVE THE OUTCRY OVER BURY YOUR DISABLED THAT WE DO OVER BYG (WHICH IS ALSO BAD BTW)#I GUARANTEE YOU WE WON'T BE GETTING A SEPARATE FUCKING CON OVER FANDOM OUTCRY THAT'S FOR SURE#I'm making a rule: if you can prove to me that you've started cxgf after reading this and/or if you can prove to me#that you've watched pure (channel 4/hbo max-the one with charly clive) I'll write a fic for you#let's see if I get sniped for criticizing both the beloved sacred mads show AND the plane crash girls show#if I see ONE more comment about how either of those is a perfect show that Gets What All The People Want I will in fact spontaneously#combust.#(and before you @ me yes I have any and all permutations of show tags blocked I'm not just being mean to be mean)#my god remember what happened the last time I tried to talk about this a;lsdfkajs;ldfkj#good thing I turned off anonymous asks!!#this is not even getting into some of the SMALLER fandoms#like I do not ever want to think about the takes I saw for ctrlz EVER again
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end-orfino · 2 months
ahhhhhh i remember why i dont read comics & books and watch movies as much as I should. Because they make me lose it
#i get suddenly hit with a tsunami of inspiration and an urgency to Make Something#but the urgency isn't about the process of making it's about I Have Stories To Present Too. I have to See Them Realized.#and that hit of urgency is obviously far too short lived to make anything. esp since it comes in a set with a feeling of 'wow this-#-thing was so great' that transforms into intensified perfectionism of No No What Im Doing Here Isnt Good. What Is This. Disgrace-#-to my idea AND to what inspired it AND to my self proclaimed status as an amateur storyteller#which turns into artblock. so like low chances that ill even get a singular good drawing made during this#and the multiple comic or script or whatever ideas that appear in my head during this are out of the question entirely#oh and all of this appears next to the normal feelings caused by a good story like attachment to the characters and having to process it-#-for a while and if its very good then even sometimes rarely i get the need to make fanart#so all of this combined just leads to me not being able to do anything for a while and feeling awful about it.#fun./sar#i wish i was a normal artist people here are so resilient and do stuff even though they dont want to or they DO want to#because idk they enjoy being pissed bcs of a thing not turning out right and they dont mind how tedious it can get-#-and they enjoy sacrificing hours&days&months of their lives without a guarantee that anyone will appreciate it accordingly and itll pay of#its probably the resilience though#im weak like a dried twig both mentally and physically#this sounds like i never enjoyed drawing&writing ever. and to clarify thats far from true. i frequently enjoy it#just never frequently enough and consistently enough to actually make something more 'worthwhile' or linear#it's like a wind that comes & goes that i have no control over.#i try to keep telling myself that in the past i struggled to make anything 'bigger'....& know i even made animatic shitposts#this sounds so stupid god. an animatic shitpost being an achievement.#its not an art skill achievement its a fighting tooth and nail with my own self to actually finish it because its a struggle almost every-#-time achievement#what im saying is im trying to tell myself that i already improved. im doing more than i could have done in the past.#even if the process is so slow and i dont know when ill advance again#if ill advance again. i just gotta believe i guess? thank u parappa
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raisinushigher · 4 months
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stupid garbage brainstorming for possibilities w gandhi + abe in future seasons . normally id type the words out onto the drawing afterwards but this is just so cringe and self indulgent thst it doesn’t matter enough to do that
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farmersliga · 9 months
btw it’s pathetic to me when artists do a ‘world tour’ but it’s literally just north america and europe. just say ur worldview is western-centric and go
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