#o-oh. this cute.
happyheidi · 1 year
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ig: poemsforthemoon
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lotus-pear · 9 months
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rewatched bsd w my friend seeing it for the first time and the nostalgia of seeing these two together again hit me like a bus
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crybaby-bkg · 2 years
I love jealous Bakugou who starts peacocking after a while to get all of your attention.
going to a party and Kiri carelessly picks you up to spin you during a dance, drunken laughter shared between you two. Bakugou watches on the couch the whole time, eyes slitted as he nurses the same beer he’s had all night. he listens to you giggle over the music about how strong Kiri is and—fuck it, he’ll show you strength. he takes the opportunity to scoop you off of your feet next time you guys are out and there’s a puddle in the middle of the road, puffs his chest out a little as he cradles you against him, when you let out that lighthearted giggle but for him this time.
Bakugou catches you chatting deku up, squeezing at his biceps when you tease him about how big he’s been getting. you only do it bc you know it flusters the green haired man, and you think it’s cute how he looks like a strawberry whenever you coo at him. But Bakugou only sees that as the push to go to the gym more, focusing even more on his arms, wearing all of his tanks around you. puffs his chest out again when he puts his arms behind his head and you pat at the bulging muscle and find yourself tracing the veins on his arms.
He sees you dancing with Sero at another squad gathering, something fast and sensual, your arms around his neck while he holds your waist. his face is buried into your neck and it makes you giggle whenever he whispers where to move your feet next. and does Bakugou take that as an active threat against his crush on you? of course he does. finds himself holding you against him at a party, swaying with you, way out of his comfort zone but he wants to show you that he can dance too, damnit.
Denki makes some offhanded comment about holding your bags when you go out to an amusement park, something else about going with you when you need the bathroom too. Bakugou is most definitely shoving him out of the way, manhandling all of your bags from you as he pushes you in the direction of the bathrooms instead. finds his chest practically spilling out of his shirt when you hug him by the end of the night, thanking him for being so kind, telling him that he’s the best friend you could ask for.
and does his heart drop to his ass when he hears the word friend? maybe. just a little.
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mashed4077 · 1 year
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mulcahy weird gay little runs compilation
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booasaur · 1 year
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The Marvels (2023) - Teaser Trailer
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mitsundere · 7 days
Could I request Gepard finding his lover's art collection of him?
S/o has made simple things like sketches and paintings to more extravagant stuff like stained glass art and sculptures of Geppie.
coming from noble birth and as the captain of the silvermane guards, you'd think that gepard was used to being the center of attention... but he's never been someone's muse before. not until he met you.
one day when the two of you were still getting to know each other, he took an accidental peek at your sketchbook. the rough lines and curves connected together, and it took him a few seconds to realize that you were drawing him. gepard's confusion turns into embarrassment and awe as you captured his features, steadily improving with each doodle and study.
he asks you to teach him one day, so he could draw wanted posters more accurately, he says. it wasn't an excuse just to spend time with you, he tries to convince himself. you don't laugh at his chicken scratch (which you later deciphered as a drawing of his younger sister)— instead, you kindly give him tips (practice, practice, and practice) and he's thankful for that. it's how you and gepard bond before eventually becoming partners.
though he was always the subject of your craft, gepard could never get used to it. there was a painting of himself that you gave him on his birthday, mini sculptures that he came back to in your shared living space when he returned from the frontlines (you suggested donating some of them to the museum to immortalize him— it took a lot of convincing from his end to stop you from doing that)... he feels flustered whenever he sees himself in your artwork, but it comes with a sense of pride and warmth. how could he be so lucky to have an amazing artist as his partner?
gepard tries to match up to your skills, though you always tell him that he doesn't have to— you were content with showing him your love in your own way. he's definitely made progress in terms of drawing, and he's recently taken an interest in flower arrangement. his clumsily-made bouquets gradually became more intricate, and he relishes the soft look on your face when he gives them to you. there's a great deal of comfort knowing that you're as much of a muse to him as he is to you, and you wouldn't have it any other way
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disguisedcheezed · 8 months
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Day 2 - Y section
You can tell I had so much fun that I drew this prompt 3 times and wrote (in a restricted time frame) blocks of text from a fanfic that keeps me awake at night.... Yeahhhh.
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hyolks · 4 months
wastelands au fanart for u 😘 ur design for Al is *chefs kiss*
(i was listening to bluegrass while making this lol)
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amelia-yap · 1 year
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The sound of White Rose by @powertaco
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sw-trashship · 11 months
Listen!!! Selfshippers who are chubby or maybe just a little over weight or anything similar!! Imagine your f/o begging you to cuddle. They see you after a long day and inmmediatly go towards you. "Darling, i NEED to hold you...." (It's very relaxing for them okay?? Your body is perfect for hugs.) If you said no they will start whining like a kid and said they would do all the chores if you let them. Adore how soft you are too!! Obsessed with your cheeks, they pinch and even bite them!! And they melt when you get angry due that!! And your belly,,, oh god they're obsessed with it. Kissing, squeezing or even rubbing it. They let you use whatever clothes makes you more comfortable but always ressure you that you look great in anything (But honestly they prefer see you in nothing ehehe)
Oh!! And they love see you with their clothes!! It doesn't matter if it's big for you, fits just well or barely fits, YOU'RE WEARING T H E I R CLOTHES!! AND YOU LOOK SO PRETTY OH LORD THEY NEED TO KISS YOU OR THEY ARE GONNA PASS OUT HOWCANYOUBESOPRECIOUS---
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marcmorrigan · 5 months
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they keep me warm on cold nights / we must be quite a sight all tangled, wow
yayyy finished this just in time! this server exchange was so fun and i had such a good time making this for @oloreandil omg im so excited to have gotten you as my giftee!!! ILYSM i hope i did your prompt justice!
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serenadeofsunshine · 26 days
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tickyjuu chibigurumis :o)
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killcodesashes · 2 months
MGAFS GANGBEASTS!![Human au doodles-]
EEEEE the episode today made me laugh a lot so here's a few doodles I did!
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belligerentbagel · 2 years
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oh no new blorbos have been identified
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booasaur · 1 year
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Yellowjackets - 2x01
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cerise-on-top · 5 months
Hii!! :3
First of all, LOVE YOUR BLOG!!Your writing is so good!! May I request Rodolfo Parra x reader who is touchy? Like, they won’t if he doesn’t like it, but it’s a safety thing, like him being taller than me (even not by much) makes me secure, feeling his arm muscles to know he can protect me, holding his hand until he pulls away.
thank you!! :3
I don't think you understand the extent to which my Rodolfo is touch starved, he really wants a hug, and the ones that Alejandro give him don't really cut it, at all! Mans wants to be hugged and cuddled, so this is sort of just ideal to him!
Rodolfo with a Touchy!Reader
In all honesty, he’s hit the jackpot with you if you’re a touchy person. While he may not initiate too much physical touch himself in fear of coming off as clingy and annoying, he’s actually so touch starved, it’s unreal. If there weren’t some mental barriers there, then he’d absolutely love to touch and cuddle you whenever he could. Would love to kiss you, would love to hold you. He’s one of the biggest cuddlebugs on the planet in theory, but in practice he’s holding himself back due to the aforementioned reasons. However, he has no qualms whatsoever if you’re the one touching him, in fact, he’ll revel in it for as long as he can, or until you pull away. He gets a bit sad when you do, but he knows you’ve got better things to do as well from time to time.
Please do hold onto his arm when you’re walking somewhere, it makes him feel like the stronger guy out of the two of you. He just wants to make sure you feel safe and sound with him, and if he can accomplish just that? Heaven on earth, literally. Hold his hand, he’ll squeeze it every once in a while to make sure you know he’s still with you. You can even give him a hug in public where everyone can see you, he’ll shield you with his entire body and make sure to catch every single bullet that could come flying at you. While he’s not too big of a fan of kissing in public, thinking such a thing should be reserved for when the two of you are alone, he loves feeling your lips on him just about anywhere. Wanna kiss his cheek? His forehead? His lips? He’ll give you twice as many kisses back.
From time to time he might get a bit overwhelmed with all the affection, that’s when you might want to tone it down a bit. When he’s just downright pissed at someone or something, he’s less prone to being cuddly, but he’ll calm down eventually. Distract him, help him, give him some loving words, and he’ll be back to his usual self. Once he’s calmed down he might be a bit tired from all those emotions, so he might want some cuddles. Likely won’t ask for them, but he knows you’re always eager to cuddle him anyway.
While he does love holding something, or someone, when relaxing, nothing, to him, feels better than being held. That’s his guilty pleasure, being the little spoon, but you won’t catch him dead admitting that. In fact, he won’t even hint at wanting to be such, but he would absolutely never turn you down when you offer. Feeling your warmth against his back is nice, doesn’t matter if you can wrap yourself around him entirely or if you’re a backpack, he just wants to feel protected for once too. However, if something ever were to happen, then he’s the first to jump into action and beat the living daylights out of anyone who dares to intrude on such a sacred moment.
Hell, you can even put your head in his lap. He’ll lovingly stroke your back or your head, looking completely lovestruck at you. It’s a major sign of trust for him, especially when you’re slowly dozing off. Won’t move an inch if you do and will just continue to pat your hair, staring at you instead of the tv monitor. If you want, you can also adjust him so his head is in your lap instead, he would never say no to that either. In fact, if he’s comfortable enough, he might nuzzle into your hand, realize what he’s doing and get a bit embarrassed. He usually feels the need to be the big, strong man in your relationship, that he really shouldn’t be showing so much weakness, but how could he resist your tender, gentle touch when it’s right there? Showing you a glimpse of how touch starved he is is just about one of the most mortifying things out there, but he can’t help it. It simply feels so good.
He absolutely adores the fact he can make you feel safe. Again, he won’t really initiate much physical contact himself, but he will stand fairly close to you so you may, if you feel like it, just grab his hand and swing it around a bit as you’re walking around. You can lean into him, there’s a chance he might wrap an arm around you to make sure you won’t fall over. He loves that he can be your support system in a way that makes him happy as well. You get to touch him, he gets to be touched, it’s the most perfect symbiotic relationship out there.
At the end of the day, you both get to feel safe and sound with one another, because of your presence and because of your love. You protect each other and make sure the other is thriving, what thing in this world could possibly be more pure than that?
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