#obviously i understand it can suck when people hate on something you enjoy sure
eff-plays · 3 months
I love hearing your takes on Astarion and the Tav's who are romancing him, it makes me feel less like a jerk for being annoyed by all the same things.
Glad to hear it!! I do sometimes feel like a jerk when I make those posts because at the end of the day, people who write bland OOC fanfic aren't hurting anyone.
But I also think that I'm not really hurting anyone by talking about the stuff I dislike, either. If someone is hurt by me dunking on a trope they like/have written, that's not my problem lol. Like I'm not talking directly to them or saying they can't write or enjoy it, I'm just expressing my own opinion on a general trend.
I just can't comprehend how my enjoyment of creating something would be hurt by some anonymous rando saying they don't like similar aspects of it, so whenever people do get upset it's like ... Okay? Did you need my permission to create? Do you need to believe everything you make will be for everyone forever? To me it's like ... keep scrolling, ya know? Block me if you want, it's whatevs.
It's fine to have opinions and dislike things. As long as you're not a dick directly to the people who make the things you dislike and write them hatemail or mean comments/reblogs, who give a shit, ya know?
So like ... I think even if we are jerks, it's like ... fine? It's fine to dislike things and to express your dislike of those things. Especially when it comes to general popular trends in fandom and media. Especially on your own blog and when it's not directly aimed at any particular person.
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celestie0 · 21 days
🪷 girl fuck these people I'm really sorry you're getting so many messages bitching about no smut in ch10. Like who even cares? Does a story or chapter have no value if the characters aren't going at it like rabbits and fucking and sucking on each other?
At this point if you're so disappointed about no hanky panky just go read one of those pornhwas where the characters start screwing at the drop of a hat.
I would've loved that chapter with smut or without smut idgaf it doesn't even matter to me (and the same is for most of your readers too, I'm sure of it). We've all stuck around with your work for so long, and we have faith in your direction as well as your decisions regarding the pace of the plot. It's never that serious, especially not to the stage that bozos feel the need to weep in a writer's asks and swamp them with negative messages. Go jack off or play dj with your hello kitty and go to sleep like the rest of us.
Again, no matter what you do with your work it's entirely your choice. Ofc we as readers can have our own takes and how or why we interact with the work can vary, but it shouldn't reach this stage. I've seen this same story of bullying and pestering authors on tumblr too many times with other authors whose work I enjoy, and many have left their blogs because the harassment made them lose interest in writing and sharing their pieces. It's fucking heartbreaking. Pornhub dot com is right there for y'all to be doing entirely too much in the asks of these writers who are already overwhelmed and write and share all this FOR FREE. If you have so many qualms about it pick up that bic and get to writing bitch!
I'm sorry babe take care! We love you🫂
AHHH LILYPAD ANON I APPRECIATE U SM THIS MEANS THE WORLD TO ME 😭😭 you’re always so kind to me i sobs
yeahh sigh :( i was just a bit upset that ppl were already finding fault w a chapter i haven’t even released yet just bc it doesn’t have smut in it 😭😭 like i obviously know by now that i can’t make everyone happy, but it’s not right to subtly pressure me into a certain direction for my story (ik this is a normal thing authors/writers have to deal with, i am just a weakling unfortunately 💀💀 my therapist wld agree)
i know it’s not most of my readers though :”) everyone is so sweet n kind n patient, i just don’t understand the some few that think that just bc they tell me they’re disappointed there’s no smut, that i’m somehow gonna go back to my 80pg dissertation of a chapter n make it 100pgs just to add some for them 😅…like no. what it DOES make me feel is icky n sad
frankly it’s really uncomfortable to make an author feel bad that there’s no explicit sexual content in a story 😅 your horny brainrot is showing. like, i AM def planning to write smut in kickoff, there will be multiple smut scenes to come. but even if i suddenly chose not to include them anymore, that’s my right to do so.
and yes, if they want smut, they can write it themselves. why do i need to be the one to write it for you? i don’t owe anyone anything.
i totally agree w you. honestly, i feel bad sometimes setting these boundaries, but you’re SO RIGHT in that SO many authors leave their platforms bc of hateful asks/pressuring comments etc, i’ve seen it time n time again. bc it’s true that it DOES get to people, especially when creating art is already a very stressful thing. i don’t have to passively tolerate rude strangers on the internet just because i’m trying to protect n pursue my passion
thanks sm for trusting my direction :”) and YES absolutely!! i love it when my readers disagree w character actions or emotions, bc characters have flaws n i’m intentional about those flaws, so it’s exciting to see opinions my readers have, even if they’re in disagreement, because it’s interactive w my work. not that i expect anyone to interact ever. i understand that i post on my own accord, so readers can choose whether to interact on their accord as well.
but something about pressuring me into writing explicit sexual content into a story that i’d like to think is a lot more than just smut, is really disheartening.
- ellie 🐸
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gabessquishytum · 10 months
I know literally nobody will relate because I've never met anyone who did but... (Trans) Hob who hates receiving oral sex. He just hates it. It's awkward, somehow doesn't feel good no matter how skilled his partner is, the only saving grace is when the person finally adds fingers to the mix. He loves giving oral, so it's not about "I don't want you to do this to me so I don't have to do it to you". He just doesn't want any tongue down there.
When he and Dream finally start sleeping together, he becomes the master of distraction. If it's looking like Dream might go down on him, he quickly finds a way to distract him away from that. But one day, Dream plans to only eat Hob out until he cums multiple times. You know, since Hob had blown him amazingly so many times and he has yet to repay the favour and show off his mind-blowing skills.
Hob has two options. Either he fakes it, or they talk like two adults and he says that he doesn't like it. But these two, talking? Yeah, right. Because Dream obviously must really want this and he'd be disappointed if Hob said no, so Hob will simply grit his teeth and try to enjoy it. Meanwhile, Dream absolutely notices how nervous Hob is. He assumes Hob is self-conscious about something small like his natural scent or how wet he gets. But when Dream finally gets his mouth down there, Hob makes the fakest porn moan and Dream is like o.O da fuq?
Now, we can add even more stupid into the mix and Dream thinks Hob is faking because he doesn't believe that Dream knows how to make him feel good. But I think there has been enough stupid and the two should just talk, and Hob finally tells Dream that he doesn't enjoy this particular activity and maybe Dream could suck his tits and finger him instead?
Anon, thank you so much for sharing this!! I'm quite sure that you're not the only one who experiences this. Preferences during sex are a deeply personal thing and you should never feel weird about what you like or don't like.
Hob really really likes giving oral sex, whatever the gender of his partner. Its something he's good at, that gives him pleasure, and it's something that he's been able to rely on when he's needed to disguise his transness. No need to get undressed if he's going down on someone!
So he feels guilty! Because what if Dream really enjoys giving oral? What if Hob is holding him back from taking his pleasure? He couldn't bear to do that, surely it would be better to... suffer through it, or whatever? To make Dream happy?
These kind of fucked up thoughts obviously show on his face and Dream knows that something is up. He can see Hob overthinking and spiralling. He at least has enough maturity to call time out on the sex - he would rather die than do something to Hob while he's obviously not enjoying himself, Dream is nothing if not a respectful partner. He just wishes that Hob would communicate with him (yes, he's aware of the irony) instead of saying "I'm fine!" And suggesting that they continue.
Dream really has to dig deep, to get the truth out of his lover. Hob doesn't want to admit this weakness, this boundary. He doesn't want to have boundaries with Dream! He wants to give every part of himself...... (when he's says this, Dream points out that Hob isn't being very giving now, is he? Checkmate).
Once he has the truth, Dream is somewhat relieved but mostly he just wants to convey that he doesn't want to do things that Hob won't like! That's literally a turn off for him! He will keep saying it until Hob understands!!!
And then they cuddle a lot and have tea and Hob’s battered, people-pleasing heart gets a little bit healed.
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percy isn’t a fan of pools. they’re too still, too artificial . water is not meant to be contained. but he hasn’t been in one for years. and maybe it’s time to see if he’s better at keeping himself in control. at least this time there will be someone there to help him. keep him safe. at least this time, it’s on his own terms.
(I obviously still suck at summaries. 24 years old and I still don’t know how to say the right thing to make people understand what they’re about to read :/ anyway read percy getting into a pool for the first time in years while jason, his safety net, keeps a close and adoring eye on him)(I love them your honour)
(this fic is based off of a headcanon by @/shorlinesorrows. you can find a link to the headcanon and their profile in the beginning notes of this fic).
beginning notes
holy hell and high waters please understand you are NOT hallucinating yes I AM actually posting something I knooowww even im shocked.
but @shorlinesorrows posted the most gorgeous headcanon about percy hating pools because they are too constricting and stagnant, unlike the ocean, and it made my brain buzz so good I had to do something with that.
and naturally, because I’m me and you guys know that, I made it a whole Moment for jase and pers. because when do I ever give up on the chance to make something about them? exactly never. also naturally, and because it’s me, this is not edited in anyway. if you see a mistake: make a wish! you know they come true MWAH!
anyway I hope you enjoy this, and please be sure to give that headcanon some love over on tumbles. it really is such a brilliant idea!
no content warnings for this one. it’s pretty tame since it’s more about percy than about any actual couple jercy type thing
but of course I have songs so please do check out these if you want a collection of music to listen to while reading this
marine turtle by nct u (title) (almost mandatory to listen to while reading. almost)
somebody by jungkook
leave by straykids
we are by the boyz
still monster by enyphen
wait by dino (because im so proud of him!)
okay i love you enjoy!!!!
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hunter-sylvester · 4 months
Hi! I’m the anon who wrote the ask about Hunter’s parental issues and about his attachment to Kevin. Thank you for answering my asks, I absolutely love the way you write and how you explain everything! You’re extremely talented!🫶
I honestly didn’t notice how in love Hunter was with Kevin until I watched the movie a second time. It’s crazy how you can literally see all feeling in Hunter’s eyes when he looks at Kevin. I also loved how you said that their relationship fits a BDSM bratting dynamic, because I totally see it.
[and as someone who has ADHD and deals with RSD on a regular, I completely understand him. It sucks.]
Hey 🤘 [prev ask for context] Yeah I obviously couldn’t be 100% sure they were from the same person but it definitely makes the most sense lol
Thank you so much! I’m really glad you enjoy my rambling thoughts about Hunter as a character <3
If you do like my writing, I’m tempted to sheepishly gesture over to my actual Metal Lords fics over on Ao3 if you haven’t checked them out, even tho it makes me feel like a bit of a dick to do so 😅 (They are mostly locked to registered users, blame AI data scraping. The only Metal Lords fic not locked rn is a tiny ficlet. An Ao3 account is free tho 👀)
In any case, I really appreciate that you pushed me to do a bit of analysis again. Because sometimes I tend to forget that all the stuff that lives in my head as “obvious” isn’t always stuff I’ve said out loud on here lmao
There’s a lot to pull from the film if you’re willing to be a bit mentally ill about it.
And you’re absolutely right about the way he looks at Kevin, I mean, it happened enough for me to make a whole ass gifset of it lmao
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Look at him. The boy is smitten. Clueless, of course. But smitten.
Which I credit basically entirely to Adrian Greensmith, as it was a vision he had for the character. I really can’t imagine Hunter having been played by anyone else as he brought so much to the role. (Fun fact, if I remember correctly: Noah Urrea, who plays Clay, originally auditioned for Hunter. No harm but I'm very glad he didn't get that. He makes a good Clay and Hunter just needed to be played by Adrian.)
One of the key things Adrian brought to the role also being, probably accidentally, his anxiety.
"I spent a lot of Metal Lords feeling a bit anxious [...] and in hindsight I wonder if some of that was just a sign that Hunter was quite an anxious character [...] I mean his body's so tense all the time." - Adrian Greensmith.
I shortened that quite a bit so I'm including a slightly longer clip of the interview audio for more context. (I can upload a subtitled video clip if anyone wants that as well as link the video on yt but I'd have to do a bit of a search for that)
Aside: If I had to guess I'd say he's probably referring to Peter Sollett who directed Metal Lords when he mentions a 'Pete'.
And yeah the bratting thing was a little bit of a joke but mostly not a joke. Without going absolutely off the deep end, the mentality behind bratting is something I really see in Hunter.
Evie Lupine has a wonderful video about bratting and why people would be interested in it (and why some people hate it) but a short snippet that always spoke to me from that is the following:
"The motivations behind bratting are pretty varied. I think one of the main ones would be a sense of security and comfort. This is when the acting out is sort of a way to be reassured that even when you, break rules, even when you push at things, the partner that you're with is not going to abandon you." - Evie Lupine
Obviously, with Hunter's fear of abandonment, it's easy to see why this would appeal to him.
He also just...idk he has brat energy - sincerely, a brat.
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And Kevin does just play out the counterpart to that. He doesn't always have Hunter under control but he tries to.
And he does mostly act as that safe person to brat against, which again amplifies the impact it has when Hunter starts to think he's actually losing Kevin, destroying that feeling of safety.
Aside: I obviously don't think that these characters, in universe, negotiated for a bratting dynamic. In universe it'd be something that just sort of organically developed within their friendship/relationship. But even more than that it's an archetype of a dynamic that we as the audience can easily read into their interactions if that makes sense.
Can you believe the shit they will accidentally put in movies? lmao
And yeah, I have ADHD as well. And RSD is something that affects me pretty fucking severely. I've only really become more aware of it in the past year or so as my partner has pointed it out more and more.
So it's definitely something that I then noticed more and more in Hunter too.
Obviously this is all just my take on the character, and other people might have totally different interpretations. That's the beauty of art, we all get to find what we need in it and read it in our own ways, influenced by our own life experiences.
Thank you again for asking, Anon 🤘 (if you want to use a nickname or smth to identify that you're the same Anon, let me know. If not, that's totally okay too, but I might not always know it's you)
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
.....i hate that you converted me. Fine, you win, may i please request Itward comforting reader? The post about matchmaking(specifically the bit where they get locked up) made me feel. Things.
I just think it would be interesting to see usually laidback and chill reader crumble a little at this. Specifically because i hate hate hate things going out of control when i expect them to be predictable. Outside? Yeah, i cannot control the world, it's not my burden. In a group of people? Well am a part of it only, so i can only do my thing and socialize, not police what they're doing.(althrough i do so.. sometimes.. i just like being reliable..) But in MY LIVING ROOM? Nah, if something unusual is happening i'm stressed. Oh the door is closed? Well fuck, just gonna have to sit here and panic, then rage for a bit and try not to cry. And if its a tight/dark space? OHOOHOOO, a panic attack is waiting!
Itward comforting reader !
Yahoo I'm finally getting to this ehehehe!! Hope you enjoy this!
As for the converting
Evilly smiles
The evil spell has worked (evil spell is my writing and character interpretations)
Also that last bit gave me an idea so this post is gonna tackle two settings, in terms of where you guys get locked up >:)
Side note today today by jack stauber reminds me of itward idk why
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So it may have.. left my mind.. but I forgot that itward can kinda. Teleport. Or at least make little portals, as seen in chapter 1... as well as being able to just vanish as seen when he opens the window for fran in the twins house (not sure if that was him becoming invisible or teleporting, both seem in character)
But let's say, for the sake of plot and perhaps some character stuff... there are rules for his abilities, which can prevent him from using them. Mostly cooldown stuff, which.. wouldnt prevent it much unless hes doing it a lot but.. hush, I dont have many ideas!!
With that said, let's get on with the post!
Assuming you guys are locked in a room within the ship:
At first only you notice the door shutting. Itward doesnt notice it wont open until he goes to exit, only to find you're both stuck. Lets also say this is the only room with one exit; so the chemistry room most likely. Though if it were any of the other rooms, we can assume the second exit is also locked down
Itward would likely think that it's a malfunction of sorts, thanks to the doors not being manual push/pull doors... probably silently curses himself for not thinking about the possibility of a jam
Though, hes very clearly a skilled mechanic and engineer, so hes already thinking of what could be the issue and how to fix it
Probably gets way too sucked in taking off the button panel thing to get into the mechanics and wiring... it's not until he notices you quietly freaking out that he looks over his shoulder to check on you
Oh dear..
Slowly drops the spare tools he keeps on him (I mean.. we DID see him pull a wrench out of no where when he started working on his ship during the fire berry thing... perhaps he keeps them within his bones? Like his rib cage? Like obviously it was just the game trying to save time from hydt having him pull one out rather than animate him picking one up from the ground buuuuut I'm silly)
Quietly asks if youre alright
A silly question, he can admit, hes been around many people and this is no new sight for him..
Barely refrains from putting a hand on your shoulder but stops before he reaches you, afterall hes never seen you like this and he doesnt know if you're okay with touch
Assures you that he will have the door open soon, correctly assumes that that is the issue... I mean, he can understand why it's scary, I mean, to be trapped like that. No one would like that
(Ignore that he did the same to fran, albeit non maliciously)
Refuses to get to work on the door (doesnt even realize hes prolonging the issue) until he can get through to you and help you
Hangs onto every word you say, and delivers anything you need
Need a hug? He will wrap his arms around you, and perhaps even purr. Need reassurance? He'll let you know the door is just jammed and he will fix it soon enough. Need to fill the silence? Itward will rattle on about things to keep it from going wuirt5
As soon as the door is opened he steps out of the way, letting you exit first
Keeps a close eye on you for a few hours after the fact
If you guys get locked in a closet
This one is already way worse thanks to the limited wiggle room as well as the darkness. The only light is coming from itwards eyes, and even then its not a lot
You guys are pressed up against each other, but this little scenario is not at cheesy or romantic... itward can feel your heart beating against him, so he immediately knows something is wrong
How did you guys even end up trapped here?
I dunno :3
It's too tight and cramped to move, so itward trying to force the door open or mess with the button panel is a no go.. really, of all the doors to have a manual door, the broom closet should have been the one to have it..
Honestly I think he tries 1 of 3 things
Force the door open with his strength (can he do that? We know that in terms of his powers hes packs a bit of a punch, he managed to face off remor to buy fran time in chapter 1, but I'm unsure of how strong he is physically)..though hed have to try to twist around to face the door
Knock on the door with his foot to try to get someones attention for help, and perhaps guide them through how to open the door
Or three, try his little teleporting trick and take you with him
Regardless of what option he goes through, he can't deny that theres something wrong with you
Unfortunately of you need a hug he cant, given the limited room.. plus you may feel claustrophobic enough..
Tries to give nervous reassurances as he tries to come up with an idea
Most likely case is the teleporting thing, assuming he has the capabilities of doing so in that moment
But just know as soon as you guys are free hes sitting you down at the table in the main area of his ship and making you a cup of tea
Quietly asks you if everythings alright
Similarly, he keeps a close eye on you for a while after this
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lizzardthing · 7 months
I love shipping these whorish little men as much as anyone but can we take a moment for- asexual Toki?
I rly like the headcanon that Toki is ace and I never see anyone talk about it. Even before he regresses, Toki doesn’t really get the function or fun of sex. He bangs groupies, sure, but he’s not nearly as into it as the rest of Dethklok. When he talks to them about wanting to fall in love, none of them understand what he’s talking about. He wants a life partner. He wants to go on dates and start a family. But the sex isn’t really part of the interest to him.
When he finally meets the girl that’s supposed to be meant for him, he finds her repulsive. But I don’t think it’s just because her personality sucks or because she’s not physically attractive- that’s certainly a big part of it, but also, I think Toki is freaked out about the idea of having to fuck this person whenever they want forever. That’s no better than banging random groupies.
Now, I don’t think Toki completely hates sex. He obviously physically enjoys it and he gets the point- it feels good and it’s non commital, you don’t have to think about it. Just blowing off steam. My idea of asexual Toki doesn’t revolve around the idea he never has sex again- I’m sure occasionally he feels the need to do so and does. It’s not like it’s hard for him to find people interested.
But I do like the idea of Toki eventually, long after AOTD and recovering somewhat from the trauma he’s dealt with, just. Not being interested in sex. That’s never been what’s important to him, and after a long phase of being age regressed and sex being completely off his mind, once he’s mostly back to his normal self, he just doesn’t go looking for it. He gets more into his model planes. He actually starts focusing on guitar. He likes his hobbies, his music, his family. He’s unconcerned with the rock star persona-he was never good at keeping up with it anyways- and he’s just focused on having fun. Feeling fulfilled.
Picture Skwisgaar goading him, talking about how much more pussy he gets than Toki, trying to get a ride out of him, and Toki just being like yknow not everyone WANTS to bang groupies all the time? Some of us have better stuff to do.
Murderface teasing him, calling him gay and shit. Spying on him since he hasn’t seen Toki with any ladies, sure he’s gonna catch him with a guy one day, and eventually realizing Toki just. Is happy entertaining himself. Watching TV and playing video games and coloring by himself in his room, totally content.
Toki going to Pickles and Nathan, asking for advice, thinking somethings wrong with him because he doesn’t wanna bang chicks, and them just being like. Dude no one cares. It literally doesn’t matter.
I really like the idea of Toki actually, really being completely fulfilled and happy by himself. He loves his brothers, his family, they mean everything to him. He doesn’t need external validation from some random ladies he’s never gonna see again. He’s just HAPPY.
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mint-yooxgi · 6 months
I really respect how much you stand up for yourself. Not everyone has to agree with your opinions in order for them to be valid, and so many people (myself included) are people pleasers who prioritise being ‘nice’ over being honest and true to yourself and setting firm boundaries on the respect you deserve from others. It’s always refreshing to see someone who will stand their ground and I genuinely find it a source of inspiration, so I appreciate that just as much as your brilliant writing! If someone doesn’t like your stories they don’t have to read them. I’ve always taken your requests for feedback as a request to hear what people thought, not as a request for anyone who hated it to come out and insult it (very common courtesy, if I don’t enjoy something I obviously don’t interact with it???). I understand if people like the stories but want to share something constructive, but if you’re giving feedback on something that was FREE, the least you can do is be respectful - honesty without tact and respect is just cruelty. And I think you’re right in your observation that a lot of the hate/cringe anon stuff is coming from butthurt people who don’t like to be called out for their behaviour … sucks to be them! If only they’d take the opportunity to learn and grow from it 🥲
Hey love, I just want everyone to know I received this ask before I got the one I just responded to, but I felt the need to respond to the other one first because, I'll be very honest, I'm tired and very upset people keep taking things out of context and putting words in my mouth.
This is getting ridiculous at this point, and you're right here my dear anon, I AM going to stick up for myself because this is MY blog, and if people don't like it, they can see themselves out. I have every right to defend myself on my own blog, or make jokes out of rude, hateful anons that come into MY safe space and call ME a "dumbass hoe."
I, too, believe it or not, am a people pleaser, but I'm sick and tired of ignoring my own comfort in favour of others. This is something I felt finally needed to be said, and I'm very pleasantly surprised by how many other authors agree with me. Which, honestly, says a lot!
I literally never made it about the two blogs I reblogged those fic rec posts from. One of which, has reached out and said they're actually grateful I told them and is going to fix the post when they get a chance to! Kudos for them! That's the mature thing to do!
This whole situation never was directed at anybody, or meant to be targeted until certain people made it just about them. And now, it's ballooned into this when all I was asking was for basic respect for all authors. I'm just... shocked.
And I could not have said it better myself, anon. I hope you don't mind me quoting you here, but
"If someone doesn’t like your stories they don’t have to read them. I’ve always taken your requests for feedback as a request to hear what people thought, not as a request for anyone who hated it to come out and insult it (very common courtesy, if I don’t enjoy something I obviously don’t interact with it???). I understand if people like the stories but want to share something constructive, but if you’re giving feedback on something that was FREE, the least you can do is be respectful - honesty without tact and respect is just cruelty."
This, especially your last line about tact and respect is literally so important. I think people get too comfortable saying whatever they want behind the security of the anonymous feature. If you have a problem with me, then come off anon, or shoot me a private message, and we can deal with it there. Sending a rude anon during a time when I'm making a post about showing your authors respect just doesn't sit right with me. And if you're going to send feedback, like actual helpful feedback, make sure it will actually help the person you're sending it to? Also, make sure they asked?
I really hope people do take this opportunity to grow, and critically think about this situation before trying to get involved. Because at this point, a lot of people are just making themselves out to be an ass. (Not you anon, you're literally so sweet for sending me this! Same with everyone who has been supporting me and kind! So I thank you very much!!)
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
I'm ngl I feel kinda afraid to mention any positive aspects abt the show bc it feels abit nowadays like you just, can't enjoy it anymore. Like no matter what RWBY does you won't be happy and any positive aspects mentioned you'd find a way to turn into something bad or Not Good Enough and idk I love most of your essays but that kinda throws me off. I just wish you were able to watch it a bit less... Against It. Hating it is fine, I hate it, it's a horribly written horribly paced mess with awful characters, awful humour and the worst voice acting in the industry, but I can unapologetically appreciate when a good scene happens and it feels like you can't, or at least can't without adding 50 asterisks and conditionals and ways it could be better. IDK it makes me a bit sad sometimes, since you dedicate so much time to this.
I feel you, anon, though we've known this was coming for years. Unlike a collection of short stories or other, separated media, the longer RWBY makes mistakes the more future content is going to suffer. Four years past where I personally think the show started having serious issues, yeah, there's more to criticize than praise (imo, obviously) and I'm not inclined to pretend otherwise. You say yourself, "I hate it, it's a horribly written, horribly paced mess with awful characters, awful humor, and the worst voice acting in the industry" so honestly I'm a little confused as to where you think these good scenes are that I'm missing. If the plot, tone, characters, humor, and acting all suck, what are we left with? And if you "hate" the show, why would you expect others to find more to praise?
Personally, I feel like I do appreciate the good scenes when we see them, but yeah, they're going to come with those 50 asterisks because, as said, everything is interconnected. If the show does a good job depicting Ruby's grief over Penny, I'm still going to question why we didn't get that when she first died. If the show nails an awesome "I'm still just small" line from Little, that unfortunately makes all the terrible humor surrounding it that much more apparent. My recaps strive to unpack all the aspects that I see, which means that after years of missteps the good stuff is coming with a huge load of baggage. For me, it would be a serious misrepresentation of the text to go, "Wow, Weiss hitting herself in the head with a rock sure was funny! Good on RWBY for writing such a comedic scene" and just ignore the context of that interrupting Ruby's grief because I don't want my recaps to be too mean. These recaps aren't going to RT. They're not written with the intention coaxing a writer towards improvement without breaking their spirit. There's absolutely no reason why I should pull punches - say less than everything I'm thinking - especially in a fandom that already works so hard to paint RWBY as better than I personally think it is.
I'm not going to insult you by assuming your intentions, but frankly I really dislike this whole 'It's so sad you can't enjoy the show anymore, you've dedicated so much to this, what's the point if you're not praising it?' perspective. I've heard it a lot over the years and 99% of the time it's sanctimonious nonsense. Again, I'm not accusing you of that, anon, just acknowledging that a lot of people have tried to "help" me over the years not because they care, but because they don't want anyone criticizing RWBY and have realized that outright attacks haven't worked. But the reality is that you don't know me, or what I get out of RWBY, or what's an enjoyable way for me to spend my time. It's totally fine - and understandable - if you're upset that my recaps have grown more and more critical over the years, but the answer to that discomfort is to stop reading them. There's no constructive criticism to offer here, just an implied request for me to lie and say that I think the show is better written than it actually is... which isn't going to happen. You shouldn't be "afraid" to mention a positive take - the fandom is 99% positive takes - and if you don't like the idea of sending in an ask and me potentially disagreeing, there are thousands of other RWBY content creators who will give you an enthusiastic response. Yeah, it sucks that you can't read recaps overflowing with praise and it sucks that I can't write them, but that's due to RWBY making those major mistakes and allowing them to snowball for half a decade. As said, you claim to "hate" the show and provided a long list of its broad and far-reaching problems, anon. You should thus understand that the problem here is in RWBY being really badly written, not me acknowledging that it's really badly written.
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wtfwhy · 1 year
SPOILERS!!!!!!! Unorganized Teen Wolf movie review basically
I actually... really liked it??? Like it's not that good but I enjoyed watching it! A lot of parts were genuinely funny and the plot was like passable! (Quite a few unanswered questions tho)
There were some things I found confusing or weird, like idk wtf Harris had against the pack (his reveal was funny af tho) and a few other things, but they were mostly just because of the lack of Stiles, Kira, and and Isaac
The Kira 'stand in' girl (I think her name was Hikari??) Was pretty cool, obviously sucks that Kira herself wasn't there but that's a whole different conversation 👀
Honestly, as a huge Stydia shipper I was hoping they wouldn't break them up and just have him like watching their kids or something (I think I saw a funny post of that once) but they way they broke them up? Not actually that bad? Like Lydia left him because she loved him and I was just worried that they wouldn't love each anymore so I'll take what I can get! Tho not expanding on the dreams she was having is a bit of a lost thread, but since it wasn't really apart of the main story, I'll let it slide lol.
I did not like how they just pretended Issac didn't exist, that was pretty fucked up. Like I predicted that Scott and Allison would get back together by the end, but damn rip Isaac for real 😔
Anyways, about Derek's death... Honestly, since I wasn't taking the movie that seriously in the first place, I didn't really feel anything about Derek dying? Like don't get me wrong, I love the man and if they killed him off in the actual show I'd be bawling, but the movie to me is just a silly little suggestion to canon than law. There's real canon, fanon, and the third secret canon that lives inside my brain ☺️
But like, I don't really care that he died in the movie, I was just surprised tbh. Rip king you deserved better 🙏 (I don't understand how he just like, disappeared, after being burnt?? Like maybe I didn't notice it but his body was gone like huh???)
I never liked Scott and Malia together so I'm glad they broke up, but Malia and Parish was weird as hell and was just so random. I think that ever since Malia and Stiles broke up the writers just couldn't figure out what to do with her? Which is a total shame cause Malia is queen. But none of her relationships post stiles make sense or work out so rip (I do love me some stlia on the side ngl)
Jackson was GREAT, funny af and just like how I would imagine the redeemed adult version of the asshole from season 1, 10/10
Lots of missed opportunities for interactions, (like Liam and Mason) but it's only a 2h movie so I get it
I thought both Scott and Allison were great, tho I'm not sure how I feel about her staying alive afterwards. Plus I always shipped Scira more but you know 👀 love that Scott was the same great guy ☺️ when he hugged Chris I literally cried it was so cute 🥺
UNEXPECTED TWIST for me!!! I came into the movie, very lightly shipping Chris and Melissa, and came out of the movie shipping Chris, Melissa, and Peter 😳 I didn't expect that! But they were such a cute trio omg it was amazing
Eli was cute and I don't think that he was that much like stiles, but there obviously similarities
And Jackson and Lydia brotp??? Absolutely!!!
So that's basically it, I'll give this a solid 7/10
PS: saw some people legitimately mad that sterek didn't happen, fuck those people. You are not allowed near my blog...unless you want to send funny hate anon that I can roast
(like one person brought up the whole, sterek was "queerbaiting" thing, which is such bullshit. They literally never fucking liked each other, even platonically. I would say by the end of the show Derek just barely tolerates Stiles. The real queerbaiting was the writers being to scared to confirm that Stiles was Bi because it's ridiculous how many scenes pointed to that, especially in seasons 1-3 smh)
I might take about more later but it's bedtime!!!
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somehowmags · 10 months
also honestly, girl at an all boys school has been such a common trope for YEARS like. i know not everyone is insane like i was and went through a gacha phase but the fandom was literally 1/5 built off a girl mc in an all boys school trope. obviously we were all kids when we made it so gacha mvs weren't the best for the portrayal of nuanced, gendered issues or specifically, proper handling of misogyny for the matter but like. the theme itself definitely not weird as bad as people think. yuu literally got their asscheeks yoinked to an alternate world them being a girl is the least of their concerns. if any thing, it can be more interesting to see how characters differently interact with yuu and come to build positive, intimate and meaningful relationships with her especially as guys who have had limited interactions with girls, so both yuu and the characters learn from each other putting aside the main character development in the storyline. adding onto the feeling of the divide yuu would feel at the beginning as someone who's both from another world and of another gender in nrc. these girl in an all boys school plots often end up as a harem story where the mcs are just a blank slate in the character drama. and i hate it cause most of the times it ends up perpetuating the notion that guys can never be friends with girls due to romantic or sexual interest electing the girls as either someone to possess in a relationship or someone not suited to them at all, just generally being misogynistic pricks, or actually being a decent friend to a girl is humiliating and a sign of inferiority. or girls just aren't as interesting. my best friend is the lesbian to my gay twink and building relationships with people fundamentally different than you can be so, so beautiful and fulfilling. i love seeing girls and guys just being HOMIES!!! seeing fem yuu's learn and stumble and grow with the nrc and just. overall people drawing and writing their yuu's with their favorite character is like fuck, speak your truth man. to be honest i was mainly speaking about the inexperienced first years but just any character. malleus, lilia, vil, etc etc. let's go yuu nation
tdlr its a really intriguing dynamic and allows for a lot of possibilities a fan could think of. masc yuu's are great, gn yuu's are great, fem yuu's are great. some twsties need to LET OTHER twsties just enjoy their whimsical thoughts.
YES YES YES YES EXACTLY AGREEING WITH ALL OF THIS!!!! having a girl in an all boys school or a boy in an all girls school has been a trope for years, and sure sometimes it is used for uh. fanservice. but when it is properly explored it can be a really interesting trope!
i saw someone say once (before yuuka came out) that there shouldn't be an official fem yuu because then the studio would HAVE to canonize a yuu ship which is soooooo. firstly why would having a fem mc mean that you have to ship them with someone, and secondly what about the studio implies that they would ever do that, and thirdly what an ass backwards misogynistic take, and fourthly you have to understand that f/m and f/f ships are not lesser than m/m. please LKAHSDFLKASDHFLKH the lengths people go to to justify not liking fem yuus. i laugh but it sucks going in the twst tags sometimes because people are so mean its depressing.
nyeah i feel like fandom is a bit like. too romance focused. people can do whatever the hell they want forever ofc! i like shipping also! i am known to enjoy an reader insert fic! i buy romance novels and play otomes all the time ajksldfhlakshdfasldhf but it sucks when its all that there is yknow. i love pushing dolls faces together to make them kiss but sometimes i would also like to play something else.
i also wish there was less disdain towards different yuus. like man we're all stuck in disney anime boy hell can't you guys suffer with dignity like the rest of us instead of being mean. we should all hold hands and imagine our favorite characters together.
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str4wberry-str33t · 1 year
"I gave up on listening to the top 40 years ago."
A lot of older people (and honestly some young adults and teens) are so quick to rag on popular music nowadays as if it's less artistically valuable than music to be released in earlier decades. And I think there are a few reasons for this.
Obviously, every generation is afraid of the music that comes from the next. People hated Elvis and the Beatles and now they're permanently locked in the cultural consciousness. Of course older generations aren't going to like Ice Spice or Doja Cat. That's not the music that was new and exciting when they were first experiencing the world. Music now is featuring ideals, politically and socially, that older generations aren't privy to. The sound of pop music is always going to be shifting to meet the younger demographic. Pop music today isn't marketed toward the older generations, so it's only natural that these people don't understand the appeal.
This brings me to my second point: Music (and art in general) are always made in retaliation to the world we live in. A lot of the criticism that is made of pop music today is that the songs have no substance and are only about sex blah blah blah. Not like back in the olden days when music meant something. (Although, this argument becomes moot when you realize that every single Led Zeppelin song is about sex, but I digress.) Right now, the world is in a state of crisis. We are still in the throws of a global pandemic. Almost every major world power is in a state of political, social, and economic turmoil. Things are complicated. It's only natural that people want to ingest simple things. Think about the steady rise in popularity of short-format video and reality television. Consumers want escapism. Consumers want easy art. That's while simple three-chord songs like Cupid and Boys a Liar are in the top 40 right now.
In order to fully criticize music or any type of art, we have to think about the cultural reality we live in.
Speaking of that cultural reality, I'm sure it's no surprise that another reason for all the criticism of pop music is just racism. But that's a topic for another day.
Another thing that irks me is the idea that all modern music sucks. Of course it doesn't. As always, you just have to search for good music in the places that YOU enjoy. There's been bad, repetitive, meaningless pop music since the dawn of radio. (Looking at you Madonna) and a lot of the elements of music that older people criticize could be completely avoided if just looked outside of the pop genre. Some of the post-punk revival stuff happening right now is amazing. The garage rock and indie pop genres are flourishing. Hell, even singer-songwriter and country are making a comeback. (You can thank Taylor Swift for that I guess.) I just wish older generations wouldn't paint a category as broad as music with such a wide brush.
Ok thats my rant.
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tiktowafel · 2 years
Hey love your headcanons! I was wondering if you have any for Tsuburaba?
Tumblr media
yup i have many! i love this boy so much
the majority of the class 1b fandom seems to agree that this dude is a total memelord and i honestly can't look him in those googly eyes and disagree with that
he definitely spams the class group chat with memes, recreates vines with his friends, quotes them all the time, gets mildly upset every time someone doesn't understand a reference and acts like he has memorized every knowyourmeme article in existence
i think he's just class 1-b's main funny guy in general, always joking around, telling wacky stories, pulling pranks and just trying to make everyone laugh :)
speaking of pranks: he loves pulling them because his quirk is perfect for that purpose. he did the "putting walls of solid air in doorways and waiting for someone to bump into them" one so may times it's more annoying than funny at this point, but it's his favorite nonetheless. mainly because he really enjoys watching certain people (usually Awase or Kamakiri, the ones who swear the most) get ridiculously pissed over it lol
he also uses his quirk to make little glass figures. he's not much of an artist so they usually come out really wonky but everyone thinks theyre cute
lung capacity has a lot to do with physical endurance so i guess he does long distance running as a form of quirk training? i feel like hes a pretty sporty person in general considering ball sports are canonically one of his favorite things
as much as he likes his quirk, he has to admit that it can be pretty damn inconvenient sometimes. for example respiratory diseases make it go haywire and it's incredibly annoying because it activates every time he coughs or sneezes
(can you tell i love his quirk and think about it a lot?? because i love his quirk and think about it a lot)
his life motto is probably something like "the more stupid shit you do, the more funny stories you'll have to tell your friends later!" because he always gets himself in trouble in dumbest ways possible and then walks up to people like "hey wanna hear about my latest near death experience"
but he's an amazing storyteller, really. this man's got such a way with words that everyone likes listening to him
he'd actually make a pretty good teacher.... if he wasn't absolutely terrible at almost everything school related
english is his only really strong school subject (90% of his skills comes from watching yt videos and looking at memes in english). he's pretty bad at everything else because his memory sucks and he can't pay attention in class to save his life
Rin is usually the one who helps him with studying. this is the main reason why they're close because Rin has the soul of an old man and doesn't get Tsuburaba's sense of humor at all lmao
the people who definitely do get his sense of humor are Tokage and Fukidashi. they're the meme trio of class 1-b and they have a separate group chat that exists for shitposting purposes only
he's also really good friends with Kaibara and Awase, the other two common sense kings, plus Tetsutetsu and Kamakiri, buuut i'm too lazy to talk about it rn lol
Yanagi on the other hand really doesn't like him. she considers him an annoying pervert and treats him like a sworn rival. he likes messing with her in return despite not really understanding why she hates him so much. the rest of the class thinks their interactions are hilarious
i mean he's canonically pretty dirty minded, but he's no Mineta!
sure he laughs at dirty jokes and often catches himself staring at people but he usually keeps his... thoughts to himself
idk for some reasons he seems like the kind of guy who sleeps naked (obviously he wears a robe when walking around the dorms)
it's a very good way to keep Tetsutetsu out of his room because Tetsu's the kind of guy who likes storming into peoples rooms in the morning like "it's a beautiful day outside bro!! the birds are singing and the sun is shining, get out of bed and go eat a healthy breakfast!!!" and Tsuburaba needs his beauty sleep lmao
(well maybe he wouldn't need it if he didn't stay up till 3am watching meme compilations on youtube every night)
every common sense king knows how to play an instrument and Tsuburaba's no exception. he's an absolute master at playing the kazoo
and also at whistling
fuck canon. this man has freckles
since freckled people don't tan very well, he gets sunburns a lot. it's not his fault he likes going outside and just forgets his sunscreen sumetimes :(
everyone in his family is taller than him and he hates it
speaking of his family, he has two older siblings - a brother and a sister, and i actually have character designs for them and their parents too (i also made up families for a bunch of other students. maybe one day i'll get myself to draw them and write some headcanons?)
that's all for today! i wanted to make this a bit more serious but decided not to because... idk man i didn't feel like it
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jeongsoo-jin · 2 years
can i get ateez reaction to you having baby fever, please?
Okay, this was requested back in june, but I really never had time to finish it because life sucks, so I apologize for the really long wait, but better late than never ig 😅
warnings: slightly suggestive, but no explicit sex scenes, mentions of possessiveness, pregnancy (obviously) I can't think of anything else, but if I missed something please let me know
-I honestly feel like he would want to wait until the both of you were in a stable place in your lives, because he knows that with his busy idol schedule, it would be difficult to be in a child’s life in the way he should be, but he reassures you a multitude of times that as soon as his idol life is over, he will indulge your desire for children; but until then, he’s your only baby :)
-Seongwha doesn’t put a lot of thought into his career when you bring up the idea of children, and I think would indulge you without thinking of the consequences. But being a child-at-heart himself, he enjoys the idea of having little ones too much to turn you down.
-Yunho would feel incredible reverence toward you for loving him enough to want to take that big of a step with him, so of course, he couldn’t say no. I also think he likes the possessiveness of impregnation; he sees it as him claiming you in a way nobody else can. He would most definitely shove his dick into you as soon as you started talking about it
-Yeosang MAY indulge your want, but only after hours of conversation, and really thinking through your wishes, then and only then will he consider doing such. He just doesn’t want to do anything that you will regret later in life; having children is a life-changing thing, after all. But he really does want to take that step with you, he just doesn’t want you to hate him later if you aren’t happy with the outcome :(
-San would go the full 9 yards when he found out you wanted a child; candle lit dinner followed by passionate love making, and exquisite aftercare. Mans just wanted to make you happy, no matter what it took 🥺
-I feel like when you told Mingi you wanted to have kids, he would indulge you; but not because he wants a child himself, I mean he does, he just has other motives. He loves the idea of knocking you up as a form of possession; he enjoys the idea that people will know that you’re taken when they see your baby bump forming, the way guys will look at you knowing you belong to him.
-Wooyoung may react slightly negatively at first, but when you explain that you love him so much that you want to take the next step with him, I feel like he may warm up to it a little, and he may also be like a few of his other members in the fact that he would love the possessiveness of it and being able to claim you.
-I feel like similar to Yunho, he would be ecstatic that you love him enough to take that step with him, but I feel like he would want to talk it out with you first, just to make sure that its what you truly want, and that you understand that there are things that could go wrong during pregnancy. But I feel like after a while of talking it out and weighing the pros and cons, he would give in and start a family with you.
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thesilverlady · 8 months
(a bit of rant) the Hypocrisy is truly the only thing that destroyed my enjoyment of hotd/f&b people take the whole team thing waaay to seriously as if we're rooting for footballs teams and not an interesting story that could be analyzed and interpret in many ways . not to talk about the moral police who attack you for enjoying problematic characters\ships but also go in their way to enjoy other problematic characters\ships. like the asoiaf fandom was become waaay worse than it used to be after GOT s7\s8 for some reason
I completely get it and I'm sorry they sucked the enjoyment out of you.
I'll admit I used to get frustrated over some people who would say "it's just color wars" or "they all suck so pick a fav criminal and move on" 'cause in my mind that meant they didn't understand or appreciate the story told from the book but after taking some time offline and touching some grass, I came to the conclusion that while I can't and shouldn't push my interpretations onto others I also don't have to put up with terrible takes I see.
I'll admit the fandom has become an extremely unwelcoming space: side 1: are the book purists who while I 100% can sympathize with wanting a faithful adaptation, I've often see them treating others like shit over crackships and toxic pairs, as if the entirely of asoiaf isn't built on that. The truth is they don't really care about "problematism" they just hate seeing a character they like being (what they consider to be) misinterpreted by others in fan content like fics, headcanon and arts etc.
Again I sympathize because I used to feel the same for another fandom (the grisha trilogy) but holding onto these feelings can only make you feel miserable. The two healthy solutions I've found are: either move on or create content you want to see - because I guarantee there will be others who want to see the same thing you do
side 2: show viewers who don't care about the book (which is valid. you can't force someone to read or becoming invested in the lore) but will also lose their mind over canon discussions because it doesn't match up with the version that exist in the showverse so that leads them to interpret the rest of the fandom as whining and lacking joy because "it's not that deep" and "why can't you just enjoy this"
side 3: is a mixed of both, which i consider the worst bunch because there's no victory with them. You show too much love for the book? Then you automatically hate the cast and you're -ist -obic. You love the show? Have you written 10 think pieces a day and support what is commonly accepted for the characters by the fandom? Because if you haven't you're a fake. You like a single green character despite not supporting their side of the war? You're obviously a misogynist. You ship non-canon ships? you're deranged. You ship canon ships? you're problematic and an apologist.
the way I've come to treat asoiaf as a whole (including f&b/hotd side) is how I treat the star wars fandom (which consists of a similiar toxic fanbase):
a) don't. enter. discourses.
you'll never change anyone's mind and they'll never change yours. Only enter an argument if the person gives normal sanity vibes or is a friend and won't have a problem if you two have different opinions on something
b) treat it as a solo thing.
The way I view this account is basically. I throw a ball at a wall and maybe someone will hear the noise and come play with me. Can it lonely? Sure. But it pays off when someone sees the earning signs I've left on this account and still decides to interact on their own
c) Be the person you want to interact with
This one can be hard because emotions always have a way to get in the way, but try to be someone you'd want to hang out in a fandom. In the past, I've gotten asks that say even though they don't agree with some of my interpretations about the characters they feel welcome here in regards of "teams". That's something I've been aiming for myself.
Anyways as to recent fandoms have become a bit of a nightmare with hypocrisy obsessive need for censorship and morality lessons as well as the quest of ending "romanticization" of anything, it has become a struggle for many. Try to combat it if you're willing because there are definitely other people other there who feel exactly the way you do.
Otherwise, a pause for personal space and to take care of yourself is never bad. In the end, I hope you can re-find some enjoyment for this fandom and if you ever need to vent more about it my asks & dms are open and judgement-free ♥
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jaegerisim · 11 months
So I'm not against you or anything but I feel crazy. I feel like with my experiences with things I just can't believe some people are not amazing. Obviously ik people have flaws and any perfect but if someone says something bad about someone I like then I get defensive. Like it seems to me, I cant like certain people beacuse they arnt who I thought they were.
Rn I'm talking about the duffers. I think/thought/hope/wished they were the geniuses a lot of people think they are. Like why can't they be evil masterminds who portrayed the show perfectly with no flaws (and before you yell at me ik, that's just me and ik it's not realistic, and blah blah blah)
But it kinda bums me out when you're like
● one reason why the show sucks
● and another
● One more
Because I just want to watch the show and enjoy it without people saying why it sucks or pointing out the problems with it. I'm not being ignorant, if it was seriously problematic I wouldn't ignore it(I've learned my lesson with many other instances where it was VERY problematic.) My feelings towards ppl talking about what they did wrong or didn't do or why it's not the best comes from how I've been treated with father so I understand how I might be annoying but aside from me, I'm sure a lot of other people would appreciate the hate free zone. I could block you but I'd rather not.
Instead of this
● the duffers represented Lucas as a black character badly and it makes me not want to watch they treat him like shit and he is not shown dealing with it
You could say
● instead of the duffers having Lucas be a punching bag for characters and have him just deal with it, they could've shown a bit more of the trauma side of it.
See how it gives a nicer vibe. If with all the problematic people I've watched and like be introduced with a kinder tone, I might have listened instead of turned my head. Beacuse when people make a video titled "why _ is a bad person" is only going to make the fans hate on the creator instead of listening.
Obviously it's not the same instance but I hope you get what I'm saying. You can tell your opinions in a nicer way and people will be more likely to listen.
And I'm not saying you're wrong. Please don't hate on me, this is supposed to be informational if you don't like what I saying please tell me why you disagree
Hi, idk who you are but I'm guessing you are a byler blog... I'm sorry I came off as abrasive and I can be pretty aggressive so I'm sorry if that put you off.
I understand why you say that I should be nicer but being "mean" is kind of the point of the post, y'know? As an asian and thus woc who works at an embassy, racism is something that puts me on edge and as I said it was a vent post. I rlly didn't expect for it to get so big and for so many ppl to agree.
In any case, I rlly don't mind being blocked. 2 big blogs have already blocked and I honestly dgaf. If you feel the need to block me then so be it 🤷🏻‍♀️ I'd prefer you don't block me but if that's what's best for you...
I won't hate on you and it's kinda sad you think I will. I only troll and hate on the "bad" anons (ex: the argyle is native american anon).
All in all nonny, you've been super polite to me and I hope I was polite to you too! Feel free to drop by my inbox anytime! ☺️🫶🏻
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