cluepoke-archive · 1 year
Does Octobertown have a different layout from Novembertown? Do people have to remember where they live at different times of the year?
Hmm I think that would be very funny!! Like the locks on people's doors changing or when you move and keep the garage door opener with you...but no I don't think much really changes other than the weather and some seasonal fauna and flora! I think maybe the Vibe changes and the aestehtic and the colors- but that happens in the real world too!! Maybe it's a bit more dramatic... more of a darker sky and polar nights towards the winter months!
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incorrectclonewars · 4 years
Inspired by “The Poison Garden” by @octobertown
Hux: I invented a game. Want to play? Rose: Sure. Hux: It’s called Ahsoka or Paul. I give you actual quotes I’ve heard Maul say, and you guess if he was talking to his girlfriend or his dog. 
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saricess · 3 years
23 and 30 for the Fic Asks :)
If you had to remix one of your own fics, which would it be and how would you remix it?
Maybe Break? It’s all written in Obi-Wan’s prov, but I think it would be interesting from Mau’s prov to watch Obi-Wan break once more in a whole new different way. Also his thoughts on Ahsoka as they have fun in front of her former grand master - that would be really fun to do ;)
Tell us an idea for a longfic you want to write in the future.
I have this long ass Maulsoka fanfic in the plan, they join together after Order 66 and fight their way through the galaxy, their main goal to defeat Sidious. It has a whole lot of characters mixing, arcs and a Maul redemption (because he deserves it). It has SO much angst, fluff and smut, as well as deaths, torture etc. IDK how many chapters it will be, but I know it will be more then 30, I just need to get on to planning and writing it more. :)
Fanfic asks. 
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zabrak-show · 3 years
💎 fave trope to write?
oh good question!!! This is tough, and idk why? Like what trope do I write the most of? I feel like I'm so all over the place, but I'm sure there is a glaringly obvious answer to it that I'm just too close to my own works to see.
I love enemies to lovers, or anything that is typically really angsty and making it soft as heck. Though of course it's not true for all my works, but it's what comes easiest to me it seems. I am trying to challenge myself more, but sometimes it's like jeez i just wanna write and create and not have it be a god damned chore ya know.
Make the idiots kiss and be soft dammit© ~maybe my trademark idk hahaha
fanfic writer asks
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fyeahmaulsoka · 4 years
DAHLINK. I’m looking for a fic rec, and who better to ask than you. ISO any slow-burn scenarios where Ahsoka takes Maul’s hand in “The Phantom Apprentice” and things progress from there. Multi-chap would be wonderful if it exists, but we’ll take whatever. :)
aw thanks! i constantly refresh the maulsoka tag on ao3 for any new stories and updates and post them up asap. 
Empire of Our Own by @aniidala
Ahsoka Tano never expected herself to turn to the Dark Side, but when Maul offers her his hand...she takes it. While she adjusts to her new alliance, apprenticeship, and mindset, three Jedi: Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Padmé, are left to deal with the mess leftover from the Clone Wars, Order 66, and Ahsoka's decision.
there’s maulsoka & obianidala! it is underage and has tags that may trigger some readers such as blood play, attempted sexual harassment, rape (between maul & obi-wan), killing & torture - this is a dark fic. this currently has seven chapters.
Hand by @saricess
au where ahsoka takes maul’s hand
there is darth maul & ahsoka with little shipping in there as ahsoka is still 17/18 - if she ever continues it or writes a sequel maulsoka may happen more for when ahsoka is older??? ( @saricess pls tell us! i need more!) . it’s only one chapter.
Added Tension by me (little self promo here!)
basically "the phantom apprentice" but with added sexual tension and eventual sith! ahsoka :)
this is underage, maul & ahsoka checking each other out throughout the whole thing and finally fucking at the end. it’s part of a small series that i’m still working on. 
tbh there’s not a lot which really upsets me cause there’s so much potential. if you need more maulsoka fanfics then check out my fanfictions page which has basically almost every mausloka fanfic to exist. 
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degenderates · 4 years
🩰 what are some aus that you love to write? :)
I love to write mostly canonverse AUs, but outside of that I love dance and music AUs (hence the ballet shoes emoji lol); they just have this really gorgeous vibe to them, and I don’t have to do a lot of research for those since I used to play the violin and danced for 8 years! So it’s nostalgic, too! But...I also love darkfics. As you know. Because ANGST reigns supreme!
thanks for the ask kira!
ask me about my fanfic!
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dayenurose · 4 years
11 and 15 :)
Thanks for the asks, @octobertown
For the Fic Writer Asks here
11 - What "don't ever do this" writing rule are you guilty of constantly breaking?
Hmm, writing rules. I often find writing rules rather contradictory and what works for one writer doesn’t necessarily work for another. So, if I follow one set of rules, I’m probably contradicting another. So, as I come across writing rules, I will consider what they are saying and apply or not apply them within moderation.
But, for the sake of this question, I will admit I’m constantly breaking the ‘rule’ which says—don’t phonetically write out accents/dialect. Yes, since I started writing Rogue and Gambit, I have become quite guilty of writing out dialects.
15 - We all project onto our characters. Where has your personality or life choices leaked onto the page the most?
There are small things of my life which definitely leak through my writing—a love of reading, chronic headaches, literature and theatre references, cooking, etc….. Back to the writing advice question (okay, writing rules), they say write what you know. While I’ll never be a superhero, I can add bits of verisimilitude to the stories by adding bits of places I’ve been, things I’ve experienced, people I’ve known, etc….
Because I can’t leave well enough alone, I’m going to get more serious here. When we talk about projection, there are major elements of wish fulfillment I project on characters like Rogue or (Oracle)Babs. There’s evidence in (or speculation from) the comics that both women will have some level of infertility issues. And, there’s a part of me that finds hope in giving them houseful of children both biological and adopted/fostered. Sure, it might be unrealistic, but sometimes, that’s what fiction is for--doing what is impossible in real life. If I can’t have my own kids, at least I can give my favourite characters children of their own….  And why do I put this out there for anyone on the internet to read, suppose cause I’m conscious of this projection on my part, and somewhat recent events related to this issue in the comics featuring Rogue really pissed me off and I’m still not over it…..but that’s for another discussion…..
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aftergloom · 5 years
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Long-estranged orphan, Rey, returns home to small midwest town to reclaim her grandfather’s estate. The house is a ruin, but there’s a fortune in farming opportunities in the field. Wanting nothing more than to be rid of the property and return to Nevada, a photo of her infant self prompts her to stay as the circumstances of Obiwan’s death entangle her with the town’s locals and their strange customs. Only Ben Solo, a son of Junari Point whose blood is as black as the soil, can reveal a world unseen to Rey -- prompting her to try and save him from the life he’s chosen.
A Star Wars AU where midwest gothic and folk horror intersect to explore themes of isolation, madness, lost legacies, haunted houses, and the furrow creatures that stalk the fields during the harvest: Forever hungry. Always watchful.
Nothing ever happens in small towns, right?
Story Details for the Squeamish:
Setting: Real-world AU Genre: Folk Horror X Midwest Gothic Rating: Mature through NC17, plot-heavy, slow burn Warnings: Past character death, blood and gore, violence, violence against animals, mentions of suicide, speculations of murder, speculations of criminal intent, violent crime, angst, spooky shit
1. Prelude 
2. A Symphony of Insects
3. The Good Guys
4. Razed and Salted
5. Five Windows
6. Black Knight
7. Kenobi Blood
8. Hafferkonig
9. Feldgeister
10. Cellar Door
11. Cry the neck
12. Sarini Hollow
13. Corn Dollie
14. Photograph
15. Hand of Glory
16. Scythe
17. Corn Field
18. Blood on the soil
19. Summer King/Winter King
20. Je’daii
21. Seed
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butts-art · 3 years
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Octobertown asked for Sith Feral on ko-fi and my brain was just buzzing
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savagesbonergarage · 3 years
💕 get to know your mutuals!! when you get this, it means someone wants to know more about you, so list 5 things about yourself you want your followers to know. they can be as simple as your age or as complex as your deepest fear, as long as it’s something you’re comfortable with sharing. when you’re done, send this to 10 people you want to get to know better!! 🥺🌼💕
Awww, thank you 🥺
Let's see, uh, I'm kind of an open book on here so I'm not really sure what there is to say. 😅 Uhhh I guess I'll think of something-
1. I have an absolutely ridonkculous skincare collection. As a caucasian (weep) I will therefore age like a rotting halloween jack-o'-lantern unless I try to maintain that sort of thing now. I already look like death with my permanent dark circles and fine lines under my eyes, so who knows how much it will work in the end 🥲
2. If ya don't know by know, we got cats up in this bitch. Five of 'em. Binx, Nardo, Midna, Zelda, and Rhoam. 😻 They all have a million nicknames and they're all so cute with their different personalities. This does mean though that they've also taken over our lives and there is cat hair. On. Everything. Who knows how many cat hairs we accidentally eat throughout the day.
3. I am. Not tall. 🙃 5'0" and if I'm being honest that's on a good day because...I'm usually 4'11"...but I prefer to go with 5 since if I stretch a lot and have enough volume in my hair I can make that. 🥲 Needless to say I prefer shoes with wedges and I'm fairly used to being the "armrest" when I'm with a group of friends. 🥲 I could probably blend in with a class of middle-schoolers if I wore the right clothes and didn't have tattoos.
4. I've met a handful of celebrities through my hobbies, but honestly the one I was most excited about was Wilford Brimley. (He's the "diabeetus" guy) 😂 Apparently I met him first when I was a baby and my mom had me in a stroller, and he told her I was the cutest baby he'd ever seen. (Probably just to be nice lol) and by coincidence he was in a production in my town a few years ago and I got to meet him again, and I told him about that, and apparently he remembered! Idk if he said that just to be nice or not, but he did remember the event it was at when I didn't know and when I asked my mom about it she confirmed it, so that was kinda cool. He said I grew up to be a gorgeous woman and I was just like haha...thanks...
Anyway he's since passed away, so it's kinda cool I got to have that interaction with him. RIP to a real one
5. I've had the Huniepop soundtrack playing continuously for like three days straight in my head with no reprieve and yeah this is me begging for someone to please end my suffering dear God-
Tagging @jadesabre83 @kybacrystal @fallenrepublick @any59 @octobertown @postmodernpaint 😁 @cryptidcody @jedimasterassdisaster 💖
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saricess · 3 years
#5 from the year-end asks!
5. Which of your fics do you wish was more successful?
That’s interesting! (I had to go through all my fics on my ao3 account to see). I honestly don’t pay attention to kudos and hits, U just keep writing and writing, but knowing that they’re are people that enjoy my stuff really makes me happy. :)
I guess Believe (The Dragon Prince) would be one of them as I felt in that moment that a lot of people wanted Claudia to believe in Soren and leave their dad (i hope she does it in the next season).
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aberionart · 4 years
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Untold stories #2: Nightmares.
Their meetings were comforting and most welcomed, but Maul could never really admit it. That was... complicated. Scary, even; for him, the feeling of warmth and appreciation were unfamiliar, but she understood. She always did.
© Wizarding Star Wars.
❤️ Taglist for this crossover: @pinkiemme, @octobertown
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nezumionice · 4 years
in honour of posting the tenth and halfway-point chapter of my fic, i'd thought i'd share a bunch of my favourite tros fix-its that i read whilst sobbing after my very first tros screening. if you're mentioned here, congratulations you were the first few fics that helped me get through the worst of my tros depression :'))) thank u so much
and of course i'll include other legendary post-tlj golden age reylo fics!! because they're timeless and after the recent fandom negativity, i think we all need it ;-;
To The Stars by @themoonmoths
Tethered by @perrydowning
so long lives this and this gives life to thee by crossingwinter/@shmisolo
each one is a burning sun by jeeno2/@jeenonamit
Otherspace by EllieCarina
The Edge by Solia
Savage Beauty by sap1066
The belonging you seek by @callmealessandra
A Lingering Hope by Panta Fossa
a stitch in time by adelheid
do not go gentle into that good night by Lumiera/@illumiera
All About Waiting by azciendo
After Life by octobertown
second time's the charm by Space_Samurai
let us stay rather on earth beloved by elizabethtudor
way down we go by @kylotrashforever
Make It Through The Night by ReyloTrashCompactor (NextToSomething) and SouthSideStory
a liminal space, a world between worlds by hypraeteia
The Space Between Stars by vinventure12
Where Can We Go From Here by AnandaRunner
i kill giants by diasterisms/@kylorenvevo
it talks in tongues and quiet sighs by reylotea
after the fall [we rise] by SenLinYu
and here's my tros rewrite fic as well, if you'd like to check it out > the skywalker actually rises in this one
landscape with a blur of conquerers by diasterisms/@kylorenvevo (DONT EVEN LIE,, WHO HASN'T HEARD OF THIS ONE. GOD TIER FIC)
Bonded by Chridder/@reyloforcebalance (an absolute UNIT of a fic. bravo!!)
Higher Ground by KathKnight and Seraphprotocol (when i say this got me through 2019 IM SAYING IT GOT ME THROUGH 2019. IM NOT KIDDING)
Tactical Surrender by destinies/@destiniesfic (look,,,, i cannot even explain to u how many screenshots i took of this fic like my god i must have read this literally 8 times as a whole. another absolute GOD TIER FIC. also, author if ur reading this,,, if u can pls continue tactical alliance because i have been dying for the past few months waiting for the next chapter)
Safe Harbour by ItsALilah (another absolute UNIT. the timelessness and uniqueness of this fic just blows my whole mind. definitely worth the read)
The Moon, the Sun, and the Star Inbetween. by Silvershine (started off kinda questionable but the ending,,, GOD THE ENDING. I COULD REREAD THIS SHIT FOR DAYS. WHEN I TELL U THIS FIC KEPT ME UP AT NIGHT- I AINT SHITTING U)
First of the New by @praemonitor (reylo and gingerpilot??? sign me TF UP. also their writing style is like,,,, oh my god. we have no choice but to stan. that's some hilarious, emotional, breathtaking, iconic shit right there)
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so yeah,, that was my whole list. it's probably gonna grow in the next few days alone but hey i hope yall like it so far!! all these fics have a special place in my heart and i hope you guys will feel the same way :)) happy reading my fellow reylos and stay strong!!
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degenderates · 3 years
12 for the handwriting asks
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Thanks for the ask 💕💕💕
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dayenurose · 3 years
H and N for the writer's ask. :)
@octobertown thanks for the asks! :)
H. original characters or no?
In fanfiction….I suppose this depends on what level of original character the question is asking about.
I don’t create original characters as the main character or secondary character when writing fanfic. Though, I do fill the ‘world’ up with original characters as necessary. The gas station attendant or coffee shop barista don’t need to be named canon characters, so they are original, though mostly forgettable. I like writing children for my favorite OTPs, so they basically become original characters too (though with more importance to the story than the filler characters). Not every story requires a Mr. Sinister or Riddler level villain, so I’ve created original antagonists. So, yes, I do create some original characters, but not as the focus of the story.
Now, outside of fanfiction, I do write original novels and those stories are populated by original characters. So, here, I definitely write original characters.
N. do you write smut?
Alas, no, I do not write smut. I am not comfortable writing it and if I tried, it would be really awkward. I think we can all agree that badly written smut is the worst. When the situation calls for intimacies, the scenes tend to ‘fade to black.” I bet your imaginations are better than anything I could come up with.
For the FanFic Author Asks found here!
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aftergloom · 5 years
WIP Updates
Just popping in to relay that I’m being overly ambitious this week, with three releases on my plate. If I get two out the door, I’ll consider it a success, because in real life I’ve been thrown a curve ball:
We’re getting a puppy.
Anyway, on the menu:
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The Ante - Ch. 23 Revision and re-release (Rogue/Gambit, XME)
Remy took a drag. The smoke unfurled from his mouth and nose as he responded casually, "I have no affiliations, Stormy. I'm a lone agent just doin' his job for an old friend who deserves more than she allows herself."
Thunder boomed, a crash so sudden and violent he felt his ears pop as the barometric pressure changed. He didn't flinch, but Storm was pissed.
"A son of New Orleans Thieves Guild, second in line to inherit the legacy of your father, a former Acolyte of Magneto and abettor to Mystique — do not lie to me, Remy LeBeau. By the goddess, I will bring the sky crashing down on your head."
She rose up, a tearing wind speeding across the rooftops and carrying her forwards so that she hovered over him, regal and fierce.
Accomplice to Mystique? The accusation brought a grim curl to his lower lip.
A card was shucked into his palm, bathing the rooftop in bright fuchsia before he even registered his reaction. The cigarette was gone, torn away from him and sending sparks scattering with the wind she brought down around him. It made the tails of his trench flap at his legs, but Remy held his ground, staring up at her coolly.
"That was my last smoke," he muttered.
Read up to Ch. 22 at Ao3 >
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A Salted Field - Ch. 5 Forthcoming (A REYLO Horror AU)
Irritation ticked like the engine, her knuckles on the wheel and the map between her teeth to keep it from flying up into her face and blinding her. The corn rose on either side — neglected and drying to an impenetrable yellow wall as she took the corner to a street with no sign that she assumed was the country road leading to the Kenobi property. Thick, grey clouds collected over sparse trees in the distance, stirred into wisps by black branches. It was minutes before the peak of a brown roof eased into view beyond the furrows. 
In the truck bed, Chewie announced they’d arrived with a bark, and Rey slowed the car to a creep before she could miss the drive. Tall grass choked a narrow lane, the corn persisting where the field overtook the wheel ruts, barely visible beneath the sparse undergrowth. In the distance, she saw a few naked trees flanking a dull grey blot against a whole lot of unforgiving nothing: a farmhouse that was barely more than a dirty smear against an endless horizon, the sky tinted orange with the sun behind so many clouds. She could just make out the black holes of windows, staring forlorn and winsome across the fields. 
Read to Ch. 4 on Ao3 >
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For Darkness, Stars - Ch. 34 Forthcoming (Star Wars, REYLO)
Spoilers beneath the cut...
Ears ringing with silence, she didn’t even feel the heat anymore off Mustafar’s surface. She shook him. Said his name. Quiet prevailed — a certain, eerie stillness that lent weight to his limbs where he’d fallen, draped across her lap. 
She shook him again.
Touched his side where the wound remained warm; cauterized on contact. No blood. Only the shadow of a burn. Was it deep? She wasn’t certain. She hadn’t thought it was more than a graze — a flesh wound. Cold spread through her chest — an icy stillness that seeped into her bones. Silence from their bond. Quiet where there had been memories. Feelings. Dreams. Visions. 
Her heart hammered a rhythm that beat in her temples, darkening her vision as panic made her palms slip where she tried to haul him closer by his robes. 
Was he growing colder? 
Rey gripped Ben’s face, forced him jaw towards her, but his gaze remained fixed on some far off thing, the tension leaving his body. 
Read up to Ch. 33 on Ao3 >
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