#of course all the meet and greet stuff is sold out and that´s okay
amyriadfthings · 2 months
wdym random dogstar gig in my city. wdym i can see keanu have fun making music on stage
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jiminrings · 3 years
Okay I just wanna say that I really love your writing!!! Hope you and chimmy are doing well! Can I request a drabble with merman tae and y/n's a human and they're childhood besties and tae likes her but she's a dumb little bean. I just realised how many 'ands' are in that sentence. If you don't like it then...ahem know that I still love you!!! 💖💖💖
pearl of mine
Tumblr media
pairing: taehyung x y/n
wordcount: 5k
glimpse: merman!tae is the reason why tourists can’t find any more shells and pearls in the shore, y/n owns more beach houses than deduction skills, and concierge!yoongi’s the hero :D // gif from pinterest
notes: are u kidding me baby i love it AND you!!!! chimmy barks his regards <3
“hmm? where’s barnacle boy?”
alright there goes your peace and quiet
it’s very nice to know that where yoongi is, translates to meaning that all your peaceful thoughts automatically aren’t there
if he’s not manning the concierge, it means he’s there keeping you company!!
annoying you
your ten minutes of bliss of just having your calves dipped into the water is interrupted now but it’s ok!!
after all, yoongi’s ur right-hand man anyways!! he’s the one who keeps track of everything and you’re so close to convicing your dad to put him in the family will too
you can’t manage your family business all by yourself!! how exactly are you gonna manage fIVE of the hotels that your parents have put under your care by yourself
five of the seventeen hotels that your family owns..,.,.,
your dad gives you tOO much trust and he believes in you like actually a lot
a lot more than you could ever trust yourself tbh
he doesn’t want you to take charge only when he retires or dies!! you’re his little dove and he wants you to be as immersed in your family’s group of companies
it’s generous but of course it’s hectic
which is why you’re spearheading the handling of the actual main hotel he’s put under you!!
and the rest of the less major ones, you’ve had to go through a long and tedious process for so you could find an actual trustable manager and supervisor that wouldn’t commit embezzlement and-
yoongi’s about to scare you again by nudging your lower back with his foot, but you’re ahead of him when you nip his ankle with your nails
“... it’s mermaid man.”
he scoffs out a laugh because what was supposed to be a teasing nudge for your friend that’s clearly nOT human, turned to your joke instead of his
he doesn’t need to look at his watch to know what time it was by then bc he’s practically memorized the skies and the tide at this point
every 5:20 in the afternoon, you and taehyung would meet here!!
you come outside at exactly 4:50 to give yourself some leeway into preparing whatever you’d be giving him or rather, pestering yoongi what you think you should give him for that afternoon
it doesn’t necessarily have to be grand! on most days you just make him waffles without the crusty edges (he likes it the most when it’s so hot that it was still soft and jiggly) and the filling would be whatever food he hasn’t tried yet
.... basically.......... almost everything
but now it’s 5:23 and he could tell with how the water didn’t settle to the wooden platform as well as it did when it was 5:20
yoongi could actually TELL the difference because he’s seen you do this for the four years he’s been working here
the hotel had three wings — the shore wing, the balcony-sturdy-treehouse-type of wing, and the cabana wing
you bounce all around the place because naturally, you aRE the boss here, but afternoons really were just reserved for the cabana wing
where there’s a staff cabana by one of the wooden paths that lead to it, and one specifically reserved for you and probably yoongi now lmao bc he wouldn’t take a nap anywhere else
it’s you just sitting by the deck of your cabana that houses your too-expensive waffle maker, and a cozy blanket then deck pillows outside where you lay when taehyung’s there perched by the wood
you easily have three plates always, and yoongi just goes a lil bit soft that you let him intrude your routine with the merman
but today, all that highLy seems unlikely
“he’s totally not coming,” he exaggerates all in one breath, not having the decency to wait bc he’s stuffing his cheeks full with waffles
everything’s a hit or miss with mermaid man anyways and yoongi would rather nOT try his adventures of waffles with buttered rice in between no thank u
so that’s why he’s sticking with his trusty s’mores waffle!!! :D
put chocolate spread in between while it’s STILL in the pan, then tiny little marshmallows with crushed graham crackers and 10/10 u will see heaven
he gets crumbs on your sundress and you barely even grimace because you’re used to yoongi and all his yoongi-ness at this point
“yes he is! we’ve been doing this everyday without fail for like, twelve years already.”
you know what.,.,., maybe even longer than twelve years
this one’s marked on your calendar you can just SNIFF it
what you distinctly remember is your dad picking you up from school then suddenly deciding that he’ll teach you the ropes
you knew what everything was coming to because suddenly, you’d take your daily after-school snacks at the hotel
and then your weekends were slowly merging into memorizing names and amenities
... and then sitting by your dad’s chair with a juicebox when he had meetings
then before you even realize, you’re managing five hotels under your name and a particularly large one mainly
it was when you’ve had a suckish day at school because you cannot seem to just gET the multiplication table of 7 and your dad’s chasing after you again so you could get to see the fire escape plans as “fun little puzzles!!”
ya know what maybe you should go outside
it didn’t exactly click into your young mind that holy shit your family’s LOADED
all you knew was that people greeted you left and right even if you didn’t know them and you’d always be offered stuff you didn’t even ask for :D
all you cared about was skipping by the cabanas but holding by the rope on the side bc what if you fell lmao
yet what did fall to the water beside you was your bracelet!!!
a red, single-threaded, string bracelet from your wrist that must’ve gotten loose
it’s something you’ve never took off and the sheer panic in your mind was tOO HIGH
even before you could call out to your dad though, or any of the staff that would literally drop everything to help you, something just shifts in the water
it’s too quick for you to even decipher and the multiplication table of 7 would’ve been easier to figure out
the moment you crouch by the end of the deck was when you see it aGAIN
there’s this incredibly pretty boy that emerges from the water, only his shoulders up to his head peeking out
he most certainly didn’t look... from around here tho
your attention’s immediately fixated on your bracelet, the one on his mouth as he only tilts his head when you do the same, an eager squeal breaking him out
hold on
wait a second
you’ve seen this in the tv sometimes!!! they were uh creatures that liked being by themselves in the sea
lol which is basically every sea creature
but the narrator said something about them looking like humans???
you overhear your dad talking about them sometimes
up and age???
opened etch????
how do u spell that again
“o-oh!! you’re-...”
the boy who looks like your age replies, looking unsure of himself yet didn’t want to disappoint you either
you meant merman but it’s okay!!
your hands retrieve the bracelet from his mouth, a little giggle at the complexity of the situation
he was completely sold at that
this was his first human!!! his first actual human interaction and it wasn’t really bad as what his brothers painted out to be
you and taehyung took off from then and ya know what,,, maybe you even start purposefully dropping things in the water if you feel a little impatient that he hasn’t peeked his head yet
and yes yes that’s a completely iRRESPONSIBLE thing and your dad stopped you before you could possibly throw out a whole backpack into the water
which was weird for him to look at because there’s absolutely no one he could see in the water
it was a routine that not one of you ever skipped on once!!
even if you were sick and tae thinks that it’s the most pathetic thing because he doesn’t EVER get sick??? sue him for having a cold because he’s in the water 24/7 yea
even if one was late and wouldn’t be able to see the other, there would be an item placed by the deck as proof that they were indeed there!!
tae sometimes leaves a random conch shell or even seaweed in the shape of a heart when he’s swamped with his arrangements
even if there’s a storm, which taehyung absolutely loves because the water’s all cold!!! and it gives him a fun little ride when the waves are all wonky
you leave out a lunchbox that’s snug in a fixed mailbox (you forced yoongi to attach it) by the side of the deck poles and that would count as your attendance
“yes he is! we’ve been doing this everyday without fail for like, twelve years already.”
you are totally UNBELIEVABLE
yoongi snorts, almost choking on his waffles with how hard he did it
“and you’re twelve years dumb.”
ok now you take offense
“what’s that supposed to mean?”
you can’t be any more clueless, can you??
as if on cue, there’s the familar flop and splash that you nudge yoongi to be in his best behavior
taehyung makes his afternoon appearance by outlandishly doing his trick in the air, undoubtedly giving you a splash you’re used to by now
he literally does not care at the thought of anyone possible seeing him
besides, they physically can’t anyway because there’s a spell cast onto the area, allowing nobody to see them besides you
... and yoongi ://
he’s rather grand with his gestures and his words and even before taehyung knew the common lingo on ground, you could tell he was a little more stubborn with his strong expressions
after all, taehyung’s a prince at sea but at land.,.,.,.
<3 well <3
“i’m here!”
taehyung bEAMS radiantly, making you crouch and hold out your hands, him putting his face out immediately for you to squish
“oh, oh! i got you something, y/n!”
he seems to remember out of the blue in the middle of chewing his waffles, yoongi having to suppress another sigh
the prettiest pearl necklace :-)
“tae i already told you that-...”
you’re about to start berating him again with the gifts because what seemed to be so ordinary for him is very fAR from yours
you pout and tae only pushes the necklce to you further, not taking no for answer when he had to squint his eyes extra hard to look for the pearls this morning
to be honest you have sO much jewelry from taehyung
the common theme of it was of course they’re something you could get at sEA
and whenever people ask you about them, u have no idea how to tell where you got them
today’s pearl necklace was a little different — something more dainty and smaller and wraps around your neck like a choker would, a little more suited for everyday wear
“thank you!!!”
you smooch taehyung on the cheek extra quick and it takes every fiber in his tail to stop squealing
yoongi watches you two be disgustingly sweet and PLATONIC yet again, and he could only zero in on the pearl necklace around your neck
that is the fifth time this week
that is the fifth set of pearls you’ve gotten this week
normally you’d get a pearl every now and then and the often minuature sand sculptures
but this week changes the wHOLE ball game
“do you want a pearl ring?”
taehyung wiggles his eyebrows, boxy smile on full display and he looks breathtaking in the golden hours that you immediately poke his cheek
yoongi’s eyes widen because that’s literally-
you don’t seem to find the weight on his question because you only let out a non-commital sound and whisk him away on another conversation about his day
he’s long since dropped out of yours and taehyung’s conversation, going back to the concierge because his presence is required
and he still can’t shake off how CLUELESS you are
it’s when the night gets a little more chilly and you could see taehyung go beneath the water more often, taking it as a sign that he’s going back and his brothers are looking for him
“night-night, tae.”
you offer the top of his head a kiss, rushing back to the cabana to put on your coat and right on time, you miss the way taehyung’s eyes are bigger than a goldfish’s
oh my god
oh my fucking god
taehyung really hATES you
he hates you so much!!!!
he resigns back into the water and he doesn’t even move at all
just defeatedly sits on the seabed and his aura effectively puts off everything around him
his heart’s beyond heavy and his eyes sting and he never wants to resurface ever again
he’s trying not to get upset too much because his emotions have the capacity of changing the tide and it would literally resonate through the seas if he gets even more sad
taehyung’s trying to rEPRESS everything back in but it’s no use :((
“hey, hey, calm down. what’s wrong?”
his brother immediately swims to his side at the first slight tremor he felt, having only little trouble in locating him
“i-i asked y/n if she wanted a pearl-...” tae stutters and he has to physically hold his chest to not sOB at your name, an insurmountable feeling of dread at his chest 
yeah, you! namjoon knows you
in fact all his brothers know you and you’ve met each other multiple times, but not as often as you and tae did
they don’t need to see you everyday to know that taehyung is head over tails in LOVE with you
the mention of you and their brother’s gifts in the same sentence isn’t anything new
“okay? but you give her pearls all the time? and-”
“... ring.”
pearl ring
“yeah? and what did she say?”
joon himself tries to quell the distress he feels because taehyung’s emotions are morE than potent to affect to everyone, most especially his brothers
he sees the others swimming to them from afar, worried frowns already on their faces and namjoon doesn’t want to panic even more
“nothing!! she said nOTHING!!!!”
jungkook tilts his head, cheeks puffed out as he tries to diffuse the situation
“but tae, it could mean-...”
“nothing. y/n absolutely wants nothing to do with me!”
taehyung half-huffs and half-sobs, immediately swimming past them that leaves them confused and with a headache
this was definitely going to be a problem
it already is
today has got to be the slowest day ever
the water is so still and timid
oh my god it literally just looks like tap water in a bathtub that’s untouched
you’ve noticed in the first thing in the morning
was it nORMAL to have the water so still???? practically no waves at all??? not even ripples????
you must be losing your mind right
you dragged yoongi from the concierge desk all the way outside
he squints his eyes because the water.... is definitely not supposed to be this way....
“huh. now that’s just odd.”
some of your patrons don’t seem to mind at all because that just means they could go take their pictures without waves putting their phones at risk
but nO
most especially the swimmers n the surfers and even the lifeguard are all ????
everyone’s collectively looking at the water
yoongi takes a twig and just pokes at it to go do ATLEAST something, but even the ripples it produces are mundane
the water is too still and it makes you miss the one who makes it all better
you spend the better part of your whole day in your sundress and hanging around the cabana, yoongi scrunching his nose up at the fact that he seemed to be more active than the actual hotelier here today
“taehyung doesn’t go up for another seven hours, y’know?”
he finds you sitting by the edge of the deck, feet vigorously splashing around the water without any resistance at all that it feels so unnerving
“yea i know that... just wanted to hang out with him.”
you murmur out the last part, making yoongs do a double-take at his boss who was never this soft-spoken
“and that’s what you’ve been doing ever since childhood? sit by the edge then hang out?”
he wants to push a couple of buttons to get you out of your phase of the day today, but he only gets some insistent nodding and nothing more
“that’s so mundane. that’s literally a decade-long routine!!”
“it’s a routine i don’t mind!!”
and that’s true
it’s a routine you want to do with the rest of your life because it now feels like the equivalent of showering basically
you feel so incomplete without it and satisfaction doesn’t settle on your bones until you do it with taehyung :D
“surely, there must be sOME reason for taehyung to not get bored from doing the same thing with you, right?”
alright one more nudge
you’re considerably more perky now that’s for sure
but that doesn’t mean any less clueless unfortunately
“must be the food!!”
oh my god,,,,,, u are so dumb
he leaves you alone and you don’t even question it because you’re too busy waiting for taehyung
you expect the tide to change when it’s already noon but really, nothing happens still
5:20 passes and he still isn’t there
it’s time for dinner and yoongi has to fetch you aLL the way from the other side of the wings he needed to supervised because you’re spending all your time waiting
you were supposed to have dinner with staff tonight but you don’t even think twice in telling him to go eat without you, giving the company card more than eagerly
“don’t you think it’s time to go home?”
yoongi pipes up when they’ve finished dinner and you’re still there
he feels so sorry for you :((
“w-what if he shows up last minute?”
there’s still hope in your voice and he doesn’t want to taint it as much as people
“hey. they need sleep too. you should go get some for yourself too, okay? now just leave a cookie or something,” he has to pry you off the deck himself, not wanting to feel any more sorry for you because you’re starting to tremble with how chilly the air is
taehyung doesn’t resurface the next day
or the next
and the day after that
taehyung doesn’t show up the entire week.
you’re worried OUT of your mind and you’re tempted to just take your dad’s yacht and sail across the water to try and look for him
or oR maybe you should get one of the divers to try and look for him!!!! but no that wouldn’t work, would it??
how about you go and look for tae yourself???
yoongi’s been busy with the hotel bc the actual hotelier of it (read: you) is too busy MOPING
you’ve ditched your sundresses and waited in hoodies and sweatpants you could roll up in the morning and roll down at night to wait for him
most people don’t even recognize you as the owner and they just walk rIGHT past you when they see you in the hallways
you’ve also been stress-making waffles that you reek of the batter and butter, the staff now having an abundance of experimental ones that you’ve made
you’re definitely not okay
“uh y/n you really rEALLY need to go to sleep.,.,”
yoongi gapes at you when he visits you at the cabana, clearing his schedule out to go watch over you and bc your dad won’t sit still with how unkempt you’ve been
he gestures to the hammock you’ve always begged him to put up, but his handiwork’s wASTED because you don’t even spend more than five seconds looking at it
you should be screaming with glee by now :((
how in the world could he possibly distract you from crushing sadness and worry
he’s been brainstorming the past week and his head’s even more hollow than the decorative coconuts in the gift shop
... wait a minute
hey this has got to be his most stupid idea but the one with the most promising results!!!!!
11/10 risky but it’s the cLOSEST he could get!!
“hey do you wanna do something stupid??”
your eyes glance at him immediately because it’s the first question he’s ever asked you besides if you’re okay or when was the last time you slept or when do you intend on picking yourself up
yoongi fishes for his tablet and whips up a video immediately, only taking minutes for him to explain and seconds for you to agree
it’s what made you end up this way
it’s the reason in your swimsuit with your legs all the way inside a duvet cover and the corners of it knotted tightly on your waist
you don’t know how yoongi’s managed to convince you to race him in swimming with your whole lower body inside a king-sized dUVET cover from one of the cabanas whose guests are arriving in an hour, but here you are lmao
“first one to the furthest cabana wins, alright?”
he practically yelps in explaining in an effort to hype you up and a hundred dollars dOES seem to make him excited himself 
you’re buzzing for the first time in the week and it’s the panicked shoves you try to give each other before starting that kicks you off in an eager mood 
you immediately dive in and you don’t expect the heaviness of your makeshift tail behind you, momentarily cussing yourself because wHY on earth did you get the high-quality ones smh ://
oh my god this is so fucking stupid and oddly enough, you’re ENJOYING it
you can’t exactly paddle your legs fluidly like the times when they aren’t wrapped in a duvet, and the distance of the last cabana seems so tiring now that u think about it
yoongi’s already ahead and you don’t get HOW has he managed to come that far???
also not to mention that the gap between the two of you is large and now you’re just struggling to even move
also doesn’t help oNE bit with how good of a handyman yoongi also is because that is one secure knot you got there sir
it’s only dawning in you that you’re NOT well-versed in swimming!!
not even close to an expert!!! all you know are the basics
but the basics seem hard to even apply when you’re dragging a king-sized duvet cover by your legs
you’d expect more skills from someone whose family owns water-centric properties bUT NO <3
you’re flailing almost to the bottom and your eyes sting then your limbs feel heavy
you’re not necessarily drowning either, it just feels so difficult to swim back up
you’re about to try again and boost yourself up by pushing from the floor but then suddenly you’re being HAULED BACK UP
you have no chance to even try and get away because you know that the hand around your waist aren’t yoongi’s
“are you out of your goddamn mind???”
you instinctively take a big gulp of air when you come up the surface, legs fluttering now that you have some type of support to keep you up
“why would you do this?? who did this??”
the deep voice only registers in you seconds later that it’s taehyung who’s in front of you and holding you up, staring you down intensely
your puzzlement only frustrates him even more, going back down while keeping his hands on your waist before he untangles the duvet cover by your legs rather quickly and powerfully
he emerges back up and he’s looking at you with sO much stress that you wanna dive back down
you don’t even manage to finish speaking before taehyung snaps his gaze away from you and really yELLS
as if he didn’t manage to startle you enough, he looks back at you and pats at you all over out of instinct, wanting to know if you’re hurt by any means
you’re more shocked but it’s over the fact that you’re finally seeing him again
this isn’t the first time you’ve swam with taehyung but this IS the first time in this context
you’ve never been this close to him either and you’re out of breath just by looking at him
he doesn’t seem to share the sentiment though because he looks like he’s gonna pull his hair out in both relief and frustration
“oh my god! i fucking thought that my soulmate would die in a — i-in a bedsheet!”
you are so ridiculous that it actually makes his heart clench
he intentionally didn’t come to see you for a week because he was so hurt over your rejection
he did see you from a distance and he also has a particular someone to watch over you, but he never imagined that you’d be doing THIS
his heart just minutes ago was beating against his ribcage because his soulmate was in danger!!! he physically and literally cannot drown but that’s what it felt like
“i’m your soulmate?”
your breathless gasp explains it all
oh so...
oh my god how could you have nOT known this all along???
taehyung probably acted this way and most especially that way when he ignored you!!!
you vaguely remember yoongi telling you that pearls PROBABLY mean a lot to taehyung even if the tone he’s used on you is beyond certain
the pearl ring was meant for courting!!!
that explains why yoongi gasped and looked at you inrcredulously!!!!
no he’s been courting you ALL this time
you are so..... insuffeable
“i’m so sorry!!” 
you’ve crammed in twelve years of experience into two minutes of critical thinking, throwing your arms around taehyung and burying your face into his neck
he grunts a bit at that but he’s not complaining at all
“you mUST hate me,” you frown and the need to cry overpowers you, taehyung sensing it again which is why he immediately strokes your nape in comfort
“i could never.”
the waves come back and even if they’re present, the water was calming
you’re too entranced with tae and your realizations to even notice that the water felt so much better compared to when it was dead still
it’s when you hear a familiar set of giggles that you sNAP your head in anger
yoongi’s much more near you now, floating and floating until you make the move to look down and see not a duvet cover, but rather a tangerine-colored tail by him
all you’ve been doing this day is squeaking
tae, although still a lil bit mad at yoongi because he’s endangered you, smiles at his informant who’s helped make him last through the week
“half-merman!! i’m sorry if i didn’t tell you sooner, y/n. but since tae’s full, that’s the reason he could only come on land once a month! and since i’m half, i could only come underwater once a month!!”
he grins at his explanation he’s been trying to piece together for the last couple of months
ok maybe years
it probably explained to why it’s no accident that he’s clicked with you instantly and he trusts you with his whole life!! you were truly a gentle human that’s an all-rounder
also explains to why yoongi wasn’t all THAT shocked when you brought him out one day on his first year of working and pleaded taehyung to rise up with only even his eyes blinking up at him
no wonder tae warmed up to yoongi quick even if he did say he had distrust with majority of humans!!
how could you not doubt for one second that it’s the reason why he’s always been really good at swimming too and holding his breath
yoongi chose his day of the month to be today because you were so down in the dumps, and aLSO for the reasoning that he missed the boys so that’s why he’s going down there in a heartbeat
taehyung pinches at your thigh, a bright grin on your face when you come face to face with him after waving yoongi goodbye
“are you gonna make me wait another twelve years more?”
he pecks your cheek and it doesn’t feel platonic anymore, a giddy smile in realization that you’ve finally come to your senses
“would you mind?”
the teasing lilt in your voice doesn’t seem to go anywhere anytime soon hee-hee
“maybe a little but-“
“no more waiting.”
you kiss taehyung and almost launch yourself at him, savoring the taste of him on your tongue that he has to grip your thighs around his waist a little tighter
yeah ur a little slow but ur spirits are high!! you’re on the right direction!!
you’re definitely worth waiting for
and panicking over
and courting
and loving
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a-table-of-fics · 3 years
Cull to Adventure, Chapter 8, Draft 1
           Cull let the Zapfish swim out above him as he took a moment to breathe, letting his arms dangle over the ladder rung. Two Zapfish in a day, and he was tired. He wasn’t used to so much action, and he hadn’t had that much peril in forever. The pain he went through wasn’t as bad as that one time, though, so that was something.
           “You coming?” he heard Marie ask, some way above him.
           “Y-yeah,” he nodded, banging his head on the rung above. He rubbed his head with one hand as he climbed the rest of the way with the other.
           “You all right?” Marie asked. “I heard a clang—”
           “I’m fine,” Cull replied, waving a hand reassuringly.
           “Well, okay then,” she nodded, before her face hardened. “Now, about you calling yourself a failure…”
           “F-forget it,” Cull said, turning to look for another kettle.
           “No, we’re not forgetting it,” Marie said, sternly. “I’m not having you go into enemy territory saying that kind of stuff. What even got you thinking that?”
           Agent 4 didn’t answer, instead fidgeting with one of his longer tentacles.
           “It’s that personal, huh?” Marie sighed. “All right, but I don’t wanna hear—”
           “No, no,” Cull sighed. “I g-guess if it’s j-just us…”
           He pointed to his hairstyle.
           “I, uh… I-I…” he started, before taking a deep breath. “This was my fault, okay? I…I didn’t know any better…”
           He stammered and choked before falling silent again.
           “Hey, uh,” Marie started. Cod, she wished Callie was here; she was so much better at this kind of thing. Well, maybe if she tried what Callie once told her, it could help…
           “You know, you still came through,” she tried, giving a small smile. “A failure didn’t just save three Zapfish on his own.”
           The two were interrupted by a loud whining from a huge black Kettle. As they both watched, enough steam built up to lift the lid several feet into the air. After just a few seconds, one last burst of hot air shot it into the stratosphere.
           “Ah,” Marie finally said, lifting a hand to close Cull’s jaw. “That would be an Octoweapon activated.”
           “W-what’s that?”
           “An Octarian war machine of some kind.”
           Cull cringed. Fighting Octarians was one thing, but some kind of tank or artillery?
           “Don’t worry, though,” Marie said, patting him on the back. “They haven’t got a lot of those things, and we’re gonna keep it that way.”
           “I’m sure you can do it! All you gotta do is find the weird giant tentacle you can splat!”
           “…The what?”
           “You can’t miss it. Glaring weak spot.”
           Just hope they didn’t fix that, Marie didn’t say.
           “W-well… okay,” Cull tentatively nodded. “That s-sounds easy enough…”
           “I didn’t say easy,” Marie corrected him. “I just said you could do it. I’ll be sure to watch the thing from here, see if I can help you out, but it’ll be up to you.”
            Cull nodded, looking into the Kettle. He couldn’t see too far into it, but he could hear rhythmic clanging and whirring coming from far below. He swallowed.
           “J-just hope I don’t have to swim too much…”
           With that vote of self-confidence, he dove in, hoping he was ready for whatever came to greet him.
* * *
           Nothing greeted him other than a launchpad in front of him. Looking around, there wasn’t much to see, either. It looked like an abandoned warehouse to him, something he was no stranger to. There were even stickers and paint jobs tagged everywhere, though it looked to Cull like they were all placed by one person. Strange, especially given how much warehouse they would have had to tag.
           He heard a clatter over his headset – apparently Marie had just made it to whatever system she was using to monitor – and she quickly asked, “You ready, Agent 4?”
           After giving an affirmative grunt, he stepped forward, to look at where he was going. He could see the Zapfish in front of him, in another bulb. For some reason, this one was floating in the air above a pond of purple ink. He wasn’t sure how he was supposed to reach it once he landed there, but hopefully he could get to the poor thing before the so-called Octoweapon did.
           In any case, he wasn’t going to get anything else done up here, so he walked forward and squidformed into the launchpad.
           The moment he landed, he looked up to see the imprisoned Zapfish descend. He took a couple of tentative steps forward, and he could even see the fish smile as it saw him, giving a small squeak as it did so.
           Cull smiled back, getting his Splattershot out and preparing to make a trail of green to meet it. Before he could, though, he heard bubbling, and stopped.
           Suddenly, an enormous octopus tentacle burst out of the ink, grabbing the Zapfish. The poor thing could barely even scream before its bulb was pulled under by the green-scarred arm. Electricity sparked through the ink, and soon a light burst from the center.
           Cull had already started backing up, but the rumble as… something rose from the depths knocked him off-balance. Even as he landed on his back, he was scrambling to get away, but he soon realized there was nowhere to go – he was on a disk-shaped platform floating above Cod-knows-what. All he could do was watch as some kind of hexagonal cylinder emerged, with green glowing eyes. There was a pair on each face, Cull realized.
           The light faded, and the inky mist dissipated to reveal a behemoth of a machine. Six eyes sneered at Agent 4 behind panes of glass, and the vents either side hissed plenty of steam…
           Wait, was that some kind of oven?
           His suspicions were confirmed as the bread burst out of each door, the faces screaming in unison. Cull felt shaken to his core, and he saw the ink on the floor dry up and flake away instantly. He was just glad that wasn’t him, and he was soon able to get back onto his feet, ready to face this thing.
           “Looks like the tentacle’s on top,” Marie said, as the oven approached.
           Three pairs of green eyes looked at him, but Cull’s attention was pulled to an enormous red robot eye glaring at him, right above the front face. It tracked him as he ran far better than the bread did. The fact that all the mouths were saying something in unison with the same high-pitched voice wasn’t helping ease his mind.
           Suddenly, one of the doors opened, and Cull barely leapt out of the way as the bread shouted, lunging towards him before quickly receding back in. Cull could feel the heat from the bread even as it left. He looked at the trail of ink it left behind, and cringed as he could see a bit of steam coming out of it. The bread gave him a mean sneer from behind the glass as the oven spun.
           “That’s why I don’t eat the end loaves,” Marie joked.
           Cull couldn’t help but snicker at that, but only for a moment as another loaf lunged at him.
           Marie could hear the loaves speak as one through her headset. She only knew a bit of Octo, but it was enough to raise concerns – she heard “…nutrition…ingredient…value…” among words she didn’t understand. That, alongside its open-mouthed charge towards Agent 4, painted a picture that, frankly, she didn’t want Cull seeing. Maybe if she kept things light, that would help more than scaring him with reality.
           “Hope you’re bready to find a way up,” she said, forcing a grin. “It’ll get you out of this jam.”
           She couldn’t help but give a more genuine grin as Cull groaned between dodges.
           Meanwhile, Cull attempted to shoot back at the bread, but even when it was exposed all his ink did was cover the crust in green. It seemed there was nothing he could do about those loaves. Well, nothing other than frustrate them, if the tone of their screeching was any indication.
           As he kept evading lunges, he could feel the ink trail left behind get even hotter. Pink steam rose from some of the later trails. Steam also emerged from the oven itself, and a lot of it. Finally, all of the bread started to screech at once, before they all burst out of the oven. They stayed there, hanging in shock.
           Agent 4 put a tentative hand onto one of the loaves. The crust felt firm, like this was the high-quality bread his old neighbor sold. Of course, this was less nostalgic, as he did have a job to do.
           His ink was still on the side of this one, but he wasn’t sure if he’d have time, so he hoisted himself up by hand, looking for any way to the top.
           Well, he had to ink the sides, and the fact the bread was breathing heavily did not help his discomfort. Hopefully, he could at least make it easier by climbing less wall, so he looked to his left, at one of the higher loaves, and took a running leap.
           He was able to catch the next platform, but only barely, as his hands were slipping and losing a bit of their form in the heat. With some effort, he clambered upwards, leaving bits of green as he stood up. Thankfully, he could still fire his Splattershot, and paint the wall that faced him. Swimming up it was another matter, but he would have to do it somehow.
           He eyed the wall up and down, and realized he didn’t coat the whole wall, instead more or less making a thick line up it. Maybe he could work with this…
           Agent 4 dove into the green, struggling for a moment before a slim white tentacle emerged from the ink, feeling around for half a second before slapping onto the wall. It trailed upward as Cull swam a little bit, and then circled further upwards, helping pull him up. Cull still wasn’t as fast as the average Inkling, but Marie could see he was making his own personal record for swimming up.
           Cull didn’t pant from the excruciating swim this time, but more from the heat. Thankfully, he was at the top, and could see the tentacle in front of him. He opened fire, keeping his footing as stable as it could between the oven shaking like mad and his feeling a lot softer and slipperier than normal.
           Finally, the tentacle burst, spewing pink ink everywhere. Cull was already close to slipping, but this deluge was enough to knock him over. He landed on a spongy loaf of screaming bread. As quickly as he could, he leapt off it, making a break for anywhere that wasn’t right next to the mechanical monster.
           “Donut stop!” Marie cheered. “You knead to keep going!”
           Cull couldn’t help but snicker at that, despite everything going on around him. It was short-lived as he saw a new tentacle peeking out above the top of the Octoweapon, and the bread glared at him all over again. What was worse, new things were bursting from the tile walls, revealing more mechanical eyes and massive vents that made it look like it had a crown. As soon as the tentacle sunk into its slot, it blasted way too many ink columns into the air. Agent 4 had no choice but to move closer to the Octo Oven.
           “Mmm, Churros….” Marie joked.
           Cull paused for a moment, looking up at the spiraling Ink Pistons that embedded themselves into the ground. He chuckled, before moving closer to the Octo Oven.
           He was suddenly aware of music that was playing through speakers here, that was getting his ink pumping. It was some kind of weird techno music, with furious guitar strumming over it and incomprehensible vocals. As he dodged the attacks from the Oven, he felt a fresh determination to see it splatted.
           The heat wasn’t doing him any favors, though. His movements were starting to feel sluggish, and the soles of his shoes were starting to stick to the floor. Even his arms felt a little longer, and he could see ink drip from him every so often. He grimaced, trying to keep together long enough to continue fighting.
           Meanwhile, the oven was shouting things at him. Cull thought he could hear the word “cook” in there, but he chalked it up to fighting a giant bread monster. He couldn’t ignore how the loaves were looking at him like they were about to lick their lips, or how the two robotic visors were intensely focused on him, as if they were scanning him.
           “Mar—” he started, realizing his mistake as he dove out of the way again, “Agent 2, y-you know what this th-thing’s deal is?”
           “Er, I do,” Marie replied. “It’s hoping to put Inkopolis in a jam, but it should have loafed us alone!”
           Cull groaned. If all she was going to do was make puns, he wasn’t going to try to encourage her anymore.
           Meanwhile, Marie quickly muted the mic to breathe a sign of relief. That was too close; having Cull know and then panic was the last thing she wanted to happen. At least he had a chance while ignorant.
           Finally, the oven got too hot again, and all the bread launched out to cool off. As it panted, Agent 4 clambered onto the first loaf once more, and cringed at how much of his form was sticking to the bread. He swore he could see some of the loose ink getting absorbed by it.
           No matter; he had to find a way up again. He saw that the huge eyeball had a grid around it, and that meant an easier way up. He went to leap, but his shoes were sticking to the spongy floor beneath him. He reached, straining as hard as he could, but he could barely even reach the vents below, and the heat there certainly wasn’t helping.
           Still, he was able to drag himself up off the platform, and now he was getting a faceful of hot air. He had to fling his arms upwards like he was in squid form – limp, but with good grip. It was awkward, and he was terrified of getting caught in moving parts, but it was the best he could do, with so little control over his own body.
           It actually reminded him of when he was around seven, and he and Soy used their still-not-fully-formed bodies to get to all kinds of places. He remembered his childhood partner-in-crime teaching him how to scale places with their then-loose limbs. The two of them got into all sorts of places they really shouldn’t have. Those were always good times.
           As much as he missed those carefree days, Soy, and having all his tentacles, he was already at the top. No more time for reminiscing.
           It was a good thing the tentacle he was targeting was so large, because his aiming game wasn’t going to be great in these conditions. He tried aiming for the massive green scar on it, but was lucky to be hitting the arm at all. Eventually, though, the tentacle burst, and the oven started to spray pink ink everywhere.
           Stepping back was becoming less of an option. Instinct kicked in, and he squidformed as best he could. Ink pressure built up, and he was just able to launch before he got doused in Octo ink.
           “Good,” Marie said. “But dougn’t get careless or things might go a rye.”
           Cull was upset that he was laughing at these stupid bread puns as he prepared to land. At least it was cut off briefly as he landed with a splat! Besides, it distracted him from how hard kidforming was getting. He was becoming more puddle than Inkling at this point.
            Was it just him, or was the arena far hotter than it was before?
           Meanwhile, there was the sound of metal scraping as plating emerged from the oven, covering bits of the bread before it screamed again. Cull had to focus to not get flung from the roar this time, but he managed to stay on while everything else was cleared of ink.
           “Right,” Marie continued, after a moment of silence. “Hang in there, and the…armored…bread… shouldn’t stop you too much. Just watch for that… um, glazing machine.”
           Cull watched as a pipe emerged from the oven, and several nozzles started pouring a wall of ink. He prepared to run, but that was a tall order as he tripped over his own feet repeatedly. He had to settle for an uncomfortable shamble as he rushed to avoid getting glazed. He shot a sloppy trail of green once he wrapped around the Oven and was reaching a perfectly painted pink floor.
           He and Marie both sighed a relief as the spouts stopped and the pipe rolled back in.
           Agent 4 readied himself; he didn’t know what this thing was planning, but given the way it was spinning and muttering, it was nothing good. He thought he could hear it say something that sounded like “flavor”, but he wrote that off as coincidence.
           He was almost glad it was back to launching its many bread faces at him, albeit far more rapidly. He ducked out of the way of the first, he tripped just in time to dodge the second, but before the third shot out, he found it far too difficult to move, and was punished for it. He closed his eyes and braced himself for a nasty splat.
           Except, that didn’t happen. Sure, he was knocked down, and it hurt, but he was still there. What’s more, he felt a wash of cool green ink over himself. Daring to open an eye, he saw his armor was broken again, and he was able to solidify just a little more in this heat. Not much, but just enough to stand up somewhat normally for once. Just in time, too; the Oven had one more lunge before the bread had to cool off again.
           Cull couldn’t blame it for that; the ink from the armor helped, but it wasn’t enough to beat the heat.
           He tried to clamber onto the metal, but not only was it far hotter than the rest of the Oven, but it was also impossible to get a grip on the inkproof surface in his inky state. So he was back to climbing on weird talking bread. Once again, he swung with loose limbs over the mechanical eye and made it to the top. He hoped this was it as he burst the tentacle one last time.
           Once again, he was able to Squid Jump away, and landed with an awkward splatter.
           “This guy’s toast!” Marie cheered.
           Quietly, Cull cheered too. If the Oven didn’t kill him, any more bread puns would.
           He turned around and saw that the Oven was rumbling once again, but this time, the bread shot out all burnt and charred. The smell of burnt seafood filled the air as the Oven twitched, the panels denting outward. One on the back fell off, and the faces on the bread started to wince from whatever complications their body was going through.
           With one last synchronized scream, the Oven exploded, sending gallons and gallons of green ink everywhere.
           As soon as the ink oozed off the camera, Marie could see the Zapfish, safely encased in an electric bulb in the middle of the platform. But there was no sign of Agent 4. She had seen Agent 3 destroy the Octomaw, and even as that kid was doused in ink, she was still clearly visible.
           “…Agent 4?”
           A mound rose, and gave a blobby thumbs-up.
           She breathed a sigh of relief, watching him try to kidform. He mostly succeeded in flopping around, though.
           “Look, 4,” Marie said, softly. “You might wanna swim until you cool off a bit. Don’t worry, you can take your time.”
           One slow shamble and a Splat Bomb later, Cull had a concerned Zapfish looking over him, and he could see Marie climbing down the ladder to greet him as the platform rose up to greet her.
           “Need a lift?” she asked, casually as ever.
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boo! rewrite (lydia x reader)
so i wanted to rewrite one of my first fics, to see how much my writing has improved, and boo! was the one that stood out to me. if you read the original, i’m sorry. i’m changing basically everything from the original except for the concept because holy h*ck was that painful for me to reread.
reader is barbara’s niece, and she enlists adam, an english teacher, to help her with her essay. unfortunately, it’s the day that adam and barbara die.
2118 words
cw: femreader. brief reference to suicide.
your eyes glazed over the shakespearean english. you couldn’t figure out what anyone was trying to say, and you weren’t entirely sure that you cared enough to try. but you hadn’t bought a no fear version of the play yet, so that had to count for something.
your teacher claimed she could tell when kids just googled a synopsis and such to write their essay, but you weren’t entirely sure. you were also scared of this particular teacher, so you didn’t really want to risk it.
you made it three more pages before giving up. you checked your phone to be greeted by a text from your friend, “we sold out of the no fears. i tried to save a copy for you but my boss wanted to sell it. sorry and good luck.” they sent. they worked at a local bookstore. the local bookstore. the only one in town.
you began to panic. it was saturday, 3:57 pm, and your essay was due on sunday at 11:59 pm. shit. you would probably be able to finish reading the book if you started now, but still remains the problem of understanding it. and all that before you even think about writing an essay, where you have to convince your teacher that you truly get all the inner complexities of england’s greatest writer, as well as applying it to your own life. shit shit shit.
you bit the inside of your lip, somehow convinced that if you just sat there and tried to figure out how you were going to get all of the work done, that miraculously you wouldn’t have to do it anymore. because that makes sense. all you need to do to solve a problem is think up the solution. no further action necessary.
you sighed, and prepared yourself for the “i told you so”s that would inevitably come, as you texted your uncle, adam.
adam always made it known to you that if you ever needed any help in english, that he could help you, but you always told him, “english is my native language, i won’t need any help.” like the smart ass that you are.
”i have to finish a crib for the o'briens, so i’ll have to split my attention, but yeah! come on over!” adam replied. “but i will not write your essay for you, okay?” he sent after a minute.
”thanks, adam! i’ll be right over!” you texted him back. you grabbed your book, your laptop, and your keys, and you were out of there.
you always found it odd how the two sweetest people you knew had the creepiest house in town. the house practically begged to house some vampires, and while you were pretty sure that adam and his wife barbara weren’t vampires, a part of you always hoped they were.
you tried to figure out how they could be actually undead, while you drove to their house. you assumed that adam would’ve had to become a vampire first, because if barbara were a vampire, then that would mean that your mom would also be a vampire, and that just didn’t make sense. but then again, adam doesn’t seem particularly ancient. although if he was from, say, shakespeare’s time, that would make sense why he would understand his work so much. and adam is an ap brit lit teacher… 
you shook your silly ideas off and parked in the maitland’s driveway.
even though adam said you would only have his divided attention, he pretty much abandoned working on the crib as soon as you walked in the door, already starting to explain the basic plot of the play.
barbara drifted in and out of the room, offering food everytime she did. maybe that was just further proof that she’s a vampire! wait, no. she would still have once been human, so she’d understand how often humans need to eat. also, shakespeare, not vampires! come on, you need to focus!
after successfully tricking adam into thinking that you had read the whole book, and he told you as many details as he could remember, he decided it was time for a break. you agreed. you needed a little bit of time to figure out how to best get him to write your body paragraphs for you. getting him to just explain stuff to you probably wouldn’t work, because he’s not the most concise person. and getting him to literally type them out wouldn’t work, because adam’s gullible, not stupid.
your aunt and uncle decided to show you around the house. they were in the midst of many renovations, and they wanted to show you what they had done so far, as well as what they planned on doing.
”oh, y/n, would you look at the wood on this banister? i know you don’t really care about all the little details like i do, but it’s just so gorgeous.” said adam.
you walked closer to the stairs, next to the couple.
unfortunately, that was the last thing you did as a living, breathing person. the floor gave out, sending the three of you into the basement. the fall killed you.
you were the first to catch on to that.
you came back as a ghost, because of course ghosts are real. and while the maitlands were screaming about the fireplace and how cold they were, you noticed that your heart had stopped beating. you noticed that your fingers were numb. and when you stopped breathing, you didn’t get lightheaded, nothing happened.
it had been a few days since then. there was a demon who offered to help the maitlands who came. but the maitlands didn’t allow you near him. one of the downsides to being dead is no sleep. you couldn’t lose consciousness if you tried. and you have. compounded with the fact that you were always drowsy, you were pretty sure that you were in a low level of hell.
you had taken to gazing longingly out the windows. you couldn’t go outside, lest you get eaten by a sandworm, whatever that meant, so you settled for this, hoping that the soccer mom walking her dog would look up and freak out when she saw you.
but no one ever saw you.
you considered seeking the demon out to ask him what actually happened when sandworms ate ghosts, but a flurry of moving trucks interrupted your thoughts.
the movers began dragging the boxes and the pieces of furniture into the house, as directed by a tall, bearded man.
you jumped up and glided down the multiple sets of stairs, to the front door.
as a new person walked in, you would scream, “boo!” as you crept up behind them. to no avail. no one as much as flinched.
you eventually gave up, and roamed the first floor. just looking for someone you hadn’t already tried to scare. sitting in the kitchen, was a red-headed woman. you said, “boo.” she looked up, like she had heard you, but then looked right through you. still invisible.
what’s the fun of being a ghost if you can’t mess with people? maybe you needed to just become a poltergeist. that could be fun, hurling cookie jars at these idiots. you chuckled to yourself at the thought of it.
you wandered into another room. a dining room, maybe? the bearded man from before was in there. you slipped a wine glass out of it’s box, and threw it at him. being a bad aim, you hit the wall about a foot to his right, but the point got across. the glass exploded on impact, making the man jump.
you smiled.
you turned around, to leave the room to find more people to torment, but the demon you were supposed to be avoiding was leaning in the door frame. “impressive.” he said.
”go away, lawrence.” you replied. he cringed at the name.
”what? don’t you want me to show you more ways you can mess with them?” he crossed his arms defensively.
”you’re a literal demon, so excuse me if i don’t trust you. and i’ve only just started throwing things at them, so i think i’ll stick to that for a while.” you glanced around the room for another way out, but there were none.
the demon grunted, and walked away, presumably to the attack to talk to your aunt and uncle again. you felt bad for them, but at least you didn’t have to deal with him.
you wandered into the living room, or was it family room? you never knew which was which and why they were two different rooms. but there was a girl, dressed in all black, flipping through a photo album on the couch. she looked to be about your age. this was definitely the first time you had seen her, so you decided to try to scare her using your old way, even though you were really itching to throw the candelabra that was on the other side of the room. you weren’t sure if that was from this new family, or from adam and barbara. it looked cool, though.
”boo!” you yelled.
the girl whipped her head around. her eyes found you immediately. “who are you and what are you doing in this house.” she demanded. she shut the photo album and stood to face you.
”wow you can both hear and see me, that’s a new one!” you exclaimed.
the girl narrowed her eyes.
”uh, i’m y/n. nice to meet you?”
”what are you doing in this house?”
”i- well, uh, this house used to belong to my aunt and uncle before the, um, died. and-”
”if you need to get any of their stuff, you better do it quickly before my dad gets rid of it.” she interrupted you. “but couldn’t you have done this before the house was sold?”
”you see, i was also in this house when my aunt and uncle died. all three of us were standing right about there,” you pointed at a spot a few feet in front of the girl, “and uh, we all died.”
”you’re dead?” the girl asked, her previous hostility turning to curiosity.
”that is so cool.” she peered oddly at you.
”uhm not really. you’re the first person who’s been able to see me. i mean, i threw a wine glass at your dad earlier and that was kinda fun, but other than that… sucks, man.”
”oh.” the girl slumped over.
you walked closer to her, “what’s your name, by the way?”
her head bobbed back up, “lydia. you said you were y/n?”
lydia poked your upper arm. “so you’re corporeal.”
lydia blinked and looked around awkwardly. “does dying make you bad at conversations?”
”i don’t think so. all the other dead people i know are really chatty.”
”so it’s you that’s bad.”
”you are also involved in this conversation, lydia.” you snarked back.
lydia crossed her arms. “you said something about ‘all the other dead people’ you know. are you just talking about your aunt and uncle, or are there other ghosts haunting this place?”
”no and no? i’m not actually sure his dead or alive status, but there’s a demon here.”
lydia laughed. “a demon? that’s hilarious, tell me the truth.”
”you are talking to a literal dead girl right now, why would i lie to you?”
the laughter faded from her face. “you’re right. what does the demon want here?”
”i’m not really sure. he seems kinda gross, so i’ve been keeping away from him.” you wrinkled your nose, “but as far as i know, barbara and adam. that’s their names, by the way. my aunt and uncle. like, i keep accidentally overhearing him hit on them, and it makes me want to gouge my ears out.”
”yikes. that sounds awful. i can’t imagine what would happen if some weirdo started flirting with my dad. or just adults flirting in general is yuck.” lydia shuddered at the thought.
you went quiet.
”what’re you thinking about.” lydia asked.
you bit the inside of your mouth. “it’s just that… like, now that i’m dead, i’m stuck being sixteen forever. and i’m also pretty sure that i’m stuck in this house forever. so not only will there be no one ever to flirt with me, i have to listen to the adults flirt with each other.”
”if the demon is flirting with someone in front of their wife, i’m pretty sure that he’d flirt with you.” lydia suggested.
”i’d sooner rip his throat out.” you threatened.
lydia thought for a second. “well, it sounds like you need someone to fix that problem.” she said, softly. nervously.
@meangirlsx @meangirlmurphy @eliza-is-confused @boredomimi @book--butterfly
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maggyme13 · 4 years
Sugar (7/?)
AN: I am back and am apologizing for one week of not posting. But work at the moment is a b*** . thats why there is a bit more to read today. see it as a small apology.
Wordcount: around 2100
Warnings: not really
Sugar- Masterlist
Sugar 6
„Good morning Ms (y/LN), I hoped you slept well after last night. Boss is waiting in his office. I am glad that you chose to take him on on his offer. He felt devastated about what he allowed to happen and about his misjudgment.”, the secretary smiled.
How does he know that?
“Thank you- can I go in or..?”
“Of course, he is waiting for you.”
Hearing an ´Enter´ following your knock, you stepped inside the large office.
“Good Morning (y/N). I hope you you slept well.”, the businessman greeted you, placing the papers he was working on to the side.
“More or less. I could not sleep for a few hours.”, you admitted.
“I feared so much. Please take a seat and we can talk a bit more.”
The cushions were so soft that you sunk into them once taking the offered seat and you thought about how this couch was a lot more comfortable than you mattresses growing up.
Wow. I could sleep on this thing for days.
“You said you wanted my word to be able to change your mind at any moment. I can give you that and more: I formulated a contract for the arrangement between the two of us. We both will sign it. It contains any important information. Here, read it and then tell me what you think. Everything can be changed.”
He was sincere in his tone and you immediately felt more relaxed.
Accepting the paper, you read everything carefuly.
There were different paragraphs for different themes: a paraphrasing of what he had told you the evening prior, his duties as your ´sugar-daddy´, your duties as his ´sugar-baby; the last one was one big and bold statement “All sexual or bodily favors must be offered by (Y/n) (Y/LN). Loki Laufeyson has no right to, in any form, ask for them or hinting at them.”
At last there was a section that stated you would be allowed to end this relationship any second without getting held responsible for it in any way or form. You also would be able to keep anything you had received during that time.
“I want to do something to earn that money. I can´t sit around all day.”, you stated.
“I figured you would say that. You could work a part-time job in one of my businesses , or somewhere else as long as it does not interfere with our deal.”
“I mean, I can take care of the household. Go grocery-shopping, and so on. Like cooking and baking.”, you hummed.
“We will find something. For now, you should go and stock your rooms with anything you need and want : Clothing, shoes, shampoos ,.. anything. New furniture, if you don´t  want to sleep in that bed, or if it does not suit your style.”, he suggested.
“O-Okay. Though the rooms are fine. But can I get some of my personal stuff out of my storage-unit? It is paid for almost three months in advance, still-”, you asked.
“You don´t need to ask. Tell Barnes where the unit is and he can help you. Now that I think of it; I never asked why you were homeless. If you don´t mind me asking.”
“My boyfriend, who I was supposed to move in with, dumped me the evening before the move. It was already leased again, so I had nowhere to go and stayed with two homeless men I know for a few years. They convinced me to go with Bucky and Sam.”, you explained with a sigh and noticed a vain on the man´s forehead twitch.
“Why he left me? Found him making out with a girl in an club and he claimed he forgot to tell me and that I was about to move in with him.”
“I meant living with the homeless.”
“I used my last money to pay for the unit. Please, can we change the subject? It is kind of embarrassing-”
“We may. Apologies-”
“Well, on another node: Anything you want to have for dinner? I can get groceries on the way then.”, you mused.
“Surprise me. But I might be late. Mr Quill wants to have a meeting with me later.”, he did not sound amused at all.
“I am sorry I caused problems.”you apologized again, though you knew it wasn´t your fault for real.
“He should be sorry. Not you. And he will if he crosses my line again.”, the CEO growled, forming a fist with his hand at once.
I will leave then.”, you nodded your farewell and stood to leave.
“Until later (y/n), and have a nice day.”
Bucky had driven you to your storage unit and helped getting your most personal item back to you rnew home. It wasn´t much and fit in the back of the car; though you made sure to get your comfortable underwear and sleep stuff (mostly old shirts and boxer-shorts).
“So, Sam and I were wondering if you would be up for a movue night the other day. Pietro, Wanda and Nat will be there as well.”, the dark haired man asked you with a smile from behind the wheel.
“Uhm, sure? But why? I mean you don´t need to do that, only because I am ´living´ with your boss now. But I appreciate the offer.”, you answered, wondering why they invited you.
You would consider Bucky and Sam as accomplices though, but still.
“That has nothing to do with that. To be honest, you are the first one we like. Thus far, they all were bitches and just after the money. You on the other hand, don´t give a shit about it. It is refreshing.”, he explained, “What are you going to do know with your larger income and time on mass?”
“ I want to work. I don´t want to get money gifted to me for nothing. That was not how I was raised.”, you sighted, “For now, I will take care of the household and cook. Maybe later I will get another job. For during the day, I mean.”
“Remind me to show you the community floor Boss has made for us. It has a gym, wellness area, library and other stuff you might like.”
“Common area?”
“Yes. Didn´t we mention that most of us ´trusted´ employees are living on the five floors beneath you? My bad, sorry.”
“I don´t know. I wasn´t really in a mindset to lisdten to everything.”, you admitted.
“Understandable. We are back. Let me help you get your stuff upstairs and into your room. Then I have orders to get you anything you might need. Clothes, Shampoos, female Hygieneproducts. You name it, we get it. And no arguments: orders are orders.” , Bucky stated with a grin.
“Fine.”, you rolled your eyes, “One thing I need is more kitchen supplies. There is only the bare minimum in that kitchen. And curtains for the bathroom- those huge and open windows creep me out.”
“No secret exhibition fetish? Yeah I know what you mean, but we won´t be able to get you curtains I fear. That has to go through the interior designer. Though, you do know that there is a way to make the glass opaque?”
“Wait, what? How?”
“I don´t know how exactly it works, but there is a switch next to the door in every apartment bathroom.”
“I soooo need to find that switch.”, you groaned.
“i can show you.”, he laughed, nudging you with his shoulder, “Though you could have just asked, you know?”
“Well, yeah. To late for that know though. Theme change, can we go to my old workplace? A much as I hate it, but they still have the best hot chocolate in town-”, you sighted, “-and I need some of my paperwork from them back.”
“Sure thing. We will get those things, and some of those awesome cookies they sell.”
A light laugh escaped your lips, “I made those. And I am the only one who knows the exact recipe.”
His eyes grew big. “You´re kidding!”
“Nope, the ones they sold before were disgusting. And I love to bake, so I made them after my mom´s recipe. I can make you some if you like.”
“YES Please!”, he cleared his throat, “ I mean, if you have time and so on. No need to-”
“I will find a moment. It´s the last I can do after you and Sam took me in.”
“No worries. Now lets me get your things up and then back shopping.”
Parking the car in front of the building, he stepped out and walked to the back. You were following him at once and grabbed some of your stuff.
His astonished look stopped you at once.
“Nothing. I am just not used that a- that I get help with carrying stuff upstairs.”
“You mean Mr Laufeyson´s Sugarbabies? I am not like them.”, you frowned.
“Yes, and I know. Just-”, he stammered casting his eyes on the floor in embarrassment.
“Unusula. I get it.”, you honestly smiled, “Though I am one now.”
Something in your voice at the last part of your exclamation made him send you a sad smile.
“Come on. Let´s get you settled in a bit more.”
“Alright”, you nodded, “and then some hot chocolate.”
“What do you want?”, your former employer sneered once you entered the coffee-shop. Her eyes glaring daggers into you.
“Hello to you, too. I am here to get my last cheque, my papers and recipe-book that is still here. As well as a triple-hot-chocolate with two marshmallows, please.”, you smiled your best customer-service-smile.
“And a large coffee for me.”, Bucky piped up from right behind you.
“Sure. I assume ´To Go´?”
“Yes, pleased.”, you smiled even brighter.
“Give me a moment.”, your ex-boss grumbled before leaving into the back to hopefully get what was yours.
“Asshole much?”, your friend whispered from behind and you nodded.
One of your old coworkers began to make your order in the meantime.
“Thank you, Chris. How is school doing?”, you started to make small-talk, this time with a real smile.
“It´s alright. My year is about to go on a trip, but without me.”, the young barista answered.
“Don´t have the money, and my Stepdad is an asshole an does not want to pay for it.”, he grumbled and you sighted.
You knew about his situation at home, and would often cover for him, so he could do homework during his break.
“How much is the trip?”
“550 Bucks.”, he sighted again, that was almost a month of work for him, without giving his parents his share of rent that was 150 and the money he saved for college.
“What about the tips?”
“Alright I guess. Though since you aren´t baking the cookies anymore they dropped quite a bit. But if I am lucky I can get enough to go on weekend-trip with my friends next month.”, he smiled thinking about that.
“You can still keep the tips, right? No sharing them with the others or the boss since I left?”, you questioned, an idea had crossed your mind.
“Everything is the same, why?”, he answered a bit baffled about your question.
“No particular reason. Bucky. This order is on me.”, you grinned.
“Alright.”, he shrugged, tough you assumed he knew what you were planning.
“Hand me the card reader, would you? Prizes are still the same?”, you offered your open palm to the boy, who nodded and finished your order.
Accepting the reader, you typed in 10$ for the order and 600$ under tip, “ Here you go. Have fun on that trip. And before you ask, I got a really well paying new job.”
“Thank you so much!”, the Highschooler  breathed with teary eyes.
“See it as a graduation gift. But don´t tell anyone, ok?”
“Promised””, the boy quickly nodded, zipping his lips with a motion of his hands, though he quickly stopped when his boss returned with your things.
“Here!”, your ex-boss sneered almost slamming your things on the counter, “If you could leave now please.”
“We may. Hve a nice day!”, and with that, the two of you left.
“That was nice what you did there.”, Bucky hummed back behind the wheel.
“He deserves a few days of fun. His Stepdad is an asshole. A HUGE one.”
“So, where do we start shopping?”
Part 8
AN2.0 How will this turn our for the reader? And will her family make an appreance again in later chapters?
REBLOGS and comments are appreciated:)
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I couldnt tag a few of you… sorry.
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Until We Meet Again
Pairing(s): Crowley x Female Human Reader
Rating: T
Warnings: Language, Angst, Implied Smut, Ducks
Words: 2,857
Genre: Angst, Drama
Part three of: “Won’t Say I’m in Love” and “Beauty and the Beast”
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@pantaxbal @a-hoe-for-vanya @the-captain-kidd
I do not own the GIFs, characters, or song
The song is the “Aloha ‘Oe” from the movie “Lilo and Stitch″
“Oh, excuse me, miss? Do you work here?”
A sheepish voiced broke her out of the blank haze she was in, almost startling the book out of her hands. But nevertheless, she plastered on a fake smile and turned to the customer with a twinkle in her eye.
“Why, yes I do! Is there something you need help with, dear sir?”
The older man couldn't help but seem baffled by this young woman’s manners, which pulled him into the fake act further. He returned a smile of his own and took a step closer to the employee.
“Do you sell any true crime-”
“No, sorry.”
The man blinked, startled by the woman’s sudden snap at him, and instead of reacting the way he truly wanted to, he widened his smile and asked again.
“I’m sorry, maybe you misheard. I asked if you sold any true crime books.”
“And I said no, we don't, slimy old man.”
In truth, {Y/N} didn't have such an attitude, but when Aziraphale requested that he actually didn't want to sell any books at his shop, she stuck with the tactic of just scaring them away with her horrible act.
“Slimy? Young miss, that is no way to talk to someone! Now, one of my friends the other day told me that she had purchased a wonderful true crime book from here and I would like to do the same.”
“Your friend is absolutely off her rocker if she thinks she got one from here. If she’s around her age, I wouldn't blame her for mixing things up. Now, get lost and have a wonderful day sir!”
With that, the man mumbled a few choice words under his breath and stormed out of the shop, giving {Y/N} the opportunity to flip the sign in the door to “closed.” Aziraphale had ran to his study hours ago, trusting {Y/N} to keep his books safe from any humans.
This had been her new normal for the past year, really. Watch the shop for Aziraphale during the day, and in turn, he would keep her safe and let her live with him. Normally, {Y/N} would have been fine at her own flat, but, ever since Crowley’s disappearance, Aziraphale suggested she stay with him. Initially, she laughed it off, saying she could protect herself from any ballsy thug that tried to hurt her. That's when he told her she couldn't exactly fend off the forces of Hell.
Now that, that got her attention. And that was when she found out her dear Crowley was a demon, one that was once highly praised too. And of course, her best friend Aziraphale just so happened to be an angel, well, not any angel, a Principality at that! 
It was a lot of information for her to take in at once, in fact, when the angel first told her, she gave him a laugh before promptly passing out. And when she woke, she was greeted with the sight of two large, and obviously glowing, wings. Aziraphale gave her a rushed apology and quickly began to take care of her, while once again going over everything, but going slow this time.
That was how her current situation started, once she realized that actual beings of Hell would be looking for her because of Crowley, she began trusting Aziraphale more and more. Her life was in his hands, and truthfully she wouldn't have had it any other way.
“{Y/N} dear, have you closed up for the day?”
The angel’s voice carried down from the upper floor, causing her to smile because as soon as she told him the shop was indeed closed, he peeked his head out of the door. Eyes that were hiding behind glasses were wide, obviously from fear, he was really glad that {Y/N} was so comfortable with dealing with his customers.
“I’m going to grab some dinner, want me to get you something?”
Watching his expression change was priceless, a smile immediately overtook the frown that was on his pale features and he nodded enthusiastically.
“Okay, angel dork, I’ll be back later!”
{Y/N} grabbed her keys and coat before heading out the shop door and slipping into the familiar older black car and speeding away. The stereo softly played some random Queen song she already knew by heart, she could quote all of them at this point. 
Back at the shop, Aziraphale was startled from his work when he heard the little bell of his shop door ring, indicating that a customer had entered after closing hours. The angel groaned and pushed himself up from his chair, rushing down the stairs while he shouted at the intruding person.
“I apologize, maybe you didn't see the sign! I’m afraid we’re closed so if you. . .”
He trailed off, almost tripping over his feet as his heart seized in his chest for a moment. Was what he was seeing true? It couldn't be, right?
“I’m back, angel. Is my Dove around?”
The first thing {Y/N} heard when she walked into the shop was the sound of voices suddenly grew more hushed.
“Aziraphale? Is everything all right? I got sushi from that place you like down the road!”
She called out, but she didn't get a response, save for a muffled curse and the sound of panicked shuffling from the angel’s study. Frowning, she started ascending the stairs, bag abandoned on the floor as she reached for her coat pocket where a canister of pepper spray sat, ready to be used on any attacker.
“{Y/N} darling! I didn't expect you back so soon-!”
“Who’s in there, Aziraphale?”
Not waiting for an answer, her hand grabbed the small can in her pocket and she marched through the door of his study. But, in an instant, the object dropped from her hand, the clattering noise going unnoticed as she stared up at the bright yellow eyes she still loved.
“I’m home, Dove.”
The demon stepped forward and opened his arms, inviting his human into a hug. She accepted immediately, wrapping her arms around his thin frame, his own arms coming around to hold her now shaking body.
“Shh shh, it’s okay {Y/N}, I’m here.”
“You. . . You left me! You asshole, you left!”
She sobbed, weakly trying to pound her fists into his chest, but Crowley didn't react, knowing he deserved every once of anger that she was giving him.
“I had to, {Y/N}, I needed to keep you safe.”
For a moment, neither of them said anything, her head pressed into his chest, trying to calm down her breathing after sobbing like that. They both knew that Aziraphale was watching from the doorway, nervous about the reunion that was going on, ready to intervene at any moment if it was absolutely needed.
“Yes, Dove?”
“Can you say it?”
They both knew what she meant, but honestly, he was scared, not that he was scared he didn't mean it. He was scared it wouldn't mean anything to her, even if he never formally told her.
“I love you, {Y/N}.”
She couldn't help the smile that creeped along her features, causing her to bury her face in his chest further. Just hearing those words caused her heart to clench, because she could tell that he meant it.
“Now you have to say it back, {Y/N}.”
“I love you. I love you, I love you so much Crowley.”
“I love you more, you know.”
The human couldn't help but giggle, standing up on her tip toes to press her hips to his, feeling slim arms snake around her hips and pull her closer to him. Both of them had been ignoring the angel at this point, figuring he would have done the same, but it was the opposite, really, he couldn't look anywhere but at the two in front of them, focusing on one more than the other.
“Crowley, I think that is physically impossible.”
“Oh? Why don't I take you on a date tomorrow to prove my love then?”
The banter had started immediately when the two broke apart from the kiss, Crowley puffing his chest out in pride, convinced he could show his woman how much he loved her even if she wore a smug, unconvinced grin.
“All right, it’s a date then.”
In the morning, {Y/N} woke up bright and early, and already next to a grinning Crowley, who was idly tracing patterns on her hip with his finger.
“Did you really stay up all night watching me?”
“My dear Dove, I don't need to sleep.”
She couldn't help but giggle like that before swinging her legs off the side of the bed. It was a blur after that, she got ready as quick as she could still managing to dress up in a casual sundress and a light layer of makeup before Crowley was ushering her out of the door.
“So, where are we going, Crowley?”
“I figured we could spend a day at the park, and I already have everything packed in my car, so there’s no need to worry about that.”
He sent her his signature wink before the two slid into his car, realizing that there were a lot more miles on it than he remember, when he glanced over at {Y/N}, she couldn't help but pull a guilty expression.
“When you left, it was all I had left of you. . . I wanted to stay close to you somehow so. . . I drove it everywhere.”
She spoke through tears, voice cracking every once in a while, but the whole time she still remained smiling.
“Oh, Dove. . .”
He leaned in but she shooed him away with a playful grin, he looked hurt, of course, but she quickly recovered the moment.
“Ah, none of this sad stuff! We’re supposed to be having a date day!”
Crowley couldn't help but chuckle at her antics, giving her hair a quick ruffle before shifting the car into gear and driving it off. It was a short trip to the park, and when the two arrived, Crowley was glad he picked the park as the place for them to spend their date together.
“Crowley! It’s such a gorgeous day! You couldn't have picked a better day!”
She was facing the water when she exclaimed this, watching the sun hang high in the sky, so she missed Crowley’s grimace at his words.
“Let’s make the most of it then, right Dove?”
When she whipped around with a bright grin, he knew he said the right thing. His chest felt warm as he grabbed her hand and pulled her to an empty bench. He was grinning as he pulled out a basket from seemingly nowhere and set it on his lap, reaching inside to pull out a small bag filled with bread crumbs.
“I know this seems cheesy, but. . . I figured it could be fun?”
“It’s not cheesy! I love feeding the ducks! They’re so cute! Some ducklings hatched recently and Aziraphale wouldn't stop gushing over them!”
{Y/N} giggled, reaching her hand into the bag to toss out a handful of crumbs, watching the ducks eagerly run up and peck at what she threw on the ground. With a bright smile, Crowley copied her actions, tossing his own handful down, and the two continued this until the bag was empty. At that point, the two were giggling uncontrollably, watching the hoard of ducks rush over to the two to get a small bite of what they threw down. But when everything was finished, the ducks were still waddling over to them, watching them with expectant eyes. The human thought this was especially cute, well, until they started pecking at her shoe and started running after them as soon as the two stood up from the bench.
{Y/N} looked up at Crowley with a bright smile, even if she was out of breath from sprinting across the park, she was still convinced that it was the best date she had ever been on.
“Damn ducks! Never knew something so cute could be so scary.”
“I could say the same thing about you, Crowley.”
{Y/N} replied without a moment of hesitation, grin splitting wide when she saw Crowley sputtering and a bright red blush covering his features. He was going to snap something back at her but, that's when he felt it. A gentle raindrop hitting his nose, and that was all the warning they got before it started downpouring. With a shrieked giggle, {Y/N} grabbed Crowley’s hand and pulled him to the car, both out of breath and still laughing by the time they got there.
“So much for a date to prove my love, huh?”
“Oh, Crowley. . . You never need to prove your love to me. How about we go home and binge some movies?”
“Disney movies?”
“You know me so well.”
By the time they got home, the rain had only worsened and they were greeted by the sight of a startled and confused angel. When he asked what in the world had happened to the lovebirds, they could only answer in giggles as they glanced to each other. No other words were shared as {Y/N} tugged Crowley by the arm up to her room Aziraphale has made when she started living with him.
“Oh! Crowley, your clothes! We should-”
{Y/N} was cut off by the sound of a short snap and in an instant, their clothes were miraculously dry, which caused {Y/N} to gape in amazement.
“So, Dove, what movie were you planning on this time?”
“Toy Story!”
She seemed fairly excited because as soon as Crowley asked the question, she was already holding a stack of cases in her hand, and on the top was Toy Story.
“As much as I love how excited you are, Dove. I’ve already seen it.”
“No problem! We can just watch the second then!”
She replied without missing a beat, already sliding the disk into the player before jumping onto her bed with an excited giggle, patting the space beside her, inviting Crowley to sit next to her. He slid next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders before silently letting the movie play.
The two stayed like that for what felt like forever, just staying in each other’s arms not saying a word. It was Crowley that broke the moment, actually, gently grabbing {Y/N}’s chin and tilting it up so her eyes could meet his gaze. His lips met hers, and for the rest of the night, the only thing the two could focus on was each other, not the movie, nor a flustered angel that was embarrassed by the noises he could hear.
“I want things to stay like this forever.”
He hummed in response to her statement, both exhausted and wishing for sleep, well, {Y/N} wishing for sleep and Crowley just wanting rest. For the rest of the night, she stayed in his arms, warm, content, and loved. She savored the feeling for as long as she could, because in the morning, she woke up cold and feeling as lonely as she just a few days before.
Forcing herself out of bed, she stared at the floor with heavy lidded eyes before sniffing once, trying to keep an onslaught of tears at bay. Despite the fact that she wasn’t wearing anything, she stood up, wrapped a robe around herself and marched down the stairs. She knew that Aziraphale would be at the farmer’s market at this time, and there was no way he would keep the shop open when he wasn't there. So, she wandered into the makeshift kitchen and planned her breakfast, well, not before plugging in her phone to the speaker the angel had in there just for her.
“Haʻaheo e ka ua i nā pali.”
{Y/N} blankly wandered around the kitchen as she listened to the song play, despite that it wasn't in English, she knew what the meaning was, and it already hit way too close to home. She grabbed a pan and gently set it on the stove, listening to the soft song continue for a bit, all the while her heart ached at the sound of the lyrics.
“E hahai (uhai) ana paha i ka liko.”
And that’s when it started, just as a sniffle, scrunching her nose at the fact that she couldn't keep it together for just a moment. But the chorus was what really caused it all.
“Aloha ʻoe, aloha ʻoe.”
At this point, she let out a small sob, feeling her small frame beginning to shake and tremble as she eventually fell to her knees. She openly cried, the heels of her hands digging into her eyes as she practically screamed and sobbed out everything she felt.
“Until we meet again.”
Usually, music would make her happy, make her smile, especially that lyric. It would have given her hope, that she would, once again, see the man that she loved. But with how she was feeling right now, she wasn't sure if she ever wanted to see him again, not if he was going to just leave without explanation.
NOTE: Aha! I hope this is okay, this was supposed to be the final part, but I had so much planned I just couldn't fit it into part three, so I’m splitting it and this is getting a part four. I hope you all liked it! See y’all in part four or- maybe in something else if I need a break from this dramatic POS :’)
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Yours Truly [Part Thirteen]
Summary: Chris, Sadie, and Layla go to visit Sadie’s family, and come back to an unpleasant surprise. Pairing: Chris Pratt x OFC, Chris Evans x OFC Word Count: 1795 Warnings: None. A/N: This fic was previously posted on my multi-fandom account; in honor of OC Appreciation Day, I figured I would queue it all up for your reading pleasure throughout the day! This was a collab with @captain-s-rogers , and I will link her chapters at the end of all of my posts! Some GIFs were difficult to find again, so if there’s no credit, they’re from Google Image Search or from the original post. 
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July 19
I got the job here in Lawrence! I’m so, so excited. I’ll be teaching one of the two kindergarten classes and can start setting up my room in a couple of weeks, once I get through all the new hire hoopla.
I also found a house to rent. It’s a little farmhouse, owned by an older couple who have sold off most of their land and just rent the house now; there’s a couple of bedrooms, so you’ll have somewhere to stay when you come visit! You know, in eight years when Mr. President has completed his terms.
We’re going to Wichita this weekend to pack up my storage unit and bring it all here. Chris and Layla will meet my family while we’re there, and if all goes well, Chris and I agreed it will be a good time to tell Layla that we’re together. I think she has some idea, but I’m looking forward to actually telling her.
Okay, I think I have rambled about myself for long enough. How are things in D.C.? I’m glad Chris didn’t let you step down — you have worked SO HARD for that job, and no one can do it better than you! Even with this weird media stuff. I’m guessing the Caroline-look-alike girlfriend was your idea? Seems to be working, anyway. I just hope you’re being true to yourself and heart through all of this, C.
Only another month and summer is over. How has the time gone so fast?
Yours truly,
After a long couple of days of new-hire orientation, Sadie was ready to be back at the Pratt farm, moving her few boxes to the new house. The trio would take their time getting up and around the next morning before heading to Wichita, and she was ready to be back home for a while. Sadie had always been close with her family, and she was even more excited for them to meet Chris and Layla.
Before driving back to the farm, she stopped at the elementary school to check in on her new classroom. She wanted to know what size of the room she was going to have so she could be thinking of decor.
“Ms. Coleman?” someone said, catching her attention as she walked toward the kindergarten hall.
Sadie turned. “Yes?”
“Hi,” the woman greeted. “I’m Libby Anderson. I teach second grade.”
“Nice to meet you,” Sadie smiled. “Please, call me Sadie.”
Libby gave a tight smile. “I hear you’ve been working with Layla Pratt this summer. How is she?”
Sadie was puzzled at first, but chalked up Libby’s knowledge of her summer activities to small town talk. “She’s great. Such a smart little girl.”
Another tight smile. “And Chris?”
Sadie’s concerns about Libby’s inquiry grew, tensing her muscles. “Um, he’s great, too. Are you a family friend? I’m sorry, I’m still working on getting to know everyone.”
“Something like that,” Libby answered. “I have a meeting to get to, Sadie, but I’m sure I’ll see you around.”
“See you,” Sadie replied as the other woman walked away.
Suddenly, the size of her classroom seemed of little importance. She changed course for the parking lot, then hurried back to the farm.
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“She’s Emily’s sister,” Chris informed Sadie once Layla was down for a nap and Sadie had a chance to ask about her interaction with Libby at the elementary school.
Sadie nodded. “Now it all makes sense.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t even think about that. The Andersons are just so far from my mind anymore. None of them have even tried to contact or see Layla since Emily left.”
“You don’t need to apologize. She should have been much more clear about who she is and how she’s related to you and Layla. I just hope it doesn’t cause problems at work.”
Chris shook his head. “I don’t see why it would. Why don’t you let me make you a glass of that peach iced tea? Ed’s coming by so we can talk about how things went while I was out of town, and I can tell him about a couple things I’m changing. You can just relax — well, till Layla wakes up, then I’m sure she’ll have other plans.”
Sadie chuckled. “You’re probably right about that. Thanks, Chris.”
She reinforced her gratitude with a kiss before heading off to her room. Until she was laying down, Sadie wasn’t even aware of how tired she felt; she was asleep before Chris brought in her glass of tea.
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Both Sadie and Chris had expected for Layla to take a little time to warm up to Sadie’s family, but she took to them right away. She settled herself on Sadie’s father’s lap and immediately began telling him about the farm and about her birthday party and her trip to her grandparents’ farm in Minnesota. Justin listened intently, immediately enchanted by the little girl.
While Chris and Sadie got to packing things from storage into the trailer Chris had pulled behind the truck on the way down from Lawrence, Layla stayed with Sadie’s aunts. She was fascinated still about how they had taught Sadie to make a dress, and finally begged and pleaded long enough, Sadie’s aunt Marie got out the beginner sewing machine that Sadie and her cousin, Marie’s daughter Lizzy, had learned to sew on. When they returned to pick Layla up and head back to Sadie’s father’s house, Layla had successfully sewn a little pillow.
“I did it all by myself, Daddy!” she beamed. Aunt Marie was too kind to say any different.
Chris smiled. “I’m so proud of you, baby girl. Let’s get back to Justin’s house, okay? Daddy and Adie are gonna get cleaned up, then we’ll come back here for supper to meet more of Sadie’s family.”
“I don’t wanna go!” Layla said, crossing her arms over her chest and stomping her foot.
Sadie frowned. “Layla! Be nice, please.”
“I’m sorry,” she replied, not sounding sorry at all. “I like Justin, but Marie teached me how to make a pillow! I wanna make another one for Sadie for her new house!”
Marie spoke up, kindly. “I don’t mind if she stays here.”
“You need a nap,” Chris told Layla when she looked at him hopefully.
“Can I take a nap here?” Layla asked Marie.
Marie nodded. “But only if it’s okay with your dad. He’s the boss.”
Chris exchanged a glance with Sadie, who shrugged. “All right. But please, continue to be on your best behavior, and use your manners.”
“Yessir,” Layla promised, rushing off for the sewing machine.
“Nap before more sewing, young lady,” Sadie called after her.
Layla groaned but called back, “Yes ma’am!”
Sadie thanked Marie profusely for keeping Layla for longer before following Chris out of the house. She indeed needed to get cleaned up, and was looking forward to seeing the rest of her family that evening.
“Are you comfortable with me talking to your dad about what’s going on with us before we go back to Marie’s?” Chris asked. “I know it’s sort of an outdated practice, just seems like the right thing to do, still. I don’t mean asking permission, or anything, just – making my intentions known, I guess.”
Sadie reached across the truck seat and took his hand. “I think that would mean a lot to my dad – and to me.”
Chris squeezed her hand before pulling her closer, finishing out the trip back to Justin’s house with his arm draped over the back of the seat, and Sadie singing along with him to the radio.
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On the way back to the family dinner at Marie’s house, Chris broached the subject of telling Layla that he and Sadie were a couple.
“I’d like to get you all moved in, then maybe we can have dinner in town and tell her?” Chris suggested. “I figure a place with neutral ground is probably the best venue. She’s been so encouraging to you when it comes to me, I don’t think she’ll have a problem with it, but I want to make it as easy for her as possible.”
“I agree,” Sadie nodded. “I think she’ll be just fine – probably excited, to be honest – but you’re right, it’s better to make it as easy on her as possible.”
The agreement gave them something to look forward to when they returned to Lawrence; the couple was so excited about it, they confirmed for the family members who asked that they had indeed started a relationship. Fortunately, all of Sadie’s family was completely for the idea, and they understood about keeping it quiet around Layla until Chris and Sadie were able to update her on what was happening.
There were no goodbyes with the trio left Wichita, only see-you-later’s and lots of hugs from Layla to Sadie’s family members. Chris told Sadie that it could have been because Layla was older, but he had never seen her that comfortable even with Emily’s family. Sadie’s heart could have burst with that news; she was so in love with Chris, though she had yet to tell him, and her love for Layla had only grown from the first day she met the girl. She was already dreaming of the day they would all become a family, and expand that family, but she kept those dreams to herself for the time being – which turned out to be a good thing, she discovered a few hours after their return to Lawrence.
The heavy furniture had been placed in the appropriate places in the rental house, and the boxes were all in the house wherever there was room. Sadie would have a busy few days ahead, settling the house, but Layla could come with her during the day and help or play, so another sitter wouldn’t be necessary.
She had one night left at the Pratt farm, and they had planned on going into town for pizza after resting a while. Chris and Sadie were both on pins and needles to finally include Layla in their relationship, but it was soon clear that even that would have to wait.
“Whose car is that, Daddy?” Layla asked, leaning forward from her booster seat as they approached the farm.
Chris didn’t answer; Sadie glanced over at him and received a tight smile and a mumbled apology in return. That was all she needed to know exactly who had shown up uninvited to the farm.
Sadie stayed back, helping Layla out of the truck while Chris got out of the driver’s side and approached the woman standing at the top of the stairs.
“Hey, Chris,” she greeted politely – too politely.
He cleared his throat as Sadie approached behind him, carrying Layla. “What are you doing here, Emily?”
Part Fourteen
0 notes
sugasmainn · 5 years
Beautify The Beast Within Pt. 4
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Word Count: 2.1K
Warning(s): Language
Summary: Cursed. Cursed until he can find a way to melt his closed off and frozen heart. Only given 8 years to find someone to love him despite half of his face being burned and deformed. With a withering tree on his bedside table held as a reminder of the time he had slipping by him. Time that would slip by and make him stay like this forever, until he meets her. Will she be able to melt that heart of his and restore him back to himself, or just break him further?
           “It’s withering away. This is hopeless” Yoongi said to Jin.
           “Don’t focus on it. If you do, you’re just going to stress yourself out more so than you normally do already” Jin replied. Deep down, he was feeling terrible for his friend. Sure, he was a complete asshole, and deserved some kind of punishment for it, but this? This was devastating to watch.
           “Don’t focus on it? How can I not when the future of my career is at risk right now because of this shit!”
           Jin paused for a second, realizing that his friend still wasn’t getting it. “Your career? That’s all your concerned about?”
           “What are you on about. Of course! You know how I have to stay in hiding for right now. If I can’t break this damn curse I’m suck like this and I’ll never perform again.”
           “What?” Yoongi questioned, now becoming irritated.
           “Haven’t you always wanted to eventually settle down from the wild life of a different girl every week, being an asshole, and actually do something, I don’t know, nice?”
           “Why would I?”
           “Well, the enchantress said you had to fall in love in order for the curse to be broken. Haven’t you ever wanted to have that feeling and someone have it back for you? Doesn’t all this lustful searching and games get a bit old after some time?”
           Yoongi really did hear and think about what Jin was saying, and if he was being honest, having a family would be ideal. All this time he wasn’t committing because the life of a person in this industry isn’t something to just casually put on another person, even if they loved them. After some time, not committing and fooling around here and there had become the norm. He never gave much thought into what his actions caused because who it was affecting, he didn’t care much for them, but he did want to fall in love. Eventually. But, he wasn’t going to openly admit that. “Nope. I liked my life just the way it was before all of this.”
           Exhausted from the conversation, Jin said, “Sometimes I feel you’re truly hopeless.”
           As Jin walked away, his words stuck with Yoongi. Haven’t you ever wanted that feeling and someone have it back for you?
           Yoongi felt like his chances were growing slimmer and slimmer as the weeks went on. He only had six more months until the tree withered away completely, symbolizing his eight years will have been completed. Every time he attempted to talk to Violette, she simply gave a cold greeting or ignored him all together. What am I supposed to do with this? He thought to himself about her attitude. The past month and a half of her living there with them has been nothing short of awkward encounters and hidden anger. The Bangtan boys could see that the time withering away was getting to their friend, and that even with the, sad, attempts he’s made, nothing seems to be working. They felt horrible for him, seeing him the past month and a half, seeing him fail time and time again, and seeing in his face show the defeat he was feeling.
           Taehyung felt that he could help his friend in showing Violette some romance, a softer version of the Yoongi she already knows. “You need to lose this tough exterior you have going on and actually show some soft emotions. If you don’t, and you keep up the way you’re doing things, she’s just going to continue to see you the way that she does. You’ll continue to resent her, and poof, you’re stuck this beastly forever.”
           “Gee, thanks Tae for the boost of confidence that added onto what I already had” Yoongi said sarcastically.
           “I’m serious hyung. Maybe, show her your piano skills. Play her a song she loves and make some dinner. Make it a night in with some fun things to do. It’ll give you an excuse to hang out with her and get some conversation going. It’ll be your time to woo her.”
           “Woo her? Who the fuck even says that anymore?”
           “I said what I said” Taehyung said seriously. “Now, go and plan your night!”
           This was one of the many plans the BTS boys had tried to come up with. Each time, Violette gave a strong no. One that she would hope would get him to get off of her back and not continue to ask. She wanted nothing to do with him after finding out that he was the cause of her losing everything. Why would she even want to hang out with him? What were they even going to gain from it? It was obvious neither of them had anything in common, and quite frankly, they were just irritating each other. Why was he so adamant about talking to her and hanging out with her? She kept thinking it was out of desperation, that he believed he was unlovable because of his scar. Now, she has no idea, because Yoongi seems just as upset with her and the situation as she was feeling.
           Since she was living in the dorms, she had felt it was only right to contribute to some of the responsibilities in keeping up with maintenance. She agreed to be in charge of the dishes and laundry. She was just finishing a load of laundry for the week and stared putting them on the beds of each member of them dorms. But, for Yoongi, he always told her to leave it outside. Why does he always make me leave these freshly washed clothes on this dirty floor?She decided not to listen to him this time, entered into his room and put his laundry on the end of his bed, just as she did with everyone else. Asshole. Having me do all this laundry for him, just to get it all dirty again. I don’t even care if he gets upset. He should be thanking me for keeping it truly CLEAN.She thought to herself.
           Just as she was about to leave Yoongi’s room, Violette noticed a small plant withering away under a glass container on his night stand. It had a low glow to it, which is what attracted her gaze to it. What the hell is this thing? She thought to herself. It looks like it’s almost dead, but, it’s glowing? Since when do plants glow?
           As she continued to look at the marveling object before her, she observed every feature of it, taking it in. She wasn’t sure what it was about this simple plant that was interesting her so much. She thought, at first, it was because of the glow forming around the tree, but it was something deeper within it that she felt the need to now touch it. She began by taking off the glass container covering it. This is wrong, I shouldn’t se touching his stuff.Yet, she couldn’t stop her movements from continuing on.
           Just as she was about to touch it, Yoongi had walked in and said angrily, “What did I tell you about coming into my room, especially without my permission?!”
           “Sorry, I just hated to see all your nice and CLEAN clothes that I JUST WASHED FOR YOU get all dirty from the floor” She replied back to him.
           But that was just the icing on the cake for Yoongi, once he saw that his tree of life was being messed with. “What the actual FUCK do you think you’re doing with that?!”
           At first confused, she didn’t say anything, but her face gave him the answer that she had no clue in the slightest was he was referring too.
           “Are you fucking dumb?” He said getting closer to her. “My tree. Why the FUCK would you touch that?”
           Now understanding, she felt kind of bad about the whole situation, and though she hated to do so, she decided it was only right to apologize. “I’m sorry Yoongi. I didn’t mean to mess with it. I couldn’t help myself for some reason, it was beautiful. But, I’m really sorry that I-“
           “You’re so fucking annoying! All you ever do is complain and bitch and moan like you’ve got it hard! At least you don’t look like this!” He said now getting even closer to Violette and exposing his scared face more so. But, she didn’t respond. She just backed up in fear of how enraged he was becoming. “What?! Can’t stand to stare at this hideous sight?! Then, GET. THE. FUCK. OUT. OF. HERE!”
           She did just that. She came out of his room running to hers. She took her oversized bag, packed as many things as she could in it, and dashed for the door. “Where are you going?” She looked back and saw the voice was coming from Jimin.
           “I’ve tried Jimin. I really have, but I can’t stay here any longer. I’m leaving.” And, before Jimin could even utter out another word, she closed the door and quickly went running after to get away from that place.
           I don’t care if I just lost my position. I’ll start over again and work my way up like I’ve done before. She thought to herself as she was trying to find any hotel she could stay in for the time being. Where am I even going to go? My apartment was already sold to another family.She figured, she would figure that problem out later. Right now, she needed to find someplace to just lay her head for the night.
           After an hour of her walking around aimlessly, just looking for some sign of a motel or hotel, she was growing tired and hopeless that she’d find someplace to sleep that night. She decided to rest herself at a nearby bus stop bench. Scrolling through her phone to find directions, she started to feel hands creeping around on her shoulders. What the hell?She thought, and in turning around, she saw two men who looked like they just came out of a bar coming onto her. “Leave me alone” She said to them coldly.
           “Aw, little girl doesn’t want to play with us Min-Jun” The taller one said. “That’s okay though, we’ll show you how much fun we can be right?” Min-Jun nodded his head in agreement, and they both started to grab Violette and take her to the alleyway nearby. She screamed and cried for help, but just saw people pass on by as if they didn’t hear her. They started taking her shirt off and sucking around her collarbone/chest area while the other one watched in pleasure, waiting for his turn.
           All of a sudden, Violette saw Min-Jun’s friend get thrown off of her. Shocked, but thankful, she looked up to see the face of her hero. Min Yoongi?She thought to herself in surprise. “What the fuck are you? You seem human, but you sure don’t look like it” Min-Jun said. The taller one began to get back up and was ready to fight Yoongi as well. Yet, Yoongi didn’t back down. He continued to remain unfazed and confident in the face of this intense moment. Instead of wasting time speaking back to them, Yoongi went ahead and fought off both of the men trying to attack Violette. He had one in a head lock and the other he was using his feet to beat his face and upper chest. Once the Min-Jun passed out from the head lock, Yoongi wen to go give Min-Jun’s friend one last final blow to the face. Just as his fist collided with the guy’s face, Yoongi felt a sharp pain going through his lower abdomen.
           “Fuck bro, you’re insane” Min-Jun’s friend said, while picking him up off the floor. “Have your bitch, and I hope you remember us by that scar you now have.”
           Just as they left, Yoongi looked over to you looking defeated and drained. “Are you o-“ he stopped mid-sentence from falling on the ground, about read to pass out.
           Fuck, why’d you have to be nice and come here to help me. Violette thought to herself. Feeling bad since he came to help her and got hurt doing so, she quickly ran over to his aid, and applied pressure to his stab wound on his lower stomach with a piece of her shirt that she ripped off. She checked to see if he still had a pulse, considering he was looking paler than usual. She thankful found one and continued to apply pressure to his wounded area by tying her cloth around his body with her jacket, so this way it would be easier to carry him back. Looking at him with gratitude, she said, “Let’s get you back home and I’ll take care of you.”
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celia2917-blog · 4 years
The Summer of My 18th
It was after my father’s death I decided to leave the state.
That was the summer of my 18, I had just graduated high school and was going to start a job at my parent’s shop. They owned a small second-hand shop and I had been helping out ever since I was 16, and it seemed sensible in every way for me to take over the shop once I was an adult. “You are a grown-up now”, my dad said, on my 18th birthday in January, “ I am going to give something very precious to you.”. He then handed me an envelope, and I knew it was the key of the shop before I had to cut it open.
“Thanks, pop.” I said. He then turned around to sweep the snow outside, it was a cold winter and we had just had a snowstorm coming into town. We never spoke much, and it didn’t seem like there was a need to. I stood right at where I was, in front of the fireplace on the right-hand corner of the shop, for a minute I didn’t know what to do. The sense of adulthood hadn’t hit me, then all of sudden my mind went back from being blank, and I put the key into my jean pocket, walked out of the door to start helping my dad.
He was doing way better than his age. People didn’t believe that he was turning 60 that year, they were always marvelled at his age when he revelled it to them, and told him that he didn’t look a year above  50. That always made him happy and proud. “Excises, a good diet and a glass of whiskey before bed.” He said, often at the dinner table, after another one of the costumers got shocked about his age again, “Those are the key of staying in youth”, as my mum hands him the salad bowl or the soup. I seldom agreed or disagreed with him, I was much rather a quiet kid who didn’t speak too much, I just took the bowl over him and ate silently, whilst my parents then moved onto talking about neighborhood gossips or business.
No-one anticipated his death. Not even the doctors. “He didn’t have any of the risk factors for a stroke”, they said as they came out of the emergency room, full of grieve on the face, and I instantly knew what happened. “We tried our best but there was nothing we could do”, the one standing in front of my mother said, he was wearing a spotlessly clean white coat, it looked as if it had just be ironed, I thought as I listened to words coming out of his mouth and my mother’s firstly suppressed, then hysterical cry. His ID badge said he was called Dr Russel and he was an attending, I found those letters weirdly absurd and couldn’t figure out what they meant in my head for a long time until he put down his hand on my shoulder. “Son”, he called me, “I am really sorry. But there are a few documents you need to sign.”
I looked up to him, his crystal clear blue eyes had almost no emotions in them to be read. I paused and nodded, then a pen was handed to me. For a second I forgot how to write or what was my name, then I saw the bold heading of the paper, and it said “Death Certificate”, in a blink all those knowledge came back to me, and I held the pen firmly, signed my name as if it was just a bill in the restaurant.
“Thank you.” He said, took over the paper and patted me again, “Take care of your mum.”
Then they left. The doctors. I stood with a pen in my hand and my mother wailing in agony next to me, in the middle of the waiting room. I could feel many eyes staring on us, but it didn’t seem to matter at that moment. Nothing seemed to matter at that moment. All I was thinking was, the pen had a strange cold metal feeling, and my mother was being really loud.
My memory was vague after that. I took her home, people came. Many people came, my aunts and uncles and cousins, and my grandparents. There were many more crying, before, during and after the funeral. Many conversations were had, who was going to take care of the shop, do we have enough savings, what were we going to do with his belongs, his cars and his collection of old stamps, I barely remember any of them, just the mumbling of words and the occasional sobbing between the sentences. I mostly locked myself in my room and listened to old CDs that pop used to play when I was a kid. No-one noticed that they were gone with the vinyl player in his room, and no one would have cared. I doubt that people actually took a look around them and saw what was going on, instead of saying words that concerned a lot of grand and serious matters in “the future”, which I couldn’t care less about.
The dust was finally settled by the end of May. My mum sold the shop over to an overseas investor who was going to turn it into some boutique vintage store, and found another job working at a flower shop. I was graduating school with an average grade that just about reached everyone’s expectation. Life was slowly turning itself back on track, we started laughing at jokes on TV and going to my aunt Annie’s for Sunday dinner like we always did, when dad was around and loved her roast turkey and apple pie. Mum brought flower home after work once a week, just like how dad used to order her bouquets from time to time. The flowers sat on our kitchen counter, dripping water onto the wooden surface and they blossomed, full of life.
Then I started skipping a lot classes once I earned enough credits to pass, and that was when I met Mela.
She was sitting on the swings in the park, a half-smoked cigarette between her fingers, the smoke lingered and hazed her face. I could barely see her green-hazel ish eyes, and they were focusing on me.
“Hi.” I said, I’d always known her, but we never spoke. Our lives were much like two parallel lines that never intersected. She lived two blocks away and our mums used to stop and greet each other when they meet, whilst we awkwardly smiled at each other. She seemed cool, or so-to-speak, popular. You know the kind of girls I am talking about- they wore dr.Martins and ripped tights with short skirts, always one headphone in the ear and skateboarded around the neighborhood. I sometimes bumped into her and her friends, walking home from school and chitchatting, their voices could be heard from streets away, and I’d always try walk to the other side of the road to avoid the short eye contact.
“Hey.” She said, sticking her hand out to me, “Smoke?”
I took over the cigarette and inhaled. I’d only smoke at parties or when I was drunk but it felt right to do so at that time, so I did. For a moment she didn’t say anything, neither did I. We finished the cigarette in silence, or maybe she was listening to music from headphones hidden under her messy, brown hair. I wouldn’t have known.
“What are you doing here?” She asked as she threw the end of the cigarette on the ground.
“Nothing.” I answered. It was the truth, I didn’t have a purpose to skip school, it just became pointless to go so I stopped going.
“I heard about the shop. I am sorry about that.” She said, “I always liked it.”
“There is still a lot of stuff in clearing.” I said, “You could come and pick up anything you like.” I didn’t know why I made the offer, but it seemed like what a genuine guy would do.
“I’ll come by tomorrow afternoon.”
We then parted. I didn’t ask her where she was going, neither did she. Maybe none of us had a destination in mind. Or maybe it was just me who found himself lost in front of the crossroads. I might have gone to the riverside, or the CD shop, or anywhere. It wasn’t important to be remembered, like most of my days back then.
Mela came over the next day like she said she would. I wasn’t somehow surprised that she kept her words. The shop was in a mess, full of cartons and stuffing materials like newspaper for the fragile goods. I led her in and showed her around, then watched her going through boxes and picking out different stuff. A bracelet, a wine glass, written postcards and a music box. I stopped her when she was taking out a dollar note from her pocket.
“It’s fine. Just take them.”
“Are you sure?”
“It’s all going to be thrown away anyway.”
She didn’t insist further, I packed the stuff in a paper bag and handed it to her. She said thanks, but didn’t leave.
“Do all of these remind you of him?”
“Of Course.” I said. Shook that she was so direct, no one had dared to ask me anything about dad ever since his passing.
“How do you cope with the pain?”
Astounded by her question, I opened my mouth but didn’t say a word.
“I am sorry.”, she said, “I hated it when people avoid the topic of death, as if those people were just vanished and they never got mentioned again.”
“ I see.”
“ What’s worse than dying is being forgotten. I think.”
“ I see your point.”
“ I didn’t mean to offend you.”
“ That’s ok.”
“ Do you miss him?”
I didn’t answer that question for a minute and she didn’t say anything.
“I guess I do.”
We started to hang out after that day. It was a thing that was unspoken, but known by both of us. We met at the park, or in the shop, sometimes we took her dad’s car and drove to places. We talked about music, film, and the world outside; we kissed and made out in the backseat of the car, in the smell of diesel and cigar; we used a fake piece of paper ID she had got from her friend to buy alcohol and drank them on the streets, in those brown paper bags. When school officially ended everyone had thought we were a couple, but the two of us.
We never spoke about that. Neither did we want to I suppose. She was going to stay in town and work in a cafe that she had been working in for ages, and I had always avoided the topic of the future. Whenever someone asked me what I was going to do after high school I mumbled and said I needed to think, and they usually dropped the question. My mother didn’t seem to care too much either, Just make up your mind, she said as she turned off the boiling pot of pasta, you are a man now and you decide your own life.
I knew what I was doing to do, I knew right away from the day that dad died.
I am going away. I said it when we sat at dinner table in a warm night in mid-June, when mum had just started to clear the plates.
She didn’t stop her motion for a second, then she put down the dirty plates and looked at me, I couldn’t read her emotions, like I never could. Her green eyes were calm and they didn’t blink for a long time.
Okay, She then said, where to?
California. I answered. That is about a thousand miles away from the small town I was from. I didn’t know why I was so eager to go there, perhaps because dad once talked about his dream of having a family trip to LA, or maybe because it was one of the few big states that I knew of and I just wanted to get out, or…I don’t know.
That’s very far away. She said. How are you doing to get there?
I will drive.
You don’t have a car.
I will buy one.
With what money?
I’ll get a job.
That was it, that was the end of the conversation. She carried on clearing the table and I stood up to help, rinsing the dishes and putting them into the dishwasher. The morning after I went out and knocked on a few doors, it wasn’t hard to find a summer job and I started on the position as a cashier in a charity shop by the end of that week. Mela didn’t say a thing when I told her I needed a job because I was going to drive away to a different state. Try not to work on weekends, she just said, it would be too good a time to waste on the job.
It was like life was at the pivot of a seesaw and it could tip over to any side at any second. And I knew it would, it was just a matter of time, yet I still lived life as if the weird sense of balance was going to stay forever. I got up every day to my mum making breakfast and the smell of fresh coffee, cycled to my job in crispy, moist summer air through streets full of morning commuters and dog walkers. By the time I got off it would have been just before the sunset, and I’d meet Mela at her front pouch. She and her brother had a free house for that entire summer. Everyone hung out at theirs and crazy parties were thrown. I’d turn the corner and see her sitting there, with her beautiful, long brown her fallen onto her tanned shoulder, holding a cigarette and smiling at me. We spent a great deal of time together, in her place or at the park, beside the river, underneath the highway or anywhere slightly interesting in the city. We’d even go great length to the train station and just sit there watching people getting on and off, those old squeaky trains slowly turning into the pathway beneath the sky full of sunset glow. We smoked a lot of cheap cigarettes and drank way too many bottles of beer that we bought in counter shops from the silent, always tired-looking middle eastern man. Sometimes we talked a lot, more times we didn’t speak, it was one of those times that words weren’t needed in the presence, and they remained better unspoken.
By the end of August I have made enough money to afford a second-hand car on my own. I spent the rest of the money on a necklace that I bought for Mela. She had talked about how she always wanted gifts that lasts forever, and how much she loved the necklace they put on the model in the shop window when we went for walks on the high streets. So I went in and bought it. The cashier was kind enough to even wrapped it for me, and asked me if I wanted a card with it. She must have thought I was giving it to my girlfriend or my mum. I hesitated for a second and said no, then took out my wallet to pay. She handed me the gift bag after spraying some perfume on it, that is fancy, I thought, I hope the smell would last long enough for her to remember, or rather, the image of me would last long enough.
We didn’t talk about goodbyes. None of us did. Not Mela, not my mother, not anyone. We carried on every day as nothing was going to change in the foreseeable future. The last weekend before my leaving, Mela and I went camping together. None of us had ever camped before. I don’t even remember where did we get the idea from, but we took a bunch of stuff from her dad’s garage and jumped in my car, and we drove. We drove all the way east to the coast, it was a four-hour drive and we blasted music with the window rolled down. She sat next to me on the passenger seat, her hazel eyes behind sunglasses and hair all over her face in the wind, I leaned over to kiss her during long red lights and we barely exchanged any words. We kept driving until the sea came into our sight, and it was just about dark.
We camped somewhere on top of a small hill, overlooking the ocean. The moon had come out by the time we finished setting up the tent. We sat on the grass and ate, with a bottle of chardonnay I have brought. Lights were all lit up beneath us, from all the shops and houses on the crossing-over streets. It was a busy Friday night, and the noises from the drunk party-goers went on till almost 2 am. Vague laughter, conversations and music echoed in the warm summer air, and we listened to them all patiently. It sounded just like every other weekend night we had in that summer- six-packs of cold beer, catching the last bus that goes into town, packed nightclub and skinny dipping in someone’s swimming pool. Except that our summer was ending, I was going a thousand miles away, and she wasn’t.
We held hands, her fingers were soft and they rubbed against my palm. Then they were on my face, then we were exchanging a kiss, and many more. It wasn’t the kind of kiss that’s passionate and full of lust, it was more of a gentle motion of us feeling each other with our lips and tongue. Neither of us said anything. We stopped for breaks of air and continued the kissing, until I felt something dropping on my cheek.
Sorry, she said, her voice was husky, as if she was trying to repress the crying.
It’s ok. I held her tight, for times that were too long to count. And then I took out the elegantly wrapped gift bag.
That’s the most beautiful thing I’ve seen. Tears ran down her face as she untied the ribbons and took out the small box that had the necklace in it.
I put it on for her, her hands stroke through the silver chain around her neck. It was already starting to get cold and we were cuddling beneath a blanket, still sitting outside the tent.
Will you ever come back?
I don’t know.
Will you forget me?
At some point, I guess. But I hope that point never comes.
Me too.
Life felt too unreal with you.
That makes the two of us.
I love you.
She had said that word to me a week before. I didn’t say anything back, I turned my head and kissed her deeply. It didn’t feel like I was able to say that word,  after my father’s death. Could I ever love somebody? I thought at his funeral, if I wasn’t even able to cry at my dead father’s body like everyone else did?
But at that moment on the hill, as the first sight of sunlight rose from the distant skyline and her head on my shoulder, I felt the sadness as if it was pouring out of my heart, and then there was the urge to cry, uncontrollably. I thought about many things and people, about my dad, about Mela, about my mum who was going to be all alone in the house, and about me, when I listened to those old pieces of vinyl again and again, with the curtain shut, not knowing day or night. I felt cold liquids running down my eye and then realized it was my tear, and I was sobbing in Mela’s arms.
I felt them. The tears and things that words fail to depict. And as I cried like an eight year old boy who’s lost his favorite toy, I said to Mela, I love you too.
Then I was finally ready to leave. I thought, as we kissed each other and tasted the salty tears in our mouths, in the chilly morning breeze.
That was the summer that I left the state.
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kimjoongs-main · 6 years
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ohshc au - jaemin
continuation of this au
↳ requested by: this anon gave me the idea so thank you my sweet~
↳ type: bullet scenario
↳ warning(s): n/a
↳ a/n: happy 18th birthday dream boy, i hope the members shower(ed) you with love and support today! i love you very very much jaemin ❤️
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ahh yes, na jaemin aka the host club’s leader aka the host club’s king aka the host clu—okay you get the idea here
jaemin’s a third year along w jeno, hyuck, and renjun but the club has been around since the beginning of his second year
at first, everyone else was kinda hestitant to go along w jaemin’s idea of starting a host club, but once they heard his reasoning they agreed
the club had humble beginnings, only a handful of guests would trickle into the music room after school, curious to see what the club was about
but the next time they came in, those guests brought their friends and their friends brought their friends and pretty soon the host club had an impressive turnout
the guests were just entranced by the dreamies and their ability to charm them, but jaemin was on a whole other level
the majority of the guests who would come were usually his regulars and trust me, jaemin had a LOT of regulars
but he didn’t seem to mind, the more the merrier right?
this boy is so cheesy it’s disgusting but his guests love it sooooo
however the other members hear it from him so often that they’ll occasionally throw a pillow at him or stuff his mouth with cake to make him shut up cough renjun cough
he’s in charge of the club’s daily concepts and it’s both a good thing and a bad thing, good bc he always comes up with themes that entertain the guets, and bad bc the costumes are fucking ridiculous slfkskwk :’))
but the others smile thru it bc the guests’ happiness is their number one priority
jaemin tries to make sure every guest leaves happy, no matter if they’re his guest or not, and so far he’s succeeded......until now
a new girl had come into the music room one day, she had just transferred from a different school and heard from her classmates about the host club and decided to check it out for herself
and the second she entered the room she was met with jaemin holding a red rose in front of her as he smiled brightly and flashed her a wink
“well hello my darling, i haven’t seen you around here before. what’s your name?”
the new girl kinda just scrunched her nose and rolled her eyes, much to jaemin’s surprise, and she walked past him, moving deeper into the room
jaemin looked after her worriedly but let it go as soon as he heard his guests calling for him
the entire time, the new girl just stood in the far corner and observed everythimg thru narrowed eyes
it eventually came to a point where everyone was aware of her presence and they all became uncomfortable
jeno walked up to jaemin and whispered in his ear “hey jae, what do we do about her? she’s making the guests feel awkward” and jaemin gets up and says he’ll handle it
when he walks over to her, he plasters a gentle smile on his face again “is something wrong, lovely? why are you here by yourself? would you like to—“
“you people disgust me” she hisses
jaemin freezes and so does mark and hyuck, as they were the closest ones
“i’m...i’m sorry?”
the girl huffs and uncrosses her arms, pointing an accusing finger at jaemin “you guys are basically manipulating these girls, telling them how beautiful and lovely they are, but you don’t really mean it do you? admit it, you guys are just doing this for yourselves right? to see how many girls you can score?”
at this point the entire room has their eyes fixed on jaemin and the new girl, and renjun has heard enough so he gets up and stomps over to them
“you’ve got it all wrong, that isn’t what we’re about! we’re not doing this to get girls, you can’t just walk in here and assume—“
renjun was interrupted by jaemin holding his hand up and giving him a look, then he turned back to the girl with a serious look on his face “i apologize miss, but i’m afraid you have the wrong idea. the club’s foundation isn’t built on what you’re accusing us of. if you wish to know, then i’d be happy to speak privately with you but not now, i have guests to keep company.”
jaemin then turned around to walk back, but not before he looked over his shoulder one last time “you’re free to stay if you like, but if you’re just going to stand there and stare at everyone, then i’ll kindly ask you to leave, thank you”
the girl chose to leave and for the rest of the day, the members and guests were in low spirits
when the club closed for the day, jaemin went home by himself, which was different from his usual antic where he’d take the other members out for some food and just hang out, but today seemed to rlly bring him down
all everyone else could do was sadly watch him walk down the street to his house
the next day wasn’t any better, after the new girl’s outburst the other day, fewer guests came to the music room that day
when asked why their friends didn’t show up, they said that it was bc of what happened
and to make matters worse, rumors started spreading around the school about how jaemin was actually a player and he only started the club to make easy money and meet girls
of course none of that was true, but jaemin chose not to say anything, much to the surprise of everyone else
“jae, you know those rumors aren’t true so why aren’t you saying anything to defend yourself?”
jaemin just smiled at his friends “do you guys believe those rumors?” and they all shook their heads vigorously, making jaemin smile wider
“good, then that’s all that matters. people can say what they want about me, their opinions don’t matter. as long as the seven of us know the truth, then that’s all i need” he patted chenle and jisung’s shoulders before slinging his backpack over his shoulder
“besides, we still have some guests who continue to enjoy our company, wouldn’t want to keep them waiting right?”
when the seven of them walked into the music room, they were surprised to see you standing by the door
mark was the first to greet you “oh, hey y/n what are you doing here?”
you were the a member of the newspaper club and due to low fundings, your club leader had you go out and find out what you could about the host club and write a juicy story about them
he claimed that if you could create a story that exposed the club for who they really are, then the school would buy more newspapers which meant more funding for the club
you didn’t wanna do it, considering you were really close with mark, but you had no choice if you wanted the newspaper to survive.....so here you were
“oh um...i’m here to do a story on the host club....f-for the school newsp—“
“forget it y/n, we know what you’re up to” hyuck cut you off w a sneer and you winced, but before you could reply jaemin walked up to you with a small but dazzling smile on his face
“a news story about the host club? that’s fantastic! i’m in” and everyone’s just like what the hell jae you just said—
“i don’t care what people have to say about me, but i’m not going to let anyone slander our club’s reputation, so i’m willing to do this” he looked back at me “under one condition”
“and that is??”
“before you publish your story, i want to read it first. i won’t say anything about it, i just want to read it. do we have a deal?” he stuck his hand out and you stared at for a second before shaking it “.....deal”
jaemin grinned and clapped his hand on your shoulder “well, it’s a pleasure to have you here y/n”
for the next few weeks, you’ve been attending the usual club hours and observing how the hosts interact with the guests, occasionally asking them questions about the club and how it works
you’ve been attending their club meetings too, but to your surprise, all they do is discuss a theme for the next day and then jaemin takes you all out for some food and just hang out
one time, you were curious as to why jaemin and the others continued on w the club despite the rumors so you decided to ask
he ponders your question for a moment before he looks at you with a gentle look on his face
“because we’re all invested in this club y/n, the other hosts have become my second family and making our guests happy is what we all love to do. it’s not for the money or the chance to meet girls, but to make someone’s day just a little brighter”
you wrote down his response, but you were a little shocked to say the least, you didn’t expect that to come from him
a few more days pass and now you’re just about ready to edit and publish your paper, but it’s not quite what you expected
you were sent to write a juicy, gossip story about the host club, but instead all your notes said good things about it
the time you spent with the hosts, especially jaemin, opened your eyes and you realized that those rumors were untrue, the host club wasn’t some way for the members to meet girls, and jaemin wasn’t a player at all
he genuinely cared about everyone who walked into that room and made it his goal to have them walk out happier than when they walked in
you thought about it for a moment before you knew what you had to do
later that night, you pieced the story together, making sure to include every little detail and the next morning, you handed jaemin a copy
but to your surprise, he gave it back to you
“i thought you wanted to read it before it was published?”
but jaemin shook his head and shoved his hands into his pockets “nah it’s okay. i’ll trust your judgement”
you were left speechless as jaemin reached up to ruffle your hair, smiling at you once more before walking to class
later that same day, you published the article with a headline that said: “the truth about the host club”
and when you bumped into jaemin in the hallway, he waved a copy of the newspaper in your face and chuckled “i knew i could trust your judgement y/n, thank you”
thanks to you, not only did the host club gain most of its guests back, but the newspaper reached a new peak in fundings bc of the amount of copies that were sold that day, it was a win-win situation
as for jaemin, the rumors about him stopped circulating thru the school and everyone finally knew the his real motives
even the girl who had caused the whole thing came in one day and apologized sincerely for making assumptions
after the article about the host club was published, none of the hosts really got see you around the school anymore
but one day
it was another normal day for the hosts when they heard a gentle knock on the door
mark opened the door only for you to walk inside
the hosts all greeted you warmly
“hey y/n! long time no see, how’ve you been?” hyuck asked
“i’ve been doing great, and i can see you all feel the same”
they all smiled at you before jisung piped up “whatcha doing here y/n? are you doing another story on us?”
you smiled “actually no....i came here as a guest”
seven pairs of eyes widened in shock at your statement
“i hope you guys don’t mind”
“of course we don’t mind y/n!” chenle threw his arm around your shoulder “alrighty then, take your pick! which one of us is more your type?”
you looked around at all their faces before your eyes landed on jaemin
you smirked “well, i’ve actually been really interested in the princely types lately so..”
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one-of-us-blog · 6 years
Die Another Day (2002)
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Today Drew is forced to watch and recap 2002’s Die Another Day, the twentieth James Bond adventure. Bond is captured and tortured by some bad guys, and now 007 is out for revenge! Can Bond handle going rogue, or will MI6 shut down his quest for vengeance before it can even begin? Will Bond find those responsible for his imprisonment? Why is it so sunny in here?
Keep reading to find out…
Eli, I loved your last two recaps so much! I know there was a stretch of less-than-stellar episodes for you to wade through, but I’m so glad you enjoyed these last two romps! I still can’t believe how close you are to the end of the show, but, speaking of, I’m close to the end of an era myself. This is the final Bond film before the big reboot, and it’s crazy to think of how far we’ve come over the course of this blog! I can’t stand it anymore, the anticipation has me way too excited to lay out any other preamble!
Buttocks tight!
Screenplay by Neal Purvis & Robert Wade, film directed by Lee Tamahori
We start with a shockingly three-dimensional gun barrel sequence, and then we jump to the coast of Pukch’ŏng County, North Korea. Bond, alongside two of his fellow MI6 agents, surf into North Korea and attract the attention of a helicopter, which they quickly commandeer. This helicopter was bound for the headquarters of Colonel Tan-Sun Moon (Will Yun Lee), located in the Korean demilitarized zone, and Bond soon arrives after placing some explosives in a suitcase full of diamonds that the helicopter’s original passenger was transporting. Just to give you an idea of how comically evil a villain Moon is going to be, the first time we see him he’s beating up his anger management therapist for lecturing him. Bond is greeted at Moon’s HQ by the surly Zao, who surreptitiously snaps a pic of 007 when he arrives. Bond and Moon meet, and it’s really driven home that Moon is a rude, crude dude with a bad attitude when it’s revealed he’s trading weapons for African blood diamonds. Moon shows off the weapons Bond’s supposed to get for the blood diamonds, but turns out Zao wasn’t taking Bond’s picture just so he could add it to his scrapbook. He’s done a background check on 007, and since Bond is the worst secret agent in the world it doesn’t take any time at all for Zao to inform Moon of Bond’s true identity. Moon blows up Bond’s helicopter, but he’s distracted by a call from his daddy, General Moon (Kenneth Tsang). He leaves the killing of Bond to Zao while he scrambles to hide all the illegal weapons he’s got in the demilitarized zone before his dad finds them and he gets grounded. Thinking, “Why the hell not?” Bond triggers the explosive in the suitcase full of diamonds, causing and explosion that allows him to escape and results in Zao getting a high-velocity diamond facial. Bond escapes on one of Moon’s hovercrafts (why not) and blows up most of his headquarters before chasing after Moon as he races across the mine-laced demilitarized zone. There’s a lot of shooting, some mines get blown up and Moon fires off a flamethrower for no good reason before Bond and Moon end up on the same hovercraft and Bond kills Moon by driving the hovercraft off a waterfall. Moon’s zaddy arrives, and he’s none too pleased about his dumb kid getting killed.
General Moon has Bond waterboarded while we finally head to the opening credits. This credits sequence is… troubling. Madonna sings out the mediocre techno ballad “Die Another Day” while we’re treated to scenes of Bond being brutally tortured interspersed with CGI ladies comprised of ice, fire and electricity dance around and some scorpions just kind of crawl around and mind their own business. Also diamonds. It’s a mess, and honestly the dime-store techno bassline makes it a little hard for me to get too invested in the vignettes of Bond being beaten and sodomoized with a hot poker by a sexy Korean woman in jackboots.
After what feels like a lifetime this bit is finally over, and a bearded, bedraggled Bond is brought before General Moon. Bond has managed not to break in all the time he’s been held here, and Moon lets him know it’s time for him to go. Bond is taken to a bridge where it seems he’s going to be shot, but then Moon’s goons lower their weapons and we find out this is all actually a prisoner exchange. Bond is being traded for the bedazzled Zao, and the two share pleasantries while they make their way back to their respective governments. On the British side, Bond is greeted by Damian Falco (Michael Madsen) from the NSA and…oh, my stars and garters, could it really be? Dare I dream?
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That’s right, folks, Charles Robinson is back, babey!!! And not a moment too soon! I have no doubt he singlehandedly wrestled Zao into custody after Bond was done bonering everything up. Charles Robinson didn’t become the most valuable man in MI6 by being reckless, and he leaves nothing to chance. He has Bond sedated so that he can be checked for any kind of biological weapons. M, no doubt having met with Charles Robinson to mine his formidable intellect, goes to meet with Bond through a sheet of glass. M doesn’t mince words and lets Bond know that if she’d had her druthers he’d still be getting dicked by scorpions back in North Korea. She thinks they paid too high a price for Bond’s freedom by letting Zao go, but Bond didn’t ask to be traded and couldn’t kill himself because he… I don’t know, cut out? ripped out? his cyanide capsule years ago.
M explains that an American prisoner was killed in Bond’s prison a week ago, and they think Bond broke under torture and was mined for intel by the North Koreans. M gives him a vote of confidence by entering his glass prison to let him know she doesn’t think he’ll kill her, but she tells him he’s going for an evaluation and won’t be sent into the field any time soon. Bond… Okay, listen, Bond, like, meditates or something and lowers his heartrate to the point that the monitors he’s hooked up to think he’s dead. Some medical staff rush in to save them, he jolts them with an EKG machine and makes a break for it. Just go with me here.
Bond, now officially gone rogue, heads to a hotel he’s known at and gets a shave, haircut and new suit. The hotel manager, Mr. Chang (Ho Yi), sends up a masseuse to entertain 007, but Bond knows she’s packin’ heat and Chang, who’s actually with Chinese Intelligence (maybe he and Wai Lin have worked together?), is filming him from behind a half-silvered mirror. Bond tells Chang he won’t hold a grudge over all this if Chang can get him into North Korea so he can get his hands on Zao. Chang finds out Zao isn’t in North Korea anymore, though, he’s in Havana. Bond heads to Cuba and meets up with a British sleeper agent/cigar factory owner, Raoul (Emilio Echevarría). Raoul lets Bond know he can find Zao on an island which sports and unusual gene therapy clinic. Bond heads to a hotel which sports a view of the strange island, and there he catches sight of Giacinta “Jinx” Johnson (Halle Berry), who emerges from the ocean like the second coming of Honey Ryder.
Bond and Johnson seem to really hit it off, by which I mean they immediately hit the sheets, but the next morning Bond is left alone as Johnson sets sail for the clinic on Isla Los Organos. Bond knocks out another hotel guest and uses his ticket to get a ride to the island as well. He loads his new unconscious friend into a wheelchair and brings him along to the island, where he causes a distraction by hurling the man and his chair into a wall. He then finds a secret, mirror-lined passage and slinks his way through. Johnson, meanwhile, is apparently getting a consultation for gene therapy. Just kidding, though, she immediately kills the doctor, burns the evidence of her being there and lets us know she’s definitely a spy.
Bond finds Zao in the middle of a procedure that’s meant to rewrite his DNA to make him look like a white dude right as Johnson finds Zao’s file an stops the procedure right in the middle of things and leaves Zao looking like a naked mole rat of a man. Zao wakes up and he and Bond fight, but Zao gets away while Johnson sets off a bomb to shut down the whole facility. Bond and Johnson both chase after Zao, but he gets away in a helicopter. Johnson is almost killed by some guards, who don’t seem to notice Bond, but she avoids death by disrobing and then cliff diving down to an awaiting speedboat. Bond examines a bullet which Zao was wearing as a fun, festive necklace until Bond yoinked it off during their fight. Inside the bullet are some diamonds, which Bond has Raoul examine. The diamonds are being sold by Gustav Graves, who alleges to have found them in Iceland a year ago despite Raoul being able to definitively identify them (somehow) as African blood diamonds. Hey, that sounds familiar!
Who cares about all of that, though, because the most important man in MI6, Charles Robinson, arrives at work just in time to catch Miss Moneypenny spying on a conversation between M and Falco from the NSA. Falco thinks M played a part in Bond’s escape, and Charles Robinson sagely watches on as M shoulders the weight of Falco’s threats to make things right at MI6. Bond, meanwhile looks some stuff on Gustav Graves (Toby Stephens), who makes an interest by parachuting down to meet up with his publicist Miranda Frost (Rosamund Pike) in front of a bunch of reporters (and Bond). Bond tracks Graves and Frost to a fencing… club? academy? class? I don’t know. It’s hosted by Verity (Madonna in the cameo no one asked for), who introduces Bond to Graves. Bond, despite being on the run from MI6 and, like, a secret agent, uses his real name because why not.
Bond and Graves immediately get into a cock measuring contest via proxy in the form of a fencing match, during which Bond lets Graves know he’s figured out that Graves is selling blood diamonds. Graves challenges Bond to up the stakes and the two start fighting with real swords and completely wrecking Verity’s swordfight clubhouse. Frost eventually breaks up the fight and Graves invites Bonds to a science demonstration. A bellboy gives Bond a mysterious envelope with a key in it, and he goes to an abandoned subway station to meet up with M. M’s not here to capture Bond, though, she just wants to compare notes on Graves. M warns Bond about Graves’ political connections and agrees to give him some unsanctioned help.
Bond arrives at MI6, only to find Moneypenny dead from a gunshot to the head. He takes out several attackers and is joined by Charles Robinson himself, so you just know everything’s going to be alright. But then the unthinkable, the impossible, the inconceivable happens and Charles Robinson, the unshakable foundation upon which the stability of the British government rests, is gunned down. No, I can’t accept it! I won’t! And I don’t have to, because this is all a training session taking place in the VR Zone. C’mon, you know a Q-Branch simulation is the only place a facsimile of Charles Robinson could ever be bested! Q (née R) brings Bond safely out of the VR Zone and takes him to his workshop in the subway, where Bond proceeds to touch everything like a five-year-old at a toy store. Bond is outfitted with a sonic ring that can smash unbreakable glass and, get ready for this, a car that turn invisible.
We’re due for a twist, so we get to sit in on a meeting with M and Frost, who, it turns out, is an MI6 agent spying on Graves. Frost things Graves will blow her cover, but M says that in all her time spying on Graves Frost has turned up dick all and M wants Bond to go in and shake some shit up a bit. Bond heads to Graves’ ice palace in Iceland where he’s greeted by the imaginatively named Mr. Kil (Lawrence Makoare) before Graves scoots up in his super speedy sled car thing. We get another mention of Graves never sleeping, which is a thing that just keeps getting brought up. The famous Jinx Johnson arrives while Bond heads to the bar before his DTs can get too out of hand. Bond and Johnson meet up while Zao arrives at the ice palace. He pulls Graves out of a crazy dream machine which he has to use to stay sane due to his permanent insomnia, and it turns out Graves is actually Moon post-gene alteration.
The shindig finally gets underway and Graves unveils Icarus, a satellite which can reflect Sol’s light toward Earth and function as a second sun. Bond hides out in his magical invisible car so he can snoop around in Graves’ private business, but immediately gets caught because he’s just no good at stealth. Frost saves Bond from being discovered by Mr. Kil by making out with him while Johnson Mission Impossibles her way into Graves’ inner sanctum. While Frost and Bond are busy getting busy, Johnson is doing some actual work. Unfortunately she finds Zao waiting in Graves’ dream machine instead of Graves himself, who sneaks up behind her and electrocutes her with a souped-up Power Glove.
Zao and Mr. Kil interrogate Johnson, but she ain’t a canary and she ain’t in the mood to sing, so Zao leaves Mr. Kil to slice her up with a mining laser (paging Dr. Goldfinger). Bond finally arrives at Graves’ greenhouse lair in time to save Johnson, but first he has to deal with Mr. Kil. Bond gets his ass handed to him, but the still-restrained Johnson manages to kill Mr. Kil with the mining laser. Bond sends Johnson off to find Frost and get in touch with MI6 while Bond confronts Graves and reveal he finally knows the dude is actually Moon. Frost arrives, only to turn her gun on Bond. Turns out Frost set Bond up in North Korea and she’s been a double agent the whole time. Frost is about to execute Bond, but luckily he’s got his glass-shattering ring which allows him to… well, shatter some glass. Specifically the glass floor of the green house. You get it.
Bond escapes in Graves’ super sled, but Graves brings in some North Korean generals so he can demonstrate the destructive capability of Icarus to them. Icarus hyper-focuses the sun’s like way beyond what could be useful for a farmer trying to get that sweet wheat all year ‘round, and Bond barely out maneuvers the solar death beam by driving the sled off the side of an ice shelf and using the sled’s anchor (?) to keep himself from falling into the frigid sea. Graves solves this problem by just carving off the whole chunk of ice and making a prophetically topical joke about global warming. Bond survives, though, by jumping into a Nintendo 64 surfing game and shredding away to safety.
Johnson is discovered by Frost and Zao, who inform her she’s going to die… eventually. Bond steals a Ski-Doo and makes it back to the ice palace where he retrieves his inviso-mobile, which is useful for about a minute until another Ski-Doo crashes into it. Zao uses the thermal vision of his own car to spot Bond, and the two set off on a merry chase while the now-abandoned ice castle begins to rumble around Johnson. Graves fires up Icarus and begins to melt the ice palace, but not before Bond crashes into it (the car chase is still going on, BTW). Bond tricks Zao into driving into a pool formed out of melted ice and then shoots a chandelier down onto him instead of just shooting him in the head.
Bond retrieves the almost-drowned Johnson and gets her into the warmth of the greenhouse in time to save her. The two head to a US bunker on the South Korean side of the demilitarized zone where they’re greeted by the one, the only, the legend, the icon, Charles Robinson. With a mind to rival Watson, Charles Robinson lays down the skinny in no time flat. Graves and Frost are in North Korea, and neither the American nor the British governments can go get him before Icarus is used to destroy any of North Korea’s enemies (i.e. everypony). M’s sending in Bond anyway, and Falco decides he needs a reason to be in this movie so he sends Johnson in too. The two are airdropped in, and Charles Robinson, with the sage, cautious wisdom of an old barn owl, worries that they’ll be detected. Falco’s dumbass has the nerve, the gal, the audacity to tell Charles Robinson to “relax”, so you know that sonofabitch has some comeuppance headed his way.
The missiles Falco has sent to destroy Icarus are instantly destroyed by the mirror’s solar laser, because of course they are you dumb stupid idiot. Bond and Johnson, meanwhile, have landed and stowaway on Graves’ plane. Graves calls for his zaddy to be brought down, where he reveals himself in his new white face and shows off a plastic mech suit that allows him to control Icarus via a computer mouse trackball installed in his Power Glove. He fires up Icarus to show off and make his papa proud, but General Moon tells him the other countries will nuke the hell out of North Korea to shut this shit down. Graves doesn’t take paternal rejection well and 86es his dear old dad. Bond tries to shoot Graves but his shot is deflected, resulting in a window getting blown out and the plane violently depressurizing.
Johnson manages to stop the plane from crashing, but then Frost is there to hold her at swordpoint and of course she’s wearing an ornate bra and elbow-length gloves for no damn reason. Who even cares at this point. Icarus’ death beam is still going, by the by, and Charles Robinson, with the time-keeping prowess of the White Rabbit, lets everyone know it’s headed right their way. Johnson flies the plane right into the beam’s path, giving her time to get the better of Frost. Johnson and Frost fight with blades while Bond and Graves just ineffectually punch each other. Johnson eventually gets the better of Frost and kills her (with a very saucy, “Bitch!” thrown in for good measure) while Graves gets the better of Bond and prepares to escape the falling plane. Bond prematurely triggers Graves’ parachute, which results in Graves being sucked into the plane’s engines and most definitely dying.
Bond and Johnson find a helicopter hidden in the plane, Inception style, and manage to ride it out of the exploding plane in time to avoid death by ground. Bond makes what I think has to be a weird 69 joke before the two fly off into the sky with a crate of diamonds in the back of the helicopter.
Moneypenny uses Q’s VR shades to live out a fantasy involving Bond banging her at MI6, because that’s all this movie has to say about her character, but Q interrupts her before she can rub one out. Glad everyone thought this scene definitely needed to be in this already-over-two-hours movie.
Bond and Johnson have sex on top of the stolen diamonds (imagine how uncomfortable that would be) and we’re finally done here.
The End
Woof! I know way back in my introductory post I mentioned that I’d seen this movie (or at least parts of it) at some point in my checkered past, but, lemme tell ya, there was a whole lot that I’d forgotten/suppressed about Die Another Day. Just to start out with some positives, I actually really liked the design of Zao’s diamond-encrusted face, and I really liked seeing Halle Berry here. She didn’t get anything worthy of her talents to work with, but still. Then there were things that started out neat, but didn’t work in the end. I liked Frost a lot when she was introduced, but then she got reduced to a sword-wielding lunatic in a bra for the final conflict with Jinx. Icarus seemed fun, but then I remembered that this is not the first, not the second but the third Brosnan Bond film with a satellite at the heart of its narrative. We had GoldenEye, then Carver’s dumb satellite news network and now Icarus. That’s three out of four Brosnan films with satellites as key players. I love space as much as the next gay, but, I mean, get a new shtick already! Then there’s stuff that was just silly. Bond stopping his heartbeat? The Power Glove? The ice palace? The invisible car? That Madonna song? C’mon. I know you have to suspend disbelief for any of these movies, but jeez louise. And while I know I don’t normally dwell on the technical side of things during my recaps, but the special effects in this movie were very bad. If we weren’t getting some unnecessary slow-mo, we were having shots like the one of Jinx cliff diving or the truly horrendous kiteboarding scene that legitimately made me gasp when it first started. While there were definitely some fun moments and some little touches I liked, on the whole this flick is a mess and a far, far fall from the glory days of GoldenEye.
I feel I can only give Die Another Day QQ on the Five Q Scale.
We’ll see you again in a hot minute as Eli serves up a couple of fresh recaps of the next two episodes of The Golden Palace, “Say Goodbye, Rose” and “You’ve Lost That Livin’ Feeling”, and after that it’ll be time for me to move onto a brand new Bond as I tackle the next James Bond adventure, Casino Royale (and maybe you can look forward to a few special treats before then, who can say?).
Until then, as always, thank you for reading, thank you for analyzing this (Sigmund Freud) and thank you for being One of Us!
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whiskeyxcola · 6 years
Yours Truly: Part Thirteen
Summary: Chris, Sadie, and Layla go to visit Sadie’s family, and come back to an unpleasant surprise.  Pairing: Chris Pratt x OFC, Chris Evans x OFC Word Count: 1795 Warnings: None. A/N: Hope you enjoy the continuing series collab with @captain-s-rogers ​​! Don’t be afraid to ask to be on the taglist, and please let us know what you think! Also, keep an eye out for part fourteen, which Ashley will be posting later today! I say again ... this man is hard to find gifs for! 
Tags: @ellen-reincarnated1967 @crazililwabbit @catching-up-with-kayla @speakinvain
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July 19
I got the job here in Lawrence! I’m so, so excited. I’ll be teaching one of the two kindergarten classes and can start setting up my room in a couple of weeks, once I get through all the new hire hoopla.
I also found a house to rent. It’s a little farmhouse, owned by an older couple who have sold off most of their land and just rent the house now; there’s a couple of bedrooms, so you’ll have somewhere to stay when you come visit! You know, in eight years when Mr. President has completed his terms.
We’re going to Wichita this weekend to pack up my storage unit and bring it all here. Chris and Layla will meet my family while we’re there, and if all goes well, Chris and I agreed it will be a good time to tell Layla that we’re together. I think she has some idea, but I’m looking forward to actually telling her.
Okay, I think I have rambled about myself for long enough. How are things in D.C.? I’m glad Chris didn’t let you step down — you have worked SO HARD for that job, and no one can do it better than you! Even with this weird media stuff. I’m guessing the Caroline-look-alike girlfriend was your idea? Seems to be working, anyway. I just hope you’re being true to yourself and heart through all of this, C.
Only another month and summer is over. How has the time gone so fast?
Yours truly,
After a long couple of days of new-hire orientation, Sadie was ready to be back at the Pratt farm, moving her few boxes to the new house. The trio would take their time getting up and around the next morning before heading to Wichita, and she was ready to be back home for a while. Sadie had always been close with her family, and she was even more excited for them to meet Chris and Layla.
Before driving back to the farm, she stopped at the elementary school to check in on her new classroom. She wanted to know what size of the room she was going to have so she could be thinking of decor.
“Ms. Coleman?” someone said, catching her attention as she walked toward the kindergarten hall.
Sadie turned. “Yes?”
“Hi,” the woman greeted. “I’m Libby Anderson. I teach second grade.”
“Nice to meet you,” Sadie smiled. “Please, call me Sadie.”
Libby gave a tight smile. “I hear you’ve been working with Layla Pratt this summer. How is she?”
Sadie was puzzled at first, but chalked up Libby’s knowledge of her summer activities to small town talk. “She’s great. Such a smart little girl.”
Another tight smile. “And Chris?”
Sadie’s concerns about Libby’s inquiry grew, tensing her muscles. “Um, he’s great, too. Are you a family friend? I’m sorry, I’m still working on getting to know everyone.”
“Something like that,” Libby answered. “I have a meeting to get to, Sadie, but I’m sure I’ll see you around.”
“See you,” Sadie replied as the other woman walked away.
Suddenly, the size of her classroom seemed of little importance. She changed course for the parking lot, then hurried back to the farm.
“She’s Emily’s sister,” Chris informed Sadie once Layla was down for a nap and Sadie had a chance to ask about her interaction with Libby at the elementary school.
Sadie nodded. “Now it all makes sense.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t even think about that. The Andersons are just so far from my mind anymore. None of them have even tried to contact or see Layla since Emily left.”
“You don’t need to apologize. She should have been much more clear about who she is and how she’s related to you and Layla. I just hope it doesn’t cause problems at work.”
Chris shook his head. “I don’t see why it would. Why don’t you let me make you a glass of that peach iced tea? Ed’s coming by so we can talk about how things went while I was out of town, and I can tell him about a couple things I’m changing. You can just relax — well, till Layla wakes up, then I’m sure she’ll have other plans.”
Sadie chuckled. “You’re probably right about that. Thanks, Chris.”
She reinforced her gratitude with a kiss before heading off to her room. Until she was laying down, Sadie wasn’t even aware of how tired she felt; she was asleep before Chris brought in her glass of tea.
Both Sadie and Chris had expected for Layla to take a little time to warm up to Sadie’s family, but she took to them right away. She settled herself on Sadie’s father’s lap and immediately began telling him about the farm and about her birthday party and her trip to her grandparents’ farm in Minnesota. Justin listened intently, immediately enchanted by the little girl.
While Chris and Sadie got to packing things from storage into the trailer Chris had pulled behind the truck on the way down from Lawrence, Layla stayed with Sadie’s aunts. She was fascinated still about how they had taught Sadie to make a dress, and finally begged and pleaded long enough, Sadie’s aunt Marie got out the beginner sewing machine that Sadie and her cousin, Marie’s daughter Lizzy, had learned to sew on. When they returned to pick Layla up and head back to Sadie’s father’s house, Layla had successfully sewn a little pillow.
“I did it all by myself, Daddy!” she beamed. Aunt Marie was too kind to say any different.
Chris smiled. “I’m so proud of you, baby girl. Let’s get back to Justin’s house, okay? Daddy and Adie are gonna get cleaned up, then we’ll come back here for supper to meet more of Sadie’s family.”
“I don’t wanna go!” Layla said, crossing her arms over her chest and stomping her foot.
Sadie frowned. “Layla! Be nice, please.”
“I’m sorry,” she replied, not sounding sorry at all. “I like Justin, but Marie teached me how to make a pillow! I wanna make another one for Sadie for her new house!”
Marie spoke up, kindly. “I don’t mind if she stays here.”
“You need a nap,” Chris told Layla when she looked at him hopefully.
“Can I take a nap here?” Layla asked Marie.
Marie nodded. “But only if it’s okay with your dad. He’s the boss.”
Chris exchanged a glance with Sadie, who shrugged. “All right. But please, continue to be on your best behavior, and use your manners.”
“Yessir,” Layla promised, rushing off for the sewing machine.
“Nap before more sewing, young lady,” Sadie called after her.
Layla groaned but called back, “Yes ma’am!”
Sadie thanked Marie profusely for keeping Layla for longer before following Chris out of the house. She indeed needed to get cleaned up, and was looking forward to seeing the rest of her family that evening.
“Are you comfortable with me talking to your dad about what’s going on with us before we go back to Marie’s?” Chris asked. “I know it’s sort of an outdated practice, just seems like the right thing to do, still. I don’t mean asking permission, or anything, just -- making my intentions known, I guess.”
Sadie reached across the truck seat and took his hand. “I think that would mean a lot to my dad -- and to me.”
Chris squeezed her hand before pulling her closer, finishing out the trip back to Justin’s house with his arm draped over the back of the seat, and Sadie singing along with him to the radio.
On the way back to the family dinner at Marie’s house, Chris broached the subject of telling Layla that he and Sadie were a couple.
“I’d like to get you all moved in, then maybe we can have dinner in town and tell her?” Chris suggested. “I figure a place with neutral ground is probably the best venue. She’s been so encouraging to you when it comes to me, I don’t think she’ll have a problem with it, but I want to make it as easy for her as possible.”
“I agree,” Sadie nodded. “I think she’ll be just fine -- probably excited, to be honest -- but you’re right, it’s better to make it as easy on her as possible.”
The agreement gave them something to look forward to when they returned to Lawrence; the couple was so excited about it, they confirmed for the family members who asked that they had indeed started a relationship. Fortunately, all of Sadie’s family was completely for the idea, and they understood about keeping it quiet around Layla until Chris and Sadie were able to update her on what was happening.
There were no goodbyes with the trio left Wichita, only see-you-later’s and lots of hugs from Layla to Sadie’s family members. Chris told Sadie that it could have been because Layla was older, but he had never seen her that comfortable even with Emily’s family. Sadie’s heart could have burst with that news; she was so in love with Chris, though she had yet to tell him, and her love for Layla had only grown from the first day she met the girl. She was already dreaming of the day they would all become a family, and expand that family, but she kept those dreams to herself for the time being -- which turned out to be a good thing, she discovered a few hours after their return to Lawrence.
The heavy furniture had been placed in the appropriate places in the rental house, and the boxes were all in the house wherever there was room. Sadie would have a busy few days ahead, settling the house, but Layla could come with her during the day and help or play, so another sitter wouldn’t be necessary.
She had one night left at the Pratt farm, and they had planned on going into town for pizza after resting a while. Chris and Sadie were both on pins and needles to finally include Layla in their relationship, but it was soon clear that even that would have to wait.
“Whose car is that, Daddy?” Layla asked, leaning forward from her booster seat as they approached the farm.
Chris didn’t answer; Sadie glanced over at him and received a tight smile and a mumbled apology in return. That was all she needed to know exactly who had shown up uninvited to the farm.
Sadie stayed back, helping Layla out of the truck while Chris got out of the driver’s side and approached the woman standing at the top of the stairs.
“Hey, Chris,” she greeted politely -- too politely.
He cleared his throat as Sadie approached behind him, carrying Layla. “What are you doing here, Emily?”
Part Fourteen
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blank-shit · 6 years
Merry Pitchmas!
@bethkirwan I ended up writing my first fic ever so hope you like it! 
Meet Me Under The Mistletoe
Beca groaned as she walked up the steps to her former Bellas house with Chloe and Fat Amy. It’s been a rough week at work and the last thing she wants to do is attend this Christmas party Emily is hosting for all the former Bellas since all the new Bellas have left for break. Fidgeting with the gifts she had to carry, she turned to the other two beside her. “If this turns out to be crappy, I’m heading back home with or without you guys.” Chloe turned to face Beca with a small pout. “C’mon Becs, it won’t be that bad. If anything, I think it’s great to get together with the Bellas again and open the amazing gift I got you,” she said with a wink.
Beca rolled her eyes as Chloe reached over to ring the doorbell. “Fine, but it better be worth it.”
Fat Amy, who had been watching the interaction just imitated a whipping sound and motion that earned her a glare from Beca. Before anyone could say something else, the front door opened revealing Emily in an ugly Christmas sweater and reindeer pajama pants. “Hey Bellas! I’m so glad you guys made it, Aubrey and Stacie are already here too. They’re in the kitchen helping me set up the desserts.”
The three of them stepped into the house and set down their belongings. Fat Amy rushed off first to the kitchen to see what kind of desserts were going to be served. Beca leaned into Chloe and whispered into her ear, “There better be alcohol so I can make it through the night.”
Chloe simply rolled her eyes and grabbed Beca by the hand to tug her along towards the kitchen. “You and your booze. You have me here to make this whole thing more bearable,” Chloe joked as she briefly looked back at Beca.
A small smirk appeared on Beca’s face as she looked at the woman tugging her along. “Whatever you say, Beale.”
Once they arrived, they greeted Aubrey and Stacie who were organizing the gingerbread cookies. Chloe immediately went up to Aubrey and hugged her. “Bree! I’ve missed you so much!”
Beca walked up to Stacie and gave her a smile. “Stacie, nice to see you again.”
“You too Beca, I see you and Ginger over there were pretty cozy holding hands together earlier when you came in here,” Stacie replied with a smirk of her own.
“Yeah, think whatever you want but Chloe and I are just friends, nothing more,” Beca said with a slight hesitancy in her tone. It wasn’t the first time she’s thought about how her relationship with Chloe did seem a little more than friendly over the years but always brushed it aside not wanting to deal with whatever was going on.
“Right, cause that face you just made really sold me the truth. It’s cool, I just better see you two making out under a mistletoe cause I know there is one around here,” Stacie said as she returned her attention to the arranging the cookies.
Beca let out a nervous laugh at the thought of the possibility. She looked over at Chloe and Aubrey who were still in their own happy reunion bubble and couldn’t help the butterflies that erupted in her stomach as Chloe caught her eye with her own piercing blue ones as she laughed at something Aubrey said.
Fat Amy came up beside Beca with a glass of milk in one hand and two cookies in the other, chewing on one of them. “Stacie’s got a point, you got some lady-loving going on with Ginga over there. For what it’s worth, she’s definitely gonna want you to unwrap her gift if you know what I mean.”
Beca quickly turned her head to Fat Amy with a tiny frown etched onto her face. “Dude, no. Plus, don’t you have cookies and a glass of milk to stuff in that mouth of yours instead of coming here to make unnecessary comments like you always do.”
Fat Amy held her hands up in surrender as she slowly walked out of the kitchen. “Alright, but you know you can’t run away and hold it in forever or it’ll all be released like horse shit coming out like fro-yo.”
Beca scrunched her face up in disgust. “Thanks for the details, I’ll keep that in mind.” She turned back to find Chloe and Aubrey coming over to her.
“Hey Beca, it’s good to see you again,” Aubrey said as she went in for a hug.
Beca took a step back and held her arm out. “Whoa there Aubrey, I know it’s the holidays but I still don’t like hugs and you know that. I’ll just give you a pat on the arm, it’s the most you’ll get from me.”
“Well it’s good to see you haven’t changed a bit, deep down you’re still that alt-girl who made fun of acapella that day of the activities fair,” Aubrey joked with a smile.
Beca just shook her head with a smirk and glanced over at Chloe who seemed to be giggling at their interaction. “C’mon, let’s go help set up before the rest of the Bellas arrive,” Chloe stated as she went to grab a tray of cookies.
Just as expected, more Bellas soon came through the door and greeted each other with hugs. Beca escaped to the kitchen to grab a beer to which she assumed either Aubrey or Stacie brought because Emily was way too innocent for that. Just as she was seizing the bottle opener from one of the drawers, she felt someone encircle their arms around her waist and rested their chin on her shoulder. Beca knew it was Chloe due to the fact that she’s the only one who does this and is allowed to do this with her and how she smells like the perfume she bought her a month ago.
“I see you’ve found the alcohol. That’s a record if I correctly remember from our last gathering where you went straight for it only after fifteen minutes in.”
Beca let out a chuckle as she continued to open her beer bottle. “Yep, anything to loosen me up during social events.” Beca couldn’t help but feel nervous, yet relaxed at the same time when being held in Chloe’s arms the whole time. She really has to figure this shit out.
Beca broke out of Chloe’s embrace and held her hand out. “Come on, let’s go say hi to the rest of the nerds.”
Chloe gave a warm smile to the brunette and took her hand. “You mean you go say hi to the rest of them cause I already did before I found you here.”
Beca just shrugged her shoulders and took a swig of her beer and walked back with Chloe to the living room. After the welcomes and food consumption, the Bellas sat down on the couches. Of course, Beca and Chloe ended up sharing the single chair lounger like the couple they are not (but soon to be) with the DJ’s arms around the redhead as she rested her head on her shoulder. Everyone in the room knew the two had something going on even if they weren’t willing to admit it so their choice of seating wasn’t a surprise.
“Alright aca-bitches, let’s see what you all got me for Christmas,” Fat Amy said as she reached for a present under the tree by the couch. One by one, all the Bellas began to carry the presents to the middle and sat back down in their places. Each one opened their gifts with a content expression and surprisingly loved everything they received. When it was Chloe’s turn to open her last gift which was from none other than Beca, the brunette looked down and began to fiddle with her thumb ring, feeling anxious about whether or not Chloe would like her present.
“Beca, I–,” the redhead began. Tears welled up in her eyes as she turned to look at the DJ. In her lap was a photo album that contained pictures of mostly them two together and some with the Bellas that had cute descriptions written on the back by Beca as well as a titanium necklace that read “I Love You Nerd, Beca”.  
Chloe threw her arms around the brunette’s neck, hugging her tightly and whispered, “Thank you. I love it so much and I love you too.”
Beca squeezed back around the redhead’s waist. “I’m glad you really loved it. I was a bit worried, not gonna lie,” the brunette replied with a hint of nervousness.
Watching the whole interaction, the Bellas let them have their moment while sporting adoring faces and mouthing aw. “You catching this shit on camera right?” Cynthia Rose asked Flo.
“I better hope so. A lot of the film was used to record my family’s journey to escape from my hometown, partly due to malaria.” Cynthia Rose raised a brow at this but didn’t say anything else.
Wiping the tears, Chloe reached over to grab her present for Beca. “Okay Becs, your turn! Hopefully you’ll love it!”
Beca took the gift from the redhead and began to unwrap it. “I’m sure I will. You don’t need to worry about that, trust me Beale.”
The DJ went speechless and had her eyes widened once she opened her present. In her hands were two backstage passes to David Guetta’s concert and a brand new pair of headphones that the brunette had been dying to get ever since it was released. “Dude, fuck. Chloe, I can’t accept these gifts. They’re way too expensive,” Beca exclaimed as she shoved them back to the older woman.
Chloe placed her hand on the brunette’s to stop her from returning the gifts. “Stop. I want you to have them, you deserve it. Plus they are non-refundable so you have no choice but to enjoy them.”
Now it was Beca’s turn to fling her arms around Chloe and squeeze her in a tight embrace. “Well I’m glad I can enjoy one of them with you cause we are going to have a hell lot of fun at the concert,” Beca said as she pulled back.
After cleaning up all the wrapping paper from the opened presents, everyone separated into their own conversations. Beca ended up leaning against the counter at the island snacking on a gingerbread cookie when Chloe came up next to her and grabbed her hand. “Come with me, I still have one more present left for you.”
Beca felt chills down her spine at the feeling of Chloe’s lips moving against her ear as she whispered. Finding herself speechless for the second time, Beca let herself to guided by the redhead. They ended up just outside of Chloe’s old bedroom within the door frame. Chloe turned around to look at Beca, biting her lip in what the brunette assumed was out of nervousness or hesitation. Raising an eyebrow at their close proximity, she kept quiet to allow Chloe to explain what was going on.
“First of all, I just want to say thank you again for the wonderful gift you’ve made for me. Who knew badass Beca Mitchell was capable of being that sentimental.”
Beca rolled her eyes and donned a small smirk. “Only for you Beale.”
Chloe looked down and blushed before looking back into Beca’s stormy, blue eyes with her own electric, baby blue ones. She took a breath before continuing on with her speech. “You mean a lot to me Beca and over the years I’m really glad you let me in and let me see this other side of you that you close yourself off to from others. I hope you don’t mind but let me in on one more thing because God knows how long what’s been happening between us has been going on for.”
The redhead looked up above and the brunette followed suit and realized there was a mistletoe hanging above their heads. Beca looked back at Chloe and chuckled nervously. “And to think it was all one-sided all along.”
Chloe giggled before looking intently into the DJ’s eyes and started to lean in closer to her. “Definitely not,” Chloe murmured, her breath tingling the brunette’s lips. A small gasp escaped Beca’s mouth as Chloe cupped the brunette’s cheek as she glanced down to her lips that looked ever so soft and irresistable. Instinctively, Beca placed her hands around the older Bella’s waist and gently tugged her closer, eliciting a tiny gasp from the other woman as well.
Chloe gently kissed Beca on the lips, allowing the brunette a chance to pull away if she changed her mind. She smiled when she felt Beca’s lips met hers once more, deepening the kiss. The redhead ran her hands through the DJ’s dark hair as she sunk into the kiss. Both girls had their hearts pounding and were in shock of how the other pair of lips felt incredibly soft. Beca’s tongue peaked out, begging for entrance to which Chloe gladly permitted. At the touch of their tongues, both girls moaned at the new feeling and desired more.
Never breaking the kiss, the brunette ended up pushing Chloe back into the room and gently led Chloe to the bed. Surprised by Beca’s confidence, the redhead immediately became more turned on and pulled the DJ down onto her and wrapped her legs around her waist. As their tongues battled for dominance, whoops and cheers could be heard from the hallway right outside the room of the still opened door.
Breaking the kiss to look at the source of sound, the pair found the rest of the Bellas cheering and saying something along the lines of “about time these two realized their toners for each other.”
Beca heaved an irritated sigh at the interruption. “Not to be rude,” Beca sarcastically began, “but do you guys mind?”
“Not one bit,” Stacie said while smirking.
“I like happy endings with blood and death,” Lily quietly mumbled.
Ignoring the statement and eager to finish what they started, Beca stood up and grabbed Chloe’s hand, pulling her to her. “We’re gonna take off now, thanks for everything and we’ll see you whenever.”
All the Bellas laughed at the sight of their former co-captains with disheveled hair, ruffled clothes, and swollen lips as they rushed out of the house.
Chloe quickly turned back waving bye and yelling a loud thanks over her shoulder before stepping out of the house and shutting the door.
Fat Amy turned to the rest of the Bellas. “So who’s house am I gonna crash tonight. Those two are gonna be doing it like wild dingoes tonight with all their pent up sexual tension.”
“You can stay with us,” Jessica and Ashley simultaneously said.
With the arrangement settled, everyone eventually left the house all with the same thought that this has definitely been one of the best Christmas ever, particularly the first two who were undeniably and irrevocably in love.
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iammultifandomaf · 3 years
Chapter 35 - Visiting dad
The sudden vibration of Thomas' phone pulled them both out into reality again. Thomas quickly fingered his phone from his back pocket and looked at the screen.
A message from Allison:
Hey, could you come to the café where I used to work? They fired me but Credence made them hire me again! Isn't that great? No violence of course, don't worry... but I think we should catch up, okay?
"It's Allison," Thomas said, "she wants me to meet her at that café she works at.
"No problem. Right now?" Michendros said, standing up from the bench.
"I guess so," Thomas said and stood up, too, "Before we leave... I wanted to say... thanks for sharing... thanks for trusting me, I suppose."
Mich gave out a small laugh and said: "I have to trust you if I want you to trust me, right?"
Thomas smiled at Michendros, however he had to squint his eyes because of the sudden sunlight. They were back in New York. Allison and Credence were already waiting at the café for them and Allison was waving at them.
Thomas noticed that Michendros was now letting go of his upper arm. "Wouldn't want you to fall over again. But don't worry, I am here to catch you."
Thomas tried to hide his blushing cheeks by turning his head towards Allison and he started walking to her. Michendros quietly followed.
"Thanks for coming so quickly," Allison smiled at both Thomas and Michendros. The brunette seemed much more relaxed and friendly than before. The liberation of her family really helped her well being so it seemed. And the pleasant afternoon she had with Credence probably didn't make her feel all to bad as well.
"Here you have him, and if you allow me, I'll be taking Credence off of your hands," Michendros approached Allison with a smile of a gentleman. Allison laughed at that and nodded in agreement, "Of course, he is all yours."
Credence lightly touched Allison's shoulder and she turned around to him: "Don't worry, I'll text you, okay?" she said, grinning and steped next to Thomas. Credence smiled at her comment almost shyly.
"Credence, come with me, I want to buy myself some beverage first," he grabbed the vampire by his arm and dragged him to the front door, "she really makes you seem like a kid again," Michendros said in entertainment and entered the café with him.
Thomas felt a bit disappointed that Michendros didn't give him a proper goodbye but his thoughts were quickly dissolved by a famiar voice.
"Goodness, Thomas? Is it you?"
Thomas and Allison turned to direction from where the voice came. It was a bald man in his mid-forties. Allison gulped at the sight of him but the man didn't seem to recognize her.
"Dennis, hey," Thomas said shortly.
"What happened to you?! Last time we saw you, you were kidnapped by those horrid creatures!" Dennis suddenly looked at Allison and added: "Oh... I am sorry lady, this is a family matter..."
Allison only nodded slowly and looked at Thomas in shock.
"Nothing really happened... I got away," Thomas lied.
"Ha! I knew it! You little talented one. The other ones were already throwing dirt at you! That you got manipulated by them and stayed by their side! Ha! Disgusting to think of, isn't it?"
"Yeah... yeah," Thomas tried to laugh. But his laugh faded quickly when he noticed a terrified expression forming on Dennis' face.
"Who's that guy?" Michendros causally asked from behind them. Allison and Thomas both stepped aside to look at Michendros and Credence as they came closer.
"What is he doing here?!" Dennis angrily whispered at Thomas who was speechless at the moment. Michendros looked at Thomas, raising his eyebrow and slurped his caramel frappucino from a colorful straw.
"Uh," Thomas gave out a noise, not being able to figure out a proper lie. Michendros' eyes fell on the bold guy in front of him who was frozen at the spot.
"Hmm, it feels like I saw you somewhere," Michendros thought out loud and then his eyes widened, "Ohhhh, aren't you the waiter from today?" he asked and then returned his attention to the caramel frappucino. Thomas' blue eyes stared at Michendros in disbelief. How can he not know who he is?! Thomas thought and then firmly said: "Dennis, come, I want a family meeting. We need to talk."
Michendros found Thomas' eyes before he was able to stride off with Dennis.
"Are you sure? Shouldn't I just erase myself from his memory?" Thomas heard Michendros say but he realized that Michendros kept on slurping his frappucino. Are you in my head?
Get out.
Answer me first.
So you know who he is?
Of course.
So you made that waiter thing up?
Just answer me, others don't hear us so it might look odd that we are just staring at each others pretty eyes.
No, it's fine... I am a respectable member of the clan. I can deal with them alone.
Alright, if anything comes up, you have my number.
Okay, now get out.
Michendros shrugged and turned around on his heel and said: "Let's go, Credence, they are being weird."
Credence watched Allison who also nodded and sent him a smile as reassurment. He smiled back and left with Michendros.
Lydia was furiously typing into her keyboard and sweared from time to time. Stolos who was driving the car looked at her with concern and asked: "Are you alright?"
"Can't you somehow fix my laptop with your thing?" she said on edge.
"Fix it with my thing?" Stolos laughed. "I am not a IT mage, Lyds. Maybe you shouldn't download so many things illegaly."
"You go and tell me about doing illegal stuff."
"I am sorry. So, at least try to buy a proper antivirus."
"Yeah, yeah. Later... now I gotta put my CV together so I can get a job."
"I guess you don't need CVs huh?"
"Nah, I had used them for getting jobs... I had the 'power outage', you remember?"
"Well... you don't really need to apply anywhere, though."
"And how do we earn money?"
Stolos shrugged and said: "I don't know... tell me what would you like to do. I could buy it and you could manage it or something."
"Wait... are you telling me we're rich?"
"Well... we can be if we want."
"What? How?"
"A lot of valuable minerales are basically just stones right. Elements. I could get those. And I did own a few things as well... but when I got human, I sold them... thinking I wouldn't have the use for them anymore."
"Why would you sell property?!"
"Ha, ha, don't get angry with me. I was depressed, I did bunch of illogical decisions. I still do have some leftover money, though."
"How much?"
"Umm... I don't know. I haven't checked in a while."
"So just a guess."
"Around 4 million euros, I think?"
"Are you kidding me? Why didn't you ever say anything?"
"I didn't know how to explain that."
"I would literally buy anything. You could've said you had rich grandparents or something."
"Well... I am glad you know the truth now."
"Pft, rich boy," she said, laughing and shutting her laptop.
After an hour or so, they arrived to Lydia's father's house. Lydia quickly dialed her dad's number to inform him about their arrival.
"Hey, we're in front of the house," Lydia said.
"Good, I am in the garden, got the grill goin'."
Lydia and Stolos walked around the house to get to the back garden where they already saw her father attending to the grill.
"Hi!" Lydia greeted loudly, so he'd notice them.
"Good afternoon, Mr. Martin," Stolos said politely since Lydia's father never offered him the first name basis. Lydia's father turned around, grinning at his daughter. However, the moment his eye fell on Stolos, his grin immediately disappeared and he gave out a harsh grunt of pain, his hands shooting to his chest.
"Dad!" Lydia yelled out in terror and run to her father who let himself fall on his knees. "What's going on?!" Lydia panicked and looked back at Stolos for help who was watching the scene in interest.
"Common, do something!" Lydia urged.
"No, keep him away from me!" her father hollared.
"What? Why?" Lydia demanded.
"I always thought that you're fishy," the man got through his teeth and looked at Stolos daringly, "but it never was this intense. What on earth are you?!" he said with anger. Lydia looked at her father in pure confusion and then turned her head back at Stolos who was about to take a step forward but was stopped by a deafening: "Don't you come closer!"
"Dad, no... he can help you," Lydia tried.
"Sweetie, you...ugh, wouldn't understand," her father tried to say kindly. Despite Lydia's father's protests, Stolos approached them and sat down on his haunches, his hand moving to Lydia's father's chest. Before Stolos was able to touch him, Lydia's father grabbed Stolos' wrist and stopped him. "Don't you touch me."
Stolos looked at Lydia who was calmed down a bit by his coolness. It can't be that serious, then. Lydia thought.
"I think he's been branded by something... that's why he's having this reaction. It's like an... alert system, I guess," Stolos said to Lydia who nodded and said: "But why is he in so much pain? I never saw him like that."
"Maybe the branding is sensitive to the degree of potential threat, am I right, Mr. Martin?" Stolos asked and turned his gaze to the man who was getting red in his face.
"Hmph," he answered, not being able to form a proper sentence since his body was now busy with handeling the overwhelming feeling he was getting from the pain coming out of his chest.
Stolos didn't hesitate this time and swiftly dug his hand underneath Lydia's dad's hawaiian shirt. Lydia watched Stolos' eyes change its color to bloody red in awe. Her father perceived his new eyecolor rather negatively on the other hand and tried to get away from him. Stolos' other hand grasped his arm and prevented his escape.
"Just a second," Stolos said in a soothing voice which was followed by the pain slowly disappearing and the overwhelming feeling faded, too. Stolos then let go of him and his hazels made their way back.
"What did you do?!" Lydia's father said furiously.
"Dad... common, calm down." Lydia put her hand on his shoulder in an attempt to quiet him down.
"What are you?! Hm?" Lydia's father roared.
"Why don't we sit down at that table and talk?" Stolos suggested and rose to his feet.
After they sat down, which took quite an effort from Lydia who had to basically drag her father to the garden table, silence took over for a while.
Stolos was sitting in front of Lydia and her dad who was studying him with furrowed brows.
"So," Stolos started, "let's talk."
"You still didn't answer my question, boy," Lydia's father said authoritatively.
"Honestly, I don't have a clear answer to that, Mr. Martin. It's me and my brother who are this way, I haven't ever met anyone else who was like us."
"A brother?" Lydia's father asked.
"Oh, yeah... I didn't know that before, either. He has an older brother," Lydia explained.
"I think- I think Scarlett has told me about you," Lydia's father said, putting contempt into the word you.
"My mom?" Lydia asked in surprise, "why would she know about them?"
Stiles leaned forward and said: "That would explain your magical chest tattoo, she wasn't human, was she?"
"Hmph," Lydia's father folded his arms on his chest and decided to stay silent.
"Dad!" Lydia shook his shoulder lightly, "my mom wasn't human?" He looked at her with compassion and then back at Stolos who was patiently watching him.
"She told me to clear away if I ever even hear about these two bastards, and now I have one of them in my garden, bothering my little girl."
"Dad! He's not bothering me. I love him!" Lydia said loudly making her father frown. Stolos on the other hand smiled cheerfully at that statement.
"The branding tattoo didn't seem that complicated, so it could've been fabricated by a simple sorcerer. But something tells me that a sorcerer didn't live in this house...," Stiles continued.
"Scarlett wasn't a witch, god damn, she was a banshee," he finally cracked.
"What the hell is a banshee?" Lydia wondered.
"It's quite a pitiful being," Stolos said calmly.
"Damn you!" Lydia's father stood up rage, "Scarlett wasn't pitiful!"
"I wasn't trying to offend you," Stolos said, raising his palms in defense, "banshee can see the coming death, she feels people dying and feels their pain. I don't think that these abilities bring somebody joy," he said while looking at Lydia.
Lydia gulped at that information and looked at her dad. "Is that why she left us?"
Lydia's father sat down again and shook his head. "She didn't want to leave. She loved you so much, Lyds. But some motherfuckers apparently hunt banshees and they were after her. She left with the thought of protecting us. Scarlett was afraid we might get hurt if the hunters find her here," Lydia's father explained, his eyes burning and tears flowing down his cheeks.
"She promised to at least write... but I guess it wasn't possible. They could've tracked it. I don't even know if she still... lives," he said, his voice breaking and he covered his face with his large palms. Lydia also felt tears in her eyes and hugged her father from the side.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Lydia asked, her tears soaking into his sleeve.
"I...I didn't want you burden you with... this terrible reality. But apparently you got yourself into it alone."
Lydia's memories of the last few weeks flashed through her head and had to agree. "I guess we have similar taste in partners," Lydia said quietly. Her father laughed shortly, putting his hands down from her face to cup Lydia's head.
"That's why I don't want you to be with him."
Stolos watched this all silently and waited for them to calm down.
"Dad," Lydia said and put her hands on his, "don't worry, he's able to fend all these hunters off."
"If I may," Stolos finally interrupted, "I can find your mother if you want, Lyds," Stolos offered.
“Really? Even if she's..."
"If she's on this Earth, then yes."
"How would you do that?" Lydia's father asked, being genuienly interested in his offer.
"I just need Lyds blood a bit and if you have something that belonged to Scarlett... that would make it easier as well."
"And where's the catch?" Lydia's father asked suspiciously.
"Catch?" Stolos repeated.
"You wouldn't just give out free favors."
"I am not doing it to gain something out of it, Mr. Martin. I love your daughter and I want her to be happy."
"Dad, common...," Lydia urged, "trust him."
"He will have to earn my trust first!" he said importantly. Lydia rolled her eyes and drew her hand out.
"Take my blood then," she said firmly, "and dad, get mom's jewlery."
Her father was hesitant at first but then he left to the house. Stolos took Lydia's hand gently into his and traced a line with his finger on her palm. The moment he lifted his finger, the line he has made started to bleed. Lydia's eyes opened wide at it.
"Are you alright?" Stolos asked, noticing her expression.
"Yeah, yeah... it's just cool that you can do these things. Yet you can't fix my laptop," she joked.
"Haha, funny," he said with a smile, "I need to drink it," he suddenly announced.
"What? Like a vampire?"
"Yeah, well, no. Just hold still, I don't need that much," he said and lowered his head to Lydia's palm and licked the palm clean of the blood. Lydia chuckled at how it tickled. "You pig, I didn't wash my hands yet," she said with a small laugh. Stolos lifted his head from her palm and licked his lips as if he just had something really tasty.
"I'll manage," he grinned back and let go of her palm which didn't have any trace of a cut anymore.
"I am here," Lydia's father said from behind them and laid a wooden jewlery box on the garden table. "Here you go."
He sat down back into his chair and watched Stolos who went through his wife's jewlery. He finally picked up a silver ring and said: "This should do."
"Why did you pick out that?" Lydia asked.
"That's the first ring I gave her," her father answered instead, "when we were still young."
"It seems to have the strongest tie to her... from all of these things," Stolos explained which made Lydia's father tear up again.
"Alright, give me a minute," Stolos said and closed his eyes while exploring the ring with his fingers. Lydia and her father watched him closely, awaiting something extraordinary to happen. However, their expectations weren't fulfilled. Stolos after a minute or two opened his eyes again and said: "I think I got her."
"No way, where?" Lydia's father gazed at that young man in disbelief. "We can go right now, I can pop us there because the blood connection. I hope it's gonna be accurate when I don't have her own blood, though."
"Pop us there?" Lydia's father wondered at this expression.
"Grab your coats, though," Stolos added and stood up.
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