#amazing development happy friday to me
amyriadfthings · 2 months
wdym random dogstar gig in my city. wdym i can see keanu have fun making music on stage
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steddiealltheway · 8 months
(Happy happy birthday Noelle (@frankenstein-ate-my-left-shoe) thank you for all your amazing fun facts which are the source for this little ficlet. I hope you enjoy <3)
For some reason, The Party had decided to rent Friday the 13th for their upcoming movie night at Steve's house. With all the shit they've been through, Steve thinks that maybe it's a strange choice, but he knows better than to question the kids.
"What a nice choice," Robin says sarcastically as she looks over Steve's shoulder at the tape. She hasn't quite grasped how defensive the teens can get, but they seem to respect her more than they respect Steve. Figures.
"Isn't it?" Dustin snarks back as he grabs the tape from the counter.
Max rolls her eyes and adds, "I said the same thing."
"Yeah, because you want to watch some shit like Cinderella," Mike whines.
"Does it ever hurt your tiny, sexist brain to think of those weak insults?" Max asks with her eyebrows raised.
Lucas tries to hide a laugh as Mike glares at him.
"Alright, alright, this is the Family Video. Take it outside if you guys are going to bicker," Steve says with a sigh as he moves to restack some tapes Dustin had nudged just to be annoying.
"You and Robin bicker all the time," Dustin says defensively.
Steve gives him a look. "Do you want to lose Harrington house privileges?"
Dustin sighs, looking like he really wants to argue before he turns around to the group and announces defeatedly, "Alright, let's get snacks before tonight."
As they're filing out the door, Dustin runs back to the counter and adds, "I almost forgot. Is it fine if Eddie comes?"
Steve shrugs, trying to look unphased by the question. "Sure," he says, voice cracking a bit.
Dustin instantly lights up. "Great! I already invited him, so that would've been awkward. See you later!"
Robin comes up to him and lightly shoves his shoulder. "Sure," she mocks him. "You're so smooth."
"Shut up," Steve says with a sigh. God, Robin will never let him live down what he thought to be his deathbed confession of his crush on Eddie. In reality, he was just put on so many painkillers in the hospital that he had gotten confused when he woke up in a hospital room.
And yeah, maybe the crush still hasn't gone away and Robin definitely knows, but he refuses to acknowledge it.
"You're going to be at the movie night, right?" Steve asks.
Robin groans. "I've already told you, I have my parent's anniversary dinner tonight."
"So, you'll be at my house tonight," Steve jokes.
"I wish."
Steve nudges her shoulder. He's already seen the obnoxious pictures of Robin and her parents from every year of their wedding anniversaries lining the walls of one particular hallway. It's endearing really, but Robin hates it.
"You better call me later if anything new develops between you and Eddie," Robin whispers although there's no one in the room.
Steve just nods, feeling the blood rise to his cheeks as he still refuses to verbally acknowledge the ridiculous crush that maybe fills his stomach with butterflies and all those obnoxious things.
He sighs and turns to Robin. "How am I going to survive tonight without you?"
"The world may never know," she says dramatically.
And really, the world may never know. At least, that's how Steve feels.
Okay, maybe Steve is a little bit of a mess.
Sure, Eddie has shown up, and Steve has been playing it cool, but it's like he can't take his eyes off him. He's made so much eye contact, he's sure that he's creeping Eddie out a bit or giving away his huge crush.
But he’s Steve Harrington. Like Steve “The Hair” Harrington. Inventor of the Harrington charm. All that stuff. And… Eddie has absolutely melted him into a puddle of goo. Christ.
By the time the movie starts, Steve’s head is practically buzzing with all his thoughts of Eddie is sitting next to me. What do I do? The kids are here, so I can’t make a move. But I don’t even know if he likes me.
Then, Max’s question breaks through the thoughts as she asks, “When is the next Friday the 13th this year?”
“Well, fun fact, any month that starts on a Sunday will have a Friday the 13th,” Eddie says with a proud grin.
Steve ignores the kids’ responses asking when that month is and the subsequent response from Eddie saying he doesn’t know, but he just knows the fact.
But for some reason, the fact is absolutely blowing Steve’s mind.
And yes, maybe it’s because it came from Eddie, but truly, when Steve associates fact with something, it is never fun. But this truly is a… fun fact.
He must have a look on his face because Eddie eyes him and asks, “What?”
Steve just shrugs and says, “I just… really thought the fact was… fun.” Jesus, did his Harrington charm just evaporate or something?
But he thinks the honesty of it works for Eddie who smiles softly at him. “Yeah?”
“Yeah, how did you know that?”
Eddie swings an arm casually over the back of the couch and leans in. “I’m full of fun facts, Harrington.” He gives him a winks before leaning back.
Steve leans into his space, trying to close some of the distance between them. “Tell me another one.”
Eddie laughs, “I’m going to max out my fun fact limit to one a day.”
“That doesn’t seem fair.”
Eddie tilts his head toward him. “It’s fair if it gives me an excuse to talk to you every day.”
Okay, yeah. That was blatant flirting. Which Steve is about to match, until the kids decide now is the best time to interrupt and yell at them to be quiet as the movie starts.
As the movie goes on, Eddie and Steve drift closer together while trying to remain as inconspicuous as possible in front of the kids. They haven’t talked about it, of course, but Steve’s pretty sure neither of them want to scar the kids. Or maybe, Steve just doesn’t want the kids to very accurately point out his feelings for Eddie and force him to deal with them.
Unfortunately, this also means that Steve doesn’t get a moment alone with Eddie to further flirt with him or try to push him for another fact. But maybe it’s not such a bad thing. Especially since Eddie gave him an excuse to talk to him tomorrow.
“What’s another fun fact?” Steve asks as soon as he hears Eddie on the other line.
“Christ, I just woke up. Give my brain a few seconds,” Eddie groans into the phone, voice rough with sleep.
Steve smiles. “Good morning by the way,” he says sweetly.
“Good morning,” Eddie replies back, sounding a bit less grumpy. There’s a bit of shuffling on his side of the phone before he says, “It’s illegal to feed pigeons on the streets of San Francisco.”
Steve’s jaw drops. “There’s no way!”
“Go ahead and feed a pigeon there then,” Eddie says with a laugh.
“Maybe I will. If you come with me and promise to bail me out.”
Eddie hums on the other line. “I don’t know. I think it would be fun to spend a night in a jail cell with you. Maybe I’ll join you in your crime.”
“Scratch that, I’m bailing you out.”
“That’s sounds about right, Bonnie.”
“Bonnie?” Steve questions, feeling like he’s missed something.
Eddie gasps on the other line. “Like Bonnie and Clyde!”
Steve doesn’t respond, waiting for Eddie to fill him in.
“Okay, this doesn’t count as a fun fact because this is just a story of one of the greatest crime couples to ever exist,” Eddie says excitedly, rambling on about the two.
Steve sits back, cheeks hurting from smiling a little too hard as he listens to Eddie and tries not to linger too much on the fact he compared the two of them to a real life couple.
The phone calls continue every day, but the fun facts really are just a starting point to a long drawn out conversation about whatever’s on their mind.
Robin has pretended to get tired whenever Steve calls her right after Eddie has to hang up or spends hours talking about Eddie during their shift at the Family Video. But he knows she’s secretly just as enthralled about the fun facts as he is.
“Did you know that the Statue of Liberty wears a size eight hundred seventy nine shoe?” Steve asks Robin, still in disbelief over the fact.
“Sounds like you’re talking about me,” Eddie says, somehow coming into the store without Steve noticing.
Steve’s heart beats a little harder as he turns to him. “All good things of course,” Steve says with a wink.
“I was scared you were passing off my facts to Buckley as if they were your own for a second there,” Eddie says, leaning across the the counter.
“And what if I was?” Steve challenges, leaning on the counter.
“Then, I would have to revoke my daily fun fact.”
Steve’s jaw drops. “You’d never.”
Eddie shrugs. “Maybe you’ll just have to see.”
Steve just laughs and shoves his shoulder lightly. “What are you doing here though? Coming to deliver my fun fact in person?”
Eddie blushes and looks down. “No, I was actually just… wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight.”
“Sounds good,” Steve says automatically, not even stopping to think if he has any other plans.
“I’ll see you after your shift then?” Eddie asks, tilting his head a bit.
“I’ll see you then,” Steve confirms with a smile.
Eddie nods and turns to leave.
“Oh, wait!” Steve calls out.
Eddie turns around.
“You haven’t told me your fun fact for today.”
Eddie smiles. “You’ll just have to wait until tonight. After all, it’s a pretty good excuse to make sure you come over.”
Steve scoffs, “As if that’s the only reason.”
Eddie just pulls his hair in front of his face as his smile gets a little wider. “See you soon.”
“Bye,” Steve says, waggling his fingers at him.
“Holy shit,” Robin says, startling Steve. “I thought you said your crush was hopeless.”
Steve just shrugs. “It’s Eddie, he flirts with everyone.”
“Not like that.”
Steve pauses and thinks back on their conversation and all the flirtatious banter leading up to this moment. Maybe she’s right, but also he remembers… “Did you know that bubble wrap was invented by accident?”
Robin runs a hand over her face and says, “You two are going to be the death of me, I can already tell.”
Steve just smiles and thinks maybe they will be.
A few hours later, he shows up at Eddie’s, trying not to overthink things too much.
They were just hanging out. Just… two people… hanging out… alone… who flirt all the time…. And one definitely has a major crush on the other.
Eddie opens the door to the trailer immediately after Steve knocks only a single time. “I heard your car pull up,” he explains as soon as the door is open.
“Been lingering at the door for long?” Steve teases.
“Hours,” Eddie replies dramatically. But there’s a hint of nervous energy that Steve can’t help but pick up on. “Come on in.”
Steve steps inside and is hit with the smell of spaghetti and breadsticks. “Did you make dinner?”
“Nah, I picked it up from Enzo’s,” Eddie says with a smile before closing the door behind him and gesturing to the couch where two plates are laid out. “I thought we could… watch a movie while we ate or… something.”
“Yeah, I’d like that,” Steve replies with a smile, noticing the way his response relieves some of the nervous energy that is consuming Eddie.
“Perfect, right this way madam,” he jokes as he leads Steve to the couch with his hand resting on the dip of his lower back.
Steve sits down and can’t help but ask, “So, what fun fact did you make me wait for?”
Eddie freezes and curses, “Shit, you were supposed to ask that after all of this.”
Steve’s eyebrows furrow. “Why?” He asks nervously.
Eddie fidgets with his rings and mumbles, “Okay, you can do it.” Then, he turns back to Steve and says, “Fun fact… I’ve been dying to ask you out for a while now, and… I was hoping that this could be a date? And further fun fact, I will absolutely shut up forever if I read things wrong, and I’m so sorry if I did. Oh shit. Did I? Because really, I thought-”
“Eddie,” Steve interrupts him quickly, placing a hand over his. “I think it’s finally time that I share a fun fact with you.”
Eddie nods, eyes wide and scared.
“Fun fact,” Steve says and takes a deep breath, “I’m really upset that you beat me to asking you out because I’m a damn chicken. And fun fact, I’ve liked you since I saw you interacting with Dustin for the first time. And you can confirm the fact with Robin who I told while I thought I was on my deathbed.”
Eddie’s expression slowly morphs from fear to relief to happiness. “And that’s really all a fact?”
“Yes. Fun ones I hope.”
“Very very fun,” Eddie says with a laugh. He worries his bottom lip before saying, “Fun fact, I really want to kiss you.”
“Fun fact,” Steve echoes cheesily. “I would love to kiss you.”
And he does exactly that.
(Later on, Steve calls Robin from Eddie’s house and yells, “Fun fact, I just kissed Eddie!” Into the phone so loudly that Robin complains that his “fun fact” is giving her ear damage. But she also lets him know that she’s happy for him, as long as he doesn’t keeps phrasing everything as a fun fact.
Only, Steve can’t help it, when everything involving Eddie becomes the best facts he knows.)
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writingroom21 · 16 days
Can I get a request!
Rafe and y/n are both working parents, so they have a nanny, but the nanny develops a crush on rafe
Kinds like one tree hill storyline with nanny Carrie
A/N: I love the way your mind works. I hope you enjoy!
You're All That I Want
Pairing: dad!rafe x mom!reader
Summary: You hire a nanny when you go back to work. A serious of weird interactions make you think that the nanny is into Rafe.
Warnings: fluff, Rafe being a softy for his family, feelings of insecurity, (Let me know if I missed any)
When your son Luca was born everything was perfect. Rafe finally felt comfortable in himself. His fathers words weren’t plaguing him, keeping him up at night just to tell him he’s a failure. All the nightmares throughout your pregnancy seemed worth it when he finally held his baby boy in his arms. He couldn’t have been happier. 
He had the perfect wife and now he had a son. A baby boy who completed your family, making his heart grow even more. Rafe was originally scared when you told him you were pregnant. The both of you had only been married for a year at that point. All of the negative emotions that he worked to put behind him came rushing back like a tsunami. 
His father’s hatred is at the forefront of his mind. He thought he was destined to fail, ruin the family he desperately wanted. “It’s okay. We can figure it out together. For better or for worse, right?” You rationed with him. Never letting him forget he isn’t his father.
“Thank you  for coming with me today.” You had just gotten out of an appointment. Rafe was focused on the little picture in his hands. The sonogram showing a blurry blob that was your baby. “Why wouldn’t I come? This is our baby.” He’s confused on why you would think he wouldn’t show. Yes he’s busy with work but you and the baby come first. “It’s just some guys wouldn’t think about showing up during the work day. So thank you for being an amazing dad.”
You kiss him on the check and continue walking. That’s the first time you called him dad. The role of the parental figure feels heavy. Then he looks at that blurry blob and at you. A sense of pride fills him, his family. From that moment on the nightmares didn’t seem as scary. They still made him doubt himself but it was manageable. 
Then on a sunny Friday morning your baby decided to make his entrance to the world. He was the most beautiful thing you have ever seen. You were crying as the nurses placed him on your chest for the first time. Luca’s little wales calmed once he felt your touch. “Hi baby boy.” You whisper, stroking his head lightly with one finger. You turn to look at Rafe.
He had tears streaming down his face as he watched the two of you. He has been staying back, watching his son from a distance. Following him around as the nurses cleaned him up after he had cut the umbilical cord. Once he saw his son and his wife bonding he broke. Every worry dissipated from his body. Knowing that he would do anything to keep the two of you safe.
Rafe was glued to your side from that day on and since your baby was glued to you, he always had eyes on the two most important things in his life. He felt lucky that he ran the family business. Since Rafe was the boss he could take as much time off as he wanted. You on the other hand had a steady job. 
In fact you were a nurse at the same hospital you gave birth at. They had so gracefully given you five months of maternity leave. It sure helps that they had an anonymous donor all of a sudden. Rafe just wanted to spend as much time with his family that he could. He knew you would want to work so he found a happy medium. His ideal would be you staying at home but you insist on continuing to work. He honestly values that quality in you, hoping that Luca and any future kids get it as well.
The first few weeks were hell. The two of you didn’t know how to handle a baby. Your mom tried to help as much as she could but you and Rafe wanted to figure it out on your own. It took a while but you got the hang of it. Soon feedings, nap time, and bed time were going smoothly. The five months had seemed to fly, feeling as if he was just born yesterday.
Towards the end of your maternity leave you both had a conversation. It was finally time for you to think on how to move forward with child care. “I have to be honest here. I love being at home but I miss being at work. I miss my patients, Rafe. I don’t know what to do.” You confide in your husband. Feeling ashamed for wanting to work. “Hey if that’s what you want we'll make it work. I won’t stop you.”
You look at him, trying to find comfort and finding it hard. “You don’t think I’m failing as a mother? Putting my job before our family?” You question, your fear finally being voiced. “Baby you are a great mom. I wouldn’t be as good of a dad if it wasn’t for you.” He comforts you. “I think you should do what makes you happy. If that’s going back to work then we’ll just find a nanny. It’s not a big deal.” You kiss him, grateful to have such a loving husband.
The Rafe you knew in highschool was completely different. He was a  trouble maker that made you fall for him. But now he’s everything that you dreamed of and better honestly. “Thank you.” You say after breaking the kiss. “How about we go look at nanny’s?” He questions, pecking you one last time.
The hunt for a nanny didn’t take long. The last five candidates really just have to pass the Luca test. He’s been fussy with people that aren’t you or Rafe. The only exception really being your parents and Sarah. Poor Wheezie is still trying to get him to like her.
All the candidates seemed perfect but Luca had other thoughts. Each one dropped like flies, not one lasting long enough to be considered. That was until Candice. She came in with a bright smile and Luca seemed to like her. You and Rafe watched as they played together, sharing a look knowing you finally found someone. Relief filling you both now that you have a solid plan. She was hired on the spot, instructed on all his needs and when to show up next week.
The final week was ignoring the outside world and spending as much time together. Taking every chance to cuddle with your precious boy and on rare occasions taking the opportunity to be alone. It was a perfect way to send you back off to the workforce. That was until your first day on the job.
You were happy to be back. Catching up with old co-workers, filling them in on the new addition to the family. Seeing the old patients that were still here and meeting the new ones. There was just this part of you that missed being at home. You chalked it up to just being back and went on with the day. The routine followed the same few a month or two. You went to work and longed to be home. A part of you telling you that something wasn’t right.
It never made sense, you loved your job. Sure there were some moments you didn’t like it, you just loved to help people. It’s normal to miss your child but this was something deeper. 
One day you got out of work early. Excited, you rushed home and were ecstatic when you saw that Rafe was already home. It wasn’t late so you could feed Luca and the three of you could spend time together. Once in the house you hear Rafe talking to the nanny.
“So basically you just buy property and sell them?” You hear her question. “Umm it’s a little more complicated than that. It can be stressful but yeah that’s the jist of it.” Rafe answers. There’s some clanking sounds of pots hitting each other. “You know if you are ever stressed I can help you.” Candice states. 
You freeze at her words. “Well thank you for watching Luca. Here’s your paycheck, see you tomorrow.” Rafe dismisses. You walk into the kitchen, looking at the two of them. Candice is sitting on the kitchen island and Rafe is moving around the kitchen. Candice turns to see you, her eyes narrowing a bit. “Oh hi Mrs. Cameron. I didn’t see you there.” Rafe looks over at you when you are mentioned. He smiles and walks over, giving you a deep kiss. “Hi baby.” He says, squeezing your ass a bit. “Hi.” You giggle, looking over his shoulder to see her gone.
You don’t mention how you feel, bottling it up and storing it away. Chalking it up to it being a weird interaction. Then you come home again a little earlier than expected. As soon as the door is open, arms wrapped around you. “How was your day Mr. Cameron?” A sultry voice asks. You push Candice off of you, her shocked expression matching yours. “Excuse me?” She backs away. Her hands rubbing together to calm her nerves. “I’m sorry I didn’t think you would find it inappropriate.” She reasons.
“Inappropriate? You said Mr. Cameron, were you waiting for my husband?” You accuse. Her eyes widened, her head shaking. “No I swear. I said Mrs. Cameron. You must have misheard. God I’m so embarrassed, I’m so sorry.” She seems genuine. Against your better judgment you let it go not wanting to think further into it.
The following week you get out of work, heading home just wanting to sleep. You had to stay extra today, your body is exhausted. You enter the house on pilot mode. Going through the motion as if you were in a game, all of your actions already being chosen. You didn’t snap out of it till you made it to the door of the living room. You saw Rafe and went to call out to him, stopping when you saw candice on the couch next to him.
They were close, leaning into each other. You stand there, an agonizing feeling in your chest. Why is he so close to her? Your mind thinks back to the way she threw herself on you. Of course she was waiting for Rafe. How fucking stupid could you be. Yet you knew he would never do this to you.
“Hey baby. Hi baby boy” You walk in and go over to Rafe, giving him a kiss. Picking up Luca for his playmate to give him a kiss. You look at Candice and she’s glaring at you. “Hi Candice. I’m going to go get cleaned up and we can have dinner.” Rafe’s hands find your thighs, rubbing up and down. He pulls you a bit closer, looking up at you. “Sounds good. I’ll put Luca’s toys away and get his food ready. Let me take him.” You hand him over to his dad, Rafe takes the time to kiss you one more time. 
That night in bed you let your mind wander. Voicing your discomfort in your own way. “The nanny is kinda cute, isn’t she?” You ask, head moving to look at him. He's reading a book and doesn’t really move to look at you. “Huh?” “I said the nanny’s kinda cute right?” This catches his attention.
People might think he’s stupid but he’s actually pretty smart. He knows what you are getting at here. You are starting to feel uncomfortable, maybe even jealous. “I guess, I never thought of it.” You hum at his response. It doesn’t give you much to go on. “It’s nice that she stays later even once you get home.” Rafe raises an eyebrow at you. Surely you're not implying what he thinks you are. “Yeah it is. Think we should give her a pay raise?” He jokes.
You suck in a breath, hurt starting to seep in. He wants to pay her extra for flirting with him? “What do you guys do while you wait for me to get home?” You get straight to the point. You are fed up of coming home and seeing how close together they are. You need to know if you are wasting time here. Rafe just looks at you, his eyes shutting closed and then pening up.
“Do you really think I would cheat on you?” He doesn’t hold back. The book is thrown off the bed as he turns his body to you. “No. I just can’t help the feeling that she likes you. That you will see that she’s better. It’s stupid but I really think she likes you.” He feels relieved knowing you don’t find him capable of that. He could never hurt you, you are everything to him.
“I’m never leaving you. I don’t think she has one and even if she does I don’t care. You’re all I want. We will be ninety and getting on each other's nerves. For better or for worse.” You laugh, your worries leaving. He was right, for better or for worse. 
Rafe didn’t understand why you were so worried anyway. All Candice asks him is about his day, job, and golfing. She will talk about her life from time to time but nothing more. He just simply didn’t see why you were so worried. The relationship between him and her was strictly platonic.
Rafe had beaten you home today. An account hadn’t taken him as long to close as he planned. He figured that this was a perfect time to make it up to you. He knows you have been having a tough time recently so he wants to make you feel better. Rafe had ordered your favorite food, went to the store and got your favorite chocolates and flowers. On the way home he even called your mom to see if she could take Luca for the night. He wanted to give you a stress free night.
“Candice, I'm home.” Rafe shouts into the house as he enters. His plan is to get her out of the house as soon as he can and bring Luca to your moms. He brings the bags to the kitchen, wanting to get everything set up. He’s in the middle of plating the food when he feels arms wrap around him. He smiles for a moment, thinking you got home and caught him doing something nice. He realizes something is wrong when the body leans deeper into him. He looks down and doesn’t see your ring.
“Can’t believe you would do this for me.” Candice’s voice rings in his ear. Rafe rips her arms off of him shoving her away. “What the fuck are you doing?” He yells at her. He stares at her with wide eyes. “What are you talking about? I’m just doing what we both want.” She’s walking closer to him. He has to shake his head to see if this is reality. Rafe puts his arms up before she could get closer. “Listen I don’t know what you think is happening here but it’s not real.”
He’s trying to be nice, not waiting to embarrass the young girl or make things awkward. “Yes it is. I see how you look at me. It’s okay Mr. Cameron I want to fuck you too.” Rafe is utterly bewildered. What the actual fuck is this girl on. “Hey I’ve done drugs in my time but I won’t allow you to put my son’s life in danger just so you can get high.” That could only be the possible explanation.
Every conversation and interaction is playing in Rafe’s mind. There is no way he gave her the impression that he wanted her. She just laughs at him. “I’m not on drugs, silly. I just want us to finally get it over with. I mean you brought all of this for me, clearly you feel the same.” Her arms wrap around his neck. You walk in just in time to hear the last part of what she said.
He really played you. He made you feel crazy for your thoughts and here’s the proof. You didn’t have time to speak up because Rafe was yelling. “Get the fuck off of me. You need to listen to me, touch me again and you are fired. Matter of fact you are fired. We will no longer be needing your service.” He shoves her off him, his eyes filled with rage. “What I thought.” Candice tries to explain.
“I don’t want to hear it. You know my wife saw you for what you are. A nasty whore who tries to break up families. I’m disgusted even knowing I defended you because you are nothing but shit on the bottom of my shoe. Take your fucking money and never come back.” Rafe throws the check at her yet she doesn’t reach for you.
“Let’s see what that little wife of yours thinks when I tell her how we’ve been sleeping together. She’ll leave you and you’ll just have to stay with me. She won’t believe you when you say I’m lying.” She smirks as Rafe’s face drops. Thinking she won the battle she goes to step closer to him.
“I think she’ll know you are lying. Then fire you just like MY husband did.” She freezes and Rafe looks relieved to see you. “Mrs Cameron.” “Save it.” you cut her off. “Take the money and leave. We don’t need you here anymore.” Candice picks up the check with a solemn face. She rushes past you as she leaves, looking back at Rafe one last time.
When she is gone Rafe takes a deep breath. “I’m so fucking glad you were there. I was close to punching her in the face.” He breathes out. You just laugh walking over to him. “I wouldn’t have minded.” He gives you a kiss, looking at the bags on the counter.
“So much for a romantic night for the two of us. Even have your mom for overnight duty.” You smile at him, biting your lip and you look up. “Why don’t we drop Luca off and you can make it up to me. Since we already have the sitter of course.” You rationalize. “I like the way you think Mrs. Cameron.”
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strangersmunsons · 3 months
💖 Eddie Munson x Reader Fic Recs 💖
I just wanna show some appreciation for a few of my all-time favorite Eddie fics! Here’s a handful of the series & oneshots that have really stuck out to me in all the time I've been reading - there's A TON of great writers on here who have posted really stellar work :^)
List under the cut!
june baby by @luveline - luveline jade u are a celebrity to me. this was the first Eddie story I ever read and it is so beautiful. it's tender. it's melancholy. it's realistic. it's gorgeous. it honestly makes me feel something I've never felt reading any other fanfiction.
oh, baby by @inknopewetrust - another one of my first Eddie fics! the feeling that this series invoked in me is what I aspire to invoke in others for my own writing someday. it's just so sweet and funny and made me nostalgic, in the same way that watching '80s teen films do, except it's even better because Eddie is in this one. I wanted so badly to just dive into the story and really experience it for myself.
hoping I'll find [a glimpse of us] by @inknopewetrust - this smashed my heart into 1000 pieces, and then promptly glued it very sloppily back together and I've reread it like six times just to reinflict the pain. I love rockstar!Eddie stories that maintain some realism about what that type of relationship would look like, and this fic does that SO perfectly. masterclass in angst right here.
dancing with myself by @ambrossart - this one hits close to home! and even though it hurts along the way, there's a happy ending that it builds so nicely towards! it's beautifully paced & the reader is very funny. you can just tell that the her backstory & relationship w/ Eddie was so carefully thought out, it really feels like this was written with so much love! and I LOVE that it doesn't paint Chrissy as a villain.
10 things I hate about you by @spideyanakin - so glad that we all collectively agree that Patrick is Eddie-coded. and in this fic the parallels are there, without Eddie sacrificing his own unique character - that part is handled really beautifully! and the ST characters are worked into the original movie's narrative so well. it's the perfect mix of fluff and drama!
freaky friday by @jo-harrington - I adore this series! I love this version of Eddie so much I could cry, he is so sweet and selfless, I want to give him the entire world. and an Eddie & Steve body swap? 10/10. lindsay and jamie lee, eat your hearts out.
to know you're mine by @blueywrites - oooohboy. I almost didn’t read this one (just because I would normally avoid swinging/cheating in a fic) but I'm so glad I did, because it was like being on the homer's odyssey of 18+ ST fanfiction. it’s wild. bluey girl u were insane for this. and i mean that as an extremely high compliment. i was so damn invested!
i will wait by @abibliophobiaa, @blueywrites, @breddiemunson, @myosotisa, @fracturedarkness - there's three chapters, it's on hiatus, I don't care, I will literally keep reading these three chapters over and over again and just fill in the blanks myself if I must. it's that good. you guys are amazing. I am totally enthralled.
rumor by @msgexymunson - this is what turned me on to older!Eddie. I love him, and I desire him carnally, and specifically this version of him. when I daydream about Eddie sweeping me off my feet, I think about Eddie in this series. he's everything to me. I even wrote my own older neighbor Eddie fic because of this!
trapped under ice by @munson-blurbs - the iron grip this fic had me in...I'm still going back and re-reading my favorite parts. it's beautifully developed. this version of Eddie is so real and believable. Harris is my favorite kid he's ever been given. an all-time, truly, I can't sing its praises enough.
siren!eddie by @parkermunson - a monster-ish Eddie fic! I'm a sucker for anything that incorporates mermaids and sirens and the like, so I really love this concept. it's a great story, I love our protective, doting fishboy, and hope to see more of him!
use me by @reysorigins - simultaneously the nastiest and sweetest fic ever. smut, but it's interspersed with these moments of such deep-seated love and yearning between Eddie and the reader that it made me want to cry! incredible piece.
mine and yours by @muertawrites - ahhhh this one is so so sweet! dating is so fucking hard, I think we could all use a comforting, reassuring moment with a sweetheart like Eddie, who is especially kind to us in this fic. I love the way he’s written here.
our patron saint of the arts by @storiesbyrhi - I love an artsy, crafty reader! I feel like Eddie would be sooo into someone who’s creatively-minded like him. this is the dream relationship, basically, these two are adorable together! (and Eddie in a dress! 😗)
And this is just a sample of what’s out there! Some of these are fics that I read very early on, even before I started this blog. I was more shy then, too, so I feel like I never showed them the appreciation I should have! You guys are all so talented, these works are very inspiring to me.
To readers: I encourage you to let the writers know how much you enjoy their work! Reblog! Leave a comment, even if it’s just in the tags! Write a reply, or send them a message, even if it’s on anon! I’m trying to get better at doing these things myself, too 💖
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grandeoatmilklatte · 3 months
Fire in the Frat House (Modern College AU Ominis Gaunt x F!MC) 🔥
Another mood board challenge from my wonderful friend @ellivenollivander . She sent me another mood board to base a fic off of, with this one being Ominis themed. So I decided to revisit my modern college AU Frat boy Ominis.
Tagging @little-emerald-snake cause you were excited when I posted the snippet to this one! Apologies it's not hella spicy but I have some spicy Ominis on the way!
Warnings: Mostly fluff, but with a brief moment of dry hump!ng || characters are in college and over 18.
Word Count: 1.9k
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The girl groaned as the webpage loaded, displaying a measly 70% on the essay she had submitted last week, the one that had taken her hours of research to complete. 3 months into it, and her first semester wasn’t turning out to be the fun experience she thought it was going to be. Granted, she knew there was more to college than parties, but she also didn’t think her classes would be this difficult, especially having done so well in high school. 
Right now, there were only two things bringing her joy in her freshman life. The first thing being her Sorority - her sisters being some of the best people she had met in her time in college so far. Although the Sorority president, Imelda Reyes, absolutely hated her, she mostly left her alone. The second thing was her relationship with sophomore, popular boy, and campus Fraternity’s president - Ominis Gaunt. 
On the surface, Ominis seemed like the most stereotypical hot, rich, Frat boy - His family donated tons of money to the university over the years, and were friends with the Dean’s family. All of the male Gaunts had attended the school, and they all served as Fraternity president the entire time they were in attendance. Everyone respected Ominis and his social status. Nobody dared to cross him, or even think about making fun of his blindness, which he had since birth. All the boys wanted to be his friend, and all the girls wanted to be his girlfriend (hence Imelda’s hatred). 
Being Ominis Gaunt came with a lot of power, and being Ominis Gaunt’s girlfriend came with a power of its own. She met him on a Friday after her first week, was in his bed by Saturday, and was in the Sorority by Monday. There was no bullying or freshman hazing for her with Ominis on her arm.
Despite the quickness at which their relationship developed, they were very happy. Ominis was an amazing boyfriend - never afraid to show her off, and being supportive during her first semester of college. Of course there were some things he could not prepare her for, and this crappy grade was one of those things. The girl slammed her laptop shut, grabbed her jacket, and left the Sorority house. 
She walked the short distance from the Sorority house to the Frat house, where she let herself inside with her key; another perk of being Ominis Gaunt’s girlfriend. As she passed the kitchen, she found Garreth Weasley, her friend from high school, raiding the fridge. 
She shot Garreth a smile before she made her way upstairs to Ominis’s room, which she found empty. She knew he had a big exam today, so this wasn’t surprising. Between this exam and her essay, the couple had barely seen each other the past few days. She tossed herself on his bed, which was dressed with emerald green satin sheets, and waited, eventually dozing off. 
She wasn’t sure how long she had been asleep for, but she was violently awoken when she heard the sound of Ominis’s room door slamming shut. She sat up to see her boyfriend tossing his school bag on the floor in frustration. 
“Babe, are you okay?” 
Ominis looked up in the direction of her voice, seemingly having not noticed she was there. “Oh, darling! I didn’t realize you were here. I…I didn’t do so great on that exam.” There was sadness in his voice. Despite Ominis’s status, he was incredibly smart and took his studies very seriously, so not doing well on an exam was not easy for him.
“Oh honey, I’m sorry!” She threw her arms around him, pulling him into an embrace. “If it makes you feel any better, I didn’t do well on my essay either. Why don’t we do something fun tonight, to get our minds off our terrible day!”
Ominis pulled back, a smile now gracing his beautiful face. “That sounds like a wonderful idea, my dear! Let me take a shower and then we can plan our evening.”
She looked on as Ominis began to strip down, fighting the urge to pounce on him right then and there. Her eyes studied his body as he undressed - his toned arms, fit stomach, the trail of dark blonde hair below his belly button, lower. 
She shook her head to pull herself out of her inappropriate thoughts, grateful that he couldn’t see the way she was ogling him as he wrapped a towel around his waist and exited the room. Not wanting to wait around in his bedroom, she headed downstairs, where she found Garreth in the common area, devouring a bowl of pasta. 
“Is everything alright? I saw Gaunt seemed pretty upset when he got here.” he asked with a mouth full of food. 
She rolled her eyes at Garreth’s terrible manners, and went on to explain the horrible day they both had. As she spoke, Garreth continued to eat his spaghetti, and it gave her an idea. 
“That really sucks!” Garreth said through another mouthful of food. “A few of us guys are going to the movies tonight, and then we’re going to get some beers. I know Ominis can’t actually see the movie, but he likes to listen to them. You’re welcome to tag along!”
“Thanks for the offer, Weasley but we’ll pass. We have plans tonight anyway!”
“Well, make sure nobody catches you here after 10. You know you’re not allowed to be here after 10!” Garreth said the last bit in a mocking tone while she laughed, knowing full well that Ominis never followed that rule. 
When she made her way back upstairs, she found Ominis getting dressed. She once again ogled him as he put on a satin black button-down, which he paired with black skinny jeans. He paused for a moment before chuckling. 
“You know, I can feel you staring at me again.”
She let out a bashful laugh. “Sorry baby, I can’t help it, you’re just so pretty to look at.”
Ominis smiled. “Heard that a few of the guys were going out to a movie. Figured we could go and then I can take you to dinner afterwards.”
“Actually, I thought maybe we could stay in. We’ve got the entire house to ourselves after all! I thought I could cook us some dinner!”
She didn’t have much skill when it came to cooking, the roles of house chefs belonging to Garreth and a girl named Poppy in her house, but she was eager to do something fun for Ominis, and she hoped it would take both their minds off their bad day. 
“Oh darling, that would be lovely!”
It was not lovely. Twenty minutes in and she had already shattered a bowl, dropped raw chicken on the floor, and spilled pasta sauce on herself. Despite the chaos she declined help, Ominis having shouted “Darling, are you alright? Do you need any help?” three times in the short time she had been in the kitchen. 
Her luck began to turn around, or so she thought, when she successfully had two chicken breasts cooking nicely on the stove. She then turned her attention to a pot she had filled with water that was starting to boil. She grabbed a handful of spaghetti, not bothering to measure if it was an appropriate amount for two people, and tossed it into the water. Figuring she had some time before she’d need to return to her pasta, she headed over to the common area to find Ominis on the couch. 
“How’s it going, my beautiful chef?” 
“It’s FINALLY going alright!” she giggled as she straddled his lap, her arms coming up around his neck. 
“I’m so glad. I can’t wait to taste what you’ve got cooking for us!” Ominis placed his arms on her back, pulling her against his chest as his lips found hers. Their tongues danced, and after a few seconds, her hips started moving, grinding against his lap. She began to moan softly against his lips as Ominis’s hands shot up her skirt, taking hold of her ass. He guided her as she grinded her center against the growing bulge in his pants. 
Her hands moved from Ominis’s neck to his chest as she began to open the buttons on his shirt when he abruptly pulled away from her lips, sniffing the air around him. “Darling, do you smell that? It smells like - “
“Oh shit!” She shouted as she jumped off of her boyfriend’s lap, running to the kitchen. The fire alarm began to blare as she was met with the sight of her dry spaghetti on fire. She began to panic, frantically opening cabinets until she found the pot’s lid, slamming the lid on to the pot, forcing the flames to smother. It took the pair several minutes to free the room of smoke, the girl bursting into tears once they had finished. 
“I’m so sorry Ominis! I just wanted to do something nice for us after the horrible day we had. I’m so sorry I ruined dinner and made things worse!”
Ominis planted a kiss on her forehead before pulling his sobbing girlfriend into his arms. “Nonsense darling, the effort alone was more than enough. No matter how bad my day is, once I’m with you, it all fades away. I love you, sweetheart! It’s okay! I promise. We can always order a pizza.”
“I feel the same way. You make even the worst days amazing.” She sniffled. “I love you, Ominis.”
One hour and one pizza pie later, the couple was snuggled on the couch watching tv. Drowsiness began to overtake the girl, as she let out a yawn. 
“Do you mind if I hop in your shower? I’m getting sleepy.”
“Of course. Just give me a moment!” 
Without another word, Ominis walked off, walking stick in hand, leaving her on the couch. She thought nothing of it, figuring he just wanted to use the bathroom, or perhaps clean it up before she went in; that is until she heard Ominis calling her name from the bathroom upstairs.
She pulled open the bathroom door to find a bubble bath waiting for her, the smell of lavender and roses wafting through the air, and Ominis already in the tub. 
“Ominis!” she exclaimed, the sweet gesture almost making her cry.
“Get in darling, before the water gets cold! And before the rest of the guys get back.”
She was about to undress when she was hit with another, less dangerous idea than her last one. She left the bathroom, returning a few moments later with a bottle of wine and a carton of strawberries. 
The couple soaked in their bath, playing with the bubbles, drinking the wine straight from the bottle, and feeding each other strawberries. As Ominis began to massage shampoo into his girlfriend’s scalp, she reminisced about the terrible day she had, and how it turned around so quickly thanks to Ominis. She was so grateful for him and she found herself falling deeper and deeper in love with him with each passing day. Ominis felt the same, wondering to himself what he would do without her in his life. He loved her more than anything else in the world.
They finished in the bath just in time to hear the sound of the boys returning home. Not wanting to hear their complaints of “why are you allowed to have a girl here after hours and we can’t?”, Ominis quickly brought her back to his bedroom, where they got ready to call it a night. 
After changing into one of his oversized shirts and nothing else, she joined him in bed, nuzzling into him as he wrapped his arms around her. As they snuggled, Ominis forgot about the exam he failed, and she forgot about the paper she bombed. They both just focused on each other’s breathing until they drifted off to sleep. 
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impromptu-sketches · 1 year
Buddy Daddies, final thoughts.
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I had such a fun time watching this show one episode at a time every Friday morning. I haven’t been this tuned in to an anime in a long time but I was so excited about this one from the beginning!
It’s so weird thinking back to everyone saying “it’s like Spy x Family with two guys” because that became inaccurate so fast haha we really thought it was going to be a light-hearted comedy... they really got us.
I loved the Wednesday previews, the music (especially the lofi remix!), the instagram posts, the notes, and whoever started the bingo, bless you! ♡
Overall Buddy Daddies was a rollercoaster (not ferris wheel thank goodness)! I really could not guess where it was going from episode to episode, it could have gone in a million different directions, but I am so happy that this is the story we got.
The way Miri burst into everyone’s hearts from episode one ♡ and for a four/five year old, was shown to be such a great kid who wants to be accepted, wants to make friends, who sticks up for others, and who tells people when they’re doing something wrong.
Rei starting out as a stereotypical quiet mysterious dark haired character but becoming SO MUCH MORE. Sure it took him a minute but he was the one who FOUGHT for their family the most - he became the GLUE. We all thought it was going to be Kazuki, but it was Rei. He said ‘I want to be a family’ and then they DID.
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Kazuki on the other hand, the overprotective mama hen, he created their family. He CHOSE Rei, chose to move in, chose to take care of him, to buy him a couch, cook for him, and stay with him. He took one look at Miri, smiled and chose to run after her - he didn’t have to do that during their mission. He chose to risk the mission to save her, to call himself her papa, to take her home. This means so much more knowing he’s an orphan who never had a family - he went and created one.
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About the queerness specifically ~
From what I saw -from the show- if I knew nothing about it and just hit play and watched all the way through...
Rei seemed ace/aro to me. He’s not shown to have any romantic or sexual relationships past, present, or time skip. This guy grew up with ZERO affection so it’s either he doesn’t know how, can’t, or isn’t interested. But there’s no attempt or interest, so aro/ace it is! Even with Kazuki, we see him accepting help, them clearly forming a bond to be living together for three+ years and be partners doing dangerous work together - that requires a lot of trust and we finally see that trust and teamwork in episode 12 - but it’s unspoken between them. They’re not affectionate with each other, not physically close, etc. (that we see anyway).
Kazuki definitely seems bi or pan. He’s obviously into women, but he also does this thing where he’s kind of flirty with guys in a joking way? (see images below) To me that’s nervous bisexual energy. That’s just the overall vibe I get from him too. Also that look he had on his face when he first saw Rei... suspicious.
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Would I have liked it if they showed each other more affection? Yes! Especially in the later episodes. If their relationship was canon? Hell yes! Because I like BL and I think it would’ve been cute and also made sense and added to their character development. 
There’s ~plenty~ of room to read into queerness in this show... I actually think it would be an even better story if they were in a relationship for a few reasons.
For Rei, finally being free to be his true self, being with someone for love and not for the family bloodline, to accept love and affection. And Kazuki, forgiving himself, letting himself be happy again, finding love again. I think that’s an amazing story for the both of them!
But they didn’t make it that way. This show isn’t (technically) a BL and that’s okay. They still both found happiness and family - and that’s what’s most important.
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Buddy Daddies was FUN and that could have been it but it was deeper than that, watching all of them grow and change together. The ending made me cry tears of joy and relief that they’re all happy and safe.
I have a few tiny things I didn’t like or would have changed, but they’re so minor looking back at the show as a whole.
I do wish they spread out the story, either with more episodes, longer episodes, or both. I wanted to see more small moments, more fluff, more day-to-day family activities, more Rei & Kazuki being friends and having regular conversations, and more assassin scenes with them working together like in the beginning of ep. 1 and in ep. 12. We mostly saw them mess up their work... I wanted to see more action!!
But the show did SO MUCH more than expected with this story. 
The ending episode was AMAZING!! We got to see them fight together for themselves and their family, we saw them being there for Miri, and the time skip!!!! I CRIED EVERY TIME I WATCHED THE TIME SKIP SCENE!!! Miri growing up to be a lovely happy healthy girl. Rei & Kazuki owning a diner at the beach. A simple life full of love and acceptance.
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From episode 1, did I think Buddy Daddies would make me cry? NO
Did I think I would post this much about this show? NO I wasn’t planning on posting about it at all!
But here we are crying and spending all day/night on tumblr sharing our thoughts, reading the thoughts of others. It’s been a blast!
*Update ~
I wrote all that ^ the weekend after ep. 12 came out and now it’s almost a month later.
I’m so happy to see everyone still posting about them ♡♡♡
Lily is still posting drawings - we’ve gotten so many great ones, official images from the DVDs are coming out, and I’ve seen so much fanart and fanfiction going around! Amazing!! Thank you to all of the creators out there!!
Shoutout to some fanarts on twitter I’m loving!
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@KMRbd5118 ^
@tamsekai​ | twitter
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certified-ni-ki-lover · 10 months
“Aren’t you the model from my figure drawing class?”
SEVENTEEN The8 Oneshot
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You finally got hands-on tickets to one of the most famous art museums. Not only were you able to finally see all the spectacular paintings & sculptures but you also saw an unexpected piece, which was undoubtedly the most gorgeous artwork in theworld.
Word Count: 743
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You loved art. You loved how there were so many forms of art you could express yourself with. Sculptures. Paintings. Sketches. Photography. You loved them all. You could express yourself in different kinds of art. You loved how some artworks could have such deep & beautiful meanings behind them & how some were just simple &aesthetically pleasing.
You loved sketching & painting. You were in a painting club & sketching class. You enjoyed seeing how different everyone around would paint. Some would paint sadness, some happiness some anger, others just did it for fun & to please their minds.
Your sketch class was rather interesting. You signed up so you could develop your skills more. They brought in models for everyone to sketch. Each time the same model came in you would barely recognize them. Their outfits & hairstyles would get more complicated & detailed. But you liked that.
Today you were so excited. Your aunt surprised you last minute by giving you tickets to one of the most popular art museums. You’ve been trying for months trying to get your hands on these tickets. Now you finally had them. You couldn’t wait to see all the beautiful artwork & get inspired by all the amazing artists. You hurriedly got dressed, grabbed a quick bite to eat & then headed to the museum.
When you got in you were special at how elegant & unreal everything looked. Not only was the artwork in there beautiful, but the building itself was also gorgeous. The architecture was spectacular, from the floor tiles, pillars everything.
You roamed around observing all the artwork, taking pictures & writing down notes. That when you saw him. Staring at a painting was a model that came frequently to your class. Every Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday. All your sketches of him were stunning. You paid very close attention to him & to every little detail. You sort of developed a crush on him. It was hard not to. The way he talked about art was like music to your ears. You could hear him talk about his favorite paintings, why they were his favorite & the meanings behind every one of them 24/7. His eyes sparkled whenever he talked about them, which made him look even more breathtaking.
You decided today was the day you were going to ask him out. You took a deep breath & walked towards him. “Aren’t you the model from my figure drawing class?” he jumped at the sudden voice. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you” you said embarrassed. “It’s ok,” he said laughing a little “& yea I’ve seen you around there. Your sketches always turn out amazing” he said smiling. You could feel you cheeks heat up at the compliment “Thank you,” you replied shyly. “So, which is your favorite piece here so far” you asked trying to start a conversation with him. You could see his eyes light up & he began explaining his favorite pieces here & their meanings behind them. “Woah you know a lot about this museum” you said. “Yea, my parents own it so I’m here often” he replied. Your eyes grew wide “Your parents OWN this museum??!” you asked shocked “woah that’s so cool & lucky” you said, he just chuckled. “By the way, I never got your name,” he said smiling down at you. “It’s Y/N,” you replied smiling, “what about yours?” you asked back. “Xu Minghao” “but you can just call me hao” he said smiling.
“Well Y/N since it’s your first time here why don’t I give you a private tour of everything?” he asked “I would love that” you replied. Both of you walked around the museum & he showed you everything. Both of you talked about what you think each painting represents & what the artists was thinking while he made them. He even introduced you to his parents. They were super nice & were impressed by your art skills.
Around closing time you both went out, “um Y/N, I was wondering if you could give me your number?” he asked shyly. “It could be cool to hangout sometime. I know the perfect place we could go to paint the sunset” he said. “Sure, I would love that” you replied smiling, he smiled back. You gave him phone & he put in his number. That night both you texted each other till 1 AM making plans for your date the next day.
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Let me know if anyone wants a part 2 to this!!💚💚
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psychospore · 1 year
Sneaky Session
A/n: making this quick one using my phone before I go to work. Will edit this later and add on my masterlist Happy Friday! Finally finished my edit for this one-shot.
Summary: You sneakily had work sex with Loki and Steve almost caught you in an uncompromising position.
Word count: 1490
Warnings: 18+, minors DNI, oral sex (f to m), fingering (m to f), name calling, almost getting caught, light fluff at the end.
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─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Uptight bitch. Prude. Miss Know-It-All.
That's what most people from SHIELD call you because of your intimidating and no-nonsense personality. Men flinch in your presence, and women gossip about you in your absence.
Maybe you looked older too - tight bun hiding your long, soft hair, spectacles befitting a middle-aged woman, mid-length pencil skirt and a long-sleeved collared blouse covered by your knee-length pristine lab coat were your daily get-up.
Fury decides to re-assign you to work with the Avengers, staying there full time as a Laboratory Scientist solely working on developing DNA-specific large-scale bio-weapons.
The team usually leaves you with whatever you're doing in the lab, just making small talk here and there to make sure you're still alive, they know better than to disturb you especially when you're engrossed with your new findings.
In fact, they barely see you outside your lab at all! Sometimes they wonder if you're indeed human, not seeing you coming in or out of the laboratory to eat or sleep. Except for one...
Loki sees a wild side of you that you've never shown to anyone. It all started after a drunken night where you and Loki ended up having sex together and you've managed to keep coming back to it whenever you get the chance, without anyone noticing.
Fast forward...
You were working behind your large working table, writing your findings when you saw Loki sneaking in from your peripheral view.
"Hey, anything up?" You asked, your eyes met in a gaze.
"I miss you already, he misses you already. You've been way busy with work," he teasingly declared as he grabs you by the waist to prop you up from your chair to place your bum on the table, he situated himself between your legs, propping your skirt upwards as he draws in closer. You can feel his clothed bulge near your pussy as it starts to slick with arousal.
He inched closer to your face and removed your spectacles, placing them gently on the table. You placed your hands behind his broad shoulders to take him in a hungry kiss. Without breaking the kiss, his hands roamed around your body, grabbing a breast from underneath your blouse and bra as a finger flicks your now swollen nipple. You whimpered, and you wanted more - to which Loki happily obliged.
He unbuttoned your lab coat, then your blouse, and unlatched the hooks from your then strapless bra making it fall on the floor. He hiked up your skirt to your waist and pulled your soaking panties out, giving it a quick whiff before keeping it in his pocket.
He marveled at the look you have now, legs spread from the edge of the table, magnificent breasts peeking through an open blouse, and a beautiful pussy waiting to be ravaged by his godly mouth and cock. Your face flushed red with embarrassment.
"stop staring at me, you're making me embarrassed" trying to hide your face with your hands
"oh but love, this is a sight to behold. A sight worthy of worship," as he guides your hands away from your face so he could bear witness to your face as he brings you different sensations.
He kneeled down to meet your slick folds, and you arched your back in response when he started eating you out. It was amazing how carefully and meticulously he touched and sucked all the right places inside and outside. Rubbing your walls with his dexterous fingers.
"oh, Loki... I'm about to cum," as you moaned in sweet ecstasy. Your hips bucked to meet his fingers further inside you.
"let it all out, pet. Show me how much your pussy weeps for me,"
A gush of warm fluid overflowed out of you as his fingers quickened to draw out your climax. He gestured for you to come down from the table as he sat on your chair, legs spread. You knew what it meant.
You pulled down his trousers to reveal his enraged member. You lick a strip from the base towards the tip, circling your tongue for a bit before taking it all in and out your mouth continuously. Despite his large cock, he was proud to see you not gag and faithfully taking it all up to your throat.
Your fingers masterfully maneuvered around his hard cock, in sync with your sucking as you hear Loki's moans and groans filling your ears.
"oh my little whore, I could never find any mortal as skillful as you in handling a huge bioweapon... like my cock for example," he smirked and shortly moaned again in pleasure.
Your eyes rolled in disbelief as he used your work against you and wanted to retort back but Loki decided to ram his dick further and harder into your throat. He grabbed your hair, freeing your tied mane as he thrusts harder and harder as he climaxed, filling your mouth with his cum as you hungrily swallowed and cleaned it all up.
He stood and lifted you up, and bent you over the table. He knew how you liked getting fucked from behind like a slut you are.
He enjoyed the thought that he could tame the beast everyone seems to be wary of. How he could make a prim and proper lady like you turn into the sex-hungry slut that you truly are.
Slowly, he guided the tip of his cock into your wet folds. You whimpered, trying to accommodate his size, and you heard a satisfied sigh from Loki as he fully immerses himself inside you - balls deep.
You had your chest and arms on the table to support yourself as he gyrates into your core when you heard footsteps from outside your door.
You panicked, not wanting anyone to see you in that compromising position.
Rogers opened the door and found something unexpected.
He saw you like a mess. Hair everywhere on your face, sitting uncomfortably on your chair, occasionally wriggling around to find a more comfortable position. Your coat is all wrinkled but fully buttoned up to your neck. He looks at you quizzingly.
"Are you okay? You seem like you've been in a crash"
"yeah. All good " you answered as you nod and twitched.
"I'll have Stark give you mandatory rest days from now on. Well, I'm just here to quickly check in on you. Go get some rest soon, alright?" He nods as he exits the door.
"sure. Thanks!" Your voice squeaked.
You took a deep breath when he was finally out.
Little did he know Loki cast an illusion. All the while you were straddling Loki's dick, like a cock warmer that you are. The throbbing of his member made you twitch a few times while Rogers was there.
You were horrified but unexpectedly aroused at the thought of getting caught. As soon as Rogers was out, Loki resumed his interrupted session with you.
He whispered, "how did you like that? Almost getting caught by Rogers while getting fucked senseless by me," his words were like aphrodisiacs, sending signals to your brain that made you wet again. Loki noticed it.
"Oh, you like that, huh. You liked the thrill of doing this," he whispered gritting his teeth and fucking you from behind.
"yes, yes. I love it," you responded barely containing moans as he lifts your other leg to fuck you some more.
Your pussy started to make squelching sounds which riled him up and he rammed harder into you.
"so much for little miss prim and proper. Only cum for me like this darling. Only me can see how much a dirty little whore you are"
"Only you, Loki. Just you" you shuddered.
He bit your earlobe as you both crashed and climaxed into each other's bodies.
The mix of your and Loki's cum spills out of your sore pussy.
He cleaned you both up with magic and wrapped you in a tight embrace as you slumped on the floor.
"was I too much today, love?" He asked, as he carefully tucks a stray hair behind your ear.
"other than Rogers almost walking in on us, no. You really know what I enjoy doing" you sheepishly responded
"of course, all for my love." He kissed your lips.
You both stood up, carefully making sure your tight bun, collared blouse, mid-length skirt, spectacles, and coat are in perfect condition as you continue your workday after that raunchy sex you just had with Loki.
Loki made sure that you are all good, and checked in on you to make sure you were getting enough food and rest (like he initially planned on doing before lust overcame his senses). He hugged you tightly as he plans on when he can visit you again.
He turned around towards you one last time before he left, "well, Rogers said that you'll be getting mandatory time off now, I guess I can crash at your place when that happens," he winked.
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punk4ndisorderly · 1 year
light on
The one where Y/N is the daughter of a legendary Team USA coach and used to attend the development program with the boys. 8 years after they last saw each other in person, a reunion brings Jack and Y/N back into each other’s lives... and hearts.
if you keep the light on, i'll keep the light on
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X XI - stranger things have happened XII
“I’m getting married!”
A huge grin grew on Y/N's face. She stood up immediately, tackling River and hugging him tightly.
“Oh my god! Are you serious?”
“Yeah!” her older brother nodded.
Pulling him to her chest again, the doctor refused to let go for a little longer.
“I’m so happy for you! Congratulations! This is amazing!” she gushed, completely losing her cool.
“I know, I can’t believe it either but… Would you mind easing up on the hug? I don’t need to be nursing a broken rib when I walk down the aisle.”
Y/N released River, her eyebrow raising.
“Wait… The wedding’s in two weeks? How on Earth did you manage to pull that off?”
“I might have been secretly planning it since Christmas…” her brother disclosed, looking down at her feet coyly.
“What?” Y/N all but screeched, her eyes now looking like saucers. “You’ve been engaged since Christmas and you didn’t think to tell me about it?”
“Technically, I’ve been engaged since my birthday, but kind of procrastinated ninety-nine percent of the planning till around Christmas…”
“Why am I only being informed now?” she insisted, placing her small hands on her hips, a stern look on her face, as if she were talking to one of her subordinates.
“We wanted to organize everything before telling anyone about it. Plus, if people only knew we were getting married two weeks prior to the deed, there’d be less of a chance of someone blabbing to the wrong person and it ending up on the internet. You know how people love to gossip about Coach Y/L/N's family.”
“What if I had things planned for that day already?”
“Please, you mostly stay home alone painting and watching paranormal documentaries when Joey's at her father’s.” River quickly dismissed that possibility.
Y/N gasped in mock outrage, earning a pointed look from her brother.
“Fair enough…” she shrugged. He knew her too well.
“Okay, so now that you’re on board: David's mom insisted we had to get married on a Sunday because I am enough of a sinner already living with the man and all that, but I wanted to have a grandiose weekend, so we booked the main cabin for our closest friends to stay here. Starts Friday night and ends at dawn on Monday.”
“Right, and who are these friends?”
“You and some others. Mom and dad, David's parents, family and other guests will only be here for the actual day. Don’t worry, I’m inviting loverboy as well.” the eldest sibling winked, starting to head back to the trail.
Y/N scoffed, patting her sweaty forehead dry with her tank top.
“Do I know any other people?”
“The boys will be there, don't worry. Apart from them, I’m only inviting a few of my childhood friends, co-workers and immediate family. Keeping it low-key.”
“Knowing you, it’ll be the most over-the-top thing I’ll ever see in my life, but sure… I still can’t believe you waited until now to let me know you were getting married!”
“I’ve still got something to tell you…”
“Are you adopting?”
“No, god, no.”
“Are you that opposed to having children?”
“No, no. I mean, I want to, just not planning for them right now… I don’t feel the need to rush into anything...”
“Then what is it, Riv?”
“You’re going to be by my side at the altar.”
“You mean…”
“I want you to be my maid of honor.”
“Oh my god!” Y/N squealed, squeezing the life out of her brother. “I’d be honored, River!”
The pair hugged for a few seconds, laughing at how ridiculous they both looked with tears in their eyes, threatening to fall at any moment. During their walk back, the duo reminisced on their childhood and the long winding road that led them to that precise moment, to that exact location.
“One last thing…” her brother began, climbing into his car.
“Lord have mercy…”
“You have throw me a bachelor party. By the end of the day all guests will have been informed about the wedding, so I’ll text you the names and numbers of the people I want to have there. Oh, and it has to be next Friday.”
“Are you sure you want me to set up your bachelor party or do you plan on doing it all yourself?” the doctor chuckled.
“You know I’m a control freak, I can’t help it.”
“Relax.” Y/N patted his leg. “I got you.”
 “So now you’re in charge of planning her last hurrah?” Jack inquired, holding his phone to his ear with the help of his shoulder, putting the lasagna he was making in the oven.
“Yep.” Y/N confirmed, popping the ‘p’. “I just have a tiny problem with that: I have no idea how I’m going to do it. I mean, my idea of fun on a Friday night is staying in playing board games and watching scary movies or those really corny, completely unrealistic romcoms.”
The brunette man smiled at the mention of her calm evening plans, walking away from the kitchen and turning on the TV in his living room, zapping through the thousands of useless channels he paid for mostly for his friends’ enjoyment other than his.
“Oh sweet, innocent Y/N Y/L/N… There’s so much to do in New York on a Friday night… Bachelor parties practically plan themselves.”
“Easy for you to say, Mr. Superstar.” she quipped, biting hard on her bottom lip as she tried to hold up the mattress with just one hand to change the sheets on her bed. “I don’t really like crowded places, but I’ll make the sacrifice for River.”
“That’s very noble of you.” the Devils' player teased. “Hold on, Trev is here.” he said when he heard the doorbell ring.
Jack opened the door, signaling for Trevor to come in, stepping aside.
“I’m just going to finish my call, I’ll be right back.” he told his friend, entering the kitchen. “Hey, I’m back.”
“As I was saying, I’m completely out of ideas. I considered karaoke, but it’s such a typical thing for me to suggest.”
The Devils' player was mindlessly going through his unopened mail while she was speaking, randomly finding a flyer that caught his attention.
“What about a concert?”
“A concert?”
“Apparently, The Bucks are performing Friday at MSG.”
“Yes! That’s perfect!” Y/N jabbered, ecstatic. “River was obsessed with one of the band members back in the day.”
“Yeah?” the brunette man asked, drinking from his beer bottle.
“Yeah! Oh Gretz, if only you knew how much I love you right now!” she raved, speed-walking to her desk to check the availability of tickets.
Jack choked on his drink, coughing uncontrollably, making Trevor run to his rescue.
“Do you need me to do the Heimlich? Dude, I know it would technically involve me practically grinding against your ass, but your mom would kill me if I let you die and we’re bros, it doesn’t matter, okay?” he babbled, closing the distance between them. “It’ll be okay, hold on!”
“Z.” the hockey player said in between coughs. “I’m fine, it was just beer.”
“Oh, thank god. You know I was prepared to do it though, right?”
“I do, thanks man.”
“Alright, I’ll leave you to it. Just bring me food when you’re done, please. I’m starving.”
“Jack?” Y/N called from the other side of the line. “Are you okay?”
“Sorry, yeah. I’m here. So, what are you guys doing after the show?”
“Wait, we’re supposed to go out after the concert?” she panicked.
“It’s a bachelor party, Y/N. It’s heavily implied.”
“Fuck… Precisely the reason why I was probably better off without one… I’ll figure it out later. Let me know if you got any suggestions, though.”
“I will. Have a good day, Mess.”
“You too, babe.”
Jack hung up the phone, clearing his throat one more time. He couldn’t believe he had reacted the way he did to her words. They weren’t supposed to make him feel the way he did. He wasn’t supposed to picture what it would be like hearing them in another context. What the hell was going on with him?
“Talking to Y/N again, I see…” Trevor smirked, leaning against the doorframe.
“Friends usually tak to each other, right?” he grumbled, trying to play it cool, checking on the lasagna.
“Sure… What’s up with our lovely friend?”
“She’s in charge of planning River's bachelor party and I suggested she’d buy tickets for a concert.”
“Who’s performing?” his friend inquired, coming closer to him, attracted by the smell of food.
“The Bucks.” he shrugged.
“The Bucks? Oh, dude, we’ve got to go!” Trevor hooted, slapping Jack's arm enthusiastically.
“Didn’t know you were a fan.”
“Are you kidding me? Why do you think I tried growing my hair out back in middle school? I wanted to be a part of the band so bad. I used to have a huge poster of them looking down on my bed. All the action they witnessed…”
“You mean the action between you and your hand?”
“Just get the fucking tickets, Hughes. We’re going.”
“Wear the shorts, Y/N.” River sighed, giving her a stern look and motioning to the pair of golden high-waisted shorts she was holding up. “It’s my party, I define the dress code.”
“I’m going to freeze my ass off.” Y/N countered, tightening the silk robe against her body.
“What are you talking about? It’s June!”
“Fine! I’ll wear the damn shorts.” she grumbled, taking the garment from her brother's hands and reluctantly putting them on.
The hotel suite was hectic: ten people, including a very frantic River running around getting ready for a certainly memorable night out, talking to each other over the loud music one of River's college friends was adamant on blasting.
The soft curls she had managed to create on her heavy, strong hair, were framing her face perfectly, her only care now being what outfit her brother would be imposing on her. Y/N knew she could protest all she wanted, but she’d eventually give into River's wishes.
“Now, the black spaghetti strap top and… The pièce de resistance… The blazer to go with the shorts! I know you have never worn this purely out of spite, but –“
“It’s not out of spite, Riv. It just makes me look like a gold bar!”
“Precisely. It makes you look like a million dollars.” one of River's friends said from behind her. “You look hot, momma!” he added, winking at her.
“Yeah, yeah…” the young woman waved them off playfully. “Let’s just get this over with.” she chuckled, picking up a flute from the table and joining the rest of the group in toasting the groom-to-be. “To River Y/L/N, our favorite Groomzilla...”
“Watch it!” her brother cautioned, laughter erupting around the room.
“I hope you enjoy your last night of freedom…” the doctor winked. “Cheers!”
The group raised their glasses and downed the sparkly champagne before heading out.
“Ready or not, here we come.” she whispered to herself as she linked her arm with River's.
“Dude, I’m literally so pumped right now! Feel my heartbeat, feel it!” Trevor shrieked.
Jack chuckled to himself, adjusting his cap before burying his hands in his pockets.
“I only came along so I could give you moral support when what’s-his-face fails yet again to acknowledge your existence. I really couldn’t care less about the band.”
“Well, that’s an extremely disrespectful way of referring yourself to one of the greatest American bands to ever grace the Earth, rock royalty if you must say, but okay.” his friend sneered, genuinely offended by his comment.
“Let’s just get inside and make the most out of the ungodly amount of money we paid for the VIP seats someone insisted we’d buy.” he declared, glaring at the curly-haired man beside him.
“Best seats in the house, you’re very welcome.”
The duo went through security calmly, stopping a few times on the way to their section to take pictures with people who recognized them, even though Jack kept his eyes down and the dad hat was buried in his head.
Their seats did have the best view, but he would never willingly admit that to his overly excited friend.
Seeds were the opening act. Trevor dramatically sang along to Poppy, the last song on their setlist, turning to Jack, who laughed loudly, covering his face with his large hands in an attempt to diminish the secondhand embarrassment he was feeling.
He looked around, smiling at how much everyone seemed to be having an amazing time.
The Bucks came on stage next, a shrilling sound next to him making him turn his attention back to his friend. Trevor jumped up and down, psyching himself up.
“Fuck, Z! You nearly made my eardrums pop!” the Devils' player scolded, like an annoyed father.
“Zip it, they’re playing Burnin’ Up!”
Jack sighed, asking himself why he had let his friend drag him to Madison Square Garden when he could have stayed at home, catching up on his favorite sitcom. He shifted on his feet, once again skimming through the large venue, his eyes setting on a particular person coming his way.
“Well if it isn’t the two… Stooges!” Rover cheered, a bottle of expensive champagne in her his and a grin on his face.
He rushed to him, giving him a warm hug and moving to Trevor by his side.
Jack waved to the rest of the party accompanying his former coach's eldest chile, his smile dropping slightly when he noticed Y/N wasn’t among them. The brunette man was too withdrawn in his thoughts to see she had approached the small group in the meantime, holding a large container filled to the brim with warm popcorn.
“Hey what did I m – Jack!”
He looked her up and down, his jaw nearly dropping at the sight of her outfit. The way the sparkly blazer subtly showed off her full breasts and her shorts let him get lost in the amazing pair of legs she had nearly made his knees buckle.
The Devils' player didn’t think she could look even better than the last time he had seen her, but apparently, subconsciously, her favorite thing to do was prove him wrong. Y/N's beauty continued to render him speechless.
“H-Hi!” he managed to stammer, leaning in for the usual kiss on the cheek, but being pulled in for a hug afterwards.
“What are you guys doing here?” she inquired.
“Z is a huge fan, didn’t you know?” Jack snickered, nodding towards their mutual friend.
Y/N averted her eyes to his side, where Trevor was chugging down the champagne River had offered him, while simultaneously performing his very own choreography od the song playing as it reached its final chorus.
“For you, baby!” the blond man shouted triumphantly.
“Well, can’t say that’s the strangest thing I’ve seen tonight.” the doctor confessed.
“I’m guessing the champagne isn’t helping?” Jack suggested, a teasing smile on his lips.
“That and the ten jello shots they just had to drink. It’s like dealing with nine drunk toddlers.” she snorted, seeing Trevor and River take turns at doing the robot dance, now to the sound of another song. “Popcorn?”
His sweet tooth had always been his Achilles heel.
“Thanks” he smiled, taking a handful of the sugary snack from the carton, watching the show their friends were putting on instead of the actual concert.
The grom-to-be waddled her way to the pair, grabbing Y/N by the waist, the bottle he earlier held no longer in her grasp.
“Y/N! Little sister! I just had a fantastic idea!” he chirped, a toothy grin adorning his doll-like features.
“They should totally come with us!” her older brothee screamed in her ear, pointing at the duo in front of them.
“I think we’ve got enough madness going on already.” she tried to dissuade him, nodding towards their group.
“Please?” River pouted, his pleading green eyes boring into hers.
Y/N pinched the bridge of her nose, thinking about the potential havoc that would be wrecked if they decided to add the dynamic duo to their entourage. At least Jack would be there to help her handle them all.
“Alright, they can come.” she consented, knowing full-well she’s too much of a softie to deny her brother anything. “But you better not get too rowdy!”
“You’re the best!” River chanted, smooching her forehead.
“Oh boy…” the doctor yelped, earning an amused chuckle from the man beside her. “You think this is funny, do you? It might be hilarious for now, but you do realize you’re stuck with me tonight, don’t you?”
“I think I can handle having you around for the night.” he winked, amazed at how smooth he suddenly sounded.
She stuck her tongue out in response, gathering around the bachelor party entourage, plus the two new additions, so they could leave the venue.
“But it’s not over yet, Junior!” River moaned.
“We have a commitment on the other side of town if I recall correctly, and we won’t make it on time if we stay until the concert is over. Bear with me.” Y/N all but begged while leading her brother outside, to the rented party bus he had insisted was a must-have.
Jack followed the pair, accompanied by Trevor, who couldn’t hold in his excitement over crashing a bachelor party.
The doctor had given the driver their itinerary in advance, leaving the two men completely clueless about their destination.
Getting off the large bus, the loud group of partygoers found themselves right in front of Rage, a well-known club in the Upper West Side.
“Shit, I love this place!” Trevor exclaimed, wrapping an arm around River and going inside.
“Now we’re talking!” Evan hooted, following them.
He stood outside, incredulous. He couldn’t actually believe the Universe had brought him to that place. And with Y/N, of all people.
“Are you coming?” he heard her ask as she came back outside with the sole purpose of finding him. “You have to. You know I can’t carry River and Trevor if it comes to it.”
“I am a mere babysitter to you, hu?” Jack feigned hurt, clutching his hands to his chest and moving to where she stood waiting.
“Well…” the doctor teased, grabbing his hand and lacing her fingers with his swiftly. “Come on, we have seats right next to the stage.”
It didn’t take him long to notice how her hand fit perfectly in his, and how warm it had turned upon the touch of her skin. Jack happily let her guide him through the Friday night crowd until they reached their table.
“Get ready to be amazed.” she shouted over the loud music, cheering as the performers walked by, one of them barely moving past them before turning on his heels and coming back.
“Jack!” the blonde queen gasped, pulling him up and hugging him to her chest. “Guys!” he called out, making the rest of the performers stop and look their way. “Jack is back!”
“Rowdy!” they all howled in unison.
The brunette man's cheeks flushed a deep shade of red as the entire entourage, except for Trevor, looked at him with quizzical expressions on their faces.
“Hey, guys! Nice to be back!” he flashed them a wide grin.
“We were starting to think you had ditched us for Maxim’s.”
“I would never.” he assured them, patting the bleach blonde in the back.
“Well, honey, aren’t you going to introduce me to your friends?”
“Yeah, of course! This is Y/N. You know Trevor… We’re on a bachelor party… And the groom-to-be - ”
“River Y/L/N! I’m such a huge fan! Your last collection was to die for!” the beautiful queen jested, fanning herself.
“Thank you!” Y/N's brother chirped, giving him a side hug. “I had been dying to watch your performance live!”
“I’m so happy you came, babe!” he smiled sweetly. “Oh, look at the time! Lovely to see you, Rowdy, but the show is about to start, so you know I better get my ass ready. Have fun, bachelors!” the former RuPaul's Drag Race contestant said, hurrying to get backstage.
Y/N was staring at Jack, utterly confused.
“I thought the Dreamgirls show was on Mondays.” he commented, sitting back down at their table.
“River called in a few favors.” she answered automatically, still stunned, shaking her head to snap out of it. “Are you a regular?”
The Devils' player took a deep breath, glaring at Trevor for laughing at her assumption.
“Luke, Alex and this goof held my twenty-seventh birthday party here. I had a bit too much to drink and invaded the stage.” he explained.
“You didn’t…”
“Oh, yes… I did. I performed. It was so good they made me an honorary member.”
“It wasn’t half as good as he thinks it was.” their blond friend smirked. “He was just too drunk to actually remember how it all went down.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Chad said I was drag queen material.” Jack huffed.
“Yeah, keep telling yourself it wasn’t out of pity for a drunk guy who interrupted his number.”
“Anyway, ever since that fateful night, we’ve been coming here for my birthday and other random celebrations and getting drunk with the queens after the show.”
“You guys are the weirdest group of grown men I’ve ever met.” Y/N chuckled, after blinking a couple of times. “And I don’t even mean it in a bad way!”
The doctor propped her elbow on his shoulder, picturing Jack singing and dancing along to show tunes, eighty’s songs and diva hits. It was a difficult idea to grasp, since he had always been so shy around her and she could only get him to let go of his inhibitions with a lot of persistence.
“I think it’s pretty cool how you have fun without worrying about what people might say. I’m just letting you know you’ll be up for karaoke with me the next time we go out.” she stated. “And that I resent not having been invited to your last two parties. They sound like they were epic.” the coach's daughter joked.
“You’re officially invited to my next one, then.”
“Deal.” Y/N shook the hand he held out for her, as the resident DJ announced Chad Michaels' entrance. “Oh my god, is that Cher?”
“He's good, isn’t he?” Jack smirked, whistling loudly as he leaned back on his chair.
The renowned Cher impersonator dance around the stage, singing the first verses of Believe before waltzing his way to their table, pointing directly at the Devils' player.
“No, not tonight.” he refused politely.
“Come on, show us what you’ve got! Rowdy! Rowdy! Rowdy!” the doctor chanted, making everyone else join her.
He held his hands up in the air in defeat, standing up and taking off his cap, handing it to Y/N, who promptly set it over her slightly disheveled hair, instantly hearing a round of applause as he took the stage.
It’s so sad that you’re leaving, it takes time to believe it. But after all is said and done, you’re going to be the lonely one, woah! Do you believe in life after love?
Y/N watched her former linemate dance around on stage, proud of the man he had grown-up to be. He didn’t make a move to deny the fun he had and the nights he had spent at a club where the patrons seemed to love him. He didn’t try to belittle the performers to assert his own masculinity and wicked sense of superiority like most of the men she had ever met would have. He was simply, unapologetically, having the time of his life.
Besides, he looked extremely handsome while doing it. His t-shirt showed off his biceps, the fabric clinging to his perfectly toned back and chest. Realizing where her thoughts were headed, the doctor forced herself to come back to reality, grinning and bobbing her head to the beat of a song from a faraway land.
Jack noticed her cheerfulness, holding his hand out for her to climb on stage. She gladly took it, joining the two experienced individuals, lip-syncing to the old hit. He twirled her around, never loosening his grip on her small hand or losing the adorable smile on his face and she found herself giggling. For the first time in a while she felt carefree, as light as a feather.
“I think I might let you keep my hat.” he said into her ear.
“Yeah. It looks better on you than it does on me anyway…”
Y/N scrunched up her nose the way she always did when she was flustered, beaming at him adoringly as he spun her around one last time.
“You know, this is pretty amazing. You’re pretty amazing.” she admitted, partly to herself.
I need time to move on, I need love to feel strong.
“Mess, listen, I…”
Did I completely make up band names and a club called Rage and another one called Maxim's? Yes.
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chrisairgames · 7 months
A Year in Retrospect
The social media diaspora began a year ago, and I've been neglecting Tumblr. Trying to come back, slowly, so here's what I've been up to since November 2022.
Bio-Drones & Cryo-Clones
From November to February 1st, 2022, I worked on my Zine Month campaign, a Kickstarter for my first ttrpg zine, a Sleeper Crew Adventure for Mothership RPG called Bio-Drones & Cryo-Clones.
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I was blown away by the immense show of support. The crowd-funding allowed me to pay for even more art, better and bigger maps, development and editing, and professional layout. I got to make the zine into the amazing package I'd dreamed up.
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The zines were sent off to the fulfillment center last Friday! A ton of my ttrpg work time was spent on what's in these boxes, and it's pretty scary to see it go off into a truck. That does mean the zines will be available at retailers soon, though, which just feels nuts to me.
The Unseen City
I also wrote The Unseen City, the first 3pp setting and adventure for Cloud Empress, the ecological science fantasy RPG, the successful Mothership hack from Worlds by Watt.
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I go into depth about how this 20pg zine turned evolved from the "Pamphlet Duet" I originally conceived in my most recent newsletter. A lot of struggles, gained some killer art from HodagRPG, and all for a game I'm really quite happy with. I do plan to return to writing more adventures for The Unseen City as well!
Mitosis, Escape from STAR Station
Last year, RV Games published my Mothership pamphlet series The Cerdo Cycle (that was my last Tumblr post!). Shortly after the campaign, Violet asked me to write a giant 8x16 inch pamphlet adventure for RV Games' upcoming in-universe Mothership board game, Mitosis.
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I wrote Escape from STAR Station, a gonzo adventure about a Prison Break amidst two warring factions: Cyberviral Pirate Goons & STARS Staff Brainiacs. Both sides are infected by experiments with the Mitosis board game microorganisms. It's a crazy lil adventure with awesome art by Sigmacastell. You can pick up an abridged print-at-home version for free on my itch page, even.
5 Million Worlds RPG
For the One-Page Game Jam this past summer, I submitted a pocketzine Space Adventure hack of Mothership, called 5MW RPG: Avatar Basics.
In this little A4/US Letter space, I've designed two main pulls away from sci-fi horror to space adventure. The first are Push Tables. Similar to the end of act in a Star Trek episode, these tables push the conflict in new and unexpected directions.
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The second is a switch from Stress into Limit. Limit is your PC's XP, used to improve Stats/Saves, build towards projects, etc. Notably, instead of a Panic Table, 5MW has two tables: a Break Down table (similar to Panic), and a Limit Break table (like in FF).
When characters are in the shit, and they have to roll a Limit Check, the players can decide whether to spend their XP and do some cool shit to overcome the circumstances, or accept the Break Down. Good ol' @christiansorrell even did a TikTok video discussing the game, if you wanna check that out.
I'm very excited to continue to pursue creating a player's handbook, 5MW RPG: Avatar Primer. If you download the game on itch, I'll keep y'all apprised of substantial updates. Next up is developing the chargen, and reconfiguring the pocketzine as an A6 booklet: 5MW RPG: Avatar Basics+.
Outer Rim Uprising
I was extremely honored to join 11 other designers to create pieces of the Outer Rim Uprising Megabundle, spearheaded by our intrepid leader, Iko of The Lost Bay Studio.
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Several months of brainstorming and collaboration went into this 20+ piece bundle. I contributed two pieces for this bundle. The first is a 12pg adventure module Rusted to the Core. Androids aboard an aerostat station floating in a gas giant's clouds have gone on strike. Can the PCs resolve the issues before the Rust overtakes the station?
The second is the more "experimental" Bones on the Ground. Bones is a bifold adventure into an android museum-prison, paired with three diegetic fliers supporting the ARA, the Android Rights Association (or Android Rebel Alliance, depending on who you ask!). Pieces of the three flyers contain clues for PCs who join the ARA to better succeed when they begin their museum infiltration.
A Buncha Spaceship Deckplans
So I have ADHD, and experience bouts of summer mania. Spaceshiptember rolled around, and I thought, "Hey it'd be no problemo to write 30 deckplans and release them this month, while I'm also trying to print BioCryo, promote ORU, starting a newsletter, and finishing up The Unseen City." Totally sane decision, right?
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Well, I got through half the month. And I sketched out a third week's worth of ships on paper too. One of those sketches caught Adam STATION's eye, even, and he asked me to join An Infinity of Ships to turn it into a micro-adventure!
As long as this quick-n-dirty zine remains unfinished, it'll be free on itch.io. Again, if you'd like, follow along and I'll send out dev updates when new pages are added!
the dying tides
Another Jam entry, this time for The Lost Bay Studio's system agnostic fantasy setting + coloring book, SKYREALMS.
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I made the dying tides as a short, lightweight fantasy adventure to venture among wavebros and squidillies. The art is based on my 4 yo daughter's paintings. Since she loved coloring the SKYREALMS books so much, I figured it was a poetic homage to the kind and mysterious heart of this game.
An Interactive Terminal Network
Last but not least, I smashed my skull against Twine on and off for six months to create a unified Interactive Terminal Network for my Mothership adventure, Bio-Drones & Cryo Clones.
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The terminal is absolutely free to play on itch.io. Though passwords that can be found in the zine lock off a few areas. That said, I'm sure many folk could dig out the passwords without the zine. I don't know how to do that stuff. The fact that I even MADE this thing is a miracle to me, hahaha.
Goal for 2023
Talk about this stuff as it's happening so I don't infodump on people like this, haha.
What I'm working on now:
Twisting Unseen
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Untitled Liminal Horror adventure
Provisional sketches, for the artist/layout designer.
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Also, if you made it this far, thanks.
-Chris Air
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blueraineshadows · 11 months
Heart Song Part Two
Leander Prewett x F!MC
Preparations are underway for the Hogwarts concert and MC is being dragged ever closer into Leander's orbit...
Their duet song is linked below for the concert that has a theme inspired by the movie Moulin Rouge.
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"The theme for the concert is going to be Romanticism combined with the new Bohemian movement that is sweeping across Europe," Professor Florence said, excitedly. "Some may say its all rather risqué, however the art that is being produced through this movement is divine, and the music, oh my goodness, it is doing wonders for putting bums on seats in the theatres."
"We aren't going to have to dress up like can-can girls are we?"
MC smothered a smile at the horrified voice coming from the back of the group. There was no way Professor Black was going to let them get away with that. But, this theme did intrigue her. She had heard of this movement, and any new expression of creativity was interesting.
Her gaze wandered over towards Leander, who was sitting next to Amit. He had been delighted when she had finally added her name to the list. She hadn't really been given much choice in the matter after the performance in the Three Broomsticks on Friday evening. She had been praised and encouraged so much by her friends, and then Sebastian had dragged her to the music room and stood watch as she scribed her name on the list.
"I hope you're doing this because you know you're going to be amazing, and not because you're crushing on Prewett," he'd said.
MC had swiped at him, slapping him smartly on the arm, which only brought a chuckle from his lips. "Oh, you are so crushing on him!"
"I am not!"
She had protested, but her cheeks had flamed. She had been subjected to merciless teasing ever since. Just wait until Sebastian started his next crush, she was going to give as good as she got.
Now, as her eyes kept moving towards Leander across the music room, she was beginning to wonder if Sebastian's teasing was merited. Was she developing a crush on Leander?
That could prove rather awkward. He had a girlfriend for a start, and Elizabeth was already making it obvious that she had a claim on him. MC wouldn't have said she was friendly with the Ravenclaw girl, but Elizabeth was certainly sticking her nose up in the air a lot more than usual around her. Along with touching Leander as much as possible in MC's presence.
As Professor Florence gave them some music to look up, and opened a suggestion box for ideas on what to perform, MC felt the twinges of excitement that came from a new project to sink her teeth into. And best of all, it was music related.
"Any music must uphold the message of the Bohemian movement. Truth, Beauty, Freedom, and Love," Professor Florence said. "Read over the copy of the French play I have given you to help inspire the sense of mood I am hoping to achieve. We are an accepting society, and I want this conveyed in our performance."
After discussing practise sessions and the matter of getting people involved for set design, the group was dismissed. MC gathered her reading material and made for the door.
"Oh, Miss MC and Mr Prewett, might I have a word?" Professor Florence called.
MC and Leander exchanged a look before heading over towards the Professor. She smiled at them both. "A little birdie told me about your little duet performance in Hogsmeade at the weekend," she said. "I'm sorry I missed it! By all accounts it was quite the show."
"It was just a bit of fun, Professor," MC said.
"But isn't that what it's all about?" She smiled. She pressed her hands together. "How would you two feel about teaming up again for the show?"
MC felt her tummy do a little flip, the idea actually rather appealing. She glanced up at Leander, nodding shyly. "Well, I'm happy to do so..."
"As am I," Leander said, immediately. He beamed at MC, and Professor clapped her hands together in delight.
"Oh, fabulous!" She said. She pointed to the booklet in MC's arms. "There are a couple of duets in there, have a practice together and see how you get on. Oh, this is wonderful!"
As they left the classroom, MC gave Leander a shy glance. "Looks like we will be spending a bit of time together, are you sure you are okay with that?"
"Of course," he said. "I think we perform well, and just think, if we do it together, then it might be easier on the old nerves."
"That's a good point," she said, nodding. But then she hesitated, pausing on the stairs. She was a step behind him, which meant that when he turned to her, their faces were more on a level. "Is Elizabeth going to be alright with this? I don't want to cause trouble between you."
His cheeks coloured a little and his smile slipped. "It's alright. You're not causing trouble," he assured.
"Are you sure? I got the impression she isn't all that keen on me. And I don't think it's entirely Crossed Wands related."
Leander rubbed a hand on the back of his neck, his face awkward. "Well, she has been a little jealous, but please, don't worry. It's not your fault. I will talk to her."
MC winced. "See? I'm already causing a problem."
She was surprised when he stepped forward and took hold of her elbow. He stared into her eyes and MC felt her pulse flutter in her neck, her gaze locked on those lovely, pale eyes.
"I want to do this," he said, earnestly. "This is why I wanted you to sign up for this concert. After that night when we performed Minstrels Sonnet, I knew that we could put something amazing together. I'm not going to risk ruining that. Elizabeth will understand. She knows how much joy I get from my music, and I really want to do this. Please, don't say you are thinking of backing out. Not because of Elizabeth."
MC felt a little breathless after his speech, moved by his words, and secretly delighted that he had been equally affected by their duet. The earnest look on his face touched her, and his gentle hand on her elbow made her arm tingle.
Oh, Merlin, Sebastian was right. She was developing a crush on him. Standing here on the stairs, practically trembling under his touch, and ready to agree to whatever he asked of her, the truth was fairly obvious.
"I'm not going to back out," she promised. "I wouldn't dream of it."
He gave her one of those heart stopping smiles, like the one after they had played together for the first time. His arms twitched, and for a maddening second, she thought he was going to hug her. But he didn't.
"Brilliant," he said. He gave her elbow a gentle squeeze before releasing her. "Then I suppose we best start practicing. Tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow," she agreed.
As she climbed into bed, it occurred to her that she wouldn't have minded if he had hugged her. Laying back against her pillow, she pulled the blankets up to her chin, really wishing that he had.
Leander let the script of the French play fall to his bed covers and ran a hand through his hair. He blew air through his lips and stared blindly across his dormitory. Bloody hell!
He looked down again at the last closing scenes, flipping the pages to rescan the lines. This play was about two lovers, two tragic lovers, and Professor Florence wanted him to duet with MC with this material. He almost gulped at the thought, flushing as he realised he could not let Elizabeth see this. She would be furious.
He wondered if MC had read this yet. He was supposed to be meeting with her soon to start practicing, he had already played out one of the songs from this script, it wasn't too bad, but he didn't think it was going to be quite right for the concert.
He shuffled through the music sheets again, and found the song that went with the closing scene. The words were heartfelt confessions of love, deep love, and colour bloomed across his cheeks.
This was going to be the song, he just knew it. It was a duet between the lovers, admitting their love in front of her jilted groom at the wedding. Leander winced at the thought of performing this with MC in front of everyone, in front of Elizabeth.
Maybe he could try and push for a different song. It was worth the shot. But the more he looked through those on offer, he kept coming back to the lovers duet.
With a sigh, he gathered the parchments together, and then got himself ready to meet with MC.
With everyone from the group needing a place to practise, Professor Florence had offered them the use of her own music room, complete with a baby grand piano. When Leander arrived, MC was already there and playing a piece of music. He paused in the doorway, just taking a moment to watch her.
She just looked so...beautiful, so graceful, her brow creased with emotion and her hair soft about her face. She usually wore it up, but today, it was half pinned back, soft strands delicate against her cheeks.
The song she was playing was pleasing, and as he entered, he came around to see what sheet music she was following, and it didn't come as a surprise to see it was the lovers duet. Clearly, she had come to the same conclusion as him. This was the song.
She paused and looked up at him. "Hello," she said, softly.
"Ready to fall hopelessly in love?" He joked, holding up the exact same music sheet in his hands as hers on the stand.
Her eyes widened, before she looked at his sheet, her cheeks growing pink, and then she smirked. "You picked the same song."
He nodded. "It just seems right somehow, it fits the theme. Did you read the play?"
"I did, and I went to speak to Professor Florence about it," MC said. "I wanted to double check it was appropriate, and she asked if we would just perform the vocal duet for this song, and then have the orchestra as back up."
"Just sing?" He thought about that for a moment. It felt vulnerable somehow. "What would we do with our hands?'
She laughed and shrugged. "I don't know."
"Let's learn it first, and then we will go from there," he suggested.
She played the melody, and they gradually began to build the song up, learning the tune with the words. Leander's part was first, and the longest. When it came to her part, he would be singing parts with her in harmony, and when they did this, there were some hiccups that had them chuckling at themselves.
Her voice seeped through him, and he soaked it up, felt it surrounding him until those words started to take on a life of their own. He took a turn at the piano so that she could focus on her singing, and he wished he didn't have to keep concentrating on the music sheet before him. He wanted to watch her, see the look on her face as she poured herself into the words.
When they took a break, Leander poured her a drink from the jug on the side and leaned across the top of the piano, sipping from his own cup as she sat on the bench.
"How do you think we're doing?" She asked. "Do you think we can pull this off?"
He twirled his cup in his hands. "Yes, I think we can," he said. He met her eyes. "Please don't take this the wrong way, but...I think...we have some kind of chemistry between us. The music just seems to work. I've never performed like this with anyone before. It's...amazing."
He had dared to speak those words aloud, and he tensed as he waited for her reaction. Had he revealed too much? Guilt plagued him as he thought about Elizabeth. It was getting harder to keep her front and centre, his thoughts were consumed by the girl in front of him.
She flushed and looked down into her cup. She was nodding slightly. "I agree," she said, quietly.
He expelled the breath he had been holding, his heart thumping, his ears ringing a little. She agreed they had chemistry. He stored that away to think over later, for now, he needed to get back into safer territory.
"Have you ever written any music of your own?" He asked.
"Not really," she answered. She looked back up at him, and a wisp of hair fell across her cheek. He absently wondered how it would feel to brush that hair back from her face. She lifted a hand to brush it back herself and he took a steadying breath. He shouldn't be thinking these things.
She gave a little shrug. "I've never really thought about writing my own. As long as I am playing music then I am happy, whether that be classical, or something more modern. It depends on my mood."
"I can relate to that," he nodded.
"It's an escape, isn't it?"
Her smile was sad, and it pulled at something inside of him. It made him ache and he wanted to take that sadness away from her. His look was curious, wondering what it was that troubled her. He realised he didn't actually know that much about her. "What are you escaping from?" He asked.
"Oh, you know..." She looked away, suddenly uncomfortable.
He felt his cheeks burn. Of course, that was something very personal. His brain scrambled for something to say, kicking himself for putting his foot in it as usual.
He cleared his throat. "I er...well, I have written a few things for myself. I have never played them for anyone though, but I could play one for you, if you would like. You can let me know what you think."
"Really?" She brightened, a small smile curving her mouth. "You'd really play something so private for me?"
"I trust your opinion," he said. And that was the truth.
She flushed with delight and got up from the bench. "Please, do play it for me. You have me intrigued."
He chuckled as he sat on the seat. "Don't get your hopes up. You haven't heard it yet."
MC stood with her hands on the piano top in the intimate music room, watching as Leander began to play the song he had composed himself. It was soft, the melody immediately captivating her. When Leander began to sing, his voice taking on that cadence that she was growing to adore, he sung about a girl that he loved, but could never have. She was so close, but there was something in the way.
There was a ring of honesty to the words, highlighted by the emotions that were playing out across his face. He almost looked sad. MC felt every word, a sadness building in her own chest. She couldn't take her eyes off him, her heart aching. Either this was from real experience, or he was just that talented at bringing a song to life.
She couldn't decide which it was, but when the song ended, he couldn't look at her. Confusion swirled in her thoughts. He had a girlfriend. Surely that meant he was happy, right? He had got the girl.
"Wow, Leander," she breathed. "Whoever that girl is, she doesn't know what she is missing out on. It was heart breaking, but so beautiful."
She watched as he swallowed hard, his throat working. He rubbed his face with his hand. "I wrote this a while ago," he said. "It's been some time since I've played it."
"Is that because you have Elizabeth now?" She smiled.
Leander skipped his eyes away and winced. "Maybe." He stood, fiddling with the button on his waistcoat. "Would you like to continue?"
Sensing that he needed to change the subject, she nodded, and they spent some more time on the duet. But there was still a lingering sadness in his eyes, and the emotion had tipped towards something melancholy when he sung.
Over the next week, they worked on their song until they were note perfect, meeting every day. MC didn't bring up his own song again, but she found herself wondering who he had written it for. Whenever she saw him with Elizabeth, she watched them, as discreetly as she could, and noticed that it was always her who initiated any physical contact. Was he just not in to public displays of affection? Or was there more to it?
At night, MC would lie in her bed, the duet spinning through her mind, distracting her. They were ready to present it to Professor Florence, and she wondered if they had done enough. Were they capable of pulling it off and showcasing two people in love?
She was worried. She knew Elizabeth was not happy about the amount of time Leander was spending with her, and she wondered how the love song would go down once performed publicly. Was this going to affect their performance?
It all certainly didn't help with the nerves that were slowly building within her. Or the fact that Leander Prewett was slowly getting under skin, invading her thoughts, and making her lie awake at night imagining what might happen if things were different. What if he wasn't with Elizabeth?
Leander leant his head back against the tree trunk and sighed, tired from a day of study and classes. The warm weight of Elizabeth's head in his lap wasn't really much of a comfort. His legs felt restless, but he didn't want to keep fidgeting and disturb her reading.
They hadn’t spent much time together lately what with music practise, and that was a sensitive subject. He still hadn't told her what he would be singing, but she knew it was with MC. The whole concert group knew so it wasn't possible to keep it a secret.
He inwardly cringed at the way he wanted to keep secrets from Elizabeth, and not for the first time he wondered if maybe he should break things off with her. Relationships were built on trust, were they not? And he was doing her a disservice.
He didn’t seem to be able to give Elizabeth all of himself. Playing his own song to MC had proved that. What had possessed him to do such a thing? The song had been about her for Merlin's sake!
Ever since he had done that, and after what she had said afterwards, everything he had pressed down and hidden from himself had risen to the top. Singing that duet with her was starting to mean something dangerous.
He looked down at Elizabeth's pretty face, the light dusting of freckles across her nose, and the soft blonde curls that tumbled over her head. He had not believed his luck when they had started dating. But, and it was the but that made him wince, she was not her.
He brushed a blonde curl back from Elizabeth's forehead and thought about how he had fantasised about doing the same to MC. Elizabeth's lips curved into a smile, lips he had kissed, many times.
This was wrong.
He took his hand away and turned to look across the grounds of Hogwarts. How to find the words to bring it to an end. His mother had not raised a liar and he was ashamed of what he was doing. This was emotional infidelity and Elizabeth deserved better.
"What troubles you, my love?" Elizabeth shifted. She looked up at him, closing her book. "You look sad. You have done for a few days actually."
He forced himself to look at her. "Tired, I guess," he said. She sat up and kissed him on the mouth and he just couldn't return it properly.
"You've been pushing yourself too hard," she said. "You need a break." A small grin spread across her face. "Want to sneak off somewhere and indulge in some stress relief?'
He felt his cheeks warm up at the suggestive tone of her voice. Just lately she had been pushing for this more and more, and he had a sneaking suspicion that it was jealousy driven. He should be flattered, and in a way he was, but he was also uncomfortable. They had fooled around, but he had held off on taking her to bed properly.
He tried and failed to smile. He rubbed the back of his neck and shifted, forcing her sit up straighter. A frown of confusion flickered on her brow and he winced. "I'm sorry," he said. "But I don't think that's a good idea."
Her face fell. "Why not?"
"I just think it's best we don't," he said.
"Now, or...or ever?" Her lips trembled.
"I'm sorry," he winced.
She blinked, her cheeks paling first, and then flushing as her mouth tightened. "It's because of her isn't it?" She bit the words out harshly. She turned away from him, blinking away the tears flooding her eyes, and he felt like a right bastard. Because she was right.
He sighed and rubbed his forehead. "No, nothing is going on with MC, I have told you that, repeatedly," he said. "I wouldn't betray you like that. This is about you and me."
She glared at him. "Liar," she spat. "You must think I am an idiot. I have eyes, and I see the way you two look at each other. She doesn't look at Sebastian that way and they are fucking joined at the hip. The only reason this isn't working for you, Leander, is because you want her, tell me I am wrong."
He shook his head. "Please, Elizabeth..."
She growled and got to her feet, her face livid. "Bastard!" She cried. "Well, she is welcome to you! Go and be with Miss Fucking Perfect if that's what you want, you deserve each other."
Leander cringed, his shoulders slumping as Elizabeth stormed across the grounds, her back rigid. He rubbed his face with both hands and sighed.
That was bloody horrible!
The music coming from the piano was a dark, emotional piece, and MC entered the music room slowly, her eyes falling on Leander as his hands moved dramatically across the keys to accommodate the complex chords. He looked in pain, distressed, and she almost turned to leave until she realised that he was crying.
Torn between going to him, and giving him some privacy, she hovered, anxiously twisting her hands. Then, he stopped playing, removing his hands from the keys and he spun to face her. He wiped his face and shook his head. "Apologies," he said, thickly. "Please, excuse the state of me."
He got to his feet and picked up his robe from where he had draped it over the wood railing. "I will leave you to it," he said.
"Leander...are you alright?" She asked. Her heart twisted at the flicker of emotion that crossed his face. She risked a step closer. "What is it?"
He sighed. "I behaved like a bastard today," he said. He couldn't meet her eyes and he shook his head, turning to move past her. "I'm sorry. You don't need to hear this."
On instinct, she reached out and gripped his forearm, halting him before he could pass her. She looked up at his tear stained face, his reddened eyes. "Wait," she pleaded. "Don't go off alone like this. Talk to me, maybe I can help."
He bit his lower lip, wincing. "I ended things with Elizabeth, and now she hates me, which is no more than I deserve."
MC blinked in surprise. "Oh! I'm so sorry."
"It's not your fault," he said. His eyes met hers, his gaze softening. "Definitely not your fault. This is on me."
His voice cracked a little on the last word and he took a breath. "Sorry," he muttered.
"Stop apologising for feeling sad, Leander," she said. "There is no shame in it. In fact, if you need to cry, then do it. I'm not here to judge. But I might hold your hand if that would help. Just don't run off to cry alone, okay?"
"Okay," he whispered. He gave her a sad, half smile. "You're too kind, you know. I'm not sure I deserve it."
"No such thing as too kind," she said. Unable to stand it a moment longer, she pulled him closer and wrapped her arms around him. She placed her head facing outwards against his shoulder and rubbed his back, trying to offer him so comfort.
He stiffened at first, and kept his arms at his sides, but then he slowly responded, his arms coming around her, and his head bent to lean against hers. They remained like that for a few moments, and MC closed her eyes, telling herself that he was heart broken here. She shouldn't be savouring the solid feel of him under her cheek, or breathing in slow and deep to savour the clean scent of his jumper, and the inticing scent of his cologne.
It felt too good to be this close to him, and she couldn't help but probe the thought that he no longer had a girlfriend. Flushing at her forward thoughts, she was glad he couldn't see her face.
She shifted slightly, the movement nuzzling her cheek against him, and then she felt the soft touch of his fingers in her hair at the back of her head. The drag of finger tips grazing her scalp sent a shiver down her spine and he stilled at her shudder. Goosebumps erupted up her arms and her heart was in her throat making it hard to breathe.
She could hear his quickened breaths and she lifted her head to slowly look up at him. This close to him she could see the little flecks in his irises, the delicate sprinkle of his freckles and she felt like they were both suspended in time, gazes locked, his hand in her hair and her fingers gripping at the back of his jumper.
He whispered her name and her gaze dropped to his mouth. His lower lip was so full, so inviting and her chest tightened, pulse flickering as he lowered his face to hers. His kiss was soft, oh so gentle, but deliciously erotic as his lips dragged over hers. They both breathed hotly, lips parting, hovering a whisper apart. Desire was a swift, burning wave surging through her and she craved more.
His tongue flicked to graze her lower lip before he kissed her again, harder this time, the sound of it loud in the quiet room. His grip tightened in her hair, tilting her head back so he could claim her mouth again, his moan a desperate sound that sent a shock of heat through her.
They were moving, her back meeting with the wooden railing that ran the length of this level. He pressed against her, the solid weight of him crushing her against the wood as his tongue swept into her mouth. She welcomed him, kissing him back.
It wasn't a crush. This was more. She gasped for her breaths as his mouth moved to press slow, hungry kisses along her jaw and down to her neck, his tongue swirling to taste her. She moaned and tilted her head, exposing her throat to him, her eyes blinking as she gazed up towards the huge bells and rafters of the tower above them.
"Fuck," he hissed. He stopped kissing her, pulling back and putting his hands to his face. "What am I doing? Gods, I'm so sorry."
"What?" She panted. "No, don't be sorry..."
He shook his head, backing away. "Forgive me..."
His eyes were dark and tortured, his cheeks flushed and still stained with tears. He pushed a hand through his hair, muttering more apologies before he turned and hurried from the room.
MC was still leaning against the railing, her heart thudding, her lips swollen from his kisses and her mind spinning in disbelief at what had just happened.
He had kissed her, and she had liked it. No, she more than liked it, his mouth waking up a need inside her that warmed and clawed at her insides.
There was no denying it now. She wanted him, and he had just run out of the door away from her.
Now what?
To be continued... Part Three
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foster-the-world · 9 months
Birthday weekend
What a lovely Birthday weekend. Friday my husband picked up the cookie cake I requested. At the park Bee invited all of her friends over. Surprisingly their parents said sure will come. It turned out to be very nice. The adults talked while the kids created little skits. They stayed for a few hours. It was fun. Saturday getting the girls to clean up their room was a huge fight but eventually they did it. Took Rebel to her first soccer game of the season. They lost by a lot but Rebel scored the only two goals. Surprinsgly, as she mostly slowly moved around the field behind everyone else. I think one ball happened to bounce off of her into the goal :) Husband made my requested french onion soup. I put pringles on it - which is odd but amazing. We all love it. Today we did went to Bee's soccer game. Funny how kids get so much better as they age even without practice. I guess its natural motor skill development. Bee scored her teams only goal. Baby boy and rebel ran around Central Park enjoying the sunny weather. Then my husband took all three kids to the girls horseback riding lessons. Then onward to a state park. I relaxed and watched Dear Child. If you like thrillers I recommend it.
Friday Baby boy had his first of four evaluations. It went fine. He acted like himself as he always does. She thought he had autism and mentioned moving him to a special ed school with multiple (20-30) hours of individual therapy every week. A lot to take in. We are surprised. He's never had a yes answer to a single question on the autism screener. His regular OT has said she doesn't see it. We got back the private assessment we paid for and no mention of autism. That being said we are staying open to the idea. We def think he's not neurotypical we just assumed it was SPD with ADHD coming down the line. Both of which can def happen alongside autism. She said he had good eye contact with me but only some with her. She said he is "remarkably bright" and did very well on a pattern tests she gave him on her ipad. I know he didn't even finish the test because he's not the type to sit and answer questions when he can move around. When she threw a small football around with him he played catch with her three times but then started throwing up to himself. She said neurotypical kids would want to continue playing with her. I suspected he stopped playing because he's a great thrower but can't catch someone else's throw because he moves too much. Whereas, when he throws it up he can catch it. But who knows?? I'm also wondering if the diagnosis will help him out. I'm sure it will be easier to get therapy from insurance. In addition, I wonder if people will be nicer to him. Right now if I say sensory issues I assume people just think we didn't teach him to behave properly. But with autism people maybe more forgiving of his sensory issues. Anyway, I didn't question her. I knew that would make me look like a mom who doesn't want her kid to have a diagnosis. I'm happy with any label that will help him get what he needs. I def think he needs more services. I'm not sure 20-30 hours is it but will see once the final report comes in. We still have a speech eval, an OT and a PT eval. Then they have sixty days to give us a report with recommendations and set up an IEP meeting.
I'm glad we have the special ed consultant booked. I can ask the advantage/disadvantage of getting the diagnosis?? Plus, a million other things that I have rolling around my head. I spent a lot of time researching this weekend. I watched two documentaries about kids with autism. None of the kids were anything like baby boy but still interesting movies.
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rhoorl · 10 months
Week in Review (8/20/23)
I saw @trulybetty post a week-in-review last week and it inspired me to start something similar on my page. Over the past couple of weeks, I shared some of my fic recs on Fridays, but I figured I'd share a little bit more. So thanks (again) for another amazing idea B!
What I read:
Frankie Morales
The Layover by @goodwithcheese. This is a given to be on my list every week, I just love this series so much!
The Pilot and His Girl by @avastrasposts … Triple Frontier in the TLOU universe. I love crossovers and this one has been *chef's kiss* and a mainstay on my weekly reading list.
Two from @trulybetty:
Stood Up Being stood up for a date doesn't end so bad when you meet Frankie at a bar.
Flings A series of short snippets between Frankie and the reader as their relationship progresses...love the way this one was structured!
Jack Daniels
Cognitive Dissonance by @prolix-yuy A crossover bringing together Kingsmen and Westworld. I was obsessed with Westworld, particularly Season 1 (happy to yell about later seasons with anyone), and this concept is just too good!
Dieter Bravo
Destiny & Deliverance by @mysterious-moonstruck-musings. One of my WIPs is a Dieter fic, so I'm not reading a lot of him right now, but this is the exception. It's such a beautiful story.
Marcus Pike
Common Grounds by @whataperfectwasteoftime. It's been a while since I read a fic with my favorite FBI agent (and by a while, it's probably been like two weeks). Marcus is just so damn charming in this!
Javier Peña
Late Night Texts by @mvtthewmurdvck. Javi receives a text from the wrong number. It's soft Javi at his softest and cutest.
It's Never Too Late by @javierpena-inatacvest Javi and an elementary school teacher develop a relationship after he comes to her school for a presentation.
What I watched:
On the plane, I watched a few episodes of Abbott Elementary. It's been something I have wanted to watch for a while and I loved it! Can't wait to watch more. I also started season 3 on The Umbrella Academy.
Things I'm looking forward to reading:
I have such a backlog of fics I want to read! Too many to list here, but I'll probably work in a Marcus Pike and Joel fic next week ... I miss those two 😆
Fun things from the week:
💜 My husband and I are on just our second trip alone together since our daughter was born (we are still on vacation through Monday). It has been fun to get away and not listen to Frozen on a loop…love her but I need a break from Elsa. We've kept pretty busy but also had some time to just chill at our hotel.
💜 In Tumblr land, I have been having so much fun interacting with everyone on the Delta Landscaping and Working Title posts…it really makes my day to see all of the feedback! So thank you to anyone who has taken time out to read any of it.
Fic Updates:
Working Title - This week Chapter 7 came out and also a little extra piece that's a companion to Chapter 6.
Delta Landscaping - I hit a bit of a wall earlier in the week, but after a poll and some nice, encouraging messages I got back on track. I'll have Chapter 2 out later today!
That's it for me!
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21 notes · View notes
anabdaniels · 4 months
Piece by piece- Chapter 3
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Chapter summary: Jack and Ana finally go to his ranch to spend the weekend.
Word counting: 5.6k
Warnings: Alcohol, slight self-fat-shaming, Jack speaks Spanish (sensible topic I KNOW), the author regrets nothing.
A/N: 11:30 p.m., it's my birthday and I'm posting this while eating japonese food. Just another normal day.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Previous chapter | Playlist
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Jack Daniels smiling openly on a Monday morning was undoubtedly not a common event at Statesman Distillery; he was not the kind of boss who treated his staff as if he was better than them, far from it, but the most probable mood one could find him was being solemn. From everyone surprised by the sight of the smiling cowboy, Ginger for sure was the more shocked one when Jack entered her lab, friendlier than ever.
“Good morning, Elizabeth.” He greeted her with an almost concerning wide smile.
“Did you hit your head on your way here?” She asked raising an eyebrow.
“Why is so strange that I’m happy in this beautiful morning?” Jack questioned laying his hands on his hips.
“Because you’re usually insufferable on Monday mornings, and on Tuesday mornings, and the rest of the mornings on the week.” Ginger had a straight expression on her face while answering; she was telling the truth after all.
“You might be right, but I suppose it’s never too late to change.” Disturbingly to her, he still sympathetically smiling.
“If you say.” She shrugged “Anyway, what do you want?”
“Just came to know if the samples of bourbon from our new fermentation process are ready for the presentation tomorrow.”
“They are.” Ginger confirmed while grabbing two small bottles, and handing them to him “These were left over, in case you want to take ’em to Champ to have a look.”
“You’re the best, Ginger Ale.” Jack answered excitedly, grabbing the bottles “What would we do without you?” He said and started to walk towards the automatic door that was opened while Tequila entered the lab “Good morning, Michael. Ain’t it an amazing morning?” Jack patted Tequila on the back while passing by his friend and walked through the hallway.
“Did you drug him?” Tequila asked with a frown, looking at Ginger.
“Trust me, nothing that I could ever develop for the agency or the distillery would make such an effect.” Ginger said with a slightly confused expression.
“Doesn’t make me any more relieved.” Tequila said shaking his head.
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Ana sat again at her desk, letting the mug of coffee, the second in that morning, on the wooden surface while turning her attention back to her computer. She loved her job, but some parts of it could drain her energy, and registering test grades was one of those parts. Despite these little inconveniences, she hadn’t much to complain about; she worked just three days a week and it was for the pure joy of teaching, Ana could have dedicated herself only to her hobbies a few years ago, but she was too passionate by her profession to retire so early.
She couldn’t say how much time had passed when the sound of the doorbell interrupted her. Ana stood up and walked to the front door, positively surprised to see Lisa on the other side.
“I’m sorry for not warning you that I was coming.” Was the first thing Lisa said, knowing that her friend wasn’t a huge fan of surprise visits.
“Don’t worry; you’re among the persons I can forgive for showing up in surprise.” Ana smiled and gave way for her to enter “I’m just surprised you’re not at the zoo.” Ana said while closing the door.
“I’m on my lunch break and probably will get late, but is a life-or-death question and I’d not survive ‘till the end of my shift to come talk to you.” When Lisa mentioned the lunch, Ana looked at her watch, just now realizing that was later than she imagined.
“Well, I’m curious. What can be so urgent?”
“Is there any chance I left that ring that my father gave me here when I came to pick you up on Friday?” When she finished the question, Lisa saw Ana lay a hand on her forehead and it gave her a little hope.
“You did. I found it at the bathroom sink.” Ana said while opening the drawer of the sideboard, grabbing the jewelry, and handing it to Lisa “I was planning to text you yesterday, but I got a little distracted.”
“Thank you for saving my life.” Lisa said putting the ring on her finger “But you’re gonna tell me that now you work on Sundays too?”
“I never said I got distracted with work.” Ana raised her eyebrows with a suggestive expression. Lisa thought for a moment, realizing what Ana meant.
“You were with Jack?” Took Lisa a bit of effort to not freak out when Ana nodded “The good Lady above heard my prayers. I thought I’d die before seeing you saving a couple of horses.”
“I hate you sometimes and I hope you’re aware of that.” Ana rolled her eyes despite her discreet smile “Before you proceed, it wasn’t this kind of date. We just went out for dinner, that’s all.”
“Doesn’t change my euphoria about it.” The excited expression on her face confirmed what she said “So, how was it?”
“Well…” Ana thought for a moment before just letting it all go “It was incredible. He’s an amazing listener, has good taste in music, we agree on a lot of important stuff and he’s an old-school gentleman.”
“So, everything you love in a man.” Lisa wasn’t surprised by their compatibility but was happy with Ana’s excitement.
“And the cherry at the top of the cake was his invitation to spend this next weekend at his ranch with a suite all to myself and a lot of animals to pet.” Ana sounded satisfied while said it.
“I’ll expect a detailed email about this on Monday.” Lisa warned while walking towards the door.
“You’ll be lucky if I send you a text.” Ana raised her eyebrows, opening the door for Lisa.
“As long as I had any clue of how it went, you can send the information in a mail pigeon.”
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Throughout the week, Ana and Jack exchanged a considerable number of messages, combining things like what hour they would leave for the ranch. When Friday finally came, Ana made sure one last time that everything was in place and that she wasn’t forgetting to pack anything.
She combined with Jack that they’d leave at 2 pm, aware of his punctuality, she was already waiting in the living room. When, through the window, she saw the Bronco parking in front of her house, Ana got up and opened the door. The realization that it would be an intense weekend hit her like a truck when she saw him getting out of the car and walking towards her in that all-jeans look; the combo of the black Stetson with aviator sunglasses itself should be considered criminal for making him look that good, but Jack for sure knew what he was doing when he chose to wear a denim jacket with those goddamn tight jeans pants that he seemed to love to use.
Jack was considerably close to her when he took off his sunglasses and left them hanging on his shirt. The politest he was, he couldn’t help but take a look at her; the well-thought-out choice of boots, jeans, and a leather jacket confirmed that Ana was truly familiar with the rural environment. He took off his hat when stood in front of her, smiling openly.
“Good afternoon, darlin’.” He sounded gallant as always.
“Good afternoon, handsome” Ana allowed herself to look better at Jack now that he was close “Seems that I finally got you in the full cowboy mode.”
“I could say the same ‘bout you.” He answered with a smirk, holding one of her hands and planting a kiss on the back of her fingers “So, ready to go?” He asked while slowly letting go of her hand.
“Yes, just give me a second.” She said with an excited smile and went back into the house, grabbing her travel bag and looking around one last time to make sure she didn’t forget anything. Ana walked back to the door and left the bag on the wooden floor of the porch to grab something in the sideboard that Jack couldn’t see what it was while he promptly grabbed her bag. He was for sure confused when she got out and closed the door with one hand, while in the other she was carrying a thermos with a pump and something that looked like a wooden cup that wasn’t familiar to him. They walked to the Bronco, as usual, he opened the door for her and closed it after she got in, he carefully placed her bag on the back of the car and walked around, getting in too. After putting his hat and sunglasses back, Jack started to drive, alternating his attention between the street and Ana, deadly curious about that wooden object that had a kind of metal straw on it and was filled with something that looked like matcha powder.
“What is this?” The curiosity won and he had to ask.
“It’s called mate or chimarrão.” Ana answered after taking a sip of the drink “Traditional drink from southern Brazil.”
“What is it made of?” 
“Just hot water and erva-mate or Ilex Paraguaiensis, if you’re into botanic. And just this was enough to make me addicted to it.”
“So, is a kind of infusion; how in god’s green earth did you get addicted to it?” Jack questioned with a confused smile.
“Well, there is a considerable concentration of caffeine on this, so I think you already have your answer.” She raised her eyebrows slightly, smiling when he chuckled.
“Now you made me curious about this. Can I try it?”
“Course, just don’t blame me if you end up enjoying it and then find out how expensive is one kilogram of erva-mate in this country.” She joked while putting water on the drink, then carefully handed it to him.
“I’ll take the risk.” Jack answered while grabbing the “cup”, taking a first sip and pondering for a moment “It reminds me a little bit of green tea, but tastes better actually.” He said before taking another taste of the mate “By the way, I’d like some explanations ‘bout this cup.”
“It’s a cuia, basically a dried calabash gourd.”
“I’ll already apologize if end up asking too many questions because I’m really curious about the mate and is pleasing to hear you mixing English and Portuguese while you speak.” He admitted raising his eyebrows and took another sip of the drink.
“Considering that you didn’t give up after the first taste of it, I’ll probably keep talking ‘til you get too caught by the subject to be brought to the mate side.” Despite the joking tone, Ana was a bit serious.
“To be honest, I enjoyed this more than I was expecting.” Jack drank the last sip of the mate then handed the cuia back to her “May the erva-mate be with you.” He smiled when she busted into laughter, laying her head on her hand.
“For a second I thought you wouldn’t get my shitty joke.” Ana admitted when she stopped laughing.
“Don’t underestimate my ability to recognize questionable humor. I saw this one coming with no effort, darlin’.” Jack stated with that smug manner that would be insufferable coming from most people, but that man for sure knew the limit to being like that in a fun way, without becoming gross.
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The next hour passed like nothing while they talked about some random topics and cracked a few more dubious jokes. When the car entered the propriety and the ranch became more visible, Jack could see Ana’s face shining with excitement while she looked around, not wanting to miss anything. Once he parked in front of the house and they got out of the car, both of them could hear the crazy barking of the dogs and it didn’t take long till the animals appeared.
“Here come the kids.” Jack said while observing the two dogs running towards them like there was no tomorrow.
“Will be harder than I was expecting not to kidnap them.” Ana admitted already melted by the dogs. As expected, they started to insanely smell Jack while shaking their tails furiously and whimpering. Jack stooped, doing the best he could to give both dogs the attention and rubs they wanted. After a while, they calmed down a little bit, but it was just for a few seconds before they turned their attention to Ana, sniffing her and giving those excited little jumps to catch her attention. She didn’t think twice before squatting to caress them; not surprisingly she ended up falling sitting on the ground when both dogs tried to get closer to her at the same time. At that point, she believed she could collapse with the cuteness of the Australian Cattle and the Bernese Mountain dog that, at this point, were too comfortable asking for belly rubs or head scratches.
“I hope you know that they’ll pursue you.” Jack said observing the scene with a smile.
“And I’ll be delighted with it.” Ana mentioned with a smile while hugging the Bernese seated next to her and felt the dog’s nose bump her neck when she stopped caressing his head “Calm down, baby. I didn’t forget you.” She said caressing one of the dog’s ears and grabbing the small silver plate on his collar “Your name is Gus, little one.” Gus seemed more than happy to hear her calling him by his name, shaking his tail vigorously. The other dog, who was comfortable sat on her lap, laid one paw on Ana’s shoulder, wanting attention too “Okay, okay, I’ll give you some love too.” Ana smiled while rubbing the dog’s neck, paying attention to the plate on her collar “And this beautiful girl is Lola.” A lick on her chin and a happy shaking tail were the answers she got from Lola.
The few times someone visited the ranch, Jack may have gotten a little bit jealous when his dogs turned their attention to them, but this time, he couldn’t be happier. Watch Ana sit on the grass playing with Lola and Gus melted parts of his heart that he didn’t even know were still alive; he was fully aware that he was possibly starting to have a huge crush on her and the fact that she was so pleased and excited just for being there and give the dogs a couple of belly rubs didn’t make things easier for Jack to stop the growing feeling.
A few minutes later, the two dogs finally calmed down and lay on the ground next to Ana.
“Am I finally allowed to leave you guys and go to see the rest of the ranch?” She asked looking at them, smiling at how calm they were after a lot of little jumps “I’ll take this as a yes.” 
“Trust me, they’ll be freaking out again very soon.” Jack said holding out a hand to her.
“Can’t say I don’t like to know this.” Ana admitted, holding his hand and getting up, patting her jeans with her free hand to take off the dust.
“Nothing that I haven’t noticed already.” He smiled, intertwining their fingers as they started to walk. As they got closer to the wood fence, they saw a horse running excitedly, stopping when he went to the fence, walking back and forth while shaking his head.
“Seems that our boy Horace is excited.” Ana said at the moment she recognized the Clydesdale horse, he was all black, except for the white stockings in the four paws and the white blaze on his face.
“I owe him a couple of rides, to be honest, and his energy seems to be always at the highest level possible. I’m surprised he didn’t jump the fence.” Jack mentioned as they got closer to where the horse was. When they got close, Horace already had passed his head over the fence “Put yourself together, boy.” Jack said while caressing Horace’s head making the horse finally calm down.
“I wonder if he’ll forgive me for being the reason why you were in the city last weekend.” Ana joked while observing the scene.
“Give him a carrot and a little bit of attention and he becomes your best friend.”
“Will be easier than I was expecting then.” She said while slowly approaching her hand to the horse; Horace turned his head to her when noticed the approaching and stood still as she touched him and rubbed his neck, making Horace lean slightly towards her hand “I’m starting to doubt about how much what I’ve heard about your behavior was true, Horace.”
“He’s just a good actor.” Jack said with a wide smile, observing their interaction.
“We’ll see about it.” Ana raised her eyebrows slightly, turning her head when she heard another horse approaching them “If I’m not mistaken, you’re Crystal.” She said while approaching the white quarter horse mare, rubbing behind her ear.
“By the way, she’ll be your horse for the weekend.” Jack smiled a little more when Ana turned her look to him with an excited expression “And judging by your amusement, I imagine that you’ll not be offended if we go to a ride now and leave the rest of the tour for tomorrow.”
“You didn’t mention that mindreading was one of your skills.” She said with narrowed eyes and a sideways smile.
“I’m a man of many talents, sweetheart.” He winked at her with a smirk.
They took the horses to the stable; it was safe to say that Horace was already bonded with Ana since he didn’t miss a chance to lay his head on her shoulder while they were waiting for Jack to saddle Crystal. Jack couldn’t be more pleased with all that: his beloved horse becoming friends with the woman who had a high chance of becoming the lady of the house. Fine, now he was starting to think too far, but, at the same time, Jack allowed himself to be a little bit self-indulgent, it had been a while since the last time he enjoyed feminine company in these circumstances; and the fact that she enjoyed those things as much as him just made Jack more pleased. Once both of the horses were saddled, they went outside the stable; despite being too excited, Horace behaved like a gentleman while Jack talked with Ana.
“So, how much do you remember about horse riding?” Jack asked already imagining the answer.
“Well, I remember the very basic, like tapping the horse’s side gently with the heel to make him move, moving the reins across his neck to make him turn to the sides and pull back the rein to make him stop.” She said after thinking for a moment, feeling a little relief when he smiled.
“You know the essential then.” He couldn’t hide his excitement “And tomorrow I’ll teach you how to saddle a horse.”
“I don’t know if it’s safe for Crystal to let me saddle her.” Ana joked with a smile.
“Is easier than it seems.” He assured “So, couple of additional reminders: never approach ‘em from behind. Crystal and Horace are the most peaceful animals in this world, but it may scare them and they can try to kick you. Giving them a snack, always keep your palm flat ‘cause they can confuse your fingers with food and bite you.” Jack explained with a calm voice and the certainty of one who knows what he was talking about; it for sure demanded Ana a bit more attention to register the information, once he looked more gorgeous than ever while spoked with such propriety of the subject. “Another thing. Do you want to try to mount by yourself or want a hand?”
“Well…” Ana knew that she didn’t have practice enough to mount without help. She looked around for a moment and found her solution “I’ll try my luck.” Intrigued, Jack observed while she calmly made Crystal take a few steps to stop next to a tree stump and then used it as her mounting block, getting mounted without any problem.
“You really have been raised in the country.” Jack said with a smirk and mounted on Horace. 
They started the ride at a slow pace and it was more than enough to make Ana look like a child with a new toy; Jack couldn’t take his eyes off her and occasionally gave her one or other advice, especially about the right posture and hand placement. When he noticed that Ana had gained confidence, Jack encouraged her to make Crystal go from walking to canter and, as he expected, she didn’t flinch before did it, smiling openly when Crystal started the canter.
“I don’t wanna be too abused, but we’ll have to negotiate another visit.” Ana said while looking at Jack with a wide smile.
“Darlin’, you’re welcome to come back anytime you want.” Jack answered in a warm tone, smiling at her.
“If I end up stealing your dogs, don’t blame me.” She joked and looked around “Tell me that you didn’t forget to tell me that you have sheep.” Ana said while looking at the little group of animals a little further away.
“Will you forgive me if I tell you that I also forgot to mention that there are a couple of babies?” He asked raising an eyebrow.
“If I can pet them, I forgive you.” 
“Problem solved, then.” When the horses got closer to the field section where the sheep were, they got off the horses and approached the fence. As he was accustomed to do, Jack jumped the fence and when he was about to turn to offer help to Ana, she was already by his side. “I never doubted your country skills, but I can’t deny that I’m having a couple of positive surprises.”
“Don’t expect me to know the difference between an Île-de-France and a Merino sheep, but I have a bit of expertise when it comes to surviving in the country.” Ana looked down when something nudged her leg.
“Have the pleasure to become familiar with an Île-de-France then.” Jack said referring to the sheep standing in front of Ana smelling her.
“Don’t give me so much incentive if you don’t want to stay here for the next three hours.” She said while starting to scratch the sheep’s head. A couple of minutes later, a little lamb appeared and was happy to be rubbed on his face, shaking his little tail very much like a dog would do. Ana couldn’t be more pleased with the whole thing; as if all the adorable and friendly animals weren’t enough to amaze her, the fact that Jack had so much way with animals and seemed so satisfied to be among them just made everything more pleasing. After she had met the rest of the sheep and petted all of them, they finally went back to the horses and only then Ana realized that she had a problem to solve. “I should’ve brought a tree stump with me.” She let out a chuckle despite the little despair growing in the pit of her stomach.
“Don’t worry, assistance to mount is between one of my skills.” Jack said with that convinced smile, standing next to her.
“I don’t doubt.” She was still smiling discreetly despite feeling her heart starting to beat a little faster, hoping he didn’t notice how nervous she was starting to get “But is not a good idea.”
“Why not?” He asked raising one eyebrow with a curious smile.
“C’mon, don’t pretend I’m the only one aware that I’m too heavy for this kinda thing.” Ana laughed quietly, expecting him to join her “joke”, but instead he seemed to be just pondering everything while running his tongue across his lips.
“I’ll vehemently disagree and, after all my nursing services the night we meet, I have the propriety to talk ‘bout it.” Jack said calmly with a soft smile.
“I know but-” Her consideration was interrupted when Jack passed one arm around her waist and the other behind her knees, taking her off the ground with no effort. “Jack!” she couldn’t hold back a laugh and passed her arms around his neck.
“I can go as far as necessary to prove my points.” He said with that cocky smile that suited him so well.
“Fine, I don’t think I can argue with that.” Ana couldn’t help but look at his mouth for a second, just now realizing how close they were, a fact that Jack had already noticed and was doing his best to deal with; if it was true that existed a god above, he knew how much Jack wanted to kiss her, the feeling of having her in his arms and her perfume invading his sense of smell didn’t make things any easier, but he wouldn’t risk screwing it all.
“Very good, ‘cause I don’t lose an argumentation.” Jack finished the sentence with a wink and carefully put her back on the ground “Now, we’re gonna put you on Crystal’s back.”
“I hope you know that I don’t have much practice on this part of the mounting.” Ana admitted frowning slightly.
“Don’t worry, there’s no mystery.” He assured calmly, standing next to her “Just bend your leg.” He said patting her left knee, she did as he said and held the saddle with more strength as she felt his hands on her knee and ankle. “Now you just bounce up and I’ll lift you.”
“If both of us end up in the ground, I will blame you.” She said while holding the reins properly.
“I can deal with that.” Jack answered with a smile before helping her mount, smiling a little more when she got easily mounted.
“Well, I think I’ll owe you this one.” Ana said, observing Jack mount on Horace.
“Don’t worry, I’ll think carefully ‘bout how I’ll charge you.” He joked before they started to ride again.
When they went back to the ranch the sun was already going down, after taking the horses to the stable, they went to the house. Jack guided Ana upstairs to her bedroom and, after being sure she would be comfortable, he went to take a shower. Finally, alone, Ana took a better look at the ambiance and hadn’t any doubt that she had been accommodated in the master bedroom of the house. At this point was clear to her that, although the rural man spirit, Jack appreciated the fancy side of life; that ranch was for sure more sophisticated than a lot of city houses without losing the country aesthetic; the varnished and well-maintained wooden floor carefully combined with the wooden furniture was on perfect balance with the whole rustic chic décor of the room such as in the rest of the house.
She for sure would look to the details with more attention, but not now, despite being interested in it, Ana was more excited to spend more time with him. She couldn’t help but think that wanting to be around Jack that much could be a treacherous feeling, however, it wasn’t like both of them didn’t know why they were seeing each other; he left no doubts about being interested in her and she didn’t try to disguise that the interest was mutual. Before getting too carried away with her thoughts, Ana walked to the bathroom to take a shower.
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With the sleeves of his plaid shirt rolled up, Jack organized everything he’d need to cook the dinner. Hearing the sound of her coming downstairs, he smiled without even noticing and looked up when Ana entered the kitchen, feeling the genuine happiness that had accompanied him all day went back with full force at the sight of her looking so beautiful in that long floral dress.
“So, my amazing host will also make the dinner? I’m getting too spoiled.” She joked, approaching the kitchen island.
“I want to be sure that you’ll want to come back.” He answered with a smirk while opening a bottle of wine.
“I’m already convinced to come back, but go ahead.” Ana admitted and sat on one of the stools.
“This being the case, we’re at the point where I try to impress you with my domestic abilities.” Jack finished the sentence handing a glass of wine to her.
“The kind of skill I appreciate in a man, especially cooking ‘cause I’ll run away from the kitchen every chance I get.” She admitted before taking the first sip of wine.
“You’re in lucky then, ‘cause my only problem with cooking is the whole pantry-organizing thing.” He said while putting a large skillet on the stove and placing two steaks on it.
“No problem then, because I love to do this kind of organization.” Ana didn’t notice the excitement in her words with the fact that they would work well together on that, even if it was a simple thing, could turn into a problem in daily living.
“I don’t wanna sound hurried, but I’m already imagining how amazing it must be living with you.” Jack admitted with a goofy smile while grabbing a pan with cooked pasta to drain it. 
“We’re tied then because the idea of not having to ever touch a pan again sounds like heaven to me.” She said raising her eyebrows slightly and both of them laughed.
They kept talking while he prepared the food and she got herself too amazed by how effortlessly he managed to speak so eloquently while slicing the cooked steaks or how he kept his full attention on her, even while making the alfredo sauce. When the sliced steaks, the sauce, and the fettuccine were put together, she was surer than ever that Jack was putting effort into impressing her and it was working.
As the gentleman he was, Jack grabbed her by the hand while leading her to the table and pulling out the chair for her to sit. After serving the food for her and refilling her glass of wine, he sat next to her, unable not to smile when Ana didn’t flinch before grabbing the fork and trying the food; took him a second to notice that he felt relieved when she let out a satisfied sigh after close her eyes to savor the food.
“I’m ready to negotiate a deep pantry organization since you just dropped one of the best meals I've eaten in my entire life.” Ana said softly with a tender smile.
“I’ll accept the offer.” He answered after taking a sip of his wine “But in the present circumstances, I’m more in need of information.”
“Fair enough.” She agreed before eating another bite “What do you wanna know?” Ana questioned once she swallowed the food.
“You piqued my curiosity ‘bout your country origins after seeming so at home here.” Jack kept his attention turned to her while he started to eat, more curious than ever for her answer.
“My hometown is the kind of place where you’ll occasionally see horses walking around the streets and tractors are as common as cars, not to mention that most of my relatives worked in the livestock business or rice cultivation, I had no way to escape the rural environment.”
“Now it’s making a lot more sense.” He admitted with a fascinated expression “But I’d like a bit more of geographic clarification.” 
“Is a rural town called Quaraí, located at the frontier with Uruguay, in fact, the only thing that separates the two countries there is a bridge that you cross in a ten-minute walk.” She explained calmly and took a sip of wine.
“No me digas que hablas español también.” Ana had to inhale slowly so as not to choke on the wine at the very moment he said the first word in Spanish. Somehow his voice sounded even more deep and pleasant.
“No es el idioma que más domino, sin duda, pero sí.” She answered calmly as if she wasn’t in a mental debate to figure out if the heat running over her body was caused by the wine or by the satisfied smile of the man in front of her.
“Just when I thought you couldn’t surprise me anymore.” Jack smiled a little more, holding her hand that was lying on the table. 
“I think I have the right to come up with some surprises, considering that I didn’t expect you to be like this.” Ana admitted while intertwining their fingers.
“Like this?” he raised one eyebrow, squinting his eyes slightly.
“You know, even if it may have been rash of me, I wasn’t with the highest hopes about a southern cowboy.” She couldn’t help but laugh quietly “I hate to be the half-full-glass person, but my expectations are really good about this.”
“If it makes you feel better ‘bout it, my expectations are in the sky at this point.” Jack admitted with a smirk “You see, I really hope that this can turn into something serious.”
“Both of us.” She smiled widely “I’m enjoying your company a lot.”
They spent the next couple of hours talking and laughing, getting more enthusiastic as the wine in the bottle dwindled. When they decided to go to bed, they walked upstairs side to side, while talking a little more.
“I didn’t forget that you still owe me a visit to the calves.” Ana said while opening the bedroom door.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take you to see them tomorrow.” He affirmed with his arms crossed.
“You better do it if you don’t want me to steal the good boy Gus.” She raised her eyebrows.
“As if you’d need to make an effort to steal him.” He said with a charming smile and grabbed one of her hands “Have a good night, Ana.” Jack kept his look locked on her eyes while kissing the back of her hand.
“Good night, Jack.” She said with a sideways smile “And thank you for the hospitality.”
“The least I can do having the most amazing guest on my propriety.” He winked at her and kissed her hand once again before letting it go.
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Tagging: @missladym1981 (In case you want to be tagged, lemme know)
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Fic Rec Friday
This week’s theme: Rec a fic that starts with the same letter as your username (or, if you like, a part of your username).
The rules: Tag a fic that starts with the same letter as your username and describe why it’s so good / how it has a hold on you. Then tag some people to see what everyone else is reading. Spread the love! Please tag @welcometololaland or tag #fic rec friday so she can compile the masterlist.
I was tagged by @welcometololaland & @irispurpurea ❤💕
So for this I'm going with the fics that begin with the same letter as my Tumblr username & also my ao3 username because I've got good ones based on both!
So here we go:
911 Lone Star:
Fire Meet Gasoline by @howtosingit
An amazing firefighter!Carlos AU in which he gets transferred to the 126. It is a fantastic fic & I love the character portrayals! Such a wonderful fic & I LOVE IT SO MUCH!
Forever Will Never Be Long Enough (With You) by falloutmars (not sure if they have a Tumblr)
It's a Tarlos honeymoon fic. Some teasing & swimming pool shenanigans which are simply so 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Find Another Dose by @paperstorm
A 1x09 missing moments fic. TK in his feral cat boy era. A heartbreaking, sad & such an AMAZING fic! Also, Gwyn in this! It made me miss her so much! This was one of those 'This makes me want to hug TK so much' fics. Or as someone else said in the comments, "He needs a Carlos-shaped hug''.
Delicate by @paperstorm
A 1x06 missing moments fic. It has smut with feelings (my favourite kind of smut). Both boys are obviously developing feelings but they're not going to talk about it. The fic was so achingly beautiful it wrecked me. The way Andie has mixed in the feels is 🥺🥺🥺❤❤❤
Forgiveness (Can You Imagine) by viciouslyqueer (I don't know if they have a Tumblr)
A FirstPrince talk of rings & proposals with a little bit of angst. I had so many feels about this! It's si lovely & beautiful & amazing!
Hashtag Soulmates by @everwitch-magiks
A copywriter!Henry & legal advisor!Alex AU. It has literally all my favourite fanfic tropes! And that one particular chapter which has a moment which is so meta I just love it! And all the references & easter eggs in that chapter!
For One Night Only by @indomitable-love
A Catherine/Arthur fic. The meet-cute 🤣🤣😂😂
All the talk of grief made me think of it as foreshadowing. All the parallels! George's story 🥺🥺🥺🥺
The name origin for Beatrice & then after reading the fic, I realized this was also a Henry name origin story! 🥹🥹🥹❤❤❤
For All The World To See by @everwitch-magiks
An FirstPrince neighbor AU with actor!Alex & author!Henry. The fic references! And all the secrets which eventually do come out & lead to the angst! And then the happy ending! 🥺🥺🥹🥹❤❤
Faster, Higher, Stronger by @everwitch-magiks
A FirstPrince sports AU where they're both ice-skaters. So amazing & brilliant & beautiful! I loved it so much! Also, this is the fic that lead me to take an interest in ice-skating. The number of YouTube videos I've watched of Nathan Chen flawlessly executing his routines because of this!
Forever Yrs, For Evermore by @indomitable-love
A FirstPrince lake house proposal fic. It's so beautiful & soft & sexy & lovely all at the same time! I think this is one of the first fics I remember reading for this fandom!
Not sure who hasn't done this yet, but no pressure tagging: @ladytessa74 @sarnagati @jordanshenessy @fangirl-paba @detective-giggles @paperstorm @goodways @first-kanaphan @actuallysara @actual-sleeping-beauty & anyone who wants to participate!
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megsmulti · 7 months
Ever since last Friday, I can not stop thinking about The Marvels, which was my most anticipated film for this year and BOY DID IT DELIVER!! It’s definitely one of my comfort movies now and I know that I’ll be watching it A TON once it comes out on streaming!
Here are some of my favorite things about it:
-the dynamic between the three women and how Carol and Monica’s issues didn’t fall by the wayside right away and instead, were simmering throughout the entire movie until the final battle when they finally hashed it out and all was good after that
-the growth & character development with all three of them. Since we didn’t see much of Carol and Monica before this movie, it was amazing to see them have more emotional depth in their relationship! Also, I really appreciated that Carol learned from her mistakes and apologized for them immediately. That’s what drew me into her dynamic with Kamala as well!
-Kamala’s family! They were such a delight in Ms. Marvel, so I’m very happy that they brought them back for this movie! Also, Muneeba hitting that one Kree warrior with a lamp was BADASS!!
-Fury! His characterization in the movie was definitely a nice change from Secret Invasion. It showed the Fury we’ve known and loved since the beginning!
-THAT ENDING SCENE!! I’m so excited for what’s to come on that front! (Not spoiling anything)
It was such a fun time watching this movie and I can’t wait to see the three of them again in the future!!!
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