#once again thank you for the art it made me so so happy hehe
shkika · 10 months
“#this is probably what slivs dreams in the void looked like to be honest #way before she realized that wasnt the real moon”
got me thinking
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I imagine Sliver had a period of time where she was clueless about her loved ones being fake in the void. So realizing the truth was a whole bag of emotions as she stomachs what really happened to her..
AH thank you so so much for the comic! I got very excited I couldn't not indulge in the scenario.
The post the tags come from is here > (x)
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good-beans · 7 months
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(Milgram self-insert oc masterpost hehe)
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Name: For the sake of posting online I’ll call her Rose!
Color: #E7355B [the pink in the art]
Age: I guess she’d be 20 given when Milgram started huh.
Status: Milgram Staff, Machine Technician
Symbols/imagery: ballet/musical theater, science experiments
Song genre: very similar to Mahiru's, something upbeat and extra pop-y
Tentatively she's number 011? She's not really prisoner but she's also not free to come and go, so I'm not actually sure if she'd get a number (Edit: I've decided she'll actually be 012. Staff is given the 01X range, and even though Es doesn't actively have a number they'd be staff member 011, making her 012.)
Story: Since the project is supposed to be realistic/present day, the mv machine would be brand new and unpredictable tech, so they’d want someone keeping up on maintenance and making sure the brain-invasive process won’t cause any harm to the prisoners. Rose was studying abroad in Japan working on some cool neuroscience tech (irl I know nothing about technology or brains but shh) and she stumbled upon some secret tech/plans from Milgram. Long story short, she was dragged into the experiment to make sure things ran smoothly.
Writer's Reasoning: She’s really fun for me to play around with, as she allows me to work with a character who has a tiny bit of pull over Es’ mindset in conversation but not the final decision (aka mirroring the voting system), and someone who is simultaneously trapped in the prison but has a reason to see all the canon content.* I really enjoy the character interactions and dynamics Milgram has set up so far, so it’s been super fun seeing how things change for better and worse when someone not quite aligned with either Milgram/the prisoners is thrown into the mix!
*As much as I love dramatic irony in fiction, it would drive me crazy if I knew every detail of of the vds/mvs but Rose didn't – and every single Milgram character is The Worst Communicator Ever so I couldn’t justify that she’d hear it secondhand from them...
Story roles:
She’s a bit conflicted -- she’s officially Milgram staff and knows she should remain neutral on the prisoners, since she won’t be allowed to interfere with the process/executions. At the same time, her job description is literally “make sure the machine doesn't hurt them and everyone's safe :)” and she's way too emotional to avoid getting hopelessly attached to everyone 😅
I really enjoy the theory that the machine extracts videos based off of priming, so one of Rose’s duties involves listening in on the interrogation and making sure there’s been enough material discussed/not too much time has passed overall (hence the ringing of the bell happening at different lengths for each vd -- That's her ringing it :3). She then watches the mvs along with Es to make sure there are no machine glitches, and know how to calibrate it better for next time.
(IEdit: I've since decided to add in official trial mvs, but before when I wasn't ready to tackle that:) She has to run some tests on the machine to make sure things are calibrated correctly, so she'd extract little things here and there. It gives me the opportunity to think up lyric snippets and recurring symbols for her without worrying about full encompassing music videos.
I'm not afraid to admit she can fall into Mary Sue territory every so often by being everyone's friend, because it's less about "aw everyone likes her" and more about "canon is too painful rn and I need a fix-it tool to take care of these guys and give them hugs and tell them someone forgives them and cares about them and unfortunately these characters wouldn't let anyone less than a friend do that." Rest assured she's definitely not perfect and will fuck everything up on occasion :3
Miscellaneous: Whenever I play around with normal au ideas she's still working on the machine (but in a public, more ethical setting), and she's Mahiru's roommate :) Her character isn't super focused on love, but if I had to pick a cover song it'd be Stickybug II. It's very much my vibe, the lyrics fit well enough (better than most songs, at least lol) and it's one of my favorites out of my limited knowledge of unchosen Deco songs! (Edit, I've actually given her non-deco cover songs hehe)
So yeah, I hope she's not too boring without a cool crime to decipher, but I wanted to share since I was really proud of her! It took a bit of tinkering to find a way to fit her into a perfect secret-third-thing role that runs very smoothly with all of canon, so I was very excited!
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kurogane2512 · 9 months
Ningguang Birthday 2023
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Happy birthday to Ningguang!! Not me being one day late to post my waifu's birthday fics once again but ugh exam season. Anyways, I combined all the scenarios shown in her birthday art, comic and mail this year for this fic so hope you guys like it! I will also be doing all Ningguang requests in my inbox today to celebrate her day! <3
Game: Genshin Impact
Characters: Ningguang x fem!reader
Type: Fluff
The Tianquan of Liyue was known for many things, her wealth surpassing all perhaps. The Tianquan of Liyue was known as many things; calculative, materialistic, intelligent among many more. Some would say she had no care for finite possessions for the mora she possessed was infinite; however, she had proved to all she was much more than the exquisite woman she appeared to be. She was Liyue's guiding star and protector, shining down on it as brightly as the Jades she possessed. Yet, a part of her was still unknown to many, not even her closest secretaries knew of it....
"Lady Ningguang, the Yuheng declined your invitation to play Liyue Millennial today." Baiwen informed her lady on one pleasant morning when the Tianquan was surprisingly free of her never-ending duties.
"Oh? Did she state the reason?" Ningguang questioned.
"She said she has some personal matters to attend to and cannot give so much time to the game."
"I see....And what about Captain Beidou? I heard the Crux is currently docked in Liyue."
"Oh, they left last night, Lady Ningguang. We did send the invitation to her but received no reply..."
"Hmph, as expected of her.....And what about the other invitees? I assume everyone denied as well."
"Y-Yes, Lady Ningguang...." Baiwen replied hesitantly.
"Hmm....I didn't expect that new card game to become so popular and make everyone enamored with it. Hehe, it can't be helped, I suppose. Chess mates are becoming hard to find, if only she was here...." Ningguang paused and stared into empty space before sighing, "Is there anything on my schedule today, Baiwen?"
"Yes, Ms Yun Jin asked you to witness her new show today at 1 pm, she also made arrangements for lunch. Everything else was moved to other days to give you time for yourself, milady."
"Hehe, how considerate of you. I understand then, you all are dismissed for the rest of the day as well."
"O-Oh, thank you very much, milady!" Baiwen bowed with a smile and exited Ningguang's office gleefully. Ningguang sighed and rested on her table while pondering deeply, "It has been like this for months now, till when will I keep playing on my own....? What's the point of a 2-person game if there is no partner? Hmph, I'm sure the excitement for that card game will fade away soon and Liyue Millennial will stand the test of time...."
Ningguang squinted her eyes and sat up then walked outside to the external platform of the Jade Chamber, gazing at the scenery in front of her. Her eyes wandered over to the distant sky adorned with fluffy clouds and she suddenly spotted a faint twinkling of a star.
"Heh~ To be able to spot the brightest star on a sunny morning like this....The higher you stand, the closer you are to the sky, after all."
A smile formed on her face as she observed the star before it was no longer visible due to the bright sun illuminating the sky.
"I wonder if I'll spot a shooting star tonight....It would be nice if our very own shooting star came here today but I suppose that's wishful thinking...."
She looked down at the city and decided to take a walk around until it was time for Yun Jin's show. She went through the market and asked for a few things but didn't buy any as there was no requirement and there was nothing new worth investing in. She then reached the venue for Yun Jin's play and watched the stage being set-up before Yun Jin walked out and began her performance.
"This is from the new piece I've been working on. What do you think, Tianquan Ningguang?" Yun Jin asked at the end of her performance.
"Wonderful. It hasn't been long since we last met but you've surpassed yourself once again, Yun Jin." Ningguang replied earnestly.
Yun Jin beamed a smile then moved her gaze to the other people in the audience and was caught by surprise for a moment spotting a familiar figure.
"What would you say?" Yun Jin questioned while looking at a person behind Ningguang.
"As Tianquan Ningguang said, it was really wonderful."
Ningguang's eyes widened hearing the all too familiar voice, she then slowly turned around to see none other than the shooting star she had wished to meet not so long ago.
You smiled, "It has been a while since we met, Lady Ningguang and Yun Jin."
Ningguang's heartbeat fastened for a moment before she composed herself and stood up while clearing her throat, "Pleasure to meet you again as well, Y/n. How has your journey been going?"
"It's been good so far. I was missing Liyue hence thought to visit..."
Ningguang smiled at your confession, "My~ Of course, you are always welcome here. Come, have a seat. We were about to order lunch."
You accepted Ningguang's proposal and sat on the table with her and Yun Jin as a feast was being served. Ningguang was not expecting to see you today of all days, she wondered what really was your reason to come. Was it a mere coincidence that you chose to come today of all days or was there something in your mind? However, she realized she didn't care for the reason. 
When she sent invites out to her associates to play chess with her today, she had written one for you as well but refrained from sending it in the end. She knew you were more than enough capable of matching against her in Liyue Millennial, you had done it before. But she didn't know what was in your heart. Ningguang always liked being able to predict the next move of those around her, but you were the most uncertain piece on her board.
"What new region have you visited now, Y/n?"
"Oh, I went to Fontaine from Sumeru. I still have more things to do there but I had to do a few errands at Mondstadt recently then decided to come here too to meet everyone...."
"Hehe~ And here I thought your annual trip to Liyue would always be for Lantern Rite. You surprised me yet again~"
You chuckled softly and continued eating until bidding farewell to Yun Jin and being in the marketplace together with Ningguang.
"Well, I suppose you have to meet your other friends now, Y/n. It was good to see you again and I hope your future travels are as pleasant as ever." Ningguang spoke with courtesy before turning around to walk away but you stopped her.
"U-Uh, Lady Ningguang, if you aren't busy then may I take some more of your time? I wanted to say a few things...."
"Oh? Well, it's your lucky day then as my schedule is free. Come, walk with me. However, there is one condition~"
"W-What might it be....?"
Ningguang sensed your nervousness and chuckled before walking up to you and leaning close to your face, "You will not call me 'Lady Ningguang' for the rest of the day~"
You blushed seeing her up close and nodded, "I understand...."
Ningguang smiled and proceeded to walk and you accompanied her, you looked around the bustling marketplace and tried to start a conversation but were unable to. Ningguang was ethereal in your eyes and you'd always get slightly nervous around her as you didn't want to disappoint her in any way. You knew she held you in high regard and you wanted to maintain that impression.
"Well? What might it be that you wish to converse with me? Are you facing some kind of financial problems? Or perhaps you need help in some kind of business-related commission?"
"N-No, none of that....Well, I am running short on Mora recently but I wouldn't come to you for that."
"Why not? I'd be more than happy to assist you. Of course, I wouldn't just hand you a bag of mora but I can get you sufficient work that pays well. With your skills and caliber, there are a number of high paying jobs suitable for your needs and many would be more than willing to hire you just from hearing your name."
"Haha, I see....I'll keep it in mind for the future."
"Well? You haven't answered my question."
Ningguang stopped walking and turned to face you, slowly becoming suspicious now.
"A-Ah, it was actua—"
"Oh, if it isn't Y/n. How are you doing recently?" a familiar voice called out to you and you turned around to see none other than Keqing waving at you.
"Keqing, long time no see. I'm fine, what about you?"
"I'm the same as ever. I see you already met Ningguang. So, what brings you to Liyue?"
"Nothing much, just thought to meet everyone."
"Haha, that's great. Now that you are here, want to have a duel with me? I recently updated my deck~"
"Oh, right now? You don't have any work to do....?"
"Hah~ The next appointment isn't until 2 hours, I went around asking others if they are up for a match but everyone was already engaged in another and I haven't found any opponent...."
Keqing briefly paused and glanced at Ningguang, "....and a few others don't like playing it anyways."
"I-I see....Well, I don't really have any work right now so—"
"Oh, that's perfect then! Come, there are a few empty tables at Yangshang Teahouse."
You hesitated to reply then looked over at Ningguang, "....Would you like to come along, Ningguang?"
"Oh, don't bother with Ningguang. Genius Invocation TCG is too low for her status~"
"I see..."
Ningguang squinted her eyes at Keqing's remark then glanced at you and saw a pleading look on your face, seemingly indicating that you wanted her to come along. She didn't understand it, why were you so eager to have her there? You could have just left her and went about your merry way.
"As it happens, I'm rather interested in seeing a duel between our Yuheng and the esteemed Hero of Liyue~"
Ningguang mused with a smirk and Keqing sighed then the 3 of you made your way over to Yangshang Teahouse and settled on a faraway table before taking out your decks and setting up a duel. Ningguang noticed that your deck revolved around her card, she was the main damage dealer and all your supports were tailor-made for her. While she felt proud that you had invested in her card, she knew Keqing was quite formidable and her deck was rather advantageous against yours. Still, she was betting on you to win nonetheless. 
The game gradually became more heated as none of you were backing down, even attracting a crowd of on-lookers to the interesting match. Both of you had lost one card each and were close to reaching round 5, Ningguang had already figured out Keqing's strategy by observing her play so far but she was quite stunned by you. She actually couldn't figure out what your play was, she thought of many options seeing your cards but you'd always make an unexpected move and prove her wrong.
"Oi, Lady Yuheng is actually being cornered....Haha, as expected of Liyue's hero!" someone chimed from the crowd, eliciting more similar remarks all around. Ningguang chuckled looking at you, "Always so interesting....If only you showed such keen interest in Liyue Millennial too."
The match finally came to and end as you defeated another card of Keqing and she decided to forfeit as she knew she can't make a comeback with her remaining card. You emerged victorius with a resounding applause from the crowd and appreciation for a good game from Keqing.
"Well played indeed, Y/n. I didn't know you are such a good player in this as well." Ningguang remarked.
"I have played many matches going all around Sumeru, Inazuma and Mondstadt by now. But you flatter me, Ningguang, I still have room for improvement."
"Hehe, that's good to hear. The game has been very popular all over Teyvat, no wonder you were dragged into it as well."
"....Is it true you aren't a fan of it as Keqing said?"
"Well, I wouldn't say that.....I simply find it too simplistic for my tastes. I did enjoy it in the beginning but I don't see myself continuing in the long term, I'd much rather spend time on my chess."
You looked at her with a smile and nodded in understanding when a few more people approached you inviting you to duel with them. You felt overwhelmed with the crowd gathered around you and noticed Ningguang had walked away to give them space. You politely declined everyone saying you had other commitments and caught up with Ningguang.
"N-Ningguang, wait! There was something I wanted to say!"
Ningguang stopped and turned around to look at you when you saw a surprising expression on her face. You didn't ever imagine you'd see the Tianquan of Liyue making this kind of expression; full of loneliness and sadness....
"Ningguang, what's wrong....?"
"Hm? Whatever you might mean, Y/n?" she feigned innocence, swiftly changing her expression back to normal. You knew she was hiding something. You looked up at the sky and saw the sun was slowly setting, the light still spread in the sky but you couldn't wait any longer.
"Ningguang, is it okay if we go to the Jade Chamber? It'll give the best view."
"Best view for what?"
You smiled, "You'll see. Just trust me, will you?"
You extended your hand to her and she hesitated for a moment then took it and you both walked to Yujing Terrace to ascend to the Jade Chamber. By the time you reached, the sky had darkened further which was good news for you. Ningguang was about to take you inside as usual but you stopped her on the external platform and asked her to watch you. Ningguang waited in anticipation and mystery, she had absolutely no idea what you were going to do.
You looked up at the sky and saw stars appearing then took out a launch tube and placed it on the ground before turning around and facing Ningguang. Her heartbeat suddenly fastened as excitement engulfed her thinking of the possibilities of what was going to happen. You then took a deep breath and launched a firework in the sky which burst into a brilliant crimson light illuminating the words- 'Happy Birthday Ningguang'
Ningguang's eyes widened reading the words, did you have this planned all this time? Was this your main reason for coming to Liyue? More fireworks were released in the following minutes, all containing different drawing and words that described her, or at least described her as you thought her to be- beautiful, kind, selfless, elegant, compassionate and many more. She was truly taken aback, it felt like the whole sky belonged to her and was wishing her on her special day. Her surroundings were nothing but the brilliance of these fireworks that you created.
"Ningguang." your sudden voice reached her ears and she moved her gaze towards you. You smiled at her and said, "Happy birthday." A firework burst behind you at the same time with the words, 'I love you' and she was the most surprised now. How were you always capable of catching her off guard was beyond her. Nobody could do this to her, yet here you were. Her heart was beating faster than ever, the fireworks ended long ago but the thumping of her chest still resounded in her whole body.
At last, she calmed down and regained her demeanour with a smile on her face, "Thank you very much, dear Y/n. This was magnificent and that in the end....was that true? Did you mean it?"
You smiled and nodded, "It is....everything was true. Each and every word was from the bottom of my heart, it is what I have felt for you ever since we first met...."
Ningguang smiled as well, "....Was this your real purpose for coming here today?"
"It was....I just wanted to celebrate your birthday. I know this isn't much but—"
"Don't say that. I don't care how much it was, it's the thought and effort that counts and I'm feeling blessed that you did this for me...."
Ningguang walked closer to you and suddenly embraced you, "I love you too, Y/n. Thank you very much for this."
Your eyes widened and you slowly wrapped your arms around her body, "I-It wasn't much...."
Ningguang chuckled, "Would you believe me if I said I had wished to meet you today?"
Ningguang released the hug then looked at the stars in the sky around you, "I wished to see a shooting star today and was reminded of you since you also came in this world as a shooting star, after all. Hehe, it seems I ended up wishing to a shooting star indeed and the Archons heard my wish."
You blushed hearing her words, "I-I see....By the way, the sky is really beautiful from here. The stars seem so close...."
"Mhm, the higher you stand the closer you are to the sky. I did build this Jade Chamber to be the guiding star of Liyue, it is only rightful I should be among them."
You gazed at her as she looked at the stars then were reminded of her expression from earlier, "....Doesn't it get lonely at the top?"
Ningguang was caught by surprise at your words and looked at you in surprise, but by now she had gotten used to your unpredictable nature and simply smiled.
"Well then, wouldn't you stand by my side being Teyvat's very own star?~"
You blushed, "It would be my honor...."
You gazed at each other with a smile and you felt intoxicated, bewitched by her. The night sky around you adorned with stars emphasized Ningguang's beauty even more, her own self twinkling with them. You released your arms from around her and stepped back then took out a Kamera and pointed at her.
"Oh, you would like to capture this moment for me?"
"Yes, I still have some fireworks left too."
"A lovely suggestion. I heard that many people in Fontaine take pictures to celebrate their birthdays nowadays."
"Yes, it is quite crazy over there when it comes to technology...."
You giggled and set up another launch tube by the time Ningguang chose a spot, you then took out 2 Kameras and alternated between them in taking photos of Ningguang with the stars and fireworks.
"My, I didn't think you would have such a collection of different Kameras. It seems you are quite potent when it comes to photography~"
You smiled then finished clicking the pictures and showed to her, "These are really well taken. I'll keep some of them and you'll keep some too, right?~"
"Yes, I'd love to...."
You said in a daze as you watched her stand beside you and happily look at the photos.
"O-Oh, is there something you'd like to do? We still have time left until the day is over, I feel bad that we barely did anything worth a celebration."
Ningguang smiled softly and caressed your cheek, "You made the day special enough for me by coming here and doing all this. But still, if you insist, I do have something in mind~"
She held your hand and pulled you inside the Jade Chamber, taking you downstairs to her office where you saw a game of Liyue Millennial was laid out on the table.
"Did you play with someone today?"
"Oh....well, I invited a few people but everyone refused giving one excuse or the other. Keqing even had the audacity to say she personal matters to attend to then was happily playing that card game with you."
She sighed bitterly and you remembered her distaste for TCG then spoke, "Are you having trouble finding chess mates nowadays due to TCG?"
"....Yes, that is true.  Everyone is quite enamored with it; I even got some complaints saying that chess is too difficult and stressful and that I should simplify its rules."
"I see, that's unfortunate....I would love to play with you from now on. Truth be told, I have gotten quite bored of TCG having played it so much. Not to mention, playing chess with you is an incomparable experience...."
Ningguang blushed at your sudden compliments, "My. You never fail to impress me, give that sweet tongue of yours a rest for some time, would you?~"
"I-I'm sorry but I was just saying the truth...."
"Hehe, well then, would you care to indulge me with a game now?"
"Of course, as you say."
The two of you sat on opposite sides of the table and took out chess pieces to arrange on both of your sides, the rest of the game hadwho already been set hence making it easier and faster to start.
"Hmm, would you mind if we make the game slightly different than usual?" Ningguang suggested.
"Not at all. What shall we do?"
"Every time one of us loses a piece, the other gets to ask a question or order them to do something. How does that sound?~"
You suddenly became nervous of Ningguang's mischievous suggestion accompanied by the smirk on her face, "Uh, are there some things we can't ask or do?"
"Well, I'm open to everything. But if you want to keep some boundaries then I will abide."
You pondered for a moment and thought of certain possibilities causing you to become slightly flustered then nodded, "Okay, I'm fine with everything too."
Ningguang's smirk widened, she knew what was going on in your mind and she would be lying if she said she wasn't thinking the same things. She let you take the first move and you finally began playing, an interesting and heated game of Liyue Millennial ensuing.
"My~ Rarely anyone can match up to me this way and keep me entertained, I knew I was right about her..." Ningguang pondered with a smile.
The game went on for some time until you finally lost your first piece, and the first ever piece in the whole game hence giving Ningguang the first chance to ask something.
"Hmm....well, I'll give an easy one since it's the first loss. Have you had your first kiss yet?"
Your eyes widened in shock, "T-This is easy?!"
You looked at Ningguang's playful expression then replied with a slight blush, "N-No, I haven't...."
Ningguang chuckled in amusement and squinted her eyes looking at you, subconsciously licking her lips then continuing the game. Next was your turn to ask her something as she lost her first piece.
"Um, have you dated anyone before me....?"
"I was confessed to and even offered marriage proposals but I refused all. So, you are my first— in everything~"
You knew what Ningguang implied by that, and you truly hoped it would come true. The game continued more and you continued asking each other questions, some rather intimate but nothing overbearing. Ningguang was winning hence got more chances to tease and fluster you from her questions, also enabling her to know more about your likes and dislikes.
"Hmm, let's change the direction of the questions now. This time, I ask you to take off your shirt~"
"H-Huh?! That's a huge jump all of a sudden!"
Ningguang smirked, "Let me rephrase it then. I order you to take off your shirt~"
You were further shocked and tried to protest but she was unhinged, "Don't forget you agreed to everything, dear Y/n. I don't take lightly to people going back on their words~"
You gulped and eventually nodded then proceeded to slide off your shirt and keep it aside, sitting in front of the Tianquan in just your bra and pants now. Her gaze trailed all over your exposed body, cunningly observing your features as if they were an intricate design carved by the finest of hands. The game then continued and you finally got your chance to make her do something too.
"Uh....t-take off your dress....."
You gathered all your courage to say that, earning a short chuckle from Ningguang who expected this, "How bold of you, dear Y/n~"
"I-It's only fair, right?"
"Hehe, you are correct...." Ningguang stood up and proceeded to untie the strings of her dress, you intently watched her remove her accessories starting from the fur around her neck, down to her finger claws then finally slide down her qipao and standing in her black lace lingerie. Your face heated up as your eyes subconsciously took in her features, her perfect curves and breasts all in front of you to feast on.
"You are staring a bit too much, dear Y/n. Hold in your urges until later tonight, will you?~"
"I-I don't have any urges!" you exclaimed bashfully and looked away while she sat down at her place with a giggle, "How adorable you are...makes me want to have my way with you right here~"
The atmosphere between you two grew tense as the game continued, you were struggling to keep your eyes off Ningguang's body while she was enjoying this little game too much. She was much swifter in stealing glances at you and made it seem she was focused on the game rather that the immoral thoughts she was having.
"The next order I have for you is...." Ningguang trailed off and stood up from her seat then walked towards you, your heartbeat fastening as she came closer. She then straddled your lap facing you and wrapped her arms around your neck, your heart skipping a beat at her action.
"....Kiss me~"
Her thumb brushed across your lower lip and you put your hands on her waist to pull her closer as she leaned in and connected your lips together. Her soft and moist lips gently cuddled with yours, a blissful feeling spreading in your body at the contact. She was everything you needed, only you knew how much you had held back all this time to hold and feel her this way. Without much thinking, you grabbed her tighter and suddenly pushed her to the table making her lie lean on it while you kissed her passionately.
Surprised by your sudden rough movements, she wrapped her legs around your waist and pulled you down to kiss you deeper. Your tongues entangled in a heated manner, heavily breathing into each other's scents. She moaned into the kiss as she felt you rub against her abdomen, her nails digging into your back as you went down to kiss her neck. Your hand slid towards her thigh and caressed her dragon tattoo, a low chuckle leaving her lips sending vibrations in you.
"And here I thought the Hero of Liyue was much more restrained. You knocked off all my pieces in one go, it seems I'm obliged to follow all your orders now~"
You blushed then grinned, "Well, I did knock out my own pieces too so that makes us equal and considering you were already winning earlier...."
Ningguang continued, "....I'm the true winner and get to order you once again? Is that what you want?~"
"If that's what you want to give me as my return gift, I'll gladly accept it~"
"Haha~ A return gift, you say? And here I thought you still had more gifts to give me~"
"You still want more, Tianquan Ningguang? You do realize you'd have to give a fair amount of return gifts then?~"
"And you think I cannot afford that?~"
Ningguang smirked wider and you smiled then snuggled into the crook of her neck, "What do you want me to do, Tianquan Ningguang?~"
"Stay with me on this lonely night and many more lonely nights to come. Be the star that shines beside me and never leaves me alone"
You leaned up and looked into her eyes, "I accept the contract, my Tianquan."
You smiled at each other and passionately kissed once again, her legs tightened around you and you lifted her off the table to carry her to her room and lay her on the bed. The Tianquan spent the night together entangled with her lover, she no longer felt lonely being at the top of the world and knew you would always be by her side in any and everything. She looked into her mirror next morning after a passionate and lustful night and caressed the marks left by you on her neck. Of course, she had to get you back for it. No wonder you were given strange looks by people as you left the Jade Chamber later with a red kiss mark adorning your cheek that she so discreetly made as a goodbye kiss.
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doudouma · 4 months
can you do nakime x amab reader headcanons where reader has invisibility as a his demon blood art. and reader and nakime like to play a game to pass the time where she has to guess where reader is? I thought this would be cute lol. especially if you wrote it
“you’re invisible, but visible to my heart”
m!reader and nakime playing together to pass time!
nakime, the all-knowing infinity castle owner, has to guess where m!reader, with the bda of invisibility, is located! which team wins〜?
there are no warnings, my dear lotus.
reader is male.❀ 〜
a/n : i believe it’s canon that nakime knows where everyone is in the castle, thats her blood demon art after all〜 but for the sake of this, lets say that your BDA hides your presence too♡
this idea really is cute! I’m happy i got a male reader request, especially with nakime! she’s quite underrated. and thank you for your kind compliment! fluff is something i enjoy writing♡
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oh, just how adorable this is♡?
another long day at the beautiful fortress with nobody around, nobody doing anything.
the only thing going on is a few uppermoons that pass by every once in a while.
the only two sticking around, really, is you and nakime (of course)!
nakime doesn’t talk unless she’s spoken to, so you two aren’t speaking much. but definitely, she’s watching you in adoration♡
shortly later, you ask her if she wants to play you two’s favorite pass-time game!
she almost instantly responds, like she was waiting for you to ask her〜
“yes, i would love to, m/n. today is quite slow moving, i enjoy passing time like this.”
don’t forget that it’s been shown in the anime that they can talk quite normal and hear each other just fine〜
with that being said, nakime talks in a softer and quieter tone, only for you to hear her♡
but just with that, you smile and her and stand up, and activate your blood demon art of invisibility.
with the endless amount of time and patience you two have, the game is on!
nakime knows she can teleport people with her biwa. so to keep the game more fun, she describes the spot you’re in, instead!
if she wins, you turn off your BDA.
she starts off by guessing your favorite spots, and spots you’re most commonly seen in.
when you don’t appear or say a word, that’s how she knows she has guessed incorrectly.
she even guessed the special spot that she made just for the two of you, and only you and her having access to it!
what do you mean you’re not there this time?
she’s puzzled, but quite patient〜
to switch things up this time, you decided to keep changing your spot! poor nakime
“m/n, are you located in the special space?”
“are you near the smallest lantern in the castle, dear?”
“maybe you’re in the vicinity of akaza’s domain, sweetheart?”
nothing, nothing, and nothing again! where are you, invisible boy〜?
eventually, you make your way closer to her, just to hear her voice closer to your heart♡
you end up going back into your hiding, incase she says “are you in front of me?” hehe
on your way back, you find another spot, but this time it’s kind of out in the open.
you sit down, just smiling at your beloved nakime♡…
when just then… wait, huh? you sense another presence about to turn on the corner you’re hiding on?!
daki is trying to make her way past! but she obviously cannot see you, and ends up stumbling over you!
out of shock, she exclaims,
“dude, what on earth are you doing?! you almost made me fall! move it!!” (storms off)
nakime, the know-all-see-all, of the infinity castle, clearly witnessed that whole situation.
quickly, you change your location before nakime claims her victory!
when she calls out to your spot, it’s only followed by silence. speedy demon, you are!
(silly enough, from nakime’s perspective, she could just see it as daki being in on your silly antics, or daki just going insane.)
you sit somewhere else, this time being more thoughtful about demons using it as a travel way.
she starts to get creative with her answers! however, she’s not hitting the hammer on the nail〜…
a few more guesses goes on, until nakime falls silent, just smiling?
have you won?
did nakime give up?
or does she want to switch things up, too?
no one said that couldn’t use her biwa! she just always chose to not use it!
she would let out a little laugh, a laugh that sparks a light into you, but also confuses you.
after long hours of you two playing, and with you changing your spot frequently, she decides you strum you right into her lap!
she has defeated you with the power of her heart.. finally wanting to see her lover again♡!
now you have to turn off your blood demon art, because she found you her own way〜
she places a hand on your face, with a simple sentence,
“my m/n, i have found you♡”
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my, my! i really enjoyed writing this, and i hope it’s good for my first time writing for biwa-lady〜 i truly do enjoy the creativity you all come up with! thank you for your patience and continuous support, my precious flowers❀ 〜
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otomiyaa · 7 months
Re: 💌
Finally getting to respond to those who were so kind to me in messages, comments, and reblogs in the past week! @otomiya-tickles was a blog with mainly tickle fics, but you guys definitely made it feel like there was more to it :)
I piled all my answers into one big post and will treasure them for as long as Tumblr decides to keep me online this time 🤭
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@lovelymessybubbly: Ahhh I remember sending that ask long ago and always wondered if you received it. I still think the timing (of my leave and your return) is ridiculous hehehe, but I'm also glad to stick around and to see you back! I hope the hiatus has been good^^
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@dokidoki-muffin: absolutely honored to have inspired you and not only that, I think you're a great friend and I love our chats and our recent collab had me filled with joy^^ !! 🧁
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@fluffandgiggles: I love your blog, the fics you write and the fandoms you choose and your kind personality, I'm glad you got to go from anon to your own blog and hope you can have fun with it for as long as you like to!
@skayleay: Sending love back to you, thank youu*w*
@beth-bethar00: Thank you 🥺
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@tiredleekaz: Your message made me giggle hehe thank you for the support for the x amount of years, I also realized how easy it is to lose count when I think of all my different 'tumblr eras' 😂
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@lilliee0: Sorry you had to find out this way hehe, and thank you! My account is in a good place *dramatic music plays* (no it's actually not lmao)
@rachi-roo: The Real OG 😳 I'm not sure I can accept that compliment but I thank you for it!! :3
@blobbirobbi: Sending love right back, also your tickle stories are always welcome hohoho
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Anon #1: Heheh right! I know I"ve once said that even if I would quit my blog, I would never deactivate voluntarily (and definitely not without announcement) so it would have to be Tumblr to take care of that. To think that actually happened :). Hope you have a lovely day too!
Anon #2: Ahh I'm glad I could help introducing you to the tk community! Thank you for enjoying my fics, all the best to you too!^^
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@infrequent-creator: Don't miss me yet, I won't be gone entirely :) I'll be here, and I'll be loud. Just my fic production will come to an indefinite stop, or break. Who knows.
@yourgigglebugmaya: Ahhh that flatters me! Thank you so much^^
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@shyanon01: Thank you for the sweet message!
@hakurei-k: Hahaha! Well I'm still here too and ready to adore Solomon together.
@dirtpie39: I had to google that lololol ('sike'). Thank you for re-following^^
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@sunstone-smiles: T-T thank you a lot!!
@moongeonight: 4 years ago!! ahhh I'm happy to hear it and hope you're still having fun! :D
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@shy-lee-chu: Love you sweetie, I won't write many new fics so hope you won't be bored by me ;)
@eliankrios: Elian, I'm definitely okay thank you! I'll be mainly here to eat up the content you post ^^
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@flames-tstuff: I DON'T DESERVE YOU! ❤️❤️ Hehe answering all these messages to me feels like an entire ceremony already 🙈 And thank youuu, those 13k posts and 7k followers were from a total of 7 years of active fic writing on Tumblr though for a ton of various fandoms, I don't deserve too much credit for it ^^
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@kusuguricafe: Thank you for staying with me too 😘
@crazy-as-a-jaybird: *hug* thank youuuu T-T
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@ticklystuff: Thank you so much, will do!! I am reviving my animal crossing island (inspired by you and sezzie🤭)
@fantasizes-tickles-daily: I read about so many heartattacks and feel so sorry hehe, thank you for finding me again and for supporting my new one!^^ I can't believe I even considered not making a new blog. Your blog alone gives me the serotonin I need.
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@intheticklecloset: Thank you for the kind words and support!! T-T I look forward to enjoying the community from the sideline hehe:)
@ppystkposts: All these from anon to blogger stories make me kick my feet in delight! It's a chain reaction, I'm sure you will inspire others to start their blog as well. Your art and kindness most surely will do that^^ thank you for the support!
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@giggly-squiggily: waaa that's so sweet, thank youuuu!*0* I'll remember it!^^
@fanfic-chan: Ahhhh thank youu:D I used to call my blog my happy place and am more than happy to turn this one into that as well. Thank you for your message!
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@tickle-panile, @kiwithelee, @ticklish-sidekick, @mai-mei thank you for your concern*w*!
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Special thanks to @lovelynim and @wertzunge for their instant share of my update, to @ticklygiggles for dealing with the questions about my absence, even the nasty ones. Sigh, I don't like they were rude to you! ah and also, it was Mia's message I woke up to when my blog was gone x) Never forget.
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....and also ofc special speciaaaaal thanks to everyone else who reached out in DMs (I hope I answered you by now but will check soon), and to my dear friends on discord 😘
even though tumblr makes it look like my blog never existed, my evil spirit will live on and I'll keep being annoying 🤣
If I forgot anyone's message I deeply apologize ToT !!!!
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chansshands · 10 months
Stray kids as cars
Author note: okay so, I think that this needs a little explanation, I grew up between cars and motorbikes because my grandpa used to work as a mechanic.
When I was little and even now I see cars as people, I swear I’m not crazy but there’s some cars that are happy, some cars that are angry, some cars that are sad, so I thought that it would be fun to write this thing.
I’ll probably do the same thing with motorbikes. :)
Interactions and reblogs are appreciated! expecially bc I put my blood and soul on this thread
You can find the maknae line here
Please don’t do stupid shit while you’re driving, drive responsibly and DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE
I’m so insicure about my English, as I said it’s not my first language and I’m always scared to make mistakes or stuff like that, so if you find mistakes please let me know, I’ll be thankful and also my English will improve!
Tags: @ilevaar 💛
Expensive and fast
above $58.000
Black it’s THE color for this expensive baby
0-100 km/h in 4.3 seconds
Literally the leader of the road
You need a huge pair of balls to drive this beast
Has a passenger seat but you NEED to trust the driver in order to enjoy the trip, and if the driver was Chris, man I would sleep like a baby, he’s a responsible king and I love it.
Hand on your thigh, or YOUR hand in his thigh is a must, definitely he has blankets in the back seat in case you get cold.
Everyone has their eyes on this car.
It belongs to German highway (Germans highway has no speed limit)
very comfy you can do the naughty naughty things in it
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Once again expensive and fast
above $60.000
Cute and small but has a beast in it
0-100 km/h in 4.3 seconds
Usually used for drifting, but if you drive this on the road everyone it’s going to be like OMG THATS A SUPRA
Purple/pink it’s THE color for this car
Comfortable as fuck but it’s only for two people, so that’s the right car to bring only your s/o in it
as I said it's small but nothing can stop the naughty naughty things
It’s a softie on the road but with the motor that it has, people it’s going to see only your butt cheeks hehe
Once again, belongs to the German Highways and Tokyo (you know Tokyo drift)
as I said It has a passenger seat but since I can’t drift (yet) I’ll let the driver do it
If Changbin was the driver his hand would be GLUED to your thigh and definitely has some good playlists to enjoy the trip and some good snacks
(Yes, he’s part of the snacks)
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once again this beauty it's expensive as fuck
this car is RARE
LITERALLY just for a few people, in fact there's only seven examples in the whole world
above $ 3.690.000 (yes, you heard it right)
When I say fast I mean it 0-100 km/h in 2.8 seconds, do the math if you don't believe me
red it's THE color for this car
look at it, mad as fuck LITERALLY a beast
it has a passenger seat but honestly I would rather be the driver even if it scared the shit out me
Hyunjin would let you drive it because he turns on when he sees that you’re able to drive a beast like this
If he’s the driver he want physical contact so you guys hold hands or both of your legs are straight on his lap
not too comfy for the naughty naughty thing
Since this car is rare you have to be careful where you drive it, but definitely once again belongs to the German Highway even if I would protect it with my life✋🏼
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(Don’t come at me I have expensive taste okay)
I mean look at this its Minho coded
Expensive and of course fast
This car is HUGE since it’s a suv
Above $230.000
0-100 km/h in 3.3 seconds
Black it’s THE color for this car
This bitch it’s fast, and I’m proud to say that this piece of art is made in Italy
Another car of my dreams but I’m still poor af
This car gives me such a big dick energy that I can’t even explain (so definitely Minho coded)
It’s big, spacious and comfortable definitely a place where you can do the naughty naughty stuff
This car belongs to the german highway (yes, once again) and the street of some fancy city like Monte Carlo or Courmayeur
I would love to be the driver of this piece of art but if I think about Minho hands-on-the-steering-wheel fuck it okay? He can drive it.
he needs to touch you so hand on your ties or locked in yours is a must
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I spent two days working on this so please don’t let it flop.
As always requests are open!🩷
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amorest-viesse · 5 months
[Thank You For Your Endless Warmth] - Chloe SSR Card Story Translation
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Ft. Akira and Western wizard cameos
The Flowermist Wonderland With You ~An Invitation for Chloe~ - Chapter 1
[Dining Room]
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For Chloe's birthday, the Western wizards had organized a grand party with the entire manor in attendance.
Once the festivities ended however, only the Western wizards and I remained in the dining hall.
Chloe: Thank you so much for today!
Chloe: The party was absolutely incredible. I didn’t think you’d go so far for me.
Akira: I’m glad that you liked it.
Shylock: Hehe, it’s only natural we would. Everyone adores you after all—myself included.
Murr: Me too—!
Rustica: My beloved apprentice and dear friend, I hope your days from here on will be filled with the most marvelous of memories.
Chloe: Ehehe, I’m so happy right now I don’t want the day to end.
Rustica: There’s no reason why the festivities can’t continue in your dreams as well. However, before heading off to bed, we do have one final present for you.
Rustica: Master Sage, if you please.
Akira: Got it! Happy birthday once again, Chloe.
Akira: To celebrate, please allow me to take you to the Flowermist Wonderland tomorrow.
Chloe: Wow…! Isn’t that the place Shylock inherited from a friend?
Shylock: Indeed. It’s a rather entertaining locale filled with all sorts of attractions to captivate its guests.
Chloe: I knew it! I’ve heard others talking about it before and thought it sounded amazing. I can’t wait to finally go myself!
The Flowermist Wonderland With You ~An Invitation for Chloe~ - Chapter 2
[Chloe’s Room]
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The next day. With the Wonderland invitation in hand, I made my way to Chloe’s room.
Akira: Here you go Chloe. It’s the invitation to the Flowermist Wonderland.
Chloe: It has all my favorite things on it! Did you make this yourself, Master Sage?
Akira: Yep! I wanted to make it as personalized as possible.
Akira: All you have to do is sign your name here and cast your spell. Then a door to the park will open. Shall we try it?
Chloe: Alright! First, I'll write my name, then…
Chloe: <<Suispicibo Voitingoc>>
With a slow creaking sound, the doorway to the Wonderland opened before us. A sweet scent wafted out as mist began to obscure the room.
[Flowermist Wonderland - Day]
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Chloe: Wow…! Those wooden horses are flying! And over there! Are those swings?
As the scenery came into view, Chloe excitedly took in everything around us. As he moved, the beret on his head wobbled, causing him to gasp with a start.
Chloe: Oh, I have a hat! Actually my entire outfit changed!
Akira: Anyone who comes here gets their clothes magically changed. Those colors are so chic; they look perfect on you!
Chloe: Ehehe, really? This is so cool. A brand new outfit just for me!
Chloe twirled around as if examining the swish of his coat. His joy was infectious, and I could feel myself smiling too.
Akira: Let’s get started then! There’s a lot to see, so I’ll lead the way!
With a spring in our steps, we made our way to a row of little wagons. Running up to one of them, Chloe smiled happily.
Chloe: This is amazing! They’re loaded with buttons and fabrics! I’ve never seen anything like this before…!
Akira: This really is like an arts and crafts paradise.
Akira: It seems like everything here has magical properties too.
Chloe: Oh, you're right! That cat embroidery is moving! Its tail is flicking back and forth like it’s about to pounce on something…
Akira: Maybe it’s trying to get that butterfly button…?
Chloe: I bet! …Oh, whoa!! The butterfly is flying away now! Ahaha!!
Chloe’s violet eyes sparkled as he perused the items lined up in the wagons.
Akira: I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself. I just knew I had to take you here as soon as I found this place.
Akira: Since we’re celebrating your birthday, please feel free to choose something you like as a gift.
Chloe: Wow, really!? Thank you so much! That’s incredible!
Chloe: Everything here is so unique, I hardly know what to pick.
Chloe: With all the novelties here, I could create designs I’ve never tried before!
As Chloe scanned the items on the wagons, his expression revealed a surprising amount of deliberation.
Everything he made was filled with such love and care. As I watched his face, I felt like I could see that passionate creator in him, and my chest swelled with emotion.
Akira: Take as much time as you need, alright? Aside from this, there are also wagons with hats and gloves in them.
Chloe: Really! Can we see them too?
Akira: Of course we can!
The Flowermist Wonderland With You ~An Invitation for Chloe~ - Chapter 3
[Flowermist Wonderland - Night]
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As we looked around the wagons, time seemed to pass in the blink of an eye.
Chloe: That was so~ much fun! I can’t believe those shoes started dancing like that.
Akira: They were so lively too! …Oh, there’s the next wagon.
Chloe: Oh, this one has scarves on it! They’re so colorful and pretty.
Chloe: Ah! This is…
Chloe’s eyes settled upon a single scarf covered with pale flowers amongst the countless others in the cart.
Chloe: Hey, doesn’t this scarf remind you of this place?
Akira: It does! The deep blue fabric kind of reminds me of the stars twinkling in the night sky.
Chloe: Right? Isn’t it gorgeous? I think… this is what I want to take.
Chloe reached for the scarf. However, as his fingertips brushed against the fabric, his hand suddenly froze.
Chloe: …
Akira: Chloe? It’s your birthday, so you can take it if you want…
Chloe: …Ah, sorry! I just had a moment there.
Chloe: On second thought… Maybe I don’t need a present after all.
[Ominous music]
Akira: Huh…?
Chloe: Today has already been so amazing! The memories are all I need!
Despite his words, however, his smile seemed a little off.
Akira: If you don’t want to take anything, that’s fine, but…
Akira: …Is something wrong?
Chloe: N- Nothing at all! Really!
Chloe: …Well, maybe I am a little afraid.
Akira: Of what…?
Chloe: Yesterday, the entire manor celebrated my birthday, and today, you took me to this wonderful place…
Chloe: It’s all been going so well that I can’t help but feel like everything will fall apart at some point, like if I wish for anymore, I’ll definitely be punished for it.
Chloe’s smile trembled as he held his hands close to his heart.
As if he was shielding himself.
Chloe: …What if I suddenly wake up and find myself in the cold?
Chloe: And all of these happy memories, celebrations, and friendships were nothing more than a dream? What if it turns out I’ve actually been alone all this time…
Chloe: …Ahaha… I’m sorry. I must sound crazy to you.
Akira: …Not at all. You don’t have to apologize for anything…
I took Chloe’s hands, and held them as they shook ever so slightly.
Akira: …Are your hands warm now?
Chloe: Huh? I mean, yes, they are…
Akira: Then this is proof it isn’t a dream, right? If it was, you wouldn’t be able to feel this warmth.
Chloe: Ah…
Akira: I’ll hold your hands, Chloe. Just like this.
Akira: I’ll hold them so you can trust that yesterday, and today, and all the love you’ve ever received is real.
Chloe’s eyelashes fluttered. Rather than pulling away, he returned my grip.
Chloe: …That’s right… Thank you, Master Sage.
Using one hand to hold mine, Chloe let go with the other and reached for the wagon.
He then carefully picked up the scarf he had once hesitated to touch.
Akira: …Ah… The flower petals are falling…
Gently landing onto the scarf, light-colored flower petals began to rain from the sky.
Akira: (This is the sign that the guests are fully satisfied…)
Before long, the entire area was enveloped in mist.
[Chloe’s Room]
Chloe: Ah… We’re back.
There seemed to be a tinge of disappointment in his voice.
However, upon seeing the scarf in his hand, his lips curved into a smile.
Chloe: …Hey, Master Sage. Do you mind spending a little more time with me?
Chloe: I want to create a matching outfit for this scarf, so I wanna hear your ideas!
As Chloe spread out the scarf, there wasn’t a hint of anxiety left in his bright, glittering eyes.
Akira: Of course I can. I’d be happy to help!
An Exciting Series of Events - Card Episode
[Living Room]
Akira: Your birthday sure was extravagant. I was surprised to find the entire manor decorated from top to bottom as soon as I woke up.
Chloe: Me too! Apparently, Murr did that with magic.
Chloe: The whole day was absolutely amazing from the moment I opened my eyes. The first thing that happened was Murr appearing in my room!
Chloe: He yelled, “Wake up! Wake up! You can’t waste even a second ‘cause your birthday party starts right meow!” and whisked me away.
Akira: Ahaha, that sounds exciting.
Chloe: Right!? Oh speaking of, Shylock’s event really got the crowd going too!
Akira: “Chloe’s Best Designs Rankings” right?
Akira: He listed off all of his favorite outfits, but concluded that they were all number one in the end since every outfit was so amazing.
Chloe: He did, didn’t he… Ehehe, that was so nice!
Chloe: Then, after the party ended, Rustica performed a concert for me. It was just the two of us in the courtyard at midnight.
Akira: Wow, that sounds like a wonderful gift! What kind of song did he play?
Chloe: …He said it was a song wishing for my life to be filled with happiness now and into the future.
Chloe: I was so touched by his warmth and kindness. Just hearing it made my heart feel full.
Akira: That sounds just like Rustica.
Chloe: Yep. It really was an unforgettable night.
Homescreen Voice Line
“Since it’s a special occasion, I want to have confidence in myself today and carry myself with pride. Everyone’s thinking of me after all, and I can feel their care in every word and gift I receive… Everything just makes me so happy! Thank you so much for the wonderful birthday.”
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kusagrasskusa · 1 year
Hi there! so i have read your request rules and i have no idea if i can find if they are opened or closed but if they’re closed, please do not take this!
Raiden finding his S/O dead after a argument. Not a suicide, just a murder. I’m about to go all out on these details. 😭
So S/O and Raiden got into a argument about his safety and what not and they separate for a few hours (not break up, just avoiding.) He noticed how the house they shared got a bit to quiet. He went to go and find her, but found her dead on the living room floor dead with a tranquilizer (filled with poison) in her neck. I know my request is crappy and probably makes no sense whats so ever. 💔 But if this is not crappy to you, you can write it! But if your request are closed, you don’t have to. Also, no happy endings for NOBODY. 😍
But thats all for my request. Ty for your time!
Ohhh I like this!! Thank you so much for your request! I love it whenever people give me a scenario with details, it makes it easier for me to write and not worry about if the requester will like it 😂❤️ But fr though, happy endings are no bueno… life just isn’t gonna be a happy place, especially if you’re named Y/N 😈 or in this case, Raiden too
Also I found this sexy piece of art from u/all-men-die on r/MortalKombat!! All credit goes to them! And also, Raiden has hair in this hehe.. sorry not sorry 😋❤️
And I’ll update my Request Rules after I post this!
Raiden finding S/O dead after an arguement
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Shinnok had been given a fate worse than death and his blood may fall to Raiden’s hands. He was no longer the thunder god Y/N had married- no, he was someone else entirely. Y/N was a human but it didn’t take a genius to learn of Shinnok’s amulets’ doing to her husband as suddenly his mercy had disappeared overnight a while ago. Ever since then it had been a weight on her shoulders; this was a man who killed those who he believed to be a threat to his ideologies unlike the man who had once advocated to protect Earthrealm at all costs, and murder was only needed in certain cases. A genocide against all his foes was something Y/N couldn’t sleep at night to the thought of. Who had her husband became?
Y/N was biting her lip in thought, leaning over her kitchen counter. Her eyes were blank as she daydreamed, and her focus only broke whenever her husband had suddenly walked in through the front door. It was a little house she lived in near the sky temple that was provided by her dear husband, though now, it almost felt like a prison. “Raiden?” She called out instinctively as she turned her head towards the front door. The lightning god himself and stepped in, removing his conical sedge hat and sighing.
“Hello, dear,” he replied with a tired voice. Y/N was easily the mother type whenever it came towards caring for her husband, and simply hearing that string of tiredness made her anxious. She quickly made her way over to her husband as his hair dropped down and a little tangled, making her frown. “I have something important to discuss with you.” Y/N wrapped her arms around her husband with a feeling of dread in her stomach, but nodded softly.
She knew her husband had something bad to say, but never this.
“Raiden, how could you!” Y/N seethed, her eyebrows furrowed and her eyes wide with rage. “Why in the heavens would you be so irrational? Do you ever think about yourself in those moments?”
Raiden’s emotionless stare was enough to tell her he wasn’t at all feeling guilty for this actions. “Shinnok was the greatest threat to Earthrealm. I would have thought you to be more reasonable,” he replied in a serious tone, “had I not put an end to him, you may never know what evils he would bestow upon Earthrealm again.”
Sickening; Y/N felt like vomiting just then. Raiden had come home from torturing Shinnok and then beheading him. Yes, the Elder God was a cruel creature however how could Raiden act on such torture? Whether one agrees that Shinnok deserved it or not must understand the one who enacted on this was someone who would have never done something like this just a little bit before now. “This isn’t you, Raiden,” she hissed, standing up from the couch. “Will you subject anyone who defies you to such torture? A fate worst than death? Had you ever considered the effect of your actions? Had you ever considered the effects on you?”
Zzzz-CRACK the lightning went, appearing from no where. Y/N gasped and fell from her seat. Raiden stood up off of the couch, towering over her. “Y/N, I don’t suppose you are defending him, are you?” Lightening trailed off of his body in a threatening manner, which she would have thought attractive if she wasn’t at the victim of it. Her moment of fear quickly passed as she shot up off the ground. The lightning quickly disappeared as if quickly realized his mistake.
“Raiden, until you are thinking more clearly, I want you away from me. It’s for your own safety, and it seems I must think of my own when I’m around you as well.”
The look in his eyes were obvious that he was sorry. Though the words didn’t come out since he knew the way his wife would get- she wouldn’t accept it until she feels better. He nodded his head and began to walk down the hall and into their shared bedroom, leaving Y/N to look out at him as he walked. She felt a pain in her chest when she watched him leave but… what just happened? Who was that man who had just threatened her just then? It couldn’t have been the same god she fell in love with.
She let out a little gasp as she spun around, having heard the door open. Did Raiden walk around her without her noticing and tried to leave?
No, he had been in the bedroom for at least a few minutes at this point. He laid in their bed, hands on his head, as he processed what was going on. “Dearest, I hope you’ll understand one day,” he mumbled, “but please forgive me. I had stepped out of line and made you feel threatened.” He spoke as if he were praying to her for her forgiveness which he sort of was. Why, she’s the (now) immortal wife of the lightning god. She’s close enough, is she not?
And to a mortal praying to their god, him praying to his dearest wife is something just as dear if not more. He promised eternity’s worth of protection and love yet he had almost broken the first promise. How could he make up for it? As he sensed the amulet’s energy off of him, he sighed, “perhaps it has darkening my judgement… No, this is it. I shall no longer let this evil cloud the better of my mind.” He seethed through his teeth as guilt began to wallow inside it. Dammit, what had he done?
However, the deafening silence as minutes and minutes to half an hour has passed made it a little hard to think. “That is it,” he decided, getting up out of bed, “no more fighting until they call me to it.” He smiled softly, combing his hair with his fingers as he walked out of the bedroom. Actually, during one of his thought processes, he decided to change out of his regular gear and put on a special outfit his dear Y/N made for him during one of his trips. It was soft, warm and had obviously had the perfect loving touch of his wife and so he felt like it would perhaps appease her to see him have it. As he stepped out into the living room, he looked around- no one.
“Y/N?” He called out softly, furrowing his eyebrows. He made his way around the couch, calling out, “Dear, I know I have upset you, but-… Y/N?” He voice was the most unstable anyone had ever heard of the pronounce lord, however whenever he saw his wife laying on her back, wide eyed, and mouth gapped on the floor, he was more distraught than he had ever been in his entire immortal life.
“Y/N!!!” Running to her side, he lifted her head up as his breathing hitched and grew unstable. He felt like he was being choked. Beneath her hair was a tranquilizer filled with a foggy substance, and he yanked out and threw it across the room. His fingers ran over her pulse as he checked, praying- praying the fucking gods above for the sanctity of this situation. “Y/N please! How could i have let this happen?” He cried upon no pulse. He urgently picked her up in his arms and teleported to the SS base where Johnny and Cassie were per usual- and upon his arrival, they were quick to hear of his presence.
Y/N had quickly been taken into their poison control and as Raiden stood by her side and learned there was nothing they could do to being her back, it was so clear to see how the color had drained off of him.
“That is all?” He asked distaughtly, his eyes not even being able to focus on anything. “There is nothing to be done?”
Raiden obviously knew the answers. He had been around and seen it happen for millions of years but this mortal- this woman- was something that had exceeded all his expirences and knowledge together. He never knew he could love someone as much as this woman who now lay lifeless with a bag over her. This is what he remembers warning his brother about before entering Earthrealm. He remembers warning him of the dangers of falling in love or getting too close. Yet in the end, he had tasted the feeling love brings and had felt incredible loss his mind was not capable of comprehending.
Now, he no longer had a reason to care for those who inflict pain on Earthrealm and their inhabitants.
And with how he let his wife die, he no longer cares for himself either.
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ryuichirou · 20 hours
A bunch of shorter ones today; hopefully, I’ll post another long post this weekend 🙏
Anonymous asked:
Do not confuse this as a follow-up to a certain drama on your page ‼️
Idk tho, is it wrong to say rook being a gaslighter is kinda sexy? Like, the dark/yandere headcanons that can go with that... yummy. Like, yes please, I would like a 177cm tall guy to gaslight me into thinking I can only trust him.
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Absolutely, Anon.
Also yes, that’s the idea. We love dark themes, we love media about abusers and gaslighters, and I am pretty sure we’ve made at least a couple of posts with Rook in a similar scenario. But all of those are just headcanons. And very hot headcanons at that… He’s a hunter, and there are many ways someone can catch their prey or lure it into their trap. Wink.
Anonymous asked:
this may be a bit fluffy for your taste but i always think abt rook and epel on a date and took approaching epel with the biggest bouquet of flowers and getting on one knee to give them to epel. ofc this is in public and epel is so flustered kdnfjdsk. one day i’ll have to commission you to draw it bc i always think abt it in ur style
Anon! Even though it is fluffy, this is 100% what Rook would do… He is so extra, and for some reason whenever he and Epel are together in a story, he ends up embarrassing him one way or another by being his Rook self. I really love their dynamic. Take your flowers, Epel! Quickly, everyone is watching you >:3
If you ever decide to commission me, I would happily draw it, this is very cute! The fact that you think about it in my style is an honour <3 Hehe
Anonymous asked:
Gotta admit, there were so many ships I was unaware of before I found y'all. My mind has been opened, and that is both a blessing and a curse as now I cannot get said ships out of my head when they pop up at random times.
I'll just be eating lunch or something then BAM! Shroudcest or something pops up and I'm like "well frick gotta find art for that now."
Anyway, have a nice day/night/whatever placement of the Sun you're currently in.
Thank you so much, Anon! Super happy to hear that we were your introduction to some of the ships hehe. Especially if it’s Shroudcest; when people get interested in it, it makes me way too happy lol Good thing about these two is that there is a lot of super pretty art with them on pixiv and stuff…
I hope you are having a wonderful day too <3
Anonymous asked:
haha, now your gonna tell me idia has kinks like having a 6ft eel wee-wee inside him......
Wait a minute.
Gasp! Idia is being exposed once again…!! The collector of the best kinks!
I think the beauty of Idia is that he doesn’t necessarily think that he has these kinks, but when these situations happen to him… well, he can stay in denial for a while…
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Ok ok, NOW i'm ready to scream about Book 3. Can I just say that out of all the Curse!Geto variations I absolutely adore yours the most?? I love how you kept the monk motifs and blended it with that of a demon. And the death mask! Chef's kiss. Also the hair. The hair is GORGEOUS.
There's so much I love about the third book, the way we get to look in at their bond through other people's lenses. Especially love that we got Shoko!! Having her words close out the story just felt particularly intimate and insightful. It felt like closure, even though it was so bittersweet. And the way you interspersed all of it with Geto and Gojo touching hands? That was so, so tender.
Speaking of hands! The parallel frames between Yuuta's last hand gesture and Gojo's!! Just genius.
100/10 I love the way you tied up Book 3. Now i'm going to go re-read everything and ugly cry all over again. (Also still living for the butt slap. Lmao Kenjaku really said "worth it")
I just got the JJK fanbooks and I. AM. SOBBING. One, they are so beautiful. Two, the STORIES?? The first one already made me ugly cry and I was in pieces by the third. Thank you for the amazing art and the stories and most of all for all the little alternates of what could have been. It's always so bitter when they don't end up together, or they do so too late, but I think it just draws more attention to how strong their feelings are for each other. It takes a lot of devotion to try again and again, especially when a happy ending is never guaranteed.
Sorry for the ramble. Had to come ugly cry in your inbox. I love the books so so much and you're amazing 😭
Same anon! I need to scream about Book 2 now. I love love LOVE the paneling for High Cost Of Living! The way the words were turning on their sides??! CHEF'S KISS(once i stopped crying).
The assortment of your artwork in between?? So precious. And why is your chibi Geto so cute??!
ALSO THE KENJAKU BUTT SLAP IN THE "WISH YOU WERE THERE TO CHEER ME ON" SCENE. The whiplash from ugly crying to screaming with laughter was so real lmao.
Hi, sorry for getting to this so late but i just really love your massages, so i keep going back to them again and again without knowing how to formulate a proper reply... TT_TT
Limits of the World will forever be special to me cuz it's the first time i did such a big project and it turned out amazing (the reason i got my current studio job is because the book caught the attention of my boss lol), so it's always a joy to hear ppl enjoy it !
High Cost and Alea, on the other hand, mark my growth when it comes to paneling and storytelling because i did them when i've been working in a professional environment for a while, so it brings a smile to my face when those two got compliments for the page and design arrangement ! My curse Geto design will always be one of the best things i could contribute to the JJK fandom, srl i'll visit him again eventually hehe. thank you for your support and kind words !!!
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arudoe · 6 months
Ok, first of all I have to say that I love your art style, it's just so comforting idk how to explain it but it's really really really nice
Also I saw your bruise wallpaper hc and you are so right, but which other hc do you have of them??
OMG ueueue thank you so much that is so sweet of you 😢😢
and also im soo glad you liked my silly hc hehe because i have so many its not normal actually
i made a post the other day with some of my hcs (this one) but i have plenty more!! so um enjoy 🦈
- they are both autistic (i infected them /j)
- my jay is transmasc ! (cole too sometimes depending on how i feel)
- they dont rly do petnames only like mean nicknames that are said with very much love and affection (like dummy stink fartface yk…)
- i feel like they do everything together like train play video game even when theyre doing separate things theyre tgt… like its always cole AND jay and never just them seperate… always team up for missions and everything… when they arent together the others will go wheres your other half haha stuff like that also they bicker all the timr and never say anything to each other but when the other isnt around they always talk so fondly about each otjer and 😭😭 it makes me wanna puke /pos
- they have very different music tastes (i hc jay listens to kpop and cole to 80s rock & new wave) and theyll always talk about how bad the others music taste is but secretly they actually like it… (jays kpop playlist got a save once and he was trying to figure out who it was and cole was like whoever it is has the worst music taste in the world) (it was cole who saved it) (also vice versa)
- they play every game and watch every show together and when one of them starts something without the other they get offended 😭😭
- speaking of watching cole cant handle anything scary at all but sometimes jay will somehow convince him to and always puts on the scariest stuff because he thinks its cute when cole jumps 😭
- jay still sleeps with his plushies so when they cuddle jay is spooning his plush and cole is spooning him and sometimes cole lays on jays chest
- they playfight and wrestle a lot and sometimes get seriously hurt while doing it
- they play dancing games tgt… like just dance and ddr
- also i think jay deffo dances to stim (totally not self projecting here) and his dance moves are always a bit silly so cole will copy them and jay is like are my making fun of me >:( and cole is like yeah maybe i am
- on the topic of stims they deffo mimic each other a whole lot in the sense theyll copy each others vocal stims and it annoys the hell out of everyone else because theyll say the same silly phrase over and over again for weeks 😭😭
- i also hc them both as chronically ill (jay is hypermobile and cole has arthritis) and sometimes after especially hard training days they will give each other back rubs/massages…
- they arealso borh very smart separately but when you put them together they become super stupid and lose all their brain cells
UMM okay this is kinda long so ill leave it here i have like a million more but id sit here forever writing them so 😭😭😭 once again im rly happy for ur question im kind of obsessed with them if u cant tell but um yea… enough yapping from me… adios..
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greensagephase · 22 days
Alondra, thank you for always supporting me through my college journey this last year!! I can’t believe that I’m graduating, and to be honest there’s been a lot of crying I’ve been doing about it (maybe happy tears?!) 😭 but it means so much to me that through it all, you have been there to support me whenever I brought it up in our conversations! ❤️❤️ After this I’ll finally have the time to truly catch up on everything I missed and talk to you more too!! I’m so excited to finally put my energy back into NC and drawing (I’m considering making my response to part 13 a post because I’m afraid it will go over the word count in messages 😭) AND I DID JUST SEE YOU POST PART 14 SO I KNOW WHAT I’M READING AFTER GRADUATING!!! and I did see your other message on Monday and will get to that too soon!! It made my day seeing that, I can’t describe how happy I get seeing a notification from you 🥹 I’m currently (very last minute) decorating my grad cap before I wake up early for commencement (omg definitely feeling the nerves). But again, Alondra, you’re just the sweetest moot and person I’ve ever talked to and your support means so much (I keep saying it but it’s true!!) and if you ever need anything too, I’m here to talk and listen, friend!! I hope you’ve been having a great start to the month and will talk back soon. Sending you the best vibes and warmest hug!! I hope you’re doing well, friend!! 🥹❤️✨❤️
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Here’s a little sketch I made to thank you (more to come for NC!! Literally a backlog of sketches!! HIS SMILE FROM PART 13??!! That’s for another post 🤭) and my cap that decorating (there’s butterflies I’m including too!) but I decided that I’m adding the pics of Miguel on for photos afterwards- but I’ll send you some more photos or maybe even post my finished cap after commencement is over!
@sunsetdoodler Of course, friend!!!!! 🥹🫶🏼❤️ I said it already but I'm so so HAPPY and PROUD OF YOU!!!!! I want to wish you another BIG CONGRATULATIONS FOR GRADUATING!!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳 YOU DID IT, FRIEND!!!!!! Also, the tears are normal, I think, and I believe they're most definitely happy ones!! I cried, too!! It's just a lot of emotions once you reach the day. At some point during the semester you're like, "can this be over already?? 😭😭" but at the same time you're wishing it's not, and then you get to the day and it feels surreal!!!! I hope your day went smoothly and that you spent it with your family and friends!!!!! I'm so excited to see you more active on here and for us to talk again, I've def missed you but as I mentioned in my ask, I was happy you made the decision to focus on your schooling!!!!
I'm also so excited to see fan art from you and also to read your post on part 13, and even more so since you said you had to move it to a word doc!!! I'm ready to read your thoughts on it fr!!!!
Also, YESSS!!! Finally posted part 14 of NC and I can't wait to read your thoughts on it as well, hehe 😌 I think you're going to like it!! And aww, I'm touched my notifications make you happy!!! It's the same for me!! Seeing your name pop up always brightens my day!! ALSO, I LOVE YOUR CAP!!! The flowers are so LOVELY and I love the colors you chose!!!! 💜🤍 And then you added butterflies??!?! You're making me wish I had the opportunity to decorate mine but my school didn't allow us ! 😭I bet the final look turned out so lovely and cute!!! I also love that you had some amazing help from Miguel, he was trying to help you since it was last minute and probably making sure you had space for his photos later on!! But AHHH you're gonna make me cry!! You're so sweet, thank you!!!!! 🫶🏼❤️🥺 The same goes to you, my friend!!! You're one of the sweetest people I've interacted with, even more than some irl people, so thank you for always being so kind and sweet!! If you ever need to talk about anything, I'm here for you as well!!!! I hope you're having a great day so far, and that you have a wonderful weekend, friend!!! Please rest and take your time to unwind after so much going on!! You deserve it!!! Sending you a big warm hug and the best wishes and luck as always!!!! And one more time, CONGRATS, FRIEND!!!!!❤️✨❤️
ALSO THE SKETCH!!!!!! I'M PRINTING THAT WHEN I GET A NEW PRINTER, I SWEAR (it stopped working like a week ago 😭)!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FRIEND - I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!!!! Fun little story, I was at a parking lot waiting for one of my siblings and was drawing the sketch I sent you when your notification arrived and let me tell you - I screamed when I saw the sketch!!!! IT MADE MY DAY SO MUCH BETTER, SO THANK YOU!!!!! ❤️😭 And again, I can't wait to see all the art you post once you get time!!! I'm so so excited to see it!!!
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rainyraisin · 5 months
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My artstyle changed a lot this year, especially after my shift from ibis paint to procreate after getting my iPad (drawing on an iPad is the BEST btw 100% recommend I love it way more than a phone and it didn’t die after a month like my old wacom 💀💀). I’m relatively happy with where my art is atm and I hope to continue to improve in 2024!
Explanation of all the silly art down below! (Mostly so I can tell y’all who the fanart is for but also cause I like rambling)
January: A drawing of my Rise Leo human design I did to test out a pixel brush I found for Ibis Paint. He’s very fun to draw hehe I need to draw him more-
February: I wanted to learn how to draw the future designs of Leo and Mikey along with CJ so I planned to draw them all together! I struggled with Leo though so I just got rid of him. Sorry Peepaw 😞😞💔💔💔
March: Fanart for @beannary ‘s TLP au! I love it so much so I had to draw smth for it hehe 😈😈💥💥💥 which reminds me I need to draw more at some point- might redraw it at some point cause I’m not super happy with how it turned out but I do like the idea a lot
April: The month I created Reticent! April’s Fools was the first episode I came up with so I drew a chapter poster! It ended up being very different to the chapter cover I drew a couple months later but it’s still cool :D Leo is being weirdly affectionate to Mikey though what the heck that isn’t like him smh. Although I guess it was meant to be purposefully exaggerated sooooo 🥰
May: Reticent Casey!!! I don’t have much to say it’s just Reticent Casey HDKSGXKSHD this wasnt a very good art month
June: Krangified Donnie is literally my favourite concept ever thats it that’s all I have to say dbskdbwkh I adore Krangified Donnie and if the Rise brainrot takes over the Reticent brainrot for a while then I will probably be drawing Krangified Donnie during that time sorry not sorry
July: Reticent Chapter 3’s cover yippee!!! Still my favourite Reticent cover although Chapter 8’s is a close second (I can’t wait to post it once it’s been betaread yippee!!!). The scribble over Leo’s eyes is literally just because I was struggling to draw his eyes and i was getting annoyed dbskdbskdb it’s actually a very common issue with him (common Ret!Leo L). Also Mikey being reflected in the mirror is a reference to Mirror Man by Jack Stauber which I’ve basically considered his theme song since @aaronymous999 introduced it to me ebwjcbkwhd thank you Mr. Aaronymous! Also somebody said he was in the barbie box and I still need to draw that to this day because Mikey would’ve killed to go see Barbie.
August: RET DONNIE WOOOOO he’s being bullied again!!! I drew that piece for a colour palette challenge request and realised I got the prompt wrong so I just made it into its own thing 💥💥💥 it’s usually a flickering light gif but I chose to just use the version with the light on for this post. The photos in the background were really fun to draw hehe either April’s or Mikey’s is my favourite.
September: MY 500 FOLLOWER DTIYS YIPPEE (/my 150 follower DTIYS for tumblr). This one took me. Forever to draw and I love it to pieces hehe it was really fun to design Mikey’s room and figure out outfits for the sillies and idk the concept of a sleepover just seemed really fun to me dbskbdkdb- and all the entries I got were so so awesome I loved them all to pieces!!! I still look at them all the time hehe
October: FANART OF @endlesslogo ‘S HUMAN RISE LEO DESIGN WOOOOOO!!! This was the piece I started rendering on hehe it was so much fun to draw!!!! Although I did have a fight with rendering the hair for over an hour svsjegksbdk HOW DO PEOPLE DO IT FR!!!
November: Me and my friends were working on a crossover between our TMNT iterations so I drew all of our Karai’s together!!! Confluence Karai is on the left, created by Salem and Marine, New Stars Karai is in the middle created by Starla, and Reticent Karai is on the right created by me! All our Karais have such cool designs AHHHHH literally dead over them constantly/pos
December: Most of December I spent drawing Christmas presents so this was my present for Salem!!! Confluence!Jonatello my beloved….
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moodymelanist · 2 years
 lying on the couch on top of eachother, one combing their fingers through the other’s hair as they watch a movie - this one for nessian please. bonus points if Nesta didn’t notice she was touch starved until then
gonna blast this one out before I go back to work hehe. hope you enjoy 💓
Nesta knocked on Cassian’s door and did her best not to awkwardly fidget until he came to answer it.
“Hey, you made it,” Cassian said once he opened the door. He looked handsome as usual, his curls loose around his shoulders and dressed casually in a hoodie and sweatpants. “Come on in.”
“Thanks,” Nesta murmured, letting herself be ushered into his apartment.
Things were still pretty new between them — they’d only been on a handful of dates after their friends had conspired to get them together. Cassian had invited her over for movie night, and Nesta had been happy to accept. She liked going out and getting to know him in a romantic context, but nothing beat staying in and wearing comfortable clothes.
“I like your pajamas,” Cassian commented, turning over his shoulder to shoot her a smile as he lead them to his living room. “They look comfy.”
Nesta rolled her eyes as she motioned to her matching blue loungewear set. “No one’s stopping you from getting your own.”
He just laughed before telling her to make herself comfortable on the couch, pressing a remote into her hand while he went to gather snacks. She took a second to grab a nearby blanket and wrap herself up in it before scrolling through his various streaming services, eventually settling on one of her favorites by the time he returned with popcorn and waters for them.
“Anastasia? Good choice,” Cassian commented as he set everything down on the coffee table.
“It’s one of my favorites,” Nesta replied. She waited until he turned off the lights and sat down next to her before speaking again. “Do you want any blanket?”
“What am I, a heathen?” he joked. “Of course I do. Get over here.”
Nesta daintily placed herself in Cassian’s arms, a bright spot in her chest filling with warmth once he tugged her over and wrapped himself around her. He maneuvered them so he was laying down and she was laying on top of him, managing to find the remote and press play once they were situated.
“I missed you,” he murmured into her hair as the movie started.
Nesta buried her face in his chest before mumbling back, “I missed you too. A little.”
Cassian’s soft laughter vibrated against her cheek, but he didn’t say anything else. Instead, he started rubbing her back, his hands large and warm and comforting even through the blanket and her shirt. “Is this ok?”
“Yeah,” she whispered, already feeling drowsy. Dammit, she was supposed to stay awake so she could savor every moment of being in his arms, but it had been such a long day at work, and he was so comfortable, and he was touching her in a way she hadn’t admitted she’d missed being touched…
Nesta didn’t remember falling asleep, but when she woke up Cassian’s fingers were playing in her hair and Anastasia was revealing herself to her grandmother on screen. She felt so safe and warm and cared for, and years later, she would come back to this moment as knowing he was the one.
But for now, she would enjoy the rest of the movie while she could.
“Hey, Sleeping Beauty,” Cassian said. Nesta could hear the smile in his voice without looking at him. “Hope you had a good nap.”
“You were here,” Nesta replied before her brain caught up with her mouth. Before things could get too sentimental, she added, “Now shut up and let me enjoy the rest of this movie.”
tag list: @tangledinmysoul | @perseusannabeth | @bookstantrash | @nestaspegasus | @a-court-of-valkyries | @rowaelinismyotp | @live-the-fangirl-life | @sv0430 | @brieq | @positivewitch | @sayosdreams | @nesquik-arccheron | @talkfantasytome | @simpingfornestaarcheron | @vidalinav | @swankii-art-teacher | @still-looking-for-wonderland | @that-little-red-head | @secretlovelybeauty | @starksravings | @dustjacketmusings | @katekatpattywack | @claralady | @gwynethhberdara | @duskandstarlight | @arinbelle | @gwynberdara | @mrs-shadowsinger04 | @houseofcalores | @imsointobooks | @silvernesta | @planet-faerie | @teagoddess99 | @champanheandluxxury | @catplayinvioline | @flora-shadowshine | @nerdperson524 | @story-scribbler | @vasudharaghavan | @dealfea | @snickerdoodlechittybangbang | @charming-butt-insane | @highqueenofelfhame | @julemmaes | @oversizedbats | @readingismyonlyhobby | @milkkand-honey | @wildlyglittering | @thewayshedreamed
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
please rant about aroace Ayano you do not understand how happy it makes me that other people are also insane about aroace Ayano!!
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(sketch bc aroace Ayano has invaded my thoughts)
OH MY GOD THANK U FOR SHARING THIS SKETCH ITS SO CUTEEEE AUGHHHH i love ur artstyle so so so SO MUCH!! heheheheheh.. aroace ayano...i just love this hc so much. i think ayano's little crush on shintaro is very projected and once she has him she's incredibly awkward and pushing every button she can imagine like I NEED to be more romantic with him like maybe we need to be more affectionate etcetcetc but no matter what she's just like i don't. im not... erm. i dont want this i think.
she's increasingly confused because she really likes shintaro!! she definitely likes him in a different way that she likes everyone else, but at the same time it feels like she likes him in a different way he likes her. HONESTLY I ALSO RLY LOVE AROACE SHINTARO LIKE sorry im aroace in a relationship with another aroace person so it's like. hehe. idk i like the headcanon BUT lets go with one where shintaro isn't. so it's somehow not mutual and they can't meet in the middle. it was somehow nicer to just… like him, not date him?? and she's really sad because they can't compromise cuz ayano's like if i stay with u then our relationship should be like this and like this and shintaro's like that's. not a relationship to me. u just wanna go back to being friends. and ayano's like ???I GUESS I DO?????? she does not understand romantic attraction ur honor. she's a little sad and just confused over it but after enough time she makes peace with it and she's like yeah!! YEAH!! I HAVE SO MUCH LOVE TO GIVE!!TO EVERYONE!! JUST NOT IN THAT WAY AND THAT'S OK!!!!!! again ur sketch <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 i love ur art so much btw i love that kanoshin comic u made like its crazy good *shakes ur hand a million times*
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lcs-library · 4 hours
Can I request Italian Soda and Mocha for Azami and Kumon(if you write for them) thank uu, have a good day💖
Of course, of course!! I'll really write for anyone lolol, but it has been actual years since I wrote Kumon so I hope this turns out okay hehe<3. Have a lovely day!!
Request rules
Cafe menu(request prompts)
Mocha: How do they show affection?
Italian Soda: How clingy are they? 
💄 He definitely values quality time the most methinks.
💄 He’ll go out of his way to spend as much time with you as possible, no matter how or where.
💄 Hell, he even seems like the type that would be really happy to just parallel play, anything so long as he knows you’re there with him.
💄 “You free this afternoon? Good. There’s a new store that opened nearby, according to #cosme they’re top-notch. The troupe’s been running low on good stuff, and you’re a good model. Wh- No, I-I didn’t mean you’re cute! You’ve just got good skin to try stuff out on! Jeez, you gotta stop taking what I say in such bad faith…” 💄 That blurb was longer than I wanted wow. Anyway.
💄 He makes SO many excuses to see you.
💄 One day he might need a model, the next he needs help figuring out the schedule to help at one of Veludo Arts’ shows he offered to volunteer for. 
💄 Whatever it is, his claims are fairly easy to see through, and you can’t help but want to laugh at his childishness. 
💄 Aside from trying to spend time with you by any means possible, he also will buy small things for you as thanks for doing so. 
💄 Usually, it’s something like a drink or a snack, but on occasion, he’ll just randomly buy you something really wild, like an expensive piece of jewelry or a pricey menu item.
💄 When you ask him why, he’ll try and brush it off as nothing until you force it out of him with some affection. 
💄 “You didn’t have to kiss me to thank me, you idiot, you could’ve just said it! God, you are impossible! Fine, fine, I got it for you because… well, you’ve been really good to me. That’s it. I am NOT blushing!”
Italian Soda
💄 He can claim whatever he wants, but he’s clingy. Look at that man. 
💄 He loves you. Sorry but it’s true. He can complain and act tough all he wants, but he wants your attention and he will have it, dammit. 
💄 Like I said with the affection thing, he will constantly be coming up with ways to hang out with you, it’s very cute. 
💄 Hell, he’ll even enjoy your touch once in a while, that’s how smitten he is with you.
💄 I can see you two just sitting on the ground, with him sitting in front of you while he plays with your hands, bending each finger this way and that without saying a word. 
💄 It’s one of the rare times he lets his mind wander for a bit, not having the pressure building up in his head, and allowing himself to relax. 
💄 He doesn’t have to think about anything or anyone except you, holding him safe and close.
💄 He probably cried the first time you did this, too, and now he asks for it all the time.
💄 It’s what he deems a “safe” form of affection, he’s not going too far beyond what he’s comfortable with, and it’s soft and warm
💄 Augh I made this about affection again whoops. It’s fine, again, he asks for your attention as much as he can, even if it’s in his own silly way. 
⚾ He’s very physical when it comes to affection!! ⚾ He’ll be all up in your business 24/7 to the point where you have to ask him to back off.
⚾ It’s cute tho so it’s ok<3
⚾ “Aw, but I gotta make sure you get your daily dosage! It’s really important that you know you’re loved! I wanna make sure you’re happy!”
⚾ Sweet boy… 
⚾ He’ll also be asking for affection from you often, usually hugs. Again, very cute.
⚾ He greets you every day with a big tackle into a hug, often surprising you. 
⚾ “Hehe, did I get ya? I missed you, cutie! C’mon, let’s go do something fun, okay?”
Italian Soda
⚾ If you thought his clinginess with his brother was annoying, boy just you wait. He is way worse with you. 
⚾ Okay, maybe not worse in the way of constantly asking for acknowledgement, but worse in the way of, again, being in your way. 
⚾ You cannot walk two steps without him trailing behind you, scooting in close. 
⚾ It’s to the point where you often have to ask him for space.
⚾ After setting some boundaries, he’s all good. Mostly.
⚾ Half of your phone’s storage is taken up by voicemails he left simply saying “I miss youuuuuuu you should come visit Mankai soon, okay! Alright, bye, love you!” And you just don’t have the heart to delete them :( 
⚾ But like. I don’t blame you :3
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