#redeemed ben solo
io-lu-art · 5 months
Idk who needed this, but here ya go....
(I did.)
Sneak peak, because I have mercy for your poor timelines :'D
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Full song after the page break:
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Not me procrastinating both my post tlj fanscript and every thing else important in my life with more random reylo...
It took me a while to figure out the context in which this could actually happen. Probably Ben Solo fighting with the Resistance, trying to prove and redeem himself and make things right. He'd feel the pressure to do it all by himself until it would crush him completely. Rey would remind him to take a break (unintentional Hamilton reference this time! lol I swear on my heart, body and soul) and keep him grounded.
I am not comparing Ben to Hamilton btw, in case it comes across like I am. My head is just very random sometimes.
Don't mind me dropping the video of the actual performance at the very end, because ⭐Phillipa Soo⭐ everybody!
Edit: as requested, AO3
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clqoo · 5 months
i rant about this at least once a month but here i go again: tdlr: ben solo deserved better and it's incredibly sad how his life was cut off right at the "beginning" of it, and the new movie with rey could be screwed up so easily. the sequels also aren't exactly bad they're just disappointing. ben solo deserved so much better and i cannot stand the fact that he didn't get to live. i cannot stand it, it enrages me, it makes me so sad and it is just soul crushing when you think about it from SO many different levels. right when this poor boy found peace, right when he finally escaped from the chains that had held him down since before birth he dies. because of everything he has done and now has to atone for, because of the constant reminders and guilt he probably would've faced, he probably wouldn't have ever really known peace even afterwards, but i'd absolutely love to imagine that he would've gotten to at least wake up one morning and not feel the absolute crush he probably felt as kylo ren. he died without being granted the chance to show that he was different, he died without getting to live in peace for once, he died without knowing what it is like to be free of continual darkness in normal life, he died with it being his reputation against rey's words and i know for dang sure not everyone believed rey when she probably came out of exegol preaching that ben solo died a hero; and it is absolutely soul crushing. if he doesn't come back in this new movie, i'm gonna absolutely flip. there is no way they will be able to portray rey without her literal dyad, the literal other half of her soul in the force. i feel like this could go two ways: they screw up by trying to please the fandom and fail in the process just like they did with a lot of the sequel trilogy or it ends up being good (maybe even decent) and they mention ben. they have to, right? i just feel like there is so many ways this could go wrong but at the same time i feel like it could go so right if the correct people are involved. not many high hopes though. i love the sequels, i really do, and i feel like a lot of the bad parts of these movies are focused on when in reality they aren't bad movies they're just disappointing. this is very much the top of the list for disappointing, though.
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mayhemandtrouble · 8 months
Pitter Patter chapter 32 of Not Giving Up
Finished story on Ao3 with detailed tags
It’s funny how something can be expected, welcomed even, and yet still catch you off entirely off guard. Rey’s first labor pains set Varykino into a whirlwind of ‘hurry up and wait’. Only a few days after the wedding, and the others were still lingering - catching up, renewing bonds and trying to plan for a peace they hadn’t been expecting. Without anyone actually saying it out loud, nobody wanted to leave until after Rey had delivered.
She’d first noticed the contractions during a morning walk with Finn, the two quietly discussing plans for both themselves and the Resistance. There had been no convincing him that this phase of the labor would probably take hours and there was no need to rush - her overly protective and self appointed guardian hurried to alert the others. Who all came running just as quickly as though it were an actual emergency, Ben with his face half covered in a shaving cream.
Now, with the sun starting to set and Rey’s pains increasing, Rose and Ben had Rey’s hands, walking with the woman carefully up and down the halls of the Retreat. Finn had gathered what seemed to be every towel in the entirety of Naboo and was arranging them in neat stacks at strategic locations, from her bedroom to the intersections of major pathways.
Poe had woken up the medical droid and was pestering it with questions every five minutes. He refused to leave the droid alone until it threatened to go into hibernation. Leia chuckled privately, doing her part by keeping Chewbacca occupied with assembling the last bits of baby toys and whatnot. While one of the three porgs ‘nested’ in his large lap, the other two waddled about Rey’s feet.
Ben was seriously contemplating kicking the ball shaped birds hard enough to splatter against the wall but his wife’s steps were slow and steady, avoiding the feathered nuisances. Besides, he had bigger problems. Like helping Rey time her contractions, nodding in agreement at anything she said, and massaging her legs whenever she wanted to rest. It was difficult to school his emotions, trying to make sure that the only emotions Rey would be able to pick up on were positive.
Especially as the hours wore on and he began to notice her energy flagging. The droid continued to chirp that everything was proceeding normally for human birth givers, and even Rose offered Ben a reassuring smile. Easing Rey onto a large, plush ottoman, Ben couldn’t help but feel a surge of panic all the same. What if this killed her, just like Grandmother. Mother had had a difficult labor as well. What if…
“You worry… too much.” Rey patted his hand lightly, smiling as Ben tucked a pillow under her head.
“Skywalker trait.” He snorted in reply, grinning a little in pride that she’d caught him. His wife was strong enough to match him, Rey would be fine. She had to be. His bare fingers brushed over her hair gently.
It was supremely surreal for Rose to watch Ben sing quietly to Rey. She was the only other one close enough to hear, flopped onto a nearby couch while he crouched next to the ottoman Rey had decided was perfect to rest on. With the laboring woman laying on her side for a moment and Ben’s face only a few inches from Rey’s, the Supreme Leader sang her the melodies of his childhood. Each one a promise and a wish for their family.
His low tenor lulled Rey, if not to sleep then into rest. Rose watched as Rey’s fingers threaded with Ben’s, who remained crouched awkwardly long after his muscles must have begun to protest. What the man was, or had been, he was devoted to his wife. And that was enough for now.
It wasn’t difficult to see the toll labor was taking on her. Rey had one cheek puffed out, storing ice chips. It made her look like she was doing a strange impersonation of some woodland creature, not that anyone dared to comment on it. Rey had outright screamed at Chewie when the Wookie shot Ben a dirty look over something or other, after which Chewbacca played safe by appointing himself the guardian of her ice water.
Leia gently wiped the sweat from Rey’s forehead with a cool cloth that she refreshed from time to time in said ice water. Ben alternated between checking on Rey and Mother, wanting to make sure the latter didn’t wear herself out caring for the former. Leia shooed him away every time, Rey’s answers were growing more colorful by the hour.
Rose took turns holding Rey’s hand with Ben, both attempting to coach the woman in breathing - Rose more successfully than Ben, despite his efforts. Finn and Poe were banished to the hallway once the medical droid started checking Rey’s cervix more frequently. They demurred to Rey’s modesty gracefully, until the doors were closed. Then Finn wore fresh grooves in time-tested flooring while Poe slammed back a few of the foulest shots he could locate - just to keep his nerves steady.
“I got you, I got you.” Inside, Ben’s arms curled around Rey, just below her breasts, as she tried to walk and stumbled through a contraction. Giving her his strength as her own began to fail, and swallowing how much it terrified him.
“Ben, I can’t do this.” How long had it been already - the droid kept beeping at her cheerfully but Rey was certain it was just the damn thing’s bedside manner programming. She was running low, struggling just to reach out and feel the twins or Ben despite how close he was. Closing her eyes, Rey had to fight against the growing fear that she would leave her children without even a memory of her. What if she just…
He swallowed. Leia and Rose were already answering her, assuring Rey in all the proper ways. Saying all the right things while Ben buried his face in his wife’s neck for a moment, breathing in deeply. She smelled of sweat and exhaustion, he could feel her never-ending determination ebbing low, the terror of leaving them all and the temptation that was starting to torment her. 
“The hell you can’t.” Taking a deep breath, Ben growled against her skin with a flash of his brown eyes. Rose started towards them and Ben only held onto Rey more possessively. The others couldn’t feel her the way he did, his dyad. They didn’t understand the extent of Rey’s distress, couldn’t feel the pull to merely borrow life from the others. It would be so easy, Rey only had to ask Ben and he would slaughter the galaxy for her comfort, let alone her life. Especially now. “You are Rey, scavenger of Jakku. The desert couldn’t destroy you, the First Order couldn’t bow your head.”
She nearly laughed to hear him snarling out her strengths, leaning fully against him and trusting Ben to carry the weight of her and the twins. A trust not misplaced, for the man didn’t even stumble. Only braced himself further and kissed her temple before continuing, in a lower, more human tone.
“You could walk into the mouth of a Sarlacc and emerge unscathed, with it as your devoted pet.” Nuzzling slowly against her skin, Ben felt a surge of relief as her spirits rose, and she let him ease their tired frames onto the edge of a loveseat.
Strange, to feel warmth now. As though she was able to truly share in his strength. Perhaps it was a function of their Force bond, or perhaps it was simply trusting one’s partner. Cracking her eyes open, Rey could see a slowly growing smile on his face in response to Rey’s rising resolve.
“You are Rey Solo, Princess of Alderaan, Captain of the Millennium Falcon and Resistance hero. There is nothing in this galaxy you can not accomplish.”
The fierceness of his love and devotion overwhelmed her, feeling soft kisses brush along her cheek, at her temple, in her sweaty hair. Like a tidal wave that swept Rey off painful, rocky beaches and tossed her wave to wave but never let her shoulders dip below the water. Ben sent her soul whirling about, with the heights of love and the valleys of doubt but always kept her safe. So long as she had him, Rey would never drown in her own Darkness. 
Grasping his hand tighter, Rey nodded at the medical droids chirping encouragement. Pushing with a scream. Over and over, till her throat was raw from the effort of bringing new life into the universe. Till Ben was certain Rey had broken at least two of his fingers and time seemed to move at a crawl.
It was the wailing scream of the first baby girl who seemed to break the spell for both new parents. Rose wiped the little one down with warm towels, Leia cooed sweetly over her first grandchild and Ben couldn’t believe his eyes. A shock of dark hair, waving arms, beautiful brown eyes and there was still one more to come. His wife was breathing, screaming but alive. 
It was almost an assembly line, Ben mused though he kept the comedy to himself. Watching in surreal joy as Rey labored to deliver the second Solo twin, how Rose tenderly cleaned the second infant once birthed. Mother handed the older twin to Ben so that she could take the younger. Joining Mother in presenting both to Rey together.
“Two beautiful girls.” Leia leaned in to kiss Rey’s forehead, unable to resist the show of affection.
“My girls. Our girls.” Rey breathed out, her voice exhausted and proud all at once. Mother would have loved to be here, she was certain. And perhaps they were here, both her parents, even if she couldn’t see them. Leaning her head against Ben’s shoulder, Rey didn’t bother hiding the joyous tears.
“Our girls.” He agreed, unable to take his eyes off the twins. Beautiful, with scrunched faces and hair that stuck up in all directions. How he had been part of making such perfection was beyond him. They seemed like a mirage that would disappear from his grasp, or bits of glass that would shatter if the wind blew too hard.
“Congratulations.” Rose’s face was split by the first true smile since she’d arrived at Varykino. Rey had fought to protect what she loved, and if anyone deserved a soft ending, she did.
Finished story on Ao3 with detailed tags
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jackiestarsister · 2 years
Reylo wedding update!
After two years, with approximately one chapter a month, “Justice and Peace Will Kiss” finally reached the moment readers have been waiting for: Ben and Rey’s wedding!
Read it on FanFicton.Net or on Archive Of Our Own.
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soloredeemed · 2 years
Heyy I love your fic recs! 💕 Can you do one with some smuggler!Ben and redeemed! Ben? Been obsessed w those troops lately ✨
Hey I'm so glad you like my recs!
I don't have many smuggler!Ben or redeemed!Ben fics bookmarked, but here are a few that I thought you might like.
Through the sorrow, all through our splendor by Ever-so-reylo Rated E, 7.4k words My notes: this is a post-TROS fix-it that is really beautifully written. If you haven't read it I highly recommend.
Summary: “Do you remember when I killed you?” “Yes.” He is almost smiling. Not quite. “Do you remember when you yanked me back to life?"
The Supreme Leader’s Guide to the Galaxy: How to Build an Empire, Destroy an Empire, and Still Get the Girl by Ever-so-reylo Rated E, 4.4k words My notes: this was just adorably cute, but it is pretty short and written in list form. Basically what redeemed!Ben would say to a past him.
Summary: If you do it well, she will finally take your hand. If you do it very well, she will whisper your name and cup your face with her cool fingers. If you do it perfectly, she might even kiss you. Or: Ben Solo, now living happily with Rey, looks back at his life and gives his younger self several excellent pieces of advice.
Diverging by LovesBitca8 Rated E, 26.7k words My notes: Basically what would have happened if Kylo didn't kill Han in TFA and decided to be Ben Solo again.
Summary: Han catches sight of her first. He climbs the next six steps with eyes on her, like he’s approaching a stray cat. “Rey,” he says. “This is my son, Ben.” Her eyes flicker to Kylo Ren, face pink, eyes wet, and gaze intent on her. Then back to Han. “He’s coming home.” Or Ben goes with Han. And Rey isn't happy about it.
I KNOW I have read more than just these couple, so I'll keep my eye out and see if I stumble across any!
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short-wooloo · 5 months
With the news from Adam Driver about how kylo redemption was never the plan originally and his story was basically meant to be reverse Vader, I'd like to resurrect an old conspiracy theory of mine about Rise of Skywalker
So the duel in the ruins of the death star, y'know how it ends with Rey stabbing kylo and then she heals him?
Well I believe he originally was meant to die there, Rey killed him in anger, and it causes a breakdown in her, she's upset not only that she failed Leia and couldn't redeem kylo, but also terrified by her anger, scared that she truly is a Palpatine, and from there we get our pep talk from Luke and final battle with Sidious
Basically I think Rey healing kylo was a last minute addition to the script (probably at disney's insistence)
And the rest of the film doesn't exactly prove me wrong
How does kylo get to exegol after Rey took his TIE fighter? Well apparently in the exploded, sitting in water for 30 years ruins of the death star there's not only a functional imperial TIE, but one with a hyperdrive too
What does kylo do upon reaching exegol? Fight the knights of Ren, something Rey herself could do or perhaps even better you could have had the Knights fight Finn, Rose and the Resistance soldiers
Does kylo meaningfully contribute to the final battle with Sidious? Not really, he gets drained of his life force by Sidious (so basically he inadvertently helps him) and is thrown down a hole for the rest of the battle, Rey does all the heavy lifting from there
The only meaningful contribution kylo makes after his "redemption" is sacrificing himself to revive Rey, which may not have even needed to happen because the only reason she was so drained is because kylo being there caused Sidious to realize he could absorb both of their life forces to restore himself (so in a way, it's his fault!) Alternatively it could have just been written that Rey passed out due to exhaustion and was otherwise fine
So yeah, that's my conspiracy, not that crazy, perfectly reasonable from my perspective
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firealder2005 · 2 years
I've been listening to a bunch of theories dating back to the pre-last jedi days and
They are just
They are all just so much better than what we got???
At least to me????
So I just made a notes page of ideas that I liked and I realized that hey maybe it's time to write my own fix it.
So yeah. That's currently in the works now. But nothing will be written till school starts up again though.
Plus there are other things I wanna work our first.
Anyway, going to watch TFA for the second time, get the feel for it, then tackle TLJ.
Don't worry.
I'm fixing Luke to.
I have ~ideas~, both a combination of mine and others.
no promises on it being included, but I would love to hear your takes on a TLJ fix it - who knows, maybe it'll inspire me!
If you do like TLJ, that's okay but DON'T come yelling at me. If you do I will NOT respond and WILL immediately block you. I've had enough of that (directly and indirectly) from certain members of the HP fandom. I am taking action now, okay? Nothing nice to share, don't share it at all.
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endorablerey · 2 years
when i finally write my sequel trilogy fix-it fic it’s over for all you hoes
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Iron Flame Thoughts! (Spoilers)
I finally finished Iron Flame (IF) and I definetly have some thoughts about it. I've seperated my thoughts into Liked, Disliked, Predictions BELOW THE BREAK LINE so people don't have to see spoilers. Also it's not in any particular order, just how it popped into my head.
Tarin and Andarna's bickering. Her sassiness with his grumpiness was just the bees knees of adorable.
Cat, this may surprise some people but I really liked her development as she and Violet got to know each other
Gryphon Riders in general were a nice addition, I want to know more about their school/lifestyle/countr(ies)
Violets development was really good. It was great to see her know her own strength more and stand up for herself/dragons/loved ones. Huge contrast from Fourth Wing (FW)
The relationship between Violet, Mira and Brennan. Loved the way Mira punched B when she saw him but ultimately loved having her brother back. Can't wait to see more
Mamma Sorrengail's sacrifice for her kids/everyone. Heartbreaking but only way she could redeem herself
Dain's return to the "good" side. It was great development to have him see the error of his ways, say no to Varrish (which is huge for him) and then prove himself again during the hike with the Riders and then again in the final battle.
Aaric/Cam, I love me a rogue Prince so this hit all the right spots (more on him later)
Andarna being a seventh dragon. Excellent. Amazing. Can't f*cking wait to know more
The reveal of Xaden's second signet. Shook, but obviously bb knew how to control it
The relationship between the main four in Iron Squad (Vi, Rhi, Ridoc and Sawyer.) I love a good platonic friendship (more than romance stories) because I think having found family in your friends is just friggin beautiful
Sawyer and Jesinina (I know that's spelled wrong)
Varrish, bare with me I hated him but props to RY for writing and awful character. I clapped when he died.
The battle at the end
XADEN AND VIOLETS CONSTANT BICKERING. It gave miscommunication trope over and over.
Xaden and Violet fighting and then being like you are my gravity, I love you so f*cking much etc. This seemed very Twilight-y (and toxic TBH)
Xaden with holding everything from Violet because she wasn't asking the right questions. Frustrating.
Having Vi tortured/injured over and over again (and I say this as a whump fan) I think she does it to show Violet's strength/resilience, but it's not necessary we know she's strong.
Markham being an asshole =(
Jack Barelow coming back- I understand why I just don't like him and wanted him to stay dead
Honestly, don't like Xaden turning Venin. Obvs as of right now we don't know why she made that choice, but I don't like it.
What I think will Happen Next
Next book Xaden is going to be fighting his Venin nature for the whole book but will ultimately choose to leave at the end- fourth book he will be barely there and fifth he will either come back still fighting his Venin self OR be full Venin.
Navarre/Basgiath/Aretia will fall to the Venin
Aaric/Cam will ultimately become important because I think the King will die and Aaric will have to step up as next in line.
Andarna will be the most badass dragon in the world
I do think Violet and Xaden will be endgame IF he lives. Here are my thoughts on that:
1) Violet and the others will find a cure for the venin and save Xaden
2) Xaden will become a full Venin but when it comes time to kill Violet he will unalive himself instead (Ben Solo redemption arc) in a moment of regaining his former self. I don't want this to happen at all.
I think Xaden's mom is the Queen/Lord of the Venin, which is why they want him so badly.
This is everything that came to mind, I am sure I will find other things that fit into these lists. Let me know what you thought, or we can compare lists!
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io-lu-art · 4 months
I know we all want redeemed Ben Solo to look and dress like his father at some point. But- ok, hear me out: There hAs to be sOme Lando spirit in there, SOMEWHERE. Like, come on, the CAPE? Are you telling me that Ben Solo, son of Leia Organa, grandson of fashion Queen Amidala, former Jedi padawan and Supreme Fashion Leader himself wouldn't fancy a cape at all? I don't believe u.
Lemme explain.
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high waisted Lando pants but put inside the boots.
Shorter cape. Kinda like Lando's in Solo.
High belt, cause it looks good on him and he knows it.
Dark grey. Mid grey. With a bit of off white. (I believe this is self explanatory.)
Later in life, as he grows older, maybe he will start adding some colour to his clothes.
I'm still not decided on my definitive headcanon. The one on the right is still very close to Luke in RotJ despite the grey and higher belt, but I kinda like it? Just cause it looks more elegant. I mean, sure, you could give him a blaster (I... probably will, at some point), depending on where the stories go and how you write him as Ben. I gave him two lightsabers, because, well- I will explain that when my fanfiction is finished. Or maybe I'll abandon the idea till then. :') (Yes, yes they would be white.) Gotta see if it serves the story well or if it's just my old love for young Ahsoka's yellow shoto lightsaber blinding me.
Jeez, there are so many directions you could take this character. Jedi, pilot, smuggler, gambler, senator... there's no end to this. I've seen so much Jedi Ben Solo fanart and I love all of them. I love the robes so much that I went and made some shape exploration with them.
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But the thing is I'm not really feeling it. If I were to take the story into a new direction, no Jedi, no Sith, just Force sensitives, a new take on this whole idea, expanding on what Rian Johnson gave us - which, I am - I would probably go away from the traditional Jedi designs. Sure, it all also kinda depends on how you colour it, I guess...
*sighs* there could have been so much to explore and discover in IX. But, eh, let's not turn this into another tros rant.
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dalekofchaos · 22 days
Hux. Short version, Hux reveals Kylo killing Snoke to the FIrst Order leadership. Hux ousts Ben and becomes Supreme Leader. Now Hux plans to exterminate The Jedi, force sensitives everywhere and lead to the death of the force. Long version read here.
Kylo as the villain. Adam Driver said the plan was never to redeem Ben Solo, that was a late change to appease everyone. So my big pitch for Supreme Leader Kylo Ren. To me Kylo Ren is what Vader could’ve been had he reached his full potential. A Vader who was never wounded on Mustafar, a Vader who killed a close family member and his master. He is the villain they were looking for, but no they had to course correct.As for what his motivation could be, exactly what he said. Finish what Vader started. Destroy the Light and reign over the galaxy as Supreme Leader. Long version. Other look at Kylo as the villain
Snoke's essence transferred into Kylo Ren the moment he killed Snoke.
Darth Plagueis was a powerful Sith Lord who could influence the midichlorians to create life and also save others from dying. He taught everything he knew to his apprentice, Sheev Palpatine (aka Darth Sidious), but he eventually lost his power and young Palpatine killed him in his sleep. How could Plagueis not foresee his own demise at the hands of his ambitious apprentice? Why did Plagueis suddenly “lose his power”? The truth is, he didn’t lose his power and he knew Sidious planned to kill him. It was part of the plan. By dying, I believe Darth Plagueis was able to transmit himself into Sheev and assume control of his body, almost like an infectious disease. Ever notice his name? Darth Plagueis. Plague, as in an infectious disease. Darth Plagueis unlocked the secret to immortality by moving from one body to the next, continuing his lifespan through multiple hosts over countless years. Ever wonder why Palpatine was so obsessed with training a powerful young apprentice? Surely he knew that one day the apprentice would want to overthrow him, so why train his own murderer? In Return of the Jedi, Emperor Palpatine continually provokes Luke to strike him down. Why would Palpatine want to be killed if the goal is longevity? Because Emperor Palpatine was assumed by Darth Plagueis and, through his death, he would then be able to transmit himself into a new host body. He wasn’t just looking for an apprentice, he was looking for a new body since Palpatine’s body was growing old. Luke Skywalker was meant to be the next host body for Darth Plagueis. But unfortunately for Plagueis, Darth Vader had a change of heart and defeated the Emperor. Snoke was Plagueis. It’s the only way to make things work. StarWars.com describes Snoke as a seeker of arcane and ancient lore, and the Last Jedi Visual Dictionary shows that he is a collector of rare memorabilia. At some point, Snoke must have found the wreckage of the Death Star on the forest moon Endor, and was infected by Darth Plagueis when he came upon the corpse of Palpatine. Did you ever wonder why Snoke thought it was so important to complete Kylo Ren’s training? It’s because Snoke was Darth Plagueis and he was training his next host body. Plagueis didn’t have a choice but to infect a really old political influencer like Snoke. Kylo was being groomed to become the next host body. Remember the infamous scene in The Last Jedi where Snoke is “predicting” how Kylo Ren will kill Rey? Wasn’t it a little too obvious? Wouldn’t Snoke have been able to foresee Kylo’s treachery? See through his conflict? It’s because he wasn’t predicting Rey’s death, he predicted his own. He knew Kylo would kill him. He deliberately bullied and provoked Kylo in order to stir his anger into hatred to further fuel his dark side and lead him to completing his training.
So Darth Plagueis goal would be to transfer his essence into Rey and in failing in that. He will drain the life force from the Dyad to satiate his own life force.
Thrawn. Cardinal West's Sequel Trilogy rewrite has the best take of Thrawn as the villain
Rae Sloane.
Rae Sloane founded The First Order! Sloane was loyal to the Empire, so much so, rather than allowing it to cease to exist, she recruited other loyalists and they fled to the Unknown Territories beyond Jakku. She founded the First Order. Together with Hux, she could usurp control of the First Order and become Supreme Leader, which would start a civil war, those loyal to Sloane and those loyal to Kylo. We can have someone who could be a great antagonist to Leia. The founder of The First Order and the mother of the Resistance. What makes Rae a compelling character is the fact that she believes what the Empire is doing is right. In her eyes, the Empire is doing the right thing, purging lawlessness from a galaxy overrun by bureaucrats that care little for the common people. She’s wrong, but like great villains before her, audiences can see where she’s coming from even if they don’t agree with it. Throughout her many appearances in the supplemental Star Wars narratives, she is constantly pushing for the Empire to be “just.” When things start to fall apart after the Battle of Endor, Rae struggles to keep the remnants of the fleet playing by the unspoken rules of warfare and is frustrated to see the Empire careen into backstabbing and incompetence. You can see Rae’s influence in the First Order with its strict hierarchy and minute by-the-books stringency that makes Palpatine’s Empire look positively laissez-faire by comparison. Supreme Leader Rae Sloane would make The First Order a force to be reckoned with and what better way to end it than with the First Order’s founder?
The Grysks.
The Grysks were introduced in the new canon novel Thrawn:Alliances. They are what brings Thrawn to the Empire in hopes of co-existing to fight this threat in the Unknown Regions. Grysks are a species living somewhere in the Unknown Regions. Creatures half of myth, whom few have ever seen. It is said that they are nomads, with no fixed home, traveling in spacecraft so numerous they blot out the stars. They are said to be terrifying warriors, overwhelming their opponents by sheer numbers and ferocity. The fact that these intergalactic conquerors are not the main threat in the Sequel Trilogy is baffling. You could’ve had Ben Solo sense they were coming during his Jedi days and made the ultimate sacrifice to become Kylo Ren and join The First Order because he knew the New Republic was not ready to face such a threat. It wouldn’t make what he was doing the entire trilogy right, but it would make explain why he turned and what his motivations are.
I don't really have a explanation for Qi'Ra, but she was trained by Maul, took over the Crimson Dawn and you don't waste Emilia Clarke on one movie that never continued. So Qi'Ra as the villain could've worked.
A Mandalorian invasion lead by Fett writes itself.
I know it's technically Palpatine, but it works better because we don't stupidly retcon Anakin's sacrifice. This was planned, but the idiots that be decided it would be better if Ian played him. So instead this is the perfected clone. The Clone Wars were a test for Palpatine to perfect cloning. Throughout the reign as Emperor, he tinkered with cloning force sensitives, created a lot of failures(Snoke) but prior to Endor, he perfected it and kept it as a fail safe should he die. And after Kylo Ren killed Snoke, he awakened. Palpatine reborn. The movie opens at the end of the war. Finn successfully consurs up a Stormtrooper Rebellion and all the FO officers are executed, Hux is captured and Rey beats Kylo Ren for the umpteenth time. The First Order are on their last legs. Until a message is delivered to the galaxy.
“People of the galaxy. Your Emperor has returned after thirty long, lawless years. To the Sith and the Jedi; follow the Holocrons. We have much work to do. Those who remained loyal to me shall be rewarded. For those who relished in my demise, who celebrated what they thought the end of the Empire and believed their treachery had won them the galaxy…only death and suffering await. The great error shall be corrected. The day of victory is at hand. The restoration of the Empire! The Final Order! The Day of the Sith!”
And it's a race. Rey and the Resistance hoping to stop The Emperor, while Kylo Ren is hoping to kill Palpatine, obtain the power of the Sith Eternal and an infinite fleet that will win the galaxy, but in the end, Rey and Kylo are forced to work together. Matt Smith as Palpatine could've fixed the movie
The final contingency of the Emperor. Cloning Luke Skywalker. Palpatine had foreseen either Luke will kill him and Vader or Vader will betray him. So Palpatine orders that Luke's hand be brought to him. Luke is cloned, but imperfectly. He is just a husk of power, so Palpatine has the greatest minds of the Empire indoctrinate this malleable clone to being the heir and the eventual savior of the Empire. This clone. Let's refer to him as Luuke. Luuke learned everything there was from Palpatine. His Machiavellian cunning mechanisms. Mastery over the dark side and fully believed in his master's will and plans for him.
Luuke foresaw that there would be problems if he revealed himself. SO he created a puppet, Snoke. Through Snoke, he turned Kylo Ren to the dark side and puppeteered The First Order. Masterminding everything from the shadows and after Snoke and the real Luke Skywalker's deaths, it was time to reveal himself.
Luuke's motivations are to bring Kylo Ren to heel or cast him aside, turn Rey to the dark side or kill her and rule the galaxy as his master intended for him. This dark side Luke would unite both Rey and Ben against him and would give Mark Hamill the opportunity to play a dark side Luke Skywalker.
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mayhemandtrouble · 9 months
Are We There Yet?, Chapter 26 of Not Giving Up
Full Story on Ao3, with detailed tags and NSFW chapters
Ben did not understand Rey’s tolerance - fondness even - of the porgs who had infested the Falcon. But she cooed over them, standing over the nests they’d made the walls and gave them treats till they followed her around like pets. Small, loud creatures who waddled and bit his fingers if he didn’t offer them a snack quickly enough. Leia informed him it was good practice for being a Father, as if he wasn’t certain enough he would fail.
Rey swore there were only three aboard, but Ben suspected there were closer to fifteen. And they stalked him, squawking loudly like watchdogs if he got too close to the cockpit. He contemplated turning them into snacks at least three times an hour but the damn things had the biggest, most pleading eyes he’d ever seen and even Chewbecca growled protectively of them.
Currently, one was hopping atop the dejarik, making it exceedingly difficult to focus on anything resembling a long term strategy. The game wasn’t friendly to start with, with his former baby-sitter as the opponent. Rey had demanded they sit down and try so there they were. Watching a fat-bottomed bird try to stomp holographic creatures, with its wide foot. At least it was absurd enough to distract them both from the utter horribleness of the situation.
The Wookie trilled in low frustration, leaning back and damn near sulking. He also would have preferred to simply eat the damn birds. He’d tried. Even without Rey’s fondness, the pathetic creatures managed to make him feel guilty! Chewbacca doubted they had two brain cells to rub together in a flock, yet they had mastered the art of looking pitiful as a survival tactic. 
“Agreed.” Ben grumbled, leaning an elbow on the table and poking at the creature’s white feathered stomach. It screeched in reply, which brought the predictable response of his love hollering from the cockpit.
“Ben! Leave them alone!”
“Yes, dear!” He answered too sweetly, head tilting. Had Father and Mother had moments like this? Did it fucking matter, he didn’t want a marriage like theirs. Did he? With a groan, Ben let his head fall onto the table. Wherever Mother was taking them, he hoped they got there soon. Maybe it would have a nice, solitary cell where he wouldn’t have to deal with all this emotional shit. Being a monster was so much easier. Callous laughter from beside him and Ben had to concede it was entirely justified.
“Laugh it up.” Ben chuckled self-deprecatingly. If only Hux could see him now, Kylo Ren - taking orders from his heavily pregnant fiancee regarding the kind treatment of pest species. Sitting up again, he looked over to Chewie, who seemed entirely pleased by Ben’s current foul mood. It had surprised Ben how nice he found it that Chewbacca wasn’t afraid of him. Angry, furious, rage - well deserved emotions but without the undercurrents of terror. 
Chewbacca didn’t understand the decisions his honor family were making, not fully. He understood why Rey wanted the sire of her children nearby. He understood why Leia struggled to abandon her son. But how could Rey sleep beside the murderer so peacefully, how did Leia justify it.
Chewie watched as Ben punched in his next few moves. In terms of his long life span, the boy had grown up in only a few heartbeats. Something had happened, something Han and Leia talked about in whispers. Usual brooding during one’s coming-of-age grew steadily darker and something flickered in the boy’s eyes that the Wookie couldn’t place. The circles under Ben’s eyes had grown deeper.
When one of Ben’s creatures destroyed Chewie’s favorite fighter, the Wookie howled in rage, head pulled back to the game. The porg screeched again, facing off with the massive fighter with the confidence of a well-indulged favorite.
Rey’s voice cut through from the cockpit again, and this time Chewbacca cradled his head in his paw. Eying the stupid bird and wishing he’d gone through with his initial plan to eat them all. 
“Bet they’d taste good fried,” Ben muttered, unable to keep a smirk off his lips to see Chewie’s reaction to Rey’s scolding. By now, Rey probably knew where they were going and when they were landing and everything about Mother’s plan. For once, he didn’t care - just as long as he stayed at her side until their family was more settled. Then he could worry about all the what nexts.
Chewie snorted in agreement, as much as it pained him to agree with Ben about anything. Fried with triple thick batter, that sauce from his homeworld and maybe some of that spicy shit Han had liked. Glancing over, Chewie felt his heart lurch to see that smirk on Ben’s face. It was unfair of the bastard to look so much like his father and Ben’s childhood self all once. Maybe that was why the other two couldn’t give up on him.
Issuing a halfhearted howl, Chewbacca stood abruptly. It was petty but he was pleased to see that Ben jumped back a little in concern. Good. As Rey whirled around, as best she could in her condition, Chewie hit the button to reset the game with far more force than needed. He might need to buy a new table when they landed but it would be worth it.
“Chewie, what’s wrong?” Rey had only gotten a few steps in when the Wookie trilled at her. A long, angry and pained vocalization that left her shoulders dropping. The two hadn’t even finished the game. Her hopes hadn’t been high but Rey had wanted a little better than that. As he left, Ben’s head dropped to rest in the palm of his hands.
The gentle feel of her fingers stroking through his dark curls was far more comfort than he deserved, but he took it anyway. Leaning into his lover gently when she sat beside him. Rey would tell him that everything would be all right, that they would work things out. He just had to be patient.
He wasn’t sure about that. The further he seemed to get from his life in the First Order, the worse his dreams became. Instead of wallowing in Darkness and being pulled to the Light, it was turning around. Just as it had before. 
Rey’s hand caressed the swell of their children slowly, looking out the view ports with a wide grin. She’d been apprehensive but excited when Leia said where they were going. This was her first time on such a populated world, having barely traveled outside of the Outer Rim. Ben had been shocked, then annoyed at himself for not seeing it coming.
I would have expected Mustafar.
I’m not looking to fail you twice.
Mother had the same confident determination about her that she always had. Failure did not seem to haunt her as it did him, or even normal beings. She saw it, analyzed it, and moved onto the next best choice that she could make. Or was that simply how parents were supposed to seem to their children.
He had to admit it though, Naboo was a beautiful planet. And through his grandmother’s line, Leia had access to resources here. Things she had probably been setting up from the beginning, along with about ten different plans so that she would be prepared no matter what.
“Oh Ben, look!”
“Not a bad place to raise children, mmm?” He teased her, arms wrapping around her from behind. As though they’d picked this place together, and they weren’t fleeing. Still. The joy in her eyes was something he hadn’t seen in months, as she took in the green domed roofs of the buildings and the waterfalls, with the city seeming to go all the way to the edge of water and sky. 
“I doubt we’ll stay here forever.” Rey chuckled, but couldn’t help agreeing with him. As they circled down to land, the city and its surrounding pastoral landscape seemed like something out of a story book. If they had to stay somewhere forever, a place like this might not be so bad. Though it was not lost on her that this was also where her grandfather, and his grandmother, had both come from. A matter to think on later.
“You’ll be here for the foreseeable future, at any rate.” Leia announced, pushing herself up on her cane as the Falcon landed. She was tired, though she refused to show it. The past few days - the past few months - had taken a great deal out of her. If she were particularly fortunate, Leia would be able to rest a bit here as well before she had to return to the Resistance for the clean-up work. Not that she was counting on that.
“The Lake Retreat?” Ben hesitated, then offered his mother his arm. Covering his nerves with a smirk. Pretending that he didn’t feel relief when Leia leaned her slight frame against his broader one.
“It has a proper name, Ben. Varykino. Now, one of you hurry up and get the gangplank lowered. Rey needs something decent to wear and Ben, if those clothes smelled any worse, I would burn them immediately.” 
Laughing, Rey scurried - waddled - along to comply. She didn’t know if Leia had clothes ready for them at this Lake place, or what the plan was. But she had been living on ships for the past few months. It would do her some good to get solid ground under her again.
The plan, as it turned out, was more in line with a holiday than concealment. Which irritated Chewbacca all the more, even if he did patiently hold a woven metal basket for Rey as she tentatively selected garments in a frighteningly posh shop. Ben had sighed in annoyance, waving off assistance and grabbing a handful of ready-made garments without bothering to check prices. Leia personally threw the offending garments, left from their time on the Supremacy, into a trash chute while the lovers changed into new selections.
By the time the bill was being settled, Ben’s attire was notably cleaner and more in line with the well-to-do of Naboo, but the coloring hadn’t changed. A black tunic, fastening at his right breast with jet-colored ornamentation curling along the line of his shoulders - gathered at the sleeves where the cuffs emphasized the strength in his hands. Comfortably loose, black trousers of fine material that tucked into black boots. A wide belt, already accented with several pouches that contained who-knows-what.
Rey would have scolded him for not choosing a single color, save that the effect took her breath away. He looked like a dark prince from a fairytale, the sort who might save the day or end the world save for a true love’s kiss.
Ben caught her looking as he ran his fingers through his dark curls, not that it was particularly difficult to see where she was looking. He had stationed himself in front of a mirror, doing his best to look ‘respectable’, or something that passed for it. Rey had seemed so pleased to explore the city, he felt an annoying compulsion to pass for the nobility he used to be. 
“Continue looking at me like that, and I’ll drag you into one of the dressing rooms.” Ben spoke low, his brown eyes as they met hers in the mirror. She had been trying to be subtle, brushing her fingers over a bright purple sash, studded with jewels in the shape of stars. The display just happened to be facing towards the mirror Ben was using. Chewie snorted in disgust.
“Ben! Hush!” Hissing out her embarrassment, Rey felt her face burn. Quickly checking that Leia was out of earshot and fumbling with the sash, trying to replace it hurriedly. In her haste, the one in her hands and several others tumbled to the ground. Prompting one of the overly attentive clerks to hurry to the pregnant woman’s assistance. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to… I just… I’ll get some air!”
Layers of soft pastels swirled as Rey quickly moved to the door. There had not been much ready off the rack in her favored tones that would also accommodate her newly acquired figure. Encouraged by the attendants, she’d tried to take it as a chance to try something new. And so, paid for by the Organa accounts, she wore a simple cream short tunic with whitework embroidery and a skirt comprised of several layers of a sheer material done in abstract florals. The wide soft blue waistband was edged with small bits of metal that created a subtle ringing as she moved. It tied with a large bow just above her stomach, pridefully displaying the new life she was bringing into the galaxy. Rey was entirely certain it was the most costly garment she’d ever owned and her interest in exploration was suddenly dimmed by the threat of stains.
“Come with me?” Stepping out of the shop, Ben quickly threaded his arm around her own. Not waiting for Rey to agree before he started leading her away and towards an open air market where he suspected she would be more comfortable.
“We can’t leave Leia and Chewie,” protesting with slow steps though neither Master or Wookie were running out screaming. “What if…”
“You’re my guard, remember?” He nudged her shoulder gently, knowing where her thoughts were going. They were outside of a cell by Leia’s skill and grace. If they overstepped, he would be back and Rey would be either beside him or trying to get him out. Kissing her temple lightly, he finally conceded the truth. “Mother knows - she needs a little time to arrange suitable transportation to Varykino and I want to show you something.” Full Story on Ao3, with detailed tags and NSFW chapters
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curlytheintrovert · 1 year
I just still CANNOT get over the last few minutes of Ben Solo in TROS. It’s criminal.
How everything about his character is just shifted. The moment he runs into that first camera shot—sees Rey’s x-wing and takes off—you can feel the change instantly. His body movements are so unfettered and human in comparison to Kylo: his run, his jumps, even his voice is changed. I mean the first and last thing we hear him say is LITTERALLY a humorous: “Ow.” (which still makes me laugh to this day) But by far my favorite is how much he acts like his dad…the swagger, the emotiveness as he fights and the confidence. It’s so god damn heart warming.
I live for that adorable little shrug when he gets his saber from Rey. ITS MORE HAN ENERGY THEN I CAN STAND. But also the little gotta-pace-myself breath he lets out as a knight slashes the saber behind his back wrecks me too. Like he’s almost trying to remember how to fight the way he used to as a Jedi. But seeing Ben fight with such skill and freedom kinda makes me choke up—we know just what it took to get him there. You just feel so happy for him!
But then it all comes crashing down.😭
Before I go any further though…WHY THE HELL DID ADAM DRIVER NOT WIN AN AWARD FOR THIS MOVIE?! I mean, my god this man can act. When Ben pulls himself out of the pit the Emperor threw him into, he doesn’t say one word—his body movements and facial expressions do all the work. The way he falls to the floor in pain, and every step is torture leaves little to the imagination what he’s going through.
But what truly TRULY won’t leave my head is how he reacts to seeing Rey dead in his arms. The way he just inhales this devastating, searing sob…you viscerally understand how much he loves her—and always has. Like you could hear that his world had been taken away. It also destroys me how Ben physically cannot handle the sight of her lifeless eyes. The way he rocks back and forth hysterically trying his best not to break down makes me cry every time. I’m sorry but that is PEAK romance for me, even more then their kiss. It simultaneously confirmed for me that they were taking the romance angle with this couple.
Then the way Ben looks at Rey when she’s revived is so emotional, you can hear his inner monologue from his eyes alone. Is this real? Did you really come back me? But I don’t know if you feel the same way I do. And when he does get confirmation and Rey says his name and kisses him you see just how ready he is—he pulls her tight to him so fast. Then they had to give us THE BEST SMILE OF ALL TIME IN STAR WARS, followed by the most heart warming little laugh, like he’s so happy—he’s finally accepted and loved by someone…aaaand then they take him away from us a second later. It’s something I will never forgive, dang it! You can’t make a character go through so much, redeem himself, be the coolest character possible, then destroy him. It’s just not right. All this talk and theories of the new movies is opening this wound wide open for me! Ben Solo and Adam Driver deserved so much more than this!
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theweeklydiscourse · 4 months
Could you imagine if someone said something like “ATLA would’ve been a better show if Zuko was tempted towards joining team Avatar and fighting to end the war but instead chose to pursue evil and staunchly rejected any chance of redemption . Wouldn’t it be so compelling if after the Crossroads of Destiny, Zuko just became more evil? Yeah, I mean fully embracing fire nation nationalism and becoming like his father. I would love it if the narrative presented us with the possibility of his redemption only for it to subvert those expectations and have him begin and end as an ontologically evil villain who remains static for all three seasons. What an amazing character arc that would be.”
This is what “Ben Solo should never have been redeemed” discourse sounds like to me. I know people have their interpretations, but I am genuinely so baffled by the idea that his character would’ve been improved if they had done what is essentially a retread of Anakin’s arc in the prequels. It’s complete and utter nonsense and I’m so annoyed by all of the people talking about that idea as if it’s SOOOOOO DEEP when in reality it’s probably the shallowest storyline you could come up with.
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reachexceedinggrasp · 5 months
Have you seen the recent Adam driver interview re: redeemed Ben solo never being part of the original plans? Apparently JJs idea as pitched to Adam was 'reverse Vader' who begins the trilogy all uncertain and vulnerable and becomes super evil by the third film 😂 considering the mess that was duel of the fates, I'm not surprised. Adam said he was still 'focused' on JJs original arc even though it changed over shooting. Which is baffling to me, because even in TFA you can't seriously believe this character could go stone cold uber sinister. It's terrible how so many good things in the sequel trilogy are there in spite of tptb, not because of them!
I haven't and honestly at this point I don't even want to hear anything else about what a complete fucking shitshow of stupidity and sociopathy this whole production was.
The idea that TFA isn't setting up a redemption is so absurd to me that I'm not even going to entertain it. I don't believe that even JJ is that incompetent, and his commentary plus TROS indicates that he did absolutely understand that Ben must be reclaimed despite his total disregard for the themes and message of SW. So whatever Adam was talking about, I don't know, and I'm not going to listen to this interview to try to figure it out because I'm tired. Maybe he's referring to the earliest ideas where Kylo Ren wasn't the same person as Han and Leia's child?
But in that case I just cannot imagine why they wanted to cast him in that role.
Leaving aside that the entire concept of a 'reverse Vader' is the stupidest shit I've ever heard, because that was a) literally the prequel trilogy, b) antithetical to SW as anything other than a prelude to a subsequent redemption, and c) SO FUCKING BORING. I know this isn't the first time Adam has mentioned this, but it only sounds more stupid the more clear he makes it that they mean 'the opposite of the ending of RotJ'. Which is just 'the ending of every fucking American action movie fucking ever'. Like putting a 'spin' on Vader by having him NOT REDEEM HIMSELF is just called 'being like everyone else' and 'taking away literally the most compelling thing about Vader'.
I need these boring, unimaginative HACKS to fuck off. Like, the idea that JJ's pitch for TFA was 'worse, more boring, less visually creative, less meaingful, more shallow remake of ANH but also we will ruin the heart and soul of the story and make it like all the libertarian slop it literally existed in order to stand against'.
I saw someone say that it's also come out that the reylo connection was Kasdan's idea, which I feel vindicated by bc I've been saying I bet it was forever. But again, JJ was on board for it and knew what he was doing with the imagery in TFA. He is not so incompetent that he didn't understand he was creating romantic subtext. And text.
But like, I'm just so done with these fucking people. That ANYONE at that company much less apparently EVERYONE?? thought it was remotely acceptable to use SW to tell the story of any character whatsoever who was humanised and sympathetic and relatable to children falling into darkness and becoming ''''''irredeemable'''''' MUCH LESS the LAST SKYWALKER, the HOPE AND HAPPY ENDING OF ROTJ, HAN AND LEIA'S LOVE, PADMÉ'S LOVE, the atonement and reconciliation of Darth Vader is just FUCKING BANANAPANTS to me.
George Lucas should fight these people in an alley.
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kylo-skywalkerr · 7 months
I reblogged that joke post about how Anakin was vaders deadname, but like. I unironically think this was what Kylo's situation was, lol. You don't have to be trans to change your name or be uncomfortable with it. Kylo was always uncomfortable as Ben even before joining the darkside. He hated that he had the name of a man he never knew and had no attachment to. He hated that solo was a fake last name.
It was stated in the Rise of Kylo Ren comics that Kylo picked that name during childhood. Even if the Ren title was earned in a way he particularly never wanted, Kylo was always his chosen name.
Idk maybe I'm just projecting my transness onto him. But I always sorta get sad when redeemed Kylo Ren is reduced to "Ben". He can still be good with the name Kylo and without the discomfort that his birthname gave him throughout his whole life.
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