#ricardo muñoz ramirez
soulofgod · 2 years
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Richard Ramirez as "Ricardo Leyva Muñoz Ramírez was an American serial killer, speedster, and thief. He was nicknamed the "Night Hunter" by the media when he terrorized the Los Angeles area residents and later the San Francisco area residents from June 1984 to 1985.
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wolfman75 · 2 days
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Richard Ramirez, all'anagrafe Ricardo Leyva Muñoz Ramírez (El Paso, 29 febbraio 1960 – Greenbae, 7 giugno 2013), è stato un serial killer statunitense.
Soprannominato dai media "Night Stalker", il cacciatore della notte, uccise almeno 16 persone dal 10 aprile 1984 al 24 agosto 1985.
Il 31 agosto 1985 è stato catturato ed affidato nelle mani della giustizia. È stato condannato nel 1989 alla camera a gas per 41 crimini, tra cui 16 omicidi. La sua esecuzione doveva avvenire tramite gas letale nell'estate 2006, ma la Corte suprema nel 2007 ha accolto l'ultimo appello di Ramirez, facendo slittare l'esecuzione in data da designarsi, esecuzione mai avvenuta vista la prematura morte dell'assassino. Anche Ramirez ha trascorso gli anni in prigione, come John Wayne Gacy, dipingendo quadri.
Julian e Mercedes Ramirez ebbero cinque figli, e il quinto nato fu Richard Ramirez. La madre era cattolica, e suo padre un ex poliziotto in seguito passato a lavorare come operaio sull'autostrada di Santa Fe. Il padre di Richard credeva fermamente nelle punizioni corporali come metodo educativo. Era molto legato alla sorella Ruth Ramirez.
Ramirez potrebbe essere stato influenzato verso l'assassinio da suo cugino, Mike, un veterano della Guerra del Vietnam che spesso si vantava con lui di aver ucciso e torturato decine di nemici, mostrandogli anche delle foto Polaroid delle vittime. Queste includevano immagini di svariate teste decapitate di donne vietnamite, con le quali in altre foto Mike praticava del sesso orale. Ramirez era presente la notte in cui Mike sparò alla moglie, uccidendola. Richard aveva 13 anni all'epoca.
Il 10 aprile 1984 qualcosa fece scattare nella mente di Ramirez voglia di uccidere e di intraprendere una lunga mattanza che lo vede come protagonista fino al 31 agosto 1985, giorno della sua cattura. Nell'hotel dove lavorava vide una bambina con il fratello più piccolo che piangeva perché aveva perso una banconota. Ramirez attirò la bambina nel seminterrato facendole credere di aver visto la banconota, la violentò, la uccise e appese i suoi vestiti su un tubo di aerazione. Il caso non fu preso in considerazione ma, dopo l'arresto di Ramirez, nel 2009 gli investigatori attribuirono l'assalto come responsabilità di Ramirez, portando il numero delle vittime a 16.
Il 28 giugno 1984 Ramirez decise di intraprendere la furia omicida nuovamente e di spostarsi a Glassell Park, una zona a nord di Los Angeles. Forzò una porta e fece così spaventare Jennie Wincow, una anziana donna. La assalì, la torturò, la uccise e scappò di fretta. A causa della poca risonanza mediatica questo caso fu poco preso in considerazione e, ancora oggi, sono in corso accertamenti dalla parte della polizia per cercare di attribuire questo delitto atroce a Ramirez.
Il 20 febbraio 1985 Ramirez attaccò due donne in età avanzata nella loro casa a Telegraph Hill nella contea di Los Angeles, pugnalandole a morte.
Il 17 marzo 1985, Ramirez attaccò la ventiduenne Maria Hernandez fuori dalla sua abitazione, sparandole prima di entrare nella casa della ragazza. Dentro trovò Dayle Okazaki, 34 anni, che Ramirez uccise immediatamente. La Hernandez invece sopravvisse. Il proiettile sparatole da Ramirez era rimbalzato sopra le chiavi di casa che la ragazza aveva istintivamente portato al petto per proteggersi dal colpo.
Dopo circa un'ora dall'omicidio della Okazaki, Ramirez colpì nuovamente all'interno del Monterey Park. Sulla scena del delitto fu ritrovato un cappellino da baseball con il logo degli AC/DC.
Assalì la trentenne Tsai-Lian Yu, trascinandola fuori dalla sua auto e sparandole due colpi di arma da fuoco prima di fuggire. La ragazza venne ritrovata ancora in vita da un poliziotto, ma spirò poco prima dell'arrivo dell'ambulanza. I due omicidi ebbero una grossa risonanza nei media locali, scatenando il panico tra i residenti delle zone colpite.
Il 27 marzo Ramirez sparò a Vincent Zazzara, 64 anni, e a sua moglie Maxine, 44. Il corpo della signora Zazzara fu violentato e mutilato con diverse coltellate e le venne incisa la lettera T sul seno sinistro, mentre le furono cavati anche gli occhi. I cadaveri di Vincent e Maxine furono scoperti nella loro abitazione di Whittier dal figlio della coppia, Peter. L'autopsia determinò che le varie mutilazioni erano avvenute post-morte. Ramirez lasciò delle impronte di scarpe da ginnastica marca Avia sul luogo del delitto, che la polizia fotografò ed archiviò. All'epoca questi erano gli unici indizi in possesso della polizia. I proiettili trovati sulla scena del crimine furono confrontati con quelli rinvenuti durante i precedenti omicidi, e gli agenti capirono di trovarsi di fronte ad un assassino seriale. Gli omicidi erano infatti opera della stessa persona.
Due mesi dopo l'uccisione degli Zazzara, Ramirez attaccò una coppia di cinesi: Harold Wu, 66 anni, e sua moglie, Jean Wu, 63. L'uomo venne ucciso con un colpo di pistola alla testa, mentre la donna venne picchiata, legata, e ripetutamente violentata. Per ragioni sconosciute, Ramirez decise di lasciarla in vita. Gli impulsi omicidi di Ramirez si facevano di giorno in giorno più violenti. Lasciava dietro di sé sempre più indizi, e fu in questo periodo che venne soprannominato "The Night Stalker" dai mass media. Le vittime sopravvissute descrivevano il killer come un uomo alto di etnia ispanica con lunghi e ricci capelli neri, il viso scarno e allungato e la dentatura in pessime condizioni.
Il 29 maggio 1985 Ramirez assaltò Malvial Keller, 83 anni, e la sorella disabile di lei, Blanche Wolfe, 80 anni, picchiandole entrambe con un martello. Ramirez cercò anche di violentare la Keller, senza però riuscirvi. Utilizzando un rossetto disegnò un pentacolo sulla parete della stanza da letto e su una coscia dell'anziana donna. Blanche sopravvisse all'attacco. Il giorno seguente, Carol Kyle, 41 anni, fu legata, picchiata e sodomizzata da Ramirez, mentre il figlioletto undicenne della donna era stato rinchiuso nell'armadio dal killer.
Durante giugno e luglio, altre tre donne furono uccise. Due ebbero la gola tagliata, una picchiata a morte, tutte e tre furono assalite nelle loro case. Il 26 giugno Ramirez rapì di notte prelevandola dalla sua stanza la piccola Anastasia Hronas, una bambina di 6 anni; dopo averla ripetutamente violentata la lasciò libera abbandonandola nei pressi di un benzinaio.
Il 5 luglio Whitney Bennett, 16 anni, e Linda Fortuna, 63, furono attaccate da Ramirez, ma riuscirono entrambe a sopravvivere. Il 20 luglio Ramirez colpì addirittura due volte nello stesso giorno. A Sun Valley sparò, uccidendolo, a un uomo di 32 anni, Chitat Assawahem, mentre la moglie Sakima, 29 anni, fu picchiata e costretta ad un rapporto orale. Ramirez sodomizzò anche il figlioletto di 8 anni della coppia davanti agli occhi della madre. Più tardi lo stesso giorno assalì una coppia a Glendale, Maxson Kneiding, 66 anni, e sua moglie Lela, anche lei 66 anni; entrambi furono uccisi e i cadaveri mutilati.
Il 6 agosto Ramirez sparò sia a Christopher Petersen, 38, sia alla moglie di lui, Virginia, 27. Miracolosamente, sopravvissero entrambi. L'8 agosto seguente, Ramirez colpì a Diamond Bar, uccidendo Ahmed Zia, 35 anni, e poi violentò la moglie dell'uomo, Suu Kyi, 28 anni.
Successivamente Ramirez lasciò la zona di Los Angeles, e il 17 agosto, uccise un uomo di 66 anni a San Francisco, picchiando e sparando anche alla moglie dell'uomo. La donna riuscì a sopravvivere e fu in grado di identificare il suo assalitore dagli identikit preparati dalla polizia. Sulla scena del crimine, Ramirez utilizzò un rossetto per disegnare un pentacolo e scrivere le parole "Jack the Knife" sul muro della stanza da letto, poi, dopo aver rubato del cibo dal frigorifero, vomitò sul pavimento in cucina e si masturbò sul tappeto del salotto.
La svolta decisiva nel caso ebbe luogo il 24 agosto 1985, Ramirez viaggiò per cinquanta miglia dal sud di Los Angeles a Mission Viejo, ed irruppe nell'appartamento di Bill Carns, 29 anni, e della fidanzata, Inez Erickson, 27. Ramirez sparò in testa a Carns e violentò Erickson. La costrinse ad inneggiare a Satana e poco dopo, la forzò ad un rapporto orale. Poi la legò e se ne andò. Erickson riuscì a strisciare fino alla finestra e a scorgere l'auto di Ramirez, una Toyota station wagon di colore arancio. Fu inoltre in grado di dare una descrizione dettagliata del criminale alla polizia. Un adolescente identificò l'auto della quale aveva sentito parlare al notiziario, e si segnò la targa del veicolo. L'auto rubata venne rinvenuta il 28 agosto, e la polizia riuscì ad ottenere le impronte digitali dell'assassino prelevandole dal finestrino di una portiera dell'auto. Le impronte si rivelarono quelle del già schedato Richard Muñoz Ramirez, descritto come un venticinquenne ispanico con una lunga serie di precedenti per stupro e spaccio di droga.
Due giorni dopo, la sua foto segnaletica venne trasmessa in televisione e stampata sui principali quotidiani della California. Ramirez fu riconosciuto, circondato e quasi linciato da una folla di passanti a East Los Angeles mentre stava cercando di rubare un'auto. Gli agenti accorsi sul posto dovettero disperdere la folla per impedire che i cittadini inferociti uccidessero Ramirez.
L'udienza preliminare per il caso iniziò il 22 luglio 1988, e si concluse il 20 settembre 1989 con Ramirez ritenuto colpevole di 13 omicidi, 5 tentati omicidi, 11 violenze sessuali, e 14 furti con scasso.
Durante la fase penale del processo, il 7 novembre 1989, Ramirez fu condannato a 19 pene di morte. Il processo di Richard Ramirez fu uno dei più lunghi e complessi procedimenti giudiziari della storia americana. Più di 100 testimoni furono chiamati a deporre durante i dibattimenti, e mentre alcuni faticavano a ricordare precisamente avvenimenti accaduti quattro anni prima, altri si dissero sicuri che l'assassino fosse proprio Richard Ramirez, il quale si presentò in aula con un pentacolo tatuato sul palmo di una mano esclamando "Ave Satana!".
Il 3 agosto 1988 il Los Angeles Times riportò la notizia che alcune guardie carcerarie avevano raccontato di aver sentito Ramirez che diceva di voler sparare al procuratore distrettuale in aula, con una pistola che intendeva contrabbandare in tribunale di nascosto.
Di conseguenza, venne installato un metal detector all'entrata dell'aula e furono disposti severi controlli. Il 14 agosto il processo fu interrotto perché uno dei giurati, tale Phyllis Singletary, non si presentò in aula. Più tardi quello stesso giorno la donna venne rinvenuta cadavere nel suo appartamento, uccisa da un colpo di arma da fuoco. La giuria rimase terrorizzata dall'evento; nessuno sapeva se Ramirez aveva avuto indirettamente qualcosa a che fare con l'omicidio, orchestrando il tutto dalla sua cella. In realtà Ramirez non era responsabile della morte della Singletary: la donna era stata uccisa dal suo fidanzato, che in seguito si suicidò.
All'epoca del processo, Ramirez aveva numerose fan che gli scrivevano appassionate lettere d'amore in carcere. A partire dal 1985, la giornalista freelance Doreen Lioy gli scrisse circa 75 lettere durante la sua incarcerazione. Nel 1988 Ramirez le propose di sposarlo, e il 3 ottobre 1996 la coppia si sposò nel carcere di San Quintino. La Lioy ha ripetutamente affermato che si sarebbe suicidata il giorno in cui Ramirez fosse stato giustiziato.
Richard Ramirez è morto per insufficienza epatica nel giugno 2013 all'età di 53 anni, mentre era detenuto nel Carcere di San Quintino.
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crystalheffer · 3 years
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Carlo : Getting back to women who are drawn to serial killers and mass murderers, what are your feelings about that? Why do you think that happens?
Richard : Women...when I was on the street, I was a loner. I stayed to myself. I really had no contact with people. It’s only been since I’ve been in prison that I have really developed relationships with people, and mostly women, though I now see that they have feelings, they have emotions...I mean, i always did but I suppose I locked it out most of the time. I didn’t think about other people’s feelings and needs.
Carlo : These women that you’re making reference to, do you think they were drawn to you because of your notoriety?
Richard : Oh, they’re drawn to me for all sorts of reasons.
Carlo : Such as what, Richard?
Richard : To get something out of me. To question me. Maybe they’re intrigued by murder or murderers...some are religious, some are sympathetic—you know, they have sympathy for me. Some come just so they can tell their friends they came and talked to me. They’ve come to me from different walks of life, these women.
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28021960 · 3 years
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STREET ADDRESS 301 W. Seventh Street
DATE OF BIRTH February 28, 1960
NAME OF HOSPITAL INSTITUTION Providence Memorial Hospital
FATHER Julian T. Ramirez
AGE (father) 33
BIRTHPLACE (father) Mexico
USUAL OCCUPATION (father) Laborer
KIND OF BUSINESS OR INDUSTRY (father) Santa Fe Railroad
MOTHER Mercedes Munoz
AGE (mother) 32
BIRTHPLACE (mother) Colorado
Here is a link to a random Texas birth certificate clearly showing all the text on the birth certificate since the picture above is hard to read: http://freepages.rootsweb.com/~terrycole/genealogy/images/s6.jpg
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jelicaalynn · 3 years
i needed this but my hybristophilia DEFINITELY didn’t
death row romeo 😩😍
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may8chan · 5 years
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Richard Ramirez
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girl-from-galaxy · 7 years
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“Going to the trial was very tiring for me, but I did enjoy it better than sitting in a jail cell. That could be very monotonous. The glasses, believe it or not, were prescription lenses that were tinted. And I just don’t like my photograph being taken, more so now than then. Did I enjoy it? Hmm. No, not particularly. I would have rather been on the beach or something. I was receiving so much negative publicity. I wasn’t going to give people the satisfaction of seeing me down. Besides, I didn’t feel down. The media had portrayed me as a cold-hearted, ruthless monster, but I’m really not that way. I’m very down to earth. So, at that time I let people think whatever they wanted to.” - Richard Ramirez
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awda · 2 years
True Crime Analysis- The Night Stalker
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Hi muerte babys ♡
Recently I’ve been obsessed literally with @zeldasnotes True Crime Analysis series. I’ve gained inspo from their Series, that I’ve decided to do a True Crime Analysis as well!
If you think True Crime astro observations are wrong, please scroll and don’t let this post bother you. This post is just for interest to see how different aspects/placements affect others lifestyle.
Just because you have any of these aspects/placements doesn’t mean you will experience a similar situation or develop these traits. Every criminal is just a criminal, their birth chart did NOT make them a criminal, they made their selves a criminal. So do not worry if you have any of these aspects/placements.
Without further a do, I hope you guys enjoy this post, comment if you’d like me to make a series out of it. ❤️
TW: R*PE, M*RDER (dw I put stars to replace one of the letters, so all the people who needs trigger warnings but enjoy true crime analysis can still read)
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Ricardo (Richard) Levya Muñoz Ramirez was born February 29, 1960 at 2:07 AM in El Paso, Texas.
From many True Crime analysis’s his criminal name was, “The Night Stalker”. This was because his crimes were mainly convicted at night. Fact: Richard slept in a cemetery to escape home life
Many believe his crimes were influenced by his childhood. Going through traumatic events as a child can definitely affect your lifestyle as a adult. (This does not excuse his crimes in any way)
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The Night Stalker’s Birth chart
12 Squares, 9 Trines & 1 Conjunction- Right off the bat I notice how Squares are dominant in Ramirez’s chart. Showing that his life was full off difficulties from day one. Only with conjunction with being literally only Venus conjunct Mars is just insane.
Venus Conjunct Mars- This aspect resonates with Ramirez’s sex life the most. Given that Ramirez is a literal rapist, it shows his desire to have sex consistently. I remember reading somewhere that said he masturbated in jail a lot. I also remember reading one of his cases how he murdered or r*ped a woman and then masturbated next to the dead body? I’m not sure where I read those at, but I remember this so vividly, it’s too disturbing to forget. (1/2)
"In all my years of covering trials in Los Angeles, I never saw a defendant with more sex appeal than Richard Ramirez," Tony Valdez, a KTTV reporter said in the docuseries. (2/2)
Venus Square Neptune- Okay this aspect doesn’t even need to be explained. Already explains very clearly how this aspect influences high sexual fantasies, that Ramirez had. I notice that in many of his cases involving r*pe he would make the victim(s) declare their love for Satan, or just make the victim(s) do weird stuff before any sexual act.
2H Chiron- This house placement shows how majority of his trauma shaped the person he turned into. (Doesn’t excuse his crimes in any way) From his childhood, he could’ve had influence on m*rder & r*pe, or experienced it or saw it. Miguel. Ramirez’s cousin that he went to live with to escape home life, bragged about r*ping Vietnamese women AND murdered his wife in front of Ramirez when he was only thirteen years old.
Jupiter Dominant- I find it interesting how confusing to most people Ramirez’s responses to interview questions were, and how smart he seemed to people because of how mysterious & deep his answers would be during interviews. No surprise Ramirez is a Jupiter Dominant, usually Jupiter Dominants are the type you can’t really understand, and seem mysterious.
Libra MC 9° & Sagittarius DC 23°- Explains how despite his horrendous disgusting crimes, he attracted a small fan base that supported him outside of prison. Several of his fans were present during his trial and on the end were receiving flirt glances from Ramirez across the room. Somehow some people still found the good in Ramirez after all of his crimes.
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Alright that’s all I have for you bbies today. I hope ya enjoyed this interesting true crime astrology analysis!
Please once again, if you don’t find true crime astrology analysis’s interesting and or “negative” in a way, please refrain from leaving rude commentary or reporting. Thank you❤️
® awda
all rights reserved
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dread-on-arrival · 3 years
Richard Ramirez - The Night Stalker
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Serial Killer Masterlist
General Information
Full Name: Ricardo Leyva Muñoz Ramírez
Born: 29th of February 1960, El Paso, Texas, United States.
Died: 7th of June 2013, MarinHealth Medical Center, Kentfield, California, United States.
Cause of Death: B cell lymphoma 
Faith: Satanism
Heavy drug abuse from around the age of 14 and a highly sugar filled diet caused his teeth to practically rot away, many victims described one of his most notable features as the putrid smell he gave off.
Julian Ramirez (Father)
Mercedes Ramirez (Mother)
Ruben Ramirez (Oldest brother)
Jospeh Ramirez (Brother)
Robert Ramirez  (Brother)
Ruth Ramirez (Sister)
Doreen Lioy (m. 1996–2013)
Physical Description
Height: 6′0 or 1.85
Weight: When caught he was 155lbs/11 stone but once put on a more consistent diet in prison he weighed 182lbs/13 stone.
Ethnicity: Latino
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Dark Brown
IQ: N/a
Mental/Physical Illnesses
He suffered with antisocial personality disorder and after two significant head injuries he was diagnosed with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy in 5th grade. Some sources also claim he was a diagnosed schizophrenic or had severe bipolar.
Known Crimes: Murder, attempted murder, assault, sexual assault, rape, attempted rape, sodomy, abduction, theft, grand theft auto, possession of drugs.
Nickname(s): ‘The Night Stalker’, ‘Valley Intruder’ and ‘The Walk-in Killer’.
Span of Known Murders: 10th of April 1984 - 24th of August 1985.
Known Number of Murder Victims: 15
Possible Number of Murder Victims: 20+
Youngest Murder Victim: 9 years old.
Oldest Murder Victim: 84 years old.
Caught and Arrested: 31st of August 1985
Trial: 22nd of July 1988 - 20th of September 1989
Charged with:
14 counts of burglary
11 counts of sexual assault 
5 counts of attempted murder
13 counts of murder
Sentenced to: Sentenced to death 19 times.
M.O: Most of his victims were chosen at random when he would break into someone house. Usually he would go for houses with no alarm system or no dogs. If in a house with a couple he would kill the man first, usually by shooting, and then assault the women in various horrific ways. He wouldn’t always kill the women though which allowed for some reports of his appearance to police although most of these proved to be inaccurate. His methods of killing varied from shooting, strangulation, stabbing, bludgeoning and in one case he even stamped an old women to death. At many crime scenes he left Satanic symbols on the victim or on walls such as pentagram and at one he left the phrase ‘Jack the knife’ on a bedroom wall. In one attack he told a women not to scream she said ‘I swear upon God I'm not going to scream’ to which Richard responded ‘Don’t swear upon God, swear upon Satan.’
What created the Killer: He grew up with a very abusive father, the abuse often got so bad that Richard would sleep in the graveyard not far from his childhood home to avoid it. His cousin Miguel came back from Vietnam and would often tell stories of the atrocities that he committed against women there, he showed Richard who was around 12 at the time polaroids of decapitated women or of him raping them. It only got worse when Richard witnessed Miguel shoot his own wife in front of Richard and Miguel’s own children. Richard’s brothers were victims of sexual abuse from one of their teachers however its unconfirmed if Richard too was a victim of this. Injuries he sustained to his frontal lobe as a child can also have contributed to personality defects and he abused drugs from 14 up until his arrest at age 25. Read more about his childhood here.
“Serial killers do, on a small scale, what governments do on a large one. They are products of our times and these are bloodthirsty times.”- Richard Ramirez
This is a rewrite of my original summary on Ramirez as Tumblr deleted it not long ago. I really wish I could put more time into this blog but school has become very overwhelming, I am hoping to continue my Ramirez series though but no promises on when that will finally be published. Now time to back up files just in case anything else gets deleted lmao.
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msxramirez · 3 years
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Ricardo Leyva Muñoz Ramirez✦
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murderkillers · 3 years
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Ricardo Leyva Muñoz Ramírez, known as Richard Ramirez, is an American serial killer who was active in Los Angeles and San Francisco in 1985.
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criminol · 4 years
The Night Stalker
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Ricardo Leyva Muñoz Ramírez, known as Richard Ramierz, was an American serial killer, rapist and burglar known as ‘The Night Stalker.’ He was eventually charged with 13 counts of murder, 5 counts of attempted murder, 11 counts of sexual assault and 14 cases of burglary.
Ramirez was strongly influenced by his older cousin who served as a combat veteran. The cousin boasted of his gruesome exploits including raping young woman, he also had photographs of his victims included a severed head. Ramirez got a job in a local inn where his employment was abruptly ended when a hotel guest returned to his room to find Ramirez attempting to rape his wife. On 10th April, 1984, Ramirez murdered his first victim, stabbing a nine year old girl to death after beating and raping her. He then went on to kill and attempt to kill 14 victims from 1984-1985. Ramirez, who claimed to be a Satanist, used a variety of weapons including knives, machetes, tire irons, hammers, and handguns.
Ramirez died of complications of B-Cell lymphoma while awaiting execution on death row.
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femonomics-blog · 3 years
Night Stalker: The Hunt For a Serial Killer, Richard Ramirez
Night Stalker: The Hunt For a Serial Killer, Richard Ramirez
Who Was Richard Ramirez? Ricardo Leyva Muñoz Ramírez, known as Richard Ramirez and later known as ‘The Night Stalker, was an American serial killer who killed 14 people in the city of Los Angeles between 1984 and 1985. This man grew up in a troubled and dysfunctional home. His father was very violent and brutally beat him, when he grew up he lived with his cousin Miguel ‘Mike’ Ramirez, a green…
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crystalheffer · 2 years
Richard Ramirez, when he was around 15-16 years, with his nephew, Robert.
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moonpiee · 3 years
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Ricardo Leyva Muñoz Ramírez
(February 29, 1960 – June 7, 2013)
Richard Ramirez, was an American serial killer, serial rapist, kidnapper, pedophile, and burglar. His highly publicized home invasion and murder crime spree terrorized the residents of the Greater Los Angeles area and later the residents of the San Francisco Bay Area from June 1984 until August 1985. Prior to his capture, Ramirez was dubbed the "Valley Intruder" (as his attacks were first clustered in the San Gabriel Valley) and the "Night Stalker" by the news media.
Ramirez was born in El Paso, Texas, on February 29, 1960, the youngest of five children. His father Julián, was prone to fits of anger that often resulted in physical abuse.
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sheniq · 3 years
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Ricardo Leyva Muñoz Ramírez, known as Richard Ramirez, was an American serial killer, serial rapist, kidnapper, pedophile, Satanist, and burglar. RICHARD Ramirez raped and murdered his victims in their own California homes before getting convicted - and his teeth played a major role in him getting caught. The Texas-born murderer, dubbed the Night Stalker for his killing spree between 1984 and 1985, is said to have gotten a brand new set of chompers while biding his time on death row. Did Richard Ramirez get his teeth fixed? Ramirez ended up getting his teeth fixed after his conviction. As he awaited his trial, Dr. Alfred Otero - a dentist working with the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department - fixed the killer's teeth, according to A&E. Ramirez had a root canal, several fillings, and his decay treated. Did Richard Ramirez’s teeth lead to him getting caught? Ramirez's rotting teeth did lead him getting caught after a 13-year-old boy named Joseph Romero III spotted him, A&E reported. Police later confirmed the man he saw was Ramirez. The lead detective with the LA County Sheriff's department, who was working during the Ramirez's killing spree, revealed his teeth helped solve the case. According to UPI Archives, Detective Frank Salerno said: "Our biggest clues were his teeth and feet, and that’s where we focused our energy.” Ray Garcia, a former schoolmate of Ramirez, once recalled his former friend eating "mostly junk food" and "never brushed his teeth." Ramirez's lack of hygiene and drug use - led to tooth decay and a loss of teeth. According to forensic dentists, Ramirez had nine decayed teeth and a few missing teeth during his trial. Beginning in 1985, Doreen Lioy wrote him nearly 75 letters during his incarceration. In 1988, Ramirez proposed to Lioy, and on October 3, 1996, they were married in California's San Quentin State Prison. ... By the time of his death Ramirez was engaged to Christine Lee, a 23-year-old female writer. #richardramirez #serialkiller #netflix https://www.instagram.com/p/CKQnfIjnlMT/?igshid=1p0lg4a8nuu9c
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