#rowena fanfics
birth plan
summary: you’re pregnant with castiel’s baby… or is it babies?
pairing: castiel x female reader
rating: R for language
word count: 1.5k
warnings: pregnancy, language, medical inaccuracies i think (i’ve never been pregnant so i don’t think i describe the feeling well)
timeline: this is set in no particular season/episode but there are spoilers for the later seasons (certain characters).
author’s note: i’m basing this off a dream i had - before said dream i never even thought of cas this way at all (gotta love that subconscious, huh?) anyway, i couldn’t stop thinking of this dream so here’s a cas fic :)
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when you found out you were pregnant with castiel’s baby you freaked out. not the expected ‘holy fuck there’s a living thing growing inside me’ but more like ‘holy fuck i’m gonna die in a few months cause there’s a tiny angel in my uterus’.
you cried while telling castiel, you were terrified. he assured you he wouldn’t let you die, he promised you would be okay and that the two of you could raise the baby together. if you did live, you had no clue how to raise a kid, or if you even wanted to. you had been raised a hunter and you hated it. when you were six your biggest fear was tornadoes but by the time you were seven your biggest fear was being torn apart by one of the monsters you had learned to fight.
castiel was so happy about the baby, so excited. he knew you would be a fantastic mother and he couldn’t wait to have a baby with you. he knew the baby would be loved unconditionally by so many people, too; you, him, dean, sam, jack, mary, and eileen - all of whom lived in the bunker.
as the months went by the pains grew almost unbearable. you took time away from hunting and had to stay in the bunker. castiel always made sure someone would be in the bunker with you (preferably not alone with jack, who tended to ask questions that scared you - “what if the baby is like me and you have to push a full sized person out” for example). most days cas would stay right next to you but on the rare occasion he needed to be on a hunt, you’d be alone with either eileen, mary, or one of the brothers (rowena visited a couple times, but that was more for trying to find some magical tylenol for the immense pain). you didn’t mind castiel going on hunts, in fact you wished he’d go on more so you wouldn’t feel like you were holding him back.
one morning you woke up and the pain was horrible - it felt like the baby was stabbing you from the inside. castiel tried healing you, but it was no use. the two of you decided an ultrasound was necessary.
“what?” you practically screamed, your eyes wide with fear.
“there must be some kind of mistake?” castiel knotted his brows and stared at the black and white screen in shock.
“no mistake, three heartbeats,” the doctor smiled slightly, wanting to make you feel better, but it obviously did nothing.
“cas i can’t push three kids out!” you whispered. he was holding your left hand in his and standing beside you, his right arm was draped over your shoulder. “cas- castiel i can’t! i- i’m not strong enough! i won’t!” tears were streaming down your face when you turned away from the screen and to the angel.
“could you give us a minute?” cas asked the doctor, she nodded and left. “honey it’s gonna be alright.”
“three baby angels, cas! three! how- how the fuck am i supposed to push three angels out of me, cas?” you were practically sobbing at this point. “i- i’m gonna die, aren’t i?”
“no! no you won’t! i promise you, i will not let you die,” he pulled you into his chest and rubbed your back lovingly. “i know this must be scary, triplets is- it’s gonna be painful.” he kissed the crown of your head.
“but three babies! i mean if i do, by some miracle, manage to give birth and survive, how are we gonna raise three kids, cas?” you wrapped your arms around his torso, pulling him as close to you as you could.
“well, we do have four adults and a nephilim excited to help,” he answered, causing you to laugh lightly. it’s true, you had all the support you could need.
cas drove the two of you back to the bunker and you were met with said four adults and nephilim immediately asking where you had been. the five of them were on a hunt and got back while you and cas were at the ob/gyn. you hadn’t left the bunker in months so they had assumed the worst.
you told them the news and they all reacted differently than you and cas. they were so excited, it made you realized they really wanted to help raise the kids. (infact, they had all began thinking of names and had cleaned out the room next to your’s and cas’ for the babies.)
castiel knew that your pregnancy wouldn’t last as long as a normal pregnancy so he wanted to come up with a birth plan. dean purchased new burner phones for each person that were never to be silenced or turned off and the only people who had the numbers were the seven of you. the second you went into labor, someone near you (or you, if you could) would call castiel immediately. if possible they would also notify the others.
another couple months or so went by. you were due any day now - but you had been due any day for over two weeks. you had gotten somewhat used to the pain and rowena had come up with a simple spell with some herbs that you’d mix with your tea every couple hours to help with the pain. garth had moved into the bunker temporarily - he was a trained doula after having to deliver werewolf pups. rowena moved in temporarily too, but that was more for moral support and pain management.
“cas you haven’t left the bunker in over a month! go on this hunt,” you assured him. it was a hunt close by and he was going to take jack with him.
“promise you won’t go into labor til i get back?”
“i won’t let these kiddos leave,” you smile, patting your stomach playfully. he gave you a peck on the lips before leaving with jack.
a couple hours in, you began getting long, sharp pains every few minutes. rowena was the one who recognized the pains as contractions.
“you’re going into labor, we need to get you to the birth room.” she took your your hand gently but you whipped it away.
“no, no i promised cas i’d wait for him,” you shook your head. “the babies are just gonna have to stay put for a whi- ah!” you scrunched your face in pain, holding your stomach.
“okay, we’ll get cas on the phone, we can pray for jack - they’ll be here before you know it,” she tried to reason with you and motioned you to follow her. you shook your head vigorously and didn’t move your feet, absolutely terrified of what was about to happen.
“holy shit,” your eyes widened, cloudy with tears. “my water- i think my water just broke!” you both looked down. “that’s- that’s broken water!”
“exactly hun, you’re going into labor you need to let me help you to the birth room, okay?”
“oh- okay,” you nodded and she helped you to the room. she called out that you were going into labor as she walked you over.
about a month ago the brothers and jack came home to the bunker with a hospital bed from the maternity ward. you didn’t ask how they got it, but you were grateful they did. everyone helped set up the room; towels, blankets, a mini freezer for ice chips, and just about anything you might need while in labor and giving birth.
sam and dean carefully helped you onto the bed. mary called cas and within seconds he and jack were in the room.
“cas!” you smiled, relieved to see him.
“hey, y/n, how are you?” he asked, rushing to your side and tightly holding your hand.
“i’m in pain, cas, i’m about to push three celestial beings out my vagina!” you said dryly.
“right, right, okay it’ll be okay, though,” he kissed your forehead. “you’re gonna be okay. jack’s here and he will keep you alive and well.”
“okay,” you whispered.
“time to start pushing, y/n,” garth announced.
within the hour you had pushed all three babies out. three identical baby boys; with cas’ piercing blue eyes and your winning smile. you were absolutely exhausted, but you were alive. you were holding one baby, cas was holding another, and garth was holding the third.
“so, what’re we naming the little guys?” cas asked, a huge smile on his face and his eyes not moving away from his new baby boy.
“this one’s sam,” you smiled down at the tiny being in your arms. “he’s the biggest.”
“then that makes this little guy dean, he’s a smallest,” cas laughed a little in response. dean would’ve been annoyed at the height joke but he was so honored you were naming a kid after him.
“what about this little guy?” garth asked.
“bobby,” you smiled.
no one went on any hunts for almost two weeks. they all stayed and helped with the babies. baby dean would be named dean jack y/l/n, baby sam would be named samuel charles y/l/n, and baby bobby would be named robert garth y/l/n.
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𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐀 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤 - 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 (𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫)
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Original Female Character
Story Summary: In Story Masterlist
Warnings: Mature Content. Pining. Age-Gap. Angst. Fluff. Smut. Violence. Murder. Death. Alcohol Use. Depictions of Torture.
Each chapter will have it's own warning. I would include more but I don't wanna give anything away!
A/N: Likes, comments, and—most importantly—reblogs are always appreciated! Feel free to message me if you'd like to be added to the taglist. Enjoy!!!
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"Dean, please…" I stand frozen, staring at the man I love.
His legs stride toward me, closing our distance in seconds. He hovers over my petite figure, his intimidation only making me feel smaller.
"This isn't you."
"THIS IS THE NEW ME!" He shouts before grabbing my hair and pulling me close. "The old, weak, pathetic, scared little boy you knew is long gone. It's only me, and I'm not going anywhere…"
I watch as he flashes his black, demonic eyes. My hands fly up to his entangled one in my hair. I yank at it, struggling to be set free. Anger and lust take over his once expressionless face. His sharp gaze travels down to my shirt.
Nodding at it, he says, "Take it off."
My eyes widened, shocked by the words that came out of his mouth. I part my lips to say no, but nothing comes out. His unoccupied hand roughly grips my chin, forcing me to look into his dark green eyes. His thumb firmly drags across my bottom lip as he licks his own. My heart pounds louder as I desperately try to escape his grasp, knowing the sinful act he's planning to commit against me.
"Do it!" He yells, his voice resonating off the walls to make it seem louder, driving me to jump uncontrollably.
His gaze rakes over my face, taking notice of my fear. A slow and sinister smile spreads across his lips. A sick feeling descends into the pit of my stomach, knowing my fear is pleasing him.
I swallow hard when I hear him calmly but sternly say, "Or I'll do it for you."
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chaoticfandomgirly · 4 months
So you all have the Marauders fandom that is mostly out of jkr's clutches. It's super gay and fun and we all love it.
BUT...what if I tell you about the Four Founders fandom where Jkr only has her the tip of her little pinky, giving us a LOT to work with. Where it's old magic, medieval fantasy with cottage core aesthetic, discovering Hogwarts, battles, royalty, found family, strangers to hostile friends to friends to lovers to enemies! and as usual pain...a lot of pain. This one is also gay just in case anyone was wondering.
'Cause I have a project going on. I already have some dedicated readers, but just in case anyone missed out here's your chance!
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laceratedlamiaceae · 2 months
I can't believe I'm out here contemplating writing supernatural fic in the year of our lord 2024 but I've fallen deep into the Crowley/Bobby hole and I desperately need there to be a fic where they get together because Sam hooks up with Rowena and Crowley decides that if Sam's going to fuck his mother then he's going to fuck Sam's father (figure) as revenge
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midnightsilver · 5 months
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My artwork for the story ‘Searching for the Hand That I Can Hold’ written by the very kind @eninkahootz for the @spnproshipbang (you can find more information about the story here)
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cha0ticlesbian · 1 month
I need fics where ALL the characters are alive and together and I mean EVERYONE
Pls give me recs🫶
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swampstew · 2 months
New Chapter of What’s the Magic Word? out now!
Jsjskksksjsjw I can't believe we're on chapter 30!!!! Only 5 left👀 updates will continue bi-monthly until the book's completion - next update will be April 23!
Im so fucking happy to reveal another banger from @apirateslifeforbudgie - bb you perfectly captured this magically romantic moment between these two🥰🥰🥰
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Check the chapter out!
Wattpad // AO3
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spnangelsanddemons-rb · 2 months
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Title: She's Trying to Make a Devil Out of Me Author: DoctorProfessorSong (@doctorprofessorsong) Artist: acaademicqueer (@acaademicqueer) Rating: Explicit Warnings: none Tags: Enemies to Lovers, Monsterfucking, technically they are both dead and in hell, but they are making the afterlife look good, this is really just hot evil women being hot and evil together Word count: 13,367 Featured characters: Bela Talbot, Rowena MacLeod Featured relationships: Bela Talbot/RowenaMacLeod
Summary: Rowena may not be the first ruler of Hell, but she intends to be the last. To that end, she enlists the help of Bela Talbot, a powerful and connected demon known for her ability to get things done. For a price.
Bela knows a good opportunity when she sees it, especially given that the new Queen of Hell is willing to pay handsomely for her services.
But both of them may find more than they bargained for as their relationship moves from business to pleasure.
Link to fic | Link to art
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Save A Tree, Eat A Beaver - Priestly x Rowena
“Save a Tree, Eat a Beaver” - Priestly x Rowena
Part 1 of Pets4Punks
Rating Teen (Part 1)
Priestly x Rowena
Tags: Mild Angst, Fluff and Flirting, Owls Go Bad, Zoo Shenanigans, Homage to Betty White, Spell Casting, A Comedy of Errors
Word Count: 3800
Priestly’s nursing a broken heart. Rowena’s exacting some magical revenge. What will unfold when these two meet at a Beastly Ball?
I'm participating in @jacklesversebingo and this part will fill my "Flirtation-Whiskey-A Mistake At A Zoo" square.
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Image created in Canva (credit for photos used: “Ten Inch Hero”; movietvtechgeeks.com)
“Would that be an invitation, there, then?”
Priestly dabbed his brow with a kitchen towel slung over his shoulder. It was hot in the food tent. Even if Beach City Grill was serving up pre-made hero sandwiches, bookending vendors grilled and fried their fare with furious abandon. Other heat factors included portable spotlights and generators. The warm night breeze created a tiny suffocating vortex under the tent for Priestly to inhabit.
Priestly panted. Hot didn’t seem like an accurate description. 
No. When you added in the thousand or so bodies at The LA Zoo’s 37th Beastly Ball, the temperature downright sizzled. 
Priestly attempted to blink away his discomfort. A cacophony dialed his irritation up to ten. People chattered. A DJ spun another record through an obnoxious sound system with speakers the size of refrigerators. Even if the funds being raised tonight benefitted the zoo, he couldn’t imagine a bear or lion being okay with any of this. If there weren’t barriers in the way, he was pretty sure this entire crowd would be mauled to death by some very irate mammals. He only had so much patience for the human race of which he was unfortunately a part.
At least he’d get to see Betty White in person tonight. She was the Beastly Ball Chairman. That woman was a national treasure. And probably the only one that would be spared if the animals rose up.
He sliced up another of the more popular menu items being gobbled up by donors. The Mane Attraction hero had been a hit with the carnivores as suspected. Despite the surging heat, he’d kept his nose down and worked in the background the entire evening. Piper and Jen were the all-smiles servers, front and center, greeting the deep-pockets milling about the food tent.
“‘Scuse me, lad?”
It was the addition of ‘lad’ to the second question from a very Scottish sounding woman that had him look up.
Turned out, he didn’t need to look up very high. An elegant, petite wisp of a porcelain lady stared up at him. One of her copper-tinted brows arched. Lush, fiery red ringlets cascaded from the top of her head to her pointy elbows. A dusty peach wrap made of silk hung and clung to a body made for ballet. The chunky black vinyl belt with a sequin studded buckle cinched the dress in at the waist.
She was magically delicious.
Priestly smiled and wiped the roast beef gravy from his hands. He then pointed to Jen manning the front table. “One of our lovely servers will be able to plate up anything you’d like to try, Miss.”
“Including you?” Her coral stained lips curled up into a grin.
Priestly froze. He had to have heard her wrong in the middle of all the noise. “I-I’m sorry, what?”
One of the woman’s expertly manicured fingers pointed at his chest. “Are you being canny with that shirt? Or, would that be an actual invitation, there, then?”
Priestly gulped. “Um…”
The woman offered a playful frown. “Well, when you get your voice back, you let me know the answer, aye?”
Rowena didn’t have time to wait for the pretty punk boy to remember how to form sentences. So, she’d sampled the vegetarian sandwich the mousy haired twenty-something called The Panda Munch and then it was off toward the animal habitats.
She had work to do and little patience.
The rowdy bunch of guests, chatting and being all kinds of obnoxious for over ten minutes, had taken root by a particular set of sanctuaries that held her interest. 
She stood by the guard rail on the opposite side of the walkway, sipping from a champagne flute. Her fingernails tapped the top of the fence. She gazed over at a nearby pond. The current inner debate in her head was whether she should ignite the shoes aflame of the loudest person in the group or temporarily immobilize his tongue.
The ticket to attend this pathetic attempt at a soiree had been overpriced. Good cause her arse. A good cause was exacting any bit of covert revenge she could toward the Grand Coven. An even better cause was finding a way to unshackle her powers.
And what she currently required –to fund the greatest cause, which was herself– could be pilfered more easily under the veil of night. Amid distracted security, overworked zoo staff, and intoxicated guests, what could go wrong?
Rowena sighed and eavesdropped on the eejit in the lavender polo shirt drone on about the Lakers. She watched him pretend to dribble out of the corner of her eye.
A majority of the upper echelon of Angelenos could be trite and vapid. All surface, no substance. But that also made them easy to grift. If she stayed under the radar for another year or two, her little shop might be a very lucrative business.    
An announcement interrupted the awful excuse for music emanating from the stage some ways off where most of the guests congregated. Betty White would be giving a speech in about ten minutes.
That got the group moving.
“Finally,” Rowena murmured. She abandoned the glass atop the guard rail and sashayed toward her target. Her gaze landed on a security camera high atop a lamp post. She whispered, “Confractus.” A satisfied smile emerged at the subsequent sizzle and crack from the surveillance equipment.  
“Go, take a break.” Jen shooed Priestly with her hands. “Betty’ll be on soon. I don’t want to hear you complain later about missing that.”
“Are you sure?” Priestly untied the black waist apron.
Jen nodded. “Anything that makes you smile should not be denied.”
Priestly knew Jen really wanted to say, “We’re sick and tired of seeing you all mopey since Tish moved to New York.”
“Maybe you can get her to autograph your shirt,” Piper added with a giggle.
“Betty appreciates a dirty joke.” Priestly nodded with certainty.
Jen cleared her throat. “You’re definitely making a statement with it.”
“Oh! Don’t forget that dude at the Whiskey distillery stand said to stop by and get us some samples in exchange for these.” Piper shoved three wrapped sandwiches in Priestly’s hands.
“Right, I’ll go do that before Betty. Back faster than The Flash.”
Rowena had gotten turned around more than twice on the Employees Only path. Nestled amid the Night Wing area terrain, the dirt walk lacked signage for the untrained. A paltry number of floodlights scattered warm amber streaks here and there to guide the way.
Why didn’t the coordinators of this benefit include a flashlight in their extra large swag bag? “Buncha beetroots,” Rowena mumbled, hefting the cumbersome tote over her shoulder. At least she could have both hands free when needed later, what with her tiny clutch now in the bag’s bottom.
To add to the indecency of the two other cameras she had to decommission along the path, a staff member had chanced upon her stumbling through foliage in black vinyl thigh high boots. Steel nerves she’d forged over a few centuries rattled only for a second. The young male, whose time on this planet tallied up to nothing more than a couple decades, had been quite amicable. He’d politely offered to escort her to the main path. 
Rowena thanked him and followed his lead for a few yards while he made small talk. She fished out her clutch, found a hex bag, slipped it into his jacket pocket, and then glamoured him. He rotated slow and turned to face her. 
With syrupy sweetness, Rowena asked to be directed to the owl habitat entrance and unlock it. He stammered, with dilated pupils and enamored smile, that it was only his third day on the job and he didn’t know which gate that was. 
“Well, there shan’t be any harm in you opening up a gate or two for lil ole me, would there?” She batted her long lashes even though there was no need. Rowena did enjoy leaning into theatrics.
The junior zookeeper bobbed his head, turned, and floated back the way he came. “Follow me.”
The abrupt temperature change required Priestly to slip on his tartan plaid vest over his t-shirt. Away from the benefit crowd, the night air cooled slick spots of sweaty skin.
Listening to Betty White wax poetic about her love of animals had made all the hard work worthwhile. She’d even given him a cheeky little wink from the stage. Seriously, Priestly thought he might have a major crush on the woman. She was even funnier and more radiant in person than he’d expected. She could be his Golden Girl any damn day of the week.
After he, Jen, and Piper toasted with Whiskey samples to a job well done, he’d been released from cleanup duty. Excitement filled the segment of his brain in which the still six-year-old part of him resided. Okay, so it wasn’t like he was sneaking through the zoo. Staff members stationed at various checkpoints and exhibits nodded in greeting as he passed. But the grounds, typically experienced in the light and warmth of sunshine, now crackled with a forbidden energy.
It was nice to feel some excitement. His emotional state of late had been devastated. He hadn’t been able to shake himself out of the volley between self-pity and feeling responsible for Tish’s move. Maybe if he’d been more (more what, though), she would have stayed and they could have worked things out.
The three shots of whiskey had not helped the spiral of self-doubt. He hadn’t been enough. Pure and simple. Had it been juvenile to think his “normal” makeover would have been the key to winning over the girl of his dreams? Of course. Did that make it hurt any less that it hadn’t worked out? Of course not.
He recalled the flirty, testy banter with Tish over the years. She could slap him onto a sizzling griddle or submerge him in a bucket of ice with that sharp tongue and flippant hair toss. That drew him to her even more. He admitted to himself early on that he really liked how she took charge of a situation and gave zero fucks. That was what she presented to everyone on the surface, anyway. She’d been hurt. Sensitive. Cautious to risk any more of her heart. The armor had thickened. Just like him.
In the end, they’d been pretty compatible. But, in hindsight, most of that had been due to his ability to bend and compromise. She didn’t tell him much about what she wanted. He had to guess. Trial and error. And that attitude had transferred to what happened in the bedroom.
Priestly wasn’t a fucking mind reader. He didn’t have a clue. He figured she liked confidence and showmanship between the sheets. The kind that could run a porn marathon without breaking a sweat.
But that wasn’t him. And he could only keep that up (heh, child) for so long.
The same went for the preppie exterior he tried on to win her over. A few weeks after their first kiss, he snuck back on one of his piercings. Then another. And another. And another. Then the hair got dyed (fuschia). Then spiked up with gel. Next, he sported some eyeliner. He pulled out a signature statement t-shirt here and there. Dusting off the kilt might have been the last straw for Tish.
But he wanted to like the reflection in the mirror. All that skin-shedding pleased Tish. Not him.
So, the relationship met its inevitable conclusion and broke his heart. They’d agreed to revert to friendship status. He hadn’t expected Tish to up and leave a couple of months after that, though.
Jen had said it best one day. Tish probably couldn’t piece herself back together again here, around him. Fresh start and all. Finding your fucking self and all that bullshit.
That was all fine and good for everybody else. How was he supposed to figure that out for himself? Would he ever find someone that was willing to learn that along with him?
The zoo minion had been quite helpful for Rowena. Three gates unlocked in total. He’d made suggestions on the best direction to begin the owl search after her explanation on where they liked to hide. She’d thanked him kindly, pilfered his tiny flashlight, and then wafted a Forget Me spell over the man. “You won’t remember me or any of this. In fact, why don’t you take the rest of the night off? You deserve it for being soooo helpful.”
He toddled off repeating, “Sooo helpful.”
Times like this, an assistant in the dark arts would be a boon. This kind of menial labor, well, it was beneath her to be honest. Having to scour grasslands for a hole in the ground? She might as well be a pig, snout covered in dirt, snuffling for truffles.
Though truffles were delicious, she was in search of a Burrowing Owl. She’d done her research of course. No self-respecting witch starts something without the proper information. Sourcing all the ingredients for this divination spell –one of her own crafting– was a daunting task. But, what was the saying these Americans liked to bandy about? Go big or go home?
And one didn’t diddle with the Grand Coven without a well thought out plan. One required impregnable magic that a dozen of the most powerful witches on the planet would attempt to untangle.
Rowena held more power in her pinky finger than any of them before the Coven had punished her egotism and shackled her abilities. She needed to get that power back and back at them in the process. But in order to find what would cut right to the core, divide and conquer, would require eavesdropping. The divination spell would uncover the cloaked locations for those she needed to sentence for their condemnation.
Rowena’s eyes had adjusted to the dark. Silhouettes danced around the beam of white cast by the flashlight. Flying insects sparkled in the halo of light like falling snow. Her toe boots dug into the dirt here and there.
What would she do if this didn’t work as she hoped? She’d paid a high price for what she’d been told were the feathers of a Burrowing Owl on the black market. When the spell fell flat the only thing that could have been incorrect were the bloody feathers. But who would she complain to or demand a refund? Boris, or whatever his name was, wasn’t registered with the Better Business Bureau. She already had enough enemies.
So, it appeared serendipitous when an invitation for the Beastly Ball landed in her mailbox. She’d made a call to the LA Zoo’s information center and chatted with a lovely woman. The tale of having a daughter obsessed with owls spilled with ease and believability. This made-up child had been going on and on about an owl that squatted in another animal’s home in the dirt. They were in luck. It just so happened the zoo had a burrowing owl in their exhibit. The woman on the other end did warn Rowena her daughter might be disappointed, though. The chances of seeing one during the day were quite rare. 
Oh well, it wouldn’t be the first time she’d disappointed an offspring. 
More importantly, the universe sent her a clear message.
Take matters into your own hands.
Several minutes passed. A strong breeze rustled swaths of grass. Lots of ginger steps and toe boot shovels later, she came across a promising hole. Her heart raced. She bent down to inspect with a ruffle of fingers along the grass. A sharp quill pricked her thumb. Her hand cascaded over the soft frills of a feather. Then another. And another.
Hopefully, the feathers belonged to an owl that had fit itself into the burrow of another animal (or a facsimile of one made by a staff person). It had to be a Burrower!
Three feathers snatched off the ground were stuffed into her swag bag. Rowena surmised they would have fit into her little clutch as well. However, the bag proved an auspicious benefit souvenir.
She rose and dusted off her hands. Eyes closed, she inhaled deep, then exhaled. When she opened her eyes, she oriented her direction as best she could. She could reverse-track the way she came. A sigh released from her throat, satisfied. One step closer. She began the journey.
She passed once again through the forested area of the exhibit, which, in her opinion, better-suited owls. The sharp smell of pine filled her nose.
Her steps halted at the alien chuckling right above her head. Rowena stared up and squinted. She debated for a moment before shining the flashlight upon the sound source.
A set of bright yellow eyes peered back at her. It chuckled again. The tiniest owl Rowena had ever seen wasn’t spooked by the light. It couldn’t have been any bigger in stature than her hand.
“Aren’t you a curious little thing?”
It tilted its head as if answering in the affirmative. Rowena could make out expertly lined white eyebrows created by its feathers.
Rowena had always wanted an owl.
Was this another message from the universe?
Rowena pursed her lips.
There was only one way to find out.
Priestly stood under the spotlight by the Night Wing exhibit map. He’d learned a few new interesting facts about bats and owls as he continued to read.
A commotion within the fenced area pulled his attention from the signage. A figure bursted from the tree line a couple of yards away. He jumped back in surprise. “What the…”
He squinted. Crouched on the ground, the person gasped, almost hyperventilating.
He blinked in recognition. It was the red-headed woman earlier from the food tent who’d made quite an impression. “Are you alright?” he stammered out the question.
Her head shot up. Wide eyes stared back framed in a wild mess of curls. He gulped at the skin on display under the lamp post light. Tiny red marks crosshatched along her arms and bare back. She clutched a tote over her chest. The top half of her dress hung in tatters over her belt.
Priestly raised his hands and approached slow. “What happened?” He knelt beside her.
“I-I-” She waved a hand, arms tight to her sides so the flimsy bag’s material could preserve some modesty. “I went down that path” –she pointed back from where she appeared– “and, a bunch of the exhibit gates were opened.” Her voice cracked. “Before I knew it, there were owls and bats, everywhere, and I-I got caught in this awful melee.”
Priestly wanted to pat her in comfort. But, considering she was half-naked, he thought better of it. “The gates were opened?” he asked, incredulous. He scanned the path as far as he could in both directions. “Where the hell’s an employee when you need one? Is this Best Buy? They were everywhere a little while ago.” He muttered to himself before gazing at the woman. “You’re hurt. I’m gonna go get some help.”
He rose, only to be snatched up into a fierce embrace. She fisted his vest with both hands. The tote’s canvas material, which held some stiff objects, smushed tight between their bodies. “No,” she begged. “Please, don’t get anyone. I’m in such a state. I’ll be mortified.”
Priestly lifted his hands up and away so there was no chance of an accidental brush or touch. He felt like the one in trouble at the moment. “Um,” he thought out loud. An idea formed. “Listen, you need to get looked at by someone. But let’s work on getting you out of here first. Okay?”
She nodded into his chest. He inhaled. Her scent was rather pleasant. Spicy and sharp. 
“Why don’t you go behind that sign there? I’ll give you my shirt to put on.”
He breathed in relief when she released him. A fast blur scurried around the area map. Without wasting time, he peeled off his vest, dropped it to the ground, and then tugged the T-shirt over his head by the collar. He turned around and stepped backward until his side hit the hardwood of the sign. “Here.” Eager fingers snatched the material from his hand.
“Thank you.” 
The lilt in her voice fluttered Priestly’s heartbeat. Goosebumps formed on the back of his neck. He wanted to blame it on the cool air skirting along his bare chest. “No problem,” he said. He tried again. “Are you sure I can’t go and look for some help? I think I saw a medical tent near the stage.”
“No!” She expelled the word with force from her throat that time.
“Sure. Sure.” He mumbled as his gaze scoured the ground. He picked up the discarded vest and plunged his arms through the openings. The benefit coordinators probably wouldn’t appreciate a punk Tarzan impersonation.
“I’m very grateful for this. Truly.” The woman called out. “What can I call you, besides my knight in shining armor?”
He chuckled. “Um, Priestly.”
“No, Priestly.” He emphasized the “t”.
“Oh. Priestly,” she repeated. “I’m Rowena.” Her voice was closer now, no barrier between them.
Cautious, Priestly looked up. He couldn’t help but smile at the vision before him. She stuffed the remnants of her dress in the big bag. The forest green shirt, slightly roomy on him, swallowed up her slight frame. She’d wrapped the big black belt around it. The bottom hem fell just above the top of her thigh high boots. Her fingers threaded through the mane of hair to wrangle it in place. “I wish we could have met under better circumstances, Rowena.”
She sighed and grinned at him. “Aye. But, we might not have met again if not for this.”
He recalled her flirtation from earlier. He stared at the design and text on the shirt he had custom made for the Beastly Ball. A cartoon panda munched away on some bamboo. A text bubble above the panda’s head declared in big, bold font: Raw Dog Me, I’m a Bottom.
She strolled over and rested a hand on his vest. “How can I ever repay such chivalry?” She whispered something else after the question… something he couldn’t make out.
Before he could ask her to repeat what she’d said, his thoughts clouded. Nothing seemed very important at the moment. A sense of relaxation washed over him.
“I would very much appreciate a walk back to my car, Priestly. And, I promise I’ll make sure I get myself straight to a hospital.”
He nodded. His head bobbed and swayed. “Good idea. I mean, yeah, bats and owls. You probably need a rabies shot.”
“Probably so.” She nodded in agreement. Her grin reached her ears. She held up a business card and tucked it in another one of his vest pockets. “But, you. You’re going to stop by my shop soon to pick up this shirt, aye?”
He smiled, then nodded. “Aye.”
~~To Be Continued~~
Story Notes: Google pics of a Burrowing Owl and the absolutely adorable Elf Owl. I have plans for this story to fill four bingo squares over as many parts. Things are gonna go off the rails (and probably quite smutty). Will see how my first foray into writing for Priestly goes. Also, so many thanks to @sam-is-my-safe-word for brainstorming all the chaos and kink with me.
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unwritten--writer · 9 months
I feel like we need to talk about 12x23 because it is stuck in my head and it ✨️hurts✨️
"I'd love to chat with you, but uh-- why waste my time, right? It's not like you matter. I don't need to put on the old Sam suit anymore, do I?"
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Because since first freeing Lucifer, the devil has needed him-- wanted him. As a vessel, as a companion in the cage, as a means to an end. Sam was needed by the devil one way or another, and after his trauma in the cage, it was the only constant.
And then... Lucifer doesn't need him anymore. He has a son on the way; he has a vessel that can hold him; he has no use for Sam-- and whether Sam can admit it or not, it hurts.
He's unneeded, unwanted, and Sam hates how much those simple words get to him because he shouldn't care, he shouldn't want Lucifers attention.
But he spent a lifetime alone with Lucifer, being the devil's sole focus, and he can't just ignore that like Lucifer can.
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imaginesforfandom · 5 months
Enchanting Christmas
i love this Scottish woman so much
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Rowena MacLeod x Reader
No Pronouns used!!
Summary: Rowena, the enchanting witch, confesses to the reader that the holiday season has awakened new emotions within her. The two share a magical moment, culminating in a kiss that transcends the ordinary. As they celebrate the festive season together, they discover the unexpected joy of love in the midst of holiday magic.
Enchanting Christmas
The snow fell gently outside the bunker, creating a serene winter wonderland. The scent of pine and the soft glow of Christmas lights filled the air. Rowena, the powerful and enchanting witch, had decided to join the Winchesters for the holiday season, and you couldn't have been more thrilled.
As the three of you gathered around the roaring fireplace, sipping hot cocoa, Rowena couldn't help but notice the way your eyes sparkled with joy. She had always been drawn to your warmth and kindness, and Christmas seemed to amplify those qualities.
One evening, Rowena approached you as you admired the twinkling lights on the Christmas tree. "Y/N, darling, may I have a word?" she purred, her Scottish accent weaving a magical spell.
You turned to face her, a smile gracing your lips. "Of course, Rowena. What's on your mind?"
Rowena took your hand and led you to a cozy corner of the bunker, away from prying eyes. There, surrounded by the soft glow of candles, she cast a subtle enchantment to make the moment even more magical.
"Y/N, I must admit, this Christmas season has brought out a side of me I never thought I'd embrace," Rowena confessed, her eyes softening.
You looked at her with curiosity, feeling the genuine vulnerability beneath her powerful exterior.
"Spending time with you, the Winchesters, and the festive spirit has awakened something within me," Rowena continued, her hand tracing patterns on yours. "I find myself drawn to the warmth you exude, the joy you bring to those around you."
A blush tinted your cheeks as you met Rowena's gaze. "I feel the same way, Rowena. Christmas wouldn't be the same without you."
Rowena leaned in, capturing your lips in a soft and lingering kiss. It felt like a spell, a magical connection that transcended the ordinary. The enchantment deepened, and the world outside seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you in a cocoon of holiday magic.
Wrapped in each other's arms, you and Rowena shared a quiet moment, savoring the magic of Christmas and the unexpected warmth of love that had blossomed between you.
As you pulled away, Rowena whispered against your ear, "Merry Christmas, my darling. May this holiday be as enchanting as you are."
And with that, you both returned to the festivities, hand in hand, ready to celebrate a Christmas filled with magic, love, and the unexpected joy of newfound connections.
AHHHH i just want to marry her so bad!!!
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1000roughdrafts · 4 months
Supporting Characters x Reader Master List
Lots of stuff in here - Gabriel x Reader, John Winchester x Reader, Rowena x Reader, Charlie x Reader, Donna x Reader, Crowley x Reader, and more (general/no pairings)
Remember that there are some 18+ explicit works, so please heed all warnings!
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Gabriel X Reader
💘Coffee Shop ~ fluff, Gabriel is very much alive and just full of surprises, isn’t he?
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John Winchester x Reader 
Mini Series xx 
💚Stop Asking Me To Come Back ~ flangst, kissing; Y/N and John have always had a cat and mouse chase type of relationship, where one runs and the other chases, and vice versa, but typically fall into a Dom/Sub type of relationship. John is tired of the games and when Y/N realizes she wants something more she’s too little too late. 
💚Stop Asking Me To Come Back (2) ~ 18+, smut
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Wayward Women x Reader 
Charlie x Reader 
💖Confessions ~ one shot, flangst, heavy topics; You were best friends with Charlie since elementary school. One day, she just vanished. During the years you spent without her, you went down a dark path that brought you onto a road of addiction. Now she has returned to spend a day with you and talk about all the years that have passed without each other.   
Rowena x Reader 
💖What Happens During Research ~ fluff; no plot, just silliness 
💖 You Look Yummy ~ 18+ 100% smut literally nothing but sex
Donna X Reader 
💖Don’t Leave Me, Not Again ~ flangst; When a hunt in Minnesota goes awry and the Winchester’s go silent, you ask your ex-girlfriend, Donna, for help
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Crowley x Reader
One Shots xx Both 18+ / Explicit
Hush -  unprotected vaginal penetration, oral sex (female receiving), BDSM, this isnt ddlg but it kinda has that vibe, a bit of an OOC Crowley,
A Night With The King - Request from Anon: Can I have Crowley flirting with a v nervous and quiet reader? Maybe w a splash of Dean jealousy because he’s been pining after her forever?
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General:Supernatual x Reader (no pairings) 
💛Cop Car ~ (Dean, Sam, Reader) Drabble; reader stole a cop car and Dean wants to drive it. 
💛Saving Dean ~(Dean, Reader, Sam) imagine 
💛Live and Let Die ~(Sam, Dean, LittleSister!Reader) angstish,fluff; After years of arguing with your older brothers, they finally let you go out and hunt on your own, but it was nothing like what you expected. After killing your first demon, you call them up for some comfort.   
💛Cherry Pie ~ Drabble; Dean loves pie, what else can I say?
💛It’s Time to Let Me Go ~ angst; Raphael has started a war with only one request to end it all: you. Are Sam and Dean willing to let you go to save the world?   
💛Hi Dad ~ Drabble; based off of this prompt -  “She stared at him, holding her favorite teddy bear in one hand and his pistol in the other. “Hi dad,” she whispered.
💛Little Tree Part One | Part Two ~ Being a sheriff in a small town, you were surprised when a body was found, making it the first murder in over 50 years. The alarm bells really went off when the FBI showed up as quick as they did. Despite your initial thoughts, you were lucky that they had. (completed)  
💛 Coming Out - Request from @the-nb-florist "I was wondering if you could make a brotherly sam and dean where the reader comes out as Non Binary? The Reader is like Fem but they identify more with mass stuff. I just want supper fluff and sweet. Thank you so much!!"
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geraniumsky · 1 month
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Rowena MacLeod Additional Tags: PB100 | ProfoundBond Discord Drabble Challenge (Supernatural), POV Rowena MacLeod, Double Drabble, Fluff I guess, mischievous fluff? Summary:
Whether the course of Dean and Cas's true love runs smooth or rough, Rowena was never one to resist stirring a pot.
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He Can't Get This
Chapter 1
♡Set in Supernatural S14 Ep14. I recommend rewatching the ep or the crime scene bit ;)♡
"That baby cop, he liked you." 
Dean Winchester slammed the door of the impala closed and reached to start her, his jaw tense and lips slightly drawn as he turned the key. 
Castiel tilted his head towards the hunter from his passenger seat, a little lost. "I'm sorry, what?" He shifted a little, adjusting his coat as Dean put the car in reverse, voice blunt but unassuming.
They'd just figured out that the Gorgon couldn't sense Castiel and Jack with his eyeball premonitions, for lack of a better description (most likely because they weren't human) So Cas and Jack would have to lead the attack when they tracked down the gorgon again. Whatever Dean had said made no sense to the angel. 
Cas' voice was that consistent gruff lull and his hair was stuck up at a little part in the back. Dean practiced restraint for the instinct to reach out and smooth it. 
"Mr. Twunk over there," He retorted, throwing a half hazard gesture towards the crime scene. Cas squinted through the windshield and saw a vaguely familiar blond head of hair popping out of a patrol car. The young officer they had spoken to earlier.
"Probably fresh out of academy too." Dean added, his tone short and irritated as he intrigued Cas' full attention, who furrowed his brows and leaned up in his seat.
"Oh, come on," Dean shot Cas a look, "he totally creamed his pants when you pulled the whole 'deep commanding voice thing', he went stiff as a board, don't tell me you didn't notice." He let a soft huff out of the corner of his mouth, his pink lips upturned in a small smirk, though still betrayed by his wound-tight words as he glanced from the road to Castiel. 
"I was more focused on the demi god and his victims, Dean." Castiel explained slowly. 
"Yeah, sure, not the young guy you got all hot and bothered." 
Cas squinted at Dean suspiciously, "Is this merely about your dislike for police officers, Dean? Or is it something else?" He questioned.
Dean forced out a laugh, "It's not anything Cas, just an observation." 
"That seems... untrue."
"Yeah." Dean chided, "And what are you gonna do about it?" 
Castiel's patience had run thin. "Dean..." he tested firmly. 
A blush crept up behind Dean's collar and he gripped onto baby's steering wheel, adjusting his seating, "I just didn't like the way he looked at you, okay, sue me." He threw his hands up for a breif moment before returning them to the sleek black wheel.
Cas titled his head, the line of his jaw catching a fragment of the afternoon sun as they passed by storefronts with big glass windows. "How did he look at me?" 
"Like he wanted you to bend him over and fuck him into next week." 
"Like how you look at me." 
Cas' voice was wet gravel. 
Dean halted on the brakes, jolting them forward, scarlet blush deepening, "What, no! You.. you know that's not- and before you say a word about what we did that one time in lebanon that was different okay! I don't gawk at you all the time Cas."  
"Different how?" Cas challenged. 
The trafic light turned green and a car behind them honked impatiently, "Okay, geez," Dean muttered as they started moving. "Because... I was super horny and hadn't seen you in what, four months?" he continued, "And you're my best friend dude and you were looking particularly moody that day and yeah, maybe I'm just jealous and a little bitch." He sighed, defeated. 
Cas let out a low chuckle. 
"Oh shut up you smug fuck," Dean reached out and shoved a hand over Castiels face, his own now a particular shade of pink. 
Cas cleared his throat and picked up a level tone as Dean's hand fell away, "You know you can always ask to..."
"Oh yeah, I know," Dean interjected, "Just check in between hunts and saving the world and having Micheal locked up in my head and raising our kid to be like 'oh Cas,' I miss the feel of my skin against yours and how you make me act like a dumb teenager and that night in the cowboy hotel was the best of my life and I can't get you off my mind every time you leave. I got Sammy breathing down my neck constantly cause he knows and just wants to rub it in my face but I won't say anything because I refuse to talk about feelings with a sasquatch or like you know ever and I-." Dean's words started out sarcastic and ended with a desperate pout and Cas gave him a kind look, reaching to rest his hand gingerly on Dean’s thigh as the hunter let out a heavy exhale.  
Cas knew life was never easy, for any of them, but Dean was the most important thing to him, no matter how closed off or stubborn he could be. 
"So, you got jealous when a man looked at me with sexual intentions?"
"Cas, you're making me sound like a little bitch again." Dean huffed, the peachy blush crowding against his freckles a complete contrast with his deep manly tone and set, sloping jawline. 
"My apologies, Dean." Cas stated, his eyes soft, "I wanted to know what was going on, and that only works when you tell me." 
"I know, I know." Dean exhaled, "You know I'm not good at this stuff Cas, but I have missed you.. All this running around.. 'drives me crazy sometimes." Dean nodded his head down and looked up at the road through his eyelashes.
Cas silently noticed how after all these years Dean still seemed to physically shrink in on himself a little, anytime he showed vulnerability. Or rather, he wondered with disdain, who exactly had taught him this trait. The only time he seemed to release himself from those instincts is when he let Castiel have him in bed. And oh, how beautiful Dean was then. Bare and trembling under his hands. Never trying to be smaller.
"I've missed you too, Dean." He comforted, knowing no words could come to match how he felt being so often pulled from the man. He looked out the passenger window, watching the landscape slide by, "You know-" he thought aloud, an idea still churning in his mind, "Rowena still needs time to prepare the tracking spell.." He lowered his voice and gave Dean's thigh a gentle squeeze. 
Dean swallowed and tensed his hands around the steering wheel, seeming much more determined to get to where they were going. 
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beregond35 · 1 month
Dark Side of the Moon - SPN story update
I hope you enjoy the read. :)
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aesthetic-babyyy · 7 months
Hi there!
I write imagines about the supernatural universe, I do of course take requests, however I only use Y/N so everyone can feel included, people I write for
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
I will write fluff, angst and smut feel free to send in any ideas you may have and I will try my best to execute it,
Thank you so much!
(Gif is from Pinterest)
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