#sail cat
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Daryl and Marlin, our ship cats! It's Marlin's second season sailing (though he's been with us three years- got locked at the seaport last season for crimes) and Daryl's first! What sweet babies 💖
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catsofyore · 6 months
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Seaman with two esteemed shipmates, ca. 1910. Source.
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mudwerks · 10 months
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Cats that sailed on ships until the mid-20th century to catch rodents had passports signed with their paw prints
looks like a killer
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greyskyflowers · 9 months
Zoro being just a little desperate for soft affection because people don't touch him gently. He's not something people handle with care or touch with careful intentions.
He's a swordsman
The first mate of the future pirate king and a god
A strawhat pirate
He doesn't mind it, because you can't miss something you don't really know, but sometimes he gets hints of it. Like Chopper taking care of his injuries or Robin's hands brushing against him as she hands him something. The others don't touch gently. They're pirates, liars, thieves and fighters.
It's hard to be gentle on the sea.
Luffy's too strong for his own good
Sanji's alway eager to pick a fight
Nami's not very familiar with gentleness herself
Usopp's too unsure
Franky doesn't trust himself
Brook doesn't think he's capable of it anymore
Zoro deserves gentle sometimes though, when he's more white bandages than tan skin or when he smells like blood rather than salt.
Sometimes he looks very breakable for how unbreakable he is.
There are times he looks soft, only with them.
When he lets himself wake up slowly, silver eye still cloudy with sleep and everything about him sleep ruffled and soft.
Or when he speaks with Chopper, letting his body loosen from a stricter hold and creating a welcoming atmosphere that always has Chopper climbing into his lap or dancing happily.
Always when he takes care of his swords, each movement done without too much thought after years of repetition. A critical eye looking them over before moving to the next, handled with a care that looks like it should be unnatural to a man like Zoro.
He goes sweet for them.
Looking as surprised as they do when he surges towards the gentle affection like he can't stop himself.
Luffy throwing his arm around Zoro's shoulders, and touching, thoughtless and confident because he knows Zoro won't pull away. His fingers playing with earrings, petting at soft hair and brushing against skin.
Zoro can't help the little, protesting noise that slips out when it stops.
Luffy looks at him with a blank expression and observing eyes, the face he wears when he's serious about something. He returns his hand to the side of Zoro's neck and it's so careful, fingers caressing against his neck in little brushes and it has him melting.
Luffy's incredibly pleased because Zoro is such a warm, happy weight against his side, all loose limbed and practically purring.
He looks vulnerable and sleepy in a way that has a bubble of something growing in Luffy's chest. It threatens to choke him, his throat tight with it and his heart beating weird. He just keeps petting with confident but gentle touches.
Zoro buries his face in his shoulder and it knocks the wind out of his lungs. He wants to move, energy popping under his skin in happiness but he stays still. The arms he wraps around Zoro to drag him closer, half on his lap and still not close enough, are gentle.
Sanji trying to figure out the best way to get Zoro back to the crew after a battle. Hovering because everywhere looks bruised and bloody, seriously it's like he tries to get cut up during his fights.
Finally getting him up enough that he can climb on Sanji's back and they'll try that way.
Zoro's lighter than he looks, they all know that but it's always a little surprising. He's quick on his feet, has used half the crew as spring boards for a push off in fights and he definitely wouldn't be able to do that so easily if he weighed what he looks.
He's a warm weight against Sanji's back and the cook can feel his thighs from where he's got his hands placed for support, they have a healthy layer of fat covering the muscle.
He's embarrassed by the pleased feeling he gets from that. The idea that Zoro is healthy and taken care of because of him is powerful. He's very proud of how the crew looks healthy and strong, nothing about them that suggests hunger or poor nutrition.
He brushes his thumb back and forth in a gentle way, briefly wishing he felt skin instead of fabric, before very quickly shoving that thought into a little box and placing it all the way to the back of his mind.
Zoro relaxes into him, body pressing heavier as he stops tensing up and his chin digging into Sanji's shoulder. He looks exhausted but his breathing has calmed and he almost looks like he could fall asleep.
Sanji just tugs him more securely against his back, desperately ignoring the way Zoro's legs tightens around his waist at the movement and how his chest pressing against Sanji's back has his nose itching. Zoro relaxes again and Sanji goes back to rubbing his thumbs back and forth, gentle and comforting.
100% based on the ideas that:
Luffy just casually touches, hugs, climbs on, etc the crew whenever he wants because they're his.
Sanji is very proud that the crew looks healthy and strong, knowing it's because he's the one making their food.
Zoro being a strange type of touch starved that has him unconsciously giving off cat vibes of please pet me and I'm sorry if I get overwhelmed and bite.
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incognita-soul · 1 year
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Darrell's first day as a ship's cat and bosun's mate on the tall ship Lady Washington!
Here he is inspecting the quality of coils, making sure passengers were heeding the "no smoking" rule, and standing bow watch through the anchor hawse.
He looked very dapper in his PFD and sunglasses! (I highly recommend looking into Surfer Cat for harnesses and PFDs made to fit cat bodies specifically. their gear is well designed, and they are a small company with excellent customer service!)
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sallytwo · 10 months
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ltwilliammowett · 4 months
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Diego, the HMS Unicorn's ship's cat, has made himself very cosy in one of the hammocks -so do as he does and have a cosy Sunday
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shadowxamyweek · 1 year
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This amazing artwork is by Toonsite and has been posted with their permission! You can find it and so many of their other fantastic works by following this link to their Twitter!💖🖤
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juliautrera · 9 months
I've always been taught not to be afraid and look, the price, the price I paid.
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can i just say that i love how each alt version of characters in Sonic Prime represent each of their og characters distinguished traits, but all in ways so they have slightly distinct personalities
Nine: technological genius and insecure scared child
Mangey: brave and lives his friends to death
Sails: loyal, and smart
Renegade Knucks: loyal and caring but also defensive
Gnarly: quick to jump to conclusions
Dread: loves shiny things and wants to protect them so much to the point he fights anyone he deems a threat, even his close friends; but he does have a fun side
Rusty Rose: someone you absolutely do not want to mess with
Thorn Rose: loves nature and will protect it with her life, also feisty and fights for what she believes is right
Black Rose: loyal to her friends and a fantastic leader
Rebel: knows what she wants and will do what she needs to do to get it
Prim: one sided and takes what she wants
Batten: loyal and has a golden heart, but also isnt afraid of causing bloodshed
New Yolk Big: good heart and friendly
Hangry Cat: hungry boy
Catfish: scared
(even tho, each alt version of big isnt really all that different)
Mr. Dr. Eggman: the ruler and overlord Eggman wants to be
Dr. Babbles: his rage and cruelty as well as being a sore loser
Dr. Done It: genuine concern for Sonic and his friends at times, and thinking he knows what hes doing
Dr. Deep: arrogance
Dr. Don't: overconfidence, and technical genius
I love the thought put into each version of the characters, instead of it just being "pirate knuckles" or "jungle amy", they have names and are theyre own characters
They may have ended up Sonics friends in the end, but that doesnt mean they are the same characters
I love this show, wish i got into it sooner
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chelseajackarmy · 2 months
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catsofyore · 8 months
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A photo from 'South Sea Vagabonds', the Depression era sailing memoirs of New Zealander Johnny Wray. Source.
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000marie198 · 4 months
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He hide..
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It delights me so, that Marlin and Darrell are spreading so far through Tumblr. They deserve it 💖 And I love going through the tags and seeing people who've been on Lady before, who remember her fondly- either as passengers or crew.
Some more photogenic boys for you!
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autumnwoodsdreamer · 11 months
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Grogu in his little Loth-cat pjs by the ever creative @loliefeather-art
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myymi · 3 months
Batten couldn't stop the gasp she let out as she tried to ignore the wet feeling in her eyes.
She knew that kid had an explosive side to him, but she never thought it would've ended like that.
The bat was ready to fly straight over to the crater Sails' bomb had left, but a big, purple paw on her chest stopped her.
She turned to find Catfish looking at her sadly. His large ears were folded against his head as he numbly shook his head, turning around to return to the task at hand.
Batten glanced between the cat and crater, fighting with herself on what to choose.
She hesitantly flew after Catfish, quickly swiping at her eyes. She knew she didn't show it in the best way, but she loved that kid. She had practically raised him on her own before they stumbled upon Dread, Black Rose, and Catfish.
She didn't think losing him would ever really impact her. Losing people never had before. But despite it all, tears continued to gather no matter how many times she wiped them away.
She was more attached to Sails than she even realized. But it didn't matter anymore, did it?
Sails was gone.
Batten would never get to give him another flying lesson ever again. She'd never get to snatch away his sea dog when he stopped paying attention to it just to end up giving him her own one anyway.
She wouldn't get to have another quick spar with him, having to learn how to work around his gizmo. She wouldn't be able to sit on the mast to watch over him after he curled up for a nap in the crow’s nest.
They were all little things, but it was their little things. It was things she enjoyed doing with that little fox, one of the few highlights in their otherwise boring, repetitive lives.
But now they were gone and Batten’s world grew darker. Her cheerful sunrays the kit gave her were now blocked out by the cloud of dread that settled over her body at the realization she lost what was probably the most important thing to her.
She couldn't even remember the last time she had cried.
Batten lost Sails. And it felt like a piece of her died with him.
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