#sandra clarke
myobt · 5 months
No One Dies Alone
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drnogender · 5 months
I'm thinking of a Batkids being biologically Bruce's kids (and no capes maybe) AU, so here are some of my thoughts:
Bruce and Selina have Dick when they're 20, together for a few years, but separate and share custody.
When Dick is 8, Bruce has Cass and Jason with Lady Shiva after a fling or something, Lady Shive signs all rights over to Bruce.
3 years later, Bruce and Selina are together again and have Tim, the two split again after a few years.
Tim's 5 when Bruce and Talia are married and have Damian. The two are together for about 4-5 years before getting divorced, Talia takes Damian and Jason (He had gotten close to Talia and is a huge mamas boy). She moves back to her home, the 3 are there until Damian is 10, when Talia and them move back to America. The boys move back in with Bruce while Talia lives in Metropolis, running the new branch of her families company.
Barbara and her dad are family friends, she's a few years older than Dick and is like a big sister to the others.
Steph is a year older than Tim. They meet at the park, and the first meeting can mirror that of the comics.
Duke can be fostered still or be a friend Damian makes by meeting him at some point.
Bruce and Oliver are friends from the boarding school they went to (may or may not have been each others first experience with a boy). This friendship can be how Bruce's kids know Oliver's kids.
Bruce met Clark at a Gala. They become friends cause Bruce finds Clark the least annoying reporter (along with Lois).
No capes AU can have Bruce's parents not be dead, Alfred is still the best and is like a second dad to Bruce and grandparent to the kids.
Other JLA, Titans, Outlaws, YJ, and TT members and their friendships with the Batfam can be decided with whatever y'all wanna do with this.
Can apply any ship you want! (No Batcest tho, for obvi reasons).
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purrassicjet · 3 months
Sandra Lynn, opening the door: Hm?
Agent Clark: Is Figueroth Faeth home?
Fig: *running and crashing through the window*
Sandra Lynn: She just left
Fig: *reaches through the broken window and grabs her bass*
Sandra Lynn: sorry
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dolphelecat · 6 months
Backstage Revolve Nonsense
From Chris Leask’s London Theatre Direct Instagram takeover
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grantmentis · 4 months
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PWHL Ottawa with fans 📸 by Matthew Berard
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natashasbitxh · 5 months
Finally got to see Peter Pan Goes Wrong in West End with Charlie Russell, Matthew Cavendish, Greg Tannahill, Matthew Howell, Harry Kershaw, Clark Devlin, Jamie Birkett, Chris Leask, Ellie Morris, and Jean-Luke Worrell! They were all amazing, I thought I'd share some of my fav bits! (Warning: There's a lot)
• Firstly, programme stuff: the note from the director basically just being Chris and Trevor arguing like a married couple. Chris being too scientific and Trevor having to remind him it's supposed to be festive.
● Them leaving a note asking if anybody was a flying operator as they didn't currently have one😭
• Robert leaving the children of the Cornley Youth Theatre abandoned in a forest with limited food and knives,to prepare for their performance of Lord of the Flies. NSPCC and police had to intervene, 2 of the children are still missing today (Ben McIntyre and Sarah Cordell)
• Jonathon's interview where's he's practically begging the interviewer to take note he was 'fashionably late', when he was actually waiting for 6 hours.
• Jonathon saying (in the interview), he's been focusing on humanitarian work, such as adopting a child from Ethiopia and a child from Vietnam. And then the interviewer just replied with "That is Brad Pitt. Everything you have just said is about Brad Pitt and not yourself."
• In the cast section, Chris Bean writing "I would like to remind my father that there is a spare ticket at the box office for him if he chooses to show up." That's so sad😭
• Trevor's section ended with "trevorzbeatz/YouTube.co.uk" 😭
• Pip (assistant stage manager) just says: "They call me Big Pip up north. Trevor's cousin. Out and about and that. Nice one." Like okay yh me too Big Pip
• They tried to feed the crocodile an alarm clock😭 (RIP Nadia tho😔)
• Annie left a little note saying she's "looking for a man" and then there's some description of what she's (not) looking for
• A page saying welcome to the theatre, but it is still very much in character😭 "Director Chris Bean always fulfils his promise of giving us a show we will remember for a very long time."
•Pre-show antics: one of the assistant stage managers (I'm gonna guess Pip? Not too sure tho) was walking around looking for a hammer. I noticed that he'd act like he was looking around and then when he spotted a child he'd go and ask them. I thought that was cute🥹
• I couldn't see the wires going through the audience cause I had seats up high, but I did see Robert pulling the end of the wire whilst on stage with the help of an audience member
• Dennis was late I think, ran across the stage from the audience with a bag on
• Lucy suddenly ran off stage, Robert not far behind shouting things like "You have to do it!" (And then later on she ran back on stage,but it seemed Robert got caught up in a convo)
• Now onto the actual show, I thought Dennis singing les mis due to his headgear was pretty funny seeing as les mis was about a door or 2 down
• At one point we were clapping for something (can't remember what, but it was during the beginning Darling Family scene), and Max joined in with the clapping. Sandra had to tell him to stop with a pointed glare and a lil hand gesture
• Every appearance with Robert as the shadow was amazing, I know it's simple but I'm always impressed with the rug pull and the way he lands
• During the bit where there's too much smoke and it engulfs the pirates, Trevor comes to the rescue but does hit Chris in the arse by accident, christrev anybody?
• I will forever love Robert trying to get Dennis to pick up the sword, Dennis picking up the boat paddle and Robert going on a rant about how he's been moving his arms for the past 5 mins why would he need the paddle
• During the interval the lights would still go out occasionally, fun touch
• As Jonathan flew up before crashing down, a banner fell down with Robert holding a bean, a reference of his show Jack and the bean
• Before this, I'd only seen the BBC recorded version of Peter Pan Goes Wrong, so I rlly enjoyed the changes. Such as the mermaids, but I RLLY laughed at Robert being the Mr Bumble in Oliver that killed a child. Especially when he went to be Peter Pan before starting to sing 'Food, Glorious Food"
• The whole poison bit was incredible, Harry's improv was on FIRE. We obvs did the traditional pantomime business which made Chris mad, he very much gave teacher vibes as he sat down on the set and said it was our own time we were wasting. He also complained that this was only the matinée and they still had an evening performance to get to. Then he pointed out how somebody in the audience was hissing, "Nobody goes to a show and says 'Yeah it was good but the person in the fourth row wouldn't stop hissing'" (this resulted in a lot of children hissing whenever he appeared on stage). Then when it got to the poison bit, a child was yelling at him to hurry up, causing Chris to go on a rant about how he didn't even want children there, sitting there on their booster seats. After the child yelled at him multiple times, Chris gave up and told the child to open it for him, which they did. Then as he was leaving, we were booing again and he was like "NO NO DONT BOO ME, IT WAS THE CHILD THAT POISIONED HIM." Then as he exited, he said something along the lines of "blame the child murderer." It was insane.
• Then, when Peter asked who would try to poison him, Tink/Annie pointed at the child that opened the bottle. I think Chris Leask actually had to turn his head downwards and to the side to hide his laughing.
• I've pointed this out before, but I'm so endeared with how worried Chris was when Annie was unconscious. HE KNEELED THERE HOVERING OVER HER BODY JUST LIKE TOUCHING HER FACE, NOT SPEAKING FOR AWHILE. Adorable. Every characters reaction was adorable...sorry Annie
• I just have to say Francis' Cabaret performance to distract us from Annie was amazing. Loved the audience clapping along as well and the rest of the cast looking absolutely shocked and confused
• I loved that we heard a whole marriage fall apart through Dennis' headgear. I want to know more abt them, the husband that took over to help Dennis sounded sweet
• When Lucy slid down the ship in her wheelchair she was flung out and then caught by Trevor in a sort of bear hug, Lucy's legs wrapped around his torso. Trevor was SEVERELY judging the cast HE WAS NOT HAPPY WITH THEM. They're besties ur honour, I thought it was so cute
• Loved Francis' Cabaret performance again during the big fight scene with the set moving.
• Trevor saying something like "You've got to be joking" when Lucy picked up the book 😭
• I wanted to scream laugh at Chris lying in the bed like an ill victorian child as Lucy closed up the story, and then Dennis choosing to lie on the squished bottom bunk
• As Lucy continued to read, Chris, Sandra, Trevor, Dennis, and Max were all checking up on one another in the background. Hugs, shoulder grabs. Guys, I love Sandra and Chris' dynamic so much, Sandra was making sure he got off the bed alright and then gave him a hug
• Of course the whole end song, Max as the crocodile encouraging us to clap
It was so amazing, everybody was fantastic!! My jaw still aches from laughing so hard! Hope ppl found this interesting cause I always love when other ppl share what happened during their show😭
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dc-tournaments · 4 months
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Why do they deserve to win?
The Trinity
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Lady Shiva & Talia
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oldshowbiz · 1 day
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Comedians of the 1987 MTV Music Video Awards
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blackbatofel · 6 months
The Proposal
So, I just posted the first chapter of my new Superbat fic.
Bruce Wayne is under suspicion of being The Batman, and to get the investigators off his tail, he needs to prove that he is a normal billionaire with normal relationships that tie him to the mundane world. The problem is, the only way to do that is to lie and say he’s about to get married to Clark Kent, the shy reporter from the Daily Planet who also happens to be Superman.
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chaptertwo-thepacnw · 2 years
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cold shoulder circa 1987.
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jiminy-crickets · 6 days
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Yall can crop these yourselves
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mooskeleton · 1 year
I apologize I am addicted to making these for every fandom
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wwprice1 · 1 year
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I love Up in the Sky so much! A great Superman story!
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creepyolddude1973 · 13 days
My name is James.
I am a white man. I can do, say, and be all of these things without fear because of my #whiteprivilege and I will not be silent about the injustice that has existed forever but is now just reaching your TVs or newsfeeds. This is not a new concept and it’s despicable and it needs to stop! I stand with my black brothers and sisters.
I will not be killed.
I can go jogging (#AmaudArbery).
I can relax in the comfort of my own home (#BothamJean and #AtatianaJefferson).
I can ask for help after being in a car crash (#JonathanFerrell and #RenishaMcBride).
I can have a cellphone (#StephonClark).
I can leave a party to get to safety (#JordanEdwards).
I can play loud music (#JordanDavis).
I can sell CD's (#AltonSterling).
I can sleep (#AiyanaJones)
I can walk from the corner store (#MikeBrown).
I can play cops and robbers (#TamirRice).
I can go to church (#Charleston9).
I can walk home with Skittles (#TrayvonMartin).
I can hold a hair brush while leaving my own bachelor party (#SeanBell).
I can party on New Years (#OscarGrant).
I can get a normal traffic ticket (#SandraBland).
I can lawfully carry a weapon (#PhilandoCastile).
I can break down on a public road with car problems (#CoreyJones).
I can shop at Walmart (#JohnCrawford) .
I can have a disabled vehicle (#TerrenceCrutcher).
I can read a book in my own car (#KeithScott).
I can be a 10yr old walking with our grandfather (#CliffordGlover).
I can decorate for a party (#ClaudeReese).
I can ask a cop a question (#RandyEvans).
I can cash a check in peace (#YvonneSmallwood).
I can take out my wallet (#AmadouDiallo).
I can run (#WalterScott).
I can breathe (#EricGarner).
I can live (#FreddieGray).
This is reality.
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