#saw two posts about yuri on ice
getousatoruu · 27 days
All strength and power to the people who think Mappa can still release Ice Adolescence in the year 2024 …LIKE HOW DO YOU STILL HAVE HOPES UP AFTER 8 FUCKING YEARS
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iron-sides · 5 months
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figured out why i recognized the name james somerton
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Every comment is valuable
Recently, I received a comment for one of my works I couldn't make quite sense of at first. It wasn't the first time that happened and I believe every writer makes this experience more than once, but it was the first time in 11 years of posting fanfiction across various archives that I came to fully understand and appreciate the value of a comment that does nothing but confuse the hell out of me.
The comment was for an early chapter of my canonic Yuri!!! On Ice novelisation Can You Hear My Heartbeat. My first instinct was to shrug it off as I had absolutely no idea how to deal with it. But as the day progressed, I found my mind returning to it, trying to figure out what its writer had tried to convey. I ended up reading the scene the comment referred to and soon figured out that the scene had failed its purpose to examine the feelings and motivations of its POV character.
In said scene, I explore the reunion of the two main characters Yuuri and Viktor at the end of episode 1 from Viktor's perspective. The comment quoted Viktor's final dialogue line in that scene and claimed that he was being "most extra". I had no idea what that meant, but I deeply felt that it stood in stark contrast to the (canon) Viktor in that scene.
This is the scene as it was on AO3 when I received the comment:
Strange noises inside stirred him, ripping him out of his daydream. The door banged open. A figure stumbled through in a flurry of brown parka and dark hair, slipped on the tiles, and fell face-first in front of the spring. “Ouch.” The young Japanese man propped himself up. Behind blue-framed glasses, his brown eyes widened as he spotted Viktor. “V-Viktor?” It’s him! Viktor’s heart stopped, then went into overdrive. Suddenly, all weariness was gone. The story of longing and despair that had made no sense was finally coming to its glorious conclusion. As he saw Yuuri now with his messy hair, his soft features, and his gentle brown eyes, it was as if no time had passed since Yuuri had clung to him and begged him to be his coach. “What are you doing here?” Yuuri breathed. Why’s he asking? Here as in the spring or in this place? And with that, the nervousness was back. Viktor took the towel off his head and stood, flashing Yuuri a dazzling smile. “Yuuri,” he said, holding out his hand. “Starting today, I’m your new coach.” He winked. “I’ll make you win the Grand Prix Final.” Yuuri’s mouth popped open. “What?” he spluttered. “WHAT?” Still smiling, Viktor kept holding out his hand, waiting for Yuuri to take it and step to the edge of the spring so they could embrace. Instead, Yuuri spun and bolted back into the house. Viktor stared after him, not understanding. “Huh? Was this too much of a surprise?” he murmured. “Did I overdo it?”
(Note that in the anime, Yuuri doesn't accidentally prostrate himself in front of Viktor. In the anime, he stumbles several times on his way to the hot spring, but as this happens where Viktor can't see it, I added this detail to make the scene more humorous.)
This scene ignores the ramifications of Viktor being nervous about their reunion (as any human being would be!) and his confusion when Yuuri asks why he is here because he doesn't know that Yuuri forgot their encounter at the Grand Prix Final banquet four months earlier. Speaking superficially, it's from Viktor's POV, but it doesn't really explore what is going on inside his head.
As an international celebrity, Viktor has gotten into the habit of acting like a star, especially towards the press and his fans. Viktor is used to wearing a mask in public and as a consequence, he unlearned how to be himself. However, this scene disregards these central aspects of his character. When I wrote it, the Viktor living inside my head wasn't yet fully fleshed out. After I finished the draft of Thousand Spotlights, this scene was one of those I revisited to make adjustments, but I still missed some aspects because I already had adopted a certain "blindness" for my own text.
This is one of the reasons I often ask whether the scenes from the anime are well-embedded into my novelisation.
After contemplating the scene based on that comment, I revised it in my Word document and updated the respective chapter on AO3:
Strange noises from inside the building ripped Viktor out of his daydream. Snowflakes were still tumbling from the sky. The door banged open. A figure stumbled out in a flurry of brown parka and dark hair, slipped on the tiles, and fell face-first in front of the spring. “Ouch.” The young Japanese man propped himself up. Behind blue-framed glasses, his brown eyes widened as he spotted Viktor. “V-Viktor?” It’s him! Viktor’s heart stopped, then went into overdrive. The story of longing and despair that had made no sense was finally coming to its glorious conclusion. As he saw Yuuri now with his messy hair, his soft features, and his gentle brown eyes, it was as if no time had passed since Yuuri had clung to him and begged him to be his coach. “What are you doing here?” Yuuri breathed. Why’s he asking? Here as in the spring or in this place? Viktor struggled to process the implications. His heart was fluttering uncontrollably in his chest. Had Yuuri forgotten that he had extended the invitation? Something felt off, but Viktor struggled to put a finger on it. However, two decades of being a public figure had trained him to navigate unclear situations. After all, Yuuri was his fan, wasn’t he? Viktor took the towel off his head and stood, flashing Yuuri one of his star-smiles. “Yuuri,” he said, holding out his hand. “Starting today, I’m your new coach.” He gave a playful wink that regularly brought even people not liking men to their knees. “I’ll make you win the Grand Prix Final.” Yuuri’s mouth popped open. “What?” he spluttered. “WHAT?” Still smiling, Viktor kept holding out his hand, waiting for Yuuri to take it and step to the edge of the spring so they could embrace. Time stretched on to a taut eternity. Viktor’s heart was hammering in his ribcage. Snow kept tumbling down from grey skies. Two metres across from him, Yuuri spun on his heel and bolted back into the house. Viktor stared after him, not understanding. “Huh? Was this too much of a surprise?” he murmured. “Did I overdo it?”
This second version expands on Viktor's feelings like his nervousness and his confusion as well as on his thoughts when he greets Yuuri. It shows that he reverts to taking on a persona to navigate through life (we see him do that in abundance until Yuuri asks him to be himself and saves the celebrity-persona for press and fans). There's nothing "extra" about his behaviour, he's just applying what he learned and what he seems to be comfortable with in unclear situations. So far, he has been successful with that, and he has yet to learn that this doesn't work with Yuuri.
The additions I made to flesh out Viktor's character are still subtle enough to leave space for interpretation while making sure that he stays in-character.
I'm really glad that this reader alerted me to a problem I wasn't aware of, although it took me a while to get to the solution. I thanked them and told them that I was able to improve the scene (and I really hope I didn't scare them off!)
Writers, if you receive a comment that doesn't make sense to you at first glance or that might even annoy you, it's worth taking a closer look. It might help you find errors no one else noticed and improve your writing and deepen the understanding of your characters.
Readers, please don't be afraid to let us writers know what you think about our works. If you hesitate to comment on a story because your think that your thoughts are silly, take heart in knowing that every comment is valuable to us and can help us write better stories that in turn bring you more joy.
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marieknife · 1 month
tell us about your four and eight and their reletionship
i’ll be honest, i haven’t their full stories written out anywhere bc they’ve been kinda rotating in my head for the last 3 years or so but they were originally introduced to each other after 8 came to the surface and started following 3/captain around, and then met 4 through 3 (my 4 and 3 are cousins lolol). 8 was originally living with off the hook and 4 offered to let 8 live with them for convince (4 was actually a sad loner and only had 3 to hang with until this point, so they saw this as an opportunity to gain one whole new friend) (also rent would be easier to pay if there was 2 of them working to pay for it) 8 also just wanted someone their own age to have around bc captain/3 is two years older then the both of them and i imagine that turf war is separated by age, and 8 wasn’t able to join 3 in battle. as well as that, 3 was often at work (squidbeak splatoon & grizzco) or at school.
they started to get close when 8 started attending school with 4. they shared classes and lunch together and homosexuality happened or whatevs. (ok it’s a bit more detailed than this but i’ll get into that at some point) (yay for yuri)
4 became an agent when they noticed 3 randomly went radio silent. they got pissed and travelled to the square where 3 said they were (lies! they were enduring the horrors/the metro with cuttlefish) 4 didn’t know 3 was an agent and just assumed they were either being ignored or 3 was flat out missing. 4 encountered marie while going to see if 3 was working at grizzco and was like ‘damn ur looking for someone too?????’ i imagine 4 told marie about 3 and marie recognised 3’s description and had to act normal about it bc she obviously didn’t want to blow 3’s cover.
i’ll be terrible and admit that i’ve changed my 8’s backstory so many times that i actually don’t even know where to begin with her. (IM REALLY SORRY 💔💔) i’ll have to make a whole post for her.
like i said, i REALLY need to write out their stories properly. as you can tell, all of this is very poorly put together. i’ll make a proper post about all my agents in the future when i have my shit together. i typed all this out with one hand holding a bag of ice on my eyeball 😞😞
a fair bit of their lore will probably change towards the future and be a lot more detailed than this, but for now, this is all the basics.
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glassofspoiledmilk · 5 months
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Going gold | Yuri P
Chapter 9, Practice Ice | TW Language
"Get up we have practice" a voice said as my eyes flickered open.
When my vision fully cleared I saw Yuri standing above me with two cups of coffee, one in each hand.
"I got you coffee" he said nonchalantly as he placed the cup in his right hand down on the nightstand next to me.
"Thanks" I say as I sit up.
"Hey Yuri where did you sleep?" I asked as I sipped on my coffee.
"On the floor" he replied as he sat down on the bed across from me.
"Why" I asked "i can't imagine that being comfortable".
"Because im sure as hell not sleeping next to you" he spat.
"What's so bad about sleeping next to me?" I replied, annoyed.
"You kick in your sleep, you take up the entire bed, and you snore" he added.
I rolled my eyes and took another sip of coffee.
I got up and walked over to my phone which was plugged in next to my suitcase.
The time was 10:30.
I usually don't sleep in this late..I guess I was jet legged.
I pulled out a pair of black leggings and a black long sleeve shirt. I walked over to the bathroom and went in to change. I brushed out my hair and pulled it back into a ponytail and threw on a headband to keep the flyaways at bay.
I did my skincare and makeup and then walked out to put on my sneakers.
Tomorrows the short program which means I really have to work today.
I did some basic stretches on the floor to warm up and after I was done I sat down on the bed again to scroll on Instagram.
Bzzz Bzzzz
**Incoming call from Mila <3**
I quickly accepted the call and stood up to make my way onto the balcony.
"Heyy!! How's France?" She says as enthusiastically as ever.
"It's really nice! The restaurants are soooo fancy" I say as I sit down in one of the chairs.
"Omg I'm so jelly I wish I got to go to France" she adds.
I laugh.
"Anyways, I saw the post of you and Yuri. Was I right? Do you have the hots for him?" She asked with a laugh.
I looked around to make sure he wasn't in earshot.
"No I don't it was just some crazed fan jumping to conclusions" I reply as my face burns red.
"Was she really jumping tho? I mean If I saw that that's what I would've thought" she adds.
"I don't like him." I say firmly.
"Alright alright, but I'm keeping my eye on you two" She laughs.
I roll my eyes with a smile.
"Anyway I've gotta get going, since yakov and Lilia are both there with you guys I'm stuck here with my bitchy choreographer who keeps yelling at me for checking my phone on break" she huffs.
"Alright I'll see you later" I laugh as she hangs up the call.
I walk back Inside and I see yakov, Yuri, and Lilia about to walk out the door.
"Where are you guys going practice ice isn't until 1:30?" I ask.
"I rented out one of their ballet room so I can condition the both of you." Lilia says as she zips up her coat.
I roll my eyes and grab my skating bag and coffee as they start to exit the room.
I run out of the room and over to the elevator where they all stood. The door opened and we all got in, Lilia pushed the button for the ground floor and we started to descend. I took a sip of my coffee and leaned against the wall as we moved.
When the doors opened we walked outside and onto the bustling street. There was a black car sitting on the side of the road and Lilia and yakov climbed into the front seats.
"When did you guys get this?" I ask.
"While you were sleeping" Yuri replies as he climbs into the seat next to me.
As Lilia started driving, I looked at the beautiful stores and bakery's along the street.
"Hey Yuri we should totally go out and shop after this!!" I say enthusiastically as I look over at him.
"Sure" he said not looking up from his phone.
When we got to the rink I grabbed by stuff and walked in. It was much bigger then the rink I usually practice at, it had four rinks, a full sized gym, and multiple ballet rooms. Lilia asked the receptionist guy where to go and he said to the fourth floor.
We walked up the many flights of stairs and went into one of the ballet rooms.
Lilia unpacked her stuff and Yuri and I got to stretching.
"Alright, today we will only be doing minor conditioning because I don't want to overwork your bodies before tomorrow, however you will still be going through your program choreography and jumps" Lilia says as we finish warming up.
"Y/N, you first" She added.
I groaned and walked over the the center of the room and took my starting position.
I started my program, and every time I messed up she made me restart.
By the time I did It fully correctly I was bent over panting from exhaustion.
"A-am I huff done yet?" I said as I tried to catch my breath.
"Yes, that was good enough. Yuri your up next."
Lilia said dismissively.
He groaned and walked over to the center of the floor.
I sat down in the corner of the studio with my bag and pulled out my water bottle. Through my chugging, I watch Yuri go through the same torture I had endured. However, every time Lilia said something he would retaliate which made her make him redo the program more times. I laughed at his antics from the corner, and in response he gave me a bitchy glare.
I watched him as he danced through his program, he was a very elegant dancer.
I know I will have to put up a fight to win more medals than him, but humbling him in the slightest is definitely worth it.
I put down my water bottle and slid into an elevated split so Lilia couldn't complain I was slacking off. I grabbed my phone and took a picture of Yuri angrily dancing and posted it on Instagram with the caption "training! 🤍 @yuriplisetsky" and posted it.
I knew damn well he would flip out would he saw it, but it was just too funny.
After Yuri finished his program Lilia had us run through jumps, mostly the quads and triples because those were worth the most. By the time we finished that, we had about 5 minutes until our practice ice. Still in the ballet room, me and Yuri laced up our skates. We then headed down to the first floor and walked into one of the rinks.
"You two head out, we will be there in a minute" Lilia said.
Yuri and I stepped out onto the ice and stroked around to get a feel for the area. I did some single jumps to warm up, and then Lilia an yakov came onto the ice.
"Y/N you will be entering from over here and you will be facing that wall when you start your program" Lilia said as she pointed to the wall at the end of the rink.
"Go get in position, we'll run through your short program first" she added as she skated off to the side.
I skated to the center of the ice, facing the wall she pointed too. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Yuri skate off the ice and sit down on the fancy bleachers.
Lilia suddenly turned on the music and I started skating. I did my opening and then went straight into my jumps, which i landed almost perfectly. On my quad lutz I had 1/4 of a pre rotation which I didn't realize until Lilia yelled at me for after. I did some combo spins and then finished my program. I took my final position, huffing and panting out of breath.
I heard clapping from someone on the side.
I looked over to see yakov sitting next to Yuri clapping like he just watched the worlds greatest movie.
Yuri, however had his head sitting atop his hand and was scrolling on his phone.
I was kinda disappointed he didn't see.
"Alright you can go take a break, but tell Yuri to get on the ice when you get over there" Lilia said.
I skates off and threw my guards on over my blades so I wouldn't damage them on the metal bleachers.
"Hey Yuri, Lilia wants you on the ice" I say as I approach him.
"Alright" he says as he places his phone down.
I watched him as he slid on his gloves and fixed his ponytail. He got up and walked away, paying no attention to me. I sat down in his spot and was immediately met with boredom.
Out of curiosity, I picked up his phone.
I opened to his Lock Screen and saw messages from "Grandpa ❤️" and "Otabek 😎" but as I scrolled I saw multiple messages from "Mila 🖕" sent to him about 5 minutes ago.
I guessed at his password, but ended up shutting his phone down for 2 minutes. Then I had the genius idea to pull up a photo of him and use Face ID. I opened up my phone and scrolled onto his Instagram and pulled up a photo he posted while we were shopping at the mall. I held it up to the camera on his phone and surprisingly, it worked. I tapped on Mila's messages and the blood drained from my face when I read them
Mila 🖕
Dude just ask her out already!
Are you kidding me? she'd never say yes
Mila 🖕
Shes literally your biggest fan why the hell would she say no?
She's not my biggest fan
Yea I'm pretty sure she is
Regardless I'm not doing it
Mila 🖕
You suck
Read 1:55pm
I stared in shock as I read through the messages. Who was this fan he wanted to ask out? And why didn't he tell me? I turned off his phone and slammed it down against the bleachers. I felt a burning betrayal in my stomach.
Why hadn't he told me?
I angrily stood up and walked off to the bathroom.
As I got down to the last step on the bleachers Yuri came walking off the ice.
"Hey Y/N did you see that I landed all my quads perfectly, you better be really to lose tomorrow" he said confidently as he wiped the snow off his blades.
"Ecstatic" I replied with a depressed tone as I passed him by.
He stopped wiping and watched me as I walked away. I didn't care, I just wanted to be far away from everyone. I walked into the women's bathroom next to the stairs and locked myself in one of the stalls. I pulled out my phone and dialed milas number.
"Hello?" She said as she picked up her phone.
"Who does Yuri want to ask out" I say sternly.
"W-what are you- I can't tell you that's that's private!" She exclaims "And how did you even know that Yuri wanted to ask someone out?".
"I went on his phone while he was running through his program and saw messages from you" I said as I shrunk down the wall.
"Look Y/N I'm really sorry but it's not my place to say anything..but don't pester Yuri about it, he's been really stressed because of it" she adds.
"I've gotta go, I'll call you later" she says as she hangs up the phone.
I lower the phone from my ear and onto the floor. I was overwhelmed by a million different emotions that nothing felt real. The world felt like it was crumbling from the inside out.
I felt a single tear shed from my eye.
I wiped it away as I sniffled and picked my phone up off the floor. I feel bad for Yuri, he dosent deserve to be stressed about asking a girl out, but I just don't understand why he wouldn't tell me.
I felt my phone vibrate and light up with a notification
"New message from: Yurio 😾"
The message read: "you ok?"
I unlocked my phone and quickly replied with "yea I'm fine, just felt sick".
I stood up off the floor and walked out of the stall. I looked at myself in the mirror and wiped away my slightly smudged mascara.
I walked out of the bathroom and over to the ice, where Lilia was standing.
"Where were you?" She said sternly as I walked onto the ice.
"In the bathroom, I wasn't feeling good" I stutter out.
"Well I hope your feeling better now because you need to run through your free program" she adds.
"Yea alright"
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oloreandil · 6 months
20 Q's for Fic Writers
tagged by: @chameliyun, thank you so much <33
1 - How many works do you have on ao3?
131 works so far ! 97 of them are for haikyuu!! and i cannot wait to celebrate my 100 hq fics hehe
2 - What's your total ao3 word count?
323,624 words :0 i didn't think it'd be that much, i tend to write short things, i'm excited to have written so many words !!!
3 - What fandoms do you write for?
i have posted for haikyuu, death note, bnha, yuri on ice, free, breath of fire iv, and fairy tale for some unknown reason XD but i have unposted / unfinished fanfic for a bunch of other things like hunter x hunter or fma
4 - What are your top five fics by kudos?
chat me up has always been my most popular fic and tbh ? yeah i see why XD it is one of the most fun and chatfics were popular at the time. after that come ...or not, blue like the sky, silent trust and saw my momma dad cheese
5 - Do you respond to comments?
yes !! fandom is a community first and foremost for me, and posting is also a way to interact. comments are immensely lovely to get and answer !!
6 - What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
ooh probably love me right ?? it's kinda the angstiest i've written... ever. but some nights is also. bad end. solely by virtue of being post apo and not very optimistic about it. i wanna rewrite it someday because i actually really liked that AU and it's not the best right now hmmm
7 - What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
honestly hasetsu tour guides (which is a series but shhh) is the happiest thing i've written ?? it's not the most fun in terms of plot but everyone is content with their life in a way i've not really written a lot
8 - Do you get hate on fics?
nope, not well known enough XD and i'm not complaining about it
9 - Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i do ! i have no clue if there's a specific kind i stick to though, most of it isn't even posted or even written past heavy planning. trans cyborg smut is on its way though @notsuchasecret :3
10 - Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i have written or co-written a NUMBER of crossovers. most are not on ao3 yet (or... ever...) but i have posted death note x snow white and hxh x little red riding hood, so. however i do think that owari no seraph x the frog princess (the russian fairy tale) is the wildest one so far !
11 - Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge, but that'd be kinda funny tbh ? imagine coming across your own obscure niche things in the wild. i'd almost be more disappointed it's not a new fic for my teeny fandom corner lmao
12 - What's the longest you've spent working on one fic? And the shortest?
the shortest would probably be a couple hours, for guardian of his king (written in a fugue state at like 3am, after Syb shared the drawing that inspired it. two of us fell in a trance btw, this was a POTENT artwork). the longest... i don't dare calculate... but it is measured in years and i haven't even started writing yet <3
13 - Have you ever co-written a fic before?
if you count detailed planning and extensive oral storytelling, many !! my best friend and i are very prolific behind the scenes, to her dismay XD. i thiiiiiink she is the only co-writer i have had ? but i LOVE doing group fics and i'd love to do it with other people
14 - What's your all-time favorite ship? From all fandoms?
"you ask questions i have no answers to" is what i was gonna say and then my brain went "well apart from bokuaka which has to be out of the competition-" so i may have an answer actually hahaha
15 - What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
oooh my god that naruto fountain of youth AU is never gonna be written. i have so so so much planned and i sift through and add more from time to time, but like... i pick my battles a little more wisely than this behemoth
16 - What are your writing strengths?
i'm not sure ! i do think writing dialogue is easier for me than most other things, and i love doing fun formatting / narrative constraints
17 - What are your writing weaknesses?
i forget to put down half of the words on the paper so my sentences make no sense and it's horrible to edit <- loves editing. doesn't love when i reread myself and every five sentences i have to think "who tf wrote this and what the hell does it mean. how do you go from here to there ??? oh wait i forgot a sentence again"
18 - Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
english isn't my first language. i write dialogue in another language 99% of the time. i don't think this question really takes into account the amount of ESL writers who are basically always doing this
to stay closer to what the question was meant to ask though, i have written sentences, in the middle of english fics, in languages that me or most readers don't speak. it is usually either a LONG process of looking up grammar rules, vocabulary, existing sentences etc... or what i did once, "write with mistakes because the person is learning the language still"
it is good imo to have characters speak their native tongue, or to add your own HCs onto characters and make them speak in their new native tongue, but it can be done more or less respectfully and more or less clearly. how do you include a translation, if at all ? is it jarring in the flow of your fic ? what about inserting song lyrics in another language ? it's a case by case basis for me tbh, and as a reference i really love how yuri on ice did it during the anime
19 - First fandom you wrote for?
i don't recall what i first wrote for exactly but i first posted for death note in 2015 :0 a while back !!
20 - Favourite fic you've written?
i don't have one at the moment, my criteria isn't defined enough these days. maybe some will jump out more later as they did in the past but for now i can say i love most of my children equally lmao
it took me a while to answer, sorry, and i'm too tired to tag anyone but DO feel free to say i tagged you if you wanna do it !!!!!!!
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yatsugareboyf · 2 years
figure skater nakahara chuuya
i saw this post and i also coincidentally saw the art a few days ago while crying over yuzuru hanyu so let's do this ! idk much abt figure skating so if i got anything wrong / say anything wrong pls lmk
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i wanna believe that chuuya as a fs would be like yuri plisetsky. he would be so aggressive with making all his jumps quads and attempting them all the time during practice, but he might not do it during competition if he feels like he can't do it
he started very young, thinking that getting into ballet and ice skating would stretch his legs and make him taller (im half joking), but he's very good very early on
he might be more recreational rather than competitive, but never really refuses when he's offered to compete. might as well yk
like yurio, he has a certain genre or type of flow he wants for his programs. i feel like he would do something like this . something very bold and telling, and hes flexible. he can pull off those back bends and spins
he may be very aggressive, he's a graceful skater. his moves are clean and sharp and it's very satisfying to see him skate. it's like he glides so smoothly on the ice, like the ice is doing his bidding by giving him the most smooth ride. his jumps are cut and dry, and he makes AMAZING SAVES !!
hence his amazing saves, he's dubbed as the gravity manipulator (corny, ik) because it almost seems impossible how he jumps so high and spins so low yet still keep his balance and stamina. like, how?
of course every artist has their flaws, and chuuya's might be his facial expressions . he gets the message of his piece and it reflects in his movements but not on his face , its VERY visible when u know he fucks up a jump or forgets a certain part of a routine. he might make amazing saves that look like it was MEANT to happen, his face says otherwise. hes working on it tho !!!..... he'll get there .
outside the rink, he's very kind to his fanbase and interacts with them a lot in social media. it gets him in trouble sometimes, especially when judges are biased against him due to his "feminine" figure and gives him a crappy score and those hastags pop-up on twitter? yeah. he's ALL OVER THOSE
DO NOT GIVE HIM WINE DURING SPECIAL EVENTS OR BANQUETS DEAR LORD hes JUST like yuuri but hes ready to beat anyone's ass 😭 his manager and publicist steers him away from the bar after ONE incident. they learned their lesson abt chuuya and alcohol
his diet and workout regimen is pretty normal, but he works out a lot more when he can't come to the rink. he values his body and it's strength a lot so he's very mindful of the food he eats (except w wine). hes a beauty to work with
as mentioned above, due to his small stature and slim figure, it's difficult for him to place and score a lot due to biased judges and conflict of interests in what male figure skaters should look like. he's very passionate about defending himself, but secretly wishes he was taller and maybe a bit more buff :( my poor chuuya
as for being his s/o ,,
he would LOVE YOU FOREVER if you come to his competitions. even if u dont wanna come with him to the kiss and cry (because you can't, but he insists you should), just seeing you in the crowd before his program starts gives him such a boost. toss him a gift after his program he'll keep it forever
although chuuya loves you and values his time with you, his time inside the rink is sacred. it's his first love, his safe space, so he won't compromise a lot when it comes to his practice time on the ice. but he has PLENTY of time after that, in which he wishes nothing more than to spend it with you.
come to his practices tho !! though he might be a bit loud and dizzy to watch, he's amazing at what he does and he loves it when two of his most loved things are together. wipe the sweat off his face when he approaches u he'll die inside
tie his hair for him !!!
when you learn all the terminologies in secret and try to memorize what each jump is and which program is for what event and stuff he'll be so happy
"you... you just attempted a quad axel just now didn't you? be careful-"
"you know what an axel looks like ? and you knew it was a quad? marry me"
"what do you think, babe?"
"chuuya, love of my life, i'm saying this with all the love i have for you, but you look like you're trying to shit out the biggest fucking turd ever."
"you could've said so earlier!"
"you were so into it though?"
but seriously, if he asks you to help him then please please please do. he makes up for it by supporting you in your chosen hobby/profession as well !!
if you're a figure skater as well, then congratulations! you're both in pairs now /j
solo or pairs, he'd be super happy to see you compete or even just perform. he thinks you're so awesome and cool
a bit jealous about pairs but he knows TT he's closely considering pairs .
if he is your partner, you're the one lifting him up /j but seriously, he can take on both roles he's amazing
isn't that strict with diets with you but helps you avoid things you shouldn't eat from time to time, but usually he's your enabler when it comes to cheat days and eating off diet ^^
all in all, he's a great figure skater and an even greater s/o .
requests are open! (08/02/22) (note : i'm too shy to tag op in this one TT)
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triptychgrip · 2 months
New chapter - Ch 12 - of my post-canon Yuri!!! on Ice Olympics fic uploaded
If you're a Yuri!!! on Ice fan wishing the fandom had more Olympics content, I hope you'll consider checking out my fic/series, which revolves around both the 2018 PyeongChang and 2022 Beijing Olympic Games. The fic itself takes place at the Beijing Winter Olympics, but switches back and forth between the two, in large part due to a sports politics scandal (not doping) that significantly affects Yuuri/Viktor/others in elite figure skating at the 2018 Games.
It's fluffy, rooted in lots of research, and is my attempt to delve into the world of post-canon, married Victuuri/Viktuuri, as well as Yuuri's impending retirement. The main fic "Gold's On The Inside, Elevated My Feet" will close out at 20 chapters, but I've got other side-stories in this fic universe that flesh out Yuuri/Viktor/Yurio's lives and friendships, as well as Yuuri and Viktor's decision to leave Russia and move to Fukuoka, Japan, about 2.5 years post-canon.
Below is an excerpt from the chapter I just uploaded, which covers the Beijing 2022 Team Skate
When Kapanadze had chosen to make things personal, attacking Team France’s Alex Alouda – who he claimed was ‘stealing’ Russia’s spot – Viktor had released a very frank video via their SkateHusbands YouTube channel, utterly excoriating him. 
Yuuri still remembered the quiet, glacial fury in his husband’s azure eyes, and the trenchant, methodical manner in which he’d made the case for upholding (and even strengthening) the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) ruling. 
It had been undeniably hot.
Unfortunately, it had also made their group’s 6-minute warmup, which had finished just ten minutes ago, unbearably tense. 
Though he’d tried to give Levan a wide berth, it had seemed like the Georgian skater had been going out of his way to openly glare at Viktor and Alex, and had even begun circling close to where he had been practicing his quad lutz entries. 
The few times Yuuri had gone over to the boards to consult with his coach around something, they could each feel eyeballs laser-focused on their backs, branding them with rancor. About half-way through the warm-up, he noticed that Mickey had literally put himself in between them both, a gesture he’d been incredibly thankful for. 
As he now met Viktor’s gaze, Yuuri nodded as he saw how he was holding his phone and earbuds out to him. 
Though the IOC didn’t appear to be done with their ice inspection, it was time to start getting into the right headspace, which meant doing visualization exercises and listening to his program music. 
As the synthy, electro-pop beat of the song that had been written just for this occasion blanketed Yuuri’s eardrums, he lost himself to the enthralling melody. 
The experience of getting one of his favorite singers to co-write a song with him dedicated to Viktor, and for his exclusive use this season had been nothing short of surreal. 
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liwen-san · 2 years
Mitsuya Takashi x reader x Ran
Angst to fluff
Part 2
A/n: hello this is my first time posting a story here hope you like it . Also got permission from moodyclouds89 for making part two of mitsuya angst!! Hope you enjoy it!
⚠️Not proof read ⚠️
——— ☆ • ♧ • ♤ • ♧ • ☆ ———
Wiping my tear away with my hands thoughs came coming tho my head
why did I even go....
Why did I even agreed...to go..
Why would I make myself more miserable...
But the biggest question is why did they even invited me....
[A month ago ]
" welcome back y/n ! " I was warmly welcome by Ran at my favorite coffee place " the usual ? " he ask behind the desk
" yes please " giving him my card
" one mocha ice coffee with extra whip cream coming right up " he said while giving me a bright smile
" some seems to in a good mood " I commented
" because my favorite customer is here today " said while chuckling to himself.
Rolling my eyes I take my card and took a seat at a desk
The sound of the door open and the worker welcome them in is kinda relaxing. This is my favorite coffee so-
" really!? "
a familiar voice cut my thoughts as I turned my head to see who it was but of course I didn't need to since I already know who the voice belongs to... It's.. Mitsuya and Yuri...
" yes.. You can wear it " mitsuya said
" thanks your the best!!! " Yuri said while hugging his arm tighter.
" y/n ? "
Oh no...
" y/n, it is you ! " Yuri said while talking toward me with mitsuya.
Please don't come...
" long time no see ! " Yuri said
" yeah..." I said giving her a small smile
" what brings you here? " yuri said while taking a seat in front of me pulling mitsuya to sit too.
" i-i ...should ask the same..." I replied back but it seems like I already know the answer
" well you know this is my favorite coffee shop! " she said beaming even brighter " it became my favorite place since my fiance introduced me to this place! "
" oh really..." I awkward scratch my cheek.
" yup " she said clapping her handa
Ah.... I see it now...... What a pretty ring... Mitsuya probably designed it...
"Here! "
" what this? " I look at the pink envelope
" this is our invitation to our wedding. Hope you'll be their ! "
" I think about it... I do have a busy schedule ... So I can't really make promises I CAN'T keep...." I said while saw mitsuya in the coner in my eyes his head turn to the floor his eyes looking at the ground.
" but I really hope I see you their ! "
" I'll try..."
An awkward silence creeped in until Yuri broke it
" have you eaten yet? If not let's eat together we can order something and share it together " Yuri said while rasing her hand to get the waiter attention.
"Yuri thats- " mitsuya began to say as he clearly see how uncomfortable I was but he was cut off by Ran
" one mocha ice coffee with extra whip cream for the lovely miss y/n there " Ran said while waving the drink in hand.
" wait that my favorite ! But it doesn't have that much whip cream tho. How unfair " Yuri pouted
" well I gotta go . But congratulations to two you " I said waving
" bye y/n! Hope to see you at our wedding "
" yea...." I replied back
Walking to grab my drink and thanking Ran for saving me back their " thanks you Ran"
" anything for my favorite customer ! " Ran churped
Wearing a nice dress design by some famous designee that cost millions of dollars... It feels strange for some reason even tho is an comfortable and elegant dress maybe I'm just used to put on a dress by- no no no. Shaking my head to snap out of my though I putting on the high heels to the look , I look at myself in the mirror...
" sigh.... I'm going to regret this... " I said to myself as I toughed the mirror
Getting out of my car I can see the place decorated with white and pink balloons and purple flowers .... It looks beautiful just like we said.... Or is- no it is just like we talked about.... 4 years ago...
Walking to the place seeing lots of people was making me really regret from coming here...
Quickly taking a seat at last row of the bench I calmed down a little.
Maybe I should have brought a friend along....
" oh y/n ! How are you? I haven't seen you since a long time! "
" oh hello...takamichi... I'm...im doing well thanks for asking " I said
" I heard your business is doing well " Takamichi said taking a seat next to me
" yeah... It's doing fine " I replied back
" more like booming ! Can't believe you have time to come here. Like being a CEO of a big company is-"
I look down as I fist my hands. Takamichi realised what he just said and started to apologize Convusly.
" it's fine takamichi-" I reasured him but got cut off by hina who suddenly appeared out of nowhere.
" takamichi your making worse! Sorry about that y/n...." Hina said and glared at takamichi
" it's nothing I'm over it....really " I said giving them a small smile
" takamichi, hina glad you made it " I can hear the groom say as he hugged them and then turned to me
" yn glad you came " mitsuya smile and offered me the same treatment as takamichi en hina but I offered my hand instead.
Hina and takamichi left to see their friends, leaving me and mitsuya
" I... I made some free time for this day." I saiy as week shake hands
" I really appreciate that.... Yuri... Will be glad to see you..."
" I... Guessts so.." I replied back.
" well I gotta get going and welcome the others. I hope you can stay until the end? " mitsuya said looking at me hoping I would agree
" if theirs no emergency calls from the company then ...yes..."
Mitsuya nodded at my Statment and left to great the other guests
" here comes the bride! "
Everyone stood up from their seat and look toward the door. Their stood Yuri with a beautiful white dress .... But looking closely that that is the every same dress that mitsuya design especially for me and just just me but why... Is Yuri.... What am I thinking of course she can wear any dress she wants from mitsuya.... But why that one...
After the couples said their " I do's " we when to a fancy restaurant to further celebrate the newly wedding couple. As everyone eat and drink, I stood at the corner and drink some wine while looking at the people who is enjoying the party.
Seeing mitsuya and Yuri happily with the biggest smiles adored their faces i...I couldn't help myself... Wishing that it was me instead of Yuri. Not knowing that a single tear was falling from the corner of my eye until it landed on my glass of wine....
I should leave.grabving my pures I head toward the exit .
" would you excuse me for a moment " mitsuya said as he walked out of the group and walks toward yn who is going towards the exit.
Seeing mitsuya coming toward me from the corner of my eyes I quickly quicker my pace.
Walking out the door almost to the parking lot, someone took a hold of my wrist turning to see it was mitsuya, I yank it away.
" leaving so soon?" mitsuya began
" sorry I can stay any longer but their is some trouble at company and they are calling for me." I made up a lie
" I know that's a lie... Y/n. " mitsuya point out and frowned his eyebrows
As I'm almost the verge of tears I bursted out all my feelings in anger
" why do you care mitsuya ! "
" I don't need a good excuse just to leave this shitty hell I'm watching " tears fall from my eyes as I still continue to yell at him lucky the music inside was loud enough for the guests not to hear was I'm saying
" I know I'm an ass hole yn for falling out of love for you. I know I don't deserve you, i know I'm not good enough for you." Mitsuya began. " but that doesn't mean I'm not grateful for you in my life. Without you I wouldnt have the confidence for showcasing my works. Without you I won't be the person I am now......" As if I couldn't be even angrier
" as you can see I'm don't need to be apart of your life.....mitsuya.....but why... mitsuya .. what do I deserve to be hurt like this? What does she have and I don't ? " I said
" we've been together since middle school.... What...did I...do wrong! " I cried out loud
" nothing! ..... You did nothing wrong yn ! It's just me ! ..... I'm the ass hole who can't love you back. Who can't return the warm love you give me " mitsuya said and if I look closely I could see some tear escaping from his eyes
" why are you even crying about mitsuya. This is you're wedding day you should be happy with your wife......and I should probably move on...its already been really three years..." I said in a shaking voice
Now eyes full of tear I have one more question to ask " why...why is Yuri wear the wedding dress you design for me ? Why can you design another especially for her only mitsuya? "
Mitsuya stood still frozen as he didn't want to say it..
" just.....forget it....goodbye....mitsuya .." I turned around walking to my card.
" Yuri found the drawing.... She was cleaning my office and saw the wedding dress I drew for you... Apparently she like the dress and thought if was for her.... Of course I tried to tell her it's for a very important friend..." Mitsuya Wishpered the last part tho I could hear it loud and clear. " but she still kept asking to make it for our wedding day-" I cut off Mitsuya
" so you did make her the dress... Because you couldn't stand your lover to be sad right ? " nodding in agreement I smiled and said my goodbye
"Goodbye Mitsuya Takashi have a happy fairy tail with you're cute , caring and sweet wife the total position of me...." I gave him a small box before I turned around.
Mitsuya watch as I get into my car and drove as fast as I can to get out of their. From my review mirror I can see Takashi running after me but I just ignored him.
* how fucking stupid *
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
Yn gave me a little box and head for her car , curious I pulled the ribbin the was keeping the box closed . As the box opens my eyes widen as I took the item with shaking hands.
" she still kept it all these years ? " holding the earing that is the same one he's wearing. He gave it to yn since they were dating.
Thinking about the time mitsuya spend time with yn his heart aches...
He didn't even know that he was running after yn's car and yells " I'M SORRY !!!! "
❁ ≖≖✿❁ ≖≖✿❁ ≖≖✿❁ ≖≖ ❁
* knock knock *
I turned to see who is knock on my car window. Seeing it was Ran who is knock on my windowI rolled the window down.
" hey Ran what are you doing here ? " I said while whiping my last drop of tear away fromy face.
" need company? " Ran said smiling looking at me.
" sorry Ran but I don't think I'm in the mood for-" not even finish ing my sentence Ran opened my card door and pulled me out and dragged me to the passenger seat.
" what are you doing? " I said as he straps my seat belt.
" safety first princess . " with the satisfying click of the seat belt he kissed my forehead that makes me freeze immediately as my cheeks grows warm
" already let's go." Ran said while strapping himself
" to wear ? " I said turning my face to him looking at those lavender eyes that reminds me of someone I'm trying to forget.
" you'll see when we get their " he said as he speeds away making me hold on to the handel for dear life
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈๑⋅⋯ ୨˚୧ ⋯⋅๑┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
" wake up sleeping beauty we're here " Ran said gently shaking me.
" what's up with the pet names? " I said robing the sleep out of me. And since when I did fall asleep?
" you don't like it ? " Ran said chucking to himself and undoing my seats belt and then his. The closeness of him made my heart beet a little faster then usual
" where are we anyway? " I said changing the subject liking around me at it looks like we are at the river side outside the city since it already dark here.
" my favorite place to calm myself down or you can say my secrets place to relax and distress myself " Ran said opening the door for me.
Stepping out of my experience car and thanked Ran I ask him " why are you bringing me here isn't your secret place to relax? "
" though you might need it and...it feels good to bring someone here to enjoy it with me..." He trailed off
" well this is quite calming the wind feels nicer here then in the city " I said as the wind kissed my skin.
" it way much better then behind the office all day " he chuckled, watching my every move . Twirling around I stopped to see the fireflies flying off the grass
"Fireflies.... " I said looking at the glowing star flying away .
" yup theirs a ton in this field especially this season " Ran walking up to me and held his hand out looking at him I raised a brow
" can I have the honor to dance with you princess? " Ran said charming me with his actions and words.
" the honor is all yours Sir Ran " I said giving me my hand.
We dance across the field as the fireflies or lighting bug flies away and around us following to the river bank. Their we dance what felt like hours.
Ran seeing yn smile this happily made his heart melt and made him feel warm inside like cuddling in bed at winter season.
" thank you Ran... For today .. I really enjoy the time we spent " I said at house in front of the door step
" it's nothing I enjoyed it more " Ran said while peting my head
" good night...princess " Ran turned and head to his car
" Ran wait ! " I said running to him . He stopped in his tracks and I place a kiss on his cheeks. His eyes goes wide in shock as his ears turned to 50 shade of pink
" I wanted to show you how much today ment to me and I couldn't find anything to thank you with so the first think came up in my mind was...to kiss you on the cheek...." I quickly said in embarrassment and head toward my door openkng it
" good night Ran! '' I said and close the door and fall to the floor, hands on my face feeling how hit me cheeks are.
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
* knock knock *
" come in " I said in a sturn voice as my assistance come to throw the door
"What's the action ? " look at the screen while waiting for her to answer
" I got a letter from bonten " she said making me freeze from my track and look at her.
She nodded and place the the letter at my desk and closed all the current and finally the the door and left as two bodyguards where at my front office door
Seeing that everyone left, I opened the last drawer to grab some gloves , butter knife , a tiny bottle of alcohol and a lighter. Putting on the gloves I carefully open he seal with the butter knife. Taking the letter out and seeing it was blank I took it to another table.
Placing it on the coffee table I spray the letter with alcohol. As the paper bece damp I can see some letter appearing.
Taking a step back I light the lighter and trow it toward the coffee table. Lighting it on fire.
The burning of wood made the fire alarm go on sprinkling water every where in my office . When the water stopped I trow the umbrella and look at my coffee table
A meeting will be held at XXX. I'll send one of my exclusive to bring you where the meeting is held. be their at 11 o clock sharp. The one exhorting you is the eldest haitani brother's, he can project you at all cost
- Mikey
" I'll have to file a complaint about how they sent their message. This is the five time I ruined my office. " I shake my head in Anoyince.
Deciding I need to get a drink I grab my purse and headed out. The body guards followed me. I wave them off as they all when back to work . my assistance came along side me with a note book in hand
" rebuilding my office at once . Get rid of every Advedes that might lead me working with bonten "
I start working with bonten for a three years now is nothing that big just making deal and lending the company money to bonten when they don't have enough that sport of business.
" busy day at work ? " he adds the whip cream to my drink
" yup who did you know ? " I ask him
" well you always get two shot of espresso in youre iced coffee and half an oz of alcohol " Ran said handing out the drink
" thanks." I grab my drink " I'll see you soon ? " I shyly said rubbing my nape
" oh we will " Ran winked as I can feel my face getting warm
Since that day Ran took me to his secret relaxing place we start to hang out more and eventually Ran asked me out , at first I hesitate but reasoned myself maybe this is a step forward to my heart broken life and... Here we are , we started dating for a week now and I began to have feelings for Ran slowly.Come to think about the first time me met Ran was when mitsuya broke up with me...
" the usual please...." I said in a craspy voice
" welcome to xxx coffee shop. Sorry miss but I don't know what the usual is ? " I hear the man say with a rather deep voice, looking up to the man with purple hair and black streaks behind the counter with my red and puffy eye , he looks unfamiliar
" I'm a new employee here so I don't know what you usually order. But I hope you can guide me " he said
" oh it's fine I should have looked at whom I'm talking to. One mocha ice coffee with extra whip cream and boba" I said handing my card to pay.
" coming right up. " he said typing into the machine.
" having a hard day ? " he started I was a bit started by the question and looked at him from my hoodie before answer
" yes.... "
" what is giving you trouble if I may ask? " the new employee ask further
" just some company problems and...personal ones...." I said dipping down.
" hmm ... Okay I won't ask any further then " the employee said giving the reseat
''One mocha ice coffee with extra whip cream and boba for the lovely miss right over there " I hear the new employee say
Probably for someone else ...I thought until I felt a tap on my shoulder to see the purple hair man with streaks of black
" miss I've been calling you and it looks like you are busy with your phone. And also I also forgot to ask your name so you know that this drink is yours "
" oh sorry..i should have known " I said liking at the drink
" wow this is a lot of whip cream" I said to the employee.
" I know your haveing a bad day so I added a little extra . Maybe it help will to cheer you up a little " he said
" uh thanks you uhm..."
" Ran. "
" well thank you Ran " I said giving him a small smile
" yn, but won't you boss be mad for giving me this much? " I asked concert
" no worries he won't be mad for me cheering up a beautiful young lady right ? " smiling at finishing his sentence
We talked a little and I can find myself easley relax around him but our conversation was cut short as I got a message from my assistance saying it was an emergency
" sorry but I have to go , you should too. I cant hold you from your job or else you'll get fired" I stood up and grab my drink while Ran as long stood up.
" dont worried I won't get fired that easy" Ran stood up and tighten his dress shirt
" bye Ran " I wave at him and head out the door as he also wave at meand giving me a close eyes smile
* door closing *
" is their anything you want boss ? " the employee bowed at Ran
" nothing. But check when she's becoming again what time and when."
" yes sir ! "
Cute that she worried about me getting fired from this job. But that would be easy you because you cant fire the owner of this place.
"So what's the emergency? "
" their is a mysteroius envelope address to you miss l/n " she gave me the envelope and whispered sometime to my ears
" you got to be joking....botten wants to work with me ...but why? " I thought looking at my coffee I spotted a pink note .
I grabbed the pink not and read it.
Hole you make wise decision today and not mess up you're work and don't get fires ❢❢❢
三三ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
From : Ran you're favorite coffee maker ᰔ
I chuckled to myself and didn't even notice how my lips curls upward
They can't fire me I'm the CEO of this company without me how can they even support their families?
[ end of flashback ]
" I'll be going now bye Ran "
" good luck with work princess !"
" stop calling me that in public !" I threw a pack of tissue at him before closing the door with a red face
" love you ! " Ran managed to say it louder so you could hear his love behind the door.
" I love you.....too.."
A/n :
I was going to right the hole love story but stop being I've been writing this for two days and I need to relax for a bit. It's been a long time since I was writing a story this long.
Hope you enjoy it !
Part 3 is already out !!!
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capsensislagamoprh · 1 month
Tumblr media
They met him at the airport, all smiles and lip gloss. Christophe chirped happily at the soon to be wed couple as they gathered his luggage, a familiar steel box among the sleek, fashionable cases.
"Is that..?" Victor asked, eyes twinkling with mischievous joy.
"As if I'd leave home without it," Christophe chuckled. "What would a party be if I did?"
"Bring what?" asked Yuuri, his soft eyes flicking between the two as he gathered and stacked the cases.
"The ultimate party accessory, Yuuri!" Christophe grinned with sincere admiration.
"It certainly is the reason for the occasion," Victor returned, trying to keep his laughter contained. Yuuri looked between them, confusion waring with suspicion for supremacy. Victor lost his battle with murth, a great merry sound escaping him as he threw his arms around his fiancé, wiggling him back and forth. "Worry not! It's going to be great, right, Chris?"
"Oh, absolutely," Christophe winked.
Victor kept a steady stream of conversation as they made their way to the car, brightly chattering about the details of things to come. It was a pleasant trip back to the onsen. Christophe learned a select few would stay there, while the others reside at rentals in town, choosing to use the occasion as an excuse for a vacation. Given it was the off season, and there was an ice rink nearby, not even coaches could really complain - though a few did demand evidence of unshirked practice via video.
Christophe was pleased to be honored with a place at the onsen. He'd be sharing a room with Phichit who was arriving tomorrow. The Swiss man was delighted to have a conspiratorial partner to his shenanigans so close at hand. After all, they were both planning bachelor parties that needed their attention. It was going to be marvelous.
What he did not expect to see when entering the onsen was Yuri standing on Otabek's shoulders, the blond changing light bulbs as the darker man steadied him with a firm grip. Mari glanced over, fresh lightbulb in hand, cigarette dangling from her lips as she muttered a casual, "Hey," like this was something one saw every day. Christophe did not envy those shoulders come morning. Having someone stand on them was one thing, but Yuri was close to en pointe, all his weight pressing on two key junctures of Otabek's rotator cuffs, his shoes arched in a way Christophe knew would not alleviate the digging sensation in the Kazakh's muscles. Muscles that would hate him for days when they got free of the numbing press of a figure skater perched on him.
"What's with that?" he murmured to Victor as they put his bags in the now cleaned storage-come-guest suite.
"What? What's with what?" Victor, decidedly displeased that he could have possibly missed anything gossip worthy, craned his head out the door looking up and down the halls for information. When Christophe motioned at his shoulders, fingers flicking up and down to indicate what he meant, Victor looked blank for a moment, then lit up when he caught on.
"Oh that! Yes! Delightful, isn't it."
"Okay, so I need all the details. You cannot hold back on me. I must know! Ah, young love!"
"I don't know if that is quite that," Yuuri said calmly as he eyed the steel case.
"Nonsense!" Victor cooed. "Oh, my darling Yuuri! Why else would he listen to him! He doesn't even listen to me and I'm his idol!"
"Are you now?" Yuuri smiled, mischief on his lips. "Last I knew, it wasn't you he was threatening the life of, if they dared to retire."
Christophe smiled, lips firmly closed as he watched this adoring power play. Ah, to be so in love! Oh, how glorious! Everyone should feel this good. He certainly did.
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illusioninteractions · 6 months
Hey! So, I've done some thinking and I think I've decided I'm okay with taking requests! Though, before I go through my rules, let me introduce myself to those who read this or follow me who don't know who I am!
My author's name is Illusion Interactions, and I started writing fanfictions about 2 years ago, but I've been writing my whole life. I started posting on Wattpad, which went well for my first fanfiction book. My account is still up, and I will continue to post multiple chapter-filled stories there. I am the author of "Shifting Souls" on Wattpad, "Love Never Discussed" on Tumblr, and "A Spark That Grows Into A Flame" which is also on Tumblr. I do plan to keep long stories on Wattpad and One Shots here on Tumblr, so I'm posting on both depending on what you're interested in!
Now, here are my rules for requesting One Shots from me:
-Smut, lemon, etc, I will NOT do. I need more practice in the area before I'm completely comfortable writing such explicit stories, but the moment I am, I will make sure to update this post! I can do Lime, which is just mentioning's, yet not going in depth.
-Characters I don't know won't be written about, so here is everything I've watched/played/read: Genshin Impact, Obey Me, Attack on Titan, Black Butler, Banana Fish, Tokyo Ghoul, Fruits Basket, My Hero Academia, Backflip!!, Haikyuu!!, A Silent Voice, Fire Force, Kakegurui, Hunter x Hunter, Bungo Stray Dogs, Anohana: The Flower We Saw that Day, Charlotte, Horimiya, Komi Can't Communicate, Demon Slayer, Spy x Family, Kaguya-sama: Love is War, Ouran High School Host Club, High School Babysitters, Yuri! On Ice, Death Note, K, Kamisama Kiss, Erased, Stars Align, Devilman Crybaby, Howls Moving Castle, The Case Study of Vanitas, Claymore, Your Lie in April, Toilet Bound: Hanako-kun, Violet Evergarden, High Rise Invasion, Cheer Boys!!, A3!, Angels of Death, Skate the Infinity, March Comes in Like a Lion, Joker Game, All Out!!, Ikebukuro West Gate Park, Plunderer, I Want to Eat Your Pancreas, 5 Centimeters Per Second, A Whisker Away, Flavors of Youth, Mirai, Your Name, Weathering With You, Drifting Home, Bubble, Belle, Akira, A Lull in the Sea, Stranger by the Shore, The Garden of Words, Given, Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel, Digital Circus, Boyfriends, Heartstopper, Our Life: Beginnings and Always.
-I'm totally okay (and love) doing Y/n inserts, but pronouns will be automatically set as Gender Neutral unless spoken of otherwise. If it's between two characters, or more, that's also perfectly fine!
-I can also do music One Shots, so if you're interested in that I can comply.
Hope you guys will enjoy my writing! If anything happens to change any of this, the post WILL be updated!
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eyes-inthe-skies · 3 months
can u rank all the saw movies? or at least the ones u saw (pun intended)?
Thanks for my first asked and for being my #1 fan of all time!!
Luckily I actually just had a conversation with my friend Abt this that sees me prepared for this task I'm about to overcomplicate.
(Post Script: God I went on for a while strap in gang)n
1: Saw X (possibly the objectively Greatest Saw movie. Tobin Bell is fascinating to watch bring humanity to this murderer, Shawnee Smith is so beloved and I LOVE the kills in this one. Top teir)
2: Saw 2004 (Classic, what's to be said that hasn't already been said. Carey Elwes does a rly bad American accent, Shawnee Smith makes Amanda the single most iconic woman in fiction just by sitting there. This movie caused me a lot of distress as a child and that fascinated me so thoroughly that I think it may have been a defining moment of my horror fanatasism despite not watching the full film till a decade later. I could go on.)
3: Saw 6 (I don't know if this is controversial or not, but Saw 6 is genuinely a high point of the series to me. I love watching William Eastons trap plot, which is not something I can say for most other Saw films. And that fucking ending man! Saw 6 is very personal to me in that I too would love to stab the man who killed my father with hydrochloric acid filled needles and watch him melt from the outside. Very fun scenes with John, Hoffman getting his mouth ripped open is hot, etc etc)
4: Saw 3 ( only reason this isn't 3 Is because Jeff makes me chew through pencils I hate this guy. People are NOT JOKING ABOUT THE YURI. ITS ACTUALLY REAL. I love love lOVED Amanda in this movie, I don't think I blinked the entire time, I love seeing everything crash down around her and John until there's nothing left but blood and bones and flesh, and not a single soul went to heaven that night, etc etc.)
5: Saw 4 (I don't know why but I love saw 4 actually, I think Hoffman, strahm, Perez and Rigg were all rly fun to watch. I love the spy x spy ass soap opera plot. I LOVED seeing Eric Matthews head get exploded between two ice blocks. FUCK YES. Again this trap plot I actually really dig which helps with the watchability of the thing, plus Hoffman hot who said that)
6: Saw 2 (I know this is insane I know I wish I liked this movie more but the only good thing is setting up Amanda as jigsaws successor, some nice time with John kramer being a cunty old man, and also establishing I hate Donnie whalbergs stupid fucking face. Don't at me.)
7: Saw 5 (I literally don't remember what happened in saw v. I had to look it up. It's honestly not the worst, Hoffman and Strahm are pretty enjoyable once again, but it's completely unremarkable, I don't have anything to say Abt this movie.)
8: Jigsaw (Trap plot makes me want to rip my own eyes out. "Plot twist" is dumb and falls apart. Fucking. Jigsaws Nephew. Whatever man.)
9: Saw 3d (Probably one of the worst actual movies I've seen. I love Larry coming back don't get me wrong, he's very cunty, you know. But they literally barely use him till the end, which is a mistake. The fucking Bobby Dagan plot could've been interesting but it wasn't due to him being not at all helpful and the end is genuinely maddening. Also I HATE THE HOME DEPOT TRAP GRRR GRR DO YOU JESR ME GRRGRE)
Spiral- I have not seen spiral.
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thebroccolination · 1 year
Hey Key, do you have a favourite ship of all time or is it really hard to chose from certain couples? As I see you post about a lot of wonderful couples :)
Hi lovely Anon! :)
I got this yesterday morning and I’ve been thinking about it ever since because of course my brain went directly to WinTeam.
I mean, they’re definitely the ship I’ve written most about. 38% of the fics on my current AO3 account are about WinTeam. :’)
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Buuuut there were a lot of, like, formative ships that I didn’t write much or anything about. And they’re ships I always go back to whenever I’m between fandoms or just in the mood for something familiar and loved.
Like RayK/Fraser from due South! They were a massive part of my teen years in fandom. If you haven’t seen it, please give it a watch! It’s all remastered and up for free on YouTube! They still mean the world to me, and some of my favorite fics of all time are about them.
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And then there’s merthur, whose meteoric and enduring impact on fandom should be studied by science. I read Awake by Cori Lannam and cry at least once a year.
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There’s klance, who are loud and annoy each other and were never going to be canon and VLD was always going to be a catastrophe (who doesn’t keep a story bible to keep track of their own show), but the components for an incredible dynamic were there and fans did what fans do best and made gorgeous, heart wrenching fanworks that surpassed anything in canon for me.
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I also love Stony, but I want to clarify that, like, most of my love doesn’t come from the extremely bro-y Marvel movies. I was intrigued by Chris Evans and RDJ’s portrayal of Steve and Tony back when I first saw Avengers, so I came home, opened Tumblr, and looked for the movie fandom that surely already existed. What I found more of, unsurprisingly, was comic fandom, and the more I found out about Steve and Tony in the comics, the more I was underwhelmed by the movies. So basically, the main reason I’m not into Stucky is because Stony fans presented this canon head explosion from the comics first:
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There’s also drarry and wolfstar, and I love them the same way I love klance: the source material is disappointing, but the components for greatness were there, and fandom elevated them.
Okay so! Those were all fanon ships, and I always knew none of them were ever going to become canon (though Merlin’s, uh, debatable, maybe discussable—“the man he loves is dying so he’s holding him” REALLY), so I kind of think of them in a separate but equal category to the canon ships.
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Viktuuri is one of those ships that just feels like shelter for me. Just, Yuri on Ice was made with such devotion. Not just love, but passion. There’s no antagonist, just Yuuri’s own anxiety and Viktor painstakingly learning to understand and speak a mutual language so he can coax art and beauty and sincerity from Yuuri’s exhausted and heartbroken soul. I’ll always love them extra special.
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These two trainwrecks.
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KongArt! The whole arc of Kongphob and Arthit’s relationship in SOTUS is just so satisfying and beautiful to me, I just rewatched it with friends in January and I’m already rewatching it again with a different friend now. :’)
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WENZHOU. I’m also rewatching Word of Honor and just having a marvelous time re-experiencing just how unhinged they are for each other. “YOUR SON WAS KIDNAPPED WHILE YOU WERE ROLLING AROUND IN THE DAISIES” “ah” “thanks for killing the moment”
And honestly there are more ships I love, but that wasn’t your question!
Of all time.
I think it really is them.
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They’re everything I love in a ship: push and pull, vulnerability, sass, unhinged desperation for each other, and two characters I love equally.
WinTeam just has me by the soul, man.
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Yuri!!! On Ice Mythbusting!
Did Yuuri buy one ring or a pair?
There’s this persistent myth going on in the Yuri!!! On Ice fandom that in Barcelona, Yuuri bought only one ring, and Viktor secretly bought the other one earlier, despite the rings being described as a matching pair in the anime. So which one is true?
Let's do some mythbusting!
In her episode commentary for the Go Yuri Go!!! official fanbook Mitsurou Kubo talked about the rings and explained why she and Sayo Yamamoto decided that Yuuri buys a pair. This is a recent translation of this paragraph done by rikeijo:
The rings that Yuuri bought are pair-rings. [I chose pair-rings] because when I did some research I saw they are cheaper when you buy two (laugh) and if they were to have matching items I thought that rings are after all the most fitting item. A lot of real world skaters also wear accessories as protective charms. But more than that, Yuuri, who has surprised Victor many times in the show, wanted one more weapon, or should I say a new item to fight in the final battle. When I proposed this idea of rings to Yamamoto-director, she answered "Yes! This is it!!" (laugh). We started talking like: an athlete in a stressful situation would definitely do something like that! So it was closer to something like "let's wear the same items as members of the same club [bukatsu]", rather than meaning marriage.
(For a full translation of Mitsurou's commentary, please check out rikeijo's blog!)
In older translations like this interview in the 2017/3 issue of PASH! Magazine, she also talks about a pair, and if you check Google, you will find even more translations on this subject. While they all differ in wording, they agree that Yuuri bought a pair. As many characters in episodes 10 and 11 point out, these rings perfectly match each other. In the restaurant scene, Viktor says they’re a pair. As it was revealed after the broadcast of the series, the rings have engravings which, when put together, form the image of a large snowflake and two smaller ones.
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If they had bought two separate rings, they would need to go through a lot of effort to make them match (or search all the jewellery shops in Barcelona and hope to find the same design). The poor jeweller would need to adjust the design and engrave the snowflakes—and this is time-consuming and probably expensive. I doubt the rings would have been ready in time for the GPF. It's not an impossible theory, but it’s quite a stretch. I don't see a benefit in this, especially since Yuuri wants an omamori for the Grand Prix Final. Omamori are amulets or charms, which are sold at Buddhist temples and Shinto Shrines. They come in various forms and purposes. An ordinary omamori wouldn't do because Yuuri's skating and feelings for Viktor are intertwined. He has been very vocal about his desire to form an inseparable bond with Viktor at the press con in episode 5. Therefore, the item of his choice must combine all these different requirements. This article gives a brilliant overview of the various kinds of omamori. A certain omamori is for couples who wish to stay together and is sold as a pair. Yuuri thus creates his own omamori, using a matching pair of golden rings.
According to my current understanding of the spiritual aspects, two individual rings would violate the concept of omamori, i.e. would not be able to bestow good luck and thus would be unsuited for Yuuri's purpose.
The multi-layered meaning of the rings has been analysed in depth before. Please check out this fascinating post by sachiro and this no less amazing post by lazuliblade to fully appreciate the value these rings have to Yuuri and Viktor. Two individual rings could never reflect all this.
I suspect that this screenshot, which has confused Western and Japanese fans likewise, is keeping the ring myth alive.
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Yes, that's right. This bill says that Yuuri only buys one ring, which is curious because a few seconds earlier he says “Can you show me these two?” But why would the production team change Kubo-sensei’s ideas when she and Sayo Yamamoto were head over heels for it and wove a multi-layered meaning into these rings?*
I suspect that whoever created this bill made a translation mistake because—plot twist—the Japanese language doesn't have a plural form for nouns. Whether it’s ‘ring’ or ‘rings’, it's the same in Japanese. A counter is added to the word if the context requires specifying the number of items. No wonder fans in and outside of Japan got headaches over this!
So, the small but important bit that it’s a pair was likely lost in translation when this bill was created.
I hope I was able to debunk this myth and convey why we can safely say that these rings are a pair! If you know more about the spiritual background of omamori, the making of the scene in the shop, or the creation of the bill, please let me know!
* If you carefully read the interviews in which the rings are mentioned, you can infer some of these meanings (apart from the obvious one meaning).
If you enjoy my meta posts, please consider giving my blog a follow or checking out my works on AO3(link in bio). You will find the results of my meta musings in there!
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hermioneismyrealname · 6 months
Ok everyone.
Let's put some chronic internet buffoons in their place, shall we?
Let's first talk about the OG thai bl. Love sick. I was there. Let's talk about the one that got thai bl some traction. Love by chance. I was there. How about the one that put thai bl on the map, tharntype. I was there. Now KinnPorsche. The one that got global attraction from (mostly) everyone. Here still.
Before Asian bl, I was here for hannibal, supernatural and fucking merlin since day 1. Yuri on ice, been waiting for that movie for how many years now? And don't get me started on banana fish, given or all the bl manhwa, manhua and Manga. Call me fujoshi? Yeah aight but I'm here for the gl series (give me more) and the well written straight shit too.
The difference between the two kinds of media I present to you is deliberate fan service and fan acknowledgment.
If I were to categorize shows like merlin or Teen Wolf, I would put it as unfortunate writing. Supernatural and hannibal were not really a romance focused genre. Considering how early game these shows were, I wasn't surprised with the ending of all 4 of these series. Which is why good omens, heartstopper, young royals, and our flag means death is refreshing. These four bring a genre where LIFE is portrayed with romance being the center of it. They don't always give a happy ending. They have a realistic ending. I cannot always say the same for asian dramas.
In the early days of Asian bl, Thai especially, it focused on plot, actual plot, not hot guys who look great, but great actors. A good example is SOTUS and Until We Meet Again. A recent addition that I can add is Your Name Engraved Herein. It was also about getting society comfortable with LGBTQ+. Also, it tackled the ridiculous education system and challenged it. Up for some football anyone? This used to be a art form of portrayal and storytelling. Taiwanese drama has maintained a good story plot throughout most of it productions but it is a shame that it goes underrated most of the time.
Now, I observe the market for bl. I do blame KinnPorsche of this, but if I were to truly put a pin in it, I would stab it at tharntype. The thai entertainment industry is going to suffer. The primary reason for the inevitable doom is the unfortunate marketing ploy the actors have to do off-screen. Take tharntype, an unfortunately perfect example. While mame (previously) never re-used the actors in her universe, post tharntype, mew and gulf were expected to act again together. Why? The off-screen fan-service. Behind the scenes show actors being comfortable at their workplace. On stage in front of screaming, fans is just another act. If they did love each other, they wouldn't flaunt it as they did. Even now, there are wanjaai still thinking gulf is mew's affianced. It took mew to personally address the fans' ridiculous behavior and yet, here we are; bubbles mourning and the... I can't remember the ohmnannon fan base. I saw the panic when saint wouldnt be with perth again, and then when saint wouldn't be with zew. HAHAHAHA. Remember pretty recently when Freen's privacy was invaded and fans felt betrayed? pathetic.
Just thinking about it makes me laugh because even the japanese actors have their boundaries. Take Keita Machida for example. Not only did he get featured in Alice in Borderland, but he is also married. There was some backlash but not as much as Cha Seo Won from Unintentional Love Story and definitely not as much as any Thai BL actor. These are talented actors who are capable of so much. Take Fluke Natouch. He is a wonderful actor and is trying not limit himself to a ship/pairing/couple. Talk to me when you have seen Red Wine in the Dark Night. Imagine what the industry could truly be if markets wouldn't limit them.
If however, this is about the comfort of the actor, then FINE! But don't condemn them when they suddenly aren't paired up with each other again. For this, I put forward PremBoun (yes i just did that), NetJames and TutorYim. I will not mention FortPeat or BossNoeul because I can see all four of them going independent and succeeding whilst maintaining a brilliant friendship. Peat and Noeul especially. Cant wait for that to rock people's boat.
Need I remind these people that THEY ARE ACTORS! NOT DOLLS OR PUPPETS! Heck need I remind the public of the 227 scandal?
As fans, shouldn't we support the actor for acting? Not the ship for putting on smiles?
Now I sip my tea as I watch the ships. Actually, my eyes aren't on the ships; they are watching the idiots who can't take nuance and are chronically online. I watch them cry when their ships sink as me and my fellow veterans relax on our sundeck enjoying our teas, coffee and martinis with those tiny little umbrellas. Been through this all before and this whole manifesto was completely useless because nothing is going to change. Looking at the idiots in Macau for Bible's recent fanmeet.
*lifts my half empty teacup* Perhaps I am just @absolutebl but more chaotic and less diplomatic. Do I care about how many shippers this hurt? Considering some of their bullshit behavior, I'm gonna say how it is. I've been dealing with death threats since 2012 and the threats of chemical castration from my own government, I cant seem to fucking care. Cheers to chaos.
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folfar · 1 year
16, 39, 47 & 55!
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
So I have two pretty hefty ideas that definitely will see the light of day this year (ie I've started writing them), and eight more in the pipeline! The two big ones are a Love Island AU, where Damen has to enter the villa to save Nik's tv job, and a Persephone AU, where Damen is Persephone, because I love to cast Damen against type.
The rest of the list includes - because I never ever give up on a WIP (I believe in my heart I will finish everything I post, my most grievous fault) - some absolutely ancient ideas, such as a Yuri on Ice fic that I will probably never post, which is about... Chris. And Georgi, kind of.
And a Wandavision fic! Which is the second least likely to be posted, because it's already not canon compliant because the MCU is exhausting to keep up with. This is sad because I think it's the funniest thing I've ever written, and the premise is "What if the citizens of Westview found Wanda and told her to come back and get her creepy witch friend she left there?" But Agatha is still stuck in her sitcom-self, and they have to go and live in a canadian shack about it. And then they fuck while the darkhold seethes in the corner.
39. Share a snippet from a WIP
From the Persephone AU! This is a very rough snippet - but I'm really looking forward to writing this fic:
Damen is doing spring, enjoying it but thinking it hollow. He moves through the world leagues at a time, stepping through his father’s sunbeams.
Spring is also the time of long shadows and cold evenings, when the stores run low and the calves starve, when death stalks the land; that’s how they meet. Laurent is a beautiful shade come from Hades. Damen is not unfamiliar with these pale emissaries of hell, come to take the sleeping dead in hand, but he has not seen this one before.
Damen protests at Laurent taking a spirit down to Hades. “It’s not right,” he says, “it wasn’t his time.”
And who are you to argue? The pale ghost says.
“I’m the god of spring; his sheep will lamb tomorrow, a fine and healthy crop. I have seen it - he will drink the milk and be well. I fed them ichor,” Damen confesses. Laurent stares at him, eyes as flat and silver as the coins on the eyes of the dead. 
“I didn’t like the sound of his cough.” Damen admits. He presses his case. “One more day.”
“Fine,” Laurent says, as if surprised with himself. “But you come to Hades with me - and explain it to the prince of hell yourself.” 
Damen creases his brow. “May I have a half-hour to ask my brother to take over my duties for me?”
“No,” Laurent says. “I have made my offer.” The farmer’s soul is coiled in his palm like a skein of wool. Damen looks at it, looks down at where the man is slumped by his byre.
“Fine,” he says. Laurent raises an eyebrow, and takes his hand.
The farmer wakes to see two sets of footprints - one iced over, crackling with cold - and the other, where in the indent, tiny, early strawberries are already coming to fruit.
47. How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
hahahahha.......almost everything I have ever posted on ao3 is a first draft. when it is done i want it gone! you know when you have a fever and you're like i must strip IMMEDIATELY. like that.
sometimes I submit to a SPAG beta from longsuffering friends but i'm so impulsive i normally just post immediately and then kind people tell me "babes your tenses are fucked" and i have to revise on the fly.
don't be like me!!!!!
55. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
The reaction to Sunblind over the years has been so lovely it probably has to be Auguste because I am creature that lives and breathes for praise!
Also - when I started writing Auguste/Sunblind, it was because I had a personal vendetta against what I saw as a character getting put on a pedestal - the popular idea that Auguste had been everything Laurent said and more.
Given how Pacat demonstrates that character's perceptions of their own relationships often turn out to be incorrect or based on assumptions as the books go on, I wanted to do the same. I wanted to write him as imperfect in the extreme - a bit violent, a bit foolish, sweet but not as thoughtful as Laurent remembered - and a victim in his own way of their Uncle's manoeuvring, because I can't believe a plan like that comes from nowhere.
People have been really receptive to that, in a way I didn't expect when I started it - and it's taken me so long to write the damn thing that he's been with me for five years now. How could anyone supplant him?
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