#showing my bias here oops
animalshowdown · 5 months
Phylum Round 1
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Annelida: Segmented Worms. This group includes earthworms, leeches, and many classes under the umbrella of "polychaete". This diverse phylum encompasses deposit feeders (eating dirt), detritivores, scavengers, deadly ambush predators, filter feeders, parasites, herbivores, and more. They are broadly defined by their repeating body segments and parapodia, which are nubby appendages used for both movement and breathing. Some have curved jaws for catching prey or scraping detritus off of rocks, while others have wide, elaborate feather-like fans for filter feeding. While able to crawl freely, a majority of marine Annelids spend most of their time in self-built tubes or burrows. Among their many important functions, they play a key role in mixing soil/sediment, breaking down decaying organic matter, and providing a key food source to countless other animals.
Nematoda: Roundworms. Split between free-living and parasitic, terrestrial and aquatic, Nematodes inhabit just about every environment on Earth. Nematologist Nathan Cobb once said (paraphrased) that if all matter on Earth disappeared besides Nematodes, we would still be able to identify where everything used to be, simply by the thin layer of nematodes left behind. In the harsh environment of Antarctica's Dry Valleys, these worms dominate the relatively barren ecosystem. The roundworm C. elegans is a widely-studied model organism in science and medicine. Nematodes are also known to parasitize humans, due to their ability to enter a dormant larval state within the muscle of a carrier animal. This is part of why we fully cook pork; to kill any parasites in the meat.
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killeroos · 8 days
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teatitty · 1 year
There’s so many comic book characters I want to do full reads of and Monet St Croix is absolutely on that list she’s so fucking cool man
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lemonmangosorbet · 10 days
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extremely silly bg3 stickers are here! oops, my Gale bias is showing!
get as individuals, or any 4 stickers for the price of 3!
LemonMangoDraws.etsy.com (shop link in my bio)
reblogs appreciated! ^_^
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funarisjournal · 2 months
Here's a thought: I want to see Nomoto's family in more detail. All we've gotten has been interactions with her mom, and I think it's inferred she has both her parents alive and well. No siblings that I could gather...
Her mom was pretty dismissive once she heard Nomoto wasn't going to visit her folks for Xmas because of a "friend" who wasn't a boyfriend. It wasn't outright mean like Kasuga's dad but microagressions like that can get to someone. And they did (cue Nomoto's downer state that makes her cook large-ass meals without realizing what she's doing)
Besides that, though, it feels like she's had a decent upbringing from her folks. She has good memories from when she was sick, her parents like to get her the best local dishes made, the only time Nomoto ever mentioned her mom in a negative light was from the "recent convo" and just didn't want to deal with it (and hang out with Kasuga instead hee). She talks about home fondly, at least.
Her folks will probably hear in some form that she's moved soon; address updates for deliveries and stuff. It HAS to happen. Will her parents be supportive? Will it take time to reach gull support (aka more microagressions like "but it would've been nice to have a grandkid," etc.)? Or will they also go the negative route and thus both families be shut out completely?
...I personally would love to see an example of a biological family who IS supportive of their child, even if it takes some time. Might be my bias showing, though (my parents and sibs plus Leigh's dad's side of her family/her sibs support us) :p
But would be interesting to see how that rolls out. We can't just ghost Nomoto's family without some sort of reaction! ...unless she has unintentionally pseudo-eloped with Kasuga and not realized it, oops~
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crowdemoninkinkyboots · 4 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "crowdemoninkinkyboots "?
before i give my fav fics, my username is in reference to sebastian because he’s a crow demon with kinky boots uvu
okay these are in no particular order but here’s my top 10 fics:
Shapeshifter by Honeythief
black butler, sebaciel
y’all this fic broke me. whoever suggested it owes me emotional compensation. but it also hurt so good. it’s in first person which may turn off some people but i promise it’s worth the read
Sanglier by vanroku
twisted wonderland, rookpel with a hint of jackpel
it’s painfully hard finding dead dove/whump content with my fav pomefiore boys, but this is absolutely perfect
Timeless Eternity by GammaRays
demon slayer, kibutan
y’all this fic is dark. but it’s so good. it kinda sparked my thing for captor/captive tropes, and tbh it’s probably my fav kny fic
actually i lied the next two are fics i commissioned i still absolutely adore (they’re also omegaverse lmao)
Knock Knock Little Bunny by mattysones
demon slayer, kibutan
i was so excited for this fic and it was worth the wait. omegaverse + whump is such a tasty combination for me and matty wrote it perfectly. best money i’ve spent.
Torridity by mcpoggy
demon slayer, kanaoi
mcpoggy is usually a giyutan writer and i’m probably going to add one of her other fics here but i absolutely adored how this fic came out. it’s so vanilla compared to the other fics listed but i love it. i need more omegaverse yuri in my life
When I Kissed The Teacher by mcpoggy
demon slayer, giyutan
this is like THE giyutan fic, and also my first bookmark on ao3. it’s also vanilla compared to most other fics on this list but giyutan does have an age gap. it’s super long but i’d alway recommend mcpoggy’s giyutan fics uvu
heads rolling for the one i adore by nyabatos
genshin impact, zhongven
ok i’m INCREDIBLY biased because the author is my best friend but she’s such an incredible writer. it’s also such an interesting au where venti sacrifices his freedom to zhongli to save mondstadt and the aftermath of that deal
The Fall of Mondstadt series by Probabri
genshin impact, kaeluc
whoops my bias is showing again bc i’m also friends with the author but this story awakened kinks in me i didn’t know i had oops
Spear Fishing by reallybadcontent
genshin impact, beidou/fem!reader
ahem. so. i’m not typically into reader pov fics but beidou is. beidou. and i’m a weak lesbian. and ngl i also imagined my oc instead. so. next fic
Dream A Little Dream of Me by BadBadz
black butler, sebaciel
ok i’m being biased again, since this was based off of a tumblr post i made, but i was so happy it inspired someone and it turned out great. of course my fav sebaciel fics have angst in them…it’s like i like hurting myself…
pls lmk if y’all have ever read any of these fics/ur thoughts! i’m sure u all noticed a trend lol
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here2bbtstrash · 1 year
bts at a drag show/gay bar
i was already babbling abt how much i wanted to do this with my bias line and then y'all made me realize i should just make it a whole damn headcanons post so. welcome! here we are! here is my brainrot on how the boys would turn up on drag night at the gay bar 🏳️‍🌈✨ if this content is not for you, it costs $0 to just keep scrolling ✌️
knj: everyone expected that joonie bby would be flooded with attention from the people who came out tonight specifically in search of a tall, built daddy, but there's a group nobody saw coming that ends up swarming him first: the lesbians. they fucking love him, and he finds himself getting sucked into an hour-long conversation on the back patio about roni horn and rha hyeseok. he'll probably end up agreeing to start a book club with his new sapphic friends before the night is over (and he'll run into them all again the following weekend when he goes to support soyoon at one of her gigs lmao) 👭
ksj: entirely oblivious to what it looks like when a person is flirting with him, despite that being exactly what happens to him for quite literally the entire night. each time someone new walks away from the table, he'll turn back to yoongi and jimin with the same question: "okay, now surely that wasn't flirting, was it?!" only to be immediately told that yes, yes it was and no, nobody would sit through a 20 minute ted talk on the lore of maplestory if they didn't also want to sit on his dick. he'll argue til til he's half-hoarse from screaming over the music that there's no way everyone in the club could possibly be flirting with him - but frankly, he's not mad at the ego boost 🍆
myg: putting the suga in suga daddy, he's breaking hundreds at the bar to make sure everyone has a stack of singles to tip the queens, and alllllll the drinks are going on his black card. other than that he's pretty lowkey, mostly just sipping steadily at his whiskey and looking at his phone. when somebody finally gets nosy enough to lean over his shoulder and snoop, they realize that he's actively scrolling through his rotation of hookup apps and trying to match up people in the room to their profiles. might slip away for a sneaky link in the bathroom oop, but he'll be back in time to close his tab out 💳
jhs: full-send GAGGING at the queens and their dancing. he can't even stay in his seat because song after song he's jumping to his feet just so he can dramatically collapse to the floor with a gay scream, getting his life entirely with every new kick, flip, spin, and death drop. the word slaaaaaaaay! has never been shouted with more enthusiasm than it is tonight by this man, and he does not give a fuck that he won't have a voice tomorrow. once the show is over, he is the absolute center of the dancefloor, popping and locking and showing off his footwork like he was born to do it-- and the boys will definitely catch him practicing his duck walk at some point in the next week 🕺
pjm: without a doubt, he is the LIFE of the mf party, lost in the lights and outta his mind u kno?? it's literally just the like crazy MV, actually. will make everyone do shots as soon as they get in the door and then at least once an hour the rest of the night, if only because he really likes flirting (and by flirting i mean making out) with the shot boys. lbr he probably gets several shots poured or spat into his mouth, and if anyone's hopping up on the bar to get tequila sucked out of their belly button, it is absolutely this demon. and ofc he's bringing at least one person home with him - "it's gon' be a good night" indeed~ 😈
kth: disappears into the crowd a few songs into the set, but he texts the group chat that he's fine and just made some friends, so the night carries on without him. it isn't until the next performer is called to the stage - miss tata mic! - that everyone realizes he's befriended the queens, and they've done him up right: cinched for the gods, face beat to make his eyes even more smoldering than usual (...wait, did he bring his colored contacts from home?!), and moving fearlessly in borrowed six-inch heels. and of course, his choreo is flawless. he easily earns enough tips to pay yoongi back in full and then some 👠
jjk: the definition of 'happy to be here'. loves the lights, the music, the ~vibes~, all of it. he somehow knows every word to every single song, and the more drinks he has, the louder he's singing along. and the queens love him for being easy to fluster, the way even his ears flush with color when he blushes, so he gets a whole lot of ass and tiddies in his lap and his face (rewarded with generous tips, naturally). when the lights finally come on and everyone stumbles outside, he's a drunchies king, and he thinks the food from the truck in the parking lot is quite literally the best thing he's ever tasted. he repeatedly shouts 'DAMN!' up to the night sky, one fist swinging as he eats, until someone pours him into the car so they can all head back home 🍗
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praetorqueenreyna · 11 months
Man, I fucking love creating surveys just to ignore the results and criticism because they don’t match my personal opinions and biases! Don’t you? Oh wait, I don’t need to ask, I can see from the many dismissals of valid criticisms in your posts that you do too! Fuck yeah!
You're feeling SO good about this, aren't you. You really showed me, the lesbophobic hate witch haunting the ACOTAR fandom. So fine, I guess I WILL keep having the same conversation. Also btw, taking my survey multiple times to suggest "any wlw ship" and accusing me of homophobia is not the slay you think it is.
Not to absolutely BLOW your mind, but the ships listed in the survey are the most popular ships in the fandom. If I tried to include every single rarepair, each question would have 100 options, and the survey would be unusable. And, also not to freak you out too much, but the core demographic of this fandom is straight women, who prefer straight ships.
Here are the stats so far for the "favorite ship" question.
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20% is Feysand, 18.5% is Nessian, 13.3% is Elucien, and the pink and light blue on the left are Neris and Elriel.
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You see that lil highlighted section at the top? The pink one? That's Emorie. One person has voted for it as their favorite ship. It's slightly more common as a second and third favorite ship (about 10 people have voted for it in each category). And that's for THE most popular wlw ship. There have been maybe one or two suggestions for other wlw ships, each with only 1 vote. So maybe my "personal bias" that this fandom is heterosexual and only ships the straight ships has been somewhat validated. To add wlw ships to this list that nobody is going to pick would be virtue signaling, just as you feeling righteously angry at ME over this fandom ignoring wlw ships is useless virtue signalling.
I'm in the main ACOTAR tag almost every day. I see the content that is being made. This fandom does not make content for wlw ships. I'm not exactly sure how that's MY fault. I'm not adding ships to "be inclusive," I'm doing it to collect accurate data for this fandom.
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Hmm, well, nobody can say I don't do my research. Let's check out AO3 for those super popular wlw ships!
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Weird. Well why I don't I check out YOUR AO3, @ablogofsapphicpanic? Surely you have been churning out wlw fics left and right, since you've seen fit to throw such a stink about this.
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Oop, what's this? Only the straight canon ships? Thus confirming everything that I've been saying? Weird.
Also btw, when you take the survey, it tells me what time each submission was entered, so I can tell that the ones bitching about wlw ships and claiming I hate women submitted 2 minutes apart are from you. Anyway, have fun in the "other" category with the tamlin stans!
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chlorinecake · 4 months
"The Sheep's Garden" title is so cute I was almost deceived. Almost. I read it and went back to stare at it mindlessly for a good few minutes after realizing the ominous undertone associated with it. It's literally, genuinely unsettling. You portrayed the title's essence effectively in your story too like... and even though it was twisted I admit feeling a somewhat shameful attraction to it 😅 *I'm crying*
I'm glad @/starrywonie and @/@hee-pster encouraged you to start a blog❤️ and replying to ur answer on the previous ask, half of my family are teachers and unfortunately I didn't inherit their smarts in math but I think I'm doing quite fine in the literature department. Ofc my literature and writing are still in the process of progressing because I genuinely feel there's so much out there that I can learn from. but the love for arts runs in the family and so much like u, it's been something I've known all my life. Seeing as we're a bunch of artists in different fields, writing, painting, any forms of creation! I think my love for writing truly blossomed at the end of 2018, and 2019 is when I took up the challenge of bringing my thoughts to life. I started on wattpad and somehow gained an audience which literally shook me because It was just me ranting on and on. I had a lost to say and people seemed ready to listen. I had a 1D phase🙈 not surprising lmao, and that brought me to wattpad, kpop made me stay, and kdramas officially opened that gateway for my writing journey to begin.
Despite occasional glitches and hiccups, the engagement and interactivity of this app are pretty good so I stay🫣 but lately, I'm mostly lurking. I think @/starrywonie is slowly getting antsy. I can see her eyes twitching from across the world. 🫣🤭
─ Hayzie
Ugh 😩 I absolutely LOVE the way you describe things… but yeah, this story in particular has ALWAYS been a ~special~ one for me to write, and as much as I try to prevent it by making Jungwon progressively more insane with each update (👹), the readers keep falling for his twisted ways :’] I guess that’s the charm manipulation *cries with you*
I’m really thankful for discovering those blogs when I did, too, hehe 🩵 That’s really interesting tho how half of your family is made up of educators and artists across different fields… most often than not, mathematics just doesn’t translate well with ppl more geared towards literature and the arts, so you’re not alone 🤧. And omg, the 1D era was such a time to be alive 🫠… I was never really a huge fan of them growing up bc I was honestly more of a JB girly (still am 🥲) but can I use the word bias for a non-kpop group 😭 ?!? Idk, but basically I’m just curious as to who your favorite member was back then…
“Kpop made me stay.” This is a crazy line bc it makes me realize just how much music affects our lives in so many different areas.
And yes ☝️ Tumblr is infamous for her MANY technological inconsistencies, but its always fun to hang around here either way… whether that be as a fellow writer… or lurker 😶‍🌫️ And OOP- Nanaa ~~~ your virgo is showing 🤭
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quackle · 1 year
more (unfortunate) things i want from the next total drama season (you can read my first post here)
spoilers under the cut:
they better give us a full intro like all the other seasons got. i wanna see all the characters doing something in that intro, not some quick shots before cutting to all of them at the fire pit. the fandom deserves more gif material than that!
i want scary girl to learn the original reason she went home (millie's vote) and just... have some scary things planned for ms millie 🥰
before scary girl left, she called priya her "friend." so lets get a lil more interaction between these two soon to be besties, who also have a connection due to their interest in damien (priya as platonic/MAYBE romantic, and scary girl as... someone scary lol) 🥰
julia/wayne alliance, preferably if wayne and raj are on different teams. there's just so much potential there. a friendship? a romance? something that's doomed from the start? who knows! let's make it happen though! it would be so fun!
maybe, just MAYBEEEEEE, have one of the old cast members come through and make a challenge or something 🤭 (like it would be so cool to see heather again or something, that girl knew how to PLAYYYYY)
since bowie the reason caleb got sent home... imma need caleb to get his lick back. revengeeeee!!!! even though i adore bowie with my whole life
i want more mk vs julia, i just found it such a fun and short lived rivalry
also now that people know mk steals, give mk another way to trick the other players. cause i doubt they gon fall for that twice 😭
do you know how funny it would be for scary girl to get scared, and how much funnier it would be for her to be scared of something that's NOT scary at all? let damien scare her with something he's a complete geek about for bonus points
also let damien shut ripper up at least once
also let damien finish a nerdy ramble
also do a science-like challenge just so damien can win immunity once the teams merge 💪🏾 my extreme bias for damien is showing oops
do some sort of challenge that involves the arts. i'm struggling to come up with something that hasn't been done yet by td, but like... something artistic. and something nichelle can win so she can be less of a girlfailure and go through her deserved character development. ok i'll stop being biased-
give us a wlw couple 👁️ double the number of queer couples because we deserve it! i swear if the writers just scroll through the td tag, they can get soooooo much inspo
my brain is empty, i'll make another post if inspo strikes (which, unfortunately, is a high possibility since i'm too lazy to make a fic about these)
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
imagine an AU where the speedwagon foundation gets in touch with giorno’s mother/step father and he somehow learns that he has family back in japan (holly, yes, but also the higashikatas). his family ignored the letters and slams the door in the people that show up like goddamn jehovah witnesses so giorno’s like well fuck it rather be anywhere but here in italy so this like seven year old child travels the world back to japan, (don’t ask me how) to MORIOH, and just turns up on tomoko’s door one day like hello i am related to your son :] and ofc tomoko promptly looses her shit then raises him and chaos ensues. eventually jotaro would show up and shit would go down but that’s another can of worms
i had to share this has been plaguing me for weeks
Giorno just shows up one day and Oh Well I Guess Josuke Has A Little Brother Now
The chaos from having a pair of siblings who both have Stands. Giorno would probably figure out the healing aspect of Golden Experience earlier this time if he ever tries to mimic Josuke’s abilities with Crazy Diamond, maybe the pair end up getting hurt and Josuke heals Giorno, who then goes “Well I can’t leave you hurt after that”
And you’re right, Jotaro showing up is going to be. Absolutely wild because all Jotaro knew was that Dio’s son disappeared from Italy several years back. They had no idea where the hell he went, but oop guess he’s here now
and this could just be my bias talking, but once the plot starts to kick off, I can see Giorno and Koichi hanging out. They’re the only members of Team Braincell and are doing whatever they can to keep their idiots(affectionate) from doing Dangerous And Stupid Things. Plus, they’re both observant and put pieces together, albeit for different reasons
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aprillikesthings · 4 months
I had originally promised msyelf I wouldn't live-tweet or live-blog my rewatch of she-ra (mostly bc it will make it take FOREVER to watch the whole thing) but...fuck it
THIS IS A REWATCH. I've forgotten plenty of it, but I still remember plenty too, and that's all going to bias how I react to things, and obviously there will be spoilers, and also I don't plan to react to EVERYTHING bc it would just take too long okay? okay
Edit: ....yeah this took me nearly two hours for one episode oops
First of all let me point out how hilarious it is to me that when scrolling back through my tags I found myself posting MULTIPLE TIMES that I wanted to write the kind of fic I'm working on but knew I'd need to rewatch the whole series to do it right and now FOUR YEARS LATER I'm finally giving up and doing it.
why am i like this lol
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NETFLIX IT HAS BEEN A COUPLE OF YEARS and I know he's legally changed his name WHY is Nate/ND's old name still on here
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THat's....that's Angella. That's a terrible propaganda poster of Angella. I'm cracking up how did I not notice that before
Okay the very first time Adora says Catra's name I lol'ed bc I've watched this fanvid (which came out after s2) a truly bananapants number of times and it's just what I immediately thought of
I started reading a fic recently that I couldn't get into and gave up on, but it pointed out something that seems OBVIOUS NOW: the reason the Horde is all children/teenagers is like, the whole "destroying the villages of Etheria" thing. Just slaughtering the parents and stealing the kids.
Then again maybe they said that in canon and I forgot. Dumb shit like that is of course why I'm rewatching.
Someone pointed out that both Adora and Catra obviously have ADHD and I cannot unsee it
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I mean yeah that's...that's her entire motivation
(I mean not quite in the way Adora means it here but)
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I will never, ever be over how fast this show started baiting them as a pairing. I remember the first time I watched the first episodes saying "the people who made this came from fandom and they know exactly how to get us."
Catra nails Shadow Weaver's motivation--"She's just mad she doesn't have any real power that doesn't come from Hordak and everyone knows it." And then calls Adora a "people-pleaser." She's not wrong.
Like, Catra understands the motivations etc of everyone but herself
(...something something abused children something C-PTSD something hypervigilance)
Catra's tail swishing just like a real cat's does when angry is A+
Re: stealing the skiff: Catra's supposed to be the one with bad impulse control but Adora is just as bad!! (it's the ADHD)
...pulling a random pretty sword out of the ground that's lit up like a quest in a video game is also poor impulse control lollll
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I still crack up at this one and am still surprised I haven't read a fic that makes a big deal out of hair-pulling
Bow folding up random laundry on the floor and asking where it goes while talking to Glimmer is some nice early character-building. "This boy is not a sexist douchebag."
I mean the outfit helps too lol
Okay so on the one hand I know character age wank is fucking stupid, but also I get why people were like "...are these all minors or what" considering Glimmer's being grounded and then arguing with her mom like a high-schooler. My own parents (who were more controlling than most) stopped actually "grounding" me once I was 18--they just forbid me from using the car for anything but work or school because they owned it. Which is why they owned the car. Anyway.
(True story: that was their punishment for me getting bad grades at community college, and my response to this was to quit school, buy my own car, and move in with my then-boyfriend's family)
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I wonder if Adora running off to do things on her own in order to attempt to protect people she cares about without asking them if that's even something they want her to do will be a continuing theme for her 🤔
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omg the way they did her eyes/face makes Glimmer look so fucking creepy here
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I FORGET WHAT THIS SAYS I know it's an actual "alphabet" and people get tattoos and shit
(so, SO many tattoos of the failsafe...)
(okay but let's be honest a tattoo of the failsafe from the last episode is a really great way of finding other nerdy sapphics, they'd be the only ones to recognize it)
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This is kinda heavy-handed ("don't just believe everything authority figures tell you, kids!") but also this show was aimed at like 12-year-olds so
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Yeah this absolutely reminds me of conversations I've had over multiple decades about LGBT people and how people who know us as friends, coworkers, neighbors; realize we're Just People and are less likely to be dicks to us--not always, but often. Adora has never met a princess, so it was easy for the Horde to convince her they're all evil.
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OH MAN this scene reminds me SO MUCH of the one in Arcane where Ekko is talking to Caitlyn about how Piltover/the Enforcers are fucking over the people of Zaun/the Undercity
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Yeah good lord I could do a line-by-line dialogue comparison.
"Woman who has always been on the side of what she thought was The Law finds out everything she's ever known is a fucking lie and actually, she's been part of a force oppressing and destroying other people and immediately wants to fix things"
*squints at Caitlyn and Adora*
We never do find out who Grayskull is, but that's because Netflix doesn't have the rights to the He-Man stuff, and I admit this was probably the best way to keep She-Ra's signature line without getting into that
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eddywoww · 1 year
Okay here are my Flashbacks questions,
- How long was Steve’s hair? Like in my head I had this idea by the time he was a dancer he has this super long thick like down to the waist hair but only reading the last chapter I was like I am so wrong about this hair length haha
- Did they get the cats?!
- Did they have children? If so was the child called Lily? (If not was the cat called Lily?!)
- Why did Eddie choose that house? What about it made him think of Steve? Did they stay in the house? Did Steve decorate it to make it warm and homey unlike his apartments/home?
- Was there ever a oiled up album cover with the necklace on show?
- What did Steve move on to do? Yoga? Stay at home?
- Did Wayne get a house? Did they move close to Wayne? Was Wayne at the wedding?
- Did Steve invite any of his old carers to the wedding?
- Did the wedding have lilies?
(Okay I know it’s a lot and I could go on forever because my brain is so invested right now but feel free to just be like uh idk figure it out yourself. Also if any of these where answered in the fic I totally could be missing parts because I’m so overly excited about the ending oops)
About shoulder length but I think he’d grow it out more because of the nickname and because he wanted very badly to growing up. Also think they’d take turns brushing each others hair.
Yes two cats and a dog. I’m thinking maybe two short hairs and a Great Dane or giant schnauzer
GREAT question. I tend to not always think about children in fics (for my own bias) but I do think if they had a kid ever, Lily would be somewhere in there 🥺
I think Eddie chose a house based off of all the things Steve wanted as a kid. Even the ridiculous things? like he filed them away in his head. A wrap around porch and a swing set and a big kitchen. And so if he saw that type of house, I think he’d have a hard time resisting buying it. Even to just languish in if steve rejected him. And I do think Steve and Eddie would have the best time decorating and having little get togethers in their house and I also think it’d be their lifetime house
YES, I do think Eddie did the necklace thing. If not for an album, then just for a photo shoot. Just to piss Steve’s mom off (it works and she tries to contact them but is fully blocked and ignored)
I think Steve would keep doing yoga but he also had an inkling for song writing, even if it’s only hinted at a little. I think Eddie would find his journals and love every part of them and he’d take steve to a studio with him to help out
Wayne was at the wedding! I think Wayne would be like damn about fucking time. And he would have been one of the few people at their wedding. I imagine they’d still have to travel to see him but not that far
I think Steve didn’t invite any of his old carers to the wedding but he’s probably got their numbers and texts them on occasion. Sends them gifts for the holidays, calls them on their birthdays
Yeah I imagine their wedding flower was definitely lilies and Eddie insists on it
And don’t feel weird!!! This was fun to answer because it made me think back on it!!!! 💕💕💕
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cyphergalore · 1 year
Idol - Anyone but you ~ Jeon Jungkook - TEASER
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‎₊˚‧૮⍝◠ ·̫ ◠⍝ა ·˚₊ ♡ hi everyone, nice to meet you!I’m a “Swan” a new writer on tumblr and I decided to give fic writing a try again! I haven’t done it for a good few years so please be kind to me!!! I’m so excited to introduce my first new series on here called “Idol” There will be a focus on each series for each member so don’t worry if you wanted one for your bias. For example;
“Idol - Anyone but you” will be focused on Jeon Jungkook
“Idol - Midnights in Paris” will be focused on Kim Taehyung
“Idol - Are you falling in love yet?” will be focused on Park Jimin
“Idol - Dirty dancing” will be focused on Jung Hoseok (J-hope)
“Idol - If we ever meet again” will be focused on Min Yoongi (Suga)
“Idol - Unspoken thoughts” will be focused on Kim Namjoon (RM)
and finally, “Idol - Under the moonlight” will be focused on Kim Seokjin (Jin)
Please do not worry about having to go through reading them in order to avoid missing out on pieces!!! There will be some references to certain things or parts but won’t be of any importance and I will just have it re-written as a flashback :) Yes it will be focused on one character but will be “Y/N” throughout the entire series however, whatever happens at the end of one fic does not exist in another member’s fic. For example, if they fell in love, there would not be any existence of that in another member’s series.
Now it’s time to introduce what the personality of “Y/N” the Idol is like and backstory before we get into it!
Idol will have the pronouns she/her (sorry I hope that’s ok!)
Y/N also considered as the western music industry’s “it girl” rapidly on the rise, collecting awards left and right for her extremely hardworking talent. Known for her insane duality on stage for being intimidating yet sensual, and we’re not talking about any sexual dances as she prefers to give off the sex symbol aura without doing much effort. Loves to mock male artists and banters about their actions. Obsessed with hip hop dancing or anything that makes her challenge the stereotypes of being a female artist, especially to prove a point against the issues of poc artists being over sexualised. Very much a bisexual woman of colour or can imagine her how you would like (if you’re homophobic or a misogynist or racist, then this fic definitely is NOT for you lmao oops) Always in relaxed clothing as her artist image. Fans are very funny and feisty and loyal, everyone is in love (and I mean hella heart eyes) with her because they are captivated by her duality and powerful aura. Think “the Park Jimin effect” but as a female. Offstage, towards strangers she is very introverted. Does not talk a lot, people are drawn to her thinking she is mysterious, intimidating and a bad bitch when in reality she’s just socially awkward lmao. Once off stage and off cameras, that confidence yeets itself out somewhere else. However if she’s with someone or people she is comfortable around, she is completely normal, feisty and banters a lot. Sometimes will either hate affection or seem cold (when her social battery drains) towards friends or be very affectionate and energetic to them, no in between. Around her fans, she is always very soft and humorous, sassy and extremely affectionate/loving and caring towards them. Is an Army! Have been for a good 5 years and Jungkook was actually the one to have first discovered her from BTS when she was just starting out as an artist. Guess you could say it was love at first sight and he became obsessed with watching her everyday vlogs, music videos, shows, first one to listen to her music as soon as it comes out and much more. Let’s just say he is as obsessed as how army is with BTS towards her at this point. It stemmed from his love for army, he thought it was just going to be a situation where he would be proud of seeing an army take inspiration from BTS and apply it to their life/career and then move on but of course, keep it in his heart. Nope, ever since he proudly praised her and posted one of her first songs on his instagram story, he had been hooked on her work ever since. It went from checking up monthly if he had the free time to, weekly to everyday regardless of if he had free time or not. Since then, he was refused by staff to acknowledge her again publicly before it caused trouble and stirred up any dating rumours. Sometimes it didn’t stop him from adding a harmless “like” on a few of her music posts especially if it was BTS related or her fans updating her chart data and achievements. Or his favourite time was to watch her live videos on instagram where only she could see if he has joined or not. They had met once in person at an awards show and it didn’t go well since Jungkook had became too shy to talk, that doesn’t stop them from speaking online all the time though and from being friends privately. Warnings: swearing, fuckboy!Jk, jungkook is a player but so is Y/N lol, Angst, Fluff, Smut 18+ in future chapters, minors do not interact! Jungkook x reader, jungkook x reader smut, idol!character Obsessed!jungkook but not harmful type obsessed lmao, Depression, Anxiety, NSFW and will add more warnings along future chapters ok idk let’s start the series shall we??? Any questions feel free to ask me :)
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stargazer-sims · 1 year
Here they are, the fictional J-pop boy group nobody asked for... Sugar Valentine
I'm ridiculously proud of how they all turned out. Senjirō is my bias, though, with Keigo a close second. I… think I accidentally made Sakuharu look a bit like Hyunjin from Stray Kids. Oops 😬
I need to get them out of CAS and into a photo setup, so I can do some proper in-game shots of them, but you can have some CAS screenshots for now.
Sugar Valentine is a five-member group. They sing, rap and dance, and they've written and composed a lot of their own material. Senjirō is learning how to produce, and star dancer Keigo is learning how to create choreography.
Their fans are known as Valentines.
Ryu (Yoshida Ryuusei) - rapper
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Ryu is the oldest and the group's de facto leader. He's very serious and doesn't always have patience for the shenanigans of his younger members. He loves all of them like brothers though, despite them sometimes getting on his very last nerve. Ryu is one of the group's writers, and enjoys bouncing new song ideas off Senjirō and the others. In his spare time (what is that?), Ryu enjoys playing video games and teaching himself how to play the guitar.
"Nothing good is ever achieved without passion, patience and hard work."
Kēki (Sasaki Keigo) - singer
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Keigo is the second-oldest member of the group. His stage name means "cake". He's the most chaotic; the undisputed trickster of the group, but also the soft and cuddly one who's always there to comfort his adopted brothers or cheer them up when they need it. He can often be found in a cuddle pile with Senjirō during their downtime. Keigo is the best dancer of the five of them, and often takes time to help the others learn complicated routines when they're struggling. The fans have nicknamed him “Sweet Samurai” and among the fans he’s most noted for singing this tagline along with his own made-up lyrics to the tune of “Sweet Caroline” in exceptionally poor English. It shows up in just about every “what every Valentine should know” fan edit, and Keigo will never stop being amused by it.
"You don't need to ask where the party's at. The party's here. I'm the party."
Haru (Abe Sakuharu) - rapper
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Haru is a fan favourite and, according to his own very scientific internet research, he's the member of Sugar Valentine who has gotten the most marriage proposals from Valentines. Of the five members, he's the least advanced in learning English, and (also according to his own research) has the most fan-made memes featuring his funny English fails. He loves the fan edits the Valentines post online, and everyone knows he's found a new one when they hear him laughing hysterically in his room. Sakuharu's favourite thing outside of performing is making fiber crafts (knitting, crochet, embroidery, etc.) It's his "hidden talent" which isn't the least bit hidden now that the Valentines know about it.
"Never judge anything or anyone at first sight. Most times, the truth is found deeper than the surface."
Senjirō (Aidan Senjirō Okada) - singer
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Senjirō is the second-youngest member of the group. He's the quiet, thoughtful one, and the one who's most calm and rational in a crisis. He's also ridiculously intelligent, a fact that the other members tease him about renlentlessy. Regardless of his even-tempered, easygoing personality, Senjirō knows how to have fun. He can be just as silly and chaotic as the rest, especially when he's being cheered on by his favourite sidekick Keigo. Senjirō loves to eat; he'll eat almost anything and can wolf down twice as much food as anyone else (and yet still manages to be the tiniest member of the group). Senjirō writes a lot of lyrics for the group, and works closely with Taiji to put together their compositions.
"Don't panic."
Taiji (Kanematsu Taiji) - singer
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Taiji is the baby of the group, and has been aptly nicknamed "Baby Sugar" by the Valentines. He can play a variety of instruments, and does a large amount of musical composition for the group. Music is his true passion. Taiji shares his room with Sakuharu and is happy that he doesn't have to be alone. He's a social creature, loves to perform, and loves being with his friends. What he doesn't like is how the Valentines assume so much about him and the other members or how they simply make things up to suit their own personal narrative. Ryu and Keigo have told Taiji multiple times to stay off fansites and fan-created social media accounts, because all they do is upset him, but for some reason, Taiji can't leave them alone despite the fact that they cause him so much distress.
"Music is one of the elements at the center of life. We have music for celebrating every special occasion, music for grieving, for comfort, and to help us sleep, and we have music that's just for fun. Music is everywhere, and it's everything."
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mngwa5 · 11 months
LiS characters at an Commander/EDH Table Headcanon
A/N: This was originally supposed to be a “What MTG color identity would the LiS 1 characters be?” And then I sat down and went “Lmoa no, this is idea way funnier.” and besides parts of that original HC will inevitably bleed through here. I guess really the only fanon “changes” here would be that I’ll be mentioning cards from FAR past 2013 so ig do whatever mental gymnastics you need to do there. Oh, and we’re supposing that any of the characters could afford to splurge on multiple commander decks. 
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Max Caulfield 
you wouldn’t think it because of how genuinely she just appreciates shuffling up, sitting down, and spending time with the other Blackwell nerds, but Max can and will optimize her decks to a fault. 
It’s less about “competitive viability” and more because she just appreciates brewing highly interactive spell-slinger stuff. 
Has a pet Narset extra turns deck. You cannot convince me otherwise. When it pops off, she definitely excitedly texts Chloe about being “a time master in AND out of game”.
The only person on Earth I would smile at and encourage after I hear the phrase “I cast Expropriate for free. Responses?” 
One of those “I’m addicted to R/U please God help me break out of this archetype” people but is somehow adorkable about it 
Will target you if she picks up even the slightest hint that you’re about to Cyclonic Rift and not just because you’re... you know... casting Cyclonic Rift.
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Chloe Price
Very much loves jank. Something about the “isle of broken toys” triumphing against whatever monstrosity everyone else brought really appeals to her. 
Loves the idea of certain archetypes, but as long as a given list guarantees that she’s playing lots of cards and doing lots of things on her turns, she’ll mainly just build whatever she thinks is cool. 
As a result, Chloe has run Yuriko and Beckett Brass decks in the past. 
“Come on Max, did you really think I’d pass up being able to beat you all with pirates? You already know I'm ALL over that. Ninjas are hella awesome too.” 
It doesn’t hurt that Yuriko can wipe the floor with everyone if they aren’t careful.
Doesn’t gravitate towards a specific color or color combo but plays aggressively in whatever flavor she finds appealing. 
And I do mean AGGRESSIVELY. Chloe loves the serotonin rush of slapping a ton of guys down and then turning them all sideways even if it leaves her open to dying in the next few turns. 
Even if she doesn’t take things super seriously, she will definitely high-key target you in the next game if you fucked her over in the previous one. 
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Kate Marsh
Kate took some convincing that Magic wasn’t some weird ritual since her parents almost certainly forbade her from even learning about it as a kid and filled her head with satanic panic BS.
Once she actually sat in on a game or two (and after Max showed her Rin and Seri), she was able to set her compunctions aside and will show up to game night when her schedule allows.
in the same way Chloe builds what she thinks is cool, Kate definitely builds what she thinks is cute. (*cough* Kwain *cough*)
The first deck she built on her own was almost certainly Jinnie Fay go-wide.
Will cry inside (and honestly maybe a few tears escape on the outside.) if you board wipe. Not because her board presence is gone and she’ll need to rebuild but because you just killed Molly, Holly, Taylor, and every other token she’d given a loving name. 
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Warren Graham
Is THAT combo player. An absolute menace. What else were you expecting?
Maybe it’s just my bias against Warren showing here, but he’s definitely the kind of guy who goes “Oops! I win!” out of nowhere after just playing solitaire in the background for 5-6 turns to set up. 
Still keeps some lower power stuff around in case people get too upset about it though.
Much like Chloe, doesn’t really have a preferred color combo. Unlike Chloe, he builds whatever he can optimize to a disgusting degree. 
Usually wins game 1 pretty easily unless Max stops him but going into game 2 understands that he’s consigned himself to playing archenemy for the rest of the night. 
His pet card is probably fuckin’ mana drain or panharmonicon or some shit idk.
Tune in next time for my thesis on why Victoria would play Queen Marchesa jk.
 ... unless.
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