#simple skincare science
elicathebunny · 3 months
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People always leave out the basics when it comes to trying to improve their looks. Prioritising health is so important before going in and tempering with your body. Your base is what you work with and you can definitely level up with what you've got naturally.
Your diet also depends on what your goals are. Someone who wants to build muscle will obviously eat differently from someone who just eats relatively healthy. So identify what your goals are and work your meals around that.
Diet not only makes you feel better from the inside, but it also reflects on your outside. Your skin is a huge display of how you eat.
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When you consume junk food, it can show up on your skin as breakouts or dullness. Your skin is one massive organ which soaks up everything put onto it and reflects everything you put inside your body. Fix the problem from the inside before getting confused about why your skincare routine isn't working.
Again, your fitness will differentiate from your goals. So work out your goals and make a plan around that. There are so many forms of fitness, some more intense than others and with different results. Working out in general is good for you, our bodies are meant to move. So even if you don't have a goal, staying active is always recommended.
Low-intensity workouts:
Yoga: Focuses on flexibility, strength, and relaxation through various poses and breathing techniques.
Pilates: A low-impact exercise method that strengthens muscles, improves flexibility, and enhances posture.
Walking: Simple yet effective, walking is a great way to improve cardiovascular health and boost mood without high impact.
Swimming: Provides a full-body workout with minimal stress on joints, making it ideal for people with joint issues or injuries.
High-intensity workouts:
HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training): Alternates between short bursts of intense exercise and brief recovery periods to maximize calorie burn and improve cardiovascular fitness.
CrossFit: Combines elements of weightlifting, interval training, gymnastics, and other exercises to build strength, endurance, and overall fitness.
Sprinting: Short, explosive bursts of running at maximum effort, often performed in intervals for cardiovascular conditioning and leg muscle strength.
Circuit Training: Involves moving through a series of exercises targeting different muscle groups with minimal rest in between, combining strength training and cardiovascular exercise.
These are just a few examples, but there are plenty of other workout styles out there to explore depending on your preferences and fitness goals. Walking every day is just a simple way to stay toned.
Sleeping is important for rest and recovery after workouts and energy-consuming activities. Sleep is needed for the brain to function, mood regulation and performance + productivity. Lack of sleep deprives you of all of these things, so getting your beauty sleep is absolutely needed.
School-age children (6-13 years): 9-11 hours per day.
Teenagers (14-17 years): 8-10 hours per day.
Young adults (18-25 years): 7-9 hours per day.
Adults (26-64 years): 7-9 hours per day.
Upkeeping good hygiene is always needed anyway. Making sure you are clean (smelling good is a plus). Make sure you always wash your hands and take daily showers to remove any dirt on your body (clean those feet and your back well, don't forget them!). Taking care of your oral health must not be forgotten. Oil pulling and brushing your tongue for a healthy mouth. Make sure your hair is also getting the attention to keep it as healthy as you possibly can make it (this also depends on diet). Doing the extra things like spending time on your nails (making sure there isn't that stuff underneath them), making them pretty.
Having a stress-free environment is obviously the best to thrive in. But clearly not even being lucky enough to live like that constantly. So make sure you have that space to be on your own and have some alone time to really recharge. Keeping your space clean for a clear mind. Surround yourself with like-minded people and really set boundaries for those who prey on your mental clarity (energy vampires). Spending time in nature is one of the best ways to detach, rest time should not equal spending time on your devices. Let go and truly let yourself decompress. Mental health will improve how you carry yourself.
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stuckinapril · 5 months
Earthy tones, heart-shaped jewelry, chai lattes, golden hour, soft curls, minimal makeup, emphasis on skincare, science whore, bibliophile, oscillating between sexy masculine and girly fits, chronic daydreamer, so many interests at once, skin scents, dainty gold earrings, gym streaks, simple but classy looks, red manicures, pale pink lip gloss, bolder fashion every now and then, caramel and vanilla scented lip balm, more potted plants in my bedroom!!!, kitten heels, mini skirts, dressing for comfort, all-day studying, much less phone time, sustainable quality pieces, more time devoted to friends and family, oversized rib-knit sweaters, making friends w wiser older beings!!!, more volunteering, more smiling, more pictures
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algea · 1 month
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just a few headcannons I have for Lars
(btw these are mine, they may not be yours)
Lars is the type of guy who gets super mega irritated if you ask too many questions about anyone besides him. Oh, you're asking him about his work? It's fine until you bug him with questions about other people and their work
Despite what you may believe, Lars is also a very jealous guy. One word about another guy and he's already interrogating you like you just murdered someone
Dude has absolutely no chill when it comes to his work. Someone starts talking shit about what he does and it's so over for them.
Even though he may not show it, Lars really enjoys when you touch him. If you're sitting beside him at the lab and place a hand on his shoulder, he's definitely leaning into you and relishing your touch (could also definitely be taken into other context as well).
Lars can absolutely, in no way shape or form, cook to save his life. He heavily relies on whatever he's got in his pantry or you to make him something. He also doesn't really have time for breakfast, so you best believe he's a snacker.
Lars talks to his mom on the phone everyday after he gets home from work. He is, without a doubt, a momma raised boy and you love it.
Lars hates coffee. Plain and simple. He will literally drink anything other than coffee. In fact, his favored drink isn't tea, it's water. He has to maintain his perfect hair somehow.
He may be a cocky son of a bitch, but he will definitely stand up for you if someone belittles you. Lars likes to tease you by saying rude things, but you know that he's just playing and that's how he flirts. When other people do it, he's very quick to jump on their ass about it. Absolutely no tolerance for someone making fun of you.
Even though Lars may not be social, he loves to converse about science and whatnot. He could literally get stuck in a conversation for hours about science. You find it so cute that whenever someone brings up something he likes to talk about, his pupils widen and a grin breaks out on his face.
Lars really loves to listen to music. He listens to it in the lab, at home, anywhere he can really. He's more into indie and older music, like Bees Gees, Sports Team, or Turning Jane.
Lars likes stupid romcom movies. It's a bit cliche, but he really loves a good romcom movie. He'd sit there for hours and watch them if you let him. He hates to admit it, but he loves Clueless and Legally Blonde.
He loves it when you kiss him. Whenever you kiss him, he always has a stupid little love drunk smile after. He's so head over heels for you and it's so cute.
Surprisingly, he's not super neat. Of course, he's not super messy either. Normally, he has a little clutter on his desk and he hates when someone touches something. If someone starts to clean up his desk a little, he's super quick to tell them off about it.
Lars loves when he's able to relax with you. On the days that neither of you are at the lab all night, he loves to curl up with you on the bed and talk about something. Sometimes you both read instead of talking. Just kinda a way to decompress after a long few days of work.
Even though he hunts ghosts, Lars is scared super easily. You could literally be standing behind a door and when he opens it he jumps and lets out a string of curses. This, of course, comes with some of the best pranks you've ever pulled on him. However, don't think that he won't do something back. He despises horror movies and makes you hold his hand whenever you watch one.
Lars puts a lot of time into his hair and skin. We all know about the Pukey incident (which you did not let him live down), so you definitely know that he's extra careful with his skincare and haircare from now on (his hair turned green for a few days).
Despite not knowing how to cook, Lars is such a foodie. If he has the chance to try something new, you best believe he's going to try it. Lars also loves fruity drinks, non-alcoholic and alcoholic (just like James).
I hope you guys liked some of these headcannons as much as I do because they're so fun to write.
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girlbloggercher · 9 months
how to be 'that girl'
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first of all, what is 'that girl'? later.com says: " “that girl” is a social media lifestyle trend that refers to women who prioritize wellness, productivity, beauty and mindfulness. " this is true, to a degree; to be 'that girl', you shouldn't prioritize beauty. that is, unless you are prioritizing inner beauty. also, the website describes it as a trend, which isn't technically wrong, but being healthy and productive shouldn't stop for you when the trend dies down. it should be forever.
so, how can you become 'that girl'?
STEP 1: productivity
i know it can be hard to be motivated to clean your room, read, study, etc. but you don't need motivation, you need discipline. make yourself do it because you need to do it and you know it. keeping to-do lists can also be helpful.
STEP 2: exercise
please keep in mind that when i say exercise, i don't mean to lose weight, i mean for your mental and physical health. there are countless studies proving that exercise can increase dopamine. weightloss is just a side effect. you should get atleast 10 minutes of exercise daily. but 1 hour is also recommended.
STEP 3: self-care
the term 'self-care' is extremely vague. it can range from skincare to movie nights to general maintenance. whatever you do to please yourself and take care of yourself, do it.
STEP 4: knowledge
you don't have to be in school to learn. it can literally be as simple as searching up a new word everyday. you can also read nonfiction books. my favorite nonfiction book is 'the immortal life of henrietta lacks'. it's especially great if you love science.
STEP 5: screen time
i understand that being on your phone is literally addictive, but you have to cut back. tiktok has feature where you can set a screen time limit. but other apps probably have this too.
STEP 6: eating
like i said in step 2, this is not for weight-loss, but instead health and the effects of it on your brain. you can look up the nutrients that each meal should have to be considered healthy. you should drink 1-2L of water a day.
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luckshmi · 3 months
Ayurvedic Secrets to Radiant Skin: Understanding Your Dosha and Simple Homemade Skincare
In the pursuit of healthy, glowing skin, many of us seek solutions in expensive creams, serums, and treatments. But what if the key to vibrant skin lies in ancient wisdom that's been practiced for centuries?
Welcome to the world of Ayurveda, where the holistic approach to skincare goes beyond topical treatments to address the root causes of skin imbalances.
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What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda, often called the "science of life," is an ancient healing system that originated in India thousands of years ago. At its core is the belief that our well-being is intricately connected to the balance of three fundamental energies known as doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
Understanding Your Dosha:
Each person is born with a unique combination of these doshas, which influence not only our physical characteristics but also our mental and emotional tendencies. By identifying your dominant dosha, you can tailor your skincare routine to address specific skin concerns effectively.
Vata Dosha: If you have Vata-dominant skin, you may notice tendencies toward dryness, flakiness, and sensitivity. Vata skin often feels parched and is prone to premature aging. To nurture Vata skin, focus on moisturizing and nourishing practices.
Skincare Routine: Massage your skin with warm sesame oil to deeply moisturize and improve circulation. Use gentle, hydrating cleansers and rich, emollient creams to lock in moisture.
Homemade Recipe: Create a hydrating face mask by mixing mashed avocado with honey and a few drops of almond oil. Leave it on for 15 minutes before rinsing with warm water.
Pitta Dosha: Pitta-dominant skin tends to be sensitive, prone to redness, inflammation, and occasional breakouts. Excessive heat and stress can exacerbate Pitta imbalances, leading to increased oiliness and irritation.
Skincare Routine: Opt for cooling and soothing ingredients like cucumber, aloe vera, and sandalwood. Use gentle, non-abrasive cleansers and avoid harsh exfoliants that can aggravate inflammation.
Homemade Recipe: Make a calming face pack by mixing sandalwood powder with rose water and a pinch of turmeric. Apply it to clean skin, leave it on for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
Kapha Dosha: Kapha-dominant skin tends to be oily, prone to congestion, and enlarged pores. Kapha imbalances can result in dullness, blackheads, and a lack of vitality.
Skincare Routine: Focus on purifying and detoxifying practices to balance excess oil and congestion. Use gentle, oil-balancing cleansers and lightweight, non-comedogenic moisturizers.
Homemade Recipe: Create an invigorating scrub by mixing ground oats with yogurt and a pinch of turmeric. Gently massage it onto damp skin in circular motions, then rinse with lukewarm water.
General Ayurvedic Skincare Tips: In addition to dosha-specific practices, there are some general principles of Ayurvedic skincare that benefit all skin types:
Practice Abhyanga, or self-massage with warm oil, to promote relaxation and improve circulation.
Drink herbal teas like chamomile or tulsi to reduce internal inflammation and support overall well-being.
Maintain a balanced lifestyle with adequate sleep, regular exercise, and stress management to promote skin health from the inside out.
Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to skincare that emphasizes harmony between mind, body, and spirit. By understanding your dosha and incorporating simple, homemade remedies into your skincare routine, you can unlock the secrets to radiant and healthy skin naturally. Remember, consistency and mindfulness are key to achieving lasting results. So, embrace the wisdom of Ayurveda and let your inner glow shine through!
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further guidance on your Ayurvedic skincare journey.
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exoticabl4 · 2 months
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Where to start ?
Such a basic question and yet so many answers. At the beginning of your journey, you'll find yourself with a whole lot of motivation, goals and dreams, so you may feel kinda lost as to where you're supposed to start.
1. Know what you want.
It may sound kind of cliche, and stupid, but really, what do you want ? Yes you wanna be successful, but doesn't everyone want the same thing ? Be precise and give the details. What does success mean to you ? How does the highest version of you look like ? What's her self-concept like ? How does she dress ? Is she more classy or street wear ? Mysterious or a ray of sunshine ? Avoid following the trends. For example, lately the "dark feminine aesthetic" has been taking over tiktok and pinterest, and no matter how cool it might seem, it might not be your cup of tea at the end of the day. Do not to strive to become someone you won't enjoy being. Don't try to be liked by everyone or try to be the heart of the parties when you genuinely enjoy being alone more and have very few friends and acquaintances. And don't try to be "mysterious and dark" when you're actually someone who laughs a lot and who's socially attractive. You can also make pinterest boards with specific facial features you want, with the body type you want, the vibe you want in general. Or, you can keep a journal and divide your life into different aspects (physical attractiveness, intelligence, mindset...), and go into details in each aspect.
2. Create a base routine.
What's a base routine ? That's basically a simple, yet achievable and productive routine you're going to follow, and prioritize over any habit you want to add to your life. So for example, I don't have much time in the morning, so my base routine mainly focuses on after school (your base routine could be about all day, you do you), and it looks like this :
45 min of maths
1 hour of other school work
15 minutes on Duolingo
Learning one new page of spanish vocabulary
Listening to my beauty subliminal playlist 2x
Listening to my specific feature subliminal playlist 3x
Brush my teeths
Affirm and meditate
Go to sleep
As you can see, my base routine is literally SO simple. Every two months, i may add more stuff to my base routine. The goal is to prioritize this routine over any other new habit you wanna add. For example, let's say i wanna start working out every day for 1 hour, and the first day i started, i found myself with no time to work out, which is normal, since I'm still discovering about what works and what doesn't for me, but I'm not going to ruin my base routine or not do one of the habits in it, just for the sake of a newly formed one.
3. Create an alter-ego.
Really basic, but you're going to create a sort of character in your mind, give it a name (mine's name is Abla 😉). This alter-ego is everything you wanna be, so everything you wrote about in step 1, and you're going to start acting like her. Everytime you're feeling lazy, or confused, ask yourself "What would she do ?" (she being your alter-ego). Slowly, you're going to morph into her, and don't hesitate to go for it and exaggerate.
4. Find out about what you're supposed to do.
Divide your life into aspects. I personally, have divided mine into 6 aspects :
Physical attractiveness (face, body, hair, voice, scent, style)
Intellectual development (knowledge (psychology, body language, science...), language learning, chess)
Mindset (confidence, self-love, self-concept, self-worth, discipline)
Skills (cooking, endurance, baking....)
Spiritual life (religion, meditation, mindfulness, healing)
Personal achievements (writing a book, best at my promotion, become president of a club)
That's how i divided my life, now take the time to divide yours, and identify what habits you're supposed to follow in order to improve in each aspect. For example, to improve your appearance, you may have to start a skincare routine, so that's one of the habits.
5. Declutter your space.
Your phone, your room, your desk, your locker, your wardrobe everything. Change your phone theme, block people, delete unnecessary pics and screenshots, donate clothe you don't need, clean your locker. Have a rebirth in a clean and organized space.
So that's it for this post, hope it was helpful, bye my loves.
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over-particular · 2 years
a very personal evening checklist
ʀᴇᴍɪɴᴅᴇʀ → It takes an average of 66 days to create or change a habit. Don’t give up now!
☐ Take off your shoes when you get home. According to several studies, the sole of a shoe can carry hundreds of thousands of bacteria. In a biblical passage, God is said to have spoken to Moses in these words: “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.” Isn't that what the safety and comfort of a home means to us? A sanctuary for the soul? Taking off one's shoes is just the smallest sign of reverence. For this very reason, I try to keep my environment as clean as possible.
☐ Fulfill your commitments. Study, finish your work or respond to the last emails of the day. I don't get changed until I'm done. This is an important part as it allows me to ease my mind about the duties I know I am handling. It's hard for me to relax knowing I have a something to do.
☐ Disconnect, break away from screens as early as possible. Try to get away from the constant attention and energy demanded by our electronic gadgets. Blue light causes your brain to believe that it's still daytime, resulting in a reduction of the production of melatonin. In other words, your brain starts working to keep you awake. For those of you who are curious, I don't watch television, as I don't have one.
☐ If possible, be physically active. Walk for 20 minutes, do some yoga, use the exercise bike or go to the gym. Remember that cleaning is a double-duty activity. It's a great way to get you to move. Try to establish a physical routine: depending on your needs, try to stick to a program of one, two, three… or six sessions a week. If you really don't have time, focus on walking to get to and/or come back from work.
☐ Wash yourself. Again, everyone has a different approach to it, depending on their resources and organization. Science recommends taking a shower in the evening, because during the day we accumulate many bacteria, viruses and parasites that affect the regeneration of our skin. During the night, our skin has plenty of time to regenerate. (It is important to remember that taking two showers a day is not recommended: first, because it destabilizes your skin, which has not fully regenerated, second, because it is aggressive for sensitive skins and third, because it is not very nice to Mother Nature.)
☐ Get comfortable. Except for events or evenings when I'm not home alone, I prepare my dinner and enjoy it in my sleepwear.
☐ Prepare a light dinner. Avoid all forms of stimulants such as caffeine, sugar, energy drinks. Try to have an early dinner. I know this is cultural (coming from a family where dinner is served around 8 or 9pm), but a light, early dinner will help you sleep better, have better digestion, boost your metabolism and reduce your blood pressure.
☐ I also use this time to enjoy the presence of my loved ones or to think about calling them, or sending them a message… because they represent a real emotional support for me. Studies have shown that spending time with friends and family contributes greatly to happiness. Among other things, it reduces anxiety, increases productivity and improves mental health.
☐ If you have time, take care of yourself. Follow your skincare routine, even if it's as simple as applying a moisturizer and using deodorant, as it is for me. Remember to brush your teeth. Use slippers at home. Slippers are great for protecting your feet from the cold and keeping your blood flow from slowing down.
☐ Like with my morning routine, I exercise my mind, my faith and/or my creativity for a few minutes. I think it is as important to lighten your mind as it is to exercise it. Here again, I pray for a few minutes. I also write a few notes about my day in my journal. I have developed a sort of obsession with diaries from past centuries and the desire to record intimate details of our lives… and it is true that I harbor the hope that someday I will look back at my writings, much later in life, and find a sort of comforting nostalgy in them. Reading is also one of my favorite hobby. I often fall asleep while reading.
☐ Plan the next day as best you can. I know that some people find it very helpful to prepare their lunch, outfit and/or bag for the next day. This is the time to do what feels right for you. As for me, I just set my alarm clock (If possible, get an alarm clock that is not your phone.)
☐ Determine a time to go to bed and stick to it. If it takes a while to fall asleep (this obviously does not apply to people with sleep disorders...), I invite you to hang out in bed with a book or some relaxing music. I guess I'm pretty harsh, because when this happens, I prefer to condemn myself to boredom, in the dark and in silence. I think it works for me.
I'm so glad that my morning routine inspired many people. I just wanted to come back to something that I feel is very important: Life is made up of countless unexpected events. The world is not all black and white, but is composed of a multitude of shades. This means that none of your days will ever resemble the other. Be flexible and forgive yourself: lists are only there to help us organize this immense chaos that is life. Sometimes, self-care also means allowing the unplanned: a rest, or a change of plans. Again, this list is intended to be personal. Feel free to rewrite it!
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jordie-gvf · 1 year
dress to impress, sammy
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warnings : allusions to sex, reader doing wayy too much to impress a man, language, sammy lowkey being a creeper, lying to a best friend
word count : 1.2k+
enjoy 🫶
When you and Mallary enrolled in college, you took a vow to never pay a boy any attention until you were finished with midterms. Within the first week, you broke the vow. You first took notice of Sam in health science. 
You were seated behind him at the beginning of the semester. The first thing you noticed about him was his laugh. One day, he had been laughing with Danny and as soon as you heard him laugh, you knew you two would get along. 
Professor Ramirez had paired you two up for a project. When you and Sam started talking and hanging out more, you developed feelings for him, the only problem, he was Mallarys ex boyfriend. 
They had been together in high school before you and Mallary were friends. There was no way Sam would’ve ever liked you back. You were bigger, in the thighs, in the ass, and around the waist. You looked nothing like the girls he dated. The other difference, you and Mallary dressed completely differently. She was very flashy and did not care what others thought about her. You, on the other hand, mostly wore jeans and a hoodie. 
The only way you thought Sam would like you back, was if you were dressed like her.
You were woken up by the sound of your alarm going off. You checked your phone, 4:30AM. Mallary looked at you and said, “Why are you awake at 4AM?” You scoffed and looked at her and said, “Why are you awake at 4AM?” 
You got into the shower. You washed your hair and then conditioned it. You washed your body, scrubbed, and shaved. You got out and dried off.
Started on your hair first. You decided on heatless curls. You wrapped your hair around them and continued to do your skincare. Under eye patches. Ice rolling. Gua sha. Jade roller. Sheet mask. Body cream. 
You had finished your routine and had gotten dressed. If you wanted to be like Mallary, you had to dress like Mallary.
You decided on a blue crop top that was way too low cut and a pair of ripped jeans. You did your hair and makeup, and went off to your first class. 
You saw Sam walking in the hallway. You were smiling at him. He ignored you and pushed past you. He bumped into your shoulder and kept walking. You turned around and kept smiling, seeing if he would notice you. Nothing.
You continued on your way to class and finished the day. 
You woke up at 4AM again. You repeated the process until you were satisfied. You did your hair in some loose curls and did your bangs. You had on a cropped sweater and flare jeans. You were standing with Mallary as she was asking Professor Ramirez questions about the project. You saw Sam walking down the hallway opposite you. He walked right past you. Nothing. 
Alarm went off, 4AM. When you were showering, you nearly fell asleep. You scrubbed, washed, and shaved. You got out, did skincare and got dressed. Simple white tank top with flare leggings. You did little mini pigtails at the front of your head for your hair. You were standing next to the water fountain, refilling your water when he turned the corner. He was walking down the same hallway you were in. You smiled at him, he paid no attention and continued walking.
New day, same routine. Scrubbed. Washed. Shaved. Under eye patches. Jade roller. Gua sha. Ice roller. Face mask. Body cream. Makeup.
You got dressed in the skimpiest thing you could find online. A long sleeve crop top that barely covered your boobs and low rise jeans. You put your earrings in and made your way to class. You were walking down the stairs as Sam was walking up the same set of stairs. He finally looked at you. You smiled and said “Hi,” and kept eye contact with him. He looked you up and down and kept walking to class. You couldn't contain the smile on your face as you walked down the hallway. 
You heard, “Hey!” and looked in the direction the voice had come from. It was Mallary, wearing the same exact outfit. She pointed at you and said, “Wait, why are you?” You cut her off and said, “oh my class is this way,” put your head down and walked to health science. 
When you got to health science, Sam and Danny were already seated. You walked past them as Sam said, “Hey, lookin mighty fine today, Y/N” 
You smiled and said, “thanks Sam! Hi Danny,” he turned back to you and waved. 
After class, you heard a “hey Y/N! Wait up!” You turned around and saw Sam running towards you. You waited for him as he approached you. “Hey, I wanted to talk to you. Can we go back to my dorm?” He asked. You nodded and followed him to his dorm. On the way there, he put his arm around you and told you that he wanted to get to know you better. 
When you walked into his dorm, he sat you down on his bed. You pointed to the other bed and said, “Where's Danny?” He laughed and said, “Paid him to leave. I need you to myself for a few hours.” You were flabbergasted. He opened his mouth and said, “What, you think I didn't notice that you were dressing like Mallary for a week? I pay attention to you. The other day, I caught a whiff of your hair, how'd you know strawberries were my favorite?” He sat close to you and smelled your hair, “absolutely perfect,” he whispered.
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You laid down beside him and heard him panting. He said “I think that was the best sex I’ve ever had.” You laughed and sat up on your elbow. He grabbed your face and said, “We can never tell Mallary that we're doing this.” You said, “Oh yeah? What are we doing?” and laughed. He grabbed your waist and pulled you on top of him. He grabbed the back of your neck and pulled you down towards him. He said, “I think you know.” and kissed you. 
When you woke up, you were still in Sam's bed. You looked over and saw no one. You heard the shower running and assumed Sam was in there. Whoever was in there had finished, when they walked out, you were not expecting to see Danny. He took one look at you and said, “Oh shit! I'm so sorry!” You smiled and told him it was okay, and that you were dressed. You asked, “Where's Sam?” He told you he went to go get us food. 
When Sam got back, you got up and went over to him. “Thanks for putting clothes on me,” you said and smiled. He laughed and said, “Of course, couldn't let anyone see what's mine,” and kissed you. Danny had gotten dressed, came over and took the food out of Sam's hand. 
When you were done eating, you put your jeans back on and grabbed your shirt. When you were about to leave, Sam said “keep wearing clothes like that. You look hot.” You smiled and nodded. He was going to walk you back to your dorm, but you told him your dorm was about 3 minutes away and that you would be fine.
You got back to your dorm room and walked in. Mallary was on her bed looking at a textbook. She asked you where you had been and you told her, “studying.”
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logosai · 1 month
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@necula.creative Authentic Ego AE helps people stop fighting with their skin and reclaim their skin’s natural power to heal itself with fungal acne-safe skincare. AE's brand story is rooted in science, healing, and self-empowerment. We designed a minimal and sophisticated visual identity with a touch of fun. We chose neutral, tan, and skin tone colors mixed with clean, simple, yet modern typography. To elevate and enhance the overall identity we created a set of abstract, elegant, and dynamic lines inspired by geometry and science. The logotype design encompasses their 4-pronged approach to skincare for treating and preventing acne - the 4 dots gradually diminish, similar to how acne spots heal themselves and eventually disappear. Photography @weekendcreative Box Printing @papertubeco #skincare #skincarepackaging #skincarebranding #acneskincare #beautypackaging #boxpackagingdesign #boxdesign #brandingstudio #branding #graphicdesign #packagingdesign #packaging #branddesigner #wellnessbranding #identitydesign #productpackaging #brandinginspiration #packaginginspiration #boxpackagingdesign #emboss #blindemboss
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thegoodfeel01 · 1 month
Want forever radiant and youthful skin: All about anti aging serums
What are anti-aging serums?
Disclosing the time-travelers of skincare: anti-aging serums! These skincare products against the relentless march of time, offering your skin a ticket to a refreshing, age-defying journey. Picture them as your personal skincare lifesaver, diving in to rescue your skin from the clutches of wrinkles and fine lines. 
Aging is a natural and inevitable process. But many of us are not prepared to lose our radiant and youthful appearance. In addition to a healthy diet and minimal exposure to the sun, we can look forward to anti-aging serums or creams to help us slow down this process.
Anti-aging creams are skincare products, which through the use of active ingredients like retinoids or hyaluronic acids, vitamin c, Ferulic acid, and peptides improves skin tone and targets visible aging signs like wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots. These ingredients can revive collagen production, improve skin texture, and protects against further damage from environmental factors.
Anti aging serums, with their strong blend of science and enchantment, can turn back the clock and unveil the youthful and vibrant glow you thought was lost to the ages. So, buckle up, because with our best anti-aging serum- TheGoodFeel Nitamin-with Retinols Peptides, the adventure to eternal youth begins!.
But what are moisturizers then?
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Serums vs Moisturizers
Serums are lightweight and thinner high-absorption skincare products infused with active ingredients like Hyaluronic Acid, Glycolic Acid and Vitamin C, acne, antioxidants, and peptides. They penetrate into the skin and usually look after specific skin concerns like wrinkles, dark spots, aging, dryness, etc. Different types of serums like anti-aging serums, brightening, Acne-fighting, and vitamin C are available in the market. 
While, moisturizers are thicker and its main function is to keep the skin’s outermost surface (the stratum corneum) hydrated. They act as physical barriers and help to keep the moisture locked in and prevent dehydration. Moisturizers contain emollients and occlusives ensuring the skin remains plump and nourished.
So, what should I use serums or moisturizers?
Serums, as mentioned above, are used only for any specific skin concerns, so one can use it along with a moisturizer for achieving a specific target like reducing dark spots or removing skin pigmentation or discoloration.
However,  it is often advisable to apply serum before the moisturizer as the ingredients of the serum get absorbed and penetrated within the skin, which is locked with the moisture when the moisturizer is applied for better skin texture and radiance.
TheGoodFeel Nitamin-with Retinols Peptides
Step into the era of timeless beauty and turn the clocks around with the best anti-aging serum by TheGoodFeel. TheGoodFeel Nitamin age reverse night serum includes Retinol which keeps the skin fresher, healthy, and plumper, peptide with Myrciaria Dubia which keeps the skin glowing and radiant and Licorice Extract which evens out the skin tone and keeps the skin hydrated.
This anti-aging serum helps fight aging signs like dark spots, wrinkles, etc and sustains skin’s overall health. In addition to the anti-aging benefits, it refines the elasticity of the skin, boosts collagen production and fights acne.
And you know, what's the best part? Its reforming properties restore and redefine the skin’s texture offering it a radiant and youthful glow.
Adopt the power of night time renewal with the best anti-aging serum and get up with a smoother, hydrated and vibrant skin, ready to face the day with confidence with just 3 simple steps- Apply, Massage, and moisturize. 
Has anti-aging properties, treats acne, promotes cell production, unclogs pores, boosts collagen production, and keeps skin fresher and plumper.
Peptide with Myrciaria Dubia
Improves skin barrier, reduces wrinkles, promotes elasticity in the skin, eases inflammation, protects skin from pollution, and keeps skin healthy and glowing.
Licorice Extract
Has anti-inflammatory and skin-lightening properties, brightens and evens out the skin tone, and hydrates and soothes the skin.
Helps in fading dark spots and evening out the skin tone
Helps in boosting skin hydration
Helps in reducing acne breakouts
Helps regenerate dead skin cells
Helps enhance firming & brightening skin
Helps in boosting the overall health of the skin
Helps enhance firming & brightening skin
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vnd5lain88 · 2 years
my jjba skincare headcanons . i just need to archive this somewhere
jonathan: breaks out so bad. he found a bottle of face cleanser he found cute at cvs and he uses it everyday and is very diligent about it even if it is just one step. and he is like. he is so enamored. he loves it he thinks he is so cute for doing this
dio: 15 step skin care queen. he knows most of the steps are useless and that his routine is way overcomplicated, but he just loves the feeling of control. and self worship. and he hates jonathans cute little cleanser that he uses only once a day that functions perfectly so so much.
joseph: in his youth he didnt care much for it, in fact he mightve thought it was like. stupid or something. but caesar opened up the world of skincare to him. and while he still decided it wasnt really necessary, as he grew older he remembered what caeser did and talked to him about , and as a way to “preserve his looks” he does skincare now. He grooms himself. You know. Takes care of his nails and such. maybe like after caeser died he started taking care of himself more in general. just a thought
caeser: lovely, lovely skin. naturally. but he is quite well versed in the realm of skincare (this is to assume skincare was as it is now in like. the 1930s. which it wasnt but bear with me) he is just concerned with his appearance a fair amount. in general. thats okay
jotaro: does not fucking care. does not do a thing. dry shaves sometimes. in fact he like doesnt shower sometimes you know. i mean he cares about his hygiene quite a bit and like if he smells or something he’ll shower etc etc quite normal behavior but he just doesnt even know. yet somehow his skin is so flawless. so effervescent. beautiful. but believable. if anything, he washes his face with hand soap. and perhaps deep deep down he thinks it isnt manly of him to practice skin care. like esp during his transmed era. but he would never admit that to himself. After meeting kakyoin that changed . kakyoin was like Oh jotaro, your skin is so beautiful already. You dont need a thing, im jealous! Haha! and he was like ok. actually scratch that he may have tried it for a bit lololo idk about when he gets older though TBH like i dont have the power to think about it this is taking so much out of me in a way. like this is so vulnerable
kakyoin: quite knowledgable on it. i think you know hes read books with skincare related information and he isnt opposed to the idea. he went to a dermatologist to get the proper prescription for his face but even then he doesnt have that bad of acne. just quite simple. a cleanser and then a cream twice a day. it works like a charm. he loves it. he loves washing his face and such. at dawn and at dusk. has talked to jotaro about it. was so shocked to hear what jotaro does. was so shocked to not see even a hint of jotaros carelessness shown on his face. yeah
polnareff: hes so stupid about it he thinks its like science because of the serums. and hes so shocked and amazed and hes like ISNT THAT FOR GIRLS…..? *JAW DROP
avdol: i think he takes to more natural remedies like putting avocado on your face or brown sugar and honey on your back. very smart about it. in fact jotaro has pretty bad bacne so like he does that too he learned it from avdol. because they have talked about skincare. becayse all of the jojo characters have talked about skincare in my world. in my dream world. avdol also focuses on what he eats to keep his skin clear. eating bell peppers and carrots and such.
josuke: literally so obsessed. hes like the skincare queen. like he knows so much he hates the fact that jotaro doesnt care. hes like You are so fucking stupid. i think he is also very very knowledgeable on skincare. the science behind it. its like an obsession. like hes so proud
giorno: very casual about it he has like acne . like a normal face. he doesnt really care . uses his skincare products every once and a while. idk. More focused on other things.
jolyne: shes like her dad she has flawless skin but like she gets small blackheads sometimes and she loves pinching them out and it scabs her face and she s like insane
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jcmarchi · 2 months
A More Realistic Artificial Skin May Lead to Medical Advances - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/a-more-realistic-artificial-skin-may-lead-to-medical-advances-technology-org/
A More Realistic Artificial Skin May Lead to Medical Advances - Technology Org
A new bioengineered skin model could improve testing of skincare products and lead to better ways to heal damaged skin.
Paul Dalton and Ievgenii Liashenko in the lab. Image credit: University of Oregon
University of Oregon researchers have teamed up with scientists with the French personal care company L’Oréal to develop a multilayered artificial skin that more accurately mimics real human skin, and can be grown in just 18 days. The advance relies on a novel 3D printing technique invented by Paul Dalton, an associate professor in the Phil and Penny Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact at the UO. 
The research was published in the journal Advanced Functional Materials.
“This is the first known case of replicating quality skin tissue at full thickness, using different kinds of cells separated by a membrane,” said Ievgenii Liashenko, a research engineer in Dalton’s lab. 
Creating an artificial skin isn’t as simple as growing cells in a petri dish. Real skin has multiple layers, with different kinds of cells that perform distinct functions. And in the body, cells are supported by an external network of proteins and other molecules. Called the extracellular matrix, this system helps cells stay in position and communicate with their neighbors, which is key to keeping all systems working properly.
To replicate this complex environment, the researchers designed a two-layered artificial skin, with the layers separated by a membrane.
A 3D printer making the extremely fine strands used to create a new generation of artificial skin. Image credit: University of Oregon
Researchers from Dalton’s lab and L’Oréal co-developed plastic scaffolds that mimic the extracellular matrix via a network of finely structured 3D printed threads. Then, L’Oréal researchers grew cultured cells in those scaffolds to create the artificial skin, with different cell types growing in each layer. The membrane prevents the cells in the different layers from mixing as they develop. 
“Other attempts don’t have the same layering—it actually looks like real skin,” said Dalton, who is the Bradshaw and Holzapfel Research Professor in Transformational Science and Mathematics.
The underlying scaffolds resemble a mesh material made of many spaghetti-like threads, each much thinner than a human hair. To make the porous scaffold, members of Dalton’s team used a 3D printing technique they’ve developed called melt electrowriting. In that technique, an electric field pulls the molten printing plastic from a nozzle into a thin thread, enabling very precise control over the printing.
Some 3D printing techniques can create very fine details, but only small objects, Dalton said.
Other techniques allow easy fabrication of larger pieces, but at the expense of resolution. Melt electrowriting bridges that gap, allowing engineers to create relatively large objects with fine details.
The new skin model can be grown in just 18 days, the researchers found, rather than the 21 to 35 days it took to create previous scaffold-based artificial skin models. That makes it more viable to use in commercial lab testing.
The final product. Image credit: University of Oregon
L’Oréal is currently using the artificial skin to test cosmetics and skin care products. Going forward, both Dalton’s team and L’Oréal researchers plan to explore the many other potential uses for the underlying scaffolding in skin tissue engineering.
Other potential skin-related applications include healing diabetic foot ulcers and creating skin grafts for burn patients. Beyond skin, the scaffolds developed by Dalton’s team could support myriad biomedical applications, such as artificial blood vessels and structures to help regrow damaged nerves. 
“While we’ve made this big advance with the skin, the design of the scaffold is crucial and could be applied more broadly,” Dalton said. “There are so many diseases and injuries in the world that aren’t being solved, so having an extra tool to try to tackle these is really valuable.”
The materials used in the scaffold are already FDA– approved for use inside the human body, making the path to real-world application smoother. 
The fabrication facilities at the Knight Campus make it possible for Dalton’s team to scale up production of the materials, Dalton said. “This is the part of the Knight Campus projecting its expertise beyond UO to influence state-of-the-art research fields globally.” 
Source: University of Oregon
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dwellordream · 1 year
“For centuries people have been trying to take care of their skin, making use of many different products, recipes and practices. A new study focusing on the works of the famous medieval doctor Trotula de Ruggiero reveals a skincare routine that is an “extraordinary combination of tradition and modernity.”
The study, led by a team from the University of Salerno, examines two works by Trotula de Ruggiero, also known as Trota of Salerno, who was part of the Medical School of Salerno around the beginning of the 12th century. Trotula’s works have long been considered to be key texts for understanding women’s medicine in the Middle Ages. But they also tell much about cosmetic remedies, including skin treatments, hair dyes, teeth whitening, eye and lip makeup, and body care procedures.
The researchers first note that Trotula’s work detailed the use of many traditional medicines. While many historians have been skeptical that these items could be effective, newer research in pharmacology has revealed their positive health effects. This is also true for medicines involved in skin and beauty care.
Over 40 different herbs, minerals, and animal derivatives are mentioned in Trotula’s work and also are used in modern skincare products. For example, fava beans have a medieval use as a facial cleanser and are now used in products to protect against abscesses, rashes and warts.
Vinegar could be found in Trotula’s recipes for hair care and colouring, scabies, face, lip and gum care; today is used for scalp psoriasis, hair care and as a face exfoliator. Meanwhile, egg yolk found use in the medieval text for lightening and strengthening hair, while today is considered useful for nourishing damaged hair.
The similarities between Trotula’s skincare remedies and modern ones go beyond just the ingredients but also in their ways of application. The researchers write:
Trotula’s beauty tips for the face are surprisingly current and resemble the modern “skincare routine,” as they involve a pre-treatment, Consisting of thorough washing together with what we can define a modern peeling and a simple exfoliating mask before the application of specific functional treatments. The evolution of concepts, practices, ingredients, and methodologies in use in the aesthetic field from the Middle Ages to today, allow us to underline similarities and differences.
Indeed, the specific recipes for facial treatment confirm the study and interest in aesthetic problems and “cosmetic” products by the Salerno Medical School. The original cosmetic science of Trotula shares with modern cosmetology, even in the case of the treatments proposed for the face, the goal of seeking to improve one’s appearance, making us perceive the existence of a canon of beauty of the time, but also to preserve skin health or cure various skin diseases, with a focus on prevention, a key and modern concept of Salerno practical medicine.
This need is met with a wide application of herbs, minerals, and animal fats, used as raw materials to formulate cosmetics that we would currently define as “functional”.
For example, one facial cleaning that Trotula describes begins with a pre-treat wash that is based on tartar oil that provides a softening, lightening, and smoothing action. This tartar oil is not just a simple item, either, for it is made by soaking the tartar in vinegar using iron containers, a process which takes three to four days to complete.
There is even more complexity to the treatment: “Trotula recommends applying tartar oil at night for its greasiness, for at least 7 consecutive nights, in relation to the type of skin; a particularly dry skin may require prolonged treatment for up to 15 days. During the day, in the period of night treatment with tartar oil, the skin should be washed with water and starch, which acts as a sprinkling and adsorbent/lightening powder.
To prepare the starch, fresh barley grains are left to rot in three parts of water and ground in a mortar. The resulting slurry is crushed, and then, the water is left to evaporate in the sun in order to obtain a dry product that can be stored for subsequent applications.” Today, this combination of tartar and vinegar is still used to treat dry skin.
The study points out that knowledge of plants, animals and minerals for their cosmetic use is something that goes back to ancient times and follows a long tradition, which Trotula de Ruggiero was able to write down and detail.
The researchers conclude:
Trotula’s cosmetics and modern cosmetics seem to share a holistic vision since both don’t only look at the “product” and the “remedy” separated from the person to whom it is addressed. They have in common the attention to the balance and harmony of the individual, in the “man / woman-product-environment” interaction.
Sustainable solutions and products, environmental protection, cost optimization with respect to performance are the drivers of cosmetology of the third millennium which, like Trotula’s cosmetology, is at the service of the person, aims to contribute to accompanying and slowing down the normal and physiological aging, wants to cooperate in well-being, using the help that comes from the plant world and the ecosystem in general.”
- Medieval skincare routines were remarkably similar to modern versions, study finds
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taylortruther · 11 months
Bestie do you have any favourite Jessica defino pieces?
so many! here are the articles that changed how i look at skincare:
your skin doesn't need skincare - perfect skin is unattainable, and most people's skin can already clean/moisturize/take care of itself
the science of skincare isn't science - about how "science-backed" otc skincare is a marketing myth
why normal skin is a myth - basically that a lot of the problems skincare tries to solve is just... skin being skin!
here are some about the politics of beauty:
on skin lightening and colorism
on the inherent racism of the beauty industry, which we see blatantly in marketing
the radical notion that our bodies should be accepted as they are without any modifications
so-called simple or clean beauty as a class performance
here are some related to pop culture:
eat shit, kim kardashian - a response to kim's absolutely bananas nytimes interview where she lied about having work done, "joked" she would eat shit every day if it kept her looking younger, and promoted her extremely expensive skincare line
martha stewart's sports illustrated cover means next to nothing
why the barbie movie will be bad for beauty culture (this also has links to other great pieces)
some of these might be paywalled, i apologize. i am a subscriber but you can also turn off javascript (using a browser extension) when you are reading the articles on desktop and access them.
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Being kinda bitchy about the "math sucks" trope cw
I was watching a video the other day where the YouTuber who made it was recreating and using various skincare products from a 19th century book aimed at people who ran salons and it was all very "For science!" in a pretty shallow way that didn't betray much understanding of the scientific method, which, yeah, sure. I don't have a problem with that in and of itself, I guess. Pretty standard as these things go.
But then at one point she was talking about how she was thirding the recipe, because she didn't want to end up with vast amounts of one of the products, and she tried to work out what a third of a half was in her head (with animated equations overlaid around her puzzled face in post) and eventually she looked it up on her phone. And like... girl. It's a 1/6th. This is primary school stuff. And even if you don't know that you multiply the numerator by the numerator and the denominator by the denominator... have you ever cut a pizza?
If you are going to invoke Science™ and put on period safety goggles and a lab coat for the aesthetic, then maybe don't meme about how Math Is Hard? Because that makes you look ridiculous?
I'm not trying to shame anyone who finds basic mathematics hard! It's something a lot of people struggle with and it's not a moral failing to be bad at something.
But... it's just... it's so fucking tedious to me how "math is hard" is such a common Funnie Joak in internet circles that is supposed to be universally relatable. We all make a lot of hay out of the people who bitch and moan that "maybe the curtains were just blue!" and call them out for celebrating their pride in their own willful ignorance, but at the same time it's apparently completely acceptable to assume that the kind of arithmetic that children under 12 are expected to master is so obviously beyond even the keenest of intellects and just generally not worth knowing.
And this paired with the science drag is like... Idk, it seems very tacky to me? It's so fucking disrespectful to in the same breath that you say "Yay science!" say "Boo math!" Why are people so obsessed with the shallow aesthetics of Hollywood science while being so openly disdainful of like... even the most simple of tools that scientists use?
And this is leaving aside the... very dubiously scientific approach taken in this video. Which, I don't know, I guess that's fine. I'm not expecting a YouTuber to do a double blind peer reviewed study about the efficacy of Victorian skincare. The fact that she consulted modern chemists to make sure she wasn't doing anything dangerous and cautioned her audience not to try to recreate the things she'd made without taking the same precautions is like... something. I guess. But... ugh.
Is this what humanities people feel about Dark Academia aesthetic moodboards?
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suitsandshirts · 2 years
What is the secret behind Brad Pitt's skincare routine?.
Now that Brad Pitt is a beauty founder-the actor has officially announced Le Domaine, a science-meets-nature line of genderless skincare essentials-we of course had to know: Turns out the answer is quite simple: a wash (or two).
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