#sir those are my emotional support fictional characters
greensagephase · 9 months
Just read part 4 of nonviolent communication, and reading how you described Miguel’s past and thoughts made me so sad for him!! Actually now I’m just really heartbroken for the reader and Miguel… dang they really deserve better. I love how you called back to previous chapters to explain some of the things Miguel did for the reader, those little details are so good. I also loved the interactions the reader had with Miguel towards the end too, it was so so sweet and it’s the little moments and subtlety that get me. Thanks so much for posting part 4 so soon!! I can’t wait to read the rest of the chapters, and take your time! This story is so good!! ✨
Also same, I can’t wait to see BTSV, I really hope we get more of Miguel’s story and more screen time with him in general. Miguel O’Hara. That’s it that’s the plot.
Hi, anon! Thank you for this lovely ask 🥰
If it isn't obvious at this point, I'm a simp for this fictional man because he's BEAUTIFUL but I also love him because of how INTERESTING he is already despite us knowing so little about him (at least the Spider-Verse version). I'm sure I'm going to be crying buckets when BTSV comes out. It's going to be a rollercoaster of emotions as I truly believe that the next movie will focus more on him. I think the producers purposedly left out so much on him in ATSV, like Gwen interrupting his formal introduction (I was mad about it for days), leaving us with no new info so they can really go into it in BTSV and I'm ready for it. I NEED more screentime for him. I also hope once Miles's storyline is complete that we get Miguel's own movie. I just need Miguel 100% of the time on the screen lol, make him the entire plot!
But, returning to part four in Nonviolent Communication, I felt so sad writing Miguel's part but it was also so interesting to think about his current state of mind and what led to it. Like, is his entire family deceased or is he just estranged from them, and if so, why? What led him to being so unhappy in his dimension that he made the decision to insert himself into Gabriella's universe the moment he had the chance? I thought about it and all I could think was that this man has been through it so much that he made that decision to feel happy for once and lead a somewhat normal life. Also, it was interesting to weave in his line from the movie where he tells Miles that he signed up to be Spider-Man. Like - sir, most of these people did NOT sign up for this but it's just another interesting layer to Miguel's character and his state of mind, and overall how he thinks of himself as Spider-Man.
And yes, Miguel and the reader deserve so much better! I love the parallels of their lives. They're just two people who have lost their loved ones and unlike so many other spider-members, they really have no other family to fall back on (at least in my story lol) . I'm so glad you enjoyed the tidbits of the previous chapters. I was thinking it was going to be repetitive but I hoped that I was providing Miguel's perspective from those days and how he was somewhat struggling with how he was feeling regarding the reader and the circumstances. Also, I loved the interaction at the end, too! This was my nod at the fact that they will start confiding in each other more.
Thank you for the support, and I'm so happy you're enjoying the story so far! I'll have part five out in a few days and I hope you continue to enjoy it. Have a great day/night! 💖
Live, Laugh, Miguel❤️
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anxiouspotatorants · 3 years
It is time. It is finally time for the new Suicide Squad rant (and spoilers will be plentiful):
As someone who was into DC Comics and comics in the mid to late 2010s and had so much hype for the first Suicide Squad movie only to be let down, I was so nervous for this one. I knew it was going to be a roller coaster, but whether I would come out happy or disappointed was up in the air. Having just seen it I will say this: I have no idea if this was a good movie-movie. It was insane. The comedy. The violence. The high emotion. I’m still trying to take it all in. But one thing I do know is that this is an amazing Suicide Squad movie. Gunn and co took the best parts of the comic concept and went batshit with it and that is how this property should be handled (in my opinion). Screw edgelordisms, we need full on insanity free of aiming for shock-value or sexy brutality we want chaos baby.
Starting the whole movie as they did, with Savant as the POV for a mission (or part of the mission) that just goes to hell immediately and kills off so many before the title arrives is the perfect way to start this movie. Like the second I realized this was how they were doing it I was just smiling from ear to ear, this is the spirit of the property.
Part of me wishes we got more Amanda Waller, but what we had was impeccable. Then again, this is Viola Davis we’re talking about, and if she was born to play any character in a superhero story, it is Amanda Waller.
And points to her tech team, introducing them with the death bets was just a lovely way to show how regular this is and how awful everyone is in this movie.
I’m not going to pretend like Deadshot and Bloodsport didn’t have the exact same character- and plot premises… but I will say that Bloodsport felt better executed.
I love that they kept some of the past members and not just Harley. Rick Flag got to have a full personality and interactions with his team members and to be a true leader and it made me so happy for someone who initially did not give a single shit about his character. The Harley friendship? The Dubois friendship? The friendship with that guerilla leader? Amazing. The one American soldier in fictional media I genuinely like. You go Mr Flag.
The new members were… they were insane in the best way. Gone are the shitty stereotypes and present are some of the wackiest creations to ever grace the mainstream movie-sphere (aka the slightly less normal comic creations): A man who has to shoot out polka dots two times a day so as not to die from a space virus. A giant child murdering weasel. A guy who detaches his limbs and slaps people with said detached limbs. King Shark. The second person to command rats with a fancy gadget. They are all crazy and all weird and all more or less morally repulsive people and I love them.
The amount of times I did a double take over the soundtrack I swear. Jessie Reyez? The Pixies? It was so much fun to pick up on once I did.
Was the depiction of a vague Latin American country stereotypical? Yes. Was the secret American involvement predictable and felt mildly patronizing from a non-American, part Latina point of view? Yep. But damn it if I didn’t have a good time with those stereotypes and laugh my ass off at how well executed some were. I don’t know if it was meant as parody, but that one secretary has me thinking so — and if so I am pleased.
Speaking of Latino dictators Harley’s one day romance with one of the villains was something I never knew I needed. Like it was so perfect for Harley that when it happened I almost hit myself for not realizing that this kind of plot should be a normal thing for Harley. And the end of it? Perfect not only in this standalone movie, but also in conjunction with the first and with BoP.
The Taika Waititi cameo??? Oh my god??? I did not expect that and I love it?? Sir, What We Do in the Shadows is impeccable.
Rick Flag’s death actually surprised me. It shouldn’t as this is Suicide Squad, but I kind of expected him to be on Harley’s level of unkillable (because let’s face it, no one kills Harley). What I will say is that his death was good and his final words and actions made me love him all the more. I hope this spawns more Rick Flag content, or at least inspires me to look at what already exists, if he already is as this movie made him (it’s been ages since I read one of the Suicide Squad reboot comics okay).
Starro. How can a villain be so wacky and so terrifying at the same time? I did not expect a literal alien starfish to have more terrifying powers and a more tragic plot execution than Enchantress. But here we are. And that damn star just wanted to be floating in space, and instead it was stuck getting revenge by killing and puppeteering human corpses. Wow that thing was creepier the more you think about it.
I don’t know what I think about Polka Dot Man. I loved watching him on screen but also damn those mommy-issues were on a new level. Not just in his backstory but how he literally sees her in every person around him that was insane. Very funny but like also the kind that makes you laugh just because you’re uncomfortable and don’t know how else to releive the tension.
When Waller got knocked out by a staff member I immediately thought «oh my god Amanda Waller is going to kill half the staff for this», so I’m mildly surprised and disappointed that I didn’t get to see that happen. But also I should maybe expect something like this in a potential future Suicide Squad movie. We can’t have everything in a movie as packed as this.
Peacemaker was very horrible and worked really well. Don’t really have much to say about him, not because I didn’t enjoy him but because I already feel like the film itself has said it for me. But the planting and payoff for his death? Chef’s. Kiss.
Harley’s wardrobe was beautiful. Ratcatcher 2’s combat outfit felt like a steampunk plague dream. Bloodsport’s mask was supercool. Rick Flag’s t-shirt was amazing. But the best little outfit was the Mafalda-keychain and her red dress, hands down. Oh and King Shark’s fake moustache finger moment.
King Shark is shaped like a friend I don’t care how many people he ate alive on screen he looks so huggable. It feels like wanting to pet a bear. You know it will kill you but damn it look at those paws and those cute eyes!
I really need to give it to not just James Gunn but the entire production team for this movie. The aesthetic was perfect. The story was the right blend of whimsical and violent. The finished product was a literal rollercoaster and I mean that in a good way. If superhero movies have to be like amusement parks, I hope they’re more like this one and BoP.
I’ll finish on the note that while I think this movie was great and hopefully a step in the right direction for the DCU/DCEU (as in stop trying to play Marvel’s game and just do your own thing/ let your creative teams run wild and free), it is not the first step. Cathy Yan, Birds of Prey and the production team for it took a step first, and they deserve due credit and attention. If you loved this Suicide Squad movie and haven’t watched BoP yet, do so. Because they really are in the same ballpark while doing things in slightly different ways. And any good DCEU movie deserves more attention so the studios know that creativity and risks should be rewarded. I want more DC movies like this, not necessarily in genre but in creative risks. I want a Black Canary rock movie. I want Alfred in a reverse heist movie alone in the batcave against Gotham villains. I want Gotham Academy on screen play by play from the comics. I want a fully animated psychedelic-like Khalid Nassour as Dr. Fate movie. I want elevated horror movie Constantine. I want weird ass Lois Lane journalist movies with a heavy side of Superman. And I want DC movies I didn’t even know I wanted.
Support creativity in mainstream comic movies. Help me become a DC fan and happy about it again.
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actualbird · 2 years
peanut is luke's ESA (emotional support animal)
wc: 797
so in main story 5.3, i remember mc saying something about peanut in her internal monolog. something along the lines of like "peanut is a very well trained bird and it's not usually a species of bird one would get as a pet. was peanut given to luke by the NSB?" and i was like probably not! i really doubt that even the most well trained of birds can do very much in the missions that luke has shown himself to have taken (aka missions that expose him to DEADLY GAS THAT KILLED ALL HIS TEAMMATES AND NEARLY KILLED HIM) so for a long while, i figured luke just got peanut as a pet himself
but then today i was like. HM. NOPE. ACTUALLY, THE NSB COULDVE GIVEN PEANUT TO LUKE. just not for investigation purposes, but for luke's shitass mental health
the NSB gives Agent Raven a pet bird as an ESA, an emotional support animal
i know theres a lot of memes about this, the classic "sir, thats my emotional support fictional character" and i do love those memes. but also ESAs are very very helpful in terms of aiding the recovery/treatment of people with mental illness. it's not a cure all and definitely not something that all people will find helpful, of course, but for many, it can really frigging help (TRUST ME, i used to work for an animal assisted therapy health service, ive seen how much of a difference it can make for a lot of people okay).
ESAs have a lot of benefits like lessening anxiety and/or depression (and thus lessening physical symptoms of those things), providing companionship to lessen loneliness (which can exacerbate many mental illnesses), and in general just create this relationship of clear and mutual love which is great all around.
another thing that makes ESAs great is the fact that theyre domesticated animals and thus, they need to be taken of.
enter luke pearce.
hes great. hes awesome. hes smart as hell and skilled in combat and has probably killed people in the past and we just dont have a canon number for his body count. hes also got SUCH A TERRIBLY LOWLY VIEW OF HIMSELF that has been present even before he acquired his terminal illness. and to make all that worse, aside from aaron, luke is alone. he's away from mc and is probably already thinking of not returning because his job is violent and he needs to be violent and he cant let her see him like that.
luke doesnt see much value in himself and has little attachments. what happens when a guy like that ends up having to go on dangerous missions?
you get somebody who gets the job done and gets it done well but does it in a manner that pays no heed to his own safety. im pretty damn sure luke was getting a new stab wound like, every other month.
aaron is so stressed. HES SO STRESSED!!! and while aaron is a surgeon, he can definitely see that luke's mental state is gonna run his physical state into the ground. aaron has tried to get luke into therapy but luke always refused and when the NSB made it a requirement, luke was the MOST UNCOOPERATIVE MFER EVER. luke clams up when anybody tries to get him to confront the self destructive aspects of his personality!! hes always on guard!!!
but then one day aaron sees luke happily playing with some stray cats.
and aaron has a eureka moment.
he calls up some therapists, he pitches his case to NSB higher ups about how giving agent raven an ESA will absolutely totally help him stop being 1 inch from death after missions, and the NSB greenlights it because god they cannot lose agent raven since hes really frigging good
enter Peanut the Myna bird, the NSB sponsored ESA for the world's most depressed secret agent
luke, for the first week, is so so pissed at aaron for this. but then by the next week, hes stopped giving aaron the silent treatment. by the third week, luke is sending aaron pictures of peanut like, every frigging hour
and the change is noticeable. it's not perfect but...
luke takes care of himself more and is more careful not to get into as many life threatening injuries because now he has a little chirpy bird he needs to look after, something that relies on him and needs his care and also ensures he isnt alone, something that he loves and loves him needs him to come home
in short
luke: i am your best agent but i hold myself at such a low value that im basically suicidal in every mission
nsb: not allowed. heres a bird
nsb: ...try again
aaron, from the sidelines: //THUMBS UP!!!!!!!
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I don’t know any O’Driscolls so I decided to make a small chaotic friend group to deal with Reader
Finn ‘Mom’ McCarthy
Worries over the group a lot
Really strict
Yells almost 24/7
Mother hen of the group
Jack ‘Boomer’ Hughes
He’s the explosives guy, loves to blow stuff up
Probably snorts cocaine for breakfast
Major caffeine addict
Curses a lot
Crack head of the group
Conor ‘Connie’ Sullivan
The only one with a brain cell and he does not share
Annoyed 24/7
Only O’Driscoll that can read
Could look Satan himself in the eyes and would not be phased
Ben ‘Big Ben’ Collins
He’s actually really really smol
Will fight anything that moves
Him and Jack feed off each other, I’m serious, please don’t leave them unsupervised in a public place
He’s like a chihuahua but Irish
He’s the ‘I always start trouble and you’ll have to get me out of it’ friend of the group
Finn, looking over at some people in the distance: Who the hell are those idio- Ah, shit, those are my idiots.
Finn, running towards them: Y/N! JACK! PUT THAT RACCOON DOWN!
Reader: ‘A man who keeps a machete under his pillow is a fool everyday but one.’
Ben, slamming his fists down in the table: YOU’RE A LYING PIECE OF SHIT!
Finn, gathering cards: Aaaaand that's enough Go Fish for today.
Reader: *watching Colm yell at another O’Driscoll over something ridiculously small*
Reader: Why do we run with him?
Jack, without looking away from the gun he’s cleaning: Free booze and explosives.
Reader: Right.
Finn: That Van Der Linde Gang is getting really annoying.
Reader: I don’t know, that silver-haired one was pretty hot-
Ben: Y/N, for the LAST TIME, stop LUSTING over tHE ENEMY!
Reader: Poison is a magic transmutation potion that turns people into corpses.
Jack: This knife is actually a magic wand.
Reader, yelling towards camp: Meet me behind the saloon in town for a wizard duel!
Jack: *cocks gun* Magic missile.
Conner: What the fuck is wrong with you people.
Finn: You three, explain right now!
Jack: It was Y/N.
Ben: It was Y/N.
Conner: It was Y/N.
Reader: …fuck.
Finn, walking up: Hey, what are you do-
Finn: *sees Ben shoving Jack into the butter churner while Reader cheers him on and Conner watches*
Finn: *eye twitches*
Finn: Okay! Let’s play Kiss, Marry, Kill!
Finn: First, who would you kill?
Reader: *Points at Jack*
Ben: *Points at Jack*
Conner: *Points at Jack*
Jack, shrugging: I would kill me too.
Conner: How do you connect with a fictional character?
Finn, Ben, & Jack: What?
Reader, pulling out a 500 page laminated essay: I'm glad you asked.
Reader: Finn’s gonna kill me.
Conner: Nah, he'll probably make me do it.
Jack: I’M A BEAR! I’M A BEAR!!
Reader, to a random O’Driscoll that was sent on a job with them: Big Ben can be really aggressive, so it's important to take all the necessary precautions when approaching.
Reader: *blows airhorn at Ben*
Jack: Y/N, what do you have?
Reader, running past: A KNIFE!
Jack, going back to what he was doing: Okay, have fu-
Finn, scrambling after them: NO!
Reader: Welcome to fucking Applebees, do you want apples or bees?
Dutch, who got cornered in an alley: Wha.....Bees?
Reader, turning and shouting behind them: HE HAS SELECTED THE BEES!
Dutch: Wait-
Jack: *slowly rounding the corner and shaking a jar of bees menacingly*
Colm, watching Reader being a dumbass: Who the hell is that???
Finn: Sir, that is one of my emotional support dumbasses.
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twst-campos13 · 3 years
ah hello!! i'm literally so excited to see a blog for enby and male readers sodjfoijf,,could i maybe request a scenario where male reader is a staff member (idk?? like a librarian?? a nurse??? do they need nurses over there???) and is crushing on crewel but is too scared to confess because he's both Too Dense to pick up any signs of potential reciprocation and also just isn't sure if crewel likes men??? maybe. maybe with a happy ending though because i am a fool,, thank you very much!!
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One hopelessly cheesy scenario coming up!! Thank you for requesting! I hope you don’t mind I made reader a librarian who may or may not be a bit of a romantic because i listened to a particular playlist while writing this- (commentary in notes!)
Warnings: none! Tags: male!reader, fluff!
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A simple man such as you live a simple life. As simple as life can be in Night Raven College, that is. A prestigious school that holds a student body that can barely tolerate each other. It would be typical for a librarian to be the observer than the observed, but hey, if it means getting out of trivial matters of the school and enjoying the show in your personal bubble, then you have no complaints.
This attitude of yours did come to have its own consequences. You were seen as timid by most students as you were quite closed-off, taking it as a reason to poke fun at you sometimes. You proved them wrong when they step out of line with their fun. Most of the time you choose to ignore them. However, you lived up to your introverted nature, especially when it comes to him.
Tall, dark, and handsome. Approachable but also not at the same time. Sharply dressed and sharp attitude. This man that visits the library ever so often had become your daily motivation to keep on working at this school despite the wage that Crowley gives you.
Divus Crewel, feared and admired by staff and students—also known as the man who stole your heart.
You feel so small compared to him. That would not be so farfetched. He is a remarkable man, and what about you? You are just a librarian at this school. You are like mere dust to him.
Yet, despite this, you continued yearning for him no matter how ridiculous it seems. Perhaps you have fallen too deep in romantic fiction that you make hopeless wishes. You are known to be excellent in reading people but for some reason, you find it hard to read Divus. His perfect posture whenever he would scan the Applied Sciences aisle showed that he is focused on his reading. However, it is his expression you find hard to decipher. He looks dashing as ever, of course, but his thin lips and neutral gaze makes it hard for you to know what he is thinking.
If your life is a novel it would be so easy to know what runs in his mind. What he feels for you. Maybe he could even know what you feel for him. In a story, what makes characters likable is knowing what their emotions, their feelings, their ambitions, and their dreams are, for they are already laid out in ink on pages. Implicit or explicit information, simple or complex structure of personality, it does not matter. You would easily know about them for they are just sentences away from understanding.
And in romance novels…oh, how dreamy they are. How easy they make it seem to fall in love, to confess, and to achieve a happy ending. However, as a librarian, you know the reality of your situation. Your relationship with Crewel is a professional. Strictly, if you were to add an adjective. Is it really strictly professional? Your right brain points out the moments in your life where you interacted with him. At faculty meetings, reunions, at the library…moments like those just feel surreal you almost believed that you made those up on your own. Probably because you initiated each of those interactions yourself.
The only time, where Crewel would come to you himself, are rare. One time he came to the library and checked out a book to read in his spare time. His voice distracted you. It was like cherry wine. Sweet, smooth, enough to make your throat dry and your cheeks flushed. Oh, you could listen to him talk for hours in that tone of his, and he could even make you do anything he pleases.
You greet each other good morning or good afternoon when you pass by each other, and he would smile a teasing one at you as if you two shared a secret with each other. Well, technically you did, for one time you bought him coffee under the pouring rain, and he repaid you for your kindness. Soon enough your coffee exchange became a routine for both of you. It was sweeter than the cream in his coffee. It was more refreshing than the rainy day you shared with each other.
His gaze. His posture. His voice. His smile. Despite those small interactions with each other you are still troubled by what he thinks of you. A friend? A colleague? A special someone? Why is this so hard? Why was it so easy to fall in love? And when things could not get worse for you, your left brain argued that he might not be interested to mingle with a man.
Well, you could find out for yourself, but that would be creepy. Your workspace is in the library! You could not just leave when you please just so you can observe him. You could not use the staff files to your advantage—that is being a borderline stalker. Whatever Crewel’s orientation is, is his to keep and his to disclose to you. Oh, but still. If this were a novel, you could easily analyze the situations that give off evidence of him liking men. Or liking someone like you.
If that were the case you would not have a hard time trying to decipher his words, his gaze, his tone, and his actions towards you. If that were the case…if that were the case…then…well, there’s no then. Divus Crewel is not a fictional character to analyze. He is your coworker, your colleague.
It is hard to know what he thinks of you, at all. You really wished that you could…but the thought of knowing what he thinks to scare you, as well.
Rejection is not that far from reality. Who are you compared to him again? A nobody. A simple, ‘timid’, librarian that enjoys reading romantic and fiction novels and inserts himself in scenarios he makes up for himself just so he can…find the happiness he wishes to have.
But Divus is your happiness. Became your source of happiness. Ironic how he colors the muted floor of the library with his monochromatic appearance. Maybe it is better that you keep your feelings to yourself. You avoid the risk of rejection and humiliation as well as ruining whatever it is your current relationship with Crewel is.
You barely registered the visitor in front of your desk until a familiar red leathery gloved hand rested atop of yours. The contact of the leather sent a spark of electricity through you that you snapped your head up to meet alluring silvery blue eyes. There is only one person in this college that owns those distinct, beautiful, silvery blue eyes.
“Have I interrupted your moment of peace, sir?” He asked in that cherry wine voice of his. It made your throat dry up and your face warm. “N-No—no!” You squeaked, shaking your head to brush off the embarrassment. Quickly, you fixed your composure and appeared presentable. As presentable as you could be under his stare that is. You just hope that he found some amusement in your haste. “D-Div—Mr. Crewel, what can I do for you?” You smiled as you speak in a professional tone. The edge of his lips curled into a familiar smirk and still you could not determine what was running through his mind at the moment.  
“I came to return the book I borrowed last week,” he said, placing down the novel on your desk. Sense and Sensibility. Jane Austen. Right, he borrowed that last week. It is not your place to judge whatever it is he desires to read. “Of course,” you nodded, “did you enjoy reading it?” You started on a small talk as you take out your logbook for the check-ins and outs of books. “Somewhat,” Crewel shrugged, “I had my eyes set on another book I would like to borrow.”
“Oh? What is it? I’ll go get it for you.” You stood up after sliding the logbook back to its drawer. Crewel did not leave from where he was standing. His eyes were simply on you. You had to hide your nervousness under his gaze. “I had my eyes on it ever since that rainy day, when you offered me shelter in the library until the rain passes,” he mused. “General fiction, I believe, was the genre.”
“If that’s the case then you better tell me the title,” you joked, taking a stool to the genre’s aisle. “Are you certain you can find it?” Crewel coolly challenged. You almost laughed but did not fight the smile on your lips. “Mr. Crewel, I spend most of my time in this library. I know every book and I still have the Dewey Decimal system memorized…” You kept your eyes distracted by scanning the spines of the books on the shelves. You are aware that he is still looking at you that is why you refused to look back at him. You are not sure what will happen if you look back at him while conversing.  
“If that is the case—” why does he suddenly sound a bit close? “—may you find ‘How to Ask your Dense Colleague Out to Dinner?’”
What a lengthy title. It sounds very basic and almost like a rule book than a novel. Well, that is General Fiction for you. Though you are quite unsure if such a book exists in the library. “Hm…” you hummed, a finger on your chin, as your eyes scanned the shelves. “I don’t think I have that here…Crowley pays me enough to support my rent and meals, but not enough to buy new books. Plus, the students…”
You heard him chuckle beside you and fought the urge to turn to him. “I believe I was not frank enough. Ah, well, I will put all subtleties aside, then…”
His warm breath tickling your skin was what made you finally turn to him. The proximity of your noses startled you that you nearly stumbled out of your stool if it were not for Divus’ hand grabbing yours to pull you to him. You gasped, shocked, as you landed close to his chest. His other hand supported your waist, and your eyes widened his silvery blues. You can feel your heart hammering against his. Your legs feel like putty when he gave you that teasing smirk. Your name—your first name—sounds surreal from his lips. Your entire world was a confusing mix of vertigo and bright lights.
“Will you go to dinner with me?”
You stared. You stammered. You are flabbergasted and flustered. You were unsure how to react to such a forward question that your brain completely shut down. But you cannot embarrass yourself—you must not. Not when…not when…not when…!
Oh, he will he stop saying your name with such sentiment?
“Is your silence a rejection or a consideration?” He rose a brow and your face flushed even more. “No! I mean yes—I mean—no, it isn’t a rejection—”
“Then you have been anticipating this?”
He laughed. He laughed at your state. He laughed at your awkwardness. But most importantly his laugh sounds so pleasant. Like he was teasing you and you liked him teasing. You grew shy, averting your gaze from his and fidgeting with your fingers. “I mean…I mean…why?”
Crewel stopped laughing and looked at you. “Why what?”
“Why…me? Out of all people?” You asked as fear and denial keep you from grasping the fact that this is all real and not another scenario you made up during rainy days. Crewel’s face remained passive. Neutral. It was eating at your heart and you just wish what is going through his mind.
“Is it not obvious, puppy?” He raised a brow at you. The hand holding your wrist now tilted your chin in his direction. “It is not by fate or destiny, but a mere law that dictates the gravitational pull of similar atoms that is programmed by the need to chemically bind together.”
You suddenly felt stumped. “W—What?”
“I like you, puppy,” Crewel clarified, adoring the way your confusion turned to pure surprise, “and I would like to have dinner with you. Perhaps another, if the first went well.”
You need some time to process this. Your head felt so light you might pass out in his arms. Actually, you would not mind that in the slightest. His coat is just so soft it feels like heaven. A proper response of agreement failed to come to your mind so instead, you asked him again, “And what if the first does not end well?”
Crewel smiled at you. “Then we shall try again with the next dinner. Mind you, puppy, as a man of science, I am not afraid of failure if trying means more chances of perfecting my goal.”
“And what’s that goal?” You asked and physically stopped yourself from combusting when he leaned closer to you that your noses touch and you smell his cologne, and his bold scent.
“The goal to become yours.”
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frenchie-sottises · 4 years
ADDICT Animation Thoughts.
This is me not having doing one of these review sort of things in a while. I’m kinda swallowed in the love for the newest animation for Hazbin Hotel, so I’mma do a review on it.
Yeah, I’m talking about the whole music video for the song “ADDICT”.  Yes, it’s a song I freaking LOVE and will probably sing it to the ceilings for the rest of the week.
I actually had no clue there was an animation being produced for this song. I thought it was a good fan song and it was just gonna be left like that, but no, the person, and team, decided to make a video for it.
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Okay, first off, can I just gush over how much I freaking love this thumbnail?? It’s done by Arielle Somerville, and even though this doesn’t have Cherri included, who takes up the second verse and I’ll talk about that in the minute, she definitely gets the message across that this video, and song, is mostly about Angel himself. I especially love the reflection on the pole, showing Valentino, who showed his face in the comic that’s supposed to be a prequel to the actual pilot. I also love the expression on Angel’s face. To me, it spells utter hatred for Valentino, and why shouldn’t he?
I’m sure most people who like Hazbin Hotel have seen this vid, so I don’t think I need to put a spoiler warning. Instead of explaining what happens in the video, I will break down the actual song and what comes to mind when I hear the lyrics and see the imagery.
Til death do us part, but we're already past that phase. This is a brand new start, and I think I deserve some praise
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I will forever love this shot.
for the way that I am. Despite having overdosed, and ending up comatose.
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I don't give a damn, I've let my emotions go- Fuck being a sober hoe.
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The first verse is fairly clear about what happened to him before and after he died. Angel states with the whole “Till death, do us part” that now that he’s in Hell, he’s starting anew. He then further states that he should “deserve some praise” for the way he is despite the fact he “overdosed” and “ending up comatose”. While it IS confirmed that Angel died via PCP overdose, PCP can cause anything from organ shutdown (lungs and kidneys specifically) to seizures and coma. It’s not exactly clear what specifically killed him, but if I had to guess: organ shutdown. Specifically respiratory arrest since the oxygen is crucial for sustaining the brain.
He then, like typical Angel Dust, sings about not giving a damn, which makes sense since cause, y’know, it’s Angel. He claims to have let his emotions go and “fuck being a sober hoe.” PCP is.. odd when it comes to the psychological effects of it. PCP can block NMDA receptors, which are responsible for pain sensations, memory function, learning, and yes, even emotions. However, it can also cause anything from euphoria and calmness to anxiety and violence depending on how much is taken and who is using it. I’m not an expert, so I don’t know what’s specifically causing such contradicting results. (If someone does know PCP back to front, I’m giving you the shot to put your two cents in.)
This is the mantra, this is my life you're playing with now til the end of the night. Surrounded by fire, the passion ignites, a hit of that heaven and hell, a helluva high!
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We then hit the bridge. Angel walks towards the moth in the thumbnail named “Valentino”, and yes, I got plenty to say about him later, and tells him he’s playing with Angel’s life “til the end of the night.” I don’t exactly know what he means by this since Valentino is Angel’s boss and we all know it’s not some one-time thing. He then sings about being “surrounded by fire” as “the passion ignites” and “a hit of that heaven and hell.” Heaven and Hell, huh? I believe he, himself, knows of its effects. (I’m not calling him stupid/oblivious, but sometimes the effects of these sort of drugs tend to be underestimated when it comes to what they can actually do.)
I'm addicted to the madness. This hotel is my Atlantis. We're forever gonna have a fucking reason to sin. Let me leave my soul to burn and I'll be breathing it in. I'm addicted to the feeling. Getting higher than the ceiling. And we're never gonna want this fucking feeling to end. Just concede and give in to your inner demons again.
Angel, along with Cherri, sings about how he’s “addicted to the madness.” I mean, he did have a casual conversation while happily killing Sir Pentious’s minions. He then makes a reference to the lost city of Atlantis, a city that was said to be inhabited by people who were half-man/half-god and created a utopian civilization.. basically the hotel is an “oasis” of sorts to flee from his current situation. Of course, being in a place called Hell, he states how there will always be a reason to sin and that he’ll leave his soul to burn and breathe it in. I mean, it’s Hell, you can’t fault him for thinking that, and, if you know a thing or two about Hell, once you’re there, have fun getting out, so you might as well leave your soul to burn and breathe it in. Of course, Hell is a lot uglier than this, but we’re talking fictional characters here, so there’s gonna be some rule bending.
He then repeats the first line of the chorus, but it’s slightly altered. He’s “addicted to the feeling” and “getting higher than the ceiling”, which is probably referring to the drugs again cause, well, you know. Of course, like how drug abusers become drug abusers, he doesn’t want this “feeling to end”, so he takes more angel dust to keep this feeling going. He then says to “concede and give in to your inner demons again.” Concede means to “admit after resisting or denying”, so Angel, at some point, was resisting, or denying, the situation he was in, but after either fighting it/denying it for so long, before or after death, he accepted that he’s fucked up and gave in to his inner demons.
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I also love this shot.
After a few seconds of awesome music, Cherri gets her time to shine.
Yeah you fell in love, but you fell deeper in this pit. While death rains from above, so count your blessings cause this is it.
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You're not letting it go, so what if I misbehave? It's what everybody craves.
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You already know, so come if you're feeling brave, and fancy yourself a mate.
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Cherri seems to have suffered an abusive relationship before as she seems to use past tense for whoever she’s referring to. "Yeah, you fell in love, but you fell deeper in this pit.” Whatever it was, it’s not something that can be made up for. She then says “While death rains from above, so count your blessings cause this is it.” I don’t exactly know what she means by this. Technically, they’re both dead and in Hell, so I don’t think whoever this man is has had his soul destroyed.. mainly because of what she says later. However, as death does what death does best, she’s telling him to count his blessings as this is it. I don’t know what she means as we don’t actually know that much about Cherri to begin with, so it’s more of a hit or miss kind of game in this playing field. She doesn’t seem to have any grudges against him, or at least doesn’t act like she does. I know somewhere down the line that our “protagonists” will have to face their problems, but I’m not sure what Cherri has in store for a man she seemingly got over.
However, it may be over for her, but she states that it isn’t for him by telling him that he’s “not letting it go.” She continues by asking “so what if I misbehave?” and then following that up with “It’s what everybody craves.” She makes it seem like he couldn’t handle her overly energetic attitude. It may also suggest that Cherri, along with her use of bombs and how much she seems to love blowing up shit, may be emotionally unstable. While yes, she may be kind and friendly to Angel, but he’s just a friend, I don’t think he’s anything more.
It doesn’t stop there though, whatever it is, she tells him he already knows, so come if he’s feeling brave and fancy himself a mate. Mate is often referring to a lover, but could also mean friend or someone for a one-night stand. Again, since we don’t know much about her, these lines could mean anything.
You want it? I got it! See what you like? We could have it all by the end of the night! Your money and power.. my sinful delight! A hit of that heaven and hell, a helluva high!
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The bridge doesn’t do much in terms of explaining what’s happened to Cherri. While yes, it’s definitely explaining something, we don’t know what that something is. We can only guess at the moment.
Cherri tells whoever this man is that if he wants it, she’s got it. She then teases him with “See what you like? We could have it all by the end of the night!” The whole “end of the night” has now been said on both sides. It could mean about the similar situations between them. Heck, it might be why they’re friends to begin with. Nothing brings people together more than having similar experiences.
Then, and I don’t know if this is me, Cherri’s voice seems to tone down slightly when saying, “Your money and power” before kicking it back up with her smiling and saying, “my sinful delight!” The animation may support this as everything tones down, except the music, as if she’s reminiscing. She then follows it up with the line that leads into the chorus. As far as I know, she isn’t taking drugs, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be addicted to certain habits. *cough, cough* Blowing shit up. *cough, cough*
We then hit the chorus again. The chorus before introduced Cherri into the video, but now it’s being sung by both on the same stage and in the same building: the same one Cherri decides to blow up as they both sing about their respective situations. There isn’t much to this other than the fact that it feels more of a wrap up on explaining their current states.
Of course, those who have listened to the VIP version knows there was an extra verse sung by Angel, which was included at the end of the video.
I'm addicted to the sorrow when the buzz ends by tomorrow. There's another rush of poison flowing into my veins, giving me a dose of pleasure that resides by the pain.
I'm addicted, I'm dependent. Looking awesome, feeling helpless. And I know I'm raising Cain by every highway in hell. Maybe things won't be so terrible inside this hotel.
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I.. don’t know where to begin with this. I had to go back several times because there’s just so much detail in every scene. Everything from seeing Travis getting kicked in the face to the cigarette that Angel threw in the ash tray looking like a heart.
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I think I’ll start with what I think might be going on.
Angel, more than likely, is still in an abusive relationship with Valentino, who I will ramble about in a few. I’ve seen a few who’ve said that he isn’t, but I don’t think he managed to break it just like that. He is the one who told the audience to give in to their inner demons after all.
As far as Cherri goes? She’s become an addict to her own habit of blowing stuff up for fun. While yes, she’s seen blowing stuff up that is about/for Valentino, with a habit that’s become an addiction, I don’t think it’s gonna be very specific.
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Of course, I could be very wrong about Cherri. She is seen blowing up a sign that literally says “ADDICT.”
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So maybe she has broken an addiction of hers and is stronger than I give her credit for. Maybe that’s also why she’s coming to the hotel, cause she also said the hotel is her Atlantis, so it’s probably a hint that she’s gonna be added later.
Speaking of Cherri...
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I love her solely for this.
While they aren’t exactly ideal people, they are, almost, ideal friends. Whenever one struggles, the other comes to help. Angel helped Cherri fight off Pentious while Cherri is here comforting Angel as he goes through his abusive relationship with Valentino. (She also helps with, again, blowing up anything that belongs/is for Valentino. Ridding imagery of an abuser will bring some ease to the victim’s life.) I say “almost” as they don’t go about it in the tamest of ways.. though I understand why people would come to defend what Cherri did. If nothing stops them from fighting and taking land, then nothing would stop Cherri blowing up a billboard or two, especially if it’s Valentino.
I think it’s time I’ve rambled about Valentino and the relationship he and Angel have, SO HUGE WARNING, this is gonna mention sexual assault/rape.
Valentino... I know I’m right when I say that just about everyone in the Hazbin Hotel fandom absolutely hates this fucker.
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I can’t tell you how many people have made jokes about it already. Who wouldn’t hate him? I can tell you right here, right now, that moths, because he’s a moth, are my favorite insects. They’re fluffy, amazing to look at, and can make for some nice character designs. However, I have not once found myself being fond of Valentino. He has a great design, but that’s about it. He may not be real, but I’d strangle him too for not respecting Angel’s boundaries.
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the fuck
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My god, it doesn’t even stop here. This was pretty tame. I have a feeling not many know what was actually shown in the mirror when Angel was in his room.
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Yeah, I don’t need to tell ya. I mean, I hope that’s not what’s happening, but Valentino IS one of many of the overlords of Hell, so who knows how twisted he is. It looks like he’s just holding him in place and just glaring at him through the mirror as he probably monologues about some bull about Angel being his and whatnot, but this is Hell and tame can just go out the window.. that and Valentino is literally fucking drooling.
As a final note, I’m pretty hyped for whatever Vivzie and her crew have in store for this series. I’ve seen the pilot, I’ve read the comic, and now I’ve seen the music video, all have been great.
I can’t really guess on where Vivzie’s gonna go with this whole story. I’ve always learned that Hell is an inescapable place, so I’d expect that Hazbin Hotel will be about Charlie hoping to rehabilitate people to go to Heaven only to find out that there’s no way out. Maybe it’ll be about how Hell doesn’t have to be some horrible place for nothing but pain, but a place to finally try and fix your problems so they don’t control you in the afterlife.
However, Hell has one issue: the overpopulation and extermination. It’s why Charlie opened up the hotel to begin with, so maybe the plot is far more clear cut. It is a fictional world. Technically the Hell most people think of is nothing really like this. It’s just an eternal fire pit where you’ll suffer physical pain over and over. However, Vivzie’s take on it is far more abstract. It seems Hell is where you’re put into situations you wouldn’t want to be in. Angel seems to want love and have fun, but is instead stuck with someone abusive and what he finds fun has been turned into work, both of which he hates.
In the end, I’m really loving Hazbin Hotel’s story as a whole. I love the fact Angel got some more depth to him. I’m looking forward to what’s in store for Cherri and the others.
P.S.: You wanna know the irony to this? I love moths, but most spiders I hate. However, I’m here hating Valentino, a moth, while having a fondness for Angel, a spider.
I’ve never had something like this happen to me before and it’s one of many reason why I love Hazbin Hotel.
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lyricalvillain · 3 years
TFaWS Spoilers Below!
Okay. Okay. Can we frigging talk about Falcon and Winter Soldier stuff real quick? Cause like... I'm blown away by all the emotional stuff going on here. I am loving where this is going so far and the intense issues the characters are struggling with and how wonderful the Actors are doing right now.
Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie)
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Anthony Mackie is a national treasure. I love his portrayal of Sam Wilson. He does an astounding job. He has such an expressive face and he uses it to break my heart.
His character is going through a lot right now. He just got back from being dead for five years. People mourned him, his family mourned him. He is trying to reintegrate himself into the world and his loved one's lives. Which is even harder when there's a five year gap of missing time to account for. Right away in Ep1 he's given shit from a banker about that five year gap in employment. (Which, excuse me sir who raised you???)
All while coming to terms with the fact that Steve is gone. Steve is gone and he dropped this monumental legacy onto Sam's shoulders.
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And Sam felt he didn't fit that role, felt like he was standing in this massive shadow cast by what people expected from Steve (and now what they expect from Sam). His speech about needing new heros, and letting the shield rest because noone could live up to Steve-- wonderful. Beautifully delivered. Mackie is killing it portraying Sam. Just. A++
And the cinematography in that moment. The massive image of Steve looming over Sam. Really pushing how Sam feels in that moment.
He felt that the shield, the legacy, the title belonged to someone else. He had his own name, his own legacy that he was building. His own identity. I can see how he wouldn't want to give up being Falcon and pick up Steve's shield.
But that made the end of ep announcement of the new Captain America all the more heart wrenching, like seriously I wanted to cry. Because Sam trusted that the shield and uniform would be kept at the museum. Trusted that his decision and wishes would be respected. And oh god, how they rolled over that without a seconds hesitation.
The entirety of episode two was just triggering for both of our boys. Sam was constantly being reminded of how he gave up the shield. It’s the first thing Bucky says to him, and it’s the thing Bucky focuses on the most. Sam is probably already furious that this is happening and John Walker isn’t helping that either.
“It would be easier if I had Cap’s wingmen to back me up.”
Sam’s reaction to this was very telling. He was with the guy up until this point it seemed. As soon as he said this, Sam left. And I think it has a lot to do with him having his own autonomy as a hero, his own identity, his own legacy. He is very focused on who is behind the symbol, the person behind the symbol. (I also think Sam may have some Imposter syndrome going on, maybe?) He helped take down Thanos, take down Hydra. He’s put the work in, he's made a name for hinself. So when John says he's put the work in. I feel like that's just insult to injury right there for Sam.
While I doubt John meant any harm, he definitely stuck his foot in his mouth. It seemed like he thought of Bucky and Sam as accessories instead of their own individual people. Like they didn’t have issues and lives outside of being brushed off and put in play for whatever Cap needed them for. 
Sam was with Steve because they were friends, why would he ally himself with John Walker, a man who had taken up the mantle he had tried to lay to rest, a man he didn’t know at all? A man who didn’t know him at all.
And don’t get me started on the cops man, they called for BACKUP. They stopped because they judged someone based on the color of their skin, and the backup arrived as they figured out who they were harassing. Fucking systemic racism, man. (Good job portraying that as well though.)
Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan)
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Bucky... God damn. What a mess. Tragic back story to the max, add in a dash of survivors guilt, self worth issues a mile wide. And lets not forget the trust issues. We have those too.
We all know his past, the brainwashed assassin with no real name. Treated like a weapon, stripped of humanity and autonomy.
He was a fugitive for probably about four years spent some more time on ice in Wakanda, and then vanished for five. He comes back to help kick Thanos' butt and then Steve... Just leaves him to live his life in the past. For Steve it's been a long time. Steve lived through those five years without Sam or Bucky. But for Bucky it was only yesterday that they had been fighting to stop Thanos. He hasn't been able to integrate properly into society. He only had Steve and by extension Sam.
So now he's left to integrate on his own. Steve was his anchor, and he's adrift in the future where he only consistently talks to his therapist and a man who's son he murdered.
He is not okay.
In episode one and two we see just how not okay he is. He's mired in his past, clinging to the vestiges of his combat experience and skill set he picked up as the winter soldier. Sam tells him he's not a spy anymore and Bucky fights to be able to help, to feel relevant again.
Hes so focused on Steve's shield. I like to think its partially because of what Steve's trust symbolized to him, and also because it's tied so closely with Steve's memory that seeing someone, that Steve didn't give it to, wield it bugs him. Steve's last wish was for Sam to pick up the title.
The revelation that he was trying so hard because Steve believed in him broke my heart. Especially once he started doubting that faith his friend had in him.
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"What was rule two again, Doc?"
Nobody gets hurt. But I wonder if bucky was implying that he has been hurt. I mean probably, Sam said some hurtful things, they both did. And they're both snarky and defensive. Still Bucky will help Sam, because even though they argue and fight, they're friends, united in grief and trauma. I just have so many feelings about my boys guys.
John Walker (Wyatt Russell)
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I’m not gonna lie I expected to hate John, in fact the ending of the first episode just begs you to hate him. I don’t love him. But surprisingly I also definitely don’t hate him. He is a giant dumbass though.
So firstly, this dude is from the comics, he’s eventually  known as U.S. Agent.
He operates within the confines of the law, and is basically the government’s lap dog at this point. Whereas Steve, as Captain America, had gone against orders multiple times, against the law even, to do what he thought was right. Despite the obvious differences in their character so far, there is a parallel we can draw between John and Steve and even John and Sam.
John feels that pressure that Sam felt in Episode one. It’s the first thing he really talks about. He doesn't want to let the people down.
He has been used as a marketing tool very much like Steve. Propaganda posters, the works. He tells his friend (high-school sweetheart?) that he wants to just “do the job” like Steve did. He’s frustrated about being paraded around, surrounded by dancing girls and stuffed in front of cameras.
As irritatingly confident as he seems, there is a lot of doubt and nerves in this guy. He is also… not enhanced. He’s just slightly above average for a human.
“I’m not trying to replace Steve, I’m not trying to be Steve. I’m just trying to be the best Captain America I can be.” This was honesty, there was frustration in the lines. He probably feels overwhelmed, he is reaching out for help from people who knew Cap best and are best equipped to help him take down the Flag Smashers.
Later when he shows up to bail Bucky out, he made a few more mistakes. Firstly, the therapy thing. Ordering his therapy to clear him so he wouldn’t be tied up was just short sighted and selfish. He may have thought he was doing Bucky a favor seeing as the therapy was court mandated, but Bucky NEEDS that therapy. His therapist was the only person he had regular contact with that wasn’t emotionally torturous for him.
Also calling Bucky an asset. DUDE. This man was referred to as “The Asset” for 70 YEARS. He was brainwashed and treated like a thing, didn’t have a name, wasn’t allowed to decide things for himself. So John swooping in and making the decision to “liberate him” from therapy because he was “a valuable asset”? John, buddy, pal. Maybe don’t. Maybe take you “I know what’s best” shtick somewhere else okay?
He knows who these men are, and he’s trying to be helpful and supportive to get them to like him, trust him and work with him. But that’s hard when you don’t KNOW these men and what they’re suffering through. John is just going to trample all over their emotional minefield.
That’s it from me, thanks for reading through my rambling thoughts on fictional characters guys! I'm going to go cry in a corner until next week.
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iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years
freedom, books, flowers, and the moon.
A/N: Here is my entry in @approved-by-dentists ‘s follower celebration! Congrats again on 400, lovely! My prompt was Bookstore AU - so here we go! I’m worried that it doesn't entirely fit the prompt but there is a bookstore! So I'm halfway there! The book I mention is The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern (I always recommend this book - read it, love it) and I had to use Yorkshire because Yorkshire is home to the Brontes and I live in Bronte country so I had to do it. Nevertheless I hope you all enjoy! As always, I love you all!
Summary: “With freedom, books, flowers and the moon, who could not be happy?” - Oscar Wilde.
Pairing: Harry Potter x Fem!Reader
Warnings: mentions of war, mentions of grief, mentions of book hangovers.
Word count: 4.1k
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For many, the second wizarding war had been less than a year long. They had experienced less than a year of the insecurity, the anxiety and the dread that goes through everyone’s mind in time of war.
For Harry, the second wizarding war had been a lot longer. He had been battling the Dark Lord mind to mind for years, and after his defeat, he felt exhausted. He was not only drained physically – the final duel taking its toll on him. But he was drained mentally, for all of a sudden, the space in his mind that he had shared with the darkest wizard in a century, was free. Harry could no longer feel his presence within him; the dark part of him that festered like an open wound.
It was a good thing, that he could no longer feel him. Harry knew that. But still, a part of him lingered too long on the idea that this was all a sense of false security. He had been living on the adrenaline of the chase for too long, and now that it was leaving his body, Harry had no clue what he needed to do. What he wanted to do.
He had the option of becoming an auror, and his teachers had supported him with that career choice. But a small part of him wondered whether he would be damaging himself further by throwing himself back into the fray to round up the last remaining Death Eaters.
It’s Hermione who plants this idea of him going away in his head. She has watched him battle internally with the different possible paths of his future; she had watch him argue and argue with his mind until he still had no answer.
Hermione tells him one night, over tea at the Burrow, “Harry, why don’t you get away for a while?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean go somewhere. Take some time away to heal; to come to terms with the last few years of your life. We’ve spent so long on the move, always having to be aware, that you haven’t had the time to process your emotions for everything.”
“Where would I go?” He whispers, fear creeping into his voice.
“I’m not sure,” Hermione says softly, “Let’s look at a map.” With a flick of her wand, a map of the British Isles lays itself out in front of them. “Where would you fancy?”
“I’m not sure,” Harry confesses, eyes pouring over the details of the maps – taking in the numerous counties.
“Okay. Close your eyes and point on the count of three.” Hermione states, “Are you ready?”
Harry closes his eyes, shuffling forward on the chair, “I’m ready.”
“3…2…1.” Hermione counts, and Harry’s finger circles the map once before landing.
Harry refuses to open his eyes. He’s in disbelief that he’s let himself decide his future on a three, two, one countdown. He’s been impulsive before but now he’s wary.
He doesn’t want to look. “Where am I going then?”
He can hear Hermione shuffle to look at where his finger has landed; her silence giving nothing away.
“Hermione?” He asks, slight panic setting in.
“Harry, take a look.”
Harry opens his eyes, blinking quickly before focusing on the map and his finger.
His finger points to a small village in Yorkshire. A place he had never been to.  
Harry falls back into the chair with a sigh, “I guess that’s where I’m going.”
Harry moves in the spring.
He spends the final weeks of winter with the Weasleys being stopped at all times of the day to be told why he shouldn’t be doing this; that he could heal just as well in the wizarding world.
He loves their attempts to get him to stay, but they don’t entirely understand why he needs to go.
He arrives in the small Yorkshire village on a bright day in March; blossoms have started to bloom on the trees and in a week, they would be covered, filling their air with their sweet and floral scent. His misses everyone strongly; feeling it keenly within his chest, but he knows how desperately needed to get away.
A month into his arrival at the small village in the moors, Harry feels he has settled very well into country life. He’s found his routine and he feels as if he’s beginning to heal from the trauma of the war and before. The clean, country air clears his lungs and his daily walks through the village has mind numb enough and his body tired enough that he can sleep through most of the night without waking once from a nightmare.
He still struggles; his still has those moments where he can’t be certain the war has finished and he’s safe but the longer he spends in the village, the less they happen.
A month into his arrival at the small village, Harry realises that he needs to thank Hermione for what she did for him that night at the Burrow. She saw his suffering and gave him a solution.
Walking through the green, he spies the small bookshop nestled on the corner of a small side street. If there was anything on this planet that Hermione loved more than Ron, it was a book.
Harry pauses for an instant outside the door to take in the window display. Both windows, and even the door window, have been painted with a cherry blossom display to mark the true entrance into spring. The blossoms fall from the tree in swirls of pinks and red, falling over the books perched on the windowsill inside – the personal recommendations for the season.
The bell above the door chimes as Harry enters the shop and he is immediately overwhelmed with the smell of old books, worn leather, and what he think is lavender. It is comforting though. He had never been much of a reader other than Quidditch strategy manuals, but something about this little shop has him feeling at home among the countless shelves piled high with books. He takes a few steps further into the shop, eyes running over title after title on multiple paperbacks and hardbacks.
Harry runs his fingers over the spines of the leather-bound volumes but stops when he realises that he hasn’t any idea of the type of book Hermione enjoys to read. She had textbooks in her hands so often at Hogwarts, but Harry can’t recall the last time he had seen her with a fiction book open in her lap.
He frowns, glaring at the books.
“Can I help you?” A lilting voice sounds from behind the stacks, “You look to be in a bad mood with my books, and that can’t possibly be right.”
“This is your shop?”
“For the last year it has been, before that I used to just work weekends.”
“It’s very homely.” Harry compliments.
You chuckle, “It’s overstocked but it adds charm and character, plus the more books there are, the stronger the old book smell and who can resist that! So stranger, how can I help you?”
Harry blushes slightly, “My name is Harry, you can call me Harry. I can’t decide what to buy for a friend.”
You come out from behind the shelves, and Harry’s eyes rake over you – taking in the nose piercing and the small tattoos peeking out of the sleeves of your thin  sweater.
“Well Harry, I’m (Y/N). What does your friend like to read?”
“I don’t really know; I only ever saw her read textbooks at school to keep her grades up.”
You smile understandingly; indecision was something you encountered often in your shop,  “Alright, let’s see what I can drum up. Would you like to follow me?”
Harry nods in answer but you don’t see. You’ve already turned away from him making your way through the complicated maze of shelves. Harry follows blindly, keeping his eyes on the back of your head.
You stop by a shelf that isn’t as occupied as the others. In fact, compared to the other shelves, this one is empty of books. Only a few books stand on the shelf, wide gaps between them.
Your eyes run over their spines; head tilted slightly; you think before pulling a book from its space. “I think this one will do,” you murmur, holding the book out for Harry to take.
“Agnes Grey?” He reads from the front cover.
“You’re in Bronte country, you have to know that right?”
“I’ve never heard of them,” He admits to which you gasp, holding a hand to your chest.
“I am hurt, good sir. You’ll have to buy this book for your friend now.”
Harry smiles, “I think I might. If she has read anything by the Bronte’s, I’m not to know.”
“It’s a rare edition as well. There’s only around a fifty or so copies left so I’m making sure it’s going to good home.”
“It definitely is. My friend worships books.”
You lead Harry to the till where the book is rang through and paid for. “Let me know what she thinks? She must be very special for you to buy this.”
Harry takes the book with a smile, “I’ll be back to let you know.”
Spring bleeds into summer, and the floral scent from spring has turned into something headier – pulling Harry out bed earlier, keeping him outside for longer. Each day he walks past your shop, waving back at you as you wave to him from your seat by the till. Harry returns to your shop when he received Hermione’s owl thanking him for his gift and asking where he found such a rare edition.
Harry was more than happy to pass on Hermione’s compliments to you, enjoying the way you light up at his friend’s words.
“What about you? Do you read?” You ask him.
Harry shakes his head. At the look on your face, Harry suddenly wishes he had read every single book available to him and Hogwarts. “You’ll have to recommend something to me.” He suggests.
You disappear between the stacks at his words, reading title after title before finding one you think he would like.
You give a shout of success when you find the book you were looking for. You refuse to show Harry the title as you place it gently into a paper bag.
“I know you’ll like this, but you have to promise me one thing.”
“Which is?” Harry replies, curiosity lacing his tone.
“You have to promise me to come back and tell me if you enjoyed it.”
“I promise.” Harry replies, too fast… much too fast, but it doesn’t seem like you mind.
You smile at him, “I’ll see you soon, hopefully.”
Harry reaches for his wallet, having every intention on paying you but your hand on his arm has him freezing, “No payment needed,” You state firmly, “Just come back and tell me what you think.”
Harry thanks you, which you wave away, before leaving. He hightails it back to his home where he makes himself a pot of coffee and sits down at his kitchen table with your brown paper bag in front of him. He feels nervous as he opens the bag, hands wrapping around a thick paperback.
The book cover is predominantly black, but there are two white figures on the front surrounded by objects found in a circus. Harry take a sip of his coffee before opening to the first page: ‘The circus arrives without warning.’
He doesn’t move for the rest of the day; he remains sat at his kitchen table in awe of the book in front of him. He finishes the coffee but doesn’t get up to make another post for fear of being pulled away from the story so soon. Harry feels as if the author herself has been in contact with magic and understands the base wonder that comes with it. His eyes pour over the pages, committing to memory the love story and the saga of The Night Circus.
He closes the book hours later, feeling both bereft and satisfied at the end.
For a long time, Harry stares at the book wondering how a collection of pages bound in black and white could hold him so tightly to the fictional world.
He goes to bed filled with happiness but also empty from the fact that he had finished it so soon. Thoughts of the books have him falling into a sleep wherein he doesn’t wake screaming from nightmares, but rather dreams of striped monochromatic circus tents and caramel popcorn.
Harry paces his living room until it’s a suitable time to run to your bookshop. The moment the clock strikes nine, he’s out the door, putting on his jacket as he runs. He holds the book in his hands as if it’s made of glass; as if one wrong move, and the dream world he entered from the first page, will be shattered.
The relief Harry feels when he sees your shop light on spurs him faster. He bustles in through the door, giving you a fright. “Harry!”
“What is this book?” He practically shouts, holding the cover up for you to see.
You grin widely, “So you finished it?”
“I didn’t move until I had!” He cries.
“So you enjoyed it then?”
“I loved it. I’ve never read a book like this before.”
“I knew you would. The minute I saw the cover I knew you would enjoy the book.”
“I just couldn’t put it down.”
You nod, knowing that exact feeling so well it was second nature, “Have I brought you to the dark side then, Harry?”
Harry grins toothily, “I don’t know. What else do you have?”
He visits your shop every day after that, bringing you lunch and a takeaway cup of tea. You admitted to him early on in your friendship that you got so caught up in the stacks of books that you often forgot to eat until it was closing time and you were ravenous, so Harry makes it his mission to bring you lunch.
He had never been much of a cook; had never needed to with the house-elves at Hogwarts but for you, he could scrape together a couple of sandwiches and a flask of tea.
Your bookshop gets more traffic through summer due to the tourist season – people come from far and wide to walk the moors and step where the Bronte sisters once did, each imagining their own Heathcliff or Mr. Rochester. Harry hasn’t seen you happier than when you recommend a book to a customer knowing that it is the right fit. You greet every customer with a smile and give them personalised recommendations if they’re struggling with their choice.
The window display changes too. A summer scene now covers the windows and door; bright colours depict a summer sunset at the beach whilst the books recommended this season are lovingly placed on the windowsill.
Summer also brings with it the change in your relationship. A close friendship develops between the two of you; you even going so far to invite Harry over to your flat above the bookshop. Harry’s nervous as he enters your home, but soon falls in love with it.
Pressed, dried flowers decorate the walls in frames. They litter the walls in their varying sizes. Harry finds himself wandering over to them, checking if his seven years of Herbology was to fail him. Irises, rose petals, lavender – he can identify those easily. However, there are some that he feels certain that Professor Sprout or Neville Longbottom wouldn’t be able to identify.
You notice him studying your walls, “It’s a hobby of mine along with the books.”
“It’s wonderful.”
“Thank you,” You murmur, shyly, “My grandmother taught me; she loved the quote by Oscar Wilde.”
“I’m afraid you’ve caught me at a disadvantage.”
“’With freedom, books, flowers and the moon, who could not be happy?’ She lived by this quote. It’s their bookshop below us, you see, and she taught me how to press flowers and she would always find something romantic to say about the moon. My grandmother was a free spirit that even my grandfather could not tame, but why would you want to?”
“She sounds like an incredible woman.”
“She was, I miss her.”
“She’d be proud of how you’re running the shop.”
“Thank you, Harry. Now would you like a drink? I have coffee, tea, hot chocolate…”
“I’ll have a coffee please.” Harry says, sitting down on the aged couch. Your flat is a collision of personalities; he can clearly see your grandparents influence among your own decoration and it creates something entirely unique.
You come back into living room with two mugs of coffee in either hand. You give one to harry before sitting next to him. He smiles at you in thanks before asking, “What are you reading currently?”
From the way your eyes light up as you talk about your current read along with your love for your shop, Harry begins to feel himself slowly fall in love with you.
He can feel the change in the air after that night. His feelings for you are well established within him. You help him feel hope for the future; for a better world – and he wants to share that world with you. but he feels the pressure of his secret weighing down on him.
He hasn’t told you out of fear; he can’t gauge your reaction to finding out he’s a wizard and classed as a war-hero. He’s worried to tell you for the panic that it could potentially ruin the budding relationship between you.
Harry confesses under candlelight. A summer storm knocked out the power, so he helps you light your large collection of candles before lying on the floor of your flat next to you.
There’s something pure about the atmosphere, with being surrounded by tens of candles that Harry feels he needs absolution from keeping this from you for so long. He whispers his confession; tells you everything. From his birth until now. He hopes and hopes for repentance among the flickering flames of the candles.
You’re silent through the exchange; letting Harry say his piece. Giving him the chance to unload the weight of the world upon his shoulders as if he were mighty Atlas.
In the end, what Harry says makes no difference to you. You had fallen in love with him over the short time you had known him, and what he confesses doesn’t affect your feelings in any shape of form. If anything, they make them stronger for it shows how much Harry must trust you to tell you something so deep and personal.
You turn onto your side once Harry has fallen silent and is waiting for your reply. You brush a hand across his forehead, pushing his hair back, looking at the faded pink scar in the shape of a lightning bolt. “You have been through a lot, haven’t you?”
Harry closes his eyes at the feel of your hand running through his hair. He hasn’t felt like this for so long; he cannot remember the last time he had felt this relaxed and safe at the same time. He whispers this to you, “I haven’t felt this safe in a long time.”
“I’m glad I make you feel safe.”
Harry turns onto his side, running a finger down the length of your face. He doesn’t miss how you shiver at his touch. He leans in slightly, intoxicated by your very presence but he pulls away at the last possible moment to ask, “Can I kiss you?”
Your free hand pulls him in by his shirt collar, “I’d thought you’d never ask,” You laugh before pressing your lips to his.
In the few months that he has known you, he has fallen head over heels for you. You help to calm the figurative storm that rages within him. In the little flat above the bookshop he has come to adore, he whispers that he loves you.
Summer gives way to autumn and the leaves begin to fall from the trees in earnest. The world returns to orange brown. Your relationship with Harry goes from strength to strength; you’re there to help with the nightmares and the panic that paralyses him now and then. It starts slow, using the bookshop as common ground to get to know each other better.
You decorate the display windows of the bookshop, bringing in Harry to help, though he would have helped you whether you had asked him or not.  “Tell me again why we’re painting the windows?” he asks.
You flick a clean paintbrush at him, “Because Harry, it is autumn and autumn means one thing: Halloween. I do it every season; spring, summer, autumn and winter.”
Harry frowns, focusing his attention on painting the outline of a pumpkin, “I’ve never celebrated Halloween.”
“You haven’t? Why?”
“My parents were killed on Halloween, and my aunt and uncle never took me trick or treating anyway.”
You step down from the ladder, placing the paint pot to one side and wiping your hands on your apron. Your hand pulls his away from the window, focusing his attention on you. “I didn’t know, Harry, I’m sorry.” You murmur, wrapping him in a hug.
“You weren’t to know,” He sighs, hugging you tightly back.
You draw back slightly, still not letting him go, “How about this: we spend the day of Halloween mourning your parents, and we spend the evening eating ourselves sick on chocolate and sweets?”
“You’d spend the day with me?”
“I wouldn’t want to do anything else.”
So Harry spends his Halloween with you. 
He spends his morning with you in the bookshop, stocking the shelves and reminiscing. You asked him if it would be too painful for him to talk about his parents, but he reassured you that his memories are few and far between so all he truly knows is what he has been told. For the rest of the day, he wanders between the bookshelves, telling you the stories of the Marauders.
“It would make a good book,” You gasp, breathless from laughter as Harry finishes his latest story.
“Do you think?”
“I think that if it was a book, I would definitely read it.”
Harry thinks over your words for a while. He wouldn’t ever write the book; his memories of his family are too precious for him to share with the world but he’s happy to share them all with you. As he dawdles in the shop, inhaling the comforting smell of worn leather and lavender, he thinks that he has never been more grateful for a bookshop in all his life. He feels almost whole again; your shop and you are helping to heal the ever-shrinking hole in his heart.
In the evening, he presses chocolatey kisses to your lips, interrupting you reading the same book that had started this all those months ago. You laugh into his mouth, the book falling to the side as you adjust your positions. You taste like Halloween sweets and he’s entirely addicted to it.
Harry wakes on the first of November with a clearer sense of the path he wants his life to travel down. As he watches you sleep, he knows that it involves books and you – the freedom you offer. Harry watches the sun rise across your face with a new found sense of purpose; he wants to stay here, and he wants to stay with you. He’s lived in this Yorkshire village for months, but he knows now where he wants to plant his roots.
Winter brings with it ice and snow, but it also brings with the year anniversary of his decision to move to the sleepy Yorkshire village.
Hermione and Ron begin to visit often; having not done so earlier to give Harry the chance to heal on his own. Harry introduces them to you on their second visit; you were full of nerves, but they quickly welcomed you into their group. 
Hermione and Ron visit more now; Hermione having set up a book exchange with you.
The display windows have been painted to depict a winter scene; a log cabin with smoke, evergreen trees covered in lights. It looks like a perfect piece of heaven. Little did those who admired the window scene know, that his little piece of heaven involved this small corner bookshop opened each morning with love.
The time he spends in your bookshop has only increased; he tries to spend every waking moment with you, choosing to spend the nights with you in your flat above the shop.
Harry watches you as you help customers or as you dawdle aimlessly through the aisles in a moment of quiet. Your feet pad quietly on the carpeted floor and Harry can hear you hum the tune of a song so often played on the radio.
Harry has never really been a fan of books, but he is a fan of you. And he could watch you in your bookshop all day long.
General (HP) taglist: @the-hufflefluffwriter @obsessedwithrandomthings @kalimagik @summer-writes @lupins-sweater @slytherinprincess03 @mischiefsemimanaged @soleil-amaryllis @masterofthedarkness @bforbroadway @chaotic-fae-queen @peachesandpinks @nebulablakemurphy @haphazardhufflepuff @siriusly-addicted-to-writing @firewhisky-kisses @deafgirltingz @kylosleftbuttcheek @heloisedaphnebrightmore @harrypotter289 @sprvpti @accio-rogers @potterverseimagine @figlia--della--luna @angelinathebook @dreamer821​
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writer-akihiko · 3 years
Chapter 1 - Meeting Him [QuartetNight Ver.]
Chapter 2  →
Camus Cryszard
As a student of Saotome Music High, everyone is mostly expected to either categorise themselves in common stereotypes. You, however, were not one of those people.
The moment you entered the school and had to pick a course; your heart had already decided. You had a passion for music, but not for playing or composing, rather, conducting.
You were quite well-known in Saotome, after all you were the first female in the history of Saotome's conducting course. Due to this, you had developed an instinct to try harder and be more ambitious.
As a project to pitch to the principal to include you in Saotome's premier concert for scouters, you had to come up with a new arrangement.
Carrying your composing files, you enter your practice hall where your usual orchestra group waited for you to arrive. To your surprise, there was a person lecturing them.
The tall man had his locks in a low ponytail. As you stepped in, the orchestra looked at you. Noticing that they weren't paying attention to him anymore, the man looked at you as well.
"Another late member?" He harshly said.
You were taken aback, but smoothly replied. "I'm their conductor. I wasn't informed that anyone else would be observing today."
The faces of your orchestra members were relieved from whatever scolding this man gave them. "Please do tell what you were lecturing my orchestra about," You said to the man, arranging your pieces on your desk.
"I was simply asking your party here why they feel that the practice halls can also be for horseplay and loitering," he crosses his arms, giving you a blaming look.
You sighed. "Fukuda, did everyone finish their tasks before I got here?"
The orchestra leader nodded immediately, then silently sitting down as you and the odd long-haired man have your showdown.
You turn to the man. "Great. I don't see why they cannot relax if they finish their tasks, Mr..."
"Camus. However I believe that there is no time to relax when your proposal is soon, LN-san."
"If this misunderstanding is cleared up, you can sit near the desk and begin your observation Mr Camus," You prepare yourself at the podium.
"Very well LN."
The two of you glared at each other the whole practice as the orchestra awkwardly play the whole time.
Ai Mikaze
You had a meeting with Ai Mikaze, a popular idol of the group Quartet Night. You were going to talk to him about the new ending track for the new season of the anime you were starring in.
You were a popular voice actress with a boyish wild attitude despite some of the cutesy roles you took on. Your fans still loved you anyway, to which you are extremely grateful for. Most of your roles consist of characters from shounen animes, but you still had some other roles in fictional idol games and shoujo animes.
The song that was meant for the ending track was about the character you voiced as, the main protagonist. You had to get Ai Mikaze to understand the personality of your character and honour it through the ending. The first episode is going to be released in two weeks’ time, meaning you had no time to waste. You walked into the studio and asked for the number of the recording room. You pushed the door open and found the famous Ai Mikaze standing there, looking at what seems to be a script.
"Hey there, name's LN YN. Nice to meet you Mikaze-kun!" You enthusiastically chirped.
He didn't reply and just stared at you.
"Are you sure you are LN-san?" He said.
"Yes, I am..." You answered, quite confused. "Anyway, let's get on with the script!"
Deciding to forget about that awkward situation, you took a seat.
"What do you think about your character?" He asked you, taking a seat as well.
"What do you think about your character?"
"I heard you the first time..." You corrected. He started to look puzzled. "Well I think with the new arc going on she's going to have to face her past. That's in the song, right?"
He handed me a piece of paper. It was the lyrics pre-written. "What?! This doesn't sound like her at all! How could they disgrace my precious child like this?"
Ai continued to stare at you with wide eyes. "Um, sorry Ai. There must be a mistake in the song here. It wasn't supposed to be like this. Sorry for wasting your time."
"We could fix it together," He insisted.
You two spent the rest of the week fixing the song together. It was later re-approved by the audio director who thanked both of you for doing so.
He's a little odd, you thought. He's still nice though.
Reiji Kotobuki
You were a paramedic in training. You were quite studious and serious most of the time, even outside of your job. Your senior today was hired for the rehearsal concert of the popular idol group, Quartet Night.
You and your senior were watching from the side lines. The group was practicing the choreography to Poison Kiss. You didn't know the members much, but their songs often came on the radio.
One of the idols fell to the floor. Your senior decided that you should examine the guy as he observes you. You nodded, grabbing your kit and running to the fallen idol.
The idol was panting, clutching his ankle. You asked his bandmate, a silver haired man. "Can you get him to sit on a chair?" He nodded, seating his friend down.
You scrambled to take off his shoe and his sock. You took out one of the ice packs and supported his foot. Quickly compressing the ice, the male groaned and winced.
You looked up at the male. "Sir, you'll be fine. After this I will wrap your ankle and continue to compress. May I ask what your name is?"
He stared at you, in a daze. He looked like a puppy, almost rivalling your own puppy back at your apartment.
"Umm... Kotobuki Reiji."
"Ok. Now listen here Kotobuki-san, I'm going to begin wrapping..."
You continued to talk; however Reiji did not listen. He was too busy staring at you and your beauty to pay attention.
When you looked at him... your e/c eyes caught him off guard. There was so much emotion in them... concern, worry, calmness... It was enchanting.
No wait, it didn't even start from there. When he was in pain, the sight of you running towards him made his heart race. To see someone as gorgeous as you race to him... it was like a movie when the princess leaps into the arms of her lover.
"AH YES PRINCESS!" Reiji yelled.
Reiji turned redder than Otoya's hair. "U-Uh continue please Miss Paramedic."
"As I was saying, I don't think you can dance tonight. You can still sing though. I'm sorry Kotobuki-san." You apologised sincerely. You felt bad for him, as he was an idol after all.
"Don't be sorry to me Miss Prin- I mean, Paramedic," Reiji replied. "On another note, what's your name? I feel awkward calling you Miss Princ- Paramedic."
"LN YN," You said. "I must leave now. Your bandmates must want to talk to you, and I need to let you rest. Get well soon."
"Thank you," Reiji said as you walked back to your senior. "Miss Princess..." He whispered.
Ranmaru Kurosaki
[This starts when you were children]
Your best friend Ranmaru called to you. You waddled your way to him in your polka dot f/c bathing suit. Ranmaru was rich kid that moved into the fancy villa for the holiday. When your father was delivering fish to the villa, you followed him and met Ranmaru. You two became quick friends.
Today you two were playing on the seaside.
"Yea Mawu-chan?" You say, as you gather water with your pail.
"My mommy says that we're going to leave soon. I have to go back to school as well," He says, pouting as he grips his swim trunks.
"You can visit next howiday right Mawu-chan?" You said, hopeful.
"But... I WANT YN-CHAN WITH ME!" He cried. He grabbed your hand and brought you to his mother.
"What is it Ranmaru dear?" She said, looking at the adorable couple. Secretly, YN's mother and her ship you two.
"Mama! I don't wanna leave!" Ranmaru cries.
"Eh? Ranmaru, we already talkedー"
"NO!! NOT WITHOUT YN-CHAN!" He held onto you tighter, as to prove his point.
His mother didn't know what to do. Ranmaru continued to throw a tantrum.
"Ranmaru! YN has to stay here. She has her whole family here. We can't take her with us..." His mother comforted him.
"It's okay!" You cried out. "Becawse Mawu-chan is gonna visit me evewy howiday!"
As the day ended, both of your fathers had force you two apart (or more like Ranmaru from you) and you said farewell.
On the day of Ranmaru's departure, you two were on the sand on the beach you two met.
Ranmaru was already crying to you, telling you about stupid adults that cannot bring you.
You gave him a shell bracelet. "Mawu-chan... I know that you're sad. I'm sad twoo. But my granny says that if I give you this shell bracelet then you'll never forget me. I made it with granny. See, I have one too!"
You showed him the bracelet and they were indeed matching. "Like Mawu, I'm gonna follow you somedway! Because Mawu's name means follow right? Meaning I have to follow you one dway!"
Ranmaru held the bracelet in his hand. "Y-YN-CHANNN!!"
The two of you cried together.
"I'll mwiss you," you yelled, as you waved at the limo and a wailing Ranmaru at the window.
Fast forward to today's time period, you were a popular athlete, a surfer to be exact. You were at one of the beaches for your nationals competition. Today was your relaxing day, but that definitely won't stop you from surfing.
Unbeknownst to you, Quartet Night was having a photoshoot on the exact same beach you were at. Ranmaru Kurosaki, your childhood friend, was complaining to their manager.
"C'mon! I'm already done! Why should I wait for Ai? He's not even facing the waves!"
"Fine Kurosaki-kun. You can go ahead and surf. I'll be watching."
"How impudent," Camus remarked.
Coincidentally, you were also about to catch the waves. Ranmaru rode the wave first, and you caught up to him.
This guy is really good, you thought. As a challenge for yourself, you tried to catch up to him. You decided to try the risky route and overtake him from above. You glimpsed back and the male was shocked at what skill you had. You smirked at him and went ahead. You noticed the male try to catch up to you but failed however, until the wave was nearing an end.
You decided to surf and jump it from the top. The male followed suit, and the wipeout occurred.
"You're not too bad," you commented to the male, who just resurfaced. You were about to sit on your board and heave yourself until the male gasped.
He was staring at your bracelet. The one you gave Mawu a long time ago.
"Oh this? It’s a bracelet I gave a friend a... long... time..."
You stopped when the male across from you lifted up a necklace that had the same shells in the identical order to yours. That's when it hit you.
Ranmaru swam to you and lifted you up. "YN-chan! I can't believe it's you!" He puts you on your board. "This is so surreal..."
"I know. What are you up to here? Don't tell me you're a part of the surfing contest," You said.
"No, I'm here for a photoshoot," he said truthfully.
"You're with Quartet Night?" You said, shocked. "You didn't look like Mawu at all, y'know, because of the eyes."
"It's an aesthetic. But you? Are you a part of that contest?" You nodded. 
"Professional surfer... Wow."
"Wow yourself Mr. Idol," You laughed.
"H-Hey! Don't tease me like that! Also don't call me Mawu! It's Ranmaru!"
"Then call me YN, Ranmaru. I missed you y'know?"
"Me too YN." He said smiling.
"LN!" Your manager screamed.
"KUROSAKI!" His manager screamed.
"That's my manager..." You two said in unison to each other.
"See you around, Ranmaru," you said, swimming to shore.
"You too, YN."
Chapter 2  →
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solastia · 3 years
Day 19
Break My Stride, Yoongi x Jungkook, ABO, 4/4 Chapters, 14k words
YOU KNOW MY DRAMATIC ASS SAVED THIS FOR A FRIDAY! If y'all thought my screeching was annoying before, be prepared for about 10x more screeching and indecipherable noises. As the very wise Deadpool once said, “MAXIMUM EFFORT!”
First off, congratulations because this was your first fic to reach 10k hits (and it’s now at 34K hits, whaaaa??!! A few hundred of those may possibly be from me...possibly...probably...most definitely! lmao)
You know my fave ship is Yoonmin (I don’t take shipping irl seriously, don’t come for me plz) but I absolutely LOVE the dynamics between Kookie and Yoongi in this fic. Your writing, the plot, the dialogue, the whole thing is just top tier deliciousness every step of the way. It is scrumptious, mouth watering, exquisite, uuugh *chef’s kiss* bellissimo!
In the beginning of the story, you create a sense of home for the audience. We feel like we know these characters, we get a sense that they’ve been a group of friends for a very long time, and they each hold a special part of each other’s lives, and it’s freaking beautiful.
“Yoongi shook his head and started picking the olives off his slice of pizza. When he turns to his right to give the olives away, he realizes why he’d felt something was wrong.”
You see! He hadn’t even realized that Kookie was missing, but he felt like something was off.
Oh! And I wanted to ask you about the idea for a mating run! I’ve never read anything like this before, it was an interesting concept to think about. And this would be Yoongi’s 8th run! Oh babey, he was just waiting for the right mate…
“He wasn’t sure what it was, but the image of Jungkook finding someone during the run made him feel…itchy.”
Our boi is already jealous at just the idea of Kookie finding a mate (other than him ofc, but he doesn’t know that yet, bwahahahaha!!)
“Good idea, you’re going to need all the rest you can get,” Seokjin says with an ominous smirk.”
“There were even booth setups for merchandise and food.”
OMG, I could see Hobi or Jin buying some cheesy “I survived the 20__ Run and All I Got Was This Shirt”. Or maybe a beer cozy!
“No, he said that would be pointless because his mate’s a cheating cheater that plays dirty. He said the chances of them covering their scent were high. He’s making sure his den is ready,” Seokjin scoffed.
Yoongi accepted the drink Jimin handed him and chuckled. “Sounds like I might actually like them.”
“You have no idea,” Jin said with a snort”
Yoongi, are you so jaded, so blind by your general saltiness that you are not understanding the very obvious clues being thrown your way?!?!?! Kookie, where are you? Put this man in his place please!!
And then when he was told that Kook bought that house he’d had his eyes on for years, uughhh, I was hurting for our Yoonie!
“Yoongi suddenly felt like crying, but he settled for collapsing onto the bench and clenching his fist.”
AAAHHH! But wait a little while Yoongi, I promise all this hurt will be over soon!
“Suddenly, Namjoon growled menacingly, startling everyone. Hoseok looked over to the spot where Namjoon was steadily staring, curiosity in his gaze before it too hardened and he started glaring with bared teeth. A random city Alpha that had been approaching them instantly halted, hands out in surrender.”
HOW COULD I FORGET THIS SUB-PLOT!!! Jin was over there laughing at how oblivious Yoongi was, and he isn’t any better, is he?!? Imagine having Joon and Hobi scaring the competition away like that??!! I would take them home immediately!
“There’s a huge plush rug and plenty of blankets, big fluffy pillows, a little stash of food and entertainment. I even put scent blockers around so no one would smell anything coming from inside,” Yoongi preened as he thought of his perfect hideaway.
Yoongi would def be one to make his little den as comfortable as possible! But I just thought of something. In your earlier description of Yoongi’s apartment, he said it was a bit stark and lacked any real decor. BUT he went out of his way to make this den as comfortable as possible. He bought a string of fairy lights, and he had to go to the big city to get them! It’s almost like it was fate, or maybe deep down he knew that something was going to happen, and he was inadvertently nesting! (please insert “I’ve connected the dots” meme here)
“He was sure there were plenty of Alphas running around with those piercings and Kook’s ginormous honker of a nose.”
Was it really Kook? Or is our boy so in love that he sees Kookie wherever he goes? Lmao!
“Yoongi was about to show this guy that he wasn’t someone to be messed with and he wouldn’t be dragged off to be someone’s good little Omega bitch. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out the taser he’d packed just in case.”
OMG, Yoongi is not messing around, absolutely zero chill!
“It seemed presenting had changed him physically as well, shooting him up a couple inches so he towered over Yoongi even more than usual. His arms and legs were rippling with muscle that even the black tracksuit he was wearing couldn’t hide. His face was still the same though; the innocent grin an interesting contrast with the buff build.”
SIR!! My heart cannot take this punishment! And OFC he’s a Prime Alpha, Kookie doesn’t know how to half-ass anything!
“And just like he had a million times before, Yoongi gave in like the soft ass bitch he was.”
He really is soft for all of them!!! Yoongi will let them do whatever they want with him, he’ll complain the entire way but we all know he secretly loves it!
“Yoongi dared a quick look behind him, audibly gulping at the sight of the Alpha staring at his ass like he was a starving man at an all you can eat buffet. Jungkook was grinding his jaw and had his nails dug into the dirt like he was trying to control himself.”
I mean, we’ve all seen the Yoonbooty. It does look very biteable. Relatable AF Kook!
“Jungkook continued poking around in things; picking up a candle to sniff, trying to sneak a peek into the duffle bag, ruffling around in the bag of snacks - all while stealing glances at the bed in the middle of the room. “
“What are you doing, Kook? You’re wasting time here when you should be out there chasing down your mate. They are probably wondering where you are.”
“They know where I am.”
“You told them you were going to hang out with me and they were fine with it?”
“Hyung, you’re usually so smart. Think about it.”
Every time I read this, I die a little bit inside (in a good way, I promise). Yoongi’s whole world is about to be turned upside down, and he has no idea!!!
“The house…”
Jungkook’s eyes softened, smiling fondly at him. “I bought it for you, hyung. Whether you choose me today or not, it’s yours.”
I cry.
What a courting gift!!! Kook doesn’t understand subtlety, does he??!! And how selfless is this? This is a no-strings attached gift, given to Yoongi out of love.
I cry.
“I love the way we are now, equals with a little bit of babying me on the side,” Jungkook grins when Yoongi snorts, shaking his head fondly at the other.”
I would like to see that please.
“Omega,” Jungkook says softly, so rife with emotion that Yoongi can hear everything he’s trying to say in just that one word. “May I enter your nest?”
This is it, this is as far as I go fam. I have been destroyed with six whole words. How can such a simple statement hold so much emotion, so much hopeful pleading?
And then the whole interaction on the bed! Yoongi asking if he wants to play cards (bwahahaha, sure Jan), Kookie being prepared to wipe away all the descenting salve, Kook getting scent high, YOONGI’S GRANDPA RUN, those first initial uses of pet names, everything was so intimate and playful. It was beautiful!
“I bet I could easily pick you up and fuck you against a wall sometime if you wanted. Maybe even have you straddle my shoulders and I could suck you off that way,” Jungkook muses so matter of factly despite the subject matter, and Yoongi can feel himself get wetter by the second.”
Aaaaaaand there’s the emotional whiplash I’ve come to love from you!
“Whatever you want. You’re in charge.”
Kookie being selfless again! I cannot! It’s about these little things that are done between partners that really matter. Kook is a newly presented virgin Prime Alpha in the midst of a claiming, and his first priority is still making sure Yoongi feels good. He’s giving him all the power here.
“Good,” Yoongi yawns loudly and throws a couple of blankets over them, tangling their legs together. “Later we can try the thing with the nipples.”
Again, I would like to see that please.
“Suddenly, Yoongi’s eyes shoot open and he gasps.
“Oh shit! Your brother is going to kill me!”
Jungkook merely laughs”
“I’ll give you some meat,” Yoongi grumbles playfully as he climbs off the bed, stretching his aching limbs.
“I mean, I’m down for anything,” Jungkook giggles.”
Not to sound like a broken record, but...I WOULD LIKE TO SEE THAT PLEASE
“Jungkook walked straight towards the first woman he saw with a clipboard, blindsiding the stunned woman with one of his lethal smiles while he wrapped an arm around Yoongi’s waist to pull him close.
“Hi! We both need mating packets.”
Yoongi rolled his eyes because he could tell that Jungkook was practically bragging instead of just asking like a normal person.”
He’s practically bragging about Yoongi being his mate! I have a feeling Kookie is going to be unbearable to be around in the upcoming weeks.
And then we get a teeny tiny peek at the Nam-Jin-Hobi subplot and ooomg I hope you’re able to explore this particular pairing in the future. There is so much potential there for steamy/fluffy scenes!
“I just mean, like, soulmates. You know? Maybe we were supposed to meet to help each other find our mates. Or maybe we are all soulmates in various forms.”
AAAAH this fic was wonderful! It feels complete the way you ended it, but I am definitely still craving more! Good job, dayumm!
It still amazes me how many people have read this one lol. But yeah, this is one of my favorites too. I do have other side stories that I’m working on for this one, including one from Jk’s birthday and another for Namjinseok.
I just really really love writing people that are so unapologetically whipped. Like, it’s such a major thing for me because in real life there are a ridiculous amount of people that are embarrassed to show how much they care about their SO, and like, why? Why are you even with them if you’re so embarrassed to show them any affection? Show the world that you are proud they choose to be with you, show your person that they are precious. I’m not even saying buy them shit all the time (because for some reason het males seem to think that’s what everyone means). I mean hold their damn hand, write them a note, tell them they are pretty. There’s a reason that a person who technically still identifies as gay man is in a steady relationship with me, a pan woman. And it’s because I fucking treat him like he’s the reason my heart beats and I’m not ashamed to show the world. Ok, I’m ranting now lol. I’ll stop. But you get the picture.
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I have a silly Napoleon ask for you: if he suddenly woke up in the present day what do you think he would a)like most about it b) like least about it c)get unreasonably addicted to d)decide to do for a living
hahah I’ve answered a similar one before here and here. 
Most Like About It: A lot, I think. Central heating. Guys, he’d fucking love central heating.
In general, he’d love most technological advances. Cars, planes, trains etc. like he’d be very into that. “Bertrand we’re going to ride the TGV all day every day. Look at how fast we are going! This is genius.” 
“Bertrand WE ARE IN THE SKY. This is AMAZING. We are going from Paris to Rome in a matter of HOURS. HOURS BERTRAND. WE DON’T HAVE TO CROSS MOUNTAINS.” (sorry just assuming this is exile Napoleon who woke up in modern day.) 
Public transit in general - the metro, buses - anything that makes life more efficient for people. Dishwasher, washers/dryers, modern electricity, laptops, printers, ball point pens etc. 
I suspect he’d be a big supporter of public health care and all the advances made on vaccines and medicine in general. 100% would hate anti-vaxxers. Pro-modern glasses (he’d get himself a pair asap. Then they’d explain contacts to him and I think he’d be like “WAIT NO, I WANT THOSE.” He would not be into lasik, I suspect). 
Modern hygiene! Razors, tooth brushes, floss, moisturizer - general daily body care he’d probably be keen on. (All that stuff we take for granted.) Though maybe not all of it, he was quite traditional in certain things (his penchant for older fashion, par exemple). Maybe he’d keep the old straight razor shaving approach. But modern dentistry would be a huge improvement and I can’t see him being against it. Especially as someone who had a tooth extracted in the early 19th century. 
‘Oh they give you pain killers now? Fantastic.’ 
‘Sir, we just numb the area where we are doing the work.’ 
‘So it doesn’t impede my awareness? Amazing. Please, fix all my teeth right now.’ 
He’d also support the greater access to education that exists, especially compared to his day. Also, streaming services. He would binge so many things. ‘Bertrand we are watching every thing this very soothing sounding British naturalist made about planet earth. Holy shit look at that they’re under water! They’re at the bottom of the ocean! Bertrand look at this. if only Josephine were here. She’d be so excited.’ 
Pro-zoom/Microsoft teams/facetime etc. 100%. ‘If I had this instead of people relying on my bad handwriting ...’ 
Oh, he’d like the EU as a concept. Except he would be very disappointed that France wasn’t at the helm. I think France’s position globally would disappoint him, overall. But yeah, the broad principles espoused by the concept of the European Union would appeal to him. 
Brexit though. Lol. I think he’d enjoy watching England shoot itself in the foot. But if you asked him for his opinion, as in “do you think the UK should do this” he would answer no. They should remain. 
He would like globalization, trade agreements, things like NAFTA, CETA etc. Supporter of big government. Reduction of religion in public sphere. Though would he be pro-banning visual manifestations of faith? (i.e. Hijab etc.) I don’t know. I doubt it. Simply because he was very focused on religion in government, so if churches aren’t involved in decision making, what citizens get up to on their own is their business (so long as you don’t cause problems). But I don’t know, he might be pro-it, because he was also into assimilation and creating a broad sense of a French culture. I could see him really going either way on it. It’d probably come down to whatever he thought would garner the most public support as a political move (since a lot of his more liberal moves as a leader were tied to understanding that marginalized communities would gun hard for him if he helped them). 
He would be pro-mask wearing for COVID because he wasn’t a fucking idiot and lived in a time when pandemics were still a real going concern. 
He would also probably like how comfortable modern clothing is. I don’t think he’d like how cheap and made-to-wear-out that most brands are, but he’d like the over all philosophy. Like Napoleon would dig t-shirts. Lounge wear. The fact that jeans have some stretch in them. That sort of thing. 
Least Like: I think he’d be very wary of the internet. For many reasons. For the lack of government control (Napoleon “What is a free press? never heard of her” Bonaparte). But also, because of the misinformation problems. The side effects many of us are now bearing witness to, and experiencing the ramifications of. 
He would dislike the whole fake news nonsense. Oh this man was a master spin-doctor, very good at twisting a narrative around to suit him, but he still did have respect for and a firm belief in basic facts. Especially fake news that usurped the sound advise of scientists and doctors (i.e. COVID nonsense). 
Free press, I think he would be wary of it. Mostly from a government control perspective. Like as a day-to-day citizen, since he wouldn’t be anyone in power in this hypothetical, I think he’d value it. He would do that disassocative thing he did when he talked about things in the abstract. That cold, calculating way he would position himself in a situation and be like “Ah yes, these are the things that need to be tamped down if you want control of a populace as a monarch”. Then he had his more liberal, call-back-to-that-misspent-jacobin-youth moments where his views shifted. 
I suppose it would also depend what age this hypothetical Napoleon is. He softened a lot in retirement exile. Napoleon at the height of his power, thirty-odd years old, different man to fifty year old Napoleon. 
Would not be into women in politics. He’d be like ‘Why is there a woman in charge of Germany? Also what happened to the Habsburgs? Where’s Prussia? Silesia? What the FuCk is happening in the Balkans? I’m very confused about Europe’s current geographic layout. ...Corsica...still doing you, I see.’ 
He’d dislike Trump and his cronies. As I wrote before: “ I think Napoleon would find Trump disgusting on a personal level. Uneducated, incapable of holding a real conversation, gauche, anti-intellectual, anti-fact-based discussion, anti-science, anti-art etc. He’d also feel that Trump is disgracing the position of President and that he is unworthy of leadership. Napoleon would also find Trump physically repulsive as he could be a wee bit shallow in some of his assessments (though, very early modern to 19th century to assume your physical appearance is a manifestation of your interiority).” 
Steve Bannon’s fiddling with finances? Napoleon would find that repulsive. Mitch Mcconnell disgracing his office by fucking around with constitutional loop holes? Napoleon would think it a disgrace. 
He had a lot of respect for America’s experiment with democracy. Like, quite a lot of respect. So I think he’d be vastly disappointed in not only the person occupying the white house, but also a lot of the apathy in voting that is going around. (Yes, this coming from a [mostly] absolutest monarch, too.) But Napoleon valued and respected the notion of civic duty. If you live in a democracy, you have a duty to participate. To opt out is to shirk that duty which he would find insulting and distasteful. Because, I would argue, he was very much a believer in people doing right by their fellow citizens. 
Also central heating. Saunas. Jacuzzis. He was like a wee lizard seeking warmth at all times. 
I think he’d be into driving. I don’t know if he would be good at it. Don’t let Napoleon take the wheel, guys. But if someone else was driving he’d be that person “go faster. you’re driving like my grandmother.” And gods, he’d do dumb shit like drive like a maniac around the arc de triumph six times in a row because he’s an adrenaline junkie and a risk-taker (it’s that bored ADD brain of his). The autobahn would be his dream. 
I think he’d be super into epic fantasy series. Like the big sweeping ones like Lord of the Rings. I think less so GRRM because GRRM is unrealistic and Napoleon is pedantic. Especially about politics and war. Exhibit A: consider Napoleon’s very detailed nitpicking of Virgil on his inaccurate rendition of Troy from a military perspective. Therefore, I suspect GRRM’s lack of accuracy in how society works, how war works, how politics works, all the plot holes and illogical character decisions, would drive him up the wall. Napoleon liked Homer because he could tell Homer had been to war. And you can tell Tolkien has been to war. Also LOTR hits all those notes of high-hearted emotion and big sweeping scenes that Napoleon so liked in Ossian and the Illiad etc.
All this to say, overall, as a genre, I think those big, sweeping fantasies with lots of plot, politics, intrigue, soaring battles, great heights of emotion - he’d love that. It would hit all of his buttons for what he liked in fiction. Lots of emotion, lots of action, lots of big scenes, lots of crazy shenanigans. This can also be applied to Sci-fi. I think he’d be a big nerd on that too. But the science would have to make sense. 
I think he’d be into Star Trek, particularly Picard, if only for the philosophical aspects of it. He liked those sorts of questions and hypotheticals. So I think he’d binge all of The Next Generation (among other seasons). 
Do for a living: Teach? God knows. This is Napoleon from 18-something who just woke up? He could be paid for consultant work for historians and film crews and the like, I guess. Just to tell them how accurate stuff is. Of course, be wary, this is Napoleon I Am A Spin Doctor Bonaparte. 
I think he could lean into writing histories - particularly the classics, early French and European history - that sort of thing, where he already has a strong background in it and it wouldn’t require him basically learning an entirely new trade. Like, will Napoleon ever fully be a natural with computers and cell phones? Probably not. Could he be like your old school Professor emeritus who still churns out papers and does 90% of it the old fashioned by-hand way? Yes. And Napoleon had a bunch of histories planned on St. Helena that he wanted to write, so I think he could do that. 
As this is literally Napoleon Bonaparte he’d get a book deal in seconds. There’d be a bidding war over it. 
Thank you for the ask! This was very amusing :D 
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umccall71 · 4 years
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Chapter 22
Characters: Prince Liam and MC Lady Sexy
Rating:Mature content includes profanity, sexual content,talks about depression.
Word Count:3885
Disclaimer:All characters are property of Pixelberry except my OC Lady Saige. The use of these characters are for entertainment only and i am only borrowing them.
Summary:After a summer of a lifetime,Prince Liam thought he could have it all.He was carefree, free,, and sharing time with the woman of his dreams.When life was easy, a balancing act between love and duty, he realizes his truths are lies, wrong is right, and decisions do have consequences. Lady Saige never imagined she would be one of his consequences.When an utter act horror throws her world into a tailspin.
Warning: This series contains subject matter of depression and hopelessness.The story may trigger certain individuals. Please be advised. If your reading this series you are acknowledging you are 18+.
A/N:Sorry for the long delay.Things have been hectic in my life for a bit chaotic.I had to take some time to focus on my health. I feel horrible that it’s been so long.Thanks for your understanding and support for those still interested in this story.
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It had been 48 hours since the decision had been made to go public about the nightmare and tragedy that had changed the very core of their life together. Liam had Bastien coordinate with the office for Ana De Luca to get the interview scheduled. This was going to be such an exposed moment for her, for them. The monarchy had a history of concealing the not so sunny facets from the people. The faces of the crown only showed that which would be received well by the Cordonian citizens. It was rare that any bad news was willingly shared, especially such a heinous crime against the crown by the crown. Liam made sure to check in repeatedly with Saige if she was certain that she would want to move forward with the interview. He made sure that Miss DeLuca understood that his Queen had the final say in whether she wanted to broadcast the interview, or how much got shared.
“Bastien, is everything prepared in the gazebo for the interview?”, Liam inquired.
“Your majesty, Miss DeLuca is aware that her majesty has the final call on what topics will be covered during the interview. She has also signed a non-disclosure agreement. There will be minimal members of the press present during the interview to assure that Queen Saige is completely at ease.”
Liam nodded, clapped Bastien on the shoulder and thanked him, “Bastien, it means a great deal to myself and Saige for all of your support during these last several months. There are a few trusted people we would turn to in these dark days. “
Bastien simply nodded and excused himself to complete the task at hand. “Sir, I will notify you when she arrives.” He turned on his heel after bowing to his monarch.
Liam adjusted his three-piece steel-gray suit as he made his way down the corridor from the study to the master suite to meet Saige to escort her to the gazebo.
“There will be better days”, she chanted quietly to herself in front of her mirror. Saige was doing her best to hold it together as she finished dressing for her interview.
Liam held onto the door jam as he watched her lovingly and determined to see her through this journey He watched as Saige tied the sash of her pale pink maxi dress that cascaded around her baby bump. She slid on the wedge heels and dabbed a little lip gloss on her supple lips. He interrupted her thought, “it’s really hard to make perfection any better.”
Saige smiled at her handsome husband that stood admiring her from the door. Liam moves closer to her and came to stand behind her in the mirror. He nuzzled her neck and gently kissed her cheek. “I’ll do my best not to mess up your make up, although you don’t really need it. Your beautiful as you are my love. “
Liam’s hands cupped her belly feeling his little love fluttering slightly. “I will never cease to be amazed at this feeling”, his blue eyes flashed brightly at the overwhelming feeling of love.
“Liam, is it time to go yet ?”, she asked barely audible. Saige shook her hands trying to release the slight tension from the bundle of nerve building in her body. Saige knew that once her story was shared that she may face some backlash from supporters of the former king. Here she was a virtual stranger in this country coming forward to reveal the atrocities exposed against her. All she wanted was to love Liam and hopefully love this child with fierce protectiveness. She recounted the night she and Liam made love and she professed her desire to start a family with him. He was a guiding force in these trying times. She had spent most of her life depending on herself or her dad. He was gone and she never had the forethought to think about a future that included a family of her own.
Liam turned her face and gently kissed her lips. “Saige, you have nothing to fear from telling the truth. I’m right beside you.”, he traced his thumb along her porcelain skin. “We are a team that cannot be taken for granted. I love you… I love our child… and I love the future we have to look forward to sharing.” He pulled her close to his chest, sending his warmth and safety through his embrace.
“Let’s go…you are going to make the country love you just as much as I do… if that’s possible.”Liam took Saige by the hand and led her out of the doors of the estate down to the gazebo.
The Interview
Ana DeLuca: Ladies and gentlemen, I am joined today at the beautiful duchy Valtoria by King Liam and Queen Saige of Cordonia. The royals have allowed us a glimpse into what it’s been like for them over the last few months. Yes… we have wondered why the silence from the royal family, but soon we will learn some answers.
“Thank you both for allowing me into your home and a peek into your lives. So what has it been like for the two of you since the passing of the former king?”
Liam grasped Saige’s hand reassuringly and locked blue eyes as they composed themselves to answer.
King Liam: Thank you for having us Ms.DeLuca. It’s been quite a transition for our family in the last several months. My father… taking his life was surprisingly cowardice. He took his life to keep from facing his own crimes. He left behind more questions than answers. There were things that my father has been believed to have done throughout his reign here in Cordonia, but his recent actions have torn a hole in the fabric of our lives. The story we share is not so much of mine...as it is my queen’s.”
He turned slightly and placed a tender kiss on Saige's temple. He whispered softly to her, “love, the decision is yours as to how much is shared today. I love you and I am proud of you.”
Saige nodded and smiled softly, but it was clear to anyone that saw her that she was nervous and unsure. She gazed into Liam’s loving eyes and took a deep breath. She drew strength from him at that moment and every moment since her attack. Ana noticed her reluctance and smiled to the queen mouthing, “it’s okay.”
Ana DeLuca: “So Your majesty, I understand that there has been a lot of change in your life in recent months. Can you share with the Cordonian people a little about that?”
Queen Saige: “Ms. DeLuca, thank you for allowing us to speak to the citizens of Cordonia through your voice. This country has become my home. Meeting Liam has been the greatest joy of my life until… until we learned that we were expecting. Liam has been a godsend for me in these trying times.”
The blonde reporter seemed a bit puzzled by her response. Most people would be elated to have a new child on the way. Her eyes darted back and forth between the royal couple trying to decide how much to divulge to the public. Saige smoothed the fabric of her dress unknowingly. She tried to keep her emotions in check as she opened her personal pandora’s box. Saige anticipated the whispers and snide remark when her truth was revealed. King Constantine...who would believe the beloved former king had violated her? She glanced at Liam and allowed her truth to flow.
Queen Saige: “Getting married, and starting a family would be an extraordinary gift, but our path was fraught. I came to Cordonia as part of a summer trip to spend time with my best friend from college… Duchess Olivia, but back then she just Liv to me. She convinced me to spend some time in her beautiful home country and it was one of the best decisions I ever made.” She smiled and gently stroked Liam’s hand. “We came to spend an afternoon with some of her friends at a quiet get together, and it was there I met Liam...Prince Liam, only I hadn’t learned of his title just yet. We spent time together just talking and sharing some laughs. I was charmed by him immediately, but he was so down to earth. It was so amazingly easy to open up to him.”
Ana DeLuca: “ So are you saying you fell for each other instantly?” Ana leaned forward , she had become engrossed in their story. She smiled and looked between the two entranced.
King Liam: “ For me it certainly was… she's beautiful, charming, witty, compassionate, caring, intelligent… what’s not to love about her?” He smirked and lifted her hand to place a chaste kiss to her knuckles.
Queen Saige: “There was certainly a connection right away. Liam is a hard man to get out of your head. He spent the next several days trying to convince me to go out with him. He had dozens of flower bouquets sent every hour from sun up to sun down to Olivia’s estate. Finally, when the last arrangement had taken over her home, it was delivered with a note with his phone number asking me to call him.” Saige giggled reminiscing about the first time she allowed him into her heart. “I contemplated shortly and ended up calling him and we made plans for a first date. He took me to a lovely greek restaurant that we were shared alone. I had no idea that he emptied the place out so that we would have some privacy. It was that night I finally learned that he a prince.”
Liam's eyes were staring adoringly at her lips, and he was so in love… that much was evident to anyone. The way he would brush a stray tendril of her auburn locks out her face, the way he would grasp her hand and not let go, the smile that never left his face as they recounted their love story.
Queen Saige: “After that night we spent every free minute together that was allowed. We had late-night phone calls and it was the happiest I had been in a really long time. Then he did me the honor of inviting me to a ball at the palace. He surprised me with a beautiful gown and it was a night to remember, until it quickly turned into a night I couldn't forget.” Her facial expression became sullen, panic-stricken when she thought back to the night she first encountered the former king. “ That night’s events drive me from the palace and … and from Cordonia never being quite the same.”
Liam squeezed her hand and took over as she collected her thoughts. He knew this dark period caused her to shut down with everyone… including him.
King Liam: “ Little did I know that a short time later , Saige would disappear from my life. It had been months since she left without a word or forwarding address that I finally laid eyes on her again. It broke my heart to learn why she left, but I was grateful to be able to share with her what I truly felt...love... I loved her and had to make certain she knew.”
Liam seemed wistful as he thought of that tumultuous time. “After we both shared a tender reunion and I learned the truth, I realized I did not want to lose her again … so I proposed.”
The two of them happily smiled at the memory. “We married a short time later in Texas and again when we landed in Cordonia surrounded by a few family and close friends.”
Ana DeLuca: “So no one knew you two were married?”
King Liam: “ There were a few people that knew but respected our decision to make our announcement to the public. When the decision of my brother to step down was shared and it was known that I would be next in line for the crown and Saige agreed that we would be okay if I ascended to the throne, I had no choice but to go public being my father was pushing for a social season, but there was no need. I had my bride, my queen.” There was such tenderness in his gaze as he pronounced his love to the world.
Ana DeLuca: “ You announced the same night of the coronation that you two were going to become parents. Congratulations by the way. This is truly a monumental time for you two, for the monarchy.”
Queen Saige: “Thank you for your kind words...and yes it should have been an exciting time, but something changed a week after the coronation. You see, my husband was expected in Italy for a conference and I happen to have a doctor’s appointment the day after he left so I could not go with him.” Saige’s voice dropped low as she weighed the decision to open up.
“We chatted that night before bed and I had chosen to turn in early. Little did I know that there were other plans in the works that night. I woke up a short time later wanting a snack. It was then that I heard a noise coming from the living area. I thought nothing of it as I went to grab something to eat and a bottle of water.”
The queen became visibly affected as she continued to explain her personal hell in the palace. Her eyes became dampened with unshed tears, she could not allow her grief to stand in the way of her moment to free her spirit again.
“ I walked down the darkened hallway to be met by an enormous hand choking me into silence. This night, i was attacked within my home ...in my living room.”
Saige’s leg began to bounce from the nerves trying to bubble up. She wanted to run away, but she knew that wasn’t her answer. She couldn’t do that to Liam, she couldn’t do it to herself .She suddenly took a deep breath, squared her shoulders and looked at loving husband. She knew that she needed to rely on his strength more than even right now.
“That night, I was beaten and violently raped by … the former king. He had two guards, one of which was my own to hold me down and tear my clothing from my body. He… he uttered such vile things as he hurt me. His hand was over my mouth the entire time. He didn’t care the agonizing pain as I shook, pleading with my eyes to stop hurting me. Not to hurt my baby, but he didn’t… he never gave a damn what hell he put me through.”
Saige bit her inner cheek fighting like hell to keep from breaking down. She couldn’t let him steal this moment in time from her, from his grave. She had her family to think about. Without thinking her free hand moved down her body and gently cupped her belly. She felt a flutter within her willing her to continue to stand up to the demon that shared Liam’s bloodline.
“I spent days in the hospital… mostly unconscious… unaware of what had happened to me. I had no idea that my husband had to rush home to find out the atrocities that had been committed against us. I had no idea how to feel when I opened my eyes… finally and learned where I was and the fallout from king Constantine. The true extent of what he’d stolen from is that night.”
Saige looked down to her belly and willed herself to keep it together. Liam saw the pain etched in her porcelain features. Her beautiful blue eyes that were so full of pain, yet hopeful that something good could come of this. He squeezed her hand and nodded. Saige knew with this man , she was going to be okay. Liam looked at Ana DeLuca baring a determined look in his eyes. He took over the moment.
King Liam: “I learned while my wife was out fighting for our baby’s life that she was severely beaten and damage during the heinous act caused her to lose our child.”
Ana looked bewildered as her eyes darted back and forth between the royals and then to the queen’s abdomen. Liam sensed her confusion and continued.
“ The meeting I had a short time after arriving with the doctor I learned of the miscarriage and I also learned that we were not expecting one child...but two. How do you process such a gift and a heartache at the same time? I had to think about how we would break the news to my queen.”
The sight of a monarch visibly emotionally moved by reliving the loss of a child bought Ana to tears. She tried to quickly recollect herself to not deviate from the interview.
Ana DeLuca: “King Liam, how did you come to terms with the loss of your child, your heir?”
King Liam:” I realize that the baby, our baby was the heir… but he or she was our family member first.That was a baby that we loved and planned for ...together. What do you do with the promise that is unrealized? Where do the future first experiences go? The first smile, the first steps, the first time hearing that little one call me daddy, the first giggles, the first steps, the first time planning a birthday, our first holiday as a family… What do you do with that?”
Silence as Ana tried to process the hypothetical question. She saw a glimpse of the personal hell that her king and queen, Cordonia’s king and queen had been suffering. It made sense in a news flash sort of way that they were quiet in their personal life for a bit.As if reading her mind, Liam chimed in again.
“I had to… in that moment focus on helping my wife heal physically and emotionally. We were both reeling from the reality that our little family would be missing a part of our dream. I also had to come to grasp the abominable actions of the man whose father had violated my wife and caused the death of our unborn child.”
Liam pauses at the realization hearing himself speaking aloud about how his world was turned upside down by his father’s actions.
“Apparently the former king was a coward unwilling to face consequences of his actions.Rather than atone for going to his sins, he chose to take his own life. Here it was we were expecting the next generation of the Rhys royal bloodline, and to have a future cut short by our own family member.”
Liam clenched his fist at the thought of what injustice his father had perpetrated against Saige. He felt for what had gone through… still was going through at the hands of his father.
Ana beautifully refocused the moment back to the queen.It was not lost on her the reaction as she listened intently as Liam shared the most devastating moment of her life.
Ana De Luca: “ma’am what do you want the citizens of Cordonia to take away from this interview?”
Saige paused thoughtfully as she considered what message she wanted to carry forward.
Queen Saige: “I want the citizens, I want our child to know that you can rise against all odds. You will see some dark times, but being surrounded by the people you love...and that love you, there is a better tomorrow. The pain will seem overwhelming and endless, but you must find a way to get out of bed in the morning… start to hope again by putting one foot in front of the other. I know by the grace of my king, I now feel a sense of purpose. We are going to invest that extra love into the child that will share life upon this world. I have to think that heaven must have made room for an angel a little early. I will think of our little that’s not able to walk amongst us here when I look into the eyes of the baby that’s on the way. When I hear the laughter of a Cordonian child, I will smile thinking of the laughter that was lost earlier this year. We did need some time to grieve and to pick ourselves up and continue pressing forward… but still I’ll rise … I’ll rise to fight another day.
Ana DeLuca: “Do you have any final words for our viewers king Liam?”
Liam smiled proudly at his queen. He felt this overwhelming feeling growing in his chest. He watched her conquer her fear. His father couldn’t hurt her anymore. She faced her boogie man in front of the country with such strength and determination.He stood and dropped down to one knee… bowing to his Queen.
King Liam: “I couldn’t say it any better than my queen. I echo her words and look forward to peace and prosperity for Cordonia. I want the best for our country and for our family.”
Ana DeLuca: “Thank you both your majesties for allowing us to share a glimpse into your worlds.”
Ana faced the camera and bid farewell to the viewers .
“Thank you for spending time with your monarchs Cordonia. We look forward to meeting the new heir once he or she make their entrance into the world.”
“And cut”... the cameras were turned off and the lights were dimmed.
Liam’s strong arms wrapped around his wife and he cupped her face in his hands. He smiled as he softly placed a tender kiss to the top of Saige’s head. “I am so very proud of you my love.”
She released a breath she did not realize she was holding. She outstretched her hands grabbing on his face. “I was so nervous Liam, but you being here meant the world to me.” She planted a quick peck on his lips.
He acknowledged Ana and her crew before turning to leave. “Ana, thank you for allowing us time to share our story. My head of security will see you to your transportation. Have a good night.”
Liam led Saige to the edge of the waters surrounding Valtoria and wrapped his arm around her waist. They both veered our into the orangish purple hues that made up the perfect sunset that was minutes away from saying good night to the sun. There was something so serene about watching the skies tranquil above Cordonia. They sat in the grassy field beside the flowing waters thinking about the remains of the day. King Liam sat with his legs opened inviting his queen to lean back to take a respite from the world. Saige leaned back into his chest, raised her hand to lace with his fingers , he reached out his large hand and gently laid it upon her growing belly.
He whispered in her ear, “ you were amazing love, tomorrow we shall meet with our people … a kingdom gained. I love you and our babies here and lost.”
They sat nestled in the comfort of each other’s arms.Saige closed her eyes and smiled softly in the warmth of his love. “Tomorrow…we put one foot in front of the other to welcome a new day.”
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scavengers-heart · 4 years
1. Analysis of The Weeping Monk, aka Lancelot.
When I watched this scene, I instantly thought, “OK finally, maybe something cool is about to happen.” My bedroom was dark with only a single candle illuminating the room and my little kitten, Oliver, laid on my lap with his eyes fixed on the scene. As the dark figure raises their sword above their head to swiftly and elegantly (thanks slow-mo) strike down a Fey creature (RIP) against a backdrop of scorched forest, I was intrigued by the ferocity.
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And as the menacing figure stalks towards us we are greeted by the Weeping Monk, or as he’s referred to by the Moon Wing narrating the scene, the Gray Monk.
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This is a brilliant, suspenseful character introduction and I wish I could see it on the big screen! My reaction to the Weeping Monk’s reveal was similar to when I saw another tall, dark trope-y boy take off his helmet for the first time. A little confusing but mostly pure fascination! However, this post isn’t about the show’s cinematography, parallels with other fandoms or my adoration for the Weeping Monk and the actor who does him great justice, Daniel Sharman. I think there’s enough content for that! 
The Weeping Monk--I’ll say “WM” for the sake of brevity--is a complex character with a mysterious backstory. To paraphrase Sir Gawain, WM indeed has many secrets, and a major one is revealed to us in episode 10. As I followed the show, I stepped into the growing fandom on social media. Apart from those fawning over the character, the reviews I was most interested in were the ones scorning the WM and those who fell in love with him (particularly those shipping him with Nimue BUT that’s not my focus here). I recognize this group has a valid reason to dislike the character. Although I adore this character, there is the bright red flag of him defending and participating in the violent bigotry of the Paladins and their murderous disenfranchisement of the Fey and those who they deem unworthy of their God’s grace--
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I want to be clear, fictional or not, I don’t condone these values or behaviors. However, as we start to get more insight of the WM’s life, his alignment with the Paladins and his relationship with Father Carden, we start to see a bigger picture. My intention is to delve deep into how Lancelot became the WM and ultimately discuss why he such a cool character with crazy potential. This will be my first contribution to his analysis. I’am NOT a therapist nor am I diagnosing. The WM is a fictional character and I don’t pretend to know what the writers have planned for him. My analysis is pure speculation! With that being said, onward!
                       TW: Mentions of abuse, trauma, self-harm ahead.
                                                  Also, spoilers. 
The last two episodes are crucial for the development of WM and we finally start to see an origin story. For this piece, I’m going to focus on this episode where we see a pivotal exchange between WM and Father Carden. This is the first time we truly see the WM’s vulnerability and how he reaches out to Father Carden for reassure, but Carden does not rise to the occasion for obvious reasons [*cough* he sucks.]
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We observe WM sitting before a cross, shirtless, with gruesome scars on his back. They look pretty raw, which suggests to me that he self-flagellates, often. For those who don’t know, self-flagellation is known as a religious practice in which the subject whips themselves to atone for their sins. This is his method of self-harm. After WM confesses to Carden that he does not feel the grace of God, Carden begins with an answer that WM cuts off by asking--
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The desperation by which he asks this question, and the look of pity on Carden’s face may suggest WM actually sees Carden as a father figure. It would suite the common practice of a child seeking love and acceptance from a parent, especially one who continuously tests their worth or makes them feel unworthy of praise. Carden responds with, of course I do. The sincerity of his answer begs us to almost believe Carden may care for WM. However, after WM hits him with this crucial question:
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Carden’s demeanor flips and he becomes cross at this question, as if the question broke the facade he has built for the WM and reminded him WM is Fey. It is not known what age Lancelot was stolen from the Ashen Folk, but in this scene, I believe we are meant to see Lancelot revert to the child inside him as he seeks comfort from Carden. It’s somewhat unsettling to see this cold-blooded killer expressing such human emotions, as we have been led to believe he is emotionless and one track minded. He is weeping on his knees, pleading for Carden to reassure him he is loved and accepted--despite his true identity. This harkens to a time when he was presumably a young, confused boy who experienced severe trauma. His people were slaughtered by the Paladin’s while he was saved by them. Was he essentially raised by Carden? Does this scene suggest a double meaning to Carden’s title of Father? Perhaps the strong emotions we see from him in this scene are a product of him being so emotionally and spiritually stifled by the Paladins, and not having any nurturing supports. For many of those who are emotionally guarded due to trauma, expressing thoughts/feelings can be a strongly emotional moment. 
I’m so intrigued by the WM’s character because we can easily analyze why he became the way he is, even without a detailed background story. He is a child who has experienced little to no love, nurturing, acceptance or guidance on how to live among those who are not hardcore zealots. He is a strong character who possess unique abilities, strong values and even better; a sense of right and wrong when it comes to saving Squirrel. Perhaps he see’s himself in Squirrel and wants to protect him from the savagery of the world that wants to destroy him. 
I’m excited to see their relationship development in season two, as well as the inevitable meeting between WM and Nimue. I’m hoping the writers/producers do WM justice, because he has the potential to become great character and enhance the storyline of Cursed.
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where-dreamers-go · 4 years
Asked myself...
I've been thinking about this for a while. Like while eating toast and washing a couple of dishes. Here I go! At random while typing.
Ahkmenrah or Kylo Ren? Well, one is a mummy who comes back to life every night while the other was lured to the Dark Side. Imma choose Ahkmenrah because he's really nice, great dancer, helpful, and seems really fun.
Charlie Weasley or the Grand Inquisitor? Well, Quis is quite the interesting Force user who hunts down Jedi and Charlie works with dragons. Imma go with Charlie because firstly I love dragons and secondly: Why wouldn't I choose Charlie???
Jonathan Crane or Sam Winchester? Uh.... don't tell Sam, but can I have a few dates with Jonathan and see how it works? Also... isn't dating a Winchester like attracting danger?
Cal Kestis or George Weasley? Why am I making this harder? Ummmmmm....stalling....I love them both though. But, I would choose Cal because he is a precious human being who needs love and support. He'd be fun to hang out with. (When they're older obviously.)
Merlin or Loki? OKAY. One long discussion later and here I am. They are both fun, loving, social, mischievous, powerful, and caring. BUT, Merlin has/had A LOT of grief and loss of his loved ones in his life. That is a lot to handle, plus that was HIS LIFE! It didn't turn out the way he wanted and Merlin is carrying that around for his immortal life. Pre-season 5 would just mean I'd be paranoid of Arthur if I wanted to date Merlin. I would date Loki because it would be more emotionally fair for me, healthier than trying to even patch or fill a small piece of Merlin's broken heart. Plus Loki loves to read and I think it'd be both chill and fun dating him.
Stephen Strange or Steve Rogers? Okay~ um... Steve Rogers because our personalities would fit better. Steve is more grounded and we could draw together!!!
Poe Dameron or Snake Eyes? (My sister keeps giving some options) uh, hmm. You would think I would pick Poe, but I wanna say Snake Eyes. Not just because he's a ninja! He seems really chill and friendly.
Thrawn or Eli Vanto? (Brandi why did you ask me this???) I've only read the first book, okay. That's it. But I would 100% date Thrawn. Not just because I'm an artist and he respects art so much! Maybe a little. Also he's so intelligent and has a unique view of the universe. Or rather, how to view the universe.
Obi-Wan Kenobi or Tadashi Hamada? *mentally flips a coin* Tadashi! An intelligent, fun, and caring man. Also positive personality who wants to help others. Sorry Obi. Kisses.
TMR Newt or Newt Scamander? (Gee...thanks Brandi for asking.) Ow. So~ I'd date Newt Scamander. I love animals. He loves animals/magical creatures. He's super sweet and caring. He's a Hufflepuff. I'm a Hufflepuff.
Lindir or Haldir? (Brandi how dare you!!!) Yah girl would date Lindir! Do elves date? ...no? He's a hardworking elf who probably needs a day off. I'm here, sweetie. (Wow, I should go to sleep.)
Bodhi or Gwaine? *questions if I'm offended that I have to answer this* I would date Bodhi because I'm not sure if could handle dating Gwaine. Not in a bad way, but like could I handle that much charm and flirtations? Bodhi is a bit more in the soft, cuddly range than the 'Imma sweep you off your feet in 2.8 seconds'.
Armitage Hux or Wong? Don't tell Wong, but I'd go on a date with Hux first. I would take Wong out for ice cream though. That'd be fun. So, I guess I picked Hux.
Percival or Bernard? Well, Bernard is an elf and probably taller than I am. Um, I'm not an elf nor immortal. Also: Sir Percival! Tall, cuddle-waiting-to-happen, helpful, fun, protective, and caring Percival.
Jim Hawkins or Cameron Frye? Well they would need to age up, firstly. Uh, why'd you ask me this, Brandi? Jim, because he actually had an interest and hobbies. Sorry Cam. Also Jim is very loving, caring, and basically selfless. And determined.
Jim Kirk or Spock? Oh, my~! *clears throat* ahem. SPOCK! Vulcans don't have/show emotions -- my foot! I would gladly date Spock and have very nice conversations.
Diaval or Luke Skywalker? Luke Skywalker. Farm boy from Tatoonie turned Jedi. Yes. The range of conversations to be had, ohmygoodness. He's a flustered and fun guy behind that Rebellion symbol. I'm here for it!
Robbie Reyes or Peter Quill? Robbie, because he's so flippin' caring and loves his family. Also, my family doesn't speak Spanish like they used to because it was their secret language from the grandchildren until we were learning it in school. Help me out, Robbie! I'll give you coffee. (I think I lost my point)
Riley Poole or Bridge Carson? My sweet darlings. They are quite similar in many ways, but different in how they express themselves. (This was the first ones I thought of.) I think my personality would fit well with both of them and also my interests. BUT in terms of dating, I would pick Bridge because of how he might view me and my personality, quirks, etc. "But what about Bridge's powers? You can't touch his arms or hands because he'd be overwhelmed with your aura and everything." I get that, but I don't see that as a problem. Those are his boundaries. If I need to wear a long sleeve or jacket or blanket to sit right next to him, fine. That's the least I could do to ensure he's comfortable. Plus Bridge is so sweet, attentive, helpful, fun, loves to read, loves buttery toast, intelligent, and so darn adorable. And I want to boop his nose. Just lightly then go back to whatever I was doing.
Okay, think I'm done. It's 2am ish.
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sporkkles-irl · 5 years
sir those are my emotional support fictional characters
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luninosity · 4 years
Working on that Character Bleed sequel...Leo needs some hugs.
Voices murmured. Celebrity wranglers. Staff. Telling him to come along, to come in, they were about to start.
 “Wait—” Leo said. “Wait, I—there’s someone—”
 “Someone you want to speak to?” The staff person checked her watch. “I’m sorry but we really don’t have time—if you give me a name I’ll try to arrange something after—”
 “Sam,” Leo whispered. Colby and Jason were heading his way, everyone else following, aiming for the entryway and the first-ever showing of this film, this epic love tale— “Sam Hernandez-Blake. I don’t know if—I only thought I saw—but if he’s here…”
 “We’ll find him if he is.” She set a hand on his arm. “This way, please.”
 Leo went, obediently. He took a seat in the reserved row, and smiled at Jim and Tim and Katie as they plopped down beside him. He leaned around to say to Colby, “If Jason’s shoulders don’t fit in these antique seats I’m sure they can bring in another option,” because Colby was looking a little anxious, though whether that was about the crowds or the film Leo wasn’t sure.
 “I like the seats,” Colby said, holding Jason’s hand. “I like the velvet.”
 “Of course you do. Secret hedonist. Which I knew you were. Anyone who likes cheese that much obviously also likes velvet.”
 “I don’t even pretend to know,” Jason rumbled, “how your mind works.”
 “Darling.” Leo batted eyelashes at him. “You couldn’t comprehend it. No need to try.” The eyelash-batting was also an excuse to twist round and peek back at the theatre. No, too many people, all finding seats and shuffling around. Too difficult to pick out one man.
 “Yeah,” Jason said, “incomprehensible sounds about right. If you’re still looking for your annoying paparazzi guy, we can try to find him for you. People tell Colby everything.”
 “I’m not,” Leo denied immediately. “No need to invoke Colby’s superpowers on my behalf. Actually, no, never mind, invoke them. Get someone to tell you where I can find the best chocolate martini in London. Then make them bring us all a round.”
 “His name was Sam, wasn’t it?” Colby’s smile was a gift: quiet and lordly and generous. “That must’ve meant something, if you’re thinking about him after all this time. We’d like to help, if it’s important.”
 “Don’t,” Leo muttered, embarrassment now eating a hole through his chest. Colby and Jason had enough to worry about; they didn’t need to be concerned over his wistfulness about a man he’d likely only imagined in any case. “You don’t have to—”
 Tim leaned over to hiss, “All of you shut up, come on, I’m supposed to be the dramatic teenager here, and Jill’s getting up to make a speech!”
 “Sorry!” Colby said, to which everyone rolled eyes—Colby, out of them all, had the least to apologize for—but no one had time to scold him, because Jillian was indeed getting up on stage, grinning ear to ear.
 In pink and black ruffles and leather straps, a casual rock-star director with freshly re-touched color in her hair, she looked younger than half of them—she wasn’t, Leo knew—and utterly thrilled to be here; that was Jillian Poe, Leo knew. Someone who loved her profession and her craft, and the stories she got to shape and oversee and offer to the world. He’d been fortunate in getting to work with her; he hoped to again.
 If she’d liked working with him. If she thought Leo Whyte was worth having around, on a film set. If.
 Jill thanked everyone for coming, briefly introduced the film, mentioned how passionate they’d all been about this project. Hearts and souls committed. A love story that needed telling. A history brought to light. She kept it quick, and sat back down.
 Passionate, Leo thought. Had he been?
 He’d loved the story, of course. Stephen and Will were brilliant central characters, and their love mattered, and the script had been among the best he’d ever read. He’d wanted to be a part of it and he’d wanted to work with Jillian Poe and Colby Kent.
 But he hadn’t loved it the way Colby had, the kind of love that’d read the source novel multiple times and wept over it and rewritten it. He hadn’t been so caught up in character that he’d cracked on set and begun crying for his near-death fictional other half, the way Jason had.
 Maybe Leo Whyte just wasn’t good at love. Not epic. Too shallow. A puddle, not a towering ocean.
 Leo Whyte fell out of boats and laughed about it. Leo Whyte spent off hours orchestrating a delivery of a nineteen-eighties vintage mermaid-comedy movie poster to tease his director about an early crush. Leo Whyte did not have deep conversations with silver-screen legends like Sir Laurence Taylor. What would they talk about? The time Leo’d convinced set decorators to construct an entire second trailer around Matt Grant’s trailer, so that when he’d stepped out he’d still been inside? Matt had been a good sport and laughed. Sir Laurence would probably not laugh.
 Leo’s chest hurt slightly, a bizarre hollow ache. He did not like that feeling, so he watched his movie instead.
 On screen, he and Jason emerged into London streets: a captain and a loyal lieutenant, facing the wilds of polite Society. A mission. No less vital than those at sea: the desperate need for more men, more provisions, support from the Admiralty. Hence this ball: political connections, maneuvering, patronage.
 Leo spared a thought for how dashing he appeared in period naval attire—he really did look good in that coat, he decided—and then watched Jason acting.
 Jason Mirelli was good. Leo saw that in a heartbeat: a man of action, certainly, but the action-hero label would never be all that Jason was, not after tonight. Not with that complicated and contradictory emotion: Stephen’s loathing of aristocratic games and awareness that he himself needed to play them, and the secret he hid about the directions of his desires.
 Leo had had such fun playing off that broad-shouldered serious nuance. He could trust Jason to get the layers of a scene, a line, a simple glance of comprehension.
 He watched Colby appear on screen: bright and scholarly and sickly, enthusiastic about frogs and mathematics, afraid of nothing other than running out of time. The audience made appreciative noises about Colby’s beauty: bathed in sunshine, in a meadow, shirt fluttering open.
 The film shimmered, and soared, and sizzled where it should, and swept them all away like sails full of wind, breathless.
 Leo watched Jason and Colby flee a ballroom and run through a door and tumble into a historic library, hands and mouths busy, finding each other; he knew how hard that scene would’ve been, back when Colby did not like being touched, when even now roughness might hurt in less physical ways. He saw Stephen and Will coming together; he saw Colby trusting Jason, on camera.
 That odd tiny ache poked him in the chest again. Not big, not hard. A small knitting-needle. A pointed tip. Not worth paying any mind.
 He hoped Sam had come. He hoped Sam liked this film. It was good, and he was proud of it, and he’d given his all to the character of Richard, supporting Jason’s Captain Stephen Lanyon in battle and in love. He hoped that’d been enough.
 On screen, Richard drank some port, chatted with a lord, glanced around for his missing captain. The moment was mildly funny, mildly sweet, a bit wry: Stephen’s falling in love was not, after all, their mission. And Richard would stay in the ballroom and attempt to navigate those tricky political waters, and draw no attention to his captain’s vanishing with the Stonebrook heir.
 The moment worked, multilayered if quick. Leo thought that he’d managed it well. He wanted to believe that he had.
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