#squid games fanfic
whorror-barbie · 2 years
Horrible boss (AU! boss salesman x Accountant! fem reader) part 5
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Summary : what's his deal?
A/n : it's been a minute since I have been writing...eh I tried lol,but I am working on part 6 to this btw. Enjoy! :)
Your mind starts to wander while chewing on your pen cap absentmindedly at your desk. You've been daydreaming about your boss way too often lately despite the fact that He's been a bit stand offish towards these couple of days and he hasn't talked to you since the evaluation,but it doesn't stop you from thinking about him though, Why is he being so cruel?
"oh...maybe I should get something to eat " you say quietly to yourself, realizing your pen cap is all chewed up. so you get up,making your way to the break room, and upon entering, you see Seok-woo sitting with his beautiful secretary alongside the other coworkers at his table, chatting it up until he makes eye contact with you which makes you give him a bashful look in return. finally, he smirk, but swiftly turns his attention back to the secretary. that small interaction made your heart flutter, you were feeling hopeful that he still wants you. getting too distracted when all of the sudden you bump into someone.
Realizing you knocked a food tray out of Jun-ho's hands. "oh my gosh, I'm sorry" getting on your knees to help him " oh, it's fine" he tells you understandingly, looking at you with caring eyes. the both of you finally got done clean up the mess "next time try not to make it so obvious that your googly eyes for our boss" he teases you which makes you smack one of his shoulders, getting all pouty " I was not looking" he laughs in response "sure, sure" Jun-ho flashes his cute smile that makes your heart, god you missed sex with this man. you shake your dirty thoughts off " well anyways, I brought some of my cooking from home, we can share if you'd like...I packed too much of it" you smile brightly at him.
"Are you sure? I can just go back to the food bar" he says, looking at his dull tray in his hands. " Yes, I am..unless it's not ok with your girlfriend" you tease him lightheartedly "I mean... I do miss your cooking" hearing his flirtatious tone in his voice which makes you giggle, so you go get your lunch from the refrigerator then you both look around to figure out where to sit until you see Gi-Hun waving to come over, he's with Ei-Yun and Ali at the table. The two of you start walking towards the table, but little did you know, you were being watched by Seok-woo for almost that whole interaction and he doesn't look very happy. " You alright, sir?" His secretary asks him. Seok-woo flashes his charming smile and nods with a yes, continuing his conversation with her.
The day is almost over as you're at your desk, crunching the numbers and making sure every calculation is correct. You glance at the time on your phone." Oh, I need to give him the report" so you quickly get up to make it to his office. while opening the door, you're still looking down at your paper, making sure everything is right "oh si-" you hear moans and grunts which makes you look up in shock " oh I'm so sorry", cover yourself with the papers, looking down immediately while closing the door so fast. Your heart is beating out of your chest as you just witness your boss hammering his secretary Doggystyle on his desk. The image of him still fucking her with his signature smirk is embedded in your mind. a mixture of hurt, jealousy and sadness washes over you, just wishing it was you in her position.
Wanting to lift your mood, you decide that it was a good idea to get your small vibrator out of your purse and go straight to the bathroom to take care of yourself. Now in a stall, you turning on the vibrator while putting it to your clit, and feels amazing. you get all relaxed as Your eyes are closed, fantasizing about Seok-woo treating you like his personal cum dump,just pounding you over and over hard on his desk.
moaning softly to yourself, putting the vibrator on full speed now, getting closer to your amazing orgasm until you hear the door opening up. Panicking, you turn the vibrator off immediately "I knew this was a bad idea," you thought in frustration, hearing the stall open and close right next to yours, great. you fix yourself up, putting the vibrator in your skirt pocket and then leave the stall to wash your hands. you're in a really annoyed mood. looking at yourself in trance when the bath stall opens up and it's the secretary coming out of it, she's walking pretty funny,and you nervously dart your eyes everywhere else, not wanting to make eye contact with her. You go to dry off your hands and leaving bathroom swiftly with no words exchanged to her, making your exit.
10 minutes went by as you decide to try visiting Seok-woo's office again, but you knock this time. " Come in" he says through the door and you do just that while looking down at the paper" Here's the report for today, sir." You place it on his desk, and Seok-woo picks it up to looking over it " I did all the expenses for the past weeks, and made some corrections were I see fits" you look at him, waiting for confirmation. " It looks great, sweetheart" he says in a exhausted low tone while looking at you, you try to keep composing, knowing exactly why he's tired "Is there anything else I can do for you, sir?" You ask him obediently.
Seok-woo hums at your response " I could think of few things" he says with suggestive tone that makes your face get all hot " but no, not at the moment" He put the report down then continues "which means you don't have to stay here tonight." You did alittle jump of joy which causes your vibrator to fall out of your skirt pocket, hitting the floor and it turns on, buzzing about on full speed. It felt like all this happened in slow motion, you were mortified. damn, you forgot to put it back in your purse. Seok-woo looks in confusion at first,but realized what it is, and he start to smile as you pick it up pretty quickly, placing it in your skirt pocket again with it still buzzing. trying to turn off but it's not working "Oh fuck me" you thought. meanwhile, your boss is looking at you with amusement. You bow quickly "thank you so much, sir"
turning pretty fast, "hey, I didn't say you could leave yet, now did I?" He tells you in a slight stern voice. You mouth out the word damn and then turned around facing him" no, you didn't sir" he gets up from his chair to approach you. With every step, your heart is beating faster. " I don't know how I feel about my pretty little accountant playing with her sweet pussy at work..I think a punishment is in order." You look at his handsome stern face nervously ,waiting for what he's about to do when he holds out his arm out . " Hand it over" you look at him with confusion " but sir I-" "I won't say it again" he's getting little bit more stern than before. You can cave in and give him the vibrator that's still buzzing now in his hand. Seok-woo turns off as he return to his seat.
"this is a warning, I'll give it back when I think you've earned it" he puts it in his office desk, doesn't he know you could just buy another? but that is your favorite one though,damn it "2 more warnings and I'm not going to be so kind" he gives you mischievous smile, and you gulp at his statement. " Yes, sir" you bow to him. " You're dismissed" he tells you and you make your exit. Finally leaving his office with relief, taking a deep breath against his door when you see the secretary staring at you. This is awkward,so you just walk right pass her, getting ready to leave this hellhole.
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luvsae · 9 months
kang saebyeok gf headcanons
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although she might be intimidating to others, she is def a softie when it's just the two of you
saebyeok learned to love physical touch when dating you since you're so gentle with her
after work she would go to the store for you and bring you home a gift (most of the time it's food but you love it nonetheless)
she takes photos of you all the time. you're her lockscreen AND homescreen !!
she loves hugging you while you're sleeping, she also makes sure you're comfy before doing so
if you're sad, she'll try her best to help you - she does this by watching your favorite show with you, going on a walk with you, or simply sitting near you
she loves when you're with cheol because you're so good with him
her favorite place to kiss you is your lips - she loves how soft they are
saebyeok is always tracing her finger across your arm or your hand
she always wants to touch you (not in a sexual way)
her love language is sharing headphones with you while listening to music <333 she loves listening to your styles too !!
over all, she's a soft gf :')
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ahsxual · 6 months
Hi! Your writing is wonderful, and I wanted to wish you the best of luck on your exams in advance 🥰 could you imagine the stoic Sang-woo proposing to his girlfriend? Idk the idea of him being in a relationship and coming to terms with his emotions fascinates me. Thanks!
Sweet Proposal
Pairing: Cho Sang-woo x GN!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 2,2k
A/N: Awww thank you, dear anon! I truly appreciate your kind words, it means the world to me 🥺💓 I have to say that I agree with you and I absolutely loved your idea for this request! I hope you enjoy my writing and I wish you the best <33 I wrote this request a long time ago and never posted it idk why, but here goes (my apologies🥺)
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You and Sang-woo have been dating a few years now: you met him through his mother, the woman who you visited everytime you passed by her store and who you always bought something fresh to eat. Her products were of great quality, besides the fact that she was the kindest woman you have ever met in your entire life. She treated you like her own daughter/son, and since you lived by yourself in south korea, you really appreciated having someone who you could count on. Whenever you had a bad day, you would tell her and she would help you by giving you the best advices from her life experience, so your relationship was pretty close. Until one day, her son visited her, and that's when you met the love of your life.
"Good morning, miss Cho!" you greeted your second mother as you liked to call her, only for her to turn to you with the biggest smile and bright eyes on her face, as always. However, this time she had company.
"Oh, my sweet Y/N! Come here sweetie, please let me introduce you my wonderful son, Cho Sang-woo!" she seemed so excited, in contrast to her son who seemed pretty serious and uncomfortable with the all situation.
"Hey." he simply said with a low, yet neutral tone, making you realize that he was quite the opposite from his mother: she shined even in the darkest days, while he somehow brings darkness wherever he goes to. But the fact that he had such a hard personality to deal with and understand, instead of pushing you away, only made you even more curious about that mysterious man. Besides the fact that he is incredibly handsome, but that's another story.
"Hey there! I'm L/N Y/N, nice to meet you." you put your hand in front of him so you wouldn't be just standing there looking awkwardly at each other. He looked at it for a second, before taking it and shaking it gently, like he was afraid to break your way smaller hand.
"I'm so happy you finally met my son! I'm sure you two will get along just perfectly!" her joy was contagious, yet her own son didn't seem to let his mother's charm get him. You heard her talking about her amazing son so many times, saying how he was a kind man, and extremely intelligent and responsible. Yet, here he is, looking like his life was a complete chaos.
"Yeah, I'm sure we will." you answered shyly, only for him to look at you with a surprised expression. You simply smiled at him, making him blush slightly at your cuteness.
Now you are in the bed with your soulmate by your side, watching him sleep peacefully: who would have known you two would get here? Together?? You didn't know the right answer for that as well, but the truth is that life can really surprise you.
You were Sang-woo’s first love: the only person who stood with him no matter how many problems he had, both professionally and psychologically. You would never give up on him, and that's what made him realize you were the love of his life, the soulmate he was unconsciously looking for so desperately. No one would ever guessed, but one of Sang-woo’s main goals in his life is creating a family who loved and supported him until the end, to feel the happiness and comfort of waking up every day next to his significant other. However, before meeting you, his problem was that he never had the patience or motivation to find love or to continue to please his possible partner until they fell for him. No, he wanted to focus on his professional career first, the rest just being mere details. What made him fall for you, was your dedication to be with him and build a promising life by his side, supporting him and helping him whenever he needed: you were also the first and only person who he told about his fears, insecurities and feelings about certain topics, but only after a few, long months of building trust and courage. And you did the same: you considered him your best friend, because he always helped you with the most racional advices, which were the best in your opinion.
After a few minutes of analyzing lovingly every feature that you knew so well of your loved one, you noticed him moving slightly and groaning from waking up from his precious sleep.
"Good morning, tough guy." you joked, only to receive a confused expression from him just before he rolled his reddish eyes and laugh at the nickname.
"Good morning, babe." his voice was so deep that it made you have inappropriate thoughts, however you knew he was too tired for it right now. "Did you sleep well?"
"Yes, I actually did. As for you, I think I don't even have to ask." you laughed at his still sleepy state, before putting your legs over him and hug his long torso. He pulled you closer, closing the space that separated your hungry lips before kissing you slowly, yet with the perfect amount of passion and love.
"Yeah, I really needed to rest my mind and body from yesterday." you shyly laughed at him before hitting his arm when he reminded you from your passionate love session from the night before.
"You silly!" the moment you called him that, he rolled you over so he could be on top.
"Call me that again and see what happens." he warned you with a serious face, yet you knew him better. He was obviously messing with you, and you would be lying if you said you didn't like his demanding behavior.
"Can you join me in the shower, babe? Please?" you decided to change the subject, giving him the pleading look that you knew he couldn't resist.
"Yeah, sure." he smiled before giving you a quick kiss on the lips. "Just wait for me, I'll be right back."
"Ok, I'll wait for you." you gave him a last peck on his lips, before making your way to the bathroom, unconscious of what was coming for you.
That day your boyfriend invited you to dinner at a fancy restaurant, so you thought it would be a simple date like the many you've had before. But this time, he had promising plans for you and your future together, something you weren't expecting to happen so soon. It was already 7:30 pm, so he called you to hurry so you could be on time at the restaurant.
"I'm coming!" you warned your handsome boyfriend, before you appeared in front of him dressing your favorite date outfit that he bought you a few days ago.
"You look gorgeous, sweetheart." his eyes were full of love, admiration and pride for you, making your heart melt with happiness. You felt so loved at that moment... you still couldn't believe you were dating that man.
"Thank you, love. Let's go." you thanked him, before leaving your house and walk to get into his expensive black car.
You and Sang-woo arrived at the restaurant 15 minutes earlier, so you took your time to sit at your reserved table. The restaurant was outstanding: everyone was dressed nicely and the environment was peaceful and romantic; it was an expensive and well known restaurant from your city, which made you feel important. You also felt really happy to know that your boyfriend took you on a date at a very welcoming and beautiful place: it meant that he really loved you and makes a real effort to build up your relationship by changing your routine from time to time, which was healthy for both of you.
A few hours passed and you talked about everything and anything: your plans for your future together, funny stories that happened in your childhood that you didn't know about, how work was going and who are the people you like or dislike... it was a really nice, yet nostalgic and interesting conversation. After that, he insisted to pay your dinner. You felt bad, so he promised next time you could pay, which you knew he was lying.
When you left the restaurant, hand in hand, he told you that his plans for that night weren't done yet.
"I need you to do something for me, honey." your future husband said as soon as you entered the car. You looked at him suspiciously, waiting for whatever was coming. "Close your eyes." he simply said.
"What? Why would you-"
"Just trust me, ok? It's not like I'll kidnap you or something." he made sure to use his sarcasm to relax you a little bit, indirectly telling you that he wasn't going to do anything bad.
"I wouldn't mind if you did so." your sassy comment made him laugh quietly, before you closed your eyes and heard his car running.
Minutes passed and you were starting to get bored with having your eyes closed for so long. At least his strong grip on your inner thigh kept you entertained during the car trip. Suddenly, you felt the car stop slowly, and that's when you realized you had finally arrived at your destination. You were about to open your eyes, when you felt a smack on your thigh.
"Ah! I didn't say you could open your eyes already, did I?" his demanding tone made you internally scream and blush hard, but you needed to remain calm to not lead things to another way, since you didn't want to ruin the plans he made for you.
He helped you getting out of the car, before putting his hand on your waist to guide you to the place where he would make the big proposal.
"Open your eyes, love." he whispered into your ear. The moment you opened your eyes, tears instantly made their way to your warm cheeks: you could watch and admire each star on the sky, shining in your direction; it was full moon night, which made you think that Sang-woo chose this specific night for that reason; in front of you, you could also see and hear the calm and relaxing dark-blue sea moving at a slow and therapeutical pace. It was the most romantic moment you ever had and even imagined. You were too focus on the ocean and the brilliant stars above you, that you didn't even notice what was written on the sand: "Will you marry me, Y/N?" was written in huge and well marked letters. This made your heart beat at an incredibly fast pace and your vision to go blurry due to the emotional warm tears that wanted to escape from your eyes.
"Baby, what's all of thi-" when you turned around in hope that the man of your life would explain what was happening at that moment, even tho you knew already, you saw him kneeling instead, looking at you nervously with a small black box on his hands which contained a shining ring inside.
"L/n Y/n, I know I'm not the best lover sometimes due to my emotionless personality, however you liberate a more loving, caring and passionate side of me that I never knew I could have until I met you. I never thought I could be so in love with someone... and to be honest, I didn't even know what was love before I kissed you for the first time. I'm sorry for all the times I made you upset, but I promise I'll be a better person for you. So... will you marry me, my love?" you never saw your boyfriend being so open with his feelings, not even towards you, so you knew this was extremely hard for him and that all what he was saying was the pure truth. Also for the first time you noticed Sang-woo cry in front of you, even though he remained with a neutral facial expression.
Deep inside, you knew he feels a lot, he just used this "mask" to hide his vulnerability and pretend he is emotionless. But with you, he doesn't feel the need to pretend to be strong all the time. And that's when he realized it was you who he was going to marry and spend the rest of his life with.
You couldn't help but cry in front of him, his action caughting you by surprise, in a good sense.
"Of course my love, of course I will marry you!! There is nothing I desire more than to have you as my husband." he smiled until his cheeks started to get sore: this moment was unique and special for both of you. You always made him forget any pain he might feel. He quickly stood up and picked up into his arms, spinning you over and over again until you both felt almost dizzy.
That night was unforgettable for both of you, and now that you had a wedding ring on your finger, you couldn't think about anything else than stepping onto the altar and marry the man of your dreams.
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 years
Love the idea of each previous hero's journey being mostly lost to time, such that each time the cycle starts again absolutely no one picks up the very obvious clues that might lead them to the hero.
Oh, you've named your blond haired blue eyed child Link, have you? That's a good name!
Oh, he's found a strange red and white maned horse he's named epona who has utterly bonded with him? How unusual!
Yes, the princess Zelda is the same age, isn't she? What a good omen for the family!
We know he doesn't talk much, but he's the sweetest lad, don't worry!
Don't fret, dearie, his wanderlust will abate when he grows up, I'm sure it won't get him in too much trouble before then.
Prodigious little swordsman, isn't he? He would make a great knight if he wanted to when he's older!
Oh? Rumours about a long forgotten temple in the woods? How strange! Are you sure it's not just the children telling stories?
Look at him in his armoured green outfit! That hat looks lovely on him - where did you find it?
#It's so funny#In just about every Zelda I've played there's been about a hundred signs link is In The Building and no one ever notices#Twilight Princess was the absolute worst everyone just kept bringing up Its The Hero stuff and it just was not clicking#By the time we got to epona I was half tempted to make a bingo card#Heck he even has a tree house!!#Strong oot time genes there XD#There's something about loading up a Zelda game and going 'yup. This is a Zelda game alright' but NO ONE in universe notices#YOU ACTUALLY LIVE THERE YOU GUYS STUDY THIS IN HISTORY CLASS#it also opens up the great trope of link casually knowing stuff from previous lives he absolutely shouldn't and nobody taking it seriously#Until he comes back with the master sword#Some of those games were particularly bonkers and if the specifics never got recorded then there's no way anyone would believe them#A zora princess tried to marry the hero?? Lmao try writing fanfic#Listen I know it says the hero came from the woods but kokiri don't exist he would have just lived in a cottage or something#How dare you besmirch the hero's honour! He would never lower himself to base property damage! Never mind pots!#No hylian can ever wrestle a goron are you insane??#Talking boat.... Sure#But you just KNOW Zelda would get some scholars and they'd hang off his every word#I love fics where link just casually references some world shaking knowledge (ie rito being zora descended and their own squid ancestors)#Or what the divine beasts were named after#Or what time travel feels like#Or that the myths hylians came from the skies are true#Or what one Zelda did when she vanished centuries ago#Or what the giant skeletons were#That kind of thing#Sorry I rambled#long post#legend of zelda#loz#loz zelda#loz link
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simplydannie · 2 months
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@jules0511 ❤️ My partner in crime! Enjoy!
Fame. Money. Adoration? It sounds to good to be true to a young teen surviving in the under city of Mount Rageous. But Velvet took the gig anyway.
Suddenly, chaos sparks around her…. What has she gotten her and her brother into?
Inspired by the Squid Games.
“Fame. Money. Loved and Adored By Many.” Those words eoched through Velvets mind….
Velvet entered the white tiled room. Stacks and stacks of bunk beds were set up all along the side of the white tiled walls. Glancing around, she saw hundreds upon hundreds of Under Rageouns file into the room. How many constants were there? She looked down at her new attire: a dark green track suit sporting the number 235 on the back.
“Veneer.” It dawned to her that she had not seen her brother since being split apart when they entered. She twisted and turned her head looking desperately for him. “Veneer!” She called out.
“Vels!” She heard his voice. She saw his green swoop of hair make its way toward her, under his stupid little purple beanie. Veneer headed to her a little too happily. “Oh you’re number 235! Im 234! Look!” He spun around to show her the number engraved on his back.
“Really? They let you keep that stupid beanie? Of all things?”
“As long as I didn’t have anything hidden I’m good.” He smiled. Veneer was shoved to ground by a taller Under Rageoun. He snickered as Veneer plummeted to the floor. The Rageoun made a gun signal, pointing it at Veneer, and shot…He was his target. Velvet tore away the beanie from his head.
“You’re an easy target Veneer! Start acting tough for crying out loud! This is a competition!”
Veneer tore his beanie out from her grasp to put it back on again. “I ain’t change for nothing Vels.” He said sternly.
More and more people continue to poor in. Velvet scoped out the competition, making a mental list of who to watch out for, who looked strong willed, strong physically, and a few whom they should avoid. A screen turned on above what they assumed were entry doors. The screen displayed the names of all the contestants… 456 “players”.
“Were supposed to go against 456 people…and win?” She declared. Next to their names were numbers, slowly those numbers went up on some: Velvet had 35 next her name, while her brother remained at 0.
“Hey! Why am i at zero? Vels, what kind of game is this?” He asked her crossing his arms.
“Fame. Money. Adoration. That’s what they said. So were going to suck this up and come out at the top.” She grasped her brother by the shoulders. “Do you understand? You do everything I say, exactly how I say it.” She stated firmly, eyes filled with determination.
“O-okay.” Veneer stuttered.
“Players, please make your ways to the doors in an orderly fasion. Again, please make your way to the doors in an orderly fasion.” A female voice boomed over the sound system above them. Excitement brewed all around…For Veneer, it was just nerves and anxiety, hoping that what they got themselves into would be okay. Veneer took his place behind his sister, following her through the doors.
In a single file, everyone one was lead through a maze of staircases. Veneer couldn’t help but reach for his sisters hand as the nerves continue to settle in. Velvet retreated her hand.
“No.” She whispered harshly, “No weakness.” Veneer nodded. The staircases were endless, twists and turns at every corner. Eventually everyone came to a stop in front of giant doors, all 456 players lined across. Velvet could hear Veneer’s shaky breath. She elbowed him, causing him to tense and straighten up. No weakness, he reassured himself.
Within moments the doors swung open…odd. The players walked into what was a field, something you would see at school, at the playground, a dirt lot. Straight across the dirt was something pecurliar..
“What in the world…” Velvet murmured.
A giant porcelain doll stood facing them. All the Rageouns took a stance behind the white line looking curiously at the doll. Veneer shook in his shoes, his eyes darting around taking in his surroundings. It looked like they were outside, but the whole enterior of the building was made just to look like it. Veneer know it wasn’t real, becuase he didn’t know what the sun was like, what it felt like. Whatever it was, they mimiced it well, even mimicing what a cool breeze would be like.
“Players please take your mark behind the white line.” The voice boomed again over the speakers. Veneer placed himself right next to Velvet.
“No. Stand more that way. If we’re going to win this, we need to make it seem like were not a team. Make it seem like were not in it together.” She whispered. To make it seem like an act, she shoved Veneer away harshly. There was a hurt look in his eyes, this was not the time her wanted to be away from his sister, but she knew best, he had to believe her.
“Players. Today’s game will be the simple game of red light-green light. When the doll says green-light, you are too proceed. When she says red-light, you are to stop. Players who do not stop will instantly be illimanted. You goal is to cross the other side of the marked field before time is up.” The voice said. As if on cue, the doll turned away, facing her back towards the players.
Everyone took their position behind the white line. Veneer stayed near enought to Velvet, keeping a close watch on her. Velvet’s focus was the finish line…she had to cross it…either her or Veneer…they needed to win this..they needed the money. She noticed cameras all around them. Was this being televised? Or were those cameras there to make sure everyone played by the rules? Silence fell upon the players as the timer appeared on the screen up ahead….a pin needle could be echoed through the quietness of the arena……
………..”Green-light.” The voice of the doll echoed. 456 Rageouns took off running, hoping to cover as much ground as they could before….
“Red-light!” Everyone froze. The dool whipped her head around…They were unsure if she could detect movement or not. Then, one Rageoun losted his balance, wiggling a little to catch it…..
The Rageoun fell limp on the ground. Velvet’s eyes widened in horror. Was he? No he couldn’t be….That’s when she saw the pool of blood forming around his body.
A horrific scream echoed in the areana…
Then another..
The players soon began connecting what was going on. Most began to run…they ran towards the doors which they entered upon. Banging on the doors, screaming and pleading.
One Rageoun ran into Velvet knocking her to the ground. Quickly she moved her hands to cover her ears. She waited for a bullet to strike her chest…but it never did.
She could here the bodies fall to the ground one by one. Velvet’s body shook as the terror and realization of what was happening began to come to her. How? How did she get into this?…Her mind went black for a moment…
She was headed to The Pit to look for any jobs she could pick up, anything to bring food to the table for her and her brother. This particular night, a stranger came and approached Velvet as she was glancing at the bounties listed.
“I believe I’ve seen you around places.” The stranger asked her. Velvet turned towards the voice whom spoke to her: It was a tall male adult Rageoun. Pale skin just like all the Rageouns in the under city, stringy dark gray hair strung into dreadlocks that hung to his waist. He wore a red-mucle shirt with dark brown cargo pants. He gave her a sharped, tooth smile.
“Who hasnt? I’m down here practically all the time. Now excuse me.” She turned to continue to read the list of jobs.
“Not just here sweetheart…everywhere in Under Rageous. You’re a twin arent you?” He asked. She froze. How did he know? True, her and Veneer were the only twins she has ever seen in Under Rageous, kind of hard to miss…But this stranger had a particular interest in them. “Twins are rare here in Rageous. You’d attract the eyes whereever you go I’m sure.” He handed her a card.
“There’s a new competition that Mount Rageous is holding.”
Velvet was stunned in silence. Mount Rageous….only the wealthy, the somebodies dwelled in Mount Rageous. Why was this word getting to her? Why her and her brother?
“I am scout. Scouting talent and those who seem interesting enough to partake in this competition. Twins would definetly catch the eye…Winner of this competition will recieve a high comensation, fame, adoration. Think about it. Call this number.”
Velvet looked down at the card. It was a simply cardboad cut with a square, a triangle, and a cirlce printed in the front. Behind, the card was the number.
“Why? Why me and….” When Velvet looked up, the guy was gone. She was left alone at the center of the bustling pit. Velvet enveloped the card within her hand to hide it from anyone. He didn’t explain what kind of competition it was, only that it was to be held by those up in Mount Rageous. Velvet glanced up, up past the cloud line. She could see the lights of what was the upper atmosphere. This could be the chance her and her brother had been hoping for.
That night she went home, she hadn’t discussed what had happened to her brother. He lay asleep while she turned the card over and over again in her hand. Should she wake up? Should she tell him? Velvet picked out the window of the small apartment, looking up towards the lights of Mount Rageous. They been working so hard, tyring to save up so much to make it to the top…this could finally be their chance. Velvet swung the sheets off of her, tiptoeing to the phone so to not wake her brother…
….She hesitated at first….She dialed the number.
….. Velvets mind came back as she crouched in the arena, clutching her ears, eyes shut tight. Her mind was still ringing as the gunshots continued.
“Fame. Money. Loved and adored by many.” The words echoed through Velvet’s mind…
A few more sounded before they stopped….she heard groans, moans… cries of pain and agony.
“Please do not move when the doll says red-light or else you will be eliminated.”
Killed….. when they meant eliminated, they actually meant killed…. Crouching their in silence, her heart suddenly dropped at the realization….Her brother.
“Veneer….Veneer….” Velvet kept repeating his name to herself. She couldn’t look up. She couldn’t move. They were still on red light….. that’s when she saw a pool of blood getting near her feet…. She knew it wasn’t hers….. the blood began engulfing her shoes….She heard a small cry of pain…..
Oh please no….. please not her brother…. Not Veneer…..What had she gotten him into….
To be continued (?)….
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yuujismom · 3 months
Why no one make any J-drama & K-drama fanfic bestie!?! T^T
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heavensenthale · 5 months
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set fire to my cold heart
a saebyeong (squid game) story
Rating: Teen Word count: 3.4k
Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of a girl who looked around her age, sitting alone in a booth, fiddling with a card between her fingers. She looked lost in her own thoughts, the bottle of soju in front of her was probably warm and no longer fizzy.
She was pretty in a girl-next-door kind of way and exactly the type of girl that would not get involved with someone from the North for any reason. Still, Saebyeok wondered if she was okay, if she could smooth the frown on her face, if she’d accept a drink from Saebyeok.
A man walked to her table, sliding a bottle of beer her way. Apparently, she didn’t know the man, as she looked around when the man said something to her, her eyes locking with Saebyeok’s for a second too long, clearly uncomfortable.
“Minyeo, bring me two bottles of soju,” she said, without thinking.
“Are we partying tonight?”
“Just bring the drinks, Minyeo.”
“So cold,” she reached under the bar to where they kept the drinks. “You know, men don’t like cold women,” Minyeo said, putting both bottles in front of her.
Good, Saebyeok thought.
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ladyqueendrag · 8 months
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Teaser for next chapter!
(This gif was too perfect to not use)
He had you by the neck, your heart racing as you dug your nails into his expensive suit and you could feel his breath against your ear.
“So what body part do you want? An arm, a kidney? You wanna Saw me like the movies?” Your voice was shaky and your Korean has never sounded so pathetic. In fact, the fear ripped you in half, you weren’t even sure what language you were speaking.
“You’re trembling.” The Salesman whispered into your ear, completely ignoring your question.
“Just how afraid are you? Would you do anything to save your life?” He squeezed your neck slightly tighter and you closed your eyes, trying to not think of all the things he would do. Knock you out and chop you up? Slice your skin off slowly? Use your body for his own pleasure?
“Please… I’m begging you, don’t-“ you couldn’t finish your thought, a surprised gasp leaving your lips when his hand slowly pushed your skirt up and started softly stroking your thigh.
So this was for his pleasure.
Your eyes snapped open in surprise when that same hand found your ass and he squeezed it as his lips found your neck, giving it an open sloppy kiss.
“You’re gonna pay me your debt while I ruin you.”
You didn’t know if it was fear or lust but your pussy tightened and your panties immediately became wet.
GIF by @gifsbykinkykatbitch
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nessinborderland · 1 year
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🃏 Alice in Borderland -> Headcanons | Fanfiction 🏍️ High&Low -> Headcanons | Fanfiction 🤜 My Name -> Fanfiction 🧟‍♂️ All of Us Are Dead -> Headcanons | Fanfiction 🦑 Squid Game -> Fanfiction 🌊 Outer Banks -> Fanfiction
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squidgamesmut · 2 years
The Salesman | A game of cat and mouse 🌶️
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General Masterlist
The Salesman Masterlist
It is your duty to track down the Salesman and take down the bane of your existence - the very Squid Game you won last year. Well, perhaps that you haven’t entirely been thinking straight, or have been completely fair to yourself.
Tags: NSFW, hate sex, dom/sub themes, public sex, degradation
Word count: 3K
“I will come and find you,” you had said through gritted teeth, “And when I do, I will flay your skin off your bones if you don’t tell me who you work for.”
You had meant it, too. However, the smug smirk of the Salesman had told you enough, that he had not at all been fazed by your threat. Perhaps that he knew that you would not find him, or perhaps just because he was not afraid of you.
Whatever it was, you knew that you hated him, and that stupid grin of his. No matter how attractive the well-dressed man was, you loathed him and the organisation.
After winning the Squid Game, you had made it your personal goal to burn it to the ground, deeply enraged by what they had done to you. At first, you hadn’t even considered getting in through the Salesman at first, for you had only seen him for a few insignificant minutes preluding your experiences at the Squid Game. However, you eventually realised that he was the very gateway to that place, so if there was anyone who would know where to enter, it had to be him.
It prompted a series of afternoons where you’d hang around the underground during rush hour to keep an eye out for the man you knew to be recruiting new players. It caused you to feel on edge whenever a man clad in a suit would exit or enter the tube, and after a few months of doing this - for you didn’t have to work anymore, anyways - you were close to giving up.
Until a moment that you saw him - no doubt, with his distinctive demeanour and handsome features - approach an old man who was asleep on a bench. Roused him. Invited him to play some games. Those red and blue Ddjaki tiles triggered something dark and painful within you.
“You!” you strode towards him, “You are one of the most vile men I’ve ever met! Give me your business card so I can call your boss. I am going to take you down!”
He ignored you, clearing his throat, “...Don’t mind this crazy woman. Every time you win, you get a hundred-thousand won–”
“Do not play it, sir,” you warned the old man, who seemed way too interested in the game, “He will reel you in with the promise of easy money and it will lead you to a death game!”
“A death game?”
The Salesman held up his hand. “This woman is clearly delusional. Do I seem like the type to fool you, sir? Everything I do is legal and fair. I want to give this money out to people who are in need.”
“My, I can barely believe my ears!” exclaimed the old man, delighted, “It just so happens to be that I need to pay big money to get my son back!”
The Salesman feigned a smile. “So, the rules are simple, you–”
You grabbed the Salesman at the tie, yanking him in such a way that he had no choice but to look at you lest he be choked out and watched you with bewildered eyes. You were seething. “Look into my eyes and tell me who you work for!”
The recruiter held up his hands defensively. “Miss, I don’t know who you are, really! You must be looking for someone else! I suggest that you put me down before I call the authorities.”
You roughly released him, holding up your palm. “Give me your business card.”
“Business card? What are you talking ab–”
Your fingers went to his suit jacket to take it out yourself, but he promptly grabbed your wrist.
“The nerve! This is assault! I won’t take this any longer.” He began putting the Ddjaki tiles back into his briefcase, giving the old man an apologetic smile. “Excuse me, sir. Perhaps that our paths will cross again one day.”
You were seething. “Don’t ignore my question! Who do you work for? Or do you need me to pull out your finger nails one by one for you to speak up?”
Whatever you said, the Salesman seemed to be unaffected, apologising once again to the man he had wanted to recruit. A tube halted at the platform, its doors opening, a horde of people rushing out.
The Salesman stood up and brushed past you as if you were nothing but air, and stepped inside the train. Just as you rushed after him, the doors slid shut in your face, much to your dismay. You slammed a fist onto them, letting out a cry of agony and rage, but were soon forced back, the Salesman looking at you with that smug smile on his face. “I will find you!” you raged, pointing at him accusingly. “You are going to answer for what you’ve done.”
Slightly out of breath, you looked after the leaving train, gathering yourself  for a moment before turning back to the old man, who was staring at you as if you were crazy.
“What?!” you snapped, “I just saved your fucking life! You should be thankful!”
Angrily, you legged towards the schedule to see when the next tube would be leaving.
Seeing him again had rekindled your insatiable hunger for taking the entire shitshow down, and you increased the intensity of your hunt for him to also take place during mornings and evenings now. Day after day, you scouted the stations, in search of the very man who started it all.
No matter how hard you tried, he seemed to always be a step ahead. He’d step into the very tube you were waiting outside of, or if your gazes crossed, he packed up at once.
He knew you - of course he remembered you, for how could he not? 
Every time your eyes met his, and whenever he showed that grin, something else ignited within you. Something dangerous, something balancing the very line between rage and lust. It was like a roaring, all-consuming fire.
Perhaps that it was a game. 
You’d come for him, which gave his work an extra edge, and he was so close yet so far away. You could watch him, smell his cologne, feel his air as he brushed past you, but he was always just out of reach. 
It was maddening, it was frustrating, and it caused tension.
You had started to enjoy his features more than you should, and began to feel a deep, searing lust whenever the idea of him crossed your mind. It was almost an obsession, this elusive recruiter. He was the very key you needed to take down that cursed organisation along with all its people.
You were almost at peace with the fact that you would never catch the Salesman. Since there was nothing left to do in your life otherwise, you kept trailing after him, staying on his track, hot on his heels yet always, always one step behind.
Until now.
You had entered the tube one station earlier so that you’d arrive in one of the trains the very moment he was playing Ddjaki at one of the platforms. Since you were the person exiting the train as soon as it arrived, and since it would leave again as you approached him, there would be nowhere for him to go. You’d trap him like a rat and demand answers once and for all.
You made sure to keep out of sight whilst in the train, making sure to sit close to a door. Crossing one leg over the other, you kept your eyes turned downwards, every so often letting your gaze flit up to the display to see how far away your final destination was.
Mere minutes before the platform you had calculated to be his current playing spot, you stood to stand in front of the doors. However, you froze in your place at once.
You looked out over the long train, all people looking away but one.
That same stupid smirk. A raise of his eyebrow. You began to walk towards him at once.
He turned away, ignoring your call. “Hey!” you spat, “You there! Stop that man!”
A few annoyed glares were sent your way as you made your way through the crowded cabin, the Salesman moving faster, apologising to other travellers as he manoeuvred himself quickly. 
You kept your gaze fixated upon the back of his head - no hair was out of place, and he cast a glance backwards every so often to see if you were still following. 
“Hey, watch it!” You almost tripped over someone’s bag, stumbling forward rather ungracefully, and mumbled an apology. Turning back to your mission, however, you saw that there was no sign of the Salesman, alarming you at once.
You hadn’t stopped at any station, so he had to be on the train still. You breathed a string of curses and continued legging through the tube, hoping to find him hiding somewhere within the crowd.
The front of the train was starting to appear in your field of view, but there was no sign of the man in question. A bit lost, you halted, letting your eyes inspect the masses of people around you.
The train jerked to a standstill, and a lot of people rose to exit. None of them noticed the door of the toilet opening, nor did you. An arm around your waist dragged you inside, causing you to yelp, but nobody was paying attention.
“Hey!” you shouted as the door slammed shut, and as you turned to the person who had yanked you inside, you felt your anger boil inside of you. The Salesman gave you a small smirk, though standing awfully close in the crowded space.
“Hello,” he breathed, smiling. “Fancy seeing you here.”
“Let me out,” you said, face flushing at his proximity. “This is assault.”
“Well, you weren’t exactly kind to me either. What do you want from me? Why do you keep pursuing me?”
You scoffed. “Haven’t you heard anything I said last time we spoke? I am going to take you all down, you and your organisation.”
He laughed lightly. “Do you really think that it would be that easy, hm?” he quizzed. “We’re larger than you can even comprehend. Just getting me in trouble will lead to nothing. Calling the organisation by using my business card or reporting them to the authorities will lead to nothing. Perhaps that they’d lock you up for displaying foolish behaviour, let you cool down for a while.”
You narrowed your eyes firmly, brow furrowing. “Fuck you,” you seethed, “Stop smiling.”
“What, is my charm too attractive? Is that why you’re following me, hm?”
He tucked some hair behind your ear and you blushed furiously, slapping it away. “Don’t touch me, you creep! Do you really think that trying to flirt with me will make me forget about who you are?”
“Do you really know who I am, then?” he asked, your heartbeat quickening. He leaned forward to whisper in your ear, “You don’t even know my name. You won’t be able to trace anything back to me. Why do you keep coming back? Not that I mind seeing your pretty face every day, but you know that you are lying to yourself, right?”
Your breath hitched in your throat as you looked at him with softening eyes, drinking in his sheer charisma. Suddenly, you imagined kissing him, a deep snog filled with hatred, confusion and burning desire. 
The Salesman seemed to be thinking the same thing. “(Y/n),” he mused, taking your chin between his fingers, “Are you just running after me in the hopes of getting my attention?”
“N-No.” you stuttered, closing your eyes at the sound of your own voice. The recruiter laughed a bit, shaking his head.
“Your body tells me otherwise.” He laid one hand on your neck, checking your pulse. You swallowed thickly, trying to take control over your breathing. “Be frank with me,” he whispered, leaning closer.
His breath tickled the shell of your ear. “If you want me to stop, or if what I am saying is untrue, just say so right now and I will let you go. Then, don’t ever come and find me again, for you will know that with me you will get no step further towards taking down the organisation. If what I am saying is true, however…”
The Salesman pulled back from your neck and eyed you with dark eyes, gaze falling towards your lips, “If you desire me, just say so, so that I can take you.”
Your lips moved soundlessly in puzzlement and excitement, your mind running rampant with thoughts of him. He watched you expectantly, awaiting your answer. 
“Fucking ruin me,” you breathed at once, overcome by your arousal for him. He groaned, kissing you roughly, tongue hungrily delving into your mouth.
He tasted exactly like you had imagined he would taste, and you shivered with need, pushing your legs together to relieve some of the tension. He nipped at your bottom lip, smirking. “I will not instruct you on your knees in a public restroom,” he promised, causing your gut to spin, “But you have cost me so much money and potential players, you know… I should punish you for that in one way or the other. But not here - even I have standards.”
You slipped your fingers over his tie, tugging him down for another searing kiss. He took easy dominance, but not that you minded. Adrenaline pulsed through you, and you desperately moaned when his mouth travelled towards your neck, sucking the skin against it. You braced yourself on the wall, hoping that it would be strong enough to hold up your heavily leaning body, and gasped at a nibble of your earlobe.
“So,” he purred, “Who would’ve thought? I figured you hated me, yet you let me ravage you like you’re nothing but prey. Who’s the cat, and who is the mouse?”
He slipped one hand over the column of your throat, watching you with lust-blown pupils. There was an air about him that made your knees weak with want, and you watched him with pleading eyes.
“Little mouse,” he whispered, leaning down to kiss you deeply again. His hand snaked under your shirt, surprisingly warm against your bare skin, and you jerked slightly in surprise. He let out an amused huff and turned you in his arms, pushing you flush against the door of the stall. 
“I would spank you if I could,” he muttered, “One slap for every hundred-thousand won your little shenanigans have cost me. But this is not the place. No, I am just going to ruin you, just as you told me to do.” He pushed his face into your neck and inhaled deeply.
A sharp gasp escaped you when you felt his hand push up your skirt and pry aside your knickers. “Little soaked mouse,” he groaned in your hair, “So fucking tight. All for me to be devoured.”
You heard the sound of a buckle opening and you bit your lip in anticipation, trying to look over your shoulder to see how sizable he was. The Salesman pushed back your head, “Face on the door,” he ordered, and you felt his tip press against your dripping entrance.
Your slick made for easy access, but his size split you in half nevertheless. You moaned, hoping that the movements of the train would mask it, even though the walls were thin. The recruiter laced the fingers of one hand into your hair and bottomed out in one swift movement, causing you to bite down on your own hand, lest the people on the other side hear it.
“You can’t even start to understand,” groaned the Salesman, “How often I have imagined fucking that tight pussy of yours. To have you begging for my seed like the little mouse you are. So desperate and needy, eager to swallow it all. Don’t tell me you haven’t imagined the same, little mouse.” 
You whimpered at his size and the stretch, but your walls were clamping around him, your ass moving against him with movements mimicking his own to intensify the pleasure. You were vaguely aware that you were getting railed in one of the filthiest places of Seoul, but then, you figured you couldn’t have expected better.
“You’re enjoying this so much, aren’t you?” the Salesman praised, “I can feel it deep inside of you. You’re so wet, if I had known this I would have fucked you much earlier.”
Bracing yourself against the wall, you wanted to breathe his name, realising that you didn’t know it. Instead, you called him the first thing that sprung to mind.
“Please, sir.”
His cock twitched inside of you as he pulled you against his pelvis once again, momentarily stilling. “What did you just call me?”
He angled your head to the side with an able hand to push his tongue into your mouth. “That’s right,” he whispered after a few seconds of passionate liplock, “That’s right. Beg for me.”
“Oh, give me your seed, sir!” you whimpered, sweat leaking down your brow, “I need it, sir!”
With a few firm thrusts and a few twitches of his cock, he spilled himself deep inside of you, fleeting fingers on your clit pushing you over your climax. You had to physically keep yourself from falling onto the filthy floor, knees almost too weak to stand as pleasure overtook you in a shattering orgasm.
The Salesman pulled out, cum oozing from your hole as he quickly put your knickers back over it, which had been pushed to the side. It gathered on the inside and made you feel sticky, but you did not mind it. 
“Good girl,” said the Salesman, tucking himself back into his slacks before reaching over to the tap to wash his hands. “Good little mouse. Now, it’s time for you to go out, for you’ve reached your destination.”
Just now you noticed that the train had come to a standstill. “But… But…” Stumbling over your words, you anxiously unlocked the door, hoping that no one would walk in. The Salesman smiled his signature smirk and reached out, waiting for you to take something from him.
It was a rectangular card with a number on the back. 
“A business card,” he clarified, “Though not the one you originally wanted.”
He opened the door for you, pushing you outside the cubicle. You looked at him with slight indignance, still taken aback and dishevelled for the way he had just fucked you raw and now waved you off like you were nothing but a customer. He closed the door in your face, leaving you feeling puzzled as slick ran down your thigh. 
Quickly exiting the tube, you went to look at the card.
Call me. It read, alongside his name.
Immediately, you reached for your phone.
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whorror-barbie · 2 years
I'm haven't been writing lately, I just don't have the motivation to do so at this time, I'm so sorry for anyone that did follow me for my writing. I was writing for the handsome dilf from lady k hentai, and alittle bit of the salesman...but I'm burnt out and will not post anymore at this time, I hope what's understandable 😖
Here's my Masterlist
Lloyd Hansen one
Good lesson in fucking I'll post part 2 on here eveutally, but it is already on my A03 for right now.
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luvsae · 10 months
kang saebyeok as your guitarist girlfriend | bullet point story [1] . . ♡
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- kang saebyeok x gn!reader
note: this is just the intro so she isn't your girlfriend yet
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- you actually met saebyeok at a show that she was playing at a bar
- the whole band was good but you couldn't keep your eyes off of her
- she noticed at one point and made eye contact with you, sending a cheeky smile your way
- you couldn't help but feel butterflies in your stomach - she was really pretty
- she had on a tux, but the blazer was off, leaving her with a messy bow tie and a white shirt - it was perfect
- after the show you stayed for a bit to have one more drink and hopefully see the guitarist (who you now knew as saebyeok since the whole band introduced themselves)
- as you took a sip of your drink, the seat beside you was suddenly filled
- looking over, you noticed saebyeok
- you almost spit out your drink because of how beautiful she was
- she noticed your stare and laughed. "hi"
- "hi," you replied back. "the show was really good"
- she grinned, taking a sip of her drink. "thank you. were you staying after the show just for me?" saebyeok teased
- you felt your cheeks heat up, not knowing what to say at first. "well, i did want to see you, but i didn't expect for you to sit next to me"
- saebyeok chuckled to herself before taking a napkin and a pen, then writing down her phone number
- "call me when you get home, okay?"
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- you practically ran home after saebyeok gave you her number
- after waiting a bit, you decided to text her
you: hey its y/n :)
- a few minutes later, she texted you back
saebyeok: hey there, didn't think you'd text me haha
y/n: how could i not? you're really interesting
saebyeok: ohhhh you're interested in me?? ;)
- you couldn't help but smile like an idiot - why was this girl so interesting to you?
saebyeok: we should hangout soon. let's go to a coffee shop
y/n: im down
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- the two of you actually followed through with the plans of going out, and today happened to be the day
- you changed your outfit three times before coming to a decision - it wasn't too casual, but not too fancy
- suddenly you heard a knock at your door. shit she was here a bit earlier than expected
- rushing over to the door, you opened it and saw saebyeok. she was in cargo pants and a loose top - she was beautiful
- "hey," you smiled sheepishly. "come in"
- she entered your home. "sorry im here a bit early. there's gonna be traffic soon so i thought that i should come here a bit earlier"
- "that's okay," you nodded. "i just need to get my bag and then we can go"
- as you went to get your bag you couldn't help but smile to yourself. you were so excited !!
- the two of you eventually left and drove over to the coffee shop. you learned some things about the girl
- she was the same age as you, her favorite color is blue, she's been playing guitar for a few years now
- you also told her some facts about yourself, it was nice
- the both of you talked and had some coffee, laughing at all the stupid and cheesy jokes that saebyeok told you
- she complimented you a few times too, and you couldn't help but blush because of that
- "you're really pretty" "you really light up the room" "your laugh is pretty too"
- the hangout didn't end after that because the two of you then went to the pet store
- you practically dragged saebyeok over to the section where the cats were, squealing over the little animals
- "this one is so cute i want to adopt them all"
- "that would be a lot of cat food"
- "but it's worth it!"
- saebyeok was more interested in the birds and frogs - she thought they were cool
- "these little guys would be great companions, don't you think?" "they are really cute. netflix frog!"
- "you're adorable"
- after that you would go to a video game store (this was for saebyeok as she played games on her days off)
- "what games do you like?" you asked her
- "i like survival games. i played one recently called the forest, you should play it with me one day"
- "that would be fun"
- saebyeok ended up buying a copy of minecraft for one of her consoles after you said you played that game often
- the day would soon end and saebyeok would bring you home. she made you stay a bit longer because the sunset was nice (others would argue she just wanted to spend more time with you)
- you would take a picture of the sunset before turning to saebyeok. "we should take a picture in front of the sunset, what do you say?"
- "of course"
- the two of you would huddle close and take a picture - saebyeok was stunning as she was drawn out by the sunlight
- saebyeok would walk you to your door and smile at you. "did you have fun?"
- "that was the most fun ive had in a while, thank you"
- "would you wanna do it again?" she asked, putting her hands in her pockets
- "if you have ideas on where to go, and if you plan to get me that cat, then yes" you teased
- she grinned and nodded. "alright, y/n. i don't know if i can get you that cat, though"
- you rolled your eyes playfully. "i'll see you again soon, saebyeok. text me when you get home"
- "will do"
- and with that, your first hangout with saebyeok was done
- you couldn't help but feel giddy and excited over spending the whole day with her
- you couldn't wait until your next adventure
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kaythedumb · 2 months
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As of now, I mostly write OC fics for Asian media like dramas and movies with the exception of Street Woman Fighter 1 and 2. There are some outliers, but I'll mostly focus on these fics. I'll also mention the dynamics in the relationships to see what attracts.
NOTE that some of these haven't been published yet. However, I do intend on going through with all of these concepts at my own pace.
These fics can be found on my wattpad account local_garden!
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• Bad and Crazy
° Boss Yong x fem!OC (boss x righthand)
• All of Us Are Dead
° Choi Nam-ra x fem!OC (introvert x extrovert/opposites attract)
° Han Gyeong-su x fem!side!OC (friends)
• Ballerina (2023)
° Jang Ok-ju x fem!OC (partners in crime ?)
• Squid Game
° Kang Sae-byeok x fem!OC (opposites attract)
• Pyramid Game
° Myung Ja-eun x fem!OC (opposites attract)
° Sung Soo-ji x fem!OC (partners/friends to lovers)
° Kim Da-yeon x fem!OC x Seo Do-ah (exes + opposites attract)
• Alice in Borderland
° Ryohei Arisu x fem!OC (friends to lovers)
° Yuzuha Usagi x male!OC (established relationship)
° Shuntaro Chishiya x fem!OC (Frenemies)
• Sweet Home
° Lee Eun-yoo x fem!OC (opposites attract)
° Cha Hyun-su x fem!OC (monster x human)
° Park Chan-young x fem!OC (friends to lovers)
• Gap The Series
° Lady Sam x fem!OC (boss x subordinate/office romance)
• The Uncanny Counter
° Do Ha-na x fem!OC (grumpy x sunshine/partners in fighting crime)
• 23.5 The Series
° Ongsa x fem!OC (loser x popular)
° Sun x fem!OC (grumpy x sunshine)
° Aylin x fem!OC (introvert x introvert)
° Luna x fem!OC (introvert x extrovert)
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Media I write for as of 1/2024)
(Please keep in mind that I don't feel comfortable with writing characters x reader, if the character in question is under 18 years old)
the bad guys (2022)
bioshock (2007, 2013)
Bob’s Burgers (2011 - present)
Borderlands (2009 - 2019)
Cinderella ( 1950)
Detroit: Become Human (2018)
Dying light
Encanto (2021)
FNAF (sister location and security breach) (2016 - 2021)
Heavy Rain
Helluva Boss (2020 - present)
Hercules (1997)
How to train your dragon (The series)
The hunchback of Notre Dame (1996)
The Incredibles (2004)
Infinity train (2019 - 2021)
Inside job (2022 - present)
the iron giant (1999)
The last of us, Part 1 & 2 (2014 - 2020)
Little Misfortune
Megamind (2010)
The Mitchells vs The Machines (2021)
Moral Orel (2005 - 2008)
Oxenfree (2016)
Princess and the Frog
The Quarry (2022)
Red Dead Redemption 2 (2018)
Resident Evil 7 & 8 (2017 - 2022)
Rise of the guardians (2012)
The road to El Dorado (2000)
Robots (2005)
Rock and Rule (1983)
Sally Face (2016 - 2019)
The sea beast (2022)
Sing! (2016)
(ps4) Spider-man (2018)
Squid game (2021)
Stranger things (2016 - present)
Stray (2022)
Tangled (2010) 
Tinkerbell (2008)
Turning red (just 4town) (2022)
Until Dawn
The Walking dead (main series)
TWDG (2012 - 2022)
The Wolf Among us (2014)
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selen0phile-co · 10 months
intro 😌
I write stuff(mostly women...) And it's mostly All of Us Are Dead.
I'm Selene, 23 years old, and a bisexual woman with a preference towards women.
l will write about:
-Smut(mainly write this)
-All of Us Are Dead(mainly write this)
-Squid Game
-XO, Kitty
-Red velvet
-Blue Period
-Most kinks(even monsterfucking!)
I will NOT write:
-Noncon(Dubcon yes👍)
-1nc3st of any kind
-feet fetish
-armpit fetish
-CBT(cock and ball torture)
NOTE: I do not mind if you have most of these, just not my thing, yk? I will not write p2doph1lia and 1nc4est even for fictional characters because of past experiences. Please respect that.
Final notes:
please be kind to everyone, block if you feel uncomfy, and requests are always open! I'll start posting soon 🤭
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matchesarelit · 10 months
MatchesAreLit Masterlist
Bridgerton Masterlist Marvel Masterlist Firefly Masterlist Squid Game Masterlist Smosh Masterlist
*= suggestive (minors dni) ** = smut (minors dni) Tiny imagine <150w Small imagine <1000w Imagine >1000w
Dark Matter
The Bridge* (small imagine)
Meeting back up with the crew of the Raza but with their new crew members there’s only one bed left at the end of the night.
**•̩��͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Lars Pinfield
Just us
Lars has invited you over to the lab before, so why is it awkward today?
Scientists of an Absurd Field
You visit the lab and as always the air is full of condescending words and unspoken compliments.
Workplace Attire (small imagine)
In the aftermath of Garraka Lars makes his way back to the lab... You are just a little amused at the state he's in.
The only thing left for the day was feeding the ghosts their dinner... Lars is there and ready to help, help keep you company that is.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Oscar’s hotel
Oscar’s Protégé (tiny imagine)
Capabilities (tiny imagine)
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Rusty Lake
Jakob\Mr Owl
The Gardening Job (small imagine)
Research (small imagine)
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Friday Night Dinner
Adam’s Bestie*
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Lucifer Morningstar
Back With A Badge, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, (INDEFINATE HIATUS)
Detective Hatch is reunited with a friend when she is transferred to LA but what will happen when she gets ‘acquainted’ with the Devil.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Dick Grayson 
The Mysteries Of Dick Grayson*
“Now as far as I know this rooftop is neither yours nor in a city you have sworn to protect. So what, pray tell is a little birdie doing up here in the dead of night?”
Felicity Smoak
Proposal (small imagine)
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Dorian Gray
The Newest Fad 
A new club has Dorian’s empty and he is furious... until hes not. I mean how could he be with that familiar voice in his ear.
Ambrose Spellman
Old ‘Friends’
You visit the home of two women who are practically family, but so much has changed in the last 70 years since you lost your best friend. what will it be like to see him again.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Tin Can Bros
Hands up (small imagine)
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Anti-Grimm (small imagine)
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
11th Regeneration
“Sorry”* (small imagine)
Make out sesh (small imagine)
10th Regeneration
Two Hearts (small imagine)
Clara Ozwald
“Best Friends” ... sure (small imagine)
Rory Williams
A Hunky Nurse
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Stranger Things
Robin or Steve
Heading to Hawkins P1
While staying with the Hendersons you meet someone new.
P2 Robin x F!Reader
P2 Steve x F!Reader
P2 Steve x NonF!Reader
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Curious Creations of Christine McConnell
Christine + Norman x reader
Poly (small imagine)
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Jurassic Park
Ian Malcolm
Cuddling Him (HCs)
Au pairs and attacks
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Evan Peters
An Interesting Rest
During a week or so break off of filming you and some friends go on a trip, that results in a new friend who looks strikingly familiar.  But will this friendship tear apart another?
Fp Jones
Picnic (small imagine)
Tommy Shelby
An Easy Target
Samuel Davenport Archive 81
Visser P2 **
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