#sure I like them and I'll be heartbroken for a little while but I'll be saving myself the stress
mcwexlerscigarette · 6 months
the person I'm dating invited me to their family's Christmas but now it's like four days away and they won't give me ANY details about it lol. like they actively avoid ANY questions whenever I ask. like... if you don't want me to go just say that. what's the point of fucking around
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dcxdpdabbles · 11 months
Alfred's Boy Part 4
"Master Bruce, would it be alright if I had someone over?" Danny's soft voice breaks the chatter around the table. Bruce is honestly surprised to hear the boy speak up without prompting. It takes him a moment to answer how unexpecting the request is.
The boy seems to think his silence is an answer, for he ducks his head and brings up his shoulders. "Nevermind. It was stupid. I'll tell Clockwork to forget it."
"No. No. This is your house as well, Danny. You can invite any of your friends. I'm just surprised Clockwork would allow you to contact guests from your old home." Bruce assures. His eyes flicker to the rest of the table, showing how everyone is focused on their own plates, but all conversation has died.
He is sure half of his children are attempting to develop super hearing with how much they are straining to eavesdrop.
"He's not really a friend, per se." Danny pushes some of his food to one side of his plate. It's a nervous habit Bruce had realized he does when speaking of his old home. Not just food but anything he can fiddle with, as Danny seems unable to hold still when nervous. "Wes and I have....a history, you can say. Clockwork said that he was allowed to visit because he knew what was happening but wasn't too involved with the situation. Not like Sam and Tucker, my best friends, or my sister Jazz. "
A history? Oh no, was this "Wes" an ex?
Bruce looks again at his youngest and fights a wince at Damian's dark sneer as the boy stabs his broccoli. Please let Wes just be anything but an ex. He doesn't want to follow the other kid around to make sure he doesn't have to fight off his children from bringing him harm.
Dick speaks up, likely thinking along the same lines. "I'm glad you can still have someone to see you! When will he be here? Will he be alright with Gotham's....everything?"
A smile is fighting at the corner of Danny's lips, and Bruce swears he can hear his children's hearts shatter as the boy flushes slightly. "Trust me, Wes can handle a lot. Clockwork said he would let Alfred know the details if Master Bruce agreed."
The butler pulls out an old-looking pocket watch. After checking the time, Alfred snaps it close with an impassive smile. "Clockwork will have the boy here in three days. I believe Danny will have a few days off then to enjoy his company?"
It's not really a request, but Bruce still nods. "Of course."
Danny's entire face lights up. It's the most joy he's seen on the boy's face since his arrival. "Thank you, Master Bruce. Thank you, Alfred. Can you please excuse me? I want to prepare his room."
"Of course, dear boy," Alfred nods his head. Danny is gone in a flash, a secret smile pulling at his lips. He waits a few seconds, so Danny's footsteps can fade away before leveling a stern stare at everyone at the table.
Bruce straightens his back out of reflex when that all-knowing stare passes over him. He barely contains a sigh of relief when Alfred slightly lingers on him to transfer his gaze to Damian.
He feels terrible for his son but cannot step between the butler and him. Damian will have to fight this battle on his own.
"I trust everyone here will not give Danny or his guest any grief during his break." It's not a question. It's a camond. Everyone shivers slightly out of fear.
"You don't have to worry about me"
"I have some stuff to do."
"Of course not Alfred."
Alfred doesn't precisely threaten them, but he does make his eyes a little darker "Danny's guest will not find shadows following him."
A few of his kids look heartbroken, while Jason has an expression of manic glee blooming on his face.
The following night, Danny is asking for ideas on where to take Wes on his tour. Apparently, both are from a small town and are used to having fewer options for entertainment.
"Kids usually either went to the mall or the local burger place. The mall wasn't even that big too, so after a while it got boring" Danny admits.
"You have to take him to Batburger," Jason tells Danny. Bruce fights the urge to leap over the table and punch his child. Jason knows that Danny hadn't gone to the restaurant so a lot of his siblings had been dreaming of taking the boy on a date there.
He's just rubbing salt in the wounds at this point.
"I think I will. I'll take him to museums too. Wes loves history." Danny writes some ideas down in a little notebook. He's taken to carrying it around, brainstorming a perfect weekend there.
Bruce had glanced at it earlier that day, when Danny had been busy cleaning and had read, "Make out point- Dick said the stars are the clearest there."
He almost had a heart attack. For all that Danny was Alfred's boy, Bruce still felt very protective of Danny like his own. He did not want his somewhat son to be going to any place with the name make out point.
No one speaks after that- primarily due to his younger children trying to shift their sobs and the older ones trying to comfort them without letting Danny notice.
Eventually, Cullen gets up from the table, excusing himself with a half-baked excuse of needing to do homework, and Harper chases after him. The two are followed by Tim- whose eyes are glossy- Steph, who looks to be biting her lip. Duke, whose hands are curled into fists, and Damian, who stomps out like a bull about to charge.
Bruce leaps to his feet but is stopped by Dick, who pats his shoulder. "I got this."
"The plot thickens," Jason says before he, too, goes after his siblings. For all his teasing, his second oldest adores his brothers and sisters, so he'll be there in their time of need.
"Is something...wrong?" Danny asks after a moment of hesitation. "I can tell Clockwork and Wes not to do the visit."
"No. You have Wes over. We talk." Cass tells him, giving the boy a wink as she, too, steps away. "Tonight, all ice cream."
"Yes." Alfred sighs. "I do believe that would be best. A frozen treat to soothe the pain of heartbreak. I'll bring up the tubs for everyone in a moment."
Bruce fights the urge to bury his face in his hands as Danny spring to his feet offering to help with the ice cream, unaware he is the cause for the comfort food.
Despite the apparent tension in the manor, the promised weekend does arrive. Danny is beside himself with excitement. He's not wearing a suit for once- he's gotten to copying Alfred in a misguided attempt at a butler uniform- and is wearing street clothes.
Besides, when the first day, Bruce has never seen Danny in street clothes. He's surprised that Danny dresses like a punk rocker- complete with a black leather jacket, big combat boots, and various chains.
He looks like the type of person fathers warn their daughters away from. Bruce hates how that only makes more of his children bestowed.
Danny had given everyone a happy smile when Bruce handed him the keys to one of his sports cars- he saw no reason why Wes and Danny should take a bus to the airport when he had plenty of vehicles to lend him. Alfred had allowed the boy to go alone since Danny needed to go through a particular gate for Wes.
Apparently, Clockwork would be sending Wes on a private plane. It burned not to know who Clockwork was or what he did, but Bruce fought the urge to snoop to get Alfred to stop glaring at him.
"I bet you he's not even that great," Tim grumbles, stuffing a chocolate cookie into his mouth. "Bet you he's ugly."
"With buck teeth" Steph adds stealing her own cookie.
"He likely never even seen a sword," Damian spits.
"Come on guys, I know it sucks, but we can't just dis on Wes 'cause Danny likes him," Duke says though it's not very convincing, seeing as he dropped over the couch in a depressive slouch.
"Why are all the good gays taken?" Cullen sighs, ignoring the meta.
Bruce opens his mouth to offer some comfort or maybe lecture them, but the front door opens before he gets a chance. Everyone sits up only to slump down as Dick strolls in with a cheerful smile. They all glare at him, which makes Dick flauter in his steps for only a second.
"They're waiting for Danny," Bruce tells him. Dicks smile regains his cheer as the oldest throws himself on the couch.
"He's outside with his guest. Lovely guy."
"Is he ugly?" Tim asks hopefully. His dreams are dashed as Dick shakes his head.
"He could be a supermodel."
"Of course, he can."
Jason snorts from behind a book. Bruce knows he is not reading it, simply by the fact he hasn't turned a page in the last ten minutes- his son speed reads whenever he adores a book- and is likely enjoying the show.
The door opens again, this time accompanied by two sets of laughter. An unfamiliar voice wheezes "-Dash then reads out love poems he wrote about Phantom!
"No!" Danny gasps. "Not Dash Baxter. What did the other A-listers do in retaliation?"
"Nothing that's the crazy part. They had poems too!"
The two voices are carrying, so Bruce has a few seconds to prepare himself. So do his kids, who all sit up at attention, a few with not as welcoming expressions as he would like. The voices round the corner, and Bruce looks at Wes first.
Dick was right. He's a handsome young man with ginger hair and flickers of freckles. He is dressed similarly to Danny, but a little less black and slightly more burnt orange to add color to his punk look. A worn-out backpack is swung over his shoulder while the same arm is tugging along a suitcase behind him.
Wes is also holding Danny's hand with a free hand.
Damian makes a slightly wounded sound that digs a dagger into Bruce's heart. His baby's first heartbreak.
Danny looks surprised to see them all, seeing as the family usually prepares to go out as the Bats at this time- but he smiles widely after a moment. "Everyone I like you to meet Wesley Weston. Wes, this is my boss, Bruce Wayne, and his kids, Dick Grayson-wayne, Jason Todd-Wayne, Casandra Wayne, Tim Drake-Wyane, Stephine Brown, Damian Wayne, Cullen Row, and Harper Row."
Wes smiles at them, waving the hand he has interlocked with Danny. Bruce winces as most of his kids give half-hearted greetings. Thankfully Alfred is in the kitchen and misses their terrible manners.
Wes pauses and squits at the youngest of the house before he sighs. "Of course, it happens in this dimension too."
"What?" Danny asks confused
"Danny and I aren't dating," Wes tells the room, ignoring the startled boy he's launched onto. "Danny just needs to have physical contact for his mental health. So we hold hands. He also needs to have someone sleep with him. Otherwise, his core doesn't recharge correctly."
"Wes!" Danny protests. "They don't know about cores!"
"Oh," Wes shrugs, waving his hands at them, "Never mind. Processed as normal, Danny and I will cuddle in his room. Danny lead the way."
Alfred's foster son flushes a bright red but quickly tugs the guest away. Jason shakes from unrestrained laughter as Damian stabs the table on which he is sharpening his knives.
Bruce yells after the two boys.
"The door stays open, Danny!"
"Master Bruce, it's not like that!" Danny yells back, mortified, and Wes breaks into impish laughter.
"I hate him," Duke hisses, and Bruce gives in to the urge to bury his face in his hands.
It's going to be a long weekend.
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discopaddock · 5 months
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PAIRING: felix catton x fem!reader
GENRE: angst, pure angst
WORDS: 1,3k
WARNINGS: death (only mentioned), heartbroken reader, abuse, alcoholism, lies, felix is stupid, toxic relationship, ENGLISH ISN'T MY FIRST LANGUAGE SO SORRY FOR ABY MISTAKES.
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Felix never understood why she never said anything about her father. He asked about him many times, but she always found a way to change a topic or acted like she didn't hear his question.
“I just don't wanna talk about it, Felix” she said as they were driving to her family house.
The girl saw that something was odd with her best friend, since he came back with Oliver from Liverpool the previous day.
“Why?” he pushed, but didn't answer for a longer moment.
“Ask my mum about it” she said finally, when he parked at the driveway. The girl didn't wait for him and left the car to open the door and step in. Felix locked the car and ran after her to see her hugging a woman, whom she looked alike.
“Hello” he said awkwardly standing in front of them.
“Ah, mama! This is Felix, been telling you about him” she announced and grabbed him by hand, so he stepped close to them.
“Nice to meet you, young man, I've heard plenty of stories about you” the woman said, smiling at him.
“Nice to meet you too” he replied and grabbed her for a hug.
“Go to the living room, kids, I'll make the tea” her mother announced and the girl took Felix to the room.
“Is that you?” he asked, pointing at the photo on the shelf, next to the books.
“Oh, yeah, it's little her” the woman said, as she entered the room. “This was taken at her first music competition” she added, making her daughter red. “She won it, I'm still so proud of her.”
“You didn't tell me you were taking part in competitions?” Felix turned around to his friend.
“You never asked,” she answered and stood up from the couch. “Then we were karting with girls” she said, while showing the photo of her at the karting track next to a kart.
“Oh, and this one is from the Grand Prix two years ago, when you were a marshall,” her mother cooed, pointing at another photo.
“I told you about that,” the girl reminded Felix, making him laugh. Yes, she had told him about it one time. “Come on, I'll show you around” she said and grabbed him by hand and took him upstairs.
“Your room?” he asked, watching her open the door.
“Yeah, welcome to my kingdom” she said and let him in.
“Yeah, it's definitely your room,” Felix laughed. He could see that she was the owner of it. The books that she's been telling him about, the film posters she told him she had watched, the Formula 1 related things - everything that was in that room was her.
“What happened yesterday?” the girl asked, when they were lying on her bed for a while. The bed was small, 90x200 centimeters and his legs were sticking out of it. He found this funny and was laughing until she asked.
“He's a, um” he started, not sure if he wanted her to know that. But she never lied to him, right? She wouldn't do that like Oliver did. She would never. “He lied to me. To all of us” he said finally.
The girl looked at Felix, not understanding what he meant. She saw how they were treating each other the previous day, but she didn't ask since he came to her room and started kissing her, banning her and himself from talking till breakfast.
“What has he done?” she asked and raised her head. She was worried about him. He was her best friend, her other half and she was really jealous of Oliver for the whole time, which Farleigh found hilarious and was making jokes about it to Felix when she wasn't around. And Farleigh liked her more, if he had to choose between her and Oliver who was better for his cousin, he would choose her without hesitation. She was normal in his opinion, not a liar like Oliver.
The girl loved Felix. She gave him her whole heart. But he didn't see it. His heart didn't belong to her, but her heart belonged to him. And it hurt her a lot.
She tried to leave him, for her own good, but she couldn't. He was so magnetic, so majestic that she just couldn't leave him.
Farleigh and her own friends saw how she felt and how Felix was blind about it. Farleigh tried, he really tried to do something but his cousin was as if he didn't have eyes and couldn't see anything about her.
Farleigh told her he felt sorry for her and that she should really leave him for her own good and that he knew it was hard, but she still couldn't. And Farleigh saw it.
Gosh, she spent the whole vacation with him and Venetia because Felix was always with Oliver and he seemed like she wasn't there until yesterday. She was his second choice and she knew it.
So she decided that it would be her last try to cut contact with him. For her own good.
“Felix, I'm not coming back to Saltburn with you” she announced, when he stopped talking about that liar.
He was shocked. Why would she say that? What has gone wrong?
“What? No, no, no, you're coming back” he replied, feeling betrayed.
“Mama said that the great-grandma is feeling worse and worse, Felix, I can't be not around her” she said the half of the truth. This was one of the two reasons she wanted to stay at home. “I can't do that to her,” she mumbled, tears forming in her eyes.
He would understand, right?
“I can drive you at any time here, I promise, just come back with me” he assured her and grabbed her face in his hands gently. “You can just leave me,” he said, looking into her eyes.
“Felix, you don't understand” she shook her head, as he made everything about himself. “I can't leave her now, I don't know how much time she has left,” she added. “You should stay for tonight and go back home tomorrow, it's getting dark” she said and he only agreed.
He didn't want to leave her, especially now.
During the night, Felix was walking through the house and looking for the water. He stood in the kitchen and saw his friend’s mother looking for something in the cabinet.
“Good evening” he mumbled and she answered. He got the water and stood for a moment. He had a battle inside if he should ask about that. And his curiosity won, so he asked: “I'm sorry for being rude, but anytime I asked your daughter about the father she never answered and recently she told me to ask you about him, so could you tell me something?”
“Oh, he was, let's say, not a good person” the woman started and sat on the chair. “I completely understand why she doesn't want to talk about him. She has some kind of trauma and she used to go to therapy, when she was younger” at these words he furrowed his brow. “He was an alcoholic and violent towards us, so you know” she stopped talking, not knowing what to add more. “Oh, and when he died it really hit her, even though she didn't talk with him for years.”
“I'm so sorry you had to go through this,” he said and wanted to hug the woman. He would never have thought that something like this happened to his best friend.
“It's okay now, young man, don't worry” she said and hugged him. “She's doing great,” she assured him.
He felt so stupid. He was such a dick for her sometimes.
Now he wanted only to make it up to her.
So when he was leaving he promised the girl that he was going to do everything for her, because she deserved it.
But he broke the promise. He never had done that, because he died and left her alone, without making anything up to her.
He was such a liar.
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neoarchipelago · 5 months
Red panda!reader Brainrot just hit. Has red panda!reader ever run off into a forest or just anywhere away from the boys? Did they ever stay away from the boys for like a week or more? If I'm remembering correctly they have a tracker on red panda!reader right? If I am remembering has she ever taken it off/removed it? Thank you for hearing my brainrots.
-your local dumbass 🐺
It happened once. And only once.
It was the first time red panda made a mistake on the intel. Not entirely a mistake but hadn't checked enough the Intel coming from another sergeant. Sergeant Travis forgot important details that she didn't have, resulting in the boys being cornered in an ambush. They made it out alive but with a few injuries that had them on leave for a little while.
The guilt ate her alive and with... Very little help from a certain sergeant she started to feel like a liability and like she shouldn't even be part of the team. Let's be honest, hybrids aren't exactly uncommon in this AU but the world's view on them is quite split.
She left her tracker in her office and left base. It lasted a few days, where she hid in a small Airbnb until she knew what to do. The boys barging in. She got a scolding for ever leaving like that without her tracker and making them worry to death.
Cue the unstoppable tears, the mumbling and hiccups in between words on how bad you felt, and how useless and a liability. How you put them in danger and you should just quit.
The boys were shocked and heartbroken. You matter. You're part of the team and family.
"no.. shu-uh-uh... You're not at all a liability." Price cooed, sitting down on the couch next to you.
"who the fuck put that stupid idea in your head?" Ghost growls, kneeling in front of your sobbing form.
Soap joins him, handing you a bamboo snack, cooing for you to stop crying, it's ok, they love you, please don't cry 🥺 I'll cry too... (He starts sobbing under Ghost's annoyed gaze)
Gaz sits on the other side of you on the couch, softly petting your head in between those two fluffy ears.
They stay for a good hour like this, reassuring you and making you sure you understand you're a good asset, that mistakes happen. They bring you back home, making sure to cuddle you in your nest, putting back the tracker on you. They spend a good few days in the nest just chilling and cuddling.
Eventually... You never mention the sergeant...
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piracytheorist · 6 months
Season Finale, woe is me T_T
Where did time go. It feels like yesterday that the first trailer for the season dropped.
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How dare they. Did I ask to be emotionally destroyed like this Yes I did
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Bond is so happy to go for a walk with Loid! And Loid isn't exactly reserved with petting his huge dog is he.
I love how heartbroken Bond was over Anya saying she wasn't coming. He even looked back at her as Loid walked him to the exit.
It actually impresses me that Loid is training Bond right out in public, talking to him about where to bite and how much to make sure the target doesn't get too injured. I guess he doesn't expect the SSS to frequent a dog park?
I love the little pat Loid did on his leg to call Bond back. And then of course pet his head :)
Poor Franky's putting up with so much from Twilight, and he doesn't have to. I hope Twilight appreciates that at some point. I'm sure he hasn't developed feelings just for his family.
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Sweet cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure
Franky talks about how Bond may have associated training with his trauma from getting experimented on, and it sounds like brand new info to Twilight. I guess, despite how much his spy training has scarred him, Twilight has a hard time connecting "having bad memories about something" with "not wanting to engage with that something". After all, he'd spent who knows how long telling himself that he hated children because they're incomprehensible to him, and not because children crying reminded him of his own desperate times. After all, it's easier to do his job and keep training hard if he refuses to accept how soul-crushing that job is, right?
Damn, I got sad again. Because I imagine post-reveal Loid and Yor asking Anya why she chose them, and she says that she thought they were cool, and Loid has a RealizationTM that no he's actually very messed up and it's very sad that this little girl imagined that this devastating way of life could actually look cool to someone from the outside.
Not to worry, there's more angst I'll pull out of nowhere down the road!
Franky calling Loid out for not knowing how to relax and have fun >>>>
I love how after Franky left, Loid and Bond looked at each other like idiots. Old habits die hard, and an entire cruise of Loid trying to relax and have fun wouldn't be enough to break them, I guess XD
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She's like "If I can't get real stars might as well fake some" Poor Yor continuing to clap happily even while Anya's origami star fell from her chest XD it taught her how to properly apply tape I guess, for later...
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Pretty much everyone around them is wearing winter clothes, even Loid is wearing a turtleneck and a heavy coat. Why are those children in such light clothes eating ice cream? The boy on the left we even see later is wearing shorts
Guess an ice cream was an easy kind of snack for a kid to feel bad about dropping XD
Sweet Bond! He's imagining Loid praising him and telling him he's glad they adopted him, and all while Bond is wagging his tail 😭😭
This family is just four lonely creatures desperate to be wanted (even if Twilight is very far from accepting that) aren't they ;_;
Ice cream goes RIP and Bond has his (probably) first experience of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Look at him he's so 🥺
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Later in the episode, Twilight goes all strict with himself for a laugh. Here though, he actually expresses distress and guilt for Bond ruining the kid's ice cream. He could have gone for a simple "I'll buy you a new one" without showing that much emotion in his expression and voice. In the manga he even has a typical "cold sweat lines" expression.
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Or however you call that.
I don't know, maybe it circles back to any "starving war orphan" trauma he may be trying to tell himself he doesn't have...
I'm just saying, he was very expressive here, and he didn't have to. It wasn't a conscious choice.
Bond is really such a good boy. Every time he acts on his visions is to help someone else. From something as trivial as dropping a snack to something as important as saving someone's life, whether they're a kid, an old man, or a puppy, Bond is truly a very empathetic and caring creature.
However, the silly music playing over the vision of the old man getting hit was... a choice XD
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Yet another example of the anime putting details to help the narrative: the old man is hunched, making him short enough that the corner of the wall/fence to his side is actually covering him. Which makes the biker not seeing him make sense, since he was behind the fence and appeared at the last second.
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I actually felt shivers with the tone Twilight used here. Bond's behaviour is making no sense and is actually a first.
But also, Bond is probably only now realizing that unlike Anya, Loid cannot read his mind and cannot see his good intentions. He knows Anya would jump for joy for what he did, but since two of his efforts to help were met with reprimands, he's hesitant to try again because his trauma rears its ugly head and he fears he'll get kicked out. He probably doesn't understand that Loid doesn't know anything about his special powers, and so he can't let Loid's reprimands pass by him unaffected.
It's a bit similar to how he probably connects bad food with bad intentions, and thus fears that Yor will be mean to him, since she makes such horrible meals.
And so he allows the woman to get bird poop on her, but he jumps to action when he realizes someone's life may be in danger of the fire.
And first, I know we talk about how strong Yor is, but can we for a moment talk about how Loid held back this absolute beast of a dog?
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Like, Loid allowed him to carry him around twice, but when he felt things got serious, he actually had no issue holding him back. It was only when Bond looked legitimately scary that he let go.
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And that was... a shock. Have we ever seen Twilight like that before? Cause he genuinely looks like he hesitated out of fear... and maybe realizing that no, this time Bond is actually dead serious.
Bond probably didn't know what he would be looking for once he stepped inside the burning building. I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one who thought that that "Daisy" was a child... but maybe Bond is more attuned to scents of other dogs, especially little ones that need help, so he could find the puppy amidst all the burning smells.
Badass Loid saving his doggo!
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Loid doesn't hesitate to run in after him, either. Even the idea that Bond could be rescuing someone is enough for him to take that risk. I love how, after two attempts of what Loid thought was Bond attacking innocent people, he still believes Bond would have a good reason to run into a burning building and runs after him to help.
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I mean, you also ran into that building to save your - for all you know, disobedient - dog, so maybe it's the pot calling the kettle black XD
How sweet is he, though. He really doesn't believe in reprimanding someone after the fact - Bond running into fire was dangerous, but it helped save an innocent life... and Twilight's priorities are very clearly shown in that reaction!
I love how man saves dog, dog saves man, and then Twilight is like "Wow your nose is incredible" because of course he can't think of another explanation, and Bond's affirmative borf there sounds like "Yeah sure, buddy. It's my "nose" alright."
Even though it's only Bond with him, Twilight uses "Twilight voice" as he assesses the situation, and "Loid voice" when he talks to Bond. Is this him putting on a mask... or feeling a little more comfortable around Bond?
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That was so badass! But then!
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Miserable creature
Exactly how much water was in that bucket to make Bond's entire massive fur soaking wet XD
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This is both so wholesome and, me being me, so fucking heartbreaking at the same time. Like, the other guy let himself laugh his heart out at how Bond looked, but Twilight barely allowed a single sound out of his mouth that he couldn't control. And again, angst is my wont, so it really ruins me that he's not even letting himself laugh over something ridiculous, because he can't let his emotions show... even if it would be totally understandable for him to laugh at that moment.
I mean, as I said, he showed genuine distress when Bond caused the boy to drop his ice cream, but he stopped himself from laughing even when the other guy next to him was laughing too. As in, he allows negative expressions when it's appropriate, but not positive even when it's appropriate and understandable.
I mean, he has been smiling at his family and looking at Yor like the besotted simp he is... but he doesn't realize just how much of his real feelings pour through his face, exactly because he hasn't realized said feelings. Wet Bond was a much clearer example of something funny, so he knew that laughing would be a loss of control...
Anyway what I'm saying is it's sad. He shouldn't feel he has to repress his own laugh like that.
Kinda sad the anime omitted this still-trying-not-to-laugh expression Loid has as he sees Bond sniff around.
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Bond's voice adafhgdsfdgfdgd
Arsonist guy is watching sneakily from a corner while wearing a hat that has "Fire" written on it.
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Dude couldn't have been more suspicious if he tried.
Pretty sick how he got even more excited at the idea of someone dying from the fire, when he heard the woman say how Daisy was still trapped inside.
Vigilante Bond! Arsonist guy takes out his knife and tells Bond to not be disrespectful of humans and my dude you're the one setting people's lives at risk and having a blast about it
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We haven't seen Twilight in such action in a while, have we! Ngl it was kinda, uhm... 😳😳
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LOOK AT HIM! So proud of his doggo 😭😭
He then says how it would be bad if either of them were in the news... and you're reminded that this is fictional but still pretty accurate 60s-70s so Twilight has really avoided getting any picture of him published. But also Bond could indeed be recognized by any of the scientists... and it's actually sweet how Twilight cares for Bond's secret not getting out. He helped Bond with his "revenge" and now he's acting to protect him from getting targeted again.
I love how Bond fears he'll get reprimanded for biting the arsonist's leg and not arm... when in the beginning Twilight very clearly said he can bite either a leg or an arm XD
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He tells Bond how "someone" will be sad if anything happens to him (Bond), (and we get a sweet af montage of Anya and Bond having fun together), how Bond is first and foremost a part of the family, how his working duties should come second and he should look after himself...
Oh it's gonna hit him like a brick wall when he realizes the exact same things apply to him 😭
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He's not gonna tell anyone, promise 🥺
And he ends with a promise to go to the dog park the next day so that Bond can have some long overdue fun. Yeah definitely a very detached, cool-headed spy who only cares about the mission not destabilizing. Sure.
The anime did offer us some extra stuff, though!
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I love one (1) gremlin
I actually saw it as a knife, too XD
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I love her.
I fully expected to see the paper puppets (or whatever you call those) fall apart like Yor's victims' bodies do XD I was not disappointed XD
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Anya is still working on accepting that her mother is not very capable of not sprinkling "murder" on anything in her life XD
Loid isn't wearing his coat when they return...
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I am amazed that they've had Bond for, how many months has it been now? And yet neither Loid nor Anya had ever seen him wet.
Anyway, Loid appeared back without his coat because his excuse was that someone had sprayed water all over them, so he took it off XD
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But where is his coat even XD
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Her heroes!
And of course Loid doesn't know Anya knows about the puppy rescue, so he's not that affected by the "Stella" and is instead going like "Yo but could you get going with earning those stars already". He's not used to getting recognition for his hard work and he's not about to start... yet...
The closing montage was so sweet! Especially with the holidays around the corner, it was very fitting to see the children having fun and relaxing, Yuri being very NormalTM, Nightfall and Franky having dreams for the future, and the Forger family having their celebrating dinner!
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I love them so much.
And thus, the season has ended, and this anime only will start wondering how her Saturdays will pass from now on :')
I am thinking of doing more crack recaps, finishing my character screen time project, and probably starting on some fics... but for a very specific reason, the completion of those will have to wait until the next season ;)
This was a wonderful season! I may have rewatched every episode almost three times, but I do wanna do a "recap" full rewatch of the season at some point, and share my overall thoughts. I certainly have a lot of time on my hands for that XD
168 notes · View notes
writingforstraykids · 7 months
More than friends
Pairing: Minho x Chan x fem!reader / Minchan x fem!reader
Word Count: 5069
Summary: Having a crush on both Minho and Chan, you hate seeing them stupidly in love and happy. One day, you snap at Chan, hurting Minho in the process. Minho picks you up the next day since you two have a lot to talk about and sets some boundaries...
Tags/Warnings: angst, emotional hurt/comfort, jealousy, friends to lovers, first kiss, fight between reader and chan, minho calls reader kitten, jealous!reader, protective!chan, soft!minho
A/N: Have fun reading 😊~Moon🌙
I can't help but love you Even though I try not to I can't help but want you I know that I'd die without you War of Hearts ~ Ruelle
You've known Chan your whole life, your mothers being best friends and having you only a few months apart. He's been like an older brother to you growing up, and you knew there'd never be a better friend than him. You've been heartbroken when he had to move to Korea to work hard for his dreams but supported him nevertheless. Growing up, you had a crush on him, which only grew as he got older. About a year ago, you went to visit him and got to know his roommate Minho, who happened to be the main dancer of his group. Minho was very polite and fun to be around, and you became friends fast. Going back home, you realized you had also developed a small crush on him. When you visited two months later, Chan very nervously confessed that he was bi, which didn't seem like an issue to you at all until he told you that he had a boyfriend now. Minho. 
It broke your heart a little, realizing you wouldn't have a chance with either of them now, especially because you promised Chan to move in for good once you'd moved to Korea. You've spent days crying in your room, trying to be happy for your friends but pitying yourself at the same time. But of course, you moved in with them two months ago, knowing there was no chance you'd be able to afford your own apartment in the beginning. For a while, it went well until you started to get jealous of Minho. He had not only stolen your heart but also your first crush. 
Minho sits next to you on the sofa, helping you with your assignments for university since you sometimes still struggle with Korean a little. You like his way of explaining things to you, making sure always to sprinkle in a joke when things get too frustrating. Everything is fine until Chan comes back home from the company, plops down on the sofa, and wraps his arms around Minho, pulling him into a loving kiss. "Missed you," he tells him gently, and Minho smiles sweetly, squeezing his hand. 
"Of course you did," he teases lovingly. Chan hums softly, deepening the kiss and brushing back his hair lovingly. "Channie," Minho says softly since you're sitting right next to them. 
"Oh please, she's seen almost as much of me as you have," he snorts, kissing him again. You glance at them and feel quite lonely, seeing how soft and caring they are with each other. This is all you ever wanted, with someone like Chan. Or Minho. 
"There's dinner in the fridge, love," Minho tells him, pulling back. 
"Great, I'm starving," he nods, and Minho laughs. 
"Go take a shower, I'll warm it up for you," he says. 
Chan's face covers with a beautiful smile. "Aw, you're the best, baby," he smiles. "Isn't he the best, Y/N?" he asks, finally acknowledging your existence. 
"Chan," Minho says gently, getting up. 
"Sure thing," you shrug, focusing on your laptop. "He's your boyfriend, you kinda have to say that." 
Chan frowns at you. "Well, he wouldn't be mine if he wasn't," he tells you. 
Mine. Something you had longed for him to call you for years. "So you're saying you'd replace him as soon as something better comes along?" you ask, knowing you are being mean now. You don’t dare to look at Minho but notice how he has stopped moving in the kitchen. 
"That's not - Min, that's not what I said," Chan protests. 
"Don't pull me into this," Minho laughs halfheartedly, slowly stirring his food. 
"Yeah, don't, you can talk for yourself. You don't need your perfect boyfriend to do that for you as well, do you?" you ask, and Chan's jaw drops. 
Minho bites back a sigh, closing his eyes for a moment. He knows what's going on; he knew from the moment he met you. The way you gazed at Chan wasn't how you looked at your best friend. He really likes you, he loves spending time with you…alone. As soon as Chan is there, you act all different, almost seeming jealous. "Chan, love, didn't you want to take a shower?" he asks gently, trying to deescalate the situation subtly.
Chan ignores him. "Why are you being such an ass?" he asks you. "You got enough sleep last night?" 
"That was a little hard with you fucking his brains out last night," you give back sourly. 
It grows very quiet in the room, and Chan stares at you, stunned. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry," Minho speaks up, and it's the first time you look at him. He looks embarrassed, uncomfortable even. "I told you the walls aren't that thick," he whispers to Chan. 
"I wouldn't care, it's your home, after all. You're just not exactly quiet," you say, mentally slapping yourself for that comment. Minho's eyes widen, cheeks flushing red with embarrassment, and the spoon drops from his hand. "But you seemed to have a great time, so I guess that's fine." 
Chan takes a look at Minho, who suddenly looks very anxious. And that pisses him off immensely. "Y/N." 
"What, Chris?" you ask, switching to English. You know Minho has struggles keeping up with it. "You think I wanted this? You've always talked about us moving in together once I'm done with school." 
"Well, I have a boyfriend now, you said you liked him. You said you'd love getting to know him more and move in with us," Chan snaps right back at you, having enough. 
"I didn't say I'm okay with watching you make out with him on the sofa. Listening to you having sex next door. Hearing all that disgustingly cute stuff you tell him all day," you give back, and Chan's expression darkens. 
"He was here first, idiot. This is his home as much as it is mine, and he was the one telling me you could move in with us," he tells you angrily. "He did nothing but being kind to you, making sure you feel welcomed and have everything you need." 
"I seriously don't get it, Chris. You could've had everyone. You're warm and open to everyone. Why would you go for him? I know you think he's perfect, but he doesn't open up to you the way you do. How can you be with someone unable to express their emotions?" you ask, watching him grow pale. You know you're making up shit now, so pissed that Chan and Minho, the only two guys you ever fell in love with, had to fall for each other. 
Chan turns to Minho, who is staring at you in pure shock. "She's talking shit, baby," he says worriedly. 
Minho swallows hard, tears brimming his eyes, as he puts down the spoon and turns off the stove. "I-I think I'll let you two continue on your own," he says quietly, unable to meet your eyes. 
Your heart sinks, realizing he must've understood more than you thought. "Oh god, I'm so sorry," you say timidly. 
"Liar," Minho says, grabbing his phone from the sofa. Chan reaches out for him, but he gently shakes him off. "Please don't, this is a conversation I don't want to be part of anymore," he tells him. "Sorry for waking you up, it will probably happen again if you intend to stay here," Minho tells you before leaving without another word. 
Chan looks after him, and you two remain silent for a moment. "What the fuck was that?" he asks then. 
"I'm sorry," you tell him quietly. 
"Something is seriously wrong with you," he says sharply, making you flinch a little. "He's amazing, and if you're too blind to see that, that's your issue. Don't make it mine." 
You chew on your lower lip nervously. Yes, Minho is amazing. He is funny, he’s kind, he is incredibly beautiful and caring. That is exactly the issue. "Chan, come on." 
"You switched languages to exclude him, how bitchy was that? And you fucking knew he understands, he just struggles with speaking it," he tells you, clearly pissed off. "That's so messed up, I don't even know what to say. I don't want to hear another word from you today, you've crossed a line." 
"Fine," you huff and collect your things, quickly going to your room. You throw your things onto your desk and swallow hard. You've been really awful, Minho didn't deserve that. Sighing, you look around the room and groan, seeing all the things Minho had paid for when you came here. One time, Chan was working he had taken you on a shopping spree to make your room more comfortable. On the desk is a picture of the three of you and some of the day you met Minho's cats for the first time. You stare down at his small comments in your book so you won't forget them again when you study on your own. Now you feel like a complete bitch and only want to disappear. 
Minho sits at the edge of their bed, staring out of the window. He's nervously picking his skin and chewing his lower lip at the same time. He doesn't turn when Chan steps inside, being able to tell it is him by the way he moves. The mattress dips beneath Chan's weight as he sits down next to him. 
"Minho, baby?" he asks softly, and Minho takes his hand, still not looking at him. "You're okay?" 
"No," Minho answers quietly. "I know you told me not to believe in those things," he tells him and feels fresh tears brim his eyes. "But why do I keep hearing them as soon as someone wants to hurt me?" 
"Minnie," Chan says gently. 
"People always go for your weak spots then," he says. 
"Your weak spot is how insecure you get when someone talks shit about you, she knows that," he tells him. "It's not that you're cold or unable to open up." 
"I thought I was being more open," he says quietly. "Also with her, even though I usually don't when I don't know someone that well. Fuck, Chan, I made her her favorite meal from home because she said she missed it today. Now I feel fucking stupid for doing it," he admits. 
"She's being an asshole," he tells him, and Minho laughs weakly, shaking his head. 
"She's hurt," he says. "She can't blame you, so she blames me." 
"What? What did I do?" he asks confused. 
Minho turns to him, a big tear rolling down his cheek. "You fell in love with me, Channie." 
Chan stares at him before his eyes widen. "No way." 
Minho smiles sadly as Chan cups his face, wiping his tears away. "I know that look. She's heartbroken. I can't blame her for that." 
"Even if she is, which is ridiculous, it's not okay to hurt you," he says sourly. 
"Love makes us do weird things," he shrugs his shoulders. 
"You mean like me tripping down the stairs and landing on your flowers because I got so nervous?" he asks, and Minho laughs. 
"Yeah, like that," he smiles gently at that memory. 
"Oh, come here, baby," he says softly, pulling him into a tight hug. "No matter what others say, you'll be nothing less than perfect to me." 
Minho squeezes him tightly, burying his face in his chest. "She's been your best friend your whole life, I hoped she'd like me." Which wasn't the whole truth. Minho thought about you a lot and started to like you more and more. Sometimes, he even thinks he is starting to fall for you. 
Chan doesn't know what to say and kisses his head. "We'll figure this out, okay?" he asks after a moment, and Minho hums gently. 
When you finally dare to leave your room again and make your way downstairs, you spot them on the sofa. Minho's sitting on Chan's lap cuddled up in his arms with him. His reddish eyes meet yours as you grab yourself a drink, and you can tell you hurt him. "There's still some left for you," he says suddenly, nodding towards the stove. 
"Oh, thank you," you barely get out. 
"You need help warming it up?" he asks, knowing you are struggling with the stove still. 
You nod timidly, and Chan stares at you as if he wants to tell you that this is Minho's way of showing how much he cares about someone. Not words but actions. 
Minho gets up and steps next to you, testing the temperature first. The only sound that can be heard is the TV playing in the background for a moment. 
"Min, I'm sorry, I don't know what has gotten into me today," you tell him quietly enough only for him to hear. 
Minho sighs softly and glances at you for a moment. "You know exactly what was going on."
"What?" you ask nervously. 
"I'm not blind, Y/N. I know you've been in his life much longer than I have, and you've probably cared for him the way I do for a longer time as well," he says gently and grabs a plate for you. "I can't change the fact he told me he loves me… what should I have done? Neglect my own feelings? Hurting him and myself instead by pretending I wasn't in love with him the moment I met him?" he asks and fills your plate for you. "We can't decide who we fall in love with, but we also can't decide who falls in love with us," he tells you, and you'd like to be mad at him, but you can tell he means well. "Don't ruin what you have by being jealous of me," he says with a passionate smile, handing you your plate. "Now stop sulking and sit down, our show's about to start." 
You stand still with your plate for a moment until he gently grabs your shoulders and pushes you forward. Chan watches the two of you quietly as his boyfriend makes sure his best friend feels comfortable. He can't believe how kind Minho's heart is sometimes as he also hands you a blanket. Minho climbs back into his lap, intertwining their hands, and relaxes into him. You quietly eat your dinner, paying attention to the screen and trying to ignore the fact that Chan hasn't said a word since you came. "It really tastes just like home," you tell him timidly. 
"That's good to hear, kitten," Minho smiles at you shortly, and you feel even more guilty. 
There was no way you could hate him. Minho was a literal angel, and you got why Chan fell that hard for him. Minho's naturally beautiful, he's funny, and he's the most caring person you know. The more time you spent together, the more you thought he even outdid your ever-caring Chan with that. You don't know why you chose to say exactly what he had told you his haters say about him. Because you knew he wasn't any of that. 
Once the episode ends, Minho gets up and gently ruffles Chan's hair. "Don't stay up too long, you have a busy day tomorrow." 
"I'll try," Chan nods and smiles as Minho leans down, cups his face, and kisses him sweetly. 
Minho grabs your plate as he passes you by, gently patting your shoulder. "You stay calm tomorrow during your exam, you'll do great." 
"Thank you," you say quietly. When you look over at Chan, he's giving you a look that screams "bitch are you serious?". You wait until Minho's upstairs and turn a little. "Can we talk about this?" 
"I'm not the one you should talk about that to," he shook his head. 
"I hurt you too," you try gently. 
"I don't know what was going on, and I don't think I want to," he tells you firmly. "You have to get one thing, Y/N. He's my boyfriend, he means everything to me, and he makes me so damn happy, which you wanted after that shitty training period. I know this might make you feel left out at times, and I'm sorry about that, I really am, but I won't start hiding in my own house." 
"I get that," you nod gently. 
"I love you, but if you ever talk shit about him like that, you'll get into serious trouble with me," Chan tells you. "Don't think I wouldn't tell him the same if it had been the other way around." 
"Okay," you whisper timidly. 
Chan searches your eyes for a moment. "Min cares about you so much more than you could even imagine," he tells you. "I wish you could see that." Something that Minho had told him in the beginning was that he was open to the idea of having more than one partner. Chan knew you were Minho's type, and how he cared for you showed him he was probably right about his suspicion of Min developing a crush on you. He couldn’t blame him for that because you were beautiful inside out.
“What?” you ask, confused.
“You’ve been hopelessly romantic for as long as I can remember, but you’re so blind when it’s right in front of your eyes,” he sighs softly and gets up. “I’m gonna get some sleep now, I suggest you fix this with him tomorrow. I’ll kick your ass if you didn’t when I’m back home.” 
“Relax,” you sigh softly. “I already tried to apologize.”
“You tried?” he asks, amused.
“Yeah, he… never mind,” you tell him, ignoring his confused expression. 
Minho gently blows a strand of hair from his eyes, leaning against his car. He adjusts his sunglasses as someone looks at him suspiciously. He knows the look; people wondering if it’s actually him and debating if they should walk up to him or not. Shoving his hands into his coat pockets, he crosses his legs casually and sighs softly, squinting his eyes as he looks up the facade of the university building. 
“What’s so interesting up there?” you ask, turning and looking up as well. 
Minho chuckles softly. “Doesn’t it look like rain later?” he asks, looking back at you as you turn, your hair falling down your shoulders as you do. He smiles a little to himself as he takes in the sight of you and eases your bag from your hands. “How was the exam, kitten?” he asks curiously. 
You search his eyes, wondering if he was fucking with you. But there’s no anger, no disgust, and not even the hurt that had filled his beautiful brown orbs only yesterday. He seems…genuinely happy to see you. “I think I did alright.”
“Great,” he nods, satisfied. 
“What-what are you- I didn’t expect to see you here today,” you finally get out, squinting your eyes at him. 
“Why?” he asks calmly. 
“I-uhm-I mean-,” you stammer and swallow as he reaches up, brushing back your hair for you. 
“This is me being open,” he tells you kindly. “I know I’m not great with words, but Channie always says my actions speak for me, and I started to like that thought. So no, even though you’ve been a complete dick yesterday, I won’t let you take the bus and risk getting soaked.”
“I…I hope you know I didn’t mean what I said yesterday,” you tell him.
“Why did you say it then?” he asks, making you nervous. He searches your eyes for a moment before nodding to himself. “You did want to hurt me. Maybe even get me so far that I'd pick a fight with Chan, saying what a shitty best friend he has, which would lead to him being pissed at me.”
You watch him put your bag in the back of his car and open the door for you. “Minho,” you try gently. 
“Get in,” he says firmly, and you comply immediately. He gets in himself, buckles up, and starts the car. "I may seem like it sometimes but believe me, I'm not that easily truly pissed off. So, that backfired," he says, driving onto the road. "What did you expect to happen? That we'd break up, and you'd be there comforting him, and he'd end up falling for you?" he asks, raising his eyebrows at you, almost amused. 
"Come on, I wouldn't think of something like that," you snort. 
He shrugs his shoulders and focuses back on the road. "I don't know what the fuck you thought. Do you know what two days ago meant for me and Chan?" 
"No," you shook your head. 
"Two days ago, the night we, unfortunately, kept you up, it's been one and a half years ago that he asked me to be his boyfriend," Minho tells you, and your face falls as you start calculating in your head. "When I got to know you about a year ago, I asked him not to tell you yet because I wanted to get to know you on a neutral basis. In your eyes, I was his roommate, and I think we clicked rather quickly."
You stare at him, tears brimming your eyes. Chan told you seven months into the relationship that Minho was his boyfriend. Seven months. "You're lying. He wouldn't keep that a secret for so long." 
Minho glances at you, and compassion laces his features. "He was scared you'd judge him for it at first. Then, after five months, we decided to move in together, and we weren't sure if it would work out once it was only the two of us. Around that time, you visited, and after I told him, he should tell you the next time you visit."
"Five months is a little rushed, don't you think?" you ask, wondering why that was the one thing that came to your mind. 
"Let me put it this way, your best friend is incredibly horny, and it got exhausting hiding from our friends all the time," Minho tells you and rolls his eyes to himself. "But yes, it was a little rushed." 
You nod slowly before staring at the road ahead stubbornly. "Does he know you're telling me this now? The relationship stuff?" 
"No," Minho shakes his head. "We trust each other, he'll be fine with it." 
"That's not your decision to make," you frown. 
"It's my relationship as much as it is his. You're acting weird towards me, not him, so I can tell you whatever I want, my dear," he says patiently. "You're in love with him?" he asks as he stops at a red light and looks at you. 
You swallow hard and close your eyes in defeat. "I've been in love with him for years," you whisper. 
"And you never told him?" he asks gently. 
"No," you shake your head. "I was too afraid he'd push me away, and I'd ruin our friendship." 
"God, you're just like him," Minho groans softly. "When I met him, he couldn't stop talking about that girl he knew back in Australia and how much she meant to him. It was obvious he had a crush on her." 
"What?" you ask quietly. 
"We got closer, and I fell for him more with every passing day. I tried to tell myself to stop it because I didn't think I'd stand a chance against you," Minho tells you, parking the car in front of the house. He turns the keys and leans back in his seat. "It felt awful having him right there but knowing he wasn't mine and he'd never be. I was starting to give up, but then, one night, he showed up and told me that he developed feelings for a guy to test my reaction. Y/N, when he kissed me, I felt whole again for the first time in ages," he says, and you can tell he's getting emotional. "I love him so much, and I can't imagine a life without him by my side anymore. He's everything I have, and I -," he cuts himself off as he feels tears brimming his eyes. "I know how you feel, okay? I don't want to feel threatened by you. I really don't because then I'll start getting nasty too," he says very quietly. “I’ll fuck you up if you try and destroy what we have, I mean it.”
You swallow hard, trying to process what he has just revealed. Chan had a crush on you when he came to Korea? "Minho, I had no idea," you say gently, placing your hand on his thigh. 
"I try not to think of it that way, but I wasn't his first choice, you know. It was you, and when I met you, I knew why," he tells you, blinking back tears. "Stop feeling jealous about that. I should be the one scared to lose Chan in case he decides you're better for him after all. I wouldn't even blame him because you're right. I have trouble opening up because I've been hurt before, but I'm learning because I trust him."
"Hey," you say gently. "Don't you ever believe you're something less than Chan's first choice. He loved you enough to be brave and offer his heart. You should've seen how protective he got yesterday." 
Minho presses his lips together tightly before looking at you again. Your breath stops as tears threaten to spill from his eyes, his hands trembling. "You didn't see the hope in his eyes when I told him you're in love with him." 
You hesitantly take his hand, and he lets you. "Minnie, I mean it. I've been an asshole and have no right to destroy what you two have. You're perfect for him, and maybe that's what pissed me off so much; I can't find any flaws," you tell him. 
"There are a lot," he shakes his head. 
"I highly doubt that," you say, and he laughs weakly. "I mean, look at you. You're funny, you're smart, you're so caring and kind. You're an incredible dancer and singer. You have very pretty eyes and-."
"You think I have pretty eyes?" he asks, blushing softly. 
"And very kissable-looking lips," you nod. "No wonder he keeps on harassing you with kisses no matter what you do," you say, pulling a genuine laugh from him. 
Minho hastily wipes away a single tear falling down his cheek and exhales shakily. "I'm sorry he wasn't brave enough to tell you." 
"Don't be," you shake your head. 
"You deserve to be loved just as much as he does," he tells you, squeezing your hand tightly. "I'm…I'm okay with sharing, Chan," he says, searching your eyes observantly. "But not with losing him." 
You need a moment to get what he means. "You mean you'd be okay if I had a relationship with Chan at the same time as you do?" 
Minho nods very slowly. "I have no idea if that's what he wants…but I'll tell him that I won't be in the way if that's something he wants." 
"What if that’s not all I want?" you ask, and insecurity flickers in his eyes, which makes you wonder if that's what Chan had meant yesterday. Did Minho care about you that way? 
"You mean…," he trails off, sinking into your curious eyes. Did you mean it the way he thinks you did?
"I do think you have very pretty eyes..and kissable lips. I've been thinking about that since the day we met," you admit, and his lips part in surprise. Minho leans in at the same time as you do, and you search each other's eyes for another moment before your lips meet. Fuck, Chan was right, he's an incredible kisser. Minho's hand shoots up, resting on your cheek and pulling you in closer. 
Suddenly, he pulls back and stares at you with wide eyes. "Fuck, I shouldn't have - oh god, I'm sorry," he stammers. "I should've talked to him first." 
"Minho, calm down," you tell him, but he's already pulling the keys and getting out. "Fuck," you whisper to yourself. 
When Chan comes home, Minho's sitting at the kitchen island, bracing his head on his hand. He looks deep in thought, anxious even. "Baby?" he asks worriedly, and Minho's eyes flicker up at him. "What's wrong?" 
"I fucked up," he whispers.
"What?" he asks confused, and puts down his bag before sitting down opposite him. 
"I love you, you know that, right?" Minho asks timidly. 
"Of course I do," he assures him and offers his hand. Minho takes it, and Chan frowns, noticing he is shaking. 
"I - uhm- remember when I told you that I'm open about having more than one partner?" he asks, and Chan nods gently. "And I also promised to tell you if that's ever the case before anything happens, right?"
Chan nods and straightens up a little. "Did something happen?" he asks gently. 
"I picked her up, and we talked about yesterday. I told her that I always thought I'd never have a chance because of your crush on her and how things developed then," Minho starts, and Chan watches him intently. "She seemed to get it and got really sweet. I told her that if you'd have no issue, I'm willing to share you and-," he looks up, almost a little panicked, as you walk down the stairs. 
Chan slowly turns his head, and meeting your eyes, he knows. He looks back at Minho, who looks incredibly guilty and swallows hard. "I kissed him," you say, bracing yourself for an outburst of Chan. 
"You kissed my boyfriend?" Chan asks, very slowly looking back at you. 
"Yes," you say quietly. "I know what you see in him, Chan, I'd be blind if I didn't."
"I told you to talk to him," he says before laughing. "I didn't think you'd take this a whole step further," he grins. 
"You're not mad?" Minho asks and tilts his head at him. 
"We've talked about this, baby. I could tell you like her more than a friend, and she's so desperate for love she doesn't pick up on a damn signal," he rolls his eyes at you. "I knew one day I'd come home, and you'd tell me you met someone. It's even better knowing it's my best friend." 
Minho's face softens, and he visibly relaxes. "And you're okay with that?" 
Chan smiles at him fondly. "I am very okay with that." 
“Great…because there’s more,” Minho nods gently, and Chan frowns at him.
“More?” he asks puzzled.
Taglist: (Please let me know if you want to be added to/removed from the taglist!)
@soullostinspaceandtime @brownieloved @rebecca-johnson-28 @euphoric-univers @hyunniebunni @mal-lunar-28 @malfoygalaxies
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The Babysitter (20)
Is Someone Jealous?
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MILF Wanda Maximoff X Reader 18+
Summary: In need of money and a way to escape the problems at home, you get a job babysitting two lovely boys named Billy and Tommy Maximoff. What happens when you start to feel things you shouldn't for their mother? Will it bloom into love or leave you heartbroken?
A/N- I would just like to say that there will be some sensitive issues in this story such as alcoholism, homophobia, anxiety as well as more mature content such as smut so, if you continue to read this, please consider this warning.
The Babysitter Master list | General Master List
Chapter 20- W/c 6.2k- This chapter contains 18+ Content
Tag list- @natsluttt @cerberus-spectre @dorabledewdroop @bibliophilicbi @hopelesslyfallenninlove @simpform1lfs @get-the-fuck-outta-here @natashaswife4125 @marvelwomen-simp @supercorpstan97 (Comment if you want to be added)
Is Someone Jealous?
"Fuck college."
Natasha's head snapped up at your annoyed tone, a chuckle leaving her lips at the way you flopped into the chair opposite her, closing your eyes and groaning at the way your back hit the chair.
"Hello to you too," she teases, putting down her pen and watching you intently, your eyes fluttering open to see her amused green. "What's got you so moody?"
"College," you grumble, Natasha rolling her eyes at your obvious answer, her foot kicking yours under the table to make you look back at her and answer her properly. "It's just stressing me out. We have our mocks in a few weeks and all the teachers want to do is set us work that isn't going to be on any of the tests," you sigh out, leaning your back against the plastic chair, grimacing at how uncomfortable they were.
Natasha offers you a sympathetic look, closing up her workbook and turning all of her attention to you, a small smile playing on her lips.
"Fuck College," she repeats, making you laugh as she stretches, her back cracking satisfyingly after being hunched over a text book for the last hour or so, waiting for you to finish your class.
You both sat in a comfortable silence after that, your mind planning everything you needed to do to make sure you had enough time to do all your work and revision with breaks so you didn't burn out. The peaceful atmosphere was interrupted by your phone going off, the annoyed frown disappearing once having read the name at the top of the screen, a knowing and teasing smile tugging at the corner of the redhead's lips.
"I wonder who that could be," she chuckles out before taking a sip of her coffee, peering over the rim of the cup to watch you roll your eyes at her words, lifting the phone to your ear.
"Hey Detka," Wanda says in a rather quick tone, stress evident in her tone even through the phone.
"Hey, what's up?" you ask, noticing her displeased mood and irritated sigh leaving her lips.
"I'm currently back in the office and will be for a while," she explains, "Some idiot messed up one of the biggest deals of the year so I'm having to fix their fuck up."  You can tell she's extremely pissed by the way she curses under her breath at the person, the sound of people frantically working in the background briefly audible. "I don't think I'm going to be able to pick the twins up today, is there any chance you could? If not, I can call Pepper or Hope asking them if they could watch them."
"I can pick them up don't worry," you can hear the sigh of relief from her, smiling a little as you could imagine her biting her lip anxiously as she awaited your response. "I need to be there by three right?"
"Yeah, you'll see Pepper most likely there so just follow her to where you meet the boys, I'll message her and let her know to look out for you," you check the time and note you have plenty of time to get there, mostly likely going to persuade the woman opposite you to give you a lift. "I have to go now Detka so I will see you later," the sound of shuffling can be heard over the phone, the sound of someone directing her towards a meeting room indicating where she was going, "Thank you for doing this Dorogaya."
"No problem," you say genuinely, not minding in the slightest that you would have to get the twins, "Don't overwork yourself please and take care."
"I can't make any promises," she chuckles out, finding the way you care for her endearing, helping relax her nerves a little, "Bye Detka."
"Bye," you say just before she hangs up, Natasha grinning at you, teasing comments at the tip of her tongue. "Don't even start," you warn with a faux serious tone, the smile unable to be wiped off your face.
"Don't what?" she innocently says, "Tease you about being so in love? I would never," sarcasm drips from her tone, a laugh escaping you at that. "What was that about?"
"Wanda is stuck at work so I'm in charge of picking the twins up," you explain, "I need to be there by three..." she can guess where you're heading by the tone of voice, shaking her head playfully at you.
"Let me guess, someone would like a lift," she raises her brow knowingly at you, your shoulders shrugging nonchalantly.
"I mean if you're offering," your tone is cheeky, making her laugh once more, finishing the rest of her coffee and placing it down.
"You're unbelievable," she grumbles, packing up her things while you mentally cheer at not having to get on the bus, knowing how busy they would be after class.
"You still love me though," you joke as she grabs her bag, walking with you out of the café towards where her car is.
"Yeah, yeah," she agrees begrudgingly in a humorous tone, "Just get in the car."
"Thank you my chauffeur," you taunt as Natasha pulls up on the side of the road near the school, her brow raising at the teasing nickname.
"I'll start charging you for lifts if you push it," she warns, clearly joking as you unbuckle your seatbelt, pretending as if you didn't hear that comment, her laughing at your little smirk.
"Bye Nat," you say sweetly, grabbing your bag from the bag and shutting the door, waving to her as she drives off. You chuckle when she shows you the middle finger while moving away, a parent giving you a stern look as you accidentally make eye contact, looking away quickly in search of Pepper. You walk further down towards the gate and see a familiar bun of ginger hair strolling towards her.
When you get closer, you see her talking to Hope, the older woman noticing you and motioning for you to come closer to them, a shy smile taking over your face.
"Hi," you greet a little timidly, feeling strange talking to these women without Wanda or any children.
"Hello Y/n," Pepper greets, Hope doing the same. "The boys will be out in a few minutes," you nod to her words, pulling your bag tighter on your shoulders, occasionally glancing over to the other women, unsure if you should start a conversation. Pepper, however, decides for you, "How was college today? Was Tony being his usual charming self?" She asks and you shyly smile at her, not sure whether you should tell her your current opinion on her husband for setting more work.
"I'm not sure you should ask me about your husband at the moment," you chuckle out, your hand going to the back of your neck in a nervous manner. "College was... stressful but it's nothing I can't do." She gives you a warm smile, understanding how hard A-Levels were.
"I'm sure you'll be fine," she encourages, "and if Tony annoys you, just tell me, I'll set him straight," she adds with a laugh, you chuckling along as well.
"Well in that case," you dramatically move your hand up, as if counting on your fingers the amount of times he's annoyed you, the older woman letting out a breathless laugh before moving to follow the other parents into the playground, the kids being released now.
You follow her and the other parents, an impressed smile on your face at how interesting and fun the playground looked. Why did schools improve their facilities once you left? Where was your cool playground?
The sound of excitable twins snapped you out of your reminiscent thoughts of primary school, a wide smile stretching across your face as they ran up to you. Their small bodies collided with yours, a few parents watching with endearing smiles, a teacher also noticing the interaction and watching closely.
"Hey Mini Maximoffs," you greet, ruffling Tommy's hair and squeezing Billy's shoulder as you knew he didn't like his hair being played with. "How was school?"
You laughed at the contrasting answers, them quickly starting with their favourite activity of asking as many questions as possible.
"How come you're here?" Billy asks in a confused tone, not that he minded you picking them based on the fact his body practically buzzed with excitement upon seeing you. Tommy then turned his head to you, also intrigued in knowing the answer.
"Well, your mom got caught up with work so it's going to be us for the majority of tonight," you say, them sad their mom wasn't going to be home for a while before Tommy spoke again.
"Does this mean we can have pizza for dinner?" There was a cheeky grin on his face, a small chuckle leaving you at how quickly he proposed the idea of junk food.
"That all depends on whether you two do all your school work," you say, ruffling his hair once more to tease him, a giggle escaping him when you go to tickle him. Billy giggles as well at seeing his brother being 'tortured' as he phrased it, you relenting on your tickle attack when a blonde woman approached you.
"Miss Danvers," Tommy excitedly greeted, wriggling out of your hold and looking back at you, "This is Y/n." A look of realisation washes over her face, a soft, gentle smile taking over her at the boy's energetic state. Her light brown eyes meet yours before briefly looking up and down your body, a confused smile on your face at what was going on.
"Oh so you're the infamous Y/n," she says in a teasing tone, a blush forming on your cheeks at her knowing who you were. "The twins won't stop going on about how much they love you," she continues, a nervous laugh escaping you at the idea of them talking about you to someone else.
"I hope you've heard good things," you say with a shy tone, her hands resting on the boys shoulders as she steps closer.
"I've heard many things, most of them good," she says with a grin, looking at the twins who just laugh along.
"Most?" your gaze goes to the boys who look away sheepishly, you rolling your eyes hoping the bad things were just embarrassing stories.
"Nothing bad I assure you," her tone genuine before she looks around, searching for Wanda. "Is Wanda not here?" she asks you, the boys going off to say goodbye to their friends briefly.
"No, she's currently held up at work so she asked if I could pick them up," you explain, understanding that she was checking the twins were going to be safe. After all, you were a stranger to this woman.
"Normally, she would have to inform the school that someone else was picking them up, especially someone who's not on the system," you nod along, hoping that she'd let you take them as you didn't want to have to call Wanda and interrupt her while she was stressed. "But, as I can clearly see they know you, I will let you take them home this once. Next time you need to be down on the system," you let out a sigh of relief, the boys coming back so Miss Danvers could double check they know you and are comfortable with you.
"Thank you," your tone grateful as you start to walk off with the twins, her calling your name making you stop.
"Before you go, I need your phone number for the system," she says, pulling out her phone which you furrow your brows at.
"Um yeah sure it's," you tell her your number, watching as she types it into her phone. You assume she was just typing it into her notes, not too sure whether she would be allowed to just take your number like that.
"And your last name?" You tell her your full name, her smiling at you as you wait with the twins. "A pretty name for a pretty girl, isn't that right boys?" she says, making your face redden, the boys laughing at the pink tainting your cheek and agreeing with their teacher. "I'll let you three get off now," the boys wave at her before starting to walk ahead, you waiting a moment as Miss Danvers motions to speak with you "I hope to see you more often Y/n."
You offer a small smile, still a little confused at the way she's looking at you and nod your head. "You too Miss Danvers," you say to be polite, her lips pulling up into a smile at your formalities.
"Carol is fine," you just offer another shy smile before saying goodbye to her, walking a little faster to catch up to the twins who tease you, saying how Miss Danvers likes you, making you threaten them with salad for dinner which quickly shuts them up on the walk home.
Taking the empty plates into the kitchen that definitely did not have pizza on them, you placed them into the sink and checked your phone to see Wanda still hadn't replied to your message. You understood she was busy so you paid little attention to the lack of contact, deciding to busy yourself with cleaning up while the twins did whatever they wished in the living room. Well, it seemed Tommy was doing whatever as Billy timidly walked into the kitchen, a smile forming on your face before it turned into a frown at his unhappy state.
"Hey what's wrong?" you asked as you moved to sit next to him at the kitchen island, your hand soothingly rubbing up and down his back as he seemed to be anxious.
"Nothing," he mumbled, avoiding eye contact to further emphasise that something was definitely wrong.
"You are a terrible liar Mr Maximoff," you say in a light-hearted tone to try and cheer him up, letting your shoulder playfully nudge him as you let him build confidence on what he wants to say.
"It's just about what Mom said when we got back from Grandma's," his tone quiet as you understand what he was referring to. Sticking to your promise to Wanda, you stayed with her as she told the twins that her and Vision were no longer together, explaining to them that it was the best for everyone as sometimes people just fall out of love. "Will... Will Mom fall out of love with us too? Like she did with Dad?"
Your heart breaks at his disheartened tone, his eyes peering up into yours for an answer. You offer him a soft gentle smile, wrapping your arms around him and bringing him in for a hug.
"No," you say without hesitation, making it clear to him she won't, "Your mom will always love you, no matter what." Billy listens attentively as you continue, "Your mom loves you two more than anything in the world, you know that right?" He nods his head quickly, knowing how much she adored them both. "There's a special place in her heart where you two belong, where nothing can taint her love for you both, I promise you."
"I never want her to fall out of love with us," he whispers and you pull him closer, squeezing his body gently in your arms while you prop your head on his.
"She won't because you and your brother are the most important things in the world to her, she would do anything to keep you both happy," you say truthfully, knowing the amount of love she harbours for her children.
"I want to make her happy too," he mutters, making you smile at how much he was like his mother.
"You make her happy," you stick your finger into his chest to emphasise your point. "As long as you behave and eat all your vegetables," you tease at the end, making him laugh, him wriggling out of your grip to sit next to you again, leaning his head on your shoulder.
"All of my vegetables?" he asks, making you chuckle at his disgusted tone of voice at having to eat all of his greens.
"Mhmm all of them," you hum out, him groaning a little before letting the two of you sit in a comfortable silence for a moment.
"Thank you," he softly says while moving to get up and join his brother in the other room, who was busy watching whatever cartoons kids nowadays watch.
"You're welcome and remember you can come to me whenever you need, I'm here for you too," his smile stretches at that before he goes and runs off to join Tommy.
Once you're left alone in the kitchen, you get back to washing the dishes, letting your thoughts wander to random places while you scrub the plates and glasses, only snapping out of them when the sound of the front door opening can be heard. The sound of the twin's excitable noises indicates it's Wanda, a small smile subconsciously sneaking onto your face at the thought of the older woman.
You quickly dry your hands and the final plate, placing it back in the cupboard before making your way through the house to the living room where the other three were. You pause in your tracks, leaning against the door frame as you visibly see the tension and stress of work leaving Wanda's body as she listens to the twin's ramble. A smile is engraved on her face as she lets her hands wrap around both of their shoulders pulling them closer as she lets them do all the talking, occasionally acting shocked and surprised to keep them entertained.
"Y/n also picked us up today which was so cool," Tommy says when he notices you, Wanda's green eyes flickering over to you with an enamoured glint in them. Her features soften when her gaze meets yours, your smile growing a little as you walk over to them and sit in the armchair next to the sofa they were on.
"Oh did she?" Wanda says in a surprised and amused tone, the boys nodding energetically.
"Yeah and she got all nervous with Miss Danvers, it was so funny," Tommy added, making you pull a face, Wanda's brow raising as she turns to look at you.
"And she went all red when Miss Danvers called her pretty," Billy said, the two of them digging your grave as you could see Wanda's jaw clenching.
"I think Miss Danvers likes Y/n," Tommy expresses his thoughts out loud making you wish a hole would come and swallow you up, Wanda's eyes darkening as she looks at you.
"They would be cute together," Billy then adds and holy fuck kids don't have filters.
"It doesn't matter because I do not like Carol," you say, grimacing as you know you've just fucked up.
"Carol?"  Wanda then speaks up, you nervously swallowing from across the sofa.
"Miss Danvers," you quickly correct but that doesn't stop Wanda from looking at you with an indecipherable look in her eyes.
"Y/n even gave Miss her number-"
"For the system," you interrupt Tommy, praying whatever trick the universe was currently playing on you to be over. "I had to give the school my number so they could confirm I'm allowed to pick the boys up," you explain and Wanda merely hums in response.
The twins carry on their rambling, Wanda only stopping them once it was time for bed, ushering them to go and brush their teeth. You follow them up, watching as Wanda tucks them into bed, both of you wishing them goodnight before leaving, Wanda walking past you towards her room. You let her take the lead, walking behind as she sits on the bed, brushing the stray strands of hair out of her face.
You climb onto the bed behind her, wrapping your arms around her and pressing a kiss to her cheek, earning no reaction from her.
"I missed you," you murmur softly into her ear before pressing another soft kiss to her cheek, then letting your head rest on her shoulder as she still doesn't respond. You frown at her lack of responsiveness, thinking as to why when your phone goes off, a notification from Natasha.
"Was that Carol?" she mutters in annoyance and it clicks. She's jealous.
"Is someone jealous?" you tease instead of answering her, Wanda moving around in your arms so she's facing you. Her lips ghost yours, heat coursing through your body at the sultry look in her eyes.
"Do I have a reason to be?" she rasps out, her eyes searching yours as you lean forwards, your lips brushing hers briefly.
"No," you whisper, "Never." Her body relaxes at that but you continue your teasing, "But just because you don't have a reason to be, doesn't mean your not jealous," your fingers tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, smirking at the older woman who just lets you continue teasing her, you being unaware of where her thoughts were heading.
"I'm not jealous," she murmurs back, manoeuvring around so that she could pull you into her lap, your arms loosely wrapping around the back of her neck, fingers playing with the baby hairs there. "To be jealous implies I want something someone else has, I have what I want," you raise your brow at that, letting your lips meet softly before pulling back, further digging your own grave.
"So you wouldn't mind if I replied to Carol," It was probably unfair to tease and torment Wanda after the day she had but, if you were being honest, you wouldn't have minded if she wanted to take her frustrations out on you. "Tell her I can't wait to see her again when I next pick the boys up-"
Wanda's lips roughly met yours, one of her hands cupping your face while the other threaded through your hair, tugging on it to guide your head where she wanted it. Her tongue effortlessly slipped into your mouth, causing you to moan lewdly at the feeling of it against yours, dominating the kiss while she moved the two of you, guiding you onto your back. The hand that was cupping your cheek travelled lower, trailing down your jaw and along your neck before resting at the base of it, applying a minimal amount of pressure as she gauged your reactions.
Your eyes were the darkest she'd ever seen, your lips kiss swollen as you panted beneath her, watching her with submission swirling in your eyes. She smirked at your reaction, applying a little more pressure making you groan, her head tilting as she admired the sight of you under her.
"If you want to act like a brat Detka, I'll treat you like a brat," she husks out, accent slipping into her words as she gazes into your eyes lustfully. Your breath hitches at her words, arousal pooling between your legs as fuck, you don't think you've ever been as turned on as you are now. "Not so talkative now, are you Detka?" she sinisterly chuckles out in a low tone, revelling in the power she holds over you. Your mouth opens and closes, her daring you to continue teasing her, deciding on the safer option of staying quiet.
She leans forwards and claims your lips again, moving her knee to slot in between your legs making you moan into the kiss, your hands going to her hair when she grabs your wrists and places them firmly above your head. One of her hands remains pinning your hands while the other supports her body as she hovers over you, smiling down at you and meeting your lips softly this time, letting you adjust to the shift in dynamics. It was clear Wanda was always going to be the dominant one but for her to actually be so dominant with you, she wanted to make sure you were alright.
"Have you ever heard of the colour system for safe words, Detka?" she murmurs, the feeling of her lips against your skin burning, needing to feel her closer.
"Yes," you sigh out in a ragged breath, both nervous and excited about where this was going as she pulled back from peppering your neck in kisses. Her free hand tilts your head up by placing a finger under your chin, your heart beating wildly in your chest as she bites down on her lower lip, the sight not helping with your arousal.
"Tell me what they are," she hums out, letting her thumb brush over your cheek as she awaits an answer.
"Green means I'm ok," your voice wavers as you speak, wild thoughts racing through your mind as you try and anticipate what Wanda has planned for you both, "Yellow means I want you to slow down or I want a break, and red means I want to stop completely."
"Good girl," she praises, your cheeks flushing under her intense gaze, "Would you be comfortable if we used these Detka?" You nod and she raises her eyebrow at you, "Use your words Dorogaya."
"Yes," you desperately sigh out, needing her to just touch you already. To have her body pressing into you, lips ghosting yours, was just cruel if she wasn't going to do anything about it.
"Colour?" She asks while her fingers play with the hem of your shirt, sliding under and scratching your skin gently before pulling out.
"Green, so green," she swiftly rids you of your shirt, pulling the item over your head and instructing you to keep your hands where they were before lowering her mouth to the top of your breasts.
"My beautiful girl," she mutters against you, littering your body in sensual kisses while her hands roam the exposed, soft skin. Her lips are teasing as they kiss your sensitive nipples through the fabric of your bra, a small whimper escaping you at the sight of her green peering up at you. "You're mine, aren't you?" she rasps out while letting her fingers unfasten your jeans, sliding the material down your legs with ease. You gasp at the feeling of her hands gliding up and down your inner thighs, awakening goosebumps in their tracks.
"Yes, all yours," you moan out when her hands brush your core through your soaking panties, Wanda eager to torment you.
"All mine," she murmurs, removing her hands from near your core, making you whine, silencing you with her lips as she unclasps your bra, removing the item and discarding it somewhere in the room.
Her lips travel down your neck and you think you're going mad at the way she keeps teasing you, her lips heavenly against your skin.
"Please," you whimper, Wanda looking up from where her mouth ghosts your breast, one of her hands cupping your other breast while her free hand moves to trace patterns along your inner thighs.
"Please what?" she asks in a condescending tone, her words sending a shiver down your spine while you blush at how much you enjoy her talking to you in that tone. "You have to be specific Detka, tell me what you want."
"I need you to touch me," your tone laced with submission and desperation, the older woman chuckling to herself at how needy you were already. She hadn't even started yet.
"I am touching you," she teases, pressing a soft kiss to your chest while letting her fingers pinch and pull your other nipple, a low moan escaping you.
"Please, I need more," your eyes meet hers, pleading with her to give you what you want.
"More?" she hums out, "So greedy." She takes your breast into her mouth, her tongue expertly swirling around your sensitive nipple while her hand lavishes your other breast in the same amount of attention.
You groan at the pleasurable feeling of her mouth on you, hands clasping at the sheets as you try to keep them where she told you, desperately wanting to thread them through her silky hair.
"Fuck," you sigh out when she pulls away from your chest, a string of saliva connecting form your breast to her mouth, her thumb brushing it away before she kisses at the valley between your breasts, moving down your body.
"Colour?" she murmurs against the skin of your inner thighs as she slides her fingers under the waistband of your panties, your hips bucking as you can feel her warm breath through the drenched fabric.
"Green," the words spill from your lips in a rush, Wanda smirking into your skin as she can feel your body twitching under her in anticipation.
"Be a good girl and spread your legs," she commands and you do so obediently, her body sliding comfortably between your legs as she slips the last item of clothing off your body, your arousal glistening in the light as you're dripping for her. "So wet," she whispers, almost in awe at how turned on you were, her green eyes flickering up to meet your desperate gaze, "Don't worry Dorogaya, I'll take care of you."
Her lips meet your inner thighs, her teeth gently biting on the skin to leave a mark, making you groan at the idea of being marked by her. She litters your inner thighs in marks while the pad of her index finger runs through your folds, gathering your wetness before moving to circle your clit.
"Wanda, please, I need you," she indulges in your wishes, moving her face so her tongue could lick a broad stripe along your folds, a guttural noise leaving the both of you. Your head is thrown back at the feeling of her warm and wet tongue licking your clit, her mouth gently sucking on it causing your hips to pathetically buck against her face, whimpers spilling from your lips. Wanda groans at the taste of you, her fingers teasing your entrance before she slides a long, slender digit inside you, a broken noise escaping you. "Fuck, Wanda," her name falls from your lips like a chant when she curls her finger, starting a leisurely pace of thrusting it knuckle deep inside you.
"You take my fingers so well," she purrs out when she adds another, your hands gripping onto the sheets with all your strength as you meet her eyes, the sultry look making you whine at the pleasure coursing through your body.
When her tongue swirls against your clit, her fingers relentlessly curling against your g-spot, walls clenching around her digits, Wanda knows you're about to come, a wicked smirk sneaking onto her lips as she peers up at you from her place between your legs.
"Are you close Detka?" she asks innocently, your head frantically nodding while your body squirms under her.
"So close," your voice breathless.
"If only you had been a good girl," she rasps out, placing a final kiss to your clit before moving up your body, fingers slipping out of you while her mouth meets yours to muffle the frustrated noise that was pulled from the back of your throat. "It's not fun to tease, is it Dekta?" she rasps out in a cruel tone, her eyes sparkling with amusement at your desperate form, hips bucking against her as you get over being denied.
"Please, I'm sorry, Please let me come," you beg, eyes pleading with her to touch you again.
"Brats don't get rewarded," she husks out, pressing a soft kiss to your lips as you whimper into her mouth.
"I'll be good," the pure submission radiating off your body, the needy tone of voice is enough to have Wanda's idea of edging you for a while crumbling apart, a new, significantly more pleasurable one, entering her mind. "Please let me come."
"Promise me you'll be a good girl," she murmurs, her teeth gently biting down on your lower lip, dragging it back before releasing it.
"I promise," you lean forwards to meet her lips once more, the kiss soft and intimate while her hand drifts back down your body, fingers effortlessly sliding into you.
"We're not stopping until you can't take it anymore," she whispers, your breath hitching at the idea. "Remember to use your safe words if you want to stop," she reminds, her fingers picking up their pace. It doesn't take long for her fingers to be mercilessly pumping in and out of you, her mouth muffling all the sinful noises that spilt from your lips. The palm of her hand brushes your clit, adding to the pleasure, while her fingers curl expertly inside you.
"That's it Detka, you're taking me so well, such a good girl," she whispers at the shell of your ear, a pathetic whimper leaving you at the praise.
Moans tumbled out of your mouth, quickly swallowed by the older woman, her mouth unrelenting on yours as she thrusted her fingers deep inside you, revelling in the way you clenched desperately around her.
"Come all over my fingers Detka, I know you want to," she purrs and it's almost mocking, her words quickly sending you over the edge as her mouth claims you, dampening the scream of her name that was ripped from the back of your throat. Your body shudders under hers, legs clamping over her hand as you grinded along it to ride out the aftershocks of your powerful orgasm, Wanda sticking true to her words and continuing her brutal pace.
"Fuck," you groaned out when she moved her thumb to circle your clit. "Please can I touch you," Wanda smirked into the skin of your neck when you asked for permission, still obediently listening to her earlier command.
The older woman answers you by moving her free hand up to interlock with one of your hands, letting you squeeze her hand as euphoria and arousal takes over your body. Your other hand moves to the back of her hair, tangling it in the silky locks as you groan into her mouth, her tongue sliding lewdly against yours.
"Harder, please," you whisper, your tone a little shy as your eyes flutter open to meet hers, silently begging her.
You can feel her smirking into the kiss when she increases the force between the thrusts of her fingers, a guttural noise leaving you at the action.
"Fuck, I'm going to come again," your head is thrown back, your neck exposed for her to kiss against as you tremble in her hold, pleasure crashing through your body.
Wanda can tell your feeling overstimulated by the small whimpers and whines leaving your lips as she eases her pace, slowly sliding her fingers in and out to help you ride out your orgasm, her kisses that were hungry and passionate turning softer and gentler.
"Colour?" she murmurs lovingly, her eyes searching yours for an answer.
It takes you a moment or so to answer, "Red," and she smiles at your honesty, claiming your lips once more while letting her fingers slide out.
"Good girl for being honest," she whispers, pulling away from your body and brushing some hair out of your face, watching how exhaustion creeped onto your face. "Let's get you cleaned up, then you can go to sleep, Moya Lyubov," her voice a gentle hum as you wrap your arms around her neck, trying to keep her close.
"Ok," you murmur softly, letting her guide you into the bathroom where you quickly cleaned yourself up, swiftly moving back into the bedroom and snaking your arms around her body as she joined you in bed. The feeling of the soft mattress under you, Wanda's warm body pressed against you after she had changed into light pyjamas further adding to your comfort. Her fingers lazily stroked your cheek, a soft smile engraved on her face as she watched your eyes flutter open, head resting on the pillow opposite her.
"Was that alright Dorogaya?" she whispers, your head leaning against her hand that was now cupping your cheek.
"Yeah," you sigh out truthfully, enjoying her display of dominance a lot. "I like it when you take control," your voice is a little quieter, almost timid at confessing it.
"Oh yeah?" her tone was a little teasing, "I like it too." You offer a small smile at her agreement, Wanda continuing, "I also like it when you're a good girl, not a brat," she watches your cheeks tint pink, smiling at your flustered state.
"I am good," you mumble, moving closer to her body somehow, your legs a tangle of limbs under the sheets.
"Mhmm you are," she wraps her arms around you while whispering her words, hands sliding up and down your back soothingly, "If not, maybe I'll spank your ass black and blue to get you to behave." It was a joke when Wanda initially said it but the way your cheeks darkened even more and the small hitch of your breath implied your thoughts on the matter, "You like that idea?"
"Maybe," you mumble shyly, moving your head to rest at the crook of her neck.
"We can talk about that another time," her fingers scratch softly at your scalp, lulling you to sleep while she speaks in a gentle, soothing voice. "Goodnight Detka," her lips press against your forehead, your body having already drifted off into a peaceful sleep in her warm embrace.
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4st4rion · 7 months
could've shouted out loud
ao3 link
at the end of the game i went with karlach and wyll to avernus without realizing that would like cement things and then watched how nervous astarion was about if you're really staying together when my gf finished the game with him. so i split the difference and wrote fix-it fic for my personal fuck-up lmao
just over 2k; spoilers for the end of bg3 of course. rated mature-ish, fully gender neutral tav. it takes a while to come back from avernus and when you find him he is Pissed with you (and very hurt). comforting and some spiciness ensues
It takes longer than you expect to find Astarion again.
You, Karlach, and Wyll have been working on carving out your little corner of Avernus; it's rough work, but Karlach pulls most of the literal weight of setting up shelter for the three of you. It's not much, little more than reinforced tents, but it's better than nothing.
You finally feel like it's safe to go back and look for Astarion, and Wyll opens a portal for you that brings you right to the heart of Baldur's Gate.
It takes three days and nights of asking around before you find him. A helpful bartender at the Blushing Mermaid informs you that someone matching your description of him comes in and sits at a certain table, alone, most nights, and you go there yourself to wait for him.
And sure enough.
Sure enough, come sunset, and given an hour, he walks through the door. He doesn't notice you right away, ordering himself a bottle of wine and taking a glass from the bartender, but when your eyes finally meet, he nearly drops them both.
You smile pathetically at him.
He does not smile back.
He makes his way to the secluded table and you stand to meet him when he does. He sets the bottle and glass on the table and folds his arms, looking you up and down.
"Is this a trick?" he asks, first, looking at you with scrutiny.
Despite his closed-off posture and his attempt at a foul expression for you, he's still just as beautiful as he had been when the sun began to burn him.
You shake your head.
"No, no trick," you promise, and he tenses hearing your voice. Disguises and illusions can mimic many things, but a voice is tough, too unique to recreate for most mages and wizards.
"I'm going insane, then?" he asks sarcastically, and gestures at you to a man passing by. "Excuse me? Do you see the person in front of me?"
The man looks between you and Astarion and you can only give a little wave.
"Yes?" the man answers, and fucks off.
Astarion's frown deepens.
"So, what?" he asks, voice dripping with venom. "It's you, then?"
You swallow nervously and hope that the time apart hasn't put you back to square one.
"It's me," you confirm. "I'm sorry it took so long to find you," you apologize, but he scoffs.
"Must not have been looking very hard," he huffs. "I thought you'd —" he says, voice cracking in vulnerability, and he steels himself all over again. "I thought you'd decided I wasn't worth the trouble once you saw me in the sun," he tries again, and this time, his volume is louder. "I thought you ran off so I couldn't find you and be your burden."
You reach out, but he smacks your hand away.
"Astarion," you breathe, heartbroken. Is this it? Does he... Has he gotten used to the idea of living without you?
Is this over, now?
"Where have you been, then?" he spits, looking away from you in a huff. "You'd better have a damn good answer, or I'll kill you right here myself."
"I'd let you," you breathe, smiling just a bit — threats of harm are better than a cold shoulder. "I've been in Avernus," you say. "With Karlach. And Wyll."
His shoulders relax just slightly hearing Karlach's name.
"She's still alive?" he asks, making glancing eye contact with you to show his sincerity.
You nod.
"She can't leave the hells anymore, not yet, but she's alive," you confirm. "We've been working on a solution, and working on making a home there, for now."
He doesn't say anything, waiting. You swallow nervously.
"We were chased by devils for a tenday when we arrived, otherwise I would have been back for you sooner," you say, and pray to any gods that might listen that he understands. "And then we had to get settled, make sure no one was on our trail," you continue.
Astarion scoffs, but his eyes glimmer with unshed tears.
"You could have written," he mutters, needing to make light of the situation for his own sanity.
"I owe you a postcard," you agree, the barest smile slowly returning to your face.
He sniffles, and curses under his breath.
"I thought...?" he starts, but can't finish, hiccuping back a sob.
"I know," you try to soothe. "I'm so sorry."
This time, when you reach out, he doesn't stop you. You put your hand on his shoulder and squeeze lightly, stroking your thumb over the soft fabric he's wearing.
"I love you," you practically whisper. "I've thought of you every moment of every day since we were parted."
He doesn't answer with words — instead, he shoves himself against you, and it takes half a moment to realize he's trying for a hug, reluctant to wrap his arms around you but making the gesture anyway.
You fling your arms around him and squeeze him in tightly. He's cold, so much colder than he ever was when he was feeding from you regularly, and you realize he might not have been drinking from anything but animals again.
"I've missed you so much," you mumble against him, your head ducked against the side of his. "Astarion, I can't believe we're both here," you laugh, relieved, and he laughs too.
"I thought you might have been dead," he admits, and his voice is so, so small. "I thought I'd never see you again."
You hug him tighter.
"I'm here now," you promise.
His arms wrap around you properly now, too, and he almost starts to relax against you.
He's holding back because you're in public, but he shakes with emotion.
"Where have you been staying?" you ask, pulling back just enough to speak with him properly. "Let's get out of here and talk there."
"The Elfsong Tavern," he sniffs. He straightens himself up and quickly wipes the tears off his face, and suddenly the mask is back in place. "Let's, shall we?"
You hold his bottle of wine in one hand and his hand in the other as you walk back to the Elfsong. Neither of you speaks beyond his comment that it's a nice night out and your hum of agreement.
Once you arrive, you head upstairs. His hands shake as he pulls out his room key, and you've never seen him struggle with a lock more than now.
It finally gives way and opens, and then you're finally, finally alone together.
You set the bottle of wine on a side table, briefly turning away, and when you turn back to say So, where do we begin? he's already kissing you.
You've missed this. You've missed him, his insistent, smart, sharp mouth and his hands that pull at your waist to bring you in close and his fingers that dig into your sides like you could disappear if he ever loosened his grip.
He's crying again, tears catching on your lips and turning your kisses salty, but you don't care at all.
"Astarion," you gasp between breaths, just to hear his name on your tongue, and he drags you to his bed.
"I thought I was going to die without you," he growls, pushing you onto the mattress and crawling over you like a predator. "I was so scared, for you and for what I might do if you didn't — if I never saw you again," he admits, voice low and dangerous.
"I'm here," you reassure him, holding onto his arms and sliding your grip to ground him.
"I thought you were gone," he says, angry and scared and afraid and a thousand other things.
"Have you... Are we still...?" you start to ask, and he kisses you again.
"I've been mourning a lost love," he breathes against your lips. "Every face I've seen, I've only looked to see if it could be you, and then I've looked away," he admits. "When I saw a stranger with your stature or your hair, I'd hope, just for a moment, and then it'd be lost."
Your heart flares with love — even thinking you might have left him, abandoned him, died on him, he didn't give up hope that you might return.
"I'm so sorry," you apologize again, kissing him over and over. "I'm here now, I promise. I'd never leave you."
Rather than the coy, self-deprecating never say 'never', darling you might have heard when all this began, he hums with such pleasure it's nearly a moan, just hearing your dedication to him spoken aloud.
"I love you," you remind him, fingers tangling into his hair to keep him close. "I love you, I love you," you breathe, and with every word his breath hitches higher until he's kissing you hard, forcing you silent lest something in him break.
"I want you," he rumbles against you, and your heart soars while your insides dance with butterflies.
"You have me," you say, and you mean it. It doesn't matter if you do nothing but kiss and hold each other tightly until the sun comes up and then goes back down, you're his as much as he's yours and you're eager to remind him of that however you can.
"You're wearing too many clothes," he practically snarls, digging hands under your shirt and pulling roughly at things to loosen your breeches, and you wholeheartedly agree.
"So are you," you growl back.
You manage to get his shirt off over his head at the same time he's struggling with yours, and you sit up so he can do the same with yours.
Wriggling out of your bottoms is a little more difficult when neither of you can stand to be apart, but you both get the waistbands to your knees and that's good enough for you.
His cock is half-hard from excitement and anticipation and you're quick to reach for it, but he stops you by pinning your wrist beside your head.
"I've missed this," he purrs, squeezing your wrist in his hand. He grabs for your other wrist and you let him, allowing him to pin you fully and press his body up against yours. "I've missed feeling you struggle against me," he laughs.
You arch up against him just for fun, pressing your leg up between his and rubbing his cock against your hip.
"Is that what you want tonight?" you ask, challenging him by straining against his hands. He's weak — he hasn't fed recently, or fed enough, and you can feel him put his full weight into keeping you down.
"Oh, darling, I want everything," he hums. He kisses you again and ruts his cock against your hip on purpose this time, moaning softly into your mouth. "I want you ruined under me," he breathes. "I want you debauched on top of me. I don't want to leave this room until tomorrow night at the earliest."
You laugh against him.
"Agreed," you hum back.
He lets go of your hands in favor of holding you by your hips, and your arms wrap around his shoulders like it's where they've always belonged.
"I missed you," he sighs. "So much."
"I'm here now," you reassure him again. He nuzzles into your throat and you bare it for him, inviting him, and he shudders.
"I don't suppose I'd be allowed a bite?" he asks, trailing kisses over your pulse.
"I've missed that, too," you sigh. "Go on."
He gives your neck one more tender, open-mouthed kiss before he sinks his teeth into you, a familiar pain that you've dearly missed.
He drinks deeply. You can feel his starvation sating, his body becoming warmer and softer against yours as he melts against you.
Gods, you've missed him. You never want to be separated again.
You feel the past slipping away from you, as though you've never been apart; all that has ever existed is this, this moment, with his mouth pressed to your neck, bite-wound weeping blood onto his tongue and him swallowing as greedily as you cling to him.
He finally pulls away, the perfect amount taken that you feel light-headed but not dizzy, and he feels sated but not full — a balance the two of you perfected over your journey, and one that he's apparently still in tune with.
"Perfect," he breathes into your neck, lapping at the fang marks still slowly oozing blood. "Oh, love," he sighs.
He buries his face in your neck and breathes deep.
"You smell like Avernus," he notes, amused.
"Ugh," you agree.
"You smell like you, though," he says, muffled against your skin. "Gods, I missed that."
You take a long moment to hold each other like that, arms wrapped around each other and clinging and just breathing deeply, taking each other in.
Eventually, his cock twitches impatiently against your skin, and you laugh.
"Sorry," he mutters, pulling his face out of your neck to kiss the corner of your mouth. "I really would just like to be close, if you're not up for anything like that," he says, almost shyly.
You press your hips up against him in answer, and catch the gasp off his lips with your mouth against his.
"I'm up for things," you grin, and he laughs against you.
"Alright," he agrees. "'Things', it is."
You give him one more long, lingering kiss before the two of you go any further, one that you'll remember years from now.
"I'm so happy you're here," he admits, and you smile against his mouth.
You are, too.
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charliedawn · 1 year
The slashers react to your first heartbreak :
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Jason was not going to say anything. He had always found your boyfriend 'odd', but hadn't dared say anything.
And then, you came in with a tearful face and a trembling lip and he was certain of two things.
First off, you were hurt.
Two, he didn't like it.
He immediately took you in his arms and rocked you back and forth while you sobbed in his chest.
He wanted to hold you and tell you everything he felt, but he just kept hugging you tight.
Whoever had hurt you would come to regret it quickly.
He'd take down his favorite machete and make sure the man/woman who hurt you can't walk anymore.
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Bo saw it in your eyes when you came home. You were heartbroken and he didn't say anything before grabbing one of his tools and storming out to follow your 'ex'.
It didn't take him long to catch him and beat him to a pulp.
"Squeal, little piggy. Squeal !"
Bo cackled before thumping his foot down on your ex's throat.
"You made MY girl/boy cry...I'll fucking kill you."
You tried to stop him, but to no avail.
Bo was dead set on making him pay for the pain he caused you.
He then got out his shotgun and didn't hesitate before shooting your ex in the head. He then turned back towards you, blood splattered all over his shirt and a satisfied grin on his face.
"Oh ! Look at that ! He did have a brain afterall ?!"
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The moment Brahms knew, he didn't waste any time stepping up. He knew you were hurt badly and the only way to make it all better was to be there for you.
"Brahms will...make you happy...Never go.", he said while holding you in his arms.
"I know, Brahms. Thank you for being my friend.", you said and his grip tightened slightly as he shook his head.
"No friend."
You laughed and thought he was joking, so you only eyed his arms around you.
"Rrright...I'm sure no friends would try to cheer me up."
But, he didn't laugh.
He insisted before gently bending your body so your face may be above his.
"Brahms...Wants. Loves. Y/N."
Your eyes widened and you smiled through your tears at him.
"Y/N loves Brahms too."
He didn't hesitate before leaning forward to press his mask against your face, holding you tighter than ever. If you were to be alone, he'd be the one to fill the void. Forever.
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"Human mad...Penny mad."
He bared his sharp teeth and growled in anger.
It was clear enough he had read your mind and found out what had happened.
"DON'T !", you cried out as he was about to jump out the house to tear your ex to pieces.
You hugged him and immobilized him momentarily. He didn't want to hurt you and you hid your face in his puffy collar.
"WHY ?!", he growled out—clearly confused.
"...Because I want you here with me.", you confessed and Penny's anger turned into bitter understanding as he wrapped his arms around you.
"...Alright, human. You can have me.",he begrudgingly agreed while plotting all the ways he was going to punish your ex once freed from your hold.
Your ex wouldn't see the light of day again.
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Jack was so angry hearing about the way your ex had messed up his chance with you, he snapped.
"That fucker did...WHAT ?!"
You took a step back as various things went flying around you and Jack gritted his teeth.
He knew what was going on. He knew exactly what was going on through the little shit's head.
Because, he knew what they thought. He knew because they were him.
So, he would go there and knock some sense into the guy/girl.
Later that day :
Jack then knocked your ex out with a book. He then savoured the fear from him and smirked as he raised his axe in the air.
"They gave you all the chances in the world. Now, ain't never going to get another one..."
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Myers wordlessly stood up and walked out to return that night covered in blood and didn't even glance back at you before entering his bedroom.
It was just another victim. No need to dwell on it.
And when you saw on the news that your ex had 'mysteriously disappeared' ?
You didn't mention it to Michael.
You were just numb at this point and Michael understood.
He left you alone and occasionally cooked for you when he knew you were feeling really bad.
He even tried to feed you when you wouldn't.
He knew it would take time for you to heal, but he could wait.
He had all the time in the world.
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Pennywise was on his way to complain to you about one thing or the other—but before he could utter a word...He noticed the tears.
He stopped dead in his tracks and could smell the faint scent of pain and grief in the air.
He then saw you were holding one of those things humans called "phones". From what he understood, whatever information you had received from the communication device had shattered your spirit.
He sighed and considered leaving, but his steps brought him closer to you instead. He crouched in front of you and hesitated before holding your hand and squeezing it.
"Don't cry, doll face. They ain't worth it."
He wiped your tears with his gloved hands and smiled.
"There are some folks worrying about you. Very worried. Very here. And very attached to you...And I may be one of them."
"...Pennywise", you uttered in a whisper and Pennywise's smile turned incredibly painful. He sighed again before rising to his feet and walking away. You didn't know what he was going to do until he turned back towards you and his pupils were a bright orange.
"Don't worry, doll face. They ain't gonna bother you ever again..."
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Norman knew you'd come for a rebound. He wasn't an idiot. But, it was just too tempting to pass on.
He wanted to be a true gentleman and comfort you, but he realized that it was impossible.
He was just too happy about the whole ordeal.
He knew the two of you wouldn't work, because you belonged to him—no one else's.
He had kept his mouth shut when he had seen the way you had fallen so fast for the idiot, but he wouldn't anymore.
He trapped you in a tight embrace and kept you there as your tears coated his shirt.
And then, he did the one thing he had always wanted to do, but had never had the chance to.
He kissed you.
He wanted to suck all of the pain out of you. And, he even smiled when you started kissing him back.
The cops wouldn't find your ex's body for weeks, it would give him all the time in the world to convince you and heal you.
If that was the last thing he did...
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"...He made you cry, huh ?", Freddy said knowingly and didn't seem his usual sarcastic self as he took a step forward and wiped your tears with his thumbs.
"Told ya. Assholes exist. Gotta learn to recognize them, lovely.", he told you and you sniffled before raising your hand above your heart—to check if it was still beating.
"...I think my heart is broken.", you said and Freddy smiled—but it was a sad compassionate one.
It didn't suit him.
"Yeah...You'll learn to live with it."
You closed your eyes and nodded before the corners of your eyes slightly tilted upwards as a thought crossed your mind.
"Funny...I'd thought you'd be happy. Or, that you'd try to get in my pants."
Freddy snorted before replying.
"Who says I'm not ?"
You looked at each other for a few seconds before bursting out laughing together.
Two broken souls laughing together on the first step of the gallows...
Freddy was broken, but he'd be fine to be broken with you. And whoever or whatever broke you ?
Well...There wouldn't be a night when Freddy wouldn't be hunting their dreams, eating them away until nothing remained but madness. And even in death, Freddy would bring them to hell himself.
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"~Honey I'm back !", Eddie said with a big grin on his face, grin that immediately fell when he found you crying on his coach.
"What happened ?", he asked worriedly before sitting down next to you. He threw the concert tickets he had bought on the floor and you confessed.
"They broke up with me..."
"Idiot.", he didn't hesitate before telling you and then smiled sympathetically at you. "You're great. The greatest of them all. You are nice. You were always nice...even to me."
He held your hand and kissed the back of it.
"He didn't see his chance ? Too bad."
Eddie wouldn't make the same mistake.
That night, Ghostface made another victim. And Eddie won himself a chance to right his past wrongs.
He had let you go once, never again...
Eddie *gently tugs a strand/curl of your hair behind your ear* : "You'll be alright, sweetheart. I promise."
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boatcats · 3 months
My heart hurt when Ed got shackled to the rail in S2. I needed them to talk it through as a crew so fic happened.
Ed was not a master in the art of negotiation.
Or, well, that wasn't entirely true. He was great at aggressive negotiation. He was great at negotiation where there was a show of strength (or the illusion of strength) and an opponent forced to decide how much they wanted to risk. He was excellent at the old 'shot across the bow.' He wasn't great at the sort of negotiation where all you had was your earnest heart and a desire to go home.
He hadn't had much practice.
But he had his earnest heart and he wanted to go home so he was going to give it a try.
The crew had let him stay one more night. They'd even seemed chill about it. He really hadn't expected that. Now dawn light was creeping into the galley and in a few hours the crew was going to "figure this all out" as Oluwande had called it and Ed wanted to stay. He wanted to make it up to them. "Captain goes down with the ship" had always really meant "captain takes responsibility" and Ed wasn't captain anymore (was he? he felt a brief jolt of anxiety like a task left undone...no, probably not...). But he still wanted to take responsibility for what he could.
It was just....he had some stipulations.
"Stede," Ed whispered. "Stede wake up."
"Hmmph?" Stede rolled over and Ed was briefly stunned by his sleep tousled hair. God. "What is it, Ed? Are you hurting?" He looked so concerned. G o d.
"No," Ed said, "not really." Though he was hurting some - a mutiny would do that to you. "Not much... medium amount," he amended, trying to be truthful. "I just... the crew's gonna decide about me staying and I want to stay. But I don't want them to shackle me to the rail again." Ed fought down a surge of panic at the thought. "I don't like feeling trapped. It's fine if they want... I don't know, to get a few punches in. That's fair. But no surprise punches. They can do it to my face. I mean like ... they can face me about it... though I guess they can also punch my face. You know what I mean."
Ed was not going to feel trapped and he was not going to feel on edge. Everything else was fair game. But sometime during the night he'd realized he couldn't stay somewhere he didn't feel safe.
What he'd do he didn't know... but he couldn't stay. It was an awful negotiating position that boiled down to "please agree to these requirements or else I'll go back to the woods you banished me to in the first place."
Ed sighed. Then he glanced up and realized Stede looked heartbroken. Fuck.
"It's not you," Ed sighed. "I'd love to stay for you... it's just..." I might not be able to.
"It's not that," Stede said. "I just wish I hadn't. I wish they hadn't. I wish I'd protected you."
"You couldn't," Ed said. "Not exactly captain either, were you? A mutiny will do that. The whole thing about a mutiny is that it blurs who's in charge, blurs who makes decisions. And I knew what I was getting into. Not like I haven't had worse. I just..."
"You don't want it to happen again."
"It wont. No one's going to punch you either. To your face or otherwise."
Ed smiled. It felt a little wobbly. But he could smile at Stede now. Stede looked so certain. Ed was not at all certain. He was pretty sure he was at least going to get punched. But Stede's optimism had always been appealing (as well as wildly sexy) so what the hell.
When Ed heard the crew's stipulations he laughed. A cat bell! He supposed that was fair. He'd maybe played up the sneaking around over the past few months.
But it felt - it felt like like chance to start over. Captain goes down with the ship. Captain incites a mutiny and wears a sackcloth for a while as a promise that he won't hurt his crew again. Yeah, that was fair.
And Stede's face - Stede's face - when he said "they've agreed not to hurt you - no one's going to hurt you on this ship again. You're safe."
I'm here. You're safe.
Yeah, that was.... That was.... yeah, that was... That was a lot. But it was good. Ed was pretty sure it was good.
So it came as an awful surprise when Jim found Ed in the shady spot he'd claimed on deck and said "Hey, about shackling you to the rail..."
Because fuck. Fuck. Of course they'd reconsider. It made sense but Ed had trusted them. And the Revenge was kind of a ways from land and maybe they'd give him back the complimentary dinghy. Hopefully they'd give him back the complimentary dinghy. But so much for cohabiting with Stede... that is... if they even let him leave at all. What if...
Apparently all this showed on his face. Because the next thing Jim said was "I think maybe you need to breathe?"
Ed took a shaky breath. "What about it?" he asked. He was pleased that his voice came out reasonably level.
"I'm really sorry we did that."
Wait. What?
"Wait. What?" Ed said.
Jim flushed. "You weren't... you were hurt and... you weren't going to hurt anyone. The rest of the stuff - not gonna apologize for that because it was fully self defense. But that... yeah."
"It's fine," Ed said. "Better to overreact than underestimate someone probably."
"It wasn't fine," Jim insisted. "It's not gonna happen again. We were... we were really jumpy. Roach made us a piñata and a cake and we nearly stabbed him. But still."
"A piñata?"
"Yeah, they wanted to like, blindfold us. To... reassure us we were safe and valued, I think?"
Ed blinked. This fucking crew.
"But yeah," Jim sighed. "You're safe and valued and shit, I guess. I don't have a piñata."
"That's okay," Ed said. "Don't need one."
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smoooothoperator · 3 months
18: Run Boy Run
Lando Norris x OC (Violet Sinclair)
same group friend, unrequited love, acquittances to lovers, ski trip, love triangle, life as lovers
Words: 4.8k
Warnings: fluff, races
a/n: next chapter is THE chapter!!!!! and of course I had to be a little delulu with this chapter
Official Playlist
previous chapter | next chapter
If you want to be tagged don't forget to message me!
Every way of feedback is very welcomed
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Outfit? Check.
Make up? Check.
Bag? Check.
Phone… Oh, where did I leave it?
“Violet, keep calm” Lando chuckled, following me with eyes, watching how I walked around the hotel room.
“I can't find my phone!” I groaned, moving the cushions of the bed.
“Here” he smiled, grabbing it from God knows where. “Why are you nervous?”
I took a deep breath and looked at him, biting my lip, chewing it until I remembered I was wearing lipstick on it.
Why am I nervous? Maybe because of the fact that this will be the first time I'll be seen in the paddock, something who shall not be named really avoided the last few years. And not only that, this will be my first time walking with him in a place where we know there will be photographers. 
“I just… I don't know, what if I fall or something like that in front of every photographer? Then they will take pictures of that and I will be all over the internet” I said. “And not only that! Look at my outfit! And my bag! This is not sponsored or from a luxury brand! I bought this on Zara!”
“And you look absolutely gorgeous in this dress” he said, placing his hand on my shoulders and squeezing them softly, rubbing his thumbs on my skin. “Take a deep breath, okay? You are not going to fall because I'll be holding your hand all the time”
“You promise?”
“I promise” he smiled, pecking my lips softly.
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, wrapping my arms around him and leaning on his body. 
The last few weeks were hard for me. After knowing what happened with Eloise, it was hard for me to move on. At first I was mad, with myself and with her, because I felt betrayed and somehow I was disappointed with myself because I couldn't reach her before what happened. I couldn't understand how that happened, how none of her family or mine called me. They knew I loved Eloise like a sister, and still no one told me. 
I was betrayed by my own family. How am I supposed to feel about that? How am I supposed to face them after that?
Lando stayed with me as much as he could while he had free time from his duties, and when he couldn't be with me, he ma onde sure that Pietra came to my home to make sure I wasn't alone. 
But it felt weird. I was heartbroken, but I didn't cry. And it made me feel disappointed with myself, because I felt that I wasn't grieving her, not how she deserves.
“Are you sure it's only that?” he whispered against my hair. 
“You know the answer…”
“I just want to know if you are okay, Violet…” he sighed. “I still remember what you said to me, that you are scared of getting in the car. But I wanted you to remember my promise, hm?”
“I know… it's your job, you have to do it anyway” I sighed. 
“You won't get rid of me that easily” he said, and I could hear the smile in his voice.
I smile and close my eyes, kissing the skin of his neck softly and taking a deep breath of his perfume.
“Come on”
I took a deep breath and grabbed my bag, hanging it on my shoulder and walking out of the hotel room with him. I wasn't used to the fancy treatment, of staying in a Hilton hotel, sitting on a McLaren and arriving at a place where everyone has something higher that 100€ on their outfit. It was overwhelming, somehow, watching supercars driving near us, hearing the engine of the cars driving through the parking lot. 
“Today I have to record things for the media, if you want, you can stay in the hospitality and do some work” he said looking at me, placing his hand on my thigh and squeezing it softly. 
I nodded and smiled, placing my hand on top of his. His touch is always gentle, even on bed. He always holds me, letting me know he's there. He always needs to have a hand on me whenever I'm close and sometimes I find him doing it whenever he feels anxious. 
“Oh, sure. I was going to catch up a little with the girls. They said something about having a little brunch date” I said chuckling, watching him smile and nod.
When he parked his car I felt his hand squeezing my thigh three times, rubbing his thumb on my skin. I looked at him and smiled, leaning closer and kissing his cheek.
“Ready?” he asked. “Stay close to me, okay? Don't let go my hand”
“As if I was going to” I joked, rolling my eyes.
When we got out of the car he immediately walked towards me, holding my hand and guiding me.
I have been in the paddock before, I was in one a month ago while I went with him to the testing of the new car. But somehow, this time it felt completely different. Walking hand in hand with him, hearing the people chorus his name and mine, calling us… it felt way more different.
“You can go take pictures if you want” I said, watching how some of the people behind the barriers were calling him.
“You sure?” he smiled weakly, making me nod and receive a kiss on my cheek before he walked away.
I saw him taking pictures with them, talking with them and even grabbing the gifts they had for him. I was so proud of him, of who he is, of what he achieves every time he comes to the paddock.
“Let's go” he smiled, holding my hand and walking towards the scanners.
“What did they give you?” I asked him, looking at what he was holding with his other hand.
“Oh, I think some bracelets as always” he smiled. “They just make them for me, it's like the ones they exchange on those Taylor Swift's concerts”
“That's cute” I laugh softly.
“I have a lot of them back in Monaco” he laughed. 
I smile looking at him, scanning my ID pass after him. I looked around, smiling. This is a whole different thing, a whole different world. 
I once brought him to my work and to my world, and now he is the one that is bringing me to his job.
His smile immediately changed the moment he heard the mechanics building the cars, when he recognized the people from every team. And the moment he held my hand tight made my smile look like his.
When people walked towards us and he introduced me to them as his partner, I could help but feel the pride in his voice. He placed his arm around my waist and then his hand on my hip, pulling me close to him, rubbing his thumb over my skin to keep me calm.
“So she is the famous Violet, hm?” I heard someone behind us.
“Hey, cabrón” Lando smiled, looking at his friend.
I smiled looking at him, watching how the Spaniard smiled and took a step closer to me, placing his hand on my shoulder and kissing my cheek two times.
“It's about damn time you two are together, huh?” he joked, teasing Lando. “How long did it take you? Years?”
“Ah, fuck off!” Lando groaned, pinching Carlos. 
I laughed softly, watching them talk, and never stopped feeling Lando's hand on my hip.
I turned around, smiling when I recognized the sound of Lily's voice walking towards me next to Alex. I smiled looking at Lando, kissing his cheek before walking away towards Lily, hugging her.
“News fly around! You have a lot of things to tell us, hm?” she smirked, linking her arm with mine and walking. “Since when are you two dating?”
“Well, since Christmas actually” I smiled proudly, remembering that morning in his childhood room and how I confessed my love for him. “I think I had some kind of feelings for him after all. It was easy falling for him”
“Well, then I guess a brunch is a proper way to welcome you as a new wag” she said.
We walked towards the paddock club after showing our passes, going upstairs and being welcomed by a glass of mimosas.
“Finally!” Carmen laughed, walking towards me and hugging me. “George and I made a bet to see how long it took him to ask you out. I guess I owe him some money”
“No way” I laughed, shaking my head. “All of you knew?”
“It was pretty obvious” Lily said, shrugging her shoulders. “He even asked us recently for some tips for you so you could get used to this”
“I have to say that I was surprised by that, by the way” Carmen nodded. 
“Oh…” I smiled softly, blushing, about what we talked about after we made our relationship public.
“Yeah, true” Lily nodded. “He came to us in the last race of the season and told us his plan. It was pretty cute hearing him talk about what he planned for that ski trip and all”
“Well, I think it went according to his plan” I smiled. 
After all, he made me fall for him during the trip.
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Standing inside the McLaren garage during the practices was something different to what it feels like during the qualifying.
During practice, the mechanics and engineers do everything they can to take every data possible during an hour, making the drivers come and go from the garage. It's noisy, hearing them change things to the car and put different tyres.
But during the qualifying you can feel the tension, the anxiety, the hunger of having a good position for the race.
Every move is crucial, every waste of fuel is important as well as the time they let the drivers get out of the garage.
“God, I'm feeling nauseous from the anxiety around the garage” I whispered to Lily, Oscar's girlfriend. “It’s always like this?”
“You'll get used to it” she chuckled. “They just want to do the best. You saw the results of the practices, they can be on top if they aim for it”
I nodded and smiled weakly, looking at the screens.
Yesterday, when we came back from the track after the practices, I met a new side of Lando. His position after the second practice, finishing last, because of a mistake he made. Somehow, even if he was conscious of how good the car was working, he was too hard on himself.
“I just hate it when I make mistakes and I know that I could do a better job” he sighed, laying on the bed looking at the ceiling. “The car was feeling good, this time I know we can have a good pace during the whole weekend… But the problem is who drives it”
“Hey, don't be too harsh on yourself” I sighed, sitting next to him and looking down into his eyes. “You are driving amazing, okay? This morning you just put the car on the top 3. What happened at the second practice was nothing bad, the team understood it and they didn't complain. You did a great job”
“I could have done a better job…” he sighed.
“And you will. Tomorrow is another day. You have another practice and then the quali” I smiled. “Everyone in the garage is happy with how the cars are doing, I can feel that. Just trust your guts, the car can take you where you want it to go”
After trying to put some hope and common sense in him last night, watching him reach the fifth position in the morning made me feel proud. It made me feel listened. 
The people inside the garage clapping made me smile, letting go of a breath I didn't know I was holding and clapping too, watching how the mechanics walked out to go to their cars.
Somehow I was lost, following Lily around, hoping that she knew what was coming next. We walked out of the garage through the corridor that goes to the paddock, waiting for Lando and Oscar to come to us.
Watching cameras around made me feel nervous, observes. I can't make mistakes, I shouldn't. I know I'm the new wag, everyone's eyes are on me. 
“Hey” I smile, watching him walk towards me with the upper half of his suit hanging around his hips.
“Hey, love” he smiled, letting go of the straw of his bottle. He smiled, placing his hand on my hip as I took a step closer to him, cupping his cheek with my hand.
“I'm so proud of you” I said, pressing my lips against his, feeling his smile grow. “You did an amazing job”
“Yeah, we are in a good place for tomorrow” he nodded, making me smile and kiss his cheek softly. “I'm so happy with it”
Watching his smile made me smile too, ignoring the flashes around us. Right, they search every little gesture to find mistakes and something to talk about.
“Tomorrow will be amazing, I'm sure” I whisper in his ear. 
I felt him smile, hugging me tighter and hiding his face on my neck. I felt him take deep breaths, leaning on me some seconds longer.
“I have to do interviews and briefing” he whispered. “Wait for me in my room, yeah?”
I smile and nod, cupping his cheek and kissing him again, tasting the salty flavor of his sweat again. I smiled and looked into his eyes when he ran his hand up my back, patting me three times before letting me go.
“Good results! Right, girls?” Zak said behind us, standing between Lily and I while watching both papaya drivers walk towards the media pen. “It's good to have lucky charms in the garage, huh?”
“Yeah” Lily and I laughed softly.
And somehow, what he said made me feel good, part of the team. And the results after every race indeed made me feel way more proud.
Both cars were going amazing in the races, staying in the top 10, bringing points and big smiles to the faces of every mechanic and engineer. 
I tried to go to every race to support him, to stand in the garage and be his lucky charm, to watch him drive even if my own heart beat at an unhealthy rhythm every time he drove close to a wall. But he always came back, he always came back to me after every race to hug me and kiss me, asking me to help him put the bracelet I gave him.
“Why don't you keep it during the races?” he asked, getting dressed in the room of Bahrain's paddock.
“Huh?” I frown, looking up from my phone, watching how he gave me the twin of the bracelet I have.
“We can make it our ritual” he said. “Kevin has his daughter who gives him the gloves and puts down his visor, Pierre has his girlfriend to kiss him on the helmet every time he gets in the car. Why don't we make this our thing?”
“That's cute” I chuckled, blushing. “So you want me to keep it everytime you go into the car and then put it on your bracelet when you come back?”
“Exactly!” he laughed. 
“Cameras will be recording us every time” I laughed, putting his bracelet next to mine. “We will give them a sugar rush”
“Do I look like I care?” he smirked. “Let's give the fans some material for their edits. I just want to come back to my girl, let them mind their own business”
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Lando always told me that Austria was his favorite track of the calendar. He had his first podium here and he always had good results during that race, and since this season was giving him good results, he wanted the best in this track.
But even if he wanted it with all his heart, his self criticism was worse during this week. He was so hungry for the victory that he wasn't able to celebrate the good things, he only focused on every mistake he made.
“I just don't get it! I don't understand why the car is not doing what I want to do! And to make it worse, the FIA is being a pain in the ass with all those deleted times” he groaned, getting out of the car after the first practice. “If I wasn't that stupid, I could have been P1 on this practice!”
“Lando, come on” Max sighed. “It didn't only happen to you… And the results of this practice are not realistic, come on. They deleted so many times that the ones that stayed on the top 3 are old laps…”
“Exactly” I sighed, placing my hand on his arm. “Just look at the list, why would both Haas be first and second?”
“Because they didn't make mistakes like me” he groaned, grabbing his bottle of water and drinking it. “Whatever, I have to do interviews. See you later”
I sighed, watching how he followed his PR manager, not even kissing me before walking away. 
“He's too stressed” Max sighed, shaking his head. 
“And being too hard on himself” I said. “If he only saw the times… he did even a better time than Verstappen”
“Yeah, but you know him. He only focuses on what he does wrong” he sighed. “He can't enjoy the good results until he sees them”
The second practice didn't go better, at least not from his point of view. He had the pace, he was always leading the list. But only because of the track limits, his times got deleted. His engineer could feel how annoyed he was every time he told him that the time was deleted, and the mood in the garage wasn't better.
The rest of the day he was quiet, moody. He let Jon drive the car while he sat in the backseats with me. He ate dinner in silence, looking to a spot in the wall in front of him and blinking from time to time.
“Okay, this has to stop”
Lando looked at me, snapping out of his trance. Max took a deep breath and sighed, looking at both of us.
“Can the Lando I love come back?” I frowned looking at him. “Because right now, the one that is sitting next to me is someone I don't recognize”
“Violet…” Max sighed. “Not now…”
“Not now? Then when?” I frown, leaving the fork on the plate. 
“Okay, okay” Max sighed, raising his hands and sighing. “I think it's my time to go to my room”
I sighed, watching Max get up from the floor of our room and grab the plate with the food he ordered from room service. Lando was looking down at his own food, taking a deep breath.
“See you tomorrow” Max sighed, before closing the door behind him.
I took a deep breath and turned to face Lando. He was looking down at his hands, playing with his fingers.
“What is going on inside of this head?” I sighed, placing my hand on his nape, playing with his curls.
“I don't know” he sighed, and by the way he sighed I knew he was tired. “I just… It's like I'm losing control. I make mistake after mistake. I feel that I'm rolling down a hill and I can't stop it”
“You are just so deeply focused into the bad thoughts, Lando” I sighed, holding his hand. “Have you seen the screens with the data during the practice? I may not understand how it works, but I know that when the numbers are green and with a minus sign in front of the number it means that the times are good”
“You were flying Lando” I said. “I came to all the races, and I swear this is the first one I saw that you were faster than Verstappen!”
“But I still get out of the track” he sighed.
“And that's something you can fix! Tomorrow you have the last practice. You know your weak spots in this track, you know you can be on pole, but you can see it just yet” I said, holding his hands. “I believe in you, Lando. I really think you have a chance. Just please, believe in it too”
I don't know if my speech worked, but the next day during the last practice he was more talkative with his engineers, and he tried everything to be inside of the track. In fact, he had good times and barely got them deleted, making him be first at the end of the practice.
But then quali came. 
“Now should be the right time to pray” Max sighed next to me. 
“Oh believe, I'm praying to every God I know to make him be on pole” I whisper. “And to make Verstappen stay away from him”
“Naughty girl!” Max laughed. 
“I just want him to make a mistake! For once! It's not much to ask” I laughed softly.
Everyone was tense, hoping that both papaya drivers escaped the sensors of the FIA. No one wanted to clap or celebrate, not wanting to jinx anything. And when the time for the Q1 ended and both of the McLaren drivers stayed out of the elimination zone, everyone relaxed for a little amount of time. And it happened again during Q2, watching the cars drive fast and barely getting out of the track, not crossing the limits.
“Looks like whatever you talked with him about worked a little” Max whispered leaning on me. “How did you do that?”
“My charm” I smirked slightly. “And a promise of something you don't want to know about”
“Wha- Ew gross!” he gasped when he saw my smirk.
I shook my head and laughed softly, focusing again on the screens, watching Lando's untouchable time staying on top of everyone's.
He can do it. He can have a pole.
“Come on, come on…” Max and I prayed, holding each other's hand and holding our breaths, waiting for the last of the top ten to make his lap. 
And then it happened. 
The garage exploded with people clapping, cheering. I hugged Max and jumped with bim, celebrating that he finally did it. Everyone ran to receive him, to watch him get out of the car and celebrate his pole. I went there, grabbing the bracelet and having it ready in my hand to put it around his wrist.
“I did it!” Lando gasped, walking towards the team and towards me, holding my cheeks with his hand. 
“I didn't want to say it, but… Told ya” I laughed, watching him shake his head.
That was just the beginning.
Next day. Race day. 
Having pole position changed his mood for better, and somehow I could feel it with how he woke up. 
Normally, during races, he's grumpy the moment the alarm starts. He groans and holds me tighter, hiding his face on my nape. 
But today he woke up with a smile, pressing soft kisses on my shoulder as well as rubbing my stomach softly.
“Morning” I whisper, smiling. “Ready for today?”
“Oh yeah” he said, smiling. “Thank you”
“Hm? Why?” I frown, turning around and looking at him.
“Because you are always putting me in place” he sighed. “Always making me come back to Earth when I'm being an immature idiot”
“You are too harsh on yourself, Lando” I sighed. “Look what you can do when you believe in yourself! You've got a pole! You have a chance of winning this race, I believe in you”
“Thank you, baby” he smiled, kissing my forehead.
The moment we walked through the paddock everyone wanted Lando's attention, everyone wanted a picture with him. Everyone was congratulating him, patting his back and wishing him the best of luck.
“I think I won't need it, I have my lucky charm in the garage” he always said.
Time went fast, and before I knew it I was standing next to Max in the garage, watching the screens and waiting for the countdown to end, watching how Lando stopped the car after the formation lap, waiting for the lights to go off.
“He can do it, right?” I whisper.
“He has high possibilities” Max nodded. “If he has a good start he can keep the position. Max is away, even if his car is fast he has to overtake most of the other cars. And behind Lando is Oscar, as well as Lewis and Fernando. They are good with defense”
“But still, he can't relax” I sighed.
“He won't, I bet”
The race was hard. 71 laps of pure tension. Every movement was important, this time more than ever. The pit stops had to be fast, the overtakes, the defenses. Everyone in the garage was in silence, focused on the papaya car leading the race and the one following it. 
“God, I need to pee” I mumbled, not taking my eyes away from the screens.
“Go, I'll tell you if something happened while you are there” Max said, nudging my side with his elbow.
I took a deep breath and nod, walking to Lando's room and getting in the bathroom. I grabbed my phone, going through the messages and sighing when I saw the same notification as always.
Missed calls from unknowns (6)
I sigh, shaking my head and blocking those numbers again. Same as always. Maybe those are some spam calls.
When I came back next to Max there were only 5 laps left. And Lando was still leading.
“He will do it, right?” I said, taking a deep breath. 
“Oh yes” he smirked. 
It was happening. It was finally happening. I saw the mechanics getting up from the chairs, running to the wall when the last lap started, waiting to celebrate with him.
“Violet!” I heard Zak call me. “You want to come say something?”
“Can I?” I gasped, looking at him and then at Max.
He nodded and I just walked towards the engineers wall, connecting my headset and waiting for Lando to cross the finish line.
“Lando Norris, you are a race winner!” I exclaimed, feeling tears in my eyes when I heard his cries. 
“Violet? Is that you?”
“You did it! Baby, you did it! I'm so so proud”
“Oh I'm going to cry more!” he laughed. “We did it! God! I love you!”
When he parked the car behind the 1 he got out of the car, standing on top of the halo. Every crew member of McLaren was there, cheering, screaming. 
He did it. He won a race!
“Violet!” I heard him scream, jumping out of the car and running towards me, taking off his helmet. “I did it! Oh my God!”
“You did it!” I giggle, cupping his cheeks and wiping away the little tears. 
“I'm going to kiss you” he laughed, pulling me closer to him and pressing his lips on mine. “God, I love you so fucking much”
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Without Eloise in the picture he knew he only had one person left.
He tried to come up with a plan, something that can eliminate him forever, making sure that Violet will be only his.
During his walks around her neighborhood, he discovered that they are living together. He saw his car parked in front of the building. He saw their figures dancing in front of the window. He saw them having dinner on the small balcony during hot days of spring. And now both of them were in every post about his win, with pictures of him kissing her after he got out of the car.
What did she see in him? He has to free her. He has to make sure she's safe and out of whatever spell he put on her.
And that's what he's going to do.
He recognized one of Lando's cars in front of the building, his Audi RSQ8. He always hated the amount of cars he had, how careless he was buying one whenever he wanted like he was buying new clothes. 
He considered many options, but the one that worked before was the winner: manipulate the brakes.
It was easy, he did it with Eloise's car and the results were impressive, with her losing control of the car thanks to the frozen road and then trying to brake when she saw she lost control of the car. 
Why not try it again? Maybe he can make Lando lose control while he drives. And the funniest part of it? That it goes slowly, barely noticeable, like a slow and agonizing death. 
He only has to wait. 
Wait and see the results of his masterpiece.
@elisysd @racinggirl @ninifee1802 @kakorrhaphiphobia @landoyesrizz @lorarri @bellwhysomean @leptitlu @aphroditeisamilf @brekkers-whore @copper-boom @sideboobrry11 @alltoomaples @f1madison @elijahslover @silkenthusiasts @chonkybonky @summerslike11 @randomgirlnumber-13 @is-just-a @whentheautumnleavesfall @malynn @mycenterfold @barackosteaa @izzy-marvel @ssprayberrythings @ophcelia
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mosaickiwi · 1 month
Fall Unto Me (part four)
Part one, part two, part three
The end of Angel!Angel and Demon!Ren yayyyy I'm sooo excited to have the rest of my brain back!!! IT'S FINALLY OVER (mostly).
A very long and nonsensical string of writing thoughts and notes on it will be posted much later. Also if anyone wants to ask questions I can answer them in the infodump or on discord if you want a more immediate response... I hope you enjoy da finale 👉👈 sorry this is my baby i really love talking about it but it was impossible til now fjdslkjflks
cw// religious themes
14 Days With You is an 18+ Yandere Visual Novel. MINORS DNI
That mundane, quiet night had taken a turn for the better. You could barely move a muscle after trying to settle your curious desires for your devilish companion, though they still remained. The books and red string were put back where they belonged before you found yourself cradled in strong arms and curled under silken sheets.
Ren had brought you to rest in bed, arms keeping you securely nestled at their side. His bare chest felt incredibly warm against your cheek. The sound of their heart beat steadily, and you moved your head to hear it better. Mesmerizing, and comforting. 
“I'm… tired? Fatigued?” you muttered aloud. It was so hard to stay awake, your eyes kept fluttering. You’d never been quite so drained before.
He gently held your chin to look at you, smiling all the while. “Why do you think? You’re an absolutely ravenous angel. Were it not for that fatigue, you’d surely still have me pinned on the floor with your head thrown back in—”
“Hey!” you interrupted him. The casual way they said it had you suddenly embarrassed. Being aware of your newfound… ‘ravenous’ side was something else entirely.
“It was a wonderful sight, my love, little angel,” he sang your praises with adoration, ending at a word. That word. The one you didn’t know.
An odd little pet name you were all the more curious about.
“What's that word you keep saying?” you asked and his eyes suddenly widened. “I love all the endearing things you call me, but that one—I can't place it.”
“...Oh, love,” he whispered, muffled as they leaned down to press a kiss to the crown of your head. “I’m so sorry. I won't use it anymore.”
“Huh? Is it something bad?” You weren't sure what he meant by that, but you knew well and good they'd never say something cruel to you, let alone call you by a cruel word. Nonsensical as the question was, no other reason came to mind.
“Not at all. It's my favorite word,” his voice was soft, almost heartbroken. “I didn't think you'd forget it so soon… I'll tell you when you're ready, I promise. For now, you only need to rest.”
A simple nod in response on your part. You accepted the answer so easily. There was nothing to worry about anymore. With how exhausted you were from the act, sleep was a natural decision. You could talk in the morning. Or any morning after, you no longer minded. Eventually you'd leave, so what was another few days or weeks?
You settled in and closed your eyes, lulled to sleep by their heartbeat in your ear.
Cold. You woke up cold. Jolted awake from your own nightmare of falling, drowning in the endless clouds that you once walked upon with ease, only to land in the depths of the freezing ocean below you. With a hushed gasp, you sat up in bed.
The devil was asleep right beside you. Pink hair stained with eerie grays from the moon’s glow through the open window, horns so dark they almost blended into the shadows, ghastly inked patterns that crawled from their shoulders down to their hands. 
One of his was laced tightly with yours. 
You trembled as you slowly pried his fingers away, crawled backwards on the bed until you felt nothing under you and almost fell like that cursed dream.
But the same hands you struggled to get away from caught you. You found instant comfort in his touch, despite the disgust that climbed up your back when you woke—where did it come from? Why were you even trying to get away? 
“I've got you, it's alright,” Ren murmured softly. He guided you to stand, wrapping a wrinkled shirt over your naked shoulders along with his arms. You held on as tight as you could. Your fingers were shaking. 
“I need to—I need to go, Ren. Now,” you gasped into his chest. Your entire body was unsteady, vision blurred from tears you weren't capable of shedding. Whatever you were saying didn't make sense in your head. You needed to go… somewhere. You could picture the place—it had sunkissed clouds as far as the eye could see—but did it have a name?
He read your mind, gently offered the word you couldn't think of, “Heaven?”
There. Home. You nodded. 
“You'll only get hurt.”
“I already know I'll have to repent before my god,” you muttered sheepishly and pulled away, clutching the shirt like a cloak. His knowledge was vast as ever, but what did a demon know of heaven’s affairs? 
“No, little angel. If you even make it that far,” they cursed the realms under their breath and followed as you left the room in a sudden hurry. “They'll take whatever is left of your halo and wings.”
You didn't waste any time throwing open the cabin’s door and walking out into the cool night air. Forced to pause at the sight in front of you, you stared; the breathtaking field of flowers was fully blooming. They were finally as high as Ren promised, the tallest with their golden petals proudly on display in the hallowed shape of a halo.
The beauty only helped his words to sink in. Whatever is left of your halo and wings? You turned around, fully expecting him to be right behind you.
You were face to face as you questioned him, a bite of anger held in. “What do you mean?”
Blue eyes that only seemed paler in the night, once full of hatred for heaven, pooled with long lost grief. “You've fallen from their grace,” he said quietly.
“That doesn't happen.” You denied it quickly. Such a thing had never happened in all the histories of heaven, you at least knew that without ever reading those records. If what he said was true, it’d be common knowledge. A warning that all angels would heed.
“It does, because I—”
A bell rang in the darkened night sky above. Ren froze with unknown fear for a split second and hurriedly reached towards you, shouting something. Another bell obscured their voice, then another and another until the number grew to so many your thoughts drowned in their thunder. Someone was calling you home.
Before you even realized it your wings sprouted forth and threw the unbuttoned shirt he'd given you to the wind, bringing a burning anguish so suddenly intense to bloom in the middle of your back that you fell to your knees. Ren immediately kneeled in front of you. The pain and desperation in his voice pulled at your very core, except you couldn't understand a thing. The bells were so loud. You cried out sharply. It may as well have been silence from what little else you could hear. 
A cracking noise managed to cut through the clamor of the bells above. Translucent shards of stained glass dropped from your head and piled themselves in the dirt at your knees. There was so little of it but you recognized the golden shade, illuminated by the fire licking at your shoulders.
The halo that you'd gained once the library's doors had beckoned you. The few pieces that remained of it, anyway.
Your heart stopped, then started anew. A feeling worse than the holy fire that was turning your beloved wings from feathered grace to ash. He was right; you'd fallen long before this night.
A thousand bells began to still, one by one. You could start to hear Ren again, though only a few words were clear.
“...At night… Forgive… Happen… …Never wanted this for you.”
The last feather fell away into nothing, and the burning in your back, along with the bells, died with it. All the heat you could feel was the demon only inches away, his desolate gaze fixed to you.
You blinked, tear stained cheeks now icy from the salted wind blowing across the ocean. Bits and pieces came back as memories.
The simple, towering clouds that decorated the heavens far as the eye could see. A sun that shined brightly, an everlasting sunrise that greeted you no matter the day. The library that once seemed like paradise you were destined to guard for the rest of time. All echoes of the being that was no longer you.
Something was missing. 
“My… that word,” you whispered. He'd told you it was his favorite word. One that you’d forgotten. “... It was mine?”
He smiled as best he could. It didn't reach his eyes. “You remember it.”
“A little.”
“Then... let me say it for you?” he asked and you nodded. They leaned close, the word slowly leaving their lips with reverence, sadness, unwavering love.
Nothing about it sparked as familiar on the surface. But the word once belonged to you, that empty part inside understood it. Fresh tears welled in the corners of your vision. “When did they take it from me?”
Ren gently wiped your cheek as the tears overflowed again. “I don't know.”
“How—it was mine,” you repeated with a sob. You felt the cold seeping through you and huddled into his embrace. Their body felt more warm and inviting than anything around you. There was nothing—no one else you could ever reach out to anymore.
“I’m sorry. We only have eternity together, my love,” he breathed, tucking your head below his chin with a strangled noise. “I'll say it each and every day so you'll never forget it. I don't want to lose your name, either.”
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sourwolf-sterek32 · 9 months
Tears of Sorrow
Summary: When you return to Jackson after a patrol with Joel, you discover that your grandmother has passed away. You're left heartbroken and destroyed, but the Miller brothers are there for you.
Pairing: Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Word count: 6.3k
Trigger Warning: Mentions of cancer, death and suicidal thoughts.
A/N: My grandma died and I wrote this to deal with my emotions.
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When the outbreak started, you were only a teenager living with your grandmother. Your parents had died when you were just a baby, and your grandma took you in.
She raised you. She taught you everything you knew from how to bake brownies to how to drive a truck and everything in between.
She was always there for you and would scare away the monsters under your bed at night. And when those monsters became real, she grabbed her late husband's shotgun, and she protected you from the Infected.
She always protected you, and as the years went on and she started to get a little older, a little slower and a little weaker, you took the shotgun, and you protected her.
But you couldn't protect her from everything.
"I don't want to go back." You whined, resting your head against Joel's shoulder beside you.
"If we stay out here any longer, they'll send a search party out." He replied, kissing the top of your head.
"So? I'm sure Ellie would love the excuse to take Shimmer for a ride."
Joel chuckled softly while overlooking the view of Jackson in the distance from where the two of you stood on the edge of a hill.
"I'd rather not have my brother on my ass about a late check in again." Joel eventually said and you smiled thinking back to your last patrol with Joel and the reason as to why you were late for check in.
"There was a thunderstorm. We had to seek shelter and wait it out." You reminded, lifting your head from his shoulder to look at him with an innocent expression. "It's not our fault that we made use of our time alone together in that hotel and accidentally fell asleep afterwards."
Joel scoffed, "that kinda was our fault."
"That may be true, but it was worth it." You grinned and you could see the hint of a smile forming over Joel's face at your words. "That old hotel isn't too far from here. Up for a round two?"
"Don't temp me."
"We could be quick?"
"Yeah, right." He snorted, throwing his arm over your shoulders. "C'mon, we should head back."
You sighed dramatically but allowed him to lead you back to the horses that you had left tied to a couple trees. The horses were happily eating away at the grass by their feet, enjoying the rest after the long patrol this morning.
Patrols with Joel were good.
It was nice getting outside the walls of Jackson. To get away from all the people and drama. For the most part it was generally peaceful, just the two of you surrounded by Mother Nature. There was the occasional Clicker or group of Infected that you had to clear out, but you both worked well together and could handle yourselves.
His younger brother would join you both on patrol occasionally which was always fun.
Tommy Miller had been your best friend for years. You met him well before meeting Joel. He was the one who had taken you and your grandma into Jackson when you crossed paths one day in the woods and you've been friends ever since.
It was because of your strong friendship with Tommy that you were hesitant to start anything with Joel.
You didn't want to risk losing your best friend, but at the same time, you really liked Joel.
To your relief, Tommy actually didn't care. If anything, he was happy when he found out that the two of you were dating which was a pleasant and reassuring surprise.
Patrols with the Miller brothers were fun. You'd spend most of it teasing each other and talking shit. It was great, but solo patrols with Joel were the best and you never wanted them to end.
"I'll race ya back to the gate." Joel suddenly said, bringing you out of your thoughts to find him now on his horse.
"How old are you? 12?" You chuckled, untying the reins of your horse from the tree before slipping your foot in the stirrup and pulling yourself up onto the saddle.
"Scared you'll lose?"
You could hear the smirk in his tone, and you knew he was trying to challenge you. So, you tightened your fingers around the reins before suddenly taking off with your horse down the dirt track back to Jackson, leaving Joel in your dust.
"Keep up, old man!" You shouted over your shoulder.
Joel cursed a string of swear words from somewhere behind you, but you were too far away to hear what he actually said.
Within a few minutes you were slowing down in front of the gate to Jackson and waving to the guards on duty who waved happily back before Joel finally caught up.
"What took you so long, slowpoke?" You teased, glancing over at him as he pulled his horse to a halt beside yours
"Slowpoke my ass." Joel muttered, fighting back a smile. "You cheated."
"Me?" You gasped, resting a hand over your chest. "I would never."
Joel snorted in amusement, and you couldn't keep a straight face before you started to laugh as the front gate began to open. However, your laughter died in your throat when you saw Tommy Miller sprinting towards you with a panicked expression.
Oh, God.
What happened?
"Y/N, you need to come with me, right now." Tommy breathlessly said, like he had just run across the community to get to you.
"What's goin' on?" Joel questioned, all the laughter and amusement in his tone completely gone.
Tommy glanced over at his brother briefly before focusing back on you with sad eyes, "it's your grandma."
Your face paled at his words, and you frantically dismounted the horse, nearly falling over in your haste to get off before you paused holding the reins.
"I'll take them to the stables. Go." Joel instructed, appearing beside you and grabbing the reins from your grasp gently.
You simply nodded, not trusting yourself to speak before you took off running through the gate towards the infirmary with Tommy.
"What- Is she..." You struggled to say, unable to form a simple sentence.
Grandma was fine this morning... well, as fine as she could be given the circumstances.
There was no such thing as cancer treatments in this new world. No chemotherapy, no radiotherapy, no nothing.
The Jackson doctors had diagnosed her a few months back and she started to go downhill fast. They warned you that she only had days maybe weeks left to live, but this morning she was good. She was smiling and cracking jokes with you over breakfast. She was fine.
She still had to be fine.
"Doc told me to find you. Says she doesn't have long left. That's all I know." Tommy explained, glancing over his shoulder like he knew what you were thinking.
You didn't bother responding and Tommy wasn't expecting you to as you ran across the settlement.
Tommy was purposely running slower than usual so you could keep up with him which you silently appreciated. But you were going to kill whoever decided to build the infirmary so far away.
Eventually you rushed through the front doors of the infirmary, Tommy right behind you but were stopped by a nurse.
"Whoa. Whoa. Wait. You can't go in there." The male nurse stated causing you to pause and take a step back as you stared at him in confusion.
"The doc told me to get her. She's here to see her grandma." Tommy explained.
The nurse shook his head, and you felt your stomach drop. Why was he shaking his head? Grandma was fine. She was always fine.
"Which room is she?" You asked, your voice trembling.
"First door on the left, but-"
You pushed past the nurse before he had a chance to say anything else and ran across the infirmary towards the room.
"Grandma?" You called out, pushing open the door slowly and stepping inside.
The doctor was standing beside her hospital bed and your entire world came crashing down around you when you saw her cover your grandma's face with a blanket.
No. No. No. No.
This wasn't real. This couldn't be real.
"Y/N, wait-" Tommy's voice shouted before he rushed into the room behind you but came to a halt in the doorway when he saw your grandmother's body under the blanket. "Oh, shit." He swore softly under his breath.
The doctor turned around at his voice and her eyes widened when she saw you standing there. Sadness and pity washed over her as she took a few steps towards you.
"She passed a few minutes ago. I'm so sorry for your loss."
You didn't hear anything after the first two words, and you shook your head in denial.
"No, no, no, no." You whimpered, still shaking your head as you rushed across the room, pulling the blanket down.
You were met with the sight of your grandmother's pale face. Her skin now had an ashy grey tone to it, compared to the bright complexion and smiling face you had seen this morning.
She wasn't dead. She couldn't be dead.
"No. Grandma. No. No, no, no." Your knees trembled and quaked, threatening to give out from under you as you leant down wrapping your arms around her. "Grandma. G-Grandma open your eyes. Please, Grandma, open your eyes. Grandma? Open your eyes. Please, please, open your eyes."
Your body wracked with an onslaught of sobs and tears as you shook her shoulders, but she wouldn't wake up.
She was dead.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N." Tommy's rough voice said from behind you.
His hand grasped your shoulder gently while you leant over your grandmother's body and cried.
"I'm so sorry." He repeated.
Tommy had gotten close to your grandmother over the years, and you knew he was grieving as well. She wasn't just your grandmother, she had taken both the Miller boys under her wing and treated them like her own grandsons. She loved them, and they loved her like a grandmother.
You tried to speak but were choked with tears and you covered your face with your hands trying to muffle your sobs.
"Miller, you're wanted by- Ah, shit. Sorry, but you're wanted by Mark." Someone suddenly said from the doorway.
"Not now, man." Tommy muttered over his shoulder.
"He said it's urgent. Something about a burst water pipe. I don't know, I'm just the messenger."
"Go." You whispered, glancing over at Tommy. "It's okay. Go." Your voice was soft, almost fragile, as if it and your heart would break any minute. Perhaps your heart was already broken.
Tommy looked like he wanted to protest, but he simply nodded glancing at your grandma one last time before he walked out the room.
"We've tried to get her to move but she's refusing to leave her grandmothers side. I need to take the grandma to the morgue, so other patients can use the room." Someone said from outside the door, but you didn't hear them.
You were focused on one thing and one thing only, your grandma. The world around you was just a blur. Jackson could be getting attacked by Clickers and you wouldn't know, nor would you care.
Grandma was dead. You didn't care about anything else.
"Y/N? Hey, can you hear me? Y/N, come on. You need to let the doctor take her."
Their voice was muffled like they were trying to talk from underwater, or maybe it was you that was underwater, slowly drowning with your tears. You couldn't move. You couldn't speak. All you could do was stare at your grandma, your hand clutching her cold frail one, unable and unwilling to let go.
"Y/N, baby. They need to take her. I'm sorry. They need to take her." The muffled voice repeated, but you didn't hear them.
Suddenly someone grabbed your shoulders startling you out of you haze before they began to pull you away from your grandmother. Your hand slipped from hers and you let out a choked sob.
"No. Get off me! Grandma! I'm here, Grandma. I'm here. I'm right here. Get off me!" You screamed, thrashing in the persons grip desperately trying to get back to her bedside.
"It's me. Y/N, it's me. It's okay. It's okay. It's me."
The sound of Joel's voice stopped you from fighting and he turned you around in his arms until your eyes met his teary brown ones.
"It's me, baby. It's me." He reassured, his voice thick with emotion as he cupped your face with his hands. "The doctors need to take her. I'm so sorry."
You chewed at your lower lip trying to stop your chin from trembling before you nodded. Joel smiled sadly at you before he motioned for the doctor and nurse to enter the room.
They hesitantly stepped inside, and you watched as they walked over to the bed and recovered your grandmother's body with the blanket before lifting her from the bed.
You sniffed quietly, eyes welling up with tears all over again as you watched them starting to carry her out the room.
"Hey, look at me. Y/N, just look at me." Joel suddenly said, gently hooking his thumb under your chin and turning your head so you didn't have to watch. "Just look at me. Look at me, baby."
Tears threatened to spill from your eyes as you focused on Joel in front of you, noting the silent tears that were already trickling down his own face, reminding you just how much your grandmother had meant to him too.
"I'm sorry, baby." He said, his voice barely above a whisper.
You opened your mouth to speak, but no words came out before you collapsed against his chest. Joel wrapped his arms around you tightly while you cried, breaking down in his arms.
"I got you, baby girl. I got you." He whispered, holding you against him.
"She asleep?" Tommy's voice whispered.
You were about to open your eyes and tell him that you definitely weren't asleep. It was well past midnight, you should be asleep, but you couldn't.
Joel had taken you back to his place because you couldn't bear the thought of going to your house that you shared with your grandmother. You didn't want to step inside that building without her there. You couldn't do it. You didn't even want to breathe the same air that she should be breathing right now. It was too much.
So, Joel took you to his house instead and sat down with you on the couch letting you cry and grieve while he held you.
"Yeah, she's finally asleep." Joel's quiet voice replied.
It was too much energy to open your mouth and correct him, so you remained laying with your eyes closed and head in his lap while he raked his fingers through your hair gently.
"Maria is already organising the funeral. Says it'll be tomorrow afternoon if Y/N is okay with it." Tommy continued to say, his voice now a lot closer.
"I'll tell her in the mornin'."
The brothers fell into silence after that. The couch to your left creaked quietly, Tommy no doubt sitting down in front of the fireplace that Joel had lit earlier.
Neither of them spoke for a few minutes, both exhausted from the draining day. Tommy had been working on the busted water pipe all afternoon and after the patrol this morning Joel had been busy looking after you.
The crackle of the wooden logs burning in the fire filled the silence of the house. It reminded you of the quiet nights before Jackson where you and Grandma would cuddle up by a campfire in the woods trying to stay warm.
You'd give anything to go back to that.
"Where's Ellie?" Tommy spoke up after a few minutes.
"She's staying the night at her friend, Dina's. She wanted to give us some space after she found out."
"How'd she take it?"
"She was upset. Mary was like a grandmother to her as well."
"She was like a grandmother to all of us."
Joel sighed heavily, "yeah. Yeah, she was."
"How are you holding up?" Tommy asked gently.
"It's not me I'm worried about." Joel replied dodging the question like a bullet. "I've never seen Y/N like this before. She's always so happy, so bubbly and full of energy... I-I don't know how to help her."
There was a brief pause of silence and your heart shattered hearing the utter sadness in Joel's tone.
"For as long as I've known them, it's just been Y/N and her grandma against the world. So, I don't know how she's going to deal with this..." Tommy trailed off, his voice breaking as he sniffed.
"What do we do?" Joels helpless voice asked.
"There's nothing we can do except be there for her."
Tears burned in the back of your eyes while you listened to the brothers talk, but you kept them closed not wanting the tears to spill or for them to know you were awake. Awake meant talking to them. Awake meant hearing their sorry's and trying to mask your sadness, but you didn't have the energy for that.
"I just can't believe Mary's gone, man." Tommy continued to say. "I mean, we all knew it was coming but... I just kinda thought she'd live forever, you know? That sounds stupid but-"
"I get it." Joel said, his voice rougher than usual. "I thought the same."
Tommy sighed, "I should go home. If y'all need anything, anything at all just holler."
"Thanks brother."
Sometime after Tommy left you must have fallen asleep because the next thing you knew, you were waking up to light streaming in through the curtains of the lounge room and the fireplace was just a pit of smouldering coals.
Slowly you sat up on the couch and realised that you had still been asleep against Joel who had stayed by your side instead of going upstairs to his bedroom. His head was tilted back on the couch, mouth parted slightly while he snored softly.
You stared at him for a moment smiling sadly at him before you carefully got up off the couch and went to the bathroom.
By the time you returned, Joel was awake and in the kitchen cooking something that made the whole house smell nice.
"Hey." Joel greeted gently with a small smile. "You up for some breakfast?"
You shook your head. The mere thought of eating made you feel sick. Just yesterday you were eating breakfast with Grandma and now... shit. How were you meant to do this?
"Hey. It's okay." Joel reassured, suddenly appearing in front of you noticing your internal distress. He lifted his hand brushing the tears that you hadn't realised had fallen from your face.
"I... I don't know what I'm supposed to do without her." You mumbled, speaking for the first time since the infirmary yesterday.
Joel's expression broke and he pulled you into his chest. He didn't say anything though. There was nothing he could say. She was dead and she wasn't coming back. Joel reassuring you wouldn't bring her back or make it any better and you both knew it.
"Maria's already organised the funeral. It's ready for today, but only if you're okay with it. I can go and talk to Maria if you want to postpone it-"
"No. No, it's okay. I-I don't want her just sitting in that morgue when she could get put to rest. Can you tell Maria?" You asked, pulling away from him and rubbing the tears from your eyes.
Joel nodded, "of course. I'll go tell her now. If you change your mind about breakfast, there's eggs on the stove. You need to eat something."
"Okay." You replied, but knew it was a lie. Joel eyed you for a moment hesitant to leave your side. "Go, I'm okay."
Another lie.
Joel nodded, but it was clear he saw straight through your lie as well, but reluctantly left to go across the road to speak with Maria.
You stirred the eggs on the stove trying to keep your mind occupied. You didn't want to think about the funeral, you didn't want to think about anything. So, you focused on scrambling the eggs, but the longer you stood there cooking, the more your mind drifted back to Grandma.
She loved cooking.
But she was never going to be able to cook again... she wasn't going to be able to do anything... she was gone.
Hot tears started to rise in the back of your eyes, but you frantically wiped them away with shaky hands.
You couldn't do this.
You needed some fresh air. You needed to get out of here.
Without further thought, you dumped the eggs onto a plate on the bench before rushing out the front door of the house nearly barrelling straight into Joel in your haste to get out.
"Whoa, why are you in such a rush?" He asked, stepping to the side to stop the two of you from colliding on the front porch.
"Your eggs are on the bench." You said over your shoulder, walking down the porch steps.
"Whoa, wait. Y/N, just wait a second." Joel hurriedly said, grabbing your arm to stop you from leaving. "Where are you going?"
You tried to pull your arm free, but he wouldn't let you.
"Baby, just talk to me. Talk to me. What's going on? What can I do?"
"I want just five minutes alone to forget that I'm gonna go and watch them put my grandma in the ground. That's what I want. Can you make that happen?" You questioned, raising your voice a little as you tried to steady your breathing, but you knew you were working yourself up. "Can you make that happen?!"
"Yeah." He nodded, releasing your arm and you didn't say anything further before you walked off down the street.
You had no idea where you were going or what you were doing. The only thing you did know was that you needed to get out. You didn't want to think about the funeral or your grandmother, you didn't want to think or see anything that reminded you of her.
So, you left.
You walked out of Jackson.
It was stupid. You knew it was stupid, but you needed some space and time alone.
Somehow you ended up out by the old hotel that you and Joel had been to earlier in the week. You would give anything to go back to that day. It was such a normal, average day. You and Joel made scones with your grandma in the morning and Ellie showed her the new song she learnt on the guitar. You had hugged your grandmother goodbye while she snuck you and Joel a few cookies for your afternoon patrol. It had been such a normal day. And you would give anything to go back to a normal day like that.
The snarls of Infected snapped you out of your thoughts and you spun around to find them trapped behind the wire fence of a parking lot beside the hotel. They were trapped, they couldn't attack you even if they wanted to.
You stood there staring at the Infected through the fence for a few minutes before you reached down and pulled out your hunting knife from the sheath on your belt. Your fingers tightened around the handle of the knife, and you marched towards the parking lot fence.
"Come on! I'm right here!" You shouted, banging against the wire fence.
The Infected were onto you in an instant, their bodies colliding into the fence in their haste to get to you. You jumped back on alert, not expecting them to react so quickly as they tried to get through the fence. Their rotten fingers pushed through the gaps in the wire, their faces pressed up against it in effort to reach you.
You twirled the knife between your fingers and took a step forward before you slammed the knife through a gap, the blade piercing straight through one of their heads. You yanked the knife back out and watched it fall to the ground, dead.
You repeated the action again, and again, and again.
The following few minutes went by in a blur.
You stabbed the Infected through the fence, killing them off one by one, until the last one finally dropped to the ground, joining the pile of dead bodies.
You took a stumbling step back, breathing heavily as you stared at the bodies through the fence when suddenly something hard collided into your side sending you to the ground with a surprised yelp.
Your forehead smacked against the cracked bitumen road below you. Instant ringing sounded in your ears, and you blinked your eyes a few times in effort to get rid of the spots that were dancing across your vision. Your head was hurting from the impact and something wet was trickling down the side of your face. It was probably blood but you didn't have a chance to check it.
"Son of a bitch." You hissed, looking up to find what had crashed into you and your eyes widen when you saw the Clicker staggering towards you at a rapid rate.
Oh, shit.
You reached out for the knife that you had dropped during the fall but before you could grab it, the Clicker was falling on top of you. You grunted at the impact and quickly grabbed its shoulders holding it away from you.
The Clicker squirmed in your hold, its fungus covered face was inches away from yours. It let out an ear-piecing shriek causing you to wince at the sheer volume while it's teeth snapped together trying to reach you.
You struggled against the Clicker using all your strength to keep it away from your face. Your arms burned from the strain of holding it back and you knew you couldn't do this for much longer.
What would happen if you just stopped fighting?
Would it be such a bad thing if you just let go? If you just... gave up?
There would be no more pain, no sadness, no more grief... there'd just be nothing. And nothing sounded like heaven, right now.
You would be able to see grandma again. You wouldn't have to go home to that empty house in Jackson. You wouldn't have to attend her funeral and say goodbye. You wouldn't have to fight for survival every time you stepped outside the walls. You wouldn't have to do anything anymore.
But what about Joel?
And Tommy?
And Ellie?
You couldn't leave them. You couldn't put them through that pain. That very same pain that you were drowning in. You couldn't do that to them. No way.
Mustering up the last bit of strength you had left, you shoved the Clicker away, sending it a few metres across the old bitumen road. Frantically you got to your feet and bolted to where your hunting knife laid lying on the ground
Breathing heavily, you reached down fumbling a little with shaky hands before you grabbed the knife.
Suddenly a spine-chilling clicking noise sounded from behind you and you spun around only to come face-to-face with the Clicker.
Acting on pure adrenaline, you slammed the blade of the knife through the side of its head that seemed the least protected. The Clicker reared back on impact letting out a horrid scream before it dropped to the ground, lifeless.
"Holy shit." You gasped taking a step away until your back hit the wire fence behind you and you stared down at the dead Clicker.
Your heart hammered rapidly in your chest, your breathing a little erratic but you were alive. Whether that was a good thing or not was still up for debate.
"Fuck!" You shouted up at the sky, hot tears burning in your eyes.
That was so close. So fucking close and you weren't sure if you were relieved or angry that you had survived.
Hesitantly, you stepped over to the Clicker and knelt beside it before yanking your hunting knife out from its head causing blood to spray up coating your front. You wiped the blood on your face with the back of your hand but only seemed to smudge it more before giving up and sheathing your knife.
You returned to Jackson on dusk and went straight down the street to the bar.
Joel would be worried. You had literally just taken off and skipped the funeral. He would be more than worried, but the last thing you wanted was to talk about it.
So, you went the long way to the bar to avoid going down his street. It was stupid. You loved Joel, but he would only worry and fuss over you and you didn't want that. You didn't want to be the reason for his worry, you didn't deserve it. You didn't deserve anything.
A closed sign hung on the front door of the Tipsy Bison which was odd. Usually this place would be open and full of life at this time of night.
You weren't sure why, but you pulled on the door handle anyway despite knowing it was closed. You hadn't expected the door to suddenly swing open and you practically stumbled inside.
Why was it unlocked?
A quick scan of the room told you that nobody was here, so you shrugged your shoulders and walked inside heading straight for the bar.
"The Tipsy Bison is closed for renovation!" A familiar voice shouted from around the back.
Ah, shit.
You paused halfway to the bar debating whether to leave or not before Tommy Miller suddenly walked out the back room with a hammer and jar of nails in his hand.
The second Tommy saw you, the jar of nails slipped from his fingers and fell to the ground. The glass shattered on impact sending nails flying across the wooden floorboards.
"Jesus Christ." He swore, rushing across the room towards you ignoring the absolute mess he had just made. "What happened? You just disappeared. We've been looking everywhere for you! Joel is going out of his mind worrying-"
"Well tell him to stop. I'm fine." You responded bluntly.
"You're not fine. What the fuck happened?" He asked, his wide eyes scanning over the blood from the Clicker that was covering your face and shirt.
"I happened. Where's the whiskey?"
"The whiskey? Y/N, what... whose blood is that?" He questioned trying and failing to hide his panic.
"Not mine." You simply answered, stepping past him towards the bar.
"Okay. That's-that's good. Mind telling me what happened? You missed the funeral."
You nodded at his words as you leant over the bar top and grabbed the nearest bottle of alcohol. It wasn't whiskey. But it would do.
"I know. I'm going there now. I'll pay for this later." You dismissed, holding up the bottle before you turned and marched out the bar.
"Y/N, wait!" Tommy shouted but you were already gone.
The sun was beginning to set over the wall of Jackson. The sky now painted in a mixture of bright reds and oranges as you made your way down the street to the cemetery. To your relief, nobody else was there and it wasn't hard to find where your grandmother had been buried.
You stopped at the foot of the grave taking in all the handwritten notes and bundles of flowers that were propped up against the mount of fresh dirt.
She had been loved by so many in the community.
You lifted the bottle of alcohol to your lips and took a sip, welcoming the familiar burn of coconut flavoured rum.
Of course the one bottle you grabbed was coconut flavoured rum. That had been your grandmother's favourite back in the day.
You chuckled softly to yourself at the irony as you took another sip thinking back to the weekends as a child and helping her make Malibu and pineapple juice cocktails.
With a heavy sigh you sat down at the foot of her grave and held the bottle up to the bright sunset painted sky.
"Rest easy, Grandma." You whispered, fighting off the tears you could feel building up in the back of your eyes.
You weren't going to cry. You had cried too much in the past 24 hours. You were so goddamn sick of crying.
Biting your trembling lip you looked over the many letters and cards that were tucked in amongst all the flowers. Some cards were a few simple words while others were double sided essays. There were even a few children's drawings mixed in.
She had been loved by every single person in Jackson. She had touched so many lives during the few years the two of you had been at the settlement, but a few years was definitely enough for her to make an impact on people.
Sudden footsteps behind you caught your attention but you didn't need to look to know who they belonged to.
"Tommy tell you?" You asked, not looking at him as you focused on the grave before you.
"He was worried." Came Joel's reply. "So am I."
"I'm fine."
"You're not. And that's okay. But you can't just go outside these walls alone. It's dangerous-"
"I can take care of myself." You snapped cutting him off a little more angrily than you intended.
It was easier to be angry than to face your own emotions and feelings right now.
"I know you can." Joel replied gently before kneeling down beside you, "are you hurt?"
"Blood isn't mine. Thought Tommy would've told you." You responded, glancing over at him for the first time.
"He did. I just wanna make sure." His eyes raked over the blood before pausing at something on your forehead and his expression hardened. "You are hurt."
You frowned in confusion and lifted your hand to your forehead to find whatever had caught his attention. The second your fingers brushed against the cut on your head you winced and quickly lowered them to find your fingertips stained a bright crimson red.
Oh, right.
You hit your head when the Clicker attacked. How could you forget about that?
Joel was already pulling out a small rag from his pocket and leaning closer as he lifted the material towards your head but paused awaiting permission.
You simply nodded a little lost for words as he gently pressed the rag against the sluggishly bleeding cut on your forehead. You couldn't help the small hiss that escaped your lips at the painful contact and Joel winced in sympathy.
"Sorry. I know, I'm sorry." He apologised, dabbing the wound gently. "I don't think it needs stitches. Why'd you go outside the walls?"
"I needed to get out. I needed... I needed to feel something." You admitted, looking down at your blood covered hands.
Joel lowered the rag seeming satisfied that the wound was clean enough and no longer bleeding before he shifted beside you and sat down, waiting for you to elaborate.
"I went to that old hotel and found some Infected in the parking lot. They were trapped behind a wire fence, so I riled them up... I made them come to the fence so I could stab them... so I could let my anger out."
Joel remained silent, listening to you talk as you glanced over at your Grandmothers grave and sighed before continuing.
"A Clicker snuck up behind me. Didn't even hear it coming."
Joel's eyes widened, his face paling as he frantically scanned your blood covered skin for bite marks.
"Did it get you?" He questioned, his voice laced with pure fear.
Joel let out a shaky exhale of relief at your answer but you looked away from him, biting your lip. "What is it?"
"I wanted it to."
"I wanted it to bite me. For a moment there... I, uh, I was going to let it." You admitted, ignoring the tears that were burning in the back of your eyes.
"I just... I just wanted this over. I wanted it to kill me because if I'm dead then I can't feel like this anymore." You whispered, unable to hold back the tears any longer as they silently trickled down your cheeks. "I had one job, Joel. One job in this entire world and it was to protect my grandma... it was to protect her and I failed."
"It's not your fault." Joel reminded, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder.
"She was my grandma and I didn't get to say goodbye." You sobbed, burying your face with your hands. "I just... I just wanted to be with her again. I wanted the Clicker to kill me. I wanted... shit... you must hate me."
"No." Joel stated sternly causing you to lift your head from your hands to find Joel's eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "I could never hate you, baby. Never."
"I... I get it." Joel admitted, his voice softer and gentler than you had ever heard it. "Do you know how I got this scar?"
You looked up at the pink scar above his temple and shook your head. That scar had been there ever since you've known him. He never talked about it, so you never asked.
"It was from a bullet." He explained and your eyes widened in shock. "A bullet from my own gun."
You frowned in confusion, "someone stole your gun?"
He shook his head and realisation hit you like a truck.
Holy shit.
"I flinched." He said, a soft chuckle escaping his lips.
You remained silent knowing there was more to the story, not wanting to push him.
"It was after Sarah died and I-I couldn't see the point anymore, simple as that. And I wasn't scared either. I was ready... I couldn't have been more ready. But when I went to pull the trigger... I flinched. Still don't know why."
"Joel..." You began to say but trailed off because you had no idea what to say to that.
Joel smiled sadly at you, tears still glistening in his eyes. "So... I get it. Sarah was my world and I know your Grandma was yours."
"Does it get easier?"
"No." He answered honestly. "I struggled for a long time with survivin'. But, no matter what, you have to find somethin' to fight for."
"What did you find?"
"My brother... Ellie... you."
You lifted your head and met his teary eyes.
"It's hard. But you gotta find a way to live with it."
"I don't want to live with it. I just want her back... it's not fair." You sniffed, swiping at your eyes but the tears kept coming.
"I know, baby." Joel whispered, lifting his arm around your shoulders before pulling you into his side.
You allowed yourself to be pulled against him and rested your head against his chest while you tried and failed to hold back your tears.
"I don't know what I'm supposed to do now." You mumbled, tears streaming down your face. You squeezed your eyelids shut in the hope that the tears would stop. Your choppy breathing and watery eyes remained for quite some time, but Joel never left your side.
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Commissions open! Link in bio & DM for enquiries
I wrote this purely for myself with no intention of posting it. 
My grandma died recently, and I live over 8 hours away from all my family and friends. I didn't have anyone to help or comfort me when I received the devastating news. So, I wrote my comfort character comforting me... and as weird as it sounds, it helped. So, I decided to share it with you all because just maybe it might help others out there who have lost a loved one or someone who just needs comforting from Joel Miller.
I hope you all liked this short story. Until next time, stay safe and have a great day xx
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2smolbeans · 9 months
Another ramble I wanna talk about while I finish and write some requests.. Btw this is unedited of course!
But where are my female yandere CEOs x female readers???
Like I remember writing a story where the main character is just some poor girl who just graduated college, trying to figure out her shit while trying to come to terms with why most of her relationships with her boyfriends never work out.. Where the reader/character is tired of feeling like a failure, so burnt out and near the brink of edge - only to stumble upon a bar where she meets a heartbroken and clearly in shambles woman.
Where the two have a heart to heart, talking to each other about their problems and insecurities. Eventually having a 'fuck it' moment as the two of them got black out drunk together.
That moment where they wake up, realising the events prior to last night, freaking out when she realises that she's naked underneath the sheets with the woman from last night. Scrambling to get out as they have no idea what to do.
Quickly writing a letter to the woman, trying to write an apology as the reader realises that she was gonna be late for work. Only to stupidly forget last minute that she didn't even give the poor girl her number and just dipped out!
The moment where the main character contemplates on her life, where she comes to terms with her sexuality realising; Oh shit, I like women..Guess that makes a lot of sense now.
How, within a year, she would meet the woman again. How the yandere would immediately recognize her, scolding her while also laughing at her pathetic note that didn't even give her their contact at all!
"I really thought you just left me alone on purpose you know..That was until you left me that note. You were so sweet..Yet so rude!"
"Do you know how long I've been looking for you?!"
After that moment, the two of them met again. How ever since then, they were always in contact with each other. Chatting over the phone and going out on small hangout dates. Every day, she made sure to always check up on her.
Eventually, the main character would mention to her how much she hated her retail job. How it paid so little and demanded so much from her. So she offered a job position as a secretary to them. Promising that them would 100% get the job no matter how badly they did at the interview.
Finally, when getting the job, she would realize that the woman was the CEO of the company she now worked at as the secretary the whole time.
That moment when she told her friend, the CEO of their company, that she were thankful for her. That thanks to her, she was able to stand on her two feet.
How she was finally willing to give love another shot when she realised what and who you were attracted to.
How she didn't catch the scowl on the CEO'S face when she sweetly spoke to her.
"I give you everything..And you won't let me give you this one thing? Why not go out with me? I can give you more than enough than what a typical 'girlfriend' could ever."
"I'll spoil you to no end. Throw money at you! And you won't have to do a thing besides look pretty for me while I take care of you.."
How, since that moment, she was subtle with her advances towards the main character. Her hands lingered at a certain spot whenever the two of them were alone. Her eyes always wandering off, drinking in their body as she adored how cute they looked in uniform.
Of course they made a few stupid mistakes here and there. Going to anyone but her!
It was funny how most of their current ex girlfriends were either drug addicts, cheaters, or previous abusers..Wow doesn't she have terrible taste in women?
Don't worry though, she'll always be there, waiting for them to make the right decision. She'll welcome them with open arms when they realise how much they need her, how good they'll have it when they give into her.
But yeah!
I just wish there were more Female Yandere CEO stories 😭😭
I've seen enough of the yandere male CEOs smh..
And just to make a note, this concept was based on an old yandere CEO story I made with two ocs--
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onskepa · 11 months
Can I get a Jealous Lo'ak x female human reader?
where Aonung seems to be spending too much time with the reader and getting closer than they should while the reader is straight up oblivious-
:> And yeah, I'll admit- I am a Lo'ak simp-
Heyoooooo!! Thanks for requesting! this was cute to write. Hope you enjoy!
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Lo'ak throughout his time with the metkayina clan he felt like an outsider, more than his siblings. Before and after the war. Although the Olo'eytkan, Tonowari, and the Tsahik Ronal, have fully accepted him and his family, there is still doubt in his heart.
Tsireya is there to support him and to a degree makes him feel comfortable and feel better. But there is only so much she can do, not her fault. There is no one to blame.
But when one day to the surprise of the sully family, norm and max went to visit them. And they brought a special someone. His long time dear friend slan.
Slan was a human girl who grew up with him since young. Lo'ak could always depend on slan for many things, pull a prank? she is on to it. Make something? Slan presents the only the best quality. Annoy the hell out of neteyam? Slan is there to double roast him.
Slan was there for everything. And she was everything for lo'ak. He admits he gets a tiny bit possessive over her. Not wanting one of the good things in his life. Sure he has his siblings and spider, but spider is there mostly for kiri.
So lo'ak would spend a lot of time with slan. Even if he has duties to attend to, slan was there to help him despite being small.
So when the day came that lo'ak and his family had to leave the forest, he was heartbroken, to leave the forest was to leave slan. His best friend. It hurt him to live somewhere where he doesnt know how slan is. Or what she is doing.
But now that is gone. For slan came with norm and max, she missed her blue bestie and wanted to see how he was doing.
"lo'ak!!" slan shouts as she runs and jumps into lo'ak's arms which he catches on instinct. He hugged her tightly, taking in her familiar scent, which was of fresh earth, tropical rain and hint of fruit. She smelled of the forest. A sense of home.
"its so good to see you again! I have so many things to tell you!" slan said, not letting go of her grip on lo'ak, not that he didnt mind or anything. Lo'ak smiled widely, "I have so many things to tell you too!" taking her in his home, slan looked everywhere and everything with wonder.
Took all day to show slan just his home. And he didnt mind. He was happy to have slan's attention on him. He missed her smiles and giggles. What was a distant memory now is in front of him. Her compliments, her praises, he cherished them. And couldnt wait for tomorrow!
He hated that tomorrow.
As tomorrow is now today.
Tuk suggested that lo'ak shows slan around the beach, show her more of their new home. Lo'ak thought it was a good idea. Show her everything he learned and what he does now.
His biggest mistake was to take her to the ilu pen. Lo'ak's idea was to show her the animals the people tame and use for their daily things at the reef. What lo'ak didn't think was seeing ao'nung there.
Ao'nung heard from his fathers that loyal sky demons were visiting and that they meant no hard. He didnt care, and would purposely stay away from them. Not wanting to make contact with any of them. However, seems like Eywa had other plans for him.
Not far from the ilu pens did he notice lo'ak but he wasnt alone. A little sky demon was with him. Ao'nung wanted to go away quickly but he had to take care of his ilu much to his dismay.
He couldnt flat out ignore lo'ak either, seems he was stuck. Slan saw him, she already saw how the reef na'vi look by meeting ronal and tonowari. Yet she wanted to meet more like them. Lo'ak wanted to be anywhere but there but looking at slan's face, he knew he couldnt be rude at what she wanted.
Ao'nung surprisingly made the first move, going over to lo'ak and crossing his arms. "Brining the little demon to the ilu? God board having her in your mauri?" he teased. Lo'ak kept his cool, while they were long past fighting each other, there was still a bit of competition between them.
"she has a name" lo'ak answerd. Taking that as her cue, slan introduced herself by saying her name. "but you can call me slan, everyone does" she grins nervously.
Ao'nung tilts his head, now he is interested. "well then slan, what brings you here?" he asks, "oh! lo'ak wanted to show me the ilu's!" she answered happily.
Ao'nung decided to be a little shit and confidently touches slan's shoulder, guiding her closer to the pen. "Well since I was about to do my job here, I think I am more suited to talk about ilu's than lo'ak" he smirks.
Slan and ao'nung began to talk, and ao'nung didnt care of lo'ak was thinking of a million ways to kill him. He shared slan everything about lo'ak time with the clan. Even down to his most embarrassing moments when trying to learn how to ride an ilu.
Lo'ak just wanted to dig a hole and die.
But that meeting didnt end there! oh no!
The next day ao'nung and slan chatted more and more. Brought her to many places in the island, showed her his people's culture, foods, and sign language.
Slan was taking it all in. Enjoying this new side of the na'vi. Was picking up well in their sign language.
As the days past, both slan and ao'nung have gotten closer. He would offer her rides on his ilu, would take her to interesting sides of the reef, have communal dinners with her. Everything.
That left lo'ak very jealous. Slan was supposed to come and see him only. Not make friends with the one who annoys the hell out of him! His mood dampened and would sulk in his home rather than going outside to do something. Would glare hard behind ao'nung and wish him bad things.
Many days later, slan wanted to go for a swim with lo'ak. Finding him in his hammock she jumped in on his lap smiling at him. "lo'ak! what are you doing inside? lets go outside!" she nudged him.
lo'ak hugged and turned around. "why not go with ao'nung? I'm sure you two would have fuuuuuuuun together" he exaggerated. Slan tilted her head a bit confused. "Ao'nung? no! I wanna swim with you! like how we used to back in the forest! swimming in the lake was one of our favorite things to do!". She tugged his arm, tugged a bit, anything to get his attention.
Lo'ak moved her hand away and went close to her face. "oh so NOW you remember out time together? what about these past few days? Getting closer with that fish lips while I am being ignored? I thought you came here for me! Not for that stupid skawng!" he ranted.
Things clicked in slan's mind and a smirk formed on her lips. "lo'ak.......are you jealouuuuuuuuuuuse~?' she teased while leaning against him. That made lo'ak blush a bit, highlighting his cheeks with a faint purple. Slan gaspsed happily.
"you are!"
"no I am not!"
"yes you are lo'ak!" she giggles.
She lays down, placing her head on his chest. "dont worry lo'ak. Ao'nung is a good guy, but he isnt you. He could never replace you. You are my one and only". She smiles at him, her beautiful eyes staring straight to his golden eyes. A smile reached his lips and placed an arm on her back.
"that's what I thought" he says. Slan plays with a braid on his hair, "come on, lets go for a swim!!" she begs. Lo'ak shakes his head. "nah lets lay in. The water isnt going anywhere". Slan sighs in defeat. So she snuggles up in a comfy position and continues to play with his hair.
And that is it for this one! Hope you all enjoyed it! until next time!
slan = support (someone) (emotional, social or personal)
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The Babysitter (31)
I'm Here
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MILF Wanda Maximoff X Reader 18+
Summary: In need of money and a way to escape the problems at home, you get a job babysitting two lovely boys named Billy and Tommy Maximoff. What happens when you start to feel things you shouldn't for their mother? Will it bloom into love or leave you heartbroken?
A/N- I would just like to say that there will be some sensitive issues in this story such as alcoholism, homophobia, anxiety as well as more mature content such as smut so, if you continue to read this, please consider this warning.
The Babysitter Master list | General Master List
Chapter 31- W/c 4k
Tag list- @natsluttt @cerberus-spectre @dorabledewdroop @bibliophilicbi @hopelesslyfallenninlove @simpform1lfs @get-the-fuck-outta-here @natashaswife4125 @marvelwomen-simp @supercorpstan97 @aliherreraaa @aru-son @the-ox-fan20 (Comment if you want to be added)
I'm Here
"Detka," Wanda groans against your lips as you smile into another kiss, your arms wrapped securely around the other woman as you guide her into the bathroom where she wanted to go. "I said that I was going for a shower, not that we were," she mutters playfully, her lips still meeting your own though, continuing the kiss as you push her against the sink, fingers finding the waistband of her shorts.
"Same thing," you murmur, making her smile into the kiss as you sighed sensually against her, loving the feeling of your bodies pressed together, the warmth of her body always always comforting you. "I need a shower too, we could just save time and water," your voice a teasing whisper as she pulls back to chuckle, letting her head rest at the crook of your neck, fingers still toying with the waistband of her sleep shorts
"You use that excuse every time," she softly chuckles out, snaking her arms around your body, turning the embrace into something more intimate than passionate as you moved your hands to wrap around her instead, "And it never saves time or water."
"There's always a first for everything," you counter, her head leaving the safety of your neck, hands moving to loosely wrap around it instead, fingers playing with your messy hair from having just woken up a little while ago.
"There is," she whispers, voice dropping an octave and containing a slight rasp, your eyes flickering away from her enchanting green to her addictive lips, your head tilting up to meet them. A hand on your hair stops you, softly tugging you back away from her mouth, a teasing smirk on her face at how your eyes darkened at her tone, "But we won't be finding out now."
"Tease," you grumble while resting your head against her shoulder, savouring the moment a little longer before she decides she needs to shower now so she can take the boys to school without them being late.
"Can you go and help the boys with breakfast?" she whispers softly and lovingly, you groaning a little as showering with her seemed like so much more fun.
"They're ten, surely they can make breakfast themselves," you mutter, Wanda chuckling at your adamance to stay wrapped up in her arms, her lips delicately pressing against your hair as her eyes gloss over with love.
"They can," her tone amused at the small pout she could see forming on your face as you moved off her shoulder, losing yourself in her green like you always did. You'd never get over how perfect they were. "But my idea of a breakfast is extremely different to Tommy's," you let out a small laugh at her words as you could imagine the boy finding as much sugar as possible to consume, your body moving to peck her lips as you couldn't resist.
"Fine, I'll go monitor them," you whisper against her, her smiling at your reluctant tone, "But you can't complain if my idea of breakfast is also different to yours."
"Just make sure they eat something other than sugar," she says while kissing you one last time, slowly pushing your body away as you gradually leave the bathroom, purposely taking your time. "If you're good Detka, maybe we can have a bath together later," she whispers, her tone laced with suggestiveness while her lips pull into a smirk, your gaze unable to tear away from her seductive lips. "Now go," she playfully commands and you roll your eyes before listening to her, trudging your way downstairs in your pyjamas to have breakfast with the boys.
During all the time you've spent with the boys, you had almost perfected the 'stern mother stare' Wanda could do, you trying your best to copy the action as Tommy went to have some more of the sugary cereal you only let them have as it was Friday, him listening to your silent command before moving to place his bowl in the sink instead, a sugar rush not part of today's agenda for the boy. Billy soon followed suit, placing his bowl in the sink before following his brother upstairs to get changed into their school clothes, your phone ringing, the contact name surprising you.
"Hey Pietro?" you say, a little unsure of how to greet the man as you've never called before, a sigh of relief leaving his lips once you answered.
"Hey Y/n, is Wanda there? She's not answering her phone and I really need to talk to her," his voice is rushed and panicked, causing worry to flood through you, your body already moving towards your room to find the older woman.
"She's just in the shower, I'll go get her now. Is everything ok?" he can hear you running up the stairs as you swiftly get to your room, knocking on the bathroom door before walking in.
"Not really, I need to talk to Wanda first," he says, becoming a little impatient but you don't mind as something is clearly upsetting him.
When you walk into the room, Wanda looks at you over her shoulder, the steam of the shower door making it hard for her to see the phone in your hand, her lips tugging up into a smirk as she's assumed you've come to join her.
"Detka, I said-"
"Pietro's on the phone, he's said it's urgent," your words interrupting hers as her hands shoots out to turn off the water, her naked body leaving the shower as quick as possible, taking the phone off you as you move to find her a towel, offering it to her as she talks in Sokovian to her brother.
You notice how her eyes widen in fear and worry, her eyes flickering over to you as you stand there, a little unsure of what to do, her teeth biting down on her lower lip anxiously, her fingers playing with the end of the towel, the phone call soon coming to an end.
She rushes past you after that, moving into the bedroom to start finding some clothes to quickly pull on after haphazardly drying her body with the towel, your eyes filled with concern.
"Wanda?" you ask, voice wavering a little as you can see the distress evident on her face, tears brimming in her eyes, "Wanda, what's going on?" She turns her head to you as she starts to dry her hair as best as she could with a different towel, not having the time to blow dry it.
"Mama's in the hospital," she whispers, her voice cracking a little with worry, tone raw with emotion. "I need to go and see her, it doesn't sound good," your heart breaks a little for her as you know how much she loves her mother, how much pain she must be feeling as you remember getting a similar phone call.
"Hey," you coo, noticing how her eyes fill with tears, the older woman trying to keep it all together. "She'll be alright, Natalya's strong, just like you," you whisper, your hands helping her dry her hair as she brushes the other side, her eyes meeting yours in the reflection of the mirror, the pools of green overflowing with nervousness.
"Fuck, I need to take the twins," she murmurs after a moment, realising they still need someone to take them to school and pick them up, her eyes flickering over to you as she turns her head, a reassuring look in your eyes.
"I'll take them and pick them up," you say, bringing her into a tender embrace, her body melting against yours as a tear spills down her cheek, your thumb gently brushing it away. You offer her a sympathetic smile as she leans her face into your palm for a moment, eyes fluttering shut before opening, a question on the tip of her tongue.
She wanted you to come with her, she needed you to come with her but no one as was available to look after the boys, Vision deciding it was a great time to take his new 'girlfriend' on a romantic holiday and not a favourable choice, Pietro obviously unable to, Monica also away with her family on a trip, no one else coming to the older woman's mind.
"Thank you," she murmurs, trying to hold it together, pressing a kiss to your lips for comfort as your hands glide up and down her back, trying to soothe her, "I wish you could be there."
"Me too," you whisper, "Call me if anything happens, If you need me at all, I'll come instantly," you whisper, and she fails to smile at your response, worry consuming her as she kisses you one last time, grabbing her necessities before leaving, explaining to the boys that she had to go somewhere suddenly before the sound of a car door can be heard, the engine starting soon after.
Closing the door with a sigh, you checked your phone for what felt like the thousandth time to see if Wanda had messaged or called, the twins running off into the living room, unaware of where their mother had gone, leaving you to deal with two excitable ten year olds as worry clawed away at you, a heavy weight in your chest.
You didn't know what had happened to Natalya, you just knew that she was in hospital and it seemed serious, causing various thoughts to fill your mind, your main concern being the woman's health and how Wanda was doing. You had sent her a few messages throughout the day but she hadn't replied and you tried not to worry at the lack of response, reasoning that she was busy with her mother, but you couldn't ignore the feeling of dread within you.
Letting another sigh leave your lips, your head lolled back against the door, eyes fluttering shut for a moment before snapping open at the feeling of your phone vibrating, someone calling you.
You answered immediately, frowning a little in confusion when you heard Natasha's voice on the other end of the call.
"Y/n?" the redhead asked, a little confused by your lack of response.
"Sorry, I thought you were Wanda, hey Nat," you said, trying to clear your mind so you could talk to your best friend, struggling to do so.
"Why would you think I was Wanda- Wait, are you not with her at the hospital? Mama said Natalya's not well," her voice containing hints of confusion as she'd expected you to be there for Wanda.
"No, I had to stay and look after the twins," you say, Natasha able to hear the sorrow and pain in your voice as she could tell you wanted to be with Wanda, her sighing a little at your stupidity.
"You идиот (idiot)" she grumbles after a second, speaking in Russian to her mother and sister before talking to you again, a frown taking over your face at her insult, "We're coming over now, tell the boys aunty Nat and Yelena are coming over to look after them, along with my Mama because I know you'd want a responsible adult there." You let out a relieved noise at her words, followed by a chuckle at her comment, your smile tugging up a little at Natasha's care.
"Are you sure you'd be alright looking after them? The hospital is closer to Wanda's parents' house so I'd assume we'd be staying there overnight or a hotel, that means that you're going to have to stay over," you explain, wanting her to know what she was agreeing to, the sound of shuffling audible over the phone.
"That's fine with us," she says, "Will Wanda be alright with us staying over?"
"There's a guest bedroom and I'm sure Wanda won't mind Melina staying in our room, especially with the circumstances," you explain further and Natasha bites her tongue from teasing you about yours and Wanda's room, deciding it wasn't the right time.
"Ok, see you soon Y/n," her voice soft to try and calm you before she hangs up, your next mission being to tell the twins that you had to leave, mind racing to try and think of a cover up story, not sure if Wanda wanted the twin's to know.
You somehow blagged your way out of their questions, not entirely sure what your excuse was but they believed it so it was ok, the sound of knocking indicating that the Romanoff's were here.
Opening the door, your eyes widened at the sight of Fanny sat on the door step with the three women, your eyes snapping over to Natasha's as she did not mention that she was bringing the dog along with her. Before you could protest, not sure on how Wanda would feel with a dog in the house, Natasha interrupted you.
"The boys love her and she'll be a great distraction," Natasha says, flashing you a teasing smile to which you can only roll your eyes at, letting them in as you didn't have any other choice, the dog being extremely well behaved anyway.
"Are you sure this is alright Melina?" you ask, nervously looking at the older woman who enters the house, smiling at the framed photo Wanda received for her birthday that was put up in the wall in the living room.
"Of course dear," she says, her usual intimidating demeanour vanished as she reassured you, "Now come on dear, get in the car so I can take you." Your mouth parted at her suggestion, not wanting her to go through so much trouble as the drive to the hospital Natalya was at was at least an hour or so away from Wanda's house.
"Don't make me drag you into the car," she says, the intimidating persona back as she raises her brow at you, causing you to smile shyly at her before saying goodbye to the twins and the two sisters, warning them quickly that if anything ever happened to the boys they'd have a very pissed off Sokovian coming after them and you wouldn't even try to stop her. Natasha promised you everything would be alright, hugging you quickly before you left to join Melina in the car, your nerves increasing throughout the entire car ride.
Wandering to the reception desk at the hospital, after saying goodbye to Melina, proved more daunting than expecting, a sudden realisation creeping up on you. You'd most likely have to be family to be able to see Natalya, but the realisation came too late as you were already at the desk, the woman asking you what you were here for.
"Um, I'm here to see Natalya Maximoff," you say, cringing a little at how nervous your voice sounded.
"Are you part of the patient's family?" she asked, your mind blanking a little as your fear for hospitals seemed to creep up on you, your determination to be there for Wanda pushing it down.
"Yes...?" your tone not convincing at all, her brow simply raising at you as she stared at you sceptically, your fingers moving to drum against the edge of the desk.
"What's your relationship to the patient?" she asked, voice sounding bored as she was probably nearing the end of a long shift. Your mouth opened to say her daughter's girlfriend but quickly shut as you assumed that wouldn't be a good enough answer, saying the next best without even thinking.
"I'm her daughter-in-law," her brow somehow rising a little higher at your tone, eyes flickering down to your hand, noticing that there was a ring on your finger, the one from Wanda's room when you visited her parents and the beach.
"She's in room nine, that's down that hall then the first left, then look for the room number," she directed you with her hands, a grateful smile appearing on your lips at the woman before you walked quickly down the halls, trying to brush away the memories of the last experience you had in a hospital, the dreaded news your doctor delivered about your father.
Taking in a deep breath, you knocked on the door, waiting for it to be opened for you as you didn't want to be rude and just walk in, unsure of how those who were there would react. Erik opened the door, his eyes widening in surprise at you being stood there, offering you a small smile before letting you in, your eyes instantly going to Wanda.
Her body was pressed up against her brother's side as her head rested on his shoulder, the two of them sat by their mother's side as the monotonous sound of a machine beeped in the background. Her head slowly turned at the sound of someone entering the room, her eyes softening at the sight of you before she got up out of the seat to crash into your body, needing to feel your arms around her to help comfort the pain that was encasing her heart.
"I'm here," you whisper lovingly, her arms snaking around your waist as she just holds onto you, eyes closing as she tries to savour the comfort of your body perfectly slotted against hers, a shaky breath leaving her as the worry was still present, Natalya still not having woken up.
Your hands delicately rub up and down her back, your eyes meeting Pietro's which soften at the sight of her sister being comforted, nodding in approval and appreciation at your visit.
Almost suddenly, Wanda pulls back from the embrace, brows furrowed as her eyes search yours.
"Where are the boys?" she asks, her green growing cautious regarding the whereabouts of her children.
"They're at home with Nat, Yelena and Melina," you say, her sighing in relief until you added the last bit in a quiet mumble, "And Fanny."
"Fanny?" Erik says in a shocked tone, your eyes widening as he looks at you strangely, words spilling from your lips to explain.
"She's a dog," you manage out, neck red with embarrassment as Wanda hides a small smile as she rests her head at the crook of your neck, your presence calming her a little.
"Who names a dog that?" her father asks in an amused manner, taking a seat next to his wife who lays in the hospital bed, a small smile on his face as the unusual topic of conversation eases the tense and anxious atmosphere that had been bubbling in the room all day.
"Fanny Longbottom is Yelena's dog," Pietro lets out a small snicker at the dog's full name, "She's Melina's daughter," you explain and Erik nods in understanding, a comfortable silence taking over the room as you sit next to Wanda, who's now sandwiched between you and her brother.
You discovered that Natalya had suffered a stroke, your heart breaking at the knowledge as it would have severe consequences. There were many long lasting problems that followed a stroke as well as the added risk of another one being more prone to happen, your eyes settling on the woman in the bed, hoping she'd be alright and able to recover as much as possible.
A little while later, a nurse comes in telling you that visiting hours would be over shortly and that you had to start making your way out, Wanda looking worriedly towards her mother who was still asleep, your hand reaching over to hers, letting her squeeze your hand and play with your fingers as a source of comfort.
Eventually, you're back at her parent's house, Wanda going to straight to her old room as she was exhausted, the emotions and stress from today having tired her out completely, you wishing the other two men goodnight before following her up the stairs, her brother and father looking at you in appreciation as they knew how close Wanda was to her mother and how hard this would have hit her.
By the time you had gotten to her room, Wanda was already in some old pyjamas she'd left there, in the bathroom doing a quick job of brushing her teeth and nightly routine, not in the mood to do everything properly. You followed suit after asking Wanda if you could borrow some clothes, forgetting to bring some, and came out of the bathroom shortly after to see Wanda already curled up on the bed, your body slotting in next to hers as she turned to face you, tears threatening to spill.
"Oh, love," you whisper, your fingers brushing away the few that had spilt, eyes softly gazing into hers before you pulled her closer, letting her rest her head against you. You were going to try and say something comforting but a soft snore stopped you from doing so, your eyes taking in the messy hair from the body pressed against you, smiling a little at yourself at how easily she was able to drift off.
The sound of your phone vibrating against her bedside table had fear running through you as you thought you'd woken her up, quickly glancing down at her to see she was still soundly asleep. You answered the face time from Natasha, ensuring your volume was low as to not wake the woman wrapped up in your arms.
"Hey Nat," you whisper, the dark room indicating that you and Wanda were sleeping, Natasha taking the hint to be quiet as she sees your head laying back against the pillow, your face only visible from the light from your phone screen.
"Hey, sorry to bother you both but the twins want to say goodnight," her voice quiet. You were about to say that was fine, but your eyes caught the time and widened, Natasha's face turning guilty.
"Why are they still awake?" you whisper yell, her turning the camera to show Yelena as her answer, your eyes rolling. "I'm not even going to ask anymore," you mutter, making the redhead smile as she turns the camera back to her, motioning for the twins to come over and join her on the call.
"Hi Y/n," both the twins say, tiredness evident on their faces as they weren't used to staying up this late, your gaze softening at them.
"Hey mini Maximoffs," you murmur, "I think it's past both of your bedtimes," they both give a sheepish look as you tease them, making you smile.
"Maybe just a little bit," Tommy says before a yawn interrupts him, "We just wanted to say goodnight to you and Mom."
"Well, your Mom is already asleep so just me will have to do," you say, positioning the camera so they could see the top of Wanda's head cuddled against your chest, both of their faces lighting up at their mother's peaceful state.
"Goodnight Mom," they both whisper, despite her not being able to hear, your heart melting a little bit before they say goodnight to you, you doing the same before they hand the phone back to Natasha, who you also say goodnight to before hanging up, sighing as you relax back against the pillow, your arm snaking around Wanda and bringing her impossibly closer, a sleepy sigh escaping her.
"I love you," you murmur, admiring her tranquil state as she moves her head where you can see her, your eyes travelling all over her face, thinking of all the reasons as to why you love her. A smile inevitably takes over your face as you slowly drift off to sleep, nothing but the older woman on your mind. 
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