#thank you for the compliments btw i get shy about it but i really do appreciate the sweet words
2knightt · 5 months
could u write the gang (seperate) x a reader thats like. deeply and unashamedly obsessed w them
not in in a weird way but like soda makes reader a cake and theyre like “wow ur so talented u should be a baker youd be the best baker in the world everyone look at this isnt my bf such a good baker?? isnt he so cool???? arent you so jealous of me???”
or they visit the DX on steves lunch break and theyre like whats all this? and steve starts explaining the car stuff to them and theyre like “omg ur so smart ur the smartest person ever the DX is so lucky to have you <333 soda come look at steves car isnt he so good at this??? babe u should like reinvent cars youd totally do it better than washington or whatever”
or just reader holding hands and sitting on laps and kissing faces at all times basically the gang x reader thats all over them
「 i just wanna get high with my lover! 」
IN WHICH—you’re totally in love with them!♡ ໋֢ 🎞️✧
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⌗ 🕯️ notes !𖥔༌ ᰷ ﹅ i’m Finally working on reqs. WHO CHEERED???? also new theme for fics. got bored of my old ones😜
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Dallas Winston ;
“you’re so strong, dal. you look so good when you fight, did you know that? you’re like the only person who looks that good when fighting. you’re so cool.”
“…thanks, doll.”
like??? he’s never been showered in compliments like this before. but he DOES welcome it
cocky bastard. you boosted his ego. it’s too high now.
“i stole this for you.”
“DALLAS! you didn’t have too, oh my god! you’re so sweet—and talented! i can’t believe you stole this—for me! i have the best boyfriend ever! i am so lucky, ain’t i?”
“yeah, i know.”
SHOWS U OFF SO MUCH. he just likes the reaction you give him when he does, honestly. like dallas LOVES hearing you ramble about him when he’s beside you.
he’s all, “yup. i AM the best boyfriend ever, dickhead.”
“this my partner.”
“mhm! dally’s the sweetest ever! he’s so nice to me, don’t you think? ugh, i love him so much. he’s the best boyfriend in the world.”
the way you look at him with lovesick eyes makes him wanna hold you forever and never let go btw.
IF YOU SIT ON HIS LAP AND DO THAT??? ohmy fod he’ll lose his fucking mind!!!
dallas winston looking up at you while you cradle him between your legs, his hands gently holding your waist while you gush over him, a small pink hue across his cheeks.
“you’re so handsome. you’re the prettiest boy ever. i love your hair, it’s so nice. with or without the grease.”
has the most DISGUSTING and GROSS lovey dovey smile across his face has you plant kissed across his face, mumbling sweet nothings as you do so.
feels like you’re an angel when you do this after a bad day btw. loves you sososososo much he’s so down bad
Johnny Cade ;
looks up at you with the biggest puppy dogs eyes you’ve ever seen as you sit on his lap, kissing his scars. johnny’s lips would be slightly parted as he seems mesmerized with every movement you make.
WHIPPED. HE IS WRAPPED AROUND YOUR FINGER. the SECOND you started gushing over, he got a small grin on his face, a sense of pride washing over him.
he, like, never knew you seen him as this magnificent being. johnny’s confidence was never great but PHEWWW you’re always there to help him!!!
“you really like my scars?”
“totally. they make you look so cute, johnny. they make you, you and that’s all i could ever ask for. you’re so cute. i love you. any person would, i’m just so glad that it’s me.”
he’d get so shy after but johnny would be walking with his chin slightly higher. ‘cause deep down he’s all, “what if they don’t actually mean it☹️?” and then you show up outta nowhere and like engulf him with a hug and he’s like “nvm…i love ‘em actually☺️.”
whenever you brag about him to people, he has to look at his feet to keep himself from smiling too much.
“and if you ever need someone to listen to you, nobody does it like johnny! he’s the best listener ever, nobody can ever compare to him. johnny’s such an angel!”
he’d mumble, an embarrassed groan leaving his lips as he rubbed the back of his neck, kicking a rock.
contrary to popular belief of you being more in love, he is. he swears up and down that you’re too good to him, that you’re a real doll, that he doesn’t deserve someone like you.
johnny needs someone like this in his life NOW! and if it isn’t you it’s gonna be me.
Ponyboy Curtis ;
so fucking embarrassed i’m crying.
i believe he can’t take compliments for SHIT. so being around you, he just becomes a mess. like stuttering n’ shit.
“your voice is so pretty. you read so much better than everyone else, pony. you should do it as a job—you’d totally beat everyone. it’s not like it’d ever be a competition with you there, though. you’re so cool, pony.”
“i-uhm…thank you, y/n.”
like at night when he’s with soda, he just rambles to his older brother about what you told him. soda thinks it’s cute in the moment, but later wants ponyboy to shut up because it’s been two hours of him gushing over what you said to him.
“and then they said that i-“
“OKAY, DAMN. i have work tomorrow and you have school. ponyboy, please.”
“…okay? they said that i was the prettiest boy they’ve ever seen.”
“holy fuck.”
like he’d be ranting about some drama with the gang or some movie he’d seen, sitting on the couch as you rest your head on his shoulder.
you look over to him, thinking he’s never looked more perfect. ponyboy had washed the grease out of his hair, the fluffy hair falling over his ears.
unconsciously, you tuned him out as you leaned over, kissing him on the cheek.
“what was that for?”
“you tell stories so well, pony. you’d make a great writer, did you know that? i’m so lucky to have you.”
he’s so cute thay’s literally my man….!!!!
Sodapop Curtis ;
sitting on the counter while he cooks and you just rant about how perfect he is makes him WEAK IN THE KNEES.
“you’re such a good baker, soda. nobody does it like you do. you’re like—the best baker in the world. ain’t he, two-bit?”
“stop it, y/n..🤭🤭”
“nah, ‘m good.”
you brag about him to the girls that go to the DX to flirt with him. i can see it now.
soda’s just in the background giggling SOO HARD AND TWEAKING WITH STEVE LMFAOO
“no, he’s so sweet to me! i swear, he’s like the best boyfriend ever, did you know that? i’d be jealous if i was you, honestly.”
“soda, shut up!”
“i’m the best boyfriend ever, steve😛.”
“you look so cute today, y/n. i got so lucky, didn’t i? had to be blessed to even have you in my life.”
FUCK i need this man at my doorstep
like imagine sitting on his lap, him staring up at you while you push back his hair with a small smile on his face. the silence between the two of you being broken by exchanged compliments.
Darry Curtis ;
tries to act cool and nonchalant when you do it, but he turns his head away to cover the huge smile that’s growing on his face.
“you’re so strong, dare! you’re the strongest person ever—you could totally take down anyone. isn’t he just the best, soda?”
“alright, that’s enough, y/n.”
“but you’re just so good to me, dare. :(.”
“sweetheart, please.”
“he’s smiling, y/n.”
“and blushin’…i love your brother so much.”
“everyone knows.”
like your arms are wrapped around his neck, his arms around your waist as he reads the newspaper over your shoulder while lazily responding to your rambles.
“you look so cute with your reading glasses. you’re the most handsome boyfriend in the whole world. i’m so lucky, ain’t i?”
“you’re a real treat, y/n.”
“i love your hair, darry. you look so much better with this hairstyle than anyone else. you should be a model.”
“i’d be a terrible model, dear.”
gang is so jealous of your relationship btw. they call it bullshit that darry pulled you.
they fake gag and groan when you do this but in reality they’re like, ‘damn…when is it my turn to be happy.😒’
darry’s self esteem’s alright. it’s not the best but it’s not the worst. but you’re always there to remind him he’s absolutely perfect :).
Steve Randle ;
like i swear to god the second you went on a rant about him he was so ready to marry you right then and there.
“you’re so good when it comes to cars. honestly—you could just make your own and it’d be 100x better than whoever made them before. you’re just the best mechanic ever.”
“really? you think so? ‘cause if i were ever to i’d totally change the way they-“
and now steve’s on a 12 minute rant on how he’d change cars to rub better while you just sit there, listening to him with a smile.
YOU HAVE HIM SOOOO INSANE LIKE I SWEAR TO GOD!?? he couldn’t ask for a better partner if he tried!!!
like, i imagine steve’s always had confidence issues—being friends with soda n all don’t really help.
“you’re so smart, steve. like—the smartest ever.”
“stawpp, oh my god. what else am i, though?”
“you’re cute, awfully nice, you got the prettiest eyes the world’s ever seen-“
please tell him all this while kissing him all over. he needs it so bad.
teehee lazily kissing steve randles face as the blush across his face grows from the never ending compliments that leave your lips😜
he’d totally tell you to shut up and when you don’t, he just kiss you.
Two-Bit Mathews ;
honestly—he didn’t like it at first. ‘cause deep down he was all, ‘wtf??? i’m supposed to be making them swoon n’ shit??? why am i the one giggling rn??😒😡’
but overtime he’d look forward to your silly little love drunk rambles. tell him he’s the most thoughtful boyfriend ever when he’s drunk and he might cry.
and he’s like actually sobbing while hugging you.
sitting on two-bit’s lap in the backseat of his car at the drive-in, ignoring the movie you guys came to watch because you’re both too focused on each other.
kissing every inch of his face, laughs leaving his lips as you mutter small comments about how cute his laugh is. unconsciously, his grip on your hips tightening.
FUCK i’m making myself feel lonely writing this.
every single good thing you say about him gets internalized. someone could say his hair’s dumb but then in his head he goes ‘NUH-UH! y/n said my hair is absolutely perfect😜’
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hannieehaee · 4 months
i would like to request possesive (lowkey toxic) bsf minghao like a short five or a drabble bcs i read your toxic mingyu one and it was sosososo good!!
tysm (i love your fics btw they’re so good)
18+ / mdi
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content: toxicbsf!minghao, friends to lovers, he's toxic but its fine bc i have a crush on him so, manipulation, afab reader, smut, mentions of oral (f receiving), reader is a virgin, loss of virginity, penetrative sex, etc.
wc: 2064
a/n: thank uu!! im obsessed with toxicbsf!svt ive been wanting to write more of it since my mingyu fic tysm for requesting!!
sometimes it stressed minghao out how sweet and innocent you were. how easy it was for a guy to catch your attention and for you to fall for anyone showed the barest amount of decency towards you.
well, it's not like minghao could really blame you. throughout the many years of being best friends, you had never really been in a serious relationship. there had been a quick fling here and there, but they never went far. not if minghao had anything to say bout it.
it wasn't that minghao wanted to get in the way of your relationships. he was simply protective. whether you realized it or not, he knew better. he knew the filthy ideas guys could get in their heads, specially when a pretty and sweet girl like you showed interest in them. which was why minghao always ran guys off one way or another before things bad a chance of going too far.
now, minghao wasn't dumb. he never made it known that he had been the one to somehow scare away (or sometimes frustrate away) possible suitors for you. he would simply speed up the inevitable. he knew they'd eventually use you and throw you away like most men tended to do to sweet girls like you.
despite your temporary sadness over the constant failed relationships, minghao knew that this was for the best. he wasn't about to allow some filthy man come in and sweep you off your feet just to defile your innocence when they could never love you in a pure and genuine way – in the same way that minghao did.
the task of keeping men off you got harder through the years. you were simply too beautiful to resist. that's how minghao first fell for you anyway (but, of course, he then fell for every other detail about you). you had men asking you out left and right, even ignoring his presence whenever he just so happened to be there. you were always shy and sheepish about it, accepting the compliments but always looking to minghao while seeking his approval of the guy in question (which he never gave, seeing as there was no man who deserved you).
however, there were occasions in which a guy would slip through the cracks, somehow charming you enough to concede to a date or to some flirtatious text messages without minghao's knowledge. the discovery of these instances would always lead to spats between the two of you, with minghao claiming that you clearly did not love him in the way he did you if you were so easily willing to hide things from him. these nights would usually end in you apologizing to him and telling him he was the only guy you needed.
but that did not happen every single time. currently, an anomaly had occurred, causing minghao to be disgusted by recent developments that had occurred in your relationship.
being as sweet and innocent as you were, it was clear to minghao that even a single second away from him would lead you to fall into the arms of some guy. which was what had happened a few weeks back, when you had enthusiastically agreed to a date with some boy you'd met at a party during the ten minutes in which minghao had left you unsupervised.
surprisingly, you had asked minghao to let you try things out with him. you were aware of minghao's protectiveness towards you (although not the full extent of it), but minghao was still surprised when you shyly asked him to let you see how things would go between you and this guy.
the two of you had been talking every day during those few weeks, even going on a few dates which minghao had to be made privy of as you came home overexcited after each one. he hated watching your temporary happiness with some loser who didnt deserve you. he knew it wouldn't last, but it still made him scowl at the thought.
the whole situation reached a crescendo the day you came back from yet another date with the guy, sheepishly telling minghao that you thought it was time for the next step in the relationship. this was, of course, something minghao was not willing to let you go through with.
since you had asked him to not get involved (not even allowing him to meet the guy thus far), he had left the situation alone with the hopes that it would crash and burn on its own, – after all, no man was good enough for you, nor did they compare to the way in which minghao treated you – but unfortunately for minghao, the past three weeks had gone well for the two of you. and now it was time for minghao to step in.
despite his initial anger at your revelation (anger which he kept hidden from you), he allowed you a safe space to talk to him about your 'relationship' and what you intended to do next, which then revealed a window of opportunity for minghao.
"i ... i'm nervous, hao."
"hmm? what makes you nervous, angel?", he was sitting beside you on your shared couch, with your legs basically intertwined.
"i dont know, i've just never ... you know ..."
he knew. you'd never outwardly spoken about it. but he knew you to be a virgin in every sense of the word.
"i dont know, angel. you're gonna have to be more specific."
"i've never had sex. i've never really done anything .."
as expected from his good and innocent girl. but the satisfaction of hearing you say those words died as soon as he remembered the context of the conversation. you were seeking advice in order to have sex with that guy whose name minghao had never even bothered to learn.
"that's okay. you don't have to if you're not ready," he assured you.
"no, but i am! i just ... i wont know what to do when it's time to ... you know, actually do it."
"what if i disappoint him? or what if he thinks im a freak for never having done anything?", you lamented, "am i? is it weird i've never done it? it's just ... it's never worked out between me and any other guy and– fuck you must be exhausted of hearing me lament myself every time i ultimately fuck things up before even leaving the talking stage," you chuckled at yourself in what seemed to be pity.
and minghao did somewhat pity you. despite being direct cause of many of those failed talking stages (something he would never let you find out), he still felt bad that you were feeling unseemly because of his doing.
"angel, no. stop. it's okay. you can always talk to me, you know that. and no. you're not weird for being a, a virgin, you're ... you're so special. no guy should ever make you feel pressured to do it. who is this guy anyway? is he making you– "
"no! hao. it really isnt that! it's me. i'm ... i just dont wanna embarrass myself. i dont ... i have no idea what i'm supposed to do. i ... i've wanted to, but i'm just scared," you pouted, looking down into your lap rather than at him.
he knew the perfect solution for this. it was the most obvious thing, but he needed to approach it in a way that worked out in his favor. he could not risk scaring you away. you were just vulnerable enough in this moment for minghao to finally rid himself of the nuance that had been in his way for these past weeks and finally have you for himself.
"well, i ... i cant help you? if you want. i could show you whatever you're curious about. and then you wont feel nervous anymore", he suggested, now having moved closer to you.
"isnt that cheating?"
he chuckled at the adorable confusion in your tone, reaching out to caress your cheek with his hand, "no, angel. id just be teaching you. as a friend, yeah?"
"oh ... a– are you sure? i dont wanna make you uncomfortable or anything ..."
"you could never make me uncomfortable, beautiful. so what do you say? hmm? let me help you?"
you silently nodded as you scoot even closer to him, giving him the green light to finally have you in the way he'd always wished.
"how about we start by kissing so you can ease into it, yeah?"
you nodded again, already too lightheaded to respond to him with words. minghao felt immense arousal at your innocent demeanor, adoring how your eyes fell directly to his lips the moment he mentioned kissing.
as gently as he could, he connected your lips, staring off with an innocent kiss before letting escalate further.
it was hard for him to control himself, so he didnt. he only gave you a few seconds of gentleness before beginning to kiss you with the fervor he had always wanted to, drinking in your adorable whines of arousal.
somehow your mewls became even prettier when his lips went south, now savoring the taste of your skin as he licked and nipped at your soft neck. his hands were not left unoccupied as they felt you up in ways that could not be defined as anything less than filthy. but you didnt seem to care. you seemed quite into it, actually, moaning endlessly in the way a girl deprived of pleasure would.
in this moment, minghao knew his wait had been worth it, as he now had you in his arms for his taking. and there was no way he would ever let you go after this.
it was only a short while later that minghao would finally reach his ruin.
minghao finally had you bare and willing under him as he hovered over you on his bed. after having eaten you out to completion, he was almost completely spent from just the view of your gorgeous body receiving such pleasure for the first time. and now he could finally have you in a way that only he ever would.
"angel ... are you ready?" he breathed as his lips pulled away from your own.
your gaze was completely empty, clearly gone to the pleasure that minghao had such given you and the pleasure you knew was yet to come.
"please ... need to feel you so bad ..."
"oh? but i thought this was about learning, angel? what happened?", he emphasized his words by grinding against your bare core, whispering his teasing words into your ear.
"n– no ... it's not ... just want you ... please."
that was enough for him to finally plunge in, groaning at the slight resistance you showed despite having prepared you beforehand.
your body arched against his as you cried out his name for the nth time that night.
"oh, angel ... feel so fucking good. is it good for you, beautiful? am i teaching you well?"
"y– yes, fuck ... h– hao! feel so fucking good ..."
he ground into you mercilessly, in a way that would make anyone think that this was not your first time together. except it was the first of many.
"does it always feel this good? will it always make me want it like this?"
"no, beautiful. it will never feel this good. you know why?", his hand went to play with the tiny pearl between your legs, making you cry in response, "because you're mine", he speed up in his thrusts, matching the pace of his hand, "and only i can give you this pleasure."
"hao! fuck ... gonna– "
"i know, angel. me too. gonna cum with my pretty angel, yeah? be good for me and cum with me, beautiful."
"love y– you!," your wet cries and stutters already had him gone, but your declaration was what truly did him in, causing him to bury himself as deep as possible as he released him inside you, groaning at the way you pulsed against him as your own orgasm took over you.
upon regaining your breaths and laying together, minghao turned to you, cradling you into his chest as he felt you breathe against him.
"you're mine now, aren't you angel?"
"always," you softly peck his chest, cuddling right back into him.
there was no longer need for minghao to worry about your nameless fling, nor any that would've come after. he had finally kept you all to himself.
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derangedanomaly · 5 months
Nightmare x reader who likes to fidget with his tentacles? like they will hold them and trace shapes into them yk? your writing is beautiful btw:)
Thank you for the compliment! I love this ask! Sorry it took so long, I'm working on other things as well. :)
Nightmare x reader that likes to fidget with his tentacles
His tentacles kinda have a mind of their own. Of course Nightmare has great control over them, no doubt about that! But there are times when they do something completely out of his control...
They're kinda like dogs actually 💀
So when you trace shapes into them, or do anything at all...they WILL snuggle against your hand..most certainly pulling Nightmare against you. (Which he curses them for 😭)
They love you so much after that, that they're sometimes seeking you out just for your touch. Which makes Nightmare angrier than ever... (Oops.)
But it's not only his tentacles that feel absolutely amazing from your touch... it's Nightmare himself too.
Unlike his... tentacles.. he'll never admit to liking it though. He'll be so secretive that it's actually painfully obvious 💀
Believe me, there's nothing that can get him more relaxed than you caressing his tentacles..
He will melt when you start tracing hearts on them. Blushing profusely...listen, he's not normally this shy, but his tentacles are sensitive...... (It just feels too good lmao.)
This is the only time that he'll be at your mercy. Usually, it's the other way around in your relationship. (He's the dominant one). But one moment of tracing hearts on his tentacles, and he's wrapped around your finger.
He'll get so relaxed that he doesn't even care what he's going to say anymore. (And it will be things that he would never say out loud 💀)
It's not only beneficial to him, but also to you!
His tentacles often release a special substance that makes any stress from your body leave when you touch them, which feels really good. (Magic)
Though you did make a promise to Nightmare that you'll only touch his tentacles in private, and not around other people/monsters. (He's too embarrassed by it. 💀)
His tentacles have a more...sharp feeling to them than slimy feeling. Since he uses them more as a weapon, they need to be sharp for them to stab good!
The only time they don't feel much sharp, is whenever you're with him, or you're nearby. Even when you're not touching him or anything, but is just in the room! "What if she accidentally touches me?" He just loves you, lol.
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deathbxnny · 1 year
Hello ! Can I request an s/o with a really soothing, calm and smooth voice with the Stellaron Hunters ? Idk why it sounds really nice maybe because I'm a simp for smooth voices. Love what you write btw
A/N: Thank you for the request and sweet words Anon! Also I absolutely relate to this and it's one of the many reasons I'm obsessed with Kafka. Her English voice does unspeakable things to me lmao
Content: Fluff, established relationship, reader has a smooth voice, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
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She's obsessed with the way your voice sounds and is not shy to compliment you about it either. In fact, she loves flustering you with her own sultry and smooth voice as payback.
Kafka could listen to your voice for hours and therefore talks to you alot, just to hear more of it. It doesn't matter what the topic is either, as long as she can hear you speak, she won't care. It's just so soothing and relaxing to her. You could ask anything of her and she'll do it with no hesitation.
This however means, that arguing with her over anything won't really work either, as she'll always be way too distracted by your pretty voice. She can't take you seriously, when you sound so soothing and cute.
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Blade seems mostly unaffected by your voice and doesn't make a big fuss out of it. Why should he care anyways? Its nothing special and he hears you talk everyday... but it's all just an act, ofcourse.
Deep down, he's enamoured by your smooth voice. You're just so soothing and calming to him. Whenever he's having a rough day, he knows you'll be there to help and soothe him. Your voice always instantly calms him down.
With that said, he won't ever tell you about the effect you have on him. He's way too stubborn to admit that and doesn't want you to think that he is weak... but you still notice how easily he caved to your demands, whenever your voice is extra smooth.
》Silver Wolf
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She loves your voice and gives you compliments on it, but that's as much as you'll get out of her. She already thinks that everything about you is perfect, so she doesn't find it surprising or revolutionary, that your voice is perfect as well.
With that said, you keep her calm and focused, whenever you two are working together. Her job can be very stressful and hearing you gently tell her to take it easy, whilst you encourage her, helps her alot.
You soothe and calm her, but also sometimes fluster her on rare occasions. If you catch her in the perfect time, you might get a small blush put of her, as she tries responding to you normally. Perhaps she's just in denial at how much your voice truly does affects her.
A/N: I hope this is okay, Anon! Thank you again for the request!<33
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graysnetwork · 1 year
Hiiii I saw your Keegan work and I must say I love it and I was wondering if you could write something with Keegan where he and s/o having an argument and how they make up
Hi!! Ty for the compliment 🤭🙏🏼 this was such a good idea!! 🫶🫶
(Not my gif obvi) (but my man)
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So usually you two don’t argue, it’s very rare, but it’s doesn’t happen sometimes
He would probably get upset with you if you had done something a bit risky, like being close to an edge of something with no railing,
or almost touching fire by accident, things like that
But one day you found his guns and you checked them out and one of them was loaded in case of an intruder
And you didn’t realize and Keegan found you and got mad that you were snooping through his things
You started getting mad at him for not telling him about the guns
You two were obviously just mad in the heat of the moment and you weren’t that upset you just wanted answers
He cut you off in one of your sentences and said “y’know what, im leaving, I’ll be gone for a while” or “I can’t do this right now sweetheart. Im leaving” and he would give you a quick peck on the lips hoping you would get distracted
But it only made you even more upset
He left for a few hours so you made dinner and put some food in the fridge for him
While he was gone mid drive to the park to cool down, he realized how dumb the argument was and he wanted to apologize to you for not telling you, cause you were right (ofc u were)
But Keegan’s really awkward about all that stuff cause he’s “always right” and he’s “bratty” as you say
So he wouldn’t really know how to tell you “I’m Sorry, you were right”
So he went out to go get you flowers and a card, cause he’s better at writing then saying it to you (he’s better at saying how he feels in letters and card then saying it to you cause he shy and doesn’t know how to articulate anything)
And then he went to the park to let himself cool down and think for a while
When he got back home you were just coming out of the shower so he left your flowers and card on the kitchen island
He decided he would try to apologize to you, face to face, but when he to your guy’s room you completely ignored him
“Don’t ignore me sweetheart” is what he’d say but you just continued getting ready for bed
He just sighed and accepted that you would act like this since you were upset, so he went to his last resort… in the kitchen
He tightens the jars in the kitchen so you have to ask him for help
It’s the only way he get you to talk to him when your mad at him but it works every time
And you never realized which he’s so great full for
And then the next day you wake up, go to the kitchen and read the card Keegan wrote
“Y/n, I realized you were right and I’m sorry about not telling you about the guns, the only reason I have them is incase something happens and I just want to be safe. I just never thought that you would need to know about them, and it was stupid of me not to tell you, because you could someday need to use it. The argument was stupid and I was wrong, im sorry honey, can we please just talk and work this out? Please forgive me sweetheart”
Btw he’s a very good writer, he loves writing
Back to the head cannons
You smiled at the letter and the flowers he got you, but you weren’t going to wake him up yet, so you decided to make breakfast.
And you needed help unscrewing the pancake batter (like the one that u shake)
So you had to go into your guy’s room and ask him for help
You shook him by his shoulder till he finally woke up “hm? What’s up” he said rubbing his eyes, you held the mix out and said annoyed
can you open this for me” and he took it and opened it for you, to put some dramatic affect you crossed your arms
You weren’t mad at him but you wanted him to think you were cause you weren’t gonna let him off that easy
“Thanks” you said when he opened it and left the room, he just smiled to himself, hoping you would cool down soon
He sat up in bed and grabbed a bright pink sticky note off of the night stand, it read “hurry up and brush you teeth, so you can eat with me handsome”
You had made a note for him and left it when you came into the room ☹️🫠
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copias-girl · 1 year
I'm very touch starved lately and I have a dumb fetish so I wanna know: how do you imagine Copia reacts to his s/o putting their head on his chest to listen to his heartbeat? I HC that he likes it but he also gets nervous and blushy and his heart starts beating fast. Sorry if it sounds too weird, btw I love your writing <3
Omg are you the heartbeat anon from the other ask?? 🥰♥︎
Ugh this is just SO CUTE!!! I love this idea!! And it’s not a dumb fetish, I actually find this super romantic and I know I’m gonna be thinking about this a lot ♥︎
♥︎🖤♥︎🖤♥︎🖤♥︎ <- I made it look like a heartbeat 🥰
Poor Copia is SO flustered. You have him shirtless, which already makes his nerves light up with self-conscious anxiousness. Your head is resting on his chest, affectionately nuzzling your cheek against him. It’s paradise, but he’s so nervous. So flustered. Getting so flushed and hot. He knows that you can hear and feel the way his heart begins pounding and skipping beats when you’re this close to him. He just can’t help it, he can’t help the effect you have on him. Oh, but to make matters worse, you begin placing gentle little kisses onto his bare chest, and his heart only pounds harder harder harder, so hard that he can hear the blood rushing in his ears. It’s going so fast, surely if he were wearing some sort of smart watch, it would be giving him an emergency warning by now. His hammering heartbeat is almost taking his breath away with how it slams against his ribcage, and you only smirk up at him coyly as you listen intently, your fingertips dancing along his flesh, causing goosebumps to erupt on his skin and a needy whine to tumble from his lips.
“You’re so pretty, Copia. I adore the sound of your heart.” You softly murmur, and he can hardly hear you over the deafening sound of his heartbeat.
“W-what?” He stammers nervously, in disbelief at your compliment. It feels as though his heart is going to beat right out of his chest at this point, dizzy from your words of praise, stars painting the edges of his vision from the alacrity of his racing pulse.
“I said you’re pretty, Co-Co. You’re just so pretty. Your heartbeat is so pretty. Everything about you is so pretty. And you’re mine.” You tell him, feeling the way his heart stutters, palpitating in his chest as he lets out a whine, whispering a string of desperate little thank-yous. Yes yes yes, your words are pure ecstasy. He wants to be all yours so badly. He wants you to keep him and never let him go.
You relish in the feeling of the rapid thumpthumpthumpthump against your cheek, you can literally hear his blood being pumped from atrium to ventricle. He’s so vulnerable like this, and you’re grateful to be the one he allows close enough to do this. Copia’s heartbeat is a clear window into what he feels for you. You can feel his deep love for you with every strong pound, you can feel his shy nervousness with every fluttery palpitation that leaves him breathless. You can read him so well, just by listening to his beautiful heartbeat. It’s so incredibly him, so distinctly Copia, you could recognize it anywhere.
You both love the sheer intimacy of these moments, so you often spend days in bed like this, flustering your poor sweet man and showering him with all the affection he deserves. All while listening to the intoxicating sound of his heart, riling him up with your coquettish teases, seeing how fast you can make it go without giving him a heart attack.
Some people like listening to ocean waves, others enjoy the sounds of birdsong. But you, your favourite sound in the world is Copia’s heartbeat. Because you know it beats only for you. ♥︎
A/N: This was my first time writing super in-depth about heartbeats so I hope I did the heartbeat kink community justice!! I really loved writing about this ♥︎
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wonuwrites · 26 days
Ok my friend I thought of some options for another song reaction:
Smut - Levii's Jeans by Beyonce
Romance - Love Me Anyway by Chappell Roan
Angst (big BIG angst) - A House in Nebraska by Ethel Cain
I hope you like one of these!
Oooo~ I will check these out but def write them for you! I decided to breakup "Love Me Anyway" into units so this will be order so you know <3 According to randomizer I will be doing them in these order
Love Me Anyway (Vocal Unit) *You are here*
Love Me Anyway (Performance Unit)
A House In Nebraska (ps this song devastated me and I'm SO fucking excited for this one)
Love Me Anyway (Hip Hop Unit)
Levii's Jeans
I'll tag them in this when they are ready but hey let's get into the Vocal Unit's Love Me Anyway <3
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ღ vocal unit || performance unit || hip hop unit
Just like my other song reactions, the order of the people in the drabbles will be in order of the song lyrics of the song <3. (btw this is my new favorite song so thank you anon i love you.)
Warnings: nothing really, might have some cursing but it's just gonna be pretty fluffy :) Some body confidence issues in Jeonghan's btw
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ღ Joshua: "I love you because you have those Polaroids of me inside your nightstand."
You had decided it was time to do some spring cleaning. You had put your hair up and was straightening some things up in your room. You found some of Jisoo's jewelry and decided to put them in his nightstand. That's when you discovered a polaroid book you never saw before. Impulsively, you grabbed the book and saw that there were a bunch of random Polaroids showing you and moments in your relationship. Your heart started to swell as each memory came flooding back as you touched each picture. It made you love him even more. Little did you know, Jisoo had gotten home a bit earlier and was leaning against your bedroom door frame watching you relive the memories. He couldn't help but feel a bit anxious because that was supposed to be your anniversary gift that was a month away but he also loved how happy you looked looking at them. He felt very similar actually. It was at that moment when you looked up at him and couldn't stop smiling, "baby, how long have you had these?!" "Awhile," was all he could say while he looked at you which made you blush. You looked back at the photobook and just felt so touched to be able to go through memories like this.
ღ Jeonghan: "And I love you because you're understanding when I'm too shy to show my skin."
Jeonghan's love language toward you was teasing for most part. However, there were times when he knew that you needed a little TLC aka tender love and care. Those times came when you were struggling with the way you looked and a bit self conscious about showing skin. He would know you were struggling with negative thoughts pretty quickly. If you were in a sundress that was a bit shorter and you kept trying to pull it down in the back, he would casually stand behind you so nobody could look. When you were sitting, he would hand you his jacket with a soft smile so you could put it over your thighs. He hated that you had these thoughts but he knew you were working on them. He learned pretty quickly compliments would do nothing but these actions he did always made you snuggle up to his side and he'd feel like the luckiest son of a bitch ever. <3
ღ Woozi: "And I love you because you lead me back to bed when I wander in my sleep."
Jihoon found out about your sleepwalking ways literally the first night you both had a sleepover. He thought you got up to go to the bathroom and when you took awhile to come back, he went to go investigate because well... he missed you. When he saw you 'staring' at your house plant and telling it that 'you didn't need ketchup' he put two and two together. He found it precious and didn't want you to be embarrassed about it so he never made it a big deal. Whenever you would sleepwalk, he would simply just lead you back to the bedroom. He would fall into whatever you were talking about. If you were ever embarrassed by it in the morning, he would quickly shut it down and say "it happens babe, don't worry about it." When you would say "no it's not normal," he would just wrap you in his arms and kiss you. He literally had no issue with helping you when you slept walked and helping you was normal for him. It was the least he could do.
ღ Dokyeom: "Autumn came and December went. Turned you down at your high school dance. You la-love me anyway."
You were sitting next to your newly wed husband, Lee Seokmin, as members of Seventeen and both of your family members came up to share stories about y'all and your relationship. You've known each other for ten years but had been dating/engaged for the last three. That's why when Mingyu who went to high school with you both came up he couldn't help but laugh before starting his story. "When Seokmin first told me he had a crush on (Y/N), we were getting ready for a school dance." This made Seokmin blush and hide his face while you started to laugh. This bit of lore from your relationship was embarrassing for you both however it was funny to see where you both ended up being. You see, Seokmin used to be even more shier then he was now and you were just super self conscious. It was the second to last slow dance and he came up to ask you to dance. You just shook your head and ran away leaving him in the dust confused. You just didn't think someone that was as attractive as him would ever be genuine. Even though it mortified him at the time, he still ended up marrying you and neither of you could ask for a more perfect ending. <3
ღ Seungkwan: "When I met you at summer camp, I would never give you a chance. You still la-love me anyway."
When you were younger, the more red flags a man had, the better. That's why Seungkwan was not on your radar when you both were camp counselors. He was kind to the attendees and everyone. He always flashed you a smile because well he was down bad first glance but to you he could be nothing but a friend. It wasn't until years after you both met and had been friends until you realized it had always been him. You both had been sitting on a blanket watching the stars when his hand just grabbed yours. You looked over at him confused but the look on his face was nervous. He always had a confident aura around him but tonight he was nervous. This was a new side of Seungkwan and it made you nervous as well. "(Y/N), I love you. I've loved you since day one. Can you please give me a chance now?" The question made you blush like crazy before you nodded. "I should've given you a chance years ago, Seungkwan. I love you too."
Hopefully this was good <3 Stream Love Me Anyway bc it's so cute :) (Performance Unit's should be up later today or tomorrow <3)
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eternalfics · 8 months
Hello! How are you? I wanted to make a request if it dosent bothers you,about headcanons of genya,sanemi and yorichi with a s/o that has a personality like maxi from the novel under the oak tree,like,reader is a person with a speech disability, which has manifested in early childhood,reader stutters and has a difficult time communicating,due this has a very shy personality, partially due to the fact that has been abused by their father since childhood. Reader believes themself to be inferior to others, especially to beautyfull and smart people. Reader is left with the trauma that their father gave them and they flinches every time anyone raises their voice.
Reader was reinforced with the idea that was worthless and useless all their life, and has therefore carried this notion within even into adulthood and deeply resents for not being able to be as strong as wants to be, as thinks that nobody will ever want them and would they understand why.Reader is easily scared and rattled, is often anxious on how she will act and how others will perceive them, as is worried that people will see them as nothing but a lazy and useless stutterer. Reader is a very private person who rarely tells anyone about their past, and sees themselves and their abuse as shameful and they despises the thought of people seeing them as even more pitiful and weak.
reader also gets flustered easily, even discussing intimate moments with their partner when they are alone can cause them to blush uncontrollably.When someone manages to get their trust reader is a timid and kind person, is soft-spoken and polite to everyone who is kind to them and treat their partner with kindness and respect.
Im really sorry for writting a whole bible 😭 😭 😭
with a shy, abused reader !!
(gn! reader, reader is sanemi’s tsugoku in genya and sanemis)
warning: mentions of food, raising voice, fighting, weird pet names?
a/n: KYAAAABEUSBDI!! thank you for the request! I’ll do my best to serve your creative ideas 🫡 btw I’m good and if this took long sorry 😰 this is in second person!
characters: genya, sanemi
summary: how will they create a relationship? slowly? quickly? lets see :)
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He kinda learned the tough way when he learned you were were sensitive. 😨
Genya just gets it. You remind him of his siblings when he first got to know you, he likes it when you make effort to accompany him 🙃
But at the same time, he feels angry how could someone do this to a beautiful face like yours?
No one will hurt you again, and Genya will make sure he’ll be with you every step of the way of your life. (yandere? 😰)
Genya’s overprotective of you, he’s scared something or someone will hurt you. Even a small hello with Tanjiro, what if you slip? He can’t have that :(
Genya started slowly with affection such as love notes, holding hands (kinda) and headpats ohh how he loves headpats 🤭
He believes that you need ✨princess treatment✨ and those will be headpats and compliment
Headpats are a must for everything, they’re like his way of saying “Well done! I love you 🫶” so he pats you everytime you do anything right or cute
He won’t hesitate to give anyone a big, fat slap on the face if they hurt his darling 😡
He did raise his voice at you one time for getting to curious, and asking about his childhood. This left you insecure and Genya actually comforted you and didn’t leave you to sulk in the corner like others did 🥺
One time he actually spoke his mind and asked you how many kids you want. 💀Which ended up in him having a tomato coloured s/o 🤕
“Maybe, they’ll have your hair colour :)”
Two words, Not. Good.
At first, he thought you were just a shy weirdo who didn’t know how to socialise 🤨
But then he got to know you slowly! Kinda like Genya but worse. 😀 Anyway, your first training session together was straightforward but awkward.
Your second was better, he soon understood your body language better than you. One time, he looked at your face just one time maybe he’ll get to see that face around more.. I MEAN!-
He thinks your as comforting as his mother, and underneath all that insecurity and fake happiness is a whole lot of fun like his siblings 😋 Not like he’ll ever tell you that.
Sanemi actually can cook really well! He just asks you to teach him, as he finds this as an act of intimacy. When you see his food is surprisingly good, you give him a questioning look and he shrugs it off and says “Your a good teacher” and he offers you some food. 🥙
The way you communicate to him is head tilting, looks, shrugs and all of that other stuff after finding out that he understands you. ❤️ So when you quietly stutter out to him that you love his scars, it means a lot to him and he quietly responds with a “Love you too, Dummy”
When you open up to him about your childhood, or how they beated you, he just nods and asks if you want to train.
he DOES NOT tolerate ANY disrespect, or any playful scaring. If he ends up with a tear - stained cheek s/o you bet there’s gonna be a white-haired person barking outside your window 😶
“If anyone disrespects you, you come straight to me or you kick them in the balls. Got it?”
Overall, they both love you ❤️ (Sorryy there’s no Yorichii!
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tojisdolliee · 2 years
Can you please do flirting HCs with Yuji, Megumi, Gojo, Nanami, and Sukuna? 💗
Thanks for this request angel it was so fun to write 💞 (chubby coded bimbo reader btw!)
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Yuji Itadori
♡ Yuji is NOT shy idc
♡ He comes up to you and compliments your outfits in a sweet tone
♡ "Hey! Y/N you look so lovely in that outfit!"
♡ Uses pet names soooo much !!!
♡ "Bunny" "Kitten" "Sweetie"
♡ Buys you sweets from your favorite bakeries
♡ Doesnt bully you when you have your dumb moments, often you share a laugh about how neither of you knew about something
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Megumi Fushiguro
♡ Megumi always sat in the back of the class and didnt really talk to anyone until
♡ "Y/N, youre looking pretty cute."
♡ that was the moment you fell for him
♡ "Hey, angel you need to drink some water" "Is it too cold?"
♡ comforts you in self concious moments and beats up your bullies
♡ "Hey, ignore them. You're beautiful" he says as he squeezes your cheeks on one hand, making your lips pucker and placing a small peck on them
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Gojo Satoru
♡ such a playful flirt i stg
♡ he would take your phone and hold it up high to make you jump for it
♡ he cant help it he just wants to see your cute flustered face
♡ "Cmon you can get it bunny, Just a little higher. Rabbits are supposed to be good at hopping arent they?"
♡ feeds you his snacks
♡ goes shopping with you and REFUSES to let you pay for anything
♡ loves how blushy you get when thanking him
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Nanami Kento
♡ Hot gentleman
♡ loves to embarrass you
♡ he caught you staring at him once
♡ "like what you see darling? if you beg for me ill let you see more"
♡ "Darling" "Good girl"
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♡ "hey brat, get over here i need to look at something pretty"
♡ pulls on your hair, steals your things and runs
♡ smears your lipgloss with his thumb
♡ "next time ill smear it with my cock"
♡ loves how girly you are but would never tell you
♡ can be hella serious and caring
♡ "Hey kid, you need to eat"
♡ "Have you taken your medicine today?"
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hannieehaee · 7 months
Hiii, i‘m here again. Thought about seventeen reaction to making them shy or blush. Can be sfw or nsfw. Btw i love your blog<33
a/n: hehe thank u so much!! they're all pretty much fluff but are kind of (?) suggestive. i hope u like it <33
seungcheol -
he lowkey hated it when u did this lol. he knew you knew it was easy to fluster him by making advances towards him around his members, but you loved his reactions and would continue to do it. he'd act shy and scandalized at you while you were in public, but would get you back as soon as you were alone.
jeonghan -
it's extremely hard to make him shy/blush lets be honest. he's always a step ahead of you. on the rare occasions that you managed to catch him off guard and fluster him his resolve would instantly break. he'd whine at you and jokingly call you a perv for wanting to corrupt him even if you were teasing him with innocent intentions.
joshua -
have u seen him in gose he's literally immune to shyness. he'll chuckle at whatever it is that you do to get a reaction out of him, thinking it's adorable you want to see his cheeks turn pink. he'd make it his goal to make you blush instead, whatever means necessary.
jun -
he'd cover his face and whine at you the second he felt the heat arrive to his cheeks. whether innocent or not, he'd react immediately to any advance you made towards him in order to fluster him. he'd hide his face in your shoulder and laugh, embarrassed at how easily you can get a reaction out of him.
soonyoung -
he does not know the concept of flustered. he'd pull an uno reverse card and fluster you without even meaning to. you wanna hit on him in front of the members? he'd purr at you and stick to you until you took him to bed. you wanna get a reaction through flirting? he'd maybe act a bit bashful but be genuinely touched and nuzzle his head into your neck. literal tiger cub in human form.
wonwoo -
he'd call you out for trying to get a reaction out of him. he can see right through you and you are not getting through to him. he holds all the power when it comes to flustering the other, sorry. he knew that as soon as he deepened his voice or looked at you a certain way you'd break, which gave him immunity to any attempt to make him blush.
jihoon -
he may seem a bit stoic in that area, but he would fold immediately if you ever complimented him (whether innocently or with other intentions in mind). if you simply complimented him, he'd blush and look away, bashfully denying you. if you tried to make advances towards him he would give in to whatever you wanted, almost begging for it.
seokmin -
no matter how you go about it he always blushes at any interaction with you. whether you compliment him or hit on him or straight up try to seduce him in front of the members, he'll always blush like crazy and avoid eye contact, knowing how whipped he is for you.
mingyu -
he'd be so excited at the concept of you wanting to get a reaction out of him. he'd make that loud 아휴 sound he always makes and encourage you to compliment/seduce/do whatever you want to get him to blush. he would, however, not blush or get shy either way though lmao.
minghao -
he'd roll his eyes jokingly, knowing all you wanted was a reaction. you cant get him to blush he's seen it all!! he's too confident to feel flustered at anything you did. he'd just match whatever energy you gave him.
seungkwan -
you might break him if you do anything to get him to blush. no matter how innocent (of not), he would blush like crazy and avoid eye contact. then he'd start whining at you accusing you of being rude and mean because 'why would you want me to get red like that! thats so embarrassing!!'
vernon -
he wouldnt even realize youre trying to get him to blush or react flustered unless you were extremely obvious. the only way i think you could really get him to blush or lose his composure would be if you tried to seduce him with very obvious advances, in which case he'd blush with wide eyes and give you free reign.
chan -
even though he's used to his members trying to embarrass him, he must keep some type of manly persona around you, which is why he'd try not to react too bashfully to your compliments or advancements. however, you could occasionally catch him off guard and get him to whine at you for trying to get him to blush.
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italoniponic · 2 years
Can i request the shy but kind gn s/o hcs for jack, leona, and azul? This is a different anon btw! I just really loved how you wrote it for deuce :)
𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲'𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 - 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭
| Notes: Hi, anon!
Ooh, this makes me so happy! Deuce’s was so sweet and I hope you like this one too. Leona’s part feels kinda different in comparison to the rest but I liked it nevertheless. It ended up being so wholesome just like this type of reader~ Thanks for the request <3
Also! We hit 301 followers today and I'm like so, so happy~~~ Thanks a lot, you all are the best! (I never comment much on this or when people compliment me still for the 100 followers just bc, even tho I should, but I just wanted to do today. I woke up in a good mood |
Jack Howl, Leona Kingscholar, Azul Ashengrotto x g!n shy but kind reader / fluff at extreme doses / crush to lovers / use of “you” pronouns
Cherry's Harvesting event 🍒 Masterlist
Kindness Within
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From the very beginning, the key word in your relationship with Jack — from friendship to love — is communication. Well, it’s difficult at first, as expected. The two of you aren’t big names in the art of social interaction but, in your own way, you can get through things. The difference is that you are shy and Jack is a reserved boy who holds a tough guy pose;
Although Jack is used to being a lone wolf, your kindness won his heart little by little. You might not have the loudest howl but you were fair, understanding and helpful to others. And your shy manner awakens a sense of protection in Jack that he didn’t have towards people outside his family;
That's why he gets a little agitated when he answers you and his words come out a little rude, which could make you sad and give up on getting closer to him. But you never misjudged him for it. It was even a little funny to watch him go from “you can't let others do stupid things” to “ah, it's not like I care for you or anything” to “n-no, wait...!” in a minute;
The day you confessed to each other and started dating was so funny. You two wanted to be nice to each other — and both were kinda nervous — and you kept passing the turn for each other to say the important thing you wanted to tell, getting stuck in this vicious circle for five minutes;
It was you who interrupted everything and confessed first. Jack stood there for a moment, surprised and shocked. You almost interpreted his expression as a warning that he was going to reject you and because he noticed your restlessness, Jack ended up saying very loudly that he liked you to make sure you heard it before running out of there. The ones who suffered the most were your friends who witnessed this occasion, hidden in the bushes;
One of the things Jack appreciates is how you let him have his personal space without pressuring him to do more than is possible for him to do. You two even talk about the things you want to improve in yourselves, but it's not like it's an obligation. You are young and have a long life ahead of you to develop in the best possible way;
While Savanaclaw may not be the place for you — and honestly, sometimes it feels like you've fallen into the jungle in the most literal sense — you enjoy stopping by and visiting Jack to study together or just spend time talking. Of course, you two don't escape hearing comments from other students. A loud growl from Jack and they run away, though still laughing;
Because you have this comfortable atmosphere of a listener, Jack gradually tells you stories from his childhood and things about himself that few people know. It's nice to have someone next to you who really listens to you and can laugh along, is what Jack thinks. And even if he doesn't say anything, his docile look when he faces you is enough;
While Jack cherishes your kindness to others and always comments on this being your strong point, he’ll also advise and warn you when people are abusing your charity too much or trying to use you for something. If there's one thing Jack hates, it's seeing such pure feelings being used for petty things;
For the first year group, you two serve as parents. Jack is the serious and grumpy “father” who ends up lecturing the others for making a mess and you’re the kind and sweet “mother” that they use as a shield when Jack is full of their shenanigans. You approach him shyly, asking him to be calm, and with enviable ease, you tame the beast inside him. He really can't stand scaring you unnecessarily;
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One of the beautiful things about your relationship is how you inspire Jack to open up to people more and he inspires you to have more courage in talking to people and speaking your mind when you have to. You are each other's strength and also the place where you can find unconditional comfort.
Being shy is usually hard enough. But being shy inside the big Night Raven College, where all the strong-willed and temperamental people gather, is like being a humble little mouse in the big savannah. Larger, carnivorous animals are everywhere, too big to notice you and at the same time, sensitive to everything you do;
So meeting Leona for the first time made you quite nervous initially. It was like tripping on the tail of a great and proud, yet lazy, lion. Culturally — at least in your world — the king of all that light touches. And you cringed yourself at his grandiosity but, not wanting to irritate him anymore, offered to do something for his tail that you stepped on unintentionally;
Leona would normally have understood this behavior as merely a cowardly attempt to relieve his ego but. you genuinely bent down to massage that painful part of his tail and offered to pay for a soda to compensate for it. It was your way of being kind, he realized. Throughout other of your random encounters, you got to know each other better;
You realized that Leona's strength shouldn’t be underestimated as much as the fact that he is harmless when you don’t actively try to annoy him beyond the tolerable. You were one of the few people — perhaps the only one — who cared for the good state of his nerves and, even if hesitantly, you asked others not to push him too much;
Leona noticed these little things in his own silence. A fearful little mouse helping a wounded lion, what an extraordinary thing. He'd never seen anything like it. Although shy, you had a good heart. You were kind to him and other people, even in the most difficult situations. Even when you lowered your own head. He could understand these moments;
Perhaps the most impressive moment of yours that Leona witnessed was when, one day, you gathered enough courage to say something important to him. “Leona, I love you! You...,” a pause, you took a deep breath. “... are an important person to me and I would like to stay by your side forever.” When you finished, you thought you were going to be rejected;
You didn't think Leona would be rude or anything, just that he would turn you down and ask you to forget about it. Because of this, you only closed your eyes slightly and tried to make your head stand still, like he taught you to do. Or try to. To your surprise, Leona nudged you and offered the vacant space where he was lying for you to stay. “I love you too, little mouse,” was what he meant by that gesture;
Needless to say, you are an unusual and weird couple in everyone’s eyes. But Leona didn't care about that and told you to do the same. You don't gain confidence or pomposity by osmosis but Leona always made you feel stronger. And wanting to be stronger somehow;
Conversations with Leona can last for a long time and it’s fun, especially for him. Your way doesn’t cease to interest him and your kindness captivates his heart day after day. If someone says anything about you, he is ready to defend you — something he never thought to do for anyone. Perhaps you can also inspire him to want something more;
You may not do everything for Leona but, Ruggie has delegated you the tasks of finding him for classes and bringing him lunch. In this, you practically eat together every day. There are times when you two are in a comfortable and relaxing silence, which makes Leona want to go back to sleep with you next to him. Unfortunately he doesn't care much if this makes your heart beat out of control and almost explode, but you’re free to decline the offer if you want; 
The favorite part of your dates for Leona is when you let him rest his head on your lap and he — pretends, actually — sleeps. He likes to feel your hand caressing his hair, making everything more comfy for him to have a quiet moment. Really, to have someone so kind in his life is a blessing.
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When Azul first saw you, a normal and shy human, he felt a certain instant empathy for you. It must be because you reminded him of what he was like as a young boy, shy, scared and awkward. Walking through a world that judged him too much by his nature. So even when Azul was able to talk to you, these feelings bothered him so he didn't get too heavy into his own schemes by including you;
At first, you couldn’t even imagine the reasons why Azul treats you a little better in comparison to others. You just thought it was his theatrical way of coming across as gentle, but still, you liked him. Little by little, it was as if a strange connection formed between you two and even after going through a lot, you never treated him badly;
“I d-don't find your octopus form ugly... it's who you are and it's already beautiful enough for me,” you once confessed. It had started because the twins were remembering childhood moments and Azul tried to stop them from commenting anything about how he was before. You listened to everything in silence, but for a certain time, you managed to say these kind words;
Well, having the three of them suddenly staring at you made your nervousness come back and you cringed a little, cheeks blushing more and more that you thought better about what you said. You didn't want to give away your feelings for Azul in this way, you didn't believe that he would ever reciprocate you. “Do you… think I'm beautiful?,” Azul asked. You met his eyes, touched and thrilled;
If there's one thing Azul admires about you, it's your genuine, natural kindness. Compared to him, who often has to pretend to care about others to attract them and do business and create debt, you help people effortlessly and that counts a lot more. So when you said something, Azul could trust your truthfulness. Especially if it was how much you loved him;
Most of your dates take place in the Azul’s office, the VIP room. Azul wishes you two could meet in a better place than his room for work and studies, but you like the quiet, private atmosphere of his office. Like a bubble, away from the energetic lounge. You two sometimes dined right there and shared your daily stories, celebrating victories and offering comfort in hardships;
As time passed, Azul’s heart softened and he dared to reveal some stories and memories from when he was little. Just a few. You always listened to him carefully and attentively, even if you didn't say anything, your eyes sparkled just imagining how cute Azul was when he was little. He doesn't know how to feel about that gaze of yours;
If you really want to, Azul is available to help you overcome your shyness. At least enough so that public speaking isn't a torture. He had to go through this process practically alone, train with himself in front of a mirror and continue on trial-and-error in real life. But, if you need to, you aren’t alone in this;
Perhaps because you're similar — and Azul has other introverted and shy friends around school — it sometimes feels like he knows exactly what you want without you having to say anything. Sometimes you’re staring too much at a certain product in the Mystery Shop or you’re tapping your foot to a specific song, nothing escapes Azul’s eyes. He is better at granting wishes than you imagined;
Once, Azul got a free afternoon in both of your schedules to take you to the coast part of the island to see the beach and the sea until late afternoon. You stayed close to the rocks, away from the city’s agitation. Azul sang a little to you and you two talked while watching the waves hit the sand. It was so quiet and comfortable;
The thing is, in the end, you and Azul complement each other very well. You may be shy and not talk much, but you like his flamboyant and funny way. It's what makes you laugh the most when you're alone. Azul likes the sound of your laughter, precisely because you’re mostly reserved. It’s one of the things that he is usually privileged to witness and he collects these memories like precious pearls.
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fuckmymunson · 1 year
🎄𝗨𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗵𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗺𝗮𝘀 𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗲: Send me a character + prompt from this smut list ;)!
robin buckley “I’m going to fucking ruin you.” +“You’re so in for it when we get home.”
your writing is SO GOOD! i hope you’re having a wonderful december <3
THIS IS MY FIRST TIME WRITING FOR ROBIN OMG, I'M SO EXCITED! Thank you so much!!! I really appreciate your kind words and I hope you had a wonderful December and a Happy New Year! 💛. Btw, I'm on my phone so I don't have the «read more» feature, so sorry!:(
18+, smut! Sub!Robin ♡, Dom!Reader, drunk(ish) sex, dirty talk, (if you squint? Idk), fingering.
Robin was your local awkward, adorable girlfriend. Always wearing a lovely blush on her cheeks and still getting all flustered by your kisses, pet names and compliments after almost a year of dating.
Her sweet and rambling personality completely bewildered you— yet, it was one of your favorite things about her.
But god forbids, the moment she sips a single drop of alcohol.
Goodbye shy, nervous Robin, hello bratty, cocky Robin.
You two weren't used to public displays of affection, your friends were pretty much into it and even encouraged you two to be more comfortable between them, making you feel safe in an environment where you knew you wouldn't be judged. No one cared if you two kissed, or held hands, or whatever!
But unfortunately not everyone thought like that.
Don't get me wrong either— You love a touchy Robin, a smiling gorgeous girl who cupped your face and kissed you lovingly; But, you weren't quite fond of the way a couple of immature jocks looked at you, laughing and clearly whispering obscenities.
Or the group of childish cheerleaders that kept gossiping at the way Robin's hands sneaked under your skirt and grope at your thighs.
"Darling" You whispered to her ear, removing the red cup from her ringed hand. "Let's cut the alcohol a bit, yeah? I need to take you home and I don't want you puking your mom's couch again"
"Baby— Come on" She said, loudly. Brunette locks framing her freckled cheeks. "I just wanna give my girl some sweet lovin', don't be bitchy!"
"Me? Bitchy?" You inquired, huffing. You slap her hand away from your ass again. "Robin, stay still. Or else you know what happens to bad girls" You let the threat linger in the air.
"Yeah? What? You gonna send me to sleep without a goodbye kiss?" She mocked and grabbed the first red cup on her eyesight, not bothering to check it before drinking from it.
"Robin, this is your last warning"
"You gonna spank me or what?" She giggled and playfully slapped your thigh.
"You're so in for it when we get home"
Your hand trapped her wrist, dragging her outside Steve's house. Robin saw the look on your eyes gulped, suddenly nervous. She didn't realized how much she was pushing her luck. As if every drop of alcohol and bratty confidence drained from her body, she tried to save herself.
"Babe! I w—was just joking you know? Haha, you know I didn't mean any of that"
Your answer was silence.
You stomped your way to your car, opening the passenger door and pushing her inside, gently yet firmly. Crawling on top of her, you locked the door, cupping her face and kissing her. Robin moaned against your lips, already full aware of what was about to happen.
"I'm going to fucking ruin you" You promised.
Usually, you would take your time with her, one by one pushing her buttons and turning her into a needy, begging mess— Not tonight, though. Robin moaned against your hair when you sank two fingers inside her, curling them and squeezing her thigh as you held her legs open. The position was uncomfortable, your car wasn't that big but it had to do. Without hesitation you moved your fingers at a mean pace, in and out, in and out, the wet noises of her pussy made you choke a moan, this was a punishment, you needed to remind yourself that.
Your thumb rubbed her clit, already swollen between her puffy, sweet lips. Robin cried your name, ashamed of how quickly she was cumming.
"I'm sorry—I'm sorry!" She almost yelled, biting her lips. "Please mommy I'll be good!"
"Now you wanna be good?" You rolled your eyes but your voice was hoarse and trembling.
With a high yelp, Robin came around your fingers, clenching around your digits and yanking your hair almost unconsciously. Her lips searched yours and you gave in just this time, because what was about to happen will be way worse.
Instead of removing your fingers like you would usually do, you continued your movements, this time adding a third finger easily due to the new wave of slick that coated them. Your girlfriend mewled, a bit overwhelmed by the sudden overstimulation.
"Nononononono—" She shook her head, already knowing your plans.
Robin hated to be overstimulated to the point that it brought tears to her pretty light eyes and turned her into a wet, putty mess.
You, on the other hand, were having the time of your life.
"Remember the last time you came four times and squirted?" You talked, nonchalantly. Not giving her time of replying, you continued: "Let's see if I can make you squirt before the third time"
"But—fuck" She cried, clenching around your fingers when your teeth gazed over her nipples over her thin cotton shirt. "Baby, your car— it's gonna be all m—messy"
"Don't worry, it's leather. You can clean it with your tongue"
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lynn-writes-things · 2 years
Fuuuuuck ME your writing is FABULOUS QUEEN 👸🏼
Your characterizations for the jujutsu kaisen men are 💯
If it’s up your alley, would you consider flirting/crushing on a love interest HCs for the men?
YES ABSOLUTELY!!!! thank you for the compliments my dear! and thank you for the request!!! <3
(btw I am getting to all the other requests as well, I'm back from the dead y'all lmao)
jjk men crushing on you <3
ft: Yuji Itadori; Megumi Fushiguro; Toge Inumaki; Yuta Okkotsu; Noritoshi Kamo; Satoru Gojo; Suguru Geto; Kento Nanami; Toji Fushiguro; Naoya Zenin (might be ooc?)
(I decided to exclude the curses from this one, cause Choso would be a fucking wreck and would probably have a nervous breakdown tbh, and Sukuna is, well.. Sukuna lmao)
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Yuji Itadori:
ohhhhhh my god he's horrible
geuinely the WORST when he's crushing on someone
he wants to talk to you SO BAD!!!
so he always tries! he's always trying to be near you all the time and talk to you about stuff!!
Yuji does not know how to act around someone he's crushing on :(
he talks to you, but he does not stop talking lmao
stutters a lot, trips over his words, messes up everything he tries to say but keeps fuckin' talkin' anyways
SO clumsy because all he can focus on is you, so he's tripping over his own two feet, walking into shit, etc
his face gets pinker than his hair every time he embarrasses himself around you :((
he'll ask you really stupid questions
like say you're both going to jujutsu tech, he knows you're a sorcerer, he knows your technique..
but during your first conversation he'll still stammer out a "so, are you a sorcerer?" after LITERALLY SEEING YOU FIGHT A CURSE OR WATCHING YOU TRAIN
sukuna doesn't even have to intervene to embarrass Yuji, but he is dying laughing at every misspoken word and stupid question that leaves Yuji's lips in your direction
"Do you want me to talk to her instead?"
"Well, you fucking suck at this brat"
he'll confess eventually!!!!
I think he'd be really cute about it, probably asks Nobara or Maki how they'd want to be asked out, or asks Megumi how he'd do it
(Nobara would probably be sneaky and as YOU how you'd want to be asked out, then change her answer to Yuji lmao)
either way, he will be a nervous wreck while he does it, and it'll be adorable :)
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Megumi Fushiguro:
ohhhhhhhhhh my god, my sweet baby
my sweet sweet baby boy
bless this boy, he does not know how to handle emotions
ngl probably tries to avoid you
he can't help but keep an eye on you tho
he'll watch from afar and end up getting called out by Nobara or Maki for being creepy
let's be real Yuji would be too oblivious to actually realize why his best friend acts like that around you
the girls are onto him tho lmao
he'll probably occasionally get you a snack or drink that he knows you like
especially if you're having a bad day, but he won't actually say much other than like "Here you go" and just leave
if it goes on for too long and you end up asking him if you did something wrong, he'll panic so bad
this would probably be the catalyst for him confessing tbh
he doesn't want you thinking that he fuckin' hates you cause that's the farthest thing from the truth
he'll be a mess the whole time, won't be able to look at you, face red as a fuckin' tomato, etc
he'll try to fucking leave before you can even say anything so you'll have to stop him and tell him that you like him too
sweet boy would be blushing SO BAD
very very very shy, pls be patient with him, he's trying his best <3
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Yuta Okkotsu:
another super sweet shy baby <3
wants to be around you all the time but has no clue wtf to say
he's a good mix of Yuji and Megumi tbh cause he does want to be around you all the time
but he's too shy to actually say something most of the time
he kinda relies on others to lead the conversations
his cheeks are always heated around you and his eyes are practically hearts <3
he just!!!!!!!!!!! you just!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ugh he's so smitten
Toge and Maki catch on in like .2 seconds that Yuta's crushin' hard and they try to set you two up
all of a sudden you and Yuta are being brought into conversations only for you friends to lead them in very specific ways
aw it's so nice that your friends are all going on a nice picnic in the lovely field of flower
oh, would you look at that! something urgent came up and Toge and Maki both have to leave, so weirdddddd
ngl that might've been partially orchestrated by Yuta himself
he'll be all flustered when he hands you a tiny bouquet of the wildflowers, his cheeks burning, but his eyes are so very hopeful
this is definitely where he confesses to you too <3
it ends up being so incredibly sweet, and he'll definitely take you on a date here under the stars on your anniversary :( <3
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Toge Inumaki:
baby baby boy
does not know WHAT to do
he has a cheat card up his sleeve with always having his face covered, so his blushing isn't nearly as extreme as the others
and he doesn't have to worry about tripping over his words! he can't use them anyways!
he's still nervous as fuck around you but he doesn't show it much
constantly sending you memes
throws in the cutesy ones sometimes, like the uhhhhhhhhhh
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totally sends you the aggressive "iced coffee is not a meal, go eat something and drink some water" tiktoks
he's a touchy guy I feel like, so if you guys are hanging out watching a movie or something he'll lay his head on your lap and stuff
if you know sign language then expect a LOT of secret conversations around people who don't know it
very much a simp, Panda and Maki probably tease the hell out of him for it
(Yuta doesn't, Yuta is also a known simp)
sweet boy fucks with you just...... all the time lmao
it's his love language <3
I feel like he'd either have some sorta elaborate confession
like the type to set up a whole ass powerpoint presentation on "why I like you" that makes you cry <3
or like he'll (make and) send you a tiktok saying shit like "whoever sent you this has a confession.. they really fucking like you, idiot" or smth
OR he just kinda.....
if he can tell taht you like him too, he'll probably just kinda....
kiss you one day when you aren't expecting it?
idk I don't think Toge's in the shy phase of crushing on you for too long, I think he'd be a pretty confident dude (insecurities aside)
like when it's just the two of you, he's pretty confident ya know?
mans ain't afraid to make bold moves <3
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Noritoshi Kamo:
bless him
baby boy does not know how to deal with these feelings :(
he likes you SO MUCH!!!!
tires to be very professional about it tho
he'll insist on walking you to your dorm after late night hangouts with your friends
if you're going out to the city, boom you've now got a companion
"it's not safe for someone such as yourself to be out there alone"
don't mistake it!! he's not trying to call you weak!!!!
no yowaimo's here babes, don't worry
he just wants to make sure that you're safe ya know?
probably learns your favorite places to get takeout and orders it regularly for you
if you go anywhere with him he'll just immediately pay for whatever you're grabbing
like it does not matter what it is or how much it costs, he's offering to pay for it
Todo tries to convince him to "be a man and tell them how you feel. everybody likes knowing that you're loved"
the girls also try to coax him into confessing cause it is so damn obvious
eventually he grows tired of the constant harassment and does confess <3
he shows up with one rose (in your favorite color, no less) and very shaky hands
it's EXTREMELY formal
like he won't ask you to be his girlfriend/boyfriend/partner outright
he's the type to very formally ask to "court" you instead or "date" you
he'll tell you that he likes you a lot, and wants to take things farther <3
pls don't tease him about how stuff and shaky he is, he's doing his best :(
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Satoru Gojo:
a menace
you literally will not be able to tell
he flirts with you, sure, but this mf flirts with everyone who breathes, so...
it drives him insane tbh cause he likes you SO DAMN MUCH and you just??? don't realize it?????
and he's another one who doesn't really know How To Emotion properly which makes it impossible for him to just straight up tell you how he actually feels
he definitely goes extra with you tho
like he always surprises you with flowers and stuff
ALWAYS around you
you're busy teaching? he's there <3
you're in the lounge? there he is!! &lt;3
he actually kinda.. let's himself be more chill around you
not much tho
little do you know he's HARD STOPPED flirting with anybody else
he gets real annoyed if you're giving your attention to someone else tho
he totally "peacocks" around you, like he shows off big time
if someone's stealing your attention from him then he's quick to pull a flashy move of some sorts or show off how strong and powerful he is <3
ngl he tries very hard to get you to confess to him first
it's an ego thing ya know?
don't worry tho, Satoru is not a patient man
he will crack very soon into this game
for his confession I think he'd take you out to the nicest restaurant in all of Tokyo, gets you a big ass bouquet of expensive flowers, he leaves a big ass tip just to flex his money
he'll end the night by walking you home
I don't think he'll "confess" so to speak, but he'll definitely kiss you goodnight, and next time you see him he'll greet you with something like "how's my pretty S/O doing today?" or something claiming you as his lmao
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Suguru Geto:
smug bastard man
love him, mwah <3
will woo the FUCK outta you dude
he's charistmatic as all hell like you don't even KNOW
hands out with you a lot, always has the sweetest smiles and alwayyyssss has some flirty line to make you blush
probably gets you little gifts here and there
like he won't get you flowers (well, maybe once or twice) but he always surpises you with your favorite snacks and drinks and such
will buy you anything that makes him think of you
but he's not the one who tries to win you over with gifts ya know?
he'd rather use his words <3
and boy does he ever!
he's always got some poetic ass lines to drop
ngl he's probably the most likely to confess early on compared to the others so far
gets tired of the games too quick
he'd confess by asking you out to your favorite coffee place that the two of you frequent
pays for your order and everything, tells you to go sit while he orders for you cause of course he has your favorite memorized
this would be one of the times where he shows up with flowers when he picks you up
prooooobably asks the barista to write something like "will you be mine?" on the side of the cup with a lil heart <3
(POV the barista is sneaking glacnes over at the table of their two fav customers, trying not to smile too much and give away what's happening, but this is the most exciting thing to happen in the cafe in ages and they're hoping that you say yes <;3)
(it's me, I was once the barista who had this exact thing happen in my place of work once with a lovely lesbian couple and actually cheered when she said yes :( <;3)
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Kento Nanami:
oh lord
pretty similar to Megumi ngl I think he'd lowkey try to avoid you
it's nothing personal, you just distract him SO MUCH that he can't get anything done if you're around
his mind kinda just goes blank whenever you're around tbh <3
he gets a lil clumsy, very flustered, it's very cute
he does listen tho, he listens to everything you ever tell him
every like, dislike, etc
if you confront him and ask him why he seems to be avoiding you then he'll just kinda
when he realizes that give syou the wrong impression and sees the dejected look in your eyes then he'll VERY QUICKLY RECOVER AND TRY TO EXPLAIN BETTER
over all I do not think that Nanami tries to actually flirt with you
he literally cannot come up with a good line to save his life
like this man is horrendous at flirting, god help him <3
if you happen to catch him reading at some point tho then you'd see that he's picked up the book you once told him was your favorite
if this is in the office then you'll notice a fresh cup of coffee on your desk every morning, when Nanami was the only person in earlier than you :( <3
mans is very straight to the point with his confession
there's nothing smooth about it, there's no flowers or fancy gifts cause you caught him off guard by confronting him on his aloofness
he'll just straight up tell you that he's very infatuated with you, and that he'd like to take your friendship farther
but will tell you in the same breath that if you don't reciprocate his feelings that he understands and doesn't want to make you uncomfortable
pls accept his feelings and don't let him ramble long enough to get in his own head, he'll make himself sad :(
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Toji Fushiguro:
I..... think this is incredibly rare
Toji does not crush on people
the only person he's ever actually crushed on was his ex wife, and after she died he vowed never to fall in love again
then he met you
I can see this happening at your place of work, maybe you're a bartender at the only bar in town that he hasn't gotten himself kicked out of
maybe you give him just as much shit as he gives you, and that cataches his eye
because usually everybody just submits to him and doesn't dare talk back cause he's so intimidating
but you???
you're pretty, witty, and there's a fire in your eyes that draws him in like a moth
obviously he tries to sleep with you
you?? refuse him???
that????? never happens to him????????????
boom, just like that, he's addicted
he HAS to win you over
so he's there every other night, becomes your favorite regular, and always tries flirting with you
what pisses him off is that you flirt back, but you still won't take him up on his offer to come back to his place after work
it drives him insane until one day he snaps and finally asks you outright
"Why the hell won't you fuck me?"
"I'm not into random hookups. You'll have to take me on a date first."
he can do that, Toji can absolutely make that happen
so he asks, and brings you out to a local restaurant
it's not fancy and it's not expensive, but you weren't expecting much from the man who only ever orders the cheapest drinks on the menu
his confession is very unconventional lmfao
"You really piss me off, you know that?"
"Huh? What'd I do?"
"You're in my fuckin' head all the time, drives me crazy. Can't stop fuckin' thinking about ya'."
"Sounds like someone's got a crushhh~"
despite your teasing tone, your words still hit Toji like a truck
oh fuck
maybe he does have a crush on you
"Help me out then. Be mine already, would ya', doll?"
who could say no to such charm *swoon* <3
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Naoya Zenin:
probably mean about it tbh
doesn't know how to have feelings, much less how to actually express them
he just comes across as a fucking dickhead to you at first
if he ever makes you cry though?
he will drop the tough guy act so fast and try to calm you down
one of the first times he every apologizes to anyone tbh
after that he TRIES to be more careful with you
your first clue that he has feelings for you is PROBABLY that tbh
next thing you know there's a bunch of gifts showing up at your door
like he'll buy you fancy designer clothes in your size, doesn't matter if you picked them out or not, cause he'll see something he thinks you'd look good in and just
buys it for you
it's not MEAN mean but just kinda.... idk, you can just see right through it, let's just put it that way
his bark lacks any sort of it's usual bite, ya know what I mean?
doesn't actually ask you out to dinner
he shows up with one of the outfits, hands it to you, and tells you "I'll be back at 7, wear this."
then just fucking leaves
brings you to a VERY expensive restaurant cause he wants to impress you
nothing super romantic about the way he confesses tbh
ngl I can see him saying shit like "I like you, so I'm doing you a favor. Be my S/O."
it is not a question, it is quite literally a demand lmao
the Zenin men have so much charm, don't they? <3 lmfao
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yawujin · 1 day
Eeeeee— I just found this account not so long ago but I want to request some YTTD hcs of Kai, Alice and Reko with gn!reader who is a make up artist? :oo (I want to specify that I kinda want platonic for Reko but Kai and Alice would be romantic if that’s fine for you :3. No pressure ofc!)
Thank you in advance btw! Take care ^^!!
(I don’t usually use tumblr so I don’t know if I used the right box to request ueuueiejeu 😭)
hey thank you!! and thanks for the request <3
request | kai, alice, and reko x makeup artist! reader
type | romantic relationships, platonic relationship, no death game, light hearted, short read, gender neutral reader
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kai satou ♡
when you tell kai that you are a makeup artist, he becomes curious
he tells you that the way he thinks about it is like painting, the only difference being that your "canvas" is a face
when you do an especially colorful makeup look on yourself and show him he's quite impressed with your skill
"you look very nice." he looks over your face, examining all the fine, detailed work
you offer to do his makeup, and he accepts
kai gets shy when you get really close to his face whilst doing his eyeshadow, contour, eyeliner, etc.
alice yabusame ♡
he finds it so cool that you can do makeup
if you want to try out a new editorial look on someone, alice is your guy
"there ought to be blue foundation, you know, just for fun" he says while you two walk down the aisle at a beauty supply store
usually asks for you to do graphic eyeliner looks on him
when he gets really happy and wants to hug you, he always has to find an angle in which your face won't be smushed against him and your makeup won't get smudged
kinda likes it when you leave lipstick marks on him
reko yabusame ♡
she also finds it really amazing that you can do makeup
when she wants to spice up her usual makeup, she goes to you for ideas
loves it when you wear alt makeup because you guys match 👯‍♀️
if you ever forget to buy black eyeshadow or lipstick have no fear because she is always willing to lend hers to you
compliments your skills 24/7
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class-1b-bull · 1 month
sorry but I can't stop imagining class 1b with a s/o that is usually really calm and doesn't really express their emotions much.
They get really flustered witg affection and will try to cover their face with their hand :)
Like their face will stotic,but they second their hugged (or kissed on the cheek) they'll get all red and embarrassed,they'll just be stuttering.
A normally calm s/o getting flustered with affection is so cute lmao (and thank you so much btw)
Not proofread we die like men
Awase - he does everything he can to make his s/o flustered but the second they try to turn it around he starts blushing instead.
Sen - he will lightly tease his s/o for getting flustered so easily when hes just holding their hand. Other than that he wont acknowledge it much.
Kamakiri - he dosent acknowledge it at all. He will be dragging around his s/o with their face red asf just because hes holding their hand or whatever and he wont point it out at all. (He does purposely do things to make them flustered though since he thinks its funny lmao)
Kuroiro - he will definitely try to tease his s/o about how easily they get flustered but he is the exact same way. Stoic and calm most of the time but he melts the second anyone is nice to him lmao.
Kendo - she thinks her s/o getting flustered over little bits of affection is adorable. She will purposely do obvious affectionate gestures more often just to see them flustered
Kodai - shes also very calm and dosent show her emotions quite often so it was a bit of a surprise for her when she found out her s/o got flustered so easily. She dosent tend to make them flustered on purpose and most of her affection is behind closed doors to try and avoid embarrassing her s/o but other than that she doesn't do anything special.
Komori - she thinks her s/o getting flustered over something so small is the cutest thing and she will gush about it and compliment them for it. And all of that just makes her s/o more flustered and embarrassed
Shiozaki - she thinks its sweet that her s/o get so flustered by affection especially since it counters their usual demeanor. Other than silently thinking its sweet she doesn't do anything special.
Shishida - he tries not to get his s/o too flustered in public areas because that can be a bit embarrassing at times but he ends up doing it on accident instead. He thinks its adorable how his s/o will try to cover their face when theyre flustered from little things like holding their hand and whatever else.
Shoda - hes quite a shy person so I doubt he would initiate much physical affection so when he does and he gets to see his s/o get all flustered and embarrassed its like a rare gem for him
Pony - shes a very loving person so if her s/o gets flustered by affection easily then they will pretty much be flustered 24/7. Pony loves making her s/o flustered though, she thinks its the cutest thing and she refuses to let them hide their face when theyre blushing
Tsubaraba - he is the most over the top when it comes to his s/o. He will do everything he can to make them blush and flustered just because he thinks its cute.
Tetsutetsu - hes the type to say 'are you blushing?!?!?!?' Hella fucking loud whenever his s/o gets flustered lmao. He is a very loving person especially with his s/o so he rarely sees them calm and stoic anymore because they are always flustered and embarrassed around him from the constant affection lol
Tokage - she will instantly start teasing her s/o whenever they get red from the slightest ammount of affection that she gives them. She will randomly hug her s/o or smthn when theyre talking to someone so they have to pause and hide their face blushing lmao
Manga - he will forget about how easily flustered his s/o is until he sees them hide their face with their hand because theyre blushing real bad and then he will remember and start gushing and complimenting them about how cute they are flustered.
Honenuki - he unintentionally makes his s/o flustered and then he wont even let them cover their face with their hand because he wants to see how cute they look and what not.
Bondo - he thinks its cute but he wont voice it or let his s/o know that. Hes also kinds the same way but hes less stoic and more shy and introverted with it.
Monoma - Monoma does nothing but tease his s/o for getting flustered to no end. He will randomly grab their hand or smthn so they get flustered just so he can tease them
Reiko - she dosent mention how easily flustered her s/o is and she doesn't do much of anything special about that info but if her s/o is annoying her she will suddenly hug them tightly so they become all flustered and hide their face so they'll stop annoying her (its hard for her s/o to annoy her in the first place but still)
Rin - he will let his s/o know that hes going to hold their hand or whatever before he does so they have a bit to prepare to hopefully make them not as flustered and get them used to the affection but it honestly only makes it worse lmao. He thinks its adorable and even gets a little blush himself when his s/o gets all flustered and embarrassed
Gif anime - dungeon meshi
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hello! i hope you had a great day and ur well :3
if you write for haikyuu, could you please do some headcanons about being inarizaki and/or seijoh's manager (2nd year) and having a singing, songwriting hobby on the side snd how the boys would be when it comes to their manager who really wants to be a singer! and if you could use taylor swift songs like cardigan or the lakes that would be so nice :)) thank you again!!
Bro I had to look up those songs in the first place cuz I don't really listen to Taylor swift but damn these two songs gave me the chills. Are you okay btw?
Anyways, sorry for posting it now, had some stuff to do sweetie, but thanks for the task! I learned a lot about these two teams!!
"Our hot manager can sing!"
Summary: In which the Inarizaki and Seijoh boyzz have a female manager in her 2nd year who loves to sing.
To say that the boys were amazed or surprised by your voice was an understatement.
Of course, the captain, Oikawa, always complimented you by your singing and even tried to sing with you a few times but got hit in the head multiple times by Iwaizumi with a volleyball and you felt bad for him
but Oikawa was shit at singing soooooo...
Also, your voice, whether you sung cardigan by Taylor Swift or any other song, it calmed the team down and motivated them to keep going with volleyball or...well, whatever they were going to do
Matsukawa, Hanamaki and Yahaba are always trying to get your attention, wanting you to sing random songs with them to which you happily accept
I mean, yeah, you get shy, but you are actually an extroverted person
you like to make rhymes while explaining something to the boys and Kindaichi -our precious union head- sometimes even beatboxes (idk he seems like to type to be able to do beatboxing i mean cmon look at his timeskip)
it turns into a rapping session
the players then dance and sing along, already having your words in their minds
Poor Akira has to listen to all those "Yeah!"s and "Uh huh!!!"s everytime he visits and he almost wants to skip again but then you sing some praise about him making a good and strategic hit
The lazy boy suddenly wants you to sing for him and him only
Kyōtani Kentarō is glaring at you guys, secretely wanting to sing along too but he thinks his voice may be too loud or he might come off as more aggressive until you one day scream out from the top of your longs to some heavy metal song, the other players nodding their heads violently at your cries
mad dog chimes in and bam, here you have a rockband already
Meanwhile, Yuda is vibing next to you as you sing one of Taylor Swift's songs yet again and even points it out, slightly teasing you
"What can I say? I just really like her voice and her songs help me when I'm feeling down..."
That freckled babyboy is trying to lift your spirits like he tried with his team when they all lost against Karasuno
you feel better
"Thanks Kaneo :)"
Babyboy is happy
Heisuke and Motomu are always clapping after your singing ends, thanking you for blessing their ears
Overall the whole team is so happy that they have a manager, who A) is a WOMAN, B) is NICE and C) even SINGS for them
In all of their matches, even against Karasuno, they showed you off, all chanting:
You are growing annoyed whenever they do this and Iwaizumi has to scream from the top of his lungs to make the simps stop
My man is being respectful here
but he'd like to rub it in the other people's face as well
All in all, the boys are happy that you chose to be their manager
they are happy that you make songs for them to remember things more easily
they all want you to write your own songs and become a star and stuff like that cuz they think your voice is beautiful :D
And you want to be one as well and while you're working on a song then or resinging some songs which are mostly form your favourite singer, you're surprised to see already thousands of people liking your posts
this encourages you to keep doing what you love to do and the boys also cheer you on and make you go viral- mostly Oikawa- by posting your songs on their accounts as well
What can I say? You're a hot, he's hot, he also likes scandal's and the thought of his fans thinking you'd be his girlfriend-
Matsukawa and Oikawa tease you for asking you to give them autographs while fake crying and telling you to not forget about them
the others are just happy that you are being recignized for your pretty voice- as you should!
When you first started singing to yourself, the boys were bamboozled
where does this voice come from?
why is it so soothing?
Is that...our manager???
you were mostly singing to yourself after practise ended, already pushing everybody out so that you could sing to yourself
you actually didn't wanna be so mean but you just loved the acoustic of the hall
The first one to notice is Kita, that obervant pretty boy
He just rounds the corner towards the sports hall one day and sees you singing a song he recognized but couldn't quite decipher
should he just come in? If not, he'd be wasting warm-up training...
so he knocks politely before asking to come in
he honestly had no idea what to do actually so he knocked
another respectful man
Kita gets a lil sad when you stop singing
you bashfully give him permission to come in and he's all happy again but of course he doesn't really show it
The twins come plus suna
greeting you with blushy faces as usual only to be scolded by Kita for coming five mins late
then the rest comes and they get an earful too
the training goes on like usual
Everybody's doing their best
(to impress you)
Aran (Alan??) is asking you for advice on how he can improve himself as an ace and you recommend him a few exercises
you also calm him down when he gets too fired up and accidently hits atsumu (intentionally)
Happy Alan noises
Riseki is constantly overthinking things and so you make him a rhyme he can remember thinking of and he is feeling better
The guys find it funny and sweet of you (Riseki thanks you with a bashful smile while averting his eyes and blushing a little) and Atsumu is the first one to ask you for a little comfort rhyme for getting hit by Aran with the volleyball
Alan still hasn't apologized
Michinari is training as well but also likes to observe his teammates like Kita and has cheered when Aran hit Atsumu with a volleyball, you gave the future PE teacher a mean glare
Now you are telling him to throw the ball in the air and hit the ground with it after as a form of punishment
Cat eyes was not really happy with that but quickly got back to his cheery self
Kosaku is doing the same, but with much more vigor because of his competitive nature and you chant his name like a cheerleader
"Go Yuto go, go go go!", you exclaim while clapping your hands
mans getting aggressive over here, heart pounding and face heating up
Atsumu and Ginjima want you to chant their name as well, so Atsumu uses the second year's naiveness to his advantage, with Kita already sensing their bullshit
"no you won't", the observer says
Atsumu feigns being shocked and not knowing what the white haired guys says
Omimi observes the boys as well and then asks you for advice on how to better himself, to which you happily help him
when everyone is occupied with training, you siftly sing 'the lakes' by Taylor swift again, not noticing how after a while, one after the other stops training to hear your voice and well
they now know why you always usher them out
the hall echoes your voice wonderfully
When you're done, the whole team claps and cheers
Atsumu is asking you to sing a song for him
so are the others
Kita is looking at you with fondness because he finally got to hear your beautiful voice up close
Osamu has fallen in love with your voice, looking at you with big doe eyes and a slowly spreading blush and mouth slightly open as he still claps dryly in a daze
Aran and the others compliment your singing with great happiness to which you accept embarrassed
how could you forget that you were in a hall full of boys Y/n??
The second years want you to post your singing on social media
you decline, feeling down
"...i tried, guys..."
"Let us do the social media part, you just sing, okay?", Atsumu says, and you hesitantly agree to his antics
when your singing got recorded where you sang 'the lakes', and it ended, the twins uploaded it right away
you go viral over night
Atsumu must've done something with the title because there didn't stand 'girl sings 'the lakes' by Taylor Swift', but "OUR HOT MANAGER SINGS ONE OF TAYLOR SWIFTS SONGS AND YOU ARE MISSING OUT FOR LIFE IF YOU DON'T CLICK ON IT!!!"
you are freaking out
cuz like
why are you hot??? is Atsumu discreetly flirting with you?
Atsumu gets an earful of you
Kita is scolding him as well but he added your video to his playlist
so had the rest of the team
but nobody will openly confess that to you
you are their hot manager after all
and all in all
you are being recognized everywhere
you love the attention, but the boyz are jealous
like, stop stealing our woman bitch tf 🤨🤨🤨
anyways, you're happy that your video got viral and you later on apologize for being angry at the blonde twin to which he tries to ask you out on a date as an offering to make things up
but not on the teams watch
like cmon Atsumu did you really think we'd let you ask Y/n out on a date?
Nah stop joking
The team is overall very happy that you are singing for them and even accepting some of their songs to sing for them
Okayyyyy and that's it! Sorry I had no idea on how to keep going, but I hope it was all right :)
I am still open for requests my loves!
Read you in the next post!
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