#that really has me freaking out 🙃
etherealising · 7 months
not disappointed at all!! you need to take time for yourself and be mentally well! plus, from what you have shared on here, you are still doing school, and that takes a lot of time. like i know i study a lot and im only in my second year, so i can only image what it is like for you. take care of yourself and your mental health first! we are always here for you! -<3
hii <3 bestie!
this really has me tearing up because i feel like such an asshole for putting aiekoy on hiatus but this was def the validation i needed 😭
honestly though I’ve been subconsciously self-sabotaging this semester and it took me a minute to realize that and then i just kinda spiraled. but i’m trying to get back on track 😅
thank you for the kind words they truly do mean the most to me 🥲♥️
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mayasdeluca · 18 days
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Lets play a game. Truth or Scared.
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httpiastri · 2 months
nono.... i think the people would like you to start speaking on his hands bc... um. i am thinking a LOT of thoughts right now.
lili 😭 i really shouldn't let my thoughts about this run free 😭😭 i have tried so hard to only post arms/hand/neck pics of oscar bcs that's who i started this blog for but... i may have slipped a few times...... and it's getting way too hard to hold back
lemme just insert these pics and then disappear bcs if i start to think about this... i will be up all night......
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raeathnos · 1 year
#in good news: I had my ultrasound and no cancer!#tissue in the spot is just really dense and it was misread#big relief#my poor husband was freaking the fuck out#he literally cried when we got told I’m okay#he a good egg 🥹 but I feel bad he has to go through so much with me with my shitty health#in eh news: my hand got even worse so I went to a walk in and#it might be broken or it might not#x-ray showed no break but the doctor was like no that’s way too swollen for no break#so I’m being referred to orthopedics because they think I might have a hairline fracture that they can’t see on the x-ray#I use the hand at all and it just swells so bad I can hardly move it#I iced and elevated the thing for an hour and it was still super swollen#the extra bad part is the walk in could only give me a doctors note for 3 days#and told me the orthopedic will have to give me further excuses#but the orthopedic can’t see me for a week and a half and won’t give me a note without being seen#I work in a stockroom and have to be able to lift 50 lbs- idk what I’m supposed to do for the next week and a half 🙃#hopefully work is understanding#I unloaded the truck today with one hand sooo…..#the only thing I couldn’t do was stack boxes#one of the managers can be a bit hard but they saw my hand today and were like omg 😱#so hoping they’re chill about it and don’t make me lift with it#I guess if not I could always go back to the walk in and be like pls help 🙃#gotta love the American health care system 🙃#I have a 6k deductible that I’ve already maxed out for the year cause my health is shit
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meowzfordayz · 5 months
hashira accidentally touch your chest
Author’s Note: pls and ty enjoy this tidbit of crack-fluff. 😆💖
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hashira accidentally touch your chest
Hashira x Reader
Word Count: ~1,600
CW: explicit language, Fem!Reader, mild sexual content
Suggestion Fulfilled: Can we get all hashira accidently touch y/n's breast
Fyi, “chest” means boob. I was just worried Tumblr would block this post from tags if I included “boob” in the title lmao. 😉
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Shocked 😳😖
“I apologize, [y/n]-san, it won’t happen again!”
Gyomei’s nearly in tears, he feels so terribly 😞
“These things happen!” you promptly assure him, “Besides, you technically won the bout.”
No need to mention that he always wins when training together 🥲
“I cannot accept such a tainted victory.”
“Himejima-san, though I appreciate your concern and respect, there’s truly no issue.”
Meanwhile, Gyomei’s rethinking his entire Breathing Style to ensure he never accidentally touches anyone’s boob(s) again 💀 
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In cold disbelief 😐😐😐
If you don’t say anything, then he won’t say anything
Alternatively, if you do say something, then Obanai will immediately curl up into a ball and die
Spends the rest of his day recalling the fleeting warmth of your breast
He swears his hand doesn’t even get cold, so affected by the heat of your bosom
Your boob must be ✨magical✨
“Iguro-san,” you call out gently, noting his dazed stare, his dinner untouched while he sits crossed legged, “Is something on your mind?”
“No.” 😐😐😐
Well okay then 🙃
“About what happened earlier…”
🫨🫨🫨 <— Obanai is FREAKING OUT
“… Iguro-san, I didn’t mind.”
And then you stand up, take your dishes, and leave
Good luck finding Obanai tomorrow 🫡 (the poor man’s been pleasantly overwhelmed)
He’ll avoid you for eternity now 😌 (not really, but at least until he can breathe around you again)
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She giggles 🤭
“Oh my! [y/n]-san, I didn’t mean to touch you so intimately!” 😅
“No worries, it happens.”
Your face may or may not be burning up a storm, but that’s okay!
Mitsuri’s blushing too
A lot 😳
“I hope I didn’t hurt you?!”
Because like, What if I gripped too hard?! 😭
She’s well aware of her own strength
“You barely brushed me, Kanroji-san. I promise!”
She grins, relief evident as she bumps her elbow against yours
“Don’t tell anyone, okay? I would be so embarrassed!!!”
“Kanroji-san, our secret is safe with me.”
I wish it would happen again… <— lowkey both of you thinking the same thing 🤪
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As a medical personnel (among other roles), Shinobu accidentally (or even on purpose, depending on where you’re wounded) touching your boob isn’t entirely unreasonable nor unrealistic
Obviously it would be nicer if she was caressing you out of love and affection 😔
And not methodically cleansing then bandaging claw marks that just so happened to cross over your chest 😒
“You should make a full recovery,” she’s all business, “The demon avoided your nipple and didn’t puncture deep enough to affect the functionality of your breast,” fortunately, you’re too exhausted to be embarrassed by her bluntness, “It has a nice shape. I’m glad you survived.”
Now you’re kinda embarrassed
More so preening, really 🤭
It’s like when a doctor randomly compliments the rhythm of your heart or some other characteristic from a mainly professional POV, but you’re still caught off guard because who tf compliments someone’s kidneys or bowels movements or?????
In your pain hazed delusion, you briefly contemplate somehow getting your other boob injured too… gotta make sure you’re matching in (nice) shape, y’know? 😌
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Kyojuro can be discreet, albeit more so for your sake than his
“Pardon my slip, are you okay?” <— how he actually reacts, because he isn’t entirely lacking in social awareness and decorum 😆
“Oh,” you don’t mean to squeak, but it can’t be helped when the most handsome man you’ve ever known just casually grazed your boob, “I’m fine! Totally fine! Haha!” 🫨😵‍💫🫠
You’ve gotta be more convincing than that, or Kyojuro will never forgive himself 😕
He’s a lil oblivious when it comes to physical attraction
Not like, infantly so, but given this particular circumstance?
He doesn’t realize you’re flustered; he assumes you’re mortified 😖
“You sound decidedly less than fine.”
He’s softer now, worried about startling you 🥺
“I was surprised! But don’t worry! I’m not worried!”
Okaaay, but he’s worried 🥲
“Is there any way I could make amends for my indiscretion?”
Not only is he handsome, but he is such a gentleman 😭😍
“Rengoku-san, there are no amends to be made, I promise. I’m not mad, nor do I feel unhappy or unsafe. I forgive you.”
Your regaining of the ability to speak in complete sentences greatly reassures him 😮‍💨😁
“Ah. Well. I am grateful for your kindness and understanding. It will not happen again.”
Hold up 🧐
Why does she seem… she seems… disappointed? Should I have said it will happen again??
You’ve suddenly given Kyojuro something quite pleasant to ponder 🤔
After all, he isn’t entirely oblivious 😉
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“Are you going to apologize?” Sanemi demands
“For what?” you screech
“For touching my hand with your boob!”
Your eyes roll, “Oh fuck off!”
“I didn’t ask to touch you,” he grunts
“I wouldn’t have given you permission anyway,” you retort 😒
Arms crossing over his bare chest, Sanemi scoffs, “Well I didn’t give mine either!”
“You’re ridiculous. It was an accident.”
You seem genuinely pissed 😬
Sanemi rethinks his approach
“You know I’m joking, right?” 😅
“Nooo,” your sarcasm cuts deep, “I thought you were flirting.” 😐
Uh 😀
Well 😃
Shit 😄
“Fuck you!” 
When in doubt, curse ‘em out 💀
You scowl, confusion lingering as your blood boils, “Fuck you!”
“I said it first.” 🙄
You stalk away, fed up with his antics
#man child #sort of #romantically inept is more like it
As tends to happen with epiphanies, yours doesn’t hit until you’re almost asleep
Best believe Shinazugawa Sanemi is about to have a Lesson 101 in flirting asap 😤😎
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(assuming you’re older, like, mentor age to Muichiro)
Neither of you make a fuss about it
It’s like accidentally calling your teacher mom 😬
Or grabbing a random person’s hand in the supermarket thinking they’re your parent 🫣
Embarrassing, but not a huge deal — unless you make it one
There’re those three seconds of slow motion Uhh and What just happened and Oops 🫠
And then time speeds up to normal again, you have a quick conversation with your eyes (gosh forbid you speak and bring the unspoken into reality 💀), and it’s over
^^ Alternatively, if Muichiro initiates a conversation to clear the air, then you’re able to have a mature and concise chat that is respectfully and patiently resolved
Embarrassing/accidental encounters are part of growing up
As long as they can be navigated ~safely, there shouldn’t be any lasting harm
⚠️I also want to emphasize that I am talking solely on inarguably accidental/one time incidences⚠️
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Giyuu’s hand is stuck 🫣
Only for like, a fleeting second
But omg 😭
He was already embarrassed, and now he’s triply embarrassed 🫠🫠🫠
“... Tomioka-san?”
You won’t lie; you aren’t especially bothered 🤭
But it is a compromising position to be caught in; Giyuu lowkey crushing you, one of his palms clearly cupping your boob 😬
#wrestling #or something #so maybe this isn’t super realistic #forgive me
You’re about to repeat his name when he finally springs to life, immediately rolling off you, standing abruptly, about to literally sprint away
And then he remembers his manners 🙃
He offers you a hand
His other hand; his boob hand is currently tucked away in his haori
He’s never washing it again
#closet perv
“Thanks,” you smile faintly, accepting his assistance as you lift yourself from the ground
You hope he can’t hear your heartbeat 💓
He definitely can 😶
But can you hear his?
“I don’t think we should train together anymore.”
Giyuu is swift and harsh with his solutions
Your question comes out stiffer than intended
He hesitates, unable to interpret the fear in your tone — the longing
“I always beat you,” he explains lamely, “Don’t you get tired of losing?”
You scoff cheerfully, grinning now as you squeeze his hand
Fuck, we were still holding hands?! <— Giyuu is in shambles 😳
“I could never lose!” you declare, feelings brimming in your throat, spilling onto your tongue, “Not when I’m with you.”
Then we should absolutely stop training together would be the responsible reaction
Attachments are the most dangerous game for a Hashira to play 😕
Instead, Giyuu’s rendered speechless, unable to shake his hand from yours
“Well alright then,” he mutters, stomach churning as he narrowly avoids the warmth in your gaze
In fact, you swear he squeezes back 💓
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“You have three wives.” 🙄
Sputtering, Tengen shrieks, “I already have plenty of breasts to touch!” 
“Tengen,” you glare, not one to back down as you jab a finger into his own chest, “You touched my boob.” 😒
Much better 😌
“I don’t know what they see in you,” you scoff (you’re also lying, you can see plenty🤭), “They’re gorgeous… and you freak out when you accidentally touch a boob.” 💀
Tengen is 100% pouting now
“I don’t freak out when I touch their boobs,” he huffs
“Well aren’t they lucky.” 😐
“You could be lucky too!”
Tengen starts running 
You give chase
Tengen runs faster
Tengen runs faster and faster
You give up
*insert gasping for air here*
Oh well, you’ll have to visit their estate sometime this week 🙃
You’re sure to get an answer from Hina, Makio, and Suma ☺️
And you can’t wait to see more of Tengen 😏😋
Sorry, sometimes the horny just happens 🥴
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solaireverie · 4 months
aa23 | put it into speed drive
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summary: [ lawyer!alex albon x f!driver!reader — social media au ] alex is contracted to help you get out of trouble after you land in hot water
faceclaim: florence pugh
warnings: language, dirty jokes
author’s note: hello party people!! so happy to bring you the first installment of in their shoes, my series with @lorarri about driver!reader. chaotic reader is the love of my life frfr
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liked by landonorris, redbullracing, tatemcrae and 4,582,193 others
yourusername eat pasta drive fasta 🏎🍝
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user mother is mothering 😩
user i live for y/n's photodumps
user everyone say thank you y/n for feeding us!!
redbullracing let her cook 😌
user the way y/n looks at the camera in slide 2 🫣
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liked by christianhorner, sebastianvettel, redbullusa and 9,105,273 others
tagged: yourusername
redbullracing Oracle Red Bull Racing is aware of the charges being brought against driver Y/N L/N. Oracle Red Bull Racing respects all official decisions and will be assisting Y/N in any legal proceedings. We ask for privacy and discretion during this period of time.
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y/nupdates y/n left the monaco police station this morning accompanied by her lawyer, alex albon. alex is also a family friend and was contracted by red bull to help y/n with any legal issues that may arise. y/n and alex left on motorcycle shortly after she was released. when asked about recent events, y/n stated that she isn't worried and that she's in good hands (implied to be alex's)
pictured above: y/n this morning, a photo captured by passerby of alex on his bike waiting for y/n, and a picture of alex found on his firm's website
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user y/n's slaying everywhere 😍 even getting arrested isn't stopping her from serving with every outfit
↪ user omg fr i love her jacket and boots
↪ user we should have a y/n style account ngl
user damn her lawyer's hotttt 😳
↪ user yeah exactly!!! so glad someone else sees my ✨ vision ✨
user lol i can already see this dude getting a migraine within the first two hours of dealing with y/n
↪ user she's a menace and while i love her for that i pity her lawyer 😂
↪ user our thoughts and prayers for mr albon 🕯🕯🕯
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effwontea ok so who was going to tell me that y/n's lawyer is hot, cute, AND good with animals - admin g 👾
what crimes do i need to commit to hire alex to defend me 😳 - admin t 💃
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user idk if anyone's noticed but he's actually in a few of her older vlogs 👀 guess they've been friends for a while
↪ user and she hasn't showed us him until now???
↪ user i went back to watch the videos with alex in them and omg they're so cute togetherrrrrr
↪ user ikr!!! did you see that part where she drives them around monaco and he's literally scared for his life but also staring at y/n with heart eyes 😍
↪ user guess this isn't the first time that y/n has terrorized alex with her driving skills then 😂
user is it just me or are they really freaking adorable together
↪ user omg fr!! he balances out her chaos and she makes him laugh so much ❤️ my heart can't take this
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liked by landonorris, alex_albon, georgerussell63 and 28,492,123 others
tagged: alex_albon
yourusername everyone say thank you to alex_albon's savior complex 😌 love u 🫶
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user did she just... hard launch???
↪ user i think???????
↪ user knowing y/n she kept him a secret just for the chaos 😂
georgerussell63 about time, mate!
↪ landonorris thanks a lot for making me lose my bet with george 🙄
↪ alex_albon what were you two even betting on?
↪ yourusername when i would get arrested and you'd have to defend me in court 😜 btw georgerussell63 i expect dinner from whatever lando needs to give you
alex_albon love you too (even if you exhaust me sometimes 🙃)
↪ yourusername don't lie, you like it 😘
user so now on top of dealing with y/n in court he has to deal with her every day 😭 thoughts and prayers dude
↪ yourusername i promised to behave in public if he lets me misbehave in private 😉
↪ alex_albon you call that behaving???
↪ landonorris ewww get a room
↪ yourusername get a win 🤷‍♀️
↪ georgerussell63 MIC. DROP.
↪ landonorris alex_albon can i hire you to sue y/n and george for emotional damage
↪ alex_albon i'm afraid that you're on your own 😔 i have no intention of stepping into a courtroom with y/n ever again
↪ yourusername guess who's sleeping on the couch tonight!
↪ alex_albon lando because he insists that we've adopted him?
↪ yourusername correct ✅
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likes and reblogs are appreciated!
series masterlist | masterlist | lola's masterlist
taglist: @scenesofobx @vellicora @boiohboii @julesbabey @flannelforthetoads
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ssprayberrythings · 3 months
famous siblings | CL16
charles leclerc x female horan!reader, niall horan x sister!reader 
you’re the little sister of 1D member niall horan and when he gets invited to an f1 grand prix, he decides to take his girlfriend amelia and you, his sister where you meet the wonderful and most charming ferrari driver who ends up capturing your heart. 
warnings: im pretty sure none worth mentioning
note: there will be a second part to this but still feel free to give feedback and express your thoughts!!!
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July 9th, 2023 
y/nhoran_ posted on their story  
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caption: having a famous big bro has its perks 😎 @niallhoran @lewishamilton
*replies disabled* 
niallhoran posted on instagram   
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y/nhoran_, mercedesamgf1, lewishamilton, johnlegend, kellyclarkson & others liked 
Had a great time at Silverstone this past weekend. Thanks Mercedes for hosting us! 🖤 
tagged: mercedesamgf1 
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niallfan: omg not niall being at an f1 race 
f1fan: the 1d x f1 girlies are not doing well after this 
niallerforlife: give me a moment to freak out brb 
fan23: did anyone see y/n’s story? they met lewis 
fan12: i love that amelia and y/n both got to go with him 
mercedesamgf1: it was a pleasure having you and your loved ones in the paddock 🖤
╰ liked by niallhoran 
y/nhoran_ posted on instagram    
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niallhoran, ameliawoolleyx, mercedesamgf1, niallfan, charles_leclerc, gemmastyles & others liked 
Had a great weekend with great people 🫶 (except you Nialler🙄) 
tagged: niallhoran, ameliawoolleyx, mercedesamgf1 
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ameliawoolleyx: Love you sis 😘
╰ y/nhoran_: ❤️
fan1: the sisterly love between y/n and amelia i love 
niallhoran: I’m the only reason you got to come but okay..🙄
╰ y/nhoran_: Okay but who got a second invite..? Thats what I thought😎
╰ fan23: wait what 👀
horan_niall: the horan siblings back at it again with their iconic bickering 
f1fan: anyone else see charles in the likes ?? and he follows all 3 of them ?? but they got invited by mercedes ?? confused 
╰ fan22: ooooh ok charles we see you.. 
July 20th, 2023
y/nhoran_ posted on their story  
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caption: another day, another plane selfie 😎
*replies disabled* 
July 24th, 2023
y/nhoran_ posted on instagram  
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ameliawoolleyx, gemmastyles, niallhoran, kellyclarkson, charles_leclerc & others liked 
A weekend in Paris. Proud of what you’re achieving big bro 🫂
tagged: niallhoran
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niallhoran: Happy you could be here sis! 
╰ liked by y/nhoran_
niallerfan: I love these two sm 
f1fan21: f1 fans; are we still seeing charles in the likes 
╰ f1fan2: yes we still see him..👀
niallfan: favourite siblings next to gemma and harry !!!
gemmastyles: missing you girly 💛
╰ y/nhoran_: not as much as im missing you 🥹
╰ horanfan: their friendship even after all these years 
dm between charles and y/n 
charles_leclerc: you know whats close to paris? 
charles_leclerc: monaco..😏
y/nhoran_: oh really? and why exactly would i go to monaco? 😏
charles_leclerc: i’m sure i could come up with a few reasons, one of them being me 
y/nhoran_: ferrari boy are you asking me on a date to monaco? 
charles_leclerc: if you’ll say yes, then yes i am. 
y/nhoran_: i’m sure i could see what i could do about getting to monaco..
y/nhoran_: wait aren’t you racing? 
charles_leclerc: we have one more race and then we great a break 😊
y/nhoran_: okay well how about you text me when you’re back in monaco and we’ll arrange this date 😊
y/nhoran_: heres my number: xxx-xxx-xx11 
╰ liked by charles_leclerc 
y/nhoran_: oh and good luck at the next race! 🙃
charles_leclerc: thanks 😊
╰ liked by y/nhoran_ 
July 30th, 2023 
charles_leclerc posted on instagram    
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pierregasly, scurderiaferrari, f1, oscarpiastri, y/nhoran_ & others liked 
What a great race, happy to be back on the podium! 🏆 
Now its time to recharge and see you in a few weeks. ❤️
tagged: scurderiaferrari 
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f1fan: good job charles !!!! 
charlesleclerclover_: SO PROUD 
f1fan23: GOOD JOB !!! 
scuderiaferrari: ❤️
╰ liked by charles_leclerc 
niallfan12: anyone notice y/n now in his likes ??? 
╰ f1fan21: hmmm..somethings cooking 
╰ niallfan15: f1 fans x 1D fandom…look out 
August 3rd, 2023 
y/nhoran_ posted on their story  
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caption: Travel fit! ✈️❤️
╰ charles_leclerc: Cant wait to see you😊
╰ niallhoran: safe travels ✌🏻
You boarded the plane to Monaco, being sure to text Niall your plane information and to text Charles letting you know you were on the plane. Shortly after the flight attendant instructed everyone to turn off their phones. 
Before you turned off yours, you caught Charles’ text back, 
Ferrari Boy🏎️ : See you soon☺️
You smiled at it before turning your phone off. You still couldn’t believe you and Charles were actually going on a date. Obviously when you first back at Silverstone, there was light flirting but you just had one of those personalities which you seemed to have in common with the driver.
He asked for your instagram and you happily gave it to him, following him back and then you parted ways. He once and awhile popped up in your likes but you didn’t think anything of it until you found out that he had also followed your brother and Amelia back when he followed you and then when he finally slid in your DMs, you knew this went beyond mindless flirting. 
You smiled at the thought of him and possibly something coming from this. With that you placed your headphones on your ears and decided to try and get some sleep before you landed and you’d be immersed into the busy life that was Monaco. 
August 4th, 2023 
y/nhoran_ posted on instagram 
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niallhoran, gemmastyles, madelyncline, charles_leclerc & others liked 
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gemmastyles: I expect details in my dm’s tomorrow morning, no later 
╰ y/nhoran_: Yes ma’am 🫡
╰ gemmastyles: 😘
niallfan22: Y/N YOU LOOK STUNNING (as always!) 
niallfan12: anyone wondering why she’s all dressed up??? could it be for a date??
╰ niallfan13: y’all are so delulu, i love it 
ameliawoolleyx: Gorgeous girl ❤️
╰ liked by y/nhoran_ 
August 5th, 2023
f1updates_ posted on instagram  
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f1fan, charlesleclercfan_, f1fan23, niallfan12 & others liked 
new blurry photo of charles spotted out in monaco last night with a new girl🧐
who could she be? possibly a new wag or is it too early for that status? 
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f1fan26: how do we know thats charles??
╰ f1updates_: the source that sent it in confirmed that was his car near them 
f1fan22: hmmmm…
f1fan21: i think i know who this is…😏
╰ niallfan12: miss y/n horan you were spotted…😏
f1fan16: the f1 fans are delulu, no way thats y/n horan 
f1fan4: i want it to be y/n horan cause she’s cool and charles’ type but it probably isn’t her 
niallfan18: if it is y/n we should definitely give them their privacy, she’s never had any dating rumours surrounding her before 
╰ niallfan17: agreed !!! 
╰ f1fan91: and for charles too..they both deserve their privacy 
╰ liked by niallfan18 
August 5th, 2023
y/nhoran_ posted a series of stories on instagram  
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caption: about last night..😜🥰 
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caption: out exploring 🌞  
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caption: im moving here and buying my own yacht 🛥️
*replies on all stories disabled* 
August 6th, 2023 
charles_leclerc posted on their story  
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caption: I think she likes my car more than me..
*replies disabled* 
August 7th, 2023 
y/nhoran_ posted on instagram  
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charles_leclerc, niallhoran, gemmastyles, f1fan22, niallfan15 & others liked 
I love the art in Monaco..🥹
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charles_leclerc: anything else you love in monaco? ;) 
╰ y/nhoran_ : I can name a few other things..
niallfan16: can anyone check in with niall and how he feels about all of this 
texts between niall and y/n
niall: so hows monaco? anything i should know? 
y/n: monaco’s great 
niall: you didn’t answer my other question 
y/n: how are you? how are the festivals? 
niall: stop avoiding the question
y/n: okay fine what do you want to know 
niall: whats going on with you and charles ? 
y/n: at the moment? we’re on his boat 
niall: i didnt mean right in this moment🙄
niall: i mean overall 
y/n: i dont know what we are
y/n: we’re just taking it easy 
y/n: he invited me to monza which is a big deal to him and the f1 community in general 
niall: you should go 
y/n: wait youre supporting that?
niall: yeah, if its a big deal for him and he invited you then you should go
y/n: wow, im just surprised youre being so chill 
niall: dont push it 
niall: you’re still my little sister but i trust you 
niall: tell him if he does anything though..i wont be so chill 
y/n: understood overprotective brother niall 🫡
y/n: okay im getting back to my date 
niall: have fun 
y/n: oh we will..
y/n: youre such a child for a grown man..😒
August 8th, 2023 
f1updates_ posted on instagram  
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new photos of charles and a girl that people are believing to be y/n horan, sister to one direction member, niall horan. it seems as if y/n has been in monaco for some time visiting and judging by their socials, they’ve been spending a lot of time with eachother. what does this mean for them? how long has this been going on? so many questions.. 
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f1fan12: OH MY 
f1fan7: THIS HAS TO BE Y/N 
niallfan18: i so badly just want a hard launch post 
╰ niallfan4: YOU AND ME BOTH 
August 8th, 2023
f1wags posted on instagram     
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Possible New WAG Update: 
Lately theres been photos taken of Charles Leclerc and Y/N Horan that shows the two are definitely more than just friends. Neither have yet to confirm or deny the dating rumours starting to surface but if they are dating, we thought we’d make a post for Y/N for the fans that don’t know who she is already incase she is our newest WAG. 
Y/N Horan, younger sister to One Direction member, Niall Horan. Y/N is 24 years old. She attended the University of Galway for a Bachelor of Arts Undergrad, specifically in Digital Arts and Technology. Since graduating, she sometimes models and will do ads for high end brands. Judging from her social media, she enjoys traveling, attending her brothers concerts and spending time with her close circle of friends which include other 1D member, Harry Styles’ sister, Gemma Styles. From what we gathered she primarily resides in London but does frequently go home to Ireland to visit family. 
In regards to her and Charles, we don’t have much, other than the few photos taken of them recently. We're guessing they met when Y/N joined Niall in attending the Silverstone Grand Prix back in July which means the two technically have known each other for about a month. We’re not sure how much of that time have been as friends or more than friends. For now thats all we got but if we find out anymore we’ll be sure to keep the account updated. 
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August 9th, 2023 
y/nhoran_ posted on their story  
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caption: ❤️
*replies have been disabled* 
It was time for you to get back to London, you had a photoshoot with Ralph Lauren coming up and Charles was planning on spending time with family before he had to get back to racing. 
The last few days had been amazing. You got to see so much and really got to know Charles. You could feel yourself falling for him, he made it so easy but you didn’t want to rush anything so you decided not to bring it up, wanting to enjoy your time together before you left. 
Currently the two of you were cuddled up in his bed, he had insisted you stay with him instead of getting a hotel which you ended up really enjoying. He was playing with your hair while you had your head on his chest 
“I had a really great time here” you told him lifting your head up and looking at him, as he stopped playing with your hair with your movement 
“I’m really glad you came and let me show you around” he smiled, you could see it in his eyes, he was being genuine. 
“Next time you’re free you need to let me show you around Ireland to return the favour” you suggested. He had shown you his home, you wanted to show him yours. 
“I’d love that. I’ve never been to Ireland before” he told you, his smile never leaving his face
“We should probably go to sleep, so I actually wake up in the morning for my flight” you suggested even though you would’ve rather stayed up and talked with Charles 
“I know” he agreed, the sadness lingering in his words, just like you he would’ve preferred to stay up and chat all night. 
The two of you, got situated in bed, you enjoyed getting to spoon, you’d switch between who was the big spoon and who was the little, which at first surprised you because you would’ve thought Charles always liked being the bigger spoon but there were times when he just wanted to be held which of course just added to why he made falling for him an easy task. 
Tonight you were the little spoon which you both enjoyed. You laid on your side, your back against Charles’ chest while his arm held you against him and his other arm stayed free so he could play with your hair. 
You fell asleep before he did and he just laid there watching you sleep peacefully. He hadn’t felt this comfortable around someone in awhile and he didn’t ever want to be apart from you. 
He was falling for you and unknowingly to him you were falling just as hard. This brought forth one question and that was; who was going to take the first step and be the one to tell the other about their blossoming feelings? 
taglist: @namgification @itsyagirlmeee
im so happy with how this turned out! please feel free to leave comments and thoughts! if you want to be added to my taglist there's a link on my account!! anyways enjoy 😋
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ilovepedro · 6 months
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Woven in the Stars | din djarin x f!reader
Series masterlist | Main masterlist
Chapter 2 - Cosmically Sewn
Rating: 18+ MDNI
Word count: ~4k
Chapter summary: Din returns to town with Grogu, meeting with you to get custom clothes. Getting acquainted with the pair, you strike up an offer that could bring you and Din even closer. Will Din accept?
Chapter warnings: slow burn, mutual pining, dad!Din, flirting, one (1) use of the word “daddy” in a nonsexual way, reader refers to Din as ‘Mando’ (for now 🤭), POV switching, inaccurate star wars info, liberties taken with the Creed, reader is female, no mention of hair type/skin color/body type, NO USE OF Y/N, none really mostly just pining and fluff
A/N: hi everybody!!! tank you for sticking with me, life has been so hectic lately to say the least 🙃 but these two are finally acquainted with one another! the smut will happen eventually so bear with me y’all! i will throw y’all a bone occasionally, but the freak narsty smut happens all at the end. gotta let these two babies pine and let that slow burn burnnnn! can y’all sense i’m a sucker for the buildup? hehehe anyway i hope y’all enjoy! 🩵 not beta'd, all mistakes are my own.
Divider by @saradika
the first emboldened word = Din’s POV
the first italicized word = Your POV
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Stirring in the plush, handsewn sheets, Din’s eyes flutter open, adjusting to the beaming sunlight. Groaning, he huffs as he rubs the shadow of stubble growing on his face, as he recalls what he did last night before falling asleep. Dread washes over him as he thinks of how he has to face you at the market later.
With a deep sigh, he rises from the bed and tidily makes his bed before padding into Grogu’s room. Thankfully, he’s still sleeping, still cuddled up with the stuffed bantha you gave to him.
You are everywhere he looks. How have you infiltrated his mind so quickly?
Din heads down the hall and into the refresher, opting to take a long shower while Grogu still sleeps. The scalding water soothes the dull aches that still linger in his body from years of battling. He scrubs hard, attempting to wash away what he did last night, the guilt and shame.
He shuts the water off and dries off before trudging back down the hall and into his room. As he slips on his flight suit, soft coos make his ears perk up. He smooths out the wrinkles in his shirt as he goes to peer into Grogu’s room. The child now wide awake and still gripping onto the bantha. He squeals at the sight of his father, hands up and stretched forward. 
Din cradles him in one arm as he walks out into the kitchen, starting their daily routine. One that consists of breakfast for Grogu, and sometimes Din. If he’s not eating breakfast with his son, he’s usually doing some work - whether that be house work or having comm link meetings with Teva or Karga.
Today, it’s just breakfast for the two of them. Grogu brushes the stubble on his father’s face while he prepares their meal. In the past, he’d tell Grogu to stop touching his helmet. Things have changed.
Din no longer wears his helmet around Grogu so long as they’re alone in their home. He’s part of his clan now, having adopted him. Seeing that Bo-Katan and a few others who’ve walked both worlds, and being exposed to different Mandalorians who practice the culture differently, he’s decided to take some liberties with the Creed. He wants his son to see him, all of him after losing him once. Also, Grogu is still far too young to partake in the Creed, so he should be allowed to see his father.
He prepares breakfast for the both of them, sitting Grogu down in his chair as he serves them both. His son squeals as his father serves him and sits beside him. Mirroring each other, the clan eats in silence. Grogu busies himself with his meal, completely oblivious to his spiraling father.
How is he supposed to face you again today? Why did he do that last night? Maker, he needs to regain his sense of self control. He knew domestic life was going to be an adjustment, but he didn’t think he’d let himself slip up so easily, so quickly. For stars sake, he’s already thinking about sharing a life with someone, with you. He has other things to take care of before he can even give that a second thought. Like settling in, helping Grogu adjust to this new life, prioritizing his contract work with Teva, and the occasional tasks from Karga. He hopes he can act normally today. You caught him off guard yesterday, but hopefully he can prepare himself to see your beautiful face.
A whine pulls him from his thoughts. Grogu has crawled into his lap, pouting up at him with those big brown eyes, meaning he’s still hungry. Din hands him his spoon, and turns him around to face the table. Grogu squeals with delight as he rapidly devours the rest of his father’s food. 
With a tiny burp, Grogu plops down into Din’s lap and sinks into the warmth of his chest. Din rises to his feet and pads into his son’s room, cleaning him up and changing him into a spare tunic. He settles Grogu in his pram, nuzzling the new stuffed bantha that he’s quickly attached to next to him, and walks across the hall to put on his armor.
As he reaches for his helmet, he calls out for Grogu before placing it on his head. “Come on, Grogu, let’s go.” A hissing sound erupts as he slips his helmet on, and he rushes back into the living room, slinging the sack over his shoulder while Grogu plays in the pram with his bantha. Another reminder of you, he exhales a deep modulated sigh as he braces himself for a day at the plaza. Embarrassment coursing through him as he and Grogu head out the door and off on their journey for today.
Maker give him strength.
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The town bustles as the sweltering sun beams down onto the plaza. Setting up the last display at your textile stall, you wipe the bead of sweat that’s formed at your brow. Mando is supposed to return with Grogu today, making you feel particularly giddy about seeing the mandalorian again. You’ve heard tales about mandalorians your whole life, and have even seen some in passing having lived on Nevarro for a few years now. However, something about him was so enthralling.
You couldn’t place it. Perhaps it was the way he was so caring and gentle with his son, or perhaps it was his demeanor which was surprisingly a lot more open than you had expected. Most encounters with mandalorians are short, as they are not people of many words - but not with him. Something about the man in beskar has captivated you, unable to shake him from your head since meeting him yesterday.
Subconsciously, you’ve never taken this much interest in a commission before. You’d even selected an array of fabrics for him to choose from for Grogu. You tell yourself it’s because of the unorthodox, sweet duo. The green baby having captured your heart the second you laid eyes on him, his curious eyes wandering and babbles that escaped him having tugged at your heart strings. You wondered how he ended up with his father, the resemblance between them obviously nonexistent, but you didn’t ask. It’s not your place to know, let alone judge, unless Mando feels comfortable telling you.
You should know better than anyone how complicated familial relationships can be. That family does not always correlate to blood relation, being adopted since birth after your biological parents had given you up to your mother and father. You believe that the stars lead you to people. They lead you to your family - your parents, your brother, your sisters. You are their daughter, their sister despite what biology may say.
Oh how you miss them all so much. What you’d give to see them again. You hope they’re alright, that the krayt dragon hasn’t reached them despite all the time that has passed.
Biting back tears, you shake your head and pack the selected textiles into a box and place them in your home-turned-shop. Working out of your home has its perks - never having to leave. It’s also got its downsides with the lack of space. It can get crammed sometimes, and it’s hard to not bring work home with you - literally and figuratively. Big commissions can be stressful, and dealing with a particularly aggravating vendor neighbor doesn’t help.
Recounting your last encounter with him, it was thankfully diffused quickly by your other neighbors. He’d yelled at some innocent kids who were eyeing the fruits he sells, calling them thieves and accusing everyone of being one after he’d had a few pieces of fruit stolen from his stand. You’d intervened first, scolded him for yelling at children and consoling them by offering them some candy from your stash. Thankfully the other neighbors despised him as well and jumped into your’s and the children’s defenses. He backed off and hasn’t said anything since. Hopefully it stays that way. 
Thank the Maker he doesn’t actually live next to you.
The sound of your name pulls you from your recollection and back into reality. You rush outside and your breath hitches in your throat. There he is, in all his shiny glory. If he’s this captivating with his helmet on, you can’t help but wonder what he looks like underneath it.
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You wave at them, beaming as Grogu returns a wave with his tiny hand as he holds the stuffed bantha you gifted him just yesterday. Din desperately tries to keep his composure as he approaches you, trying not to think of what he’d done last night. His hands having grown clammy under his gloves, his helmet suddenly feeling hotter as the sight of you sends his head spinning.
You’re radiant, as if you belong in the stars in the evening skies - outshining every galaxy he’s ever seen. Your energy is infectious, making his heartbeat stutter. 
“Hi, baby! I see you brought your new toy with you! Do you like it?” You ask, voice full of glee. Grogu happily garbles an incomprehensible response, but you take it as a ‘yes’ and burst into a fit of giggles. Your laugh like music to his ears, he bites back a groan under his helmet. 
Is there any part of you that isn’t beautiful?
“Hi, Mando,” you giggle. It sucks the air out of his lungs hearing your breathy laugh and his name from your lips. Sweat forms on his brow and he wishes he could wipe it away. He fidgets with his holster, giving you a nod. “Hi, cyar’ika,” he nervously stammers, the affectionate name having escaped his mouth without thinking. Your brow quirks as your lips pull into a grin. “I’ve never heard that before. Is that your native tongue?” You inquire, fully intrigued by the name.
Fuck. He didn’t mean to let the name slip.
“It is. It’s Mando’a, the language of my people.” Your smile grows larger, making Din’s heart beat faster and body grow hotter. “It sounds lovely! What does that word mean? Should I be insulted?” You playfully tease him. Unbeknownst to you, his eyes bug out of his head as his cheeks grow red. “What? No, it was not an insult, I promise. It means, uh… it means ‘friend,’” he lies. You nod, narrowing your eyes at him as if you don’t believe him.
“Okay. If you say so, Mando,” you tell him, coyly winking at him. He clears his throat as awkward tension fills the silence between you two.
Grogu’s squealing breaks the tension, making you laugh. “You ready for some new clothes, baby?!” You ask him, scooping him up from his pram, eliciting a giggle from the baby. 
His heart feels like it’s going to burst through the beskar.
Tickling the child, he laughs excitedly as you set him on one of the tables at your stall. “Wait here,” you tell the clan as you disappear into your studio. You return with a box containing something. You place the box on the table, Grogu cooing in curiosity. Din tilts his head to the side. 
“What’s this?” He asks, making you beam. 
“I hope you don’t mind, but I selected some fabrics for you to choose from based on what he was wearing yesterday! But also, please feel free to browse around the other selections,” you explain with a sparkle in your eyes as you smile at him, laughing as Grogu grabs one of your fingers to balance himself as he wobbles to the box.
He’s undeserving of your kindness, unable to fathom what he’s done to be on the receiving end of it.
“You didn’t have to do that, cyar’ika,” he nearly whispers. Your face is beginning to ache with the amount you’ve been smiling since he arrived. “It was no problem, Mando. I hope you like some of the selections. You can tell me if you don’t, you can be honest with me. Trust me, I can take it,” you tell him with a coy smile and a wink, making him suck in a sharp breath.
Keep it together, Din.
“Th-they’re lovely, cyar’ika. Thank you very much, I’m perfectly happy with any of the fabrics you’ve chosen,” he tells you. “Are you sure? Because I-I can pick out some more,” you say timidly.
Is he making you flustered? No. There’s no way.
“No need. They’re perfect.” You give him a nod and tuck your bottom lip between your teeth. “How about we let Grogu choose his favorites from the pile?” He says, subconsciously inching closer to you. “O-Okay,” you stutter.
You bend down to meet Grogu’s height. “Grogu! Which one do you like, baby?” You gently ask him as you hold up two pieces of fabric for him to choose from. He points to one in your left hand with a grunt. You repeat the process two more times, the smile never leaving yours or Din’s faces.
He watches quietly as you swipe your measuring tape from your apron, wrapping it around Grogu who garbles in confusion as he wonders what’s going on. He looks up at you with his big brown eyes, tiny teeth peeking out from his mouth. You smile and scrunch your nose at him, speaking to him about different things like toys, candy, animals, anything a child would like. You intently listen to every garble that streams from Grogu as if you can understand him, showing him enthusiasm as he babbles. 
Din can feel his body heating up, his chest feeling fuzzy as he watches you interact with his son.
Grogu goes for something in one of your pockets - the pin cushion. You and Din panic, you get to him before he pricks himself on a needle. “No no, baby! Those are sharp, they can hurt you. Here, you can play with this instead,” you say, handing him a spare one sans pins. You remove the one from your apron and toss it onto a table behind you, probably to ensure he doesn’t reach it at all.
How are you so maternal? Is it instinctual or do you have children of your own?
“You’re really good with him,” he says, moreso to himself rather than you. “Hmm?” You say, lifting your head and eyes wide as you meet his gaze. His heart feels like it’s going to combust every time you look at him. 
“What?” He asks. A smile splays on your face, teeth poking through your lips. “What did you say? I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch what you said,” you explain.
“Y-you’re, uh, you’re really good with him. Most people can’t keep up with his hyperness, but you can.” He sees something flash across your eyes.
“Oh. Thank you, that’s very kind,” you say, voice hushed and shy. “Do, um, do you have any children of your own, if you don’t mind me asking?” He can’t help, but ask - curious as to how you’re so good with his son, curious if you’ve got a riduur at home.
“No! No children, just me at home. I did have a little sister and have just always had a soft spot for kids, but no… no children,” you tell him, a noticeable deflation in your voice as you bring up your sister.
Did. He catches that, unable to miss the use of past tense. Feeling like he’s already pried from you, he nods. “Well, you’re a natural. Plus, he likes you,” Din says, offering some sort of comfort and shifting the focus of the conversation.
Grogu chirps from below the both of you, making you smile. You boop his nose, making him laugh. “I like him too. We’re best friends now, aren’t we, baby?” You ask him, tickling his sides as Grogu’s laughter grows louder. “Better watch out, Mando. I think I’ve taken the throne as his favorite,” you say through your giggles. Din watches from behind his helmet as you cradle Grogu, his heart taking flight at the sight in front of him.
“I don’t doubt that, cyar’ika.”
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“So… can I ask what brings you into town, besides clothes for Grogu?” You ask, marking measurements on the selected fabric.
“Uh, yes, uh, we’re actually also here to gather some things for a fence I’m building. I’ve got a pond in front of our house and Grogu keeps torturing the frogs. I also don’t want him falling in, so I’m buying the last of the supplies to block it off.”
Your heart softens at the mandalorian’s concern. Going above and beyond for his son.
“Those poor frogs,” you giggle at the thought of Grogu messing with them. “Yeah, if he keeps eating them, he’s going to turn into one,” he huffs. Grogu snaps his head up, garbling what seems like a question.
“Have you started building the fence yet?” You through a fit of laughter.
“I have not, I’ve been occupied with some last minute tasks High Magistrate Karga asked me to complete. But I plan to start soon, possibly within the next week.”
You hum as silence settles amongst you three. A thought pops into your head, recounting the time you spent helping your father around the moisture farm back home on Tatooine as a young girl. Building and repairing fences and traps with your brother around the farm, your father adamant on ridding your home of womp rats.
Without even thinking about your next words, they eagerly roll off your tongue. Not sure why you’d go so far to extend a helping hand, but not questioning yourself either.
“Would you like some help?” Mando tilts his head to the side. “W-with the fence! That is,” you say, trailing off at the end. “Oh, that’s quite alright, cyar’ika. It’s a lot of work, and I couldn’t ask another task of you.”
“It’d be no problem! I’m more than happy to help, if you’ll let me.”
You’ve never been so eager to do farm work in your life. Surely, your father would laugh at your enthusiasm.
“Cyar’ika, you’re very kind, but I’d be indebted to you should you help me. In fact, I already am with the garments you’re crafting for Grogu.” You playfully roll your eyes
“Again with the formalities. You aren’t indebted to me, Mando! This is my job. Helping would be considered a favor, helping out a friend.”
“Friend.” Mando states. 
“Yeah. Isn’t that what you call me? ‘Cya-cy-cyar’,” you stumble through the pronunciation. Mando barks out a hearty laugh, sending a flurry of butterflies swarming in your belly.
“Yes, we are friends, cyar’ika. You can just call me ‘Mando’ or ‘friend.’ We’ll work on your pronunciation later, don’t want you hurting yourself now,” he teases. Your scrunch your face up, mouth gaped open. “Wow! How rude of you, Mando! Give a lady some grace, why don’t you?!” You squeak, unable to contain the surprise in your voice as a huge smile breaks out onto your face, taken aback by his sudden playfulness.
“I’m sorry, cyar’ika. How can I re-earn your good graces?” A smile evident in his voice.
Your face feels like it’s going to fall off if you keep smiling.
“For starters, you can tell me what that word really means. I’m only fluent in Basic and Jawaese,” you say with a wink, trying to make him feel equally as flustered.
“Jawaese? Are you not native to Nevarro?”
You shake your head as you measure Grogu once more, jotting down his measurements, playfully booping his nose to keep him entertained. “I am not. Tatooine was my home, it’s where I was born and where I grew up.”
He nods, carefully catching a wobbling Grogu. “So what brought you here?” You smirk. “I could ask you the same, Mando… if that is your real name,” you tease. The mandalorian chuckles under his helmet.
Oh what you’d give to see his smile.
“Maybe I’ll tell you… should you ever choose to tell me your given name,” you tease.
“Fair enough. I’ll tell you everything one day, cyar’ika.”
One day. Is he possibly considering telling you his name?
“One day,” you repeat. Your gaze never leaves his, staring into the blacked-out T in his helmet, hoping he can see the desire in your eyes. The silence is broken with the clearing of Mando’s throat. 
“I plan on starting next week. Does that work for you, cyar’ika?” 
You nod a little too eagerly, automatically agreeing despite not having checked your deadline schedules for other commissions. “It does! I’ll even bring over Grogu’s new tunics next week, they’ll be ready by then,” you excitedly say, folding the paper containing Grogu’s measurements and tucking it into your apron. Tucking your pencil behind your ear, you fold the fabrics up and carefully place them back in the box.
Grogu picks one up and hands it to you, melting your heart. You graciously pout, cooing at him. “Thank you, baby!” You squeal, gently caressing his cheek. He nuzzles into your touch.
He’s got you wrapped around his little green finger.
A pang of disappointment hits your heart, your time with the clan coming to a close.
You sigh as you tuck the box of fabric under one of the tables behind you. Silence hangs in the air, fiddling with your apron as you’re unable to say goodbye.
“Well… I guess we’ll be seeing you next week, cyar’ika?” Mando says, making you perk up at the sound of his voice. “Yes, yes you will, Mando.” You can’t help but smile at the thought of spending time with the duo.
“Good. I can’t wait, mesh’la,” he says quietly. Your brows reach your hairline at the new nickname. “Okay, now what does that one mean, Mando? You better not be insulting me!” You exclaim, poking fun at him, but genuinely curious as to what he’s saying.
“I would never, cyar’ika! Like I said, I’ll tell you one day,” he assures you. You sarcastically hum, reaching for something else in your pocket and hand Grogu yet another piece of candy.
“Here you go, little man. Thank you for being so good today, baby!” You tell him, helping him unwrap the lollipop as he squeals with excitement. He incoherently babbles as you discard the wrapper.
“None for daddy though, he’s being a meanie,” you pretend to whisper to Grogu. Your head snaps up at the sound of a groan.
“You alright, Mando?” You ask, brows pinched together. “Y-yeah, cyar’ika. I’m fine. J-just s-sometimes… this… helmet gives me, uh, a headache. I’m fine though,” he stammers. Your worry not quite dissolving. 
“I’m sorry, Mando. Would you like some medicine? I think I might have some inside,” you worriedly ramble. He waves you off. “It’s alright, cyar’ika. I promise. Th-thank you for all your help today, truly,” he nervously says. Taking his word, you nod.
“Well, I’m here if you ever need anything. And of course, it was my pleasure,” you say as you extend your hand to him, smiling as you do so. He quickly glances down to your hand, his large gloved hand fully encasing yours, his thick fingers brushing against yours in the process. He gently shakes your hand, giving it a soft squeeze in between, flashing him a gentle smile.
Is he smiling under there? You hope so.
“See you next week, cyar’ika,” he says, his hand still in yours. “I’ll see you both next week, Mando,” you say breathlessly. He sets your hand down, but doesn’t let go. You can sense his hesitation, but what could he be hesitating about?
“Have a lovely day… mesh’la,” he rasps with a tender, but swift swirl of his thumb on your hand. Sparks of electricity bolt throughout your body, your hand feeling as if it’s ablaze. He quickly drops your hand, gathering Grogu in his arms and settling him in his pram.
“Thank you. You too, Mando,” you nearly whisper, still relishing in the lingering feeling of his hand in yours. “Bye, cyar’ika,” he says with a wave, Grogu mirroring his father’s actions. “Bye, Mando. Bye, Grogu!” You say, returning the wave to the father-son duo. They part from your stall.
There’s a few customers browsing around your stall, but you hardly notice them as your mind swirls from what just happened between you and Mando.
What was that?
A customer comes up to you to ask a question. You shake the thoughts from your head and go about the work day. Anticipation blooms within you as the day drags on.
Next week can’t come fast enough.
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we've finally been introduced to our reader (or as Din likes to call you, 'Cyari'ka' hehehe) and now the plot has been set up for some major pining! we've even caught a glimpse of backstory for reader!
i truly hope your suspension of disbelief allows you to picture yourself when reading this, because i like to picture myself while writing! Din wants reader aka you! 🫶🏼
anyway, thank you so much for reading! i'd love to know your thoughts in the comments, my asks, or dms 🩷
tag list: @javierpena-inatacvest @gracieheartspedro @undrthelights @tinygarbage @bastardmandennis @party-hearses @nostalxgic @mandoisapunk @pedrostories @anoverwhelmingdin @diguise7 @survivingandenduring @missladym1981 @stilllivindue2spite @dindjarinsmut @coquettegingette @firstofficerwiggles @christinamadsen @leithatnight
if your name is crossed out, it means i couldn't tag you ):
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chaoticspeedrun · 1 month
saw ur recent post and thought
lets all stereotype the tmnt simps like they’re animals at a zoo together chaotic
[insert funny picture of us staring at the funny ppl in the cage with their desired turtles (i lowkey couldnt find a meme that would suite this 😠😠😠)]
raph simps ; either fiesty gremlins who’ll bite ur toes off if you go near them and spray them with water or sweet little souls who’ll tuck you in bed and give you forehead kisses. both simp types aren’t rare and are commonly found together as a pair, explaining their view on the himbo buff boy raph and how they can either “fix him” or “make him worse”.
leo simps ; traumatized beings, it doesnt matter if you’re a cocky and mean in a loving way or a i’ll do anything you say because you’re so great kind of leo simp, you’re traumatized in some sense, whether it be through fiction or real life. you guys lowkey ENJOYED giving ur oc’s or self inserts loads of angst when it came to the future and movie. man, you guys have so much love for this one turtle his ego is literally thru the roof.
donnie simps ; a true simp. let me guess— you like nerdy men who are also queer as hell, who is also straight as hell at the same time, who is also the type of man you’d expect him to do nice things for you to only throw you under the bus. listen up you simps, i understand that the few of you “down down bad” simps are into that and might sans fangirl your way into this— but let me explain and introduce you into the “ilovehimsomuchiwoulddieforhimandhisbigforehead” simps. you’d be an awesome duo trust.
mikey simps ; now i KNOW you guys got something beneath those precious and fluffy oc and self insert moments. there has gotta be SOME SORT OF EVIL ANGST AND TWISTY MOMENT YOU GOT GOING ON— much more worse than the leo trauma, FARTHER WORSE— teehee you guys got such a cute puppylove selfship going on teehee 😊😊WELL WHABAM!! the moment mikey gets his mystic powers n angsty moment in the movie out comes the freaking angst beast and comfort waves following behind it >:))))
— 🖼️🗝️ (guess whooo 🙃🙃🙃)
Not me looking at the way you signed and going "Who's Keyframe?" I AM HAVING A DIFFICULT TIME FIGURING THIS ONE OUT.
Also, I love psychoanalyzing people💖
In my opinion, from what I have seen at least, most Raph simps I've interacted with are like really sweet and anxious people that REALLY NEED A HUG just like my boy Raph.
The Leo simps, as I said earlier, enjoy bullying him so much- and with that I mean, they're most times the kind of people that tease or bully their crush, but they care so much about him and love adding so much depth to his character.
The Donnie simps I know can't drop the color purple for ONE DANG SECOND, the color is everywhere all the time all at once, they seem very curious and are some of the ones that I see the most active in the fandom.
And Mikey simps are freaking wild, one minute they're the sweetest and the next they're jumping around the walls and scaring you, I love those.
*Sips on coffee, staring at the cages*
Ah yes, what a wonderful and interesting set of specimens.
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Coffees, Plural
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Colt Seavers (The Fall Guy 2024) x Reader
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters in this story except for Sheila and the reader insert!
Author’s Notes: Reader uses she/her pronouns and is AFAB; reader has an immigrant mother, however where her mother is from is unspecified. The plot of the movie hath been screwed with, basically just imagine the movie with no *SPOILERRR* murdering by our dear leading man, that Jody and Colt are just friends and Colt never had his accident. While I don’t like erasing big plots it was hard to work around it with the timeframe of both the movie and the fic, hopefully the writing makes up for it 🙃 Jody and reader are friends from college, Colt and reader meet on the set of Metalstorm. If you like the story, a comment would be super appreciated! Part two and three are out! Icons by @gosling-girlx !! She’s the best!
Content/Content Warning: Nothing crazy, this is just the meet cute!
If you had asked me what I thought I’d be doing with my life ten years ago, me-from-ten-years-ago would have told you something along the lines of “I don’t know,” “teacher,” or perhaps “nomad.”
That would’ve been her (me-from-ten-years-ago’s) third year of college, where she was newly 21, burnt out, sick of the education program, and just about ready to drop out.
Then she discovered makeup. Fun, out of the box makeup. Her immigrant mother, who really did mean well, had given her a graphic liner palette for Christmas- “Oh honey, I thought this was the makeup you wanted!” And sure, it wasn’t what she had wanted… at first… but then, the week before exams in a fit of stress, she tried it out. Five hours later she discovered a talent she never knew she had, and had created a look that had astounded both her and her roommate, Jody Moreno.
She’d always been good at the basics- rarely did a day pass without getting a compliment on her eyeliner wing or her ombré eyeshadow, but this graphic liner? This was where it was at. It challenged her and made her smile, and she finally found what she wanted to do in her life. Makeup-more specifically the out of the box makeup- had been what spoke to her after years of not knowing what it was that she truly loved.
She- I- dropped out the day before my exam. A couple years later, after some practice and online beauty school, I had a steady gig going with weddings, senior pictures and other fancy clientele. My mom wasn’t super hyped about the idea of a makeup artist daughter at first, but once she saw the bank I was making within half a year of working her mind was changed.
Now listen. I wasn’t actively looking to be this restless soul who wouldn’t stop until she found “the perfect gig.”
But quite frankly, the makeup that pays the best is usually the most boring in composition. I could do these plain, “natural” looks in my sleep. But the thing was, nothing was giving me the same rush as when I ventured out of “normalcy” with that graphic liner years ago. Sure, in my free time I’d practice the cool graphic stuff, even venturing into more VFX style stuff, like wicked scars and things, but my free time was few and far between.
About a year ago, that same Jody Moreno, my old roommate reached out. As far as careers go she definitely had a straighter path than me. For as long as she could remember she wanted to be a director, she’d tell me. We both went to community college, but for her it was for her undergraduate so she would have a fall back if her film degree didn’t end up taking her anywhere.
Film ended up working out for her, and though we lost touch after community college, from what I’d seen on her Instagram she was doing pretty freaking well for herself, and I was happy for her.
Her producer finally gave her a shot at directing her own film last year, a movie called “Metalstorm.” Some sort of space opera with a cowboy of all things, starring world-famous actor Tom Ryder.
Now, I’m not personally too big on Tom Ryder movies- he comes off as a douche and his acting is… a choice, to say the least.
However, when your old roommate reaches out with a job proposition to be a part of a Tom Ryder movie, you don’t say no.
I couldn’t have said yes faster to Jody’s offer. I remember gawking at the screen when I read her message-
“Hey, y/n!
I know it’s been a long while, and I’m sorry for that!
To make up for it, I was wondering if you’d like to work as makeup artist on this movie I’m directing? It’s sort of a space opera with a cowboy- I know, it sounds random- and the producer’s letting me do some of my own hires if I’d like.
Anyway, if you’re interested, I’ll provide you with more details. We’ll be shooting in Australia, and I’ll get you your own trailer on set. Just let me know!
X Jody Moreno”
I could barely register how adorable it was that she still signed off with an X after all these years because of how shocked I was.
First was the fact that she had gotten her own movie- it wasn’t so much shocking as incredible, and super exciting.
Second was the fact that she was offering me a job, and that she remembered me when she got big in the industry. I had told her before I dropped out to remember me when she was famous, as a joke, but I guess she took it seriously which was extremely endearing.
I replied with an enthusiastic “yes!” and the next thing I knew I was in Australia.
I’ve gotten to do all sorts of weird makeup things since I’ve been here, including funky scars and alien makeup. It’s the dream, and it’s a blast!
I have even been trusted to do Tom Ryder’s looks, which thankfully don’t take too much effort or time because as I suspected, he is in fact a massive douche with an ego the size of Mars. I was able to get him passed over to Sheila, our executive makeup artist who takes no nonsense, and who cuts him off by busting into song- usually an eighties hit- any time he tries to speak. She has a great voice, so both the lack of his asshole words and the presence of her beautiful voice are very much welcomed.
Sheila liked the work I was doing for the Space Cowboy scars though, so she gave me Douchebag’s main stuntman to work on.
Enter Colt Seavers. Six feet of pure muscle and a well filled out frame, blue eyes with an energy that can only be described as “puppy-like,” brown hair that’s dyed blonde on the tips to match Douchebag, and a rogue-ish beard. He’s undeniably attractive, and he’s got a sarcastic sense of humor to match.
Basically, he’s what Tom Ryder is played out to be, but better. 
When I had first met him, it took me a hot minute to pick my jaw up off the floor. It was a Monday morning, three months into my time on the filming site. I’d over slept that morning, and made it to the makeup trailer ten minutes late, worried that my new client would be wondering where I was. In my defense, 6 in the morning is too early to be doing anything.
I had breathed out a huge sigh of relief when I found out that he was apparently also running late, and grabbed a grape soda from the mini fridge in the trailer. We had every flavor- from cherry to pickle- but I was most fond of grape.
Sheila, who was my main friend in the makeup crew as well as being my most direct boss, didn’t have to come in for another hour because Tom Ryder was always (at least!!) an hour and a half late to every appointment. I didn’t really know the other artists at the time, so I just sat in my chair waiting for my client as the others worked on the early clients. They were working on the extras who played humans in the upcoming scene, making sure everyone had a unique futuristic look.
Ten minutes later I decided I was sick of waiting and pulled out my graphic liner, the same pallet from ten years ago. It was a little worse for wear, about half the colors missing and the others not far off. But it reminded me of my roots and why I was where I was, and I couldn’t bear to part with it- even if I was in dire need of pink. Kidding. I love the thing, so, so much.
I ended up doing something elaborate with purple, green and blue arches. It sort of looked like the northern lights, if the northern lights were a dramatic eyeliner wing.
I was nearly done with the touch ups, too locked in on the look to notice on the figure that appeared behind me somewhere between the second swipe of purple and the subtle yellow accent.
“Hi! You must be y/n, sorry I’m late-” came a soft, low voice that had a slight gravel to it. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t exactly focusing on the exact tone of his voice when I jumped with a slight squeak and dragged yellow down the side of my face. Real nice.
“Oof, sorry!” he said. He was holding two cups of coffee, and he looked very unsure of what to do.
If wiping yellow eyeliner down the side of my face hadn’t been embarrassing enough, I just had to look up. I caught his blue-eyed gaze in the mirror, took in all six feet of him and was basically, to put it as elegantly as possible, completely taken aback by his hotness.
I promise I’m not a superficial person, by the way. Colt Seavers is just really this pretty. I’ve never been one to notice the “intensity of the blue hue of [one’s] eyes,” or any romance novel cliche like that, but Colt Seavers was a very different story.
Remember how I mentioned that my jaw had been on the floor when I met him? When I stopped mentally drooling over him in his dirty white Space Cowboy costume with all its latches and gold accents I realized that my mouth was actually open. Oops. Really great first impression.
“I’m so sorry. Let’s try this again. I’m y/n, and you’re-“
“Colt Seavers- stuntman, and guy who scares makeup artists when he’s a half hour late. Sorry I startled you,” he apologized genuinely.
“It’s all good,” I said, standing up. His chest is eye level, and I don’t really know how to feel about that. “I’ll tell you what- how about you take a seat and just give me a minute to wash this off,” I suggest.
“Yeah of course, please, take your time!”
“No worries, it’ll be just a minute. You can set your coffees, plural, on the counter in front of the chair,” I told him.
“My coffees, plural, and I are grateful for your kindness,” he teased. I shook my head and smiled, and then walked into the bathroom of the trailer to fix my face. About a minute it was off- thankfully my old pallet wasn’t the most top notch makeup. I returned back to my little booth of sorts, where Colt sat comfortably, his leg bouncing up and down.
“Are your coffees, plural, comfortable?” I asked by way of greeting.
“Why yes they are, thank you,” he chuckled.
“I’m going to get started on the scarring in your face, if that’s alright?”
“Of course.”
“So… the coffees?” I tried to make conversation as I pulled a couple of pallets out from the drawer in the booth.
“They’re my life force,” he says dramatically.
“Oh yeah?” I first grab an alcohol wipe, and gently wipe his face.
“Yep- and also the reason I was late. Sorry again, by the way.”
“No worries- I was late too. Only ten minutes though,” I start applying primer with a fluffy brush.
“We can’t all be a half hour late,” he conceded as if it were an accomplishment. I liked his humor right off the bat.
“That is true…” I agree as I finish applying the powder. “Alright, we’re going to let that sit a minute. Care to tell me how your coffees- plural- made you late?”
His ears turn red. Man, he’s cute.
“Er- I have an affinity- not an addiction!- for coffee, if you couldn’t already tell.”
“An affinity?” I raised an eyebrow, trying to emulate The Rock in my stare.
“Yes, an affinity,” there was that little laugh again. It’s sort of a giggle, and definitely unexpected from this guy who looks like a walking action hero. I liked it. “Anyway, I drank a cup-or two-before getting into this costume, thinking that if I had to, er, piss, I could get out of it easily. It took a half hour to get into all of these damn buckles, and by the end of that half hour, guess who had to piss?”
“The costume designer?” I joked. That got a laugh out of him, again.
“Yes, the costume designer, obviously. But yeah, apparently a side effect of my coffee addic-affinity is perpetual lateness.”
“Huh, I’ll have to keep that in mind,” I noted as I reached for one of my pallets. “I’m going to start on the scarring on your face, there’s one that goes on your left cheek and another where your hair’s parted.”
“Okay, sounds good.” It’s quiet for a little bit, but not necessarily in an awkward way. I’m about halfway done with the scarring on his cheek, the one that’s supposed to look like a fresh wound.
“So, how’d you get into makeup?” Colt asked, careful not to move his mouth too much.
“Oh, that’s a bit of a long story,” I told him, adding highlights to the scar.
“I’ve got time,” he said, the corner of his mouth quirked up.
“If you say so…” I mumbled, before telling him the abridged version of how I got into makeup.
“I have to say, I’m really glad your mom bought you the wrong pallet,” he commented at the end of my story.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, you’re really good at what you do,” he complimented, sincerity in his voice as he checked himself out in mirror. By that point I had finished his face, and stepped behind him so he could see himself. We both smiled, eyes meeting in the glass.
“Thanks,” I said, trying not to cringe at the light blush that had appeared on my face.
Looking back on it, I think my crush on Colt Seavers really did develop on day one. But little did I know, it’d only get stronger.
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johnwickb1tsch · 1 month
Imagine Donaka Mark became obsessed by a girl, starting to stalk her sending her flowers and gifts and decide to kidnap her because she has to be his, forever.
Ooooo Nonnie!!! I do love me some Donaka Mark! I started this for you over a month ago, im sorry! 🙃 Ok, imagine you accompanied your boss on a business trip to Hong Kong. You're a dynamite assistant, you got your shit on point!👆 Donaka is impressed with you, and he tries to poach you to come work for him. Because this man wants you CLOSE! You think he's fine as fuck but there is something intense about this man. It kinda scares you (bc u a smart cookie) so YOU SAY NOOOO! Respectfully of course, but NO ONE tells Donaka Mark NO!
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You go home, and you're a little regretful, truth be told. You wonder if you missed out on a big adventure, working in a foreign country for a powerhouse of a man like Donaka. But the survivalist part of your brain absolutely knows you made the right choice. When expensive flowers start showing up at your desk, you're pretty sure who they're from, and you're not sure this is a good thing.
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He asks you to have dinner with him (he's flying to the States JUST TO SEE YOU??) but again you say no thank you. You don't know it but you are digging your own grave. When the flowers start showing up IN YOUR APARTMENT you get totally freaked out!
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You're smart enough to understand going to the police won't really help you. And your boss is deep in business with Mark. You don't really know what the fuck to do. Quit your well-paying job you've worked so hard for? Move? Try to disappear? Fuck that.
As you're leaving your apartment to get on the subway the back window of an Escalade parked in front rolls down. "Need a ride?"
You are pissed. Stalking up to the vehicle, you glare at the man inside. "I don't appreciate your games, Mr. Mark."
"Pity. They've only just begun." He pays you a wicked look that equally thrills and terrifies you.
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You just walk away, knowing insults will only make it worse. Of course he's there, when you arrive at work. You have to take notes through an important meeting with your boss and him, then go out to lunch. When you feel his big foot caress your calf you kick out, not even spilling your water in your hand. He just seems to love it, smirking at you from across the table.
Probably because you accidentally kick your boss instead.
You apologize profusely, claiming you had a leg spasm (oops!) and while Donaka smirks at you, you excuse yourself to go to the restroom.
By the end of the day, you are fired.
Feeling sorry for yourself, you go home and decide to run a bath. You fall asleep in the bubbly hot water. You dream that someone is lightly touching your face. When you wake up you're a human prune. You wrap yourself in a towel, and you wipe a circle in the steam-blurred mirror--to see a huge man in a black full face mask behind you.
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You try to scream, but a leather-gloved hand closes over your mouth. You don't know it yet, but it's the beginning of the rest of your life...
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animealways · 1 year
Surprise, i'm married bitch!
Natasha x fem!stark!reader/ contains making out, semi-public sex, strap on, marking, spanking, daddy kink, paparazzi (you set the internet on blaze by not only revealing you're married but to none other then black widow herself.)
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Y/n stark potential suitor
A new stark family member?
Shadowcap is real?
All titles of gossip blogs articles about your love life. You couldn't help but chuckle at the last one. Its your and steve superhero ship name.
Captain america + iron shadow
"Oh this is some top noch comedy" you said to yourself. "What is 'top noch comedy'?" You lifted your phone showing the shadowcap article to nat and how it mentioned all the times you went shopping with steve to find the perfect decorations for the wedding and more. She shook her head at the article with a amused smile. "What people won't do just for some clicks. What are you doing?"
She raised a eyebrow at your smile. Natasha has learned thanks to you there are more then one way to smile and that includes mischievous smile. One you're wearing right now. "Ohhh nothing just giving them some light criticism."
Ohh sooooo~ close 🙃
You got the wrong avenger tho-
you commented and nat rolled her eyes at you. You always loved messing with the media. They always were a pain in the ass for as long as you can remember. Not surprising since your father is tony stark after all. He is often in the news either because of drama he causes or because of a new invention and that was BEFORE he became iron man. Oh yeah your step-mom is pepper the fucking co-ceo of the biggest company on earth that you run together. Literally anything happens that even semi involves your family aaaaand your face ends up on the fucking news.
The sec you post the comment you see fans going 'omg what!!!????' 'Nooooo my ship😭' 'dcvsxvjgxvbcf7gkg' 'wowowowow WHAT WHO IS IT THEN?!?!"
You laughed at the way your fans freaked out. "You know you should probably let everyone know were a thing." You looked up at your wife having your head against her thigh.
"Anything particulaire in mind?" "No you're better at that sort of thing, remember your last interview?"
You chuckled remembering jimmy fallon face when you told him about a particulier snowboarding vacation with your dad. When neither you or your dad realise the hill you were on was actually the end of a small cliff causing both of you to fall into a thick layer of snow. The only reason you didn't tell this to pepper was because your dad bought you a massive chocolate cake to shut you up. Oh man was she angryyyyy when she found out.
"I will never forget that scolding." You laughed while natasha shook her head but didn't bother hiding her smile. That damn near divine smile.
"Btw there is this gala i got invited to." You mentioned randomly remembering.
You put the finale touch to your eyelashes and felt ready to go. You wore a velvet red button up collar shirt with 3 upper buttons lose to show off your chest with the nanotech container on it. The rest of your suit was black and nothing of it really stood out exactly what you wanted.
It would bring more attention not only to the nanotech container on your chest but also your jewelry. Specificly the necklace with your wedding ring around it. For the longest time you and natasha would hide your relationship but now that you're married her both of you wanted let the world know who the 2 of you belonged to.
You put the edith sunglasses on before looking to your left admiring natasha beauty. You recognised the dress she wore, the same one she wore as 'natalie rushman'.
You walked behind her, hugging her from behind and putting your chin on her shoulder.
"Well if this doesn't remind you of something?" Natasha smirked remembers the first time she met you. "Yeah, i remember how you couldn't take your eyes off of me." She teased, you merrily shrugged. "What can i say? I have good taste. Common, lets go." She took her you hand once done with make-up.
You drove to the gala with happy in a another car behind you for safety measures. It didn't matter both of you we're avengers. You knew better then go to such a big event without any back up. Too many goddamn memories of parties going wrong.
As you arrived to the event. You ran around the car opening the door and unbuckled the seat belt for natasha. She took your arm and walked out together with your bodyguards right behind the 2 of you.
Paparazzi were, well they were annoying as always. They're shouting for you to either turn their way or about your life. You swear on your mother's grave the paparazzi brought a bonus level of anger out of you. Maybe its the belief your mother taught you that respect should be earn, not given. Maybe its that you had to deal with them your entire life or maybe its because they're basicly paid stalkers that made your blood boil either way to you a street fighter deseveres more respect then the paparazzi, atleast that took more then just being a invasive asshole to do it right.
But atleast you had natasha to keep you company. ''You know...'' you turned your attention to the red head trying you best to hear her over all the shouting. ''I have seen childeren that are quieter then them.'' you chuckled at the commentary.
''You think this is bad? You should be glad you didn't have to deal with them in the early 2000's they were 500 times worse.''
''You can't be serious.''
''I am. 1 of them actually got so close to me they pushed me and caused me to fall face first into the pavement.''
''Really, wow i can't imagine tony reaction.''
You smiled remembering how happy carried you to the car while your dad cussed everyone out. ''Ahhh yeah, good memories. I remember my dad calling them 'motherfucking disrespectful uncultered dipshits'.'' natasha laughed at the mental image.
''Hey, atleast he taught me how to protect the important things in life. Isn't that right misses stark?'' You looked lovingly at your wife.
Your wife
Misses stark
Man, you can't get enough off of those words. Natasha didn't say anything but the look she gave you said more then enough. Its funny really, this is the same woman that use to have a probleem with you hugging her once a day but now she had her last name changed for you. You took her hand and kissed her knuckles.
right under the wedding ring
As soon as you realised what you just did you immediately covered your wifes ears. Good thing too cause less then a second later you physically cringed at the shouting from the crowd.
how long have you been married!?
did you take each others last name?!
stark/black widow are offically off the marked!?
That last one caused both you and tash to glare at the crowd. Sure your relationship was a massive secret for the longest time but who would want to inmagine their partner getting flirted with?
''Lets go inside before we getting hearing damage or start a fight.''
''You took the words right out of my mouth.''
You followed natasha as the noise died down. Luckily for the both of you the night went fairly well. You went around and introduce natasha as your wife. People we're naturally curious about your relationship how long you have been together, who asked who, who proposed normale things you gladly answer. Then were the questions that would make your eyes tired from barrel rolling so much.
''So who is the man in the relationship?''
''Dude, thats like asking wich chop stick is the fork.''
Natasha giggled at the surprisingly accurate comparison. The other people at the table also had a good chuckled out of it. ''Ahh, s-sorry didn't mean to come over insensitive. I just don't know alot about these things.''
''Its fine but call me or my wife a dyke and i will start a fight.'' you joked causing the man to let out a nervous chuckle knowing you're capable of it and would gladly do it. After all its not every day you meet a woman that kicked a grown ass man at 18 years old but you did after the pap tried to take a pic under your skirt. You swear that the news didn't let go of it for a month long.
while natasha drank her vodka you stood right behind her pressing your crotch. She pressed back feeling the bulge in your pants while smirking.
''ты хочешь трахаться в ванной, детка?''
''you want to fuck in the bathroom baby?''
You whisperd softly in her ear while having tight grip on her hips. You had learned russian in the periode where the avengers broke.
Fuck are you happy she's back in your arms
''let me enjoy my drink first''
You smirked at her responds. You knew the alcohol would make her a shameless, horny mess. You didn't miss the way people looked at your wife though. You couldn't blame them natasha beauty was something to die for but there was no way you were walking out of this place without making clear who belonged to who. She continued to have more drinks as you whispered nothing but sweet compliments and in return she kissed you teasing about the people who must be watching the 2 of you being in love.
''good, the more people watch faster the news travels.''
Tash turned around wrapping her arms around your neck and kissed you. You hummed being able to taste all the different drinks she had from vodka to tequila. You pulled away and dragged her to the nearest bathroom. The second the door was closed she practically pounced you. Your hands immediately went to her ass giving it a tight squeeze. Her legs wrapped around you hips and started to grind against the bulge. You put her on the sink and pushed her dress up revealing the black lingerie with a wet spot in the middle.
You rubbed her tight, not quite touching her where she needs it.
''y/n i ne-''
You cut her by slapping her pussy making her jump and grabbed her by the throat. ''whats my name?'' You growled into ear. She pushed her breast forward close enough for them you the feel them against your own.
''i'm sorry daddy''
''better, now show me how much of a slut you are''
You put the palm of your hand against her pussy and she immediately started to grind against it. Your free hand went to her cheek forcing her to look into your eyes.
fuck those gorgeous green eyes
You kissed her softly, something natasha always loved is how gentle your touch was her even in moments like these she could feel the love behind the action. She whined against your lips making you smirk. 'awww baby do you need something?' You put you thumb against her lips . 'daddy please fuck me~' She whined her hands going under you shirt looking for skin to skin to contact. 'you want my cock, baby? you want daddy cock inside of you?' You used your index finger to pull on the thin fabric then let it go making it snap against her.
''hmm, please daddy claim me. i want you to mark me.''
''then get on your knees.''
She did as you demanded getting and loosened the belt pulling your pants down revealing the red strap. Natasha wasn't full on drunk, was she getting there? Oh for sure but not to the point she couldn't notice it was the strapon wanda magicly enhanced so you could feel everything like it was a real cock. She started to kiss the tip while holding eye contact with you.
this woman is gonna be the death of you and you couldn't care less
You sighed out of relieve at the feeling. As she slowly took the fake cock into her mouth you gentle went with your hands thru her hair the smile on your face never leaving love the sight and feeling knowing. ''who is daddy good little slu- ahhh you are baby FUCK!''
You used one hand to hold the sink while the other was still natasha soft red hair. You could feel her take the entire length, humming to please you as much as possible and her tongue moving around. You let this happen for abit enjoying how skillfull you wife mouth is before pulling her of. You panted while looking her messy face lipstick ruined by all the drool. You pulled her her up to and kissed her quick but passionate kiss.
''bend over for me and beg maybe then i let you cum over my cock''
She did as you said making sure her ass was on full display for you and wiggled it abit. You pulled the lingerie off of her and put them in you pocket. ''don't hold back on the noises. i want everyone near us to hear how much of a whore you are, understood?'' ''yes daddy''
You hummed before the upper half of you body was covered in nanotech and you didn't miss the way natasha started to move her ass more when she saw it reflected back in the mirror. 'keep looking in the mirror i want you to see everything' As soon the words left you mouth you started to spank her with the back of your hand now covered in metal hand. She yelped with every hit and you didn't stop until her ass was bright red. You didn't bother with giving her a warning just slamming your cock into her since she was dripping so much. Natasha screamed and you penetrated her at a animalistic pace. You threw you head back at the warm tight feeling of pussy and her moans sound divine. If she let you, you would do this for the entire night.
You grabbed her by the throat pulling her close enough for you to mark her entire back of her neck with hickey. Out of no where you stop your movement making natasha whine for more. You groaned feeling her squeez around.
''please daddy i need you! i'm a good girl please just let me cum over your perfect cock!'' She kept begging while you looked at her like she was a piece of meat for you to devour. You eventually flipped her over and started all over again. You made sure to cover her neck and breast with hickey while she clung on you. 'ahh daddy you're making me cum' she shouted and you were sure anyone in the same hall as the bathroom could hear her. You pulled her closer so your foreheads were touching each other while you used your right hand to keep her close you left hand went to her clit. Your left hand turned into a clit sucking vibrator sending natasha over the egde. You made sure to prolong her pleasure for as long as possible.
As soon as your left hand was off of her she grabbed it and sucked it. The pretty sight made you groan and natasha smirked. She let go of you hand with a pop sound while you gentle pulled out her of making her moan and leaving her pussy cleching around nothing. You pulled your pants back up covering the fake cock before natasha grabbed it.
''you haven't cummed yet'' A devilish smile made its way onto your face. ''oh im not done with you yet baby'' Natasha bite her bottoms lips in anticipation. Then the door opened , you first instinct is to cover up tash with your body as somone ran past straight to the toilet.
''i'm sorry i couldn't hold it. i swear i didn't see anything!''
You rolled your eyes as nat hide her blushing face in you neck. You made sure to clean her up fast and the nanotech went back into the container. She however didn't move from the sink. 'i-i cant walk...' You laughed at how shy she sounded in return she glared and pouted at you. 'don't laugh at me'
''sorry sorry babe you just look so cute'' You giggled before carring bride style. You walked out and people were staring at you and tash after all none of them ever seen black widow this... soft. As soon as happy saw it he rolled his eyes and told the other bodyguards they could take the rest of the night off knowing you murder them if they ever interrupted your kinky time with nat. ''please just make sure your naked ass doesn't end up on the news like your dad did.'' Happy said and you laughed at how your dad ended up drunk butt naked on the roof top after a wild party.
''don't worry about it i wouldn't let a media shit head near my wife''
You walked out to your car as people were shouting for your attention. Natasha had her head nuzzled into your neck making you smile. You gentle put her in the passenger seat and you drove off to a calm and quite place in the woods.
maybe i will write a part 2?
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mikuni14 · 5 months
The Sign - Ep 7
First of all, as always, I will officially ignore all the cop stuff, the doctor discussing his patient's condition and giving his data without a court order, how a person with a mental disorder is treated, and the meme quotes from Paulo Coelho 🙃 (It's interesting that the Dr. Chewconcretemotherfucker treated both art Art and Tharn 🤔)
It never ceases to amaze me how much Phaya has NO control over his face and his behavior in Dr. ChUNT's presence lmao. And how all Tharn gives him is basic politeness, and how it must be apparent to anyone interested (including Dr. Changinghisnameisapublicservice) that Tharn, his heart, and his body belong to someone else. So what exactly is he trying to achieve? The only thing left for him is to actually end this relationship in a drastic way… "So don't worry, I will see him to his bed" I bet your ass that you will Phaya! 😆 I'm 100% sure the only thing your bird brain registered is "I" and "Tharn" and "bed" 👍
Somehow, in this episode, Tharn was able to de-escalate the situation between Phaya and Dr. Chanceyougettharniszeroyoucunt (with just one sentence), and he was also able to confess why he was the way he was (it took him one sentence as well). This is what I wanted in last episode, but what we only got now to fit the plot… *sigh*
I really liked the scene of Phaya trying to explain himself to Tharn: he's freaking out, not controlling his emotions, grabbing Tharn's hands.. and those broken sentences, grimaces on his face, visible nervousness and distress. And how Tharn is worried about what he sees (that deep crease between his eyebrows), trying to hide his worry, comforting him. Phaya's line: "Just tell me you forgive me and all these symptoms would probably go away" floored me. That's some old romance novel shit, it gets me every time! 😍
Phaya and Tharn's conversation in the archive was great, making Phaya's position on being in a relationship clear. Tharn's reaction to what Phaya says and when he asks what would he do? Really nice, as Tharn shows mostly with his eyes how much it all affects him..
I love Phaya and how persistent he is, how he doesn't give up, how he treats all obstacles to his happy relationship with Tharn as something that simply needs to be overcome and that's it 😄 That's why he follows him like a dog, uses every opportunity to be with him and creates his own opportunities. Like inviting Tharn to his nest house to disarm him with his family, food and cat and ultimately WIN him. Which of course works! Who would have guessed, Phaya actually has some game after all lmao
The scene at Phaya's house was so sweet! Tharn is so loving and gentle with the cat, immediately noticing Namami, unconsciously petting him just beacuse he is within his arm reach, which is what cat people do without thinking. I love how everyone just passed the cat between them lol
I liked Tharn having fun, being relaxed, the way Phaya shows him around his nest, the way he talks to him about himself. Tharn staring at the eagle painting…
Ohhh, and we have a perfect confession. As it should be, because Phaya is so serious when it comes to Tharn: it was long, honest, romantic without exaggeration or cringe. It's nice that Tharn didn't interrupt him and made an emotional confession himself. I'm not surprised that Tharn gave in because everything had been building up to this point. The way he saw Phaya freaking out, the way Phaya kept pushing, the whole "love" atmosphere of their current case certainly made him think too. Tharn himself tells Phaya not to press him, suggesting that he doesn't have the strength to resist, because as Tongthai even said earlier, you can't "fall out of love." You can't just shut down your feelings and desires. And Tharn FEELS it and oh god how much he wants it. And what I think convinced him was that Phaya didn't dismiss his worries with the traditional "don't worry" or "everything will be fine" or worse, "you're exaggerating, it's just a delusion." No, Phaya took his fears upon himself, saying that HE would try not to leave THARN, taking the burden of keeping Phaya alive off Tharn's shoulders. "I'll do whatever it takes so that you won't be sad or lose me", because his life is his responsibility, not Tharn's. What Phaya did was notice Tharn's worry, recognize it, take it upon himself, and let Tharn relax. That's why I'm not surprised that Tharn allowed himself a moment of happiness, to reach for what he wants. Perhaps it's a moment of weakness that he will regret later, but come on, Tharn is not made of steel! He's just a cute lil' guy and he's in love and horny! 😭 Oh, but this confession had its beautiful moments: "I really want to have you by my side in every day of my life" "This is the best I can do, please don't force me" "I promise not to leave you"
Love scene: YES. I love Phaya when, before they started, he takes a deep breath, as if he's finally at peace, because this is it, he FINALLY has everything he wants, everything is right with the world. And then he just go for it. I fucking love predatory, hungry Phaya. I love the pliant Tharn, how he's almost always with his back to Phaya in an act of sweet submission and ultimate trust. Phaya had moments as if he couldn't believe that they were together and when he realized that yes, this was really happening, he became even more passionate, as if he couldn't get enough of Tharn. It was incredibly hot. There was a lot of heavy breathing, pulling on skin, tight embraces, intense caresses, hungry looks. And am I seeing things or there was a scene of Tharn nodding his consent and implication that Phaya was preparing him? 👀 Anyway, the scene was an intoxicating mix of Phaya and Tharn's fantasies: it was pretty, pink, emotional and hot.
When I finally see them together, I'm as happy as Phaya with a naked, tattooed, wet Tharn in the shower 😄💖🥳 everything is right with the world.
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pinazee · 16 days
Gus’s dad may have killed an old guy
Gotta gif right outta the bat! Liams run here! So cute!
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I tell you what, i love the Shassie friendship here because yes, Shawn is going to mess with him by getting him something he hates for christmas, but then he’s also going to casually convince Jules to invite him to her family dinner because he knows he’s lonely.
Ohmygod i missed this part somehow! Gus forcing a vision see it! see it!
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So a few things about the Gusters and how that plays into Gus’s character.
If they thought Shawn was a bad influence, then why let him hang out at his place all the time? Obviously they couldn’t just refuse to let him see him anymore but why not have him over at your place so you can keep an eye on him? Plus, Henry’s a cop… its complicated is all I’ll say. I think it had more to do with the fact that Shawn was just too much to handle as a kid. He strikes me as the type that needed to be constantly stimulated (i might go into more detail about young shawn in a later ep. Possibly when i try to narrow down their origin story). And Gus apparently agreed with his parents, so i have to believe part of him blames Shawn for how his life turned out, which is a little unfair.
I love the juxtaposition of how they treat Gus compared to how henry treats Shawn. Gus was heavily sheltered and coddled, whereas Shawn was being hardened for reality. Both are overprotective to a degree, except you’ve got Gus’s parents putting up foam guards on all the corners of their furniture until he’s 18, and then you have Henry who probably taught shawn how to swim by throwing him into the deep end of a pool when he was three. Weirdly, i think of the two, Henrys way was a little better, because even though he was a pretty shit dad, he, for the most part, didn’t try to shield Shawn from the world. In fact he was taught to observe it, to understand it.
This ep made me wonder if Gus was born sick. It would explain why they act like he has a “Delicate health and weak disposition”, why he didn’t have that many friends growing up, why they didn’t want him to go to that school. His parents are so overprotective and stuck in the mentality that he is a feeble child, that i think thats what made Gus so terrified of everything, but on the flip side, sparked his need to know how things worked, and why he has such a wide variety of interests. Shawn also does this, though. He never told Gus Henry killed his dog (henrys a canonical dog killer lol and i think he accidentally killed one of shawns pets too in a later ep. How many pets have to die before its no longer considered accidental???) and just in general he’s looking out for him whether emotionally (agreeing with him that he is definitely happy with his life at the end of 9 lives) or physically (standing between him and a gun in the same ep)
But they should be concerned that Shawns Psych business put Gus’s life in danger on multiple occasions already but that wasn’t discussed. So I have to assume Gus hasn’t told them those bits yet because he knows they’d freak out and make him stop.
Ernie freaking Hudson and Phylicia freaking Rashad! Which is even funnier when you remember Gus/Dulé keep getting referred to as Bud
I love that they’re a family of super sniffers and it bonds them. shawn seems to really get a kick out of seeing it too (probably because a family enjoying each other is so foreign to him 🙃)
U-turn Singleton everybody! I love when Gus has a little thing to go with his nickname!
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Gus was really about to kick lassies ass! Dulé is killing me in this ep!
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Gus being very subtle as always
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P.S I LOVE HIM SO MUCH (but he definitely cheated)
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 6 days
The more people who use "omg you're just such a great writer, I got really sucked into the story and I got too emotional because you made the emotions so strong, so I felt bad for Spencer because Y/N was being mean to him" as an excuse to be a dickhead in the comments of my fic, the more years I am adding before I ever write another CM fic ever again
I am not responsible for your emotional baggage when it comes to a fictional character. You should not take out that baggage on me. You should be able to differentiate the way that you infantilize and baby a grown man and uwu shelter him and the capable, grown man that actually exists in the canon. Infantilizing to the point that when basic conflict comes up in a story, you freak out and perceive that the world is attacking him (when oh, he's been through enough!!!). If you want his fictional life to be calm, go read some fluff. Do not read a fic clearly marked as angst. You should be mature enough to twist your knuckles about it and scream into your pillow instead of screaming at the author of a fic about how he's been treated too cruelly.
It is not a compliment to my writing. You having intense preconceived notions about a character that directly conflict with the story is not a compliment to me or my writing. If you were actually caught up in the emotions of the fic, you would sympathize with the main character rather than calling her a bitch and getting angry with her for being mean to your blorbo. I have written many other high stakes emotional fics, and people have never, ever left comments with this stunning lack of maturity before (except for the last time I wrote a multichaptered CM fic 🙃).
Most people understand that basic conflict in a story means that sometimes the main character you love will do shitty things - and will be called out for it. (But they may also have the opportunity to heal and grow from those things if you read the rest of the fucking story.)
I could also go on a whole rant about how Spencer is heavily autistic coded and people baby the fuck out of him (or write him vastly out of character with none of his autistic traits) so apparently it's fucking criminal of me to write him in character and call him out for some of his canon traits being shitty. Because I didn't put him in a crib and put a fucking bonnet on him and shelter him from the fucking world.
But that is a rant for another day.
Anyway - the CM fandom has lost a "great writer" thanks to the behavior in the comments of that fic ✌
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Being Seijoh's Manager:
Miss Manager Secretly Dating Matsukawa
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Issei Matsukawa featuring Seijoh x Fem! Manager
Warnings: Swearing, Loserkawa
A/N: This is an Anon request! I chose Seijoh because I love chaos and will take literally any opportunity to bully Oikawa 🙃
Oof yn, you are so lucky 😩
Literally I can't even
Matsukawa... Issei Matsukawa YN...
Ok that's enough 😒
To sum it up, you're a very lucky lady YN
Not to mention you manage Seijoh 😱
Aka the Simp Squad!
Literally Seijoh and Nekoma would worship a manager prove me wrong
You can't ✋🏻
So when a new transfer student shows up
Now Seijoh is limited on its resources...
"Resources" being people who don't know of Oikawa 🙄
Oof it's all hands on deck!
You just so happened to be the new incoming student in Mattsun's class
The teacher introduced you and literally all the guys were like 🥵🥵🥵
Because our angel is a hottest lemme tell you!
Mattsun is thanking God right now because the seat next to his is open and ready for the taking
"Hi I'm YN! It's nice to meet you!" You say cheerfully as Mattsun watches you
"Uhh Issei Matsukawa, it's nice to meet you," he stammers out
You smile at him, please do less YN 🙄, and the man is gone!
After that, Matsukawa kind of just becomes your friend
Like you hang out during class, after class and even during lunch
Which is where you get introduced to the gang
The gang mainly being Iwaizumi and Hanamaki with the occasional interruption for Oikawa
Soon you start getting introduced to all the Seijoh boys
Our precious first Years, Kindaichi and Kunimi
As well as our second years, Kyotani, Yahaba and Watari
Of course you also have to deal with Seijohs resident pain in the ass 😒
"YN-chan when will you go on a date with me?!?!" OIkawa whines
You don't miss the low growl that comes from Matsukawa 👀
"Oikawa I told you, you aren't really my type," you say, shrugging
Mattsun definitely doesn't miss the little look you give him 😏
"I'm everyone's type YN!" Oikawa whines
"More like everyone's pain in the ass," Iwaizumi grinds out
You, Mattsun and Makki 👉🏻🤣🤣🤣
Oikawa 👉🏻😱 IWA-CHAN
"YN should be our manager since she's the only girl we know who will actually turn Oikawa down," Makki suggests
Literally the light bulbs 💡 in these boys brains all go off
"That's a great idea! YN would you be interested?" Iwaizumi asks you
"Sure! I mean, I need a club so why not!" You respond as the boys all jump for joy
Literally a whole celebration YN just because they FINALLY have a manager 😩
Mattsun is excited but also a little nervous
He's fairly confident in himself BUT when it comes to you, he feels a certain sense of vulnerability
He has started to develop feelings for you and he wants to keep you all to himself 🥺
He kind of looks at you being manager as a win/lose
Sure he gets to spend more time with you but then so does his team
However, he buries his feelings deep down for the sake of you and the team
Unfortunately that does not last long 😅
Because our precious Mattsun is one jealous boy!
Especially when it comes to his friends
Why are you always standing so close to Iwaizumi?
Why do you have to hand Makki his water bottle like that?
Why does Oikawa have to touch you???
It only takes about a week before he finally loses his cool
It happens one day after practice when the third years are taking their turn to clean up the gym
You are busy, running around all cute like
Freaking adorable 😍
When suddenly, a rouge ball gets lose and rolls in front of you, tripping you and sending you crashing to the floor 😱
"HOLY SHIT YN!" Iwaizumi yells but Mattsun is already by your side
"Are you ok?" He says as grab your knee
"I think so, my knee just kind if hurts," you whimper a little
"God dammit Oikawa look what you did to Yn!" Iwaizumi yells
Oikawa right now 👉🏻👁👄👁 *just existing*
"Come on YN, let's get you to the nurse," Iwaizumi says as he goes to lift you up
Too bad Mattsun is already on it
"I got her," he says lifting you effortlessly as you squeal
"I'll come with," Makki says as Mattsuns head snaps to him
"I said, I got it!" Mattsun growled as Makki stopped looking strangely at his best friend 😑
Mattsun carries you to the nurse and sets you down
The nurse checks you over, determining it was just a small bruise and that you would heal just fine
Once you are done, you go to stand up as Mattsun stops you
"Issei, what-"
"YN go out with me?" He blurts out
You 👉🏻😃 whet-
"YN I like you alot and I want to take you out!" He says as you just stare 😳
Yes yn, give us NOTHING 👏🏻
"Of course if you don't want to-"
Quick YN!
"No I do! I like you too Issei, I'm just surprised! I didn't think you'd like a girl like me," you say, blushing and putting your head down
"You mean an absolute perfect angel? How could I not!" He said as you smiled
He linked his hand in yours and helpedyou back to practice
After that day, you and Mattsun soon became a couple
A secret couple 👀
Why secret? Well because you are Mattsun didn't really care to share your personal lives with anyone
Now that doesn't mean these super sleuths didn't suspect something 🕵
Literally Makki and Kunimi KNEW something was up but they could never find evidence
Picture Makki and Kunimi following you two around, hoping they would catch you holding hands or kissing 🔍
Just them, cameras at the ready 📱
But alas it never happened
You and Mattsun always hang out but you were very good at keeping things secret
You'd only hold hands in private, kiss when absolutely no one was around
Even at practice, you gave nothing away
Until one day 🙃
Oikawa was on his bullshit again, as he was most days
Literally he was relentless in his pursuit of you YN ✋🏻
We are all getting second hand embarrassment from him istg-
"YN-Chan, please?? Just picture you walking in on the arms of the volleyball captains arm at the inter-heigh prelims! Everyone will be so jealous and we will rule Miyagi prefecture!" Oikawa 🙌🏻
You 👉🏻🤍 N O 🤍
"Ugh YN come on! Ok how about this, one date, just one little tiny date!" Oikawa begged
Now you could hold your own YN
But Mattsun 😬 oof he was sick of Oikawa's shit
"Shittykawa she said no, knock it off!" Iwaizumi belted out
"Iwa-chan you are suppose to be on my side!" Oikawa cried
"I'm on team YN," Iwa said
"Me too," Kindaichi said, Yahaba, Makki, Kunimi, Watari and Kyotani agreeing
"Oikawa you are sweet just not my type," you said ad Oikawa followed behind you
Mattsun is seething at this point and Makki is like 👀🍿
"Well if I'm not your type then who is?!?" Oikawa whined as Mattsun finally snapped
"I am Oikawa now back the hell off my girlfriend!" Mattsun shouted
You 👉🏻😬😅
Mattsun 👉🏻😡
Makki and Kunimi 👉🏻😃 📱
Iwaizumi 👉🏻😐🙄
Oikawa 👉🏻😐😳😱
"YN really? Mattsun???" Oikawa shouted
You just shrugged and smiled
"I have a thing for middle blockers what can I say," you smile, kissing your boyfriend on the cheek as he pulls you closer
"Totally called it!" Makki and Kunimi shouted, high-fiving
"YN-Chan you wound me," Oikawa whined again
"Just say the word YN," Iwaizumi said, holding a volleyball
"It's ok Iwa, we are good!" You say as Mattsun holds you close
"It seems like your girlfriend has a soft spot for me Mattsun," Oikawa 😏
Mattsun rn 👉🏻😐 Iwa-
Before he even finished the word, a ball forest barreling at Oikawa, hitting his square in the back of the head
"IWA-CHAN!" Oikawa 😭
Please YN, he deserves it and you and Mattsun deserve to be happy 🥰
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