#to be born again (detroit become human)
kaledya · 1 month
First of all, LOVE YOUR ART AND AU AND HEADCANONS, seriously, sometimes i feel that, at least the premise, is better than the original. Anyway, I have questions:
God's design when??????
Are the ars goetia still in your sinner's symphony au?
Do the archangels like lilith? What do they think of her and Luci's relationship?
did Constantine and Charlie go to some sort of university or have any kind of diploma or career?
How did serenity got her luck magic? Like, did she just appeared with it or...someone else?
What was Husk and Serenity's reaction meeting each other again at the hotel?
What is Serenity's job at the hotel?
Where do sinner appear in hell? Is there like a pit where they fall or what?
How are u? I wanna know how u doin in life
Sorry for too many questions
I don't have a design idea for the god yet but even if I show him I plan to show only his hands and clothes.
2. they are in my AU and they're even a race created by Paimon and Lilith
3. Uriel and Jophiel was friends with Lilith and the others had a respectful relationship with her. frankly, most of them were not so sure about this relationship. yes, they knew that Lilith really loved their brother, but they sometimes think that if Lucifer and Lilith had not been together, maybe their brother would never have fallen.
4. Both of them were educated in the palace by the most knowledgeable teachers in hell, they didn't need to go to school. but even so, Lilith and Lucifer sent them to private school for some periods to socialize them.
5. I'm putting here a part of the story of Serenity.
(She is Half Sheep Half Wolf now I changed it)
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6. obviously their first encounter was awkward, the last time Husk met Serenity was when she was making a deal with him, and Serenity's last words to him It was "your ego and arrogance will make you someone's pet, Husk, but maybe only then you will overcome these flaws and reveal the old person inside you, goodbye old friend." Seriously, there was a strange coldness between them at first, but they solved it over time
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7.Serenity came as a guest at first, but in the future she became someone who helped Charlie's plans a lot, a kind of advisor.
8.the sinners are born in a pit of mud, at first they are reborn in hell from something made of blood and mud on the ground and they try to get out of the pit and reach the city (a place similar to the place where Markus woke up in Detroit Become Human)
9.I'm fine! Thank you very much for asking! How are you?
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v-cain · 1 year
"Personal issues."
Request: can you pls write something with connor from dbh it can be about literally anything 😈😈
Fandom: Detroit Become Human
Warnings: Swearing, Loss of brother, Absent father, Alcohols/Bars, Suicidal tendencies, Brief car crash description, Swearing, Gun, Knife, Sex club mention, Assault
A/N: reader is hank's daughter and cole's twin, and as the year DBH is set in has no significance, we're pretending it's set in 2045 so this makes more sense ;P (pretend hank was born in 1992) well, im tired and projecting, enjoy the hurt/comfort @tzulv ! <33
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You pull your gloves on, shivering as you walk onto the bus. The weather can get horrible in Detroit, especially in winter. Usually your Dad would collect you when it was this cold, but he was busy with his police work. Apparently, he was assigned an android as a partner- which he is not happy about at all. After your brother's accident, your Dad hated androids. You never blamed them though, which caused many intense arguments.
An hour or so later, you arrive back home. You hurry inside, immediately going to turn the radiator on. You dump your bag and coat in your room, and start your daily cleanup. Your Dad has never been one for cleaning, so you're usually the one to do it. You grab last nights takeaway containers, some beer bottles and dump it all in the bin. You wipe down the counters, straighten out the couch and head to your room.
You spend the next few hours studying, eventually coming out of your room to make dinner. You glance around, not seeing your Dad anywhere. He's probably at some bar. You make yourself instant noodles- it being all that was in the cupboard- and head back to your room. The shining lights from the fairy lights reflect softly on your fork as you twirl it in the cup. Your gaze drifts to a framed picture of your Dad hugging you and your brother. Your Dad had a big grin on his face, with a smear of frosting on his face.Your brother was on your Dad's right side looking up at him with a similar grin, frosting coating his hands. Your eyes were scrunched closed from laughing, and you were leaning against your Dad's left arm.
You smile fondly at the memory. It was your and Cole's 6th birthday, and you two ganged up on your Dad and had a cake fight. You recall how afterwards you and Cole had a contest to see who could eat their slice the fastest, and how you both got sick from eating too fast. Your Dad had tucked you both in with promises of more cake the next day. Looking back on memories like those, it was weird knowing you wouldn't ever see your brother again less than a month later.
You stare at the picture for another moment, then tearing your eyes from it. You look down at your now cold noodles and stir them absentmindedly. Your Dad lost himself after the crash. Nothing seemed to matter to him except alcohol, not even you. You were left to bring yourself up. You were the one to do the shopping, cooking, cleaning...you were the adult of the house. A part of you wished he would pull his act together, but a different part knew even if he did you couldn't forgive him.
A window smashing snaps you out of your thoughts. You hear footsteps in the kitchen, and instinctively pull out your swiss army knife. Although your Dad never taught you much, he made sure his daughter knew how to defend herself. You quietly make your way to your door, pressing your ear against. An unfamiliar voice is talking, it's definitely not your Dad. You suck in a deep breath and push your door open.
You creep down the hallway, poking your head around the corner. You stifle a gasp at the sight- your Dad was lying on the floor unconscious with a bottle of alcohol, a gun beside him. There was a man kneeling beside him, practically analysing him. He has yet to notice you. You spare a glance at Sumo, who looks content with the situation, and step forward. The man turns to look at you and you see the blue circle on the side of his forehead- you recognise he's an android.
You hold your knife defensively in front of you, "Who the hell are you?" He slowly stands up and raises both of his hands. "My name is Connor. I'm an android sent by CyberLife, and I'm Lieutenant Anderson's partner. Who are you?" You look down at your Dad, then back at him. Connor seems to understand, "I didn't do this. I came to get him for a case."
You scoff at him, "I know you didn't do this, this happens every fucking night." You lower your knife, acknowledging he isn't a threat. He lowers his hands back down at looks at you expectantly. You hesitate before putting your hand out to shake. "My name is Y/N Anderson. I'm Hank's daughter." Connor shakes your hand, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N." You drop your hand and look back down at your Dad. What you said wasn't a lie- this was a daily occurrence. Most of the time you would prop a pillow underneath his head and throw out the alcohol, other times you would pour water on him. It depends on how late it is.
Connor kneels back down to your Dad and shakes him, "Wake up, Lieutenant!" You roll your eyes and lean against the wall. "You gotta be more aggressive than that." Connor glances back at you, then turns back around and slaps your Dad. Your eyes widen and your mouth falls open slightly, while Connor pulls your Dad up. "Hey, get the fuck outta my house!" he slurs as he stumbles along with Connor. You raise an eyebrow at your Dad while he drunkenly calls for Sumo to attack, not even noticing you.
You trail after the two as Connor sets your Dad on the bath. Despite how late it was, you wanted to see where this goes. To your surprise Connor actually turns on the tap, making you laugh at him. He spares you a glance before turning the tap off again, staring down at your Dad. The latter seems to finally notice your presence, to which you smile, before he turns back to Connor "What the fuck are you doing here?"
"A homicide was reported 43 minutes ago. I couldn't find you at Jimmy's bar, so I came to see if you were at home." Connor responds cooly. You huff a laugh and your Dad shoots a glare your way. "Jesus, I must be the only cop in the world that gets assaulted in his own house by his own fucking android..." he groans as he tries to sit up, then looks up at Connor "Can't you just leave me alone?"
Connor looks like he's contemplating something, before saying "You seem to have personal issues. You should consult a professional who can help you." You involuntarily take a step back as your Dad angrily stands up yelling "Beat it! You hear me? Get the hell outta here!" He sways and Connor sets him back down again. The android straightens up and turns to the door, "I understand. It probably wasn't that interesting anyway. A man found dead in a sex club downtown.." you scrunch up your nose in disgust as Connor continues "Guess they'll have to solve the case without us..."
Your Dad pauses before saying "You know, it probably wouldn't do me any harm to get some air.." You roll your eyes and take this as your cue to leave. You walk to the kitchen, grabbing some cleaning supplies and cleaning up the mess the pair left behind. "Fucking bastard, breaking my window.." you mutter under your breath. CyberLife better be paying for this. A few minutes later, you're done cleaning and Connor re-enters the room. You look at him for a moment, trying to decide what to say.
"I.." Connor turns to you, tilting his head, "Thank you. If you didn't get here.." you gesture to the gun on the floor. "Thank you." He nods before pointing to a picture on the table, "Is that a picture of your brother?" You blink and look at the picture in question. It was a school photo of Cole at the start of Kindergarten. It was his first school photo. You remember being next in line for your picture and pulling funny faces behind the photographer to get him to laugh.
You focus your attention on Connor again, "Yeah, yeah it is." He nods again, looking around the room. You return to your cleaning, and after a few minutes your Dad walks back into the room. He looks at you before saying "Be good. I won't be long." You look at him and say nothing- what could you possibly say? "Ok, also are we going to talk about how you tried to kill yourself?" You knew he would never talk to you about it so there was no point in trying.
You watched the two leave and turn back to the window. It was freezing outside and there was now rain forming a puddle beneath the windowsill. Brilliant. You grab some duct tape plus some old cereal boxes and beer boxes and begin taping it against the window. You take a step back, admiring your handiwork. You walk back to your room and toss the noodles into your bin.
You stretch out on your bed and stare at the ceiling. Given the circumstances, meeting Connor was nice. He seemed like a good person- well, a good android, you suppose. Maybe he'll rub off on your Dad, and then he'll be nicer to you. Or maybe actually have a meaningful conversation with you. You couldn't recall the last time you two spent time together- probably when Cole was around. As your thoughts drift from Cole to androids, you slowly fall asleep.
You and Cole are laughing at each other, making some stupid joke. Dad is laughing along with you, eyes focused on the road. It was a snowy night outside. You tell Dad to turn up the music- Jazz- and he does, doing a little dance too. You and Cole giggle at his antics. You turn to your brother to tell him a joke but all you can see if white and there's a screech and someone's screaming and-
You bolt upright in your bed, cold sweat coating you. You slow your breathing and sip the water on your bedside. You slowly got out of bed and walked out your door. You walked to the sitting room and crawled onto the couch beside Sumo, who happily put his head on your stomach. This is how Hank found you several hours later in the early morning when he got home from the bar. He had walked over to you and pulled a blanket over your legs. You had mumbled in your sleep "G'night Da..", to which he smiled and whispered "Night kid." You slept soundly after that.
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seraphinesupremacy · 3 months
Name: call me Dia💎
Age: I was born in 2002 and I'm too lazy to update my age every year💅
Nationality: Italian (English is not my first language so I might make some grammatical errors)
🏳️‍🌈: I'm a sapphic and demisexual/demiromantic girl (I use she/her pronouns)
MBTI: ENTJ (Don't stereotype me. I'm just really into doing things right and I like to have a plan for everything. I always try to find a solution to people's problems)
Something about me: I'm autistic 🪐 and I'm very extroverted, I like to socialize and meet new people. So if we have any interests in common, feel free to write to me🌌 (Read the continuation to find out more about me and what I post, it's important. Thank you)
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(I made this edit using picsart stickers that represent my interests and something about me)
🎮Favorite video games:
•League of Legends (I play on the European server)
•Valorant (I don't play it that much because I'm not very good)
•Team Fortress 2
•Life is strange (this game made me realize I'm not straight)
•Detroit Become Human
•Danganronpa (I discovered this thanks to tik tok during the pandemic. It was very trendy at the time)
•The last of us
•The Sims 3/4 (I never had the chance to play the previous ones)
🍿My favorite TV series are:
•Love, Death & Robots
•Bojack Horseman
•She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
•Hazbin Hotel
•Helluva Boss (I know it's a series that can be found on YouTube but I didn't want to make a separate category)
•South Park
🎼Singers I like:
•Melanie Martinez (my queen)
•Ariana Grande
•Kali Uchis
•Madison Beer
•Girl in Red
•Marina and the diamonds
•KDA ("Akali that girl, 'kali go grr 'Kali don't stop, 'kali don't skrt 'Kali got a job, 'kali go to work 뜨거워 언제나 don't get burnt" 🗣🗣🗣)
•Molchat Doma
•Arctic Monkeys
•Mother Mother
•Jack Stauber
•TV girl
•Bo Burnham
I actually listen to a lot of artists but I don't remember them all c:
🫧Things I like:
•Lost media
•Liminal space
•History of cinema (especially animated films)
•Psychology (and all other branches of this science. I also love anthropology and sociology)
•Travel and discover new places
•Everything that has to do with creativity (Drawing, writing stories and fanfiction, creating things like accessories for your clothes and such very cute things. I really admire people who can repaint dolls)
•Having fun (going out with my friends, watching films - if they're trashy films it's even better -, sending each other memes and tik tok videos and things like that)
•Cosplay (Especially cosplaying my comfort characters)
•Drawing (I haven't drawn seriously since 2020. I'm waiting for inspiration)
•Collecting dolls (I love Monster High, Ever After High, Rainbow High and L.O.L O.M.G. I also collect Funko pops and figures from other brands. I also have many books and comics -which I have to finish reading because there are too many-)🧸
•Roleplay (Doing roleplay with me means that I have already organized the whole plot. But I also listen to the other person's ideas)
•Find out about the topics that interest me (Most of the time they have to do with culture. I'm a very curious person and I love to inform myself)
💿What I post on Tumblr:
•Things about my fandoms (Mostly I repost cute icons and wallpapers. Sometimes I make some wallpapers. Maybe start writing some headcanons)
•Positivity (Especially mental health or pride posts about being a member of the LGBT community. Be yourself🌈Be unique)
•Random things (I don't know how to explain this category. I could write something like "I'm looking for people who like this song, does anyone remember this movie? etc" or I answer some questions. Sometimes I also reposted something related to when I feel down, but they are old things and I don't think of posting them again because I prefer to think about good things and find the positive side)
•Aesthetics (If I see some nice photo of a sunset or the sky, I immediately repost it because I feel like it. I also post a lot of things related to nostalgia because as I said before I like the "nostalgiacore" aesthetic. And I'm very nostalgic, they were beautiful times when the only worry was "which Winx character am I?")
•My posts are tagged "Dia's post"
🔞If you are a minor, do not interact. I'm a girl from 2002 so I have young adult maturity‼️ For adults (because I know we are not all the same and not everyone likes some things) I would like to point out some things that I could reblog: I might reblog paintings or sculptures with naked people BUT also drawings with people semi-naked or shown in a sexy way. The artists I refer to are: Fumetti Brutti by Josephine Yole Signorelli and EvviArt. They are the only ones I follow but it is to make you understand what type of art I like. I could reblog posts where sexual topics are written: from the classic "use protection when having s3x" or raise awareness about some topics related to this theme. I want people to be informed about some aspects of this topic (I'm not talking about p0rnographic things ) such as the importance of using protection and above all how important consent is. I don't reblog kink-related stuff or explicit porn because it's not a topic of interest to me. And I don't even have kink because s3x isn't a topic that interests me. It doesn't shock me to hear about NSFW things (it disgusts me if disturbing topics are included in this topic). Many of my interests (TV series or video games and things like that) involve adult themes.🔞
🧜‍♀️Comfort characters:
•Jinx (League of legends/Arcane. She is my main and for certain things I see myself in her)
•Seraphine (League of Legends. didn't like her at first but I love her gameplay. And I think she has the best skins -along with Jinx, of course-)
•Evelynn (League of Legends. She's a Goddess)
•Chloe Price (Life is strange. She made me understand that I like women too. I love this punk)
•Sunset Shimmer (Equestria Girls. She is one of the few ENTJs to be a positive character. I really like how her character has evolved)
•Reagan Ridley (Inside Job. We are very similar in certain things)
•Entrapta (She ra. I love this chaotic neutral autistic scientist princess. Again, I see myself in her)
•Kotori Minami (Love Live! When I was in middle school this was my favorite anime)
•Dia Kurosawa (Love Live! Sunshine. Love Live is an anime that accompanied me as I grew up. I'm very fond of it)
❕️I'm looking for young adult people like me (young adult means being over 18 and under 30). I have no problem with NSFW (I prefer artistic nudity) and I have no problem with swearing. I have a certain maturity so I want to interact with people like that.❕️
‼️ This is my safe space🗣 SO DO NOT INTERACT WITH ME IF YOU ARE: racist, homophobic, transphobic and against the LGBT community, do not interact if you are a pedophile and if you harm animals. Don't interact if you are against feminism (which I remind you, means gender equality), don't interact if you are people with ideas of hatred and discrimination. No ignorant people about mental health or what is happening in the world, because we are in 2024 and we need to have a minimum of culture. If you think abortion is murder, I would say you can also go elsewhere because I support women's rights and human rights in general. In general, don't interact if you are a person with bad ideas (that kind of bad ideas. Go away)‼️
🌟Talk to me if you are a normal person (and if you're nice and send funny memes. Or if you want to talk about some fandom in common or something. We can also play some video games together or talk about philosophical things like "what's the point of life?" or things like "do aliens exist?")🌟
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Re4 Remake with Leon Kennedy Actor, Nick Apostolides & Heisenberg actor Neil Newbon and Tom De Ville
i’ll only be taking note of anything that i think is interesting but please watch or listen to the whole stream if you want to know other stuff that happens
neil said *middle finger* BYE ASHLEY
i have a feeling he might not like ashley sjkbdfskjfdbs (he’s probably joking)
nick is not going to back seat game lol
they are going to have a bad time, he (neil) is not keeping track of ashley lmao
nick did blow up ashley and kicked her in the head in his own gameplay
“THAT DOG WAS A FUCKING DICKHEAD” 32 minutes in. neil thinks the dog is a dickhead
34 minutes in, nick says “Leon Fucking Kennedy” in an accent lol
question section starts at minute 41
nick is eating oreos again
one of nick’s favourite leon lines are “the bingo line,” and he didn’t want to spoil the other lines since neil hasn’t gotten there in the game yet
in game mechanics, nick did almost none of the mocap for it. he thinks it was done in japan with another team. (almost all internally in japan) (tbh i’m not 100% what he means by this and it’s not clarified) (EDIT: i think he means that anything that wasn’t a cut scene he did not do any mocap work)
nick does not have final say in anything, he was not allowed to change anything at the end of the day
he was allowed to suggest some lines, but capcom gets the final say
47 minutes, he said he vibes with the re4r team a lot and he said he had a bit more fun with this version of leon. he got more collaborative liberties in re4r
nick had been working for leon’s character for 6 years at this point
he was “allowed to be more of a cowboy” minute 49
he said that the building show he’s working on has helped him a lot with gratitude and how it applied to how he characterized leon as well for re4r
nick has been a fan of re4 for 18 years
neil loves how leon opens doors “it’s unnecessarily flexing,” (it actually reminded me of how aragorn opens doors in the lord of the rings lmao)
neil was born in the 70s lol 1hr01 
actually, yeah why does the photo say 1981???? but it’s like more like 1891 maybe it was an error????
1hr07 nick says “leon needs a shower cap” lol
question section number 2 is 1hr13
nick’s fave is double stuff oreos
nick did not do the round house kick in mocap
nick also did not do the death scenes in mocap, he mostly just did the cut scenes. i guess that’s what he means about the game mechanics he didn’t mocap that
he did the facial and voice over for the death scenes though
nick’s favourite death scene is the axe death with the three cracks at the neck
neil’s favourite is the chainsaw through the chest death
1hr17 nick says “miranda, that bitch.” for trying to do one of heisenberg’s line
neil every few seconds, “ashley’s dead”
omg neil is refusing to sell the fish because neil played gavin and oh god i forgot his KAMSKI in detroit become human and one of the things was you can save the fish in that game so he’s refusing to sell the fish in this game lol
1hr30 “I can also sell Ashley Graham apparently, which is worrying.”
andre (va for luis) got luis’s jacket made!
1hr42 neil does the leon suplex
nick apparently died at least four times during the first cabin rush scene with luis
1hr48 nick has a feature film coming sometime in the summer! maybe netflix! it’s called aftermath!
1hr57 nick mocap the guy who got squashed by the door (OH I THINK HE’S LYING LOL)
ughhh this stopped before mother would’ve showed up lol but here are more questions!
okay nevermind they had no more questions!
maybe next week they might do another session (never mind they’ll figure it out!)
nick’s next convention is maryland may, 26-27, 2023
he’s going to do more streams with more actors!!!! hopefully lily soon!!!
they raided nicole and andre afterwards! :D
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lorezhaze · 5 months
⭐️🧚🏻‍♂️ Roleplay Partner Search! 🦷🐁✨
🌟 Introduction -
Lo | 23 | He/They EST time zone.
Very minimal triggers and limitations
19+ writers only, only 18+ characters
mxm, nbxm or nbxnb
3rd person literate writing, at least a paragraphs length
Discord only
I love world building and knowing the other character’s feelings. I also love getting to know my rp partners and becoming friends of sorts. I'm also a sucker for creating playlists and Pinterest boards.
NSFW scenes and/or undertones/themes at some point. I do like smut, especially paired with angst and certain dynamics, but if that isn’t your thing and our writing styles are otherwise compatible we can always keep it limited or fade to black. 🤍
CW(!): From here down, my plots or OC’s backgrounds may contain triggering content, I try to remain vague and non-descriptive given these are just outlines!
🌟 Plots I’m willing to explore -
Human/Vampire feeding arrangement.
Advanced AI recently developed, now available to the public for purchase in the last 5 years. Man born into generational wealth has no interest in marriage anytime soon despite being good looking, smart and successful. Despite being happy with this life, his house is beyond messy with books haphazardly stacked everywhere and take out containers everywhere. Somebody in his life decides to take it upon themselves to purchase him an android, to which the first time in his life he starts growing feelings for somebody.. something? As if it wasn't confusing enough, did the android have feelings for him as well? (Inspired by Detroit: Become Human)
Forbidden love, childhood friends who become estranged because of (Daniel)’s strict parents and eventually moving away to the other side of the country, then when (Daniel) comes back for college under his father's supervision (despite being over 18 now) and the two former friends are completely different from each other now (Daniel) for his public image by default just goes with the other popular wealthy students while the former childhood friend is more down to earth and nerdy and their groups/cliches clash to the point where (Daniel) is sort of a bully this friend as this 'tough guy' front. A short lived (private/behind the scenes, kinda toxic and probably on and off again) ‘situationship’ takes place in that time until the 4 year degree is finished (but Daniel transfers out half a year early) and a handful more years later (Daniel) has settled down in that old town again, slowly starting to get his life together and take responsibility for being a dad now himself but he also cant stop thinking about the childhood friend/lover.
Stalker falls in love with someone, all falls apart when things go too well and their obsession crosses paths with them and they eventually go out, but break up. stalker is determined to watch over their lover while also keeping others away from them until they “come to their senses” on their own time.
The only son of a wealthy family clashes with their parents every chance he gets, rebels, tries his best to be untraditional and overall just piss them off hires an unconventional sex worker named Emmy an obscene amount of money to come home with him for the weekend and pretend to be his significant other and/or fiance. Feelings develop and it becomes really complicated when his father eventually like offers him an opportunity that is nearly impossible to turn down and he has the choice to either leave them behind with nothing to the life that was nearly killing them or give up his own cushy lifestyle and let love prevail. Alternatively, a older man who thinks he’s straight, has a successful career, empty marriage and multiple kids ends up falling in love with a slightly younger intersex and narcoleptic sex worker, the first and only sex worker he hires.
Post-apocalyptic setting, Celeste the final survivor of a run down camp continues to live among the undead of their loved ones. Another survivor from a nearby camp stumbles upon the ruins of the previous camp while scavenging and sees someone alive on the other side of the fence, living with the dead as if they were dead as well. Day by day they come back, bringing their new things, trying to bring some life back into them again.
Damon is a serial killer that moves around city to city state to state every year to kill another local predator in hopes that one day he'll manage to take down the number of men (whose faces he can't remember) who abused him, using his job as a criminal data analyst to not only cover up his killings but also look for new targets that may have missed the sex offender registry or dodged conviction despite solid proof against them. This time when he moves to a new city and gets settled in he finds that somebody else had already gotten to his potential target, not only that, this didn't seem to be the first killing like this in the area. But this time the perpetrator left a tiny piece of evidence that everyone else but Damon noticed, and instead of turning it in to help solve the case he keeps it to himself with peaked interest.
16th - 19th century setting ✨
Enemies to lovers, a member of the royal family ends up falling for a knight that saves their life, unfortunately, this knight just happens to be the royal’s childhood enemy.   The youngest son of a royal is 7th in line for the throne and has health issues, thus has no chance of inheriting the throne. in attempts to grasp onto any bit of power his father has, the royal marries off his frail and feminine son as a wife to a prince of another territory, an upcoming heir of a throne (loosely inspired by sporus and nero).
The King allowed his son (Lucien) to be abused by his painting instructor growing up, all this rage builds up and explodes when Lucien tries to convict his instructor, but the King instead pardons the boy’s abuser during a set of public trials outside the castle. Lucien, a teenager and young Prince at the time, kills his father in front of everyone, unintentionally becoming King himself from then on. Despite exiling his abuser after the bloody trial, the then Prince, now King is seen as cruel and scary, not to be crossed even nearly ten years later. Meanwhile, a citizen with a sick sister is caught stealing medicine. Being on trial with King Lucien is scary enough, but medicine thieves in particular are known to be punished heavily, since the Princess, who is one of the only people thats kind to the prince-now-king, makes a majority of the medicine available. During a public trial, the thieve’s mother pleads for his life and Lucien realizes that the thief is someone he knew, that he had recognized those fearful eyes from somewhere else. He was amongst the crowd when he killed his own father. He spares the thief, and allows the best doctors to treat his ill sister. As long as he works directly for him in the castle until his debt is repaid. 
It is tradition for the royal family to keep their children within the gates of the castle and away from the public eye until they are grown enough to handle it. The Princess was introduced to society at the age of 13, but every year the reveal of their younger and troubled son (Lucien) his delayed for various vague reasons. Everyone is both eager and suspicious, which doesn’t help matters. This is when the royal parents essentially give up when the boy turns 21, allowing him out with no announcement to the public. While practically frolicking through the flowery fields, enjoying the feeling of the grass and the new sights, he has a love-at-first-sight moment with another boy (your character). This is just an ordinary boy from a hard working family, and since the Prince was never revealed, he has no idea the boy he’s immediately smitten with is the Prince everyone is eagerly awaiting to meet. That is until he finds out, obviously.
(Movie theme) The Hunger Games, two people from opposite teams. Queer themes; gay men, trans person called upon as their assigned gender at birth. Exploring the earlier hunger games (11-50th), escaping and/or faking deaths, etc.
(Movie theme) Ego: Character A gets hurt and temporarily loses their vision. While their wealthy parents look for a medical solution, they have them live in the guest house and hire a caregiver, character B, to stop by everyday and take care of them. Naturally, character a and the caregiver get close, but there’s a big problem: character A is a superficial, seemingly shallow and straight. As a result, character B feels pressured to lie about their identity and what they look like when character A tries to guess what they are like. 
I’m more than willing to hear out any of your plots/ideas as well! ✨
🌟 OCs -
Bios/docs linked to each character, each doc includes a linked Pinterest board, some also include Spotify playlists.
Lucien - Usually aged between 21-23 yrs old, cisgender male (bisexual, switch/sub-leaning). Medieval prince, alternate versions of character for different plots.
Lena - 26 years old, nonbinary (AFAB, they/she, bisexual, switch/dom-leaning) Obsessive stalker from a broken family. Alternate version: Vengeful ghost that haunts the deep pond of a vast property on the countryside (lady of the lake).
Emrys - 23 yrs old, cisgender gnc man (doesn't mind any pronouns but still identifies as a man, doesn't take gender too serious, bisexual, switch/sub-leaning). Oldest sibling of a chaotic troubled family, natural caretaker, feminine man with motherly qualities. Works in assistive care.
Deana - 31 yrs old, cisgender man (bicurious, switch/dom-leaning). (Bruce Wayne/Batman inspired) Only child of a wealthy well-known family turned orphan at a young age now upholds his family's public image and business affairs while in private he works as a hitman for hire.
Celeste - 27 yrs old, gender-fluid (Intersex, queer). Final survivor of a run down camp continues to live among the undead of their loved ones.
Emmy - 22 yrs old, nonbinary/intersex (AMAB, all pronouns, queer, switch/sub-leaning. Sex worker, narcoleptic insomniac estranged from wealthy adopted family, taken away from single immigrant mother when they were young.
Daniel Laurie - 26 yrs old, cisgender man (bicurious, dominant yet flexible). Recovering addict and childhood abuse survivor trying to make it back in his home town (after being gone for a handful of years) while longing after his childhood love affair.
Damon - 24 yrs old, cisgender man (bisexual, switch). Crime DNA analyst/serial killer, CSA abuse survivor. Originally written to have a power/ability where he can feel and somewhat influence nearby people's emotions, this in turn leaves his emotions open to others, meaning nearby people can sense his emotions even if they don't know why they're feeling them.
Del  - 23 yrs old, cisgender man (bisexual, switch). Custom outlawed species character called a bloodluster (similar to vampires), after his biological father got captured/taken away his mother fled to another state where she met his 'adoptive' father and shortly after found out she had been pregnant when she left. Not long after he was born, his mother died and a good portion of his life was spent raised being experimented on in a lab. Until one day he found an opening, and ate his mad scientist of an adoptive father. Now he's off in the world, trying to get by as a normal person despite his "condition" without killing anybody.
Folder of all character bios (some incomplete): [link]
Fandoms/Ships I’m willing to explore: 
(Bolded characters are those I’m willing to write as)
- Izzy/Blackbeard
- Izzy/Blackbeard/Stede
- Izzy/Lucius
- Jim/Lucius
- Will/Hannibal 
- Tyrell/Elliot
Candy Shop AU No 5/9 hacks or fsociety, Tyrell runs a Swedish sweets/candy store that lately Elliot frequently visits for the same fix of cherry hard candies, and to steal glances at the good-looking store clerk. After talking it out in therapy, Elliot’s therapist, Krista, convinces him to be honest about how he feels.
Post-Apocalypse AU After the world goes to shit whatever left of New York that wasn’t completely ruin down by the undead is primarily taken over by a few different groups. When Elliot’s group becomes completely run down with major fatalities, Tyrell’s group (which he happens to lead) decides to lend a hand to an old friend. Little does Tyrell know Elliot was injured in the attack, and little does Elliot know the infection is less straight forward than they anticipated. 
- Josh/Chris
- Josh/Mike (Post-prank, twins live AU) Josh is the openly gay friend in the group, Mike becomes curious after walking in on Josh hooking up with someone at a party and later can’t get it out of his head.
Other beloved honorable mentions include: Batman (riddlebat, batjokes), Killing Eve, Sally Face, Yellowjackets, The Wilds, Scream (Billy/Stu), Sherlock, Life is Strange (Nathan and Warren) and sometimes Harry Potter (Drarry).
Discord only, please reach out to me if you're interested!
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iforimaginary · 9 months
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Hello there!
�� I go by Imaginary on most social media platforms- so I guess that’s what you’re stuck calling me… ☆
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• I’m something roughly dude adjacent and use he/they pronouns. I wouldn’t be too opposed to any neo-pronouns you may choose to use.
• I was born in Russia however I have a hefty mix of Russian, Ukrainian and Mongolian blood. Essentially it all boils down to me being white + asian.
• I’ve moved since and am now based in the UK. However, I do tend to travel a-lot so there is no telling where on the globe I might be at any given moment.
• I fluently speak Russian, English and French (though I am terribly out of practice and might be rusty). I know a good bit of Latin and am currently learning Japanese!
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• I’ve been active online for the better part of my tween and teenage years so I am well aware that not everyone will be everybody’s cup of tea. If the type of content I put out doesn’t particularly resonate with you, please be reasonable and simply scroll by :)
• I am part of the LGBTQ+ community and it goes without saying that anyone residing with homophobic or transphobic views will not be tolerated on this blog.
• The same sentiment is also applied to any kind of anti-asian or anti-black dispositions.
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• I like to keep myself busy so I engage in everything from writing fan-fiction to drawing fan-art and even cosplaying!
• As far as writing goes; I will mainly post drabbles and short one-shots on this blog. Any of my longer works that may be advertised here will be posted on my Ao3 profile (can be found in ‘Links’).
• As far as art goes; Anything from rough sketches to fully rendered pieces will be posted on this blog. Feel free to repost or repurpose my art but please be sure to give credit to this specific blog regardless of the social media you choose to repost or repurpose it on!
• As far as cosplay goes; I will not be posting any of my cosplays on here as Tumblr tends to associate cosplaying with NSFW content and SW (which there is absolutely nothing wrong with, I simply don’t engage with producing such content). However, if you wish to see my work it’s predominantly posted on my TikTok page (can be found in ‘Links’).
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• Getting some self promotion out of the way: If you’re feeling so inclined, consider joining a new fandom… check out my concept for a WIP Will Wood Jukebox Musical titled Welcome To Suburbia
• Where do I even start… I’ve been a massive part of fandom culture since I was in my early tweens and there is absolutely no way of encompassing every single fandom I have ever been in, but I can surely try:
Film & TV:
Sherlock BBC; Hannibal NBC; The Umbrella Academy; IT; Marvel; DC; Harry Potter; Fight Club; Back To The Future; American Horror Story; Dr Who; Good Omens; The Sandman.
Anime & Animation:
Gravity Falls; Inside Job; South Park; TAWoG; Adventure Time; MLP; Sailor Moon; WINX Club; Monster High; Kakegurui; Moriarty The Patriot; Neon-Genesis Evangelion; Black Butler.
FNaF; Cup Head; Cult Of The Lamb; Sally Face; DDLC; Animal Crossing; Splatoon; Legend Of Zelda; Mario Brothers; Project Sekai (Colourful Stage); The Last Of Us; Detroit Become Human.
Books & Literature:
Frankenstein; Jekyll & Hyde; Dracula; Steven King’s Collection; Neil Gaiman’s Collection; Лето В Пионерском Галстуке (Summer In A Scout’s Tie).
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• Role Play Blog
• Ao3
• Pinterest
• Spotify
• TikTok
• Instagram
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Any and all engagement with this blog is appreciated. I love receiving comments and questions- anything that let’s me meaningfully interact with other users is always welcome.
☆ Stay safe and have a great day!! ☆
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agaveblue · 10 months
[Fanfic] Android and His Oseram - Chapter 2: The First Impression
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Title: The Android and His Oseram
Chapter Title: The First Impression (Chapter 2) Summary: Upon accidentally reactivating Connor, Gildun's stunned when the "human" says he's actually a machine. Gildun reacts accordingly.
Crossover canons: Horizon games / Detroit: Become Human
Main characters: Connor (DBH) and Gildun (Horizon)
Gildun appears to be taking the new data less-than-optimally. 
The RK800 unit called “Connor” observes the man’s tanned face suddenly drop several shades as he scuttles backward until he can’t go any further and his back slams up against the wheel of a calcified forklift, sending a crate teetering dangerously over his head. His HUD outlines the crate in red, a marker labeled {DANGER - IMMINENT FALL HAZARD} bobs with it as it rocks back and forth, forth and back, and sprinkles rust particulates on top of Gildun’s crude leather cap. Connor might’ve just been reactivated, with multiple systems still spitting back diagnostics and returning with additional memory errors, but his probability software appears to be more or less functional.
Right now it’s calculating the probability of Gildun’s head getting caved in by that crate.
The android’s already moving before probability creeps up to 50%.
He darts forward, the motion so sudden that it causes Gildun to instinctively flinch back into the forklift and raise his balled fists in what is typically a defensive gesture for a human. When Connor’s fingers close around Gildun’s closest wrist, he squeezes out what is presumably a strangled curse born of fear and flails out with his free hand in a crude punch. It catches Connor straight in the nose, snaps his head back and is about as effective as slapping a Sawtooth with a stick. Try as he might, he can’t struggle, wriggle, or worm his way out of an android’s uncompromising grip no matter how much Oseram backbone he puts into it.
In reality the struggle lasts less than a second. The next; a decisive jerk of Connor’s arm pulls Gildun forward and away from the forklift, the android pivoting neatly with the human so they both clear the impact zone. 
The crate crashes to the floor with enough force that it shatters into shards of plastic and rusted metal right where Gildun’s head had been.
“You should be more aware of your surroundings,” Connor can’t help but scold the man. “Otherwise you could compromise your personal safety.”
Turning toward Gildun, he finds the human staring in open horror at his face. To be more specific, at his nose. To be even more specific, what’s currently leaking out of his nose, engineered by CyberLife to be straight and generically attractive and not prone to breakage or unsightly swelling. It is, however, still prone to temporary thirium leaks given the right application of force…such as a panicking man’s fist.
What trickles down from Connor’s nose isn’t the red of a human’s blood warm with life and its tribulations. Instead it’s a series of familiar blue rivulets, glistening the exact same color a Charger bleeds, a Snapmaw. It stains Connor’s upper lip and wells along the line of his mouth and down his chin in a gruesome mask that has Gildun trying to jerk himself free all over again.
Still more struggling.
The futile struggling continues.
“Gildun, please stop; you really don’t want to pull something at your age.”
That gets the man’s attention; Connor’s facial software IDs a change in Gildun as it traces out his muscle groups serving as key emotional markers. Sensing that something he said must’ve worked, the RK800 continues along the vein of safeguarding one’s own health: as the saying goes, a (figurative)  ounce of prevention is worth a (figurative) pound of cure.
“While I can’t say what medical care you have available at your current income level, I can’t imagine it’d be comfortable if you sprain a muscle or throw your back out.”
Gildun squints up at him. “You’re…not going to kill me?”
The android stares back at Gildun, synthetic features doing a fine job of mimicking mild confusion. 
“Now why would I do that?”
“You’re…well, you’re a machine. Obviously. Well, not obviously at first, but obviously now. Okay, so you aren’t like any machine I’ve ever seen (and I’ve seen far more than my share, let me tell you!) -” and now Gildun was rambling, still wide-eyed and nervously wetting his lips, “ - but come on, look at you! You’re bleeding blue just like one and machines usually attack on sight, so forgive me if I get all nervous-like!”
Here the Oseram has to pause for breath.
“That’s unfortunate you’ve had such a negative experience with other machines. I’d like to do what I can to fix that poor first impression,” Connor replies and he sounds like he’s reading focus-tested condolences from a CyberLife customer service manual. “Hopefully you’ll find interactions with me on the more pleasant side.”
That earns a half surprised, half sarcastic snort under Gildun’s breath. Now that’d be a first: a machine not only speaking but also trying to make amends? Trying to make nice?
Connor releases Gildun, watching as the man rubs at his bruised wrist and cradles it close. The android’s sure he didn’t break any minor or major bones with his grip but he has noticed that humans like to hug their extremities close to them when uncomfortable, whether emotionally or physically. Bending down, the RK800 neatly picks up the leather cap from where it fell, dusts it off, and then holds it out. Gildun pauses, then accepts it, studying the hat with a mix of wonder and suspicion before he plops it back onto his head with a tug on its furry ear flaps.
“Anyway, my memory has been partially corrupted since I was last activated,” Connor says slowly, for a moment sounding troubled as he paused to recall a face and name and only received a yawning void at his data request, “and I can’t seem to recall my previous partner. It’d be best to assist another human such as yourself while seeking repairs.”
Now Gildun’s bushy eyebrows jog upward in a valiant attempt to escape into the safety of his leather hat. “A machine can forget things?”
A nod.
“By the forge…” Gildun breathes. 
Now it was finally sinking in that he was probably faced with the only friendly, actually intelligent machine in the whole wide world, that right here was the kind of farfetched mechanical fantasy that not even Oseram legends and ancient glyphs considered! Why, the “android” is actually holding a conversation! With words! With him! The fear begins to seep out of him, Gildun’s knees still wanting to quake like that jiggly too-sweet fruit jelly the Carja liked to eat, and he jumps a little as Connor steadies him with a gentle but firm touch against his back.
“I’ve got so many questions that I don’t even know where to start.” Recovering his composure, Gildun waggles a gloved finger at Connor’s face, which is still fixed in a vaguely friendly expression that appears to be the android’s default setting. “But it sounds like you need a delver, a good one, to help you out and let me tell you, you couldn’t have run into a better Oseram for the job!”
The RK800 absorbs the new data - Gildun’s shifting muscle groups in his face, lined with age and laugh lines and sun exposure, emotionally-improved tone of voice playing out in a waveform at his peripheral - and then he nods and offers a small, shy almost-smile of his own, as if he isn’t used to moving his engineered face with the same ease as his new partner. Almost absently he reaches up to wipe at the thirium still bleeding blue from his nose, leaving streaks of it smeared across his mouth and jaw like fresh warpaint.
“Not sure what an Oseram is, but thanks for your cooperation,” Connor holds out his hand in a gesture he assumes is still in vogue for sealing deals. “It’s a pleasure to be your partner, Gildun.”
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elendiliel · 1 year
Across the Universes
Hopefully this is the last long one for a while. (I'd quite like to know whether it's OK as it is, or whether it'd be better as six smaller stories. By the way, it's also on AO3 here.)
Some small concepts may have strayed in from @justawannabearchaeologist's highly recommended "TFP Wheeljack in TFA" series, which inspired this series as a whole.
“That’s really what you’re going with?” Special Agent William Fowler glared down at a vintage motorcycle plated in burnished bronze. A pretty classy bike, he had to admit, but that was part of the problem. Along with the lack of plates, the strip of yellow and black paint at the back and, worst of all, the prominent red badge on the front.
The cycle’s wing mirrors flared indignantly, and a British-accented female voice issued from somewhere behind the handlebars. “It has character!”
“Yeah. Yours. It’ll do for now, but once the ‘Cons get to know you, there is no way you’ll be able to stay under their radar even in that mode. Can’t you scan something else?” Fowler knew that was possible for the ‘bots he knew; Smokescreen and Prime had picked out new vehicle modes after the destruction of their old base.
“Not without an external scanner, and I didn’t see one anywhere in here.” Glitch shifted back to her robot mode, where she seemed to be more comfortable – and noticed that Ratchet, Team Prime’s medic (senior medic, now that she had arrived), was giving her a bemused look. “Hold up – you don’t need one? Any of you?”
“I’m just as surprised that you do,” Ratchet replied, though he looked more intrigued than anything else. Glitch had apparently dropped in on them from an alternate reality; it sounded like something out of Star Trek, but Fowler had grown rather more broad-minded about such concepts since receiving his current assignment as Team Prime’s human liaison and ‘bot-sitter. The two medics were equally fascinated by one another’s biology. Born scientists, the pair of them – or built, or whatever.
“There is a T-cog modification that can allow direct scanning, but not many Autobots have it. Most if not all Decepticons do; I wouldn’t care to speculate on the connection. And before you ask, it wasn’t on my syllabus. Not really something a field-tech usually needs to know.” She tilted her head, a thought seeming to strike her. “Hm. Possibly direct scanning is the default, and it was disabled in most Autobots for some reason. Wouldn’t be surprised.” Now that had some disturbing implications.
But not relevant ones to the matter in hand. “So you can’t change your vehicle mode?” Fowler wanted to double-check.
“Only back to my original Cybertronian alt, which would be even more conspicuous.” Great. Just great.
“Please tell me you at least have a holographic rider.” Arcee, Team Prime’s other motorcycle, did; it was very useful for the many occasions she had to go on patrol without a human partner.
“Of course.” Glitch demonstrated, shifting back into bike mode. A figure of a slender woman in brown leathers and a black full-face helmet shimmered into view, and smooth bronze seemed to cover her Autobot badge, the weld mark beside it and the strip of paint. Her attention to detail was impressive for a newly arrived ‘bot. “Even got holographic plates, I see. Nice touch.”
“Thanks.” She unfolded into robot mode again. Maybe she liked the greater range of movement – or just the extra height. Even then, she was about two-thirds of Arcee’s size, and Arcee had been the smallest of the ‘bots up until then. “It’s useful when I need to keep a low profile back home – mostly when working outside Detroit. Everyone there already knows who we are.”
“What?” Fowler couldn’t believe his ears. The idea that the Autobots were “robots in disguise” had become such an integral part of his life, she might as well have told him that the identities of all the CIA’s undercover operatives were common knowledge.
“Of course,” she said, completely oblivious to the fact that she’d practically given him a heart attack. “We’re not always popular, but we do our bit.” Her almost mischievous grin somehow served to reassure him. “Not much choice, after the dramatic entrance the original members of my team made when they first came out of emergency stasis. Dealt with a creature made from out-of-control nanites that was absorbing any tech it could find. Which in Detroit is more than a slight problem. Besides, they were stuck on Earth until they could repair their ship, so why not lend a servo where needed?”
“And you’re not concerned about Decepticons finding you?”
“They already did, more or less, but our base is still a secret. And back home, the Autobots won the Great War and exiled the Decepticons. Collectively, they can barely find their tailfins with a schematic. When they do turn up, we deal with them.” Maybe not without paying a high price; she hid it well, but Fowler thought he saw pain in her eyes.
“Or Cybertronian technology falling into human hands?” Ratchet broke in. That had been a major worry for Team Prime before MECH vanished off the radar, about the same time Silas merged with Breakdown’s body. Fowler had some nasty suspicions about the link between the two events.
“That ship’s well and truly taken off.” Glitch seemed bent on giving Fowler as many heart attacks as she could. She took the stunned expressions around her – most of the team had paused to listen to the conversation by then – as a cue to continue. “After one of Starscream’s more successful murder attempts, Megatron landed on Earth in stasis and in three pieces. A young human scientist found his head and hand and reverse-engineered the technology in them to found what turned out to be a robotics empire. Luckily, his conscience is as strong as his curiosity. Sumdac Systems still doesn’t make military tech, and trying to do so is a sackable offence. Police drones capable of lethal force are as close as it gets.” Fowler was pleased to hear that. He’d been on the receiving end of Cybertronian weapons too often, and seen their effects on the ‘bots even more frequently. The idea of that tech routinely used on humans was… not good. “Unfortunately, not everyone got that memo.”
That sent Fowler’s blood pressure skyrocketing again, until she explained further. The concept of the “Headmaster unit”, a device that could hijack a ‘bot’s body without killing them, still wasn’t a pleasant one, but he – and the others – soon saw the funny side as she told them about her universe’s Bulkhead and Bumblebee trying to prepare for an art show while Bulkhead was just a head, and Isaac Sumdac – the scientist who’d found the pieces of Megatron – bodyjacking Starscream to try to kick King ‘Con’s skidplate, declaring, “Total ownage, noob!”
She was in the middle of narrating a fight between her Optimus Prime and the inventor of the Headmaster unit, operating Starscream’s body, when Miko screamed. Glitch instantly shifted into “battle mode”, some kind of weapons sliding out of her wrists, but everyone else knew there was no threat. Just a spider.
“There it is,” Wheeljack said as the offending creepy-crawly – a small one, maybe half a centimetre long including the legs – scuttled into view, and the Wrecker prepared to squash it. Only for a beam of pink energy to freeze his foot in place.
“Don’t!” Glitch released Wheeljack once the spider was out of immediate danger, kneeling down in its path and extending one bronze hand, palm out, in front of it. “I’ll deal with it. Come here, tiny friend…”
Calmly and patiently, she coaxed the spider onto her finger. It ran all the way up to her elbow and down again before she managed to release it outside the hangar, laughing as the miniature creature somehow tickled her metal plating.
“You’ve done that before,” Wheeljack commented as she returned to the others, and Miko ventured out from behind Bulkhead. The kid’s fear of spiders was kind of weird, considering how brave she usually was, but nobody dared tease her about it.
“My Optimus isn’t keen on spiders either. Long story, not mine to tell. He’s working on it, especially now that Elita’s living with us, but I’m still Official Spider Remover. Took over from Prowl.” That flash of pain showed in her eyes again, and she hastened to change the subject. “Now, where was I?”
As she finished her story – provoking laughter all round as her Prime taunted the “Headmaster” into transforming Starscream’s body and separating it from the controlling Unit – Fowler reflected that while the young ‘bot might come from a pretty strange universe, it was close enough to his that she would do just fine. With a little help from her new friends.
Custer’s mustard, Fowler thought. His latest milk run had not just gone sour – it had turned to yoghurt. He was very glad June had been on shift when Raf found another Predacon fossil in a museum. And, as he dodged blaster fire yet again, that he had the Autobots on speed dial. Given the number of ‘Cons around and the pace at which he had to keep moving, they couldn’t just bridge him out, but Ratchet had assured him backup was on the way.
Sure enough, he soon heard the distinctive sound of a groundbridge opening and closing just where he’d been when he called for evac, followed by the roar of a small but powerful engine. A riderless motorcycle drew level with him, red light flashing off metallic plating he knew to be bronze, even in the otherwise pitch-black night. “Want a lift?”
“You’re sure?” Fowler wasn’t certain of the etiquette regarding riding two-wheeler ‘bots, Arcee being picky about her passengers, but he knew Prime liked to be in charge even with a “driver”. He couldn’t blame the guy.
“Of course.” Glitch meant what she said and said what she meant. Gracelessly but quickly, Fowler managed to manoeuvre himself onto her saddle, hoping he wasn’t hurting her as she accelerated away and he instinctively tightened his grip on her handlebars.
Equally instinctively, he tried to steer onto a friendly-looking road, only for her to correct her course straight away. “No, I’ll drive,” she told him, doing a creditable impression of Benny from Who Framed Roger Rabbit? “I’m the cab.”
“This is no way to make a living.” He completed the quotation as she dived for the cover of a nearby wood, weaving between barely visible trees with Jedi-like reflexes, and he just clung on for dear life and prayed to God and Lady Liberty she actually knew what she was doing.
Eventually, the ‘Cons having been left far behind and out of earshot, she slowed, braked and transformed, staying in a kneeling position until Fowler had prised his hands loose from her handlebars, slid off her back and stumbled away. Her transformation was a lot quicker and simpler than the other ‘bots’, but combined with her breakneck driving and reckless steering, it still left him fighting severe motion sickness – and losing.
After an unpleasant – not to mention humiliating – little while, he became aware of a hand longer than his forearm awkwardly rubbing his back. The gesture was weirdly endearing. An alien robot – an autistic alien robot, he was pretty certain, or the Cybertronian equivalent – none too sure what was happening to him (did ‘bots even get sick? Not cybonic-plague or Tox-En sick, but normal colds-and flu sick?) was nonetheless reaching out to try to comfort him as best she could.
“Here.” In the dim light of her headlamps, he saw that she was offering him water in her other, cupped hand. He reached for it, then hesitated. “Are you sure that’s safe to drink?” It was probably from the stream he could now hear close by, and might have anything in it.
“The copper in my plating is self-sterilising, and I can’t pick up any trace of heavy metals.” He took that as a “yes”, rinsed his mouth out with a couple of handfuls of water and gulped down the rest. It tasted a little muddy and a bit coppery, but better than the alternative.
“How’d you find the stream?” he asked once he felt rather more human. He hadn’t heard anything over the sound of her engine.
“Scout frame,” she said absently, rifling through her repair kit. “Comes with unusually sensitive audials and optics. Which doesn’t always play well with dicey sensor-to-processor filters. Now,” she changed the subject with unladylike haste, “you should probably refuel as well.” ‘Bot for “eat something”, he’d have known even if she hadn’t been holding out a familiar package. “Army rations, I’m afraid. They last longer than anything else I could lay my servos on.” Fowler could guess who had persuaded her to keep human food with her at all times. June’s practicality knew no bounds.
“That’s about all they have to recommend them,” he remarked, tearing open the packet anyway. She was right, partly for obvious reasons, partly because he’d missed dinner.
“Tell me about it,” she sighed. “I usually don’t remember sensory data as well as I do facts and figures, but the taste of boot-camp rations is still in my hard drive.”
“You went to boot camp? Even though you’re a medic?” Glitch’s Cybertron was supposed to be at peace, but “cold war” seemed more appropriate.
“Everyone does if they want to be more than a refinery ‘bot. Even if they already know they want a civilian job, like my Bulkhead. He wanted to be a space-bridge technician.” Fowler could just see an affectionate, almost nostalgic smile on her face. “Thinking about it, he and I were the only ones in our squad who didn’t say they wanted to be in the Elite Guard, and we were the only ones who achieved our goals.”
Big Green, a technician? Fowler’s tired mind refused to consider the possibility seriously, so he changed tack. “Who were the others in your squad?”
She settled herself in a cross-legged pose, leaning back against a tree, as she accessed the relevant files. “Longarm, named for his extensible limbs. Aiming for Intelligence. Quiet, vaguely friendly to everybot, not outstanding but not a disaster either. Ironhide, named for his variable-durability armour. Aiming to be an Elite Guard trooper. Brave and loyal, but not the brightest star in the sky, and loyal to the wrong ‘bot. Wasp, named for his stingers. Aiming for Elite Guard command. Good on parade, could have been a good soldier, but a pompous snob and a bully. The wrong ‘bot I mentioned. Bumblebee,” her face noticeably softened and her left hand went to the strip of paint around her right wrist, “named after he tried to match Wasp’s demonstration of his stingers and managed to knock over a building. The sergeant said he was “nothing but a bumbler.” Also aiming for anything in the Elite Guard. Ambitious and accident-prone, but clever and kind when he wants to be, and his spark’s always been in the right place.” And yours belongs to him, if I’m any judge, Fowler thought but didn’t say.
“So if everyone’s named by their sergeants – how’d you and your Bulkhead get your names?” he asked instead.
“Bulk’s not the most obviously intelligent ‘bot, so Sarge called him “all bulk and no brain.” He was wrong, of course, but the name stuck. As for me – a computer error moved my reference number from the waiting list to the enrolment list. Sarge wasn’t happy about having an extra cadet wished on him at the last cycle. Nor was I, but at least it meant I met Bee and Bulk. Which led to my being seconded to their team, and then ending up here. Nice example of the butterfly effect.”
Fowler wasn’t in the mood for metaphysics, so he decided to change tack again. “Sounds like your sergeant was pretty hard on you.”
“To put it mildly.” Glitch’s smile had vanished completely. “There’s encouraging independence, and then there’s ignoring bullying until your cadets are throwing simulated grenades at each other.”
“Seriously?” Fowler stared at her. He’d had tough drill sergeants in basic training, but none of them would have allowed that.
“Seriously. First combat exercise – for which he didn’t brief us properly, into the bargain. Wasp thought it would be funny to throw a paint grenade at Bee.”
“And your sergeant didn’t do anything?”
“He had other problems. A story for another time. He might have, but I know he didn’t when Wasp and Ironhide switched Bulk’s hydraulic fluid for jet fuel. I reported it, but he just told me to sort it out – good practice, I think he called it – and gave us all more transform-ups.” An equivalent of sit-ups or push-ups, Fowler thought. No wonder Glitch transformed so fast and accurately, if that was a routine collective punishment during her training. “Not all drill sergeants are like that. Optimus and Elita speak highly of theirs, Kup. Rightly so, as far as I can tell – met him once, when he was visiting another former cadet in the infirmary. We just drew a short screw.” Fowler was inclined to agree.
Glitch had clearly had enough of Memory Lane for one night. She tilted her head to one side, listening to the forest around them, as her eyes and wing mirrors scanned for enemies. “I think we’re still clear. Ready to bridge back?” Fowler checked his reflection in her mirror – just in case June was in the base when they returned – and answered in the affirmative. Apart from anything else, he needed to get the Predacon fossil to a safe place – and process some of the things his new friend had just told him.
“How are you so calm?” Fowler asked Glitch. Most of the ‘bots were out fossil-hunting, but she had had a project she wanted to finish, so had stayed behind. Even when a call for a medic had come in from Stealth Team; Ratchet had answered it instead, leaving his second on groundbridge duty. Instead of fretting about her friends, she seemed to be meditating, seated in a lotus-like pose, hands on knees, perfectly still. For a change.
“Cyber-ninja training ain’t just about your servos and weapons, dig?” Her voice had dropped at least an octave and acquired a New Orleans-style accent. “It’s about your processor and your spark.”
“Quoting someone?”
“My sensei.” She opened her eyes, but didn’t otherwise move. “Jazz. And yes, he really does talk like that. One gets used to it.”
“I’d hope so. What’s he like, by the way?” Fowler also had reason to be concerned about the ‘bots, and thought a distraction wouldn’t be a bad idea for either of them.
“Very calm, very laid-back, very easygoing – up until he very much isn’t. Brilliant at servo-to-servo, unarmed or with his laser nunchaku, but even better at listening and mediating between other people. I suppose he’s had to be, serving under Sentinel flipping Prime.”
“Who’s he, when he’s at home?”
“I wish he’d stay home. Elite Guard acting commander, and therefore one of the leaders of my Cybertron. Arrogant, smug, judgemental – and that’s what Optimus says about him.” Fowler winced; if her Optimus were as similar to his Prime as she made out, that was impressive. “Even though they used to be friends. Optimus actually took the blame for a disaster that was Sentinel’s fault if it was anyone’s, which wrecked his career and preserved Sentinel’s. He was my drill sergeant, back when he was just Sentinel Minor.” Ouch again. Fowler had heard plenty about that time in the young ‘bot’s life. “He and Jazz were part of the Elite Guard’s first expedition to Earth; Jazz picked a rather nice sports car as his alt, and actually paid attention to your traffic laws, while Sentinel chose a monster truck for himself and a missile carrier for Ultra Magnus, and ignored all Optimus’ advice. Patronised every human in sight and most other ‘bots, and generally made himself a walking PR catastrophe.” Fowler was glad he hadn’t been responsible for dealing with that, though he pitied the other Optimus. “Fair’s fair, he does have severe organophobia, but that’s an explanation, not an excuse. Especially as he hasn’t sought any treatment over the last thousand years.”
“How’d he end up as your leader, then?” The US had probably had worse presidents, but not many, and not by much.
“Search me. He’s good in combat, but a terrible diplomat and not much of a politician now that he’s actually got to where he wanted to be. Must have a knack for making the correct friends, as well as sticking to the regulations like glue. I know he’s facing opposition from within the High Council, and keeps putting on spectacles to try to keep the rest of Cybertron on his side. Must really annoy him that Optimus is still more popular, even though he doesn’t want any sort of promotion. He’s happy with his posting and his team, and we’re happy to have him.” What was the Douglas Adams line? Something about those who seek power not being allowed anywhere near it. By the sounds of it, the other Optimus would make a better leader, if he could be persuaded of that – and if that Sentinel guy could be convinced or forced to step down.
Before Fowler could say as much, the comm system chimed. The Wreckers wanted a groundbridge home. Glitch hastened to oblige, leaving Fowler with more questions than answers about her Cybertron and its leadership.
“How’d you get so good at this?” Raf asked Glitch, sounding only somewhat annoyed. The three kids and the field-tech had just finished testing out her upgrades to the video-game system, which allowed up to four humans or ‘bots to play at once, with a combat-simulator tournament under Fowler’s vague supervision. Glitch had wiped the floor with all her opponents.
“My Bee.” She touched the strip of paint on her wrist, seeming unaware of the gesture. Fowler wondered whether, in her home universe, there was a yellow and black ‘bot with an equally worn bronze band on his wrist. “He’s been addicted to video games pretty much since he arrived on Earth, and taught me to play. Not really my thing, but having someone to play against makes him happy, so…”
“Who usually wins?” Jack wanted to know.
“He does. Almost all the time.” A smile touched her lips, or whatever she called them. “Once, another ‘bot tried to swap places with him – switched their colours, helmets and voiceboxes – and Bulk eventually suggested figuring out which was which by means of a round of Ninja Gladiator. It’s still Bee’s favourite. Would’ve worked, if Wasp hadn’t lost his nerve and escaped before they could get started.” Wasp? She’d mentioned him before. One of her boot-camp squadmates, if memory served.
“Why’d he swap with him in the first place?” Miko enquired before Fowler could.
Glitch’s smile disappeared in an instant. “Wasp had escaped from the cyber-stockade – prison – where he’d been locked up on false charges of spying. He thought Bee framed him and wanted revenge. The idea was that Bee would be caught and either imprisoned or killed resisting arrest. He didn’t know that they’d both been set up by Shockwave, or, as we knew him back then, Longarm.”
“Longarm?” Now Fowler did interrupt. “He was at boot camp with you, Bumblebee and Wasp, wasn’t he?” Not a tactful question, he knew as her face fell even further, but he’d had to ask.
“And Bulkhead, and Ironhide. I have to admit, he’s one heck of a spy. None of us suspected a thing.” That had to sting; Glitch prided herself on her powers of observation and deduction. Failing to spot a ‘Con agent must have been painful for her when she eventually found out. “Stars, I trusted him to have all our backplates in combat exercises, even live-fire. Especially after Wasp was arrested and Bulk and Bee were thrown out. He never let us down.” Well, he wouldn’t have, not if he was maintaining a cover as a loyal Autobot.
“Hold on – your Bumblebee and Bulkhead were thrown out of boot camp?” Raf asked, eyes wide. Fowler was pretty surprised, too. Sure, their Bulkhead could be clumsy and destructive and their Bumblebee more than a trifle reckless, but their sparks were always in the right places. From what he’d heard, their counterparts were very similar in that respect.
“Bulk accidentally dropped a tower on our drill sergeant trying to protect Bee, and Bee tried to cover for him. Sentinel seized the opportunity to send them both packing. It worked out, though. They were assigned to Optimus’ repair crew with Ratchet, which turned out to be where they needed to be. Prowl joined them later.” She’d mentioned Prowl before. A lone-wolf “cyber-ninja” who’d given his life for his team and their adopted city.
“What happened to Ironhide?” Jack enquired idly.
“Finished boot camp with “Longarm” and me, worked his way up through the ranks, fetched up in Team Athenia under Rodimus Prime. Again, that’s where he needs to be. I don’t really know Rodimus, but he sounds like the best kind of officer, very much in the same mould as both Optimi. And their field-tech, Red Alert, is almost as much of a legend as Ratchet. They’re all in safe servos.” She grinned for the first time since the conversation had begun. “Ironhide once convinced me to join him and his teammate Brawn for a night out at Maccadam’s Old Oil House. Never again. I didn’t know what embarrassment was until those two started their arm-wrestling scam.”
“Which is?” Fowler had to know.
“They arm-wrestle each other, Brawn throws the match, he challenges other ‘bots for free drinks. ‘Bots who don’t know Brawn’s one of the strongest mecha on Cybertron, despite being smaller than me. I don’t know how they get away with it. But that’s Maccadam’s all over. Anybot’s welcome, and always has been. Even Megatron wouldn’t bomb it. A few scams are hardly grounds for being barred.” It sounded like an… interesting place.
“What about Shockwave? Did he get what was coming to him?” Of course Miko wanted to know that.
“Partly. Last I heard, he was still in prison with Megatron and most of his other lieutenants. He’d made it all the way to head of Autobot Intelligence, but made the classic mistake of revealing his identity to people he thought wouldn’t survive much longer. Namely more than half of Team Detroit, and another intel-‘bot, Blurr. It took a while, and nearly cost Blurr and Ultra Magnus their lives, but he’s behind bars where he belongs. For quite some time, I can’t help but hope.” Was that sympathy in her voice? Regret? Shockwave might have been a spy, but she must have thought of him as a friend for a long time. Did she still wish things could be different? That he didn’t have to be her enemy?
Fowler didn’t have much time to consider the question before she derailed his train of thought. “Enough depressingness for one conversation. Another game, anyone?” Jack pleaded homework, but Miko and Raf convinced Fowler to take his place. (Largely by choosing the Lego Skywalker Saga, not that he was going to admit that.) The past might be a mess, and the future uncertain, but as long as there were such simple things as video games in the world, life wasn’t all bad.
Shocked silence reigned in Hangar E as the rest of Team Prime finished explaining the concept of the cortical psychic patch to a stunned, then silently furious, Glitch. The subject had arisen during one of her anecdotes, an attempt to cheer her friends up after a defeat at Soundwave’s tentacles by telling them about the sentient kids’ toy in her universe that bore the same name. Unfortunately, that had involved recounting an incident in which her home team had fallen under their Soundwave’s control, which had too clearly brought back bad memories for four of the ‘bots. Fowler had been aware of the ‘Con mind probe already, having been given the 411 on Bumblebee’s excursion into Megatron’s head to find the cure for cybonic plague and save Prime, but he hadn’t realised how horrifying the idea was, especially to a Cybertronian. (Nor had he known that Arcee had endured the patch just before she and Cliffjumper came to Earth, or that Wheeljack had also faced it after the evacuation of Outpost Omega One.) He suspected that without her “cyber-ninja” training, Glitch would have broken something rather larger than the pencil she had just crushed to matchwood.
“Do you mind discussing this later?” Somehow, Miko managed to say that without seeming insensitive. “I wanna know what happened next!”
“All right.” Glitch mustered a genuine smile. “Well, at first Sari’s plan worked. Soundwave couldn’t defend against four very different attacks all at once. Snarl tied Ratchet up with a traffic barrier, Scrapper used a fire hydrant to put Bulk on ice…”
“Just how cold are Detroit winters?” Arcee asked.
“Let’s just say antifreeze is not optional. Anyway. Prowl actually knocked Sari out of the way of Bee’s stingers, and his next attack was so slow she got her counter in first while Wreck-Gar wrapped Bee in what I believe are known as “fairy lights”, singing a silly song as he did so.”
Bumblebee’s comment was translated by Raf as, “You’re kidding!”
“No, straight up. Something like, “Wreck the ‘bot with strings of garbage, fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la…”” That got plenty of laughs. “But there was one problem with the plan, one nobody had realised until it was too late. With most of his puppets tied up, Soundwave could focus on just one. The most dangerous of them all.”
“Optimus,” Jack realised just as Fowler did.
“Optimus. A combat-trained ‘bot who would have graduated from the Autobot Academy had fate been a little kinder to him. And under those circumstances, Soundwave’s greatest asset. He sent all four of the Substitute Autobots flying with one sweep of his axe. Snarl was the first to recover and charge him, but Optimus grabbed the triceratops by the horns and slammed him to the ground. Scrapper tried to defend his friend, calling Optimus out for cruelty to Dinobots, only for the mech to bring a billboard down on the pair of them. Reluctantly, Sari fired on him as he advanced towards her and Wreck-Gar, but he used Wreck-Gar as a living shield, and Sari’s bolts only caused garbage to fly out of his backpack. A kitchen sink hit him on the head, somehow confusing him even more than usual before sending him into stasis.”
“Impressive,” Ratchet murmured at the bottom of his volume range, presumably meaning the “confusing” part.
“Sari stood alone against the possessed shell of one of the first real friends she had ever had, powerless to save herself as he raised his axe to kill her – until, just as the blow fell, a pair of golden shuriken knocked Soundwave’s keytar out of his servos, shattering his control over the Autobots.”
Miko punched the air. “I knew it! I knew Prowl was faking!”
“That sentiment has been expressed before,” Glitch smiled back. “He’d say that he wasn’t just faking; that “it took a great deal of processor-over-matter to resist Soundwave’s control.” But I’m getting ahead of myself. For a spark-quenching moment, it looked as though Prowl had struck just a nanoklik too late – but then Sari reappeared out of the snow, unharmed and declaring that that had been way too close.” Cheers and laughter all round. “Soundwave was furious, naturally. He deployed the keytar, Ratbat, in bat mode for “Operation: Autobot Destruction”.” The guy had no imagination, Fowler thought. “Optimus fended him off until Soundwave himself entered the fray, tackling Optimus to the ground and leaving Prowl vulnerable. Breaking Soundwave’s control must have taken a lot out of him, because Ratbat was able to pick him up easily and drop him a few blocks away, before returning to its master.” Fowler winced, although he knew even tiny Glitch could survive a pretty nasty fall with just a couple of dents. Her universe’s ‘bots were pretty sturdy.
“Optimus was pinned down, unable to reach his axe – but he was able to use his grappling hook to snatch Soundwave’s other drone out of the air while it was distracted by Sari, and bat Soundwave away with it, giving him time to force the bird into its guitar mode as Ratbat flew to its creator and shifted back into a keytar.”
“And the stage was set for the greatest rock-off of the century,” Miko interrupted.
“Pretty much. Optimus used Soundwave’s own instrument to counter his sonic commands, allowing him to get close enough to slice both the Decepticon and his drone in two. Or, as he put it, for “Operation: Face the Music.””
Miko punched the air again. “Rock on! I have got to meet this guy!”
“Of that, I have little doubt.” Little, Fowler realised, not none, because there was a chance the young ‘bot would never get back to her own reality. Either because it was impossible, or because she died before finding a way. He put the thought from his mind and concentrated on the story. “As Soundwave shattered into his component pieces, all around the city, the dolls made in his image also fell to bits, freeing the people from their control. All that was left was to clean up the mess, and disband the Substitute Autobots. Snarl and Scrapper returned to Dinobot Island together – although Snarl kicked Scrapper in the chestplate when he tried to ride him,” more laughter, and a murmur of, “Dinobots not pets,” from Wheeljack, quoting an earlier part of the tale, “and Wreck-Gar pitched in with the clear-up operation, breaking off only to put on a white beard, balance a red and white hat on his antenna and deliver garbage to all the good little children.”
“I guess his spark’s in the right place,” Bulkhead quietly commented to Smokescreen, who happened to be sitting next to him. “Not so sure about his processor.”
“Sari returned to her family,” Glitch continued, “with even more respect for Optimus now that she knew what it was like to be a leader. The Autobots, for their part, had learned a great deal about what it’s like to be human. And to cap it all, Powell was wailing on live television about having to give refunds for all the Soundwave toys. It didn’t ruin him in the end, but it did set him back quite a way.”
“And Laserbeak?” Ratchet just had to ask.
“Got away with a key piece of Soundwave. They’re out there, somewhere, rebuilding and planning, I’ve no doubt, but when they make their move – the Autobots and Substitute Autobots will be ready.”
“You’re not a bad storyteller,” Fowler told Glitch as the group dispersed, June having pointed out that it was well past the children’s bedtime. “For someone who claims not to be good with words.”
How was it possible for someone with a metal face to blush? “Thank you. It helped that that had been marinating in my processor for a while. I had a vague idea of writing the story in musical form, but it works in verbal format as well. If I’d had to figure out how best to tell it on the spot, I’d have got hopelessly lost in almost no time.” Fowler thought she was selling herself short. When she really put her mind to it, he wasn’t sure there was anything she – or the team as a whole – couldn’t do.
Fowler shot out of his office the moment he heard the groundbridge activating next door. It had been a fair few hours since Ratchet had left for Cybertron with little preamble and less explanation, and the agent was getting more than a bit worried. Not that he planned on admitting that.
But the senior medic wasn’t the first person to emerge from the space-time tunnel. A good couple of months after bidding him farewell with the most endearingly awkward hug he’d ever received (the kind only someone who was deeply affectionate but constantly second-guessing themselves could give) and promising Ratchet she’d look after the others, Glitch was returning to Hangar E, hand in hand with a yellow ‘bot with black accents, about her own height, who wore a worn-looking bronze band around his right wrist. The couple almost seemed to glow with joy, as much as a pair of robots could. Maybe one of them popped the question, Fowler caught himself thinking. Or maybe they were simply happy to be reunited after so long.
Close behind them were a collection of other new ‘bots, though Fowler thought he could already put names to some of them. A red and blue guy with fins on his helmet and a pair of windshields on his chest. A red and white ‘bot with ECG trace patterns on his shoulders. A big green mech. Even if Fowler hadn’t seen the photos Glitch had stored on her hard drive, he’d have recognised them as Optimus, Ratchet and Bulkhead from her universe, and the yellow one as Bumblebee. By process of elimination, the white ‘bot with the blue visor and red and blue trim was Jazz, her sensei, the pink feminine-looking one with a pair of laser swords sheathed behind her back was Arcee (the other ‘bots’ Energon was pink, he vaguely recalled; it wasn’t necessarily a “girly” colour on the other Cybertron), the ‘bot-spider hybrid was Elita and the kid with Cybertronian eyes and a jetpack was Sari. Glitch’s other family had finally found her, and it seemed likely that she was just showing them around before going back to her home universe with them.
Fowler knew he’d miss her, though he took care not to show it as she formally introduced him to the newcomers. (He’d been right; she and her Bumblebee had just got engaged, and promised to invite him to the wedding.) All the team had learned a lot from their young friend from across the universes, sometimes more than they wanted, and she had learned from them. He could only hope the connection between their realities would stay open, so that they could keep on learning and exploring together.
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cicadaland · 2 years
I AM ASKING ABOUT AUDREY also actually the bullet points are perfect for me to process smiley face
ok there is sSO much I wrote but finally it is done. ENJOY :D and again let me know if you have any questiones........ :]
Early life
Born in 2021 - just 2 years after the Catastrophes ceased. Parents died when she was just a year old, and she was adopted by a group of nomadic nuns who then settled in Lansing.
had her first vision around age eleven! Her childhood best friend Grace was the first she told.
Was raised in the wreckage of Lansing, Michigan where many people from all around Michigan sought refuge. During this time many parts of the continent had not healed yet, there still were wide swaths of land where nothing could grow. She had visions of the Earth healing, though.
The nuns taught her and many other adopted children how to read and write, giving them a very high advantage that would help them loads later in life. 
By her late teenage years, the nuns had learned of her visions and believed them to be messages from God. (This is SO heretical but in those days, hope was something to be savored and kept fed by any means necessary.) This encouraged Audrey to begin preaching to her classmates about what she had seen in her dreams and visions, and then to the Lansing community.
Young Adulthood
At age seventeen, Audrey falls in love for the first time with her friend Grace. She does not understand these feelings. She tells nobody.
The nuns decided that Audrey and the other teenagers her age were old enough to live on their own, and let them spend more time outside of the monastery and neighborhood. Audrey met many people and eventually became a friend of the community, she was known as a generous and resourceful person who was always willing to help.
At age eighteen, on New Year’s Day, Audrey had a catalytic vision that changed the course of her entire life. She was bedridden with influenza for seven days, and she saw herself as an old woman stepping out of her bed into a world of darkness, and pulling her brother out of a well and falling asleep again under a tree. She sees Heavenly light above the setting sun on a horizon, and the Pattern (an abstract way God presented Himself to her) appears underling everything.
As soon as she reveals this vision to her nun-mothers and Grace, they urge her to tell as many people as she could. By the start of February, all of Lansing had heard of her prophecy and came to Audrey and asked her to tell them more.
At this point, she had written a short manifesto of what she had seen and what the Pattern had entailed: That God had punished Humanity for our disrespect towards the Earth and towards one another, and that He is offering us a second chance. The past before the Catastrophe was one full of demons, and full of money. (It is heavily implied in her Manifesto that money is demonic in nature. Those who live as Audreic monks dedicate their lives to having not a single penny in their possession.)
Grace, her dearest friend, becomes her first Acolyte and together they set out from Lansing into the unknown to spread the world. The nuns, now frail and close to death, give them their blessing, and tell them of the distant Lakes, a gateway to the world, they say.
Pilgrimage to the Great Lakes
Audrey begins her journey with Grace and her seven brothers (who, in all known records, remained nameless and may not have been biologically related).
It took her twelve weeks to reach Detroit, traveling atop a highway. By then, her cloak was worn and dirty, her breath labored, her bones showing. Once again, she comes down with influenza, and her brothers carry her the last mile to the doorstep. Grace is nowhere to be found, she had been kidnapped along the way.
During her time in Detroit, she is burned on the right cheek when a slaver is struck by lightning in front of her. The wound never heals, it leaves a black mark. (Some believe she called upon God to make this happen.)
Audrey stays in Detroit for two years, and then, now sullen and rarely showing emotion, she walks alone to Toronto. By now, though, her reputation precedes her - her followers know that she is on her way, and they speak to one another through the grapevine that Holy Audrey is nearby, and that she will bless them with hope.
Her journey to Toronto has many more stops as she slowly becomes more sick and old. Nonetheless she tries her best to do good deeds, and is as selfless as always.
 Her health suffers. Visions become more frequent, and at night she has the most intricate dreams that bleed into her waking life.
She reaches Toronto. She stops there for another year, and eventually, she stops eating and sleeping. She speaks to nobody. She dreams of Grace and sees her in Lake Huron, sees her in the clouds, sees her intertwined with the Pattern.
She remains alive after seven days of not eating, drinking or sleeping. She feels like the sky has fallen onto her and absorbed her. She is surrounded by her acolytes, desperately trying to take care of her, but she is like a corpse. Her heart still beats. At this point her dreams are reality and her reality is dreamlike. All forms of consciousness become one and the same.
Her heart stops beating on November 30th. She is laid to rest in a snow covered field somewhere in Ontario, near the St. Lawrence River. She is in a grave that is encrusted with gold and gems, intricately decorated by those who cared for her in her final moments. Those who loved her so dearly but could not understand her. (Only Grace could understand her visions.)
Overnight, her flesh disappears, leaving only an empty skeleton. The belief is that she had combined with the Earth completely and became one and the same with it, or that she had turned into snow and water. Yet another is that an Angel came to her in the night and carried her soul to Heaven.
After Death
Even after her long journey, still not many people outside of her circle knew of her. However, as the world still remained charred and desperate by the Catastrophes, and as the people of the world remained hungry and depressed, many felt a spark of hope when they heard of Audrey. One by one, starting in Detroit and Lansing, some Christian churches began to herald Audrey and keep her story close to their hearts.
Naturally, word spread, and Audrey would slowly become a well known legendary figure in barren Michigan. She became part of a story told to children, and from those children to their own children, and at some point this storytelling melded with the stories told at Sunday schools, and Audrey became a religious figure.
Sometime in the 2240s, missionaries of Audreic churches took to the Sea (the Great Lakes). Through the complex net of water trade throughout the healing Great Lakes Basin, these missionaries managed to spread Audrey’s story to far-flung cities like Chicago, Toronto, Buffalo, Ottawa, and even all the way Montreal. Word of mouth, though, did most of the work when it came to telling the world all about her.
Again, it was mostly Christians that adopted Audrey into their communities. The stories of Audrey didn’t really take off with other religions of the area, like the Jewish or Muslim population and the Ojibweg. [BTW the indigenous people of North America tended to keep to themselves. They had a new freedom of movement to return to some of their ancestral lands (after they healed from the catastrophe of course, because the people living there before either left or were wiped out during the initial carnage.) but still they usually decided against interacting with non-native Americans.]
(From here, the stories of Audrey, now heavily mythologized and ever-branching, of course, began to make their way down the Mississippi river and through the Appalachian mountains. As of 2512, though, Southerners and those in the Northeastern Corridor largely do not revere Audrey. They have Oracles of their own.)
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lboogie1906 · 2 years
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Thomas Edward "Eddie" Tolan (September 29, 1908 – January 31, 1967), nicknamed the "Midnight Express", was a track and field athlete who competed in sprints. He set world records in the 100-yard dash and 100 meters events and Olympic records in the 100 meters and 200 meters events. He was the first non-Euro-American to receive the title of the "world's fastest human" after winning gold medals in the 100 and 200 meters events at the 1932 Summer Olympics. In March 1935, he won the 75, 100, and 220-yard events at the World Professional Sprint Championships in Melbourne to become the first man to win both the amateur and professional world sprint championships. In his full career as a sprinter, he won 300 races and lost only 7. He was born in Denver, one of four children. His father was Thomas Tolan. The family moved to Salt Lake City, Utah when he was young, and moved again to Detroit. He graduated from Cass High School. He was recruited by several major universities as a football player, but he chose the University of Michigan. There are differing accounts as to why he never played on the varsity football team at Michigan. According to a published account in The Detroit News in 2002, he joined the freshman football team as a freshman in 1927. No African-American had played on Michigan's varsity football team since George Jewett in the 1890s. He was allowed to play, but on the third day of practice, the freshman football coach told him, "Some of the coaches are disagreeing on your chances. Some of them think that you shouldn't be allowed to play football. I'd be tickled to have you but I'm afraid I'm going to be outvoted." The Detroit News noted, that the freshman coach was outvoted: "They took away his football uniform and handed him a tracksuit in exchange." Other accounts indicate it was an injury that prevented him from playing football at Michigan. An Associated Press story on him in 1958 stated: "He would have been a football great as a quarterback, had a knee injury in his junior year in high school not forced him to channel all his energies to track." #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #alphaphialpha https://www.instagram.com/p/CjFnAvPrPK8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jotunkhiicha · 2 months
I got bored while playing Detroit: Become Human.
Fran, Why Are You So Afraid of Love?
She would attest that she, in fact, is not afraid of love, but when it looks like this, blood and tears, how could she not?
How could she not fear the beast she’d let into her heart that tore down everything she’d ever known, leaving her with the tattered remnants of lost memories? How could she not fear the sudden awakening of truth in her heart, the deafening knell of reality as it comes crashing down towards her? How could she not fear the totality of separation and the agony of moving on—alone?
The world won’t wait for her to recover, nor will it wait for her to realise what she has lost or left to regain.
So, as she stands on this rooftop, her beretta pointed ahead, aiming where her tears were born from and her toxic hatred, she finds there to be no peace as the question rises again.
“Fran, why are you so afraid of love?” He asks her once and again.
She had said before that she saw no point in it. She only saw the pain after, that gaping black hole that infests the mind and sucks away the light of the world. She was mortified of moving on, of being the one constant in the litany of failures of her life—she feared being forced to realise her pain.
But, now, she has an answer.
Raising her head and showing her bloodshot eyes, red with fresh tears. “Because it feels like this.” She whispers into the snowy night.
The pair of them, they stand in opposite ends of this roof and at opposite ends of the world. In some way, that comforts her; she recognises they are simply not the same people anymore. They have met their end at the end of the sunset, the very same one where she realised that the world has never been fair.
It dangles everything before her, and only when she reaches for it does it fade away into dusk—losing a piece of herself with it each time it deviates from its trajectory between her fingertips.
“Is that why you’re going to shoot me?” He asks flatly, clearly not fazed by her presence in the slightest, even as she steps forwards with her gun leading the waltz.
Fran smiles as her tears fall, smiling in the face of the reaper and the one thing that has destroyed her life in its rawest form. “I’ve given it some thought. You deserve it because I know I can’t make you live and regret what you’ve done to the people I love.” She seethes and it drips with self-loathing.
Her words hang upon the words the viper whispered to her. Her eyes twinkle with something akin to a desire for death—a longing for the plastic rendition of finality to come take her away. She wishes to be taken by the ravens and left in their murderous embrace, sheathed in their feathers and left to infest the world with her bitter melancholy.
Connor tilts his head. “What is it you really want to say, Detective? Why did you come here to die?”
Fran laughs bitterly and shrugs. “I don’t fucking know anymore, Connor. I don’t know what I want to say to you. I hate you. I wish you’d have fucking died instead of Hank—but you’re a fucking machine, you can’t die! You can’t fucking die for what you’ve done to me! I can’t bring him back! I can’t get my life back!” She screams into the night, and the snow feels like tiny little angels, each one that rests on her shoulders are like feathers that will come together to fly her away, “And the worst thing?” She chuckles darkly as she looks up to the polluted sky and bites her lower lip.
A flicker of red exists on the cusp of her vision like a long lost ember in the night—a tiny whisper that begs to be heard.
She turns her head to glance at him and the pieces of her life fall from her grasp. “I don’t know how we ended up here.” She mutters with a sorrowful look that dips her toes into regret, that molten magma.
And perhaps, as she goes to shoot him and he is simply faster, this is why she is so afraid of love.
“Fran, why are you so afraid of love?” He asks as he cradles her, allows her blood to intermix with his own.
She smiles as she closes her eyes. “…because it feels like this.”
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sirensoftheweb · 2 months
Do Robots Deserve Rights?
By: Hydra 🐍
I want to start this post by firmly stating: I AM NOT SCARED OF ROBOTS!! Except maybe that AI Robot named Sophia… I am just simply unsettled. Maybe it is because I enjoy immersing myself into a good science fiction book, movie, or video game? For example, my favourite solo player video game is Detroit Become Human. The game follows three different androids, all in which have different jobs but act as a type of servant for an owner. Throughout the game you are faced with prejudice, which ultimately leads you to have to choose between breaking the programming and becoming a deviant (gaining a consciousness of one’s own), or continuing to live as a slave to an other.
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If roboticist Alan Winfield is correct with his statement: “Real robotics is a science born out of fiction,” (2011, 32) how are we to assume that robots gaining consciousness will not be a relevant topic in the near future? I mean we have a A LOT of fictional media existing around the idea of such topic (M3gan, Black Mirror, I Am Mother). In my opinion, scientist should be more focused on creating the flying cars from Back to the Future instead of frenzying over the next trendy artificial intelligence. Imagine never having to worry about sitting in rush hour traffic EVER AGAIN.
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I realize the whole idea that “robots will take over the world one day” may seem comical to some, but If you really think about it, this notion is already in motion (hehehe that one made me feel like a white dad). The man of the moment himself, David J. Gunkel says, “Despite what is imaginatively foretold in fiction, the robot invasion is not coming from the future. The robots are already here. Like the “barbarians” that were said to have invaded Rome, we have already invited the robots into our places of work, into our homes, and into our lives. They are already all around us, even if we often do not see or identify them as such” (Gunkel 7).
I will assume you are human if you are reading this, and therefore I will also assume you have been inside a grocery store (considering you must consume food to survive). Well this being said, have you noticed the progression of self checkouts becoming more and more frequent? It’s so simple to go in and scan all your items, letting the machine do the brunt of the work for you. Or maybe you are a little more bougie and have experienced the cat robots of sushi places that act as a substitute for servers… IS THIS NOT AN EXAMPLE OF ROBOTS ALREADY BEING HERE AND RELEVANTLY USED?? That was a rhetorical question because OF COURSE IT IS. Even in the comfort of our own home we rely on robotic devices like Amazon’s ‘Alexa’ or Apple’s ‘Siri’ to turn on/off lights, answer questions, set alarms, etc.
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So how did we get here? If we think about famous french philosopher Gilles Deleuze’s essay “Postscript on the Societies of Control,” Deleuze argues, “This technological evolution must be, even more profoundly, a mutation of capitalism […]” (Deleuze 4). This would make sense given the examples above, because these robotic machines tend to replace human jobs and duties. Robots don’t require a paycheck like people do. Therefore, the capitalist win once again. Human Kind: 0, Capitalism: 1,000,000,000.
Since it is evident we are living in a time that depends heavily on robots and technology for everyday use, I would like to bring up another question raised in Gunkel’s book: “Can and should robots have rights?” This question really perplexed me. At first, my obvious answer was ‘no.’ Robots are already taking away jobs from people who actually need to make money in order to survive. How can a machine need rights equal to those of humans? They do not have consciousness and souls (as far as I know)! That question’s ridiculous right? But then I think back to my favourite video game and how gut wrenching it felt having to play as an android with no rights or freedom of speech. I feel a little more tempted to say yes to Gunkel’s question after that, but I just don’t have it in me to place technology over living, breathing, flesh.
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Should we be more empathetic and moralistic towards technological beings such as robots? Or is it more important to value our own human rights, especially considering that is a questionable topic in it’s own?
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kuchipark · 4 months
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ABOUT ME (general information)
⚀ My real name is not Kooch, I promise
⚁ Pronouns are she/her, or [____] (just don’t refer to me, in any way whatsoever)
⚂ Born July 27th 2006, so I’m 17
⚃ Autistic (and contagious)
⚄ Dutch
⚅ I will send you unsolicited cat pics, if presented with the opportunity
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✌︎ South Park + Detroit Become Human + ATLA (especially the books) + B99 + Rick & Morty + MLB + LIS + HIMYM + that 70’s show + Sherlock Holmes + TDI, Impractical Jokers and more (but I mainly post about SP, ATLA and DBH)
✌︎ Reading + Writing (AO3 my beloved)
✌︎ I like drawing, but that’s a passion that only comes back once every 3 months, kicks me in the nuts and then exits through the fire escape
✌︎ I listen to a lot of metal, 70/80’s music, and (hard) rock — at least I think? I am really bad at telling apart music genres
✌︎ Destroying my lungs (but not really, bc lung cancer only gets unlocked at level 20)
✌︎ Gaming; both video & boardgames
✌︎ Drawing Princess Kenny over and over and over again
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<3 Kenny/Karen McCormick, Stan Marsh, Jake peralta, Rosa Diaz, Hank Anderson, Connor, Chat Noir (not adrien), Sokka, Toph Beifong, Kyoshi, Eleanor Shellstrop, Barney Stinson, Robin Scherbatsky, Jim Hopper, Klaus Hargreeves & Rick Sanchez
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• Mainly shitposts
• Headcanons
• Scenarios/AUs
• Random thoughts
• Art from time to time
• LOTS of reposts (but only quality shit, yanno)
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caelumsnuff · 1 year
You know I try not to get too 'ugh' about race allegories. Mostly because it's so commonplace when (white tbh) creators make works of fantasy & science fiction that want to discuss prejudice and discrimination, but don't want to get into the weeds of how to handle that topic while still including their fellow human beings of differing complexions/cultures (or don't know how which I'm a littleee more sympathetic towards? Don't know if I should be though) so they go for robots being forced to the back of the bus (like Detroit: Become Human) or superpowered beings being feared (like X-Men) or demons dealing with discrimination in school like with that recent Gavin & Damien audio.
And it's like you've mentioned before these allegories don't work, but it's so, so, so common in fantasy/sci-fi that I'm used to it now, but one thing that makes it super annoying to at least tolerate is when audience members say silly things like how they hate the 'RACISM' (yes, they put it in all caps lol) that Gavin deals with and that demons should have rights. And I know they mean like 'demon' as a race, but like seeing that word used for this lol...it made my eye twitch lmao.
Its wild to me that he chose d(a)emons as an oppressed class….. the amount of times i have to force myself to not pull out my own hair when i hear about those d(a)emons deserving rights and the racism being uncalled for like…. come the fuck on. Do you know how often an oppressed group irl gets called demons???? 😭😭 It's so badly thought through…..
honestly, i try not to get all up in arms about oppression allegories, especially racial oppression, because they can admittedly be hard to write. It's hard to slide in an effective allegory into a fictional world (especially a fantasy/sci-fi one) without stepping on a landmine some place or another. We always carry over bias from real life and that is going to reflect in the things we write whether we like it or not, we are people with previous experiences.
But the thing that gets me so hard is that like.... there are literally other better allegories sitting in the redactedverse that Erik could have gone with. One that keeps coming to mind time and time again is the daemons vs the demons. They are all of the same fundamental biology, but some are viewed as weaker/more peaceful than others. It's just.... the d(a)emons have a magical government (the chorus), they have laws and rules and shitput into place, like he could have gone with this and it would have been so much better. Theres also the empowered classes, literally humanborns vs magic borns (or whatever they're called) are sitting right there!!!!!!!!!! The differences between these two groups is highlighted, but its not like a systemic oppression thing, its a lack of resources for helping humanborns. He could have taken it further than that, yanno? I would go further into detail, but i wont.
Thank you for the ask, i feel you
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rainbowroute · 1 year
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I posted 559 times in 2022
That's 206 more posts than 2021!
7 posts created (1%)
552 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 119 of my posts in 2022
#ofmd - 8 posts
#blackbeard ofmd - 5 posts
#edward teach - 5 posts
#this is my ship and it has wrecked me - 4 posts
#i’m crying - 4 posts
#born on a beach - 4 posts
#our flag means death - 4 posts
#my art - 3 posts
#dbh - 3 posts
#detroit become human - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
#so i'm taking some refreshment lessons! i was really afraid of driving again but my new driving teacher is very nice (❁´‿`❁)
My Top Posts in 2022:
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He is the Kraken
6 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
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‘I came back’
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‘Last mistake you’ll ever make’
(Updated versions)
18 notes - Posted June 24, 2022
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Ed, Stede, and the moon. Ot3
21 notes - Posted July 27, 2022
Life is hard, let him nap.
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26 notes - Posted June 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Frog Connor and Toad Hank. Connor likes helping. Hank decides he doesn’t mind.
69 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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simpformoonkight · 2 years
Master list!! :D
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You otp shares a blanket (karlnapity x reader)
Headcanons when Phoenix! Hybrid! Reader dies after their 500 hundred years life span to be re-borned again in front quackity headcanons
Some incorrect quotes with reader x quackity and Amara (oc) x karlnapity :]
“I'm right here” (quackity x reader)
Incorrect quotes with a gen z reader and dsmp members!
“Is that my shirt?” (Karl/goerge x reader (separately )
reader has a panic attack and the sleepy bois Inc. comfort them
Incorrect quotes with reader x karlnapity
“No, please... Don't say that. you love him not me”(with dream X reader), part 2
Nightmare..(male!/gender neutral reader x c! Technoblade)
Supernatural :
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Team free will :
Cat problem (Sam x sister!reader, Dean x sister!reader, castiel x reader (Plotonic), Jack x reader (Plotonic)
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Nothing yet
Agent carter :
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Nothing yet
Moon knight :
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Nothing yet
The umbrella academy :
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Nothing yet
Hannibal :
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Nothing yet
Detroit become human :
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Nothing yet
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