#transphobia is not welcome
caycanteven · 4 months
I’m pretty bad at talking when it’s real serious, but I’m gonna try to be direct.
My blog is a safe space.
Transphobes ARE NOT welcome. I’m open minded, but that’s one thing I’m not willing to be open minded about.
As an artist and writer in the UT fandom, I’m extremely supportive of Monsters being genderless and presenting as they choose. Many have already expressed and explained it well enough that I don’t have to, but I wanted to make it clear that it applies to my content.
Treat others the way you wanted to be treated. Be respectful to others and to yourself, but don’t let your values dictate how you treat another human being.
To my fellow LGBTQIA’s, you are welcomed here and supported!
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thatheathen · 10 months
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boy-gender · 4 months
Thank you for posting some positivity finally. When I search 'trans men' all I see is people talking about how evil we are
every time i see one of those posts, i write 3 new posts about how much i love trans man, and i tag them with as many tags as i can physically fit on the post. lets drown that shit out!!!
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silent-scribbs · 1 year
I subscribe to lonely Wally
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I think I like Wally due to the sad 🤔 Like- Relating to the POTENTIAL isolation and mental health and existential dread 💜🧡💚 (thank you content warnings from Clown's site for what we can potentially expect lol)
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lover-of-skellies · 5 days
I have a sibling who's questioning their gender and may be a demi boy (maybe? I don't quite grasp demi genders yet, but I'm trying). They want to experiment with that and work up the confidence to tell our mom eventually, but our mom is.... not exactly very open to gender discussions
She acts like trans people are weirdos, and she's in the group of people who think they/them and neo pronouns are stupid, and. While I don't think she'd throw out my sibling or do anything super extreme like that, I can only do so much to be supportive here
I listen to my sibling, I let them talk about their gender stuff, and I ask questions and give feedback when they ask for it. There's a lot I don't get yet, but again, I'm trying ^^" does anyone have advice here, regarding any part of the situation? There's nothing that can be done as far as our mom goes, but my sibling and I are open to advice and encouragement and things
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Hey guys, I don't want to cause any sense of alarm but I want the TF2 transmasc community to be aware of this.
aprofessionalwithoutstandards, a popular(?) TF2 blogger, made a post with my acc's name and spoke about my bio DNI regarding people who deny transmasculine specific transphobia.
I did not consent to having my account name shared and have unfortunately already received some terfy anons.
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For those who don't know, transmisandry or transandrophobia is the specific type of transphobia experienced by trans men/ trans masculine people. I had that in my bio because it is unfortunately common for people in our community to not believe transmascs experience hardship when it comes to being trans.
It was very strange to see someone who is a part of a fandom with a lot of trans men/ mascs to say something like this. I liked his content and I know a lot of us do too, I want others to be aware of how she feels about the fellow fans he interacts with.
I was hoping that he didn't actually understand what the word meant. I sent him a DM to try to explain and to set boundaries about sharing my account name.
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I was really hoping it really was a misunderstanding and she might apologize for the name dropping... But he never responded and blocked me.
I know I'm not entitled to a response, but the anons keep coming.
I don't think it was a misunderstanding anymore. I don't want anybody else to have to find out the way I did.
So, transmasc-phobic behavior awareness post done?
If it was actually a mistake and they apologize, I'll delete this and apologize as well.
EDIT- I used the wrong pronouns by mistake, I believe the correct ones are (he/him) + (she/her). Sorry about that. I was also informed that he is transmasculine as well as being Bi-gender.
Trans people can also be transphobic. Just because you personally haven't experienced something doesn't mean it's not real.
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armoralor · 6 months
some folks are discussing fandom infighting, but I haven’t still seen any examples of wolfwren stans sending hate. I scrolled through every comment on the Ahsoka casts’ posts (yes all of them) and the only hate I saw was homophobia aimed at wolfwren.
does anyone have examples & links to wolfwren fans being toxic? so we as a community can block them + make sure they understand they aren’t welcome in the fandom? I have dozens of tangible examples of the vile hate people have sent to wolfwren stans (x x x) and a long list of transphobes/homophobes if anyone wants a block list.
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pansysworks · 2 months
Little thing I finally finished!
Warnings for vague homophobia, tranphobia, and religious trauma.
Do you remember the double doors leading into your paradise? Paradise, where you were liked and loved. Valued, even.
Do you remember the double doors, where the smiling faces met you? With a computer in hand and a name badge to match. Welcoming you to the music with the worship and the snacks
Do you remember the double doors, and the auditorium inside? With gaming systems and food, a bribery was made. Your time for their beliefs.
Do you remember the double doors? Do you remember what lied before them?Remember being shunned and being told love is a sin?
Do you remember those double doors once they no longer hid paradise? The daunting feeling of those doors could suffocate the strongest of men.
Do you remember the double doors that hid the cruelty of children? Ignorance for others that could only be taught by their elders.
Do you remember the day the double doors shut for you, when the house no longer felt like a home? When the cross no longer felt familiar?
Do you remember sinking, falling, dying, when the double doors came into view?
Do you remember the double doors, and how they had sealed shut for you?
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eve-pie · 8 days
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No context
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sweaty-confetti · 10 months
more support for detransitioners. understanding gender affirming care regrets is beneficial to all of us. it’s very easy for us trans people (including myself, i am not some perfect unbiased guy) to assume that all detransitioners are TERFs or transphobes but this is simply not true and also a self fulfilling prophecy.  
detransition is just as isolating of an experience as transition and in queer circles can be more so due to the knee-jerk reaction of many queer people to assume that detransitioners hate trans people or think that gender affirming care should be banned. thus they are shunned. but by assuming this, we inadvertently cause this to happen. there will always be detransitioners and we need to make room for them especially considering many/most are queer or still have a complex relationship with gender, not to mention that our community is built upon acceptance.
when trans and queer people shun detransitioners in fear that they’re terfs of transphobes, it offers an easy oppurtunity for terfs and transphobes to go, “those awful trans people, they’re small minded and then shun you. come join our ranks and we will liberate you from Gender Ideology™” and this hurts all of us.
it is not out of the question that detransitioners can be transphobic, but immediately assuming that they are harms queer people and other detransitioners. it’s an easy reaction and a mistake that i have worked hard to stop making, and i do not think it is an entirely unfair guess to make - but here is the important part - with reason. meeting someone who has detransitioned and immediately assuming that they are transphobic is dangerous. however obviously if they start spouting questionable conservative/transphobic nonsense that is a normal thing to assume. 
terfs/transphobes use detransitioners as a tool to blame the trans community, and many of us fall for it. in turn we use detransitioners as a tool to blame transphobes. the cycle needs to stop. 
TERFS, transphobes, etc. do not interact with this post. this is not a discourse post nor are you not welcome here. you will be blocked.
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nellygwyn · 5 months
I feel like I'm going insane reading all the terrible information coming out of the currently on-going trial of the alleged murderers of Brianna Ghey, a transgender teenager who was murdered here in the UK several months ago, some of the most bleak shit imaginable, allegations of months and months of attempts to poison Brianna (and then finally resorting to stabbing her multiple times), very explicit transphobia in a lot of the leaked transcripts (including Boy X, the male teenage alleged murderer, writing that he wanted to see if Brianna screamed like a man or a woman) juxtaposed against TERFs and general transphobes rushing like vultures to a rotting carcass to "correct" journalists who are using she/her pronouns for Brianna, turning themselves inside out to try and make excuses for murder (I know a lot of autistic people fyi, and they don't horrifically murder trans people or anyone lol), and making sure to remind everyone that the killing had nothing to do with transphobia (because it was never explictly charged as a hate crime), not at all, the alleged murderers of Brianna were just looking for some rando to kill. Like.....are you all collectively hallucinating a scenario where YOU look like the morally decent people in a situation where you are bending over backwards to diminish the brutal death of a 16 year old? Even if it could be proved 100% that transphobia played no part in Brianna's death, you still look like freaks. Seriously.
If you can even make the horrific murder of a teenager all about you and your foulness, you are very very sick.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
How do you stop caring about what transphobes think? I've never encountered any kind of transphobia irl (other than the typical misgendering and occasional ignorant comment) but every time I see hateful posts online I get scared. Are they going to come after me, next?
Honestly, it comes with experience, I think. I know it's scary, you're right, and there's no reason to be ashamed of being scared.
However, if what you want is to make your online experiences positive, you have to prioritize yourself. I used to be one of those people who almost bragged about "never blocking people," and now I have a block list a mile long because the block function is a tool, not a moral indication of being a Good Internet Person. Blacklist words, block accounts, go on private accounts, unfollow people if they stop sparking joy, and your internet experience will feel less like you're walking a tightrope and more like a positive interaction.
Additionally, I really encourage anybody ymto invest in themselves outside of anything else. What I mean by that is that it is so much easier to devalue trabsphobes when you feel at peace with yourself. Whenever I find myself overwhelmed by transphobia or whatever, the first thing I do is take a step back and do what I can to remove myself from that interaction. I've picked up a ton of hobbies, for instance, that make me feel fulfilled when I engage with them. I'll pluck my bass, or read a non-fictiob book, or play a video game, or play with my cat. Evaluate what in your life makes you feel fulfilled. Experiment with them, and go to them as a way to cleanse your soul. It won't fix everything, yes, but it can help you feel as though you have control, because you do.
Honour the way you feel, anon. You don't need to feel belittled - it sucks to see so much shit. However, you don't need to keep others in mind when you're living. You weren't made to kow tow to every little request.
Basically, my advice is:
Not to entertain people who aren't interested in seeing your humanity
Find a way to fulfill yourself. This could look like a hobby, or a field of study, or anything, so long as it makes you feel fulfilled.
Don't downplay your own emotions. Let yourself be angry, upset, sad, and whatever other emotion you have. Emotions are not bad, there are no such thing as "bad emotions". Give yourself the space to express those emotions in a way that's healthiest to you
This takes time. It's okay to not be at that point where it doesn't affect you strongly. Please reach out to people - friends, family, whomever you feel safe with. Community is important, you are not an island. You aren't alone.
I'm wishing you well, anon. I hope you are treated well
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eclipse15 · 18 days
I see lots of people discussing gender and sex based violence to queer people who have said they never experienced said sex or gender based violence, but that they knew of other people who have. Knew of, not knew personally. They often use it to argue either “transandrophobia is real” or “only transmisogyny is real”. Im not gonna give my stance in this post, that’s not the point. This is a very hard post as I am still struggling to absorb what happened as something that actually took place and something that happened to me. Please be patient if this doesn’t have enough details. As somebody who has been a victim of this violence, this is my experience.
Number one, my gender and sex: I’m afab, I’m not female. I’m intersex. My gender as a whole is multigender, so I am not TME or TMA. I also don’t pass as a man, or even as androgyne, at all. The only people that recognize my pronouns are those I’m friends with, and even then they don’t understand I’m multigender. I do not have male privilege
Number two, attempted murder: I’ve had an attempt on my life during a rape. He found out I didn’t have the body he wanted to violate, found out I was “one of those tranny kids” (he either didn’t know what intersex was or thought I had some surgery to look more masculine) and attempted to suffocate me. I was saved but never brought justice because the person who saved me was selling my body to other adults for money. I was scolded and told not to “do it again.”, as if I did anything at all. It’s very hard talking about this all because I’ve never told anyone, but I feel the need to get it off my chest and speak out. I’m the only part that remembers this (DID).
Number three: I have also been raped just because I “needed to be a woman”. When I was a little over 1 years old one of my first memories was having a large dildo inserted into me to expand my vagina. According to them, I needed to act more feminine and “training to accept a male” would help. I’m not gonna share too much of what happened because I’m still having trouble accepting this happened. I’m bringing it up because it was purely because of my sex and gender. It’s transgender and intersex based violence.
I hate myself because of what happened to me. I still think I deserved it then, and that I still deserve it now because it wasn’t successful. I feel so ashamed and can’t tell anyone. I’m only telling you all because I’m not a person on here, I’m a blog that sometimes spouts out words that seem like a person.
Please stop assuming somebody is safe from gender or sex based violence. Please stop assuming somebody has never been sexually assaulted or mistreated in any way. Please stop assuming somebody has never had an attempt on their life because of their gender and/or sex. Please stop using us as pawns in your community in fighting.
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janersm · 1 year
“Queer is a slur.”
This is something TERFs like to point out to members of the queer community. Telling queer people that a slur they’re reclaiming is a slur is an interesting choice. By interesting, I mean a complete waste of time because we already fucking know how bigots like to use it, and that’s why it’s being reclaimed. No one says you have to call yourself queer, but you don’t get to tell a queer person that they can’t. Boundaries are a thing and you’ve overstepped yours.
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bro why the fuck is understanding my gender locked behind reckoning with my traumatic childhood and the de-gendering & social masculinization i went though due to poverty and having to turn to masculinity/male social systems due to being rejected from girlhood at a young age and needed a social systems to protect myself from the consequences of being an autistic traumatized gifted student.
cant i just have a quick answer? a shortcut? without dredging all that up? without getting a PHD in gender-studies? please??
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softpine · 9 months
why am i getting so many more offensive anons than usual.... about the weirdest stuff too. i don't post any of them because then i wouldn't be able to block them (and it goes against my philosophy of just ignoring annoying people), but like... it's starting to piss me off
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