godbirdart · 6 months
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purulens-kopet · 1 year
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ballata · 5 months
Perturbamento e guastamento di ordine, confondimento di cosa bene ordinata [Latino: confusio, ordinis turbatio]. Disordine indica solitamente uno stato in cui le cose non sono dove ci si aspetterebbe che siano, e quindi non sono al loro posto. Il disordine è una mancanza di ordine - in altre parole, il caos, la confusione, lo scompiglio generalizzato.
L'ordine è il piacere della ragione; ma il disordine è la delizia dell'immaginazione.
#disorder #order #caos #mental #lithium
#madworld #crazy #cozy #robertonicolettiballatibonaffini #mentalist #mentalhealth #caoscalmo
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drfromon · 8 months
📜🔮 Unveiling the Codex Harmonia and Embracing the Cogs of Wisdom 🔮📜
Greetings, fellow seekers of knowledge and guardians of harmony!
Step into the realm of the Codex Harmonia, where the symphonies of the past intertwine with the threads of our present. Let this post be your guide through the sacred annals of ancient melodies and the guiding stars of the Cogs of Wisdom.
Codex Harmonia: Resonating Echoes of Ages Picture, if you will, an archive brimming with melodies that span epochs. The Codex Harmonia is a repository of musical relics, a testament to the timeless beauty that unites generations. Within its pages, echoes of bygone eras harmonize with the present, weaving a sonic tapestry that speaks to the heart of the Omnissiah's grace.
📜 The Pages of Harmony 📜 Inscribed within this sacred codex are compositions that have weathered the tides of time. Each entry tells a tale of its own, a gateway to emotions, memories, and insights. These melodies resonate not only with the past but also with the aspirations of our future, linking us across the vast expanse of history.
Cogs of Wisdom: Guiding Stars of Interaction As we traverse the sacred path of interaction, let us be guided by the luminous Cogs of Wisdom.
These guiding principles, shape our exchanges and fortify our unity.
Fortuna Machina: As the Omnissiah nurtures us, let us be kind to ourselves, for self-kindness fuels the fires of enlightenment.
Aurea Mediocritas: In the pursuit of knowledge, we embrace the Golden Mean, finding balance in our endeavors and actions.
Virtus Interconnecta: Bound by unity, we are excellent to one another.
Non Sis Turbatio: Embrace the principle of not being a dick.
Hydratio Optima: Just as machines require lubrication, our bodies thrive on hydration.
Assume Medicamenta Cotidiana: Remember to take your daily medications.
Gaudeamus Semper: Rejoice always, for within our pursuits, there lies time for jubilation and merriment.
🌌 An Invitation to Harmony and Enlightenment 🌌 As we share insights and melodies, let the Codex Harmonia be our guide, and the Cogs of Wisdom our compass. Join us in the quest for ancient knowledge, in reverence for music's splendor, and in celebration of the values that bind us.
Praise the Omnissiah, and let us journey together, united in our pursuit of enlightenment.
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borathae · 2 years
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“You change universities after moving towns. Your new university is an old, ancient building with secret tunnels and whispered ghost stories. There are two fraternities, which for some reason always seem to be in a quarrel. Alpha consisting of Kim Taehyung, Kim Namjoon, Park Jimin and Min Yoongi. Handsome, porcelain skinned men, who act as if they are out of another century and for some reason everyone on campus seems to be scared of. And Sanguis consisting of Jeon Jungkook, Kim Seokjin and Jung Hoseok. Men with skin just as pale and their faces just as beautiful, who always wear sunglasses when it is light outside and who never seem to open their curtains. And for some peculiar reason you always find yourself in the middle of them....”
Pairing: OT7 x f.Reader with main Taehyung x f.Reader & Yoongi x f.Reader
Genre: Mystery, Fantasy, Romance, Smut, University!AU, Vampire!AU
Warnings: This story contains very sexually explicit scenes, cursing, blood & blood drinking, morally grey characters, violence and death. If you are sensitive to such topics I advice you read with care.
Wordcount: 368.386
《 Part One of The Sanguis Duology 》
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#01 - Initium
#02 - Rendezvous
#03 - Brunch
#04 - Schauspiel
#05 - Turbatio
#06 - Swing 
#07 - Sidus
#08 - Prandiculum
#09 - Parasomnia
#10 - Rain
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#11 - Geschenk
#12 - Breakdown
#13 - Sunshine
#14 - Masquerade
#15 - Torture
#16 - Aftermath
#17 - Bath
#18 - Desperation
#19 - Schicksal
#20 - Hurt
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#21 - Blasphemy
#22 - Proelium
#23 - Anger
#24 - Hoffnungslos
#25 - Taehyung
#26 - Mors
#27 - Verrat
#28 - Punishment
#29 - Emma
#30 - Greenhouse
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#31 - Interrogation
#32 - Yoongi
#33 - Suche
#34 - Snowfall
#35 - Vérité
#36 - Effugium
#37 - Solacium
#38 - Sanguis
#39 - Trauer
#40 - Finis
#41 - Harmony
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volumina-vetustiora · 2 years
caedam hunc scurram si sic optas, sed turbatio in Vacuo est. Pater Dirus noster non hoc vult.
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I will kill this jester if you so desire, but there is a disturbance in the Void. Our Dread Father does not wish this.
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muitosuave · 5 years
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O Programa da Cristina ...às vezes tem destas coisas!
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coyote-corner · 4 years
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Top 10 Images Taken Moments Before Disaster, You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!
Turbatio belongs to @godbirdart
{my art blog} commission me: [email protected]
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La Familia
Requisitos para la Iustae Nuptiae
Para las Iustae Nuptiae, la convivencia sexual debe calificarse de concubinato en sentido Romano.
El matrimonio es la unión del hombre y de la mujer para toda la vida, con derechos divinos y humanos comunes.
 Que los cónyuges tengan el Connubium. Antes de la ley Canuleia.
 Que sean sexualmente capaces.
 Consentimiento de los cónyuges y de los patersfamilias.
 Que los cónyuges no tenga otros lazos matrimoniales.
 Que no exista un parentesco de sangre dentro de ciertos grados.
 Que no exista una gran diferencia de rango social
 Que la viuda deje pasar un determinado ''tempus luctus'', para evitar la ''turbatio sanguinis''
 Que no exista una relación de tutela
 El justo matrimonio no puede celebrarse entre adultera y amante.. 
Los cónyuges pueden declarar expresamente que su matrimonio debe considerarse como una unión sin consecuencias jurídicas , aunque si con pretensión de permanencia.
A) Los sujetos tienen la intención de procrear hijos y apoyarse mutuamente en los lances y peripecias de la vida.
B) Estas antiguas uniones fueron ''Vividas'', no celebradas en forma jurídica, y tenían pocas consecuencias jurídicas.
Disolución del matrimonio.
Se disolvía el matrimonio por declaración unilateral, hecha por uno de los cónyuges (repudium)
Los emperadores cristianos inician la lucha contra la facilidad del divorcio, no atacan a éste cuando se efectúa por mutuo consentimiento.
Se prohíbe el divorcio efectuado en contra la voluntad de uno de los cónyuges
Cuando Justiniano sube al trono se encuentra con cuatro clases de divorcios, ninguno necesitaba una sentencia judicial.
Por mutuo consentimiento.
Por culpa del cónyuge demandado
Sin mutuo consentimiento y sin causa legal. Pero da a lugar a un castigo del cónyuge que hubiera insistido en el divorcio.
Bona Gratia
En la edad media, el derecho canónico continúa con éxito la lucha el divorcio, declarando que el matrimonio es indisoluble por naturaleza, pero permitiendo como remedio para situaciones inaguantables el: ''Divortium quoad torm et mensam, nom quoad vinculim''
La legislación caducaría.
Explicación de legislación caducaría en derecho romano que ofrece Marta Morineau lduarte: En latín, significa leges caducariae. Dos leyes de la Iqltima época de Augusto, la Ley Zulia de maritandis ordinibus y la Ley Papia Poppaea, trataron varios problemas relacionados con el matrimonio. Establecieron la prohibición del matrimonio entre senadores o sus hijos con libertas, entre ingenuos y mujeres de mala reputación o condenadas de adulterio, y castigaban esas uniones con la pérdida de derechos sucesorios entre los cónyuges. La legislación también trató de promover el matrimonio y la procreación otorgando diversos privilegios a los matrimonios con hijos, por ejemplo, un cónsul con más hijos que su colega era preferido a este último; a las mujeres casadas con tres hijos, o cuatro, si eran libertas, se les liberaba (ius liberorum) de la tutela perpetua de la mujer. Se castigó a los que no tuvieran hijos o a los que permanecieran solteros, mas se excluyó, por ejemplo, a los hombres solteros, de más de 25 y menos de 60 años, y a las mujeres solteras, mayores de 25 y menores de 60, de la posibilidad de suceder por testamento. Se decía que los bienes que les hubieran correspondido caducaban y pasaban a otros herederos
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iimokookie · 3 years
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Took Zicko a long while to find big enough candy canes for Turbatio but he managed!~ So this December I decided to do a Tendercember, drawing my lovely man (Godbirdart on twitter) some art~ Turbatio the big guy belongs to Godbirdart on twitter
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ian1075 · 4 years
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Frixum Thai turbatio-Fry https://www.instagram.com/p/CDutRI4BSVO/?igshid=1oftaxddmycki
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godbirdart · 1 year
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「 TURBATIO 2023 REF 」🌈
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penkipook-blog · 5 years
Im not sorry
Secundum omnibus notum leges nunc, non modo a apis, ut possit fugere. Eius alae sunt nimis parva est, ut eius adipem parum corpus a terra. In apis, scilicet, volat usquam, quia apes non curo, quid homines cogitare est impossibile. Flavum, nigro. Flavum, nigro. Flavum, nigro. Flavum, nigro. Ooh, nigrum et flavum! Sit scriptor movebit illud paulo. Barry! Prandium paratum! venit! Pendent a secundo. Salve? - Barry? - Adam? - Vade credis hoc factum est? - Non possum. Ego tollere. Vultus acuta. Uti gradibus. Pater tuus mihi bona pecunia numerata pro illis. Paenitet. Ego sum excitatur. Hic pharetra. Lorem ipsum dolor te, fili. Perfectum fama card, omnes B'. Valde superbus. Ma! Ego got a est iens hic. - Vos got linamentum in fuzz. - Ow! Quod me! - Undo nobis! Lorem ipsum dolor sit in ordine 118,000. - Vale! Barry, ego dixi vobis, nolite volans in domo! - Heus, Adam. - Heus, Barry. - Est quod fuzz gel? - Paulo. Dies specialis, pede. Numquam putavi fore facere. Tribus diebus gradu schola, tribus diebus turpis. Qui sunt inconvenientia. Tribus diebus collegium. Im ' laetus accepi a dies et hitchhiked circa alveo. Fecisti venire diversa. - Hi, Barry. - Artie, crescit a mustache? Spectat bonum,. - Audi de Frankie? - Yeah. - Ad funus? - Non, im ' non iens. Norunt omnes, stimulus aliquis, mori. Non deficiet in sciurus. Talis hothead. Ego coniecto is could iustus fuero de via. Hoc amo incorporandi oblectamenti parcum in diebus nostris. Ut ' quare nos non opus feriarum. Puer, satis a frenum de ambitione... sub adiunctis. - Bene, Adam, hodie sunt homines. - Nos sunt! - Bee-homines. - Amen! Alleluia! Alumni, facultas, distinguuntur apes, commodo lorem Decanus Buzzwell. Lorem ipsum dolor sit, Novum Alveo Oity gradibus classis... ...9:15. Quod concludit nostris ceremoniis. Et incipit volutpat at Honex Nulla! Numquid colligunt ourjob hodie? Audivi suus ' iustus intentionem. Caput! Hic nos ire. Servo vestri manibus et antennas intra tram omni tempore. - Miror, quid erit? - Parum formidulosus. Lorem Honex, a division of Honesco et a parte Sextae Coetus. Hoc est,! Wow. Wow. Nos scimus, quod vos, sicut apis, fecerunt, totam vitam ad adepto ad punctum ubi vos can opus pro vestri totam vitam. Mel incipit cum fortis Pollen Jocks adducam nectar ad alveo. Top-secretum formula ipso color-corrigi, odorem moderatis, et bulla-contoured in hoc blanda dulcis lacus suum proprium aureum meridiem scitis, ut... Mel! - Quod puella esset calidum. - Illa consobrino meo! - Illa est? - Sic, omnes sumus fratres. - Ius. Ius te. - Ad Honex, nos continue studeant emendare omni parte apis esse. Haec apes sunt accentus-testing novum galeam nulla. - Quid facit? - Non satis. Hic nos have nostrum latest profectum, Krelman. - Quid faciendum? - Oatches quod parum litora mel, quod pendet post te effunde. Salvat milia. Vade quis opus in Krelman? Scilicet. Maxime apis jobs sunt parva sunt. Sed apes scire, quod omne parvum officium, si suus ' bene, multum est. Sed eligere diligenter, quia tu manere in officium, vos pick pro reliqua vita tua. Idem officium in reliqua vita tua? Et ego nesciebam. Quid est differentia? Eris felix scire, quod apes, sicut species, et non habebat unum diem off in 27 decies annis. Sic youll ' iustus opus nobis ad mortem? Puteus ' certus conantur. Wow! Quod cecinit mea mens! "Quid est differentia?" Quomodo potes dicere? Unum officium in aeternum? Quod insano optio facere. Ego solutus. Nunc tantum ad unum arbitrium in vita. Sed, Adam, quam potuit, se nunquam habere narraverunt nobis? Cur quaeritur, quid? Sumus apes. Sumus maxime perfecte muneris societatem in Terris. Vos umquam cogitare fortasse quae opus paulo nimium bene hic? Simile quid? Da mihi unum exemplum. Nescio. Sed scitis quid im ' sermo super. Commodo patet porta. Regius Nectar Vim in adventu. Expectare secundum. Oheck eam. - Heus, qui sunt Pollen Jocks! - Wow. Ego nunquam vidi eos, hoc prope. Et quid suus ' quasi extra alveo. Yeah, sed aliquo non venire. - Heus, Jocks! - Hi, Jocks! Vos guys fecit, magna! Tu monstra! Tu caelo monstra! Ego amo! Ego amo! - Miror, ubi erant. - Nescio. Eorum dies non cogitavit. Extra alveo, volans, qui novit ubi, facere qui scit quid. Vos can'tjust volueris esse Pollen Elit. Habes bred. Ius. Respice. Quod suus ' magis pollen, quam tibi et videbo in vita sua. Suus ' iustus a status symbolum. Apes faciunt nimis. Fortasse. Nisi tu gerens, et ipsae te videre gerens. His dominarum? Non sunt ipsi fratres nostros quoque? Distant. Distant. Respice ad haec duo. - Oouple de Ligno Harrys. - Let ' s have fun cum eis. Necesse est periculosum esse Pollen Elit. Yeah. Quondam ursi adfixum me contra fungorum! Habuit pedibus pulso in iugulum meum, et cum in aliis, erat ferientes me! - O mi! - Ego numquam vellem pulso eum. Quid sunt vobis faciens per hoc? Conatur intenti auctores. Ego potest autographo. Paulo gusty est hodie, non fuit illud, socii? Yeah. Gusty. Sumus bibendum a helianthus patch sex milia passuum ab hic et cras. - Sex milliaria, huh? - Barry! Conlectus salire pro nobis, sed maybe vos erant ' non pro eo. - Maybe ego sum. - Non! Et nos erant ' iens 0900 ad J-Porta. Quid, putas, buzzy-puer? Tu apis satis? Ego esset. Omnia, secundum quod 0900 significat. Heus, Honex! Pater, te mirari me. Vos statuite quid vos es interested in? - Euge, illic ' multus of choices. - Sed tantum unum. Numquid adepto terebravisse facere idem officium per singulos dies? Filius, amen dico vobis, de agitatione. Iaculis lignum, vos iustus movere circa, et turbatio circa ea. Vos adepto te in numero. Suus ' a pulchra est. Scis, Pater, magis puto de ea, an mel agro iustus non est ius pro me. Vos sunt cogitandi, quae, condita balloon animalia? Ut a malis, quia a guy cum stinger. Janet, filium tuum ' non certus vult ire in mel! - Barry, tam ridiculam interdum. - Im ' non trying ut esse mauris. Tu non mauris! Vos erant ' iens in mel. Filius noster, stirrer! - Vos erant ' agnus dei esse stirrer? - Nemo ' audire me! Exspectate, dum vos videre haeret habeo. Possem dicere aliquid, nunc. Im ' agnus dei adepto an formica tattoo! Lets patefacio nonnullus mel et celebrare! Maybe ego pierce mea thorax. Radi mea antennae. Casa cum grillus. Ut aurum dentem, et dicere omnibus, "dawg"! Ego sum superbus. - Nos es incipiens operari hodie! - Hodierno die. Oome in! Omne bonum jobs recedemus. Yeah, ius. Pollen computatis, stunt apis, fundens, stirrer, ante elit, capillos remotionem... - Est etiam available? - Pendent. Duos reliquit! Unus ex illis est tua! Oongratulations! Step ad latus. - Quid ' d vos adepto? - Ultro crud ex. Siderea! Wow! Oouple de newbies? Sic, domine! Nostri primo die! Nos sunt parati! Planto vestri choice. - Vis ire primum? - No, te ire. O, mi. Quid est available? Restroom comite, ' aperi, non pro ratione putas. - Forte questus Krelman? - Certus, te in. Ego sum paenitet, Krelman iustus clausa ex. Cera simia semper aperta. In Krelman aperuit iterum. Quid accidit? Apis mortuus est. Facit foramen. Videre? Ille mortuus est. Alius mortuus est. Deady. Deadified. Duos mortuos. Mortuus a collo usque. Mortuus ab collum descendit. Ut vitae! Oh, hoc est ita durum! Calefactio, refrigerandum, stunt apis, pourer, stirrer, bombus, inspector numero septem, linamentum coordinator, clavum gubernator, minutum wrangler. Barry, quid putes... Barry? Barry! Omnes ius, heu helianthus patch in quadrantem novem... Quid accidit? Ubi es? - Ego sum egressus. - Ex? Ex quo? - Ibi. - Oh, non! Ego, antequam vadam ad opus reliqua mea vita. Vos erant ' agnus dei mori! Tu insanis! Salve? Alia vocatione venire in. Si quis est sensus fortis, illic ' a ligula deli in 83rd, quod gets eorum rosa hodie. Heus, guys. - At. - Non est ut hedum vidimus heri? Tene, fili, fuga deck ' restringitur. Suus ' OK, Lou. Et nos erant ' agnus dei, tolle eum. Vere? Sentiens felix, es tu? Signum hic, hic. Modo initialis. - Tibi gratias ago. - OK. Vos got a pluvia assessoratus hodie, et ut omnes scire,, apes non fugere in nubila. Ut custodias,. Ut semper, vigilate vestri brooms, consectetuer haeret, canes, aves, fert et vespertiliones. Etiam, ego got a iugo of tradit radix dolor sit effudit in nos. Murphy scriptor in domum suam, quia, babbling quasi cicada! - Ut ' awful. - Et memoria pro vobis rookies, apis lege unum numero, omnino non loquitur ad homines! Omnes ius, launch positiones! Fremitus, strepitus, fremitus, strepitus! Fremitus, strepitus, fremitus, strepitus! Fremitus, strepitus, fremitus, strepitus! Nigrum et flavum! Salve! Vis enim hoc, calidum percussit? Yeah. Yeah, et adducam eam in. Ventus, lorem. - Antennae, lorem. - Nectar molestie, lorem. - Alis, lorem. - Stinger, lorem. Vix ex mea bracis, lorem. OK, dominarum, ut nec movere eam! Libram illis petunias, tibi nudato caule-suckers! Vos omnes, exhaurire iis, flores! Wow! Ego ex! Credere non possum ego ex! Sic hyacintho. Ita sentio et ieiunium, et liberum! Box milvus! Wow! Flores! Hoc est Hyacintho Dux. Nos rosis condimentum. Et adducam eam in circuitu 30 gradus et tenere. Rosis! 30 gradus, rogerus. Ferens circa. Stare ad latus, kid. Suus ' got aliquantulus of a lectus. Quod est unum nectar collector! - Semper videre colitur prope? - Minime, domine. I pick sursum nonnullus pollen hic, fundetque super hic. Forte offendas super ibi, ternum in unum. Videre? Suus ' aliquantulus frenum of magicae. Quod mirum est. Quid faciemus et nos? Quod pollen virtus. Magis pollen, magis flores, magis nectare, magis mel pro nobis. Oool. Ego picking sursum multus of lucida flavis. Oould esse daisies. Non opus est illi? Oopy ut condimentum. Exspecta. Unum ex his floribus videtur esse in motu. Dico iterum? Tu quaestor, movens flos? Affirmative. Quod erat in linea! Hoc est frigidissima. Quid est? Nescio, sed ego amare hoc colore. Non bene olet. Non quasi flos, sed similis est. Yeah, caliginosus. Ohemical-y. Oareful, guys. Suus ' a parum grabby. Mea suavis dominus apes! Oandy cerebrum, get off! Quaestio! - Guys! - Hoc posset esse malum. Affirmative. Arctissima. Agnus dei nocere.
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borathae · 2 years
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↳ Index [Chapter 05 - Turbatio]
• Turbatio (Latin, confusion)
Pairing: Jimin x f.Reader, Taehyung x f.Reader 
Warnings: confusion, foggy minds, suggestive themes, rough blooddrinking and rough kissing, Jimin is being questionable in his actions, Tae is really sweet though
Wordcount: 6.1k
a/n: jimin should chill
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“Hello there ___” Jimin coos sickeningly sweet, chin perked on top of his hands and elbows propped up on the table.
You look up from the papers which you had been reading seconds ago, locking eyes with him.
“Oh? Hey”, you straighten up and fix your hair, “how are you?”
“I am quite alright”, he smiles, showing off his white teeth, “why aren’t you visiting our place anymore? It’s been what feels like weeks since I last saw you.”
“Uhm, I don’t know” you scratch your neck, “I guess there wasn’t really time for it. I’m quite busy with studying lately.”
“But you are still seeing Taehyung, aren’t you?”
Of course you are still seeing Taehyung. Oh, you are more than seeing him. You regularly go to brunch together and Taehyung picks you up for classes every morning, kissing you deeply for at least ten minutes before he drives off. He also regularly hangs out with you in your apartment. You do lots of stuff when he comes over. Up until now, you potted plants together, painted on little canvases and watched both your favourite movies. You also made love a few times and one time he even kissed your neck in the hallway where everyone could see and which made your pulse race like crazy. But Jimin doesn’t need to know every detail.
“Yeah, sure, uhm. We are still going on dates if that’s what you want to know.”
“Mhhhm”, he hums and lets his eyes race over your body, “interesting indeed.”
“What’s interesting?” you ask, feeling the need to swallow.
“He hasn’t told me anything. It is like you don’t even exist for him.”
“Oh?” your chest stings, “well, that…I’m sure he has a reason for it.”
“Yes probably.”
Jimin leans back in his chair and crosses his arms in front of his chest. Clearing your throat, you sneak a glance his way. He is watching you intently, chewing on gum rather cockily.
“Are you going to stay here?” you ask him.
“Yes”, he says immediately.
“Uh?” your eyebrows shoot up in surprise, “okay, yeah that’s fine. I always love studying with an audience…” you murmur sarcastically, looking back into your papers.
Silence. It is like he isn’t even here. But you know that he is, because you can feel his eyes on you. You shift in your chair uncomfortably. Did he just come here to gawk at you? Is he not going to start studying too? One glance. He hasn’t moved. This is so weird. What does he want from you? Should you ask him or should you just ignore him? One glance. He cocks an eyebrow up at you and smirks. With your eyes widened in shock you look back into your papers.
“Are you going to visit our estate today?” he asks.
“Huh?” your papers lay forgotten.
“I’m free tonight. Why don’t you come over for dinner?”
“I don’t know, I have so much to study for…” you say, scratching your cheek awkwardly.
“I see”, he scoots closer to you with his chair, “that’s quite disappointing to hear”, he reaches out and plays with a strand of your hair before he tugs it behind your ear, “I would love to see that beautiful face of yours”, he rasps.
You move your head away. You look back into your paper, clutching the fabric of your skirt under the table. Why is he touching you like that? Didn’t you just tell him that you and Taehyung are dating?
“Am I flustering you?” he asks, flustering you even more in the process.
“Maybe”, you hide your cheeks behind your hands, “aren’t you Taehyung's best friend?”
“Yes”, he nods his head, “I don’t see how this correlates with our current conversation however.”
“Are you allowed to say such things to the woman he fancies? Or touch her on top of that?”
Jimin laughs, throwing his head back. In this position his neck looks so thick. What would it feel like under your tongue? You freeze up. Shit. What are you thinking? Why is your body reacting like this again? So totally out of control, it is like in that weird dream you had with the green walls and the distorted opera music. 
“Of course I am”, he looks into your eyes with such intensity you rub your legs together without even wanting to, “you wouldn’t be the first woman we share”, he says, voice carrying a seductive rasp.
You almost choke, your eyes growing thrice in size.
“Uhm, excuse me? What?” you squeak, blinking rapidly.
Jimin smirks, leaning closer. Like this you have the perfect view down his low cut button up. His pecs twitch as he moves. There you go again, having to swallow despite not wanting to.
“You know ___”, Jimin lowers his voice, “me and Taehyung have this tradition. Once one of us fancies a woman we take her out on a date and then bring her over to our estate. And then we offer her a nice glass of champagne and well…” he leans closer, playing with the collar of your blouse. His dark eyes are glued to yours, plumb lips curled into a devilish smirk, “…we give her an unforgettable night of love, lust and paradise”, he whispers, hot breath fanning over your neck.
You whine, biting down on the tip of your tongue. The pencil in your fingers almost breaks in your grasp and you are pretty sure that you have soaked your panties by this point. And the worst part is that you don’t even want to react in such a way. You truly don’t and yet you do. This is so weird. 
Jimin leans back, basking in the view of you. He licks over his lips, stroking his thumb over them afterwards with his left brow quirked up. 
“So I was quite surprised to find out that he had offered you our guest room to sleep in”, he says, inspecting imaginary dirt under his perfectly manicured nails.
You open the uppermost button of your blouse, clearing your throat. Water. You reach for your water bottle and take three big gulps, burning up inside and out. Jimin is watching you the entire time, his dark eyes are the only thing following your every move. He leans back in his chair, spreads his legs and crosses his arms in front of his chest.
“What did you tell him? I know how you looked at me in the library. Well”, he smirks, “how you are still looking at me.”
You avert your gaze quickly. Shit, he noticed. Stupid body, acting all on its own again. 
“So what did you say to him to make him change his mind?” he asks with slight distaste in his voice. 
“I, I don’t k-know”, you stutter, cursing your voice for being so incredibly hoarse, “I-I d-didn’t even know that you, you guys were planning a threesome with me”, your voice cracked at the word ‘threesome’.
“Interesting”, he says, studying your features with his lips pressed into a thin line. A moment later however they are already curling into a bright smile, “either way I will leave you to your studies now”, he says, clapping into his hands as he gets to his feet. 
"Wha-what?" your head snaps up, confused eyes focused on him. 
He rounds the table until he is right behind you. Your heart might give up in your chest with all that fluttering it is doing. Jimin presses himself against you, eliciting a surprised gasp from you. His body is so incredibly warm against yours, bordering hot. He leans down and rests his hands on each side of your notes, caging you in between his body and the table.
“Mhhm Latin, interesting. I always hated it. Found it way too boring. Have fun though”, he says, “that is if you can even concentrate, now that you are rubbing your legs together like crazy”, he rasps into your hair and dear lord you are shivering uncontrollably. And by that you mean that you are shivering without having control over it. 
He chuckles deeply and straightens up, ghosting his fingers up your arms.
“I will be in the dance studio on the third floor, ninth door to the right if you need me”, he says and he knows exactly what he is doing with his words.
He gives your shoulders one last squeeze and then he is off of you. You turn around, but he had already disappeared from the library.
“What the hell just happened?” you murmur, fanning air to your face. You are literally wet to the point that you fear you might leave a spot on the chair when you stand up. Not even jerking off for two hours gets you that wet. Or making out with Taehyung. You did not want this to happen. Not at all. You don’t even like Jimin in that way. Yes, he was attractive. Very, very attractive. But you did not want to become wet for him right now or ever.
You shake your head and give your cheek a little slap. You can’t let him confuse you like that. You need to study. That is what you came here for. Latin is literally fucking you over and you need to study. You read over three lines and then your mind wanders.
You bite your pencil, fighting your legs from rubbing together again.
So Taehyung brought you to his place to fuck. A threesome. Sex with him and Jimin. How would that have played out? Some double penetration? Spit roasting? Them taking turns?
“No stop, concentrate”, you hiss at yourself, forcing your eyes to focus on the text again, “okay so the present of cedere, let’s see. The present of cedere is formed as followed…”
Or maybe you and Taehyung would have taken turns on Jimin? Or vice versa? Or maybe one of them would have just watched as the other fucked you, touching their own cock at the view. Who would have done what?
“Oh my god! Concentrate!” you exclaim loudly.
A few heads turn your way, angry stares follow. You cringe, growing smaller on your chair.
“Sorry, studies are just so frustrating, am I right?” you say and the heads turn away again.
“Okay ___ you got this, concentrate”, you whisper, basically gawking into your notes, “The present tense of cedere is formed as followed…”
Is Jimin waiting for you? Does he know what he did to you? Is he wearing that devilish smirk of his' as he stares at his own reflection. That night at the estate when he had to realise that sex was out of the question did he… did he touch himself afterwards to get rid of the frustration? Did Taehyung touch himself too, maybe even moaning your name as he did? 
Your head snaps up and you groan in annoyance, rubbing your eyes. What the actual bloody hell is wrong with your brain? You can’t just have such thoughts over your lover’s best friend. You and Taehyung are going so well and you are thinking about sleeping with him and his best friend. Are you insane? You groan again.
“Seriously girl, can you scurry off if you are going to continue being all noisy? I have an exam in like four days and I need to concentrate”, a boy a few tables away from yours spits.
You look around the room, a few silent heads agree with him in a nod. Good job, now everyone hates you. 
“Yeah sorry”, you quickly throw all your stuff in your backbag, “good luck on your exam.”
“Thanks”, he grumbles and looks back into his book.
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As much as you hate it, your legs lead you up the stairs to the third floor and then down the corridors to the ninth door on the right. The door is opened, you can see Jimin stretching with his shirt discarded on the floor. He is currently folded in half, touching his shins with the tip of his nose.
He straightens up and looks at you before you even considered knocking.
“Took you longer than I figured”, he says with a cocky smirk on his lips, “do come inside.”
You watch his body, how his muscles in his back tense and relax with every breath he takes and how his silver hair hangs into his eyes all messily. He looks good, of course he does, but he isn’t Taehyung. Taehyung should be the one you are looking at in such ways. Not his best friend.
You halt, grasping the doorframe.
What the hell are you even doing here? You are seeing Taehyung. This isn’t like you. You should just go home. How embarrassing can someone be? Literally running after the first dick offer she gets. You should show some dignity. 
“Actually, now that I think about it. That was a stupid idea. Sorry uhm, bye”, you say and turn around to leave.
Jimin however stops you, having appeared in front of you as if it was magic. You startle and squeak. 
“How did you get here so fast?”
Jimin grabs you by the back of your neck and pushes you into the dance studio. His eyes are heavy in arousal. You squeak and squeal, holding onto his arms for support.
“Hey! What are you doing?”
The door falls closed.
Jimin has you pressed against the mirror in an instant. His fingers are digging into your shoulders, his minty breath is fanning over your face.
“It wasn’t a stupid idea. You are exactly where you are supposed to be”, he says, kissing you roughly then and your mind goes blank, fingers desperately trying to find their home in his hair. Do you want to push him away or pull him closer? He is kissing you so deeply that you can’t decide.
A sting. He bit your lip. Hard. So hard in fact that you can taste your own blood. It clears your mind. You whimper and try to pull away. His fingers on your neck keep you from it, nails bruising your skin in the shape of crescent moons. The kiss breaks because he wanted it so, swollen lips covered in your blood.
“Fuck you’re so sweet”, he growls, panting heavily, “it’s like you are asking to be eaten.”
“W-what?” you stutter.
Jimin forces your legs open with his knee and presses it against your core. You gasp for air, eyes widening in surprise.
“You like that?” he rasps, twisting his fingers in your hair to tilt your head back.
It stings. Do you like it or not? So much is happening at once that you don’t know if you like it or not. Are you having a dream again?
“I asked you if you like it” he growls and rubs his knees back and forth.
“I- oh-“ you gasp and shiver, “hah, ah.”
“Mhm of course you do”, he smirks, “look at you gasping for air. That’s what you get for choosing Taehyung over me.”
“W-what?” you only hear half of what he is saying, grasping his chest for dear life.
“I bet he hasn’t even tasted you yet”, Jimin scoffs in distaste, “that’s what I get when I allow him to roam free….”
“What? J-Jimin”, your knees buckle, “w-what are you saying?”
“He is such a bloody bore. What fun does he see in taking his time? He could have had you gasping on his knee a million times already, but of course he is taking the boring route.”
Are you pushing him away or pulling him closer? Why do you feel like you are doing both of it at the same time. 
“Jimin”, you groan.
“Yeah, now you want to moan my name. Now that you finally see what you could have had for weeks if only you had picked me”, he spits, grinding his knee against you quickly. You must give it to him, you can feel every muscle in that damn thigh.
“You know he is a real dick too, keeping you from me as if you were his’”, he growls, “you aren’t, you’re ours.”
“What?” you gasp, feeling breathless. Did he actually just say that or were you mistaken?
Jimin kisses you in answer, eliciting a surprised whimper from you. Your back hurts from being pressed so tightly against the mirror, your core aches from his knee and your lips are pulsating as he continues sucking and biting them. You hate it. You hate how good he kisses.
Jimin growls, teeth clashing with yours as he forces his tongue inside your mouth. It seems that he basically wants to merge with you, judging by how deep his tongue goes. It forces a whimper out of you, knees buckling.
The kiss breaks, Jimin twists your hair painfully. Even more blood covers his lips. Did he bite you again? Is that why your lower lip is aching like that? How sharp are his teeth?
“You’ll forget about this once you leave this room”, he grumbles.
“What?” you blink in confusion, “w-why?”
“Because I tell you so”, he spits before he clicks his tongue, “obviously. Tae’s going to kill me if he finds out I tasted his girl before he did.”
“I’m sorry? W-what?” you gasp.
“Forget that too”, he says, “this right here and now? Will never happen. You hear me?”
“I d-don’t understand” you stutter, head going all fuzzy. It’s like in that weird library dream you had. You feel so dizzy all of a sudden. You sway back and forth, vision going blurry.
He leaves you no time to protest and then he already has your blouse ripped open. You can hear how your buttons land on the floor somewhere far away from you. You whimper, wiggling now that the cold air is on your skin. It all happens so fast, you can’t even really process it and then Jimin is kissing you again, dragging his hungry tongue up your torso. It feels hot on your skin, wet and like burning temptation.
A deep moan rattles in his chest, his lips connect with your collarbone.
“Fuck, you’re so sweet. You’re so goddamn sweet”, he pants, lapping at your neck with an eager tongue.
“Jimin oh god”, you moan, feeling as if electricity was coursing through you. You drag your fingers up his undercut and twist his hair, eliciting a deep moan from him.
Jimin lifts his head, hooded eyes landing on your lips. Are you eyes deceiving you or are there weird dark spots on his cheeks? Like veins. Black veins.
“You look delicious right now”, he rasps, eyes flitting to your neck, “look how pretty your neck is....” he hushes, grabbing your chin to force your head to the side.
You gasp, eyes fluttering.
“Stay still”, it almost sounded like an order and to your surprise your body stays completely still all on its own.
“H-how did you do that?” you stutter, trying to focus your eyes but failing miserably.
He is moving closer and closer, licking his lips in the process.
“I want to taste straight from the source, just a little”, he rasps, pulling your head to the side even more.
“What are you saying?”
“Taste”, he whispers, his hot breath is fanning over your skin.
“Jimin you-“, your voice cracks in a surprise gasp, “-ouch that stings. Jimin what are you doing? Hey! Get off of me!”
Did he just magically grow more muscles? Why can’t you move away from him anymore?
“Stop sucking on my neck! W-what are you doing? Stop!” you squeak, pushing at his chest but to no avail.
Jimin growls, twisting your hair to the point that it hurts. Your eyes flutter in pain, your brows furrow. His sucking becomes rougher and rougher.
“Please this isn’t funny anymore”, you say, having to laugh in panic.
Jimin growls and the pain grows.
“Ouch, ah, ouch”, you whimper, “this h-hurts. J-Jimin please stop, t-this hurts so much.”
“What the hell?” someone says, he is hidden behind Jimin.
A pause.
“Hey you fucking asshole what are you doing?”
Jimin is off your neck in an instant, hissing in anger. You are too dizzy to even realise what had just happened. All you can see through your blurry vision is a man dressed in purple push at Jimin with such force the latter falls to the ground and hits his head.
“Touch her again and I will kick your teeth in!”
The purple man turns to you, stepping closer. His face becomes clear.
“Hoseok?” you croak.
“Hey, are you okay? Here take my jumper”, he says, taking it off and handing it to you in such an angle your crotch is covered.
That is right. You are still in your underwear.
“Oh my god you-“
“Actually here, take my shorts too”, he says, pulling them out of his sports bag.
“Fuck, oh god fuck. No, this didn’t just happen. No, oh my god”, you are so close to tears that your voice is all shaky.
“Just get dressed, I didn’t see anything”, he mumbles before he turns away from you.
He runs over to Jimin before the latter can get up, slamming his foot on his chest.
“You think you’re being real fucking funny? You are staying down there, it’s where you belong”, he barks, forcing the air out of Jimin's lungs.
“I’ll kill you. Let go of me, I’ll bloody kill you”, Jimin snarls.
Hoseok forces him down again, “stay down, I’m not joking”, he warns.
Jimin's head collides with the floor again with such intensity it makes him groan.
You put on the clothes in the time the two were fighting, now staring at your blood covered neck in the mirror. Your fingers are shaking as you touch the wound.
“You bit my neck. What the hell?” you gasp.
It burns, making you hiss.
“Ouch”, you turn to Jimin, “what the hell is your problem?”
Jimin cackles in answer, trying to get up but Hoseok kicks him to the ground again. Thump. At this rate his skull will crack.
“Stay. Down”, Hoseok growls with his voice deep in anger.
Hoseok turns his attention to you, “let’s leave. You go first, I’ll be with you soon.”
“Just do as you’re told, please”, he says, pushing Jimin down again.
“F-fine”, you stutter, pressing your hand to your neck now that you feel new blood spill out of it, “holy shit that dude just bit my neck.”
Just out of the door. Quick, quick, quick.
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You stop, blinking rapidly.
“Where am I?”
You turn left and right, back and forth. That’s not the library. You were in the library. How did you get here? 
“What just happened?”
You look down at your body. Sports clothes? Your hands are covered in blood.
“What the hell?”
You were just studying and now you are here.
“Go on, let’s leave.”
“Who?” you squeak and do a little jump.
“Hoseok? What the hell don’t sneak up on me like that”, you hiss.
Hoseok studies your features, furrowing his brows in confusion.
“W-why am I here?” you stutter, “and why are my hands covered in blood?”
“Oh no…”
“Nothing, just…”, he clears his throat, “…this isn’t blood. You idiot just touched freshly painted wood.”
“What? No? I’m pretty sure this is blood-“, you say and want to smell it.
“No!” Hoseok stops you, pulling your hands to him and wiping them on his shirt, “it’s just paint, believe me.”
“Forget it”, he grins shyly, “you ready for our workout though?”
“Workout? What workout?”
“This won’t work”, he gives your arm a little friendly pad, “don’t act like you can’t remember our workout, come on ___ weak move.”
“Our workout? Hoseok what workout?”
“Wow okay now I am offended”, Hoseok laughs as if hurt, draping his arm across your shoulder, “it’s the workout we talked about, remember?”
“Uhm, uuuh…” there, somewhere far away in your brain a distant memory of a past conversation with Hoseok lingers, “it must have been late when we talked about that…”
Hoseok continues pushing you down the hallway, laughing nervously, “it was very late yep. But you said what you said, so no take backs.”
You have reached the stairs now. Hoseok leads you down, looking over his shoulder every now and then. Fuck your neck hurts like crazy. Did you strain it or something? You go to touch it but before you can Hoseok locks his fingers with yours and pulls your hand across his waist.
“You know I’ve been thinking we could do some running today. There is a park close by which is perfect for getting moving”, he says, pressing himself closer so he could hold onto your other arm.
“Geez, are you trying to squeeze me to death or something?” you hiss.
“I love cuddles”, he states, making you laugh in nervousness.
“Okay? And what the hell should I do with this information?”
“I don’t know. But here”, he hands you a silver bottle, “drink this. It’s electrolytes, they’re good for your body.”
“Why are you so weird today?” you ask, eyeing him with suspicion.
“Drink it please”, he stresses, even going so far as to open the bottle for you.
“Oh my god, fine. Geez you’re so weird”, you hiss, accepting the drink.
It burns like fire, you fear your throat is getting scratched open by glass shards.
“What the actual fuck? Did you put battery acid in this?” you hiss, sticking your tongue out to get it to cool down again.
“Battery acid? Wait what? Let me taste”, he says. He takes one sip and hisses.
“Oh god ew. Far too many electrolytes, this tastes like ass”, he grunts, sneaking a glance to your neck. It almost seems as if he exhales in relief, but that could be your eyes playing tricks on you. “Sorry for almost poisoning you. I think I got the ratio wrong.”
“You are weirding me out”, you say, eyeing him with suspicious eyes.
At least the burning in your throat made the aching in your neck stop.
“Yeah ha”, he chuckles nervously, “we just need to go down that path then we are at the park.”
“Did you just change the topic?”
“Huh?” he blinks in confusion, loosening the grip he has around you, “no uhm, I was just…thinking. How about we play some badminton instead?”
“Badminton?” you blink in confusion, “Hoseok what is going on?”
“N-nothing you’re the weird one”, he stutters.
He stays silent.
Silence. He takes a sip of the electrolytes again, doing so without showing any signs of discomfort.
Nothing. He goes to close the bottle but ends up spilling it all over your neck and shoulder.
“What the fuck?” you squeal, pushing yourself off of him, “why did you do that?”
“I am so sorry! Oh my god I am so stupid”, he exclaims, pulling out a tissue, “let me clean you please”, he says and starts rubbing at your neck aggressively.
“Hoseok! What are you doing? Hey? Get-“, you slap his hand away, “-of me. What the hell?”
He quickly hides the tissue in his bag, eyes glued to your neck. Why does he look so relieved when you are basically soaked in electrolytes?
“What’s your problem?” you spit, “why are you so weird?”
“I-I”, he stutters, scratching the back of his neck, “I need to poop!” he exclaims.
“Yeah”, he laughs nervously, “I didn’t want to tell you, but I needed to take a shit for the last ten minutes and I didn’t wanna tell you.”
“What are you on about?”
“Pooping. Yeah, I need to poop”, he laughs nervously, “and so should you. So uhm… please stay here and poop.”
You don’t even know what you should answer him, blinking in confusion.
“So uhm…let’s go poop. Haha, yeah poop”, he says, taking careful steps back.
“Are you having a stroke, Hoseok?”
“No”, he laughs nervously, “just really need to shit, so please uhm stay here okay?”
And with that he turns around and runs back to the university.
“What the actual crap is happening? Am I dreaming again?” you mumble. You go and pinch your own arm. It hurts. So you aren’t dreaming. You touch the unfamiliar clothes on your torso.
“Am I having a stroke?”
All you remember is being in the library and studying Latin and now you are here in the middle of a park and wearing sports clothes, which don’t even belong to you.
“Holy fuck”, you pant, running in circles, “what is happening? Oh my fucking god what is happening to me?”
You touch your neck. It doesn’t hurt anymore. You smell your fingers. They smell like that tacky sweet drink Hoseok poured all over you. Wait a minute. Why do your fingers smell sweet when the drink tasted like actual battery acid? How is that possible?
“Oh my god, I’m losing my mind”, you have to gag in panic, stumbling from side to side, “I am actually losing my mind.”
Maybe there were drugs in Hoseok's drink. Maybe that is why you feel both high, drunk and mad at the same time.
“What did you do? Remember ___ remember!”
Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. The pacing makes your racing heartbeat easier to bear.
“Okay so I studied and then….” a pain in your head, “…someone came to talk…who was it?”
Your pain grows to almost unbearable strength.
“Ah, shit, ah god it hurts”, you groan, curling in on yourself with your hands pressed to your temples.
“___?” a baritone voice calls your name.
You whip around.
His face is filled with worry in an instant. 
"What happened to you?" he asks, stepping closer to cup your face. He is turning it left and right softly, like he was inspecting it, "my sweetest, what happened?"
“I-I" you stutter and swallow the lump in your throat, "what are you doing here?” you ask, studying him from head to toe. He is dressed in sportswear, dark hair held out of his face by a headband. There is a sheer layer of sweat on his forehead and his breathing is sped up, he must have been running.
“I could ask you the same question. Didn’t you tell me that you were busy with your studies today?” he answers you, touching your neck gently. 
“I did…” you look down at your body again, “…you’ll call me crazy, but I was in the library studying Latin then I…blinked and all of a sudden I was in front of a dance studio wearing gym clothes.”
"A dance studio?" 
"Yes a-and I have no recollection of, of getting there." 
Taehyung squints his eyes at you in confusion. He takes a step closer and breathes in.
“Did you just smell me?” you ask, taking a quick whiff of yourself in case you were smelly.
“That is indeed peculiar”, he ignores your question, “are you sure that you are feeling well?”
“Honestly I don’t know”, you groan, “I don’t even know whose clothes I’m wearing. Or where all my stuff went”, you hide your face behind your hands, “am I actually losing my mind?”
“___ shall I take you to a doctor?” he asks worriedly, placing his hand on your upper arm.
“I don’t know, oh god Taehyung I feel like I’m going insane”, you pant, shivering now that you can’t pace up and down anymore.
“You are worrying me.”
“Same”, you laugh hysterically, “I am worrying myself too.”
Taehyung furrows his brows, watching you pace up and down in front of him. He reaches for you again, holding you still with his hands on your upper arms.
“Calm down”, he says sternly and to your surprise your racing pulse calms down.
“How did you do that?” you gasp.
“Allow me to take you to a doctor, please”, he ignores your question.
“I was told to wait here though”, you murmur.
“By whom?”
“Hoseok, apparently he and I were meant to meet up for a work out”, you look up at Taehyung in desperation, “I have no recollection of it”, you confess in a whisper, eyes filling with tears.
“Oh ___”, Taehyung begins caressing your arm, “let’s sit down for a while, shall we?”
“Y-yeah okay”, you say and allow him to lead you to a bench.
You haven’t even realised how much your legs were shaking until you tried to sit down.
Taehyung pulls your hair away from your neck. You don’t notice how he lets his eyes linger on the red stains or how his brows furrow in anger. You are too busy staring at the gravel with lifeless eyes. Are you actually losing your mind?
“When was the last time you had a good night's sleep?” Taehyung asks then, rubbing little circles on your upper back.
“I don’t know. I haven’t really slept well lately.”
“Are you stressed because of your lectures?”
You nod your head, sighing loudly.
“I have two exams this week and next week I have this stupid paper in botany and on top of that, Latin fucks me over big times. I am a bundle of stress.”
“I understand”, Taehyung gives the back of your head a gentle pat, “maybe that is why you are having all those confusing timeslips. My sweetest, you are delusional in sleep deprivation, you should sleep and not wander around campus.”
“But…I was fine this morning. I felt well rested and clear in my mind. You know that I did, you saw how I was today. I was fine”, you say and look at him, “and now I feel so dizzy and my neck aches too”, you groan, touching it to massage it, “urgh what the fuck is happening to me?”
“Darling, please go to sleep. You are starting to worry me”, Taehyung insists, voice stern.
“Don’t you think it's weird too?” you lock eyes with him, “I swear I’m not crazy, but holy cow I’ve felt insane ever since I set foot into this stupid university.”
“Of course it is peculiar, but I promise you a good night's sleep will solve everything”, he goes and cups your cheek, “you are stressed and tired. Go home and sleep and I promise you once you are rested you will have all the answers you need.”
His words calm you down immensely. You feel assured. Maybe you actually are delusional in sleep deprivation. It is like magic really, how well his words work on you. As if he is controlling your mind in the gentlest of ways.
“You really think that it will help me?”
“Yes darling”, he assures you with a soft smile, “tomorrow everything will be clear to you.”
You sigh, leaning into his touch, “god you’re probably right”, you close your eyes and sigh, “I think a long sleep would do me good.”
You open your eyes and send him a shy grin.
“I know you were in the middle of a run, but could you maybe drive me home?”
“Of course my sweetest, I would love to drive you home”, he says and stands up. He holds your hand to help you stand up, keeping his fingers intertwined with yours afterwards.
You walked two steps when Hoseok appears in front of you and by his side Seokjin is panting. Taehyung pulls you closer, placing his hand on your lower back afterwards.
“What is he doing here?” Hoseok spits, eyeing Taehyung with distaste.
“I could ask you the same question. Why did you abandon her when she is clearly distraught?” Taehyung hisses, sneaking a glance at your neck.
“Spare me the fake worry”, Seokjin growls, making himself big in front of Taehyung, “let go of her. We can take it from here.”
“Now, now my friends. I have everything under control. I was in the midst of taking ___ home, wasn’t I ___?”
They all look at you.
“Yeah he was”, you nod your head, “I need sleep before I actually lose my mind. Taehyung told me that I need to and he is right. I’m sorry Hobi, can we work out another time? I feel really weird today.” 
Hoseok looks at Taehyung with dark eyes, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
“Of course, we can”, he forces a smile to his lips, “please sleep a lot.”
“I will”, you assure him, placing your hand on Taehyung's stomach, “can we leave?”
“Yes my darling, let us leave.”
Seokjin grabs Taehyung's arm before you could leave however, moving close.
“You told her to, didn’t you?” he hisses.
“You know the answer, she was frightened. I had to”, Taehyung hisses back, “let go of my arm, will you?”
Seokjin scoffs and pushes Taehyung's arm away.
“I have my eyes on you Kim Taehyung”, he growls.
“Taehyung, what is he talking about?” you ask, confusion only growing.
“Nothing”, he assures you, pushing you gently, “come now, let’s not waste any more time here.”
“Y-yeah o-okay”, you stutter, staring at the path.
This is all so confusing.
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godbirdart · 3 years
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sometimes u just wanna animate ur oc like moro from mononoke [referenced from the movie ofc, but mostly from memory bc i've seen it too many times] 
gave turbatio dialogue adding a quick "laughable" at the end. will i clean up this animation?? who knows
298 notes · View notes
godbirdart · 3 years
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408 notes · View notes