#unfortunately. it was not LMAO.
unsettlingcreature · 1 year
*raises my hand* what's the story of the bean burrito girl?
oh god ok so this is a long one with a lot of stupid details. I need it to be known I was 18 and incredibly dense when it came to flirting (still am tbh, you gotta hit me with it like a truck).
it was december. I was hanging out with some friends and since some of them had an hour-long train ride to get home, we usually tried to squeeze as much time out as possible so it's also like 7pm and we are upstairs in the burger king that is no longer there.
the only other group of people there are a group of cosplayers. we're all kind of looking at them and I'm realising now, that my friends were viewing them as cringe whereas I was just curious. one of them, our deuteragonist for this story, was wearing a meulin leijon cosplay. me, a filthy little homestuck, wanted to make friends so I went over to the group and introduced myself, specifically walking up to the meulin cosplayer and saying how I loved her cosplay.
they were all really chill and when my friends said they were going to walk to the train station, I said I'd stay at the BK with these new people and speak to them on skype tomorrow like usual. eventually, the group I'm with starts to also start heading home. but the meulin cosplayer asks if I want to go get a drink and I awkwardly admit I don't have my ID on me. she says it's ok, she could buy a few bottles of drink and we could find somewhere to sit.
EXCEPT ITS FUCKIN DECEMBER AND NEITHER OF US ARE DRESSED TO SIT OUTSIDE AND DRINK AT NIGHT??? at first we try to stand by the heaters in the christmas market but get kicked out because the drinks we had weren't bought from the market itself. then we go to the arcade and sit at the back and get kicked out after about 30 minutes because we're not playing anything. eventually, we end up in a cineworld swapping a bottle of smirnoff ice back and forth.
we finish the drinks and she says how her parents are currently away so I could come over to her house for the night. now, I didn't realise what this implied. I just thought she was being friendly and wanted a sleepover. but I said no, I'd have to go home because my mum was expecting me to come back. BUT we make plans to meet up again for proper drinks next time.
next meet up for drinks, she asks if I've eaten yet and I say that I had but if she's hungry, we could go somewhere. we go to the newly opened taco bell where she orders three bean burritos. I remember this very clearly. she was a little self-conscious about it and I was like, nah, if you're hungry, get them!
we then go to my favourite pub and start drinking. at the time I was still IDing as purely a trans guy and was binding that night but at after a certain amount of drinks, I would always be like Fuck This so I took it off in the bathroom. immediately upon getting back, she is like "I'm so sorry but you have great tits" and I'm like um ok! thanks I guess?
she again says that I can come over to her house, her parents are still not back and she amps up her flirting, probably realising I'm dense as shit, and starts telling me about her collection of sex toys she has. and all along I'm just like haha neat! yeah, I only really have one vibrator, these are normal conversations to have with a new platonic friend! we finish the drinks for the night and I go home, again saying thanks for the sleepover offer but I'm going to just go to sleep in my bed. sorry, I can't bring you with you because my mum and nanna would be pissed. let's meet up again some time!
now, after trying her best to shoot her shot twice, she did not reply to any of my messages afterwards. I think she realised I was too stupid. but I was telling my friend about what happened and all of them were yelling at me that I was stupid and she was flirting/trying to get with me. and me, foolish little me, STILL TRIED INSISTING IT WAS JUST FRIENDLY? good god I was a bit of a dumbass. still am tbh.
sorry random american girl in england that thought you had a chance, if i had realised what was going on it might have been different but knowing how traumatised i was back then, probably it was for the best ✌
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jenovacomplete · 9 months
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what the actual fuck
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keymintt · 10 months
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a comic/zine about coyotes
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mobius-m-mobius · 22 days
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it's a fair question 🙃 Lokius Incorrect Quotes [12/∞]
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tshortik · 3 months
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Cryptic visions of space and time...
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reapersynth · 4 months
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eddie diaz + text posts
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jonahmagnus · 1 year
In world where there are two types of tower-dwellers, a Princess is locked in a tower.
There are two types of tower-people: A Princess, put there to remain pure until marriage or until rescued, and a Wizard, put there by choice to study and learn in isolation. Princesses are defined by their beautiful long hair, and Wizards are defined by their beards and impressive 'stache.
There is a Princess, and she lives in a tower. She was put there recently by her mother and father, to keep her pure and untouched until they can secure the marriage to another kingdom and a prince shes doesn't love. She has long, almost brown sandy-blonde hair, pale green eyes and a slim, tender build. She is not the fairest in the land, but she is tall and pretty. If compared to a rose, she would be the humble yet graceful willow tree, slender and long. She has wanted to be a wizard since a young age, but there is no way for a princess to become a wizard. Princesses are delicate girls to be protected and sold off until their either dead or Queens or have found True Love, unsuited to the life of experimentation and study of a wizard. That is what her mother tells her, in a quiet scolding that is far more forceful and cruel then it has any right to be. And the princess, terrified, believes her.
She used to run the castle halls, stick in hand, robe fashioned out of a delicate silk bedsheet, shouting fake spells at birds while her servants chased her. But as she grew older, her restraints became tighter, and more and more often, she was confined in her room to embroider in solitude with barely the comfort of a window or a maid. The life she is forced into makes her hang her head low, makes her hands be paper-soft, and demands her hair be long and beautiful and perfect like all other princesses. The world she longed to be a part of was a world of study and experimentation, and as the kingdoms princess and tool, she could not even dare to hint at her desires into adulthood. She could become a witch, she knew, flee the castle barefoot and sink into the loving embrace of the swamp. But witches don’t live in towers, and they make potions instead of spells, and they don’t grow the flowing whimsical beards that wizards do.
But that does not mean she has to be bored in her tower. Fascinated by magic as she always has been, she arranges with a long string of bribes for books on spells and forbidden potions to be smuggled along with her meals. She studies them while the clock ticks down for either a prince to arrive or her marriage to be finalized. Either one will doom her, and she wants to enjoy herself as much as possible until her marriage. She pours over the books long into the night by candlelight, and all day, she rests her pale, tired eyes. She experiments, and she reads, and she studies non-stop, barely stopping for meals and littering her books with an assortment of food stains. She cuts off her hair to use in bubbling gold potions, her skin becomes scarred with a rainbow of the consequences of failed experiments, and her dresses turn into makeshift cheesecloths and fire-fuel. She washes late into the night after she is done with her work for the day in the darkness, not glancing into the mirror that has become cracked and dusty. When her eyesight starts to fail from strain and working in darkness, she fashions for herself bottle-round glasses, blown by herself in the depths of her tower. Engrossed as she is in her studies, she does not notice the tower warp, and the meals stop rotting, and how she started out in one circular room but now has a loft and a second floor and the fact that the tower seems much much taller then it was originally.
What she DOES notice though, is when brushing crumbs from her face she feels facial hair on her upper lip.
She rushes to the bathroom and thrusts a candle into the holder as she looks at herself. In the dusty mirror, she sees the beginnings of a bushy mustache sit on her upper lip, much further along in growth then be logically possible without her noticing. It’s a pale blonde, like her hair, and she notices faintly that there are streaks of grey in it, a very familiar shade of classic wizard grey. She brings a trembling hand to her upper lip.
Much, much later, a prince rides up to the tower. It is tall, and warped, and very clearly belonging to a wizard, despite the royal family claiming their daughter lives here.
He shouts up, a bit nervous because of the thorny vines wrapping the beautiful stonework.
“Hey! Does a Princess live here?”
A young man with large bottle glasses and a rather impressive mustache leans out of the tower, his short, sandy-blonde hair spilling lightly in the wind. He starts to say something, then glances back into his house. A smile breaks out on his face as he seems to realize something.
“No!” He shouts back, after a moments hesitation. “But a wizard does!”
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kimtaegis · 16 days
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A Taegi Series, pt. 7: personal space ❌ being attached at the hip ✅
cr. namuspromised, jung-koook, 0613data
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cinnamonsikwate · 4 months
chilchuck spends the entirety of his daughters' visit hovering suspiciously between them and a certain dwarf. when it's time for the girls to go home and no proposals have been made, he breathes a sigh of relief — awkward coworker x family member romance route narrowly avoided!
a couple weeks later meijack shows back up unannounced, backpack laden with tools and thigh-high boots looking uncharacteristically spiffy. bewildered and betrayed, chilchuck rounds on a clueless senshi, only freezing mid-swear when meijack interrupts to ask after namari's whereabouts.
the last thing he remembers thinking is, "shit, i forgot about the other dwarf!" before promptly blacking out.
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soriastrider · 4 months
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this has almost certainly been done before, but i think it's funny so i did it anyway
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telekitnetic-art · 4 months
🐉🪵 happy lunar new year! 🌘🐉
have a wood dragon formline that became an impulse color design assignment for class. Also did two variations of gold texture because I wasn't sure which one I liked better.
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castielsprostate · 5 months
hey americans, please fucking vote this year! thanks!
the rest of the world
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rat-poison-condiment · 2 months
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Going insane about this;
In the English dub/subtitles, when Chilchuck learns of Laios spilling the beans he asks himself if he should have followed him instead...
in FRENCH he says something like 'I must have missed/did something wrong in his education'
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neverevan · 2 months
can't stop thinking about how that whole situation must've been bonkers from Tommy's pov
like, there is this dude so imprinted on you that he hangs out with you 3 days a week, while you both have differing schedules and do 24-hour shifts — oh and supposedly he also has a girlfriend.
and then his boy best friend asks you for a tour at your station and flirts with you, and then he shows up anywhere where he can get you and ends up bodyclocking his bestie like a preteen boy, which you'd think was to punish him, but you later find out that it was a subconscious attempt to get him out of the competition.
that's not mentioning the fact that the guy imprinted on you also introduced you to his son, who is incredibly fond of the other guy and won't shut up about him.
and then you worry that you came between these two friends, so you go see the one who is clearly more upset, to reassure him that's not what's happening, only to find out that he was actually crushing on you this whole time and he is also just realising this as he's telling it to you.
can you imagine the spin all that gave to Tommy's head??
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marsipain · 4 months
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Did a linocut of Gabriel!!
first one is the digital sketch, second is the linocut on paper and third is on a tshirt
(i had to repaint over the t-shirt one bc i was stupid and used normal fabric paint instead of linocut fabric paint, thats why it looks a bit different🧍‍♂️)
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sunlit-mess · 1 month
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I can only take so much, but lately, they have replaced my reflection. And realize I'm just as bad as them.
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