#we'll overthrow the government hand in hand
kaptainrazoork · 1 year
i'm sorry you were saying ? yeah no sorry i was too busy daydreaming about being a hot lesbian resistance leader in a dystopian post-apocalyptic future, could you repeat please?
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shituationist · 8 months
the louisiana democrats really had no one else ready to nominate after JBE besides the guy who is in charge of highway repairs (louisiana has the worst highways in the country besides mississippi) and has never won an election
just throwing fucking soft balls to jeff landry, who is jindal 2.0
the louisiana democratic party should not exist. it practically doesn't exist as it is. many politicians who used to run as democrats have happily switched parties, or run on the republican ballot line because they know they couldn't win as a democrat or independent. in the state legislature, the state GOP voting as a bloc completely overrides them. now executive power is about to be there's. not that the democrats were really effectively protecting reproductive autonomy or LGBT rights anyway.
i guess if there's any silver lining to this coming election in louisiana it's that the state's yokel gentry can no longer blame everything on the democrat governor. power is now firmly, undisputedly, in the hands of the yokel gentry and the representatives it has elected. more louisianans will probably come to know that the legislature is an existing institution that has an effect on their everyday lives. maybe we'll garner enough momentum eventually to have a revolutionary movement that overthrows the state government. you have to have hope, right?
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Finished Tangle 6.8. That's... an interesting offer, actually. I'm not sure I'd immediately accept or reject it.
On one hand, supervillain dictators bad. You can't really argue with that. Especially one who claims to "control destinies", even if his demonstration was so weak it would have had a 1/64 chance of happening by chance without him. Flipping six heads in a row may be enough to prove he's a cape, but it's hardly a show of power.
But, on the other hand, if he would take it as a personal insult to his pride if the city did anything less than flourish under his rule, and he's self-aware enough to not call himself a good man and not rely on others thinking he is, but still would improve things for everyone out of his own self-interest... it could be worthwhile to at least give him a chance, see if he actually does make a difference for the better.
Obviously, because supervillain dictators are not a viable long-term form of government, he'd have to go eventually. Overthrow him after a couple years, reinstate a proper government, and treat it as a one-time bump in hopefully the right direction instead of letting him keep power long enough for his priorities to shift. Fix up the Docks, get the ferry running again, establish some new animal care institutions, and those things should easily stick around and keep functioning after he's gone.
...I assume the first 90% of this is what Skitter is probably going to do, she'll just have some trouble with the whole "don't turn into a supervillain dictator in his place after overthrowing him" part. I guess we'll see eventually.
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truestoriesforreal · 1 year
the attack
In a distant future, Earth has become a utopia where wealth and technology have flourished. The streets are clean, the buildings are towering, and the people are dressed in the latest fashion. Everyone on this planet lives a life of luxury, but there is a small group of people who are not content with this. They are called the Minors, and they are determined to overthrow the wealthy elite and create a more equal society.
The Minors are a group of individuals who have been left behind by the prosperity of this futuristic Earth. They are tired of living in poverty and seeing the rich live a life of excess. They decide to take matters into their own hands and elaborate a detailed plan to subdue the wealthy.
One of the unique features of this planet is that when it rains, steam emerges from the floor, and people must stay inside until the water is totally evaporated. The poor, however, have evolved to be capable of withstanding the steam that comes after a storm, giving them an advantage in their fight against the rich.
"We've been living in poverty for far too long," said John, a leader of the Minors. "It's time for us to take action and overthrow the wealthy elite."
"But how can we do that? They have all the resources and power," asked Emma, another member of the Minors.
"We'll have to be strategic. We'll infiltrate their ranks, gain their trust, and gather information on their weaknesses. Once we have that, we'll launch a coordinated attack and take them by surprise," explained John.
"But what about the steam? How can we move freely during a rainstorm?" asked Emma.
"That's where the antidote comes in. A group of scientists have developed a potion that can neutralize the toxins in the steam and give us the ability to withstand its effects," said John. "We'll distribute this potion among our members and use it to our advantage during the infiltration and attack."
"That's a solid plan. We need to move forward with this as soon as possible," said Emma.
"Agreed. We'll start recruiting and gathering information right away. The future of our society depends on it," said John.
The Minors' plan is a success, and they are able to subdue the wealthy elite and create a more equal society. They establish a government that ensures the fair distribution of resources and opportunities among all citizens. The steam rain becomes a symbol of unity between the rich and poor, as they both must weather the storm together.
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lynnedwardswrites · 11 months
Happy WBW! In your world, who are the ones in charge? Are they actually in charge, or are they more of a “face” whilst someone else does the work?
Hi Kraken! I based a lot of my power structures off of The Dictator's Handbook (watch the CPG Grey series about it on YouTube if you haven't, but I assume it's a classic by now). The gist is that power is control of resources which you maintain by promising to distribute some of those resources to the people who have enough of their own resources to overthrow you (but only to those people, lest you run out; everyone else can suck a dick). Depending on the structure of the government, your key supporters might be just the cabinet members of your dictatorship (who then have to distribute to their supporters, down the chain), or it could be the people in your voting block who get you reelected every year, etc. Democracies tend to be better because the number of people resources need to be distributed to is larger.
In the Hare and the Jackal, there are two main power structures. One is the Empire, which has unified (through conquest) traditional lands, new territories, and a bunch of city-states under vassalage. The Empire controls taxation in gold and vitality (magic resource), and the distribution of those funds to a noble class of governors (who in turn spend just enough of those resources on their populace to not get violently unseated).
The other power is the Church, which is such a significant cultural influence that it has the power to control popular opinion and stir up civil unrest to make problems if the Empire and it's governors don't give them what they want. Thus, at this point in history, a significant portion of the vitality collected by government is sent directly to the Church, which is supposed to use it for healing purposes in their hospitals, though (of course) it gets used for other purposes as well. Almost all hospitals are Church-run at this point, and they only admit people who have paid their tithe-tax. And, while maybe 60% of your vitality goes to the Church if you pay your tithe to the government, you can also just pay your tithe to the Church directly, which gets you an exemption from the state tithe tax, and then the Church gets to keep all of it. You'll never guess which method will get you more status and promises of divine blessing within the Church.
Thus... if you want medical care, you have to pay taxes that keep the Church funded and lobbying to maintain its influence over government, which allows it to do things like continue preaching how certain classes of people (like werewolves) are inherently more evil and dangerous than others. You'll also be funding a Church-run werewolf police force (y'know, the "good" werewolves that have subjected themselves to magic brainwashing at the Church's hands to rid themselves of their evil nature), which allows the Church to enforce heresy laws (a privilege that their influence over government has also given them), laws which primarily target foreigners and social divergents and non-members, etc, etc, etc... you get the picture.
So anyway, this is a really interesting question because a lot of the series is actually about government leaders trying to reclaim power from the Church in a way that doesn't result in outright civil war. Who *is* really in charge? Whose power runs deeper? Who has the leadership smart enough to leverage what power they do have to change things/keep the status quo? We'll find out, won't we.
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whatifsandspheres · 2 months
Russia is doing genocide to Ukraine too your disgust me. You're a nazi and you think just because you hate Jewish people you can pretend you give a fuck about Palestinians. You don't you just love fascist boot.
This is cute. Usually my stalkers read up a bit more on my posts, but maybe that's too much for your attention span. How and why would you say I hate Jewish people? Russia is? So you're buying all the Western propaganda then? Because I'm not. I know what Russia has been doing, and it's not just recent. I even recently mentioned it on my twitter that the Russian empire has historically resorted to ethnic cleansing even before the Gulag work camps of the USSR. Me, a fascist?
Zelensky was hand-picked by Ukrainian oligarchs for his Jewish background as a token. He is suspending democratic elections. If Russia had wanted to defeat their nationhood, they already did with that alone. Want to call anyone fascist, define the word first, please. We'll find Cinderella if the shoe fits. Do you even care about how much meddling and corruption and literal Nazis there have been proven to be working in Ukraine especially since the US led overthrow of a democratically elected government in 2014? The USA and NATO have been trying to convince Russia to attack for decades. Connect the dots. The weapons shipments, the economic and political bargaining. The USA declaring it will end the International Space Station Program and opt for private contracts. The rise of Edison Murk as the military industrial complex's golden boy and "wealthiest man alive." The drama and back and forth about who is weaponizing space that led the US to declare that if Russia used their own satellites to knock or shoot at other of their own satellites in order to clean up space junk quicker it will be seen as an act and declaration of war. This has been years in the making, please take a seat. I can understand your zeal, but inform yourself. Of course there has been a superiority complex with Russian culture, but how are you not understanding that right now Russia is one of the only major world powers against a modern day equivalent of the Axis Powers having merged with the Western lot of the Allied powers in a chimera of core financial interests and historic grudges? I pretend to give a fuck? Since when? Since I've been caring even before the current Israeli fervor? Have a cookie troll. Actually, have some falafel for me, please. Then a cookie. I'll literally pay for you to go sip some tea and think about the choices which led you to this moment.
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crastle · 3 years
no no hold on I cant get over how funny it would be to have techno in like a pogtopia situation but instead hes part of the mycelium resistance in hermitcraft
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tsaomengde · 3 years
As the release of DUNE looms, I find myself thinking deep thoughts about the story again. When people who haven't read it ask me about it, I usually say something along the lines of, "It's an extremely important work in the sci-fi genre, on the level of Lord of the Rings for fantasy, amazing worldbuilding, but it's very dry and the author was a white man in the sixties." Well, it occurs to me that "white man in the sixties" can mean a lot of things, so let's talk more about what it means for Dune!
I see two common criticisms leveled at Dune. The charge of biological essentialism, and the charge of it being a white savior narrative. It is not a white savior narrative, and I'll explain why below. The charge of biological essentialism is accurate, and I'll go into that more as well.
Without getting too spoiler-heavy, the plot of Dune is that Paul Atreides, heir to Duke Leto Atreides, moves to the planet Arrakis when the Emperor awards the planet to House Atreides in fief complete. Basically, the universe in Dune is space feudalism, and House Atreides is one of many noble houses engaged in feudal government. When Paul shows up, the local, oppressed populace, the Fremen, think he's a foretold, prophesied "chosen one," here to lead them out of bondage. Then House Atreides gets betrayed and mostly destroyed, Paul goes into hiding with the locals, and eventually uses them to overthrow his enemies and take back the planet, as well as leveraging the planet's strategic importance and his control of it to place himself on the Emperor's throne.
So, on the surface, definitely white savior stuff. But even a slightly deeper reading, an analysis designed to actually interrogate the text and not just generate a pithy headline to garner outraged clicks, will tell us that this isn't accurate. For one, Paul is a chosen one, but he's not the Fremen's. He is the product of a millennia-long scheme by a shadowy cabal of mystics called the Bene Gesserit to breed a superhuman. We'll get into this more in the biological essentialism bit, but the Bene Gesserit have infiltrated all walks of life throughout the future. They have a branch called the Missionaria Protectiva, which sends operatives to primitive worlds in the guise of religious prophets and has them plant broadly-worded, easily exploitable prophecies and beliefs in local populations. Then, later, if another Bene Gesserit operative shows up and needs, say, an army of religious fanatics, they say the right words and present someone who fits the broad criteria and boom, you have a chosen one.
This is exactly what happens in the book. Paul's mother Jessica is a Bene Gesserit member, and when they go into hiding, she exploits the fact that a Manipulator of Religions has been on Arrakis to maneuver Paul into position as the Fremen's chosen one. Paul himself is trying to resist embracing the mantle, because he knows that if he leans fully into it the Fremen will go on a wild crusade across the universe and burn everything down in his name. At the end of the novel, he realizes that the jihad is inevitable, that there was no way at all to stop it - even if he had killed himself, he would have become a holy martyr. A certain Fremen character, dying out in the desert, hallucinates his father, who tells him, "No more terrible disaster could befall your people than for them to fall into the hands of a Hero." This is Herbert telling us on the page, in a scene that matters very little to the overall plot, that Paul's very presence on this planet, his status as the Fremen savior, is a terrible tragedy. We are supposed to sympathize with Paul because all of his enemies are categorically worse than he is, but this is not a book about Good People Doing Good Things. Paul is an oppressor, a feudal duke, a tyrant. His story is a *warning.*
Now, where the book gets very sticky: the biological essentialism. I'll quote the OED here: "The belief that ‘human nature’, an individual's personality, or some specific quality (such as intelligence, creativity, homosexuality, masculinity, femininity, or a male propensity to aggression) is an innate and natural ‘essence’ (rather than a product of circumstances, upbringing, and culture)."
In Dune, men and women are biologically distinct on a fundamental, universal level. The aforementioned Bene Gesserit are an order of women. Using the spice (which must flow), they can look backward in their body's genetic memory along matrilineal lines, becoming essentially gestalt consciousnesses of thousands of people. One of their order's chief goals is to create the Kwisatz Haderach, a man who can look back in his body's memory in the same way, but can do so along both male and female lines. There is a scene in the book where Paul explains it - to summarize, in everyone there is a place that takes and a place that gives. Women can look into the giving place, but are terrified of the taking place. Paul, once he has reached apotheosis as the Kwisastz Haderach, can look into both places.
There's a lot of other hoo-hah about men and women having different dispositions - Duke Leto at one point asks Jessica how she can so easily set aside her concerns and distractions, and she says "It's a female thing." When Jessica becomes a Reverend Mother, looking back into her body's memory, she's pregnant with her daughter Alia. Alia also becomes a Reverend Mother in the same instant, before she's even born, and it's made explicit that if she had been a male embryo (because she is less than two months gestated at this point!) she would have died.
This is what people are talking about when they say that an author's world view shapes their work. Herbert was writing in the sixties. Biological sex and gender were not understood to be separate concepts. The Nazis had destroyed the vast majority of all scholarly research into transgender people, since most of it had been done at a university in Germany. Homosexuality was still illegal (reflected in the book's main antagonist, Baron Harkonnen, who is a homosexual pedophile, and in 'effeminacy' being a damning trait in male characters in the book). I'm not saying these things to excuse the fact that he wasn't progressive in his views. I'm saying this because his views and understanding of the world around him literally shape the laws of his universe. In Herbert's mind, men and women were fundamentally distinct, and so in the universe of Dune, they are.
I'm interested in seeing how the film addresses these issues - whether it chooses to just kind of ignore them and hope we don't notice, or if it's going to try to update these archaic notions for modern sensibilities. Dune is a seminal piece of worldbuilding - Herbert's realization of this universe, its eddies and flows of power, the way the entire society is structured around the consumption of spice, the understanding he demonstrated of the feudal system in his translation of it to a far-flung future, and indeed, I maintain, Herbert's multi-layered criticism of the white savior trope - it's all undermined by the fact that the structure of the world itself reflects unfortunate, backward, biological essentialist thinking that we as modern people can no longer engage in.
Anyway that was a very long ramble. If you actually read all this, you're a beautiful, patient soul. :v
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neptuneofthesky · 3 years
Inception | Z.O.M.B.I.E. pt.1
Dream x reader x Technoblade
Featuring | Dream, Technoblade, Jschlatt, Tomminnit, Wilbur Soot, GeorgeNotFound, Quackity, Sapnap, Karl Jacobs, Tubbo, Philza Minecraft, Ranboo, Niki Nihachu
Masterlist | Next part
okay this will actually need a lot of context, so if you get confused in between, feel free to comment and ask, also, I'll leave an explanation at the end
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"Finding traces you've left,"
"I'm wandering for you, you a dream."
- Inception by Ateez
They were all tired.
Tired from all the running and walking.
They wanted to rest, maybe take a power nap.
But they had to keep moving.
Or they'll die.
It was as simple as that.
And that was certainly not how Quackity, Karl, and Sapnap imagined their engagement party to turn out like.
"We've been walking for so loooooong, can we rest for a bit?" Tubbo groaned as he stopped and plopped down on the ground.
Philza patted his head, "Sundown is in two hours. Let's find a clear place and stay for the night. I'll check out the area."
He nodded at Techno as he drew out his wings and soared above the trees.
Techno looked at Dream, "I'm going to check out the area too."
Dream nodded as Techno went deeper in the woods by himself.
Ranboo patted Tubbo's back, "Come on, I'll give you a piggyback ride."
Tubbo's eyes lit up as he got up and jumped on Ranboo's back.
Tommy frowned as he looked at Wilbur who immediately shook his head, "I'm not giving you a piggyback ride. Piggyback rides are only for Gogy."
Tommy gasped as he dramatically pointed at George, "That's not fair!"
George rolled his eyes as looked at Dream, "We should keep moving."
Dream nodded, "We need to find a place before dark-"
"-And those water jets, those fucking water jets! It's like, they are trying to murder me or something! I don't know what is wrong with people!"
Dream was interrupted by a very loud and determined voice.
A familiar one too.
A man stumbled in front of the group as he stopped his rambling.
Long story short, 2 years ago, he came to the Dream SMP with Quackity to compete in the elections.
He won.
But the changes he made, made people very angry.
Angry enough to overthrow the whole government.
He ran away.
But Quackity didn't.
Because he found his soulmates.
To whom he was now engaged.
Schlatt grinned, "Hello, everyone. Fancy seeing you all here."
He scoffed as he looked at Quackity, "And you! You didn't even invite me to your engagement man! I thought we were friends!"
Quackity also scoffed in response, "We are anything but friends, Schlatt. What are you doing here?"
He sighed as he stood up straight, "Listen, I am just gonna cut to the chase, I... need your kingdom."
Wilbur frowned, "What?"
He shrugged, "You heard me. After we deal with this whole zombie apocalypse thingy, I'll come back to your country to run for the elections again."
Sapnap stepped forward, "But why?"
"Because, I'm hungry for the power, man! And your country, your country is one of the strongest in this world," He exclaimed in response.
Niki glared at him, "The people there hate you. What makes you think they are going to vote for you?"
He tilted his head and smiled, "Because I am changed man now, and besides when they hear that I am the hero who saved them from this apocalypse, I'm sure they will want me to be their president."
"How are you gonna save everyone?" Karl asked.
"I have a few ideas. I just need some more information and boom, everyone is saved."
Dream took a step towards him, "What information?"
Schlatt's smile turned to a smirk, "Hmm, now, if I were to tell you all that, what will stop you from killing me huh? And besides, I am the only shot you have to save everyone from this apocalypse."
Dream paused for a second before offering, "If you tell us how to save the world, we'll let you be the president."
"What? No-"
Dream raised a hand as Wilbur shut his mouth and took a step back.
He had a plan.
And Wilbur was going to trust him with it.
Schlatt hummed as he folded his hands, "I don't think I will, not for now."
Dream's enchanted diamond sword appeared in his hand as he pointed it at Schlatt's neck, "You need us, all of us."
He laughed, "Why would I need you all?"
"Because you can't save the whole world alone!"
He smirked, "Who says I am alone?"
A pearl burst on the ground behind him as a woman appeared.
She stepped forward as she removed her hood and everyone gasped,
She had a blank expression on her face as she draws out a shining, enchanted netherite sword and points it at Dream, "I need you to lower your weapon, or there will be consequences, Dream."
Schlatt clicked his tongue as he looked at her, "What did we say about weapons? Long ranged only! Where is your crossbow?!"
She looked at Schlatt as she paused for a second, then she removed her earphones as she showed him an MP3 player, "Sorry, you know I like to listen to Attack on Titans when I do a dramatic entrance."
She waved her hand as the MP3 player disappeared into her inventory, "You were saying?"
Schlatt sighed in frustration, "Long ranged weapons?!"
She looked at him, then at Dream, then the short distance between Dream and Schlatt, then again at Schlatt before lowering her sword as it disappears into her inventory and held out her hand in the air.
Schlatt rolled his eyes, "I don't think you understand the difference between crossbow and tri-"
He was interrupted by the loud whizz that was made by the Trident, now in Y/n's grip, vibrating and glowing.
She shrugged and pointed it at Dream, "It works both ways. Lower your weapon, I won't repeat it."
He sighed as his chest puffed up, "Y/n, I'll not fight you."
"But I will. Lower. Your. Weapon."
Dream didn't move a muscle as Y/n chuckled, "Prepare for the consequences then."
Her trident disappeared as her sword was back in her hand and in one swift move, Dream was on the ground as Y/n had her sword on his neck.
Schlatt chuckled, "And I thought you'd give a nice show Dream. Now, do you really think I need you? Any of you?"
An ender pearl burst behind Schlatt as he smirked, "And now the whole family is here."
Technoblade pointed his sword at Schlatt's neck, "Y/n, get off of Dream right now."
Y/n looked at Techno then looked at Schlatt as her Trident appeared in her left hand.
Schlatt raised a hand as he shook his head, "We are not here to fight."
She paused for a second as both her Trident and sword disappeared as she stepped away from Dream.
Techno's sword disappeared in his inventory as he went to stand beside Dream, his gaze on her the whole time.
Schlatt placed a hand on her shoulder as he whispered something in her ear.
She looked at Techno and Dream as she shook her head whispered something back.
He then again whispered something as she paused for a second as if she was thinking deeply.
She placed down an ender chest as she checked inside it and nodded at him.
Schlatt grinned as she got up and put the chest back in her inventory.
A pearl appeared in her hand as she threw it with full force in the direction from where they came from.
She saluted at Schlatt as she disappeared, only leaving floating purple particles behind.
Schlatt clapped to grab everyone's attention as his grin didn't fade away, "She'll be back in a moment. We should set up a place to stay for the night, shall we?
Phil was back as Niki caught him up on everything.
Y/n was also from back from wherever she went.
She sat beside Schlatt as she stared at the campfire.
He whispered something in her ear making her laugh, as she whispered something back, making him laugh too.
Wilbur looked at Dream and Techno who were staring at the duo, with... jealousy?
Dream wore a mask but his jaw was clenching.
Techno also wore a mask and his jaw was also clenching.
Did they still love her?
There was so much tension in the air, Wilbur couldn't bear it as he cleared his throat, "Y/n, you have... different hair."
And the irony was that her hair was green and pink.
Yeah, I know right?
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[just for reference^]
She grinned, "Thanks, I sacrificed so many lives for it."
She winked at Sapnap who let out a laugh, "I was kidding. I don't like to tie it. Even though I look bomb in a ponytail."
Dream patted her head, "Long hair can be a nuisance to fight with, that's why you should keep it short, and you look prettier anyways.'
"And if you do keep long hair, always braid it or tie it." Techno chimed in.
Schlatt gave her a look, "That was so random and uncalled for, I always carry a hair tie for you."
She tilted her head, "You have a hair tie? Aww, but are you sure that it's not for yourself? Because your hair is growing longer."
He rolled his eyes as he got up and walked behind her to tie her hair himself, "Ouch! Stop being so aggressive! I am not a masochist!"
He smirked, "That is a lie. Also, I am a sadist."
She slapped his bicep as he backed away and looked at your ponytail, "You look so hot, I think my eyes are burning."
Suddenly, her communicator beeped loudly, "DAB ME UP!"
[Communicator is how they 'whisper' to each other]
Everybody looked at her as she rolled her eyes and looked at Schlatt, who also rolled his eyes and got up and went inside his tent.
Everybody was still looking at her as she sighed, "That's Charlie. He's our... friend."
Schlatt came back from the tent almost immediately as he sighed, "He got nothing."
She looked at him, "Should we ask Lud?"
He gave her a weird look, "Why would we ask from that dumbfuck?"
She hummed, "We're on our own I guess. I got a message from Poki. It's confirmed that it has spread in every universe, Among us, Valorant, you name it."
Schlatt took a deep breath, "What about the mobs?"
She looked at her watch, "The mobs are spawning just fine, but the zombie spawn rate is spiking up, slowly but steadily."
"That's a nice watch you got."
She looked up and smiled, "Thank you, George."
She cleared her throat as she stood up, "These zombies don't burn from the sun. And there are many types of them. Okay everybody, listen very carefully."
"Before this whole zombie apocalypse spread here, signs of increased zombie spawning were shown many places, like, you can say it started six months ago. And it also showed signs of mutated zombies, they won't get burnt from the sun rays, they were more aggressive, and if you get bit by one, you turn into one."
"So, it's spreading, but they are also, still spawning?" Dream questioned.
"Yes, that's why they are overpowering, and that is also why we have to come with a plan to stop them. But before that, we need to find a complete, zombie-free place, and we'll do that in the morning. So, everybody, go rest in your tents, we'll leave one hour after the sunrise."
Schlatt got up, "Quackity if you don't mind, I need to show you something. Your fiances can join us too."
Quackity, Karl and Sapnap shared a look before getting up and following him in his tent.
All the kids were already asleep, they've been asleep for like, 4 hours now.
George waved at Niki who went inside her tent and looked at Y/n, "Won't you join her?"
She raised a brow as she shook her head, "Niki has her personal tent. My stuff is in Schlatt's tent. And I don't need rest anyway, I'll be on the lookout,"
Dream stood up,  "I'll come with you-"
Tommy interrupted him as he emerged from his shared tent with Ranboo and Tubbo, "I am up boys, what are we doing-"
Y/n looked at Tommy, "No need, Tommy will come with me, right?"
Tommy looked at Wilbur who shrugged, "...Yeah sure. But, where?"
Techno blankly looked at Tommy, "He's a child. You sure he is enough?"
She tilted her head as she smiled, "He is more than enough."
Techno looked at Tommy and Y/n before turning to Dream, "You had a plan?"
He slowly nodded, "Yeah... but now..."
"Y/n is here."
You pulled on a branch of a tree, to see whether it's sturdy or not, then pulled yourself up to further climb the tree.
You smiled at Tommy, "Come on up, imma show you something,"
Tommy came up as he sat in front of you and looked in the direction you pointed, "Look, that one is a runner. They are fast but dumb and blind, you make a sound, they run towards you, and they run towards you very fast. Like a baby zombie, but much stronger. And baby zombies do a lot of damage. So when you see a runner, you either walk away very quietly, or,"
Tommy nodded, "You take them out. Quietly."
"Exactly, and since we have to make sure this area is zombie-free for tonight, we're gonna kill him now, look,"
A crossbow appears in your hand as you load it with an arrow, "Now, you have to be very good at aiming, it should go,"
Boom, headshot.
You smiled, "Straight through the head, now, it's your turn."
Tommy looked at the crossbow, "But... I am not sure I can do a headshot."
"Haven't you heard of the phrase, 'First times should be special'?"
He gave you a weird look, "Not sure I have."
You patted his shoulder, "Yeah nobody says that. But, I believe in you. You can do it."
He took the zombie out by a headshot at the first chance.
You patted his back, "Good!"
You offered him an apple as he shook his head.
"Why are you so nice to me?"
You took a bite out of the apple as you furrowed your brows, "Why wouldn't I be nice to you?"
He looked away, "Because... you were exiled... from your own people, for a thing you didn't do.. and I didn't take a stand-"
You chuckled, "Tommy, you were just a kid back then. And I am over it. It has been three years. I would never blame you, and actually, I don't blame Dream, or Technoblade either, they are just dumb, but, if they never exiled me, I would've never met Schlatt."
He turned to look at you, "What's up with him? Does he like you or something?"
You shook your head as you took another bite, "Nah, he just likes to flirt, and we just always look out for each other so it's not really a problem."
"Are you two a duo?"
"You can say that he is the brains and I am the brawns."
He was still confused, "So, do you love him? Romantically?"
You rolled your eyes, "Oh my god yes, every time I see his face, I just want to attack those lips, and oh my god those mutton chops, make my ovaries explode."
You both burst out laughing as you pat his shoulder, "Come on, we gotta lay some traps then go to the nether."
"Nether? Why?"
You grinned and jumped down, "We need potions, for that, we need blaze powder. Come on now."
You both were back from the nether and were resting in the mini treehouse you both made for the lookout.
Your adventure in the nether was quite... interesting.
Like, Tommy almost died from the wither skeleton.
But of course, you saved him, and also gave him a bottle of milk.
And now he was just staring at the forest, wearing a wither skull.
You placed down your ender chest as you remembered something.
Tommy saw you pulling out a device, which seemed like a radio and a walkie-talkie, "What's this?"
You looked at him and smiled, "This... is a communication device. You can say it's a developed communicator. Watch,"
"Hello? 81NGU5, is anyone there? This is Y/n from the Dream SMP, Minecraft."
"Corpse here, whaddup?"
Tommy literally fell back in astonishment, "Who is that? Is that a robot? How is this voice so deep?"
You chuckled, "Hey Corpse, how you doing? Is everything good there?"
"Yeah, we used up all our fuel so we landed on the P01U5 base. And surprisingly, no signs of infected here. We're safe. What about you?"
"Who is infected?"
"That is what they call the zombies because zombies only spawn in our world, not theirs. It just spread to them somehow. We are trying to find a safe place, we'll be on the move in an hour or two. We'll contact you once we reach a safe base. Take care."
Tommy fell asleep as you covered him with a make-shift blanket and jumped down the treehouse.
Quackity was sitting near the burnt-out campfire as he was poking it with a stick.
You smiled as you gave him a small wave, "Hey, Quackity. Why are you not sleeping?"
He smiled back, "I was but then I woke up and just couldn't fall back asleep. Where's Tommy?"
You gestured to the treehouse, "He was a bit tired so he fell asleep. I mean, it was a pretty productive night, we took out all the zombies in the area, lit it up with torches to slow down the spawn, we laid out traps, we went to the nether."
His eyes widened as he let out a surprised chuckle, "Wow, it was pretty productive."
You grinned, "I just wanted to say, congrats on the engagement!"
He also grinned as his eyes happily twinkled, "Thank you! I appreciate it."
You both fell into silence as you both were poking the campfire.
Quackity suddenly asked, "What's your opinion on poly relationships? Like, me and Karl and Sapnap."
Your eyes widened as you let out a surprised chuckle, "Oh, did anybody not tell you?"
His brows furrowed in confusion, "Tell me what?"
You went back to poking the campfire as the smallest smile ghosted on your lips, "Well, that is a bit offending, but, I was with Dream and Technoblade before they broke up with me three years ago."
EXPLAINATION: So, this starts with everyone running in the forest, trying to find a safe place for them. It was Quackity's Karl and Sapnap's engagement day where the infection spread to their country. So that is why they didn't imagine it be like this. Then Phil and Techno go deeper in the forest to find a place for everyone to stay the night, then Schlatt appears. Schlatt and Quackity came to their country two years ago to run for the elections and they won. But the public turned its back on Schlatt for making bad decisions. Schlatt ran away but Quackity stayed because he found his soulmates. Dream threatened Schlatt to tell him all the information he knows, but Y/n appears and protects Schlatt. Now they have a very interesting history with Y/n. Three years ago, Y/n was exiled from their country for a crime she didn't do. She was framed but nobody believed her, not even her own lovers. But when they found she was framed, it was too late. Do they still love each other? Even after three years? Only they know for now. Y/n tells some of the information she and Schlatt and some of her other friends gathered, to everyone. She tells everyone she'll be on the lookout with Tommy. She and Tommy spent a very productive night doing all kinds of things. Finally, when Tommy fell asleep, she and Quackity have a small talk. Quackity finds out she was in a poly relationship with Technoblade and Dream.
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@rexit-mo @alex--awesome--22 @hi-imuwu @the-official-memester @beeissdead @xanadugoddess @malfoysslutt @beeseira @incorrectquotesformyuse
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" We'll be royalty."
:D any ship and uh- royalty au is all i got
Leo!!!! Hi!!! I love this song and prompt so uh!! yeah!!
I totally went of prompt but like that’s how my brain works so!!!
“Hey, Andrew?” Neil calls, opening and closing every door of their apartment. “Andrew, where are—” He opens the door to the laundry room, pausing in amusement at what he finds.
“So you see,” Andrew tells his captive audience of Sir and King from his position on the washer. He’s cross-legged, a knife balanced between two of his fingers as he talks, eyes lively. “All it would take to overthrow the government is a well-planned riot, with our resident junkie being the one to start it.” He doesn’t even bother to look up at Neil, instead gesturing for him to sit down with the cats. “Sit down junkie, this is where you come in. As I was saying...”
Neil makes a noise of amusement, closing the door and sitting in between the cats as Andrew continues to detail how he would take down the government.
“The riot would work, but only as a distraction. See, while you and all the others we associate with—”
“Our friends,” Neil fills in, the corner of his mouth ticked upwards in a smile. It’s taken him a while to get used to the concept of having friends; somedays it still doesn’t feel real, but he likes it.”
“Yes, yes, our friends. As I was saying, while you and our friends—and Aaron—work on keeping the riot running, I will be breaking into the white house. From there, I shall take out the president, whatever shitbag that is, and step into the role as temporary leader of America.”
“Like you could get past the secret service,” Neil snorts, petting Sir, who’s moved to cuddle him. “They’re good at their job. Really good.”
“And how do you know this?”
“Romero and Lola had a sibling who once tried to break into the white house on a dare. They didn’t make it very far.”  Neil says this all with a straight face, not giving away whether it’s a lie or not.
“Point made and ignored,” Andrew says, grabbing the pop can beside him and taking a sip. “I am infinitely better than this long-lost Malcolm sibling, who surely cannot compare to the level of intelligence and stealth I have.”
Neil raises an eyebrow as if to say are you so sure of that?
In response, Andrew raises both his own eyebrow and the can of pop, his expression saying I am absolutely sure of that.
A shake of the head, and then Neil focuses on the pop can. “Andrew,” he says, voice filled with both warning and amusement. “You know you’re only supposed to be having one pop a day. How’d you get this by me?”
In response, Andrew pulls out the empty coffee mug from behind him, pretending to take a sip as he deadpans, “Mm, good coffee.”
Neil starts to snicker; loudly, and it only gets louder as Andrew slips the pop can inside the coffee mug, demonstrating exactly how his little trick works. In between gasps for air, he finally manages to choke out, “Kevin is going to kill you!”
“Kevin can’t kill me if he’s in the middle of a riot while I take out the president of the United States. Successfully, mind you.”
“Valid point,” Neil scratches King’s ears as she snuggles up against him. “You’ve just got to make sure Kevin doesn’t find out until the riot starts.”
“Semantics,” Andrew says with a lazy wave of the hand, putting the coffee cup and the pop can inside of it down. “What he doesn’t know won’t kill him. Back to the plans. While I am the temporary leader of America, you will be in charge of both getting rid of all the pigs,” his tone is one of disdain and he pulls a face at even the mention of a cop. “And making sure Kevin can never come near me with another healthy food ever again.”
“What if I’m the one trying to make sure you’re eating healthy food?”
“Then you will be banished and thrown to the wolves.” Andrew rests his chin on his hand. “I pity whatever wolves get stuck with you.”
“If I get banished, you’ll miss me, and that would be a tragedy.”
“If you get banished, I will jump for joy.”
“Keep telling yourself that,” Neil drawls, focused on both Sir and King, who’re demanding his attention. “Maybe you’ll start to believe it.”
“I do believe it. Anyways; after I have successfully banished you, and made sure Day can never touch another vegetable in his life, I will set America free, and live a peaceful, Exy-free life.”
“That’ll never work, you do know that?”
Andrew stares at Neil impassively, his lips quirking when King meows. “See, King agrees with me. Her and Sir are the only two who know how to properly appreciate my genius. King meows again, and Andrew nods at her. “I know Neil is an idiot, but what does that make me? I am the one dating the idiot.”
Now it’s Sir’s turn to meow, and Andrew tips his head as he listens to her tirade. “Yes, yes, I do know this is the same Junkie I have plans to rule the world with, but you have to understand; sometimes he can be annoying, and that isn’t any fun for me.”
“I can hear you, I hope you know.”
Andrew holds up a finger, turning his stare onto Neil. “Didn’t your mother tell you it’s not nice to eavesdrop?”
“No, but she did tell me that the second one starts talking to a cat, something is very wrong.”
A shrug. “That’s what all of my doctors have said, but just look at me; I’m doing completely fi—good. Well. Splendid. Marvelous.” He rattles off an impressive list of words, never once using fine, just to prove a point.
Neil sighs in amusement, picking Sir up and holding her to his chest. “What was this about ruling the world with me?”
“Also none of your business. Next question.”
“What if my next question is the same as the first?”
“Incorrect. Repeat questions break rule number seventy-nine.”
“And what happens to be rule number seventy-nine?” Neil asks, petting King on the head as she demands attention as well. “Andrew Minyard gets to do whatever he wants?”
A calculated tip of the head. “Close, but not quite. Rule number seventy-nine is—and I quote, mind you—‘Andrew Minyard gets to make and break whatever rules he wishes.’”
“Because that’s a fair rules system, isn’t it?
“Mm, life isn’t fair, so why should rules be?”
“Fair,” Neil says, putting Sir down and standing up. “In the spirit of rules not being fair, I propose an amendment; rule seventy-nine and a half.”
Andrew raises an eyebrow, putting his pop can down and standing up as well. “And what would that be?”
“‘Neil Josten is the exception to the rules.”
He’s always been the exception, but Andrew doesn’t need to tell him that, the Junkie’d start thinking he was more than nothing.
But is co-owning an apartment nothing? Is having two cats and sharing cigarettes and falling asleep in the same bed every night nothing? Because it sure feels an awful lot like something, and that thought is almost scary. When nothing becomes something, how does one cope with the thought that they could lose that very something?
The kind of nothing that Neil is is intangible, held together by promises of forever and whispered truths.
The kind of something that Neil could be is something different; something tangible. It could be a lifetime, set not in stone but in water, ebbing and flowing but never quite leaving. It could be everything and nothing all at once, and the thought makes Andrew want. He wants the kind of shit you hear about in fairytales because for all the lack of romantic feelings he feels, he still wants the stability granted from a relationship.
“Rule seventy-nine and a half sounds like an acceptable rule,” Andrew finally concedes, gesturing for Neil to follow him. “Roof?”
“Yeah, sounds good.”
Together, they leave their apartment, Neil swiping the pack of cigarettes they keep by the door for this very reason.
If Andrew tells Neil about how they’d rule the world together when they’re finally perched on the roof, well, that falls under rule eighty.
Rule eighty: what happens on the roof, stays on the roof.
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eroticlizardfiction · 4 years
im not from the states so i have absolutely no hand in this but what other option is there? (i mean ofc y'all could overthrow the government but if that doesnt happen)
There's the socialist party and the green party they won't win but they're still an option. Also not voting is 100% valid. Voting for Biden is not harm reduction if anything it's worse because squishy liberals think Trump is the only issue with America so if they get a Democrat as a president they'll think the work is done and we'll stay in a right wing hell hole. The only elections that matter are local elections but direct action will always be more effective than voting.
The people pushing Biden are looking for any excuse to not overthrow the government but nothing will change that way. We need to completely dismantle the entire system because this country was built on white supremacy and right wing bullshit and voting for Joe Biden will not change that
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