#y/n x altair
kin-the-muffin · 2 years
you have no idea how happy i am that i finally finished this
ive had this in my drafts for months
i made my own outertale sans
his name is altair
i love him very much
yes the following is entirely self-indulgent
dont judge
You slammed the door shut, locking it behind you as you tossed your backpack onto the couch. You brushed your hands through your hair and fought back tears but to no avail.
“Hey, how’d the first day go?” You heard your roomate, Avery, say from their room.
“Fine,” You called back, quickly retreating to your room so as to avoid more humiliation. You didn’t know your new roomate very well, so you couldn’t trust them to understand. Or at least not make fun of you. The only interactions you’d had with them in the past two weeks of living together was when they invited you to parties or told you it was your week for chores. Eventually, even those conversations ceased. They realized you weren’t a fellow party-goer and figured you had gotten the gist of the housework schedule.
Dropping that train of thought, you picked a book off of your nightstand and lied on your bed. You should have started studying but you really needed to let off some steam after today. Plus you had left your backpack in the front room so you couldn’t risk Avery seeing your tear-stained face and giving you a sympathetic attitude you both knew they didn’t really mean.
Shaking off those depression-accompanied thoughts, you focused on your book.
You were barely through the fifth chapter when you heard Avery shout from the living room.
“I’m going to Lilo’s party. Don’t wait up and don’t wake me up tomorrow.”
You sighed, “Don’t you have exams this week?”
They didn’t hear you, or if they did, they just didn’t care. Not that you had expected them to. The front lock clicked and the door opened.
You were about to return to your book when Avery again interrupted your thoughts.
“Oh, well hello there.” They had put on their flirty voice so you figured it was a monster boy, their current center of attraction.
Whoever he was, he talked a lot quieter than Avery, so you couldn’t make out any specifics of what he was saying.
“Well that depends on who’s looking for ‘em,” you could almost hear them winking at the poor monster.
After a moment of what you assumed was the boy talking, Avery replied, “What’s a fine man like you want with Y/N?” They sounded almost annoyed at what he had said.
You finally put your book down at the mention of your name and sat on your bed, listening.
You could tell that Avery was trying to whisper now, though you doubted anyone else could, as their volume only decreased a little, “I’m plenty friendly, say, here’s an idea: you ditch the wallflower, join me on a short ride, and I’ll take you out for the time of your life.”
You would have been offended, though you still had no idea who in the stars they were talking to.
You guess he finally told them off, as they huffed, mumbled a gruff good-bye and closed the door. All was silent so you could only assume that Avery had left. Without a second thought towards your unstable roommate, you returned to your book.
You nearly dropped it on your face when a knock on your door startled you. The door opened a crack and you warily sat up. The sliver stretched to reveal who it was. Your eyes widened and your face broke out into a smile.
You jumped off of your bed and into Altair’s arms, burying your face into the fluff on his hood. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see his freckles glow a soft blue and you smiled. You’d been dating for at least five months now and he still got flustered whenever you showed affection. Of which you had a lot for him.
If it wasn’t obvious enough, you were overjoyed that he was here. You hadn’t seen him since you left home to head to college three weeks ago.
“Wait, what are you doing here?” you pulled your face out and looked at him questioningly.
Then he made that face at you. The one that said that he was amused by your antics. He grinned slightly, one eyebrow raised, and a light glow exuded from his freckles. What did you do that’s so funny??
“Today is the thirteenth, isn’t it..?” He asked.
“What? No, it’s the twe-“ you stopped and thought. Your eyes went wide.
He laughed, “But we talked about today yesterday.”
“Was that yesterday?”
“Yes,” he chuckled.
“I am so sorry! I didn’t- okay, I kind of did forget, but I didn’t mean to!! My plan was that class would end and I would pick you up at the train station and take you to the beach, but things got so hectic and class was awful and-“ Stop talking, dangit.
“Hey, hey, hey,” he interrupted the word-vomit, took your face in his hands, and looked in your eyes. “I get it. I’m here, aren’t I? I got here alright. I’m just glad I had your apartment address. Everything’s okay.”
“But you were-“
“Nope.” He put a finger over your mouth. “We’re not doing that today. I heard mention of a beach, is what we’re doing today?” He grinned.
“Uhhh, did you say that?” That was supposed to be a surprise! Why did you say that??
“I believe you did, actually.” He booped your nose and leaned back against the door frame.
“Uh- well- I, um-“ Oh, screw it. You sighed, “That was supposed to be a surprise…”
“Pfft, just because I know it’s a beach, doesn’t mean I can’t be surprised, right?” He offered a hand for you to take.
You put yours in his and your fingers folded together. Closing your eyes, you drifted toward him and put your cheek against his chest. You just stood there for a few minutes, you listening to the barely-discernible sound of his soul pulsing inside his ribcage, him putting his other arm around you and waiting.
Once your thoughts stopped racing around each other, you sighed and opened your eyes.
“We should probably go now if we don’t want to miss the sunset. I still can’t believe you haven’t seen it yet.” You said.
“What are you talking about? The first month back on Earth, I watched it every morning.”
“Only from your house. You haven’t seen it,” you insisted as you leaned away from his peaceful aura, “Not really. Not yet.” A smile creeped out and you tapped between his eyes.
“Alright, you’ve convinced me.” He raised his hands in surrender, “Show me what I’ve missed, Nine.” He grinned right back at you.
Taking his hand, you led him outside and into the passenger seat of my car. You climbed into the driver’s seat and switched the car on.
As you pulled out of the parking lot, you remembered something, “That reminds me, how is your driving going?” Since monsters had returned to Earth, those who wanted to drive had to take a nine-week course. There was a lot of annoyance at the length once monsters realized that the courses for humans were much shorter, but there wasn’t much anyone could do. Even though monsters have been living on Earth for quite a while now, there’s still a lot of mistrust towards them. Most of it unwarranted, in your opinion. But anyways, Altair was currently in the driving hours phase.
“Ugh, don’t remind me.” Altair grumbled.
“Whoa, that bad?” That surprised me, since you had met Altair, he had been really optimistic about everything, curious and excited by many new things here. He never grumbled about anything. Scratch that, he only grumbles about politics, though you can’t say you blame him for that.
“It’s been a month since class finished and I only have two hours in.”
“Oof, I didn’t know you hated driving so much.”
“Eh, that’s on me. You would if I texted more often.”
“Hey, I’m the one with bad communication skills here.”
He smirked at you, “Okay, okay, I’m bad at texting and you’re bad at communicating your feelings.”
“Wha- I- that’s a low blow, dude,” you stammered.
“You didn’t deny it.”
“Denying it! You are dead wrong, handsome.”
He pretended to be thinking for a moment, “Hmm, no, that’s impossible. I am an astronomer and a marine biologist! Scientists are never wrong.”
“Ah, ah, ah! You are a marine biologist-in-training. Don’t think you can pull the wool over my eyes so easily.” Smirking, you looked at him out of the corner of your eye for a moment.
“Hmph…at least I’m still an astronomer and that has to count for something, right?”
“Weeeellll… Technically, your degree doesn’t count for much until the curriculums from Starter University are approved.”
He mock-gasped in horror, “You would doubt the scientific prowess that is Professor Willhem Kansay?! He is a modern genius and an awesome entrepreneur. I am offended that you would suggest anything that would downplay his scientific achievements.”
You chuckled. It was mean of you to go after his old school but he acted really cute and funny when he was defending something against the attacks of others.
“Professor Kansay is a modern genius.”
“You already said that, Altair,” you said with a smile.
“Only because it’s true,” he huffed.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry. Kansay is pretty cool.”
“Thank you.”
“Hey, look at that.” You decided to change the subject. “We’re here! And we have yet to miss the sunset. Yes! Would you mind helping me with the stuff in the back?” You parked the car and turned it off.
“No problem.”
He climbed out and walked to the back of the car. You popped the trunk and he started to unload the trunk. You hopped out and joined him.
“Whoa, dude! Chill!” You tried to hold back your laughter. Altair was trying his best to pile all of your stuff on his back, “We don’t even need all this!” You pulled things off of him and packed it back into your car.
“What? Then why’s it here?”
“Because I’m bad at cleaning my car, okay? C’mon.” You swung a backpack over your shoulder, shut the trunk, and locked the car.
“Hey-! What do I carry?” He called over to you.
“Well, if you wanna help so bad,” you reached into the backpack, yanked out a blanket, and tossed it at him, “then here.” You laughed a little, as your aim had gone right past his open hands and straight at his face, covering his head. You walked back to him and lifted the edge of the blanket. “You okay in there?”
He chuckled lightly, his freckles glowing brightly, “I’m fine. Uh, oh.”
“What is it?”
“It’s getting dark,” He pointed up at the sky, which, true to his word, was dimming to deeper shades of blue.
“Oh, no!” You grabbed his hand and pulled him along behind you as you quickly ran across the parking lot, through the tall grass, and up a large hill.
“Wait-“ He panted, “Where are we- Can’t we just-“
“Ack, sorry, Altair, but we can’t miss this. Just a little more!”
You jogged up the hill, which was starting to feel more like a mountain, just based off of the ache in your legs. And as you ran, the sky only darkened further.
“No, please.”
You finally reached the top but to my dismay, the sun had disappeared and stars were beginning to appear. A whisper of the beautiful streaks of orange and pink and blue faded away with the light of the sun. Clouds slowly moved over the scene, further dampening the colors.
You dropped your backpack on the sand with a soft thump. You pressed your lips together in an attempt to not shout your frustration at the world and stared at the sand. Behind you, Altair panted as he finally caught up to you. When did you lose him?
He crouched next to you, breathing heavily for a few moments before standing up. He gasped softly and whispered your name in disbelief.
You sighed heavily, defeated. “I’m so sorry, Altair. I got you all excited and we got here too late and it was all my fault.” You had let your own crap get in the way of picking him up from the train station so he had to find his own ride to your apartment; you were clingy and too excited to see him so you left late; you were distracted by your conversation in the car so you missed that turn; and you were messing around too much at the car. If you had just stayed focused instead of being selfish with Altair then he could’ve-
“Wait- what?” Altair turned towards you. “You mean this wasn’t what you-? Oh, come on.”
Your gaze lifted as he pulled your face in his hands to meet his gaze. A determined expression sat on his face. Brows softly pressed together with a concerned frown and a light blush. You felt your soul flutter, as his blue-and-purple eyes now contained a galaxy’s worth of sparkles and stars in them, which were only made more mesmerizing by the look of warm adoration. You felt your own cheeks warm.
He sighed, his expression softening, “I know what you’re thinking. You’re rationalizing that very irrational line of thought.”
You looked down, not sure you deserved someone so amazing looking at you like that.
He tilted his head to meet your line of sight. “I wish you wouldn’t. It’s not fair to you.” When you shifted your look away again, he sighed and straightened. “You should know by now that I really like you. We wouldn’t be dating if I didn’t.”
“You don’t.” You whispered, “You just haven’t realized it yet.”
“Hey, now that’s definitely not fair. To you or to me. For one, you planned this whole outing so I could see something amazing.” His expression softened.
“But you didn’t even get to see the sunset…and it was my fault.”
“You know what? You’re right. I didn’t get to see the sunset, and not because of you. But because I’m here now, I got to see this.” Altair shifted a hand behind your back and turned you to face the sea.
You let out a small gasp and your eyes widened.
Flying high above the ocean floated a host of wispy cirrus clouds. You could hardly even see the horizon, there were so many. They were beautiful in and of themselves but what really took your breath away were the colors. Each cloud had the luminous coloring of a rainbow. Every color you could think of was being showcased in the skies. They almost seemed to glow.
“How- what- when-?” You stammered, completely dumbfounded by the sight.
“Yes, it’s been there almost since we got here,” Altair answered, knowing perfectly what you had been trying to communicate.
For some reason, you started crying. Maybe it was the stress of the past few weeks finally coming down. Maybe you were just a big softie and the clouds got to you. Heck, maybe it was just hormones, you sure couldn’t tell.
Without a word, Altair enveloped you in a hug, radiating safety and comfort. You wrapped your arms around his neck and put your face in his hood again. You knew this couldn’t last forever so after a few minutes in his embrace, you dropped your arms and he copied your movement. Instead he took both of your hands in his and just looked at them. He glanced back up at you, his brows scrunched in frustration.
“What?” You asked.
After a moment of hesitation, he replied softly, “How do you not see how amazing you are?”
The warmth returned to your face, “I-I’m really not that great. Nowhere near perfect.”
“When did I ask for perfection? So what if you have flaws? Everyone has them. And I happen to quite like yours.”
You weren’t sure your face could be any redder. “You don’t really like me. I’m just so charismatic that I tricked you into thinking you do,” You joked pathetically.
“You’re right.”
You looked up at him in surprise. His look was tender and his freckles glowed.
“I don’t like you.” Your heart almost broke. “I love you.”
Before you could think anything, he closed the gap between the two of you and kissed you. Your eyes were wide for a moment before you melted into his embrace and you put your arms back around his neck, answering him. The kiss was tender and sweet, in it you could feel how much Altair adored you. You felt the struggles he had gone through and realized how completely he understood your own. You also felt his happiness. His love. It was no shock for a lot of it to be saved for his brother and friends, but you were surprised to find that a large portion of his soul was cordoned off for one person. You.
Somewhere in the background, someone was setting off fireworks on the beach but their loud explosions took nothing from the moment. Their brilliant lights burned behind your eyelids, creating incomprehensible images and shapes. For some reason, you found yourself comparing each one to Altair.
Surprised at yourself, you broke away without thinking. Altair’s expression was full of light but you could see the thin layer of hesitation at you pulling away.
“S-sorry, I just need a moment to think,” You quickly explained.
He nodded and took a step back, though you felt your heart stretch towards him in longing.
Ignoring your inward pleading, for the moment, you turned back to the beach and sat on the sand. You heard Altair plop down a few feet behind you. You let yourself enjoy the beauty of the scene in front of you, but just for a minute, as Altair was waiting for a response. You knew how patient he was but you thought it wasn’t fair to keep him in suspense.
After revelling in the night sky, you turned your thoughts back to what had just happened. You raised a trembling hand to your lips, which were buzzing softly from the sensation. You put your hand down and sifted them through the sand, returning your thoughts to the important subject.
I love you.
You couldn’t believe he had said that. You didn’t doubt it for a second, first because he was no liar and second, because you had felt the truth of his words in his kiss. Still, you were surprised at his feelings for you. You had convinced yourself that your relationship would never grow into anything else, maybe that it would even end and you would part as friends. You hadn’t dared hope against it until now. You looked into your soul and imagined everything you two had gone through together in the relatively short time you’d known each other. You peered into lots of memories, or more specifically, your feelings in each memory. It only took a moment for you to realize what you felt.
You took a deep breath then turned around to face him. He had been looking at you with anxiety but when he noticed you moving, he put on a calm face. Your brows furrowed softly at that. You made a note to bring it up later.
You looked into his eyes, but found his gaze too penetrating and instead locked onto his hands which were folded neatly in his lap. As smooth as his facade was, you could see his foot bouncing nervously. You decided to start out easy.
“H-how long-?” You gestured from him to you, hoping he would understand.
Altair laughed once then put on a thoughtful expression. He thought for a moment then replied, “Not very long.” You waited for him to elaborate. “I-I suppose that’s an understatement. It kinda just hit me like the Core, only just now I guess. But I should’ve noticed before. N-Not that what I feel for you is insignificant, in any way, I feel very strongly for you! Wait, that sounds like I’m pressuring you- I will accept whatever your feelings are for me, even if they are non-existent, which they probably are. Oh stars, why did I even do that?” He mumbled that last part to himself and his calm exterior crumbled. Hunching over, he put his face in his hands.
Suddenly you could see his anxiety, clear as day and just as overwhelming as your own. You couldn’t help it, you panicked.
You rushed forward and put your arms around his shoulders. You squeezed for a moment then let off a little. Under your breath, you whispered, “I love you too.”
You pulled back, smiling a bit at his wide eyes, and kissed him.
thanks for reading (if anyone made it this far, yes i realize how cringy this is)!
hope you enjoyed!
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yasashii-leaf · 4 months
Happy holidays!! 🎁
*gives your AC bois mistletoe kisses*
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Aw merci a toi aussi bonne vacances !
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
Love Letters Series
Here on my ao3 // and on pinned masterlist
A/N - First one for Altaïr
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My Sun and stars,
Though you have just left for a mission, I still long for your presence here. I know that none could ever charge your skill or come close to the perfection of you, but I still worry. Maria and Malik say that I should not tire myself constantly over it, but if my worry ceased so would the love I hold for you. And as long as it is in my power, I could never stop carrying you in my heart.
With all the care in the world,
Your loving heart,
A/N - second one for Namor
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Most cherished of my soul,
I am not as used to these devices, a tablet I believe it is called, but I am compelled to swiftly send this message to you.
Knowing that you are on a mission to change the world for the better, I could not have been more proud or honored to be yours.
Upon your return, I wish to simply retire with you. Any destination you desire for a respite, just say the word and it is yours. All though, I beg to differ than any location in this world is a paradise with you.
Signing off,
The one with all the love for you,
King of Talokan
Your sweetest Ku’kul’kan
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hart269 · 15 days
Slithering Hearts
Chapter 2
Pairing : Regulus Black x Fem!reader
Synopsis : You begin an unlikely friendship with the little Black. And soon your whole life seems to have become a tumultuous pathway. The catch, James Potter is your brother.
Notes : A ride in Hogwarts express and the awaited House sorting
Masterlist / Series Masterlist
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You were showing off your new owl to your mom, Euphemia, who smiled at the owl "He indeed is cute, what have you named it".
"Altair" you had exclaimed when James came running, more like dragging one of his friends.
"Mom, mom, meet him, It's Sirius" James exclaimed pointing at the other guy who stiffly bowed,
"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Potter".
Euphemia smiled pushing him up by his shoulders, "There's no need for such formalities dear". Sirius smiled, relaxing, then he glanced at you and smirked, "You must be the baby potter"
You turned at your brother glaring, "Baby potter", to which he just shrugged.
Turning to Sirius, you extended your hand, "I am Y/N Potter, one year younger, so not a baby".
Sirius chuckled shaking your hand, "If that pleases you".
Euphemia laughed, "Okay now, Sirius why don't you join us, we were gonna go for ice-cream". Sirius looked conflicted, "I would have loved to Mrs.Potter but my mother would kill me if I don't return back". Euphemia nodded, "Later then".
The rest of the shopping went by quick, you had brought many new books, like :-
"A detailed guide to mastering the first year " by Hana Dygh
"The Dark Forces : A Guide to self protection" by Quentin Trimble
with some other light reads. After you two had brought everything required, living and non living, you left the alley with a new member, Altair.
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You were packed for Hogwarts, standing at the station you hugged your mom, while your dad was telling James to take care of you, since he was the older brother, which james grudgingly agreed to, earning a light slap on the back of his head. You hugged your dad and told them goodbyes, promising to write to them.
You got on the train with James, who wandered through the cabins before stopping on one where two boys were sitting and talking. One of them was comparatively small, with little eyes, while the other was quite lanky, with was a strange scar running down his neck, he was to first to glance up.
"Hey Mate", they all hugged each other while you stood quite awkwardly at the side, "And this is my sis, Y/N", you shook their hands as they introduced themselves,
"Peter Pettigrew, nice to meet you"
"Remus Lupin, pleasure to meet you"
"Pleasure to meet you too", you said shaking his hand, there seemed to be a wound on his wrist too, it seemed fresh, like an animal's claw, was he attacked, however you didn't stare, instead moved to sit beside James.
The train gate was banged open, huffing wildly, Sirius was standing there grinning, "Hello Guys" he grinned, however behind him you saw the same boy you had seen at the pet shop, he seemed almost embarassred at Sirius's antics, more so as everyone's eye shifted to him.
"This thing here is the new pride of the noble house of Black, Regulus" Sirius announced patting his shoulder.
The boy, Regulus seemed to cower more in itself, glancing tensely, until they landed at you, stopping in recognition. You smiled extending your hand to him, "Y/N Potter". He gently shook it. "Regulus Black"
The train ride was quite tense at first but then, it slowly eased into a more comfortable environment as everyone began talking about their summer, you learned about the various books Remus has read, about Sirius's "evil" as he claimed mothter. However, Regulus sitting infront of you was mostly reserved, so you tried your best to open him up.
"I named my owl Altair, what did you name yours?"
Regulus seemed to be lost in a deep thought, before blurting "Vega"
"That's a nice name"
"Thanks" he uttered the lightest pink dusting his cheeks.
The dusk came soon as the sun dipped into the horizon. The train landed at Hogmeade station, which you looked at wide eyed, it was a beautiful sight, you had heard them talk about it but it was different actually looking at it.
"Open your mouth a bit more and it will fall off" James snickered, leading you to hit him. "Okay, zouwu, first years go by the boat, don't fall in the river"
Sirius snapped his head at you, "Zouwu"
James turned excitedly, "It's a really funny story, on-oomph" James huffed as you hit him again, and fell silent after you threatened him with an embarassing story of his. They all went to the carraiges while you and Regulus joined other 1st years on the boat ride.
The boat you were on consisted of you, Rgulus, a girl named Ismelda and a guy named Barnaby. The dark lake was pitch black, with only the reflection of lights hung on your boats.
Barnaby searched his pockets, "Do you want to see in the black lake, I have someth-" a splash echoed as he slipped into the lake, without thinking you jumped after him, in the icy cold water. Seeing only darkness, you wildly flung your hand until your hand graabbed his leg, holding it you broke the surface, barely able to keep up, you felt two pair of hands wrap around you pulling you and Barnaby up, who coughed and gasped.
Regulus looked at you, "Are you okay?"
Barnaby spluttered, "I'm fine", causing you to snort.
Soon both of you were dry with a swoosh of Professor McGonagoll's wand, who looked at you pointedly, something about potters always present during troubles, and led to the great hall for house sorting. One by one students were called and sorted, leading a cheer from their respective houses. Regulus went before you, sitting apprehensively at the stool.
You glanced at Sirius, who visibly slumped, eyes glinting with dissapointment. Regulus looked relaxed but solemn. And soon your name was called, before the hat covered your eyes, you saw James giving you a thumbs-up with a wide grin. Sitting in anticipation, you waited in baited breath, suddenly a voice spoke to you, in your mind,
"Hmm, you seem to have a wandering mind yet its sharp, theres bravery, potential"
Thrn it was a sharp silence, and a loud cheer as your ears rang and you tried to make sure you had heard correctly,
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almost-correct-quotes · 8 months
love bite
reverie audios, law x sweets, 500~ wordcount
contains: blood feeding, snowballing (kind of), law-typical suggestive fluff, no actual smut i promise, altair friendly
AN: literally just "what if sweets was a little bit more of a freak than in canon". also i gave them a midwestern accent on accident sorry
When their fangs punctured Law’s skin, his hand shot to the back of their neck, pushing their head even closer to his throat.
“You can- shit, sweets, that’s-” he moaned, canting his hips up against theirs. 
They growled quietly, “Stay still.”
“Yeah, got it, I- God, I’m way too into that,” he rambled.
When they removed their fangs from him, he tilted his head up even more, baring his neck.
“You can take some more, y’know…”
“Don’t wanna take too much,” they muttered.
“I know my limits. ‘Sides, I could just heal myself if you did take too much. Trust me. Bite me again.”
“You’re sure?” Their fangs were still extended, Law’s blood dripping onto their bottom lip. Fuck. 
“Yeah. Please bite me, doll. Feel like I’m gonna go insane with your fangs so close, I need it-” he cut himself off with a choked moan as they sunk back into him, a different side of his throat this time. 
They drank slow and carefully, in an utter contrast to the mess of a sorcerer under them. When they finished, instead of kissing the spot they drank from, like they usually did, they closed their mouth immediately, keeping a bit of blood they hadn’t swallowed in their mouth. 
They tilted Law’s head back down, pressing a clawed finger to his bottom lip. He opened his mouth instinctively, to be met with their tongue down his throat and his own blood forced down it. 
Law swallowed, “I- you- okay.”
“Thought you’d like that,” they laugh. 
“Y’ menace, come ‘n’ kiss me proper,” Law complained. 
The softness of the kiss they gave him, smiling against his lips, fit with the sweetness of his blood on their lips (and his, now, he realized).
“You better believe me when I say you taste good, now.”
Noticing the potential double meaning, Law groaned, “Keep sayin’ things like that, and you’ll get a second course 'f sex essence, sweets.”
“Y’know I can sense it, even if I’m not feeding on it, right? Same way I can smell your blood or tell if you’re runnin’ on less life essence than you should be,” they explained, “not that I need to, you make it damn obvious when you’re enjoyin’ yourself.”
Heat rose to Law’s face.
“Speakin’ of, you wanna do somethin’ about that?”
“I think I’d rather just pass out, to be honest,” Law said sheepishly. He’s more used to being fed on now, but it still wipes him out a bit.
They hummed. “I’m gettin’ you some water at least, first. Or- orange juice? What do humans give to blood donors?”
Law laughed, “Either’s fine, sweets.”
Still on top of Law, they propped themself up on their elbows and stretched out like a cat. At his amused expression, they said, “Gotta get my… circulation… going. Or somethin’.”
With that, they left Law to himself, hand tracing the spots they bit him, more than a little amazed at how it healed itself.
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anonymousewrites · 1 year
Logos and Pathos (Book 2) Chapter Twenty-Three
Spock x Empath! Reader
Chapter Twenty-Three: Spock's Illness
Summary: The Pon Farr has arrived, and Spock's emotions are running stronger than ever before. While the Enterprise has been ordered to head the Altair VI, Spock needs to get to Vulcan. Or else...he'll die.
            Captain’s Log: The Enterprise is currently en route to Altair VI to act as representatives for the Federation at the inauguration ceremony of the planet’s new president. It should be a routine assignment, but we have to remain on schedule in order to make it to Altair VI on time.
            “I guess we’ll have to wear our formal uniforms, won’t we?” remarked (Y/N) to Spock as they checked out the communications coming in from Altair VI.
            Spock nodded sharply. “Yes.” He furrowed his brow and focused on his work. His skin felt hotter than usual, making him uncomfortable and on edge.
            (Y/N) cocked their head. They knew Spock better than most, and they saw that he was off. “Are you alright, Spock?”
            “Of course,” replied Spock.
            (Y/N)’s brow creased in worry. “Alright, if you’re sure, but if you need anything, just let me know, ‘kay?” They hand touched Spock’s arm in a comforting gesture.
            Spock’s skin suddenly burned on their touch. Too many emotions flooded his senses as they neared, and Spock stood quickly, dislodging their hand. (Y/N) blinked in surprise, looking up at him. “I…I need to check on something in my quarters,” said Spock, turning and leaving.
            “Alright…,” said (Y/N) hesitantly. That was weird.
            Spock shut the door of his quarters and immediately collapsed into the nearest chair. This couldn’t be happening. Not now. He shut his eyes and gripped his shoulder where (YN) had rested their hand. It still burned with the memory of their touch. His skin was still hot, racing with emotions he struggled to get a handle on. It was unmistakable. The Pon Farr had arrived.
            He needed to control it until he got to Vulcan. He’d avoid food, any visits to Sickbay that would betray his condition. Most of all, though, he couldn’t be near (Y/N). With emotions rushing through him almost uncontrollably, their presence, their touch, his feelings for them, everything would be too much. Spock would hold out until he was on Vulcan with T’Pring.
            His heart sank. He knew it wouldn’t be enough. T’Pring wouldn’t be enough. She was intelligent, efficient, and the model Vulcan, but she wasn’t (Y/N). Spock’s heart longed for them. Spock loved them. And all he could pine for was them.
            But Spock wouldn’t push them. He wouldn’t confess under the pressure of the Pon Farr. He wouldn’t push his emotions onto them. He wouldn’t do that to them. It wouldn’t be fair to (Y/N).
            So Spock would hide, keep to himself until he could handle the situation.
Three days later…
            “Hey, (L/N), Jim and I were just discussing something and we thought you could give us some input,” said Bones.
            (Y/N) paused in their walk down the corridor and turned back to the men. “What is it?” they asked.
            “Well, it’s Spock. Have you noticed anything strange about him recently?” said Kirk.
            “He’s become increasingly restive. If he were not a Vulcan, I’d almost say ‘nervous.’ Not to mention he’s avoiding food. I checked, and he hasn’t eaten in three days,” said Bones. “Jim thinks he’s just in a ‘contemplative phase,’ but I’m not sure.”
            “I’d agree with the Captain if it wasn’t for what happened three days ago,” admitted (Y/N). “Spock’s been evasive and short with people. I know he’s Vulcan, but Spock’s never been rude to people.”
            “He’s been avoiding you?” said Jim incredulously. He exchanged a worried glance with Bones. Now that was a bad sign. “Well, we can’t have that. (L/N), I vote you try to talk to him.”
            “Me? But sir, I’m the one he seems to be avoiding,” pointed out (Y/N).
            “Yeah, but you’re also the only person he’s likely to listen to when he’s acting strange,” said Bones. Oblivious.
            “Well…I can try,” murmured (Y/N), trying not to disappoint them.
            Bones and Kirk ushered (Y/N) towards Spock’s door. They glanced at them nervously, but the men urged them forward. (Y/N) cleared their throat and knocked on the door.
            There was a pause before Spock spoke from inside. “Who is it?” His tone was rushed and clipped.
            “(Y/N),” they replied.
            “I—I cannot come to the door,” said Spock, his voice strained.
            “Spock, we—I’m worried about you,” said (Y/N).
            “I am fine,” said Spock sharply. “Leave me be.”
            “I’m serious, Spock. We can all tell you’re not yourself. Something’s wrong, and we want to hel—”
            The door slid open, and an unusually frazzled-looking Spock was revealed. He stared at (Y/N), brows furrowed. “I do not need help.” His eyes rose to Kirk and Bones, who stood a few steps behind (Y/N). “And if I need it, I’ll ask for it. I don’t need people prying!” He took a deep breath and stared at Kirk. In a much more composed voice, Spock said, “Captain…I should like to request a leave of absence on my home planet. On our present course, you can divert to Vulcan with a loss of but 2.8 light-days.”
            “Spock, what is this about?” said (Y/N), pressing once more.
            Spock barely had the strength to keep his issues quiet at the kind look in their eyes. Oh, how he wanted to tell them everything spill how deeply it hurt for his very being to sing to be near them without being able to take them into his arms. But Spock wouldn’t push his rampant emotions onto them. It would be wrong in the moment; he was too out of control.
            “I…have made my request,” said Spock stiffly. “All that I require is that the Captain answer it, yes or no.”
            “Alright, Spock. I’ll give you an answer. But first I need to ask you a few questions, and you will give me answers,” said Kirk. “It’s that or nothing.”
            Spock’s jaw tensed. “Very well.” He let Kirk go inside, and then the door slid closed. Outside, Bones and (Y/N) exchanged worried and confused looks.
            “Did you have any luck?” asked (Y/N) as Kirk arrived back on the Bridge.
            He sighed. “He indicated it was a personal matter, that was all. We are diverting briefly to Vulcan, though. Clearly, Spock needs to get there. I won’t deny him it; he’s my friend. But I have sent him to Bones for medical observation in case something else is wrong.”
            “Alright.” (Y/N) nodded, but their concern for Spock didn’t abate. Something was wrong, and it was killing them not to know what. They wanted to help him.
            “Captain, something’s coming on the Starfleet channel,” reported Uhura. “Priority and urgent, sir. Message complete but recorded.”
            “Put it on audio over here, Lieutenant,” said Kirk.
            The computer buzzed. “To: Captain, USS Enterprise. From: Starfleet, Sector Nine. Inauguration ceremonies on Altair VI have been advanced seven solar days. You are ordered to altar your flight plan as filed to accommodate. By order of Komack, Admiral, Starfleet Command. Acknowledge.”
            (Y/N) thought worriedly about Spock. That would mean he couldn’t make it to Vulcan.
            “Lieutenant Uhura, acknowledge that message,” said Kirk.
            “Aye, aye, sir,” said Uhura.
            “Mr. Chekov, compute trajectory and speed necessary for compliance,” ordered Kirk.
            “We’ll have to head directly there at warp 6, sir,” said Chekov. “Insufficient time to stop at Vulcan.”
            “Head directly for Altair VI,” said Kirk.
             “Jim, you’ve got to get Spock to Vulcan,” said Bones, rushing onto the Bridge, his expression grim and urgent.
            “After we get to Altair VI and have the inauguration ceremony, I’ll get him there immediately,” said Kirk, standing.
            Bones gripped his arm and pulled him to the side near (Y/N). “No, Jim, now. If you don’t get him to Vulcan within a week, he’ll die! He’ll die, Jim.”
            “He’ll what?” asked (Y/N), horrified. “Why?”
            “I don’t know,” admitted Bones. “There’s a growing imbalance of body functions. As if, in our bodies, huge amounts of adrenaline were constantly being pumped into our bloodstreams. Now, I can’t trace it down in my bio-comps. Spock won’t tell me what it is. But if it isn’t stopped somehow, the physical and emotional pressures will simply kill him.”
            Why hasn’t he asked me to help? I could try to help control his emotions, thought (Y/N) desperately.
            “You say you’re convinced he knows what it is?” said Kirk.
            “He does,” confirmed Bones. “And he’s as tight-lipped about it as an Aldebaran Shellmouth.” Kirk headed towards the door. “No use to ask him, Jim. He won’t talk.”
            “Oh, I’ll make him,” said Kirk.
            (Y/N) and Bones exchanged worried looks.
            Kirk entered Spock’s quarters and stalked straight up to him. “Bones has given me his medical evaluation of your condition. He says you’re going to die unless something is done. What?” Spock looked down at his hands. “Is it something only your planet can do for you?” Spock didn’t answer and tried to return to his paperwork, but Kirk grabbed his wrist. “Spock!” He gasped as he felt the Vulcan shaking. “You’ve been called the best First Officer in the fleet. That’s an enormous asset to me. If I have to lose that First Officer, I want to know why.”
            Spock stood and began pacing with nervous energy. “It is a thing no outworlder may know…except those very few who have been involved. A Vulcan understands, but even we do not speak of it among ourselves. It is a deeply personal thing. Can you see that, Captain, and understand?”
            “No, I do not understand,” said Kirk. “Explain. Consider that an order.”
            “Captain, there are some things that transcend even the discipline of the service,” said Spock.
            “Would it help if I told you that I’ll treat this as totally confidential unless someone else has to become involved?” asked Kirk.
            Spock nodded curtly and steeled himself before continuing. “It has to do with…biology.”
            “What?” questioned Kirk.
            “Biology,” repeated Spock.
            “What kind of biology?” asked Kirk.
            “Vulcan biology.”
            “You mean the biology of Vulcans?” Spock nodded. “Biology as in…reproduction?” Spock nodded again. “Well…there’s no need to be embarrassed about it, Mr. Spock. It happens to the birds and the bees.”
            “The birds and the bees are not Vulcan, Captain,” said Spock. “If they were—if any creature as proudly logical as us were to have their logic…ripped from them as this time does to us…” He shook his head and crossed his arms. “How do you assume Vulcans choose their mates?”
            “I guess the rest of us assume that it’s done…quite logically,” said Kirk. But I know that’s not the truth, since you’re completely in love with (L/N), who is your complete opposite.
            “No,” said Spock quietly. “No, it is not.” Not only is my heart unguided by logic, but I am affected by this as well. “We shield it with ritual and custom shrouded in antiquity.” He sighed. “You humans have no conception. It strips our minds from us. It brings a madness which rips away our veneer of civilization. It is the Pon Farr. The time of mating. There are precedents in nature, Captain. The giant eel-birds of Regulus V. Once each eleven years, they must return to the caverns where they hatched. On your earth—salmon. They must return to that one stream where they were born….to spawn or die in trying.”
            “But you’re not a fish, Mr. Spock, you’re…” Kirk trailed off.
            “No…nor am I a man,” said Spock. “I’m a Vulcan. I had hoped I would be spared this, but the ancient drives are too strong. Eventually, they catch up to us, and we are driven by forces we cannot control to return home…and take a spouse…or die.”
            Kirk sucked in a breath. “That’s why you’re avoiding (L/N).” Spock’s head jerked up, surprised Kirk understood his reasoning. Kirk shrugged in response. “Spock, it’s kind of obvious you’re…in love with them.”
            “It…is?” asked Spock hesitantly.
            “Not to everyone. Don’t worry, your reputation is safe,” assured Kirk. “But Bones and I definitely know, and I think Scotty and Uhura know, too.”
            “Ah.” Spock shifted.
            Kirk’s gaze grew serious again. “But this ‘Pon Farr’ thing, it is why you’re avoiding (L/N), isn’t it?”
            “Yes,” admitted Spock.
            “Because you’re worried you’re going to…what? Hurt them? Spock, I doubt you can even fathom the idea of hurting (L/N),” said Kirk.
            “It is not that simple,” said Spock, crossing his arms uncomfortably. “The Pon Farr means I lack my normal control. While I would never hurt (Y/N), I…I could force my feelings onto them. And if I were to admit my…affections, it would be under duress, and (Y/N) wouldn’t accept them because there is always that possibility that I am simply acting on instinct, and even if they felt the same way towards me, they wouldn’t take advantage of my…condition like that.”
            Kirk nodded in agreement. “No, they’re too kind for that.” He crossed his arms. “But you should tell them what’s happening.”
            “If I tell them, they will ask to help regulate my emotions with their empathy,” said Spock. “And in my state…”
            “You’re worried you’ll confess your undying love for them in an undignified manner,” said Kirk, waving a hand. “I know, I know. But I still think you should tell them. If not for you, then for them. You should see how worried they are.”
            “I will…consider it,” said Spock.
            Kirk nodded. “Good.” He walked towards the door. “And Spock.” The Vulcan looked up. “I’ll get you to Vulcan. If you really can’t get any help from (L/N) and this is the only way, I’ll make sure you get there.”
            “Thank you, Captain,” said Spock. After the door slid closed again behind Kirk, Spock rested a hand on his forehead. The fever of Pon Farr was raging through him, bringing so many emotions to the surface that he desperately tried to control. If he didn’t get to Vulcan soon…Spock didn’t want to think of that possibility.
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rea-grimm · 2 months
Dragon of Masyaf 1
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Dragon Altair x Reader
As a novice assassin, you came under the wing of the youngest Grandmaster, Altair himself. Under his training, you began to notice several quirks that you were determined to get to the bottom of. Including your developing relationship with the Grandmaster.
Altair stood in his study watching the novice training from the large window. He checked them here and there but otherwise didn't study them. He trusted the mentors who trained them to do a first-class job. 
This time, even if he tried to focus his attention on something else, like his work, he always had to return to the window. One of the novices towered over all the others and got his attention.
You were one of the few who was interested in training and learning to be an assassin. You were a talent that was not seen here very often. A beautiful flower that grew in the inhospitable environment of the desert. One of the rafiqs noticed your talent and sent you here to Masyaf.
Although you were just a novice, you planned to change that soon. You wanted to become a full-fledged assassin and fight for people's freedom.
The mentor taught you new sword attacks that you learned naturally. During training, you had the impression that someone was watching you. But you didn't see anyone. That is, except as a mentor, but that was his duty.
You were halfway through training when someone approached the training ring. From his uniform, you guessed that he was someone in a high position. However, you didn't have time to follow him, because another novice rushed at you in a practice match and wanted to take advantage of your inattention. 
You simply dodged his attack and sent him to the ground in a few simple moves. The mentor complimented you while giving your opponent some advice on what to avoid next time and what to improve on. After this fight, the mentor gave you a break before turning to the newcomer.
"Altair, what brings you here?" greeted the assassin's mentor. You immediately knew who it was by the name. Everyone on Masyaf has heard of Altair. The youngest Grandmaster in Assassin history. Looking at him, you got the impression that he was only a few years older than you.
“I wanted to see for myself how strong our novices are,” he replied, looking you over. You had the impression that his gaze lingered on you longer than on the others.
"I must say that we now have a really strong and skilled group," the mentor praised you. Altair nodded his head meaningfully before looking back at you.
"You?" he said to you. "What is your name?" he asked.
“Y/F/N,” you replied. Altair repeated your name before turning to your mentor.
"Starting tomorrow I will be personally supervising training Y/F/N. Is that okay with you?" he said and it didn't sound like a question at all.
"Sure. I see a lot of potential in Y/N. I'm sure you'll be happy with her," he replied. That was a shock to you. Train under a grandmaster? It just didn't happen to anyone. That was the first you heard about it.
And so it was that from the next day you were taught by the great Altair himself. Altair was strict about some things and tried to get the best out of you, but sometimes you wondered if there was more to it.
Several times you caught him watching you with his amber eyes with an almost dreamy expression. When you caught him staring, he would usually immediately look away, or immediately harden his gaze and go back into learning mode.
Moreover, every time you addressed him as a master, it caught him by surprise. You didn't understand why. That's how everyone at the castle addressed him. 
Sometimes when you addressed him like that, he would stop, or you noticed how his cheeks turned pink, which he tried to hide in the shadow of his hood. But that happened at least. Especially the times you caught him staring and asked him if something was wrong.
He had a style of training that suited you. Sometimes he would give you little training missions like find and bring without being seen etc.
You also trained your fighting skills with him. He always explained a movement to you and how to do it. He let you try it a few times before you had to fight him. You had the impression that the fights were just some kind of game for him.
You could see the joy in his eyes at being able to fight with you. But he never spared you and so it happened that he always won. After the fight, he told you what you improved and what needed to be improved. However, he always praised you for improving. You hoped that one day you would be able to beat him in a fight.
Over time, you found out that the Grandmaster regularly went to the underground passages, which were so complex that they seemed like a labyrinth. Especially when you got into a giant corridor made up of thousands of columns where one had no idea how many steps he had walked. Everything looked the same there and it was easy to get lost there.
At first, you just waved it off that it was nothing, but your curiosity didn't stop you and you wanted to find out what was there. In the beginning, you tried to follow Altair, but somehow he always got lost. And so you set yourself the goal of one day finding out what is hidden there.
Assassin's Creed Masterlist
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outerrimhours · 2 years
As The World Burns
A Darth Maul x F/AFAB!Reader Fanfiction
Chapter One: A Princess's Peril
{Previous Chapter} / {Next Chapter} / {Fic Masterlist}
FIC SUMMARY: Queen to be, after the slaughter of your mother and father by the Separatists, you were cast aside in an attempt at dictatorship by your uncle who claims he is the rightful ruler. Kept in the dark, you secretly seek knowledge to overthrow the crown, yet find yourself entangled in a lustful affair with the enemy, a certain Sith Lord who aids you in the ploy to take back your kingdom. 
Multi-chapter, fem/AFAB!Reader x Darth Maul. No use of y/n. Let’s pretend Maul was cut from the knee down. No canon timeline tbh.  Includes smut.
RATING: Explicit. This work is strictly for those 18+ due to sexual content. MINORS, DO NOT INTERACT.
CONTENT/TRIGGER WARNINGS: Loss of parent/family, anxiety, unwanted touch (nothing serious),nightmares,  
A/N: Sorry this took forever to get out. I’ve had no motivation, except @eloquentmoon, who I adore their work and their fic made me want to write this.
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“Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, but bears it out even to the edge of doom”
As if conjured from the storybook of a child, a soft evening mist ghosted over the garden, soaking into petals of lavender. In the cloud softened light, the ivy brings a sweet wave of evergreen with veins of the lightest green. The ghost of vines traced their pathway like fading scars against the Utarian statue. What once was new and vibrant, crumbled at the will of the planet. Pieces of tufa and limestone fragmented. Grass breaching through exposed cracks. At the edge of the clouds rested a brilliant white patch, like a turning page catching the suns. The rest was dove gray and peach nestled into a hint of beryl, just enough to announce the sunset. And tucked furtively inside of a stone wall was an aged and water logged copy of “The History of Utara”. 
 What once was tradition within the Altair family, soon perished with the death of the King and Queen. Before the coronation of a young princess, Druan Altair, brother of the king, emerged from the shadows to take the crown instead. The princess was not to know the history of her people and the politics within. Most saw this change as a form of protection after what happened to her mother and father at the hands of the separatists, but was merely a ploy to dictatorship. 
 You settled onto the bounty of clover and sun strengthened grass, the torso of a tree lending a resting spot. Despite the yellowed pages curling up within themselves, black ink still flowed in perfect Auerbech. 
 Your kingdom was once peaceful and prospering, barely a parsec away from Naboo, who happily traded with no conflict, until the war began. A war that starved the Naboolians and killed the reigning monarchs on Utara. A beloved King and Queen, struck down by the hands of a red suffused blade. A young princess's peril. Although you had been trained from birth to take rule, Druan Altair assumed control under the pretense that a princess whose parents were targeted by the Sith would merely be in danger. 
You absorbed the information thoughtfully. 
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“M’lady”, a voice approached, the mildewed book hiding underneath the skirt of your dress. Approaching through the brush was a young Knight named Torent Mozh, who met your gaze, not with a shyness like most guards, but with a blunt refusal to avert his gaze first.
 “The king requests your presence in your quarters.”
 Your jaw clenched at the word king. There were no requests. Only demands. 
  “May I inquire why exactly I am being shunned from my own gardens at such an hour”, you requested, observing the way the setting sun beamed off the shiny armor. You knew Torent long enough to know when he did provide all of the information you requested. Although some of his face was obscured by a dark scraggly beard  that clung to his skin, you could still read minuet facial expressions. 
“We have visitors. He prefers you not be out during this time”, the Knight stated, “You know, for your safety, Princess.” 
Bile rose in your throat as a large, sleek, ship slowly landed a few miles north. Nothing like you had ever seen. 
“Who”, you demanded.
Torent scoffed at the assertiveness. 
“Nothing you should concern yourself with. Now let’s go”. 
The way he placed his hand against your back was soft, yet aggressive, in a swift motion to move you towards the palace. It infuriated you. Yet suddenly panic settled in as you realized your book was still tucked between your dress. Every explicit comment you felt like shouting was silenced by the dread of knowing your secret could be exposed so easily. You were silent, tunnel vision setting in as you walked up the stairs and into the foyer, Torent’s hand no longer pushing you, but eyes still watching as you climbed the stairs to your quarters. 
You had to find a way to return the book to the garden.
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 “M’lady, may I retire for the night”, your servant, Thalia, asked quietly as she combed through the waves of your hair. You were usually more talkative, basking in Thalia’s company and friendship, yet tonight you were curled within yourself. Gazing into the mirror, thoughts far away. All you could think of was getting that book back into its creavis. 
“Of course, get some rest.”
Thalia sat the gold plated brush against the vanity, its detailed artwork worn and withering with age. You couldn’t help but regret not taking every generational hair that swept through that brush and knitting it into a blanket. Possibly the last piece of your mother residing in it. The grief drained through you, rather than skating over your skin. It traveled through every cell to reach the ground. Your feet lifting to touch the chill marbled floor, ghosting over to the chest that resided like a dusty coffin underneath your bed. It was painted in swirls of pastel with flecks of gold, as if Michelangelo sculpted it himself. The lock clicking beneath your fingertips, opening to reveal what was left of your mother. A silk nightgown, moon shaped hair clips, letters from your father proclaiming his love when he wasn’t planetside, her favorite books, and lastly, a journal. The journal was several hundred yellowing pages, each gentle to the fingertip, but cracking with age and tear stains. Upon them was the wisdom of her soul; those feelings of love channeled through  great knowledge and a lifetime of meditative contemplation. In that humble ink was the liveliness of her brain, how her synapse danced as if they were young all her days. The journal was forever as pure as a child. A mother who loved her daughter more than imaginable. 
You curled underneath the satin cream colored sheets of your bed, flipping through the pages of the journal by candlelight. Your favorite entry a reminder of the morning you picked berries with her by the garden wall. Laughter and smiles. The way she smelled of roses when she embraced you. You were not very ladylike then and she blamed your father. 
“She has a warrior’s heart”, he would always say. 
Your heart ached with a mixture of mournfulness and vexation, but your train of thoughts interpreted by echoing voices downstairs. Your curiosity plagued you. You were desperate to know who your uncle had brought forth. Unlike your people, who he had easily manipulated during a time of war and mourning; you were less naïve. You had seen the Separatists ships before, the guards loading spice into what once held your finest wine.  
You were eager to spy on your Uncle’s new acquaintances.  
Tucking your Mother’s journal away and finding a robe to cover yourself from the chill, you swiftly gathered a small candlelight and cracked the door. A guard was perched in the center hallway, not for your protection as one might think, but to keep you from leaving. Luckily, shift change was beginning to happen, and you managed to sneak past to the staircase. 
“I assure you Lord Maul”, you heard your Uncle in an overwrought whisper. You edged close to the marbled wall, creeping silently down the staircase until you were able to peer over the corner. Your Uncle walked alongside a slightly shorter man draped eerily in a black cloak. 
“Our soldiers are the best in the system”, he continued.  
Your interest peaked as the man clasped his hands behind his back, humming lowly as if  considering his words. 
“Utara will be a valuable asset to Crimson Dawn.”
You gasped at your Uncle’s words, causing the visitor to turn slightly in your direction. It was such a subtle noise, even your Uncle didn’t notice. Yet, your heart pounded violently. 
“We will see”, Maul spoke, turning his attention to the staircase. Predatorial eyes locking with yours. You had never seen eyes so saffron, so piercing. It frightened you. He was surely looking right at you and you were so frozen in place, you dared not move. His blood stained skin was tattooed with black tribal inks, something you had never seen before on your planet. 
The devil had you trapped in his gaze until he looked away, addressing your Uncle one last time before disappearing through the doors. 
“Do not disappoint,'' he spoke. 
You finally exhaled, blood and air rushing through your body as you huffed against the wall. You were so tense and panicked, quietly racing back to your quarters before you were caught once more. 
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paulpiner · 2 years
Cartesian tooltip anychart
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Pie charts are an easy way to visualize expenses. When the radius is 0 the background shape has 90 corners. Youll see several options appear in a drop-down menu. 2-D Pie - Create a simple pie chart that displays color-coded sections of your data.
Title 31 Code of Federal Regulations Subtitle A Part 10. Bar Chart with Highlighted Segment Beckers Barley Trellis Plot wrapped facet. Animated Circle Progress Bar with jQuery and SVG - asPieProgress. Make interactive animated bar chart race charts direct from Excel data and publish them online. This is a circular button in the Charts group of options which is below and to the right of the Insert tab. The length of the task bars define the new task duration between the start date and end date. First we will design a basic progress bar structure using HTML. Click the arrows to progress the story or click around in the graphic to explore. This example shows a basic bar chart created with Altair. Smooth edge and cut edge bar styles as well as the standard pyramid cylinder ellipsoid cone inverted pyramid and inverted cone styles. JavaScript Gantt charts offer project management and planning with tasks on the y-axis and time scale on the x-axis. It also has an anti-vibration technology that prevents user fatigue during cutting operations. A bar chart uses horizontal or vertical bars to show comparisons among categories.
Although free all themes and templates were precisely crafted with design code and SEO on mind. Works on mobile phones tablets and desktop. Bar chart n graph that uses bars gráfico de barras nm. A pie chart or a circle chart is a circular statistical graphic which is divided into slices to illustrate numerical proportionIn a pie chart the arc length of each slice and consequently its central angle and area is proportional to the quantity it represents.īar such appraiser from presenting evidence or testimony in any such proceeding. Use a waterfall chart to show how an initial value changes with intermediate values either positive or negative and results in a final value. The longer the bar the greater the value it represents. An example Flourish bar race chart.īar Chart Chart Design Powerpoint Templates Maximum limit of data-labels that can be displayed on a bar chart.
To create a Bubble series explicitly, call the bubble() method.Tested with more than 3000 points and still performing. Find more about Scatter Charts in the Scatter Plot article. Note that this constructor creates a chart of a Scatter type. If you pass the data to this chart constructor, it will create a Bubble series. To create a Bubble chart, use the anychart.bubble() chart constructor. The Bubble chart requires adding the Core and Basic Cartesian modules: Īlternatively, you can use the Base module, which includes, among other things, the two modules mentioned above: See the table below to get a brief overview of the Bubble chart's characteristics:
This article explains how to create a basic Bubble chart as well as configure settings that are specific to the type. Essentially, these charts allow four different variables to be plotted within the same graph, making it easy to assess relative economic performance.īecause they allow visual comparisons of well-understood measures, bubble charts are often used for pinpointing priority industries that should receive attention from a state economic development agency. Use a Bubble chart if you want to put more attention to the specific values in your chart by different bubble sizes.īubble charts are popular tools for identifying and illustrating industry clusters. HTML5 Bubble charts are often used to present financial data.
Triple Exponential Moving Average (TRIX)Ī Bubble chart is a variation of a Scatter chart where the data points are replaced with bubbles.
Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD).
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ivyprism · 3 years
Y/n, simping for my OCs: I can't simp for them... I want a partner-
Altair, pulling them and tilting their chin: What a shame, baby, what a shame~.
Leigh tying her hair up and glancing over: Could've been with me instead of what's their fucking name.
Jack, pulling y/n over and tilting their face: What a shame...
Haven, wrapping their arms around Y/n's waist: Baby, what a shame~.
Lincoln with his cards: Had a winning hand~...
Aurora, sitting on a table cross legged: But you threw away the game~.
Song: What a Shame by Leyla Blue.
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harveywritings92 · 4 years
You fall asleep on them/ They fall asleep on you: Malik,Altair, Shay, Ezio
Malik: You didn't fall asleep on him more like you were watching him work around the bureau and fell asleep sitting on a stool and leaning against a bookshelf, He noticed when you stopped humming and saw napping, he took his over coat off and placed it over you like a blanket and went back to work occasionally shooing away any other assassin's who tried to wake you. 
How he fell asleep on you
He'd fallen asleep on you after having been a wake for three days straight; filling out contract requests, you knew he going to crash eventually... But didn't think it would happen literally! You were practicing leaps of faith, when he went to go lecture you on proper form, and passed out on top of you! You were trapped in that hay pile under a sleeping Malik for two hours! before your older brother Altair found you. He thought it was funny! you not so much.    
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Altair Modern au: Altair was review some mission dossiers and reports the others dropped off in his office, when he felt a weight on his shoulder, he looked and saw Y/n dozing of on him, He'd known you'd been having trouble sleeping with exam week coming up, without even putting the file down, he shifted a bit let her get into more comfortable position against him, and went back to what he was doing. if anyone barged in or tried to wake her. Altair would shoot them a 'wake her and I'll kill you look.' and they' scurry off.   
How he fell asleep on you
He hesitant about taking a nap in public like this, but he was so fricken tired driving home would be a bad call, He squeezed in behind you watching you work on the computer, his arms had wrapped around your waist and gave you a little kiss on the neck, before drifting to the sounds of shifting papers and tapping of computer keys, Altair wasn't sure how he napped for; because next thing he knew some D-bag was hitting on his wife! and he wanted the jerks head on a spike!
-==-=—=-=-==-=-=-=–=–=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -==-=—=-=-==-=-=-=–=–=-=-=-
Shay Cormac: Shay he was injured and Y/n had spent the whole damn night stitching him back together, by the time he was back on his feet! Y/n was dead on hers, Gist was worried about the y/nat woman as she was sort of swaying around when insisting she was standing still! it came to a head when the crew stopped at a tavern, and the barmaid wouldn’t stop trying to hit on Shay! 
Annoyed Y/n got up and plopped herself down in the Templars lap and buried her face in his neck, Shay tensed up as this was out of character for Y/n, he assumed she was going to start kissing him or something… Then he felt the soft rhythmic breathing and realized she’d fallen asleep!
The now fuming barmaid tried to yank the y/ht woman off the Irishman who slapped her hand away, while Shay’s free arm was securely around Y/n’s waist keeping her in his lap. “She staying right here, now piss off or get me another ale…” He hissed the woman humph’d and stomped off while Shay went back to talking to Gist while occasionally rocking, kissing or playing with Y/n’s hair.
How he fell asleep on you:  
He was drunk and somehow found his way to your house, You weren’t really expecting him, you reading when loud crash nearly caused you have a heart-attack! you put your book down and went downstairs to see. “Shay?” the Irish templar jolted at hearing his name and turned to look at you, surprised. “Y/n when you get here?” he slurred your brows furrowed. “I live here…” the you smelled the alcohol. “Shay are you drun-” He suddenly hugged you a little too tightly causing you to wince.
“Okay!” you wheezed patting him on the back trying to get him to loosen up, only for him slack suddenly and you to lose your footing! the two of you fell backwards on to your staircase. “ow…” you groaned and looked to see Shay passed out sleeping on your waist, You try wiggle out from under him, but he had nice grip on you! and you may have sprained your wrist on the way down… You could feel it throbbing painfully.
That’s how Haytham and Gist found you… four hours later. You were using Shay’s head to rest you wrist on and your legs had gone numb by this point and You needed Gist to carry you to your kitchen table, giving you a front seat view as he and the grand master woke Shay up, Who sobered up pretty quickly when he realized what he’d done! and was literally on his knees apologizing to you!
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Ezio(takes place in Brotherhood): She didn't necessarily fall asleep on him, Y/n was pregnant and wasn't as versatile as she used to be, waddling around shopping or doing little things were more taxing as the months wore on, it was noon and very hot! So, the y/hc woman decided to take a break on a bench and somehow had fallen asleep. Y/n wasn't sure how long she was out for but when she woke up the sun was setting and she was leaning on someone!
Y/n's face went red and was going to apologize to the person only to recognize the white robes saw Ezio looking at her concerned. "Tell me when you go out, I thought someone took you." he croaked while check her over making sure she wasn't hurt... She apologized she hadn't planned to fall asleep, it was hot and she so tired! Ezio calmed her down said it fine, just next time tell him or take someone with her, he called a horse and took her back home. 
How he fell asleep on you(Set in AC:II)
It was two years after he'd come to Mario, he was still reeling over the whole "My father was an assassin and Templars exist" thing, this whole situation was putting a serious toll on his health. 
Y/n would often find Ezio in his room reading his grand father's journals and looking at his robes guilt ridden and unsure... It was obvious he hadn't slept either, she could see the dark rings under his eyes, the few times he looked away from the books. 
What could she say to him? Y/n hardly knew Ezio and it was obvious he had it out for her for some reason, often acting short and bitter towards her! especially when he found out she was a girl, however that seemed to change after taking out Vieri De Pazzi...
He came back acting... odd. 
Y/n was looking through some old documents when Ezio suddenly came in he stared at her without saying anything, it was creeping her out. "What?" she huffed trying get a reaction out of him, he didn't say anything his golden eyes stayed fixated on her, before looking down at his feet and silently walking outside.
Y/n's stomach knotted up and she followed after him to find him sitting on a bench with his head in his hands breathing heavily. "Ezio." She called he didn't answer she noticed he was shaking... was he crying?
"Ezio." She sat down next to him. "It's too much... the blood! they keep staring at me" he kept muttering it was then Y/n realized he was breaking down! "Hey.. look at me." She grabbing his face making him look at her. "You're not going let this break you Ezio, I won't let that happen alright?" the assassin eyes were still glazed as the y/hc woman hugged him.
 "I'm here with you..." she cooed trying to bring him back into reality, she felt his arms shaking but he managed to bring around her waist and pulled her close to him, Y/n wasn't sure how long they say there for, but Ezio's body relaxed and his breathing evened out into soft rhythmic intervals he was sleeping... Y/n knew she wasn’t going back inside anytime soon, and fell asleep few moments later...
Y/n had been woken up that morning by one of the Mercenaries who was doing his morning rounds, Ezio was gone the only evidence of him being there was his cape was draped over her like a blanket, Let's just say Ezio's bitter attitude towards Y/n did a complete turn around when he returned from Florence.       
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marshmallow--3 · 5 years
How the Assassins treat you after you've had a rough day.
Kassandra of Sparta:
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You've been getting grief at work for dating a woman, and it really brings you down.
Kassandra picks you up from work one night, standing by her bike in the parking lot and smiling sweetly in your direction.
You're surrounded by the coworkers who've been harassing you, so naturally you start to worry about what's going to happen.
She skips over to you, greets you, tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear before kissing you in front of the bigots.
When she pulls away, you don't even know what to say, but she says plenty for you.
Turning to your coworkers, she adopts a sickly-sweet voice and croons, "If any of you have a problem, you're welcome to address your concerns to me."
Even you'll admit how intimidating she looks with her biceps on show, her smile angelic yet her fingers cracking one another.
"Nothing? Then I suggest you apologise to Y/N for the grief you've been giving her."
Altaïr Ibn-LaʼAhad:
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You've never had such a busy day. Muscles you didn't even know existed are aching, and you get the feeling no amount of heat rub will help.
Seeing you walk painfully into the living room where he's sat, he rises from the sofa and takes your hands into his, studying you.
"Come, Dove."
He joins you in the shower, his palms splaying over your wet skin in ways you could never dream of, pleasantly surprising you with his massage skills.
You very much doubt you'll be asking him to stop any time soon.
Ezio Auditore da Firenze:
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You've been rushed off your feet all day, stumbling through your front door with a certain limp.
Ezio spies you, offering to help but you insist you're fine, making your way to the sofa where you collapse in the seat, kicking your shoes off and wiggling your feet by the fire.
Sinking to his knees in front of you, his thumbs skim over a pressure point, relaxing your muscles until they feel like jelly, treating you to his famous Auditore foot massage.
Closing your eyes and basking in the warmth of the fire and the wonderful, practiced ripples his fingers create, you smile, feeling more at peace than you can ever remember.
Ratonhnhaké:ton / Connor:
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Your day has been non-stop, you've barely had a moment to yourself.
Connor comes home early and sees on the calendar that you've designated tomorrow, your only day off, as cleaning day.
He's having none of that, you deserve a day to relax. So he cleans the entire house while you're out, and has dinner prepared, still hot and steaming on the candlelit table when you arrive home.
Shay Cormac:
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You've received some bad news lately, and have been far too busy running around to make sure everyone else is okay.
You come home to him holding a bunch of flowers, smiling warmly at you.
He's cooked seafood, his speciality, which fills the house with a deliciously salty smell.
Not to mention the hot bath that's waiting for you, which is the perfect temperature by the time you've finished eating.
Feeling completely drained, you fall asleep in the bath.
Shay comes to see what's taking you so long, and sees you fast asleep.
Shaking his head with a smile, he pokes your shoulder and coos for you to wake up, calling you a sleepyhead when your eyes flicker open, squinting in his direction.
After helping you to dry off, he carries you to bed and sings you to sleep while you drift in and out of slumber.
You manage to utter one word before exhaustion takes you.
Shay smiles, knowing exactly what you had intended to say, whispering it back in Gaelic before closing his eyes, your gentle breathing the best lullaby he could ask for.
Arno Dorian:
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He takes one look at your face as he meets you in the hallway.
Complete with you ranting on the sofa.
Arno listens keenly to your troubles, cuddling you as tightly and comfortably as possible.
Jacob Frye:
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You get caught in the rain on your way home, getting drenched from head to toe when carriages decide to speed through the streets, splashing you with the puddles.
Hearing your sniffles, Jacob draws you a hot bath and helps you out of your wet clothes, preparing the fluffiest towels for you to drape yourself with afterwards.
While you're soaking in the bath, he raps on the door from the other side before entering, a mug in his hand.
"Cup of tea, love?"
Desmond Miles:
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After working several late shifts, you're relieved to finally get off early, fully intending to return home and just sleep.
Desmond has drawn the curtains and turned all the lights off. Netflix is booted up and the coffee table is filled from corner to corner with snacks.
He lets you choose the movie. After all, his attention will be on you, his hands roaming your body and giving your ass gentle gropes, his nose buried in your sweet-smelling hair as he plants lazy kisses on your crown.
You're not one to complain about the distraction. That's the beauty of Netflix, you can always pick it up later.
Feeling re-energised from the popcorn and sweets, you tilt your head back and brush noses with him, smiling impishly.
Sofa sex it is.
Shaun Hastings:
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It's been one of those days, one stressful thing happening after another. After another, after another.
You text him when you're on your way home, and he can clearly tell by your tone that you're not okay.
You arrive back to a quiet house. Soft music is playing from the bedroom / living room, and you creak the door open to find Shaun sitting in a pillow fort, welcoming you with open arms.
After giving you a brief tour of the fort, pointing out the fluffy cushions, blankets and stuffed toys, he offers to leave you alone should you want to be by yourself.
You shake your head, snuggling up close as he wraps his arms securely around your waist, informing you that the food shouldn't be too long.
He's only gone and ordered your favourite.
@sassenach-on-the-rocks @katbernoulli @winterwriter8845 @thank-god-its-fryeday @yourchepazworld @iceboundstar @the-purple-rook @lcvingvincent @balladofthesadcat @ass-sass-sin-o @assassins-and-hidden-blades @val-wywh @ladye11e @datagrl
Just some gifts to some good people 🎁
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yasashii-leaf · 4 months
Altair or Ezio with an inventor s/o who is an absolute gremlin and always been inventing things and then having to eventually rescue their gremlin when those things blow up?
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 4 years
Arno: From now on, we will be using code names. You can address me as Eagle One. 
Elise, code name: Been There, Done That.  [Elise looks mortified]
Y/n, is Currently Doing That. [Arno and Y/n high-five]
Evie, is It Happened Once In A Dream. [Evie frowns mumbles ‘you wish..’]
Jacob, code name: If I Had To Pick A Dude. [Jacob winks at him]
Ezio, If I ever want a threesome I know who to call. [Ezio smirks.]
Conner, is I’d be lying if I haven’t thought about it. [Connor is confused.] 
Altair is.... Eagle Two.
Altair: Oh thank God.
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fandom-oneshots-fa · 7 years
Altïar Ibn-La’Ahad X Reader: Anorexia
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Prompt: Reader-chan is anorexic, and Altïar finds out.
Warnings: Swearing, anorexia, trigger warning.
Author: Yulta~
You hadn’t been feeling like yourself lately.
Altïar had you move in with him at the Creed’s headquarters, where the other woman married to an assassin stayed.
The difference was, they were a lot prettier than you. Their faces were even and flawless and their figures were the perfect hourglasses. It made you angry at yourself for not being as good as them.
You hadn’t voiced your concerns to Altïar, as you knew he would brush them away as ‘female feelings’ like he always did. He wasn’t good in the emotions department.
Instead, you did the best thing you could think of.
You stopped eating.
It was little things at first, like just skipping snacks. Then breakfast. Then lunch.
And before you knew it, your sickness had you going days without eating. This had been going on for a few months now, but your husband didn’t really seem to notice.
You came up with excuses every time he would ask if you wanted something to eat, and that was only if he was here. Most of the time he was off on some mission to assassinate the newest political dumbass.
Altïar had just returned home from a rather long journey, and it had been about a week since he had seen you. It had also been about a week since you had eaten anything.
You were beginning to become skin and bone, but you couldn’t see it. He didn’t want to admit it as he was afraid of hurting your feeling, but Altïar had noticed a while back.
He gave you a lazy hug as he lifted you into your bedroom, hiding his look of surprise as he lifted you.
“You feeling okay, sweetheart?” Altïar questioned as you buried your face into his unusually warm chest. He could feel your ice-cold hand graze his cheek, which was unusual for you.
“Of course,” you replied quickly. “Why? Is something wrong?”
“No, no, of course not,” Altïar hurried as he stroked you back. “You just seem weak and cold, which isn’t how you usually are. I’m just worried that you're sick.”
You huffed in response, closing your eyes and drifting off immediately.
~ < ~ > ~
Your eyes fluttered open to hear the sound of voices around you. A bright light pierced your eyes as you struggled to sit up, but a firm hand was placed on your chest to keep you down.
“Altïar?” You stuttered, your voice barely audible through your damaged throat. “What’s going on?”
“Don’t talk now, (y/n). I’ll help you get through this, just let the healer help you first.”
~ < ~ > ~
When you had finally been released into his care, Altïar explained that had tried to wake you for an hour the next morning, but you wouldn’t budge. The healer told him that you had been starving yourself or you were being starved by someone else.
Altïar decided on the former.
That meant he took a month off to take care of you and make sure everything was okay with you. He helped you through all of your self-conscious problems, though he was reluctant to leave you alone when he had to go back to work.
The only good that came from the experience?
You knew that you were truly loved.
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dracosaurusrex · 3 years
i love ur writing!!! can u maybe do a hc where its post war! draco x reader where they get married right, then reader gets pregnant with scorpius!! and its like them taking care of him, seeing him growing up and sending him off to hogwarts etc etc yk? also u dont have to do this ofc 🤍!!
Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy) 🌱 - Headcanon
Pairing: Draco x Reader
Hi nonnie!! I’m sorry it took me a while to get to this. Besides being occupied with schoolwork, I thoroughly had to think about how Draco would be as a father. I hope you enjoy!! It’s a lil long too aha.
PS. Kudos to you if you know where the title comes from aha
When Draco found out you were pregnant, there was no containment to the pure joy he had felt in the moment
Tears of joy brimmed his eyes
Crushing embraces
Playful kisses transitioned to more passionate ones as he poured out his love for you
Despite the years following the end of the war, he still didn’t feel deserving of you
Furthermore, he didn’t feel deserving of parenting a child with you
But one thing he was certain of was that he didn’t want to be anything like his father.
The very thought chilled him and struck fear to his bones
“Draco, you’ll make a great father” you say constantly. Each time you do so wrapping him in a warm embrace
It surprised you seeing him cry for the first time as he cradled your growing bump
“Do you think he can hear me?” He’d ask
You nodding as you wiped the tears rolling down his face
“I don’t want him to grow up like I did.”
“Love, we wouldn’t be here if you didn’t go through any of it.”
More silent tears and kisses to your bump
“I’ll do my best for you and your mother, I promise.”
Him kissing your bump one last time
“We’ll do our best for each other” you reassure
There’s no end to him showing you how much he loves you.
The morning sickness, weird cravings, the aches and pains—this man spoiled you and made sure you were comfortable as much as possible
Happy wife = happy life
You both taking turns to tell the baby in your womb stories
Draco playing the piano with you and the baby by his side
You’d be cuddling as you both thought of names
Him opting to follow Black tradition and use names from constellations
“If it’s a girl, it should be Maia Altair. Both are the brightest stars within their respective constellations.” He said.
“How about Lyra Celeste?”
“That’s pretty too. Goodness, I hope it’s not a girl. We’d have a hard time choosing.” He says jokingly, making you chuckle.
“How about for a boy?” You ask
“I was thinking along the lines of Scorpius... I can’t seem to think up of a middle name”
“How about Hyperion?”
“Scorpius Hyperion?” His eyes widened for a moment, “That’s perfect.”
He didn’t mind whether you’d give birth to a boy or a girl—he wanted to give his children the best whether that’d be values, or material possessions
Being a private family meant a gender reveal and baby shower with just the two of you.
You hand the photo of the ultrasound to him faced down
“We’re having a boy, Draco.”
Hearts pounding.
Smiles wide
Draco’s sight was transfixed on the small formation printed on the page for a bit before looking at you again
The moment reminded you of the first time you said “I love you” to one another
He presses a tender loving kiss to your lips as you wrap your arms around his torso.
The next couple of months pass quickly
Life is still happy coz wife is still happy
There’s look comprising fear and awe when Draco laid his eyes on the newborn baby boy in your arms
“May I hold him?”
You hand Scorpius to him with tears in your eyes
Scorpius being so small that he doesn’t even occupy half of Draco’s forearm
“Welcome Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, my son” He says softly, tears following soon after yours did
Raising Scorpius was similar to walking on a tightrope, but even if you both fell at times, it was never hard enough to keep you down
He was a sweet boy, an obedient son
He took after Draco’s appearance: platinum hair, pointed face, and he sported a warm pair of grey eyes
But he bore your kind and compassionate personality, which Draco adored
Regardless of how much of your personality he inherited, Scorpius still had his father’s attitude sometimes, much to your amusement and shock
Draco spoiling him throughout his youth
You dressing Scorpius up
Both of you teaching the boy human decency towards witches, wizards, and muggles alike
One thing Draco made certain as a father was to make sure that Scorpius knew he was welcome to talk to his parents about anything
While you’d speak of matters of the heart, Draco would do his best to speak on matters of logic and reasoning
No matter what, you did your very best to make known to the young Malfoy that he was loved.
Time spent together as a family occupied the best memories of your lives
While Scorpius was growing and learning new things, you and Draco were learning (and growing) alongside him
When he was five years old, having finished his daily lessons, he walked  amongst the vast halls of the mansion, knowing exactly where his parents would be
First checks the library to find Draco focused in his study
“Papa?” He calls out with a small voice
“Yes Scorp? Have you finished your studies for today?”
“Yes, father. May I sit with you?”
That was the day that Draco introduced his own passions to his son.
The little boy on his lap looks at the book in front of him with awe as Draco tells him stories of constellations and alchemy
“That’s how we named you.”
“My name is Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy!” The sound of pride ringing from his little voice strikes a chord in Draco’s heart
He kisses the top of his head
“Yes, we’re are Malfoy’s”
“And mama?”
“Mama, is Y/N Y/M/N Malfoy.” He says with his heart fluttering.
The sound of your name never fails to reduce his insides to mush.
He then removes himself to find you painting the white peacocks that scattered the lawn
“Mama, what are you doing?”
“I’m painting love. Do you want to see?” You kiss his cheek as you gather him into your arms to give him a view of your work
“I want to learn how to do that!” 
“And what is it would you like to paint first?”
“The skies in papa’s books!”
As much as possible, you hid small arguments and issues from Scorpius
You and Draco had established three rules when confronting road bumps in your marriage:
Communicate needs and feelings
Give one another space when needed
Never go to bed with issues unresolved
The openness you taught your son, would be put into practice between you both
Fortunately, you being with Draco for more than ten years meant that you’ve practically seen him at his lowest points
He learned how to be vulnerable to you, and was your shoulder to cry on when needed
Nevertheless, each issue was resolved with a kiss, and something a little more *wink wink* (Scorpius would already be in bed dw)
Draco would catch himself staring at you in the kitchen one day, feeling the same way he would when he’d stare at you in your potions class
The smile you give when you notice him never changed
Scorpius taking note of this calls his dad out
“Papa, why do you love mama?” 
“She’s my best friend, Scorpius.” 
“I love mama too!”
You were the rock to your little family of three, and the older man would wonder how he became so lucky every time he thought about it.
Time flew by real fast in the manor. Before you know it, Scorpius turned eleven, and received his letter to Hogwarts
Robes? Check
Books? Check
Quills? Parchment? Check
Cauldron and other items? Check
Excited and nervous Scorpius Malfoy? Check.
“Papa, mama, what if no one likes me?”
Draco takes the first and last say before you can even open your mouth
“Just be yourself Scorp, and you’ll be fine.”
The platform bustling with sounds of old and new students alike
You see the Potter’s and the Weasley’s from afar and give a small wave
Draco, acting like a git, only gives a nod when you nudge his side with your elbow
Scorpius is the first to move away from his father’s side to introduce himself 
“Hi! I’m Scorpius Malfoy!” He says with a toothy grin
Albus’s eyes sparkle at a new friend, “I’m Albus Potter! This is Rose Weasley! We’re both first years!”
“Me too! Can I sit with you on the train?”
The exchange throws both Harry and Draco into a spiral, leaving you, Ginny, and Hermione thoroughly amused for the day.
“Albus- he”, 
Both fathers are ignored.
But the happy grins they see on their sons faces calms them down slightly
The time comes for the train to take off
Draco wraps his arms around you as you wipe the tears forming 
It was a miracle that the little boy grew up to be a kind, intelligent, and talented young man. 
In that moment, Draco has never felt so grateful for his family
I apologize for the length. It’s kinda chaotic, but I hope you enjoyed reading it hehe. Thank you so much for all your support!
@amithatemo @littlethie @drxcomvlfx @svturtles @stretchyice @xoxohollands @dracosathenaeum @hahee154hq @mushi98 @dreaming-about-fanfictions @beiahadid @Saby06143 @rottenhexrt
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