#yeah which is why I don’t want to do this job anymore please just let me leave?
writingroom21 · 3 days
The Nanny
Pairing: Rafe x Nanny Reader
Summary: Being Wheezie's nanny was great. The only downside was dealing with the oldest Cameron, Rafe. What happens when his fascination with the nanny becomes a reality?
Warnings: Fluff, 18+, unprotected sex (wrap it up y'all), cream pie, mention of oral, fingering (f receiving), mentions of drugs
A/N: Sorry for the long wait it has been a hectic week. I had a lot to do for this job I applied for so I was busy. But good news is that I got it! Anyway last chapter which is sad, but I hope you enjoy. Thank you for all the love this series has gotten. I owe it all to everyone of you!
Chapter 9: Laying All Our Cards Down
There’s a tickling feeling on your chest. It slowly stirs you from your sleep. The objects in you dream fading into shapes, then blobs of random color. Your hand goes to relieve the itch, still half asleep. Your fingers brush against a hand, their fingers the cause of what woke you. 
Rafe’s eyes watched you as you woke up, his fingers dropping the pendant to lace together with yours. Your eyes squint open slightly foggy from sleep still. They clear and Rafe is staring at you, his fingers playing with yours. “You put the necklace back on.” He points out, fine lines wrap his eyes showing his confusion. 
“Yeah.” You carefully look at his face, waiting to see if he will mention last night. “Why?” His blue eyes are burrowing into yours, forcing you to look at him. “You know why.” You won’t be the first to bring it up. Refusing to let him back you into a corner to crack you. His nostrils flare, a sharp breath leaving. “I don’t deserve you. It would never work anyway.”
There he is doing it again. Taking back the things he says, leaving you broken. “Well that’s not for you to decide.” Your voice is tense, starting to get upset at where he’s about to go. “How are you feeling?” He’s trying to ignore this conversation. Once you have it there’s no going back.
He can’t sit here and wait for you to leave him. You may be forgiving him now but in the end you will leave him. His mom died to get away from him, his dad would sell him out in a heart beat to get away from him, no one stays. That’s the one thing he learned growing up. The only constant in his life will only be him.
“Don’t ignore me.” You exclaim, your body shooting up to look down at him. “We are having this conversation now. I just want this to be over with.” Your eyes burn him so badly that he has to look behind you at the wall. “I’m not. Just worried about how you feel after what happened.” Liar. You both know he’s not telling the truth
 “Please don’t tell me that you really don’t want anything to do with me. This means something to me.” Your voice is hopeful, wanting him to say he feels the same as you. “Last night was scary until it wasn’t. That’s because I had you. Now please talk to me.” You plead.
Rafe turns his gaze back to you. His red eyes are lined with tears, he knows what he needs to say. It’s just hard for the words to form and make their way out. “This means something to me too.” It’s a whisper, afraid if he says it loudly he’ll wake up from this dream to reality. To a place where you won’t forgive him, a place where he doesn’t have you. “I’m scared you are going to leave me.” He admits, swallowing his pride.
“Why would you think that? Is that how you view me?” Your mind is trying to wrap around his confession. If that’s what he thought of you then you are hurt even more. You could slightly stand the thought of him just not wanting you anymore. The thought of him not trusting you, thinking that you would just leave hurts worse than when you caught him kissing someone else. A panic rises in your body due to your emotions.
Rafe picks up on this, his hand rubbing the arm that is holding you up. Giving you comfort as he speaks. “That’s not what I mean. I just…” He flops on his back to stare at the ceiling. You place a hand on his chest. Returning the sense of safety he gives you. “Everyone leaves me. You know how sad it is that the only person to actually worry about me since my mom died was you? Before her death my dad hated me and it only got worse after. No one has ever liked me and I was okay with that. Then you show up and change everything. I can’t lose that, I won’t be able to handle it.”
You watch each other, letting the words sink in. He’s shocked he even indulged in that conversation, you are just as shocked that he opened up. “So why would that mean I would leave you?” His hand lays on top of the one you kept on his chest. Giving your fingers a squeeze. “It’s inevitable, everyone leaves. Only a matter of time before you realize I’m worth nothing and you leave too. I’m just cursed.” His fingers have a tight hold on you. Using you as his life line, tethering him to the real world as he feels like he’s drowning.
This talk is starting to feel too real for him. Highlighting all of his flaws to put on a talent show for you. A bright spot light shining on a RUN sign to ward you off. You can feel how fast his heart is beating, pounding against his chest. “You are worth something.” Your hand leaves his, cupping his cheek to make him see you. “You Rafe Cameron are worthy of love. I’m sorry no one was smart enough to see it. But I do.” 
Rafe leans up, closing in on you. “You don’t know half of the shit that goes on in my head. I’m not good enough for you. I couldn’t even get this shit right, I’ll only hurt you more.” His hand brushes hair out of your face, tracing your brow and then your lips. “I won’t hurt you. You deserve better than this.”
A tear runs down his cheek and you wipe it. “See that right there just proves you won’t hurt me. I didn’t want to see it at first but you owned your mistake. You ran after me that night and begged me to talk to you. You kept asking me to give you a chance to speak. Then you gave me those flowers with the note and I realized I was shutting you out. I was afraid of you not wanting me and I iced you out.” You take a deep breath before continuing.
“I’m scared too. It’s okay to be scared, we both let it get the best of us. What counts is what we do after. You kept trying, I hope it’s because you care-” “I do. I care.” He interrupts. “See you care and you tried to put in the effort. You even gave me space because you wanted to respect what I wanted. You made a mistake but you are trying to fix it. You might not see it but you are good. You deserve to be loved, don’t punish yourself for something that isn’t your fault.”
His lips crash on yours, stealing the air from your lungs. The kiss is all consuming, devouring you from the inside out. A moan slips out of your mouth, your hand gripping his shoulder. The sound was like an alarm, alerting him of what he was actually doing. He pulls away from you, his hand moving to your chest to put distance between you both. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done that.” 
“Stop taking everything back. I want this too, stop running away from us.” There’s some commotion in the hallway but you ignore it. Voices get louder for a second and then fade as they go down the stairs. His eyes catch the pendant on the dainty chain held on your neck. 
He remembers the day he bought it. He had just dropped you off to get the food and stopped at the store. Rafe was walking back to his truck with the bags in his and had to pass the jewelry store. When he got to the front of the shop he looked over and something in him took over. He just had to go inside.
As he walked in, the man behind the counter greeted him. “Are you looking for something specific?” The older man asks. Rafe just shakes his head. “Just looking.” He walks around the store, aimlessly looking at the pieces laying around. He’s not really sure why he came in or why he is even looking at anything. Just when he was going to turn around and leave the store, that's when he saw it.
A dainty necklace that had a sun charm on it. He walks closer to it on instinct, being drawn to it like a beacon. It’s silver, which fits perfectly with the rest of your jewelry, he thinks. The only things you wear is silver, never any gold seen on your skin. “Nice necklace right?” The old man pipes in.
“Huh?” Rafe looks at the guy who is now in front of him. “The necklace. Just got it recently, no one seems to want it.” Rafe looks back down to it. “There a girl you want to get it for.” He just nods, pulling out his wallet without thinking. “Yeah my girl. She uh, she’s like the sun. Thought it would be fitting.”
The man opens the case, taking the piece out for Rafe to see up close. “She must be special then.” Rafe just smiles, looking at the guy as he slides his card over. “You have no idea.” The guy doesn’t move from his spot, looking at the boy that reminded him of when he was younger. “You know it comes with a ring. It was a set this old lady brought in.” He walks over to a different case and pulls the ring out, walking back to the boy. 
“Would you be interested in buying that as well or just the necklace.” Rafe has half a mind to chew the man out for trying to up-sell him. The ring is a band made of silver as well, carvings of a little sun with stars surround the band. His mind is telling him he has no need for the ring. Then the voice in his head stops him, instead of degrading himself it does something different. It reminds him of the car ride, the feeling he had as he looked at you.
He meant it when he said that you were like the sun. A dazzling ray of sunshine personally made for him. You are the greatest thing that’s happened to him in his shitty lifetime. You deserve to feel special too.
“I’ll take them both.” He knows why he got the ring. A part of him deep down knowing that he was falling in love with you. The other part rationalizing the purchase as wanting the old man to fuck off. “You remind me of when I met my wife.” Rafe stops at the door and looks back at the guy who helped him. “I was so in love with her that I bought her an engagement ring a month into seeing her. You just have the same look that I had. I wish you two the best of luck.”
The memory now seems laughable to him. Some random old man could spot how Rafe felt before he could even tell. He only gave you the necklace because he was scared of what he said, he couldn’t have been in love. Leaving the ring in the first drawer on the bedside table. Now he sees just how dumb he really was, he didn’t have anything to worry about. 
“Your love.” That’s all he says to you, leaving you more confused. “What about it?” He chuckles at you, giving you a quick peck. “That’s my favorite song, Your love. I didn’t have one when you asked but I have one now.” This really isn’t helping his case. You sit up fully, looking at him like he’s dumb. He hates that look, especially coming from you. “What the hell does that have to do with any of this? Rafe I’m being serious here, you can’t just keep changing the subject. If you don’t want this anymore just say it.” You kinda feel stupid now. You thought he wanted to work things out, that last night was a step forward in the right direction. But clearly not.
“It’s the song that was playing in the car after Barry’s.” Okay now he’s just getting on your nerves. Who cares what song was playing in the car ride. When you go to speak he puts his hand on your mouth to cover it. “I just couldn’t stop looking at you. You were glowing, so pretty that I couldn’t think straight. My heart felt like it was ready to jump out my chest and my body felt weird. Everything shifted in that moment for me.” His hand lowers, his eyes telling you to not say anything.
“I’ve always had feelings for you, I know that. I’m not dumb. I just thought it was because you didn’t give me the time of day and were so nice. That night when you caught me I figured you would walk away and I got caught up in the moment. Then it escalated and I couldn’t get rid of the taste of you. Every touch was as addicting as the last, I kept craving it. That song, in that moment made me realize how much I actually liked you. Got that necklace right after I left you to get the food. I guess it was my way of telling you I loved you without putting it into words.” 
He said it again, love. Rafe froze the moment his brain caught up to his words. He can’t believe this is how he is saying it. Right after he just figured it out he goes on blurting it to you. Not only that he tells you when you aren’t even together. This is honestly the dumbest he felt and he just said how he isn’t dumb. Good job Rafe.
“Fuck I can’t believe I just said that. Ignore me.” His hands rub his face as he freaks out. Your fingers wrap around his wrist, exposing his face to you. “You said it last night so don’t worry.” You lay down, your chest pressed against his side as he wraps himself around you. “What do you mean?” He plays with the ends of your hair to ground himself. “Last night as you were falling asleep you said you loved me. I just thought it was the drugs and you were out cold after you said it.”
“Oh.” Yeah he has to take his dumb statement back, he definitely is. If he’s already said it then there’s no taking it back, he’s got to commit to it before he chickens out again. “It wasn’t the drugs. Yeah they helped me say it but I meant it. They didn’t make those feelings, they were already there.” You smile, the heaviness you felt being melted away. You move closer to his face.
“Here’s what you missed after you fell asleep. I love you too.” It’s his turn to smile. This one reaches his eyes, creases deepening from the joy. His hand cups your cheeks, thumb caressing your cheek. Pulling you to him, kissing you deeply. Pouring all his feelings into you, hoping you are feeling just an ounce of what he does. He pulls back to talk to you but you have other plans. 
Your lips trail down his neck as he fights to stay level headed. “I meant it when I said I don’t deserve you.” He murmurs into your shoulder, pressing kisses to your skin. You stop, not wanting to move in case this is going in the wrong direction. “But I want to be. I don’t want to be this person anymore. I want to be someone you deserve.”
“I like you the way you are. You don’t have to change for me.” He tugs your hair, coming face to face with your eyes. “I want to do it for me, for us. I don’t like who I am without you, I’m just some addict no one likes. I don’t need to be that anymore, I know I can be different.”
The words seem more for him than they are for you. A way of telling himself that he can get clean and he is worth being with you. “Then I’ll be there every step of the way. I believe in you.” That’s the first time someone has said that to him. He’s been told he was loved before, but not one has believed in him. Now that he’s said he loved you, the feeling keeps bubbling up. 
Like it’s boiling in him ready to spill out once it gets too much. The way you care for him is unsettling due to it being so new, he’s not used to this. But he can get used to the feeling it gives him. The sparks of joy lighting his insides like fireworks.
You lean in and kiss him again, enjoying the feeling of having him close. The days following the incident were awful but they seem worth it now. Some obstacle that needed to be overcome before the two of you could open up. You know for sure that once Ward and Rose got back you would have most likely ended things due to the fear. But losing each other showed you that it’s not what the two of you wanted. You wanted each other.
This kiss was getting heated, your leg bracketing his hips between yours. As you start to grind on him, he stops you. “We should stop.” There’s a knock at the door before you could ask him why. “Who is it?” He shouts towards the door, fingers digging into your flesh as you roll your hips. “It’s Wheeze. Where is she?” You both look at each other not knowing what to do. “She’s not in her room or the house and I know she’s in there.”
Of course she would check everywhere for you. “Go back to your room Wheeze or wherever. I’ll be out shortly.” You answer, trying to get her to leave . “Fine but I better not hear any moaning. Just because I’m okay with this doesn’t mean I want to see it.”
Her footsteps retreat as you giggle. “I want us to take things slow this time. I don’t want to rush in and fuck things up. We should do this properly.” Your fingers drag along his chest, you are still sitting in his lap. “We can do that. Where do we start?” He grins up at you.
“How about a date?”
After that morning you had a talk with Wheezie. You and Sarah sat her down to tell her that the night before was not okay. “Wheeze you could have gotten hurt. Someone could have spiked your drink or worse.” You try to reason with her, conveying your worry for the young girl. “I know but nothing happened. I’m fine.” “And if you weren’t? How do you think dad would have reacted if he found out? You would be grounded and out a nanny.” Sarah chimes in, not really making her sister feel any better. “I know you wanted to hang out with your friends but you need to do it safely. Where were they when Sarah found you? You were alone and drunk Wheeze.”
“It wasn’t supposed to go like that. Sure I had a drink or two but I just wanted you to come find me. I thought you would run into Rafe and everything would fix itself. But hey look it worked.” She’s trying to lighten the mood and it ain’t working. You sigh, not knowing what to say. This mess of a night happened all because Wheezie parent trapped you. 
You honestly can’t help but to laugh at the ridiculous thought. “You parent trapped us? Wheeze that’s sweet you cared enough to help us, it really is. But maybe don’t do things that put you in harm's way and give me a heart attack. I was scared when Sarah couldn’t find you and you wouldn’t answer phone calls.” Thinking back at it now she can see how messed up a plan that really is. “It was stupid. I’m sorry for scaring you.”
The rest of the day was simple. Relax around the house as Wheeze was feeling the aftershocks of drinking. Rafe had chilled with you for a little before running off to do lord knows what. But when he got back it was with a single yellow rose and your favorite chocolates. “Thought you could add it to break up the white.” He makes it seem so effortless, as if he has always done this. You don’t understand why he was so worried.
“How about a date on Saturday?” He asks, picking a chocolate to eat. “Sure what are we going to do?” There’s chocolate smeared on his teeth when he answers. “That’s for me to worry about and for you to find out. Now I’m going to go up stairs and shower. Come up and we can watch Bob Burgers or something.” He finishes off with giving you a kiss, walking out like nothing.
You watch as he leaves, a smile displayed. He remembers the small things about you. The foods you like, shows you watch, he sees you. He may not realize it yet but you do deserve him. He can do all of this without you asking, you are used to having to beg for things you want.
Needed new stuff for school beg your parents. When they say no, beg your job for more pay for just that week. First boyfriend, beg him to even notice you when it didn’t come to sex. You had to beg friends to stay in your life even after they hurt you. The last person to care about you in this way has been gone for years. Now a memory you play back to make yourself feel loved. But here he is, the playboy of Kildare, giving you that same love. 
As you make your way to his room you promise yourself one thing. You won’t give up on him, he deserves happiness just as much as you do.
The rest of the week goes similar to that day. You and Rafe would sneak off to spend time with each other. Sharing secret kisses away from prying eyes. Rafe knows that Ward is suspicious, he had made a comment at lunch the other day. “The two of you seem close again.” He stared blankly at his dad. “Just be safe.” It felt like some validation was thrown his way. It’s not like he was trying to hide you but sneaking around made it more fun.
Everyone already knew that whatever happened was water under the bridge, but it seems like you two didn’t get the notice. 
You giggle as Rafe kisses your neck, teasing your bikini straps with his fingers. “Rafe, come one we have to get back. People will start to look for us.” Your words do nothing to stop him. “Let me enjoy my girl. Screw everyone else.” His kisses travel up to your jaw. “Well really can’t screw them if you keep me here.” Rafe knows you are teasing but it rubs him the wrong way.
“You do realize that you’re mine right? Ain’t no way in hell someone else is touching you.” The possessiveness isn’t new but heightened. Since your talk they thought of the other with someone new terrorizes your minds. It’s a new feeling for you, wanting someone to be yours always. To feel a strong sense of anger when thinking of him with someone else. Your arms wrap around his neck, bringing him into a kiss. “I do. As long as you know your mine too.”
“Only yours, baby.” He mumbles on your lips, teeth biting on the lower one to suck in his mouth. “We can go back out now. You go first gotta take care of something.” He nods down to the obvious boner in his pants.  “You know I can help you with that.” You say seductively, fingers brushing against the bulge in his swim trunks. “Let’s wait till after our date tonight, please. Trying to be a gentleman here and treat you right. Plus I don’t put out on the first date.” 
You laugh as you walk away from him.  “No, you just sleep with them before you even ask them out.” You mock him. Leaving Rafe alone to fix his little, well not so little, situation. You grab water from the kitchen before walking back out to the pool. Everyone is there chatting to one another.
A part of the “new” Rafe plan was rebonding with his sisters. Sarah of course was a little wary of the plan but saw how much he actually meant it. She was brought back to when she was little and he would sneak into her room to check for monsters. The little boy who gave her so much comfort was staring at her when he apologized, owning his mistakes and wanting to correct them. Even if she wanted to say no she couldn’t. Even with all of his wrongs he's still her brother and it seems like she’s getting him back.
Wheezie on the other hand was on board once the place was told to her. Being the youngest she doesn’t have many memories with the Rafe before their mom died. The one that was happy and not as broken. She can recall some moments where he cared deeply for her at a young age, barely even an image to see. She never really had issues with him after their mom’s death. Her and Rafe become the background as Sarah was the main event. They connected in a way that they could only understand. She was just happy that Rafe wasn’t as angry as he was before. 
The downside to this plan also meant a new beginning with the pogues, which was hard to do. It took a whole day of you and Sarag convincing everyone that it could work. Which brings you to this right here, pool day. Which is also the same day as your first date. The pogues as well as Topper and Kelce are here. Everyone agreed to be civil for the day, wanting to give Rafe this chance. You don’t know why the pogues said yes but you can’t complain, only happy that they are willing to see the good side of him after all the bad.
It’s been hours of you all getting to know each other. Playing silly games such as never have I ever. It wasn’t till the clock hit four that Rafe realized he hadn’t gotten a moment with you alone. That’s when he dragged you away when no one was looking. That was almost an hour ago, the shame of it all is eating you. Cheeks blushing red as everyone’s eye’s turn to look at you.
They just carry on with conversation, not mentioning what they all knew. You're relieved as you sit down, even more when Rafe sits besides you. His arms wrapping around your shoulder so you are leaning into him. Looking around makes you happy. Rafe has been great all day, no pogue comments or rude remarks. Your friends seem to be having a good time, joking around as if this was a normal day.
The feeling continues as you get ready for your date. Your jams in the shower only improve your mood as you shave. Extending as you pick out your dress, smile so wide your cheeks hurt. You are putting on earrings when there’s a knock on your door. “Come in.” You look in the mirror to see if there are any finishing touches needed. “Wow.” It sounds more like a breath than words. 
“You look beautiful. Maybe we should stay home instead, don’t need people seeing you like this.” He walks in the room, flowers abandoned on your dresser. “Actually nevermind, I want people to see that my girl is taken.” His hands land on your waist, arms hugging you from behind. “Your girl?Taken?” He loves when you tease him. That shit normally pisses him off, yet with you he can’t help but love it. “Yeah my girl. Always been my Sunny.”
He really hasn’t used the nickname much since you told him not to. You miss when he did. Your name doesn’t feel right coming from his lips. It sounds outrageous but it feels wrong. Even the other nicknames he gave you don’t feel the same. “I miss hearing you say that.” You lean further back to look up at him. “Calling you Sunny?” You hmm in reply. He pecks your lips, then nose, cheek, and finally ear. “I miss saying it. Glad to have my Sunny back.”
He twirls you around in his arms. Breaking away only for the two of you to leave the house. The car ride to the mysterious destination seemed to take forever, every turn just adding to the allotted time. As he drives the beach comes to view, waves crashing against the shore. The truck pulls onto a sandy road in between some trees, leading to an isolated part of the beach.
“Found this spot a couple years back. I usually come here when I want to be alone, but I thought it would be perfect for tonight.” The hand on your thigh tightens and releases the flesh. More of a way to ground himself to say that this was real, not a dream. “Why? Want to murder me where no one can see?” Your joke swayed his nerves. The nervous smile replaced with the one you’ve grown to love. “Haha, very funny. If I was going to kill you I would have done it that day on the Druthers.”
You give him a death stare, his dead tone making it seem like he thought of this before. “What? The sea would get rid of all evidence, nice and simple.” He shrugs, putting the truck in park. “Yeah I don’t like that you’ve thought of this before. Maybe I should have shared my location while I had the chance.” He chuckles, pulling you into a kiss. “Too late.” He retorts, getting out the truck to grab the last minute things from the back.
He had set things up the night before. You and Wheezie were having a movie night and he took the time to set up the place. There were fairy lights wrapped around the bare trees, the trunks illuminated by the light. A bouquet of hydrangeas, your second favorite flowers, were in a vase by two trees. It wasn’t a big space, the truck was parked on the road so it didn’t interfere with the layout. It was the perfect amount of space to be on the sand without getting splashed by the waves.
Rafe takes a few blankets out and walks over to where the vase is. You follow picking them up to set out of the way. “Those are for you. Wanted to get you something different than roses to change things up.” He explains as he lays the blankets down. “Thank you, I love them. They are actually my second favorite.” He gives you this little smirk and a wink. “I know.” Then he’s off getting the last item from the truck bed.
How much does he know about you? It’s like he has this book where he writes everything down so he won’t forget. None the less you like how he remembers the small things. It makes you feel important to him. 
You look to see him walking over to you with a basket. Raising it up, he shows the basket off to you. The other hand was holding a bottle of champagne and two glasses. “You didn’t have to do all of this. We could have just stayed in or got food.” He sits down next to you, placing everything on the blankets. “I wanted to do this. Saw somewhere that your actions speak louder or some shit like that.” Even when he pretends not to care he does 
“You’re really good at this.” Rafe watches you from the side of his eye as he takes out the snacks he packed. “What are you talking about?” He moves the basket once everything is laid out, reaching for a strawberry to take a bite. He brings the strawberry to your lips.You take  nibble, the sweetness of the fruit sitting on your tongue. “The whole relationship thing.” You swallow what you had in your mouth. Rafes eyes watch as your tongue chases and remnites on your lips.
“It’s just you care. You get me my favorite flowers, snacks, it makes me feel special.” “You are special.” You smile at him. “So are you. I just need you to know that I appreciate the effort you are putting in. Especially today with the pogues, it meant a lot to me.” He’s leaning on his side as he listens to your words. Soaking in the praise, relishing in the feeling it gives him. “I meant it when I said I want to change. I know they're important to you, so that makes them important to me. Plus they aren’t that bad, I guess.”
The rest of the night was filled with small talk. Taking the time to know each other better. It was easy to get in the rhythm of sharing information, knowing the other can’t judge. He tells you about every negative thing his dad has done. How he feels useless in his life, that he doesn’t know who to be if it’s not done with anger. In return, you tell him about what it was like living with your parents. The constant pressure to be perfect and bring them money. How after your grandmother died every sense of a normal childhood was taken from you. 
Rafe listens as you divulge your inner demons. Wanting to go to your house to yell at how stupid your parents are. How they should be ashamed of treating you like some cash cow. He realizes you two aren’t so different. Both had different experiences but still the same outcome. A home that never loved you. “Have they talked to you sin-” “No. They refuse to answer all of my texts.”
You are both laying on your backs, heads turned to the other. His hand closest to you grabs yours. Pulling it to his mouth he gives it a peck,resting it back down again. “Then you don’t need them. You have me and I have you. Plus my family loves you so the family part is covered. You’ll always have us.” You tear up, emotions bubbling up in you. “You can’t promise that.”
Rafe scoots closer, hugging you to his chest. “Yes I can.” It was a promise. A way of letting you know this is the long haul for him. He’s always known that you were different by the way you were with everyone. Always been drawn to you in some way, something in him not able to get enough of you. He realized that he can’t be without you during the time you ignored him. He’ll be damned if he has to go a lifetime without your love.
You start to kiss his neck, softly biting the skin with your teeth. “It’s our first date.” Your words are mumbled. “Good observation there babe.” His eyes shut, the sensation of your lips on his skin sending shivers down his spine. “You said after our date.” You remind him. His chuckle causes vibrations on your lips.
“Couldn’t even wait till we got home, just have to have me now. Hmm?” He pulls you over him, your hips slotted with his. Using your hips, he drags you back and forth over his dick. Your clit keeps catching the seam of his pants. “Such a little slut for my dick that you want to fuck me out in the open. Fucking me in the car wasn’t enough?” You moan out. No it wasn’t enough. None of him will ever be enough for you, entranced by the mere thought of him. “Never enough.” You moan again as he leans up, his lips meeting the exposed flesh on your chest. Leaving marks over your chest so he can enjoy the look of them later. “Get up.”
Your hands fly to his shoulders pushing him back. “What?” You stare down at him, trying to see if you crossed a line somehow. “We’re doing it right this time around. The first time we have sex again isn’t going to be on a deserted part of the beach. It’s going to be in my bed or yours. I really don’t care which one.” You huff at him, your breath causing some hairs to fly around. “Well maybe I don’t care about that. Maybe I want you here, right now.” 
Rafe is about to give in, only really wanting to make you happy. Willing to let go of the plan he had of showering you properly for your first date. Then you see the look in his eyes, sort of disappointed his plans are being skewed. “Okay, okay.” You say as you get up and reach a hand out. “You better drive fast or we might have to settle for the car again.”
You meant it when he said he needs to be fast. You were down the street when your hands were gripping him through his shorts. Lips peppering kisses along his neck. Rafe was relieved when he put his truck in park. Throwing to doors open and tossing you over his shoulder as he walks into the house. “Put me down silly.” He ignores you and makes his way up the stairs to his room.
You’re grateful that everyone in the house isn’t up. It’s close to twelve so most likely they are all sleeping. Rafe kicks his door open and then shut once you are in. You let out a squeal when he discards you on his bed. “Take your dress off now.” He commands, taking his shirt and shoes off. “Yes sir.”
Taking the dress off you are left in your white lingerie on display. He lets out a whistle, placing himself on top of you on the bed. “A perfect little angel.” He kisses up your stomach, stopping at your breasts to suck on them through the cups. “If only god knew what a whore you really are.” He bites one of your nipples, a shocked yelp forcing its way out of your throat. 
“Shhh. We have to be quiet, don’t want to wake them up.” Now that he thinks of it, he should have said yes when you wanted to stay on the beach. At least he would be able to hear the way you moan for him better. He pulls the cups down, nipples pebbling due to the air. 
Your hands work his pants and boxers down, leaving him naked. Next thing to go were your panties. Really they were only pushed off to the side so his fingers can touch you. You’re soaked, his fingers coated in your juices. He swirls them around, teasing your clit before pushing a finger in. A little impatient he adds another, staring as your mouth hangs open.
“There you go, beautiful. Such a good girl.” You haven’t been touched like this since that day on the Druthers. At first you were too heartbroken to do anything. Then too caught up with making up to even think about masturbating. It’s been a while and you are so wound up you could explode. With one last pump of his fingers you do, squelching noises filling the room.
“Rafe. Oh fuck, right there.” You had no time to recover when he was pushing himself in. He couldn’t wait anymore, his dick was aching to be inside you. This is probably the worst time to be so riled up. He’s been trying to make things better with you that he neglected himself. He couldn’t even think about touching himself this whole time. But now that he’s here, feeling your walls clamp around him he knows he fucked up. 
“Fuck… oh fuck.” He encases your body, his forehead on your shoulder. His arms wrap you, bringing your body closer to his as he nails dig into your back. You match his actions, nails dragging on his back, welts rising as you go. His lips can’t stay off of you, kissing any part of you he can get. Your mind is fixated on the feeling of his hips meeting yours.
Rafe’s perfectly huge dick piercing you g-spot over and over again. The two of you are just a mess of words. None of them are even audible yet you still understand the other. “God Sunny.” His fingers get deeper in your flesh, pain increasing your pleasure. “I’m not going to last long.”
Your left hand holds Rafe’s head. “Please.” His hips pick up pace, hurdling the two of you to your ends. You try to switch your positions, wanting to send him over the edge faster. “No no. Want to see your face. Need to see my pretty girl.” His moans are mixing with yours. The only thing that can be heard in the room is skin hitting skiing and your moans. “It’s okay baby. Fill me.” That was the end of him. He moans loudly as he fills you, his release triggering yours. Slowly rocking his hips to watch you awe stocks face for longer.
Rafe lays motionless on you, the orgasim of his life taking everything out of him. Your arms hold him to you, not wanting to let him go. “Shit that was amazing.” His words tickle you, air following them as they leave to dance on your skin. “Tell me about it.”
It’s been a month since your first date. When Rafe said slow he sure was not kidding. You would fool around when you can but really haven’t had the chance to fully sleep together. Every time you try he finds a reason why you shouldn’t. The furthest you got was when you gave him a blowjob and he ate you out. It’s been a whole month of tiptoeing around to not get caught.
Everyone knows now that you two are practically together. Ward is thankful that the issue is over and you have passed it. He can see Rafe changing, no more fights around the island. But more importantly no more drugs. Rafe quit after you gave him another chance, not fully at first but he got there. Ward was surprised not taking it seriously at first, as time went on he couldn’t deny it. Rafe actually was doing good for the first time in years.
The relationship between Rafe and his sisters had also improved. They spend time together without you now, not for long but they no longer argue. He even hung out with John B, JJ, and Pope alone. Everyone was shocked to see the boys all in one piece. You could say the only issue right now is once again what you and Rafe are.
You know you are exclusive. He had made that clear the night after your date. Saying how he won’t let anyone else get in the way. There was never a conversation about if you are boyfriend and girlfriend. No confirmation that you were fully together. It’s been eating away at you but you want to respect him taking things slow. Which was all fine until the party that happened tonight. 
Rafe was still selling with Barry even though he decided to spot doing drugs. He was going to the party to help push some coke and pills to all of the kooks. Instead of leaving you at home he asked you to go with. “Just come along. We can sit on some couch the whole night.” In truth he just didn’t want to be in a party setting alone. It’s one thing to stay away from drugs when he’s at home, at a party it’s different. 
If he was there by himself he would fall back into temptation. He can still feel the need to get high at times, missing the way it made him numb. Sometimes being sober is too much for him, having to take a few hits of a joint to calm the nerves. Weed and alcohol are the only things he allows himself, since he knows he can control those urges. He needs you there for moral support.
The party was in full swing when you reached the house. Rafe pushes through the house, hand in yours to guide you. He found a couch in the back easily and set up shop. Kook would come by asking for some coke, exchanging cash for a little baggy. Some would sit on the chairs next to the couch and take bumps right there. Others just take their goods and leave. 
Two hours into the party Rafe goes off to the bathroom leaving you alone. The only instructions he gave was to tell anyone who wants to buy to come back later. Which wasn’t a problem, then some guy walked up. “How much for a baggy?”
You look up from your phone to see your ex from highschool. “Ben?” He smiles at you. “Long time no see. Didn’t know that you started selling drugs.” He sits down next to you, leaving arms length of space. “No my… uh no I don’t sell.” You don’t know what to call Rafe. You wanted to say boyfriend but you aren’t really sure.
“Hey.” Rafe’s voice snaps you out of your thoughts. You smile at him but see that he isn’t looking at you. His eyes are trained on Ben. “Hey man. Looks like we got to wait, apparently this saint doesn’t sell.” Ben’s comment pisses Rafe off. “Well I hope not. She would take me out of business.” He’s trying to keep his cool, not wanting to lose his temper after working hard on it.
“Wait, you're the one selling?” Ben asks, he went off to college in a different state so he hasn’t been around much. He doesn't know a lot about Rafe after highschool or you for that matter. Rafe nods at the guy, tossing him a baggy and telling him the price. Ben says your name. “Do you know this guy?” You can’t get the words out since Rafe is answering for you. “Yeah she does. I’m her boyfriend.” 
You look at Rafe, eyes expressing how you feel. When you get happy there’s these golden specks that get brighter. He doesn’t even notice as he and Ben stare at each other. “Wow. Never expected this when we broke up.” The money he was handing over was snatched by Rafe. He wants to punch him in his stupid face. “Yeah well never thought you would cheat on me. I guess we just didn’t know each other.”
The anger Rafe is feeling intensifies. His eyes meet yours, as if you could read his emotions you shake your head. Instead of acting out he gathers the rest of the drugs laying out. Putting them away and grabbing your hand. “Come on baby. Let’s go home.” You try to protest. “Wait, don't you have to sell more?” “Nah go all I needed.” 
Rafe drags you out the house and into the truck. Driving to Tanny hill in silence. “Rafe?” He doesn’t say anything, only focusing on the road. His grip on the wheel is making his knuckles white. “Ray.” The new nickname surprises the two of you. He pulls into the drive-way and sits there. “Ray? That’s new.”
“I don’t know why I said it. Just you call me Sunny and a ray is associated with that. Thought it would be cute, but I don't know.” You feel a little self conscious now. “I like it.” He assures. The truck is silent after. You’re waiting for him to open up to you. “I got jealous.” There it is.
“I know.” He sighs. “You said you were my boyfriend.” He gives you this look. “Yeah no shit. I am.” He doesn’t get why that would be a problem. “You never asked.” Rafe looks at you before laughing. “Fuck I thought it was a given. Just assumed you knew I wanted you to be mine.” Now it’s your turn to laugh. “You’re such a dumbass. You need to ask a girl these things. I’ve been losing my mind over this.”
He gives you a kiss. “Will you be my girlfriend?” The words brush your lips. “Yeah I will.” You kiss him again. Not feeling his hand move around or his body shifting in a weird way. Pulling back something catches your eye. You glance down to see a ring. “What is that?” Rafe grabs your hand and puts the ring on your middle finger. “Got it the same day as the necklace. Was too scared to give it to you at first. This time around I won’t let it get to me. I promise I’m here for the long haul.”
The ring is beautiful, one of the nicest things you own now. Smiling at the boy in front of you, you realize how deep this really goes. Glad that you aren’t the only one who feels the same. “For the long haul.”
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hairenya · 2 years
I do think it’s really funny that I’ve tried quitting to 3 people at this point, all of whom have insisted I finish out this year, even after I repeatedly swore at the last AP I tried to quit to today, and literally no one will fire me or let me quit like damn y’all
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Elementary, Chapter Four
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pairing: pre-outbreak!joel miller x teacher!reader
chapter rating: E (18+ ONLY, oral (fem rec), unprotected piv, dirty talk??, unedited/unbeta’d)
word count: 4.3k
series masterlist | joel masterlist
“Alright, everybody. Please remember to fill out your reading log during the break,” you talked over a room full of distracted tweens excited for the upcoming Spring Break. “Am I talking to air?”
“I hear you,” Sarah answered your question as she approached your desk, her backpack slung over her shoulder. “And I wanted to apologize for last Friday. I was having a bad day and Jessie was making a big deal about me leaving the sleepover—“
“Sarah, sweetheart, you don’t need to apologize,” you assured with a kind smile. “Have you talked to Jessie?”
“Yeah, dad took me over to her house on Sunday night and we talked it out. I guess she was offended by me leaving, but I explained to her that I just get anxious sometimes and can’t—“ She sighed. “It just feels better being at home with my dad. I don’t have to try to be funny or cool or whatever.”
You smiled at the tenderness of Joel and Sarah’s bond.
“But anyways,” she continued. “My dad wanted me to ask if you were busy tonight—he still hasn’t gotten a new cellphone which, if you’re wondering, is why he’s having me act as the messenger.”
“Isn’t he coming to pick you up today?”
“No, him and Uncle Tommy are in San Antonio meeting with a developer or something like that,” she informed. “My grandma is picking me up.”
“Oh, well, you can tell your dad I’m free like always,” you chuckled and tried not to think about the fact that as today’s parking lot attendee, you’d have to come face to face with the mother of the man you’d been casually seeing for three weeks now. “Oh, and tell him he needs to get a new phone so you don’t have to play messenger anymore.”
“Trust me, we’ll probably be waiting years until he finally breaks down and gets himself one.” The two of you shared a laugh.
“In that case—“ You jotted your landline and cellphone number on a post-it note. “Here.”
“Miss? My mom wanted me to let you know that I won’t be doing any of my reading logs this week,” another student approached your desk and very sassily delivered his news. You chuckled out a scoff and fixed your attention on him while Sarah went back to her desk.
“Okay, Michael, why won’t you be doing your reading logs?” You crossed your arms over your chest and waited for his response.
“Because it’s Spring Break,” he defended.
“Yes, I’m aware. That’s why I didn’t assign any homework. All you need to do is keep reading at least a chapter a day of your book—“
“I don’t want to read my book. That’s basically homework.”
You gave him an incredulous look as you tried to gather what little patience remained in you after a long year of teaching fifth graders.
“No, Michael. Homework is what Mrs. Hill gave her students—a packet a day. What I’m asking if you is to do what you’re already supposed to be doing—reading a chapter a day of whatever book you want. That’s not homework, that’s just an activity.”
“Well, I’m not doing it.” He remained firm, mimicking your stance by crossing his arms over his chest.
The bell ringing interrupted whatever onslaught of frustration you were just about to bestow upon him, his smug smirk boiling your blood as he turned and shuffled out of class.
“Have a good break,” you called out to the rest of your students as they shuffled out of the classroom in a single file line.
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“Hey,” Joel sighed out his greeting as he entered his mother and father’s ranch home on the outskirts of Austin. Sarah was sat in the living room on the floral loveseat covered in plastic while her grandfather, Paul, sat in his rocking chair fast asleep.
“How did it go?” Sarah offered him a smile as he rounded the corner of the loveseat to plop down beside her.
“Went alright,” he replied. “Got a good chunk of jobs lined up for me and the guys, so we’ll be good on work ‘til the end of the year.”
“That’s good!” She beamed, bringing a hesitant smile to her father’s face. Joel never liked to celebrate his successes—something he likely learned from his father. “Oh,” she tapped his arm as she remembered your conversation from earlier, quickly informing him about your lack of plans for tonight. “She also gave me her number to give to you.”
Joel watched as Sarah fished the note out of her pocket before handing over the crumpled up piece of paper.
“You think she’s home yet?” Joel checked his watch.
“Dunno,” she shrugged. “But grandma was talking about all of us going out for dinner tonight.”
“Oh, was she?” Joel looked disappointed by the sudden emergence of plans when he spent all day hoping that tonight would be spent just with you.
“Joel?” Mary, Joel’s mother, came walking down the stairs with a smile. “Bout time you came to see us.”
“I’m busy with the new company, ma, you know that,” he argued as he stood up to greet her, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“Busy with the company or with your new lady friend?” she teased with a grin. Joel whipped his eyes over to his daughter who already held her hands up in defense.
“My bad.”
Joel chuckled out a scoff before turning back to his mother. “It’s new.”
“And? That’s all you gotta say about her?”
“To you. For now.” Joel followed her into the kitchen, Sarah trailing shortly behind.
“What do you think I’m gonna do? Hunt her down and force her to look at your baby book?”
“Wouldn’t be the first time,” he retorted with a mischievous smile.
“Joel Miller, I swear if you do not give me at least a summary of this woman—“
“Alright, alright,” Joel sighed and looked to Sarah who was beaming with amusement. “She’s Sarah’s teacher. We met at a parent/teacher conference. She’s…nice.”
“Nice?” Both women repeated the descriptor as if it was an insult.
“Dad, you’re basically in love. I’m sure you can find a better word than nice,” Sarah reasoned.
“She is nice. Everything else is private,” he argued.
“Well, I guess we’ll find out at dinner tonight,” his mother shrugged with a smirk. Joel turned wild in the eyes and shook his head.
“No, no, no. She ain’t—y’all aren’t—no.”
Sarah laughed at her dad’s fluster and looped her arm around his waist hug him. “It’ll be okay, pops. Just breathe.”
“Oh, to hell with that,” Joel shook his head again, turning to his mother. “I haven’t even taken her out for a real dinner yet, ma. I’m not invitin’ her out to deal with y’all.”
“Deal with? Son, we are as civilized as anybody else—“
“Ma, you got a plunger? I clogged the damn toilet!” Tommy shouted from upstairs and Joel gestured in his direction as though to prove his point.
“Well not here. We’re in the comfort of our own home,” she defended as she made her way out of the kitchen to help her son. “She’s comin’ tonight! Better go on and call her up.”
“Christ,” he sighed and stomped over to the landline, his scowl fixed on Sarah as he dialed the number. “If she never speaks to us again, it’s on you.”
“She’ll love us.”
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Although it wasn’t what you were expecting for the night, Joel’s call to invite you out to dinner with his family was impossible to decline just due to how much you missed him. Even if you turned into a ball of nerves every time you had to meet “the parents”, it was worth it just to be in the same room with him, especially after the day you had.
At seven, Joel, Sarah, and Tommy came to pick you up, but for once it was you running late. You invited them inside to wait while you finished getting ready, handing Sarah the TV remote and watching as her and Tommy instantly started bickering over what to watch while Joel followed you into your bedroom.
“How is this the first time I’ve ever been in your room?” He found a seat on the foot of your bed while you sat at your vanity, finishing up on taming your hair.
“Because I’m old fashioned,” you turned back to give him a wink. “But also because I can’t seem to get you alone long enough to give you a proper tour.”
“I know,” he sighed and walked over to you, standing behind you. He leaned down to kiss your cheek, the warmth and softness of his lips curing something that had been aching inside of you since the last time he kissed you. “I made a deal with my mom. She watches Sarah this weekend, and I suck it up and allow you to meet my chaotic family.”
“Mm, so I get you all weekend is what you’re saying?” You smirked at him through the mirror.
“All. Damn. Weekend.” He kissed your neck as a promise, your eyes fluttering closed as you relished in his proximity. “No interruptions. Just me and you.”
“S-sounds good,” you stuttered through your haze of lust and Joel smiled against your skin, seemingly amused by his effect on you.
“You got chills,” he rasped, his fingertips trailing up and down your arm. “That all me?”
“Just wait until you see what else you do to me,” you purred back, earning a groan of desperation.
“You two done yet?” Tommy called out from the living room. “We got places to be.”
“Save that thought for after dinner,” Joel mumbled against your cheek as he gave you one more kiss.
Five or so minutes later and you were on your way to the restaurant, nerves now replacing the butterflies you felt in your stomach as you thought about what his parents would be like. If they were anything like Tommy, Sarah, and Joel, you had nothing to worry about, but it was the uncertainty that drove you mad.
“You alright?” Joel stayed back with you as you pretended to have forgotten something in the truck, Tommy and Sarah heading into the restaurant to meet up with Joel’s parents.
“Just nervous,” you shrugged with a soft smile. “Anything I should avoid bringing up?”
“Politics. My dad’s a big Republican, so,” he winced. “But my mom is about as liberal as they come, so at least there’s that.”
“So I should stick to talking to your mom, then,” you joked.
“Come on,” he nudged his head towards the restaurant and laced his fingers with yours. “I’ll be right there next to ya, and as soon as we’re done with dinner it’ll be just us all weekend.”
You took a deep breath of courage and gave him a cheeky but bashful smile, bringing a similar one to his own face.
“God, I just can’t help myself—“ Joel cupped your cheek and tilted your head up to meet him as he leaned in for a surprising kiss, your hand finding purchase on his wrist to ground yourself.
“Mm,” you hummed as you pulled away from him earlier than he would’ve liked. “Let’s not stall anymore. Don’t want your mom to think I’m a bad influence.”
“She knows me well enough to know I’m the bad influence, but alright,” he tugged you off towards the restaurant with your hand in his.
As the hostess guided you through the busy dining room, you leaned further into Joel. He didn’t seem to mind the clinginess, his hand letting go of yours so that he could slide an arm around your waist.
“There y’all are!” A stout woman you presumed to be Joel’s mother stood up from the table where the rest of the Millers were seated, a big, dimpled grin on her face that resembled Joel’s.
“Ma,” Joel introduced the two of you by name, his eyes fixed on you as you shook her hand and allowed her to seat you beside her rather than next to Joel like you’d hoped. You gave Joel a nervous look from across the table as he sat himself directly across from you beside his father.
“It is so nice to meet you, sweetheart,” Mary fixed her attention on you. “Joel’s been pretty tight lipped about ya, so why don’t you tell me a little about yourself.”
“Well,” you chuckled nervously, but Joel’s reassuring eyes from across the table helped calm the frenzy of anxiety coursing through your veins. “I’m a teacher, have been for a few years now but this is my second year in Austin.”
You found it surprisingly easy to talk to Mary, her warm smile and sense of humor similar to that of her children and granddaughter. You told her where you grew up, where you’d been before coming to Austin, about what you liked to do in your free time, but mostly you told her the story of how you and Joel came to be.
Across the table, his father continued to remain stern and silent, only mumbling to his boys or to Sarah every now and again to remind them to use their manners. He seemed like a tough egg to crack, and while you were up for the challenge eventually, earning his respect today seemed unlikely.
“Joel, you ever tell her about your singin’?” Tommy spoke up from down the table, his question bringing a blush to Joel’s face.
“Yeah, I mentioned it.” He looked over to you and cracked the most subtle of smirks, no doubt remembering what occurred shortly after.
“Well, you gonna sing for her?” Mary asked with mischief in her tone, bringing an amused smile to your face.
“Not here,” he sassed, tilting his head at her mockingly.
“Why not here?” You prodded with a smirk, your foot finding his calf beneath the table. Joel gave you a chuckle and shook his head. “Oh, come on. Please?”
“Ya know, I pride myself on my ability to not cave into peer pressure,” he retorted with a quirked eyebrow, daring you to challenge him. You bit your lip and looked down at your plate, too flustered by everything him to look him in the eyes—especially given the current company.
“So, Sarah, how are you likin’ the whole dad datin’ your teacher thing?” Tommy asked, and the question earned the attention of the entire table.
“I don’t mind it,” she shrugged. “Maybe I would if it was Mrs. Clarkson from last year.”
“God,” Joel shook his head at the mere idea. “That woman terrified me and I’m a grown man.”
“Oh,” Sarah called your name. “Did you tell dad about Michael?”
“Michael? Who’s…uh, who’s Michael?” Joel’s jealousy was as clear as day, bringing amused grins to almost everyone’s faces aside from the ever stoic Mr. Miller.
“Michael is my student,” you clarified and eased his concern. “A shitty student at that.”
“Oh yeah?” Tommy asked with a chuckle.
“Yeah, he’s—well, I guess I probably shouldn’t be saying this around you, Sarah.”
“I promise I won’t talk about it,” she replied earnestly and you easily caved.
“He is just the absolute worst. And his parents are even shittier,” you lamented with a laugh. “Today he came up to me while Sarah and I were talking at the end of class, and flat out told me that he wasn’t going to be doing the reading log during the break because his mom said so.”
“Why doesn’t he just fake it like everybody else?” Tommy chimed in but quickly received an elbow from his niece.
“I don’t fake my reading logs,” she corrected.
“Yeah…right.” He gave her a sarcastic nod and turned back to you. “I’m just speaking from experience. I never did any of that shit and I turned out…well, I turned out decent.”
“Yeah. Maybe I am being too demanding,” you shrugged, turning back to your plate.
“No,” Joel was quick to interject. “Don’t listen to Tommy—he couldn’t even get into community college. You’re the one who went to school for six years to do this. You know what you’re doin’, that kid’s just a prick.”
You couldn’t help but fall in love with him a little bit as he stood up for you, his foot pressed to yours beneath the table acting as a sort of promise that he’d always be here to do this—to remind you of your worth.
“Thank you,” you mouthed just to him. “Anyways, it’s his loss—and yours too, Tommy. Reading is fun.”
Tommy mimicked your smile and chuckled. “I guess I’ll take your word for it.”
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“Alright, don’t give your grandma a hard time,” Joel ordered Sarah as he hugged her goodbye in the driveway outside your house.
You watched the scene from the doorway, smiling at the way he swayed her and kissed the top of her head. If only all little girls could grow up with a father like Joel—not flawless, but as close to it as a man could get. There was no denying his love for her and vice versa, and the fact that you were being let into this beautiful family felt like nothing less than an honor.
“Alright, go on,” he ruffled the top of her hair with a playful grin. “I love ya, and I’ll see you Sunday night, alright?”
“Love you too,” she gave him one more hug before turning to you standing up the walkway. With a wave, she wished you goodbye as well, your smile widening at the gesture. “See you!”
“See ya, Sarah!”
Joel met you by the front door and watched Tommy and Sarah pull out of your driveway before he turned to you with an anticipatory grin.
“Well, just us now,” he husked, playfulness thick in his southern drawl.
“Whatever will we do?” you teased, hooking your fingers in his belt loops and tugging him closer.
Joel cradled your cheek and jaw with both hands as he leaned down to kiss you, both of you still wearing your grins through it. Walking you backwards into the house, you giggled into his mouth as you nearly stumbled over before he caught you.
“Clumsy,” he accused in a rasp.
“Your fault,” you countered and he laughed against you.
Joel’s hands traveled to your hips to keep you flush against him as he kicked the front door shut, your smiles fading as the kiss deepened into something so filthy even the humor of the almost-fall couldn’t penetrate it.
“God,” he groaned against your lips as he continued walking you through the living room to your bedroom. “I want you so bad, baby girl. Fuck.”
“Remember what we were talking about earlier?” you purred against his jaw as your kisses trailed down to his neck, Joel’s body pinning you against your open bedroom door. He hummed against you in confirmation and you smiled, taking one of his hands off your waist to guide it beneath the linen of your dress, his breath ragged as his fingertip grazed over your thighs until they reached the soaked lace of your panties. “This is what you do to me, Joel.”
“Jesus fuckin—baby, I need you,” he whimpered and sunk to the floor in front of you, his dark and dreamy eyes peering up at you for permission as he lifted the hem of your dress up. “Can I taste you?”
“God, you never have to ask,” you moaned back, taking the fabric bunched in his hands and holding it for him. Joel’s eyes dropped from yours down to the image right in front of him, his tongue swiping along his bottom lip at the sight of your white lace thong.
“You’re gonna make me lose my mind, baby,” he groaned again, his hands now running up and down the outside of your thighs.
The anticipation could have killed you, your chest heaving and skin prickling with chills from the simple sensation of his breath fanning over the wet spot on your panties, the lust in his eyes. Combing your fingers through his hair, you attempted to silently urge him on and he seemed to pick up on it, his hands sliding back up to your hips to hook into the tiny band of your underwear and slip them down your legs until they were kicked off.
“Baby,” he cooed as you draped one of your knees over his broad shoulders to open yourself up to him, his mouth watering at the sight. “I’m never gonna wanna do anythin’ else but stay right—“ He placed a kiss to your mound and your entire body jerked. “Here.”
His tongue swiped through your folds and you melted against the door behind you, your fingers gripping his hair now as you struggled to stay upright. Joel practically growled at your taste, his hands gripping your thighs as if he was holding on for dear life.
“Fuck,” you moaned as he tensed his tongue to circle your swollen bud until your arousal started to drip down your thighs. “That’s so good.”
Your praise earned you another growl, his tongue now flicking and circling, lapping and sucking against you until your thighs were shaking from the pressure building in your lower stomach.
“Tastes so fuckin’ sweet, baby girl.” He sucked your clit and made you cry out his name. “Yeah, just like that. Keep sayin’ my name, baby. Let everyone know.”
“Joel, fuck!” Your orgasm was imminent, the tingling in your thighs that traveled down to your toes and back up your spine fogging any sense of coherency you may have once had in his presence. “I—fuck, I—“
“I know, baby. Can taste it.” He shook his head and flattened his tongue against your clit, his eyes meeting with yours. You wanted to cry, but the pleasure you were feeling was too consuming. The only thing you could do as Joel sucked your now throbbing bud into his mouth was to cry out his name like a prayer—some sort of wicked salvation that beat out any other holier counterpart. “Come on, baby. Cum on my tongue. Wanna taste it…every fuckin’ drop—“
“Fuck!” You crumpled to the ground, your back sliding against the door until you were kneeling with him on the floor, your body shuddering as you rode out the waves of your euphoria.
Joel was quick to act, guiding you down onto your back while you were still lost in bliss. He kissed your face as if you were his most prized possession, his hands worshipping the curves of your still-clothed body.
“Need you, baby,” he whispered against your jaw as he placed a love bite there, your head nodding to give him consent to do whatever the fuck he wanted to do to you after that mind blowing climax he just gave you.
You only heard the clinking of his belt buckle before feeling his cock stretch you open, a choked cry slipping from your lips in time with Joel’s wanton groan. You peeled your eyes open and looked down at the place you were joined, delighting in the fact that neither of you were undressed, the neediness of the moment turning you both feral.
“God damn,” he groaned and let his head hang as he stilled himself deep inside of you after only a few thrusts. “About to embarrass myself. You feel too fuckin’ good, baby.”
“Don’t worry about lasting long,” you stroked his beard. “I just wanna feel you.”
“God, I—” He choked on his words and leaned over your body, propping himself up by his elbows on either side of your head. You wrapped your legs around his waist and dug your heels into his jean-clad ass to urge him on, desperate to feel him spill inside of you.
“Want you to cum for me,” you moaned, pressing kisses into the side of his face as he buried his head in the crook of your neck. “Cum inside me—“
“Fuck,” he shouted as his cock thrust into you faster and deeper, your wetness squelching around him and filling the room along with both of your ragged moans. “I’m gonna—fuck, baby. You sure?”
“I’m on birth control, it’s okay,” you promised. Joel lifted his head to look into your eyes, his face scrunched up in something akin to agony but you were sure it couldn’t have been further from it.
“Gonna fill you up, beautiful,” he leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. “Gonna have you dripping for me.”
“Yes!” His cock was hitting something inside of you that was making you see stars, your mind going back to that pleasure-dumb state you’d just been lost in, and before you had time to warn him, your walls fluttered in time with his cock spilling inside of you. “I’m coming, Joel, fuck!”
“Me too, baby,” he choked out through a string of profanity and moans. “Fuck, so fuckin’—you’re perfect.”
The two of you stayed there for a while, both of you turned into puddles of post-climactic bliss as you laid in each other’s arms. Joel hissed as he pulled out and rolled over onto the carpet beside you, both of you turning your heads to look at each other with wide, almost childlike grins.
“Be my girlfriend?” Joel choked out, nerves thick in his shaky voice. You laid there speechless for a moment, unsure of how to tell him that ever since you met him you’d been dreaming of the day those words would leave his lips. So, you kept it simple, a smile gracing your face as you reached over to hold his face.
“I would love to.”
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powerfulblob · 5 months
puts on my clown hat
behold, as requested: The Trans Franky Essay. Like most of this is still jot notes and I wrote this when half-asleep so like. I don’t know
Please don’t shoot me.
Section 0: Most importantly...
Due to the Somerton stuff, I really am trying my best not to plagarize.
Unlike TikTok user @theyboss._.franky, I’m not planning to talk about if he’s trans based on physical features, personality, etc.
I’m here to talk about the narrative in particular, and allegory.
also kudos to @punkitt-is-here
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[ID: A screenshot of an X post by @punkittdev that reads “this is also partially why i am a franky one piece trans man truther” It features Franky, a cyborg with a shirt that reads “I HRT”.with a sun between the words “I” and “HRT” Franky is a tall man with tan skin and blue hair, and has part of his arms replaced with blue metal with a star at the end. end ID]
Section 1: Cyborgs are inherently trans
I’m literally just going to link The transgender cyborg: an inexhaustive primer because the article does a much better job than I can, but to summarize:
Trans people are not only cyborg-adjacent because of the transphobes who call us that, but primarily because we are used in the same way cyborgs are in text: As a talking point, a disruptive metaphor about humanity as a whole.
That brings us onto the next place...
Section 2: Cyborgs are extra trans in this case.
The reason why I latched onto this in the first place is this character’s backstory.
Franky, who eventually becomes the Straw Hat’s shipwright, starts as a joke character in the Water Seven Arc.
He’s a 40-ish year old man who runs around in a speedo and shoots lasers at people, making a living off of dismantling ships.
However, as more information is revealed, the story starts to humanize and give him a backstory.
quotes from Chapter 358:
“My body got wrecked and parts of it weren’t working anymore... So I transformed myself using scrap metal. It’s how I survived!” 
“Waste wood, scrap iron... I fit right in. First I’ve got to... ... Do something about this useless body of mine!” 
What do these have in common? Retrofitting the self, and rebuilding the body. I think there’s something trans there but IDK
Deadnames (partially joking here): As said by another character “Cutty Flam of Tom’s Workers is dead. As long as you don’t use that name... ... There’s nothing connecting us”  (for context, Franky was changing his name to evade government capture, but shhh let’s just pretend we’re talking about deadnames)
Actual Section 2: The Boats are trans now
speaking of the self as a construct...
I think it would be giving Oda too much credit for doing this on purpose.
But, he also accidentally created one of the best analogies I’ve ever heard for gender identity and against gender essentialism:
And of course, it has to be boats.
chapter 353: “Franky, there’s no such thing as blueprints for a pirate ship!! If the sailors who board that ship run up a skull-and-crossbones, then it’s a pirate ship. If they fly a seagull flag, it’s a navy ship. Build whatever you want to build, Franky.”
Like again: It’s the idea that there’s no instructions for a person, it’s what you decide to create out of oneself?
Alright. So, in terms of most manga, he actually does a rather good job. One Piece is primarily a series about misfits and outcasts: The series is goofy and over-the-top as a rule. So, one could argue the extreme way in which he portrays trans people up until the Wano arc is just a part of the series.
yeah idk
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hwangcore · 2 years
—skz when you start crying during sex
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warnings: smut, crying during sex (obviously), f receiving oral in some, bit of a strength kink for innies.
note: reposting bc i fucked something up with the post the first time rip 💀 enjoy <3
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when he first realized that you were crying, as he was kissing up the side of your face, chan couldn’t help by panic. he stopped his thrusts, his hips flush with yours. “baby? what’s wrong? are you okay? was i being too rough?”
you whined at the feeling of his cock buried deep inside you but not moving. “don’t stop channie, please. feels so so good.” you bucked your hips against his in an effort to get him moving again.
you whined at the feeling of his cock buried deep inside you but not moving. “don’t stop channie, please. feels so so good.” you bucked your hips against his in an effort to get him moving again.
at the realization that you weren’t crying out of pain, but of pleasure, chan couldn’t help but let it go to his head a bit. “yeah?” he starts moving again, and this time the sight of tears running down your face only makes him go harder. “it really feels that good, huh baby? you just can’t keep it in anymore, can you?”
words escaped you, and you could only manage to nod rapidly as your moans increased in volume.
chan let out a small huff of amusement, which turned into a groan at the feeling of you clenching around him. “at least i know i’m doing a job.”
as minho pulled his mouth away from your cunt for the third time that night, you couldn’t stop the tears that had been building in your eyes from escaping.
“aw, honey,” he pouted up at you mockingly. “why the tears?” he started rubbing your clit softly, and the sensation only made you cry harder.
“please, min, please. wanna come so bad.” you sniffed, hoping he would have mercy on your helpless, aroused body.
he hummed, considering, as he placed wet kisses along your inner thighs. “i guess i have been a bit mean tonight, haven’t i?”
you could only manage a small sniff. “just wanna come for you…”
with one final kiss on the side of your knee, minho moved back to where you needed him the most. “okay babydoll, you can come whenever you want.”
before taking the next step in your relationship, you’d sat down with your boyfriend and explained how sometimes you could get a little overwhelmed during sex when you were feeling especially good, which often came out through crying.
so later, when changbin had you face down ass up, the slight sniffles coming from you as well as the wet spot starting to from from your tears only made him want to fuck you harder.
so he did.
“yeah, sweetheart?” he panted, leaning down to press kisses up your spine to your neck. the feeling of his soft lips against your cheek paired with him holding you tight and fucking you so good only made you sob harder. “feels so good you just don’t know what to do with yourself, do you?”
“binnie, binnie, binnie,” his name seemed to be the only thing you could say.
“it’s okay y/n,” his grip on your hips tightened. “i’m right here sweet girl.”
“hyunjin,” you couldn’t help but whine as he continued to thrust his fingers in and out of your cunt even after you’d already come.
the arm he had wrapped around your waist drifted up your body until his hand was cupping your breast and kneading it. hyunjin leaned forward until his chest was pressed tight up against your back. “what’s the matter, sweet thing?”
he briefly pulled his fingers out to rub your clit, and the feeling of him softly pinching your nipple simultaneously made the tears that had been building in your eyes finally spill over.
when he felt something wet drip onto the hand holding your breast, hyunjin paused for moment, rubbing up and down your folds gently. “too much?”
you inhaled shakily before shaking your head. “just,” you turned your head, burying your face into his neck. “just- not too rough. please.”
“of course.” he kissed your temple and slid his long fingers back inside you, thrusting them slowly but so, so thoroughly. “anything for my angel.”
you weren’t sure how long you and jisung had been going at it, but it felt like hours.
“fuck, fuck, fuck,” he groaned, burying his face in your chest to leave little pecks and bites along your tits. “you feel so good babe, never wanna stop fucking you.”
his hands, which had previously been glued to your hips and pulling you onto his cock, moved down to your thighs. he leaned up and pressed his lips to yours, always so hungry for kisses. “let’s see how flexible you can be, huh?”
suddenly his hands moved to the back of your thighs and pushed up, up, up, until they were pressed against your chest and your legs were thrown over his shoulders. the first thrust in the new position had you crying out louder than you’d been all night, and by the fourth you had tears streaming down your cheeks.
“baby?” jisung’s eyebrows were furrowed, he started to slow down, making you whine in protest.
“don’t you dare stop,” you hiccuped. “keep fucking me just like this.” he still looked a bit hesitant, so you clenched around him as hard as you could, pulling a surprised whimper out of him. “c’mon jisungie, make me cry.”
“fuck,” he sounded breathless as he picked the pace back up, leaning down to lick the tears away. “you’re fucking perfect baby.”
sitting on top of felix like this, you swore you’d never felt him so deep before. your hips stuttered for a moment before stopping completely, leaving him buried to the hilt inside you.
fuck, even when neither of you were moving he felt so good.
“you okay love?” his voice was deeper than usual, and it made you shudder as his hands were on your hips, massaging the skin and rubbing up and down.
“yeah,” you sniffed, trying your best to grind down against him. “it’s just a-a lot.”
“aww, baby.” he pulled you closer, crushing your breasts against his solid chest. he pecked your lips softly. “do you need some help?”
at your pitiful nod, felix gripped your hips and started guiding you. helping you lift yourself up and down on his dick. you finally let the tears fall as you kissed along his jaw and the side of his face. “thank you bokkie, love you.”
he nuzzled his nose against yours. “love you too baby.”
the second he heard a loud sob escape your lips, seungmin stopped his actions completely. “y/n? what’s wrong?”
“what?” you blinked down at him, confused as to why he pulled his mouth away. “nothings wrong. why did you stop? i was so close…”
“honey, you’re crying.” seungmin’s hand (the one he hadn’t been using to finger you) reached up and brushed a tear away from under your eye.
“so?” you pouted, still upset that he’d stopped when you were that close to an orgasm. “your mouth and fingers felt really, really good together. i couldn’t hold it in anymore, minnie. that’s all.”
seungmin’s fingers inched back towards your cunt hesitantly. “you sure? you weren’t feeling any pain or anything?”
“i’m sure, baby. i promise the second i start feeling something i don’t like i’ll let you know, okay?”
seungmin nodded, seemingly satisfied, and then his fingers were once again buried in your cunt and his tongue flicking against your clit before sucking it into his mouth.
when he heard you sniffling and crying again just a few seconds later, he knew better than to stop.
“oh my- fuckfuckfuck, jeongin, jeongin!”
your boyfriend let out a breathless scoff. “losing your mind over my dick already?”
jeongin had been working out more lately, and it definitely showed as he was holding you up against the wall, shoving his cock in and out of you relentlessly, making your eyes start to sting as you tried to hold back tears.
he was already able to fuck you better than the others you’d been with, but with the added muscle to his body and the extra force behind his thrusts, you knew you were ruined for anyone else.
so yes, you were definitely losing your mind over his dick already.
he suddenly stopped, balls deep inside you, and pulled away from the wall, letting all your weight rest against his dick. “i asked you a question honey.”
you groaned in frustration, trying to grind against him as best as you could, but it wasn’t enough. “yes, you cocky asshole. your dick is perfect and amazing and i love it, so stop talking and start fucking my brains out again.”
jeongin snorted and stepped back towards the wall. “you know you would’ve been more intimidating if you weren’t crying for it.”
you hadn’t even noticed the wetness on your cheeks, but as jeongin began to thrust into you again, somehow even harder than he was previously, you couldn’t care less.
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© hwangcore— all rights reserved. reposting or modifying of any medium is not allowed.
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mrsjobarnes · 1 year
What’s the worst thing that can happen?
Summary: Jake and you have been secretly together for 5 months, what is the worst that could happen? 
Jake Sersin x Mitchell!Reader
Word count: 1.8 k 
Warning - 18+, Angst, Fluff, Illusion to Smut
Likes, Comments and Reblogs  are welcome!
Please do not steal my work! 
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“Hey, baby, I'm pulling into the parking lot now. Are you sure you don’t want to come clean and tell Bradley?”
“Y/n have you lost your mind? Rooster and Maverick would kill me if they found out I was dating you, and I don’t know about you but I’d like to live” you giggled at what Jake had just said.  
“Okay but if they ask I’m not lying anymore,” you said.
“Deal, at least if they kill me I’ll have witness” you can’t help but laugh at the stupidity of your boyfriend
“If they see how happy you make me, they can’t hurt you. That’s the perk of being the only girl but in all seriousness, it doesn’t matter what they think, you’re my boyfriend and I love you. That’s all that matters” you quickly say your goodbyes and lock your car. As you walk into the bar you look around for your bean pole of a brother. After you spot him you walk over. “Hey, guys this is Maverick's daughter and my sister Y/n!” Rooster said. Everybody went around introducing themselves when Coyote aks the million-dollar question
“Soooo are you like adopted or something because you look nothing like Maverick,” he asks. Rooster goes to answer when you cut him off. 
“Am I adopted Bradley, how could you lie to me?” you say, the group goes dead silent. He rolled his eyes, while Jake bites his lip to keep from laughing. “I’m just kidding, yeah I'm adopted,” you say. Everybody lets out a collective sigh and hardy laugh.
“Long time no see,” said Nat while she gave you a bear hug. “Seriously where have you been? '' she asks. 
“Well unlike you guys some of us have regular 9 to 5 jobs,” you say smiling. 
“Y/n you and I both know you don’t work a 9 to 5,” Bradley says. It’s true you don’t, you’re an elementary teacher so you work overtime quite often. 
“Tis true brother, however winter break is around the corner! Thank god, I love kids but some of these crotch goblins are giving me a run for my money” you say with a serious look. Everyone burst into laughter. Nat offers to buy you a round and you graciously accept. The team goes on to talk about things that you could care less about. All you care about is the joy you see on Jake’s face when he gets to talking about something he is passionate about. You know how your brother feels about Jake. they didn’t have an excellent start to their relationship but he saved, your brother, and dad. They are working on building a relationship, which makes you very happy. 
As the night goes on you end up playing pool with Jake, Bob, Nat, and Bradley. You are bending over for your shot when Bradley asks “what the hell happened to your neck and chest Y/N” he asked with a very concerned tone, ready to beat whoever did that to you. 
“Oh this, it’s nothing.” you try to play it off but Nat interjects and tells Bradley that they are hickeys. Your face turns beet red as you tried to think of a way to change the conversation. Jake starts panicking because of the conversation you had in the car. “So has anyone seen the new episode of house of dragons?” a tv show you knew Bradley liked.
“You’re not getting out of this Y/n,” Bradley says with a stoic look on his face. He has always been super protective over you. He thought that if you were seeing someone you’d tell him. To be honest he was a little hurt. 
“Its, not a big deal, I’m seeing this guy and he got carried away. It’s not my fault I’m irresistible. Plus I’m a grown woman and if you think I look bad you should see him” you say. Jake smile remembering how she got those and why it looks like his abs and back were attacked by a cat. “Now can we move on to why you still have a caterpillar on your lip,” you ask. The group erupts in laughter. Pleased with the fact that he gets to live till tomorrow Jake buys the table a round. While he’s at the bar ordering a girl comes up and strikes up a conversation with him. 
“Oh look, hangman found someone already. He was doing so well too, almost 4 months.” Javy said. Everyone lets out a chuckle.  You turn around and see Jake talking to a girl. You try hard to not get jealous because you know he is a good guy. Before anyone else could comment they saw Jake shut down the girl’s advancements and head toward the table with their drinks. “Whoah Hangman are you sick,” Javy asks. 
Jake furrows his brows “No?” he said questioning why Javy would ask that, then it dawned on him. “Oh I just don’t feel like it tonight,” he said. 
“That’s been your excuse a lot recently, are you sure you’re okay” Javy ask genuinely concerned. Jake felt trapped, he could either fess up or keep lying. He looked at you, hoping you could give him an answer. You look at him as if giving an encouraging nod.  He quickly musters up some courage. 
“I am seeing someone” Jake said with a bashful smile. You smiled as well, although it wasn’t the full truth it was a step in the right direction. The group was silent until Bob congratulated him and said it was about time. The group quickly moved conversations to talk about the most recent football game. 
You walked over to Jake and whispered into his ear “Hey do you want to get out of here and come to my place?” He gave an enthusiastic yes and told the group that he was going to head out. 15 minutes later you also bid your goodbyes to the group and raced to your house to meet Jake. 
As you pulled into your driveway and parked Jake hopped out of his car and raced to you feverishly kissing you. Once he was done he put his hand out asking for your keys. Once he had them he threw you over his shoulder giving your ass a nice smack which elected a moan from you.
 You are awoken by the sun streaming through your blinds. You turn over and snuggle into Jake’s chest to hide from the sun’s harsh rays. He brings you closer as if that’s possible. “Good morning darling,” he said with his voice thick with sleep and southern charm, you smile and look up at him. 
“Moring,” you say kissing him, he kisses you back like a man starved. You giggle and straddle him and kiss down his neck when you hear the lock to your front door click and a pair of boots stomping around. 
“Y/n, are you up? You are late to brunch” your dad shouts
“Hurry up im starving” shouts Bradley stomping up the stairs. You quickly look at your clock and see that it’s 12:30. You are 30 minutes late to brunch. 
“Shit shit shit” you whisper as you get off of Jake and try to find a shirt. “Uhh give me a second, i'll be right out” you shout. Whispering profanity and telling Jake to get dressed and hide in the bathroom. It’s too late because Bradley opens the door right as Jake is getting out of bed to put his boxers back on. 
“What the fuck” Bradley yells frozen in the doorway, you hear another round of feet coming up the stairs. 
“What is it, Bradley,” your dad asks sounding super concerned. Once he appears at the door and lets out a grone. They both look ready to kill At this point, but the shock has worn off of you. 
“First of all knock”, you say in a stern tone. “Second of all calm down,lets talk about this when I’m fully dressed” shutting the door in their faces. Looking back a Jake you expect him to freak but he doesn’t he just pulls you in for a kiss. 
“It was nice to know you doll,” he says kissing you again. You roll your eyes and put on some PJs. Once you are both dressed you head downstairs into your kitchen. 
As soon as you walk in they start asking questions. You hold your hand up and say “First of all stop yelling, Second would you all like coffee?” you walk towards the coffee maker and turn it on. Jake stands at the door looking ready to run if they come after him. As the coffee starts to brew you go about making your cup while Bradley and your dad just stare at you knowing not to mess with you until you’ve had a cup. As soon as you’ve taken your first sip they start bum-barding you with questions. “Okay let me start from the beginning you say” walking over to the table and grabbing Jake along the way, as you all sit down. “Jake and I met at the Hard deck 5 months ago, he was very kind and not like how you all described him,” you say looking at Bradley. 
“YOU’VE BEEN DATING FOR 5 MONTHS” Bradley stands and shouts. You give him a look that screams ‘shut the fuck up’ he quietly sits back down and you continue explaining the ins and out of your relationship. Once you are done you all sit in silence while the two men across from you process this new information. “I still don’t like this,” said Bradley. You kick him under the table and glare. 
“I don’t care if you like it, it's my life and I can date who I want,” you say looking at Jake with doe eyes. Bradley just glares at Jake 
“Does he make you happy,” your dad asks. You shake your head yes. “Then that’s all I can ask for, but I swear Jake if you hurt my baby I will kill you,” he said. 
“Yes sir,” Jake said. “She is honestly the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love her and would do anything for her.” He said kissing your forehead. You look up at him and snuggle into him. 
“Okay, then that’s all I can ask as a father,” Maverick said sincerely. You smile at your dad and then look at Bradley. 
“I'm not happy that you kept this from me, however, if you are happy then I'm happy. Just keep the PDA to a minimum please,” he said with a small smile on his face. “I'm going to text the group that you don’t have an STI,” he said looking at Jake. 
“What,” the group said collectively. Bradley explained that when Jake stopped sleeping with a new girl every night, the team got concerned and Bob suggested that he may have gotten an incurable STI. They all burst into laughter. 
“Well, why don’t you two get dressed? We can go get food, I'm still hungry and I know Bradley is probably dying” said Maverick, you and Jake agreed and went to get ready. 
“See that didn’t go that bad,” you said, handing Jake some clothes. 
“Wait till they find out that I’m moving In,” he said, kissing your neck.
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uluvjay · 1 year
Luke Hughes smut prompt list 8 and 12
8. “I can’t sleep without you here”
12. “You can get louder can’t you”
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Luke Hughes x Fem reader!
Warnings?; smut, phone sex, mutual masturbation, fingering( F receiving), hand job( M receiving), dirty talk, pet names, cursing.
I hope you enjoyed anon! I apologize for any errors💕
Usually this time of year you’d be at the lake house with Luke but you family decided to take a week long vacation in the middle of lake house season. You were extremely grateful to be able to go on a vacation but it was just you and your parents and you were missing your boyfriend.
And from what you could tell he was missing you as well, he texted and called you whenever he could and it was to the point his brothers were texting you to come back so they didn’t have to hear him complain anymore.
So here you were sat on FaceTime with him as your parents were out on a date and had told you not to wait up because they were going to go to get drinks after dinner.
“Luke you need to go to bed, it’s almost 11 there” you told him
“I don’t care I’m frustrated and I can’t sleep without you here” he mumbled
“Why are you frustrated baby? Did something happen” you asked a little concerned, Luke never really got miserable but you could tell by his face and tone of voice that he was.
“No, nobody made me mad and nothing happened..it- it’s sexual frustration” he admitted.
“Ohh” you said with a slight smirk knowing some of that was from the Bikini pictures you had been sending him and the outfit pictures of you in pretty little sundresses which he also loved on you.
“Yeah ‘ohh’, I swear I’ve been hard since the day before you left when Jack caught us” he said annoyed but the memory made you laugh.
You and Luke hadn’t had much time alone and when you thought everyone had already left to go eat you both booked it to his room and were to busy rushing that you didn’t lock the door. However right as Luke was about to insert himself in you Jack busted in asking for something but caught you two in the act instead.
Thankfully he didn’t see any of you because all Luke had taken off was your shorts and panties not wanting to waste the time with your shirt.
“I’m sorry baby, if it makes you feel any better I haven’t been able to have much alone time to take care of myself either” you told him.
“Wait..Didn’t you say your parents are out?” He asked
“Yeah, why?”
“Wanna have phone sex?” He very bluntly asked
“What? Wouldn’t be the first time”
“True..okay yeah let’s do it” you said laughing as you propped up your phone against your bed pillows and turned so Luke could see between your legs.
“Take your clothes off baby” he told you as you seen him lock his door and put an air pod in.
You did as told before getting back into position and began rubbling your clit.
“Did i say you could start touching yourself?” He asked and you immediately pulled your hand away.
“Sorry” you apologized.
“It’s alright baby I’ll let that one slide, we’re both needy” he told you before setting his phone in a position on his desk so you could see his hard cock perfectly making you moan at the sight.
“Miss my cock baby? Miss feeling it run along your folds, feel it fill you up, miss choking on it?” He was teasing you but you didn’t care because he was right, you hadn’t properly felt Luke’s cock in weeks, your few quickies so rushed and messy.
“Fuck Luke please, can I please touch myself?” You begged
“Yeah, go ahead baby. Rub your clit a little, imagine it’s my fingers” he told you, you could hear him groan at the sight of you playing with yourself.
“Feels so good Lukey” you moaned trying to keep your eyes open so you could watch him stroke his hard length.
“Put one of your fingers inside baby, remember start slow and then insert a second finger” he instructed
“Wish it was your hard cock Lukey, wish you were fucking me” you moaned out at him to help him through this as well.
“Shit Y/n” his breathing sped up a little and you could see his abs clenching, “you wish it was my pussy Luke? Wish you had my warm pussy hugging you, instead of your hand” you threw his questions right back at him.
“Fuck yes I do” he moaned watching you insert another finger.
“Fuck Luke!” You moaned throwing your head back as you pumped your fingers faster.
“I think I’m getting close” you told him
“Yeah? Can you feel your pussy clenching your fingers?” He asked watching you nod your head as moans were the only think coming out of your mouth.
He watched as your thighs began to shake yet your moans were to quite for his liking, “you can get louder can’t you?” He asked
“Ye-..yeah” you moaned
“Then let me hear you” and after that he listened as you let out one of the most beautiful moans he’s ever heard come out to your mouth.
“Luke! Im cumming” you told him as your worked yourself through it.
“Good girl baby” he praised as you came down from your high.
“Mhm, now let’s get you there” you told him as you remembered he still hadn’t came.
“Yeah, spit in your hand Luke and I want you to think about me and how tight and warm my pussy is, how much you love to fuck it” you egged him on.
“Shit baby” he moaned as he threw his head back.
“Such a pretty cock baby but your balls are just as pretty and I want you to use your other hand to play with them a little” you instructed knowing how much he loved when you did it.
The moan he let out when his hands made contact with them was almost pornographic, you watched in awe as he took care of himself.
“So sexy Lukey, can’t wait to get home and let you fuck my throat” he let out a moan at the thought of having your warm, wet mouth wrapped around him.
“Shit Y/n I’m close” he told you, but you could already tell by the way his breathing was speeding up and his abs clenching.
“Come for me Luke, imagine your cumming deep inside me just how you like to”
You smiled as he came with a loud groan and cum shot all over his hand and pretty abs, enjoying his pathetic whimpers as he worked himself through his high.
“That was hot” you laughed after a minute of silence.
He began to laugh too as he stood up to find something to clean himself off with as you made your way into the bathroom connected to your bedroom.
“Thanks for helping me out Babe” he said
“Of course Luke, plus I needed it too” you shrugged before adding “but I was serious about getting my face fucked when I get back” you notified him.
“Yes ma’am” he laughed
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jessicaloons · 1 month
Chapter 41:
I like shiny things, but I’d marry with Paper Rings…
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TW: spicy, adult content, 18+
Info: to fit my story line I swapped Austin with Mexico, the triple header will then be Mexico, Austin, Brazil
I stirred in the bed, the sunbeams sneaking through a gap between the curtains woke me up and I yawned.
"What time is it?" Charles whispered next to me and I turned a little, checking the time on my phone.
"Too early to be awake…" I mumbled, turning back, snuggling into him.
"Yeah? Then let’s sleep for a little longer." he kissed my forehead as I laid my head on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat.
"Sounds like a plan." I whispered, closing my eyes.
"Why is your heart racing like that?" Charles asked after a while and I opened my eyes "Are you okay?" he turned his head, looking at me.
"I think so…"
"You think so?"
"It’s nothing, let’s just sleep…" I closed my eyes again, but he put two fingers under my chin, tilting my head up.
"What’s wrong?" he asked gently and I sighed.
"Last year here in Mexico…" I said quietly.
"That’s on your mind?"
"A little? I mean when we did the track walk and we walked past the spot where it happened… I don’t know, it’s just felt weird and I thought back to when I was in the garage and- and I thought you were dead…" my voice broke and Charles pulled me closer into him.
"But I was okay. I am okay. It’s just a bad memory, nothing else! Don’t think about it anymore, it’s not good for you, especially not when you have to focus on the race ahead!" he kissed the crown of my head and I slowly nodded.
"Can you just promise me that you take care out there today?" I whispered after a while and heard him sigh a little.
"I can promise you that I will try. You know that’s all I can do…"
"I know. But please try to."
"I promise that I will."
Unfortunately keeping his promise was harder than it sounded like, when I watched the RedBull and Ferrari sandwich in front of me, sending Checo off track and Charles losing the lead to Max. I took a deep breath and focused on my own race which I ended in the same position as I started in.
"That’s P4. Good job." Pete radioed and I sighed a little.
"Yeah, it was the best I could do I guess. Good job on the team’s side, our pit stops are getting better with every race!"
"Team effort."
"Team effort."
Austin next started out strong. A good quali and sprint race were making me feel optimistic for Sunday, the race didn’t bring the same result tho, with a P7 but it was the best we could do. I finished my interviews when I saw Charles looking frustrated, shaking his head.
"What’s going on?" I asked and he sighed.
"The FIA checked the planks on some of the cars… Lewis and mine apparently didn’t comply the technical regulations, so there’s a hearing."
"Are they for real? That was probably because we had two races at one weekend! Of course there’s some high wear on the skin pads! This track is fucking bumpy and with the stupid sprint race there’s not enough time to check it properly?" I said loudly and some people looked.
"Lizzie…" Julie warned and I sighed.
"Let’s go…" I grabbed his hand and lead him away, back to his hospitality "I would wait with you, but I’m not allowed in there…"
"Let’s go to Audi, I don’t want to wait alone…" Charles shrugged and I nodded.
"Okay." we walked back and waited, but I had a bad feeling and when Mia said that the final decision was made, I already knew by the look on her face what it meant.
"I was disqualified, right?" Charles voice was trembling.
"Yeah… you and Lewis…"
"Lewis as well? That means…"
"Carlos will move up into P3…" Mia said and Charles laughed.
"Of course… but hey, Lizzie, congrats to your P5 now." he patted my arm.
"Charles…" I began but he got up.
"No, it’s fine. It’s like this. Whatever. We can’t change it now anyways. I go to my race debrief, what’s there to debrief anyways but yeah… you go to yours. I see you later." he kissed me briefly and walked off.
"Can you please make sure that he’s okay?" I asked Mia and she nodded.
"Of course…" she walked off and Julie sighed.
"What a day…"
"What a day indeed."
"I don’t know if that’s a good idea…" Charles mumbled and I rolled my eyes a little.
"Oh come on! After that race? You deserve a little fun!" I said.
"Yeah but… I have to make some points in Brazil! I can’t mess this up!" he sighed.
"You won’t mess it up! It’s all going to be fine! We’ll be in Brazil right in time for the media day. It will be fun, you’ll see!" I smiled and after a while he sighed.
"Danny Ric and his ideas."
"It will be fun. Come on now, costumes!" I smiled excitedly but I didn’t like the look on his face "Why are you looking at me like that?" he just chuckled and I punched his arm "I swear, if you picked a slutty nurse or house maid costume… I’ll cut off your ba…" I began but got interrupted by his hysterical laugh.
"Oh cara mia, although I would love to see you as a slutty nurse or house maid, I wouldn’t want 500 other people to see that, too, there are parts of your body only I get to see… no, I picked something better!" he said and his little possessiveness made me blush.
"Alright. Then I’d say let’s exchange the costumes and get going?" I said, trying to contain my grin.
"Oh, what have you done?" Charles asked, voice laced with a tint of worry.
"You’ll see…" I chuckled and grabbed the garment bag "I’ll go to the bedroom."
As I zipped the bag open I sighed and took the costume out, now I preferred a slutty nurse or house maid costume. I googled for make-up and hair ideas when I heard steps coming my way and the door flying open.
"Absolutely not! No! I’m not wearing that!" Charles cursed and I looked him up, from head to toe.
"Holy shit, you look hot… umm… I’m… umm…" I was at a loss for words, he looked amazing. Hot. Sexy. Dangerous. Wearing all black.
"I’m not wearing a Mercedes race suit as a costume! Ferrari will kill me!" he groaned.
"Then I’m not wearing this…" I said and pointed at the costume on the bed.
"Fine. If I lose my job, it’s your fault!" he sighed and I chuckled.
"Oh come on, if anything it will only make them draft your new contract faster!" I said, still ogling him up and down. My insides began to stir and I was feeling hot, flushed "Go now, please. I have to get ready." my voice was raspy.
"Maybe I should talk to the design team and ask for an all black suit next season?" Charles chuckled and I shook my head.
"Go. Now. Thank you." I pushed him through the door and sighed "Slutty cheerleader here I go…"
Charles POV:
I watched how Lizzie danced with Kika, having fun, laughed.
"It’s been a while since I saw her this carefree?" Pierre nodded towards our girls and I smiled.
"Yeah… this whole thing with Diaz, then with Sainz, Singapore and the m…" I stopped abruptly and Pierre cocked an eyebrow.
"What happened in Singapore?"
"I mean, she could’ve won that race, silence the media who were slandering her again and again…" I lied and he nodded.
"Yeah, that’s true, it was a shame, honestly."
"It was. But look at her, she’s happy. That’s what’s most important."
The two girls pulled us on the dance floor and Lizzie threw her arms around my neck.
"Are you having fun, Charlie?" she asked swaying and I smiled.
"A whole lot… my beautiful cheerleader is here dancing with me after all." I replied and kissed her.
"Mhh me too. It was a good idea that we came here… alright your costume…" she mumbled against my lips and I tilted my head a little.
"What’s with my costume?"
"I don’t like how all the girls are staring at you because you look so devilishly handsome in this black race suit." she pouted and I had to laugh "That’s not funny!"
"Cara mia, you chose the costume!" I said matter of factly.
"I know… but still…" she groaned a little and I pulled her closer, kissing the corner of her mouth, down her jaw, feeling her squirming in my hold.
"Don’t worry, pretty girl. They might see me in the suit… but you’re the only girl seeing me out of it…" I whispered in her ear and I felt her shuddering.
"Let’s get a taxi…" she rasped out and I grinned at her like a devil "Now."
She clung to me, her arms around my neck, hands carding through my hair, leaving hot open mouthed kisses along the column of my neck, my jaw, my throat. My hands gripping her waist, pulling her close into me, fiddling with the fabric of her skirt, hiking it up her thighs. As soon as the elevator door opened I pushed her out, walking us fast toward our door, prying my hands from her waist, lifting my head up to see the security panel of the door. Lizzie looked up at the loss of my arms around her and the sudden movement of my head.
"Pretty girl, I have to open the door… stop pouting…" I groaned as she began suckling at the sensitive skin just below my ear.
"Hurry up…" she whined, pulling my head down, clashing her hot, wet lips onto mine, making me taste the sweetness of the cocktails she drank earlier. The door opened with a simmer and I tapped her thighs, making her jump a little, wrapping her legs around my waist on instinct. I walked inside, kicking the door shut with my foot. Holding her up at her thighs, massaging them, distracted by her kisses and licks around my neck I stumbled into the bedroom, where I dropped her on the bed. She tilted her head up, eying me from head to toe, hungry look in her eyes.
"You look so devilishly hot in that suit… mhhh why don’t you screw Ferrari and go for Lewis seat instead?" she said breathless and I slapped her thigh "Was that supposed to be a punishment? Try again…"
I chuckled and leaned down, holding myself steady above her, ghosting my lips over hers before I kissed the corner of her mouth, then kissed a line to her ear, breathing out, hot and heavy against it, making her moan a little.
"I think you would much rather enjoy a reward…" I whispered, gently biting down at her earlobe.
"How do I earn it?" she whispered back, her voice trembling with anticipation.
"I’m a Mercedes driver… I want to be cheered on by my personal cheerleader…" I grinned at her and she put one hand in my neck, pulling my head close.
"I can do that…" she breathed against my lips and nibbled at my lower lip before she pushed me off of her and got up, she then turned around and I sat up. She unclipped the Pom Pom’s from her waist and began to do a cheer routine.
"I love seeing you wearing my logo… it’s like I marked you… for everyone to see…" I muttered and she smiled seductively "But right now I wouldn’t mind seeing you out of it…" Lizzie understood the hint immediately. Throwing the Pom Pom’s my way. Sliding her hands up and down her sites, before she hooked her thumbs under the hem of the top, pulling it slowly over her head, revealing a dark red lace bra, making me choke up. I loved seeing her in red. And she knew it. She gently cupped her breasts before turning around, bending down, shaking her behind a little to reveal the sight of the matching slip underneath her short skirt. I felt how the suit got tight around my crotch, too tight, and threw my head back, closing my eyes. My breathing hitched when soft fabric hit my face and I opened my eyes, looking down at Lizzie’s bra in my lap. The second I looked up I lost all restraint and jumped up. Backing her up against the wall, making her whimper as the rough fabric of my race suit dragged along her bare skin, when I pressed my knee between her thighs, pushing up her skirt. I kissed her, rough and deep, almost frantic as the sweetness of her lips and tongue engulfed my senses. Sensations of heat, lust and love rushing through my body. I felt my growing bulge against her thigh, making her moan and me taking a deep breath. Lizzie’s hands began to fiddle with the zipper of the suit and she whined desperately as it wouldn’t budge.
"Don’t be so impatient, pretty girl!" I grinned and helped her, pulling the zipper down, letting her strip me off of it, the suit pooling around my waist, before pulling my shirt over my head. She pressed her firm breasts into my chest and I could feel her pebbled nipples against my skin as we moaned in unison. I pushed her skirt further up her thighs, exposing the dark red, lazy slip, cupping her heat with my hand, rubbing once. She bit her lips, suppressing a moan and I felt her knees buckling so I grabbed her thighs, hiking them around my waist, pushing her further into the wall. She let out a surprised huff and locked her eyes with mine, before she captured my lips in a searing kiss, it was sloppy, messy but above all desperate. It was suffocating and hot in the best way possible, but my growing bulge pressed against her hot core made me pull away, trying to catch my breath. Lizzie made a little sound of protest, before gripping my neck again, trying to pull my lips back to hers.
"Charles…" she whined and I pushed us off the wall, carrying her to our bed, falling back down on it, Lizzie above me. She blinked and sat up, straddling my hips, and I felt my heart palpitating, lungs clenching, as I saw her naked frame, looking like a true goddess. I put my hands on her waist, rubbing circles on it and with one swift move I turned us over, hovering now over her. Her hands shot up, tangling in my hair and pulling me closer. I only gave her a soft kiss on her lips before I started my way down, kissing her throat, collarbone, leaving tiny marks. My hands pushing her skirt down her legs as I kissed down the valley between her breasts, locking eyes with her, hungry and full of lust. I kissed my way further down, nibbled at her stomach making her clench it in the process. As I arrived at her core I kissed it above the fabric, making Lizzie bucking her hips, I gently laid one hand on her stomach and pushed her back into the mattress, waiting a moment for her to calm down, then I hooked my thumbs under the band of her slip and pulled it down with one smooth move, throwing it together with her skirt behind my back. A soft thud telling me both clothings landed on the floor.
"Ready for your reward?" I whispered and looked up at Lizzie, who nodded slightly, and I grinned, devouring her. Caressing her soft skin, making her moan, gripping my hair, pulling me closer to where she needed me the most.
"Don’t stop…" she whimpered as I stole the air from her very lungs, making her puff out a long breath "Close… so close…" she mumbled underneath her breath. After a short while, she arched her back, grinding her core into my face, whining and moaning in ecstasy, as she reached her climax. I let go of her, looking up at her gorgeous face, eyes closed, blissful smile on her lips, chest heaving with every breath she took, beads of sweat glistening all over her beautiful body. Her hands let go of my hair, searching around until they found mine, still holding her waist down. She intertwined our fingers, gently pulling me up and I obeyed, leaning down over her face, looking at the pretty girl underneath me, my pretty girl. She slowly opened her eyes, still out of breath.
"Hi…" she whispered, all of a sudden shy again, cheeks slightly blushing, as she looked at my face, bottom half glistening with her essence and she closed her eyes again, groaning quietly.
"Hi pretty girl…" I answered, gently nudging her nose with mine. She bit her lip and looked up at me with hooded eyes, then she leaned up, pressing her lips on mine, tasting herself on them. I had to grin into the kiss and she slowly pulled back, licking her lips. She pulled our intertwined hands to her lips, kissing my knuckles gently. Smiling her most gorgeous smile, falling back even more into her shy demeanour, she still wore at times. As I adjusted my position above her, my straining crotch, still covered in the race suit, brushed against her heat, and her breathing hitched. She looked down and gulped audibly.
"Take it off…" she said in a hushed tone, her fiery gaze burning a hole in my middle, before she put her hands on my hips, pushing the suit down herself. I helped her, sliding it off, letting it fall onto the floor. Her eyes found mine and she cupped my cheek with her hand, gently caressing it "I love you…" she purred softly and I laid a feathery kiss on her lips, getting more heated with every moment that passed and in that I could feel her soft core beneath my skin. She grabbed my hips, pulling me flush against her, an impatient whine on her lips as she greedily captured my bottom lip between her teeth. I felt my heart racing, my body buzzing all over with anticipation and locked eyes with her, gently freeing my lips from hers. Littering her face and jaw with tiny kisses, as I sucked on her collarbone she arched her back into me and with one last look in her eyes I let my arousal take over, making her moan loudly as our body’s melted into one.
"I love you too…" I muttered out, moaning as her heat clenched around me.
"We could’ve chartered a whole plane for all of us…" Pierre chuckled as I watched almost half the grid settling into their seats, occupying the entire first class.
"True that!" Daniel laughed, plopping down in his seat.
"Just so you guys know I want silence the next 10 hours. Utter and complete silence." Lando groaned and put a sleeping mask and his headphones on.
"And it’s all too much for little Lando Norris." Daniel imitated Crofty and we all laughed.
"I said silence." Lando murred and I cuddled back into my seat.
"Comfy?" Charles asked after a while and I shook my head, taking his hand and cuddling it to my chest.
"Better." I closed my eyes and heard him chuckle.
"Silly girl. Sleep now, we have a hectic day ahead of us." he said, kissing the crown of my head.
"Hectic weekend. And did you see the weather forecast? Damn…" I whispered.
"Yeah I saw it…" Charles said and I felt him tensing up a little.
"Hey, it will be alright, don’t worry, we’ll have a good weekend, you’ll see." I kissed the back of his hand and he smiled a little.
"I hope you’re right." he said and I sat up.
"Forget about Austin. It’s in the past. You’ll do amazing! So come on. Have a little nap with me." I smiled and Charles sighed. I could literally see the wheels turning in his head with how hard he was thinking about the weekend ahead.
"It’s just… I need to proof that I’m better. John Elkann will be in Brazil… he wasn’t supposed to be there, he planned to come to Vegas. But now he’s already in Brazil? What if it is to tell me that they’re not happy with my performance? That they won’t extend my contract?" he whispered and I sat up.
"Stop it now, okay! Why would they do that? They’re not stupid! Austin wasn’t your fault! Stop this nonsense now! He’s coming to Brazil because he wants to, there’s no reason behind it. Period." I looked at him determined and after a while he smiled a little.
Maybe you’re right." he leaned back, taking my hand in his again "What would I do without you?"
"I answered that question before, so you know the answer." I leaned into him, my head on his shoulder.
"I might sink and drown and die."
"Was that Fred that I saw earlier?" I asked Charles when we walked to the car, late at Saturday night.
"Yeah… he’s here…" he opened my door and I looked at him "He said he wanted to talk to me after the weekend…"
"About what?" I waited for him to get in the car as well.
"He didn’t say about what. Just that we need to talk." Charles looked worried. I saw how he clenched his jaw, his hands gripping the steering wheel so tight, his knuckles turned white.
"It’s going to be okay, you’ll see." I pried his hands away from the steering wheel and made him look at me "Fred loves you. Whatever is going to happen, it’s okay!"
"I hope so." he mumbled and started the car.
We drove in silence but I felt Charles’ anxiety radiating off of him, the tension in his shoulders visible. And although I tried my best to soothe his worries, to calm him down, he was as nervous as ever when he got into the car on Sunday. I watched horrified how he flew off in the formation lap and my stomach was in tight knots the whole race. As soon as I was out of the car, I was looking for him, but he was nowhere to be found.
"You text me as soon as you see him, okay?" I said to Andrea and he nodded, walking back into the Ferrari garage.
"Lizzie, we really have to go now… come on." Julie urged and I followed her to the media pen, where I gave my interviews in the fastest way possible and Julie chuckled when I looked at her after the hopefully last one "Okay, okay, we’re done! You can go and look now for Charles!"
"Thank you!" I almost sprinted away, looking for Joris and Andrea.
"He’s here." the latter said when I stopped in front of the Ferrari hospitality.
"Is he okay? He didn’t answer my texts…" I was slightly out of breath from running.
"He’s umm-… he’s in a meeting with Fred… and I think I saw John Elkann with them as well…" Andrea said slowly and my heart began to race.
"Okay- I mean… I guess I wait then?"
"That’s all we can do now." Andrea smiled at me when I saw Silvia coming our way.
"But you know what? I can wait at Audi as well…" I walked off before the evil witch of the easy reached us, making my way to wait for Charles.
The debrief felt like a whole eternity and when I finally left I saw a text from Charles, saying that I should wait at the car for him. I had a bad feeling and said good night to everyone, walking to the parking lot. My heart was hammering in my chest when two arms engulfed me from behind, but just a second later I relaxed, feeling it was Charles.
"Hey cara mia." he kissed the side of my head, spinning me around.
"You’re smiling?" I asked cautiously and he nodded.
"I’m smiling." he smiled, kissing me.
"What does that mean? Is everything okay?" I asked and he pushed me against the car, kissing me again "Charles!"
"More than okay. Brilliant actually… but I can’t tell you for now. It has to be secret until it’s officially announced…" he smiled brightly, opening the door for me, pushing me inside.
"And what? You think I will spill the beans?" I pouted, right when he closed the door and walked around the car to get in "Am I not trustworthy en-…" he silenced me with another kiss.
"Fred will become team principal next season. My new contract is already drafted…" he began and I squealed.
"Mattia is gone?" I asked and Charles nodded.
"Mattia is gone… well next season…" he said and I did a little happy dance.
"Does that mean that Sainz will be gone as well?" I asked big Charles shook his head.
"They didn’t mention him. And I honestly don’t care. Since Fred joined it was planned for him to take over. That’s why he was so highly involved in the making of next seasons car. It’s his car. And he said it’s the car to win the championship with… or at least he hopes so." his most beautiful, dimple showing smile was back.
"Charles Leclerc, world champion 2024. I called it first." I said happily and he shrugged his shoulders.
"We don’t want to get ahead of ourselves now, cara mia." he chuckled, starting the engine.
"Maybe you don’t… but I will! Mark my words, world champion of 2024, Charles Leclerc, my gorgeous boyfriend." I smiled "Now I’m even more happy for our trip to LA."
"Yeah, me too, it will be great."
Charles POV:
"What are you doing?" I plopped down next to Lizzie on the sun island and she showed me her iPad.
"These are the three options for the kitchen… I love them all, but the third one is my favourite. I always wanted to have an all white kitchen with black hardware but the kitchen island in all black? Waterfall edges of this beautiful white granite with black veins? The same we use for the countertops? Damn Carla really had an amazing idea here."
"That was Carla’s idea?" I asked and she nodded "I have to so, they all look stunning, but yeah, the black island really stands out? What tiles? The other options had tiles."
"I was honestly thinking to use the same granite as backsplash? Like a big fat slab of stone… here…" she tapped on the display and the model changed.
"Yes. 100 % yes. It looks amazing! Wow. Send it to Léon That’s our kitchen." I saw how happy and giddy she was about this decision and kissed her cheek "What else? Tell me you have more!"
"So, we already decided for the guest bathrooms and both powder rooms… but do you want to see my vision for our bathroom?" she asked and I nodded "Okay, here. I saw this bathtub and fell in love. Look at the size of it! Here’s the layout." she showed me the bathroom, the shower, big enough for a handful of people, the two vanities, a dressing table in between and the huge bathtub. It looked perfect.
"Perfect… like honestly! Lizzie you outdone yourself." I pulled her into me, smiling at her blushed cheeks "I can’t wait to move into our home together. It’s going to be so perfect. You are so perfect."
"Oh stop. I had a lot of help from Carla and our mum’s…" she almost whispered and I tilted her head up.
"Yeah but it’s your vision they help you with. You make this place our home." I kissed her, feeling her melting under my touch.
"Oh for fucks sake! Take a room! Ugggghhhh… I’m leaving!" Andrea groaned and I laughed.
"Wait for me, I’m not staying behind with these two lovebirds! Let’s go to Six Flags alone!" Joris said, following Andrea.
"Noooo! Wait for me!" Lizzie scrambled off of me and I huffed.
"Excuse me?" I looked at her.
"Wait for us?" she said meekly and grinned.
"Exactly. Wait for us!" we got up and followed the guys outside.
"I heard you’re excited for all the roller coasters." Lizzie teased Andrea and he laughed nervously "It’s okay. I’ll hold your hand when it get’s scary."
"I can also just wait for you guys…" he began but Lizzie shook her head.
"Nope. You’re coming with us on the rides! It will be fun! Believe me!"
It was fun. For Lizzie. For me. Not for Andre. Also not for Joris. Lizzie made her puppy eyes and made us ride everything there was and the colour from Andrea and Joris’ faces drained with every new ride more and more.
"Cara mia, I think you’ve exhausted them…" I whispered when we drove back to our Airbnb in the evening, the two guys half asleep in the backseat of the car. Lizzie turned and looked at them, one paler than the other.
"I’m sorry boys…" she chuckled, smiling apologetic.
"No you’re not!" Joris groaned.
"I can’t wait for when it’s time to go racing again!" Andrea sighed, leaning his head back "Thank god we’re leaving in two days, before you kill us."
"I’m definitely not getting paid enough for being tortured like that by your girlfriend…" Joris murmured and I had to laugh.
"Oh come on! It wasn’t that bad!" I said and they both looked at me pointedly.
"Your girl is a crazy spitfire and you know it!" Andrea said and I turned to Lizzie, grabbing her hand.
"That she is." I kissed the back of her hand and watched her blush "My girl."
"Coming to you Lizzie, what do you think of the race weekend here in Las Vegas?" Tom Clarkson asked and I looked over at Max, who looked just as disinterested as I felt.
"Honestly? Max said everything there is to say, I don’t have much to add. It’s all a big show for nothing. It’s turning into a circus, gets bigger and bigger when we all come here for one reason only: we want to race. We don’t need all of this stuff around. Events left and right. The sport itself is interesting enough. We don’t need all this bullshit around we get to see here." I said and Max nodded laughing.
"Alright, thank you, Lizzie. We open the floor now for some questions."
I didn’t listen to most of the questions and the ones for me were basically all the same, how I liked it here, what I expected from the race. When I walked out with Max and Charles, Max and I couldn’t even stop shit talking the whole event, leading to Charles rolling his eyes, saying that we were too dramatic.
"No Charlie boy, we’re not dramatic. We want to race. And not get paraded around like a freaking attraction…" I sighed.
"Listen to your girlfriend mate!" Max chuckled as our ways parted and he walked towards the RedBull hospitality.
"You should stop being so negative! Maybe the weekend will be great! I know, the opening ceremony was maybe a little bit too much, I agree but overall? The atmosphere is amazing, don’t you think?" Charles nudged my shoulder.
"Yeah maybe… let’s see how the racing is, you know? Racing? The reason why we’re here?" I looked at him and he pinched my side.
"You’re so funny… not… you’ll see! The racing will be great! How often do we get an entire new track just like that?"
"Umm- just last year in Miami?"
"Oh for fucks sake, Lizzie! Come on! It will be fun! You’ll see!" Charles rolled his eyes.
But what I saw was a messed up Friday on a track that had to be checked entirely for its drain covers and made us wait for for what felt like a whole eternity to come back for free practice 2.
At least the Saturday started better and when Charles made it on pole, a big smile on his face, I decided to swallow down my grudge against the track, because it looked like he was really enjoying racing here in Vegas.
"So? What do you say? Will you be the first winner of the Las Vegas GP?" I asked Charles when we were walking back from the national anthem and he laughed.
"I sure hope so, but you never know, Max is right behind me, then you, Checo… it won’t be easy!"
"And don’t forget Danny Ric! He made it just in time to be ready to race here in Vegas! And he’s starting on P6!" I said right as said driver pushed his way through us.
"Watch it lovebirds…" he chuckled and I slapped his arm.
"Oh you better stop, I saw you yapping all over my sister just an hour ago…" I said and he shrugged his shoulders.
"Don’t know what you’re talking about."
"Yeah yeah, whatever!" Charles laughed and kissed my cheek "Good luck, cara mia, Daniel. Let’s have some fun out there."
Fun? No. Crazy? Yes. The start already saw 4 cars retiring with Checo, Lewis, Norris and Sainz all out of the race. The red flag was waved and George, Oscar and Alonso all had to get some new front wings and tyres. As the race re-started it took only three more laps for the next yellow flag and safety car, Alonso being the fifth car to retire.
"It’s crazy! How many cars are out already? 5?" I radioed.
"Yes 5. Don’t make it 6, focus on your race, please." Pete replied and I chuckled.
"Yeah, yeah…"
I continued, watching Charles and Max battle hard for the race lead.
"Lizzie, red flag, Magnussen out. Careful, there’s a lot of debris." Pete radioed right as I drove over said debris.
"Fuck, I think I’ve damaged my floor. Is Kevin okay?"
"He’s okay. Return to the pits, we need to check your car."
As soon as I was back in the pits and saw Matt’s face when he got up from the floor I knew it was over. I had to retire.
"I’m sorry, Lizzie. It happened so fast, I couldn’t warn you any earlier." Pete apologised as soon as I was out of the car, taking my helmet off.
"It’s alright, it’s not your fault. It sucks but it’s like this." I patted his back.
"Oh wow, Charles 2.0…" he chuckled and I laughed, right when Liam appeared out of nowhere.
"I’m sorry Lizzie." he hugged my waist and I ruffled his hair a little.
"It’s okay, now let’s watch Charlie and Daniel, shall we?" I picked him up and he nodded.
"You have to go the interviews first…" Julie reminded me and I sighed.
"Alright, I’ll be back soon Liam." I kissed his cheek before I put him down on the stool in front of dad, while mum hugged me.
"I’m sorry…" she whispered.
"No, I’m sorry! The first race in a while that you attend and I bottle it."
"You didn’t bottle it. You were unfortunate!" Dad side hugged me and I sighed.
"Yeah, maybe… now let’s hope that Charles wins it and Danny keeps his podium." I shrugged and followed Julie to the media pen.
The interviews were quickly done and on my way back I watched Shima and Joris all cozy in the almost empty Ferrari hospitality. When they saw me they pulled away from each other and I had to laugh. It seemed like she wasn’t here just to see me after all. I walked back into our garage, just in time to see the final lap, Max winning the race, followed by Charles and Daniel.
"He almost won." Liam sighed and I nodded.
"He did. But he had an amazing weekend, just like Danny, we can be proud of them!" I said and he nodded, playing with something in his pocket.
"Can we go to the fence? I want to congratulate them!" Liam said and I smiled.
"Of course, Bubba, let’s go."
I sat Liam on the fence and we looked up at the podium, where Max, Charles and Daniel were spraying the champagne and having a party of their own.
"It’s been a while since I saw him that happy!" Sissy said and I looked at her.
"Oh come on! That’s just a teeny tiny bit more than when he’s with you and Liam!" I said and bumped her shoulder.
"Believe me, that was a mask for a long time… losing his seat was the worst thing that could’ve happen…" she almost whispered it as she looked up again, tears in her eyes. As if Daniel felt that she was looking he turned around, forming a little heart with his fingers and sending it to my sister "Look at this dork!"
I smiled as I saw how my sister blushed. The truth was I’ve never seen her more happy than with Daniel. And with Liam loving him wholeheartedly as well, I knew that she finally found the one. The one that was now approaching us, with the biggest grin on his face, scooping up Liam and whispering something into his ear, the little lad nodding excitedly and handing him something. Daniel handed him over to Charles, who made big eyes as Liam whispered something into his ear. I watched how Daniel swooped up Sissy, twirling her around, saying something to her.
"WHAT?!" she exclaimed loudly and Daniel only nodded and kissed her, then sat her down looking in her eyes "You‘re kidding, right?"
"Hell no! Let’s do it tonight!" he said and took her hand and I almost choked as I saw him slipping a ring onto her finger "Everyone is here! I don’t want to wait a single day! What are you saying?"
"I-I umm…" she looked frantically around, Charles sat Liam down on the ground and he ran up to her.
"Say yes Mummy! YES!" he was overly excited and Charles hugged me from behind, watching what was happening.
"Yes. YES!" Sissy said and Daniel kissed her, before he scooped up Liam and hugged them both.
"What did just happen?" I whispered and Charles kissed my temple.
"Danny Ric just happened." he chuckled and I smiled.
"I don’t even have a dress? This is crazy! Why are we doing this? I mean… come on! We could wait! How are we supposed to plan a wedding in what? 12 hours? It’s the middle of the night? What are we doing?" Sissy was pacing back and forth while Mum, Shima and I just sat there, listening to her rambling.
"It’s Vegas! I think finding a dress won’t be too difficult? Shima’s here, she can fix anything you find into something great! Maybe not your dream wedding dress, but a beautiful one nonetheless? And again, it’s Vegas! This city never sleeps! Planning a wedding shouldn’t be too hard? I mean we are in one of the fanciest hotels already? Let me check if they have a nice location where we can celebrate? Finding a chapel won't be too hard either…" I chuckled and Mum nodded.
"Yeah and it’s not like we’re a whole lot of people? It's doable, maybe it's not the wedding of your dreams… bute he’s the man of your dreams, or not?” she looked at Sissy who smiled.
"You're right! Let’s plan!" she said and sat down.
“Alright, first things first. Guests, I need to know how many people we are to find a location… you and Danny and Liam, his family, that’s 5, us, that’s another 5. Wait I text him if he wants to invite any of the other drivers… alright, let’s talk dresses, Shima that’s your part…" I made a note on my phone, then looked up, Sissy and Mum looking at me with big eyes "What?"
"Nothing… you’re doing great, can I go to bed and you do the rest?"Sissy chuckled and I laughed.
"Nope. You figure out what colours you want, what flowers and stuff like that, while I… oh Danny texted… okay, small wedding, only Max, Christian, his wife and Pierre with Kika… that makes… 18?” I checked my phone and wrote down the names.
"Joris?" Mum said and we all grinned at Shima.
"Yes!" Sissy looked at me and I wrote them down.
"I don’t know why you’re looking at me like that…" Shima mumbled and I laughed.
"Oh shut it… you think you’re subtle, but let me tell you, you’re not… whatever is going on with you and him… we know… so 19."
"Whatever… dresses… I know some designers from here, I text them, let’s see what we can organise? I mean, it’s 2am they won’t answer until the morning, but yeah…" Shima began typing away on her phone.
"Alright, I need a time, when do we start?"
I looked at Sissy and Mum.
"Umm-… maybe 6pm? So everyone can have a little sleep, maybe? I mean, it won’t be a big and long ceremony? It’s Vegas, after all it’s going to be fast and funny?" Sissy said and I nodded.
"Okay… so we are… 19 people? Yeah? That’s doable I guess. I go downstairs to check the front desk… ask them if they have like a little ball room? I don’t know? Something fitting for a wedding? You think about dresses and I don’t know, colours? Food? The other stuff…" I got up.
"What other stuff?" Mum asked and I shrugged.
"I don’t know, you’re married, you planned your wedding, so you know what to do…" I left the room, right when Charles called.
"Hows the wedding planning going?" he asked and I laughed.
"I’m on my way to the front desk, asking for a room and someone who can marry them…"
"Elvis might be a good option." Charles laughed.
"Very original- ha ha… no seriously. Maybe they offer like an all inclusive last minute deal? I don’t know… we’re roughly 20 people, it should be organisable, no?" I sighed a little, leaning against the elevator wall "When are you coming back?"
"Soon, we’re just trying on some suits, Danny found a tailor that’s still open, Vegas, I swear… is the dress shopping also this easy?"
"Shima knows some designers from here, she contacted them, but yeah, probably the real process starts in the morning, but it’s fine, we get there." I yawned a little, entering the lobby "Text me when you’re in your way back, I’m at the front desk now."
"Alright, cara mia, see you later!" he hung up and I walked up to the front desk.
"Good morning, Miss Doetterer, how can I help you?" the lady said and smiled at me.
"Umm- this might sound crazy… but I need a room, location, whatever to held a wedding. Ceremony, reception, party all in one place would be amazing. For around 20 people, today at 6pm?" I said cautiously, expecting the blondes smile to drop.
"Oh believe me, this isn’t even close to the craziest things I’ve been asked for in the past… this is Las Vegas after all, planning a wedding in less than… 15 hours? We can do that." she said, her smile got even brighter "Is it for you and Mr. Leclerc then?"
"What? Oh no- no! It’s for my sister and Danny Ric… umm Daniel Ricciardo." I said hastily and she nodded.
"Very well, let’s plan your sister’s one of a kind Las Vegas wedding then."
"Man, I love Vegas. Let’s plan!"
As I watched my sister and Daniel share their first dance as husband and wife I had to smile. We did it. We planned an amazing wedding. The room looked elegant and classy. The cake looked delicious. The flowers were beautiful. But above all Sissy looked stunning. The dress Shima organised and altered here and there was simple, classy and timeless. Liam in his mini suit running around, looking adorable as ever was just the tip of the iceberg.
"Did I mention before how beautiful you look? That dress is just… wow… what a nice little black dress." Charles whispered in my ear, spinning me around, standing behind me.
"You look not to bad yourself, handsome." I chuckled and he hugged me from behind.
"I’m proud of you. You did all that in less than what? 12 hours?" Charles said, putting his chin on my shoulder, swaying us a little.
"The hotel did most of the job, I told them what we wanted, Sissy said the colours and flowers, Shima took care of the dress and Mum took care of the menu. Given all the input to the hotel, they did the biggest chunk of work." I shook my head a little.
"But you were managing it. And you did amazing. It’s a beautiful wedding. Makes me wonder-…" he stopped abruptly and I turned my head a little.
"Makes you wonder what?" I looked at him.
"Makes me wonder how our wedding will be one day… when you have time to plan it for weeks… considering what you did in a couple of hours."
"To find that out, you need to ask me to marry you first." I chuckled.
"Oh, don’t worry cara mia… I’m planning to." he kissed my cheek and then winked at me, before he left, picking Liam up who tried to have a go at the cake "Little munchkin, you have to wait!"
"But I want now some cake! It looks so fluffy and yummy!" Liam pouted.
"You’ll get your slice, don’t worry! You just have to wait a little!" Charles laughed and Liam sighed.
"Okay… but cakes are the best thing at parties, we should eat them first." he grumbled and walked off, climbing in dad’s lap, probably lamenting his suffering.
Liam was right, the cake was just what he said. Fluffy and yummy. After his second slice and some more dancing mum and dad, bid their farwell, taking Liam with them, right when some waiters brought in a couple of new bottles of champagne.
Daniel grabbed a bottle and began shaking it, before he banged it on the table
"I’d say, let’s party!" Danny popped the bottle and the night began with champagne showers.
Pain. A mind-numbing, throbbing pain. Like someone was scratching at my eyeballs from the insides, a jackhammer doing its worst inside my brain. My stomach began to churn and I groaned, trying to untangle my legs from the sheets and Charles legs, his arms holding me tight around the waist.
"Charles… let go of me…" I whispered, a loud snore my answer "Charles I’m serious… I have to…"
"What is it?" he groaned.
"Have to… throw up…" was the only thing I could manage to breathe out when he let go of me immediately and I stumbled out of bed, tripping over something on the floor "Fuck." I crawled to the bathroom, making it just in time to empty my stomach into the toilet.
"Lizzie? Are you okay?" Charles hoarse voice wafting through the fog in my brain.
"Peachy. Just peachy." I mumbled, slowly getting up from the floor rinsing my mouth "I need…"
"What do you need?"
"I don’t know…" I splashed cold water in my face, feeling some short lived relief from the drumming inside my head "I need pain killers…" I grabbed two hand towels and soaked them in cold water, wrung them out and stumbled back to bed, tripping again over something on the floor.
"What the fuck…" I groaned.
"What the fuck…" the something hissed.
"Pierre?" I sat up, blinking
"Yeah?" he mumbled and Charles switched on the night stand lamp.
"What the fuck are you doing on the floor? In our room?" Charles asked, his voice groggy.
"Don’t know. Don’t care. Switch the light off." he turned away, pulling his blanket over his head.
"There’s a couch. Sleep there!" I whispered but saw how he shook his head.
"Floor is cold. Good for my head." he mumbled and I sighed.
"Alright…" I slowly scrambled back to the bed and climbed in, letting the cold towel
flop on Charles face, he flinched but chuckled a little.
"Thanks, cara mia." he moved over and kissed my cheek.
Half sitting, half laying I rummaged through my bag on the nightstand, looking for some painkillers and popped out a pill as soon as I found them, swallowing it down with some water.
"What happened last night?" I whined, lying back, covering my forehead with the cold towel.
"Your sister and Danny Ric got married." Charles yawned.
"Fuck yes they did!" Pierre laughed on the floor.
"And why are we half dead?" I asked.
"Because none of us knows their limit apparently…" Charles groaned.
"Nope." Pierre half laughed half snored "Can we now maybe be quiet for a bit? My head hurts…"
"Here…" I grabbed the painkillers, popped another pill out and threw the blister then at him, followed by a bottle of water rolled over the floor.
"Ouch!" Pierre whined, when the bottle was stopped by his head "Thank you…"
"Here, for you…" I handed Charles a pill.
"You’re an angel." he kissed my cheek and turned around, grabbing his water.
"What are you even doing in our room, Pierre?" I asked, watching him all sprawled out on the floor, cheeks smushed into the cold marble floor.
"I don’t know… we were at the wedding. We were gambling… we were drinking… we were at a club… we were drinking… we were gambling… I remember In’and’Out Burger and then this cute little white house where we took some pictures. And I swear Elvis was there as well…"
"I wouldn’t say no to a burger…" I whispered and Charles chuckled.
"You get one as soon as we get up…" he kissed my shoulder "Which will be soon… our flight is in a couple of hours."
"How much time do we have left?" I yawned.
"Wait… our flight is at 4… and now it’s… it’s almost 12!" Charles sat up and I flinched "Fuck… sorry, cara mia. But we have to pack, get ready and…"
"For fucks sake! We have time! Shut up now…" Pierre groaned.
"Not agreeing how he said it, but agreeing with what he said…" I shrugged, pulling the blanket over my head "30 minutes… come on…"
"30 minutes! Not one minute longer!"
I sighed contently and closed my eyes. Feeling the throbbing in my head subsiding slowly as the cold towel did its job. The loud snores from Pierre were the only disturbance and as I turned to grab one of the pillows beside the bed to throw at him, I touched my phone the screen illuminating half the room and my look fell on the time.
"FUCK! FUCK!" I shouted, Charles and Pierre both flinching and sitting up "We overslept! It’s almost 2!"
"FUCK!" both boys exclaimed.
Pierre scrambled up, trying to stand looking around like a lost puppy.
"Where is my keycard? Why am I even here." he groaned, searching through his pockets "Fuck."
"Call Kika!" I suggested and Pierre took out his phone, calling his girlfriend.
"Okay, let’s pack…" Charles mumbled, opening up our suitcases, throwing in everything he could find "Here…" he threw one of his hoodies at me, while I grabbed some fresh clothes "Get ready in the bathroom, I handle this mess…"
"Hey! I’m no mess!" Pierre looked at him and I chuckled, disappearing into the bathroom.
My vision was still blurry and I sat down on the bathtub edge, brushing my teeth. I stripped off my clothes, put on some socks and leggings before I washed my face. As soon as the second wave of cold water hit my face and I wiped my eyes I looked in the mirror, my eyes immediately falling on the ring on my left ring finger.
"What the fuck…" I gulped, starring at the silver ring.
"Yeah… what the fuck…" Charles walked slowly inside, holding up his left hand, the same ring adorning his finger.
"What the fuck happened last night…"
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Chapter 41 - I hope you guys are feeling as hot after reading, as me when I was writing it 🤭 the infamous Las Vegas race giving us really everything there was to get, including one (two?!) wedding(s) … 👀
Please leave a comment/ like/ reblog/ message and tell me how you liked it! I'm dying to hear your thoughts!
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Last but not least, English is not my first language and although I tried my best: please excuse any mistakes I made!
@silkenthusiasts @eugene-emt-roe @sunny44 @itsjustkhaos @glitterquadricorn @aundercover @kakorrhaphiphobia @alittlebitofbooksandmagic @ru-kru @shimmermotorsport @janeholt3 @kahhorri @18754389 @chiliwhore @hellowgoodbye @queensassybitchsworld @harrysdimple05 @skynel09
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love-hatred-stuff · 1 year
can't forgive you
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Just some angst to go {break up}
It's been in my drafts forever, I don't like it that much but I figured it wouldn't hurt to just post it
“Why am I the only one that puts effort into our relationship, James?” You asked, sad eyes, just being tired of his constant mood swings.
“You’ve missed our third date now. Why?" No answer. Not that you expected one.
"Look, I know you're busy with work and stuff, but it’s not like I don't have a job aswell. And I won’t continue just forgiving you again and again.”
Bucky sighed, slightly annoyed that you had such a big problemwith this. “I already apologised! How many times do you want me to repeat that?” He looked away again, busy with his phone.
He was crossing a line now, you thought. You always gave up everything to spend time with him. But now it seemed like he never sacrificed anything for you, not even his freetime. And that hurt you pretty goddamn much. Before all of this he was always the sweetest and cared for you deeply, was protective, found it important to make sure you felt loved. It didn’t feel like that at all anymore. “It doesn’t matter if you already apologised or not when you didn't mean it. You’re not even looking at me.” You stated, not in the mood to let it go another time, you've had enough of his insensitivity.
Now he looked up at you, sensing that you weren’t gonna let it go that easily this time.
”I’m sorry, really. I’m sad aswell that we can’t spend as much time together as we used to. But I guess that's what happens when you mature and get older.”
You scoffed, was he serious right now? “No, that’s not what happens. But if you think it’s okay to always put work before the ones you love, then I don't want this anymore.” You spoke with a monotone voice.
James started to realise what you just said, afraid you might actually be serious. “Babe, you don't mean that.” He tried to save the situation.
“Yes, I do. I can't forgive you. I feel like you don’t deserve it anymore. You stopped loving me, didn’t you?”
He was fast to get to you and take your hands in his, letting his phone be, finally. “No, no, that’s not true, baby. I still love you as much as ever. You’re my only one. I would give up everything to be with you, I promise.”
You shook him off you and looked at the floor. “I think it’s best if we take a break or something.” You sighed, this wasn’t easy for you either, you were still in love with him.
He panicked. “God, baby no, don’t do this please. I’m sorry and I mean it. We can plan our next date and I promise you I’ll be there. But don’t break up with me.” He held your hands again already, desperately trying to convince you.
“Stop touching me, James.”
That sentence made him freeze and his heart sting. He let go of you, getting teary eyed. “Forgive me, baby. I know I wasn’t the best boyfriend the last few weeks, but I will do anything to make it up to you, okay?”
You could practically feel the desperation in his glossy eyes.
You shook you head, considering his offer and apology. It was too hard to do so though, you knew he meant it, but did he deserve your mercy? After what he did, after he ignored your requests without a care?
"Yeah you're actually right, Buck. You weren't the best boyfriend at all, for a long time now. You were the exact opposite of it. You didn't even gave me a kiss or anything after you came home later than usual. Your face was emotionless and it pained me so much when I saw how you looked at me, which you rarely did. What do you expect me to think when everything you do is without any effort, without a care how I feel? How can I not believe you don't love anymore when you act this way? You hurt me badly., made me feel lonely, although you once promised me you would hold my heart forever and cherish the love I give you. And now my heart needs time to heal. I hope you can understand." While your words felt like someone was brutally stabbing him repeatedly into his chest, you gave up to think he would apologise sincerely.
"I- I'm sorry Y/n. I still love you! I promise, this is the last time that I'll be a horrible person and boyfriend. I will put everything into this! I swear on everything that I can swear on, you are my whole world. Please dont do this, doll." He suddenly did came to speak, grabbing your wrists while helplessly looking at you with begging eyes.
You looked away, finding it hard not to cry out loud along him. He meant so much to you, it never changed. But will he be able to make you happy again?
"I need a break, James. I'm sorry." You didn't had to apologise to him, you knew that, but you felt like giving him some type of apology for leaving him, although your statement made his condition even worse. He had to sit down for a while, only nodding, understanding why you needed to get away from him.
He couldn't believe what he did to you.
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suguru-getos · 1 year
rlly hope you're not getting bombarded with sm thirsts in your inbox ;A;/ also hope this is okay to share! idm if this ends up being a thirst or a writing request :3
i like to hc Childe having a 'fear'(?) of not being in control in any given situation, which is why he gets difficult to deal with and can lash out once he realizes he isn't in control of a situation anymore. so imagine trying to be the dom/top in bed with him, you point it out one day, and try to slowly let him be open or trust you with that role. so when it happens, he gets mildly uneasy, esp since you tied his hands behind him so he can't physically do anything.
now that you're in control, you decide to go slow and tease him a bit, whilst spitting some praises for trusting you this much. you're not too mean to him because this is likely a big step and it's the first time you've done this, you want him to feel comfortable but also you want to tease and edge him a bit. :3
Awwh! Thank you nonnie for caring about me. 🥺🤍You are so so sooo sweet for that 🫶🏻😩 I hope you are doing well & taking care of yourself too; don’t forget your meals and hydration <3 I really love your prompt so much! Your thinking gears are amazing ngl, I also, see Childe as the kinda guy who is scared of losing control… because it’s just what he grew up with you know? 🥰 I hope you like this.
Warnings: Sub! Childe (sorta?), soft dom reader, mentions of bondage, edging, praising.
You knew if Ajax wanted to, he would free himself off the restraints. You don’t underestimate the sheer power he holds as the Eleventh Harbinger of the Fatui, but you also trust how much he tries to keep his family happy. Of course, that included you.
“Sssh~ you are doing so well,” You coo, leaning in and kissing his naked collabone, now that his hands are tied behind his back, he just looks so damn adorable, pouting like a brat.
“Fuck- I want you-” Childe groaned, gently struggling against the restraints when you leaned in, trying to kiss him but leaning away the very last moment.
“Hmm? Is that how you ask for me?” You smirked softly, your fingers brushing against the waistband of his pants, finally taking his erect cock out, a bead of pre glistening on the tip.
“God, baby— you are so ready to fuck me, aren’t you?” You gently whispered against his ear, your hands skilfully wrapping around his shaft, pistoning him softly and teasingly with your pace.
“Fuck— go harder, faster—” Childe growls once again, his dom undertones slowly coming to the picture. You skilfully supressed them with depraving him of your touch on his cock.
“Girlie- don’t-” Childe softly whined, feeling edged at the sudden pleasuring torture you subjected him to.
“Then say please, you are doing so good baby, I’m sure you can do a little better for me, yeah?” You coax him into a gentle hug. “Know that we don’t need to do this if you don’t want to…” you couldn’t let him feel uncomfortable after all. You loved Childe too much for that.
“Please—” the word rolled out of his tongue so expressively & meekly. Your hands automatically reached back to his cock, skilfully giving him a controlled hand job.
“That’s it baby, that’s it sweetheart, let me reward you for being so good for me.”
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traffic-was-a-b1tch · 17 days
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anthem of the heart
(jake kiszka x reader) 18+
summary: you and your best friend move into a new apartment after college, wanting a fresh start in nashville. however, you come to find that your neighbors are musicians. very loud musicians who like to keep you up at night. especially one, who likes to bother you on purpose. you would hate him… if he wasn’t so hot.
warnings for overall series: eventual SMUT!!!, angst, mentions of past abuse (not jake), abuse (not jake), mentions of past sexual assault (not jake), sexual assault (not jake), enemies to lovers, cursing, let me know if I missed any. (i’m still making this series up as I go along so it might change)
warnings for this chapter: bitchy jake (showing a soft side? 😏), cursing, slight arguing, let me know if I missed any.
author’s note: heyyy guys! thank you so so much for all the love on the first chapter of my first ever series! as always, please feel free to give me feedback, requests, comments, etc. enjoy!!!!
• • •
Chapter Two:
this had been the worst two days of your life.
nonstop music from your neighbors apartment, every. single. night.
with job hunting during the day, you were exhausted and praying for sleep at night. but, like clockwork, his riffs would wake you up and force you to listen.
he was doing it on purpose.
you had tried to complain twice, but the apartment manager was out of town and none of the staff had any clue when he’d get back.
you couldn’t deal with this anymore.
tonight you had a plan. after two days of almost zero sleep for you and kaylee, you both went to home depot to look for paint. hopefully the zen of painting would drown out the insufferable noise your neighbor insisted on making.
don’t get it wrong, the music was good. it would be good at a bar or at a concert, but in the middle of the night in a thin-walled apartment building? torture.
“ok, are we going with ‘Suddenly Sapphire’ or ‘Beacon Blue’?”
kaylee’s question brought you out of your mind, which was seemingly always on jake. something about his beautiful face, cockiness, and aggravating nature made him so hard to get out of your mind.
you were forced back to kaylee’s question, as she looked at you expectingly.
“um. I mean, aren’t they like the same color?” you really couldn’t decipher a distinct difference between the two shades of blue. kaylee gawked at you.
“um absolutely not?! this ones darker”, she pointed.
you squinted, still not really seeing a difference.
“well if you’re the expert, you tell me which one will look better.”
she scoffed, “well of course ‘Suddenly Sapphire’. it would look great with the couch. you really have no vision, do you?”
her playful tone brought a slight smile to your face.
“ah why would I have that when I have you?”
kaylee rolled her eyes and grabbed two cans of the paint.
“yeah, yeah. come on, picasso.”
the drive home was full of traffic, but you two didn’t notice. you filled the time planning the painting that awaited you and how the color would affect the layout of furniture. the music on the radio almost covered the laughter that came after you two made an inside joke. kaylee really was your best friend and you realized how excited you were to share an apartment with her.
walking up the stairs to the apartment with paint was quite the workout, you found. but once inside, you changed into painting overalls and pulled your hair back. time to get to work.
the first wall was done after just a few hours. and you were right, the painting soothed you and made you forget all about your lack of sleep. and jake. and job hunting. and as always, there was your ex.
there was a lot going on in your mind at the moment.
the blue added a beautiful hue to the streetlight coming into the apartment window and you could definitely see kaylee’s vision now. the night was tranquil and the blue made for just the right vibe.
you backed away from the wall, laughing after realizing how much paint you had gotten on your overalls and arms. kaylee was just as covered with paint from working on the second wall.
the chevron she was perfecting looked really good, and you began helping her add a second coat.
just then, like fucking clockwork, came a strum of an electric guitar followed by the boom of drums. you pressed your eyes together and gritted your teeth.
damn it. what an asshole.
you opened your eyes and worked to soften your face.
relax. relax. he’s doing it to get you mad.
you continued painting, hearing a muffled bass line join the music. it was slowly getting louder, more intense.
you tried to stay calm and focus on the zen painting.
you were going over the lines of the chevron, repeating in your mind: calm, steady, just don’t think about it.
then a singer’s voice came sharply into the noise, almost screaming, making you falter in your movements and getting blue paint outside the lines.
your face contorted with anger. you looked over to kaylee, meeting her eyes and showing her the paint accident. she gasped and shook her head.
“go get ‘em.”
she didn’t need to tell you twice.
you dropped your brush and stomped out your apartment. you violently knocked at his door. he was going to hear you now.
the music cut, and you could hear faint cursing come from inside. after a few moments, you raised your hand to knock again, but the door swung open before you could. you swept your hand back down and looked him right in the eyes, anger clear on your face.
“hello there”, he greeted with a forced smile.
“hi.”, you bit back, the annoyance radiated from you.
“do you know what fucking time it is, jake? and how some of us might have things to do that would benefit from silence?”, you emphasized the last word, your arms crossed.
he looked you up and down.
“and what is it you’re doing that requires silence AND those overalls?”
the slight insult made you boil.
“we are painting, thank you very much. and I just-“ your thoughts cleared from your mind when, out of your peripheral vision, you realized he was shirtless. his body was breathtaking.
no. no. stop right now.
you shook your head slightly, trying to get yourself back on track.
“um, I just messed up because of the noise coming from your apartment.” you returned to your anger.
he smirked and you could tell he knew how nervous he made you.
“well it sounds like you need help focusing. maybe you should work on that.” he started to close the door on you, but you stuck your foot out to block it.
“absolutely not. what I NEED is for you to be quiet.”
he opened the door again. cockiness was dripping from him.
“again, honey, earplugs.”, he stepped forward and stuck out his hand to wipe at some paint on your cheek. his body language changed, seeming to be slightly caring. you breathed shakily. goddamn.
he smiled mockingly, knowing what he was doing. then jake shut the door on your face.
you were too distracted to be mad now. you just slowly backed away, retreating to your home. your mind raced. did he feel something? that moment his fingers brushed your cheek. there was something.
you got back inside and tried to collect yourself. kaylee looked at you, expecting you to be glowing with victory after telling him off. but all she saw was confusion and nerves.
“what happened? are you ok?”, she dropped her brush and came over to you, grabbing your shoulders.
you shrugged her off and gathered her hands. “i’m, i’m good. I think i’m done painting for tonight. I just”, you breathed, “need a sec.” you squeezed her hands, assuring her, and went to your room.
locking the door, you finally got a chance to think about what happened. overwhelming was an understatement. you had put together your bed the day before, so you sat on the edge of it and flopped down.
did that really just happen?
how are you gonna sleep now?
what a fucking day.
• • •
ahhh!!! so excited to continue this. (please excuse any typos or anything lol.) PLEASE let me know what you would like me to write next, give suggestions, feedback, anything!
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i’m not sure if this is where i request. but i’ve been thinking about this for a while. it would be cool if it was a super overprotective girlfriend reader protecting florence from paparazzi. or maybe even reader as her bodyguard or something? totally okay if not. <3 love your writing 😘
── ⋆。゚☁︎ 𝗺𝘆 𝗸𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗶𝗻 𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗿𝗺𝗼𝘂𝗿
paring: florence pugh x fem!reader
tag(s): fluff, established relationship, r literally being protective over flo, short blurb, sfw but slightly suggestive
warning(s): grammatical errors, unedited, not proofread, language, overprotective behavior (but not possessive, more like cute), mention of consuming alcohol
word count: 1.2k
note: This was so fun to write. Thank you for requesting it, anon. I mainly took inspiration from the movie "First Daughter", hope you like it, anon. I'm not a native english speaker, so please let me know about any sort of mistake. Hope you enjoy! <3
requests are open! + check my rules here <3
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It was 4AM, you felt your eyes starting to close, but you had to remain awake. 
It wasn’t just about her, protecting her, making sure she was alright because you cared about her. But it was also your job after all. It was like that stupid movie, “First Daughter”, where the bodyguard fell for his client. You internally laughed at the memory of Florence showing you that movie. 
You had been working for her only for a month at that time. She would always tease you, flirt with you and be touchy around you. You figured it was just her personality, but once she insisted that the two of you watched that movie, everything became crystal clear. It was her way of telling you: “Hey, you idiot, I really like you.”
At first you tried to resist her, but there was no way of resisting that woman. She knew exactly what to do and say to make you a flustering blushed mess, and then you fell for her. You didn’t realise at the beginning, but you started to behave differently in her presence. You would constantly be looking out for her, more than you already did before, making sure she was always on your sight. You would get this sick feeling on your stomach when she would get all touchy and flirty with other people. You tried to hold your feelings, you weren’t supposed to fall for her, your boss of all people. But you did and she was there to catch.
And now, you were waiting for her to end partying. You smiled at the sight of her, she was having the time of her life, swaying her hips back and forth, a drink in her hands. She noticed you stare at her and smirked. She motioned for you to come, to which you just shook your head. Not only were you working but you didn’t want to interfere with her and her friends. All you wanted to do was home and cuddle her. Still, she insisted. And once you made no attempt to go to her she made her way towards you. 
“Hey,” she said once in front of you. She rested her arms around your neck, caressing your nape. 
“Why don’t you join us?”
“I’m working,” she chuckled. 
“Yeah, I know. My knight in shining armour,” she mumbled, biting her bottom lips. “But I want to dance with you, have fun with you.”
“And we can do that, just not now, okay? Now, go and have fun, I’ll be right here,” you pecked her lips and gently pushed her forwards. 
She huffed at your words but still decided you were right. So she partied until she couldn’t feel her feet anymore, until her mind was clouded with alcohol and her ears couldn’t take the loud music anymore. 
She, then, once she had enough, clumsily made her way to where you still were waiting for her. You hadn’t moved not even one inch. A glass of what she assumed was water on your hands. As she got closer to you, she noticed you were holding back your smile. 
“What are you laughing at?” she gently smacked your arm. 
“Nothing,” you replied, but she wasn’t buying it. 
“I look like a raccoon, don’t I?” realisation hitting her.
“A really cute raccoon,” you tried to say with your most serious expression, but it faltered once you took another look at her smudged make-up. 
She rolled her eyes at you. “Take me home,” she dramatically said, her arms reaching out for you. 
Through your earpiece you communicated with Florence’s chauffeur, they replied they will be there in three minutes. While waiting for them, you ordered another glass of water so she could sober up a little. Once she was done drinking it, you heard from your ear piece that the chauffeur was right outside. 
Even though it was now 8AM, there was always a chance that paparazzi were waiting outside. You called your partner, who was waiting outside, and waited for him to give you the signal that it was okay for Florence to come out. Once he did that, you nodded to her and the both of you made your way to the exit door. Her arm wrapped around yours, holding you close to her, looking for both comfort and stability. 
As you predicted, paparazzi were waiting outside, but James, your partner, was keeping them at bay. Florence was three steps away from the car when one of them got free of James’ grasp. 
From the corner of your eye you saw the man getting closer to Florence, holding his camera close to his chest, afraid something would happen to it. Your instincts kicked in, you weren’t going to hurt him or something, but you were not going to let him get away with a picture of her. Your team work really hard tonight to keep everything away from the public eye and that shithead wasn’t going to fucked that up. 
You gently pushed Florence inside the car, so she could get inside faster, and quickly made your way towards the man. He was already snapping photographs of her and you didn’t like it one bit. You snatched the camera away from his hands and threw it to the ground. The man’s eyes grew wide as he saw the device breaking into pieces. You quickly grabbed the memory card so he wouldn't have any pictures at all. 
“Sorry for that, mate. Here, for the damages caused,” you handed him 100 bucks. 
“This isn’t enough, that was a $2000 camera.”
“Not my problem, mate. Have a good one,” you said before heading to the car where Florecen was waiting for you. 
“You are unbelievable,” you heard James say before getting in the car, you could hear the smile in his tone.
Florence was feeling sleepy but that didn’t stop her from watching what you did, —what you did for her. She knew that you were just doing your job, but she also knew that you loved taking care of her, in any way you possibly could. 
Once you were inside the car, next to her, she rested her head on your shoulder. 
“My knight in shining armour,” she repeated once again. “I have to admit, that was hot.”
“Yeah, right,” you laughed.
“I’m serious. No one has ever looked out for me the way you do.”
“It’s my job, Flo.”
“And there you ruined the moment.”
You grabbed her chin forcing her to look at you. 
“It is my job as your girlfriend to take care of you,” you clarified. Her eyes lit up at your words, a grin forming on her lips. 
You then leaned in connecting your lips to hers, tasting the alcohol in her lips. Moaning once you felt her tongue inside your mouth, your hands tugging at her short hair. But the moment was cut off when you heard someone cough. 
“We are home,” the chauffeur said. You noticed that they were embarrassed having to witness you and Florence. 
“Let's get inside and finish this,” Florence said, getting out of the car and pulling you from your tie. 
“See you tomorrow, Alex,” you quickly said to the driver, before following quickly after Florence. 
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Likes, reblogs and comments are appreciated! <3
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a-boca-do-inferno · 6 months
i decide what’s appropriate (john milton x reader) [request]
summary: (y/n) is growing tired of her boss' advances.
warnings: light angst, light fluff, a little stalking
words: 0.8k
notes: just another day of wanting to fuck that old man. enjoy <3
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“Giddy up, we’re going for a ride”, his voice sounds somewhat demanding, the look on his face making the girl shiver from head to toe. 
(y/n) lets out a heavy sigh as John takes her out of her thoughts. She turns to see him standing in the doorway with a wide smile. Repetitive. Things were starting to get repetitive and (y/n) didn’t have the stomach for it anymore. Could she perhaps quit the job and move out of town? Who was she kidding, in what world would John let her do such a thing? He had connections and money, she surely wasn’t getting away that easily. She couldn’t even sue the guy for his uncomfortable comments, as he was the hottest lawyer in town. Hell, John would make her pay him money for suing in the first place. That was the type of power he held. With another defeated sigh, she only complied in silence. Nothing she ever said made a difference, anyway. 
John walks with her towards his car, which probably costs more money than (y/n) will ever make in her lifetime as a secretary, and swiftly opens the door for her. “After you, sweetheart.”
(y/n) hesitates. He’s been stalking her in the office for a month now, but getting into this man’s car just seems too much. She should probably run and never look back, but her feet don’t share the same opinion as they make their way into the vehicle gracefully. The girl doesn’t even have to look at John's face to know he’s got a smug smile painting his lips while he sits beside her and turns on the engine. They drive to seemingly nowhere in particular, and his conversible causes her hair to blow with the wind as he steps into the pedal without ceremony. The breeze hitting her face is nice, and for a moment she forgets her annoyance at her boss these past few weeks.
John doesn’t say a thing for quite some time, but he keeps an eye on her every now and then. He doesn’t stop at red lights and she feels slightly anxious, however, his relaxed demeanor ends up affecting her in a good way. His confidence that they could never crash somehow soothes (y/n) and the only thing in her mind now is the sound of the roaring wind in her ears. Her hair is a mess, but she doesn’t care. For a split second, she doesn’t care about anything. Her lips curve upwards at the thought. 
John takes note of it and raises his brow. “Someone’s loosening up, I see.”
She only hums in response, closing her eyes and resting her head against the seat. “Yeah.”
“Your brother said you wanted to quit”, he says casually, but it’s clear he’s not pleased with the information. (y/n) thinks about punching Kevin in the face as John adds with a snort, “why didn’t you tell me?”
“You don’t exactly talk about quitting your job to your boss, Mr. Milton”, she laughs it off awkwardly, avoiding his piercing gaze. 
He finds the comment funny, as he chuckles along and nods. “Call me John.”
“That’s not appropriate”, (y/n) looks down at her lap, her voice sounding more submissive than she initially intended. There’s just something about this guy.
He clicks his tongue, shaking his head slowly. “I decide what’s appropriate at my firm. Don’t you worry about that, sweetheart.”
“What else did Kevin tell you?”, she gives him a questioning look. She figured they spoke of her on occasion, as it was inevitable. Kevin had been the one to recommend her to John when she moved to New York. Everything she did would weigh on him too. 
“Nothing much, really. We talk mostly about work. We’re professionals, you know?”, he grins at her knowingly, as if he had just read her mind. 
(y/n) feels a shiver up her spine, but smiles shyly. “Good.”
“I told him I wanna figure you out”, he continues, parking the car in front of a fancy restaurant. Even the doors look expensive. (y/n) stares back at him with a slight frown, trying to understand what he means by that. John gets out of the car and opens her door, offering his hand. She blushes a little and accepts his help. Her knees feel weak with his proximity, his rough palm still holding hers firmly. Their faces are close when he mumbles, his hot breath hitting her mouth, “can I?”
(y/n) reckons this is the only time her words might make a difference, after all. Yet, with his dark eyes watching her every movement like a hawk, her mind goes completely blank. She feels enchanted, under a spell. Her voice comes in a pathetic whisper, “yes.”
John smirks. 
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gingerjunhan · 6 months
hellooo can i request being in a situationship with the heroes? can you make it a little 🤏 angsty please coz i wanna hurt mah self SHAHHAHA
thank you!! love your works sm!
☆彡 oooo angst you say? 🤭 I will try my best! Hopefully this came out to be what you wanted. Thank you sm for the love! 🩷🩷
word count: 2180 | pronouns used: none | genre: (slight) angst, situationship | cws: making out, suggestive (if you squint) w/ Gunil and Seungmin, implied drinking, swearing, non-idol!au kinda?, reader gets hit on, lmk if I missed anything!!
goo gunil
Typically, when Gunil liked someone, he was all in. But now that his job had strict dating guidelines, you found yourself sneaking around a lot. This was your third meetup of the week that you found yourself sneaking Gunil into your place.
“I don’t understand why you can’t just come in the front door,” you complained.
“Because,” he rolled his eyes as he was shuffled in through the back door of your house. “If someone sees me come in here my job is good as gone. And, I don’t know if you know this, but you can’t have a band without a drummer.”
You and Gunil had been seeing each other on and off for about two months now. You weren’t dating- you haven’t even talked about dating. You had known Gunil from school, and once you rekindled your past relationship with him, it had turned into whatever was happening between the two of you now. You or Gunil would get lonely during the day, which lead to one of you sneaking the other into your house. You would be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t have feelings for him, but you would also be lying if you said you weren’t annoyed by the secret keeping. The whole situation was very confusing, but he didn’t seem to mind it at all.
“So,” Gunil made his way over to you, putting his hands on your waist. “How was your day?” His lips found yours before you even had a chance to answer, and the next thing you knew you had made your way to the couch. You had both pulled away to catch your breath when Gunil spoke up again. “God, you’re so hot.”
You felt your cheeks burn and your heart rate speed up. You weren’t sure if it was out of attraction or confusion. Once again, before you could reply, Gunil began to kiss you again. As much as you wanted to question him on what was happening between the two of you, you would have to find a way to pry yourself away from his lips first.
kim jungsu
It wasn’t uncommon for Jungsu to spoil you and show you off. He often took you on nice dates, letting you dress up in your cutest clothes and have him parade you around on his arm. If you needed something, Jungsu would always give it to you no matter what. He was very sweet to you- always polite and rather affectionate. However, you were never allowed to meet his friends. For all they knew, Jungsu was single. And in all honesty, you were none the wiser.
“Jungsu?” You looked at him from across the table. He was holding your hand as you spoke. You swallowed hard, deciding to bite the bullet now. You couldn’t take this anymore. “What are we?”
He cocked his head. “What do you mean?”
You blinked at him once, twice, three times. “I-“ you looked over the table, taking in the food and the expensive wine he had bought for the both of you to share. “What is this?”
“What? This dinner?”
“Yeah,” you were so confused it was starting to make your head hurt. “Is this a date?”
Jungsu scowled at you. “No?” He sounded like he couldn’t believe you had just asked him that. He absentmindedly squeezed your hand. “Can I not just do something nice for you?”
You looked at him, baffled. He did this all the time. There was no way these weren’t dates. Maybe you were just thinking too hard about it.
“Oh,” you replied, feeling oddly sad. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay, sweetheart,” he lifted your joint hands to his lips to give your knuckles a soft kiss. “Don’t worry about it.”
kwak jiseok
You and Jiseok had been on a few dates over the past couple of weeks, and you were really starting to like him. He was very smart and funny, and things between the two of you were going well. That was, until, you ended up in his bedroom one night, finding yourself in the middle of a deep late-night conversation.
“What’s on your mind?” You asked. You were currently laying on his chest with one of his hands in your hair. You could tell he was deep in thought.
“Oh, nothing much,” he replied simply.
“Are you sure? You can talk about it if you want. I’m all ears.”
Jiseok was quiet for a second before he let out a sigh. “I just…” he took a deep breath. “I’m not sure if I’m ready to date right now.”
You felt your heart shatter, but his hand still kept moving through your hair. A simple ”Oh.” was all you could give him in response.
“I just don’t think I’ve met the right person, y’know?” You opened your mouth to speak, but words seemed to be failing you. “I really like you, but I don’t know if I could date you.”
“Why not?”
“Don’t get me wrong, (Y/N),” he began. “I really do like you a lot. I mean, c’mon, you’re the whole package,” he chuckled. “I just don’t know if I’m ready to commit to a partner yet.”
“Oh,” your hurt feelings were clearly very evident in your voice. You began to sit up. “That’s okay. I can go if you’d like me to.”
“No! I want you to stay,” Jiseok pulled you back down to him. “I just… need more time to think. I want to keep seeing you, but I don’t know if I’m ready to say that we’re dating yet. Does that make sense?”
You thought about it for a second. You felt like your world was just turned sideways. “Uh, yeah,” you lied. “Sure. We can do that.”
Jiseok kissed the crown of your head and held you tighter. “Awesome. Thanks for understanding, baby.”
oh seungmin
ding! You were about to fall asleep when a text message so rudely pulled you from your soon-to-be slumber. Picking up your phone, you winced at the light. It was Seungmin.
hey. you awake?
No way in hell he just hit you with the infamous, ”You up?” You started typing out a reply.
now I am
what do you need?
What he sent you next absolutely baffled you. The next text you received from Seungmin was a selfie. He was shirtless, and his pajama pants were hanging low on his hips. You felt your breath get caught in your throat as you looked at the picture.
missed you today baby
He does this all the time. You and Seungmin weren’t dating, and if you had to guess he felt no attraction towards you in the slightest. However, he flirted with you constantly. The two of you were friends, but recently your relationship had become… different.
He was much more touchy now, and you were happy to reciprocate. Seungmin had always been one of your closest friends, so hugging or platonic cuddling was no problem for you. However, that had now turned to longer embraces, movie nights spent wrapped up in his sheets, pet names, and soft kisses given to the crowns of each other's heads. Something was clearly going on between the two of you- but neither of you had bothered to ask what it was.
oh yeah?
You were honestly so focused on his toned torso that you couldn’t think of a better reply. You watched as he typed a reply.
yes baby
missed you so much
are you free tomorrow? I wanna see you
You thought about your day and let out a sigh.
Min, you know I have work tomorrow :(
His response came quickly.
take a day off. I’ll come pick you up
You sighed again. You don’t know what came over you, but you blamed it on the selfie he sent.
fine. I’ll call in early tomorrow morning
you better be here early. I think I deserve some breakfast after you kept me up so late
You really didn’t expect him to agree, but then his reply appeared on your phone.
you got it baby ;) see you in the morning
han hyeongjun
You’ve only known Hyeongjun for a short time now, so when he proposed going out to dinner you were a little surprised.
“It doesn’t have to be like, a date or anything,” he specified, clearly flustered. “I would just like to get to know you more!”
So here you were, finding yourself and Hyeongjun in a new restaurant that had just recently opened up, and you had to admit that you took note of the fact that he was dressed a little nicer than normal almost immediately. Not that you were complaining! He looked great, and you’ve secretly been stealing glances at him all evening. However, you did find it odd that this “wasn’t a date,” but he looked ready for it to be one.
“So,” he spoke once you were both done with your meals. “Are you having a good time?” He seemed really nervous.
“Oh yeah!” You tried to sound as polite as possible to ease his nerves. What’s gotten over him? “Thank you so much for bringing me out tonight.”
“Of course,” he smiled brightly now. “Oh, and don’t worry about paying. I’ve got it all covered.”
“What? Oh no, it’s okay! Really, I can pay for my meal.”
“No, no- I insist. It was my idea to bring you here, so the least I can do is pay for us.”
The alarm bells were sounding in your head. If he pays for your meal, that makes this a date, right? What’s going on?
Eventually, after a little more push and shove, Hyeongjun paid the bill and you both left. It was still pretty early in the evening, so you had both decided to go out for ice cream.
“Anywhere special that you want to go?” Hyeongjun looked down at you with a soft smile. You gave it some thought.
“There’s a good ice cream place down the street that I like a lot. You alright with going there?”
Mustering up all the courage he seemed to have left in him for the evening, Hyeongjun slipped his hand into yours. You felt a blush rise in your cheeks at the feeling, clearly surprised by his actions. However, you weren’t sure you wanted to pull away. He gave you a soft smile, blush taking over his own cheeks as well.
“Lead the way.”
lee jooyeon
You and Jooyeon had been “talking” on and off for months. Your schedules didn’t align often, but when they did you typically found your way back to one another. A simple text asking how the other one was doing would then slowly evolve into a cycle of catching up, flirting, and going on dates that blurred the line between being romantic and platonic. Then, he would get busy with work, and your own life would get in the way as well, and you would fizzle out of each other’s lives again. Currently, you were on a swing where he was slowly starting to make his way back out of your life again. With tour picking back up, Jooyeon had less and less free time. You tried not to be too bummed out about it, so you decided to go out with some of your friends.
You were out at a bar on a Friday night, and you couldn’t stop yourself from checking your phone every couple of minutes. Jooyeon hadn’t texted you in days, but you just had to be sure. Out of the corner of your eye, someone started to approach you.
“Hey, hot stuff.” The man who approached you was much taller than you, and it honestly intimidated you a bit. “Are you here alone tonight?”
You looked the man up and down. “No. I’m here with my friends. They’re all in the bathroom.”
“Oh, so do you want me to keep you some company until they come back?”
“No thank you.”
“Aw, why not?” He was trying to get close to you but you remained persistent while also trying to be as nice as possible.
“I’m not interested.”
“Oh yeah? You got a boyfriend or somethin’?”
“Yup,” you lied. “And he’d be pretty angry if he saw you with me, so I advise that you leave.”
Not that your half-assed threat actually scared him, but the man walked away. As he disappeared into the bar, you felt your phone vibrate. It was Jooyeon.
hey! sorry I haven’t texted you in a while. my schedule has been crazy. how are you doing?
You typed up a quick reply.
I’m good! I’m out with some friends right now
some dude just hit on me lol
You could feel your heartbeat as you waited for Jooyeon to reply.
oh? did you give him your number?
no I didn’t
why not?
You froze as you read his text. Why not?
because he was weird and I didn’t want to?
Was he seriously that blind to what was happening between the two of you?
damn that sucks
maybe the next guy will be nicer lol
You genuinely couldn’t believe it.
hopefully lol
taglist: @dazzlingligth , @mini-mews , @mxlly143 , @somethingaboutcheese , comment to be added!⁎⁺˳✧༚
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venusthepirate · 2 years
like any unloved thing part two : the other woman
Author’s note : here we go ! I listened to the other woman by Lana del Rey on repeat while writing this. Her songs just fit so well with Fawn’s character. I hope you enjoy this ! I'll try to post once a week, maybe sometimes it'll take me longer because of college, but I promise to post regularly ^^
please tell me what you thought !!
Part one \ ao3
masterlist : @avocado-writing​ @little-sunflower-bug​ @evangelineflowers @humbug5 @yume904 @sarcastic-sourwolf
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Fawn remembers perfectly the first time she met him. More accurately, the first time he hired her. First meetings are everything after all. So, she wasn’t exactly surprised when her handler told her she had a new client, and that he wanted to meet her first.
“Sure”, she replied, easily, balancing her phone on one shoulder, pressed against her ear, as she busied herself with washing a plate. “Where does he want to meet ?”
It’s not the most unusual thing, for clients to want to meet her first. They probable want to… Assess her, and what their money is going to be spent on, which she can understand.
Her handler had given her the name of the hotel, the one where they always meet after that. She already knew the place, and how expensive it was. So, she’d resorted to dress up a bit, with a nice enough dress, without doing too much : this was just a first meeting, after all.
The room this time had been the seventh. She’d knocked before letting herself in.
He had been sitting on one of the velvet chairs, with a glass of whiskey in his hand. From the first glance she had of him, she could tell he was tall. His hair was dark, slicked back, his moustache perfectly trimmed. He wore navy dress pants and a light blue shirt, the top buttons undone at the collar and sleeves rolled back around his elbows. At first, he looked like all the rich, handsome men who had hired her in the past, but then Fawn spied on the tattoos on his arms, the garnish rings on his fingers. Not quite, then.
She’d met his eyes, then. She had been startled, in spite of herself, by the blue.
“Hi”, she said. “I’m Fawn.”
One of his eyebrows had quirked up, almost as if he was surprised.
“Fawn”, he repeated. He had a British accent, voice smooth. “You can call me Orion.”
You can call me Orion was a bit of cryptic answer. Something told her it wasn’t his real name. People usually said “I’m Orion”, or “my name is Orion”. “You can call me”, though, it wasn’t exactly the same.
“Sure. Well, nice to meet you, then”, she replied, trying not to appear too thrown off.
“Oh, yeah, you can sit, if you want”, he said, waving at the seats in the room.
Fawn nodded, sitting down in one of the comfy chairs, facing him. He took a sip of his drink, his rings clinking against the glass.
“Is Fawn your real name ?” He asked, looking at her.
She shrugged. “Is Orion ?”
The corner of his mouth twitched. He looked… Amused.
“Fair point”, he said. “Did the other woman tell you why you’re here, or…”
She frowned. That didn’t sound exactly good. She really hoped it wasn’t a weird fetish or something. God knew how many of those people had.
“No, not really”, she told him, cautiously.
“Right.” He cleared his throat, rubbed at the back of his neck. He looked less assured now. “So, I have what could be considered as a very… fucking time consuming and stressful job.” He chuckled, as if there was a joke in here somewhere. “Look, I just don’t have the time for all the relationship bullshit, and also I don’t really want a relationship, but it’d be nice to, you know, have someone to confide in, the fuckin’… Comfort, affection, whatever you want to call it.”
Fawn was a bit taken aback by his rambling. Also, that wasn’t really what she was expecting.
“So you want me to give you… Affection, then ?”
“Yep”, he said, downing the rest of his drink in one go, head thrown back.
“No sex ?”
“Yeah, no, I don’t need you for that”, he replied, almost in a scoff.
Fawn didn’t get embarrassed about her job anymore. She used to, back when she first started. She would get ashamed, wouldn’t like when people spoke of it directly. It was as much a taboo for her as it was for everyone. But this was in the past, though. Still, it absolutely pissed her off when people, even more so when they were fucking clients, get all condescending and haughty about it.
She knew a good lot of her clients think it. Some might pity her, some downright looked down on her. They could think what they wanted, as long as they didn’t speak it.
“Look, you’re hiring a hooker, so if you can’t get over what I do for a living, I think it’s best if we don’t do this”, she told him, bluntly.
He seemed taken aback.
“That’s not…” He shook his head. “That’s not what I meant, I’m sorry.” She waited for some kind of elaboration. He raked a hand through his hair, looking away. “I just… I already have fucking hook-ups, but they just want… Sex. It’s just sex, and I just want something that is not that.”
She nodded, slowly.
“Alright. Sorry about that.”
He batted a hand at her.
“You’re fine”, he told her dismissively. “So, are you okay with this, then ?”
“Sure. Not everyday someone hires me for something other than sex, you know, but okay.”
“What, am I the first client who doesn’t want to fuck you ?” He had asked, the hint of a smirk on his lips.
“Honey, everyone wants to fuck me”, she had told him.
Now, it’s been one months or so since Fawn last saw him, when he told her he was going to Bolivia. The days got colder and shorter. There’s always a bowl of tangerines on the counter of her kitchen, nowadays. She has to admit, they’re very good fruits. She likes the joke of it, too, even though she doesn’t have anyone to share it with.
She’s working her day-job, in a small coffee shop, something cozy, a bit hidden in a corner. She likes that it’s never overpacked with people : only regulars come here. She likes the free drinks, too. Her whole day working here is spent making herself chai lattes and other cinnamon-based drinks, serving the rare clients, and fiddling with the playlist. Today, she settles on some jazz, sat behind the counter as she watches the few people sat inside, and the rest of the world walking by the windows.
She doesn’t make a habit of answering her phone when she’s on a shift, but the day is so slow that when it rings from where she put it, in the pocket of her apron, she doesn’t really think about it when answering.
“Your client Tangerine wants to know if you’re available tonight”, her handler tells her in way of greeting.
Oh. So, he’s back in town.
“I think I already have a client tonight”, Fawn replies.
There’s some conversation on the other side, but she can’t make out what’s being said. She must have him on the line.
“He says he’ll pay double”, her handler finally speaks again.
Right. Shit.
“Alright”, she sighs. It’s actually better than what she had envisioned her night to go, but she just hopes he won’t make her cancel on other clients as a habit. She can’t really say no to a double pay, though.
“Room 9, this time”, and the line disconnects.
Fawn stares at her phone for a moment after that, until one of the customers comes to ask for a refill. She smiles, slipping her phone back in her pocket, and busies herself with making the drink, something with coffee and a lot of caramel syrup.
When she finally leaves the coffee shop, the night has already set outside. She pulls her fur coat tighter around her. She’s glad she settled on a long skirt instead of a short one, but she’s kind of regretting not choosing pants for today. She decides on heading to the hotel now ; she doesn’t feel like making a detour to stop at her apartment.
The hall is packed when she arrives, much more than the last time she was there. Probably because it’s a bit early, and of the cold weather. She stays rooted in the entrance, overwhelmed with the smell of hot chocolate in the air and the heat of the room. It’s a comforting scent.
She’s glad for her outfit : she looks less like an outsider than last time. The girl from a month ago isn’t here when she approaches the reception desk. It’s a man. He gives her a quick glance, up and down, and then hands her the card key dismissively. As she rides the elevator, she wonders if he guessed why she was here. She wouldn’t be surprised if he was used to girls like her coming in here to see clients.
The room is plunged in the dark when she comes in, but this time, there’s no light coming from other rooms. She frowns, setting her bag done on the couch and looking around.
“Tangerine ?” She calls out, cautiously.
“Here”, a voice says, behind her.
She whirls around, startled, heart missing a beat. He’s leaning against a wall behind her. She can’t make out his face.
“Jesus”, she hisses, pressing a hand against her chest. “Why are you standing in the dark like that ? You almost gave me a heart attack.”
“Sorry”, he murmurs, his head hung low. There’s a slur in his voice.
Fawn frowns.
“Are you drunk ?” She asks.
He inches away from the wall with a hum, raising a hand to show her the glass he’s holding.
She takes a step back when he comes closer. She doesn’t trust people, and she trust them even less when they’re inhibited. She never accepts drunk clients, and he is not going to be the exception.
“I think it’s best if I come back later, alright ?” She tells him, grabbing her bag from where she had put in on the couch and inching towards the door.
“No, wait, wait, fuck, fuckin’ hell”, he curses, stumbling on his feet. There is panic in his voice, and that makes her stop. She watches as he sinks onto to the couch, defeated, and buries his head into his hands.
She stays rooted in place, halfway between the door and the living-room. But she doesn’t leave, in spite of herself.
“What’s wrong ?” She asks him, the words leaving her mouth before she can stop herself. Her feet take her further back inside, and she flicks the lights on. He nearly flinches.
His arm is in a sling, the wrapping crinkling the fabric of his shirt. She hadn’t noticed in in the dark. There are dark bruises underneath his eyes, and his hair is a mess of curls falling on his face, so different from the way he usually pulls them back.
He looks utterly disheveled, and lost.
She sets her bag down again, and slowly approaches him, standing in front of him. His head is hung low, and she can see the way his shoulders rise and fall heavily. She brushes her palm against the side of his face, and when he doesn’t pull away from her touch, she gently angles his face up so that she can look at him.
“You’re a mess”, Fawn tells him, bluntly.
He lets out a snort, but doesn’t say anything in return.
“What happened to you ?” She murmurs, brushing the curls out of his face. He closes his eyes, looking pained, but leans against her hand. His face is daunted, and Fawn can see the tiredness in his features.
“Just…”, he starts, breaking off. “Please, don’t go.”
He hangs his head down, hiding again, pressing his forehead against her ribcage. She curls her fingers around the hair at his nape, brushing them back and forth on his skin. His shoulders shudder, and the next breath he takes sounds rattled against the silence of the room.
He doesn’t answer her question, but she doesn’t really expect him to. He’s never really confided in her, and he isn’t going to start now. Allowing her to see him this way, to give him the physical comfort he so craves, is already making him vulnerable enough. Talking and putting into words would make it another special brand of real.
Whatever it is that he does, whatever prevents him from being able to get affection from someone else, someone he doesn’t have to pay for, seems dangerous. No one would have that many scars from just… Sitting a desk job. Fawn had wondered if maybe he was in the army at some point, but it would be something hard to miss. Former soldiers are easily noticed.
She doesn’t want to know what caused those injuries. But she can’t help but ask.
She’s heard stories, though, about girls being told too much from shady clients. It never ends well for them. She doesn’t want to be a part of them, doesn’t want to become a mere story used to warn others.
She can’t help but be curious, though. Curiosity killed the cat, and whatnot.
“C’mon”, she murmurs. “Let’s get you to bed, alright ?”
She helps him stand up, and he goes obediently, following her into the bedroom, flopping down on the bed when she tells him to sit. She unbuttons his shirt for him, the skin of his chest warm every time her fingers brush against it.
It’s weird, undressing someone just for the sake of undressing them. She’s not used to the simple… Domesticity of it.
When she finally manages to get the shirt off him, careful not to disturb the sling holding his wounded arm, he collapses forward against her, pressing his face into her shoulder. She holds him back, one hand holding the side of his head, the other curling around his shoulders to settle on his hair. She feels him take a deep, ragged inhale. There’s something wetting her top, where his face is buried into it. She doesn’t say anything.
His shoulders shake, and she shushes him, gently, caressing his hair.
He feels… fragile, beneath her. Like he’s breaking apart in her touch, and she’s desperately trying to keep the pieces of him together. Tangerine’s usually solid, warm, almost like something unmovable. Now, it’s almost like he’s disintegrating into dust and she’s grappling for him to keep him from scattering in the air.
She doesn’t like the way it makes her feel.
She feels close to tears. She blinks them away, staring up at the ceiling. Tangerine may not be used to be touched the way she touches him, but she isn’t used to touch someone the way she touches him either. To care for someone is something… Foreign. Like an old reflex that you thought you had forgotten, only to realize it hadn’t.
The loneliness inside her chest suddenly hurts, as if someone just gripped her heart and carved a hole in her ribcage. She swallows around the sudden lump in her throat.
Fawn doesn’t like to admit it, but she’s lonely. She always is. It’d be difficult not to be, in her line of work. The clients want her body, and other people just wouldn’t understand, so she just… Keeps them at arm’s length.
She feels like the other woman in that song, sometimes. The clients, once they leave, they go back to their families and their homes. Fawn, though, well. She goes home to no one, and nothing. At the end of the day, she’s alone.
Sex is easy. She knows what the clients want : they don’t expect any sort of feelings involved in it. Sometimes they want the illusion of it, but it’s just what it is : an illusion. She doesn’t really care about them, she’s not paid to do so.
Comfort and affection are… Something else. It requires a certain amount of vulnerability, even from her. The lines get blurry.
And with Tangerine… She feels a sort of kinship. He’s like her, in a way. Lonely.
When she wakes up, the next morning, the bed is empty. She finds Tangerine outside on the balcony, smoking. He’s still naked from the waist up. She wonders, briefly, how he managed to light his cigarette with one arm.
She slides the patio doors open and steps outside to join him.
It’s still early : the sun is barely peeking out. The air is chilly, her breath forming a little puff of condensation, but at least it helps fully waking her up.
She comes to stand next to him. He doesn’t say anything, simply takes another drag, the smoke twirling above his head.
Wordlessly, she extends her hand for the cigarette. He passes it to her, glancing at her, before looking away quickly.
She takes a drag, letting the hot smoke settle in her lungs.
“I’m sorry about yesterday”, he finally murmurs, shuffling a bit on his feet.
She looks at him for a moment, the cigarette hanging from her fingers. He doesn’t look back, but he must feel the weight of her eyes on him.
She sighs, taking another drag, and turns away to stare at the city. The sky is painted in a pale pink, the clouds almost golden. It’s a beautiful sight.
“It’s okay”, she finally replies, quietly. “Just… I don’t want my clients to be drunk when they hire me, alright ?”
He glances at her. She doesn’t flinch away from his gaze, and he nods. She hands him back the cigarette, their fingers brushing, and watches the way his throat moves as he swallows.
“Drunk father ?” He asks.
The question surprises her. She has half a mind not to answer him.
“Addict brother”, she replies, eventually, quiet. The admission floats between them, heavy. She doesn’t look at him, throat suddenly dry and choked up.
She’s never said it aloud before.
“My father was a drunk”, Tangerine tells her. “Still fucking loved him, all that… bullshit, you know. My brother, though, he kinda hates him. Maybe because he’s the eldest or shit.”
It’s the most he’s ever said to her about himself.
Fawn turns away so he doesn’t see her expression.
They lapse into silence, until she feels like she can speak again, without her voice doing anything embarrassing like wobbling and breaking.
“How was Bolivia ?” She asks.
She regrets asking immediately when she sees the way the line of his shoulders tenses. He lets out a chuckle, bringing the cigarette to his mouth. There’s no humor behind the sound.
“Fuckin’ terrible”, he says, after a moment. He flicks the cigarette off the edge of the balcony and rakes a hand through his hair. Fawn reaches for him to grasp his hand. He stills, looking at her as if surprised, and immediately relaxes against her touch. His fingers are cold. She drops a kiss against his knuckles.
“C’mon”, she tells him. “It’s freezing, let’s go back inside.”
She takes them back inside the bed, tucking the sheets around them both. He curls up next to her, breath shaky. She simply holds his hand, until he falls back asleep.
She watches him for a moment. His face is lax, in his sleep, soft, no tension or pain. She wonders how he is with his brother. She wonders if his brother looks like him, or if he acts the same way as he does.
The thought of brothers steers her to her own, so she closes her eyes and tries to think of something else. She won’t be able to fall back asleep, but she can get a little more rest.
When the clock starts inching towards ten a.m., she carefully extricates from him, making sure not to wake him. She pulls her skirt back on, adjusting it around her waist, and shrugs her cardigan on, buttoning it.
Tangerine starts stirring awake when she starts pulling her boots on.
“You leaving ?” He grumbles, voice laced with sleep.
“Yeah, I have a shift at eleven”, she replies, finishing zipping up her right boot.
“A shift ? He repeats.
“I work in a café.”
She probably shouldn’t have shared any more personal information.
“Oh”, Tangerine says, sounding surprised.
She hears him shuffle in the bed, and when she turns back towards him, he’s pulling a stack of bills from God knows where.
“Here”, he tells her, handing her a part of it. Just by eyeballing it, she can see that it’s way more than double.
“That’s way more than my usual rates”, she says.
He shrugs, unbothered.
“Look, I don’t want your… Pity, or whatever this is”, she insists, trying to hand him back the money.
He frowns.
“It’s not.”
She shakes her head, incredulous.
“It’s too much”, she repeats.
“Jesus, it’s not fucking pity”, he sighs. “You don’t take drunk clients. I was fucking drunk. Take it, alright ? Just let me… Apologize with fucking money.”
She snorts, in spite of herself. She eyes him for a while, before giving up and stuffing the bills inside her bag. He grins, for the first time since she came in the room. She’s glad for it.
“Alright, take care of yourself, alright ?” She tells him. He opens his mouth to answer, but she cuts him before he can say a word. “I don’t know what the fuck you do for a living, and I don’t want to know, but be careful.”
His grin widens.
“Is that concern ?” He asks, sounding like the cat that got the cream.
She rolls her eyes, clicking her tongue.
“Just concern about losing my source of income”, she retorts, shaking her bag full of money for emphasis.
“Wouldn’t want that to happen”, he nods, sagely, still smiling.
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Hi!!! I was wondering if you could write about a Hero getting saved and patched up by a Villain? Pretty please?
The moment the villain grabbed the alcohol to clean the wound, the hero flinched. Hardly.
“Look, it’s very nice you do all of this for me but it’s really not necessary—”
“You know, it’s not that bad in the beginning. Your wound is gonna be a bit red and you’ll be confused,” the villain said. “You’ll be like: huh, that’s weird. Because it is. But what will truly startle you is the yellow discharge coming out of your wound.”
At this point, the hero was more than confused. They eyed the needle and the threat on the table next to the first aid set that had been mostly exploited by the villain’s many many incidents their illegal job determined.
“You’ll panic but you’re stubborn so you’re not going to get help. And you know, maybe you’re lucky and get only an infection like cellulitis. But there’s always the chance to get a sepsis. And believe me, you don’t want that. I would know.”
“…there’s a point to your story, right?” the hero asked, their voice abnormally quiet. Back when they’d fought their enemies, they hadn’t been scared. As the villain had slaughtered them, the hero hadn’t been terrified.
But now, they were about to lose their shit. The aftermath of fighting was worse than fighting itself.
They hated cleaning wounds, they hated stitches. It was ridiculous that the actual fight was pathetic compared to this, but the hero had an ugly past when it came to wound care.
“Yes. You don’t wanna die. You don’t wanna get an infection. So, let me clean your wound,” the villain said. They still looked apathetic, as always. No smile, no frown. Nothing.
“Why did you save me?”
“Don’t change the subject. Give me your arm,” they commanded.
The hero swallowed.
They’d been kidnapped once. To say the kidnapper had a thing for wounds was an understatement. The hero still had the deep scars from the wounds they’d ripped open again and again and again.
“…hey, what’s wrong?” The villain tilted their head — a little habit of them which the hero loved. They looked like a curious puppy. The hero focused on that instead of feeding the desire of scratching their old scars. That was a habit of the hero. “You’re crying, what’s wrong?”
The hero blinked the tears out of their eyes, sniffling. They hadn’t even noticed.
“I’m good, I’m fine.” Suddenly, the hero’s breath fastened, their thoughts spiralling. Images of their kidnapper pouring alcohol over their wounds burnt back into their head.
The tears came back and the hero felt their throat constricting.
“Darling,” the villain said gently and for the first time, the hero saw through their blurred vision a hint of emotions on their enemy’s face. The villain’s eyebrows were pinched in worry. “I’ll be careful, I promise. Can I wipe your tears away?”
The hero nodded slowly, still sniffling. They tried to blink the tears away once again but this time, the villain caught those streaming down their face with their thumb.
“This troubles you, doesn’t it? This hurts you,” the villain said, their voice warm.
“Yeah,” the hero choked out. “I don’t recommend being kidnapped.”
The villain’s face got softer and their fingers touched the hero’s, lacing them together.
The hero’s heart started beating faster and it was such a relief to have someone with them who cared.
That alone was another reason to cry.
“I’m sorry you had to go through such a horrible experience,” they said. “Whatever happened, it won’t happen again. But I have to clean your wound. I promise, it’s gonna be quick. Just concentrate on me, okay? You can tell me about your day. For example, how did you manage to get caught up in such a mess back there…?”
The villain didn’t look at them anymore, their eyes were instead on the hero’s wound, concentrating on its treatment. The hero however couldn’t stop looking at the villain.
They caught a glimpse of another habit. The villain was worrying their lips when they were concentrating. So, technically, they weren’t as cold as they always tried to be.
And as the hero watched the villain, they barely noticed the burning alcohol cleaning their wound.
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