#& Juliette is like Romeo. Romeo. can you please look after my brother & just like. make sure he doesn't get expelled
sims2veronaville · 14 days
I think tybalt's dislike of mercutio & romeo is entirely impersonal. Like he knows nothing about them. he just hates them on principle bc of everything his grandparents have been feeding him about the feud. But romeo & mercutio's dislike of tybalt is personal. They hate him because he's a dick.
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hyacinth-sims · 10 months
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Juliette hoped that her agreement with Tybalt would be the end of their discussion about Romeo. It was a foolish thought, to think that Tybalt wouldn’t stick his nose in her private life under the guise of “protecting” her. 
Tybalt was quite good at poking around in other people's business, and it was starting to wear Juliette thin. She really needed to get him a boyfriend, or some kind of hobby to keep him occupied. 
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It’d been silent for most of their walk to school, both Hermia and Juliette unsure of what to say. She hadn’t told Hermia yet about what happened that previous night, and the presence of Tybalt wasn’t making it any easier. He never walked to school with them; he was always arriving early for time in the gym. 
Hermia let out a small cough, Juliette glancing over to her. “Er—“ She began, looking up at Tybalt, “So not that I’m complaining or anything but—why are you walking to school with us?” 
“Am I not allowed to spend time with my younger sisters?” Tybalt answered, raising an eyebrow. Oh, what utter bullshit. Tybalt didn’t like spending time with anyone, he was just excellent at faking it in the presence of their grandfather. The only things he ever enjoyed doing were bossing people around and getting into one-sided fights with Mercutio Monty.
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Juliette let out a groan, “He caught me with Romeo last night and now I guess he won’t let me out of his sight for even a moment.” She loved her brother, she really did. After all, he was still her brother who had—decent but somewhat misguided intentions. However, there was not another human being on the planet that got on her nerves more. He felt the need to be in charge of everything, to take matters into his own hands when it was never even asked of him.
“Trying to keep forbidden love apart, Tybs?” Hermia asked teasingly, “How—villainous of you.”
“I am not trying to keep anyone apart, actually,” Tybalt retorted, “Juliette knows that I’ve agreed to keep her secret, albeit with some boundaries in place.” The boy scowled at a few figures standing in the distance, “I just do not trust those—savages he is usually seen around.”
Juliette raised an eyebrow as she looked up at Tybalt, “I thought you didn’t have any problems with Benvolio?” If he did, he had never expressed them outwardly. Benvolio was an advocate for peace, even being friendly with members of the Capp family despite being closely aligned with the Monty’s. 
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“I do not have any issues with Benvolio,” Tybalt stated plainly. Oh—of course, this was never about Romeo. He was just looking for another excuse to start shit with Mercutio, as always. His insistence on making an enemy out of that boy was strange to Juliette, although it wasn’t like Juliette cared for him either. He was a little much so to say. 
Hermia snorted, “So you mean Mercutio, you’re basically saying you don’t trust Mercutio—that’s absolutely groundbreaking, brother. Please tell us why that is the case.”
“I would say one of the reasons is that he’s been flirting with my younger sister, who he is far too old for,” Tybalt pointed out, a scowl on his face as he glanced towards his rival at the front of the school. “It’s been obvious that you hang out with him quite a lot, you tend to sometimes have his signature scent of axe body spray and desperation on your clothing,” He added, Juliette trying to hold back her giggling. “Although truthfully, that scent will rub off on anyone who stands too close to him for a mere second.” 
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Hermia rolled her eyes with a groan, speeding ahead of her siblings. “Can you stop with your weird homoerotic tangents, please?” She exclaimed, “Honestly, your stupid rivalry has more sexual tension involved than anything between me and Mercutio.” 
“Homoerotic?” Tybalt repeated, “Tangent? Looks like Hermia learned some new words, can we get a round of applause please?” 
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“You two are truly two sides of the same coin,” Juliette exclaimed with a heavy sigh as she linked arms with her older brother before letting out a small giggle, “But Hermia is definitely right though.” 
Tybalt scowled as he continued to rant, with Juliette simply shutting it out. She was more focused on being alone with Romeo later that day, something that would surely become less common with the stupid rules Tybalt had put in place.
But at least he was on her side, it definitely made things somewhat easier. 
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moemoemammon · 3 years
Petty Things The Bros Do
(Feat. The Demon Bros and GN!MC)
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
You look like you have a lot of free time, and since you're not doing anything productive, he calls you to his office
That's code for: "I am lonely but I'll never admit it and I'm mad that you're not noticing this so come into my office so I can get my MC fix for the day"
Literally puts you to work just so he can keep seeing you as often as possible. Now please finish helping him seal that stack of letters over there, and when you're done do you mind brewing him some coffee?
The goddamn KING of petty. Y'all already know he's everywhere you are, growing and snapping at everyone that comes near you like some kind of guard dog
You were talking to another demon after class? Now you get to hang out in his room for an hour. Someone offered to help you study? Nah, study with him. You're hungry? Good thing he's got some snack for you. Don't ask anyone else.
Bold of you to assume he's gonna let you so much as breathe near someone else. Keep your eyes on the Great Mammon, ya hear?!
Anytime Lucifer gets on your nerves, he's the first one to swoop in to the rescue. Takes you away like he's the Romeo to your Juliette (just a metaphor for my enby pals)
Yeah, isn't Lucifer the worst? Aren't you tired of being nice?? Don't you just wanna go apeshit???
Takes you to his room to help you de-stress with some tea and quality literature, while you both talk shit about Lucifer. You know he's gonna give big bro a smug ass smirk when he passes him in the hall later-
Hides something of yours, most often something that's important to you/you've been paying a lot of attention to. Jealous much-
THEN he offers to help you find it because not only does he get to spend time with you, but you'll also be happy that he keeps magically knowing where to look.
Thank him by coming to his room for karaoke later, okay? He's got a great mix for tonight!
Hugs you before you go out, SPECIFICALLY when he just put on a ton of custom-made perfume
Why? So you smell like him. And since you're in a rush, there's no way you can think about changing! Good luck getting the smell off~
Now everywhere you go, people will know he's left his mark. They'll be sure to keep their distance!
ALWAYS makes sure he's the one that gives you your food when it's time to eat. He makes your plate, regardless of whether he was the one cooking or not.
And it's funny because he doesn't care much for appearances, but the brothers swear you've always got the prettiest set up (even if you have a mountain of food)
Anyone else, especially Mammon, wants to serve you? Nope. He'll eat the food they just played before it can make it to your place at the table.
Oh, you have plans somewhere and you won't be home until late? And you can't stay home, and he also can't come with you? Cool cool.
Proceeds to change or turn off your alarms so you're late ❤️
Aw man, you messed up your alarms again? You're so clumsy like that lmao. Anyway since you're already late, just stay in bed with him all day.
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thecursedhellblazer · 4 years
(( I had told myself not to write anything about this, but I kinda have a lot of feelings on the matter and I’ve seen several posts around, so I thought I could share my opinion too. This are just some random thoughts, so forgive me if they are all a bit all over the place. ))
(( Under the cut because the post got a bit long. ))
(( I’ve recently caught up with Legends, after having missed the two latest episodes, and I’m absolutely torn over the kind of twist some of the sub plots are taking. Behrad’s death was kinda expected, but I was still hoping that they would have kept him around for a bit longer. Of course, there is still the chance that he gets back, considering that we don’t really know how the whole Loom of Fate ordeal will end, but tbh I wished we had had more bonding between him and Zari before he was taken out of the picture. I understand that his death, together with meeting her older self, is important to Zari’s character development, but I still feel like it was a bit rushed. ))
(( One thing I really liked, even if maybe is a cliched, was Charlie choosing the Legends as her family and breaking away from the conditioning that her sisters have tried to force on her, even after all that time. And the fact that it was during the episode with the Spn setting...The whole “family doesn’t end with blood” trope was quite fitting. I love that she has found her place with them, after millennia spent on the run from a her “biological” family, which was obviously abusive. ))
(( Another nice surprise was Astra choosing to team up with Ava & Co, choosing to trust John, other than giving into Lachesis’s siren call. I’m really excited to see how they will deal with her character. In the comics, John eventually manages to free her from Hell, but we aren’t given much closure, especially not after how deeply John’s whole storyline is affected by the Newcastle clusterfuck. It seems that the show is trying to take another route to deal with it and I’m really curious and hopeful for what concerns it. Also, I do like the idea of her having a more active role in changing her destine. Quite literally. And Ava sharing her backstory with her, trying to convince her to be her own person? That was really good. Also because it shows the growth of Ava’s character too. ))
(( Now, the thing that has been bothering me the most. The turn in Constantine and Zari 2.0′s relationship. Personally, I don’t like it. I wasn’t a fan of Nate & Zari either, but pushing her towards just makes me straight out uncomfortable. I found myself looking away in the scenes where they were getting romantically physical and I’m not sure what I’m going to do if they will make them an official couple. I really don’t see the chemistry between them. Don’t get me wrong, they are funny, they have a good dynamic, the way their characters clashes because of the differences is interesting. They do have chemistry but as friends. I don’t really see how a romance could work out, and let’s not forget the whole Nate factor. I’m going a bit more in depth with this, even if no one really cares about my meta xD But since I’m at it, I don’t see why not. ))
(( Zari 1.0 and John had some very nice moments. Their relationship was different, also because they had more common ground. They had both known tragedy, they had both made bad choices and paid for them. Zari 1.0 could relate better to John, because, while she was a good person too, she knew what it meant having to do the wrong thing for the right reasons, and that something that John does a lot. I didn’t ship them, but I really loved their dynamics and I will always treasure that scene when she gives him the picture of his mother she had taken. There was a connection there and it was a really good friendship, not so different from the one John has with Charlie. ))
(( Now, Zari 2.0 is a completely different person. She has a completely different backstory and, as such, a different personality. I didn’t like her at first, but she has grown a lot recently and matured too during her time with the Legends and she has got back being a great character, relatable too. However, she still lacks all the common ground that Zari 1.0 had with John. This isn’t a bad thing, don’t get me wrong. The fact that they come from completely different worlds is one of the elements that makes their dynamic interesting, but it also underlines the fact that Zari has no idea of who John is and of how his world truly works and she probably will never understand it. She kinda reminds me of Kit (one of John’s lovers in the comics, perhaps his most important relationship together with Zatanna) under some point of view, even if the two characters have some very profound differences. Kit and John were very close, he was head over heels for her, but it didn’t work out because, while she knew him, she couldn’t grasp or accept his world. The magic, the darkness, the bad things he does because it’s what he is. And so it ended very, very badly between them. Honestly? That’s the only kind of dynamic I can picture in a romance between John and Zari. And it’s already a stretch, because Kit’s character had some traits that made her compatible with John, traits that Zari doesn’t have. Not to mention that Kit had a lot of history with John before they got together romantically, and that was what made them work, for a while. Zari doesn’t. So, it might be a way to make it sort of work (still forced for how I see it), unless they break his character...and I would HATE that. He is my favourite from LoT and I’ve waited a long time to see him brought back after his show was cancelled, so...please, don’t ruin it for me. ))
(( Also, their “romantic” connection really felt shoved in out of the blue. They have never really interacted much before and sure, being forced to team up can bring two people close, the timing is awful. Let’s not forget that Zari had just decided to blame John for Behrad’s death. She was supposed to have a grudge against him. Moreover, she is grieving the brother she was finally starting to properly connect with and she is struggling with a quest to rebuild her identity after she has found out about her other self. She is looking for her place in the world and a person who is dealing with that realistically doesn’t go and fall for someone just because they have shared an adventure. It feels forced and rushed. Maybe in another context I could have tolerated it or given it the benefit of the doubt, but not in this moment of the storyline. It’s out of plance to say the least. I had expected them to work out their differences in that episode, but instead all they do is bickering (which is fun) and then they fight together (which was great, tbh, because it shows them both that they can be a good team). However, there’s not a real moment when they properly talk about what has happened, about their conflict . We just see them being shoved together and forced to touch and then there’s that almost kiss moment and it’s just...bad timing. It feels awkward and yeah, forced too. ))
(( Also, let’s not forget that in the previous episode, Zari sleep-walked in Nate’s bedroom and half of the crew, including John, found them in the middle of a somewhat compromising position in the middle of the corridor. John joked and teased them as everyone else and wasn’t upset in the least. On the contrary, he was basically rooting for them. And this was perhaps the day, or a few days at most, before the whole romantic innuendos got thrown in the mix. Yet another reason why I feel this was forced and rushed and brought up out of nowhere. ))
(( As for John, his current focus is on getting the Loom back together and keeping his promise to Astra. We have seen him being reckless and single-minded about it, to the point that he almost got himself, Charlie and Sara killed. And did get Behrad killed, because he didn’t think his shit through. It doesn’t make sense to me that he suddenly finds the time to notice that he might or might not have feelings for Zari. It’s almost out of character. And it clashes with how he has been behaving so far. You don’t stop obsessing about the one thing that would allow you to FINALLY make amends for the greatest regret of your entire life just because you realise that one of your teammates is actually a nice company, all considered. Plus, he too has already too much on his plate in general to have the space for a romance. And, personal preference, John is good on his own. He needs friends that can help him picking up the pieces, not a relationship that will eventually just bring him more harm and complications. God, I miss Chas. ))
(( Someone could argue that they shared a moment during the Romeo vs Juliette episode, but I disagree with that too. That episode was all about Nate and Ray. The dialogue between Romeo and Juliette was not about John and Zari, it was all about Nate and Ray. They are the star-crossed couple of friends (lovers in the play), not John and Zari. That kiss was a symbol of Ray and Nate reconnecting with each other before taking different paths and it had nothing to do with John and Zari. At least, that’s the feeling I had from how the whole episode was built and I think that I’m not completely misled in that regard. ))
(( Last thing, I don’t want the whole thing between Zari and John to be a source of drama. Because that’s what we’ll get, because Nate is still very much in love with Zari, both Zaris. He has started to chase after Zari 2.0 thinking that she was his Zari, but he came to like her for what she is too. And maybe, yes, perhaps he needs to move on from her as some people have pointed out. It could be one way to go around it, but that wouldn’t spare us the classic love triangle crap we get at some point in every damn show and I’m starting to be a bit bored with it. And it wouldn’t really change my view on John and Zari’s relationship. ))
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cornyregans · 5 years
The Six Veronaville Tragedies
WARNING: This essay is centered around death, so please note that many different aspects related to that topic will likely be discussed here, some of which might be triggering to certain people. As such, reader discretion is advised.
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Obligatory Warning Word Count: 38 words Essay Word Count: 11,671 words Obligatory Thank You Word Count: 170 words Total Word Count: 11,879 words
   As I have mentioned in the past, I find one of the most interesting aspects of Veronaville to be the mystery surrounding the recent deaths of six premade sims. The sims in question on the Capp side are Cordelia Capp, Caliban Capp (né Gale), and Contessa Capp; while the sims in question on the Monty side are Claudio Monty, Olivia Monty (née Dottore), and Hero Monty (née Arlecchino). It is unknown which of these six was the first to die; however, given the memories of their surviving relatives, we know that Cordelia and Claudio were the first to die on their sides, followed by Caliban and Olivia, and finally Contessa and Hero. So, with this in mind, let’s look at some information the game has provided us with before we begin to theorize anything.
Three Biographies
  Since we now have some idea regarding the general order of these six deaths, let’s take a closer look at something you might have missed if you never developed a Veronaville obsession. If you have ever played a premade sim in any of the games released before TS4, then you probably know that each premade tends to have a prewritten biography that goes more in-depth regarding their characterization. This fact also rings true for Veronaville, and as luck would have it, half of these dearly departed sims just so happen to have biographies, something very unusual for a deceased sim in any neighborhood. This has not gone unnoticed by the fandom and has led many a simmer to conclude that these three sims were meant to be playable at an earlier point in development. While none of these three sims ended up being alive in the final product, these biographies could shed some light on how each sim could have died.
First, let’s look at Claudio’s biography:
“Claudio's determined to make his parents proud with his lovely wife and wonderful children. But will he be able to reconcile his son's romance with his family's sworn enemy?”
By looking at the biography we are provided with, we are given a hint as to the timing of Claudio’s death. By the time he died, Claudio’s younger son, Romeo, had already become romantically involved with Juliette Capp. This is further supported in the memories of both Romeo and his older brother Mercutio, as Claudio is stated to have died following both brothers’ second “grew up” memory, which would place both boys as teenagers. In addition, Romeo’s memories place the death of his father occurring after his first kiss with Juliette. Taking game mechanics into account, this means the earliest Romeo could have lost his father was during his teen years. While this claim does offer some other problems if we look at Juliette’s memories, which I will go over later, said problems do not conflict with the big picture regarding the ages of the Monty boys at the time of their father’s untimely demise. 
 With Claudio's biography out of the way, let’s continue by taking a look at his wife Olivia’s:
“While Olivia loves her children and always wanted a big family, will her next birth push her over the edge?”
Unlike the biography of her husband, Olivia’s biography has no mention of the Capp/Monty feud; rather, it concerns a future birth. If you have ever gotten a view of Olivia’s ghost or resurrected her in-game, you would recognize that she is wearing the default maternity outfit, meaning she died before what was supposed to have been the birth of her third child. Given that the Montys recall her death occurring after Claudio’s, it is pretty clear that she also died while both of her sons were teenagers.
 The last biography does not belong to a Monty, but rather a Capp. In this case the Capp matriarch, Contessa:
“Contessa is a strong matriarch who can hold a grudge. Will she let go of her anger at the Montys and do her daughter Cordelia's memory justice by allowing Juliette to pursue her true love?”
There is a very good reason as to why I saved Contessa’s biography for last. The reason for this choice is due to the last sentence. First of all, this should clear up any remaining misconceptions that it was possible for Contessa to have predeceased her daughter. Secondly, the final sentence seems to imply that Contessa was aware of Romeo and Juliette’s relationship, though how she found out is a mystery. Finally, this last sentence also provides some questions regarding Cordelia Capp’s role in the Capp/Monty feud. As a daughter of the Capp matriarch, Cordelia would have inevitably found herself playing a role in the bitter family rivalry, whether she wanted to or not.
The Role of Cordelia Capp
  While Cordelia does not have her own biography, she does have a mention in her mother’s that is hard to miss once you’ve read it. The question stated above in Contessa’s biography could hold a number of different meanings. Was Cordelia unable to pursue her true love? Was she against the family feud? Despite these questions mostly being rhetorical, there is some little known evidence that could very well answer them both depending on how you interpret it.  
  Whether she was able to pursue her true love is something we can only theorize, that being said, there is no evidence that she was unhappy with Caliban. In fact, the evidence seems to imply the exact opposite. The first piece we have supporting this claim is a family picture consisting of Cordelia and Caliban, along with their child son Tybalt, as well as toddler daughters Juliette and Hermia, which for all intents and purposes looks rather happy. The second is that when resurrected, Cordelia and Caliban tend to have strong chemistry with one another if Nightlife or any subsequent Expansion Pack is installed. By taking these two factors into account, I think it might be safe to say that the part about “doing Cordelia’s memory justice” by allowing Juliette to pursue Romeo isn’t because Cordelia couldn’t pursue her true love, but because she did.
  This leaves us with the other piece of the puzzle regarding her opinion of the Capp/Monty feud. Despite not appearing in the game itself, there is a little picture floating around on the internet that portrays a scene at what looks like the Capp Manor: Consort and Patrizio are engaged in a shoving match in the background, all while Cordelia looks on with a sigh and a thought bubble with the red enemy symbol in the foreground. We can’t say for sure what is going on in this picture, but in my opinion, that face of hers says it all when it comes to whatever opinion Cordelia may have had on the feud.
The Mysterious Case of Hero Monty
  Before I go further, I think now would be a good time to take a closer look at the mysterious Hero Monty, who has neither a grave nor a ghost programmed into the game.
 While I do plan on going over where Hero’s death fits into the Veronaville narrative, I would highly recommend you go read my essay concerning the potential cause of her death before continuing if you haven’t already. The lack of information regarding Hero’s death is something that, I believe, needed an essay all its own in order to analyze it properly, so I implore you to check it out before going any further here. 
 Much like how Cordelia Capp was referenced in Contessa’s biography, Hero is mentioned in the biographies of both her husband and her son Benedick.
Her husband Antonio’s biography is as follows:
“Committed to his children, Antonio is determined to get to the bottom of his wife Hero's death. And what will be his role in the family feud that may have cost him his one true love?’'
While her son Benedick’s biography states:
“Benedick is the gentler half of Antonio's twins. "Sensitive and kind, he may some day be essential to solving the question of his mother's death.” 
 These biographies are rather interesting in that they both allude to the overall mystery of Hero’s death. But looking at them closer, it seems very likely that Hero’s death may have been a result of the feud. In addition, Benedick’s biography is especially interesting in that it states that he may be “essential” when it comes to figuring out how his mother died. 
 While the biographies do provide some insight, they do not provide any hints regarding the timing of Hero’s death; for that, we are forced to look elsewhere. We know that Mercutio and Romeo were already teenagers by the time Hero passed on due to her death being stated to have occurred following the deaths of Claudio and Olivia. However, to obtain a more concrete timeframe, we have to look at the memories of other members of the Monty family, namely those of her husband and children. According to the memories of Antonio, Beatrice, and Benedick Monty, we can pinpoint that Hero died not long after Beatrice and Benedick aged up into children.
Memory Problems
 Now that we briefly looked at the Hero Monty mystery, I want to take a closer look at the Capp couple. While I may have gone over Cordelia earlier, I have left out some other pieces of information I believe are worth mentioning. 
 First of all, the pieces of information we are given regarding the time of deaths for both Cordelia and Caliban are all kinds of messed up. Their older daughter Juliette and their younger daughter Hermia remember their parents dying while they were a teenager and child respectively. On the other hand, their son Tybalt remembers them dying when he was a toddler, even though he is older than his sisters not only in-game but also in the storytelling image mentioned earlier in this essay. With that discrepancy in mind, the most logical conclusion is that the developers made a mistake regarding the placement of Tybalt’s memory of his parents’ deaths, as both Juliette and Hermia’s memories make sense should we take all of their age bars into account. 
 Another discrepancy regarding Cordelia, in particular, is that her father Consort remembers her dying before the birth of his grandson Hal, while her sister Goneril remembers her dying before the birth of her daughter Ariel. While her other sister Regan also has a memory of Cordelia dying, the only thing we know from her memories is that Cordelia died after her wedding to Cornwall, which is something we would have already known by looking at Consort’s memories. By comparing Consort and Goneril’s memories, we can ascertain that Goneril’s memory of Cordelia dying before Ariel’s birth seems more likely given the age differences that Hal and Ariel have with Cordelia’s three children at the start of the game. Not to mention, the age groups presented above for Cordelia’s children at the time of her death make more sense if we go by Goneril’s version of events. 
 While we’re looking at memory discrepancies, let’s take another look at Claudio Monty and Contessa Capp. Despite these two not being a couple, let alone part of the same family, I feel the pair is worth mentioning here due to some conflicting pieces of information that can be tied back to both of them. As mentioned above, looking at the memories of Claudio’s children and Contessa’s grandchildren through Cordelia, we can conclude that both Claudio and Contessa died while their descendants in question were teenagers, that much is backed up on both sides. 
 The weird part, in particular, lies in the memories of three particular sims: Claudio’s son Romeo, Contessa’s granddaughter Juliette, and Claudio’s sister Bianca. First of all, if you look at the memories of Romeo and Juliette, you will notice that Romeo remembers kissing Juliette before Claudio died, while Juliette remembers kissing Romeo after Contessa died. In addition, you will notice that Juliette has a memory of falling in love with Romeo after the deaths of her parents, yet before the death of her maternal grandmother. However, Claudio’s sister Bianca, for some reason, has a memory of Contessa’s death, and by comparing her memories regarding the deaths of her brother and the Capp matriarch, you will see that Bianca’s memory of the latter’s death was more recent than her memory of the former’s death. 
 While comparing Juliette and Bianca’s memories, you will probably realize that there are errors on both sides. Should you compare Juliette’s memories to her relationship with Romeo, you will see that she only has a crush on him. While this might have been merely a mistake made by the developers, I believe there could very well be more to the story. Upon first playing the Capp Manor, you will realize that Juliette’s biggest want is to go steady with Romeo, should you grant her wish, she will fall in love with him afterward. Even if you don’t have them go steady, having her interact with him in any way romantically will cause them to fall in love in no time. While this may be completely off-base, a part of me believes that somehow the “first kiss” memories and fall in love memories got mixed up, as the first kiss interaction tends to unlock before two sims fall in love.
  As for Bianca, her problem does not lie in the order of her memories, but rather in how they are classified. As someone who had a tendency to comb over every premade’s memories when I was younger, it always stuck out to me that Bianca had a positive memory of her brother Claudio’s death, but a negative memory of Contessa Capp’s. Much like Juliette’s, it is very likely that the developers inadvertently swapped Contessa and Claudio’s places in Bianca’s memories.
  Due to the errors present in both Juliette and Bianca’s memories, I think determining who died first between Claudio and Contessa depends more on your personal preference. As with all things The Sims 2, it seems unlikely that EA will revisit this plot point at a later date, meaning this question will likely go unanswered. With that in mind, I personally interpret Claudio as having died before Contessa. While I could give my answer here as to why I see this being the case, I’m going to hold off until we go over the placement of all six deaths later in the essay, as it ties directly into that.
Additional Pieces of the Monty Memory Puzzle 
 While I may have already touched upon quite a few key pieces of information regarding the memories of the living Veronaville sims, there are some interesting nuggets that I have left out. 
 Although I have already mentioned Claudio Monty in the last section, I feel it is important to look at the deaths of both him and his wife Olivia through the eyes of some more of their relatives. I have already touched upon the memories of their two sons, but there is more that can be deduced if we look at the memories of Claudio’s parents and brother. The reason for me saving these memories for this section rather than the section above is because there were not really any sort of discrepancies present in narrowing down any specific place in time that the pair died. 
 If you take a look at the memories of Claudio’s parents, Patrizio and Isabella Monty, they place the deaths of Claudio and Olivia occurring after the birth of Antonio and Hero’s twins, Beatrice and Benedick. However, a look at Antonio’s memories provides some more concrete information, as his memories place their deaths occurring after Beatrice and Benedick reached childhood. Given where their deaths fit into the Monty family timeline, one can easily assume that Antonio’s wife, Hero, did not outlive Claudio and Olivia by much. 
 Additionally, take a look at the specific wording I used when it came to Antonio’s memories. Take note that I said “their” deaths, rather than just Claudio’s death. Among the Veronaville sims of Antonio’s generation, this is a unique case. None of Cordelia’s siblings, nor Bianca Monty, acknowledge the passing of their deceased in-laws. Heck, Kent Capp doesn’t even have a memory of Cordelia’s death and he’s her brother. With that in mind, perhaps it is not unusual to assume that Antonio was present when Olivia died.
What can their Shakespeare counterparts tell us? 
 Like all the living sims in Veronaville, all six of these deceased sims have ties to characters found in the works of William Shakespeare; whether it be by their names or their roles in both narratives. With this in mind, it could be entirely possible that their unfortunate fates may very well tie into those of their original Shakespearean counterparts. 
 Let’s begin by looking at Cordelia Capp. Shakespeare’s Cordelia is the dutiful youngest daughter of the titular King Lear. While she begins the play as her father’s favorite, her refusal to kiss his butt causes the king to disinherit her. Later in the play, she leads the army of her adopted homeland into battle once she hears that the father who disinherited her had been rendered powerless by her cruel older sisters. Unfortunately for Lear and Cordelia, the rebellion fails and both are sentenced to death for treason. While Lear is able to escape his sentence by killing the executioner, the pardon that would have saved Cordelia arrives too late to stop her death by hanging. 
 Unlike Goneril and Regan Capp, both of whom retain their husbands from King Lear, Cordelia’s husband in The Sims 2 is not a counterpart for the King of France. Instead, Caliban Capp shares his first name with a character from The Tempest. This is especially strange because, unlike the benevolent France in King Lear, the original Caliban was something of an antagonist. Shakespeare’s Caliban is the half human, half monster son of the witch Sycorax, and a slave of Prospero. While Prospero states that he initially tried to befriend Caliban, a native of the island he has been stranded on for more than a decade, both characters seem to confirm that any goodwill between the two ended due to an incident that occurred prior to the beginning of the play. As a result of that incident, Prospero ended up enslaving Caliban and would punish his disobedience by using harmful magic against him. Eventually, Caliban gets fed up and takes a servant named Stephano as his new master, at least until he learns that Stephano is not Prospero’s equal. In the end, Caliban returns to Prospero and is pardoned after obeying one final order to prepare his former master’s cell, though it is not made clear whether Caliban remained on the island or left with the other members of the cast. 
 Olivia Monty shares a first name with a character from Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. Countess Olivia, having lost her father and brother prior to the play, plans to spend the next seven years in deep mourning. As a result, she has no interest in any male company; because of this, Cesario (really a woman named Viola in disguise) has to settle for working under Duke Orsino instead. That being said, Orsino himself is interested in Olivia and sends Viola/Cesario to court Olivia for him. While Olivia initially wants nothing to do with Viola/Cesario, she eventually falls in love with him due to his personality, though she is unaware he is actually a she. Aside from Orsino, Olivia is also courted by her servant Malvolio, while her uncle would like to match her up with Andrew Aguecheek. In the end, Olivia meets Viola’s half-identical twin brother Sebastian, and the two of them end up together. 
 As mentioned in my essay regarding her cause of death, Hero Monty shares a name with a character from Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing. In Much Ado About Nothing, Hero, the daughter of Leonato, is loved by a lord named Claudio. Claudio announces his intention to court her to Benedick, who in turn informs Don Pedro about Claudio’s plans. As a result, Pedro resolves to court Hero for Claudio without the latter’s knowledge and puts this plan into action at a celebratory masquerade ball. Don John (Pedro’s illegitimate brother) is also attempting to court Hero at the ball and uses Claudio’s ignorance to Pedro’s intentions to make Claudio think Pedro is trying to take Hero for himself. This leads Claudio to confront Pedro in a rage, but in the end, Claudio ends up winning Hero’s hand, and the misunderstanding is cleared up. Later in the play, Don John and his follower Borachio resolve to stop the marriage by lying to Pedro and Claudio that Hero is unfaithful; as a result, Claudio promises to publicly humiliate Hero, and does so on their wedding day, causing Leonato to wish for his daughter’s death. On the advice of a friar who is rightly convinced of her virtue, Hero fakes her death in order to not only expose the truth but for Claudio to express regret for his actions. In the end, Don John’s treachery is exposed and Hero is revealed to be alive at her second wedding to Claudio, who has expressed remorse for his actions. 
 Unlike most of these sims, who share a name with only one Shakespeare character, Claudio shares his with two. The first of these characters is the Lord of Florence in Much Ado About Nothing. While I went over most of Claudio’s role in Much Ado About Nothing in the previous paragraph, I neglected to mention what happened to him during the fallout following Hero’s faked death. After Hero supposedly dies, an enraged Beatrice implores that her new lover, Benedick, slay Claudio for slandering her cousin as a way to prove his devotion to her. Though Benedick denies her request at first, he ends up challenging Claudio to a duel after Leonato and Antonio do the same. After learning of Hero’s innocence, Claudio demands the hand of Antonio's daughter so he can marry someone who resembles his lost love, and while Antonio accepts, it is revealed at the wedding that Hero is not only alive but also the one behind the veil. 
 The second Shakespeare character who shares a name with Claudio Monty is a Viennese gentleman in Measure for Measure. In Measure for Measure, Claudio is the brother of Isabella and the fiancé of Juliet, the latter of whom he ended up impregnating before they could be married. As a result, he is sentenced to death by the corrupt Angelo despite his willingness to put a ring on it. Luckily for Claudio, his sister Isabella is willing to go to bat for him, and announces her intention to plead his case to Angelo; Angelo agrees, on the condition that Isabella sleeps with him. Despite Claudio’s pleas for her to take Angelo up on his offer, Isabella refuses, citing that there is no way anybody would believe her if she told the truth. Fortunately for Claudio, Duke Vincentio comes to his aid and stages a bed trick wherein Angelo falsely believes that he is fornicating with Isabella, this causes a panicked Angelo to order Claudio’s execution out of fear of being exposed for the crime he condemned Claudio for in the first place. Claudio is spared once again thanks to Vincentio sending Angelo the head of a pirate in his place. In the end, Vincentio resumes his role of the Duke of Vienna, Angelo’s treachery is exposed when he makes the fatal mistake of unwittingly accusing Vincentio of his crimes, and Claudio and Juliet reunite. 
 Contessa is likely the biggest anomaly of the bunch because she does not share a first name with any Shakespeare character. Despite this fact, she actually has numerous Shakespeare and historical counterparts when it comes to both her role in the feud and her place in the Capp family tree. While I do intend to look into all of these parallels at some point, I will only be looking at two Shakespeare characters for this essay. 
 The first of these characters would obviously be Lady Capulet from Romeo & Juliet due to the similarities in their surnames. While not quite as involved in the feud as her husband, a throwaway scene shows us that Lady Capulet can hold a grudge much like Contessa, specifically when she states she will poison Romeo as revenge for the death of Tybalt; however, this never comes to pass as Romeo poisons himself before she gets the chance. 
 Unlike Contessa, Lady Capulet ends up surviving the play while Lady Montague is the one who ends up dying of grief following Romeo’s banishment. As a result, while Lady Capulet may very well have been Contessa’s most obvious inspiration, her being the one to die is more akin to Lady Montague instead. With this in mind, perhaps Isabella Monty would have made more sense as being the deceased Veronaville matriarch in order to draw a clearer parallel to Shakespeare’s play? That being said, I believe that there is more to Contessa being the one who dies in this adaptation rather than Isabella, and in my opinion, it is the second of Contessa’s aforementioned counterparts that really allows us to make sense as to why she was the one who died. 
 In my opinion, Contessa’s other Shakespearean counterpart in regard to her death is not a woman, but a man, the man in question being the titular King Lear. While I have seen people say Consort is the one who was inspired by Lear, I believe that Contessa actually has more in common with him when taking Capp family dynamics and neighborhood events into account. If you look at the Capp family tree, you would see that the Capps are matrilineal, meaning it was Contessa, not Consort, who was the head of the Capp family prior to her death. With this in mind, it would make sense that, due to her three daughters sharing names with Lear’s daughters, Contessa herself may have been created with the intention of being a gender-flipped version of Shakespeare’s Lear. 
  Much like Contessa Capp, who died before the events of The Sims 2, Lear does not survive Shakespeare’s play (though there was a rewrite where he did that was portrayed on stage for a century-and-a-half, it was not written by Shakespeare himself). In the final scene, Lear enters the stage carrying the body of the now deceased Cordelia in his arms. After all that occurred throughout the play, it is losing his beloved daughter that does him in, and he dies of despair while trying to convince himself that she is still alive.
How did they die in TS2? 
 With all the biographies and memory dissecting out of the way, let’s look at the known causes of death. From the information provided by their ghosts, we are able to conclude without any doubt the cause of death for five of the six sims in question. The Capp couple died in a fire, the Monty couple due to starvation, and Contessa Capp due to old age. The only outlier in the group of six is Hero Monty who, as mentioned above, does not have a grave anywhere in the game, and therefore has no ghost for us to confirm any cause of death. However, it is not impossible to draw some semblance of a conclusion by looking at outside information.
Developing Death Through Pictures 
 While this section may not be entirely relevant to the topic at hand, it does provide some interesting points that could very well play a role in any theory you might have. This is something I found while looking for more information on Veronaville, and it could definitely tell us something regarding the circumstances of some of these deaths. That being said, this information is purely theoretical and may have nothing to do with any of these deaths at all, but it is interesting nonetheless. 
 As mentioned earlier in this essay, the fact that Claudio, Olivia, and Contessa all have biographies despite being deceased at the start of the game has led many a simmer to conclude that all three were meant to be playable at some point during development. This notion is further fueled by a screenshot taken at some point during development of Olivia Monty talking to what appears to be an earlier version of Juliette Capp while Mercutio looks on from the second story. Whatever the case may be, it is likely that this picture was taken either before the developers decided to make Olivia pregnant or during her first trimester, as she does not appear to be showing at all in this particular picture.  
  Another interesting aspect of that picture is the location where it was shot. This picture was not shot at the Monty Ranch, the lot where Romeo and Mercutio reside when you first play Veronaville, but rather at what looks to be 111 Stratford Street. This is quite similar to the storytelling image I mentioned in a previous paragraph containing Cordelia Capp and her family. The layout of that room, as well as some of its aesthetics, are completely different from those in the Capp Manor. That being said, unlike 111 Stratford Street, I cannot say for certain which lot is meant to be portrayed in the Capp storytelling image; however, the placement and design of the windows leads me to believe that the likely location may have been 95 Bard Boulevard. With this in mind, given the deaths of Cordelia and Caliban, perhaps the general ambiguity regarding this picture’s setting is meant to be intentional? Could it be due to the fire? Could it be because of something else entirely? Could my guess be right and their original residence was 95 Bard Boulevard? Regardless of what may have been intended, it’s interesting to think about all the possibilities. 
 Given the obvious design differences, these images most likely mean one of two things: either these homes were the original Monty Ranch and Capp Manor, or these were Claudio and Cordelia’s homes, and their children were moved in with their grandparents following the deaths of their parents. It is unlikely we will be finding out the answer any time soon, as the only other piece of evidence related to the 111 Stratford Street image is an earlier version of Veronaville. In this image, the Monty Ranch is located in a different place on the map, and there are no plumbobs to denote any sort of residence. But, as stated above, it is certainly interesting to think about, especially in regard to how it may relate to some of these deaths.
Reviewing What We Already Know 
 Now that we’ve gotten the known causes of death out of the way, it’s time we review what we already know about all six of these sims once more in order to find any additional information that may have slipped through the cracks.
Cordelia and Caliban
Timeline: From the memories of their surviving relatives we can ascertain a few things regarding the deaths of this Capp couple. First of all, given the memories of their daughters and their son’s established age, we know that Cordelia and Caliban died while Tybalt and Juliette were both already teenagers, and Hermia was about to become a teenager herself. In addition to that, we also know from both Juliette��s memories and Contessa Capp’s biography that Juliette had already become involved with Romeo before both of her parents died. Also, given the memories of Cordelia’s sister Goneril, we are able to deduce that the deaths of Cordelia and Caliban most likely occurred before the birth of Goneril’s youngest daughter Ariel (who is a toddler at the start of the game with four days to go until childhood), but after the birth of Goneril’s middle daughter Desdemona (who is a child at the start of the game with six days to go before she reaches her teen years).
Cause of Death (Shakespeare): In King Lear, Cordelia is hanged before she could be pardoned. Caliban does not die in The Tempest, rather he is pardoned by Prospero after preparing his cell, though it is ambiguous whether he left the island with the rest of the cast.
Cause of Death (Sims): Both Cordelia and Caliban died due to a fire.
Other Information: We can safely assume that Cordelia Capp was likely against the Capp/Monty feud due to the image where she appears saddened by the quarreling patriarchs. Also, for some reason, Kent Capp does not seem to possess any memory of his sister dying.
What is significant about their shared cause of death?
 The cause of death for both Cordelia and Caliban being fire is significant for quite a few reasons. First of all, this further debunks Tybalt’s memory problem, as there is no way for any toddler to leave their home lot in The Sims 2, and he has no relationship with any of the neighborhood nannies. Next, given the cause of death, and the fact that their deaths were so close to each other in the memories of some of their relatives, it is likely that the two died in the same fire. This means that while Caliban may have outlived Cordelia in all the relevant memories, it would not have been by much.
 Since none of their children have any memory of there being any sort of fire, it is safe to assume, should the fire in question have occurred on their home lot, that Tybalt, Juliette, and Hermia were not present for their parents’ deaths, placing the most likely time the two died to be after 8 am at the earliest, and before 1 pm at the latest on a weekday when both Cordelia and Caliban had no other obligations. That is unless their deaths were meant to have occurred outside of their home, which opens up many new possible time frames when their deaths could have occurred.
What can we draw from their Shakespeare counterparts? 
 Unlike her Shakespeare counterpart, Cordelia Capp died in a fire rather than by hanging, so we can’t really make any connections through the method of death. That being said, we should keep in mind the circumstances, namely that in King Lear, a pardon was ordered to prevent Cordelia’s execution. With this in mind, it is possible that Cordelia died before a firefighter could have saved her. Not only that, but the charge of treason was brought upon against Shakespeare’s Cordelia because she tried to assist her father in taking back the English throne. If we take that information into account, it could very well be possible that Cordelia may have tried to save someone from the fire, only for her to die instead. 
 Unlike Cordelia, Caliban’s counterpart survives The Tempest. While it is known that Caliban does survive until the play’s conclusion, the audience is never informed whether he ended up escaping the island of his birth. In The Sims 2, we know that Caliban did not escape the fire that ultimately killed him, but he may have at first, only to go back once he realized Cordelia was still inside. This matches up quite well with Caliban from The Tempest going back to Prospero after leaving him for Stephano, especially given that it is Cordelia, rather than Caliban himself, who carries the illustrious Capp name.
Claudio and Olivia
Timeline: From the memories of their surviving relatives we are able to ascertain quite a few things regarding the deaths of the Monty couple. First of all, we know that, given Romeo and Mercutio’s memories, both Claudio and Olivia died while both sons were already teenagers. We also know that Romeo and Juliette had already become involved with one another prior to the deaths of their parents, a claim further backed up by Claudio’s biography. We also know from Patrizio and Isabella Monty’s memories that both Claudio and Olivia died after the birth of Beatrice and Benedick Monty; though, Antonio Monty’s memories provide a clearer picture by placing their deaths as having occurred after his twins reached childhood. As a result, it is likely we can ascertain that Hero Monty likely died not long after Claudio and Olivia.
Cause of Death (Shakespeare): While Claudio does not die in either Much Ado About Nothing or Measure for Measure, he is challenged to three different duels by three different men in the former and marked for execution in the latter. Olivia does not die in Twelfth Night, rather she ends the play married to Sebastian.
Cause of Death (Sims): Both Claudia and Olivia starved to death
Other Information: Antonio Monty has a memory of Olivia’s death despite being her brother-in-law, meaning it is highly likely he was present when she died.
What is significant about their shared cause of death? 
 While the significance behind the cause of death for both Claudio and Olivia isn’t as easy to figure out as their Capp counterparts, there is still quite a bit of information we can pick out of it. Unlike the fire that killed Cordelia and Caliban, Claudio and Olivia both dying of hunger means that there is a larger timeframe that we can work with. With that in mind, I believe that some of the answers we seek could easily be found in their biographies, Olivia’s in particular.
 We know that Olivia Monty was pregnant when she died, meaning her hunger meter would have decayed faster than normal. There was also a question regarding whether the upcoming birth would push her “over the edge.” Why? Well, I believe a good place to start in answering this question lies in the timeline we have already established. By looking at the memories of Mercutio and Romeo Monty, we have already deduced that both were already teenagers by the time Olivia died. With that in mind, there is a possibility that Olivia’s pregnancy could have been an accident. 
  As for Claudio, his biography states that he “wants to make his parents proud,” and then we are presented with a question asking whether he can “reconcile his son’s romance with the enemy.” While this can’t really provide a clear answer as to why Claudio starved to death, I suggest the best we can do is keep the timeframe, as well as what might have been going on in his life at that particular moment, in mind.
What can we draw from their Shakespeare counterparts? 
 While none of Claudio and Olivia’s Shakespeare counterparts died in their original works, there are some scenes that could very well draw some parallels. While Claudio didn’t die in either Much Ado About Nothing or Measure for Measure, he definitely came close in both. In the former, he was challenged to three duels: two by Hero’s kinsmen, as well as one by Benedick, the lover of one of Hero’s kinswomen, after he humiliated Hero on their wedding day. In Measure for Measure, Claudio was sentenced to death for engaging in premarital sex with his fiancée. By looking at both of these instances, it is possible that Claudio’s death in The Sims 2 could be tied to both wronging someone and/or his wife’s pregnancy. 
 Unlike Claudio’s counterparts, Olivia’s counterpart is never in any danger of dying in Shakespeare’s original play. Despite this, she does end up closing herself off emotionally due to the deaths of her father and brother. With this in mind, it is possible that her death in The Sims 2 could very well have been brought upon in part by grief.
Timeline: We know from the memories of her husband, one of her two living daughters, and the memories of her grandchildren through her deceased daughter, that Contessa died after her daughter and son-in-law. This is further evidenced as Consort and Goneril both recall her dying after the birth of Ariel, Goneril’s youngest child who begins the game on her first day of toddlerhood. Also, for some odd reason, Bianca Monty has a memory of Contessa’s death despite not being related to her. In this particular memory, she is listed as having died after Claudio.
Cause of Death (Shakespeare): Lady Capulet does not die in Romeo & Juliet. King Lear dies of despair following the death of Cordelia.
Cause of Death (Sims): Old Age
Other Information: Bianca Monty’s memory means she could have very well been present at the time of Contessa’s death. In addition, Goneril is the only one of Contessa’s living children to possess a memory of her death.
What is significant about her cause of death? 
 Out of all the deceased sims that I have talked about in this essay, Contessa Capp’s death is quite unique. Not only is she the only one of the six to have died from old age, but she is also the only one of the six who could have possibly died of old age due to being the only elder in the bunch. 
  While this might seem like a problem solved, that is not necessarily the case. While looking at Contessa’s data in SimPE, you would be able to see that she was two days younger than her husband at the time of her death. This means she would have just entered the elder stage when she died, as Consort is three days into the elder stage himself by the time you first play the Capp Manor. This hidden fact offers quite a bit of wiggle room as there is no way she would have died of old age had the game been played normally, meaning it is possible to interpret other factors being involved.
What can we draw from her Shakespeare counterparts? 
 By looking at Contessa in relation to her husband and the name of her granddaughter, it is obvious that Contessa is meant to be a stand-in for Lady Capulet. In Romeo & Juliet, Lady Capulet survives to see the end of the play, while Lady Montague does not, having died from grief after Romeo was banished from Verona. The Sims 2 takes Ladies Capulet and Montague and exchanges their fates, with Lady Montague’s counterpart being alive at the start of the game, and Lady Capulet’s counterpart dying before her lot is played. This may very well be because Lady Capulet is only one of Contessa’s several Shakespeare counterparts.
 If one looks at the names of Contessa’s children, particularly her three daughters, it is easy to see Contessa Capp as a gender-flipped King Lear. Much like how Contessa does not survive to the beginning of The Sims 2, King Lear does not survive the play bearing his name, rather he dies of despair after the death of his favorite daughter.
Timeline: By looking at the memories of her relatives, we know that Hero died after Claudio and Olivia Monty. The memories of her husband and children, in particular, point out that she died after the twins reached childhood. Given that Claudio and Olivia also died following the twins’ birthday, it is likely that Hero might not have lived much longer after her in-laws died.
Cause of Death (Shakespeare): While Hero does not die in Much Ado About Nothing, she does fake her death until she is cleared of the charges of adultery against her.
Cause of Death (Sims): Unknown, but, as stated in my previous essay, I do believe it may have been by drowning due to the fate suffered by the mythological Hero.
Other Information: Antonio’s biography mentions that he is determined to get to the bottom of her death, which may have been a result of the Capp/Monty feud, while Benedick’s biography states that he may be the one to solve the mystery of her death. Also, Romeo and Mercutio have memories of Hero dying, an anomaly among their generation in Veronaville, meaning it is likely they were present at the time of her death.
What can we draw from her Shakespeare counterpart?
 Hero is definitely an interesting case among this bunch, as she is the only one of the six who does not have a specific cause of death in-game. In Much Ado About Nothing, Hero does not die, but she does fake her death. Could it be possible that she did the same thing in The Sims 2? If this is the case, it would likely not have been for the same reason. In Much Ado About Nothing, Hero faked her death after Claudio accuses her of being unfaithful at their wedding. In The Sims 2, Hero is described as being Antonio Monty’s “one true love” in the latter’s biography, as a result, it is unlikely that she could have faked her death due to such an accusation. However, Antonio’s biography offers an alternative reason she may have done so, namely the Capp/Monty feud.  
  However, as mentioned in my previous essay regarding her death, I believe it is unlikely that this incarnation of Hero is alive somewhere for three reasons:
Unlike Hero from Much Ado About Nothing, there is no evidence that anyone in Veronaville had any knowledge should Hero Monty have planned to fake her death, rather everyone seems to treat her as being dead.
Most of the Montys possess a memory of her death, and those who do not remember her dying have absolutely no relationship with her in any of their relationship panels.
Unlike Bella Goth, who is clearly shown to be alive on the Goth family tree despite not being visible in Pleasantview, Hero’s portrait in the Monty family tree is clearly greyed out a la other deceased sims. In addition, Bella Goth can be added to a household by using the boolprop cheat, whereas Hero cannot unless you recreate her from scratch, or use something like SimPE (a third party program).
 From looking at the information we gathered so far, we can try to put together a complete timeline of deaths.
 As stated above, we know the order of deaths for the separate families, but here, I will try to assemble a timeline that I feel fits the closest with both the information that has been provided and my personal Veronaville narrative. Keep in mind that much of this timeline reflects my theory about these deaths, so while I will offer some explanation as to why I believe certain deaths fit into certain slots, I will also provide further reasoning later in the next section for elements that are not directly related to my placements here. 
  The majority of the information listed below is not canon to the original game, so keep that in mind and read this with a grain of salt.
Death #1: Cordelia Capp
While the first to go is rather ambiguous, I personally believe that Cordelia being the first of the six to die fits the best for my theory. We know that she died in a fire alongside her husband Caliban, but we do not have any real proof from the game that she and her husband outlived their Monty counterparts, especially given the myriad of ways one can play a neighborhood. That being said, given the fact that she died in between the births of two of her nieces, as well as before her daughter Hermia became a teenager, it is likely more logical to assume that she and Caliban were meant to die before their Monty counterparts in the Veronaville timeline.
Death #2: Caliban Capp
Since we know that Cordelia died before Caliban in what was likely the same fire, it is safe to assume that Caliban just barely outlived his wife.
Death #3: Claudio Monty
As stated in his biography, it seems like Claudio had a lot on his plate before he died. According to his biography, he always wanted to make his parents happy, yet he had to deal with the fact that his son has become involved with a member of the enemy family. On top of that, should we assume Olivia’s pregnancy was unplanned, he likely found himself having more to deal with than he would otherwise. But what could have been the coup de grâce that ended up causing him to neglect his most important need? From what I have posted up above, I believe it just might have been the deaths of Cordelia Capp and her husband. 
When a feud lasts as long as the Capp/Monty feud, odds are the entire town knows about it. If something shady happens to one family, you can probably assume that the townsfolk will immediately suspect the other family of any wrongdoing. If this is the case, not only did Claudio Monty feel the need to make his parents proud, he also had to deal with the reality of his son’s first romance, his wife’s pregnancy, and on top of all that, potentially being accused of a crime that he may-or-may-not have committed. With all four of these facets playing out in his life, he may have found himself too busy and/or stressed out to eat, which ended up taking his life.
Death #4: Olivia Monty
Personally, I believe Olivia and Claudio’s deaths were more spread apart than their Capp counterparts. I don’t think Olivia died immediately after Claudio, but I don’t think she lasted much longer. 
Olivia’s biography does not contain any reference to the Capp/Monty feud, but that being said, I believe it tied directly into Claudio’s death. As stated above, I believe Claudio had a lot on his plate by the time he inevitably died, and one of those things was Olivia’s pregnancy, which may have been unplanned depending on your interpretation. I believe part of the reason that Olivia was able to avoid being pushed over the edge may very well have been because Claudio was around and his presence might have been reassuring to her. 
However, once Claudio died, Olivia would lose that secure safety net, and as a result, she could have stopped eating. Olivia not eating, combined with her accelerating need decay due to pregnancy, could have very well caused her to die much sooner than she otherwise would have.
Death #5: Hero Monty
I have seen arguments stating that Hero was likely the last of the six to die, and while that is certainly possible, I personally have a different interpretation.
By looking at the general timeline assembled from the memories provided, we know for sure that, much like Claudio and Olivia, she died after her twins became children. Given that Beatrice and Benedick are both halfway through the child life stage when you first play Antonio’s family, odds are her death likely occurred not long after both Claudio’s and Olivia’s depending on your personal play style.
Final Death: Contessa Capp
Given the memories provided by members of the Capp family, we know that Contessa Capp at least outlived her daughter and son-in-law. As stated above when discussing the errors found in both Juliette and Bianca’s memories, the errors present in both cases don’t really give any sort of definitive answer as to whether she died before or after the Montys, so her placement, along with those of the Monty family, is basically left up to interpretation. 
As for me, I tend to look at this conundrum from more of a narrative angle, specifically which death of the four would be more impactful to the neighborhood as a whole. Would it be the death of the Monty patriarch’s son, one of his daughters-in-law or the death of the Capp matriarch herself?
While all three of the Montys who died all have their importance to Veronaville, the fact of the matter is that none of their deaths would alter both the neighborhood and familial dynamics to the same degree as the death of Contessa Capp. While Claudio may have been the son of a patrilineal family’s patriarch, the possible impact his death could have caused cannot even come close to Contessa’s, as she was the matriarch, the center, of a matrilineal family.
Putting Together my Theory 
 My theory may be a bit of a stretch given the way the game was programmed, however, I do find it interesting and I thought it would be fun to share. Like I already mentioned, please take this with a grain of salt, none of what I am about to say is endorsed by the powers that be, rather it is just the ramblings of a simmer with way too much time on her hands and a lot of Veronaville feelings. 
 One thing I found rather interesting is, despite the Montys being a well off family of chefs, there is absolutely no evidence of any Monty-owned establishment in Veronaville. This is likely in part because restaurants were not introduced until the Nightlife expansion pack, and the opportunity for your sims to own a community lot was not available until Open for Business. However, this theory takes the lack of a Monty owned restaurant into account, even if there is no such thing in Veronaville when you load the game, that doesn’t mean it was never there in the first place. 
 With that little preface out of the way, this is my theory: 
 Cordelia Capp was never a fan of the generation-spanning feud between the Capps and the Montys. She never could understand why her father and Patrizio Monty always needed something to fight about, nor did she want to. The final straw, however, was that her daughter might not be afforded the same luxury she had of being able to marry for love, all because of the bad blood between the two families. As a result, her brother, who was also anti-feud, ended up connecting her with his good friend Bianca Monty, and the two eventually planned to meet at the Monty family restaurant in order to discuss ideas on how to end the feud once and for all. 
 On the day of the meeting, Cordelia, along with her husband Caliban, arrived at the restaurant. Not long before they arrived, the restaurant’s sous chef, Claudio Monty, received a call from his wife, causing him to leave work early. Before he left, however, he placed prep cook Hero Monty in charge. Unfortunately, Claudio’s decision to return home to his wife would have deadly consequences, as Hero received a call from a local society dame to cater for her daughter’s wedding. Wanting to get her name out there and prove to her husband’s family that she has what it takes to be a sous chef, Hero jumped at the opportunity and went home to prepare a bowl of Italian Wedding soup, not realizing that she left one of the burners on in the restaurant. 
 Bianca Monty had still not arrived by the time the fire went off, though Contessa Capp, her husband, and their two other daughters caught a glimpse of the blaze outside while shopping nearby. Contessa, already aware of Cordelia’s intentions to meet with Bianca Monty beforehand, rushed over to the burning building as fast as she could. While most of the patrons left the restaurant in a panic, Cordelia, always the kind of person to help others, instead ran off to the kitchen to make sure the staff was okay. 
  By the time Caliban got outside, he realized his wife was nowhere to be found, and rather than secure his safety, he ran back into the burning restaurant to look for her, despite pleas from Goneril and Regan to wait for help to arrive. After not seeing her in either the dining room or the bathroom, Caliban knew there was only one place he had yet to check, the kitchen. Upon walking into the kitchen, however, he found Cordelia on the floor not too far from the fiery inferno that emerged from the stove. When he saw death’s visage looming above her, his worst fears were realized, and it wasn’t much longer until he too died of smoke inhalation. The firefighters arrived at the restaurant too late, but they were able to obtain what was left of both Cordelia and Caliban and deliver their remains to an inconsolable Contessa Capp. 
 Bianca arrived at the restaurant shortly after the firefighters arrived on the scene. She was informed that, while most of the patrons and the entirety of the staff made it out alive, the fire ended up claiming two victims. Claudio, having been confronted by the police a few hours after he arrived home, was already made aware of the deaths of Cordelia Capp and her husband. Once Bianca revealed her intention of meeting with Cordelia at the restaurant, Claudio snapped at her, realizing that not only did she bring a Capp into their family restaurant, but that in doing so, she could very well have ruined his reputation in one fell swoop. This was the last time either of them spoke to one another, and by the time Claudio died, their relationship had still not been patched up. While Bianca would continue to visit Claudio’s home, it was never by his invitation, rather she would tag along with her parents in order to visit her nephews. 
 The deadly events that occurred at the Monty family’s restaurant were on the front page of every newspaper, magazine, and the top story on every Veronaville news program. As more information came out, many of the townspeople, as well as the Capp family themselves, began to point fingers at the Monty family, particularly Claudio Monty, who was supposed to be in charge of the kitchen on the day of the fire. The exceptions to this were the neutral Summerdreams, who saw the whole thing for what it truly was, a horrible accident. 
 The deaths of Caliban, and especially Cordelia, at the Monty establishment, enraged Consort and Contessa Capp, as well as their two surviving daughters, Goneril and Regan. Tybalt Capp, the oldest child and only son of Cordelia and Caliban, became much more aggressive towards the Monty boys. Upon learning the circumstances of his parents’ deaths, he attacked Mercutio Monty at the Veronaville Marketplace before they were separated by police intervention. Cordelia and Caliban’s older daughter, Juliette, found comfort in Romeo Monty and did not blame him for what happened as there was no way he could have had anything to do with the tragedy. That being said, she did blame his father Claudio for not being there to prevent the fire, as well as his aunt Bianca for being the one who invited her mother to lunch in the first place. Younger daughter Hermia was not so lucky and fell into a deep depression that lasted into adolescence. The children of Goneril and Albany Capp did not really react to the deaths of their aunt and uncle, it was almost like they never knew what happened. Their daughter Miranda was old enough to grasp the concept of death, but she didn’t seem to notice because she was too busy acting out as a result of her parents having yet another baby. Their younger two children, Hal and Desdemona, were both too young to understand. Kent Capp, who had known about the meeting beforehand, was unable to accept the loss of his favorite sister and coped by denying it ever occurred in the first place. 
 At the time of the fire, Claudio had not been sleeping much at night. He always worried whether he would be able to make his parents proud of both his hard work and his beautiful family, but ever since his son Romeo became closer to Juliette Capp, Claudio became more and more doubtful that he could live up to their standard. If that wasn’t hard enough, he and Olivia got a little too frisky one night, and Olivia ended up pregnant. While this was something they would have been ecstatic about a few years ago, they were both at a point where they weren’t looking to have any more children, especially since Claudio had started taking more responsibilities at the family restaurant, and their sons had started working part-time as well. While the unplanned pregnancy was hard on Claudio due to the horrible timing, it was even worse on Olivia. On the day of the fire, Olivia had called Claudio in a panic after she had accidentally eaten some spoiled food, and Claudio had gone home because he wasn’t having much luck calming her down over the phone. 
 When word got back to Patrizio and Isabella Monty that Claudio had abandoned his post, they expressed their disappointment. They understood and appreciated his dedication to his family, but they told him that he should have contacted them to make sure Olivia was okay and kept working instead. After this, Claudio buried himself in his work in order to drown out the gossip. When he was home, he found himself spending most of his time taking care of his wife and making sure his sons kept out of trouble to such a degree that he ended up neglecting his own needs. It wasn’t long until one night, he collapsed upon arriving home from work and died on the front lawn. Despite his mother rushing outside to plead for her son’s life, she did not make it out before the Grim Reaper took out his phone. 
 At the time of her husband’s death, Olivia had been cared for by Claudio’s parents and siblings whenever he was away. Upon hearing of her husband’s passing, she fainted in shock. While Bianca, Patrizio, and Isabella had left before morning to get Claudio’s affairs in order, Antonio remained behind to help his nephews take care of their mother. Despite all three of them attending to Olivia, she refused to eat anything and died less than twenty-four hours later, taking her unborn child with her. 
 The deaths of Claudio and Olivia Monty were the catalysts that set Hero’s death into motion. Following Claudio’s death, one of the waiters at the Monty family restaurant had revealed to some friends that Hero had been left in charge by her brother-in-law on the day of the fire. Since Veronaville was fairly small, news spread fast and word eventually made its way to the Capp family. After receiving numerous phone calls from the Capp Manor after Claudio and Olivia were laid to rest, Hero ended up drowning. The first person to find her body was her son Benedick. Not long afterward, the rest of the household piled in, along with Patrizio, Isabella, Mercutio, and Romeo Monty, all of whom were at Antonio’s home when Hero’s body was discovered. Antonio later discovered the Capp Manor’s phone number on his phone’s history, but he could not track down any messages that the Capps might have left. 
 Shortly after Bianca Monty moved out of the Monty Ranch to make room for her orphaned nephews, she received a call from Contessa Capp. After exchanging a few calls, the two of them agreed to meet at the Capp Manor on a day when Contessa’s husband and orphaned grandchildren, who were taken in by Contessa and Consort following Cordelia and Caliban’s death, would have been out of the house, with Kent acting as a third party. They also agreed that their meeting should end before Contessa’s grandchildren arrived home from school due to Tybalt’s aggressive behavior. In between the time that Contessa first made contact and Bianca visited the Capp Manor, the two secretly kept in contact with Kent acting as their messenger. 
 During Bianca’s visit, Contessa told her that Cordelia had grown tired of seeing the two families go after one another, which is something her daughter made no effort to hide from her. She told Bianca that once Juliette told Cordelia about her feelings for Romeo, Cordelia was not only supportive but decided that she would do whatever it took to end the feud once and for all, so her daughter could pursue a relationship with him without fear of repercussion from either side. The day before her death, Cordelia had confided in Contessa about her meeting with Bianca at the Monty family restaurant, and that, despite Contessa’s protests that Bianca could have been luring her into a trap, Cordelia had already made up her mind to go ahead with the meeting. 
 Contessa then expressed to Bianca that, upon first hearing of Cordelia’s death, she believed that her daughter was indeed tricked. However, upon speaking privately with Kent, she learned otherwise. That being said, she still expressed that while she wanted her granddaughter to be happy, she thought it would be for the best to separate her from the Montys as much as possible due to the rising tensions. After she finished telling Bianca her story, Contessa went to the kitchen to make some tea, and not long after stepping foot into the dining room, she collapsed with a loud thud. Bianca and Kent then carried the old woman into her room, and once inside, Contessa, her voice faint, asked the younger woman and her son to place her on the couch next to her daughter’s remains. After calling an ambulance, Kent returned to the master bedroom, where he and Bianca resolved to wait with the Capp matriarch until help arrived. They tried to make conversation with her for a few minutes before Contessa looked towards the corner of the room and called out the name of her deceased daughter. After that, she closed her eyes for the final time. 
 After Contessa died, Bianca realized that it was almost one o’clock in the afternoon, the time when Contessa’s grandchildren were expected to arrive home from school. She managed to flee mostly unseen, however, her escape was spotted out of the corner of Juliette’s eye. 
 Unlike the deaths of Cordelia and Caliban Capp, Contessa’s death was much quieter due to there being no obvious links to the feud. Contessa’s widower, Consort, was absolutely beside himself. According to him, Contessa had never been the same after Cordelia died, and no matter how much he tried to console her, she would always talk about wanting to be with her daughter again. Though he knew Contessa was deeply saddened by their daughter’s death, he never in his worst nightmares imagined that the resulting despair would end up claiming her life. He ended up telling Goneril Capp of Contessa’s death, but couldn’t bring himself to inform Regan due to his struggle to process what happened. Regan later learned of her mother’s fate from her husband, who was informed by Goneril via a phone call. While he was present for his mother’s death, Kent reacted to it the same way he reacted to Cordelia’s passing, by denying it ever occurred in the first place in order to cope with the loss. Tybalt, Juliette, and Hermia Capp were all saddened by their grandmother’s passing as well. Tybalt once again became more aggressive, while Hermia, who had just come out of her previous depression, fell into another one. Juliette, well, she continued to seek comfort in Romeo.
Recapping my Theory 
 My theory doesn’t really follow in-game logic as much as I would like, but I think it matches up pretty well with the information provided by the game, as well as taking inspiration from parts of the relevant Shakespeare works. While I did try to implement all the information I mentioned previously into my theory, I also added some references to information that I did not touch upon, but could easily see being tied back to these six deaths. 
  For example, if one looks at Juliette Capp’s relationship panel when you first play the Capp Manor, you would see that she considers Bianca Monty an enemy. In my theory, I tried to hint as to why I think she might feel that way. 
  To sum it up: here’s a quick recap on how I consider each of these six sims to have met their ends:
Cordelia—Died of smoke inhalation in a restaurant fire after checking to see if the staff was okay.
Caliban—Died of smoke inhalation after going back into the burning restaurant and finding his dead wife in the kitchen.
Claudio—Starved to death due to great stress brought upon by maintaining family standards, parenting woes, his wife’s pregnancy, trying to ignore the aftermath of the fire, and ultimately overworking himself.
Olivia—Starved to death less than a day after her husband died due to the stress of her pregnancy and the fear of being all alone with three children.
Hero—Drowned after receiving countless calls from the Capp Manor.
Contessa—Died of premature old age brought upon by intense grief following the death of her daughter in the aforementioned restaurant fire.
Final Thoughts 
 While Veronaville is my favorite of the premade neighborhoods in The Sims 2, I will be the first to admit that the neighborhood is an unfinished mess in many regards (conflicting memories, conflicting ages, borked sims, etc.). That is why I think it is important to take a closer look at each of these things that are often overlooked by many members of The Sims 2 fandom. A lot of people seem to gravitate more towards Pleasantview and Strangetown, which is understandable, both of those neighborhoods are a lot of fun and offer interesting narratives. That being said, as someone who enjoys Shakespeare, and has since middle school, I think it’s quite a shame that Veronaville isn’t talked about more among members of the fanbase. 
 It is because of these facts that I wanted to write about Veronaville both in regard to the information provided by the game, and in the context of Shakespeare’s original plays. There are a lot of interesting parallels to be found in many respects if you look closely at both, and that especially rings true for the deaths of these six sims (though my take on Hero’s takes more from classical mythology than Shakespeare canon). While some of these instances are contradictory, there are others that match up quite well, and I hope I was able to convey that here for all of you.
  Thank you so much for reading this essay. This was actually the essay that started the Veronaville Vault in the first place, and I am happy to finally share it with all of you. It was through this essay that I decided to look beyond what can be found in-game, and look to Shakespeare and other relevant sources for information.
  As some of you might have guessed, this is the larger essay that was mentioned in my entry regarding Hero Monty’s death. Much of what was found in that essay was originally in this one, but I ended up adding that information to that one because this essay was already hella long.
  Once again, thank you so much for reading. If you enjoyed, feel free to like and reblog this post. Also, feel free to talk to me about this topic, as well as other aspects of Veronaville, whenever you feel like it. As someone with way too many feelings about this neighborhood, I'm always up for a discussion.
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aki-draws-things · 5 years
So, so, your writing is awesome, so if u still want prompts, can you do "please don't leave me" for Tyris? Have a good day!
First of all, thanks for the ask. And for asking for those two boys~Second, I used my “Beauty and the Capulet” AU setting, wich means, as I wrote before, in Tybalt being actually cursed and the Escalus family having magic. The actual story would end up in a kind of ot3 including Mercutio too. Here is just threw in there without getting explicit. Also, valentine is the sweetest and most dangerous. and loves his knives, the kid.
@badthingshappenbingoPrompt: Please don’t leave meFandom: Romeo et julietteShip: Tyris [Paris/Tybalt]
Tybalt was beginning to hate the toll magic always took in its user.
He saw Mercutio sit on a bench, staring blankly for almost one full hour after a little trick he did to make fun of Romeo and suddenly turn his hair a bright Montague Blue. Not much compared to other but he could see him tired.
He saw Valentine having to lay in bed for hours after healing a wound on his brother’s arm, a flesh cut that would heal on its own in a week at most. He didn’t have to but did it anyway.
He saw the Prince hiding with black gloves his hands, he saw the burnt fingertips, burns expanding slowly with every time he used physical magic. He wondered if it ever hurt. Somehow he was sure it did.
He saw Paris–
Paris was reckless. More than everyone in Verona could think, more than his family could imagine, and they had a big imagination. Tybalt saw him, he saw his naked body and felt guilty for each and every scar on it. It was supposed to be perfect, just like Paris always presented himself. Not scarred or covered in black veins starting from his heart. He remembered the day he saw it happen the first time but he also thought it would stop Paris for acting like that again. Oh, how wrong he had been. How naive.
“I’m sorry…” Tybalt whispered kneeling on the dirty street, Paris carefully laid on his legs. “It’s my fault again… I’m sorry.” He caressed his face bringing the attention back on himself when he saw him drifting away. “Why did you do it?” He asked.
He knew he should take him home so that Valentine could help him, he just found him too heavy to carry, at least when almost unconscious.
“Would have harmed you.” His voice was low, so low it almost got lost in the wind, it wasn’t the answer Tybalt wanted, but it was the truth.
He coughed and turned his head on the side, blood coming from his lips, thick and dark, not red, just dark, almost black. The veins were now visible on his neck, probably his shoulder too, it was getting worse.
“I could fight. You didn’t have to use magic.” Tybalt tried again, he knew how pointless all of this was, but still he tried.
“Wanted to. I promised.” Every word hurt, Tybalt knew, and yet there was nothing he could do for him, nothing but keeping his head on the knees and trying to give him some comfort until he was strong enough to move. It could be hours, not that he cared. He would get better, he always did.
“Well then promise me you won’t do it again.” Definitely, that the most pointless thing he could ask him. Paris laughed. And coughed. And trembled in his arms.
“I can’t, my rose. You can’t ask the sun not to rise. Or the stars not to come out at night. Or–”
“Then I’ll take them down from the sky. - Now, now he sounded like a pouting child, he knew it. He just couldn’t help himself. - Promise you won’t try to save me again. Swear to me. ” He hissed tucking back the ears on his head.
Paris hand raised slowly, caressing the soft ear before falling on the ground with a sigh, all color drained from his face. Everything, but the dark veins and the black blood.
“Paris? Ehi, no no… Please…” He took his face in the hands and turned him up to see him, his eyes were almost closed. “Please no… Stay with me. Paris please. Please don’t leave me, please…” He begged, the hood that covered his head had fallen some time during that past minutes on the street but there was no way one could see the ears, not while so tucked against the head, hidden by the hair. And why caring for what could be a trick of the dying light of the sun when the kin of the Prince laid on the streets? No one would notice them anyway.
It was only by chance that it was Mercutio, in the end, who find them. - Later, much later, Tybalt would learn of a connection between their magic. Not exactly like a beacon, but somehow they could feel Paris’ magic lowering and followed the signal. Or whatever that was. He would learn it, not fully understand it. -
“That idiot…” Was Mercutio’s only comment before helping Tybalt carry him back at the Palace.
“Magic has a price. - Tybalt lowered his gaze when the Prince spoke, he focused only on the hand he held tight in his as a soft glow embraced Paris. - We all pay it. But sometimes…” The young Capulet didn’t notice his look getting softer as he looked at them. “Sometimes it’s worth it.”
“You scared him. You big asshole. You scared Tybalt.” Paris held his cousin’s gaze sitting on the bed, his back against the pillow. “again. And again. And again. God, Paris… I hate you.” Mercutio sounded positively exasperated. Not angry, just – well, maybe just a tiny bit angry.
“I know, I’m sorry, I never meant to. I –”
“Save it. You’re an idiot who will get himself killed. I really don’t see what the hell he sees in you.” Paris chuckled tiredly.
“Sometimes I don’t see it either, if that comfort you.”
“Stop it before you get yourself killed.”
“If it’s for him then it’s worth it. Even dying.”
They went on, and on, and on, but their voices disappeared for Tybalt, his mind stuck on Paris’ words.
“Don’t… - He begged to himself sliding down against the wall next to the door, tears falling down his cheeks. - Please don’t, Paris… Please…”
Ten minutes later, or maybe five, or twenty, Tybalt didn’t know for sure, it was Valentine who found him still sitting on the floor, crying silently. One hand slid to the golden dagger at his hip.
“Whatever those two in there said I’m going to cut off their tongues, I swear to God.”
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salmon2245 · 4 years
Rewrite the Stars
Romeo et Juliette fanfic
Paris/Benvolio, Romeo/Juliet, Mercutio&Tybalt mentioned in the background
The Greatest Show au
Characters based on R&J French musical 2018 China tour
Translated from Chinese. Apologize for any grammar mistakes cause I suck at it.
Feel free to ask me anything
    It all started with Juliet's unreasonable little wish.
    Tired of high-end restaurants, classical music concerts and art exhibitions in museums, Paris's fiancée decided to go to the eastside of the city for a popular circus show on her next date.
    Can you imagine? circus! Only Juliet dared to make such a request to him. Paris, the youngest son of the Escalus, being a play actor more like a hobby than a job. And the kind of performance that only high-class families can afford to enjoy. After his marriage with Miss Capulet, he will have to inherit the huge industry of his family as his real living method.
    Considering of his status as well as his own occupation, he naturally put himself and the circus on the opposite side. Even if the performance of the now more than famous Circus has been discussed all over the streets, he has never thought of stepping into that low-level entertainment site. However, lady first, since his fiancée made such a request, Paris has no reason to refuse. It was just an innocuous circus show, he thought, just a date as usual.
    He likes Juliet. Miss Capulet is as sweet, kind and clever as people say. He certainly appreciates such kind of girls, but what outsiders don't know is that Juliet is far from the virtuous wife they need who can be pushed around by her man. So Paris won't treat her like his wife-to-be. Juliet doesn't love him. Paris knew that very well. He didn't care about spending the rest of his life with such a perfect girl, but Juliet herself obviously is waiting for a gentleman who she is willingly to give up everything for.
    Before that, they will just allow their parents to match a couple who certainly don't fit together. Anyway, their lives are already trapped like this, and there is no other bird in the cage to accompany them.
    Juliet didn't like holding Paris's arm. Except where she had to do this. She prefers to drag Paris through the crowd, and often when Paris turned around, the girl is nowhere to see. When she appeared again, Juliet shoved the propaganda poster she had bought after the ticket into Paris's arms, pointed to the black silhouette with excitement and said, "Look, it’s the trapeze!"
    Paris frowned and flattened the ink-rich poster. He checked his shirt to make sure there isn’t any ink trace. He saw the two little men pointed by his fiancée's finger. "It must be interesting." Paris nodded in concurrence.
    It turns out more than just fun.
    When the two trapeze actors made their final appearances, Juliet squeezed his hands. Paris is incompatible with the noisy surroundings. He embarrassedly lowered his head and played with his pocket watch all the time. He lifted his head feeling the pain caused by Juliet on his hand, and right at that moment, he saw the most breathtaking scene that he had seen in his short life. A brown-haired boy hung upside down on a swing and flew towards him with a gentle and confident smile. When Paris thought he could reach him with a hand, he fell back and accelerated. He doesn't have wings, right? Or is he actually an angel with beautiful wings on his back, and Paris as a stupid mortal has no right to see the white feather? He knew the circus were all freaks, but this was different from what he imagined.
    "Who is that?" He asked.
    Juliet let go of his hand and pulled out a poster sheet that had been folded into a small piece. In the dim light of the auditorium, she was struggling to identify the small line below the picture.
    His fiancée told him: "It's Montague brothers."
    Juliet showed extraordinary enthusiasm for the circus in the east of the city. The following month, she took Paris to the circus performance three times, and made an excuse to leave when the third performance was about to end. She told Paris: "The housekeeper will come to pick me up, I’m sorry you have to go back alone, sir. Forgive me."
    Even though it was an engaged relationship, Juliet still called him sir of Mister but not his name. Well, Paris doesn't care. He figured out the names of the trapeze brothers at the ticket seller today, the one who flew to Paris is the older brother Benvolio. He wonders if it was a coincidence that he and Juliet always buy the seat close to the trapeze show every time.
    Paris found that he had already begun to appreciate this critic's farce. The surrounding audience was infected with this pure happiness, they exclaimed, laughed loudly, and even stood up and danced at the final climax! He had never seen such a scene in his own performance before, and this wonderful experience made him overwhelmed. The most important thing is that every time the flying boy swayed in front of his eyes, Paris's heart seemed to stop beating, he held his breath unconsciously, catching the flashing light in the maroon pupils.
    The show is over, Juliet probably has already gone back, and Paris walked out of the theater somewhat dreamily. The carriage he had hired would arrive later, he thought he would go to the park after show with Juliet as usual, and he was left alone with nothing to do but wait. He lit a cigarette, standing against the wall and couldn't help recalling the trapeze actor named Benvolio. Paris hasn’t figure out what was special about that boy, he was a circus actor, Paris’ worst counterpart. But he smiled so nicely that he seemed to be the most free bird in his flying posture. Paris couldn't see the chains on his body, and Paris himself had always been with them.
    "Mr. Escalus?"
    The lighted cigarette was dyed because he didn't get two sips, the burning feeling on his fingertips brings him back and he turned his head. The face that had been seen on the stage several times reached his eyes.
    Paris did not expect that the person who had just disturbed his mind would suddenly appear beside him. He hesitated before responding and asked him, "Do you know me?"
    Benvolio tilted his head and looked at him with a funny look, and asked, "Can anyone in this city not know you? The most famous young actor, you can be on the newspaper just because of your engagement!"
    "I'm not saying that I want to be in the newspaper like this," Paris shrugged a little helplessly. "You know; the reporters just don't want to let me go."
    "Yeah, what a big piece of cake you are!" Benvolio said and patted Paris's arm with the back of his hand. Wow, he mumbled that it was quite strong.
    Paris took out a new cigarette and handed it to Benvolio. He pushed back with a smile: "I don't smoke, besides the flying performance, the circus also needs me to sing."
    Paris didn't notice, Benvolio also participated in the collective song and dance performance of the circus, but there were too many people at that time, and he couldn't tell which voice belonged to him.
    He knew that singers have to protect their throats, feeling embarrassed, Paris took the cigarette back, thinking about it and saying, "Your performance ... is very interesting, although I can’t actually get it from a professional perspective. Proper words to describe ... "
    "Are you happy?" Benvolio interrupted him.
    "Well," Paris agreed, "yes. I believe I am. Happy."
    "This is what we hope to achieve, Mr. Escalus," the boy smiled at him again. "We are a circus, which just need everyone to be happy, happiness is the most important thing."
    "Call me Paris." He raised an eyebrow. Why do people like to call him Mister that much, it sounds a bit of distanced?
    "Well, then my name is Benvolio," Benvolio reached out to him, Paris shook his hand, and felt several rough cocoons in the acrobat's palm. "Next time you come to the circus, try to find my sound will you?"
    In fact, every time he came to the circus, he thought it would be the last time, at least he believed so. Moreover, Juliet left the scene early today. The girl might have finally lost interest in this circus thing, and he would never come see the circus alone. Even so, Paris nodded.
    Romeo removed his bandages that help to protect his hands and feet in their small dormitory. Banvolio pushed the door open. His brother was lying on the bed, holding the bandage, apparently thoughts lost in somewhere else. Benvolio tugged him on his shoulder. With a bounce, Romeo patted his chest in guilty conscience, and asked, pretending to be okay, "Where have you just been, brother?"
    Benvolio sat down next to Romeo's bed and slipped off his shoes. "I ran into a big bug at the exit of the theater, and just talked to him by the way."
    "Which big bug?"
    "Oh, you won’t believe me," Benvolio sneered. "The famous drama actor Paris Escalus, never seems to be the one who come for circus."
    Romeo's expression seemed like he has just crewed a fly, he swallowed hard and asked: "Is that Mr. Escalus who recently engaged?"
    "Yeah, what's the name of his fiancée ..." Benvolio helped Romeo remove the bandages and put them away, then turned around to arrange the clothes they left at the end of the bed, while racking his brain he remember, "Juliet or something, right? I don't remember the last name."
    Romeo's face was even more pale. He is lucky that Benvolio just turned his back on him at the moment, and quickly adjusted his emotions before his brother can find out.
    "I want to take a leave form rehearsal tomorrow," Romeo grabbed Benvolio's hand, "please help me to tell the boss."
    "Just take your break then, what are you so nervous about?" Benvolio looked at him confused. "Our performances during this season are all current projects, and you are already very skilled, I’m sure there won’t be any problems for one day off."
    Romeo dropped his shoulders with relief: "That's good."
    Benvolio thought about it and realized there was something wrong. He asked again, "What do you need the break for? It’s not like you have other things to do anyway."
    His brother blushed.
    "Oh," Benvolio went to slap Romeo's arm until he howled. "My little boy finally grows up, now he knows to go out with the girl and entertain himself."
    "It's a date! It's serious!" Romeo explained anxiously.
    "Date it is, whatever you say." Benvolio grinned and couldn't stop grinning. He reached out and rubbed Romeo's face, and he was still happy when his brother managed to punch his stomach.
    Before Paris realized, he bought another ticket for the circus show. For the price of a few coins, he comforted himself, watching 10,000 shows like this was nothing to him. Though he also knew that this was not about money at all.
    This time he still smoked against the corner of the theater after leaving, and Benvolio actually did appear like last time.
    "Did you hear me singing?" The flying boy hasn’t changed his costume off, just added a coat over it. Paris noticed that he was just a lean acrobat without scary large muscles, when wearing normal clothe he still looked a little thin.
    As Benvolio approached, Paris stopped his smoke.
    "No," Paris told the truth. "There are too many people, forgive me for not hearing so well."
    "And now I know that well-educated people do speak differently. Even this thing can be expressed as an apology for you," Benvolio joked. "It doesn't matter; I can sing again if you want."
    So Benvolio sang their curtain call song. Paris listened very carefully. After all, he felt depressed for not recognizing Benvolio’s voice before. He has listened to too many well-known singers. He has been invited to the Golden Hall of Vienna. The golden voices that are proud of various countries have cooperated or communicated with him, but no one sings like Benvolio.
    What magic does he have that makes people so happy? Even his expression of singing was cute, and Paris can’t stop smiling.
    On the way back, Paris couldn't help but feel tangled. Juliet didn't mention to him the circus anymore. It is likely that he would not have chance to come with his fiancée, but he still wanted to see the show. God, Paris, what’s the matter with you, he asked himself in his mind. This is a circus! You are the most promising drama actor, but let yourself indulge in this stupid joy, you let yourself corrupt, Paris, which is not a good thing.
    But ... think about Benvolio, think about this magic boy.
    Paris covered his face and suddenly realized that it wasn't just about professional dignity. Fuck, he fell in love with the flying boy.
    It doesn't matter, Juliet doesn't love you either. He comforts himself, but couldn’t feel better. Damn, hell, he really can't go to the circus anymore.
    The last time always becomes the past time.
    It wasn't until he pressed Benvolio to kiss him on the wall of the alley behind the theater that Paris realized that there would never be the last time. Benvolio felt as good as he imagined. Long-term acrobatic training gifts him the perfect figure, and apart from those tight muscles, there were always some soft places that could surprise him.
    "This is not the usual service I would offer," Benvolio paused after Paris let go of his lips, "but ... it makes you happy, right?"
    Paris nodded.
    "Well," Benvolio seemed to have made a very important decision, "keep going then."
    Although Benvolio did not seem to disagree, Paris refused to have sex in such an inconsiderate place. He took Benvolio back to his home. Juliet never came, she would only wait for him at home and have date in public places. They huddled on the king size bed where Paris always sleeps alone.
    The boy is not particularly experienced, but he is enthusiastic enough, his soft body can be put into various poses, and Paris just have extraordinary patience. Their bodies fit perfectly. Sex is generally happy. But when your sex partner is Benvolio, Paris thinks of the sleeping person in his arms, then this happiness will exceed imagination.
    The next morning, when Paris opened his eyes, Benvolio was looking at him with a smile he was already familiar with, and he said, "How much would you pay me?"
    And Paris woke up completely. He bounced, for a moment has no idea what to say: "I don't, this is not ... you ..."
    "Not what?" Benvolio also sat up. "Paris, you are already engaged. There will be a new mistress in this bed six months later."
    "I don't want to," Paris rubbed his sleepy hair. "I won't think of you as ..."
    "It's okay," Benvolio sighed. He climbed out of the bed, with the body full of marks they made last night, picked up his clothes and put them on one by one. "I know you're a good gentleman. You don't do such indecent things. At least give me some money for the carriage?"
    Paris gave Benvolio a soaring amount of unnecessary carriage money, and he watched the boy wave at him on the carriage: "Anyway, you are welcome to come and enjoy our show."
    He watched the carriage go further and further, and his heart sinks into somewhere deep undersea. Well, there can’t be pure joy in real world, welcome back to reality, Paris, you should wake up.
    He didn’t know how Romeo and his mysterious girlfriend is going. Sitting in the carriage heading east, Benvolio thought so. His body is still a bit sour. If Romeo has a "dating day" today, he can practice less without cooperating with him, which is a good thing. Benvolio just hope that Romeo doesn't fall in love with some rich young lady. Benvolio laughed out, his silly little brother, how can any rich young lady fancy him? However, it reminded him of Paris. No, Paris is different.
    Paris appears unlike what he should be at all, which annoyed Benvolio. If he was just an aristocratic master with only sperm in his head, it would be much easy to deal with. The problem is that not only is he not, but he even actually knows how to be general and kind. And probably, know how to love another soul. Benvolio finds out for the first time, that he may be unable to handle him.
    Benvolio, stop dreaming. He rubbed his arm. Who do you think Paris is? The promising young actor, the cover character of newspapers and magazines, with a fiancée who is in the perfect matched status. The only thing you can get from him is money, nothing more.
    This thought did not make him feel better. The gentle touch seemed to remain on his body. The skin he had been kissed on shoulder and neck still feels on fire at this moment. Benvolio sighed and leaned back into the seat. It's best that Romeo doesn't have a "dating day" today. He doesn't want to think about something he shouldn't think because he has too much spare time to waste.
    Before any of them came up with a solution to current situation, Mercutio makes his move. Paris was surprised to be visited by the head of the circus. He couldn't think of any reason to let the freak come to see him.
    "Oh, I'm feel my heart broken," Mercutio pouted. "Don't you remember me ... my dear nephew?"
    The head of the circus is the one who ran away from the Escalus family?
    Paris didn't expect this. He only knew that there was a rebellious relative in his family. He had abandon his family name for a long time because of disagreement. It’s been years, and Paris barely had any impression of that guy. He only remembered that he had exaggerated black long curls and swagger through the street with no shame at all.
    Alright, Paris accepted that the head of the circus was his uncle who ran away from home. And his so called uncle is actually as young as him.
    "I'm here to offer you an opportunity," Mercutio looked at him confidently. "Look what a shit you live right now! Champagne, daydreams, messy parties ... Paris, we all come from the upper class, I bet you understand how boring and disgusting that circle is more than I do. I know you came to my circus, and you have been there several times. What do you think, interested? "
    He was right. Paris's life now is totally full of shit. He has a fiancée who doesn't love him and will never love him in the future. He has a job to please those peerages. He has a family property waiting to be taken over. He also has a little trapeze in his heart. Shit's fine. Definitely a huge bag of shit.
    "Join us, maybe you can make your life more miserable, who knows," Mercutio is really not a lobbyist, "but maybe you will get some happiness, happy is the product we yield."
    Paris took over the olive branch Mercutio offered, he became a member of the circus, he knows how to pack and promote, therefore the performance became more popular, he managed to attract more audiences, who sat below watching Benvolio flying in the air.
    Paris waited for Benvolio at the back door of the theater.
    He still went to bed with Benvolio, they also talked and did some causal things together. But Paris just couldn't talk about feelings in a serious way. After all, he didn't have the qualification. Fortunately, as long as he didn't bring it up, Benvolio won’t. He used to think that he would spent the rest of his life with Juliet. If the girl doesn’t like him, it’s fine. Given that they became married as the Escalus couple by name, it didn't matter what their real life is behind that reputation. He won’t mind Juliet falling in love with any other man, he was saying, this is the freedom she had, right? All they need is a paper confirmed engagement, a pair of rings, and they can continue their own lives afterwards.
    But now, he met Benvolio. Benvolio became the biggest change in life. The boy flew into his life and shone so bright that he failed to move away his eyes. Paris couldn't help thinking about what a whole different life he will live if having Benvolio by his side ... happiness, joyful, just like the best life in the world would be.
    The stage door of the theater was in an inconspicuous corner. There were no people passing by. A few of stinky trash cans standing in the night silently not far away. Paris walks as usual, and stood still, froze. He saw someone he never thought he would meet here.
    Juliet changed her usual luxurious dress and wrapped herself in a humble dark shawl. She waited there with a light smile, her blond hair fell out of her hood and hung on the girl's red fluttering face.
    "Juliet?" Paris tentatively called his fiancée's name.
    The girl was jumped by his voice. She saw Paris, and her face was completely bloodless. She opened her mouth for a long time without saying a word, and finally whispered to him: "Mr. Escalus."
    Paris could tell that Juliet was waiting for someone, she was holding a rose in her hand. He found it hidden under her shawl subconsciously. Well, Paris understood most of it. His lovely fiancée didn't lose interest in the circus, it’s just they are not appropriate to enjoy it together anymore. Like he said, Paris didn't mind this, he calmly asked: "Are you waiting for someone?"
    Seeing no sign of angry, Juliet gave her a sigh of relief and added: "the trapeze."
    Paris froze again. "Me too," he said.
    "Pardon?" Juliet looked at him puzzled.
    "The trapeze." Paris tried to smile at her.
    Well, things are getting awkward now. Paris recalled seeing the circus for the first time, and Juliet clenched his hands unconsciously at the beginning of the trapeze show. How likely is he and his fiancée to fell in love with the same person at the same time? There was the figure of Benvolio in his mind again, remembering that he smiled mildly and asked how much he could pay him ... his thoughts began to slide away in some unclear directions, and Paris clenched his fists. He did not want to speculate maliciously others, but, but. Even if Benvolio is Benvolio, he is still a low-ranking acrobat, how he grew up, if he will fall to his knees just to survive his life, and how much loyalty had left for people at the bottom of the society like him? Paris knew nothing.
    His fiancée looks no better than him. Paris didn't know if he should comfort him or not, poor girl.
    The door opened, and the two came out laughing and joking, then both stopped.
    "Romeo?" Juliet called Romeo's name carefully, as if asking for proof.
    Benvolio looked at his younger brother, Miss Capulet, who was still conspicuous even when dressed like this, and finally Paris.
   "Fuck," he groans, "fuck."
    Romeo and Juliet no longer have their love life underground.
    After the embarrassing showdown night at the back door of the theater, the little couple seemed to be finally freed from prison, and they started their sweet and bright dates. Romeo smiled even more often, and Benvolio didn’t know this can be possible for Romeo, who already wear a silly happy face most of the time.
    The boy writes poems, draws small greeting cards on his own, and picks up his old skill in childhood for handicrafts to make various gadgets for Juliet. Benvolio is wrapped in a quilt and shrunk on the bed to see his brother sitting on the floor ambitiously making gifts, with a slight headache . Romeo, like every young man out there who fell in love, went blind and hold his heart in his hands. Benvolio couldn't help worrying about him. It’s Juliet they are talking about, the well-known young lady who got the pure blue blood. The aristocratic stratum Romeo can never climb in all his life, let alone that she was half Step into the grave of marriage.
    "Romeo, you get yourself too involved," Benvolio frowned at him, "this is not a good thing."
    "I love her, she loves me," Romeo didn't look up. "I don't think there is anything wrong. You should see how happy Juliet is with me. She is my rose, my star. I will marry her someday. "
    He raised the newly folded paper rose to his brother, and with a dreamy sweet smile on his face, Benvolio was stabbed in his heart, he grabbed the flower: "She won't marry your."
    "Why not?" Romeo was a little angry. "You don't know her. You don't get to say what kind of girl she is. Give the flower back."
    "It’s true I don’t know her," Benvolio wrinkled the paper rose in his hands without knowing it. "But I know what her family name is, and I know she has a fiancé that you absolutely can't compete with. I know what is waiting for them at the end of the year. A church wedding. Romeo, she may love you, but she won't marry you, even if she wants. "
    "I'll ask her myself, you don't speak for Juliet," Romeo snatched the paper flowers back, carefully flattening the folds. "And Paris loves you, why should I compete with him?"
    "Paris doesn't love me," Benvolio retorted without thinking. "We are just business, not love."
    "How can you think so?" Romeo looked at him in shock. "He loves you, and I can see that, you are so cruel!"
    It's not cruel or ruthless. Benvolio sighed in his heart. He began to reflect on whether he had protected Romeo so well in the years when the two brothers depended on each other, now that he became like this—simply ridiculous, unreserved, and too easy to be broken.
    Take a thousand steps back, even if Juliet really loves Romeo, and take another thousand steps ... even if Paris really loves him, this is impossible. They are trapeze, even if they are stars in the circus, even if they bring people joy and laughter, they are still the lowest entertainment practitioners when walking on the street. The job of trapeze performance is for the young. They can’t make a live by that for a lifetime. What will happen after they can no longer fly? How can they struggle to afford a roof and bread? They don’t have a future to be looking for. Mercutio gave them this home, but Benvolio knows that the good time is mean to be end. Moreover, the two trapeze brothers and Paris or Juliet, they were originally from two separate worlds.
    "She'll marry me," Romeo waved his fist violently at Banvolio. "You wait and see."
    Paris and Juliet's engagement was like a fishbone stuck in Benvolio's throat. Now he not only has to find a way to deal with his feelings for Paris, but also spread half his mind to worry about his little fool-like brother.
    The Mr. Escalus was not satisfied with just having sex with him. He invited Benvolio to see his drama performances. He took Benvolio to dinner with so much folks and knives that he couldn't figure out how to use. At least the food was delicious, Benvolio thought. He watched Paris's performance on the stage. He is another kind of star. He raised his hands and pitched his feet in an elegant and decent manner. Sometimes, Benvolio couldn't understand what he was saying. They were all in a state of contemplation. He was sleepy, and felt that it was unreasonable to fall asleep in the Grand Theater. After several too obvious yawns, the gentleman sitting beside him shoots him a glare.
    Even though he was uncomfortable staying in such a place, Benvolio persisted until the end of the show. Paris ran over to him and asked with anticipation how he performed. Benvolio smiled awkwardly, saying, "You look great."
    "This script is probably too rigid," Paris scratched Benvolio's shoulder indifferently. "After becoming a partner of the circus, I increasingly feel that such a drama is not interesting at all, your performance is the best. I’d like to see the audience laugh. You are the professor. I have tried to learn your skill for a long time and yet still making no progress at all. "
    Benvolio hums absent-minded. He followed Paris and walked out, feeling tired and sleepy as hell, worried that he would not have the strength to deal with the bedroom thing later tonight.
    However, the carriage called by Paris did not drive back to the man’s house, but instead it returned Benvolio to the dormitory where the circus lived. When the carriage stopped, he was awakened by Paris, not knowing where he is for a second. Paris walked him to the gate. Benvolio asked why he didn't return to his home.
    "I didn't really expect that you would come to see my show today," Paris hugged him. "This is a wonderful date, thank you. You have to be on stage tomorrow. Take a good rest."
    Before he could react, Paris kissed him with his face in his hands, his fingers brushed through Benvolio’s soft brown hair. Benvolio watched him leave blankly, pushing open the door of his dormitory. Romeo was doing his daily stretch before going to bed, and shocked to see him wearing the emotionless face. He ran over to support him and asked worryingly, "what happened?"
    "He said, this is a wonderful date," said Benvolio.
    Romeo didn't know where the problem was, and he asked with confusion, "Yeah, haven't you had a good date?"
    "We're not dating," Benvolio wide his eyes, "Romeo, that's the problem. We're not dating."
    "God," Romeo frowned his hair, "Benvolio Montague, don't you understand what is happening right now? You love him, he loves you, it's that simple! Bro, not I said, can’t you live even a tiny bit happier? I got tired just by looking you struggling. "
    "I do not……"
    "Don't you try to quibble with me," Romeo interrupted. "Is it that hard to follow your heart? It's just a matter of simple admission that you love him."
    Benvolio thrust his palm into his eye socket. The farce should have stopped, otherwise no matter he or Paris, no one will be able to retreat. He didn't want to end up like that. Too good memories are poison for people like him, and Paris's life can't bear such a stain.
     Critical comments appeared in the newspaper, and more and more people gathered to resist the circus performance, no matter how they shouted freaks, bullshit or social maggots, Benvolio tried to calm things down, but failed every time. From time to time, wounds appeared on Romeo’s body. Benvolio knew that they were not caused by the training. His righteous young brother always fearlessly rushed to the front of the theater to argue and protest, never really pay attention to what Benvolio used to warn him. When Benvolio is warping his wounds, the boy who used to be loud and sorrowful didn't say a word, just gnashed his teeth and let the anger grows in his heart silently.
    There is nothing Benvolio can help, and all he could do was telling Romeo to make sure he protects himself. Because of the frequent conflicts, everyone in the troupe has recently got bruises and cuts on them. Benvolio went to purchase medicines, and finally gave his mind a little time to think about Paris.
    He refused several dates to Paris for the passing weeks. But being a formal member of the circus, Paris came to the show as usual. Benvolio had already remembered where Paris was always sitting. He flew in the prescribed direction and Paris reached out to him.
I must tell him, Benvolio thought. With only two months left between Paris and Juliet's wedding, Benvolio knows that the two have begun to prepare. Juliet had complained to Romeo that there are too many cakes to taste, and the wedding invitation has been sent all over the world.
They have to stop.
    He walked back with a pack of pills and saw ominous black smoke coming out of the street. Benvolio hurried with fear, their flaming theater gradually became clear in his eyes. His friends stumbled out of it, panting awkwardly, and Romeo stood outside holding the elephant dragged by him coughing. Benvolio grabbed his arm and shouted in a mess: "Where is Paris? Where is Paris!"
    "I didn't, I didn't see him," Romeo said intermittently, shaking his head. "Mercutio, said he came to discuss the loan today."
    Benvolio looked around in a panic, and Mercutio was outside, hands supporting on the animal trainer girl to keep her from tremble--Paris was not with him.
    "Romeo!" Juliet didn't know when she came over, the girl cried and rushed into Romeo's arms, and the two clasped together, starting to control the sobbing voice. "God, gosh, you're fine, you're alive. "
    Benvolio dropped his bag and stormed into the sea of ​​fire.
    "Benvolio, come back!" Mercutio cought sight of the boy running toward the theater, and was about to pull him out. The fragile door finally collapsed after it’s long struggle in the fire, "Benvolio! "
    Romeo stood up in shock. He glanced at Juliet. Tears and sweat are all over her cheeks, but she firmly grasped Romeo's hand and nodded. However, Mercutio held him down and shouted: "You stay here."
    Their boss wrapped himself in a soaked curtain, breaking in the building through the side window.
    The fire made Benvolio's familiar theater strange. He couldn't see the path clearly and could only fumble forward with his impressions. Collapsed prop structures everywhere now became his roadblock. The thick smoke ran into his throat and he couldn't breathe. He was hurt and felt a burning pain in his body, but he kept walking inside.
    The wooden beam fell and rubbed his shoulder, Benvolio hissed in pain. He was smashed to his knees and climbed up on the hot ground. He called Paris' name, but his voice was hoarse enough that can’t make a sound. Since Paris was here to find Mercutio, he should be in the studio on the second floor ... Benvolio quickly ran towards the stairs and was hugged from behind when he stepped onto the first step.
    "Benvolio!" It was Mercutio calling him, "Get out with me!"
    "Let me go ..." Benvolio tried his best to push away Mercutio's arms around his waist, but he couldn't shake it, "Paris ..."
    "Paris is not here. He's gone to the bank!" Mercutio carried him to his shoulders without further explaining, and Benvolio struggled restlessly. Mercutio shouted at him, "I won't lie to you!"
    Mercutio ran out with him and fell out of the window at the last moment of the theatre dump. He didn’t see it when in the firing theatre, but now his vision became clear. Benvolio's shoulder and neck were burnt with flesh and blood, he carefully lowered the person, and Benvolio tried hard to open his eyes. He saw a white figure running towards him. Paris knelt beside him. For a while, his didn’t know where to place his hands. He wanted to hold the boy in his arms, but he dared not touch him anywhere. Benvolio pinched and reach out to hold his fingers, the stone in Paris’ heart finally fall. Benvolio smiled at Paris and lost consciousness.
    The rescue team called by Mercutio had arrived. They carried Benvolio on the stretcher, and the wound was urgently bandaged. Scarlet blood was still seeping through the thick gauze. Paris followed the way and they rushed to the hospital. only was left outside the operating room. Romeo and Juliet were sitting with him. Juliet grabbed Paris's hand. Romeo's eyes were terribly red. He whispered: "My brother rushed in because he can’t find you outside anywhere... I can't stop him."
    Paris closed his mouth and took a deep breath, he didn't know what to say, damn it, Paris, you're a lucky bastard, what the fuck are you still struggling with? You know he just doesn't say it.
    "I shouldn't say that, but," Romeo paused. "He loves you."
    he knows. Paris lost his words under the huge impact. He couldn't speak, then Juliet turned and hugged him.
    Suddenly something coming to his head, Paris took Juliet's arm and asked her in a pleasurable tone: "Miss Juliet Capulet, I'm sorry, I beg you to cancel our engagement."
    "I will, I will," Juliet said with tears. "I'll tell my parents tomorrow."
    "No, you don't have to," Paris interrupted her. "It was me who broke the engagement, you didn't do anything, you know what I mean. You did nothing."
    Juliet knew she needs to play the role of a victim, and even if she didn't want Paris to take all the responsibility, the man didn't care about anything now. She nodded: "I understand."
    "Thank you." Romeo also took his hand.
    Benvolio fell into a long coma, during which he had many unreasonable dreams. However, these dreams had a strange similarity. His palms were always wrapped in something warm. He was unable to lift from the swing because of his weak arms. When he fell down, there would always be some invisible force grabbed him tightly to prevent him from falling, strong and eager.
    Until one day, the warm he feels disappeared, Benvolio fell to the floor of the stage, and woke up in severe pain. The nurse told him that during his unconscious days, someone came to see him every day, held his hand and said something bland. Benvolio opened his mouth and asked when he came, only to find his voice hoarse. He reached out to rub his itchy throat, accidentally touched a pothole in the side of his neck.
    That day he saw for the first time what he looks like now. The left shoulder and neck were covered with burn scars on his arm. He had recovered more after a few weeks of treatment, but still, he trembled in the mirror and touched it. He still felt the sharp pain of being licked by the fire. Which should be a psychological effect. The muscle was inevitably injured. At first, his left hand couldn’t even hold up a cup, in the future he can only recover to a normal life under rehabilitation training. Benvolio knew he couldn't return to the stage.
    He was already asleep when Paris came to see him later, but after he woke up, Paris never showed up again. Romeo came to see him and mentioned Paris, Benvolio just avoided the topic: "I don't want to talk about this."
    Benvolio had been in a coma for too long, weeks passing by, it was time for Paris and Juliet's wedding. He was probably so busy now that he didn't have much time to see himself ... not that Benvolio wanted him to come. He had better not come. It's better not to come now for everyone, not even Romeo.
    He didn't dare to look at himself now. After confirming with the doctor that he would not be infected, Benvolio covered himself with a high-necked coat and scarf. He decided to get discharged on a cold day, and predicted to leave alone, but ran into Mercutio who is waiting at the hospital door.
    When he was hospitalized, he read the newspaper and knew that the troupe had abandoned the reconstruction of the theater. They set up a tent. As usual, Mercutio quarreled with the critic named Tybalt on the media. They won’t get up on persuading each other.
    "The contract hasn't expired yet," said Mercutio, "I'm not about to fire you."
    When found by Mercutio, the desperate Montague brothers almost signed the longest contract allowed in their careers so they could play in the circus until their retirement.
    Benvolio shook his head: "I can't fly now, can't sing, can't move the props, what do you pay for my salary? I can't even sit in the ticket office ... people will be scared away."
    "In the beginning, everyone thought that others would be scared away by themselves," Mercutio laughed. "Isn't that why I start looking for all of you in the beginning?"
    "Everyone is waiting for you to come home."
    Benvolio finally determined to leave.
    He really didn't know what else he could do, and while there was still a little deposit, most of which was he saved from Paris's carriage money, he had the opportunity to start a new life elsewhere. He knows that no one has given up on him, he just, he just doesn't know how to face these familiar people, and Paris. Fortunately, Paris will not appear in the theater now.
    Romeo respected his decision, so there was nothing else to say. Benvolio said goodbye to everyone. He packed up his few luggage, bought the midnight train ticket, and received everyone's hug.
    Paris's residence was empty at the moment. Juliet knew that he had been taken away from his house by the elders of the family. Romeo ran on the wide street with Juliet. The girl stepped on Romeo's shoulder and climbed over the wall. Romeo was outside the wall. Anxiously waiting, Juliet picked up a stone and smashed it at Paris's window.
    Dissolution of the marriage was undoubtedly a scandal. The reason why there was no news yet was because Paris was under house arrest. He cheated, had an affair, deceived his fiancée, and broke the heart of a good girl. Juliet was at Capulet's house. That two lines of tears are the best proof. The Escalus insisted on keeping their marriage relationship. They came up the solution of keeping detain Paris before the wedding, and then forced him into the church until the raw rice was cooked.
    Paris opened the window, leaned forward and asked expectantly, "Has he been discharged?"
    "Benvolio is leaving!" Juliet jumped under the windowsill anxiously. "It's the train tonight!"
    Paris then noticed that Juliet was carrying a thin bundle of rope. The girl tried it several times, and finally threw the end with the heavy weight into Paris's room. Paris fixed it and flipped out of the window. He slipped too fast, wiped his palms with two bloodstains.
    The cloak with the big hood covered him with only one face exposed. Benvolio was sitting on the platform holding the box, and he kept looking up to see the clock in the hall. Passengers passed one by one, his tickets were tucked in his pockets and soaked with sweat. Benvolio couldn't tell what he was waiting for. Benvolio thought, maybe, just a little possible, that Paris would come to him. But it was Benvolio who chose not to tell him, how could Paris know? Even if he knew, he was about to get married in a week, this was probably a sensitive time.
    Benvolio waited quietly until his train enter the station, waited until he got on, and Paris didn't show up until his train set off. He had been out of the platform for a long time, with his luggage kept between his feet. He lowered his head to study the signature that everyone wrote to him, his nose started to feel sore. The circus no longer has its own theater. They are performing in tents. They will go to perform all over the world. They will meet again, Benvolio thought. He was worried what Romeo would become of after Juliet got married. How could his brother learn to accept the reality when his elder brother left him?
    There was a gentleman coming in this deck, it seemed that he had gone the wrong way before. From the perspective of Benvolio, he could only see one leg passing by him, and then stopped and sat down opposite him. He looked at the familiar white leather shoes, felt a stinging stab in his eyes, and turned to look out of the window. The reflection from the windowpane reflected the image of the person opposite him, it’s Paris waved to him in the window: "Hi, Peter Pan."
    Benvolio turned his head in shock, and Paris smiled at him.
    "I finally caught up with you."
    You may afraid that I will sacrifice other options for this choice. But I only want to give you the second half of my life.
    You are willing to do it for me, and I am willing to do it for you.
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littlerose13writes · 6 years
Sweeter Than Fiction Chapter 3: Double Jointed
Scorpius Malfoy and Albus Potter have decided fifth year is going to be their year; the year everything works out for them, and if that means Scorpius keeping his huge crush on his best friend a secret, then that’s just what he’s going to have to do.
It’s just a crush. He can get over it well before fifth year is over, can’t he?
Chapter 3/27
Updates every Monday and Friday
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Scorpius nervously edged his way up the train, feeling guilty for leaving Albus on his own in the compartment and hoping this wouldn’t take the whole journey. He located the prefects’ carriage and nervously slid the door back, noting that he was one of the first to arrive.
“Hello Scorpius.” The Head Girl, Hufflepuff Juliette Summers, greeted him kindly. James Potter was sat beside her, his own Head Boy badge gleaming brightly.
“Sup, Scorp.” He said this accompanied with an odd sort of clicking point in Scorpius’ direction. Juliette rolled her eyes at the action and moved to greet some of the other prefects.
“Hello, James,” Scorpius replied a bit awkwardly.
“First day as a Slytherin prefect,” James said, patting the space beside him. Scorpius hesitantly sat down and nodded uncertainly. “No surprises it wasn’t Al, hey?” He nudged Scorpius’ side.
“I was surprised! Al’s brilliant!” Scorpius replied before he could stop himself. Malfoy the Platonic, remember? “Brilliant at Potions. He’s the best in our class.”
“‘Tis true, my baby brother does possess some skill with a cauldron,” James said, and Scorpius reminded himself James was joking, and that was just how he was with Albus.
“He’s a brilliant Keeper too, you know? We practised together at the beginning of the summer.”
“Did you? So did we.” James appraised him for a second and Scorpius felt like they were in strange competition over who knew Albus the best. “I think his growth spurt helped. Do you play?”
“Me? Oh, no, I prefer to just fly by myself,” Scorpius replied honestly.
By this time, the carriage had filled up with more prefects and Juliette had gotten to her feet as the noise level dropped to near silence. Scorpius spotted that Rose had indeed been made a prefect for Gryffindor. He smiled at her nervously but she wasn’t looking his way.
“Hi everyone. In case you didn’t know, I’m Juliette and this is-”
“Romeo!” James interrupted dramatically then grinned at Juliette’s annoyed expression. “Sorry Ju, I’ll let you know when that isn’t funny to me anymore. I’m James.” He gave an awkward sort of wave at all of the watching prefects.
“This is sort of a formality, so you can all meet each other, we’ll have our first proper meeting next week. Until then, your duties for today are to patrol the corridors regularly and report anything to myself or James. After the feast, fifth years, you need to show the new first years of your house to the dormitories. Sixth years, just be around to help if needed. Does everyone know each other?”
She made them take part in an awkward circle of the carriage where each person had to introduce themselves and say a ‘fun fact’. Scorpius felt himself start to worry about what his fun fact could be. The carriage was quite full and seemed airless and he felt his heart beat a little faster.
Please. Not here. Not now.
“Hi again, I’m James Potter and I’m a seventh year.” James’ voice broke through Scorpius’ feelings of overwhelm as he placed a hand kindly on Scorpius’ shoulder. “And, if he doesn’t mind, I’m going to share my fun fact with Scorpius here. Our fun fact is that we’re both double jointed.” He held out his wand hand and slipped his thumb over the back of his hand, just like Scorpius could do.
Scorpius stared at him in confusion for a second  before he realised it was his turn. “Yep, I can do that too.” He uncertainly demonstrated. “Er, I’m a fifth year and my name’s Scorpius Malfoy.” He waited for a flinch when he said his surname but none came, instead the person next to him spoke.
“You okay mate? You looked like you were going to faint just then,” James hissed into his ear and it was such an Albus thing to say that he almost felt like his best friend was sat beside him. He turned to see James’ concerned face and nodded reassuringly.
“How did you know that about me?” he hissed under his breath as a blonde, Hufflepuff sixth year introduced herself as Freya Everfall.
“Al told me of course, he talks about you all the time.” James shrugged as if this was the most obvious thing in the world, then turned back to hear the rest of what the Hufflepuff prefect had to say (apparently, she had eight brothers and sisters but she was the oldest).
Al talks about you all the time. Malfoy the Platonic reminded Scorpius that this meant nothing like what he was hoping it meant; Albus was his best friend. His own father would probably comment that Scorpius mentioned his best friend at home a lot, of course he would. Most experiences he’d had involved Albus in some way or another. It was the same thing, wasn’t it?
The circle continued until it reached Scorpius’ female counterpart for the year. It wasn’t, thankfully, one of the girls who’d called Albus ‘cold and unfriendly’ but who it was didn’t immediately calm Scorpius’ nerves.
“I’m Thea Jordan, I’m a fifth year, and I once played a Quidditch match with a broken arm and scored fifteen goals.” She beamed around the room and James looked impressed.
Thea Jordan was very popular, very pretty, very clever, very good at Quidditch and very unlikely to even know Scorpius’ name. She had sleek, black hair and dark skin with an attractive smattering of freckles which reminded Scorpius of Albus in the summer. Thea Jordan had never been one of the Slytherins who had picked on Scorpius or Albus, probably because they hadn’t even made it onto her radar of importance.
But now Scorpius would be working with her all year. The thought made him feel apprehensive.
Rose had started speaking and Scorpius watched her with interest. She had been civil towards him since he catastrophically decided to ask her out last year, given her disinterest for most of the time he’d known her, and her rejection of his request for a date last year. She was a very important part of Scorpius’ plan to make sure it really was their year. Because, if he had a crush on Rose, there was no way he could have feelings for his best friend, was there?
When she’d finished speaking, she looked back at Juliette who told them they were free to leave and not to forget about patrolling the corridors.
“Hey, Scorpius.” A voice spoke as Scorpius stepped out of the carriage and he realised it was Thea Jordan approaching him, a wide smile on her face. “How great that we’re both prefects!”
They hadn’t, as Scorpius could recall, ever even spoken before now but Thea’s words implied they had known each other years. “Yes, it is quite great.”
“Where are you sitting? Shall I come and find you to do patrols together?”
“Er, yes, good idea. I’m sitting down here, with Albus.” He gestured vaguely in the direction of where he knew Albus was sitting waiting for him.
“Albus Potter, you two are joined at the hip aren’t you?” she observed, but there was no hint of mocking in her voice. “Show me so I know where to find you.”
She followed him enthusiastically and Scorpius worried how Albus would react when he returned with Thea Jordan in tow. She didn’t seem to notice and chatted away to him about her summer as if they were close friends.
The compartment door was a little stiff when he tried to slide it open, but Albus didn’t look up at the noise. He was staring out of the window, and Scorpius noticed he was wearing his earphones and listening to something on his magical music box.
Music to Albus was what reading was to Scorpius. He rarely did anything in silence, often softly playing music in the dorm or, like he was now, tuning out the rest of the world with it playing directly into his head.
As he got the door open and entered, Albus did look up and pulled the earphones out. They hovered in mid air, chattering madly, then snapped themselves to the side of his music box so he wouldn’t lose them. He smiled at Scorpius but the smile faltered when he spotted Thea.
“Hi, Al, good summer?” she asked kindly from the doorway.
“Er, yeah it was alright thanks. Yours?”
Scorpius was impressed Albus had asked Thea back about her summer. He could come across incredibly surly when he was unsure about somebody. Still, never cold and unfriendly.
“Wonderful thankyou! Well, I expect we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other this year. See you later, Scorpius!” She slid the door closed neatly and skipped off.
“Did Thea Jordan just talk to us?” Albus stared at the spot she’d been stood in. “And did she just call me Al?”
“Turns out she’s the other Slytherin prefect,” Scorpius explained, sitting opposite Albus. “And I call you Al all the time!”
“But… but she’s Thea Jordan,” he spluttered, hands gesticulating wildly. When Albus really wanted to get a point across, he tended to talk with his hands quite emphatically and Scorpius found it incredibly endearing.
“And you’re Albus Potter and I’m Scorpius Malfoy. Glad we have everyone’s names clear.”
“You know what I mean.” Al’s hands dropped back to his sides. “We’re nobodies to her. What did she mean, I expect we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other this year?”
“I suppose she meant because her and I are both prefects. And we aren’t nobodies!” Scorpius said, offended. Albus gave him a look. “Okay, maybe we are a bit. But not anymore! This is our year remember?”
“How could you let me forget?” Albus leant back, going to replace one of his earphones.
“Albus,” Scorpius said quickly but quietly, before Albus turned his music back on. His best friend looked up at the change in Scorpius’ tone. “I had a bit of a moment, in there with the prefects.”
Albus froze and immediately removed the earphone. (It squeaked in offence) “Did somebody say something? Who was it? Because I swear Scorpius, if it was Polly Chapman I’ll-” Albus was sat bolt upright in his seat, his fists clenched, looking murderous.
“No! No Albus, I didn’t mean that. Everybody was fine, nice in fact! Pleasant! Polly Chapman wasn’t there anyway.” Scorpius spoke very quickly.
“Oh.” Albus slumped back in his seat, looking embarrassed.
“I thought I was going to have another panic attack. There were a lot of people in a small space and it got to me. But it wasn’t like the other times, I wasn’t thinking about what happened.” Scorpius would have felt silly admitting this to anybody else but Albus.
“Oh Scor. Are you alright?” Albus placed his comforting hand on Scorpius’ shoulder and sent an electric shock through his body.
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine. It didn’t get too bad. It sort of stopped before it came to a head, I managed to stay put. Your brother actually helped out a lot, he sounds a lot like you sometimes you know.”
“James? My brother James?” Albus removed his hand and scratched the side of his head.
“No Albus, your brother Florean Fortescue the Second who was also at the meeting.”
Albus gave him a withering look, Scorpius’ sarcasm communicating that he didn’t need to worry about his best friend anymore. Even so, he offered the other earphone to Scorpius, who put it in immediately, and Albus tapped the music box with his wand until the song playing changed to one he knew Scorpius liked. Scorpius smiled as he realised it was the song Albus had been singing in the shower when he didn’t think anyone could hear him. Albus grinned at him, silently saying he remembered too.
They stayed like that for an hour or so, listening to Al’s music box and sharing sweets (brought from home; they didn’t buy from the trolley anymore). The peaceful atmosphere was interrupted by the compartment door sliding open and Lily Potter inviting herself in with a glowing smile in Scorpius’ direction and an annoyed look for Albus.
“Al, have you got my earphones?” she asked accusingly, eyeing the one sat in Albus’ ear. He pulled it out in irritation and glared at his little sister.
“No, Lily. These are mine, why would I take yours when I have a perfectly good working pair of my own?” he asked her. The earphone he’d taken out perched on his shoulder protectively, as if proving to Lily that it didn’t belong to her.
“I can’t find mine anywhere and James doesn’t have them!” She came into the compartment while she spoke and threw herself down beside her brother with a dramatic sigh. Her movement allowed Scorpius and Albus to see she wasn’t alone and a friend was waiting in the doorway: a small, blonde girl who looked unsure whether she should join Lily inside the compartment or not.
“Are you completely sure James doesn’t have yours? You know he’s always losing his.” Albus was speaking in a reasonable enough tone but it was quite clear he didn’t much want to entertain his sister for much longer.
“He said he didn’t. Can you summon them to check for me?” She clambered up onto her knees eagerly, giving Al an innocent look. Albus shook his head.
“Scorpius, can you?” She jumped down from the seat and stood over Scorpius, fiddling with the ends of her red hair. “Poppy and I want to listen to something and there are other people in our compartment.” The girl in the doorway (presumably Poppy) nodded fervently and blushed when Scorpius looked at her.
Scorpius debated her question. He liked Lily and she was Al’s sister and he very much liked that she had asked him to help her. But this was offset by his desire to follow the rules and also a slight worry at how James Potter might react if he did have Lily’s earphones and it was Scorpius who outed him. For as friendly and welcoming as James had been that summer and just now in the prefect carriage, he was still a bit intimidating to Scorpius.
“No magic on the train, Lily, sorry.” He smiled at Lily and her friend and Lily’s eyes flashed over his prefect badge. “Even though I’m a prefect.”
She had opened her mouth to argue but closed it quickly when he said that. She exchanged a forlorn look with Poppy who looked equally disappointed. Albus looked uncomfortable for a second and then he tapped his music box again with his wand. For a moment, Scorpius thought he was going to shove his earphones back in and unkindly tell his sister to go away and stop bothering them and he was almost ready to apologise on Al’s behalf. But instead, he picked up his own earphone and held his hand out for Scorpius to place its pair in Albus’ palm. They quivered beside each other and turned away from Albus as if annoyed with him.
“Here, Lils, take mine for the rest of the journey. There’s nobody else in here, we can play it out loud I suppose.” He handed her the earphones and she jumped up and threw her arms around him in an overjoyed hug. He looked a bit short of breath when she finally withdrew.
“Thanks, Al!” She rushed out excitedly, pulling her friend with her.
“That was kind of you,” Scorpius told him when they’d gone. “You’re a good brother.”
A small smile played at Al’s lips but Scorpius saw him stare out of the window, grinning away to himself.
Scorpius would never tire of the way Albus reacted when he paid him a compliment. It took him a long time to realise that there was always a way he could say the things he was thinking out loud without making it immediately obvious to everyone in the room that he had a huge crush on Albus. He just had to be careful how he worded them, but he had watched the interactions of other boys in their year and emulated the way friends complimented each other.
“That save you made at the end there, you’re bloody brilliant!”
“No offence, mate, but your hair looked better before.”
“Thanks, you’re a really good listener.”
“It’s always good to have Lily owe you a favour,” Al shrugged, playing down his kindness. “Her and Poppy Longbottom can be a right pain when they’re together.”
“Longbottom? As in-?”
“Professor Longbottom’s daughter, yes. Didn’t you know Neville had a daughter?”
Scorpius racked his brains for any memory of this fact and shook his head.
“Note the day down, history books: the first of September, 2021. The day Albus Potter knew something Scorpius Malfoy didn’t.” He chuckled at his own joke and sat back comfortably on the train seat.
The compartment door slid open once more and Scorpius looked up, thinking it might be Lily again. But it was Thea Jordan, who had changed into her Slytherin robes and attached her shiny prefect badge to the front of her sweatshirt. Like Lily, she confidently strolled into the compartment but chose to sit beside Scorpius instead of Albus.
“We don’t need to patrol,” she said brightly as she sat down. “Juliette’s just told me. The sixth years have it covered.”
“Oh! Okay, that saves us a job then I suppose?” Scorpius wasn’t sure how should react. Was he allowed to be pleased he didn’t have to do any prefect duties just yet and could instead stay here in the compartment with Albus?
“I suppose? I wanted to do it though.” She sounded annoyed and sighed wistfully out of the window for a second. “Never mind. We’ve got two years to do this job.”
Scorpius nodded and Albus looked a bit perplexed at the situation.
“Two years prefect, then I want to be Head Girl. And Quidditch captain of course. I’ll have more of a chance of being signed by the Harpies that way.” Scorpius’ eyes widened slightly at the confident tone in which she was sharing her life plans with them. If he’d had ambitions that big, he would have kept them firmly to himself in fear of them never coming true and making him look like a fool.
“You want to be a Harpy?” Albus asked, sounding mildly interested as well as slightly taken aback like Scorpius was.
“It’s my dearest ambition,” Thea said, clasping her hands over her heart and closing her eyes contentedly. “See?” She held her arm out, pulling her sleeve back to reveal a small bracelet with the Holyhead Harpies logo on a bead, as if that proved her point.
“My mum was a Harpy,” Albus said, bemused.
“I know!” Thea shook her sleeve back into place and moved to sit beside Albus instead. “Ginny Potter, the only Chaser to reach triple figures in the preliminaries two years in a row.” She was gripping onto Albus’ forearms to reiterate her point. Scorpius watched her curiously, wondering if it was too late for him to establish himself as such a tactile person so he too could grab onto Albus whenever he had something to say.
Albus subtly removed his arms from her grip with an uncomfortable smile but she didn’t seem embarrassed or put off.
“I bet you’ve been to loads of high-profile games! I used to go with Dad, when he still commentated, but we don’t get to as much these days.” She chatted away, making sure to angle her body so Scorpius wasn’t cut off from the conversation, not that he had much to contribute; Dad hadn’t wanted to take Scorpius to any Quidditch recently.
“I’ve played in high-profile games,” Albus started and Thea looked impressed but confused. “Before anyone even knew I existed.” He grinned and she laughed easily.
“Do you know, Al, I almost forgot she was your mum too, and not just James’.” Scorpius thought this was quite an outrageous thing to say to somebody she didn’t know that well and he felt as affronted as Albus looked at her comment. “No offence, just because you make me think of Potions. You’re brilliant at those aren’t you? Everyone knows that, just like everyone knows James is brilliant at Quidditch.”
Scorpius could practically see Albus’ thoughts running through his head. Does everyone know I’m brilliant at Potions?
“Al is brilliant at Quidditch too!” Scorpius exclaimed before he could stop himself. Albus gave him a hard stare.
“Are you? I’ve never seen you play before!” Thea looked interested in this information. “What position do you play? I’m a Chaser.”
“Keeper. But Scorpius is talking rubbish! I’m not brilliant, just average. Very, very average.” He had gone a bit pink and gave Scorpius a murderous look as if daring him to say more.
“Well you’re going to try out, aren’t you? We need a Keeper this year now Ryan’s graduated!” She looked excited at the prospect.
Albus looked like he could have happily jumped off the train again rather than answer her question. “I don’t know,” he mumbled.
“If you ever want to practise together, I normally try and run drills before breakfast. You’re always welcome to join me before tryouts!” She smiled kindly and looked at Scorpius. “You could come too if you wanted, Scorpius. Or Scorp. Can I call you Scorp?”
“Er, if you like.” He faltered beneath her eager grin.
“Great! Well, I’ll let you know if Juliette changes her mind about patrols. But I’ll probably just see you at the feast! Sit with me, Scorp, we have to show the first years to the common room.” She got up and shook her robes into place before sliding the compartment door open. “Bye boys!”
There was a moment of silence before Albus burst out laughing. Scorpius gave him a look.
“What’s that look for, Scorp?” He cracked up again at the nickname.
“She’s a bit full-on isn’t she? I never noticed before.” Scorpius nervously watched Al laugh, hoping he wasn’t still upset that Scorpius had told Thea about his Quidditch skills.
“You’d think we would have noticed that.” Albus gestured to where Thea had been.
“Maybe she’s making an extra effort because she feels bad about ignoring us for the last four years.” Scorpius tried to explain away Thea’s craziness.
“It’s been ages since I met a fangirl of my mum like that.” He got up from his seat and skipped over to Scorpius, a manic expression on his face as he sat down beside him. “Ginny Potter, the only mum ever to burn my birthday cake two years in a row.” He grabbed onto Scorpius’ arms the way Thea had done to him, a mischievous glint in his eye as he continued his uncanny impression of the prefect. “Scorp, I hope they let me become Head Girl two years early. What do you think, Scorp? Scorpy? My new best friend, Scorp?”
He was playing about, carrying on with the joke, but Scorpius realised he actually hadn’t reacted and instead had got a bit lost for a second in Al’s green eyes, bright with his withheld laughter. He felt so incredibly in awe of his best friend in that moment, seeing him happy and enjoying himself, bantering like he’d done with his siblings all summer. The real Albus.
“Scorpy was how I used to refer to myself until I was about seven.” Scorpius rolled his eyes and Albus relaxed, the manic expression leaving his face. He hadn’t let go of Scorpius’ forearms though and he started to become very aware of the contact between the two of them and the way they were almost staring into one another’s eyes. He’d had dreams that started something like this. “Be nice, Al.”
“I am being nice,” he complained, still holding onto Scorpius, who was starting to feel a bit hot under the collar.
“I mean it, Al. She’s the first person who’s been friendly to us like that. We could be friends with her.”
Albus let go of Scorpius’ arms and let them fall to his sides. “We don’t need any other friends, we have each other.” His expression and tone of voice reminded Scorpius of a grumpy toddler who didn’t want to share their favourite toy. He caught himself and smiled brightly at Scorpius. “Shall I put the music back on?”
“Only if you’re going to sing for me again,” Scorpius dared tease him, knowing it would cheer him up and it worked instantly. Albus grinned wickedly.
“Nope, that’s only for the shower.”
Scorpius felt himself blush and he hurriedly muttered about changing into robes and started reaching up into his bag for his uniform, looking in the opposite direction of his best friend, thinking of anything but Albus in the shower.
It was pretty difficult, this whole ‘secretly in love with best friend’ thing; Malfoy the Platonic would need to work overtime for the rest of the train ride.
read from the beginning
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aurora077 · 6 years
Sirius is not on drugs, chapter 1
Lupin Residence. Tuesday 16th July, 4:00 pm
*bringg... bringg..... bringgg*
“Remus dear could you get that?” Mrs. Lupin called from the kitchen.
“Sure mum,” he replied, sticking a clean chocolate wrapper in his book to mark the place.
“Lupin residence, Remus speaking,” he answered. There was silence. “Hello?” he said. Still more silence. He was slightly peeved that he’d been pulled away from his book for this and was about to hang up when a cough came from the other side.
“H..hi Remus,” came a voice. He didn’t recognise the owner though the voice was vaguely familiar.
“Hello. May I ask who is speaking?” he replied.
“Um. It’s Sirius. Sirius Black. Not sure if you remember me, we met at Lily’s 17th birthday party?” ­­the man replied hesitantly.
“Ah, right. Sirius. What can I do for you,” Remus replied, wondering if Lily gave some random guy his number. But he knew Lily wasn’t like that, she was a good friend, she would have asked him first. Besides, if she did, why would she give his house phone number rather than his cell? And that was almost a year ago too, why was he calling now? The name Sirius was familiar, but he couldn’t really recall more than that. ­­
Remus’s mind was working on overdrive but he was brought out of his thoughts by something sounding suspiciously like a pig squeal in the background.
A nervous chuckle came over the receiver as Sirius stammered out, “S..sorry about that, my, uh, my cat is sick.”
“Your cat?” Remus said incredulously.
“Well, technically my brother’s cat. Stupid Kreacher,” he muttered, “Dogs are way better. Like mine.”
Had he just called the cat a stupid creature? Remus frowned, “Now that’s not nice. It can’t help being sick, no need to call it a stupid creature, even if you do like your dog better.”
“Oh, no not creature, but Kreacher. That’s his name. And he really is stupid, I mean, he hates me. Nobody with any sense hates me! I’m wonderful!” Sirius announced.
“Right,” Remus deadpanned, “Well Mr. Wonderful, you still haven’t informed me of your purpose for calling.”
Sirius laughed nervously again, “About that...” He trailed off.
Remus sighed, “Yes?”
“What do you think about unicorns?” Sirius said abruptly, his manner changing from nervous to slightly manic sounding.
“Unicorns???” Remus, was utterly confused, “I guess unicorns are okay?”
“Great! Glad you think so! Now what do you think about werewolves?” Sirius said, his pitch rising slightly.
“Werewolves?? They’re dangerous,” Remus replied, not knowing why he was going along with this weird conversation.
“What? Werewolves are not dangerous! They’re awesome!” ranted Sirius.
“I mean, I guess they can be both?” replied a puzzled Remus.
“You’re darn right they can!” said Sirius enthusiastically.
“Now what does this have to do with your purpose for calling?” Remus asked, amused but still waiting on an answer.
Sirius coughed, “Well you see, there’s this play.”
“A play? You’re putting on a play?” Remus enquired. Remus loved plays. Maybe Lily had sent Sirius to him for advice. He did know a lot about plays though he hadn’t ever written one.
“Ye...I mean NO. I’m uh writing! That’s right, I’m writing a play,” he said, sounding pleased with himself.
“Well that’s a noble goal. Does it have a name yet?” Remus said, slightly intrigued.
“Um....yes, it’s called.....uh... Unicorneo and Werewolfette!” he proclaimed.
Before Remus could say anything he heard what sounded like violent wheezing/choking.
“Damn cat! Shoo!” Sirius said, sounding irritated.
“Um, Sirius, are you sure your cat is okay? I mean it’s starting to sound really bad, maybe you should take it to the vet?” Remus said, concerned.
“No no, it’s just uh, coughing up a hairball,” Sirius said, brushing away his concerns.
“Uh, okay then,” Remus replied, starting to feel that this conversation was entirely too strange.
“Just ignore the cat and everything shall be fine young grasshopper,” Sirius said sagely.
“Riiiiight. So, about Unicorneo and Werewolfette...” Remus started.
“Yes! As I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted by the idiotic cat,” he hissed cat like it was the gravest insult, “My play is going to be amazing.” Remus could practically see him dramatically turning his nose up, even though he hadn’t the faintest idea what Sirius looked like.
“I’m sure it is,” Remus drawled, “Romeo and Juliet, magical beast style, should be interesting.”
Sirius gasped, affronted, “Romeo and Juliette?? You insult me my dear Remus!”
“Is that not what it’s based on?” Remus asked.
“Why certainly not! I would never copy old Will! This is 100% Sirius Black material,” he stated, sniffing in what he presumed was a dignified manner.
“I see. And what is the play about then?” Remus said, raising an eyebrow in disbelief.
“It’s about...uh...a bank robbery! Yes, a bank robbery that goes wrong when Werewolfette stops to buy a steak with the stolen money two days later,” Sirius said, the manic edge returning to his voice as he started to ramble on, “Unicorneo is the cop that catches her, but ends up falling in love with her when she bites him for trying to take away her steak. They go on an epic adventure cross country with a hamburger loving hippogriff. Finally Dracula, the police chief, catches them and kills Unicorneo for his treason against the Fairy Queen by stabbing him in the neck with his fangs and drinking all his blood, leaving Werewolfette so depressed she buys poison from a rat called Wormtail and eats it and dies in the arms of the dead Unicorneo.” Sirius, who had said all of this in one breath, was now breathing heavily.
Remus was speechless. His jaw had dropped steadily lower during Sirius’s impassioned rant about his play.
“Remus? You still there?” Sirius asked after a few moments of silence.
Remus let out a strangled ‘yes’. He didn’t know how to respond to that. It was certainly...something. In the end he collected himself and just ended up saying, “I hate to break it to you buddy but, that sounds pretty much like an interpretation of Romeo and Juliette.”
“No it can’t be!” Sirius gasped dramatically, “Tell me how!”
“Uh two people on opposite sides of the law who should be enemies end up falling in love and then dying in each other’s arms. Not exactly Romeo and Juliette but the inspiration can be seen if you squint,” he said, “Plus....the name is a dead giveaway really.”
“Nooooooooooo!” Sirius groaned, “My life’s work! Ruined! I shall write nevermore! Goodbye Unicorneo! Goodbye Werewolfette! You shall be banished to the veil of no return!”
Sirius, Remus thought, would make a good actor.
“Now is that really necessary?” Remus said, trying to calm down his dramatic conversation partner, “It sounds....interesting. You could still publish it as a reinterpretation.” Who was he to judge if the dude had an active imagination?
“I shall not! It’s a disgrace! It’s only fit for the bin now my Loopy friend,” Sirius wailed.
“Loopy?” Remus said, befuddled.
“Yes, Loony Loopy Lupin. It has a nice ring to it doesn’t it?” Sirius said, with surprising cheer for someone who’d just been wailing about his life’s work being destroyed.
“Um, we shall have to agree to disagree,” Remus remarked lightly.
“Fine. But I’m telling you, it’s genius!” he could imagine Sirius’s grin.
“Whatever floats your boat,” Remus sighed.
“I think you mean, whatever floats my goat,” Sirius said jovially.
“Your goat?” he said, wondering if he’d heard wrong. Remus felt that his eyebrows would be permanently stuck in his hairline by the time this conversation was over.
“Yes, my goat,” Sirius said, “His name is Prongs.” Sirius grunted suddenly.  
“Are you okay? What happened?” Remus asked, worried, but also wondering how many pets Sirius owned.
“I’m fine,” Sirius sounded winded, “I just stubbed my toe.”
“Right...your toe...” Remus said, starting to suspect something was off about Sirius.
“Yes, my toe. So, Remus old buddy old pal, how’s it going?” Sirius said, deflecting any more talk about his toe.
“How is what going?” Remus said.
“You. How are you?” Sirius asked.
“I’m...starting to question my sanity,” he mumbled.
“Oh no but you mustn’t! You’re just sane as I am! Sanity is like the moon. It’s always up there in the sky reflecting sunlight for us mere mortals to have light in the darkness of the night. And like the moon, sanity guides us through the confusing darkness of our minds,” Sirius said, stroking his non-existent beard contemplatively. Then suddenly, snapping his fingers, he expounded, “I know! We can call you Moony. It fits you so well. You’re the moon of my life! Sane to my in! Water to my goat!”
“I take it back,” Remus said quickly, “I’m starting to question your sanity.”
On her way out of the kitchen, Mrs. Lupin spotted Remus still on the phone. “Oh hey honey didn’t realise you’d still be on the phone, must be that girlfriend of yours, Lily was it?” she said, moving to the dining room before he could reply.
Remus rolled his eyes and called after her “No mum, it’s not Lily.” He didn’t bother explaining to her for the millionth time that he and Lily were just friends, she’d think what she liked anyway. To be fair to her he did exclusively hang out with Lily. She wasn’t just his good friend, she was his only friend. Well, that didn’t sound pathetic at all.
Remus heard a loud yelp over the phone, which drew his mind back to the conversation.
“Oh sorry, ignore that. That’s my dog Snuffles. He doesn’t get along very well with Kreacher,” Sirius said sheepishly.
“Well such is the way with cats and dogs,” said Remus, though he didn’t really know since he’d never had any pets.
“Indeed it is, though Snuffles is right not to like that disease ridden cat,” Sirius grumbled.
Remus stifled a laugh at Sirius’s irritation, glancing at the clock as he did so. It was 5 pm already. Where had the time gone? He had never spent so long on the phone before.
“Anyway,” he said, turning his attention back to the phone, “I think you should go break up your pets before they kill one another. That yelp sounded painful. Besides, I have to go now, it’s time for dinner.” He had thoroughly wasted the past hour on a random, if amusing, conversation with Sirius, whose original purpose for calling he still wasn’t quite clear on.
“What, already???” Sirius replied, aghast. He was actually enjoying the conversation, having forgotten why he originally called Remus in the first place.
He thought about it and asked hesitantly, “Well...can I call back tomorrow then?”
“Sure I guess, same time,” Remus said, shrugging to himself. Not like he had much else to do.
“Yes! Okay tomorrow then,” said Sirius. And Remus shook his head, wondering what he’d gotten himself into. There was only one thing left to say though, before he hung up. He smirked slightly.
“Oh and Sirius?”
“Lay off the drugs.”
 Potter Residence. Tuesday 16th July, 5:00 pm
There was an almost deafening silence. Then it was broken by twin bursts of laughter.
Sirius just stared dumbfounded at the phone while James and Peter rolled around on the living room floor.
“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA we should make Lupin a marauder for that. Pads you should see the look on your face,” James said, wiping away a tear of mirth.
Sirius threw a pillow that hit James squarely in the face, skewing his glasses.
“Hey!” James cried.
“What? You were being a git. And they are called throw pillows after all, Mrs. P. said so herself,” Sirius huffed.
“Now James, don’t be mean to Sirius can’t you see he needs some support,” Peter said, holding back a grin.
“Yeah, see James. That’s what real friends do. They support you!” Sirius said.
“Exactly. Now Sirius, would you like some Aloe Vera?” Peter asked, the picture of concern.
“Aloe Vera? Why would I need Aloe Vera?” Sirius asked confused.
Peter couldn’t control his grin this time, “Because you just got burned.”
(A/N by Remus not James XD)
Reviews give Sirius motivation to stay away from drugs.
Sirius: “Hey, I am not on drugs!”
Remus: “Suuuure you aren’t Padfoot.”
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jaydesims · 7 years
I think 68 and 69 ("Let’s do something crazy.” and "We are not going to steal someone’s dog.”) go well together. Maybe with some of the Veronaville teens? Go Wild and have fun! I can hardly wait to see the results!
This one was a little longer, so it’s below the cut! Hope you enjoy it!
Number 68 & 69 - “Let’s do something crazy” & “We are not going to steal someone’s dog.”
The crackling fire lit up the midsummer’s night that had descended on Veronaville. Juliette looked at all the faces around the fire, and it still shocked her that Puck and Hermia were able to pull it off. The Capp siblings, the Monty brothers, and Puck Summerdream all in one area, hanging out together. Maybe the feud was dead? 
Juliette’s thoughts were interrupted as Romeo spoke up beside her, breaking the silence. “Well, since no one’s at each other’s throats yet…. Let’s do something crazy.” Romeo suggested devilishly. 
“Romeo, we aren’t playing spin the bottle.” Hermia sighed. 
“See that’s that problem, you Capps are too uptight!” Mercutio whined. “Must be hard living with that stick up your-" 
"You better watch yourself, Monty,” Tybalt growled. “At least our family is civilized, unlike yours." 
"Hey, hey, that’s enough! Both of you, cut it out,” Puck replied sternly, standing up to address everyone. “Can’t you all just get along for one night? For tonight, just forget about your families, your last names, the feud, all of that." 
"I can do that.” Juliette said after a few moments of silence, looking at her siblings to gauge their reaction. Hermia quietly nodded, while Tybalt continued to stare at the ground. Mercutio and Romeo looked each other before nodding as well. 
“Well that’s settled. Now, Romeo, what was your suggestion for tonight’s activities.” Puck asked. 
“Well, didn’t Principal Ottomas just get a new dog, that big fluffy one? Let’s steal it and have some fun with it.” Everyone stared at Romeo for a few minutes, trying to process what they heard. 
“Romeo, please tell me you’re joking,” Juliette pleaded, “we’re not going to steal someone’s dog." 
"It’ll just be for a couple hours! We’ll have it back in the morning and she won’t even realize we took it." 
"I could put a sleeping spell on Principal Ottomas if she was to awaken,” Puck replied. “I think we could pull it off." 
"Oh so we’re committing crimes now?” Tybalt scoffed, leaning back. 
“It’s not a crime if you don’t get caught,” Mercutio winked back at him. 
“Exactly. Plus, we can split up into teams. A whole group of kids would look suspicious,” Hermia added. 
“Okay, me and Juliette will be a couple streets down on lookout patrol,” Romeo ordered. “Puck, you and Tybalt can go get the dog, and then bring it back here to the campsite. Mercutio and Hermia, you guys can go buy some toys and snacks for the dog. Let’s aim to meet up here in maybe 20-30 minutes?”
Within a few minutes, the teens had dispersed and were off to complete their assignments. 
 Romeo settled behind the bush overlooking the road that Tybalt and Puck would eventually come down. Juliette snuggled in close to Romeo, suddenly chilled by the breezy night. 
“Finally some alone time,” Romeo joked, turning to Juliette and kissing her forehead. 
“Knowing Tybalt, it will probably take him a few minutes just to locate Principal Ottomas’ house. I don’t even think he knows where she lives,” Juliette laughed.
“Well I better make my move then,” Romeo whispered, kissing Juliette more passionately. Juliette always felt like time blurred when she was with her boyfriend, and tonight was no different. She had no clue how much time had passed, but thankfully, the rustling in the bushes was enough to interrupt her makeout session with Romeo. 
“Juliette? Romeo?” Hermia hissed. “Where are you guys!?" 
Juliette and Romeo quickly stood up, coming out from the bushes to greet Hermia. "Come quick, we’ve got a big problem,” she sighed. 
As the three came back to the campfire, they were greeted by a red faced Tybalt, and Mercutio and Puck laughing on the ground. 
Along with…..The dog. 
Romeo stared incredulously at Tybalt for a few moments before speaking up.
 "Dude……That’s one of my grandpa’s llamas.“ 
Decided to get silly with this one, hopefully the story makes sense! Let’s just pretend Tybalt thought the llama was just a big dog or something lol. :P Plus, it was just too perfect to tie it back to Patrizio’s llama ranching. Also, I couldn’t think of a sim in the education career other than Samantha Ottomas so I just used her for the principal (let’s pretend she got a promotion haha).
I really enjoyed getting to write about the Veronaville teens! I know i made it a little long, but once I get an idea I just run with it as long as I can. Hope you like it! Thanks for the request!
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cornyregans · 6 years
Capp Manor - Day 3
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Our visit to the Capp Manor begins with an awkward breakfast.
Juliette: Oh great, you’re still here! Tybalt: I live here, you dumbass! Juliette: Not for long! Once I’m in charge, you’re gonna be alone living in a Tiny Tudor!
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Mercutio’s still pissed off.
Hermia: Geez Merc, aren’t you supposed to be headed to school too? Mercutio: I’ll head over once I finish up here, you hard-hearted wench!
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Hermia: I better not miss the bus because of this idiocy.
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Despite seemingly being against missing the bus due to idiocy, Hermia thought it would be smarter to move the trash into the manor’s compactor. Y’know, the same manor that takes half a sim hour to walk up to? So, yeah, the trash is staying out for now. She can deal with it when she returns.
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Four hours later and she’s back!
Hermia: How the heck do I only have a B+? I know I had trouble focusing on getting my work done after all those deaths in the family, but I’ve been catching up like crazy lately.
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Tybalt: Herms, why don’t the teachers at school like me enough to give me anything higher than a B+? Hermia: How the hell does my idiot older brother have the same grade as I do? Our education system must stink as bad as this trash.
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I think Mercutio must have some kind of trash kicking sensors installed in his brain. The moment Hermia put the trash back into the can, he returns to kick it over again.
Hermia: Hi Merc. I see you’ve come over to kick our trash again. Mercutio: Yeah, so? Hermia: But wouldn’t you prefer to annoy my brother instead of getting revenge on me? I mean, I’m cool as a cucumber, so you won’t get much of a reaction here, but Tybalt’s another story entirely. Mercutio: Now that you mention it, that sounds like a hell of a lot more fun! Hermia: It is! Oh, and if you really want to rile him up, mention the new memorabilia in his room, I promise it’s worth your time! Mercutio: I’m looking forward to this.
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Juliette: Alright! Another A+!
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As Juliette was celebrating her academic success, Tybalt spied a Monty in his room.
Tybalt: The hell are you doing in my room, Monty?! Mercutio: Whatever the hell I want, Crapp! Tybalt: Well I didn’t invite you, so you have to leave!
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Mercutio: I don’t need your permission to do shit, Crapp! By the way, nice kitty stuff you got there! Are you that desperate for companionship that you blew your nonna’s inheritance on a crapton of cat shit!
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Tybalt: I didn’t buy any of this cat shit! It was all in my room when I woke up this morning! I bet my ass that you snuck in and placed it all in here while you were kicking over our trash last night! Mercutio: If that’s the case then your ass is mine, Crapp, because I had nothing to do with this conspiracy of yours!
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Tybalt: Damn, you’re annoying! Maybe you’ll go away if I close my eyes. Mercutio: Like that’s gonna help. Tybalt: Screw you! Mercutio: In your dreams.
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Upon seeing that Mercutio was at her house, Juliette found herself in the mood for some loving from his little bro.
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Romeo: I love my girlfriend. Juliette: You’re so smart, babe! Smart AND hot!
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Not long after the two lovebirds made their way inside, Consort arrived home with his pregnant daughter in tow.
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As soon as Consort walked through the front door, Hermia made a beeline toward him to ask for some help with her homework.
Hermia: Grandfather? I hate to be a bother, but can you please help me with my public speaking homework? I really need help with that subject, and I can think of no one better to help me than you. Consort: Of course, Hermia, I would be delighted. Hermia: A+ here I come!
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Juliette was surprised to see her aunt coming home from work with her grandfather after what happened when they last saw each other.
Juliette: What are you doing here, Aunt Regan? Grandfather told us that you were on bed rest. Regan: I was, but I had a sales pitch that I couldn’t afford to miss. My doctor said it was fine for me to go provided I didn’t walk around too much and kept my stress levels down. Juliette: I see. Well, I’m glad everything’s okay. Regan: Thank you for your concern, Juliette, it means a lot. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to sit down somewhere, my feet are killing me.
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After making sure her aunt wasn’t doing anything too reckless, Juliette made her way downstairs for a meal of mac n’ cheese.
Tybalt: I can’t believe I’m eating mac n’ cheese with a bunch of Montys. Hermia: C’mon Tybalt, they’re not that bad. Romeo: Yeah, we’re not that bad. Tybalt: I’d rather die than share a table with a Monty. Juliette: Is that so? Well, I heard the ghosts outside have been particularly angry as of late. Tybalt: Geez, Sis, has anyone ever told you how much of a bitch you are? Mercutio: Well, that’s one thing we can both agree on, Crapp. Tybalt and Juliette: Shut it, Monty!
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And right on cue, the ghost of Julius Caesar decided to grace us with his presence.
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Be patient dude, he’s coming.
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After realizing his son was nowhere to be found that night, Caesar’s Ghost decided to haunt the inflatable pumpkin on the manor’s grounds. Meanwhile, Hermia and Regan are attempting to have a conversation in the background.
Julius: Woooo! I’m a SPOOOOPY pumpkin! Hermia: I swear, it’s like Paranormal Activity in this house. Nothing like my house back when my parents were still alive. Regan: Can we please change the subject? I’m getting the creeps just thinking about the night I saw my great-grandfather reenacting his death next to my bed. Hermia: Sure, Aunt Regan. What do you wanna talk about instead?
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I honestly feel kind of bad for Hermia, because Regan’s idea of changing the subject involves talking about her sex life.
Regan: I'm telling you, Hermia. I’ve never had better sex in my entire life. I don’t know if it’s just the hormones, but goodness, my Corny certainly knows how to pleasure a woman. Hermia: Uh... Regan: Why, just the other night he --
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Hermia: Aunt Regan? I know you’re trying to be cool, but I think telling your niece about your sex life isn’t exactly the right way to go about it. Regan: Oh, I see. I must have gotten a little carried away there. Hermia: A little? Regan: Yes, I didn’t mean to go into too much detail. I just thought it wise to let you know for future reference since neither of our mothers are here to tell you how amazing sex can be when you’re with child. Hermia: Right...um, thanks?
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Caesar’s ghost continued to walk around the manor’s grounds after the residents went to bed and all the guests had left.
Also, a little fun-fact courtesy of someone who cares a little too much about this neighborhood for her own good: Despite having the family aspiration icon floating above his head, Julius Caesar is not programmed as a family sim. He actually has the unfinished “power” aspiration, which, from what I’ve read, is basically a mixture of the fortune and popularity aspirations, with the aspiration levels being the same as a romance sim’s. He’s not the only sim to have this aspiration either: The Grim Reaper, the Hula Zombies, the Pollination Technicians, the Ideal Plantsim, Rod Humble, and even the Penguin all have this aspiration as well (but it’s best not to check it if you’re not careful, as doing so will bork your game). Outside of those NPCs, there are other deceased sims in Veronaville with the Power Aspiration: Hamlet Dane Sr., Stephano Arlecchino, Momentilla Bramble, and Judith Dottore; however Caesar is the only one you’re able to resurrect in-game.
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And let’s end the update with some more teen drama.
Tybalt: Your beauty sleep won’t change the fact that you’re ugly on the inside, Sis! Juliette: Well, at least I’m not ugly on both the outside and the inside. Tybalt: The hell did you just say?! Hermia: I’ll see myself out.
That’s all for Day 3 at Capp Manor. Monty Ranch is up next.
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