#/ THERE'S A BEAST AND I LET IT RUN / ( wolf form )
taiinted-a · 2 years
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msgexymunson · 5 months
One Slow Blink Part 2
Second part right here due to Tumblr restrictions
Description: As a nurse, you want to help people, as many as you can. But, with the insane things that have been going on in Hawkins, and the crazed look in Dustin's eyes when he stumbles into the ER covered in blood with an impossible tale to tell, it makes you wonder; how much are you prepared to give? 
Warnings: NSFW, Minors DNI, *Here there be monsters! Honestly, there's straight up monster fucking in this so if you're not into that do not read*, AFAB sub nurse reader x dom monster Eddie, kinda Alpha/Omega without them knowing it, injury descriptions, S4 does happen and Eddie lives but he be a monster, hand job, fem oral receiving, male oral receiving, consensual predator/prey dynamic, fingering, very rough sex, biting/marking, unprotected p in v, knotting.
A/N: This has come from yet another deranged dream of mine. I imagine Eddie looking kinda like a mix between the Beast from the original Beauty and the Beast, and the dog/kangaroo guys from Tank Girl, but with a longer snout. If you don't know, that's a dirty mix between a lion, a bear, a wolf and maybe a little of Venom's tongue (because I am a whore.)
22k words for both parts, I know, mental, but it's worth it ;)
Masterlist Part 1
You must have fallen asleep like that, as once your eyes open it looks to be almost night, the sun dipping past the horizon. The light slipping past your makeshift curtain is a deep red. You ache all over, especially your shoulder, but it doesn't stop you from smiling. 
At some point he must have pulled you on top of him, both arms circling you possessively, holding you to his chest like a child's doll. His member has slipped out of you; you can feel the stickiness of his release coating the sensitive flesh of your inner thighs. 
Breathing changes as he stirs beneath you, opening his eyes in a squint. 
“Hey you.” 
He murmurs a soft sound from his chest, licking your cheek with his long tongue. 
“Ew! Eddie, you've got dog breath.” 
You laugh, hitting his chest playfully, shifting above him so you're straddling him.
“We better get cleaned up, I've got to get to the hospital in a few hours.” 
Eddie whines, grabbing your hips as you try to stand, pushing your wet heat against his twitching bulge. 
You breathe out in a warning, but it sounds too needy. He's not listening, rubbing you back and forth over his swelling length. 
“Eddie I don't think I can take another round, you were- oh fuck-” 
The sentence falters as he catches your clit, setting a thousand butterflies loose in your tummy. 
“I’ll… be gentle.” 
You hiccup a little laugh, staring down at him with a raised brow. 
“I don't think you can.” 
“Forrr you… I can.” 
You reach out to stroke his fuzzy cheek and he nuzzles into the touch. The affection he shows from that simple gesture has you relenting, guiding his member into you, slipping in easily, his previous sticky release helping its journey. 
Sitting back and allowing yourself to revel in the beautiful stretch, you experience that familiar wash of relief, a calm caressing your very soul. Eddie seems to feel it too, letting out a long breath as his shoulders lose tension. 
“This feels right,” you confess, hand running down his chest, “like, like-” 
His gravelly purr interrupts your spill words, reverberating through your ribcage. 
“Like you… werrre made forrr me, sweet-hearrrt.” 
It's much slower this time, more of a languid grinding as you both move against each other, that undercurrent of need more of a smouldering heat, rather than the unquenchable fire from earlier. Eddie pants as he watches you, tongue hanging from the side of his mouth as you reach your precipice, your eyebrows knotting and body shuddering around him. 
Falling against his form, entirely spent, skin glowing with sweat, you hold onto him as he chases his own release. True to his word, he's much more gentle, gripping your hips and moving you to meet his shallow thrusts. You see his snout scrunch when he's on the brink, just before he pulls you off of him and holds you to his torso. You can feel his cock pumping out his orgasm against your stomach, glueing the pair of you together. 
“Eddie, you didn't need to-” 
“Last time we werrre… stuck togetherrr, for half hourrr.” 
You giggle, astonished at his words. 
“Really? Damn, I must have fell asleep.” 
“You did. Couldn't move. Was… nice.” 
Reaching up to play with the fur on his cheek, you think about what he just said. 
“You know, I think that's knotting. You know, like d-”
“If you say… dogs…” He warns, winding a finger in your hair and tugging gently. 
“Fine. Canines.” 
He grabs you, holding you in place as he slathers your face with his tongue, drooling all over you. 
“Eddie! Yuck, stop, stop!” 
“Thought I was… dog. This is what dogs do… rrrright?” 
You squeal loudly trying to extricate yourself from his hold. 
“OK, OK! You're not a dog! Stop!” 
He finally relents and you get up, unpeeling from the sticky skin and matted fur of his stomach. 
“Right, I'm gonna have a shower before you start humping my leg.” 
He snaps his teeth at you playfully as you leave. When you're standing in front of the bathroom mirror, you see why your shoulder hurts so much. There's teeth marks in it; pinpricks of broken skin tinged with blood. They aren't deep, but the redness around them looks like it's going to leave a hell of a bruise. For some reason, you're not mad. The opposite in fact. It feels like a claim. You are his, and this is so the world can see. 
Once you're clean and relatively dry, you go into the living area to find some food, throwing on one of Eddie's new t-shirts. It may as well be a dress, the hem kissing your mid thigh. 
Something doesn't feel right though. Suddenly there's a rolling in the pit of your stomach, a sense of impending doom. The light streaming through the partially boarded windows is still an ominous red. Risking a look, you peer out of the slats and see the sky. 
It's flashing red and blue, as if there's an enormous thunderstorm boiling the heavens, but there's no sound. It looks unnatural, colouring the landscape around in the same foreboding hues. You feel hot, and sick. 
Eddie barrels into the room with a towel still around his waist, tackling you to the ground. 
“Eddie, whats-” 
“Stay low… some-thing coming… smells wrrrong.” 
You whisper as quietly as you can.
“What can you smell?” 
He takes a moment, snuffling at the air with his eyes closed. 
“Outside… woods, dirrrt. Frrriends, coming. And… can't ex-plain in worrrds. Sticky… chem-i-cal… pulsing… grrey blue. Wrrrong.” 
You suppose that's what you get for asking a question about something you can't possibly understand, what with the stark differences in your senses. You try a different tact.
“Have you… smelled it before?” 
“Differrrent… but, similarrrr… to up-side-down.” 
There's the shoe that you were waiting to drop. Now the feeling in your gut made sense. 
“Eddie, you said… friends were coming?” 
“Harrrrrington… and Henderrrrson forrr surrre… smell the damn hairrsprrray.” 
In spite of the situation, you giggle. He flashes his teeth, dropping his guard for just an instant. 
There's a powerful knock at the door that makes you jump. Eddie leaps up and flings it open with such force that it slams into the wooden wall sending dust flying. 
You just about make out the figure of a girl with a shaved head and a bloody nose who thrusts an outstretched hand toward Eddie. Dustin's voice rings out behind her. 
“Elle no!” 
There's a strange force, like a gust of wind with no air that buffets around Eddie's snarling form. You feel it pulling you, ripping you backwards as you roll across the floorboards. Eddie seems unaffected, not moving from his spot. 
“Eleven, stop! You think monsters wear pink towels??”  
The girl looks baffled and turns to where Dustin is running forward, waving his arms wildly. Steve is following quickly behind. They both look battered and bruised. As Steve comes into focus you see his entire front is covered in blood. 
Instincts kicking in, you shoulder past Eddie and run toward him. 
“Steve, what happened!” 
“It's alright it's not my blood. Eleven, this is Eddie.” 
Ah, Eleven. It makes more sense now. The powers, the shaved head. 
“Who- is she?” 
Eleven stares at you with a confused expression. You introduce yourself, and explain what you think you are. 
“...I'm, er, Eddie's girlfriend.”
Eleven's eyes widen but she doesn't say anything. Dustin, however, can't possibly stop the words spilling from his mouth. 
“Girlfriend?? Seriously? But-” 
“Henderson, focus! That's not important right now!” 
“I was just asking, Steve!” 
“Well don't we have other stuff we need to-” 
Shocked, you realise the shout came from you. 
“Everyone, just calm down and get inside so we can talk, OK?” 
Your words seem to cut through all arguments as everybody makes it inside, standing and looking at you for direction. Attempting to keep the authoritative air you've managed to concoct, you order them to sit down whilst you and Eddie get dressed. 
When you're no longer feeling so exposed, you come back into the living room holding Eddie's hand. 
“Right now, Steve, you first. What the fucks going on?” 
He weirdly looks at Eleven first, who gives a curt nod. 
“Right, right, so, it's a little-” 
Dustin cuts in. 
“-Vecna's back from the Upside Down with his Demogorgons and bats and stuff and they're taking over Hawkins and we need Eddie Dog to help defeat him!” 
Stumbling back a little stunned, your wide eyes search his vainly for the sign of some prank. There is none. 
“So… you're saying there's monsters in Hawkins??”
Steve responds calmly, juxtaposing Dustin’s trembling form.
“ ‘fraid so. Nance and Hopper and everyone else are holed up in the library. Everyone left in the town’s there. Well, everyone who's not dead or ran away.” 
“Wait, so Hopper’s alive??” 
“Yes! He was captured by evil Russians but Mrs Byers got him back and-” 
“Alright, alright,” you hold your palms up to Dustin, “what does Eddie have to do with this?” 
“Listen, Henderson's got this theory that Eddie's… powers… came out so he can stop Vecna.” 
“But that's absurd, he was bitten!” You turn to Eddie but he looks just as shocked as you. 
“Yeah but, we've seen a lot of people today who've been bitten by something. No one else changed.” 
“Exactly,” Dustin says, grinning, “Eddie's got super strength now, he's all healed, I bet he's got other powers.” 
Eleven starts talking unexpectedly. 
“I tried to throw him. He did not move.” 
“See!? He's a superhero.” 
“So, wait, Eleven can't throw him,” you begin, “but that doesn't mean she can't throw stuff at him. What's to stop Vecna throwing a car or something?” 
Everyone looks at Eleven.
Wordlessly, she focuses on a lamp that sits on a side table. To your astonishment, it begins to float in the air, then hurls itself at Eddie with remarkable force. Then the strangest thing happens. It hovers a few inches from Eddie as if stopped by an invisible barrier, then falls to the floor uselessly. 
Silence. You break it, voice splitting as it goes high pitched with worry. 
“Right, but that doesn't mean Vecna can't hurt him, just because Eleven can't, right? Right??” 
Eddie's the one to respond, holding your hands in one bearish paw. 
“Sweet-hearrrt, they'rrre rrright… I can help… I should help… need to prrotect the Shirrre… prrrotect you.” 
“But-but-” Tears well in your eyes as you stare back at him. 
“I need to… otherrrrwise… I am… this… is all a waste.” 
You nod, but pull your hands from his and walk into the bedroom, shutting the door behind you. The pain is too much to bear. It does make sense, if you were being rational, but right now you aren't rational. Nothing about this is rational. You've just found the love of your life and you might lose him to this stupid fight. 
Fuck. You love him.
It's finally clear. The feeling in your stomach, the draw you have toward him, the fire in your veins, in your heart. You barely know him, but you love him. 
And now that might get ripped away because of some damn fight that shouldn't have had anything to do with him in the first place. 
You perch on the bed, head in your hands as tears leak down your cheeks. There's no fight in you to stop them, grieving for something that hasn't happened yet but seems inevitable. There's whispering in the other room, plans being made, but it all sounds like it's underwater, drowned by the power of your tears. 
After a while, Eddie opens the door and shuffles in the room, sitting down on the bed next to you. He slowly starts to explain the plan to you, how Will can sense when Vecna or the monsters are near, how Elle will help clear a path, how he has the strength to defeat him, since Vecna's powers are all he has. He doesn't have the speed or strength that Eddie does. 
There's a loaded quiet when he's finished. You're angry, wiping away stray tears fiercely from your face, but you're not angry at him. You're angry at the situation, at Vecna, at the Upside Down. Angry at the powers that seem to be pulling you apart. 
“Fine. But I'm coming with you.” 
“No,” he snarls, pulling his arm around you, “they need… heal-ers. You… can help.” 
“But what if- what if you get hurt?” 
Staring up whilst you are brimming with tears, he cups your face, looking back at you with soulful eyes. 
“I'll do… everrry-thing I can.”
“No!” You shout, tears falling once again as your face heats up, “you can't say that, they say that in the hospital and people die!”
Wringing your hands, flipping them over and over each other in your lap, you barely notice Eddie falling to the floor in front of you. 
Then his burly arms are circling you, his maw pushed into your abdomen, inhaling you deeply, sweetly. It stops your incessant fidgeting, fingers resting in his long locks. They wind into his hair, twisting through to massage his scalp as he purrs into the flesh of your stomach. 
“Eddie, if you love me you'll come back to me. Do-do you love me, Eddie?”
He looks up at you, deep chestnut eyes searching your face. 
One slow blink. 
There's a soft knock at the door and Dustin opens it. 
“We have to go soon. Are you ready Eddie Dog?” 
Eddie growls low in his throat, swivelling to face him on all fours, hackles raised. Dustin immediately attempts to backtrack, arm raised to try and protect his face. 
“I mean, I didn't mean- it's from the demogorgon, you know, demodogs, Eddie Dog, I did think DemoEddie but Dog-”
Eddie pounces, pinning Dustin to the ground. Dustin's eyes scrunch shut as he screams, voice breaking in terror. 
“Shit shit shiiiiiiiiiit!!!” 
You giggle inanely as Eddie licks Dustin's face wetly. He bounds off him and shoots a wink at you, before lending Dustin a hand and dragging him to his feet. 
“I am not… a dog.” 
Dustin is laughing in relief, nerves racking through it. 
“No you're not, I'm sorry I'm sorry-” 
Steve appears in the doorway. 
“Guys, get in here.”
All mockery forgotten, you make your way into the living space in silence. 
“Steve, what's going on?” 
“That's just it. Listen.” 
You all stop, ears working in overdrive as you all try to hear what he hears. Breaking the quiet spell that had drifted over everyone, you speak. 
“I can't hear anything.”
“Exactly. Don't you get it? All over town, all through the woods, there's been these things. Demogorgons, bats, horrible things. But here, there's nothing.” 
“Eddie, you smell anything?” 
Eddie closes his eyes, snout wiggling in effort as he opens his preternatural senses. His voice rumbles out in its usual gravelly purr.
“That scent… it's herrre, it's on them… up-side-down smell… therrres nothing close by… except a few deerrr.” 
Steve holds a hand up, stage whispering to you.
“He can smell that?” 
“Yes… and hearrr acrrross rrrooms.” 
“Sorry big guy, I just- that's awesome.” 
Dustin is beaming, staring at Eddie like he's a superhero. Steve continues, making sure he's looking at Eddie, you notice, keeping him in the conversation. 
“So, if those things aren't nearby… maybe, maybe they're afraid of him? Hate to say it but I'm starting to agree with Dustin. Maybe you're supposed to be like this Munson.” 
Sighing in acceptance, you turn to Eddie. 
“Fine. If you think you can help you should go. Don't let me stop you. But you have to come back to me.” 
He gives you a slow blink, and you nod, accepting fate. Then you move into action, grabbing the partially used trauma kit, along with anything else you think might be helpful. Everyone else is doing the same, as if they were waiting for your approval. 
Pretty soon you're being bundled into what appears to be a stolen pick up truck with Eddie sitting in the back, as you race back into town. 
If you could call it town anymore. 
Your mind rolls to every post apocalyptic movie you've ever seen, but none of them compare to it happening in front of your eyes. Crumbling buildings that you recognise send spears of hurt through your heart. Over there, the gas station where you bought your first underage beers, now a smoking wreckage. On your left, the drug store where you used to pick up your mom's prescription, cracked and half buried in rubble. 
A cloud of chattering sound passes quickly overhead; you hear Eddie growling low as batlike creatures wing their way to another destination, seemingly unbothered by your presence. It's either that, or they don't want to tangle with your boyfriend. You pray that it's the latter.
Steve takes a sharp left turn and you fling to the side in your seat. 
“I thought we were heading to the library, isn't it that way?” 
“Yep, if you wanna cross a gorge. The roads opened so wide that nothing can get through.” 
The enormity of the situation is sinking into you, winding around your spine, fear clasping you in its unwanted clutches. 
Ignore it. Don't recognise it. Turn your back on it. There's people that need your help. 
Steve pulls up a few yards away from the library, and you clench your jaw, telling your tears to fuck right off. Now is not the time for tears. 
You and Dustin jump out of the truck, and he rushes to the library to bring everyone who needs to be part of this final stand. A final stand that doesn't involve you. A final stand that has the love of your life sitting front and centre. 
Running around to the back of the truck you grab Eddie's head firmly in both your hands. 
“You- you remember what I said? You need to come back to me, you hear me? ‘Cause if you don't I'll kill you myself. Get it Eddie? You do this and you come back to me!!” 
Eddie holds your hands in his enormous paws, enveloping your soft flesh instantly. Nuzzling his snout against your cheek, he breathes in your ear. 
“I'll come back… to what's mmine.” 
You press fierce hot kisses to the soft fur of his face, over and over, until he pulls you from him, holding your hands away. 
“You love me Eddie. I know you do.” 
One slow blink. 
In an instant, he's gone, quieter than snow. Falling to the floor, you hold your head in your hands, crushed by the barbarity of the situation. 
You didn't say it. You didn't tell him you love him too. Saying it out loud would make it more real. Saying it out loud would make the pain worse if you lose him. 
Soft fingers pry at you, leading you onward, inside. In a daze you follow, feet on autopilot as you clutch the trauma bag in front of you like a shield. 
Inside is a bustle of activity, a hive of ants that all have a purpose and none of them involve you. You're guided gently down onto a seat and the insects run about, fetching food, water, bandages. It all seems to be happening outside of you, following a rhythm that you can't hear. 
“Hey, hey!” One of the swarm seems to be addressing you. Tilting your head, you look towards them. It's an older woman; half her face is concealed by a makeshift eyepatch. 
“You're a doctor, right? We need someone over here now!” 
Instincts take over. Legs rising of their own accord, they march over to a camp bed that's been set up. Another woman lays there, breaths shallow and humanising. There's an enormous gash in her side. 
“OK OK, I can help, just don't move too much, I'll try and stop the bleeding.” 
Then the next person. And then, the next person. 
Mind floating into a subconscious haze, your memories take over. That situation before at the hospital, the textbook you once studied, a hypothetical conversation with a doctor. You take it, all at once, power beyond what should be possible, but you do it. 
You do it for him. 
Minutes pass into hours unseen as you tear through every available useful item, every strip of gauze from your bag, until it happens. 
A pain so profound that grips your shoulder and your heart hard enough for you to look around for the shotgun. It emanates out of the bitemark, pulsing into your veins with alarming force. 
“He's hurt.”
Collapsing to the side, you hold a firm hand to your own heart, as if you could will it to slow. Legs give out from under you, your rear landing on the hard surface behind. For a minute you sit, unable to move, unable to think, wondering why everyone around seems so controlled. Don't they realise your entire universe is shattering into splinters before their very eyes? 
There's a hand shaking you by the arm, someone asking if you're OK. They lift you, place you in a seat, and keep asking, and asking. Your tongue feels heavy, unable to form words to explain the hurt you're feeling. This deep hurt is rooted into your bone marrow; heavy, hard and cold. 
There's a familiar face in front of you, a round childish face with curling boyish locks and a worried expression. Dustin. 
“Hey, you there? Can ya hear me?” 
Nodding wordlessly, you point to your chest, directly over your heart, eyes wincing in pain. 
“Did you get hurt?” 
You shake your head, and manage one word. 
Before Dustin can respond, Nancy runs in, face covered in grime and dark blood, panting for breath. 
“They… did it… Hoppers here with Eleven. The gates are closed. But, Eddie-” 
Hearing his name you rush back into your body. 
“Where is he?” 
“Steve and Jonathan are taking him back to the cabin. He's unconscious. He’s… in a bad way, but he's alive.”
He's alive. 
“I need to get to him. Dustin, grab any bandages you can find. Nancy, you got a car?” 
She nods and leads you outside. The sky has quietened, no longer flashing in supernatural colours. Looking upward, you  can almost believe this is a normal night in Hawkins. Taking in the streets, the truth is far from it. 
Three monstrous things lay on the sidewalk, covered in some slimy substance and splattered in unnatural blood. Their skin has a blue grey sheen to it, and their limbs are twisted awkwardly. Their heads seem to have been split open, but then you realise it's just one gigantic mouth, unfurling like a gristly lily. The fleshy petals are lined with dozens of tiny sharp teeth. 
You press a toe to one of them nervously. Its head lulls to one side, utterly lifeless. 
“Hey I got the band- Holy shit!!” 
Dustin's voice cracks mid sentence, then he sighs in relief when he realises the monsters are dead. Nancy calls at you both to hurry and you bundle into the car as she races through the cracked, ruined streets of Hawkins. 
The gas station, the shops, town hall, it's all unimportant. What matters is getting to Eddie. You need to save him. 
Suddenly a heavy feeling in your chest lifts, but not in comfort. It's as if someone's tugged a weighted blanket off of you, exposing your vulnerability for the world to see. Eddie's presence, once a firm hold coddling your heart, is reduced to a whisper of a thought. Gossamer threads tie you instead of lead ropes that you hadn't even realised were there until they were nearly gone. 
“Nancy, we need to hurry, he's almost gone!” 
She doesn't question how you know, just presses her foot to the accelerator and bombs through Hawkins and onto the familiar country road. She gets as near as the woods will allow, until you're yanking the door open and continuing on shaky legs, feet pounding at the bracken and tears streaming from the corners of your eyes. 
A singular thought races through your mind with each footfall. Save him. Save him. Like a heartbeat. 
The cabin starts to appear out of the darkness, the lights inside a beacon of hope. As you reach the front door it flies open, Steve standing in the frame. 
His hair is sticking out in every direction; part of it is plastered to his forehead with blood. A bat with nails in it is hanging limply at his side and his clothes are torn. There's gashes in his front, as if gigantic claws had swiped at him. Previously you would have stopped, gaping at his wounds in horror and done anything you could to help, but after everything you've seen tonight they seem almost trivial. 
“Is he here?” 
Steve takes a deep breath in, swinging the bat at his side as if on instinct. 
“He's here, I guess. He was awesome, then- he wasn't him, in the end. He's not said a word after Vecna, then when Mrs- well, he passed out. Just, be careful.” 
You nod and shoulder your way through, past a long haired guy with the intense expression who you assume is Jonathan, and into the bedroom.
It's a familiar scene, so much so that it borders on comfort. He's strapped down to the bed, a belt wrapped around his feral maw. His breaths are shallow and wet sounding. A snarling whistle of a snore escapes on each exhale. 
His wounds are deep, much deeper than before. There's blood pooling at his side from a gaping wound, it looks like one of those bastard monsters took a bite out of him. That seems the worst damage, that and a bite on his shoulder that almost mirrors your own. You'd laugh at the irony if you weren't so upset. On top of that, there are so many scrapes and claw marks and bruises that it makes your heart ache. 
“One of you, come in here and help me.” 
Steve appears in the door frame, bat held high as if Eddie were about to pounce. 
“Steve, put the bat down. I need your help cleaning these wounds.” 
He lowers his arm and moves nearer to you, but doesn't let the bat go. 
“I don't think you get it. When Vecna- when he realised he couldn't hurt him, those demogorgons got him. He fought three of them at once and then he… well, he tore Vecna in half. Since then he's not… he was a beast. Tried to attack me and Hopper, until Mrs Byers whacked him over the head, knocked him out cold. I'm not sure he's Eddie, anymore.”
There's a tug at your heart, a spindly web like thread that pulls you to your love. 
“He's weak, but he's there. I know it. Help me clean these wounds and bind them before he bleeds out.” 
The two of you work in silence, Steve flinching when Eddie stirs, but he doesn't wake up. When the hole in his side is padded with gauze and tightly bound with bandages, you work on the rest. There's just so many injuries, it's a wonder he's still alive and hasn't bled out yet. 
When it's done, with Eddie patched and bandaged as well as you know how, you collapse onto the floor, hands on your knees. All you can do is wait for him to wake up. That's if he wakes up. If he wakes up as him, and not some mindless beast. 
“Listen, you've done what you can. You're awesome, really.” 
Steve's hand grasps yours on top of your knee. 
“If he's gonna come back for anyone, he'll come back for you.” 
The smile he flashes melts your heart as he gets up to leave. A second later, he returns with a musty blanket and a worn cushion. You take them gratefully and get comfortable on the floor, hoping against hope that your love wakes up. 
A roaring growl shatters through your nerves and startles you awake, rocketing through your senses before you have a chance to think. Hot breath blows across your face, messing your hair and making you blink in its turbulence. 
Eddie's on all fours on top of you, crouched low and teeth bared, bindings in tatters all about you. The belt is gone from his jaw; you can only assume he managed to break it with sheer force. A dribble of slobber hangs from his maw; for some reason it's all you can focus on. It wobbles in your vision, as you scramble for some way to get through to him.
He barks roughly, snapping his teeth barely an inch from your face. 
“N-now, you listen to me, Eddie!” 
Your voice squeaks, belying the stern demeanour you're attempting to convey. He growls low, crouching even further over you, giving you an undeniable urge to flee. You can't, not with Eddie on top of you. Not just that, you know deep within your bones that if you attempt to escape, you're dead. 
It suddenly dawns on you that it doesn't matter. You could just throw yourself out there and be eaten. Sure, it'd be painful, but since he's hovering right over your jugular it'd probably be quick. Living without him seems far worse. Or, you might just succeed, and live. 
There's no time for hesitation and pleasantries. So, you grasp the fur around his maw and clutch it desperately, fingers winding into his pelt. His eyes widen, jaw closing slightly, and you take the opportunity to pull his head closer. Your forehead sits flush with his, searching his eyes for any sign of the Eddie you know. 
“Eddie Munson, you listen to me! You know who I am! Can't you smell it? My smell, your smell? You're mine, and I'm yours. You promised you'd come back to me! So do it, come the fuck back to me or I swear I'll kill you myself!” 
Releasing one hand, you pull your t-shirt over your shoulder and show him the mark he left you. 
“You see this? You know what this is? Remember, Eddie!” 
There's a flicker in his hard gaze, a flash of something that just might be your Eddie. Pressing his snout to the mark, he inhales deeply. Then, he's pressing his jaw to yours, nuzzling your neck with his nose. Moving your head to meet his affection, you rub your faces against each other. The tension in the room dissipates as you finally start to see the human behind the beast.
As he pulls his face away, you stare deep in his eyes. 
‘I love you Eddie Munson. I knew you'd come back. You had to, because you love me too. Right?” 
One slow blink. 
Then, he's falling to the floor on his side, seemingly exhausted with the strain. There's no way you'll be able to get him back into the bed, so you throw your blanket around you both and snuggle into his warm pelt before you fall asleep in his arms. 
When you finally wake up, he's still asleep breathing heavily through his nose. The breaths sound much better than before, a stark difference from the heavy, wet sound he was making previously. 
Every joint hurts from sleeping on the wooden floor. You stretch in place, click your elbows, and glance back down at Eddie. 
Even a few hours seems to have helped Eddie with his recovery. The small grazes you didn't bother to cover up are completely healed; just tiny fine lines of scars are all that's left, like the inking of a delicate pen. 
You try to stand up but Eddie's heavy paw is resting on your hip, keeping your back flush to his torso. 
“Eddie,” you whisper, half ashamed to disturb him, “I need to move, my back hurts.” 
One chestnut eye blinks roughly at you then opens, shrivelling from the light pouring through your ad hoc curtains. He's not said a word yet, a fact that is eating your insides up with worry, but you don't mention it. 
He pushes himself off of the floor, managing to stand shakily before flopping to the bed. Even this small movement has him exhausted beyond what should be possible. 
“Eddie, do you want me to get you something to eat? You know, to help the healing?” 
Those soulful deep eyes bore into you, stretching time for just a moment. Then he blinks deliberately at you, twice. 
“No? So, what can I do?” 
Wordlessly, he holds his arms out. You crawl into his embrace as he clutches you to his chest tightly, as if he's scared you'll run away. You couldn't though. Not now, not ever. 
After a few hours, he's breathing deeply, and you risk moving to the living space. Once you enter you see Steve and Jonathan there. Nancy climbs out of an armchair and makes her way towards the group, diplomatically standing exactly between them. 
“We didn't want to disturb. How's he doing?” 
Nancy's soft voice breaks the quiet and you allow her a small smile. 
“Great. I mean, he's healing like crazy, seems to be something he can do, and he remembers me for sure. He's not spoken yet, but give him time.” 
She beams at you, then flashes a thousand watt smile at Steve. Shaking her head slightly, apparently at her own actions, she grabs Jonathan's hand and gives it a squeeze. You don't miss the slight frown that flickers on Steve's face, or the little wanton appraising look he gives Jonathan. It's funny, viewing something from an outsider's perspective. They're the perfect little threesone and they don't seem to even know it. 
There's a stirring noise from the bedroom and you run immediately toward it. Eddie's sitting up in bed; it looks like he's trying to inspect the hole in his side with clumsy fingers. 
“Hey, it's OK Eddie, don't touch it. I'm gonna look after you, alright?” 
A flicker of relief passes across his face and he settles down into the mattress, placated. 
You inspect the wound; his recovery is remarkable but there's still a way to go before it's healed. By rights he shouldn't be breathing at all. 
“It looks good, it'll take a while to heal completely but I think you're gonna be alright.” 
A large hand reaches tentatively to your face and cups it, shaking slightly with the effort. His face scrunches, an internal pain crossing it that seems too much to bear. Then, words emerge. 
“...love… you.” 
Instantly welling with tears, you cup his hand in your own. 
“I love you too Eddie. Now sleep, you need to rest. I'll bring you some water, and some food in a while to get your strength back up.” 
He blinks slowly at you, then settles his head back into the mattress, palm dropping from your cheek almost instantly as he falls asleep. You take the cushion from the floor and anchor his head up, slipping it underneath so he doesn't strain his neck. 
Staring at him for a moment looking so peaceful makes your eyes well. Wiping furiously at your face, you disperse the tears and turn towards the doorway. 
“You alright?” 
Steve's standing there, thankfully no longer holding a bat. You nod and walk out of the room with him, after a final glance at Eddie's sleeping form. 
Now the danger has passed, the rest of them leave to go get some much needed sleep. The snippets you've been told about the battle for Hawkins sounded bloody and taxing, they all need to recuperate. 
When Eddie starts eating you breathe another sigh of relief. It's a good sign. He seems to be having trouble again with picking things up and using words but it's getting better by the hour. 
Collecting a bucket from outside, you fill it with warm water and grab some soap and a washcloth from the bathroom, then take it to the bedroom. Eddie's sitting up in bed, having just finished a whole chicken. He's licking juices from his furred fingers when you walk in. 
“Hey, that good? Want any more?” 
“Good… forrr now.” 
You smile at him and waddle over with the heavy bucket. Placing it on the ground with a heavy thud, you soak the cloth and add some soap to it. 
“What… doing?” 
“Oh, well you've got too many bandages on for me to clean you in the tub, so I thought I'd wash you in here, if that's alright.” 
Flashing his teeth in the epitome of a wolfish grin, he purrs out a response as he whips off the blanket covering him. 
“Hot nurrrse…. Giving me… sponge bath? Yess please!” 
You roll your eyes but you're smiling as you do it, and help him wriggle out of his sweatpants. He's naked, cock already kicking up with your proximity. 
“This isn't about that, Eddie!” 
“And don't just drop your s'es to be cute, I know you can say them!” 
He gently grasps your hand in his and you melt just a little. 
You start cleaning him as best as you can, tenderly mopping in between the bandages, taking care to remove as much of the crusted blood and grime as possible. 
As you work, you feel his furred finger curl under your chin, guiding you to look at him. 
“You… rrreally carrrre about… mme, don't you?” 
Trying to move out of his grip shyly, he holds your chin firmly waiting for your reply.
“I mean, yes, of course. I told you Eddie, I love you.” 
Damp fingers twine in his thick burly hand. His eyes are on you but seeing through you, deep in thought. You squeeze his fingers in encouragement. 
“What's on your mind, Eddie?” 
He huffs a laugh, shaking his head. 
“It's stu-pid… I just thought… when it all ended… when gate closed… I'd go back… be norrrmal.” 
Emotion floods those brandy hued eyes, you force a lump in your throat to go away. 
“Eddie, you've never been normal,” you say, smiling at him, whilst he growls a little chuckle in his throat, “but that's not a bad thing. You're different Eddie. You've always been different. You're odd, and funny, and intense. I love you, and not in spite of those things. Because of them. Because you're you.” 
Eddie roughly rubs a hand over his eyes to disguise the tears. 
“Love you… what the fuck… did I do… to deserrrve you.” 
“Don't know, but it must have been pretty awesome.” 
You smile as you finish cleaning him, drying him off as best as you can, and let him get more rest. It seems each time he naps his healing quickens exponentially, so you encouraged as many as you could. 
It was late evening by the time you saw him again. You had fallen asleep on the couch in front of the TV, curled up wearing Eddie's black t-shirt and nothing else, with a cushion between your knees for comfort. 
There was warm pressure just on the inside of your thigh, a heaviness that for some reason made you feel safe. 
Cracking one eye open, you see Eddie is sitting on the floor facing you, his furred cheek resting on your leg. His snout is just breaching the hem of the t-shirt, dangerously close to your heat. 
“Eddie, what are you doing?” 
He takes a deep breath in and your cheeks flood with embarrassment. 
“I miss-ed you… miss-ed this.” 
“We can't, like, do anything Eddie, not until you're healed.” 
Lifting his head up, he points wordlessly to his side. The bandage has been removed. Amazingly, it's knotted scar tissue; a few tufts of fur are growing on it already. In a few days you'd be surprised if you could even tell the near life threatening blow had even happened. 
“Wow, thats- fuck, that's incredible. You're amazing!” 
He makes a little satisfied noise at the praise and sits up, towering over you on the sofa. 
“So… arrre we good? Forrr… a little game?” 
Tilting your head, you mockingly appraise him, looking him up and down and checking each knot of scars. 
“Well… seems I can give you the all clear. What did you have in mind?” 
Opening his maw, he flicks his tongue over his teeth, and stares at you hungrily. 
“I've got… an i-dea.” 
He stands up and pulls you to your feet, reminding you again of the sheer size of him, and wordlessly leads you to the back door. 
When you're outside, the lack of noise really strikes you. There's not a sound in the woods. An eerie quiet washes over you, making each breath, each heartbeat all the louder. The air is crisp, but not freezing. It nips at your bare legs, trailing goosebumps up your thighs. You look up at the sky; a beautiful array of shining stars fill it, and the moon provides a little light so you can make out the dark shadow of trees about you. It's ethereal and beautiful. 
“It's really pretty Eddie, but what's this got to do with a game?” 
He stands just behind you, firmly grabbing you by your hips as he bends to speak in your ear. 
“We'rrre tied… in ourrr little chases… thought we could…” 
“Out here? In the dark? Eddie what if theres-” 
“Nothings herrre… animals fled frrrom the monsterrrs… can smell. It's just you… and mme.” 
The thought sends a little shiver down your spine, pins and needles rushing from the base of your neck. 
“You like the… i-dea. Can tell.” 
You curse your own body for betraying you, but he's absolutely right. You're already wet just thinking about it and it's starting to dampen your thighs. A heat floods through you, making you forget about the cold. 
“OK… say I'm interested, what are the rules?”
“Two minutes head starrrt… then, when I catch you…” He playfully licks the shell of your ear, “I can do… whateverrr I want.” 
“Within reason?” You say, voice already shaking. 
“Within… rrreason.” 
“Five minutes.” 
Immediately you tear away from his grasp and run, giving him no time to think about it. The forest floor is surprisingly soft under your bare feet, a carpet of pine needles allowing you to run comfortably, unhindered. 
Your ears are occupied by the sound of your own beating heart. It's pumping wildly in your chest, pure adrenaline coursing through your veins, making each decision. You zig zag, double back a little, and turn in a circle, to try and throw him off the scent. A part of you wishes there was a river nearby to help confuse the trail further. Then again, most of you is glad there isn't. It's not like you don't want to be caught. 
A fallen branch makes you trip and you sprawl unseen in the dark. The rush is still there, but you try to be more careful and take a little time looking for anything on the ground that could harm you. Squinting in the dark, you make out a huge stone in front of you which could have seriously injured you. Skirting around it, there's a copse of close together trees to one side. Then, there's an alrighty roar. 
He sounds so close, you must have made less progress than you thought. Dashing for the trees, you enter a little circle of pines and press your back against one panting for breath. You can hear him now. It sounds like he's galloping through the forest on all fours, crashing through branches and twigs like a hot knife through butter. 
You daren’t move, you daren’t breathe. This close there's no chance he won't hear you. Thighs clenching so hard you're in danger of losing blood flow, you feel your slick covering them, nearly slipping apart because of it. It's uncanny; you don't know why your body seems to have this visceral reaction to his presence, but really you don't need to know. All you know is that this feels so right, so natural for you, that it's accepted without hesitation. 
The absence of noise is what makes you jump. One minute there's crashing and breaking branches; the next, silence. You grip onto the rough bark, fingers white knuckling in fervent anticipation. 
You hear him then, soft footfalls crunching and sniffing noises. Keeping your back pressed firmly against the tree trunk, you try to breathe as quietly as you can. Each second that goes by feels like it stretches on for an eternity, as you hear him get closer and closer… and then walk past behind you. Breath leaving you in a gasp, you relax your muscles slightly. 
Until he's directly in front of you, completely naked, the sheer weight of him pressed up against you as he pins both your arms by your sides. His cock is throbbing against your stomach, huge and painfully hard. Bending his head to your level, his snout nudges your ear. 
“I win… you’rrre mmine.” 
He nips at your neck, his sharp teeth breaking the skin. Pain blossoms out from the mark, but it's followed by a wave of pleasure that sends another wash of wetness out of you. 
Eddie growls so deeply that you shiver, and suddenly your world is shooting upward as he grasps you firmly by the ass and lifts you up, your t-shirt riding up to your chest. The hard bark of the tree is pressing into your naked skin as he holds you there like a play thing, claws digging in your flesh. His tongue laps through your folds, tasting you with such ferocity that it makes you moan wantonly, your nails scraping into his scalp, hanging on for dear life. 
Cloying heat is surrounding you, suffocating you. You pull the shirt over your head and toss it in a vain attempt to get some relief but it's no use. Eddie's tongue is buried inside your tight cunt, a dizzying tornado that's making your head spin, but you need more. 
“Fuck- please Eddie, I-I need- oh God- I need you inside me.” 
He lifts your back off of the tree, then slams your spine against the rough wood, expelling all breath from your lungs. He's shaking his head back and forth, long snout rubbing over your clit. A hard no, but it's setting fireworks off inside you all the same. He lets up for a moment, just one, rumbling out words so close to your pussy you feel the warm air of his breath and the vibration of it on your clit. 
“You want me… so bad… then fuckin’ cum. Now.” 
His thumb breaching your weeping sex is a complete surprise. It's just so thick; moving inside you with such animalistic intensity that you're clenching and coming with an obscene scream directed at the heavens. You crumble to ash and dust within his very clutches, the smouldering fire flaming bright and burning all of you, inside and out. 
There's no time to recover, to breathe. He slides you down the tree trunk and onto his waiting member, forcing it inside with barely any warning. Tears spring from the corners of your eyes as he forcibly lifts you by your hips and slams you back down, over and over, his powerful thrusts pulling whimpers out of you. You're just so full, his swollen length pulsing inside, throbbing you to ecstasy. 
The strings tighten inside you, firming the pressure in your belly, which suddenly snaps, dissolving into an intense wave of pleasure that gushes from your hole and threatens to push him out due to its violence. He shudders with you, holding you close and grinding into you, helping you ride it out with almost gentle movements that bely the ferality he displayed only moments ago. Your foreheads touch softly, breaths in tandem. 
For a second you think he's finished. You couldn't be further from the truth. His voice is strained, as if he's trying to keep it under control. 
“You… do that… again.” 
Before you can blink his knuckles are dragging harshly over your clit, back and forth, sending a shiver through your spine on each rough pass. 
“Eddie- oh holy- oh fuuuck!” 
You're barely able to speak, to think. Sentences fail to form, in fact your bordering on drooling at the way he's fucking you dumb. In moments you're clenching around him, walls fluttering uncontrollably as you sob out another release, muscles contracting involuntarily and quivering all over your body. After a while, you realise you're weeping, tears streaming with no barriers to stop them. 
It still doesn't stop Eddie and his violent conquest over your form. He seems intent on owning you, ruining you, taking every last ounce of pleasure out of you to leave you a shattered blubbering mess. It's as if he needs to get his pain and anguish out; it's pouring from him and into each movement of his hips.
Sobs are bubbling out of your mouth, wet and round, spit gathering at the corners. 
“Eddie, I- I can't-” 
Then he's pinching your clit hard between thumb and forefinger, as his teeth nip at your breast. The overbearing pain and the zealous pleasure are too much. Shamefully, you release yet again, slick running down your legs and onto the forest floor in a sticky web. 
It's only then that he holds you close, hard arms snaking around your back as your legs shake wildly either side of his hips. His bearish hands grasp you tightly as he throbs his own messy climax deep inside you, roaring loudly, pulsing and pulsing until you've milked him dry. Even then he remains, hard and swollen, locked in and unable to separate. 
His touch is far more gentle now, lifting you by the hips as if you are to be cherished and placing your back softly to the pine needle covered ground. He hovers over you, almost in fear of breaking you, one rough hand stroking at the delicate skin of your cheek. Staring into his eyes, you see the shame harbouring within them.
Before he can speak, you're grasping his furred cheeks and holding his gaze. 
“Eddie, it's OK, honestly. I mean, it was a little rough… but fuck me… that was amazing. You're amazing.” 
He nuzzles into you, deeply breathing in your smell as he cuddles you in the softest embrace. 
“You trying to be cute with me again, Eddie Munson?” 
Your stern words just earn you another squeeze, a slightly tighter hold from his firm arms. For a while you lay there, feeling the other's heartbeat and listening to nothing but the wind between the trees. 
It takes a bit, but the knot finally subsides and you are able to extricate yourselves from its hold. As soon as Eddie's comforting arms are no longer around you, you start to shiver massively. 
“Need.. get you home… climb on.” 
He's on all fours, crouching low in front of you like a tamed lion. 
“You've got to be fucking kidding me.” 
There's a soft rumble in his throat that almost sounds like laughter. 
“Get on… beforrrre you frrreeze.” 
You can't really argue with that. 
Hesitating with your knee up high, you're trying to work out where you need to be. You've never ridden a… a wolf? A lion? A monster? Briefly, you think you've never ridden an Eddie, but you blush profusely when you remember that's simply not true.
Finally deciding on swinging your leg over near his waist at the thinnest part of him, you settle into the soft fur. He swings a paw up and grasps your hand, leading it toward the longer hair down his spine. 
“Might want… to hold on… sweet-hearrrt.” 
You twine your fingers delicately into the thicker part of his pelt. That is, until he starts running on all fours through the trees. You grip tightly when you feel the sudden rush of speed, fingers losing blood as you hold on in fear of crashing to the floor. 
Once the initial shock is over, it's electrifying; a thrilling, hedonistic mix of riding a horse and a motorcycle at once. The wind whips through your hair and stings your uncovered skin, making you feel oh so alive. The constant push and pull of powerful muscles beneath you make you realise just how strong Eddie is. It suddenly dawns on you that no matter how rough he's been with you, he's holding back. If he showed you half his power you doubt you'd live to tell the tale. That stark realisation has you falling for him all over again. 
It's that power that seems to flow up from him and through you. You feel like some sort of heathen queen, riding through the forest on your monstrous steed, naked as the day you were born. Wild, savage, and formidable.
Too soon, your impromptu ride is over as he lopes toward the lights of the cabin, eventually coming to a stop. Sliding off of his mighty form, you land on both feet practically buzzing with excitement, caring not a jot for the fact that you were still naked. 
“Eddie, that was incredible! We need to do that again, like, every night. Fuck, I'm shaking!” 
You beam at him, glowing inside and out. 
“If anyone else… said that… I'd bite them. But… it's you. I'll be you’rrre… steed.” 
“You just want me to ride you again.” 
In the short time you've been together, you've gotten used to the subtle signs in his face, in the looks in his eyes, enough to be able to read him. You don't need any of those though, not when his usual whiskey eyes are blackened with desire. 
“You… not done?” 
Grinning profusely, you open the back door and beckon him with your finger. 
“You… animal.” 
You laugh; a messy, loud, belly laugh at the pure irony of the situation. 
Walking into the bedroom, you watch him follow you in. There's pine needles stuck in his fur, and mud crusted into his hands and feet. The very air surrounding him is of forests; of damp and bark and moonlight. 
All it's doing is stirring up your insides further. Right now, this heathen queen needs her monster king. 
“Lay down.” 
He huffs lowly, towering over your tiny form. 
“You… telling mme… what to do?” 
“Yes. I am. You got a problem?” 
You push lightly at his chest, making him collapse mockingly onto the bed, face twisted in taunting pain, as if you had caused him serious harm. 
“Don't… hurrrrt mme, prrrincess.” 
“I wasn't going to… hurt you, exactly.” 
You straddle his body, backwards, mouth hovering near his already firm length as your ass swings tantalisingly just out of reach of his drooling maw. 
“Now…. Sweet-hearrrrt, fuuuck… so unfairrr…” 
You can feel the breath expelling from his mouth, the way the sweep of his tongue creates air that is failing to make it between your folds. It makes your cunt throb from the lack of attention, still puffy and drooling from your encounter in the woods. 
You lick a firm stripe from his heavy balls to the tip of his engorged purple member, watching it shiver with the affection. There's a salty, brutish taste to him, mixed with the sweet, feminine tang of you, that makes you want to lick him over and over. Rolling the tip of his weighty length into your mouth, you roll it around with your tongue, licking any trace of you and him together away, to be stored in your memories forever. 
“Sweet-hearrrt… please!” 
He's panting, each short breath firing bursts of air at your cunt. You don't let up, not yet, suckling at his tip, pressing firm kisses to the slit on the tip. He's growling and whining, muscles twitching all over. 
There's no way you can take more than a third of his threatening member into your mouth, but you do what you can, stroking firmly with both hands what you cannot take. Spit dribbles out of your mouth and down to your fisted palms, wetting the rest of his length with soaked, messy need. 
He roars, lion-like behind you, fingers pressing further bruises into your soft flesh. You don't let up, you can't. You need to make him tremble beneath you; to feel those controlling muscles fold under the feel of your mouth. 
The thrust up into your wet lips has you gagging around his length, gargling and spluttering around his thick head. You can't chide him for it, not since the movement sets your insides ablaze with need. 
He curls as hard as his spine will allow; the tip of his tongue ghosting over your slick heat. Quivering, you let up on your assault with your mouth, and twist so you can face him. Whines and whimpers expel from his throat as his thick fingers wind around your waist. Before they can contort into growls and snarls, you sink down onto his slippery cock, all the way to the hilt, as if he were the perfect sword to your tight sheath. 
“Lay back and relax… There's a good boy.”  
Instead of taking control, he gives it to you. A whine, high pitched and needy, rolls out of his mouth. 
Bending down, with him still flush inside you, you press your pretty lips against his slathered maw. Open mouthed kisses are pressed onto his jaw, tongue sneaking in and feeling his pointed fangs delicately. He licks purposely into your mouth, dancing against your tensed muscle. 
Grinding hard into him, his solid weapon presses harshly against your g spot, stars forming in the corners of your eyes. He sits up so he can lace his thick arms around you, as if he needed to be even closer somehow. Responding in kind, you position your legs around him, holding tight as he thrusts up into you. 
Sweat is glistening, dripping down your spine at the proximity of his boiling hot body. Your fingers wind into the thicker fur on his spine as he rocks into you, feeling him in your very core. 
Suddenly he's grasping your hips, about to pull you off him. Whining, you shake your head, forcing yourself back down. 
“I'mm gonna-” 
“I know, please, I need to feel it, fill me up, please!” 
Those words are all it takes for Eddie, pushing him over that precipice, free falling into ecstasy. You join him, plummeting into your own release as the feel of his knot consumes you. 
For a while you hold each other, the only clue that time had failed to stop being your panting breaths. Your head is snuggled into the soft coat of his neck, his chin resting on the top of your head. As his hardness finally begins to subside you still remain, the sanctitude of the moment ongoing. It feels as if it will be an ongoing memory to play on a loop in the back of your mind, forever. 
The following two weeks flew by in a hum buzz of activity. You're pulling shift after shift at the hospital and helping out at the emergency shelter when you can. The town is pulling together, trying to heal and coming to terms with what will forever be a little bit broken. 
Eddie's mood has been in a shifting, unstable state since the night he defeated Vecna. The nightmares were the worst part of it; on more than one occasion you've had to physically hit him to get him to wake up and stop thrashing in panic on the bed. You try to soothe with words, soft touches and kindness. It's helping, but you know he's got a long way to go. 
Being busy has helped. He and Hopper have come to form an odd friendship. To his credit, Hopper never treated Eddie any different despite his appearance. In fact, he said he's one of ‘Hawkins’ finest upstanding citizens’, since he can't go out and cause trouble. It's not like he can be the town's weed supplier, after all. 
Eddie needed something to do. Hopper understood that deeply, he explained, from his own past traumas and grief. So, he started towing cars to the cabin, getting Eddie to fix them up and send them back as an impromptu mechanic. Fixing things and earning a little money have certainly improved his mood. When he wasn't doing that he was working on the cabin which was starting to feel like home. 
You're on your way there right now. After the conversation you had with Hopper this morning, a huge smile is glued to your face. 
Approaching your home, you see Eddie outside working on a car. When he sees you he bounds over, grabbing the two enormous suitcases you've been struggling with and lifting them with ease. 
“What's all… this?” 
“Take them inside, I've got some news.” 
He does as you ask, depositing them on the floor before he holds you close, snout breathing in your scent at the crook of your neck. 
“Eddie, I spoke with Hopper. He's agreed to give us the cabin for nothing. I just gave away my apartment, so I can stay here with you.” 
Eddie barks with delight, picking you up and spinning you around. You giggle, holding onto his shoulders. He presses his maw to your tummy, breathing you in. 
When he puts you down on the floor, there's a queer look in his eye. 
“Eddie, something wrong?” 
Shaking his head, he falls to his knees so he can look you in the eyes as he holds both your hands in one enormous paw. 
“Not wrrrong… differrrrent. We'll need the cabin, forrr all of us.” 
You tilt your head, confused. 
“What do you mean? There's only me and you.” 
Staring at you as if to gauge your reaction, he presses one bearish hand to your stomach reverently. The hint isn't lost on you, eyes widening in disbelief. 
“Eddie, are you saying that you think I'm… pregnant?” 
One slow blink. 
Legs wobbling, you sit on the floor in front of him. 
“I'm on birth control, I mean, surely I can't be… are you sure?” 
Eddie taps his nose. 
“I'm sure. Is it… a prrroblemm?”
Searching your thoughts you realise it isn't. It really isn't. There's nothing you want more than to spend your life with him, to have a family, no matter what that looks like.
“No, not at all. It's a little… fast, but I want this.” 
Holding your cheek with his rough hand, he makes sure you keep your eyes trained on him. 
“Are you surrre? What… if it's…” 
He gestures to himself, in all his monstrous glory. Cupping his hand on your face, you shake your head.
“I don't care if we have a baby, or a-a cub, or a pup, as long as it's yours and mine.” 
He holds you then, softly and close as you twine your fingers into his thick pelt. 
A life lies before you, one that you couldn't have possibly predicted. A fairytale life; one where the monster gets the girl, and gets the happily ever after. 
Taglist (if you want to be added/removed please PM me)
@liminalpebble @eddies-puppet @rip-quizilla @micheledawn1975 @vanilla-demon @millercontracting @roanniom @josephquinnsfreckles @leelei1980 @mrsjellymunson @usedtobecooler @eddiesprincess86 @ali-r3n
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jean0farc · 7 months
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𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: Dark fantasy, yandere, a bit of fluff.
𝖕𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌: Alucard X You (the reader)
𝖘𝖞𝖓𝖔𝖕𝖘𝖎𝖘: Just a little one-shot scenario between you and affectionate, but yandere Alucard snuggled up in bed. The time takes place after sex. After refusing to cuddle with him, he spirals into a feeling of bloodlust as he gets himself ready to mark you as his.
𝖈𝖜: Blood drinking, if that counts. A bit of dubcon even though there isn’t really smut for this fic, and slight degradation (he calls you his pet).
𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗’𝖘 𝕹𝖔𝖙𝖊: Hello again, readers. So I’m back with a new fic and despite not uploading for a couple of weeks due to mental health reasons and school, I’m going to post this new fic I made which is a part of a series!
YANDERE PROMPT LIST BY: @writeformesinpie
PROMPT: “I can never get enough of you. I’ll drink you down to the last sip.”
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“A-Alucard….Just five more minutes…please….”
It was about nine o’ clock in the morning when all curtains were closed to prevent sunlight from penetrating through the glass windows.
….And there you were in bed, bare naked with the touch-starved vampire himself, your body shivering at the cold touch of your respective “lover.” Alucard was trying to cuddle you, to which you tried avoiding.
“You’ll take whatever’s been given to you, dear. You must lie with the beast before you who has been craving your touch for as long as a thousand years.”
“There you go again with your silly monologues, Alucard. Just let me be as I sleep, alright? I’m tired. You might as well kill some peasants outside or do your necessary duties for the day….just leave me be-”
A loud sound was heard as Alucard flipped you over.
You couldn’t believe your eyes as Alucard landed on top of you, pinning you down to the king-sized bed as his eyes glowed a bright shade of red. The look on his face intimidated you like a hungry wolf cornering its prey, his lips forming a smug smirk. You wanted to….no, you needed to run to a safe place where you could feel a bit of comfort. The look he’s been giving you was unlike his previous deed of cuddling your smaller figure.
Alucard let out a small chuckle.
“Cat got your tongue, darling? Judging by your current state, there won’t be another time where you’ll refuse my orders.”
“But, Alucard, we’re-” you attempted to protest.
“We’re not what?” Alucard asked, tilting his head. “Not together?” He laughed in retaliation to your bewildered facial expression. Leaning closer to your ear, you felt chills run down your spine as he whispered intimately. “Very well, let me clue you in. Your blood is mine, in fact, your entire being is mine by the time I’ll have myself inside you. Sir Integra has chosen you to become my one and only pet whom I shall swear to protect with my very own life. You are far too fragile to let go. Let this moment consume your soul. Give yourself to me, and don’t look back.”
“Alucard…..please…” you whimpered. “I only agreed to sleep with you because….because…..!!!”
“Such a precious, sensitive little thing.”
His mouth opened wide and bit down aggressively on your neck, drawing blood. You moaned loudly in return, trying to push away Alucard’s huge figure off of you. Your efforts to let yourself free were pointless, as he took advantage of your arms by grabbing your wrists and keeping them in place.
Alucard started to suck the blood out of your neck, leaving bruises and hickeys around it. He surely was doing all this for his own pleasure, so as to leave you aching for more. And boy, were you feeling real good.
“A-Alucard!!! I….I thought…you just wanted…a hug…..”
“Hm? I've changed my mind. From now on, what I want from you is something more sinister, something animalistic and disgusting to the untrained eye. I can never get enough of you, I’ll drink you down to the last sip. I have fallen for you, pet. Show a little gratitude for someone as powerful as I have swallowed their pride just to love and protect you dearly with all my strength.”
“I appreciate it, but….”
“Has your pride gotten the best of you, dear? After we got our freak on the previous night? I bet it didn’t. Just admit how you developed feelings for me.”
“Oh, no! That’s not the case! I-” you stammered.
“Ah, so you still refuse to admit your feelings, hm? Very well, I’ll show you how desperate of a mess you’ll be once I bend you over.”
It was too late. You and Alucard were about to spend the whole morning going at it until night, leaving you with no choice but to spend time with the creature who has lusted for you since Integra has chosen you as his pet.
There was no turning back.
It was about to be a long day.
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theemporium · 9 months
Love your stories btw ♥️, may I request 🐈‍⬛ with alpha leader Max V. x sunshine! human reader mate ( moreover how they met ). She’s walking alone in the woods where she runs into Maxie in his wolf form, she gets a bit afraid since he looks intimidating but starts to pet him and coo at him while Max let’s her because he immediately knew that she is his mate ( he’s enamored yet amuse at how cute she is). All of the sudden, another wolf from his pack comes out of nowhere trying to “protect” Max since you’re human causing them to push you away resulting in you bleeding and being hurt. Max sees that and goes crazy
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
It had been a last minute decision to take a hike in the woods.
Between the stress of moving and the fact more boxes kept being left at your doorstep, you were seconds away from losing your mind and immediately needed a break. But you didn’t like the idea of stopping by a nearby restaurant by yourself like some lone wolf. Normally, you wouldn’t care but the idea of judgemental eyes following your every move wasn’t exactly your idea of relaxation. 
And with a massive garden that led out into acres of woodland, it seemed like the perfect choice to take a small hike and get to know the area around you. 
You had been careful to keep note of which path you were taking as you set out, a backpack with essentials and an extra layer in case it got chillier as the sun went down. It was serene, something about being surrounded by nature and being disconnected from city life was an escape you didn’t even realise you needed as you padded through the woods. 
However, an hour into your hike, the last thing you expected to see was any wildlife bigger than the odd bunny running past your legs. Maybe a fox if you were pushing it. 
But certainly not a wolf.
You had been humming away to yourself, basking in the calm and peaceful air around you when you heard a twig snap. Your head snapped up, a soft smile on your face as you expected to see another little bunny. However, your smile quickly fell and you stopped short in your path the moment you saw the large wolf on the other side of the clearing. 
He was big. Far bigger than any dog you had ever seen, though that was much was a given. His fur was a mix between light brown and blonde, though you couldn’t exactly be sure. But his eyes—they were different. They were a striking blue, and you almost felt like they could look right into your soul. You felt stupid for even thinking that, though it didn’t stop you from feeling as much.
You held your hands out hesitantly, the fear striking through your body when you realised the way his eyes were locked on you. You swallowed back the ball at the back of your throat, taking a small hesitant step back. 
Yet, the wolf just tilted his head at you like he was confused. 
You took another step back, and only then did it seem to pick up on the fact you were trying to leave. The second you saw it move towards you, you let out a scream on instinct and raised your arms up to cover yourself.
You waited. You waited to feel the wolf’s claws digging into your skin or his teeth sinking into your flesh. You waited to feel the wrath of a known predator, but instead you felt his snout nosing your legs before he slumped down at your feet.
You stared down at the beast with wide eyes, unsure if you were even living the moment or if it was one of your fever dreams you’d wake up on the couch after in a complete daze. But the wolf let out a small whimper and you found yourself almost smiling down at him.
“Oh,” you murmured as you hesitantly reached out to stroke his fur—almost surprised by how soft it was—only to fully grin when he let out a noise of contentment. “You’re just a friendly big guy, huh?” 
The wolf only rolled onto his back, paws in the air and his tail wagging as you softly rubbed his belly, laughing a little at the way he preened at the touch.
“What a good boy,” you cooed softly as you kneeled down on the floor, the shrubbery beneath you cushioning you as you continued to pet the wolf. “I never knew wolves could be so friendly.”
However, lost in your awe and surprise of the friendly wolf, you had failed to notice a second one slowly approaching you from behind. 
You didn’t feel the pain until a few seconds later, more focused on the fact you were fucking winded from a large wolf tackling you from behind. You lifted yourself off the ground, sitting up as you choked on your own breaths. And when the pain hit you, you raised your hand to your forehead, only to quickly wince when you felt the tender wound and the stickiness of your own blood. 
But your own injuries seemed to be the last thing on your mind when you noticed the friendly wolf standing in front of you, growling and flashing his sharp teeth at the second wolf (who now, in comparison, looked smaller than him). 
You shuffled back, your head spinning as you tried to process the sight in front of you. And then, the most unexpected thing happened. 
Where the friendly wolf stood moments ago, now stood a man. A very naked man. A very pissed off, naked man. 
“Go!” He growled, despite the fact he was a human now and no longer an animal. “Get the fuck out of here before I decide to rip your throat out! Go while you still have a fucking chance of saving your life!” 
The second wolf whined and whimpered, bowing his head in submission. And in a blink of an eye, he was gone, running through the woods he appeared from moments ago. 
You must’ve let out a noise because suddenly the man was turning to face you, uncaring of his current lack of clothes or the fact he was a fucking animal moments ago. His focus was completely on you, with those same blue eyes staring at you with a mix of worry and concern.
He kneeled before you and, if you were sane and normal, you would have scampered onto your feet and ran away by now. But for some reason that was beyond your own understanding, you didn’t feel the need to run away from this man. Not yet, at least. 
His hand reached out to softly push your hair away from your face, only for his lips to turn downwards at the sight of the wound on your forehead. His fingertips trailed across your cheek and down your jaw before he murmured quietly to himself, “my mate.” 
And yet, there was only one thing you seemed to blurt out in response. 
“What the fuck are you?”
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May I request some jealous Henry with lots of fluff, please? 🥹❤️
You got it, babe! I may have taken a bit of a liberty with this one. I got a thought in my head and had to get it out, so I'm sorry if it wasn't quite what you'd imagined, lol. Thanks for stopping by!
Warnings: a little bit of angsty homesickness, some raunchy banter, and plenty of fluff in the form of a cow/bear/pig
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"So...What are you wearing?"
His laughter fills the room. Another night apart means another night alone in bed. Distance is always hard on a relationship, and though you've been through your share of time apart, it doesn't make it any easier this time around. At least it's just for a couple of weeks, while he's off running the press gauntlet for the newest season of The Witcher. It's bittersweet this time around. The last several months have been hard, watching him mourn the loss of a project he loved so much, and it sucks that you couldn't be there for him now. The plan was for him to go off and do everything abroad, then you'd meet back up and join him at the premiere in London. In the meantime though, all this waiting was driving you nuts.
The house is dark, except for the glow of the bedside lamp that illuminates the room that you're used to sharing with your man and his bear. Kal is used to tagging along for most adventures, and it's clear that he's a bit disappointed about having to stay behind as well. His ears perk up at the sound of his dad's voice, but doesn't bother to investigate further. He's far too comfy to move.
"Come on, love. Just a peek?"
Henry is a menace, and he knows what that does to you. With those beautiful eyes and that cheeky little grin, you could never tell him no. Throwing the blankets aside, you reach out to adjust the screen of your laptop to give him the perfect view of your sexiest fleece pajama bottoms.
"Hey!" he protests. "That's my shirt!"
"Yeah, and?
Even now, propped up in the bed of a hotel room a couple thousand miles away, Henry couldn't hide from you. The banter was just a facade, a distraction to keep you from seeing just how much he missed you. He thought he'd built a wall of stone to keep you from knowing, but in reality, it was just a pane of glass. One look and it shattered around him.
Henry sighs. He doesn't have to speak for you to know what he's feeling, because you feel it too. It's an odd sensation, feeling so homesick when you're still at home. You look down at the t-shirt you're wearing. The gray one he wore in the Durrell Challenge a few years back. Even though its been sitting in the back of the closet for a while, it still smells like him. That's why you picked it.
"What time is it there?" you ask, but it's clear by the look in his eyes just how tired he is. Must be getting pretty late, even for an insomniac gamer like him.
"Late. But I don't have anything planned for the morning, so don't worry."
You sit in silence for a moment, both of you laying on your sides facing each other just as you would if he were here with you now. When you open your mouth to speak, to finally admit just how much you miss him, you're cut short by a loud, rumbling snort from the foot of the bed. The culprit lets out a yawn ("Good yawn!") and a stretch ("Big stretch, bubba"), then works his way up the bed to nose at the keyboard a bit.
"Uh oh. We've woken the bear," you tease, rubbing the beast behind his ears as he circles the space he's made between you and the computer to rest in. Kal sniffs and sighs to voice his disappointment, then settles down again to snooze for a little while longer.
"Keeping Mumma company, I see," Henry smirks. "I might even let it slide that you've let him on the bed."
You shrug, grinning ear to ear as you ruffle Kal's mane. "When the wolf's away..."
That struck a nerve. Maybe it's the jetlag finally catching up to him, or maybe its the distance. You can see it in the shift in his eyes, the tense of his jaw. It makes you snort with laughter.
"Oh, come on, Cavill. Look at that face. You can't possibly be jealous of him. You'll get plenty of snuggles the moment you're home." Then you wink. "Snuggles, and then some."
The wrinkles on his brow disappear, and he realizes just how silly it is to be jealous of the dog. Better to be jealous of him than someone else, at least. Shaking his head, he laughs. What an idiot. Either way, it's good enough for now. Henry shifts to prop himself up on an elbow to look down at the screen. He's sure you'll make good on your promise. In the meantime...
"Now," he says with a grin. Good ole Henry, always back to business as per usual. "Care to flash me a tit?"
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engie-ivy · 4 months
@wolfstarmicrofic 8th: Arrow
797 words.
Warning: Injury
James is not going to sit there as Remus wakes up in the Hospital Wing and explain to him why Sirius isn't there. He can't.
Hold On
“No, no, no, no,” James lets himself fall to the ground next to the bundle lying on the muddy forest floor. “Pads? Padfoot, can you hear me?”
There's no response.
James places his arm behind Sirius’ neck and carefully lifts his head. His other hand he places in Sirius’ neck, searching for a pulse, which thank Godric, he finds, but weak, so weak. “Sirius? Sirius!”
Sirius’ eyes open and he seems aware of James’ presence as he tries to say something, but only a pained groan comes out, before his eyes fall shut again.
Panic rises in James’ chest as he scrambles for his wand, muttering what little Healing Spells he knows.
“I heard the younglings talk this morning.” Firenze looks down at James. “How they spotted a dark hound the size of an Erumpent roaming the forest, thinking it to be a dark creature, or even a Grimm, rumored to bring ill tidings. So they fired their arrows at the creature. When I came to investigate this morning, I found him.”
James can barely look at the wound, the gruesome sight of the arrow protruding from Sirius’ stomach. Though the arrow still being lodged in his stomach is probably the only reason Sirius hasn't bled out this night.
Sirius has opened his eyes again and his gaze shifts down, but James quickly places a hand on his cheek. “Just keep looking at me, Siri.” He desperately mutters a few more Healing Spells.
“An injury inflicted by Centaur-forged weapons cannot be healed as if it were a common Muggle arrow,” Firenze says disdainfully.
James looks up at him. “Can you help him?” He begs. “Please?"
“Will you retaliate?” Firenze asks cooly. “Our young ones learn to not harm wizarding children, even the ones foolish enough to wander into our forest, but we couldn't have anticipated one shaped like a Grimm. We know very well how vengeful wizards can be, how little regard you have for beings other than your own. Will your people take their vengeance on our herd, retaliate against our younglings?”
“Retali-” James shakes his head. “No. No, I don't care about blame, or retaliation. I just want him to live.” He looks up at Firenze pleadingly. “I need him to live. Please…”
“Moony…” Sirius manages to say.
“Moony is okay,” James says soothingly, brushing Sirius’ hair from his face. “The full moon has passed. He's in the castle, sleeping.”
“You change your appearance to run with the wolf of the lunar cycle,” Firenze states.
“He's our friend,” James simply says without taking his eyes off Sirius.
“Not many wizards would call a halfling between human and beast a friend,” Firenze muses.
“Well, he is,” James says shortly. If the centaur isn't going to help, he wishes he would be quiet, so James can think of something to save Sirius himself. There has to be something. There has to be.
“We have a Healer skilled in treating these kinds of wounds,” Firenze suddenly says. “I will bring him here. Try to keep him awake in the meantime,” he adds, resting his eyes on Sirius’ form. “I fear that if he slips away now, he won't make it back.”
“Padfoot, stay awake! You must stay with me, do you hear?”
As Firenze disappears between the trees, Sirius’ head slowly slides backwards.
“Hurts,” Sirius mumbles.
“I know, Pads, I know. But you have to hold on just a little longer, okay?”
Sirius’ breathing is getting slower.
“Sirius,” James begs. “Please, don't leave.”
Sirius just looks at him with empty eyes.
“Moony’s going to wake up in the Hospital Wing,” a sob escapes James. “Groggy and sore like he always is, and his eyes will immediately search yours. They always do, you know that. You're always the first person he sees, you're always where he finds comfort. You can't let me sit there, have Remus look at me questioningly, confused, and for me to have to tell him…” James’ voice breaks, and he shakely takes a breath in. “To have to tell him that you're… that you didn't… that I couldn't… You can't do that to me, Sirius!” He balls his fist and clutches Sirius’ robe. “And it happened during the full moon.” He squeezes his eyes shut, unable to stop the words spilling out of him. “He's going to blame himself. He's going to fall apart. He's going to fall apart, and I can't put him back together, not without you, Sirius! I need you there, for Moony. For Moony, okay?”
James meets Sirius’ eyes again, and something has changed. There's a determination there that wasn't there before. As they look at each other, something passes between them.
Sirius is going to stay awake.
He will try.
In the distance, James hears the sound of hooves approaching.
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mika-no-sekai-blog · 7 months
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Word count: 1400+
Warnings: mentions of blood, depression, description of wound
In books there's no mention of Tamlin being able to winnow, but for the sake of story, let's pretend he can, okay?😉
Part II
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You lived in a small cottage deep in the woods of Spring Court, far away from other fae. It wasn't like you hated them, they hated you. Most of the creatures living in this area avoided you, believing you had quite great powers and vicious nature, cursing anybody who crossed your way.
The rumours couldn't be further from the truth, but it didn't bother you what they said about you. You loved silence, enjoying every second of your lonely life in the heart of the nature.
You had several friends that used to stop by from time to time and brought you news, so you heard about everything that happened to your High Lord. You heard rumours about him going crazy, spending his days devastating his land in a form of horrific monster. You heard that fae ran away from this doomed Court. Last of your friends came to bid you farewell just few days ago trying to convince you to run away too. But why should you?
You lived alone, not caring about the outside world. You didn't care about what's happening out there, you didn't care about your High Lord nor the upcoming war. It had no meaning in your life. Feelings like hate, fear or love were just words with no particular meaning. And so the time passed slowly.
Fresh morning air brought smell of rain through the open window. Last night rained and the sound of raindrops on the roof of cottage lulled you to sleep. With bright smile you got up, changed and cleaned your room. Today it should be a nice sunny day. The intoxicating scent of flowers beckoned you out. Quickly you ran through your herb stocks and made a list of missing ones. You took small basket and went out to collect what you needed. Birds sang above your head as you bent down to tear off some chamomile flowers.
A roar thundered through the forest, making all birds fling away. You looked around with caution. Another roar shook the trees. And another. Now you knew where it was coming from. Quickly, but quietly you ran in that direction. It's in your nature to help to those who needed it. And this with no doubt sounded like somebody needed your help.
You ran up a hill ending in a cliff. And there down in a narrow valley on the other bank of small stream was lying the biggest beast you'd ever seen. Body of bear, head of wolf with antlers, his eyes were clenched in pain. On his side you could see deep wound, blood flowed in thin rivulets into the water. You didn't waste a second, climbed down and ran to its side. As you got closer, the beast opened its eyes and looked at you with a growl, showing off rows of sharp fangs. You halted and held up your hands.
"It's okay. You see? I'm not going to hurt you. I want to help you. Will you let me take a look?" you spoke to the beast in a soothing voice as you slowly step by step got closer. The beast growled again, but it put its head back on the ground. Green eyes never left yours, watching you with caution. Slowly you bent down. "Can I?" you gestured to the wound. It took few heartbeats, but the beast nodded slightly.
You knelt down between enormous paws, trying to ignore the dagger-like claws that could turn you into shreds of flesh in less than minute and examined the wound. It was so deep you could see its bones and even though it'd already begun to heal, it had to be treated. You bit down your lower lip. You needed to get the beast to your cottage, but it's too big and couldn't walk on its own in this state.
"It's quite deep. I need bandages and salve, but I don't have it all with me now. I'd need to go home. You are too big and heavy, so I can't take you with me.." you started to explain.
"Where?" a male's voice rasped.
"What?" you questioned, not sure if you really heard it.
The beast blinked. "Where?"the voice repeated with great effort. You lips parted in surprise.
"Well.. My cottage is about a kilometer to the north east from here."
"'Know the place," it breathed out. "Hold on to me."
You weren't so stupid to think, it's a real speaking beast. If nothing else, its eyes gave you enough hint. Of course, it's a high fae, a shape-shifter. And it seemed he could even winnow, so you did as he told you and took his paw with both of your hands. In a blink of an eye you were back in your cottage. Your head spun after the winnow, but you ignored it. Quickly you brought everything you could need and started to work on him. After few minutes the wound was bandaged and bleeding had stopped as well.
"I'm done," you announced. "It will take some time to completely heal. You can stay here until you will be able to move again." You wiped your hands clean while the beast just was laying, eyes narrowed, lost in his thoughts. He didn't seem to be in pain anymore. "Would you like something to drink?" you asked him gently, peeking on him.
His eyes concentrated on you once again, roaming around your face and then down your body. There was so much sadness in them. He just shook his head. "So I will let you take some rest," you nodded. "If you change your mind or it hurts you, tell me." The beast snorted and his eyes once again stared into the distance, returning to whatever he was thinking about before.
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Several days passed since you found the wounded beast and brought him to your cottage. He didn't want to eat nor drink and that made you worry. He didn't speak, answering you only with small nods, his gaze was unfocused. He just lay on the floor where he winnowed to, like a lifeless object, stuffed animal. Even his wound was closing slower than it should.
You believed that everything had its time. If he wanted to talk about what bothered him, he would already say something. It wasn't your place to stick your nose into other's troubles. But still you were worried about him. You even heard him cry in his sleep last night.
Every day you checked on his wound, applied the salve and wrapped it into clean bandages and today wasn't different. Before, you let him be after tending the wound, but not today. He needed help and you were more than ready to offer your help even though he didn't ask for it.
You made him tea and set the bowl in front of him. It would be easier if he turned back into his normal form, but it couldn't be helped. Maybe he was too weak to do so. You sat down next to him and in silence ran your fingers through the fur on his shoulder. He sighed and closed eyes. You didn't talk, just continued to stroke his shoulder. After few minutes he dipped his tongue in the bowl and drank a bit. His sad green eyes turned to you, watching you carefully.
"You don't have to do this," he rasped.
"I know," you answered gently. He huffed. His eyes roamed around the room as if it was the first time he noticed.
"For vicious witch, you live quite peacefully. Silently I'd say." Now it's time for you to huff.
"You shouldn't believe everything you hear."
"Everyone runs from this doomed Court. Why don't you do so too? Aren't you scared of High Lord?" His voice sounded so empty, without any feelings.
"I don't care about what's happening out there," you answered evasively.
"Hmm," he hummed. "Did you hear about his fiancée and the best friend? They ran away from him too. He certainly must be a monster." He watched you out of the corner of his eye.
"Maybe," you shrugged. "I've never met him. I would prefer to make my own opinion on him."
"I see," he drank some more of the tea and then stayed silent. His eyes were again sad and unfocused and you didn't press him more. However you continued to caress his fur without thinking. Soon enough his eyes closed and he fell asleep.
He slept for the rest of the day. You checked on him before going to the bed, but he was still fast asleep curled up into a ball. That night he seemed to rest peacefully without any haunting dreams.
In the morning when you came down, he was gone.
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phoebepheebsphibs · 1 month
Double-Mutated Mikey
Chap 2: Exodus
Continued from the short story written by @boots-with-the-fur-club
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Mikey growls loudly at the creatures as they come close. His marks start to flicker, as if they want to glow bright with his ninpo but can't anymore. Some part of Raph wonders what that means... but currently, he's terrified of what Mikey is going to do.
He's never heard him growl like that.
It's deep and guttural, much lower than Mikey has ever made his voice go.
Mikey suddenly lunges, running on all fours at the army of mutated monsters coming at them.
One creature that looks like it may have once been part wolf tries to swipe at him, but Mikey dodges it and swings his tail at him instead, sweeping out the hind legs and causing it to trip. Mikey's tail suddenly becomes sentient, grabs the hound and swings it like a club, knocking back several mutated animals before tossing the wolf like the world's furriest bowling ball. It slams into a row of oncoming beasts, slowing them down.
Raph can't let Mikey do this alone.
That's not what brothers do.
Not again.
He punches his fists together, creating two large hologram arms, and charges to join the fray.
Mikey is becoming wilder and wilder by the second, his grimace turning into a nasty snarl with sharp fangs beginning to jutt out. His eyes begin getting wider, the red irises glowing brighter and brighter. There are strange spines starting to creep out of his shell, the scales on his arms becoming sharp scutes like armor. Even his whipping tail -- which was much shorter before this crazy thing -- is starting to grow spines on it, the end practically looking like a mace or medieval weapon.
Raph is starting to get scared of his baby brother.
"Mikey! Mikey, you okay?" he asks, as he pushes several mutated raccoons and beavers aside.
Mikey doesn't respond beyond a gravelly low growl as he grabs a mutant badger by the tail and flings it into a wall.
How many animals are there?!
The hall is starting to fill up!
"Mike, we gotta get outta here! I can't hold these guys off for much longer!" he grunts, creating a few extra hologram arms to help ward off the rest. "Plus, I don't wanna hurt em!"
Mikey doesn't seem to hear him as he roars at the hoard. A few creatures start to back away in fright, before what looks like a mix between a boar and a porcupine starts running at them.
"That's our cue!" Raph shouts, grabbing Mikey. The spines and spikes protruding from his shell stab his palms and scrape his arms...
Mikey whirls around and bites Raph hard on the hand.
He yelps as he drops him. There's a mark on his hand, a deep indent. A small puncture wound begins to turn bright red. A tiny flow of blood begins to form just above his thumb.
Raph stares at Mikey.
Mikey glares back, the glow in his eyes bright as the blood on his hand.
His voice is a whisper. He can't stop shaking.
A moment passes and the glow in Mikey's eyes begins to dissipate, the spikes and spines slowly creeping back into his shell and skin. His tail smoothes out and starts to curl around his feet. His demeanour shifts, from one of a feral animal to a scared kid slowly coming out of a tantrum. He looks at Raph in fear as he realizes what he did. He whimpers, backing away slowly...
"Wait, it's okay! Really, I'm not mad, I --"
The mutant boar reaches them, slamming head-first into Mikey and throwing him into a wall. Mikey grunts with pain, a large crater forming in the drywall where he landed. He gets up quickly, his eyes immediately shifting back to red as he goes to retaliate.
Raphael watches in shock and horror as Mikey grabs the boar by the tusks and rips them out from his jaw. The pig squeals in agony and charges again, two smaller tusks quickly starting to grow back almost instantly.
"R--aph! Ra-- Come in, do y-- read me--?"
Raph looks down at his communicator. He totally forgot about it for a second... Leo and Donnie had been searching the other floors of the facility looking for Mikey, too! He should have let them know he'd found him --
"RAPH! I repeat, Raph, can you hear me?!"
"Yeah!" he shouts back over the screaming behind him. "I read you, Leo!"
"What the heck is all that noise?!"
"Long story short, I found Mikey. We need an escape, like, NOW."
"Donnie's on it," comes a second voice on the comms. "What floor are you on?"
"Five," he responds quickly, ducking from another mutant's attack. "I think we've been made. There were cages filled with animals and they all got released at once!"
"I'm coming now!" Donnie shouts. Raph can hear his hovershell whirr in the background, wind start whipping past the mic as he speeds towards them.
"Leo, where are you?"
"I just came from the basement. You guys will never believe what I found --"
"You can tell us on the way home, but we have to go NOW!!"
For a moment, Raph forgets that he isn't the leader anymore. For a moment, he's in charge and it's all on him to get them out. He's in control of everything and doesn't have to wait on Leo to make a self-sacrificing decision to solve everything like he tends to do.
"Okay, boss man. I'll meet you all outside in the turtle tank."
Raph sighs with relief.
"Got it. Donnie, ETA?"
"Right behind you -- oh what in the name of unholy science is that?!"
Raph turns around to see Donnie slowly coming to a halt, hovering over Mikey. The box turtle has defeated the boar at this point, slamming it hard into a wall until the boar slumped with a groan onto the floor.
"Is... is that Mikey --"
"Donnie, just find us an exit!" Raph shouts as he grabs Mikey, who doesn’t bite him again but struggles against his hold until he sees who's holding him.
"R-right... right... Uh, take a left, that window leads directly to the alley where Leo is waiting..."
The intercom buzzes again.
"What did Donnie say? What's going on with Mikey?!" Leo asks, his voice in a panic.
"Get the tank started, we're coming to you."
"But what about Mikey?!"
"He's here with us."
"Why doesn't he respond--"
Raph crashes through the window before he can answer, landing with a thud against the top of the tank. Mikey howls loudly, whining in fear and scratching at Raph's arms to let him go. He sees Donnie for the first time and makes a feeble chirp.
Donnie stares wide-eyed at him, mouth open and hands trembling.
Raph scrambles into the tank, holding Mikey tightly. Donnie follows after him, silently staring at his baby brother.
"There you guys are!" Leo yells, a wave of relief rushing over him. "I was starting to get really --"
He sees him.
"What... what happened to..."
"Just drive," Raph orders, holding Mikey close. "Just get us out of here."
Leo nods slowly, turning to Donnie. He receives the silent command and navigates the tank, speeding away.
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ruiniel · 8 months
In Aeternum
Fandom: Castlevania series (2017-2021)
Relationship: Alucard x Reader
Count: 2.2k
Rating: M
Tags: Pining, Alternate Universe, First Meetings, Dark Romanticism/style, Castlevania References, Reincarnation, Post-Castlevania 2017-2021, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, F!Reader, Herbalist Reader, Magic, References to Speakers, Creatures, Shapeshifting, Second Person POV
AN: Bringing back a story written on the old blog for an ask (I believe it was from @mightyarsh? Let me know if not!). Oneshot for now, TBC if there's interest for more.
Edit: here's Part II
Alucard centered story, where his s/o in ~1476 is a herbalist who eventually dies of old age. Fast forward to the 1790s, Alucard stumbles into you: a herbalist and magician, with the same appearance of the one he knew long ago.
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“There you are,” you whisper gleefully to yourself, bending down. Your gloved hand reaches to pick the buoyant cluster of white and yellow feverfew at your feet.
The forest sings with life, and sun rays brush bright, dappled fingers over the forest ground. Your satchel is almost full, and you’re pleased to see you’ve crossed most needed supplies off your list for the day. Dusk will soon be upon you, and while you’re more than capable of protecting yourself against any manner of disturbances, the wisest approach would be to head back sooner than later. Carefully, you wrap your quarry in a rough strip of paper and tuck it inside your bag with other scented packages. You rub at your nose with fingers smelling of yarrow, valerian and meadowsweet, considering being done for the day. Looking at your compass, you aim to follow North, towards the town where you run your trade and livelihood.
You take a few steps, thoughts on the newest concoction recipes you’ve been provided by a member of your guild.
At first, you don’t mind the eerie shift in the air. A smell, a reek rises and engulfs you, and though you sense no movement, the tendrils of impending threat weave around your ankles. You stop short.
The hairs on the back of your neck stand on end; your heartbeat quickens. You know this instinctual warning, you’ve felt it before.
You’re being watched.
Eyes narrowing, you wait, then take a step forward. A stir deep in the tall, dark undergrowth has you lifting your left hand, your stance gone rigid, fingertips sizzling with a rush of hot, elemental energy.
You falter as the creature reveals itself, emerging from of the shadows descended over the wood like moving shrouds; you can’t deny the beast’s unreal beauty as your gaze skims over the white, shining hide, to the golden eyes catching the last drops of sunlight spearing through the trees, watching you with an interest bordering on human.
No, you realize, swallowing hard; its eyes are human, but for all your knowledge in the arcane arts, you can’t for the life of you place its kind. You’re all too familiar with the unmistakable scent of foreign magic, and now it crackles around the dire wolf like rising thunder.
A thought, a forgotten piece of knowledge crosses your mind. Shapeshifter.
If it weren’t for your less than favorable situation, you’d be hopelessly entranced by the rare apparition.
The creature remains still, observing you with curiosity while you place your right foot behind you and drop your satchel. Your fingers form the conjuration symbol of fire.
“I don’t know what you are or why you’re here, but I warn you, one wrong move and I will not hesitate to burn you to a crisp!”
Your voice shakes beneath your bravado, but you don’t get to finish your shaking threat. Before you can muster even a wisp of a firebolt the wolf bounds in a great leap, and in primeval fright you trip over your own legs, falling to the floor amid wilted leaves and dirt. Your unremarkable life flashes before your eyes and only late you notice you’re still breathing, still in your body; still breathing, not dead.
You swivel around, rising to your knees.
Your eyes widen; you balk at the ghastly sight and scramble backwards on your arms and legs, watching the wolf ripping out the throat of another apparition reminiscent of rotting corpses. Guts splatter the trunks of trees, skin tears and bones splinter. The pestilence of ancient necromancy fills your nostrils; your head is spinning, and through your daze and the vicious, threat-induced pounding in your head, you barely see two booted feet instead of a four-legged stance. Closer they come, as your panting breath hitches in your throat.
You lift your gaze, heart struggling between your ribs. Ahead, a widening pool of murky green blood drools beneath the carcass of his kill.
“You should... watch yourself better out here,” come the soft words, and as your shocked eyes move over him, you see broad shoulders, a well-knit frame garbed in black, and looking into his face, you’re struck by a deep, wrenching familiarity.
His unblemished features possess that same stillness, but also honesty and reluctant kindness; and something else. Indefinable, like grasping at a half-forgotten dream at the strike of dawn.
You can’t speak, and mutely stare as he kneels before you. The first impulse is to back away, but through the remnants of your panic you squint at him, and recognition flares. “You!”
You’ve seen him before. You remember now. You… you know him. He’s been a recent, frequent customer in your apothecary shop, coming by regularly to purchase herbs and powders used for an array of purposes. He never skimped on payment, even for the most expensive of wares.
Those otherworldly traits you remember: in truth, how could you forget. His presence is always the hallmark of the familiar, though in what way, you cannot say.
“You…” you repeat dumbly, staring at his proffered gloved hand.
You hesitate before reaching, allowing long fingers to wrap around yours as he helps you to your feet. The grip sends a rush up your spine and warmth down your body, and you marvel at how fast you turned from paralyzing fright to cursed reactions of a completely different kind.
“I never knew you were a shapeshifter, Mr. Țepeș,” you croak, deeply embarrassed by the uncanny rebellion within. You release his hand, perhaps slower than would be deemed appropriate.
“And you never mentioned you were a magician.” He smiles as you dust off the leaves and dirt from your clothes. “But then, these are not things commonly shared among acquaintances in this day and age, are they?”
Despite the near brush with a gruesome death and his unexpected, though fortuitous, presence, you still find a shred of mirth within you. A wry smile curls your lips. “No, I suppose it is not. Though we’ve come a long way from deeming magic devil’s work, and burning witches at the stake.”
His brows furrow at that, and something twitches in his jaw. You wonder if your words had somehow upset him, though in what way, you haven’t the slightest idea.
What was he doing here?
Whatever shadow crossed his expression is gone, however, and he shakes his head. “Indeed, we have. Still, I think you agree caution is key. And please, just ‘Adrian’,” he follows, as gallant as you remember him, as if there’s not a dead abomination he’d disemboweled lying only a short distance away.
“Very well, Adrian,” you find your voice. The word is easy on your tongue, like a fresh, blooming flower. Here you are, alone and at his mercy, for you have no inkling of his true power, but your fear sluices away with his closeness. You wish you knew the reason why. “I won’t tell anyone, if you won’t,” you add, astonished at the sudden shift in mood.
“You’re a long way from home,” he ignores your light remark, watching you strangely, a near wistful gleam in burnished eyes.
“Yes, well, I was out gathering supplies, and I’ve encountered no trouble thus far, but,” you pause, an eyebrow raised as suspicion rears its head. “...you were following me?”
He looks away. “I was hunting it,” he gestures behind him. “Stray creatures of the nether still lurk in the whereabouts of my home, and I’ve encountered too many bodies around abandoned pathways and ditches to allow the prowling to continue.”
You’ve heard of this. You know of at least two families who had recently lost someone; people disappearing without a trace, none ever returned.
Misery for their plight fills you, but now your curiosity has peaked at his words, and there brims a need to know more. “You mention your home… you live close by, then?” Throughout your sparse dealings, he always kept things professional, and despite having met countless times before, you obviously know close to nothing about him.
Adrian hesitates beneath your searching stare, biting his lip. “For now.”
You’re left to wonder at the meaning of his words, your gaze straying behind him. “Oh, how horrid of me! You saved my life. Thank you,” you bow your head, your gratitude genuine.
Adrian looks up to the skies. He smiles. “Darkness falls,” he says. “My deed will prove useless if you end at the hands of brigands or whatever other things haunt this part of the wood.” Unsettling amber eyes are on you again, and something warm and sweet settles in your belly. Now, of all times.
“I…” you choke, “I better get moving then,” you avert your gaze, bending down to retrieve your abandoned satchel.
“I could escort you to the edge of the forest, if you wish.”
The words take you by surprise. Your eyes cut to his again, and in the half-light, their gold is deeper, brighter. Wolf-like, but without the trace of a threat.
“... two wards are better than one, that sort of thing,” he smiles thinly, almost shyly, his gaze intent on your face.
“... that would…” do you want him to? After all, he is little more than a stranger to you, but then again, you are not exactly powerless either, were he to try anything. The thought shames you for some unknown reason, and deep inside, there comes the truth: shapeshifting powers aside, you want him close, you want to know him beyond the placid stares and the memory of those fleeting, close-lipped smiles; beyond the all too brief encounters. Something rooted deep pushes past all sensible misgivings.
You shoulder your satchel, meeting his stare. You sense no danger coming from him, none. Instead, a pang of sadness coils around you, leaving you breathless in your confused stupor.
Your heart beats so fast it might break your sternum, but in his shuttered expression you find nothing. A cool wind shivers through the branches, lifting his pale hair, sending strands astray as he silently awaits your decision.
You nod slowly with a sigh. “... that would be very kind of you.”
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You walk in comfortable silence, exchanging questions of mundane import here and there, then falling to silence again. If there’s still a waver to your step, or a hitch to your breath since you nearly lost your life today, your travel companion makes no mention of it.
You tread through dust and leaf until you reach the forest’s edge, and before you lies a vale, and a town tucked within it. You glance over to see your new acquaintance walking in a smooth, determined glide, looking left and right.
When your eyes meet, the question forms immediately, more so since you’ll use any excuse to explain the staring. What has actually happened to you? More annoyed at yourself than expected, you ask, “I haven’t seen you around here often. Before, that is,” you nibble on your lip as his gaze flicks away from you in the fallen twilight.
“I could say the same about you,” he muses, “I’ve always lived close by, actually. But I’ve been… absent these past few years, let’s say.”
Odd. And yet. “Oh, I see. I had settled here after leaving my caravan and parents to find my luck in the world. They knew I needed to channel the talents they’d noticed growing and affecting my life more and more with each passing day. For all the dangers I’ve met, great or small, I’d found some use for my skill in herbalism, found odd jobs until I scraped enough which, along with the help my parents offered when I left, allowed me to rent a place of my own.” You look swiftly his way. “I’m rambling, I’m sorry,” but the look in his eyes cuts through your cresting apology.
“No,” Adrian shakes his head, “It is no bother,” he says, an odd quality to his voice. “No bother at all.” 
It’s a long walk to your cottage at the edge of town, through the same muddy, unpaved road you’ve trod day after day, month after month, year after year. You’ve been alone for so long it’s become a way of life, and you mull over that thought, making your way to the worn, crumbled building of your little shop.
Pausing before the door, you turn around to face your unlooked-for savior. “Well, then.” You smile, catching the peculiar stares of one or two neighbors. Irritation flares—of course, none would even think of minding their own business.
“Well, then.” 
The niggling prickle of something in your mind remains, but you know better than to linger with a stranger in the evening outside your home. The town is not so large as to be impervious to wagging tongues, and that is nothing you want to be a part of.
“Thank you, again,” you offer, not knowing what else to say, for he is so still again, staring through you as though seeking something. 
“Until next time,” is all he says.
“... Under better circumstances. I hope,” you try a jest, turning to unlock the wooden door to your cottage.
“So do I.”
The wind has become stronger. You turn around, wanting to add something that disperses from your mind as you find yourself alone, the night and a rising moon your only witnesses.
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drmaddict · 7 months
Her Wolf
Summary: (Y/n) and Jason are a couple in secret. Everything is perfect. But (Y/n)s brother Eddie had to find out sometime.
Word count: 1.678
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How the two had come together was easy to answer.
Jason and (Y/n) had bumped into each other absolutely drunk at a party. Before (Y/n) knew it, she was in an empty bedroom with Jason over her and she was having the best night of her life. Jason was no saint by God. He had taken her like a wild animal and she had surrendered to it all too willingly.
In fact, it should have stayed that way. Jason Carver and (y/n) Munson. It wasn't going to work out anyway.
It's just that it didn't stay that way.
(Y/n) held back, though she couldn't get that night out of her mind. Secretly, she watched him. Tried to sense the beast that was hidden deep within this golden boy.
She didn't see it again until it pulled her into a cubbyhole. He was the wolf and she was Little Red Riding Hood.
Their meetings happend more often.
And if it had remained that way. If they met only because of Sex and lust, both would have understood it.
But at some point, the nature of the relationship changed. At some point, they went out to have coffee in a larger city. At some point, the wolf pulled his Little Red Riding Hood into the closet just to kiss her, suck in her scent, and be wished good luck for the game.
At some point, they slipped notes to each other. At some point, she was in his arms in the back seat of his Jeep, enjoying the warmth of togetherness.
It remained a secret. They both wanted it. What they had was untainted by the outside world. It was supposed to stay that way. But unfortunately, everything had an end at some point.
(Y/n) was lying on the sofa in the trailer. Wayne was at work and Eddie would be busy enough with Hellfire for a long time.
Jason, her wolf, was lying over her. He wasn't kissing her neck. He was biting it. She wasn't holding onto his back. She was scratching him open.
Pleasurable and hard, they gave themselves over to lust. Bathed in sin. Let themselves be devoured and devoured each other.
Jason's skillful didacticism was long gone. He moaned. He grunted. He growled.
She came. Tightened around him, draining even the last of his humanity.
Hard and rough, he bit the crook of her neck. Growled possessively and poured himself inside her.
Breathing heavily, they lay there. Slowly he withdrew his teeth and carefully kissed the bruised area. The imprint was deep. A whimper escaped him. Immediately he felt gentle fingers running through his hair. He pulled her protectively against him. Neither of them said anything.
She let him hold her. He let himself be caressed.
Jason firmly believed that he was wrong. That he shouldn't feel this way. Beating someone in a fight was one thing, but taking a woman so.... To take her so animalistically. He was no better than an animal, no matter how hard he tried to pull himself together in the rest of his life. No matter how perfect he tried to be. In the end, he was just an animal. But (Y/n) accept the animal. Her wolf, she called it. She took him as he was. Full of flaws. His little angel.
It was one of those days when it was hard for him to form words after the act. (Y/n) put him back together again. Gently and sweetly.
"Are you okay?" she asked softly.
Jason nodded, still shaken. "Yes." he whispered back. His voice was hoarse and still a little too low. "I'm sorry." He gently stroked the bite marks. He looked up into her smiling face. She shook her head. "I like it."
He grinned with tired eyes. "Freak." He said it with affection, not hate.
She nudged him in the shoulder with an equal grin. "Says the right guy."
"We should shower," she suggested, but he immediately wrapped his arms tighter around her.
"Not yet." He buried his face against the crook of her neck and took a deep breath. "How long do we have?"
"I don't know. These games can last hours."
And normaly (Y/n) would have been right about that. Except in normal circumstances, Dustin didn't fell over because of an allergic shock.
Jason was just scraping back together the last of his humanity, listening to (Y/n)s hum when a dull bang sounded. Jason turned around in surprise. (Y/n) immediately frantically pulled the small wool blanket over them.
Standing in front of them was a dim-witted Eddie Munson. His metal box lay forgotten beside him.
No one said anything until Eddie snapped out of his stupor. "You son of a-"
He had not been able to taken a step toward them, when (Y/n) stood up, the blanket wrapped around her.
"Take it easy." she determined.
"He - You... What?"
She turned him by the shoulder and pushed him toward the front door. "I'll get dressed now, and you practice how to speek."
With that, she slammed the front door and turned to Jason. He was still staring at her in shock.
"Jason?" she asked, when she realized he was lying there stiff as a board. He was shaking slightly.
"Jason. It's all right. He's not going to do anything."
Jason shook his head. He buried his face in his hands. "He'll tell everyone," he said, upset.
She stroked his silky strands. "Would it be so bad?"
He took a deep breath. "They'll be all over you. The rumors will get worse and worse, and eventually you'll leave me."
"Jason. Jason look at me." The blue eyes looked up at her sadly. "I'm not leaving because of any rumors or high school jokes." She took his face in her hands. "But your reputation might-"
He shook his head. "It's not real anyway." He stroked her neck. "Look at what I always do to you."
She sighed. "Let's get dressed and then I'll beat him into keeping his mouth shut." She kissed him on the forehead. Jason nodded and fished his gym pants off the floor.
(Y/n) came back in a shirt and shorts and yanked open the door. Immediately Eddie came into the room. "I'm against this! This stops right now!" he shouted and ran into the trailer like a startled chicken.
"Self-determination is not happening here?" asked (Y/n) sarcastically.
"No! You're my little sister!"
She slapped her hand to her forehead. "Eddie!" she ripened, annoyed.
"If you're just playing with her to-"
"Get a grip, Freak." Jason immediately spat.
"I've got better things to do, than pick girls based solely on how much it bothers you."
Eddie looked at him venomously. "If you hurt her, and I swear by all the gods I've ever heard of, you'll spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair."
Jason looked at him, unimpressed. They both crossed their arms in front of their chests.
"WE decide when this comes out! Got that Freak?!"
Eddie stretched out his hand to Jason. Jason gripped it exaggeratedly tight.
Eddie turned to her. "There's no fucking in the trailer and - What the hell did you do to her neck? What are you? An octopus?"
Jason turned away from him, annoyed, and reached for his shirt. The fresh, still slightly bloody scratches beamed at Eddie.
He looked back and forth between the two of them with gigantic eyes.
"I'm going to go bleach the images out of my brain," he said monotonously, and walked into his room.
They both looked after him. (Y/n) rolling her eyes. Jason amused. Annoying the freak like that was fun, too.
"That went pretty well, didn't it?" shrugged (Y/n).
Jason looked at her intently. "Is that my shirt?"
"I've been looking for that for weeks!"
"You're welcome to wear it."
"How generous."
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Eddie, as usual, gathered his sheep to go to school. The first was Gareth. He dropped into his seat, exhausted. He whimpered out.
"What's wrong Gareth?" asked Eddie cheerfully as he drove on.
Gareth just gave him a telling look. "What's wrong Gareth?" he mimicked him. He grunted something into his non-existent beard.
(Y/n) smirked. Eddie still thought she knew nothing about the two. After Jason left the night before, Eddie had taken off and did not come back until after midnight. She did not want to know what he had done to Gareth.
"Have you guys ever noticed that Jason's really been leaving us alone lately," Gareth muttered.
Eddie clung tighter to his steering wheel. "No. Why?"
Gareth shrugged. "I'm just saying. Last time he smacked me was probably three months ago or so."
He mused. "Right. At Bowers' party."
Eddie looked stubbornly down the street. She smirked a little to herself. He'd even left them alone when they were just having sex.
Gareth shrugged. "Probably just finally getting laid."
Eddie made a full stop, sending Gareth flying forward. Eddie catched him with one arm.
Eddie looked at (Y/n) nervously. She rolled her eyes. "Just Gareth.", she said firmly.
"She's fucking Carver!" shouted Eddie at Gareth, as if he were a kid telling Mom that the little sister had just stolen his toy.
Gareth turned to her in surprise.
"You guys were the ones in the bedroom at the party? Right? We had to turn the music up to drown your sounds out."
"That's the point you were holding on to now?" asked Eddie, upset.
"You didn't hear that. They were like two wild animals!"
"Lalalalalala!" sang Eddie loudly, and took off again.
Gareth turned back to (Y/n). "Thank you for your service to the community." She nodded, waving it of.
"I won't say anything, if you don't." She held out her hand to him. He took it.
"You don't sound any better.", she muttered. "Just so you know." Eddie looked at her, startled.
"Eyes on the road!" yelled Gareth, grabbing the steering wheel that Eddie had let go in shock.
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maverick-werewolf · 2 months
Werewolf Article - (Play As A) Werewolf Video Games
The results of the poll for this month on my Patreon are in, and the winner is an opinionated article on werewolf video games! Apologies in advance if any of my opinions here anger you. I was asked for opinionated, so I went opinionated and did not hold back.
For clarity's sake: this will be a relatively concise list of SOME video games in which you can or do play as a werewolf. It will NOT include every single game in which you can or do play as a werewolf, nor will it include certain kinds of playable werewolves that exist in gaming, for the sake of brevity. You'll notice some missing and then want to be first to tell me I left out [thing], but I assure you I am aware of those too. I am also not going to list games in which you can play as a werewolf but it requires either user-made mods or else playing in a custom campaign/tileset/server (like Neverwinter Nights <3), only games wherein you can play as a werewolf as part of base game or expansion pack mechanics.
This IS a tiered list. It is tiered based on the werewolf gameplay mechanics and elements in the game.
Let's get started. I will begin at #9, go to #1, and then I will close with some words on some other games that didn't make the numbered list.
9. World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
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Note: your player character will never have torn-up clothing or use his claws like in this artwork/like the enemy worgen do
I'm just going to list Cataclysm here because, frankly, I don't even want to discuss WoW at Shadowlands and beyond... even if discussing the model update will reach into that era of content. Obviously, I don't play WoW anymore and haven't in quite a while, but yeah, I used to really enjoy it. Played it for many, many years. Probably too many.
Cataclysm was a pretty outright bad expansion, but it did add playable worgen (something I obviously wanted from day 1 after seeing the worgen mobs running around), and they can even turn into human form, which is a must for me in terms of actually being a werewolf instead of just a wolf-person, which I wouldn't even roll. That was a nice touch I didn't actually expect from the devs.
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Unfortunately, the model update turned them into something far "cuter" and more cuddly than I liked, not to mention adding preposterous fur options like stripes and merle, but the human form customization was nice. Still, the model update drove me toward playing different races, like maining my kul'tiran and night elf instead of the worgen I was always ultimately pretty disappointed in, given his wearing fine armor and wielding giant weapons. Anyway, the entire game took a huge nosedive not long after the model change, so it's a moot point for me regardless.
As for the deeper worgen lore beyond "they are werewolves with a funny name": I hate it with all my heart. I did my best to ignore every scrap of that and how they are just self-parodies, to delete the Gilneas/worgen starting zone quests from my entire brain, and especially to ignore the fact that they were all preposterously British despite England being one of the last places historically to even have many werewolf legends of its own. I have an article about that here if you are interested in the topic. The game made all of these things very difficult, especially how hard they wanted to drive home that the worgen are silly posh British parody dog-people strutting around in waistcoats and tophats instead of being fearsome cursed werewolves. So I won't bother going into all that.
The mechanics are fun except for the fact that you have to wear armor and use weapons, so ultimately you just look like a beast-person instead of a werewolf, especially after the model change making them far more appealing to a certain demographic. If Blizzard had wanted to put in effort, they would have made your gear look tattered and would have made you swap to claws when you turn, but that would've been a lot of work. They could have at least added a specialized class or something and then also given it to some Horde races to make the precious Horde players happy. I don't know. I just think werewolves wearing fine clothes and armor and wielding weapons is immensely silly. They're supposed to be werewolves.
So while they are extremely far from perfect, the worgen are at least relatively fun in that, if nothing else, you can go between werewolf and human forms and run on all fours as fast as the fastest ground mount, and I am deeply surprised they did either. I immensely enjoyed both of those things during my time playing a worgen, and they helped mitigate the great disappointment otherwise in many other regards - though not enough to keep me from maining other races, especially later on. But, in the end, WoW sucks now and it's unrecoverable, and WoW Classic is a joke, so I'll never be playing a worgen again anyway.
8. Diablo II
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I'm sure you were looking for this one - the werewolf druid in Diablo II (preemptive sidebar: I am not going to talk about Diablo IV). I love his design and gameplay mechanics. He's fantastic. However, he is of course yet another instance of "the werewolf must be a druid," which I personally find a little tiresome after so much of it. But hey, this was one of the earlier games to do that, so it predated a lot of the craze.
At any rate, the Druid class in Diablo II obviously gets a werewolf form. It also gets a requisite werebear because werewolves can almost never just be werewolves, but at least the werewolf does not completely suck. You can also summon wolves, which is a bonus.
While I'm not really that big on Diablo-type gameplay - I prefer either third-person or else a proper isometric, party-based RPG - so Diablo II didn't really hold my interest a lot, the werewolf druid is very fun and a very cool werewolf, the setting is great, and the werewolf suits the dark Gothic feeling and look of the game that is enjoyable and well conveyed in the first place. The werewolf druid is a great addition that I am glad they added.
7. Baldur's Gate II
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Let me make something perfectly clear: Baldur's Gate II is, in my opinion, the best game ever made (only Uncharted 2: Among Thieves also makes this rank for me). Combined with BG1 to create the Baldur's Gate Saga, it is one of the best stories ever told and also my favorite game mechanics-wise, again alongside Uncharted 2 even if yes, I know that those games could almost not be farther apart in terms of mechanics. I absolutely love BG2 beyond words. Please note I am talking about the original Baldur's Gate II, as released in 2000, not the "Enhanced Edition," which is a disgrace to the game, the entire series, and a piece of garbage. It's shamefully difficult to find the original game anymore, but it's worth it over playing the EE; trust me. I'll try to spare you any further ranting on this topic, as the original Baldur's Gate Saga is something very close to my heart.
Anyway, the werewolf in BG2 is - once again - a druid, specifically a druid subclass called Shapeshifter. It doesn't really have any werewolf gameplay mechanics in that you are not treated differently for it, nor do you transform out of your own control. In fact you will be spending the majority of your time in werewolf form, which can get quite tiresome. I'm not the biggest fan of a werewolf holding normal conversations with NPCs, etc. But regardless, it's there, and I love it, and it looks awesome, and that's more than I can say for so many games. Plus, you get cool bonuses and stuff. The power of it varies over time and with the progression of your character. I will not go too deeply into it, as I am actually an insane D&D video game nerd and even today I can spend far too much time building characters and tweaking numbers and doing ridiculous tricks in D&D games to powergame. If you want just one of my credentials I beat BG2 on the hardest difficulty with Ascension and no other gameplay mods. Long story short, the Greater Werewolf is quite powerful, and it shouldn't be a detriment to your party to either be one or bring along Cernd, one of my favorite companions.
So don't listen to the people down on the Shapeshifter in BG2. You can get mods that make them overpowered, anyway. Also don't listen to my complaints about it not feeling werewolfish enough because that's nearly impossible to come by anyway if you're not playing the #1 game on this list. Go try one out. It's fun! Plus, BG2 is the best game ever made.
6. Altered Beast
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What are some of Mav's favorite things? Ancient Greece, hoplites, hot men, werewolves, dragons, tigers...
When I found out Altered Beast exists and is a game wherein you play as an awesome hoplite dude and turn into a werewolf, a green dragon, a tiger-man, and ultimately a werewolf is still the most powerful of all his forms, I was ecstatic. I had to play it immediately.
I wasn't disappointed. It's a fun, unforgiving game, because it was made before video games started becoming what I think we're supposed to call accessible today. I don't know what else there is to say about the game if what I've already said hasn't convinced you to play it. The werewolf form is your first transformation, and your most powerful is a golden werewolf. Me being me, I appreciate that a werewolf form is still the best in the end instead of being outshone by other creatures, and even the other forms available are all very cool.
As I said, I really don't know what more one could ask for of this setting and gameplay. I've never been picky about genre; I play a very wide variety of video games and have plenty of fun, and I certainly had fun with this one.
(Note: I'm not going to talk about that 2005 Altered Beast remake, I like to pretend it never happened)
5. Werewolf the Apocalypse: Earthblood
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I'll be the first to admit I'm far from the biggest World of Darkness fan ever, as has brought many insults my way already, but I was pleasantly surprised by the mechanics of the werewolf form in Earthblood. I will not call it the "crinos form," as that terminology is so immensely silly that I could no longer take it seriously if I did. So anyway, the gameplay actually lets you feel like a werewolf, and you even get two stances you can swap between for different combat styles instead of anchoring werewolves down to just doing one thing. I'm not going to wax on about the lore, the story, etc. - but man the werewolf mechanics really are fun. It is, of course, the main draw of the whole deal, and they didn't slouch on that element.
It's important to me that a werewolf feel powerful and also violent. Werewolves should not be cuddly, or else they are no longer werewolves. Painting hallways with the blood of my enemies as if I'm recreating the Ninja lead-up in Metal Gear Solid while in werewolf form is cathartic and a good way to give the player a sense of being a werewolf instead of just an animal-headed person. This is a very solid "play as a werewolf" game, and one of the few games that exist with the primary purpose of letting you really play as a werewolf, whether you are a predetermined character or not. Be warned, the game is notoriously janky, but if you're like me, you're enjoying the werewolf mechanics enough that you don't care - or you can be even more like me and not give a toss about "jankiness" in a game in the first place.
4. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
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While a significant and crushing downgrade from the werewolves in certain other Elder Scrolls entries - more on that momentarily - at least Skyrim let you become a werewolf in the base game. No waiting for an expansion pack and no waiting forever until you move on (thanks, Oblivion). However, the differences between the mechanics of werewolves in past entries and the Skyrim werewolves are many and tragic. I confess I did not play Skyrim much, partially as a result of these exact elements, and partially because I just don't spend much time playing video games anymore, among other things.
In Skyrim, being a werewolf becomes what is colloquially called an "awesome button," letting you turn into a big, strong, cool werewolf that can eat people to extend your werewolf timer. It's great and enjoyable, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't actually feel as if you are truly cursed with lycanthropy or smelly lupus or whatever silly name Elder Scrolls gave it (yes, I know the name, but that doesn't make it less silly). You have no real disadvantages to being a werewolf, such as having to worry about when you will transform outside your own control - because you never will, which is an immense downgrade in terms of feeling werewolfish and adding appropriate challenge and downside to being a werewolf. You also don't have to worry about being forced to devour a civilized race in order to sate your accursed hunger. Instead, you're doing that on purpose to turn out of werewolf form again, because the more you eat, the longer you stay transformed. Still, the werewolves in Skyrim are good - they just don't compare to previous entries. But I certainly appreciate them and the fact that they are present in the base game.
3. The Sims 3
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Trust me, they do look better in game, but I couldn't find any of my own screenshots because it's been a hot minute since I played this.
You probably think I'm trolling you, but the werewolves in The Sims have always been pretty fun; I remember when the ones in 2 first came out, I enjoyed them like crazy. The ones in 3 rocked and were easily the best variant; too bad the game is relatively difficult to get running properly, and many aspects of the werewolves are delicate and easy to glitch, including your entire Sim's werewolf form design. I am not going to talk about those abominations that were added to The Sims 4, because they are some of the worst things I have ever had the misfortune of seeing and are not werewolves by any metric.
Sims 3 changed the aspects of Sims 2 werewolves that I didn't like, such as how being a werewolf altered your sim's entire personality over time and how the werewolf form always looked the same. They made the system much more robust. Frankly, the Sims 3 werewolves are some of the better werewolves in gaming, especially for the kind of game that The Sims is (expect assorted dog jokes, for example, given it's The Sims, yet it still isn't half as bad as it could be). I also love the wolf-man design; it works much better with Sims than something bigger and more wolfish. Certainly far better than whatever the hell is in Sims 4, which again, I will try my best not to talk about.
Anyway, I absolutely recommend Sims 3 if you enjoy Sims games and werewolves and want to have some werewolf fun. I'd probably still be occasionally blowing my finite amount of time on this earth playing it if I had it properly running on my current PC.
2. The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall
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Bet you didn't expect to see this one, did you? You thought I was gonna say Skyrim as #2, right? Actually, I bet you thought I was going to say that one as #1.
The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall is a game many would consider unapproachable today. I enjoyed it. Obviously, I played it for the playable werewolf, and I had fun! They work similarly to the ones in Bloodmoon, but, in my opinion, they still aren't as fantastic as the Bloodmoon ones. But the game does force you to actually live and behave as a werewolf - I love the werewolf hunter[s] mechanic - which, again... it's almost the only one of its kind other than Bloodmoon. For that, it gets #2 on this list.
And that means you know what makes #1, untouched in its glory, undimmed by time...
1. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - Bloodmoon
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Alright. Have I ever talked about how this is the single greatest werewolf game ever made? I think I have, but let's get into it again.
I like Morrowind in the first place. I think it's hands down the best of the Elder Scrolls series and, frankly, the only one really worth dedicating much time to (forgive me). I played it when it first came out, and while I have never been the kind of person to pour hours into any ES or even any other open world game, Morrowind held my attention even as a kid - before I knew about "open world" and before it was such a buzzword - whereas other games before and after it struggled to do so or else failed entirely. Morrowind was groundbreaking for its time in many ways. And then they announced the expansion pack called Bloodmoon that would let you play as a werewolf. I was so excited I could hardly stand it, and even with my extreme werewolf pickiness, I was not disappointed. At all.
This is a game wherein the werewolves are treated as a serious threat, they are insanely rare to encounter in the wild in any capacity (I actually became a werewolf through a random encounter because I ran around on Solstheim obsessively every night rather than just becoming one through the story - it took me many nights, IRL, to encounter one), and when you do run into them, they are likely to destroy you. You are insanely, over the top powerful when you turn into a werewolf, yourself. Some would even call it stupid. I would not. You run at the speed of light and your jump turns into borderline flight. It's basically gliding. You're also preposterously powerful in general. I love it.
Most importantly of all, however, is that you are actually forced to roleplay as a werewolf. You will turn each night, and you must consume 1 victim NPC of any of the playable races. Solstheim is full of assorted enemies that will work for this, but when you go back to Vvardenfell, it can be harder to find a nightly meal while avoiding devouring any quest NPCs. Plus, you have to manage your gear before and after transformations, and you have to be sure you are never witnessed transforming. The entire system is in-depth and very awesome, making you actually feel like a cursed being that has to worry when the sun starts to set, forcing you to run far from civilization.
I cannot put into words how much I adore this game's werewolf system. Nothing compares. This is a real werewolf system, instead of "play as a wolf-person" or "hit the awesome button to become a werewolf for a little while with 0 consequences" like basically every other werewolf game out there.
So long story short, if you claim to love werewolves and want to play as one in a video game, and you haven't played Bloodmoon, then you're lying to yourself and the whole world. Shame on you.
And now for things that didn't make the list...
10. Assorted Acknowledgements
This category is for ones I don't even really have a lot to say about, but I figured I would mention them.
Terraria - You can get an item that lets you turn into a werewolf when night falls. It's pretty fun! I like the mechanics of it, plus it has a neat werewolf design, to boot. I dock serious points in this game for straight-up replacing the zombies with hordes of werewolves in hard mode, though. "Werewolf infestations" and werewolves being zombie stand-ins these days is preposterous and overdone. But I had a lot of fun running around as a werewolf and exploring, so it's absolutely top of the non-tiered list especially as far as werewolf mechanics go.
Pillars of Eternity - The "werewolf" in this game is one of several animal-person forms the druid can get, continuing the common theme in gaming of druid werewolves. The wolf is decidedly the worst of the lot, less useful even than the prey animals available. Put bluntly: they are basically terrible, and you're an idiot to ever use this form when there are so many build options available. There are also lots of other RPG options available. As in other games out there in the world. You should play those instead.
Guild Wars 2 - You cannot actually play as a werewolf in Guild Wars 2, but I figured I would mention it because lots of people do. If you want to roll one of the Norn giant race, either as a pretty giant woman who is the mommy stepping on you from some men's dreams or as the ugly tiny-headed cartoon men, you can get an ability to turn into a werewolf for like 30 seconds; it's far from exciting. And like so many werewolf abilities today, it comes with the option to also turn into other humanoid animals with different abilities. I've heard that, of them, only the cat and bear are useful, which is not a shocker as video game logic goes (game devs think wolves straight up suck at everything lol). I didn't play a Norn during my stint with Guild Wars 2 - I played a male human. He's Nolan North, so he's obviously the only choice and also why I played the game as much as I did.
The Elder Scrolls Online - This disgraceful abomination of a "game" is terrible in every way and could not have been a bigger disappointment on the promise of an "Elder Scrolls but MMORPG" concept even from the very beginning. It was never good, it only ever got worse, and I am happy to say I abandoned it long ago (I am not happy to say I was playing it in early closed beta because of the promise of werewolves - and I played it far more than I should have, so I am not coming at this from ignorance). It is a game with designs so ugly and unremarkable that you want to quit and walk through the woods just to remind yourself beauty still exists in the world. ESO clearly had no idea what direction to take itself in from the moment it dropped, and it certainly was never created with the pretense of playing like an Elder Scrolls game but being massively multiplayer. It has no sense of mood or atmosphere whatsoever and possesses writing that will make you long for the riveting tales in other low-rent, low-thought MMORPGs. You can play as a hideous weird sad werewolf model that is absurdly small (most likely smaller than the race you are playing as, which means you actually shrink when you transform) and should have been left in beta, which functions like a worse awesome button werewolf than the ones in Skyrim, because you also suck gameplay-wise especially depending on the dev's mood with the meta. It is terrible, as is everything about the game. ESO also went out of its way to completely wreck all previous Elder Scrolls werewolf lore that was actually really good. Anyway, don't play this. Your time is worth more than that, even if you don't think it is.
That covers some of the best! Requisite apologies if I didn't include your favorite.
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yoongsisbae · 2 years
Spring Day Still with You | JJK
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You ran away from the cold and Jungkook ran with you, warming each other’s hearts. But within the cycle of life, there is death, and as spring blooms, the blood still lays soaked in the dirt. You ran and they chased.
hybrid!Jungkook x reader. fantasy AU
Hey reader, I am back with another story! I know I usually update sooner, so much stuff has happened in my life to “slow me down”, but hopefully this makes up for it! Anyways, enjoy this unofficial official sequel to Not a Creature was Stirring aka Y/N and JK being fluffy and cute and then taking on his bros like the ultimate power couple :D
Warnings: horror elements, blood, gore, violence, monsters, unwanted kisses/scenting, smut, knotting u.u, breeding kink, exhibitionism, predator/prey, “catch me”
Word Count: 15k
Jungkook doesn’t remember how he became a beast. 
But he remembers when he first became human.
It was in Spring, when he reached twenty years of age. 
One morning he woke up without fur, terrified of his new weakened body. He wandered his forest, lost and confused. He never had a family, he never had anyone who taught him what he was. 
A lone wolf. 
Jungkook grew up not knowing anything other than loneliness, hungry nights without any kills and mornings waking up in a panic, running away from animals and humans alike, not understanding how powerful he truly was. He spent evenings hiding, jittery, scared. Even though he was only a pup, his form resembled a large wild wolf, a predator. 
Jungkook’s kind were meant to dominate the land, hunt animal kind and human kind and prey on everything in between. Jungkook didn’t know, he knew of nothing except survival.
Jungkook grew and became monstrous. He didn’t have to hide anymore, he didn’t have to run, and no longer went hungry at night. But inside, his loneliness ate him alive instead. 
His kind were not meant to exist alone, even though Jungkook did not remember what happened to make him an outcast, he knew deep down how abnormal it was for him to be without a pack, without a family.
By chance he found others like him. 
At least, that’s what he believed... 
At his weakest moment, wandering aimlessly, wishing for a better existence or perhaps no existence at all, he became human. 
It was something that happened to all of his kind eventually, but he was never taught that, never shown how to utilize his powers, and Jungkook was once again terrified and alone and small. 
Jungkook was found by a young boy out hunting with his father. It was actually their luck that they did not stumble upon Jungkook in his beast form, for both Jungkook and the pair of men. 
And finally Jungkook learned something...
When the old man rushed to his side, took off his hunting coat and gave it to Jungkook, when the boy helped him to his feet and Jungkook walked on two legs for the first time, and they took him back to their home, he learned about living life as a young human man. 
He was shy, Jungkook did not understand how to live like a human, barely understanding how to live like a beast. But they gave him kindness. 
Kindness, he also learned, was always punished in the end.
Jungkook was never taught the mechanics of his transformation, he thought this new body was what he was always meant to become, had given him a way to finally not be alone. He stayed human for days, months, years…he did not understand what he truly was. 
He learned their language, their customs, he helped the father who in his old age was slowing down; he became friends with the son, and finally had a home. Jungkook slowly let down his walls.
Eating fresh caught fish at a table with kind strangers who treated him like one of their own, Jungkook smiled and felt a sense of peace wash over him, a happiness now that he was not alone.  
It was the calmness, an acceptance within him, that triggered his second transformation.
It was a calmness before a terrible storm.
When that father and son first stumbled upon Jungkook, scared and wandering alone in the woods, they were not the only ones who had found him.
But unlike a man, a predator hid in the shadows, stalked its target, unseen and unheard, always learning, always observing. Because a predator knew when to strike at the perfect moment.
So when Jungkook, unable to control himself, transformed, it was an instantaneous reaction so quick he will never know who attacked first.
Was it him, with his senses so heightened once again, his instincts to end the looming danger so strong that overtook all of his reason?
Or was it the father and son, so fearful of his beastly form, their once kind eyes now looking upon him with contention? Jungkook doesn’t know, but he has always blamed himself nonetheless.
The home he had found was destroyed in a flash of fur and bloodshed, the people he grew to care for turned on him before he could grasp what he had done. And Jungkook, broken again, transformed back to human and believed he was alone once more, now by his own blood-stained hands. 
Standing in destruction, he found a truth within himself that he was more than a scared animal or a weak human, he realized that he was a monster.
With their blood dripping from his hair, his hands, staining his skin and the rancid metal taste of what used to be kindness covering his lips, he hated what he was.
He cried, devastated at what happened, wishing he too laid in a pile of bones and limbs with them. And then overcome, he felt his arms and legs stretch and break and reform again.
He howled.
He thought he was alone. 
But they had been watching him all this time. Waiting.
And they pounced. 
A group of men circled him, and even though he could have torn them to shreds, he curled into himself, tried to lick away the blood tangled in his fur and whined and wretched. 
He did not understand his own power, but they did. 
They saw how massive and eclipsing he was, they saw his potential even in his patheticness. How useful he could be to them one day. 
The leader walked forward, and did something Jungkook never expected to witness. He transformed too, instantly becoming a beast just like him. His eyes red and glowing, pierced into Jungkook with an understanding, that Jungkook did not have to give up just yet. His fangs pulled at Jungkook’s nape, ordering him to move. Jungkook whimpered, then howled. And to his surprise, he was met with six other howls. 
The men were gone, it was now only a den of beasts.
So they took him back into the woods. And because Jungkook had nowhere else to go, he went.
And he learned more, he learned what it was to be beastly.
That was nearly eighty years ago.
Jungkook frowns, “Nothing happened.”
“Was something supposed to happen?” You rub your shoulder, huffing. You sit with Jungkook on the steps of your cabin. 
He’s cute in the way he looks at you, eyes wide and inquisitive. “I thought it might trigger your transformation, getting hurt.”
You roll your eyes, your irises already dulled back to your natural color. You pull your legs into your body, leaning your chin on your knees, and look toward the landscape, bright and sunny, inches of white snow slowly melting in the sunlight. 
‘Last night....what happened last night,’ you wonder.
There are deep scratches etched into the wood of the cabin walls from yesterday’s fight. The wind’s howls still echoed inside of you.
Another howling, terrifying; a growling, echoed in your thoughts too.
A twig snapped you out of your spiraling thoughts. Everything was now calm and peaceful. Everything except you. Jungkook stares at you, knees knocking into your own.
‘What happened?!’ You tried to piece it together, but it was lost. You only had a series of memories that barely made sense, that felt like a dream, or what more adequately could be described as nightmarish.
Red eyes staring right into yours, a wet slimy snout so close to you, long sharp fangs barely missing your skin, snowflakes that seemed like they stood still in the air as you moved, and a desire inside you to...kill-
You can’t stay here anymore! And Jungkook? He can’t stay here, no, you won’t leave him, but can you really leave this place...together? Should you?
How are you going to explain Jungkook to your friends and family? And there was another question piecing itself inside you. What were you going to do about the undeniable energy coursing through your body, the buzzing warmth from within you that you can’t comprehend, the freezing air that feels refreshing on your skin... 
“Explain what happened again. What do you mean I was still human?”
Jungkook wishes he had answers to give you, the one who could give him answers he couldn’t risk asking. “You still looked human. Your hair was longer,” he plays with your finger tips, examining each nail, “and your nails and teeth were sharper, but you still looked like you.”
His large eyes stare at you, remembering, awe-like, “You were fast, faster than all of us. You really don’t remember anything?”
You felt dizzy. Your head wasn't spinning, you weren't off balance, it felt like the lightheadedness you get after singing, too much air, too much light, too much, it was all too much. “No...I-I’m sorry-” you stand up, turning away.
Jungkook pulls you back and into a kiss, surprising you, his strong arms wrapping around you, his smell engulfing you. Has he always smelled so enticing?
Jungkook pulls away, perplexed. “No, that didn’t work either,” he hums. 
You pout, his kiss had silenced your worries until he reminded you once more. “We need to leave, before they come back,” you say resolutely. “We can’t stay here.”
“Okay, are you sure?”
“I...Yes.” You take a deep calming breath. “Yes, I can’t stay here, Jungkook. I have to go back,” you say, sad and weary.
Jungkook stands with you, his hand grasping onto yours. “Okay. Let’s go.”
You can’t help but smile. And he smiles too.
You pace through the cabin one last time, making sure nothing was left behind, steps heavy on the cabin floor as you walk quicker than usual. “We’ll have to find our own way back to the ranger’s post.” Jungkook nods, trepidation clear on his features, yet he was willing to do what you asked. 
You massage your temples while looking over your luggage, belongings that remind you there was a world waiting for you past this cabin and these woods. A job you had to get back to, relationships you had to mend, a life you had to pick up the pieces of to keep moving forward. 
But you didn’t want to leave. Everything feels so inconsequential now. You catch Jungkook’s beautiful brown eyes following you around and you feel scared to leave the security of the cabin that had become such a safe haven to you both in such a short amount of time.
“What if it happens again and I can’t remember again?” You whisper, shuddering at the thought.
Jungkook looks just as confused and conflicted as you feel inside. He reaches for you, holding you close. “I’ll be there with you.”
“What’s that?”
“Electric Teapot.”
“What’s this?”
“A rice cooker.” You lean against Jungkook’s back, wrapping your arms around his lean torso. “Any other questions?”
He lifts his arm so your head peeks under it. “How are you feeling?”
“The same,” you shrug, “maybe hungrier,” you laugh. “Want me to show you how to use that?” You point to your microwave. 
Jungkook looks at the appliance and scrunches his nose in disapproval. “No.” 
You giggle, pulling him through your home. The journey back to the ranger’s post went smoothly. Jungkook transformed one last time and took you to the edge of the woods. Racing through the woods his senses were on high alert, but there was no left trace of his pack. However, Jungkook couldn’t get rid of the sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach that you both were still in terrible danger.
But your smile reassured him. 
Jungkook was calmed by the way you looked wistfully towards the woods that were full of horrors, laughing with the new ranger on duty while giving him back the keys to the cabin. You spun the silver house keyring around your pointer finger listening as the ranger told you the best roads to take back towards the city, only vaguely aware of how the silver coating now itched your skin the longer you played with the keys.
Then the car ride back to your place left Jungkook overstrung, jumpy. The city’s mechanics were a jarring contrast, everything sounded louder after staying in the wilderness, even to you. Jungkook stayed on edge until you both entered your apartment. 
It’s not as if Jungkook hasn’t visited the city before. However, years of advancing technology made the woods a more ideal hunting ground for his kind. It was a blessing and a curse. Jungkook stayed in the woods, growing more isolated, for what could have been a lifetime in human years. Jungkook could barely recognize the city as it was now. But there were reminders, street names prattled by a monotone navigation voice that stirred unpleasant memories inside him.
Memories like...
“Can’t we go home now?”
“Our Jungkook always has such a soft spot for humans.” The second youngest of the pack, Taehyung puts drapes his arm around Jungkook’s neck, squeezing him into a painful headlock.
“It will be okay Jungkook, we’ll be quick,” his brother, Jimin whispers, smiling.
“Speak for yourself,” Taehyung grunts.
“But the screaming is so annoying,” Jimin whines. Jungkook feels like screaming.
The oldest members of the pack were getting closer, each with an unsuspecting human or two clinging to their bodies, laughing drunkedly as they led the way to Jungkook and the others.
Before Jungkook could attempt to dissuade them again, Taehyung and Jimin had already transformed, bounding towards the large group. Jungkook reluctantly transformed and followed, keeping a lookout, but really hoping to ward away others out of harm’s path.
The humans screamed and the members they had befriended lead them down another alley, pretending to help, a deadly trick.
They escaped right into a dead end. And then, when they believed things could not get any worse, the men’s mood shifted, and so did their bodies.
It was like this in the beginning. When Jungkook was taught the extent of his powers from his pack, they would go into the city to prowl. He was taught how to lure in prey another way. And Jungkook reluctantly learned how to approach humans and make friends so his pack could feast.
Like most things they asked of him, he answered with a kind of quiet resistance, many times he refused to partake and his personality became quite...unalluring.
He was rude, mean, and hateful to humans. Yet, it wasn’t because he hated them. He did it to spare them, he could not have human friends, and he could not find friendship amongst his pack who found him odd and difficult to teach. It caused the pack to bully Jungkook for fighting against their ways, tearing him down and belittling him, until one day, on Christmas Eve, he decided he had enough...
You check your phone, no new messages from your mysterious host. You left a voice message, trying to stay light in your inquiries to her, but perhaps you need to be more direct, you think. Still, how are you going to convince a stranger to help you when it could put her in danger as well? 
You call again, leaving another voice message. “Hello! It’s me again...your cabin was lovely, I felt very safe. I was, well, hoping you could give me some tips on how to properly make my own home feel just as secure-” You frown, how direct is too direct? “-from you know, um, unwanted visitors…please call me back.” 
You hang up, hoping for a good response to your awkward plea. “What do you think?” You look at the magnets littered on your fridge, pulling down old photos that left an unpleasant taste in your mouth, your eyes stopping on the number to your favorite take out place, “Take out tonight?” you ask Jungkook.
“Um, ‘take’…‘out’?”
It’s not like you had a ton of expendable cash to feed and take care of another living being, but watching Jungkook devour your favorite dishes, humming in happiness as he tries the greasy take out food, made you think maybe this arrangement could work out somehow for the best.
You hadn’t expected another man in your life so soon, but you realized, trying not to laugh as Jungkook took his time cleaning the bones of his fried chicken, he was not quite all man…
You smiled, and then wondered what that meant for you, looking down at your short nails that Jungkook claimed became as sharp as talons.
“Eat,” he holds out a piece of chicken which you gratefully take. He looks towards the window, “We’re high up, that’s good.”
He nods, grabbing another piece of chicken and speaking in between bites. “It makes it harder to track a scent.”
You feel fear wash down your spine, cold and unpleasant. “Do you think they will? They’d come to the city for us? All this way?”
All those years, Jungkook never tried to leave the woods on his own, so he did not know. But he understood the pack’s dynamics, you had wounded them, and if they survived he knew they would not take a loss without retaliation. And he knew they would stop at nothing to establish their dominance again.
Jungkook moves to your window, cracking it open. He could smell so many things, but nothing out of the ordinary for a city. “If they come,” he breathes out, “I’ll be ready for them this time. I’ll be better, I’ll protect you no matter what.”
You watch the city lights twinkle and bury your head in his chest, hugging him close, making a silent promise to yourself to protect him too.
You felt snow beneath your bare feet, the coldness was only a mild bother.
In fact, you felt warm.
The woods surrounding you were familiar, the dead branches spreading out in patterns you recognized. You stayed quiet and listened, and if you concentrated hard enough you could hear the wings of a large bird flying overhead, gliding from one branch to another, you could hear the small steps of a bunny rabbit moving on the ground, you could hear steady breathing in the distance. 
You saw a wolf. 
It was not intimidatingly large like Jungkook, it did not look terrifying and monstrous like the man in the fur coat, or wild and threatening like the wolves that chased you. 
It was a calm wolf with dark long fur. Its eyes watched you, studied you. 
The wolf’s eyes were not a menacing shade of red like the beasts’ eyes that haunted you still. No. It’s eyes stared into yours, a familiar shade that made you think of only one thing as the wolf moved closer to you, mere inches from your face, so close you could see your own reflection in its similar eyes, your eyes staring back like a mirror in its orbs. Your hand reached for your cheek in reflex, pulling on your bottom eyelid. Your eyes…
Your eyes.
It was your eyes.
Jungkook shook you, waking you up. You clung to him, surprised. “You…you were crying in your sleep,” he says worriedly. 
You catch your breath, feeling the sting in your eyes from your mounting tears. “I’m sorry, sorry, I’m okay.” you reassure him, and yourself, cuddling back into his embrace.
“Are you sure?” he whispers, burying his nose in your neck out of habit. “I am here, you can talk to me. You don’t have to go through this alone,” he says softly, remembering all the moments when he wished he could hear someone utter those words. No, he won’t let what happened to him happen to you too.
You run your fingers through his hair, untangling the ends, your chin resting against his forehead. “I feel it inside me…this other thing. How do I stop something like that?” Your voice shakes as you try to make sense of your dream. “How do you?”
“It took me a while to control it,” he winces.
“How do you? ‘Control’ it?”
Jungkook pauses, thinking of his pack.
They would transform in front of him quickly and fluidly, utilizing whatever form benefited them in the moment. It took him a long while, to not let his emotions dictate his outside form, and eventually he felt comfortable enough to switch between forms, learning to follow their lead if only so Jungkook wouldn’t be left behind...
“I shouldn’t have used that word. You don’t control it, you accept it. I can transform easily because I know this is me,” he looks down at his hand, intertwined in yours, “And my other form...” he trails off, quieting screams that still shrill in his memory, “is who I am too,” he swallows.
But for you, if that beast hadn’t attacked you, you wouldn’t be going through this…this nightmare. This isn’t you.
You nod anyway, kissing his forehead to not only calm him, but your own worries as well.
“I have a couple more days of vacation,” you yawn. “I can show you around. We can buy you some clothes.”
Jungkook pulls the ends of your hoodie down, “I like wearing your clothes, they smell nice.”
You laugh and yawn. “We can get you clothes that fit you better. I need new clothes too, it’s going to warm up soon, I already feel so hot,” you huff, adjusting the collar of your night shirt. 
Jungkook’s reaction does not go unnoticed by you, the way he licks his lips absentmindedly, eyeing your revealed skin, his grip on your body tightening.
“Yes?” He leans on his elbow, looking down at you. His eyes were curious, cautious, but his chest was heavy on yours. His presence over you left your stomach hungry-
You felt that hunger drop through your body, spread down your legs as you felt yourself heat up for an entirely different reason.
You try to focus on something other than his warmth.
“Is this okay for you? Being here in the city?” You push his hair behind his ear so you can stare into his eyes. Jungkook nods, but you press him. “Are you going to be okay? Everything here is so…tight, packed. You were free in the woods.” Even the cabin felt less confining than your apartment. Would he even be able to transform here? 
Jungkook shakes his head no, a small smile curling over his lips, “I wasn’t free. Not until I met you.”
You interlace your fingers with his. “You might have to stay just human until I can find some place better, is that okay?” You were thinking of leaving this place anyways, there were too many old memories here, traces of your ex that stuck to the walls of your home.
“I like being human,” Jungkook shrugs, lying his head back down on your shoulder. “I want to be human, with you.” Jungkook’s preference was one of the reasons his packmates would torment him, how could he prefer such a weaker form?
“I want to be with you too,” you hum, melding into Jungkook’s embrace. “I love you,” you whisper, knowing Jungkook could hear you loud and clear. It was undeniable how much you wanted him near you, how you wished you had met him sooner, before your heart was broken and guarded, maybe then you wouldn’t feel so fearful of your future together.
Jungkook smiled and moved himself closer…and as you were both already pressed up against each other, closer meant his body over yours, legs tangled, his head buried into the crook of your neck .
Now that Jungkook had already given himself to you, it was hard to stop himself when you were right there, in nothing but a t-shirt, so beautiful under him.
He wanted all his senses filled with just you.
He breathed in deep. He wanted to drown in the sweet scent of your love, feel your skin against every inch of his, listen to your soft sighs, your breathing escalating as he licked across your neck.
He wanted to study your features, your body, memorize your unique and intoxicating taste as he explored your mouth with his tongue.
He wanted to tell you the same, he wanted to make you his mate, and hold you forever. 
But he was still too shy and unsure of himself. He doubted he even deserved such a happy ending to his life when so much wickedness lived inside of him. 
But with you under him, even if he couldn’t tell you what he desired, his instincts to claim you in that moment took over. You were always so responsive from his touch, so inviting, and he craved your sweetness.
Your mouth widened and your legs opened, acting like a perfect mate, he thought. Your lust hit him in waves, each hit stronger than the last, encouraging him on. It made his desire to have you all consuming.
You gasp as Jungkook rips your shirt open. Oh, you’re definitely going to need more clothes.
It was hard to be annoyed over clothes when Jungkook had himself pressed so tightly against you, his mouth kissing you with such unrestrained passion it made your head spin.
You both rushed to have him inside of you, you were so wound up and ready to release all the tension and anxiety you felt.
“So warm,” Jungkook moaned, buried deep inside you. His hips jerk forward, pushing you up the bed. “So soft.” He loved the softness of your body when he bent your legs forward, spread your thighs open, his fingers digging into your supple skin. With the curves of your body molding into his, all he could think about was how perfect you were for him, his perfect mate.
You don’t think you’ll ever get quite used to this full feeling, or the way Jungkook makes love to you so fervently. Even on your best days with your past lover, it was never like this. What you felt in Jungkook’s embrace was primal.
Your bodies collided together like you were meant to stay connected as one. The pleasure you felt was blinding, bright as the light of two stars crashing together and creating something so brilliant there was nothing else. And for you, there was only Jungkook consuming your thoughts and overriding your senses, driving you higher into the cosmos.
“Yes, yes, yes!” your cries of pleasure only made Jungkook thrust faster, harder into your heat. The way you tightened and he expanded felt so intensely satisfying you both unraveled into a mixture of grunts and growls, until you came around him shaking, his own following quickly after, hips stuttering and filling you up.
You clenched around him in sensitivity as he swelled even more inside you. “Fuck, I’m not used to this,” you shuddered, laughing breathlessly.
“Sorry,” Jungkook nipped at your lips, rolling over so you laid over him, nestled to his chest. You listened to his erratic heartbeat as your own breathing slowed. “My kind mate like this.”
“‘Mate’…” you smile against his chest at the way he describes the act. “Is that what we’re doing, mating? Are you trying to get me pregnant, Jungkook?” you tease cheekily. You were on birth control, so you weren’t particularly worried, but giggled at Jungkook’s flushed face and flustered expression.
Jungkook bites his lips as your fingers draw circles into his chest. You should be tired after coming, but the way his dick was still hard and thick inside you hadn’t helped to lessen your appetite to have him. The twitch of his cock felt so good still, the fullness of his cum inside you felt obscenely arousing. You swiveled your hips against his, making you both moan.
“If you wanted to…” The thought of you pregnant with his child had his body feverish. He licked his lips, calming himself before he took you all over again. He could smell you weren’t yet in heat, but that did not stop his fantasies from running wild.
“Is that what you want?” you ask, licking your lips. 
Jungkook shifts inside you again, barely holding himself together.
Could he have this; his deepest desires, with you?
He nods quickly. You run your thumb across his jawline. You hadn’t really thought about children with your ex-boyfriend, especially at the end of your relationship when the sex was barely existent. When you looked down at Jungkook, who looked so reverently up at you, who you’ve known for only a sliver of time...somehow the idea of a future family seemed more…real than it’s ever been.
“Let’s work on getting you some new clothes first,” you smile. “Then we can talk about that–hey! O-Oh–” you laugh, your giggles turning into a series of moans as Jungkook pulls you into a kiss, pressing his hips up.
You giggle as Jungkook carries eight bags full of new clothes and groceries. He looks around the open market, head spinning in all directions at the sight and sounds and smells. You looked at a table with jewelry displayed. There were already Valentine’s Day sales, but even with the marked down price it was still out of your price range. You frown, “Ready to go home?” Jungkook nods, bags in tow.
“Just set everything on the table, what do you think of stew tonight? I have a new recipe I want to try!” you clasp your hands together excitedly, pulling off your coat and rolling up your sleeves. Jungkook was already dressed in one of his new outfits, a tight sheer turtleneck that made his muscles stand out.
You reached for the ends of his sleeves, rolling them to his forearms. Jungkook stared down at you, smirking at the way your body was already starting to heat up. 
“Here, for you.”
“Jungkook, where did you get that?!” You grab the bracelet from his hand, astonished.
“Err you wanted it, didn’t you? You were staring at it back at the-”
“But you can’t just take it! That’s stealing!” You turn the shiny piece dangling in your grasp, admiring it despite your worries.
Jungkook frowns, “I’m s-sorry, that’s what we used to do when we came into the city.”
“You and your, um, brothers?” you ask. Jungkook nods. “You can’t…there’s CCTV, you’ll get caught,” you warn. Jungkook bites his bottom lip, he very much doubted he would get caught, but he nodded in agreement nonetheless.
“It’s beautiful…” you murmur, “but not worth getting in trouble.” You still put it around your wrist, Jungkook helps you clasp the ends when you struggle, concentrating on the tiny piece with a furrowed brow that makes you giggle.
“Thank you, Jungkook…but don’t do it again, please.” Jungkook nods, surprised when you pull him into a hug, and then pull his head down for a kiss. If you react this way, he will just have to find a way to get you jewelry without stealing, he thinks, already wanting to do it again.
“We need to cook!” you laugh when he licks and nibbles the column of your neck.
A knock draws both your attention away.
Who could be knocking so late at night? It couldn’t be your family or friends, they would have called you ahead of time.
And suddenly you felt like you were back in the woods, fear washing over you as you walked cautiously closer to the door, peering through the peephole.
‘Stay there,’ you motion to Jungkook anxiously, who looks back at you like he wants to do anything but that.
You unlock the door and open it. “What are you doing here?”
“Y/n, hey. I heard you were back from your trip. How was your Christmas?”
Your ex stands awkwardly at your door. ‘It was supposed to be our trip,’ you think, annoyed. “Yeah,” you clear your throat. “It was good. Did you need something?”
He looks lost, confused at your demeanor. You frown, crossing your arms over your chest. What did he expect from you? you think, to beg him to take you back? “I, um, wanted to get some things I left...”
“Okay, stay here-”
“Let me help you, I wanted to talk-”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” You block his way in as he advances, holding the door firmly.
“Come on, you’re really going to make me wait out here in the cold?”
You look down at your shoulder, the place where your ex had his hand placed over. You were not happy about the flood of emotions that entered your system, it was already hard enough to see his face, hear his voice, but then he had to go and touch you in some quazi-comforting gesture that made your blood boil and your heart ache. You couldn’t stop the shaking in your voice after that, “...after what you did…yes.” You flinch backward, shaking his hand off.
“I’m sorry, y/n, I’m so sorry. Please believe me-”
“I’ll never trust a word you say ever again!”
“Y/n, are you okay?” A hand landed on your shoulder again, gripping it hard, pressing into the muscle to relax your tense body.
Jungkook stood at your back protectively, crossing his arms, chest puffed out trying to look intimidating, and you guess he did to others who did not know him like you did.
You were grateful for his presence. “I’m fine,” you mumble looking over your shoulder, “Let me go get your stuff,” you address your ex. 
“Uh-” Jungkook moves forward, hiding you from his view. “H-Hey.”
Jungkook glares, lips tightly shut, leaving a heavy awkward silence in the air.
Your ex stands stiffly at your door until you come back with a box of his old clothes and toiletries. “Here you go.”
He looks between you and Jungkook. “Is this a friend?” You could tell he was uncomfortable with even that idea, his demeanor completely caught off guard by Jungkook’s presence.
You were allowed to move on, he’s the one who cheated on you! The days after you caught him in the act, leading up to Christmas, were some of the worst days of your life. You haven’t forgotten or forgiven him. Your ex had made you feel worthless, stomping on your feelings like you were dirt under his shoe, he made you think no one could love you again...
“No,” you say, “this is my boyfriend.”
You guess you could call Jungkook that. Your bond was a bit more complicated, even if neither of you really made things official until this moment.
“What, your ‘boyfriend?’” he said, tone unpleasant.
“Yes,” Jungkook glares, daring him to challenge him, placing his hand protectively around your waist. “I’m hers.”
You have unwittingly become leader of your own little pack. It was definitely a complicated bond.
It happened during the next full moon.
You woke up drenched in sweat, your muscles locked, your skin felt like it was on fire.
You were in too much pain to speak, you trembled and whimpered instead. Jungkook pulled your body out of bed, carrying you to your shower, holding you tightly as water cascaded down your bodies, steam filling the bath even though the water was cold. 
Your eyes were a glowing shade of red as you shook in Jungkook’s arms and looked up at him pleading for help. The more you fought against what was happening, the more pain you felt. Your long nails dug into his arm, drawing blood as you gritted your teeth.
“I’m here, I’m here, I’ll protect you” Jungkook whispered soothingly, but he did not really know how to help you. Until you began screaming, resisting with everything inside you, and all he could do to quiet you was to press his lips to yours, softening your cries.
You woke up on your living room floor, furniture pushed to the walls and Jungkook’s large wolf body encircled around you, with only a foggy memory of the night before.
“Hello! Thank you for returning my call.”
Jungkook sits cross legged on your couch, now pushed to the wall, as you pace around the living room. After that terrifying night you left a lengthy voice massage for the cabin’s owner, desperate for help.
Jungkook watches you move back and forth and wishes he could calm your nerves. He felt useless, like a burden, a horrible mate, no, a boyfriend, Jungkook reminded himself.
“Heh, did I say werewolf?” you pace to the left, “Wait are those real? Oh, of course, that makes sense...” you pace to the right, “Yes...um, I did say that, didn’t I? Well, he was human when I brought him inside, I wouldn’t just let a wolf inside your cabin-” you stop in the center, sending Jungkook a worried smile, “Yes. Right. I-I just really need your help!” Jungkook shifts forward on the couch encouraging you to keep going. “Your cabin had um, some kind of, protection magic? Right?” Jungkook watches as you listen to her answer, shaking your head in frustration. “I’ll pay you! I will pay you, if you help me.”
“Oh…” You take a seat on the couch. Jungkook listens as you explain what happened on Christmas Day in more detail and the days following, his head in your lap, enjoying when you scratch his scalp. You slump into the cushions, pouting. “Yes, I know you said not to go outside at night, but-”
You play with the strands of Jungkook’s hair as you listen silently. “Is there a way to protect my home too?” you ask, so pleadingly Jungkook wraps his arms around your waist wishing you did not have to go through this.
“He’s not!” you yell. “Oh, I was not–I see…yes.”
Suddenly, your exasperated expression turns into one of excitement. You jump up from the couch, looking for a paper and pen. “Yes yes! Okay.” Jungkook looks over your shoulder thinking, ‘What is Wolfsbane?’
“Thank you!”
This counted as spring cleaning right? you think as you finish boxing the last items left in your bedroom. “Jungkook!”
“Yeah?” he seemingly appears out of nowhere, peaking into the room.
“Can you tape this up?” you ask, standing up and brushing the dust off your pants.
Jungkook nods, tape gun already in hand. His helpfulness is cute and endearing, and his lack of shirt and tight ripped pants made him irresistible. You run to the kitchen to make sure your sexy boyfriend doesn’t distract you any more than he already has.
But Jungkook, for all his intimidating good looks, acts like a lost puppy, following after you straight away. “Let me help.” He reaches over you, pulling the last of the dishes from the top shelves of your cabinets.
He smells good. Even after hours of moving boxes, he smells so good.
“Hey,” his hushed voice drops two octaves, looking down at you. He could always tell when you were distracted...aroused.
“Two more hours until the movers get here,” you remind him. You were relieved you found a nice place to move into, it was bigger and cheaper due to its location near a college, and there was even a park in walking distance.
Jungkook licks his lips, “Two more hours?” he repeats, moving closer to you.
“We haven’t finished packing,” you remind him, sensing his intentions.
Your hand against his bare chest for space is not helping, only decreasing your reluctance. “Two hours is plenty of time,” he surprises you by picking you up, dropping you on the counter.
“We should focus on–oh–the–ah-”
You really couldn’t focus on anything other than Jungkook’s mouth leaving love bites across your chest, his lips and teeth dragging down your skin, lowering his head until he was nipping at your stomach.
He teased you, pulling away your clothes until you were naked and willing to waste time with him. Your enthusiasm always riled Jungkook up, made him animalistic, until he was pushing you down onto the only carpet left unrolled, mounting you and thrusting into you hard and deep as you squirmed under his strong hold, getting wetter and tighter as he quickened his paced until he was feral, unhinged thrusts fucking into you as deep as he could reach.
“Please what?” he growled into your ear, spilling all his filthy thoughts out, “Give it to you harder? Fill your womb up with my seed?”
“You would look so good–ah-full with my pups. Would you like that?” He laid his weight over you, rolling his hips to reach every part inside you.
“Fill me up,” you moan, “I want your babies.”
Jungkook’s cock swelled, pumping you full of his cum. You could feel rivers of his release against your walls, sticky and wet, with no place to go with his cock plugged inside you.
You laid gasping and twitching under him, covered in sweat, filled to the brim.
“Want more?” he grunts, holding your body down. You nod eagerly.
Knock knock knock.
You and Jungkook look up surprised, locked together and naked, thinking of a good excuse for the movers.
Three times it’s happened, and though it's gotten easier for Jungkook, it never gets easier for you.
Walking the aisles of the convenience store late at night kept your mind off the things in your life you couldn’t control. Like random spontaneous transformations, the looming threat of monsters after you, or reoccurring night terrors that left you with even more unanswered questions.
You sneaked away while Jungkook was sleeping, hoping that a surprise dinner date would do as an apology for the night before.
Even if Jungkook did not act like you had done anything wrong, this morning you saw the fresh scars that covered his shoulders and reached his neck. It killed you inside to see the marks, evidence of what you had done...it terrified you.
“Can’t go wrong with noodles,” you sigh, adding a variety of flavors for Jungkook to try. ‘Hmmm, what else would he like?’ You should probably get him some meat too, you think, grabbing various cuts. You weren’t a big meat eater before, but even just smelling the raw beef had your mouth watering. You shiver, pushing those kind of thoughts out of your mind. 
You notice a huge display of strawberries, your favorite fruit, juicy and red, abundant in the spring season, so you grab some for Jungkook to try.
Maybe you should take him to a strawberry farm! The idea of Jungkook curiously roaming around a field of the red fruit, carefully choosing the ripest berries, makes you smile. You’ve noticed just how gentle Jungkook acts despite his massive size.
You add ‘strawberry picking,’ to the mental list of things you want Jungkook to experience. ‘Oh, Jungkook.’ You wanted to let him rest, give him some space since the only time you’ve been apart from each other is when you went in to work, but you’re starting to miss him already. How silly, you think.
While in your thoughts you hadn’t noticed the man next to you, but you smelled him, a familiar scent...if you didn’t know better you might have mistaken that smell for your stubborn boyfriend.
As though he recognized the moment you finally noticed his presence, he cleared this throat, “Excuse me, can you help me?”
You turn around, catching light brown eyes. The stranger offers you a large bright smile, it makes you feel safe...warm.
With his sharp jaw, high cheekbones, and long brown hair, he is very handsome, intimidatingly so. “O-Oh, what did you need help with?” You look over to the basket he is carrying, filled with alcohol. 
“Well,” he laughs shyly, “I’m new to the area, looking for some place to take my brothers, do you know any good nightclubs around here?”
“Oh, I just moved here too,” you smile, “There is a University close by! I bet there are clubs and bars around there.” You pull out your phone and open your navigation app, searching for the University. The man moves closer, looking over your shoulder while you toggle the map to magnify the area.
You glance to your side, where the man peers over your shoulder, eyes concentrating on your phone. His presence feels familiar and you can’t help but think of Jungkook.
This man reminds you of Jungkook. It’s a crazy thought. A scary thought.
His eyes dart up quick to meet yours, so fast you almost flinch, feeling embarrassed you were caught staring. But he just smiles wide, crescent eyes shining.
You quickly navigate your phone, pushing those ridiculous thoughts away, it has been months already and nothing has happened.
“Oh here, there’s a street full of bars. This one club has four and a half stars. He tilts his head closer to you, hair brushing along your cheekbone. Too close. You step to the side, closer to the strawberries, mindlessly running your fingers along the cases and picking out another box out of nervousness.
“Can you text me that address?” he asks, “If you don’t mind!” he adds quickly.
“Oh? Okay.” You fumble with your cell, “Yeah, sure.”
“You smell nice, what is that scent?” His fingertips graze the edges of your hair making you tilt your head away.
“Um, coconut, maybe?” you laugh nervously.
“Coconut? I will have to try that,” he smiles.
His phone dings after he finishes typing his number in, an old flip phone style you haven’t seen in years. The loose sleeveless shirt he wore left his lean muscles out on display. He catches you staring, smiling, “Well, nice meeting you, um…” he waits patiently for you to finish his sentence.
“Y/n.” you smile awkwardly.
“Hoseok. Maybe we’ll see each other around then? I will introduce you to my brothers.” He gives you a bright smile, tongue in between his teeth.
“Yeah, maybe.” You smile politely.
You steered your cart to check out, looking over your shoulder one last time, curiosity getting the better of you, watching him saunter away, alcohol and berries now in his cart.
Why do you have only have one case?
As you unload your bags of groceries on the kitchen counter a sleepy Jungkook presses himself to your back, “Where did you go?”
“To get dinner. I thought we could make something from scratch,” you muse, “pasta with meat sauce?”
You turn and your smile slowly drops at Jungkook’s expression. “Jungkook....”
His grip around your waist tightens as his head lowers to your shoulder.
“It hurts,” you wince, pulling away.
“Why do you smell like that? Where did you go?!”
“Just to the store! That’s all,” you say, confused.
“Did you meet someone?!” He yanks your shirt closer, stretching the fabric.
“No! I mean, y-yes, there was-” 
“You let him touch you!?”
He looks furious, his chest rising and falling rapidly, anger radiating off of him. Jungkook could smell his scent running along the column of your neck. It made him see red.
“No!” you yell. “He wanted my help-”
Jungkook groans, turning away. He makes sure the front door is locked out of habit, even though a small lock wouldn’t truly stop them from entering. He runs to the window, using his senses to search for the same scent on you.
Had you been followed? Jungkook was sure of it, they knew exactly where you were and that you were alone. How long have they known?
“Jungkook, what’s happening?”
They're here.
“His name was Hoseok,” Jungkook says solemnly, looking over his shoulder to you.
“Y-Yes,” you swallow. “He said he was looking for a bar for his...brothers. But he was n-nice! Fuck, I should have kno–he even reminded me of you.”
Your heart drops to the pit of your stomach in that moment, chest hurting from the weight of his words. “Just take a deep breathe, before something happens-”
“BEFORE WHAT HAPPENS?” Jungkook roars, “Before I turn into a monster?!”
You shake your head no, your hands reaching on either side of his face. You could feel his body shaking in anger against your palms. “No, I did not mean it that way, you’re not like them, Jungkook, you’re not.”
You rest your forehead against his until his breathing calms down. You did not know how to explain all the reasons why you loved him, and simply said, “I love you.”
His mood changes, leaning into your palm. “I’m sorry, I can’t stand it, the thought of any of them touching you...hurting you...” he takes in a shaky inhale, “I love you too.”
“Touch right there,” you point, taking a deep breath, “and it will call him.” You hand Jungkook your phone. “Ready?”
He nods and you hold hands while the line rings three times. A taunting voice you don’t recognize answers.
“Am I speaking to y/n…or Jungkook?”
“Stop, whatever you are planning, stop it. I’m warning you,” Jungkook growls.
“You know we can’t do that. Where ever you go, we’ll be there. We’re family, aren’t we? You can’t leave family behind.” The voice laughs and Jungkook grinds his teeth.
“He doesn’t want to live with you anymore, can’t you see that?” you interject.
“Doesn’t want to? We all do things we don’t want to. Do you think I want to be in this infested town? Entertaining the likes of you?” The voice’s sweet mocking tone turns dark and threatening so quickly it makes the bile in your stomach rise.
“Jimin, don’t speak to her like that!”
“Ooh, I’ve never seen our Jungkook so possessive,” another deeper voice speaks up.
“Over a human,” another one scoffs quietly in the background.
“He always had a soft spot for them.”
“But does she know, what he’s done to her kind?”
“Did you tell her, Jungkookie?”
There were too many voices, all speaking one after the other, until silence left everyone including you waiting for his answer.
You spoke up instead when Jungkook could no longer keep his eyes locked with yours, looking down shamefully. “Whatever he’s done in the past, it doesn't matter! Especially when it’s been under your influence!”
The group’s mocking laughter rings through your phone’s speaker. “What a loyal pet.”
It was another voice, one that hadn't spoken yet, one you recognize, one that haunted your nightmares still.
The man in the fur coat, the one who attacked you, spoke last. Everyone else stopped talking, showing respect to their leader.
“How are you feeling, by the way? It was a full moon last night, wasn’t it?” he says in a chilling mocking tone.
He tuts, “What are you going to do, Jungkook? You’re lost without us. You’re nothing. Acting like a human, it’s pathetic. Even she’s stronger than you now-”
“That’s not true.” you grit. 
“Pet, you know it is my blood inside you, not Jungkook’s. I’m inside you,” he laughs. You hang up, not wanting to hear anymore.
“They know where we live,” Jungkook says solemnly.
“It’s okay, we have all the things Miss Manyo gave us. They will work,” you reassure Jungkook. “You’ve gotten stronger too,” you whisper encouragingly, “They don’t know about that...”
“Is there a way to protect my home too?” you ask, desperately hoping for good news.
“You’ve already let a beast inside,” Miss Manyo says thoughtfully. “We would need another kind of spell-”
“He’s not!” you yell.
“He? Huh? I was talking about you, dear,” she says softly.
“Oh, I was not–”
“You have a beast inside you. It will have to be a different spell, I will have to search for one,” she sighs. “It will cost extra,” she says cheekily, trying to lighten the mood.
“I see…” you whisper, embarrassed you misunderstood her.
“You said ‘he,’ before, he’s there with you now, yes? The hmm wolf boy you found.”
“Yes,” you swallow.
“Okay, that will make things difficult, but not impossible! Here, I'm going to give you a list of items to ward off those pesky wolves while I see what I can do, just warn your friend to keep his distance, you might feel the affects as well because of your...condition, write these down...ready?”
Suddenly, your exasperated expression turns into one of excitement. You jump up from the couch, looking for a paper and pen. “Yes yes! Okay.” You scribble down a list of items while Jungkook looks over your shoulder.
“I used to vacation in the summer at that cabin when I was a little girl” she says wistfully, “I’m all too familiar with the legends of those woods,” she sighs. “That spell was cast long ago, but I might be able to recreate it...I can’t make any promises,” she warns wearily, “but I will try my best. The wards cast are old and powerful. Unlike things in this world, magic only gets stronger with age...like me,” she laughs.
“Thank you!”
“Jungkook, you have to let me go to work, if they were going to attack me like that, don’t you think they would have done it by now?”
The poor shapeshifter had made you late to work for the third time this week.
“They showed themselves, its only a matter of time before they try to hurt you! Please, take one of your ‘sickness days’, or let me come with you again! I will hide better!”
You sigh. You and Jungkook couldn’t live in fear for the rest of your life. You won’t!
“Or-” Your eyes widen, excitedly. “We could catch them first! We have everything we need now. Jungkook...are they the type to make a scene?”
“Oh my! Well well, so this is what they look like without all the fur.”
Miss Manyo circles Jungkook, enthralled. “You definitely have taken my advice on strengthening your human form,” she pinches a shell-shocked Jungkook’s cheek. “Right? Hasn’t he?” she whispers in your direction.
“Well, yes,” you tilt your head thinking, “but he has always looked like that.”
“Dear, I completely understand you now.”
“Heh heh, t-that’s not why-Oh! Are those-”
You notice two necklaces in her hands. “This one,” she holds up the silver chain with a green gem attached, “will protect the space as long as the wearer is inside, it was the best I could do at such short notice, sorry dear.” You nod. Right now you were happy for anything. Holding the silver necklace doesn’t hurt, only tickles your skin, but you can imagine how it might get uncomfortable the longer you wear it.
You’ll endure.
“What is the other necklace for?”
“This one,” she holds up a gold necklace with a red gem attached. “Is for him! That is, if he wants it,” she smiles.
“For me?” Jungkook’s eyes go wide in surprise and Miss Manyo sighs wistfully, completely enamored.
“Err what does it do?” you ask.
The old witch laughs quite deviously.
“This is beautiful,” you sigh, “Don’t you think?” You and Jungkook walk down the street after eating lunch at a new café. There is an entire block spanning with flower stand after flower stand of all colors. “Should we get some?”
“What do you do with them?”
“You look at them, I guess?” you laugh.
“But they are cut,” he flops the bouquet upside down, and thin tiny petals go flying, “They are going to die.” you send an apologetic look to the seller, pulling out your wallet to pay for the bouquet. Jungkook holds a bouquet up to his nose...and sneezes.
“Well, yeah, but we’re all going to die eventually, aren’t we? What’s important is appreciating the beauty of the moment,” you smile, hugging his side, grabbing the beautiful bouquet and admiring the flowers, “like being here with you.”
Jungkook kisses your cheek softly. “Next time can we get a bouquet with roots?”
You laugh, “Yes, definitely.”
“Not in public, Jungkook,” you shoo Jungkook away. Your boyfriend has become very touchy as of late. You did not think it was even possible for Jungkook, who always found a way to wrap himself around you.
You did not mind, but having his hands all over you while waiting in line for dessert pastries might be ruining the appetites of those around you! You laugh, moving away embarrassed. Jungkook kisses you one last time, standing stoic with his arm over your shoulder.
You couldn’t help but feel proud to have such a doting boyfriend, someone as kind and protective as him. It was you, who cuddled into his embrace this time, too happy to have him in your life.
By the time you chose your pastries, a strawberry cheesecake petit gateau for you and a meat and cheese croissant for Jungkook, it started to rain.
The sun was still shinning despite the rain, and instead of running for cover, Jungkook grabbed your hand and led you to a place you passed by on you search for the café.
“W-Where are we going?” you ask confusedly.
“I want to show you something! It only happens when it rains,” he says excitedly.
So you follow Jungkook in the rain, without an umbrella, without a second thought.
“When it rained like this, I would go to the lake in the woods, and watch the raindrops jump back up, look look!” he smiles, looking at the small pond, admiring the rain hitting the surface.
“It was calming,” he sighs, smiling to himself, unbothered by the raindrops falling down onto his clothes. “The others would sit with me and watch sometimes. We wouldn’t talk, just listen to the rain...drink...be happy...” he says smiling.
“Do you miss them?”
Jungkook stays quiet for a very long time. You sit next to him, throwing your head back and letting the raindrops sprinkle your face for the first time since you were a child. You listened to the rain, the steady pattern was soothing, Jungkook was right.
Jungkook thinks about the rare moments where he would play with the pack, laughing.
“No.” Those moments were nothing compared to every day sacrificing his humanity to please the pack, to make his leader happy.
Jungkook did not want to go back into the woods.
Jungkook wanted to live with you.
He wanted to be a better man. He wanted to be a man.
You notice Jungkook’s somber shift in mood. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have mentioned them.” You push the wet strands of hair out of Jungkook’s eyes.
“It’s okay, I’m happy, this is more fun. This is what I wanted,” he smiles, kissing your worries away.
Maybe it was because he always did it to you, or maybe you wanted him closer; you buried your head against the crook of his neck, holding him tightly, kissing the rain off his neck.
Jungkook closes his eyes, listens to the water and your steady heartbeat. A slow warmth starts in his throat, spreading down to his chest, vibrating in pit of his stomach. He loved every touch, caress, and kiss you gave him, but this...made him wild.
The rain showers down harder, clouds covering the sun. The plastic bag that held your pastry box was safe from the rain, your clothes however, were not spared. The spring dress you wore clung to all your curves, garnering all of Jungkook’s attention.
He picks you up abruptly, surprising you, arms wrapped under your thighs, pushing your short dress even higher up your widened thighs.
Your lips find his mouth, tasting his soft wet lips, and he deepens the kiss until you were breathless.
The rain tickles your exposed skin.
Jungkook held you like you weighed nothing, energized by his desperate need for you. He licked into your mouth, tongue pressing over yours in a performance of passion and dominance that left you panting and jittery with adrenaline and lust.
“Let’s go home,” you offer, wanting more.
“Why? No one is around.”
That was true, the rain was strong enough now that no one else dared to stay outside.
You pant, his growing hardness pressing between your legs affecting you more and more.
You give in. “O-Over there,” you look over to the treeline which would provide you with a little more cover from the rain and intruding eyes.
Jungkook looks around, the tiny park is empty and he can’t wait. He wants to take you here, out in the open.
The embarkment was perfect to lie your body against, pound you into the earth. Oh he wants to, desires so badly to claim you, lie your body on the grass and fuck you full of his cum.
You wiggle in his embrace until he drops you. You try to concentrate while his arms go under your dress, yanking you possessively closer. “Let’s go over t-there,” you moan as he fervently kisses your neck, sucking your soft skin and marking it.
“Oh f-fuck...w-wait!” You grab his cheeks, pushing his head away, so you can steady yourself.
There was an animalistic need in his eyes that made your body tingle all over. “Y/n, please,” he begs as he tries to nip at your lips again. His please was such a desperate low pleading murmur you felt your body surge.
“Catch me,” you kiss his lips playfully, before turning and running towards the treeline.
You bounced away, dress clinging thin to your assets. Jungkook felt his dick swell, an urge overtaking his body at the thought of capturing you in his arms, like an itch he always wanted to scratch, a filthy desire to claim you in the most animalistic way. Jungkook never gave in to that side of him, but his desires were too strong, his composure strung too thin, snapping all of his restraints.
He let you have what you wanted, a chase to a more secluded location, because he got to have what he wanted, you.
So sweet and soft you felt, your pretty voice whimpering such lewdness when he caught you, lifting you up in his arms. He held you against a tree, your legs back around his torso, and your inviting wet pussy stretching over his cock.
Jungkook did not hold back, ravaging your body, and you, too filled with pleasure did not mind his passionate digging touches. You grip the muscles of his back, adrenaline pumping through your veins, gasping into his mouth for more.
You'll take Jungkook in his sweet boyish charm and wild passion, you want all of him, just as he is.
“You look...”
“Yes?” you twirl in your light purple tulle dress.
“...cold,” Jungkook bites his lip, blushing.
“What!” you laugh. You admit the tulle skirt is cut in a way that shows off most of your legs, but this spring has been so hot!
“People will see,” Jungkook pouts.
“See what?”
“Your body,” he says. He hugs you close, gliding his mouth over every exposed bit of skin he sees.
“You’re the only eyes I care about,” you whisper breathlessly, unable to hide the way his ministrations affects you.
“Let’s stay home,” he says smirking wickedly, affected by your growing arousal.
“No!” you laugh. “C’mon,” you say, pushing your handsy boyfriend towards the door, “It’s tonight, we have to stop acting like prey and start acting like...monster hunters!” you wink, pulling on your white lacy gloves, picking up an array of silver utensils and pocketing them in your purse, the far cheaper option to the old century silver daggers Miss Manyo suggested.
“Do you want to dance?”
Jungkook grabs your waist, yanking you to his side, practically growling under his breath.
The stranger holds up his hands in surrender, “Sorry, sorry,” moving quickly away.
You sigh, wrapping your arms around you jealous partner’s neck. “Do you want to dance?” you ask Jungkook. “Do you smell them here?” you whisper.
Jungkook could barely think with the music so loud. He currently smelled a lot of things, unpleasant things at that; the rancid smell of alcohol everywhere, body order, vomit. He hated this part of the hunt his brothers would engage in. It was so hard to concentrate when there were so many loud noises and flashing lights. But he thinks, he feels, they are here, somewhere.
“How am I supposed to concentrate now?” he murmurs against your hair. You roll your hips into him again, laughing.
“Dance with me, ” you give him a teasing look and pull him on the dance floor. “You’re so stiff, relax!” you smile, pressing your body close to his “C’mon, we can’t be afraid,” you tease. You pull Jungkook to you, guiding his body with yours, until he breaks into a small smile.
You tried your best to relax him, letting Jungkook spin you and pull you back into his embrace, keeping your own worries to yourself.
You peered over his shoulder as you danced together, watchful, scrutinizing each dark corner, each sharp noise, ready.
“They’re here.” Jungkook whispers. You nod against his chest, scanning the dance floor.
You felt eyes watching you.
It felt like the forest all over again, except this time, dancing bodies instead of trees stood as obstacles between you and the beasts, and this time, you were not going to run away.
Instead, you held Jungkook’s hand and moved your way through the crowd where you were sure you saw a glimpse of those eyes that haunted your dreams.
“Looks like we meet again, y/n.” Hoseok walks right into your path, knocking into you. You stumble back into Jungkook.
Hoseok only moves closer, sandwiching you between them on the crowded dance floor. “Yes, that’s how it looks,” you swallow.
Hoseok sends you a deceptive smile. “Calm down Jungkook, enjoy the night,” Hoseok warns, looking to the man behind you.
Jungkook can smell them, see their movements out of the corners of his eyes. Three other bodies move closer, his brothers moving in at all angles.
You felt it too, looking over your shoulder just in time to see two men knock into Jungkook on both sides, hands yanking him back. Hoseok moves too, finding your abandoned wrists and pulling you into a dance.
“You, I can see being foolish enough to come here and challenge us, but how did you convince our Jungkook?”
Hoseok expected you to be emanating fear, but you were calm and collected. Jungkook, usually impulsive and tempered, was holding back as well. Well, as best he could, his anger on the brink of exploding.
“What makes you think that? We just felt like dancing.”
“Ahh, and the fact that this is the place you suggested means nothing?”
“Have you been coming here every night waiting for us like a dog waiting for its master? Sounds miserable,” you jab.
“Oh, it wasn’t so bad,” Hoseok mimics your detached attitude rather than taking the bait. “This is the best bar in town, so many young men and women here, all just so eager and willing, they don’t even put up a fight,” his arms wrap around you suffocatingly tight.
Jimin yanks Jungkook’s shoulder back as he tries to move towards you. There's a rumble in Jungkook’s chest, a swirling pit of rage and jealousy watching Hoseok's hands travel over your dress, disappearing under your tulle skirt to lay his hands on your skin.
“Don’t do it, or it will only get worse for her,” Namjoon warns, pressed against Jungkook's other side, surveying the dancing crowd.
Hoseok drops his head down, smelling your neck. “But you, you have something up your sleeves, don’t you? Please tell me you do, we’ve all been aching for another fight.”
“So you can lose again?”
Hoseok laughs against your skin. You’re covered in Jungkook’s scent, Jungkook had made sure of that every night and every morning, but your perspiration from the heat of the club let your own smell come through just enough for Hoseok’s liking. Hoseok took the opportunity to lick your neck, tasting your sweat on his tongue.
You shudder in his embrace, this felt wrong and menacing and nothing like Jungkook's sweet acts of scenting you. “There’s only four of you tonight? Where are the others?” ‘Where is that man who wore the fur coat?’ you think.
“Oh, they are here, enjoying the show,” Hoseok smirks.
“Take me to him then, the one who did this,” you nod down to your shoulder, where the smallest tiniest scar still remains of your bite.
Hoseok laughs, hands roaming your body again. “To our Seokjin? Sure, I owe you an introduction, right? Just one last thing-”
You tried to catch Jungkook's eyes as Hoseok traps you in his embrace, kissing you. You saw him, three men surrounding him and another moving suspiciously closer. You trusted that he could handle himself, even with such unfair numbers, just as you hoped he trusted you as well and did not lash out in anger.
Jungkook’s blood boiled. It was the angriest the pack had ever seen him. Jungkook cracks his knuckles as he watches Hoseok continue to do as he please, moving you further and further away from him. “Hey,” A voice speaks out to him from behind. “Why are you wearing gloves?” Taehyung asks.
Jungkook moves like lightning; like a bolt of energy trapped in glass, ricocheting off in every angle, that was how the furious shapeshifter behaved.
Luckily, his pack mates made themselves conveniently close. Close enough for Jungkook to hit them in the face with a small purple enchanted flower, a bag of poisonous wolfsbane holding a confusion spell from his admiring new witch friend.
Yoongi, who was close by, stepped back, but Jungkook who had been training his human body all this time, was now just too strong and fast for him.
You finally manage to shove Hoseok off of you as he pushes you into a corner. You fall against the velvet seating, your shoulder knocking into the one you had been looking for.
Seokjin isn't wearing a fur coat anymore, he’s in a white suite, jacket opened and shirt barely buttoned, showing off his strong wide build.
The crowd of dancing bodies and loud music provided them with the perfect cover, or perhaps everyone was too drunk and apathetic to care about their violent movements.
“I could kill you right now.” Seokjin says, fingers wrapped around your neck. “Remember when I told you, you would beg me for death?” He studies your features up close, smiling at your struggle.
Your fingers dig into his forearm as you try to inhale fruitlessly. He brings you closer to him, your face merely inches away from him, “Interesting.”
Seokjin could see the cool blue club lights reflected back into your eyes, but even under the lightning he could see a familiar shade of red in your irises. His ego believed it was because of him, you were now part him after all.
Hoseok cranes his neck over the crowd, “Something is wrong.” He turns to leave, nodding for approval from Seokjin who nods back.
You smirk despite being seconds away from unconsciousness.
Seokjin is intrigued. He abruptly lets go and you gasp in air, coughing, rubbing your neck. “You’ve missed one small tiny detail in your plan, pet.”
“Yeah?” you cough.
Seokjin grabs your chin painfully tight, turning your head to the exact spot Jungkook was. He looked determined, weaving through the crowd to get to the pair of you.
“You wanted to get me alone, but what if that was what I also wanted, to finally have you all to myself?”
You swallow, looking out of the corner of your eye to look one last time at Jungkook.
“Oh, he’s so close.” Seokjin’s arm snake around your waist, holding you tight. “Right there,” he taunts.
The pulsing bass felt like a ticking clock, you felt it hit you with each beat, like a row of dominoes, toppling over, closer and closer to destroying everything. And Jungkook was on the path to destruction.
Or was he?
Seokjin watches the youngest pack member disappear back into the crowd.
“I have a confession,” you look over your shoulder. Seokjin still sees red, a burning confidence in your gaze, “You’re not that scary in your human form to be honest.”
“Is that right?” Seokjin smirks, his arm now digging into your side painfully. “Our kind do have a certain look to us in this form that makes it easier to lure in prey.” He leans close to your ear, keeping his eyes on the crowd. “But I’ll tell you a secret too...I know you visited our little witch friend,” he says smiling.
“Afraid then?” you whisper.
Seokjin laughs, “Oh I like this version of you.” He grabs the hand that held your wristlet, making sure you could not pull out what was in your purse. “You should be thanking me, don’t you think? I could teach you, just like I taught Jungkook, how to make the most of your...situation. Just pledge the rest of your life to me and I’ll be willing to spare it, how does that sound?”
But the confident woman you are now was not because of him, nor this courageousness you felt. The strength you felt inside of you was reinforced not by pain or fear, it was all love, it was all Jungkook.
You might have melted down Jungkook’s walls when you were stuck together for the winter, but Jungkook warmed your broken heart, made you feel cherished and loved again.
Jungkook was the reason you fought so hard, was the reason you nurtured this new side of you. Every time you let her in, you thought of Jungkook, and you felt safe...
“There’s legends that talk about what happened to you, but who really knows what is fact or fiction.” She shakes her head, “I only know the spells passed down from my family and my coven.”
“So there is nothing I can do to control it?” you ask, disheartened.
“Well now I didn’t say that...”
Jungkook sits still as he watches your resting figure on the ground. He pulls out slivers of grass nervously while he waits.
Miss Manyo stirs some old dried red flower petals in a large jar of water, reciting an incantation.
“What’s that?” Jungkook blinks, smelling the strong fragrance from his distance. You wanted to open your eyes, but she was insistent you keep them closed.
“Moon water from the last blood moon.”
“What are you going to do with it?”
“You ask a lot of questions, dear. You’re lucky you’re cute,” she teases. “I'm going to do this,” and Miss Manyo throws the entire contents of the water jar in your face.
“What the hell?!” You sit up, coughing out water, but you don’t see Miss Manyo anymore, or Jungkook. You don’t see anyone, because you’re not lying in green grass anymore. Your face and hair is no longer wet, but there's a chill in the air. The warmth of spring is gone, and so are you.
This familiar place is freezing, and yet when your finger tips drag along the winter snow on the ground, you aren’t cold. You breathe out a puff of smoke.
A twig cracks.
And the wind howls.
What are you suppose to do? Why did she bring you back here?
You stand up. Everything is quiet and snow falls steadily around you.
It's too quiet, the hairs on the back of you neck stand up, so you hurriedly stand up.
Another branch breaks.
You turn around suddenly, moving before you even realized what you were doing.
You see it, so far away yet so recognizable against the winter white.
And for those few moments, it feels like time stops still.
You have to make a choice.
You decide to run.
And the dark wolf, sensing your decision too, sprints forward, its paws kicking up white dust.
You take a hurried step backward.
Solid footing, to push you forward.
“Never,” you grit out. “I came here for answers. What did you do to me?!” You try to yank your arm out of Seokjin's grasp with all your might, yet you barely move in his grasp. “What has been happening to me?”
Seokjin thinks for a moment, looking away from you to look over the crowd again, like he’s buying time, but time’s up, you’ve bought it all up.
Screams of terror fill the club, there’s a crash, and another, and another.
A roar louder than the bass boosted music, louder than the screams and noises of the club, louder than anything you’ve ever heard erupts.
And a huge wolf appears from the crowd with a struggling man in its mouth.
“Sorry, Jungkook told me how you hated making a scene,” you smirk. You try to pull away from Seokjin, but he's stronger, lifting you off your feet as the crowd panics.
A group of drinkers knock into you both as they hurriedly try to get away from the enormous beast. You and the furious pack leader fall to the ground and it distracts Seokjin just enough...
You jump to your feet, quickly opening your purse before Seokjin reaches for you again. His nails dig into your scalp as you try to get away, pulling you back by the hair.
“Do you know what you have done? You have endangered us all,” Seokjin sneers, yanking you back harder.
“If you stay human, you’ll be fine,” you mock, “that is, if Jungkook doesn’t get to you first.” In that moment Jungkook whips his head, growling, throwing a bleeding Hoseok into the air.
You scream, “JUNGKOOK,” before Seokjin covers your mouth. Jungkook in his wolf form pounces over tables and bar stools to get to you.
Seokjin recoils his hands away, yelling in pain.
“Is that a...spoon?” he balks.
“Yep,” you hold it up happily. You throw it at his head, pushing through the escaping crowd. Seokjin chases right after you.
With every knock against your shoulder, you have to reorient yourself, losing precious distance. You see flashes of white moving closer and closer, Seokjin shoving to the ground anyone who dares to run into him.
“Jungkook!” you scream, running towards the farthest exit instead, where terrified drinkers disperse as Jungkook’s large wolf body course corrects. “Jungkoo-”
“Y/n!” Jungkook crashes into you, pulling you through the exit doors.
“Hold on!” you stumble, “I can’t run like this,” you pant, pulling off your heels.
“I told you to wear boots!” Jungkook and you start running again.
“I would have looked silly! No one wears hiking boots to a club, they would have noticed too,” you try to yell as you run. “This way!” You and Jungkook run towards the university. There’s tons of students around this area, they wouldn’t-
One shrill scream makes you turn your head, only to catch three large wolves barreling down the sidewalk.
“How long was that spell supposed to last?”
“I don’t know! I have more-”
“Your should have thrown the whole bag at them-”
Jungkook looks behind him. The wolves are catching up fast. “Should I-”
“No! Don’t transform. Follow me!”
There’s a park by the university, a pretty spacious piece of green land sandwiched between high-rises, with a few trails that veer off the lighted pathway, making a perfect hideaway.
“Go!” Jungkook tells you to hide.
“No, you go-”
“I stay. We have to keep our distance, I’ll find you,” Jungkook pulls you into a crushing kiss, and you relent, sprinting away.
Seokjin said he wanted you all to himself, but that was a lie. No, the pack leader doesn’t want you apart, he wants you and Jungkook together, so Jungkook has to watch, so you hold back.
And Miss Manyo throws the entire contents of the water jar in your face.
You sit up, gasping for breath, coughing up water.
“You did it.”
“No dear, you did. though you’ll still have to pay me,” she winks.
“Y/n?” Jungkook holds your hand, gripping it tightly to ground you.
You wipe the water off your face. Jungkook catches your eyes, holding your face to make sure he saw correctly-
You smile, falling into his arms.
“There you are.”
You catch your breath, leaning against a tree. “And who are you?”
An auburn haired man you noticed was one of the men holding back Jungkook steps out of the shadows. His body was beaten up, his hair wild, cuts and scratches across his face.
“Jungkook really beat you up.”
“You’re quite the nuisance,” he licks his lips, red eyes glowing in the moonlight.
You caught another pair of red eyes from a silver haired man, moving languidly in the shadows, his eyes glowing in the blackness of the night. One more, there should be at least one more, you think.
You expected it to be Seokjin, the leader, but you see blonde hair instead, frowning. It’s okay, it doesn’t matter, you have faith that Jungkook can handle himself.
“You don’t have to do this, you don’t have to follow Seokjin.” You push off the tree’s trunk, moving into the open space. The group encircles you.
“But we want to see for ourselves what makes our Jungkook so-”
“-Why is he keeping you?”
“-Why won’t he share?”
“-Show us that trick of yours.”
“-What makes you so special?”
They spoke together, dizzying you with words.
It was easy for a woman in this situation to fall victim to men, but you had the kind of power that made them hesitate, waiting for you to move first.
“Haven’t you ever felt someone love you?”
Met with silence you can only softly laugh. “I guess not...that makes me sad for you. If you survive tonight, you should try...”
The trio stares daggers into you, red eyes glowing, their menacing presence piercing through you.
You heave a low sigh, looking up towards the waning moon, thinking of Jungkook.
You guess now, you looked the same kind of menacing, though you did not feel it.
Under the moonlight you just felt...
And ready.
You watch Jungkook curl weights in your living room, your laundry only half folded, his heavy grunting and muscles flexing proving to be too much of a welcome distraction. He has taken the witch’s advice wholeheartedly, training his already strong body.
“Can you help me?” he asks, wiping off his face with a towel.
You blink, “Y-Yeah, what did you want me to...”
Jungkook lays on his stomach, “Come here,” he says as he moves in a push up position. “Now concentrate,” he laughs as you settle over him, your arms holding tightly around his chest. “You’re already being...distracting,” he grunts, smiling.
You can’t help but giggle, impressed by his effortless pace. You were having too much fun, cuddling against Jungkook’s muscular back as he lifted himself and you up and down.
“Do you think that, um, after we do this,” Jungkook grunts, “after we stop them, you think Miss Manyo will be able to turn me into a human?” Jungkook asks you.
“Oh, I-I don’t know, I can ask her if there is a spell like that?” you hesitate. “Is that what you really want?”
Jungkook lifts you up and back down, “Yes.”
You hum, “Jungkook...You don’t have to change yourself, I love you just how you are.”
Jungkook stays silent, his mind already made up. Up and down you go. “Okay, if it makes you happy, I just want you to believe in yourself, I believe in you.”
“I love you.” He grunts, moving faster and you giggle, hugging him close.
Jungkook can no longer see you or hear you. Good, you’re far away now. He transforms.
Three wolves find him. Hoseok, whose human form took the worst of Jungkook’s attack, growls louder, his wolf form bleeding profusely, staining the grass underneath his paws red.
Their leader is fuming, barking and spitting, ready to show the youngest why the others bow their heads to him instead, why no one challenges him, what a lovesick fool the youngest was being. Even on that fateful night, if you hadn't interfered, Jungkook would have been beaten, broken, had submitted as he should.
And tonight, you’re not going to interfere this time.
He sent Namjoon and Yoongi to deal with you. The oldest and stronger members of the pack. He would have sent Hoseok, but due to his injury the second youngest, Taehyung volunteered. With still two more nights before the full moon, Seokjin was confident those three could handle you.
The leader barks obscenities, ‘Foolish traitor.’ Lunging forward, his teeth sinking into Jungkook’s body as he starts his attack. Jungkook bites back, and Hoseok and Jimin attack, the loyal wolves tearing into his body. Jungkook whips his head around, catching Jimin’s nape, flinging the wolf away, using the advantage of his massive size.
It was a test of not only strength, but endurance. How much pain could Jungkook endure, how many attacks could his body withstand. It was vicious how they bombarded Jungkook with attack after attack, showed him no mercy for his betrayal.
Hoseok fell first, his injuries overtaking him. Jimin fell next, and it was only the leader and Jungkook left standing, their fur soaked in blood. Most of it Jungkook’s blood.
Jungkook transformed back into a human, panting, doubled over and still on all fours, fallen to his knees. “Give up, this is your last chance,” he pants, weak and tired, issuing a very unconvincing threat.
The beast bares his teeth, stalking closer.
The beast’s mouth unhinges.
Jungkook digs his hands into the ground, grinding his teeth, pain overwhelming him.
Seokjin aims his fangs at Jungkook’s head.
Finding what he dropped earlier, Jungkook pulls out a small silver instrument from the earth. It was not sharp, it was not deadly. It was a tool humans used not for killing or even hunting.
Jungkook stabs the prongs of a tiny silver fork right into the roof his leader’s open mouth.
And then takes a butter knife, stabbing the beast’s open wound.
Seokjin howls.
Taking the opportunity, Jungkook runs to find you, abandoning his wounded leader.
You run, searching for Jungkook. You could smell him close, your senses so heightened you could smell his scent mixed with a revoltingly overwhelming amount of blood. You ran faster, tracking his scent, worried for him, clawing through branch and even through trunks until you crashed into a body.
Fingers wrapped around your throat, blood dripping over his hands and onto your neck. “Now, you die,” Seokjin says. He looks delirious, maddened.
You nails pierce into the leader’s forearms as you growl back.
Seokjin roars, taking the knife still lodged in his shoulder, yanking it out. The handle burns his palm, but he doesn’t let go, too full of rage to care, pressing it against your chest, using all his weight.
You’re stronger.
You knock him backward, pouncing on him instead.
“Have you ever killed anyone, pet?” he grunts, wheezing in laughter. “But Jungkook on the other hand, he could tell you all about that.”
“Stop, you’ve lost, give up.”
“Kill me now because I’ll never stop,” he hisses. “but you’re making a mistake. Do you enjoy your life locked up in that building? To go work in a different building, aren’t you bored? Doesn’t it feel suffocating? You could roam the world with us, powerful, unstoppable.” Seokjin looks up at you smirking. Plus, where you went, Jungkook would follow, he was certain of that.
Seokjin is right, and he’ll never stop. You lessen your hold on the leader, leaning away. “Y/n, get away from him!” You look up, seeing Jungkook run towards you.
“I’m sorry, Jungkook.”
Seokjin smiles wickedly at Jungkook, sitting up with you in his lap. “I’m sorry,” you repeat. Jungkook will forgive you.
It was supposed to be for him.
“What did you put on me?”
You move away quickly as Seokjin struggles to pull the necklace off.
But the spell has already been cast, it can’t be removed. The red gem glows.
Jungkook rushes towards your side, helping you to your feet. “I’m sorry, I know you wanted the necklace for yourself.”
“What does it do?” you ask.
The old witch laughs quite deviously. “It gives the wearer the ability to trap his beast. It’s what you wanted, right dear?”
Seokjin stands up, wincing in pain, his legs weak and stiff. He yanks on the gold chain, inspecting the gem.
“What did you do?!” Two red eyes look back at him in the swirling gem, an echo of a howl resounds in Seokjin’s soul. “You think this will hold me forever!?” he growls in disbelief.
“You better learn how to defend yourself in your human form, Seokjin,” Jungkook says, leaning against you for support.
“Or do you believe your brothers will still obey a weak human?” you say, holding tightly onto Jungkook.
Barking at his back, five beaten and broken beasts pace around. Seokjin couldn’t understand them, gritting his teeth, searching for power he did not possess anymore.
They were without a leader, they were hurt, and they were angry he led them down this path.
Jungkook looks at the remaining wolves. “Does anyone still want to fight us?”
You hold hands, united, a stronger pack than they ever were.
Jungkook sneezes. You giggle. 
You and Jungkook are having a picnic, enjoying the park in the daytime together. He pounces on you, hugging you close, rolling across your picnic blanket.
“Is he going to stay there all day?” You tilt your head back, looking far, far...far into the distance, eyes zoning onto the very spot an inconspicuous (yet very conspicuous to yours and Jungkook’s senses) human man hides behind a tree’s trunk.
Seokjin peeks his head out, and noticing your attention in his direction, he quickly hides again.
“Probably?” Jungkook says, kissing your cheek. He nips at your neck, his full attention back onto you.
You look up at the sky, sighing softly. You could still see the large skyscrapers of the city still around you. You close your eyes, enjoying Jungkook’s sweet attention, smiling.
Seokjin was right about one thing, you did not feel like the city was for you anymore.
Let me know what you think, can you guess who leads the wolves now? :P What do you want to see in part three for summer?
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bettyfrommars · 8 months
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Wolf Moon
hybrid!steve x fem!reader
Here's the thing: I had a request for vampire Eddie to be with reader while on her period. I wrote the vampire!eddie version (yet to be posted) but I also got inspired to bring back hybrid!steve from the fic Don't Say You Need Me, and then this smut happened. There is backstory to why Steve is the way he is, (half vampire, half werewolf), but this can very easily be enjoyed as a standalone. wc: 1.7k
18+ONLY, smut, monster fucking, oral while reader is on her period, period sex, drinking blood, unprotected sex, good boy, size kink, creampie, a bit of consensual somnophilia. As a vampire, Steve is a chatty Cathy, but in beast mode, he does not speak.
Title inspired by the Type O Negative song Wolf Moon about a man who turns into a werewolf during the full moon and has sex with a woman while on her period.
On the 28th day, you knew he would return, aroused by the scent from your monthly cycle. You were naked and open, ready as an offering to him.
Steve  had been coming to you in his hybrid form for months now, and you’d made it clear that he could start without you, even if you were asleep when he arrived.  You were drowsy when you heard heavy footfalls drop down from the open window in the living room, and so it didn’t register at first, but then you could feel the shadow of the beastly presence next to your bed, watching you, working his cock in his fist.
The red moon through the open window let you get a glimpse of his thick head of honey brown hair, matching the color of the rest of the fur on his naked body as he rose from his crouched position, massive, clawed hands flexing at his sides.
For a second, you thought you were dreaming, but you felt your legs being spread, and then you were getting pulled to the edge of the bed by your ankles.  He always tried to be soft for you though,  even at the height of his hunger.  He sniffed the air, let out a low snarl, and then his face was between your legs, smelling and flicking out licks to gather the blood leaking from your slit. The satisfaction made him shiver; the hair that grew from his face dragging soft on your inner thighs.
“Good boy,” you breathed, finding the awakening strength to reach down and run your fingers through his hair.  You settled your palm there, listening to the way he lapped you up, and each long pull of his tongue built on your arousal.
On appearance alone, when Steve was in his hybrid form, he looked like a wolfman of lore—a bipedal werewolf.  But, your sweet boy was still a vampire with vampire needs, and he had to feed on a regular basis.  There were blood substitutes on the market that gave him some nourishment, but you knew how much he craved your blood, in particular, and you wanted to give it to him.
The tip of his abnormally long, pointed tongue lapped through your folds.  When he’d first fed on you this way, it was for nourishment alone; one cold night after he’d been feral and without shelter for days.  You’d taken him in your arms that night, ready to let him bite into your flesh, but instead, he’d followed the smell of your menstruation and sank down between your legs.  You'd held his head there and shuddered as you came, letting him ingest every drop.  
Currently, in your bedroom, his tongue found your hole, pulsing deep inside, feeding on your crimson gift.  He lifted his head to find your gaze, and in the shadows of the dimly lit room, you could see the dark wetness glistening on his mouth and staining his facial hair.  Staring at you with piercing yellow irises, the point of his heavy tongue dropped to  your cunt, making a few circles there, wanting to see your reaction.
You sucked your bottom lip into your teeth and bucked your hips up.  “Are you full, baby?” You whimpered.  “I need to cum in your mouth.”
He lifted  your hips up with his superhuman strength and started to drag his tongue a few times from the tight little hole at the back, between your cheeks, all the way back to your clit, swallowing hard with each pass; drinking your uterine blood.  You’d found out that period blood was a delicacy to vampires and none of yours ever went to waste now that you had Steve.
His greedy sucking started at your bundle of nerves again, and then the white hot heat spread though you as you came undone, bucking against his face, thrashing your head on the pillow.  “Fuck, Stevie, I’m cumming.”  His tongue entered you again and your hole spasmed around it, needing more.
When he rose up, you caught the product of his feast dripping from his fur and fangs like he’d just enjoyed the fruits of a kill.  You stared up at him, reached down to pump two fingers inside of yourself, and then you lifted up, offering them to him.  Your soaked fingers disappeared inside his mouth to the base, catching the edge of one of his fangs as he nursed on them.  His low growling became a soft, aching whimper through his nose as he swallowed.
You could feel his thick, hard, monster cock rubbing on you now, picking up your slick before the tip found your hole and your mouth went slack at the stretch.  “Yes please baby please,” you writhed, rocking at the edge of the bed, begging him to fill you.  He hesitated with a grunt, and you could tell when the human part of him was trying to control his demons, not wanting to hurt you.  You met his eyes, “fuck me, Stevie, split me open.”
With a bit of a roar, he pushed more of it in, making your hole clench as it stretched out.  He put one hairy, muscular knee on the bed, held both of your legs up by the thighs, and began to thrust, mercilessly pounding it in, but you urged him on.  Pretty soon, you were slapping against his body fur, breasts bouncing as he impaled you deep with his length.  “You stretch me out so good, baby, holy fuck, you’re gonna make me cum again.”  It wouldn’t be the first time another orgasm followed close to the first with Steve; no human cock had ever found that special spot deep inside of you before.
Your fingers found your clit, swiping fast, arching back with pleasure at the wet sounds your sex was making and the pierce of his claws in your flesh.  
You wanted to wait for him, but before you knew it, you were exploding around cock, whining as your fingers worked through the high.  Steve was close behind, hips stuttering, locking you against him with strong, calloused hands while he filled you up with his seed, grunting as he emptied himself.  
Regular vampire Steve would stretch out on the bed and snuggle you at that point.  He’d clean you up and make out with you until you were both ready to go again, or take a nap, but then he’d have to be back at his place before dawn.  
In hybrid form, Steve was a feral beast, driven solely by carnal desires.  Once his cock slipped from you, allowing your hole to drip cum and menstrual blood, you knew that he would leave.  He’d fed and he’d claimed you, and then it was time for him to belong to the night again.  
He always found his way back to you because he loved you, but those were words yet unspoken. 
Some things are just understood.  
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azsazz · 1 year
In Full Bloom
Tamlin x Reader
Summary: The creature chasing you through the woods finally catches you.
Warnings: Smut. Not monsterfucking but not not monsterfucking? I have no idea tbh.
Word Count: 2,956
Notes: This one has been a long time coming and goes out to @acourtofmenandthirst, @writingsbychlo, @swansworth, and @azrielscrown 💙
He’s coming.
You curse under your breath and push harder, leaning into your run as you thunder through the forest, dipping and weaving through trees so tall they nearly touch the clouds themselves. The ground is uneven, littered with upturned roots and wild moss, the burrows of animals and pockets of wild brush.
You don’t dare look over your shoulder at the beast prowling after you. His footsteps tandem in time with the pounding in your chest, thump thump thump.
Swallowing harshly, you search ahead. Your breath catches in your throat as you realize exactly where you are, how the grass creeps into the doorways of the trees, growing long and tall until it can’t anymore, the branches and leaves swallowing the sunlight.
You’re about to reach a clearing. And when you do, there will be nowhere to hide. 
You’ll be fair game.
You curse, weighing your options. Veering towards the right takes you deeper into the forest, the part of Spring that nears the wall that separates the human lands from your own, and climbing upwards would mean potentially crossing the lines into Autumn, something you most definitely don’t want to do.
So you continue on your path, your only option, praying that you’ll lose the beast.
The sun burns your eyes, having become accustomed to the darkened forest. You squint, throwing your arm up to block the harsh rays. The ground turns from soft and earthy to grassy and warm. Stalks of the long grass pull at your clothes, the skirts of your dress you’re sure are torn from low hanging branches reaching out for you in the forest–
You cry out as the beast lunges, its paws plating in the middle of your back with a shove that takes you off of your feet. You break your fall the best you can, squeezing your eyes shut against the wispy threads of grass as you go, catching yourself on the palms of your hands.
You scramble to twist around but a claws foot lands on either side of your face, caging you in.
The wolf is huge, easily three times the size of an Illyrian warrior.
Its eyes reflect the deep green of the trees you’d just escaped. You can see them now, a blur behind him as you stare in shock at the beauty, the flicker of pride in them.
The wolf leans in but you don’t flinch away, letting the animal sniff loudly. His maw is hot against your throat, his panting sends shivers up your spine like a zap of lightning. The heaving breaths across your creamy skin tickle, but nothing is funny about the way it goes still, as if the raging beast within him wants to cut a deep slash through your delicate flesh, feel your hot blood sticky across his paws.
Lips curl back from razor sharp teeth, grazing across your neck and you can’t stifle your whimper this time. The wolf laps up the stench of your fear, choking on it, and something within him snaps, offering a low whine, his tongue falling from his mouth to lap across your cheek in apology. 
You wondered how something so murderous could be so gentle.
“Come on,” you huff, “That’s not fair!” 
You squeal as his form changes. Even after all of this time it still shocks you. Tamlin’s joints crack as the transformation begins and you shudder. The loud clicks are as unsettling to you as the first time he’d shifted in front of you, you watch his back bow like a cat as his spine contorts back into human form.
His snout pulls in, sliding back into that perfectly straight nose you’ve become so fond of. Long, sharp teeth shorten back to normal, blunt ones, though his canines seem just as pointed, white and glinting in the sun.
Talons turn to nails, flexing into the upturned dirt the wolf had left in his wake. Most interestingly enough, is his bushy tail. It melts back into his body like honey, the golden hairs sliding back into place all over except for a few choice places you know all too well.
What’s left behind is the very male you love, fully nude, his long blond hair cascading around your face like the weeping willows of his lands, caging you in.
His lush emerald eyes remain the same, though the shape changes from wide like a predator to lazy-lidded and docile. That glint of hunger still lingers as he studies you, but it’s a different kind of hunger, a heavy stare that has you pressing your thighs together in response.
“You’re much too fast for me on foot, my lady.” He’s not even a touch breathless from the wild chase. You realize it’s your chest that’s rising and falling faster with the winds, brushing up against his bare one in the best way. Your lips part as your nipples graze against the hardened muscle. You can feel him through your thin spring dress. It makes you shiver.
“You promised,” you exclaim with a pout, but there’s no heat behind your words. Your fingers find his, sliding between his own as you relax fully into the soft grass, letting your head fall back into the soft earth, shifting your legs wide for him to settle between.
“I also promised that I would be able to control myself outside of the palace,” he leans in closer, slotting his hips against yours tightly. You gasp as his fully hard length rubs against you through the thin cloth. “But it looks like I’ve broken that promise too.”
“Tam,” you breathe, tucking a long strand of hair back from his face. The sun shines across his perfectly tanned skin, caressing his warm skin and pink cheeks, admiring the gleam of his luscious lips when he wets them. “We can’t–”
“We can,” he whispers. His large hand brushes across your cheek, thumbing at a droplet of sweat. Your sweet scent makes him throb against your thigh, smelling exactly of the roses he’d had planted all around his gardens when he’d first met you, unable to get your intoxicating scent out of his mind.
Planting the large garden had only reminded him more of you.
“I am High Lord, petal. I can do whatever I please.”
“Okay, then we shouldn’t–”
Your protest is swallowed by his mouth sliding over yours. You get lost in it immediately, loving the feeling of his warm mouth against your own, his tongue delving inside to lick and explore, tangling with your own in a heated battle he nearly always wins.
His hand on your collar bones slides down. You shiver and moan into Tamlin’s mouth at the feel of his claws dancing across your skin. You arch at the sensation, almost wanting him to slice into your skin. Four fingers fold into a fist until he’s dragging a single claw between your breasts to the fabric of your dress, his razor sharp nail splitting the cloth with ease, exposing you.
Tamlin noses his way down your neck, kissing and sucking little marks into your skin. Your eyes flutter shut at the sensation and your hands find his hair, digging your blunt nails in and twisting his long locks between your fingers. He growls in response, pleased.
You gasp as he takes one of your breasts in his hand but there’s no sharp claws digging into your skin, they’ve flattened back out into the calloused fingers you know so well. Tamlin’s mouth captures your other, the tip of his tongue flicking over your nipple as you squirm, soaking cunt seeking out friction desperately.
He hums languidly, lathing over the pert bud after a nip that has the clouds in the sky above spinning. You keen as he repeats the same motion with your other breast. He’s playing with you like a wolf does its prey, out in the springy foothills on this sunny day. He wants it to last.
You claw at his back in hopes to get him moving, telling him how desperately you want him, but Talmin only revels in the feeling, wishing he could give you some of his powers to turn those pretty lavender nails into long, sharp claws so you can really leave your mark on him, tear him up like how you make him feel in his heart, piercing your nails through the muscle and keeping it for yourself.
Tamlin wants nothing more than to be claimed by you, to have anyone he comes across know that he belongs to you just as much as you belong to him. That he’d let you leash him even outside of the bedroom for his people and all of Prythian to see.
He’d wear that collar proudly.
Your hand snakes down his chest and you feel the shaky breath he takes as you move lower and lower over the coiled muscles, through the scratchy blond hair right down to his cock.
He nearly yelps at the way you grab him, needy and confident. Every nerve ending in his body lights up at your touch, the tug you give him, rubbing your thumb across his slit, catching the bead of precum and sliding it across his shaft on your next downstroke.
His arms shake and he wants to fall into you but you feel so fucking good playing with him. He bucks into your hand and you give him a squeeze that has his breath catching in his throat and he nearly tears through his lip as his teeth begin to elongate without his permission.
Tamlin’s never had trouble keeping himself from shifting, until he met you that is. With you every time feels like the first, fully succumbing to the beast inside of him, body on fire in the best way. Blood coursing through his veins and adrenaline pumping. That first time he’d shifted completely was nearly orgasm inducing, and so is being here with you.
His growl of your name makes your hand falter and your hips fully relax. He groans against the skin between your breasts where he’s sucking a bruise before he’s lifting his head to look up at you. His mossy gaze is glowing in the sun but his eyes are dark with lust. 
“Do you want to cum on my tongue or my knot, petal?”
Your response is a pitched whine. You scramble to lift the bottom of your dress, the other guiding his cock to your slicked cunt.
Tamlin’s resolve nearly breaks. He can feel the shift coming and it takes all of his restraint as High Lord not to succumb to his wolf form and fuck into you.
His body is taut and he refuses to move until he’s sure that he won’t transform. He presses his forehead to yours, eyes squeezed shut tight, and on a shaky exhale he speaks.
“Why aren’t you wearing anything under this dress, petal?”
You tease him, twisting your hand and nipping at his lip. You know that he won’t hurt you, no matter what form he’s in, and you could admit that you’d thought about what it would be like to be with Tamlin in his true form. 
“I forgot to put them on this morning,” you respond, tone dripping with false innocence. 
He groans, remembering that sneaky smile you had on your face before you’d run off. He’d wondered if he would find out why you’d had that look on your face, and now he has.
The head of his cock is hot where it sits flush against your cunt. You want to writhe but his strong hips are pinning yours down. Your cunt tries to clench, tries to get anything, but he’s not moving just yet, hasn’t got himself under control yet.
“Bad, petal. Filthy, petal. My petal.”
His words are accompanied by a feral stroke to the bond that thrums through your body down to your core. It causes you to cry out, clutching onto his arms, his back, anywhere you can reach.
“Tamlin, please!”
With a snarl he snaps his hips forward, filling you with his cock in one slick motion.
He can’t help himself, with the way you cry out with pleasure, arching up against him already as he presses you back into the soft grass. The sun beats down on his back but it’s nothing compared to the heat of you beneath him, the warmth you’re sending down the bond.
“Fuck, (Y/N),” he groans, but he has nothing to follow with, his head is empty of words, lost in the feeling of your slick cunt clutching his cock like a vice. He pulls out and presses in again, picking up speed as your legs wrap around his waist, another cuff he’d never wish to be freed from.
He can barely even kiss you, panting into each other’s mouths from the effort. You are the reason he’s reclaimed the Spring Court, the reason that his lands look more vibrant than ever. With you by his side, beneath him, on top of him, he feels like the High Lord his court needs him to be.
He wants to make you his.
As if you’re reading his mind you bare your throat.
“Bite me,” you gasp, nails scraping at the base of your neck as you try to pull him closer. You want those puncture wounds on your shoulder, the scars left behind of him laying claim on what’s his, the bond made physical to show everyone that you are his and he is yours.
Tamlin shudders and keens like a pup. Your words make him weak, threaten to shred every last bit of resold he has just to shift a tiny bit and give you what you’re begging him so nicely for. 
He lets you guide his head to the juncture of your neck and shoulder, right over the spot that he loves. He noses at the area, smells strongly of roses, lazing over the area with his tongue before he gives the area a gentle bite with his human teeth. You whine under him.
“More,” you beg, knotting your fingers in his long hair, using it to lock him there.
He shushes you with a kiss beneath your ear, his words dancing in the winds.
“Are you sure, petal?”
It’s accompanied by a thrust that hits you perfectly.
“Gods, yes,” you plead, clutching him closer.
Tamlin hums, relaxing into the transformation tingling at his body. He doesn’t want to hurt you, so he won’t fully shift, he’ll work you up to that one soon, when you’re alone in the privacy of his palace, not out in the rolling hills of the Spring Court where anyone or anything can come and watch.
His fingertips elongate into claws. You gasp, eyes rolling into the back of your head as Tamlin braces one hand on your hip, his claws pricking your skin. The other hand is less controlled, long claws buried deep into the dirt beside your head as he fucks into you with fervor.
He can feel his teeth sharpening, and it nearly takes all of his focus to stop them from getting to their full length. He thrusts into you deeply as he bites gently at your shoulder. It’s enough to break skin like you wanted but not enough to leave scars with your fae healing.
Another thing he will do to you in the privacy of his home.
Your cunt is already tight against him, but you keep begging him for more so more you will get. His cock grows bigger and you cry out at the feeling of him swelling inside of you, letting his cock fill out into his wolf form.
Your mind goes fuzzy with it all, the sharpness of his claws and teeth on your skin, grounding you from the absolute pleasure his enormous cock is putting you in, stretching you open with its girth.
“Look at you,” he coos, lapping at the mark he’s bitten into your neck. Your blood is sweet on his tongue, he savors your honeyed nectar. “All pretty and cumhungry. You want it, petal?”
It’s so good. Too good. You can feel his cock expanding with his knot. It drags up your slick walls, hitting every part you need it too, fingernails scraping down his back as please roll off your tongue with ease, utter nonsense but Tamlin seems to understand exactly what you need.
He lifts his head to roar. It rumbles the hills around you, startling the grasses. Birds caw and fly off in the distance but it’s drowned out by the blood pumping in your veins, the pounding of his heart pressing against your own. 
Tamlin grinds deep into you and curses, filling you up with his throbbing cock. It drags magnificently inside of you, locking deep into your womb, pumping with you full of his cum. His knot nestled inside of you makes damn sure that none of his cum leaks out of you, and the fleeting thought of you carrying his babe or a whole litter of babes makes his cock throb harder, spurting out into your tight cunt, all his. 
You follow right there with him, the swell of his knot vibrating within you, pumping you full of his rich seed is everything you need to orgasm just as hard, crying out against his damp skin. 
You squeal as he rolls abruptly, pulling you with him.
“My sweet petal,” Tamlin sighs, pressing light kisses to your hairline. He holds you close, arms tucked around your waist, claws and teeth put away for another time. You settle down onto his chest, exhaling contentedly as his cock stays within you, hot and throbbing as the both of you catch your breath.
“That cloud looks like you.”
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babygorewhore · 5 months
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Can’t stop thinking about…werewolf Steve.
Werewolf Steve loosely based off the beauty and the beast scene….this is thought because it’s very short. I may write a full fic someday. Not proofread.
Warnings! Violence! Some gore! Werewolves attack reader! Painful transformation! Injury! Minor hurt comfort!
Wandering around during a full moon wasn’t smart. You knew that but after getting into an argument with your ex werewolf boyfriend? You needed to blow off some steam. His fucking attitude was nauseating now that he was Alpha. Almost as bad as Steve Harrington who was your college notable asshole.
These werewolves used their abilities for stupid purposes and to blow off their girlfriends. You broke up with him last week after catching him literally in the act with an omega and if he didn’t have exceptionally strong flesh you would have hit him. But you didn’t want to break your hand.
Your best friend begged you to come to the costume party tonight and you wore a flirty ruffled dress with your hair covered in jeweled clips. You wanted the distraction of dancing, drinking and mentally escaping the everyday life stress. Not argue about how Gerard fucking another girl wasn’t cheating because he was drunk.
You wrapped your long jacket around your body as you squinted, trying to get a signal so you could call an Uber when you heard a growl behind you. Whipping around, you saw six sets of eyes glowing yellow in the dark. Werewolves.
It was a pack. Five of them had black fur but the Alpha was white. The different coat signifies the status of each wolf.
You were fucked.
You knew it was Gerard but you never imagined he would go this far.
Their maws snapped, you could see the glimmer of drool underneath the stars and you took a step back. Looking for any sort of weapon when you saw a large broken off branch. You sprinted towards it, locking your hands around the body as they swarmed you. Jaws snapping as they closed in, barricading you to a corner where no one would see you.
“Get away from me!” You screamed, swinging wildly. “GET BACK!” Gerard in his wolf form growled deeply, his hackles raising as his body preened in preparation.
You held the branch like a bat but you knew you were going to die or worse. Be tortured for hours.
“Little red?” You gasped and saw Steve Harrington on your left, he was holding a bouquet of roses with wide eyes. You had no idea where the fuck he came from but now you were both going to be killed.
“Run! Steve run!! GO!” You were screaming so loudly your lungs constricted but Steve collapsed onto all fours.
By the pained screams, you knew this transformation was new for him but you didn’t have time to think about it . Once they grew used to it, wolves usually kept their agony silent. A claw raked across your arm and you turned, yelling as Gerard loomed over you. Swinging, you managed to hit him across the jaw.
They all moved to jump on you when a roar stalled them. Steve, or what used to be Steve, lunged then all snapping, biting and tearing at them with his claws. Several of them were thrown as his maw latched around their neck as he threw them across the yard.
How this turned from a party to a fight was beyond you. But your ex boyfriend refused to go down easily as he sank his fangs deeply into Steve’s back. He let out a howl but he didn’t stop, before he planted his paws and roared so loudly you had to cover your ears.
They all finally stopped, their heads lowering. Steve’s dominating demeanor forced them to start walking away. King Steve came to your rescue. While carrying a bouquet of roses. This you never imagined happening. He was known to be an asshole. A player. But…maybe there was more.
As they all left, you turned. Ready to leave him. Your arm needed attending to when you heard a whine.
He collapsed on the ground. And you changed your mind quickly. Rushing over, you pulled off your jacket and covered his body. “Steve?” His yellow eyes stared at you, glazed but with recognition.
“You have to help me…you have to stand. I can help you.” You whispered. “I can find some way to get you home.”
You started to stroke his fur and he bumped your hand. Signaling you keep going and a small smile painted your face. Maybe there was something sweet. And almost kind to him. And you would have to find out something about those roses.
@scene-and-dandylover @xxhellfirebunnyxx @reidsbtch @imyourdaninow @slvt4jamesmarch @take-everything-you-can @emsgoodthinkin @chrrymunson
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bonny-kookoo · 11 months
Into the Wild [Teaser]
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What if everything you thought you knew turns out to be a lie?
Tags/Warnings: Werewolf!Jungkook, Human?Reader, Platonic!OT6, strangers/enemies to lovers, fantasy AU, drama, angst, fluff, romance, suggestive themes and eventual smut, Alpha!Jungkook
Length: ???
There is no taglist for this fic.
A/N: my intrusive thoughts always win.
"Jungkook- what the hell are you doing?!" You hiss as he throws his shirt over his head at the sight of the waves crashing towards the shore.
"What does it look like?" He chuckles amused, and you're trying hard not to stare at his sunkissed skin and tattoos and oh god are those abs? "Hm?" He catches you, leaning down a bit to gain back your gaze on his. You're entirely embarrassed- but you're not going to show it. "This is wolf territory, don't worry." He laughs, before he slips out of his pants. "And considering the overall weather today-" He talks while he pulls his pants off his feet. "-and the fact that we set up camp pretty close-" He rambles on, putting his clothes into a neat pile on the side of the beach as to not get wet. "-There's nothing against a little swim. Come on, it's summer!" He gently pushes your shoulder once, before he walks off, breaks off into a small jog towards the water- before he dives right in, disappearing between the waves for a second before he emerges again, shaking the water from his hair like a wet dog would.
He truly is a wolf, isn't he?
"It's what humans don't see." Jimin chuckles from behind you, Yoongi close by looking rather bothered by the sun as he applies more sunscreen to his skin. "We're just living. I mean, look at him-" He laughs, watching how Taehyung joins him rather quickly, both of them instantly breaking out in a playfight. "-he doesn't hurt anybody. Neither do the rest of us." The beta next to you shrugs. "We're just.. here." He says, before he walks to help Yoongi put up an umbrella to shield himself from the heat and sun.
Suddenly, Jungkook's amber gaze sharpens as he looks at you slowly undressing out of your shirt and shorts, swimwear underneath. You can see exactly what he's attempting to do as he suddenly walks out the water, muscles easily fighting against the water pushing against him, before he's breaking out into a sprint, running at you full speed.
There's no time for you to dash away at all, as his wet body collides with yours, his arms easily lifting you like nothing but prey before he walks towards the water with you. "No- Let me down you rabid dog-!" You yell, causing even the stoic Min Yoongi on his towel to laugh at your antics while you struggle against Jungkook's hold.
"I'm a dog now?" He wonders, having hoisted you over his shoulder by now, arm caging in your legs while you've got clear view of his legs and.. admittedly pretty nice ass. Who would've guessed what kind of toned physique he was hiding underneath his usually baggy clothing all along.
"Thought I was a wolf? A beast? A monster?" He hums, while you watch the water rise. "Maybe society got it all wrong after all." He grins, teasingly letting go of your legs for a split second, causing you to hold onto him for dear life.
"I swear to god if you drop me-" You threaten, and he laughs.
"Then what?" He wonders. "Tell me. I'm curious." He chuckles, teasing again.
"I don't know!" You complain, trying to hold onto his back. "Just don't do it!" You beg.
And for a second, he's calm, serious almost. "Can you swim?" He asks with genuine interest, and you're caught off guard for a second.
"Uh- yeah?" You answer, and you can't see the smirk on his lips form.
"Good." He simply says-
before he drops you into the water.
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