#<i mean its complicated I Thought i did like him. i kinda decided i liked him so i could pretend i wasn't queer as hell
qulizalfos · 6 months
oh god oh fuck
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dunmeshistash · 14 days
God, Maizuru is one of those characters that you can tell who did and didn't do their research on her, like she's a literal slave to Shuro's dad but no one acknowledges it whenever they talk about her, I'm pretty sure the relationship is very complicated but it's still sorta fucked up to own someone you're in love with, this woman has so much untold hidden lore
Also side note, I legitimately thought she was a demi human/beast kin or something because of her bird/feather sleeves, like I legitimately thought it was part of her body and no one acknowledged it because she was too scary or something 😭 like especially after it was revealed Izutsumi was like a beastkin, the whole time reading the manga, I was like "damn why isn't Laios talking to her"
Yeah, I've seen even people criticizing her for traumatizing him by fucking his dad. Like, she's his servant, he has the power in this situation even if the adventurer's bible says "either of them can shake off" the relationship.
Plus his dad infidelity is even why he had a falling off with Maizuru, his profile says he was closer to her than to either of his parents until he found out she was his lover. His father being awful was the reason he shut down the only person he was emotionally attached to.
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I don't think I can blame her for being his mistress considering the power dynamics. Even the things Maizuru did that affected him as a child were all his father's fault no matter how you look at it.
She attacked him with a hag while he pooped and his dad didn't care, did nothing about it and barely acknowledged Shuro clinging onto him scared.
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Plus at the end Shuro is more mad than anything
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But as usual he decides to keep it in. Smh Shuro let it out a bit, go yell or something smh my head
Anyway Maizuru is bad cause she was mean to Izu, there's reasons why she acted that way but I can't really forgive her LMAO
I still like Maizuru as a character anyway she's so cute, I love the feather sleeves, its kinda funny you thought they were real LOL, they do look super realistic and the way she moves makes them even more convincing.
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maweallgotohell · 10 months
Jerome Valeska - Brother's Assistant pt.1
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pairing: Jerome Valeska x fem! reader
warnings: none
summary: Jerome locates Jeremiahs residence and decides to pay his brother a visit - to kill him. But when the door opens, he is met with the prettiest and kindest woman he has ever seen. But how will Jeremiah react, especially when it turns out, that Jerome has caught feelings for her, his assistant and best friend? And how will Jerome himself react in such a situation?
He found him.
He searched for him for all these years and now he found him. His brother. And he wanted to kill him.
For all these years he made dozens of plans and figured out the best ways to spread fear and get his name all across Gotham so his brother would notice.
He wanted him to feel unsafe.
He wanted him to be afraid.
A few weeks ago he found out what name Jeremiah now went by and after knowing that it wasn't all too complicated to find him. Well yeah, he lived in a fuckin' bunker in the middle of the woods (fuckin' paranoid bitch), but with a name like his, it wasn't very difficult for Jerome to make out his location. Just threaten the right people and you're ready to go.
And there he stood. In front of his brother's labyrinth bunker. Was he nervous? Yeah. But he was determined to kill Jeremiah.
For the last few weeks, he tried to find a way to break into the bunker without being noticed, but there wasn't another entrance. Just the main one. And so he just... pressed the doorbell?
It was weird for him because it felt like a polite gesture. He felt like a brother, who wanted to visit his twin for dinner, while he was the "evil twin", who came to kill that son of a bitch, he had to call his brother.
* ring*
To his surprise, it wasn't his brother's face, that greeted him at the door, no. A beautiful young woman opened it swingingly, her silky (hair color) hair swaying with her movements. It was quite early in the morning, which was why she was still wearing her nightgown, the dark green silk hugging her curves perfectly and the lace gracefully accentuating her (skin color) skin. Her warm and welcoming smile greeted him like a cozy hug and he couldn't help but stare at her.
" Hello?", she asked, her voice sounding soft and gentle, as if she was an angel, that came down to earth just for him.
Her face changed and turned into a frightened one immediately as she recognized his features. She must've recognized him from the news or from stories his brother told her, he thought, but that wasn't the case. Not at all.
" Omg, Xander! What happened to your face?! Are you okay?! Are you hurt?!" She rushed directly towards him.
" Uhm, hello..? No, no Miss, I'm Jerome, Jeremiah's, uh, I mean Xanders' long lost twin brother.", he answered nervously.
Why did he stutter? And why did he lie? Well, it wasn't exactly a lie, but he wasn't honest either. How could the presence of a woman make him this nervous? He should've shot her right then and there. But he couldn't. She was too. .. breathtaking and.. . interesting to kill. He somehow knew she was different. He felt it.
Her expression softened and her smile found its way back onto her face. She hugged him as a greeting, which kinda took him by surprise.
" Omg hello!", she grinned. " I didn't know Xan had a twin. Glad to meet you! I'm YN." You held out your hand for him to shake.
You had a nickname for him? Was he your boyfriend? Jerome came to kill his brother, only to fall for his girlfriend? Wow. That was weird, even for him. And how could someone like Miah even pull a girl like you? Tf?
„ Nice, nice to meet you too YN.", was all he could bring himself to say.
" Xan will be so happy to hear that you're here and that you found him."
She grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the front door with her.
" Come in. Follow me.", she said as she closed the door behind them.
The sudden touch of hers took him by surprise as he stumbled after her into the building.
It was silent for a bit, only the sound of their footsteps against the concrete was to be heard.
Then Jerome found the courage to speak up.
" Sooo YN.. is "Xander" like.. you know... your boyfriend?" He found it so awkward to ask you that, whyever that was, but he just had to. He had to know that to contemplate, whether he had to kidnap or kill you if his brother really was your boyfriend.
She stopped in her tracks to turn around and look at him, only to burst out in laughter.
" Oh god, no.", you giggled. " I'm his assistant and we're like best friends. No romantic feelings between us, really. But I live here. We both needed someone to live with and we've worked together before since we met at St.Ignatius and became best friends there and later, roommates. And here we are."
He was relieved. You weren't with his brother. But were you single? He knew he was there for a different reason and definitely not to go all heart-eyed over his brother's best friend and assistant, but the question occupied his mind completely.
You stopped in front of a door and put your key card in front of the card reader.
" We're here.", you said. "This is the living room. Make yourself comfortable, Jerome. Do you want anything to drink?"
He nodded.
" Soo we have coffee, a few types of tea, water, hot chocolate or orange juice. What would you like?", you asked him with a genuine smile.
" Oh, uhm, coffee sounds amazing. Thank you."
You nodded.
"I'll be right back."
And with that, you turned around and left into the kitchen, which was right next to the living room.
" Xan should arrive here soon too btw. I think in half an hour or so. I'd be happy to have you stay here and accompany me while we wait for him. Only if that's fine for you, tho.", you smiled.
Jerome had always been able to accurately identify and define his feelings. He was also able to consider and assess them rationally. And right now, he felt something he never thought he could feel. Admiration and joyful excitement.
You could've told him to leave or come back when Jeremiah was home or given him an appointment to meet up with his brother. But you didn't. No, furthermore, you invited him to stay with you and said you would like him to accompany you. You weren't even a little bit scared of him, not even because of his "awful" features, which he found sometimes. No, you didn't do any of that. Instead, you were genuinely nice to him and treated him like everybody else, or rather special.
You made him feel wanted just by these small things you did and your naturally nice behavior, which was quite rare for him.
He thought he had, no, he was sure that he had developed a small crush on you. Even though it was unusual for him to trust someone that easily or feel drawn to someone, especially that fast, he wasn't afraid of it at all.
It felt like being near you lifted all the weight he carried off his shoulders without effort. And he wasn't scared to experience these new feelings, because he felt like they wouldn't do him bad at all. It was strange but exciting at the same time and he couldn't wait to learn more about you.
You two chatted a bit until you noticed that you hadn't informed Xan about your guest.
" Sorry, I hate to interrupt you, but I just noticed, that I haven't told Xan about you being here. Lemme just send him a message real quick."
He panicked immediately. What if Miah warned her about him and made her have a different view of him? I mean, sooner or later, Miah would come home and she would find out, who Jerome 'really' is, yeah. But he didn't want their nice little talk and their shared time to end so soon.
"Uhm, YN?", he spoke up, his voice rather quiet. The young woman looked from her phone, back up at him, a questioning expression on her face.
"Could you maybe not tell him I'm here?" His low voice now sounded rather hesitant. Your eyebrows furrowed a bit in astonishment.
"I...I wanted to surprise him. After all this time we haven't seen each other, you know?" He was surprised by himself. He said those words with such emotion, that even he himself would've believed that he missed his brother that much.
Her astonished expression settled again and gave way to a lovely smile.
"Oh yeah, sure! That's a very sweet idea. Xan will be so happy to see you", the young woman cheered.
Jerome exhaled in relief but then lowered his head as well as his voice.
"I doubt that. See, I wasn't always the best brother for him, you know. It may be that he doesn't want to see me at all, let alone talk to me or even have me here. Don't be disappointed then, YN. It's okay, really. I don't want to bother you two. Really, I don't."
He said that. And he sounded like he really missed his brother or felt sorry for the things he did.
Did he? No, very surely he did not. He came here o kill Miah, not to reunite with him and be like 'best buddies'.
But he didn't feel as if what he told the girl before was a lie. Because it wasn't.
The sad undertone in his voice was not a result of missing his brother so much, no. It was because he knew that when Miah returned, he would no longer be able to spend time with the beautiful young lady sitting across from him at that very moment, looking at him sympathetically.
She had changed everything for him in that short time. He had already heard that when you are in love, you no longer have control over what you feel and think. But he had never experienced it. Until this very moment.
Until that moment when she opened the door for him.
" Jerome, please. How could someone, especially Xander, ever be that resentful."
He sighed.
He contemplated telling her the truth. That his brother built this whole bunker they're living in, just to protect them from him.
But he didn't.
Because he was... scared. This was the first time since he killed his mother that he was truly afraid of something.
He feared losing her. And it was more terrifying than anything else.
While Jerome and YN chatted and got to know each other better, Jeremiah just then received a text from her.
> Hey Xan! You home soon? We have a surprise guest. C ya.<
At first, he thought of it as a normal text she would send him. Everything was fine.
But then it hit him like a crash.
Nobody knew where they lived. Nobody.
He panicked immediately and quickly got in his car, so he could be home as fast as possible. What if YN was in danger but didn't know yet? He could never forgive himself if something happened to her.
word count: 1820
The first part of a new short series (probably gonna be 2 or 3 parts again). Hope y'all like it.
C ya
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scekrex · 3 months
I had an idea for a adam xm!reader and its like reader became in a way a sort of friends with the main cast of the demons (Charlie, Vaggie angel ect.) and adam finds out about it when he finds reader with fat nuggets in hel for funzies idk im not so great at English its absolutely not my first language nor the second so if its a complicated idea you can just scrap it dww!!
Furthermore i hope you have a great rest of you’re day 🫶🫶
Sup hun, I simply assumed you mean angel!reader bc it makes the most sense (and it's what I've written) hope ya like it xoxo/p
Forbidden fruits cause damage
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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You knew you weren't allowed to, you knew that if Sera or the other seraphims were to find out, they wouldn't let you come back, that you would only see Adam once a year during extermination day and it really messed with your head to be constantly reminded of how tight heaven's rules were.
And yet you came back over and over again.
At first it had been to visit Charlie's hotel, to make sure she wasn't violating any rules heaven had made - that had been an order from Sera. But when Charlie had greeted you so warmly as if she was one of your closest friends and Niffty had dubbed you 'totally hot not-badboy' you couldn't resist when it came to visiting these shitheads.
At first your visits had been rare, they had been a once every couple month kinda deal, you needed to be careful not to draw any attention to you after all. But soon every couple months turned into once a month, once a month became once every two weeks and every two weeks quickly switched to every week.
And while heaven seemed to either not notice or not care enough - maybe they thought you were doing business with Lucifer, who knew - Adam noticed. Of course your boyfriend would notice that every week you'd suddenly disappear for an entire day. You always made sure to leave early in the morning to be back for dinner. However, whenever you left during the early morning hours Adam woke up due to the lack of warmth that you took with you when you left. He was a cuddly guy, even if he would never admit it so of course he would notice his beloved boyfriend’s absence.
Today was yet another day to visit hell. So you went down to hell early, you had left Adam a note that stated something along the lines of 'visiting Ma & Pa, see ya tonight, big guy'. He however wasn't buying any of it. You had once lied to him by telling him you were hanging out with a friend of yours and when Adam had left the apartment for a walk he had seen said friend alone. The same thing happened a couple weeks later again.
He crumbled the little note in his hand and threw it onto the bed. He trusted you, he really did, but then there were his insecurities. His first and second wife had both decided to cheat on him and leave him. What prevented you from doing so too? He didn't know and the thoughts of you fucking another guy were eating him alive.
What if you disappeared once a week to enjoy time with someone who was more charming and loving than him? With someone who'd constantly tell you how much he loves you instead of jokingly insulting you? He couldn't stand his mind for fucking him up so badly, he wanted to crash his head against a wall until it would split open, but he didn't.
Instead he snapped his fingers to let a small orb appear in front of him. The scene the orb showed him was fogged up at first but the picture got clearer only seconds later. He felt disgusting for spying on you, wanted to scratch the skin off of his bones and claw out his eyes but it was the only thing that quieted down his mind at least a little bit.
The orb showed you a bright smile on your face as you held a little pig, petting the small animal lovingly. Next to you stood Angel Dust.
Angel Dust?
“Fat Nuggets really loves you, y’know, poor baby always gets sad when you have to leave,” the pornstar explained with an arm wrapped around your shoulder. Adam couldn't believe what he was seeing. You were in hell, even worse: you were in hell to hang out with the demon scum like it was the most normal thing to do for an angel as pure as you were. The brunette was so overwhelmed by his feelings that he didn't even recognize it when the orb disappeared again, the only thing that was on his mind was why you didn't tell him.
You were apparently regularly hanging out in hell and instead of telling him you always made up some sad excuses why you were gone for the day. Did you not feel comfortable sharing such a big secret? Adam's mind went crazy, the wildest trains of thoughts were running through his head and there was not a single thing the first man was able to do about it, the only thing that was possible in a situation such as his was to take it.
When you got home that evening Adam was walking up and down in the living room. “You okay, babes?” you casually asked, your voice didn't indicate that you had been lying to him for months, it didn't indicate that you had just gotten back to heaven after spending the entire day with some demon fuck-ups. “You wanna explain me where the fuck you were?” Adam asked instead of answering your question and crossed his arms over his chest. His eyes gave away that he was pissed about something yet they were glued onto your body leaning against the door frame. “I wrote you a note, I was-” you were about to explain but the first man to ever be created didn't let you finish, “Fuck you and fuck your lies. You weren't visiting your parents bitch, you were in hell visiting the demon fuck-ups who think redemption is possible.”
You frowned at his words - yes that was true but how the fuck did Adam know about that? “What? So you were spying on me?” you questioned his behavior and stepped towards Adam. The brunette seemed to be close to crying yet his body was ready for a fist fight. “After I figured out you lied to me twice about hanging out with friends? Duh,” he made a hand movement that was supposed to symbolize something along the lines ‘obviously I did’.
You let out a deep sigh. He was right. And that was way too fucking hard to actually admit. But you swallowed your pride and gave in. You walked past him, your hand reached out for him but he flinched away from your touch which resulted in you sitting on the couch alone. He didn't move an inch from the spot he was standing on, the only thing he did was to turn around in order to look at you. “I’m sorry.” A look of surprise washed over the brunette's face and his body language visibly softened. He had expected many things but an apology without a fight hadn't been one of them. “What?” he dumbly asked as he blinked at you in confusion. His wings, which had been fluffed up to make him seem bigger than he already was, dropped until they were pressed against his sides again. His beautiful golden eyes which had been full of anger only moments ago had softened too, they reflected empathy.
You couldn't bring yourself to look him in the eyes as you continued to speak so you stared at the floor instead, “I’m sorry that I lied to you, that I visited hell without telling you, I know I should have but -” you shook your head as you paused for a moment. “No. No excuses. I was afraid of your reaction to it, I know you hate them, I know you hate their project but they're actually so sweet and caring and- and I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about all of it. I should have shared this with you.”
Now it was Adam who sighed as he flopped down onto the couch next to you, he kept his distance though, “I don't fucking like that you're visiting them, what if one day you'll get locked out of heaven? The fuck am I supposed to do without you?” You glanced at him from the corner of your eyes. “I honestly don't fucking care who you're friends with and what they are. That's your fucking life, I won't control that shit, that's yours to decide. Just promise me to be fucking careful ‘n’ stop fucking lying to me about it.” You nodded silently, it was the only response that felt right in that moment.
“N remember, if I have to go to fucking hell just to fuck your juicy little ass, I fucking will. You're not safe from me, not even down there,” the grin in Adam's voice was audible and you peeked up a little only to see the taller man grinning down at you. That made you smile a little.
It was the next day that you called Charlie to inform her that you wouldn't be able to visit as regularly anymore. You weren't willing to risk everything, especially Adam. She being the supportive girl she was obviously understood. “Who are we talking to?” Adam asked sleepily as he entered the kitchen, the poor man had just woken up and followed your voice immediately. “Charlie,” you cheered at him, “You wanna say hi?” You held your phone in front of his face, his mimic was a mix between annoyance and sleepiness as he spoke, “Sup, bitch.” Then he went to make himself a coffee. “You want one too, babes?” he offered to you and you nodded before giving him a quick ‘thank you’ kiss. “Was that Adam?” Charlie asked in surprise over the phone. “Yeah, y’know how I told ya that we're dating?” Your words made pride bloom in Adam's chest, you had been talking to your new friends about him and you weren't hiding that he was your boyfriend even though Charlie and Adam weren't exactly on good terms. “Well yeah you mentioned that but I didn't think- nevermind. I hope you two have a wonderful morning, I assume we'll see each other in two months?” Lucifer's daughter seemed eager to get off the phone now that she knew that Adam was with you. You chuckled at that, “Yeah, sure, see ya then.”
Once the call ended Adam turned around with a sharp grin on his lips, “So, how's hell reacting to a pure babes like you dating me?”
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hate to see your heart break
steve harrington x reader
summary: tired of seeing eddie lead you on, steve has to decide if he wants to confess his feelings to you.
warnings: unrequited love, pinning, eddie being kinda shitty. drinking. cursing. a/n: 3.6k. eddie's "involvement" in chrissy's death is not canon in this story.
paramore: hate to see your heart break
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The lights flickered, metal pipe in your hand as a someone touched your shoulder; fingers gripping your shoulder back to a safer distance. Your lungs filled with cold air, nerves so wrecked, your bottom lip was shivering as the monster showed its face. Fear gripped you frozen for a mere second before you heard someone calling your voice and courage blossomed from the pits of your stomach – you fought harder than you ever could or would ever again.
There was no other way to make it home then to fight and with Steve Harrington at your side; you never felt braver.
“I need eggs…”
“There’s some in the fridge.”
“Can I use this milk too?”
Steve glanced up from the magazine he was reading, elbow prompted up against the kitchen counter. He nodded and went back to his reading, annoyed that you were in his kitchen making a birthday cake for Eddie. It wasn’t like he disliked the young man – hell, he had been in the fight last year too. He was part of the group now, but that didn’t mean Steve had to enjoy whatever the two of you had going on. He glanced up from a JCPenney advertisement and stared at you; watching as you read the directions off the cake mix box. Your eyes were heavy with thought, and he wondered why you even bothered. Eddie had been so nonchalant about the feelings you had for him, and you had been fine with the way he was stringing you along. Robin had advised Steve to keep his mouth shut, especially after the comment he had made about you being Eddie’s little puppy. He now cringed at the memory of the hurt on your face and sighed, asking if you needed help.
“You can bake?”
“No,” he laughed, closing the magazine. He walked around the kitchen counter and stood beside you, plucking the box out of your hand. You stared up at him, amused as his eyebrows rose as he read the directions. “Eggs, milk, butter…okay, doesn’t seem too complicated. How do you…preheat an oven?”
Steve laughed and dipped his forehead against your shoulder; you never minded his constant nearness, the two of you had been close since the summer of the mall incident. He was constantly flinging an arm around your shoulder, picking lint off your clothes, or resting his head on you every chance he got. Even after Eddie and you…well, you weren’t sure what Eddie and you were. The two of you hooked up off and on for last few months, and he was always saying how much he liked having you around, but there was never an official talk about your relationship status – and when Steve was around, Eddie never batted an eye at the way he was constantly all over you. Maybe he just saw it as the two of you being close friends….
“Should we call Robin over?”
“Yeah,” you smiled and pushed Steve off, who groaned but went straight to the landline. You listened as he dialed Robin’s number and asked for her, staring down at the cake mix as he explained your dire situation. It was Eddie’s 21st birthday and he was throwing a kickback at his trailer; he proclaimed you were his special guest and begged for you to bake him a cake. Like the sucker you were when it came to him, you said yes.
“…for Eddie, yea. Okay, thanks.” Steve hung up and returned to the kitchen, a soft smile on his handsome face. “I’m going to go get her, want to come for a ride?”
“Actually, I’m going to walk over to my house real fast.”
Steve noticed the drained look in your eyes but just smiled, grabbing his keys off the counter. He motioned for you to follow, and you did, and when he locked the front door behind him, he asked if you were okay. The afternoon sun was covered by clouds and Steve wanted nothing more than to tell you to screw the cake and Eddie’s party, but he kept his mouth shut.
“I’m just tired…”
“…sure you’re up for a rager tonight?”
“Can’t miss his birthday, he begged me for a cake.”
Steve’s jaw clutched but he nodded, giving your shoulder a little squeeze before excusing himself. He promised to be back in ten and you agreed, crossing his lawn to the driveway of your family’s home. Steve turned on the ignition and watched as you walked into your house, cursing Eddie before backing out of the driveway.
“He’s such an asshole.”
“Agree, but technically they aren’t even together.”
“Don’t try to be the goddamn voice of reason, Robin. I don’t need that shit right now.”
Robin made a face but apologized. “She’s going to get tired of him dragging her around eventually, you just have to hold out.”
“What for? She obviously is into him; I don’t stand a chance and it – it really pisses me off that he treats her like that.” Steve gripped the steering wheel. “He has her baking him a birthday cake, but I guarantee you tonight at the party, he’s going to completely ignore her like he always does.”
“I know, I hate seeing her like that. I thought she was smarter – “
“-Robin,” he warned, and she sighed.
“You’re right, I guess sometimes we can’t help who we like. Maybe you can just swoop in and make her realize Eddie’s wrong for her? Girls like that – knight in shining armor crap.”
Defeated, Steve shrugged as he pulled in front of his house. He turned off the car and saw you waiting on his porch, Robin looked to him with an empathetic smile. “Come one,” he said quietly. “Let’s go help her bake that cake.”
The trailer was rimmed with people, mostly Eddie’s friends slash clients. Members of Corroded Coffin where they, as well as some of the younger kids evident by their bikes parked in front of the Mayfield’s lawn. You were happy to not see Lady Applejack’s bike outside the trailer; you would have sent her straight home.
“What was he thinking inviting the kids.”
Steve glanced over at you, platter in hand; the cake was a success. It was chocolate, as Eddie requested, pink sparkles added by Robin. You had written happy birthday on it with little white hearts all over the top, it made Steve’s stomach turn but he said nothing on the drive over to the Munson’s residence. He helped you up the stairs and threw the keys to Robin, who was late getting out of the car.
“Lock up, slowpoke,” he teased, hand on your back as he reached for the screen door. Steve looked to you and agreed on the kids. “I better not catch Henderson drinking…”
The thought made your stomach turn and when the two of you walked in, music blasted free into the air, and you quickly searched around for Eddie. Instead, you heard the familiar nicknames the kids had for Steve and you.
“Mom and Dad are here!”
Dustin waved from the couch, packed next to him was Lucas, Max and Mike. Your eyes went straight to the beer in Max’s hand and Steve groaned, telling you to take the cake to the kitchen and that he’d handle the young girl. Leaving Steve to deal with the underage drinking, you pushed past folks in band tees and ripped jeans, finding Eddie in the kitchen. He was leaned against the counter, beer in hand and in conversation with a guy you recognized from some of CC’s gigs. Eddie’s eyes went from his friend to you, and he grinned, placing the beer down to gawk at the cake in your hand.
“Oh, God, that looks delicious! Thank you, princess,” he cooed, taking the platter from your hand. He placed it on the counter and moved you towards his friend, hand on your back. He introduced you as a really cool chick and it made you wince. “She’s a total babe too.”
He kissed your cheek and your stomach dropped, eyes moving to the opening of the kitchen to where Steve stood; he nodded to Eddie and asked where the beer was. Eddie leaned into your side and whispered into your ear if you could fetch “Harrington a drink? Beers in the cooler in the living room, thanks babes.”
You stared at Eddie as he turned back to his friend, utterly confused by his passive nature towards you. Steve, witnessing the whole exchange, rolled his eyes and looked to Eddie. “I asked you, dipshit.”
The loud music drowned out Steve’s voice and you said it was fine, turning Steve around back toward the living room. He placed an arm around your shoulder and lead you back to where the others were; Robin had joined the younger kids on the couch.  You found the cooler containing the beer and grabbed two, giving Max a disappointing look as you popped open the can. She diverted her eyes and Dustin grinned, asking how his two parents where today.
“Shut it, Henderson,” Steve snapped; shocked, you placed a hand on his arm. He relaxed and apologized to the kid, asking him to move over. The couch was completely stacked, so Steve patted the arm rest, and you sat down beside him. You drank the beer as everyone conversed, the kitchen in perfect view. Eddie was still talking to his friend, and you watched as he laughed, bounced around and finished off his drink. You felt a warm hand on your back and stared down; Steve’s gaze met yours and you shrugged, dipping your head back to down the rest of the alcohol. He kept his hand on your back, fingers rubbing up and down, just as soothing as the beer.  
People were drinking and dancing, most where in their own conversations shrewd around the living room; eventually, you loosened up and joined in the conversation among your friends. Steve’s hand eventually moved away from you and a strange feeling of disappointment washed over you. Ignoring it, you listened to Robin’s story about a customer at Family Video and everyone was engaged, laughing – even you, until your eyes moved back to the kitchen.
The laughing faded into the background as you watched Eddie smiling at chick you didn’t recognize. She was standing in front of him, and he was nodding at whatever she was saying, her hand on his shoulder. His eyes were glossy, and you knew the look, recognized that eager expression. He had given you that seductive smile so many times, expressing how much he needed you, how good you made him feel. It was sickening to see him with those puppy dog eyes on someone else. Your lungs felt like they were about to drown and all you could do was get up from the couch’s arm rest. Robin paused her story and Steve’s eyes followed you out the trailer. He gave his friend a confused shrug until he looked over into the kitchen – and saw what you had.
Eddie drooling over some chick.
“Fuck,” Steve muttered, handing over his beer to Dustin. He didn’t even care if the kid drank it or not, he was too busy thinking about how hard he was going to punch Eddie, but Robin blocked him. Dustin, Lucas, and Mike stood quiet, oblivious to what was going on, but Max stood up too.
“Don’t.” She warned Steve, nodding to the door. “You should go talk to her.”
“Knight in shining amor, remember,” Robin pointed out, dissolving all the anger Steve was feeling. The girls were right, he could give two shits about Eddie – he only cared about you. He wanted to be there for you and had loved you from a distance for a long time now, but above all of that – he just hated seeing your heart break. Composing himself, he thanked his friends and pushed his way out of the trailer. The night had come over the town and he had to squint in the dark to find you sitting outside of Max’s trailer. He took a deep breath before sauntering over to you, trying to think of what he was going to say but couldn’t get a word out when he saw tears in your eyes.
Embarrassed, you laughed. “I’m pathetic.”
Steve relaxed and took a seat next to you.  He reached a thumb over and wiped away a stray tear. “Eh, we’re all kinda of pathetic.”
His casual nature made you smile and when he offered up his shoulder, you took it, resting your head upon it. Your bodies in close proximity kept the two of you warm in the cold and after a few minutes, you sighed. “I know Eddie isn’t interested in me beyond hooking up.”
Steve tried to hide his disgust at the nature of Eddie using you for sex, because it had been your choice as well – he couldn’t really fault either of you, but he was jealous. Not of the physicality of your relationship with Munson, but the fact that you chose to be so vulnerable to him. Eddie had been given the gift of having your enamored gaze on him, a look Steve had been haunted by every night as he placed his head down to rest. He hated seeing you so in love with someone who couldn’t reciprocate, dragging you around like a plaything. Even if he couldn’t have you, Steve still wanted you to be happy.
“He should be a man and tell you straight out, instead of dragging you around like- “
“- like a lost little puppy.” Guilt riddled Steve and he apologized but you moved away from him and told him there was no need to apologize. “It’s true, I know this. I just – have you ever wanted someone you knew could never want you?”
“Yeah,” he laughed, mostly for his own benefit. His fingers ran through his hair, and he sighed – holding his breath for a moment before deciding to be brave like you were the night you fight off a Demogorgon. “See, I’ve been in love with this girl for a while now.”
“What girl?” Your heart raced, trying to remember him talking about a girl but you would have known. He would have told you – you were his best friend, after all. The thought dried your throat, and your nerves shook as he laughed again.
“She’s amazing,” he let out a whistle and a pang of jealous smacked you in the heart, and you weren’t sure why… “…smart, funny, kind – but there’s a slight problem. She’s in love with someone else – I guess, a friend of mine, if you could call him that…”
Your initial thought was Nancy. “I thought you were over Wheeler?”
Steve stared, dumbfounded by your completely lack of connection and he cackled. You stared at him, confused and annoyed that he was laughing at you; you smacked his arm and he pretended to be offended, rubbing at his arm. “That’s definitely going to be a bruise, genius.”
“You’re so annoying, I’m going home,” you declared, pushing up off the steps. Steve panicked for a second before reaching for your elbow, bringing you back down. Plopping down, your body relaxed under his touch and the two of you sat quietly – neither of you saying word until Steve cleared d his throat and released your elbow.
“Remember that night at Byers? I was fucking terrified,” he remembered, dipping his head to stare up at the stars. Your looked to him, eyes going to his throat; his scars from the demobats were slightly faded now, but the pain of almost losing him had stayed with you. When Steve had been taken under the water, you jumped in after him, the others followed and when you had arrived to see him being strangled to near death – something came over you. You ripped the bats off him with your bare hands, Eddie had a habit of noting how hot it was during your hook ups, but you weren’t thinking about how attractive you were looking in that moment. No, all you could think about was how you couldn’t lose Steve – you downright refused because he was your best friend. He was the one person who could sooth away any worry with just a simple touch; he was the one that was constantly there for you…
“I remember you standing next to me,” he recalled quietly, you just stared, heart racing. “I was still hung up on Nancy, but for a split second, I was terrified of losing you more than her. Which was ridiculous since you had always been ‘Nancy’s friend’.”
It was true, Nancy had been one of your closest friends in high school and while Steve had been an annoyance in your life then, you had always had a soft spot for him. Never understanding why, you just gravitated towards him, but it was platonic, even after they broke up. Even after getting a job at the mall and seeing him everyday during your lunch break.
“I didn’t understand it then,” Steve finally looked at you, eyes a bit sad. He reached for the lapel of your jacket and chuckled. “I guess I always pretended to be annoyed with you back then, because I really did care about Nance. I thought she was the one I wanted, but…”
Your mind becomes flooded with all the small moments the two of you have shared – the little looks across the cafeteria table that felt like they meant nothing, because they weren’t supposed to. All the times you walked into the ice cream shop to bug Steve and Robin, and the smile on his face every time you asked for a free sample. The pained look on his face when he cursed at the Russian soldier who slapped you hard. The rides to drop off Robin at school, listening to music and giving her love advice – the movies he’d bring over to your place, so the two of you could watch and fall asleep on the couch. Every touch on your back, every lingering touch that brought warmth to your body, and a sense of security.
“The girl you’re in love with…” you couldn’t bring yourself to finish the sentence, afraid of a rejection that would hurt far worse than Eddie’s. Your heart pounded and the air felt like it would freeze you inside out, and then Steve sat up, and touched your cheek with his hand.
That familiar warmth enveloped you.
“…it’s you, you got to know that. The girl is you.”
His words are quiet, echoing in your ears and all he can do is stare, doing his best to analyze your reaction. Your heart slowly relaxes and all you can do is apologize. Steve’s hand falls from your face and you realize he thinks he is being rejected.
You grabbed his hand and hold it tightly. “I’m sorry I didn’t realize it sooner, I think deep down, I was afraid I’d lose you for good.”
Steve shook his head and immediately pulled you closer, his arms held your face in place, and he leaned in for a kiss. His lips on yours shocked your senses because you never in your life thought Steve Harrington would be kissing you or that it would feel like something you never had experienced.
Real love.
Kissing him back, the two of you held onto each other’s faces until he finally pulled away and laughed. “It took you long enough.”
You laughed and embraced him, arms around his neck. He cradled you then, your chin on his shoulder as he rubbed his hands up and down your back. The music from the trailer grew louder and the two of you turned to see Robin and the kids leaving the party. Steve helped you to your feet and flung his arm around your shoulder, bringing you into his side. The two of you stood on the porch of the Mayfield’s trailer, watching as your friends grew closer.
Steve glanced over to you, and you looked at him.
“I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you too,” you whispered back, the truth spilling out so naturally. He grinned, ear to ear, and gave Robin a knowing glance when she approached. She grinned and Max smiled, asking if anyone wanted to watch a movie.
“I stole some beers from the cooler,” she smirked, and Steve frowned, demanding for her to hand them it over. She obliged begrudgingly, taking them out of her coat pockets. The boys followed her into the house, arguing about what movie to watch and Robin plucked a beer from Steve’s arms, looking your way.
“Eddie was looking for you.” Steve gave her a look and Robin shrugged. “I told him you two left together. Want to know what he said?”
“No,” you laughed, the thought of Eddie looking for you was hilarious now. How stupid you had been to think he could ever care about you and even more foolish to think you thought you cared about him. Eddie was a good friend, but he was never what you truly wanted. He was a distraction because you were afraid to go for what your heart desired – Steve.
“Good answer,” Robin grinned.
Steve rolled his eyes and told her to get inside. When she disappeared into the trailer, Steve handed over a beer and the two of you opened them up. He held his can towards you.
“Happy birthday to Eddie.”
Laughing, you clinked the can against his. “To Eddie.”
Steve took a long sip before pulling you in for a sweet kiss, until a parade of ‘ew, gross’ came from the open window near the door. Rolling his eyes, Steve barked for the kids to shut up, but a smile appeared on his face that remained there for the rest of the night.
Blurb of Eddie's reaction
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turtleblogatlast · 8 months
okay so just so you know, im literally in love with your prison!leo au, yesterday i spent like over an hour scrolling through the tag and i think i read every post at least twice (more for the comics). its combining ‘prison dimension has permanent effect on leo, and not just mentally’, ‘immortality angst’, ‘object or place having a form of sentience’, AND ‘leo is somehow made significantly younger than his brothers which very much changes their dynamic without him wanting it to’ all into one which is just amazing.
i love how you combined comedy and tragedy very well!! like, for example the idea of leo being mistaken for the youngest brother, than a son, then a GRANDSON, is kinda funny for a second, but when you think about it for more than a couple seconds its also. really tragic. this poor kid may never be able to fully grow up - not only is he likely going to outlive his whole family but hes also permanently in the body of a child, lacking a fully developed brain and maybe never having the full maturity of an adult (at least in path b, until hes able to find a ‘cure’, if ever). its just. so good!!
anyways aldjsldkksld enough of the gushing (i mean i could keep doing it for like two thousand more words, but if i did it would probably devolve into keysmashes at some point from the Grip this au has on my brain). i am curious, what would happen if leo got sick? i know you mentioned that things like a common cold wouldnt really affect him that much, but what about one of those sickness is that leaves you pretty delirious/feverish and can take you out in a matter of a week? (could be a type of mystic sickness or curse as well, where you don’t know if the victim will survive or not and the only option is to wait it out.) what would happen? would they sort of just decide that its better to find a way to temporarily kill him so his body could regenerate as new, or would they try to take care of him and see if they could wait it out, since i imagine it would be the only time he’d really let his family take care of him in that way. thats all assuming his body wouldnt just automatically find a way to heal the separate curse and he’d be well again within an hour (still not fully sure as to how his healing works, sorry!)
anyways, love this au and im going to be obsessed with it for the next Month thanks
[ cw: discussion of murder / discussion of mercy kill / risky behavior implied / ]
Omg I’m
So touched???
Thank you for enjoying my AU so much, it really makes me happy to hear this :’) This whole AU was thought up exactly because of my interest in the concepts you mentioned - particularly the one regarding the Prison Dimension having a permanent and visible effect on Leo.
I know I haven’t updated it in a while, but I am still working on it and have even finished drafting the next comic, I can’t say when I’ll finish it but this ask definitely pushed me to work on it more so thank you so much <3
As for your question- it depends! In most regular illnesses, Leo would get over them very quickly, only experiencing the briefest brush with the symptoms before his body throws it away, if that. If the illness is mystic in nature then things get a little more complicated, as you’re right in that it could potentially end up as an endless loop of the first part of whatever weird sickness he gets. So if the illness is something that instantly affects you in the worst ways, and it’s something you just need to ride out until it leaves…that can potentially be harmful. Of course, it needs to be a powerful illness to bypass the prison’s curse to that extent though. …then again, maybe something would prefer that for him, should it appear beneficial :)
As for whether the fam would decide to just…’reset’ Leo to get rid of the illness…that’s a tough one. It really depends on how long Leo’s been back, and even then, it’s not something they’d just do, it’s hard for them to even imagine really. More likely, a sickly Leo would merely try to find a cure himself in his delirium, and end up ‘reset’ along the way.
I hope my wishy washy answer was enough! And really, thank you so much again for the kind words, they mean a lot :’)
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luwritesomething · 2 years
if you're still taking requests, protective dodge mason I beg of you..... I went thru all your writings and I love them so much and I love my boy
Protective Dodge Mason Headcanons.
Warnings: cursing, as always.
Edited?: No, sorry ;/
Reader pronouns: not stated.
Summary: Dodge headcanons about his protectiveness.
Author's note: Thank you for requesting and sorry for taking so long! I'm very glad you like my writing and THANKS FOR THIS REQUEST BECAUSE protective Dodge Mason has been stucked in my mind ever since he got that individual challenge where he thought Dayna was in danger and he went batshit crazy. I decided to do ths as headcanons because your request wasn't that specific so... Also, I decided to make it as Dodge and Reader already have an established relationship :) . Anyways, here goes nothing. This isn't too long but I hope you like it, excuse any grammar or vocab mistakes since I wrote this in a rush!
okay so we all agree dodge mason is a protective mf, great
dodge had a very specific plan, alright? getting a romantic partner and kinda falling in love wasn't in it
but how could he not fall in love with the person with the prettiest smile and sweetest soul?
accepting that he wanted to be with you was kinda hard for him. because that meant he was dragging you into his revenge plan.
but you're dating so hurray!! he made it.
your biggest argument was probably when you told him that you did want to play panic (if it was for the money or the thrill that's up to you)
1. it was in conflict with his plan (the one he hadn't told you about just yet because he's still testing the trusting waters) and 2. it put you in danger, actual danger.
listen, dodge doesn't scream
but when he's concerned about your safety it shows that he's mad.
you just couldn't understand what worried him so much
and he wasn't able to say that you were one of the very few people that made him feel like he was truly there.
losing you would be the third tragedy of his life, and he couldn't risk it --- he wouldn't take it
and seeing you hurt was a living nightmare
i feel like im blabbering, sorry
dodge just carries too much weight on his shoulders, and once he starts dating you, more weight is added.
i mean, you aren't a burden, but he worries --- a whole lot, to be honest. dodge is always making sure you're feeling okay, listening to you when you're not, reassuring that he cares about you if you needed
if you get hurt, he sees it like its his fault --- you have full autonomy on your decisions and actions, but dodge is a caregiver and he feels like he should be there to protect you
but then again he has this complicated relationship with his feelings (i mean, how many times have you seen him talking about them openly?) and he's unable to say all those things when you first argue about that
so the argument remains still for some days and things are tense between you two.
it's you who forced the subject back into your conversations, and it is you who promises him that you'll be careful enough to not get hurt, that he has to trust you.
relunctantly, dodge ends up agreeing and easin up to the idea --- it's not like he can or will forbide you for participating, it's your choice.
so he starts worrying x1000 when panic begins.
when escaping the cops in the second challenge, you hurt your knee and scratched it when you fell to the ground, pushed by all the people trying to escape. and although dodge is the one who had almost fallen from a very high height, he's so pissed (not at you) that you've gotten hurt. even if it's the smallest thing as a scratch.
say that it was ray who accidentally pushed you to the ground --- it takes everything for him not to fight ray right then and there. seeing how little he likes ray it just gives him more reasons to want to punch him in the face (and dodge is not really a violent person).
your safety during panic will probably be the reason to all of your arguments, given he's not jealous at all.
he also hates the whole 'i'm trying to get you jealous' so don't try it, please. dodge doesn't deserve that. if you try to get him jealous, he WILL, and it will hurt him. he learns to trust you wholeheartedly, that's why he knows you won't do dumb shit, but if you're the one who is trying to make moves to other people just for fun... bad thing.
anyways so he ends up, probably, telling you that you're not his responsability but you kinda are. not exactly like that, but he opens up.
it takes a lot of reassuring from your part to make him see that he can't carry so many responsabilities and that he basically needs to chill.
communication, people !! i bet communicating for him it's hard, given how quiet and reserved he is, but he grows very into it.
also on another protectiveness note,,,
romantic partner or friend, dodge is that one person that will text you to tell him that you've gotten home safe.
he's also willing to walk anyone home if they feel uneasy going alone, even if he doesn't know them too well.
he'll pick up if you call him because you need someone to talk to while walking home late at night, and if you think someone is following you he'll run to wherever you are. he's not taking any bullshit.
dodge can hold your cup while you go to the bathroom --- and you can be damn sure no one will put anything on your drink if he's watching it.
going back to romantic partner, if you need reassurence during a challenge or a social situation where he's present, you can bet he's going to surround your waist with his arm to keep you grounded. reassuring touches are his specialty (and also his need).
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creative-kny-fics · 11 months
We think the same! Their relationship is very cute! Although in the manga or in the anime they didn't have many moments, it doesn't mean that it's my favorite ship! So sure! (Thanks)
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Warning: This fanfic contains tickles. Also remind them that I don't speak English, so if they find any errors, let me know to correct it. I hope you like it!
Ler: Mitsuri Kanroji and kinda Kaburamaru
Lee: Iguro Obanai
'You look distressed, Obanai. Is there something that gives you a complex?', fuck, Iguro wanted to go unnoticed, but he couldn't do anything. He turned to meet the master, who was accompanied by Gyomei, but... Maybe...
'You promise... not to say anything...?', he whispered, Kagaya smiled and pointed to a place next to him to sit down.
Despite being embarrassed, he steeled himself, fuck that shame, the more time passed, the more opportunities he missed
Kagaya waited patiently, he wanted Iguro to gather his courage and comment that he was overwhelmed.
'I'm... In love...' 'Kanroji, right?', Iguro looked up, Gyomei knew?!. 'H-how did you know?'
'Sure, I may be blind, but I can sense and feel people's emotions. When you talk to her everything in you is different. Your tone of voice, your look, your aura, your behavior. Everything changes, it's evident and it's almost impossible not to notice it' 'That's very sweet Obanai, I couldn't expect less from a boy as good as you, but then tell me, if you're in love, why haven't you shown it to her?'
Iguro sighed, but when he looked away he saw Kaburamaru. Well, he guess what should he tell them about, he needed urgent advice and support
'It's because I don't feel like I'm enough for her. I know almost everything about her but she doesn't know anything about me, I haven't told her for fear that she'll panic and hate me or stop talking to me. I want Kanroji to be happy, I want to give her that happiness, but I don't think I can... I'm not enough'
Gyomei cried, reciting his verse and Kagaya's smile diminished a bit, it was not possible for one of her children to feel bad Unless I thought it was insufficient, I couldn't tolerate this.
'Iguro, I'll tell you this and I want you to think my words well. The past does not affect the present, from your words I can realize that your past was sad and complicated, but despite having the option to be cruel, you didn't. You decided to improve and I'm proud of you. I don't think Kanroji cares about that, she's a good-hearted girl and you're a boy who always strives to meet my expectations. And well, with what Gyomei has said, I'm sure that you and she are soul mates. Go ahead, don't be afraid of the answer, trust that you will find happiness', Kagaya gently caressed Obanai's head, he was completely sure that everything would be fine for the couple.
'Oyakata - Sama... Himejima - San... Arigato', Iguro thanked, so he got down to business.
He planned everything, the place, the time, the activities, the food, everything was perfect. Iguro was gaining confidence, those words made him think and reconsider, there was no time to waste, it was now or never
'Okay, today is the day. Finally I will tell her everything I think and feel for her' 'Iguro - San!', she arrived, Iguro kept him calm.
'Tell me, what was so important that you needed to tell me? Or well, show me' 'I was sent on a mission a few days ago, while I was walking I found a tree with beautiful flowers that reminded me of you. I wanted to invite you to have lunch under its fruits', Kanroji blushed and became extremely nervous.
'EH?! Iguro - San and me?! On a date?! I can't believe it!!', Kanroji was excited, it was too much for her, it was so much that Obanai had to move her to wake her up from her trance
The answer was obvious, that's how they both went to the place.
Iguro sometimes looked at Mitsuri out of the corner of his eyes, she smiled as she saw everything, admiring and thanking him for taking her to that place.
'This place is so pretty Iguro-San!' 'I knew you'd like it, now, close your eyes, we're about to arrive and I'd like it to be a surprise' 'E-eh! O-Ok-Okay!', Mitsuri closed her eyes, Iguro took her hands and I carefully led her to the picnic she had planned for so long.
'Are you ready?' 'Of course! Don't make me wait any longer!' 'Then open your eyes', Mitsuri opened her eyes slowly, beginning to water, everything was so beautiful.
It was a picnic under a tree that matched the color of her hair and from which beautiful flowers sprouted that fell on the blanket and the baskets with food, but something was missing, Obanai extended a bouquet of roses towards her, she couldn't take it anymore and began to cry
'Ka-Kanroji-! Why are you crying?! Didn't you like it?!' 'No, I didn't like it...', Iguro's eyes widened, expecting the worst.
'I LOVED!! THANKS A LOT!! IT'S THE BEST THING THEY'VE DONE FOR ME SO FAR!!', Mitsui hugged Obanai, who blushed and felt somewhat uncomfortable, he wasn't used to physical contact, but because it was her, he put up with it
'Kyaaa! This is delicious Iguro-San! Thank you very much again!' 'There's no problem, okay? Huh?', Mitsuri pushed some food to Iguro's mouth, but Iguro immediately shook his head and refused.
'Iguro - San, come on, open your mouth! Eat with me!' 'No thank you I am fine'
Kaburamaru hissed. Iguro hadn't even eaten at home, he must have been hungry, so if he didn't eat something Kanroji offered him, he himself would force it.
For a whole minute, Mitsuri was trying to get Obanai to eat something, but he wouldn't. He knew what was under his bandages would displease him. No matter what his stomach growled at, he wouldn't eat anything.
'Iguro - San...' 'Kanroji-!', Iguro covered his mouth, looked at Kaburamaru, he wasn't on his neck, where was he? A tingling in his back made him jump. 'Damn Kaburamaru, not now! Not in front of her!', Iguro thought, trying to shake his snake out like that, to no avail-
'Iguro - San, everything alright...? Are you getting a fever? Your cheeks are red' 'I-I'm fine-! D-don't w-worry!', Mitsuri put down her food and approached Iguro, noticing that his haori was acting strange, as if something was moving in it.
'Kaburamaru-Kun? Is it inside your uniform?' 'Ye-Yes! O-Okay!', Mitsuri got closer, she could see that under his bandages, Obanai was struggling to hide a smile, Kanroji then understood
'Iguro - San...YOU'RE TICKLISH!', she exclaimed excitedly.
Iguro shook his head, saying that he just felt weird because Kaburamaru was biting him. 'Oh yeah? Then it won't matter if I do this~', Iguro's eyes widened, seeing how Kanroji was coming closer moving his fingers, he tried to get away from her, he only managed to do it a few inches, before Kanroji caught him, hugging him so he wouldn't run away.
'Kanroji, let's talk about this...' 'It's not good to lie Iguro - San, do you know what liars get? Tickles!', Mitsuri squeezed his sides, there was no reaction, maybe he wasn't ticklish there? Wait a second...
Kaburamaru! Mitsuri took a closer look, Kaburamaru was... on his back? Mitsuri blushed and laughed, it was the first time she had seen someone with a ticklish back.
'How about here?', Mitsuri gently ran her fingers along him back, the reaction was immediate, Iguro arched his back and covered his mouth and face with him haori in embarrassment.
'Ka-Kanroji-! I swe-! Gah! I'm-!' 'Again lying Iguro-San? I think you need a little lesson. 'Kaburamaru, could you come out for a moment? I don't want him to hurt you', Kaburamaru came out almost immediately and wrapped himself around Kanroji's neck, well Iguro, it seems that there will be no reason for Kanroji to leave you anymore
Mitsuri gently slid her nails into Obanai's lower back, who in response fell onto her chest, trying as hard as he could not to laugh, it was humiliating. They were alone, but it did not take away humiliating
'Come on Iggy! Laugh for me!' Mitsuri didn't stop, she knew he wouldn't run away, he was trapped in her hug.
'Kahahahanroji-! Grr! MPHM!!!', Mitsuri whispered in his ear. 'Cute~...'
It was enough, Obanai was unable to hold on and began to laugh, trying not to hit Mitsuri with his kicks.
'KAHAHAHANROJI!! STAHAHAHAP!! NOT THE BAHAHACK!! GEAHAHAHA!!' 'Awww~ Iguro-San, you're so cute~! Listen to that giggle! It's the cutest I've ever heard! Not your back? For what reason? Is it too ticklish? Can't stand a few tickles? But everyone needs to be tickled sometimes, don't you think?', damn, Iguro felt his ears burning, the childish tone with which Mitsuri spoke, regardless of the way he tickled,
3 words: Obanai was screwed-
'Besides, today you did a lot for me. You bought me food, you brought me to this beautiful place, I'm sure you must be tired! Come on, relax a bit!' 'WAHAHIT!! I CAHAHAN'T!!' 'Why can't you~?' 'BECAHAHAUSE-...!! I WAHAHANT TO TEHEHEHLL YOU SOMEHEHETHIHIHING!!', Mitsuri stopped, looking at him curiously.
'You wanna tell me something? What's wrong?', Iguro caught his breath, it was only a few seconds but, hell, he didn't think that Kanroji would make him scream in such a short time.
'Iguro-San...?', Mitsuri placed her head on his shoulder, waiting for the answer.
Iguro sighed and took her hands, staring into her eyes...
'Kanroji, do you remember the first time we met?' 'Yes, I remember, it was at Oyakata-Sama's residence, I was lost... But, Iguro-San saved me'
'...I must confess, ever since I saw you, I was planning to ignore you or walk past you and leave you with that problem. But, as time progressed, I was able to get to know you better, you were able to touch my heart. Your charisma, your way of treating others, your kindness and heart really captivated me and I fell in love with you, but I was unable to tell you because I wanted to get to know you better first so I could know everything about you and start a nice relationship. Although it was also because I was afraid, afraid that you wouldn't reciprocate me and get away from me. I'll totally understand if you don't feel the same, I just wanted you to know'
Iguro opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was Kanroji crying. I knew... She didn't...
'I love you too Iguro-San!!', Mitsuri came over and hugged him.
'Your words were the most beautiful that a man has ever said to me! I love you! I am so happy! Every day what happened with you, I forgot my insecurities because you saw me with those eyes of love, my days were brighter and my meals tasted sweeter when I ate with you! I love you so much!', Mitsuri tried to lower Obanai's bandages but he wouldn't let it.
'Perhaps your opinion will change... After seeing this...', Mitsuri didn't care and lowered his bandages, seeing Obanai's scar.
'I know, it's disgusting and disgusting... You don't have to...' 'You don't care about my strange hair color, why should I care about that?', Mitsuri leaned in and kissed him.
'Isn't love pretty?' 'Mhm! Yes it is!' 'Ara~ I thought he wouldn't dare' 'They are made for each other, that's final', commented the hashiras seeing Mitsuri and Obanai return happily holding hands
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daisy-mooon · 4 months
carol/yon-rogg… thoughts? (i’m so sorry in advance)
The way I was literally just vagueposting about them on Discord 😭 the TIMING
I've read nearly every Captain Marvel fic on Ao3, Yonvers included, and I have a lot of thoughts
Gonna start this out by saying I hope this ship never becomes canon endgame
Complicated exes
Carol would not go back to him.
She would definitely have regrets and grief, but she would not go back to him. It would he impossible for her to feel safe around him.
She could maybe be a coworker or ally if she's feeling exceptionally generous and the universe would collapse otherwise, but a proper relationship is out of the window.
Yon-Rogg projected onto her a lot. She was an amnesiac clean slate. In the deleted scene, the person he most admired was himself - what if he started admiring himself after he rescued Carol? Viewing himself as a saviour too her?
Yon-Rogg would never see the Supreme Intelligence as Carol. He's a Kree supremacist, and he knows that Carol is human. He can't ever treat her as a full equal.
The Supreme Intelligence would demote him, but I doubt it would give Yon-Rogg any consequences that actually measured up too his actions.
They definitely hate each other after.
They would both beat the shit out of each other if given the chance.
They've definitely been in a relationship and they've definitely slept together.
Carol wouldn't tell Maria everything about Yon-Rogg at first because of the guilt of having a relationship but eventually would spill the beans during the blip. It would be very hard for her to do.
Yon-Rogg would 100% be jealous over Prince Yan. Meanwhile Prince Yan would obviously care, but he'd he incredibly cold and dismissive towards him. He knows him only as the guy that destroyed Carol's life. He's not deserving of his time.
Valkyrie definitely knows about him. Again, like Yan, she doesn't think he's deserving of her time. But she wouldn't hesitate at stabbing him if he came to it.
The Kree have a kinda poly culture so what I'm saying is that Carol was sleeping with Yon-Rogg and Dar-Benn at the same time and they hated each other a lot
Carol's relationship with Dar-Benn is awful but a lot healthier in the sense that Dar-Benn had zero idea about Carol's origins.
I can definitely see Dar-Benn learning about Carol's origins after she becomes Supremor and being shocked, but deciding not to do anything to punish Yon-Rogg. Again, Kree supremacy. Any good will she has for Carol goes out the window the moment she realises she's human.
The shared blood thing... poor Carol.
I NEED people to talk about the fact that Carol literally DIED and Yon-Rogg resurrected her like??? This is how you know the MCU has gone to shit because any good writer would milk the fuck outta this
Carol's fine with blood UNTIL it is blue. Blue blood makes her incredibly squeamish.
She has a Thing against blood needles and transfusions that she refuses to explain.
Yon-Rogg would never call her Carol. Mostly Vers, maybe Captain or Danvers, but never Carol. It would mean that he accepts her as a separate person.
Very bitter over her leaving - "why isn't she grateful for all I did for her?"
Yeah the Supreme Intelligence treated him wrong... but that does not mean Carol should forgive him in anyway
I know some Yonvers fans will kill me but it's an emotionally/psychologically abusive relationship.
She literally does not have access too basic medical information about her species???
Are we gonna talk about the fact that all of this time hes wittering about fair fights Carol physically can't beat him in a fair fight because Kree are stronger than humans? And that she isn't allowed to know that she's human? So she's being gaslit into thinking her failures are her fault when they're not?
I honestly also think its important that not everything should be romantic. They aren't romantic in canon and he still abused her. It's not always a partner or family member that can abuse you - it can be anyone.
I would write more but it's 1am so im wrapping it up. Anyways, final thoughts: a very interesting and deeply unhealthy dynamic that adds a lot to Carol's character but as an endgame ship would detract from her character arc. Anyways im tired af gn squad
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sprinklenoodles · 6 months
Alrighty. I would suggest getting comfy since this is going to be a long one.
Why exactly?
I will be doing a deep dive into Kijo Togami’s character. Yes, Byakuya’s dad we know close to nothing about. This guy has been on my mind for a long time, so it’s only fair I give him this (I know I kinda did this before, but shh)
I’ll probably make multiple parts to this. Today I’ll be covering canon Kijo- at least what I think he’s like. After this, I’ll- eventually- write 1 or 2 other posts, it depends. I’ll write one about the Kijo in one of my fics, The Ultimate Mystery Incorporated and if I decide to write it, the other will be about the Kijo in @seashellcosmos wonderful universe since I just love his characterisation in there!
Plus, they’re the one that started my fascination with Kijo in the first place!
But, let’s get into it. I’ll first talk about his relationship with Byakuya- since that’s probably what most people are interested in- and then I’ll talk about Kijo himself.
I would imagine his relationship with Byakuya to be difficult. They’re not really close, but they get along well enough.
Kijo does love Byakuya. Byakuya’s the only child he’s proud of- the only one he acknowledges. Byakuya’s his perfect heir.
He’s perfect.
In return, Byakuya admires his father. His father is an extremely good businessman- one of the best to ever have existed. Maybe even the best. Byakuya strives to be better than him, of course. That’s what’s expected of him.
Neither of them minds this, they do love each other, even if it’s a weird version of love.
Kijo is stern, of course. He expects perfection. And that’s what Byakuya gives him.
He raises- after Byakuya became heir- him to have a big ego. To think of himself as the best, because that’s what he is in Kijo’s mind. They’re Togami’s- they’re perfect.
He also doesn’t abuse Byakuya- there’s simply no need to. Not only is Byakuya perfect, abusing him would only create more problems later on.
They probably don’t really do things together that don’t relate to business, other than having meals together. I’d like to imagine Byakuya tells Kijo about his day and how he was much better than his idiotic classmates.
(I’d like to imagine that Byakuya came out to Kijo as aromantic and they Kijo didn’t care, saying that love between him and any of the women he’s have a child with wasn’t needed. That Kijo hadn’t felt that himself... This is only a headcanon, of course, and not part of what I imagine canon Kijo to be since Byakuya isn’t canon aro.)
But, now moving onto Kijo himself.
Despite the little we know about him, I’d like to say he’s a complicated character.
We know he has been through the whole Togami competition thing, though he was older than Byakuya. I’d say he was somewhere in his twenties. Let’s say 24.
But let’s take a small side route and talk about the competition itself and its consequences.
I think the competition is something interesting ,but in the way the Hunger Games is. It’s something completely awful. Like, around 15 people- ranging for children to adults- fighting to be the Togami heir.
To not be abandoned.
It creates a very toxic environment, an environment that has existed for probably hundreds of years. And it’s a cycle.
Kijo- and Byakuya too- has probably been practically brainwashed. He’s been thought that this is just how it is: win or become nothing.
Kijo Togami is a victim in what is the Togami Heir Competition. Just like all of the other heirs were. They’re all victims of this horrible thing, believing it to be the best.
And they keep thinking that because it works. At the time the games take place, the Togami Corporation is incredibly powerful, which probably means that each new heir makes the company bigger.
So, they keep believing in this messed up system.
Kijo has never known anything else. None of them have.
And in most fics Kijo is painted as evil when he isn’t. He’s a victim. People need to realize this.
Kijo Togami was not a bad man... but that does not mean he was good either.
We know how much power he had. What we don’t know is what he did with that. But he probably used it to further his, and the Togami Corporations, power. That’s what he was taught.
Should he know better?
Yes… and no. Sure, he’s old. He’s experienced a lot. But, at the same time, those experiences were in a world so far above, normalcy doesn’t even exist there.
A world where the Togami’s are incredibly powerful. Where they are the best.
Just like Kijo was taught to believe.
And he taught that to Byakuya, continuing the cycle once again...
Until he didn’t.
Until The Tragedy happened and the Togami Corporation died along with him.
He was free, and so was Byakuya.
The cycle was finally broken- no more of the Togami Heir Competition.
In the end, Kijo Togami probably did a lot of great- as in big- things in his life, but the best thing he did was dying.
And that’s where I leave this. I am more than open to talk about this more, so if you have any questions or anything else about this, feel free to ask me :D
I am also not defending Kijo with this. Guy probably did a lot of bad stuff and I wouldn't say he was a great dad- just not an awful one.
He just kinds interests me, just like how Byakuya does. Byakuya's a much better person though
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sophsicle · 1 year
I don't mean this to be rude - I was just wondering what made you change your characterisation of barty and evan from your previous work in choices to kill your darlings?
I mean in choices, I think barty expecially was very antagonistic- what with him being an almost r*pist and an enthusiastic death eater, pretty happy with murdering
i was just wondering what made you change their characters to be more sympathetic? I don't understand it personally, but I know rosekiller as a ship has gotten extremely popular and its just flummoxed me
im just not sure what redeeming qualities they could have, especially with barty in canon being an absolute lunatic
although is that because this isn't a canon universe?
sorry if this comes across as rude or anything im just genuinely confused as to where all the hype and romanticisation around those 2 characters came from
your writing really is lovely though, i look forward to all other povs, and am especially excited for any future marylily!
Y’know I was literally talking about Barty earlier today
But why did I decide to change their characters? Cause it's a hockey/college AU so their canon characters would make no sense here?
Like I suppose I could make them alt-right-Nazis-incels or some variation thereof, but like, I very much did not want to do that, for so so many reasons, but partially because dealing with those very heavy themes was exhausting in Choices, and dealing with people’s reactions to those difficult themes was also exhausting and, idk, did not lead to healthy productive conversations. And kyd was supposed to be ... not that? Like with Choices, I very much had things that I wanted to try to tackle and dissect and deconstruct and complicate and critique and ALL of that. And like I said, it ended up being really very not a good time for me. But kyd was never supposed to be that.
So yeah I wanted to tone them down, and then Evan in Choices had elements of the dumb jock in him and I thought it would be fun to write that in a different context without the horrible parts of his character and so it kinda snowballed from there.
Look, I agree that in canon they have no redeeming qualities, this is just not remotely close to canon so I don’t see how it applies?
I mean I’ve taken elements right? Barty’s overbearing and controlling father, the idea that he’s leading a double life, his mother’s death etc.
As far as I know we don’t really have any information about Evan other than that he was a death eater so, take that away, and I feel like he’s basically a blank slate,
But there would be no point, to me at least, in writing another fic only to tell the exact same story with each character you know?
Obviously there’s crossover, but like, Snape and Regulus are also very different from how they were in Choices. Writing everyone the same would just be boring to me.
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icy-watch · 1 month
"no matter what options its giving you, you're always going to end up in the same spot." lmao, kinda doom thoughts there. but I get where he's going if you're sticking to pre-determined options of a video game, of COURSE those options have a straight path to there. good thing life isn't a video game where every option leads to ppl getting hurt & you can't ao3 fanfic your way into a secret third thing! no wait u can, u just have to hope the show writers r on your side & don't decide to seal u under a mountain in S5 for being too OP or give you a fillet! this is coming from the Monkey who also wishes he could secret third ao3 fanfic his way into "the hero & warrior lived happily ever after." MK being passive aggressive & shading there is hilarious & so is Mackie's face. glad they domesticated him enough so we can see this goofy dynamic + extension into the special <3 its funny how he mentions the tutorial bc technically, that just tells u how the game is played, as in controls, not which route to take. I mean, some might, but I think he said this bc of the Wukong tutorial lmao, & oh no angst with a steel chair. "Something I wish I learned a lot sooner than I did." so this is totally abt our quiet, simping loyal monkey from the past who couldn't put his foot down hard enough & one from the present who technically, still. was being complacent & watching to see which way the wind will blow & letting MK talk him into making a choice. conditions & situations apply but anyways. "Only you get to decide who you are kiddo." ILLEGALLY SOFT. Idc if I said it before HES SO SOFT AND HAPPY TO SEE MK GETTING HUGGED & quite honestly pulling a Mackie there bc "escape w gang thru magic portal when things get bad to save others" is totally his move.
*cracks knuckles* finally, the special. I hope it was every bit of ShadowPeaching, stunningly performed, insanely scripted, MK baffling, and topped with a cherry of angst as we said :P "If you will not kneel before your Emperor, you will p E r i SH before your Emperor-! I should have nEVER trusted the Monkey King. The False Sage...EQUAL TO NOTHING-!!" like holy??? fr this scene goes so hard, esp when the voice gets echo-y, and Wukong is just turning back in the face of this wild storm of darkness and magic and all the years of the perceived betrayal in his former brother and the season itself looming over us viewers as we freshly walked through Wukong's complicated past, as he himself has had to face all those ghosts and oh his face in that moment, on that mountain, oho that is great and I initially thought that line was from a fic bc I forgot it was canon but its so crazy??? like what a line to drop omg. the power behind it.
I can't get over that you used "ao3 fanfic your/his way" in this.
Mackie being so soft with MK was such a heartbreaking and healing. Like, hello?!?!? There was every reason for that and Icy is not immune to it.
The special was phenomenal.
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possumsarenice · 9 months
Ok, so someone responded to my Floormaster Sun and Moon AU with keyboards smash, so here’s some misc. ideas for this AU. Since I made the first post, I have decided that this is Fazbear instead of Asu-naro. Also I didn’t say it in the OG post, but I’m replacing the cast with FNAF characters, and maybe some TSAMS characters. Lmk if y’all would like that and who should be in the cast. (Remember, they are participants, not Floormasters. Also they’d be humans with different names to avoid confusion) Also, I need a name for this AU. I was thinking something relating to the alternate translation of the title Die Now, Darling (see vgperson’s translation notes). Someone’s already using that as an AU name so I need to think of something to differentiate it.
CW: Cults, indoctrination, death, mention of suicide (in a weird “I don’t want to die but my will is being overwritten I’m being forced to do this” way),
Fazbear is just as involved with everything as Asu-naro was in the actual game. They started as a Pizza Dinner like in canon, but they’ve branched out so much. And also, they’re a lot more professional and presentable then in canon. Like, the public thinks that after the missing children incident Fazbear got its shit together and started to strive for absolute perfection in all locations. Fazbear in this AU is known for stuff for Disney World-level customer service.
Sun and Moon used to work at a daycare-kindergarten hybrid thing run by Fazbear. All the animatronics used to do something else for Fazbear before becoming a Floormaster. However, all animatronics are both programmed and taught throughout their life to worship Fazbear like a god. All of them are created knowing that Fazbear is doing something that the public is never to know about, and that it’s the most important thing to the company. They don’t know what (to avoid spilling it out to the public), but they are programmed with the knowledge that if they do well enough at their job, Fazbear will take them to work on it in some way. As you could guess, Sun and Moon “pass the test” and get taken away to be Floormasters. Their memories of their old life were erased to avoid any complications, but some of their old teacher/caretaker programming is still there, unless it conflicts with their current programming… for the most part, but I’ll get to that later
When YN left, Fazbear considered wiping Sun and Moon’s memories of them or just replacing Sun and Moon. However, YN were involved with all of their training to be a Floormaster (programming can only get you so far) and erasing YN would mean starting all over on them. And replacing would do the same thing with even more steps. And since YN left a year before when the game was supposed to take place at most, and Sun and Moon’s training took 15 years, they just said “fuck it, we have no other option” and made Sun more sadistic and left Moon’s programming alone since he seemed more pissed at YN then sad. But they did add a kill switch to him, and by kill switch I mean physically forcing him to rip his own body apart until he shuts off. I’m not sure if this is a “something lifeless possesses him and shuts off all his thoughts as he is reduced to a empty husk that knows nothing except to do as it’s told as it tears his body apart as a display of what the company thinks the idea robot is, one who will literally kill itself without hesitation if the company decides it” thing or a “he losses control of his body but his mind is still there as he is powerless to watch his own two hands rip his own body apart as he screams and begs for his life to the cold and uncaring corporation who see this whole display as the only acceptable act of repentance for a defective machine who thought it had the right to think for itself” thing. Maybe both where it’s the second idea but Moon can’t use his voice box so it kinda looks like option one.
Ok that was dark let’s move on to less horrifying thingies
YN is AMAB and agender. They have a stubble
Cassie is here as sort of a “Gin” character. This isn’t “Character A takes is B” AU, I’m just saying she a similar type of role as. The nice little kid who gets dragged into this. He personally doesn’t change from in the game btw
On a very related note, as much as Moon tried to avoid it, he ends up getting attached to a participant: Cassie. Basically, Cassie gets injured a good bit during attractions and goes to Doctor Moon for it. The jabs turn into back and forth. Moon slowly softens up to her. His gremlin nature was funny to Cassie. And while neither would really consider each other a friend, Cassie does like Moon the most out of all the Floormasters so far. And Moon’s mix of teacher/caretaker programming, loneliness after YN left and Sun changed, and genuinely care for the kid makes him genuinely protective of her and mortified at the idea of her dying. I’m thinking of adding a plot point in 2-b where, like Gashu, he messes with the cards. But unlike Gashu, it was to protect Cassie who would’ve gotten the sacrifice card. This… obviously don’t end well for him.
Vanessa is here, she’s a secret spy for Fazbear like Hinako was. Unlike Hinako, she’s been in the group since the beginning. She and YN have been beefing since the beginning of the game. Both try to reveal each other’s secrets. However, they can’t just say “She is/They were involved with the kidnappers” without looking suspicious, so they try to sneakily put the other in situations that would reveal their opponent’s identities without leaving a trace that they put them in it.
Again, similar role, but not a complete 1-to-1. Vanessa is the “suspicious character whose the protagonist’s closest ally” like Keiji. Assuming the POV character has the same high survival percentage and being scary in the test runs deal as Sara, or at least something similar to it. Who the protagonist is I’m willing to discuss. Michael if he’s still alive somehow? Maybe if I use SAMS character’s Nice Eclipse? YN basically tried to play neutral with them, expecting Vanessa to do the same. Vanessa was going to, but saw YN strategy and changed her plan. She attached herself to them in hopes of getting an advantage. This actually worked because the protagonist is in good guy mode. Vanessa then started to paint YN in a bad light to hopefully get them bumped off. I was gonna go the Shin route with YN, they wouldn’t really have a reason to start causing problems so the troublemaker role can go to someone else. Maybe YN could also be the mysterious ally and the “game” is building up to an inevitable main choice between the protagonist’s most reliable allies, Vanessa and YN.
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1moreff-creator · 9 months
Hi! I'm pretty new to tumblr and I have no idea if it's appropriate to come into your askbox to talk about my drdt chapter 2 theories but I'm not confident enough to make my own post and it's more a fun thought I just had than an actual theory
/! \ this will contain spoilers for drdt obviously as well as THH in case people who follow you somehow havent played the game
the gist of it is, someone who is not the culprit could have messed with the crime scene.
It's mainly because so far the chapters seem to have reference to THH in more ways than just with the motives (it is probably too soon for it to be a pattern and ngl i kinda hope its not because if it is, with what we know of Rose' money issues she might end up the ch3 culprit and I want her to live so badly. would make the whole series a bit too predictable also, although i dont personally mind that kinda stuff)
because like. Chapter 1 had someone who got close to the protag, ended up betraying their trust, chose the murder location to frame someone specific, failed their murder attempt and died as a result with the real culprit technically acting in self defense (although its not 100% the case for Leon)
and in chapter 2 we have the victim who died a pretty quick and violent death (at least im pretty sure chihiros cause of death was a violent hit to the head? been a really long while, i could remember wrong) but the murder scene make it seem more complicated. And the victim died just after they decided to change/improve themselves in some way also
In both cases someone who has nothing (at least probably, in Davids case) to actually do with the murder have some pretty big part of themselves exposed during the trial
idk who would mess with the murder scene and for what purpose (Vero. for funsies. What a Legend)
I'm probably wrong cause that doesnt really explain the evidence at the crime scene. like. at all, i know
like Idk what the spinny thing has to do with anything (I mean you could put a bunch of tape on the handles just 'cause, i guess? but it would make more sense if it were involved in some sort of mechanism which you wouldn't need if Arei was already dead)
same for the ball of clothes and the flickering light
Whoever put the fish there though, whether its the actual killer or not, I'm pretty sure they did it to make everyone think the crime couldn't have happened at night time and fish water was actually never part of the murder itself
that would make someone physically strong like Levi the killer tho and even though it would make sense (pretty sure at this point that Arei has his secret) I feel like its too soon for him to die? Eden got more development and makes more sense to me (which breaks my heart, I love her)
Hi! Don't worry, none of us know what we're doing in this website! :D
No need to be shy about making your own posts, but it's also fine to talk/ask me about whatever crosses your mind! So, your theories/thoughts.
The possibility that someone other than the killer screwed with the crime scene is one I've seen before, and technically speaking, something like that most likely happened. I think it was an accomplice of the killer (Eden!Blackened Levi!Accomplice gang rise up), but a third party is part of other theories.
The fish are the main thing: given Nico's account (fish were all still there when they last fed them, which can be deduced to be around 7:00 - 7:30 PM of the third day, the day most of episode 7 takes place in), whoever took the fish must have done it at around the time the characters believe the murder happened. But there's no reason for the killer to bring the fish unless they were trying to confuse the time of death, which would only matter if they can have an alibi at the time the fish disappeared. But if they have an alibi at the time the fish disappear, they can't have taken the fish! (Which, btw, eliminates Veronika. Unfortunate, they won't let women do anything these days, not even mess with crime scenes for funsies smh)
So either it was someone unrelated messing with the crime scene, or an accomplice took the fish there to give the real killer an alibi. I'm planning to do a post summarizing my theory on how exactly the whole mess happened, so uh, stay tuned ig. But if you're interested in the "David screwed with the crime scene" idea, I recommend reading thebadjoe's theory on the murder. I may not agree with it, but it's still a fantastic post and a really fun read!
As for most of the other stuff, yeah Arei's death probably wasn't very simple. Explaining the odd contradiction of her wrists being bound but a mechanism clearly being involved (as you mentioned, tape on bars and flickering light, among other stuff) is a whole mess. It's part of why I'm not really sure this is absolutely supposed to parallel THH. Like clearly there's some similarities, but it's basically impossible to know what aspects of a case would be similar and which ones wouldn't. So, uh, yeah. Who knows.
I do agree Eden's the killer though! Why else would she take the tape from the gym? If you don't know what I'm talking about, basically the gym lockdown and the tape disappearing seemingly overnight makes it impossible for anyone but Teruko, Ace or Eden (or I guess Rose if she's lying) to have taken the tape. But since the tape also disappears from the background right after Ace wakes up... yeah, just Teruko Ace or Eden. But we know Teruko didn't, Ace couldn't have done it without Teruko noticing, and Eden got knocked to the floor when the tape disappeared from the floor :p
And yeah, it hurts. It will be a sad day when the killer gets executed, regardless of who they are, but especially if it's Eden T_T
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trickstarbrave · 10 months
Don't know if this is covered, but why was Nerevar left behind when his uncle left Kogoruhn?
i actually am gonna cover it soon! but im eager to talk about it so. spoilers under the cut
while they were staying in kogoruhn nerevar basically became voryn's official playmate. that is a fancy official friend for nobles. esp since voryn's brothers can sometimes be a lot older than him so morvanni thought it would be good for him to have a friend he's close to (and also bc she could see nerevar was a clever little shit and that would be good for voryn to learn too)
nerevar's uncle nelvon meanwhile uh... well. nerevar's father was a nord and his mother a chimer. she had returned to their hometown ready to wait for her lover to contact her after he had to return to skyrim for a while to settle some inheritance bullshit. and the months turned into years, she had baby nerevar, and when nerevar was a child her lover's brother (nerevar's other uncle) came and found her to confess her lover was dead. and gave her his old journals.
upon that happening she kinda just. packed her stuff up and left. didn't say a word. just left the journals (her lover's and her own) behind with a note that she wasn't coming back.
nelvon tried not to resent nerevar. he knows its not nerevar's fault. but he had to watch his sister just kind of waste away in depression of her lover not returning. when nerevar started getting older it was also clear he was part nord, something house mora frowned upon (their policy you will find is 'every mixed human-chimer child should be killed or sold into slavery which a lot of ppl did not follow), and he confronted her over it and that made their already strained relationship much worse. to him, her relationship with a nord is what led her to spiral and eventually leave to just go die out in the wastes somewhere. and as much as he doesn't want to, subconsciously he sees nerevar as a sort of representation of that relationship being a literal product of it and resents him
and he knows it's wrong. which is why when he found out nerevar was voryn's playmate he decided to just. kinda leave him there. he made sure it was alright with morvani and everything. to him it was the best thing he could do for nerevar--with voryn he'd have an education, a better chance at a different job, and a better life overall. meanwhile coming with nelvon all nerevar would get his more resentment and blame for something that isn't his fault from his own kin and other people from their town who knew his mother. he knew he wasn't the best person to raise and take care of nerevar, so he left him in the care of people who could
of course though nerevar is going to be upset at this. sure, he'd have a better life with voryn, but that doesn't mean it wasn't still abandoning him. he could have sent letters. he could have at least pretended to care. why come up to him and dump all this on him when he already forgot because he got amnesia (at least as the cover story)? it certainly isn't for nerevar's sake, because if it was he wouldn't have just cut off all contact.
it's a complicated situation im looking forward to getting into because. i don't think nelvon was in the wrong for leaving him behind at kogoruhn. he was in fact correct. he recognized he wasn't the best person for nerevar and found someone who was better suited for the task. and nerevar is also not in the wrong for feeling abandoned by one of his only surviving family members because yes, nerevar wouldn't have wanted to leave with him and would have wanted to stay with voryn, but that doesn't mean he had to just. drop all contact and act like nerevar was dead or didn't matter to him.
also his mom may or may not be actually dead i havent decided yet HA HA
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dickytwister · 5 months
💭🌴💯 for Finley, 🐈🤍🍝 for Maxwell & 💚🍦🎶 for Carter <3
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💭 THOUGHT BALLOON — what is your oc's MBTI, enneagram, and/or other personality aspects (if known/interested in)?
his mbti is infp (which fits him sm bc of how like. caring. and idealistic he can be) and his enneagram is 6w5 (the guardian) which, again, SO fitting for a man like him. so loyal but also very pensive kinda guy. analytical one might say.
🌴 PALM TREE — does your oc have a green thumb? do they enjoy gardening?
i never really thought abt it before but. god he DOES have a green thumb actually!! his apartment is full of plants because he still feels weird being in night city and wants to remember being outside (even tho "outside" is a desert). i think he also grows plants to manifest the future he wants, aka being at peace in a place that's connected to nature and had NOTHING to do with night city. he also gardens i've decided just now bc he can't stand all the factory foods (which is gonna be a useful skill when he DOES get his little haven away from everything!!)
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
– finley is trans!! it's a ripperdoc in the bakkers that did his top surgery a few years ago and there were some complications (normal thing to happen in the badlands methink) so his scars are now a little jagged and strange, but he loves them nonetheless – was taken by raffen shivs as a kid to be sold or eviscerated. he ended up killing and maiming his way out of the camp with a scalpel and running away before being found by some bakkers scouts. – sometimes, when he can't sleep in his apartment, he goes down to the garage and sleeps in his car. it's something that's more familiar to him and it soothes him despite the grief that comes with it.
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🐈 CAT — does your oc prefer a wide circle of friends or a few close friends?
he definitely prefers a few close friends. doing what he does—infiltrating the project at eden's gate years ago and now juggling his allegiances as best as he can—, it's much safer to only rely on a few friends he can really depend on rather than risk being ratted out by hanging out with too many people. he's also very slow to trust, so he's never even had a wide circle of friends, even as a child.
🤍 WHITE HEART — what are three of your oc's neutral/questionable traits?
– maxwell is an excellent hunter. he learned as a child with his uncle and his big brother achilles. he never liked it. – tends to be quieter in most situations, only there as support for whoever he's with (be it jacob or eli). he doesn't take sides during fights, which is why he's so conflicted about the reaping and its factions. – doesn't listen to much music. idk if this counts as a trait but there it is!! my poor underdeveloped boy
🍝 SPAGHETTI — what is/are your oc's favorite food(s)?
he likes homemade foods, no matter what that food might be, but the food that brings him the most comfort is saltines and peanut butter. it's just a little snack he used to get as a kid when they were a little tight on money and it brings back a lot of memories, good and bad.
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💚 GREEN HEART — does your oc prefer being inside or outside?
outside!! carter grew up on a spaceship, so being outside on earth is one of his favourite thing. i mean, there are trees, flowers, rivers, lakes, animals, bugs!! so many things to see, so many beautiful colours, so many different smells!!
🍦 SOFT ICE CREAM — what is/are your oc's favorite ice cream flavor(s)?
strawberry,,,, he's a very strawberry and banana kinda little guy and strawberry ice cream is just so sweet AND pretty. all pink. important also to note he hates pistachio ice cream (projecting that on him rn)
🎶 MUSICAL NOTES — what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often?
carter listens to all kinds of music!! growing up with peter quill as a father, he ofc listened to a lot of music from the 70's and 80's and they're what he listens to the most nowadays, but he also enjoys pop music a lot and the shrek 2 soundtrack!! he's also a BIG fan of dolly parton
ask me about my ocs!! 💙
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