#(and the texts don't need to be in english: i can read french)
brother-emperors · 1 year
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Mazarin and d'Artagnan! like. listen. I'm reading Charles Samaran's book on d'Artagnan, and 'Colbert a dit que d'Artagnan fut une créature de Mazarin; rien n'est plus vrai,' sure was a sentence to read.
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D'Artagnan, Capitaine des mousquetaires du roi, histoire véridique d'un héros de roman, Charles Samaran
society6 | ko-fi | redbubble | twitter (pillowfort, cohost) | deviantart
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b4kuch1n · 2 years
7; A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate. 19; Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.). 28; Any art events you have participated in the past (like zines)!
hiiii plaid 💕
ask game here
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
puppetry! and puppet-making, for that matter. miniature and diorama making as well. both requires delicate hands and patience I don't possess, but both are so magical to me that I really wanna try my hand at them anyway... I love illusions maintained with artistry and layers upon layers of mechanisms! I love artifice! show me fake things! it's so sexy when art commits to its bit!
feels like it goes without saying but I also immensely appreciate animation, of course. as a comic artist the process of animation makes me shudder, but also genuinely so many character designs would be nothing without the motions assigned to them in animation, doubly so with monsters.
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)
shoes and glasses. glasses I can draw pretty much from memory in one go because I've had a pair sitting on my nose for almost two decades now, shoes treat me much more mercurially but they're always such a fun thing to coordinate in a character design that I brute force my way through drawing them anyway lol. books are another thing I love drawing, making up cover designs and putting jokes in the text/illustrations are my favourite thing in a piece whenever I get to do it :]
28. Any art events you have participated in the past (like zines)
I'm turns out not a huge event person haha, the more I do stuff nowadays the more I don't keep up with any of that anymore... I had two pieces in the Salt&Pepper TeruMob zine back in the days, I did a comic for the Wear the Mask ITSV zine, I completed witchsona week in... 2018? and the paint witch has been my little pocket rascal ever since... oh yeah! I did an all-comic JosuYasu week in 2017 I think, it's still my hardest play and biggest accomplishment commitment-wise. putting down the most colloquial of sketches for all the comics beforehand, inking and lettering every comic from 8PM to around 6-7AM next day, go to sleep, wake up at like 4PM to make dinner, rinse and repeat for a week except for day 5 I think where I had to re-sketch the whole thing. those comics are all under five pages and I basically cut out the second detail sketching step to ink right on top of the preliminary sketch, but it was still a huge sprint that I'm still pretty proud of. and will never, ever do again. it was not good for me. I do think it was kind of awesome that I managed that! but never again in my goddamn life
(more recently I put in a piece for a local ace community's contest and got a nifty price. it was fun! but that piece's not for this sphere I feel like. it was the first time I saw something I drew in a gallery tho, that was really nice)
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cheeseceli · 6 months
You speak another language
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Pairing: Ot8!skz × Gn!Reader
Genre: fluff, reaction
Warnings: mention of food at Lee Know and Felix's, I think that's it?
Request: how do you think ot8 would react to the reader speaking in their native language? Especially if it's not korean/english?
A/n: It's embarrassing the amount of time I took to write this one💀 the worst part is that I actually spent every week tryna find the best way of putting all my ideas together. Hope you like it anyways!
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Bang Chan
‌Would have a pet name for you in your mother tongue
‌ Like idk if you speak spanish his nickname for you would be "mi amor"
‌Finds it really attractive btw
‌When you're speaking your mother tongue he sees just how much comfortable you are
‌You literally shine in his eyes
‌He'd just be staring at you with heart eyes
‌And if you're learning Korean or English he'd be more than glad to help you overcome your difficulties with the language
‌Would be your personal professor fr
‌Speaks slower around you so you can understand everything, and wouldn't mind repeating himself at all
‌He knows that the language barrier can be a bit intimidating and that it can make you afraid of opening up completely
‌But he'd be so reassuring all the time
‌Really tries his best to comfort you when you need it and it doesn't matter the language, he makes is clear that he loves and will be with you all the time
Lee Know
‌If you had a hard time speaking Korean but still tried your best to communicate with him and his parents in Korean, he'd fall DEEP in love with you
‌He gives me major "I don't understand but I love you" vibes ngl
‌lmao he'd learn the bad words before anything else
‌If you're speaking your mother tongue when in the phone he'd try to guess what you're saying
‌Genuinely doesn't know what's going but he's invested
‌And he repeats some words after you say it
‌Not in a mocking way, he just finds it cool how the word sounds and keep repeating it to himself
‌Like if you speak french he'd be like "bonjour. Bonjour? Bonjour"
‌It's endearing
‌But yeah you'll have to translate everything to him later
‌He wants to know about the tea
‌Cooks your hometown dishes for you!!
‌ If you have a foreign accent when speaking Korean or English he finds it adorable
‌ And he also finds your mother tongue adorable
‌ It doesn't matter if you speak one of the sexiest languages in the world
‌ This man finds it adorable
‌Eventually learns your language
‌He'll take classes, buy text books and everything
‌He truly believe that learning how to communicate with you (in every language for that matter) is like a "boyfriend duty"
‌So he'll be more than happy to learn
‌Tries to show his affection in ways that are not spoken as well so you both could surpass the language barrier
‌He'll get you flowers, gifts, would take you to amazing places, would have the best dates with you and everything you can ever think of
‌You'd have the best memories ever with him and no word would need to be said
‌ Would ask you to teach him some pet names and sweet phrases in your language
‌ And would 100% say "I love you" in your mother tongue in certain moments
‌ Like in more intimate moments that he wants you to truly understand how much he loves you
‌ Would love if you replied with saying "I love you" in Korean
‌If you have a different accent than him when speaking Korean/English he might start speaking like you
‌yk when you get someone's accent just by living next to them
‌That's him
‌He finds it fancy
‌And when the boys tease him for this he might get shy but he's also so proud? Like "yeah I got it from my s/o :D"
‌Writes a letter to you once he finds confidence in speaking your language. It might have some mistakes here and there but it was so sweet, and the intention behind it was so lovely, that you couldn't help but tear up a bit when you read it for the first time
‌Loves your culture so much
‌He'd ask you to show songs and movies and things like that in your language
‌Like if you're Indian he'd ask you to show him some Bollywood movies
‌He'd try to guess what they are saying and it's a whole game for him
‌He's there for the vibes honestly
‌But I think he'd end up learning a thing or two and later would like to learn the whole thing
‌Would incorporate your mother tongue in his songwriting I'm 100% sure
‌And!! would ask for songs recommendations so he could sing to you when you least expect it
‌Learns two words in your mother tongue, probably uses them in the wrong way, thinks he is fluent.
‌But he also knows a lot of slangs in your language, it's kinda surprising ngl
‌He'd occasionally drop a random slang in your language when talking to the kids and everyone would be like ???
‌"what did you say?"
‌ Learns your language to surprise you
‌ Like every time there is a break when he's practicing he'd open duolingo
‌(He'd have a hella long strike, 100 days in a row or smth)
‌When you're speaking on the phone with someone he tries to listen to it as a listening exercise
‌Is smiling to himself throughout the period of the call and when you ask the reason why he just brushes it off
‌Cooks your hometown dishes for you pt. 2!!
‌But seriously tho
‌He knows it's hard to be far from home, especially by yourself
‌So he really tries to make you feel at home
‌He will cook your nationals dishes, will sing songs in your language, will encourage you to speak in your mother tongue around him etc
‌Also, 2 kids 1 room flashback
‌He likes to have meaningful conversations with you where he tells you how much he loves and appreciates you
‌Unlike Hyunjin, he'd say everything in English because it feels more genuine for him, as it's his first language
‌So if you're replying to him in your language, he'd feel SO happy
‌He thinks this is like a proof that everything you're saying comes from a deep place somehow. It makes him fall in love once again
‌ Wants to learn your language the moment you guys get in a serious relationship
‌ Besides wanting to be able to talk to you in your own comfort zone
‌He'd want to be able to talk to your friends and family who speaks your mother tongue
‌ Like the first time he sees your parents he'd be ready to talk to them
‌i'm so down bad for this man it's not even funny anymore
‌Would take you everywhere in Korea so he could show you a bit of his home (would tell stories about the places so excitedly)
‌And would love if he had the opportunity to go to your country
‌Would love it even more if you showed the place around to him and explained a bit about everything you know
‌If in the first stages of the relationship there is a language barrier, he'd plan dates that don't involve a lot of talking
‌Like he'd take you to concerts and karaokes
‌music is universal after all isn't it?
‌He always give his 100% into the relationship it's so cute
‌ Finds it really attractive pt2
‌ He loves your accent
‌ And he loves your mother tongue as well
‌ He could spend a whole day just listening to you speak, even if he doesn't understand a single word
‌ And if you're learning Korean, he'd love to see your progress and to see you getting more comfortable while speaking it
‌ I also see two possible scenarios:
‌ One, he'd wake up one day really determined to learn your language and wouldn't stop until he does
‌ Two, he'd never stop and actually learn it, but he'd end up catching up with some things you say and show to him. So in the end he'd know the basics and some essential phrases
‌I believe he'd genuinely enjoy to learn about your culture
‌Like, whenever a cultural shock comes up, he'd be invested in understanding it?
‌Of course sometimes there would be misunderstandings, but I truly think he would try to see the positive view rather than seeing only the cultural crash
‌He might even learn a thing or two and get your culture's habits
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Feedback is very much appreciated!!
Dividers by @cafekitsune
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Though I'm only fluent in finnish and english, I was taught swedish, french, russian and spanish at school at different times of my life. I've forgotten most of all of them, but I still vaguely recognise common verbs and with my far more honed skill of Making Guesses Out Of Context Clues Because I Have No Idea What's Going On, I can roughly make out what written text in most of those languages - and some related ones - might mean, and even put together some very rudimentary sentences myself, with the aid of a dictionary.
While I don't think I'd survive in any situation that'd require having a thorough knowledge of a language, having a vocabulary that I've memorized, and understanding exactly how the rules of grammar work, I've got a working knowledge in them the same way I have for pretty much everything else I've got going on for me. Better than nothing, enough to roughly get by on my own if I can't charm someone who actually knows what they're doing into giving me a hand.
Saying that I speak six languages would be completely misleading - people who aren't familiar with the work of learning a second language as an adult tend to assume that it's an all-or-nothing deal like knowing how to ride a bicycle, and people who have studied another language have wild variation on how much of a specific language they'd need to know before they'll confidently say that they speak it. I don't say I speak any of the other four - I can read and write cyrillic letters, but anything more complicated than food product labels is beyond my comprehension. I just recognise some words in a few languages, like a dog would, as a neat little party trick.
That, ultimately, is my only real skill in life. Managing to figure out how to do things just well enough to somewhat scrape by on my own, but mainly just knowing how to be funny and entertaining enough that people don't mind helping me out.
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Stress Reliever
Ler: Seonghwa
Lee: Reader
Warnings: fluff, stress, reader anxious, mentions of depressions
Genre: This fiction is about tickling, so if you don't feel like reading it then don't do it.
A/n: Sorry this isn't about the tickletober but I wanted to write it because I often take my feelings into my stories..
It has been a long week, even though it was only wednesday. The teachers this year love complicated homeworks and some just never explained their themes.
So the whole week you had that one teacher who stressed you so damnit much. She was (of course!) your maths teacher.
She was an old lady who teached the same themes and same classes for like 40 years now. Even parents of your friends had been teached in maths by her.
The problem was: she was ... special.
Very... special. For example, she had her own way to explain, and literally nobody (only the three maths geniouses in your class) understood it.
And when someone asked a question, she just explained another theme! She literally never explained the theme/question it self, she just said how beautiful your stuff was. Or how well drawn this exercise was. Or that you need to do this and this when you want to do this. But she never explained what you wanted her to explain. Ne.Ver.
The second problem was, that she introduced a new, complicated theme and you didn't understand it. Nothing you did made you understand it. And every day, she introduced new mini-themes to that theme.
Every. Goddamn. Day.
You did only get like 4/12. And that was not good. But you knew that yourself! You were so stressed because you were going to write an exam about that theme soon but you just didn't understand. So you were stressed. Very stressed.
Not only because of maths, but because you also were sick the last two days and had to review and copy all the stuff from your friends. You had already copied some stuff and done some homework, but not all.
So today you had school until 15:30 and came home at 16:40. Tomorrow was a vocabulary test in french.
You had to copy three worksheets in history because you'd need them the next day. Three work sheets. Full of text.
Besides that, there were the english homework: reading a 4 pages short story and analyzing it. Then maths -of course- because you had maths every singe day.
So you came home at 16:40, Seonghwa waiting for you. "Hey my friend, how was your day?" he asked as you came in.
You just waved and went busy into your room.
"Okay" you said, to not make him think about you. But no chance with Seonghwa.
He followed you -of course- and stood in the door, watching you worried.
"Hey... are you okay?" he asked. You just shook your head.
"Hey" he whispered. "I'm here for you" and came closer.
You took some deep breaths to hold back your tears and went in the kitchen to get some food because you were hungry.
Then you sat down in the kitchen at a table and started eating. He came to you and sat down next to you.
"Wanna talk?" he asked softly.
You just shook your head again, because if you talked, you would start crying. As you stopped eating and stood up, took your dishes into the cleaner and wanted to walk to your room again, he grabbed your arm as you were walking up next to him.
He pulled you closer and then in his lap. "You know I'm here for you, right? You can talk to me. I love you" he whispered.
A first tear now rolled down your cheek. "I know"
He wiped away the tear. "Sure you don't wanna talk?" he asked again.
"I'm just so ... stressed. I have so many homeworks and studies left and it's already 5pm! I gotta go shower today, I gotta study french vocabs, I gotta do maths, english history,... It's so much! I suffer from school. I mean, I'm only (your age) years old! I can't handle this all by myself. I don't understand maths, history is too much, i have problems remembering some vocabs in french and english is so much! I gotta study until midnight if i wanna do this all!" you whispered, a second tear rolling down your cheek.
"It's okay" he whispered back. "I'm here for you. I can help you. We can do this. I promise, I won't let you suffer. At least not alone. I'll always be here for you. I love you. Thank you for coming into my life."
You nodded lightly and hugged him. "Thank you Hwa".
"It's okay. I'm here for you. Now lemme see that smile again, cutie" he said and pinched your cheek softly.
You weren't able to react much, just lightly smile.
"Pleaseee? Pretty pleasee?" he said teasingly.
You giggled lightly because his behavior was so childish.
"Aww your giggles are so cute! And I know how to make you even cuter~" he said and smirked.
He let his hands slide under your hoodie and lightly clawed over your tummy. What indeed made you giggle.
But you didn't even care, you actually enjoyed it this time because you were so stressed and sad these days, you could really need a little cheer up.
And he felt that. That you needed it. So he went for your sides, ribs and back too, he scribbled and clawed all over them while you giggled your heart out.
As you cried tears from giggling and laughing so much, he stopped and hugged you.
You hugged him back and whispered a "thank you" into his ear.
He smiled softly. "You're welcome, sweetie" he said.
"And now we're gonna kick those stupid homeworks in their butts and beat them up, right?" he motivated you.
You laughed a bit. "Yeah, sure" you replied.
"And I'll help you <3" he whispered and tickled you under your chin quickly, before you both went to do your homework s and learn your vocabs.
In the end, you only needed 2 1/2 hours to complete it all with Seonghwa's help.
A/n: Sorry this fic is so depressing, but I tried my best. I just can't write these days, I know it. Just how I feel rn. Not interesting, I know .. but ..something. Also the tword scene isn't very long, so sorry for those who expected more. I understand you.
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gothhabiba · 1 year
hi! sorry to bother and if you've answered this before. of course, you dont have to answer this. you mentioned in one post that you were still learning Darija and also your posts on scolarship are very interesting. ive been trying for a while to learn my dad's language since i didn't grew up speaking it, but have always been interested in persian literature and the evolution of the language so this has been a difficulty for me. i was wondering if you have any tips on improving the way a language is learned, since you're amazing at explaining things and making even complicated subjects clear.
Thank you and have a nice weekend!
Thanks for the compliment!
I don't think that I have anything like my own original foolproof method for learning languages; this is the first language I've self-taught for which there aren't a lot of materials, and everyone learns differently. Here's what I've been doing & what I can broadly recommend when learning a language for which there isn't an enormous amount of teaching material:
Be specific about what it is that you want to do in the language. Chop this up into small sections. So, instead of "I want to learn [language]" (an enormous, vague, impossible task—even native speakers do not know 100% of their languages), think "I want to be able to understand recipes," or "go to the market or a restaurant," or "make small talk and general conversation," or "text friends and family," or "read literature," or "read theory" (and for those last two goals you might have a waypoint goal of "read storybooks" or "read materials intended for language-learners or children").
I began by learning the Arabic script (resources for this abound, and the abjads used for Persian and Darija only add a few characters), and I always write Darija in this script (even though most people write it in the Latin script) to get practice.
I also learned the standard phonology at this point. But the phonology for Persian and Darija are different and involve fewer consonants than Arabic, since some of them have merged, so you won't need to worry about the Standard or Classic pronunciaton of some of the letters. The Wikipedia page for Persian phonology should be a good resource; the IPA symbols for various sounds are noted, and they have explanations of how the sounds are produced and playback that you can listen to. Note that there are obviously regional variations in phonology, but this is a good start. This is a script with a pretty standard orthography, so at this point you can theoretically pronounce any word you read (with diacritics).
cut for length:
I took inspiration from how I had been taught French and divided information up into "units" (first greetings and introductions; then numbers and colours; then telling time; then time including days of the week and months of the year, words for "today" and "yesterday" &c.; the weather; family; then personal pronouns "I" "you" "me" &c. and the verb "to have" to begin forming simple sentences such as "I have three sisters" or whatever—you'd also want to learn "to be" at this point, but Darija doesn't often use it—then I decided that my first priority after very basic conversation was cooking, so I learned terms for food items and cooking verbs).
If you can find online resources or textbooks that will teach you things in units of this type, all the better (I got started on speakmoroccan.com). If you can't, try following an online course or textbook for learning another common language (such as French, German, Spanish, English) but substitute out the vocabulary terms by using a dictionary (for Darija I used tajinequiparle).
You may be able to find some materials (at least greetings, introductions, numbers and the like) on YouTube—I recommend using these even if you can find these same terms elsewhere, to get practice listening to the language.
I feel that I learn best from textbooks and by understanding the syntax and grammar of sentences in depth. However, the materials I've consulted for Darija (and there aren't too many materials in existence) tend to give lists of words but no grammar, or example sentences that are translated in full with no explanation. Even materials that do go into the grammar (such as the Lonely Planet phrasebook) are targeted at tourists and do so with an ethos of "good enough" that may fudge the details to make them more similar to French (which is the language the book is in). So I write down and compile example sentences that I come across (there's an English/Darija dataset already in existence to help with this kind of thing) and compare them to each other to determine which word means what, which affix might be the marker for past tense or infinitive or the object pronoun or whatever, and write down my guesses to test as I go. This may be more difficult without an education in linguistics, but probably not impossible.
I separate my studying into two phases, which I go back and forth between: creating study materials, and learning from those materials. Creating study materials means finding words and writing them down in my little book, figuring out grammar and writing out the rules, writing down example sentences, and making flashcards to learn vocabulary terms (with one or more example sentences on each one).
Studying from those materials involves running through the flashcards and coming up with new example sentences for each term (so I see the side of the flashcard with the English "banana" and come up with a sentence in Darija that's something like "they have eight yellow bananas"). You could also have flashcards separated by category (pronouns / numbers / verbs / nouns / adjectives) and pick a flashcard at random from a few categories (the selection "I" / "sixteen" / "want" / "new" / "oranges" prompts you to construct and speak the sentence "I want sixteen new oranges" in your target language); this is basically analogue duolingo.
As you go about your day, name objects and colours you see and talk to yourself about actions you undertake; try to 'translate' as many thoughts as you can into your target language.
You can also construct dialogues or short compositions at the end of each "unit" you finish. Write a dialogue between two friends greeting each other after not having seen each other for a while. Write a composition about your family members; explain how they're related to you, what they look like, &c. Look up any vocabulary that you notice you're missing.
Once you have a decent vocabulary base, you'll be able to start reading. If you can find writing that's intended for children or language learners, that's great! There may also be fora or message boards online devoted to conversation in your target language. If you can find a dictionary from the target language to a language you understand, this becomes a lot easier—unfortunately I haven't found one for Darija (the lack of a standardised orthography would probably make one difficult to make). Persian has a history of being written that Darija doesn't, so you may have more luck on this score than I did.
I have an "index" in the back of my little book with abbreviations for each of the sources that I get vocabulary from, and I use these abbreviations to take note of where I got sentences, phrases, and vocabulary terms from (whether dictionaries, textbooks, youtube, online courses, online fora, reddit, academic / linguistic articles, &c.). This is so that I can return to these sources and verify what I've written down, just in case; and also because different vocabulary terms are used in different regions, so it's a good idea to have a way to look up who uses which terms.
If I come across anything by serendipity (whether in an academic article about some sociological aspect of Darija, or in the dictionary I've been using, since there's no complete words list that I can find so serendipity is the only way to discover some of the words that are in it), I write it down then and there regardless of how useful I think it will be to me immediately. This is because I have no way of knowing whether I'll ever come across it again! I don't need to memorise it right away, but maybe I'll want to learn it later.
I don't think this will help you, but for some minority languages or dialects there may be a colonial language other than English in which materials for that language are easier to access (for example, I tend to search for Darija resources in French, not English).
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wolfiemcwolferson · 7 months
i dont know what trick or treat is but i wanna do it too 🥺❤️️
Hi Akira! I wanted to save this for my pre-race drabble and so here it is! Piarles, obviously.
It's too cold when Charles packs his bag for the day, but he knows that by the time he gets a coffee from the cart at the corner and walks down to the park, there will be a patch of sun that he can sit in on his favorite bench.
He could have slept more - he could have gone straight to class, but it's the first sunny day in far too long and he needs to enjoy it.
The coffee warms his hands enough that he pulls his phone out of his pocket, hoping for a last minute cancellation for his orientation this afternoon, but instead he gets distracted by a long thread of whatsapp messages from his brothers about the two of them coming to see him soon and he isn't paying attention to the fact that there's an asshole spread out across his bench.
Charles doesn't mind sharing the bench. He actually loves to share the bench with people as long as people are respectful and don't have things spread out all over the bench - as long as they aren't taking up all the space by manspreading and -
"Excuse me," Charles says in English - possibly a bit too harshly because the man looks up in surprise and oh. His eyes are...blue blue blue.
Charles clears his throat and points to the bag that is taking up the other side of the bench.
He's about to ask if he can sit when the guy leans back, one hand smoothing down his thigh and sitting lower. Cocky.
"There is a bench," the man points across the walkway to the bench that is not in the sun. His accent is French and Charles is surprised. He doesn't often meet Frenchmen here. "I am refreshing for a work thing currently. These are my notes."
Charles turns to look at the bench and turns back, watching the way the man's eyes are looking at him. Charles could flirt, but he's tired and he doesn't want to flirt to have this guy extend some basic human decency.
"Yes," Charles agrees, but his voice is whiny. "But this bench is in the sun and I left Monaco to live in a sunless place to study here and I would very much like to -"
But then the man cuts him off - in French. "Settle down, princess. I will move my things so you can sit."
And then he winks.
Charles hates that he's pretty and that he is flirting with him now and that he's calling him princess and Charles is blushing uncontrollably, so he tries anger.
He turns away and instead of stopping at the bench just across the walkway, he keeps walking until he is two benches down, throwing himself down into the seat and glaring at the man on his bench.
"Suit yourself," he calls out with one hand cupped around his mouth and Charles wants to throw his coffee in his direction, but he needs it for warmth and also to get through this training.
He glares again and gets a smile back and he's really mad because that man is beautiful and definitely Charles' type, but he's an asshole who doesn't share benches in the sun.
He pulls his book from his bag, tries to ignore the beautiful man on the bench and read.
He manages. Mostly.
He finishes his coffee and he reads three chapters of his book and then he takes the long way around so he doesn't have to walk by rude man again and then when he's sure he's out of earshot, he sends Arthur a three minute voice note about the shade of his eyes and how much of an asshole he was and then as he's walking into the place where all the grad students are gathering to start their six week training course before they're let out onto their own next semester to teach their own courses, Arthur texts back mate when is the last time you got laid?
Charles is typing back an even ruder reply when the front door of the lecture hall bangs open and in walks rude asshole from the park.
"Hello," he greets them in English and Charles starts to wonder if it's not too late to drop out entirely and return home and work for Lorenzo. "I have been drafted from the education department to oversee this course."
Charles wants to sink through the floor because his eyes have started to roam over the 17 participants in this lecture series and he's nearing Charles.
"My name is Pierre Gasly and -" he pauses looking right at Charles, one side of his mouth tugging up into a smile, "I have just spent the last hour sitting in the sun and I'm in a wonderful mood, so we can skip straight to today's objective before I release you back into the world so hopefully you all can get some sunshine as well."
And then he winks.
Charles barely contains his scoff. It's going to be a long six weeks.
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maniculum · 3 months
hi can you check this post
tumblr (.) com (/) martianhare/743856863784878080
I envy your institutional access cause I just graduated
It's not fully inaccurate, I think, though I'm skeptical of it being traced back to a difference between West Saxon græg and Anglian greg. There is a tradition of gray/grey being used to denote a quality of light as well as (separately) a color; I'm just not sure that it comes down to which vowel is being used, or to an Old English dialect distinction. Most of the material I can find on this points to a more widespread phenomenon, with discussion of Old French vair as originally meaning something like "iridescent", and at least one author suggesting that the familiar phrase "grey-eyed Athena" is a mistranslation of glaukos and it should actually be something like "bright-eyed Athena". So yeah, grey/gray carries both of those meanings, but so do other words in other languages, and I really don't think our current spelling situation is likely to trace back to that.
I would also note that Bosworth-Toller, the definitive Old English dictionary, not only recognizes no semantic difference between græg and greg, but also that the usage examples it provides include græg being used both for the sea and for the fur of a wolf, which would undermine the claim that græg was exclusively for quality of light, at least during the Old English period.
I am cautiously open to the idea that in Middle English, this distinction was at some point by some authors clarified by using the two aforementioned different dialect words, though I'd need some citation from @helloelicia regarding that because I can't find any indication that this is the case, or examples of that distinction being drawn in a pre-modern text. The example given in the post doesn't work, because both graye and grey in that sentence are being used to describe eyes, which is a very common use case for the "quality of light" meaning. The distinction the author appears to be drawing there is not between graye and grey -- Middle English authors switch between different spellings all the time, it's not unusual to see the same word spelled two different ways in the same passage -- but between graye and blak grey. The adjective is the focus, not the spelling change. And in order to argue otherwise, you'd have to suggest that dogs' eyes are grey-like-the-color, which is not something I have observed. I would read that passage as saying that the eyes of both animals have a gleaming quality -- possibly referring to the tapetum lucidum -- but that those of dogs are being described as darker in some way.
Also, in my experience with Middle English, this kind of spelling distinction seems implausible to me. If Helloelicia does have a citation, though, then problem solved, done and dusted, why am I even here. Hoping they respond and clear it up.
Speaking of, here's my bibliography for this post. It's brief, because I meant to put aside the afternoon to work on my dissertation but I really wanted to do this instead, so I'm compromising by only allowing myself a limited dive into this topic before going back to work.
Kinney, Muriel. "Vair and Related Words: A Study in Semantics." Romanic Review, vol. 10, 1919, pp. 322-63.
Krieg, Martha Lenore Fessler. Semantic Fields Of Color Words in Old French, Old English, and Middle English. 1976. University of Michigan, PhD dissertation.
Moore, Arthur K. "The Eyen Greye of Chaucer's Prioress." Philological Quarterly, vol. 26, 1947, pp. 307-12.
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kill3rofsluttybrat · 8 months
Time for my pinned post I guess!
So you can call me however you like as long as it's respectful or a reference but hope I get it ("you son of a bitch I'm in" from Morty is good to me).
I'm 19 and my birthday is in September. Oh and for those who wanna know when, I'm a virgo (♍) sooo yea no other clue.
I'm from Belgium and I study history at the University. I speak French, English obviously and I'm learning the German.
When not busy being in a kinky mind or in the books for my studies:
- I also read (I'm reading nutcracker from Hoffman, the German/French version),
- I write too (poems and classical texts). It's not Convention and I'm only doing it because I like it, it's a stress relief,
- Listen to music (rock or mostly classical, military songs),
- I play music too, I'm learning the cello and maybe I will put an audio if it's not too bad,
- Sometimes walking amongst the nature, away from this society,
- searching about historic or physics stuff for fun (yea I'm weird).
My kinks are: BDSM, ddlg, ageplay roleplay (sometimes), slavery kinda, pet play, chastity, denial/overstimulation, sensory privation, degradation, humiliation, praising, gagging, impact play and maybe some other stuff I forgot, also maybe piss play (included in humiliation and degradation).
No vomit, zoo, scat, ... blood can be okay but I'm not excited by it.
Please respect when sometimes I disappear if we ever speak. When I'm really depressed (often), I isolate myself. Then I realise it's worse so I start socialising to avoid killing myself and then I isolate myself again because I don't really like socialising.
Minors, MAP and blank blogs DNI, the basic stuff what.
Also if you ever contact me...please put a "yay" in your text so I know you're not a bot. If you're not doing it, you'll be blocked. Ofc if we already talk, no need for it.
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life-in-the-garden · 6 months
A Spell for Bisclavret
I don’t talk about my academic life here much, so for those who aren’t in the know: I’m an undergrad in the US working towards an English degree (going part-time because I also have to work to earn my daily bread like the wage slave that I am). Last semester was… incredibly stressful, but I ended up really enjoying a class about romances written in medieval Europe. We started with eight of the Lais (long poems) of Marie de France, a woman writer of the time period, and one of those Lais was titled “Bisclavret.” If you aren’t aware, Bisclavret is an Old French word for “werewolf” AND is the name of the main character… since songwriters in the Middle Ages weren’t exactly subtle much of the time.
The spell I created—and am now sharing with you—was inspired by the character Bisclavret and his story, and draws upon the power of this knightly werewolf of yore.
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image credit
If you want to read a translation of Marie de France’s “Bisclavret,” you can do so here. This isn’t a translation that I’m fond of (I think the rhyming is unnecessary), but it’s free to access and gets the gist across just fine. On the off chance that you want to read the translation that I actually recommend, which includes the Old French source text alongside the English, then check out The Lais of Marie de France: Text and Translation by Claire M. Waters.
If you don’t want to read a good many lines of poetry, here’s the summary: In his story, the knight Bisclavret is tricked by his scheming, adulterous wife into revealing his wolf form to her, whereupon she becomes frightened and hides his clothes. Therefore, Bisclavret cannot change back into his human form, and so lived in the wilderness as a wolf until found by King Arthur and brought to Camelot. There, in the court, he behaves so courteously that everyone remarks at how noble and regal the wolf is… until Bisclavret sees his former wife and her new husband, whom he attacks. Arthur, who believes that the wolf would not attack without reason, interrogates the human couple and learns the truth about Bisclavret. The werewolf’s clothes are returned, and he transforms back into a man as Arthur orders the exile of Bisclavret’s ex-wife and her husband from the realm.
This spell, titled "Garwolf," is a piece of baneful magic intended to punish a thief.
You will need:
1 or more pieces of paper for writing upon
a writing implement
a method of destroying the paper, ideally via fire (and all associated fire safety accouterments) or else via a shredder, scissors, or what have you
Think of a time where something was stolen from you. The stolen thing doesn't need to be a physical item; maybe an abusive parent stole a happy childhood from you, for example. This spell assumes that the stolen thing has been permanently lost in spite of your best efforts to retrieve it, and that you cannot find peace through mundane methods. If the only option left is magical retribution for the hurt you've undergone, then this spell is for you.
Take the paper and write a letter about the person who stole from you. (if you can't write easily or struggle to read your own handwriting, you are absolutely allowed to type the letter on a computer/phone and then print it out). Pour out all the hate in your heart onto the page. Describe how you were hurt, and how it made you feel, and how you want the target of this baneful working to feel and what they should suffer as recourse for the pain they've caused you. You are an entire human being who deserves respect, dignity, and safety; don't minimize your own feelings here. Let it out and hold nothing back. (This step focuses your intention).
When the letter is finished, fold it up as small as you can and carry it on your person for three days and three nights (approximately 72 hours). Shortly after each time you wake up during this period, read the letter aloud to yourself and ruminate on your feelings towards the target. Do the same thing before going to sleep. Remember that you are worthy and that nobody has the right to make you feel lesser. (This step charges the spell).
When the three days and nights are finished, read the letter aloud a final time and then destroy it with all the rage and hatred you can muster. Tear it to pieces! Burn it! Shred it! Render your words unrecognizable as you release your energy into the universe to carry out your will of bringing misfortune, hardship, and/or suffering upon the spell's target. (This step casts the spell).
(If destroying the letter via fire, remember to follow all applicable fire safety procedures and don't burn down your surroundings in the process).
To cool down from casting this piece of emotionally intensive baneful magic, practice some self-care. Make yourself a cozy beverage and/or take a luxurious bath or shower, for example, and remember that you have an innate worthiness that can never be stolen from you.
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If you found this spell intriguing, please consider tossing some spare change towards my ko-fi so that I can continue sharing my magical work!
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How to learn French with Miraculous Ladybug
Are you so obsessed with Miraculous that you wish you could watch it in the original (and acc to Astruc, also canon) language? It's actually not as hard as you might think! Even if you've studied French at school for years and still can't understand what's going on without English subs, then this is for you.
I've been heavily inspired by the Refold and Cure Dolly method, this is my spin on it. You can use this method for any language and piece of media, tbh.
First of all you'll need Anki, which is a digital flashcard program, which will let you review vocabulary at regular intervals, to remember them long term. Here is the official manual, and here's a guide that's more catered to language learning.
Step 1: The Basics
You need to have a solid base of French before you can jump into watching native material. If you've studied French to a highschool-ish level, you can probably skip this step.
Here is my guide on how to learn the basics of French enough to immerse properly.
Step 2: Watching the Show
Before you start, I'd recommend watching the show first in French with English subtitles, or just raw French if you're brave enough. I believe it's on Disney+ (If you want another place to watch it from, DM me). You'll need to know the plot of the episode well enough before you start sentence mining.
To get the French text, here is the page of transcriptions. Unfortunately, there's only a limited number avaliable, so you'll only be able to sentence mine from those episodes. From what I've heard, the Disney+ subtitles are pretty inaccurate. The other option might be to use a VPN and set location to France and see if this gives you subtitles that are "French (CC)".
So what is sentence mining?
Above, I've left a link with a brief explanation, but in short, you find a sentence with one unknown word, put the sentence on the front of your Anki card, then put the unknown word on the back. The advantage to making sentence cards instead of just vocab cards is that now you will be reading French sentences everyday, and seeing the words in context, rather than isolated.
I like to dedicate a time to sit down with the transcript and go through the whole episode. Every time I find a word that I don't understand, I look it up in the dictionary. I use WordReference. When you get a little more advanced, I'd switch to definitions from the French dictionary. Then I make a sentence card. Where I can, I add a photo and audio onto the back of the card. If the word seems to be something pretty obscure and you think you don't need it, you don't have to make a card. However, if you see the word more than once, it's probably common enough that you'll need to remember it. Here's an example of one of my sentence cards.
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If there's an unknown phrase or idiom, put the whole phrase on the back of the card. Here's an example:
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If you just can't find something at all after searching, it could mean there was a typo in the transcript. You can either leave it, or go back to the episode and try to work out what they said. The other option is that it is a word play or pun. You might just have to leave it until you're better at French. Alternatively, you can DM me and I'll do my best to help!
Once I have my sentence cards, I study 10-15 new cards per day, plus all of my reviews. If I fully understand the sentence and the unknown word, I select "Good", and Pass on the cards I don't understand.
But this isn't enough to fully learn French, just to learn new vocab, so there's one more final step.
Step 3: Improving your Listening Comprehension
Each episode you sentence mine will give you a large quantity of vocabulary to learn, especially in the beginning. Whilst I'm learning new vocab, I listen to audio of the show whilst I'm doing tasks that don't require much thinking. These include:
Doing the dishes
Going for a walk
Cleaning and tidying my living space
Whilst I play Stardew Valley
I make a playlist of all the episodes I have studied and put in on shuffle whilst I do the things listed above. This way, I am listening to French for at least one hour per day, whilst simultaneously revising vocabulary, and getting used to spoken French.
Getting audio of the show is tricky. Currently, I have to download the episode, extract the audio in VLC, and then I cut out unnecessary parts of the audio (theme and end song, transformations, using powers, fight sequences with no speaking) in Audacity. I'm working on a way to share this condensed audio atm!
Now go and learn French!
If you follow this method, you'll be amazed at how quickly you pick up French grammar and vocabulary naturally, with minimal study, and soon you'll be able to watch and episode of Miraculous without subs and understand the majority of it. Bonne chance !
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nysus-temple · 1 year
omg you talk about Spanish translations and I'm 😱👀✨. I've seen sometimes recommendations of English translations around. May I ask for some Spanish ones, if you have preferences? I've actually never read the Odyssey in full despite Odysseus being my favourite since I was a little kid because I've never liked any translation I find.
Don't feel obliged to reply, of course!
(should I have sent this in Spanish? Somehow it felt more personal to do so)
Hi! No worries, I don't mind replying in any language, as long as I can speak it, of course xD I don't usually speak my native language since most of the people following my blog can't understand Spanish.
In any case, answering to your question: I do have some preferences. I answered someone else before, but I can't look for the ask now, so here you go:
My favourite translation (because it doesn't add random things) is from Germán Gómez de la Mata. The editorial (at least here in Spain) is La Esfera de Los Libros. It's an Spanish translation from a French translation, tho, but it really follows the original text ! It doesn't demonize Odysseus, but it doesn't ignore his mistakes either, it's my favourite to re-read :) Spanish translations tend to translate from another language instead of directly from Greek, since classics sadly don't have the importance they used to have :( but they're usually good !! Lingüistics have said more than once that French translations of the Odyssey are pretty good, which is why Spanish translations use them as a reinforcement when needing to translate.
And now, this is the favourite one from the rest of the people, if you search around the internet, you'll find that the most recommended one is the translation done by Luis Segalá y Estalella. The editorial is LIBRERO. In general, thankfully, it's pretty accurate to the original text. The reason it's so liked besides having some stuff that makes you go ¿🤨? it's because it's translated from Greek to Spanish directly ! It's old, tho, which explains why it's not perfect and therefore, not my favourite compared to the other one I mentioned; perhaps with some luck, classics will regain the importance they had once again, at least the Greek ones, Ancient Rome is very present in Spain at least ^^"
I think these two can be found as PDF documents too. If you were wondering about that as well.
Hopefully one day I'll be able to translate the Odyssey by myself, it has been my main goal since I was a child lol. Makes me very happy to see you've liked Odysseus since you were young as well !! He has been a very important figure in my life since I first read the Odyssey when being 10. It's a hard read when you're not used to all the epithets and long, loooooong descriptions and dialogues, but you get used to it.
Good luck with your reading, hope this answer helped a bit and that you enjoy the Odyssey at the fullest <3
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My language learning journey
Hi! I'm Anja, a language learner and manga artist from Germany. This is my first post here, so I think I should start with some information about myself:
I speak: German (native), English
I'm currently learning: Japanese
Paused languages: French, Russian
Other hobbies and interests:
creating manga (you can find my artist accounts here)
reading manga (mainly shonen)
video games (e.g. Assassin‘s Creed Origins / Valhalla, Ghost of Tsushima, Cyberpunk 2077, Control)
reading different kinds of books
history & archaeology (especially ancient egypt)
For those who are interested, here is a summary of my ups and downs as a language learner:
How I improved my English unintentionally
English is not my native language (I'm sure I make mistakes ^^;). I learned the basics at school which means: vocab lists, grammar rules and exercises, listen to English spoken by non-native speakers (teacher and classmates) and only sometimes by native speakers (audio CD). I had no access to novels, websites or other interesting things in English. And I was fine with that. At that time, English was only a subject in school.
After graduating, I became interested in Japanese. I found some german online forums where other learners of Japanese shared their experiences. Unfortunately, most of the users were very narrow-minded. They persisted, that their way of learning is the only "right" way. I never liked black-or-white-thinking and so I left these forums.
I've found a more open-minded forum and some blogs. These were in English, but I came across many different ideas and methods. It was a bit difficult at first because I never read "real" English before. But I concentrated so much on the content, that everything else became secondary. 
At this time, the new episodes of my favorite TV show weren't available in German. So I watched them in English even though I had nearly no experience with listening to native speakers. There were things I couldn't understand, but I didn't care. I was able to watch this show quite comfortably which was all I wanted — reaching a high level in English was not my goal, after all.
Watching my favourite show, reading articles about interesting topics or reading novels in English were never learning activities to me. The purpose was to learn something other than English or to simply enjoy the content. The language was only a tool, not a study object. 
While doing this, I never thought "So many unknown words… I should use Anki to learn them". After learning the basics at school, I just started reading and listening and ignored most of the unknown and unimportant parts. Only when I felt that I really need to know a certain word I looked it up. These texts or videos weren’t study objects. After reading/watching them I moved on. Without realizing it, English became part of my life. 
Today, reading and listening to content in English feels natural to me. There are words I don’t know and I make mistakes, of course, but I'm fine with that.
The learning mindset is actually a learning barrier
In the case of Japanese, I always tried to understand as much as possible, looked up many words, put sentences into Anki and things like that, because many methods recommended that. I thought that otherwise my Japanese won't improve.
Ironically, even after so much hard work and after trying out so many methods and techniques my Japanese was by no means as good as my English.
I was stuck in a "learning mindset" which made it difficult to just enjoy the content as I did with English. I wasn't able to focus on the content. All I saw were unknown words and phrases. It was like a curse.
Don't get me wrong: Good advice is useful, of course! When I come across an interesting approach or tip I try it out to see if it works for me. But my mistake was to believe that I only had to follow someone else's way of learning from A to Z and I would get the same results in the end. It never worked this way.
That's why I encourage everyone not to follow blindly other methods and their creators. There is no right or wrong. Combine whatever works best for you and trust your own intuition. The most important thing is that you enjoy what you are doing.
Combining minimalism with language learning
After worrying so much about language learning, methods and my Japanese, I discovered minimalism and was completely fascinated. 
Generally, minimalists don't keep things that make them feel unhappy, that are no longer useful or causing distraction. It depends on the person, how their minimalist lifestyle looks like. And this is also true for language learning.
This mindset was a great inspiration for my current way of language learning. I only use Anki to review kanji, for example, because this works best for me. But whenever I use it for vocabulary/sentences, it feels so meaningless to me compared to reading a good book. I can't use Anki for vocabulary longer than a few weeks, but I feel always relaxed when I read a book in Japanese.
That's why I decided to just look up certain words, write them down and move on. Maybe other methods are more efficient, but I prefer learning words in their natural context. This is what I enjoy the most.
How my Japanese improved (finally)
For a long time, I felt like I hit a wall. My Japanese didn’t seem to improve. Then I focused on extensive reading and read several books in Japanese that were not too difficult at my current level (e.g. volume 1 - 4 of 『ハリー・ポッター』 and 『天気の子』 and other manga and light novels).
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This helped me a lot to improve not only my reading speed but also my vocabulary. I had so much fun reading these books that I read between 20 and 40 pages a day (sometimes even a bit more on the weekend).  My listening comprehension stagnated for a long time but thanks to reading it now improves slowly but steady.
The more I understand the more I enjoy listening. Lots of reading helped me to increase my vocabulary and to get to the point at where I can process spoken Japanese much faster than before. 
It feels strange sometimes. For a long time, it was normal to me that I understand not more than single words or very common phrases. Listening felt like a waste of time. Now I can roughly follow the story of some audio books, for example. Even small improvements like this give me a big motivation boost!
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Switching to extensive reading had also a positive effect on my self-confidence as a language learner. I’m more aware about what kind of content I need at my current level and choose my reading and listening material accordingly. I will read more and more difficult books to increase my vocabulary and to get used to more complex writing styles. It should be a bit challenging but not overwhelming.
Up to this point, I've read 78 books in Japanese so far. 27 of these were novels, light novels or non-fiction books; the rest were manga. According to 読書メーター, I've read around 18.242 pages in total. 
It took me a long time but today I don't care so much about efficiency and speed anymore. I just want to enjoy what I'm doing. I have still a long way to go, of course. But even though I don't understand everything I enjoy reading in Japanese so much! And I hope to further improve my listening comprehension so that I can comfortably understand audio books and podcasts.
My main activity is still reading books and other content but I also do light grammar study now. In my experience, you don't need to memorize grammar rules but a good foundation is important to understand more complex content and to build correct sentences yourself. That's why I think that grammar is not your enemy but a useful tool.
Lots of text, sorry. ^^; I hope it was interesting to some of you.
Please note that I write about what works for me and share advice based on my own experiences. If you have a different opinion or if you use other methods, that's absolutely fine. Do whatever works for you.
From time to time, I'll write posts about my recent language learning activities and thoughts.
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emma23 · 1 year
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Part 2:
Summary: Y/n arrives at a museum and meets Steven Grant. this one discovers that YIn is not the one he thinks
Steven grant × reader
During the night Y/n text steven
- hi steven i can't sleep!
- I hope I don't wake you up.
- if so forget this message and go back to sleep.
- you humans need some sleep !
The boy smiles at the message with a blush spreading on his face. He chuckles a little as he reads it. He thinks for a minute and the replys
- Don't worry, you didnt wake me up. I couldnt sleep just yet anyway.
- Are you alright? Is there something bothering you?" he texts back still smiling but with a little worry in his tone. He wanted you... his friend to be ok and not to be upset at anything.
- Yes yes
- I just finished all the books I took out of the library.
- I could teleport and collect some but hey I don't want the gods to be mad at me
The boys face lights up with wonder as you mention magic and your powers. He's always loved all sorts of fantasy and magic, so the idea that a god could do such a thing was amazing in his mind
- Teleportation... thats so cool... how do you do that? Can you just like think it and it happens? He asks in awe, his curiosity getting the better of him... he just has to know.
- yes that's it wait look
just like that y/n teleport to steven's room
« hi » Y/n says with a big smile
He jumped back half a step in pure surprise, a look of sheer shock on his face. The idea that the person he was speaking to just now is in his room was incredible, the idea that someone could have that power. He just stares at you for a second, not knowing what to say at first, his eyes wide as well.
"H-How is that possible? That's... that's... just incredible..."
« sorry it's a little rude but as you told me that you don't sleep I thought that I could come. Damn I'm really a bad friend, friends don't show up like that! »
He laughs a little and smiles at you, trying to make you not feel bad. He doesn't think of you as a bad friend at all and he didn't mind the fact that you teleported into his room without telling him first, all he cares about is that you are safe and happy.
"No no that's completely fine! That was... incredible. I'm just kinda surprised you have that power..." He smiles at you, still a look of shock on his face "You're not a bad friend at all..."
« you really mean it! » Y/n jump on him to give him a hug
´He hugs you back.
"I really do! I think thats an awesome power you have. Is it only teleportation or can you do anything else too? Is it all gods that have that power or..." He asks softly. He was so curious and wanted to find out so much more now. He thought that gods were just... myths but here she was, one of them, a real goddess, in his room. He couldn't believe it. Gods could walk the earth, just like that, as normal people. It was mind boggling.
« so i can teleport as well as things look » Y/n move one of the books on steven's desk in my hands
The boy watches as you move the book with a look of awe and wonder.
"How is that possible?!" He says with a wide-eyed, surprised look. It's like he's just found out that these legends are real and not just stories. He can't believe it even though you're right there in front of him, and he can't help be in awe every time you use a power. « Wow... that's... that's crazy! How does that even..."
He seems to be speechless for a few seconds, he's never seen anything like that.
y/n look at the book in his hands
« so you read books in french? you can speak French ? »
The boy nods
"Yeah i can speak French... actually i can speak a lot of languages. Like... i know French, English, Spanish, Japanese, Mandarin, German, Arabic, Farsi, and Latin. I've been learning different languages ever since i was a little kid. I really love learning about other cultures and languages and their histories. This book was one of the first in French that i bought!"
He's still a very passionate person and seems eager to share his interests with you, he talks about them quite animated and excited, his eyes lit up with all that knowledge.
« so you're never gonna stop surprising me pretty boy »
He chuckles a little at your comment and blushes but he still has that passion in his voice.
"I'm glad you find my knowledge of different languages interesting, there are so many ways that the language of the world can be connected. I think the best way to understand other cultures is to learn their language and it's history. The more you know the more you begin to really get a better understanding of the world and the cultures and people in it"
he says with a broad smile "Why do you want to know? Do you also like learning new languages?"
« yes you know being a goddess, I have several billion years so to occupy myself I learned all the languages ​​possible I believe »
The boy's eyes light up with wonder at your comments before he puts his hands on his hips
"Wait really? That means... are you billions and billions of years old? You lived back in the time when there were dinosaurs? Or the cave men?! That must be so amazing to have walked the earth in all those eras. You must have so much knowledge! Have you seen like... all the different cultures from hundreds of years ago?"
« yes » Y/n laugh
« it's quite fascinating to see how men evolve »
The boy chuckles
"Yeah it really is. Humans are quite fascinating aren't they? We just keep on growing and evolving and coming up with new ways to live it seems. You know we have the internet now? And technology so complex that we can even explore our own solar system? Even the ancient gods couldn't do that all those years ago, right? It just seems insane to me you know? To think humans are that smart and can go to other planets. Just goes to show you how complex and intelligent we can be, right?"
« yes I totally agree. You know how I could stop being eternal if I wanted to »
the boy raises his eyebrows in curiosity, his eyes widen a little as he looks at you.
"You could? How?" he asks excitedly "You don't have to answer if it's a secret or anything but i am curious. Is that really possible to like... stop being a god?"
« It is quite simple. When a god or a goddess finds his great love the goal is to spend his whole life with. We are supposed to find our great love between us, between god. But it is possible for a god or a goddess to fall in love with a human. And to perpetuate the tradition, the god or the goddess can grow old alongside the human who is his true love. But that means giving up his powers and becoming a human. Personally, it wouldn't be a problem for me if my great love is a human »
Y/n look at steven with stars in his eyes
The boy blushes a little at the way you are looking at him. A soft smile spreads across his face as he looks at you, his eyes sparkling with interest at your words. He listens intently at the tale about god's great love and then his eyes light up as he looks at you, realizing what your implying. His eyes are wide and full of awe and surprise.
"Wait... do you... do you mean your great love is... me?" he says, almost in disbelief, his breath caught in his throat for a second "Really?"
« At first i thought it was konshu, then as i told you i ran into you. After that it doesn't matter if you don't want me. Don't worry, no problem. »
Y/n was embarrassed « I- I should leave »
The boy chuckles and shakes his head at your shy, embarrassed act. He seems so happy his face is lighting up as he talks and he just has a smile that can't be hidden. He shakes his head again but this time his smile gets even bigger as his eyes fill with happiness.
He nods and walks towards you and then holds out his hand, his eyes have a bright twinkle in them, like he thinks this is something amazing, for a god and a mortal to fall in love with each other, like something out of an old story book or myth. This is amazing.
« Are you ok with that ? »
The boy nods enthusiastically and he seems absolutely over the moon, he's just giggling happily while blushing. He smiles at you and then pulls you into a big warm hug.
"I'm more than ok with that! I'm so happy you feel that way. i couldn't imagine finding someone better or being happier than being with you". he says with a soft smile. He's just so happy.
"So what happens now?" He says playfully "Are we... official?" he says as he sticks his tongue out a little.
Y/n was so happy « uh technically since the day you were born we are official but yes-yes we are official. » Y/n look at steven with a big smile
The boy smiles broadly back and blushes a little. He cant help but feel his heart beating and fluttering a little with every word you say, his face lights up and the whole world just seems like a happier place as a goddess is... falling in love with him? He just keeps thinking it's crazy. He can't believe it really but he's so... happy. He hugs you again and holds on tight, just wanting you to feel loved and cared for, and for you to know how he feels about you.
Your happiness is his happiness now.
« Steven I think that-that i love you » Y/n blush
The boy blushes and smiles in return
"I think i love you too. It's all so... sudden, you know? A goddess just falls for a mortal. It feels so... magical. Like one of those old stories you'd read to kids." he laughs as he speak
"In old tales all these magical things just always happen and you don't believe it. But now... here you are, a beautiful goddess from ancient times who is so sweet and kind as well. You are so... perfect." He smiles and blushes "I love you too"
« maybe one day someone will tell our story. I love you so much »
The boy smiles happily and lets out a small laugh.
"Yeah, we could be the next Romeo and Juliet, you know? The immortal love story of a God and a mortal. A story that would be remembered forever. It's almost too incredible to be true but look, here we are. We really are lucky, aren't we?" he says still with a soft smile
All of a sudden the gaze of Y/n became sad. « I can't pretend anymore sorry I lie to you…»
The boys eyes widen and his whole expression changes. He looks so shocked he can't even speak. He's just looking at you in utter shock, he just stares open-mouthed with surprise, his face full of confusion and hurt
"You lied?" he asks in a shocked tone, he seemed so hopeful a moment ago and so happy and now all that's gone, it's just shock and sadness. This just... why would you do that? Did... did he do something wrong? He just stares at you, trying to make sense of it all.
« i am-i am not a goddess »
to be continued…
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
How did you learn those languages, and how long did it take?
I started with French early, since both my parents speak it and it was generally the foreign language studied in my house. (My little sister did her year abroad in Paris and now lives in Asia, and is fluent in French, Urdu, Khmer, and Korean, so between the two of us, we could... probably get around most of the world.) I went to Normandy with my mom in 2009 and we did most of it in French. I then went to Poitiers in 2018 for a research trip to the university. Despite a few minor misunderstandings, I was generally able to speak it well enough to get around town and not have to use English. I also work on French history and read a lot of it in French.
I studied Italian for a year in high school (though I can't say that I remember as much of it as I should), and I live in a city that generally uses both English and Spanish in notices/exhibits/daily life etc. As noted, if you know one Romance language, you have a head start on reading/learning the other ones. For example, I went to Romania and despite knowing not a word going in, by the end of the week I was able to understand most of the street signs and have a short conversation with a barista in Romanian. Ditto in Germany, though German is, well, German.
I took a Latin intensive in the first year of my PhD, and as I have said before, there is no better feeling than walking past a Latin classroom and knowing that you do not have to go in. I also have a whole bunch of "Reading Medieval Latin" and similar textbooks that I refrain from opening if at all possible. I can usually sight-read formulaic texts like charters and documents, when the wording is standardized and you know what to expect, but Latin poetry etc would defeat me. I can get the sense of it, but in-depth and grammatically nuanced translation would take me a long time.
I decided to teach myself how to read Cyrillic during the first COVID lockdown in 2020, so I did. It didn't take that long; I did a few weeks of intense memorization and repetition and after that, was good to go (though I have to read long words, and they are ALL long words, letter by letter). As such, because the Cyrillic alphabet is based on Greek, I am able to recognize a few Greek letters, but I need to teach myself the Greek alphabet in more detail. I could have learned Greek during my master's degree, since there was a foreign language study requirement and Greek was one of the languages they offered, but I just took the French proficiency test in the last few weeks before graduating (don't uh, don't do this kids), since I already knew that one and didn't want to do another language at the time. Which, of course, I now regret (along with not doing at least some Latin in undergrad), but there you have it.
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fanficfish · 7 months
on watching anime and being legally blind
did i write about this yet? I don't know! anyways!
for anyoen that doesn't know: I'm legally blind, nada in one eye and just enough to get by on the left but it's very light sensitive. And if you know of my second blod @fandomsimnation then you know i'm a bit of a geek. I was able to list off most anything in MHA before it got too cazy (basically before the villain arc lol it was great), and I bounce between Ouran, YLIA, Hetalia, Persona 4 (sometimes 5 if I"m feeling adventurous but it's rare), and YOI. I tend to have an "anime of the next two-three months" thing going on but hopefully I stick in my Hetalia phase for a while, much more productive to what I'm studying as a student right now.
also I didn't take Japanese. I regret that a bit but tbf my school was kinda ehhhhh with all of that, my French would make Tamaki Suoh cry.
i love dubs. which means I don't really get to hear the originals but like. Dubs are great. Not just because of the voice actors, which i'm very much into following a few, but because dubs usually mean "i don't have to replay the episode twice and pause every five seconds to read thetext". I still don't know how people watch dubs and keep up, i tried once with my mother's KDramas and gave up after an episdoe or two because that was a headache and i couldn't pause the tv.
and like, I'd totally listen to the original if I understood anything. Guess it's time to start learning japanese lol.
but i find this problem when I want to watch anything, sometimes even the dub. Especially with Hetalia, sometimes I miss the accents and there's usually on-screen text exxplaining the jokes. I love those. And thankfully it's usually in English so it's not much of an issue but it made me think.
dubs are great. subtitles are great. but sometimes, I wonder what it's like to be able to read the onscreen texxt without smashing my phone in my face or using my giga-monitor....
but i suppose that's just a thing I've gotten a bit used to. Maybe it's why I use that one anime site to watch animes and not on a streaming service or osmething, so I can watch stuff and replay as many tiems as needed to properly get what's happening. Wikis are great and so helpful, people who write plot synopsises are the best fr. And yeah just
generally it's really awesome we can do dubs. Because it helps sometimes, if i can just hear what they're saying and not squint at subtitles and just follow alogn without having to jerk my head around to read subtitles and then see the image because i can't do that at the same time.
i don't know what the point of this post was. Probalby just rambling. But hey maybe someoen on the internet will see and go "wait that's perfect for my fic" so i'll go with that.
also i'm going to curse whoever doesn't label episodes by episode number on the wikis. Please, they're using episdoe numbers PLEASE USE THEM I can't keep clicking to find the episode I want to watch for the plot :(
(insert the tiny minifigure saying "Hetalia" real fast here)
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