#(it’s over for you bitches once I get active just you wait)
wherenymphsroam · 23 days
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us when we make shit up purely for the sake of writing
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bigfatbimbo · 3 months
silly low effort Sir Pentious x reader headcanons —
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I don’t write much for him but I know that you Sir Pentious fans are malnourished and starving so eat the fuck up. Also he’s a silly guy so he fits right in with my silly low effort headcanons series. Let’s start off with the funny shit, this bitch is dramatic as fuck. Like say you bail on hanging out with him to go do something else, even if you actually have to do it. He will literally be so sad you’d think he was dying all over again (hah.) And it’s not even to make you feel bad, he’s just genuinely that sad. ”Oh…yes that’s okay, I suppose. I’ll just sit here and… and wait for you to get back. And think about us together… hanging out.” Like he’s so poutty in such a genuine way it’s actually sad because his eyes got all watery and his mouth curls down in a comedically wavey frowns as he crosses his arms and turns away from you. He’s literally so sensitive in general, actually. Like if you make one single harmless comment about how his hat looks crooked, he’s literally thinking about it for the rest of the day. You will literally catch him adjusting his hat every ten seconds and unconvincingly smiling at you and acting like he’s not that self conscious. More on that, he literally needs a crazy amount of reassurance all the time. Like he lives for your compliments. He’s so easily flustered by them too if you genuinely catch him off guard. Like maybe he’s just talking and you’re looking at him totally adoringly, and he notices and goes “What?” And maybe your like “Your smile is so cute.” He’s literally falling backwards, darting his eyes to the side, and not even trying to hide the way his face flushed. “Oh! My dear, i’m glad you—uhm— feel that way. Well, I have to go! Thank you, um, your smile… as well.” He’s also the clingiest mother fucker in the entire world. Like hats off to him, he should an award or something. It’s not even necessarily that he’s touchy or anything, which he is, though. But really he’s really just always lurking around you. He’s constantly following you around like a lost puppy, wherever you go just trailing closely behind. Whatever you’re doing, shit around the house, errands around town, he’s just happy to be by you. He’s also like a fantastic listener. Like he is processing everything you’re saying, and not even on purpose either. But like weeks from now you’re be talking about something and he’ll link it back to some other thing you literally brought up once. ”Oh that reminds me! Did you ever get your laundry machine fixed, because i’m quite good with mechanics so I could—“ And you interrupt him with like “what the fuck? I brought that up like one time a few weeks ago?” And he kinda just blushes and shrugs because honestly he’s not even trying to attain this much information about you, he just likes hearing your voice and in return pays special attention to everything you say. He likes hugs and cuddling so much but he’s so shy about asking for it! I see him as a big spoon or a little spoon, to be honest. Like big spoon because by nature, he’s such a giver. Absolutely anything to make himself useful is a must. So sheltering you and making you feel safe is his first priority. But when you spoon him?? He probably cries. Actually no, he actually cries. Because he is so not used to feeling wanted or deserving of love Vox i’m looking at you, you piece of shit it’s all your fault so when you just wrap your arms around him and pull him close, he can’t contain himself! All because you’re actively showing that you want him and love him, he’s tearing up and mumbling ‘thank you’s. I’m sorry but Sir Pentious would literally treat you so good too. Like he’ll do actually anything for you. Your laundry needs done? He’s on it. Your hungry? He’ll just slither to the store for your favorite snacks. Your back hurts? Have a massage. He lives to please. Especially with you.
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rogueddie · 6 months
Steve expected things to get a lot worse after the gates opened. But everything is… quiet. The few monsters that do come through are few and far between. Easily dealt with. And the spores aren’t as harmful if exposure if kept to a minimum.
There’s no overwhelming attack. There’s no end of the world. There’s no… Vecna.
El thinks he must be too weak after their last attack. He must be trying to heal, unwilling to attack again until he’s certain he can finally and truly overpower her, once and for all. But, as El insists, that won’t happen. She practices everyday to make sure, stretching her powers and abilities further, and further, and further. Until her nose stops bleeding at the smaller things.
Steves only task is keeping Dustin sane. It’s not an easy task either. He prefers to stay locked away in his room, all the time now. He’d struggled to help with the relief efforts at first, pushing through day after day. But after he told Wayne that Eddie… that he’s gone? Dustin seemed to just… wilt.
He still lets Steve visit. He seems to love the days where Steve can hang out with him for the whole day. He doesn’t mind the company. It’s… the idea of getting up, of actually doing something… even the idea seems to drain him.
Steve keeps visiting him, everyday, as long as he can. He always asks if it’s finally the day that Dustin feels ready to go out. It never is. But he keeps asking anyway.
Those visits are some of the rare moments that Robin isn’t glued to him. He had thought they’d been bad, in terms of their need to see each other and make sure they’re ok, but it’s worse than ever. The guest room is so full of her stuff that she practically lives there. She sleeps there more nights than she does her parents anyway. He’s sure that it’s just a matter of time until she finally moves in.
Just as he’s starting to let his guard down, finding a comfortable routine between visiting Dustin or Max and his work at the make-shift relief centre with Robin, things get… weird.
He’d been folding up some of the clothes they’d gotten in their last batch of donations. Robin was next to him, but too absorbed in her conversation with Vickie to notice that Steve just… stopped.
It felt like something in his head had clicked into place. Like there was some cord in the back of his head that had been floating, loose, but it had finally clicked into place. A buzzing he hadn’t known had been constantly thrumming in his ears finally going silent.
He feels confused. But that quickly turns into panic, distress. Which is… confusing. As weird as the sensation is, he has a lot of problems with his head. It’s not something to panic over. But he’s panicking. He can’t breathe. He has the urge to sweep his hands over himself, checking injuries that aren’t there.
“Steve?!” Robin screams, shaking him.
He blinks at her, dazed, confused. “What?”
“I was calling your name for like five minutes!” She looks close to tears. Even Vickie looks scared, hovering behind her. “What the hell is going on? Steve-”
“I think somethings wrong,” he manages to slur, before his eyes roll back.
But he blinks and he’s… awake? Dreaming? He feels disconnected, yet more attuned to the specifics of his body and its movement than ever before. Every twitch, shift, turn, feels wrong. Nothing feels like him, like Steve.
Lightning cracks, drowning the darkness in red.
The Upside Down.
“No, no, no,” someone mutters… he mutters… Steve isn’t sure. The voice is so familiar that he refuses, for a moment, to recognize it. The hand the points at a nearby demobat, angry and jabbing, only makes his denial harder to maintain. “If this is your hive mind, I’m gonna flip my shit, ok? None of you bitches are allowed in my head.”
He startles, before freezing. He slowly turns, looking around the dark and warped street. It’s empty. It’s just him. Just Eddie. Just Steve.
“Steve?” He asks- Eddie asks. “Wait- oh! Lights!”
No, Steve thinks. He tries to focus, tries to actively think at him. That won’t… I’m not here.
“What? Wait- can you hear me?!” Eddie starts looking around again, but with more desperation. He keeps turning.
Stop, stop, please, you’re making me dizzy.
Eddie stops, stills. One hand comes up, poking themselves in the head. “Is that… you? In my head?”
I don’t know. What the fuck is happening?
"How the fuck am I supposed to know?! Oh Jesus, man, I am freaking out here."
Calm down, Steve tries to make the thought sound postive- he's not sure he's successful. I'll... let the others know, yeah? And then we'll come get you. We can figure this... oh, that feels weird.
"What does? Steve? What's going on?"
I think I'm waking up? Don't panic, we'll figure this out. We're gonna
"What? We're gonna what?" Eddie turns around, desperate, as though he'll finally find Steve if he keeps trying. "Steve?!"
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sydnikov · 1 year
Jersey || J. Hughes
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Author: Sydney / @sydnikov
Pairing: Jack Hughes/fem!Reader
Word Count: 5.5k
Summary: You and Jack got into a fight before he left for a game. To get back at him, you showed up at the bar you knew the Devils frequented after they won a game wearing the other team’s jersey. Only, a fan of said-team’s jersey gets a little too handsy, and even when fighting, Jack won’t stand for another man touching his girl.
Warnings: Cursing, alcohol consumption, touching w/out consent, mild and/or potential assault, kissing, mild angst, lots of fluff at the end
A/N: This is purely self-indulgent… Though I am a little nervous because I’ve never been a Jack Hughes girlie until recently, plus before my beloved hurricanes eliminated the devils I was battling my growing hatred for him LMAO but, anyways, I still have never written for him before, so lemme know what y’all think about this one... Happy reading <3
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“Are you done yet?” Jack Hughes said as he raced around the apartment looking for his bag, briefly casting you a look of irritation as he rushed by.
Scowling, you merely spun around to follow his movements. “Did you even hear a word I just said?”
Jack released a sound of triumph as he found his bag by the couch and threw it over his shoulder. “About what?” he asked, purposefully dodging the topic you were trying to hint at. “You bitching about my ‘nighttime activities’ again?” he muttered, intending to just push back your problem with him for another day.
“I heard that,” you hissed, taking brief satisfaction in the way his neck flushed red at being caught. “So, what, I’m just some nagging girlfriend to you, then? Is that it?”
Jack sighed, rubbing a hand down his face as he tied the last lace on his shoe. “I don’t know, babe,” he said. “Can we just do this later?” Finally, he met your eyes for the first time that evening and found stubbornness and frustration staring back at him.
“So you can stay out until four in the morning again doing God knows what?” You scoffed, crossing your arms.
Jack, fed up, stood up and merely shook his head. He said your name through gritted teeth, a spark of genuine anger showing for the first time since starting this conversation. “I have a game to get to. I don’t know what your problem is but you’re really getting on my nerves right now and I really don’t want to hear it.”
Jack, feeling slightly guilty at the way he just spoke to you but not wanting to be the first to apologize, deliberately avoided looking at your face before grabbing his phone and marching out the door, slamming it shut behind him.
“Fuck,” he muttered, tugging at his hair once before releasing a strained breath. Not able to stop himself, Jack looked back at your shared apartment and debated being late to his game just to talk to you, but his stubbornness ultimately won out and with one shake of his head, he tried to cast you and your fight out of his mind until after he came home.
You’d still be there, waiting for him like always, after all, right?
You, meanwhile, stared at the door your boyfriend had just walked through in shock. Anger, frustration, confusion, and the strongest of them all: hurt, rolled through you in waves as you processed the conversation that just happened.
And the ‘problem’ you had with Jack, exactly?
It started out small—nothing huge, or anything. Jack didn’t have many red flags, if any at all – unless you counted him being a professional hockey player – so the fact that you’d been having so many problems recently was a mystery to you, as well.
Well, your relationship had just reached the 1-year milestone, and you only moved in together about a month ago… That’s when you started having problems, you supposed.
Jack’s season playing for the New Jersey Devils had started out strong immediately, and it was clear this was going to be one of his best seasons yet if not the best. The NHL was booking interviews with him, the Devils’ social media had practically turned into a Jack fan page, and the city had just fallen in love with him.
He absorbed the attention like a sponge, of course, like he couldn’t get enough of it. While he was clearly riding the high of being such a hot player right now, he hadn’t ever let it get to his head. His teammates, family, you, would never let him hear the end of it if his ego got too big.
So, here begs the question: why was Jack coming home later and later, texting you when away less, coming up with excuses on why he had to bail on weekly date nights?
Your insecurities had been eating you up lately, and the fact that Jack didn’t even see the problem made it worse. Was he cheating on you? You couldn’t help but ask yourself during many late nights, curled up in the bed you shared, alone, staring at the digital clock on the bedside table as the hours crept by.
Inhaling a shaky breath, you wiped at your eyes before finally tearing them away from the front door after accepting he wasn’t coming back. Making your way to the kitchen, you poured yourself a glass of water to cool your heated body when the vibration of your phone from your pocket interrupted you.
Feeling your heart swell with the hope that maybe it was Jack, you quickly pulled it out only to be disappointed when it was just one of your friends—then you felt bad for feeling disappointed because you loved your friends, as pushy as they could be, sometimes.
Want to hit up a bar? Is what one of them texted in a group chat with you and a few others. Normally, on a night like this where you were wallowing in the emptiness felt by Jack’s continued absence, you’d deny such an offer and merely drown yourself in the cheap wine you kept stashed, but…
A notification from a Devils news site interrupted your thoughts, and that’s where a devious idea struck your mind. Your boyfriend’s team was playing the Philadelphia Flyers tonight, a division rival, and you just so happened to have a close friend who was from the area.
I’m in, you responded to the group chat and couldn’t help but laugh at the string of fire emojis that followed. Wiping the remaining tears from your eyes, you texted said-Philly friend separately and asked if she had any jerseys she’d be willing to spare.
The text bubble that showed she was typing appeared, and then her response came. I have a Konecny jersey. Why?
Two hours later, you were in an Uber on your way to the designated club for the night which just so happened to be a bar that your boyfriend and his teammates frequented after a win. You sported black flared jeans and stilettos, and the star piece of your whole look: a Philadelphia Flyers jersey stamped with Travis Konecny’s name.
You wholeheartedly intended for Jack to see it to rile him up; he had a vicious jealousy streak, and a time like this was the perfect time to ignite it, especially after the 7-0 shutout win they took tonight.
Once you arrived, you tipped the Uber driver and walked in, a happy sway to your step because you felt like you were finally gaining the upper hand in your little feud with your boyfriend. As you walked into the club you were immediately bombarded with the sounds of booming music and flashing lights—the red-to-orange jersey ratio was almost comical, for the amount of ecstatic Devils fans far beat the few Flyers fans scattered throughout the room.
Drunken cheers of your name made you giggle as you found the table your friends had claimed. Like almost every patron in the bar, they were all sporting New Jersey Devils' colors or merch in some way—except for you and the friend who lent you the jersey you were currently wearing, of course.
“Never took you for a Philly fan,” said one of the girls, followed by several agreements. “What’s Jack gonna say when he sees you?”
So he was here, then, you hummed to yourself, briefly scanning the room for any sign of the team. “He’s here already?” you casually asked, leaning back against the booth and sipping on the drink one of your friends handed you.
“Yeah, they’re over in the booth across from us,” they pointed, helping you locate a large group of men and women who you, sure enough, identified as New Jersey Devils players and fan girls hanging off their arms. Feeling your heart seize up because what if Jack had someone hanging off of him, you only released the breath you’d been holding when you saw him near the back of the group talking to Nico.
Your friends saw the brief look of trepidation on your face and didn’t take long to fit the puzzle pieces together. “Are you and Jack still having problems?”
Smiling bitterly, you only shrugged. “Nothing too bad, really. I just want to get back at him for taking me for granted, y’know?”
Immediately, more shots were ordered and you couldn’t help but grin as you tossed the alcohol down your throat, feeling immensely better with the slight buzz that came after.
More confident, too.
Tossing your hair over your shoulder, you announced you were going to the bathroom but merely used it as an excuse to walk by the Devils group, intent on catching your boyfriend’s eye.
Feeling an arm brush against you, you were momentarily distracted when you turned around to find a man about your age looking down at you with a grin that told you he was already several shots ahead of you. He was sporting a Flyers jersey, too.
“You from Philly?” you think the man asked, but it was hard to understand the slur of his words over the loud boom of the music.
You gave him a tightlipped smile before giving your response. Despite the fact you were on a mission to make your boyfriend jealous, you weren’t actually wanting nor intending to cross a line. “No,” you shrugged, taking a small step back. “But I can still be a fan, right?”
As the man laughed, you turned your head back towards where you last saw Jack and sucked in a breath when you saw the look on his face.
Jack had seen you the moment you walked into the bar. He was just drawn to you like that, noticed every little detail about you—including the bright orange Flyers jersey you were currently wearing that made him clench his hand around his drink so hard the glass almost shattered.
What the fuck? He practically growled as he watched you walk up to your friends without sparing him a glance. You hadn’t noticed him yet, and he wasn’t sure if that made him feel relieved or guilty, because what were you even doing here? You normally always stayed in.
Then Jack had the realization that oh, yeah, you did always stay in—because of him, his schedule, his late nights, and he couldn’t even be bothered to come home to you until the early hours of the morning.
Well then, he thought. That solved the mystery of why you’d been so pissed off at him lately.
The forward anxiously ran a hand through his hair. He couldn’t blame you, either.
“Why do you look like you just fucked up?” Nico’s voice snapped him out of his thoughts, and Jack only cast him a quick glance before relocating you just as you stood up from your booth.
“Because I did,” he said, not taking his eyes off of you as some idiot wearing a Flyers jersey grabbed your attention. “Badly. Very badly.”
Nico followed his teammate’s gaze, furrowing his brow in confusion until he saw you, wearing a—
Jack had the face of one who couldn’t decide if he wanted to kill you or the guy next to you who still hadn’t taken the hint that you weren’t nearly as interested in him as he was in you. The centerman’s eyes were abnormally dark in the club’s dim lighting, simmering with jealousy and protectiveness.
But that was the entire point of coming here tonight, wasn’t it?
Plastering on a wide, fake smile, you met your boyfriend’s searing gaze and merely shot him a pointed look before attempting to make conversation with the inadvertently talkative man still blabbering on beside you.
He was handsome in a rugged kind of way if you were into that sort of thing, and towered over you in both height and weight much like Jack, but whereas with your boyfriend the size difference made you feel safe and protected, this guy just made you feel smothered and uncomfortable.
He was well past drunk, though, so you figured he couldn’t do that much harm. You hadn’t let him come very close to you either and were trying to maintain a respectful distance knowing Jack was probably having a very hard time restraining himself from marching over and making a scene.
You were just trying to get back at him, as petty as it may be…
The man whose name you later found out to be Todd managed to keep a fifteen-minute conversation going on about himself – which you found mildly impressive – so when he finally started to trail off, you began to make your escape.
“Nice talking with you, but my friends are probably looking for me,” you said, dodging Todd’s attempts at trying to touch you.
“Awe, c’mon, babe, I’m sure they don’t care,” Todd tried to wink, but it looked like he was having some type of muscle spasm instead. You nervously laughed, trying to back away, but then he suddenly stepped in front of you and got so close you could smell the alcohol on his breath.
“Don’t be a tease, now,” he slurred, his eyes heavy-lidded and dark. You tried backing away, but quickly hit the counter of the bar where you were now caged in. Fuck, you gulped, feeling very uncomfortable as he crept his hands up your waist. “Get off me, please,” you said, trying to sound stern, but even you could hear the shakiness in your words.
Panicked, your eyes darted around the room looking for any of your friends you came with or even any of the guys you passed earlier, but in the darkness of the club, you came up empty. You squeezed your eyes shut, feeling helpless and regretting all of your life choices leading up to this moment, and tried to get away from the face that was steadily creeping closer until you heard a voice all too familiar.
A thunderous voice suddenly boomed over the music, and your eyes shot open in shock at the sight in front of you.
“Get the fuck off of her,” Jack's voice was livid, the edges of a growl erupting from his chest as you watched his hand clamp down on Todd’s shoulder to forcefully yank him away. “Ever heard of consent, asshole?”
You watched, stunned, as your boyfriend’s dark eyes glared daggers into Todd’s whose collar was currently in his grasp. Jack might have been a few inches shorter, but he was stronger and clearly more sober as Todd stumbled in his grasp.
“Dude, chill,” you sucked in a breath as he tried pleading with your murderous-looking boyfriend. “I didn't know she was your girl,” trying to get away from a potential brawl, you stumbled back and in your confusion ran right into someone.
Having just been practically assaulted, you jumped as a hand came to rest on your shoulder. You were sure you resembled something of a startled animal and felt almost embarrassed at the situation you found yourself in.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, it’s just me!” Nico’s reassuring voice immediately had you relaxing, and you released a breath as you spun around to face him. Gladly taking the arm the captain offered, you smiled shakily.
“You okay?” He asked once you were safely next to him. You nodded slowly, blinking past the slight pounding of your head. “Yeah,” you replied, your eyes finding Jack and Todd still exchanging heated words a few feet away.
They had won your attention back just in time for you to watch the centerman shove your drunken pursuer to the floor and then step away immediately before doing something worse.
Jack’s eyes quickly found yours as he brushed his hair away from his face, scanning up and down your body for any sign of injury. You knew he was furious with you, but even pissed beyond belief, he was still the most attractive man in the world to you because of how he put your safety and well-being first.
He walked up to you then, nodding his thanks to his teammate for keeping you safe before pulling you into his chest. “Are you okay?” He murmured into the top of your hair, one of his hands squeezing your hip reassuringly.
You inhaled your boyfriend’s scent, burying your face in his shirt and reveling in the comfort his mere presence brought you. “I’m okay,” you whispered, feeling tired now that the night’s events had started to catch up to you. “I love you,”
You felt him murmur the exact words back, the tension slowly leaving his body the longer he held you in his arms and away from the idiot who had his hands on you.
Jack stepped back after a moment, keeping you tucked into his side with a protective arm wrapped around your waist. You kept your face pressed into his side, not yet willing to face reality.
All you wanted right now was him. And your bed, too.
“We’re going to head home for the night,” the centerman said to the rest of the group, hearing no disagreements as they spoke their goodbyes. You lifted your head only slightly to say your own goodbye, giving an extra thankful smile to Nico who merely waved you off.
As you finished talking to the rest of his teammates, you tapped Jack's shoulder and spoke into his ear over the loud music. “I’m going to say bye to my friends real quick,”
Jack had a look of apprehension and even worry on his face, so you stood up on your toes to press a quick kiss to his lips. “I’ll be fast, okay?”
“Okay,” he said. “But nothing more than that. I’ll be by the door.”
You cast him a grateful smile before slipping away, locating two of your friends still sitting at the booth looking far more inebriated than before. “Jack and I are heading home,” you told them.
“Oh! You guys worked it out?”
You bit your lip, fiddling with one of your sleeves. Huh, orange wasn’t really your color.  “Not exactly,” quickly glancing back towards your boyfriend waiting by the club doors, you winced when you saw his darkened expression. “He’s a little angry with me…”
“Because of the jersey?” they asked, curious. “That’s what you wanted, right?”
You decided you were going to blame the hideous Flyers jersey you were wearing for the series of unfortunate events that happened tonight.
Speaking of, you needed to give it back to the friend who lent it to you, at some point.
“I’ll see you guys,” you muttered, purposefully dodging their questions as you waved goodbye. Luckily, they were too drunk to argue.
You made your way back through the crowd, Jack meeting you halfway to lace your fingers together before leading you to the exit. His pace was quick, and determined, making you wonder just what exactly he had planned.
The cold Jersey air sobered you immensely once you were outside, ridding you of the effects the alcohol had left on you earlier. You finally got a clear look at your boyfriend then, admiring the sharp cut of his jawline and the way he was still fuming even as you walked to his car.
“Jack?” you tried, watching as he pulled open the passenger door for you. “Get in,” he said, avoiding your imploring eyes. “And take that off. You know it looks awful,” he added the last part as an afterthought, scowling at the sight of you wearing a jersey sans his name.
You thought about making a joke but decided against it when you saw the look on his face. He didn't look like he was in the mood for games right now, and something told you you didn't want to test him.
“I’m not wearing anything underneath,” you responded meekly. You heard Jack sigh, and you briefly looked up to find him pulling out a hoodie he had in his backseat.
It was red, of course, a Devils hoodie with his surname printed on the back. The hockey player stared at you, arms crossed and eyebrows raised and that's when you realized he was waiting.
“What, you mean change now?” you squeaked, feeling your eyes widen at the seriousness in his eyes. “Jack, we’re in a public parking lot,”
“And?” he asked, almost sassy considering the situation. “You really think I’ll let anyone look at you?” his muscled arms tensed out of reflex, further cementing his point.
You clenched your jaw, opening your mouth to argue, but then Jack took two quick strides towards you until you were standing chest-to-chest.
He said your name once, placing his hands on your waist to pull you closer. “I almost beat that guy back in the bar to death for placing his hands on you. I would have, actually, if it weren’t for seeing you look so scared next to Nico,” he murmured, staring into your eyes so deeply you couldn’t look away.
“It’s bad enough having to see you wear our rival’s jersey, which I deserve, by the way, because I’ve been an ass to you—but if I have to see you wearing someone’s name that isn’t my own for the rest of the night any longer, I might commit a crime.
“Please,” he breathed, tilting his head downwards to brush your lips together. “Take off the damn jersey.”
All you could do was nod. Yes sir. You maintained eye contact all while you slipped the jersey from your shoulders, feeling immensely better without the scratchy fabric on your skin. Jack wordlessly handed you his hoodie, and you slid it on without complaint.
It was several sizes too big for you; it was loose around your waist and hips and the sleeves were too long for your arms, but you didn’t care one bit because it smelled just like him and made you feel safe and warm and most importantly:
Jack raked his eyes up and down your body in approval, but he was still tense even as he opened the passenger door for you and shut it once you were in without a word.
You had a feeling you were going to be in for it when you got home, and even with his anger – whether it was directed at you or himself – you didn’t quite blame him.
The only thing you weren’t quite sure of is if he was angry because you semi-flirted with another man or wore a jersey that wasn’t his… Both are completely plausible possibilities.
Jack, meanwhile, had to stop himself from looking your way because he knew he was going to snap, and that wasn’t fair on you. Yes, he had to sit back and watch another guy blatantly hit on you while wearing the opposing team’s jersey, but… You didn’t reciprocate any advances, and he would never fault you for the actions of another.
Just the mere thought of the jackass who had his hands on you made his knuckles turn white on the grip he had on the steering wheel. If not for the terrified look on your face to snap him out of it, he had no doubt he would have pummeled the guy to the ground.
And at the same time, he knew he wasn’t angry with you but angry with himself instead because you had done nothing to warrant his behavior towards you and could even go as far as to say he deserved it, too.
He just wished he hadn’t walked out on you before—you wouldn’t have been almost assaulted if he hadn’t.
Alas, his anger – no matter who it was directed at – radiating off of him in waves was palpable and kept you tense and unsure of what to say or do the entire ride home.
When you finally arrived back at the apartment, the two of you remained silent as you worked around each other in getting ready for bed. For the first time in months he was going to fall asleep in the same bed as you, at the same time, you noted.
The brooding centerman muttered something aloud from the other side of the room, and you looked at him questionably. Jack met your eyes, an emotion unknown brewing in his own that made you curious.
“Orange is such an ugly color,” he said. “What convinced you to even wear that?”
A teasing mood he was in, then. “To make you jealous. Did it work?”
Jack scoffed, taking a few steps forward to playfully grab at your hips causing you to grip his biceps for stability. “It worked, alright,” he murmured, and then his eyes turned dark as he remembered the night’s end result before the two of you left. “I would’ve pummeled him if it weren’t for the guys.”
You bit your lip at the sight of his protectiveness for you written all over his face, hating that you were having a serious conversation now and all you could think about was how attractive he is.
“Then you would have gotten arrested, and probably suspended from the team,” you replied, bringing his attention back to you. Jack cracked a small smile, hair falling over his eyes as his gaze dropped.
“Worth it.” your boyfriend then brought you in close to wrap his arms around you, burying his head in his favorite spot where your neck met your shoulder. “I’m sorry,” he whispered after a moment, his grip on you tightening.
You had no complaints at his sudden burst of physical affection and happily burrowed your head in his chest, breathing in his comforting scent. “For what?”
You might have accepted the fact he was trying to make up for all the fighting over the last few months, but you weren’t just going to let it go, either.
After all, it was only due to you going out of your way to invoke such a strong reaction that got him to pull his head out of his ass.
“For everything,” his mind raced over all the ways he had been treating you wrongly, and had a hard time forming his words in such a way that covered it all. “For never coming home to you, and acting like you were ridiculous for feeling insecure,” he quickly clarified.
You made a noncommittal noise, muffled by the fabric of his shirt your face was pressed against. “I felt crazy—still do feel kind of crazy,” the tears came back then, the emotions – anger, frustration, sadness, fear – of the night catching up to you. “Did I… Was I doing something wrong?”
Jack felt his heart break at the sheer amount of emotion in your voice, and while knowing that the alcohol in your system was partly to blame for your unfiltered honesty, he knew the words you were speaking were still true.
He had to approach this conversation delicately.
He whispered your name, bringing a hand up to cup your cheek and sliding it under your chin so you’d meet his eyes. “Hey, hey, don’t cry, okay? I hear you. You’re valid, how you’re feeling is valid.
“I’m the stupid one, okay? You did nothing wrong. Absolutely nothing. Well—except for wearing that jersey. But, hey, I don’t even blame you for that, either. I deserved it, yeah?”
“I’m sorry,” you said, not willing to accept his apology because you still felt like he was being too forgiving.
Jack, not being able to stand you hiding from him, gently brought both his hands to your face so he could bring you closer and press a kiss to your lips. “Stop demeaning yourself. You’re better than that—certainly better than me.”
Your laugh was shaky, remnants of tears in your voice undeniable. “I don’t know. I wore that stupid jersey, after all. To make you mad. Deliberately.”
“And it worked,” he replied, refusing to let you shy away from him when you tried ducking your head again. “Very well, in fact. It was really smart, actually; I’m almost proud of you for thinking of it.”
Jack was already making you feel miles better compared to how you were feeling before, and you knew he was using his humor on purpose. His corny jokes were what drew you to him in the first place, after all.
“Almost proud?” you couldn’t help but tease back. “Maybe I should wear a Hurricanes jersey next time. Ooh, or the Rangers,”
The centerman had enough then, and with a wicked grin threw you over his shoulder to bring you into the bathroom. You weren’t drunk, but you were a bit tipsy, and he just wanted to use it as an excuse to really take care of you.
He also just felt really bad, like a shitty boyfriend, too. He had a lot of making up to do and knew this was only the first step.
“There will be no jerseys owned by you unless they are Devils’ red and have my name on the back, yeah?” you pouted as he set you down on the counter next to the sink.
“Fine. Orange is an ugly color, anyways.”
Jack hummed in agreement as he wet a washcloth with warm water and then began to gently wipe down your face. He worked in silence, concentrated on the task at hand while you just admired his face.
Okay, yeah, you were still a little tipsy. Your boyfriend always looked good, but maybe it was just about what happened tonight that had you really appreciating his looks.
“What’re you staring at?” Jack said, biting his lip to hide the grin threatening to break through. He loved that you couldn’t keep your eyes off him.
“You,” you replied with no hesitation, giggling when he proceeded to wipe directly over your eye at your witty comment. “I can’t help it. You’re just so pretty. Why do you like me, again?”
Your boyfriend scoffed, tossing the washcloth somewhere on the sink before pulling you closer to him. “Pretty? What if I lose a tooth, would you still like me then?” he briefly washed his hands, and then turned back to you. “And why do I love you, you mean? That’s easy. Let me show you.”
“Show me?” you muttered, your brain still running slow. “What do you mean, ‘show me’—”
That’s when he interrupted you by picking you up, moving your legs to wrap around his waist before carrying you to the bed.
Jack kicked off his shoes before falling on his back first while taking you with him. You ended up sprawled on his chest, his arms holding you close as you tilted your head up to meet his eyes.
“Being able to manhandle me is why you love me?” you said teasingly. “Noted,”
The centerman groaned dramatically. Knowing you were about to speak, he interrupted your next sentence by kissing you and grinned into your lips when you sighed with pleasure and brought your hands up to tangle in his hair.
“Done being sassy now?” your boyfriend hummed as he slowly pulled back, looking every bit the mischievous devil as the team he played for.
“Hmm,” you blinked lazily, stretching as if you were a satisfied cat, and wrapped your arms around his neck to keep him close. “As long as you stay here with me,”
“I’m not going anywhere, I promise.”
A few minutes later of the two of you making up for lost time, you had eventually moved to be cuddling under the bed sheets as the little spoon, just how you liked it.
“Don’t wear that jersey again,” Jack grumbled into your neck, pressing a few butterfly kisses to the skin exposed to the air.
“Seriously?” you giggled, attempting to turn around in his arms but being stopped due to the strength of his hold.
“Dead serious. It almost killed me.”
You were used to his dramatics by now but knew he was speaking from his heart because jerseys really did mean a lot to sports players, hockey players especially. Wearing Jack’s name might have just been superficial, but it was still a sure thing and a testament to the seriousness of your relationship.
Wearing someone else’s name, especially someone from an opposing team, was an insult to that even though it was just a piece of clothing at the end of the day.
“Better stay on my good side, then,” you teased, but knew you wouldn’t ever wear any other jersey but Jack’s again. He learned his lesson, as did you.
Teasingly nipping at your neck, your boyfriend merely laughed before burying his head in your shoulder and closing his eyes.
You snuggled closer to the warm wall of muscle behind you, reveling in the comfort of knowing your relationship was stronger than ever.
“I love you,” you said, quietly, staring out the window as the stars looked down upon you.
“Love you, too,” Jack whined at the sharp pain he felt from your arm as it swatted at him, and then quickly clarified. “I mean, I love you—I love you, too!”
You grinned, and you knew he could practically feel it which made the small victory even more satisfactory.
Jack muttered something else under his breath, one word suspiciously sounding like ‘jersey’, and then he was out like a light.
Exasperatedly, you sighed. Hockey players.
You wouldn’t wear a jersey that didn’t have the name ‘Hughes’ and his number printed on it ever again.
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A/N: Did you guys like the missing tooth reference? One of my favorite lines in this tbh, I just love poking fun at situations like those lol. Anyways, please please please reblog and comment because it means the world to me and makes writing so much more worth it. I hope y’all enjoyed :))
Taglist: @ballsakic @bbbbruins @bbnhlqueen7 @kapriz0v @iwantahockeyhimbo @sebbyaho @heatherawoowoo @matsbarzal @teuvomakesmesmile @grittysbattinggloves @typical-simplelove @diary-of-jj @stars-canucks @besthockeyfics @sidcrosbyspuck @ilyasorokinn @drei-mrssvechii @tanninetanya @insomniren @yagetintoit @2manytabsopen @huggy-hischier4394 @diary-of-kk @estapa94 @spacesurfing
Add yourself to my 18- (SFW) Taglist here!
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babybratzmaraj · 1 month
Agora Hills
Marshawn Lynch starring as Himself
You starring as Yourself
Summary: You and Marshawn are in New York! You two returned to the hotel room to indulge in some beautiful activities
This fic contains: stronggg sexual content, heavy amounts of negro tongue,lil bit of drug use, you get called a bitch once, pet names, some nasty shit thanks to my clit!
A/N: I have no words. imma whore and the world shall know I'm such, under this name LKJHGFVBNJK like comment reblog for more, and as always folks, have a black ass day.
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song that inspired this here:
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Taglist: @megamindsecretlair
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You walked into the hotel room with Marshawn trailing behind you smiling at your giddiness. Marshawn had a business opportunity to expand his ‘Beast Mode’ franchise and wanted you to come, fuck that, he forced you to come along with him. He loved you dearly and be damned if he left yo pretty ass at home, so he dragged you to the big apple, New York City! Didn’t think you’d love it but you were having fun and enjoying yourself, your man made sure of that.
“That fuckin’ manly ass boy kept taking up space in that fuck ass elevator,” You finally said what was on your mind. You, Your man, a family of 4, and a 6-foot man crowded the elevator and you were tired of it already, your man shielded you once he realized that you were uncomfortable around him. He was just standing too fuckin close.
“Glad you waited till you was in here, I damn near had to cover your mouth in that damn thing.” He rolled his eyes plopping down on the bed and you giggled at how many times he had to squeeze your hand on that long elevator ride to keep your mouth shut.
You kicked off your jeans and joined him on the bed, straddling him, smiling at each other before you laid your head on his chest. “Lemme get a taste baby,” you heard him beg, taking his big long arms and grabbing two handfuls of your ass, massaging them both softly.
“No!” You laughed
“Why not?”
“Because I’m dirty! we been out all day, been sweating and shit, bout ready to throw this wig off and call it a night.”
“Ain't nun wrong with a little seasoning,” he shrugged his shoulders as you erupted into laughter.
He didn’t care if you were sweating all day, freezing your tits off, or sat down too long, if he wanted to eat you, he would, and you would love every single millisecond of it, life too short to not enjoy some head every now and then from someone. You rose up and sat perfectly in his lap, flipping your hair over into a side part, you fiddled with your nails to avoid eye contact.
Your trip prep consisted of cheap but good shit, your nails came from Walmart, your wig came from Amazon, and the clothes you wore you were either forced to buy when you touched down in new york or his clothes he didn’t care if you wore, He didn’t like the shit one bit, ‘the best shit for my favorite woman’ is what he would alllllways say when he caught you buy shit from the low, but you felt bad, you didn’t grow up with shit and hated asking others for help, you didn’t like being dependent on other people because you were afraid of them throwing it back into your face.
But he was different, he wanted to spoil you, he wanted you to have his card and enjoy yourself, get you a fat burrito bowl from Chipotle with a side of Fries and a Hi-C from McDonald’s, it felt nice but you hated him spending his money on you.
“Come here,” he said, raising to help you off the bed and readjust his shirt that you wore, and man you wore it good. You wore his jersey from his football days and you were shocked that you could fit it and it fit you well, hugging your curves and hiding your tummy, which he hated but he wanted you to be his happy princess.
He held your hand all the way to the balcony, looking down at the tiny world, the giddy people walking around, the cars and taxi cabs zooming around and cutting corners, everyone looked like legos and you chuckled at every other person doing emotes and shit.
“Look at this,” he trailed behind you, wrapping his arms around your body, holding you tightly like a warm teddy bear. “This shit is beautiful, even the sky,” You look up and damn it was beautiful. The clouds danced with the stars, twinkling to a rhythm that Black Jesus had his choir sing to the heavens rooftops, the sunset shining through the colorful sky and painting an ethereal picture right in front of your eyes. You were glad he picked the 16th floor just for this view, you’d do anything to see it on a daily basis.
He spun you around and your eyes met his, you saw the sunshine on his face, giving his skin golden kisses all over his face. You gave him quick pecks on the cheek but he wanted more, he grabbed the right side of your face and guided it to his lips, kissing you so sloppily and beautifully, his tongue dancing with yours as he held you closer to him, his hunger for you growing more and more.
You whined as he pulled away from the kiss, leaning forward to get more of him. “Pleaseee, I want some moreee.”
“Why you being impatient? and Do you not know your words?” He questioned you, throwing your head in a frenzy.
He cupped your face in his hand and placed more kisses on you, trailing them from your neck down to your stomach.
“I love when you wear my jersey, I love it even more when I get to fuck you in it.” He smiled up at you and you met him with a flustered grin. Another thing he loved was you wearing his clothes, at first he hated it because you kept taking his good clothes, but the more you took, the more he fell in love with the idea, even to the point that he would take you shopping with him and purposely pick the clothes you chose because you both knew you were going to steal it.
He tugged your panties off, you shook your legs to make it easier for him. A cool breeze distracted you by sending shivers throughout your body. He hooked your left leg onto his shoulder as he dove into you, flicking his tongue on your clit over and over again.
You threw as your hair blew with the wind, dancing in the breeze as he ate you earnestly, moving his tongue wherever your body moved too. You moaned into the air as a smile grew wider on your face, you gyrated your hips in a circle, chasing his tongue around to get him to where you wanted him to be. “Fuck,” You hissed when he finally inserted his two middle fingers inside of you, pumping them deep into you.
He unhooked your leg from his shoulder as he rose to tower you, not fuckin up his motion, he gripped your throat and smushed his lips on yours, his tongue desperately searching for yours but you just couldn’t keep your mouth shut long enough.
He jerked your head forward to look him in his eyes, “You finna cum babygirl? You finna cum all over daddy’s fingers?”
“Yes, Yes, Fuck yes!” You chanted while fucking his fingers, the corner of his lips pulling into a devilish smirk.
He loved watching you cum, the way your body danced with your orgasms, your moans turning into whimpers of pleasure right down to your eyes fluttering like a butterfly in a field of beautiful flowers, You were the flower and he was the boy frolicking through the field enjoying every second of it.
You gripped his shoulder for support with your back pressed against the railing, You opened your eyes to the sight of the beautiful sunset, which was the last thing you saw before he pulled an orgasm out of you, pressing his thumb on your clit and making tiny circles on it. Twitching with every move he made, you grabbed his wrist to steady his hand.
“Fuck, Baby pleaseee,” You begged but he did not listen. Marshawn was a pleaser, always has been always will be, he will not stop until he felt like you were pleased, and you weren’t just yet.
He turned you around so now your tummy was pressed against the railing. He pressed himself against you, sticking his fingers in your mouth, moaning at you suckling on his fingers, “Fuck, Bet you imagined it was me huh?”
“Mhm,” You moaned around his fingers, letting out small yelps every time his hand connected with your asscheeks. He took his fingers out of your mouth to prop your hands on the railing, parting your legs a decent distance, he dropped his pants to free his eager member.
“You think you can stay like this for Daddy?” he asked you, grabbing your hips to perk your butt in the air. He squatted down to take one long look at your pussy, glistening with your essence in the sunset light.
He gave your pussy a couple of licks and kisses before raising up, looking at you, hanging your head low, in desperate need to feel him, to fill you up, to paint a pretty picture inside you. He lined himself up against your wet entrance, preparing his canvas with his precum.
You moaned softly at him slowly filling you up as your eyes fluttered shut, throwing one hand behind you to push him back only resulting in your arm getting pinned behind your back. “You can take me, baby, Just let me take care of you,”
“Nooo,” You protested but it was no good. He was always big, always girthy, and always ready to give it all to you. You’d always fight with him about how much you couldn’t take him, but he’d fucked the worry right out of you.
You felt his free hand wrap around your throat, pushing more into you, finally settling all of his inches in, you clutched around him, snickering at the little moans that escaped his mouth. He planted his feet on the ground and started to fuck you relentlessly, starting at your ass as he watched his lower half collide with your ass, watching it ripple repeatedly was the most satisfying sight he could’ve ever laid eyes on.
You moaned silently to be mindful of the other residents of this hotel but he wasn’t having none of that,
“Nuh-uh,” He moaned in a low tone, propping his leg on the chair, rocking his hips into you slowly to make you talk. “Lemme hear you, let the world know good I’m making my bitch feel.” you granted his wish, letting all of the moans you suppressed leave your mouth.
He paused his motion, slowly sliding out of you and back in. He releases his grip from your throat and you drop your head, flipping your hair back to get the few strands stuck on your face by the sweat off.
You hear him walking away from you, watering your curiosity about what he was going to do. You look back at him to see him remove his pants and take off his shirt. Adjusting his chain he walked back out to the balcony.
“C’mere,” He commanded, squatting down on one of the chairs that was set out on the balcony, stroking himself while looking directly into your eyes.
You smile as you drop to your knees not breaking eye contact, he smacks his thick dick on your lips, the corners of his mouth raising more by the minute.
You opened your mouth and stuck out your tongue, giving him sultry looks before you took him in your mouth, moaning around him savoring the taste of both of your juices combined.
He let out a deep rugged groan at the feeling of your mouth, moving your hair out of your face, he looked at you with hunger in his eyes.
You wrapped your hands around his dick, jerking him and sucking him at a medium pace. “Good fuckin’ girl,” he praised you in a low growl making you leak onto your thighs. Grabbing your head, he began to thrust himself into your mouth, making you take him deeper and deeper into your throat, making gag noises as he stroked languidly.
You feel him twitch in your throat, signaling that he was close. You put your hands behind your back and looked up at a cheesing Marshawn. “You look so fuckin’ pretty taking me mamas.” He moaned before throwing his head back in pleasure. He only had a few strokes left before he came in your throat, letting out those soft masculine moans that you love so fucking much.
He let out a few more before bobbing your head up and down on him, fuckin his cum further down your throat.
You slowly take him out as you swallow whatever was left, giving him innocent smiles and gave his dick a few kisses. “Damn baby,” he panted, lowering his head to give you quick pecks on the lips, leading down to your collarbone as he reached around to grab a handful of your ass.
You got off your knees and hooked your leg on the chair's railings, aligning him with your entrance, you hooked your other leg as you slid down on him slowly. “Shitttttt,” he curses under his breath at the feeling of you, the two of you moaning as your hunger has been restored.
You braced yourself by wrapping your arms around his neck, bouncing in his lap at a quick pace. He moaned directly into your ear to fuel you more and it did, you loved it when he moaned, every time he moaned anything or sound made you get more riled up, it was your dick and you could do whatever you wanted to it, and you proudly did your shit.
“Fuck, this pussy so good. taking all of daddy’s dick,” he said, snaking his arm up to grip your throat, making you hold eye contact while you continue to ride him. The air felt more humid, the sun still peeking through as a ray of sunshine displayed his chocolate skin glistening with sweat, brightening up his dark brown eyes to a beautiful bright brown.
You felt his twitch inside you and his body tense up, “You better not nut baby, not till I get mines.” You commanded and he obliged, rolling his eyes at your dirty words. “God why you fuckin me like this?” he threw the question in the air making you slow down, gyrating your hips as you slowly bounced up and down, giggling at his face and whimpering that left his plumped lips.
“Aw come on baby,” you cooed at his whimpers, “Can’t take it?”
“I’ll show you who can’t take it,” he said, hooking his arms around your legs and picking you up and flipping you two around so now that you were on the bottom, dangling his chain in your face, he started to fuck you with content in his eyes.
Your eyes rolled back to the back of your skull as you felt him hitting your spot over and over again. “Oh fuck!” you cursed into the air resulting in a smile from Marshawn. “Aw Come on baby, What’s wrong? Can’t take all of me?” he growled, making the pit in your stomach grow wilder.
“Fuck, Fuck, Fuck! I’m finna cum!” you chanted over and over again.
“Hold it- J-just a little bit l-longer.” he threw his head back pleading, matching his strokes with your whimpers.
You hated when he didn’t let you cum, even when you wanted to soooo bad you knew you couldn’t disobey him, the punishment would’ve been something to tell the captain.
He dropped his head to see you cry tears of pleasure, in love with the beautiful sight of you taking him and all of him, he could look at this all day long. “Cum.” was all that was needed as you both had your climax together, the sounds leaving his mouth sounded like heaven to your ears and harmonized with yours as he painted your walls with his cum.
He softly collapsed on top of you still inside you, holding you close as he rocked his hips into you. “Oh my god,”
“Oh my god indeed.” He laughed, giggling at you whimpering as he slowly pulled out, his nut oozing out of your pussy.
He left the balcony for a few minutes and returned with a warm towel to wipe you clean, planting kisses on your forehead as he sat beside you on the other chair, grabbing the blunt from earlier that was resting in the ashtray.
You flipped over to your side and stared at him, admiring what kind of man you scored, you felt like the most luckiest girl in the world to have him, to be cared about, to feel loved, to be adored by someone who didn’t care how big you were, you were his, wasn’t nothing changing that.
You two started at the sunset with each other taking turns to hit the blunt, it wasn't a damn thing that could dim your happiness, not even a negative Nancy that was yelling at you two from below, you both snickering before running back inside the room, shutting the door and jumping into bed.
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rain0tes · 4 months
Hi hi love your hacker reader a bit too much it's great!! What would be their reaction to sir pentious trying to join the hotel? And the little eggbois once he starts staying there for real?
Hacker!reader's reaction to Sir Pentious trying to join the hotel.
Hacker!reader actually comes in after the heaven vs. hell battle, when Pentious has already been redeemed. This is an alternate scenario where you've been in the hotel a few weeks before Pentious makes an appearance.
Warnings: mature language and jokes, mentions of violence (although nothing too explicit), all the obvious hazbin stuff
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You've been at the Hazbin Hotel for a few weeks. Although not fully convinced by the idea of redemption, having a roof over your head while easing into your new life (or afterlife) was nice.
You find a friend in most of the other wayward souls in the hotel, especially Charlie, who was more than excited when you show up.
The actual story starts when Pentious comes crashing into the hotel the first time. Literally.
You were having tea with Alastor out on the balcony when you feel the ground below yourself shake.
"Show yourself, Alastor."
That earns the radio demon a side eye from you, which he only shrugs at.
You see the others go outside in your peripheral, wanting to check out what the commotion was about. You shrug and head down as well, actually using the stairs since not everyone can just warp through shadows.
You stand beside Alastor, squinting at the giant blimp as they conversed.
"When I've slain you, the almighty Vee's will finally acknowledge me as their equal."
"Ooh! Wait, who are the Vee's?"
"Aren't they that tacky trio with the crap network security?"
"They're no one important."
One beating later, Pentious is on the ground after Alastor has decimated his war-blimp...thing.
"Thanks for another forgettable experience."
"Thank...you...for letting your guard down! Haha!"
Pentious rips off a part of Alastors suit, causing you to physically wince.
"Ah, you shouldn't have done that."
You can't help but chuckle when you see him get sent flying.
"Looks like team rockets blasting off again."
You expected that to be the last time you'll be seeing of him (at least in a while), but it seems that fate has other plans when someone comes knocking on the hotels doors only six hours later.
Vaggie was the one to answer, and he almost got skewered upon sight. Charlie seemed excited that he showed up, tho, and somehow you're not surprised.
"Are you fucking nuts? This chump was trying to kill us like, literally six hours ago?"
"Yeah, exactly, are you seriously gonna let this pathetic loser live with us?"
They did, IN FACT, let the boyfailure in the hotel. You weren't too happy about it, and neither was angeldust (bonding through a common enemy).
You can't help but feel that something was odd about him, sensing an electrical device on him that was certainly not a phone. You remained quiet for the time being, if only to please Charlie by playing along with her activities (even if they did make you cringe just a tiny little bit).
You watch him slither sometime in the middle of the night, prompting you to follow him as you take a sip out of a monster energy can.
"A camera? Wow, that's pretty cheap. Certainly doesn't help my already low expectations of the Vee's"
Yeah, you caught him in the act when he was placing the camera. Angeldust already behind you, confronting Pentious while you pick up the device.
You take a screwdriver out of your pocket, disabling the thing but not damaging it, all while the two fight beside you.
Pentious immediately calls for backup once he's been outed to Vaggie and Charlie, only for Vox to laugh in his face.
"If they don't kill you, go ahead and do it yourself you miserable failure."
You immediately snatch the smartwatch. He may be right, Pentious certainly was a failure. But you've already decided that you're the only one who gets to insult him.
"Listen here, you musty little bitch. You either shut the fuck up or I do it for you."
He's tearing up as you throw the meanest sentences he's ever heard to Vox. Some of them even sound poetic to some degree.
"Two thousand years of constant human evolution only to make some simple minded cunt."
Immediately refers to you as his best friend after this. You waged war on an overlord of hell for him. There's no take backsies.
For once, there's someone in the hotel who's not actively looking out for you, but you're the one looking out for him instead.
You two would share ideas ALL the time.
One thing you'd accomplish together is making a clone of you. He made the android, you made the A.I it would run on.
"Would it technically be mastur-"
"Don't you dare continue that sentence."
The main difference is that the Vee's know who you are in this one. Actively waging war against them instead of remaining anonymous. All because you've decided that the weird boyloser snake is actually kind of endearing.
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I might make another part to this one where the reader participates in the hell vs heaven battle.
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persefolli · 1 year
Part 2 on Old Flame and Karmas a bitch
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐓𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐢 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐑𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐌𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲, 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭:@iwanttogohomeandtakeanap, @ms5m1th, @18lkpeters, @isimpforfictionalppl, @yukichan67, @laylasbunbunny, @jakesullyscocksleeve, @neteyamyawne, @fanboyluvr
𝐊𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐚'𝐬 𝐀 𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 | 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Ronal watched one of her students closely. Noting her silky hair and flat nose. She tilted her head, observing how she maneuvered the small dolls to play with them, gracefully. She was different from the other children, seemingly not wanting to roughhouse and use the school toys harshly. Something that was probably taught from her father.
Ronal could only bare to look at the child from one angle, because one wrong glance and she looked just like you. She preferred to see Tonowari’s side, to get a good idea of what their child would’ve looked like.
A son would do. One that would certainly knock your daughter out of the line of succession for good.
At the end of the school day the children would run to their parents,and Ronal used that time to sneak glances at Tonowari from the doorway. He didn't even bother to really look up at her during dismissal but he showed up to all performances and conferences, which means her presence didn't bother him ….right?
The two didn’t interact much, even after the whole incident as teens. Ronal had to take her loss and move on. But she never stopped observing how much he's grown. He’d gotten tall, had tattoos all over his body and face. He wore a large chest piece that fitted him perfectly, and his hair was consistently braided. Ronal knew it was wrong to fawn over her students father, but she couldn’t help it. She wanted to so badly weave his silky hair, and trace his tattoos, in even the most taboo spots.
But there you were. Crouching right next to Tonowari, enveloping your daughter in your arms. Her eyes narrowed as she watched your hand make its way around his waist and his around yours.
Silently she walked back into the classroom and prepared for the weekend.
“Can I stay up late!” Your daughter bounced up and down in front of Tonowari. He smiled and kneeled, attempting to match her height.
“What is today?”
“And that means?”
“I can stay up late!” The both of them cheered and fell into laughter.
“Does this mean you're hanging out with your best friends?”
You came walking in and placed your hand on your daughter's head.
“Yes I am.” Tonowari said gracefully, looking up at you for approval. To this day you didn't know why Tonowari asked for your permission to go out. As Olo’eyktan you urged him to unwind when weekends came.
“Have fun.” Your daughter said before running off.
You giggled and Tonowari stood, hovering over you. “You sure you don't want to go out this time?” He asked.
“I'm fine. Now go! Your friends are waiting.”
He placed two quick kisses on your lips before leaving.
Tonowari made his way to the other side of the reef, where many na’vi went for nightlife activities. Dinners, dances, music, casual hang out spots too. Before the two of you had children both of you frequented the spot. The things the two of you did in this area of the village might even be why your daughter came to existence.
Tonowari smiled brightly and greeted his friends. He enjoyed times like these, where everyone could turn a blind eye and allow the Olo’eyktan to be normal for once.
What he didn't know is that Ronal was also in the bar. Going every weekend a few hours after work to see if she could sneak a glance at Tonowari. If she couldn't find him she hung with his friends, which eventually led to her sleeping with them, but even that was to feel that she had a piece of Tonowari.
She sat in that same spot all night, warding off compliments from men and women who just wanted to have a conversation. Hours passed and Tonowaris friend group dwindled, going down from the five of them, to three, to just him and another friend.
“I'm going to the bathroom.”
Ronal’s ear perked up and she turned to watch Tonowaris friend walk off. She stood quickly and took a breath before walking up. “Tonowari?” She asked in a semi-pitched voice.
He turned around and the corner of his lips twitched. “Ronal. Funny seeing you here.”
“Very.” She laughs
Tonowari shifted in his seat, somewhat weary about this interaction. “You teach my daughter.” He mentions.
“Yes. She's a little sweetheart, looks just like her father.” She jokes.
“I beg to differ. That's all Y/n.”
Ronals face slightly dropped at the mention of your name but she quickly snapped it back. A few moments of silence passed before she huffed “Things are rough? Yes?”
“No, what makes you think that?”
“Oh. I just- This is a place where people come to wind down so I assumed-”
“You assumed right.” He let out a deep sigh and shook his head. “It does get hard.”
Ronal smiled slightly, knowing that her plan might actually work.
“And you only unwind once every few weeks. That can't be healthy.” She said trying her best to resonate with him.
Tonowari shrugs, not really catching on.
“Have you tried other things?”
His eyebrow quirked. “I've tried almost everything.”
“Even with your wife?”
Tonowari gave Ronal a look that was indecipherable. She couldn't tell if he was angry, offended, or taken aback. “Not- Well-.”
“It's not uncommon for Olo'eyktan's to search elsewhere for that relief.”
Tonowari let out a low groan and looked ahead.
“Keep your options open. Is all I'm saying.” She takes a sip of her drink.
“So you're saying if I experiment…it may make things easier.”
Ronal nods. She then takes a seat in the chair across from him. “I know things don't always go to plan,” Her eye twitches thinking of her own plan. “So what's better than to have a little fun, away from the responsibilities. Something to ground you.”
Tonowari nods, seemingly understanding.
Ronal felt her heart flutter. She then looks over and sees his friend approaching again. “I'll leave you be.” She said standing and walking off, swaying her hips a little extra just in case he was watching.
Tonowari left not too long after, but Ronal was ecstatic. She managed to plant the idea of an affair in his mind, which meant she wouldn’t have to do much next Friday night.
The week went by fast, and as soon as she got home she dressed nicely and prepared herself to go to the bar. Once she arrived, she laid her eyes on Tonowari, sitting in the midst of his friends. She smiled to herself and turned her back to him, sitting at the bar. This time around she was much more talkative, and outgoing.
All night she waited, until it was just Tonowari and his single friend again. “Be right back.” She heard him say. She turned her back towards him, sitting up at the bar and waited.
Her eyebrows began to furrow when she noticed time was going by and he hadn’t noticed her.
“That's a pretty name. Are you here alone?”
Her heart dropped and her ears perked up. She turned around and saw Tonowari standing over another woman, hand on her cheek. She couldn't hear the woman's response but Tonowari smiled brightly, pushing her loose hair behind her ear. “I know a spot not too far from here. Care to join me?”
This wasn't a part of her plan, but maybe this was another method to break your spirits. Watching the two walk off, she quickly downed her drink and followed the two to a secluded part of the reef.
“Olo’eyktan.” The woman purred once she stopped in an open area. “Is your wife expecting you?” She asked in an almost scolding tone.
“No. I’m allowed to let loose on weekends.”
“Meaning with your friends, not women.”
Tonowari chuckled slightly. “Let’s just say this is a little secret of mine.”
Ronal watched the whole scene unfold in front of her eyes. Tonowari standing in front of the woman, with her back facing Ronal. He trailed his hands down her arms before making way to the back of her neck, where he untied her top.
The woman dropped to her knees once her top was untied, using her fingers to unwind Tonowari’s cloth.
“You’re so pretty, you know that?” He said in a low voice.
The woman smiled up at him. Tonowari sprung free in front of her, at which Ronal marveled at the sight. She opened her mouth and Tonowari pushed in without giving it much thought. He groaned, and guided her head to bob up and down on him. Somewhat rough.
She gagged and gargled on his length and gripped onto his thighs for support. “You got it.” He encouraged her. “You swallow what I give you and I'll reward you like a good girl.”
The woman let out an excited whine, before using her hands to twist and stroke him while sucking his length.
Tonowari’s legs began to tremble, and he let out a loud yell, releasing into the woman's mouth.
She squealed and panted, swallowing his seed. He used his thumb to clean the corners of her mouth.
“Turn around.” Tonowari sank to the ground behind the woman and lined up at her entrance.
She yelped and placed her hand on Tonowari’s arm, but his hand shot up and gripped her neck tightly. He slid into her with ease, causing her to moan out loudly.
“Shh!” He hushed her. “You don’t want anyone hearing you do you?”
“No.” She whimpered and adjusted herself on Tonowari’s length.
“Good.” He yanked her back and locked lips with her, thrusting into her and shutting her up simultaneously. His grip tightened around her neck, holding her close to his chest as he pounded into her. She whimpered and whined into his mouth. “You like that don't you?” He gritted out. She moaned out in response, twisting her arm to press her hand flat against his pelvis in attempt to slow him down.
“You being ungrateful? I try to reward you and you reject me?”
“N-No!’” She screams out.
“Then take it!” He says harshly while snapping his hips forward. “You wanted to be my slut. M’gonna treat you like one. Thank me.”
“T-Thank you Olo’eyktan.” She blubbered to him. Tonowari leaned down to press a tender kiss to the woman's lips while thrusting into her. “I’m close!” She squealed.
Ronal watched in intriguement and in horror at how roughly he fucked into the woman. She had never seen this side of him, she never thought he could get like that. If he was unleashing all of this on a random woman, he couldn't possibly be doing it with Y/n right?
“Fuck!” He let out a guttural yell before spilling inside of the woman.
Ronal gasped, at how reckless the decision was. Tonowari snapped his head over but Ronal ducked, afraid of being caught.
He turned back around and groaned, leaning and pressing a kiss to the woman’s cheek. The air was thick with pants until the woman broke the silence.
“We have to do this more often.” She heaved.
Tonowari placed a kiss on her forehead. “Enjoyed it that much hm?”
She nods. “What wife wouldn't want to be fucked ruthlessly by their husband.”
Ronal peeked back over the bushes and finally got a better look at the woman. It was Y/n! This whole time…it was Y/n. She seemed slimmer, and her hair was…different.
This is what she got for paying no mind to you.
“Now I'm thinking next weekend we can turn the heat up.” You smiled.
Tonowari nods. “Maybe some weaving lessons? I got this new trick I can do with my fingers.”
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sugawhaaa · 9 days
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Under your spell
{Brithday special Chapter 1/2}
‼️WARNINGS:: suggestive, talk of sexual abuse/assault
💄Pairing::Idol!Yeosang x stripper!fem!reader
👠Genre:: lap dance, flirting, stripping (duh) I think that's it but please notify me if I missed anything :)
💋A/N:: This chapter is one of two. The second chapter will be erm yk actually doing it but this chapter is the layout of the story and where u are etc etc so if you just want to read the smut you can go to chapter 2. Chapter 2 will be posted on Yeosangs birthday because this is a birthday special!!!
There was no doubt that Yeosang's friends were somewhat more sexually active, we'll put it. Yeosang isn't oblivious to sex and he isn't a virgin but when it comes to super kinky things he is still testing the waters. His friends on the other hand were already swallowed by the waters. They've been to many clubs including strip clubs, they've been to sex hotels, sex stores, etc. When Yeosang's birthday rolled around they decided to give him a big surprise, perhaps the biggest you can give a man.
They booked out a personal room in a strip club, picking a specific girl that perfectly matched Yeosang's type of woman. They picked Yeosang up at his house and drove him to the location of his "birthday party" where more of his friends were waiting. Eventually, everyone gathered outside the strip club and Yeosang's face burned red.
"This…this is where my party is at?" He asked in disbelief. San nodded with a smile before hugging him, squeezing him hard.
"You're officially the big 25!" He said as he squeezed the life out of his hyung. He let go of him and smiled.
"Y-Yeah," Yeosang couldn't shake the fact they were at a strip club. His heart was racing. His hyungs led him inside and took him to the front desk. Yeosang pulled at the collar of his shirt, trying to get some air. Seonghwa gave the receptionist the information for their reservation and some staff led them to the private room.
On the way there Yeosang couldn't help but notice the main area of the club. Big groups of guys gathered around a girl on a stage. She barely wore anything except massive heels and he felt the need to look away from the way her body moved.
Finally they were all led to the private room. Soft music played with drinks were placed in a bowl of ice on the side tables. Yeosang didn't know where to go first or what to expect. He just stared at the small stage in the center of the room with a long metal pole, a circular couch around the stage. He bit his lip and one of his hyungs put an arm around his shoulders.
"I know it's a lot at first," hongjoong smiled before taking a sip of his wine. "But trust me you'll love it," he nodded before patting Yeosangs back for reassurance.
"So how does this work exactly?" Yeosang looked up at Hongjoong who definitely had experience at these places.
"There's not much to it. We basically just sit around the woman and watch her dance," Hongjoong shrugs. "It's a little stiff at first but once we start getting into the vibe it's amazing," he smiles at the birthday boy. Yeosang chuckles nervously and runs his hand through his hair.
"Right…" he looks back at the stage.
"C'mon let's go sit, she'll be here soon," Hongjoong takes his hand and leads him to the couch. The two of them sit together and have just a few drinks when you finally make your entrance. You come through the main door and shut it behind yourself. Deep down you're a little nervous, you've never had so many people in a private room with you. Most of your colleagues say the more the merrier, it's more fun when there's multiple people all having a good time but now that you're seeing all these people you're questioning them.
Hongjoong turns back to look at you and he waves kindly. You smile and walk over to him, bending down to his level from behind the couch. Yeosang stiffly turns to look at you as well but as soon as you bend over he can see basically all of your breasts. He instantly flushes and looks back at your face.
"You're the one who was booking this room right?" You ask, trying to be louder than the music without yelling. Hongjoong nods.
"That's me," he smiles before putting a hand on Yeosang's shoulder. "This here is the birthday boy though," Hongjoong chuckles as he pats his shoulder. Your attention is drawn to him and he instantly freezes up. His heart caught in his throat enabling him to speak.
"Oh~ I'll keep that in mind," you smirk and Yeosang chuckles nervously. "What's your name cutie?" You smile as you rest your forearms on the head of the couch.
"Yeosang," he blushes as he looks you up and down again.
"Yeosang," you smile. "Well I hope you enjoy tonight~" you extend your hand out to him and his body shuts down, freezing in place. You stroke some stray hairs out of his face and tuck them behind his ear. The feeling of your fingers on the back of his ear is enough to make his blood rush. You then notice the birthmark under his eye. Your eyes linger on it for a moment. "Is that a scar?" You ask, genuinely curious. Yeosang is still stuck in your trance but once his hyung hits his shoulder he comes to, realizing you asked him a question.
"I-Its a birthmark," he nods with a shy smile. You rub your thumb over the red mark.
"It's so pretty," you smile before coming back down to earth. "Well I suppose you're not here for idle chit chat are ya?" You chuckle and stand up again. You walk over to the stage and instantly all the attention is drawn to you.
You begin your little performance, starting with a little warm up to loosen up your muscles. There were a lot of people at the party so naturally not everyone's eyes were on you which was kind of a nice feeling. But as your dance got more intense and more erotic people started sitting around the stage, cheering and even throwing a bit of cash. You kept an eye on Yeosang. knowing that this was his party, You wanted him to have a good time. He seemed to loosen up a bit throughout the show which was a good start. You decided to turn things up a notch and step away from the poke for a while. You went around to the edge of the stage and interacted with some of the guests. Nothing major but little seductive movements and gently touching them on their shoulders or cheek.
It got the guests quite excited and you could see how much fun they were having now. Finally you got around to Yeosang's side of the stage and you laid down on the stage, making eye contact with him. You swing your legs around and hop off the stage. You stand in front of him before leaning down, rubbing your hands up his thighs.
At first he was star struck from the attention but as you continued to feel him up he started getting into it. You then turned to sit on his lap, grinding your hips against him to the rhythm of the song. You could feel his erection straining against his pants press into your ass. Yeosang tossed his head back and finally put his hands on you. He hesitantly lifted one of his hands up to caress your waist. You turned your head to look at him, he looked purely under your spell as you gazed into each other's eyes. You caress his jawline, guiding his face closer to yours before standing back up again.
You went to the stage and continued your dance. As the end of the party drew near some of the guests began losing interest in your dancing which was honestly okay with you. You can't expect everyone to be constantly drawn to only you, but there was one person who couldn't keep his eyes off of you. Yeosang stayed on the couch the entire time, subtly moving the fabric of his pants to rub on his boner.
Then the lights changed color in the room. The entire time they'd been here the lights were purple and red and now they're green, meaning their time is up. Everyone started packing up and getting ready to leave. Yeosang bit his lip hard before standing up, turning his back to you. You stopped dancing and watch as his band mates come over to talk to him.
"How was that Yeosang!" Mingi wrapped an arm around Yeosang with a bottle of wine in his other hand.
"It was fun," Yeosang smiled softly at Mingi. Mingi's ears were bright red and he looked like he was about to pass out from the amount of alcohol he just drank in the past 2 hours.
"She was so hot," Jongho sighed as he gathered up some of the alcohol they brought. "You're one lucky guy Yeosang," he smiles. Jongho's eyes were also glowing red but he acted far more sober than Mingi. By far the most wasted though was San. His eyes were hazy, his face was pure red, and he kept swaying as he was standing next to Seonghwa and Wooyoung.
"Seriously San you need to be careful," Seonghwa said as he cleaned up his face with a napkin. You notice the state of San and walk over to the three men.
"Is he okay? Do you want a glass of water?" You ask as you place a hand on his shoulder. San let's out a groan as he nods his head. You go back to the stage quickly and retrieve a plastic water bottle from underneath it. You also grab a robe while you're at it. You hurry back over and open the water bottle for San. Wooyoung takes it before helping San take a drink out of it.
You throw your robe on while Seonghwa thanks you.
"Thank you so much," Seonghwa says with a bow.
"Don't worry about it," you chuckle and swish your hand as if to brush off the gratitude from him.
"I think I'm gonna hurl," San mutters out when Wooyoung takes the bottle from his mouth. Wooyoung panics and looks around for a bucket or something. You overhear his words and get a garbage bin from the corner of the room before handing it to him. You turn to look away from San as he vomits into the bin. Seonghwa and Wooyoung join San in the corner comforting him.
"So sorry about that," Hongjoong apologizes with a worried expression.
"Don't worry about it. This happens all the time," you explain as you try to tune out the sound of San puking in the background. Hongjoong keeps apologizing but you keep telling him it's alright. While your talking with Hongjoong Yeosang can't help but stare at you. He keeps looking you up and down, admiring every inch of your body as you talk. "Does he have a safe ride home?" You ask genuinely concerned for all of their health due to the amount of alcohol they all chugged in the past 2 hours.
"Yeah, were waiting for our manager to arrive," hongjoong chuckles embarrassed. "Apparently there's some traffic so we might be here a while," Hongjoong says with an apologetic expression.
"Don't worry about it. Make yourselves comfortable," you smile before heading back over to the couch. "This was my last shift so I'm packing up myself," you explain and the members follow you like ducklings. They're all eager to hang out with a hot stripper after hours. They sit on the couch and go on their phones and talk amongst themselves, except for one member. Yeosang. He's just stuck in a daze and you decide to go up to him. "Is everything alright Yeosang?" You ask warmly and sit next to him on the far side of the couch.
"Y-Yeah, I'm good," he blushes and avoids making eye contact.
"Did my dance earlier bother you? Ever since I did that I've noticed you've been acting differently. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable," you apologize sincerely with a bow. Yeosang instantly shakes his head and waves his hands around.
"No, no! It was amazing! It's just…" he pauses and looks down. You look at him eager to hear his response. You hold his shaking hand to comfort him.
"What's up?" You ask softly.
The two of you then get interrupted by Hongjoong.
"Alright guys, the vans parked out front,"
Yeosang looks upset as he turns to Hongjoong. You can both sense the chemistry in the air. Yeosang doesn't want to leave and you don't want him to leave either.
"I'll stay back," Yeosang blurts out without thinking. Hongjoong raises an eyebrow at him before seeing him sitting right next to you, your hands interlocked. Hongjoong nods with a wink before rounding up the members. You look into Yeosangs eyes as you hear the members all leave the room, the door slamming shut leaving the two of you alone.
"You were going to say something?" You look at him with alluring eyes. His lips part to speak but nothing comes out. He looks down at his knees. You rub his thigh gently to comfort him. His eyes follow your hands movements, looking at your long slender fingers filled with strength due to your dancing talent.
"I just wanted to say, tonight was an eye opening experience," he starts. His words are cautiously spoken as he takes deep breaths. "I've never been to a place like this. I was honestly a little afraid but," he looks up into your eyes with determination. "I've never felt so connected with a woman before. I-I just want to hang out with you," he admits with red cheeks. "I know it sounds crazy, but I…I feel like I'll regret it if I leave you," he holds your hand tightly. You tilt your head before lifting your hand from his leg, stroking back his hair.
"Honestly, I was going to say the same thing," you smile and he looks at you surprised. "Most men that come in here are rich middle aged men who think they're entitled to everything," you explain as you hold his hand. You can feel Yeosang relax as his breaths slow down. "When someone like you walked in I was so intrigued. You were shy, and respectful. You seemed to truly love me, not just my body," you smiled and his heart skipped about a thousand beats. His face flushes, the compliments circling in his head. "I just needed to learn more about you,"
Yeosangs eyes brighten as he looks at you. He wants to make a move. Pull you close, kiss you, touch you, feel you, anything. He didn't know what to do. He started to speak but he only stuttered over his words. He didn't know what to say.
He felt like he was under your spell.
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the-moon-files · 6 months
Linked Universe / GN!Reader - Random Headcanons abt the Chain! :)
Part 1 / Part 2 (ur here!) / Part 3
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Sun: Reader (you/they/them)
Orbit: Headcanons-ish
Stars: Hyrule, Time, Fierce Deity, Twilight, Warriors
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: light cussing, & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Hyrule (The Legend of Zelda - OG game, Zelda II: Adventures of Link):
Lost easily, obviously, you know this
What you didnt know was that its very easy to get lost with him
Bc he's so excited/curious for new sights he doesnt give any fucks abt where he is, so it devolves into that "wait, I thought YOU were leading us there?? Then where tf are we??!!" very quickly
Does feel bad he stressed u out smtimes but he somehow manages to get into such wild shit that Hyrule's kinda preoccupied being confused/amazed/finding his way out, or any combo of these situations (once again, usually with you unfortunately)
Is the luckiest when it comes to getting lost or anything to do with "natural" things
Like he heard u rlly like this one fruit? Accidentally gets lost all day and panics all the Links + You until he shows up at midnight with a shirtful of them
("I found a few fruit trees/plants in the woods while wandering! I tried to grab a few for you and before I knew it, it was dark, sorry...")
Likes learning little skills from other people, like learning how to do makeup from Legend, or how to spot collections of rupees the Minish have left somewhere from Four, or how walk on any terrain from Wind (good at walking on a ship, on land, climbing etc)
More of a "sunset" hiker than a "sunrise" one
Likes to do your hair! Whether that be braiding, putting accessories (he handmade shhh) thruout it, or helping with hair maintenance, likes how strangely intimate but domestic it feels together with you (u return the favor ofc)
(All the other heroes are looking at you both like kicked puppies jfcccc🙄)
Time (Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask):
Gets anxious if he's late to things, likes being fashionably early (or ungodly, when u let him get away with it)
Has absolutely been that meme from Parks and Recreation where he's like "Alright. I'm not mad, I just wanna know. Who broke it?"
(Abt the coffee pot for the camp)
Knowing full and well-
"I broke it. It burnt my coffee for the 3rd morning in a row, so I punched it. I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with war paint on their faces and a moblin head on a stick. ...good. It was getting a little chummy around here."
MF LOVES GOSSIP (wouldn't admit this even at swordpoint)
Wars has absolutely been the person in the meme of:
Wars: "...why would you tell me this??"
Time: "Bc no one will ever believe you."
Wars: ...😦
Has a resting bitch face and knows it, actively cultivates it, scary dog privileges for you,
Type to take ur side in whatever situation ur in, even when Time has no idea whats going on, always, without question <3
The same height as First, (Twi's a close 2nd), and feels most secure when the 3 of you are at the front of the group, but First/Time are slightly in front of you
Like ur literally the person walking their 2 huge scary doobermans/mastiffs one leash in each hand basically 💀
(Once again, Link is deeply comforted by ur voice just over his shoulder/just hearing u even without seeing you)
Very subtly sarcastic, u dont even know he made a dig at you until 3-5 business days later
Likes ur sarcasm more than anyone else's in the group, or even his own lol
Fierce Deity (Majora's Mask):
Likes music, any music (amused at drunk karaoke)
Casually cradles ur arms or back whenever ur falling asleep/tripping/being clumsy near him
Very warm and smoothed calloused hands
Thinks abt what he's about to say so hard/long, that the conversation's moved on by like, 3 rounds/subject changes by the time he's actually ready to talk
Scolds ppl (in like a sentence) who neglect their needs, like sleeping/eating/hygiene
Finds peace in nature, if hes ever upset, u can bet he's already taking a walk by a stream
Likes teaching u/other Links little skills he has, its nice to feel appreciated/needed for something other than fighting or big moments
He falls in love with small moments, like the first time u made them all a dessert recipe from ur world, or repaired First's scarf (for the millioneth time) and bc everyone had gotten their clothes scratched up, everyone needed repairs so most Links were sewing smth lol
Enjoys watching ppl experience smth for the first time, or even himself exp smth for first time
Fierce smiled fully for the first time when you got into the mountain hot springs in Wild's Hyrule for the first time and were super excited
Also the type to hold ur hand while stepping in to make sure u dont fall, or just subtly boost a Link that was abt to fall from climbing smth
Like for being the tallest, he's surprisingly sneaky, the energy of the biggest cat in the house yet somehow also the quietest
Does that thing where someone takes ur hand and like massages ur fingers, palm, wrist and shakes them out kinda for you <3
Twilight (Twilight Princess):
Trips UP the stairs.
Cold start LMAO
ok ill be nice to him,, sike
Easy to bully?? U mean that kindly, he's just such a golden retriever sometimes u cant help urself (tho u make sure to reign it in and not take advantage of it so as not to genuninely hurt him)
Lol likes to "herd" his favorite people, like those dogs livestock farmers have u kno that they say end up herding their owners/their family lol
Like making subtle circles around the Chain, wrapping an arm around Hyrule and teasing him to quietly bring him back into the group before he gets lost,
Tugs on Time's armor to slow him down, mf may be in armor head to toe but he'll outpace all of u 💀
Likes to put his hand on ur lower back to guide u back into the group from whatever scenic thing u got distracted by
(so sue you, ur literally in The Legend of Zelda's Hyrule, surrounded by pretty blondes, why tf wouldnt you be distracted all the time??)
The only time he doesnt herd actively is in Ordon, just subconciously lol <3
Terrible sleep schedule, but sleeps like the dead when he does, has collapsed with a limb on top of you and u couldnt escape
Hard time waking up in the morning despite being country boy, who usually have to do chores first thing in morning on a farm
hates/envious of Wild (up at 5am even on days off?? Foul.)
Runs warm, but complains abt a slight breeze?
Would sleep with no covers if it werent for morning dew
Wishes cats liked him more (its the wolf smell)
Twi has the constant energy of a tall person carefully maneuvering around cluttered/low doorways while someone a head shorter runs by him and bounces off of him
U get onto/scold the Links and he's immediately the first to just sit on the ground, or put down whatever he's holding no matter what he's doing LMAO 😭😭
Keeps his eyes on u too the whole time lol
Warriors (Hyrule Warriors):
Cries over romance novels/dramas
A virgo in all stereotypes of the word tbh
Invented the red-string conspiracy theory board before the red-string conspiracy board existed in Hyrule
Also likes to take care of your hair! (What?? He and 'Rulie don't fight over ur hair, that'd be childish, he's not a foolish boy- Hyrule, hand over the brush.👹)
Remembers the little things abt u type of person, like ur favorite drink, ur favorite stories like tv shows/books even if theyre from ur world, ur favorite clothing pieces like shorts vs. pants, etc.
The only Link who can single handedly claim he could take your closet and dress you in something you'd actually wear.
Honestly once he got the hang of it, would get better at dressing you, than you
(Another domestic thing he adores, picking outfits for u/finding that perfect piece of clothing you've been needing lately)
Born to night-owl, forced to morning-bird 😔
Wars wakes up stiff sometimes bc soldier training is sleeping on ur back, hands to ur sides, laying straight in ur bed, so as to fit into bunks/bedrolls close together
It got better as he was promoted to Captain, so he could have his own quarters but its still a hard habit to shake
One of the few Links who works up the courage to genuinely pitfully ask if you'd mind massaging his shoulders again? He slept badly last night, please?? 🥺👉👈
(Ur so weak for pathetic hurting pretty blonde twinks lol)
The most lowkey abt taking care of Chain, but u make sure to take care of him as a gift back, and you've definitely caught him tearing up abt it 💖
Debated writing smth else first but figured this was easy and short and i started it first so youll have to wait like one more post before more Masc Reader stuff guys 😔
Dw its coming, i havent abandoned u my homies out there 🫂
Let me know what u think in the comments of my slight characterizations here!
Im struggling to conceptualize their personalities so thats acc part of why i started to write smaller stuff like this first! :)
Peace out,
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strawhatkia · 11 months
lip gloss, lil mama.
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INCLUDES ! sero hanta, katsuki bakugo, mirio togata, hitoshi shinsou and hawks x black!reader
GENRE ! fluff
SYNOPSIS ! only after you apply lip gloss, do they wanna kiss from you or, the boys actively mess up your lip gloss !
WARNINGS ! before the war arc, highschoolers are still in highschool, cursing, def self-indulgent on shinsou's part, lemme know if i missed anything!
WORD COUNT ! 1.4k+
A/N ! this is an old request from my deleted account but it's a favorite of mine 🤍 original request look like this -> ”head cannons of Y/N applying a coat of lip gloss on in her room or with her friends and suddenly Bakugo, Shinsou, Hawks, Sero, and Mirio barging in like “My lip gloss senses are tingling” and Y/N’s like “Aht Aht! I just put this coat on, stay back!” She’s just struggling to keep these fools from kissing her and ruining her lip gloss. It don’t matter if she running, struggling, or dodging they kisses (they ruin it with kisses anyways smh)”
reblogs and comments are welcomed and loved !!
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— ☾⋆⁺₊🕸✧ SERO HANTA !
this mofo is the most annoying lil tease ever
the minute you pull out your lip gloss, all of sudden you have his undivided attention
let’s say you were at your desk and he was on the bed on his phone, not paying you any mind
you check to see if he is watching you and luckily he isn’t so you proceed to put it on
and if I know black women as well as I think I do, considering I am one you put a good amount of that bitch; lips all shiny and shit dripping diamonds 
but halfway through, you look up and this motherfucker is staring right back at you
he done sat all the way up, resting on his knees and waiting on you to finish 
he has the audacity to smile when you make eye contact annoying lil shit, even to start giggle when you glare back at him 
he’s the type to let you finish, put the cap on, put the lip gloss away and then swoop in and fuck it all up 
i can not tell you how angry i am right now
“what? got something to say, baby?” “nigga, fuck you.” 
It’s war that you never win unless you know for sure that he is unaware
newsflash: that shit never happens either
you don't even have the option of running unless you ready to be taped to the floor
all he gotta do is whip some out and boom! ya ass is grass!
as soon as you put the lip gloss down, he casually walks over, grabs your cheeks and smashes his lips straight into yours before calmly going to sit back down
lil fucker doesn’t even bother wiping it off for a while either
“thanks for sharing, my love.” fuck this nigga bro
but it’s not like you can argue as much, his kisses are so sweet and if you ever wanted a kiss, just put on some lip gloss; win-win when intentional
plus, all the shawties want this man (can't blame them) so lowkey the lip gloss smears let them bitches know he not single !
— ☾⋆⁺₊🌟🫨✧ MIRIO TOGATA !
as soon as he knows that your about to put some on- he’s there, boi can sense it through the walls and shit
he just knows and now that he does, he will stop at nothing to get to you 
even if you successfully get far away to put it on and have it on for a couple of minutes, the second you are in his line of sight it’s over 
running away is like an unfair game of tag, that bitch cheats
his quirk makes it so easy to get to you and the lil gremlin is so fucking fast (although class 1-a praises your ability to get as far as you did) 
“sunshine~ !” “aht, go play with tamaki or some shit! i just put this on!” “no can do, sunshine!” 
once he’s got you in a pretty tight hold, he grabs your face and messily kisses you and wipes the extra lip gloss off
He then nuzzles into your neck and places kisses there, asking for forgiveness 
“Aww come on, sunshine! You know I can’t resist and plus you can just put more on later!” mirio, lemme go before i slap up upside the head. i can't stand you.” “that’s why you’re sitting in my lap!” “LET ME GO-”
he’s a big ole ball of happiness and just laughs at your frustration, knowing that you can’t stay mad forever (brat knows you love him too much)  
— ☾⋆⁺₊🪶🪽✧ KEIGO TAMAKI / HAWKS !
he comes out of no where and he knows what you doing, shawty
and when he does, one by one, little feathers start filtering into the room, circling around you 
little by little, you start to see the feathers around the vanity you're sitting at
one look in the mirror and you see him standing by the doorway with that sly as smirk ouu i could smack him
“…keigo tamaki.” “yes, dove?” “ you betta get yo feathers outta here, boy” “aw but i think they like you~”
cornball ass nigga 
ofc he doesn't move from his position and neither do his feathers- and don't bother trying to drag it out either, he's been a hero for too long to not know the waiting game
once you’re finished, the feathers stop circling around and just stop in the air, waiting for yo ass to move.
you can try to look for a way out but you not succeeding, them feathers are acting like a barrier, moving when you move and the one controlling them is cheesing like an idiot 
“keigo, baby, come on. i just put this on.” “yeah well, you can just put more on later- i'll even buy you more.” “...bird brain.” “i love you too~”
fortunately, he’s much more neater than the others but that just means he’s taking everything with him when he moves away
and ofc you can't move until all the feathers back off, one wrong move and they will swarm you honey (im telling you the one controlling them don't know how to fucking act)
when the feathers are gone, is when you finally get some hits in
“GOD DAMN IT, KEIGO! THAT’S THE FOURTH TIME TODAY, NIGGA!!” “aww come on, dove! it’s fun to tease you like this!”
he’s laughing so loudly and having such a good time that you pipe down and admit defeat for the fourth time that day (he's beautiful when he's happy so just let it go stink) 
— ☾⋆⁺₊🧨💢✧ KATSUKI BAKUGO !
it’s absolutely futile to run from him, he’ll get way too excited and start chasing you down like some animal
“whatcha got there, huh?” “AHT! go on somewhere, bakugo! go mind yo business!” 
he just loves fucking with you and making you angry, it's his favorite past time
it's just you two running all through the dorms, jumping over tables and couches, ducking between people, screaming at the top of your lungs, causing chaos and giving iida a heart attack
once Bakugo has caught you because he will and throws you over his shoulder like a bag of fucking potatoes wit his rude ass, he treks all the back to his dorm and proceeds to literally smash his lips into yours 
after he's done with his short tyranny, he just play-fights you as you try to hit him, smiling like he won the lottery  
after a while he kinda forces cuddles upon you until you not angry anymore and it's hard to be when he starts rubbing ya back and sides, pulling you into his chest
do not get it twisted. he does it on purpose b/c he knows that it's real soothing- damn near his tactic every time he does this doesn't stop it from feeling good tho
eventually and as planned, it ends in y'all taking a nap after running around the dorm god knows how many times
“bakugo, i’m still upset witchu nigga.” “no you’re not, now go to sleep”
— ☾⋆⁺₊🐈‍⬛🌀✧ HITOSHI SHINSOU !
ouuuu new contender !
he is the most excited you have ever seen him
the moment you even pull out the lil clear tube of gloss, he's right behind you waiting with a small smile
anyone looking from afar would think it's just a bf looking at his gf reapplying her lip gloss vv lovingly...little do they know
that man is waiting behind you with a damn vengeance and best believe you not even getting far this is time i remind you who his teacher is: AIZAWA !!
"toshi?" "...yes, pretty?" "i swear if you mess up my gloss, we gon have some problems." "what are you talking about? i would never do such a thing." liar.
the moment your compact mirror closes shut is the exact same moment he wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you in close
and he does the whole works: arm around your waist, that hand rubbing your lower back, one hand holding your face as his thumb rubs against the top of your cheekbone while gently getting you to look up at him you guys im being very self indulgent with this
he's just so soft and so so so cute when his lil smirk that when he does kiss you, he doesn't take all of it off, just a lil bit !
he chuckles when he backs away, using his thumb to wipe away any that might have smeared
"...i hope aizawa whoop yo ass during training today." "ouch, that hurts pretty. it's too bad i'd do it again as long as i get to kiss you." fuck this nigga bro
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©STRAWHATKIA ━ all rights reserved. all content published on this blog belongs to starsoir. please refrain from copying, stealing, profiting off my works, or using my works for asmr related work. i don’t allow my works to be used or adapted in any way without my permission.
reblogs and comments are welcomed and loved, so leave some please ! i will respond ! 🤍
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boyfriend. | f. | katsuki bakugo
taglist : @mypimpademia @sevvnt
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theyanderespecialist · 11 months
SHE'S NOT FAT, SHE'S PREGNANT 1 (Scenarios) 049, 073, 076, Clef X Pregnant S/O (Yandere) (SCP Foundation) (SCP 049, SCP 073/Cain, SCP 076-2/Abel, Dr. Alto Clef)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! In this chapter, it is one from Tumblr, which is 049, 073, 076, and Alto Clef being yandere with a pregnant Significant Other. Then some D Class calling them fat and this is how they would react to it in their scenario! I hope that you all enjoy this!]
(Disclaimer: SCPS 049, 073/Cain, 076/Abel, and Dr. Alto Clef are Not yandere in canon, this is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all. Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine. Just do not be gross or illegal about it. Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon. Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life!)
(A Doctor's Touch) (SCP 049)
(SCP 049's POV)
I am sitting with my partner giving her an exam. She is pregnant, about three months. I was able to get her pregnant in a breach. The Foundation had been less than pleased with me. I almost lost my mind when they would not let me see her. I finally agreed to work with them if they let her stay with me. I hear the door open and a guard and D Class come in.
"Who is the fat bitch?" The D Class says and I set down the cloth. "I will be right back my dear."
I kiss her belly and then kiss her and walk over to the man. The guard thinks I am doing nothing. Oh, what a fool he is.
"Excuse me, kind sir I did not hear what you said about my partner," I say.
"I said she is fa-" I did not let him finish as I touched him and he dropped. The Guard instantly put his gun up. "Do not worry, I have no issue with you. Go call another D Class to clean this up, preferably one who is less rude."
The Guard walks out quickly and I walk back to my partner she is staring at the body. I stand in front of her view.
"It is okay, my dear (Name). I took care of it." I tell her and kiss her.
No one insulted the mother of my children.
(Deadly Politeness) (SCP 073/Cain)
(SCP 073/Cain's POV)
I am holding my girlfriend on my lap. She is so soft and full of our love. About five months into her pregnancy. I could not help but hold her close as much as I can. The O5 cancel had not been happy when I got her pregnant. I had more or less tricked her into it. But that does not matter anymore. She is now my girlfriend and we are going to start our family soon. I could not wait.
We are in the canteen and I hear someone call her fat. She looks down I know she has been worried about her figure. I pull away from her. Telling her I will be right back. I find the D Class that said those vile words.
I tap his shoulder with a polite smile. "I heard what you said about my girlfriend."
"The fat on-" I did not waste a second and punched him right in the face with my metal arm.
His skull cracks and he is dead before he hits the ground. "Have a nice day!" I say and before the guards can react I am back with my girlfriend, snuggling her once more.
(Rage Trance Activated) (SCP 076-2/Abel)
(SCP 076-2/Abel's POV)
I am training with the mother of my child watching me. I agreed to work for the foundation once more. As long as (Name) stayed with me. We ended up having a child. I could not wait to train our children to be warriors. I see the Daily D Class come in. I see him say something to (Name). Her face falters and I am by her in a second. Turning to the D Class.
I grab him by the throat. "(Name) What did he say to you?!" I demand.
She hesitates and I look at her telling her to tell me.
"He just called me fat, it is no big deal."
My eyes narrow on him. "No big deal? Tell you, pathetic human, this woman is carrying my child, a future warrior. She is going through a glorious transformation! AND YOU DARE CALL HER FAT!" I snarl and rip his head off.
The Guards storm over and I grab a blade. THEY WILL ALL PAY! NO ONE INSULTS THE ONLY WORTHY WOMAN!
(Bang Bang) (Dr. Alto Clef)
(Dr. Alto Clef's POV)
I smirked at my wife, she blushes as I kiss down her neck. Whispering in her ear how sexy she is. She blushes and grips my shirt. We are in the cafeteria. I pull away to play my ukelele, walking around the room. Drawing the song out. My wife begins to eat. She needed to put on more weight as she is not at a healthy weight for twins. I watch her carefully and hear a D class speak as I pass by.
"God, look at her eat, what a fat bitch. Shame to cause she is pr-" I grabbed my ukelele and smash it into his skull. He screams and falls to the ground. I stomp my boot into his skull.
"The Fuck you say about MY WIFE!" I snap pulling out my gun.
She is the first woman I was able to fully love and is giving me a second chance at a family. I WILL NOT LET ANYONE TALK ABOUT HER LIKE THAT. I shoot my gun into his stomach twice. Suddenly painfully tumors start to sprout on his body and burst. He screams in agony while he dies. I then go over to my wife, pick up her and throw her over my shoulder. Then grab her food, and we will eat in my office.
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter is done! I really am happy with this one! I hope that you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!]
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magicxc · 10 days
Square Up
Pairings: Survey Corps x Reader - things they do that annoy you
Word Count: 1029
Warnings: none
A/N: You know what really grinds my gears? When people are cruising on the road at 8am. Bitch move over, I’m literally late for work 😭 
Lol that being said, here’s some everyday routines where I think the guys would be most annoying. 
Eren - leaves the big pot to soak.
You’re thankful for the help you really are, but you’d be even more thankful if Eren didn’t half ass the job. Albeit some of those food stains are really stubborn and just refuse to move, but every time? Not even! One day you had put on a pot of water to bring some potatoes to a boil, eager to stuff your face with the fluffy goodness of your handmade garlic mashed potatoes. And sure enough when dinner was long gone there the pot sat atop the stove, unwashed, because it needed “to soak.” You get it, Eren hates doing the dishes but you might actually cry the day you walk into the kitchen and meet the sink empty. You've complained about it on occasion but truth be told it doesn't bother you as much as it used to. He's even gotten creative and started hiding the pots in the oven and you can't help but giggle, closing the door so as to keep his "secrets" hidden.
Levi - adds water to the empty soap bottle to make it last longer.
Levi lives a somewhat frugal lifestyle and it has everything to do with his upbringing. Thankfully he’s a lot less stingy than he used to be, but this habit in particular has been the hardest to kick; and you just about pull your hair out every time. It's not even like there's not enough soap to spare. It's mostly him getting the most use out of the lingering soapy particles as he can. Surely it no longer serves its protective purposes, no matter how sudsy the results are? You've  since learned to keep an extra bottle of personal soap in the cabinets for such a time, bringing it to the countertops once Levi has exhausted all efforts with the previous one. 
Erwin - loud eater.
It’s not even an Erwin thing to be honest, it’s a people thing. Slurpers, suckers, gulpers, they can all get it. Cause why? The only people who can actively change the way they eat are the open mouthers, so you don't even waste your time with the Commander. Some background noise on the tv or radio can help you through most meals, but it doesn't stop your skin from crawling at the idea or pause in noise volume. 
Connie - leaves a swig of juice left in the carton. 
This one blows literal steam out of your ears because what was even the point. If an 8 ounce glass of orange juice was just poured and there’s 2 ounces left, just finish the damn thing. You’ve heard excuses ranging from he didn’t want to because then he’d feel bad for not leaving you any to he simply wasn't thirsty enough the last gulp; but none of those ever make it better. Connie still does this but makes an extra effort to hide the carton in the deepest part of the fridge for when he’s ready to finish its contents. 
Jean - revs his engine loud as hell.
At first you thought it couldn't be helped until one day you had to borrow Jeans car to run a few errands. Then it all clicked. This mf wants to be seen. He wants people to know it's his engine with all that horsepower beneath the hood. He wants any chance he has to show off his sleek ride that he’s worked so hard for. Unfortunately it's all at the expense of your eardrums and now you only ride with Jean out of necessity. When you do ride with him, however, you make sure to roll all the windows up, not that it helps much.
Onyankopon - uses all the hot water after a shower. 
While it is annoying you don't mind this one so much during the summer time or the night time. But it just about drives you nuts in the morning and during the winter months because not only are you now running late for work waiting for some hot water to kick in but if it doesn't in time, now you have to suffer through a cold and uncomfortable shower. You've since started looking up the benefits of a cold shower but none of them has outweighed your comfort. So you've started showering before him, dashing into the bathroom as soon as you even think he's about to get in there.
Reiner - sets his alarm but never hears it. 
This one really does you in. You're not the lightest sleeper but you can definitely hear when an alarm is non stop ringing. You sometimes envy the deep sleep that Reiner manages to engulf himself in but then slowly remember that it's borderline dangerous. The only reason you don't throw a bitch fit is because y’all have similar work schedules, so the alarm also works in your favor. But he's definitely gotten the occasional pillow to the face or slap to the arm; not that he ever feels it.
Armin - gotta take a pic of every meal.
It's all about presentation with Armin. You can cook a pot of ramen noodles and he’d grab his camera if you fixed it up nice. Y'all are at dinner and the waiter brings the food by? Can't dig in until he has the perfect shot. Usually you don't mind, but his perfect shot takes at least four different angles and your stomach gets louder by the minute. You haven't found a way around this one just yet, so you instead endure the torture.
Floch - watches his tv with the volume level on ignorant. 
Why must the house sound like a surround sound movie theater you’ll never know. Action movies you understand. You'll even bite for thrillers. But anything else? It’s definitely up for debate. You can literally step outside on the curb of the street and still hear the entirety of the movie playing. You assume the loud noise is so he can submerge himself in the plot of the film but you’re running out of different ways to tell him to turn that shit down. The new rule now is nothing on the screens past 7pm if he can't watch it at regular volume.
Tags - @eveningatthemoviesnetwork
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Taking the Mikaelsons to a Concert
IK a bitch was gone, but a bitch is back… sparingly. I been on tumblr doing my shit but ummm I started this shit while in highschool like sophomore year… It’s been a year since I graduated college…. Anyway, fuck it we ball bc someone needs ot get this shit wet first with the Mikaelson’s… shout out to @starlightandfairies @wholoveseggs @klausysworld for holding it down. I love everyones work, y'all be feeding the fandom
If it’s snowin’ I ain’t going… leggo (once again, I write this for niggas. Mwah, to freedom)
So primarily I feel like the Mikaelsons would all be down to going to a concert, I mean Nicki, Doja, Lil Nas X, Mariah the Scientist, Chloe Bailey, Drake, Jhene Aiko, Victoria Monet, the Weekend, Kendrick Lamar, Travis Scott--- you get the point. You are the object of their desires and affections so they’ll go…. But what will ensue???
For nosey bitches in the back I got y’all…. This is Klaus finally biting the bullet and taking you to a Nicki concert, the Pink Friday 2 tour!
First, it would take hella time to even get him to go, this man is busy running lives, making hybrids, acting like he a real active party in whatever council shit he bullied his way into in New Orleans, and like running Rebekah’s love life…. He be busy 
He probably feels like he should take you out for something, so he asks you what you want. Anything your heart wants he’ll give it no problem: private helicopter tour of NYC, a week in Brazil, couples massage, hell even go see puffins up in Iceland. But you know what your bitch ass asks for?
To see Onika Tanya Maraj…. As you should
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This man is staring at you like “Love… who is that?” And you look at him and tell him “Nicki Minaj, Nicki Lewinski, Nicki the Ninja, Nicki the Boss, Nicki The Harajuku Barbie…. Have you not learned????” And he just stares at you in amusement like ‘it’s no Mozart, you modern women have such…. Vulgar tastes… but I will endorse this, for you my love”
Wait till he gets there AHAHAHAAAAA
You’re pulled up in all your glory, pink everything, sunnies on, gloss on, heels as big as his dick… And you know I don’t think Klaus would ever let you put him in pink spandex. But I think he’ll allow like a shirt of Nicki’s face on him, and like maybe a barbie chain on his neck… He’s a hybrid, he can’t be seen out like this (you def sent photos to the rest of the family of this). 
I feel like Klaus would be chill af with the crowds and shit, until bitches start getting rowdy when Roman comes on stage. I feel like he’ll just be vibing, but mostly looking at you as you lose your shit 
“A 100 MUTHAFUCKA CAN’T TELL ME NOTHING, I BEEZ IN THE TRAP”... bby chill, you’ll sweat that wig off and it’ll slip back. But deadass, it’s like another beast when she comes out and it activates something in you. Like the regular old human that Klaus knew of is gone, and is replaces by a bad bitch that would definitely put her shoe on his neck and he likes that
Funny enough, there is one song that Klaus would know all the words to… Moment for Life-- HEAR MY OUT, DAMN. Ok, the song is about literally getting everything you want and being at a point where no one can touch you or even fathom to be at your height of success or clout. Klaus Mikaelson gets whatever he wants, no one touches him-- or if they do, they won’t live long enough to tell the tale. King shit, so imagine your surprise when you hear this man over everyone else singing along and being into it
Yeah, did that shit. “What I tell 'em hoes? Bow, bow, bow to me, drop down to ya knees” Drake type man…. And towards the end just reminisce of all the people, woman, children, and villages he pillaged to get where he is now… mentally deranged, having a god complex and inferiority complex at the same damn time, and daddy issues while treating his siblings like his own dad LMFAOOOO
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Good luck Klaus whores
And then when she starts bringing in old shit like the songs with Sean Kingston or Gyptian…. Oh boy, I know that man is catching a whine as you yell at him “YOU’RE SO PRETTY AND YOU’RE NICE YUH DUN KNO SEH NICKI AS YO WIFE” Ik you bitches telling Klaus exactly that and putting emphasis on wife bc where tf this Icelandic viking silverback think he going????
But as the show goes on, it’s a cute experience between you two as you guys kinda switch roles and you get to be super unhinged and rock out with the other people there and go bar for bar. Like you couldn’t fuck Michael Kors if you was FUCKIN’ Michael Kors
dabs sweat off my forehead
He’s happy to take you home and baby you when you come from the energy drop, but he will be wondering were that energy comes from bc you ain’t putting all that work in when he fucks you soooooo
Ok so for this one…. Give me a Lil Nas X, Doja Cat, and Rico Nasty ass collab in a concert (bc that’s my dream lineup and y’all can take all my money). I feel like Rebekah needs the girl power and the gays for this so let me cook
I deadass feel you wouldn’t need to convince her of shit, she’d be the one to ask if you wanted to go because she’s heard some of their songs via you jamming in the bathroom and just booked tickets as soon as you said yes. Hey, it’s to make you happy and you deserved to be pampered-- and she’s trying to get in her modern experiences since she was in a box for a long ass time
1st song is Montero, it has to be she definitely wants to fucked out from the jet lag and becoming part of the mile high club-- it’s her thing. Plus she loves the glitter and probably being two glitter gay/bi/whatever floats your boat people that are dressed in matching outfits, but different color combos. Titties are out, and y’all are sprayed down in glitter
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Then after that I feel like it would be Rico Nasty coming in hot with “SLAP A BITCH” and I know you and Rebekah felt this song on a spiritual level, so it’s both you screaming in each others faces while she has her arms wrapped around you bc she loves love.
Then it pops off with “STFU” bc a lot fo y’all hoes needs to take a seat and shut the fuck up when big bitches are in the room… anyways, personal issues. A lot of y’all do not need a mic and are not the big titty bitches y’all make yourself out to be… and take the mics away from podcast men, please. I BEG
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But anyways, it’s really a whole anthem to all the rock/rap alt girlies out here. Rebekah isn’t used to the music, but she can get buck wild to it, especially when it comes down to Doja and RIco when they interchange with “Swamp Bitches”.... That’s my shit ngl
Nah bc opening a verse with “I WISH DEATH ON ALL YOU BITCHES” was insane… love you Rico <3 That song makes you wanna fight ever bitch in the state that ever did you wrong, every bitch working at goodwill that couldn’t take your brothers army discount bc you wasn’t personally in the army, the wack ass bitch at the post office that didn’t want to work there that day, and that grandma down the block that keep eyeing you and telling you that you ain’t hot shit… she wasn’t even hot shit when Project C hit the neighborhood and niggas were getting sprayed with hoses
I truly feel like she’d appreciate the girl time with you, and just to be, and have her shit out and have fun. It’s what she deserves
I know I been on the black artists wave, but for the niggas that really be feeling shit NF just knows and I feel like with Kols past of always being the forgotten sibling, not being i the pack of “always and forever”, dying all the fucking time, and getting treated like shit by everyone else unless they need to minute magical thing that’s super important he’s left in the dark
He is the most self-aware sibling out of everyone out this fuck ass family. And I feel for him honestly, being the black sheep, being the outcast. Being able to use your magic when you were a witch and then all of a sudden you can’t do that shit anymore because you’re dumb ass mom wants to make y’all fucking vampires and freaks of nature and then wants to kill you, like it was your fault in the first place? Shit was really whack.
Like he calls his family and siblings out for having a para social relationship that is super into emotional and measurements, and having no boundaries whatsoever, killing other peoples lovers, putting them in coffins just so Klaus doesn’t feel like he’s losing his siblings because he can always take them whenever he goes. But they’re still in a box, they’re not living life they’re not being happy. And that just shows how much class is really his daddy‘s son, even though his dad really isn’t his dad because his mom cheated on, her husband with a werewolf. And Kol clocks all of that.
So I feel that he would really vibe with NF, I really do. Therapy session, intro, hope, all of those songs the whole album really would have him crying in your arms at sometime around midnight when he just came over to listen to some tunes and have a good time, and I feel like you introduce NF to him. He gets hugged, and he knows that NF is speaking about his life someway somehow and it just really hits him and he just cries in your arms for that time
I don’t care how corny you think this man is, this is real music and he writes about things that are real, and that happens to him. The song mansion is legitimately about Kol’s life with being being abandoned and abused by his own family, and his own father, as class was taking most of the beatings, he still had to watch all of that. But being the middle child that he was, he just was overlooked, and that probably speaks as to why he acted out and didn’t get any of attention that he deserves.
And I feel that as Kol gets into a relationship relationship with you, you being his black queen, because I know that man was up in Hady for some reason helping him with the revolution. He just doesn’t give a fuck does what he wants to do so it makes sense why he would be with the black woman because it’s just everything, they are on earthly, they are Wisdom and magic and chest seal combined into a specific human type. And I love this for them, I love this for me.
But anyways, back to the subject at hand. I feel like you, dear reader, would surprise Kol with NF tickets because he’s been wanting to go for a long time, and you guys went dress up any fancy just probably black, cute little combat, boots and things like that. And then just head to the show. But as soon as the show starts, he probably starts off with one of his hard hitters. I’m imagining either therapy session, or mansion to really get the tears going. And it’s really just the two of you standing side-by-side, maybe even hand and hand shouting every single lyric word for word, and just letting out all the shadow work and trauma, that you two have built up over the past couple years, granted Kol is Literally hundreds of years old, and you’re probably someone your 20s or 30s. But trauma is trauma and y’all need to deal with that.
Bc deadass, these lyrics are Kol: “What's my definition of success? Listening to what your heart says. Standing up for what you know is. Right, while everybody else is” because in every single episode, when Kol says not to mess with some dumb shit that causes about to fucking do everyone else ignores him, even Elijah, and they fuck around and find out, and they all of a sudden need help. And then complain like no one told them exactly what the fuck was going to happen in the first place. This man is always right, and he needs people to listen more to him. He’s been listening to what his heart says, he’s been going out and meeting new people and trying to live a life that he would really be proud of. Even though he’s very much unhinged and still acts out because he wants to be king of the world and wants to have some form of control like Klaus has because he knows that he can never get away from Klaus.
And then, when I feel like it’s towards the end of the show, and NF finally drops, hope, I feel like that’s when Kol really starts to let go of things a little bit, and really start listening to lyrics and make a promise to himself with like, maybe fighting against his dark side, a little bit of all the things that he’s known, and then just digging himself a deeper hole. He wants to actually get better for you, and for himself to have a healthy relationship. Because he’s never had that in his life, and you’re just not a play thing to him at all.
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“Thirty years of running, thirty years of searching. Thirty years of hurting, thirty years of pain. Thirty years of fearful, thirty years of anger. Thirty years of empty, thirty years of shame. Thirty years of broken, thirty years of anguish…. I’m taking the reins” so it’s really just him taking the reins of his life, and just making it better than whatever it actually was. And I hope that can be therapy, I really do. But this whole concert experience would really just be a gigantic therapy session for Cole, but also having fun with you because there’s no one else that he would let see that vulnerable and that lively and have his whole façade slip down like that besides you.
But he’d be a Drake fan, Travis Scott, and probably XXXtentacion… he’s still a menace, but he’s a healed menace…. well, healing.
Here is the black womans whore himself… and my man *does the debby ryan* 
I know that Elijah appreciates music in general, that man literally writes his own concertos, plays the piano, plays the violin. He is classically trained. And I expect nothing less. Honestly, he really is him. And he is also still very much worse than Klaus, even though he would like to believe that he is not.
Honestly, I don’t think you would really have to introduce Elijah to rap or hip-hop music. I feel like he would already be in Erykah Badu fan, probably really like the Beastie Boys, was into old school, underground in New York, hip-hop and rap. He was probably there, underground, too, for shits and giggles when he wanted a break. So no, I don’t think you would have to introduce him to hip-hop, maybe to a couple artists and everything. But, that doesn’t need help with that department
I feel like Elijah would definitely be a Kendrick, Lamar, J. Cole fan in the rap game and even Lil Wayne too. But I want to get into some good old Tom foolery before I say my crème de la crème.
With the whole Kendrick, J. Cole and Drake beef, that’s happening, I don’t think that Elijah would ever take any sides. But I do feel like he would definitely keep up with the news, even though you wouldn’t expect them to, with the whole suit and everything.
To start off, I feel like you being the reader would bring up the whole rap beef thing to Elijah. Since two weeks ago, you already brought up the Megan Thee Stallion versus Nicki Minaj rap beef that was happening. And now, this time it is Kendrick versus everyone, fuck the big three it’s just big me nigga BUM
And I feel like it would be brought up during lunch or something since you guys have lunch together, and you’re just giving him the whole play-by-play and then letting him listen to the song. And I feel like you need to play a couple times for him, so he really gets to like listen to lyrics and understand because one thing about it is…. Metro dissed everyone in morse code
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Mans said “BUM” with his chest
Like I know, J. Cole was on his bike on his way to the studio. As soon as he heard what Kendrick Lamar said, but then again, he could also not be doing anything because he’s not the type to just be on Rappy just to get some shit going you know?
But anyways, I feel like Elijah would totally indulge in this, and he would write down a whole play-by-play with what everything means because the power money and respect? “Sweetheart, Drake is the money, Jermaine Coke is the respect, and Kendrick is the power….” I can fully foresee that man giving you a dissertation on every single line and lyric and how it is a jab at every single one of them, and the meaning is behind it. You got not only a history professor, but one of the great literary investigators of all time for no reason.
I feel like Elijah is low-key. Also waiting for Drake and J. Cole to respond to what Kendrick said about them. And he’s so messy, for he really is, because he acts all high and mighty but he’s really waiting for the gossip about what people about to say
But moving along from the rat beef, I really do feel like this man would be a Lil Wayne fan because Lil Wayne was setting a standard early in the 2000s and probably even before then about how he really is one of the best rappers out there. Like, no one else was doing it like him and no one else doesn’t like him, and will never do it like him. You would catch yourself humming to a Lil Wayne, and I feel like that man would pick it up instantly, and just go bar for bar on whatever humming note that you were on and it’s amazing, but it seems so out of character for him, but it’s really not.
Because this concert is going to be one hell of a trip because first and foremost he is not going there with a suit on, you’re going to have to get this man to be casual. Which shouldn’t be hard because he loves you, you’re his little chocolate drop, pumpkin. But putting this man in a leather jacket and some jeans and whatever shoes that are comfortable for him to wear at this concert is gonna be one thing. Fighting off other bitches while in the crowd is going to be another thing entirely as well.
But listening to him, actually let lose for the good two hours that you’ll be there at the concert screaming at your lungs, and listening to this man stay on rhythm beat and have actual breath control when he’s going for a speed to is going to be insane in mind melting
Let’s be honest, you wanna fuck this man on the regular basis just because he’s him. But you’re telling me that he’s cultured and he can wrap and knows what the fuck he’s talking about?
Coochie hours have been extended
And it gets even worse when he knows that this turns you on so anytime that you turn back to look at him he’s already looking at you, wrapping the verse with little to no effort and giving you those bad eyes because he just knows. He knows what he’s doing to you and you have no Other choice but to either look away or to hold eye contact because we both know this is gonna end up messy when you guys get back to the Airbnb or hotel room
“I said, "He's so sweet, make her wanna lick the wrapper" So I let her lick the rapper”, and this mans eyes are dead set on you and his gives the lip bite… Yeah yeah… time for me to gooooo
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lafayette-paw-arts · 3 months
HCs for each of the pairings (two of the vees) in the polyvee? Like their dynamic when it's just the two of them.
Oohh, love this question!
Velvette and Valentino will debate fashion for hours while doing makeovers (Vox doesn't see the appeal) they'll watch shitty tv shows in the bathroom and pick it apart while Valentino does Velvette's hair or while she applies a mud mask onto his face. There's been more than one time where Vox has walked in on the two of them having turned the penthouse bathroom into a spa and they've used the bathtub for a mud bath.
Other times Velvette and Valentino will have intense gaming sessions competing to see who is better at (insert game here) it's always changing. They make up stupid rules, they accuse each other of cheating, they throw out random things they get if they win. (More than once Vox's ass has been a reward for winning without him even knowing they're doing this)
Valentino and Vox will rent out a whole movie theatre for themselves. They'll eat snacks, talk loudly since there's no one to shush them and they'll just rip the movie apart even if they like it.
Valentino will often drag Vox out to dinner in a dingy diner that Vox is pretty sure wouldn't pass any sort of health inspection even for hell, but Valentino enjoys bringing him there for a little private date so he allows it. He'd die again before admitting he likes the food there tho.
Vox will take Velvette out to fancy dinners at expensive or trendy resturants and they'll talk for hours about almost anything. He's very charming not that Velvette would ever admit it out loud of her own accord. Then they'll usually end the night getting gelatto from Velvette's favourite place and slowly walking back to the tower continuing to talk, maybe a little lighthearted teasing thrown in.
There has been a few times when Vox has convinced Velvette to "play spies" with him. He'll allow her to dress them both up in whatever spy outfit she wants, and their task is to snatch something off Valentino without him noticing them, funnily enough they've yet to succeed, but they've gotten close before, they find it fun.
As for the dynamics there's a couple of fun things
Velvette and Valentino being the chaotic gossipy bitches who have been trying to come up with a way to get Alastor’s head on a silver platter for Vox- as an anniversary gift
Velvette and Val are chaotic people- more so when Vox isn’t around to reign them in. He has gotten calls from a fucking imp prison because Velvette ended up here… with Valentino’s encouragement
Velvette and Vox- They are… weirdly calm. Velvette seems to almost feed off the energy in the room. So if Vox is calm she’s pretty much on the same wavelength. Sometimes they’ll just sit there and scroll through social media or work. (Just kind of enjoying being in the same space even if not actively doing something together)
When Velvette isn’t calm it’s a different story. Long rants- sometimes telling Vox to find a universal remote and mute himself. He knows to just sit and listen and wait so they can talk rationally about it.
Valentino and Vox are not on the same wavelength but simultaneously are. They don’t need to talk to do a task together because they’ve known each other so long. If they are cooking together for example: (more like Vox is cooking and Val is handing him things) Valentino will rant and rant to Vox about the studio. And Vox will passively listen and make him see logic by treating him like a toddler sometimes. Meanwhile, they’re flawlessly handing each other things they need. Whisk? Handed over. Valentino shutting a pantry door that Vox almost backs into
It’s no offence to Velvette but most of the time if Vox is angry he goes to Valentino. Even if it’s not the smartest move. Sometimes you need someone to be angry with you. To take you to a shooting range or axe throwing or something. To a damn rage room (that’s not recommended for Vox anymore because Val almost hit him with a bat.)
Hope I gave you what you wanted!
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docwritesshit · 9 months
I am a sucker of love potion scenarios. Can we have some hc of Sun Wukong and Maquace affected by it? With their own crushes
Tbh I'm iffy in love potion scenarios cause it seems like some consent is lost, but if it only strengthens someone's love I'm fine with that
Oh my gods this bitch
He let his impulsive thoughts win one more time, just once more when Lao Tzu dropped something off and something else fell out of his bag
It seemed like peach wine! It tastes like peach wine!
It was not peach wine
He slowly noticed the effect the drink had on him when he was around you more
He wanted to speak every waking second with you, but now he actively tried to do that
He would get more touchy, but if thats not your alley, he grew more flirtatious and tried his best to make you laugh more
He would brag more around you, showing off how fast his nimbus cloud can go, showing off how strong he was etc.
And the cherry on top was at the end of it all, as the poison was wearing off, he finally confessed his feelings to you
And of course, you reciprocated,
Now he does all those things still, but less often
He thought the drink was something of Wukongs ngl
He was being the bastard he is and decided to drink it to piss off said Monkey King as it did just look like a vial of peach wine
But oooohhhh nooooooo
He noticed it right away when he wanted to shadow portal to your place and hang out
With this emo bitch, he also makes an effort to spend more time with you, but only does some one on one stuff as hes not sure how comfortable you are with him
And you occasionally see his tail inch over to your leg or waist
Hes not biggest on touching, but he just always gets the urge not to hold you, play with your hair, hug you etc.
But he restrains himself
And you'll notice you'll amass a pile of small gifts he gives you over the course of the potion
Takeout from your fave place, some things for your hobbies, and some clothes as well
After the potion wears off, he realizes he still likes you, like like likes you
So after a bit, he writes a letter to you and sends it off, waiting for your reply
He smiles as your own envelope seems to be riddled with heart doodles
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averyprettycowboi · 6 months
I wanna be in a glory hole for monsters. Just waiting for whatever kind of cock comes through and having to serve it no matter how big or inhuman it is.
Having already been stretched out on wolf knot and tentacles, I hear a knock on the wall. In slides clearly a centaur's massive flared head, his medial ring barely fitting through the hole. I know that even my time with the werewolf's knot hasn't prepped me enough for it, so I finally down the potion that makes my body stretch and get back to work.
Even with the potion, it takes a hard thrust with a satisfying pop to get the flare in. From that point, he's wild. He gives me no time to adjust before shoving me down to the ring, creating the largest bulge I've seen that day. Even the tentacles didn't stretch me like his fat horsecock. I moan, knowing he's only halfway. He calls me a slut for taking it that deep in the first thrust, and before I can get out a reply he starts thrusting wildly. It's clear he's been edging for a long while, only that level of desperation could explain it.
I feel the ring press against my ass.
"You're taking it all the way, bitch."
There's a pop before he bottoms out in me. He holds it there. I can't think straight enough to do anything but moan and sputter "Oh fuck yes" before he begins thrusting as wildly as before.
He has me there like that for what seems like hours and seconds at the same time. I can't keep my mind from breaking enough to even consider it. Not with the pounding against my stomach, the potion activating all my pleasure sensors at once with every smack. He's calling me every dirty name he can think of, bitch, whore, cowslut, mare, and my cowgirlcock bounces with every thrust.
Finally, I can feel it pulse inside me. He's close. He tells me that I'm going to take every drop of his heavy balls. Of course, he doesn't even think of stopping his thrust while he cums. He just bottoms out to shoot a rope and thrusts, over and over, until my stomach is full and his cum spurts out with each plap. Finally, he pulls out his cock. My stomach's cumflated to the point that the potion can take. I fall to the floor and mumble out a loving "Thank you..."
"You better get ready, cowbitch. The mino's up next and I think he's bigger than me. Think he paid for the full experience with how he's eyeing that door. Good luck, slut."
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