#1900’s wedding
fripperiesandfobs · 2 years
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Wedding dress, 1907
From the Musée Mode & Dentelle
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Check out my preview for the incredible zine Lawfully Wedded! Pre-orders are open right now for the zine with a ton of amazing stories, art and merchandise!
My piece involves the secret wedding of Gina and Susato!
Check out the pinned post at @aaweddingzine for all the super sweet tiers, and see the comments below for a link to our store!
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visionsofour-past · 2 years
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▪︎ Portrait of Newly-Weds.
Place of origin: Russia
Date: 1900's
Medium: Silver-bromine
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ratwithahatonamat · 10 months
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So I went to a museum there will be 2 photo dumps one of me and the other of art
Anyways here’s me! In the first photo the man in the painting had my name so hence the pose second photo was my brother saying I looked like the boy in the painting (I did not at all)
The rest was my father taking photos for my grandma who found them all lovely
I had plenty of fun and enjoyed my time throughly though I don’t understand art and believe I can’t fully appreciate it I find simple joy In architecture and decor
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tulliok · 5 months
can you tell us about your oc's you know the 1920's ones to be specific
Absolutely! They are from a very personal story I've been developing for almost 6 years now. The story is being heavily revamped, but I'll share a little piece of what I've been cooking up.
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A tale of mystery, love, and a little pinch of horror~
The story is based in 1930s America- the setting is a small town with a bustling nightlife. It follows an aromantic wedding photographer named Connor (dark hair and big coat), who lives the life of a vagabond; a man without a family or home, carrying nothing but a suitcase and relying on the town's night trolley to move from place to place. One day, the news of a sudden passing accompanied by a will grant him ownership of a mysterious house on the outskirts of town. The few that have seen the estate see it as a blight in the community, attributing it to bad omens and even supernatural occurrences. However, Connor feels a strange warmth coming from the house's tattered walls—the creaks of the floorboards reverberate through the halls like comforting whispers, luring him come closer...
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As for my supporting characters:
Wallace (red-haired tall man) is a socialite and the conductor of the night train. His relationship with Connor is a transactional one, allowing him to ride as a stowaway in exchange for gossip and information.
Cheryl (red-haired tiny lady) is a tailor, and Wallace's older sibling. Throughout the story, she grows closer to Connor as the two bond over their differing perspectives of being outcasts of their own community.
The story is heavily inspired by several things I love or have a deep interest in, such as classic horror and ghost stories, 1900s fashion, Old Hollywood culture, romantic art, and the abstract storytelling of theater. It also works as a very personal dive into my experiences with gender, relationships, and sexuality; a big reason for why the story is constantly changing.
At the moment, I'm pretty pleased with its current direction, and hopefully, I'll have more to share with you all this year. : )
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fanby-fckry · 3 months
Thinking about UH3!Alastor’s feelings on cheating and adultery.
Content Warning: implications of period-typical racism for the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, brief mention of saneism/ableism
Alastor was born out of wedlock. Mainly because interracial marriage was illegal; his father was white and his mother was not.
His father eventually got married to a white woman Alastor has never met, and as far as Alastor is concerned, she’s the other woman. His mother was there first. It doesn’t matter that his parents weren’t married; the unfaithfulness was committed with his father’s new wife, against his mother, and not the other way around. (And honestly, he’s right.)
Meanwhile, his mother likely felt ashamed anyway, and I think he picked up on that. I think he hates his father – for many reasons, and this is one of them – and his step mother, and their perfect little family built on secrets and lies.
And then the Morningstars come along.
Because remember, when Lucifer first starts hitting on Alastor, he has no idea Lilith is in on it. He assumes, up until Bloodlust and Butterflies Chapter 6: The Pride Before, that Lilith doesn’t even know, and up until Metamours, he’s still somewhat convinced that it’s an open secret that Lilith tolerates the way his mother and stepmother did – each vaguely aware of the other’s existence, with neither being too happy about it.
What I’m saying is, Alastor spent SEVEN YEARS thinking he was Lucifer’s affair partner. Or at least that he was playing at being one, when he was still messing with Lucifer during the 6 year failed seduction.
He spent 7 years putting mental distance between himself and Lilith, because if he thought about her too much, he’d run the risk of comparing himself to the woman who stole his father from his mother. (He didn’t even like his father, but it’s the fucking principle of the thing!)
And Charlie adds a whole other layer to things.
Charlie is an only child. Just like Alastor (not including potential half-siblings he never met; I haven’t decided whether or not his father had other kids, but his mother never did).
If Alastor had been Lucifer’s affair partner – as he assumed he was for 7 years – he would’ve not only been stealing Lucifer away from Lilith, but stealing him away from Charlie.
I don’t know if he would’ve felt remorseful, exactly – remorse is a complicated emotion for Alastor, and one he very rarely experiences – but I think it would’ve been devastating all the same if he dwelled on it long enough.
All that anger and hatred he felt for his father and stepmother would be reflected back on himself. His ego would take a huge hit, which – if you’re not familiar with the realities of NPD vs the ableist armchair psych version – could lead him down a self destructive spiral because that’s his coping mechanism, that’s his shield.
So he couldn’t allow himself to think about Lilith or about Charlie. Even more than he couldn’t think about his feelings for Lucifer, he could not under any circumstances think about what that would mean for Lilith and Charlie.
I mean, it’s no wonder he reacted the way he did at the prospect of being under the same roof as them:
A record scratch played from behind Alastor’s head and static hung over his words as he spoke, “At the palace? Where your wife and daughter live?”
“Yes, well Charlie will be out with her friends, so we-”
“And now I’m questioning your sanity,” Alastor snapped, cutting Lucifer short. “Because that still leaves the matter of your wife. I can't imagine she'd be all jakealoo seeing her husband in a romantic setting with another man!”
Hey, how many times do you think Alastor had to consciously ignore Lucifer’s wedding ring?
Mans didn’t take it off when his wife left him in canon; there’s no way it came off during Lilith-sanctioned rendezvous while they’re still happily married. (The Lucilith divorce is NOT canon in UH3.)
Lucifer wouldn’t think anything of it – he’s not doing anything unfaithful; he’s not going against Lilith’s wishes; he has no reason to feel guilty or conflicted about wearing it – but to Alastor, it’s a symbol of the union he’s intruding on.
Gods, I wanna write this so bad. I have so many stories I want to tell in this universe.
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royaibrainrot · 8 months
Got bored and was looking at 1900’s FMA era wedding dresses and now I need someone to draw these two as married Royai
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Article link:
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buckyscrystalqueen · 2 months
Winter Wolf: Part 14
Pairings: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, fluff, angst
Word Count: 3,523
A/N: Finally got the muse to finish this story! YAY!
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / Part 12 / Part 13
“Who’s the cutest little princess in the whole wide world?” Bucky cooed from your bathroom as he gave Anastasia a bath, while you caught your notebook up on the last two years of your life. You smirked to yourself as your daughter giggled away and splashed in the water in her blow up bath tub in the shower. “You are! Yes, you are!”
“Thought I was the cutest in the world.” You called out, playfully as you leaned to the side the slightest bit to see your husband with your eyebrow cocked.
“Not anymore!” He cooed, teasingly with barely a glance over at you. “Ana wins that, hands down now. You didn’t age so well in the dinosaur years.”
“You’re rude!” You laughed as you chucked a pillow at him, easily hitting him in the side to which he completely overreacted to make Ana laugh harder.
“What was that?!” He asked her as he shook his head and pushed himself off where he had purposely fallen to his hip. “Did Mommy just hit me, go boom?! Oh, yes she did, and Daddy’s gunna remember that shit later tonight, too. Yes he will.”
“Are you receiving company?” Tony asked as he knocked gently on your open bedroom door. You froze the slightest bit and closed your notebook as you looked over at him in shock.
“Umm... yes? How am I supposed to answer that, Tony.”
“I know I ruined your birthday.” He started as he opened up his tablet and held it out to you. “And I also didn’t get you a wedding gift. But I figured I’d at least try to kill three birds with one stone with this as a way of apologizing for what I put you through, after everything you have done for the world.” You nodded and scooted across the bed to take the tablet as Bucky did his best to get his daughter out of the bath peacefully for bed so he could see what was going on. You looked at the screen and almost instantly felt the scalding heat you felt the day you watched your home burn to the ground.
“My plantation.” You whispered as you looked at the charred remains. “It’s still there?!”
“It’s technically a historical site.” Tony said as he glanced over at Bucky as he leaned on your door frame. “You owned the biggest plantation in Georgia during the Civil War. It was on the market for a while back in the late 1800’s, early 1900’s but then was taken off...”
“When I moved to London to go to school.” You said with a nod. “I was a doctor... my Lord.” You whispered with a shake of your head.
“Well the property went to the government some time in the 1920’s, and was deemed historical. So they maintained the property and the other houses and stables. But they never rebuilt the main house...”
“There’s an old willow tree a ways to the right of the house.” You said as you closed your eyes and tried to look past the last day you were there in your mind. “It was nearly as tall as the house and I could see if from my bedroom window. Is it still there?” You opened your eyes and looked over at Tony, who slowly shook his head and shrugged.
“I’m not sure. It took me a while to track this place down, because no one knew who the owner was after the war, and I haven’t been down to look yet. Figured you’d want to go first.” You nodded your head and looked back down at the photo as Bucky sat down on the bed beside you with Ana.
“It had a huge wrap around porch.” You told him as you showed him the photo with a small smile as more memories flooded your mind. “John made us rocking chairs that sat right here so we could watch the sun set. Mine had a hole in the right arm from when I stabbed it with my knitting needle after a disagreement one night. And it had these big white columns in front that held up the roof and the small porch up there. Look, baby... this is where Mommy lived.” You said to Ana as you traded Bucky her for the tablet when she tried to get away from her dad.
“We can leave in the morning if you’d like.” Tony said as he pushed off the door frame. “Jet’s ready. Just let me know when you are, whenever you are.”
“Tony.” You called out before he could walk away as your daughter used you as a jungle gym. “Thank you.” He gave you a tight nod and a small smile before he turned and walked away, leaving you to catch up on your memories with your husband.
“So you owned a plantation?” Bucky said, because it was partially news to both of you.
“I inherited it when John passed.” You said with a nod as you wrangled your toddler into your lap. “It’s strange, until I saw that photo, all I could remember of that place was the day I was shot and left. But now, I’m seeing the giant wood burning stove in the kitchen, and the stone fireplace in the parlor. I can see the staircase that ran up the right side of the main hall, that led all the way to the back with this... oh, God it was the most hideous carpet in the world, but it belonged to John’s mother and he loved it.” You scoffed and shook your head as you got up to put Ana in her jammies. “I am not sorry to see that carpet burned down. I wonder if the fire went all the way down to the basement.” You said as you paused at Ana’s dresser and turned around with your brow furrowed. “There’s... there’s something in the basement... I can’t remember...”
“Well, do you want to go look tomorrow?” He asked, pulling you from your thoughts so you could get your daughter dressed. “I mean, I wouldn’t mind seeing this ‘biggest plantation in Georgia’ that my wife owns.”
“It was a big plantation.” You agreed with a huff. “Pain in my rear to work and hotter than all get out most days.”
“Oh, and we’re turning Southern with it.” He laughed as he scooted up on the bed to relax in his spot. “You worked the fields?”
“I did.” You said with a slow nod as you picked up your clothed daughter and walked over to the bed so she could have her night time bottle before bed. “I was a woman before my time back then, and still a Yankee at heart you could say. When John and I married, I convinced him to free our slaves, and made sure they all worked for pay. He was very well off, he could afford it, and they all worked even harder if at all possible once the overseer was let go. But when the war happened, money got a little tight, and we lost quite a few hands to typhoid but the work still needed to be done. So yes, I worked my fields until the war was dropped on my doorstep one night.”
“You know, you get more and more impressive every single day.” He said as he set Tony’s tablet aside to lay down beside Ana so he could look at you. “I am so honored to get to call you my wife, doll.”
“Even though my memories come in snippets and I’m dinosaur old?” You teased as you picked up your notebook to update some past notes.
“Absolutely.” He laughed as he reached across the pillows to rub your back. “Makes you mysterious.”
“OK, we’ll go with that.” You laughed as you handed him the remote so he could put on the ‘Good Night Moon’ show Ana loved before bed while you wrote. You hummed and shook your head as you opened your notebook and clicked on the plantation memories page. “Mysterious, he says. Crazy I say.”
“Go write your notes!”
You were glad to see that the massive live oaks lining your driveway were still just as gorgeous as ever, but it absolutely disgusted you to see that your front lawn had been turned into a giant gravel parking lot. A deep growl rolled from your chest, and Steve gently reached over the front seat to grab your wrists, while Bucky put his hand on your knee and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“We can fix it, sweetheart.” Your husband said softly as Happy, Pepper’s assistant, parked his rental car beside the one Tony, Pepper, and their lawyers were in, since parking the jet on your property was apparently not an option. Your growl turned into grumbling as you got out of the car, but turned right back into a much deeper growl when you turned to see a six foot tall, chain link fence around your old home. But all noises simply stopped when you saw your willow tree.
“I’m gunna fucking kill someone.” You said as you ripped away from Bucky and Steve and stormed over to your tree, where a young couple was carving their initials amongst the decades of others, including your and John’s original carvings. “Back the fuck up!” You roared as you let your claws fly just as Steve wrapped his arm around your upper torso and yanked you back.
“Just back away from the tree.” He said quickly to the terrified kids with a shake of his head. “Go on.” The second they were clear, he set you down, and you retracted your claws to walk over and run your fingers over the destroyed wood.
“No...” You said with a shake of your head with tears in your eyes as you looked around until you found the faint, misshapen heart that was almost gone with age, and distorted letters carved by your late husband.
“We’ll see if we can fix it, baby.” Bucky said softly as he touched the small of your back. “Look, the older ones are already fading.” You nodded your head slowly and looked up at the higher names, that were a little less distorted than yours, but were fading as well.
“You must be Mr. Stark.” A peppy older woman in period clothes said as she headed over to the group. “My name is Abigail, I’ll be your guide of the Jackson Plantation...”
“I’m sorry, the what?!” You said as you whipped around to look at her with rage in your eyes, which made Tony step between the pair of you with a tight ‘all business’ smile.
“You’re gunna want to clear the property.” He said evenly with a nod. “Now. For everyone’s safety.”
“Oh! Oh, I’m afraid I can’t do that...” Abigail said as you stormed away from the group to look at a metal plaque on your side of the fence around your house.
“Oh, this is not good.” Bucky said with a shake of his head as you read the lies someone had made up about your house, before you simply ripped it off the post and easily crumbled it in a ball before Steve could get to you.
“Wait, you can’t do that!” Abigail shrieked as you ripped the fence open with more grumbling and headed up to your house with Steve, and Bucky right behind you.
“I’m warning you once more.” Tony said as he simply watched your guide’s horrified expression. “Clear the premises...”
“I’m calling the police!” She cried as she pulled her cell phone from the pocket of her dress.
“I am the fucking police here!” You roared from the front steps as you rounded and glared at her. “This is my fucking land! You are trespassing here!”
“This is property of the National Parks Services...” She tried with shaky hands, which made the Wolf rear her ugly head at the woman’s weakness as a sinister darkness filled your eyes.
“And that’s where you’re fucking wrong.” You said as you slowly walked back down the steps toward her. “This land belonged to my first husband, John William Scott, who was a confederate soldier that died in the war. The plantation, which was named Green Pebble Hill by his aunt, Cecelia Ann Scott MacDonald when she was a child because of the moss covered pebbles in the stream in the back fields by the way, was left to me, (Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N) Scott, his sole heir because I’m not able to bear children due to my mutation. Find his will, I know he had one. It’s dated May 16th, 1864, the day before he left to join ranks before the war even started.
The house was burned down by Yankee soldiers in July of 1865, four days after I got a letter saying my husband was killed, not by looters in 1868 like your historically inaccurate sign claims. Burned down by men who were instructed to kill me when they found that I was helping both their soldiers and ones of the confederacy. I was shot in the left lung for helping wounded men, no matter what color their coat was, because that is what good people do. But thanks to my mutation, I can’t fucking die! My body just rejected the musket ball as they burned my home to cinders. Now, get these people off my fucking property immediately or you will learn all about the hell I’ve been through the past one hundred and twenty four years since I first learned how horrible people could be just for the fucking sake of it!” She nodded her head frantically as you turned on your heel to head back up to your house, grumbling under your breath. “Stevie, help me with this.” You said as you carefully walked up on the porch again. “There’s a safe in the basement. It has that letter... I think the will...”
“Babe, be careful.” Bucky said as you grabbed a long, charred, weather warn piece of wood that made up part of the wall of your first floor and lifted it up so that your best friend could see a similar piece of wood that was attached to it on the far side of the house.
“OK, I see it.” He said as he jumped down and ran to the other side as tourists began to flood toward the parking lot to leave.
“(Y/N), we can get a construction crew...” Pepper tried, but Bucky quickly looked back and shook his head at her.
“Just leave her. She’s being buried by new memories, and she’s battling the Wolf. No one can stop her right now.” 
“Get ahold of your boss.” Tony said as you and Steve chucked the wood away from the building. “I want contact information to whomever believes they own this land. We’ll be taking it back from them now.” Abigail nodded her head again and continued making phone calls as you and Steve made a path down to the basement that seemed relatively untouched thanks to it’s all stone frame.
“It’s...” You said as you jumped down into the basement after twenty minutes of clearing the rubble of your upper two floors and hesitated. You closed your eyes and tried to picture yourself putting the letter in the safe as Steve jumped down in front of you to help. You turned around in your spot and went through the motions of the memory, before your head shot up and to your left. “Over here. Under some flour sacks.”
“I need a light!” Steve called out as you took a step in that direction but stumbled the slightest bit over a small pile of stones. “Wait, (Y/N). We’re getting a light.”
“Here, Tony said just put it on.” Bucky said as he carefully leaned over the edge and dropped Tony’s Ironman helmet down to Steve. Your best friend held it out to you and you squeezed it on to your head before squinting at the bright screen that popped up in front of you.
“Man, what did I do with only lanterns down here?” You asked yourself as you awkwardly stepped over the stones, around whatever had started to grow in the dark space, and over to the sacks of flour that was your safe’s cover with the help of the night vision from Tony’s suit. Once they were thrown to the side, you picked up the three by three cast iron safe with a grunt, and carried it back over to Steve.
“Alright, hold on. Let me get out first.”
“How do I get this thing off... Oh.” You gasped as the mask opened and shrunk down to sit like a thick necklace. “That works.”
“You find it?” Bucky asked as Steve found solid ground and kneeled down to help. You passed it up to him and climbed out yourself as Tony, Pepper, and his lawyers talked to the cops that came to deal with the ‘disturbance’ with Abigail, her boss, and a pair of local representatives from the National Park Services.
“OK, wait just set it here.” You said as you pointed to the ground by the back steps as you kneeled down beside it. “Shit. When is his birthday? Or was it the day we met.”
“Don’t think of it that way.” Bucky said as he came around to the back of the house to see what was inside this little mystery box. “That’s not gunna help here like it doesn’t help you find your cell phone at home, remember? Walk through the last time you used it like you did in the basement. Picture yourself with the letter in your hand.” You nodded your head and closed your eyes as you held out your hand with the letter in it. “Down the stairs, to the left. You moved those bags and kneeled down. You reached out and turned the dial to...”
“Thirty-two.” You said as you opened your eyes and leaned forward. “Seventeen. Nine. His birthday backwards.” A smile spread across your face as the locked popped open, and the metal door creaked as you pulled it open. “Thank you baby. I never would have remembered that. See, the letter.” You said as you carefully pulled it out and unfolded the telegram. You looked over the slightly faded ink with a small sigh, before wiping off the top of the safe and setting it down. “Oh, look. His will. I didn’t know I had the original. Oh, look at this.” You laughed as you pulled out an old photograph of you on your wedding day. “I made that dress by hand. And this picture took forever to take. Cameras weren’t what they are back then.”
“God, you haven't change a bit.” Bucky said as he sat down beside you to look, as Steve crouched down on your other side.
“I aged like a fine wine.” You teased as you added the photo to the stack. “Oh, and this is John. Oh, sweetheart.” You sighed as you slowly shook your head with a fond smile. “Bless his heart, that man couldn’t grow a beard to save his life.”
“He’s... a lot older than I expected.” Bucky said as he took the photo from your hands, delicately.
“Ten years senior.” You said with a nod as Steve excused himself softly to let Tony know you had the original will. “That was normal back then. I married him when I had just turned seventeen so we were together... like seven years before he passed.”
“Wow.” He breathed as he handed you back the photo.
“What else do we have? Confederate bonds. What’s this? Oh, gold. Could have used that. Oh, my jewelry...” The pair of you sat for another twenty minutes or so, going through old memories and things you had kept safe when John left. You were ecstatic to find the deed to the property along with his father’s will and a couple other documents related to his family.
“OK, I have to say this is blowing my mind a little bit.” Bucky said as you pulled out a pistol wrapped in an old t-shirt to make sure there was nothing left underneath it. “Like... this is your stuff. Not your relatives, yours. You actually touched these documents before today.”
“Gives being older than dinosaurs a whole new meaning, doesn’t it?” You laughed as you started carefully putting everything back in the safe.
“And you own this land.” He said as he looked up at the massive, 2000 acre property in front of him.
“I do.” You said with a nod as you closed the door of the safe. “Legally and soon, officially.”
“Damn.” He said with a shake of his head. “Yea, we’re raising Anastasia here.”
“I’m absolutely OK with that, my love.” You said as you stood up and picked up the safe. “I just have to prove who I am to the US government after spending nearly one hundred years trying to avoid doing just that. That’s gunna be the real fun.”
Part 15
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queen-of-the-avengers · 3 months
A Dream Come True
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.3k
Warnings: fluff <3
Request by anon: When steve and vixen ever settle down they might have a small wedding with their friends invited , loving vows , steve would have a simple yet beautiful rings for him and vixen, vixen herself would make her wedding dress (40's and 50s inspiration) bucky is the best man as for natasha as the maid of honor . Adorable part they ask tony morgan and pepper if morgan can be the flower girl they allow it , sam walks her down the isle even tearing up " i cant belive you two are tying the knot! ;-;" she smiles at sam "its alrigjt sam^~^ dont be sad”. Oh the reception is both sweet and little rowdy (best mans speach lol bucky remembering how they had good times in the past ) some cracked some laughs, theres tears and one did the protective brother mood "he better not hurt my sister" type to the bride and grooms first dance as a married couple ;-; 
Request by anon: If vixen and steve are getting married . Could vixen make her wedding dress inspired by 40s era and 1900s style hair updo . And we guess steve would be in his 40s military suit in the wedding lol both buck and sam are the best men morgan is the flower girl 🥲 hope its not much pressure
Summary: It's your wedding day, a day you never thought would come. You're marrying your best friend, the love of your life. After darkness clouded your entire life, you're finally seeing the sun.
Cat and Mouse Masterlist
Squares Filled: clint's farm (2021) for @star-spangled-bingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Before you were taken, before you got your world turned upside down, you had a dream. You had a dream that one day you’d be wearing a beautiful white gown that closely resembles the one your mother wore (hers got destroyed in a house fire when you were young), standing in a room with all of your best friends who couldn't be happier for you, marrying the love of your life. You had that dream many times even after you got taken by Hydra. It’s what kept you from going insane in the beginning. When things got tough, you’d close your eyes and imagine your wedding day.
Never did you think it would finally come, and it finally did.
Instead of a room filled with a ton of your friends, it’s Natasha. She died giving herself up for the Soul Stone, but when you and Steve returned the stones, they gave her back in exchange for the stone. You didn’t think that was possible but it was, and you brought her home to everyone. 
It’s sad that Tony never knew she made it.
You stand in front of the floor-length mirror and admire the dress you made yourself. You drew inspiration from your mother’s wedding dress. It’s been so long since you’ve seen it but you can recall every detail by memory. It’s not an exact replica but is very similar. Natasha walks up behind you and fixes the dress from the back. It has an open back that clips right behind your neck, and the entire bodice is a flowery lace material. The dress goes all the way down to your feet and is loose and airy, nothing like those puffy dresses people where nowadays.
“You look beautiful,” Natasha smiles.
“Thanks, Nat,” you whisper.
She is your Maid of Honor while Bucky is Steve’s best man. You only have one person because the wedding is so small. Clint offered his farm for you to use which is why it’s so small. The only people in attendance are your closest friends and family--mostly Avengers and their family. There are minimal decorations but it’s very elegant and intimate.
Someone knocks on the door and you two turn to see Sam walk in.
“It’s time.”
“I’ll see you out there.”
Natasha kisses your cheek and leaves the room. When you asked Sam to walk you down the aisle, you could have sworn you saw tears roll down. Your parents are long gone and you wanted the person giving you away to mean something to you. Sam is that person. You and Bcuky are close but by trauma, and Sam was the next best thing.
“Wow, you look beautiful.”
“Thank you, Sam.”
“Are you ready for the rest of your life?”
“Is Steve?” you joke. You put your veil on and smile. “I’m ready.”
Bucky and Natasha go out first followed by Morgan who is your flower girl. Pepper had no problem with letting her little girl be part of your wedding. Toy has been a big part of your life, so having her be the flower girl is like having a part of the wedding. There is a picture of him sitting next to Pepper to symbolize his presence along with everyone else who has died.
Then, you and Sam enter the main ceremony room, and everyone rises. Steve stands at the altar wearing his 40s military uniform that Bucky and Sam stole from one of the museums. It still fits him like a glove. The second he sees you, he immediately gets tears. He never thought he’d get to his day with you. He was positive that a mission would take him out.
Sam reaches the altar and kisses your cheek over the veil before taking a seat in the front. The ceremony doesn’t last very long and you get to your vows quicker than you thought. Both you and Steve have written your own vows, and he lets you go first.
“I don’t know where to start, honestly. Growing up, I had this idea of what I wanted my wedding day to look like. I had the dress picked out, who I wanted my bridesmaids to be, where I wanted the wedding, and what my first song was going to be. Then, I was taken and forced into something I didn’t want to do. I was broken down, beaten, and shaped into what Hydra wanted me to be. I didn’t know I could have the things I wanted. Soon, my mind wasn’t even my own. 
“Then, I met you and it was like I could finally see. It’s like I’ve been in this tunnel all my life and seeing you brought me out of it and into the light. I got Hydra out of my head. I gained control of my life. I took back what they stole from me thanks to you. You saved me in more ways than one, and I can’t believe I get to stand up here and marry you.”
“I had a dream of my own. This was before the military where I wanted to marry a nice girl and make a family of my own. Like you, I was unable to. I had a duty to my country and gave it my all. The guy who went into the ice nearly a century ago had goals, and when I came out of it, those goals changed. I just needed to get through the day and face the next. I didn’t know I could have all this until I met you. You say I saved you when it’s you who saved me. I found myself wishing for the things I did in the 40s. Now I get to have them with you by my side. You’re a dream come true, Y/N.”
The rings you two have are simple ones but hold so much meaning. When you two kiss, everyone stands and cheers. The reception is in the same area as the ceremony but everyone makes room for your and Steve’s first dance as a married couple. It’s sensual. It’s intimate. It’s romantic. It’s everything you’ve ever wanted. Everyone else disappears since the only person who matters to you at that moment is Steve.
Afterwards, you go off to be with the girls and Steve goes off to be with his boys. Sam, Thor, and Clint toss back shots just as Bucky clasps a hand on his shoulder.
“Congratulations, man.”
“Do I have to have the hurt-her-and-I’ll-hurt-you talk?”
“No,” Steve chuckles.
“You know I’ll do it. I’ll kick your ass if you hurt her.”
“I know, and I’d let you.”
“She’d probably do the ass-kicking if we’re being honest,” Sam interjects with a smile.
“Yeah, she would,” Steve laughs.
One of the wedding games you planned is a game where you and Steve are sitting back-to-back with both shoes in hand. You have one of yours and one of his, and he has the other pair. Bucky has cards that he will read and you have to raise a shoe for the person you think is the most like the card.
“This is a great one to start with. Who wears the pants in the relationship?”
You immediately hold up your shoe while Steve holds up his own. Everyone laughs at the dynamic of your relationship, and Bucky moves on.
“Who is the best chef?” Both you and Steve hold up his shoes. “Who is needier when they’re sick?” Again, both of you hold up Steve’s shoes. “Who is the better driver?” This time, you two put up your shoes. You’ve had more practice. “I don’t know, Y/N, I’ve been in a car with you before.”
“You lived, didn’t you?” you grin at Bucky.
Nothing can ruin this moment. Hydra is gone from your head, Thanos is gone, and you can only go up from here.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
The Lady in White
A painting dating back to the early 1900's which captures the classical charms of predating works centuries prior. The piece depicts a young woman in her prime wearing a white summer dress, enjoying her time on a tire swing outside of a rustic cottage. Regardless of her smile, the history behind the work of art is far darker than one would imagine.
The subject of the piece, a Ms. Selene Drewitt, was an orphan following the death of her parents in her youth. Reaching adulthood, her caretaker made plans to for her to be wed to a local business owner's heir. Finding no other way out of her situation, Drewitt took her own life shortly after the painting was completed, cradling the piece in her arms. If one were to look close enough, they could still see the stains. It is rumored that her bright smile is the product of her taking her fate into her own hands. In her diary, the young woman described herself meeting her one true love in another life.
And as a permanent resident of the Night Gallery, she's found such love in the form of a certain nightguard.
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telekinetictrait · 10 months
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"There was nothing but land; not a country at all, but the material out of which countries are made.” (My Ántonia – Willa Cather, 1918)
as the gentle opulence of gowns of the edwardian era began to decline, fashion continued to move closer to comfort and natural silhouette. hats shrunk and got less dramatic, but might still be adorned with a bow, a feather, or some small flowers. corsets were still worn, but they were much more for bust support than they were for figure – wait, what's that? surprise! it's world war one! when the great war broke out across europe, changes in fashion were (obviously) stunted. kind of. with many men at war, women took many of the common jobs and many began wearing simpler clothing. fabric rations also meant that trends would repeat, and "out of style" clothing would be repurposed. when the war ended, you began to see the freedom associated with the 1920s – specifically with loose hairdos and skirts rising to the calf.
1800s / 1900-1909
cc links under the cut!
see my resources page for genetics!
laurie : the-melancholy-maiden's aida gibson updo + bow / pickypikachu's peasant wedding dress
lenora : buzzardly28's edwardian wishes ida hair / lilis-palace’s seasons of ladies hats summer hat / gilded-ghosts' morning glories dress set (download here) / kedluu's ankle boots
lhilydd : twentiethcenturysims' pearl hair + bow overlay / dancemachinetrait's hattie outfit / kedluu's ankle boots
lileas : leeleesims1's perennial puff / simverses mistress mysterium hat / twentiethcenturysims' fern dress / waxesnostalgic's edwardian french heel pumps
ljiljana : buzzardly28's edwardian wishes ida hair / dancemachinetrait's priscilla outfit / waxesnostalgic's edwardian french heel pumps
llewela : waxesnostalgic's plain toque / linzlu's helen dress / waxesnostalgic's edwardian french heel pumps
lorelai : waxesnostagic's alpine fedora / waxesnostalgic's 1915 skirt
lucille : waxesnostalgic's tam beret / historicalsimslife's knitted shrug / waxesnostalgic's 1917 skirt / kedluu's ankle boots
l'vana : gegesimmers' yara hair / waxesnostalgic's armistice blouse + 1917 skirt / waxesnostalgic's edwardian french heel pumps
lynette : simstrouble's thema hair / waxesnostalgic's summer frock / waxesnostalgic's edwardian french heel pumps
thank you to @the-melancholy-maiden @pickypikachu @buzzardly28 @lilis-palace @gilded-ghosts @kedluu @twentiethcenturysims @dancemachinetrait @leeleesims1 @simverses @waxesnostalgic @linzlu @historicalsimslife @gegesimmer and @simstrouble !!!
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 24 days
Removing this from the Masterlist Post of 'Bun's canon divergence for the Nurse explained' cause it doesn't really fit in terms of the plain going over Sally's story in a nutshell, but that doesn't mean it's any less important!
Sally's mental health degrading is a major driving factor in the narrative around her character, as is her point of view slowly shifting from this idea of death constantly following her and stealing away her joy and the innocent, wonderful things (her baby sister, some friends, her children and husband) to death serving as the only escape from the unrelenting hell of existence for the innocent. To live is to suffer, to be punished, and edgy as it sounds, truth and justice are concepts man devised to make himself feel better about the inconsequential cruelty of the world.
It's bleak, it's edgy, but it's the position of hopelessness all of the events in Sally's life have conspired to put her in. (Entire post of it's own but to put it in a nutshell: class-shock, racism, sexism (both at women and intersex people) the loss of pregnancies, children and eventually her husband, systemic oppression, grooming (exploitation of widows in pre-1900s), abuse in the work place of ALL kinds, eventual escalation into S/A. being witness and rendered helpless to a sort of suffering that even pales her own (it's her patients, innocent and frankly left to rot in overcrowded, underfunded positions and subject to soul destroying 'treatments' in the form of lobotomy and things that her heart knows are torture) just to highlight the most important notes)
But I would be remiss to say that like, fuck, her misery doesn't end when she steps out of Crotus Prenn. Returning to her home nightly, the home Andrew built for them and the family he and Sally would build together; she returns to a graveyard, both literally and metaphorically.
Sally's home, this homey looking wooden manor surrounded by trees but there's this notable coldness when you enter it. It seems abandoned in all but three rooms: the kitchen, the living room and the master bedroom. Through following the dust, you can follow Sally's daily path through the home, like a funeral procession. Passing by empty rooms that were supposed to be nurseries, still furnished, but now covered in a layer of dust, a monument she hasn't found the strength to disassemble. And moving beneath a portrait of her and Andrew, commissioned for her wedding that seems to glare knowingly, but she keeps it up, she knows she deserves the condemnation of Andrew's stare for how badly she's let things become.
But that's just the inside of the house, ghosts of hopes gone and the possibility of where fate could have lent a merciful hand and changed everything and yet didn't
When you pass into the backyard, amidst rose bushes and columbines and so, so many beautiful little concrete monuments of angels at play and dogs keeping watch, are graves. Nine. Little. Graves. All of Sally's children. Never further than a stroll from the monster of a house that threatens to consume her every night she returns home.
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strangelock221b · 3 months
Fanny warning Mrs. Dashwood that Elinor isn't good enough for Edward. This scene is always a good one -- few scenes make me hate Fanny more than this one. Mrs. D standing up for her wedding gifts makes me root for her.
This is my fourth S&S adaptation and I'm finally just going to say it -- Mr. Dashwood was a shitty father and husband. When couples wed back then, there was normally a contract written up specifying what money a widow and the children would have when the husband dies. The fact that Mr. and Mrs. Dashwood married without this is, frankly, odd, and Mr. Dashwood never setting aside money for his daughters' dowries puts him in the same Bad Father category as Mr. Bennet. (Mr. and Mrs. Bennet didn't have the contract either, so I'm wondering what Austen was trying to say with that.) I don't know if it's specified how much income Mr. Dashwood had but honestly, he still should have saved something. John taking it all and leaving his half-sisters penniless is just reprehensible, but since the law is on his side, the fault lies with their father. For a man who could supposedly afford it to not have dowries for his daughters is, frankly, scandalous.
And don't say it's because of the entailment -- the entailment was about the estate -- the manor house and the land only. Money is always a separate thing. (Why else would there be destitute nobles desperate to marry American heiresses in the early 1900s? They needed money so they could afford the upkeep of their estates.) Even if Mr. Dashwood couldn't divide his money in his will, he still could have given the girls dowries while he was still alive. Something is really weird about the Dashwood family fortune.
There's no Margaret in this. Is '08 the only S&S to not leave out one or more characters? I haven't gotten to her yet but could we trade Lady Middleton for Margaret? Give me an overenergetic preteen over a woman completely lacking in inner resources any day.
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queen-paladin · 1 month
My Books and other Media: April 2024 Wrap up!!!
Here is what I thought of these! As well as some video essays I LOVED because I eat those up!
The Time I Got Drunk and Saved A Demon by Lemming:
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A hilarious romantasy adventure romp! Our Heroine, Cin, has to team up with a demon to go on an adventure when they find out that their goddess possesses demons to attack people and the only way to stop her is to destroy her sacred items. It's laugh-out-loud funny one minute and sweet, romantic, and very spicy the next. I would highly recommend it! 5/5
The Death of Jane Lawrence by Starling
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In a Victorian AU world, Jane doesn't want to be stuck as a spinster figure of pity with her adopted family, so she agrees to be in a marriage of convenience with a surgeon named Augustine Lawrence. Things seem to be going great until on her wedding night, she is dropped off at the manor house he lives in...at the haunted manor house he lives in. Since Crimson Peak is one of my favorite movies and this book was inspired by it, I had to pick it up and I was not disappointed! Very much had the same vibes but is distinctly its own thing! I liked Jane and her practicality and I loved Augustine and how much of a pathetic meow meow and simping malewife he was for her. There is plenty of scary, gruesome imagery and I kept being so nervous, thinking "how is Jane gonna deal with this?" Plus there was a pretty darn good twist in the last third and I was genuinely surprised by the ending, without giving anything away The only thing is that sometimes the prose is so poetic that it becomes vague, especially one section right before the very end. But I loved it! 4/5
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Okay, so in a nutshell, this is an arranged marriage story between the vampire Misery and the werewolf Lowe, since the vampires, werewolves, and humans have been in constant conflict. For what I liked, the book was really funny. I enjoyed Misery's sarcasm, snark, and badassery and the romance felt developed and real. This is infamous for the omegaverse elements in the smut, but it wasn't overwhelming for someone who hasn't read a lot and I heard it's TAME compared to fanfiction. I especially liked Misery's friend Serena and I ADORED her relationship with Lowe's kid sister, Ana, who is so adorable and funny. My only qualms are that the romance felt slow to start, there were a lot of bland, forgettable side characters to keep track of, and the climax felt rushed and unclear. 4/5.
Emily Wilde's Encyclopedia of Faeries by Fawcett
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My favorite book of the month! This tells of socially awkward, incredibly intelligent professor Emily Wilde in the early 1900's. She is a professor of Fairy studies and is off in a tiny Scandinavian village to study the fairies there. Who else should show up but her charming, rakish rival in academia, Wendell Bambleby. They realize how much the fairies have messed up the local villagers and plan to take action. Okay, I LOVE that the fairies and the fae feel so much like the fairy tales and folklore of yore. The author did her homework! These aren't the hot people with wings and six-packs of Sarah J Maas. They are inhuman, immensely powerful, and can bless you or curse you in a minute's notice if you take the wrong step. I adored Emily and she seemed very much coded as neurodivergent with her passion for fairies her fear of offending others by saying the wrong thing and her lack of reading into social cues. And WENDELL BAMBLEBY! My BambleBook Boyfriend. He is a mix of Prince Hal from The Henriad and Howl from Howl's Moving Castle. He is slutty, constantly inviting his Bambleby Booty Calls, and lazy, having his students do all the work, but he begins to genuinely fall for Emily and is as charming and sweet beneath it all as he can be with a subtle element of "touch her, and you die!" It's dryly hilarious and the third act was incredible. The characters were well-developed and flawed, but still compelling, relatable, and likable. I adored this to death and would HIGHLY recommend it! 5/5
Twisted Love by Huang
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In a nutshell, this is a brother's friend and grumpy/sunshine romance. What I love about Ana Huang is that she always knows how to pace and develop a romance between two characters AND her spice is top tier. There are a few funny moments, as well as genuinely sweet ones. However, there are all sorts of elements that veneer into the silly to where I don't take it 100 percent seriously. Like, how our main girl just HAPPENS to be friends with a princess of another country at some public university. And that our main guy is 27 yet a billionaire CEO of a whole company...and he just hangs out with college kids! Like?!?!?!!? I say a good 4/5 just because I always like her.
My Throat an Open Grave by Bovalino
What I expected:
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What I got:
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Ok, so this teenage girl, Leah, is miserable living in her tiny, religious, conservative town. One night, she is sick of babysitting her baby brother and offers him accidentally to the Lord of the Wood and wouldn't you know it! The Lord of the Wood takes him! So the town tells her she has got to go and get him back, though no girl who runs to the forest for that ever returns. So she gets there and...it's this nice, open minded, cottagecore normal ass village. Other than the premise at the beginning, this isn't Labyrinth but a wholesome Midsomar for kids. Though I do like the middle finger to conservative, small town purity culture, it kind of dragged and wasn't that scary and the stakes weren't high. I expected a scary, folk horror journey, but just got kind of "eh, here's a nice cult that doesn't judge you. You know kid, are you sick of your tiny, repressive town? Here's the answer: join a cult!" There is a really good twist, a scene that got kind of spicy and pushed it for a YA book, and I appreciate that the Jareth in this is around her age instead of some grown ass man offering himself to a minor (sorry, but I am in the minority of Labyrinth who thinks Sarah was right. She made the right choice at the end), it felt like it wasn't the heroes journey I expected and got kind of bland. 3/5
Bonus, My Favorite Video Essays:
The Dark Romance Community is Mad at Me: Okay, this girl, A Model Who Reads, posted a TikTok showing her surprise that the publishing company she works for was releasing a book marked as a Serial Killer Sexual Assault Romance, the dark romance community ATTACKED her in the comments. Here, she explains the problems with it why she isnt' sorry, and her issues with dark romance in full. Insightful, and incredible, and she finally addresses the issue concerning this angry, self-righteous, and unempathetic culture that has emerged recently concerning trigger warnings in media.
Mr. Burns: A Post Electric Video Essay My man, Kyle Kallgren, has done it again! Here, he breaks down Anne Washburn's play Mr Burns, a Post Electric Play, a play that portrays a post-apocalyptic story of a group of survivors recalling a Simpsons episode which then said episode transforms to a staged play to an epic sung through morality opera by the group at the end. He discusses post-apocalyptic media, the evolution of humor, and how humanity always triumphs over adversity. It's funny, deeply human, and chilling and incredibly well researched, in the Kyle KAllgren fashion. Highly recommend it, his channel and all his videos!
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wamtorical · 9 months
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New years eve 1899 / 1900
Though the death of Ethel scarred Elmer and Claudia, December marked the 10 year anniversary of their wedding and they danced the night away in bliss as the children slept peacefully.
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New years was the one occasion Jemima, Amos and Leroy were allowed to stay up, but as soon as the clock struck 12 they were ushered to go to sleep and celebrate the next day.
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Over at the forgotten homestead, Charlotte and Diana celebrated the entire night - or morning - and they too slept like babies throughout the January afternoon.
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Claudia reflected on the past decade. The 1890's changed both herself and Elmers lives, and while there were the natural bumps along the way, it all ended up being for the better. Still, she couldn't help but feel slightly worried for the 1900's - after all, it was a new century.
Current year: 1900
📜 next / previous / first
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lonelysa1lor · 3 months
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So the whole gang is made up of OCs between me and my friend. I'd describe the group as found family full of nightmares and they've made it everyone elses problem :D
The OG gang, lovingly nicknamed the Blursed,is made up of four people. Elias Bennett, Gerry Fitzcuboid,Thomas Quasi and Sio Idemir (lastname varies). They are all time travellers and terrible people :D
There are more but I'd refer to them as Side Quests even though they do have their own lore n stuff (Henri Ampier for reference).
For now I will give small descriptions because I can't choose who to go into more detail about.
Elias Angelou Bennett, a self insert who's nothing like me anymore, is a 30 year old Necromancer from another dimension called The Realghms (pronounced realms). He's the one whos committed the most crimes in the Blursed and that surprises no one. He's apart of a generational curse made by the fae that doom him in ways he desperately tries to avoid. I can't go to into it without explaining a bunch of other stuff so I'll do that later! He's Sio's childhood best friend, co-owner of a perfume company,missing a finger due to a very bad april fools prank, and currently in a Queer Platonic relationship to an Immortal on Earth named Henri Ampier. He's also the ambassador to the country that cursed him.
Gerry Fitzcuboid is the newest and youngest in the Blursed timeline, He's an english 27 year old and actually from 1900s Earth! In 1927 he moved (basically kidnapped) from France to The Realghms and stayed there for the rest of his life. He was originally written to be the sweetness to the Blurseds chaos but that's changed alot over time (both in story and while expanding the lore). He had a momentary fling with Thomas Q in France but broke up with him on the same day he wound up in the Realghms (it was a wild day and needs alot more context that I wont explain right now because its funny). His current relationship is with the God of Hunger, who we call Wheetabix. He's committed the least crimes of all the Blursed and uses his goody two shoes-ness against people. Gerry is shared-custody between me and my friend.
Thomas Quasi, The oldest of the group at 42, Sio's husband. He was in a band, and in an abusive marriage. He's my friends OC so there's only so much detail I can to into but I'll try. He didn't know his wife's name until her wedding, he'd been assuming a nickname was her actual name the whole time. He also didn't know she was royalty. Thomas was unable to fight a war due to the laws of his country, which exempt citizens from fighting. He's a witch with a wyvern familiar named Tim Bentley. He's adopted but doesn't talk to his parents much since he had a teen pregnancy moment with his at the time GF which resulted in them both being kicked out of their homes. His ex-GFs son is Sio's no.1 fan. He's the guy who removed Elias' finger and was the victim of a shit april fools prank.
Sio Idemir, My friend self insert gone too far, is a 32 year old ex-knight and necromancer. She and Thomas are couples goals. She's co-owner of a perfume company with Elias. Sio is a princess who really doesnt want the throne of this Greek-Roman-ish kingdom. She hold's a in-universe Guinness World Record for getting the most soldiers killed in a single battle [it wasn't her fault] She has an odd obsession with 70's earth and Robert Plant. Despite the fact that she has a business and is royalty, she rarely actually has money on her. During the trip in 1927 France, she became the irl phantom of the opera while chilling in the Palais Garnier Opera House and then stole clothes from Coco Chanel. She has a dog named Antionette :D
That's the main 4, there are more and there's a lot more context but It'd take 3 hours worth of explanation and then another 6 of actual lore analysis.
Henri Ampier- Immortal Ferryman of the river styx, was also the pied piper. Elias' frenemy across time and space. [My OC]
Kolin Darcy- Sio's cousin, a terrible playwright. He's the Colin Robinson of the group. His wife is cheating on him with a guy who's my friend has said looks like Antonio Banderas. Good for her [Friends OC] Edonne- Thomas' son, raised by a Thomas' ex girlfriend after they broke up. Sio's No.1 fan and thematic parallel [Friends OC]
Wheetabix- God of Hunger, like if a greek god became a surfer boy and wasnt actually a god nor greek. Gerry's fling. [Shared Custody]
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