#7 Dwarves: The Forest Is Not Enough
sillylotrpolls · 3 months
(Relevant reading below poll.)
This poll is one of my favorites, because I love every possible option. When it previously ran, voters determined Legolas had dyscalculia. I'm eager to see if that result holds up in this "extended edition," or if tumblr will find itself swayed in a new direction.
Excerpted from The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, Chapter 7: Helm's Deep and Chapter 8: The Road to Isengard
'Two!' said Gimli, patting his axe. He had returned to his place on the wall. 'Two?' said Legolas. 'I have done better, though now I must grope for spent arrows; all mine are gone. Yet I make my tale twenty at the least. But that is only a few leaves in a forest.'
(Rest of the relevant text below the cut.)
'Twenty-one!' cried Gimli. He hewed a two-handed stroke and laid the last Orc before his feet. 'Now my count passes Master Legolas again.' 'We must stop this rat-hole,' said Gamling. 'Dwarves are said to be cunning folk with stone. Lend us your aid, master!' 'We do not shape stone with battle-axes, nor with our finger-nails,' said Gimli. 'But I will help as I may.' They gathered such small boulders and broken stones as they could find to hand, and under Gimli's direction the Westfold-men blocked up the inner end of the culvert, until only a narrow outlet remained. Then the Deeping-stream, swollen by the rain, churned and fretted in its choked path, and spread slowly in cold pools from cliff to cliff. 'It will be drier above,' said Gimli. 'Come, Gamling, let us see how things go on the wall!' He climbed up and found Legolas beside Aragorn and Éomer. The elf was whetting his long knife. There was for a while a lull in the assault, since the attempt to break in through the culvert had been foiled. 'Twenty-one!' said Gimli. 'Good!' said Legolas. 'But my count is now two dozen. It has been knife-work up here.'
'Things go ill, my friends,' he said, wiping the sweat from his brow with his arm. 'Ill enough,' said Legolas, 'but not yet hopeless, while we have you with us. Where is Gimli?' 'I do not know.' said Aragorn. 'I last saw him fighting on the ground behind the wall, but the enemy swept us apart.' 'Alas! That is evil news,' said Legolas. 'He is stout and strong,' said Aragorn. 'Let us hope that he will escape back to the caves. There he would be safe for a while. Safer than we. Such a refuge would be to the liking of a dwarf.' 'That must be my hope'' said Legolas. 'But I wish that he had come this way. I desired to tell Master Gimli that my tale is now thirty-nine.' 'If he wins back to the caves, he will pass your count again,' laughed Aragorn. 'Never did I see an axe so wielded.' 'I must go and seek some arrows,' said Legolas. 'Would that this night would end, and I could have better light for shooting.'
Suddenly there was a great shout, and down from the Dike came those who had been driven back into the Deep. There came Gamling the Old, and Éomer son of Éomund, and beside them walked Gimli the dwarf. He had no helm, and about his head was a linen band stained with blood; but his voice was loud and strong. 'Forty-two, Master Legolas!' he cried. 'Alas! My axe is notched: the forty-second had an iron collar on his neck. How is it with you?' 'You have passed my score by one,' answered Legolas. 'But I do not grudge you the game, so glad am I to see you on your legs!'
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tamurilofrivendell · 8 months
Sleeping Beauty | Chapter 14
Previous Chapters [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13] Read on AO3 [x]
Pairing: Thranduil/Fem. Reader Summary: A Sleeping Beauty inspired tale with Thranduil the Elvenking, and a female elf living in Mirkwood under the care ofRadagast, who is actually the ‘lost’ daughter of the late High King Gil-Galad. Taglist: @hufflepuff1700​​​ @jinlizz-dragondrama​​​ @firelightinferno​​ @bubbleyukismile @coopsgirl @achromaticerebus @sleepyamygdala​​​ @smalltownbigheart​ @qmabailor @genderfluid-anime-goth, @0chemicalwaste0, @deadunicorn159, @silvercobra​ a/n: the way this took so long you've probably all forgotten all about it ashahgdahdj ​​
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The rabbits pulled the sleigh through the darkening forest with ease. They moved as if they knew exactly where to go, avoiding every trip hazard on the forest floor. This was normal for them but you could also tell this was not the first time they had taken Radagast to the Elvenking's Halls. You had never ventured this way yourself, always wary of crossing paths with other elves on the road. Radagast did not always speak to you of his short journeys, and he often stayed closer to home generally, but even if he had you likely wouldn't have thought anything of it. A wizard's mind was often sought out, after all.
It was late morning by the time you reached your destination.
The Halls of Thranduil were grand, located next to the Elven settlements around the Mountains. Soon enough, the king would move his palace and his people more north, further across the river. For now, they remained where his father had first led them from Amon Lanc, after the threat of Sauron first began to grow. There were rumours (that had reached you through an owl friend) that the Elvenking had reached out to Dwarves to inquire about assistance with bringing his people underground into some sort of cave system.
This sounded like the worst thing ever to you and you hoped that you would be long gone by then... if by some miracle you did not end up actually having to marry this man.
The elves from the first settlement all had their eyes fixed on the wizard's sleigh as he urged the rabbits onward towards the palace. It was incredibly uncomfortable - you had spent practically your whole life not being perceived at all and all these eyes on you at once, from something other than forest animals, made you feel slightly uneasy.
"Here we are, child." Radagast's voice pulled you back from your thoughts and you turned to look around him, as the great hall of the king came into view.
It was very tall, though not as tall as the trees that surrounded it. It was also beautiful and had clearly been built with something close to love and you thought suddenly what a shame it is that it would be abandoned when the elves finally moved on.
There was not much time to stand and admire your new surroundings, however, as Radagast took your arm to help you off the sleigh and then ushered you inside and past the guards like a stowaway. The curious eyes all turned away once the palace doors were shut but all the elves would surely whisper, trying to decide who you were. They knew the wizard but none knew of any elves he might travel with.
"Welcome, my lady." A voice drew your attention from gazing around at the grandeur of the entrance hall.
"Ah! Feren!" Radagast huffed as the door to the hall closed behind you both with a thump, making you feel very trapped suddenly. The wizard's eyes did a quick scan of those standing in the front of him and then they snapped back to Feren. "Where is the king?"
"I am afraid the king is not here. He had to take care of an urgent matter in the forest." Feren explained, his tone soft though a little regretful.
Radagast's bushy eyebrows shot up. "Not here?" He exclaimed, suddenly seeming as if the worst catastrophe in the world had happened. "Not here! He glanced at you incredulously. "He's not here!" His attention turned back to Feren, who looked startled. "But this is important. Our coming was known in advance, ooh... this is just like Th-"
"Uncle!" You cut him off with a sigh, feeling drained.
Radagast glanced at you and seemed to relax. "Right. Yes, yes... I'm sorry."
It took you a moment to realise the silence had stretched out longer than you had expected and when you glanced back up again, you saw that the elves were staring at you. Feren and the two others, the ladies standing just behind him. Three curious pairs of eyes were trained upon you, as if fascinated by hearing you speak. Feren knew exactly who you were, of course, for he had been informed but to the women, the maids, you were just a strange elleth from somewhere in the forest that the king had brought to stay in his own personal hall, and that made you a curiosity.
Unnerved, you shifted uncomfortably, and eventually sort of shuffled behind Radagast's shoulder as a means of attempting to hide.
Feren blinked and looked away, feeling guilty. He felt bad for making you uncomfortable, you could see it in his eyes, and noticing that did make you feel a little better.
"Come." Feren said, speaking to Radagast again. "The King will return by early evening. We are to show the lady to her room."
You trailed silently behind Radagast and Feren, who spoke fairly amicably as they walked the hall together. The maids took up the rear and, while you knew this wasn't the case, you felt as if you were being herded and prevented from fleeing. You looked around a little more as you walked, having never seen anything like it. The muted colours of the decor made you feel almost like you were still out in the deep woods in autumn. Almost.
"Here we are!" Feren announced cheerfully, stopping outside a large door.
You took a moment to react, your attention having been caught by the large portrait on the wall just outside the door. In an intricate golden frame sat the image of a blond haired male elf with piercing eyes. His hair was quite an icy shade of blond (though not quite as pale as Thranduil's, you noted to yourself), down past his shoulders, and braided very intricately. A large crown sat upon his head, set with gemstones the same colour as the frame.
'Oropher', was inked at the bottom of the image in large looping letters. The Elvenking's father, you realised. As you stared at his face, you couldn't help but think of Lindon, and Gil-Galad, and all you had learned about that fateful day...
It was then that your brain registered Feren's voice and you turned your head. Everyone was staring at you again and your cheeks started to flush the softest shade of pink as you hurriedly stepped towards the door he was now holding open. Radagast ushered you inside and you looked around at your new prison.
It was beautiful, truly. Larger than Radagast's entire cottage. It was too much, you decided, but it was where you were stuck for the time being, and it could certainly be worse. You didn't say anything else and Feren almost seemed disappointed, as if he had wanted to hear you speak again.
"Well, uh." He said, slightly flustered, glancing at Radagast before looking back at you. Then he gave you a little bow that made you stare at him like he'd just snapped a rabbit's neck in front of you. You frowned until you realised why he'd done it.
You were royalty.
"I will leave you to settle in." He continued, as if not noticing your surprise. "The king will return before nightfall. He is most... eager to meet you." It was a small lie on Feren's part. When Thranduil had left the hall that morning, just before your arrival, he had seemed anything but eager. In fact, he seemed almost to be dreading it but Feren decided it was best to keep that to himself.
You turned and walked further into the room, looking around at the decor and furniture and all the space. It was far too big, too grand, but you realised this was the sort of thing you would have been born into as well. You would probably have grown up in a palace like this. You simply could not imagine it.
Feren and Radagast stood for a few moments longer, mumbling at the door together but you paid no mind. Feren soon left and Radagast tried to help you settle in with your things but you had no desire to unpack your bag. You did not want to feel like you were moving in, like you were staying here, though of course that's exactly what was happening.
You denied the help of the maids too and, eventually, they all left you alone with your thoughts. You were still so overwhelmed from all you had learned the previous day, and how quickly everything had changed. You poked around the room for a while and then you moved to sit glumly by the large window. The position of the room in the tower gave you the view of one of the settlements below but that was not what drew your gaze.
Instead, you stared longingly out over the forest, thinking of your home, your woodland friends... and Thranduil, who would be expecting to meet you in the clearing soon, but you would not come.
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The clearing was quiet as Thranduil stood there, fingers stroking over his elk's fur as he waited patiently.
Another hour of standing there was when the impatience crept in.
Where were you?! It was well past the agreed upon meeting time. The sun was high in the sky by now. It was the beginning of a beautiful day but he could not bring himself to really enjoy it. Thranduil was aware that by now the girl - the princess - would be at his halls. He would have to return after meeting your uncle and he would have to try and keep the wizard from pushing any talk of marriage.
He had made his decision already. He would marry only one woman. You.
...if you ever showed up!
"Where is she?" Thranduil muttered to his elk as another half hour passed by. He could not linger out here for much longer. He had duties to attend to. He had a realm to rule, people to protect, an Enchantress to drive out.
The elk made a sound in response but Thranduil was not listening. He was suddenly standing very still, his eyes flitting around every inch of the area, peering through the trees at the edge of the clearing.
Was someone here?
Where he would have thought to feel excitement (he was expecting you, after all) he instead felt dread. He had the eeriest feeling that he was being watched. The hairs on the back of his neck had started to stand on end and there was a shiver up his spine.
The birds had also stopped singing, he realised. Where moments ago there had been chatter, now there was dead silence.
Thranduil moved then. If his own instincts had not been enough, the behaviour of the woodland animals confirmed to him that something was amiss.
He turned and jumped up onto the elk and then they were moving, leaving the clearing behing. There was a deep disappointment in his gut as he travelled back towards his palace.
Why had you not shown up? Had you changed your mind? Had your uncle prevented you? Had something bad happened? Thranduil could not even easily find out what was wrong because he knew not where to even start looking for you. His heart felt heavy as he rode back towards the mountains. Would he just never see you again?
Back in the clearing, the figure of the Enchantress stepped out from between the trees, narrowed eyes fixed on the Elvenking's retreating figure. Her lips were turned up in what could only be called a snarl and she was glaring after him with contempt. She too had come here looking for you and instead she had found that Radagast had secreted you away, just like when you were a baby. The fact Thranduil seemed not to realise that you and the princess were one and the same did not fill her with as much amusement as she would have liked.
The fact that he and Radagast had hidden you away behind the walls of Thranduil's palace, when she was so close, angered her. She had hoped that things would not progress quite so quickly now that she had finally found you, and that she might have had another encounter with you here in the clearing you frequented.
Thranduil was lucky to leave here alive, she thought to herself. She ought to have had his head right here!
Still, she thought, there was no fun in that. He would not come out victorious, none of them would. You could not be saved. The curse was in motion and it could not be stopped. It was only a matter of time and if they thought an Elven stronghold could save you, they were mistaken. She could get you anywhere.
A smirk soon replaced the scowl as the Enchantress melted back into the cover of the trees.
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crystalbeetle888 · 3 months
Voyage into the Unknown Pt.6
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Master List Pt.5 - Pt.6 - Pt.7
Many more days pass, riding across fields and forest, through little valleys and rivers, up and down hills, in rain and sun. And during that time, I have only grown closer to Kili.  Not forgetting Bilbo, and Fili. Their company is the only thing keeping me sane as the older men continuously thwart any attempt of mine at helping. I feel stir-crazy as the days melt together, with nothing productive to do except talk, ride, and train at sword fight with Fili until dusk. 
The company rides up a grassy hill laying at the bottom of a tall cliff-face, large boulders scattered along the way. At the top, the ruins of an abandoned house lay. Thorin rides up to it “We’ll camp her for the night” He says, Gandalf already wandering around, inspecting the house. “Fili, Kili, look after the ponies. Make sure you stay with them” he says to his nephews. Hoping off my horse I hand Kili the reins, and take my pack down “I suppose I won't be training with your brother tonight then” I swing my now very heavy bag on my back. “Well you can always watch the ponies with us, keep us company” I look over at Thorin who seems to be arguing with Gandalf in the ruined house “I’m not sure that he’s in the mood for suggestions right now, plus I think he’d say I’m ‘too distracting’” I mock Thorins’ deeper voice. Kili chuckles “You’re probably right”. “I’m definitely right,” I nod, pursing my lips. “And how do you know that?” he asks, “Because I’m a woman, and I know everything” we laugh together, Kili nodding along until a loud outraged voice interrupts us “Myself, Mr.Baggins!” Gandalf storms past us “I’ve had enough of dwarves for one day” I hear him mutter to himself as he wanders off into the wild. “Come on, Bomber, we’re hungry” Thorin calls over. The company whispers to one another “Where do you think he’s going?” I turn to Kili in concern, “Probably just off for a smoke, maybe a bath” He shrugs, not caring that the powerful being has essentially left us until further notice. Anxiety begins to creep into my mind, making me feel restless. Kili wanders off with his brother taking the ponies with him. 
Settling in for the night, Bofur fills up peoples’ bowls with the thick stew. I get up and hop in line for seconds, behind Bomber, who patiently waits for his turn. Bilbo fidgets, walking back and forth “He’s been a long time” He stomps over, “Who?” Bofur asks, “Gandalf” Bilbo stresses, Bofur scoffs “He’s a Wizard. He does as he chooses. Here, do us a favour. Take these to the lads” He hands over two bowls to Bilbo who didn’t really want to help out. Bomber sneaking the ladle for his fourth serving, tries to sip straight out the spoon “Stop it. You’ve had plenty” Bofur chides him, wrestling the ladle from him. “Let him eat if he’s hungry” I say, frowning at Bofur. The two turn to look at me, Bomber smiling under his thick braided beard, and Bofur shaking his head “Don’t start down that road lass, he’ll eat you out of house and home” He wags his finger. I roll my eyes at his antics “He’s not a bottomless pit”. Bofur laughs and whacks Bombers fat belly “He’ll eat a whole cheese wheel and then some lass” the two dwarves laugh, Bomber looking quite proud of himself. “Bullshit” I say, causing the two to chortle louder “Language lass! Bombers appetite is something to behold” he exclaims. I uh huh them, taking the ladle and pouring a scoop into my bowl “I’ll believe it when I see it mate” “Well, maybe one day you’ll have to experience a true dwarvish feast, that’s where the real action happens” He winks and I laugh “I suppose I’ll have to then aye” He nods with a chuckle as I turn away, and walk around the socialising men to find a quiet spot to sit and enjoy my meal. 
The wind is nice and cool after a long hot day of horse riding, my legs ache deeply, my heart aching also. Homesickness isn’t something I thought I would be feeling. But here I am, sadly sipping my stew, longing for my daily, or even weekly routine. Opening up the studio in the early morning, working away at my latest collection of paintings until noon, where I would then go and help teach at the local dojo to the juniors class. Some may think my schedule was repetitive or boring, but I really enjoyed the normality and structure. Always buying a vanilla iced chai from the bakery next door, possibly a mini pizza or pasty. Always passing by the same calico street cat, sitting on the town statue down the front most street, waiting for pets or food offerings. I had always thought her name was Fatty or Big Bess, Bessie for short. But I’ve heard other suggestions like Spot or Tiger, or more suitable ones for her weight like Jabba or Big girl.
I sniffle, face heating up at the thought of home. Taking a deep breath to settle my heart, I barely notice Balin walking over “You alright lass?” I jump, his voice surprising me, “Yeah just missing home, you know” I continue to sip on my now cold soup. “Aye I know that feeling well” He sits down on a rock beside me “Sometimes it helps to talk of it” He smiles warmly at me “Tell me about it hay?”. I sigh “I was actually thinking of a fat street cat” I laugh sadly and he chuckles “Not thinking of family?” He jokes. I smile strained at him “No, I don’t have any family left” stir my soup aimlessly. “I’m sorry lass, I didn’t mean anything by it” He apologises quickly “Nah it’s all good mate, they died a long time ago” I stare out over the dark valley, clouds rolling over the hills. “How’d they pass?” He asks quietly, “My mother died of- uh a brain illness, and my father died from- overindulgence in substance” I say before sculling the last of cold stew in one gulp. “I’m sorry lass, sometimes terrible things occur and all we can do is hold out, in hope of a better day” He leans over and pats my shoulder in a very fatherly way, causing my eyes to water “Thank you” I whisper. 
The moment of solemn silence between us is broken by two princes rushing through the brush shouting “Thorin! Mountain trolls have snatched the ponies!” they shout alerting the company “Bilbo went ahead to try and release them, we don’t know how long he’ll last” Fear strikes my body ‘Shits’ just gotten real’ I think scared as the men grab their weapons, preparing for a fight ‘What the fuck is a mountain troll?’ I place my hand on my sheathed sword. I've never had to use this in an actual fight before, let alone aim to kill someone. Balin places his hand on mine “Stay here lass, if we don’t return, run like the wind and find Gandalf”. I nod shamefully, knowing I won’t be of much use. As the men march off to battle, the princes leading the way, a deafening silence washes over the camp. My anxiety spiking through the roof, ‘When am I supposed to run?’ ‘Where am I supposed to go’ and most nerve-wracking ‘What if they need help?’ I jitter and buzz with adrenaline, pacing around the camp. “How about I just go and check it out? Yeah, then if they need help I’ll- do- something” I hype myself up. Pulling out my machete from my pack, I jog into the woods, making sure to keep low. A bright glow lights up the forest ‘How did we not notice them?’. I creep up to the light and hide in a bush at the top of the mound, overlooking their camp. In the centre of the clearing a large bonfire is lit, with some of the dwarves spit-roasting over it. Three giant, ugly, ‘mountain trolls’ stand around arguing with Bilbo about how they're going to cook the company, before one of them picks up Bomber and dangles him over his mouth. Sliding on my belly, down the mound and through the brush, I sneak up behind Thorin who lays closest, and grab the rope tying his sack closed. Thorin jumps at the touch before I shush him, working on cutting him free.
“Oh, not that one. He’s infected.” The troll turns to look at him “Huh?” “You what?” they ask outraged. “Yeah, he’s got worms in his- tubes” Bilbo makes something up quickly, and to my surprise the troll toss Bomber back on the pile with a loud “Eww!”. “In fact, they all have. They're infested with parasites. It’s a terrible business and I wouldn't risk it. I really wouldn’t” He tries to convince them. 
Their conversation about parasites drift into the background as I focus on cutting though this stupidly thick rope, with my stupidly small pocket knife. Finally cutting it, I pull the cord loose from around Thorin's neck, and attempt to grasp the back of Thorin's shirt and pull him up. However he’s much heavier than I expected, and I struggle to pull him even an inch up into the scrub. “Come here you!” one of the trolls exclaims before I am suddenly lifted up by my leg. “Oi look Tom, look what I've got” He proudly waves me in the air, ragdolling me, to the other trolls. “Put her down!” “Leave the lass alone!” the company shouts angrily. The troll brings me to his face and gives me a long sniff. “Mmmh man-flesh” he says, rancid breath wafting over my face causing me to dry-heave upside-down “And it’s a female” he says excitedly. “Taste better than the males” He raises me high above his face causing me to shout out in fear and wriggle furiously in his grip, kicking and punching his hand “Put me down you fat ugly cunt!” I scream at him causing him to crack up laughing. “Do you ‘ear that Will? This ones’ got fight in it” He shakes me around violently, ceasing my wriggling. 
“The dawn will take you all!” Gandalf’s voice bellows over the commotion. “Who’s that?” “No idea.” “Can we eat him too?” the trolls ask before Gandalf strikes the stone he stands on, breaking it in half and allowing the morning light to cascade over the trolls. They retract, groaning in pain as they quickly turn to stone. The company cheers joyfully “Oh, get your foot out of my back” Dwalin complains from the spit-roast. Still hanging upside-down in the dead troll's grip, the blood really begins to rush to my head. “A little help anyone” I mutter weakly as my vision begins to spot. “Just hold on lass we’ll get you down” someone yells.
Eventually, after they had saved themselves, the dwarves managed to get me on the ground again. “You could’ve sustained serious injury, have you no care for yourself?” Thorin hisses as he marches over. Tired and nauseous, I lay flat on the dewy grass, without saying a word in response. I groan in discomfort, being shook around like that has really pulled everything out of place. “Do you have nothing to say for yourself?” He scoffs. “Yeah, I do have something to say actually. Sod off!” I bark back at him before covering my eyes with my arm, a headache slowly creeps up my neck. Balin interrupts Thorin by saying something in Khazdul, causing him to back off in a huff. Thorin then goes to harass Gandalf leaving Balin to tend to my wounds.
Master List Pt.5 - Pt.6 - Pt.7
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incorrect-mtg · 8 months
Flavor Text Highlights - Mirage
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Funny - Pacifism
For the first time in his life, Grakk felt a little warm and fuzzy inside.
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Funny - Elixir of Vitality
“Eternal life or your money back.” —Unnamed Suq'Ata merchant, deceased
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Emotional - Reign of Terror
“I don’t know what takes them; they die around me without time to scream.” —Scout Ekemet, final journal
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Worldbuilding - The entire Love Song of Night and Day* *which I will put under a line break because it's super long AND I want to repost content from a Wizards article which is no longer available
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The full poem, taken from the article of the same name originally posted in 2003 on the wizards website (here) with footnotes explaining which cards quote it.:
Love Song of Night and Day by Jenny Scott
He (Night) / She (Day)
Wrap yourself in your best bright clothes, your red and purple scarves of silk. Run with me to the festival, where we will dance until sunrise. The dwarves will beat their funny drums of zebra skins and hollowed trees, while stiltwalkers perform, and the musician blows his bamboo flute.
And late in the night, the poets and storytellers entertain, delight us with their dancing words, as we listen, clapping by the fire. Enchant me with your tale-telling. Tell about Tree, Grass, River, and Wind. Tell why Truth must fight with Falsehood, and why Truth will always win.1
I will tell my father's stories: how the giant mantis fooled Death by holding still as a felled tree; how the elephants trampled the leopard cub, and its father, though he knew, killed nine goats instead;2 how pirates gambled with a djinn and lost the thing more dear than gold.3
Tonight we'll eat a farewell feast. Cold corn porridge is not enough. Let's peel papayas, pineapples, and mangoes, drink coconut milk, and bake bananas.4 We'll dine on crocodiles, wild birds, and turtles, perhaps a hippopotamus--if only you can catch it first.
I'll build a palace made of stone. Two hippo-headed guards will serve, and tigers carry in your meals. I'll capture flying zebras for your steeds, and fill the stable with every kind of unicorn.5 Butterflies and salamanders will decorate your garden.
I'll strand long strings of beads for you, blue, the color only kings may wear. I'll carve a soapstone lioness, a wooden box to lock it in, girded with sapphire amulets, ostrich feathers, ivory. These things will protect you while I'm gone, remind you of my love for you.6
Your voice resounds like a songbird's, every word is a sweet, soft song. When you run you're graceful and swift, sleek as a powerful panther.7 Mysterious chameleon, you're a thousand women at once, sharp and strong as a lioness, yet gentle as a striped gazelle.
On this our last day together, let us walk across the grasslands. Hold my hand and let's walk slowly, seeing everything as children. Let's walk on the Daraja Plains, where leopards hang from trees, dosing, tasseled tails swaying in the shade, near villages of tree-dwelling elves.
Glorious, to walk again across the savannah with my beloved. A lion walks commandingly, a general among his troops, camped the night before a battle. A snake, colorful and coiled, loops around his bough, mischievous, hanging over the village path.
We'll find termites in their nests, hard tall towers above the plains, and point-eared cats, taking their turns, guarding their many entrances. We'll find the basket-nests of birds hanging from the acacia tree. Rhinoceroses and dragons for once will let us walk in peace.
When lightning tears the sky's dark cloak and heaven's bird beats the water on the muddy plains with its big wings, termites and frogs escape their homes toward the lamps in the nearest village. Spiders dry themselves indoors, the spotted lizards that never fall from ceilings suddenly appear.
In the forest, fires light the sky as the black clouds unfold their weight.8. The black-and-white sacred monkey holds her children to her, and waits.9 Love, like lightning hits suddenly. It sparks the heart with blows of light, its fire extending, bends, expands, beats and breaks your hiding places.
* * *
Remember when we were children, herding the sheep together, leading them over the grassy hills with long sticks. Your silly songs made me laugh, and in the evening, you'd enchant me with your stories, lying on your back beside me. Even then my heart was yours.
I remember your sacred rites. You were so funny, so grown up, so stiff and serious, all arms and elbows. You went in a girl, but you returned a warrior. You marched back with the others-- your hair was cut, your eye tattooed with the red triangle of war.10
Tomorrow I must go, my love. I will tattoo my head with braids. My shield will bear a shining sun so you will always be with me. Inlaid with gold, it will shine like glowing embers.11 I will return with lizard skins for your sandals. Paint your eyes black and wait for me.12
I am the sun, you are the moon. Wherever you lead I will go, following across the wide sky, as long as I live and you love. Sun follows Moon until she tires, then carries her until she's strong and runs ahead of him again.13 I'll carry you, too, my beloved.
My love, we are not Sun and Moon. Instead we are like day and night. The old ones say Day is a woman, who works only while it is light. She herds her goats and catches fish, fills her fields with golden corn, shows her children what is just and protects them from the cobra.
Day loves Night, who works in darkness, walking through heaven's milky sky collecting stars with his quick arms, piling them into a basket like a child collecting lizards and piling them into her pot until the pot overflows with lizards, 'til the basket overflows with light.
Night wears a black cloak lined with fire, studded inside with gleaming stars. At dawn and dusk he spies his love. Across the rolling hills of sky, they glimpse each other--so briefly. They throw each other kisses, cry. Their tears spill over Jamuraa. Mixed with blood, they wash everything red.14
But once, with a magician's help, Time was stopped and Day stood still.15 Night spread over Jamuraa, wrapped Day in his dark cloak and held her. In their miraculous embrace, the two became as One. Until pulled from Day's arms, Night sank, commanded by the western horizon that always beckons him to come.
I won't give up hope, my love.
Our love is like the river in the summer season of long rains: For a little while it spilled its banks, flooding the crops in the fields.16 But soon it will evaporate with the dry heat. Like Day from Night, I'll live my life apart from you, just glimpsing you across the sky, because you cannot change, my dear, and nor can I.17
[1] "Enchant me…" - Village Elder, Mirage [2] "I will tell my father's stories… how the elephants…" - Wild Elephant, Mirage [3] "…pirates…" - Kukemssa Pirates, Mirage [4] "Tonight…" - early harvest, Mirage and Sixth Edition [5] "I'll capture…" - Zebra Unicorn, Mirage (note that "flying" was changed to "gentle" on the card.) [6] "These things…" - Remedy, Visions and Sixth Edition [7] "When you run…" - Panther Warriors, Visions [8] "In the forest…" - Flare, Mirage [9] "The black-and-white…" - simoon, Visions [10] "…you returned a warrior… your hair was cut…" - Zhalfirin Knight, Mirage [11] "My shield…" - blinding light, Mirage [12] "I will return…" - Femeref Knight, Mirage [13] "Sun follows…" - Chariot of the Sun, Mirage [14] "Their tears…" - Mortal Wound, Visions [15] "But once…" - Sands of Time, Visions [16] "Our love…" - Summer Bloom, Visions [17] "Like Day from Night…" - Unfulfilled Desires, Mirage
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thelostgirl21 · 6 months
Okay, but now I kinda want to see a Radskier version of this...
Because I can 100% imagine Jaskier being that adorable 7 year-old child that some evil noble would be jealous of and want to get rid of (because he's so damn charming and has such a beautiful, melodious voice, and natural way with words already, that it's obvious that the kid is going to be a menace that will have people falling for him left and right when he grows up!).
And so, he gets adopted by a bunch of outcasts (maybe Yarpen Zigrin and his men?) that are constantly trying to tell him to stay away from strangers, and stop putting random things into his mouth!
But he's a 7 year-old version of Jaskier, i.e. a puppy dog of a child with even less impulse control and inhibition than the adult version of him has! So, of course he just gets instantly fascinated with each new person he meets, and spontaneously goes to hug their legs, tell them he thinks they look pretty, ask them where they're from, want them to tell him stories, and will gladly eat anything they offer him that remotely looks edible!
Hell! He'll eat stuff lying around that don't even look edible! So, if it looks like an apple? Yeah. Poor child never stood a chance. The evil noble character wouldn't even have needed to try to interact with him or trick him. He'd just need to let a poisoned apple randomly lie on the forest floor close to the dwarves' camp, and you can be sure it would wind up in Jaskier's mouth, somehow!
And then, there's young 8 year-old Prince Radovid, that has the annoying habit of giving his guards the slip to go running off on his own into the woods; but somehow never gets lost - even when he goes missing for a few days - nor attacked by any of the forest's creatures, because he's that kind of prince!
You know, the kind of prince that can just summon squirrels through his bedroom's window to come clean up his room for him!
So obviously, he'd find the glass coffin with the "dead" but perfectly preserved boy inside, and immediately think "he's really pretty, and I think I should keep him with me!"
So, he finds this Witcher passing by on his horse Roach, tells him he's found a pretty boy trapped in a glass box that he'd like to bring back home, and the Witcher looks like he'd be strong enough to do it.
Intrigued (and perhaps just a bit concerned over the kid's sanity), the Witcher thus goes to investigate and finds out that young Radovid was telling the truth! He decides that he should bring the boy in the glass coffin to a powerful sorceress to try to figure out what happened to him, and if, perhaps, something could be done to wake him up.
He tries to convince the young Prince Radovid that he should go back home before his parents start to worry, but the kid is having none of it! He wants to stay with the pretty boy and is afraid that the Witcher will decide to just keep him, and that he'll never get to see him again.
Plus, he keeps insisting that no one will miss him, or even notice he's gone for a few days, at least! Because all that matters to his parents is his older brother - who's going to be king one day - and no one really pays attention to him. It's not the first time he's run off like that! Last time it took them about a week before they sent more guards to fetch him.
So now, Geralt is travelling towards Yennefer de Vengerberg's latest location by foot, with an 8 year-old Redanian Prince sitting on his horse and a glass coffin with some random child (that looks to be roughly the same age as the prince) trapped in some kind of death-like stasis of unknown magical origin inside of it hoisted on his shoulder...
At some point, Roach gets startled, and Geralt ends up tripping and almost dropping the glass box while attempting to make sure his horse doesn't accidentally throws Radovid off her back.
Next thing he knows, the "dead kid" is coughing out a large piece of poisoned apple, is fully awake, tries to hug him, wants to know if white is his real hair color, and if he'd let him wash and braid them later? No? Spoilsports.
And wow! How sharp are those swords? And why are there two of them? Oh! And does the wolf on his medallion mean anything? Also, he's hungry and wonders if Geralt has some food hidden somewhere (while actively rummaging through his bags)...
The moment he triumphantly pulls out a vial, thinking it's some juice to drink, the Witcher panics and knocks it out of his hands, immediately being called "rude" by a pouting and put off fucking 7 year-old kid!
But 3 seconds later, he totally forgets about being upset and now wants to know all about what Witcher potions are, and Witchers. Can he be one? Okay, maybe being a Witcher is not so much fun, then... But Yarpen keep saying he makes way too much noise to be a mercenary, too! So he'll have to figure something out and "be something" one day, right?
Apparently, the kid's full name and title is "Julian Alfred Pankratz, Viscount of Lettenhove", but it's too long, sounds way too fucking pretentious (it's unclear if the dwarves that adopted him taught him to curse, or if it's a habit that the child had picked up before), and so he prefers to go by Jaskier.
Oh, and he really loves to sing! Would Geralt want to hear him sing?
When the sound of another voice says that they'd love to, Jaskier nearly jumps out of his skin going "What the fuck are you doing here?" at the other child, prompting a very confused and wide eyed "b-but I've been sitting here the whole time!" from the much quieter, and much more reserved prince.
The very second little Jaskier has a chance to take a good look at the young Radovid, however, he immediately goes from startled to utterly fascinated, and now he's trying to awkwardly climb on top of Roach until the prince casually asks Geralt's fucking horse if she would be so kind to help him, and wouldn't you know it! Roach just grabs the kid by the back of his shirt, lifts him up, and sits him down right behind the prince while Geralt is looking at the interaction totally dumbfounded.
At least, now all of Jaskier's questions are directed at the prince that apparently couldn't be happier to answer them, and to be the center of the pretty boy's attention.
Among other things, Jaskier wonders if the big, buff, scary-looking white haired Witcher person is always so silent and grumpy, asks if he can run his fingers through the young prince hair, and braid them - then, when he receives confirmation, starts commenting on how soft his hair is, and wondering what their actual color might be (it's a really pretty kinda reddish-blonde, that seemingly keeps changing color with the way the sun's ray reflects in them... Does Radovid has magical hair? They smell really good, too!)...
Meanwhile, Geralt is wondering whatever the fuck he did to Destiny to deserve to be carrying two noble kids around on his horse - including one that won't shut up - even when he's got his nose buried deep into the other child's hair...
Oh! And he's singing now! Wonderful!
He's genuinely starting to wonder if he should be asking Yennefer to check up on him and make sure that he won't be suffering from any long term complications from the spell he was put under...
Or if he should be asking her if there's any safe way to put him back into that box and make sure he stays there!
That is, if the damn child doesn't wind up back in a coffin all on his own!
For some reason, that fucking kid keeps trying to make friends with every single monster they meet in their travel... And, the moment the fangs inevitably come out, the prince will apparently step in, in an attempt to talk the monster down and protect his companion!
Geralt is pretty sure that having to look after these two together while trying to keep them both alive is going to result in him starting to age at a normal human rate!
He has to admit, though, that Jaskier boy has a very decent singing voice - especially coming from one so young... And he's got quite a few catchy tunes, too...
Then, there's Prince Radovid... From what little Geralt has been able to gather from him, he's starting to suspect that he might have been abused back at the castle, or at the very least the victim of parental neglect. He seems way too mature and self-reliant for his age, and craves Jaskier's attention like someone that's gone invisible for far too long...
Halfway through their trip, the boys apparently decide that the two of them are going to get married when they get older, and live together in a cabin in the woods, close to the coast.
Of course, he's not enough of an asshole to tell them that he's sure the King of Redania is going to be delighted to hear about his youngest son's plans for his future, and would totally agree to that.
Turns out he wouldn't have needed to since, when they finally reach Yennefer de Vengerberg, the sorceress gives the "little sing-songy twit" a clear bill of health, and somehow decides that she wants to adopt both of the kids (she's apparently been wanting to become a mother for quite some time now, and sees this as the perfect opportunity)!
The Prince, of course, is delighted at the idea! As long as he gets to stay with the "pretty boy", apparently, he'd be happy! Plus, the fact that Yennefer seems like a mother that would actually want him is also a huge plus in favor of that plan.
And Jaskier's not agains it, but insists for them to find Yarpen first, to let him know he's alive, have them meet his "dwarf dad", and allow them to figure it all out together.
Somewhere along the way, Geralt and Yennefer fall in love, and Jaskier decides he now has a Witcher dad and a Witch mom, too...
He refuses to remotely consider Radovid as a brother, though, regardless of them now having the same parental figures.
Apparently, marrying him when they're all grown up would be really weird then (Jaskier is apparently really good at keeping track of his priorities, and those are very much not straight!) - and the prince fully agrees on that.
Even if Geralt mistakenly believes that they will probably have the opportunity to change their minds at least ten times about getting married before they actually get to that point.
Eventually, they do reunite with Yarpen and his company, that are absolutely delighted and beyond relieved to discover that their beloved tiny big fucking mouth is now awake, and very much alive!
Apparently, they met with some ancient elven lady that told them of some weird prophecy about the child, and that they needed to build some glass coffin and leave him there in the middle of the woods for some other kid to find if they wanted him to survive...
Really weird fucking stuff, but they'd figured that it was worth a shot, at least, and a much better plan than letting Jaskier be permanently dead.
And then, Yarpen and his company, Geralt, Yennefer, and the whole Witcher Keep, apparently, wind up raising two random noble kids, protecting them from some evil character that wants Jaskier dead out of jealousy (still haven't decided who that would be... Maybe, in that world, Valdo Marx would be older, and part of the nobility... Actually, it would be funny if no one actually knew who kept trying to murder Jaskier, and that was something they'd only discover once he's all grown up and has finally become everything that the evil character ever feared Jaskier would become) that keeps occasionally trying to trick him to his death (it's a recurring occurrence... Every now and then, Jaskier nearly dies or dies, they find a way to save or revive him... the usual!).
As for Radovid, every once in a while, Redania sends out some troops in an attempt to retrieve him... But, since every time they try to send their cavalry out the horses won't budge, whales keep sinking their ships, and their infantry get chased around by bears, squirrels, skunks, and fucking pigeons, each new attempt becomes more and more halfhearted.
Jaskier eventually becomes the bard he was always meant to be... Perhaps Radovid eventually retakes his Kingdom...
To everyone's utter lack of surprise, they do very much get married...
Pretty sure that, at some point, one of the attempts on Jaskier's life involved something like "true love's kiss" to break the spell, and Radovid totally aced it!
Well, depending on who you ask, because Geralt would argue that "true love's kiss" doesn't usually require as much tongue and groping. And Jaskier would very much disagree, arguing that a decent amount of tongue action is 100% crucial to the kiss' chance of success!
Yennefer would likely settle the argument by saying that Jaskier's probably right, given he's way too much of a diva to come back to life for someone that's unwilling to put in a little extra effort into the kiss to show that they really mean it.
Oh, and when the boys were in their late twenties, and announced that they would be attending Queen Calanthe's banquet together because Jaskier had been invited to perform, Yennefer told Geralt to go with them for protection, in case someone would attempt to take the opportunity to murder Jaskier - again.
And Geralt came back home that night announcing to her that he'd just accidentally adopted yet another princess - with super powerful Elder blood this time - and that they would probably need to move closer to Cintra for a few years, so Yennefer would be able to help train her.
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lathalea · 2 years
Blame It on Cider, part 8
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Fandom: The Hobbit Relationships: Thorin x Yrsa (Dwarf Female OC) Rating: E (18+ only) Warnings: snowed in, smut, smut, smut, smut, Thorin head over heels in love, fluff
Summary: After a big celebration (and a lot of cider) Yrsa, a cheeky herbalist from the Blue Mountains, wakes up in the arms of a handsome (but grumpy) blacksmith who turns out to be none other than the famous king - Thorin Oakenshield. Fighting her hangover, she decides to avoid the awkwardness of "the morning after" and disappears. Will Thorin find her again?
You can read this fic here and on AO3.
Searching for the previous parts? Here they are:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 Smut below. You have been warned.
Khuzdul: Harsûnê - my flame-lady Mabiramarralûnê - my passionate man Thorinuldûm - Thorin’s Halls (the place in the Blue Mountains where Longbeards lived after Sack of Erebor)  Ursarusê - my tiny fire  Biraijzêr - “the pull”, for Dwarves, both being in love and feeling that this is the right person to marry Lulkh - fool
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Blame It on Cider, part 8
One week later
The sweet weight of Yrsa’s body as she straddled him, the warmth of her skin flush against his, made Thorin wake up in an instant. His eyes blinked open only to see her fiery hair cascading down towards his face as she lowered herself over him. She was like a secret magical spring glade in the middle of a frozen winter forest he was fortunate enough to find. Yrsa. His eyes took in the sight of her; her radiant eyes, green as fresh grass, her glistening locks caressing his cheek and filling his lungs with the scent of a blooming meadow, her full, pink lips, inviting and warm, like the first rays of the morning sun. “Good morning, Master Blacksmith,” she brushed her nose against his, a mischievous smile dancing on her lips, her fingers playing with the curls on his chest. “Have you slept well?” “I think I may still be dreaming,” he murmured and let his lips meet hers in a lazy, lengthy kiss, their private little ritual they eagerly repeated every morning since their first night at the shepherd’s hut. A shadow of a grin formed on Thorin’s lips when he recalled that kissing was not the only thing they did with equal eagerness every morning. 
His hands slid down her shoulders, gliding down her back only to rest over the enticing curve of her hips, eliciting a small sigh out of her. Yrsa’s knees were pressed against his sides now, her hands resting on both sides of his head. A thought crossed Thorin’s mind – his warrior instinct should have been warning him about being trapped. Instead, his whole body reveled in the fact of being surrounded by such an alluring cage. Their kiss deepened, its sweetness giving way to fire inside him, kindled by her delicious mouth, by her nimble tongue, by the sensation of her pebbled nipples brushing against his pectorals. Oh yes, his whole body was awake now, hot magma running through his veins, rousing his most primal urges, spreading through his lower abdomen and making the tension in his groin grow more intense. His fingers dug into the beguiling softness of her skin as he bent his legs up, his feet flat on the bed, making her round bottom bump against his thighs. Their lips parted and Yrsa gave out a surprised gasp. Her lovely face seemed to glow as her eyes suddenly opened. Her unfocused gaze, her copper eyebrows, arched like robin’s wings, contrasting with the paleness of her creamy skin, her plump lips already slightly swollen because of his ministrations, everything about her was… wonderful. Perfect. Beautiful. Thorin yearned for Yrsa deeply, as if the last time they made love happened not several hours but several centuries ago.
A triumphant growl left his lips as he devoured her mouth, so tender, so delectable, and Yrsa let out another sigh as she slowly lowered herself over him. The impossible heat of her womanhood pressed against his hardness. Sweet Mahal, she was so wet already, so incredibly ready for him. Thorin felt dizzy, utterly drunk with her, and yet he wanted more of her, all of her, body and soul; she was his and he was hers, and he needed to show it to her at that very moment.
He began to sit up, intending to bring her even closer and then plunge into the sweet pool of her arousal to soar with her on the wings of passion, but just then a slender hand pressed against his chest.
“Let me…?” Yrsa spoke, a shadow of a blush settling on her cheeks, and all he found himself able to do was nod and rest his back on the bed once more. 
During the last few days, Thorin found it exhilarating to see those new rare glimpses of her boldness as Yrsa seemed to be testing the waters with him. Secretly he hoped that perhaps she was finally accepting that he was a Dwarf of flesh and bone and not only that cursed title that seemed to unnecessarily intimidate her.
She lowered her face to press a tender kiss on his lips, making a river of heat rush down his spine. His palms rested on her strong, shapely thighs, caressed them impatiently, ready to move to her hips and set them at that one sweet angle so that he could finally burrow inside her and become one with her.
But her small hands closed on his wrists and pulled them away from her body, pinning his arms to the bed. He met her gaze and found a playful flicker in her eyes. Yrsa tilted her head surrounded by the halo of her flaming hair that flowed all the way down to cover her mouthwatering, full breasts. Thorin wanted to reach up and expose those beauties to his hungry gaze so he could admire their perfect shapes to his heart’s content, then touch them and taste them, but Yrsa’s hands still held his wrists firmly against the bed. “You Longbeards have this saying… Let the forge come to the blacksmith, is that correct?”
“Aye.” Thorin’s tongue wet his suddenly parched lips and he was rewarded with a smile.
Yrsa let go of him, then her fingertips meandered along his shoulders, his pectorals, his abdomen and lower, kindling all-consuming fire within him, painting a sizzling trail all the way to his navel and beyond.
“Close your eyes?” she whispered. “Please?”
As darkness surrounded him, Thorin gave out a growl when her delicate fingers encircled his throbbing member and moved lazily back and forth only to finally press his tip against her pulsing heat. Yrsa descended upon him unhurriedly, letting him delve into her depths, enveloping him with her silky flesh, pulling him in deeper to the very core of her wetness and, as his hips bucked into her, she tightened around him. A half-grunt half-moan of pleasure left his lips. There was only her touch, her scent, the sound of her quickened breath, her dewy warmth, her firm thighs pressing against him. There was only her.
“Harsûna…” he muttered, savouring the moment, feeling the slight pressure of her palms splayed on his chest, her body swaying slightly. “May I look now?”
“Yes,” Yrsa whispered, her voice slightly tense, but she didn’t move.
Thorin opened his eyes. How lovely she looked above him, joined with him, slightly tilting towards his face, her moist lips forming a delicious “o” of something akin to surprise.  
“Is all well, my little witch?” he asked, moving his hand towards her face.
“It is,” she panted, her eyes unfocused. “You are just so… so much…” “Too much?”
“Just enough,” Yrsa took his hand, placing a kiss in the middle of his palm, and intertwining her fingers with his. “I’m savouring you.”
“Then let me give you more to savour,” Thorin moved his hips in a circular motion, in a way he had already learned Yrsa liked especially much. A chuckle died on her lips as she moaned and rocked on top of him. Her fingers tightened against his palm while she slowly lifted her hips only to lower herself against him, and a jolt of pleasure ran to his core. Her hips repeated the motion, slightly quicker, and then again, and soon a triumphant but contagious smile appeared on Yrsa’s face as she found her unhurried pace; each of her movements kindling new fires inside him.
Thorin did not know when her palms pressed his hands against the bed, their fingers still intertwined. Mesmerized, he devoured every single inch of her nakedness with his eyes like a starving man. He feasted on the way her body rose and fell, the way her thighs moved, her hips finding the perfect angle every single time, picking up speed; the way his hardness sank between her taut folds; the way her pert behind brushed against his own thighs and each time it happened, eliciting a moan from her. 
Thorin noticed how unfocused Yrsa’s heavily lidded eyes were while her soft eyelashes cast sensual shadows on her flushed cheeks. He could not tear his eyes off her every time she took him deep inside her, a myriad of sensations etched in her beautiful features. Snugly enveloped in the heat of her little forge, he matched his movements with hers, giving her an extra thrust whenever her pelvis met his, and then being rewarded with yet another melodic moan that fell from her lips. Not being fully in control was a new feeling for Thorin, an exhilarating feeling that swelled inside him even more whenever her velvety walls tightly wrapped around his girth in a fluid motion, never slowing down the pace.
The burning pressure in him was almost unbearable, Yrsa’s body keeled towards his chest, her breathing uneven, her fingers tightening against his even more. By now, Thorin learned her reactions well enough to recognize what was about to happen. Yrsa was lost in her passion, chasing her pleasure, her movements faster and erratic. When she pressed her alluring, trembling body against his with all her weight, his hips instinctively bucked upward, making Yrsa stiffen, and she succumbed to the rapture that consumed her with his name on her lips.
That was when the intense feeling of release rushed through Thorin’s body and stars exploded under his eyelids. As the waves of pleasure swept over him, he held her close against his chest, and it felt right and exhilarating and all-encompassing, and each breath he took filled his lungs with the scent of a blooming meadow. His fiery Yrsa.
As he felt Yrsa relax against him in the afterglow of their lovemaking, Thorin pressed a small kiss on her forehead and whispered, “Good morning, Harsûnê.“
“Thorin, Mabiramarralûnê…” she mumbled drowsily, melting into him, her full lips brushing against his earlobe.
He drifted off to sleep, holding the woman he loved in his arms, for the first time in years feeling at peace with the world.
“Thorin… Thorin, wake up! We have overslept!” Yrsa placed her hand on Thorin’s bare shoulder and shook it gently.
“Again…?” he grunted into a pillow, wrinkling his nose.
“Yes, again,” she stifled a chuckle when he pulled the blanket over his head. “It is almost noon!”
“In that case… Let us go back to sleep,” he offered and pulled her into him, his powerful arms wrapping tightly around her. In the blink of an eye, Yrsa found herself pressed against his chest, his coarse hair tickling her nose. She would be lying to herself if she said she minded it. To be honest, the thought of dozing off like this again, enjoying the warmth of Thorin’s body and his closeness, did not seem like a bad idea at all.
“But weren’t we supposed to leave the hut first thing in the morning?” she protested faintly.
“Not after you rode me like a pony all the way to Emyn Muil and back.” As he spoke, one of his hands started tracing the line of her spine, making her purr like a cat that had just drank a bowl of cream.
She giggled, “That was yesterday. Today it was all your doing! I was minding my own business, sleeping innocently, while you decided to… stoke the fire in the forge with your poker.”
“My poker?!” He opened one eye and huffed, faking indignance. “Truly?” “Yes, and a very large one, too!” Yrsa tried to avert the damage, failing to hide a smirk in his chest. “Because its owner is a very… very big and strong Dwarf!”
“Keep talking, my little witch,” he murmured into her hair, but she tilted her head up and found his lips instead, kissing him sloppily. At that very moment, kissing Thorin was undeniably superior to talking. Yrsa did not mind that either. In fact, it would be so easy to get used to it… 
“A few more of your kisses and I will start suspecting that you want me to forget who complained about being too sore to walk today...” Thorin’s sinfully low voice rumbled in his chest, interrupting her thoughts.
“I have no memory of saying any such words!” Yrsa chuckled teasingly, her fingers running down the hard plain of his pectoral while something even harder and incredibly hot pressed against her upper thigh. Something fluttered in her core as a familiar growl left Thorin’s lips.
“Allow me to refresh your memory then, my lady,” he murmured, cupping her bottom with one of his large palms and rolling her on her back.
“Thorin! This way we’ll never leave the bed until the evening!” she rolled her eyes theatrically.
“Challenge accepted, Harsûnê,” as he spoke, his breath set the smooth skin of her breast on fire. And guess what? She did not mind it at all.
Ploughing through the deep snow, Yrsa smiled to herself, quickly glancing at Thorin who walked beside her. It took them two more days until they finally managed to wake up on time and leave the cavern. Shamefully she had to admit that it was not their (nonexistent) internal discipline that allowed them to finally leave that place, but rather… hunger. No, not the one of carnal variety (this one would have kept them in that bed for at least a week more). The truth was simple: their food rations were running low. Besides, Yrsa had one more reason to hurry home.
“I wonder if Ursarusê will remember me at all. I’ve been gone for two weeks,” Yrsa sighed, her eyes set on the large gates of her home city carved into a mountain wall ahead. The tip of her reddened nose tingled. It was a freezing winter afternoon and the sky was rapidly darkening, but at least the blizzard was gone for good.
“I have often left Dís with her sons for weeks or even months when they were tiny pebbles. Every time I returned, they would give me their big, toothless smiles and ask me for stories, as if I had never left,” Thorin’s lips curled up in a fond smile when he stopped for a moment.
Yrsa took his outstretched gloved hand and squeezed it in appreciation. Whatever happened between them in that shepherd’s hut (she desperately tried to avoid thinking about the most graphic details at the moment, soon she would be home, greeting her family and she needed to have her wits about her and act like a respectable lady and not like his Harsûnê), and wherever it might lead, having Thorin around felt surprisingly… well… good. Comforting. Reassuring. And no, she was not drunk (and certainly not on cider! Uh, what would she give now for one mug of warm, spiced cider!). Unless one meant the dizziness she felt every time Thorin looked at her in that tender way of his, making her knees weak.
She had to admit that after spending a bit more time with him, she occasionally caught herself thinking of him as “her” Thorin. Not a haughty king, certainly not a grumpy blacksmith, but just Thorin. Thorin, her… who? Yrsa was not quite sure. A part of her (a growing part, to be honest) needed time to seriously think about his proposal, or rather, his proposals. Each of them, separately, overwhelmed her with its implications, and together, they made her mind whirl.
The first one, the offer of employment in Thorinuldûm, seemed too good to be true. Luckily, Yrsa now knew Thorin too well to even suspect that an honourable Dwarf like him would lower himself to bribing her in that manner only because of their… um… not-yet-specified-but-very-private-and-very-enjoyable-relation. From what she heard, the new settlement of the Ereborean refugees was quite large. If they really had only one healer and one apothecary, as Thorin claimed, she could easily make her ends meet there — unlike in her home city, where there seemed to be as many healers, surgeons, and herbalists as mountain goat herders. And Thorin reassured her that both she and Ursarusê would be welcome in Thorin's Halls (and of course she only meant the name of the city in Westron, certainly not Thorin's own halls! No, not his home! Certainly not his bedroom! Not at all! Not thinking about a cute little rocking cradle standing next to a bed large enough to fit two people!). In that new city, she and her little girl would be away from the prying eyes of people who have known Yrsa all of her life – and their wagging tongues. Not often a Dwarf-maiden returned home after a long absence with a newborn babe in her arms, but without a husband.
And then there was Thorin’s second proposal. Whenever she tried to wrap her head around it, something seemed to paralyse her at the idea of her, Yrsa, a simple herbalist, courting the king of Longbeards. And don’t even try to think about where that courting would lead to, Yrsa’s brain! Every Dwarf knew that courting was only a step away from plaiting the marriage braids and rarely—if ever—broken off. And Dwarves married only once in their lives! One simply did not agree to be courted if they did not feel the biraijzêr. The pull, as her people called it. The deep conviction that one found the person they wanted to spend their life with. Did Thorin feel it? Or was it just mostly lust and maybe a pinch of infatuation on his part? And what about her own feelings? As much as she liked the idea of enjoying Thorin’s closeness or falling asleep in his arms every night, she realised how absurd the idea of her becoming his wife was. Stupid Dwarf! Why couldn’t he be a simple Broadbeam blacksmith? Why did he have to ruin everything by being born into some stupid royal family half the world away?
“Do not fret, Harsûnê. Ursarusê will be happy to see you again,” the stupid Dwarf’s rumbly voice reached her.
“Your nephews… How old are they?” Yrsa tried to focus on their conversation again.
“Fili is eleven and Kili is six, but he claims he is ‘almost ten’,” she heard Thorin chuckle. “I wonder what you will think of them when you meet them.”
Yrsa did not feel any fluttering in her belly at the thought of crossing the threshold of his halls (yes, now she meant his home!) and meeting the stupid Dwarf’s family. She gritted her teeth. It was simply hunger, nothing else.
“Kili reminds me of Tovi, my eldest brother’s son. He is eight, but these days he claims he is ‘almost half-battle age’. I suspect it may have something to do with the fact that his little brother was born a few weeks ago.”
“My mother tells me I was exactly like Kili when my younger brother was born,” Thorin admitted. Looking into his face, it was easy to imagine a tiny, proud princeling puffing up his chest and Yrsa could not stop herself from smiling.
A sudden, strong whiff of wind made Thorin look at the sky with a slight frown. 
“If your leg allows it, let us walk faster. I do not like the sight of that cloud.”
Nodding in agreement, she squeezed his hand again and they hastened their pace. Yrsa’s sprained ankle was not yet fully healed—neither was Thorin’s leg—but she did her best, using Thorin’s arm as support when needed. The thought of another blizzard coming soon added to her strength. They would rest and recuperate when they reached the Firebeard stronghold and Yrsa’s family home. The plan was simple. They were to spend several days there and then she would pack all the needed things, her tinctures and herbal essences – everything that could be needed to heal Thorin’s ailing mother. After that, they would travel across the mountains, to Thorinuldûm.
But first, Thorin had to meet her family. And not run away screaming.
Yrsa’s stomach growled. It had to be hunger. But since the moment she saw the entrance to the Dwarvish stronghold she was born and raised at, there was also a growing worry in her, making her stomach clench. With every step they were approaching her family home and she still had not talked with Thorin. As soon as the guards greeted them and let them pass into the spacious entrance hall, Yrsa pulled Thorin to the side, away from curious ears. There was no use delaying the inevitable. 
“What is it?” Thorin frowned, taking off his hood.
“Would you…” she swallowed. “Would you be greatly offended if I introduced you to my family simply as Thorin the blacksmith?”
He shook his head, “Not at all. This is my craft, after all. Is anything the matter, Yrsa? You look worried.”
“It is just… My family…” she looked away. “It would be better if they did not know about… about who you are. Apart from being a blacksmith, that is. I mean… Maybe when…”
“YRSAAA!!!” an animalistic roar pierced the air. No. This could NOT be happening. Not now. Something—or rather someone—very bulky and very furry charged towards her, heavy footsteps thudding against the stone floor. That someone looked exactly as it sounded – like a drunk bear.
“What in the name of–” Thorin started.
“Ugh!” Yrsa managed to utter before the aforementioned drunk bear crushed her in a hearty hug.
“Lil’ sis!” the beast exclaimed and then hiccuped. “You’re back!”
“Bjalfi! My ribs!” she chuckled, disentangling herself from her brother’s affectionate embrace and giving Thorin a reassuring smile only to see a frown on his face. Not good. She needed to act fast. “Thorin, this is my brother, Bjalfi. Bjalfi, this is Thorin, my… travelling companion.” “Your travelling companion, huh?” Her brother took a good look at him, from head to toe. Yrsa cleared her throat. She was not lying, was she? It was true, they were travelling together and they were companions. Of sorts. They kept each other company, right? Especially during long winter nights… Shut up, Yrsa’s feminine parts! It was time to use the upper brain for once and avoid getting herself in trouble!
“Yes, we met on the trail. Thorin will be staying with us for a couple of days,” she added in a firm voice.
“Will he now…” Bjalfi folded his arms across his chest and glared at her “companion”. And then he hiccuped again.
“Yes, he will,” she rested her fists on her hips. “Because I invited him!” 
Yrsa ignored her brother’s ostensible huff that followed and then her eyes rested on the darkening frown on Thorin’s face. She wondered if she should thank Mahal for his silence so far or prepare for the storm his calm preceded.
“A pleasure to meet Yrsa’s brother,” Thorin finally spoke. Coldly. Here he was, the grumpy blacksmith, folding his arms as well and scowling. And then she glanced at her brother who was busy sizing Thorin up and letting out something that sounded like a growl. She tried not to roll her eyes too much. Overprotective Dwarves and their egos.
“Straight from the tavern, eh, Bjalfi?” Yrsa asked lightly, attempting to change the subject.
“Been celebratin’, sis!” her brother grinned widely and hiccuped, making the multiple braid cuffs in his copper-coloured beard clink. “Mithril! He won the race!”
“Congratulations! I knew he would make it this time!” she patted his meaty forearm and explained to Thorin, “Mithril is Bjalfi’s prized race buck. My brother is a mountain goat breeder.”
“Aye,” Bjalfi offered proudly, swaying slightly and puffing up his chest. He was slightly shorter than Thorin, but with his bulk and muscle mass her bear of a brother made up for the height difference. When Thorin offered his reserved congratulations for the victory, Bjalfi narrowed his eyes. 
“It was easy. You just need to know how the mind of a billy goat works,” he flashed his teeth in a skewed grin. “In a way, those beasties are like men. Always thinking of getting their paws on a piece of… juicy cabbage. You just need to show them their place, y’know?”
Thorin pressed his lips in a thin line and balled his palm in a fist.
Yrsa felt a pressure increasing in her temples, a sign that a headache was coming. She stepped closer to Thorin, giving him an I-am-losing-my-patience-but-also-please-no-scenes-in-public-yes-I-know-my-brother-is-a-lulkh-sometimes look. Or at least she hoped that was what her gaze conveyed.
“Bjalfi, one more word and I swear…” she groaned and shook her head. “Let us go home, I am famished.”
Yrsa was about to pick up her rucksack from the floor where she had left it when Bjalfi’s heavy hand rested on her shoulder.
“No, no, allow me, lil’ sis. You’re tired!” he pointed at the stone floor, trying not to sway, and added in an ostentatiously resounding whisper, flexing his muscles. “Between you and me, your companion looks like he’s a bit of a wimp.”
“Bjalfi!” Yrsa did what sisters usually did in these kinds of situations and gave him a kick right in his ankle. And she had her favourite iron toe cap boots on! Unfortunately, her misbehaving brother wore thick leather boots too and did not even notice it. Drat! Life was so cruel sometimes.
“What, sis?” he grinned mischievously. “You know very well what I’m talking about!” she retorted, wishing her eyes could shoot lightnings.
“I’d better carry it.” Thorin lifted the rucksack with a grunt. “Bjalfi does not seem stable enough. Not enough juicy cabbage in his diet, I assume.”
“Oh, no! Not you too!” Yrsa turned to him, irritation growing in her. “I can carry it myself, thank you very much. You both better follow me and stop behaving like little boys!”
With these words, she grabbed the rucksack and marched off, gritting her teeth. Behind her, she heard someone grunting and someone else hiccuping. Muttering something about ridiculous Dwarves, she kept on walking, followed by the angry stomping of two pairs of heavy Dwarvish boots.
And to make matters worse, her stomach growled loudly, echoing against the walls of the corridor. She needed some food. And a mug of cider. Or five.
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
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cannibalcoyote · 8 months
Woodland Princess Ch.7: Turn of Events
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Ch.6 Ch.8
I made my way back to the trolls clearing to see that they had placed some dwarves each into separate bags to keep them from escaping and in the middle was the rest of them tied to a log and slowly being rotisseried.
I nearly laughed when I saw this but smacked myself at the thought that I was their only hope and was laughing. I took out my daggers which shone with the starlights powerful energy.
I slowly crept into a tree that was over one of the trolls that was near the edge of the clearing. I created an enduring burning rage which caused the blades to burn hotter than the sun since they are able to use your emotions to your advantage.
I jumped out of the tree and before the troll could figure out what was happening I stabbed the burning hot blades straight through the top of his head which killed him instantly.
Since Bilbo was talking to the other trolls they had no idea what happened when their friend dropped onto the floor with no reason according to them.
I quickly disappeared back into the forest, nobody saw what happened, not even the dwarves, so they wouldn't be able to give me away upon their own stupidity. I was closer to the ground now and crawled underneath a thick bush close to a foot.
Without waiting, I stabbed its leg and dragged it down to the bottom of their foot, and by the time he shrieked I was already back within the trees.
I caught sight of a gray blue guessing it was an animal of some sort, but when the sun's dawn light started to deep through the sky the gray blur turned out to be Gandalf who used his staffs and broke a rock that allowed the sun's light to come through and burn all the trolls to stone.
I didn't want any of them to know I'd helped them because then Thorin would know I have my weapons backs and would save his life even though he made me feel like the ground they step on everyday.
I quickly hurry back to camp and tell Raerthar to say nothing or else they would believe I was weak. Soon enough they came back to camp, some slightly limping and others just fine.
Thorin sent me a glare and thought 'And that's why you don't have a weapon, because you wouldn't even help us even if we're about to die'.
He stalked past me and hit his shoulder into mine as a way to say 'thanks for nothing'. I made no move to respond, knowing it was a bad idea.
Gandalf looked confused when he saw what Thorin did since he knew I was postponing the trolls from killing them, but I told Gandalf none of them had seen me so none of them knew and that that was how I wanted to keep it. He reluctantly agreed thinking it was a stupid thing but nonetheless agreed.
"Mountain trolls down here, this is quite odd." I say to Gandalf as we pack up the ponies.
"Yes, now that you mention it, it is quite odd judging that they haven't been this far since the last dark power fell." Explained Gandalf as he tacked up his horse.
"I find it strange how a wizard and an elf never seem to shut up!" Shouted Thorin from across the area. We decided to search for a nearby cave the trolls must've stayed in and sure enough we found one that smelled of death and decay.
I held my nose as I walked into the troll cave. Gandalf went around and searched for swords I believe he said while I looked around and found an odd looking thing with a deep dark blue color that quickly changed when I put it on my finger.
When everyone finally left the cave, Gandalf and I mounted our horses but it seems the other horses bolted when the trolls attacked so everyone else was walking which made me so happy at the looks of anger and jealousy Thorin threw at me when he was tired of trekking and carrying the things on his back the horses would've carried instead.
We stop at the edge of the forest where a plain opens up to drink and eat quickly. I slide off Raerthar and slip out two apples and a carrot then find her a patch of grass to eat while we're waiting.
"You know that food is much better off being given to a human other than some animal." Says a voice behind me. I turn and see Dwalin I quickly respond,"
"Why? Did you want one?" I say as nicely as I can and pull one out of the saddlebag and make sure to grab Raerthars attention without Dwalin noticing. I hold out the apple, he reaches to take it but I quickly throw it out of his reach to have Raerthar jump into the air and grab it.
The look Dwalin gave me was one of pure hatred but I laughed, hearing Gandalf chuckling slightly as well.
Ch.6 Ch.8
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msclaritea · 10 months
Explained | Snow White live-action remake: Why is Disney classic stirring modern controversy? - Entertainment News
"Zegler's honest, but perhaps ill-advised, remarks on the original film's dated portrayal of gender dynamics and her vision for a more empowered Snow White added fuel to the fire. In an interview last year, she told Extra TV, "The original cartoon came out in 1937, and very evidently so. There’s a big focus on her love story with a guy who literally stalks her. Weird! Weird! So we didn’t do that this time. We have a different approach to what I’m sure a lot of people will assume is a love story just because we cast a guy in the movie. All of Andrew’s scenes could get cut, who knows? It’s Hollywood, baby (Andrew being actor Andrew Jonathan who plays the role of a prince who awakens Snow White with a kiss)." 
The response to her comments, let's say, was less than wholesome. Traditionalists yearning for the comforting embrace of nostalgia and seeking a faithful recreation of the animated classic, reviled Zegler, sharing on social media claiming how Zegler is dark-skinned and ugly as compared to the image of Snow White they have in their minds. They will probably continue to complain until the movie comes out. or even after that. Some did celebrate her comments, and the chance to challenge conventions in a new adaption of the classic tale for modern audiences.
The clash between tradition and progress extended to the portrayal of love and feminism. Zegler's assertion that the prince in the original was akin to a "stalker" was met with resistance from those who romanticised everything about the original. Once you become emotionally attached to something or even an idea of that something, reason vanishes. Zegler's declaration that the new Snow White wouldn't rely on the prince for salvation challenged the very idea of the story those traditionalists had in their minds. Thus, Zegler became not Snow White but the Evil Queen for them."
YO, CAN SOMEONE SEND ME SOME BOOTS? I JUST STEPPED INTO A VAT OF BULLSHIT! Below is a list from Wiki of Love Action remakes of Snow White, just in the 2000s. There were over 12 others before then. Two of them from Germany, featuring ONLY the Dwarves. Was the writer of this article counting on short term memory?
7 Dwarves – Men Alone in the Wood (7 Zwerge – Männer allein im Wald) (2004), a German comedy film
The Brothers Grimm (2005), an adventure fantasy film directed by Terry Gilliam and starring Matt Damon, Heath Ledger, and Lena Headey
7 Dwarves: The Forest Is Not Enough (7 Zwerge – Der Wald ist nicht genug) (2006), sequel to the 2004 German film 7 Dwarves – Men Alone in the Wood
Sydney White (2007), a modernization, starring Amanda Bynes
Blancanieves (2012), a silent Spanish film based on the fairy tale.
Mirror Mirror (2012), starring Julia Roberts as the Evil Queen Clementianna,[93] Lily Collins as Snow White, Armie Hammer as Prince Andrew Alcott, and Nathan Lane as Brighton, the Queen's majordomo.
The Huntsman series:
Snow White and the Huntsman (2012), starring Kristen Stewart, Charlize Theron, Chris Hemsworth, and Sam Claflin.
The Huntsman: Winter's War (2016), which features Snow White as a minor character.
How is it that people are throwing so-called fits over live adaptations when some of these others are quite recent and varied in storyline? We're all used to the modern twisting of fairy tales. What some are not used to is being so inartifully and clumsily lectured about male female relationships by an actress who looks about 12 years old. You know what this is about: Interference and ongoing attempted sabotage of the Disney brand.
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It shouldn't be a surprise that in fiction I pick out and cling to the most fundamentally damaged characters. Not because I want to redeem them or think they don't deserve retribution inside their fictional world for the terrible things they do. It's because I am fascinated by the way trauma shapes people, and - in the wake of having spent years intentionally unraveling my own trauma and how it caused me to harm others in order to protect that tender inner core - the generational destruction that plays out if the cycle is uninterrupted. All of this is prologue to rambling about a particular Silmarillion headcanon.
My shitty, shitty fave. Because he is so remarkably damaged. And since we get very little backstory on him, I've cultivated some thoughts on that.
1. He suffered horrific abuse in his youth. Probably parental, but it most likely didn't help that other young Elves mocked and/or avoided the weird, pale, gawky one in their midst. The one who slunk around at the periphery, hunched and furtive. His sullenness, punctuated by outbursts of anger, likely didn't help.
2. As he got older, he managed to tone down the anger. Superficially. Instead of boiling over and then cooling again, it just simmered constantly. I imagine he got away from the place and circumstances of his birth as soon as possible, stumbling on smithwork comparatively late in life and afterward throwing his whole being into the craft, determined to do something well.
3. And he did it really well. So much so that the now-grown and less (openly) judgmental fellows and kin of his youth wanted what he offered. For once. He kept most of it for himself, thinking that was an enormous snub to his former tormentors as well as new acquaintances who instinctually avoided him. To his disappointment, they declined to beg either for his work or his company, so he parted with just enough of it to buy his little parcel of forest and disappear.
4. The Dwarves actually appreciated his work. They might have even liked him. Having acquaintances who weren't immediately suspicious and disdainful probably helped him open up a little, make an effort to cultivate and preserve a functional relationship with other beings.
5. He isn't ugly; Elves aren't ugly. But he is scarred. Partially from the abuse, and partially because he's self-taught at the forge and fell victim to some common beginner's mistakes while learning; patches of skin on his face, chest, arms are burnt - healed over but ragged, shiny, leathery. The stooped posture isn't from forge work but from habit - that desire to shrink away and be unseen.
6. Getting on with the Dwarves eventually made him think he was ready for closer, more complex relationships. Not having had the Middle Earth equivalent of therapy, he's incredibly mistaken about this. Nonetheless, here comes poor Aredhel and we all know how that went. Eöl, incel of the forest, had to snag a wife through trickery.
6. He agreed to have a child with Aredhel not because he wanted one but because she did. He never planned to be a parent because he knew he'd end up treating the child horribly just like his own parents did. But he was blinded by love. And he did love her. Was it a healthy, mutually dependent love? Fuck, no. He doesn't understand how to be healthy.
7. I don't think he physically abused Aredhel or Maeglin. But he wasn't kind. He tried, but it was too complicated, too hard. He alternated between outbursts and sullenness/self-isolation just like in his youth. It was to avoid lashing out and hurting them physically, but emotional abuse is still abuse. He doesn't understand how to not hurt people, and what hurts the most is that he knows it.
7. Aredhel was totally right to gtfo. Eöl is toxic. And she saw too much of him in Lómion. Coincidentally, Eöl saw too much of her in their son, and hated it. So she & Maeglin bolted and he went after them, in large part because they were the most potent, visible proof of his complete failure at living normally.
8. He did mourn her death. For the brief period he could. And while he's furious at the fate he has to confront, the prospect of death is also a relief. The events of his life have proven that, given any more life, it would be equally or more miserable. So he gives in. Before he surrenders and falls, he offers his son that final bit of prophecy. Part of it is definitely said in anger. Eöl had still nurtured a fleeting, misled hope that taking Maeglin out of the picture would "fix" things between him and Aredhel to some extent. So his last words convey both bitterness and true regret. Because he also knows he's doomed his son to a wretched life and an ignominious death. He tried to break the cycle and it was just one more thing he failed at. He does, however, call Maeglin's fate correctly. With his own death, Maeglin is able to end the legacy of suffering that his father could not.
No redemption; Eöl is never "fixed" or given yet another chance to learn differently. The trying and endlessly failing to do right is what makes characters like this so tragic. And yes, a good deal of the above is directly out of my head rather than the text. But as a recipient of generational trauma who was determined to break the cycle (without dying to do it, thanks very much) stories like this fascinate me and remind me how close I was...and still could be if I do not remain vigilant.
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crungebunge · 2 years
Shossa, The Disconnected Lands
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Floritcher: A very cute and quaint farming town of halflings, kender, and satyrs. Farm plots hold huge pumpkins, squash, and apples - any fruit you want must be here. Tall grasses sway in the breeze and paint the land yellow as far as the mountains. The smell of baking apples and cinnamon fills the air, and the breeze is fresh as laundry. Tall trees break up yellow sunlight into fractured rays, and a babbling brook runs through the town from an old wheat mill. Donkeys and horses carry piles of hay back and forth, and it seems like everyone is outside today.
Indigo: Across the bridge from Catterwalk, lies Indigo. A grey and stony town ruled by a mad and cruel king of Kenku. Surrounded by a dense forest of fir trees. Houses are lifted and birdhouse-like, only birds may enter.
Indus and Revus: Twin-city towns of centaurs, who make beer, ale, and wine. Their strong backs carry flagons and transport grapes, their strong hooves mush grapes and plums and fruit, and their high reach grab fruit from tall trees. On very good standing and know pretty much everything. Surrounded by plains, these centaurs run for miles.
Kipper: A homeland of Leonins, though they are nomadic, this is where their religion takes root. They believe in the 7 Great Warriors, legends from long ago about 7 warriors who overthrew the ruler of Kipper long ago and made a homeland for Leonin kind. They bring offerings, ask to be blessed, get married, and have children inside the city, but live elsewhere. Ruled by Queen Liper, each nomadic tribe has its own leader who reports to her. She is very cruel and cold to outsiders.
Tortuga Bay: A pirate town on the coast full of thieves and robbers, vigilantes and hitmen, criminals and those in hiding. Its a seemingly perpetually-dark, dank city that smells like rotting seaweed and salt. Everywhere, men lay dead or drunk beyond saving. Fights break out in the worryingly swaying bars, people are thrown through windows with panes as thick as ale glasses. Every building represents a different fish - some have long decks with sharp railings like the underbite of an angler, some have fins to withstand the heavy sea winds, and some are outright built in the shape of a massive trout. Nobody rules this lawless land, and honestly, I don't think anyone could.
Purplehart Farm: Vineyard of green, red, and purple grapes that span miles. Inhabited by Halflings and dwarves low enough to pick the grapes.
Grommet Library: A library run by the massive Grommet family, a Harengone family of researchers. It goes several hundred feet into the earth on a cylinder, the center open and the books clinging to the walls as a spiral platform goes all the way down. The top is open in the center, and birds fly in and out.
Lisa's farm: A flower farm.
Forge of the Forefathers: Dwarven forge in the lower center, a huge workplace for the fire dwarves. Red hot and burning lava comes from deep underground and melts iron at molten temperatures. Many weapons are forged here.
Forest of Bones: Dense forest of fir trees and dead, skinny weir-wood trees. Thick with fog, graves, and loose trinkets of those who have gone missing or died suddenly. Huge, spiky rib bones of something massive hang thick moss trails and provide places for birds to nest.
The Sunwood: A sacred religious tree for those who Worship the Goddess of light. A massive tree full of fireflies.
Mountains of Aemog: Huge mountains. Pass of Theodore lets you through, one rickety, decommissioned bridge. Green mountains of dragons, lizardfolk, and moss monsters.
Openlands and Hillplace: Centaur territory, flatlands. Good for running
Forever Pits: pits straight into the earth.
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marialeto · 2 years
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Ascended Master and Tarot Card of the Day
September 7th, 2022
love, harmony, liberation
Samuel’s essential oil blend consists of 3 essential oils
Rosemary 5
Eucalyptus 5
Black Spruce 5
Archangel Samuel 15/3
Samuel’s divinely blessed braided intention, prayer, and meditation bracelet is made of 3 strands of yarn.
Red for Love
Black for Harmony
Light Green for Liberation
Message - Living in the light brings us freedom.
The gemstone is Kyanite
Eucalyptus coffee today
Tarot Card - Nature #74
From the Numerology Guidance Cards
When you merge your energy with Mother Earth, you and enhance your connection to the divine. Even a 10 minute walk outside will help revitalize, balance, and ground you. Walking along a beach or in a garden or park, hiking through the forest, bush, mountains, or desert, swimming in an ocean, river, lake, or stream, taking a trip to the wilderness or countryside, going camping or horseback riding, gardening or having a picnic, lying in the sun, walking in the rain, or playing in the snow, or reading under a tree, is always appreciated.
When you align yourself with Mother Nature, you align yourself with Source. This is not only appreciated by self, it is appreciated by Mother Nature and Source as a two-way connection. No one is ever alone nor should they ever be. This is a very powerful way to raise your vibration.
Photo of the Day
Silver Island Range (Mountains)
Where are you might find mountain men, explores, and wagon trains cross it’s peaks and valleys.
And circling the entire range is 54 miles of road.
The mountains are said to be made from limestone sediments from the bottom of a long vanished sea. The silver Island mountains were partially submerged by the melting ice age glaciers that created Lake Bonneville, whose shoreline can still be seen etched on the slopes of the area. After the limestone layers are raised high enough, volcanic activity covered them with lava flows such as can be seen at Leppy Pass and Volcanoe Peak.
Today The ray of light is eucalyptus. As is the flame, flavor, color, candle, and coffee.
The chakra is high heart.
The spirit animal is Erickson, the angel is Deer, The being of light is Danu, the Goddess is Dani, the God is Rowan, the Saint is Mark, Samuel is the ascended Master.
The planet is Pluto, the number is four, Elohim is mind, the element is earth, the place is Bent, the star is Tea, the country is Cuba, the theme is connection, the gemstone is kyanite, the day is Galaxy, and it is galaxy day two.
It is the day of the Dwarves and the day of the Donna’s, the divinity is feminine masculine, it is Lucifer and Derek’s day two, it is Gabriel’s day, the keyword is Clairalience, the notes are patchouli and ylang ylang, the song of the day is You Ain’t Seen Country Yet by Josh Thompson, Album is Way Out Here 2010 it is song number eight.
It is a number 22 day.
Sunrise is from 6:22 AM to 7:16 PM in Virgo. The forecast is 66 to 77°
The moonrise is 6:16 PM to 3:48 AM, it is 89.1% waxing gibbous in Aquarius.
The gemstone Kyanite means logical thinking and healing. It is a gemstone of attunement.
It is a graceful Gemstone known for encouraging linear and logical thinking and spiritual sophistication. While raising psychic abilities. It assist you in connecting with telepathy, subtle bodies, and spirit guides. It can assist in tapping into your deeper intuition as well as strengthening it. It is a stone of balance and abundance.
Cuba is known for a stunning white sand beaches, verdant countryside, and colorful cities. It is also known for lively music, vintage cars, grace, warm, and hospitality.
It has adoring charm as well as so much that makes this part of the Caribbean truly special.
Dancing, coffee, architecture, classic cars, ambiance, Havana, Music, Trinidad, restoration, cobblestone, City’s Central Square, Neoclassic Church of the Holy Trinity, and the Church and Monestery of Saint Francis, as well as Cuban art.
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Top 10 movies in GIFS
Rules: Post 10 gifs of your favorite movies without naming them and then tag 10 people. I was tag @akb723 (Thank you, it took me on a happy journey trough some years of impressive and happy movies :) and I'll tag @cooldeepthoughts, @eclecticstarlightconnoisseur, @palatinewolfsblog @gaelic-fullmoon-lady,  @ladytuarach, @statell, @fantasticfand0ms, @star-light-child, @herdingcatsphilosopher, @bonny-sassenach
As @akb723 said, apologies for possibly contributing to people being tagged multiple times.
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toulouseec · 3 years
Din: "You are the devil in human shape!"
Moff Gideon: "Take that back!"
Din: "Okay, I take back human shape"
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Roger: You’re the devil in human shape!
Paul: Take that back!
Roger: Okay, I take back human shape
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kimyoonmiauthor · 2 years
10 Major Objections to “Turning Red” from White Christian Right
Notice I’m not Chinese or Canadian, but I thought I’d do a break down of the objections and why they are ridiculous.
And no, I’m not stupid enough to say, I’ve been to Toronto a few times, watched a few movies from there, and I know Chinese people! --;; I’m going to analyze the claims.
1. OMG, Mother is so mean
- She takes a journal/diary
If you paid attention, she thinks that the diary is her homework. And then becomes outraged at the age gap between her daughter and the daughter’s crush and doesn’t understand these are things that didn’t actually happen.
Her daughter is THIRTEEN. The Guy is SEVENTEEN. Are you saying the age gap is appropriate? BTW, parents who were flipping out over Meilin having sexual thoughts. The movie indicates she had thoughts of touching her crush’s bare chest. That’s it. And this is the worst thing ever?
- She brings pads to the school
She thought Meilin was going through her period, not that she turned into a red panda. All she does is mention pads, not menstruation, not the anatomy of the uterus, etc. She’s *proud* of her daughter growing up in that instance and is freaking out, rather than body shaming her. Symbolically, it also works because she didn’t inform her daughter about the red panda situation and thought it was “too soon” but kids can get menses as soon as 7. BTW, teaching about basic anatomy helps prevent child abuse and sexual abuse.
- Mother turns into a Monster
Because apparently, this didn’t happen in Brave either? It became a symbolism of her overprotectiveness which was explained after it dissolved. She was afraid in much the same way her mother was overprotective of her. Did you miss the scene in the Bamboo forest where it explains her motivations.
2. OMG, It talks about Puberty
You mean a 13 year old, which is considered really late these days since people with uteruses are having it at 7 years old sometimes, shouldn’t talk about puberty?
3. OMG, The child is so defiant against their mother
Like every YA book ever. Name me a YA book without horrible parents. There is a shorter list for parents that are good and healthy than ones that are horrible. Teens rebel. The first declared YA book has teen doing drugs, swearing a lot worse than saying crap, having sex, etc: The Outsiders by SE Hinton. It’s a YA staple.
4. OMG, Pixar has gone “woke”
Toronto, the city it’s based in, is culturally, ethnically, and filled with diversity. Have you been there? There is a huge Chinese population. Why not reflect the truth of the city that the scriptwriter/director grew up in?
5. OMG, there is Paganism (not like the other wholesome Pixar movies)
Brave, Brother Bear, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, Tangled, Pinocchio, Frozen, Dumbo, Bambi, Lady and the Tramp, Cinderella, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, The Sword and the Stone, Fantasia, The Jungle Book, The Aristocats, Robin Hood, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, The Rescuers, The Fox and the Hound, The Black Cauldron, the Great Mouse Detective, Oliver and Company, the Little Mermaid, Ducktales, the Rescuers Downunder, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, The Lion King, Pocahontas, Toy Story, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Hercules, Mulan, A Bug’s Life, Tarzan, Lilo and Stitch, (Helped with Spirited Away), Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, etc. almost all of the animated series have some form of paganism. Because you know that the story of Cinderella was somehow not based in Paganism? It has a Fairy Godmother! OMG, it’s paganism. *sighs* You know what the problem actually is? A Person of color setting a fantasy in a modern city and showing their real world cultural belief system.
6. OMG, it doesn’t center men.
Because 70% of the market share for white people isn’t enough and all of those movies about white men isn’t enough.
If you look at the list, some movies did center men, some didn’t, but the majority for women and girls were not directed by women. Isn’t that the real problem you have? Cinderella wasn’t about a man. Are you going to die because they don’t sexualize a 13 year-old girl? How sick are you?
7. But it’s not for little kids.
It’s rated PG, it’s your fault for not checking the rating. It’s also not on the Disney for kids account. You want to park your kids in front of a TV, but not do actual parenting. Your kids should have seen mommy putting in period pads/tampons into the cart before.
8. *tears* Other Disney movies don’t have terrible mothers. Walt Disney wouldn’t allow a movie like this.
Most of the parents are step mothers. Like Cinderella and lock her in her room and do child abuse. Literal Child abuse. Or they are dead. Like Bambi’s mother. Or Nemo’s mother. Or absent. Like Sleeping Beauty. Look at the animated movie list and tell me where the functional mothers are.
The only non-abusive, living or non-absent mother is 101 Dalmations--a movie about animal abuse (and her children are kidnapped for most of that movie, so the non-absent part can be considered questionable). And that’s a non-talking dog. (I’m skipping the straight to VHS/DVD)
But a Chinese mom feeling overprotective of her child is too much. *clutch those pearls* Because she hasn’t realized her child is growing up, figuring boundaries and finding her own way on her own terms, but doesn’t know where the balance point is. You prefer the movies with literal child abuse. The ones that make them do all the chores, isolate them in towers, try to kill them with poisoned apples to a mother who hasn’t understood yet that her child is growing up and wants to hold on. Much like the movie Brave. Wait, Brave had a white mother... Oh, maybe it’s racism?
9. “My Panda, My Choice”
It’s about bodily autonomy and the theory of that. Also, symbolically, it’s about acceptance of her heritage, rather being embarrassed about it and bodily changes. Notice the symbolism of the red panda shifts during the movie.
10. That ending though... there’s no conclusion
Like puberty is a process. The protagonist is 13, she’s not done with puberty yet. Also fits with qichengzhuanhe, where the ending is a result, an acceptance, not a conclusion.
In the end, the change arc is for both Meilin and her mother, Ming. Usually in Disney movies prior to the 2000′s the parents got no change arc. This was because they were dead, ineffectual, plain mean, abusive, or completely absent. But both Meilin and her mother radically change together and figure out their changing relationship. So it’s not only about puberty for the daughter, it’s also how parents handle puberty can make a difference. Meilin got punished by the plotline for defying her mother, but the mother also got punished by the plotline for being overprotective. The mother wasn’t purely mean--there was a sweet moment at the beginning of the movie where they showed what the old routine was. Both mother and daughter overshot in both directions, trying to find where the middle ground is. I would think that’s parenting too--how do you roll with the changes. And that’s also why the ending works. They figured out the boundaries and are trying to fix the problems they caused, much like puberty causes problems and you have to learn the boundaries and how to fix them or you’ll find your relationships are broken.
Really, I think the parents objecting are scared because they see themselves in the mother figure. Overprotecting their kids and don’t want to face their children will change and have to face these topics that the movie brings up. But the job of a parent is to help kids learn how to cope with the world around them. And really, they should be able to see themselves in the kids portrayed, because it’s set in the early 2000′s, and in the mother too. This is without the immigrant aspect compounding things.
But I really do think the largest objection is a WOC-made movie about puberty set in the modern era about girls of color and women of color. And if that’s the case because you somehow forgot Disney’s full catalog and some of the more questionable choices, such as Pocahontas, then you really need to check yourself. They aged her up to 16 from 10-11 and made her like a 30-year-old man, aged down to his early 20′s... and uh... 16 and 20 is still a questionable age gap.
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yakumtsaki · 3 years
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Welcome to the second part of the BackupKingdom2 saga finale, appropriately entitled Doomed, since a) we’re going for the suicidal achievement of the ~Legendary Doomsword~ which is ridic and I’ve never managed to complete it, and b) Liz’s reign is for real doomed.
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Kingdom-wise, after a blissful period of security the bandits are back with a vengeance, emerging from the forest every morning in single file like the fucking 7 dwarves.
-Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, a-pillaging we gooo!🎵
UGH LIZ. THIS IS WHAT YOUR BATSHIT TYRANNY HAS GOTTEN US. But worry not, because it’s not just the kingdom that’s going to shit, it’s Liz’s 3rd marriage as well:
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I’ve no idea what went down on free will while I was questing around, but Liz now has this permanent negative buff caused by Linotta’s existence. We really didn’t have enough problems around here so this was much needed.
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Perhaps Linotta objected to the fact Liz practically lives by the mail box, bombarding Piratefu with messenger pigeons 24/7.
-One of these days she’ll forgive me and agree to come over!!!
Sure she will Liz, I mean if anything pirates are famed for their forgiving nature.
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At this point I really can’t deal with Liz’s shitty mood anymore, she’s flopping so hard in her tasks and it’s this vicious cycle of her doing badly>being in an even worse mood because of it>>whining endlessly etc etc, so I’m sorry Linotta but tonight is elimination night in BackupKingdom2′s Next Royal Wife.
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-How could I give you a royal heir, we didn’t have the same-sex pregnancy mod until today!!!
-I don’t have time for your nonsense excuses, now get the hell off my property!
-The whole kingdom is your property!!
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-Of course you can’t pull it off, you don’t have the curves for it!
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-Alright I guess that’s true, you can keep it. BUT YOU’RE STILL EXILED AS FUCK
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-Oh Heavens above, wherever will I go now? Oh that’s right, to one of the dozen other kingdoms that aren’t being run into the ground by some dumbass lunatic with stupid hair and a cucky non-crown!!!
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-Troubadour Bellinda has an entire series of plays mocking you, you idiot! Whatever, I’m out, I hate this orange decor anyway!! There are other colors, you know!!!
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Man that was rough, how you holding up Liz?
Of course not!
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Bellinda better pack it in before we’re mourning more victims around here.
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Song of the woooooods, sad sooooooong of the woods, calling Piratefuuuu, mon amour fouuuu🎵
Incredible song Liz, clearly you’ve never been better so I’ll just leave you unattended for a bit and go play some actual quests-
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-WHAT THE FUCK. PIRATEFU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-I heard Liz’s enchanting song of the woods and came out! 
You’ve been living in the woods this entire time????
-Well where else would I live?
I don’t know, I assume you had a house somewhere!!!
-Nop, just went back to my bandit tent. 
Good Lord, we could have at least given you a divorce settlement or something, we’re the WORST.
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-KAYLEY MY DARLING YOU’RE HERE!!!! I knew my amazing song would work, it took me one year to compose it! 
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-You’re looking well Liz, word of your execution spree has reached me, clearly bathing in blood agrees with you!
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-Oh my love, I should have never left you for that elf twat, her stupid kingdom has the most useless exports of all time!!! But don’t worry, she was among the first people I executed! Here’s a white rose dipped in her blood!
-Aw Liz, you always know just what to say!
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-Can you forgive me, my darling, and be my bandit queen again?
-I’ve waited so long to hear you say that, Liz!
-Well let me say it again on one knee-
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-Please marry me again, Kayley, I’ve been going a bit cray cray without you, I love you with every beat of my stone-cold heart!
-God, I’ve dreamt of this so many times..
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-I DID DREAM OF IT! Dreamt of turning you down HAHAHAHA. Oh God, this felt SO good. Thank you, Liz. Be well!
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-Listen.. You.. me.. together again.. ruling.. executing.. everyone scared of us.. it will be just the way it used to! And we have the same-sex pregnancy mod now, imagine the kind of kids we’ll produce! 
-Damn you, you’re so persuasive.. And I *am* tired of living in a tent.
-Well then..
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Piratefu girl istg. Like I can’t even be mad, this was masterful, well played.
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Of course Liz is devastated and we all know what that means..
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-You are released!
-Thank you, your Majesty!
-And sentenced to death!
Great, all in a day’s work. Now if we can get on with some actual work around here, we have the Legendary Doomsword to make or die trying (and we will). See you in part 2!!
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