#ALL of my rant is based on just the scenes from the pilot. they may change once we get more episodes so take this with a grain of salt
faceeeeee · 5 months
Jax is very gay to me but if they ever cave and give him a wife i hope shes really butch and stinky. You know. To contrast his twinkish charms. I hope shes the strongman of the circus too. Hes the side of a cell phone compared to her.
As much as I enjoy some of the different ships people come up with I always interpret them as alternate/ hypothetical situations and I don't really think he should have a canon partner (also given by the fact that goose herself said that there will be no romance in the series).So in regards to this hypothetical ship....
It's still kind of a funny thought but I don't think it would really work?? I would agree if Jax was a snobby know it all with an ego the size of the universe and that could make for some interesting interactions with a 3 meter titan of a gal that towers over him and grabs him around (think of "My girlfriend is an orc warlord" by Marko Raassina). Then I would be all for it but because I see Jax as a real piece of shit who craves for control I think this supposed gal would punch the ever living shit out of him.
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After that gorgeous sequel rant, would you be willing to share your thoughts on reylo?
Once again, that is the most succinct, easiest, answer I can supply. But it's so short, and that just won't do.
I mentioned in a recent post that Dramione comes in a myriad of disguises. Every fandom usually has at least one Dramione ship, you can usually guess which characters the ship will consist of, and while you might not be able to articulate exactly what about it makes it so damn similar to Dramione you will recognize it on sight.
Usually, to me, a Dramione ship features a strong, independent, female lead who may be varying levels of sexually empowered, varying levels of intelligent (Hermione loves to tell us how smart she is but it's not the heart of the ship), is strong, courageous, and noble who depending on the story du jour might slide into depravity.  The real give away is her love interest, always a man, usually a young man of comparable age, who has the bad boy appeal that's not too bad boy where he often is redeemed to the good side for 'reasons' in the course of the story.
Reylo is such a Dramione pairing.
You don't believe me? Look at the authors who write it, I haven't done this too often myself, but I guarantee you that a not small majority of them will either write Draco/Hermione or will have it all over their favorites and bookmarks. It's the same damn pairing.
But worse.
Because Kylo-Ren and Rey aren't really characters.
"Whoa, hold up!", you say, "That's just slander and uncalled for!" Well, change my mind. Rey Palpatine and Kylo-Ren are a series of character tropes and archetypes thrown to us by Disney screaming "LOVE MY CHARACTERS".
Rey is our noble, very Luke like, hero who is a scrappy desert rat with overwhelming mystical powers only acknowledged when the movies feel like acknowledging them (guys, admit Rey kicked Kylo-Ren's ass every time they fought with 0 training, come on, it's not hard).
However, there is nothing underneath her surface. Her hero worship of the resistance feels dull and given to her because it's expected. Of course Rey likes the resistance! The resistance is great! Sign her up! Rey has been living in the desert at the edge of nowhere for presumably 15 years, I'm shocked she's even heard of the new republic let alone the resistance. Despite essentially starving and only having a home that's a broken down old fighter, Rey saves a random droid. We're not really given a compelling reason of why she would do this, that she has a deep respect for droids/is horrified by their use, really really really hates the random trader she sells things to, or really really really hates the empire (if she even realizes it's them behind the bounty). She does it just so that a) the plot keeps moving b) to show Rey is... noble... I guess?
Remember that even Luke (who I have some problems with as a character) started his journey with more backstory and personality than this. Luke loved the empire and desperately wanted to become a pilot. He was very put out that his aunt and uncle kept saying, "Uh, no, bad idea." Luke was ready to skip town and sign on up for flight academy, he just got distracted by pretty women, er, his sister.
So, Rey is never given a compelling reason to do any of the things she does in the series. Just vague feelings of hero worship. And, of course, the drama over her parents. Just... I feel like Disney took out a hat, put a bunch of pieces of paper with words on them, and drew out the one that said "orphan angst about parents" and said "See, now she's conflicted! What a character!"
So yeah, Rey is your cardboard generic hero who is so generic she's not even a person. She has no hopes, no dreams, no fears, just these vague things we're told as an audience she cares about but never shown in any legitimate manner. Rey likes the resistance and rando droids, Rey imprints on Han Solo as the father she never had, Rey has this thing about her parents, Rey is attracted to Kylo Ren.
And that last one, oh boy that last one. It sold me less on the attraction to Kylo Ren than... oh... I don't know... Palpatine's secret Sith planet of doom. I mean, we all saw it coming, The Last Jedi it was very clear where that was going and then Abrams went for it even harder. But what we had was a series of skype conversations where Rey went from "Gr, you killed my pseudo father!" and Kylo-Ren responding, "Yeah, well he was my real father AND HE WAS SO MEAN" to "Oh Ben, I will fly to you through space and we shall save the galaxy together!"
I am given no reason to believe Rey's change of heart. Han Solo's death just suddenly... doesn't really mean much to her anymore (the man was murdered by his son in cold blood so that his son could feel better about himself). She believes Ben Solo is good now because Luke is a dick (never mind that, no matter what a dick Luke is, Ben Solo still murdered dozens of children and then went on to gleefully massacre his way through the galaxy). We're told there's a Force Dyad, which is um... not this thing the writer's made up because they were too lazy to convince me that Kylo-Ren and Rey would end up together in any organic way.
So, yeah, why does Rey like Kylo-Ren? Because the Force told her too? Because it was somehow all Snoke's fault in a way that's never properly described? (Indeed despite us spending quite a bit of time on Kylo-Ren's decision to remain Kylo-Ren being a very internalized thing) Because we saw him shirtless in yoga pants this one time?
It's bad when that last is actually the most legitimate reason I can think of out of the whole lot.
Now let's go to Kylo-Ren. If Rey is boring and nonsensical then Kylo-Ren is a dumpster fire and non-sensical. The guy reminds me a lot of Commodus from the film "Gladiator", the man is cowardly, vile, and murders his father in despair that his father never will be capable of loving him/passes him over for the throne. Kylo-Ren's murder of Han Solo is extremely similar to the murder of Marcus Aurelius in "Gladiator". Han Solo is a flawed father, trying to make his peace with his son, who approaches him unarmed and Kylo-Ren decides to murder him in order to solidify his place in the dark side.
Only, the films never acknowledge that every action Kylo-Ren takes is horrifying.
We're told "oh, Kylo-Ren exists because evil Snoke corrupted him" but also shown repeatedly that Kylo-Ren chooses the darkest path again and again and again. He "struggles with the light" but I don't see it. His opening scene, he has massacred a village and is torturing a man for information (this is presumably a daily routine for him). In the same film he later tortures Rey for information. He serves on a Death Star which wipes out billions in an instant. He murders his father to feel good about himself. He dresses as a man who was reviled and feared throughout the galaxy, a man who murdered countless children, and a man who dressed the way he did because he was barely hanging onto life, because Kylo-Ren thinks it makes him look like a badass. Think about it, this is like if a fully abled Kylo-Ren is wheeling around in a wheel chair, perfectly capable of walking, because he thinks that Professor X is so cool. Now, replace Professor X with Hitler, this is what the movies gave us.
Yet, the films seem to take it for granted that Kylo-Ren is a redeemable character. He's just lost and misguided, he's really struggling with the light and dark side! They don't just tell us this over and over again (which they do) but also just assume we know it.
And base the entire Reylo pairing off of it. Reylo believed Kylo-Ren could be redeemed, they battle Snoke together, then Kylo-Ren stabs her in the back and continues the assault on the Resistance and asks her to be his Dark Queen (TM). Reylo is shocked and appalled, I'm just wondering what movie she thought she was watching, because that was coming a mile away.
Later, when Kylo-Ren is redeemed, we're never given a reason why it happens. Leia just gives him a nagging, one word, phone call and then Han Solo shows up to go, "Ben, are you going to do the right thing?" and Ben goes, "Mumble, grumble, fine" because there's only an hour left in the last film.
Kylo-Ren, like Rey, is the writers' desperate attempt to create a compelling anti-hero with all the anti-hero sauce we love. They just won't admit they made an overgrown genocidal toddler.
Wow, this turned into why I hate both Rey and Kylo Ren, but, uh, back to the ship. Basically, the films give me 0 reason to ever believe it, and even if I wanted to, even if I said "Alright brain, let's make these characters real people for once", I still wouldn't like it. Because the ship itself is just as flat as the characters. It's spicy but not too spicy bad boy gets together with strong female lead.
I know a lot of people enjoy this, and I won't say it's any less legitimate than any of the weirdness I ship, but I'm not one of them. And the whole thing just makes me go "ugh".
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sophieakatz · 3 years
Thursday Thoughts: Marvel What If’s Women Problem
Welcome back to the feminist rant!
I really didn’t intend to spend three weeks in a row writing about the Marvel animated series What If…? But I wanted to see this through.
Last week we talked about this show’s abundant use of the “fridged woman” trope. However, a show doesn’t need to kill its female characters in order to fail them.
Remember that time I made up a feminist movie test? I call it the “Want Test.” You can read the full explanation here, but here’s the summary:
This test requires that a film (or, in this case, an episode of a TV show) has at least one named female character. After watching the show, ask, “Does what the named female character want matter to the plot?” Then, score the movie based on the answer to this question.
If the answer is “Yes, what the named female character wants matters to the plot,” then give the movie a checkmark!”
If the answer is “Yes, AND this is true of multiple named female characters,” then the movie gets a check-plus. If these characters help each other get what they want, the movie gets a check-double-plus!
If the answer is “Yes, BUT her wants are an obstacle to a male character’s goal,” then the movie gets a check-minus. The woman may matter to the plot, but her importance is centered on her relationship to a male character and how much he matters to the plot. Often movies with a check-minus involve a male protagonist actively trying to stop a female character from getting what she wants; while she has an impact on the world around her, the movie isn’t rooting for the woman.
If the answer is “No, what she wants doesn’t matter,” then the movie fails the test. Give it a minus.
Okay, now let’s talk about Marvel What If. Once again, there are spoilers for the first seven episodes of this show below the cut, and some discussion of the plot points in the movies these episodes are based on.
When I compare the first seven episodes of What If to the Want Test, they each barely scrape their way to a check-minus (though after my rant last week, I’m tempted to edit my test so that a show that fridges a female character automatically fails). In summary, it does not matter what most of the named female characters want. Each episode has a single woman whose wants do affect the plot, but what she wants is always some kind of obstacle to a male character’s goal. Even when the women of What If survive the episode, the male characters’ feelings are the primary engine of the show.
As I neared the end of Episode Six, “What If… Killmonger Rescued Tony Stark?” I said to myself, “Well, at least Pepper and Shuri aren’t dead.” But then, in the last minute of the episode, Shuri and Pepper meet and state their intent to take down Killmonger. And I said to myself, “Okay, so why didn’t we get THAT episode?”
Sure, it’s cool to see two smart girls teaming up, but they don’t get to do anything! This episode repeatedly puts Pepper and Shuri down. Every time they express suspicion of Killmonger, someone contradicts them. What they want does not matter. They are obstacles to the men, and they are easily pushed aside, and so all they can do is stand in the background and watch while the boys run around and play war games.
If your named female characters only matter in the last scene of the show, then they don’t really matter. This episode wasn’t about the women at all. It was about the men killing each other and making each other sad.
I really don’t want to say much about the seventh episode, “What If… Thor Were an Only Child?”
What I will say is, “Why, why, WHY is Dr. Jane Foster more concerned about hurting the hot guy’s feelings than she is about how the hot guy is about to cause the end of the world?”
And I will also say, “Why does Captain Marvel need to be nice to Thor at the end of the episode after he spent the entire episode being a jackass to her?”
And I will end this section of the blog post by saying, “Frigga deserves so much better than any man in her family has ever given her.”
The second episode of this show, “What If… T’Challa Became a Star-Lord?” might be my favorite episode. Mainly because it’s the only one I genuinely liked while I was watching it. It was fun, and I was happy to hear Chadwick Boseman’s voice one more time. Overall, it’s a lovely tribute to both the actor and his character.
But, for me, liking this episode required ignoring a big problem: Nebula and Thanos’s relationship.
We don’t know exactly when in this timeline T’Challa met Thanos and convinced him to give up on the “murder half the universe” plan. But we do know that even before Thanos collected the Infinity Stones, he was roaming the universe slaughtering millions. We know he committed genocide against Gamora’s people the day he “adopted” her, and it’s safe to assume he did the same to Nebula’s. We know that he raised Gamora and Nebula to fight each other, and every time Nebula lost a fight, he replaced a part of her body with cybernetics, constantly torturing her.
What If never tells us that that Thanos did not abuse his daughters. It never tells us that he did not slaughter millions, including his daughters’ birth families. But it does tell us that Thanos is Nebula’s father. And he wouldn’t be her father if he hadn’t been roaming the universe killing people.
In this episode, we see an adult Nebula who seems to think her dad is annoying, but any feelings she might have about how genuinely terrible he is – feelings she was freely willing to admit in the Guardians of the Galaxy movies – go completely unmentioned.
Thanos and Nebula’s relationship is played for laughs, like they just need to get over their past and hug it out. That bothers me a lot. It’s like the show is saying that Nebula’s pain doesn’t matter. What matters is that Thanos is sad she doesn’t want to hang out with him.
I should also point out that in Avengers: Infinity War, Gamora gets fridged. Her feelings are unimportant to the plot; her stated desire to die before she can be used as a part of Thanos’s plot is mocked and discarded. When she is murdered, the moment of her death is all about how it would hurt Thanos to kill her. Gamora’s death also serves as motivation for Peter Quill to sabotage the other heroes’ efforts to stop Thanos.
Gamora is nowhere to be seen in this episode of What If. The women that Thanos abused really don’t matter here at all.
I’ve been putting off talking about this show’s pilot episode, “What If… Captain Carter Were the First Avenger?” This episode was… You know, it was fun, in a very similar way to how the Star Lord T’Challa episode was fun. I can’t lie and say I didn’t like seeing super buff Peggy Carter beat the crap out of Nazis. That was a lot of fun.
But the thing I couldn’t stop thinking while watching was, “This isn’t Peggy’s story. It’s Steve’s!”
Peggy Carter may have gotten the super serum in this reality, but Steve Rogers is still the main driving force of the plot. Peggy goes to Germany to save Steve’s best friend. She works with Steve’s allies, the Howling Commandoes, instead of finding her own. Steve’s issues and emotions are central to everything Peggy does; she may say in dialogue that she wants to end the war, but what we see is that Steve is her motivation. In fact, he’s everyone’s motivation – in the scene where Peggy, Bucky, Howard, and the Howling Commandoes decide to go take down Red Skull, they all go around the table and say that they’re doing it “for Steve.” Not because ending the war is the right thing to do, not because they care about the millions of people murdered and tortured by the Nazis – but because they care about Steve.
When I first heard about this show, I thought that Steve was going to die, and that would be why Captain Carter would exist. The interesting/ironic thing here is that the episode pokes at the idea of fridging Steve, but it doesn’t quite have the guts to go through with it. Everyone thinks that Steve died on the train, but then they find him in Red Skull’s castle, and he’s totally fine! Killing off Captain America would have been an interesting, powerful new direction to take the story. But this episode doesn’t seem interested in taking new directions. It seems more interested in showing how things would stay the same even if Steve didn’t get the serum, even if Peggy switched careers from secret agent to superhero, even if Bucky never became the Winter Soldier, even if Red Skull decided to open a portal to tentacle hell. Things just stay the same.
And I don’t get the point of presenting us with a show where there are “endless possibilities” if things are just going to stay the same. If Peggy Carter will still be a side character in Steve Roger’s story. If Hank Pym’s grief still matters more than Janet and Hope Van Dyne’s lives. If Thanos will still never be held accountable for abusing Gamora and Nebula. If Doctor Strange is still an arrogant jackass. If the only realities we see are ones where men get to act and feel, and women get to be plot devices.
The truth is that the Watcher just isn’t interested in showing us realities where women live and thrive in their own right. For all its emphasis on how different decisions can cause dramatic changes to reality, the creators of What If have no real investment in making different decisions in how they portray female characters. It’s just more of the same.
I’m done thinking about this show. Let’s talk about something else next week, okay?
Be good to yourself, be kind to each other, and you’ll hear from me again soon!
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dalekofchaos · 3 years
How Disney/Lucasfilm failed Finn and John Boyega
A rant about my continued frustration on how Lucasfilm/Disney failed Finn and John Boyega
John Boyega’s Finn was setup as the male lead and co-protagonist of the sequel trilogy. That’s not an opinion, that’s not a headcanon, that’s a literally fact. He was set up to be equal with Rey & Kylo’s foil and we all know why that changed.
John Boyega was cast as the male and co-protagonist of the sequel trilogy by JJ Abrams, who had to fight for John Boyega to be cast against the preferred (White) casting choices.
Originally Finn(Sam in the original treatment) was white
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Majority from Okiro’s twitter thread exposing Lucasfilm’s hypocrisy when it comes to representation and black history
JJ Abrams told Finn he was the new star of Star Wars
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In The Force Awakens. Finn was a Stormtrooper who defected. After witnessing the death of his friend Slip and seeing the innocents being killed, Finn made the decision to save Poe Dameron and leave The First Order. Finn only wanted to leave The FIrst Order and run away. But after meeting Poe and later Rey, Finn began to care for more than himself. Finn was mentored by Han Solo. For once, he had a father figure and a positive role model as opposed to people like Hux and Phasma. He learned to care for Rey and even love her. After Starkiller Base destroyed the Hosnian System, Finn realized running was pointless and knew he had to fight. Then Kylo Ren took Rey. Finn went to The Resistance using his time on Starkiller Base to shut down the shield generator and plant the explosives on the thermal oscillator. Finn’s main focus was rescuing Rey. After Kylo force pushes Rey into a tree, Finn faces Kylo Ren. Finn learns to overcome his fears of The First Order and faces the symbolic evil that was Kylo Ren. Although Finn does not win, he puts up a good fight and was put in a coma for daring to defy Kylo. Then they bait and switched us with Rey. I’ll let you read my rant on that.
Finn was the co-protagonist of The Force Awakens, this is evident of Finn’s actions saving everyone. Finn is the very reason why the Resistance is even alive. Finn breaks his life-long brainwashing, informs Rey and Han about the importance of BB-8 and helps out in getting BB-8 to the resistance and provides vital information that lead to the destruction of STB and gets nearly killed while helping to achieve this. If it were not for Finn saving Poe, BB-8 would’ve been scrapped for parts and Rey never would’ve left Jakku. The map would either be destroyed or be in the hands of The First Order. Starkiller Base would’ve destroyed D’Qar and Ach-To. He is the reason why Poe is still alive. He is the reason why BB-8 isn’t parts and Rey left Jakku. Because of leaving Jakku, this is the sole reason why Han and Chewie were able to find the Falcon. And he is the reason why The Resistance was able to find out about Starkiller Base’s weakness. he Helps out in sabotaging STB so that Poe, the very pilot he saved in the beginning can deliver the finishing blow to Starkiller Base and destroy it completely.
There are some missed opportunity in TFA, believe me I know as I feel JJ squandered the theme of Stormtroopers rising up against their oppressors and that crack about Finn being a janitor was so tone deaf and unnecessary. 
Don’t believe me that Finn was meant to be the co-protagonist of the Sequels? Look at the marketing?
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Also. Just look at the hopeful optimism and representation FInn brought to black people.
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Then the racist boycotting happened. The boycott was groups of bigots who wanted the ST to be boycotted. What was the response from Lucasfilm? Zero defense of John Boyega, but their actions were transparent when they shrunk Finn on the TFA poster for fucking China’s sake, kept him off the TLJ teaser poster, and small on the official poster
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I’ll let what Rian Johnson chose to do with Finn speak for itself. John Boyega has every right to hate what Rian did with his character.
By giving into the boycott and doing their best to erase and sideline John Boyega, Lucasfilm proved they would always cater to mob law if the mob was big enough. Do I have proof of this boycott against John Boyega? Yes, I do.
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Also, popular Reylo blogger Jenny Nicholson’s racism against John Boyega
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Reminder that Jenny Nicholson blocked a whole fuckton of Black people who even gently criticized her about how she went after John Boyega
Did Lucasfilm after The Force Awakens try to support their Black lead in any way? No. In fact, they began to erase him harder than ever to the point Fans started a hashtag #WhereIsFinn because it was getting so bad. But Bryan Young, a Lucasfilm writer, sure loved to hate on Finn
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Lucasfilm was so racist, the very concept of a Black man and a white woman getting together sent them into such a frenzy Lucasfilm had to have it removed from any EU material just to make sure they kept it nice and bigot friendly. Also it’s worth noting that Alan Dean Foster was ordered by Lucasfilm/Disney to scrap any hints of Finnrey romance from the TFA novel as he believed that was the direction of the Sequels’ romance and coincidentally they did next to nothing with and we know it was racially motivated. "I expected to see that developed further in Episode VIII [The Last Jedi]," Foster said. "And zero happened with it. And we all know why zero happened with it — and there's no need to go into it in-depth — but that's, sadly, just the way things are."
It wasn’t JJ Abrams, Lawrence Kasdan or Chris Terrio who were against Finnrey. It was Disney and Lucasfilm and RIan Johnson was more than happy to separate Rey and Finn 99% of the movie(he said and did enough things to prove that he didn’t want the two characters even near each other)
Then John spoke about his frustration with how he was treated
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People have tried to twist the narrative or put words in Boyega's mouths, but his GQ interview paints the picture rather clearly. He was sidelined due to his race after The Force Awakens when The Last Jedi came around with a "reordered character hierarchy" Lucasfilm's order btw
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It resulted in Rey and Kylo Ren being featured prominently in both TLJ and TROS. It also resulted in Reylo being canon. Lucasfilm killed the Sequel trilogy, cause they couldn’t bare the thought of a black man in the leading role and a interracial relationship. 
If you look at TFA, you’ll realize that Finn was built up to becoming a Jedi, Kylo’s foil and Rey’s equal. Because TLJ happened, Finn’s role was reduced to a side character and JJ could not make him as prominent as he originally wanted to. EIther studio interference or TLJ screwed everything up so bad that he had to work on it slowly and just hope that Disney + would have something for Finn.
At the start of the trilogy, we all thought people of color would have a prominent role in the new trilogy, there was a potential for the first interracial relationship in Star Wars and there was a potential for the first LGBT relationship in Star Wars. But no, it’s clear that both TLJ and TROS gave us the impression that only white people can be Jedi and only white people can have epic romances and save the galaxy, people of color can only have secondary roles. And the blink and you miss it kiss? Only white women, not two men of color who clearly love each other.
Finn’s best scenes were deleted. 
Finn and the villager. it really shows why Finn chose to leave. Finn’s reasoning for leaving the First Order had nothing to do with being against violence, but a moral confliction of not wanting to hurt defenseless people. This villager wasn’t a soldier, wasn’t trying to hurt him. She was just a woman with her baby. This wasn’t war, this was murder, and Finn refused to be a murderer.
TLJ alternate opening. Opens with Finn waking up. Small change, but it would show that Finn is still a prominent character.
BB-8 shows Finn Rey’s last moment with him. BB-8 tries to cheer Finn up, but to no avail until he shows him a recording of Rey from the end of The Force Awakens - the scene she says goodbye to an unconscious Finn and kisses him on the forehead before leaving to find Luke Skywalker.
Poe gives back his sewn up jacket to Finn. In this deleted scene, Poe fills in the gaps and tries to assuage Finn about his concerns, including Finn's mixed feelings about his relationship with the Resistance. Poe then gives back the jacket that was once his and became Finn's in The Force Awakens, showing Finn that he sewed it up. This scene doesn't necessarily push forward any plot development, but should've remained as great a moment between Finn and Poe. The two characters established a wonderful chemistry and bond in The Force Awakens, and with Finn off on Canto Bight for much of The Last Jedi, fans didn't get to see as much of their relationship as expected. It's nice to see that chemistry and bond again. Finn's question about winning is also interesting in highlighting the constant uphill battle of the Resistance. Even destroying the Starkiller Base, Rey defeating Kylo Ren, and blowing up a Dreadnought can still put the Resistance in the position of fleeing. 
The elevator scene between Finn and an old Stormtrooper friend.  A Stormtrooper voiced by Tom Hardy recognizes Finn and starts talking to him. Finn starts to draw his gun, thinking the Stormtrooper has recognized him as a traitor, but it turns out the Stormtrooper is just surprised to see that FN-2187 has become an officer. The scene may go on for a bit too long, but ultimately it should've stayed in. The scene in the elevator does a great job playing with the audience's emotions, as they're unsure whether the tension will rise to the breaking point of a fight or evolve into a humorous moment. It also shows Finn using restraint by not killing a fellow Stormtrooper, unlike the other two movies.
Phasma’s alternate and BETTER death scene. WHY WAS THIS CUT????? No seriously, WHY WAS THIS FUCKING CUT????? I will never understand why this was deleted. Finn calls her out about her betrayal of lowering the shields and when this information is revealed, the Stormtroopers near her look suspicious and it looks as if they are going to turn on her. Phasma like the ultimate survivalist she is kills them with no hesitation. Finn cuts her hand off and blasts her into the abyss, giving Phasma a more deserving and better send off. Seriously, this is way better than their actual confrontation.  What I really like about this scene is its direct connection to The Force Awakens plot point and that it acknowledges Phasma's survivalist attitude which was introduced into her novel. The Phasma novel and comic portrayed her not as a First Order loyalist, but as a ruthless warrior who did whatever it took to survive. She even went so far as hunting down and doing away with those within the First Order who had knowledge of what she did at the Starkiller Base lest the truth get out. Phasma was always about self-preservation, she wasn't about preserving the First Order, but that never comes across in The Force Awakens or The Last Jedi. It only comes across in this deleted scene where Phasma chooses to end her own Stormtroopers to save herself.
Something else that bothers me. Finn’s treatment in the expanded universe. Have you ever noticed that Poe and Kylo got all the big expanded universe material and Finn is always shoved into the background or not there at all? Even worse, every form of media portrays Finn as Poe's bumbling sidekick, which is even more apparent in TROS. They were more interested in having Poe and Finn being the Abbott and Costello of the ST instead of letting Finn going from Stormtrooper to Jedi and lead a Stormtrooper Rebellion.
In the journey to TROS, Finn is not featured in ANY of the novels or graphic novels for the Journey to TROS. When he was, he was used as Poe’s sidekick and not featured anywhere with Rey. Before the release of the movie, he is not featured whatsoever in any shape or form in marketing. We get to see him in two teasers but he says nothing. His new outfit looks awesome. Finn could’ve been used to rise as a Jedi with Rey and essentially be the Skywalkers that Rise and face Kylo and Palpatine together. If not that, Finn could’ve caused a Stormtrooper Rebellion that burns The First Order from the inside out. Instead of any of that, it Finn was given nothing for this movie. He doesn’t even get to face Kylo Ren, their rivalry as foils was completely dropped. That is sad and heartbreaking.
Seriously, there is no novelizations or comics that expand on Finn’s time in The First Order. Sure, there is Before The Awakening. But consider this. Finn was their best Stormtrooper, so good that Hux considered him Captain material.
There is so much potential with Finn in the Expanded Universe. Apply all the posts I’ve linked and more.
The Poe Dameron comics were not about Poe’s life, they were about his personality, skills, character, and the Resistance. So I ask, why can’t/couldn’t the same have been done with Finn pre TFA? A comic series exploring his character while world building the First Order.
There is so much to tell. You could start with Finn vividly remembering his family and how he was abducted and recruited for the FN Corps.
You could even show the ruthlessness of The First Order by showing initiation for the FN Corps is only granted by forcing the children to kill each other in a Hunger Games/Battle Royale to see who the strongest and who deserves to be welcomed to the First Order. This would be in separate groups of the children who are abducted to determine who gets to be put in the FN Corps. We could see Phasma returning to the room, only to see a young Finn covered in blood and dried up tears. Phasma will only say “Welcome to The First Order, FN-2187.”
Wouldn’t it be interesting to see how Finn, a brainwashed soldier broke free of his mental conditioning, learned the truth of the FO yet still tried to be a good soldier. It could flesh out his relationship with the squad he led, as well as Phasma and Hux.
It could’ve also showcased the brotherhood and friendship Finn had with  FN-2199 (“Nines”), FN-2000 (“Zeroes”), and FN-2003 (“Slip”).
The biggest thing it could do is finally show Finn’s skills as a soldier, his brains, while giving so much needed world building First Order. We could also finally show what it’s like as a FO stormtrooper from a sympathetic POV.
Through the avenue of a Finn comic series you could also flesh out Hux, Phasma, Nines, Zeroes, Slip, and even characters like Kylo and Snoke. It doesn’t have to cover spoilers, just make the one note more dimensional while giving Finn so overdue respectful content
It could end with everyone asking Finn “what was the moment you decided to leave” which then we would see the TFA deleted scene of Finn in the village 
It could end on Finn saying "I was raised to do one thing, I used to think I’ve got nothing to fight for, but now I have something worth fighting for.“
And afterwards. You could show Finn and Jannah working together to liberating the other Stormtroopers. The first person they rescue? Zeroes, FInn’s last surviving Squad Member and together they awaken and liberate their brothers and sisters and all the while Finn rises up and becomes a Jedi!
For those wondering what about Finn in TROS? I’ll let this video do all the talking
I’d also like to point out. Finnrey WAS going to happen in TROS. Here’s confirmation by Jedipaxis, the main reddit leaker, who was right about everything before the films release, confirmed that Finn’s “i never told you” line was supposed to have some payoff and it was going to end with finn and rey holding hands. could this pic have been of the alternate ending? then reshoots happened and we got the Reylo kiss
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I’m convinced that John Boyega was told by the higher ups to say Finn was meant to say he was “Force Sensitive” no one who is about to die would “always want to tell you” they were force sensitive. 
Hell, even in the original Episode IX by Colin Trevorrow. Duel Of Fates. Finn was given the shaft again. For some unknown reason, Rey is paired with Poe, a character who barely interacts with Rey at all. Finn was given another sidequest to do. The only brightside for Finn is he participates in retaking Corruscant and a Stormtrooper Rebellion near the end. 
Finn, who was once held in prominence as the co-protagonist alongside Rey. Was erased from how prominent he once was and reduced to a sidecharacter due to China and fanbacklash that there was going to be a black lead in Star Wars. Disney caved in to the racist backlash and caved into China’s racist demands. 
Finn deserved to be a main character alongside Rey, while Kylo Ren is their villain. He deserved a good character development, a great arc, an interesting backstory. he had the potential to become one of the most epic star wars characters. TLJ and TROS was an insult for him and he deserved better. nobody will EVER change my mind.
Finn should’ve been a Stormtrooper turned Jedi who embraced the light, while Kylo Ren who was the Skywalker who rejected the light and embraced the dark. Rey should’ve been Luke’s daughter, while Finn is the Jedi who builds himself up from being a Stormtrooper from nowhere to Jedi and together Rey and Finn stop Kylo Ren and bring down The First Order and rebuild The Jedi!
Finn should have been a Stormtrooper turned Jedi.  It doesn’t matter that you think it tells a better story for him to not be a Jedi. “Finn being a hero who is not a Jedi is important.” Poe and Rose are great examples of ordinary heroes coming from nowhere. Rey was supposed to be a jedi related to Skywalker or Kenobi legacy while Finn was the perfect “nobody from nowhere” that becomes a Jedi. And honestly, Black kids deserved to see themselves in the Black Jedi and black kids deserved to see themselves as one of the three protagonists of the trilogy.
Finn got no last name No theme Was sidelined in the trilogy Had his scenes cut Mocked by Lucasfilm employees Racially harassed by bigots and media outlets Disney used while staying silent and then Disney has the nerve to say they “stand” with John Boyega during the BLM movement and celebrated Finn during black history month despite squandering him....
Finn deserved better, period!
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just-the-mage · 3 years
Review-Love Death + Robots (Pt 1. Episodes 1-4)
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So here we are again.  You, dear readers, and I, a mostly defunct tumblr page.  I was thinking...I’ve written a few reviews on here before, and I’ve rather enjoyed myself to be honest.  So until RP starts up again for me, I’m going to grab some popcorn and start reviewing some of the media I’ve been indulging in during this exceptionally fun pandemic we’ve all been saddled with (and are becoming increasingly more and more used to as time goes on).  Here we go! 
Spoilers incoming! I don’t like to discuss a show without going through it entirely-no stone unturned.  You have been warned! 
Love Death + Robots is a compilation series-each episode is self-contained content, based on what I have experienced thus far.  The content varies wildly from cute and sweet to surreal, to horrific.  For right now I’m going to stick with the first four episodes since they are fresh in my mind.  
Episode 1: Three Robots
Three robots shows a short adventure shared by, you guessed it-Three robots exploring the crumbling remains of human society.  It comes across as three tourists making their way through an area that they are completely unfamiliar with, attempting to define and understand elements of the environment as humans once did.  Their analysis and attempts to understand not only human culture, but also basic human biology, were entertaining to say the least.  Each robot has flair, character, and a their own take on humans and humanity.  Over the course of the episode, the fall of mankind is referenced a few times, being initially explained as a mass extinction due to environmental disasters (global warming is probably a factor-one of the buildings has an entire ship sticking out of it).  However, the twist ending throws that whole theory into question once the cat that has been accompanying the robots for the last leg of their journey reveals itself as capable of speech.  And, interestingly enough...being in possession of opposable thumbs.  It was certainly unexpected, and a bit odd-the cat (and its many, many brethren) manage to finish out the episode by convincing the robots that if the robots do not pet them, the cats may explode.  I will say that the ending, though it was rather silly and fitting with the tone, felt like an out of place twist intended mostly to give a bit of closure to a story that had no real need to have an ending.  It felt a little out-of-left field, at least to me.
This first episode, I think, is one that I could recommend to a much more general audience than almost all of the other content of the show.  It’s whimsical and cute, despite inhabiting such a grim setting (and grim it is-post apocalyptic is not taken lightly here.  There are plenty of corpses, some skeletal and some not quite so much.  At least one of them appears to have died by suicide).  I found it to be a nice addition and a good introduction to ease people into the tone of the show.  Definitely give this one a watch, even if the ending sort of comes from nowhere. 
Episode 2: Beyond the Aquila Rift
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This episode was definitely a change of pace from the first.  It begins as a high science fiction story starring a hunky, middle aged man and his two crewmates, making some sort of cargo run (?) through a wormhole of some kind, but promptly finding themselves in a completely different place from what they expected.  Hunky space captain wakes up first, finding that he is greeted by an old friend (read: lover) of his, who explains that there was a navigation error that led them off course-way off course.  They’re in a completely different area than they expected.  The ship’s navigator wakes as well, swearing that there couldn’t have been an error in her calculations, but seems ill and is placed back in her future tech cryopod to rest.  Space captain man then bangs it out with his ex-lover (Greta) in a scene that was almost definitely written by a man, and she reveals to him that she lied, and that him and his crew are actually hundreds of light-years further off course than they had thought they were, basically dashing any hopes that he could have of returning to his old life.  The two then wake the navigator again, who immediately starts ranting that ‘Greta’ isn’t who she says she is.  At this point, enough clues have been given that the captain catches up with the audience (it was all a simulation the whole time), and he confronts Greta, demanding that she reveal herself as she truly is.  She does, after some prodding-and the captain finds himself in an infested husk of a ship, aged and haggard, obviously dying of starvation.  Greta reveals herself as a lovely spider-beast, and the captain wakes up from his pod again-back in his comfortable illusion once more.  
I love the premise of this one.  Crazy aliens and shit like this is a huge draw for me-sci-fi horror is probably my favorite subgenre of horror when it’s done well.  I would count this episode as doing it pretty well.  They don’t go into much techno-babble, which I think is a pitfall for some sci-fi stories.  The writers are well aware that we aren’t spending too long in this world, so we don’t need to know much about the rules under which it operates outside of ‘computer mistake your ship fly here.’  The twist ending didn’t end up being too much of a twist-in my opinion there were too many clues given throughout the episode to make it that much of a surprise that things weren’t as they seemed.  The odds of this man meeting his ex-lover in the infinitesimal reaches of space just by chance were a bit too impossible to make it believable-and the navigator was far too convinced that her work couldn’t be incorrect.  In the end, it was an expected twist, but still pretty jarring.  Execution is pretty good overall though-and the sex scene is pretty decent as well, even if its strictly a dude-fantasy thing.  Also, call me a sucker for cool looking beasties, but I adore the design on spider-Greta.  That’s a lady right there for you.  
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Episode 3: Ice Age
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The only live action episode I’ve seen so far-this one gives an *entirely* different tone than the majority of the other episodes in the series.  Topher Grace and Mary Elizabeth Winstead happen upon a lost civilization that exists entirely within their refrigerator.  They watch in awe as it develops incredibly quickly-hundreds of years passing within the civilization in roughly an hour or so of real time.  What starts in the morning as a town in the viking ages eventually develops into a modern society, almost destroys itself with nukes, and then rebuilds from the ashes into a fully futuristic society that quickly ascends beyond physical form, appearing to disperse itself into the cosmos, no longer bound by such petty rules as the laws of physics.  A disappointed Topher asks if they’ll return-to which he receives a sad ‘no’ from his partner.  It seems all is lost, and the couple go to bed for the night-only to find that the cycle has restarted overnight, and they probably won’t be able to keep any frozen chicken in the freezer for quite some time.
This one is probably one of my favorites of the series so far.  It’s fairly well acted, but the real beauty of the episode is getting to watch the mini-civilization develop itself in a glorious time lapse-the work that must’ve gone into it must have been monumental, to be honest.  The final product certainly felt that way, in any case.  What I also found fascinating was a specific scene in which the protagonists were abandoned in place of some of the tiny denizens of the lost civilization-which made me realize exactly how slow the ‘normal sized people’s’ actions must have looked to the diminutive people of this rapidly developing society.  Reminiscent of the earth’s motion in relation to our own perception-and reinforcing the concept that to an individual, perception is everything. 
Episode 4:  Sonnie’s Edge 
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This episode opens with three people transporting mysterious cargo into a heavily guarded complex, quickly encountering and interacting with a ‘bigwig’ of sorts with a beautiful woman on his arm.  Through context clues the audience is easily able to discover that the three (pictured above) are here for a fight-and that their cargo is their fighter, a living creature of obviously immense proportion.  The bigwig asks the team to throw the fight, and they refuse, even after he offers a large amount of money.  (It’s worth mentioning that during this scene, ‘Sonnie’, the leader and controller of the beast fighter, shares an EXTREMELY homosexual gaze with the bigwig’s beautiful lady friend.  Don’t think I didn’t notice the setup, because I definitely noticed the payoff, even though it was rudely interrupted).  Sonnie and her teammates enter the ring, setting up as it appears that she will be piloting her fighter in some way.  Her opponent is also introduced, though he is hardly important in the story-imagine a cake of beef with a big sticker on him that says ‘mysogyny’ in bold print.  What follows is one of the most brutal fight scenes I’ve seen in animation (this is just my personal opinion though).  These creatures fucking tear each other to shreds, with Sonnie’s beast only just barely emerging as the victor, tearing the opposing fighter’s head clean from its body.  The bigwig is obviously angry, as is Sonnie’s opponent, and Sonnie and her team retires to a hotel room of sorts, with the exception of Sonnie-who slips away into the room that houses her fighter, promptly encountering the beauty from earlier! (Payoff time)..and it gets gay.  Fast.  I love me some wlw content, and there’s some nice tension here, right up until the beauty stabs Sonnie through the head.  Rude.  The bigwig reveals himself, which was a bit of a surprise-the part of me that hadn’t seen much of this show yet was hoping for a fluffy little happy ending.  It wasn’t to be though..after the beauty crushes Sonnie’s skull, the two promptly realize that ‘Sonnie’ wasn’t Sonnie at all-just some biotech.  The *real* Sonnie...was the fighter, the whole time.  Who promptly makes short work of both the beauty and the bigwig, (implied), in what I can only describe as the most satisfying moment in the series that I’ve seen thus far.  
This was easily my favorite episode of the show, and has continued to be, and I assume will continue to be my favorite through the rest of the series.  It’s not just because of the lesbian rep (my people!), or the misogynists getting fucking destroyed, but the strength of the reveal, the choreography of the fight scene, and the *power* of the protagonist.  I love her.  I love her sooo much.  We are seamlessly introduced into the world, shown a woman who has been beaten, scarred, faced sexual abuse, and she remade herself into a being of pure power.  She fought back, and *look how she fights back*.  I cannot describe just how much of a cheer-worthy moment it was to watch the smug smile be summarily wiped from the face of the bigwig.  I *love* seeing a villain who has full confidence in their victory suddenly realize that they don’t have the upper hand anymore...and that they are, in fact, absolutely screwed.  This was one of those wonderful, wonderful moments, and I can think of nobody more deserving than this villain of being torn to shreds.  This was an A+ episode for sure-100% recommend this one for anyone who can handle a bit of gore.  
Thank you so much for reading!  This is only part 1...more to come!        
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abbyfreemansmind · 4 years
Let’s talk about Hazbin Hotel
So, I finally sat down and watched Hazbin Hotel. I’d heard so much about it and felt the need to launch myself headfirst into having my own opinions about it instead of just listening to other people talking about it. This is gonna be a long post, so I’m gonna put it behind a neat little read more. Please note that this is coming from someone who genuinely enjoys adult humour and edgy humour and themes. I’ve got no problem with something that’s all swearing and raunchy jokes. It just needs to be done right.
Point 1 - The Plot The plot is describes as the Princess of Hell trying to open a new hotel to rehabilitate sinners so they don’t get exterminated during the yearly heavenly extermination to deal with Hell’s overpopulation problems. This plot is quickly undone through a few things that anyone can notice during the first viewing. 1 - Overpopulation? WHAT population? The scenery is most often noticeably devoid of any signs of life, outside of when background characters are called for. The scene where Charlie’s doing her news presentation is the most notable example of background characters. After this scene, we see almost nobody outside of the main cast and those weird little egg things. There are a few throwaway demons but outside of that, the streets are devoid of people. There aren’t even the corpses we had just seen during that opening scene. 2 - Charlie may as well be a total nobody what with all the power being the Princess of Hell holds. Just look at how the other characters treat her. You’d think the Princess of Hell would have some kind of benefit that would sway people towards agreeing with this whole idea. Instead, she gets mocked by just about everyone for reasons I can only guess involve winning her sympathy points from the audience. 3 - At no point does she give any proof that redemption would work. She basically says, “Hey guys! I hate seeing you all die, so I have this idea that has no backing evidence, that may or may not work, to try and get you guys into Heaven! Let me sing a song about it where I insult you all!”
Point 2 - Presentation I applaud the animators. Must’ve been hard, especially for Charlie’s overly fast song that really didn’t need to be nightcored, or literally any time Angel Dust was on-screen. Frame by frame. No rigs. All those stripes. All those colours that blend if you stare at them too hard or squint even slightly while watching. All that unnecessarily constant movement. It’s no wonder the thing took four bloody years to animate. Outside of animation, there are too many unneeded details and not enough needed details. Seriously. 1 - The turf war. We didn’t need this. We didn’t need this at all. If you take out the entire opening to it and the entire actual fight scene here, the episode still flows smoothly and we get the same amount of information and worldbuilding. In a pilot/first episode, you should only give the audience necessary details. Leave them wanting more, yes, but make sure they actually know what they’re getting into from the first episode. Make every scene count. Make it mean something. Don’t just shove every detail you can think of together and call it a day, especially if you don’t actually give the audience much information from it. 2 - Why is Hell overpopulated? Why isn’t Heaven? Why can angels go from Heaven to Hell, but demons can’t go from Hell to Heaven? Why does nobody care about being redeemed if Hell is so overpopulated that Angels annually come down and kill people because of it? Why does everyone treat the Princess of Hell like she’s worthless? Why doesn’t Angel Dust know about Alastor if they got into hell within 10 years of each other? Where is this supposed overpopulation problem? Would redemption even work in the first place? Why should I care about most of these characters (who are mostly complete jerks with no redeeming qualities other than “PROTAGONIST”, especially when two of the fan favourites repeatedly sexually assault other characters and, in one case, is both sexist and racist at one point)? Why are there turf wars? I should not be having to ask these questions. Don’t hold the audience’s hand, but don’t leave every single question you present in the show unanswered. Some of the questions presented make absolute sense to leave unanswered. Why does Alastor want to help with the hotel? Why are characters like Vaggie and Niffty, who do nothing all that bad, in Hell? These are questions that make total sense to leave unanswered for now. 3 - What crime is too terrible to be redeemed for? Charlie seems to think that literally everyone can be redeemed. That means murderers, rapists, abusers, tormentors... Certainly her song holds some kind of key to figuring it out! “Inside of every creepy hatchet-wielding maniac” Hmm... Okay... “All of you cretins, sluts and losers, sexual deviants and boozers” Uh... “So, all your cartoon porn addictions, vegan rants, psychic predictions Ancient Roman crucifixions end right here All you monsters, thieves and crazies, cannibals and crying babies" Oh... Also, did she imply that mental illness, alcoholism, drug dependency, plant-based diets/lifestyles, rabies and enjoyment of sex were sins in that song?
Point 3 - Edgy for the sake of edgy Hazbin Hotel tries to be an adult cartoon, but comes off as something a mentally disturbed teenager wrote during their emo/scene phase. 1 - The swearing and sex jokes. Oh boy. I’ve worked with children under the age of 15 who swear and crack sex jokes better than the adults in this show. The swearing and sex jokes are the only reasons this show couldn’t be aired as a Cartoon Network show aimed at edgy teenagers. It’s so poorly done that it in and of itself takes away from the quality of the show itself. Also, we have a character who’s name is an actual sex joke itself. Vaggie, full name Vagatha - a lesbian sex worker, of course. Fun fact for those who don’t know, but all of her previous character drafts had her name as some form of joke on the word vagina. This isn’t an accident, this is blatant and intentional. Also, here’s a pro tip for you! You can make an adult-oriented show without having swearing, slurs and sex jokes taking up a solid third or more of your script. 2 - The... “Representation”. Yes, Hazbin Hotel has LGBT+ characters! Yes, it has biracial and Latina characters! Charlie is bi, Vaggie is a Latina lesbian, Angel Dust is a gay man, Alastor is ace and biracial, Husk is pan, Niffty is Japanese (YIKES). Except none of it actually matters. No, really. Vivziepop was all like, “btw you can ship w/e, idc! also, i rlly like the fanon version of human alastor (who is whiter than marshmallow fluff even though he’s supposed to be half black)! :)” and threw all that out the window because... Who knows at this point. Now, if you look at the connected series, Helluva Boss, you get Moxie and Millie - an extremely obvious and loving couple. In Hazbin Hotel, you get Charlie and Vaggie who you probably couldn’t tell were a couple without somebody telling you that in the first place, what with all the loveydovey-ness going on with them. In fact, the biggest hint we even get is literally one line. “Life ain’t a musical, hun.” But then again, I’d be more apt to believe Charlie and Vaggie are friends, or Vaggie is pining after Charlie. Also, Charlie is a really bad girlfriend! She lets Vaggie get abused by practically the entire cast without so much as a single word in her defense and ignores everything Vaggie says. It came as no surprise when I remembered hearing about how the only reason these two are a couple is because one of the people on the team thought they were during storyboarding and Vivziepop just went with it. Also, fun fact, Vaggie fits both the angry lesbian and fiery Latina stereotypes. Charlie fits the stereotype for the bisexual cheater, what with how she seems to actually like Alastor more than her own bloody girlfriend. Alastor is canonically ace because he’s too full of himself to be with anyone else. Speaking as somebody who’s ace... WHAT?! As much as I don’t like Charlastor, it’s partially more popular than Chaggie because Vivziepop actually made them act like a couple for an entire musical number. Also, he’s annoying. He not only kept telling Vaggie to smile (heck you dude), he also smacked her butt, which is a form of sexual assault, people. This was all played for laughs, along with Vaggie’s (actually very reasonable) anger. Niffty is Japanese. A yellow-skinned demon who’s boy crazy and obsessed with cleaning... Big yikes. Finally, Angel Dust. The kinky gay man porn star/drag queen/drug addict/prostitute who verbally sexually assaulted two guys. Where do I begin. When it came to this guy, Vivziepop must’ve been like, “Imma throw every stereotype for gay men on this guy and call it a character!” If you look a Helluva Boss again, you get Stolas, who verbally sexually assaults Blitzo over the phone and also cheated on his wife with him in the first place, so this isn’t a one-off. Also, he was originally AFAB, so that whole line about “Why are you all women?” is more than a little heinous and in extremely poor taste.
In conclusion, this show is terrible. Everything about it. It needs some serious reworking, because as it stands, it’s really truly not that great of a creation.
tl;dr: Needs a lot of work and “ThEy’Re In HeLl!!1!!one!!!eleven!!!11″ isn’t even remotely an excuse for the genuine problems in it. Remember, at least one actual human being on Earth, not in Hell, wrote this garbage fire. Also, the animators deserve a higher wage than whatever they’re getting to deal with these designs. I shudder just thinking about animating them, with or without a rig.
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alwaysspeakshermind · 5 years
Top 5 Anti-Varchie Arguments & Why They Make No Sense
#5: “Varchie’s so bland/there’s no chemistry between them at all.”
[Note: I would like to apologize in advance to anyone/everyone upon whose timelines I’m inflicting this series of semi-rant-y posts. Someone on Pinterest felt the urge to leave an outraged comment about why they hate Varchie on one of my pictures (clearly, they confused Pinterest with Twitter/Tumblr/Instagram), and it was so unnecessary and full of all the usual incorrect twaddle I see used on SM to discount A&V’s relationship that it annoyed me and made me decide to go ahead and start writing all the refutations I’ve been keeping to myself since S2 released its first trailer and the essay-length grumbles began. Because as much as I try to steer clear of entering this type of fight, I have trouble standing by when obviously-wrong conclusions are being drawn from obviously-misconstrued information and being presented as fact. And since it doesn’t take me long to write analysis-type posts, my usual ‘I don’t have time for this nonsense’ excuse is kind of removed.]
Right, so…chemistry. Two quick things:
Number one, on-screen chemistry is about rapport between actors, and just because a specific romantic pairing does not personally do it for you does not mean that they lack chemistry. 
Number two, in acting/performance art, chemistry is a tangible, quantifiable aspect necessary to any and all interactions between performers, so it is essentially false to state that any pairing that has made it to TV is utterly without chemistry. For writers to allow a couple to happen at all, for actors to even be cast in the first place, at least some chemistry must be present; it’s simply a matter of what kind of chemistry each pairing has, how much, and how well that chemistry translates onscreen.
Random example: Prior to Friends, Lisa Kudrow (Phoebe) was cast as Roz in Fraiser, but was subsequently replaced with Peri Gilpin because the latter’s onscreen chemistry was better with Kelsey Grammer (Fraiser). It was not a romantic chemistry issue. It was not a no chemistry, period between the actors issue. It was just that there wasn’t enough of the right kind of chemistry, which made the Kudrow/Grammar dynamic less compelling than desired.
Chemistry is, however, notoriously difficult to explain if you’re not familiar with most generally accepted forms of film-criticism, so I feel it’s useless to try proving anything with examples pulled directly from source material—for instance, anyone relatively adept at dissecting performance can see at once how the entire Riverdale pilot showcases the chemistry between Archie and Veronica so that the closet scene feels like a natural culmination of something that began the second they saw each other. If you can watch that episode from start to finish, pronounce “no chemistry” and actually believe it, providing textual evidence and defining terms is going to be a waste of time.
So instead, I’ll take the common sense route and just point out you may rest assured that with Riverdale, a show based in roughly half a century’s worth of comic history, everyone involved in the casting knew going into it that romantic chemistry between the actors playing Archie and Veronica was an absolute must. KJ Apa and Camila Mendes would not be playing the parts they are if they were unable to create any sort of romantic chemistry between them, and S1 would most certainly not have chosen to set up a Varchie relationship from the get-go—much less have continued to emphasize a budding Varchie relationship throughout—if that romantic chemistry had not translated onscreen. Ditto for S2 and S3.
Also, take my word for it: I’m here. It takes a *lot* of chemistry for me to get involved in a ship (to the point that nearly every ship I have ever shipped has involved actors who were married/dating at the time, or eventually married/began dating), and it really takes a lot of chemistry to get me involved with a teen ship because I didn’t like most teen shows back when I was a teen. Yet Varchie’s chemistry popped enough onscreen to reel me in. 
What does all this have to with anything?
Well, in short, claiming Archie and Veronica are “bland” or “without chemistry” is attempting to apply objective terms to a subjective opinion, so if you’re going to do that, it automatically opens your contention up to a couple of counter-arguments:
(1) You are objectively wrong, because by all acting terms/definitions/standards, Archie and Veronica have chemistry. 
(2) You are objectively wrong because you are in essence saying that you do not see/understand the verifiable evidence set before you. (In other words, you have metaphorically gazed upon the color red and announced “this is not red.”)
(3) You are subjectively wrong because you are stating your based-in-subjectivity opinion as fact which inherently implies that you believe subjectivity is allowable in an argument. And if you believe subjectivity is allowable in an argument, than you are essentially contending that someone else’s opposing opinion is just as valid as yours, meaning anyone who says “Varchie has the best chemistry” is just as correct as you are, and your entire point becomes moot. 
Although you may not like Varchie’s dynamic/prefer another dynamic over theirs, attempting to file your dislike under the headings of blandness or zero chemistry simply labels you as someone who either cannot grasp the concept of chemistry in relation to acting, or someone who is too stubborn to admit to its presence. (And to be frank, neither option paints your intelligence in a favorable light.)
Personally, I’d like to think this argument gets used so often because most people just don’t understand what onscreen chemistry truly is/how it can be platonic or sexual and what denotes platonic or sexual/how it can exist between actors who hate each other and not exist between actors who love each other/how it can be organic or crafted through sheer effort, etc. Or that it keeps recurring because people just don’t interact with enough different types of people to understand that certain actions mean different things depending on who’s doing them.
But while I get that people have different preferences when it comes to romantic dynamics and interpret certain actions differently, based on the always-solid-yet-consistently-underrated performances KJ Apa and Camila Mendes have been delivering since the pilot, I have trouble buying that the oft-repeated cry of “no chemistry” is due solely to a feeble understanding of what that term means. Based on the inconsistent scads of oddball scenes/out-of-context facial expressions I’ve seen cited as “proof,” it seems a lot more like this argument is a camouflaged complaint against storylines people would like to have for their favorite couple, or the fact that one romantic trope was chosen over another (both of which are other posts entirely).
So, yeah. Pro-tip: choosing an argument that puts you in the position of disputing readily-observable facts is never the way to go. 
If you hate the Varchie pairing and want to talk about how much you hate it, okay. It’d be a nice gesture if you didn’t do in the Varchie tags or on people’s pictures that were literally only tagged Archie/Veronica which means you had to search those terms to announce your dislike and who on earth deliberately goes looking for things they hate, seriously, go search happy puppies or something instead, I promise it’ll make you feel better. You’re allowed to hate things, and you’re absolutely allowed to irrationally hate things. Just don’t confuse your irrational hatred with reasonable dislike, because the two reactions are not at all interchangeable. 
Also? Maybe don’t try so hard to justify irrational hatred with the ‘Varchie has no chemistry’ argument, because any viewer with a working brain can see at once that the visible evidence simply doesn’t back you up. And citing a source (scenes from the show) that disproves your entire thesis doesn’t exactly lend credence to your assertion.
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dgcatanisiri · 4 years
So. Did see Rise of Skywalker today.
“Flawed, but probably as good as we were going to get” is my two cent summary, especially given some of the whispers I’m hearing about what went on behind the scenes that, in effect, this was “the Disney shareholder’s” trilogy more than any individual, and I think you all can guess my opinion of the Disney shareholders in general... (plus the inevitable difficulty of trying to unify two movies that honestly had a lot of tonal and thematic clash to begin with).
You want more details, they’re behind the cut, because I’m going to respect the spoiler tags.
First things first, let me get this out of the way first, Kelly Marie Tran and Rose Tico DESERVED. BETTER. Like, bare minimum, I think there should have been a scene between her and Rey at the start while Rey is reading the Jedi tomes. Just a little something that connects the two. Better still, use her as a touchstone character for what’s happening at the Resistance base in the first half - yeah, sure, you can only do so much with the jiggered footage of Carrie Fisher, but SO. WHAT. Leia doesn’t have to be in those scenes. 
Hell, have her and Connix talk, considering that Connix was significant enough to both be in charge of the D’Qar evacuation AND Poe’s right hand during the mutiny. Since Connix is played by Billie Lourd, Carrie Fisher’s daughter, it’d have been a fine connection there, especially if you want to include some foreshadowing of Leia’s eventual death, talk about them being concerned about the way that the General is handling everything happening, losing everyone so close to her.
Like, that’s the off the top of my head ways to enhance Rose’s part in this movie without significantly altering any of the plot. Truthfully, I think she should have been part of the group the whole time anyway. 
I still don’t particularly like the return of Palpatine as the big bad, meaning that we’re pretty much completely undermining the end of the original trilogy. I mean, wasn’t that what Anakin Skywalker’s death in Return of the Jedi meant? At least when the Legends line brought him back, it was a) still during the post-RotJ war clean up, where the Empire was still fighting after Endor, still part of the same war, and b) left ambiguous enough if that was genuinely Palpatine or just a clone that claimed to be the original Palpatine.
But I can also appreciate the thematic relevance of Palpatine, the Emperor, Darth Sidious, whatever name he uses, being the overarching villain of the Skywalker Saga. So... We’ll call it even? Meh.
I will RELUCTANTLY allow the idea of Leia sacrificing herself to pull back her son from the dark side, mostly on the basis of being limited by the footage of Carrie Fisher, so using her death to have story meaning can be tolerated. Still don’t like it - I have firmly been of the believe that, given all the times he made the active choice to be evil, he could not simply return to the light, be redeemed or forgiven. But since he did, ultimately, die, I will allow it - I’m only going to be able to view his death as, effectively, him making the only effort at atonement that could be done, stopping Palpatine, before his true penance came in not being able to be a part of the galaxy he helped to save.
That said, I do NOT accept the kiss. I will only even possibly pretend it happened under the pretense of being a heat of the moment victory thing that meant nothing. Because FUCK REYLOW.
First half of the movie is HORRENDOUSLY compacted. Like, I legit feel like there was a good fifteen minutes or more hacked out of it. Too much is happening right off the bat and just doesn’t stop. It settles down eventually, but MAN could that have done with less compression.
Honestly, overall, it feels like at least two movies crammed into one, like Disney refused to split it up because “but it’s a TRILOGY!” Which, uh... Not to open the “TLJ discourse” can of worms, but... That was always going to happen, considering the massive tonal clash between Abrams and Johnson as writers and directors. Especially with Johnson having basically done nothing that would advance a core arc, by way of having the main characters of the trilogy interact - TLJ had Rey, Finn, and Poe all in different plots in separate areas, which made no sense to begin with, considering these were supposed to be the core characters, shouldn’t they have actually gotten to interact sooner? 
Like I said in the summary, TFA and TLJ have little that actually connects them. In the sense of creating a coherent narrative, it’s not unreasonable that Abrams downplayed a lot of Johnson’s elements, considering that Johnson did the same with elements Abrams included in TFA - Finn’s potential Force affinity (I’ll get to that), the Knights of Ren (suddenly back with no explanation), the conscription of child soldiers as stormtroopers (which really SHOULD have been a core part of TLJ, instead of the child slavery on Canto Bight, considering it mattered to Finn’s character as already established), the idea that Luke had been searching for something (because why would he have left a map to where he was going in TFA if, as TLJ said, he went to Ach-to to wait for death?)... TRoS was always going to be in a bind on these things, and, really, considering that neither film prior was written with an ending in mind, there was no real solution but to just dance around the subject.
Let’s talk briefly about the Poe background stuff, which... *sigh* It was so POINTLESS to introduce the idea that he was a drug dealer. Like, first of all, RACIST AS FUCK to make the Latino man a drug dealer. Secondly, when and how, considering his canon back story is that he is the son of minor Rebel heroes, how did he have the time for this to happen? Third and not least, the guy’s an ace pilot, why WOULDN’T he know about hotwiring vehicles? He should know them inside and out!
Zorii is... There. That’s about all I really can say about her. Same with Jannah. Both of these felt like characters who SHOULD have had more relevance, had they been introduced sooner (and in which case, I’d toss Zorii and swap in Rose anyway). Considering they’re dropped in at the last second as they are, they honestly end up just feeling like props meant to portray Poe and Finn as straight, which... 
Okay, Disney overlords are homophobic cowards. Let’s just acknowledge that right off. Finn/Poe was a ship that was never going to be allowed off the ground. We all knew it going in. So make Finn/Rey a thing and let Poe be read as gay, even if it’s not said. It would have been that simple. TFA laid the foundation, and that hug in TLJ was a good building block as well. But no. You have to be cowards and not “rock the boat” by both not having an interracial relationship AND trying to appease the Reylows. Ugh.
Anyway, any and all flirtation between Poe and Zorii is PURE mlm/wlw joking with one another. Stormpilot is endgame. Rey/Rose is real. Fuck Disney and fuck canon. MOVING ON.
Also on that note, FINN IS FORCE SENSITIVE, GODDAMMIT. The adamant refusal to acknowledge this REALLY pisses me off, because Finn is a PERFECT mirror to Kylo Ren and should have been his counterpart throughout this trilogy - Finn was a nameless stormtrooper with no past, Kylo was the heir to legacies, Finn refused to slaughter innocents, Kylo gave that order. Finn embraced the Resistance, Kylo led the First Order. THIS is the duality of characters that should have driven this trilogy. I’m not trying to take away Rey’s significance, but...
When people complain about Rey’s lineage, I’m just not all that big on this matter. First of all, I was neutral on the subject from day one. As time has gone on, however, I have reached a point where I’m just ‘...well, yeah, of course she’s got an important lineage.’ Because TFA made a big deal of this fact. This was her driving motivation. On top of that, TLJ trying the “they were nobodies” thing actually legit pisses me off, because what abandoned child just casually accepts “they were nobodies”? Even if they weren’t significant (which, again, by way of Maz and the lightsaber calling to her in TFA, there was a strong implication of them being significant, particularly with the stage directions in the script for Luke and Leia when interacting with Rey), they weren’t nobodies FOR HER. But TLJ basically has her discard the search casually.
So you want a hero who comes from nothing? Again, may I present FINN, the stormtrooper who came from nothing, who should have been leading a stormtrooper uprising, who should have gotten to be a Jedi, who DESERVED BETTER THAN THIS TRILOGY GAVE HIM...
Gah. Okay. I’m tired of ranting about the things that I didn’t like. There ARE positives, I swear!
Chewie’s breakdown over Leia’s death about broke me. Like, the moment he collapses... God, that was choking me up an hour later, too. How much it must hurt Chewie and Lando to be the only ones left... Honestly, I was half afraid that the Falcon would be destroyed during that final conflict. 
Honestly, I know the idea was that Han’s appearance was just a figment, a manifestation of the inner thoughts, but I’m going to call it confirmation of Han being Force sensitive. Mostly because I picture Han losing his shit at the idea. And, honestly, I can’t help but wish that, at the least, we could have had Leia appear there, but we weren’t going to get that either way.
Speaking of Leia, honestly, I think they did the best they could with what they had of her, and, truthfully, I think it was a fine tribute to Carrie, to have Leia there, die within the context of this movie, and not just die off between films. Yes, it bound their hands some, but... It wouldn’t have been right without her, either. 
Though I do reiterate that the binding with the footage is no excuse for hacking Rose practically out of the film entirely.
I focused on the issues I had against the movie, mostly because I feel like they stood out more than the things that I liked. The problem this trilogy has had since day one is that they went into this without a plan. This trilogy never knew where it was going until this movie came along. So two movies of basically throwing everything at the wall, leading to one movie having to tie it all up. This movie was always going to struggle, but in the end, I think it probably came out as best as it could.
If you want to call that damning with faint praise... I suppose it sort of is, but, more truthfully, it’s seeing it for what it is and judging it as such. This movie was hobbled before it could walk, that it managed what it did as well as it did is really a tribute to those who tried to make it work.
I feel like that’s all the major things I have to bring up right now. Though I will add... Yeah, let’s be real. They call this the end of the Skywalker Saga, but in twenty years or so, we’re going to get a fourth trilogy. Because we’re basically at the point of “every generation’s going to have their own Star Wars trilogy.”
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zoey-angel · 5 years
To anyone who thinks he knows stuff about Israel's military
Let's fact check real quick.
Israel's army is called idf- Israeli defense force
Army enlistment is mandatory at the age of 18.
Guys serve for around 32 months, while girls serve for about 24.
No, this isn't the only country that has mandatory military service. Austria, Belarus, Brazil, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Egypt, South Korea and many other countries all have that too. Just because the US doesn't have it doesn't make it bewildering.
Yes, girls are also drafted. Idf is one of the only armys that drafts girls the same as boys. Feminism dude. However, some ground units remain male-exclusive. We're working on it!
This means there are girls serving as paramedics, informats, pilots, sailors, all that jazz. They get firearm training too. Meet an Israeli girl older than 20? She's probably handled a gun before. That is, assuming she served.
There is the option to study first and serve later, but the army only allows it if the person signs a contract saying they'll serve for a couple of years longer. Normal soldiers can also sign it if they want to prolong their service.
Soldiers are payed. Not much, but they are. They can choose military service as a career, and in general serving gives you rad work experience. Imagine programming for the military at 18 y/o before you even go to college.
That being said, there are multiple reasons why people avoid military service. They're either very religious, physically unwell, mentally unwell, got married, have ideals that stand against it or are complete assholes. Other reasons may be that their family members died in a war or that they're moving abroad.
By the way, what I meant by "are assholes" is that they just don't feel like it, so they fake something to drop out while everyone else bares with it.
For those with different ideals, well, they can fake an injury or something, but if they straight out refuse and shout out "I don't want to!" Rather that come up with an excuse, they will be sent to jail for a while before the army will give up and let them go.
No, Israel doesn't execute anyone??? This isn't america. There were exactly two cases in the history of Israel where someone got the death penalty. First time for treason risking national security back in 1948, Meir Tobianski. The second was Adolf Eichmann, Hitler's right hand man, accused of crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide.
So of course no one gets executed for not serving. Contrary to popular belief, not even terrorists get the death penalty. They're just locked up. Sometimes the terrified citizens kill them at the scene, but they're not supposed to. If that happens, those citizens are brought to court.
Also, despite training everyone in firearm, not just anyone can carry it. If you're not a soldier, you'll need a special licence. Again, this isn't america.
Also, and this might be the most important part, nobody enters Gaza. Don't picture soldiers shooting children because that's fake. We have a border, all military bases are on the right side of it and the most interaction we've had with them for years had been the missile shower they throw at us once in a while and the tunnels they dug to sneak into Israel, that the idf destroyed.
I'm not saying that everything on the media is fake, because I don't know everything on the media nor do I know everything about idf, but I do know nobody's massacring anyone. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have missed it if it was a thing. Life is really just pretty normal in Israel.
Don't forget that the soldiers are 18-21 years old, alright? They're kids. They mean no harm and deserve no harm, the entire system isn't evil, it's just highschool graduates trying to do their job.
To end this rant on a positive note, I'd like to add some info about the treatment transgender people get in the idf. I was really surprised to hear this from my friend who's about to get drafted soon- the army got her into a program that is going to officially draft her as a girl! But that's not all. They're also going to pay for her entire transition, buying everything she'll need medical-wise, providing her with girl uniforms, positioning her with other people in the same program and scheduling a meeting with a psychiatrist whenever she needs one.
That would be all I have to say at the moment,
Goodbye and thank you for reading!
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slashtakemylife · 5 years
Just finished the last episodes and I need to rant about Adam because boi, if they had actually given the importance to Adam they said he had, Voltron would've been very different, in a better way
When S7 aired and I learned of Adam's death I felt upset and shocked but I never raged, I was just disappointed, I nosedived to every interview to see if the general media talked about it, and they did! However in the interviews I read things about Adam like, "since Shiro is gone, Adam is the next best pilot there is" (as to why it was Adam on the first unsuccesful wave), "he didn't hesitate" " he was made of the same cloth as Shiro" "His importance to Voltron is very big", I got massive warning signs of they doing what I personally call "sugarcoating" specially after reading the apology were JDS said they never intended to make Adam a recurring character, but alas, I waited to finish the season and properly make an opinion, well the warning signs were true and now I AM RANTING!!
I'll be going a little off topic but one thing I seriously hate in movies and shows are when female characters, specially love interests, are the best of the best, the most high rank, the smartest, the strongest, the handmade creation of the gods themselves, up to a point that sometimes you go, then why is the male character the leader? Isn't she more qualified? well yeah but she isn't just because, but other than saying how awesome she is, they barely show it, in important, crucial, deciding, defining moments they are not there when by their rank they should be or they are just adorning the background barely making any opninions, or despite being shown to be badass in certain scenes they are just sitting plants in others just for the hero to rescue them
Female characters are awesome and I love many of them but there are obvious parts were they are simply pushed aside despite the amount of importance they give them, Hollywood is afraid of putting female leads but also afraid of being called mysogynist so they create secondary female characters and then they "sugarcoat" them to us with valuable aspects such as a big family conection, a big link to the plot of the movie, a rank, a skill or smth to show she is a "strong woman" but only when convinient
As a female I'm used to this sugarcoating, so when on interviews I read those things about Adam, that is what pissed me off. Listen, in my true honest opinion, the VLD crew really wanted to make this rep for us, Barlee admitted it was greenlit late, it was smashed together (and it shows) but they did their best, I accepted Adam as JDS letter clearly says, Adam was just a character meant to show Shiro's sexuality, nothing less and nothing more, it's not that he is not important, he just wasn't planned for more and I'm not mad about it, I can accept that.
Suddenly declaring Adam as a symbol of loss, regret and war; a major character that has a major impactful role in Voltron..., please, that comes straight out of nowhere, since they saw how meaningful Adam was to ppl, they decided to "sugarcoat" him by giving him more value than he actually has or was meant to have, just let the man die and let me mourn him in peace
If I really give Adam the characteristics and value they said, things would've and could've been different in a so much better way and here is my how: (remember Adam is supposed to be like Shiro, one of if not the best pilot, behind Shiro, the garrison has to offer and a brave man that doesn't hesitate to jump into action, a team leader)
(Take this as a prompt as well please because I would love a fic like this)
So Shiro wants to go to Kerberos but Admiral Sanda won't let him, Sam Holt is pushing for Shiro because he is the best, but you need to replace him so, who is the second if not also the best pilot such as Shiro? You know it, Adam, he was there for every record but he is Shiro's flight parter so there is a high chance some of those records are Adam's as well, also Sam is close to Shiro so he probably would accept Adam as a replacement (or at least that is what Sanda would think)
If Adam is a self sacrificing hero like Shiro, he would want to accept just to keep Shiro safe back on Earth, Shiro could feel betrayed by Adam and the whole drama would've been so much better, but we need Shiro on Kerberos (unless you want BlackPaladdin!Adam) so imagine Adam coming over to Shiro and saying:
"Out of our time together, out of my respect and love for you, I'm doing this last thing, I'm rejecting Admiral Sanda's proposal and promote for you to be there, so go, but don't expect me to be here when you get back"
So Shiro basically has Adam's blessing but they still break up, they still parted on rocky terms but is more bittersweet and you show how mature and deep their relationship is
Back to canon, I believe they introduced Adam in the breakup because we are supposed to like him but not get invested in him so when he does die we won't feel so bad, VLD promoted Adam as Shiro's significant other, then they sugarcoated him by saying they were close to marriage but when we finally discover Adam's fate they go like, "we'll remember he is his ex, not current, so while feelings are still there Shiro already knew it was kind of over, so don't feel sad for Adam or Shiro, just remember Shiro is gay"
Having Adam just, "how important am I to you?" let's just say I'm not surprised ppl disliked Adam because he gave Shiro that ultimatum, his character felt needy and greedy but then again, we are not supposed to get too invested in him. (Boi, that went exactly the wrong direction, the fandom imprinted on Adam like newly born ducks)
I'll be going a little off topic but I'm coming back to Adam after explaining this thing: the cadets, why you use cadets and not fully trained officers? In all shows the main characters share their audiences' age but they always explain why, the adults are evil, fate just happened to put them there, a mystical something chose them (in the paladins cases) but here? They just say they are the best of the best, and that is good but still, just cadets, you can't do test with them, they could die, ppl have died while testing things, some of the crew of the guys that went to the moon died in a test in rl, right?
I thought, ok I'll go with it, but the Why You Don't Do That pretty much slaps them in the face, when the Galra attack, why they don't want to deploy them?
They are just cadets!
Sam came back knowing a Galra attack is inminent, the garrison is about to make the most advanced ships and weapons and they are giving them to cadets?! WHY?!?!
(Fix it and prompt time!)
Before Sam arrives they couldn't even make the pod move, so they could've explain the cadets as this
"It will takes us Years to create a simple prototype, if we were to train older cadets, they woulb be close to or retiring so better young ones so when we finally fly something they would not only have years of training but would be at their prime"
When Sam arrives
"I know you all expected to use this years from now but the Galra won't wait and neither will we, you are already trained for this so may as well keep it up"
- (the continuation of this prompt is after we talk Adam some more)
Back to the interviews, in one they said Adam's death was inminent given the natural flow of the show, if the Galra attack then we will deploy the best we have but the best we have is Adam so tough luck.
Me after watching the show: I'm calling BS on this! They HAD a defense line, they HAD the knowledge, they just sent them because they were stupid enough to put cadets in the only advanced weapon they had and to show how shitty Sanda was, and our poor gay man was the price, also brave Adam? I don't doubt it but then again, he did what soldiers do, he followed orders, so they didn't show me how brave he was, they showed me him doing his job, he knows what those commands mean, he knows what is his job description so while yeah he is obviously brave, so is everyone, he doesn't stand out, if he had been already buckled in Before the command then yes he is great but no, he just followed orders
You want to show his bravery and leader skills? Hold my juice, (I don't drink beer, sorry) we are about to get to the next part of the prompt
- (The next part :D)
"We will keep you cadets but since the making of the ships is about to be done with the info I brought, we need an experienced pilot to be your leader specially in battle since you are new to that"
-Quiz time!-
Who is the best pilot the garrison has to offer known and acknowledged by both Sanda and Sam?
MFE pilot and leader!Adam
When the Garla attack, Adam is no longer in his squad, he stayed in base when Sanda deploys his unit and sees them get decimated, before they all die he does this
"Cadets, I won't force you into doing anything, but there are good man and women out there getting killed by the very threat we've been training to defeat, so I'm taking my MFE and blast them to the next moon, anyone who wants to come along is welcome"
Sanda: "don't you daaare, court martial BS!"
Adam, while in his MFE:
"Open the particle barrier or I'll see a way to blast throught it!"
Sam does open it and they cover fire enough to save the few remaining earth pilots
(End prompt)
You see?!?! This is how you show me Adam being brave and a team leader, the original paladins are 4 young ones and a space dad, they could've had the earth equivalent with the 4 cadets and their own Shiro with Adam as their leader, can I also mention how he is now VERY much alive? So yeah, Adam is dead because you chose so! Shiro is alive because you chose so too! He was supposed to die to let Keith be the leader but you found his value and made great things with him and we all love him!
And you can't tell me it wouldn't be absolute poetry to have Space Dad as Captain of the Atlas, Space Son as the Voltron leader and Earth Dad as he leader of the Earth forces, being the support to keep safe his two idiots he loves and calls family
Adam should've left Griffin in charge for a moment, go to Shiro and blast Sendak with his MFE while screaming, this is for killing the love of my life! (Ok I got over excited in that last bit but you know it would've been epic)
If you reached this far you probably think I'm just a rabbid Adashi shipper ranting about my ship, and yeah I sorta am, as I said, I'm really just venting but still my true discomfort is the whole sugarcoating thing
I accepted Adam as JDS said, as what the show is showing me he is, a background character that, while he definitely is a major someone to Shiro, it is just for him, he doesn't have so much major importance in Voltron as a whole but he was designed that way, he is still part of Shiro's backstory but he is dead now and we shall move on
Don't try to make him more than he is outside of the show canon, this whole issue is because EVERYTHING is out of canon, the show reflects NOTHING of everything you said of both Shiro's sexuality and Adam as a character, if S8 brings Adam back whether is a flashback or alive, I'll come back to this because I will judge if they will own up to what they said he is or once again leave vague things that reflect nothing and try to cover it up outside of canon, I'm mad but mostly disappointed
I'll be fine in a few days and I will see S8 with the same excitement as I have all the rest of the seasons
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applecherry108 · 5 years
first of all hooooooooolyyyy shiitttt
FUCK tungle. it took like 30 tries to log in on desktop. admittedly, i was using the wrong password at first, BUT, even when i remembered the right one it kept giving me shit. This is what i get for being L337 i guess... -_-
anyways, im only on desktop so i can add a readmore to say:
i just,,,,,hate voltron. okay? It sucked. it fucking sucked. i watched the first season and it was like, okay yeah, this has potential. and then s2 was like, okay yeah not as good but maybe s3 will pick up...
s3 didn’t pick up. it was just one long death spiral by the same idiots who fucked up the atla sequel. i hate their writing, i hate their story plots, i hate how they butcher any good ideas they have, and i especially hate their inability to have good character AND plot development happen at the same time.
I got swept up in storm of klance and that’s about it. i have soft spots for other ships but at the end of the day i don’t care. i just don.t fucking,,, care???
the fandom is a mess, the crew was a mess, everything was a fucking mess from the get go.
Like who tf is this show written for?? it has to be for like, 8-10 year olds. It has to be. Everything is just so....stupid. Nothing is ever properly explained, motivations never really given, everyone is just a 2 dimensional cardboard cutout of a trope. And that pisses me off so much bc like??? other shows aimed at young kids can still have great world building. they can have good world building and characters and overall story and still be cheesy and a lil dumb. cheesy and a lil dumb is completely fine!! but voltron is just so...godammn... BORING!! it’s like i WANT to like the characters but its just so goddamn hard when everybody is so fucking flat. by all rights, i should want to marry allura. shes everything i loved when i was little, from her color pallet to her princesshood to her white fucking hair!! i should LOVE allura but i don’t!! i kind of hate her. why?? i don’t know!! shes so...boring! and flat! and fucking PASSIVE! everything in this show lands so fucking flat holy shit.
pidge at matts “grave”? yikes, that was second hand hard to watch for like.... “oooh this is so serious!” but the buildup wasnt there...it was kind of funny tbh... and HELLA awkward...
don’t get me started on lance and hunk. bolin was my favorite look character for the first few episodes and then he got knocked to Comic Relief and had maybe two (2) importantish moments. he/they may be part of the main cast but they’re not main characters. they feel like background props to the Actual Main characters.
which brings me to keith.
FUCK keith.
that’s my reaction after every! new! season!! is just,, FUCK keith. god the show functioned SO WELL without him. he’s just so...idk. i also don’t care. what was his character arc anyway? it SHOULD have been about learning to love and trust others but we only get that in lip service and speed run character development (i hate the quantum abyss...so much... like yeah, who cares about SHOWING our characters mature, let’s just tell that it happened in afucking montage.) if keith were a properly developed character he shouldve remained PASSIONATE and idk, run support?? that boy SHOULD have piloted red, end of story. period. keith doesn’t need to lead he needs to learn to TRUST others and that insludes trusting other WITH HIS LIFE. i won’t rant about how we should have had black paladin lance, but keith should have never ever been black paladin. even after he “matures” he still sucks at. he’s this awful,,little,, Shiro 2.0. and I hate it. i ahte it and i hate shiro just a little bit. even though he was arguably the most likeable character, he shouldve stayed dead. or missing. or whatever. he didn’t need to come back and they didnt need to make keith a little offbrand clone of him. i ESPECIALLY hate that they aged keith up 2 years for no goddamn reason other than to make him the Adult (tm). keith’s dedication to others was gre4at, but it should have, and im failing for this word here so forgive me, climaxed? cresscendo’d? whatever. /resulted/ in him playing support. not leader. lone wolf keith doesn’t need how to lead his pack, he needed to learn to HELP his pack. to be a TEAM PLAYER. he didn’t want the responsibility of leading bc guess what?? some people hate leading!! there’s nothing wrong with wanting to be support! keith’s entire arc is a huge mess of missed opportunities and a grand illustration that he is lm’s and jds’ favorite, just like fucking mako.
i won’t rant about mako, but just know i fucking hate him and the special treatment he gets, and good LORD does keith take over mako. keith isn’t space zuko he’s space mako and it fucking SHOWS.
okay, i’m losing steam here, but like.... so apple, why tf where u voltron 24/7 if you hated it so much? because homestuck was over and i needed a new hyperfixation. and i really had to force it for vld tbh. and at the end of the day, it wasn’t so much about the show itself as the potential of klance (or sheith, up until s3). between the interviews, the coding, the fucking EVERYTHING--it really felt like it could be canon. i knew in my heart it was queer baiting but i had HOPE dammit. hope that this could be killer representation, hope that these characters would delvelopment into something incredible. again, there was so much POTENTIAL. and all of it was wasted. everything really came to a head during the fucking game show episode. it was like lm and lds giving everyone who likes lance the middle finger, really driving home that “no no, he IS just stupid. he’s the comic releif. there’s nothing deeper about him and no one will stand up for him bc they all think of him as such.” and that just....broke my heart. we were so...SO close to lance actually mattering but nope! bolin’d again! and what was his purpose in s8? why to be an accessory to allura of course!
i’ve seen a lot of people really divorce themselves from canon and live solely for fanon, esp fanon klance but like.... i can’t. i just can’t. it’s so fucking hard to work with these cardboard characters. you can only draw so much depth onto them, you know? until the very last moments they had potential, but then it all got snuffed out. but who cares about canon? why bother with it? because! we don’t have a solid consistent fanon version of them! no one sat down and delivered the ten commandments of “here’s what we agree k and l are actually like” it’s stupid and it sucks because everyone has their own little differences and its so so tiring to basically be interacting with minutely different ocs all the goddamn time. canon matters bc it gives everyone the same base to work with. like a cooking showing with the same basket ingredients, but now it’s like.... ya’ll don’t wanna use the mandatory ingredients (and why would you? those canon ingredients are like, a century egg and spoiled sardines, they’re awful.)
okay, and im at work and just came back to this and dont remember my train of thought so like... what really threw all this into sharp clarity was the recent steven universe episodes. they were so...GOOD. so fucking good. so much plot and foreshadowing coming to a head. it was such a wonderfully satisfying payoff that it made me remember what a GOOD show is like, how vld is so very very /bad/. the difference is fucking striking. where one is an intricately woven tale with excellent character development and clear story AND character arcs, that can progress AT THE SAME TIME, one is a hacked together flaming dumpster firing that constantly falls flat and doesn’t know where its going or why. and it s so BORING! like fight scenes can be amazing! they can be well coreographed and tense! and we as the audience can be anxious about the outcome! and vld just wasn’t that! it was boring repetetive action in the least exciting way. and where su set up a lot of potential, holy shit they DELIVERED on that potential. not just for rep, but for characters! for story! for plain ol simple character interactions! and then, again, two dimensional cardboard cutouts.
and now with this difference in good vs bad show so very clearly highlighted for me, i just.... i can’t, anymore, with vld. it sucks. it sucked and i can’t pretend or force a fixation with it that just isn’t there, and truthfully, probably never was. maybe that’s why i’ve been struggling to finish my fic, struggling ever since i posted the last chapter, ever since s7, which, again, that game show was really the nail in the coffin as far as holding onto any hope that this tire fire would ever pick up. like a physically feel ill trying to finishing this stupid fic bc i don’t care so hard. i don’t care and i just... really want to be over it. im sick of seeing it everywhere, im sick of the drama, of the Discourse. like all fandoms have their issues, but hold fuck does vld fandom have a massive Purity problem. like, god, let people ship whatever. who cares. die mad about it.
like homestuck, idk if i’ll ever fully ween myself off vld but i want to move on. i want to enjoy Other Things without having this lackluster weight on my shoulders. and more than anything, i want to stop feeling like im obligated to like the same shit as i did two years ago, or last year, or hell, last week! feel free to unfollow, but yeah i just.... really needed to let this out in a proper post and not in the misc tags somewhere.
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theostry · 6 years
TW Script liveblog - Season 1 Episode 1: Wolf Moon
Or, as it is otherwise known:
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Teen Wolf Scripts!
Check it out, Wolfiends. This is a loooooong post consisting of screenshots of the Teen Wolf script alongside my own rambling commentary. I'm not here to review the show; finer minds than myself have got that covered. Nor is it a photo-recap; that has been done by crazier bastards than myself. What I am here for is scraping the bottom of the barrel so hard I'm eating splinters, give me that Teenage Lupine content, give me ALL OF THE CONTENT--
Excerpts have been selected based on the following criteria: 1) It did not make the final cut; 2) It substantially altered; 3) It offers extra detail not apparent from the show, such as description and direction; and 4) I felt like including it. 
Fun times (and, obviously, a hell of a lot of spoilers) below the cut.
(What the heckie do these colours mean? We may never know)
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So let's get started.
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Answering the real questions here: Scott's shirtlessness was script mandated, not just a case of Posey being slightly allergic to clothes. Let's all take a moment to think about Scott's lithe frame and then go to jail reminisce over how it felt when we had no idea what he would come to mean to us. Sigh.
Aaaaand paydirt! Here is a lovely little scene we never saw on screen.
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Doesn't really tell us anything we didn't learn soon enough, but any McCall family time is time well spent. And I'm not sorry they deleted the casual clumsiness from Scott's intro, so I can keep my headcanon that he had mad lacrosse skills from all his practising but just couldn't play due to asthma.
A wild Stiles appears!
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And it is the perfect intro to his character, easy to see why they didn't change a thing. DOB nailed it. 
Before long, we are introduced to--
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-- Wait, hold up, who? Looks like Stiles's dad got a promotion sometime between "Double Buff" and filming. Congrats, John  Michael  Noah!
Seriously, though, consider the extra layer of politics and secrecy that would have been going on if he was just a deputy rather than Sheriff.  What a different show it would have been, especially in later seasons. 
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But now it's time for--
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--and that means
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Back to school time!
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Setting the scene. Californians, is this a fair representation of your high school experience? Asking for research purposes.
Also, petition for girls and girls also to be able to hold hands. Down with the patriarchy.
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It's everyone's favourite juice enthusiast! Looks like the Sheriff wasn't the only one who moved up in the world over the course of the script revision process - Jackson only had a BMW here instead of his Porsche.
As with Stiles's intro, we achieve Peak Jackson in his very first scene:
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And while we're doing intros--
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But wait, this is a game changer -- you think you know how it does, right? Breezing past Stiles as if he wasn't even there, completely ignoring him? Well THINK AGAIN!
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Yeah I lied.
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So this is new - Scott's hearing was going to be much stronger here, perceiving the caller's voice as well from that distance! What secrets shall be revealed from the other half of this conversation?
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Huh. Yeah, that contributed nothing, and would have had absurd implications for werewolf hearing. Also would have been a totally banal first glimpse of Victoria Argent, which is just unacceptable. 
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Did this happen? I don't recall it. Would have been a cool shot. 
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*Curiosity is piqued*
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I confuse. Is this an editing fail? Two versions of the scene that got smooshed together? Or does Lydia swoop twice (possible Banshee prefiguring)?
 I like the book-spilling version. It establishes Allison as kind.
But this bit --
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-- I do not like. It seems to suggest that there was always something about Allison that helped Scott control his shift, or even suppressed it? Rather than it being his feelings for her that reminded him of his humanity and strengthened his will. Nopity nope.
Now for another intro:
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It's Harley! 
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Yeah, I didn’t know either. I guess she got shafted for some reason…which is a pity, because the girl has got snark.
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Meanwhile…is Harley into Scott? Were we going to have a triangle of luuurve? Not sorry we didn't, triangles are an overrated romantical shape (unless they're equilateral ones, but for some reason teen shows are all about the isosceles and I am over it), but Harley could have been an actual character. RIP, girl I could have liked.
Also RIP Harley's heart, because
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Thus far we have had character intros that were Peak Stiles, Peak Jackson and Peak Lydia ('s queen bitch façade). Now we have one that is a massive understatement:
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Oh, sweet summer children. We ain't seen nothing yet.
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Do you sometimes forget how mutually toxic Lydia and Jackson's relationship was? Ugh.
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Excellent priorities, Scott. But so far so canon.
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Who's it gonna be, ohmigosh mysterious figure--
Ohmigosh, is it--
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*ahem* sorry
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Okay I think I'm beginning to understand why we absolutely had to know about the ravishing beauty of corpse-lady:  Jeff Davis is simply incapable of giving a description of anyone without reminding us how attractive they are. HEY EVERYONE!  THIS IS A SHOW FOR HOT PEOPLE!  EYE CANDY OVER HERE!
…waitaminute, back the truck up. 
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*thinking forward to skeevy Kate plotline, Hale fire was 6 years ago, runnin' the numbers, doin' the math*
19 minus 6 equals …KATE you EFFING PEDO GET in the BIN RIGHT NOW--
--nah just kidding, they obviously decided to age him up sometime after this edit. Also, as has been observed, Jeff Davis inhabits a world blissfully innocent of such things as calendars.  
Now I hope I have sufficiently distracted my audience with squicks and figures, because I want to sneak this one through without getting crucified.
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Okay we're done here, on to--
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Really, there's nothing--
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One million hardcore Sterek shippers:  *collectively lose their shit*
One innocent liveblogger:  *hides*
All twelve Scerek shippers:  *are validated*
Someone sensible:  It's just one line of direction in a first meeting, it doesn't mean--
One desperate liveblogger:  OKAY, MOVING ON
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This is such a great scene -- the terror of all those panicking cats, Scott wanting to calm them but, realising he is the problem, freaks out himself -- and it just got even better, because there's something missing here that we saw on-screen.
While it could have come in a later revision, I choose to believe that singing "hey, kitties!" in greeting was just Tyler Posey's natural instinct upon walking into a room full of feline friends.
But now Allison is here, and Scott has passed off the panic baton to her.
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Woooo Scott is getting his wolf on! But he doesn't seem to know it yet. I wonder from whose perspective Scott's calm is supposed to be 'odd', because I wouldn't have expected him to get worked up about an injured dog given his job. And how many wolves has Jeff Davis met? I don't think their eyes typically glow, outside of tapetum lucidum reflections. But what do I know, I'm not a zoologist.
Also -- they were supposed to have an umbrella? Budget cuts are brutal.
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Do you ever forget how adorable Scallison were before things got complicated? Can I get an "Awww"?
It's also nice that they gave Allison reasons to be interested in Scott beyond 'he's cute' and 'he noticed me'. She admires him for his competence and gentleness here, she's seen him excelling at sports without being a douche about it, and their first interaction was one of generosity. This is why it's disappointing that they cut the bit where Allison helps a stranger with her books -- it's a pity they didn't show us Scott's reasons for liking Allison beyond 'she's pretty'. A sadly typical imbalance in Hollywood: boys are admirable for what they do, girls for how they look. Thank all the gods and little fishes that Allison subverts the hell out of this trope later on.
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Is this or is this not the cutest interaction? It gets better:
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Cats are one thing, Scotty, but you gotta think about your choices when dogs are judging you.   
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Now who’s being judgemental
'Litigious', Scott? And before the word-a-day calendar regime, too. Insert comment about American litigation culture here.
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Scott is definitely talking about the dog not at all about himself why would you say that--
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Okay so Scott's having his weird woodsy sleepwalking dream now, and I have to go back and check because -- white? Why are the Alpha's eyes white? Sure enough:
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Did they retcon the Alpha red eyes thing after the Pilot/Wolf Moon was shot Even in the earlier scene where Scott was bitten: 
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White eyes. What gives, Jeff?
While we're here, let's just take a second to appreciate Peter the Cartoon CGI Gorilla-Wolf. LOL.
Get back to the scripts woman, the photo recap thing has been covered, stay in your lane
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AWKWARD. Anyway that's the same as in canon, but I initially read that as 'mysterious smile' and freaked because was that pool owner person supposed to be significant??, but no, never mind, carry on.
Meanwhile, this ep is just FULL of iconic moments.
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All together now,
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*sighs happily*
Was it as good for you as it was for me?
Later, at the lacrosse scrimmage:
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I checked the episode, and…nope. No Derek stalking around on the field in this scene. That we saw.
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 Oh good, we hadn't seen a naked torso in a while, I was starting to worry
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Who can get enough of Melissa--Scott moments? Not me, that's for sure. But wait--
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Voices becoming TINNY what is happening
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Someone's  creeping
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*sings* ‘Who can it BEEE no-ow?’
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In other news, Jackson is not the only one who got a vehicular upgrade. I don’t know enough about cars to discern the mystical significance of these changes. Experts please?
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Ah, can't believe they cut this! Is he just embarrassed to have an inhaler in front of Allison, or does he realise on some level that his asthmatic days are over? 
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Oh yikes, is this another scene of which we were ROBBED? I want my absolute and agonizing awkward teen silence!
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ROBBED, I say! Robbed of canon confirmation of Scott's dorky music taste!
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I liked Scallison well enough, but if these scenes had been included I would have been 200% sold on it from ep 1.
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Confused Scydia moment! I wonder if Lydia greeted Stiles like that too, and if so how hard he flailed.
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Harley again! In the version that made it to screen she and Stiles both ask Scott if he's okay. That girl should have stayed a character. *grumpy face* 
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"Deep black eyes"? "Strangely hypnotic"? Preeeeetty sure he was just standing there with his regular (insanely pretty) ambiguously green-hazel eyes; and while that was a fair attempt at a charming smile (for Derek), "hypnotic" it wasn't.
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That would have been a cool visual.
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“Powerfully muscular”; “strangely seductive”; “He's given into it” 
I'll tell you who's into it, Jeff Davis is into it And you know what?
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So am I.
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*Curiosity intensifies*
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A nice little moment of realisation we never got to see
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This is changed up a bit -- in the show the dialogue comes before the wrestling, there's no throat-gripping (Derek holds Scott down with a hand on his chest), and we have yet to see those shiny blue eyes.
Also, demonic. *shivers* 
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That's interesting - obviously was going to be more support to the false lead of Derek being the Alpha, but they walked it back.
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A bit of added urgency here
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"Steps out of the darkness" -- from what we saw, Derek was just standing there next to Scott, no added drama. Add this to the 'hypnotic deep black eyes' we never saw -- can it be that the creeper-wolf that graced our screens was actually the less spooky version??
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I guess they forgot to talk to the sun’s manager about their filming schedule.
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Well that answers my question about how Stiles knew where to find Scott. Sort of.
Also: Aaaaaaaangst.
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Aww, my heart. The bromance.
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I love how it's "instantly recognisable," but in the final cut they can’t help throwing in a flashback to all of three minutes ago just to make sure we recognise him. Thanks for the vote of confidence, Teen Wolf.
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Yes, apparently that is Chris Argent's idea of a 'friendly smile'.
Also, sworn enemy. Lol.
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Great ending to a great pilot episode! And what extra-delicious and not-at-all mouth-perforating splinters of teeny wolfy goodness does our script-reading scrape up for us?
Well, we have extra delightful domestic scenes with the McCalls; extra adorable baby flirting between our star-crossed lovers (not that they know the heavens hate them yet, shhh); a wonderful character who could have been in Harley (will she show up more in future scripts? At what point did they decide to consign her to the trash can of oblivion? Or did she just disappear because she realised she had no chance with Scott now that Allison is here?); and honestly, it ws worth it for Jackson’s favourite word alone. 
But clearly the most important thing we leaned from the Teen Wolf Pilot script (Double Buff edition) is that the
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we know and love is NOT, in fact, the creepiest, most melodramatic, most stalkerish version of himself. He could have been worse. Watching Scott at practice earlier than we knew eavesdropping on him shirtlessly discussing sex with him mum, using strangely hypontic deep black eyes on unsuspecting teenage girls, emerging theatrically from the shadows -- just imagine, if he'd been behaving like that from the get-go, no way would Scott have trusted him. Good job toning it down, Jeff Davis!
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dalekofchaos · 5 years
Evidence for Finn’s Force Sensitivity throughout the Sequel Trilogy
I have always believed Finn to be Force Sensitive ever since the teasers and promotions for The Force Awakens started appearing. Even after TFA, I believed it even more. This is my case for Finn’s Force Sensitivity, the evidence throughout both TFA and TLJ and even in the canon comics. There is a very good article detailing more in support of Finn’s Force Sensitivity, I recommend it!
Not really evidence, but John Boyega certainly deserves it after all the racist garbage that was thrown at him ever since the very first TFA teaser. He deserves better than the fandom and I can’t wait for all the racists to shut their fucking mouths when it’s revealed that Finn is Force Sensitive
The representation. It will really mean something if Finn the main black character is made to be force sensitive and wields a lightsaber again. Everyone who goes “Finn doesn’t need to be force sensitive to be special” WE HAVE non-force sensitive characters. Poe, Rose, Han and Lando. It gave a lot of people hope of seeing Finn wielding the lightsaber and standing up to Kylo Ren and a lot of people hoped it would be developed more in The Last Jedi, and a lot of people hope it will finally be brought into fruition in TROS. You can’t just take that away from the people it would mean a lot to just because you say “Finn doesn’t need to be force sensitive to be special” you’re basically telling POC “wait your turn, it’s not a story for you” and that’s just down right disgusting that you would even try to take it away from the people Finn’s Force Sensitivity it would mean the most to. Finn being force sensitive doesn’t ruin anything, it doesn’t take away from being able to resist and defect The First Order, he was already a skilled and resourceful soldier. Finn’s time in the First Order, he was one of their best Stormtroopers and one of the elite. Highly valued by Phasma and Hux, yet his defection shocked them. His defection is still meaningful.   It doesn’t come from nowhere, it was something foreshadowed heavily since the TFA marketing started. Finn is the first character they introduced to us was a black stormtrooper as the lead, two thing we’d never seen before. a heavily hinted to be force sensitive, brainwashed from childhood, desperately scared of his captors but still follows his morals. Finn being Force Sensitive does not come out of nowhere, It was something foreshadowed heavily since the TFA marketing started.
John Boyega is the star of the new trilogy as JJ Abrams told him. Which means Finn is the co-protaganist of the sequel trilogy.
The promotions. Every piece of promotional material indicated that Finn was the main lead and apart of the new generation of Jedi.
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Evidence from the novel.
Finn and Kylo Ren’s first canonical meeting in the Age Of Resistance Finn comic. Finn was doing sanitation work duty(it was work duty, all Stormtroopers did sanitation. Finn was not just a janitor. A military organization would run the same as in the real world and most soldiers without the rank of offshore hire, especially cadets, would spend time working in sanitation when they weren’t training. Rant over) A job that sees him mopping floors in the grand halls of Starkiller Base and even sharing the same spaces as Kylo Ren himself. Not just sharing the same space, as Finn #1 reveals, but once again becoming a figure of unlikely interest to Kylo Ren, when meeting him for the very first time. The panels above convey the scene well enough, since there is no reason for Kylo to acknowledge Finn at all. Not unless he sensed something strong enough to give him pause.
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His Force Sensitivity began the moment Slip died and marked Finn’s helmet. After Finn's Stormtrooper friend dies and leaves his mark on Finn's helmet, Finn does not shoot in the village massacre. Shortly after. Kylo Ren looks right at Finn. He doesn’t see Finn hold his fire and he doesn’t seem to notice he disobeyed a direct order, which one would think is a big deal to him, considering he yells “TRAITORRRRrRRR!!!!!” at Finn on Starkiller Base. He only noticed Finn after the massacre was over. He had no visual queues that I can tell, as he had his back almost turned to Finn until he suddenly turned to look at him. He seems interested, not angry or fearful, as though he wants to keep an eye on Finn but he doesn’t want to do anything just yet.(my personal theory is that the Knights Of Ren are force sensitive Stormtroopers, and Finn was next in line to join)
Kylo knows immediately that Finn was the one who defected, even his designation. Could it be because he sensed Finn’s terror at Tuanul and then knew through the Force that Finn was the defector? Possibly.
Snoke asks him about the awakening. He asks Kylo if he felt it and Kylo says yes. A lot of people seem to think that Rey was the awakening. But we haven’t seen Rey’s awakening yet. Kylo’s most notable Force-related interaction was with Finn (it seems clear that whatever made Kylo notice Finn at Tuanul, it came to him through the Force, because as I said before, he wasn’t looking in Finn’s direction).
Finn's decision on Jakku that he would not kill for the First Order, even though everything he’d ever been taught said it was right to do so, either was the awakening in the Force or caused the awakening in the Force.
At Maz Kanata's castle on the planet Takodana, Rey, who has shown no sign of Force-sensitivity, is begging Finn not to leave for the Outer Rim. He leaves anyway, and a distraught Rey experiences a Force vision. Maz said the lightsaber called to her, and that may be true, but why didn’t it call to her until she felt like Finn abandoned her? That was her first Force experience and it directly followed a difficult interaction with Finn.
Starkiller Base destroying The Republic system known as the Hosnian system. Finn (per the TFA novelization [and even the movie, depending on what kind of sound equipment you have]) hears the people of the Hosnian system crying out. And even if he didn’t hear it per se, he clearly senses the destruction of the Hosnian system. He knows something has happened without seeing the flares in the sky. He’s about to board the freighter to the Outer Rim when he stops and flips around, looking straight up at the sky. All he sees are flares. He somehow knows it’s the Hosnian system they’ve destroyed and he runs back to warn the others.
Maz repeatedly insists on giving Finn a lightsaber even though it would be practically a liability if someone wasn’t force sensitive
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When the invasion force lands on Takodana, Finn uses a lightsaber, a weapon used exclusively by Force-users, to fight. He uses it effectively, and the novelization details him feeling like the lightsaber belongs in his hand, like it feels natural for him to use it. And from Finn’s TFA story, “Wading into the invading stormtroopers, Finn found that their armor was no match for a lightsaber. There was nothing out there that could stop him, Finn thought as he defeated trooper after trooper[…]” The book also refers to Maz telling him to use the saber as a “strange gift she’d given him.”
Poe flies overhead and takes out part of the ground forces with a trick shot. Finn seems to know it’s Poe, though it’s possible he only said “that’s one hell of a pilot!” because he was impressed with the maneuver.
Then on D'Qar, Finn is walking by the airstrip when he looks off into the distance and stops at the sight of a pilot climbing out of an x-wing. He sees the pilot in their flightsuit and helmet from the back, yet he knows it’s Poe. Finn spotted him from a great distance, from the back, and in a totally different outfit that initially completely obscured Poe’s features, yet he knows it’s him.
On Starkiller Base, Finn tells Han that they’ll “use the Force!” to find a way to shut down the shields. He’s completely serious and seems to genuinely believe they can use the Force on a whim. Finn knows what the Force is, who the Jedi and Sith were, what Force users are, etc., and he believes he can use it. This implies that Finn, whether at a conscious or subconscious level, believes he can use the Force.
And then of course the lightsaber duel with Kylo. As far as we know, Finn had only used the lightsaber once, back on Takodana. Yet he held his ground against Kylo, who’s trained in the Force and lightsaber usage for the majority of his life. Finn even wounds him. He ultimately is defeated, but he carried out the fight for a long time for someone with lightsaber experience. Since lightsabers are attuned to the Force and are only used by Force users, and Finn was so apt at using one, it implies that Finn uses the Force when using the lightsaber.
Finn and Kylo Ren's exchanges in the Force Awakens script
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There are two sign’s of Finn’s Force sensitivity in The Last Jedi. The first sign is on Finn and Rose’s escape from Canto Bight. When Finn and Rose are riding that fathier, when Finn says “we need cover” the Fathier conveniently veers away from the pack, into a tunnel. It then carries them directly to the beach, and to their ship. It didn’t look like there was any sort of bridle, and I know that it isn’t easy to steer/ride a horse without knowing the words or motions that the horse was trained to respond to. Why would a fathier be any different? Finn has never ridden any sort of steed before and doesn’t even know what a fathier is, but still manages to ride one through a city and up a cliff with no experience. So I believe Finn communicated directly with the fathier through the Force, it works considering KOTOR II has a force ability called control beast.
The second action in The Last Jedi. When he’s reunited with Rey. In the script. "It's only when Finn starts running that rocks move faster. In fact, the movement of Finn's arms match the new pace of the rocks." and in one of his last scenes, he is looking right at the Ancient Jedi Texts.
There are always two force sensitives of each trio for the trilogies. Luke and Leia were for the original and Obi-Wan and Anakin were for the prequels. Rey and Finn are for the original trilogy 
Many fans believe Finn is based on two legends characters. Kyle Katarn, a self taught force sensitive who was a former Imperial Stormtrooper that later became a Jedi Master, Battlemaster and a Jedi Council member. And Finn Galfridian, a Jedi who is from Royal background and is part of the New Jedi Order who was being taught by Luke Skywalker. It is said by the new canon there is always  truth in Legends.
In Battlefront II, around dark side users, Finn will say that he feels cold, feeling cold is a sign of force sensitivity.
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In the canon Poe Dameron comics.
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The introduction of Jannah. The character of Jannah is rumored to be hinted towards Finn’s origins and possibly his true potential will wake. 
I think what will happen is a second red herring. Everyone believes that Rey is the only one who can stop Kylo. I think it will be switched. Finn is the hero to Kylo’s villain as it was in TFA. Finn and Kylo Ren are so similar that it is blinding. Kylo turned against his family and joined the First Order and became the Supreme Leader. Finn turned against the First Order, became a hero in the Resistance/found family in Rey, Poe and The Resistance and stood his ground and stood up to both Kylo Ren and Captain Phasma. So I think Finn will stand side by side with Rey, wielding a lightsaber and fight with Rey angainst Kylo Ren and the Knights Of Ren. 
My theory is not just that Finn is Force-sensitive, but that he can awaken or maybe even create the Force in others. Rey is the one he had the most interaction with, and she suddenly is discovered to have this strong Force connection, though there was no indication of it before Finn walked away from her on Takodana. Finn also had significant interaction with Poe, who claims to have felt something similar to the Force while on Takodana. There’s a possibility new canon novels featuring Rose will have her saying she feels something, so if Rose is to become Force Sensitive, it will be because Finn helped her unlock her potential. I believe Rey, Finn, Poe, Rose and Jannah will be the New Jedi who will rise, the Skywalkers. 
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radioromantic-moved · 4 years
All the rile up the f/o asks with Della? :33
AAA TY CICI! under a cut since this’ll get long i’m sure
1) what’s a Hot Take you have about your f/o? since i already went on about how della isn’t an inherently bad parent because she had more to catch up on than donald here’s another Take that i’ve brought up before: della isn’t “uwu dumb” because she’s sometimes impulsive and reckless. you can struggle with common sense and still be really smart. della’s an engineering genius, an ancient history buff, and, again, survived in space mostly unaided for ten. years. she’s kind of scatterbrained but she’s not stupid.
2) on what do you disagree with other fans of your f/o? we don’t NEED to know who the triplets’ biological father is. donald is their dad and has been doing a better job of it than whoever the biological father is. he’s obviously not a great person if della has never brought him up even once. the entire show is about found family and how you forge your own connections. shut up about their bio dad shut up shut up shut up (maybe i should have put this in the rant section instead gjsjgjsg)
3) did you used to ship your f/o with anyone before realizing you wanted to ship them with yourself? HAHA...nah not really...i knew going into ducktales that if i was gonna fall for anyone it would be a kickass spacefaring pilot mom so i sort of had my eyes on her from the beginning lol
4) do you feel like you have to defend your f/o all the time? y. yea...i don’t really get into ducktales fandom discourse all that much because it stresses me out but it feels like there’s always some surprise Bad Take just around the corner...an example was when i was reading a really cute don/daisy fic and the most recent chapter suddenly had della blow up at donald for no reason and demand sole custody of the kids, and the comments were full of people saying how they hated her. it just left a really bad taste in my mouth. of course there are sane and normal people who think della is cool or at least okay but there are always...those weirdos.
5) what’s the dumbest thing you’ve heard about your f/o, either on the internet or irl? already answered!
6) what are some tropes that fan art of your f/o tends to follow? i think they make her hair a little messier than it is in canon? which i like because it sort of gels with her personality. also a lot of people like drawing her in tshirts and tank tops which you don’t see her wearing in the show but i love when people draw her in them...she is just vibing.
7) did your f/o deserve better? already answered!
8) do you even like the source your f/o comes from or do you only watch it for them & nothing else? nah i LOVE ducktales...della may be my gf but every character in the show is my friend or kid or family. except for lunaris he can go fuck himself.
9) do you distance yourself from other fans of your f/o or their source? not usually! the majority of ducktales fans are pretty chill i think (though a lot of della fans ship deIIumbra which is a little ouch but i have the tag blocked so i don’t usually see stuff i don’t want to) so it’s cool to interact with them.
10) how did you feel when you realized “oh of course i had to like That Character”? I KINDA EXPECTED IT...like i said going into ducktales i knew if i was gonna fall for anyone it would definitely be della just based on what i knew of her personality. and when i first watched whatever happened to della duck it became very obvious that i was spot on. her introductory scene? chef’s kiss.
11) do you think it’s better to have a copious amount of content for your f/o, even with the risk of finding a lot of ship art, or better to have a lot less? as someone who has f/os both with a ton of content and with very little i can say that i definitely like having a lot of content...ship art does feel Bad usually (although there are a few canon ships that i enjoy like drakepad and twidash) but i have most of the main ship tags blocked and i also use xkit postblock to block stuff i don’t want to see. so usually browsing my f/os’ tags is a pretty clean experience!
12) aren’t you tired of being nice? this is an excuse to rant. while i did already answer this one here’s “i don’t give a shit about hdl’s bio dad: the reprise.” what do you GAIN from knowing he exists. why do you CARE. frank angones himself has all but confirmed he’ll never appear and/or is so unimportant that he’s not even worth mentioning. donald is the dad that huey, dewey and louie need and deserve and he does a better job of it than their bio dad ever could. stop talking about him in della’s tag stop asking frank about him stop assuming he’s fucking. gyro or launchpad (i’ve seen both!) not everything has to follow your beloved nuclear family structure. my thoughts on their original dad: della is a lesbian who thought she liked guys for a while, was in a relationship with one out of comphet, left him after realizing she was gay, didn’t realize she was pregnant. he’s out of their life give it a REST
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chromsai · 7 years
Thank you for answering my mini rant. (The one about Yuuya). Idk, is just pisses me off when ppl say x character is badass or is a Dork/adorable ignoring their faults then when it comes to Yuuya its instantly bashing him straight away I mean, where's the justice? Like you said ignore the haters but idk it just gets to me sometimes.
lmao such is consumer culture. people love their exaggerated character tropes.
example (sticking with/picking on arc v here since if i mention any of the other spinoffs, someone will literally come at me all offended & what not): when you said “badass” i immediately thought of Shun. he’s just the very definition of badass, ya know? and it’s because of him acting so badass that made him one of the most popular characters. being badass & stoic is a character trait that, especially in shounen, is so beloved, you can’t have a series without a “badass, stoic” character otherwise the fans won’t deem the story to be “deep”. however, the moment that Shun showed some humility and worry for his comrades or started acting “soft”, the fandom started to claim that he was being written completely out of character.
and i don’t understand that? sure, i’m picking on Shun here as an example because, despite the fact that he’s one of my absolute faves from the show, i will admit that his character development was handled a bit wonky, but not entirely terribly. mostly, i felt it was somewhat rushed, but not too much tbh. but i wouldn’t call it out of character at all. he’s a traumatized character, and he copes with his trauma by being ruthless, reckless, and distrusting of others, which is what leads many to see him as “badass”. but people forget that there’s ways for characters- for people- to break away from that trauma and just want to try to heal and be normal as they used to be. sure, things won’t ever be the same for him again and he’ll always have to cope with his pain, but him showing signs of being “soft”, of wanting to move on, of smiling despite his pain- there’s nothing “out of character” about that.
people just liked him a lot more when he was “badass” and angsting all the time. because him being JUST “badass” all the time was HIS THING. no one ever expected him to move on beyond that.
returning to criticism of yuya, well that’s just the thing... i don’t think people can deny how much he grows over the course of the show. hell, it’s extremely hard to deny that he grew a lot by the end of the show. and i think that’s what trips people up about yuya specifically. he’s so damn dynamic as a character that people don’t exactly know where to place him under in a list of tropes; he doesn’t fit just one trope specifically. he may exaggerate on some parts of his character, but then again he always tends to show us the other side of the coin: he can be extremely happy at times, but breakdown completely the very next second; he can show when he doesn’t care about something yet the very next scene he’s up in a fiery rage; he’s a complete noob at times but the very next moment he’s shown thinking thoroughly and logically and surprising his opponents and audience, etc. some characters treat him like a complete joke, while others have the utmost respect for him.
he’s done some really “badass” things, but he’s also done some really “dumbass” things too. 
in fiction, people don’t usually expect a character to be as dynamic as yuya, they usually expect characters to represent one or two traits as best.
now logically the argument to this is “well yeah duh if a character shows off more than these one or two traits about them then they’re not going to be as memorable in the end.”
and the way you combat that problem is pretty simple: you make your character relatable while still giving them a unique quirk or power only they possess.
all those things i described yuya as make him relatable. just like us, he’s not always right but sometimes he is, and when he is, he shows it in a grandiose way. that’s his entertainer personality. THAT’S what makes him unique and memorable. not his pendulum, not his monsters (you could hand these things to any character and call them the protag). it’s how he uses them in his own way to create a style all his own that will become memorable to us. 
and this is, ironically, also a part of his character development: learning to break away from his dad’s entertainment style and developing one of his own that will push him to become even better.
anyway, as i said, people like breaking down characters into tropes that are easily recognizable since it’s easier to find individual things they admire in characters- in people- that they can label easily. our brains kinda just work that way on auto-pilot. but taking the time to dig deeper into things, the more facets of a person you see, the less you tend to become fascinated with them unless it turns out that you like everything about that person, which, in real life, isn’t always gonna be the case. like i said last time, not everyone’s gonna like a certain person or character and of course some are gonna be criticized harsher than others, but that all depends on how real they feel to you.
lastly, to answer your question “where’s the justice?” with regards to bashing yuya over other characters, well... that’s subjective. the answer to that, tho, will always rely on the tropes you like (and which you like) and whether or not you like tropeyer characters or prefer more dynamic characters, or both.
personally, i like both, but i prefer more dynamic characters since i just find them way more interesting than their tropey counterparts, but a lot of people find dynamic characters to be... too much? or... too realistic for their tastes? idk... i don’t think like most people, apparently...
to give you a more concrete answer tho: (imo) there is no justice. the standard of fiction that people are used to is to have a cast of characters where each character represents a different individual character trait or trope (which is so cliche and formulaic, especially in anime, and also unrealistic) and have them all interact and call it a “diverse” cast. this is bad enough as it is in shounen, but in ygo, in particular, we don’t see characters like yuya very often so they’re kinda breaking the mold in a well established formula-based franchise that whenever they come along, they’re treated as “over the top”, when in reality... they’re just... not limited to the formula we’re so used to seeing. in truth, if yuya was a character in a different anime, especially a different genre, i have no doubt that he’d be hailed as a franchise fan favorite and bashing or negative criticism of him would be kinda... (i don’t wanna say “nonexistent”) not as common as it is in the ygo fandom.
at least, that’s what i’d like to believe.
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gamedadmatt · 7 years
The Chappie Rant
So some time ago I had a big old rant on Twitter about Chappie. I saw it fairly recently for the first time. Reason being is that I’ve been on something of an Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in film/novels/TV series kick. There’s been some really good things I’ve seen (I quite enjoyed Westworld), but Chappie easily takes the cake as one of the worst things I’ve seen.
If you don’t know what Chappie is, it’s a movie directed by Neil Blomkamp, the guy who also did District 9. District 9 is a good movie. It had plot holes, but it was generally enjoyable. Anyway. Chappie is a movie about a robot that gains sentience. "Robots? Philosophical questions about what sentience is? That sounds right up my alley right now!" I think to myself.
But it's misleading. Chappie is actually a movie that asks the question: "what if we made an entire movie based upon those few minutes in Short Circuit 2 where Johnny 5 becomes a gangster and cluelessly steals car radios."
Spoilers ahead, in case you actually want to watch this garbage. Because I'm basically going to lay the plot out for you. The whole plot. Because it’s worth doing to review how and why the movie is so bad.
Chappie starts by following the programmer (henceforth called Programmer Guy) of these robots that were designed to supplement the South African police force. They seem pretty damn effective, really. The company he works for is doing well and the robots look and move fantastically. It's a really promising start to the film.
One of the robots gets damaged and is marked to be dismantled because it's battery has fused to its chassis, making the entire chassis need replacement. Programmer Guy goes back home and continues a little hobby side project.
You know, just... Programming robotic sentience. NBD.
"Wow, okay. That's... a hell of a hobby side project" I think to myself, while squinting at Programmer Guy's dirty apartment, CRT screens and DOS-like interface. I squint even more as he starts slamming red bull. "Hm. This feels a little like the director may not quite understand programming and just be writing based on programmer tropes here."
Yes, past Matt. That is exactly what it is.
So of course Programmer guy successfully codes robotic sentience. We know he's successful because the DOS interface says so, and he gets very excited that the thing he programmed tells him he's made stable sentience... Okay.
So Programmer Guy rushes back to the company, and tries to sell his boss on giving the robots this sentience. "They'll be able to write poetry and paint!" He explains, excitedly.
"Dude, they're police robots. She's never going to buy that." I say. "Dude, they're police robots. No you can't make them write poetry." Boss lady says.
But of course, Programmer Guy is determined to see this god complex of his through to the very finish. He steals the damaged robot, the USB security key required to access the robots (seems a little bit insecure, but okay), and rushes off to go and install sentience onto it.
And then he gets attacked and taken hostage by gangsters.
Said gangsters are... actually kind of the real opener of the movie, but you won't care about them. They're running drugs or something for some other big important gangster (you can tell he's important because his gun is gold plated), but the cop robots fucked up their plans and Gold Plated Gun Gangster is pissed and wants money. So they decide to take Programmer Guy hostage and force him to make the cop robots work for them so they can do a heist.
I think. It’s all a little convoluted.
Anyway, Programmer Guy can't reprogram all the robots because it's not possible to do (even though somebody else does it later, but that’s just one of many plotholes). But he can reprogram this one bot to be sentient and it'll do what the gangsters say.
"Okay." Say the gangsters. "It only has 5 days to live though." Says Programmer Guy. "Cool." Says the gangsters.
Worst gangsters ever.
So the sentience is installed and Chappie is born. It freaks out in its first moments, cowering away from the humans.
"Does it understand English?" Asks one of the Gangsters. "Well of course it understands En--" "No, it doesn't understand English. Not yet. We’ll need to teach it." Programmer Guy says, interrupting my perfectly reasonable chain of thought.
This was my first big problem with the film. The basic police units are clearly able to understand and speak English. Probably other languages, too. But apparently to create sentience, this gets left out. It's an excuse to spend some cute moments connecting with Chappie as it learns to say important words like "chicken" and "shoe" and "this fuck mother talks ghetto huh?" Yes, that’s a quote from the film.
It also skips over the fact that the English language is complex, but Chappie picks up on some words and concepts without being taught them, and others... well, we'll get to that.
Anyway, Programmer Guy gets bulled by The Gangsters and runs off screaming about "his creation" and how they are all terrible people and how he'll be back. For a guy that created sentience, you'd think he'd show Chappie a bit more respect, but he really does spend a lot of the movie still treating Chappie like a 'thing'. Specifically, HIS ‘thing’.
Chappie starts getting trained in Gangster, but (without much prior learning or influence) decides it doesn't want to use guns. Programmer Guy returns and teaches Chappie to paint, but we don't really get to see the robot flex its apparent built in creativity as it just paints what it sees like a big robotic printer. Chappie also promises Programmer Guy that it will “not do any crimes”.
But Programmer Guy gets chased off by The Gangsters again, tucking tail and screaming once more about how they are awful people and how Chappie should embrace its creativity while he runs off.
The Gangsters are pissed that Chappie learned something other than Gangster, and so they dump their sentient robot out in the world to teach it a lesson about how the world is shit and it should be scared of humans (I guess?). In the process, it gets captured by Religious Australian Douchebag who also works at the company where Chappie was made. He saws Chappie's arm off (because he’s the bad guy) and takes the USB drive security key that Programmer Guy left plugged in to Chappie.
Chappie gets back to the Gangster’s hideout, beaten up by humans and with its arm missing. The Gangster's are really sorry, plug in a replacement arm, and get back to training Chappie in Gangster. It doesn't want to use guns, so instead the Gangsters train it in using throwing stars and knives because "they put people to sleep" and "it feels nice", lying to convince the Robot that it's not killing anybody. We'll get back to this, too.
Remember how I said that the robots looked and moved real nice? Well, forget that. Because now Chappie has been trained to move like it’s straight out of a gangster trope. One metal hand always towards its nonexistent junk. Another metal hand constantly wiping a nonexistent nose. Chappie is anything but endearing at this stage.
Programmer Guy meanwhile is getting pushed around by Religious Australian Douchebag at work. Religious Australian Douchebag has a rival project that he's trying to get the police force to buy - a giant war machine that has rockets and anti tank rounds and a chainsaw and anti air and... it’s overkill. The movie has characters point it out, too. Anyway, he's trying to get the police to buy it instead of the robots. But he's also terrified of robotic sentience.
It’s not explained why (because religious?) but it isn't really important until the end, anyway.
Chappie is out stealing cars from people with The Gangsters because they have convinced it that this is not a crime, they stole those cars from The Gangsters first! With all their ill-gotten gains, The Gangsters get C4 for their heist (which Chappie adamantly refuses to do because "it's a crimes[sic]") as well as a stack of PS4's (buy Sony products). Chappie also learns about death (which it clearly already has a concept of, because it refuses to use guns) and its own short 5-day lifespan in a really ham-fisted scene that could have been so much better. I imagine a better version of Chappie where it learns about death early in the film, only to learn about its own short lifespan later. Instead of being all in the course of a conversation about a dead dog. Anyway.
They return, and Chappie runs into Programmer Guy again. But Chappie is pissed with Programmer Guy because Programmer Guy put Chappie in a body with a limited lifespan. "I didn't know you'd become you!" Programmer Guy argues. Who knew that the robot he made sentient would become sentient?
Meanwhile, Religious Australian Douchebag turns off all the police bots by injecting them all with code at the same time, thus making moot the earlier point about how Programmer Guy couldn’t reprogram all the robots. All the crime that they'd stopped in South Africa comes back in like, 5 minutes. But this shutdown also effects Chappie, so Programmer Guy rescues it from The Gangsters and takes it back to the facility Chappie was made, so that he can fix it.
Programmer Guy fixes Chappie and gets it back up and running. They go to leave the facility and Chappie notices a test robot rig, just like its body.
"We can use this to save me! Transfer me into this body!" "No." Says Programmer Guy. "Why not?" Says Chappie (and myself). "Because your sentience is more than just your battery or hard drive! We don't know what it is!"
So Programmer Guy - who literally programmed Chappie's sentience - now seems to be claiming that it (Chappie) isn't just driven by code. It sounds like an argument for something more. That by programming Chappies sentience and letting it grow, Chappie has developed a soul.
There's so many issues with this statement. But it's okay. Because it's about to get worse.
So on the way out, Chappie notices one of the helmets that people use to pilot Religious Australian Douchebag's giant war mech. Programmer Guy briefly explains that it reads peoples brainwaves to pilot the gigantic mech.
"I can use this to transfer myself into another body!" Chappie says, stealing the helmet.
"Now hold up, Chappie." I say, rubbing my face. "Firstly, that's a helmet that reads human brainwaves. It can't read robot brainwaves because, well, you have not got a brain. And secondly, human brainwaves aren't sentience. They're just--"
Chappie has gone and downloaded all the information from the Internet about what Sentience is. Now Chappie is plugging a whole bunch of PS4's (buy Sony products) together and is plugging them into a Sony branded VAIO (buy Sony products) laptop and running some DOS looking software while wearing the helmet. The software keeps failing - it cannot find any sentience.
"Chappie. Chappie, stop. This scene isn't going to end well. It cannot read your mind and it's going to make the audience feel sad and sorry for you because--"
Oh. Look at that. The helmet made to scan human brains has managed to scan Chappie and display a visual representation of Chappies sentience...
Remember earlier how I had said that Chappie picked up on some things but not others really quickly without much teaching involved? This is like, case and point right here. Chappie is taught nothing about what sentience is outside of a few throwaway lines by The Gangster’s trying to explain it in a pseudo-philosophical manner. And yet here, this 4-day old robot, goes and just downloads a bunch of information about sentience from the internet and immediately understands what it has to do to extract it. 
This very same robot that hasn’t figured out yet that sharp things hurt when you stab people with them.
Anyway... Moving on from this god-forsaken scene and--oh. Here comes one of The Gangsters (the nice one that Chappie calls 'mommy', because that's a thing). Chappie goes and slaps the helmet on her and it shows a visual representation of her sentience, too.
So apparently Chappie’s code-driven running-off-a-hard-drive sentience is just like human chemical-driven running-off-a-fleshy-meat-sack sentience. It’s another nudge the movie makes that, hey, this helmet is actually reading a soul and that’s the thing that humans have in common with Chappie. Or maybe it’s just dumb. The worst part is that this is actually important later.
So Chappie goes with The Gangsters on their heist, convinced that by doing it there’ll be enough money that it can buy itself a new body to transfer to. The whole act gets caught on video by a news helicopter, that reports that one of the police robots appears to have gone rogue and is helping criminals now. This catches the attention of Religious Australian Douchebag, who uses the information to convince his boss to let him go out in the war machine and destroy Chappie. She agrees.
Oh, and Chappie figures out here too that The Gangsters were lying to it about how it feels good to be stabbed after it stabs a police officer. Who knew?
Religious Australian Douchebag straps in to his war machine and goes after Chappie. So too does Golden Plated Gun Gangster, who wants his money and Chappie too, now. Programmer Guy also has grabbed a gun and grenades and rushed to Chappie to equip him for the coming three-way battle. 
Of course, Chappie refuses to take the gun because it doesn’t want to hurt anyone. But then the three-way battle between The Gangsters, Religious Australian Douchebag and Golden Plated Gun Gangster’s Gang kicks off. So we are treated to a slow-motion shot of Chappie clearly considering the gun and grenades in the back of Programmer Guy’s van as bullets ricochet and explosions ring out. Chappie starts taping a grenade to a knife. 
A character dies. The war robot is apparently not overkill enough since carpet bombing gangsters isn’t enough to kill them all. Then Chappie leaps out from inside of the nearby building (having apparently gone inside after taking the gun and grenades, so that it could make an entrance?). It throws the grenade knife and it sticks to the war robot (apparently it’s made out of polystyrene) and then starts shooting it up with some kind of heavy shotgun, which blows parts of the war robot off (definitely polystyrene).
Of course it’s not enough. Chappie gets shot up, and so does Programmer Guy. Programmer Guy is dying. Chappie loses the detonator for the knife grenade. Chappie rushes off to grab the brainwave helmet so that it can save Programmer Guy, but the helmet gets destroyed. One of The Gangster’s realises the error of his ways and tries to sacrifice himself so that everyone else can escape the flying war robot. It looks like everyone but the one Gangster is getting out. But before he can sacrifice himself, “mommy” Gangster rushes back and steals his thunder by getting shot up instead. Which leads to Chappie finding the detonator and blowing up the War Robot. 
It’s a mess of a scene, filled with “this almost happens, BUT THEN” over and over again. It’s deeply unsatisfying. 
Chappie and Programmer Guy rush off to the facility where Chappie was built. Chappie fucks Religious Australian Douchebag’s shit up. Like, no joke here. It looks like both his arms and both of his legs are broken, twisted at weird angles after being thrown through walls and into the ceiling. But he’s alive, and Chappie spits an “I forgive you.” At him. So much for not wanting to hurt anybody.
Programmer Guy’s body is tossed into the War Machine pilot chair. He’s only suffered a single stomach wound, so I don’t know why he’s not being taken to the hospital instead. Chappie puts the brainwave scanner helmet on Programmer Guy, and gets ready to transfer his mind into the test robot.
“Okay. This could actually kinda be redeemed. Chappie sacrificing its life. The creator becoming the very thing he created. That’s a pretty neat idea.” I think to myself.
Programmer Guy goes limp and gets transferred into the robot test rig. Disregarding questions and suspending my disbelief for a moment about how police robots have enough storage space to fit a human mind (we’ll even get to that later), it’s interesting. But the scene misses an opportunity for Programmer Guy really struggling with being in a robot that he created, or looking at his own corpse.
“Now get out, and spend the last few hours of Chappie’s life doing something meaningful. Redeem this horrible film.” I say. “Let’s upload Chappie’s mind wirelessly into one of the disabled Police Robots outside.” The film says. “Please no--”
So they slap the helmet on Chappie, and upload its mind into a nearby robot outside. 
So Programmer Robot Guy escapes, finds Chappie as it’s just picking itself up from the trash. They escape back to The Gangster lair, where “daddy” Gangster (also a thing) is currently mourning “mommy” Gangster. He’s going through a box of her things, burning old photos and such, when he finds a little USB drive.
“Does that say… no… no, please, god, no.” I think to myself.
Sure enough, it says something to the extent of ‘Mommy Brain Scan Backup’ on the side of the USB drive. Apparently, in the brief moments that Chappie had put the brainwave reading helmet on her in the earlier scene, it was enough to create a full backup of her mind.
And so our closing moments of the film cover how police robots have been taken off the streets, replaced once more by human officers. Chappie hacks into the robot manufacturer and uploads schematics for a new kind of robot, that it then wirelessly uploads “mommy” Gangster’s mind into. The final shot of the movie is of a robot with a woman’s face opening its eyes, and then we immediately cut to credits with a god-awful rap song to see out this god-awful movie.
Seriously. I have never felt the need to type out a rant about a film before now, it’s terrible. The movie struggles to figure out what exactly it wants to be, and what it’s concepts are. It never really succeeds at explaining to you how things work in this universe.
At one moment, we are made to believe that sentience is something truly unique and cannot be replicated or copied. The film seems to struggle with what concept of sentience it is rolling with. Sentience can be programmed. But Sentience is also the soul. Or maybe it’s brain scans. It’s never really answered what sentience is, but we’re apparently able to move it around easily - despite what we’re told half-way through the film.
Similarly, for a movie about sentient machines, it understands very little about how they work. I would have maybe bought the explanation, if the film explained how machines are unique in this world. But it never really does.
Here we have a Programmer that creates sentience – which can apparently be tested for. But then later on, we’re told to believe that the Programmer doesn’t quite know or understand what he’s created, and that here’s a degree of ‘magic’ involved in his code and in sentience itself. But then how did we confirm right at the start that he created sentience? 
And then we have the characters. There’s nobody likeable in this film. Nobody that you can connect with. Chappie is made to speak and act “gangster”, missing out on an opportunity to have a really cool, likeable robot. Programmer Guy is a coward. The Gangster’s are assholes and the one ‘nice’ Gangster (“mommy” Gangster) is made to be entirely paternal for no good reason. There’s hints that “mommy” and “daddy” Gangster may have had a child (or maybe I am reading too much into the art in scenes), and this feels like a missed opportunity to talk about Chappie’s importance to them if they did.
I also get slightly racist undertones from Blomkamp’s continued representations of South Africa. It’s always represented as a place on the brink of tearing itself apart, governed by useless and lazy bureaucracy, made up of slums and repurposed abandoned buildings. It always feels like a hopeless place, that is never changed for the better despite the actions of the characters. 
The movie fails to tell a good plot with what is an interesting concept, and it boggles my mind how blatantly obvious (to me, at least) it feels some of the solutions in there are, that they didn’t make it to the film. There was an opportunity for a sad but hopeful ending, but it was sacrificed in favour of an empty but “happy” ending.
Chappie is just... really, really bad.
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