#Adele Wayne
arc-misadventures · 1 year
Horror Games
Jaune was a streamer, going by the name: Crescent Knight. And, today he was playing a relaxing game of, ‘Shadows of Doubt.’
Jaune: Okay… Fingerprints collected. Addresses collected. Any, and all information on the victim has been collected, and yet we have no clue who murdered this poor sod.
GoldenDragon: It was the butler!
RedReaper: No, it was the maid!
Jaune: I don’t think there is a maid, or a butler character in the game. You two.
GoldenDragon: I can dream, Harold!
Jaune: Hehe~! That you can. Ahh, my characters hungry. Lets see, what we should have today…?
TeaLotus: Noodles.
ThunderThighs: Pancakes!
Jaune: There are no pancakes, ThunderThighs, sorry.
ThunderThighs: WHAT?!!
ThunderThighs: This game sucks!
Jaune: Hehehe. What is with you, and your weird obsession with pancakes?
Jaune: Let’s see… 147th street…?!
A howling cry soon emanates form his speakers, causing, Jaune to look at the chat feed.
Jaune: Hey, thanks, GoddessofVictory for subscribing for…? (Whistles~!) Whoa… 14 months! Thank you! And, you sent me a message too…Let’s see… “Crescent, have you decided to do anymore collab streams with any other streamers soon?” Collab streams, eh? Well, Emerald Guardian, and I are planning on playing a few games later, but we need a few more people to play before we can do that. So… Maybe, hopefully soon.
ShadowNinja: Oh! Are you two going to be crossing swords soon~?
Jaune: Hilarious, Ninja, absolutely hilarious…
ShadowNinja: Let me enjoy my otp dammit!
AngelofSnow: We know you’re dating, let us enjoy this!
Jaune: Sheesh, can’t you guys get your own love life to be interested in. Not mine you sad, lonely people?
RedReaper: Ouch.
IceCreamShortstack: 🤣🤣🤣🤣
GoldenDragon: That hurts dude.
Jaune: Oh, we…
Jaune: …
Jaune: Lamb…?
TeaLotus: Did anyone else hear a scream?
CoffeeAddict: Was that Emerald Guardian?
BunbunBunny: Is she okay?
Jaune: Yeah, that was, Emerald Guardian, chat. She’s playing some sort of horror game.
Jaune: …
Jaune: I don’t think she’s winning…
CoffeeAddict: I don’t think so.
RedReaper: Sounds like she died during a jump scare.
Jaune: Yeah, probably. I don’t understand why she’s playing one of those game. She doesn’t watch horror films, because she can’t handle them, I don’t watch them because I’m bored by them. So, why is she playing those kind of games?!
GoldenDragon: Because it’s fun?
GoddesofVictory: People like to be scared.
Jaune: I know that, but…
Jaune: Hmm?
Jaune swiveled in his chair, allow the chat to see the back of his chair as he addressed the new arrival in his room.
Jaune: Jessica? You okay?
ShadowNinja: Oh, are we going to have some juicy Emerald Knight moments!
IceCreamShortstack: 😘😘😘
AngelofSnow: Hell yeah!
Jaune: Do you need…? Hey, what are you… Ooph?!
ThunderThighs: Oohhh~! Sounds like something interesting is happening~!
GoddessofVictory: This should be good!
Jaune: Uhh… You okay?
Jessica: No…
Jaune: Did something scary happen?
Jessica: Yes…
Jaune: Okay… Do you want to stay here for a while then?
Jessica: Please?
Jaune: Stay as long as you want then. Now, lets get back to it.
Jaune swivelled in his chair so he was facing the camera again, and he showed himself sitting in his chair with his girlfriend, Jessica, the Emerald Guardian hugging him tightly, resting her head in the crook of his neck as she sat on him.
GoddessofVictory: OH MY GODS!!!
IceCreamLover: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
ShadowNinja: YES! All my fantasies are coming true!!!
BunBunBunny: Oh that is so precious!
CoffeeAddict: That’s so fucking adorable!
KnightBat: Hey, has anyone seem, Emerald Knight?
SuperMan: She left her game after that last jump scare.
GoldenDragon: Look for yourself.
RedReaper: ❤️ This is so cute!!! ❤️
AmazonianQueen: OH MY GODS!!! She hugging him like a koala! That is so precious!
Jaune: Hehe~! Ladies, and gentlemen: The benefits of a small girlfriend.
Jaune smiled for the camera before giving his Smol girlfriend a kiss, causing the chat feed to explode with hearts, and happy comments.
Jaune: Alright then, where were we…? Ahh yes. Murder~!
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jaquesmes · 5 months
It’s so funny to me when I find out someone’s from England cuz it’s like you’re the fifth best out of the English countries(Canada is not taken into account here) you’re not cool like the Scotts or the Irish, you don’t have a dragon on your flag like welsh(also what are they on you never hear anything about them) you’re European without everything that makes Europe European, do better for yourself and leave man
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slight au where team russia worked a little faster and eddie and max make it out scathed but alive, unlike vecna who finally got his comeuppance
eddie and steve have an unnamed thing in the months after eddie gets out of the hospital but without an earthquake wrecking hawkins, eyes are everywhere and rumours are hard to kill in a small town and eddie's sick of the way they're all being treated. he thinks it's all because of him, thinks it'll fix everything if he's not around, thinks steve deserves to find his wife and have his nuggets.
so eddie runs away in the middle of the night, just leaves a note for wayne with a promise to call and hitchhikes to cali with his guitar and not much more than the clothes on his back. he works hard and makes it big with his band, they win awards, sell out arenas, front magazine covers but eddie just takes it day by day. time passes without him really recognising its passing, just going from one gig to the next. another town, another state, another country. they've travelled the whole world by now and although his bandmates make a big deal out of birthday's, another trip around the sun eddie! whenever he thinks of home, everything and everyone are just as he left them.
it's the late nineties, eddie and wayne sitting on opposite ends of a phone line having their monthly catch-up when wayne casually mentions that he's going to a divorce party on the weekend. eddie laughs cos parties aren't exactly wayne's scene to start with, but eddie misses small town drama so he asks who at the plant got divorced? and wtf is a divorce party anyway?
and wayne knows he's fumbled the ball in a big way but all he can do at this point is just explain and eddie's sorry but... what?!
steve's getting a divorce! eddie's steve? eddie didn't even know he'd got married! he knows The Party are still close and that when eddie had been dragged into their weird little group, wayne had too. he knows that they keep a good eye on wayne, that he's still one of them.
and wayne was true to his word with not updating eddie on their lives because he knows if he'd heard any of it he'd've come running home immediately but wayne's getting on in years and this little bit of info just sort've slipped out.
so now, guess what? eddie's booking himself a flight because how can he miss this now that he knows it's happening?
so steve's getting drunk surrounded by all the people who love him. he and tina ended things amicably enough, she fell in love with robin and what was steve supposed to do? he could hardly blame her! tina and robin despised each other, had from the moment steve introduced them but robin was going through some work stuff and she'd needed a break. so steve had twisted her arm and she'd come to stay for a month and well, shit happens! they hadn't crossed any boundaries, robin wouldn't ever do that to him but the mother of your kids being in love with your best friend kinda puts the kibosh on your marriage.
it was dustin's idea, the party, he thinks steve needs cheering up, which he probably does because he'd had everything he'd always dreamed of and now his life's in a shambles for the second time even though he's only in his early thirties. except eddie, blast from the past, love of steve's life, took steve two solid years to get over him, steve's eddie, showing up unannounced (because gatecrashing is just eddie's way of not having to deal with all the nerves he's been feeling since he stepped into lax) kills the party.
everyone's furious! steve's drunk, thinks eddie's an hallucination but dustin takes a swing at eddie, which is sobering to say the least. hop's yelling, wants to drag eddie outside "i just wanna talk, i swear!" luckily for eddie, joyce and murray know him better than that. max is ripping him to shreds, erica's hyping her up and no-one is brave or stupid enough to get in their way.
and eddie's only just now registering that it might've been a terrible idea to just drop in on people you trauma bonded with and then abandoned over a decade ago and wayne's trying to gauge whether he needs to get his nephew the hell outta there or whether it's best to just let it play out and steve might be hammered and in a state of shock and eddie might deserve everything max is saying but he just can't stand there and let it happen.
so steve grabs eddie by the wrist and drags him outside and no-one follows because they all think it's fair that steve gets first crack at him. except steve isn't all that angry, he might be tomorrow, but right now he just tugs eddie into his chest and wraps himself tightly around him.
there's a thousand questions they both want to ask, things they definitely should be talking about but eddie just melts in the circle of steve's arms. he's forgotten why he ever left this space, where he can feel steve's heartbeat and smell the cologne that he still wears and that underlying something that's just steve. then steve squeezes him tighter and sighs so heavily it seems the whole world is on his shoulders and all eddie wants to do is drop everything and help him carry it.
"wayne let slip, huh?" steve says instead of something normal like hello.
"he didn't mean to," eddie defends even though he knows he doesn't need to. he'd seen the hug they’d shared before he'd waltzed in, even though they're all older than eddie thought possible, nothing about The Party has changed.
"sorry about your party," eddie mutters. he does feel bad for ruining their good time, he doesn't know now why he thought he could just pick up where he left off. steve just shrugs, huffs a laugh into eddie's hair
"you're a much better surprise than the strippers they’d booked for me anyway," steve admits. and eddie can't help himself he starts to laugh, it starts off with jiggling shoulders and escalates until there's tears running freely down his face. it wasn't even that funny, the absurdity of this situation isn't even that funny, it's all just... it's a lot.
"jesus h christ! i've missed you," eddie says when he's calmed down enough to speak.
"i missed you, too," steve confesses with such a raw honesty it gives eddie pause, makes him pull his head away from steve just enough to see his face.
"really?" eddie's a little awestruck but he tries to keep his voice level, he fails miserably.
"yes, really! what you thought you'd disappear and we'd all just, what? forget about you?" steve scoffs, looks into eddie's eyes, really looks and then rolls his own "oh my god! you did, didn't you? you're unbelievable, eddie munson! why'd you think the kids are so mad with you?" steve asks remarkably calm. must be a dad thing, eddie thinks because the lump in his throat prevents him from speaking, he can only shrug, "because they love you, you idiot! and you abandoned them but they still love you. dustin waited for two hours outside your indy concert before realising he was waiting outside the wrong door and that you'd already gone. poor kid was a mess for a week!" steve sighs heavily, cups eddie's face, wipes away the fresh tears falling down eddie's cheeks with his thumbs.
"you're not mad," eddie croaks almost accusatory, misery filling him because the one person he wants to love him, the one person he's never stopped loving, is holding him, yes, but thinking about it eddie would've been happier with the fury dustin had shown him because dustin's mad because he loves eddie but steve isn't mad at all.
steve smiles, tired and a little soppy, kisses eddie on the forehead and pulls him back against his chest.
"not yet, but i've no doubt in the morning i'm gonna be livid. you better still be here to see it!" and it's the first time there's been anything warning in steve's tone, it makes eddie hold him tighter.
"i'll be here," he promises. eddie's tucked so closely into steve's chest he doesn't hear his uncle approach, doesn't see the smile he and steve share over eddie's head. wayne knew eddie was safe out here with steve but The Party's getting antsy.
"time to face the music, boy," wayne can't fight his grin when eddie turns in steve's hold, like he used to when they were young and eager to head to bed and wayne would say "those dishes won't wash themselves" and eddie would huff and fuss from the confines of steve's embrace, being dramatic for the sake of it. other than a change in hairstyle and a few new lines on their faces, wayne doesn't see any difference.
eddie grins when he realises that steve is equally reluctant to let go, propping his head on eddie's shoulder and holding him close, they both make puppy dog eyes at wayne, except wayne isn't about to cave like he would with the dishes. his friends are furious but they love him and they're worried that steve's murdered eddie already.
except wayne knows there's no safer place for his boy to be. steve's spent many a night in wayne's trailer, reading through articles, watching award ceremonies, listening to the albums eddie sent to wayne. sleeping in eddie's old bed, both when eddie first left and even more so recently, not that either of them have mentioned that to the others. it's a secret exclusively for the two people in the world who love eddie munson the most.
wayne gives eddie a pointed look and eddie sighs, nods to himself, he can do this. these people love him deep down, even if they don't like him very much right now.
"ready, big boy," eddie teases waggling his eyebrows at steve, who laughs and calls him an idiot affectionately. eddie classes it as a win. steve gives him one last squeeze, reluctantly letting go as the three of them head back inside but steve's hand never quite leaving the small of eddie's back (even when dustin tearfully tackles eddie into a bearhug) might be the best thing he ever could've hoped for.
and eddie thinks that maybe, just this once, his inability to fight his impulse control might've finally worked in his favour.
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karlyanalora · 2 years
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Introducing Fiera Adele, aka Foxglove. Her first written appearance has been made in Chapter Four of Finding Peter. She is the OC I am the proudest of and an excellent addition to the supporting cast. The motherly instincts are strong in this one. She is Alfred Pennyworth's niece, has animal shapeshifting powers and a way of avoiding the limelight to rival that of the Bat, and is here to kick some Hydra butt.
More information will be released in future chapters to avoid spoilers.
@anileahvictoria thank you for the first picture.
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John Wayne in a publicity still for Haunted Gold (1932), written by Adele Buffington. Adele was born in St Louis and had 102 writer credits from 1919 to a 1959 tv episode. Most of her credits are for long forgotten low budget westerns. although her credits include When Strangers Meet, Circus Girl. Prison Nurse, and Beauty for the Asking.
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raedawn1102 · 5 months
Clean Viking travels in peace! #vikings
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mandoreviews · 8 months
📽️ Sands of Iwo Jima (1949)
A very nice old veteran in my church heard I like war movies and recommended this to me. It really wasn’t a bad story, but it felt like it lasted much longer than it did. There was a lot of really corny dialogue and several unrealistic battle moments. It also kinda ruined the movie for me when I found out that John Wayne never served in World War II, but instead found loopholes in order to stay home and continue to be a movie star. (There are multiple articles on this subject.) So it wasn’t horrible, but it wasn’t that great either.
Sex/nudity: 1/10 (kissing)
Language: 2/10 (hell is used a couple times, IMDb says there is a faint f-word but I don’t think that’s true)
Violence: 3/10 (war violence, nothing too gory)
Overall rating: 3/10
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badmovieihave · 9 months
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Bad movie I have Sands of Iwo Jima 1949
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redcarpetview · 1 year
2023 Grammy Awards - Black History Made
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LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - FEBRUARY 05: (L-R) Beyoncé and Shania Twain attend the 65th GRAMMY Awards at Crypto.com Arena on February 05, 2023 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for The Recording Academy)
         By Naomi Richard (written for The Austin Villager Newspaper)
        History was made and celebrated during the 2023 Grammy Awards held live from the Crypto.com Arena in Los Angeles, with host Trevor Noah on February 5, 2023 and aired on CBS.
 Beyoncé now holds the record for most Grammy Awards received by one artist. In this year’s Grammy Awards, Beyoncé broke the record for most lifetime Grammy wins now with 32. This year with her wins for dance/electronic music recording, traditional R&B performance, best R&B song and dance/electronic music album, Beyonce surpassed the late classical conductor Georg Solti, who won 31 Grammys.
      Viola Davis now joins the elite group of EGOT winners with her victory at the Grammy awards. Known as US entertainment’s grand slam, the acronym EGOT signifies a recipient of an Emmy, a Grammy, an Oscar and a Tony award. Davis won her first Grammy this year for her audiobook recording of her memoir, Finding Me.
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    LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - FEBRUARY 05: Viola Davis accepts the Audio Book, Narration and Storytelling Recording award for Finding Me during the 65th GRAMMY Awards Premiere Ceremony at Microsoft Theater on February 05, 2023 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images for The Recording Academy)
     The 65th Annual GRAMMY Awards® also included a historic segment celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Hip Hop while showcasing the genre's rich history and continued global influence.
       Included in the Hip Hop tribute were dynamic performances by Big Boi, Busta Rhymes with Spliff Star, De La Soul, DJ Drama, DJ Jazzy Jeff, Missy Elliott, Future, GloRilla, Grandmaster Flash, Grandmaster Mele Mel & Scorpio/Ethiopian King, Ice-T, Lil Baby, Lil Wayne, The Lox, Method Man, Nelly, Public Enemy, Queen Latifah, Rahiem, Rakim, RUN-DMC, Salt-N-Pepa, Spinderella, Scarface, Swizz Beatz, and Too $hort. LL COOL J introduced the segment, performed and give a dedication to hip hop. Questlove served as producer and musical director.
  "For five decades, Hip Hop has not only been a defining force in music, but a major influence on our culture," said Harvey Mason jr., CEO of the Recording Academy. "Its contributions to art, fashion, sport, politics, and society cannot be overstated. I'm so proud that we are honoring it in such a spectacular way on the GRAMMY stage. It is just the beginning of our year-long celebration of this essential genre of music." The all-star performance was part of Paramount Global's companywide initiative to honor the 50th Anniversary of Hip Hop.
    Other Grammy® performers included Bad Bunny, Mary J. Blige, Brandi Carlile, Luke Combs, Steve Lacy, Lizzo, Kim Petras, Sam Smith, and Harry Styles.
      A diverse roster of presenters included First Lady Jill Biden, GRAMMY® winner Cardi B, actor, producer, writer, and host James Corden, Billy Crystal, Viola Davis, actor Dwayne Johnson, three-time GRAMMY winner Olivia Rodrigo, and five-time GRAMMY winner Shania Twain.
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     LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - FEBRUARY 05: (L-R) Black Thought, Kirk Franklin, and Posdnuos attend the 65th GRAMMY Awards on February 05, 2023 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for The Recording Academy) 
        Our Texas own Gospel superstar Kirk Franklin along with Maverick City Music won Gospel Performance/Song for “Kingdom,” Best Contemporary Christian Music Performance/Song for “Fear Is Not My Future, Best Gospel Album “Kingdom Book One Deluxe,” and Best Contemporary Christian Music Album for “Breathe.”
     GRAMMY® Award-winning artists Dr. Dre, Missy Elliott and Lil Wayne, and music executive Sylvia Rhone were honored during the Recording Academy® Honors Presented By The Black Music Collective event taking place during GRAMMY® Week. All four honorees will be receiving the Recording Academy Global Impact Award for their personal and professional achievements in the music industry.
     Lizzo won the Grammy’s Record of the Year for her single “About Damn Time,” beating out ABBA, Adele, Beyoncé, Brandi Carlile, Doja Cat, Harry Styles, Kendrick Lamar, Mary J. Blige, and Steve Lacy! In her acceptance speech, Lizzo recognized artists who inspired her including Prince and Beyoncé.
            The evening closed with a performance by DJ Khaled performing “God Did” with musical collaborators Fridayy, Jay-Z, John Legend, Lil Wayne, and Rick Ross. For a complete list of 2023 Grammy Award Winners visit www.grammy.com.
                                                                           # # #
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theusarticles · 2 years
Grammy nominations 2022: See the list of nominees
Grammy nominations 2022: See the list of nominees
CNN  —  The nominations for the 2023 Grammy Awards were revealed on Tuesday. Beyoncé led among nominees with nine nods for her album “Renaissance.” Kendrick Lamar scored eight nominations, while Adele and Brandi Carlile each got seven. Recording Academy CEO Harvey Mason Jr. was joined in the announcement by Dan + Shay, Smokey Robinson, Machine Gun Kelly, John Legend and more. The Grammy…
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bluebellhairpin · 11 months
Thou So Long Hast Mourn'd
Bruce Wayne X Batmom!Reader
Summary: After Jason's passing, your grief and anger combined causes you to leave Gotham - swearing only to return when you have a perfect chance to kill the Joker for what he did to your son. (Part 2 to 'Hell Hath No Fury')
Warnings: Loss and Grief (Mentions of a funeral and repeated mentions of Jason dying. We miss Mumma's Boy Jay a lot :( ). Bad coping mechanisms all round. Clark Kent acts as a marital buffer. (Reader is fem coded; has she/her pronouns; is referred to as ‘wife’ multiple times. Has the hero name of 'Valentine'.)
Listening to: 'Skyfall' By Adele - "I know I'd never be me without the security of your loving arms keeping me from harm."
Series Masterlist || Masterlist || Ko-Fi
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Yes, thou shalt know, spite of thy past Distress, - 
Jason’s funeral was attended by a very small number of people. Yourself, Bruce, Dick, and Alfred all front and center. 
For days, weeks, the media pestered asking question after question. “A tragic accident.” Commissioner Gordon would reply. It became you answer too, like a well-rehearsed prayer. 
A tragic accident. Tragic. Accidental tragedy. Accident. 
Except it was no such accident. Someone killed Jason. A man, who still walked free, murdered your son. 
Even now, a month after you buried the child, as you sat listening to rain pat against the window panes in Wayne Manor, you remembered what you’d told Bruce the night he brought Jason home for the last time. 
“I’m going to kill him.” you said. “I’m going to kill the Joker.” You told Bruce you’d do what you’d vowed to never do again. You promised yourself to avenge your son, to make sure no one else would ever lose a child to that monster ever again. 
Ever since that night you’d felt a wedge slide between you and Bruce. Dick, only sixteen and having lost the closest thing he had to a brother was feeling it - you could see it on his face, and they way he held his shoulders at dinner. How you were feeling, how little Bruce was doing about it - none of it was doing Dick any good. 
Aside from the anger, you didn’t know how you were feeling. You never thought you’d ever be a mother - you had no idea what to do to help anyone. So you left. 
Bruce was out on patrol - he dove into Batman head first, a bitter feeling in your stomach had you thinking he was compensating. Dick was out - gymnastic practice, which Alfred was in charge of tonight. You were left alone in a huge house, and you couldn’t stand to stay there any longer. 
A small bag was packed with basics - clothes, cash, a few weapons from the cave, and a single family photo taken while on vacation just that past summer (stolen from its frame and folded into a jacket pocket close to your heart). As you walked past the main living space, you stopped, and looked up towards the item hanging above the fireplace. 
The sword - Excalibur - a god-given gift to humankind to exact true justice, now resting as a collectors antique catching dust. You knew if you took it that you would be able to do what you needed to. During your time using it there was no greater pull than to execute Joker - yet something always stopped you. 
You knew it was Bruce. 
Even already, your own guilt over what you meant to do wouldn’t let you take it with you. 
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Naturally, on that night, Alfred brought Dick was home first. It was already nine thirty, and while Dick would be up for a long while, he knew the boy wasn’t sleeping proper anymore. 
Alfred sent him up to his room anyway, reassuringly with a hand on his shoulder, telling him to go try and get some rest. 
But Alfred knew something wasn’t right in the Manor the moment he stepped inside. It was too quiet. Like it had been empty as long as they’d been away - even though he knew full well you should’ve been there to keep the house alive. 
Although not trained, the butler had a sixth sense for a lot of things - he was a natural at whatever he sent his mind to (in his youth it was acting, and hence so seeing through lies and reading rooms (for improvisation, obviously) went with it). He set out to find you. Looked in all the usual places, and the unusual ones, in the big rooms and the small ones. 
In the last week or so you’d taken to spending time sitting in the walk-in-fridge. He worried about you a lot. While Dick still had school and his friends, and Bruce threw himself into Batman, you only really had yourself. It wasn’t healthy. 
But no matter how much he looked, or where he looked, you were nowhere to be found - not in the house, nor in the grounds. You’d said nothing about going out when he left, he would’ve remembered. In a last ditch effort to find you, he looked in one last place. 
But you hadn’t been in the Batcave since Jason came home. 
It was there, as he walked down a set of stairs, that he noticed a piece of paper haphazardly taped to one of the center computer monitors. 
He grabbed it, and flipped it open, reading quietly to himself the words inside, scrawled in your handwriting. 
‘Bruce, Don’t look, you know I won’t let you find me. I’m going to do something you will hate me for - probably forever. I can’t keep living like this knowing Jason’s killer is out there killing more mother’s sons. Take care of Dickie. Don’t take Alfred for granted.’
The older man found himself sinking into the chair beside him.
He had a hunch this was coming - he wasn’t in the cave the night Bruce brought Jason home, instead at the time he was upstairs taking a call from an excited Dick who was recalling his day spent doing a treasure hunt around Blüdhaven for a school camp trip that lasted the whole week. Alfred had no idea how you first reacted - he didn’t know how Bruce reacted to your reaction. 
He knew it wasn’t good. Especially since in your note you didn’t even say goodbye to your husband. 
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You’d been hiding in a place you knew Bruce wouldn’t ever look - he always hated visiting Metropolis, the city was too bright.  
You knew no one there would snitch on you - most didn’t even recognize you, and the one person who did, conveniently the man who was the closest thing Bruce had to a best friend, wouldn’t ever snitch on you. Not for this. 
‘I needed a break,’ you’d lied, ‘Couldn’t handle being in Gotham after…’ You never finished, and you knew Clark could see through a lie like glass - but the grief he could see. He could also see the anger simmering underneath. He never called you out for it though. 
You’d been there a while, waiting, watching Gotham from a distance Bruce wouldn’t see you from. You kept tabs mostly on Batman - although interviews with Bruce having to explain where his wife went were entertaining (in a sick, satisfying way). Sometimes you were sick, others you were out of town, most times you ‘weren’t feeling up to it’ - the latter two would be closest to the truth, not that he’d know that. 
You often looked fondly at whatever information came though about Dick - he took out the gymnastics first place for his age bracket in the Gotham state. The picture made your heart ache - his smile was wide and toothy, but even though your printed newspaper you could tell it wasn’t reaching his eyes. 
Who you were watching most, though, was the Joker. You combed through old reports and new ones. Even called up Harley Quinn a few times, just to get a perspective on him from someone who was - at one point - much closer to him. She asked you why you wanted to know. 
“I need to know.” 
“O-kay. And where exactly have you been Val?” she’d said, voice crackling down the hotel landline, “You ain’t locking yourself up in that Mansion are ya?” 
“No. I’m not in Gotham right now.” 
“So what’s even the Joker to ya if you ain’t even here huh?” 
“When I come back,” you said, “I’m going to kill him.” 
You became a Joker expert in almost one night.
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You got a late night visitor less than a week after that phone call. Clad in red and blue, with a gaudy cape and that stupid ringlet you and Bruce would always bitch about on late nights under bed covers. 
You were a little happy to see Clark - you actually had nothing against him, it was all just in jest (or solidarity because Bruce was your husband). He was let in pretty quickly. Mostly to avoid questions from the nosey couple who’d been staying in the room next to yours for the past three days. 
He stood around awkwardly while you watched him from the seat next to the room’s microwave, posture screaming Clark Kent, journalist, even though he looked like Superman, world-know superhero. 
“I’m, uh -” he started after you stared at him hard, wordlessly willing him to speak, “- I’m worried. I think you should go back to Gotham soon. To Bruce, specifically.” 
“And why’s that?” He looked at you like you’d just said you had Kryptonite in your pocket. 
“Because you’re in trouble.” 
“I’m here in Metropolis, I’m with you right now, I couldn’t be in less trouble if I tried.” 
“You know I have super hearing.” he said sheepishly. It was like he was telling his Ma he ran over her peonies with a bicycle. You put two and two together quickly though. 
“You’ve been spying on me?” 
“For me!” He said, stepping back with his palms towards the sky, “I feel better about not telling Bruce if I know what’s going on with you.” 
“And so what part of your spying brought you here tonight?” Both your arms and legs crossed, you could tell from his face he didn't mean for you to get so offensive so quickly. 
“You were talking to Harley Quinn?” 
“Oh that,” you scoffed with a wave of your hand, “Even Bruce does that. She’s not so bad. Taught me how to roller-skate you know.” 
“About the Joker?” 
“That happens often when my husband is being a pain in my ass,” you said, “Reminds me he could be much, much worse.” Clark motioned his head - ‘fair’, but then he returned serious once more. This time it wasn’t a question. 
“You said you were going to kill him.” 
You knew he couldn’t read your mind, but he could hear how your heartbeat picked up. He had to know you knew you’d been caught. He sat down on the edge of the bed, waiting for your answer in the most approachable way he knew in that moment. 
“I’d be doing everyone a favor.” 
“Bruce - I don’t know what he’d do. He could hate you.” 
“I’m sure he hates me right now anyway.” 
“You can’t believe that,” Clark said, looking up at you with blue eyes that almost looked like Bruce’s. “You don’t really believe he hates you right now?” You took a great interest in the patterned carpet. Clark said your name, and you reluctantly looked back at him. 
“He misses you.” 
“I miss my son.” You bit back at him bitterly. His face remained hard. This was suddenly no longer Clark. You were talking to Superman now. 
“I’m not sure how to say this kindly,” Clark said with a firm voice, “But you’re so focused on the child you lost that you’re abandoning the one that’s still here. Bruce misses you, but Dick misses you even more. He doesn’t need to lose another Mom.” 
His stare was hard, stubborn - he wasn’t going to let up. Your stare was hard too - sour and angry, not because you didn't believe him, but because you knew how right he was. 
“I think you can leave now.”
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Two weeks later, after a late night grocery run that consisted mostly of chicken noodle cups and instant coffee, you found a lump of black sitting in the dark with its back against the door of your room. 
Clark told Bruce. 
He didn’t seem to notice your approach, but once you stood toe-to-toe with his polished Oxford shoes, you kicked his leg. 
“Get up.” 
His head of messy hair lifted, and when his brain fully processed you - his wife, finally! - standing before him, he almost jumped to his feet. Uncharacteristic of him outside his prior - and now ditched - playboy persona. 
He breathed your name, stepping forward with hands outstretched as if to hug you. You took a step back. Clark, apparently hadn’t told him everything - if he had, he was taking it very, very well. 
“Where’s Dick?”��
“With Alfred,” he said, hands falling to his sides again after you hummed in acknowledgment. You both stood in silence for a while, before you gestured to a door with a full hand. He got the hint, stepping away, then taking the bags away from one hand as you fumbled for your keys. 
The quiet continued as you let yourselves in, you sat the shopping on the bench, and he made himself at home at the table near the door. You sat back down in the microwave chair, the furthest place from him you could be while still staying in the room. 
“Been keeping busy, Bruce?” you asked, he turned to fully face you in his seat. 
“Not really,” he said, “I’ve been looking for you. Never thought you’d be here,” You almost smiled, thinking about how right you were for coming here. Almost. 
“Heard you went to Saudi Arabia while I’ve been gone.” 
“It was nothing. Really.” 
“You couldn’t have been looking too hard if you were able to take a ‘nothing, really’ trip to the Arabian Mountains.” 
“I’m not here to fight with you,” Bruce said, resting a palm on his knee, “I’m here to ask you to come home. We all miss you.” his last words came out very quietly. “It’s been months. Nothings going to get easier if you stay away.” 
“Are you listening to yourself?” you said with a soft scoff, “He who literally spent every single night after Jason died away from home. He who spends every moment he can down in a dark damp cave rather than with his family - I don’t think you get to tell me where I should be.” You felt tears well in your eyes - hot and fat if they fell, but you willed yourself not to let them. Bruce’s shoulders softened, and he stood and walked closer slowly, coming to kneel before you with his fingers just touching yours. 
“We both haven’t been doing well, have we?” his head shook and his voice was barely audible. It was like he was speaking to himself. His admission - finally, his own pride and stubbornness aside, and it made yours disappear like dust in the wind. 
“You need to see my bathroom,” you said. His head cocked, a sly smile twitched onto his lips. 
“Oh?” he said, “And what might I find there?” But you weren’t smiling. You were trying to be honest.
“Just go look.” you said, turning away from him, bringing your hand away. Telling him with your actions that you weren’t going to be talking until he did. 
He stood, opening the bathroom door behind you and flicking on the light. You could feel how still he was. Taking in the room, and what was inside it. 
All across the mirror and walls were taped up newspaper clippings and photos and articles printed off from the library, old and new, a few of him - Batman - but most of the Joker. Beside the toilet was a case - one he knew would hold parts of a rifle (parts he'd seen you pull apart and put back together in a minute flat) - and across the sink were knives and gun magazines. 
Bruce stepped off the carpet and onto the tile. There was a little list in the center of the mirror, written in red and with the last line underlined.
‘Kill the Joker’. 
When he returned to you, he was holding the list in one hand. 
“When were you planning on doing this?” he asked. You weren’t able to meet his eyes when you answered. 
“Whenever I go back to Gotham.” His body went rigid beside you. Audibly, he let out a breath.
“I’ve thought about it too. Just getting rid of him like that.” he admitted, voice quiet and with a rough edge, “But I know it won’t help. It won’t bring him back.” 
“This isn’t about bringing him back. If I knew it could bring Jason back I’d have done it weeks ago.” You looked up at Bruce as you spoke, watching as his face crinkled in disbelief. 
“You’re so serious about this.” 
“How could you still think I’m not serious?” you said, standing to help convince yourself you weren’t as unsure as you felt. “I will do it. A time will come when that monster dies - wherever it is I will be standing by watching.” 
He watched you. Analyzing your face and the way your eyes moved. His face set like stone, hard and sure and you knew he was much more upset now having found out than what he was when you were missing. He took a step back. 
Bruce was moving towards the door. 
“I won’t stop you. I couldn’t bear to.” he turned, hand on the door handle, “But Batman still will.”
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As far as you knew, you’d made it back into Gotham City undetected. 
You knew the route’s Bruce - no - Batman, took while out on patrol. You knew the surveillance he constantly would check. You knew because for years you’d helped him do it all. 
Thankfully, you had a not-so-little little helper - Joker assassination aside, Harley was more than happy to put you up for a while. After you’d killed Joker you’d planned to turn tail and leave again - maybe hide someplace in Australia where no one barely goes. It wasn’t like you had to put up with her long anyway. 
Harley was great, but you’d have to love her a whole lot to live with her longer than a week. But you weren’t planning to stay that long. 
You’d tracked Joker to an apartment complex near Arkham - you knew he wouldn’t stay there forever, so you needed to act fast. 
Your weapons of choice were clean and ready to go, your escape routes A through to D were memorized, a hood and bandana combo were acquired to hide your identity long enough for no one around to know it was you. By all means and definitions you were ready to go. 
You left Harley’s place wordlessly. You were sure she didn’t even know you left. 
A cloak and the shadows of night concealed you from most passersby. Slowly, slowly you stalked towards where you knew the Joker to be. When you climbed the fire escape to find your vantage point, you almost didn’t make it all the way there because you saw Him. 
Sitting, lounging. Acting like there was not a single thing in the world to worry about. It made you so angry you could scream, claw your eyes out, you could do so many things all because that man couldn’t care less about your son dying. 
In fact, you didn’t make it to your original vantage point. 
You settled right there, three levels lower than planned, and took the rifle off your shoulder. Clipping on the scope, twisting the silencer on, packing the magazine in. Settled your body into a comfortable position, then raised the gun to look at your target through the scope. 
With greasy green hair and yellow teeth, you watched him smile through the crosshairs. With a sneer you flicked the safety off. You were ready to take the shot.
A flash of red, green and yellow came in front of the Joker. You frowned, confused. Pulling the scope back you looked again with a wider range and saw something that made your heart drop. Someone was tied up and presented to him like a present. 
The Joker had Robin. 
Your Robin. Your son. Your Dick Grayson. 
Suddenly this was more than just a chance to avenge Jason. A switch flicked inside your heart. This wasn’t a chance to avenge Jason anymore; this was you, saving the son you had left. This was you not giving that monster the chance to keep you in black. 
The lethal rifle was ditched right there on the fire escape, not caring if a lowlife found it before you could return. The knives you’d stashed - ‘just in case’ - were now your swords. Their piercing blades becoming the only thing shielding those who stood in your way a feral beating from bare fists. 
No one was standing in your way of taking Dick home safely. 
Your veins pumped white hot, you saw red all over. This was not going to happen a second time. It wasn’t ever going to happen again. 
A goon at the door stood in your way, he was met with a knee to the crotch and a wound to his shoulder to keep him down. More on the stairs were thrown over bannisters. One had his head smashed into the doorway of the Joker’s apartment. Another was given a hard elbow to the back of his neck. 
You weren’t aiming to kill - you were aiming to get them out of your way, and keep them that way. 
When you reached the room which window you saw through, there were only four other people aside from yourself, your son, and that murdering bastard. They all stayed quiet, goons waiting on a call to action from their boss. You missed the way Dick’s eyes widened as he realised his Mom was here. You were busy staring down the Joker, trying to make him feel just how much pure hate you had for him without a single word. 
“Give me Robin,” you said, voice low, venomous. Dangerous. 
“Well if you want him so bad, and since you asked nicely,” His smile spread wide and uncanny. “Come and get him.” 
So you did. 
Like a blur of back and blue, you had all four men either out cold or groaning on the floor. The Joker himself was under your kneeling form with his teeth now stained red and an eyes swollen shut. 
“Listen well because I’ll only say it once.” You said, your hand a rough fist in his hair to make sure he looked into your eyes and saw exactly how much of a threat your promise was. 
“I spared your life today. I will never do it again. I am not the Batman. The next time I find you trying to pull something with one of my Robin’s and you see me coming you'd better run the other way because I will kill you.”
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After untying Dick, retrieving your abandoned gear, and throwing Joker into Arkham, you reconvened with Dick on a nearby rooftop. 
You barely stood upright on two legs before he barreled into you, arms thrown around your waist with his face squished right into your collarbone. He’d grown taller in the time you’d been away. You felt tears fall as your arms wrapped around him in kind. 
“I’ve missed you Mom.” he mumbled into your shirt, “Please don’t go away again. Please.” 
A hand raised to the back of his head as you pressed your covered nose into his hair. You took a deep breath with your eyes closed, then opened them, peeling you both apart just enough to take in each other's faces. Even with his mask on you could see how much he was pleading with you to stay.
You brushed his hair away from his face - he needed a haircut soon. 
You wanted to stay, you never wanted to leave him ever again, not after tonight. But would Bruce let you? 
Out the corner of your eye you saw a black drop fall onto the rooftop a little ways off. Batman. He stood, tall and intimidating. In that moment you had half a mind to take a step back even though he made no move closer to you. 
Instead you just held Dick a little tighter. 
Bruce's hand reached out to you, palm open, outstretched, and empty. Waiting for you to take it. 
“I think we can go home now.” he said, “We all can.” Like that, Batman disappeared. Bruce was here. You guessed he bluffed - when it came to you Bruce was always there. 
Things were not going to go back to normal. They weren’t for a while. But the best thing you could do was stay together, all together. As a family. 
Nothing was going to push that away from you again. 
- And all those Ills which thou so long hast mourn'd;
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corroded-hellfire · 5 months
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St. Valentine’s Day is upon us! In honor, I thought it would be fun to host an event for all my fellow writers. I’ve prepared a playlist of 30 songs all dealing with love—from the wonder of it to the heartbreak it can cause. I can’t wait to read what you come up with!
Rundown of the event:
❤️ Pick a song + a character
Choose from:
💜 Eddie Munson
💜 Steve Harrington
💜 Nancy Wheeler
💜 Robin Buckley
💜 Billy Hargrove
💜 Jonathan Byers
💜 Argyle
🩷 Write a blurb using that song as a prompt/guide. It could be the title, a lyric, the story it tells—whatever speaks to you
🩵 No more than 4k words
💚 Post it on or before February 14, tag @corroded-hellfire, and I will add it to a masterlist for the event
Feel free to message me with any questions!
The playlist is posted below
Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran
Silly Love Songs by Wings
What A Man Gotta Do by Jonas Brothers
Rewrite the Stars from The Greatest Showman
Suspicious Minds by Elvis Presley
Just Give Me a Reason by Pink
Livin' On a Prayer by Bon Jovi
Only Us from Dear Evan Hansen
Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Queen
Happier by Olivia Rodrigo
Glad You Came by The Wanted
I Want You to Want Me by Cheap Trick
Love Story by Taylor Swift
As Long As You're Mine from Wicked
Someone Like You by Adele
Paradise by the Dashboard Light by Meatloaf
Last Night by Morgan Wallen
I'll Cover You from Rent
I Want U Bad by R5
Mr. Brightside by The Killers
I've Just Seen a Face by The Beatles
Remember Me from Coco
Only the Good Die Young by Billy Joel
Until I Found You by Stephen Sanchez
You Oughta Know by Alanis Morisette
When You Look Me in the Eyes by Jonas Brothers
Stacy's Mom by Fountains of Wayne
Can't Take My Eyes Off of You by Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons
Run Away With Me from The Mad Ones
Thinking of You by Katy Perry
Links to listen to songs can be found here! (Can’t guarantee the links will work outside of the US but you can certainly look up the songs on your own!)
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simpforfandoms · 1 year
to be loved
please send in requests, it’s like the only way I have actual motivation to write. wrote this in an hour after writing a six page essay. sorry I haven’t been active
summary: you want to be lost in him, but not in this way.
pairing: bruce wayne x reader (no pronouns used (at least I don’t think))
genre: angst no comfort because in real life that doesn’t happen.
warnings: no editing
word count: 1.6k
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“You’re being so much like your father”
“My father was a good man.”
“Oh please, your father was a corrupt business man!”
The conversation is now a full blown argument. It wasn’t about getting your point across. It wasn’t about trying to state your mind. No it was a competition. Who could respond quicker? Who could hurt the other person more? Who would win? No more educated statements, only rash insults.
“Don’t you dare talk about my father that way!” He yells walking toward you, as to challenge you.
You shake your head at his tactics, “Everyone told me you got the worst qualities from your father. The self absorbness, the playboy facade, and the way you can never see when to give up. That you would never make a good husband” You scoff in disbelief. “And I defended you! Never noticing your red flags because you hid them so well!” You cry out
“Oh you want to present yourself as a victim to make yourself feel better? You and I both know you chose this life” He screams at you.
In every argument you have ever had, never once had he screamed at you. In all the rage and frustration, your beloved and devoted husband had never ever been as mad at you as he was now. His eyes were hardened and no matter how deep you looked into them you could find not a once of love. The very realization of this made you sick to your stomach, and you instantly feel tears well. Whether they were from shock, frustration, or sadness, you didn’t know. In truth, you knew you had no right to be upset at his words. You’re the one who started the argument. But some selfish part of you did want to play the victim. Deep down you knew there was truth to his words, not that you’d ever admit it.
“You wanted it until you didn’t.” He states much calmer than before. You assume this is probably because he noticed your tears or maybe it was because he just wanted to stop the yelling.
You shake your head rapidly, as if to stop the tears, “What choice did I have? I wanted you! Not the Batman. And when you told me that you couldn’t- No that you wouldn’t give up the mask, I understood, I really did. And when things started getting tough I was there for you because I love you. And to love you means to love every part of you including Batman. But now it seems you’re consumed by it, him. The man I fell in love with is no longer there. It’s just a shell of a man that once was. I don’t recognize you anymore. I look at you and all I see him”
You look him in the eyes to see anything, anything at all, but you see nothing but a mask. A mask he was putting on. You sigh. Maybe this is the end of it all. You didn’t want it to be. You love him. Hell, you had given your whole life to him. You didn’t go out and explore the world, unlike Bruce who left you for a 7 year journey. But you never once dated anyone else during that time. Remaining faithful. Because you loved him and couldn’t betray him like that even if you were on a break. When he said he had to leave to do something important, you promised him that you would be there when he came back with open arms. You’d know him since you were children, dated since you were teenagers, married since you were adults. Never once have you dared to look at another man. Bruce was the only man for you. You were sure of it. But sometimes you wondered what life would be like if you hadn’t waited for him all those years ago. You often get postcards from your old friends exploring the world. Each and everyone you read with a pinge of envy. Envious that they got to live their life while you’re here in Gotham, still with your Highschool sweet heart. Maybe that’s why you never went to any of the stupid highschool reunions. You knew they would judge you for being in the same spot and relationship you were in all those years ago. They would ask you what have you done? And you wouldn’t know how to respond. Truth is you’ve done nothing with your life but Bruce. He was your whole life. Your whole goddamn universe. But somewhere alone the line you got tired of it. Tired of it all. You felt stuck. And that’s the worse feeling in the whole world. A third wheel in your own relationship. You can’t just leave him because throughout the years it became a kind of codependency. He couldn’t function without you, and you without him. But you can’t do it anymore. It deteriorating you. Can’t he see your sunken eyes from staying up all night waiting for him? Your callused hands from stitching his wounds? Your biten lips from biting them every-time he goes out in fear he might not return? You love him with all your heart but sometimes love just isn’t enough.
He lets out a long breath and closes his eyes. He loves you. He knows that. He knows you better than anyone, but yet he doesn’t know what you want him to do. Perhaps he should do what he wants to do. But what he wants to do is run out and go punch some unsuspecting criminals to blow off steam. What good would that do if when he gets back you might not be there? However this is Bruce Wayne we’re talking about. The Bruce Wayne that is afraid. Afraid that even if he does try to talk it out you’ll admit something that will be harder to swallow than you just leaving unannounced. He wouldn’t know how’d he handle it if you ever blatantly told him you were leaving and why. He can stand you leaving without closure because then at least he can still have hope. He wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he had to accept the truth. That it’s his fault that you’re leaving. So he did what he does best. Leave to go punch some bad guys.
You scoff through tears in disbelief, he had turned away from you to go on patrol. Typical Bruce. You wanted him to fight. To argue. To reassure you that everything was going to be alright. That he still loved you. That he cared. But he doesn’t. Instead he gets into the Batmobile and drives off. You don’t know why you expected more from him. You had almost yelled after him. But you didn’t. Now no amount of words can fix what’s already broken. It’s time you let go of this broken ship before it takes you down with it.
When Bruce gets back he’s not surprised that all of your stuff is gone. He anticipated it. But yet it still hurts. A part of him had hoped that you would be waiting when he got home. Opened armed and ready for his apology, like you had done so many times before. This time was different though. You had pulled your heart and soul out to him and he ignored you. It was the straw that broke the camel’s back. You finally came to your senses that you deserved better. Bruce let’s out a weak smile at the thought of you finally being happy in all the way he couldn’t make you. Your crinkled eyes as you smiled. Your laugh that you thought was the ugliest thing, but the most beautiful thing to him. You deserved to be like that all the time. You deserve it all, he thinks. He is taken back to the harsh reality of the situation by a soft knock. He can’t help the way his heart leaps at the thought that it might be you. But then he opens the door and sees Alfred. His hope instantly fading.
“Master Bruce, I brought you some sleeping tea. As I imagine that it might be hard for you to sleep.” That’s all Alfred says, and places the the tea tray on the bedside table.
Nothing more nothing less. That’s what everyone loves about Alfred. He knows not to bring up you gone because he knows Bruce isn’t ready to talk about it. But he’ll bring him tea to silently let him know that he’s knows and he’s there. Bruce wonders if he had done the same for you. Well comforted you as you were leaving. Reassured you that you’d be okay. He’s glad that Alfred brought him some tea so he can go to sleep where his dreams with you reside. Bruce can’t help but feel the ache in the top of his stomach at the thought of you. Guilt? Sadness? Anger? Perhaps all three. He’s mad at himself for not fighting for you when he had the chance. Guilt for not giving up the stupid Batman. He knew you would do it for him. Had he said the word you would do anything for him. If he had told you to stay you would’ve. Guilt for keeping you in a this relationship for so long when you deserved so much better. His subconscious knew that he couldn’t keep you trapped in a relationship with him forever. So he let you go. He loves you, and you him. But like they always say if you love something you have to let it go. But letting you go it is better than losing the love completely if he continued to drain you. It would grow to become a even more resentful marriage than it already was. At least now there was still love left, and cherished memories not ruined by hate and anguish.
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karlyanalora · 3 months
Fiera: Is something burning? Bruce: Just my love for you. Fiera: Bruce, the toaster is on fire.
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eddiesguitarskills · 1 year
When We Were Young
Part 3
Ex Eddie Munson X reader
Other parts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
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Intro: 5 years have past since you packed up and left behind Hawkins. Well not all of it, as the people you met there are still a huge part of your life. But it's been 5 years since you had set a foot in the small town, 5 years since you left him. And now after all that time you were back.
Warning: angst, language, mentions of suicide, miscarriages, self harm, mental health. Use of y/n. Slow burn. Arguments. Mentions of break ups. Female identity reader.
Bold parts are flashbacks
Word count: 2.2k
A/n: please only read if you are in a good place, I wouldn't want this story to trigger or hurt anyone. I'm sorry this part it short but I didn't want to add loads in when it felt like a good place to end this part. Also there will be happy moments coming soon, it's just super slow burn. Let me know if you wanna be tagged in the next part, thank you for reading
Not prove read.
Despite the panic attack you had after Eddie left, you still went downstairs and pretended to be fine. Everyone was so excited to see you, you didn’t want to ruin that. You couldn't let them see how broken you felt. You had to be okay. You couldn't make them worry about you again, especially Steve. So you smiled and laughed, pretending your hands weren’t hurting from your nails digging into the palms.
After a long night, you went to your new house, you couldn’t make it to the bedroom with how emotionally exhausted you felt. So tired, that you couldn’t even make sounds as you silently sobbed on the sofa until you eventually fell asleep.
You woke up with the promise today would be a better day, last night you just slipped into your old self. You were better now. No stupid ex could ruin your progress. You needed to get some groceries for the house so at least you had something to distract your mind for a little while.
As you drove in your new red Ford (well it was a used ford from a couple of years) to the grocery store you expected everything to look different, but to your surprise, it was the same. The florist with the pink lettering on the window spelling out its name Haley’s, the paint had slightly started to peel but it was still there. The 50% off at the clothing boutique. Even the graffiti that was on the side of the market was still there, from four years ago. The town was stuck in a time warp, maybe it wouldn’t take as much time to adjust.
Grabbing a shopping cart you slowly walk down the isles not sticking to the list you wrote at home. Picking up all sorts of snacks. You had missed American cuisine. Your cart was getting full. I guess it’s true what they said about how you shouldn't come shopping on an empty stomach. The cart was old and rusty, meaning the fuller the cart got the harder to steer it was. The wheels screeched and lagged every time a new item was added. You turned the corner to enter another aisle when the left wheel furthest away from you decided to jam, ramming you into a customer's cart.
“I am so sorry” you look up at the old man wearing a cap. Maybe it wasn’t your ex you were a magnet too, maybe it was just the Munson’s. He frowned at you. Okay so maybe not everything was the same. Wayne was known for being grumpy to others but you only knew him as a sweetheart he was never anything but kind to you. You had never seen him look at you like this. There was a disappointment hidden beneath his eyes, that you, unfortunately, didn’t miss. “For what? Bumping into my cart or breaking my son’s heart?” You don’t know what you expected him to say. But maybe silence would have been better. The words stung you.
His son was the one to break your heart, not the other way around. Sure it might have hurt him when you left, but how were you supposed to feel when he didn’t give you a choice? And the only way of having part of him was taken away from you.
“Do you want me to be your little housewife and have food on the table ready for when you get back from your big successful job?". You stared in disbelief despite the thoughts building like a storm in your head. “Is that what you think?” He hated when you used that voice. The one where it sounded like you were about to break.
It made him hate himself more than he already did. Maybe this is why he was treating you this way. Seeing if you take his bait, to see if you thought he was as worthless as he felt. He didn’t want to hear that voice in his head, he didn’t want to see the disappointment on your face right now, he just needed something to numb it all. So he turned away from you in search of a blunt, a pill, powder, anything.
His turning away from you, caused the storm to break loose, this was the end and he wasn’t even kind enough to break up with you in words. “Fuck you” you whispered and left. You got in your car. Driving as far as you could from him. You could see just enough to get as far as the Family Video which wasn’t a long way from the trailer park before your tears completely cover your eyes sight. You pulled up not wanting to risk anyone’s life. breathing heavily, panic intensifying. In comprehensive words being screamed from your mouth. Cursing out to the universe, Eddie and apologising to the life in your stomach.
God how you wanted to curse his nephew out and tell Wayne the whole truth. But as Eddie said you were nothing so why did it matter anymore? You did hate how you had never said goodbye to the man who took you into his family so easily. Making sure you were always welcome. Making sure your favourite snacks were in his home despite not having the money and living paycheck to paycheck. So you just said “I’m sorry Wayne” he didn’t need to know that it was an apology to him, not his nephew.
His face didn’t change, you guess this was the Wayne Munson everyone talked about, the cold-hearted, scary guy. You had never been on the receiving end of this version of him but it was frightening. So you looked down, scared if you look up for a second more you would cry. “That kid already had a hard enough life, he didn’t need you promising him a better one and then being like the rest of them. You messed him up so bad that he’s only now just starting to smile again. So if you plan on staying don’t you dare hurt him again”. With that threat he left. You wanted to leave the store than to wallow, but you stood in fear not wanting to cross paths with a Munson again. “Are you okay ma’am?” a shop clerk addresses you. You nod “I’m fine thank you.”
Thankfully you wouldn’t cross paths with another Munson today as Wayne had gone to work and the younger Munson was still in bed hungover. Deciding not to come into work today, he might as well have gone in with how many times Sarah had called, asking how to do things, that she should know how to do. Hearing the constant rings and her voice was giving the boy a headache. Eddie didn’t realise she was only doing this to make sure he was okay, it wasn’t like him to call in sick. After plumping his pillow and changing positions back and forth, he found a comfortable spot and started to close his eyes.
The phone rang again, and he groaned. Picking it up now pissed. “Come on Sarah you called 10 minutes ago, you’re a floor manager you should be better than this. Use some instinct, I shouldn’t have to hold your hand through this”. A male’s chuckle made him realise that it wasn’t his employee on the phone. He knew that laugh anywhere and right now he would have preferred to hear from Sarah 20 more times if it meant not talking to Harrington. “You seem like such a lovely boss” Steve joked, hoping to gauge Eddie’s mood. When he didn’t laugh back or make a snide remark, when he was met with silence. He realise how pissed Eddie was, he was never the quiet type.
Steve sighed “look I know I should have given you a heads up, trust me I was going to. I just got so excited about having her back that I didn’t think-“. Eddie rolled his eyes cutting in “yeah you didn’t think”. Steve ignore the rise Eddie was trying to cause and continued. “I was going to tell you, I just didn’t expect you there, not that I didn’t want to see you. I just didn’t know Dustin invited you. I hoped the first time you met again would go better, I didn't plan for it to go like that”. If the men were in the same room, Eddie might have hit the boy, even if he didn’t mean it. With the rage he was feeling. “Better? Do you really think we could ever get along, After what she did?”.
"shut it Munson" Oh, it was definitely a good job they weren't in the same room. Steve didn’t snap anymore. He tried not to raise his voice because he hated how it made him feel like his father. But he would not have Eddie speak about you like that. Especially with what he did. He had come so far with Eddie, after the first couple of months of the incident he couldn't even look at him. But after time he forgave and tried to understand the boy. But he never forgot. How could he forget?
Steve was blinded by the headlight pouring into the shop window. After a long 12-hour shift he was super tired and didn’t need this. He left the shop storming over to the car, about to tell the jerk off. Until he came closer and realised it was your car. He walked over quicker, wondering what you were up to. Were you trying to be funny, by annoying him? He supposed this is what best friends did. He grabbed open your door, trying to scare you. To get his own back. However, as soon as the door opened, he saw you hysterically crying, clutching your stomach. He got down to his knees in front of you, rubbing your arms. “It hurts so much”.
He wanted to cry looking at you like this, you were always the strong one. The anchor in his life. No matter how scared or how much of a dick he was, you brought him back to earth. You were never like this. You squeezed your eyes in pain, holding your stomach tighter. This was worse than the pain he felt when Nancy left, worse than anything with the upside down. This was the most heartbreaking thing he had ever seen. But he had to be as strong for you as you had been for him. So he sniffed back up the tears. “What hurts y/n?”. You pull his hand from your arm to your stomach. “It hurts Steve”. He couldn't be sure, he hoped it was just stomach pain and not... God, he hoped it wasn't that. All he knew is that he needed to take you to the hospital. “Can you move?”
Eddie wasn't used to this version of Steve, even when they weren't friends Steve hadn't spoken to him like this. At that moment he realised that if there was a choice Steve would always pick you, and maybe all his friends would always pick you. Why was he the only that hated you? At that moment he felt more alone than he had in years. It made him scared, he couldn't be abandoned again. He felt like a child scared of his dad, feeling like he disappointed him. With how quickly Steve was to turn his back on him he wondered if everyone else felt the same. Was he just a place holder until you came back?
You had left, he had stuck around. Sat with his friends while they cried. Make them laugh on bad days. Trained Dustin to be a Dm. Went to hospital appointments with friends. Stayed awake talking them down from nightmares. All while suffering from his own traumas. He never complained because that's what friends do. Especially when they had gone through what they had. You left everyone, and now you could just come back, and everyone would love you. What do you know about hard?
“She got to leave, it couldn't have been that bad.” Steve growled through the phone “you don’t know shit Munson” he slammed the phone down. Eddie was all alone, well not completely, he had his thoughts. He was now wishing for Sarah to call. He felt like he was being smothered by thoughts, what did Steve mean? Eddie might have been mean that night to you, but surely it wasn't enough to qualify this sort of response. How had you had a hard life? Had something happened? Was he missing something? He shook his head. No, he hated you, he needs to keep it this way. He picked up the phone and rang Sarah, as soon as he heard her voice he spoke. “Come over after work”. He slammed the phone down. He needed to forget, Sarah could help with that even if it was only a couple of hours.
A couple of hours before the thoughts would come back and he was swarmed by curiosity, pain and loneliness.
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thadelim · 2 months
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───── ⵌ ㅤ𝐌𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐁𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐘ㅤ/ ㅤ𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑒ㅤ.
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⭑ㅤㅤㅤㅤmulher cis, bissexual. trinta e dois anos. veio de stowe, em vermont, onde vivia como a primeira-dama da cidade, para exercer o papel de a amiga no conto da princesa e o sapo.
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ⵌㅤSabe tocar piano. ⵌㅤTem uma tatuagem nas costas. ⵌㅤNasceu em 27 de Agosto de 1991. ⵌㅤAdora pizza, mas não come uma fatia há anos. ⵌㅤAzul profundo e laranja escuro são as suas cores favoritas. ⵌㅤJá trabalhou em uma padaria relativamente grande, por isso aprendeu algumas coisas sobre sobremesas.
Adora: massa folhada, inverno, nadar, corridas matinais, música, preparar sobremesas, a cor laranja. Detesta: chá verde, discussões, lugares fechados, ser tocada sem permissão, relógios analógicos, se sentir observada. Hobbies: Por ser uma pessoa muito ativa, todos os seus afazeres eram voltados a atividades físicas leves. Aparência: Possui cabelos pretos que vão até o meio das costas, olhos expressivos que são de um tom escuro e sóbrio de castanho. Mede cerca de 1,76cm de altura e possui o físico magro, de curvas sutis.
Tipo: INFJ-T Alinhamento: Neutral Good. Defeitos gritantes: indulgente, estoica, hesitante. Qualidades marcantes: bem articulada, conciliatória, engenhosa. Trejeitos: Desvia o olhar quando está sem jeito ; Se incomodada ou desconfortável, costuma gesticular e se expressar com maior intensidade para disfarçar. Maiores medos: Voltar a ficar presa com Desmond. Entrar em qualquer cubículo apertado e sem ventilação. Personalidade: De personalidade taciturna, Adele dificilmente se envolverá em conflitos extremos ou em situações desbalanceadas. Apesar de ser excelente no falar, revela pouco a respeito como se sente verdadeiramente ou sobre o que pensa. Observadora e perspicaz, é boa em acolher e em ouvir, mas não sabe reagir quando tentam a desvendar. Seu modo de ver as coisas é contido, muito influenciado pelo passado.
ⵌㅤO seu verdadeiro sobrenome é Williams. ⵌㅤA sua história é inspirada na música "How to love, Lil Wayne". ⵌㅤNão tem notícias de seus pais há muitos anos e sequer sabe se estão vivos ou não. ⵌㅤGosta de ter ido para o mundo dos contos e enxerga o acontecimento como uma última chance para tentar salvar a si mesma. ⵌㅤNunca conseguiu abandonar Desmond por estar totalmente presa na rede de manipulações e mentiras criada por ele. De certa forma, se sentia sem forças para tentar, as vezes achava que merecia aquilo tudo.
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Aviso: A leitura a seguir aborda temas que envolvem violência a mulher, e contêm menção aborto e a carecere de privado.
Quando a oportunidade de ouro lhe sorriu brilhantemente, Madeline a agarrou sem medo. Filha de um alcoólatra violento e de uma mulher cruel, viu todos os seus sonhos foram levados à ruína muito cedo. Quando fugiu de casa, aos dezesseis, teve que ralar para sobreviver. Estudava quando dava. Trabalhava dia e noite. Foi garçonete, atendente, caixa de loja e até mesmo babá.
Aos vinte e um, já cansada de correr em círculos, aceitou as dicas de uma amiga sobre trabalhar em um bar como dançarina na intenção de pagar a faculdade. Acabou indo e ali ficou, pois, apesar dos pesares, tinha o suficiente para pagar o aluguel e também para comer. Ainda não conseguia o bastante para as aulas, mas ter um lugar acolhedor e comida na mesa todos os dias bastava.
Assim, seguiu vivendo. Pensava que a vida seria sempre de tom amargo, mas tudo mudou da água para o vinho quando Desmond O’connor entrou no Birds em uma noite de verão. Ele se aproximou depois do show, tímido e falador. Ela pensou que ele era só mais um idiota cheio de segundas intenções, mas se surpreendeu quando ele se apresentou. Ali relembrou de que já havia, por alguns poucos meses, cuidado da pequena filha mais nova do casal O’connor. Faziam quatro anos, quase, mas o cara ainda se recordava de seu rosto como se fosse alguém importante e até mesmo entrou ali só por ter a visto; como poderia negar o convite para saírem juntos? Foi incapaz. Estava encantada.
Depois do primeiro, começaram a sair sempre que ele estava na cidade. Uma coisa levou a outra e logo estavam apaixonados. Quando a proposta de casamento veio, Madeline ficou sem ar. Seria a futura esposa de um político. Seria a nora de uma grande família. Só precisava concordar com o novo sobrenome e a nova história criada por seus pais, e então toda a sua tragédia seria apagada com uma borracha. Disse sim, então. Sim para o casamento. Sim para as primeiras exigências. Sim para os pedidos de desculpas que vieram após o primeiro ato de violência. Sim. Sim. Sim. E até mesmo quando sua pequena bebê, ainda no ventre, perdeu a vida após os ataques de ciúmes do de Desmond, disse sim para a desculpa esfarrapada de que havia sido só um erro de um homem enraivecido pela conduta vil esposa.
Se afogando pouco a pouco naquele caos, viveu dia após dia. Para os que estavam fora da mansão O’connor, era uma refinada mulher de passado vinculado à arte. Dizia a todos que havia conhecido Des em uma galeria. Dizia que haviam perdido o bebê por que caiu enquanto andava a cavalo. Dizia que desaparecia às vezes para visitar os pais ricos no Alasca. Dizia também que era feliz. E, enquanto cuspia tais mentiras com um sorriso bonito, ficava presa no sótão da casa a cada erro. Sofria e sofria sabendo que no raiar do sol deveria portar-se como a mulher mais alegre do mundo.
Dormia e acordava com a certeza que apodreceria em tal escuridão até o fim da vida, mas de repente uma luz brilhante a banhou como num ato de misericórdia. No instante em o livro que havia aparecido misteriosamente na mesa de jantar da mansão, como num piscar de olhos, tudo realmente mudou.
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