#BUT IDC!!!!!
catnerd-13 · 1 month
just had a wild ass dream about spiderpeople and now i have a new spidersona. I fw her tbh she’s a little girlfailure just like me fr
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ilys00ga · 1 month
I love clingy couples SO MUCH. the couples that can't go two hours without interacting or being physically present with one another. the couples that always remember each other in the small little details of their daily lives. the couples that NEED to hear and know what the other is thinking or feeling or doing every hour/minute. the couples that always update each other with any simplest and unimportant thing that happens to them throughout the day. the couples that can't be without one another. the couples that longe for one another. the couples that can't go one to two days without hanging out together. the couples that always glance and look at one another when they are in a room, whether it is empty or not. the couples that constantly and insistently remind one another of how loved and cared for they are, without having to be told to do so.
I, in fact, do not care about independent/individual lives and routines. let me stick to your hip and slip under your skin. carry me wherever you go. think about me like that one haunting lyric line that's been stubbornly tied to the tip of your tongue all week. bitch let love me and let me love you. be obsessed with me and let me be obsessed with you. fuck society!!! let's possess one another!!!!!!
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cactuseri · 4 months
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southernsolarpunk · 5 months
I don’t even care who fucking wins the presidency this year look at this
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spacialsquid · 2 months
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i like them
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froody · 6 days
“can straight men be romantically and sexually attracted to men?” sure, I’m not a cop
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imnotrealdeadass · 4 months
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Do y'all see it, do you see the vision
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blvvdk3ep · 9 months
I love you people going into "useless" fields I love you classics majors I love you cultural studies majors I love you comparative literature majors I love you film studies majors I love you near eastern religions majors I love you Greek, Latin, and Hebrew majors I love you ethnic studies I love you people going into any and all small field that isn't considered lucrative in our rotting capitalist society please never stop keeping the sacred flame of knowledge for the sake of knowledge and understanding humanity and not merely for the sake of money alive
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gravitycoill · 8 months
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lil comic i’ve had in my head for a bit
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danafromunderarock · 2 months
one thing that will always be funny to me about batfam is that jason is forever convinced that dick is bruce's favorite child while all of his siblings know for sure that bruce's favorite child is actually jason
some random reporter: who's your favorite child?
bruce: how DARE YOU imply that i play favorites, i love ALL of my children equally
dick, without missing a bit: oh he absolutely plays favorites, it was jason
tim: rest in peace
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ochibrochi · 23 days
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the first and last time he'll let his brothers pick him up from school (wishful thinking 🙄!)
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tastytoecheese · 2 years
First thing you see after you zoom in is how you die
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How you dying 👀
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goldensunset · 9 months
did you know? if you do your laundry you can get your clothes back
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favroitecrime · 2 months
world war 3 jokes on twitter meanwhile none of them live in the region and none of them understand the severity of the situation. these next few hours will really determine whether or not we head into a regional war…
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frootertooter · 12 days
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I had a vision hit me and had to drop everything to doodle it
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allthegothihopgirls · 3 months
i want to believe that the other batboys get so caught up in how damian NEVER acts like a normal child, that whenever they see him engaging in regular kid activities™ everyone is on high alert whilst trying to preserve the moment.
tim's with kon and they walk past jon's room to see him and damian playing toy cars? they start walking faster until they're a safe distance away, to stop in their tracks and share a mutual "what the fuck???"
jason and damian are arguing, something jason says strikes a nerve, and damian just stops and breaks the stoic act. jason has NO clue what to do with himself, because nothing he's ever said has gotten a non-violent reaction out of the kid.
dick's taking damian to the cinemas, and lets him pick what they watch. damian picks a kids movie, and doesn't make comments about it seeming 'childish' or 'boring', instead he looks genuinely interested. dick goes along with it but is really taken aback.
damian's patrolling with the other boys, and sustains a mild injury. everyone's used to him fixing himself up and never making a big deal out of it. they've seen him break bones and refuse medical attention, mainly because of how the league trained him. so when they get back to the batcave, and are all getting fixed up in the infirmary, everyone's shocked when damian, sitting to the side about to patch himself up, starts crying, because he's exhausted and hurt.
whenever the boys see damian asleep anywhere but his room, they make sure to tip-toe past and tell the others not to wake him. usually when this happens it's because he's been so exhausted, that he's sat down to watch a show, been playing with titus, or doing schoolwork, and he's just fallen asleep in the middle of it. afterwards, dick especially, makes sure that damian's sleeping enough, which is hard, because no one can tell that he's tired until he physically passes out.
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