hhayes27037 · 2 months
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These are my elemental forms with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd tiers for my series. For example of 3 tiers, in the air, fire, water, and earth has 3 tiers each in four.
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karinakuts · 1 year
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Leo ♌
12 astrology Zodiac signs art series by Karina Kuts.
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firstonthesun · 2 years
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Das Element Feuer ist in jeder Elementenlehre universell als feurige, brennende & ungestüme Urkraft vertreten. Spirituell wird nicht nur von einem inneren Feuer gesprochen, auch im alltäglichen Leben spielt das Feuer eine bedeutende Rolle. Lerne mit einem Klick auf diesen Beitrag alles über das Element Feuer.
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jeeptalkshow · 21 days
Episode 1024 - Jeep Owner, Want $5k?
On tonight’s episode…
News, Rivian Bribing Jeep Owners! Jeep laying off!
Jeep Gladiator Update; Can I fit 35s?
Must have for your jeep; ElementFire
Check out this episode!
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maryrubino3459 · 1 year
318 Angel Number
Have you ever had a number that seems to follow you around? You keep seeing it in license plates, on your phone, or in the time on the clock. If this is you, then you may be experiencing a phenomenon known as angel numbers. Angel numbers are believed to be messages from the universe, angels, or your higher self. Each number has its own unique meaning and symbolism, and the message may be different depending on the individual. One of the most commonly seen angel numbers is 318. If you've been seeing this number repeatedly, then you're in luck because in this blog post, we'll explore its meaning and symbolism. By the end of this article, you'll have a better understanding of what this number is trying to tell you. So, if you're ready to unlock the secrets behind the 318 angel number, keep reading and be sure to read to the end to discover how to manifest its energies in your life. CategoryMeaningNumerology3+1+8 = 12, 1+2 = 3Angelic MeaningTake charge and create new beginningsTarotThe Empress (represents creativity, abundance, and fertility)ColorYellow (represents creativity, communication, and positivity)ChakraSolar Plexus (represents personal power and self-esteem)ElementFire (represents passion, energy, and transformation) Breaking Down the Digits of 318 The number 3 represents creativity, self-expression, growth, and expansion. It's a powerful number that encourages you to embrace your talents, ideas, and uniqueness. The number 1 is associated with new beginnings, leadership, and positivity. It signifies the start of a new chapter in your life, a new project, or a new idea. The number 8 represents abundance, success, and achievement. It's a number that resonates with financial and material prosperity, as well as spiritual growth. The Symbolism and Meaning of 318 Angel Number When you repeatedly see the number 318, it's a sign that the universe is trying to communicate with you. Here are some possible interpretations of its meaning: - You're on the Right Path Seeing the 318 angel number may be a sign that you're on the right path in your life. The universe is acknowledging your efforts and encouraging you to continue following your dreams and aspirations. - Embrace Your Creativity The number 3 in 318 is a reminder to tap into your creativity and express yourself freely. You have unique talents and ideas that need to be shared with the world. - Trust Your Leadership Skills The number 1 in 318 is a message to trust your leadership skills and take charge of your life. You have the power to create your own reality and manifest your desires. - Abundance and Prosperity The number 8 in 318 is a symbol of abundance and prosperity. The universe is reminding you that you're capable of achieving financial and material success, as well as spiritual growth. - Let Go of Fear and Doubt Seeing the 318 angel number may also be a sign that you need to let go of fear and doubt. Trust that the universe has your back, and have faith in yourself and your abilities. - Stay Positive and Optimistic The number 1 in 318 is also a reminder to stay positive and optimistic. Your thoughts and beliefs shape your reality, so focus on what you want to manifest, rather than what you fear. - Be Open to New Opportunities The number 3 in 318 encourages you to be open to new opportunities and experiences. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. - Stay Grounded and Balanced Finally, the number 8 in 318 is a reminder to stay grounded and balanced. Focus on both your material and spiritual needs, and maintain a healthy balance between work and play. How to Manifest the Energies of 318 Angel Number Now that you have a better understanding of the meaning and symbolism of 318 angel number, you may be wondering how to manifest its energies in your life. Here are some tips to help you do just that: - Embrace your creativity: Whether it's through art, music, writing, or any other form of self-expression, make time to tap into your creative side. This will help you connect with your inner self and unleash your full potential. - Believe in yourself: Trust your abilities and have faith in your journey. Don't let fear or doubt hold you back from pursuing your dreams. - Take action: The universe rewards those who take action towards their goals. Don't wait for opportunities to come to you; create them yourself. - Stay positive: Keep a positive mindset and focus on what you want to manifest. Visualize your desired outcome and believe that it will come to fruition. - Practice gratitude: Express gratitude for the abundance and blessings in your life. This will help attract even more positivity and abundance into your life. - Stay grounded: Don't get too caught up in material success and remember to stay grounded and balanced. Take care of your physical and emotional well-being, and don't neglect your spiritual growth. - Trust the universe: Have faith that the universe is guiding you towards your highest good. Trust that everything is happening for a reason, even if it doesn't make sense in the moment. Where do you find 318 Angel numbers? The 318 angel number can appear in a variety of ways in your life. Some common places to find this number include: - Clocks: You may notice that you frequently look at the clock and see the time as 3:18. - License plates: Pay attention to license plates on cars around you. You may notice that some have the numbers 3, 1, and 8 in sequence. - Phone numbers: You may receive calls or text messages from phone numbers that contain the numbers 3, 1, and 8. - Addresses: If you're looking for a new home or business location, you may come across an address with the numbers 3, 1, and 8. - Receipts: When making a purchase, you may receive a receipt with the total amount adding up to 318. - Random encounters: You may encounter the number 318 in unexpected ways, such as in a book or on a sign. What to Do When You See 318 When you see the 318 angel number repeatedly, it's important to pay attention to its message and take action in your life. Here are some steps you can take to align yourself with the energies of this powerful number: - Trust in your abilities: The 318 angel number is a message that you have the power to create your own reality and take charge of your life. Trust in your abilities and have faith in your journey, even when faced with challenges or obstacles. - Tap into your creativity: The number 3 represents creativity, self-expression, and communication. Tap into your creative side and express yourself authentically. This will help you connect with your inner self and unlock your full potential. - Stay focused on your goals: The number 1 represents new beginnings and leadership. It's a reminder to stay focused on your goals and take charge of your life. Don't let setbacks or challenges deter you from your path. - Practice gratitude: The number 8 represents abundance and prosperity. It's a message that financial and material success is on its way, but it also reminds you to stay grounded and balanced. Practice gratitude for what you have and trust that the universe will provide for you in abundance. - Take care of yourself: The number 8 also reminds you to take care of your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Make sure to prioritize self-care and take time to recharge your batteries. Angel number 318 in different areas of your life Angel number 318 can have different meanings and interpretations depending on the area of your life in which it appears. Here are some ways that the 318 angel number can relate to different areas of your life: Career and Business If you keep seeing the 318 angel number in relation to your career or business, it may be a sign to focus on your leadership skills and take charge of your professional life. Trust in your abilities and be confident in your decision-making. The number 8 may also be a sign of financial success and abundance in your career or business. Relationships In the context of relationships, the 318 angel number may be a message to stay open and honest in your communication with others. The number 3 can represent creativity and self-expression, so it may be a sign to express your feelings and needs authentically. The number 1 may also be a message to focus on new beginnings in your relationships, whether that means starting a new relationship or taking a new approach to an existing one. Spirituality Angel number 318 can also relate to your spiritual journey. The number 3 can represent the mind, body, and spirit, so it may be a sign to focus on balancing these aspects of yourself. The number 1 can represent new beginnings and a fresh start, so it may be a message to embark on a new spiritual journey or take your current practices to a deeper level. The number 8 may also be a sign of abundance and prosperity on your spiritual path. Personal Growth When you see the 318 angel number, it may be a message to focus on your personal growth and development. The number 3 can represent creativity and self-expression, so it may be a sign to tap into your creativity and express yourself authentically. The number 1 may also be a message to take charge of your life and focus on new beginnings in your personal growth journey. The number 8 may represent the abundance and prosperity that comes with personal growth and development. Angel Number 318 and Love If you keep seeing angel number 318 in relation to love, it may be a message to focus on new beginnings and take charge of your romantic life. The number 1 represents new beginnings and leadership, so it may be a sign to take the initiative in your love life and make the first move. Whether you're single or in a relationship, the number 318 can be a message to take charge and create the love life that you desire. The number 3 is also associated with creativity, self-expression, and communication, so it may be a sign to express your feelings and needs authentically in your romantic relationships. If you're single, the number 3 can also represent the creativity and self-expression that comes with exploring new relationships and meeting new people. The number 8 is a powerful symbol of abundance and prosperity, so it may be a sign that love and financial success are intertwined for you. If you're in a committed relationship, the number 8 can represent financial abundance and stability in your partnership. If you're single, the number 8 can represent the abundance of love and romantic opportunities that are available to you. The complementary numbers of Angel Number 318 The complementary numbers of angel number 318 are numbers that may also hold significance and meaning in relation to your life when they appear alongside 318. Here are some complementary numbers to consider: - Angel number 3: As mentioned earlier, the number 3 represents creativity, self-expression, and communication. When you see angel number 318, the number 3 may also appear to reinforce this message and encourage you to express yourself authentically and communicate clearly. - Angel number 1: The number 1 represents new beginnings, leadership, and taking charge. Seeing angel number 1 alongside 318 may be a sign to take the initiative and create the life that you desire, whether that means starting a new relationship, taking a new approach to your career, or embarking on a new spiritual journey. - Angel number 8: The number 8 is a powerful symbol of abundance, prosperity, and financial success. When you see angel number 318, the number 8 may also appear to reinforce this message and encourage you to focus on creating financial stability and abundance in your life. - Angel number 11: The number 11 is a master number that represents spiritual awakening, intuition, and enlightenment. When you see angel number 318, the number 11 may also appear to encourage you to trust your intuition and embrace your spiritual journey. Facts Here are some interesting facts about angel number 318: - The number 318 is a combination of the energies and vibrations of the numbers 3, 1, and 8. - In numerology, the number 3 represents creativity, self-expression, and growth. The number 1 represents new beginnings and leadership, while the number 8 represents abundance, prosperity, and material success. - Angel number 318 may also be associated with the tarot card "The Empress," which represents abundance, fertility, and creativity. - The color associated with angel number 318 is yellow, which symbolizes intellect, happiness, and optimism. - The spiritual meaning of angel number 318 is to trust in the universe and have faith in your ability to create new beginnings and manifest your desires. - Angel number 318 may also be a reminder to tap into your inner wisdom and intuition and to express yourself authentically. - If you keep seeing angel number 318, it may be a sign that the angels and the universe are supporting you in your efforts to take charge of your life and create new beginnings. FAQs What does it mean when you keep seeing angel number 318? If you keep seeing angel number 318, it may be a sign that the angels and the universe are supporting you in your efforts to take charge of your life and create new beginnings. This number may also be a reminder to tap into your creativity and express yourself authentically. What is the spiritual meaning of angel number 318? The spiritual meaning of angel number 318 is to take charge of your life and create new beginnings that align with your soul's purpose. This number may also be a reminder to trust in the universe and have faith in your ability to manifest your desires. What is the biblical meaning of angel number 318? There is no specific biblical meaning associated with angel number 318. However, some people may interpret this number as a reminder to trust in God and have faith in his plan for their life. How does angel number 318 relate to love and relationships? Angel number 318 may be a reminder to take charge of your love life and create new beginnings in your relationships. This number may also be a sign of abundance and prosperity in your romantic life. How can I use angel number 318 in my daily life? You can use angel number 318 in your daily life by meditating on its message and incorporating its energy into your thoughts and actions. You can also use this number as a reminder to stay focused on your goals and trust in the universe to guide you towards your desires. Read More: - 3113 Angel Number - 124 Angel Number - 1115 Angel Number - 1227 Angel Number - 200 Angel Number Read the full article
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wittespin · 2 years
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A small comic for after.
It doesn’t happen a lot to Zilver but sometimes they do mistake Snow  for his girlfriend instead of his Twin sister.
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julieboehm · 2 years
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✨ANDROMEDA 🔥She is on fire🔥 Which photo is your favorite one? A crazy style for a very special location on Milos 💥 🔥Model/ Dancer @miigaafiredance 🔥Photographers: @bertkubik and Peter Bluma 🔥Crown: @andreabenoccimmua 🔥Colors: @cameleonpaint_official 🔥Bodypainting: @julieboehm_art Finishing the last touches on my Patreon Video for next Magic Monday 🔥 stay tuned! #uncoverme #dragonmask #whiteeyes #uncoveredmagazine @rebelandcomag #rebelandco @dreams_ballerina #rebelandcomag #awesome_surreal #teamsony #motherearth_project #motherearth #savetheplanet #elementfire #julieboehmart #adobephotoshop #savethenature #loveournature #soil #naturelovers #portraiture #miigaafiredance #portraitphotography #extrememakeup #wildhair #milos #danceoftheelements #artmodel #wildstlye #bodyart #bodypainters #bodypainting (hier: Milos, Greece) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWaVBzBKWFl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#Repost @empoweringastro ... August 13 — In addition to energies of the recent new moon, we’ve been navigating eclipse-like energy as Mars and now Mercury cross the lunar nodes. Eclipses as well as their energies can punctuate our lives with events and forks in the proverbial road. People come in and out of our lives. Things can move swiftly. The see-saw of life can move down as quickly as it can move up.⁠ ⁠ This weekend’s first quarter Moon in Scorpio can make us examine our deepest feelings and touch on themes of vulnerability and trust as well as death and rebirth. But the beauty of Scorpio is its duality with the sign of Taurus, a reminder that the end of life is just a preparation for its rebirth.⁠ ⁠ For more on today's #astrodaily, go to my website, empoweringastrology.com. And don't forget, you can book a consultation with me! Click link in profile to learn more about my services.⁠ ⁠ If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for August 14-16.⁠ ⁠ #mooninscorpio #firstquartermoon #atthebending #leoseason #suninleo #elementfire #august2021astrology #augustastrology #empoweringastrology #katiesweetman #astrologyplusconsciousness #holisticastrology #astrologyforecast #soulalchemy #thesoulsjourney #modernmystics #astrology #astrologie #astrologia #astrologer #astrologue #astrolog #astrologersofinstagram #horoscope #horoscopes #astrologyposts #dailyhoroscope #dailyastrology⁠ ⁠ Photo by Zongnan Bao on Unsplash https://www.instagram.com/p/CSgku2rLuJX/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ixoradesigns · 3 years
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Link in bio #avatar #elements #fourelements #elementsshirt #elementwater #elementfire #water #fire #air #earth #gift #giftideas #gifts #giftsforher #giftsforhim #giftforher🎁 #giftforkids (at Gainesville, Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIM3bzRHZnG/?igshid=12l6erynxka8m
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drannafs · 4 years
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When in need of #intensity without #aggression, of #groundedness without #feelingstuck, of #connection without #cinging or just of a #cozy #warmth, reach for #orange. It has all the #patience and #softness of #elementearth and the #clarity and #emotionalintelligence of #elementfire. And it combines well with all the "neutrals", whether you prefer the gray or the tan-beige versions. #DrAnnaMarkovicPlestovic #annafengshui #valódifengshui #pravifengshui https://www.instagram.com/p/CGFRwLJBG2S/?igshid=y8o6o119qsqf
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blog-fashiongirl120 · 4 years
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Elements dress to express: Fire 🔥 Hey guys! I hope you are all doing well. I have decided to start another collection base on the four elements. Is a dress collection called "Elements dress to express." Since each element has a different meaning behind them I'm going to express my version of the elements in dresses. The first one I did is fire 🔥. Which according to my zodiac sign is my element. Fire has always been known to be a very misunderstood element, while fire can represent anger, hatred, and destruction. There are many positives the fire represents as well such as passion, hope, creativity and motivation. I think that's the reason why I love by your so much, there's more to it than meets the eye. Which really does say a lot about don't judge a book by its cover. I'm really proud of this design and I can't wait to show you guys more. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy it and hope you all have a good day. Stay Golden 🌟💛 #elements #fire #firefashion #elementfire #fashion #fashionillustration #fashiondesign #fashiondrawing #fashiondrawings #fashionillustrated #fashionwork #fashionarts #illustration  #artist #fashionista #hardwork #fun #colorpencil #colorpencildrawing #artwork #art #artworkers #artwork_support #artwork_artist #colorpencilartists #pencilcolours #tradionalart #tradionalartwork #dresstoexpress #sketchbookartist (at Queens, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDKw-40nr5S/?igshid=13phdgto4agfn
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nillusart · 4 years
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No siempre voy haciendo imagenes experimentales en acuarela. Pero me divierte mucho de vez en cuando agarrar el pincel sin lapices por debajo e ir tirando colores. Moviendo el pigmento y dandole vida salio esta especie de hechicero/dios del fuego #fuego #elemental #blueandred #blue #red #illustration #ilustracion #ilustrazione #elementfire #fire #godfire #god #warlock #wizard #nillusart #watercolor #watercolorpaper #winsorandnewton https://www.instagram.com/p/BqRDBIwiC4F/?igshid=18divisik4zhh
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karinakuts · 1 year
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Sagittarius ♐
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firstonthesun · 2 years
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Die Flamme in deinen Händen? Machbar... Loderndes Kristallfeuer; Sehen wir uns heute einmal den Feuercalcit an. Auch in seiner orangenen Form sind deren Kristalle unverkennbar; ein semitransparent schimmerndes, kubisches Kristallsystem welches sich über den gesamten Stein zieht. Mit Feuercalcit sind die Flammen der Leidenschaft stets greifbar, in uns allen lodert dieses eine Feuer... Klicke auf diesen Post um noch mehr zu erfahren.
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jeeptalkshow · 1 year
Episode 713 - Interview Robert ElementFire.com
How would you like a small, lightweight fire extinguisher in your @jeep that will last a lifetime? Listen to this interview with Robert Calisi of @elementfire, plus we find out about @jayleno and how Jay help promote this product. @lenosgarage #jeeptalkshow #giveaways #jayleno #lenosgarage #elementfire
Check out this episode!
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hedydd · 6 years
Day 16 of #wintersolsticechallenge ~ Fire. My dearest one, the fire that warms up the water for my tea ☕️🧡 • • • #fire #homesweethome #elementfire #blueflame #coldweatherwarmdrinks #blueflames #home #winter #myhome #witchy #witchesofinstagram #witchcraft #witch #pagan #warmdrink #loveinacup #teatime #tea #tealover
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