#I am really comfortable with the label bisexual and have been that way since I started defining my sexuality but what if that’s just
hellomynameisbisexual · 9 months
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My parents regularly sent me articles over the next several months explaining that attraction to the same gender was artificial, a new fad, and dangerous. All factually incorrect. While I had initially been very comfortable and confident that I had found a label that described my experiences and feelings, under this constant barrage I was forced into a cycle of constant self-doubt. This self-doubt included new doubts toward my sexual orientation, but also my relationship with my religion, my relationship with my family, my ability to be faithful to a significant other, and more. Over time, and by establishing boundaries with my family, I eventually overcame those doubts. The self-imposed isolation and self-doubt is a pain that I wouldn’t wish on anyone. I count myself lucky for being able to resolve it without any permanent harm done to myself or my relationships.
Within the LGBTQ community I have experienced a less dramatic form of prejudice, but one that still isolates me and tries to control my identity. I have strongly felt pressure that I am not queer enough to belong, unless I date men or genderqueer people regularly. I feel pressure that if I only date people of the opposite gender, then aren’t I just really straight? If I’m not queer enough, then should I really have any authority or say about LGBTQ issues and representation? People think that I have it off easy, because I could just stay in the closet and hide forever and get married to someone of the opposite gender and just vanish. To that I ask, since when has living in the closet become a cool and lucky option? I will be judged no matter who I chose to be in a relationship in. Suddenly who I date has become a symbol of status within the community.
I don’t know when it became the business of anyone who I choose to date, but the fact is that by being bisexual I will live under constant scrutiny by people to see just how queer I am. People in the LGBTQ community will try to gate-keep and isolate me, and others, if we do not match their favorite vision of our identity. People outside of the community will be curious if I fit the stereotypes, send unsolicited invites to be part of a threesome, question if I am just trying to be cool or part of a fad, and judge how valid I am in my identity. Biphobia is controlling and invalidating. It is the attempt to force a person to match your view of who they should be, especially in a way that is convenient for you. Biphobia is the erasure of the third letter of the acronym, remembering people only as gay or straight. Biphobia is wrong. It is dangerous. It is the sexualizing and objectification of people for selfish motives.
The B is the third letter of the acronym, and I claim my right to remain in the LGBTQ community and live authentically.
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elliespuns · 2 months
Little TMI here but honestly I don’t have a label on myself because it STRESSED ME OUT!!! Of course no hate to people who do label themselves I totally support but one thing about me, if I love you I will NOT care what genital you have. We are not totally sure what Dina could actually be but one thing for sure is she’s my baby & I will defend her at all times. The last of us is known for its LGBTQ+ representation as well with beautiful story & visuals, all the characters are my babies but it makes me uncomfortable if when the whole sexuality of the character is confirmed people deny it. Like look I don’t particularly mind if a man likes Ellie or the way a woman likes Abby as long as they are NOT denying their sexuality. Could Abby secretly like girls? Maybe but completely denying that fact that she could absolutely not like men gets on my nerves. Ellie though that’s a different situation it’s quite clear she likes girls & when men say they can change her or sexualize her as a kid it makes me so uncomfortable. As much as I love the last of us fandom there is rude & ignorant people in here & it ruins the wholesome & comforting feeling.
True. That's why I was trying to say that people shouldn't really dwell on whether to call Dina bisexual or lesbian because there was never a scene where she would tell us how she felt about her sexuality in the first place.
She might as well be pansexual or demisexual, for all we know. So if people are here to pick on straws, or in my case, calling me out on calling Dina a lesbian in one of my posts (I dared to call her and Ellie 'weird ass lesbians' because it was fitting for the situation and it was actually just my humor talking), they should also realize that calling her bisexual might be as 'disrespectful' as calling her lesbian since none of us know how she feels about her sexuality anyway.
I had a few people 'lecturing' me about Dina not being a lesbian but BISEXUAL after I shared the post (I swear, do people even know me and my sense of humor, dammit?). Calling me out on it as if I didn't know she has a damn baby with a guy. Like, thank you for telling me! I've been new to this fandom, and I had no freaking clue when literally one of the storyline's plot twists was that Dina's pregnant. *sigh*
I think people get touchy too easily today. And not even just about themselves, but about fictional characters too. I mean, yeah, I love my babies too, but I've never heard Dina speak up about her sexuality. So unless we know what she labels herself with, I don't really think that people calling her lesbian with a grain of salt is disrespectful. 
What do we know, hm? Maybe she was sick of guys and completely switched? Maybe Ellie's mesmerizing eyes and her magical pussy made her go full-on lesbian. 
I hope I don't need to specify that I am joking (again). But hey, the point still stands. Calling her bisexual or lecturing people online that her actual sexuality is bisexual is also just based on assumptions.
I am open-minded about Dina's sexuality since we don't know how she would label herself. So I did really mean no harm by saying she and Ellie were 'being weird ass lesbians'—I mean, this is the internet and Tumblr. Not everything is meant to be taken so seriously.
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Hey uhm... if you don't mind, I have a question for you. I saw in one of your recent posts that you're a fellow non-SAM aromantic. Are you out to anyone irl as aro? If so, how did you explain the whole labeling your "sexuality" (as in, general orientation) without actually labeling your sexuality? Because I kinda wanna come out to my best friend as aromantic and I'm not sure how to do it. I have thought about coming out as aroace (as my experiences are a lot closer to ace than allo) but I'm not really comfortable with the ace label as I simply don't know if it's really accurate. Plus, I'm afraid my friend would miss that I'm aro and just call me ace whenever the topic of orientation comes up (without any bad intentions but still). But I also don't want my friend to assume I'm sexually interested in people.
Do you have any advice, perchance?
(Unrelated to that, I'm happy I found another physically disabled non-SAM aro on here)
Hi! Sorry it took me a minute to answer this, I wanted to give this ask a thoughtful answer.
I am out to irl people as aro. My best friend and my immediate family are the only ones I'm really out out to, though. I don't tend to take the time to explain it unless I actually need to because... you're right. It is so, extremely difficult explaining what being aspec means and all the little nuances of the a-spectrum.
I don't think I ever properly came out to my family either until this year. Just... made some aro jokes and let them assume whatever they wanted. I stopped coming out with every new update a couple years ago. My family is supportive and accepting, and our mom doesn't pressure us into any sort of relationship or anything like that.
Clarification: When I say "family" here, I mean my immediate family only. We're not even gonna touch my extended family.
Now, I did identify as aroace for a bit before realizing I wasn't exactly asexual. But my aromanticism has always been a bigger part of my identity, so as far as I can remember, dropping the asexual label wasn't a huge deal to anyone.
At the beginning of January, though, I did try to explain the concept of being aro without being ace to my family. Since my sibling is aroace, I'm not sure they (my sibling) really got it, but they did accept it. I explained that sexual and romantic attraction are two different things, and that you can feel one without feeling the other. We were running an errand, so it was a bit of a... rushed explanation.
If I'd had more time to explain the differences, though, these would've been some of the examples I used:
First off, one-night stands are a thing. You don't have to be romantically attracted to someone to be sexually attracted to them or to have sex.
You can also have a crush on someone without wanting to bang them.
Therefore, sexual and romantic attraction can be felt separately and are two different things, and alloaces and aroallos and non-SAM aces and aros are valid.
As for your concern about others assuming you're sexually interested in people: for me personally--and I've seen other non-SAM aros talk about this--my aromanticism affects the way I experience sexual attraction. I experience sexual attraction, but not Like Allos Do. My romantic orientation is aro, and my bisexuality is also aro. In a way, it is much closer to the asexual experience, only none of the acespec labels feel right. I don't know what being non-SAM aro is like for you, though, but it sounds like your experiences might be similar, so maybe this explanation can help?
And as for coming out as something you're not... The want to do that really is something, huh?
I'd say it's better to be honest if you're in a safe enough place to do so. (And this is coming from someone who originally came out as a lesbian due to internalized biphobia.) Be honest with your friend and be kind to yourself. Let your friend know that you're still working through some stuff and still figuring things out. If they're a good friend, they'll understand that.
I hope this is helpful and that everything goes/went well, love 💚💚
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genderstarbucks · 1 year
Coming Out Post Ig?
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I don't really know where to start with this so I'm just gonna get into it
Cw for a bit of a long rant, no triggering topics but just read with some slight caution
I think I'm bigay? I've been questioning my sexuality for about 4 years and I could never find a label that stuck. I started with bisexual, then pansexual, then throughout the years my sexuality has changed but it's been mostly been between bi and gay. I've used homoflexible a few times, and it felt right, but something felt off. I felt it didn't completely cover what my attraction felt like. It's been hard for me to differentiate between romantic and sexual attraction, so I've just been using non-sam labels, and just saying I'm bisexual with a lean. Recently I've used abrosexual and that felt right too, but not completely. I've tried abrogay and abroachillean because I am mostly gay but it just didn't feel completely right, I didn't feel complete. I used to be an exclusionist (ew) and against mspec lesbians/gays/straights but luckily I've had friends and this wonderful community to educate me. I think the only reason I was an exclus was because I had internalized bigayphobia, as soon as someone taught me what it was, it really wasn't that hard to understand. Some people are on the sam and some people are fluid between 2 labels. I also think it was because I was with a toxic friend group (who I've since dropped ((thank god)) who was VERY against mspec lesbians/gays/straights. I mean, I also used to be anti-mogai because my ex gf was pounding it into my head how "bad" it was (she was literally cis too lmao) I'm glad I've met and am in such a wonderful community that is accepting of all good-faith identities. Anyway, earlier today I started researching bigay more and kept re-reading the description as to why someone might use the term bigay and then I realized. That's me. I am bigay. The term that actually resonates with me is the thing I've been avoiding the most. I was literally TERRIFIED about adding bigay to my prns page (ik I don't have to but I just want to) even though I know the only people who are gonna see it are my friends (who are accepting of it) and anybody who clicks on the link in my pinned post (which is most likely gonna be an inclus) I've been thinking about if I'm bigay (or just mspec gay) for a while now, but I refused to even accept myself of the possibility of being an mspec gay. I genuinely don't understand exclusionists, I used to be one and all I did was do a little research as to why someone might identify that way, and I changed my views. If you can accept things like nonbinary boy or agender girl, then you can accept mspec lesbians/gays/straights too. I'm glad I've cut off those exclus friends, now I can finally be myself. I think my sexual journey is over, I think this is the label I've been looking for, for so long. Ykw I'm proud to say I'm bigay, I'm proud to use contradictory labels. I'm a nonbinary boy AND a biromantic gay, and I'm god damn proud of it. If you're questioning whether you're mspec and a lesbian/gay/straight then it's okay. Those labels aren't "bad" or "invalid", if it describes you, then use it. You can use "contradictory" labels if you'd like, don't give a fuck what anyone thinks. All that matters is that you accept yourself, all that matters is using the labels you want that make you feel comfortable.
My identity has come a long way over the years, but I think I'm finally happy to say I'm comfortable where I am. I'm an agender boy, enboy and a demienboy, also bigay, and exclusionists can fuck off!
I didn't mean to make this that long but oh well 💀
TLDR; Sexuality confusing, omg I'm a bigay. Fuck exclusionists.
Edit: I think I'm just like every label besides wlw/lesbian, I'm gay, bi, pan, EVERYTHING
Edit 2: Okay nvm guys 💀 Charlie, one of my alters is a transbian and I'm transgay so collectively we're a lesboy, turigirl, gaybian and literally every other orientation
Edit 3: Okay I figured it out, I'm omnibi gay (as in general bi gay) and an omnibi gay man
Edit 4: I'm just every sexuality besides wlw/lesbian labels and I'm also multivelfluid
Edit 5: nvm I lied I'm just bigay
Edit 6: I'm such a fucking liar I'm actual bigay, abrogay and pomogay
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sophierequests · 2 years
girls like girls and boys
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Navigation┃Main Masterlist┃Requests
Pairing: Jesper Fahey x f!Reader
Request: Hey i have a fanfic idea!
Jesper fahey x femreader, where the reader comes out as bi to his boyfriend and the crows. Jesper is proud of the reader and everything is fluffy and shit u know - @booknerdddd
A/N: AHHHHH, THANK YOU SM FOR REQUESTING SOMETHING!! I LOVE IT!! This was so much fun to write and I hope you like it!
Summary: Coming out as bi to Jesper and the Crows.
Genre: Comfort, Fluff
Word Count: 1.3K
Warnings: None, maybe anxiety about coming out?
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With a sigh, you threw yourself on the creaky bed in the room you shared with your boyfriend, Jesper. The Slat was oddly quiet this evening. It was way too quiet for your liking, since it made you retreat into your thoughts - the current main topic being your sexuality.
You’ve been questioning this part of your identity for quite a while, but now you were finally sure: You are bisexual!
It felt good discovering this, but now you were faced with another issue, namely coming out as such. Even though there was no reason for feeling this anxious, you couldn’t stop imagining the worst-case scenarios. You also had no clue how you were going to do it, without being weird about it. Still, you were sure that you had to tell your friends - the Crows.
Well, at least the majority of the Crows. You suspected that Nina and Wylan already sort of knew. A few weeks ago, you had already talked to them about their own outings and how they started feeling comfortable with people actually knowing about their sexuality. Maybe you appeared a bit too curious, leading to the both of them dropping multiple subtle hints to help you figure it out on your own.
Shaking your head, you stood up from your overly dramatic sprawled out position on the bed and made your way over to the slightly dishevelled closet, where Jes picked out a quite questionable outfit this morning, after oversleeping.
As you tried to half-heartedly fold the messy clothes, your thoughts brought you back to your boyfriend. You knew that he would be absolutely accepting of whatever you might tell him, you just needed to figure out how.
But before you could conclude this thought, the wooden door flew open and a slightly overworked Jesper entered, scanning the room for your presence. When his eyes finally landed on you, he had a huge grin on his face, walking over to engulf you in a tight, earnest hug.
“Hello, my love.” he purred, his head positioned on your shoulder.
“Hi,” you responded, “how did it go?”
He let out a huff of air, softly building up space between you.
“You know, Kaz can be insufferable sometimes. And infuriating! I have no clue how he does it. But today was just something else.”
You both moved to sit on the bed, whilst Jesper still ranted about the heist they had planned today and how Kaz was being difficult. Again.
You tried to listen attentively, but felt your mind absently slipping to the topic previously occupying it.
And of course, he noticed. He always did.
“Darling? You have not been listening, have you? Are you alright?” he questioned, a slight hint of concern hidden in his voice.
“Huh? I- no, I’m listening.”
“Oh, so you wanna hear more about me flirting that quite attractive stable hand I just mentioned?” he asked.
“What??” you choked, caught off guard by that question.
“Gotcha! I never said that, and I would never do that, you know that! So tell me, what’s going on? What’s occupying that pretty mind of yours? You can tell me anything. Always.” Jesper coaxed, reaching for your hands and taking them into his own.
You groaned and let your forehead rest on his shoulder.
“It’s nothing bad, you really don’t have to worry about me, Jes.”
“But I do, so spit it out. There’s nothing to lose if it’s nothing bad.” Jesper reassured you.
“Alright. I’ve been thinking a lot about myself and how I would like to label myself. And I realized that I am not straight. I’m bi. I just didn’t know how to tell anyone.” you confessed, looking up to catch Jesper’s reaction.
Much to your delight, his concerned look vanished, wrapping his arms around you soothingly.
“That’s what’s been giving you trouble, love? I was genuinely worried something awful happened to you.” he chuckled, not letting you go, “Thank you for telling me. I’m so proud of you for figuring that out. I’ll help you with coming out to the rest of the team if you like.”
You stayed like that for a while, just enjoying the comforting silence between you.
But suddenly he sat up straight - as straight as he could - and looked at you in complete horror.
“What is it, Jes??” you blurted out before you could even begin to realize what was going on.
“Damn it, I just realized something. I’m not the hottest bisexual in the team OR this relationship anymore! How could you do this to me!?” he exclaimed, not managing to stay serious any longer.
You started joining him in his laughter.
“What about Nina? She is a goddess! Don’t disrespect her, my dear. Not in my presence!” you managed to throw in between the fits of laughter.
“Ohhhh, Nina is your woman crush! That makes sense, I don’t blame you for that.” he analysed, also almost breathless.
“Woman crush? Do you have a man crush?” you asked with a teasing grin.
“Uhm, I- I did have something like a “crush” on Kaz a few years ag-”
“Kaz?? You had a crush on Kaz Brekker?? Oh, love, I’m not letting that one go.”
Following a few more jokes - at Jesper’s expense -, both of you decided that it was time to go to sleep. The night was spent cuddling without the previous anxiety of having to hide something from your boyfriend.
The next morning, Jes had already been awake for quite a while, but he didn’t think of getting out of bed.
When you woke up, he was tenderly stroking your hair, giving you a cheeky good morning kiss on the cheek.
“G’mornin’ darling. Slept well?” he murmured, sleep still evident in his voice.
You mumbled an inaudible yes before returning the good morning kiss.
“Do you want to tell the others too?” he asked.
“Yes, I just don’t know how yet. To be honest, I don’t feel like making a big deal out of it. I just feel like they should know.”
"We’ll find a way. In the worst-case scenario, I’ll just have to Jesper Fahey it.” he added, flashing you a flirty smile.
After getting ready, you walked down to the cosy kitchen area of the Slat, all the others were already seated at their respective places.
“There you are! We thought you went missing or something. Welcome back to the land of the living, sleepyheads.” Nina’s cheery voice came to greet you after you entered the room.
Only then you realized that you had overslept drastically, but you were sure to use it to your advantage.
“Good morning guys, I’m sorry, we didn’t really get a lot of sleep last night.” Jes commented.
“Oh, I can imagine that.” Matthias remarked, earning a half-serious, half-playful jab to the ribs from his girlfriend.
“No, not because of that. I just had to spend a lot of time consoling Jesper yesterday.” you said, showing Jes a fake sympathetic gesture.
“Did something happen?” Inej asked with furrowed brows.
“Yes, he realized that he is no longer the hottest bisexual in this team since I’m officially replacing him.” you said while sitting right next to Wylan.
There was a short-lived silence before the Crows got what you just said. Wylan and Nina gave each other a knowing glance, before starting to strike up a conversation filled with reassuring comments and remarks. Even Inej joined in. Kaz and Matthias didn’t say much, but you could tell that they were also really proud of you for coming out to them.
“Wait a second? The hottest bisexual in the team? I love you dearly Y/N, but where am I in this equation???” Nina shrieked, leading the whole team to start chuckling.
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your-gay-grandma · 11 months
First off, I want to say that I had a crush on a boy (I'm a girl) and a few months ago I realized I'm bi but with a female preference. Ever since then, I gradually started falling out of love and lately I feel like I might be a lesbian because it's been a while since I felt attracted to guy (besides him, who please note I liked for about 5 years). I want to find an identity that fits me perfectly but I'm confused. How do you tell whether you are gay or just leaning towards the same sex as a bisexual?
it’s very confusing, isn’t it!
as a lesbian who once identified as bisexual for a short time, i completely understand the confusion and doubt.
what i wish someone had told me during that time was that it doesn’t matter all too much, you can change between labels if you need and that attraction as a sapphic person is really confusing!
very important disclaimer - bisexuality is real and valid and is by no means an inevitable stepping stone to lesbianism. at the same time, a lot of lesbians will initially find comfort in labelling themselves as bisexual while they come to terms with their lesbianism. both of these things can coexist without invalidating either identity. (bisexuals and lesbians are lovers, not enemies!!!)
there’s a very terrible phenomenon called compulsory heterosexuality that if you have not heard of, i really encourage you to investigate. essentially (in its most basic explanation), lesbianism is the only sexuality that entirely de-centres men because we feel no attraction toward them. because of the patriarchy, our society is structured in a way that makes centring men integral to our way of thinking and being making it very hard to notice when you are not attracted to them, and very hard to unlearn. when i learned about this, i very quickly realised that i had made up my feelings for men i thought i had in the past in order to fit in or survive at various points in my life.
no matter how old you are or where you are on your journey, you have time to get to know yourself. be gentle with yourself. you don’t need to “try” anything to validate your identity but i think you will find as you grow and explore, you will discover so much about the wonderful and unique person you are and who you love!
sending you all my love, my dear sapphic friend! i am always here for you in solidarity.
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l4dyrauhl · 4 months
TF is a lesbian leaning bisexual?
I got called a lesbian leaning bisexual yesterday, and it really actually upset me. The person who called me this said it was just a statement because sexuality is a spectrum. They said it doesn't mean I'm not equally attracted to men or women. So, my question is: if it doesn't mean that, why do you keep trying to call me a lesbian leaning bisexual. This has been a running argument that I've played off as a joke for years" "em you definitely like women more than men." I've even gotten it from other men while they are actively trying to hit on me. Like actually no I don't, but you're not doing well for yourself right now. I feel like you are just saying things to say things. They said my track record with women is more extensive than men. This is untrue. I have talked to way more men than women. Additionally, I've been in a long term relationship with a man. That relationship took up most of my early adult years. I have been single since then. I don't go on dates with either. I don't really speak to either. Because in my heart, I would love to be able to date someone, but I feel like I'm not in the best place to date (more on this later). They said they know me, and that's why they can make this distinction. Sure, you may know me, but I AM ME. You can't tell me what my sexuality is. This is a huge problem in our society. It doesn't really matter what you have observed, you cannot place your labels on other people. You can continue to have those thoughts all you want because it's your brain, but trying to tell me? That's insane. I let it roll off my shoulder, but things like this really make me uncomfortable. They make me feel like I'm not actually accepted which is why i clung onto my friendship with Koi for so long. I could actually be myself without someone trying to put me in a box because she understood. Did I mention this was a straight person? Not in the queer community by any means other than under the guise of being an ally. How does this treatment make you an ally? There was another time when we made a tiktok with our friends to ask the audience who "looks queer" or who "looks straight". A little jokey joke, but nothing major. This person told me that the felt like everyone would know that they are straight because the rest of use look queer. Like they were obsessed with this notion. It's crazy because the one comment guessing who was the straight one did not mention her. Which proves my exact point. Mind you I really love this person, and I understand that they meant no harm, but if I am telling you something I need you to respect it. Sexuality is definitely a spectrum, but I don't think we need to make up sub spectrums and new words to help us to be more comfortable with people around us by putting them into our respective categories and boxes. People just be gay sometimes. That's it and that's that.
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hetamyutism · 1 year
My Main 8 Hetalia Sexuality/Gender Headcanons!
(These are just my opinions and views!! I love all headcanons, regardless if ours differ)
Feliciano Vargas (He/She, but really fine with any)
Genderfluid Bisexual (AMAB)
Has questioned his sexuality and gender multiple times throughout his life
Has always been fine with doing “girly things” and wearing feminine clothing, since he was raised by Roderich, who thought for a very long time that he was a girl
Since he is genderfluid, usually his gender fluctuates depending on the day, but her pronouns usually stay the same, though he doesn’t usually mind what you call her
Prefers masculine compliments usually, but he won’t complain!
Bisexuality comes with a lean for girls
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Ludwig Beilschmidt (He/Him)
Transmasc MLM
Ever since he was a kid, he never really felt comfortable in his own skin
When he became a teenager, he started confiding in his brother, Gilbert, who is also transmasc, in regards to his dysphoria
Working out became a very good dysphoria reliever
Still struggles with dysphoria sometimes to this day, but has become better at coping with it
Has awesome top surgery scars!!!
Masculine compliments
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Honda Kiku (He/They/It)
Transmasc AroAce
Never really gave any thought to his sexuality or gender, as they never really felt any romantic or sexual feelings/desire towards anyone, but this does not mean he is opposed to it
Their sexuality and gender just kind of came to him over time, it’s never really changed whatsoever, they just finally found a way to describe itself
Doesn’t like to admit it, but he picked up on it/it’s pronouns because of Yao (who I will get to shortly)
Also doesn’t really care what you call them, but he prefers gender neutral compliments
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Alfred F. Jones (He/She)
Bigender MLM (AMAB)
Much like Kiku, he kind of didn’t give thought to his gender
He literally kind of discovered the label of bigender and was like, “What?? This is so cool, just like me for real”
Isn’t very open about he gender, but he is unapologetically out as gay
…Even though she makes those “I AM NOT GAY” jokes and will try to convince you he isn’t
He indulges in girly things in private, he gets a little embarrassed if someone catches him doing these things because he is insecure, but feels euphoric when someone doesn’t judge him
He would prefer if you stuck to just using he/him mostly, but will get really happy if you refer to her with she/her none the less
Gay dads Francis and Arthur had a very strong impact on him. Alfred looked up to Francis in regards to their gender expression, and he looked up to Arthur for his sexuality expression
Masculine and feminine compliments work! Prefers masculine, but loves feminine as well
He is serving cunt and loves wearing fake nails by the way
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Arthur Kirkland (He/Him, but doesn’t mind They/Them usually)
Transmasc MLM
Kind of always has just identified as a boy since he was smaller and nobody really questioned it
Not the most dysphoric person, but he definitely feels it sometimes
Francis was his gay awakening, he will NOT admit this, but he doesn’t even need to. It’s literally so obvious to everyone
He didn’t really start connecting with masculinity until the British Punk Revolution, where he really started going all out with his sexuality and gender expression
Mellowed out since then, and really does cringe at some of the things he did, but he does fondly recount that he wouldn’t be as “gentlemanly” as he is today of it weren’t for that wave of rebellious behavior, which really helped him set his identity in stone
Also has really cool top surgery scars!!!!!
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Francis Bonnefoy (Any and all pronouns)
Intersex Transfem Pansexual
Gender has MAJORLY fluctuated over centuries, but has always been pansexual (you know, attraction wise, since the label didn’t exist LOL)
Has always loved dresses and other things seen as “girly”
Isn’t dysphoric, he loves himself and embraces her identity
His pansexuality doesn’t have a preference for anyone specifically, but when he sees men he giggles and kicks his feet
Taught Alfred and Matthew early on to embrace themselves for who they are, they can love who they love and there’s nothing wrong with it
Any and all compliments appreciated!! He likes being called prince/princess though..
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Ivan Braginski (He/They)
Nonbinary Aro/Ace Flux MLM (AMAB)
Has never really cared about labels or expression, he is what he is
He has times of romantic/sexual attraction, but it fluctuates and he can go from being pretty interested in it to being absolutely repulsed at the idea of it
Has a hard time with romantic reciprocation as it is. Can’t really fathom the fact someone is capable of liking them like that
Has no attraction to women whatsoever, never has been attracted to them
Kind of really shy when it comes to telling people he’s gay
He loves masculine compliments the most, but if you call him pretty or beautiful, he will absolutely lose his mind
Considering he grew up with his sisters, he grew up doing some “girly things”, so he does still like doing some feminine things.
Him and Alfred get along in that aspect, they relate to each other about being kind of insecure about their identities. They also do both indulge in some girly things. They probably both giggled and kicked their feet while laying on their stomachs and twirling the phone cords they had during The CW (I’ve been keeping most shipping bias out of this, this can be interpreted as platonic by non America/Russia shippers!)
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Wang Yao (It/She/They)
Intersex Agender Loveless AroAce
Kind of like Ivan, also hasn’t really cared about how it expresses itself
Just really likes the idea of being genderless, she has never really felt connected to any binary gender
AroAce, isn’t repulsed by the idea of sex and romance, but they would rather not partake in any of it. Isn’t attracted to any gender, sexually or romantically
Uses she/her simply because she thinks the pronouns are super cute
Gender neutral compliments, but doesn’t mind feminine ones
Guys I kind of don’t even have an explanation for this because this HC is really personal??? HELP I AM TRYING REALLY HARD TO EXPLAIN
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OK I AM DONE!!! I will probably do more later for other characters like Gilbert and Lovino because I LOVE gender/sexuality headcanons FEEL FREE TO SHARE YOURS WITH ME PLEASEEEE 💗
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cowboy-romance · 10 months
I know this is definitely not a unique experience, which is a blessing and a curse of its own, but it's still mine to tell. Even if it's talking to the void.
I've teetered between identifying as bisexual, gay and pansexual ever since I knew I loved men (that was solidified by 15-ish) . I've been with women/nonbinary people before (never penetrative, but lots and lots of mutual play) and I've enjoyed it, but there's always been a sense of hesitation and self-doubt in myself that has never been questioned with my attraction (sexual and romantic) towards men. I have never really been able to tell if that's out of my own emotional baggage of past experiences, or the constant questioning from family and friends and strangers, mostly just assuming I'm gay from the way I present. I don't think I've told the same story twice to people, always having to self-edit/censor some aspect of it to not stir things up or justify myself again. The routine I got into speaking about it never really bothered me until recently, when I just settled with calling myself gay to my work friends, most of whom are queer and would (hopefully) understand the nuance.
I've never had a problem being called gay or calling myself gay, even with the knowledge that I occasionally like play with the opposite gender, and I guess I've reserved calling myself bisexual with those I feel most comfortable/seen with. I haven't really felt the weight of it until now as I've gotten older, and it's not hard to imagine that men all over the world, since the beginning of time, have felt this way, where our mutual kinship of love and pride amidst struggle and confusion warms me.
I don't think there's an ultimate truth or one-stop label to my sexuality, or that I'll even care in 15 or 30 years down the line, but I know what I feel and love and experience in my mind and body and soul is real, and that I will be loved and appreciated and seen for who I am by my own people and community, bygone and in the here and now. That's my source of pride and strength.
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crazycatsiren · 2 years
hi, i'd like to ask a question. my mother language isn't english and i don't want to be ignorant.
i have been bisexual since i was 10. i dated a trans-man when i was 10 for 2 years, a cis-man when i was 16, and a trans-man when i was 18-21. some women in between. (i identify as my birth sex, female)
many times over my life has people told me i am transphobic because i identify as bisexual and not pansexual. i hate labels they're too confusing, i just say bisexual because it's either or and most people know what bi is.
also, people have told me bisexuality doesn't include trans folks but i have dated trans folks..for long time. when I was with my ftm boyfriends, i was there for one of them when they went through hormones during our relationship, therapy for that stuff. i think i am very supportive and understanding, i had to comfort them when they felt angry or sad about their born body. I had to correct people at our job and tell people off when they were being mean about him being trans.
but they tell me that bisexual only means man or woman, not trans or non binary. but to me, if you WANT to be a man, then you are a man? I don't care if your body does not match. I don't live every day thinking "trans boyfriend" "trans husband" "trans friend", when they tell me they're a man or woman I just think of them that way, even if I know they're changing their body and they're not born that gender.
my question is, isn't it technically transphobic to say trans men and women are not included in bisexuality??? you're basically telling me that HE is not a real man or SHE is not a real woman... right? I don't want to be ignorant and your posts seem very educated and well said so I figured you're someone who can give me an answer.
thank u so much if you answer,
Gods people are stupid. All this gatekeeping and policing have got to stop. It's doing nothing but hurting queer people and I'm sick of it.
The bisexual community has always included trans people. Always. To say bisexual excludes trans is transphobic. We were the LGBT. We have always been a part of the movement together.
There really isn't all that much difference between bi and pan. It's totally up to you which one you want to call yourself. The latter may have been around not as long as the former but it doesn't make it less valid. Sexuality, like gender, is not an either/or binary but a spectrum.
The reason why I kept the bisexual label for myself is because I got married before I had a chance to "explore" other identities that are not man or woman. Nonbinary, genderqueer, GNC, agender, etc., I didn't become aware of these identities until after I was married. Keep in mind, I'm a millennial, and many of these labels are new to me. But I'm not going to tell anyone what they "should" include in their bisexual or pansexual identities. That's none of my business and I have no right to exclude anyone, period, when I don't own any of these labels and who am I to tell anyone what to do when they aren't hurting anyone.
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mellyoraa · 11 months
I relate a lot to your sexuality weirdness! I spent years being like I'm probably ace buttttt what if I'm not?! I do know from my personal experience that in real life for all intents and purpose I AM aroace.
But my inner world is so much more than just not having any sexual/romantic attraction. I very obviously feel some kind of way for people I'm obsessed with and sex is intriguing . But it's all very self directed and only in theory. Both labels fit but doesn't explain me entirely, I'm bi in and introverted way or I'm a horny ace I dunno 😂
All the aces I've met have been the coolest people and I think we all have complicated feelings which make me feel comfortable enough with whatever I am though
Oh, thank you so much for this message, it always feels so validating to talk to other ace-specs, especially the ones who are sort of confused about it like you and me lol 😂 and I totally agree that ace people tend to be super cool (case in point, bc here you are ✨) and also really good to talk to about these things bc I guess we spend so much time trying to figure out our complicated feelings that we get really good at seeing and describing all those fine nuances in regards to sexuality/attraction.
I definitely have experienced both romantic and sexual attraction in real life, but it's so very rare that for the longest time I thought I was 100% ace and would never experience it. For me to feel some sort of maybe-sexual attraction towards celebrities or fictional characters etc is way more frequent though, but I think that's bc in those cases i already know that it can never happen and so it feels freer and safer in a way? And again, it's sort of hard to define it as true sexual attraction bc it isn't really fully that either, it's more like I like the concept in theory/mentally but it's not connected to any physical feelings, and would probably not be the same if I actually met the person towards who it is directed.
But that definitely made it very confusing for me to understand that I was bisexual, since I have a hard time determining the type of attraction I feel towards most people. Idk this is becoming rambly now but thank you so much for messaging me and relating to me 💜
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possessionisamyth · 1 year
things i need to unpack
-the gender thing
I remember bringing up the possibility of talking T to a sister in university to which she immediately dissauded me saying i didn't need it and shouldn't do that, no idea what her intentions were or if she was trying to be supportive but i guilted that idea out of me by doing research and convincing myself its not worth the effort, i still dont know if i think its worth the effort or not, but i do need to sort through this
i also remember discovering the term androgynous and running with it only for a group of well meaning friends to further prod me on the definition as if that weren't enough (this was during the time where a bunch of lgbt terms were being brought back into the normal language while others where being created) so I don't blame them but it did kinda make me hate labels if mentioning one meant id be asked to constantly elaborate
-the sexuality thing
I floated between a lot of labels as i was learning them, the first one being bisexual since in highschool there was only gay straight or bi, and a lot of queer online discussion changed between me graduating high school and me leaving university
did latch onto the term "demisexual" when it dropped because it felt like me, but was questioned again when trying to explain it and was told "isnt that just what everyone does?" didn't take this response as maybe they were on the same wavelength and proceeded to have the most uncomfortable and irritated relationship with the concept of asexuality ever since, resorted to sorting myself into simply having a low sex drive and maybe not having met the right person yet, didn't help that the people i was dating or interested in at the time were all some level of shitty or uncommunicative sometimes with the bonus of expectations on me I couldn't meet
realizing now that ive guilted myself out of the idea and it just mixed in with my weird and fluctuating relationship with my body making me feel justified for being a dick
-other thoughts
Also realizing now my people pleasing habits, desire to not be a burden on anyone, and letting my own feelings be ignored or bottled up for the sake of other people's comforts did just as much hindrance for my personal journey as learning all the new information helped said journey
i lashed out at people i shouldn't have, over stepped boundaries i didn't comprehend, and came off all wrong when i was learning to set my own boundaries and trying to hate myself less, there were a lot of pivots trying to curb that self hatred, some better than others, others that resulted in me having to navigate around these coping methods i no longer need and no longer help me
I think i do have a lot of unspoken anxiety about whether im allowed to be angry or sad or upset about myself and my relationships because there have been many times where i try to voice those feelings and I'm told I shouldn't respond that way, and ive unfortunately done the same to others, and i think i do need to let myself sit in my bad moods so i can actually process them instead of trying to constantly shove it to the back of my mind and pretend it isnt there
and i can recognize ive said things that have hurt people or made them upset because of all of this shit ive listed and i cant go back and fix most of it because my running into those people are very slim and thats just the nature of life
But, i think to really sort of heal I'll need to start saying whats for me and that what i say is enough
So I think i am demisexual and androgynous nonbinary and I think if i ever want to start taking T that'll be my decision and no one elses and i still have to unpack the baggage and the guilt but i can keep moving forward, and if those labels change than thats good too and it wont be because someone else made me feel bad directly or by accident for making a decision
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I've always known I like girls.
My first fictional crushes were girls, and my first real life crushes were girls.
I was outed when I was 11 because someone in my small, conservative, religious town saw me kissing my first girlfriend and I decided to own it because going back in the closet wouldn't do anything since everyone already knew.
So I came out as bisexual.
I only ever kissed, cuddled and held hands with people I dated between the ages of 11-13.
When I started highschool at 14 though, I actually started sleeping with people.
Guys and girls.
Thing was, I was always drunk, high, or both when with guys and half the time with girls.
I slept around A LOT.
I was very neutral to all sex when high or drunk, no matter who I was with.
i was only ever sober with some gorls and I enjoyed that and didn't even process that I had never been sober with a guy.
When exploring my own likes and interest through porn, dating sims, etc, I always found myself leaning more towards women but didn't fully connect.
I also, in highschool, found out about pansexuality and started identifying with that more so than with bisexuality.
So I was pan.
Around this time(16), I came out as trans and started identifying with he/him pronouns.
That confused me about my sexuality even more.
For a very short period of time, I identified as a straight trans man, but then I saw a pretty boy and when back to pan.
Eventually it changed again, I settled on demiromantic, pansexual, upon realizing that I was still very neutral to sex no matter what(I was still crossfaded 90% of the time) but that it was hard for me to properly connect emotionally to anyone until I got really used to them.(This was really mostly guys though. I wasn't with many girls at the time because I was getting physically assaulted for being queer and thought it'd be safer if I dated a lot of guys.)
It went that way for a long time.
Finally, at 23, after a death in my family, my stepdad, who had made it clear he didn't like my sexuality, gender identity, or religion, used that as an excuse to kick me out of the house.
I told my friends about this and some of them panic bought me a plane ticket to their state. So I moved halfway across the country and am living with them now.
Since I've been here, I've had room to explore myself and who I am without having overly scrutinizing eyes watching my every move.
I've realized that I am not a trans man and am actually genderqueer(It/They) and, after having sex for the first time SOBER with a guy and
not feeling neutral
in fact feeling disgusted and kinda sick afterwards
I decided maybe HE was just bad at it.
Despite him actually managing to pull out all the stops and make me cum twice.
Still grasping onto my heteronormativity like a lifeline.
Then another guy.
Great friend.
We date for a while.
Everytime he tries to do anything further than kissing and I actually feel sick.
I hook up with a girl I know as a one time thing.
It feels so right and amazing.
A wonderful experience.
Reminded me of the little flashes of enjoyment in the sober experiences with girls in highschool.
And I finally realized it.
I only like women.
I don't feel right using lesbian to define myself though.
As an afab enby individual, I feel uncomfortable pushing so much implied femininity into my label.
I know that there are a lot of enbys who identify as lesbians and that's fine. I'm happy they have a label that they are comfortable with. It just doesn't suit me, personally.
I did some research, looking up sexualities that define an individual who is not a woman or a man, who loves women.
i finally found it.
An unaligned nonbinary person who is attracted to exclusively women.
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awda · 2 years
i don’t know if i’m actually lesbian or just reject the idea of being with a man in real life so much because of the trauma I’ve faced with men as a whole, like I’ve never had a ACTUAL relationship with a man like actually committed in person relationship, i’ve never experienced that before, and the truth is it is on me that I’ve never experienced it, every time I’ve got the chance I always purposely self sabotage and avoid it
like how can I be so obsessed with a single man that I never was ACTUALLY in a committed in person relationship with and at the same time be a raging feminist?
i don’t understand myself
update: so I researched more on how I’m feeling and I’ve found a new “lead” it is called Compulsory Heterosexuality
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and basically the condition is by rejecting your sexuality so much that you have this mindset that the only way of your sexuality is by being with what society deems as normal, so like if you’re gay and you experience this “theory” you’d go far out to “be” straight and same thing for if you are lesbian and you experience this “theory” you’d go far out to “be” straight
Okay let me get a little personal, because I am 100% sure this “theory” has explained my whole love life. I have homophobic parents, and they’ve told me since I was little that being of LGBTQ+ is bad, sinful. I don’t have religious parents, just very judge mental one minded parents, especially my mother. When I was younger I first came out as Pansexual, meaning liking all genders, all identities, no matter what, as long as I LIKED the person, I didn’t care what they identified as. Then as I got older, I came out as Bisexual. Meaning I “liked” girls and boys. Now I’m confused asf.
Long story short all my love life, I’ve only experienced ONE in person relationship (The rest of my past relationships occurred and begun ONLINE, long distance relationships just made me feel more comfortable than in person… I thought this was just personal preference but turns out it is one of the side affects of Compulsory Heterosexuality, labeling “anxiety” as “romantic feelings”, forcing yourself to think that being uncomfortable with someone that you THINK you’re romantically attracted to and or involved with is just “butterflies” (romantic feelings)). Anyways the ONE in person relationship I’ve experienced was WITH A GIRL! I’ve only been in a relationship with a girl literally two times… the rest guys, I’ve never engaged romantically with or saw in person, long distance relationships.
In my long distance relationships, I would never make the effort to talk to them vocally, only text. They questioned this sometimes, and I always told them I was shy, I was nervous because I “had romantic feelings” for them. Which is completely false. When you’re attracted to someone romantically, it shouldn’t make you uncomfortable. Not that you’re automatically lesbian if you’re shy around your boyfriend. Shy is a completely different word for this situation. Uncomfortable fits better. Yeah. If you’re uncomfortable around your boyfriend, are you really romantically into him?
I also notice in my relationships with guys, I’d always feel the NEED to be validated by them. Like almost after every relationship with a guy I’ve been romantically involved with, and we all of a sudden stop talking, I feel super insecure and feel the need to obsess over them months later.
Anyways I may update this post later, I just need to think everything through and process this. I’ve researched on this topic before though I never fully accepted that it IS my situation, this theory IS the reason I am like this in relationships. I need to accept myself more, and everyday believe me, I am working on that.
I think that is why I’m also experiencing writers block, because recently I stopped talking to a guy I was “romantically” involved with and it REALLY dawned on my happiness and self confidence. Like everytime I receive validation from a guy, it feels so good, Idk how to describe it, that’s probably why I get so stuck in the “Compulsory Heterosexuality” mindset. I haven’t FULLY accepted myself yet.
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homunculusgirldick · 2 years
Ramblings About Sex and stuff??
Okay, so, i don’t think people are gonna read this, but i just took the focus drugs and i need to ramble about my sexuality for a bit.
So, i generally call myself a lesbian, because, when i figured out i was a girl, I still knew that boys where kinda gross and girls where great. In fact, getting comfortable with the idea of my body made me a lot hornier, and happier. I haven’t even started HRT, but just thinking about touching girls and girls touching me went from icky to HOT, once it clicked that i was also a girl.
But... There has been some evolution, since then. I mean, i once was a “dude” who got all uncomfortable when i saw a pick of a girl with a cock, and now i salivate at the thought of girldick, and i’m not even planning on getting bottom surgery. Like, i really changed over the years.
But also, that changes some things in a very odd way.
Let me explain, lets say you have a girl, a non-binary person that is fairly femme presenting, and a man that is also femme presenting (essentially, a femboy). A person could look the exact same, and be any of this three. And that is super cool! identity is not the same as how you present yourself and all that, i love and respect all of these people, but, in terms of my atraction, if you showed me a picture of any of this three in like, a bunnygirl outfit, i will get horny over it. Even if i know their identities, i don’t care! My sexual atraction isn’t really turned on or off by a label, I just, think they are hot!
Of course, this is talking about the most basic sort of sexual atraction, not really delving into the aditional layer of romantic atraction and all of that stuff, just in terms of, this causes the horny alarm to go off, any person that sort of “fits my standards” will make me sexually interested, and i obviously do not choose that. 
So in the end, maybe you could more acurately call me a femme leaning bisexual? but the thing is, plenty of lesbians are atracted to nonbinary people and still consider themselves lesbians, usually, they are in relationships with like, maybe more femme presenting nonbinary people, but i don’t think that’s like, a rule? there is no rules! And so, is it very diferent when i find a femme man atractive? maybe calling me a “bisexual Lesbian” because i make an exeption for hot twink femboys or some shit. I dunno. 
I say i am atracted to “feminity” instead of just “women”, wich i think is what a lot of people who call themselves lesbians think? and it is also, very broad, like, I still like plenty of masc leaning women.
And while i am not as interested in the sort of gender nonconforming lesbians who are very masculine, to the point of almost looking like a lot of men do, the fact that they concider themselves women is still important for my atraction. Like, i said i don’t care about labels, but if two people looked the same and one was a man and the other just a very masculine woman, i would date the woman, obviously, and i would be kinda inherently grossed out by the man, because i am not atracted to men! 
... I am started to think this is kinda senseless? well, simply put, i love women, but i am not picky, if you look enough like what i like, then i do not care about your identity (but of course, i will still respect it!). Though i haven’t even had a relationship before, so this is all kinda stupid.
So i would easily date a hot femboy my age, or any nonbinary person that i find cute and nice and stuff. Does that mean i am not a lesbian? probably by definition no? but i like to call myself one, and so... Who cares? maybe i do? i am figuring stuff out! :)
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crying-in-converse · 1 year
How did you know you were aro/ace (sorry if that's a weird question)
Thanks for asking anon! I love educating people on this!
It has been a long journey to my realization- and even now I am still figuring somethings out.
In 7th grade I thought, what if I liked men and women the same? So I decided I was bisexual. I kept with that label for a little bit until about a year later I decided I just liked men idealistically.. so that meant I was a lesbian. After a little bit, I wasn't too comfortable with that label and decided maybe I like men. What made all this realizations so hard was I had never had a crush before so I had nothing to go off of. I was just waiting for a crush to come along, I thought I was a late bloomer or my school didn't have enough options. After I decided I wasn't a lesbian I decided to be unlabeled for a bit. I already knew I was asexual since I was just realizing my bisexuality. I couldn't see my self having sex at all in the future and it definitely repulsed me. But I thought all kids my age were repulsed by the idea. I guess not.
I had heard of aromanticism before but it never crossed my mind that I could be that. I always thought that I definitely would want to be in a relationship, but I thought of it some more and I had never really had a crush before, and if I did I wasnt able to tell if it was platonic or romantic attraction in middle school.
I had been labelling myself as unlabeled for a while and I started experiencing weird attraction that I knew wasnt romantic but more a longing to get to know a person more. I was confused by that attraction for a while.
Just recently I realized that I do fit the term aromantic. And I was in denial for a really long time... mourning the fact that I may never experience the "greatest experience on earth" but I've found many people like me here on Tumblr and some of my friends even relate to these experiences.
I am still working out my identity, trying to figure out if I am actually Demi romantic or grey romantic or just aro in denial still.
I think it is very important to share my journey to realizing my sexuality because it is so unique and aroace identities need to be heard from more!
I am out to my friends as a lot of things, some of my friends still think I am bisexual or a lesbian. others still think I identify as unlabelled and some I have told I am aroace! I think its important to remember that you don't owe a coming out to any one- even if you've already come out as something you don't identify with. I don't feel like explaining to everyone my identity.
After realizing my identity I also didn't realize how much aphobia and amanormativity there is still in society- even at a school that is very excepting and welcoming to any one in the community. I have found many people who are in the queer community belittle me and my aspec friends identities. there is still a long way to go..
anyways sorry this was so long! my journey was years and years and hard to sum up in one post! lmk if you have any questions through my ask box which is always open!!
<3 <3 <3
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