#I got two requests written yesterday and I’m in the middle of a third
rinhaler · 7 months
Okay I genuinely am taking some time off writing bc I’m getting super overwhelmed, I’m just gonna do requests when I feel like it! It’s starting to feel a little like a job and I don’t want that 😩
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collecting-stories · 1 year
King of my Heart - Jay Halstead
Request: Hi! Can i request King Of My Heart with Jay Halstead?❤️ 
A/N: I just really like the idea of Jay with like a firefighter s/o. I think I've written like two other fics with him and a firefighter s/o, pretend they're all interconnected lol.
TS Anthology Series | One Chicago Masterlist
...is this the end of all the endings?...
Dating with your schedule was not easy. Finding time to actually connect with people outside of work was next to impossible, especially since you’d taken on some paramedicine shifts for Sylvie on your days off from the Firehouse.
While you were trying not to rush into things or make any assumptions about whether dating was the correct term, you’d been spending a lot of time with Jay in recent weeks. You’d volunteered to help at a city garden that Trudy helped organize and he’d been there too and you’d both sort of clicked (at least that’s how you described it to Stella later on because you were too hesitant to admit that Jay had pretty much stuck to your side that whole day and asked you for drinks immediately after).  
“I just don’t wanna like...move too fast.” You explained, pulling your shirt over your head and fixing your hair, “like, okay...what if it’s just supposed to be like a casual thing and I make it this big thing in my head that it isn’t? Then I feel stupid and I can never show my face when he’s around.” 
“Listen, if it’s casual, he’s the one who should feel stupid. You’re a total catch,” Stella replied, always ready to be your cheerleader when you were feeling insecure about something. “You are a total badass, you’re on Squad. You don’t need some guy and he’s lucky you’re giving him the time of day.” 
“I wouldn’t go that far.” 
“I would!” Stella insisted, “you don’t need him, don’t feel like you need validation or something.” 
“I don’t. I’ll admit I’m okay single but, it is kinda nice having someone...I don’t know, want to put in the effort after a long shift. I mean, it’s not like we have easy jobs.” You replied, grabbing your duffel from the bench and slinging it over your shoulder. “I guess I just want some clarification. Are we dating? Is he thinking this could be something more serious? Is he even looking for something more serious?” 
“Are you?” She deadpanned as you both made your way out of the locker room. Most of the other third shift had left already but Stella had hung back with you while you showered, mostly to listen to you have a mini-crisis over your budding relationship with Jay.  
“I feel like I could be.” You shrugged, “that sounds stupid but like, sometimes I just look at him and think like, yeah I could do this every day of my life. That’s really fucking scary Stella...like...” 
You trailed off as you made it out onto the driveway and saw Jay’s pickup parked out front. He was standing there on the passenger side, leaning against the truck and when he saw you he smiled. Stella nudged your ribs playfully before giving you a silent wave goodbye and heading to her car.  
“Hey,” you called out as you got closer, “don’t you have work?”  
“Caught a double yesterday, just got off like an hour ago.” Jay replied, “Figured if you don’t have plans this morning you might wanna get breakfast?”  
“Oh my god yes, I’m starving,” you said, letting Jay take the bag off your shoulder and toss it in the back of his truck. “Herrmann has a new candidate and he offered to make dinner last night-” you shuddered and Jay laughed. 
“That bad?” 
“Terrible! And we ended up getting a call anyway so basically...no dinner.” 
Jay shot you a sympathetic look over middle console, “Shit baby, I’m sorry.” 
You felt yourself warm up at the sound of him calling you baby. You weren’t much for pet names but somehow hearing the word out of Jay’s mouth squashed all the worries you’d been keeping close to your chest.  
“Jay!” You whispered, trying not to laugh and draw anyone’s attention, though most everyone in the house was asleep at this hour. Aside from Herrmann who had gotten stuck on night shift and was currently trying to keep his eyes open to reruns of Lets Make a Deal in the common room. He had ears like a hawk though and you knew he’d come snooping if he heard commotion. “We’re gonna get in trouble.” 
Jay smiled against your neck, placing another kiss there before responding, “I don’t work here so technically...” 
“Well don’t get me in trouble then!” You replied, unable to stop a laugh from escaping this time as you bumped into the washing machine.  
It was nearly one in the morning when Jay had shown up at the firehouse, texting you and telling you to let him in the back door. He’d just gotten off work and you still had six more hours on shift but it was officially your six month anniversary and he was surprisingly sentimental. Although you weren’t sure that making out in the laundry room like two horny teenagers was exactly sentimental.  
You didn’t get much time to consider anything at all because the siren went off, the overhead voice alerting the firehouse, “Truck 81, Engine 51, Squad 3, Ambulance 61.” 
“I have to go,” you insisted, pulling away, “Jay, I have to go.”  
“I know, I know.” He let go of you, stepping away so you could head out to the apparatus. He followed behind you, careful to stay out of the way, stopping at the Squad table. 
“I knew I heard something!” Herrmann laughed, walking through the double doors with Ritter, “Sneaking around the firehouse like a couple a kids!”  
You did your best to ignore Herrmann as you geared up, stealing one more kiss from Jay, “I’ll see you after shift?” 
“Yeah, I’ll pick you up.” 
“Get in the rig lovebird!” Tony called out the window and you rolled your eyes before climbing up into the back with him and Capp.  
You couldn’t resist a last glance out the window as you pulled out into the street, Jay standing there with his hands in his pockets, watching you and grinning. By the time you got to the fire, you’d be clear headed and ready to work but until then, you’d let yourself be a little lovestruck.  
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oneshotnewbie · 3 years
Omg I love your Navy CIS request 😍 Can we have another one where Reader faints? It's your choice how your gonna do it :)
Fully equipped, McGee and you stood at the door of the house where your suspect lived while Gibbs ran around the house to secure the back area and keep an eye on the back door in case Mike Lander thought he had to leave. Guns drawn, he nodded to you once more before knocking and leaning his body against the wall to prevent him from being shot through the door.
„NCIS, open the door!“
When nobody answered and there was silence in the house, McGee kicked the wooden door in. While he walked in front of you and secured the left to the kitchen, you walked further in and secured the bedroom. Nobody was there, but the special agent and you noticed quickly that the pot full of coffee was still relatively hot and the smell of freshly burned wood and ashes stung your eyes and nose; a fire has definitely been kindled recently.
„Tim, he is still here.“ you whispered to your partner.
„Y/N!“ did you heard him scream before something hit you with full force from the side and you flew through the entire room only to come to a standstill on the little coffee table that collapsed under you.
The impact took all of the air you had from your lungs and you closed your eyes while grimacing in pain. Your head felt like a cinder block and you felt something run down the back of your neck. Your vision was blurry and the corners of your eyes darkened. At that moment you were unable to move, as if your body was paralyzed.
„Boss, he is out front.“ Yelled McGee from the balcony before running to you but Gibbs was already gone. He had probably saw everything that had just happened in the glass front from his position.
He was kneeling in front of you and wanted to help you get up, but you just raised your hand and pointed towards the door. „Go get him, I’m fine.“ You said in a hushed voice and even if you saw that he hesitated and wanted to stay with you, he decided to chase after this guy.
You were left alone and gathered all your strength to free yourself from the table. Standing up didn’t work, so you turned to the right and dumped yourself from the hard wood to the rug on the floor.  With a sigh you tried to support yourself with your shaky arms to get up but before you pulled your legs up to shift your body weight onto your knees, two hands grabbed your elbows and pulled you up slowly.
"Easy. Are you okay?" it was Gibbs looking at you worriedly and reaching under your arms, you still weren't in the control of your own body.
But that didn't work for him. "Let me see," he slowly tilted your head to the side to get a better view of the back of your head and neck. "The hell you are, you're bleeding."
You hissed at his touch and winced when the gray-haired repeatedly went to the wound. Another wave of dizziness settled around you and you fell back a little. If he didn't still have a firm grip on you, you would probably be back on the ground.
"Does Tim got the bastard?" you asked after you slowly moved in the direction of the exit, Gibbs being your support while having an protective arm around your back.
"It doesn't matter now, I will take you to the hospital."
Patiently, Gibbs waited in the emergency doctors waiting room until they were done with your tests and he was called in by a nurse. While he sat on the chair across from your bed and vigorously checked you from top to bottom, you sat on the edge of the bed with a stapled wound on the side of your skull and still a little dazed from the painkillers you were given before.
After a while, a younger doctor came into the room and introduced himself to Gibbs. "How is she doing, doc?"
"So.." he started and took the stool out from under the desk. "The tests are inconclusive, which is good. However, from the impact you described to me, she got two broken ribs and suffered a moderate concussion, which is why she will probably continue to complain of headaches for a while."
"I can handle the complaints, I just want to know whether my agent can go home." he laughed and looked over at you.
You rolled your eyes playfully and couldn't help but laugh. Even if he was a hard shell on the outside that was very difficult to see through, he was on the inside gentle with his family, almost overprotective.
"She can go home. I will give her a few more painkillers for the next few days." said the brown-haired doctor and immediately turned to the computer to enter the recipes into the system. "However, she should not do any field activity until she has been 100% cleared by the on-duty doctor."
"Desk duty? How fun." you said sarcastically and turned to the doctor, but your head got stuck in half, the pain was too strong that you still felt despite the painkiller.
"Sorry about that, Agent L/N." he said and handed the instructions for taking the pills to your boss. "If she complains of very bad headaches, dizziness, nausea or even passes out, bring her back to the hospital immediately."
Gibbs nodded in understanding and took a closer look at the discharge papers while the doctor talked to you. "You are not allowed to wash your hair with shampoo, initially for the next 48 hours. You can get the blood out with lukewarm water, but let someone help you and please don't comb your hair in that area to prevent removing the clips."
After this instruction, he wished you a speedy recovery and disappeared from the door.
It was the next day you worked off your old files that you still had to work on anyway. Other than that, you were not allowed to do anything other than put information you found on the screen and go down to Abby to see what she'd found for you.
You didn't want to admit it but you felt worse than yesterday. The waves of dizziness you felt when you moved too quickly and the nausea you felt since yesterday evening made it hard for you to concentrate. You had already two pills of painkillers and you wouldn't get a third one from Gibbs, he clearly told you and you didn't want to draw any further attention to yourself.
"Hey, look. I brought you your favorite donuts." did you hear  a male voice speak and you looked up. Tim stood in front of you with a pack of 12 donuts and a big grin on his face.
Smiling, you took the box over to you and placed it on the free side of the desk."Thank you, Timmy but you don't have to give me anything. It's not your fault."
"Yes, it is. I didn't offer you the protection a partner has to offer." before he uttered the last words of the sentence, you talked in between. "Tim, it's okay. This is our job. You did what you had to do, we just didn't looked clearer the first time we went in."
He nodded, the guilt was written on his face while he stole one of your donuts and walked back to his place. He was worried and even if you said it wasn't his fault, he felt more than guilty so he tried it with small gifts and gestures, like helping you with your old files in his free time when you needed a break.
Hours went by that you worked, Ellie, Nick and Gibbs had also returned from field work and now were back at their desks. Your otherwise so happy charisma was betrayed by your face contorted with pain. You felt the worried looks from the squad on you so you tried to get away from them by going down to Abbys.
At least for a few minutes.
Abby let you know every single detail she found and about the evening with her brother but it just didn't seem to get into you head. As soon as you walked out of her door, almost everything she said was forgotten.
The dizziness seemed to get worse and you just barely made it to the top. In the middle of the bullpen you came to a standstill, your breath shallow and heavy. "Abby found out that.."
You couldn't go on talking. Something in you refused to speak, this abnormal dizziness took away your sight and you couldn't see anything but a blurred vision. "Y/N, what did she find out?" Gibbs asked you in concern.
He already stood up from his chair when he saw that you came walking, your face almost paler than the walls of the hospital he had to stare at. Almost immediately, he knew that something was wrong with you so he rounded his desk if he had to intervene and be near you.
It took you a few seconds to form a normal sentence after trying to look through the sight of a swaying ship. "Call an ambulance." you could answer before the lights turned off and you collapsed in the office.  
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jamiethetrans · 3 years
Old Habits Die Hard - Ch 1
Rita Calhoun x Transgender FTM Reader
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AN: Same as the others, simply a repost.
But those who are new and haven’t read the story yet, I need to warn you (if you haven’t read the under title) that the reader in this story is a transgender reader who has changed their gender from female to male.
If this is not something you enjoy reading or isn’t fond of, I recommend you don’t read this story.
There will also be both F/M intercourse and M/M intercourse. (trying to sound professional instead of simply saying sex) though the M/M is very mild and not very long. There will of course be warnings in the author’s note before the chapter begins.
You’re warned
Good reading!
“I don’t know what to do Rafael… Carisi has left us to take your position and Kat is–“
“Out of control?”, Barba said interrupting her and Olivia gave him a look, her hands on her hips. The man could see how tense she was and sighed looking down.
“Liv… You’ll find a way. I know it”
Olivia sighed and looked out of the window. “What does your new boss say?”, Barba asked and she turned to him.
“Well he’s looking. Trying to find anyone really”
Barba nodded and thought is thoughts through and suddenly came to thought, Olivia immediately noticing. “What?”
“I might have someone in mind”
Olivia raised an eyebrow and Barba smiled as he stood from his seat. “I’ll call you”, he said and walked out of the office. Olivia stood back left with a frown and saw Amanda coming in as Barba left.
“What’s going on? Why’s he in such a rush?”
“He thinks he might have someone who can work here”, Olivia answered as she sat down by her desk and put on her glasses. Amanda sighed nodding.
“Oh. Still haven’t found anyone?”
Olivia shook her head and Amanda nodded in understanding. The older woman noticed the file in her detective’s hands and nodded towards it. “Is that the Henderson file?”
“Uh yeah. I found out he has a record. Assault and larceny. It says here that he was arrested three years ago for assault on one of his female coworkers from his previous job at the corner cafe down in midtown”
“Wait the corner cafe? The same where Briana worked?”
Amanda gave her a look. “You think it could be her?”
“I mean it’s possible. Does it say who the coworker was?” Amanda looked in the file and shook her head as Olivia stood from her seat and walked over to her. “Hhmm No”
Olivia sighed looking up and Amanda kept reading. “Although…”, she said and Olivia looked at her. “What?”
“It says the crew had heard them yelling pretty loud about some money issues. Says they yelled about the coworker owing money to Henderson”
The two women’s eyes met and they both knew what the other thought. “It’s her”
You took a deep breath as you walked over to the weights and counted to three in your head before lifting it up. You felt your muscles tense and you held it for as long as you could, feeling yourself getting into even more shape. Your muscles getting bigger and stronger.
After a minute of holding it, you put it down with a bang and you took a deep breath. You heard the small sound of someone clapping over your music and turned to see a person you haven’t seen in a very long time, standing by the entrance to the gym.
A smirk creeped on your face and you put the weights back on their place before taking your water bottle, walking over to the person.
“Rafael Barba”
You walked closer and noticed how much he has changed. “Nice beard. How long has that taken over that pretty mouth of yours?”
Barba rolled his eyes and looked around in the gym. He noticed you were the only one. Not that it was a mystery as to why. It was just past 2 am. “You haven’t changed”
“Neither have you”, you said right after and your eyes met. You smirked and walked over to your bag, putting your bottle inside. “May I ask why you’ve come here and interrupted me and my training in the middle of the night?”
“You still work down at homicide?”, he asked and you turned to him, meeting his eyes. You put down the bag and walked towards him, making him walk backwards. He felt his back hitting a large pole and his heart almost jumped out of his chest.
You came up close and stood almost chest to chest, just inches from touching each other. You were almost a head taller than him. “Who’s asking?”
“I’m sure we can figure something out” Olivia didn’t believe a word. But Fin had always supported her and it meant so much to her.
“How? I mean I haven’t heard anything from Barba and none of the other SVU precincts have the people for it. Everybody is short handed. Especially in this line of work”
Fin sighed and looked out of the window from Olivia’s office and looked at Rollins and Tamin. “I’m not so sure about Barba though”, he said and Olivia furrowed her eyebrows. She looked out of the window and saw Barba and you walking towards the office. Fin turned to his boss with a frown. “Who’s that?”
“I don’t know”
Barba knocked and opened the door. “Hey, who’s this?”, Olivia asked and Barba turned to you for a moment meeting your smirking face. “She doesn’t know?”
Olivia’s face met Fin’s and she raised an eyebrow. “Know what?”
You turned to her and held out your hand. “Y/N Y/L/N. Homicide. Rafael told me you needed people here” Olivia took the offered hand and smiled. “Yeah”
“Well it’s your lucky day then. I so happen to have written my resignation letter yesterday evening”, you explained and Olivia and Fin furrowed their eyebrows. And it didn’t go unnoticed by you. “And then Rafael told me about you needing people. How could I say no?” Olivia turned to Barba and the man smiled back at her. He knew she liked the idea.
“What do you think they’re talking about?”, Rollins asked as she sat by her desk and looked at Tamin. The other woman looked over at the office and noticed both Barba and you standing by the entrance.
“Hhhmm. Don’t know. Haven’t seen the guy before”
“You think he could be a new detective?” Kat scoffed. “New? Look at his body. I doubt there’s anything new about him when it comes to detective work”
Rollins frowned for a moment before the door to the office opened once more and all four people came out. “I’ll see you later”, Barba said turning to you and you watched him as he left the squad room.
“Alright everybody. This is Y/N Y/L/N. He’s our newest member of the squad so take him in and show him around”, Olivia introduced you and you turned to the two female detectives and gave them a charming smile.
“Hey guys. Nice meeting you”
“Y/N is from homicide but wanted something more and here he is”
They both greeted you and Olivia gave you a desk next to Tamin. “So. Homicide huh?”
You walked into your apartment and immediately noticed the amount of letters laying on the floor. You sighed and picked them up, going through them as you walked further inside.
“Money, money, work”, you mumbled to yourself, putting the third to the side. “More money, money, money, work again” You put the last one to the side as well before putting the last of the letters in a pile of its own.
There was suddenly a knock on your door and you frowned and turned around. You had barely made it through your apartment and you already had visitors. You walked over to the door and opened it. “Captain”
Olivia gave you a smile, a nod in the process. “Y/L/N. Mind if I come in?” You shook your head and stepped aside.
She looked around as she walked in, a smile forming on her face. “It’s a nice place you got”, she commented and you met her eyes and nodding.
“Yeah… thanks” She walked over to the couch and sat down. You watched her from your kitchen as you stood by your island and she met your eyes. “How did you know where I live?”, you couldn’t stop yourself from asking and she chuckled.
“Barba told me” You chuckled looking down.
“‘Course he did”
“But there’s a reason I came here Y/N” You looked up meeting her eye and she looked down and her fingers for a moment before looking back up. “SVU is a vulnerable place. It’s different from homicide”
You looked down at your fingers, playing with the small golden ring on your finger. “I know Barba recommended you. And I believe he did for a reason”
You looked back up and met her eyes. She stood from her seat and walked over to you, standing on the other side of the island. “I read through your resume. I’m impressed. Graduated at the top of your class. The youngest person to ever finish the academy and become a detective”
You gave her a soft smile and she gave you one back. “Truly I just wanted to know if you’re ready for what’s SVU has in store. Like I said, it’s not like homicide or narcotics”
You stared into her eyes and she could see the determination in your eyes. “I’m ready”
She nodded and gave you a smile. “Good”
“Docket ending 175438 the people versus Johnny Booth, how does the defendant plead?”
“Not guilty your honor”, the attorney answered and the judge turned to the A.D.A.
“People on bail?”
“We request remand your honor. The defendant is at high flight risk as he was taken at the JFK airport about to fly to California”, Barba answered and the defense attorney rolled her eyes.
“Mr. Booth was simply on his way to visit his daughter who’s in college in California.
“And that happened to be around the time he’s accused of rape?”
“Save it for the trial counselors. Bail?”
Barba sighed and looked down at his papers. “We request $50.000”
The judge looked at the defense attorney and she sighed nodding. “Well it’s settled then. Mr. Booth you will be remanded till someone can come and bail you out”
Barba sighed as the gavel hit the sound block and he turned to his old high school friend and gave her a nod. “You wanna come back to the office and talk deals?”
“In your dreams Rafael. We both know that’s a way too high bail”, she said and Barba frowned at her. “Then why not suggest a lower one?”
“I don’t have the time”, she said and walked out of the court room. Barba sighed and met Olivia’s eyes as she stood in the doorway.
“She sounded harsher than usual”, Olivia commented and Barba chuckled rolling his eyes as they walked out of the court room. “She’s just stressed. So how is Y/N with the others?”
“He’s doing good. Him and Kat are like best friends by now”, she said and Rafael chuckled. “And it’s only been like a week. I can’t even imagine how they will be when we’ve reached a month”
“Oh I don’t think you want to know”, Rafael mumbled to himself but Olivia heard it perfectly.
“What do you mean?”
He turned and met her eye and cleared his their. “Well he isn’t–“
“Hey”, a voice said and they both turned to see Rollins walking towards them.
“How did it go?”, the blonde asked and Barba gave her nod before continuing walking.
“$50.000 on bail”
“Good. Tamin and Y/L/N are with a victim. We got a call while you were in arraignment”
“Well let’s get back to the precinct and see what they’ve found out so far”, Olivia said nodding and the others nodded and followed her out of the court house.
They reached the precinct and immediately walked into Olivia’s office and watched you and Tamin take the girl’s statement.
“Alright Carol. With your statement and the rape kit, we have enough to take him to trial”, Kat said once she had finished taking her statement. You nodded in confirmation as you stood behind her, your arms crossed.
“Wow what?”
“What’s wrong?”, you asked and Carol gave you a terrified look.
“I-I don’t wanna press charges. I-I just…”, she trailed off and Kat sighed looking down.
“If he finds out I did this, he’ll kill me”
You sighed and looked away while Kat leaned back in her seat. You walked out of the room and met Olivia, Barba and Rollins in Olivia’s office.
“She’s scared. There has to be a way to take him to trial without her taking the stand”, Olivia said turning to Barba and the man sighed.
“She’s the most credible witness that you got. Find me another victim or convince her”, he said and turned to you. He gave you a look before leaving the office.
You sighed and turned to look at the girl through the window. Kat and Rollins both noticed the look between you and Barba and furrowed their eyebrows, looking at each other.
“Alright Tamin, Rollins. Find out if this guy has other girls in his life”
They both nodded and left the office. Olivia turned to look at you. She noticed how you looked at the victim. How soft your eyes were as you watched the girl looking down at her fingers. “You okay?”
You turned to her and froze for a moment before clearing your throat. “Yeah. I’ll uh. I’ll go and see if I can find anything on the rape kit.
Olivia nodded and watched you leave the office before sitting back down by her desk.
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simp4reggie · 4 years
Can I request a imagine where Charlie Gillespie in Canada filming Julie and The Phantoms netflix show but with his girlfriend aka reader but He and Jeremy and Owen are dress as clowns for Madison Reys’s halloween party but the boys want to scare the reader and she was in the bedroom getting dress as Stitch from Lilo and Stitch disney movie.
Charlie Gillespie x Reader
Word Count: 2,097
A/N: I know I haven’t written in a while but this might be my favorite one I’ve written so far. I changed it a bit since misread “bedroom” but I hope you like either way
Halloween. The spookiest time of the year. However, for you this was the most wonderful time of the year. Your boyfriend was currently filming the first season of his new show, Julie and the Phantoms.
Halloween is your favorite day of the year and it sucks that you’re supposed to spend it far away from him. You decided to book a flight last minute to surprise him. The only person you told was his roommate and best friend, Owen.
“He’s going to be so excited to see you. He won’t shut about you and hopefully this will stop him for a little while,” Owen says over the phone.
“Haha iI can’t wait to see him and I especially can’t wait to finally meet you in person.” You and Owen have been talking a lot ever since he answered Charlie’s phone when FaceTiming and after Charlie found his phone, you and him exchanged numbers.
“I know FaceTime’s fun and all but now we can bully Charlie together in person” He replies.
“Hey remember he’s still my boyfriend. I can’t be mean to him all the time. I call you when my plane lands, okay?”
“Alright I’ll see you then. But (Y/N)!”
“Bye Owen!”
After what feels like ages you board the plane and a then after 8 hours and 1 stop you finally make it to Vancouver. You take a few moments to collect yourself and then call Owen to let him know you’re here. You grab your stuff from the baggage claim and grab a coffee from Tim Norton’s for a pick me up. Sitting on a plane for a full work shift can really drain the energy out of a person.
It doesn’t take long for you to hear someone call out your name.
“Y/N)!!! Over here!” You turn around and see Owen standing there and you run over and give him a hug.
“Owen! Oh my god!” After a minute you let go and he can’t help but grin at the big smile on your face, the face that Charlie won’t stop talking about. He never misses a moment to tell his co stars about how gorgeous you are and how much he loves your smile.
“Okay so I’m thinking we stop by the apartment and drop your stuff off and then head to set. We’re in the middle of filming but I may have asked Kenny if I could take a break to get something to eat.” You chuckle at that before answering.
“Actually I was wondering if we could just go right to set. I can’t spend another minute without Charlie.”
“Good. I can. So please take him from me.”
You laugh at that and spend the entire car ride counting the moments till you see your boyfriend again.
Owen parks the car and you don’t spare a moment jumping out of the car and running towards the closest door before realizing you have no idea where you're going. You stop and turn waiting for Owen.
“C'mon let’s head to the main stage. That's where they were when I left.” You follow Owen to a group of people.
“Hey guys have you seen Charlie anywhere?”
“No why?”
“This is his girlfriend, (Y/N)! She’s surprising him.”
“Oh my gosh! You’re (Y/N)? He’s going to be so excited. He never shuts up about you!” A girl with long blonde hair says.
“Yeah he might explode,” A guy wearing a leather jacket replies.
“Yeah I’m sorry about that. Hopefully it’s all good things.”
“Definitely. That boy is 100% in love with you. I’m Savannah.”
“And I’m Jeremy”
“The third phantom and Carrie right? He talks about you guys all the time too”
“Well this is fun but we need to go find Charlie before he sees you first.” Owen drags me in a different direction. You wave to Savannah and Jeremy hoping to talk to them more.
You see that you end up at Charlie’s trailer and Owen knocks on the door.
“Coming!” You hear on the other side and your heart leaps. It’s him. Owen pushes you behind him.
“Owen! Where’d you go running off to? That was a king lunch, dude.”
“Oh you know just out.”
“Well it must’ve been good enough for Kenny to stop production until you got back. All that was left was your stuff with BooBoo. Mads is getting here soon.” You start to feel bad for causing them to stop filming.
“Oh believe me it was. I have a surprise for you.”
“Please! No more dead birds!”
“No it’s good I swear! Close your eyes”
“I don’t wanna-!”
“Fine!” Charlie closes his eyes and Owen pushes you right in front him.
Charlie opens his eyes expecting something gross but is completely in awe of the view in front of him.
“Wait…(Y/N)? How are you even here right now? What? How? I don’t even know what to say!”
“Just kiss me you dork.” He doesn’t say anything just wraps you in his arms and gives you the biggest kiss possible. You kiss him back and just soak in the moment of you two. It feels like there’s no one else around and forget about where you are.
“Okay...I’m going to go leave and find Kenny.”
Charlie lets go and just stares at you in shock. “That son of a bitch went to the airport didn’t he?” You just nod chuckling to yourself. “I’m sorry but oh my god. I can’t believe your standing here right now.”
“Neither can I. Last week I was missing you so much and Owen convinced me to get a ticket.”
“Well you came just in time. We’re having a Halloween party tomorrow night and now you can come! Everyone’s going to be so excited. You’re all I can talk about.”
“So I’ve heard. I better live up to the expectations huh?”
“You already are just by being you...God I love you.” He kisses you again.
You spend the rest of the day watching him film scenes and meeting the rest of the cast. They were all so nice and welcoming. You kinda regret leaving your stuff in Owens truck but you had to Charlie to help you unpack so it didn’t take too long. After that the three of you went out for dinner and then cuddled with Charlie the rest of the night Because of the party everyone had a later call time. This meant more time with Charlie.
The next morning you woke up to an empty bed but a noisy apartment. You walk out of the room to see Charlie and Owen arguing over a pan of burnt eggs.”
“Good morning, old married couple. What’s going on? It’s too early for this shit.”
“I’m sorry, (Y/N), but SOMEBODY decided to let the breakfast I was making you burn.”
“How is this my fault?”
“I asked you to watch over it while I went to the bathroom and I came back out to you going live and not even paying attention.”
“Well sorry I got distracted but you were in there a long time.”
“It wasn’t that king oh my god!”
“Boys!! Stop arguing,” You walk up behind Charlie to give him a hug, “It’s okay. Thank you for the breakfast, baby.”
“I’m sorry for him over there. It would’ve been amazing.”
“Amazing or Charlie amazing. I saw the peanut butter out?” Owen says staring at Charlie.
“Oh...maybe it was a good thing they got ruined. You eat some weird food babe.”
“Hey! Who’s side are you on?” Charlie says low key offended but he can’t stay mad too long. “Whatever, we'll just get Starbucks or something. Are you coming to set babe?”
“I was actually thinking about going to the store to find a last minute costume. What are you going as?”
“It’s gonna be a surprise. We’re not telling anyone.”
“Yeah. Jer, Charlie, and I are gonna match.” Owen replies.
“Oh god. I hope it wasn’t Charlie’s idea.”
“What is this? Pick on Charlie day?”
“No it’s Halloween! Best day of the year. Tomorrow is Pick on Charlie Day.” You laugh at Owen.
“Which reminds me I have to go to get a good costume.” You go back to Charlie’s room to get dressed before saying goodbye to the two idiots.
“I’ll see you later! Bye I love you!”
“I love you too!” Owen yells back.
“She was talking to me. Love you!”
“I don’t think so. She loves me more.” You hear them start to argue again and you leave quickly.
At the store you find a cute Lilo costume that there was one left of. You also buy a Scrump backpack and a little Stitch plush to carry with you (plus that fits in the bag so your hands don’t get tired. Spirit Halloween really has it all.
Charlie said to get to set around 6 and gives you the address of the school around 6 since that’s when they were supposed to done filming. You go through the door you and Owen walked through the day before. You start following the decorations until you get to the Cafeteria. You start to recognize people from yesterday. You see Sav is Kim Possible. Madison as the devil and Jadah as an angel. Sacha was also a devil. You look around but don’t see the three boys. You haven’t known Jeremy long but if he is willing to along with Charlie and Owens' plan he must be just as big as a doofus as them. After about 20 minutes you go to find a bathroom.
You look in the mirror fixing your dress and we’re fixing your eyeliner until the light turns off. You look around confused, feeling your way around. You got close to the light and feel a person.
“Hello?” You whisper.
You just hear footsteps walking slowly toward you.
“This is it. This is when I die.” You think to yourself. You walk backwards before feeling another body behind you.
You close your eyes to accept fate before seeing some light against your eyelids.
You open your eyes and see three scary ass looking clowns in front of you. You scream and run out the door. You take a moment against the hallway wall before realizing there were three people missing in the party. You wait hoping they would walk out soon. You see the door open and see one of the boys step out. Not caring which one it was you walk up against the door so they couldn’t see you. When you see his face you yell, “BOO!”
The clown screams and runs out pulling the rest of them behind him.
“Not so fun is it?” You let yourself be seen.
“I’m sorry (Y/N). I didn’t think that Owen was going to turn out the lights.” Charlie said walking slowly up to her.
“You wanted to scare her. It’s a small room and there's not many options.”
“Still I’m so sorry.”
“I actually thought I was going to die. I’ve never been more terrified in my life. Why would you do that?”
“I thought it would be funny.”
“Funny to watch your girlfriend terrified is it?”
“(Y/N)...I don’t know how to be anymore sorry.”
“Yeah we're really sorry.” Jer says hoping to calm the situation down.
“Yeah really sorry.” He was going to say something sarcastic but saw how traumatized you actually looked.
“It’s okay. I mean it is Halloween. I should have expected something like this from the three of you.”
Charlie walks the rest of the way to you and gives you a hug and kisses you on the head. He feels you calm down and says “You look really cute.”
“Thanks you don’t at all but it’s okay.”
“Hey you said Pick on Charlie day was tomorrow.” You smile before pulling away from Charlie and yell “Hey Owen!”
“Charlie just agreed to tomorrow being Pick on Charlie Day!”
“He did? Cmon lets tell everyone!” You run after him back to the cafeteria.
“Wait no I didn’t!!! (Y/N)! OWEN!!” Charlie just shakes his head knowing it wouldn’t do anything.
Later that night everyone got a text saying this:
This is your healthy reminder that 11/1 is now officially Pick on Charlie day! To celebrate, please spend the whole day picking on Charlie Gillespie. I hope you have a wonderful holiday.
Let’s just say when the next year came around, the fans had a field day and Charlie was not a happy camper.
A/N: oh look another 2 am post! Anyway I hope you liked it!
- Maddie xx
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fandomnetworks · 4 years
La Princessa
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Summary: You’re the young sister of the president of Colombia, and ever since the threats against high ranking members of society, your brother asked you to stay safe and placed in the care of the military. To your dismay not everyone is nice to you. 
Pairing: I have no clue where the story is going so idk. I find like every other guy on this tv show extremely handsome. 
first NARCOS story I have written so please be kind to me if there are any mistakes.
What happens when Colombia's new president begins getting death threats from the worst, or should I say best drug lord to roam Earth? Nothing. But his little sister gets the butt end of the deal as she is taken away to be watched twenty-four-seven by soldiers. Once, the ex-president's daughter was taken hostage, the security around you doubled down. And after your elder brother spoke to the Colonel of the army, everything got so much worse for you.
Why did you ever let your brother manage to drag you away from the United States back to your homeland? If you had known you'd be locked inside a shitty apartment for god knows how long, you would have stayed in your New York apartment and kept watering your plants. Which as you thought about it, they were probably dead by now.
It felt weird that your nervous and anxious brother became president. You would think people would treat you with something along the lines of respect. But as you soon found out, as soon as you arrived, everyone considered the president’s sister as the little damsel in distress, the princess who had no idea what was going on.
You spoke to the ex-president of Colombia over the phone, and he warned you that you should stay in the care of the soldiers. His wife soon took over the phone and held the conversation between sorrow and fear. And they kept you at bay in the meantime. You had strict orders to stay in the apartment, not to talk to anyone (not even the two soldiers outside of your door), and wait for your daily meals.
You couldn't do this for much longer; wanting to go back to your old life and wish your brother the best during his reign and peace the fuck out of Colombia.
But then the news of the death of Diana hit the tv screens, and everything shifted.
When once it all felt distant, and everyone was assured that Pablo would never kill her, your life changed drastically yet again. The burial was held grandly. Even though they were mad at Caesar, the grieving parents found comfort in talking to you. They asked you to take even more precautions because they couldn't lose their daughter and someone they considered one too.
Two weeks after the passing of Diana, you were left abandoned yet again in the shitty apartment. Jesus, you couldn't take it any longer in this place. And so you marched up to the front door, opened it in a rapid motion, and took to sprinting off, hoping you'd be too fast for the soldiers to catch up. But that plan was swiftly ruled out. "A donde te me vas princessa?" The younger soldier held on to you by the waist and rooted you down once you began to struggle in his arms.
This occurred not once, not twice, sadly not even three times. You had failed six times. By the seventh, they waited to hear your footsteps to walk up to the door. By the third week, you were cursing your brother out over the phone every few hours. Your sister-in-law would call when she could, but she was always entertained with your nephews and nieces.
On Tuesday, the soldiers knocked on your door. Over closed doors, they told you to get ready because you'd be going to their base to talk to a certain Horacio Carrillo. It took you all but 20 minutes to get prepared, when opening the door, the soldiers let out a low whistle. "I should have said we were going to the base a long time ago." The older soldier spoke in perfect Spanish.
"I kinda liked the sweatpants and greasy hair." The younger soldier joked, and you looked at him offendedly.
"Enjoy the view, muchachos. After today, I hope I never see this sad place again." You referred to the old apartment.
The trip to the base was quicker than you had thought. The proximity of it seemed as if it was planned that way. And even shorter was the walk from the car to the office of Horacio Carrillo. Your heeled shoes clinked-clanked all through the room, and it gained everyone's attention. Even though everyone seemed to have a duty to fulfill, their eyes laid on you and the two soldiers who walked in front of you. The pink dress you wore was airy and gave your complexion a soft look. The dress was a contrast to their dark hued uniforms. 
Once the two soldiers settled arrangements with the front secretary for the purpose of the visit, they exchanged quick words. They waited for who you assumed was Carrillo to open his door. 
Once he came to the door, he said, "Gracias, se pueden retirar (Thank you, you may leave).”
The men said their goodbyes to you and left, while Carrillo introduced himself to you and welcomed you into the room.
He asked for you to take a seat, and once you did, he as well took a seat. He tried to start small talk immediately, but you cut to the chase. "Listen, I don't care about politics or the arrangements you and my brother have settled. I think I am capable of taking care of myself, and I doubt there's a threat against me anymore."
"Miss. Gaviria, I assure you, when the time is right, you will be back in the States." 
"No, I don't think you quite understand Coronel, I cannot stand living there anymore. What is the point of living in such a beautiful country if all I do is stare at a tv screen all day or look at the four walls in that place?"
"Miss, these are your brother's requests. I-"
"I don't care what he has to say; I'm walking out of here alone." Ok, maybe you were dramatic and obnoxious. Still, in your defense, being caged in for nearly two months was doing no help to your sanity.
"Mira," You opened the door wide open and noticed all of his men were looking at you. "I don't have time for this; I have more important things to deal with. If you're so determined to leave, arrange some calls with the president."
You looked back at him, stood there silently glaring at him because he and you both knew that the moment you called Caesar, he would tell you the same thing Carrillo has been telling you. You stood rooted in your spot for a few more seconds before his phone rang, and he picked it up.
"Bueno?" He answered the call, and, for half a minute, remained silent before telling you it was the president. Your face perked up with interest, and asked him to hand over the phone. You hadn't been able to speak to your brother all day yesterday and today. You were about to chew him out so well no wood chipper could ever come near as good as you.
But to your dismay, Carrillo agreed with your brother on something and soon hung up. "He wants to see you."
"Perfect!" You walked out the door before Carrillo could. You expected one of the soldiers to take you to your brother, so you stood in the middle of the room waiting for Carrillo to bark some orders to his men and take you to him. But you were surprised when Carrillo bumped shoulders with you, "Que, estas perdida princessa? (What are you lost, princess?)" before he turned and walked towards the front exit.
part 2
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Enemies to Lovers Noah Sexton x dawson!reader
requested by: @bitweird1​
written by: @anotheronechicagobog​
Warnings: swearing, mature themes, child neglect, slightly Dawson bashing but they really just didn’t know, canon compliant threats
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You had spent your entire life struggling and working your ass off. No social life, extracurriculars for the sole purpose of applying to universities, and spending the majority of your life studying because according to your dad at least one Dawson had to become a doctor and your older siblings had decided that it wouldn’t be them, leaving you to do nothing but prepare for the future that had been hand-picked by the man you felt abandoned you. And then Noah fucking Sexton just waltzes in having put in half the effort and riding the coattails of his much more intelligent sister who gave up a career as a doctor because of sexism. He spent far too much of his time flirting with everything that had boobs and a pulse. You didn’t like him because he took nothing seriously and didn’t have a responsible bone in his body, and he hated you because you were incredibly uptight and didn’t have a sense of humour.
“Maybe you’d have more friends here if you didn’t have a stick shoved up your ass.”
“I’m not here to make friends, I’m here to become a doctor.”
Everyone was getting really sick of your fighting, so they banded together and made things worse. They had badgered you until Doris had enough and dragged you to Molly’s. You refused to drink or eat anything, resulting in more snide remarks between you and Noah. Just when everyone was developing a migraine before they were anywhere even close to drunk your parents burst through the door and marched over to you. And suddenly, everyone in the bar, including your siblings, were subjected to and twenty-minute rant from your parents about how you should be grateful they pushed you towards medical school and all the activities that got you scholarships, that they didn’t abandon you, and that they clothed and fed you because a third child cost so much money, how you never took anything seriously and were always joking around, and how you were a disgrace to the family. Once they finished, your dad dragged you out by your arm, your mom followed muttering about why couldn’t you be more like Gabby and Antonio.
You walked into the ED the next day as robotic as ever. The pitiful and awkward stares were ignored with ease, it was something you were quite used to if you were honest. Your parents were always scrutinized by your teachers and DCFS. At the end of the day, though, they weren’t abusive enough for any charges or housing changes to be set. They weren’t like that with Gabby and Antonio, who had mostly moved out by the time you were in kindergarden, you were their last chance to help them prove to their family that they didn’t fail as parents. And they made sure you knew it.
“Dr. Dawson, you’ve got a patient in treatment one. Also, uh, are you okay? I feel pretty bad about last night.”
“Oh, don’t worry about anything. I’m fine, and my parents were right I should’ve been studying. It was a poor decision on my part not to. I’m gonna get to this patient, but you really don’t need to feel bad, okay?”
She nodded absently as you turned your back to her. ”Hi, I'm Dr. Dawson, can you tell me what brought you in today?”
Your patient had just gone up to the OR to have a blood clot removed and you made your way to the doctor’s lounge, followed by Noah Sexton. ”Hey, Y/N, are you-”
”Yes, Noah, I am okay. Yes, I'm sure. I am fine, I am always fine.”
”From my experience when people say they're fine they're usually not.”
”Noah, I am okay.”
“I don’t believe you.”
The next few weeks were a maze of pitiful stares, hushed concerned words, and a silent Noah. All of it was completely unnerving. It all came to a head when Dr. Charles approached in the ED you about starting therapy with him, talking continuously about all the points ‘brought to his attention’, not even giving you the time to tell him the majority were false. “Excuse me?” 
Your stomach coiled in anger at his words. Not only were you more than capable of doing your job, but you already had a therapist. With basket case parents like yours, it was blatantly obvious that therapy was required. But the audacity of your co-workers to gossip so much that it came to the point over half the points Charles brought up were complete BS was astounding. Not only that, but he’d apparently spent the last few days internet stalking you to try and find some of your demons. “Dr. Charles, do you consider me a danger or liability to any of the patients or doctors at this hospital because of my relationship with my parents?”
“No, you actually seem to be well balanced mentally.”
“Then what, on earth, made you think it was appropriate to go around behind my back asking everyone at the hospital their opinion about me and what happened at Molly’s, or stalk me online to try and get a read on me, and then ask me blatantly at work, in the middle of the shift, in front of all my co-workers and superiors? What made you think it was okay to loudly bombard me with rumours and hearsay while I’m working?”
“Well, I thought that since it’s my job to check on all the ED docs, I’d check on you.”
“... You’re joking, right? I am the only person in this department who goes to therapy. Don’t kid yourself, you don’t check on anyone here. You judge them and make sure they know it. And quite honestly, you don’t have the best reputation for looking out for the mental and emotional state of your colleagues. This confrontation was not only completely inappropriate, but rude, obnoxious, presumptuous, riddled with unchecked errors, and unprofessional.”
“That’s not how I would word it.”
“It’s how I see it, and how I’ll word it with HR.”
No one was pitying you anymore, not since the tongue lashing you gave Dr. Charles, who was on very thin ice with the hospital. While bringing up Robin and Sarah may have been a bit of a low blow, it exposed some issues with Dr. Charles that needed to be addressed. The only person who acted as if you were made of glass was Noah Sexton. While he had been a bit of a pain in the ass, this was worse. He was being sickeningly nice to you and it was getting on your last nerve. Yes, your parents were abusive. Yes, you had a messed up and traumatic childhood. But did that limit your abilities? No. Did that make you mentally unstable requiring therapy and fragility from your coworkers? Absolutely not.
He came in with coffee exactly the way you liked it, again. With a muffin, again. “You have to stop.”
“Stop what, Y/N?”
“Stop acting weird. You don’t like me, you hate me, actually. The only reason you’re being nice to me is because my parents resent my existence. I do not need or want your pity. So stop treating me like a china doll, and start treating me like your coworker.”
“Okay, okay, I uh... I’m sorry. I just, I feel guilty, okay? I gave you such a hard time for being so frigid and then when your parents showed up at Molly’s and started screaming at you for existing and having a life of your own, it just all made sense. And I gave you shit and trouble for coping with your crazy-ass parents. And then Dr. Charles came by to talk to you and I just felt even worse because even though I didn’t tell him anything, it was our fighting that put the spotlight on you in the first place. You shouldn’t have had your dirty laundry aired to the entire hospital, that’s happened to me a few times and it’s horrible, and I feel bad because I know that I was a contributing factor to all the shit you’ve had to deal with at work.”
“I get where you’re coming from, but let’s be real, everything would’ve turned out exactly the same way if you weren’t involved. The gossip mill runs strong at Gaffney.”
“Yeah, it does. I still feel bad.”
“Well, you’re forgiven then. So you can stop treading delicately, buying me coffee, and being creepily nice to me.”
“I am not being ‘creepily nice’! And how can being nice be creepy anyway?”
“Yesterday you followed me around offering to help me take my gloves on and off constantly, to the point where a patient who came in for falling out of the ceiling above the women’s changeroom said ‘that’s just weird’.”
“... Okay. I’ll stop. But I gotta be honest, I don’t think I can go back to arguing with you all the time.”
“That’s fine, just stop acting so weird that a couple I caught having kinky sex after an STD swab said ‘that made us really uncomfortable’.”
“Don’t have to tell me twice. Seriously, you didn’t have to tell me twice.”
You and Noah had actually managed to become good friends and roommates. Shortly after he started acting like a normal person around you, not an instigator or a psycho, you found yourself enjoying his company. And yesterday, when you’d come home to find your room completely torn apart by your mother because your father had tried to frame you for using weed, you were done. Most of what you owned had been destroyed in your mother’s search, which sucked, but it made packing up all your stuff into your car much easier.
So far you’d ignored 43 texts, 12 calls, two visits from Gabby when she brought in a patient, and one visit from Antonio who didn’t even bother trying to lie to you. He also threatened to impound your car, you threatened to tell Voight about the time he and Lindsay got drunk and hooked up. It didn’t even matter that she was in New York now, Voight wouldn’t even blink before bludgeoning him down. He swore at you, “how could you break mami’s heart like this?”, and “can’t you just behave and do what you’re told for once?”
You looked him dead in the eyes, heart beating erratically at you older brother supporting your parents belittling and abusing you, “You sound like dad Antonio.”, watched his face fall, and left. Noah stopped him when he went to follow you. “You good?”
“Uh, not really. I don’t have a place to go tonight.”
“Did your mom kick you out?”
“No, I left. I can’t do it anymore. I break out in hives whenever I even think about my mother now. I just can’t go back.”
“Well, you don’t have to. I have been looking for a roommate, we can move you into my place after shift.”
“Are you sure?”
“Now come on, it’s prank week. Stohl pissed off Manning last week and she’s been planning revenge ever since, you do not want to miss this.”
And you didn’t. You entered the ED to find one of the most hated doctors in med spitting out Gatorade. “WHaT thE heLL?! That was sooo-ughghghg-” he couldn’t even finish his sentence before running to the doctor’s lounge to throw up in the bathroom. To Natalie’s credit, she didn’t crack a smile or react at all as she gracefully stepped over the spilled orange Gatorade. She briefly reminded you of a fae, graceful, beautiful, and cunning as all hell. You made a mental note never to cross her. Later at lunch, Natalie opened her sushi container, slightly deconstructed each piece, loaded all the pieces up with wasabi, reconstructed them, and popped one in her mouth. Everyone sitting near her had their eyes flash in recognition. Stohl had a habit of stealing other people’s food, and no matter how many times anyone told him to stop, they were just bullied into compliance. As a result, everyone had to dictate their food choices around his palette. Which meant no spicy food. Something that sucked for nearly everyone because hot food was a favourite for most people in the ED. But Manning wasn’t taking his shit. Not today. Something that worried everyone sitting around her because she would get in trouble for eating her own food how she liked it. It wasn’t until one of the HR workers, Holly, sat down beside Natalie and engaged in conversation that everyone realized the full scope of her plans. Stohl plopped down beside you and stole half of your sandwich right out of your hand. Ranting and raving, insulting everyone, stealing food, he made his way all around the circular cafeteria table until he got to Nat. He scooped up to pieces and threw them in his mouth just after he finished the words ‘insolent underlings’. Everyone held their breath as they watched his pale face redden exponentially. His eyes widened. And then he screamed. 
He yelled, he swore. “I’m going to report you to HR! You tried to poison me!”
“You stole food from everyone, something inappropriate, unethical, and unprofessional. You stole her food. That she made spicy to her tastes. She didn’t try to poison you.”
“And just who the fuck do you think you are?!”
“Holly Scott, from HR.”
You and Noah were doing great, as roommates and as friends. “Hey, do you have any plans for dinner tonight? My parents invited me over for dinner and they asked me to extend an invite to you. It’s nothing major, they wanted to meet my previous roommates, too. Make sure you’re not a hooligan.”
“Okay, sounds fun. What should I bring?”
“It’s rude to show up at someone else’s home without a gift.”
“You don’t need to bring my parents a gift.”
“Oh, I’m bringing a gift. I’m just asking you for some input.”
“Okay, well they really like wheelie shoes-”
“Ha, oh my god, I meant for what your parents would like, not you. And want wheelie shoes? Those have been out for a while, Noah.”
“Hey, do not laugh at me! They are just a very effective and fun way to get around.”
“Would you like them to light up too?”
“... Is that an option?”
You knocked on the door while Noah rolled his eyes at you. “I grew up here!”
“Well you don’t live here anymore and it’s rude to just barge into someone’s home and act like you own the place.”
“Oh, you must be Y/N! I wasn’t expecting anyone to knock, usually, Noah just barges in and acts like he owns the place. Come in, come in. It’s freezing outside.” You gave Noah a side-eyed smirk as you took off your coat, while he looked bashfully embarrassed. “Uh, here Ms. Sexton, I brought some homemade empanadas, they can be put in the fridge or kept in the freezer, and it’s best to reheat them in the oven. 350 F, ten minutes from the fridge and about 20 if they were put in the freezer.”
“Oh, you really didn’t have to do that.”
“I was raised that when you go over to someone’s house for dinner or an event, you bring a gift. And it was either this or a house plant.”
“Ha, good idea going with the food, it’s a Sexton family trait that will kill all the plants we touch. Thank you very much.”
“Hello, you must be Y/N. It;s wonderful to meet you- and what smells so good?”
“Y/N brought empanadas, and they are going away so that you and I can enjoy them later. Now everyone, to the dining room, dinner is just about done.”
Things started to change a bit a few months later when Choi had to physically restrain Noah from attacking a drunk bar fight patient who called you a slut in the middle of the ED. You’d been confused but Maggie just kept saying that it was a matter of time.
When you’d been hanging around at Molly’s with Noah, Sarah, and Darren, Noah had his arm casually wrapped around your shoulders, something your sister gave you the eyebrow for from her place at the bar.
After you’d been mugged and beaten, you’d run to the 21st, where your brother promptly unleashed the most fearsome demon hell has ever cowered from, AKA Hank Voight, he also called Noah. And when your brother finally made an arrest and got Voight to calm down a little, he’d entered the breakroom to find you fast asleep, curled up against Noah. Who sat in an incredibly uncomfortable position, holding you and stroking your back. You missed the dark look that crossed his face, or the one of fear that had crossed Noah’s but something of an understanding had fallen to Noah. The two of you needed to talk.
So you did, and it went well, so well that you planned a date. Then another one. And another one, until you two had been dating for six months and figured it was time to tell your families. You were shaking in your boots, the Sexton’s were all incredibly close and incredibly doting on Noah, so even though they liked you, you had absolutely no clue as to what the reaction would be. To your relief, it was happiness, they loved you as much as Noah apparently, and they relished in the changed you’d caused in Noah.
Your family, on the other hand, did not react well. Which was why you’d made sure that you told them in a very public place, and had only ordered waters before you told them. There was yelling, screaming, your father waving his arms around so much Antonio had to use his cop voice on him. In the end, you and Noah had been there for around five minutes before throwing some cash at the waitress as a tip for leaving her with your family, and hauling ass out of there. The two of you had ended up just eating pizza on the boardwalk in your fancy clothes and heading back to the apartment late.You both had work the next day, but while you were an intern, Noah was not. And while you were off giving a patient a sponge bath, your siblings cornered Noah at the nurses desk. “Sexton, is there a place the three of us can talk?”
“Uh, sure, this conference room is free...”
“So, I take it this is about-”
“Nuh-uh. You do not talk. We do.”
“You are dating our baby sister.”
“We may not be as close to her as you are with your sister, but she still means a lot to us.”
“We love her. We are two people with some pretty dangerous skills. It is for these two reasons that you will not hurt her. Ever.”
“And if you do, don’t forget who I work with.”
“No one will ever find your body.”
“Are we clear?”
“Uh, hmmh... Clear. Crystal clear.”
“Good. Now do you know where Y/N is? We’d like to take the both of you out to lunch or something, just the four of us, to make up for the dinner of many disasters.”
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the-regal-warrior · 5 years
This is an Elorcan oneshot that basically jumped me yesterday and demanded to be written, so here you go!
This was inspired by the song 18 by Anarbor, hence the title. I highly recommend listening to it, as it definitely sets the mood for this fic.
This fic is dedicated to @throne-of-ashes-and-beauty and @tacmc because I know how much they love Elorcan. Shelby and Tara, you are two of the most amazing people I’ve ever talked to, and I’m so grateful to both of you. You encourage all of my writing, and I wouldn’t be as confident in it if it wasn’t for you. I love both of you so much, and I hope this makes your days a little better! ❣️❣️
Warnings: I guess we’ll go with this: very slightly NSFW at the end.
Lorcan Salvaterre was well and truly fucked.
And not in the good way.
Because Elide Lochan, recently turned eighteen (as in not even eight hours ago), was standing at his front door, a duffel bag over her shoulder and a suitcase by her feet.
“I’m moving in with you,” she announced, pushing by him and into his apartment. “There’s more stuff out in my truck.”
“Erm, what?”
Elide huffed, setting her bags by the couch. “I’m eighteen now and that means my inheritance is finally freed up. So, I’m moving in with you.”
Lorcan just stared at her, failing to see how finally having access to the inheritance left to her by her parents correlated to her moving in with him.
“Lorcan,” she sighed, speaking slowly as though he was a small child. “I don’t want my uncle getting my money, so I’m moving in with you.”
“Oh, yeah, alright,” he mumbled, turning to go grab more of her stuff from her truck. He and Elide had been friends - well, perhaps friends wasn’t the most accurate term - for a while now.
She was close friends with his best friend’s girlfriend, and they’d gotten to know each other pretty well. Things were a bit rocky at first - Lorcan was six years older than her and not the most pleasant person to be around - but things had changed quickly enough.
Now they were sort of friends, although Lorcan found himself relaxing around her more than he did with any of his other friends.
Just as he went to open the door to the stairs, he heard her say “oh, and I told my uncle we’re dating because it’ll really piss him off” from behind him.
Oh, he was most definitely fucked.
Lorcan closed the tailgate on Elide’s truck, the last box of her stuff sitting on the ground beside him. Elide was just shutting the passenger door, her final bag of clothes in her arms.
“Isn’t this your uncle’s truck?” he asked, lifting the box and grunting at the weight of it. Looking down, he chuckled when he realized why it was so heavy - it was labeled “books,” and knowing Elide it was probably packed full.
“It was his truck,” she replied loftily, walking into the building in front of him. “Since he bought it with the money my parents left for him to help take care of me, it’s my truck now.”
Before Lorcan could respond, Elide was walking through the door to the stairwell, her hips swinging invitingly as she marched away from him.
‘Not the time,’ he chided himself. ‘So not the time to have thoughts about Elide’s hips.’
Once they reached the apartment, Lorcan carried the box into his second and, up until today, unused bedroom. At least he’d put a bed and a dresser in there when he’d moved into the place. “This is your room. It’s yours as long as you need it.”
Already busy sorting and hanging clothes in the closet, Elide only mumbled a quick “thanks” as she straightened a short black dress on a hanger.
“I’ll leave you to unpack, but I have to ask - why’d you tell your uncle we’re dating?”
She turned to face him then, her eyes flashing with an emotion he couldn’t trace. “Look, you know how my uncle’s an ass and the scum of the earth and all that? Well, he’s also completely threatened by you - I think it has something to do with being tall and the generally surly demeanor - and as such, he’s less likely to come after me here than he is if I go anywhere else.”
“And that - that’s the only reason?”
“Don’t worry, Lorcan,” she huffed, turning back to the closet, but not before he could see the look of hurt that flashed in her eyes. “I promise I won’t go falling for you - I know relationships aren’t your thing.”
He tried to say something then, but she dismissed him with a wave of her hand.
‘She’s right,’ Lorcan thought as he walked toward the kitchen. ‘I don’t do relationships. But then why does the idea of her not falling for me feel like a punch to the chest?’
A couple weeks after she’d moved in, Lorcan and Elide were sitting on the couch after a night of drinking with their friends. The alcohol had all been supplied by Elide.
When Lorcan had told her she didn’t need to do that, she’d simply responded that it would piss her uncle off even more to see her spending money he thought of as his on alcohol for her “boyfriend” and his friends.
Plus she was grateful to Lorcan for letting her live with him - she’d told him the morning after she’d moved in that she would be helping him pay rent, and she did, even though they argued about it at least once a week - not that she’d ever tell him that.
Elide chuckled at the sheer amount of empty bottles around them, propping her feet on the coffee table and taking a long swallow from her own bottle.
“Something funny over there?” Lorcan grumbled, his glass of whiskey almost empty in his hand.
“Just thinking that this would be even better if you smoked, too.”
“What would be even better?”
“Pretending you were my boyfriend to piss off my uncle. You’d be even more abhorrent in his eyes if you drank and smoked.” Elide snorted at the expression that crossed Lorcan’s face.
“You’re not actually trying to talk me into taking up smoking are you?”
Elide huffed, standing and heading toward her room. “Please, as if I’d ever encourage anyone to smoke. Besides, it’s not like you’d ever change for a girl - you told me that yourself.”
Lorcan’s eyes widened as she shut her door behind her, effectively ending the conversation.
‘Let it go,’ he told himself. ‘It’s just a phase - it’s just to piss off her uncle. She’s not actually into you. And you aren’t into her - no relationships, remember?’
Shaking his head, Lorcan sprawled out on the couch, too tired to move to his room.
‘But then why does the idea of being with her feel so right?’
It was about two months after Elide had moved in that Lorcan heard muffled sobs coming from her room in the middle of the night.
Throwing back the covers, he pulled on a pair of sweats and made his way to her room, knocking lightly on her door. “Elide? You okay?”
He heard her sniffle as she tried to catch her breath. “Uh, yeah,” she finally replied. “It was just a nightmare about my parents.”
Lorcan knew enough about that situation to know how bad her nightmares must be. Her parents had died in a car accident, and Elide had been in the car when it happened. She’d managed to escape the incident with only a broken leg, although the damage had been extensive and she still walked with a limp. “Oh, okay. Do you need anything?”
“No,” she responded. “No, I’m fine.”
Lorcan had almost made it to his door when he heard her calling to him tentatively. “Lorcan? Could you actually come in here please?”
He was already through her door by the time she’d finished her request, any response he had dying on his lips at the pain on her face.
“Lorcan,” she sobbed, fresh tears rolling down her face, even as she lifted up the covers and patted the spot next to her. “Will you stay with me?”
He just nodded, climbing into bed next to her. He tensed for a moment when she buried her face in his chest, but he got over his shock quickly enough and wrapped his arms around her.
“Sorry,” she mumbled. “I know you don’t do the whole cuddling thing, but it’s easier to get through the nightmares when I’m not alone.”
Lorcan tried not to resent that statement, since it was true. He’d never been big on relationships, and he’d certainly never been one for cuddling.
But laying there with Elide in his arms, he realized that he wanted all of that with her. He wanted a relationship with her.
Lorcan was falling for Elide Lochan, and he was so screwed because she just needed him to make her uncle mad.
“Don’t worry about it,” he told her. “I’ll keep you safe.”
She hummed against the skin of his chest, already falling asleep in his arms.
He was so fucked.
When Elide woke up the following morning, she discovered two things. Well, three technically.
The first was that they’d somehow shifted positions during the night, and Lorcan was now spooning her, his arms wrapped around her waist and his chin resting on top of her head.
The second (and third, she guessed) was that he was hard against her, his apparently large cock nestled against her ass.
Before she had time to do anything with this newly discovered information, she felt Lorcan stirring behind her, his arms tightening around her before he realized what was going on.
“Shit, sorry Elide,” he groaned, rolling onto his back so she couldn’t feel his erection.
“For what?” Elide questioned him, rolling over so she was facing him.
“It’s just - I know you keep telling me this isn’t going to be a relationship, and up until you moved in I didn’t think I wanted one either. But now I’m holding you while you sleep and I can’t help but have feelings for you.”
Elide chuckled then, raising herself up on her elbow. “Is the great Lorcan Salvaterre admitting he might actually have feelings?”
Before he could react, Elide swung her leg over his hips, straddling him and wrapping her arms around his neck, one hand tangling in his hair.
“What, exactly, are you doing?”
“Lorcan,” she whispered, her fingers dancing along his neck. “Since you seem to be a little oblivious, I’ll help you out - I’ve had a thing for you since I met you.”
He blinked up at her in shock, although he did wrap his arms around her waist. “But you said this was just to piss off your uncle, and that you wouldn’t fall for me, and-”
She cut him off with a quick kiss to his lips. “I know what I said. I only said that because I thought you wouldn’t ever be into me.”
Lorcan rocked his hips up into hers, his impressive length creating the most delightful friction against her folds. “I think that proves otherwise.”
Elide moaned, her hips starting to move in his lap. “I think you should shut up and kiss me.”
Lorcan’s answering chuckle lasted for only a second before he kissed her hard, his tongue tangling with Elide’s as they slowly got lost in one another.
He decided that Elide showing up on his doorstep wasn’t so bad after all.
Tags: @throne-of-ashes-and-beauty @tacmc @highqueenofelfhame @city-of-fae @musicmaam @tangledraysofsunshine
I’d love to know what you all thought!
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dailyaudiobible · 4 years
02/16/2020 DAB Transcript
Leviticus 1:1-3:17, Mark 1:29-2:12, Psalms 35:17-28, Proverbs 9:13-18
Today is the 16th day of February, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it's great to be here with you today. So weird coming to you from Rome. We spent yesterday working through jetlag but also working to capture film and photographs of some of the places here that intersect with the New Testament and will be continuing that journey through today and then moving to Israel tomorrow where we will get ready to begin the annual Daily Audio Bible pilgrimage but we talk about all that later. Let's move into the Scriptures for today. And guess what? We finished the book of Exodus yesterday, even as we were beginning the gospel of Mark. So, we have fresh books in front of us.
Introduction to the book of Leviticus:
So, Leviticus is the third book of the Torah, of the Pentateuch, the third book of the Old Testament and it was written to the children of Israel. And…I mean…we’re in the middle of the desert at this point in the story and God is establishing the terms of the covenant between himself and the nation of Israel that is being formed and it’s about a year since they’ve been out of Egypt, and the law is being given. And…and as…as we pay attention to this…and this is one of those areas where it’s like, this is a law book we’re about to read. So, we can zone out pretty easily because who goes to the library to get a law book to read unless you’re an attorney or something? But if we’ll pay attention to what's going on here, we’ll…we’ll see the plot behind the story, right? We talked about that the other day. We’ll see that everything that is being instituted is for a reason about these people's identity - who they are and who God is. And, so, we’ll see that this…this theme that God wants fellowship, but that fellowship can only happen through holiness is a huge thing. He’s…He says in this book, “I am holy therefore, you will be holy. So, if…I mean…if we just read Leviticus, just listen to the words not really, you know, paying attention to…other than what's going on then we’ll see a lot of blood in this book because there’s a lot of sacrifices in it. And if we look at the Old Testament, which is…which is ancient through the perspective of the culture that we live in right now, then yeah, it will seem barbaric and antiquated and the irrelevant and all of the things that people have said over the years but it's not. Like, we might…we might wonder like “why…why would they just start sacrificing animals? Why would God want animal sacrifices and for them to be burned up on an altar?” So, it’s like six weeks ago now that we began our journey and we were in the garden of Eden and we saw Adam and Eve and their rebellion. We talked about this. That separated them from God. And, so, when God came look for them in the cool of the evening they were hiding, and they eventually tell God that they were afraid because they were naked. And what God does is telling here - He covers them with the skins of animals. So, it was God who set this precedent of atonement and covering. It cost something to cover the man and the woman, it cost the life of an animal. So, like now in this church era that we live in we’re in a culture that…that's after Jesus came with the final sacrifice. And, so, all of that sacrificial stuff is antiquated to us and far outdated to us, but it wasn't then. And let's not forget what that final sacrifice, the one Jesus made looked like because it put on display all the barbarity of mankind. But God is baking into this culture, that sin comes at a great cost. So, you might've made it this far in the Bible before. You might have made it to Leviticus before and then started like, “I have…I don't how to relate to this.” Embrace it. What you're watching is the establishment of a culture by a sovereign God, a culture that is intended to show a fallen man the great price of its rebellion, and the great price of this separation, but to also reveal the most high God in His holiness and to understand that this people is invited into that holiness. And the whole thing is happening in the harshness of the desert wastelands where there’s nowhere for them to run. Like they're not going to go to the grocery store and pick up some corn. Like, there in the desert. There’s no place for them to resupply. And that's where we find ourselves as we begin the book of Leviticus chapter 1 through 3 today. And it's a brand-new week so we’ll read from the New International Version this week.
Thank You, Father for Your word. Oh Lord we love You and we thank You for bringing us into this new week and as discombobulated as travel, especially as international travel can be, we are so grateful for the opportunity to be on this pilgrimage and, indeed, we thank You for all that we are being able to see and experience. We thank You for context. We thank You for illuminating the story that is in the Bible so that we can more clearly sense You’re leading on the narrow path that leads to life, because it's a counterintuitive path and so often we find ourselves off of it, so we thank You for all of the ways in a year that You come for us through Your word and through each other and through the experiences that we share. And, so we invite You fully into every aspect of all that will be happening in the coming days. Come Holy Spirit we pray in the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website, home base, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here. So, stay tuned and stay connected,
For the next couple of weeks what's gonna be going on around here is…is travel, the annual pilgrimage that we take as a community to the land of the Bible. So, we…we stopped over for two days here in Rome to capture some things. So, man, we got to visit some…some parts of the Vatican yesterday. I've never been so it's like, yeah, pretty overwhelming…pretty…pretty overwhelming. But on a more sobering note we were also able to…to visit a prison where Paul had been kept and also the…the place of his…his execution and his…his burial. He’s…he’s…like he's buried here as is the apostle Peter. So, I’ve posted some things on the Daily Audio Bible Facebook page, some pictures and stuff of what we’re seeing, what's going on. And I’ve mentioned that a couple times. This is a good time to follow the Daily Audio Bible Facebook page or on Instagram, Daily Audio Bible on Instagram Facebook.com/dailyaudiobible on Facebook . That’ll keep you connected to the…to the…the pilgrimage that we’re on because we’re kind of posting photographs, little videos, and stuff like that at as they happen at different places. So, it's kind of updated throughout the day and you can kinda check back and see what’s going on. We’ll be seeing some of ancient…of the ancient ruins of Rome and I'm very much looking forward to that today. There are just a lot of Roman ruins in the land of Israel and the biblical lands because at one point it was a part of the Roman Empire. It was a part of the Roman Empire during Jesus life and ministry. It was the Romans who executed Jesus. So, I have been familiar with the architecture and the aqueducts and just some of the magnificent places there but just sort of connect those dots to Rome itself and just sort of see some of the ancients archaeology that remains is…is gonna be great, so we’ll be posting some pictures of that today and then trying…trying to turn the corner on the jetlag as we prepare to fly over to Tel Aviv tomorrow. So, thank you for your continued prayers.
And I remind you that it is our intention to come back again next year and we pray every year. I don't know…I don't know how many years out, but we are planning to come back in 2021 and that pilgrimage is available for registration now as I have mentioned before. You can get all the details at dailyaudiobible.com in the Initiatives section, just look for Israel 2021 and you’ll be able to get all of the details they're. Looking forward to that. And as I have mentioned usually by the time this pilgrimage is over that 2021 will be mostly full, if not all the way full. So, if it's been on your bucket list then…then check it out. Hope to…hope to see you sometime. It is a life changing experience. It's weird because I've been many times but it's a life-changing experience every…every time for me. So, check it out,
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. And I thank you, I thank you profoundly for your partnership. If we didn't do this together we wouldn't be doing this at all and I'm grateful that we are. So, there's a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if that is your preference, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request a comment 877-942-4253 is the number to dial or you can just hit that Hotline button, the little red button at the top of the app and start sharing from there.
And that is it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi family this is his little Cherry in Canada and Brian has been reading to us from the Old Testament about the priests and their garments and all of the rituals and rigor murals that they have to go through simply to enter God’s presence and not die. And it’s not that God is waiting to zap them, it’s just that when you are dealing with a gazillion volts of electricity there are certain precautions that you have to make or you will die and God knows that. But I’ve just been so struck by how the blood of Jesus accomplished what generations of Levitical priesthood could not and now it is so effortless for us to enter God’s presence. I simply open my eyes in the morning and step into the arms who has waited for me all night. I can simply, without washing my face, without putting on certain clothing, without even praying, I can simply step into His arms and saying. [singing] in Your flowering arms in Your flowering arms there is nothing I must do but trust in You and rest. In Your flowering arms in Your flowering arms there is nothing I must bring. I sit and sing and rest. In Your flowering arms in Your flowering arms there is nothing I must be but your little Cherry I rest in Your flowering arms [sing ends].
Hi DAB family this is Nadine formally of New Hampshire now a resident of Maine. I learned that on February 3rd my father…my husband filed for divorce so pretty much just a waiting game until I get the paperwork. I just ask that you lift me up and get…pray for strength for myself and for him as well. I don’t know where I’m headed now. I’m sad and I’m broken but I can’t change things. So, just give it to God and go with the flow and just pray that my journey ahead is more than I dreamed of. Thank you.
Hi Daily Audio Bible this is Paula calling from the small island in the sea on the East Coast of Canada. I just want to say I can’t believe how God has changed my life to this broadcast. I was scrambling up an embankment with satan hanging on my heels reaching up to God. My life was in a mire and God scooped me up and without all the forcefulness of father holding onto his most prized possession he said mine to Satan and lifted me up and He has blessed me immensely through this podcast. I am amazed at what God has put before me. It is my life better? No. And understatement? No. But oh how much easier it is to handle each and every day as I join you and I hear your prayers. I pray for each and every one of you as you pray. I pray for the boys as their mom Diane spends her last days and how they need to be embraced and for the Toni’s and Bob the Budgie. And it’s just amazing how it’s simple little tweets in the background can make everything so happy. And I just feel like…like I’ve come home and you guys have pulled out the chair and patted it and said, come, come sit at the supper table. Come dine with us as we eat and of our in God’s word. And I just want to say thank you thank you so much for being yourself. I see myself in so many of you, some places I am now and some places I’ve been and I’ve been…I’m going…I’m not going to go into that. I just want to say thank you. Thank you for all you’ve done. Thank you for just being there. God bless you and I will be calling back. Thank you so much.
Hello Daily Audio Bible family this is Denise from a lot of different places but I’m in Charlotte North Carolina this minute and I just wanted to reach out to Christie from Florida/Ohio who called in and her prayer or update was played at the hour and 30 minute mark of the community prayer on February 9th and she let us all know that she was the anonymous caller from 1/6 who called in right after finding out that her sister had committed suicide. And Christie I’m so glad to know who you are. I’m so sorry for your sister and I’m sorry to find out that you’ve just lost a grandfather. I, on Mondays, have started praying for the grieving and one of the line items I have is 1/6 anonymous who lost her sister to suicide and I’m just so blessed to know that who your name is and who am praying for. Also, I’m happy to hear that you are going home to Ohio. I know that something that you have wanted and I know it’s not under the circumstances that you would’ve wished but God makes a way and if I had my Bible open I would read to you from Deuteronomy 1 but I’m not near my Bible this minute but it talks about how, you know, Moses comes down from the mountain and tells the Israelites you have gathered at this mountain too long it is time to go and he lists all these geographical places he says it’s time to go to the home of your ancestors. And any time anyone tells me they’re going home, going back to the place where there from I’m always reminded of that part in Deuteronomy and I am just happy that this is a fruition of something that you have wanted and I bless the way and I asked Father to give Christie from now all the way Ohio just for provision for the job that she’s looking for that she can be near her parents to minister them and have…be able to use her skills. And Father I just ask that you give peace to their hearts as they all come together as a family and that you watch over them in your mighty mighty name. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Good morning DABbers this is Nancy in Oregon I just want to say I’ve been to the Bible the whole entire Bible. Today is my anniversary. It was a year…a little over a year ago that I was listening to the archive. So, today is a full day or a full year that I listened to the Bible. I’ve never done that before and am just pretty excited. But on January 31 I have gone through from Genesis to Exodus with you guys. I appreciate all your songs, your poems, your support, your encouragement, your prayers, your support. Just keep praying that I can do this. Some days I go through this the serenity prayer – God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change __ I can’t go any further. So, just pray that I get through that, that I can just get and accept things that I cannot change and the courage to change the things that I can and the wisdom to know the difference. I’m hanging in there. I’m going to CR and it’s the faith-based kind of like __ with families and__ other things that I’m __ for. Thank you for your support, your encouragement. I love you guys and I’m sharing this program with others so that it they can enjoy it too and go to the Bible. God’s glory. It’s all about Jesus. Jesus and nothing but Jesus. Thank you so much. Bye-bye.
Hi Daily Audio Bible my name is Lisa I’m calling from Central Florida it’s Monday, February 10th. The reason for my call is I would like to ask for prayers for my husband Michael. He was diagnosed with ocular melanoma 18 years ago. He’s had some issues, health issues that we’re addressing the different diagnostic testing - CT scan, upper G.I., and that type of thing. I’m very worried about him. He doesn’t take care of himself and he hasn’t health wise for someone who had cancer. And I just wish that he would, you know, realize that my son and I really want him to be around and to start taking care of himself when he should. I just ask for prayers for him for these testings that are coming up and I just pray that everything’s okay and that he realizes that we do love him and want him to be around and just to start taking care of himself. I appreciate all prayers. Thank you very much. I recently started listening January 1st. My son Dylan actually introduced me to the Daily Audio Bible, and it’s been a blessing ever since. I made a New Year’s resolution that I was gonna start listening and I have listened every day since January 1st and I listen to all the prayers and I pray for all of you. It’s just amazing to me all that Brian has done, and I appreciate it and I thank you and I love you all. Bye-bye.
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arlongo · 5 years
The Fillmore Report - An Disability Discrimination Story
For more than a month now, I’ve been trying to contact the local media in hope of them spreading my story of disability discrimination at The Fillmore Charlotte. After a month of trying, I have reach the conclusion that like The Fillmore Charlotte, they don’t give a damn about disabled people like myself. So I’m going to share it here on my website.
In my fifteen years of concert-going experiences, I have never experienced the level of incompetence and disrespect shown by The Fillmore Charlotte on September 11, 2019. A month prior to the concert, I had my brother contact The Fillmore to address my concerns of the location of the handicap area. My last experience there in 2015 was horrible. I couldn’t see the stage from my seat in the handicap area. My brother showed them pictures of my 2015 experience and they said they would look into changing the location of the handicap area. My brother also requested sign language interpreting services for me as well.
I was excited about seeing my favorite band, Angels and Airwaves. It had been nine years since I last saw them. When my brother and I arrived at the Fillmore, we were led to the handicap area and I felt like my head had exploded. The “new” location was actually worse than the one in 2015. I still couldn’t see the stage from my seat. Soon after, two sign language interpreters introduced themselves to me. They said they planned to be on the far end of the stage. Suddenly I was thinking… you expect me to be able to see two moving arms from that far away. The interpreters had address this concern with the manager beforehand, but it wasn’t til I made my concerns known, that they made the adjustment. They moved the interpreters in front of me. It wasn’t the ideal location, but it was better than not being able to see them at all. Later on in the show, the interpreters told me that the Fillmore did NOT request the interpreting services until yesterday. They would usually get a month head up so they can practice all the songs and be more prepare. My brother told them he did request the service four weeks ago. I believed the interpreters were just as bothered as I was by the level of incompetence shown by the management. One of the interpreters said that what’s the Fillmore is doing is providing minimum accessibly. 
What the Fillmore had done to me and the other disabled people in the handicap area felt wrong and illegal. I have never experience a music venue with handicap area that doesn’t have an actual view of the stage until The Fillmore. After the Angels and Airwaves show, it became evidently clear that The Fillmore do not give a damn about disabled music fans like myself.
Is minimum accessibly a form of disability discrimination? I am not a lawyer. but I will argue that it is a form of disability discrimination. The location of the handicap area is so bad that I bet it’s the least popular spot anywhere in the venue; Meaning if the whole venue was a standing only without the handicap area, I can’t imagine anyone flocking over to where the handicap area was. That is the thing that tick me off the most and is why I believe The Fillmore do not give a damn about the disables. 
The reason why I’m sharing my story now is because ever since last week when I experience another possible case of disability discrimination, a fuse have been softly lit inside  of me. At the same time, I’m in the middle of finishing up an outline for my third novel, which just happened to partly explore all the shits people with disabilities deals with daily and how it affect them over time. Figuratively speaking, my gloves are coming off for this story. I’m writing this fictional story to give people with disabilities something to relate to Something they can share with others just to get a glimpse of what it like being a disabled living in a world that generally doesn’t accept them. I’ll reveal a little more informations about my third novel in a separate post before the end of the year.
As for where I am at with The Fillmore situation, I am done for now. I told my story. I am open to a face to face meeting with the manager of The Fillmore. They got my brother’s numbers. Until then, thanks for being a source of inspiration for my next novel. 
For those who doesn’t know me. I was born with Cerebral Palsy and hearing loss. I enjoys music with the help of hearing aids. I’ve written two books; an autobiography and a story about an fictional indie rock band.
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writerunsolved · 6 years
The Drunken Mistake - Ch. 2
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Category: F/M
Fandom: Real Person Fiction
Relationship: Tom Hiddleston/Reader
Genres: Fluff and Humor
Language: English
Chapters: 3/?
Summary:  You're a young up-and-coming singer based in London who has just released her first album.
After a wild night at the VMAs and some heavy partying and drinking at the afterparty, you write and publish a drunken tweet about a certain celebrity and one of their friends. You only realise what you've done the next day when a slew of texts and calls wakes you up to a dreadful but expected hangover. You immediately delete the tweet, but you're left to deal with the consequences. A public apology would probably be enough to make everything go away if you hadn't been invited to a movie premiere where said celebrity is most certainly going to be.
You decide that the best course of action will be to try and avoid them, but your plans almost never go the way you want them to.
Author’s Note: This one is long, friends. So strap in, ‘cause I have no control over my writing. 😅
Ch. 1
Chapter Two - When I Give Word, We Panic
The first thing you wanted to do was call Nina again. Every time you felt lost, especially when it came to work-related problems, she was the one you would go to. But you’d just talked to her and she’d mentioned being busy, and after all the trouble you’d already given her so far, you really didn’t want to disturb her again.
You found it weird that she hadn’t mentioned anything about the premiere, it would have definitely been relevant, seen the content of your tweet. You could only imagine she’d either forgotten or willfully avoided the subject so as not to put more pressure on you. You couldn’t blame her, had you not flipped through your calendar, that strategy might have even worked.
For now, you had to put on your big girl pants and deal with this whole situation. You also needed to put on actual pants, because you were still in your underwear.
Your brain just couldn’t catch a break today. It was true that most of what was happening to you had come about by your own hand, but still, life really needed to slow down a little bit.
Delayed by the new thoughts that the reminder of the premiere had brought you, and losing all purpose and concentration for the apology that was to be written, you decided you might as well make good of the time you would need to calm down a little more and take a long, relaxing, cleansing shower. You left the planner open as it was on the kitchen counter, VMAs award next to it, and just went for it.
You took it slow, and by the time you’d cleaned and dressed up, you had found a new resolve for the apology.
It wouldn’t be completely wrong to assume that you were in denial about the Marvel premiere, but you’d already made a decision, and there was no use in wasting any more time thinking about it. The apology took absolute precedence, you couldn’t let another day go by, this whole situation needed to be solved as soon as possible. After that, you could even go online and see what hilarious things people were saying about the whole ordeal. It could seem weird to anyone else, but people making jokes about something that was giving you anxiety was actually a huge help to keep the dramatics you were capable of to a minimum. Sometimes you just needed a call back to earth and out of your own head. Besides, it wouldn’t do to take yourself too seriously.
With your phone already in hand, you grabbed the planner and a pen and brought both to the dining room. Before you sat down to actually do what you were supposed to this time, you turned on the small stereo by the window to which you’d hooked up a USB device with your current favourite music.
When “ More Than Words ” started playing, you left your phone on the low table in the middle of the room, took the planner in hand, sat cross-legged on the sofa, and finally stopped stalling.
As much as you’d thought about it both before and during the shower, starting wasn’t actually all that easy. You should probably go for something simple but impactful, no excuses only apologies, and most importantly: it had to be sincere. You weren’t worried about the last one. You really were mortified by what you’d done, and you were sure you could let that come across in some way or another.
You wrote down a couple of lines, mostly about what had been going on at the time of the tweet -  just to give it context - and when you were done with that, the rest of it seemed to come out on its own. You talked about how inappropriate it was to use such language, and about how irresponsible your drinking had been. You thanked anyone who would still be supporting you even after what had happened and even spent a couple of words for Tom and Chris, but you didn’t go at length about it. You didn’t really want to leave that particular part of the apology to the internet, you’d actually been thinking of asking Nina if there was any way to send a personal apology their way as that seemed the most proper approach to go about it. But it wasn’t important now.
When you’d finished, three or four more songs had gone by. You reread the whole thing and made a couple of corrections here and there but after that, you were done.
You put the planner, still open on the page you’d just finished writing, next to the phone on the small table and stretched out of the hunched position you’d inadvertently assumed while drafting. You then picked both the planner and the phone up with the intent of rewriting all of it down on the small device so you could send a quick e-mail to Nina for her confirmation. When you unlocked the screen you realised you’d completely missed your phone vibrating, as you had a new text from Nina herself.
You opened it up, she was asking you to meet her in a couple of hours at a café not too far from your apartment and to send her confirmation. So you did. The café really was very close, you could easily get there on foot, so you still had time to cook something and placate your grumbling stomach that had been requesting food since halfway through writing down the apology.
You made a quick strategy for the two hours you had before the meeting, you definitely had time for some pasta and, having already taken a shower, it wouldn’t take long to get dressed either.
With no more delay, you decided you would bring the planner with you and let Nina read it over coffee and simply got on with the rest of the day.
You left your apartment wearing a t-shirt and a scarf, a thin cardigan all bundled up in your bag. Even though it was warmer than usual for being almost September in London, it wasn’t exactly all that hot, and you could feel a chilly wind start to pick up for the evening.
You started walking, it would only take you a couple of turns and around fifteen minutes to get to the Caffé Piccolo where you would be meeting Nina. The way there was slightly extended when you crossed paths with a couple of your neighbours supposedly coming back from work.
You waved at Laura who lived on the third floor with her cute Collie puppy called Boss, and stopped to exchange a couple of words with you next-door neighbour Javed and his daughter Sashi, who was still wearing her school uniform. She smiled at you with the biggest tooth gap, one of her front teeth had apparently just fallen yesterday night and she was determined to tell you the riveting - and long! - tale of how it had happened, but Javed stopped her with a gentle hand on her shoulder and an “I’m sure our lovely neighbour is in a rush.”
You thanked him softly and promised Sashi you would see her for tea very soon, and she could tell you all about it then.
After Sashi and Javed, the walk to the café was pretty quiet. You’d been to what felt like hundreds of coffee shops before finally settling on Caffé Piccolo. You were ready to swear on your life that their coffee was the best in the whole of London. Even though they specialized in espresso - or simply coffee, like the owners often insisted -, they’d taken up several of the more eccentric drinks that one would usually associate with a bigger chain.
Caffé Piccolo was a small family business, the owners were a quirky Italian couple who’d been madly in love for over 30 years and had decided, with the help of their business school graduate son Andrea, to open up the place and bring true Italian coffee to London. They often gushed about what a genius Andrea was and how the success of their establishment was all thanks to him, but you were sure coffee that good would be enough to make anyone rich on its own.
You made the last turn and looked over at the entrance to the café where Nina was checking her phone and waiting for you in front of the big window next to the door. She looked up and noticed you too, you waved at her and then looked both ways before crossing the street to get to her.
When you finally reached her she greeted you with a big beautiful smile and a tight hug. You revelled in it.
You hugged her back enthusiastically and when you separated, you kissed her cheek and said: “It is so great to see you! I really need a friendly face right now.”
“Oh, sweetheart, you too,” she replied, then asked you “Did you get the apology done?”
Straight into business as usual, but you loved her for it. You shook your head, laughing gently, and answered “Yes, yes. But please, coffee first.” With that, you held the door open for her and then followed her inside.
Andrea was the one at the counter for the day, and as soon as he saw you he greeted you with a loud and affectionate “Ehi, bellezza!” but the moment he saw Nina he reined it in and corrected himself with a sombre wave before going back to the next client.
For some unknown reason, Andrea was really intimidated by Nina. You could kind of understand why, Nina had a huge presence, but she also had impeccable manners and that included waitstaff. Oh well, this wasn’t really the time to worry about it.
Nina and you sat down at a small table next to the window and started chatting while waiting for Andrea to get your order.
You were just about to pull the small planner out of your bag when Nina rushed “So, let’s see it.” extending an expecting hand for it.
“Nina!” you sighed, entertained “I literally just sat down.”
You finally fished the planner out and opened it to the page with the apology, offering it to her obligingly. Without another word, she began reading.
You looked at her slightly bent head, trying to discern a reaction from her features, but she gave you nothing aside from some pensive "Hmm"s here and there. When she was finished, she looked back at you and, without being prompted, began reading aloud from the planner she had now lifted from the table.
"In light of what has recently happened after my win at the VMAs, I feel like I need to apologise for my behaviour and for what I published here on Twitter the night of the event."
She stopped for a second, you started unconsciously bumping your leg up and down with nervousness. Nina looked you in the eyes and then back to the page and continued.
"I realise that what I wrote was grossly inappropriate, both towards Tom Hiddleston and Chris Hemsworth and to everyone who has been supporting me in this amazing time of my life. I could use the celebration of the award as an excuse for my drinking that night, but I firmly believe that I need to own up to what I said and to the fact that it was reckless of me to drink so incredibly much. I realise that, as someone in the public eye, I should have known better and set a better example."
Nina paused again, by then you had started chewing on your thumbnail and you felt like you were vibrating out of your skin. Sometimes you really hated Nina's poker face. Before picking up again, she scrunched her lips in an impressed and slightly entertained smile. She knew exactly what being unable to read her was doing to you, and she enjoyed it greatly.
"In conclusion, I want to say that no kind of objectification is acceptable. As a woman, I am aware of how it feels to be on the other side of the issue, so I believe that my words are made that much worse by this fact. I hope I can regain everyone's trust, and I promise to try and be the best self I can be from now on."
She set the planner back on the table and declared: "Well done, sweetie." breaking into a huge grin.
You sighed in relief, your leg stopping its restless motion, and put both hands on the table in front of you, deflating. Exactly then, Andrea approached to take your order.
"Hello again, bellezza. Hello... Nina." he eyed her apprehensively, then looked back to you "What can I get you?"
You hadn't even thought about what to drink, so it was a welcome respite when Nina took over with a "We'll have a pot of black tea and two cups, please".
Andrea nodded briefly, noting the order down, and then you and Nina were alone again.
"As I was saying," she preceded you "Good job!"
You smiled and then asked her "Does anything need to be changed?"
"Oh, not at all, sweetheart. It's perfectly alright."
You nodded and went to grab the planner to put it back in your bag, but you stopped when she started "Although," at that, you paused "I'm surprised by how little time you took to apologise to the real victims." she accompanied the last word with exaggerated finger-quotes.
"Ah yes," you replied, finally grabbing the planner and getting on with putting it back "About that..." you looked back to Nina and went on "I wanted to ask you if there was any way to maybe send a direct apology to them?"
Her expression seemed puzzled so you continued "It felt a bit..." you searched for the right word "...indelicate to leave that specific apology to social media. I really feel like I owe them something more personal."
She nodded, "Well, yeah, I guess that could be arranged. Did you have something specific in mind?"
You thought about it for a second or two then answered: "I thought I could definitely write them a card, and maybe send a gift basket or something of the sort?"
She smiled knowingly and recited "Always better to atone-"
"With gifts." you finished for her, then laughed.
"And who might you have learned that from?" it was a rhetorical question, of course. It had been one of the first things you'd heard Nina say, on the second day you'd met her, and ever since, you had heard it so many times you had lost count. It seemed like there was always someone screwing up at the music label. At least in that, you weren't alone.
"Well, from the best, obviously." you conceded. Then you continued "In all seriousness, though, I really do think I owe them a serious apology. And I assumed a present wouldn't hurt the cause."
She nodded in agreement, then excitedly exclaimed "Oh! I have an idea! Wine!"
"Yes, wine." she replied, "Hiddleston seems like a classy one, and I'm sure Hemsworth wouldn't despise a nice bottle either."
"That is a great idea. You're a genius, Nina."
"Did you ever doubt it, honey?" you looked straight at each other for a moment, and then started laughing at the same time, all the seriousness that might have been there immediately gone.
Just then, Andrea approached the table carrying a tray with your order. He set it down between you and Nina and asked: "What are we laughing about?"
Nina took over again, looked at him and answered: "Oh, our famous singer here got herself in some trouble she needs to make up for."
You looked at her, ready to fake outrage, but you stopped yourself when you noticed Andrea looking at her intently. Wait a minute, was that…? You couldn't believe it! Andrea was definitely into Nina.
He was looking at her with a small, shy smile, but when a couple of seconds had passed and nobody had said anything else, he seemed to recoil with a blush and remember you were still there, the moment completely gone. He looked between the two of you self-consciously and left with a "Well, here you go ladies."
You almost grimaced, this probably meant you would have to tell him Nina was exclusively into women at some point.
You called a half-hearted "Thank you!" after him and looked at Nina frowning in sympathy. She seemed to have noticed Andrea's predicament too because before you could say another word, she stopped you with a finger to her lips and a dejected smile. You guessed you could drop it for now.
You started pouring the tea for both of you when she went ahead "So, it's decided. You can write and tweet the apology whenever you're ready, honey. The sooner the better, of course."
"Yes, yes, I'll get it done by tonight."
You started sipping on your tea, relaxing back in your chair, when suddenly you remembered the other problem that had arisen earlier in the day.
"I almost forgot!" you sat up and put your cup of tea down "The new Marvel premiere is this Wednesday, did you know?!"
Nina avoided answering by taking a sip, a somewhat guilty expression settling on her face, and looked at you from above the rim of her cup. When she realised there was no getting out of replying, she set it back down and closed her eyes with a pained sigh.
"I know, I know..." she opened them again "I didn't forget. And yes, before you ask, I was trying to avoid the subject."
You let out an aggrieved moan and hunched over the edge of the table, putting your face between your hands. "Ugh! How am I gonna survive this?!"
Nina stretched her hand and patted you gently on your left shoulder, then said: "It'll be fine, sweetheart, there'll be so many people I'm sure you won't even have to look at either of them."
You lifted up your head and pointed at her decisively "That is exactly my plan!" you straightened up and continued resolutely "I'm gonna walk the red carpet, talk to the people I gotta talk to, and I'll avoid the both of them like the plague until the screening is over."
Nina retracted her hand and nodded solemnly "That sounds like a solid plan. I'm positive it'll be alright." she lifted her cup to her mouth with both hands and before taking another sip she continued "Now, let's talk about your schedule for next month."
And with that, the subject was changed.
By the time you and Nina had parted ways, a couple of hours had passed and you’d managed to settle on the content of the apology that would be sent to the two actors in your name but through the agency. In the end, you’d decided to follow Nina’s suggestion of gifting them wine, too. Moreover, by the time you went to bed, you'd sent the apology out into the vastness of the internet, both through Twitter and other social media.
The rest of the week was quite uneventful, as far as your daily life permitted.
The day after you and Nina met, she let you have another day off with the excuse that, because of the whole Twitter ordeal, you hadn’t really had the time to truly enjoy your hard-earned award. You took advantage of it by inviting your sister over for dinner and spending most of the day cooking an elaborate meal. It had been quite a while since the two of you had had a chance to catch up, and you knew she was always happy when you cooked for her as she wasn’t a very dedicated cook herself, so your cooking became the rare occasion for her to have a taste of home.
If the day right after meeting Nina was relaxing and even boring at times, the rest of the week seemed to fly by in an instant, the weekend included. You had several meetings at the music label, mostly regarding some promotional material that you had to either approve of or pose for. They felt like long working days, but they were so full that when the night of the premiere finally came, you’d barely had a chance to come to terms with it. In the end, it had kind of sneaked up on you.
As it had happened every other day of a big event, that afternoon your apartment came alive with the crew that was tasked with preparing you for the evening.
Your stylist Nadia had managed to borrow a gorgeous purple gown by Marchesa, from the Fall/Winter 2018 Notte Collection. The gown had an elegant but fresh feeling to it. Its crossed collar left your shoulders uncovered, giving the look a youthful shine, but the deep purple extending from the top and getting lighter towards the edge of the skirt elevated its elegance and gave you a distinguished aura. To top it all off, a scattering of lucent beads hand-sewn all across the dress seemed to project you among the starry sky.
Even though you would have loved to keep it after the premiere, the gown was to be given back, as was often the case with dresses worn at one-time events. Still, you were grateful to be able to wear it, even for just one night, and it wouldn’t really belong in your wardrobe anyway. Garments like this one were rarely worn twice.
You eyed the dress from the corner of your eye to where it was hanging down from the tall mirror you’d brought to the living room for the fitting. It wasn’t yet time to put it on, Linda had just finished on your hair and was presently starting on your make-up. You contemplated taking a quick look at your phone to distract yourself from the nervousness that was starting to mount in your stomach, but opted against it when Linda spoke.
“So, are you excited for tonight?”
You couldn’t control the expression that came over your features, a dissonance of grimace and elation. Linda must have seen it too - she was looking straight at you and applying foundation after all - because she barely managed to suppress a smile, probably trying to spare your feelings.
It was alright, though, the situation was indeed quite absurd. Had you not been the one in the middle of it all, you would have probably found it at least a little funny, too.
You closed your eyes when she ordered you to and finally answered “I certainly am. Concerned, too.”
When you opened them again, she was directing a questioning look at you, to which you expanded “I’m definitely honoured to have been featured on the soundtrack. I am perfectly conscious of how lucky I am, seeing how much of a newbie I am in this industry.”
“Well, I guess that’s true,” she agreed, but then went on “However, your album has really been a huge success so far, so it’s only natural that the higher-ups at Marvel took notice. It is a very topical choice, don’t you think?”
Linda was always so logical that anybody who didn’t really know her might have taken her statement as a mere observation of fact, but you could hear the underlying compliment.
“You might be right, yes.” you nodded with a small smile.
“And… Hm…” she hesitated “What about the other thing?” she finally pressed on.
“The... other... thing?”
She looked behind you to the kitchen where Nina was having an animated phone conversation as if that was supposed to explain what she was referring to. You followed her line of sight, then turned back to her. When she realised you had no idea what she was talking about, she explained: “You know, the thing with Twitter and those two actors?”
Only Linda could be so thoroughly disinterested in learning the names of two big shots of the movie industry.
“Ah, that thing.” you closed your eyes again, and she went on to apply eyeshadow with a soft brush. You continued “There isn’t really that much I can do about it at this point. It’s definitely been giving me some degree of anxiety”, you conceded “But aside from apologising and trying not to come in contact with them at all tonight, I don’t have any more of a plan.”
You opened your eyes when you noticed the brush gone from your eyelids and that she was keeping strangely silent. Linda met you with an incredulous expression that told you exactly how little faith she had in your brilliant plan.
You looked back at her defiantly and without a word for a couple of seconds, then you both started laughing.
“Oh, shush you!” you warned her jokingly.
“I didn’t say anything!” she replied with an entertained shrug and laughter still on her lips. Then she got back to your makeup and that was that of that conversation.
About one more hour went by, your nervousness swelling with every passing minute, and it was finally time to put on the dress and get going.
It was a testament to how good a stylist Nadia was that she hadn’t even needed to meet you for a fitting to make the perfect adjustments to the dress so that it would suit you flawlessly.
You looked at yourself in the mirror, at what an incredible job Nadia and Linda had done with you. Every time they helped you get ready for an event, the end result was such an amazing one that your eyes glazed over a bit with unshed tears.
You turned back to them and extended your arms, they didn’t hesitate to meet you in the hug.
“You look dazzling, honey,” said Nadia.
“Absolutely stunning,” agreed Linda, nodding fervently.
“All thanks to you,” you replied.
“Yes, yes, this is all very moving,” Nina interjected, finally off the phone but still quite spirited “I don’t mean to be a moment ruiner, but we really need to get going.”
You nodded and grabbed the small white clutch Nadia had chosen to complete your outfit from the dining room table, inside it was your mobile phone and house keys. You turned back to wave them goodbye and opened the front door.
Nina followed you, calling back a quick “I’ll see you there later.” to Nadia and Linda, and closing the door behind herself.
When you were finally seated in the sleek car that had come to pick you up, Nina right next to you, the weight of what was about to happen hit you all at once. The ride felt deceivingly short so you barely had any time to process it all before the car had stopped and someone was opening the door for you.
The red carpet was a rush of flashing cameras and questions from journalists. Everything felt so hectic that you didn't have any time at all to dwell on your worry. You walked the first section of it slowly - as you’d been instructed to - so that the photographers could capture your outfit in its entirety. Then came the media portion of it. You stopped every two steps for varying amounts of times and answered questions on the song for the movie, the designer of your outfit, how excited you were, and even your Twitter debacle once or twice. That part wasn’t as enjoyable but luckily, the journalists who asked about it were quite kind to you.
You finally got to the end of the long line of journalists after what felt like an entire hour and were taking advantage of the respite when someone touched you gently on the shoulder once, and a male voice greeted from behind you “Hi!”
You turned around fixing a polite smile on your face, expecting to see one of the stewards waiting to inform you of where to go next, and started to greet them back with an enthusiastic “Hey!” However, the word died on your lips and the smile on your face froze and contorted into what must have been a terrified grimace when you finally realised who exactly had greeted you.
It was no steward.
Standing right there in front of you was none other than Thomas William Hiddleston, a radiant and warm smile dancing on his lips and directed straight at you.
Chapter 3
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heavenlydreamerblog · 6 years
In Too Deep
Chapter 6
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 “I have to go Jared,” I said, pushing myself up from the sofa and away from his naked body and questioning eyes.
I could just make out my clothes in a messy pile on the floor. I moved quickly, my thoughts muddled, and sight blurred by a haze of tears. I needed a shower, I needed to clean myself, scrub myself clean, scrub away these feelings that would haunt me for too long.
“Lexy, stop.” His voice broke through my thoughts and I looked up as he launched himself from the sofa, grabbing hold of me by the waist and pulling me into his arms.
“What the fuck’s up Lexy. What have I done wrong?”
“Nothing,” I snapped. “Nothing. I need to go home and get some sleep. You know I’ve got a mountain of work to get through with this party.” I unwrapped his arms gently and moved away, gathering my clothes. “Where’s the bathroom so I can dress and sort myself out?”
“You don’t have to leave Lexy.”
I looked into his eyes. They were focused, questioning. Was that  confusion I could see written into a normally confident gaze.
“I do have to leave Jared. This ....,” I gestured with my hands, “ ...this shouldn’t have happened tonight. I need space to clear my head. I’m sorry .... “
“The bathroom’s down the hall, third door on the left,” he motioned with his hand. “I’ll get Emma to take you home.”
“No, just call for a cab,” I said, leaving him in darkness as I made my way down the cool, tiled hallway.
I closed the bathroom door behind me and pulled the lock. I sank to my knees, my legs giving away to the emotions of the night. I shivered as the cool tiles suddenly became cold to my skin, goosebumps covering my aching limbs.
I took my phone from my bag and texted.
Lexy: Jess, are you awake?
The reply came back in seconds.
Jess: Yes! Where on earth are you?
Lexy: I’m fine. I’m on my way home. Put the coffee on ☕☕
I dressed, fixed my hair in the mirror and promised myself a shower back home.
When I walked back into the den, Jared was nowhere to be seen. A sense of unease and dread filled me, remembering the confused look on his face when I left him.
“Lexy!” I spun around at the sound of a female voice. Emma was standing in the doorway, looking slightly worried. “Are you two OK? I just saw Jared walking off to the Lab. He told me to call a cab. You sure everything’s OK?”
I took a deep breath and nodded. “Yes, everything’s OK. I just need to get home and start working on this party. Jared will be fine. Just tell him I’ll call in a few days to check on some of the finer details.”
Emma’s phone vibrated. “The cab’s outside. Take my number and call if there’s anything you need. Sometimes Jared can get lost in work and won’t answer his phone. At least you’ll know I’m here if you need help. By the way,” she said, pointing to my car, “I’ll get someone to drive that back home for you.”
“Thanks Emma.” I turned around and hugged her, hoping she couldn’t smell Jared’s odour which seemed to cling to my skin.
I jumped into the cab and waved goodbye. Jared was nowhere to be seen.
“Jess! I’m home. Where’s the coffee?” I could smell a fine brew wafting towards me from the kitchen. I walked in to see Jess in her pyjamas, hands curled around her favourite mug.
“Spill the beans Lex! Where’ve you been until this time?” She looked at the clock on the wall; it was 2.30am. She poured me a press coffee and dragged two chairs around the table. This meant business. “Carrie said you’d gone to see Jared Leto about a house party. Please don’t say you’ve been there all this time,” she said, looking for an answer in my tired eyes.
I looked away and an audible sigh escaped my lips. “Hell Jess! What have I done?” I whispered putting my coffee mug on the table and burying my head in my hands. I heard the scrape of her chair across the floor and felt her arms cradle me.
“What was so bad about tonight’s meeting then?” she asked. “Have you fucked up the job; is Carrie going to bust your ass; .... or is there something else you want to tell me....” Her voice trailed off as she pulled me into a tight hug. We hadn’t known each other that long but she’s become a true friend in a very short time. Dan back home in Louisiana was my text buddy ... Jess was in the here and now, able to guess my every mood. And she could tell I was holding back.
“So, it’s 2.30am ... your meeting with Jared was at 5pm yesterday ... so fill me in on the bit in the middle. C’mon Lex, it can’t have been that bad, surely?” It was the questioning at the end that tipped me over the edge into floods of tears.
I must have sobbed for a good 10 minutes, telling her everything that happened with Jared, and how we parted, him disappearing into the house and not saying goodbye ... or anything.
“What if he doesn’t want us to organise the party,” I said, between crying and sipping the hot coffee that Jess was now forcing me to drink.
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“Lex, I’m sure it’ll be fine. You’re reading too much into the situation. We’ll manage this between ourselves. Don’t mention any of this to Carrie whatever you do.
“Now, go and have a shower,” she said laughing, this time parting me from my coffee. “You smell of sex, and there’s a shit load of work to get through tomorrow. Go clean yourself and get some sleep while there’s still some hours left.”
I turned and hugged her. I caught sight of my mascara smudged eyes in the mirror over the table and winced. “Do I really look this shit?”
“Yes Lex. Yes, yes, yes, so get the hell into the shower.”
The next day, I hid behind a mountain of paperwork, costing up catering, valet services, bar staff and everything else Jared had requested. I glanced at my phone as it vibrated on top of a pile of papers.
Emma: Any communication with Jared this morning?
Lexy: No. Nothing. I’m just getting my head around everything on the list he gave me.
Emma: He was still locked in the Lab this morning. I think he was up all night working. Drop him a text and see if he responds xx
Lexy: Not sure if that’s such a good idea. I’ll leave it until later and then try!
I put my phone on silent and tried to focus on the work at hand. Carrie had yet to come in, so I’d made the most of my time alone, fearing I’d have to provide her with the ins and outs of my meeting. That, I could do without this morning. I peered out of the window. Yesterday’s unseasonable warmth had given way to grey skies and a cool breeze.
“Jess,” I called, pushing paperwork and my laptop into my bag. “I’m off out to work. I need some space after last night.” She looked over her screen, long enough to check I was OK and not about to have a major breakdown.
“What shall I tell Carrie if she asks?” Jess stood up and walked over, wrapping her arms around me tight.
“What’s that for,” I giggled.
“That’s what friends are for Lex! A hug when you’re least expecting it. Now go and find a coffee and settle your mind into work. We’ll have our asses kicked if this party doesn’t start taking shape.”
I gave her a playful punch and ran out of the office. Once outside, I checked the time: 10.15am. I’d had less than six hours sleep. Yesterday’s  sunshine had given way to grey skies and temperatures more in keeping with the end of February.
I had less than two weeks to organise this party. I’d better get used to sleep deprivation. I decided to walk over to a cafe I’d seen a few weeks ago. We’d driven past it a few times and I’d been promising myself a coffee there.
LA Metro was quiet as I pushed open the door, managing not to catch my bag as it swung closed behind me. It was warm and the smell of coffee was comforting, knowing the work that lay ahead. I found a table that was big enough to take my laptop and spread out my papers and then ordered an Americano.
“What’s your name and we’ll call when it’s ready?” The young boy behind the bar smiled as I jumped at the sound of his voice. “Lexy. Thanks. I’ll be here for a while if that’s OK. I’ll be needing plenty more coffee to power me through.” I laughed when he asked what was I was doing. “Planning a party,” I said. “I organise events and this is taking up all my time. So, if you provide the caffeine, I promise to get this work sorted and clear my mess as soon as possible.”
He was sweet. “Hey no worries. Stay as long as your work takes,” he said, pointing to my table. “Sit down and I’ll bring your coffee over for you.”
I thanked him and made my way back to the table. I powered up my laptop, calling up my emails to check if any of the suppliers had got back to me. I was lost in work, the cafe getting busier as lunchtime approached. The smells and sounds were just background noise as I tapped away on my keyboard while taking calls. I hung up after 15 minutes of haggling over the price of bloody fairylights. Jared had better appreciate how much work this was taking. My phone buzzed, rattling against my coffee cup. A text flashed up on the screen.
Jared: Let me know progress on party. Need to update guest list. Make sure catering has vegan option.
Lexy: I’m on it. I’ll update you with more info later.
I put my phone down, noticing my hands were shaking. My stomach was knotted, as I recalled the madness of last night compared with Jared’s cold, business-like message. The phone buzzed again.
Jared: If you want, we can forget about last night x
The bustle and noise of the cafe faded away, my eyes focused on the message. So Jared forces the decision on me. I switched the phone off, deciding the reply could wait.
I ordered another coffee to steady myself and again buried myself in paperwork for another hour. My mind wandered from time to time, worrying about Jared waiting for my reply and wondering if I should message Emma.
Behind me I could hear the scrape of a chair, and the chink of a coffee mug hitting the table. I breathed in a mix of expensive cologne and cigarette smoke. I saw the young barista approach with my coffee. “Here you go Lexy. Sure I can’t get you some food?”
“I’m fine,” I said, “but thanks for looking after me. The coffee’s great by the way.” I smiled as he walked back to the bar. Behind me, I heard once more the scrape of the chair leg on the tiled floor. Then silence. I stared at my laptop, a strange feeling washing over me.
“Lexy?” The voice came from behind, at once familiar, but awakening memories that I had buried like long lost treasure. I could feel myself shaking as I turned to face the voice.
The silence between us must have lasted for just seconds but seemed to stretch into the never ever.
I remembered his touch, his warmth, his kindness, his embrace and our parting at LAX.
“Shannon ....
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nexttrickanvils · 5 years
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Title: It’s Okay I’m Here
Characters: Akira Kurusu and Ryuji Sakamoto
Prompt: Comfort Hug (Requested by @captmickey)
Warnings: Panic attacks, PTSD, reference to abuse
(This was written in a way that you could read it as either platonic or romantic.)
Of course the first thing Ryuji did when Akira came back to Tokyo for the summer was give him the biggest tightest hug he’d ever given.
The second thing Ryuji did was check him on, ask him how he was doing, etc, etc.
Finally the third thing Ryuji did was tell Akira about a movie that just came out and “IT LOOKS SO AWESOME, WE GOTTA SEE IT MAN!”
So of course the two make plans to go see it the next day.
Ryuji got to the theater first and was practically bouncing with excitement by the time Akira joined him.
While the two waited in line, Akira asked Ryuji about the movie they were seeing.
“Oh it’s like a big-budget action flick ‘bout a former spy who’s got a team of fellow other former spies and they’re taking on a big conspiracy.”
“Heh, heh. You miss the Phantom Thief days that much huh?” Akira said with a smirk and a wink
“Shaddup, like you’re any better. I saw you twirling your pen like your old knife yesterday.” Ryuji responded as he elbowed Akira
Honestly while Ryuji did certainly miss going into the Metaverse and kicking shadow ass and changing hearts and being a hero; THIS was what he missed the most from last year. Just simply hanging out with Akira.
Soon the boys got their tickets and picked up snacks from the concession stand (Ryuji made sure to get the largest popcorn size since he was so sure that Akira was STILL that ass who’d eat the popcorn during the previews) and headed to their theater.
So far the movie was a lot of fun, cheesy as hell, but a lot of fun.
“So your plan to sneak into the event is to make a huge spectacle that everyone’s gonna be watching?”
“Well when you put it that way, it sounds like a terrible plan.”
Ryuji grinned as he leaned over to Akira and whispered, “Hey dude, did you get into movies when we weren’t looking?”
Akira simply responded by flicking a piece of popcorn at Ryuji’s face.
The main character really did remind Ryuji a bit of Akira to be honest or rather Joker. Hell, a bunch of characters reminded him of their group. Heh, guess Akira had a point.
The movie continued with a big party scene with Not-Akira being a dramatic dumbass but also pulling off some cool spy moves. Soon came an awesome car chase… and that was when things took a turn.
The group was about to caught by the bad guys when the main character decided to open the car door and roll out. The other cars immediately stopped when the drivers saw him standing in the middle of the road with his hands up.
Ryuji bit his lip, this was getting a little too familiar for comfort. He glances at Akira who’s looking at the screen with wide eyes.
“Dude, you okay?”
“Y-yeah, I’m fine… just wasn’t expecting this is all.”
“Are you su...”
“I’m fine Ryuji!” Akira snapped back, earning some annoyed hushes from the other people in the theater.
A scene played out with the team wondering what was going to happen to their leader and agreeing to form a plan. Then it switches to the main character tied to a chair and getting slapped in the face.
“We can make this easy for you. Just tell us where your little friends are and who they are and maybe the courts will go easy on you.”
The main character says nothing and glares at the corrupt cop. It earns him another slap and the cop grinding his foot against his.
The scene continued and Ryuji found himself becoming more and more uncomfortable. What the hell man, this was supposed to be a fun cheesy action movie not…
Akira looked pale as he seemed to stare at nothing while holding his knees in a death grip.
“Akira! Akira say somth...”
Ryuji glared at the people shushing him and decided he couldn’t take care of Akira here.
So the first thing Ryuji did was take Akira’s hand and get him out of the theater.
The second thing Ryuji did was find a quiet spot. Easier said than done at a busy movie theater in Shibuya but he somehow managed with a bench just outside the building.
Finally the third thing Ryuji did was talk to Akira and try to calm him down.
“Listen to me Akira. It’s okay, you’re not there. We’re in Shibuya, it’s August. I’m right here, it’s gonna be okay.”
Akira’s breathing started to slow down and steady itself. He looks at Ryuji with that same wide eyed scared expression.
“I’m right here. C-can you be by yourself? I wanna get you some water.”
“...I… I.... yeah… I can.”
Ryuji nods and rushes back inside to the concession stand as fast as he can. He just as quickly returns with a bottle of water, uncaps it, and hands it to Akira.
Akira attempts to down the entire bottle but Ryuji stops him, “Slow down, you’re gonna choke yourself.”
A few minutes pass as Akira takes sips from the bottle and Ryuji sits by his side. Eventually Akira seems to calm down enough to turn to him and speak.
“I… I’m sorry. This was supposed to be a fun day out and I ruined...”
“Dude don’t say that. You can’t help it if that movie brought back some bad memories. I ain’t upset.”
“But you’re going to miss the rest of the mov-”
“It’s a movie! There’s like a billion other ones I can watch… I’ve only got one of you man.”
The two are once again silent until Ryuji clears his throat and speaks up.
“...Hey Akira, I’m gonna put my arm around ya and pull ya close. That okay? If you don’t wanna, that’s fine it’s up to you.”
Akira wordlessly nods and calmly sighs as Ryuji pulls him in a comforting hug.
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nancywheelxr · 5 years
(our friends set us up on a blind date as a prank because we don’t like each other but neither of us wants to let them win so ) | Part 3:
( part 1 ) ( part 2 )
“Have you ever noticed how ominous this song is?” Winn says, between muffins, “I mean, you better watch out? You better not cry? Like, are you threatening me? Are you warning me? Is Santa going to kill me in my sleep?”
Nanoon’s is still covered in string lights and Christmas songs are still flowing through the speakers at all times of day, Christmas spirit stubbornly clinging to the coffee shop with every red-and-green decoration, but there are worse things to see at ten in the morning, Winn supposes. Especially when the food and the coffee are for free. “I know right? I never understood that,” Kara nods enthusiastically, ponytail swishing behind her, “he sees you when you sleep, he knows when you’re awake? I’m pretty sure that classifies as stalking.”
Their waitress brings another plate of muffins and donuts, eyeing Kara’s bony wrists and her half-eaten blueberry donut with jealousy before leaving them at the table. Winn snorts, watching Kara hoard the donuts on her own plate like a blonde, cardigan-wearing dragon. “Either way. Here’s to having survived another Christmas,” he raises his coffee for a cheap, brunch toast and Kara clinks her own paper cup against it with a grin. “But seriously, is there a reason you dragged me out for brunch or– not that I’m complaining, far be it from me to refuse free food, but. Is there?”
Kara adjusts her glasses, shrugging half-heartedly, but it can’t be that bad, because her smiles stay fixed in place, if only a little sad at the edges. “What, can’t I want to do something nice for no particular reason?”
“This is about the blind date, isn’t it?” Winn sighs, putting his coffee down. His apology coffee, it seems. “We talked about this yesterday, it’s fine. It turned out better than fine, actually.”
“Right! Right, no, I know– I’m still sorry about that, though, sort of,” she shakes her head and her ponytail swishes again. “But that’s not why I asked you here. It’s not– it’s just that you are one of my best friends but when was the last time we talked? Really talked, no world-threatening, reality-altering, future-changing disasters. Just you know, two friends talking about life, and movies, and work!”
“Kara, we pretty much work at the same place– dealing with world-threatening, reality-altering, future-changing disasters is basically our whole job.”
“I know. But! It’s like game night. Game night is no longer among us. It perished sometime between the Daxamites and Reign and we didn’t even notice!” She complains, chewing on her donut with renewed passion as if maybe the void left behind by game night could be filled with exceptionally good pastries. “What’s next? Karaoke night? If we don’t do something about this soon, it will be chaos.”
Winn sips at his latte, stalling. Kara does have a point, a semblance of normalcy sounds awesome right about now, after Worldkillers and not-so-bright futures and a year of playing the universe’s deadliest game of chess with Brainy’s homicidal maniac relative. Honestly, at this point, they should all start a club, he, Brainy and Kara, make some t-shirts, hold weekly meetings. How to deal with your psycho family member 101. But he digresses. “Okay, I see your point. Things have been kind of intense, lately.” That’s the understatement of the century, he knows. “And it would be nice to hang out without some impending doom glooming everything up.”
Kara sets her cup down with a little too much force, coffee spilling on the wood table, but it doesn’t dampen her enthusiasm, she’s grinning as she tries to clean up the mess with napkins. “It would, wouldn’t it? A normal night, without any superhero business?”
“I have an idea,” Winn passes her more napkins, “why don’t we resurrect game night?”
“Yes! That would be perfect!” She squeals, eyes widening behind the glasses, “you should bring Brainy, and I’ll invite Nia and Lena, too! It’s a shame J’onn is still out of town, though.”
“Yeah, but he’ll be here for Karaoke night, right?”
“I think so, yeah. He’ll definitely be here before New Year’s Eve.”
Winn is in the middle of trying to remember where he put his board games when the TV catches their attention. The news anchor is outside a suburban house– pastel colors, white picket fences, rose bushes in the garden; the whole package– talking about murder and some sort of alien serial killer on the loose, and Winn can physically see Kara itching to fly. “You should go,” he tells her, “sounds like superhero business, hopefully not so world-threatening, reality-altering, future-changing level.”
“I’m so sorry,” she rushes out, already digging dollar bills out of her wallet, eyes glued to the screen, “but we are bringing game night back. That’s non-negotiable now. And you still have to tell me everything about your date with Brainy– but we’ll talk later!”
And she’s off, doorbell ringing on her wake.
What no one tells you about spending an entire year in the future is that, like with any other extended trip, there’s a shitton of things to do once you get back.
Because being an adult sucks like that.
Alex made sure the DEO took care of his rent, and Winn is thankful for that, he is, he very much likes not being homeless and there’s no way he’d find another apartment like this for the same price– but anything beyond that, it’s a work in progress.
His internet connection isn’t nearly as good as before, won’t be for a little while, or at least until he can stabilize his bank acount– and that’s not gonna happen until he forces himself to go grocery shopping for real and stop buying take out every night. There’s only so much Chinese food he can eat without getting sick, anyway.
Google Chrome crashes for the third time this afternoon and Winn lets his laptop slide from his lap to the floor. And honestly, he hopes it breaks and bursts into flames, because if he has to watch that freaking pixelated dinosaur jump over equally pixelated cactus one more time–
Maybe he should buy a cactus. It would probably be better than sit here and try his luck with cable.
You know what, maybe he should.
Dragging himself off the couch, Winn stretches, hopping over his fallen laptop– sadly, still in one piece– and looking for his keys; there has to be at least one flower shop still open in the whole city. It doesn’t even have to be nearby, he’s willing to go for a walk.
Keys, keys, keys– got it!
He grins, throwing his front door open and– “what are you doing here?”
Brainy is standing in his doorway, one hand poised to knock and the other holding a manilla envelope. “Oh.” He takes in Winn’s clothes, key halfway into the lock, “is this a bad time?”
“No. I mean, I was about to head out, but,” the cactus will have to wait, it seems, “by all means, come in, I guess. Wait, how did you know where I live?”
“The DEO keeps a personal file on every current and former employee,” he says, breezing past Winn and inside the apartment, envelope thrust unceremoniously into Winn’s hands. “It was easy enough. But do not worry, I only scanned the contact information.”
“Because that’s not creepy at all,” Winn comments without any real heat, too busy opening the envelope and too curious to be annoyed. He shakes it upside down and two photos fall down, screenshots from security cameras showing– no way. “Dude, we should have these framed!” The first one has Alex’s shocked face while the second has Kara’s, both taken in just the right second. “And then, when we do the big reveal in– what, a few weeks? Anyway– we should give it to them, like, with little bows on top– oh, oh, I know! There should be a cake too, with Congrats, you’ve been played! written on top!”
“That is… an idea, certainly,” Brainy pauses in the middle of his living room, back straight and stiff, looking almost nervous. “But not the reason I’m here.”
“Well, then what is it?” Winn asks, scooping up his laptop from the floor, and now that there’s another person here, in his apartment, he’s beginning to notice how messy it truly is. The jacket thrown over the couch now feels glaringly obvious and the takeout containers from lunch still sitting on his kitchen table couldn’t be more noticeable with neon signs hanging over them. If only the person standing on his living room weren’t so judgy, or even just had given him a heads up before showing up on his doorstep. But god forbid, that would be asking too much. “What is the reason? Come on, man, did something happen? Are they onto us?”
Something complicated scrunches up Brainy’s face, not quite a grimace but just as disgruntled. He opens his mouth, stops himself, then closes it, before trying again, “no, I don’t believe so. But something did happen. After Alex convinced Supergirl to pick you up for brunch, whatever that means.”
“Wait, Alex convinced Kara? But she– no, okay, why did Alex convince Kara? What happened after she left?”
“It did not take much convincing, I assure you. Supergirl had already been talking about some board game she found in her closet this morning? Somehow that led to brunch, I didn’t entirely follow on their logic.” He frowns, sounding more irritated with himself than anything. To be fair, one year ago, Winn would be rolling his eyes, but damn if it’s not confusing to be in a completely different time. Sometimes Garth and Lyle would say ordinary stuff and it still went way over Winn’s head; it’s like the entire world’s sharing some inside joke, but you can’t even tell the set up from the punchline. “As I was saying, after she left, Alex requested, ordered, really, that we talked somewhere private.”
“Oh, so she wanted to get you alone, without me or Kara? That– that doesn’t sound like Alex. What did she tell you?”
“I thought the same,” Brainy exclaims, and wow. There’s a first for everything, Winn figures. “It’s completely off her normal behavior! Once we were alone, she threatened me.”
“Alex did what now?”
“Yes, strange, isn’t it? She warned me about the consequences of breaking your heart, but that makes no sense; if we are supposedly dating, why would I do that?”
Worry and apprehension had been steadily growing, coiling tight around his lungs, wondering if this is the next crisis– mind control, invasion of the body snatchers, who knows!– but now it deflates like a balloon, and he exhales a lungful of relief. “So that’s it? That’s what she wanted to talk to you about? Oh, man, you got me really worried there for a sec.”
Like most things that come out of Winn’s mouth, this seems to irk Brainy in all the wrong ways. “And it is cause for concern, Winslow, if the Director is under the influence of some sort of mind–”
“Okay, I’ll stop you right there,” Winn says, trying to placate him. He shoves his jacket off the couch and pushes pillows aside, clearing space for them to sit down. “It’s nothing to worry about. That was just Alex’s version of a shovel talk, it’s fine. I mean, it was probably very scary, because it’s Alex, but it’s fine.”
Brainy sits, one eyebrow raising as he appears to debate with himself if he should believe Winn or not. “Shovel talk?”
“Yeah, it’s a thing people do when a sibling or close friend starts dating, they give the boyfriend or girlfriend the good ol’ you hurt them, I’ll kick your ass speech.” And yeah, it’s his bad, Winn can recite a mea culpa here; he should’ve warned Brainy about things that could possibly happen, but, frankly, Winn had not considered this as a likely scenario. “It’s sweet, actually.”
The utterly flat look Brainy levels him is just too funny, and along with having him here, sitting on Winn’s couch because Alex scared him with her shovel talk, it sends Winn into a fit of laughter. He can’t help it. There’s something so absurd about the whole situation, it sends him laughing all over again everytime he hiccups back in control. Even Brainy, when Winn manages to gather himself, has an indulgent smile on his face. “A very strange custom,” he notes, “but understandable with its due context.”
“Yeah, don’t sweat it, man.” Winn waves him off, leaning back on the cushions. If he had gone grocery shopping, this would be a nice time for a beer. “But it’s good that you’re here, because while you were being shoveled, I was getting free muffins and free coffees-- now that I think about it, I’m not sure Kara understands the concept of brunch very well either. But nevermind that, the point is,” he grins, “we are invited for game night.”
A wary sigh from Brainy and the squinting look on his eyes tell Winn he would probably have agreed on the beer thing. “I’m assuming that has something to do with Kara’s recently found board game and brunch.”
Winn snickers, “you would assume correctly. Look, I’m kinda hungry, are you staying or what? ‘Cause I’m thinking of ordering some pizza, so-- speak now or be hungry forever.”
It snaps Brainy sharply into motion. He stands up, smoothing out his clothes, “no, I should probably go.”
“Suit yourself,” Winn shrugs, standing up as well, and his phone buzzes on the table. “Oh, no. This is not good.”
“Something wrong?” Brainy asks, peering over his shoulder to look at the screen, “is that Alex?”
“Yes, she wants to meet for lunch tomorrow,” he swallows audibly, they both know what this means, “oh god, now it’s my turn to get the shovel talk.”
And Brainy, the goddamn asshole, he smiles. “As you said it yourself, there is nothing to worry about. It’s sweet, in fact.”
Winn savors every last bit of pleasure of slamming the door closed on his stupid smug face.
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justmesadgirl · 6 years
only one night - Sebastian Stan Part 5
Words count: 2765
Paring: Sebastian Stan x Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst
A/N: feedback is always welcomed! English is not my first language and i have dyslexia so if there are typos I’m sorry! And let me know if you want a part 6! Feedback is always welcomed!
requests are open!
part1 part 2 part3 part4 part5 part6 part7 part8 part9
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You slam the front door after you as you walk in. You were freezing it started raining on your walk back home and now you were soaking wet from the rain.
“Fuck.” you mumble to yourself as you take your shoes off and walk to your room. You hear small footsteps after you. You know who it is but you really didn’t want to talk to anyone right now. You take some dry clothes from your closet and start walking to the bathroom but stop at your door because Rose is standing there in the middle of the door. She was about to say something but you stop her.
“No. I don’t want to talk about. I’m going to take a hot bath and then go to sleep. Night.” You tell her and walk past her. You see Chris leaning to her rooms door frame but he doesn't say anything. You lock the bathroom door after you and run a hot bath for yourself. You throw your favorite bath bomb into the water and take off your wet clothes. You take your phone and put on some relaxing music and sink into the bath. You let out a long sigh and close your eyes. You were a mess. You woke up suddenly, you had fallen asleep in the bath. The water was cold already. You look at your phone, it’s almost midnight. You get up from the cold bath and dry yourself with a soft towel, after that you put on a tank top and shorts. You drain the tub and walk back to your room. You fall onto your bed and feel tears running down your pink cheeks. You pull the covers over you and turn off the light on your nightstands.
You wake up to Rose shaking you. “y/n. Woke up.” She sounded worried. You open your eyes slowly and look at her. She was in her work clothes.
“5 more minutes.” You tell her and turn around. Your voice was low and it hurt to talk.
“Why weren’t you at work today?” She asked at you looked at her with confusion written all over your face.
“What time is it?” you ask her.
“It’s 5pm, y/n.” You laugh at her, why is she pranking you.
“I’m serious, I just got home from work. Chris called me and asked if I knew where you were.” Did you really sleep in? And is it really 5pm?
“What? That can’t be.” You say and sit up in your bed. Your head hurt like crazy.
“Are you sick?” Rose asked and put her hand on your forehead to see if you had a fever. “God, you are burning up!” You didn’t know what to think, what’s going on.
“I don’t feel so good.” You tell her and she just pushes you back to lay down. “Stay here, I will go call Chris and then I will make you chicken soup” You fell back to sleep. You were woken again by someone at the door. You heard the doorbell go off.
“Coming!” You could hear Rose calling. You just get up slowly and walk to the bathroom. You do your thing and walk out. You walk to the kitchen and see Rose cooking and talking to Chris. They stop as soon as they see you.
“Talking about me?” You ask as you open the fridge.
“How are you feeling?” Chris ask you and you smile at him.
“Like I'm going to lose my job and feel like I'm going to die.” you just here a “oh.” from him. Rose gives you a bowl full of chicken soup. you give her a smile back and sit down.
“Thank you.” You hear her say to Chris as he whispers something into her ear and leaves the kitchen. She sits next to you and looks at you with worry in her eyes.
“He won't fire you, you know that right?” She asks and you look at her.
“Yes he will. After yesterday he will and he probably thinks I didn’t go to work because I didn’t want to see him.” You tell her and start eating the hot soup.
“He really likes you, he was so worried when you didn’t show up at work today and called Chris so he could ask me where you were.” Did he really do that?
“He was about to come over to see what was going on but Chris told him that it would be a bad idea, so he didn’t.” You just nod and eat the rest of your soup and get up.
“I really need to go to work tomorrow then.” You say as you put your dishes to the sink.
“You will go to work when you are healthy, y/n.” She tells you and walks after you to your bedroom.
“But you should call Sebastian and tell him that you are sick.” That’s true you needed to tell him that you would not come to work for a couple of days. You lay down on to your bed and Rose falls next to you and you two just stare at the ceiling, neither one of you say anything for a while but Rose kills the silence by asking
“Will you tell me what happened yesterday and why you walked home in the rain?”
“I told him that I needed to think about this and left him at the park and walked home.” You turn to look at her.
“Do you like him?” She asks you and looks back at you.
“I don’t even know him.” That’s your fault because he has told you so many times that he wanted to get to know you.
“you can still like him.”
“Maybe.” Is all that you can say, did you like him?
“You need to rest. I will talk to you tomorrow and please call Sebastian.” She gets up from your bed and closes the door behind her. You look for your phone and when you find it you realize that you have 9 missed calls and 15 texts. Most of them are from Rose but a couple of them are from an unknown number. You open the messages and look what they have sent you.
first message: Hey y/n it’s Sebastian. Is everything okay?
second message: Did I do something wrong that you didn’t even come to work?
third message: Call me when you can.
he had called you 3 times and left one voicemail. You decide to listen to it.
“Fuck. Where are you? Rose or Chris don’t even know where are you? Please call me y/n you have me worried sick.” And then you hear someone call his name on the back round. “Please y/n.” and then the voicemail ends. I really sounded worried but you recognized the other voice in the call it was Sofia. You start to type a message to him: ‘ hey I’m fine, sorry that I didn't come to work today I’m sick and over sle....’ and then the same unknown number bounce on your screen, he was calling you. You sit up in your bed and answer the call.
“hey.” you let out and wait to hear his voice.
“y/n.” he says your name, how it rolled out of his mouth it sounded so good.
“yeah it’s me.”
“How are you feeling.” He was talking slowly and quietly.
“Not so good. You talked to Chris?” You asked him and lay back down.
“Yeah, he told me you had slept all day and you were sick…” You didn’t let him finish his sentence.
“I’m sorry. I fell asleep and forgot to put my alarm clock on. I can come tomorrow.” You felt so bad for missing work and how worried he sounded in his voicemail and texts.
“No, no if you are sick don’t come it’s fine it will be fine.” and after that falls a long silence between you two.
“I’m so sorry for everything. I shouldn’t have left like that yesterday. I-I am really sorry, really I feel so bad. You have been just so nice to me and I was such a bitch to you.”
“No, no y/n it’s okay I was pushing you too fast I get it and if you don’t want to this to go anywhere it’s fine I respect your choice.” He didn’t sound so happy and you felt so bad for this mess you had created.
“I like you.” is all you let out and you regretted right after you had let it past your lips.
“I like you too, hope to see you soon y/n.”
“I will text you when I’m coming to work.” You panicked and didn't let him answer you and just say. “Bye.” and hung up the phone. You let out a small scream and press your pillow over your head and scream into it.
You woke up to some talking in the kitchen. You get up slowly from your bed and look at the time, It’s 7am. You get up and put a hoodie on and walk to the kitchen. You stop as soon as you see the people in your kitchen. Rose turns around first and gives you a small smile.
“Morning y/n.” And as she says your name the two others turn around too. Chris gives you a smile and asks if you want some coffee. You just nod at him but you can’t tear your eyes of the brown haired man with ocean blue eyes who is sitting at your kitchen table with Rose and a cup of coffee in front of him. Chris gives you a cup of coffee and turns to look at Rose and his best friend.
“We should go Rose, I will take you to work.” that’s when you can tear your eyes away from his.
“I-I…” You don’t know even what to say. Rose gets up and smiles at Sebastian and walks to you. She hugs you and whispers to your ear. “he must really like you.” and then she just walks out of the door with Chris. That leaves you and Sebastian here alone. You were still in your shorts and a hoodie, hair messy and you know you looked like shit and there he was, his hair perfect and a nice expensive black suit on, he looked like million dollars.
“hey.” He smiles at you and gets up from where he was sitting. He walks up to you and you just turn around.
“God I must look like shit.” you let out and he just laughs and takes your hand and makes you turn around to face him.  You look up at him and he is looking at you with a soft smile on his face.
“You look good like always.” he smiles at you and lets go of your hand.
“So what are you doing here?” You ask him and run your hands over your tired face.
“Wanted to see how you were feeling.” He tells you and looks around this was awkward. You lean against the fridge and think what to say.
“mm... Not so good. Aren't you going to be late?”  He looked at his clock and the again at you.
“Well yeah but I wanted to see how you were.” He smiles and that makes you smile too.
“Well then you should go I don’t want you to get sick too.” You start walking to the front door him behind you. You look at him as he opens the door.
“Can I come over tonight? Maybe we could watch a movie or I could cook something for you?” you wanted to say no but your mouth said “Yes.” He smiles and kisses your cheek.
“It’s a date! I will see you tonight!” He says happily and leaves. You stood there way too long thinking about that you were going to have a date with Sebastian Stan, your boss. You slowly walk to your room to have a nap. You wake up around 11am. You get up and go take a shower, trying to wash the sickness out of you. After your shower you put on a hoodie, black leggings and fluffy socks. After getting ready you warm up the soup Rose made you yesterday. You sit on the couch and watch some Netflix as you eat the chicken soup. You looked at your phone almost every 10 minutes waiting for it to be around 5pm when Sebastian would come. You weren’t so sure when would he come because you didn’t know how long he worked but you guessed that he would come around five or six pm. Little after 5 Rose walked in. You look at her and she looks back at you.
“wow you are up.” she smiles and sits down next to you.
“No Chris today? Is he going to start paying rent soon?” You joked at her and she laughed a little.
“You must be feeling good because you are joking already.” she smiles. “and no he had work and he told me he would go home today but he will come and pick me up for dinner, he said that he had something romantic planned.” She tells and leans her head on your shoulder.
“Yes and how cute, he seems so nice and he really likes you.”
“I think so too.” she smiles and gets up. “So how did the talk go with Sebastian?” She raised her eyebrows and has that knowing look on her face.
“Well we have a date today. He wanted to cook something for me and watch movies.” You tell her with a small shy smile on your lips.
“A date?” She asked excitedly.
“He called it a date.” you tell her and turn your eyes back to the tv.
“Well then it’s good that I will go out with Chris so you two will have a little privacy.” She smiles and takes her phone out and calls someone. She walks to her room and closes her door behind her. She comes out almost an hour later looking like a damn model. She was wearing a beautiful black cocktail dress.
“Wow, you look good.” You tell her.
“Thanks, Chris asked me to put on something nice.”
“Is that my bag?” you asked when you saw a small black bag in her hand.
“Is it okay that I borrow it?” She smiles and walks up to you. You just nod and hug her.
“When is he coming?” She asks and you look at the time on your phone.
“I don’t know he told me that he would come over after work.”
“Okay well have fun.“ she smiles and walks to the front door before leaving you yell after her “Have fun too. Text me when you are coming back!” She waves to you and locks the door after her. You get up from the couch and look at the clock on the wall. It was over 6pm, where was he? You clean up the little mess you had made through the day. You sit back on to the couch and wait. It was almost 9 when you got a message from someone. You were so excited that it would be Sebastian telling you he was almost here but for your disappointed it was just Rose telling you that she would be home in a 5. You just sigh and lay down on the couch and look up at the ceiling. After about 10 minutes Rose walks in with a huge smile on her face. You smile at her and get up.
“Heyyy.” She sounded so happy and you felt bad because you were not.
“How was your date?” you ask and shut the tv.
“Amazing. The best date I ever had.” She smiles and looks around.
“Soooo, how was your date?” She smiles and you look away from her.
“He didn’t come.” you whisper but loud enough for her to hear you.
“Why not? Did he have work or something?” She asks and walks up to you.
“I don’t know, he didn’t text or call to tell me why. But it’s okay I will just go to bed, I don’t feel so good.” You tell her and she was about to say something but you just look at her with your sad eyes and she shuts up. You walk to your room and just change back to your shorts and a tank top and crawl between your sheets. You feel the tears running down your cheeks and you fall asleep crying.
tags: @randomawesomeperson102  @maddieisaacs @crystlblu  @lovely-geek @havlindzk @evans-against-the-wall @mightiestheroes
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monetfatalia · 6 years
Heat Rises (Todoroki X OC)
Chapter 2
(A/N) Let me start off by saying I am so super sorry this took so long to get out. I was having some issues at home and just really wanted to give you guys a quality chapter rather than some half thought out piece. I hope everyone enjoys and please let me know what you think by commenting and voting!
All credit for the artwork goes to the original owner
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Prologue, Chapter 1
It was officially the first day of school, but it felt like the second after orientation day. I got to class early meeting up with the same three people before classes started for the day. We all had the same schedule so the teachers switched between classrooms instead of the students. We had normal core classes like English and math in the morning. I think Yaoyorozu was the only person in those classes who really answered. The rest of us were to excited for the hero basic training after lunch. Speaking of…
“Hey Rue! Come sit with us!” Kirishima’s voice echoed in the already loud cafeteria.
I saw him sitting at a table with a few others from our class. I walked over to the group and took a seat between Kirishima and Sero. I placed my tray down on the table and looked around at who else was with us quickly going through their names in my head.
“Hey you’re the girl with that humiliated Bakugo yesterday right? That was hilarious,” I think the guys name was Kaminari.
“Yeah, I guess so. That wasn’t really my intent but I’m happy you got a laugh out of it.” I replied taking a bite of my cold soba noodles.
“Seriously? That’s how you remember her. She was the third ranked during the quirk test yesterday,” Ojiro commented looking disappointed in Kaminari.
“Hey I can’t help it if she made an impression before class even started.” Kaminari shot back looking offended. I decided to just let them go at it and dig into my food. It was the best I’d had in awhile. Since Ryukyu left I’ve been surviving off of gas station snacks and the occasional sandwich.
“What do you think we’ll be doing today Rue?” Shoji asked molding one of his arms into a mouth. I looked up from my food and realized everyone was waiting for my answer.
“Sorry, what was the question?” I asked looking around at the table.
“Jeez Foster, I know the foods good but try to control the drooling,” Kirishima joked placing a hand on my shoulder.
“Oh bite the weenie Spike, not everybody gets a home cooked meal at the end of the day,” I jested glaring playfully at the red head. The table was silent for a moment before a cacophony of laughter broke out.
“You see! This is what I’m talking about! Are you gonna remember her by her class rank or by how badly she roasted Kirishima just now?” Kaminari snickered elbowing Ojiro. I looked at the two confused before joining the laughter.
“Where on earth did you come up with that anyway?” Sero asked still holding his stomach from the cramping caused by his laughter.
“Movies are the best source of one liners boys, take note.” I joked causing another round of laughter. Once everyone had calmed down we continued to eat our food, and Kirishima didn’t dare joke about my food again. I even ended up getting a fudge brownie from Sato, eating it happily. When the bell rang we were all happy to make our way back to home room making small jokes along the way. We had to split once we got to the classroom and take our assigned seating. The bell rung again signaling class had started and not a moment later the door slid open.
“I am HERE! coming through the door like a hero!” All might announced stepping into the classroom. Everyone began fawning in awe. Including Kirishima, the red haired spike in front of me.
“It’s really All Might.”
“So he is a teacher, this year is gonna be totally awesome!” Kirishima voiced making me snicker at how much of a fan boy he was.
“Hey look is he wearing his silver age costume?”
“I’m getting goosebumps, it’s so retro.” Ojiro made that comment.
“Welcome to the most important class at U.A. High. Think of it as heroing 101. Here you will learn the basics of being a pro, and what it means to fight in the name of good. Let’s get into it! Today’s lesson will pull no punches!” At the last comment All Might held up a flash card with the word “battle” written on it.
“Fight training!” Bakugo was the first to react looking ecstatic about it.
“Real combat?” Midoriya asked immediately after looking like the polar opposite of Bakugo.
“But one of the keys of being a hero is, looking good! These were designed for you based on your quirk registration forms and the requests you sent in before school started.” There was an immediate uproar of excitement and I was part of it. Ryukyu had insisted on designing my costume and sent the form in without even letting me look at it.
“Get yourselves suited up, and then meet me at training ground BETA.” All Might commanded. Everyone rushed to grab their costume case that were organized by our class numbers. I grabbed my own case that had a large number nine on it and went with the rest of the girls to the locker room. Everyone was opening their cases and examining if their costumes were to their liking while I just sat with mine in my lap.
“Foster, aren’t you gonna change into your costume?”Asui asked. She was already changed and looked amazing in her green and black skin suit.
“Yeah, I’m just a bit nervous to see what they came up with,” I answered honestly. Who knows what Ryukyu could have sent in.
“You won’t know until you open it,” Yaoyorozu pointed out adjusting her own revealing costume. I sighed knowing she was right and finally worked up the nerve to open it and see what was in store for me. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. I half expected Ryukyu to put in some absurd outfit as a joke but the costume I was looking at was perfect. The pants were skin tight leggings. Everything but the left leg was fashioned to look like jeans while the left leg was black with white horizontal stripes giving the outfit a little bit of chaos. The boots were knee high with a white base color and ombré detailing that went from sunset orange to a deep crimson. The top was basically a chest plate that was just big enough to cover anything indecent. It was to much skin to be worn on its own, but the jacket that came with made it look much more to my taste. The jacket was probably my favorite part of the outfit. It was a red orange mix with detailing on the hem and the bottom of the sleeves, and it stayed on with a small scarf like strap just under the high collar.
I didn’t waste a second putting it on and examining myself. The measurements were perfect and the costume fit me like a glove.
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“Wow Foster! You look awesome! I wish my costume looked that cool,” Mina Ashido commented drawing the attention of the room to me.
“Thanks Mina, you look great too, the faux fur suits you.” I complimented looking over her costume. I was the last one to get my costume on so we all left after exchanging comments and met up with the boys near the tunnel into ground BETA. I caught sight of Kirishima almost instantly, walking along with Sero and Kaminari.
“Lookin good Spike, you too Kaminari,” I cat called causing the two to flush in embarrassment.
“Right back at ya Rue,” Kirishima called back approaching me with Kaminari by his side. We walked in together joining the rest of our class and I felt a comfortable ease wash over me as I walked with my friends.
“You ready for this Ojiro?” I asked grinning at the blonde with a tail. We were making our way to where the bomb was on the map. We had ten minutes to get there and strategize before All Might would let the hero team come after us.
“Of course, you?” Ojiro responded leading us into a room. The bomb was right in the middle of it and the room was littered with stabilizing pillars.
“Yup,” I nodded enthusiastically. After watching Midoriya and Bakugou’s fight everybody was revved up to go all out in the exercise.
“So, how do you think we should go about this?” Ojiro asked stopping to lean on a pillar. I followed suit leaning on another pillar facing him.
“Well considering Todoroki’s ice quirk and Shoji’s overall strength we should probably keep on the defensive. I don’t think splitting up is a good idea even with the comms,” I stated tapping the communication piece in my ear.
“Yeah I agree, I say we wait here and defend in this room. Once they get here you should stay by the bomb and cover me while I go on the offensive. As long as they don’t touch the bomb we have a good chance of winning.” Ojiro stated stretching as he spoke. I nodded humming in agreement.
“Sounds good to me.” As I finished talking the loud air horn went off signaling the start of the match.
“Here we go,” I said breathing through my nerves. We both moved so that I was closer to the bomb ready to protect it, and Ojiro was closer to the doorway ready to strike. We stood waiting for some hint that they were getting close when a uneasy shiver ran up my spine. I barely had time to think as the floor and walls were covered with ice efficiently trapping Ojiro and I to the floor.
“Shit!” I muttered trying to break up the ice around my ankles and feet.
“This quirk is insane,” Ojiro commented trying to pry up his own feet. I heard foot steps from somewhere down the hall outside of the room and quickly untied my boots, slipping my feet out onto the numbingly cold floor of ice. I quickly signaled Ojiro to keep quiet putting a finger to my lips before stepping behind a pillar so I couldn’t be seen from the door. The footsteps got closer and finally reached the room we were in. Thankfully there was only one set of footsteps and I quickly assumed they belonged to Todoroki considering he was the one that froze the building. Ojiro took a defensive stance only to be halted at Todoroki’s words.
“Pry yourself up if you want, but it might be hard to fight me with no skin on the bottom of your feet.” I could hear the amusement in his voice and decided to make my entrance.
“I guess it’s a good thing I wore my boots then.” I stated stepping out from my hiding spot and sending a blast of wind in the ice user’s direction. At the same time I felt the freezing numbness on my feet travel up to my knees.
“How did you—,“ my voice dropped off when I saw he was standing in the same spot looking unfazed by my attack. The only evidence I’d gotten a hit on him at all were the pillars of ice he’d built as a support behind him.
“Apologies, but anything you try will be a waste of effort,” Todoroki said continuing towards the bomb.
“Wasted effort?” I retorted lowly. I used my quirk and pushed Todoroki’s outstretched hand from the bomb with a current.
“There’s no such thing.” I scoffed glaring at the two toned boy. The icy numbness travelled even farther covering my body up to my collar bones. He was holding my gaze with his own indifferent expression.
“You misunderstand. It’s not your fault we’re just playing on two different levels.” Todoroki declared turning back towards the fake bomb. I couldn’t help the smug grin that emerged on my face at the boy’s look of surprise. When I had pushed his hand from the bomb I had created a barrier of compressed air currents like I’d done to protect Ilda and stop Bakugou the first day. Only this barrier was made so it surrounded every inch of the bomb.
“Nice going Foster!” Ojiro exclaimed turning his body awkwardly to see what I’d done. I grinned triumphantly sending him a thumbs up before returning my gaze to an annoyed Todoroki.
“Don’t underestimate your opponent Todoroki, it’s not smart.” I told him, trying to conceal my labored breathing.
“You’re really gonna drag this out? What’s the point when you know you can’t possibly win?” Todoroki retorted with an icy gaze. My lungs were starting to burn with a need for oxygen but I knew Todoroki would take advantage of any break in my barrier. The ice numbing my body was only making it harder.
“My chances of winning are very possible Todoroki. Or did you forget the fifteen minute time limit on this exercise. By my guess there’s only about ten minutes left.” I panted starting to feel my muscles cramp from the ice and lack of air.
“Judging by your current state you won’t be able to keep this up for more then five minutes. So if it’s a test of stamina your after, be my guest.” Todoroki droned returning to his indifferent expression. He’d hit the nail on the head. I’d be surprised if I even managed that long as stamina had never been my strong suit. We all stayed in a tense silence for about two minutes before I was wheezing for even the smallest breath.
“Hey, Foster? Don’t overdo it, it’s just an exercise. I won’t be upset if you give up.” Ojiro insisted. He looked guilty and upset as he said it though. I understood where he was coming from but I had no intention of just giving up.
“Listen to him, this is only gonna get worse for you if you don’t—“ “No I can’t!” I cut off Todoroki’s words clenching my eyes shut and focusing on my breathing.
“The fact that I’m still standing right here in front of you. It means that I’m not backing down I’m willing to give everything I’ve got. I don’t need your pity Ojiro. I’m not giving up, so please come and get me Todoroki. Give me all you’ve got,” I croaked barely getting the words out between breaths. I had to squint to keep my eyes open as I got dizzy and lightheaded. My vision was blurring and I could feel my control over my quirk slipping.
“Foster enough! Yo-......need..........stop.” I knew someone was talking to me but it all sounded like somebody had stuck my head underwater. And just like that my vision got spotty before fading completely to black, dropping me into unconsciousness.
Waking up after passing out is nothing like they show you in the movies. There’s no sudden abrupt consciousness where you’re aware of what happened, but it’s not as dramatic as waking up with no recollection at all. When I opened my eyes it was actually pretty boring. I stared at the cream colored ceiling for a few seconds before slowly sitting myself up knowing not to move to quickly. I’d fainted quite a few times in the past since it was a side effect of overusing my quirk.
“Good, you’ve woken up. You overexerted yourself quite a bit dear,” Recovery Girl spoke up watching as I came back to my senses.
“You’ve been unconscious for about ten minutes. I’d prefer if you stayed and rested a bit longer but you can return to the battle training if you want. To observe only of course” She added turning her attention back to Midoriya who was still passed out on the bed next to me. I got to my feet slowly and pulled on my jacket before thanking Recovery Girl and walking out. My pace was pretty sluggish but I made it back to the monitor room at ground Beta in time to see the end of Kirishima and Sero’s match against Tokoyami and Asui. I stayed in the back leaning against the wall for the rest of the matches. Once all the matches were over the whole class minus Midoriya gathered at the exit for ground Beta.
“That’s a wrap! Super work. You really stepped up to the plate, and we didn’t have any major injuries. Except for Midoriya. You should be proud, excellent first day of training all around.” All Might announces once we were all gathered and listening
“It’s nice to hear some encouraging words after our home room class. Mr.Aizawa was kind of a buzzkill.” Asui commented.
“I’m happy to bring such staggering positivity! That’s all for now folks. I should go and check on young Midoriya’s progress. Now watch, as a pro exits like he’s got somewhere to be!” All Might concluded before dashing away faster than the eye could see.
“Ok you guys that, is a hero,” Kaminari gushed
“Aww I’ll never be able to run that fast,” Ojiro huffed.
“Not with that attitude you won’t,” I jested attracting the attention of the class.
“RUE!” A chorus of voices called out before I was tackled into a group hug consisting of Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero. I couldn’t help but laugh at the trios actions along with a couple other students in our class.
“I saw your matches, you guys did great.” I complimented once they released me from their crushing group hug.
“Are you kidding! You were way cooler!”
“It’s crazy how you put the whole match on halt like that. Shouldn’t you still be resting?”
“You were so manly! Even if we couldn’t hear what you said, Ojiro filled us in after the match.” All three of them blurred out at the same time still obviously pumped up after their own battles.
“Seriously though, we thought you’d be out longer. How come you got back so quickly?” Ojiro asked taking hesitant steps towards our rowdy bunch.
“It’s a side effect of my quirk,” I paused tucking my bangs behind my ear anxiously. “The more I overuse it the harder it is to breathe and take in air. Usually I stop using it before I pass out.” I explained quickly to my small group of worry.
“Why go that far though? It was only an exercise.” Kaminari questioned looking at me in genuine confusion. I understood his confusion, the faces of the other three confirmed their shared question.
“Why wouldn’t I? Each exercise we do here is to make us better heroes. No one would hold back in a real fight. Take Midoriya for example, he’s still in the infirmary because he did everything in his power to win the match at his current level. I just wanted to do the same.” I recited firmly, truly believing my own words.
“Well said Foster,” Yaoyorozu commented surprising me as I realized the four boys in front of me weren’t the only ones listening to my little speech. Most of the class had already started walking back to the main building with the exception of Yaoyorozu, Ashido, Asui, Bakugo, Uraraka, Tenya, Todoroki, the four boys and me.
“Uuhhh…we should probably be heading back to class now, wouldn’t want to be late.” I stammered feeling my cheeks burn in embarrassment after so many people heard me. To my relief everyone agreed and started the walk back to the main building together, all tension leaving as comfortable chatter took over. I stayed towards the back of the group having some space to myself. My lungs still stung a bit with each breath I took as I fell behind the group step by step. Nothing I couldn’t handle though, it would fade within a couple hours. I could feel somebody’s gaze on me and looked towards my class ahead of me scanning through them til my eyes met a heterochromatic pair, unmistakably unique. Catching my gaze I watched as Todoroki slowed his pace to drop to the back of the group and fall in step with me.
“Is it worth it?” His voice was monotone but his eyes gave away his swirling curiosity.
“What do you mean?” I sighed focusing my eyes back ahead of us.
“You explained the side affects of your quirk earlier. Is using it so recklessly really worth suffocating yourself.” I flinched at his observation , something I knew wouldn’t go unnoticed by those observant eyes of his.
“That’s a harsh way to put it, but to answer your question yes it is.” I started, not facing his inquisitive eyes. “If my temporary suffering can save someone in need, then there’s no doubt that it’s worth it.” I finished the sting in my lungs spiking from talking and walking simultaneously. Todoroki didn’t speak again after that staying in step with me the whole way back even as we fell behind the others.
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