earthtoharlow · 1 day
Don’t Like The Lights
Sequel to Flashing Lights series, must read Flashing Lights first to understand
Series Masterlist
3. Still Down
If I put all my faith to you, will you be faithful? Hold me down baby I know that ain't easy to do
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“Hi! I’m here a little early…wearing sparkly pants.” Maryse Monet’s message reads like pre-emptive admin before a blind date but, in reality, it’s not necessary: the 25-year-old singer/actress is instantly recognizable and not just to me. As I arrive a young woman approaches her and asks for a selfie. “Your music changed my life.”
Maryse immediately pulled the young woman in a tight embrace and thanked her, making sure the fan knew how much she appreciated it.
We had originally had a reservation booked at a fancy restaurant in New York City. Maryse’ suggested we meet at this charming deli shop out of the state of NY, much to our bewilderment. It was only upon our arrival that we discovered the reason behind her unconventional choice – she had recently made Kentucky her new home.
“New York will always hold a special place in my heart,” she confided. “But now, my heart is in Kentucky. It’s a welcome change of pace.” While not explicitly mentioned, it was evident that her relationship with her rapper Jack Harlow played a significant role in her decision to make the move.
In the wake of her recent Grammy wins, we begin to discuss the impact of her success on her upcoming sophomore album and whether the accolades added pressure to her creative process.
“Winning two Grammys for my debut album was truly surreal and humbling,” Maryse began, her eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and determination. “While there’s certainly an added level of expectation with each release, I see it more as an opportunity than pressure.”
Maryse went on to explain how the recognition reaffirmed her artistic vision and gave her the courage to push the boundaries even further with her new album. Rather than feeling constrained by expectations, Monet embraced the challenge as a chance to elevate her craft and connect with her audience on a deeper level.
“As an artist, I’m always evolving and exploring new avenues of expression,” she continued, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. “The Grammys serve as a reminder of the impact music can have, and I’m excited to channel that energy into my sophomore album.”
When I asked her how the sophomore album is going, Maryse's eyes began to sparkle as she leaned forward like she was about to tell me a secret. “I’ve been pouring my heart and soul into the writing, exploring new themes and melodies that reflect where I am in life right now.”
“With my debut, I was in this whirlwind romance, and every lyric seemed to overflow with joy and passion,” she recounted with a wistful smile.
While on tour last year it was revealed that she and Jack Harlow had broken up after being together for almost a year.
“This time around I found myself navigating the painful aftermath of a breakup,” she confided, her voice tinged with vulnerability. “What was meant to be a continuation of love songs transformed into a raw exploration of heartbreak.”
She went on to describe how the experience of love and heartbreak had shaped her songwriting. “This album feels like a deeply personal journey,” she explained, her expression thoughtful yet resolute. “This next album will be the breakup album everyone thought they were getting with the first one.”
And what does Jack Harlow think of having break up songs about him?
With a playful grin, Maryse quipped, “Oh, you mean my muse? He’s been incredibly supportive throughout this whole journey.” Chuckling, she added, “He’ll be fine with the heartbreak songs. He knows it’s all part of the process.”
When Maryse isn’t working on music, she’s reading scripts. Fresh off her role as Belle in the live-action adaptation of Beauty and the Beast, she’s now set to appear in the remake of The Color Purple. “Acting is a new challenge for me, but it’s incredibly rewarding,” she said.
Leaving the deli, I felt a profound sense of respect for Maryse Monet. She’s a testament to resilience and creativity, navigating the complexities of love, heartbreak, and success with grace. Her journey from New York to Kentucky, from singer to actor, and from heartbreak to healing is one that inspires and captivates. As she continues to evolve, one thing is certain: the world hasn’t seen the best of Maryse yet.
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liked by milaj, dojacat, urbanwyatt, easymoneysniper,jackharlow, torikelly, and 587,567 others
lifeofmonet: Never thought I would be on the cover of vogue 🥺 this means EVERYTHING TO ME I am so grateful and excited for this next chapter…..LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!
view all 6,789 comments
mariahthescienctist: So beautiful!
user: ICONIC
user: we finally getting a break up album!!!!
user: how can someone be so beautiful
saweetie: Yessss💜
user: the confirmation that she’s back with Jack and moved in with him 🥹🥹🥹🥹
urbanwyatt: welcome to Kentucky 😅
user: Jack has a big storm coming
jackharlow: so proud of you 😍
As Maryse walked into the house, she felt a wave of exhaustion run through her. Today at the studio was emotionally taxing and she was happy to finally be home. She kicked her shoes off and placed them on the shoe rack, and let out a sigh of relief.
In the living room, Jack was lounging on the couch flipping through a magazine. As Maryse walked closer she noticed it was the latest issue of Vogue, featuring her on the cover. Jack looked up, a broad smile spreading across his face as their eyes met.
“Hey there, superstar!” He greeted, setting the magazine aside and standing up to hug her. “How was the studio?”
“Tiring, but good,” Maryse replied, melting into his embrace. “What about you? How was your day?”
“Pretty relaxed,” he said, holding her at arm’s length and looking her over. “I spent some time reading this.” Jack gestured to the magazine. “I’m so proud of you, you know that?”
She blushed, feeling a mix of pride and shyness. “You read the whole thing?”
“Every word,” he confirmed, his eyes twinkling with admiration. “It’s a great article. You come across so genuine and talented. They captured you perfectly.”
Maryse laughed softly, shaking her head. “I don’t know about that, but it was a fun interview. And it was kind of nice, meeting at Morris Deli and then walking around the Highlands. Felt more personal.”
He nodded, his expression turning serious. “I loved what you said about New York and Kentucky. ‘New York always has a special place in my heart, but now my heart is in Kentucky.’ That hit home.”
“Well, it’s true,” she replied softly, reaching out to take his hand. “This place, this life we’re starting to build here… it’s special.”
Jack pulled her close again, kissing her forehead. He grinned playfully, “Oh, you really love me, huh?” he teased.
Maryse laughed, feeling her cheeks warm. “Well, you’re pretty special,” she replied, matching his playful tone. “I guess you could say you’re worth the move.”
He chuckled, pulling her even closer. “Worth leaving the big city for small-town life? That’s saying something.”
She nodded, looking up at him with affection. “Yeah, it is. But honestly, being with you feels like home no matter where we are.”
Jack’s expression softened, and he pressed a soft kiss to her lips. “I feel the same way,” he said quietly. “I was just messing with you. I know how much you’ve given up to be here, and it means the world to me.”
She smiled, her heart full. “It’s not giving up anything when it means being with you. Besides, Kentucky has its charm. I’ve discovered a lot of things I love here.”
He raised an eyebrow, feigning surprise. “Oh, really? Like what?”
Maryse pretended to think for a moment, tapping her chin. “Well, despite all the white people… everyone is friendly, the scenery is beautiful, and there’s this amazing guy I get to come home to every day.”
He laughed, shaking his head. “You’re too much.”
She leaned in, planting a quick kiss on his lips. “And you love it.”
Jack sighed contentedly, pulling her into his lap. “Yeah, I do. More than anything.”
As they continued cuddling on the couch, Maryse couldn’t help but think about how hectic the coming year was going to be. Her schedule was packed with studio sessions, promotional events for the Color Purple.
The excitement of her career’s momentum was tempered by the nagging worry that their busy lives might pull them apart again. She didn’t want a repeat of last year, when their packed schedules had created a wedge between them.
She took a deep breath and snuggled closer to Jack feeling the warmth of his body against hers. “Hey,” she said softly, her voice tinged with hesitation. “Can we talk about something?”
Jack looked down at her, concern etched on his face. “Of course, what’s on your mind?”
She bit her lip, gathering her thoughts, and he gently pulled her lips away with his thumb, stopping her. “Don’t do that,” he murmured. “Talk to me, M.”
Maryse sighed, trying to organize her thoughts. “This year is going to be really busy for me. Probably even busier than last year. And while I’m excited about everything, I’m also worried. You know how things got between us when we were both so busy.”
He nodded “Yeah, I remember. It was tough.”
“I don’t want that to happen again,” she continued, Maryse’s voice barely above a whisper. “I know this year is supposed to be your reset year, and I don’t want to mess that up for you. I just… I don’t want us to drift apart.”
Jack pulled her closer, his grip tightening protectively. “Hey, we’re not going to let that happen again. We’ve learned a lot from last year. We’ll make time for each other, no matter what.”
She sighed, feeling a bit more reassured but still worried. “I know, but it’s hard. We both have so much going on. I just don’t want us to become strangers living in the same house.”
He lifted her chin, making her look into his eyes. “Listen to me. You’re the most important thing in my life. We’ll figure it out. If it means rearranging my schedule to be with you, I’ll do it. This reset year isn’t just about my career; it’s about us too. And I’m not going to lose you again.”
Maryse smiled, feeling a tear escape and roll down her cheek. “Thank you. I needed to hear that.”
Jack wiped the tear away with his thumb and kissed her gently. “We’re a team, remember? We’ll face this together.”
Maryse nodded and was quiet before a thought popped in her mind. “Maybe we should go on vacation before it gets too busy.”
He grinned, his eyes lighting up at the idea. “That sounds perfect. I haven’t been on a real vacation in years. Any place in mind?”
She thought for a moment, then said, “Somewhere quiet and relaxing. Maybe a beach? We could use some sun and sand.”
“That sounds amazing,” Jack agreed. “A chance to unwind and just be with each other.”
She nodded, feeling a surge of excitement at the thought. “Yeah, just us, away from everything. We need that.”
Jack kissed her forehead, a look of determination in his eyes. “Let’s make it happen. I’ll handle all the planning. You just pack your bags.”
“Just so you know,” Jack said, a playful smirk on his face, “I’m probably gonna burn in the sun while you get a nice tan.”
Maryse laughed, playfully nudging him. “I’ll make sure to bring plenty of sunscreen for you, don’t worry.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he replied, shaking his head with a chuckle. “I’m serious though. I turn into a lobster if I’m out in the sun too long.”
She grinned, loving the banter. “Guess I’ll just have to keep you in the shade then. Or maybe we can alternate between sunbathing and hiding under an umbrella.”
“Sounds like a plan,” he said, pulling her closer. “As long as I get to spend time with you, I don’t care where we are or what we do.”
She smiled, feeling a wave of warmth and love. “Same here. I just want us to have some time to relax and enjoy each other’s company.”
He kissed her gently, his eyes filled with affection. “It’s a date then. We’ll escape to the beach and have the best time ever.”
She nodded, her heart full. “I can’t wait. It’ll be perfect.”
“I’m thinking we hit up a nude beach,” Jack teased, not being able to hide the mischievous grin spreading across his face.
Maryse couldn’t help but gasp and playfully hit his arm. “You’re unbelievable!”
Jack laughed, enjoying her reaction he leaned in, stealing a quick kiss. “What? It could be fun! Totally freeing, you know?” He pecked her lips again, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
She shook her head, giggling. “I don’t think so. The only person who gets to see me like that is you.”
“You damn right!,” he said, still chuckling before he kissed her again, softer this time. “But you have to admit, it would’ve made for an interesting vacation story.” Another kiss.
“Sure,” Maryse replied, rolling her eyes with a smile as he kissed her again. “Maybe in an alternate universe.”
He laughed and continued to steal kisses between words. “Alright, no nude beaches,” he said, punctuating each word with a quick peck. “But seriously, anywhere with you is perfect.”
She smiled, her heart swelling with love. “Just us, no phones, no work.”
“Deal,” he said, kissing her forehead, finally giving her lips a break. “It’s going to be amazing.”
Jack then smiled, pulling her closer. “Alright, no more yapping. Let’s go cuddle.”
He stood up and offered his hand, helping her off the couch. She took it with a tired smile, leaning into him as they walked to the bedroom, hand in hand.
Once they were under the covers, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. The warmth of his body against hers was comforting, a feeling she had missed during their time apart. She rested her head on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart.
“Goodnight, M.” he whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of her head. His voice was soft, filled with affection and relief that they were together again.
Maryse snuggled deeper into his embrace, feeling safe and content. “Goodnight, Jack. I love you.”
“I love you too,” he replied softly.
As they lay there, wrapped in each other’s arms, the world outside faded away, leaving just the two of them in their cozy little bubble. The tension and worries of the day melted away, replaced by a profound sense of peace.
Maryse laid still for a moment, listening to the steady rhythm of his breathing. Then, unable to resist, she gently poked him in the side.
“Are you asleep?” she whispered, her voice barely audible in the quiet room.
Jack groaned softly, opening one eye. “Well, I was,” he teased, a sleepy smile tugging at his lips. “What’s on your mind?”
“Nothing, I’m just so glad we’re together again,” she whispered, her voice barely audible as sleep began to overtake her.
“Me too,” Jack whispered back, watching her as her breathing evened out and she drifted off to sleep. He stayed awake a little longer, his mind drifting over the events of the past year and the journey that had brought them back to each other, but none of that mattered anymore as Maryse was finally back snuggled underneath him.
He kissed the top of her head, a smile playing on his lips as he closed his eyes. The familiar rhythm of her breathing, the way she fit perfectly against him—it was all he needed to feel at peace. For the first time in months, he felt truly at home.
As sleep began to claim him, he held onto the thought of how lucky he was to have her back in his arms. No matter how busy their lives might get, this was what mattered most: the love they shared and the promise to face everything together.
And with that comforting thought, he finally drifted off to sleep, happier than he’d been in a long time.
AN: little filler chapter! next chapter is when the real fun begins and they go on vacation :) let me know your thoughtsssss
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35 notes · View notes
vitamin-zeeth · 3 months
oh my GOD mercedes is fucking incredible I got chills like 5 separate times from that performance
4 notes · View notes
mrkis · 4 months
the love hotel. (m.l)
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PAIRING: mark lee x fem!reader GENRE: smut WORD COUNT: 6.1k
SYNOPSIS: you meet a guy in a bar and end up going to a love hotel, both of you are in need of a release and you're more than happy to find it in each other.
WARNINGS: explicit content, mark is confident and forward at times, profanity, mentions of alcohol, unprotected sex, creampie, marks got a big cock as always, oral (receiving and giving), hair pulling, mentions of spanking, 'baby' for use of petname, slight dirty talking
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He’s been staring at you the entire night.
Truthfully, you’ve been staring at him too. 
The first time was when you entered the bar to meet a friend, spotting him ordering his drink of choice and peering over his shoulder to look at the overcrowded bar and accidentally meeting your eyes. It was quick—subtle—before focussing his attention back on the bartender and you with greeting your friend.
The second was when you were on your way to the bathroom, a slight bump with another customer caused you to stumble and when you both turned to apologise to each other, you could see him again, over that person's shoulder, sitting alone in the corner of the dimly lit room, pint glass resting on his lips as you catch eyes once again before disappearing around the corner.
The third, and what should have been final, was when your friend had drunkenly whisked you up from your seat to go dance to one of your shared favourite songs, her arms loosely wrapped around you while loudly screaming the lyrics in your ears and of course, you joined in, but your gaze couldn’t help but stray to the same man who’s attention was now fully locked on you, chin resting on his palm as he observes. 
Normally, in any other circumstance, you would be freaked out and would give the stranger the dirtiest look you can muster to make him look away, but this was different. He was an incredibly attractive man, and you wanted him to keep looking. You liked his attention and you would be lying if you said it didn’t boost your ego.
It was when midnight grew close that you wanted either one of you to make the first move and you decided to stay behind while your friend was waiting for her boyfriend to pick her up. She pouted, her bottom lip protruding as slurred, drunken words spilled from her lips, wanting to stay and enjoy the rest of the night. However, you knew she had already reached her limit and you gently insisted that she go home to get a good night’s rest as you guided her into the passenger seat of the car, exchanging a few words with her boyfriend before the car disappeared out of sight.
Back at the bar, you find yourself stealing glances at the stranger over the rim of your glass, using the wine as a source of liquid courage to muster the confidence to make the first move yourself, but your confidence begins to wave when you notice him engrossed in his phone, his thumb tapping the screen while he holding his half-empty beer bottle. Was he preparing to leave? Ordering a cab back to his place?
“Pretty boy usually stays until closing,” A sudden voice snaps you back to reality and your head slowly turns to the bartender who’s looking back at you with a smirk, sliding an untouched beer bottle in your direction. You open your mouth to speak, to tell him that you didn’t order a beer but he’s quick to explain: “It’s on the house… it’s his favourite.”
A grin spreads across your lips as you realise that the bartender was playing the role of the biggest wingman of the night. You thank him gratefully and he responds with a wink, fixing up a drink for another customer that comes up to the bar and with your newfound confidence, you pick up the beer bottle and your own drink, making your way over to the strangers table with a determined stride. 
“You look lonely,” His gaze raises up from his phone to settle on you when he hears your voice, eyebrows subtly raising at your arrival. “Mind if I join you?”
“Seat is all yours.” He responds, and in an instant, the tone of his voice makes you fumble. The confidence you once possessed seemed to chip away and almost fold for the man in front of you, as if you were putting in his hands. However, you surprise yourself as you manage to stay calm and composed.
With a straight posture and an unwavering smile, you confidently settle into the seat across from him, determined to not falter under his intense gaze; dark and curious eyes watching your move. You extend your arm over the table, sliding the beer bottle in his direction until it stops in front of him.
“For you,”
“For me?” He repeats, a soft hum escaping his lips. His fingers reach out, wrapping around the neck of the bottle, and the silver rings adorning his hand lightly tap against the glass as he turns it to inspect the brand. His eyebrows raise in pleasant surprise, “How did you know I like this?”
“I have my ways,” You say, your voice carrying a hint of playfulness before you tell him honestly, “Bartender picked it out. Said it was your favourite?”
“It is,” He agrees with a nod of his head and a smile that makes you feel a little giddy, unable to tear your eyes away the prettiest sight you’ve ever seen. It’s almost embarrassing the effect he has on you already. “Thank you, I’m grateful… I’ll buy you your next?”
Realistically, you should tell him that the drink you gave him was actually given to you for free and that no money was actually spent, but the thought of him buying you your next drink was a clear invitation to spend more time with him and there was no way you could pass up the opportunity, not when it was so simply handed to you.
So, you smile, you nod and you take a sip of your wine to hide the excitement on your face, although you’re unsure if you’re doing a good job at hiding it with how your cheeks ache from smiling and your eyes lit up.
Conversation surprisingly flows naturally between you both. You find out his name is Mark which, you think, suits his face perfectly. When you tell him your name, he repeats it, almost with a soft whisper and it takes everything within you not to jump over the table and claim his lips to yours. 
He’s employed, but doesn’t tell you what his profession is (which maybe should’ve been a red flag, but you like to think he keeps that side of him private to separate work and his personal life). He’s twenty-four, he’s single and he enjoys taking pictures of things he finds pretty, especially sunsets and to that he admits he feels blessed to see the view of when the oranges bleed into with the yellows, or when the subtle pinks of the clouds appear in blue skies.
The way Mark speaks leaves you captivated, how he explains things with so much adoration and detail, appreciating even the littlest of things that makes your chest fill with warmth.
But it’s when he rolls up his sleeves during mid-conversation that almost makes you start drooling, unable to focus on anything but the veins and his muscles that bulge when he crosses his arms over his chest, leaning back comfortably in the chair.
“You good over there?” Mark asks, noticing your silence. You immediately snap out of your trance, gaze meeting his and seeing the teasing glint in his eyes. “You’ve gone quiet on me.”
“Sorry,” You blurt a quick apology and come up with a lie, “I think the wine is getting to me.”
“Right,” He hums, lips curling into a smile as he reaches for his beer, taking a sip. But the head of the bottle grazes over his mouth when his phone buzzes against the table, pausing to peer down at the screen to see what it could be.
Another vibration follows, then other, and other and you see his jaw clench in annoyance, sighing as he places his bottle down to pick up his phone, swiping up to view the full set of messages that continue coming through.
Your lips press together tightly as you watch him. You’re not irritated at him checking his phone, you’ve had his attention for the majority of the night, you’re more concerned than anything, especially with the repetitiveness.
You give him a smile, “Need to leave?”
“No, no. It’s just, uh, work related stuff,” He explains to you briefly, not going into too much detail and you nod in understanding, bringing your wine to your lips to take a sip. Mark’s gaze falls on you as he looks up from his phone, “But I don’t mind leaving if you’re up for it?”
You try your best to mask your surprise at his forwardness in wanting to leave with you. But you shouldn’t be surprised, this is exactly what you’ve wanted from the start.
“Oh? Where would you like to go?”
“There’s a place just around the corner from here. Have you seen it? The building with the red neon lights?”
You have, but it doesn’t hurt to play dumb every now and then. “No, I haven’t. What is it?”
Mark begins to smile, “It’s this type of hotel that’s for two—or more—people wanting privacy. Couples and strangers can go, especially if they want to spend the night together. You can use it for just a normal one-night type of stay… but it's commonly used as a Love Hotel.”
“A Love Hotel?” You repeat, the excitement and arousal building up within at the thought of spending a night alone with him. Of course you want it, and you want it bad, but you can’t help but tease and be playful about it. “What makes you think I want to spend a night with you there?”
“I don’t,” Mark shrugs his shoulders, the smile still unwavering. “It’s completely up to you. You say no and we can just forget about it. I'll pay for the rest of our drinks and if you want to leave, I’ll happily pay for your cab to make sure you get home safe.”
“And If I say yes?”
Mark tilts his head to the side as he takes you in, “I think you know what happens if you say yes.”
You can’t hide your grin this time, biting down on your lower lip, “Was this your plan from the start? To get me to the hotel?”
“No,” Mark laughs, “Truthfully, I would fuck you here in the bathroom if you were up for it but,” He then trails off, tongue prodding at his inner cheek as he smiles once more. “You deserve something better than that, don’t you think?”
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Mark’s arm is loosely draped around your shoulder, palm in yours, fingers interlaced and squeezing your hand every few steps you take as he leads you towards the entrance of the Love Hotel.
The neon red lighting was almost blinding up close and you had to duck your head low to keep your eyes from stinging, but the architecture and the décor of the building was enough to make you stare in awe, especially when you stepped inside.
The lower lighting is a lot more comforting to the eyes but still the familiar red hues. Fake (maybe real, you weren’t entirely sure) vines were hanging down the walls with roses attached to a few stems and paper hearts of different variations of pink were scattered across the ceiling and flooring. 
There was no traditional reception area, which left you slightly puzzled about how to check in for a room. However, Mark, with a reassuring smile, guides you towards a digital touch screen display at the end of the hall. You watch curiously as he taps a few icons, causing a row of room options to appear on the screen.
He turns to you, his smile still remaining. “Do you want a room that comes with alcohol? Snacks?”
You shake your head, “I’m fine. Unless you want anything?” 
Mark shakes his head and gives your hand a gentle squeeze, indicating that he’s content too. He selects one of the rooms and you observe a loading screen with animated heart shaped bubbles before a price is displayed.
Mark doesn’t give you enough time to fully process the number as he swiftly taps his card against the machine to finalise the transaction, receiving another heart-shaped bubble with ‘successful!’ titled in the middle before he leads you down a different hallway with a series of doors, some displaying vacant signs while others are occupied. Mark doesn’t give you enough time to gape at the number before he’s already tapping his card against the machine and walking you down a different hallway with a set of doors, some with a vacant sign and others preoccupied.
“Soundproof,” Mark comments, noticing the expression on your face. “Total, complete privacy for the guests.”
The question that has been lingering on the tip of your tongue finally escapes. “Have you been here before?”
“No, I haven’t,” He answers honestly with a laugh. “But a friend of mine has been here a few times. That’s why I know so much about it.”
You respond with a teasing tone, “To prepare you for when you decide to bring someone?” 
Mark chuckles and places his hand on the doorknob of a room, casting a playful glance in your direction and replied, “More like having been forced to listen during breakfast,” He pauses for a moment and he smirks before continuing, “Good thing I listened, hm?”
When he opens the door to the room, he guides you to walk in first with a gentle hand on your lower back. The colour and décor of the room didn’t surprise you; in fact, you expected the ongoing colour theme of pinks and reds. However, the singular white couch in the corner of the room makes you snort, even though it does have a few fluffy red pillows on the seats.
With your shoes kicked off at the entrance, you take a few steps further into the room and your curiosity leads you over to the bedside table where you find a bowl of condoms, each in different sizes and flavours. It brings out a quiet chuckle from you, a smirk present on your lips as you place the bowl back down in its rightful place.
Turning your attention to Mark, he has his back to you, engrossed in scrolling through another digital touchscreen display that's on the wall, messing around with the light settings off the room, and you laugh out loud when he accidentally leaves the room pitch black before turning it as bright as it possible.
He glances over his shoulder at you with a sheepish smile and finally adjusts the lights to a suitable setting. You observe him as he focuses his attention on the music selection, and it makes you smile at how serious he’s being.
It’s amusing, really. How you’re both here for one thing and one thing only but he’s taking his time setting the mood. It’s quite endearing. 
“Alright,” Mark mumbles beneath his breath as he finally chooses a song, something sensual and at perfect volume. “Do you—”
You no longer waste anymore time, arms thrown over his shoulders to bring him forwards and press your lips to his, his lips soft and warm. Mark’s eyes are opened wide, clearly surprised at you being the one to make the first move and he laughs against your mouth, his own arms winding around your waist, hands pressing against your back, drawing you closer to him and kissing you back deeply.
You’re losing yourself in him already; tasting the beer on his lips, his aftershave filling your senses, how his thumb draws mindless patterns on your back as his tongue dips into your mouth when you part your lips to gasp.
He’s walking, leading you blindly backwards and you let out a surprised noise when you stumble over your own foot. You refuse to let the embarrassment seep in and possibly ruin the moment so you continue kissing him, sucking on his bottom lip which earns a grunt of approval. 
Mark stops leading you backwards just as your calves bump into the edge of the bed and his fingers come around your body to unfasten the button on your pants, exhaling into the kiss as he pushes his mouth harder to yours as your hands come to unbuckle the belt on his own.
Breaking the kiss, you both rid each other of your clothes, leaving you in your underwear and mentally give yourself a pat on the back for wearing a matching set, feeling confident at the way Mark’s staring you down at you.
Then, he smiles—a smile so pretty that it leaves you flustered. He squats down slightly, wrapping his arms around your lower back and he lifts you up from the floor, his face pressed between your boobs, feeling his warm breath fan against your skin. It tickles and you can’t help but laugh, securing your legs around his waist to ensure you don’t fall, even though he has a firm grip on you.
Your fingers thread through Mark’s hair as he kisses and licks at your chest, sucking at the skin as he turns and sits at the edge of the bed, settling you in his lap as his hands come down to grab at your ass, palm coming down once hard on your cheek and you mewl at the sting, tugging on his roots.
“Touch me,” You plead, arching back away from his lips to get a good look at him, adrenaline pumping through your veins at his appearance; his lips are swollen, eyes dark and hazy, hair a mess and cheeks rosy. “Please. I want you to touch me.”
“Yeah?” He hums, eyebrow twitching. “How bad?”
You huff, refusing to answer his teasing as you kiss him again, tilting your head to the side with your hands cupping his cheeks. He smiles against your lips and slides a hand between your bodies, pressing two fingers to your clit over your underwear and you hiss at the contact, tightening your grip on him.
“You wanted me to touch you,” You hear him mutter as he pulls away from your lips, giving you one chaste kiss. “I’m just doing as you ordered.”
“You know that’s not what I meant.” You glare at him playfully before deciding to take matters into your own hands.
He frowns and looks confused when you slide off of him, opening his mouth to possibly apologise for his previous teasing but he tilts his head to the side, eyebrows shooting up to his hairline in amusement as he watches you get down on your knees in front of him.
You’re pulling at his boxers to get them off and Mark even raises his hips a little to help you out, bottom lip tucked between his teeth as you slide them down his legs and throw them somewhere behind you, not caring for where it lands as you wrap your hand around his cock.
caring for where they land as you wrap your hand around his cock. 
He inhales sharply, leaning back on his hands to watch you as you tug at his cock, squeezing at the base and pressing your thumb against the slit, causing him to let out a breathy laugh as he tilts his head back.
The effect you have on him already builds your arousal, your pussy throbbing around nothing and you feel your underwear stick to your folds uncomfortably. But you ignore it, you push it to the side and focus your attention on him as you stick out your tongue, teasing him with a few kitten licks.
Mark’s stomach sucks in with a gasp before the muscles tense, “Fuck.”
You bring his cock further into your mouth, hollowing your cheeks around him as you suck hard, using your tongue to tease beneath his sensitive head. Mark’s chest rumbles with a groan and he reaches out, placing his hand on the back of your head and you gaze up at him, struggling to smile with your mouth full.
“Taking it so well,” Mark praises, eyes refusing to leave yours as he watches his cock disappear deeper down your throat, enthralled by the way you’re bobbing your head and swallowing around him. “That’s it. Good girl… Can I fuck your pretty throat?” You immediately nod your head. “No, tell me I can. Use your words.”
His cock falls out of your mouth with a lewd pop, “Please. Fuck my throat.”
“Thank you.” You're surprised at his gratitude, but it doesn’t last long as Mark’s already easing his cock back into your mouth, tears pricking at your eyes as his tip hits the back of your throat and a guttural groan leaves his lips.
He’s thrusting his hips faster and you let your jaw hang loose, doing your best to use your tongue and suck him in whenever your nose brushes against his abdomen. Your throat feels raw already, on the verge of coughing or gagging you weren’t sure. The size of his cock was enough to have you gargling and Mark seems to enjoy your struggles as he smiles down at you, petting the back of your head before resuming his grip.
“Gonna cum,” He warns you. “Gonna cum in your mouth, yeah? Can you swallow it for me? Please?”
Who are you to say no to that? You take the initiative, bobbing your head and using your hands to fondle his balls, tipping him over the edge and with one harsh thrust of his hips, you feel his cock twitch on your tongue before spurts of cum paints the back of your throat and you moan around him, swallowing every last drop he gives you.
Mark’s hand tightens in your hair as he pulls you off of his cock, tilting your head back with a tug and you wince but welcome the burn on your scalp. You’re panting heavily, trying to catch your breath, inhaling and exhaling steadily through your nose as he’s leaning in, pressing a gentle kiss to the middle of your forehead, wiping the drool and cum off of your lips with his thumb.
“Good girl,” He praises you, now using his other hand to delicately wipe at your tear stained cheeks. “Did so well for me. Want me to get you some water?”
“No,” You shake your head, voice coarse. “I just want to feel you—I need to feel you.”
“Not yet,” Mark tells you and you almost feel like you could cry, desperate to feel his cock, wanting to satisfy the ache between your thighs. 
He cups your elbows as he pulls you up from your kneeling position on the floor and keeps you locked between his legs, nimble fingers reaching around to unhook your bra before they dip beneath the waistband on your lacy panties, pulling them down your legs slowly as he keeps eye contact with you.
“Why do you love to tease so much?” You find yourself asking.
He shrugs his shoulders, pressing a quick kiss to your tummy as he answers, “Turns me on.” His hands grip the flesh of your thighs, massaging the skin as he hums. “Think you can stand for a little longer?”
You’re confused now, brows pulling together as you look down at him, “What do you mean?”
“Wanna eat you out like this,” Mark tells you, licking at his lips as he pulls you closer to his face, his hand tightening on your thigh. “Want your leg over my shoulder. You can grab my hair to hold yourself up, if you want. But I promise I’m not going to let you fall.”
Despite still being confused, you’re also a little curious about the position which ends up with your agreeing, letting out a noise of surprise when he shuffles closer to the end of the bed before hooking your thigh on his shoulder, resting his hands on your ass to stabilise you. 
You feel the strain on the back of your calf, almost on your tiptoes at an unusual angle, but all your worries and concerns disperse when you feel his tongue lick between your folds, flicking over your clit which makes you gasp. 
Your body curls in on him, hands threading through his hair as his mouth attaches to your pussy completely, squeezing your ass as he sucks on your clit. Pleasure courses through your veins, a shrill buzzing up your spine and moans fall from your lips, unable to control your volume.
He’s grunting against you as you rut against his face, mumbling incoherent words about how good you taste. His tongue dips inside your cunt and you mewl, fingers curling in his hair and he moans loudly, the vibrations making your legs quiver and you’re afraid you’ll slip, but Mark seems to understand your concern and suddenly he’s pulling away, unhooking your leg off of his shoulder to throw you down onto the bed.
You don’t have time to register what’s fully happened as he’s already crawling between your thighs and attaching his mouth to your cunt again, diving in with his tongue, the wet muscle pushing into your quivering hole and you mewl, your fingers finding his hair again and tugging.
He’s pulling your legs over his shoulders to push his face closer to your cunt and you happily oblige as you wrap your legs around his head, keeping him locked in and your back arches, uncontrollable gasps and moans leaving your lips. 
Mark’s nose nudges against your clit, making your toes curl at the stimulation and eyes roll to the back of his head, losing yourself in the pleasure and the sound of his own muffled moans as he laps at you hungrily, hands glued to your hips to keep you still. 
As if you were going to move away. 
You’re enjoying this way too much and you internally thank whoever for giving him the talent to eat pussy as good as he does. You could almost cry tears of absolute joy. 
It when you feel his lips suck on your clit again that forcefully rips you out of your head and you curse, bottom lip tucking between your teeth and brows pulling together in pleasure as you pull harder on his hair, a smile threatening to slip across your lips as you hear him moan once more.
The second his hand falls from your hip to join his mouth at your pussy, easing two fingers inside your cunt as he makes a mess of spit and drool on your clit, you feel the knot in your stomach tightening, inching you closer and closer to your release.
“Mark,” You whine. “I’m gonna cum.”
He nods in response, fucking you faster and harder with his fingers, sucking on your clit with so much vigor it has you wailing, making you wonder if the soundproof walls weren’t enough to even hide your sounds of pleasure.
It’s euphoric when you reach your high, a choked gasp ripping from the back of your throat as you arch your back, hips rutting against his face and he continues his motions, feeling him smile as your orgasm takes over your body completely.
You’re overwhelmed; sweat beading at your hairline, vision blurry and mind blank. You feel like you’re choking, trying to catch your breath as your chest heaves rapidly, pulling at his hair to get him to stop which he reluctantly does, pressing gentle kisses on your inner thighs as your legs drop from his shoulders limply. 
“God,” Mark groans as he leans up to settle on his knees. His chin is covered in spit and your arousal, hair a complete mess. His fingers carefully slip out of your pussy and your jaw drops open with a sharp inhale, watching with hazy eyes as he brings them to his mouth, sucking them clean. “Fuck. You taste good.”
You find yourself unable to talk back, too focussed on trying to catch your breath and come back to earth, the silk sheets uncomfortably sticky on your clammy skin. 
Mark’s leaning over you now, smiling as he caresses your cheek, blowing cool air on your face. “Are you okay?”
“Perfect.” You tell him.
“Good,” He whispers, bending down to press his lips to yours. You taste yourself as his tongue dips into your mouth to tangle with your own, tilting his head to kiss you deeper as he carefully lays between your legs, bare chest flushed against yours. He pulls away to ask, “More?”
“Yes,” You nod immediately. “Need you. Please.”
“You don’t have to beg with me,” Mark smiles, kissing your lips again before looking down, “I might have to finger you again though—”
“No,” You shake your head this time. “I need your cock.”
He softly whispers your name, “But—”
“It’s fine. I can take it,” You assure him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders to prevent him from moving, although you know he can easily move away if he wanted to. “I’m fine. I just need your cock. I need to feel you. I’ll beg, I swear—”
“Hey, hey,” Mark cuts you off this time, stroking your cheek to calm you down. “I told you, you don’t have to beg with me. I’ll give you what you want… Just promise me, yeah? Promise me you’re fine.”
“I promise.”
You can feel his cock pressed against your thigh and your body shivers, grip loosening on him as he leans back to look down at your cunt, grabbing his cock with one hand while the other massages your thighs.
His hips move forward as he drags his cock through your folds, hissing through his teeth as his tip bumps against your clit. Your lips press together tightly as you feel the head of his cock against your entrance, and he lifts his head to meet your gaze, giving you one last silent ask and you nod your head.
Your mouth pops open with a gasp as he pushes into you, stretching you out on his cock, feeling the burn in your inner thighs and walls as your pussy struggles to swallow him, inch by inch. He’s not even halfway in yet and you do start to fear that maybe you can’t take him fully.
“Jesus, fuck, baby,” Mark begins to curse, sucking sharply through his teeth, eyes locked in on your puffy folds wrapped around his cock. “Sucking me in so tight—shit—you need to relax for me. You can do that? Yeah? Relax a little for me?”
“Too big.” You whine out, tears forming at your lash line, hands gripping the bed sheets.
“I know, I know,” Mark coos softly, carefully leaning over your body and you make a muffled noise as his cock moves a little further inside. He litters kisses across your cheeks and jawline, “Doing so well already for me, though. Relax and breathe for me…. Deep breaths, baby.”
The simple pet name shouldn’t make you feel the way it does, but your chest blooms with warmth at his caring tone and you find yourself relaxing, taking steady breaths as he pushes deeper inside, stretching you out completely as his hips press to yours.
Mark waits for a few moments, lips still kissing at your jawline as he gives you body time to adjust to the sheer size of his cock before he begins to thrust slowly, pulling back to leave the tip of his cock inside before thrusting all the way in.
Your hands slide up to his shoulder blades, nails digging into his skin and he moans at the contact, panting in the crevice of your neck, leaving wet kisses in his path as his hips find a suitable pace, pebbled nipples brushing against his chest.
“Faster.” You tell him, only to squeal in surprise when he actually starts to fuck you faster—and harder, the bed rocking with each powerful thrust. 
His lips meet yours in a messy kiss, panting into each other's mouths as your fingers tug at the hair on the nape of his neck. The tight grip he has on your hips is pleasant and his cock hits deep, making your legs quiver and shake as he ruts into you. 
You’re trying to keep up with the kiss, you really are. But the pleasure becomes too overwhelming and you’re stuck with your mouth open, uncontrollably moaning and on the verge of tears. It makes you feel a little pathetic to be crying over someone’s cock… but this someone’s cock is definitely worth crying over.
Mark’s loud too, much to your delight. The moans and grunts leave his lips, cursing through incoherent words that sound like praises but you struggle to make out what he’s saying, head too blank and the sound of skin slapping against skin echoing in your ears.
That knot in your stomach slowly starts to tighten again and you whine, grip tightening in fear that the pace he’s fucking you will slow down or come to a stop, despite it being obvious he wasn’t going to do any of those things.
“You close?” Mark hums, eyes meeting yours. “Feels like you’re close, baby. Gonna cum for me? Make a mess on my cock like the good girl you are?”
His words make your head spin and you struggle to nod.
“Yeah?” He practically purrs, making that knot in your stomach feel as though it’s about to snap. “I’m gonna cum for you too. Fill this pussy up. Is that okay? Want me to fill you up? Fuck you full of cum?”
You nod your head once more.
“Say it. Use your words.”
“Fuck, please. Fill me up. Do whatever you want, just don’t stop—”
He chuckles, “Cute.”
You weren’t exactly sure what had tipped you over the edge. Was it his lips against your neck? His whispers of praises in your ear? The pace of his hips that fucked his cock into you? Or his hand that slipped between your bodies to rub your clit? 
It could be any—it could be all of the above.
But whatever it was had your pussy clamping around his cock, sucking him tightly as your second orgasm of the night hit you hard. Your head flung back against the pillows, back arching as your body trembles uncontrollably.
Mark fucks your through your high, fingers still rubbing at your clit, leaving you a shaking and sensitive mess. Then he makes a noise, a noise that sends a tingle down your spine and he cums, thrusting at a slow and steady pace as he empties himself inside your pussy. 
You’re both panting heavily, skin glistening with sweat and bodies sticky. It’s a little uncomfortable, but you make no effort to care about it as your body lays limp against the bed, trying to catch your breath. You watch with hazy vision as Mark slowly lifts himself off you, your face twisting as you feel his cock slide out of your sensitive cunt.
Your hips jerk when his fingers brush over your messy folds, scooping his cum and pushing it back inside. You whine at the feeling and you can hear him chuckle, mumbling a quiet apology before he stands from the bed.
You don’t have time to wonder where he’s going as he’s already returning back with a wet towel in hand. He sits back down, gently prying open your legs to clean you up and truthfully, you’re a little shocked. This has never happened before with your previous hook-ups, so you didn’t expect it to happen to you today. You’re pleasantly surprised, so you allow him to continue.
“You alright?” Mark asks once he’s finished. His hand massages your thighs and you’re too into the touch to notice he’s asked you a question until he calls out your name.
Mark grins, “I asked if you are alright.”
“I’m more than alright,” You admit truthfully, causing the grin on his face to widen. You go to sit up this time and he kindly grabs your elbow, helping you upright and keeping his hold on you. His other hand reaches out to push at the stray hairs that stick to your sweaty face before he leans forward, pressing his lips to yours.
The kiss is short and sweet, not lasting as long as you had hoped and it leaves you craving for more when he pulls away.
“So,” You clear your throat, voice still a little hoarse. “What now?”
“What now?” Mark repeats, humming in thought. “First, I’m going to get you some water to ease that throat of yours,” Mark says as he slips off the bed to grab a bottle of water from the mini-fridge on the other side of the room. “Then, if you want, I can fuck you again.”
Your brows raise, intrigued. “Really?”
“We have this room for an entire night,” Mark says as he returns back to you, holding out the water for you to take with a grin on his lips. “Why not make the most of it?”
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littlexdeaths · 2 months
whiplash - e.m.
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eddie munson x fem reader
warnings: teeny tiny violence, reader has a panic attack, eddie is the sweetest, eddie and reader are in college
a/n: this is absolutely inspired by my first experience being shoved into a mosh pit at an avenged sevenfold concert when i was a wee teen. i hope you enjoy xx.
also shout out to my love @xxbimbobunnyxx for helping me with the title and some of the dialogue, and my bby @undead-supernova for beta reading for me. ILY BOTH SO MUCH 💕
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hot, sweaty bodies were pressed against you at all angles, nearly suffocating you. at this point you couldn’t even see the band playing on the stage, a sea of taller bodies now blocking your view.
when your best friend asked you to attend a metallica concert with her you didn’t exactly know what to expect.
but this definitely wasn’t it.
the small venue was packed, the air filled with the smell of sweat, marijuana and cigarettes. your choice of a leather jacket felt incredibly stupid as it was now tied around your waist due to the growing heat surrounding you.
your palms felt clammy as they clutched onto the hem of your friend’s shirt. the constant moving of the crowd seems to pull her farther and farther away from you. until the swirling pit of metalheads swallowed you both whole, losing sight of her head of blonde hair instantly.
your panicked shouts of her name were drowned out by the screech of an electric guitar— your body now being shoved around to the chants of ‘pounding out aggression.’ the song eerily fitting as you see a ringed fist connecting with another man’s jaw.
your heart is beating in your ears, that familiar feeling of panic washing over you as you continue to be shoved around like a rag doll amongst the group of men. until you somehow landed on top of someone… who had been knocked to the ground moments before you.
before you have time to react a large hand quickly wraps around your forearm, yanking you up and out of the dizzying circle of death. you all but let the stranger carry you through the crowd. the male shoving past throngs of people until you’ve safely reached the back of the bar.
you barely register his voice as you lean against the brick wall, chest rising and falling at an embarrassingly fast rate. your eyes squeeze shut as you attempt to get your breathing under control. those same hands that pulled you out now resting carefully on your shoulders, helping to ground you.
“hey sweetheart, you alright?”
his face finally comes into focus as you blink your eyes open, your heart now beating against your ribs for a completely different reason.
he was painstakingly gorgeous, full lips lifting up into a soft, dimpled smile. “there she is— hey man can i get some water?”
he slaps his hand on the bar top, the clear liquid sloshing out as a glass is slid over to him. his chunky rings clinking against the side as he grips it, now holding it up to your lips. “it’ll help, trust me.” you gladly take the glass from him, gulping down the lukewarm tap water.
“thank you…” you mumble, setting the now empty glass back on the bar and wiping the corners of your mouth. mentally forcing yourself to stay put, despite the bigger part of you wanting to run out of the bar from sheer embarrassment.
“are you here by yourself?” he asks, as you shake your head in reply before resting it against the brick wall behind you. the brunette seems to be studying you as you take in some slow but shaky deep breaths. letting yourself do the same as your heart begins to return to a normal rhythm.
even in the muted light you can see his dark curls were damp with perspiration, bangs sticking to his forehead. no doubt from being in the middle of that pit for quite a while. his cut off band tee showing off an extensive collection of tattoos. that soft smile morphs into a small smirk, as you realize you’ve been gawking at him.
calming breaths long forgotten.
“you can g-go back out there… w-wouldn’t want to keep you from the show.” you fumble over your words, now finding the sticky floor and your beat up sneakers far more interesting than the gorgeous metalhead before you.
the male chuckles, casually resting his shoulder against the wall next to you. his hot breath fanning over your cheek as he leans closer, “not a chance, sweetheart. until we find your friends, you’re stuck with me.”
you glance back up at him, surprise crossing your features. knowing most people would gladly leave you behind in the shadows, especially considering the band that’s owning the stage. that sentiment alone makes the butterflies raging your insides flutter even faster. the chaos of the crowd is now forgotten as he grins sweetly down at you.
“i’m eddie, by the way.”
the music has seemingly gotten louder since the two of you left the crowd, now having to shout your name back in reply despite the lack of space between you. his smile only widens as you turn to face him fully, crossing your arms over your chest. “and what is a fair maiden like yourself doing in a place like this?”
you can’t stop the giggle from leaving your lips as he gestures dramatically around the dingy bar before his dark eyes are back on you. “oh no reason at all… just needed a study break.” he can tell from the ride the lightning t-shirt adorning your frame that you’re teasing him, but he plays along anyway.
“so you stumble into a random metal concert, only to get caught in a circle of death? that’s quite the break, sweetheart.” he nudges your foot with his own, earning another giggle from you. “something like that, yeah.”
he hums in response, running a hand through his unruly curls. “duly noted— i’ll have to take study breaks like that more often,” the two of you quickly fall into easy conversation, no longer paying attention to the concert goers surrounding you.
despite having only met him less than half an hour ago, you both seem quite comfortable with each other. any embarrassment from your small panic attack now a fleeting memory as he tosses his head back with laughter. the sound warming you from the inside, out.
“gotta say i’m a little shocked, first show and you’re already hitting the pits like a pro.” he jokes, leaning in a little closer to you. the scent of his spicy cologne washes over you, making your head spin, “practically took that guy out by sitting on him.”
you groan in embarrassment, playfully shoving his shoulder as he laughs again.
“i’ll have you know i’m quite fond of the music… just not the…” you gesture towards the sea of bodies that are jumping, shoving and headbanging to for whom the bell tolls. “moshing?” he finishes for you, as you nod sheepishly.
before he has a chance to say anything else, a loud squeal fills your ears as a body slams into you at full force. nearly knocking you over in the process, “there you are, babes! i’ve been looking for you everywhere!”
earlier you would’ve been relieved to hear your best friend’s voice, but now you can’t help but feel a twinge of disappointment. hoping your emotions aren’t written across your face, but she doesn’t seem to notice. she’s a little too preoccupied with staring at the male leaning next to you.
“now who is this?” her tone is overly playful, wiggling her eyebrows at you suggestively. before she can embarrass you further, you elbow her in the ribs. effectively stopping anything else from leaving her mouth besides a little huff.
“eddie munson, certified mosh pit rescuer at your service ladies.”
he does a little half bow, causing both of you to break into a fit of giggles. “wow… a modern day knight in shining armor huh?” she teases but seems impressed nonetheless, “wish i had a hot guy to pull me out of there, i basically had to army crawl my way out.”
even in the shitty bar lighting you can see his cheeks are tinted pink from her compliment, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. “it was nothing really, just happy to help.” he shrugs before pushing himself off the wall, sliding his hands in the pockets of his ripped jeans.
“modest too? where did you find him?” she gushes, gently bumping her hip into yours. “and does he have a brother?” she whispers that part to you, ignoring the way you roll your eyes at her.
“well i see you’re in good hands now, sweetheart, i hope you enjoy the rest of the show.” as he turns to leave you feel your friend shove you forward, giving you a look that screams, ‘are you insane? don’t let him get away!’
“eddie, wait!” you shout, gently tugging on the male’s wrist before he gets too far. that dimple making another appearance as he turns back to you, “miss me already?” eddie teases, fully enjoying the flustered look that crosses your features.
“i uh, i-i’d really like to thank my knight in shining armor properly… maybe over coffee?” you nervously chew on your lower lip, praying that you didn’t read this entire interaction wrong.
but seeing his face light up squashes any doubt, watching as he grabs a pen off the bar. holding the cap between his teeth as he takes your hand, scribbling his phone number onto your palm with a satisfied grin.
“looking forward to it, sweetheart.”
he mumbles, pressing a kiss to the back of your hand before disappearing into the rowdy crowd.
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tagging some moots who seemed interested 💛
@babygorewhore @hellfirenacht @thepurplelovewitch @impmunson @voyeurmunson @madelynraemunson @take-everything-you-can @corrodedcorpses @serasvictoria @munsonhoneybaby @splendiferous-bitch @eddiesxangel @taintedcigs
all dividers made by yours truly 💕
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gucciwins · 9 months
don't know where we're going
Harry invites Y/N on tour as his opening artist...he wasn't expecting to fall in love
Word count: 26,709
A/N: hola mis amores 💜 here is this new story for you. it might have been a long time but I promise I will always come back. come talk to me about the new story
Warnings: smut (female pleasure)
Love on Tour had come to an end. The final show was here tonight in Italy, and Y/N was excited. Her band had shared they couldn’t sleep or eat from their nerves, but Y/N felt at ease. She had always felt at home on stage. Tonight would be no different. 
When Y/N’s mother realized her daughter loved to sing, she put on even more musicals for her to watch and sing along to. Y/N’s mother, Reina, never got tired of her daughter’s voice, and with her encouragement, Y/N began to play in bars, anywhere that would give her the time and space. A producer one day approached her after doing two songs in a coffee shop, telling her she had a chance to make it. He handed her a card and made her promise she’d call. She almost didn’t. 
Her mother gave her the courage to call, and her life changed. They got her time in the studio, where she got to present her ideas and songs. The team supported her, and from then on, Y/N Y/LN became a person to be on the lookout for. She had writing sessions with Julia Michaels that allowed her to learn that not only did she have the liberty to write everything she felt but that with experience comes inspiration. As she began to record, she knew she had to think about the future of a tour. Not soon after, she met her guitarist Felix at a sports bar, where they bonded over their mutual love for Formula One. Felix introduced her to June, who became her drummer, and their bassist is Quinn, June’s brother. 
The venues Y/N had booked out always surprised her because, despite its small capacity, every show was always sold out. Her first single blew through the charts; it got her name out there. Her first tour around the UK was a success and allowed her to begin playing festivals. Y/N was happy with how her life turned out and had no idea it could improve.
Y/N loved her job. She loved being on stage and connecting with fans. She loved touring with her favorite people. She lived a comfortable life doing what she loved. Y/N had a large fanbase, not popstar sensation fame, but it’s not what she was searching for. It was why she had to think about her answer when she found out the biggest pop star of her generation wanted her to open up for his final leg in Europe. It didn’t make sense because Y/N clearly knew about Harry Styles. She didn’t know he knew about her.
He’s a big fan.
Zane Lowe played him a song, and he was hooked.
Harry saw you play one night and has followed you ever since. 
The exposure would be good for you. 
Harry would like to meet with you before you make a choice.
The choice was clear for everyone but Y/N. She had never met the man, and while the pay would be incredible, she wasn’t willing to go on tour with someone she did not get on with. The meeting with Harry turns out to be a success. He comes in full of smiles, a bit bashful when his manager points out how big a fan he is. Harry doesn’t deny it; it makes her trust him because he’s genuinely a fan of her music, and she admires that. Y/N returns the compliment, stating that she learned to play “Fine Line” on the piano because it was her favorite. Her manager Zahra shared that she cried when she first heard it because she wished she had written the song. Harry blushed at the compliment while Y/N tried to brush past it. Thankfully, Harry was polite and thanked her. While everyone got to work on paperwork, it gave Y/N a moment to speak with Harry alone. Y/N started the conversation because Harry sat there quietly, simply enjoying observing her. 
“Thank you for the opportunity. My band and I are excited,” she expressed. 
Harry grins, “thank you for agreeing.” 
“I hear stadiums are what you’ll likely be sticking to.”
“Scared,” he teased. 
Y/N shrugs, “I never imagined singing in front of that capacity if I’m honest. I think it’s easier because no one will be there for me.” 
“I will be. Will watch every night,” he promises. 
Y/N waves him off, “wasn’t fishing for a compliment.”
“Didn’t think you were. I hope we share the stage one day, maybe sing a song together.”
“If we make it to the end of this, you can come out during my set,” she teases.
“It would be my honor.” 
That was the start of Harry and Y/N’s friendship.
Y/N loved playing dress up. On stage, she got to wear whatever she wanted. It’s a big reason she enjoyed seeing what Harry would pick each night. Y/N loved spinning, and the perfect accessory to do so was a skirt, specifically a mini skirt. She remembers thrifting in a little shop in Dublin, where she found the perfect pink mini, and from there, it became part of who she was. From baby tees to oversized cargo pants to skirts, the one constant was the platforms that always gave her that extra height. 
Y/N knew she had to honor her mother each night she was on stage, and because the earliest memory Y/N has is sitting in front of the mirror as her mother tied ribbons and bows in her hair, she made it a tradition to keep them in. Y/N swore she had one that fit all of her outfits, and if it didn’t, she didn’t mind getting her scissors and cutting up a bit of clothing. 
She is now a few shows in and is having the time of her life. Y/N gets to play her music every night and enjoys seeing Harry perform. Then, she ends each night by discussing her favorite parts with Harry. Y/N doesn’t remember how it happened, but Y/N doesn’t go to sleep unless she has spoken to Harry; by now, it’s part of her routine. The friendship she is building with him makes her feel at ease on stage each night. One night, they talked about their inspiration, and Y/N told him she was inspired by all around her. From her friends to movies to even books she has read. She wrote “Another Love” based on Gus and January, a couple from a book she read. It’s easy to be inspired because she lets every bit of emotion change her.
“Your music is sad,” Harry tells her one night.
Y/N frowns, “excuse me.” 
“It’s not a bad thing.”
“I’m leaving,” she goes to stand up, but he stops her by holding onto her wrist. 
“Hear me out,” he pleads. She settles deeper into her seat. “I enjoy it. I think it’s the best music I have ever heard, and it’s so sad because it’s your real emotions and reactions. You’re putting your heart out there; sometimes the sadness wins out.” 
Y/N knows he’s right, but that doesn’t mean she has to say that. “Well, you’re always horny.” 
Harry burst out laughing, “fair.” 
“I’d never sing about watermelons with you,” she fakes disgust. 
Harry’s interest has now peaked. “What would you sing?” 
“Fine line, but not with you. I’d add it to my setlist if I was on tour now.” 
Harry didn’t know she really loved a song like that. “That’s–wow. Thank you.” 
“Realistically, I’d do Daylight. She's a bop.” 
Y/N laughs when she sees Harry nodding. “I’ll keep it in mind,” he promises.
At the following show, Y/N kept thinking back to what Harry said about how her music carries a sadness. She doesn’t mean to, but it’s the type of melodies that soothe her. It’s clear from the fanbase she has created that her fans also like it. 
“Mr. Styles says I have sad music as if he didn’t write Matilda,” she teases. “Kidding, we all know Cherry is his saddest song. While some songs are sad, you can still dance to them, so this is “Sorry.” Please sing if you know it. If not, that’s okay too.” 
Harry greets her when she walks off stage. “Did you enjoy that, boss man?” Y/N’s running on a high; all she wants to do is spend time with Harry, but he has to get ready. 
“You’re my favorite part of every show,” he tells her genuinely. 
Y/N feels her face heat up, but she knows where this could head and decides to stay clear. She pats his shoulder and walks away. “Good luck, Harry,” she calls out as she turns the corner, leaving Harry standing alone, wondering how he’d work up the courage to ask Y/N out. 
Another day, another show. Except today, Y/N saw a familiar face and had to bring it up. 
“I’ve seen you before. You look very pretty.” Y/N compliments the fan with a black baby tee with bedazzled cherries and glitter pants. “You’re coming to the shows because of me,” Y/N repeated, shocked. “But it’s the Harry Styles show!” Y/N leans closer, listening to the fan share that she’s their favorite artist. The fan had traveled from Iceland to be here tonight because it’s the only place she managed to get tickets. Then, she decided to try attending as many shows as possible before returning home. Y/N felt so much gratitude, making her want to hug this person. While Y/N couldn’t jump down, she thought of the next best thing. “Do you want to sing this one with me? Can we do that?” Y/N looks side-stage at her tour manager, and she’s shaking her head in disappointment, but no one is stopping her. “Come on up.” The fan is helped over the barricade and guided upstairs to meet her. Y/N hugs the fan tightly, thanking her for everything, and Y/N tells her she hopes to see her in the crowd again. “Everyone, this is Sasha! She’s part of the band tonight. Now, Sasha, do you know ‘The Band and I,’” Y/N checks. 
“Word for word,” Sasha assures her. 
“Wonderful, you’re all in for a treat. Hit it, Junie!” Y/N shouts. 
Walking off the stage that night, Y/N is flying on a high. She smiles with the band; she sees Harry leaning against a wall with a smirk. “Breaking all the rules, huh, almost gave Jeff a heart attack.” 
Y/N grimaces, “am I in trouble?” 
Harry rolls his eyes, “I enjoyed it, and I'm the boss. So no.”
She sighs in relief, “I-I just felt grateful. This is your tour,” she emphasizes. “And for the fan to enjoy my music and know the lyrics to a song I wrote, which I haven’t officially released yet, overwhelmed me. Playing in front of an audience has always been my dream, but having my lyrics sung back to me is not something I ever let myself imagine.” 
Harry smiles, and she knows he understands. He doesn’t have to say a word. His eyes say it all for her. Y/N is thankful she joined this tour, and while she admires Harry, she knows she can’t forget to keep her boundaries up because she knows they will only begin to fall with time.
It was early March when Harry changed their relationship. Y/N enjoyed time with her band, but sometimes she needed to be alone. She used the time to write or simply enjoy the silence, even for a few minutes. Harry offered her a private space where he kept his piano. He traveled everywhere with it, and while Y/N thought it was a hassle, she was grateful because it allowed her to play with melodies she had stuck in her head. 
Today was no different. She had spent an hour alone when Harry walked in on her, seemingly just as lost in his head. He was startled when he looked up and found her sitting in an old hoodie of her first merch ever created. 
“Cute,” he comments.
Y/N shrugs, “I know you want one.”
She doesn’t know if he’s continuing the bit but decides she will have her mother bring one to her at Wembley for him. It would be her home show, so her mother would be in attendance. 
“Anything new?” He gestures to the piano and her open notebook. Y/N hands it to him, allowing him to have a look inside. There are more music notes than there are lyrics. She has the perfect melody, but words seem hard to find right now. “Care to play it for me?” 
Y/N loves that he always asks. They both know how private the writing process can be, but with Harry, it’s clear they have built a level of trust. Y/N starts slow on the keys before building up until, by the end reaches the slow start. Harry grins at her, and Y/N can see he likes it. She knows he plays the piano, but she’s never had the chance to watch him play; he’s more reserved compared to her. It’s not something she minds. It just means they both have boundaries they won’t cross and respects that. 
“It was beautiful,” he tells her after a few seconds. She thanks him softly, shutting her notebook and knows she has to head out to get ready. 
“Y/N, I-I really like having you on tour.” 
“Thank you for inviting me. It’s truly an amazing environment to work in. Even if you do need a few more ladies in your crew.”
Harry laughs but agrees. He knows she speaks from experience where most of his technicians are men. Y/N has a more diverse crew. It is an industry that works to break down women. It's nice to see how she always lifts everyone up. He didn’t realize how, over time, his feelings grew for Y/N. He went from seeing her every few days to speaking to her every night before bed. She brings him a comfort he did not know he was missing. Y/N had become the best part of his day, from watching her perform on stage to their nightly talks. He wanted to spend all his free time with her, so he chose to be honest with her about his feelings.
“Can I tell you something, Y/N?” Harry asked softly. 
Y/N turned to him, a gentle smile on her face that helped calm his nerves the tiniest bit. He was worried it would not go his way because there were times he gave her a compliment, and she always brushed it away. He always greeted her with a hug, but she always turned it into a one-second side hug. He didn’t know if that was because he made her nervous or she simply didn’t like hugs, although he’d seen her hug her bandmates. Heck, he’s seen them all squished on a couch together. 
Harry takes a deep breath; he wants to look away from her, her gaze making him nervous, but the comfort he finds in her gorgeous orbs allows him to push forward. “I-I like you, Y/N.” 
Y/N thought her heart was going to burst out of her chest. She did not expect a confession of this kind from Harry. It leaves her frozen for a second because while Y/N reciprocates those feelings, she’s not at liberty to act on them, not when working on the largest tour of her life. Y/N doesn’t care what people think. It’s a big reason she doesn’t look at tabloids or use her social media accounts, but this–thinking of pursuing a relationship with Harry is not something she can allow herself to give in.
“You’re sweet, Harry. I think you’re great too.” 
Harry grimaces because he realizes she doesn’t understand what he is saying. Before he can explain what he means, June, Y/N’s drummer, rushes in, telling her Felix was having an issue and it was bad. Y/N patted his shoulder and excused herself.
Well, it went nothing like he expected. Harry held out for her to say she felt the same, but she clearly didn’t. Harry knows many would tell him to move on, but he knows Y/N is special. While he wouldn’t pursue her, he knew he still wanted her in his life.  
As much as Y/N hated to admit it, after Harry’s confession, there has been an awkwardness in their conversations. It’s been too much because they no longer spend time alone. Y/N decided to treat their relationship the same, but when she went to his room that night, she found Mitch with him. Y/N knew that she messed up. She also knew she was being selfish by wanting to keep it all the same when he had put himself out there only for her to brush him off. 
A few shows go by, and Y/N feels better because Harry still seeks her out to have lunch together. He invites her to join his workouts, which she regrets because Brad is honestly insane. Brad had promised to make a routine that best fit her needs. Harry did not change much; he kept flirting, offering her compliments and daily hugs. A rush went through her each night, knowing he was watching her. 
Tonight was no different. He offered her a short hug, and off she went to play to his fans. Y/N felt off from the moment she got on stage but had no idea why. Quinn stepped close, wanting to know if she was feeling okay, but Y/N couldn’t describe it other than a pit in her stomach. It was as if she sensed something was coming. Y/N promised she was fine and pushed through. 
Halfway through the set, Y/N looked over and saw Harry staring at her with a fond smile. Y/N didn’t want to look away but had a show to play. Her feelings were winning, and Y/N knew she wouldn’t care about the aftermath if she decided to date Harry. She wanted to bask in the feeling of liking him and hopefully loving him one day. So, she decided to do something different to let him know she was ready to have that conversation. 
“Right, this is a little different tonight. I-I have a friend who loves this song, and we haven’t played it in some time, but I thought they might enjoy it and hopefully you as well. This is ‘Crystal Clear.’” 
This song is one she wrote when she was wishing for a happy future with a partner who loves and respects her, showing them that she won’t give in to her fears and wants to be together. It was one of Quinn’s favorites to play, but all collectively agreed it didn’t fit the setlist. Y/N knew she’d get endless questions for adding it so suddenly, but she’d deal with that after speaking with Harry. They played a few more songs, and once she gave her final bow, she hurried off stage. Y/N expected to find Harry waiting for her there but instead ran into Mitch, who looked at her, startled.
“Where’s Harry?” Y/N asked impatiently. 
“Piano room, but–”
She hurried down the hall, ignoring Mitch, who tried telling her to stop. She didn’t realize he was following her down. 
“Y/N don’t–” She walks into the piano room even as Mitch tries to stop her to find Harry hugging a woman. Y/N knew it wasn’t a friend because the grip the woman had on Harry was one of possession.  Harry was looking at her, but his face was hard to read. It was as if all the walls she had broken down were now standing higher and stronger. Y/N didn’t move her eyes away from him; her eyes landed on his swollen lips. It’s clear she interrupted a private moment. Y/N grimaces because she knows she would never be able to think about this piano without the tainted memory of Harry wrapped in the arms of another. 
“I’m sorry,” she sends them a grim look and walks out, closing the door behind her. She finds Mitch and Sarah staring at her, unsure what to do; they must be aware of the situation between her and Harry. 
“Is that his…” She couldn’t even say the word. 
Sarah frowned, “she’s uh kind of friend.”
Y/N didn’t need to hear anymore. Sure, Harry said he liked her, but when she didn’t give him the answer he wanted, what did she want him to do, beg and make her open her eyes. No, she needed to figure it out on her own, and now that she did, it was too late.
It’s not like she had a reason to be jealous. She never told Harry she liked him. All she did was pat his shoulder and move on like nothing had ever been said. Y/N bid Mitch and Sarah good luck for the night and walked to her green room. Y/N’s tears began to fall as soon as the door closed behind her. She wasn’t even sure why she was crying. Nothing was going on between them, yet why did she feel like nothing would be the same anymore. Maybe it was hurting because he had promised to watch her set each night, and she sang a different song tonight because he had said it was his favorite. Y/N knew she wasn’t being fair, sending him mixed signals, but Y/N didn’t deserve to feel this either. It made her feel as if his feelings weren’t even real. She was blinded by her tears to notice June was on the couch, book in hand, but was thankful she was there because she got to break down in the comfort of arms she was familiar with. 
Y/N wasn’t okay, but she would be. It was only a crush.
Y/N could not sleep that night. She tossed and turned until she gave up and decided to go to her balcony to watch the sunrise. Time moved slowly, and it allowed her to regroup. By eight o’clock, she was all packed up and waiting in the lobby. Y/N rode to the airport with her friends, where they would all get on separate flights and reunite in May for rehearsals and more love on tour. Y/N was ready to go home and enjoy a home-cooked meal with her mother. She had said goodbye to everyone except for one person. He was quieter today; it allowed him to blend in. Harry had a “Damn” sweater on, the hood up, and a claw clip in the jumper's pocket. Y/N starts walking his way before she can change her mind. 
“Harry,” she calls out softly. 
He looks up, offering her the tiniest smile. “Y/N.”
“Have a good break.” She offers awkwardly. 
He nods. They make no move, and Y/N knows they have no idea where they stand, but Y/N would never start something if Harry had someone else, so she knew she had to come back from the break clear-headed and with these feelings gone and, if not at least tucked away. 
Y/N opened her arms and shrugged, telling him it was up to him. Harry didn’t even have to think about it; he wrapped her in a tight hug, breathing her in for one last time. 
“Have a safe flight,” he whispered. “I’ll see you soon.”
She walks away with a heavy heart and hopes a month and a half is enough to lose these feelings.
While home, Y/N tries to deal with her feelings, and for the most part, it works. Y/N got in the routine of going on morning walks followed by an hour of yoga. She found it helpful in clearing her thoughts and starting her day without a clouded mind. Y/N had not talked to Harry since that morning in the airport; he had sent texts, but they had all gone unread. Her mother tried to convince her to answer him, but she knew it would only hurt more if she found out he was dating that person. The only good thing about this is that Y/N had written five new songs. It seemed heartbreak and love were always a good sign of inspiration. Y/N played her favorite to her mum, and she was told it was okay. Felix told her that the new song was the heart of the new album she was working on. Through the years, she had learned to take what her mother says with a grain of salt. 
Her mother was also tired of her moping. Y/N, when on break, would go to her own flat and visit her mother occasionally but so far spent her entire holiday there. Her mother assured Y/N she enjoyed having her home, but it did worry her that she had not left the house. So, as any mother would do, she set Y/N up for a blind date. Y/N said no, time and time again, but Reina promised it would only be coffee. Y/N knew she didn’t have to go, but some of her was tempted because while she knew she had friends to call up, this wasn’t something she wanted to discuss. Going out and talking with a stranger would be awkward but would be a change in topic. 
Y/N was told he’d find her as he received a photo of her. She got there early, deciding to use the time to read a book. Quinn told her “One Last Stop” would change her life and, so far, hadn’t disappointed. Y/N was lost in the story that she jumped up when someone lightly touched her shoulder. 
“Shit, sorry,” she looked up, hoping the person hadn’t spilled any coffee, and to her surprise, they were empty-handed. His chocolate eyes were filled with concern, but Y/N brushed it off by offering him a timid smile. “Hi, are you Miles?” 
“Yes, and you’re Y/N,” he stated. 
“Mhm…it’s nice to meet you.” 
Miles nods, “you’re prettier than the picture I was sent.” 
Y/N feels her face warm in embarrassment and doesn’t even dare ask to see the photo they showed him. If she knew her mother, it had to be the time she jumped into Glacier Lake and came out looking like a wet dog. Her mother always made sure to keep her humble. “Thanks,” she mumbled. 
He gestures for her to sit down and follows after her. She tucks her book back into her bag, ready to give him her full attention. “Do you want something to drink? Heard they have an amazing lavender latte.” 
Y/N gestures to her cup before her, “already got something.”
Miles nods, “a pastry, then?”
Now that she would never say no to. “I’ll take a muffin please.” 
“You got it.” 
Miles walks over to the counter, and while he’s away, she allows herself to look him over. He’s cute, wearing black trousers and a baby blue cardigan. It’s clear he’s comfortable with his style by how he carries himself. Y/N knows if she wasn’t trying to get over her feelings, she would have given him a chance, but with her going back on tour, she isn’t ready for that.
When Miles returns to the table with his drink and two muffins, she asks him about his work and family. She discovers he’s an art curator and is working on his next collection. He shares he has two older siblings and two younger, making him the middle child. His mother tries to make it up by having lunch with him each week, but it’s easy to be overlooked as a middle child. Y/N is intrigued with him and knows Miles would be a good friend; if anything, she thinks Felix would get on with him better than she did. 
Y/N realized it was her turn to talk about herself, but she didn’t really like stating her job. Sometimes, people judged her, and she honestly didn’t want things to get worse with Miles, but it seemed Y/N’s luck would not improve because when the door opened, a familiar face walked in. Familiar brown curls sticking out from his trucker hat, Harry’s casual wear had always been comfortable but stylish. He always tended to run cold, so he wore an oversized green coat that reminded her of the time he threw it over her when he saw she fell asleep in his green room after his soundcheck. Y/N looked away before he could see her, but Y/N was right by an open space, easy to view by the counter. Harry could spot anything and everyone, and he was never one to be rude and ignore someone, but she hoped that would change today.
She turned back to her conversation, but in the corner of her eye, she saw someone approaching. Y/N held her breath, hoping he would walk past her, but stopped right in front of her. 
“Y/N.” Oh, how she missed hearing her name falling from his lips. 
She looks up and finds him staring at her with a timid smile. Y/N gets up and offers him a hug that he quickly accepts. They keep it short, though she feels his hand linger at the small of her back, almost like he didn’t want her to move away, but she wasn’t alone. 
“Harry, this is uh…Miles. Miles, this is Harry.” 
Harry doesn’t ask anything. He simply tells Miles it’s great to meet him. Miles looks at Y/N in confusion, but she brushes him off. “How’d you meet?” Harry asks, intrigued. 
“Our mum’s set us up on a date,” Miles explains for her. “It’s actually our first time meeting.” 
Y/N isn’t sure why Miles shared that with Harry, but she can’t blame it. Harry has this trusting aura that makes people want to tell him all their darkest secrets. Y/N would know, seeing as she has shared parts of herself with Harry that no one else has seen, not even her best friends. 
Harry nods. She can’t seem to read him at all. His pseudonym name is called, and he uses that as his exit. “Well, it was good to see you.”
“You too, H. I’ll see you soon.” 
He nods, giving his goodbye to Miles as well. Y/N watches him until he’s out of the coffee shop and no longer in her view from the mirrors. She finds Miles studying her and knows he might have been able to pick up on the tension between her and Harry. 
“Do you want to tell me about that? You don’t have to.” 
Y/N sighs, letting her shoulders drop.  “To start, I kinda have a crush on him, but he’s my boss.”
Miles' eyes widened in shock, “Harry Styles is your boss!” He was not expecting that, but she could tell he was intrigued. His response sends her into a laughing fit, and knows that while she won’t be dating Miles, he will make a good friend.
Y/N felt her break was long and too short at the same time. While she was able to use the time to re-energize, she also wrote a few more songs she wanted to share with her band before booking time for studio sessions. Y/N knew studio time would be hard to find, but she was determined to do it between breaks, even if all she got was two hours.
They had been rehearsing on the stage when she heard a clap from their final song for the set. Y/N turned and spotted the Love Band. She set down her guitar and rushed into Pauli’s arms. They spun her around, laughing as she blubbered on how she missed them. Pauli set her down, giving everyone a chance to say hello. Hanging in the back of the group were Mitch and Harry. Y/N knew she would need to have a conversation with Harry soon, but for now, she would bask in the joy of being back on tour and sharing the stage with him.
“Harry! Mitch!” 
Harry looked surprised to see her look happy, calling for him. He sent her a small wave, but Y/N was going in for the hug. He basked in the warmth she had to share with him. Being back in the same space with Y/N was comforting after seeing her out on a date a few weeks ago. It made him feel awful, and he couldn’t help that he made Y/N feel the same with his last fling. 
She let go of him, moving on to Mitch. Y/N was chatting away, telling them she had gotten a new guitar and was excited to play it tonight. Soon enough, Mitch and her were lost in their own conversation about lyrics she had written and how she was stuck on finding a melody that would work. Mitch promised to have a look and give her any ideas that would come up. 
“You’re still welcome to use the piano, Y/N. I know how much that helped before,” Harry offered. 
Y/N fell quiet because while she knew Harry was still there, she didn’t feel overwhelmed because she wasn’t conversing with him, but now all his attention was on her. “Thank you. I appreciate it,” she mumbles, knowing she wouldn’t take him up on it.  
Harry nods, and he thinks better of it while he’s about to excuse himself. “Y/N, do you—would it be okay if we talked in private.” 
Mitch excuses himself, leaving it all up to Y/N. She has no idea what this conversation will entail but owes it to herself to hear him out. “Lead the way, boss.” 
Harry looks pleased and walks off the stage, leading them down some stairs and into the pit, but he doesn’t stop there. He makes her climb a few more stairs, landing them in tonight's lower bowl section of the venue.
Y/N whistles, taking in the view from the distance. “Quite a view. I might have to watch the show from here one night.” 
He laughs, “you let me know, and we can make it happen. We’ll make sure you’re not mobbed.” 
Y/N rolls her eyes, “please, your fans wouldn’t be able to recognize me.”
“Beg to differ. There are more signs for you each night.” Y/N waves him off. “They’ve started to make Tik Tok edits about you.” Harry doesn’t share how he knows, but some nights over the break, he spent time watching them. It made him miss her more, seeing her running around the stage like it was hers. She had the crowd in the palm of her hand, and she didn’t even know it. 
“Please, stop!” Y/N laughs. “My ego can only take so much.” 
Y/N had forgotten how easy it was with Harry, but being with him now made her wish things hadn’t changed. She had to go an entire month without hearing from him because her feelings were hurt over something that should not have bothered her.
“Y/N, I am sorry for how we left things in Japan.”
She grimaces, “me too.” Harry quickly disagrees, but Y/N reminds him of all his unanswered texts.
“You’re forgiven,” he tells her. 
While Y/N appreciates it, a big topic needs to be addressed. 
Harry takes a deep breath before turning his body to look at her. “I know my actions and words might have confused you, but I’m here to be honest. I won’t lie to you, not now, not ever. Do you understand?” 
She nods. 
“Words Y/N. I need to hear you say it.” 
“I understand. You won’t lie to me. I trust you,” Y/N truly believes her words. 
He dips his head in acknowledgment. “I like you, and I went on to do something stupid. The girl you saw me with is named Victoria. She–well, to put it lightly, she was a hookup, and she’d join me from time to time. When you saw me that night, she was surprising me because she was going through a breakup and needed comfort, and well–I felt rejected and fell into her. I’m not blaming you–I know I could have said no, but I was too overwhelmed that I preferred to do something to disappoint myself and you. My therapist said if I had talked about it with someone–anyone, this wouldn’t have happened, but I’m not too good with words most times.”
Y/N offers him a smile, “doing pretty good now.”
Harry reaches for her hand, and Y/N lets him take it. She can see he needs the support. “I got a lot to work through, but I’m better and want to be a better partner and person. I want to be someone worthy of you.” 
“Harry,” Y/N breathes out. “That's–you’re…that’s not why I didn’t confess my feelings. You’re amazing. I would be so lucky to explore a relationship with you.”
He looks at her, confused, “then what is it?”
“You’re my boss. You can say under technicalities you aren’t, but this is your sold-out world tour. I’m making a name for myself, doing what I love. While being an opening act for you has been a dream come true, being tied to you as your girlfriend will put my name out there, but not how I want. Do you understand?” Y/N hopes she got her point across, never wanting Harry to think he wasn’t enough.
Harry sighs because he knows where she is coming from. He wished he didn’t; he wished he could beg her to say yes to dating him to see where it could lead, but Harry knows how much she loves being on stage, and he would never dare threaten to take that from her or anything that comes with it. 
“I understand. I do. I like you, I do. While it sucked seeing you dating someone else, I respect you. I still want to be your friend.” Harry rubs a hand under his scuffed jaw. “I miss talking with you about each show at night.”
Y/N squeezes his hands. “Friends, we’re friends. I hope you’re okay with me being in your life, even as a friend.” 
Harry stands up, bringing her with him, and wraps her in a tight hug. He breathes her in. She has a distinct smell of roses and vanilla. It’s perfectly her. He wished he could bottle up the scent and take it with him wherever he went so that it hopefully would make missing her easier. 
“I’ll always be your friend,” he assures her. 
He can be friends with her. Harry knows it could lead him to heartbreak, but it would be worth it for Y/N.
The next few shows fly by, and Y/N and Harry easily fall into a routine again. Y/N joins Harry for his morning workouts, but Brad made her a workout to suit her likes. While Harry loves intense core workout, Y/N loves to stretch. There are days when all three go off to do a Pilates class. Mainly, Y/N does her yoga in a corner and joins Harry for his core sets. 
From there, they’ll do breakfast with their bandmates, sometimes together, and sometimes go their separate ways. They have limited their time together alone because Y/N knows her feelings for Harry are only growing, and Harry wants to respect Y/N and her boundaries. Y/N shared with her bandmates how she felt, and they understood, except Quinn, who told her she should go for it. Everyone looked at Quinn, shocked, but he just shook his head, telling her to really think about this because, from his point of view, Y/N and Harry were perfect for each other. Y/N let Quinn’s words ring through her mind for some time, but Y/N was nervous about taking that next step. She wasn’t sure how it would work. She loves working with Harry, and she knows he’s taking a break after, but what if he doesn’t like that his partner is never home, just like him. Y/N loves being with her family, but she’s never happier than when she is on stage. Y/N can’t seem to take that step just yet. 
In Scotland, Y/N finally decided to return to using Harry’s piano. She initially felt strange but realized she had been missing it for some time. Y/N walks in and is happy to find it open. Y/N runs a hand over the smooth wood before taking a seat. She sets down her old journal and opens it up to the last page she wrote. 
Y/N lets her hands rest on the keys before going into C major. She repeats it a few times until she feels ready. It was a slow melody that went hand in hand with her lyrics. She began to sing in the room with only the sound of the piano. 
Look at me. I feel homesick
Want my dog in the door
And the light in the kitchen
A creek behind her made her jump up suddenly, hands shooting out to grab her notebook to her chest. Harry steps back, hands up in defense. There is an apologetic look on his face.
“I knocked, but don’t think you heard.” 
Y/N feels her face heat up and knows she tends to get lost in her music. “Sorry, it was empty when I came in. Did not expect you to come in. I can leave if you are planning to use the space. It is yours, after all.” 
Harry brushes her off, walks into the room, and gestures for her to sit back on the bench with him. He scoots in close, wanting no space between them. “What did you play just now? I’ve never heard a tune so mellow yet sad.” 
“Think I wrote my album closer,” she confesses. 
The joy on Harry’s face is apparent. “Shit, really! That’s wonderful.”
“It’s--gosh, how I explain it. I felt like floating, and this melody really carried me through. You can find an underlying of it through a few of the other songs,” she can’t help but express to him
Harry sits back, impressed, “is the album complete?” 
“Think so. I need to go into the studio and finish a few, maybe decide on one or two. Then, all good to go. Think all that’s missing is a name.” 
“Y/N’s house,” he jokes. 
“Ah, wouldn’t that be nice. I have an idea, but I need to be sure.” 
“Will you play it for me?” 
Y/N knows what he’s asking, and part of her wants to say no, but no one has heard the song. Not her bandmates, not her co-writers, not her producer, and certainly not her mother. Y/N knows if she shares this with Harry, it will change the entire album for her. When she thinks back on this song, it will now have a whole new meaning. 
“It’s six minutes.”
“I have all the time in the world,” he promises her. 
While they both know it’s not true, she appreciates the sentiment as they’re both set to perform tonight. Y/N takes a deep breath and, with trembling hands, begins to play her song for him. Y/N drags the intro out for a little longer before letting herself sing these lyrics she’s been carrying around for weeks. Y/N has her eyes closed, swaying as she lets herself tell this story of being exhausted and lonely for being away from everything she loves while feeling at home and her most genuine self. It tells the story of how she can grow even when experiencing so much change while being entirely on her own.
I feel like myself right now.
I feel like myself right now.
I feel like myself right now.
I feel like myself right now
Y/N opens her eyes, looks at Harry, and finds him crying. She sits up straight, practically pushing herself to sit in his lap as she wipes away his tears. “No, no, what are you doing? Please don’t cry.” 
“You made me cry,” he mumbles while Y/N keeps her hands on his cheeks, brushing away his tears with her thumbs. “It was a fucking brilliant song.”
Y/N feels her face warm, “you think so?”
He nods, “think my tears say enough.”
“You could have cried because it was awful.” 
Harry bursts out laughing, “absolutely not.”
Y/N wants to lean in and kiss him to thank him for his kind words, but he doesn’t deserve her confusion. “It’s the perfect way to end my album.” 
“I agree.”
Y/N rolls her eyes, “you haven’t heard the whole thing.” 
Harry shrugs, “don’t have to.” The flattery is becoming too much, but she doesn’t want to move away from him. “You’ll remember this moment when you win album of the year next awards season.” 
“Shut up, those are stupid.” 
“Hey now! I happen to own a few.” 
Her hands are still on his face, his tears now dried up, but she doesn’t move away. Y/N is enjoying this too much, and a part of her knows Harry is, too. “I don’t do it for the awards. Music is something I’ve always had, and if I can share it with a few others and they find some type of meaning from it, then it means I’ve done a job well done.” 
“Fucking well said, Y/N.” 
Y/N giggles, “You can open for me on my tour after I win my Grammy,” she teases.
Harry places a hand over his heart, “it would be my greatest honor.” 
“Shut up, you dork.”
Y/N finally lets her hands drop, and Harry takes a second to hide his disappointment. 
“Does this mean we can hang out with a buffer now?” 
Y/N furrows her eyebrows, cocking her head to the side. “Sorry?”
Harry pinches her thigh lightly, making her jump closer to him, almost losing her balance. He wraps his hand around her waist, holding her tight against his chest. “Come on, we’ve been hanging out together, but someone always seems to be with us. If it’s not Brad, it’s Anthony; if it’s not Pauli, it’s Quinn. It’s been never-ending.”
They didn’t mean to do it, but Y/N knows she’s missed their inside jokes and private late-night talks when Harry tells everyone he goes to bed early when, in reality, he’s chatting Y/N’s ear off. 
“I guess we can go back to late-night pillow talks.” 
“And exploring the city?” 
“Course, I missed your Google facts.” 
“Heey,” he yells, offended. 
“Can’t deny it. I saw you do it many times.”
“Trying to impress you,” he mutters. “Clearly, all I do is fail.” 
“Stick to music. You’ll go far in life,” Y/N laughs as he rolls his eyes at her. 
“Haha, it means we start right now. Found this old thrift shop nearby.” He pulls her with him as he drags her out, careful to ensure they aren’t caught because if word is out Harry has gone without security, it could be madness. 
“We’ve got a show in a few hours.” 
“They’ve got beautiful skirts. I called and got pictures sent over.” 
Y/N sighs. He knows her too well. “Lead the way, H.” 
Harry shoots her a charming smile, and Y/N knows she would have followed him wherever he asked her to without a second thought. She knew she was in safe hands with him.
Harry and Y/N had fun exploring Amsterdam for a few days before heading to Ireland. They had each planned an activity and a place they wanted to eat. Sometimes, they disagreed on food because of Harry’s eating choices, while Y/N would eat anything and everything as long as dessert was always included. Harry thought it was too much, but when he found out how much Y/N enjoyed it, he said yes and ensured she had something sweet, even if he didn’t get anything. 
Jeff would tell Harry off for going without security or someone for the team but brushed him off because he didn’t need anyone intruding on his time with Y/N. He loved spending hours with her uninterrupted, touring cities he had never once had the chance to explore. While he enjoyed those days, Harry also loved show days because he got to see Y/N dance around on stage. She went from singing in sweats to her favorite mini skirts for showtime, and when Y/N decided to pair it with a baby tee, Harry had to think of world hunger and puppies to make his hard-on go away. He knows he should look away, but she captivates him every time she’s on stage, dancing and spinning around to sitting on the edge of the stage. Y/N occasionally brought fans on stage, but when that happened, he would be taken further backstage for his safety; he knew those fans were there for her at that time while he was forgotten.
Tonight was a big night. Harry would be playing at Slane Castle. Harry knew it would be special because not everyone is asked to perform here. Harry had spent most of his time today with his crew, psyching Mitch up for his debut performance. Many didn’t know Mitch had created an album and were even more surprised when he was announced as another opener for tonight. Y/N was still at the forefront of his mind, knowing he had to wish her luck for tonight. He’d be deeper in the audience tonight to watch all his friends open this monumental show for him.
Y/N would be a fool to not know what it means to be playing Slane Castle in Ireland today. Y/N’s nerves were insane today. She knew she wasn’t nervous. No, she was anxious. When she was younger, her biggest fear was disappointing her mother. Y/N hated failing others, while her mom did an excellent job of assuring she didn’t have to carry all that pressure on her shoulders. Sometimes, it came back, and she couldn’t shake it.
She had spent thirty minutes on the phone with her mother, and nothing helped. Y/N wasn’t worried about disappointing herself. No, this–tonight was bigger than her. Quinn and Felix could tell something was up, but they couldn’t help, not when June kept taking off a piece of clothing when she saw the time move closer to when they were meant to take the stage. 
June was on a clothes removal band and couldn’t go to the restroom alone or even for a snack. It was honestly quite funny. It allowed Y/N to momentarily take her mind off the anxiety lingering in her body. When Y/N saw she had half an hour and her handshake got worse, she felt her throat swell up and excused herself. Y/N had no idea where to go or where to hide. She simply walked and ended up in a secluded corner where she tried to center herself before going on stage.
Harry walks into Y/N’s green room excited to see her, but all he finds are her three bandmates playing cards while June sits in a robe. He doesn’t bother questioning it and instead asks for Y/N.
They all turn to look at each other before Quinn answers. “She left like ten minutes ago. She said she needed a breather.”
That makes sense; he hates that he doesn’t know where exactly she went. Felix pulls her phone out and airdrops a location to Harry. “That’s her exact location. You should have her share her location with you. We can always see where she is.”
Not a bad idea at all. He wouldn’t mind Y/N knowing where he was, especially if seeing where she was on a map could bring him the smallest of comfort. Harry thanks them and walks back out. He walks for around ten minutes until he reaches a secluded corner in the grass. Y/N is sitting on an oversized denim jacket while she stares at her hands. 
“Y/N,” he calls out softly to not startle her. She lifts her head and offers him a shaky grin. He can instantly tell something’s wrong. “Hi, love. Been looking for you.” 
She shrugs as if to say she’s here. Harry steps closer but is careful not to invade her space. “Came by to wish you luck.” 
Harry regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth because Y/N looked away from him, burying her face in her hands. He heard her cries, hurried to sit down, and scooped her in his lap. He rocked her back and forth as he tried to get her to stop. He hated seeing her upset. Y/N was always the epitome of strength, and this had him worried. Y/N expressed that she had a hard time going on stage, but she said it was ages ago. 
He whispered sweet nothings, hoping to calm her down, but it wasn’t working. “Please tell me how I can help. Please,” he begged.
“I-I-I don’t w-want to disappoint you,” she cries out. Her tears keep falling, and seeing her like this breaks his heart. 
“Hey, hey. I got you.” Harry brings her close, letting her rest her head on his chest. “You’re okay. I got you.” 
“It’s a big night for you, and I want to make you proud. I-I can’t disappoint you,” she repeats. 
Harry hates that she thinks she can do anything to disappoint him. He pulls her away from his chest because he needs her to understand that she can do no wrong in his eyes. “Love, will you look at me?” 
Y/N lifts her head, and her teary eyes meet his warm ones. He hates that she’s doubting herself. “Tonight is the same as any other.”
She shakes her head. “It’s not. No–”
“Shh—yes, it is. Do you want to know why?” 
“Why?” She mumbles. 
Harry brushes her loose strands of hair behind her ear. “Because I’ll still be watching. I will be cheering you on as I do every night. You make every night special, and I know tonight will be no different.” 
“You have too much faith in me,” she mutters against his shirt.
“I always will. I’m a big fan of you, Y/N, not only as a person but also as an artist. I’ve seen how hard you work. How you constantly want to improve each song and each set. You want everyone in that audience to have fun even if they aren’t here for you. This is a large crowd, but if you close your eyes, it’s just you and the band. That is what you can control. So, tonight, when you get on stage, whether you sing one song or five or if you mess up a guitar note or you change your setlist. I can promise you I will be proud.” 
Y/N sniffles; her tears have dried up. “Harry,” she whines. Y/N can’t find any words and throws her arms around his neck, hugging him tight. Harry wraps his arms around her waist and holds her tight. It’s a comfort they have been both seeking all day. Y/N then realized that all the anxiety she faced was because of Harry. She admires and respects him and wouldn’t dare want to mess up his big night. 
“Every night is special. Tonight is slightly different only because Mitch is also performing,” Harry teases, hoping to make her laugh, and it works. He feels her laugh move through his chest and settle deep in his heart. “It’s another stop of Love on Tour, and then it’s home shows. Now that should scare you,” he jokes. “My family will be there.” 
Y/N knows those words should frighten her, but if anything, it brings her comfort. Harry’s family and hers will meet for the first time, which she had been looking forward to. Honestly, if her mum gives the seal of approval to Harry, it might indeed be over for her. Although that’s something to worry about in a few days, for now, her focus is on putting on a show to remember the thousands of people at Slane Castle. 
“Do you want to pick my outfit tonight?” Y/N offers, in exchange for him helping her avoid a panic attack, her hands playing with the ends of his hair. 
Harry lights up, “you mean it?” 
Y/N laughs, “it’s got to match my ribbons for tonight.” 
Harry pouts, “what do you take me for?”
She shrugs.
“I’ll have you know I co-hosted the Met Gala.” 
Y/N wags her eyebrows, “fancy.” 
“Not up for debate.” 
Harry waves her off, “good enough for me.” 
They walk back together, hand in hand, as Harry goes over possible outfit combinations he has in mind for her. He really wants to see her in leather pants because he knows it will hug her nicely. Her black bows sit nicely in her hair as she does her makeup. June made her do an eye mask for ten minutes to bring down the puffiness in her eyes. It worked, mostly. Y/N did a shimmery eyeshadow and her eyeliner. All that was left was her outfit. 
Y/N walked into the bathroom, where Harry told her it was all laid out. She shimmied into her sequined flares and slipped on the simple black baby tee. She ruffled her hair a bit, and overall, Y/N was happy with the look for tonight. She walked out to find everyone waiting for her. She did a spin and got lots of whistles and claps. Y/N told them all to shut up and to get to the stage. She lingered behind with Harry. The look he was giving her was anything but friendly.
“You look beautiful.”
“Might have to hire you as my stylist,” she jokes. 
“No, I’d have you wear skirts every night.” 
“But not tonight?” Y/N asks confused. 
“Wanted something different tonight.”
Y/N doesn’t argue with him. She did give him a full range of her clothes. Y/N hears her name being called and knows she needs to get her mic pack. 
“I’ll see you after?” Y/N checks. 
“Of course.” 
They stand there staring at each other. Y/N, for a moment, thinks Harry will kiss her, and she knows she will let him. Instead, he does something that makes her catch her breath. He steps close and leans down to press a kiss on her forehead. “Good luck, Y/N.”
It’s a simple gesture, but it has her heart racing. “Thank you, H.” 
Y/N hurries off after and thanks her engineer for her mic. They hook it to the side of her pants, and Y/N jumps to test its security. So far, so good. Y/N looks behind her one last time and finds Harry giving her a thumbs-up. She could do this. Y/N would go on stage and have fun. 
From the moment Y/N got on stage to when she got off, Y/N could not stop smiling. The crowd was incredible, singing her most popular songs back to her. She could not stop thanking them for a fantastic night. 
“Before I play you one last song and finally leave this stage, there is one last thank you. To Harry, thank you for asking me to be a part of such a special day. It’s one I will never forget. Thank you for the kindness, but most importantly, thank you for sharing your fans. They have been the best crowds to play to. This one's for you.” 
Y/N had never done a dedication before, but it felt right tonight.
In the crowd, Harry was watching Y/N’s set, and while he didn’t need a thank you, it meant a lot coming from Y/N. Harry had no idea Brad was recording him or that he caught Harry blushing as Y/N dedicated the night's final song to him. His friends knew teasing was always okay with Harry, but he looked transfixed, staring at Y/N serenading the crowd they knew could wait until later. 
Y/N had the time of her life dancing with Felix, Quinn, and June to Harry’s set. She laughed loudly when he got called a slag, cheered when he thanked his band, tried to hide when he thanked her and the other openers and cried as he played “Fine Line.” It was a perfect show, everything Harry deserved. 
While it was late, Y/N and Harry still hung out, talking about their favorite bits when they reached their hotel rooms. Y/N loved it when a fan shouted they loved her during a song transition. Harry thought “Kiwi” went insane tonight. Y/N recounted the slag story, and Harry let her laugh it up. He teased her, saying he noticed when she tripped over her words when introducing her band. It was every moment that made the night special. While they had a few days off before Wembley, Y/N knew it was time to head for bed as it would be a travel day. Y/N couldn’t wait to hug her mum and knew Harry felt the same.
Harry lingered outside her door as if he didn’t want to leave. Y/N wanted him to stay, but it would be crossing the boundaries they set for each other. Y/N knew she had a lot to figure out, but day by day, everything became more apparent. 
“Good night, Y/N love.” 
Y/N steps on her tiptoes and presses a soft kiss on Harry’s cheek. “Sweet dreams, H.” Harry walked away from her with a cheesy grin on her face. As Y/N closed the door, she knew one thing: that she liked Harry.
She is head over heels for him. Y/N knew the ball was in her court. She had to make a move if she wanted anything to happen. It seemed the hometown shows were about to get interesting. 
Y/N had dreamed about playing at Wembley Stadium. While it technically wasn’t for her, she would play in a sold-out stadium. Y/N would open the show for four nights. She’d get to play here and dream of a future where she sold out her favorite stadium in her hometown. 
She was in the middle of the walkway, where Harry sings “Matilda” each night. Y/N doesn’t hear the camera shutter or the footsteps approaching her. Y/N is simply taking it all in, wanting to remember the stadium empty before she sees it filled up.
“Do you still dream about nights like tonight?” Y/N turns her head when she hears her mother’s gentle voice. 
“Mum!” Y/N shoots up from where she’s sitting and runs into her open arms. Y/N stands taller than her mother but never feels smaller than being wrapped tightly in her familiar embrace. “Thought you were coming until later.” 
Reina laughed, “Wanted to spend the day with you, oh, and Quinn promised we’d catch up on gossip.”
Y/N shook her head, “did he bring you out here?” 
“Sure did. I needed to say hi to my girl before gossiping my life away.” 
“Is it book club?” 
Reina sighs dramatically, “it always is.”
Y/N and her mum chatter as they make their way backstage. She’s got family members and friends coming over the four days, but her mum promised to be at all four. Her childhood best friends, Tiffany and Elena. Her cousins and nephews were coming, even her Aunt and Uncles. Y/N reminded everyone she was simply the opening act, but no one cared; they were all proud of her. 
She had introduced her mother to nearly everyone except her favorite person. Y/N found Harry with his headphones in but took them off when he noticed her. 
“Y/N,” he greets with a cheerful smile. He quickly notices the woman beside her and introduces himself as Harry, a friend of Y/N’s. 
“My mum, Reina,” Y/N tells him.
Harry grins, “I see the resemblance. We know Y/N will look just as amazing as you in the future.” 
Reina can’t stop smiling, “dear, you didn’t tell me how cheeky this one is.” 
“He’s a flirt, Mumma. Nothing is stopping him.” 
“Oi, you see what I have to deal with,” Harry teases. “I only flirt with pretty girls named Y/N.”
“And who’s from London,” her mum adds.
Harry points a finger at Reina before turning to look at Y/N, “I like her. I really do.”
“Keep her,” Y/N tells him. “I can only take so much teasing.” 
“Oh, darling. You can never get rid of me.” 
Harry throws a hand over her shoulder, bringing her close to his side. “Like you too much to go through life without you.” Y/N rolls her eyes, but her Mumma can see how flustered she has become. “Come on, I’ll take you to meet my Mum and sister. They were set to arrive any minute now.” 
It’s Y/N's turn to perk up, “your Mum’s here.” 
Harry feels his heart swell at her excitement to meet his mother. He has no idea what he and Y/N are, but they’re certainly more than friends.
Y/N spent the entire afternoon chatting with Anne and Gemma. She didn’t mean to monopolize her time, but Anne would keep the conversation going, and Y/N was enjoying it too much to remember she had a different job to do. 
“Y/N, babe, we’ve got sound check,” Felix interrupted, apologizing to Anne.
Harry slipped into the spot next to Anne, “yeah, Y/N, leave my mum alone and go work.”
Before Y/N could rebuttal, Anne slapped his knee lightly, chastising him to be polite. Harry winked in Y/N’s direction. She excused herself and promised Anne she’d see her around for the next few days. Y/N walked out to find the band waiting for her. Y/N looked back one last time to check in on her mother and was happy to see her wrapped up in a conversation with Pauli and Mitch. 
Quinn smirked when she made her way towards them. “Take it your mother-in-law likes you.” 
Y/N’s eyes widened in shock. She slapped his shoulder, telling him to shut up. 
“Wembley, Wembley, I don’t know if you know this, but London is where I grew up. So, boss man, these are all my hometown shows, too.” Y/N laughed when the crowd cheered. “My mom took me to concerts with her because she preferred to take me with her to create these beautiful memories together instead of me staying home with a relative. So, if you enjoy my music and are happy I pursued this dream, you can thank Reina. Mum, you’re my best friend and my number one supporter. Thank you for everything. I love you.” 
Y/N turned to see the screens where her mother was shown wiping her tears and blowing kisses to the screen. Y/N saw Tiffany reach over and give her a cuddle and knew she’d be in trouble for making her cry, but it was worth it. 
“My name is Y/N, and it’s been a pleasure playing for you. Here’s one last song. Good night, Wembley. You’re in for a hell of a show with Harry Styles, I promise.” 
Y/N ran off stage and straight into the arms of the first person she saw, which happened to be Harry. While she didn’t see him before going on stage because he had been out cheering on Madi, he was now looking at her proudly. Harry spun her around, and all Y/N wanted to do was reach down and give him a kiss. It took everything in her not to do it, especially when surrounded by hundreds of people.
 “You were amazing,” he breathed as he set her down.
“They’re fucking amazing,” Y/N told him, pointing out to the crowd. Y/N rambled on about how the crowd was like no other, that the energy they brought was nothing she had ever felt. “I didn’t want to leave the stage.”
Harry laughs loudly, “should have stayed there think I could have watched you all night.” 
“Awe, afraid you can’t surpass my amazingness,” she playfully mocks, knowing very well he’d knock this out of the park. Harry made a sold-out stadium feel like the most intimate show each night. 
Harry can’t stop looking away from her beaming face. It brings him so much joy to see her like this each night. All he wants to do is celebrate with her, showering her with kisses and telling her how proud he is of her. Instead, he lets her go and tells her he'll see her at the end of the night. There would be no late-night talks tonight as they’d be going to their respective home. “Best of luck, H.” 
He watches her walk away and mentally prepares for his first night of four in Wembley. 
Wembley had been perfect each night. His family and Y/N are getting on swimmingly. He hoped for it, but seeing it in person gave him hope that he and Y/N could pursue something. With a day off in between, he was back. He knew the end of the tour was nearing, and his time with Y/N was limited, but watching her on stage each night stopped him from doing anything because he preferred to have her as a friend rather than nothing at all.
Y/N was in a red skirt tonight with a white top with embezzled cherries scattered around. He remembered her mentioning it was his saddest song. It’s not one he would sing again, but he wondered if she was ever in his show's audience to hear it live. The ribbons were cherry red and long. Slowly, as she danced around, they were coming undone. One moment, she was in front of the stage, and the next, she was dancing her way down his long catwalk. She usually kept to the stage but used more and more over time. Tonight, she sang an entire song to his fans, who sang her songs right back to her. Harry knew having Y/N as an opener would be nice, but it’s nothing he ever imagined.
“Wembley, I know you didn’t come here to see me, but thank you to those who sang along. I have one last song, and soon enough, the man of the hour will grace you with his presence. A thank you to my wonderful band. They truly are my best friends. Give it up for Quinny Quinn Quinn on bass. He truly loves all the edits you’ve tagged him in. There is Felix on guitar and the occasional tambourine. Felix always has a new hair color and keeps us whole. Lastly, this band’s hero is Junie. Junie loves the drums and loves me the most,” Y/N teases as Quinn rolls his eyes at her. “Alright, this is–for me?” Y/N asks confused. She bends down, and the security hands her the bouquet of flowers. It’s a mix of pinks and yellows. It makes her tear up. “You sure?” The fan nods, telling her she brought them specially for her. Y/N holds them close to her chest. “I love you. This has made my entire night.” Y/N shows them off to her bandmates, who are all awed by the kind gesture. She places them by her water so she doesn’t forget them. “Alright, one last thank you to you all. This is the Band and I. Good night, Wembley. I love you!”
She hurries off stage with her bouquet in hand. June commented it was a kind gesture. It reminded Y/N how fans travel to see their artist live in concert. Y/N knows she had a sold-out tour when she finished Love on tour, and while it won’t start for a few months, this time is something she won’t ever forget. She’s grateful for the experience, grateful she gets to observe how the crew is treated, and how much comradery there is on this tour. She’s heard the stories of friendship blossoming. It’s beautiful, and now that she’s gotten a glimpse, she’s happy to be a part of but something she wants to take forward with her.
Y/N drops off her flowers and goes in search of Harry. 
Y/N likes Harry. 
She likes spending time with him and likes to sit in silence with him, but mostly, she likes hearing him talk and tell stories. Y/N has never felt at peace with a partner or felt the infamous belly full of butterflies, but she feels them both with Harry. She doesn’t even know when she began falling. All she knows is that she’s ready to tell Harry.
While she wants to share how she feels, she’s mostly dying to kiss him. Their tension is thick, and Y/N is ready to cut through it. She did not think Love on Tour would bring her love, but after hearing Mitch and Sarah’s story, she knows anything is possible and that Harry loves playing matchmaker. He’s a big romantic, which is something everyone has told her. 
She finds him in the piano room, playing an all too familiar melody. “You know, some would call that plagiarism.”  
Harry’s hands fall away from the keys, but he doesn’t turn to look at her. “It’s my favorite song.” 
“Not even released. I barely named it,” she tells him truthfully. 
He shrugs, “special enough to me.”
“Should have named it Harry’s song instead.” 
That gets him a look; his cheeks are red from her comment, and it settles Y/N’s nerves. Harry stands up, and she knows he wants to hug her. While she usually is eager to be wrapped in his warm embrace, she didn’t change coming off stage today and fears she might smell. “Think I might stink.”
Harry rolls his eyes, “stop it and get in here.” 
It is no use fighting it when she only wants to be in his arms. Y/N let herself melt against him, her hands resting around his waist.
“Quite incredible out there. Almost got jealous when you got handed those flowers.” 
Y/N smirks and pulls back the tiniest bit to see the pout on his lips. “Almost?”
Harry huffs out a sigh. “Fine, I did.” 
She grins, “There’s no need to.”
“Why’s that?” 
“You’re the only person who’s got my eye,” she tells him honestly. 
Harry’s face turns red, but he doesn’t press further. Instead, he pulls her in closer, resting his chin on her head. Y/N struggles to work up the courage to say those three words. She didn’t realize that the fear of rejection could win out when she really liked someone. 
She decides to go for it.
“Harry, will you do something for me if I ask?” 
“Only if you ask nicely,” he rebuttals.
Y/N pulls away from him, and he lets her. Her hands stay rooted on his waist, letting him know she doesn’t want him to go far.
“Kiss me, please,” Y/N whispers out into the room. Harry was shocked at her request. He stayed staring at her, unsure if he had misheard, but Y/N repeated herself one more time. “Will you please kiss me?” 
He had been waiting for this moment when everything would shift for them, and now that it was here, he was overwhelmed. Harry wanted to kiss her but didn’t know what it would mean for her because he knew what it meant to him. There was a part of him that knew how she felt, but he was dying to hear it.
Instead of questioning it, Harry decides to lean in Y/N, lifting her head to allow their lips to touch, but Harry keeps just enough distance between them to see if she really wants this. Harry lets their lips brush, leaving the ball in her court. He was tempted to go all in but needed to know she wanted him. Y/N was in a daze; she had never felt like she could pass out from a simple touch, but with Harry, it had been like that from the start, from small touches to holding hands. Y/N knew precisely what he was doing and knew exactly what she wanted. 
Y/N connected their lips, and she felt fireworks go off. She doesn’t know why she stayed away for so long. Now, she never wants to go without him. Harry raises his hands to cup her face, taking control of the kiss. It is gentle and full of care. She never wanted it to end, and it seemed neither did Harry. Harry was getting lost in the taste of Y/N. He knew he didn’t care what happened as long as he got to keep her in the end. 
He pulled away breathless, but Y/N pulled him back in for another kiss before he could say anything. It went on for what felt like hours but could have only been a few minutes. There was a loud pounding on the door that made the spring apart. Y/N gazed at his swollen lips and knew she must look the same, if not worse. 
“Y/N–” He shakes his head, not able to wrap everything around his head
“Shh…” Y/N doesn’t want this moment to end, although she knows it must. “We’ll talk later, I promise.” 
Harry frowns. He doesn’t want to give her the chance to change her mind and reject him. He wants her, simple as that. “But–”
“I promise I won’t change my mind. I’d tell you right now, but I wouldn’t let you go for the rest of the night if I did.”
“I wouldn’t mind,” he confesses. 
Y/N chuckles and presses a final kiss to his lips. “I’ll be cheering you on, popstar.” 
Harry smirks, “dedicating tonight to you.”
The show is a beautiful success. Harry spots Y/N in the crowd tonight and spends too much time singing to her. Not that many fans pick up on it. He wouldn’t mind anyone finding out, but she’s all his right now. He runs off stage and straight into his dressing room. He’s got a car waiting for him, but he doesn’t want to leave without saying goodbye to Y/N. His mom trails in, followed by Jeff and a few others. Harry keeps his door open to keep an eye on her. Harry packs up a few of his belongings, knowing he’ll return tomorrow for a final night. Harry is listening to Jeff drone on about tomorrow and the surprises he has planned when he catches sight of Y/N’s purple bow breezing by. He doesn’t even apologize to Jeff; he runs out after her. 
“Y/N!” He calls out.
Y/N stops and smiles. “Hi you! Nice job out there.” 
Harry blushes because, as confident as he was on stage dancing for her, there’s a difference between being dressed down and having his crush tell him he did amazing on stage. It means everything knowing she enjoys the shows each night. Harry loves seeing her sing on stage each night and is thankful he gets to enjoy it for a few more weeks. 
“I–I’ve got to get going but wanted to see you.” 
Y/N reaches up and cups his cheek. Harry leans into her touch, neither caring if someone spots them nor knowing they are in safe hands with the crew around them. “I hope you have a good night. I’ll see you here tomorrow, ready for one final show. I hear it’s going to be the best one yet.” 
“Is there something you want to see me play?” 
Y/N offers him a soft smile, shaking her head. “All I want is to see you happy on stage.” 
While the sentiment is appreciated, Harry knows her words will be on repeat as he falls asleep tonight. He wants to give her something special tomorrow. “I’ll find out your favorite song,” he promises. 
Y/N rolls her eyes. “H, I mean it. You being happy on stage is all I could ask for.”
Harry turns his head and kisses the palm of her hand. “I’ll figure it out, sweetheart.” 
She stares at him lovingly, knowing they both have to go and get a good night's rest. They’ll be apart for a few hours, and tomorrow, be back together to share a few more kisses. 
“Good night, you.” 
Harry leans in and kisses her cheek. “Night, sweetheart.” 
The final night at Wembley had arrived, and she was ready. Y/N knew Harry had most of his family and friends here, which made her slightly nervous because she knew he would want her to meet them but also knew most of them wouldn’t show up for lil ol’ her as an opener. Y/N, when she arrived at the arena, was separated from her band and found at Harry’s side. Harry selfishly wanted her to stay with him; he even sneaked them off to a hidden corner of the stadium, where he kissed her breathless. He promised only a few minutes, which turned out to be thirty. Y/N showed up to her soundcheck with bruised lips and a wide smile. The band decided to tease her later when Harry wasn’t around, seeing they also had lots of questions. 
“Yo–you look gorgeous,” Harry expressed as he walked into her dressing room and saw her dressed in a black maxi dress with embroidered flowers instead of her signature mini skirt. 
Y/N did a twirl for him, “you like? My mum found it at this shop we love to visit together. Altered it to perfection. The extra fabric she used for my bows,” Y/N points out. Harry admires her loose curls, a massive bow holding half up in a messy updo. She looked effortlessly beautiful. 
“It’s wonderful.”
“I got a wardrobe upgrade for the next few weeks. Leaving a lot at home and packing a ton of new outfits. Think it’s time to play dress up,” Y/N laughs, knowing she will have a fun time and lots of new looks to explore. 
“Can you dance in it?” 
Y/N smirks, “don’t worry, Felix made me practice shaking my ass already.”
“Oh darn,” he jokes. “Have a lovely show.”
Harry brings her in for a hug, and Y/N sags against him, loving the comfort he brings her. As she goes to pull away, Harry leans in for a kiss but waits for her permission; with a simple nod, he connects their lips and captures her heart. The kiss is perfect. It’s slow and gentle but filled with passion and yearning. Yearning for more time together, longing for all they have yet to explore. Harry backs away, his lips shining from her strawberry lip gloss. 
With a final wave, he’s gone, and Y/N takes the stage.
“Welcome to the final night of Wembley! Promise you’re in for a hell of a show. I-I’ve never been happier.” Y/N thinks back to minutes before she walked on stage and knows her words have never been more accurate. “Let’s dance!” 
The show passes in a breeze, and before she knows it, she’s reached the end of her set, having one final song left to perform. She never seems to feel time passing when she’s on stage. While Y/N loves playing for Harry’s fans, she’s excited to get back on the road for herself soon enough. 
“Wembley, Wembley. You are a beautiful crowd. I’ve got one last song for you.” The crowd cheers. “Ouch,” she feigns hurt, placing a hand over her heart. “I won’t take offense only because I’m also excited for Harry.” Y/N steps towards the stage with her microphone. “Thank you for receiving me with open arms, Wembley. I love performing and singing all my songs for you. I hope you come out to a show of mine in the future. It would be lovely to see familiar faces in the crowd. Before I continue, there are some people I need to thank. My mum Reina is in the crowd.” Y/N cheers when the crowd screams and chants for her mother. “She’s going to love that. There is someone special who is not here but has a special place in my heart and made me fall in love with singing: my Dad. While it feels like it has always been my mum and I, he’s never forgotten. My mom gave me all his records and always played music he loved. It led me to finding my dream and making it come true. Mumma, thank you for everything. I love you. Lastly, Harry Styles, it has been my greatest honor to join you on tour, but tonight, I feel extra thankful to be here with you. You’ve become a great inspiration throughout this tour, and I’m grateful for you.” 
Y/N wipes her tears, laughing to herself for getting emotional. One last song to sing. She looks at the sky and whispers, “this is for you, Pops.” When she finishes, Y/N blows kisses to the crowd and rushes off stage and straight into her mother’s waiting arms. 
“He would be so proud,” Reina whispers, making Y/N shed a few more tears. “I’m proud of you, my angel.” 
Y/N squeezes her mother tighter. “Thanks, Mumma.” After her mother finishes showering her in kisses, Y/N heads to her dressing room, wanting to change and shower, except when she walks in, she finds Harry reading her lyric journal. 
“Harry?” She looks at him, confused. 
He stands up quickly, setting the book down on the couch. “I-I didn’t mean to. But it was flipped open to 
‘Right Now’ it’s the song you played me on the piano. I still shouldn’t have done it, but I was curious. I–I’m sorry. Will you forgive me?” 
Y/N wishes he wasn’t so panicked. “It’s okay. I think you’ve heard all about these songs. Very comfortable with you reading it. Only June gets a kick at reading the notebook. Think she left it out.” 
Harry sighs. She opens her arms for him, and he falls right in. “You were wonderful! Love seeing you so happy,” he mutters. 
“Special crowd. Don’t know if it’s possible, but it feels like there's more people than the other nights,” she confesses. She wouldn't be surprised if that was the truth; fans sneaking into the pit are much more common when workers are distracted, even if they try their best. 
He laughs, “guess we’ll see, all I know is tonight will be special.”
Y/N enjoyed this downtime with Harry. While they knew a conversation was waiting to happen, they simply chose to enjoy this final night in London before continuing on the road for the next few weeks. Y/N knew how she felt, but this was not the time or place to have this discussion. It’s one she would be waiting for in the days to come.
“I’ll see you later, sweetheart. Got a surprise for tonight.” Harry stole a kiss and backed away from her. Y/N could see a twinkle in his eye and knew he had found her favorite song. Y/N knows he went to her Mum. She was the only one who knew. While ‘Fine Line’ was special and he played it every night, she wondered if he would play it for her. 
Y/N doesn’t always watch the show in the audience; sometimes, she is side-stage dancing with Felix and playing air guitar. Then there are times they’re in the green room eating while watching Harry play through the TV in their room, but tonight, Y/N joins his family and watches from the right side of the stage. Anne said they’re close enough that he can spot them but not enough to distract him. For the last week here, Y/N had met most of his friends and family; there would even be a celebration at the end of the night where more people would attend. Y/N knew Harry would be the man of the hour and had decided she’d hang for an hour before heading home. While she selfishly wanted to monopolize all his time, Y/N knew she couldn’t. She’d see him on their flight to Wales in a few days.
“He’s got quite a big crush on you,” Gemma nudges her shoulder. “I would know I’m his older sister.” 
Y/N laughs, shaking her head. “Then I’ll have to take your word for it.” 
“My brother’s a shy guy. When he’s onstage, he shines so bright, but when he walks off, he’s back to being my shy brother who, for the life of me, is awful at starting conversations. He cares so much for everyone in his life. Once you’re in, you have a friend with him for life.” Gemma tells Y/N, and she knows it’s as much a welcoming as it is a warning. 
“I-I think he’s amazing. Fuck, I’ve kept a distance for a while only because I wasn’t certain if he was genuine. But repeatedly, he proves to go above and beyond for anyone. Being home puts many things in perspective for me,” Y/N sighs and offers Gemma a timid smile. “I’d be lucky to be given any relationship with Harry.” 
Gemma’s laugh rings loud, causing their mums to look over at them, but Gemma waves them off. Gemma links her arm with Y/N and declares them dance partners for the night. “You’re a good person, I can tell. And even if I couldn't, my mum could, she adores you already. Think she plays your music more than Harry.”
Y/N gasps in surprise, “please tell me Harry knows!” Gemma shakes her head. “Oh my gosh, he said I write sad music.” 
“Well, he writes horny pop songs,” Gemma chips in.
Y/N falls into a fit of giggles, “he does!” 
“You write rock mixed with sadness and a few pop influences.”
Y/N feels her face heat up, knowing Gemma is clearly a fan of her music. It always overwhelms her, but knowing that Gemma, Harry’s sister, enjoys her music is a big win for her. It brings her a lot of joy. Y/N always had an easy time conversing with people, but she feared making relationships and connections. It’s a reason her circle is tight-knit, but chatting with Gemma makes her hope that a new friendship could start here. 
The night is spent dancing and singing at the top of their lungs or as loud as Y/N knows she’s allowed without messing up her voice. After Mitch’s incredible solo for ‘She,’ Harry walked to the middle of the catwalk with the ladies of his band. It seemed as if every fan knew what song was coming as Y/N saw friends embrace each other. Y/N walked over to her mother, knowing her Mumma related a little too closely to the song. However, the familiar notes to ‘Matilda didn’t start; instead, it was a soft guitar intro. Reina pulled Y/N tight into her arms. This was the surprise Harry had mentioned. 
Harry finds his mum and sister hugging as he sings, but he keeps searching until his eyes land on Y/N, who is being embraced by her mother as she sings along to every word of “Sweet Creature” while Harry has no idea what this song means to her, she knows what it means to him and his sister. There are many ways to interpret his songs, and he���s glad Y/N connected with this one. He’s happy he could give Y/N and her mother this moment for it to become theirs.
It’s hard keeping his emotions under control for the entire show, but he does his best. He remembers to thank his family and promises Wembley he’ll see them soon. When Harry runs off the stage that night, he knows he left his heart out there for every single person. It’s something he knows he is going to get back with a lot more love-filled into it. 
There is a celebration that Jeff hosted for everyone wanting a perfect end to four sold-out nights in the city that changed his life and has now become his home. Harry sees his crew mingling. He sees Y/N’s band mixing with his band. It’s nice to see how connected everyone has become over the last few months. The person he is searching for is talking to Glenne. He sees them laughing, and as he makes his way over to them, he is intercepted by Ben, a long-time friend. Harry bounces around the room, converses with everyone, and occasionally drinks with them. Harry had managed to keep an eye on Y/N all night until he was saying goodbye to someone, and when he turned back, he could no longer spot Y/N. Harry knows he’ll see her soon and has her number to call her, but he really wanted to hear her thoughts about tonight’s show.
Harry pulls out his phone to call her when he finds a text from her. 
Thank you for the surprise. Tonight truly was magical. 
Did you enjoy the rain? Think the heavens opened up from how emotional you made everyone. I’ll see you soon. Give me a call tomorrow. xx
He pockets his phone with a smile and knows what he has with Y/N is good, and he’ll do everything in his power to make her happy for a long time. 
In Wales, Y/N and Harry did not go a moment apart as if they had become each other’s shadows. Where one went, the other followed. No one questioned it because it was bound for something to happen, but what happened? No one knew. Y/N and Harry shared kisses behind closed doors, and it was theirs. It was the time to brush everything away and simply be together.
Belgium came much too soon, and there is something Harry has been meaning to ask. He’s lying on Y/N’s hotel bed, knowing they have a few days before their show, and Harry’s dying to take Y/N out on a date. 
“Sweetheart,” Harry calls out for her. 
“In a minute.” 
She walks out of the bathroom a minute later, her skincare finished for the night. They had arrived a few hours ago, and Harry quickly approached her. 
Y/N rolls her eyes, but it doesn’t stop her face from heating up at the compliment. “Sweet talker.”
“Only yours,” Harry sing-songs. 
She lies down with him. “Any big plans in Belgium, H?”
“A sold-out show,” he teases. 
“Well, obviously.” She plays with a loose thread on her shirt. “Meant sightseeing.”
Harry shrugs and scoots closer, reaching down to take her hand in his. “Not really sure. Thought sleeping would be a good start.” 
“Don’t be silly. You and Brad love an early morning workout.” 
Harry reaches out and pokes her nose, making her scrunch her face in surprise. “No need to be jealous. Early days with Brad mean free days with you, sweets.” 
He had a point. Y/N deflates because while Belgium is famously known for its waffles, she doesn’t want to explore alone. She also knows it is harder for Harry to simply be out. “It’s simply we have time to explore cities I’ve never visited before, and while I selfishly want to ask you to roam the city with me, I know it’s not possible.” 
“Hey,” he speaks softly. Her hand stays cradled to his chest, all his attention Y/N. His eyes say everything he hasn’t voiced yet. “We can walk around any city aimlessly. You don’t have to worry about anything else.” 
“Harry,” she breathes out. “You–”
“Why can’t I? Simply because others will look or because I’m this big name. Don’t I deserve the same respect as others to simply be.” 
“You do. Of course, you do.” 
“Then, don’t worry about anything else. I promise I will be there if you ask me to be somewhere or want to go to a chocolate-making class.” Harry’s words fill her with hope. Hope that whatever this is will turn into something more, something special.
“I’m sorry. You’re right. I-I don’t want to go to a chocolate class.” 
Harry falls into a fit of giggles, leaning in close to press kisses to her cheeks, not caring that she tries to push him away because he knows she likes it, knows she craves his touch as much as he does hers. “Would you go on a date with me, Y/N?” 
Y/N freezes, not having expected him to ask her. She always kept it at the back of her mind, but now he’s here asking for more. “A date?” She repeats. “With me?”
Harry’s laugh rings loud, “you’re kind of who I’m asking.” 
She wants to blurt out yes, it’s on the tip of her tongue, but she swallows it back. Instead, he thinks about it for a second, wanting to make Harry sweat for a second. “I’d like that.” 
“Tomorrow? I can plan a whole day out for us.” 
Y/N breaks out a huge smile; dates usually last an hour or two, but she has Harry wanting to spend the entire day with her. She knows this is unconventional and that they have already spent so much time together that it will now only be outside the four walls of a hotel room.
“Tomorrow is perfect,” she agrees. 
Harry bids her goodnight and promises to be here at eight with a coffee for her to start the day. 
True to his word, the following morning, Harry is there with two cups of coffee and a paper bag. The smell of fresh bread reaches her, and Y/N knows this is a fantastic start. Harry leads them out of the hotel room and onto the street, promising walking would be better. 
Making it to their first destination, it’s a Botanical Garden, and Y/N practically shines with happiness. From the moment they walk in, they are met with blooming plants. They find out it’s pretty empty, not many people picking a garden for their first visit of the day. Y/N roams around, with Harry trailing close behind. She doesn’t realize Harry is taking photos of her every few minutes. Harry wanted to capture the entire day, and seeing her beauty through his eyes was something to behold.
“H, come on!” Y/N turns to him with a stretched-out hand, and he’d be a fool not to take it. They spend a few hours roaming around, stopping to take pictures and sitting on benches as they take in all the beauty, never letting go of each other’s hands. 
Y/N knew it was always easy with Harry, but she let every touch linger a bit longer in this new context of being on a date. Harry told her it was time for the next destination, and while she didn’t know what it was, she knew the day would only get better. 
“Did you know fries are actually Belgian and not French?” Harry tells Y/N as they share a small plate outside a shop. 
Y/N chews a fry, tilting her head, thinking his words over. “Weird to call them French.” 
It turns out Harry had no real plan for them besides the gardens, but was too worried to tell Y/N. She laughed and promised him she didn’t mind. Spending time with him was more than enough. Aimlessly walking is her favorite pastime when she’s in a new city, but doing it here with Harry, she knows it will never be the same again. 
They walked in and out of shops for the next few hours, laughing at shared stories and buying knickknacks for family members. Harry dragged Y/N into a chocolate shop, where the worker was kind enough to offer them samples. After buying too much, Y/N promised to share it with the crew. It was too good for them not to share.
After some time, Harry pulled Y/N to sit on a bench with him. It gave them a beautiful view of the sun that was beginning to set. They sat in silence for a while, comfortable enough to enjoy each other’s company without saying anything. 
“Did you know I once wrote a song about Rapunzel?”
“The princess?” Harry asks. 
“Mhm…I loved the film, and I thought Rapunzel had lost so much time being trapped that, being free, she didn’t know where to start. It was not my best.” 
Harry nudges her shoulder, “doubt that.” 
She shrugs, “who knows, maybe it was amazing, but I’ll never know, never thought to record it.” 
“What made you want to pursue music?” Harry asks. He has her hand in his lap, twisting the ring she wears on her pinky finger with her father’s initials. 
Her father comes to mind, “I was really young when we lost my dad. He loved music; he was the type to love it all, from Metal to pop to Spanish. He worked as a producer exclusively in London and with close artists, he had never wanted anything to take him from home. He loved my mum too much to ever want to part with her for long. My dad always had music playing. My mum said it was the first thing I reacted to when she was pregnant with me. By the time I was born, music lulled me to sleep and was the first thing I heard when I woke up. By the time we lost him, my Mumma played his records to keep his memory alive. She only bought new ones on his birthday and anniversary. I didn’t realize until I was much older that it also connected them.” Y/N pauses to send Harry a smile, and he answers by squeezing her hand. “My mum knew I had a good pair of lungs during my theater days and pushed me to pursue more if I wanted. I taught myself guitar and took piano lessons because I wanted to improve. It wasn’t always easy, but I loved learning, so it only motivated me. I wanted to share music because I wanted to connect with others and proudly say I’m doing that.” Y/N feels overwhelmed but is happy she shared this with Harry. She can’t remember the last time she was this honest with anyone. 
“Thank you, Y/N.” Harry kisses her cheek. “I-I love seeing you on stage. You radiate this energy that—” he shakes his head. “I don’t know how to describe it, but it makes you want to be part of it. I think you’re one of the most amazing songwriters we have in our generation.” 
“Harry,” she shakes her head to get him to stop, but it urges him on.
“I mean it. You’re incredible, and I’ll forever scream it from the rooftops if you want me to.” 
Y/N feels her face flush and turns to pull Harry in for a hug. She breathes him in for a long moment, “I–thank you.”
After the sunset, they walk back to their hotel. They linger outside Y/N’s door, not ready to say goodbye even after a long day together. 
“You first,” they reply in unison. 
Harry gestures for her to go first. 
“I was going to say if you want, we can freshen up and have dinner in my room, maybe watch a movie,” she asks nervously.
He nods eagerly, “yes, please.” 
“Good, good. Say an hour?” 
Harry lets her open her hotel room, but before she can wave goodbye, he pushes her against the entrance and leans in to kiss her. Y/N sighs against his lips. She has wanted to do all this all day. His hands hold her waist firmly while Y/N fists his shirt to keep him close. 
Y/N pulls back to catch her breath, “been wanting to do that all day.” 
Harry smirks, “well, here’s another one.” 
His lips are soft, but the kiss is fast and needy. There has been a build-up to this moment all day. Y/N lets him guide her as he explores her mouth. She moans as he nips her bottom lip. Y/N pulls him closer, needing to feel him against her. She’s so lost in the kiss she jumps back in surprise when the door slams shut. Harry rests his forehead against hers, his breath heavy. “Maybe not the smartest thing we’ve done.” 
Y/N bites her lip, “probably not.” 
Harry thumbs at her bottom lip, and she releases it. “Please stop, or I’m going to kiss you again.” 
“I don’t mind,” she confesses. 
“Y/N,” Harry groans. “I’m going to go.” 
“But you’ll be back?” She asks softly. 
“In an hour,” he assures her. “Pick a movie for us.”
“Bye Harry.” 
Harry kisses her cheek, knowing that if he gets another taste of her, it will lead to more kissing, which they clearly do not want to rush. “Bye, sweetheart.”
Y/N shuts the door behind him, a large grin on her face. She’s falling hard, and she’s falling fast. 
“Vienna is probably one of the most beautiful songs ever created,” June tells Y/N, who’s lying on the floor of Harry’s stage. “The beauty of getting older.” 
“June, you hated that song when you were younger,” Quinn chimes in.
“Am I not allowed to change my opinion?” She yells. Quinn simply puts his hands up, deciding it is not worth defending. 
“City of Music is nothing I thought it would be,” Felix shares.
“What were you expecting?” Y/N asks curiously.
Felix laughs, “definitely fewer parks.” 
“Oi, is this what we pay you to do?” Harry shouts as he walks over to them dressed in blue jeans and a “Pleasing” sweater. 
“Y/N, save us, please!” They all collectively yell. 
Harry snickers at her, knowing they might not have told anyone about the dates they’ve been having in every city that usually end in one of them staying the night in the other’s room. It started off with neither of them wanting to say goodnight. Harry laid on her blankets while she tucked herself, holding hands; they dozed off to sleep. It was a no-brainer after that because they both enjoyed waking up to one another. Nothing goes on except a bit of kissing. She can’t say she hasn’t been craving something more but knows there is no need to rush her time with Harry. 
“It’s chisme time,” Y/N tells him. “Anything to share.” 
“I love Gossip.” Harry takes a seat next to Y/N, leaving not a single space between them. “Did you know we’re not having soup for lunch?” 
Everyone collectively groans, “banished, you’re no longer welcome,” Quinn shooed him away. 
“Hey now, I got a better one,” Harry leans in closer. He glances at Y/N before telling the others to get close, leaving Y/N out of their makeshift circle.
Y/N sits back, relaxed; with Harry, there is no need to worry about anything. June and Felix lean back, “Oh,” at the news while Quinn looks confused. He looks at Y/N, then back to Harry, then again to Y/N. 
“Lies. Not real. She doesn’t have the game,” Quinn says while looking at her. 
While Y/N has no idea what Harry whispered to them, June’s grin says it all. She knows it has to do with the dates they’ve been going on. Y/N had mentioned she liked Harry, but they all assumed she would do nothing about it.
“H, what did you do? It seems like they’re broken now.” Y/N points out to her two loudest bandmates, who have not said a single word, and Quinn, who has started to pace around on stage. 
Harry leans back on his arms as he takes in the scene before him. “Simply told them I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend. Had no idea you were keeping me as your dirty little secret.” 
Y/N quickly shakes her head, “no, never, it’s ju—” she cuts herself off, seeing that his dimples are on display and not an ounce of sadness or pain. “You’re annoying.”
“But you like me!” 
“You brushed of my question.”
“More like a statement,” she rebuttals. “Clearly not how you’re going to ask me.” 
Harry sends her a cheeky wink, “course not.” 
“Then you’ll have to wait for my answer until then. Now shoo, I’ve got to rehearse and answer all their dumb questions.” 
Harry kissed her cheek with a loud “muah” and promised to head to her room tonight. 
There was a sense of anxiety that had been with Y/N all day. Harry had made a bold statement tonight, and she wondered if he did it to give her the time to see if that was what she wanted. Harry was not like someone she had ever been with. She never had to speak on her emotions; she always went with the flow, but Harry is giving her the choice here. Y/N is nowhere near ready for the conversation, and it seems Harry knows because when he arrives in her room and sees the stress in her eyes, he takes her in his arms and tells her it’s time for bed. 
Harry takes a shower while Y/N changes into an old tour shirt and boxers. Harry enters the bedroom to find her lying in the middle of the king-sized bed. 
“You look adorable.” 
“Cute enough for cuddles?” 
Harry laughs, “always.” 
He makes his way to her after double-checking the lock on her door and ensuring his phone is off. He lifts the blankets and settles behind Y/N, his hands slipping under her shirt and pulling her towards him. Y/N sighs and melts against him. 
“There’s no pressure to have this conversation. I want you to know where I stand. I know I might not have gone about it the best way, but I want you to know you have as much control over this relationship as I do.”
With Harry’s reassuring words, Y/N felt at ease. She knew she was overthinking everything, but Harry understood her like no one else had.
“I like you, Harry,” she confessed. “I like you a lot. I-I-how you manage to always have the right words escapes me, but I’m thankful. I like you, and I like where this is going.”
Harry squeezed her tight, pressing a kiss to her neck. “I like you too. Promise, I’m sticking around.” 
Y/N knows she’s lucky to have Harry. 
“¡Hola Barcelona! Yo me llamo Y/N, gracias por acompañarnos esta noche.” The crowd cheers after hearing her Spanish. “I know, right, pretty good. My grandpa taught me a living legend he still is. Think he’ll be proud. Let’s have some fun tonight.” 
Y/N, as soon as she gets off stage, feels a heaviness in her heart because, after tonight, there are only three shows left. It means not seeing her friends and the new friends she has made for a long time. Y/N is jumping straight into a tour in two months, meaning she’s got to start rehearsals in a month. While she doesn’t know what comes next, she does hope to finish her album before she heads out on tour. Harry had accompanied her to the studio, and even Mitch had tagged along, wanting to see her process. It led to them playing guitar in a few of her songs. These memories she’s made throughout this tour will live within her new album. 
Y/N didn’t know how much her life would change by accepting to be Harry’s opening act. She knows she should bask in the happiness while she can, but the reminder lingers in her mind. Y/N finds Harry and is not surprised to find him with Mitch. They’re speaking about Mitch’s album while Sarah is lying on the couch with her son, who’s napping. There has been so much to happen since this tour started, and Y/N never gets tired of hearing the stories. 
“Dinner?” Harry raises his head when he hears her voice. Mitch waves at her but doesn’t offer her a word; instead focuses on Sarah. 
Harry rushes over to her, wrapping her in a hug. “Promise I watched. Mitch stole me away quickly.”
Y/N laughs. Harry not watching didn’t even cross her mind. “You’re fine. Wouldn’t blame you, boring for you with the same ol’ setlist each night.”
“Hey now,” Harry defends. “That’s my favorite singer, you're insulting.” 
“Oh, Stevie Nicks is not going to like that,” Mitch comments.
“Wanker!” Harry gives Mitch the middle finger and guides them to get soup, Harry’s favorite food, before a show. It’s known to settle his nerves. 
“That’s okay, Hozier is mine,” Y/N chirps, sharing a laugh with Mitch.
“Irish tend to be superior,” Mitch agrees. 
Harry walks out with Y/N, sending Mitch a wave. Harry walked them to his green room, requesting his soup and Y/N’s sandwich to be sent. She told him she’d pick it up, but Harry shared he wanted a minute alone with her. Y/N hadn’t technically been with Harry long; it’s only been two weeks, give or take a few hours, but she’d known him for months. There was no need to talk as Y/N settled on the couch with him. She felt tired after her set, all the adrenaline gone. Harry asked her for dinner, and then she’d watch Harry from her dressing room with the rest of her band. The final days were approaching, and Y/N knew she’d prepare to say goodbye to them, too, even if it was for a few weeks. 
They settled in the silence, no need for conversation. Y/N was content to be wrapped in Harry’s arms as he closed his eyes, breathing her in. Y/N had not let herself think about the end of the tour because she wanted to enjoy every moment, and now, with the end so close, she honestly never pictured herself falling in love with Harry. She knows she wouldn’t change it for anything in the world. She had him and would protect this relationship for as long as she was allowed to have him and even long after.  
After a successful show, Harry came to sleep in Y/N’s room with the promise he wanted to be close to her. Y/N was not one to deny him of any request, not when he kept her safe. Y/N woke up feeling too warm with Harry’s hand flat against her warm skin. He loved physical touch and kept his hold on her even in his sleep. Y/N shimmied behind him but stopped when she felt how hard he was. She knew it was normal, but a part of her wanted to take care of it and take the next step with him. 
“Baby, you got to stop moving,” Harry groaned in her ear. Y/N paused, thinking he might not be on the same page but as if he could read her mind, “unless you want me to take care of you.” 
Y/N stayed frozen because her mind was running wild on the possibilities that could happen. She had dreamed about Harry taking care of her, but now, making it happen, Y/N was at a loss for words. 
Harry turned Y/N, making her lay on her back, and he shifted above her with a gentle smile. “Morning, pretty girl.”
“Morning,” she breathed out. 
Y/N knew she didn’t look her best, with tired eyes and crazy hair, not even mentioning she hadn’t brushed her teeth, but by the way, Harry was gazing at her, it was clear he wasn’t thinking the same. 
“You’re beautiful. Thought you were a figment of my imagination, but here you are, spread out under me.”
She feels her face heat up, loving how warm his words make her feel. 
“Tell me what you want. I’ll give you whatever you ask for.” She knows he means it. He’s a giver. It’s what brings him the most joy. 
“Want you to touch me,” she spoke softly. 
Harry kneeled over her, careful not to let his entire body sit on her. He ran his fingers up her arm, biting back a smile at the goosebumps that raised over her body. Y/N’s breathing slowed down as her eyes never left his. “Where, baby?” 
Y/N shimmied, her face burning. She couldn’t, but she knew he’d continue to play with her if she didn't. His hands now tracing over her stomach and up to her breast. Y/N pushed against his hand, but he pulled away, tutting at her greediness. 
She didn’t have the words, but Y/N guided his hand, resting on her stomach to her wet pussy. Harry moaned when he felt how ready she was for him. “Here, baby. Need me here?” 
“Please, Harry. Need you to take care of me,” she begs. 
“Are you sure about this, Y/N?”
Consent had never felt so sexy. 
“Yes, please, Harry.” 
“You’re not wearing panties.” 
Y/N has to hold back a laugh because she is begging him to make her come, and he is focused on her having no panties. “I run hot, you know that.” 
He glided his fingers around her pussy, spreading around her wetness. She let out a needy moan when he slid his fingers inside her. The feel of her clenching around his fingers made him eager to add another. Harry loved seeing her like this. It made him want to give her everything. In and out, he moved his fingers inside her, rubbing and stroking her swollen lips. She laid their legs spread out, head back, taking it all. Harry knew she was close, but he was greedy for a taste. 
Harry lowered his mouth to her stomach, pushing her shirt up, allowing him to kiss her breasts before continuing down the path calling for him. He kissed along her thighs, and Y/N felt her breathing slow down. He continued with his slow kisses along her hips up to her belly and back down again. Sliding his hands under her ass, he pulled her closer.
“Oh baby, I need to taste you.” His warm breath tickled my skin as he lowered his mouth and bit into the inside of her thigh. Y/N let out a loud moan, urging him to continue. He kissed her repeatedly, knowing it would bruise. He was glad to mark her his. 
Y/N let out a soft cry as his tongue licked up her thigh. She needed everything as he moved closer to where she was ready for him. He slowly dragged his tongue through her folds. 
“Harry, Harry,” she chanted his name. 
Y/N could only beg for more as Harry muttered something about how delicious she tasted. As he licked into her, he slid one finger into her as his thumb rubbed against her clit. In seconds, Y/N was lifting to meet each thrust of his finger. 
“You sound so beautiful with my name on your lips,” he dived back in. “Want me to make you mine?” 
“Yes,” Y/N moaned. “All yours. Only yours.” 
Y/N was writhing and wiggling anything to keep him pressed against her clit as his tongue thrust inside her. Everything was on fire; every nerve in her body was firing off. He slipped another finger, and Y/N exploded. It all became so much, her hands fisting the sheets beneath her as she felt her orgasm rip through her. Y/N felt Harry slow down, lazily moving away from her, with no apparent rush in wanting to leave her. Harry slowly sits up; she sees hooded eyes, her eyes focused on the mess she’d made on his face. Harry raised his hand and slipped his wet fingers in his mouth, cleaning the last of her juices. Y/N knows they’d get going for a second round if he's not careful. 
“Let me kiss you,” she begged, her voice rough.
Harry ran a tongue over his lips, making a show of cleaning her off him, “not ready to share yet.” 
“Nasty,” she chastised before she leaned up, placing her hand on the back of his neck and pulling him for a heated kiss. “Will you come for me, Harry?” She mumbled against his lips. 
She pushed away, removing her shirt, throwing it to the side, and lying back, allowing him the view of her breasts, her nipples hard as she begged him to come. Harry slid down his briefs, and Y/N gasped at how beautiful he looked hard and thick because of her. Y/N reached for him, but Harry shook his head, a clear sign this would be quick. Harry wet his hand, moving it steadily up and down his base. Y/N was mesmerized. She played with her tits as he stroked himself, knowing he loved the show. 
“Come for me, Harry,” she purred. “Show me how good I helped make you feel. Show me how much you loved making me come. The feel of your tongue is something I never want to forget. How well you take care of me.”
“Fuck, baby. Didn’t know you could be so dirty.” 
“Promise to take you down my throat next time. Let you use me any way you want. Please, Harry, come for me.” 
That was all he needed for him to come on her skin. 
“You’re a dirty girl,” he comments.
Y/N winks, “only for you.” 
As they settled down from the high, Harry cleaned her up with an old shirt of his. They stayed cuddled on the large bed, sitting in silence. There was so much said between them, but they both knew they meant every word. It would be only up from here, even if only a few days were left. 
Y/N has enjoyed meeting new people, but this tour introduced her to new friends. Harry’s band is lovely and quite large; he has his main band, but during the disco medley, as he likes to call it, he brings out the horns. She found herself overtime making her way to their dressing room, watching them get ready for the night. Throughout her time on the tour, she earned her spot in their room as she watched them get ready before her set or after. 
Tonight was no different. Y/N was talking with Lorren and Parris about their plans after the tour. They shared they had shows lined up, but a break was the first thing they were looking forward to, and Y/N had to agree.
“Lorren, can I ask you something?” 
Lorren turned to Y/N with a bright smile, “well, of course.”
“Well, I was wondering if you could add stars to my face. Quite good at my eyeliner but shit at anything else,” Y/N confessed. 
Lorren looked thrilled. “Yes, please, yes. Thank you for asking.” Lorren stood up from her chair, giving it a pat for Y/N to make her way over. Lorren complimented Y/N’s skin and makeup, stating it was flawless. Y/N thought it better be she was religious with her skincare. She learned over time less was more and stuck with it. Sometimes, not even Y/N could escape her eyebags when she worked too long in the studio. 
She sat perfectly still for Lorren, continuing to talk to Kalia about her new musical release. It was something everyone had been waiting for; they were all incredibly proud. They segway to talking about Pauli, who, thanks to him, had brought them all on from the North America tour to right here in Lisbon and a final show in Italy. 
Y/N soon felt the room fall quiet. She got lost in her thoughts when a shutter made her snap her eyes open. It was only Georgia, her photographer, taking photos. “Scared me, Georgie.” 
Georgie laughed, “sorry, but you did tell me to capture everything.” 
Y/N wondered what she meant by that; before she could ask, Lorren declared her finished. She looked in the mirror and gasped at how perfectly they blended with the purple eyeshadow she used today. Y/N noticed Lorren added glitter to give it that extra glimmer. 
She hugged Lorren, thanking her over and over again. She would have continued if Georgie didn’t remind her she had to change. Y/N wished the room luck and rushed to her dressing room, where her outfit was laid out. 
One final look in the mirror, and Y/N’s ready to go. She walks out, happy to find Zahara, who came to celebrate the end of tour with her. “You made it!” Y/N cheers. 
Zahara wraps her in a hug. “No thanks to stupid United. Canceled my flight twice.”
Y/N winces, “don’t even want to imagine the conversation you had.” 
“It was not pretty,” Zahara shares. 
Y/N stands side stage with Zahara, chatting while Ash helps secure her mic pack while Zahara makes her promise not to do anything she wouldn’t do. Zahara doesn’t even know what she’s asking of her, especially because she has no idea who Y/N has been kissing behind closed doors. 
She rushes on stage; her signature mini skirt is back tonight, paired with a baby tee Harry ordered for her. It’s black and has bedazzled constellations all around, a big reason she asked Lorren for stars on her face. Y/N spent a large portion of her morning with Harry, thanking him for the gift. 
Harry watches Y/N sing her heart out to the crowd. This song Harry knows Y/N wrote when she was going through a bad breakup. While it hurts him to think about her with anyone else, he also knows he’s started to write endless songs about her and knows she’s done the same. Zahara greets him courtly, and he wonders if she knows. 
“Listen, Harry.” He steps closer, but Zahara never looks at him. “If you do anything–and I mean anything to smear her image, I’ll make you regret it. This girl has fought tooth and nail to be where she is.” Harry sees the fire in her eyes. “Y/N doesn’t open up easily, and I know you wormed your way in. You’re a good guy, but even a good person can break a heart. You know what it’s like to be talked about.”
Harry knows first hand how ruthless the media is. “I would never want that for her.” 
Zahara sighs, “I know. She’s special, and I think she’s proved that even more because of this opportunity you gave her.” 
“I-I- didn’t expect to fall for her,” Harry defends because he hadn’t, but one conversation with her, and there was no stopping it.
“She’s got that charm,” Zahara laughs. “Look at me here to watch her finish a tour when I’ve got so much to do. You’d do anything knowing you put that smile on her face.” 
Harry knows Zahara is right and goes back to watching Y/N. He can’t help it when he takes out his phone to record her because he wants to remember these moments of her on stage. He knows her setlist by heart and knows she’s got three songs left. What he doesn’t expect is for her to shoot a wink towards Zahara, and then they watch her jump off the stage. She makes it look effortless, but he’s worried and moves forward to try to stop her. Zahara shoots her arm out to stop him. “Slow down, rockstar. She’s got this.” 
“You’re okay with this?” 
“Oh, I’m furious,” she confesses, “but she did it with me in the audience, knowing I’d keep her safe.” 
Y/N walks through the barricade, serenading fans and security in front and behind her. It’s the only thing that brings him a bit of comfort. The cameras follow her around, showing her on the large screen, making him laugh because he can see how much she enjoys it. She walks the entire catwalk, hugging fans who are clearly there for her as much as they are for him. She reads a few signs, and by the time she returns to the stage, she has friendship bracelets lining her wrist, a shirt on her shoulder, and two bouquets of flowers. Y/N laughs in their direction, clearly noting the disbelief on both their faces. Y/N continues the show, giving 100% energy until she sings her final note.
She hurries off straight into Zahara’s open arms. While he can’t hear what Zahara is whispering to Y/N, he knows it has to be about him for her face to look flushed and not from her hour-long performance. Zahara pushed her towards Harry, who was waiting for his turn. Y/N settles in his embrace as he kisses her head repeatedly. “You’re mental, absolutely insane.” 
Y/N giggles against his chest, “how rude.” 
Harry puts his hands on her cheeks, pulling her back the slightest bit to get her to look at him. “You were brilliant! A shining star, you have the crowd in the palm of your hand.” Y/N’s smile shines at his words. 
“You’ve got lovely fans. They make it easy.” 
He holds back from kissing her but promises to see her later. 
Y/N watches him go, not caring that Zahara and the band will tease her endlessly for it. She doesn’t mind one bit. 
“I’ve been on tour with one of my favorite artists, Y/N Y/LN.” Harry lets the crowd cheer for her, knowing Y/N is waiting for him to call her onstage. “She’s got amazing songs, and lucky for you all, I asked her to sing a song with me for you all. So everyone welcome Y/N to the stage.” In her outfit from earlier, Y/N walks out, guitar strapped to her chest, waving to the fans. She sees hundreds of phones in the air as she stands at her mic stand. They had rehearsed today, with Harry promising he was ready. He seemed to know the entire song by heart and had his band learn it. “Let’s go!” 
Y/N never imagined being on stage singing her dirtiest song with Harry to a sold-out stadium. Y/N can’t seem to look away from him; it has her bringing out all her sensual dance moves when she plays this song. It’s a reason she cut it from her setlist tonight to play it specifically with him. When it comes to an end, Y/N turns to the Love band, giving them a round of applause. 
“How about one more?” Harry asks Y/N into the microphone. 
She smirks, “I'd be honored.” 
Y/N hands off her guitar to Chloe, waiting to pack it away for her. Then, he prances back over as Harry begins ‘Daylight.’ Y/N had always enjoyed this song, the sweetness packed in the lyrics. It's a song about a lover coming and going. While they’re home, he’s happy and full of joy, but once they’re gone, the mood falls, and he’s left missing them. It’s a feeling she’s familiar with, and she knows that Harry has lost a person due to being away for so long. It does make her think about her finished album and how it was influenced by everyone around her, romantical or not. 
As she comes over to sing into Harry’s mic, not minding the closeness, the cheers get louder as they stay together. She feels Harry’s eyes burning into the side of her head, and she dances away, letting him continue. When it’s her turn again, she returns to his mic, looking straight at him. She smirks, singing his lyrics. She sees his eyes darken and knows she’s in for a fun night.
Once the song ends, Harry lets the crowd give Y/N a long applause. Harry pulls her in for a tight hug, “thank you for doing this with me.” 
Y/N gives him a light kiss on the cheek, thankful her face is hidden from the crowd, “thank you for inviting me.” 
“I don’t want to let you go.”
Y/N laughs because she feels the same way. “Promise, I’ll be waiting for you when you’re done. Go have fun, rockstar.” 
She runs off stage straight into June’s teasing arms. Y/N doesn’t even mind not when her thoughts are running wild watching Harry continue with the show. 
“Babes, we’ve got to spend the show down there,” Felix begs, pointing to the crowd of fans leaning against the barrier.
Y/N’s eyes widen, “in the pit?”
They nod. Y/N knows they won’t stop until they do, so she compromises with them. They’ll go in between the catwalk and barricade for the last songs.
“I’m down,” Quinn quickly says.
“Can you get Harry to wet us?” June asks seriously. 
Dear God. What is she going to do with them?
Once they’re down watching Harry prance around, he changes it up and plays a surprise song that makes them all lose their mind. Followed by screaming their lungs to ‘As It Was,’ nothing better than yelling “Leave America” with a sold-out crowd. By the time Kiwi rolls around, Harry has spotted them and jokes for Y/N to give him her number. There are many oohs in response, but Y/N sends him a wink. The band got what they wished for, and Harry gave them a good splash, one Y/N avoided by hiding under Quinn’s jacket. Harry is about to do his signature exit when he freezes and spots the cup of beer in her hand. She offers it to him as a joke but complies when he signals for her to pass it over. He mouths, “thank you, baby,” and the next thing she knows, he’s doing the whale with her beer. Fuck, if she didn’t want to get him naked now more than ever, as she saw the beer run down his neck and bare chest.
“Fuck me, I’m glad one of us is fucking him,” June mutters to her. 
Y/N doesn’t bother correcting her friend. As her friends walk her back, she’s lost in her head because she enjoys being with Harry. Y/N knows she took her time discovering her feelings and allowing herself to fall for Harry; now that she has, it’s all-consuming. She is filled with so much safety and love; she’s used to being overwhelmed, but Harry makes her feel at peace. Having these conversations about what they are to each other is stupid, but she knows she owes it to Harry to tell him how she’s feeling. 
She walks to his dressing room to find him changed and has his bag swung on his shoulder, meaning he’s leaving. “Heading out?” 
He turns his head when he hears her voice. “Yeah, beat traffic.”
Y/N nods and stays quiet. She knows she’ll see him back at the hotel but feels like this can’t wait. 
“Harry, I—”
“H, we got to go,” Jeff interrupts, rushing in behind her. 
Harry frowns but doesn’t argue. He stands in front of her, reaching for her hand. He intertwines her fingers between his and pulls her along with him. “Come with me,” he begs. 
Y/N begins to tell him she can’t when Quinn swings her bag at her, telling her she’s good to go. Harry gives her a deadpan stare, waiting for her to try to provide him with a reason why she can’t, but decides to give in. “Lead the way, H.” 
The car ride to their hotel is quiet. Y/N leans her head on his shoulder as Harry comes down from the night's adrenaline. Her hand rests on his lap. She knows they will leave for Italy tomorrow. While excited for the last show, she’s sad it’s all ending. Y/N and Harry walk in together through a private entrance and say goodnight to Jeff as they head into Harry’s room. Her stuff never made it to her room, and it won’t in Italy either. 
Harry heads to the shower while Y/N heads to the sink to remove all her makeup. This all feels domestic to her, doing this routine with Harry as if they’ve done it for years. 
“You taking my beer was pretty bold,” Y/N comments when she hears the water shut off. 
He dries off before exiting. She sees a towel wrapped around his waist and laughs when she sees it fits him a bit too small. “Thought you were offering it.” 
“Ever heard of a cheers,” she teases. 
Harry kisses her cheek and promises to warm her side of the bed. While Y//N showers and does her skincare, she thinks of what she will say to Harry. Her mind is going crazy, and she wants to get it in order before she just spills it all to him.
“Baby, you coming?” 
Y/N replies to give her a second. She finds Harry sitting in bed, his book on his lap and the blanket untucked, waiting for her to settle in. Y/N kneels on the covers facing Harry, knowing she has to get the words out tonight.
“Need to tell you something,” she breathes out. 
Harry looks at her concerned but gives her his undivided attention. “Course, love.” 
“I-I like you. I know I’ve said that, but I like waking up with you. I love going on dates with you. Holding hands brings the biggest smile to my face. Your hugs bring me so much love and safety. I enjoy having conversations about everything and nothing, but I also love sitting in silence with you.”
“Y/N,” Harry begins, but she shakes her head. He reaches for her hand and holds it tight. 
“I feel like it’s so soon to say these words, but I hope you feel it in every action and touch. I’m head over heels for you, Harry. I-I know I made you wait; I had to figure out my feelings, but I’ve never been more sure of anything than I am of you. Will you be my boyfriend?” Y/N asks. Once those words are out, she sinks her face in her hands. “God, that’s so fucking cheesy.”
“Hey, hey,” she hears Harry moving, then feels his hands pulling her hands away. He’s careful not to pressure her but lets him see her. “There’s my pretty girl.”
Y/N shakes her head; she really said all that.
“Thank you for sharing your feelings with me. I appreciate it. I like knowing where you stand. Do you want to know how I feel?” Y/N nods her head. “Well, love. I’m crazy about you, too. I like sitting with you and watching you play the piano. I love trading books we’ve finished reading because yours always have different annotations for me to find. I like seeing you watching me perform. I love watching you perform for an audience, and I can’t wait to see a show soon where the entire audience is there for you. I’m falling in love, and I know you’ll be there to catch me.” 
She feels her eyes well up with tears because Y/N has never been good at expressing her emotions, but with Harry, she’d conquer every fear to make sure she can make him feel loved and seen. She presses her lips against his and melts against the familiar taste. With a soft moan, she shifted close as his mouth opened over hers, and his tongue slid between her lips. She might have initiated the kiss, but Harry seems to be the one who always takes control. She was always okay with that. She tilted her head so he could kiss her more deeply. He didn’t need more encouragement. The kiss became intense; heat flashed through her, making her thighs clench, and while she would love to take this further, she knew they needed to rest. 
His hands trailed up her nightshirt, and she broke away to let out a loud moan when she felt him squeeze her ass. “H-h-harry, not tonight,” she managed to make out. 
Harry slows his hands, bringing them back to her waist. “But we can kiss,” he asks against her lips. 
“All night if you want.” 
“Don’t tempt me,” he teases.
Harry pats her ass and helps her get under the covers. Y/N laughs when he turns her to be facing him. He wedges himself between her legs to be close; there’s no way of knowing where she begins, and he ends. 
It’s a perfect night. 
Italy has always been perfect to Y/N, from the people to the food to the views. While Y/N knows enough Italian to get around and understand it, Harry is basically fluent. He’d been practicing his speech all morning. His only break was to give Y/N one last wake-up call that had her screaming his name. 
Y/N and Harry spent a few days roaming Italy together. They were officially a couple and were enjoying it. Harry kissed her every chance he could get. Y/N always had a hold of Harry, whether it be his hand or at the small of his back. It’s clear everyone knows they’re together, not that they made an announcement but because they are always spending time together. Where one goes, the other follows. 
June, Quinn, Felix, and Y/N sit together in the green room, discussing their favorite moments from the tour. Quinn said in Amsterdam, some strangers let him join their bar hopping. He ended up finding he could not hold his liquor like they could. Felix shared it was playing at Slane Castle. They heard stories of never thinking it would be them on that stage. June made them all cry by stating that every moment on stage with them was special to her. June is going on a break after this, needing to go home and be with her family, while Y/N accepted that she would miss her best friend. Y/N shared it was exploring new studios while writing her new album. 
“You have to play it for us soon!” Felix expresses. 
Y/N nudges her friend, “who else would I show first?” 
Quinn nudges her. “Someone named Harry.” 
“Promise it’s almost done. Think I’m just missing an album name,” she shares, knowing she finished recording most songs. 
Before the band can start throwing names at her, there’s a knock on the door, and Harry comes in with the Love band, all holding something behind their back. June narrows her eyes at Harry, not one for surprises, but Y/N knows this will be good. 
“Y/N and band, thank you for joining us on an amazing, successful tour this year. I enjoyed listening to you every night,” Harry tells them honestly. Everyone echoes his words. “That being said, we got you a gift.”
They were all presented with a bag, and June and Quinn were quick to rip into it while Felix made sure not to make a mess. Y/N held the gift close to her chest but watched her friends open their presents first. June held a black sweater to her chest. It had her name embroidered on one side and Love on tour on the other. “Shit, we get some too!” June exclaims. “I was so jealous of y’all.” 
Quinn pulls out a pair of shoes, “satellite stompers,” to be exact. His smile is wide, and he quickly bounces over to pull Harry in for a hug. “Thanks, man.” 
Y/N doesn’t open hers because she was the one to give Harry their sizes, so she’s not expecting anything else. 
June turns to Y/N, pointing a finger, “how did he know our sizes?” Y/N grins while June gasps accusingly. “I bitched and moaned about not having one. Is this a pity gift?” 
Harry quickly assures her he wanted to give them to all of them in private. Everyone in the crew got some; he meant everyone from the band to Y/N’s photographer. Every person was necessary on this tour, and Harry wanted to make it known with a gift. Harry stepped close to Y/N and gestured for her to open hers. She gives him a suspicious look but does as he asks. She removes the jacket quickly, slipping it on when she spots a bow at the bottom. Y/N looks at him surprised because when she pulls it out, she sees it’s one she had shown him a few weeks ago. It’s an intricate bow with wildflowers embroidered on it. It has unique beading to create this delicate bow.
“The meadow bow,” she whispers, delicately touching the ends.
Harry’s cheeks warm when he sees her expression. Y/N blinks away her tears because it’s unreasonable to cry, but the fact that Harry listened to her when she went on about something as silly as her bows and ribbons. Y/N doesn’t think about what she’s about to do; she only knows she wants to thank Harry. Y/N hugs Harry, but she pulls away quickly, connecting their lips in a kiss. Harry is frozen for a second but promptly responds, both easily sinking into each other. The hollers and cheers make her break away, leaning her head on his chest.
“Sorry, H,” she sighs. 
“Don’t mind. Think you should do it again.”
“Not again,” June yells. “You cute together, but I don’t want to see that.”
Harry promises to let them get ready. 
“Will you be watching?” Quinn asks. 
Harry nods, “we wouldn’t miss it.” 
“The entire family is watching,” Gemma chimes in. Harry gasped, not knowing she had arrived. 
“Gems!” Harry rushes over to scoop his older sister in a hug. Y/N knows when Gemma says the entire family, she means it. They all promised to sing their hearts out for him. Y/N had met most of them during the few shows in Wembley, but she was merely an opener, and now she is Harry’s girlfriend.
“Come on, Y/N. Mum wants to say hello,” Gemma calls for her as she drags Harry out. Y/N promises not to be long, but the band brushes her off, telling her they already have good company. 
Y/N has the best time with Harry and his family. They share laughs about young Harry being nervous to sing in front of a crowd and now ending a tour with over 90,000 people. Anne can’t stop her tears, which makes Harry emotional, too. He stays cuddled at her side. Anne asks Y/N about her tour, and Y/N invites them to opening night. “Don’t know if you’d be able to make it, but it’d be lovely to have you there. My mum and a few cousins are attending.”
Anne reaches over Harry to squeeze her hand, promising to be there. “Course we’ll come. Your mum is lovely. Can’t wait to catch up.” 
Starting off a tour in London was the right choice for her because she wants to be in her own bed before she sleeps in a different one each night again. Y/N excused herself, needing to prepare for one final Love on Tour show. 
Y/N huddled her band before going on stage. “You are my favorite people. I feel so lucky to do this with you every night. One last night with June, let’s make it unforgettable.” 
“I love you,” Felix shouts. They laugh, squeezing each other tight, echoing the words to each other. And with that, Y/N and the band take the stage one final time. 
“Italy, you have been an absolute dream. Each night, every crowd welcomed us with open arms, and when you sing back my lyrics, that is something I will never forget. I couldn’t do it alone, though. My amazing, amazing band. Felix, June, and Quinn are my family. Without them, I would not be where I am, and I will never forget that. June is actually taking a break after this tour. She’s going away, but she’ll be back. The spot is open if Sarah Jones is looking for a job.” The crowd laughs while June shakes her head in disbelief but also knows Y/N would never pass up a chance to work with someone at the caliber that Sarah Jones is at. “Most importantly, thank you to Harry Styles for inviting me out on tour. It’s the best choice I could have ever made. You have shown me kindness from the first moment we met. Thank you for allowing me to use your stage each night, but most importantly, thank you for showing me how music inspires you to do good and always do better. This last song is dedicated to you, H.” 
Y/N hurries off stage after playing “The Last Man on Earth” and runs straight to the dressing room, where she cries into June’s shoulder. This tour has her saying goodbye to her best friends but opening new opportunities because she knows there is a conversation she’s been dodging for some time now and knowing Harry today won’t end until he gets his way. 
“That was beautiful. Every night, honestly.” Y/N steps away from June, wipes away her tears and is thankful she decided not to do her eyeliner tonight, or she’d look worse than she feels. Harry had come to see them all but mostly knew his girlfriend would need a bit of comfort. 
“Harry, my man. Thank you,” Quinn answers, pulling him into a hug. Everyone does the same, but Y/N stands frozen. It seems everyone can pick up on the tension and give her a moment alone with him. 
Harry hurries over and takes her in his arms. Y/N relaxes in his hold because he’s always had that calming effect on her. “You were wonderful. Had me in tears.” 
Y/N giggles against his chest, “stop it.” 
“Seriously,” he laughs, and Y/N feels it go through her. “Jeff was recording me, laughing at my tears.” 
“Thank you, H. I know you said you’d watch, but knowing you were in the crowd made tonight even more special.” 
Harry kisses the top of her head. “It was all you. Don’t know how I will survive without seeing you every day.”
“You can follow me on tour,” Y/N offers. 
“Now that’s a thought.” 
They settle in silence, neither one having anything to say. Simply enjoying their time together. Y/N doesn’t know how much time passes, but she knows he’s got to get dressed. 
“I really like you, Y/N,” Harry whispers into the quiet of the room.
“Harry,” Y/N pulls back to look at him. Those emerald eyes are full of love, and Y/N knows it for her. She has to let herself be happy, and it’s clear Harry is a big part of bringing that joy to her life. 
“I like you,” he repeats. “And I’ll keep liking you tomorrow and every day that is to come. I’m letting you know how I feel. We’ve discussed it, but it doesn’t mean I can’t remind you. Will forever be crazy about you.” 
“I’m crazy about you, too,” Y/N breathes out. “You fill me with so much happiness.” 
Harry smirks, “enough to join me on holiday for a few more days?”
She looks at him, confused. 
“My family and a few friends are spending time in my home here. If you’d like to join us–join me,” he offers timidly.
“You mean it?” 
Harry nods, “nothing better than you in a bikini,” he teases. 
She slaps his shoulder, “I’m there.”
Harry kisses Y/N. She is quick to soften beneath him and eagerly reciprocates the kiss. Y/N loves his touch, and with each kiss, she feels herself heat up and knows where this could lead, but there is just no time. “Harry,” she mutters against him. “You’ve got to get ready.” 
He sighs against her, “one more.”
Y/N happily agrees.
Y/N can’t stop her hands from shaking. She’s done everything she could think of, from doing math problems in her head to focusing on her breathing, yet nothing is working as she waits for Harry to introduce her.
“I don’t know if many of you know, but I personally requested for Y/N to join us on tour. I didn’t know if she would be available, but my manager told me to have hope, and here we are now. I-I-honestly know she’s one of our generation's best writers and singers. I feel fortunate to have shared this time with her. Something none of you know is that Y/N loves playing my piano. She’s written a lot of her second album on it. So I thought it would be fitting to bring it out and sing with her. Everyone, please welcome Y/N!” 
She walks out from behind the stage. Y/N waves at the crowd she had greeted an hour earlier. Y/N feels like her heart is going to beat out of her chest. It wasn’t a feeling she was familiar with; it was something she told the crowd. 
“Feel special. Y/N is the definition of calm and collected,” Harry teases. “Now, this is Y/N’s song, and I thought maybe you’d want to hear a bit.”
“It’s called ‘Right Now’. I hope you enjoy.” They had planned this: Harry would play the keys, and Y/N would sing, but for some reason, her nerves were getting the best of her, and Harry started the song for her. Hearing Harry sing her lyrics comforted her because he genuinely enjoyed her music. Her voice blended in with Harry’s before it was her all alone. Y/N stayed on the bench with Harry, feeling too vulnerable to go out to the crowd. It was insane debuting a song to a crowd that maybe wouldn’t relate to her words, but she sang with every emotion she could pour out for the odd chance that someone did. Y/N felt Harry’s eyes on her and turned to smile at him. Thanks to Harry, she finished this album and finished this song. These songs weren’t written about him; they have him intertwined in the stories she’ll share about this album. 
Before she knows it, she’s singing the final lyric, and Harry plays the last note. “Everyone, Y/N!” The applause is thunderous, making Y/N tear up. She tries to imprint this moment in her mind because she never wants to forget it. Harry walks her off as the piano is taken away, though none of the fans know it will return by the night's end. Harry leaves her backstage, wiping away the few tears that escaped her. 
“Thank you, that was beautiful,” he kissed her cheek.
He goes to walk away, but Y/N pulls him back in by his vest and kisses him. One of his hands moved to the back of her neck, holding her to him as he devoured her mouth. “I’m so lucky to have you,” she breathes out. 
Harry is tempted to kiss her again, but he knows if he does, he’ll get lost in her and can’t do that when he has a show to return to. “It’s me. I’m the lucky one. ” He runs back, asking the crowd if they’re ready to do some dancing. The cheers are enough for him to continue on.
The show goes on, and Y/N has the time of her life. She goes out after her song to dance and sing with his family in the crowd. Harry finds them all easily, but the tears don’t stop when he takes his time to thank his mum and sister. To thank his friends who have been there from the start, Y/N knows he’s including her in the thank you’s because he reminds her time and time again that she changed his life in a way he never expected. 
Y/N knew about the ballad he would be playing on the piano. It’s something they worked on together, but something she didn’t expect was the quietness of the crowd. There is no sound except a few people crying as this lovely melody fills the area. 
Harry walks off the stage in tears, and the band soon follows. Y/N knew she’d be emotional, but she can’t seem to stop crying. She walks hand in hand with June backstage, where she sees Harry hugging his mother and moving on to his sister. They all huddle in Harry’s dressing room as they erupt in cheers, celebrating the end of the tour. Y/N knows she’ll find a minute with him alone but, for now observes Harry being showered in the love he deserves. The room slowly began to filter out, giving Harry a moment to shower and change out of his clothes, but before she could leave, she felt someone grab her wrist, and the door shut behind her. Harry stood in front of her dimpled smile on his face. His emerald eyes were shining bright. 
Happiness looked good on him. 
“Congrats on a successful tour, Harry!” Y/N wrapped him in a hug, aware of his bare chest. 
His arms held her tight as he swayed her side to side. “Thank you for writing that song with me.” 
“Our first of many,” she promises. 
Harry breathes her in, letting them stand in silence, soaking in the moment. This is a day they both would look back at fondly. It’s a story they’ll tell their future children.  
“Thank you for bringing love to me,” Harry whispers. He loved touring and, at times, found it lonely, but ever since Y/N joined, it’s like he found his missing half. He never felt alone because he knew she was always close by. 
Y/N shakes her head, “think it was all you.”
Harry ponders for a second. He was the one with the idea to bring her on as a tour opener. “Think it was.”
He connects his mouth with hers in a passionate kiss. She feels him grin against her as he pushes her against the door. His hands roam her back before resting on her waist while hers find a home in his hair. Y/N had been craving him since he kissed her halfway through his show. She kissed him, hoping her mouth said everything she hadn’t spoken aloud. 
Y/N knows this is the next part of her story. It’s not ending or starting; she’s simply turning the page to create a new chapter. Y/N has no idea where she’ll be in one year, let alone five, but one thing she does know for certain is that she loves Harry. 
thank you for reading 💜💜💜 please feel free to send me a message of what you loved from the story
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myouicieloz · 17 days
Huh Yunjin x 6th member!reader
Synopsis: you can’t take your eyes off her, specially when she’s dancing. thankfully, yunjin makes sure to put up a show for you.
Warnings: suggestivee. safe for work ma babes ^^
Word count: 1.6k
Notes: I SHALL PERSEVERE. fuckass writers block 😤. i will noooooot proofread this ^^
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“Oh my God. Are you ok?” Yunjin asks, turning her attention away from her choreography as soon as she catches you desperately choking on water.
You throw your phone on the other side of the couch— as well as the bottle you were holding, in hopes of controlling the coughing fit that has you shaking rather violently. Still trying to gasp for air, you manage to nod, thumbs up to let Yunjin know you’ll most likely live.
“Just fine.” Your voice comes in between breaths, still accompanied by weakened coughs. “I drank too much at once.”
She giggles, walking towards the couch so you can sit side by side. You make sure to grab your phone back so your bandmate doesn’t reckon the cause of your coughing fit: scrolling through TikTok, you found a fan cam of the red-haired girl performing at their showcase just days ago.
Her bare waist, tight cropped and low-waisted jeans were enough for you to breathe in deeply, looking anywhere in the empty room but at her; carefully to not be reminded of the sin that was your bandmate’s body. Not only that, but the way she moved, too— sharp and flawless, skilled as she played with her hair and bit her lip while looking at the damn camera. Yunjin is well aware of how hot she is, and she sure as hell makes good use of that when performing.
It’s torture.
“Are you sure?” She frowns, and it’d be adorable if your mind wasn’t clouded by how she’d react if you just pushed her down the small sofa and ruined her relentlessly until someone had to barge in, worried about the screams coming from the room— only to find her whimpering under your touch, begging for more. “Your face is all flushed, and your skin feels hot. Y/n, are you sick?”
You shake your head, doing your best to duck from your bandmate’s attentive touches. It’s comforting to have her hand cupping your cheek, but her touches are electrifying. A single brush of her fingers is and your heart skips a beat, along with a familiar ache that starts growing in your core.
“It’s nothing, unnie. Don’t worry.” Her smile is so pretty. She loves to be loved by you. “You might want to take a small break, though. Come on, you’ve been here for hours already! Don’t push yourself too hard.” You offer, even though it’s obvious she’s going to decline. Yunjin’s too much of a perfectionist, so much so that it’s incredibly common to find her in that same practice room during late hours of the night, rehearsing the group’s choreography so she’ll be nothing but perfect once they go on stage.
The hate train Lesserafim’s been receiving has been getting to her, you know it as much. It’s easy to see in her chapped-off nails, disheveled hair, and how she never stays still, due to the amount of coffee she consumes on a single day. She’s too hard on herself, and you wish she’d open up more. How much better would it be if she just didn’t bottle it up so much, and relied on you instead? You’re bandmates, after all.
Touchy as she’s always been, Yunjin grabs your hand and leads you to the middle of the dance room, in front of the mirror. You’re left standing awkwardly, with a confused face until she rushes back with a chair. “Actually, I needed your help with something.” She gestures for you to sit, which you do. “It’s my turn to record something for TikTok, and manager-im asked it to be a dancing piece. Can you tell me if it’s good?”
You gulp when she launches her jacket lazily onto the ground, setting up her song of choice on her phone. The beat starts slow as the singer’s sweet voice echoes through the room, and Yunjin walks towards you in unhurried, precise steps. There’s not enough air, with all your mind clogged by her, and you can feel the slick dripping from your cunt. Once she finally reaches you… it’s insane. Her fingers brush your collarbone, the shadow of a proper touch has you shivering as she places both of her hands on your elbows and pushes herself down, her hips swirling just as the melody drags on— you can’t do anything but hold her by the hips, adding pressure to her rocking back and forth in your lap.
Her covered cunt brushes against yours and it’s the best feeling you’ve ever experienced; it feels heavenly, to have the friction just right where you need it. Yunjin’s arms go up in an arched movement, leaving her pretty neck all exposed. It’d be so easy to just push her in and suck on her porcelain skin until no makeup could hide such hickeys. Along with the song, she breathes in, which rides her crop top enough that you can see her lack of a bra.
It’s borderline painful: the way her actions lit your body on fire, the desperate need for more, the way she does a hair flip, still so attentive to the music you don’t even hear anymore. The only bang in your head comes from the pleasure building up down in your lower abdomen, waiting. Anticipating.
Yunjin grabs you by the neck just as the chorus hits, brushing her mouth against yours. She makes her way down to your neck, teasing her teeth against your clavicle whilst her other hand toys with the hem of your sweatpants, tapping in the right rhythm. “Do you want it?”
“More than anything.” Your response comes immediately. You’re soaked, and there’s nothing more in the world you want more than for her to touch you. “Please, Jen… Want your fingers inside.”
Yunjin is always eager to please, and you’re so glad for that. Her hand makes her way past your panties, and she smirks once she’s met with the mess you’ve made. “Does my dancing turn you on that much?” Her sultry tone does nothing but entice your moans, “Oh, Y/n… that’s pathetic.”
In any other situation, you’d give her mockery an answer just as filthy. But as her fingers brush your slit, gathering slick as Yunjin uses your juices to press her thumb on your clit, you can only muster a loud whine. Tangling your arms under her neck, you lift your hips a bit further, in hopes of having more.
More. It’s all you want. You need more.
“Jen, f-fuck. Please, I need—“ Two of her fingers enter your cunt unannounced, making you grasp. Yunjin’s movements are just as precise as her choreography, thrusting in and helping with the ache in your pussy right where you need it.
You’re not proud of how lewd you sound, all at your bandmate’s mercy as she fastens her pace on your dripping sex. She’s still in your lap, and the combined pressure feels just perfect.
Yunjin’s mouth leaves a trail of kisses in the valley of your boobs, her wet, cherry lips enticing the fire in your body. “I know what you need, baby. Just let go for me, you can do it.”
One command of hers and the tingling sensation that has been building up in your body explodes, allowing you to feel the wave of pleasure you’ve been so eagerly anticipating from the moment you entered the room. You cum with a high cry, with Yunjin’s fingers going even faster as you ride out from your orgasm. It’s not enough, though — you still need more. You think she’s going to give it to you, but your friend’s fingers retreat completely.
Yunjin’s left you a breathless mess, hot and bothered and just so desperate to have her in any way as you stare at her, hopeless and confused.
“Why’d you stop?” You whine, puting.
Yunjin laughs at the sight of your puppy eyes, so big and watery from frustration.
“Because that was it.” Her answer is resolute as if she didn’t make you cum seconds prior. With a fake frown, she adds, “Should I post it? Is it good enough?”
Taking a deep breath, you bite your lip as your hands find their way to her waist, bringing her to your lap once again. Even the smallest amount of friction _hurts_, from how horny you are, and you wince.
Noticing your struggles, Yunjin giggles as she leaves small, wet kisses on your jaw. You decide to play coy, too, “Not at all. In fact, I think you need a lot more practice. Go again, from the beginning… please?”
Yunjin laughs so hard she drops her head back, pinching your nose. “Sure, baby. I think so too.”
You kiss her again, exploring your way into her pretty mouth as your hands lift her shirt, groping her tits. Yunjin makes an effort to be perfect, and you’re so glad for her hard work.
“Oh, and Y/n?” She calls you, her tone all innocent. Yunjin’s lips are addicting, and she’s such a good kisser… it’s nearly impossible to focus on anything else. You hum in acknowledgment, and that seems to be enough for her, “You should lower your phone’s brightness before watching my thirsty edits, next time.”
You’d for sure choke again, if it weren’t for her devious laugh, silencing your shock with her sultry movements on your lap.
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a singer!reader where she writes a super sexy song and the fans are going crazy because she's never written a song like that. she goes to some talk shows bc she has to promote the album of the song, and they ask her about it and if its about her boyfriend tom blyth!!!!
Never be like you || Tom Blyth x singer!reader
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A/n: lowkey need Gracie to do a cover for this song bc I feel like her voice would suit it sm and I wanna see her do this type of vibe!!
Warnings: fem!reader, swearing
Wc: 719
Tom Blyth x singer!reader au masterlist
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“Our next guest, is a Grammy nominee for best new artist, performing her single never be like you for the first time, please welcome Y/n Abrams!” Jimmy Fallon announces as the crowd erupts in cheers. You take the stage, the crowd hushed in anticipation. The spotlight illuminates you, clad in a sultry ensemble that's a departure from your usual style
“What I would do, to take away, this fear of being loved, allegiance to the pain,” Your fingers wrap around the mic as you close your eyes. “Now I’m fucked up, and I’m missing you, He’ll never be like you,” The atmosphere shifted, and you began to sing the sultry lyrics in a way that surprised even your most dedicated fans. The audience was captivated, and whispers of amazement spread like wildfire.
“I’m only human, can’t you see? I made, I made a mistake, please just look me in my face, tell me everything’s okay,” Your hands, usually strumming a guitar, were instead in your hair as you tilt your head back almost in a sexual manner. The crowd, initially unsure how to react, soon becomes entranced by your unexpected venture into this new style.
The song's sensual undertones echoed through the venue, and you felt an electrifying connection with the audience. This style of song was something you’ve never done before. That’s why you really enjoyed producing it. It brought you out of your comfort zone; a deliberate choice to express a different side of yourself.
"How do I make you wanna stay? hate sleeping on my own, missing the way you taste," your voice, rich and alluring, wraps around the lyrics with a sensuality that catches everyone off guard.
"Stop looking at me with those eyes," a smile naturally played on your lips as you delivered that line, intentionally fixing your gaze on the camera, fully aware of Tom's watchful eyes. The lyrics, tailored to hit home with your boyfriend, spoke directly to his captivating deep blue eyes – the kind that always left you spellbound, and no amount of time together could diminish the flutter of nerves they induced.
"like I could disappear and you wouldn't care why, now I'm fucked up and I'm missing you, he'll never be like you," Backstage, Tom can't tear his eyes away. The way you command the stage, blending vulnerability with a newfound confidence, stirs something within him.
He had heard snippets of the song before its release, but experiencing it live brings a visceral intensity he hadn't anticipated. The lyrics, once a private exchange, now echo through the venue, leaving everyone captivated.
As the performance concludes, the audience erupts into applause, their astonishment turning into admiration. Tom approached with a grin, desire in his eyes, expressing his awe at your unexpected and alluring rendition. "That was incredible," he whispers, pulling you into a passionate embrace.
Word spreads like wildfire. Fans, accustomed to your previous style, can't believe the transformation. Social media buzzes with speculation, theories swirling that the song must be about someone special.
In a promotional interview, the host, with a sly grin, asks the question on everyone's mind. "Rumors are circulating that the inspiration behind your latest single is none other than your boyfriend, Tom Blyth. Care to shed some light on that?"
A coy smile played on your lips as you glance at the crowd, then back to the interviewer. "My supporters sure are smart, huh?" You giggle softly to yourself. "But, yes, it is about Tom."
"It's quite different to my usual style, but it was very fun to compose," You smile. The revelation sends shockwaves through your fanbase. Speculation turns into fervent curiosity, and they dissect the lyrics for clues about your relationship with Tom. Social media explodes, and you find yourself at the center of a newfound spotlight.
Tom, for his part, embraces the attention with good humor. During his interviews for "The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes," fans playfully tease him about being the muse behind your provocative song. He takes it all in stride, admitting with a smile that he's flattered by the attention.
"So, Tom, we've all heard your girlfriend's new song 'Never be like you' and everyone knows it's about you. What are your thoughts on it?" the interviewer inquired, a playful glint in their eyes.
Tom chuckled nervously, a light blush creeping up his cheeks. "Well, it's certainly an interesting experience," he replied with a sheepish smile. "I'm flattered, to be honest. My girl is incredibly talented, and she expresses herself very well through her music, something I admire,"
As he spoke, his castmates, Rachel and Hunter, couldn't help but interject with mischievous grins. "Oh, come on, Tom! 'Interesting experience'? That song is steamy!" Rachel teased, eliciting laughter from Hunter.
Tom rolled his eyes, feigning annoyance. "Alright, alright. Maybe 'interesting' is an understatement. But seriously, I'm incredibly proud of her. She was worried her new style of music not being a hit, but she nailed it."
The banter continued, but beneath the teasing, there was a genuine camaraderie. Tom's supportive words reflected not only his admiration for his girlfriend's artistic expression but also his pride in you.
As your relationship becomes a public fascination, the dynamics of your performances shift. Fans attend your shows not just for your music but to catch glimpses of the chemistry they've read about online. The narrative surrounding your love story becomes intertwined with your artistic identity.
Tom's become a regular at your shows, grinning from ear to ear as he watches you own the stage. Your private affair has gone all public, and now it's like you and him are this dynamic duo everyone's rooting for. The crazy twist in your music style? It's like you cracked open a whole new world for yourself, and at the same time, it's made you and Tom this inseparable couple in the eyes of your fans.
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hotvintagepoll · 3 months
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Virginia O'Brien (Panama Hattie, Til the Clouds Roll By, The Harvey Girls)—oh god I love a sarcastic deadpan bitch. She shows up in a lot of not-very-good 1940s/50s movies as a side character who Sings One Song and then Leaves, but it always brightens up the proceedings to have her come in looking like she wants to kill everybody before fucking off and doing it again somewhere else. She would absolutely do numbers in a modern sitcom.  
Dorothy Dandridge (Carmen Jones, Porgy and Bess, Island in the Sun)— The first Black actress to ever be nominated for best actress, Dorothy Dandridge was a groundbreaking actress who deserved better. She started her career as a singer, being put in a song-and-dance duo with her sister by their stage mother, and singing in soundies (I highly recommend cow cow boogie, it's adorable), proto-music videos. She started appearing as a featured singer in films. Her star was on the rise and she soon became a star solo performer. She continued acting, but had limited options because she refused to do stereotypical roles. She finally landed a starring role in Bright Road in 1953, but it was the movie Carmen Jones that truly cemented her as a star and sex symbol. Not to sound cheesy, but she literally sizzles on screen. You can't help but understand how poor Harry Belafonte gets caught in her trap, just look at her. This is the role that got her that Oscar nom. She didn't win cause I mean #OscarsSoWhite, but she was a sensation and continued starring in films, despite troubles in her life (including a shitty director bf who fucked with her career and a traumatizing pregnancy/delivery). Outside of her filmwork, she was also an activist, fighting against racism. She left behind an amazing legacy, and continues to inspire many actresses to this day (including also very hot first (and only) black woman to win best actress, Halle Berry).
This is round 1 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Virginia O'Brien:
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Dorothy Dandridge propaganda:
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Beautiful actress and hand-working and talented singer, she's especially notable for the number of firsts she accomplished such as the first African-American woman to receive a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Actress and the first African-American woman to appear on the cover of Life magazine.
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Dorothy Dandridge was a classic Hollywood triple threat, singing, dancing, and acting with the best of them. She was the first African American nominated for an academy award for Best Actress for her role in Carmen Jones and she was just jaw-droppingly beautiful.
this og of black film needs no introduction (star on the hollywood walk of fame anyone?), voice of an angel, heavenly features, just an overall stunning lady :)
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Look at her!!! She is so unbelievably charismatic in Carmen, it’s insane. Her chemistry with Harry Belafonte is off the charts, and every time she puts another outdoor [sic] on it’s like ‘oh god this is a whole new level of stunning’ 🥵. She was so so talented, when she’s on screen I genuinely dare you to tear your eyes away from her. Deserves to be known so much better but due to Hollywood racism and a tough personal life she didn’t make it as big as she should have done. She’s incredible.
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First Black actress to be nominated for the Oscar for Best Actress! Was the first choice for the role of Cleopatra that went to Elizabeth Taylor (we were ROBBED).
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orchideous-nox · 7 months
The Amazing Devil are underrated storytellers
Like I'm sure many people did, I discovered alt-folk band The Amazing Devil through Joey Batey as a fan of The Witcher. Someone on TikTok was talking about the song Fair and how the actor who plays Jaskier (or Dandelion, depending on preference of material) from The Witcher sang it.
Instantly, I knew I had to listen to this song and I sat with it on repeat for an hour, picking through references and laughing at how pure and simple the love conveyed in those words was. It's the kind of love you dream of, where your partner completes you and life without them seems impossible. A love that goes beyond you both, as if there was no choice but to fall for one another. It's not pretentious or impossible to understand. It's universal and I fell in love with it.
Months later, I found Battle Cries, a song of overlapping whimsies. It tells the tale of two lovers ending their relationship and trying to find pieces of calmness in the uproar of their breakup, comparing it to a war not just between each other but within themselves. There a metaphors deeply woven within the lyrics and each line is magic as Joey and Madeleine sing over each other, words occasionally syncing up, representing the way they struggle to feel in tune with each other at the end of their relationship.
Battle Cries lead me to Marbles, the story of a couple where one of them is suffering from memory loss, the trials and tribulations of watching the person you love forget who they are and who you are too. It is a beautifully told story that feels so genuine, making me wonder how close to home the inspiration was. This song is an absolute guarantee at tears while also making you laugh.
Ruin came to me next, as wells as Drinking Song for the Socially Anxious and The Horrors and The Wild, three songs with such incredibly different vibes that don't just need to be listened to but thoroughly devoured.
Finally, a song I can never praise enough, Inkpot Gods. This song brings together so many ideas and images I love. Again, it is heavy on its use of metaphors but contains one of my favourite references they have ever used. The song discusses the love you can hold for another person and the lengths you will go to so you can protect them. It talks of breaking generational expectations and being there for someone when they can't defend themselves.
The best part of Inkpot Gods, however, is the Lord of the Rings reference where Madeleine sings "you might not fear a man//but to a woman by the end you'll kneel and plead". This is popularly theorised to be about Eowyn in The Return of the King and the line "I am no man" she speaks as she ends her foe's life, a show of her strength not despite of her gender. Easily the best line of the trilogy to me, and hearing it in song form cements this, following it with "I'm more than what my mum told me", breaking this tradition what what a woman can or should be.
While Joey Batey was the draw to The Amazing Devil's music for me, Madeleine has kept me there, she has such a beautiful voice and her and Joey together have made some stunning music that I will always love. They tell these fantastic stories within a few minutes, creating characters worthy of epic tales and narratives so deep and complex it leaves you thinking for long after.
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look-at-the-soul · 10 months
Hi! I'm new to the Peaky fandom and am in need of some Tommy fics because he's my favourite character! If your requests are open, (if not, there's no rush!) may I pretty please have a drabble or imagine -- whatever is easier -- with this gif?
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*A little spice is okay, just nothing explicit. Also, my pronouns are she/her, but a gender neutral story is totally okay, too! :)
Thank you in advance!
Hello Jessyca! 🥰 Thank you so much for sending this gif!! I decided to make it part of Adele challenge using one of my favorite songs! (Lyrics in italics) 🔥🥰 edit and welcome to the fandom!! 🥰 I forgot to reply this sorry! I hope so far you’ve found incredible stories and lovely mutuals around (I’m always reblogging stories I really enjoy reading 💖)
🔥🔥🔥although the gif is extra hot, you’ll find nothing but fluffiness in this little story…
Women like me
By the corner of your eye, you found Mr. Shelby trying to catch his breath. Resting on his back against the pillows, he was looking at the ceiling completely lost in his own thoughts, his thumb rubbing absently between his brows.
You're driving me away, give me a reason to stay
I want to be lost in you, but not in this way
Don't think you quite understand who you have on your hands
How can you not see just how good for you I am?
In silence you started the same routine you knew by heart now; get up, get dressed and sneak out of his bedroom in silence, head down.
Ah, yes you were almost forgetting about his generous payment in between.
I know that you've been hurt before, that's why you feel so insecure
I begged you to let me in, 'cause I only want to be the cure
You could still feel his seed dripping down your legs, but tried to pick up your clothes scattered on the floor as gracefully as you could to get dress in the corner.
You’d been serving him for several months now, rumor has it Lizzie Stark wasn’t his mistress anymore because she got pregnant, so that was your job now; being Thomas Shelby’s whore.
Complacency is the worst trait to have, are you crazy?
You ain't never had, ain't never had a woman like me
But tonight there was something different, out of place. Mr. Shelby was still in the same position, his chest was now moving at a more normal pace. Looking at the floor, you felt embarrassed to ask for the money so you decided to pretend to fix your hair to see if he got the hint.
But he didn’t.
So after he longest seconds of your life, you decided to walk out without anything, feeling disappointed because you really needed to money to support your family. Perhaps he’d pay you double the next time, you thought to yourself but as you reached the door, his voice stopped you.
All you do is complain about decisions you make
“Y/N…” Your mouth hang open, surprised to hear him say your name.
“Is there a chance for you to stay all night?”
“I-I don’t know Mr. Shelby.” You stammered nervously, the instructions were clear; let him do whatever he wants, pick up your stuff and leave.
“You can call me Tommy… is there somewhere you need to go?”
Your eyes found his briefly, but you instantly dragged them down. “No, it’s just I’m not supposed to stay for the night.” You answered in a low voice.
“Why not?”
Feeling more embarrassed than ever, you didn’t want to point out the obvious, but as his intense blue eyes stared at you, you didn’t have another choice.
“Sir-Tommy,” you corrected yourself, “I’m just a whore.”
We come from the same place, but you will never give it up
It's where they make you feel powerful
That's why you think I make you feel small
But that's your projection, it's not my rejection
You knew that’s what you were, anyone could tell without even knowing you. But calling yourself that, hit you differently.
“Come here,” he extended his hand at you, and you didn’t have any other choice but take it and climb into bed again. “How long have you been coming here?”
“Six months.”
I put my heart on the line for the very first time
Because you asked me to, and now you've gone and changed your mind
But loving you was a breakthrough
You saw his head moving up and down slowly, but he was still oddly quiet.
He was still trying to organize the thoughts inside his mind as he saw you absently picking on your stockings. How could he put into words the way he felt about you?
“Y/N over the last couple of months, you’ve been the only one willing to spend some time with me, when everyone else finds an excuse to walk out the door, you’ve been the constant of my days, or nights for the matter.”
I saw what my heart can really do
Now some other man will get the love I have for you
'Cause you don't care, oh-oh-oh
Was he going to ask you to stop coming every night? You couldn’t speak, terrified of saying something that would piss him off. You had fallen for him secretly, blame it to the intimacy, the frequent late night calls, the way please took over him, but you did and deep down you knew it was all wrong.
“You’re not like the others, you don’t take and leave. You fill my glass with whiskey before you go or you pick up my clothes and fold them… you’ve listened to all my shit without judging me.”
Confused, you gave him a long look. “Tommy, what are you try-”
“I’ve feelings for you, Y/N.”
“That can’t be true, I’m a whore… men like you don’t fall in love with women like me.”
Consistency is the gift to give for free, and it is key
To ever keep, to ever keep a woman like me
“Women like you?” He was suddenly kneeling in bed in front of you, his hands cupping your cheeks. “Who says that?”
“Everybody knows that.”
This was just a fantasy, a dream. You were worthless, the worst of the worst.
“Just so you to know, I’m not so different than you… we just sell different parts of ourselves, Y/N.”
His eyes fixed on you, his intense gaze penetrating every layer, tearing down every single wall. And as he realized your guard was coming down, he pulled you in for a kiss, breaking the only rule you set when you first walked into his bedroom; no kissing.
That first kiss felt totally different to anything you’ve experienced until now, because men usually take what they want and leave right away, but Tommy took his time to explore your lips, the way they molded to his, tentatively, switching his pace and tilting his head from time to time as if he didn’t want to leave a single spot unattended.
He broke apart allowing you to take a deep breath, your head was spinning.
“Beneath, there’s a good woman, I just know it.” His knuckles carefully caressed your chin. You wanted to believe him, but you had been used in the past you no longer knew who you were.
He saw the hesitation in your eyes, so he took your hand and placed it over his heart. “Y/N I’m not going to hurt you, I genuinely fell for you, for he woman you are, for the little things I know about you… for the way you allowed me to be myself when the door is closed.”
He had been fighting it for so long, but with you he was allowed to strip down not only from his clothes, but from the heartless cold bastard he had to be in front of everyone else.
“Will you give me the chance?”
Looking down you fought against the lump that formed in your throat. “But how will you deal with my past and all the burden I’ve?”
“I’m not going to erase it, just like you can’t delete mine,” his fingers sunk in your disheveled curls, “but we can look forward and take it from there, together.”
As a single tear slid through your cheek, his thumb came to wipe it away, right before he crashed his lips once more and you believed him with all your heart because deep down you knew he was right.
A woman like you wasn’t so different than a man like him.
Master list
A/N: I’ve had this idea for a while now, guess it was time to post it, and I apologize because although I absolutely adore the concept I have been feeling a bit down and I’m not sure I was able to portray what I intended to…
Like always I’m so grateful if you decide to share your thoughts x
Tag list: @lyarr24 @runnning-outof-time @cillmequick @datewithgianni @cloudofdisney @gretelshelby @gypsy-girl-08 @lespendy @onlydeadcells @fastfan @stevie75 @rangerelik @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @esposadomd @forbidden-forest-witch @ange-thoughts @moral-terpitude @elenavampire21 @forgottenpeakywriter @thenattitude @winchestergirl22 @zablife @heidimoreton @imichelle-l-rigby @allie131313 @already-broken144 @peakyscillian @babaohhhriley @mrkdvidal1989 @shelbydelrey @shaddixlife @sloanexx @sydneyyyya (can’t tag) @adaydreamaway08 @pono-pura-vida @thomashelbyswife @darleneslane @everythingelseisextra @kmc1989
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Pookies beloveds do you jnow that cats the musical is the best thing ever created and all the songs are so good and the entire point of the musical is that they are a community and despite it being really weird and having a cat orgy it also has amazing set design, even if it all just happens in the same place and in that one scene when Alonzo kicks a ball and it hits Mr Mistoffeles it was actually an accident and he was meant to catch it and in the 2015 brazilian adaptation in Rio de Janeiro, Rum Tum Tugger holds Mr Mistoffeles' jacket for him so he can dance and also the guy who plays him does a little voice crack while singing and sometimes i repeat it to stim and also do you know that the guy who plays Old Deuteronomy voices that one guy in the Nightmare before Christmas and i headcannon that Victoria is deaf because she is a white cat with blue eyes and its really common for them to be deaf and also i dressed up as Mr Mistoffeles to go to school when i was like 14 and also i think that the 2019 version was really bad not only because of the cgi but because they fundamentally misunderstood the enture story because it makes absolutely no sense that Victoria is the protagonist, the whole point of the thing is that there is no protagonist and that all of them have i am songs instead of i want songs and also the decision to remove Jemima and Demeter and Cassandra and Jellilorum and Etcetera and Electra and leaving only Bombalurina was a horrible idea and making her evil is just fucking up her character, she just think that Macavity is hot she doenst agree with him and also having him sing his own song was so fucking stupid and he was there all the time wich makes no sense because they say in the song that tahy can never find Macavity and he is a ginger cat so why the fuck is he brown, the only person who did a good job was the guy who played Skimbleshanks and thats because he is a trained dancer and not a random celebrity, also they made fun of Bustoffer Jones wich is stupid because in the musical all the cats respect him because he eats everyday and having all the cats singing their own songs was horrible, it took away all of the meaning of all of them being a group, also them making Mr Mistoffeles sing and be all shy was the worts thing ever, Rum Tum Tugger singing his song was to show that he cared about him and trusted him to bring Old Deuteronomy back safely and also he decends from the sky in a sparkling jacket and shoots lightning from his hands, that was a discervice to his characther and dont even talk aboyt beautiful ghosts because this song took away the entire meaning off memory, Grizabella wants to go back to the past so bad that she is willing to do anything for it wich is why she is the chosen for the Jellicle choice and gets to be reborn , the important thing wasnt that it was Victoria who held her hand, the important thing was that no one stopped her, meaning that she had been accepted back in, wich is why in the movie her charactherisation is shit because she would never back away from touch, touch is all she wants, touch means that she is loved and is part of the Jellicles. Also there is way too little dance in the movie. Cats is a ballet. You cant take this out of it. What the fuck do you mean the Mr Mistoffeles song is 1 minute long and he doenst even dance. Where are the piruettes you cunt. Also all the male cats having crushes on Victoria is incredibly out of characther. And they took away my girl Demeter. She had fucking PTSD and it made the viewer understand how evil Macavity trully was and also she sang beautifully and erasing her interactions with Munkustrap was a crime. They fucking had Gus sing his own song instead of Jellilorum wich is stupid because it showed that they cared about him even when he is too old to dance. And Mungojerrie and Rumpleteaser didnt even had their dance routine.
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ginger-berrie · 1 month
So firstly I of course have to say this musical is fucking phenomenal and if u havent seen it even on youtube you HAVE to. onne of the best musicals ever wrutten. ignore any typos in this my hands r still shaking and im not editing htis. OKAY.
The actors. It was a college level production but the actors were so so talented. My favorite performances were from Mendel and Jason, who both pulled off their roles INCREDIBLY. Mendel was like a carbon copy of Brandon Uranowitz he had his mannerisms DOWN. All the nervous ticks, touching his face, being generally so awkward all the time, even his face was just perfec t for the role. And Jason was played by an adult femme-presenting person but they were so good as him!!!!! their voice fit him perfectly and she also perfectly encompassed Jason;s awkward childlike nature. The entire cast was incredible but those two really stood out to me!!!! Everyone's singing voices as well were fantastic, especially Trina's—she KILLED the high notes and even sung up the octave on a few lines !!!! including the "but still the bastard divorced me" and she still belted the "you must exorcise a devil" even AFTER Im Breaking Down. In fucking sane.
THAT BEING SAID THOUGH. Even though i enjouyed every second of it I do wanna make some more analysis-related directing critiques because im fucked up and evil about this show . im so sorry just let me speak here meaout. Stating right now though I've only seen the 2016 revival (about 2 dozen times) and not the original 90's version (been meaning to watch it just havent gotten the chance) so i reserve all TRUE judgement until after I see it!!! maybe some of these choices were in the original but tbh if they were i still like how the revival did it better. okay i swear im not just one of those ppl who is like "tHaTS noT hOw ThEY dId iT On BroADwAy" calm down. thanks <3
First of all. Some of the scenes lacked energy !!!!! Thrill of first love had no homoerotic choreography!!!!! they just kinda sat there on the couch looking morose and barely looking at each other as if they truly just hate each other and feel ANYthing towards each other anymore at all. But thats not the point!!!!!! They dont fully hate each other theyre just lacking the excitement that they once had and it's been replaced with nothing but disagreements and sex. When Whizzer and Marvin do their gay little dance theyre not just dancing and being gross and sexual theyre also FIGHTING!!!! they still care about each other they just dont know how to act!!!! and marvin's a bitch of course. Marvin was still very much a bitch. But because of the lack of energy in this song there was a bit of a lack of chemistry between the two as well, which carried through the whole show. I feel like it's important to see just how gross fucked up n nasty these two are about each other to see how its truly affecting the other people in Marvin's life. Even their chemistry during the chess game was lacking. They just kinda felt like they really hated each other. Which isnt the pointtttttt. Guh
Trina (or the directors idk) also made some choices I wasn't 100% on board with but they were more subtle. Mostly in her tone about Mendel. Up through Please Come To Our House she seemed to really really like Mendel. Like it was clear she was attempting to woo him. But then when he was proposing, and when they were maknig their home together, she just seemed. Unenthused. I know Trina truly doesn't really love her life, and just needs the stability of a nuclear family, but it was odd to see her not even attempt to keep up the facade on her own. Her and Mendel were similarly lacking in a lot of chemistry because of this, which, maybe to some of you makes sense but to me i do want to see them be close even if Mendel isn't absolutely the best.
LAST CRITIQUE OKAY. This one is BIG SPOILERS if u havent seen it yet but probably if ur reading this far youve already seen it okay. The fuckign bar mitzvah!!!!! There was no acknowledgement from Whizzer to Jason as he was reading his Torah !!!!!!! He just layed there in the hospital bed, facing AWAY from the audience so we could only see the very top of his head (which was on purpose for a quick change but) and he didnt get up at all to thank Jason or even acknowledge him :( for all the audience knows maybe he didnt even see Jason get bar mitzvahd. screaming crying throwing up.
OKAY IM DONE W BEING MEAN HERES A BIG CHANGE I REALLY LOVED !!!!!! as well as some smaller changes that i also really liked or were jsut neutral things i noticed
For most of act 2, up until Days Like This, They had this really cool circus imagery? Now once again idk if this is in the OG, but they had a picture of each cluster of characters set up on either side of the stage, and each of them was doing some sort of circus act both in the pictures and on stage, especially during A Day in Falsettoland. When a character was having their point in the song, they'd sometimes cut the lights briefly and suddenly the characters would be struggling to perform their little circus act, and each of them had a differnt one respectively and they all represented their immaturities/flaws/struggles:
Jason was on stilts, representing his need to grow up and perhaps his perceived mental maturity compared to the other characters
Trina was balancing/spinning plates on sticks, representing her need to keep balance and order in her life
Marvin + Whizzer were fencers because of their lingering animosity, yet newfound respect, for one another. Fencing isnt a dangerous sport, like you dont actually hurt your opponent in it, but it;s still a fight and youre still pointoing a weapon at them. guh. (AND BTW they did this during the racquetball scene and HOLY SHIT. I just gotta describe this one. Racquetball number 1 They had their little racquets as they were singing to each other but then when they got really into the game the lights would cut and then theyd be FENCING each other instead!!!!! and then the lights would cut again and itd go back to racquetball!!!! BUT THEN in the racquetball number 2 when it cut to them fencing ONLY MARVIN HAD A SWORD. WHIZZER STILL HAD HIS RACQUET. GIUUHUHGGHGHGHGHGH.;..,.,/;;'.';.;'[[[.)
Then the lesbians from next door were like a duo balancing/acrobatics act where they were always leaning on each other and picking each other up which was cute but also like. Charlotte would start falling in one direction and Cordelia would have to scrambke to catch her. I always hail them as the healthiest couple in the show but sometimes i forget they have problems too, like Cordelia;s insecurity and Charlotte's stress over the virus of course.
And finally Mendel!!!! was the fucking ringmaster!!!!! He had a hoop and a top hat and every time he was trying to calm down Jason (Everyone Hates His Parents), or Caroline, or Trina (A Day in Falsettoland), he would appear with his hoop and top hat, to show that HE is the one who needs to "control" other people's lives, or at least he feels the need to direct them. Mendel of course needs to feel like he's smarter than everyone else and like he's the only one who can help people. It really drove that home and it was an insane realization to come to. Phenomenal directing choice idk who came up with that but. bravissimo to you
Now miscellaneous stuff i liked or noticed!!!
They didn't have the big ol foam block. just some couch ends that they moved around to be diff pieces of furniture. If you've ever seen Waiting In The Wings' analysis on falsettos you might have seen a comment in the youtube section discussing how in the set design for the revival, the lack of real furniture through most of the show represents the lack of maturity of the characters, and as things get serious for them, more real props and set pieces get added. Like the chess board, the decor for Mendel + Trina's home, Whizzer's suitcase, the whole hospital room, etc. They didn't lean into that with this but i think that's fine! its not a necessary detail in my opinion and they did their best with what they had!!
Marvin didn't hand whizzer the suitcase after the chess game. He just grabbed it, and packed it himself. I was waiting for him to slam it into whizzer's chest or something. but no. Whizzer just picked it up and walked off. okay. Neutral bad change imo
Marvin's performances of What would I do and What more can i Say were. Breathtaking. Marvin actor if you're out there reading this your voice is lovely and carries so much emotion in your solo numbers. I Did Cry. a little bit
god their group number harmonies were AMAZING. All of the cast members' voices blended together so well and it was absolutely beautiful. the whole show was beautiful and i adored it i swear. I jsut need somwhere to put my feelings
Okay its getting late now and im fading quickly BUT IF U READ THIS FAR UR INSANE. This is for me and nobody else i just eneded to feelings dump. tl;dr: i fucking lvoe falsettos this was one of the best nights of my life i love you actors i love you pit i love you lighting i love you run crew i love you sound crew i love you musical theatre
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sh4wty18 · 23 days
tiktok pt. 1
read pt. 2 here
pairing: jake webber x reader
summary: you decide to hard-launch your relationship with jake on tiktok, and get distracted along the way.
cw: fluff, language, hickeys, suggestive ending
word count: 1.7k + edited
You enter the kitchen of your boyfriend Jake's house to find him preparing a sandwich at the counter. You walk up behind him and wrap your arms around his waist, kissing his shoulder. Even though you’re shorter than him, (the top of your head only reaches his neck), physical touch is one of both of your love languages, and you both love this type of affection. “Babe, do you wanna post a tiktok together?” you ask him.
He swings around to face you and grips your waist with both hands, “Ummmm yes?? Is that even a question??? Of course I wanna make sure all of my hot girlfriend’s followers know she’s taken” he replies, a smile beaming across his pretty face. “But… weren’t you nervous about getting hate?” he asks, looking more concerned than excited now.
“I mean yeah, but it’s been over 4 months since we’ve started dating, and we’ve been completely private. I think I’m ready to let the world know I'm dating one of America’s Favorite Ladies.” you smirk and raise an eyebrow towards him, which elicits a grin. You really are ready to post together, even though you’re nervous. But you figure it’s only going to be more overwhelming the longer you wait. Jake and Tara have been broken up for almost a full year, and Tara even gave you her blessing to start dating him. Plus, you knew Jake had been wanting to post a tiktok with you for a while now, but wasn’t saying anything out of respect for you. 
Jake couldn’t hide his excitement now, but he still asked through his wide smile, “Are you a hundred percent sure? I only wanna do it if you know you’re ready.”
“Yes, Jake. I promise I want to” you hold your pinky up to him and he links his with yours. You’ve made a habit of using pinky promises as a form of asserting comfortability in your relationship. You and Jake can both get really anxious about hurting each other’s feelings or pushing a boundary by accident, so you decided that when verbal communication isn’t enough, a pinky promise will be another way of letting each other know you’re okay.
He is smiling from ear to ear, and you feel your face flush. You could look at that smile forever, and knowing that you are capable of making someone so happy makes you feel an incredible sense of joy. “Yay!!! I’m so excited, oh my God!! What do you wanna do, baby?!” Jake asks you, lightly bobbing up and down with excitement. You reach out and take hold of one of his hands, leading him to the living room where you plop down on the couch, with him sitting next next to you.
“Okay… so I’ve kind of had this idea for a while, but it’s really cringey, I’m not gonna lie” you say, leaning your head on Jake’s shoulder.
He leans his head on top of yours, “Y/N” he starts in his Mama Bear voice, “I don’t give a rat’s ass how cringey it is, alright?! We’re doin’ it!” 
You giggle, “Okay Mama Bear. I was thinking we could use the song “Apocalypse” by Cigarettes After Sex, and during the part where he says, ‘your lips, my lips, apocalypse’ we could alternate saying the lines or something. I know it’s dumb–”
“NO! Stop saying it’s dumb, it’s not dumb. If it makes you happy, then it’s worth it. And everyone’s gonna be jealous when they see it cuz of how hot we are. They’ll have no choice but to want at least one of us!” Jake replies, gripping your shoulders to emphasize his point.
You blush and laugh, Jake always knows what to say to make you feel accepted. “Thanks, Jake” you say shyly, and he leans in to kiss you warmly on the cheek. 
“Anything for my favorite lady,” he says. You definitely feel your face flush as you wrap your hand around his neck and run your fingers through his hair, maintaining eye contact with him. “Haha, I made you bluuushhh” he teases, poking you in the side. 
“Shut up!” You reply, grabbing the nearest pillow and whacking him over the head with it.
“Owwwww… Y/N that hurtttt” he whines in his baby voice, pouting at you with fake sadness.
“Awwww, do you need me to kiss it better?” You ask, teasingly. 
He nods happily, “Yes, yes I do, thank you.” 
You pull his neck towards you and kiss his forehead gently where you had hit him with the pillow. He pulls your face towards his mouth and your lips meet. He grabs your waist and pulls you onto his lap, anchoring your body around his hips. Your hands play with his hair as he leans into the kiss, gripping your back with his hands, practically gluing your bodies together. He frees himself from your mouth to start peppering kisses down your jaw and lingering on your neck. He knows where to suck to make your breath catch, even though you try to hide it. You’ve always been a fan of hickeys, and Jake is fucking good at it. You tilt your face a little more towards his ear and let out a small moan, which only causes him to suck harder, finishing in one section and moving to another, leaving bruises scattered around your neck in all the spots he knows you love. He’s about to continue down to your tits when you pull away from him, “Babe, stop distracting me with make out sessions! We’re supposed to be filming a tiktok!!” You know you’ll both be naked soon if you don’t stop him now, but you really wanted to rip off the bandaid and post the tiktok. Sex can wait– and it was definitely worth it. 
Jake stares up at you, lips swollen and breaths quick, “Grrr you’re no fun,” he jokes in his baby voice again. His fake-pout quickly turns into a smile, “I’m just kiddin’, let’s get filming! But I would put some make-up on there before we start if I were you,” he nods toward your neck. 
You climb off his lap and walk to the bathroom, turning the light on to look into the vanity mirror. “JAKE!” you scream, “What the fuck!! How did you leave this many that quick?!” Your neck has at least six purple bruises scattered across it, ranging in size. 
He bursts out laughing and runs into the bathroom behind you to admire his work, “Damn, I’m just the hickey queen I guess” he says, and places a hand on your lower back. He hops up to sit on the vanity as you begin blending concealer into your neck. He watches you and smiles, “You’re so pretty.” 
“Shut up, you can’t win me over with flattery now!” you try to maintain a stern face but you can’t hide the grin forming on your lips as you make eye contact with your boyfriend. “It was pretty good though.” 
“Oh, I think it was more than just “pretty” good, considering I had you moaning in my ear.” He leans towards you, maintaining eye contact, knowing that you’ll fold if he stares at you long enough. You were never able to keep eye contact with him for too long, it just makes you flustered. 
“Fine it was REALLY good,” you say, smirking, and add a peck on the lips for good measure. 
“That’s what I thought,” Jake replies sassily, hand on hip. 
After you finish applying the concealer (you eventually had to give up because no amount of concealer could fully cover the bruises on your neck), you both return to the kitchen to film the tiktok. Jake leans against the island counter, and you lean against him with your arms around his waist, so that your torsos are pressed together. He angles the phone above both of you since he’s significantly taller, and presses record. The song starts playing, and you’re gazing at each other. You lipsync the first part of the line “your lips, my lips”, and Jake follows up with “apocalypse”. When the line ends you both lean in to break the tension, softly pressing your lips together. After the sound ends, you both rewatch the video to double check that it looks okay. 
“I think I can see one of my pieces of artwork a little, but I doubt anyone else will notice unless they’re LOOKING for hickeys,” Jake says, “But still… you sure you wanna post it?” he double checks.
“Honestly, I don’t give a fuck anymore, I just want the world to know that you’re mine.” you reply, gazing up at him.
“Holy fuck, you’re so hot when you take control.” he says, looking flushed, “Hurry up and post it so I can finish what I started.”
You feel your heart rate increase at the thought of Jake continuing to mark your body, so you quickly type out the caption “hard launch <3”, tag Jake in the video, and post it, putting your phone on Do Not Disturb and leaving it on the counter. Whatever happens, you know Jake will always be there to support you, but that doesn’t mean you’re not nervous as shit to post a video of you guys kissing on the internet. 
He senses your nervousness and intertwines both his hands with yours. “Hey, don’t think about it. They’re gonna say whatever they want but we’re the only two whose opinions actually matter. And what I know is that I love being with you. You’re beautiful and smart and kind and funny and being around you makes me happier than I’ve been in… a long time. So fuck them… and fuck me?” He winks at the end, perfectly ruining a pure moment in classic Jake fashion. But you can’t complain, you know he meant every word of what he said, and you love his sense of humor, no matter how silly it is. 
“You’re such a child!” you giggle, “But thanks, and I could say the exact same to you. You’re a star, Jake. And you make my life brighter in every way. I love being with you.” You hold the sides of his face in your hands and pull him into a not-so-gentle kiss, which he returns hungrily, moving his hands up your back under your shirt, to feel your bare skin. He pulls away for a second to let out a breathy groan against your mouth, “Let’s go upstairs.”
this could be a standalone, but let me know if you want to see pt. 2! it's also already posted on my ao3 :)
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freedomfireflies · 2 years
hey can you write one where Harry is traveling on a regular flight instead of a private one to go to a show, and he sits next to y/n and they start talking, and then he takes her to the bathroom and fucks with her there.
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That’s Harry fucking Styles.
You think.
You’re almost positive. You can’t exactly see his face. Obscured by dark (although incredibly expensive looking) sunglasses.
His sweatshirt is large. Large enough to fall to his wrists, effectively hiding any skin, and making it nearly impossible to distinguish him by his tattoos.
He doesn’t…look famous. Although you guess that’s a pretty rude assumption to make. Anybody can look famous.
But…this is main class. Harry Styles would never be caught dead in main class…right?
And maybe it’s not about his ego. Maybe he simply wanted to switch things up. Or help the environment? You’re not entirely sure his reasoning (after all, you’re not the rich popstar slash model slash actor) but you are almost ninety-nine percent sure that this is him sitting beside you.
Well, one seat away.
Thankfully, he was the only other person in your row, and when booking your ticket, you both apparently chose to keep an empty seat between you.
Which is almost a necessity, just in case you accidentally get stuck next to a sneezer, or a baby, or one of those old guys who watches porn when he thinks nobody is looking.
You hadn’t noticed him when he sat down. Were already pulling out your book and continuing to the next chapter.
You had barely offered a glance when the stewardess offered bottles of water and some chips. You had declined. He had accepted the water.
Which hadn’t been all that exciting before, but now you can’t help but wonder if it’s for his throat. 
Is he on tour right now?  Or maybe visiting family? A girlfriend? Is he dating anyone?
You’re a bit embarrassed by your lack of knowledge, but in your defense, he hadn’t really been all that exciting to you growing up. You’d heard a song or two. Knew he sang about fucking fruits or something. But beyond that, not much else.
Now, you regret not having his poster taped to your wall, because maybe if you had, you’d have a better chance of confirming your suspicion.
But, after a few minutes, you realize you’re probably startling the potentially famous or potentially average man beside you and return your focus to your book.
A minute or two goes by. You’ve already forgotten about the mysterious stranger. So engrossed in the plot on the page that you don’t notice his figure lean a bit closer.
“S’good, right?”
You jump, the paperback flying from your grasp before it falls into your lap, your chest heaving and cheeks burning bright red. “Shit—”
“Fuck, sorry—” He leans back, palms midair in surrender. “Sorry, I didn’t mean—”
“No, it’s fine.” Your eyes briefly shut as your hand moves to your chest. “It’s fine, I…I didn’t like that chapter anyway.”
A smile trickles across his lips. “It’s a good book, though, yeah?”
You nod, doing your best not to stare when you realize the lilt in his voice is an accent. And Harry is English, right? Fuck, you can’t remember. Maybe he’s the Irish one. Or the one with a baby. Wait, which one had the baby? Don’t they all have babies now? “Yeah, I like…the pace. The pace is good. And Jeremy. He’s fun.”
“Oh, I fucking love Jeremy.” The stranger’s grin widens and next thing you know, he’s reaching for the rim of his sunglasses.
Oh shit.
It really is him. 
You think.
Oh, fuck, don’t stare.
“Yeah, he’s…I think I like him better than Luther,” you force yourself to reply, nodding in agreement. “Not as annoying.”
“Right.” Harry places his elbows on the armrest and leans forward, now at least two inches closer. “No, Luther is such a fucking ass, I don’t know how she puts up with it.”
“Well, she shouldn’t, right?” You turn to him, a bit surprised he shares your opinion. “Like…Jeremy is the clear choice. But she won’t give him a chance cause he’s not as tortured as Luthor and his precious daddy issues.”
He laughs at the mock in your tone, reaching up to run a hand through his curls as the hoodie is pushed off his head to reveal his hair.
Oh, that’s totally fucking him. You’d know Harry Styles’s hairstyle anywhere.
And the rings. You feel yourself physically swallow at the sight of the large medallions adorning his knuckles.
Oh, he’s got great fucking hands. Has he always had such long fucking fingers? Okay, maybe you get it now, maybe you get why everyone is so fucking obsessed with this oddly attractive—
“Exactly, which is the point, I guess,” he’s replying, and your eyes flicker back to his. “S’all the fucking angst.”
“I mean, sure…but they could also just fuck and get it over with.”
He laughs. Loudly. Loud enough that at least three people look over and your ego swells with pride. “Okay, that’s…that’s fair.”
“Exactly. I’m sure it would be great,” you continue, before biting at your lip coyly. “You know…I bet it even tastes like strawberries.”
His expression drops, and for a moment, you’re mortified because you had meant to make a joke and lighten the mood, but maybe he thought you didn’t know who he was. Maybe he was relieved to sit next to someone so oblivious.
And now you’ve blown it and he’s gonna change seats and you really fucked up your one chance because of course you did and—
“Oh, very fucking funny.” A smirk. A rather amused one. “Mhm. Yes, I bet it does.”
Thank fucking God. “Yeah. Maybe some cherries, too.”
“Uh huh.” His head shakes, fingers reaching up to pull at this lip to disguise the smile. “Probably kiwis.”
“Ooo, or peaches! Oh, no wait, that’s not you. That’s the other guy.”
The smile breaks free. “Wow. No, I was flattered, and then you ruined it.”
“Hey, it’s not my fault he snagged it before you did,” you argue, hands raising in submission.
“He did not snag it—”
“No, he snagged it. Might have even done it better than you.”
His brow raises and you fight the giddy grin. “Oh, is that right?”
He leans in a bit closer. “I’ll give you one chance to apologize and take it back.”
“Okay, or…hear me out…no.”
A soft chuckle. “Funny.”
“Thanks, I thought so,” you reply, shrugging casually before the conversation comes to a lull and you decide you better quit while you’re ahead. You reach for the book on your lap, thumbing through the pages softly before glancing at him and shaking it in the air excitedly. “Well…they’re about to fuck, so…fingers crossed.”
“Yeah!” Nope, too excited. Reel it in. “Uh…I’ll let you know how it goes.”
“Yeah,” he agrees before his voice softens. “Or…hear me out…we could share?”
Your heart leaps to your throat as your focus leaves the page to land on him. “Oh?”
“Yeah, I just…fucking forgot my copy,” he stammers, motioning towards the bag at his feet. “And my phone doesn’t have any books…and, the movies here are shit, so I figured…but it’s fine, I can just—”
“No, I’m happy to share.” You open the book a bit wider as a gesture of invitation.
He seems pleased as he unclicks his belt and slides into the seat beside you, now incredibly closer, and oh fuck he smells so good. 
You figured he might, but you hadn’t been prepared for the way your mouth nearly drools as the cologne and hair products waft toward you. 
Oh, this was not a good idea.
Who the fuck smells good on a plane, anyway? That’s the whole point of flying middle class is that you're gross and smelly and sweaty and hot and—
His fingers reach for the page, pinching them carefully as his eyes move to yours. “Done?”
Oh, you’re far from done. 
You force a mute nod, leaning back as if offering room to turn the page.
His arm brushes your shoulder as he flips to the next chapter and despite your best efforts, you suck in a sharp gasp.
And the fucker has the nerve to smirk. “Sorry.”
You shake your head fervently. “S’fine.”
Pull it together, dipshit. Just because he smells like sex on a fucking stick doesn’t mean you can—
“You all right?” He’s still watching, waiting for you to either admit you’re in heat or that you’re just really into the story.
Truthfully, it’s a bit of both.
“Yeah, it’s just…the chapter,” you murmur, nodding towards the book. “Kind of awkward to read with someone else.”
He hums, looking toward the word cock prominently displayed on the page. “Yeah, maybe. Probably be worse if it wasn’t so fucking vanilla.”
You blink. “Oh…is it?”
Truthfully, you’d thought the same thing, but you’re surprised he feels the same. 
A nonchalant shrug. “Yeah, like…if he would just slow down, y’know? Take his time with her. Really appreciate her.”
Oh fuck.
“Yeah.” A dry swallow. Your tongue suddenly numb. “Uh, yeah. That’d be…yeah. He should…yeah.”
His lips pull together coyly. “Could slide his hand up the inside of her thigh. Until she’s begging him to touch her. Maybe lean in to kiss her then pull away just before.”
Oh, he’s such a fucking sadist—
“Watch her clench her pretty, little thighs together.” His voice has dropped to a low purr, so deep, you just about fall into it. “Until she’s crying for him. Bet she’s a good crier.”
You force your eyes back down to the page before clearing your throat. “Yeah, well…knowing Luther, that won’t happen.”
You’re attempting to soothe the ache between your legs, the burn of your cheeks as you use humor to force him off the topic. 
“No, probably not,” he agrees before his hand slips over the armrest. Just dangles there. Close enough that the tips of his fingers graze your thigh. 
And you jolt. Looking down at the fleeting touch with near astonishment. So utterly confused and aroused that you’re afraid you’ll pull a muscle from clenching so hard.
“Sorry, just…getting comfy,” he apologizes, the swing in his tone provocative. 
“Oh, are you?” Your response is more flippant, ready to end his game before it can even begin. “Easy, Stranger.”
His head cocks to the side as his eyes sparkle with what looks to be admiration. “Stranger, hm?”
“Well…technically, we’ve never been introduced,” you argue, leaning toward the wall of the plane in an attempt to lessen the hex he has you in. “So, until then…Stranger it is.”
His tongue slips out to wet his lips. “Maybe I’ve got a better idea.”
“Oh, yeah? And what’s that?”
His pointer finger raises into the air between you as he motions you closer.
And despite the precarious ask, you oblige, returning to your spot and turning your head so he has access to your ear.
Then, “Maybe I’ll take you to that bathroom and teach you my name. Till you’re crying as you say it. Till you’re screaming it as I come inside you. Till this whole fucking plane knows what my name is.”
You wish you had more control over the way your legs immediately pulled together, but you don’t, and he clocks it like a hawk. 
The heat is crawling up your neck as you close the book and set it onto the floor beside you.
You’re not sure if he’s simply playing with you until you cave, if this is some sort of sick game he likes to play to pass the time instead of watching a movie like a normal person, or if he truly means it.
But regardless of his true intentions, you stand. You stand and brush past him as you head for the aisle, watching as his expression drops into one of confusion and concern.
“Where are you going?” he calls right as you make it to the edge of the seat.
You turn, bracing your hands on the armrest as you lean closer, now right in his face. “You’ve got five minutes, Stranger. Don’t be late.”
You watch the smile fall from his lips as his pupils practically double in size and if you were worried that he wasn’t as aroused as you are, that doubt is now wiped from your mind.
Poor thing looks ready to keel over and as you walk back toward the small restroom, you can’t resist the proud look forming on your face.
And about three and a half minutes later, there’s a knock on the lavatory door.
“Hi, Stranger.”
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(I edged you, sorry, don't be mad!!)
Next Part:
~ Middle-Class Seats, First-Class Fun pt. 2*
~ Other Harry Blurbs
~ Full Masterlist
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tosomeonessomeone · 4 months
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words・ 5.3k /pairings・Lee know x Afab!reader / genres・ slightly angst, don’t worry there is a happy ending/ warnings・ mentions of violence and a fake suicide letter.
This amazing anon send this incredible request, hope you enjoy it ✨ My darling, you made me forget my university duties just to write this amazing piece. Dear Lord, I hope you enjoy it. The credit is all yours for this amazing idea! L.MH X AFAB READER - slow burn forbidden love (slight angst) but happy ending! Also imagine the song is old😅 if you’re able to it’s set in the older days (language is more well spoken and mannered etc..) Y/N slips out the window. She was wearing a commoner outfit as a disguise. A hood over her head, given that she was the princess, her father would naturally never allow her to leave the palace grounds. She walks into the popular dive bar that she had heard about by the other commoners. She sits to the side, amazed by the man's captivating voice and performance of "Call Out My Name" by The Weeknd, but quite emotional (or any other song of your choice). She stares at the man, his voice is beautiful. The lighting is perfect and ambient, and when the charismatic singer catches her eye, seeing the awe written all over her face, he sings harder. After looking for a second longer he instantly recognises those beautiful eyes. ‘The Princess,’ he thought. (i’ve left it open if you’d like to carry on this scene!) A fresh prisoner was later thrown into a cell a few days later. Upon realising the lyrics that echoed the cold walls, one of the many prisoners was singing very quietly as she walked by, the princess asks the guards who it was, to which they respond that it was a new prisoner who entered the castle grounds without permission. She gives the order for all the guards to leave and enters the prisoner holding area. The singing paused, "Princess," was murmured from the dark cell. THE REST IS UP TO YOU :D if you’re confused the singer is Minho! ✨
Y/N's heart raced as she slipped out of the castle window, the cool night air enveloping her in a cloak of secrecy. Dressed in a simple commoner's attire, she pulled the hood over her head, concealing her identity from the prying eyes of the palace guards. Her father, the king, would never approve of her nocturnal excursions into the bustling town below.
Stepping onto the cobblestone streets, Y/N marveled at the sights and sounds of the common folk going about their lives. Lanterns cast a warm glow, illuminating the narrow alleyways and quaint shops that lined the bustling marketplace.
Guided by whispers and rumors, Y/N found herself drawn to a dimly lit pub tucked away in a quiet corner of the town. Pushing open the heavy wooden door, she was greeted by the scent of ale and the soft murmur of conversation. The atmosphere was alive with anticipation, the air thick with the promise of secrets waiting to be uncovered.
Taking a seat in the shadows, Y/N watched as the crowd hushed, their attention drawn to the stage where a lone figure stood bathed in the soft glow of candlelight. His presence commanded the room, his voice weaving a spell that held everyone captive.
As the first notes of the song filled the air, Y/N's breath caught in her throat. It was a melody she had never heard before, yet it stirred something deep within her soul. Mesmerized, she watched as the singer poured his heart into each word, his voice a haunting echo of longing and desire.
And then, their eyes met.
In that fleeting moment, time stood still. The world faded away, leaving only the two of them bound by an invisible thread of fate. Y/N's heart skipped a beat as she gazed into the depths of his soul, recognizing something familiar yet unknown in those dark, soulful eyes.
Lee Minho felt a jolt of recognition surge through him. Those eyes, he thought, as he continued to sing, each note infused with newfound fervor. They were the same eyes that had haunted his dreams, the ones he had glimpsed in passing at court gatherings and royal ceremonies.
The intensity of her gaze spoke volumes, a silent acknowledgment of the connection they shared, hidden beneath layers of duty and expectation. For a brief moment, their worlds collided, converging in a silent understanding that defied the boundaries of status and privilege.
As the song reached its crescendo, Minho poured his soul into each verse, his voice a reflection of the emotions swirling within him. In that dimly lit pub, amidst the curious stares and whispered rumors, he sang not just for the crowd, but for her – the princess who dared to venture beyond the confines of her gilded cage.
And as the final notes hung in the air, Minho held her gaze, a silent promise echoing between them. In that fleeting moment, he knew that their encounter was no mere coincidence, but the beginning of a journey fraught with challenges and obstacles, yet brimming with the possibility of a love that transcended time and expectation.
As Y/N hurriedly made her way through the bustling streets, her heart still resonating with the echoes of Minho's soulful melody, she felt a sudden tug on her arm. Instinctively, she tensed, ready to defend herself against any potential threat that lurked in the shadows.
But as she turned to face her assailant, her breath caught in her throat, her eyes widening in disbelief. Standing before her was none other than Lee Minho himself, his expression a mixture of concern and determination.
"Please, forgive my intrusion," Minho spoke softly, his voice barely above a whisper, "but I could not let you leave without knowing... without understanding."
Y/N's heart pounded in her chest, torn between the thrill of his proximity and the weight of the forbidden allure that bound them together. She searched his eyes, seeking answers to the questions that lay heavy on her heart.
"What is it that you seek?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper, her resolve faltering in the face of his unwavering gaze.
Minho reached out, his touch gentle yet determined, his fingers brushing against her cheek with a tenderness that ignited a spark within her soul. "I seek only the truth," he replied, his voice filled with sincerity, "I am Lee Minho, your highness."
Y/N's heart skipped a beat as Lee Minho knelt before her, his words reverberating with a solemnity that stirred something deep within her soul. "Rise, Minho," she whispered urgently, her voice tinged with urgency. "Please, there's no need for formalities."
Minho obeyed, rising to his feet with a grace that belied the intensity of his emotions. His eyes searched hers, a silent plea for understanding lingering in their depths.
"We must be cautious," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the din of the street. "If they were to discover my true identity, it would spell disaster for us both."
Minho nodded, his expression tinged with understanding. "Minho," Y/N whispered, her voice laden with longing and vulnerability, "please, call me by my name."
Her plea hung in the air, a fragile thread connecting them across the vast expanse of uncertainty and fear. In that moment, she longed to shed the weight of her royal title, to revel in the simple intimacy of being seen and known for who she truly was.
Minho's eyes softened at her words, a tender smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Y/N" he murmured, the sound of her name a melody that resonated deep within his soul. 
As they walked through the winding streets, Y/N could feel Minho's gaze burning into her back, his questions hanging heavy in the air like unspoken secrets. She quickened her pace, her heart racing with the weight of her own uncertainties.
"Why did you sneak out of the castle, Y/N?" Minho's voice broke through the silence, his tone tinged with a mixture of curiosity and concern.
Y/N paused, her steps faltering for a moment as she struggled to find the words to explain the tangled web of emotions that had led her to this moment. "I needed to escape," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "To breathe, to feel alive... even if just for a fleeting moment."
Minho's brow furrowed in confusion, his gaze searching hers for answers that even she could not fully articulate. "But why now? What drove you to take such a risk?"
Y/N hesitated, her thoughts racing as she grappled with the weight of her own desires and fears. "The walls of the castle were closing in on me," she admitted, her voice tinged with sorrow. "I needed to remind myself of who I am... of the woman beneath the crown."
Minho listened intently as Y/N spoke of the burdens she carried as the future queen of her realm, the weight of duty and expectation pressing down upon her like a heavy cloak. Though he could not fully comprehend the intricacies of her position, he knew one thing for certain – he wanted to make her feel alive, to help her rediscover the essence of who she truly was.
With each step they took through the moonlit streets, Minho sought to unravel the layers of Y/N's identity, to peel back the facade of royalty and reveal the woman hidden beneath. He understood that her heart longed for freedom, for the simple joys of life untethered by the constraints of tradition and obligation.
And so, Minho took a firm grip on her wrist, Y/N allowed herself to be led through the labyrinthine streets until they emerged into the heart of the village, where a vibrant fair was in full swing. The air was alive with the tantalizing aroma of sizzling food, the melodic strains of music, and the infectious laughter of revelers lost in the moment.
As they stepped into the bustling square, Y/N's senses were overwhelmed by the kaleidoscope of sights and sounds that surrounded them. Colorful banners fluttered in the breeze, casting playful shadows against the cobblestone streets, while vendors beckoned with trays of steaming delicacies and glittering trinkets.
Minho's eyes sparkled with mischief as he surveyed the lively scene, his smile infectious as he offered Y/N his hand, inviting her to join in the festivities. Without hesitation, she accepted, her heart pounding with excitement as they wove their way through the throng of people, their laughter mingling with the joyful cacophony of the crowd.
They sampled exotic dishes from far-off lands, their taste buds tingling with the flavors of adventure and discovery. They danced to the rhythm of the music, their bodies swaying in perfect harmony beneath the starlit sky. And amidst the chaos and revelry, they found a moment of peace, a respite from the demands of the world beyond.
For Y/N, it was a glimpse of the life she had always longed for – a life unfettered by the constraints of royalty, where she could revel in the simple pleasures of the present moment. 
As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Y/N found solace in the clandestine meetings with Minho, each encounter a precious treasure hidden away from the prying eyes of the world. Sneaking out of the castle became a ritual, a secret escape into a world where titles and expectations held no sway, where she could simply be herself, free from the weight of her crown.
In Minho, she found not only a kindred spirit but a true friend – someone who saw beyond the facade of royalty and embraced her for the woman she truly was. Together, they laughed and talked, sharing dreams and secrets beneath the twinkling stars, their bond growing stronger with each stolen moment.
In Minho's company, Y/N discovered the beauty of simplicity, the joy of living in the present moment. Whether they were strolling through the bustling marketplace or sharing a quiet meal by the riverbank, every experience was imbued with a sense of wonder and possibility, a testament to the transformative power of love.
And amidst the laughter and the shared moments, Y/N felt something stirring deep within her heart – a flutter of emotion that defied rational explanation. Was it admiration? Affection? Perhaps even love? She dared not speak its name, afraid to confront the tumultuous sea of emotions that threatened to consume her fragile heart.
But in the quiet moments of solitude, as she lay awake beneath the cover of darkness, she allowed herself to entertain the possibility – the possibility that in Minho, she had found not only a friend but a soulmate, someone who understood her in a way no one else ever could.
And as she looked to the future, uncertain yet filled with promise, Y/N knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, she would face them with Minho by her side, their love a beacon of hope in a world shrouded by darkness. For in him, she had found not only friendship but the true essence of her own heart.
As the moon cast its silvery glow over the labyrinthine streets, Y/N ventured out into the night, her heart heavy with anticipation and longing. With each step, she searched every familiar corner, every hidden alcove, hoping to catch a glimpse of Minho's familiar figure amidst the shadows.
But the streets remained empty, devoid of his presence, and the silence echoed with the hollow ache of disappointment. She dared not speak to anyone, fearing the consequences of being recognized, of having her secret world exposed to the unforgiving light of day.
With a heavy heart, Y/N retraced her steps, her footsteps echoing in the stillness of the night. The weight of uncertainty hung heavy upon her shoulders, casting a shadow over the once-familiar landscape. And as she returned to the confines of the castle, a sense of loneliness enveloped her like a suffocating shroud, the emptiness of her heart echoing in the cavernous halls.
In the solitude of her chambers, Y/N allowed herself to succumb to the melancholy that threatened to consume her, her thoughts consumed by the absence of the one person who had come to mean so much to her. She wondered where he was, what had kept him from their clandestine rendezvous, and whether he was safe.
The very next day as Y/N made her way through the dimly lit corridors near the dungeon, the haunting melody of the prisoner's song echoed against the cold stone walls, tugging at the strings of her heart with an inexplicable urgency. Ignoring the curious glances of the guards, she pressed forward, driven by a sense of determination that burned bright within her chest.
Reaching the entrance to the prisoner holding area, Y/N issued a commanding order, her voice steady despite the tremor of uncertainty that lingered beneath the surface. "Leave us," she commanded, her words carrying the weight of authority.
The guards exchanged wary glances but obeyed, their footsteps echoing into the distance until only silence remained, broken only by the soft strains of the prisoner's song.
With each step she took, Y/N's heart pounded in anticipation, her pulse quickening with the knowledge that she was about to come face to face with the mysterious singer who had captured her attention so completely.
And then, she saw him – a solitary figure huddled in the darkness of his cell, his features obscured by shadows yet somehow familiar. As their eyes met, a shiver of recognition coursed through Y/N's veins, her breath catching in her throat at the realization of who stood before her.
"Princess," his voice was barely a whisper, filled with a mixture of reverence and disbelief.
Y/N's heart quickened as she stepped closer to the cell, the dim torchlight flickering against the cold stone walls. "Minho," she whispered, her voice barely audible in the stillness of the dungeon.
Lee Minho stood up slowly, his eyes adjusting to the sudden presence of light. His rugged features softened as he gazed at the princess standing before him, her regal demeanor contrasting with the darkness surrounding them.
"Princess, what are you doing here?" Minho's voice was hoarse, filled with a mixture of surprise and concern.
Y/N reached through the iron bars, her fingers trembling as they brushed against the rough surface. "What are YOU doing here?!" Y/N's voice trembled with a mixture of concern and disbelief as she confronted Minho through the iron bars. Her heart raced with a myriad of emotions, each one vying for dominance in the tumultuous sea of her thoughts.
Minho's expression softened, a flicker of sadness dancing in his eyes as he met Y/N's gaze. "I... I had no choice," he confessed, his voice heavy with regret. "I was caught trying to enter the castle grounds without permission. They saw me as a threat, a trespasser in their world."
Y/N's heart ached at the pain in his voice, the weight of his words sinking deep into her soul. "But why, Minho?" she asked, her voice tinged with confusion and desperation. "Why would you risk everything to come here?"
Minho's gaze met Y/N's, his eyes reflecting the tumult of emotions swirling within his soul. "Because I couldn't bear to be apart from you," he confessed, his voice raw with emotion. "Every moment without you feels like an eternity, every heartbeat a reminder of the void you've left in my life."
Minho watched in astonishment as Y/N, the princess, rose to her feet with a newfound sense of determination, her regal presence commanding the attention of all who stood witness to the scene unfolding before them. In that moment, he saw her in a different light – not just as the object of his affection, but as a leader, a force to be reckoned with.
With unwavering resolve, Y/N turned to the guards, her voice ringing out with authority. "Release him," she commanded, her words carrying the weight of her station.
The guards hesitated, their eyes flickering between the princess and the prisoner, uncertainty etched upon their faces. But they knew better than to defy her direct order, and with a solemn nod, they set to work unlocking the heavy iron bars that had held Minho captive.
As Minho stepped into the cool night air, his heart heavy with the weight of their parting, Y/N remained standing in the dimly lit dungeon, her gaze fixed upon the empty cell that had once held the key to her heart. In that moment, she felt a sense of resolve wash over her, a determination to defy the odds and carve out a future where their love could thrive.
With unwavering determination, she whispered softly to Minho's retreating figure, her voice barely above a whisper yet filled with conviction. "Go," she urged, her words carrying the weight of her resolve. "Find sanctuary beyond these walls, and know that I will find a way for us to be together."
Minho turned back, his eyes widening in disbelief at the promise that hung in the air between them. In Y/N's unwavering gaze, he saw the reflection of his own hopes and dreams, a beacon of light in the darkness that threatened to engulf them both.
With a silent nod of gratitude, Minho disappeared into the shadows, his heart filled with renewed hope and determination. For in Y/N's whispered vow, he found the promise of a future where their love could flourish, unfettered by the constraints of duty and expectation.
As days turned into weeks, Minho's heart grew heavy with each passing moment of silence from the princess. Despite the whispered promises and vows of devotion, he couldn't shake the gnawing sense of unease that lingered at the edges of his consciousness. The absence of communication weighed heavily upon him, casting a shadow over his hopes for their future together.
Meanwhile, within the walls of the castle, rumors began to swirl like tendrils of smoke, carrying whispers of the princess's forbidden love. With each passing day, the whispers grew louder, the truth of Y/N's affection for a commoner spreading like wildfire through the halls of power.
As the rumors reached the king's ears, his rage knew no bounds. His daughter, the princess, the future queen of the realm, entangled in a romance with a mere commoner – it was a betrayal of the highest order, a stain upon the honor of the royal family.
Fueled by fury and righteous indignation, the king's wrath knew no bounds. He raged against the injustice of it all, his mind consumed by visions of betrayal and defiance. The very thought of his daughter consorting with a commoner filled him with a sense of profound betrayal, a wound that cut deeper than any sword.
Alone in the grand chamber, Y/N stood before her father, the king, her heart heavy with the weight of his disappointment and fury. The air crackled with tension, the echoes of his rage reverberating against the ornate walls adorned with symbols of their noble lineage.
Her father's voice boomed through the chamber, each word a thunderous indictment of her actions, a condemnation of the love that had led her astray. "You have brought disgrace upon our family name," he roared, his voice laced with anger and betrayal. "To consort with a commoner, to forsake your duty as a princess – it is a betrayal of the highest order."
Y/N stood in silence, her gaze fixed upon the floor, her heart heavy with the weight of his words. She had known that defying her father's wishes would come with consequences, but she had never imagined the depth of his fury, the extent of his disappointment.
As the king's tirade continued, Y/N felt a surge of defiance rising within her, a quiet resolve to stand firm in the face of adversity. She would not apologize for following her heart, for daring to love someone who saw her for who she truly was, beyond the trappings of royalty and duty.
With a quiet resolve, she met her father's gaze, her eyes burning with a fire that refused to be extinguished. "Father," she began, her voice steady despite the tremor of fear that lingered beneath the surface. "I cannot deny the depth of my feelings. I cannot forsake the one who has captured my heart, even if it means defying your wishes."
The king's eyes flashed with fury, his expression darkening with anger at her defiance. "You dare to defy me, your own father, your king?" he thundered, his voice filled with a mixture of disbelief and outrage. "Know this, daughter – if you dare to see this commoner again, I will have him executed without hesitation."
Y/N's heart clenched at the weight of his words, the enormity of his threat looming large in her mind. She knew that to defy him would mean risking everything – not only her own life but the life of the man she loved.
And yet, even as she stood on the precipice of uncertainty, she knew that she could not turn her back on Minho, could not abandon the one who had shown her the true meaning of love and acceptance. For in his arms, she had found sanctuary, a refuge from the storm that raged within her soul.
With a silent vow, Y/N braced herself for the trials that lay ahead, knowing that no matter the challenges they faced, she and Minho would face them together, united in their love and unwavering in their resolve. And as she turned to leave the chamber, her heart heavy with the weight of their forbidden love, she knew that their bond would endure, steadfast and unyielding, bound by the unbreakable ties of their hearts.
Under the cover of darkness, Y/N stole away from the castle, her heart heavy with the weight of her decision. In the quiet stillness of the night, she left behind the only life she had ever known, her footsteps echoing in the empty corridors like whispers of a farewell.
With each step, the weight of her father's threats pressed down upon her, a suffocating burden that threatened to consume her spirit. The thought of a life without Minho, without the freedom to love and be loved, filled her with a profound sense of despair.
And so, with trembling hands and a resolve born of desperation, Y/N penned a letter, her words a silent testament to the depth of her anguish. In it, she confessed her decision to end her own life, to escape the tyranny of her father's wrath and find peace in the quiet embrace of death.
Leaving the letter behind as a silent farewell, Y/N fled into the night, her heart heavy with grief yet kept by a glimmer of hope. With nothing but the clothes on her back and a small pouch of coins clutched tightly in her hand, she set out into the unknown, determined to carve out a new life for herself, far from the shadows of the past.
As the first light of dawn broke upon the horizon, Y/N disappeared into the embrace of the night, her fate unknown, her heart aching with the weight of her decision. And as she vanished into the depths of the unknown, she knew that her journey was just beginning – a journey fraught with peril and uncertainty, yet filled with the promise of redemption and renewal.
As Y/N slipped through the quiet streets, her heart pounding with each step, she knew that her destination lay in the arms of the one she loved. With every passing moment, the weight of her decision pressed down upon her, a heavy burden that threatened to crush her spirit.
And then, as she reached the familiar threshold of Minho's dwelling, her heart leaped with anticipation, her breath catching in her throat at the sight of him standing before her. In that fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still, the world fading away until only the two of them remained, bound by the invisible threads of fate and forbidden love.
Minho's eyes widened in disbelief as he beheld the vision before him, his heart stuttering in his chest at the sight of Y/N standing there, her presence a beacon of hope in the darkness that threatened to engulf them both. He couldn't believe his eyes, couldn't fathom the reality of her standing there before him, her beauty illuminated by the soft glow of the moonlight.
Unable to speak, unable to move, Minho stood rooted to the spot, his gaze locked with hers in a silent exchange of longing and desperation. In that moment, the world fell away, leaving only the echo of their hearts beating as one, the promise of a love that defied the boundaries of time and circumstance.
And as Y/N stepped forward, her hand outstretched in silent invitation, Minho knew that this was the moment he had been waiting for, the moment when their love would transcend the trials and tribulations that had threatened to tear them apart. With trembling hands, he reached out to her, his fingers intertwining with hers in a silent vow of solidarity and devotion.
In the throes of emotion, Minho's heart pulsed with an urgency he couldn't contain. With a surge of longing and determination, he closed the distance between them, his hand tenderly cupping Y/N's cheek as he drew her closer.
In a moment of pure desperation and unbridled passion, their lips met in a fervent kiss, a culmination of all the longing and yearning that had simmered between them for so long. It was a kiss filled with the intensity of their love, a silent declaration of their unwavering commitment to each other.
In that fleeting instant, time seemed to stand still, the world falling away as they lost themselves in the intoxicating embrace of each other's lips. It was a kiss born of desperation and longing, a testament to the depth of their connection and the power of their love.
And as they finally pulled away, breathless and exhilarated, their eyes met in a silent exchange of understanding and devotion. In that moment, amidst the quiet intimacy of their shared embrace, Minho and Y/N knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, they would face them together, bound by the unbreakable bond of their love.
As Y/N revealed her plans to Minho, her words hung heavy in the air, each syllable carrying the weight of her decision. With trembling hands, she showed him the sack of coins, a symbol of their newfound freedom, a chance to start anew in a world untainted by the constraints of royalty.
As she spoke of her letter, her voice quivered with emotion, the weight of her words a stark reminder of the sacrifices she had made to be with him. "I am dead to my royal life," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "But with you, Minho, I am alive in ways I never thought possible."
Minho's heart swelled with a mixture of awe and disbelief, his mind reeling at the magnitude of her sacrifice. To leave behind everything she had ever known, to forsake her birthright in pursuit of a love that defied the boundaries of tradition and expectation – it was a testament to the depth of her devotion, a testament to the power of their love.
In that moment, amidst the quiet intimacy of their shared revelation, Minho knew that he had found not only a lover but a kindred spirit, a soulmate who understood the true essence of his being. With tears glistening in his eyes, he reached out to Y/N, his fingers brushing against her cheek in a silent gesture of solidarity and acceptance.
"Together, we will forge a new path," he vowed, his voice tinged with reverence and gratitude. "A path free from the shackles of our past, free to love and be loved without fear or reservation."
With a sense of urgency driving his every movement, Minho hurried to gather the few possessions he had accumulated over the years. His hands moved with purpose as he packed the essentials into a bag, his mind focused on the task at hand – to ensure that they had everything they needed for their journey into the unknown.
As he secured the last item into the bag, Minho's heart swelled with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. This was it – the moment they had been waiting for, the chance to leave behind the confines of their old lives and embark on a new adventure together.
With a sense of determination coursing through his veins, Minho led their horse to where Y/N stood waiting, her eyes filled with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. Gently, he helped her onto the horse, his hands steady as he settled himself behind her, their bodies fitting together as if they were made for each other.
As they checked to ensure that they had everything they needed, Minho felt a surge of excitement building within him. They were leaving behind the familiar comforts of home, venturing into the great unknown with nothing but each other to guide them.
With a silent nod of reassurance, Minho urged the horse forward, their journey unfolding before them like a tapestry waiting to be woven. And as they rode off into the distance, their hearts filled with hope and determination, they knew that no matter what lay ahead, they would face it together, united in their love and unwavering in their resolve. 
As they rode away from the village, Minho and Y/N stole one last glance over their shoulders, their eyes lingering on the familiar sights of the world they were leaving behind. The village, with its winding streets and bustling marketplace, seemed to shimmer in the fading light of dusk, a testament to the life they had known, the life they were leaving behind.
And there, in the distance, loomed the imposing silhouette of the castle, its turrets reaching toward the sky like sentinels guarding the secrets of the past. For Y/N, it was a symbol of duty and tradition, a reminder of the life she had been born into but could no longer abide.
But as they rode further and further away, the castle and the village began to fade into the distance, their outlines blurred by the passage of time and the promise of a new beginning. In that moment, amidst the quiet stillness of the evening, Minho and Y/N knew that they were leaving behind more than just a place – they were leaving behind the constraints of their old lives, the expectations that had bound them for so long.
With each passing moment, the horizon stretched out before them, a vast expanse of possibility and adventure waiting to be explored. And as they rode into the unknown, their hearts filled with hope and anticipation, they knew that no matter what lay ahead, they would face it together, united in their love and unwavering in their resolve.
For in each other's arms, they had found the courage to defy the odds, to carve out a future that was uniquely their own. And as they disappeared into the fading light of the evening, their hearts ablaze with the promise of tomorrow, they knew that their love would be the guiding light that led them through the darkness, a beacon of hope in a world filled with uncertainty.
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rainbowdaisy13 · 1 month
TTPD The Anthology Summary Part 1 *IMO*
This is viewed through a queer lens because I believe she is fucking done playing nice so now she’s throwing it in our faces—FUCKING SEE ME
1) Fortnight—
I was supposed to be sent away but they forgot to come and get me/I was a functioning alcoholic till nobody noticed my new aesthetic
*MIGHTY GOD we start right out the gate sad as hell—no one noticed her queer flagging both quiet and loud and that pushed her from being a functioning alcoholic to a not functioning one. She then says to the fans who refused to acknowledge her truth “I hope that you’re ok but you’re the reason” FOR ME BEING INSANE
*Mentioning wanting to kill people that’s a first and I love it
*I love you it’s ruining my life OUCH 🤕 yes that sounds like something straight people deal with 😑
2) TTPD-
*I’m sorry I can’t remember what mutual said this, but I love love this as coming from Karlie’s perspective. It absolutely fits. She ground Taylor in a way no one else can
*First mention of suicide—both can’t live without the other
*Were crazy—owning the demons together
*The wedding ring line—GOD
*I see this one as Taylor viewing herself as a commodity, also as someone who is broken and needs to be fixed so that she remains lovable. It also gives me Cardigan vibes without the redemption arc
4) Down Bad—
*Love this Alien Abduction theme. Melody is even spacey sounding. The entire song uses alien motifs and I adore it. Fave line “they’ll say I’m nuts if I talk about the existence of you” Brilliant 👽 Also the concept of an Out of this World Love
5) So Long London—
*Cool opening—beautiful when they layer her own voice
How much sad did you think I had in me? 😫
*I see this song as a My Tears Ricochet 2. Taylor giving all her youth to someone for free. You say I abandon the ship but I was going down with it—I truly believe she tried and begged them to let her come out for years and she was always shot down—2 graves 1 gun, more murder imagery
*So Long London, so long Big Machine
Absolutely beautiful and heartbreaking song
These people only raise you to cage you 😫
*Sarahs and Hannahs/braided hair/church/Elders making decisions—giving cult/LDS vibes
Stay away from her -Elders are yelling this—to who? Taylor? So Taylor needs to stay away from HER interesting
*Shed rather burn it all down than listen to them complain about her sexuality and how it impacts them
My good name, it’s mine alone to disgrace —absolutely shots fired at Scott Swift
*Soliloquies line is incredible—“I’ll never see” is such a burn 😆
*This isn’t a phase, this is who she is!!
*This is my choice!!
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7) FOTS—
*Pretty Baby, much like Babydoll is reserved for women and gay men and theys and thems. We don’t call straight men this 😒
*Fresh out the slammer—realllly trying to get these idiots to understand that she’s felt jailed /caged/trapped
My friends…Watch me daily disappearing 😫 fuck
Wearing Imaginary rings 😫😫😫 Says hello to paper rings says hello to imaginary lockets
*It’s gonna be alright she did her time!! 🥹
8) FLORIDA!!!—
I adore this song—my second fave on the album and absolute fucking banger. So glad Florence agreed to this they makes an amazing duo vocally—main vibes—Florida is the place Taylor wants to go to fucking escape the mess she lives in day to day. Anything goes, everyone is there hiding from something—the law, family, winter—nothing is too weird or unaccepted—and a certain someone has a house there 😎
My friends all smell like weed or little babies 😆
Florence’s verse is chefs kiss—Earl had to die vibes, watching bodies sink into the swamp, just full on misandry I LOVE IT—is that a bad thing to say in a song?? 😆 GET THEM ALL
Also I bet this song made Swifties uncomfortable 😆
9) Guilty as sin?
The Gay Longing/Gay Sex Song
*Another* suicide reference—but she’s just joking right swifities?
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No no that’s fine she just described an orgasm and if she’s not touching the person, let’s assume the pic below ⬇️ is like HEY THIS IS THE SEX IM SPEAKING ABOUT—it’s very much giving The Man pose for getting dome👀
And then the Jesus reference is just chefs kiss—gay sex is seen as sin and unholy by idiots and she said ok then bitch, what if I tell you the sex is so good we ARE what’s holy??
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She literally said messy top lip kiss and got away with it like 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
I just……this may be my favorite song of hers ever. It’s absolutely incredible in its intensity, rawness, and truth as well as being a banger
Every lyric screams her pain
My bare hands paved their path/you don’t get to tell me about sad/ If you wanted me dead you should’ve just said
I leap from the gallows and I levitate down your street —Witch Imagery again!!
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Shots fired again at Scott Swift!! Let’s hear one more joke—they mocked her pain because they truly thought they could convince her she wasn’t gay 🫥
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Put narcotics into all of my songs—“a drug or other substance that affects mood or behavior and is consumed for nonmedical purposes, especially one sold illegally—a drug that relieves pain and induces drowsiness, stupor, or insensibility”
and that’s why you’re still singing along 😎
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Just WOW
Brilliant and Heartbreaking and RAW
🤍🤍🤍 We love you Girl 🤍🤍🤍
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