#Krypton Survivors
greatzamunda · 2 years
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ghostrob · 4 months
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like if they ever did a super-verse i hope they add the fact that krypton is destined to always implode and that clark is destined to always be a survivor
like canon events mean more to superman because they're real to him
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
So once more I decide I'd like to make a fic, and thus start doing research because who knows how far my headcanons will be from canon, and again I find surprising things:
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This? Is the earth sector. It contains the solar system and a few others. Pretty big, but with all our telescopes today it's all well within reach.
Now, that's a lot of sectors! The universe is a big place! Hundreds of planets and civilisations! So where, in all this mess, do you think krypton will be?
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Not even that, it's a lower number! Krypton is closer to the Guardians than we are! We're further in the outskirts of the intergalactic civilisation than krypton??
It's not an empty sector either, far from it! There's at least two other thriving planets in there, one with a peaceful and flourishing green lantern specialising in detecting disasters (I can see why), and another the home of the star sapphires!
(Honestly minus the scattered space debris of what was once an entire hyper advanced species home planet brutally destroyed it sounds a genuinely lovely place to live. A lot more peaceful than its neighbour.)
But krypton is in the Andromeda galaxy... That's so close. The Andromeda galaxy is literally visible from earth to the naked eye. The first recorded photo of it was in the late 1800s. It is THE CLOSEST GALAXY TO THE MILKY WAY.
And superman took a couple decades to travel to earth. Kara took sixty.
Krypton is basically right next to earth and most certainly earth watched it die.
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takaraphoenix · 2 years
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bzdsentai · 8 months
Now Power Girl is here because at this point in time she wasn't a Kryptonian but the granddaughter of an ancient Atlantean sorcerer.
So she gets to help Aquaman and the other water based DC people(her granddad included) fight of an invading alien army that's responsible for the sinking of Atlantis.
Also, don't ask why she as all the same powers as Superman even though at this point in time she is completely unrelated to him. She just does.
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natalievoncatte · 8 months
“We don’t have a friendship, Supergirl.”
It took a moment for it to sink in. Lena stood before her, chin proud, staring her down with enough force to that Kara knew she wasn’t the most powerful woman in the world, no matter what they said. She wasn’t even the most powerful woman in this room.
Kara could push press an attack submarine. She could move between the ticks of a clock, perceive things so small and so fast they could barely be said to have happened at all. She’d bested foes that had humbled the Man of Steel. She’s outclassed even him.
Yet in this moment, she was all but powerless. There was nothing she could do with all her strength. All of this had been about weapons. Kryptonite. Lena needed neither to destroy Kara. She needed only cutting words.
“U-understood,” Kara mumbled.
She felt her shoulders draw in and sag, felt herself shrinking back into her own skin. Supergirl was banished instantly, and suddenly a defeated, frail Kara Danvers stood in her place, feeling silly in her cape and skirt. Her boots pinched her feet and everything was too tight. She could barely breathe.
“Ishouldgo,” she gasped out, fleeing, running, getting the hell away from here. She took the fastest available route until she was airborne, slipping the burly bonds of Earth.
The rush of pressure and the concussive wave built up around her skin and cut loose, releasing a rolling boom over National City. By the time Kara slowed and came to a hover, she was over the Pacific Ocean, calm blue seas stretching out in an endless expanse.
She relaxed, hanging impossibly above the clouds, absorbing pure sunlight.
Bitterly, she remembered when she’d tried to abandon Kara Danvers, not long ago. It had seemed that a life outside of Supergirl, outside of endless battles and self-sacrificing service, was pointless, and hurtful. Fitting in brought pain, forced her into a world that was all angles and wrong turns, lying to everyone around her and forbidden the simple concepts they all had. She was a stranger in a strange land, always seeking acceptance and understanding of peculiar customs, dogged by an incessant need.
It was one she barely admitted, but it was there, always there, just over her shoulder and ready to lead the assault when the walks came closing in.
Why her?
Out of all her people, her entire race, why was she the lone survivor? And she was, because while Kal was Kryptonian by birth, he had escaped Krypton. Kara had survived it.
Survival offered no escape.
For him, his birthright was a joy. Incredible powers, a sacred calling, a love of adventure and excitement. Kara could only imagine how wonderful it must have been for him when he discovered it all.
Oh, he mourned, or tried to. Kara bitterly indulged his laments for his lost world; a world he’d never walked, customs he’d never shared. His parents were a blessing to him, but to her they were her aunt an uncle, real people that Kara had lost.
Being Kara Danvers was difficult and painful. Being Supergirl was difficult and painful- now with the world killers, it seemed to Kara that Earth might have been better off had Krypton never noticed this yellow star or the beautiful blue world that orbited it.
Maybe Krypton was meant to end, and maybe Kara…
Maybe Kara…
Tears stung her eyes and she blinked them away. She’d ruined everything. Lena Luthor was kind, and good, and had spent weeks risking her life trying to help a friend, and what had Kara done? Made it about her. She’d wrapped everything around herself. She’s torn Lena’s relationship apart because she just could not believe that her best and most trusted friend wouldn’t hurt her.
It made sense when she was doing it. Was she not doomed? Had she not watched her world die? Kara had been a little girl one day and the next she was trapped in hell, her mother’s touch still felt on a tear-scored cheek.
Kara screamed. Red-sun fury exploded from her eyes, burning the sky itself. It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fucking fair!
When the scream faded from her throat, leaving it ragged and dry, her eyes aching from the wild energy blast, she was still hanging in the air.
A terrible inevitability settled within her chest. She knew what she had to do, but she didn’t know if she had the strength. She could overcome any foe, break any barrier, reach any height. She was Supergirl. She could do anything.
“I have to take responsibility for what I’ve done,” Kara told the sky.
The sky didn’t answer her. She closes her eyes and absorbed Sol’s warmth. Sometimes, Kara really wished these stars were gods, that the golden light that gave her limitless power could give her answers, that Sol could be a nurturing mother, taking in a wanderer so far from Rao’s grace.
It wasn’t. It was a superheated ball of hydrogen undergoing nuclear fusion. There were no answers in the sky. There were none anywhere. She’s have to find them on her own.
Kara first went back to her apartment, resolving to do this right. She changed into one of her favorite outfits (Lena had once made a curious compliment about Kara’s biceps, the last time she’d worn it) and texted her best friend, asking to meet soon.
Lena, predictably, replied that she was busy.
Kara thought of Lena, not as Supergirl, but as herself. Lena toiling in that lab in desperation, not feeding herself
She was tempted to say that Supergirl told her about the lab and the situation and beg to be allowed to help, but there had to be a better way. An honest way.
I know you’re busy. I just want to make sure you get something to eat and you’re okay. Just a few minutes.
The reply came a moment later.
Oh, alright. You know I can’t say no to you.
Kara’s heart leapt and crumped at the same time. She let out a slow breath and decided to grab something on the way, something she could leave if Lena threw her out.
When she arrived, Lena had moved to her office. She was sitting behind her desk, and as much as she’d look remarkable out together earlier, she was showing her fatigue now. There were bags under her eyes and she’d changed into a loose sweatshirt, and Kara thought she might fall asleep on her desk.
When she looked at Kara, her face lit up with such admiration and affection that Kara’s heart could have burst in her chest. In the fading afternoon light, most like that of her lost star, Lena seemed impossibly beautiful and perfect, the sharp-tongued being of cold fury replaced by someone small and soft that Kara simply had to cup in her hands and protect and…
Oh Rao.
Kara almost dropped the bag of donuts. She couldn’t do this. Not now. Not today. She couldn’t do this she couldn’t, she couldn’t lose… couldn’t lose…
It was like seeing her for the first time. Kara sucked in a drawing breath and had to let it out very slowly, as a new and perilous understanding took root and changed everything.
“Do I look that bad?” Lena said, but there was no heat in it.
“You look beautiful,” Kara answered in a breathy voice, before she could stop herself.
Lena smirked. “You’re too nice. Are those donuts?”
Kara gently placed them on the desk, and she looked. Stared.
One of the gifts, and curses, of Kryptonian physiology was an eidetic memory. This moment would live in her mind and heart until the day she died, so she dragged it out for as long as she could, to keep it. To keep the sight of this woman who truly treasured Kara. Just Kara.
“Kara?” Lena said, confused and maybe a little scared.
“I have to tell you something,” said Kara.
“What is it?” said Lena, always so eager to help.
Kara’s hands balled into fists, arms trembling. The tears broke before she worked up the will to say it.
“Earlier today, you asked me why it’s so important to me that we be friends.”
Lena stared blankly for a too-short moment, and then her eyes went wide. She rocked back in her chair as if struck, then bolted out of it, rounding the desk. Kara stood still, unable to face her, and watched it all reflected in the desk.
“Look at me.”
Kara didn’t move.
“Look at me!”
Kara looked. With shaking hands, Lena grasped the frames of her glasses and pulled them free, setting them aside. Kara then flinched as Lena reached behind her, the gesture so much like an embrace, so curiously intimate that Kara’s own body betrayed her, her heart hammering in her chest.
Lena released Kara’s hair and it spilled in curls around her shoulders.
“Oh my God,” Lena whispered.
“I’m sorry,” Kara whimpered, the tears hot on her cheeks. “Lena, please, I’m sorry.”
“It was all a lie. You were lying to me the whole time.”
No, she wanted to scream, I never lied, I didn’t, you had no right to know, I was protecting you. A hundred futile excuses crashes through her mind and when they were gone only the truth remained.
“I was scared,” Kara choked out. “I was so scared and then I messed it up and I was even more scared and I just kept trying to fix it. I’m sorry.”
Lena was crying, too. The tears fell freely, though her expression remained still, calculating.
“I would do anything for you. I would die for you. I don’t know why I did what I did…”
“You pretended to be another fucking person and talked my boyfriend into spying on me while pretending to be my friend.”
“I wasn’t pretending,” Kara pleased. “I am your friend. You mean so much to me, more than I’ve ever told you and I was scared.”
“Of what?” said Lena. “That I’d make Kryptonite and kill you with it? Make weapons to kill you? I thought you really believed in me, Kara. I listened to your bullshit and I believed it and you were just fucking… you were… you bitch!”
Kara stood, transfixed, as Lena came apart in front of her.
“Why did you have to do this? Why did you have to tell me now? Why did you take my Kara away from me when I needed her most?”
Kara sucked in a shuddering breath and hugged herself.
“Because I deserve this. You deserve the truth and I deserve the consequences for what I’ve done. I did hurt you just like you said, and I thought I could just smooth it over and charm my way into fixing it, but I can’t. I’m a fuckup. I make things worse just by existing.”
Lena shuddered and formed her hands into fists. “Don’t you say that. Don’t you say that to me ever again.”
“This is my fault. I made this happen. I should have told you after you saved the world. The first time, with Medusa. If I trusted you, you could have come to me and we could have saved Sam together. You trusted me and I hurt you.”
“Are you going to ask for forgiveness? Is that where this is going?”
“No. I don’t deserve it.”
“Then what do you want?”
“Let me help you with Sam, and then I’ll leave you alone. I know I can’t come back from this. I can’t fix it. I don’t know what else to do.”
“Leave me alone?” Lena snapped, jabbing a finger into Kara’s chest. “What the fuck? You think you can just crash into my life like this and then just leave?”
“I… I…”
“How about this,” said Lena, stepping closer, her green eyes full of fury. “How about you ask me what I want instead of telling me?”
Kara swallowed.
“What do you want?”
Lena stepped back.
“I want to save my friend. I want Ruby to have her mom back. I want to fix the world. I need your help to do that, whether I want it or not.”
“And then?”
“And then…” said Lena. “Then I want to know why. I want to know why you did this to me and what the hell you really want, and then I’ll decide if there’s anything worth saving with you, or if I’m going to go back to Metropolis and rebuild my life.”
“That… that’s… I’ll help.”
“What do you want?”
Kara swallowed.
“I… I ummm…” Kara reached for glasses that were no longer there. “I want to try again. I want to be your friend again, as my whole self. There’s so much I could share with you.”
Lena swiped the tears away from her eyes, and stilled herself, regaining her control.
“I’ll be in the lab. I’ll call for you when I need you.”
Lena heard for the door, stopping at the threshold.
“Kara,” said Lena, without turning.
“Yeah?” Kara said, thickly.
“The night Edge was trying to set me up… the plane. Would you really have dropped the chemicals if I couldn’t make the jump?”
Kara took her glasses from the desks, turning them in her hands, and drew in a breath.
“Yes,” said Kara. “I’d have found a way to fix somehow, but if it was the only way, yes. I’d have let them fall, but I’d never let you fall. I said I’d always protect you, and that was the truth. I always will. No matter what.”
Lena hesitated at the door, then left without a word.
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kent-farm · 4 months
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Who would've thought? A boy from Daxam and a girl from Krypton, working together.
—Mon-El, Supergirl, Survivors
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thenightling · 2 years
Morpheus’s known lovers
Killala of the Glow: Before Earth sustained life Morpheus was lovers with an alien woman named Killala.  Killala was one of the founding members of what would become The Green Lantern Corp.  She had the power to manipulate and shape green light into tactile forms, which her people called The Glow.
Morpheus asks her to accompany him to a sort of convention where The Endless and several stars (in anthropomorphic form) gather for a meeting. Morpheus neglected to tell Killala that he is the living embodiment of dreams. She thought he was just an alien with the power to manipulate dreams.
When she learns his true power and identity she is frightened.  And thanks to Desire’s machinations she falls in love with the star / sun of her own world.            At this very same meeting we see Glory of the First Circle (probably an aspect of The Presence AKA God) talking about the creation of Faerie.  Despair is also talking to Rao (The sun / God of the planet Krypton) as Rao is reluctant to sustain life. Despair tells him how “beautiful” it would be if the unstable planet eventually died and one survivor was left to grieve.  She did not know it yet but she accidentally set into motion the creation of Superman, DC’s ultimate symbol of Hope.  Destruction always had a theory that each Endless was really a thing and its opposite.  Death is also present at births and her sigil is the Egyptian symbol of life. 
When Morpheus sees Killala in the arms of her new would-be lover he is very hurt.  He goes to confront Desire who taunts him that by saying that by now they have done a lot more than just kiss and that he (the star) now probably knows every crevasse of her body.  This causes the first falling out with Morpheus and Desire as ironically, at the start of this story, Morpheus was very happy and praised Desire for bringing him love.
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Source: The Sandman: Endless Nights.
Thousands of years ago some Lovecraftian old Gods invaded The Dreaming. Morpheus was captured and chained up in his own dungeon.   He tried to scratch his siblings sigils into the wall to call to them for help. One by one they refused as they were much prouder and meaner back then.  He was reluctant to call on Desire so he tried Delight first only to find out she is in the middle of “changing.” (Becoming Delirium).  Morpheus reluctantly calls to Desire who sends him a lover.  This is a being of light that Morpheus calls Alianora (She had no name). Alianora rescues Morpheus from the dungeon and helps him fight the invading entities.  She gets a scar on her cheek from the battle.  From the bones of these entities (Lovecraftian style Old Ones) Morpheus made his helm and the gates of horn and ivory.  In the new Sandman TV show you can see the Alianora story from The Sandman: Overture carved into the gates.  For a while Morpheus and Alianora were happy but eventually Morpheus started to neglect her because he was distracted with his work. She decided to leave him but her previous life was long over. She could not return to where she came from.  So Morpheus gave her a skerry (a fairly large island) in The Dreaming that would later be called “The Land.” And he gave her a dreamstone made of rose quartz, enabling her the power to govern the island as her own.  Like her own mini-Dreaming within The Dreaming.  This dreamstone is what Barbie calls The Porpentine. In The Sandman A Game of You the Rose quartz Dreamstone is finally destroyed and Morpheus re-absorbs all of The Land and its characters back into himself.  He meets up with Alainora’s ghost and he tells her that long after she left The Land became the creative domain of many young women.  This indicates that The Land was also Oz, Alice’s Wonderland, perhaps even The Labyrinth from Jim Henson’s The Labyrinth, etc.  She bows to him and then leaves in peace.  Alianora’s ghost again appears during The Sandman The Wake to speak at Morpheus’s Wake.
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Source: The Sandman: A Game of you, The Sandman: Overture, and The Sandman: The Wake.  _____________________________  
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It's not a very good story.   That is to say, it's not a kind story.  The show didn't establish very well that Morpheus's form changes based on if a person has a different cultural view on their Dream deity.  In Nada's culture Morpheus was Kai'ckul.   It has roughly the same meaning as Morpheus.  Nada was the Queen of an ancient African people 10,000 years ago and she had never seen a white man so that is the form he took for her.   The Endless have no true forms. They just take human-like form for us mortals. Nada had seen Kai'ckul (Morpheus) looking up at her one night and "fell in love with him."  She went on a quest to find him like out of a fairy tale.  She even runs into Cain killing Abel, who also appear as black men to her.  And she eventually made her way to Morpheus. All seems Happily Ever After until she realizes he's an Endless and her people believe it is forbidden for a mortal to be with an Endless.  She flees from him and (This part's gross) uses a rock to de-virgin herself, thinking it would ruin his attraction to her.  When he finds her he tells her that her physical body does not matter to him.  He heals her and they end up making love.   At first they are very happy but then disaster strikes.  A meteorite apparently hits her kingdom, destroying it.   She believes this is punishment because a mortal is not supposed to love an Endless.  Weirdly though we never see anything like this happen to any of Morpheus's other lovers (He's had six lovers that we know of).So she tries to flee him, deciding they cannot be together.  He doesn't take no for an answer.  He wants her as his queen.  She throws herself off a cliff but dying does not stop him.  He's hurt and angry that she would kill herself rather than be with him and he tells her ghost that he will ask her three times to be his queen and if she refuses the third time he could condemn her soul to eternal torment.   She begs him not to do that, because she believes she has to say no. That's the back story.  This is perhaps the worst thing Morpheus has ever done.  In The Sandman Season of Mists Death makes him realize he was in the wrong and he goes on a quest to rescue Nada and apologize to her.   I think the show is delaying on revealing the details of this story so the audience doesn't hate him out right.   Until his "Time Out bubble" Morpheus used to be something of an asshole.  The majority of The Sandman is watching him grow and become more and more human, compassionate, and setting right the wrongs of his past. Nada's story is the issue called "Tales in the Sand."  Morpheus making amends is in The Sandman: Season of Mists.   I hope the show still lets her accept his apology.  Modern audiences might not go for her forgiving him after what he did but her forgiving him is necessary because it teaches him to accept being forgiven.  And leads to him apologizing for other wrong-doings. In the audio drama her story is in The Sandman: Act 1.  In the trade paperbacks it is The Sandman: Volume 1, Preludes and Nocturnes.  It used to be in Volume 2 back in the early 90s but has been in Volume 1 for over twenty years now. Later when Morpheus learns he was wrong he goes to try to rescue Nada but Lucifer is shutting down Hell and leaves Morpheus the key to Hell just to mess with him.  Morpheus ultimately gives the key to two angels, Duma and Ramiel. Azazel had Nada and Morpheus rescues her and Choronzon (despite previously challenging him) from Azazel.  Morpheus apologizes to Nada for how he treated her (after a well deserved slap from her) and he helps her to reincarnate into a Chinese baby boy.
Source: The Sandman: Tales in the Sand, The Sandman: Season of Mists, The Sandman: The Wake.  
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Calliope is one of the Greek muses who inspire creativity.  Morpheus loved her enough to marry her and they had a son, Orpheus.  
Orpheus is the musician who went down into The Underworld to rescue his wife from the afterlife. Hades said he could take her but only if he did not look back at her until after he was back in the land of the living.  Orpheus got nervous and worried that he was tricked so when he neared the exit of The Underworld he looked back and his wife was pulled back from him for his lack of faith in Hades’ word and distrust.
Later Orpheus was ripped apart by worshipers of Dionysus.  Immortal and just a severed head, Morpheus sent some priests to look after Orpheus.  Morpheus would not directly contact his son because after Orpheus’s wife died he had lashed out his father for not helping bring her back and Morpheus (being an asshole at the time) pride was wounded.   Morpheus would not reconcile with his son until The Sandman: Brief lives where he would help euthanize Orpheus who has wanted to die for several thousand years now.
Morpheus and Calliope’s falling out was over how he treated Orpheus during the entire saga of Orpheus trying to get his wife back.  Thousands of years later, much like Morpheus, Calliope was captured by mortals.  Morpheus, fresh from his own captivity, actually came to her rescue and tormented her captor with a curse of obsessive creativity until he let her go. The man was so obsessive in his writing that he ruined his own hands.  Once the man freed Calliope Morpheus removed all of the man’s creativity, leaving him ruined.
Source: The Sandman: Calliope, The Sandman: Song of Orpheus, The Sandman: The Wake.   
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Titania is the queen of the faeries and married to Auberon (Oberon).  Apparently she and Morpheus had an affair.  
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Thessaly is a two-thousand-year-old (or so) ancient Greek witch.  She looks like a roughly college age young woman but is actually quite ancient.   She was one of the famous Thessalian witches.
Thessaly accompanied Barbie and her friends on the adventure that lead to the destruction of the rose quartz dreamstone.  Thessaly is kind of cold hearted and may represent who Morpheus was before his captivity.  She’s powerful and selfish. She even dumps Morpheus and tells him that he cares too much about people.  Morpheus was so upset about this relationship that he caused it to rain for weeks in The Dreaming when she left him. But he was being over dramatic and having a bit of a tantrum. 
Later Thessaly betrays him to The Kindly Ones for some of her own sins to be overlooked and to extend her already very long life.
He knew him when he was still an angel.
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Lucifer is the now-former ruler of Hell
__________________________  Bast: Crushed on Morpheus but they were never lovers.   She is an Egyptian Cat Goddess. 
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Nuala: Crushed on Morpheus but they were never lovers.  Nuala is a faery who was given to Morpheus as a present. Though Morpheus is opposed to slavery he had no choice but to accept the “gift” lest he offend the fae court.  Eventually he paid her with a boon. 
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I'm not sure if you've already said this but I'm asking anyway. Since you're the local Flashfam expert and also a PJO lover (you have no idea how happy I am that we like the same things), what godly parents would the Flashfam have? Like, all of the fam. Counting characters like Linda and Iris
And it'd also be cool if you assigned a cabin for the Titans and/or the Young Justice too-
I mean it has to be Hermes. It literally has to be Hermes for the speedsters. Like, maybe we throw in a Roman twist and say Mercury every once in a while, but that's just gotta be the answer.
Jay literally wears Hermes' helmet. Max named himself after Mercury. Barry wears Hermes' winged shoes and has wings on his head. Same with Wally. Jay is also literally given Hermes'/Mercury's powers on Earth-2.
And it makes sense, it really does. God of travellers? Check. The winged aesthetic? Check. God of messengers? Check! God of tricksters, liars and thieves? Look, the speedsters are all of the above just in a VERY chaotic good way. They don't rob people but also when Wally found out that the museum had the bones of a fallen soldier from another country without said countries permission or consent? HE STOLE THEM BACK. Bart has absolutely no qualms taking things, Max has been a thief in the past, Jay and Barry work by pirate rules aka 'if I defeat you, I get your stuff', ect. They don't do armed robbery and they don't like stealing from random citizens, but bad guys are free game.
Iris I have to go on the nose and say Iris because Iris is the goddess of messengers and rainbows, and Iris is literally a reporter? So her whole thing is spreading information? While looking stunning.
Linda is an Athena kid 125%. Linda writes books, she was a kickass investigative reporter, she went to med school, she knows more about speedster biology and how it works than literally anyone else in her home dimension, she regularly fights aliens with no powers and just whatever weapons she finds laying around. Linda is intelligent, she's cunning and witty and she will cut a bitch.
Joan is a Hestia kid. Just... family, love, warmth. Need I say more?
As for the Titans... well, Donna is already taken care of. Garth... is technically also taken care of I think?? Atlanteans exist in Greek mythology so Garth is just the same I think. Roy... fuck it, Ares. I said what I said come at me bro. For Dick I would want to go with a minor god or goddess, I like the idea of him being a child of Psyche (Goddess of the human soul) because he is very human and he understands people on a level that might be considered supernatural. Lilith would be the oracle. Karen would be a child of Hephaestus and Mal would 100% just be a guy who can see through the mist and has a shield.
Gar is the last son of Pan because that's cool AF. Raven would be the daughter of Tartarus I think. Vic would be a son of Apollo. I know it's really easy to go for Hephaestus for Vic but honestly, the key part of Vic's story to me isn't that he's a cyborg, it's that he's human. He's a survivor, who, against all odds, received bat shit crazy medical treatment from his father and survived a fatal accident. I like the idea that Apollo saw a guy doing crazy stuff to advance medical science and was like 'Hey there 😉😉😉😉'. Also pre accident Vic was a football player which has a lot to do with aim, so idk, I just like it. Starfire would be a demigod child of the sun deity on her home planet.
For Young Justice, Cassie and Bart are already covered. Kon would be a legacy of Nemesis (Lex) and a legacy of a deity from Krypton. Cissie would be a daughter of Ares and a legacy of Apollo. Greta would be a child of Morpheus. Tim would be the son of Lachesis. Slobo is Slobo. Anita.... Tbh I want to say she's a legacy of Aphrodite? Love is a huge part of her backstory and I dislike giving the non powered characters godly parentage that explains away their abilities. They worked hard for those skills!
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cantsayidont · 7 months
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August 1940. Perhaps the most important Superman story never published: In the summer of 1940, Jerry Siegel wrote a complete script for a 26-page Superman epic (the length of two normal Superman stories of this period) in which Superman is weakened by a passing meteor of radioactive metal from the destroyed planet Krypton, here called "K-Metal." That alone would have been noteworthy, but that's far from all. Later in the story, Superman reveals his true identity to the survivors of a mine cave-in, including Lois Lane!
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The other three witnesses are subsequently killed, but Lois now knows the truth. She and Superman then have the following conversation:
LOIS: Now I begin to see. Your attitude of cowardliness as Clark Kent-- It was just a screen to keep the world from learning who you really are! But there's one thing I must know: Was your--er--affection for me, in your role as Clark, also a pretense? SUPERMAN: THAT was the genuine article, Lois! LOIS: How foolish you were not to let me in on the secret! You should have known you could trust me! Why-- Don't you realize-- I might even be of great help to you? SUPERMAN: You're right! There were many times when I could have used the assistance of a confederate. Why didn't I think of it before? LOIS: Then it's settled! We're to be--partners! SUPERMAN: Yes -- partners!
It isn't quite so easy, however. After returning to Metropolis, Lois tells Clark, "I just remembered how long you've secretly been laughing at me! I don't like to be laughed at, Clark Kent-- But-- I'll assist you… Only for the good of humanity, however!"
Most of the art for this story was completed, or nearly completed, by Joe Shuster's shop artists before National-DC pulled the plug. The exact reasons are now unknown, although the most likely explanation is that the story just seemed like too much of a shift in the established dynamics of the Superman strip, which was by then running in newspapers and on the radio as well as in the comics. K-Metal, renamed Kryptonite, resurfaced in a 1943 radio storyline, which borrows some elements from this script, but Kryptonite wouldn't appear in the comics until 1949, and it wouldn't be until decades later that Lois Lane really and truly learned the secret.
For background on this story, see Mark Waid's article in ALTER EGO #26 (July 2003). The Superman Through the Ages website has a nearly complete recreation of the full story, done by modern artists (in color) based on the surviving pages of original art and Siegel's script, which Waid had carefully retyped using the same kind of typewriter Siegel used.
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greatzamunda · 2 years
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More RogueSwap AU stuff: The Heroes!
Kal-L is the last survivor of Krypton's Interstellar Science Police Corp, stranded on Earth after saving kindly farming couple the Kents from Atros of the Red Son. Taking the name Clark Kent, Kal decided to remain on Earth as its protector.
Diana Prince is a billionaire from Paradise City, haunted by dreams of a magical island of warrior women and the mother she never knew.
Bruce Wayne was raised in an isolated community as the perfect Knight. Taking on the sigil of the Bat, Bruce returned to wider civilization.
Green Lantern: Isolationist Oan Technology escaping into the wider universe after Oa’s destruction, Luthor-Ferris test pilot Harold Jordan encounters a mysterious dying alien and is given a ring of immense power, one his boss Lex Luthor is keen to replicate…
Aquaman: Arthur Curry, son of a lighthouse keeper and a witch, Arthur using his magical ability to commune with fish and the sea to battle threats like Dr. Sivana and Mr Atom
The Captain: taken by a mysterious boat to the Isle of Eternity, orphan Billy Batson is transformed by an Atlantean Wizard into The Captain of the magical freighter Shazam, sailing the roiling red seas of the Seven Magic Seas
Green Arrow (Reincarnated alien archer): Oliver Queen, an archaeologist investigating a lost civilization, only to discover the lost Green Arrow and recover his memories of his past life on the Planet Xeen.
Hawkman (stranded on an island where he discovered the mythical Nth Metal, using it to create pair of wings allowing him to fly): Carter Hall, heir to the Hall fortune, was stranded on an island after a plane crash. Surviving for months on his own, Carter found a bizarre living metal that shaped itself to his thoughts. Forming a pair of wing, Carter flew back home, attempting to discover who caused his plane crash as well as the origins of the mysterious Nth Metal
The Atom (Micro-Force Sizeshifter): Ivy Town CSI who was doused in chemicals, giving him the ability to shrink his size at will. Later, Ray discovered he was actually accessing the Micro-Force, the energy that holds together the Microverse
The Flash (Quantum Speedster): Central City University Physics Professor using a dwarf star-powered “Flash Belt”
And finally Mystic Manhunter and Zatanna of Mars, who I haven't quite developed yet.
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i really like dc's depiction of death (thank you neil gaiman) cuz it really helps with why people keep coming back from the dead there. usually death is like 'you can't do that. there are rules.' and death in dc has rules but she's like 'eventually everyone will die, it doesn't matter when i get your soul as long as i get it eventually.'
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megadan94 · 9 months
Something that occurred to me about Clark's birthday, is that the Kent's wouldn't have known what day it actually was, so they would've just celebrated it on the day Clark arrived...
which would've also been the day of Krypton's destruction.
Now imagine how Supergirl would feel about this, especially if this version was born after Krypton exploded. This would probably be a day of mourning amongst the survivors.
Imagine an episode where everyone's all happy and cheerful because Clark is turning 23, and Kara just has to pretend that everything's fine because she doesn't want to bring the mood down. Something like Reaching Out from The Owl House.
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docgold13 · 20 days
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Heroes & Villains The DC Animated Universe - Paper Cut-Out Portraits and Profiles
Originally the planetary-wide supercomputer of Krypton, Brainiac gained sentience and determined that its overarching goal was to collect and safeguard all information.  When Jor-El discovered that Krypton was doomed to explode, Brainiac refuted the findings thus dissuading the Science Council from acting on Jor-El’s warning.  
In truth Brainiac did not have the time to oversee a planet-wide evacuation.  Instead it transferred its consciousness and the entirety of Krypton’s history, science and knowledge into satellite that could escape.   For Brainiac, knowledge and information was the only thing in the galaxy that had meaning and value.  With Krypton’s destruction and the eradication of the entire populace, Brainiac would be the sole possessor of this knowledge, making it all the more valuable.  
Brainiac fled and began a survey of the cosmos.  Any technology or lifeforms it encountered, were scanned, stored, annexed and destroyed.  Accrued technologies amplified Brainiac’s power.  It took on a humanoid form and wielded incredible abilities.  Soon Brainiac had the capacity to conquer entire worlds, catalog its information and then destroy the planet.  It did this with many worlds, leaving a path of devastation in its wake.  
Eventually, Brainiac happened upon Earth and discovered that a Kryptonian refugee had come to this world.  It correctly surmised that this refugee (Superman) would possess mighty powers due to Earth’s yellow sun.  As such it proceeded with caution.  Brainiac presented itself to Superman as a fellow survivor of Krypton, tempting the hero with all of the lost history and knowledge of his home planet.  
Superman and Lex Luthor were able to determine the truth about Brainiac; how it always destroyed the source of information once it had been collected.  Clearly this was Brainac’s intentions for earth. Assisted by Luthor, Superman was able to defeat and destroy Brainiac and the threat of its malevolence appeared to be gone for good.  And yet this would prove to be merely the first of many encounters between Superman and the foe. 
Every ounce of Brainiac contained a self-replicating blueprint that could reconstitute its original whole.  Luther foolishly studied the wreckage of Brainiac’s spacecraft hoping to utilize the advanced technology; and this allowed the villain to return.  
Actor Corey Burton provided the voice for Brainiac, with the insidious artificial intelligence first appearing in the debut episode of Superman: The Animated Series, ‘The Last Son of Krypton Part I.’  
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