#Every Supergirl Episode
kent-farm · 4 months
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Who would've thought? A boy from Daxam and a girl from Krypton, working together.
—Mon-El, Supergirl, Survivors
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benjinoff13 · 2 years
Remember when the supergirl suit got pants instead of a skirt and that’s when they stopped dressing kara like this
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And started dressing her like this
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Idk to cancel out the lesbianism or something
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nimrism · 3 months
constantly thinking about the PERFECT setup supergirl season 1 had to make kara queer;
"oh my god, you're a lesbian" – winn to kara, in the very FIRST episode.
"hell, i wanna date her" – kara, about lucy lane.
"she does kinda give off a sapphic vibe, with that big old butch S chestplate" – leslie willis (livewire) about supergirl.
there were so many other instances in s1 alone, let alone in later seasons when lena showed up (recounting every queer-coded supercorp interaction would require a whole podcast). it was the PERFECT pretext to make her even just a little bit fruity, but the cw just couldn't handle it i guess
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blazethecheeto · 8 days
hi so i watched the supergirl finale. and like. what the fuck guys.
that might have been the biggest queer analogy i've ever seen without it being explicitly stated. the whole talk where kara compares how she feels like she's been trapped, how she's been hiding and never living her authentic truth to alex feeling free and joyful with her wife.
the life she wants to have. the metaphors of her not feeling ready to come out. the constant parallels to alex's journey and her wedding vows resonating with kara so deeply. CAT SAYING "most of all, i hope you choose to become your full self."
and then, AND THEN- out of every single person, lena luthor is the one she has her last conversation with. she is the one to support her, to believe in her, like she always has. lena comparing how both of them were always being told who they were supposed to be, the roles society set up for them, and how they both defied it by becoming friends.
no, because don't get me started with how lillian said in the very beginning of the episode to lena: "live your life the way you want to live it." the insane queer metaphors and parallels with her magic being programmed out of her as a kid because 'it wasn't how the luthor family was supposed to be".
lena turning to kara in that conversation, saying she's finally living her own life and it feels amazing, inviting kara to join her and go through and take on that journey together. kara wondering how it would feel like to connect with someone as her full self NOT KNOWING THAT PERSON IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER? lena just responding "i think it'd be empowering" WISTFULLY? i can't do this guys i sobbed.
like TF DO YOU MEAN "i didn't get to grow up to be the person i was supposed to be, and i think it's the same for you" and "i give people speeches on how to live their best lives, but i'm too afraid to live my own".
also, ain't no way they killed off william AND made mon-el come back JUST to confirm that ship was never becoming canon. the writers really said yeah, both of them will be the only people at the wedding with absolutely no other love interests except each other!!
finally, on a less serious note, in that last cat + kara conversation, the way she said-
"i just feel..."
tl;dr: that was an insane show to go through, i can only imagine how the fans reacted, but man. queerbaiting's really something isn't it. i'm gonna cry and read more supercorp fanfiction.
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obliviouskara · 25 days
top 5 supergirl episodes?
full disclosure i haven't seen the entirety of supergirl (ive literally only seen like 7 eps & its all season 1) so this list will probably change over time (bc im starting to painstakingly watch the show - imagine slowburn but watching a series) however ive watched like a ridiculous amount of supercorp edits so im going to base my choices on the parts where supercorp exist ha!
5. Season 1 - Red Faced
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this would probably be the only none supercorp related yet still somehow my personal fave for a few reasons. i love this scene in particular bc it shows that cat grant cares for kara and what cat says here is very relatable. no matter how harsh cat can be at times, cat was a girl's girl here. she gave an advice which was helpful to both supergirl and kara. she had every right to rip kara viciously apart but instead she took a completely different route. i like the line she says here.
"You really need to figure out what's really bothering you." "You really need to find that anger behind the anger. And you really need to figure out what's really making you mad."
i think this was also the ep where kara acknowledged where some of the anger was coming from. even with zero dialogue and with mel's incredible acting skills she was able to convey so much emotions during that scene where she releases all her anger towards the red tornato. From losing her parents, losing her planet —her home, for losing everything and maybe even angry with her parents for the choices they made for her. it was such an incredible and very emotional scene.
im putting the rest in read more bc of how unnecessarily long this post has become
4. Season 2 - "The Adventures of Supergirl"
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this should be easy. this was the first time kara met lena and changed the trajectory of every queer person watching this show and lena first delivered the first of many many questionably fruity (gay) lines fjlkajdla
"You couldn't have fooled me."
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also bc of this scene thank you very much
3. Season 2 - "Luthors"
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if there is one particular scene that convinced me to even give supergirl the time of day its obvs this one and lena "suspiciously straight" luthor delivered one of the most iconic lines on television in my opinion and now forever engraved in my mind. let's not forget lcorp CEO lena luthor took the time of day to fill catco employee kara danver's office with flowers like it's a regular tuesday but oh well
"now you'll have someone to stand up for you. always" "supergirl might have saved me but kara danvers, you are my hero."
screaming, crying, throwing up
2. Season 2 - "Exodus"
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tada! i mean, look at it! how heroic! i also find it funny how grateful and confused lena was that kara danvers was having coffee with supergirl late at night but still
Season 2 - Ace Reporter
so this isnt at all groundbreaking bc honestly, 5 isn't enough and anything that has supercorp will be my favorite even though again i havent seen the rest of supergirl yet but we're ignoring canon so we're ignoring that fact too. i think this was the ep where kara was comforting lean about jack's death. i personally have a love and hate relationship towards this scene for many reasons but im a sucker for supercorp and there was a clip where kara hesitated and looked like she was about to plant a kiss on lena's head but then hugged her instead and i think its beautiful and im a sucker for kara leaning in towards lena
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im too lazy to figure out where these clips are from which episode but this. i love every scene and its more like these below are my reasons for watching supergirl and has nothing to do with being my top 5 bwahaha
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oh did i mention i also happen to have a weird obsession with superrojas i will not rest until i reach the ep where andrea rojas exist
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docgold13 · 3 months
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Batman: The Animated Series - Paper Cut-Out Portraits and Profiles
Poison Ivy (New Adventures)
Following an absence from Gotham City, Poison Ivy returned looking quite different.  Her skin had turned a greenish shade of pale and her physique was more slim and nymphlike.  Pamela Isley had used plant-golems as surrogates for herself in the past and it is possible that the Poison Ivy who reemerged in Gotham was actually just another of these floral golems.  Conversely it is also possible that continued exposure to plant-based mutagens had transformed Isley, making her more of a dryad-like being.  
Whatever the case, Poison Ivy was up to her old tricks.  She created a series of plant-based replicants each of whom exuded invisible spores that made them incredibly desirable.  Each of these golems were designed specifically for an individual victim, all people who were wealthy and influential throughout Gotham and its surrounding boroughs.  Bruce Wayne was among these targets and he found himself having fallen head over heels in love with a young woman named Susan.  The spore-based pheromones Susan emitted made Bruce feel a sense of peace and contentment that he had never in his life experienced.  She was the perfect woman: strong, accepting, beautiful and compatible in every way.  
It was only after his marriage to Susan and decision to forsake his life as Batman that Bruce finally discovered the terrible truth of who (or rather what) Susan actually was.  A heartbroken Bruce resumed his guise as Batman and brought down Ivy’s schemes, destroying the various plant golems who were planning on killing their new spouses and leaving ivy in control of their fortunes and influence.  Ivy herself seemed to perish, but she would resurface soon thereafter.  
Hiding out with her partner, Harley Quinn, the two were visited by the escaped super villainess known as Live Wire.  The three of them went on a destructive crime spree that was ultimately stopped by the combined efforts of Batgirl and Supergirl.             
Some time later, Poison Ivy teamed up with The Floronic Man as part of a diabolical scheme to transform all life on earth into plant-based creatures similar to the Swamp Thing.  Although Batman and Nightwing fought hard to put an end to this plot they could not prevail and the day was actually saved when Harley Quinn pleaded with Ivy to stop.  Ivy and Harley’s love for each other turned the tide and Ivy chose not to go through with the plan.   
Actresses Diane Pershing and Paget Brewster each provided the voice for Poison Ivy, with the villainess first appearing in the ninth episode of the first season of Batman: The Animated Series, ‘Pretty Poison.’
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oneshotnewbie · 3 months
Can you also do a oneshot where B!D is the one kidnapped in season 2 instead of Alex and she almost dies because of her asthma?
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Authors note: I changed the scenery a bit and wrote a different storyline because I think it would be totally weird to write the exact same episode in season two with Baby Danvers instead of Alex in it. Hope that's okay!
Kara and Alex were on their way to your apartment, where you had planned a peaceful family dinner, when suddenly their cell phones lit up and beeped wildly in a monotonous tone. The message the two received from an anonymous sender was short and clear, but still very disturbing and frightening. "Your sister is in danger. Come to the old warehouse at the harbor alone if you want her back alive. If you take the Martian with you, she will die."
"Call her immediately!" said the redhead in a panic as she tried to trace the sender using a cell phone tracking device installed on her phone. But both the call and the pursuit went nowhere and, full of concern, the two sisters followed the instructions with a desperate expression.
Shortly afterwards the two found themselves in front of an abandoned warehouse. The surroundings were silent and frightening, only the gentle sound of the sea against the harbor wall accompanied their quick steps before they stopped opposite a shadow that only slowly approached them. "Who the hell are you and where is our sister?"
"Kara, Alex. It's nice that you came," spoke a cool voice before the shadow grew into a male figure. Despite the passing years of her high school days, Alex instantly realized that it was Rick Malverne who had been ruthlessly targeting Supergirl's family and identity for some time.
“What did you do to y/n?!” Kara shouted angrily, her eyes glowing red with anger. Malverne smiled and finally stepped into the light, where the two women's eyes met his ice-cold one. He pulled a small device out of his pocket and played around with it before throwing it to the redhead. The two of them were able to see a black and white shot of you on the small camera.
"Your sweet little sister. She will be useful for the success of my plans," he grinned devilishly and the two siblings took another look at the device in their hands. You were trembling uncontrollably in fear and with a look of panic on your face, you tried desperately to fight against the amount of cold water that was increasing slowly in the watertank you were trapped in. "And if you don't cooperate, she'll soon run out of air."
The tension in the warehouse reached its peak when Malverne stood triumphantly. His cold eyes fixed on the two siblings who were forced to be in his power. The two siblings looked at each other briefly, their minds quick as lightning as they considered how they could save you from this life-threatening situation before deciding to play his game. After all, it was your life that was now in the hands of a madman. "What do you want from us?" the redhead asked through gritted teeth, her anger running unbearably through every fiber of her body.
"Very wise of you, Danvers. You're going to help me get my father out of jail. If you don't get him out within the next six hours-" he threatened with a malicious grin and flipped a small switch in his other hand that displayed a timer on the camera. "She dies within a very short time. You have no choice."
Kara clenched her fists, her knuckles already losing blood and turning white, but she knew she had to proceed carefully. "Hop, hop, Supergirl. You don't have much time left." the blonde nodded hesitantly and he disappeared back into the darkness. The two siblings were tense as they were forced to cooperate with the enemy to save you. But in the hearts of both women they swore that Malverne's sinister plans would not go unanswered and that they would receive punishment.
While Kara and Alex reluctantly took every opportunity to hatch a plan, they tried to mislead him with a clever but stressful situation. While J'onn posed as Supergirl, Kara activated her superpowers and attacked him from behind.
When both Alex and J'onn as Supergirl took advantage of his attention and negotiated with him, the blonde took advantage of the moment of surprise. She shot forward and grabbed him in a lightning-quick movement, throwing him against the wall. Alex immediately followed her, her hands gripping his neck in a tight grip. He could only watch helplessly as his plans collapsed.
"You didn't think we'd give up so easily, did you?" Alex spoke in a threatening tone while Kara fixed him with an icy stare. They left him in the hands of the Martian who took him to the DEO and they rushed to the water tank where you were trapped and still fighting for your life. The water level rose threateningly and you were already gasping for air to the last millimeter. “Y/n, hold on!”
With her strength and speed, the blonde threw herself at the tempered safety glass until it began to shatter and you flowed out of the tank with the flood of water. The relief was palpable, but the joy of your safety was short-lived and the hardships took their toll.
Exhausted and panting in panic, you collapsed in her arms with a choking gasp, gasping for air as your siblings exchanged frightened looks. "She's having an asthma attack!" The redhead whispered, her expression serious as she realized that neither you nor any of them had an inhaler with them. "She needs to go to the hospital. There's no time to waste!"
The blonde nodded in agreement and the blonde gently lifted you into her arms. Alex also clung to Kara before she flew into the air. The night air was cool as she flew with you over the city, reaching the hospital at breathtaking speed. Doctors immediately rushed over to take care of you while Kara and Alex waited anxiously, hoping that you would regain your strength soon.
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tossawary · 5 months
I've been thinking a lot about DCU stuff and Ace Attorney thoughts got mixed in by accident, because it's got a lot of the same themed, colorful character designs and silly pun names. So, of course, I started immediately daydreaming about a DCU-style Superhero AU for Ace Attorney. (I often do not fully control what I think about.)
And then I was like, "I think I just finally have to play Ace Attorney at this point, before I get stuck in a weird daydream loop because I don't know enough about the plot to worldbuild properly. I will let this be the final push to just start these games."
Based on my extremely limited knowledge (I have only actually played 2 episodes of the first game), here are my Superhero AU thoughts so far. I don't like 1-1 character role match-ups in general when I fuse worlds, so none of these AA characters are fully aligned with any particular DCU character.
Phoenix Wright would make a good speedster, I think. This is partially because of the spiky hair, but also because there's a terrible irony to being the fastest man in the world who keeps being too late to stop certain tragedies. It also suits the way he's apparently never properly prepared for anything but also quickly manages to pull through. He's probably still a defense attorney in his civilian identity. (In accordance with later games, he has to stop being a superhero for several years when he's framed for a crime.)
Besides Phoenix's mentor Mia, who is also both a superhero and a lawyer, ordinary civilian Larry Butz is the only person who initially knows that Phoenix has superpowers. He honestly hasn't told anyone Phoenix's secret identity! But Larry also somehow gets into more scrapes and "damsel in distress" situations than Lois Lane and he's not even an investigative reporter.
Mia Fey, Maya Fey, and Pearl Fey have a Shazam situation, I think, in which they transform into a "Mystic Champion" magically empowered by the ghosts of their ancestors. Like a Shazam & Danny Phantom fusion. Mia Fey was the first in her family to become a publicly known superhero. A lot of people don't know that it's not the original Mystic Champion (same face and same superpowered form as Mia, which breaks Phoenix's heart a little every time) until Maya or Pearl transforms back into a regular girl after the fight is over.
I think Miles Edgeworth is a Batman type hero, but one still partially ensnared by Manfred von Karma, who is his Ra's al Ghul. (This makes Franziska into Talia, but there is definitely nothing romantic there.) Maybe he does have superpowers of some kind, maybe not, and he could still potentially be a prosecutor. He doesn't have a Brucie persona, though. Phoenix is not impressed by Edgeworth's harsh and even cruel approach to vigilante work. (Steel Samurai was Miles' Gray Ghost or Zorro hero inspiration, I'm guessing.)
Gumshoe is Miles' Commissioner Gordon figure and doesn't know his secret identity yet. He's either going to learn in the middle of a really bad situation or he's just going to straight-up figure it out himself one day and scare the hell out of Miles.
I'm still thinking about characters like Kristoph and Klavier Gavin, Apollo Justice, and Trucy Wright, but I don't know enough about them to fully flesh these thoughts out yet. I think the Gavins would make good Kryptonian equivalents (a cold and calculating Superman and a rockstar Supergirl), Apollo might make a good Wonder Girl equivalent (his bracelet becomes a Lasso of Truth) as the lost son of an Amazon, and Trucy would obviously be fun as a Zatanna type of hero.
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arrow-v-flash-polls · 3 months
who had the Best 100th ep
invasion (arrow
what is past is prologue (flash
wvrd error 100 (lot
its a super Life (supergirl
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Not every show makes it to 100 episodes but these four did, so which one had the best episode to mark the occasion?
Thank you for the suggestion anon. This should be an interesting result.
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kent-farm · 5 months
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Team Krypton was just having #TOOMUCHFUN!
—Kara, Supergirl, “The Last Children of Krypton”
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benjinoff13 · 2 years
WLW tv moments that altered my brain chemistry forever
1. HER in the 100, especially this scene
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2. Just the entirety of supergirl, I don’t even know where to start
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3. This raylla kiss in motherland fort salem
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4. Every avatrice scene ever in warrior nun (ya’ll better be watching this show on netflix or I’ll be in your walls tonight)
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5. The villaneve bus kiss in killing eve
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6. Mulan from once upon a time, I will never shut up about her
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7. The marina engagement episode from station 19
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8. Clarke shooting Bellamy in the 100, the biggest victory ever
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9. The emisue 3x09 sex scene and Ivy by Taylor Swift playing right after in dickinson
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10. Robin kneeling for Nancy in stranger things
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damienns · 3 months
Sadie McCarthy supercut + bonus: some ready to GIF video frames / HQ screenshots
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Here’s the link where you can access and download the supercut of episode 3, some of the screenshots are still uploading.
Hello everyone! I’ve had a little free time recently and I’m having a lot of fun watching Melissa play Sadie in The Girls on the Bus—you should all check it out it’s been fun so far!
So I just want to share these resources for video editors out there (supercuts) and to my fellow GIF makers (1080p quality screenshots, ready to be uploaded as video frames in Photoshop).
That said, I’m sharing again my Ko-fi link here and PayPal if you guys want to buy me coffee or help my sister who’s a student trying to save up for her Graduate visa. She’s in her last term of school, finishing her Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery and Diploma in Kitchen Management while also working part time to pay up her tuition. 
She’s studying as an international student and she needs the Temporary Graduate visa after she finishes her studies and it costs a lot 🫠 I’m trying to find other means of work (got a full time job and some freelance work every now and then) to save up and help her but we will also gladly and gratefully take any amount you guys can spare and donate :)
Thank you so much for the support to all those who like what I do when I find a rare free time, especially to my fellow supercorps! I’ll do my best to be more active on posting here and at supercorp_gifs twitter page.
Below is a list of what I’m currently working on and upcoming free resources to upload and share:
The Girls on the Bus episodes 1 and 2 of Sadie supercuts and HQ screenshots
GIF Making Tutorial post, including resources and reference links that have helped me establish my workflow and process in creating GIFs
Supergirl Kara Danvers supercuts. I’ve started a rewatch of the golden and best season—season 1—last month and I’m on the Red Kryptonite episode I think so I’ll maybe start preparing the clips from that episode.
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fazedlight · 7 months
Cameo had a sale and I couldn't resist! Transcript below the cut. Twitter link is here.
Hi Melissa! Name twins. Thanks so much for requesting this cameo, I hope you had a really happy holiday if you celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope it was a really nice one. And thanks for these great questions! When I directed the episode of Supergirl that I directed, on shows like that, you don't typically have too much control over the story or things like that. It was really to make things easier to shoot, you would change something. Or if I had an idea that would tie in with a location that I chose - which, that was something I had control over, which location we used for Lex Luthor's house, we did a whole location scout. So you get to choose those spots, and how it will look on camera. That being said, every decision I made, it was a collaboration with the directory of photography, it was a collaborations with the [Associate Directors], it was a collaboration with costumes and wardrobe and everyone to make sure everything would work on the day we were shooting whatever scene. Also those superhero shows are really complicated to shoot as you can imagine, with the action, the special effects, the stunts. So really, I had control beforehand of very little, but then on the day you have control on what you say to the actors and principle actors on set with where you want to go, but also you're trying to match the tone of the show that's been established, that there's been multiple seasons of. So that's fun! And then after the fact in the editing room, you really get to collaborate 1:1 with the editor to try to make the episode more your own and give it your own voice, even though it lives in this existing world that's been established. I loved it, and it was really great, and we had the best crew, so I worked with really awesome people that I loved!
And with my book, the process of writing with my sister, we kind of came up with the idea together. Jessica is a writer, she's a much better writer than me, we'd kind of come up with ideas together, brainstorm, she'd kinda go, I'd help finesse, we had a fantastic editor. But storywise we really came up with the world and mythology together. And I go by Melissa in life! Actually, everyone on set at Supergirl called me Mel. I think because one of the stunt coordinators, Simon, started calling me Mel, and then all of a sudden I became Mel. Which, never in my life was I ever a Mel, suddenly on Supergirl I was a Mel - I was fine with it! You're awesome too, thanks for the support, thanks for reaching out, I send all my love!
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dragonmp93 · 16 days
Ruby Sunday Theory
(Spoilers for Doctor Who Series 14 / Disney+'s Season 1)
Now that we have reached the middle of the season, here is what I think about what's going on with Ruby:
I think that "Ruby Sunday" is 100% human as it has been shown several times through the four episodes
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But that body / identity is just something that whatever Ruby actually to hide or camouflage or something. Fun fact: Switching the consonants and you get Bury instead of Ruby.
But I don't think that she is a time lord, as the show has done the Chameleon Arch plot several, but it would be pretty funny if she actually the Rani or Romana.
To me, she is more like some kind of weapon or the embodiment of something as it has been a running theme of the season along with looking where do you step.
Like Samantha Arias, a normal human, from the CW's Supergirl:
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AKA Reign the Worldkiller, a kryptonian supersoldier:
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I think that there is a trigger that activates her true form, for good or evil, but we do know that there is definitely something wrong with Ruby according to Maestro, given that her hidden songs are Carol of the Bells, due to her birthday being Christmas Eve which causes snow to fall every time her past is brought up, and Aeolian tones.
Which Wikipedia explains as the sound of wind passing through objects, but in the show is portrayed as the sound of ultimate destruction.
Either that or she is the villain reborn a la Majin Buu returning as Uub at the end of Dragon Ball Z.
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toomanyopinionss · 1 year
i wanna talk abt
the CW DC shows
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man how far they fell…
Of course this list was prompted by the fact that the Flash is coming to an end, signaling the end of an era.
There’s a multitude of reasons why these shows went in flames:
troubling production, some truly awful plot lines, the racism, the queerbaiting…
however, the highs were so HIGH. Every once in a while, i’ll think about the crossovers and get happy nostalgia tingles. they were so iconic.
the penultimate memorable moments in each of the shows.
From the time Barry first broke the sound barrier, to the time Cisco DIED by Dr. Wells but barry ran so fast he went back in time and undid it, to the time Caitlyn’s dead fiancé came back, fused with an old ass professor, just to die again shortly afterwards 😂😂
From the time Oliver’s mom blew up the city with the help of the man she had an affair with (which ended up killing the guys whole son 🤡), to the time Oliver took Felicity to his mansion and told her he loved her as a mIsDiReCt, to the ENTIRE season 5.
From the time Kara came out as supergirl just to save her sister, to the time that same sister actually came out (which, at 14, was so important to me), to the first time Lena Luther is introduced and every time she’s in screen afterwards. (Season 2 was just *chefs kiss*)
and that’s just the main three. don’t tell me that when you think of legends of tomorrow, a good 5 scenes don’t immediately pop into your head. what a batshit crazy piece of media.
Now there’s a lot of discourse as to what started the spark that caught flame and caused this entire franchise to explode as horribly as it did.
some say that Barry going back in time and fucking with the timeline ruined it
some say that the beginning of the end was the batwoman show, one of the hottest messes to come out of the CW’s ass since riverdale’ third season
some even blame the death of captain cold. a very VALID complaint
regardless of what you think, i believe that now that the arrowverse is coming to it’s inevitable end, it’s a good time to look back and reminisce. With the writers strike happening (show your support btw), and the fact that streaming services are unwilling to release seasons with more than 10 episodes, i cherish the time i spent with these shows even more. i grew up with them (for reference, i was born in 2003, so i was 9 when arrow came out for the first time). My dad had the first 3 seasons of Arrow on dvd.
Iris was one of the first black women I saw on screen after transitioning out of my disney channel phase. And she wasn’t a side character or anything, she was a main character and the love interest of the superhero. regardless of what you think abt iris as a character, that shit just wasn’t the norm back in 2015.
When sara lance kissed the daughter of the head of league of assassins in front of her ex-boyfriend, and it was as just another tuesday in star city. such an important scene.
look, all this to say. I will miss this era***. even if I stopped watching the flash during the 8th season. i didn’t realize how comforting it was knowing it was still out there.
***i know the superman and lois hasn’t officially been cancelled yet. but i’m protecting my heart. cuz it’s a really good show.
Goodbye, Arrowverse
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primeofprimes115 · 1 year
Luck - Supergirl x Male Reader
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Warnings: Action 👿 and Fluff 🥰
Gunshots ring out as Parademons advanced on Y/N as he quickly reloads his Hand Cannon and throws 3 flaming knives at 3 incoming Parademons in front of him.
Summary: it is the final battle, Darkseid and his army has invaded Earth (much like in the final episode of Justice League Unlimited), every Hero and Villain has agreed with joining up together to fight a common enemy.
You are a young man with extraordinary abilities who is practically immortal thanks to your powers from two paracausal Gods/Goddesses (Light and Dark) who once upon a time, fought each other before coming to a truce where the timeline would reset.
It's unknown to everyone what happened in the old timeline since there was no Justice League, just Guardians.
But at the moment, you're in a middle of fighting Parademons alone, at the entrance of where the Parademon's objective was, they were trying to terraform Earth since it was Darkseid's orders and let's just say you didn't like the sound of that.
Your objective is to shut down the terraforming weapon and make it go boom in the process.
And it was heavily guarded with Parademons on the ground and the sky.
He then ducks down to dodge a clothesline attack from behind him, spins round and hammer-fires his Hand Cannon before a bullet hits an explosive propane tank, killing a few Parademons and sharp debre comes flying at a Parademon from behind him as he makes a 'ta-da' gesture with his free hand before double jumping on top of a destroyed Watchtower Javelin he rode earlier on.
He turns round and placed a trip-mine before firing his Hand Cannon at 3 incoming Parademons as more close in and reluctantly run into the trip-mine, killing the few that ran into it as Y/N cartwheel jumps off and slides down while killing a Parademon that charges at him in the air.
He lands and is grabbed from behind before being thrown at some hanging debre, taking a hard hit.
"Yep.. That hurt" Y/N says, holding his head with one hand as the Parademon in front of him starts to pick up a piece of debris, Y/N picks up his Hand Cannon and starts getting up before getting hit by the debris the Parademon picked up, being tossed towards a Javelin wing hanging up.
With quick thinking, he pulls out his knife and impales it right through the broken wing, and overlooks the incoming enemies, he looks up and shoots the wire tangled around the wing that caused the piece of the Javelin to hang in place, he uses his knife to put enough force to throw the wing down on the Parademons below him and lands on his feet, looking at the debre he pulled down on them.
"Sorry. Not sorry" he says to the dead Parademons behind him before running back out at the incoming threats, firing his Hand Cannon before sliding right under a Parademon that tried to tackle him.
As he gets up, he sees he's surrounded completely.
"Well... Should've stayed home today Y/N" he talked to himself, now regretting the mess he's put himself in before he hears a grunt coming from a female as a Parademon is flung right over his head, driving the attention away from him as two red lasers then shoot out at a Parademons.
"Sounds like you need some girl-power" he recognised the voice as he smiles under his hood, it was his girl bestie Kara Zor-El or in other words: Supergirl.
"I really do actually" he replies to Kara with a cocky smile as the two start to kick ass together, fighting side-by-side.
Using your Light and Dark powers and Kara using her abilities, nothing could stop you both, it was why the citizens thought you and Supergirl were a power-couple, they thought you two were dating in which it was a nice thought that made you both blush about it, you two were just best friends-nothing more... Yet.
The dust then settles, Y/N reloads his Hand Cannon while panting a little as Kara let's her guard down.
"Think that's the last of them?" Kara asked.
"should be" Y/N replied looking at the terraforming weapon that overlooked the sky, he starts to walk off before Kara stops him.
"I should go with you, we'll shut down the weapon together" she suggested but you refused.
"No, you need to stay out here, keep Darkseid's forces busy with the League, my objective is to shutting down the weapon alone, I even said it myself" he looks at Kara as she hangs her head low to think. She looks back up and opens her mouth but closes it straight after, understanding what her objective is.
"Okay... I-I'm just... Worried, about losing you" she confesses, which warms Y/N's heart.
"Me too Kar, but... You know I've killed Gods, I can take care of myself, as you can take care of yourself and the League, don't worry about me... I'll be fine" he comforts her as she kept looking into his eyes and smiles.
He holsters his Hand Cannon and pulls Kara in for a comforting hug, they close their eyes to take in the warm hug before pulling back, and smiling slightly, backing off a little.
"One more thing before you go" Kara starts to feel butterflies in her stomach as he stops to look at her.
She approached Y/N with her super-speed and pulls herself into him, closing her eyes and planting her lips on his, taking Y/N by surprise with the sudden kiss which he melts into straight after realising his girl bestie unexpectedly kisses him.
He then closes his eyes, her hands cup his face as they both pull back, opening their eyes to look at each other.
Kara smiles like a goof-ball as Y/N looks at her with a shocked expression before chuckling lightly with blushy red cheeks.
"Uh Kara? What was -"
"For luck! For good luck!" she says quickly with her goofy smile on her face "Now go shut down that weapon, while I kick ass alongside my Cousin and the Justice League and if Darkseid is there, I'll tell him you said wished to kick his ass" Kara lets go of Y/N as he starts to back off with a smile on her face.
"You too" he says to her before running off to his objective as Kara looked on
"Eyes Up" Kara says your monologue, while you ran off.
In the end? The battle was won, the weapon was shut down and surprisingly... Y/N would fight Darkseid, he was very powerful and Y/N was battered yes... But you triumphed in the end, he was the end of the barrel of his Hand Cannon.
But at what cost?
Many cities were damaged badly, many died... Heroes and Villains alike, their sacrifices would not be forgotten.
The rest of the League were worried about Y/N, about the terraforming weapon going out with a boom.
"What would Apokolips be like now that you're defeated and at the end of the barrel of a gun? What would your followers think, their so called 'Lord of Apokolips' beaten by a Human with extra-terrestrial powers from an old timeline, would they look at you anymore? How embarrassed you must feel right now... The humiliation" Y/N speaks coldly at Darkseid as he stares down Y/N with a cold stare.
"You cannot kill the Lord of Apokolips, I am a God" Darkseid replies.
"And I kill Gods, I've slayed many Gods, liberated and freed thousands of planets from slavery, corruption, greed, I. Am. A Guardian. And you are just another God for me to put on which God I killed list" Y/N replies as his finger itches on the trigger.
The rest of the League were now approaching... Well, the ones that could fly atleast, Supergirl was also with them since she was worried about him the most.
They land inside the crater and debre of the world-ending weapon, only to see a hooded figure approach them which Kara immediately identified it was Y/N as she quickly rushed towards him to check in him as the others then look behind him to see Darkseid, on the floor...
Green Lantern (John Stewart) and Superman approached Darkseid as Wonder Woman checked on Y/N with Kara before the rest of the League arrived along with Batman.
"he's dead" John Stewart confirmed Darkseid's condition to which Superman looked shocked as he also checked for vitals, only to see a bullet hole through Darkseid's head.
Only one person could've killed Darkseid... That being Y/N himself.
"I pulled the trigger... I saw the opportunity, to finally put him down... I'm... Sorry if that... Disappoints you all" Y/N says to everyone, hanging his head low.
"No" Superman replies, Y/N looks back up to face him, "you did the right thing" He acknowledges Y/N.
"Good... But, there's one more thing... You don't mind if I-" just as Y/N was about to finish, Kara makes him look at her and plants her lips on his as everyone looked on with mixed reactions, most of them were shocked while some where happy and a few boys were jealous.
Kal stares in disbelief to see his cousin smooching Y/N, he smiles since he knew this moment would come for Kara.
He knew how much Y/N meant to her, she was afraid of confessing her feelings to Y/N so... She asked him and his Wife Lois Lane for help.
Y/N and Kara pull back from the kiss and look at each other, not caring about the others looking at them.
"You don't mind if I take your cousin out for a Date?" he finished his previous question.
"As long as she's happy with it" he replies as Kara looks at Y/N with a delighted look on her face and plants a smooch on his cheek.
That was mere 4 months ago, Kara thinks all the way back to that day, not just to remember the first kiss they had but... To remember the Heroes that fell and Villains who redeemed themselves that sacrificed their lives to save lives.
The world healed, cities were slowly being repaired with the Justice League's help.
Kara was now a full-time Justice League member and Y/N joined alongside her to be by her side no matter what happens since they made a perfect power-couple.
At the moment however, Y/N and Kara were in the bedroom, smooching under the bed covers after their long session of sexual contact for the second time after a month.
"Have I told you how much I love you?" Kara asked pulling back a little.
"Many times" Y/N chuckles.
"I love you" she giggles.
"I love you too" Y/N says back, pulling her down to continue smooching for the rest of the night...
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