#Kyle bro
heyitsoak · 2 years
South Park Characters with a Cat s/o
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Masterlist II Taglist
Characters (Separately): Leopold ‘Butters’ Stotch, Kyle Broflovski, Tweek Tweak and Mysterion
Pronouns: Gender Neutral reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Cursing? Only a little tho
Requested?: Yes // No
Summary: Basically the reader kept it a secret from everyone that they have the ability to change into an anthro cat, so they finally decide to tell their s/o about it. They were worried in doing so since there has been others who have the same ability as they do but they have always been looked down apon for doing bad things or just being bad people, so they hope that when they confess their secret to their s/o they will understand and not tell anyone else and hopefully not be scared of them and this newfound information.
Okayokayokay- LOOK-- I totally didn't make this as an excuse for me to write headcanons of how my favourite SP characters would react to my fur- I mean OC -AHA-- Look I'm totally not a furry, okay- JUST SHHH
Basically the reader is human but has the ability to turn into an anthro cat! (I guess the reader is kinda like a shapeshifter in a way?? idk lmao) The idea sounded fun and I had fun writing this too <3
Leopold ‘Butters’ Stotch
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He would ADORE you like AAA
You would probably be hesitant about showing anyone, especially Butters your cat form, mainly in fear of them being afraid of you and not wanting to be friends with you anymore after telling them
But when you got the courage to tell Butters he was slightly scared but he calmed down knowing that it’s still you and that you wouldn’t hurt him
And you’re so much taller in your cat form?? Like 😭
Sometimes he’ll ask for your help to get stuff from high places
But you will never let his parents know about it, his parents will more than likely ground him and not let him see you again
He loves holding your tail and just- snuggles with you are the best since you’re so fluffy??
He gets super happy whenever you get more comfortable around him to show your cat form more often, he doesn’t mind if you’re in your form the entire time you hang out with him but he does enjoy seeing you in your human form too
He might ask you to join him as Professor Chaos and be his partner in crime but you might say no since if the town finds out you are causing destruction to the town they might look down on you and other people like you as bad people and you don’t want that- but he will completely understand if you say no
He will find you so adorable though, definitely will try and pet you
10/10 he loves you and your cat form very much <33
Kyle Broflovski
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You tried keeping it a secret because you were worried about telling him but keyword tried
He ended up walking into your room when he went to visit you, forgetting to knock and you were chilling in your cat form
You immediately started to panic, getting up in a hurry and changing back to your human form
He was confused and panicked?? Mainly confused
You told him to sit down as you explained the best you could without freaking out
He was chill with it, just mildly upset as to why you never told him before now or never even planned on telling him
But you told him it’s not the social norm or not accepted of people like you and some people would even try attacking or hunting you down if the word even spread about you so you just opted to not telling anyone
He understood and promised not to tell anyone but, under one condition..
If you gave him cuddles >:)
He still wouldn’t of told anyone anyways if you said no but he just wanted an excuse to cuddle you
He thinks you’re great for cuddling and your tail makes a great pillow or blanket
He would play with your fur and pet you
He’s just such a great boyfriend to have I love him sm 😭💕💕 (He’s like my favourite character besides Mysterion)
If his parents just so happened to also find out they would also panic/freak out and be super confused and worried
Sheila would stand there, mouth agape and go “WHAT WHAT WHAT??” When she sees you and would try to pull Kyle away but he would pull back and stand beside you
She would calm down slightly after an explanation yet would still be weary of you, but she notices how happy you make Kyle so she accepts you and promises not to tell anyone
Gerald would probably be to high off cat piss to notice anything different about you
Gerald would also be confused, not as worried or freaked out as the others were but he thinks it’s cool, he won’t tell anyone either, he’d probably almost slip up to someone about it but he would quickly cover it up
If you make his son happy he’s fine with you being around him/dating Kyle and he accepts you as if you’re anyone else
Ike adores you- When he first saw you he probably wouldn’t of freaked out of been confused, just walked up to you and hugged your tail
He would walk around the house with you, holding your tail and Kyle thinks it’s adorable
You three chilling on the couch, you, Kyle and Ike just watching Terrance and Phillip
Kyle adores how gentle you are with his younger brother and he’s glad that Ike likes you
You both just hope Ike doesn’t end up telling someone on purpose or accidentally since he probably wouldn’t know any better, he sees you as anyone else
Or he sees you as just a big fluffy harmless cat
Tweek Tweak
It literally deleted everything I wrote for Tweek and I’m so irritated by it 😭 I can’t even remember half of the things I wrote
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You originally didn’t want to tell Tweek since you knew he would freak out but once you two started dating that’s when you realized you needed to tell him
Obviously he freaked out and was screaming about if you’re keeping any other secrets from him that he doesn’t know about
But once you reassure him that you’re not keeping anymore secrets from him that’s when he calms down.. slightly
He soon begins to understand why you kept it a secret but he was kinda upset by the fact you kept it a secret from him like were you not originally planning on tell him?? Do you not trust him? He just starts to overthink the whole situation :(
He may need some time to think about it and comprehend what you’ve told him but he comes back and still loves you just as much as before (And possibly more) 
You don’t tell him though about the fact that you could be hunted down if the information gets in the wrong hands because he would obviously panic and freak the fuck out if he knew about that
But you do tell him not to tell anyone else and he promises not too
After some time he thinks you’re just so adorable in your cat form and he finds comfort in you, just a big fluffy cat you know?
He loves receiving hugs from you, you’re so big compared to him so you practically engulf him in your arms     
He just can’t express how much he loves you-- You never fail to calm him down when he’s anxious and you’re always there for him when he’s having a panic attack 
Even when he doesn’t ask you just drop everything you’re doing to rush over to him and comfort him and to just be there, making sure he’s okay. And he loves you for that, he really appreciates it.
Sometimes you help him around the coffee shop and if he’s having trouble reaching something from a high place he’ll hesitantly ask you for help
Since you’re so tall you make grabbing things from high places look so easy??
And he thinks you look so cute in the Tweek Bros Coffee apron <3
1000/10 best anxious boyfriend, I love him
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(For this scenario you're also a superhero)
He's always knew about it since he met you, due to the fact your hero persona is your cat form
He likes how you became a superhero to try and show others that your kind aren't bad and that they can be good people
He really admires you though, he wont say it out loud since he's supposed to be all tough and whatnot
When he starts to develop feeling for you he tries to ignore it but he soon realizes that he can't just ignore it
He was in denial that he liked you, not because he didn't want to like you but because he always felt that like as Mysterion he can't show emotion especially being in love
So he tried keeping his emotions shoved back but he would accidentally slip up here and there and soon the other heroes started to catch on
The other heroes cough cough Toolshed cough would tease him about it and he would just blush and tell him to shut up lmao
He didn't know if he should confess to you or not since he wasn't sure if it would end up working out and because he didn't know if you felt the same
But from talking to the other heroes they began pointing out the obvious or more simple things you do that show that you really do feel the same way about him
But I mean, c'mon, how could you not feel the same way towards him??
You practically scraped your knees falling for him so hard
Everything he does, even the most simple things makes you fall more and more in love with him
After talking to the other heroes he was convinced that you felt the same way but he was still scared to confess his feelings towards you
That was until one fateful encounter with Professor Chaos when you were heavily injured and he was worried that he might end up loosing you 
He got Tupperware to bring you back to the Freedom Pals base while he dealt with Chaos and his minions
Once he was done with Chaos he rushed back to the base and asked how you were doing and if you were alright
You were bandaged up and unconscious, Doctor Timothy explained that you have a few minor cuts and a large gash on your body but luckily you will make it 
Once you regain consciousness Mysterion was the first one to be by your side, after you were well aware of your surroundings and what had happened he decided to confess to you
And of course, you feel the same way
He was so relieved that you felt the same way despite everyone else saying that you obviously like him back
Mysterion tries to seem like he isn’t one for affection but he’s actually a sucker for it
Don’t let his rough exterior fool you
Whenever everyone else is out on a mission or patrolling and you two happen to get back sooner you just end up cuddling while they’re all gone
He loves playing with your fur and petting you
And when you asked if you could play with his hair for the first time his real voice accidentally slipped out (Like in the one episode when he got surprised and went “What the fuck?” yeah, like that)
He just went- “Holy shit! Yes!”
Please he just loves it when you play with his hair and he finds it adorable if you start purring or something while he’s petting you or playing with your hair/fur
He likes to mess around with your fingers when he’s bored and just squish your paw pads and watch your claws unsheathe he thinks it’s cool and also amazed at how long and sharp your claws are, It’s like retractable daggers on your fingers??
(Man you can really tell how much I love Mysterion just by how much I’ve wrote for him holy-)
He would bring you over to his house while on patrol because he needed to get something but he accidentally knocked something over and someone happened to hear it 
She would open the door asking if Kenny was there and she would just see you two and both you and Mysterion shared and awkward and worried glace at eachother and you stand there, stiff as a board
(Oh my god I have that ‘ok I pull up’ song stuck in my head 💀)
Karen would immediately run over to Mysterion and hug him while calling him her “Guardian Angel” and then look over to you
“Who’s that?”
She would back at Mysterion and gasp super loud and go “Are they your girlfriend/boyfriend/partner?!??”
He would blush super bright and cover his face in embarrassment
“They are!!”
“Wha- Karen no-”
She would think you’re both so cute together and she wouldn’t mind that you can turn into a cat! She thinks it’s cool 
Like Ike she will hold your tail/hug it and pet you
Mysterion finds it heartwarming how quickly Karen took liking to you and how you’re so kind to her
1000000/10 Best boyfriend I love him sm omg <333
AYYY I FINISHED IT WOOOO I’ve been working on this for hours now lmao and it’s almost 2am now, I was gonna write for The Coon & Mosquito too but I don’t feel like it 😭 Plus I doubt anyone is gonna read this one anyways lmao
But PLEASEEE send South Park requests I will literally cry I want to write for more South Park characters :’)
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iifishizzleii · 2 months
“you’re just so small :(“ “he doesn’t want to hurt ur tiny body” “his fist is bigger than your womb” “his hand is the size of your entire stomach” “:( small baby no hurt by big man soldier”-
brotha eeughhhaa🤢🤢🤢👹👹🤕🤒🤒🤮🤧
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green-alien-turdz · 20 days
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This is Cartman's tattoo artist calling obviously
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incorrectbatfam · 8 months
Selina, dressed as Morticia Addams: Ah, my fated one, this season fills me with such wicked joy. It reminds me of the day you asked me to be your wife.
Bruce, dressed as Gomez Addams: Or that time Alfred let me burn all those old Batmobiles.
Duke, dressed in a Lord of the Rings cosplay: Get a room!
Selina: Duke, you're supposed to wear a Halloween costume.
Duke: But I really like being an elf. And it's better than Damian's costume.
Bruce: Why? What's Damian wear—
Damian, wearing Bruce's oversized coat: I am Father for Halloween.
Bruce, choking up: It's perfect.
Duke, muttering: Suck up.
Stephanie, entering dressed as Jack Skellington: Hey guys! Are you ready to pull off people’s thumbs for Halloween?
Cassandra, dressed as Sally: Yay, thumbs!
Barbara, dressed as a pumpkin: She means trick or treat.
Kate, watching: Alfred, they do know it's October 6th, right?
Alfred: Try telling them that. Or try telling it to—
Dick, dressed as Harley Quinn: HAPPY HALLOWEEN, NERDS!
Jason, dressed as Deadpool: Yeah, Halloween!
Tim, dressed as Robin: Yeah, nerds!
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lyntarts · 5 months
Me and who?
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radiobarf · 3 months
This needed to happen I'm not sorry 🌟
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superfinemen · 4 months
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thealtoduck · 4 months
My Little Love
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Selina Kyle x Son!Reader
Bruce Wayne x Son!Reader
Warnings: Fluff…
BatCat!Bro Masterlist
Summary: Bruce finds out you snuck out again alone at night and decides to follow you…
Bruce had just finished up his patrolling for the night when he got a call from Alfred. ”Master Bruce, you wouldn’t happen to know Master Y/n’s wherabouts?” He questioned. ”I thought he was at home, didn’t he say he’d be studying” Bruce said.
”Apparently not, his window was open and we suspect he snuck out again” Alfred explained. Bruce let out an annoyed huff and said ”Track his phone and send me the location”. Bruce made his way to the Batmobile as Alfred sent him the data.
Your location showed on the Batmobile’s map, you were inside a bus and it was moving, Bruce started the car and drove to follow you. The map showed you were on a bridge leading out of Gotham, Bruce wondered what you wee up too. He sped up the car and drove towards the bridge.
After driving for a while he saw your icon had stopped on the map, it had stopped next to an old gas station. Meaning you must’ve gotten off the bus there. Soon Bruce arrived and parked the Batmobile in the gas station parking and got out, you were nowhere in sight.
He walked around the corner of the closed station where he found you, leaning against a wall, back turned to him. Bruce silently made his way behind you and placed a hand on your shoulder. You suddenly turned around with a balled up fist, punching Bruce in his armoured chest.
Which was a mistake on your part. You let out a small wince in pain. ”Don’t sneak up on me, Bruce” you said annoyed rubbing your now bruised fist. ”What are you doing out here?” Bruce questioned plainly. ”None of your business, now go home” you told him.
”I thought Dick talked to you about the whole sneaking out thing” Bruce said. ”I didn’t ”sneak out”, i just left without telling anyone and i had a good reason too” you defended yourself. ”What do you mean, you ”had a good reason too”?” Bruce asked. ”Like i said it’s ”none of your business” now go, i’m waiting for someone” you said looking around. ”Who?” Bruce questioned.
”I think he’s looking for me” a familiar voice spoke up from behind Bruce.
Bruce turned around and was met with Selina, you immediately ran past Bruce and in to your mother’s arms, as you were wrapped in a tight hug. ”Hi, my little kitten” Selina said lovingly in your embrace. ”Selina?” Bruce said suprised.
”Hi Bruce, it’s been a while” she greeted. You and your mom spent about an hour catching up on what the other had been up to, since you moved in with Bruce and the others and since she went on the run. Bruce stood silently and listened, not wanting to interrupt knowing how much you had missed your mom.
”Are you coming home soon?” you asked her hopefully. ”Not yet, they’re still on my tail but as soon as i can, you’ll be first to know, okay?” she explained. ”Okay” you uttered disappointed. ”Y/n, can you give me a moment to speak with your dad?” she asked. ”Sure” you said walking towards the parking lot of the gas station.
”You know, i’ve missed you too, Bruce” Selina said giving him a kiss on the cheek. ”I’ve missed you too, Silena” Bruce said warmly. ”So, how has he been behaving?” Selina asked referring to you. Bruce gave a slight smile and started ”Well…”.
”He’s secretive and tough, he steals from his siblings, he sneaks out without telling anyone, gets in to fights at school and somehow has decided he thinks Black Canary is cooler than me” Bruce explained. ”That’s my boy” Selina said proudly and quickly added ”Our boy”. Bruce smiled turned slightly saddened. ”I think he sees himself mostly as your boy” he said.
”That’s my fault” Selina admitted and continued ”I should’ve introduced him to you sooner and let him get to know his father before just leaving, but he loves you, i can tell”. ”How?” Bruce questioned. ”Otherwise he’d sneak out and not come back” Selina explained.
She and Bruce then walked up to you waiting on the gas station. ”I’ll need to get going soon, Bruce, can you go wait in the car” she said and walked towards you. Selina grabbed you and pulled you in to another tight hug. She then said softly ”Look Y/n, you need learn to trust your dad, i know he’s been gone for 13 years of your life and that was a bad choice on my part”.
”Don’t hold it against him that he wasn’t there for you, okay?” she finished and you nodded. ”Now run along your dad is waiting” she said and put her biking helmet on. She then started her bike and drove off. You went back to the Batmobile and sat down in the passenger seat.
”Sorry, i snuck out again, B-… Dad” you said, the word dad feeling strange in your mouth. ”It’s okay, Y/n, it was ”none of my business�� after all” Bruce said jokingly and started the drive home. By the time you two got back to the manor you had fallen asleep resting your head against your dad’s shoulder.
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lesliemeyers · 6 days
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happy pride to those two guys from colorado who unknowingly helped legalize gay marriage in the state when they were in fourth grade
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snowberrycherry · 11 months
141 when they’re submissive hcs? i just love pathetic men😭🩷
sub 141 nsfw headcannons
warnings: fem!reader, nsfw so mdni
❦ he loves seeking for your approval and appreciation. he’ll look up at you his deep chocolate eyes with his tongue deep in your cunt and his thumb making circular motions on your clit desperate to make you moan even louder for him. or when he’s fucking into you making sure his thrusting his slow and firm making sure he hits the sweet spot in your soaked pussy.
❦ he loves seeing you in more dominating positions. he loves being underneath you and feeling powerless. it’s more of a mental thing for him as he’s giving you all his trust which only a limited people get. especially in such an intimate moment he just feels loved
❦ simon loves loves loves cowgirl position it’s his favorite. but only when he can play with your tits and gently pinch your nipples while you grind yourself all over his aching cock, his hips bucking into you trying to stimulate more pleasure for you.
❦ simon also lives for edging. the sheer sweat on his forehead as he’s so close to coming but when you quickly take away your hand from him, his mind goes blank and his legs start quivering again with pure desperate for the stimulation again but he loves the feeling of it (and how happy you are when he’s in this state) but nothing tops the feeling of when you wrap your fingers around his cock again, pumping him up and down as his hips spasms with euphoric pleasure.
❦ he will literally eat you out anywhere but his favorite way to do it is face sitting. omg he loves the sensation of your thighs on both sides of his head and your warm cunt pressing down against his mouth while he licks and slurps wherever his tongue can reach. and when he slowly glides his tongue in you he gets so happy when you moan loudly especially with his nose bumping against your sensitive clit.
❦ needs the praise from you. like it drives him crazy when you don’t tell him he’s doing good for you when he goes down on you or when he’s sloppily thrusting into you. he also likes the little touches of affection like when you run your hands all over his body or softly caressing his cheeks. he gets off on it so bad especially when his so deep inside your aching cunt.
❦ so he loves breath play but only when his head is between your thighs and all he can taste is your cunt. something about your thighs tightly wrapped around his head turns him on so much hes whimpering while he laps at you with two long fingers moving swiftly in and out of you.
❦ gaz likes cowgirl too but he loves when you tell him not to touch you anywhere or else you’ll stop riding on him. he’s so eager for that not to happen he’ll listen to you but it’s just so hard for him. the way your sopping pussy is wrapped so tightly around him and how you’ll purposefully start bouncing on him slowly. it makes his mind turn to slush and all he can focus on is how hard he has to control himself so he doesn’t reach out and grab your hips. he loves it tho
❦ he’s so so loud like a borderline screamer. he loves anything you do to him but he has a weak spot for blowjobs. Your hot mouth licking up and down his cock before taking it as far as it can go into your mouth until your gagging and your eyelashes become wet.
❦ gaz loves self degrading himself. calling himself your toy and how he’s only useful to you when he’s pounding into you.
❦ he loves when you degrade him. hearing your sweet voice telling him on how he could do better or he’s not trying hard enough even though he’s putting all his energy into making you feel good. it gets him
❦ soap loves when you tie his hands together. the feeling of having no control over his body and the fact you can do anything you want to him makes him practically shake with excitement.
❦ OMG he loves reverse cowgirl. watching your ass bounce back and forth against his hips while he’s grabbing handfuls of the your ass while doing so?! and watching your tight cunt move so eagerly up and down his cock makes him even crazier for you.
❦ soap is such a moaner and whimpers at any little touch or kiss from you. especially neck kisses hes so loud and knows he won’t be able to control it so he’ll take your panties and shove them into his mouth. he did that the first time and ever since then he’ll do it without even thinking twice.
❦ when he eats your pussy he begs you to roughly grab at his hair and yank his mouth further into your cunt. he’ll let you keep your hands in his soft hair for as long as you want as he licks and sucks feverishly at your clit. he makes small noises and humming sounds stimulating you even more. he just wants you to feel good
❦ he begs and pleads with you to give him anything because he wants to cum so bad. his deep voice less than a whisper his eyes are so desperate for your pussy or your warm mouth or your hand he just wants something
❦ k so he likes to 69. with you on top so it makes him feel below you and your mouth bobbing up and down as you spit all over his cock. also having your cunt moving against his eager tongue only makes the position more arousing to him especially when you come. price will plead for you to ground your hips while you finish in his mouth and he’s so desperate to taste your juices. he can’t help himself
❦ he loves when you slide his cock between your tits and fucks his dick like that. his face blissed out with pleasure and the pressure from your ministrations. also seeing his cum all over your chest and it dripping off of your body makes him want to do it all over again. he’s purely addicted to it.
❦ price absolutely adores it when you ride his fingers omg. his fingers reaching deep into your pussy as his thumb rubs against your sensitive clit. he won’t stop even when his wrist is aching for a break he just wants to see you cum all over his fingers again and again until you tell him to stop
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gomzdrawfr · 6 months
Laswell: who's your team? Price: some old comrade Laswell: Price: Laswell: ...and the Sergeant? Gaz: ✨ existing ✨ Price: ....he's ready
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based on this scene
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tokyo-terror · 1 year
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characters: 141 + graves
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phillip graves:
☆ southern boy lvl rizz, only he has absolutely zero rizz. the first time he met you he almost exploded because he's not used to talking to non-military people, what else is he supposed to talk abt other than unit stuff??
☆ probably gets his ideas from random movies he saw when he was younger (the black and white cowboy ones, but make it less misogynistic). classic flowers at your doorstep with the awkward :] kinda smile.
☆ can cook but never gets the chance to do it because he's always at the base, so the first thing he does when he spends the night he cooks a full course meal (he fucks up the dessert but it's ok 🤞)
☆ random gifts and acts of service is this man's lovee language, and it goes both ways. he melts at being given little things and is always ready to help around the house without being asked.
simon "ghost" riley:
☆ NOT A HARDASS!!! leave my bbg alone .. he's a very sweet guy. he's not very used to not being alone, so he relies on banter and easy conversation to fully enjoy and get used to a person's presence. not very fond of labels, but he finds comfort in the agreement of being each others.
☆ he's always willing to put himself on the line for you, even when his own comfort is at stake. so he tends to be a bit self-destructive if he accidentally goes too fast, he relies on a balance of being able to count on you for a steady rhythm
☆ follows you (and soap) around like a lost dog a lot, he just enjoys being able to be around people he trusts. especially when he's able to joke abt stuff that's happening in the moment, lots of food puns when cooking.
☆ stomach sleeper 100%. lets you lay on top of him so he can be weighed down and surrounded by his comfort items. can't sleep without at least 5 weighted blankets + you so warm nights are very common, but he runs cold so it's not a problem.
john "soap" mactavish:
☆ very work-focused guy, so he likes to plan his schedule around missions and you. always double-checking and asking what works best for you. if schedules don't line up, the next outing tends to always have a surprise.
☆ (canonically) scared of dogs, so whenever he passes by pet shops with you he always gets happy to see all the other animals but avoids the parts of the shop with the dogs. tries to talk you into getting obscure animals often, ends up with a cat that he tries naming sgt whiskers. it's named kevin instead bc animals w human names >>
☆ he chews on a lot of things when he's working with bombs, so his habits transfer onto you. he's always absent-mindedly chewing on something when having quiet moments with you, even trying to chew on you if you let him
☆ unironically very proud of being scottish (he's so real), so he likes bringing things from his home into yours. very big on the idea of blending and sharing stuff, so he likes getting things that are common in your country and vice versa :)
kyle "gaz" garrick:
☆ not shy, but a very hesitant and nervous guy. he takes a bit to build up enough of a relationship with you to where he asks you out because he's nervous to let people into his life that could potentially get hurt/end up with his dogtags.
☆ he's on the snarky side with his humor, always tending to take little jabs at the people around him to make you laugh. he loves making you laugh, probably has the candid videos of you laughing so he can play them while he's away on missions
☆ shower routine that he cannot seem to break when he's home, he always ends up bringing military issues soaps and towels from base because he swears it's the best (it's not). please give that boy some dove 🙏 he secretly (not really, he's very open abt it) loves the strawberry-scented dove soaps.
☆ collects different buttons from outfits he wears when they eventually pop off, so he starts collecting yours too. jeans that don't fit? he already has the buttons in a box with your name on it. old shirt of his that you wore? in the box.
☆ old man rizz 😿 religiously meets up with friends to play poker. he ends up teaching you how to play and lets you win because he thinks it's endearing. cannot play chess though, so he never plays bc he wants to impress you
john price:
☆ talks highly of his unit to you, and always tells his unit that his spouse wouldn't approve of what they're doing when they go against orders. the 141 walks on eggshells around you until price laughs and fesses up about lying
☆ beard routine, type of guy that has special oils and conditioners specifically for his beard. it becomes a nightly routine when he's off the field to let you do it for him after he showers. splurges and gets you hair/beard care stuff too.
☆ takes you fishing when he goes on leave. if you're not into fishing he just lets you sit in the boat and relax while he does all the work, but he enjoys it when you take an interest in his hobbies. gets you your own fishing rod and has you look up new bait ideas (he can't figure out phones).
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harveywritings92 · 1 year
{A few days after that weird encounter, Ghost, Soap and Gaz are at a small bar in town.]
Soap, nudging Ghost in the side: Et, Lt, Check it out it’s yer girlfriend.~
Ghost, looks at him like he grew six heads:...
Gaz: The lady who caught us in her backyard and ask if we were on drugs? 
{Ghost looks over his shoulder to see they weren’t joking, it was her. She was with a man and both looked annoyed at each other’s presence as they sat down behind the three solders.]
Man:  Are you seriously looking at me and telling me that I’m wrong?!
R/n: Oh, come on, Dude! They have one female servicing a large group of males. That implies a species that lays eggs!
Man: Oh my God, you're crazy! They're so obviously mammals!
R/n: Please! She'd be in estrus 24/7 if she didn't lay eggs!
Man: Smurfs don't lay eggs! I won't tell you this again! Papa Smurf has a fucking beard! They're mammals! Christ! This is as stupid as Your “the North witch is a princess.” debate!
R/n: She’s wears a pink puffy gown, has a tiara. And came down from the sky in a sparkly bubble! If that doesn’t scream “I’m a princess” then what does!?
[R/n and her friend sheepish quiet down and order some drinks, R/n goes to get her beer when she pauses and stares at Ghost perplex.]
R/n: Wait,...Don’t I know you?
Ghost: Doubtfu-
R/n: No, those eyes...*snaps her fingers* Yeah, yeah! You’re that soldier fro-- Epp!
[Ghost jumps off his stool, quickly grabs R/n’s arm pulls her towards the backdoor.]
Ghost: You said you’d forget about that!
R/n: You really thought I’d pretend like I didn’t catch a bunch armed men in my backyard getting ready to raid my neighbor’s house? …Maybe you are on drugs.
Ghost, flatly: I’m not on drugs...
R/n: Right, whatever. Can I have my arm back, or do you want my number first?
Ghost:...Is the good witch Glenda a princess?
{That’s how Ghost got R/n’s number.]
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Some doodles done to kill time while attempting to recover from a severe viral infection.
All that’s missing is Koopa Gass, Bowser’s old buddy and the other member of Bowser’s old band, Tenatious K.
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temeyes · 11 months
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Gaz sketch c/mm for @iinmysights!! (lowkey had too much fun w/ it)
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dailykylebroflovski · 6 months
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