#Sirius is my favorite
messervixen · 2 months
“The Black Dog”
“The Prophecy”
Okay Taylor that’s enough feeding the theories for one day-
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lyr-caelum · 10 months
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I have been totally obsessed with As the Worm Moon Dies for months! And I couldn't resist drawing a tiny scene. I'm still working on ATYD comic, but sometimes I need to draw something different. ♥️
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chasingthestarss · 1 month
Regulus: I didn’t mean to fall for you!
James: Yeah well I didn’t meant to call for you either!
Regulus: I beg your fucking pardon?
James: You heard me!
Regulus: You fell for me?
James: You fell for me?
Regulus: Obviously!
James: So… we should go on a date!
Sirius: Yes! Oh my god fucking finally. Good lord you two are dense.
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tadaxii-i · 7 months
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For some reason I always draw her partying. Well
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First Kiss (May 6th)
word count: 502
“Who was your first kiss?” Sirius asks, whispering. Remus drops the vial of crushed moonstone he was holding and it shatters everywhere. He apologizes to Slughorn and glares at Sirius. 
“You startled me,” Remus whispers. “And now we don’t have any moonstone.”
“You’re moonstone,” Sirius says, grinning. He waves his right hand in the air obnoxiously and the broken vial of moonstone repairs itself and lands on the table to Remus’ right. “We don’t even need moonstone for this potion.”
“Huh?” Remus asks. He’s not really using any part of his brain because Sirius doing wandless magic is so incredibly hot. 
“Crushed moonstone isn’t a Felix Felicies ingredient.”
Remus blinks. “Yes, it is. Look–” Remus holds up their Potions textbook to show Sirius and only then does he realize he’s looking at the ingredients of another potion entirely. “Oh.”
Sirius laughs. “It’s okay. It’s almost done, anyway. Who was your first kiss?”
“What is up with you today?”
“It’s not a weird thing to ask!” Sirius says rather loudly. Slughorn glares at them and they apologize together. Sirius clears his throat. “I know James’ first kiss.”
“Who was James’ first kiss?”
“You know my first kiss.”
Remus raises an eyebrow. “Only because you spoke of nothing else for ten entire days.” And Remus still doesn’t like Fabian Prewett all that much. Which is silly because Sirius is his friend and he can kiss whomever he wants. 
“If you know mine then I have to know yours.”
Sirius smiles. “I only follow the rules, Re.”
“You can’t get mad, okay?”
Sirius furrows his eyebrows. “Why would I get mad?”
“Actually, you know what, I’ve never kissed anyone. You got me. How embarrassing. Let’s just–”
Sirius stares at Remus funny for a few moments then his eyes widen. “No way.”
“I guess he already told you when–”
“Regulus?” Sirius all but screams. 
“Mr. Black!” Slughorn calls out, scandalized. “Is there a problem?”
Sirius says no. He turns back to face Remus. “I thought that was a joke!”
“It wasn’t a joke. It was mostly for practice before his date with–”
“Practice?” Sirius whisper-yells. 
Remus is suddenly having so much fun. He grins.
“No more kissing Regulus.” Sirius fake-gags. “Oh, Godric, I need to go tell Regulus to stop kissing you.”
Remus snorts. “Regulus isn’t kissing me. It was one–”
“I’m totally a better kisser,” Sirius says. His eyes widen. Remus chokes on nothing and starts to cough. Sirius hits him on the back a few times until he stops.
“I mean–”
“What does–”
“Enough, the two of you!” Slughorn suddenly says. Remus and Sirius both jump. Remus knocks down the moonstone vial and it shatters again. 
All of this is suddenly the funniest thing in the world. Remus has to stifle his laughter as Slughorn makes Sirius change partners for the rest of the class. Sirius is looking at Remus as he picks up his stuff and his smile is blinding. Potions is now Remus’ favorite subject ever. 
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saintchaser · 10 months
tall sirius. sirius who has a death glare. sirius who is intimidating. aloof sirius. sirius who is calm, cool, and collected, and a volcano, a raging fire, all at the same time. sirius, with eyes and a smile of the devil. sirius, who helps first years with directions because he remembers how lonely he felt, even though he knew hogwarts was. sirius, who has a smirk from the corner of his mouth, taunting, daring anyone to disagree with him. genius sirius. cruel sirius. sirius, of a rebellious elegance. sirius, a burning star.
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lilyevansmywife · 1 year
Sirius who always squats down when he talks to kids because it makes adults seem less scary. I love you i live for you
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sofiaruelle · 7 months
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Sooooo the last few days i’ve been seeing stars and suddenly i’m juggling 6 sorcerer boyfriends. Whats a polar bear to do?
Also this is my MC, 🍨✨ Sorbetes ✨🍨.
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Context why my MC is a sentient polar bear.
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The MC doesn't have a set appearance and then there was this dialogue. And the emotes are polar bear themed 😂😂😂 is also literally its own spoiler
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wulanvansunshine · 19 days
Sirius Black, ladies and gentleman!
Sirius Black, lady and gentleman!
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irlronannlynch · 2 years
Marauders fandom is all about foregoing canon and making everyone gay so WHY ARENT THERE MORE CANON DIVERGENCE FICS LIKE JUST LOVERS like fuck the war fuck Voldemort fuck the prank fuck Peter being a traitor WHY CANT THEY ALL JUST GROW UP BEING SILLY LITTLE WIZARDS HAVING FUN AND FALLING IN LOVE IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK
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wolfstarshipping · 11 months
Some non-ao3 Wolfstar Fic Recs for while ao3 is down
Hi so this is just a quick impromptu fic rec list, because ao3 has been down, so I thought a short rec list with fics that are hosted on other sites might come in handy while we all patiently wait for the amazing volunteers at ao3 to defend the site against the hackers. Also, I've seen several posts saying this and just want to add my voice, I think if you have the money to do so, giving a bit of it to ao3 would be a great thing to do, when the site is back up and running.
Okay enough of that, let's get into the list, in no particular order, these are just some of my older wolfstar faves off the top of my head, probably most of them are going to be fics I have recced on this blog before but I'm a firm believer that there is no such thing as too much enthusiasm, especially when it comes to fandom.
The Shoebox Project
If you ever thought about wanting to read the Shoebox Project but were intimidated by its length (or by all the separate pdf files), maybe now it is time to reconsider? It's an absolute wolfstar classic, it will make you laugh, it will make you cry, it will give you all the marauders and wolfstar feels you could ever want! For me, when asked for just one wolfstar/marauders fic rec this is always the one I would give.
The Door through the World
Okay you didn't expect me to write a fic rec list of older wolfstar fics and not mention this one, did you? This is the 2nd fic I will always and forever rec, a magical realism AU (kind of), the story is pure magic. I found that it is still accessible via webarchive, even though it is hosted on ao3.
remuslives23 Masterlist
Here is remuslives23's masterlist, on livejournal. They've written so many great fics, Muse in particular is one of my favorites (a muggle, artist AU), but the whole list is worth checking out!
picascribit on ff.net
Picascribit also posts all of their fics on ff.net, and I think I've recced most of their longer wolfstar fics on this blog over the years already anyways but two of my personal favorites are Highland Fling (a muggle AU set in Scotland) and Discards (a muggle AU set in Seattle with trans!Sirius), but I love all of their fics!
wolfstarwarehouse's ff.net rec list
wolfstarwarehouse posted a ff.net rec list in 2016, I remember reading All Kidding Aside and To Kiss a Bloke off that list back then, I don't think I've read the other fics but maybe now is the time for me to check them out!
Beekeeping in the Daylight podfic
Beekeeping in the Daylight is a wonderful muggle AU by halictus-writer and there is now a podfic by itsaash with a non-ao3 download link.
Alright I think I'll post this now and if I think of any more I'll just add them or make a part 2. If you have any faves you'd add to this list or if you're a writer who also posts somewhere else except ao3 feel free to add yours as a reblog or comment, so the list gets longer! <3
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mokkkki · 3 months
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swte's sirius black and his relationship with orion black
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Only one bed (May 10th)
word count: 498
Remus wakes up feeling warm.
It’s the kind of warmth that reaches down to his very bones. He’s sore and achy and he must have eaten something rancid yesterday because he can taste it in the back of his mouth, but more than anything he is warm, and he is glad that the full moon is no longer in the sky.
Remus has done all of this many many times before, but it almost always feels like the very first time when he wakes up. 
He opens his eyes and the first thing he notices is Sirius asleep in a chair next to him. Remus would never tell him this, but Sirius looks rather shabby when he is asleep. His mouth is always open and his hair is everywhere. His eyes are never fully closed and he drools all over the place and Remus’ heart is going to explode with all the love it has for him, horrifying open-eyed sleep and all. 
Sirius is also the lightest sleeper he knows. Remus’ voice is barely audible when he calls out to him but he knows that Sirius will wake up anyway.
Sirius grins as soon as he catches Remus’ eye. “Good morning, my love. Is everything okay?”
“Peachy,” Remus says, his voice scratchy. He gestures to Sirius to come lie next to him.
Sirius comes with a cold glass of water and he helps Remus drink it. “If Madam Pomfrey walks in on me next to you in bed, she’d–”
“Did I eat something weird yesterday?”
Sirius laughs. “Yes. I don’t think you want to know what it was, though. You seemed to enjoy it at the time if that makes you feel better.”
Remus stares at Sirius. “Sure.”
Sirius shakes his head. “Are you hungry? I can get you some–”
“Sleep next to me.”
Sirius smiles softly. “I really think you rather need the whole tiny twin bed right now, what with your bones breaking and mending and breaking and–”
“I’m fine,” Remus says. He tries to sit up in the bed and his back cracks rather loudly. Sirius helps him fix the pillows behind him and he gives him a look. 
“That really sounds worse than it is.”
“Sure,” Sirius says. He hands Remus a vial of Dittany. “Drink up, darling.”
“You’re an ugly sleeper,” Remus says, changing his mind on never telling Sirius this.
Sirius laughs, startled. “I know. James says it’s because I don’t close my eyes.”
“Horrifying,” Remus mutters. Dittany always makes him sleepy. 
“Do let me down gently, love,” Sirius says, grinning. “You’re a gorgeous sleeper.”
“I’ll be right here when you wake up, my love,” Sirius says, running his fingers through Remus’ hair softly. Remus falls asleep feeling warm and so incredibly loved he can hardly believe it. Full moons are the single most horrible thing in Remus’ life, and Sirius has the ability to make even those suck less. Remus is the luckiest person in the entirety of the universe.  
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You think the worst that can happen to your favourite character is death? Oh, you sweet summer child.
Try "being butchered by the narrative, mischaracterised to their very core traits to fit into a predisposed plotline"
Because the people in charge don't like anyone taking the spotlight away from the Character Who Was Supposed To Be Fan Favourite™.
Or simply because they didn't care enough about the little person you liked.
Or you survive these trials intact, maybe the fandom would do the butchering with a popular fanon interpretation of the character so wrong, you question if you consumed the same media.
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lupinshouse · 1 year
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The truth of the matter is I’m simply in love with this man
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cressthebest · 2 months
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 8
chapter 14:
1. “"Obviously fish have brains. All living beings have brains," Regulus tells him. "Well, except for you."”
ADKDJKSJSKS i’m sure that’s another moment in which regulus wanted to look to sirius as if to say “are you seeing this shit?”
2. 😭😭😭😭 james why are you still figuring out you might have a knife kink?? i been knew since before the arena. plsssss
3. 😭💀 the rocks in jars story
4. 😧 james killed someone for reg. no hesitation. that’s gonna haunt him forever
5. oh god, the tenderness reg uses with james after james murdered someone. he’s so gentle and worried for him. this is gonna haunt them forever
6. in reference to james committing murder: “He has the disjointed thought that his parents must have seen that, as well as Sirius. The last people in the world who would judge him for it, and he still wonders what they're thinking.”
JESUS THAT IS HEARTBREAKING. the people he cares most about isn’t judging him cause they’ve done the same thing. it just hurts
7. god, and now they’re face to face with death eaters. i can’t do this shit anymore
8. 😟😧 oh no.
“James can safely say he doesn't have a knife kink. Blade kink. Sword kink. Any of that—he doesn't have it. No, it's just Regulus he likes, and anything to do with him. When Mulciber has a sword to his throat, it's not sexy at all.”
9. reg’s threats are so scary
10. knowing reg’s loyalty to kill for sirius is fucking wild. he would murder everyone in that arena if it meant keeping sirius safe. and sirius did the same for reg.
11. 😧 shocked. oh my god. jaw dropped. reg is just hacking at mulciber with a hatchet
12. ✨evan✨☺️🩷
13. whoop there it is. in reg’s mind, he mistakingly referred to james as his boyfriend. it’s downhill from here
14. oh god, james is using his “it was self defense and murder is grotesque and not always clean” speech that he used to give to sirius all the time. i wonder how often he’s had to tell that to himself in this arena
chapter 15:
1. reg called james baby ☺️🥰💞
2. “"Sirius, you're going send something to fix him, or so help me, when I get out of here, I'm going to rip all of your hair out right from the scalp until you're fucking bald."” LMAOOO REG IS SO PROTECTIVE OF HIS NOT BOYFREIND THATS GONNA HAVE TO DIE ANYWAYS. and he threatened to make sirius bald 😭😭😭
3. “"I like you," James declares cheerfully, and Evan winks at him.” EVAN AND JAMES FRIENDSHIP EVAN AND JAMES FRIENDSHIP EVAN AND JAMES FRIENDSHIP
4. “Sometimes, healing is harder than being hurt.” godDAMMIT he’s right, and that cuts deep into my soul
5. reg and sirius are so like me fr in hating change. for them it’s the needing stability after a childhood of not having it, and for me, it’s autism.
6. reg is absolutely insane sounding and i’m 2000% on board for it
7. reg is willing to kill because they scarred james’ face but still says he hates every breath james takes. bitch. wtf do you mean you hate him? do you not get it yet?
8. 😐 bitch, yet another self indulgent moment that reg calls a parting gift
9. evan and reg team!! 🐈‍⬛🫱🏻‍🫲🏾🐍
10. comparing james to the sun >>>>>>>>>>
11. reg being the best seeker during hide and seek 👀
13. 😧 evan says he’s reg’s friend. shit i’m about to sob at one am as i’m writing this. and reg jsut lost the best friend he never got to have
14. god, reading from sirius’ pov now IS making me sob.
16. shame on me for not realizing that the author of crimson rivers also wrote just lovers. i just realized that. like, while reading authors notes. i feel so fucking stupid rn
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