#Size dysmorphia ???
artofkhaos404 · 9 months
Wouldn't it be such a shift of perspective for fatphobes if they could see what goes on in our daily lives as plus sized people?
I'm over here trying to convince myself it's okay to eat lunch and that I don't have to hide my food from my family members. My 120lb home girl? She just had pasta, a hot dog, a piece of bread and half of a bagel.
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rat-basher · 10 months
ive read a lot of interesting macdennis meta analysis post season 16 and i think the one consistent thing im seeing between all of them that i vehemently disagree with is the idea that dennis is innocent when it comes to macs obsession/insistence in pursuing him. because. its quite literally the opposite imo ??? throughout the show we see dennis manipulate mac and actively damage his self image and confidence simply to exert control and get whatever petty bullshit he wants that day (e.x. ass kickers united). slowly but surely we see mac get more and more dependent on dennis' praise and approval BECAUSE dennis has purposefully made him so dependent on it by breaking him down and building him back up over and over again. this worked for dennis while mac was "straight" because now he had a best friend who was virtually an obedient manservant whenever needed, no strings attached. but, when mac comes out, it no longer works for him. now mac realizes that that blind devotion and reverence hes had for dennis for years is actually plain and simple attraction (mixed with a ton of manipulation and old man yaoi mind poison) and now its not just a give and take relationship. mac now also wants something, and hes gonna try and get it by using the one tactic hes been TAUGHT will make dennis happy and hopefully love him back: blind devotion and servitude. admittedly he's not going about it in a healthy or normal way whatsoever and my empathy for him kinda drops off at recognizing hes been manipulated and that's WHY hes doing the things he does, but it still needs to be recognized that mac isn't just acting the way he is cluelessly and without reason. this is what hes been TAUGHT, but now that there's implications attached to the actions dennis no longer has the control that he had before, thus the beginning of rejecting the servitude instead of instigating it.
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cepn · 11 months
for all the talk of body positivity that happens online i see almost none for breasts that sag or aren't perky or whatever. and like... it's not exclusive to old women. it can be the result of genetics, weight loss, rapid breast development during puberty, binding, posture, etc. and there's actually nothing wrong with it, it's just another physical trait that a lot of women have, regardless of age. and yet. how many pieces of art do you see where a woman looks that way and isn't portrayed as grotesque and ugly? how many degrading jokes exist about women with sagging breasts? even the common term with it seems like an insult. it's so insane to me. and people just ignore it even though it's really common and normal.
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bloodclotbitch · 22 days
Petite/small framed women are just so beyond me like I don’t get how you can be so narrow lol. At 130lbs I was fucking skeletal and I was still a size large, I’d have to be in my coffin to fit into an xs
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alii-mehh · 9 months
Reblog if you have a higher start weight or current weight (175+lbs). Everyone of my mutuals are all mid weight and I feel so out of place
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mossy-rainfuck · 3 months
no offense but in all of my smutfics i will in fact go out of my way to note that the characters involved have small to average sized dicks because i am SO TIRED of everything irl earnestly try to convince me that fuckin 8 inches is average
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boymounter · 6 months
clothes shopping as a fat person is such a hostile environ. i need to go in there with a machete
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pool-floatie · 2 months
Yo is size dysmorphia a thing or am I just way too buzzed on caffeine?
I was standing in line at starbucks and then just had this visceral feeling that i was far too big- i just looked around for a second, very aware that I was in the correct body; it just felt like the wrong one.
Then i kinda imagined myself being small in that environment and felt fuCKING BETTER??
Anyway i wasnt sure if i had accidentally done acid but i just kinda felt dizzy for a second and i really wanted to lay down and watch all the people be bigger than me...
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curioscurio · 2 years
Tbh as a plus size cis woman I never would have been able to love and see the beauty of my body without the help of the trans community, specifically trans women.
I have struggled with my own femininity and physical self image for a long time because for plus size women, there is a standard you must often meet to be considered an "acceptable" version of plus size.
You must have small feet, a face with no blemishes, a distinct waist, little facial fat, insane makeup skills, basically be the picture perfect presentation of what society considers a "perfect woman."
All just to be taken seriously and to earn the privilege of not automatically being seen as an unhealthy and lazy burden to society.
If you have small breasts or no butt then you're seen as less desirable and less humanized compared to women with double d bra sizes or a "thicc" ass.
If you're unfortunate enough to lack in both departments ( raises hand lol ) then you're kind of considered a lost cause until you loose enough weight or get surgery or a boob job or anything to make up for how you look naturally.
And even if you do meet these standards, there will ALWAYS be people who will not take your Healthcare seriously and assume any health problem you may have must be because you're fat and will tell you to loose weight.
Oh you have ptsd from a traumatic situation? "It's because you're fat. Loose weight and you will feel better :)))))"
These standards are what many plus size cis women ( or any gender even ) must meet, but are also ones that trans people of all kinds must also meet in order to pass. The risk of harassment, assault, discrimination and hate crime goes way up if you are a plus size trans person as well.
I suppose what I'm trying to say is that there's a kind of shared standard that trans people and plus size people have to meet in order to be accepted.
Many of my body dismorphia struggles as a plus size cis woman are also shared with plus size trans women specifically, like finding a plus size bra with small cups that actually fits me and looks good since most plus size bras increase cup size as band size goes up. Finding shoes I like that come in my size that are cute and made for larger feet as well. Plus Size Clothes in general cater to mainly one body type.
That is not to say that our struggles are identical or that one group has it worse off than the other! There are lots of things about being transgender that I simply can't relate to, as a cis woman. But finding solidarity in the similarities you share with a community different from your own does not automatically mean its disrespectful of the struggles that community faces.
Tldr: Trans people helped me see the beauty in transgender bodies and changed the way I felt about my own body at a crucial point in my young life. To plus size cis people: Our similarities are just as important as our differences, and we can find an incredible amount of support, love, and acceptance from the trans community.
We have to do our best to uplift trans people in the plus size and body positivity community because we owe so much to them ❤️
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juniperandjustice · 3 months
Please share my fundraiser wherever you can, and please donate even a tiny bit if you are able to do so. Thank you.
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caenor-au · 9 months
your physical body and your mental body being radically different gives you such specific ass dysphoria i hate it. why can't real life also have incredibly complex customising screens that allow you to always have the exact appearance you're after
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babeyvenus · 2 years
My Future
Derek Hale x OC
Samantha, Stiles and Scott are always joking about the impossible. Who wouldn't when your best friend's dad is the sheriff of Beacon Hills? All jokes stop when they realize the impossible is indeed possible.
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Chapter 53: Confessions and Doubts
"So. The shadow woman.", Jax starts as Sam sits back down on the table next to her friends. "It has to be a personal thing with her. Whether it's power or just trying to adjust to a modern life, it has to stop.", Sam said.
She pulled out the container Deaton gave her. "She has a physical form in the day. The moment we find her, we have to take her down.", Sam said.
Scott looked at her with wide eyes. "Where'd you get Belladonna?"
She looked at him. "Where do you think? Deaton has everything.", she says. Stiles frowned. "So, we're killing her?"
Sam shrugs. "I don't think this'll be enough to kill her. At least poison her so we can get her to stop."
Scott frowned. "We shouldn't have to kill.", he says. Sam frowned at him. "You haven't learned anything at all, have you? I don't wanna kill her anymore than you do, but she's kidnapped, tormented, and killed people herself. For YEARS."
She sighs. "Deaton believes it's the only choice. Especially if it'll stop all the missing cases."
Scott frowned and turned away. He didn't wanna have to kill. Hell, it might just be out of his element to deal with another supernatural creature like this.
Sam looked at Scott. "I know you don't approve. It's written all over you. If there's a better alternative, then we won't kill her." She frowned in thought. Was there a way she could stop the woman?
This is her element. The shadows. The night.
She felt a hand place itself on her shoulder and looked at Derek. "We're gonna do what we can.", he promised. Sam gave him a soft smile and nodded.
Jax and Jayson looked at the werewolf beside the girl, frowning at the interaction.
"Just let us know where to look when you get a sense. She has to be somewhere in Beacon Hills and most likely hasn't left anywhere.", Jax said.
"There's no way we're gonna look for every old woman or preppy girl in town.", Liam says. "It's too much."
Sam sighed, looking back at the container in her hand. "I just need to get a pull. She controls the shadows. So do I."
As the younger pack began to leave, Jayson stopped the older werewolf. "Can I talk to you for a minute?", Jayson asked Derek.
Derek frowned. The teens looked at them, readying to step up if need be. Sam frowned at Jayson. Derek turned to them and gave them a reassuring look.
They all left, but Sam. Sam stayed by the door as Jayson led Derek aside. He figured this was coming. He didn't think it'd be soon.
Sam crossed her arms as she leaned on the wall. She tried not to pry into the conversation as she looked at them. What the hell was Jayson's problem? Why Derek? Why's he always getting picked at?
Jayson turned to Derek with a frown. "What's your infatuation with my sister?"
Derek raised his eyebrows. "Nothing's going on." Jayson scoffed. "You think I'm stupid? I smell it all over you."
Derek sighed. "Look, I get what you're trying to say. I'm an older brother too. I'm just looking out for her. She… relies on me. And I appreciate it.", he said. But…
He did feel like there was more. He looked back at Sam who was trying hard not to look so worried.
It was definitely more than that. He can't even explain when it changed. When the way he felt changed.
He looked back at Jayson who's frown was deeper as he looked at his sister. He knew it was more than some crush. He knew more than anyone.
Jayson let out a sigh through his nose. He didn't exactly trust this beta by himself let alone with his sister.
"Just… keep an eye on her. She cares about you.", Jayson says, looking at Derek before glancing at his sister again. "A lot."
He knew. She'd probably kill over him. He could tell by the look in her eyes.
Derek nodded before leaving and walking over to Sam who uncrossed her arms, pushing off of the wall. "What'd he say?", Sam asked.
Derek raised an eyebrow. She wasn't listening in? He shook his head, giving her a small reassuring smile. "Just regular big brother talk.", he said.
Sam frowned in confusion. "I wouldn't know what the hell that means, but I'll take your word for it.", she says as they leave.
Sam went back to Derek's loft, sitting on the floor of his living area. The day began to fall into dusk and it was almost time for Sam to start her sensing.
"So how does this work?", Peter asked from the spiral staircase. Sam sighed. "I've been testing myself on shadow placement. The last time I did it, you were nowhere to be found.", she explained.
Derek raised an eyebrow in confusion as he sat on the couch. "When's the last time you did it?", he asked.
She turned to him. "Remember when the Oni broke into Scott's house and they stood outside the mountain ash barrier?" He nodded.
"Well, when I was sitting on the floor, I was trying to tell how many were outside and how many were coming just in case we were gonna be trapped the whole night. And after that, I used it when we were looking for the beast.", she explained. "It was like I saw without actually seeing."
"So, like echolocation?", Derek asked. Sam shrugged. "Something like that. I was able to sense other shadows from at least a 5 mile radius.", she said and frowned.
"This time, I have to try all of Beacon Hills. If I can, I'll be able to find her. There's not anyone who just has a way to get off of my radar.", she said, determined.
Peter smirked. "Except me.", he said, smugly. Speaking of…
She turned to him. "While we're on that discussion, where the hell were you while we were dealing with the dread doctors?", she asked.
Peter shrugged. "Taking a break. Trying to live." Before he could continue, Derek stepped in. "Scott threw him in the Eichen House.", he said, making Sam's eyes widen in realization. Peter frowned at his nephew.
"That's why I couldn't sense you.", she said. Derek looked at her questionably. "The whole place is practically buried in Mountain ash.", she exaggerated. "It dulled our senses until we got out of there."
Peter scoffed at the memory. "I couldn't break out by myself. There was a power issue and I took the chance to run."
Sam frowned at him. "That was us. Even after that, you didn't bother to help?"
Peter looked at her in disbelief. "I'm sorry, am I supposed to just drop everything and rescue a couple of brats that give me nothing but grief and gray hairs?"
"It didn't even have to be all of us, but Malia is still your kid. You could've helped us for her.", Sam says, making Peter sigh.
"We went through hell and she did too, having to fight her mom. Also, by the way, both of you have very questionable taste in women.", she expressed with wide eyes.
Peter scoffed. "Does that include you as well?" Sam looked at him in confusion while Derek looked at him with wide, glaring eyes.
"Nevermind, Samantha.", Peter dismissed with a sly smile, well aware of his nephew's sign to get him to shut up.
Sam rolled her eyes. "Anyways, like I said, questionable taste.", she said. Derek relaxed back on the couch. "Yeah, we know.", he dismissed as she turned back to her book on the floor.
Sam took a deep breath and let it out as she closed her eyes, the familiar crescent moon appearing on her forehead.
The older Hales watched as the girl concentrated on how far her senses would take her through the nightly wind and each twinkling star that sparkled above Beacon Hills.
Just one pull… all she needs is one pull. She could feel the stretch and strain of her powers trying to reach each and every being in town, but the sensation was beginning to give her a headache.
Derek picked up his phone as he looked at the time. It was already midnight. How long was it supposed to take?
Derek frowned as he looked at the girl in front of him then at his uncle who gave him the same concerned look. They looked back at the girl as black blood began to drip out her nose.
Was that normal?
She tried her best, trying to listen for every sound that resonated in the town. Just when she thought she was getting some progress, she heard a muffled sound and felt Derek's hands shaking her shoulders. "-am! Sam! Stop!", she heard. Her eyes popped open as she looked at him in bewilderment.
"W-What? What??", she says, concerned. Derek frowned. Peter handed him a paper towel and Derek pressed the paper to her nose, wiping what he could, before letting her pinch her nose with it.
"Was that supposed to happen?", Peter asked. "Nosebleeds?", Sam asked nasally as she looked at the bloody paper. It hasn't happened before…
"I don't think you should strain yourself if that's what's happening. Take it easy.", Derek said.
She frowned, pressing her nose again. "I was getting close, though. I think I almost made it into the shopping center."
Derek shook his head. "If that's as far as you can go, then it's as far as you can go.", he says. Sam sighed and nodded, instantly wincing as she felt her head throb.
Derek took her hand, taking away the pain and letting it dissipate for both of them. She gave him a thankful smile.
"Well, I think that's enough for one night, don't you?", Peter says, grabbing his things and leaves the two alone.
Sam frowned as she looked out the big window. "I was so close. Where the hell did this nosebleed come from? I've never had to deal with that.", she complains.
Derek sighed as he went to wash his hands. "Well, you haven't exactly overexerted yourself. At least, not that I know of?", he says, raising an eyebrow at her.
She scoffed, dismissively. "I haven't."
"Uh huh.", Derek mutters.
She sighed, her eyes suddenly drooping. She grumbled as she got up, rubbing her eyes. "Figured you'd be tired after all that. Want me to drive you home?", Derek asked, drying his hands.
She shook her head and went to lay on the couch. "I'm just gonna take a little nap.", she mumbled.
He let out a chuckle. "You might as well just sleep til morning.", he said and walked to his room to get dressed in comfier clothes.
As he got finished, he took out the same graphic shirt Sam lended to him and set it on his bed, walking back to the sleeping girl.
He gently shook her awake, softly chuckling at her whine of complaint. “C’mon. You don’t need to sleep on the couch.”, Derek said. Sam groaned and slowly sat up. As semi-comfortable the couch was, she did prefer something better.
He helped her up and led her to his bed where she saw her old shirt. She blinked.
She forgot she had lended it to him. How could she have forgotten anyhow? That’s how everything started anyways.
They’d come a long way since then.
Derek gave her some privacy as she switched shirts and waited until Sam crawled into his bed. Once her head hit the pillows, she frowned as her thoughts consumed her once more.
She was comfortable in the bed, of course. It was just… she wasn't comfortable with the thought of laying in the same bed as his previous partners. Especially the one that tried to kill her, her friends and family.
She couldn't blame him. Still wouldn't. He was tricked. He was in love.
He got his heart stomped and corrupted by someone who had a savior complex and was completely psychotic.
She was definitely pretty…when she wasn't psychotic or in her other form.
And then there was the other one. Braeden.
Sam didn't really have anything against Braeden at all. Other than the fact that she practically threatened to kill her friends before, but otherwise she had nothing against her.
She was definitely beautiful. Even her scar couldn't tarnish her beauty. Sam supposed that's what drew Derek to her. She was confident.
Sam didn't have that. Sam didn't have the quick agility Braeden has. She wasn't lean and small. 
She wasn't confident, she just went with the flow when she had to. She'd put on a brave face, but otherwise, she's not as brave as she makes herself out to be. She doesn't walk with a purpose. She isn't prissy or prim.
She isn't exactly graceful or sharp witted. She could get strong willed at times, but she believed that's all she had going for her. She stood out, but not in a way she would want.
She wrapped her arms around her sides. The ones she couldn't find as attracting as they could've been. She didn't have much to worry about when she was on the lacrosse team.
She didn't bother with the insults and hardships she had to deal with as far as Jackson's bullying. She appreciated Coach's defense when he found out about it the first time. He didn't give Sam a hard time. He appreciated her for having guts to join the team and didn't treat her any different.
But… It made her feel like she still didn't belong.
Why? Why couldn't she be more like the girls she knew…? Why couldn't she have dressed up the way they did and become confident in the way she'd look?
Curling up a bit, she swallowed, blinking away her glossy eyes.
She's had all these feelings before these stressful years and she thought she moved on. Why are they coming back so strongly…?
While she tried swallowing the negative feelings that bottled up so suddenly, Derek could smell the self-degradation from the living area.
Why did her mood suddenly shift? What was wrong? Was she uncomfortable? Should he have driven her home?
He peeks into his room where he sees the girl curled up in the bed. He frowned and cautiously walked over to her.
As he walked closer, he could see that she wasn't even looking at him, so instead of getting any closer, he called for her attention. "Hey."
She glanced at him, blinking away unshed tears and adjusting her head to look at him. She gave him a short smile. "Hey."
He took that as his confirmation to get closer. "You okay?", he asked. She nodded and he sighed. "Of course," He got on the other side of the bed and sat. "You know I can still tell when you're lying, right? You're not good at hiding your feelings from me."
She turned over to him, frowning. "Then why'd you ask?" He shrugs. "Was kinda expecting you to tell the truth."
She sighs through her nose. He frowned. "What's really wrong? Did you wanna go home?", he asked. She looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. What made him think that?
She shook her head. "No. I was just doing some dumb thinking.", she mumbled. "You wanna tell me what you're thinking about?", he asked.
She curled into herself more. He didn't press her for any more information, but he was still curious. He wanted to make her feel better.
This stupid twinge in his side was bothering him, but he wanted to make her feel better instead. Maybe it'd take the pain away.
"It's stupid. You'd laugh.", Sam said. Derek scoffed. "Since when have I laughed at your misfortune?"
"… Never.", Sam mumbled and he nodded. "Exactly."
She sighed and uncurled herself. "It's just… why do you put up with me?", she asked.
He gave her a confused look, instantly making her explain. "You take care of me, you defend me, you try to make me feel better when things seem hopeless. You make me feel better about myself when I'm around you,"
Her cheeks grew hot as her eyebrows furrowed. "You even kissed me on the head a few times. I just… I don't know what to make of it or what it means."
Derek listened silently as she continued. "Not that it makes me uncomfortable.", she clarified.
"It's the complete opposite, really. I just can't help but wonder if you're doing it to make me feel better rather it being sincere affection, I guess.", she mumbles, curling up a bit.
Derek raised an eyebrow. "What makes you think I'm doing that insincerely?"
Sam doesn't meet his eyes. "Well… because I'm not the type guys would normally give affection to.", she mutters with quick raised eyebrows.
Derek's eyebrows furrowed. "You're not the type?" Sam nods, despite remembering her conversation with Isaac. She was still so unsure.
It was confusing for her too.
"I'm not like Braeden or that damn Darach. I even envied Lydia at one point because she's so damn pretty.", she scoffed.
Derek frowned softly whilst the girl avoided his gaze. "How long have you been feeling like this…?"
She gave a humorless chuckle. "Since forever?", she shrugged.
"No guy wanted to like me or had a crush on me and they all treated me like trash so I did the only thing I thought was right. I fought back, but I think it just made it worse. I ended up putting myself in a bubble where guys would think I was more masculine than them and they'd test their strengths on me by pushing me around.", she confessed.
She looked at him. "Of course, Scott and Stiles were on my side, and I always defended them too. I think that made me more of a target for both girls and boys. I wasn't pretty or skinny enough or feminine and petite enough to satisfy either and get them off my back."
Derek frowned deeply. "That's where this is coming from? You think I feel bad for you?" Sam dropped her eyes. This is what she also feared.
She didn't want to make him upset because of the way she felt.
Derek sensed her sudden scent of fear and sighed. He was getting too worked up himself. He was always popular when he was in school.
He didn't have to worry about whether or not he wasn't attractive enough considering every entire female student body fawned over him.
He only came to some difficulty when he fell for Paige. Paige treated him like he was just any other student in the school. She didn't put him on a pedestal and he was appreciative.
But now as he's hearing about this from another perspective, it did make him feel bad in a way. He hadn't realized that was something she was going through.
"Sam, I don't do what I do because I feel bad for you. I do care about you, really.", he promised. She looked up at him and he held out his hand.
She looked at it before holding out her own, and grasped it as she sat up. The tangy scent of her self doubt was slowly dissipating.
"You don't have to be like Lydia or like Braeden. And plus, that Darach's form wasn't even her true form, so there's no comparison.", he says, and lifts her gaze.
"I'd never ask you to change yourself. Never.", he quietly declares. She drops her head as she swallows back her tears.
He gave her a soft smile as he rubbed his thumb along her knuckles. "What can I do to make you see that?"
She gave a chuckle as she smiled a watery smile, "You do more than I ever wished for. It was just my stupid doubts. I'm sorry."
"There's nothing to be sorry about.", he assures.
He pulled her in a hug, rubbing his hand on her back comfortably. "I do what I do because I don't want to rush you into anything. I don't want you to become me.", he says and Sam immediately knew what he meant.
"I'm taking my time because I want you to be sure. Absolutely sure. You still got your whole life ahead of you and could change your mind at any time. I don't wanna be in the way when that happens.", he confessed.
Sam let out a soft scoff. "I think it'll be a long time before I change my mind."
Derek smiled. "And I'll be here for you even after that.", he says and presses his lips on her forehead once more.
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violettduchess · 2 years
Hi Violet! I just now remembered that I was going to send in this ask. 😮‍💨🥴 Thank you for taking this request!
I would love some Princely headcanons for an insecure plus sized fem!Reader/MC. She just isn't feeling herself at the moment and doesn't feel like she's beautiful enough for her Prince. How would the princes react/comfort her?
Thanks so much, my dear! I already adore what you've shown me, I can't wait to see what you might add. 🥺❤
A/N: Thank you for the ask, L. Who doesn't need to feel loved? I hope I could do this justice.
TW: the f!reader is filled with feelings of self-loathing about her weight
Suitors: @randonauticrap 's favorite princes: Jin, Sariel and of course, Chevalier
WC: 1568
Due to the content, the writing is after the break.
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Jin Grandet
You stand in front of the mirror, gold frames and plane glass warping into a blurry vision of smeared gold and streaked silver as you blink against the hot tears filling your eyes. You reach up with heavy hands, pulling on either side of the corseted dress for the upteenth time, struggling to make the ends meet. Again, they don’t and again that feeling churns inside you, like frothy foam on an ocean of self-loathing. The beautiful material falls from your fingers. You don’t deserve to even touch it. It's not meant for women who look like you.
At that moment, Jin steps into the bedroom you share, chattering something about Clavis and chili peppers and ice cream, but he stops short when he sees you, the inward slope of your shoulder, the way you turn your face away from him, the dark purple jeweled satin abandoned, now pooled at your feet. The flow of words stops abruptly, your body language as clear as a hand violently clamping over his mouth. 
He approaches you from behind, garnet eyes smoldering with emotion as he reaches out, his large hands resting on your shoulders for a moment. They slide down the soft skin of your upper arms and you force yourself to remain still, to resist the urge to pull away. One strong arm wraps around your waist, pulling you tenderly against the hard planes of his body. The other hand rises to capture your chin, urging you to lift your face. He murmurs your name, his dusky voice entreating you to look up and into the mirror.
You raise your eyes to look into the glass. He asks you what you see. Your voice is silenced by a mace of antipathy slamming into you and you almost choke on the spikes. You whisper something about a dress that won’t close and a body not worthy of anyone’s gaze, let alone his touch.
Jin glances down at the dress and with one foot, casually kicks it away from both of you, sending it sliding off into exile under the settee. His voice isn’t entreating anymore when he tells you, commands you, to meet his gaze in the mirror again. 
Instructing you to never take your eyes off of him, he bends his long body around you from behind, his lips touching your cheek, still tracked with tears. His hands move over your skin, over and under the linen shift you wear. With his body, his whispered words and heated mouth, his gentle but demanding hands, he touches all of you, gilding you  with his love, his desire, his need for you and only you. The ocean inside churns not with loathing but lust, not distaste but desire. The seas part and you rise, resplendent, buffeted by the winds of his devotion. 
Sariel Noir
He finds you curled up in bed, heavy velvet curtains drawn against the moonlight, against a full moon no less. Normally you would be snuggled up in the window seat, book in hand, allowing the argent light to pour over you, to bathe you in its glow.
The brevity of the few exchanged words as he enters, the monotone of your answers, the way you fight to disappear. He sighs heavily. This is not new to him. These demons are always within you, more often than not dormant…but sometimes, like now, they escape, clawing their way to the forefront of your mind, laughing maniacally in the face of your paper-thin self confidence.
It takes a demon to defeat other demons. Sariel prepares for battle, removing his clothing piece by piece. Austere jacket, dark pants, undershirt. He folds them all meticulously. Lastly, he lays his glasses on the nightstand before sliding under the blankets. Only you know the corded muscle that lies underneath the buttons and fixtures of his clothing. His skin is cool, familiar. An immediate balm to all the inflammatory thoughts rolling around inside your mind. 
He pulls you against him, his body curling around yours. One knowing hand reaches to hold you around the waist and automatically the demons in your mind try to push him away. He shouldn’t touch you, not when you feel like this, unwieldy and unattractive, uncomfortable in your own skin. But Sariel is not one to be deterred from anything he wants. His arm wraps around you, like a band of iron, and pulls you even closer. His midnight voice pours words into your ear, how you belong to him, how you can never, ever escape because he will never, ever allow it. How all of you, every single pillowy curve, every handful of flesh, is his to hold, his to claim, his to worship.
You have no choice but to relent, your body bending to his will, to the pull of his palms and the insistence of his fingers. His touch scours the planes of your body, chasing demons, crushing them under the weight of his will and his love for you. 
And when you roll over in the circle of his arms, your expression is clear. All he sees is the moonlight in your eyes that counters his own dark shadows. He presses a kiss to your forehead, then lower, kissing your mouth. He parts your lips and you melt against him, your mind and body wholly and completely his.
Chevalier Michel
You hear him come into the suite you share, the measured footsteps following the sound of the door closing. He calls your name and you swallow hard, forcing the thorny ball of self-hate down, down, down, down to the depths from whence it came. It leaves deep scratches in its wake, a pain that is at once shocking and terrifyingly familiar.
Bodily you sink further down into the large, claw-footed bathtub. You had poured a generous amount of the pink liquid into the water, birthing hundreds of soft bath bubbles not because they smelled good (although they did, like summer roses) but to hide your body from view. You didn’t want to get a glimpse of yourself even under the glassy, undulating cover of water. He calls for you again and you clear your throat, sweep away the ashes of loathing, before calling out that you are in the bath.
He steps into the room of white tile and gold trimming, looking as regal in this setting as he does in his office or in the throne room. You force your lips to move, to lift into a smile, hoping he is too tired from his meetings, from the heavy lifting of running a country to look too closely. Hope has a snowball's chance in hell because Chevalier Michel misses nothing, especially when it comes to the woman who captured his heart. 
“What’s wrong?”
Those words are your undoing. Burying your face in your hands, water and bubbles sluicing down your arms, you release the poisonous thoughts that have been corroding your mind. You are not beautiful enough for a man like him. You know people wonder what he sees in you. How could he be with someone who looks like that? How could a man as perfect as chiseled marble even want a woman whose body is soft, a body that spills out of clothing, that folds and bends and ripples like water. He deserves better. He deserves perfection. You are far from that.
Your words spill out of you, falling from your lips like teardrops. They feel slippery on the tongue. They sting like jellyfish tentacles. Chevalier does not interrupt. He does not offer words of comfort. He stands in his beautifully pressed clothing, pristine as angel song, and he listens. 
Eventually you run out of things to say. Your hands still cover your face, your breath warm, the air sickeningly sweet with the scent of rose-colored bubbles. The bathroom is quiet until you hear the susurrus of clothing falling to the floor. Your hands fall down as well, splashing into the water in surprise as a very naked Chevalier Michel lowers himself into the bathtub. Normally the disparity between the foamy bubbles and his serious visage would spark a laugh, but right now no spark stands a chance against the damp curtain of sadness hanging over your heart.
He leans back, arms resting on the rim of the porcelain tub, his head tilted as he regards you. And then he speaks, his tone rocksteady, as he reminds you that he accepts nothing but the best. That in no aspect of his life would he ever settle. Especially when it comes to where he places his trust. The person he chooses to love. He reminds you that once he commanded you to love him, an order from the king. Absolute.  Only a simpleton would believe that the reverse wouldn’t be true. He loves you too. Absolutely. 
“Come here.” He makes a motion with his hand and as with everything, the force of his will is undeniable. You slide forward, water displacing in gentle waves, and take his hand as he turns you and then pulls you against him, settling your back to his chest. 
His time, his words, his touch, his resolute declaration of love are the antidote you needed. Tension finally seeps from your muscles into the warm water as you settle back against him. His arms are your castle. Here you will always be safe and loved.
Exactly as you are.
Tagging: @aquagirl1978 @atelieredux @alixennial @alexxavicry @rhodolitesroseforclavis @somekidnamedkai @ikemen-prince-writers-posts @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @ikehoe @redheadkittys @themysticalbeing @queen-dahlia @moonstruck-writing 
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maddwizard · 2 years
I’m so sick and tired of the “I just care about her health” narrative when people fat-shame. We all know it goes beyond that. Not even considering the fact that you shouldn’t give people unwanted health advice, any person with a functioning brain knows it never stops there. People treat fat people like they don’t even deserve to live. They shame clothing companies for OFFERING plus sizes. They shame fat people who are EXERCISING. They shame fat people for feeling beautiful, and they claim that anyone skinny who finds fat people beautiful is either lying or just has a fat fetish. If you’re still claiming it’s “about health,” you’re delusional. Fat-shamers don’t want fat people to lose weight and “improve themselves,” they want to never have to look at or interact with them. Even if that means making them miserable and potentially suicidal.
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pool-floatie · 2 months
If I had known Size dysmorphia was a thing I would probably still feel like shit today, but at least I would have been able to deduce w h y a l i t t l e bit faster.
Stupid as fuck that my 5'4 Ass feels like its towering over everything and i feel like i need to crouch and curl into myself so im not fucking taking up /too much space/ 🤦🤦🤦
Side note; VR chat is helping!! The room i mensioned before got an updattteee and im really happy cause i think it will be getting more popular and then i can hang out and ahdkdbbd so ill be fine🥹👍
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qrscode · 2 months
Whoopee today was a slightly better day for my body image :) tomorrow it might be better..!!!
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